Newcomers: Sports, with Nicole Byer and Lauren Lapkus - Black Panther (w/ Shaun Diston)
Episode Date: June 7, 2022Bet you've been wondering when Lauren and Nicole would make it back to Wakanda. Well, they've arrived. And? They love it. True friend-of-the-pod Shaun Diston stops by with his well-worn copy ...of the Marvel Encyclopedia to teach us a thing or two about the Xhosa language, vibranium mines, and - most importantly - which MCU characters Lauren and Nicole should get to play. Next week's movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Like the show? Rate Newcomers 5 stars on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and leave a review for Nicole and Lauren to read on the pod! Follow the podcast on Letterboxd. Advertise on Newcomers via Gumball.fmSee for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Original.
I have seen gods fly.
I've seen men build weapons that I couldn't even imagine.
I've seen aliens drop from the sky.
But I have never seen anything like this.
How much more are you hiding?
How long?
We are home.
My son, it is your time.
Show me my respect and bow down.
You get to decide what kind of king you are going to be. It is your time. Show me my respect and bow down.
You get to decide what kind of king you are going to be.
Don't freeze.
I never freeze.
I waited my entire life for this.
The world's gonna start over.
I'mma burn it all. What happens now determines
what happens to the rest of the world.
You will not be able to stay home, brother. You will not be able to stay home, brother.
You will not be able to plug in, turn on, and cop out.
Wakanda forever!
The revolution will not be televised.
Reception 5.
The revolution will be live Thank you. It's another episode of Newcomers.
Oh my God.
I'm Lauren Lapkus.
And I am losing my mind.
I'm Nicole Byer.
Yeah, and we are watching
the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
And this is episode 14 of the fifth season. We're working we are watching the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and this is episode
14 of the fifth season. We're working our way through the whole universe with the help
of fellow newcomers, super fans, and sometimes even people who've contributed. And this season
is only going to be 20 episodes, so we're going to try to cover as much as we can to
get an overview of the franchise, but we can't get to everything because it's dense. And today, we're discussing the film Black Panther, which came in, came in?
It came out in 2018, baby!
And you can watch it on Disney+, or for a fee on Amazon, Apple TV, Google Play, and
And obviously, as we always do, we're going to spoil the entire film down to every second
of the film.
So we are so excited for our guest today.
Before I even say his name, he's a comedian, writer, producer.
You know him from Wrecked and Mr. Student Body President.
And you probably heard him on Comedy Bang Bang.
And you also have heard him on our Tyler Perry season.
It's Sean Diston. Welcome back, Sean. Hello, Sean. How are you? So happy to be here. I think you both
know I've been texting you separately about doing this season. Yeah. I don't know, since the Star
Wars season. So I'm so excited that we're finally sitting here talking about Marvel. I feel like you were one of the first people
who was like, you have to.
You have to.
You really were.
When you guys announced
that you were doing Lord of the Rings,
I was so distraught for you.
Because not that they're bad,
but like to be sort of a...
They're bad.
I think we can say it.
We're bad.
I think we reviewed every... I think we reviewed a radio play
yeah we heard a radio play
we watched a video game
that was like
20 episodes in
I know
I listened
and like
if you had just watched
the main movies
you probably would have
gotten out unscathed
but having to really
do a deep dive
on Lord of the Rings
it's tedious
it's self serious
it's not that fun
I know.
I do wonder if we'd done Marvel sooner
what that would have done for morale.
Well, I do think the Tyler Perry season,
I remember feeling like.
That was necessary.
All right.
It was so much fun.
We fought for that.
And that was so worth it.
Yeah, we really did.
And we all won.
We were like, he's God.
We all won.
Because I loved that.
Getting to watch a Tyler Perry movie and talk about it was
so so fun it was so fun I do think that kind of like the Marvel Cinematic Universe all your
seasons are telling a story you know and like you've now gotten to Marvel and I think you're
ready I think you're ready to take it in I I've been listening to episodes. I'm having fun hearing you dislike some of the movies and then liking other ones.
Which one did you disagree with?
Which one were you like, you have to have liked this one?
You know, I don't think I disagreed with any of them.
Like I generally just like all of them kind of blanket statement.
Like they're all kind of fun for me, but I do think it was probably smart to not watch
the second thor movie i think
leah has been doing a great job of curating this universe for you guys and and yeah i think i agree
with all your criticisms it's just like i can criticize these movies but still just like love
them you know and um i recently made i'm saying made but i but I convinced my girlfriend to watch all these movies with me.
I saw them.
Oh, that's sweet.
I think she would agree with you guys on all your takes.
She loved Iron Man.
She liked Spider-Man.
She disliked some of the Avengers movies in the beginning.
It's because they're bad.
She did.
I did tell her like,
I was like,
do you want me to tell them anything about your experience?
And she texted me this.
She said,
my review is they're not bad.
You got to pick your guys.
I want more Ruffalo content.
And then,
and then also she wants to make clear that I made her watch all these
movies with the promise.
We'd see all the new ones in theaters.
And I did go see two of them without her.
Okay, so what's going on there?
Yeah, which ones did you see without her?
I saw Eternals and Doctor Strange.
I need to see these things like the Thursday they come out.
So if she was not available, she was busy doing other things.
So I. You just don't care. Wait, they all come out. So if she was not available, she was busy doing other things. So I,
you just don't care.
they all come out on Thursdays.
They like release on Friday,
but you can get tickets to these movies like Thursday night.
So I generally will go on a Thursday night to avoid spoilers on Twitter.
But here's my question.
What are you going to watch to make it up to her?
Because I feel like you have to watch something she loves.
I do think I've agreed to watch Xena, Warrior Princess with her.
I'm also watching all of The Next Generation, which is one of her favorite things.
So I'm definitely watching stuff.
I'm glad it's balanced.
And we did go see Spider-Man No Way Home in theaters.
And I think she had a great time because it was just one of those movies
that people are like screaming at.
Can I ask you a question?
So when Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield
appeared on screen,
did the theater you were in clap and cheer for them?
I mean, I did too.
I mean, like I...
I don't know.
Because it's the other Spider-Mans.
It's the other Spider-Man.
So it's a joke.
Because I've seen the meme.
So here's what I'll say about these movies.
And you guys are getting into.
I think the meme predates this movie.
The meme definitely predates the movie.
They made it because of the meme?
Where they're all pointing at the three Spider-Mans
are pointing at each other.
They definitely, I don't want to spoil anything
because you haven't seen it,
but that meme comes into play.
But I will say like these movies now, they do fan service in a way.
And especially the movies you're getting into now.
They do fan service in a way that I just don't experience in other movies.
Like maybe Fast and the Furious is up there where you're like at the movie and you're cheering and laughing at parts that aren't supposed to be funny.
But you're just so excited that you you know so i feel like when the spider-man came into that movie
it's kind of the like the it's built up in everyone's mind of like wouldn't it be crazy
if all the spider-men were in one movie and like you get to see the spider-man that you grew up
with when you were watching these movies and I don't know it's a phenomenon
it is exciting I was in a theater where nobody
gave a shit and the only person who cheered was
Sashir Zameda and I laughed so
we saw it like three weeks after it
had been out so maybe everyone had seen it already
but Sashir was like when Tobey Maguire
appeared on screen she went woo
and nobody else
said a thing in my theater when Tobey Maguire
showed up a man behind me yelled
he's so beautiful
that's really funny
it was awful to experience
even me like as a fan
I was like you're embarrassing me
what a perfect man
did Sashir like these movies?
Yeah, I had no clue about this,
about my friend that she sees every Marvel movie
that comes out.
I had no idea.
Yeah, that seems like a shocking secret.
Yeah, I think she's seen most of them.
I kind of feel like I was like that for a while.
I see all of them and I'll go.
And honestly, there have been movies
that have made me cry. Which one which one well i cried watching black panther oh yeah okay me too i cried watching
some of the other movies you will be seeing pretty soon like oh and i it's embarrassing
like i don't love the idea that i'm in these movies like crying at this but at the same time
i don't care like i'm just like no no like in the last episode we were talking with paul sheer about um sex in the city 2 and june
being disappointed by that movie and feeling like she understood the marvel disappointment when like
a movie doesn't live up to what you wanted totally and i was thinking about that later and i was
going you know what i actually loved every second of every sex in the city thing that i've seen
i even when it's bad it's good good. And I understand that in the Marvel
way where I'm like, you know what? That movie's two hours
and 15 minutes long and I was glad.
And so I think I understand.
I watched all the new
Sex and the City with my girlfriend as well.
Okay, good. And I
because I watched all the
Sex and the City episodes too. I don't know why
but I've seen all of them. I've seen
I saw maybe the first one.
It's very well written.
It was fantastic.
It's groundbreaking television.
When like things would,
we'd be watching and like a pair of shoes would be like on her shelf or
something that like my girlfriend would be like,
that was what she wore those when she was doing.
And I was like,
this is the feeling of like being rewarded for watching and paying
attention to something I think is really cool.
Like I.
And I think unlike Star Wars and like, you know, Lord of the Rings that you guys have watched, like some the continuity and the rewarding you for watching all of them isn't as strong as.
And I think that's I don't know.
I think it's pretty cool yeah that is fun and
i'm i enjoy when i get a call back or connection it's yeah it makes me feel like i'm paying attention
thor ragnarok where i was like i understand this yeah did you guys think did you guys think that
that movie was really funny like was it the funniest one yeah right it obviously is right
and i want more funny we want more funny that and ant-man i was it the funniest one? Yeah. It obviously is, right? And I want more funny.
We want more funny.
That and Ant-Man,
I think,
were the funniest for me.
Yeah, I agree.
Well, it's really cool
because I think
this is a time
in the Marvel Universe
where they, like,
let these directors
kind of put their stamp
on the movies, you know?
And, like,
we're talking about
Black Panther today,
which is, like,
Ryan Coogler's, like,
sort of,
it's a triumph
that he got so much of his
own voice into this movie and still is in the marvel universe so it's kind of cool i mean i
don't know if it's as funny as thor ragnarok but it's not it's not no it's certainly not but it has
a great tone to it and it's like it's just a good because i saw that without seeing any other marvel
and i thought it was a good movie and it's like a standalone movie
which i don't know that all of these are at all yeah well i mean what was your guys general
thoughts on black panther was it like you you'd seen it before so you're re-watching yeah yeah
but i had forgotten a lot of the details and i mean i loved it the first time and thought it
was like a really cool action movie like as someone who doesn't really care about superheroes, I was still like, this is a good, interesting story.
And I was surprised by a lot of the like plot points in it.
But rewatching it, I thought it was even more interesting because I being more familiar with it.
It was fun to like just watch the acting, not being so concerned with the story, but just like watching everyone in the costumes and everything is so pretty.
And it's incredible.
It's a really pretty movie.
This is the,
this viewing was my first time watching it from actual beginning to end
because the first time I saw in theaters,
I missed 10 minutes.
I saw it at the Hollywood bowl with the Phil harmonic.
I missed,
I think the first five minutes because the five of the ten
that i missed this year and i were both like is what movie is this the movie and then familiar
things started happening we're like this is black man there we were like how have we both not seen
because the beginning is crazy and it's so so important that whole scene. There's truly a lot of information in the first five minutes of the movie
that I had not heard
until today
or yesterday
when I watched it.
With Sterling K. Brown
who I've been watching
This Is Us every week
for the last six years
and I'm like,
oh my God,
like it was actually crazy
because I didn't know
who he was when I first saw it
and then I know him
as this character really well
and I'm like,
oh my God,
Randall's like-
Lauren, that's really funny.
Oh my God, it's Randall and Randall doesn't sound oh my god Randall's like oh my god it's Randall
and Randall doesn't sound like that
Randall I didn't know you had
that tattoo in your mouth
I only know him I mean I know him now
but I think when I saw it I maybe only knew
him as Christopher Darden in the
People vs. OJ Simpson series
that they did and
it's funny because that show to me kind of
reminds me of this marvel thing where like i lived through the oj simpson trial so watching
them make this movie i was like oh the white bronco like i was so like excited to relive it
you know like feeling like i read the comics when i was young and i'm making it into a movie
that's so funny but that was a crazy time wasn't it wasn't it not wasn't it crazy that is wild
that like everyone was just like watching police chase this white bronco on tv and then there was
a whole discussion after did he do it did he not do it guess what guys i still think he did it
i mean there's no question about it um but uh unless it was his son i don't want to
talk about it but um whoa i've never heard that yeah people have a theory that it was his son but
i think it was jay i think he's got cte i think he did it he definitely does i had an i did an
episode of langston kerman's podcast about conspiracy theories where we talk about that
in length if you want to hear it oh i would love to listen to that i i do think that we're mentioning i'm silent i'm remaining silent on whatever my opinion may or
may not be however i will be we're gonna have to cut all this out i will listen to that um i do
think bringing up oj is so interesting because it like it was like the culmination of a really like
fucked up time in america like after rodney king and all this stuff and like it was like the culmination of a really like fucked up time in america like after
rodney king and all this stuff and like this movie like unlike a lot of marvel movies deals with like
some real world like actual shit like and and that's what i think makes it transcend like all
the other movies you know like it's talking to black people in such a specific way that i was
just not ready for when i watched it and it's it's power it's a powerful movie people in such a specific way that I was just not ready for when I watched it. And it's,
it's power.
It's a powerful movie.
You know,
it really is.
And also when I was watching it the first time,
I was like,
holy shit,
I can see all the black people.
Like everyone's really,
oh my God.
It's shot so beautifully.
And also just to see a cast of like so many amazing black actors when we've
had like basically none for a lot of the series.
And seeing a black director shoot these people with like love.
And like you said,
it's like they're lit properly.
They have,
they look great.
Like it's a really,
it was revolutionary,
you know,
like probably bring this up later,
but this was nominated for an Oscar,
which like for a Marvel movie,
which is crazy.
You know,
it was nominated for best picture.
In the year that green book one,
by the way,
they were like,
we'll nominate the black superhero movie.
We're going to have a magical Negro.
That's so crazy.
Black Klansman,
black Panther and green book.
We're like three of the movies that were in.
wild one. That's interesting. But interesting but yeah it's it's fascinating and um i'm glad we got to watch it
wait sean do you read the do you read marvel comics like how yeah how did you get into it
i grew up like not really reading the comics as much like i had some but i more collected
the trading cards which was a weird thing oh no one mentioned this yeah like i had some but i more collected the trading cards which was a weird thing oh no one's mentioned
this yeah like i honestly got into marvel just knowing like marvel cards like that was it i was
a card collect i collected basketball cards i collected uh like football cards so i collected
drawings so it would be like each card was like a character you know like you'd see a character
be like loki and then on the back it would have
their like stats and where they're from and a little story about them so i really like collected
these cards and they were like holographic they were like holograms and i used to like use the
cards and make up like stupid little stories with them because i didn't know the comics as well
um and then i think my mom gave them away at some point when I got to high school. But it's fine. Rude.
You can get a pack of 162 for $200 on Amazon.
Well, you know I'm going to be on that shit.
But I also collected Garbage Pail Kids, which is another weird thing.
Oh, that's fun.
My neighbor collected those.
So it felt like something like someone else does.
You know what I mean?
You're like, I don't know how he got those, but those are cool. I just i just was confused about them i was like so these are some nasty kids i'm supposed to collect
yeah they were nasty for sure but yeah then i started reading the comics like a little bit
later in life and you know i have tons of holes in my like comic book like i don't know every story
but i know a lot of the major ones and i'm very into some of the newer characters like i know you guys are you watched the trailer for uh miss marvel right or yeah
yeah and like that comic is a fairly new comic that is really really really good it was it's
such a great comic book and the comic that they adapted the hawkeye series from is another really good
one by matt fraction and so like i'll read these stories like honestly i read more star wars comics
than marvel but i love knowing a little bit about it but it's it's the mcu like the cinematic
universe that i've like gotten really obsessed did i know that there were star wars comics
they're maybe not as popular as that's a good question because I'm actually like,
I just was like, yeah.
And then I'm like, do I know about that?
Yeah, they have.
I don't think I knew that.
They've got a ton of,
they've been doing them for a really long time.
Oh yeah, I feel like I've seen this.
Is Klocklo Ren in them?
Wait, that's not his name.
Kylo Ren?
There's a whole comic book that explains
like how Kylo Ren got like taken in by snoke you know like there's
a whole story yes snooki and i'm coming back to me when when there's like oh my god let's not go
back there when there is when there is like a character so once they made a movie of a character
where an actor plays it does the comic book ever change to look like those people yeah that's a good question yeah i mean they definitely have in star wars and i'm fairly sure that they
have in marvel but i do think the marvel history is oh leo you have the answer to this yeah nick
fury nick fury right nick fury was white a long time ago and then after sam jackson started playing
him he's now black in the in the comics
and cool like you know like that it's great like they do some of that do they explain it or they
were just like this is what it is now i think they probably were just like this is him now it seems
like it'd be weird to keep drawing him how he was honestly that'd be very funny they're like in the comics he's white in the movie we're not gonna
adjust this yeah it's um it's pretty fun like i i like watching the movies and then also like
going back and seeing what they used from the comics and what they changed i don't know as a
writer i kind of find it pretty interesting it's all kind of a miracle to me that any of it works
yeah so yeah all right well i think it's time for our daily bugle so kind of a miracle to me that any of it works. Yeah. Yeah. All right.
Well, I think it's time for our Daily Bugle segment.
Honk, honk.
Here we go.
Here we go.
This is our news segment, obviously,
and we're going to give a recap
of what's been going on lately in the MCU.
Disney Plus released a new trailer
and a new title for She-Hulk Attorney at Law.
And there is an official trailer. I saw
a clip of this online. Are we going to watch it
together? I've seen
none of this. Okay. And Tatiana Maslany,
who is amazing and hilarious and wonderful,
plays She-Hulk.
Being a superhero
is a trial by fire.
Who's going to protect the world
if not people like you?
I'm Jennifer Walters.
I'm a lawyer.
I have great friends.
Can we get some shots, please?
It's an emergency.
A demanding job.
We just started a superhuman law division and i want you to be
the face of it and a frustrating family because we didn't ask for this but you still got to deal
with it your transformations are triggered by anger and fear is that her daddy those are like their cousin. Mother? They're just existing. Oh. Oh, oh. It feels like
if I don't transform,
I'm gonna die.
I just want to be
a normal,
anonymous lawyer.
Can you tell us
where She-Hulk is?
you're a story now.
your ass
looks crazy right now.
You could be an Avenger.
Oh, I'm not a superhero.
That is for billionaires and narcissists.
And adult orphans, for some reason.
Is there anything more depressing than dating in your 30s?
This is the best date I've had in a while.
Should we split some fries?
Let's get those to go.
Oh, they're going to do it.
Oh, she is big. I. Oh, she is big.
I didn't think she was big.
She's pretty big. I also didn't think she was big.
I wish she was bigger.
Yeah, I think that's really interesting.
Her body doesn't become like Bruce Banner huge CGI.
When they showed her before, I thought she just got green and muscular.
But then in that, she's carrying a man and she's like seven feet tall.
It's like she got like kind of big.
She gets taller, but like maintains her feminine shape.
But she's got that big ass.
I think that is something that is kind of, they've done that.
They've kind of did that as like as an homage to the comics.
Because I do think that like Jennifer Walters was like, she's the female Thor
but she's thick.
And I think
it's also interesting. She's also kind of a
horny character. It seemed like it.
She was like, let's get fries. And she was like,
that means we're fucking.
And it's
really fun to kind of, I don't know,
it'll be interesting to see what a sort of
horny character looks like in the MCU.
Well, you know, we're excited about that.
We were waiting for this in every fucking movie.
We're like, does anyone even kiss?
I was not interested till the end.
And then when you said she was horny and I was like, well, I guess I gotta watch it.
I do like how she's going to go on dates.
I also think it's a little bit of an early trailer as far as the CGI.
Like I think they had to release it because of a like disney
stockholder meeting kind of thing so i think like cgi will look better she'll look a little bit
better by the time the series comes out but oh i'm excited i mean you really think the cgi is
gonna get better because i saw dr strange and there's a part where there was a thing on his
forehead that was not good looking yeah look you know so and it also it is a tv show so like it doesn't have the budget of like one of the movies but
oh so that's probably why they kept her more like her side i think so i mean i'm excited for that
show i think it'll be a little bit more of a comedy than some of the others and yeah we know
some fun people that have worked on that show like our friend yeah i think like i'm excited to see
what that show is like for sure tatiana is so fucking amazing she's so good she did our ninja
turtles tv like podcast a long time ago me and scott used to host a ninja turtles podcast
and we were just like joking around that maybe she should play a character named she shredder
like a female version of the bad guy from ninja turtles and she got really quiet you know and she couldn't really say anything we're like okay
whatever and then like two days later they announced that she was she hulk and i think
she just was like kind of scared she didn't want to blow it but um that's very funny oh my god
that's funny it's exciting yeah she's been on comedy bang bang a bunch and if people are
which i think is really a fun thing because she was so amazing on um orphan black black and she plays like so many characters on that which i was blown
away by and she's also very funny and nice and so that's cool and so i'm excited for her that she
got this big thing yeah and i also think like this show might be a little bit more of a like
legal procedural where like oh she's she's like kind of in the comics she like represents
like superheroes in on trial and stuff oh and there's like a lot of interesting stories that
kind of come out of that and so i don't know i think it could be really fun love it all right
i guess i'm excited for it you know i do have a pitch for a character that you could play nicole in season two
okay so i i have this marvel encyclopedia that i i bought this encyclopedia at like a
comedy garage sale and it used to belong to rob corddry um but i i was looking through it to be
like all right so we got to get these girls in these movies, right?
So how can we, what do we do?
So I picked a character that I think could be in season two of She-Hulk,
and she's a little bit horny.
Because I was like, what do I know about my friend Nicole?
I was like, well.
She's always horny.
She's pretty horny.
so I think you can play a character named pretty persuasions.
And I'm going to show you what a great name.
This is,
this is her here.
This sort of snake like character.
So here's a little bit of her story. she's an ex-stripper what who uh gained the
powers to psionically like trigger the pleasure centers of men's brains like with her mind and
i think it would be really funny if like you played a version of this character that was like
represented by uh
by she-hulk and it was kind of like okay well this is a sex worker and you guys are like trying
to shut her down but like you shouldn't oh my god i love this i love this i just googled her
and it says pretty persuasions is a disturbed woman who enjoys using her powers to cause others
pain she constantly curses in vile street language i mean this i just i'm like this
is nicole but i don't i don't want to make her a villain like i think she could be a sort of
misunderstood sort of character that like you could use of course you're a master on the pole
nicole so i think this is a character that you could use those skills with saying that and i
think like you and and she hope could be like sort of horny friends who like go out on dates and stuff together.
I mean, what a dream.
I love that she can psionically stimulate pleasure centers in other people so she can increase erotic urges.
And that's really great.
So you can like make men come with your mind.
I mean, that's all I want to do with my mind.
Maybe my mouth.
I also love that she's got like a mullet she's like she's fucking hot i must say
yeah there's a lot of honestly there's a lot of ex like call girl ex stripper characters in this
book it was very fascinating interesting but i also have a character for lauren and i want to
show you and i think i think lauren your world i think you're a more full cgi character that lives in the marvel like the the guardians of
the galaxy universe yes yep yeah so this character is named she's right here it's just chicken feet
what's going on hold on let me chicken feet there she is oh my god what is her name tell me that
doesn't look like lauren that is yeah i see
the connection for sure i mean i don't feel great about it but yeah i do see the connection
what's her name she is bird brain bird brain i think i love it so she was a character that was
created in a lab by this guy named annie mater something. I don't know. It's kind of weird, but I thought it was really similar to Rocket,
Bradley Cooper's character in Guardians of the Galaxy.
So I think it could be cool.
I do think they're doing a like Rocket and Groot spinoff series at some
So they do this.
I think that you could be like another one of the lab experiments that like
Rocket meets and like you join forces to like hunt down who made you guys.
I would love to be this free.
I think it would be really fun.
I love bird brain.
And you could be really funny.
And like,
it just reminds like,
she's very horny.
you play a lot of incredible freaks.
You know,
it makes a lot of sense.
She looks like a bird version of Cruella de Vil,
which I really resonate.
She really does, and I'm here for it.
I love her.
I think that to get you guys in this universe,
I think you got to have a little bit of a plan.
And I don't know.
I'm just like, I find places for you guys to exist.
I think you guys could live in this world.
I'm thinking about Pretty Persuasion,
having a love interest with Mahershala Ali's's character and blade oh my god do you know you talk talk to somebody look
i shot the fans of the pod let's start hired as a writer and just make this happen let me tell you
if that ever happens if that ever happens i will pitch a pretty persuasions bird brain spin-off
where you guys just fucking yuck it up do they ever exist together
because i really love the idea of like a former stripper and her bird brain friend yeah i love
this idea fighting crime and you guys start a podcast yeah we always have to end up doing a
podcast as much as we try not to we end up somehow having a podcast it's like it's our kryptonite and then have to do a podcast
I think it could be really fun
I say to the fans of newcomers
like like let's just
get this out there Nicole should be playing
a version of Heidi Franklin pretty
persuasion and of course
Lauren should be bird brains
I think people are going to get right on board with this
let's get on board
tweet at Kevin Feige Feige Lauren should be bird brains. I think people are going to get right on board with this. Let's get on board. I think so too.
Tweet at Kevin Feige.
Say it however you want.
Feige? Oh my God.
I think it's Feige.
Well, here's the second.
We're still in the Daily Bugle.
Oh, sorry.
I hijacked your segment.
No, it's great.
I love it.
So Marvel has released a new trailer for Thor Love and Thunder, which gave us a first look
at Christian Bale as villain Gore, the God Butcher.
I was staring at this and feeling very unsettled.
It's super creepy.
He's very Voldemort, I must say.
You like it?
I'm into it.
The one where he's wearing the hood and like staring at me in the eyes.
That is the scariest image.
Yeah, I'd go down on you.
You would go down on him?
No questions asked.
I think I'd be a little afraid
that like maybe the dust from his skin
would like get on me.
But like, yeah, I'm smashing.
I'm here for it.
Okay, I'm not.
However, I am still interested
in smashing Hulk's giant ass
from the previous movie.
Yeah, the butt was good.
It was a nice juicy booty.
There's some horniness coming to the MCU.
I'm happy about it.
Oh, my God.
Okay, well, the other bit of news is it seems more and more likely that Disney Plus will reboot the Netflix Marvel series Daredevil with Charlie Cox as the devil of Hell's Kitchen.
Daredevil with Charlie Cox as the devil of Hell's Kitchen.
Variety learned from a source,
the new series is in development with Matt Corman and Chris Ord as writers and executive producers.
So you guys,
did you guys both see the new Spider-Man movie
or just Nicole?
We, no, we just saw the...
I was like, I saw the new Spider-Man?
No, you saw the one with Topi.
So in that movie, there's probably a really confusing part early on where a character comes on screen and everyone starts screaming.
And he's like Spider-Man's lawyer in one of the early scenes and he catches a brick or something.
That is Matt Murdock, Daredevil from the Netflix shows.
And everyone was really excited because those shows were kind of decanonized for a while.
And then they brought them back.
And the first time you see one of them is in the Spider-Man movie or Hawkeye or something.
But it's kind of interesting.
This show was kind of like owned by Netflix and now Disney owns it.
So they're going to reboot it.
Talk about a horny character.
Matt Murdock's a horny character.
Matt Murdock is.
Well, I mean, I don't know if he's specifically horny,. Matt Murdock's a horny character. Matt Murdock is.
Well, I mean, I don't know if he's specifically horny, but like he has this like love interest with a character named Electra.
Who's fuck, she's, I mean, their chemistry on the TV show was really, really good.
He's very, he's very flirtatious in the Netflix series.
And he's also blind.
So he does lots of like, oh, help me.
I'm like, but flirty.
Or he'll go up to a woman and be like, I can hear your heart beating faster.
Oh, wow.
Or he'll be like, I need you to help me walk and then like offer his arm.
Oh, and then he's like, not really.
I'm just horny.
That's funny.
All right. Well, let's take a quick break.
We'll be right back with more Black Panther after this.
And we're back. Okay, so Black Panther was written by Ryan Coogler and Joe Robert Cole, directed by Ryan Coogler.
And it was released two days after Valentine's Day in the year of 2018.
Oh, wow.
And let's jump into our plot here.
How about that?
So a father tells his son the story of Wakanda.
Millions of years ago, five African tribes went to war over a meteorite made up of the alien metal vibranium Which is truly wild.
I thought that was so,
it's such a cool point.
Like plot.
It's a,
it's interesting.
Cause I,
I do think a lot of people think of Africa as like just a,
a fully third world,
it's a continent,
that it's all third ones.
there's some parts that are great,
but like,
we're even experiencing that with COVID right now where like,
they'll have like science before we do like information that they've gotten.
And then people are like,
it started there.
And it's like,
they're actually working harder and better than us.
So much of,
so much of this movie draws on the sort of concept of Afrofuturism,
which is like this really interesting sort of reimagining of Africa
and places like that to be these like high-tech utopias.
And it's really cool to see it on screen in this movie
because, you know, I've seen it in books and stuff.
And it's like, it's done so well in this that you're like,
you know what, this is believable that all these black people might be smarter than everybody. Like, I kind of love it. Like, it's like it's it's done so well in this that you're like you know what this is believable that all these black people might be smarter than everybody like i kind of love it like it's it's
fun it is nice to see um so in 1992 king tachaka i cannot say this actor's name and i'm not gonna
try because i think it's setting myself up for failure nope i'm gonna try at uh nope so he i'm proud of you for getting king tachaka correctly
yeah thank you yeah thank you none of these names are easy it's it's hard so well just keep going
with the sentences i mean you might find it yeah i think i might fuck up here. So he visits his brother Nobu?
I don't know.
Who's working undercover in Oakland.
That's Sterling K. Brown.
Yes, Sterling K. Brown.
And T'Chaka accuses Njobu of assisting Ulysses Klaus
in stealing vibranium from Wakanda.
Njobu's partner, James, is revealed that he is Zuri,
and that's Denzel Whitaker, another undercover Wakandian,
and confirms T'Chaka's suspicions.
Below, N'Jobu's son watches.
And that scene, I feel like the first time I saw that,
I was like, holy shit!
It was good.
Right at the beginning, there's a good twist.
There's that little, like, when they pull their lips down,
and you see that little tattoo, you're kind of like, what is this movie? I think what's so There's that little, like when they pull their lips down and you see that little tattoo,
you're kind of like,
what is this movie?
I think what's so great about this is like,
you don't need to kind of,
if this was not connected to the Marvel cinematic universe,
it would be as if maybe more interesting to be honest,
that it's just all these really new,
cool ideas coming out.
Yeah. And that scene,
I feel like Zuri,
the character is like, he's playing so well
that he doesn't know what's going on like when they come in he's like oh and then he's like bow
down and he's like oh okay and then it turns out he was it's just incredible directing and incredible
performances and like so one i'll just point out a little bit of the connections like you guys
remember in uh civil war when uh black panther's father is killed in that explosion so that actor
is tachaka in this scene but he's played by that actor's son so they kind of look alike
and uh so king tachaka in this scene is played by that actor's son so it's a very cool like
they're just hiring all the black people in hollywood which is really awesome and that must be so cool for a family too like your parent was in the movie and then they're
like and now we want you to do yeah it's really cool and um you also mentioned ulysses claw
which is a character who's played by uh what's the golem whatever that guy's name oh yeah um
andy's circus and he shows up in avengers age of ultron if you remember
when yes when ultron like gets the vibranium from him it's all kind of connected back to the story
so like within the first five minutes it's like kind of catching you up to like a few things have
happened in this universe and you know so it's interesting that you guys watched it before
without seeing any of the movies and now you have a little bit yeah context yeah on this watch i was like oh i remember okay but
it's funny because like on my first watch it didn't matter it wasn't like oh yeah truly i was
like bad guy good guy yeah totally totally bad guy good guy i it Bad guy, I'm following enough to keep watching
and not have to ask questions
Okay, so in the present day T'Challa
Chadwick Boseman returns to Wakanda
with Okoye
Okoye, Danai Gurira
I'm trying the names
No, that was good
Okay, great, wow, I'm nailing it
To assume, then I fuck everything up,
I can't reach Captain America.
To assume.
To assume the throne after the events
of Captain America Civil War.
First, he must extract his ex-lover Nakia Lapidayongo
from an undercover assignment in Nigeria
so she can attend the coronation.
And then he then reunites with his mother,
Queen Ramonda Angela Bassett,
who's like amazing.
And sister, Princess Shuri, Letitia Wright.
And Angela Bassett, I'm just like,
she's on 9-1-1 and she's so good on that.
But it's like, that's such a different style of acting.
And then when you see her, she's done everything.
So I mean, it's just amazing.
But just like, I most recently watched her in that.
And then to watch this,
and then she's just like, she kills it the whole whole movie i love how much network television you watch lord you're keeping the big four alive i really like to watch that stuff i
don't know what's going on thanks for pointing that out that is odd no it's not i think none
of my friends watch it like they never know what i'm
talking about i think we watch a lot of tv because i do too i feel like it rewards you for watching
it like you see the end of a season and you're like oh this is everything that's happened before
and like i do think that that's kind of what you get from these marvel movies a little bit but i
don't know it's mainstream in a similar way it's like yeah can we talk about how
great all of these fucking people look just like when you see chadwick boseman the first time
you're like holy shit this man i know he's so pretty or he was very very pretty yeah you know
r.i.p like it's such a trap like i remember really getting i almost I don't think I cried, but I could have cried when he passed away because this movie means so much.
It was so shocking.
But I just also think like to get to make this movie and have this be part of
his legacy is so like really incredible.
It's really incredible.
And Lupita looks fucking amazing.
She's so pretty.
I think she's like a perfect woman.
I think she's so pretty. think she's like a perfect woman i think she's so
beautiful her face is like literally not symmetrical when like her smooth is her smooth
her skin is the smoothest skin ever her smooth is the skin her smooth her smooth is the smooth
but she's so beautiful and the costumes costumes are amazing okoye who's bald in the movie which
i think is so fucking cool
like she looks i think so too very rarely do you get to see black women be bald yeah there's a lot
of like uh coogler talking about this movie and a lot of the motifs and like things he did to kind
of put his stamp on it and the dora milaje are bald in the comics but i think like bringing it
into the movies is like a bit of a
risk but also like he uses it to such like we'll talk about another scene later but like he just
uses it in such an interesting way and everyone looks so fucking great like when you know when
like even when like um his little sister comes on screen who what's what's her name i forget uh
shrewd obviously shrewd um she's like She's like this younger, almost unknown actor,
and you're just like, damn,
it's so easy to watch all these people on screen.
I know.
I love it.
Yeah, everyone's like a really good actor.
Everyone's potty.
I mean, that's not true of every actor.
It's not.
So it's like comforting.
It's easy to watch a scene when you're like,
wow, every single person is killing it.
So good.
Okay, and at the same time,
Clow and his associate Eric Stevens Michael B. Jordan
steal back a vibranium artifact from a museum in London.
And that scene is so fun.
When he poisons the docent or whatever she is.
Wait, what did you call her?
The docent from the museum.
What's a docent?
They're like a guide or like a person who works in the museum and like
knows everything. I can't wait to use that
in the wrong context. And someone's like, Nicole,
what are you talking about?
The docent over here.
Lauren, you could have been like, the docent is this
character from Marvel that like kind of...
Yeah, the docent.
Shits her superpower. You guys like
that scene, like Michael B. Jordan's
sort of adult introduction
to this movie
it's kind of brutal too
like there's more
shooting of people
and like more death
in this movie
than a lot of other
but I will say
it's not like
like in the new
Doctor Strange
I was like yikes
this one just felt
like a
that scene felt
like a heisty scene
it was like I think the movie This one just felt like a, that scene felt like a heisty scene.
It was like,
I think the movie also changes genres sometimes and it's fun.
Cause like that scene
doesn't work with like the fight scenes later,
but it all does work together
if that makes any sort of sense.
Well, and also I feel like the locations
like dictate the tone a lot in this movie.
Like when they're like in the city,
it's like a totally,
it feels like a totally different movie.
One of the motifs he talks about in the movie is like traditionalism versus like advancement and like you know i do think it's intentional that like michael b jordan's character
is so the opposite of t'challa like t'challa's really like he wants to be king and he cares
about all these traditions and you know uh killmonger, Michael B. Jordan's character is just like, fuck all that.
I don't care.
I'm going to do my own thing.
It really comes off and like, it's really well done.
I like that scene.
So four tribes of Wakanda gather for the coronation ceremony.
The Border Tribe, the River Tribe, Merchant Tribe, and the Mining Tribe.
They are invited by Zuri, Forrest Whitaker,
to challenge T'Challa's ascent to the throne and decline.
But the Jabari tribe shows up,
and its leader, M'Baku, Winston Duke,
who is very funny later, challenges T'Challa
that you engage in ritual combat, and T'Challa wins.
T'Challa is crowned the new king
and drinks from the heart-shaped herb,
and he goes to deep sleep and visits the...
The ancestral plane.
The ancestral, thank you, plane
and reunites with his father,
which is like the same kind of plane
that Thor goes to in Thor Ragnarok.
I was gonna say.
Wow, you guys are making connections here.
What do you think of M'Baku's character?
Like, I think it's Winston Dukeke i think he might be the hottest
man in this movie i know michael b jordan i actually think you're right michael b jordan
is definitely incredible but something about um baku when they like come out of the shadows and
they're kind of just like chanting yeah that shit gets me hyped like i'm like these motherfuckers
are cool yeah i loved him in this movie yeah he's awesome
he's so pretty oh he's our age he's 35 and also this scene is like so colorful and so like cool
there's like all this like actual like all the tribes in this are based on real tribes in africa
so like you can go in and kind of look at like oh this tribe with the red is from this tribe
from senegal or whatever it It's like really cool.
And this is when he falls off the thing.
this is when he defeats,
Mbaku and like gets the crown,
you know?
I also love that they played with like the lip plates and the gauging.
You just get to see a lot of different styles of African culture.
Even what,
even the language they speak is hosa which is like there's a click in the beginning of it and i think like it's based
on it's an african language and like there's just so much like africa in this movie uh that i don't
know it just makes it so different like it is a traditional like origin story of a hero like that could probably get a little boring but like all the like little touches and sort of afro futurist stuff
makes it so cool um so t'challa goes for a walk with nakia and urges her to stay in wakanda
at a council meeting the leaders discuss clow's actions t'Challa's friend and Okoye's lover, Wakabi,
Daniel Kaluuya,
wants Klaue to be brought to justice.
and Nakia
plan to intercept Klaue
at an underground casino
in Busan, Korea.
Why is it Korea weird?
You didn't know
I loved it?
I was like,
Busan, Korea?
Busan, Korea?
I tried to pronounce it.
We'll see.
T'Challa visits Shuri's lab for a new suit and equipment,
which was really cool, too.
She's kind of like Q from the James Bond movies.
They say that this character is-
We don't know who Q is.
It's just the guy who's always like,
James Bond, check this out.
This watch shoots whatever from it,
and check out your new car.
This character is considered as smart,
if not smarter than tony stark who's before this the smartest person in the world but it almost felt
like tony stark was never that smart and he just had like a lot of machines that knew yeah yeah he
could just like he could just like put together a like suit from a box of scraps and make a machine
like he's pretty smart they get more into that later but he did build the first iron man prototype in a cave that's okay i forgot about that he did do that but shuri's a
really cool character and you know like the new black panther movie that is coming out i think
this year or next year i don't even know if i know supposedly more focused on her obviously because
chadwick boseman passed away so she kind of takes
on the mantle of the star of these black panther movies so could be interesting cool in the future
it's coming out in november oh that's soon because it's may now the plan however goes wrong when
t'challa discovers that klaus's buyer is a ci agent everett ross uh martin freeman who i love and he's um he's been bomb what's his
name bing bing bong bing bong bing bong bing bong wow you remember everything from the lord
oh yeah fucking bill blow and bill blow and he i just also have to plug that i want there's
another show that i watch this is not um on abc but it's called Breeders, and he's on that.
Have you guys seen that?
No, I haven't.
It's really good.
Is that FX?
I think he's great.
I loved him on The British Office, obviously.
I've never seen The British Office.
Me either.
Just the American one, and I started it this year.
You know, I would want to say it's worth watching, but to be honest, a lot of it is, I don't know.
It's complicated.
Ricky Gervais, you know, but, um, it's so progressive and I like him.
Um, but I love, um, Martin Freeman in this.
And as the, as the, like one of the main white people in this movie, it's kind of fun that
he's like one of two, you know, throughout the film.
It's pretty fun.
Um, so Klaus or Klau, Kla film. It's pretty fun. So Klaus or Klau,
It's actually Klau.
Just like,
It's spelled like a stupid way,
but his name is Ulysses Klau.
And in the comics,
he has like a bionic arm and that's kind of what you see in the movie.
So it's spelled a stupid way.
So Klau attempts to escape into T'Challa,
Ra, Shuri, Nakia, and Okoye. I can't say that one. it's spelled a stupid way so claw attempts to escape into chala roshuri nikia and oh
i can't say that one it's hard for me to say simple words so nobody get mad that i can't
say these names well we've only done it in every single episode i mean this also has maybe the
harder names of all yeah this is but i i still think it's not our strong suit but yeah names
are very hard so they intercept him in a car chase across the city claw i can't think it's not our strong suit. Yeah, names are very hard.
So they intercept him in a car, chase across the city.
Claw, I can't believe it's not Clow.
And we were having fun saying Clow.
I'm going to say Clow ultimately crashes and T'Challa comes close to killing him,
but the civilians filming him,
he hands him to the custody of the CIA.
The next day, Ross interrogates Clow
and is rescued by Eric. T'Challa decides to take Ross,
who has been severely injured while protecting Nakia, to Wakanda, where Shuri can use the
nation's advanced technology to save him. He learns about Wakanda's various advanced tech in the lab.
And after noticing a necklace worn by Eric, T'Challa confronts Zuri and learns that Eric
is Najobu's son left behind by Zuri and T'Challa's father in the 90s.
They lied about Eric's existence in order to maintain a lie that Najobu vanished when they had really killed him.
Ross gives them more information about Eric's black ops past, revealing that he goes by Killmonger.
Now, I'm like, did he call himself Killmonger?
Or did like a friend go, damn, a lot you killmonger like that's
a wild nickname you can't give it to yourself i think it's like supposed to be like a badge of
honor for him because he's like some war hero or something i don't know it's it's the name from the
comics and i think they do a decent job of making it not seem completely stupid that people are
calling him killmonger yeah i didn, it didn't even strike me as anything.
it's like more that like reading it out loud in the summary is more
Here's a question I have for you is specifically to Cole.
what do you think of all these actors basically having to do like
African accents throughout?
do you think you could do that?
do you think you can handle? like do you think you could handle
here's the thing yeah i would have to they would have to pay for um what is it a drama
a dialect coach who helps me what's a dramaturg they like um they they write just marvel thing
where they like they come in they like they like actually look this where they like, they come in. I actually looked this up. They like decide like what goes where on like a,
in a theater play and they are involved with the set.
And also regarding this.
So I don't need a dramaturg.
I need a dialect coach.
And I would just have to like re up with them every now and again to be like,
am I still doing this right?
Cause I'll start an accent.
And then 15 minutes later, it's like, well now doing jamaican oh yeah i do remember um after this movie
came out i would like walk around my apartment just going the black panther like i just kind
of love the way everyone is speaking throughout this movie and like so funny i i think it's like
it's it's also like kind of wild that like everyone has this great
accent they kind of blend into the movie but you're like oh daniel loquia like the star of
get out is like a seventh build in this movie it's like kind of a small movie like it's really cool
to see all these actors get to come in and like act and play these characters that i don't know
it feels like a sort of a stretch not a stretch but like you don't get to see all a bunch of black actors come in and like create
these characters from scratch i just think it's really right well like you were saying with the
nick fury character that he's white in the comic books it's like that one was like oh cool but
it's like to have a whole movie where you have all the characters yeah it's great um meanwhile
killmonger kills cllaue and takes his body
to the Wakanda border
where Wakabi
lets him in
he challenges T'Challa
for the throne
in ritual combat
and gets his revenge
by killing Zuri
he throws T'Challa
over a waterfall
where he is presumed dead
that part was sad
I didn't like that part at all
I know
and I also
because I always forget
like how things play out
I was like
he died?
I was so dumb
I think that's kind of a bet like it's
like cool that the movie for a second makes you go wait a minute is he really like yeah it's more
believable than any other kind of fake out in any of these yeah because he falls so far away he falls
very very far and you see him get like stabbed like you're like this is not supposed to happen
and then he's gone for a minute yeah and i do think the direction of
that like we should talk about the music of this movie too like yeah the the guy uh ludwig ludwig
bjornson or something yeah i've heard of him yeah uh the guy who made the music for this was like a
friend of kugler's who like also made the music for the mandalorian and like has made a bunch of
he's like an Oscar winning composer.
I think he won the Oscar for this movie.
There's so much like actual like Senegalese chanting in it.
Like there's so much stuff that comes up.
Like when this fight starts and you start hearing that,
like it gets me so hype.
And then when he starts losing the fight,
the music cuts out and you're like,
Oh shit.
Like, Oh, this is really scary it's really cool
yeah yeah when I saw this
at the Hollywood Bowl they flew out
a bunch of people from Africa and
it was wild and very cool to
watch it was like really
really fucking cool I got in a fight with a lady and heard
stupid fucking kids because I was like
okay I get it Marvel like is
for kids but the fucking Philharmonic
is here and those people took a fucking flight
from Africa your kids have to be
quiet yeah
yeah I think at the Hollywood Bowl it's like
you're actually seeing a performance
watching a movie and it was so cool
Michael B. Jordan was there and
when he got on stage all of
the women at the Hollywood Bowl were like
ahhh like not even like yay just like screaming at this man When he got on stage, all of the women at the Hollywood Bowl were like, Ah!
Everyone's in love with him.
Just like screaming at this man.
That must be crazy.
Love him.
All right.
Well, Nakia, Ramonda, and Shuri plan to escape while Okoye and the Dora Milaj army decide to stay behind.
So Killmonger, he drinks the heart-shaped herb, and then he orders for the rest of it to be burnt and this part was wild because that lady was like oh I don't think so then he chokes her out he's like
you do what the fuck I say and I was like ah he is a Killmonger but then Nakia secretly takes one
Killmonger supported by Wakabi and the border tribe enacts his father's plan preparing shipments
of Wakandan weapons to arm oppressed people
around the world.
Nakia, Shuri, Ross, and Ramonda
escape to the Jabari tribe
and learn M'Baku's men
are caring for
the comatose T'Challa.
He's like in a snow bed.
They feed the heart-shaped herb
brought by Nakia to T'Challa
who returns to the
ancestral plane again.
He confronts his father
about Eric
and he then wakes up,
makes up with M'Baku
and the group heads back.
T'Challa confronts Killmonger, who now has
his own panther suit. Shuri, Nakia
and... How do I say this,
Sean? Okoye? Is that how you say it?
Okoye, yeah. Okoye joined
the... Oh my god.
The Dora the Explorer... Dora Malaje.
Majali. What is it?
The Dora Malaje. I don't know if I said it right. How do you say it?
Dora Malaje. Maybe I should know if I said it right. How do you say it? The Dora Malaji.
Maybe I should read the plot in the accent.
They had the hardship and he goes to the ancestral plane.
I mean, it's pretty good.
I mean, I don't think I should.
So then they battle.
Hey, Lauren, do you want to try the Wakandan accent?
Um, sure.
On a podcast?
On a podcast?
Where it's recorded?
Yeah. Why not podcast? Where it's recorded? Yeah, why not?
Well, okay.
So a bunch of people fight.
Ra's piloting a remote jet,
shoots down the planes,
carrying the weapons
before they leave the country.
And then,
oh God, you just said it.
Oh, okay.
Dore Malaje.
Oh, Okoye.
Oh, Okoye convinced
Wakabi for the army to stand down. If anyone could follow this, I'd be like, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh war which i thought was kind of interesting um and then at the end she kind of like comes up and
she's like bitch stop playing around he's like i'm sorry baby like a lot of this movie i will say
like to talk about just black women in general the black women are extremely strong in this movie
but you also see a lot of killmonger like Like he kills a black woman early on. He chokes this other black woman.
Like it really starts this.
I know I got into a conversation with Lacey Mosley about this a long time
Like it starts this conversation about how black women are treated in this
And there's that fight scene where they're in the like casino,
you know?
there's a long like breakdown of that scene by Ryan Coogler on YouTube,
where he talks about how those characters
use their femininity as weapons like one of them pulls her wigs off and throws it at somebody and
she hits them with the high heel like and when you see the movie broken down from that standpoint
it's really cool and it's fun to see like the strength of the dora milaje and you know anyways
that's what i think like it's great to see that
and I do think there can be more strong black women
in these movies like pretty persuasion
like I'm just saying like if you want to get them
we know some actors
that can do it
let me be pretty persuasion
please Kevin Feige
come on
come on Paul Feige yes please please Come on, kid. Come on, Palfi.
Yes, do it.
So T'Challa and Killmonger fall into the city below where sonic disruptors on the train incapacitate their vibranium armor.
T'Challa uses this to his advantage and impales Killmonger.
He takes him to watch the Wakanda sunset.
Killmonger refuses T'Challa's offer to be healed
and pulls the dagger out of his chest,
choosing to die a free man rather than be incarcerated.
I mean, that makes sense.
But I'm just like,
he's probably going to appear again, right?
I don't know.
So then T'Challa establishes an embassy
in Oakland, California,
purchasing an apartment complex
where a N'Jobu was murdered.
T'Challa appoints Shuri and Nakia to run the embassy.
Soon after, T'Challa appears before the United Nations in the rebuilt venia venia venia vienna oh my god when i hear the words like said correctly
i'm like how come my brain wouldn't do that for me because your brain is acclimated to be like oh
these are all made up words from the marvel universe. So I'm just going to say how made up version. You're being very kind.
Vienna International Center.
I think it does affect how you read it.
To reveal Wakanda's source of source to the world and come out of
And then like we were saying in the post credit scene,
Wakandan children wake up,
Bucky Barnes,
call him white wolf.
And he steps outside of a tent where Shuri says he is ready to begin mental deprogramming.
I couldn't believe it.
Why is he in African garb?
Why is she not?
Who are these kids?
What was she wearing?
She was wearing just a white jacket.
So did he come naked and then they had to put him in something?
He's on sabbatical trying to work out his mental programming.
He's doing his own eat,
And he doesn't have his other arm on.
So he's just like,
I'm chilling.
They call him the white wolf.
All the black kids love him.
Like when they first brought him.
So Chris Evans,
Captain America brings him to Wakanda.
And I was like,
why is it now?
Wakanda's like,
why is it their responsibility to rehabilitate this white man
because they have the technology to do it
like they're much smarter than everyone else
and I guess
all this stuff comes into play a little later
I do want to talk about the end of the movie though
but first I think it's funny that the kids call him
white wolf when his literal name is
winter soldier there's a character
white like it's like snow
there's a character in the comics snowman it's like snow there's a character in
the comics snowman would have been funny oh does bucky barnes become white wolf i think they're
like playing around with the idea but i think he's still kind of just the winter soldier
i don't it's funny to me that they call him the white wolf in a movie called black panther like
you're gonna become like like best friends or something but it's just kind of a nod to the
comics i think um what did you want to say about that i did want to become like, like best friends or something, but it's just kind of a nod to the comics.
I think.
What did you want to say about that?
I did want to say like,
I have one criticism of this movie in that when they fall into that,
like train fight scene and it's like a full on CGI battle of just like two
video game characters.
Like I can't like that fight.
Isn't that interesting to me because like,
there's nothing real in it.
Like it's like Chadwick Boseman is gone. Like you're just kind of watching these two avatars fight
but then it's followed by like i think the line of the movie killmonger's last words which are
like black panther's like i think we can save you and killmonger says bury me in the ocean
with my ancestors that jumped from the ships because they knew death was better than bondage
and i think to myself did they just say that in a marvel movie like it's such a fucking fucking
intense yeah it's so intense it's so heavy and like really plays into the themes of this movie
because like obviously like t'challa's like your martin luther king and he's kind of your like
malcolm x like by any means necessary
kind of like so to see those two things kind of like blend and ultimately like killmonger wins
in that he does convince black panther to use his technology to help the world it's just in a
different way i don't know i think that these are the moments that make this transcend a little
higher than like dr strange and some of these other really great movies but like this kind of
makes it an oscar movie where you're like damn this is talking about something real
yeah so yeah i think that shit's cool well speaking of awards black panther received a
bunch of nominations and wins during the 2019 awards season it was nominated for seven academy
awards including best picture one best costume design best original score and best production
design the soundtrack was nominated for eight grammmys, including Album of the Year, Song of the Year,
Record of the Year, and won Best Rap Performance
for King's Dead by Kendrick Lamar,
J-Rock, Future, and James Blake?
James Blake.
I thought James Blake was like some rapper.
James Blake? Who's that?
And Best Score Soundtrack.
And the cast also won a SAG Award
for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture.
And here's some awards trivia.
Disney hired Academy Award campaign strategist
Cynthia Schwartz to create a nomination campaign
on behalf of the film for the 91st Academy Awards
with Kevin Feige.
How do I say that?
However you want, Nicole. I believe it's Feige
from someone
Kevin Feige.
And Marvel Studios said that they gave
the film a noteworthy budget for awards season
which Marvel hadn't done with previous MCU
films. I love that because it is
a special movie and I'm glad that they saw that.
You gotta respect that they thought
like, look, this character that has existed
I do think Black Panther existed before the Black Panthers even as a comic they saw that you gotta respect that they thought like look this character that has existed i do
think black panther existed before the black panthers even as a comic and it's really cool
to see them understand how important this character was for the black community like of course blade
with uh wesley snipes was like the first black marvel character but this is like when this
happened it was like a game changer for people and i
think about like young black kids watching this movie it's like really really special so they put
their money where their mouth was in a way and they hired ryan coogler who i don't think they
could have hired a better person to do this movie and he wasn't like a super experienced director
he had done fruitvale station right yeah. Which is such an incredible movie.
So to have that sort of foresight
is kind of where Marvel starts
to like catch their groove of like,
let's get Taika to make a movie.
Let's get Coogler to make a movie.
You know, they have some people
making movies later on
that are really interesting.
So I think it's tight.
I didn't realize Ryan Coogler
was only our age
he's yeah he's very young yeah he's like a usc kid right um i don't know well black panther had
incredible box office success and the film grossed a worldwide total of 1.347 billion
damn it is the first movie in the mcu to surpass its production cost in its opening weekend
and it became the highest grossing solo superhero film the third highest grossing film of the mcu It is the first movie in the MCU to surpass its production cost in its opening weekend.
And it became the highest grossing solo superhero film, the third highest grossing film of the MCU and superhero film overall.
The ninth highest grossing film of all time.
And the highest grossing film by a black director.
Wow. It's incredible.
Just an all around achievement.
It's incredible and just the idea of like wakanda forever being this like
rallying cry for like yo black people in marvel are as powerful as anyone else if not more powerful
it's fire man i love everyone wanted to see it it's like yeah yeah uh so okay so critics
likewise love the movie it holds 96 percent approval rating on rotten tomatoes which i think is too low um in
time magazine writer jamil smith said that it would prove to hollywood that african-american
narratives have the power to generate profits from all audiences it is funny because it's like
it did do all this but no like people think it's an anomaly and don't think that we'll spend money
to see things but it's like we will like the fact that like there hasn't really been another girls trip like that wasn't an anomaly it
was like you make a good movie with black people we'll go see it totally and then and tyler perry
is just over here like i'll keep collecting money if y'all won't do it i will yeah um and described
as a resistance to a regressive cultural and political movement fueled by,
in part, by the white nationalist?
Oh, white nativist movement.
Its themes challenge institutional biases.
Its characters take unsettled digs at oppressors.
And its narrative includes, this is a hard, this one's hard for me to read.
Its narrative includes prismatic, is that the word one's hard for me to read. Its narrative includes prismatic.
Is that the word?
Perspectives on black life and tradition.
I feel like people listening to this podcast are like, did Nicole go to school?
No, you're just reading someone's dissertation.
She didn't go to college.
No, this is all difficult shit to read.
Thank you.
You're very kind.
There's other Marvel characters that are in the works that are going to be uh african-american there's a character named ironheart who's like a young
teenage black woman who becomes kind of like the new iron man in this world wait who what's her
name ironheart that's fun uh and then also uh blade is coming back with maher shidall lee
another great black character hopefully wesley snipes gets to have a cameo in that.
So Marvel does, hopefully they continue
to put black characters on screen
and they're making the Wakanda movie.
There's going to be a series, I believe,
that's called Wakanda Forever,
which again, if there's a spot for Nicole and Lauren.
I beg you.
Hey, I could be the one white person.
You could be the one white person
in the Wakanda Forever series.
I still really would like you
to get into a Tyler Perry film
and be there.
I feel like I really,
I need to be the white bitch
who's like really annoying
and like,
I need this.
I want that for you.
Can you guys shut up over there?
I'm trying to do a podcast.
I have like high pigtails.
I'm like,
I'm trying to record a podcast
really annoying
okay so here's some trivia
oh wait we have to do a break
we do
now the trivia starts contrary to popular belief black panther wasn't named after the black panther party
the first comic where black panther appears was published months before the party was formed the
character was briefly named the black leopard that's not that name didn't stick that sucks yeah who is it oh it's
the black leopard well because also like a panther is black like it's like a leopard has spots you
don't think it'd be cool if he was like you will now become the black leopard not as cool yeah not
as cool the language spoken by w Wakandans is a real language.
It's called.
It's called.
The X is a click, right?
So it's like.
It's not.
I mean, we're not used to pronouncing the clicks in these words.
But that's, I think, how it's pronounced.
So it's a South African language characterized by clicks and glottal stops.
It's the same language that is native to Nelson Mandela.
It's from the Cape region of South Africa.
And the name Wakanda comes from the Wakamba tribe of Kenya, also known as the Kamba.
Director Ryan Coogler compared the Wakandan vibranium mines to real-life situations of the Congo mines,
Wakandan vibranium mines to real life situations of the Congo mines where the valuable mineral,
Coltan used in manufacturing digital products is only found in the Congo
region is being mined.
I didn't know that.
It's like in all of your iPhones,
That's so weird.
It's really interesting.
And look,
you know what happens around those mines.
It's like tragic that we exploit these countries in a in a way so like when you hear the
wakanda story of being like we can't let anybody know we got this fucking vibranium they're just
gonna come in here and get it yeah it really is like touching on some real real world i had no
idea that was a thing um the royal talon remote pilot system is voiced by trevor noah that's a
little fact for you yeah a little tidbit ohbit. I didn't know that. Ooh.
They got all the black people in this shit.
And Ryan Coogler brought in consultants who are experts on African history and politics to work on defining Wakanda so that many different African countries' histories and identities
could be represented, which we pointed out.
That's very cool.
Production designer.
Oh, my God.
Production designer.
Hannah Beachler.
Oh my God.
Production designer,
Hannah Beachler.
The production designer,
Hannah Beachler.
That is truly what my mouth was trying to make me say.
Production designer,
Hannah Beachler created
a 515 page,
oh my God,
Bible on the History of Wakanda.
Damn. Wow, way to go. Hannah went above and beyond. She said, you can't fire me now. a 515 page oh my god bible on the history of Wakanda damn
Hannah went above
and beyond
she said
you can't fire me now
actors Andy Serkis
and Martin Freeman
who had previously
worked together
in the Lord of the Rings
which we didn't even
he's Gollum
yes he's Gollum
we're jokingly
referred to on set
as the Tolkien
oh the Tolkien
white guys
that's funny
that's funny
the Tolkien
I've never heard that
that's very funny
that is funny
it's time for our segment is Chris in this this is our segment where we have a yes or no conversation about white guys. That's funny. That's funny. I've never heard that. That's very funny.
It's time for our segment, Is Chris in This?
This is our segment where we have a yes or no conversation about if a Chris is in this film.
Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Chris Patton, Chris Penn.
You know what? There's not a Chris in this film.
But was a kiss in this?
Yes. At the end there was a kiss.
Yes, there was.
Black Pant, Lupita, and Chadwick have a little
bit of a kiss. And that was a good kiss.
And we were very happy.
It was a nice, new, yummy kiss.
And this is our segment, Five Star Industries, where we read newcomer's listener reviews.
And this one comes from Mainman08.
Can't believe this made me rewatch Ant-Man.
My husband made a promise to watch every Marvel movie because you both are.
He's only ever seen the barest minimum of them.
I thought I liked these movies and have watched the majority of them,
but Ant-Man broke us.
I can't believe we watched Ant-Man.
I do it again.
If you'd ask,
but that would be so much torture.
Please don't make us watch Ant-Man again for the sake of our marriage
and sanity.
I loved Ant-Man.
We loved it.
And I'm,
I'm so sorry,
but thank you for the five stars anyway.
Thank you.
In addition to Apple reviews of newcomers,
we're also going to read reviews from Letterboxd.
And we're going to give each film a one-sentence review,
ourselves, and a star rating.
And if you don't know, it's a social platform.
You should know.
You're pretty deep in this podcast.
If you don't know, then you're not listening.
So this is a Letterboxd review.
This was more of a civil war than civil war yikes
yeah i guess it's like yeah they gave it three stars well this person i don't like him this
person said four stars ryan coogler really must have told the film composer make every theme so
rhythmically intense that no white people can clap that's really fucking funny that's really funny
okay so what is sean what's your one sentence review for the film and star rating um wakanda
forever five stars that's all you gotta say you know it's uh the legacy of this movie i think will
continue to have ripples in the like superhero space for a really long time and i'm just so
glad that all these incredible actors get to go off you know and and have some fun
i also give it five stars um this is the most self-contained Marvel movie that we've watched.
And I had seen it before and it was great without knowing anything.
And now re-watching it with the context of Marvel, I like it even more.
And it's great.
I agree.
I think it's really wonderful My one sentence review is
All those beautiful black people
In a beautiful African place
With names I can't say
Five stars
I'm so glad you guys liked this movie
We loved it
So please if you're listening
Go write a five star review on Apple Podcasts
We'll pick one to read on the next episode
And please rate us on Spotify
Because it just helps us get listened to by other people.
Can I also just say, it's really interesting.
I don't have any criticisms of the movie.
I don't either.
I've seen it now three times.
I mean, this is the first time I've watched it
from start to finish, but no notes.
I think especially because you watch
a bunch of other superhero movies
that maybe hit a lot of the same beats,
but this is surrounded
by so much interesting shit
that like you can forgive it like
well CGI Uncanny Valley
is kind of a thing that I've noticed this time
watching it but like honestly I don't
care because then you get lines like
the fucking throw me from the ships
like it just keeps me so engaged
the music is really yeah it's really
not it doesn't have
lulls no we had in many of these where we're like oh this fight scene i don't care it's like
every fight scene has really high stakes totally and so that keeps you interested and and it looks
great like the design is so fun it's visually appealing i have a question for leah did a good
job what's up hannah she did a great job Leah, so I know your next movie you guys are watching
is Avengers Infinity War, correct?
How are you preparing Nicole and Lauren for this movie?
Are you talking at all about the movies that you guys skipped?
Is there any prep you guys are doing beforehand?
So I'm watching the ones that we skipped.
Okay, great.
The summary is going to take a long time oh boy like i wonder i i just wonder what you guys think
because you're about to go into another big like big team up movie right and like you've seen all
these different stories and these different threads and i wonder like do you remember where
you left the guardians of the galaxy do you remember where spider-man was well i do i do
put that's a good summary too because like with this one great um i like remember the last time
we saw this guy or he's been he's coming back from civil war and last time we saw this guy was
age of ultron so i do a little bit of that i can Yeah, I did. I can't wait to listen to you guys watching these movies because now you're
about to like,
we did improv together back in the day.
And like,
now you're really getting into the third beats of this whole franchise.
Is it connection Island?
Things start to connect,
but like in the way that like bad third beats can be like,
they're just connecting everything for no
reason yeah the miracle of these movies is they make it incredibly compelling i think and things
that you didn't understand why they made stupid decisions here or there they start to like come
into light and it i don't know it feels like a miracle to me these are the movies that made me
cry in theaters and wow i'm just excited for you guys to watch these movies.
But you cried during Infinity War?
I cried during Infinity War for weird reasons.
I also cried during Endgame for weird reasons.
And I won't get into any of them because they're all spoilers.
But a lot of the crying I did was just like,
I can't believe the miracle.
Working in the industry as a writer, I can't believe they pulled off the know working in in the industry like as a writer
i can't believe they pulled off the thing that we all thought they were trying to do
so do you feel like and maybe this will make more sense when i see stuff but like do you feel like
the people who wrote the later ones are trying to as you would in the improv show where you kind of
weave mistakes and make it make sense by the end and then it's better they were like oh people
didn't really get this or didn't really like this absolutely this and make it make sense by the end and then it's better. They were like, oh, people didn't really get this or didn't really like this.
Take this and make it something.
That's why I'm like, I know you
shouldn't have watched Thor the Dark World, but there's stuff
from that that comes back. I made a list.
Okay. I can't wait. I know
Leah's on that shit. I rewatched
Thor the Dark World before we did Ragnarok
just in case. And you don't have any questions.
But I have my list ready.
We just liked it
like it was just fun and silly and so I'm gonna re-watch Guardians 2 I'm gonna re-watch
Ant-Man and the Wasp no because it's after Infinity War it's after yeah yeah it sort of
takes place at the same time yeah yeah yeah yeah guys I'm so excited for you to watch these movies
look thanks I you might they might not be your
favorite because i know you didn't like the avengers team-up movies but these are the movies
that get people screaming in the theaters that that like i don't know they've like tears in my
eyes when things happen in these movies that i'm embarrassed to tell you what parts they're at
like it's really fun so i can't wait to try to figure out why you were crying yeah um
yeah we'll figure it out like sean cried here sean do you think you want to plug
other than the parts that you cried at a infinity war uh you can watch woke on hulu um with uh
i gotta watch affirmations i love the first year's ameda and I think the second season is fantastic. I think Anthony King and company did a great job with it.
Also, I worked on a show called Fairfax.
Season two is coming out June 10th.
So check that out on Amazon.
Bunch of other stuff coming, but don't know when it is.
You're always doing a lot.
And we're very excited for you.
I love it.
Well, we'll be back next week
with Avengers Infinity War.
And we'll be talking about
why Sean cried.
And we'll see you then.
Bye-bye. Thank you. That was a Hidgum Original.