Episode Date: February 20, 2024

Heel Rock is back, and so is From The Top Rope with Robbie and Jared Carrabis! They recap The Rock's promo on SmackDown, last night's edition of Monday Night RAW, and the Road to WrestleMania! #WWE #...RAW #SmackDown #WrestleMania ****************************************   My Mom's Basement is a weekly podcast hosted by Robbie Fox, started in March 2019, to discuss movies, music, comic books, wrestling, mixed martial arts, and more with his friends and idols alike!   Subscribe on Rumble: Subscribe on iTunes: Follow Robbie on Instagram: Follow Robbie on Twitter: My Mom's Basement Merchandise: can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey My Mom's Basement listeners, you can find our episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube, and Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. Hello and welcome back to My Mom's Basement, but another From the Top Rope edition of My Mom's Basement. I hesitate to say emergency From the Top Rope edition, this doesn't necessarily feel like an emergency episode, but we're here to recap the wrestling week i guess because people have been asking for it jared after that heel smackdown uh rock promo i got my words all mixed up there after that uh heel promo from the rock on smackdown we got a couple tweets saying like hey is karabas available for media we want to hear the boys in the basement so welcome back to the show it's gonna be here i don't it didn't it feel like after smackdown went off the air that it was emergency worthy, but then like in the days, the fallout since it's kind of fizzled a little bit.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I mean, it's simply only it's it's only an emergency if you think that the rock did the L on purpose. Which like that has to be intentional. There's no way The Rock doesn't know how to do it. You know, like it has got to know how to do it. I think it was intentional. Has to be intentional. So for that reason, I still think that, yeah, OK, like it's a maybe it's not an emergency.
Starting point is 00:01:21 It's not a five alarm fire, but like it's something that we get to talk about here. Yeah. And that was the only thing in the promo. promo there were a couple moments that people pointed out on twitter when he's talking about you guys are the cry babies and everything he kind of turns and points to roman and the bloodline and roman said earlier in his promo like everything we say is of the utmost importance like listen to every word we say none of it is a mistake and that all felt like them telling us hey read into this upcoming promo and we've all been reading into it you could break it down like it's the fucking zapruder on twitter at this point with all of the rock turns and the rock l and everything i do think that was all on purpose i love that we're able to break it down like this and dissect little things um but
Starting point is 00:02:06 yeah i think it was on purpose i think the rock is gonna fucking screw roman at mania and i don't think it's gonna come from out of the blue i think it's gonna be like solo tries to help them and the rock you know gets in on that and all that but i think it was on purpose to you you have to right yeah it was on purpose that that's why like i'm pissed because like i was saying this whole time that i wanted the bloodline rock and then i got the bloodline rock and i was like actually no i don't want this i don't trust you like you're not one of us like you're a you're a snake in the grass i don't i don't love that whatsoever so now i'm sitting here thinking um what what else did i What, what else could we have been
Starting point is 00:02:46 told that we didn't pick up on? Cause the only other comparison really is like the white rabbit with Bray Wyatt, where they, like, they really went in the weeds on that one. And they were telling us things without telling us things. And we really had to pay attention to figure out what was going on. Um, but with with this i think he also like he pointed to them and he was like you know you're gonna you're like you're gonna be like losers at wrestlemania like i'm gonna do everything i can to make sure that you walk out a loser at wrestlemania and he like pointed at roman so yeah but so where my mind automatically goes is like with the White Rabbit and Bray Wyatt, I think we all kind of knew that it was, but they didn't like tell us right away.
Starting point is 00:03:32 So like there was some mystery to it in the beginning, whereas you point to the Cody Bobos, the Cody Crybabies, like they there was such an internet backlash that they were forced to address it on the air. And there were the signs in the crowd. We want Cody. You had other performers tweeting. We want Cody. So it was almost like,
Starting point is 00:03:57 like what we're used to as wrestling fans is wrestling happening on TV. And then we have our space over here to have conversations about it, like the internet and podcasts and whatever. But it's almost like a different dimension, right? The wrestling world is a different dimension that doesn't acknowledge us as people that are viewing and dissecting. Now, we're in a place where they are acknowledging that like they're doing things that we're reacting to and then they're reacting to our reactions so i'm curious if they are going to like if roman is going to be like what the fuck uh everyone keeps talking on twitter and everything about this l that you did like is he going to call him out on the L because of the reaction?
Starting point is 00:04:45 In the wrestling world, we're supposed to believe that Roman didn't see it, so he doesn't know. He didn't look at Twitter this week, and he didn't watch the tape back, so he didn't see it in the ring. Therefore, he doesn't know that it happened. The Rock's telling us that he's going to screw
Starting point is 00:05:02 over Roman, but Roman has no idea. We're in this reality era of professional wrestling where how does Roman if he didn't see it in the ring? He sure as shit knows about it now because he checked his Twitter mentions. So like, is he going to acknowledge it and call it the rock? I think he should, because I think that could also like be a bloodline type storyline when Sammy Zane was kind of in and he was out and he was in and out. And it was,
Starting point is 00:05:25 do we trust him? Do we not trust him? Jay's giving him a weird look or Jimmy's giving him a weird look the whole time. Like, I think you can play that into a very naturally fitting bloodline storyline. The other line from the rock was like, I'm going to make sure Cody, your story ends at WrestleMania.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Cause me and Roman, our story is just beginning. Everyone's like, well, ending the story is Roman and your story. So that was all, you know, if it wasn't on purpose. Oh, my God. It was the greatest coincidence of all time that all of these things lined up. I think it was on purpose, though, and I loved the whole promo from The Rock. I loved it from the moment he walked out in that vest that was inspired by the old $500 shirts he used to wear.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I tweeted, his arms just can't contain those sleeves anymore, so he's got to make them vests. It is what it is, but the second he walked out in that, it was like, oh, he's back. He's really back, and he'll rock doing the, you know, we set an attendance record tonight, a new record. There's 17,000 inbred hillbillies. And he went straight back to the attitude era, brought us all back there.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I thought that was a fucking great. I'm so here for heel rock throughout WrestleMania season. I hope that the turn happens at WrestleMania. I think it will. Cause it looks like tag team match night one. I don't know. I'm not convinced. You're not. I'm not.'m not no no i'm not convinced the super bowl trailer gave it away it did but it didn't like they can they have two months to build to this so just in just in kind of like
Starting point is 00:06:59 having conversations with other wrestling fans about this wouldn't it be super risky given that i mean seth rollins right now is walking around in knee brace like you're gonna have them go on night one and then risk your huge main event like of night two like everyone like it'd be cool to see the night one tag team but like night two that match it like when's the last time Roman had a match on back-to-back nights. I couldn't even tell you. It would be risky. Not only on Seth, but on rock too.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Like if rock is back-to-back weeks or months, I have no idea. And obviously the rock probably isn't going to have a match night too, but you would imagine he's going to get involved and he tore every muscle off every bone in his body at wrestlemania 29 yeah yeah so i don't know i mean even on like roman and cody anything can happen it's wrestling the fucking simplest shit sometimes will make you tear something it's a lock-up has made people fucking get hurt before so it is risky but that to me very much seems like the direction that they're
Starting point is 00:08:02 going they're obviously they have the elimination chamber match for a shot at Seth's world title at WrestleMania. So I think he'll be working back to back nights. I think Cody and Rome, I think rock will be the only one without a match on night two. I still think that there is a decent chance for a fatal four way. Just a fatal four way. You can make it like yeah yeah i don't think that it's gonna be like two nights i think it's gonna be i think that there's a chance for the
Starting point is 00:08:34 fatal four-way um because like in thinking about it like so i was in the same lockstep as you where i'm just believing what we're being told it's like yeah of course like they're building to night one tag team night two cody roman but i think the risk is is irresponsibly high for that type of show when you've already lost uh guys to like cm punk to injury brock is gone for the his shit like it's like it's too risky to risk that main event on night two i feel like especially with the names that are involved here um and i don't know that like what does the tag team do for the story? What does that match do for the story? I think they'll probably do something to set up the Roman rock breakup during the tag team match.
Starting point is 00:09:33 And I guess it gives you that Rocky Apollo thing with Seth and Cody teaming up, them being on the same squad and maybe it not in first the story, but maybe just for rock and Seth, they could kind of take it easy. So here's here's my next question. How do you have Cody go? Well, well, because then I guess the answer to that question is that Cody doesn't beat Roman.
Starting point is 00:09:57 But how do you have Cody have his big moment on night two? How do you have dissension in the ranks between roman and the rock if they're not going to beat cody and seth on night one you're going to have cody win both nights i think no i think they probably ludlund has to win night one how do you do that you have to maybe you have you have dissension that leads to a victory still. Like they get into a little fight. Solo grabs the two of them and says, fucking snap back in. I don't know how you do it, but I think you have bloodline win night one because Cody's moment definitely feels not as big if he gets the win night one.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Well, I don't know because I say that, but like Daniel Bryan's win didn't feel less because he beat Triple H. So what if Cody just pinned The Rock night one and pins Roman night two? What if he pins neither and the bloodline goes over night one and then Roman returns night two? You had to love The Rock's final line on SmackDown when he hit the, if you smell what the bloodline is cooking.
Starting point is 00:11:04 That was pretty sweet. It was until he threw up the L and I noticed it right away. I was like, not like, I guess like when I first saw it, my first instinct was that he was just making a mistake. Yeah. My first instinct. But if he was making a mistake, I swear, I think one of the referees ringside would have been like, yo rock.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Like they like to you know like half produce the show through the refs earpieces yeah so i feel like he would have been like yeah i agree i thought he was just doing it incorrectly and then after a second wait a second yeah because you you like there's just certain people in your life that you just trust to a fault and you make excuses for them without them having to make excuses themselves. And I was like, well, no, the rock is my bloodline brother. Why would he do this? Like, it was clearly a mistake.
Starting point is 00:11:55 And then you're thinking about it. You're like, oh, my God, he did that on purpose. Son of a bitch. Yeah, he's doing it. I'm interested to see what his explanation will be down the line, because I feel like The Rock is the kind of guy who he's going to repost this promo right after WrestleMania on his Instagram. He's going to be like, the signs were all there. You just had to look or something.
Starting point is 00:12:16 But what's the explanation going to be for him going out there and saying he's going to smack the herpes off people's lips and calling them inbred trailer trash? Is he just like, sorry, I was trying to get one over on my my cuz had to do that to you yeah yeah i don't know i was gonna talk right out of that one but uh i mean you could look back in history every time the rock was a good guy that got booed that is what turned him heel like Like there, there's never any outside force that turned the rock heel. The fans always turn the rock heel, except for that one time that he aligned himself with Vince and became
Starting point is 00:12:53 corporate rock corporate champ. That was the only time that he turned heel that it didn't stem from the fans. Just being like, you know what? Good guy, rock, fuck you like that.
Starting point is 00:13:04 That was three heel turns. Like the, the die, Rocky die. stem from the fans just being like you know what good guy rock fuck you like that that was yeah three heel turns like the the die rocky die uh it was hollywood rock when he first came back and everyone was like fuck you we made you and then and now it's like yeah like you okay you're you're you're the biggest star in the world but we want cody in the main event of Wrestlemania so fuck you and he immediately turns heel so I don't know that is uh it's an interesting dynamic in the three decade storyline of The Rock's character that the fans have the power to just turn him and and it happens every time let me ask you this. What match at WrestleMania excites you the most that doesn't involve the Rock Roman Cody Seth? Is there a big marquee match that excites you? Like you're like, I can't wait for WrestleMania so we can see that.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Because right now, obviously, we're still at the beginning of WrestleMania season. Yeah. There's not a ton jumping out at me. There's a couple good matches for sure like great like matchups the usos matchup which they've set up on raw last night um ria becky i'm sure will be great but like there's not a standout marquee match that i could picture on the poster and i'm like that we need to see that match yeah no there isn't um and i don't even know like obviously like i'm gonna be into it because it's
Starting point is 00:14:26 bloodline related with like jimmy and jay i just hope that that match has some sort of like twist or storyline development because i just them going at it one-on-one and having like a clean finish doesn't really do much for me i think they should go back and watch cody versus dustin rhodes from aew where they got all fucking bloody and hugged at the end of the match it was that's how to do a brother versus brother match honestly go back and watch brett versus owen from wrestlemania 10 and just recreate that match because that match is fucking awesome yeah watch kane versus the undertaker and then they can set each other on fire at the end. I was going to say, take a couple. You remember when I actually didn't really like the match, but remember when Randy Orton versus Edge did the greatest wrestling match ever, they called it?
Starting point is 00:15:12 Yeah, it was like they beat each other up in a warehouse. Yeah, and they did homages to different matches. Maybe the Usos can do a much better version of that with homages to brother versus brother matchups in wrestling. That could be really cool. Do you see any twist coming at the end of that or it's just going to be obviously like jay goes over and it is what it is i think jay's gonna go over and it's gonna be it's gonna be like they hug and cry at the end and it'll turn jimmy face and reunite the uses and that'll be maybe the first domino in the bloodline falling this year finally you know
Starting point is 00:15:47 last year i thought would be the fall of the bloodline but like they fucked us up so bad bob if jimmy if jimmy cries in the ring and hugs jay after that match and says i'm sorry and roman and solo are like what the fuck is happening and then rock prevents solo from interfering in the main event boom bloodline is collapsed into only solo and roman once again and there you go there's your story for i'm gonna take everything from you as cody said yeah it's just that they fucked this up so bad because like we mentioned before they turned jimmy into a stooge so at no point like even like i get what they were doing last night like they had jimmy cost jay the intercontinental title they had him hit the splash twice that's the first time jimmy has looked like a threat in a year like basically since the original like bloodline breakup which we go back to
Starting point is 00:16:46 last january like when when they kicked the shit out of kevin owens at the rumble like that was the last time that jimmy looked like a monster over a year ago uh so now like you're trying last minute to build jimmy back up because you've been using him as a stooge for the last six months um but then like this, I got like two months. No, it's not not necessarily two last minute. I think two months isn't all right. Like, yeah, if you just keep fucking with Jay in the next two months, that's the thing. You got to stay consistent with it.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Yeah. But in terms of like Jimmy being someone that like it's no one thinks Jimmy is going over in this match. Maybe that's what they'll do, though. Maybe Jimmy will go over in this match, and the rematch at SummerSlam will be like, Jay goes over. Maybe it's too obvious. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I don't know. But to your question... The first match has to be at Mania, I think, the first singles match. But it doesn't have to be the last one. I don't want to say it will be the last one, but I, I do kind of see that scenario playing out. As I said, like,
Starting point is 00:17:49 I think they're going to hug at the end of the match and have like an emotional moment, but maybe they won't maybe fucking Jimmy cheats to win. And that this is the next, next year worth of Uso content. I don't know. How do you feel about Jay's thing? By the way, I likeay as a single star i know you're kind of so and so on him no no i like it his eminem catchphrase when he's like allow me to reintroduce myself my name is ooze oh like i think it's it's good on paper the crowds are never on
Starting point is 00:18:23 time with it i don't know what it is he does the whole thing and it's like he finishes the sentence and looks at the camera and everyone goes oh fuck oh yeah yeah he's he's trying i mean like put it this way he has like he's probably looking at the rock being like the rock has a million catchphrases like i can't like true jay right now has yeet he has like the fucking hands thing uh he says uh main event jay is now in your city he's got he's got like i get to pop every time yeah like he's got a few things going for him right now so he's probably just saying like how many things can i get to stick? So I can't blame him one bit. Um, what did you think of kind of wanted to get your perspective as a non UFC fan? What did you think of Michael Chandler calling out Conor McGregor
Starting point is 00:19:16 on raw? Did you get a kick out of that? What do you think it was lame? What'd you think? I thought it was lame only because like, it was obviously fake anger and rage. And then it was lame only because like it was obviously fake anger and rage. And then it was probably earlier that day, Monday, I think like at like lunchtime, I was just scrolling TikTok while I was eating lunch. And then I saw someone was interviewing Uncle Dana about Conor McGregor. And he they were just like, is Conor McGregor ever going to fight again? He was like, I don't know, dude. Like he's like, like what's what's preventing him from fighting in the ufc again he's like i don't know he's fucking rich like like if and he asked the reporter he was like if you had as much money as conor
Starting point is 00:19:54 mcgregor had would you be sitting right there asking me a question right now and he's like no he's like okay then like like now now picture getting in a cage and fighting for your life like would you do that if you had enough money to not do that? Probably not. Conor swears that he's coming back. And if he comes back, Chandler is the opponent for him. Yeah. I liked it, but I can understand not liking it.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I just like the crossover. I'm like, yeah, I want to see UFC stars get involved in angles every now and then. I want to see them front row smack a guy fucking but the issue is that the ufc stars are never gonna like put a wwe guy over i don't think it's just it's it there is cross-pollination between the audiences but there's not at the same time there's not a lot there's not there's really not a lot of it yeah like you're not gonna get a ufc guy that's not conor mcgregor uh show up at a wwe show and get like a huge pop for calling out whoever uh and then like you when you have wwe shows yeah i guess but like if you have like a wwe guy at a ufc show i don't expect them to get some like they're gonna be like fuck you're fake
Starting point is 00:21:05 fighting pussy like yeah it's just not yeah it's it's kind of like having like older brother younger brother but like one's like the captain of the football team and the other one's like playing lacrosse it's just like when logan paul showed up to the last msg card with the u.s title and i tweeted like a video or picture of him arriving or whatever and all of their replies from mma fans were like why would he bring that fucking fake belt to our real sport? Does he think he's fucking tough bringing that fake belt? And it's such a like being a fan of both. It's just like, oh, why don't you get it?
Starting point is 00:21:35 How do you not get it? This is promotion. This is fucking kayfabe. How do you not understand UFC? Half the promos and call outs and they're straight from WWE Michael Chandler's call outs are like word for word Ric Flair promos that he fucking name replaces and there you go so yeah there's a little bit of promo like cross promotion between them there's not a lot there there really isn't but they are doing like ticket packages now I know if you bought tickets to
Starting point is 00:22:02 UFC 298 this weekend you got like cheaper raw tickets because they were in the same building that's pretty cool yeah but you've been good for people like me yeah you've you've seen the people that go to those events oh don't disparage the mma fans i will say this tap out t-shirts and all that i don't think i've ever seen a fist fight in the crowd at a wwe show live i mean i know it's happened but i don't think i've been at a wwe show and been like oh shit a fight in the crowd there's pretty much every ufc show i go to yeah there's a lot of fights in the crowd at ufc yeah especially the upper deck if you're sitting in the upper deck you better you better bring some padding you better bring some mitts i don't know what it is about like fights that make other
Starting point is 00:22:45 people want to fight it's the same thing as like when people see a fast and the furious movie and they go out to the parking lot start revving their fucking carola you know yeah um elimination chamber i wanted to quickly just uh shout out we've got four matches set for the elimination chamber right now the judgment day day, Finn Balor, Damian priest versus the new catcher public Pete Dunne and Tyler bait for the tag team championships. Um, the women's chambers,
Starting point is 00:23:12 Becky Bianca, live Morgan, Tiffany Stratton, Naomi, Raquel Rodriguez, Rhea Ripley versus Naya Jax. Hopefully Rhea Ripley makes it out of that match safe and sound and can defend their title at WrestleMania.
Starting point is 00:23:23 And then the men's chambers, Drew McIntyre, Randy orton bobby lashley la knight kevin owens and logan paul i think that men's chamber is fucking stacked i think that match is going to be in front of fucking 70 000 people in perth that match is going to blow the roof off the place and it's also tough i said you should main event with ria i don't know that you can main event a show like that with Nia Jax. No, probably got to main event with the men's chamber there. Yeah, no way, dude. Like that. Like, I think the Rhea Nia match is going to be third to last because they're going
Starting point is 00:24:01 to like it's going to be like it's going to be put in a good spot. Maybe second to last. It might be second to last because they're gonna like it's gonna be like it's gonna be put in a good spot maybe second to last it might be second to last you don't think that they're gonna like give them a breather in between the men's i don't know i hope that the ria naya matches a fucking squash for ria i hope it's like almost like a lesnar cena like oh my god like she she's unbeatable yeah i don't know like just just i've i've always tried to give naya a fair shot because she's uh she's a friend of a friend and okay they speak highly of her as a person so like i get it when you're trying to get heat but it's like then you kind of just look at like i've never met her i've never talked to her but it's like i'm watching this as a wrestling fan and i've said this about other performers too and it's like i it's not that i don't like you because your heel work is good i
Starting point is 00:24:57 don't like you because you're not good at this like i like it like i it bothers me yeah like i like it like i it all comes off as phony yeah like i want i want to enjoy your work but i can't because of like the number of performers that she's hurt and then just i don't know like last night when she came out i'm just like i know that was my reaction to her music hits and i go yeah you're just like oh god no speaking of music hitting though i know we talked about this at the the royal rumble podcast but even last night watching raw there were a few moments where someone's music would hit and i was in another room or something i would have to come into the room to know what performance was coming out yeah like i don't know themes at this point and i watch watched wrestling pretty consistently. I don't know their fucking themes.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Everyone has a different theme. I think Tiffany Stratton at some point, she came out and even her theme. I was like, I know I've heard this a thousand times, but I need to go look at the TV and see who's on my TV right now. That whole segment was bad. I thought,
Starting point is 00:25:58 yeah, it wasn't good. Yeah. It was just like, I get what they were trying to do. Like they wanted like everyone's music to hit and then be like, oh, no. And then now this person's coming out and now this person's coming out. This is like now the whole chamber matches out here.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yeah, it's like, all right. Yeah, I don't know. I just I wasn't I wasn't into it. Who's winning the women's chamber, by the way? Oh, Becky. Yeah, but then we oh then we got bailey and eo all right so we got those wrestlemania matches set who's winning the men's chamber true it's tough like what do you do with randy then i don't know i don't know what your
Starting point is 00:26:42 contract is up they might as well just be like you know what fuck you dude if you're not gonna resign then we got nothing for you is randy and rollins like uh no no we've seen it you want to see right now you've already seen it at mania yeah i mean it was fucking awesome it was wrestlemania 31 i was there yeah it was awesome or whatever yeah uh yeah i think the story like drew they need to throw drew a bone here uh you know i feel like i'd like to see a double pin or something i'd like to see drew and la night in that match you hate la night i love la night oh you do yeah okay why would i hate l no i want la night to be in the match with seth i think he should fucking i thought i thought you weren't i thought that you weren't an la night guy no i'm an la night guy for sure okay l a night yeah um that's pretty much all i had i mean cody
Starting point is 00:27:41 and drew had a great match on raw last night they kicked off raw with a banger yeah cody lost it was awesome cody did lose first time in a while he's lost like that yep clean clean in the center of the ring nothing dirty about it yeah nothing i texted you last night about the uh uh the the, the ref versus Gunther match. And Jimmy is just banging the bell, but it's like, why would that stop the count? That's just a bad ref. You know what though?
Starting point is 00:28:15 Bells ref. I think bells referees respond to them like dogs. Like it's crazy. Cause even back in the day, the undertaker's dong, it would be like one, two dong. Yeah. It would cut back to the ring and the referee's standing up and he like i think they did that at survivor series uh it wasn't taker but it was when sting came out yeah i think it was
Starting point is 00:28:35 literally one two and then a fucking crow hit and it's like squirrel squirrel what yeah yeah referees are just straight into dogs i think that there should be a suspension here i think that there should be consequences like you're you're a professional here you're a professional referee and it's not just like any referee like you're in the wwe this is the major leagues of professional wrestling and you can't count the three because a bell went off yeah like if if you know so all right so then'm just going to get front row tickets to WrestleMania Night 2 and I'm going to bring a bell with me. Anytime Cody goes to the pin, I'm just going to bang the bell.
Starting point is 00:29:11 When you buy tickets, there's no laser pointers. That's because if you shine a laser pointer at the ref, he's just like, what? Yeah, that was a wild era of professional wrestling. The laser pointer era? Yeah. Every Undertaker promo you
Starting point is 00:29:25 would see a little fucking face yeah really weird super weird um yeah but yeah no i just i i had to call out that referee because it was uh infuriating that he was incapable of counting the three i mean he had him he had a beat he didn't kick out yeah like that that was a three jay should be the ic champ right now. And Jimmy, kind of like a shit. He should have been in the ring. He should have gotten in there to prevent it instead of just like, I hope this works.
Starting point is 00:29:53 I'm going to bang on a bell a bunch. Right. Yeah, what if it didn't work? It'd look like an idiot. Yeah. He would be ringing the bell for his brother to win the championship. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:03 That would have really fallen flat people have been like you're just trying to set up a feud with his friends again yeah yeah it's like no when he wins the ic title i want to ring the bell for him it's like okay dude whatever um that's all i have for from the top rope today anything else that we're forgetting oh punk punk came out of all last night after raw cody brought him out and he cut a quick promo where he said like next time i'm in this ring i'll be in my wrestling boots and placement wild yeah he said punk was also at ufc this weekend was it really yep i said punk versus zuck might be the fight to make you know zuckerberg wants to have his first fight soon.
Starting point is 00:30:47 He's recovering from a torn ACL. And I was like, Punk is recovering from an injury. Maybe at the same time, they'll become healthy and Punk can get back in the octagon. This is his fight injured. One has one arm, one has one leg. I think that that's fair also uh are you are you excited enough for elimination chamber to get up at 5 a.m to watch it live yeah you are yeah i i like an early card like that i bro i used to wake up to watch new j Japan and like it's like a weird thing. I wake up, make myself a little waffle or something like I like shit like that.
Starting point is 00:31:30 What time are you going to wake up? Is it really at 5 a.m. though? Yeah, dude. No, it can't be 5 a.m. 5 a.m. They're in Australia. That's that's the time the pay-per-view starts is 5. AM. Or is that the kickoff? Uh,
Starting point is 00:31:49 cause I'd like to watch the whole pay-per-view. I think they're going to lead the night off with the women's elimination chamber. If I had to guess, and I want to see that match. It is. It's 1134 AM. Oh,
Starting point is 00:32:00 Oh, it's 1134 AM. Right now it is right now. It's 11 34 a.m right now it is right now it's 12 34 a.m there uh and it's wednesday already all right so say it say it's say it's gonna be 8 p.m there it's gonna be what 7 a.m here that's not too bad yeah did i do that math right if i didn't people are listening to this right now like these fucking morons get a real job what are they 13 hours ahead of us is that what it is i think so yeah i'll never go to australia though spiders too big yeah no i don't do i don't do big spiders like that no they got them all over australia fuck that bro 7 a.m is not too bad i'll wake up at 7
Starting point is 00:32:52 they're 13 hours ahead of us yeah they see the future so then this just broke your brain or time zones breaking your brain right now no i'm just because i had it no i think they're breaking your brain i had it in my head that this was starting at 5 a.m is it starting at 7 a.m because that's much more doable i think 7 a.m yeah yeah we Yeah, we could do that. What time does Elimination Chamber start? Elimination Chamber is on February 24th. The main card starts at 9 p.m. local time or 5 a.m. Oh. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:33:41 That's what it says. 9 p.m. local time, but 5 a.m. here? That doesn't add up. Bob, I don't... I'm just as confused as you are now. Like, what time... If it's 9 p.m. local time, it's 8 a.m. here. And 5 p.m. on the West Coast?
Starting point is 00:34:02 Nope. When is WWE Elimination Chamber 2024? The Elimination Chamber is on February 24th. The main card starts at 9 p.m. local time or 5 a.m. Eastern. USA Eastern Time, 4 a.m. pre-show start time. Main card start time, 5 a.m. Eastern. Where are you reading that? that worries me i don't know
Starting point is 00:34:28 you don't know you're not down with sporting news um it's not that i'm not down with them i don't know them so we just read something that says time zones they're 13 hours ahead of us and that's telling us they're 13 hours ahead of us. Oh, but maybe bro, Australia has got different time zones. That's what fucked us. That's gotta be what it is, man. People listening to this must be screaming into their headphones right now.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Like these fucking morons are trying to figure this out. Time zones, not our strong suit. Tell you that. No, no, never been a big time zone guy i've only been in one um for my whole life in terms of residency uh but yeah looks like the
Starting point is 00:35:13 pre-show is that 4 a.m and the main i won't be waking up for the pre-show i'll probably wake up for the main card probably wake up for that you're gonna be i'll wake up like no i want to yeah i was gonna say maybe i'll wake up a little late You're going to be, I'll wake up like now I want to. Yeah. I was going to say, maybe I'll wake up a little late and watch it on a delay, but I kind of want to be live tweeting the main event with everyone. So why can't you just set it on the podcast?
Starting point is 00:35:35 Now I got to commit to it. I think I'm probably going to jump in midway through. They're going to show, they're going to show a replay of the first match where Becky wins and then spoilers. I'm a little OCD. You already know. Oh, you wouldn't know?
Starting point is 00:35:53 A little road dog? A little road dog for you guys. A little road dog for you guys. All right. That was from the top rope for today. The next time something big happens, Jared will hopefully be available for media. Well, it sounds like it's going to be after 5.00 AM in Perth. Yeah. We'll see you then. I'll be there.

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