No Agenda - 1586 - "Escaped Mutant"

Episode Date: August 31, 2023

No Agenda Episode 1586 - "Escaped Mutant" "Escaped Mutant" Executive Producers: Sir Sonderegger of Bluffwoods Adam urbano Just Sir Allen Gareth White Martin Schels Dana Brunetti - Governor of the s...tate of El Dorado Baron Daniel Stephen Draper Sir Kevin Dills Evan Andrew Newton Richie DePaoli Associate Executive Producers: Jim Donaldson Scott the Welder Adam Cover Liz Pople Brittain Adamson anonymous Linda Lupatkin Paul Hearn Dame Patricia Become a member of the 1587 Club, support the show here Boost us with with Podcasting 2.0 Certified apps: Podverse - Podfriend - Breez - Sphinx - Podstation - Curiocaster - Fountain Title Changes Sir Daniel > Baron Daniel Knights & Dames Emma > Dame Emma "Huntress of Unicorns" Dustin Sonderegger > Sir Sonderegger of Bluffwoods Allen > Just Sir Allen Art By: Dirty Jersey Whore - End of Show Mixes: Phantomville - Toby - TH The Wrathful and his Human Resources Engineering, Stream Management & Wizardry Mark van Dijk - Systems Master Ryan Bemrose - Program Director Back Office Jae Dvorak Chapters: Dreb Scott Clip Custodian: Neal Jones Clip Collectors: Steve Jones & Dave Ackerman NEW: and soon on Netflix: Animated No Agenda No Agenda Social Registration Sign Up for the newsletter No Agenda Peerage ShowNotes Archive of links and Assets (clips etc) Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used) RSS Podcast Feed Full Summaries in PDF No Agenda Lite in opus format has an RSS feed or show torrents Last Modified 08/31/2023 16:59:54This page created with the FreedomController Last Modified 08/31/2023 16:59:54 by Freedom Controller  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Whoa! I'm Adam Curry. And from Northern Silicon Valley, where next-level privacy is just a click away, I'm John C. Dvorak. It's Crackpot and Buzzkill. In the morning. Wait, wait, wait. I want some of that next-level privacy. Where can I get some? Is that on Graphene OS?
Starting point is 00:00:35 Just a click away. It's just a click away. Is it Graphene OS? Is that where you get next-level privacy? No, that message actually came up on Firefox. Oh, thanks, Firefox. Yeah, that makes sense. Man, it's beautiful here.
Starting point is 00:00:50 It's finally cooled down. We're in the mid-90s. We're good. We're good to go. It was like 80 here yesterday. It was just horrible. Oh, for you guys. Yeah, well, you have no air conditioning there, so you're not used to that it's bad for you it's bad for you people it's bad
Starting point is 00:01:09 oh man there's so much fun stuff going on i mean at least for the show i mean you know not fun for a lot of people involved but like what oh i mean where do I even start? We have another coup in Africa? Oh, yeah, I've got some Gabon clips. It's not a good idea to start with Africa. And by the way... That turns people off. People are like, oh, Africa. I don't want to listen to this podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Again, it's oil and uranium by coincidence. Well... And France. Yes, France. This is my, you know what, should we do it? Do you have a,
Starting point is 00:01:47 how many clips do you have? I actually have two competing clips. Okay. They're both rundowns. They're both rundowns. I think they're interesting. I am stunned
Starting point is 00:01:56 that our listeners, audience, and producers, is that you? No. Oh, no, it's me. Hold on a second. What do you have?
Starting point is 00:02:03 What's going on? I got a, oh, no, Windows update. Restart. Oh, no, it's me. Hold on a second. What do you have? What's going on? I got a, oh, no. Windows update. Restart. Oh, no. So now it says restart now. I'll try to not click on that by accident.
Starting point is 00:02:15 No, no, don't do that. You can do restart now. Pick a time. Pick a time. And snooze. Snooze it. Snooze. Don't pick a time.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Snooze. That's been snoozed. You know what? I'll actually lead us in i'll lead into your clips with uh douchebag doug uh on france 24 oh you can't beat douchebag you can't beat douchebag doug you're right he's countered him there's a he says there's eight or nine coups i think it's actually 10 but uh let's get a little overview for someone tuning in if they haven't you know gone to sleep with sleep with their map of Africa in front of them, they're like, what is going on? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Oh, John, did you go to sleep with your map of Africa in front of you like douchebag Doug tells you to do? I mean, he tells you to do that, which is actually not a bad idea, to be honest. For someone tuning in, if they haven't, you know, gone to sleep with their map of Africa in front of them, they're like, what is going on here? Everyone in the world is like, what is going on in Gabon? I'm so interested. This is the problem with media. Nobody cares. Nobody.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Nobody cares at all. There's not a single report on American television I could find of any substance about what's been happening in Africa. This is now coup number 10. This endemic, is this some sort of coup contagion? A scourge of coups across Africa. I think it's important to sort of pick them apart because, you know, otherwise it becomes this tired old cliche, another African nation with beleaguered bad governance having a coup. We have seen several very recently, right? Burkina Faso, Mali, which were clearly military junta's taking over why it had to do with the fight
Starting point is 00:03:46 against insurgencies. Doug has got to be cashing checks from intelligence agencies left and right. They're just like, hey, tell them it's just some juntas because of ISIS or tell them something, Doug, do whatever. Here's your check. Mainly sort of this grievance against what they saw as incompetent leadership, not effectively battling the jihadist insurgents. There it is. We can do a better job. We're stepping in. Sudan was also a slightly separate case, right?
Starting point is 00:04:13 How does that even work? How does it even work when you say people are dissatisfied with the leadership of African nations because they're not doing enough against ISIS. But wouldn't that be the military doing that already? And so the military is like, well, you're not letting us kill enough of them? The first thing that comes to mind when he says that is the same thing you just said. Yeah, that's...
Starting point is 00:04:41 We could do a better job. You're supposed to be doing the job now. And we can do a better job. You're supposed to be doing the job now. We can do a better job. We're stepping in. Sudan was, you know, also a slightly separate case, right? There's an enraging, ongoing civil war, if you will, between two vying leaders there. And that's more of an... No, it's between two factions of military, not leaders, Doug.
Starting point is 00:05:01 ...military conflict. Not so much about jihadist insurgency, but about vying clans and factions within the military. So, and Niger, we know once again, sort of cues to that jihadist insurgency. Military hunters saying, we can do this fight better. We have the people's interest at heart. Gabon is a separate case in the sense that we've had, yes, a string of coups. In Gabon, it literally is squarely aimed at what the coup leaders see as the absolute incompetence, the massive fraud, the allegations of corruption against what has become essentially a ruling dynasty, a clan in this country. He kind of skips over the entire election fraud that's being claimed and that once again it's the military who's stepping in he kind of he kind of just skirts around that it was you know the military
Starting point is 00:05:51 breaks in during the celebration of this uh you know this this son of the sun and says hey you know this was a scam this was you had uh what they called it um shortened results you know like oh we had preliminary results and you just said we won. And no, no, we're stepping in. The country has been independent from France since 1960, right? But it has essentially been led for all but seven of those years by one family, the Bongo dynasty.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Bongo, Bongo. First by the father and since 2009 by the son, who had been just until yesterday elected to a third term uh and it's against him okay all right so there you go thanks thanks doug thanks doug all right now we go to your clips you know the funny thing is the funny thing is is that doug works for france 24 and you'd think you think he'd know exactly why why this is going down. Because France is all up to their ears in this. Oh, crap. Now, let me play my second clip from Al Jazeera,
Starting point is 00:06:51 because this will just strengthen it for you. They have a term. They have a term. Well, the situation there in Gabon. This is Al Jazeera, by the way. It marks the 10th coup or attempted takeover in West and Central Africa in the last three years. Al Jazeera is the only one being honest about it. Regional leaders are still trying to negotiate a return to democracy in Niger after last month's coup there.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Burkina Faso saw two coups last year. In the second instance, Captain Ibrahim Tarore forced out his own military colleague last September. In 2021, Ghanaian soldiers took power from President Alpha Conde, who was seeking a controversial third term. And Mali has also seen two coups since 2020, both of them orchestrated by the current leader, Asimi Goita. What could be the common denominator amongst all these countries? Ahmed Idris joins us now live from Miami. That's the capital of Niger, where the last military coup took place just last month. And Ahmed, we're hearing some people already calling this a francophone spring. The francophone spring. All right. over to your clips. Great term.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yes. All right, well, I've got two competing clips. They're trying to say the same thing. And this today is my twice, well, no, once every two months, Democracy Now! A bonanza. You're going to hit that one first? Well, let's start with ntd the competitor as to hit that one first and then go to democracy now this is ntd caban's president ali bongo whose family have ruled the country for 56 years was named winner of a presidential
Starting point is 00:08:41 election today only for military officers to appear on television minutes later to announce that they had seized power. David Doyle reports. Crowds cheered the military in Gabon on Wednesday after a group of senior officers claimed to have seized power. That television announcement came just minutes after incumbent President Ali Bongo had been announced the winner of a recent election. The officers, who said they represented all Gabonese security and defense forces, said they had decided to defend peace by putting an end to the current regime. The general elections of August 26th, 2023, as well as the truncated results are canceled. The borders are closed until...
Starting point is 00:09:27 No one really explains this, the truncated. Was the truncated alerts, was that because they just said, oh, we win? Without even counting all the votes? Was that the idea? What's the point? You know the results. The borders are closed. What other country does that sound like?
Starting point is 00:09:40 I'm trying to think. What other country does the media call the elections? arizona oh yeah that's right the borders are closed until further notice all institutions of the republic are dissolved and i love that they're they're dissolving the institutions we need one of these family has ruled oil producing but poor gabon for more than half a century his detractors say he has done little to channel the country's oil wealth towards the Bongo's family has ruled oil-producing but poor Gabon for more than half a century. His detractors say he has done little to channel the country's oil wealth towards the population, a third of whom live in poverty. There was no immediate comment from Gabon's government and no immediate reports on Bongo's whereabouts.
Starting point is 00:10:25 He'd been announced the winner of a third term with nearly two-thirds of the vote but there were concerns over the transparency of the electoral process amid a lack of international observers as well as an internet blackout and nighttime curfew after the poll the military takeover if successful will be west and central africa's eighth coup since 2020 no one can make up their mind eight nine ten it's ten we've lost it depends on when you're going to start counting if they say since 2020 oh yeah that's a good point that's a good point that's one number and if you go back just a few more years it goes up and it keeps going up hold on okay so that was Amy Goodman you telegraphed it. So here is another.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Now, this one, I think, is since they come from a perspective from the Middle Eastern perspective, because I believe it's Qatar that pays the bills. The democracy now are one of those places. And Bahrain, one of them. And so this is the same, almost exactly the same, except there's some details they add. Soldiers in Gabon declare they're seizing power and nullifying recent elections as they took to national television earlier today. The general elections of August 26, 2023, as well as the truncated results, are canceled. The borders are closed until further notice. All institutions of the republic are dissolved.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Earlier in the day, Gabon's National Election Authority announced President Ali Bongo Ondimba has been re-elected for a third term in Saturday's election, which was marred by delays and decried by opposition leader Albert Ando Ossa as a fraud. Bongo, who's reportedly being held under house arrest, has already served two seven-year terms. His family has been in power for over half a century. Critics accuse Bongo of not using the West African nation's oil and natural resource wealth to improve the lives of one-third of the population living in poverty. The French oil giant Total Energies is Gabon's main distributor of petroleum products.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Gabon freed itself from French rule in 1960. As soldiers drove through the capital, Libreville, residents took to the streets to cheer them on. If successful, it would be the eighth coup in west africa and central africa since 2020 interesting that she used the same stat since yeah i find that interesting since there's a disparate uh operation this is at least this is francophony but you have this totalo is really running the country obviously well so this is this is the obvious conclusion regardless of of who is doing this how it's happening it certainly seems coordinated where we have the military of all these francophony countries um committing to french well no but listen
Starting point is 00:13:20 we already blew up the pipelines. We've screwed Germany. We convinced them to shut down their nuclear plants. They're no longer a positive producing country. What's the only other country in Europe that we need to shut down with their energy with their resources is france europe is this is an attack on europe and it can only be us this would make some well i'm still not unconvinced that it's us and the russians together pulling this off.
Starting point is 00:14:18 And of course, the interesting factoid that came up, and I don't have a clip, but I'm going to probably write it up, is that we're actually pumping more oil now than we did during the Trump administration. I know, I know. I saw this as well. I was like, what? And there's more licenses going? It's really interesting. Yeah, so it's a scam. I don't want to use the word. It's a scam. I didn't say nothing. You can say it. It's a scam. It's a scam.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Yeah, so there's something phony baloney about the whole Biden policies. And they're pumping oil like it's no tomorrow. The gas prices are high. But by the way, I'm not even bothering to put in the red book, gas prices at the pump at the moment are ridiculously high, and they're blaming it on one refinery, oh, it went down, and blah.
Starting point is 00:14:54 It's bull crap. Climate change. They're storing the gas. They're just, they're gouging us, which they like to do when they can. And believe me, the day after, what's the day? There's a holiday, Labor? There's probably Labor Day.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Yeah, Labor Day is Monday. Yeah, when Labor Day comes and goes, the prices of gasoline will plummet and Biden will take credit for it. The day after Labor Day, wouldn't it be good to do it just before the Labor Day holiday? Enjoy your holiday, everybody. No, I'm saying they're going to plummet. I know. Why would you do it before the holiday? To look good your holiday, everybody. No, I'm saying they're going to plummet. I know. Why would you do it before the holiday? To look good.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Oh, please. What am I saying? Wow. What am I saying? Who are you thinking? I need to go whip myself. What am I? I completely blew the scam.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Let's just, the jury will disregard that remark. That was very bad of me. Of course we keep it going through the Labor Day holiday now, but we're still there there's, and we have to go into climate change because every right now,
Starting point is 00:16:00 anything government does that is that they mess up, which is everything it's climate change. It's like, it doesn't matter what happened. Climate change. Oh, oh, oh, you know know this what's happening in africa climate change everything is is climate change i'm sorry maui fire climate change greece fire climate change uh gasoline prices climate change uh white supremacists killing black people in america climate change everything's climate change and there is on deck for the for labor day starting labor day i think september 4th and this is where where we really shine hey what's your birthday by the way just sunday sunday this sunday september 3rd this sunday
Starting point is 00:16:39 yes it was the 3rd of september that date i'll always remember yes i will right because it's the day all right um so they're still running climate change bullcrap in africa and they've got this guy joseph nganga joseph nganga and he's in uh he's in kenya listen to this guy joseph and ganya joined the rockefeller foundation in 2020 as executive director power and climate africa before joining rockefeller joseph co-founded and grew response ability renewable energy holdings to 121 million dollar company that builds owns and operates renewable energy projects across sub-saharan africa um he graduated with a liberal arts degree from queens university of charlotte take an executive education program governing for non-profits at harvard business school but no no he's just your typical african
Starting point is 00:17:39 guy running the climate summit the summit is looking uh and it it's on September 4th to the 6th, and it also partners with the Africa Climate Week, also happening during the same week into the 9th of September. And the mission of this summit is really to address climate finance in the context of a green growth approach for Africa. So it's a climate-positive narrative on how Africa will develop while addressing the challenges and the opportunities of climate change. And the emphasis is on a new global financial architecture that really emphasizes capital that unlocks the potential of the continent from renewable energy to green minerals and manufacturing
Starting point is 00:18:26 to nature and to agriculture in a way that drives development on the continent while also providing solutions to the world from a climate perspective. When you talk about the outcomes of COP27, yes, the discussions on loss and damage need to go further, the amount of money required. And even before that, the 100 billion committed, while important, is hardly sufficient for the quant of money required to address the climate crisis. And so what we're hoping to address in the Nairobi Summit is a clear voice from the continent offering solutions from what the continent has to offer, but requiring that the world engages in a fair agreement, sharing of technology to unlock these resources on the continent.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Unlock the resources. Money. Just money. And this is Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Clinton Health Initiative. The elites are all over here doing climate finance. And meanwhile, some smart people are bringing down Europe. Get out of Europe while you can, people. It's the new California. So climate change is to blame for everything. Climate change, climate change.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Oh, oh, turbulence. Well, 11 people had to be hospitalized after severe turbulence on a delta flight to atlanta the flight coming from milan italy landed safely 165 people were on board but none of those injuries considered life threatening that turbulence though hit just as the plane approached atlanta and you know this so they're a little confused, like just as the plane approached Atlanta, it was on its approach. It was going in the new climate change regulated descent profile, which means you do not go step by step and then, you know, to avoid turbulent areas or what they're calling clean air turbulence. Yeah, we should have a reference point for the show. You explained this in great detail.
Starting point is 00:20:23 You had, it was a great explanation. And and just to summarize instead of going around the turbulence now you have to go through it whether you like it or not and we witnessed this on our way back from italy coincidental yeah on the klm city hopper uh and even tina noticed and i don't think she was thinking of it the way we do said this is a this is a very weird descent we're going through. We've been descending forever. I said, yeah, because normally you wouldn't notice it back in the old days before climate change. You know, they'd drop down a couple thousand feet,
Starting point is 00:20:55 go at that level. Turbulence is behind us, drop down another couple thousand feet. Any more turbulence? No, go drop. No, now they're just going, because then they can retard the engines, a perfect use of the word retard retard the engines and then basically glide to save the earth and get some people in the hospital it's the latest case of severe turbulence
Starting point is 00:21:17 for air travelers 14 people injured on this delta flight to atlanta from milan italy we're gonna have some paramedics coming on board to handle any issues in the back. Passengers tossed through the cabin just minutes before landing. I honestly thought we were crashing. One passenger appeared to suffer a head injury, some taken off the plane on stretchers. The woman in the aisle next to me flew up and hit the overhead bin. Everyone's stuff kind of just flew out of the seats. FAA data shows an increase in turbulence-related injuries,
Starting point is 00:21:51 and a recent British study found a 55% increase in recent decades of severe clear-air turbulence on a North Atlantic route. Researchers citing climate change as a factor attributing changes in wind speed to warmer air. Our aviation expert has this takeaway for travelers. Please keep your seatbelt fastened when you're in your seat and minimize walking around the cabin. In response to the Delta incident, the airline thanked the first responders
Starting point is 00:22:17 who met the plane and provided medical attention. Yeah, climate change, of course, climate change. Now, again, government servants, slaves of the people who are screwing up royally are blaming everything on climate change. And now the governor of Hawaii, he's really taken it to the extreme. He's, oh, this is so horrible what happened has nothing to do with us being incompetent um certainly doesn't have anything to do with direct energy weapons but nothing to do with us being incompetent it's climate change and we have new terms truth be told this was a natural disaster the fire occurred god knows the specific details of the beginning and we'll try to find that out but in an era of extreme climate Do you notice how he just kind of walks over that? The fire started...
Starting point is 00:23:08 We'll figure that out. The specific details of the beginning, and we'll try to find that out. Don't worry about the specific details of the beginning. It's just... It's climate change. In an era of extreme climate... Oh, there you go. Thank you. When you have a storm
Starting point is 00:23:23 with 81 mile per hour winds that created a fire hurricane fire hurricane there it is new term fire hurricane fire hurricane ah fire hurricane sorry we have to acknowledge that sorry no i didn't do that that was a mistake i didn't mean that it's not clip of the day and i cut it no off. No, it's not. And I cut it off. It was a mistake. It was a slip of the finger. It seemed to be at the ready. I thought I thought I was actually hitting the climate change, but it was the wrong pad. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:23:56 It's the same color. We have to acknowledge that we are in a different world now. And that is why you're seeing that kind of fire. Just so you know, we're in a different world right now. I'm not incompetent we're not incompetent with you know turning the water off or blocking people's uh access roads to get out or um let me see what else uh not turning the power off turning the power off or not letting the sirens go we're in a different world now you've got to understand this the winds actually all those things not turning the water on not turning the power off yeah not sounding the
Starting point is 00:24:29 alarm is all because of climate change it's all climate change measures yes the winds and i've heard this from the survivors oh i've heard this from the survivors i haven't heard a single survivor say this josh roared that fire paints them faster than their cars could drive in some cases it was a miracle that uh people got to safety but like i said we will never make an excuse we will find better ways to protect people we'll never make an excuse like fire hurricane i hope it will be a global he just is making excuse after excuse there's a lot there's a lot of wjzbjz. I mean, it's crazy. Let's continue. What did you just say?
Starting point is 00:25:10 There's a lot of WJBJZ going on. What does that mean? What you say, bang yourself. Oh, but like I said, we will never make an excuse. We will find better ways to protect people. But I hope it will be a global conversation about the reality on the ground because people can be saved if we're better. Oh, a global conversation. All right. the ground because people can be saved if we're better oh a global conversation all right so that was msnbc i want to shame this guy a little more because he is he can't even say i'm sorry you know i haven't even heard him say it once even like i'm sorry it happened you don't have to do not let these people get away with this they need
Starting point is 00:25:43 to be fired and and removed from their positions. And people need to stand up and put new people in. You've got to get these failed servants out. So this is now CNN. What we are really uncovering is what the world needs to be aware of. Oh, be aware. Be aware, world. Which is, in this case, in this case, for the first time ever in Hawaii.
Starting point is 00:26:04 First time ever. What are case for the first time ever in hawaii first time ever what are the chances first time ever we had essentially a fire hurricane it's a i mean it's the first time ever we had a fire i mean did you know that this was this is this one for the record books fire hurricane let me see have we ever heard of a fire hurricane before? Well, I'll do a little research while you're playing this idiot. Which is to say a hurricane that had just passed left us with 60 to 81 mile per hour winds. Those winds fanned a very hot flame across a very dry planet, in this case part of Hawaii. Planet? So the fire itself moved.
Starting point is 00:26:42 How did the fire start, Josh? Between 60 and 81 miles per hour across that part of the community which meant that it overwhelmed the fire trucks that were there it overwhelmed cars it overwhelmed people it destroyed the infrastructure the pipes and the wires so quickly that the typical warnings the warnings that we normally use on the Internet and through cell phones, they became immobilized. Wow. This is the biggest lie ever. The biggest.
Starting point is 00:27:10 The fire started way before any of this fire hurricane took place. Now he's saying, well, you know, it took out all the wires. It took out the water. The fire hurricane took out the water. You just heard him say that. He didn't have water because the fire hurricane burned the water. And with fire that was upwards of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, it destroyed infrastructure so rapidly that nobody could get in.
Starting point is 00:27:35 And I want to tell the world that... No, no one could get out either. I'm not making this political. There is a great challenge with a climate affected world. It is drier. It's hotter. We all know that. From 1953 to 2003, we had six fire emergencies.
Starting point is 00:27:54 In this month, we've had six fire emergencies in Hawaii. Must be climate change. So we just want people to be realistic and know that they're going to have to increase fire response. They're going to have to increase modalities of alert. These are the lessons we're learning about brush control. And yes, I'll hold anyone accountable that made human error. I can't say at this point what the scope of that is. That's why we have independent investigators and people to review this mostly so we can learn uh to share
Starting point is 00:28:26 with the world oh we're going to get a muller report for the independent investigators i will hold anybody responsible resign my friend resign because you will be driven out tar and feathered when people really figure out the truth here's a closing statement from this jim moke and you make such a good point because at this hour at this hour john how are you at this hour what do you feel what are you feeling at this hour is it everything okay with you at this hour a little indigestion maybe and you make such a good point because at this hour there are wildfires raging everywhere from canada to greece and what does that firefighting prevention look like?
Starting point is 00:29:06 As you know, there are so many jurisdictions that are understaffed in firefighting, but as you say, not prepared for the catastrophic events that have just never happened before. They're just papering over the whole catalyst for this. The whole issue of land management, brush management uh poor electrical infrastructure because they put money into you know the future of dc grid or whatever they were planning on doing we're just moving beyond that into fires happen hurricane fires make it worse these fires climate change combined with not enough resources in oh we need more need more money. Almost every corner of the world will mean that we will have to prepare ourselves
Starting point is 00:29:48 to deal with the impact of these super storms and the potential risks to our people. Super storms. Oh, no. So an industry will grow that will revolve around new technologies to alert people. New technologies to alert people.
Starting point is 00:30:03 You mean like pushing a button, a hunk, and a horn? Yeah. Exactly. Probably. Here, we've got a new technology for you. Fire! Fire!
Starting point is 00:30:15 The satellite technology, because if we had had satellite phones. Oh, if we had satellite phones. Oh, if only we had satellite phones. Everybody needs a satellite phone. Maui, everyone's going to get an iPhone with with satellite technology if only we had that we would have saved everybody at least satellite technology because if we had had satellite phones all over ham radio people there you go i'd like technology because if we had had satellite phones all over uh lahaina we would have been able to get the alert and people would have shared it amongst
Starting point is 00:30:42 their neighbors no the guy didn't send the alert out we didn't forget he said no no no because if i sent that alert out people would have walked into the fire because you know you're hawaiian favorite you're hawaiians you're stupid you know like oh no i hear a siren let me think is it north korea shooting a missile is it a tsunami i think i'll walk toward the fire that's's one of many, many things that could be done. And then there'll have to be a better approach to water. Oh, yes. Like not turning it off. Here's an approach we suggest at the NO Agenda Show.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Coastal areas, island states, we're the most isolated landmass in the world. We're going to have to... You're surrounded by water. Probably have to really lean heavily into technologies that produce extra water that requires energy and energy research ah climate change money the whole world is going to have changed its approach if it wants to prevent these incidents from happening okay well we already brought it up this is happening everywhere and of course greece now has the largest fire ever in recorded EU history. Ever. Ever. It's amazing. The EU spokeshole had to come out and talk about it.
Starting point is 00:31:51 But then listen to France 24's on-the-spot Greek lady reporter. So most notably in Greece's Alexandropolis region, we are facing the largest wildfire ever recorded in the EU. In this context, we have mobilized 12 aircraft from our rescue fleet, together with over 500, actually 400 firefighters and 60 vehicles. Well, for more, let's go to Greece and correspondent Natalie Savarakis. Greece is a country that takes fire prevention seriously, yet there are arrests and accusations of arson yes and this has been since
Starting point is 00:32:29 all right so he's saying he's actually he's asking a very good question he's saying wait a minute you know i mean these fires there's a lot of talk about arson in fact wasn't it 79 people they arrested that's the news i think 78 or 79 people i didn't know it's that many uh let me just check for a second uh greece fires uh yeah if you have a bunch of arsonists in your in your population setting a place on fire every which way greece that's gonna greece wildfires 79 people arrested for arson bbc news so it's probably sounds like a it sounds like it's like a uh like arsonists well arsonists but it sounds like they're organized now you're talking let's see how we can talk around that we yet there are arrests and accusations of arson yes and this
Starting point is 00:33:20 has been since uh 2007 this has been the largest recorded fire in Greece. Talking point. And traditionally, Greeks have been treating these massive fires with a lot of skepticism and to how much of it is actually climate change. Well, what are we going to do? People, wait a minute. Wait a minute. People are skeptical about the climate change message?
Starting point is 00:33:47 Let me think. So you've got almost 80 arsonists lighting your whole area on fire, and then you're blaming it on climate change instead of blaming it on the arsonists? And they're skeptical? Let's hear how this lady weasels her way out. The tinderbox conditions of dryness as well, or actually arson, because sometimes what we see following these big blazes are constructions or who else could there be to blame?
Starting point is 00:34:15 And that is the big question. And, of course, in the criticism level against Prime Minister Mitsotaki, he's been criticized of lack of coordination, lack of preparation, lack of personnel, lack of equipment, you know. He's responded, yes, on the one hand, there is climate change, which has been extreme this year and coming from a Greek leader, because we haven't really seen such a massive scale of forestation in Greece. But also, he's pointed the finger to arsonists, and there has been a Supreme Court judge that's ordered an investigation to look into this. Now, we're... Wait a minute. 79 people have been arrested and all the france lady great greece lady has to say is there's going to be an investigation into this she mentioned earlier in her little
Starting point is 00:35:13 tirade there where she's humming a humming that uh it's funny how after there's this big fire yes construction takes place and they build a big building or something. This is a cheap way to clear areas. But also he's pointed the finger to arsonists and there has been a Supreme Court judge that's ordered an investigation to look into this. Now, we're very curious, of course, Greece, to see what results will come back. Greece to see what results will come back because the big question mark of course is who can benefit from such an arson because this cannot only be um just a pyrobanic to just set some fires so a big question marks there then an investigation will seek to answer big question marks there oh big question marks we're not sure it's it's climate change but big question marks about
Starting point is 00:36:03 some arson I don't really know. I don't know. Let's talk about a non-fire event in the United States. CBS's Major Garrett brings it. Extreme weather events are more frequent and more costly than ever. It must be climate change. That is not a political statement. It's a researchable fact.
Starting point is 00:36:23 It's not a political... Did you hear that lady? Who was it said? No, josh green also said i'm not saying this to be political this is all the same talking point this is this is the new talking point this is not politics people do you remember the governor saying that yeah everybody says it it's like yeah i have a clue there's a fire there was a fire in the United States, which has a funny remark. Play this clip. This is Louisiana's fire. Here in the United States, wildfires in southwestern Louisiana killed two people and scorched roughly 60,000 acres as of Tuesday. Governor John Bel Edwards said the fires are the worst Louisiana has experienced since at least the Second World War amidst a record-breaking drought. Okay, was there a record-breaking drought
Starting point is 00:37:13 after the Second World War? She makes it very unclear. But if it happened after the Second World War, and now it happened again. It's not climate change. It's not climate change. It's a return. It's climate return to World War II times. Let's not climate change. It's not climate change. It's a return. It's climate return to World War II times. Let's get back to Major Garrett. Extreme weather events are more frequent and more costly than ever. That is not a political statement. It's a researchable fact.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Researchable fact. No, it's not true. We just heard a researchable fact that a Louisiana fire was was the worst since 1946 so it's not the worst ever it's for a while so the first six months of this year insured losses to extreme weather events exceeded 34 billion dollars this is so state of fear michael crichton state of fear now in in michael crichton state of fear and he died a few years after he wrote that book, and he was a staunch climate denialist. It was such a parallel to what we're living in now,
Starting point is 00:38:12 where the elites would fly around in their jets, and they would say, oh, we've all got to do things to stop climate change. And meanwhile, they had a group up in the north pole or the or the arctic can't remember where it was and they were placing explosive charges to blow off this huge chunk of ice and that would be the proof that climate change was real this is a much easier way of doing it just it's a hot warm summer it's called summer let's torch the place and then you know pretend like we'll have an investigation into the arsonists it seems logical to me that is the
Starting point is 00:38:54 highest amount ever recorded in a six-month period in america in a six-month period wow the amount i just gave you 34 billion dollars does not account for damages in Maui from a wildfire fueled in part by drought and winds from Hurricane Dora. It does not account for Hurricane Idalia that is now churning through Georgia, but has already brought historic storm surge and attended damage to parts of Big Bend, Florida. If you thought this was a matter of concern only for those in the path of extreme weather events, think again. Across the country, insurance companies are raising property insurance rates to compensate for losses suffered to weather events and losses that are sure to come. The economics of extreme weather insurance are, in a word, ugly. Since January of 2022, 31 states have seen double-digit rate increases on property insurance.
Starting point is 00:39:50 In six states, those increases were between 20% and 30%. This is called the climate change surcharge. It's starting to show up on people's insurance policies, on their homeowners' policies. Yeah, it's a gouge. Yeah, it's a scam, exactly. Scam. It's not as though, on people's insurance policies, on their homeowners' policies. Yeah, it's a gouge. Yeah, it's a scam, exactly. Scam.
Starting point is 00:40:06 While you're doing this, I'm going to take a quick look and see what we'll take. Give me the name of one insurance company. Progressive. Progressive, okay. I mean, it's libtard right in the title. Progressive, come on. it's got to be the guys do they have climate change uh surcharges no I'm not looking at that oh okay I want to see how much money they made are they all losing their ass oh okay well you look at that and then I will
Starting point is 00:40:41 play my wjz bjz clip of the day so this is the dutch saying but you say what you say of others you are yourself what you say of others you are yourself it's only a minute but this is john kerry he is our current climate czar and this is him speaking in scotland about the climate denialists that would be you and i john so no i'm about the climate denialists. That would be you and I, John. No, I'm not a climate denialist. I believe there is a climate. Man-made climate change deniers, and who see through this obvious scam,
Starting point is 00:41:19 and criminal scam, I dare say, because it looks like fires are being set and purposely not being put out and then all of a sudden there's construction so here he is going to accuse of accuse us of what he is guilty of himself and it's a doozy without facts or economics on their side they flatly deny what is happening to our planet and what we must do to save it. They incite a movement against what they falsely label climate change fanaticism, as they conveniently forget that the dictionary definition of a cult
Starting point is 00:41:56 is the dismissal of facts in devotion to a lie. Wow. Maybe you, Kerry? And while they refuse to accept the facts behind increasingly obvious damages, which the First Minister listed, they lash out at the truth-tellers instead and label indisputable evidence
Starting point is 00:42:18 as hysteria. They compound the already difficult challenge of the climate crisis by promising to do more of exactly what created this crisis in the first place. Exactly what you're doing. Crisis. Now, humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself. Be afraid of your own selves, people. You are the problem. By those seducing people into buying into a completely fictitious alternative reality where we don't need to act and we don't even need to care.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Exactly. Thank you. All right, here we go. Just explained himself. Progressive. Stock price, 133 bucks. Revenue, 15 billion up 33 percent get that number by the way 33 33 not that but 33.3 percent up year to year hold on baby it's the magic number yeah
Starting point is 00:43:20 no scam here it's the magic number don't't look over here. Nothing to see here. Ooh, look at that. All right, 33. Yes, a lot of 33s. Net income is up 163%. Diluted EPS is up. Earnings per share is up 160%. Net profit margins up 147%.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Operating income's up 244%. This is bull crap. Time to raise the prices because we can't afford to insure everybody anymore. Yeah, that's a lie. That's just a lie. It's a lie. Now, the big lie, and I got some Holland news that ties into this. This is where the rubber meets the road, or doesn't meet the road,
Starting point is 00:44:01 as the ULEZ in London, the ultra-low emission zone, which were these little pockets of London. ULEZ. I don't want anyone going. They have the cameras and we've got the blade runners out there trying to bring the cameras down. Well, forget about it. Instead of trying to maintain little pockets of London where you get, we have to, I think it's 12 pounds or something if you want to drive in that area during the day. You know what? Screw you, people. London has a new title under its belt. The city is now the largest area in the world with a price
Starting point is 00:44:37 on pollution. In a bid to clean up London's air, the ultra low emission zone scheme has expanded to encompass the entire capital. Motorists driving anywhere within it with vehicles that do not meet the standards will face a charge of £12.50, taking road rage to a whole new level. The plan was given the green light nine months ago, yet up to 780,000 motorists in London are still scrambling to sell cars which do not meet minimum emissions standards. In the last six months, almost 2 million vehicles have changed hands. And that's up by over 70,000 in the same period in 2022.
Starting point is 00:45:17 We need to start looking at the second-hand vehicle market. So you hear now that people are like, i have the wrong car it's it's a polluting car it's a dirty dirty dirty car i need to get a new car i should probably get an electric vehicle because that's what they're telling me they buy an electric vehicle do you know the biggest problem with the electric vehicle market there's no second-hand. Nobody in their right mind will buy a secondhand EV. No, it costs more to replace the battery. Exactly. Than the car's worth.
Starting point is 00:45:52 So there's no secondhand market. Remember the Netherlands? I was talking to Taxi Eric about the problem with the electrical grid. Can't handle the amount of EVs that are now charging at night. And boom, right on cue, the news is now having your own car, your own car in the near future is not guaranteed because not everybody can have an electric vehicle you certainly can't have an internal combustion engine vehicle but we can't so you're gonna have to share you have to share your car now oh yeah share your car and all of this is being fueled by the media and uh the columbia
Starting point is 00:46:41 school journalism school has an event um Climate Changes Everything, Creating a Blueprint for Media Transformation. This is coming up on September 21st and 22nd. It's called Creating a Blueprint for Media Transformation at the Columbia Journalism School. And I will tell you a little bit about the event. will tell you a little bit about the event. Reporters, editors, and news executives from Agent France Press, the Associated Press, CBS News, Puerto Rico's Center for Investigative Journalism, France Televisions, The Guardian, South Florida's NBC6, Now This, Telemundo Time, Times of India, and The Weather Channel, among many other outlets, large and small, will join with hundreds of colleagues to chart a course for tackling the climate story in ways that
Starting point is 00:47:27 drive attention and impact while highlighting solutions and justice they have a couple of bullet points would you like to hit the bullet points of course bullet point one here from new so if you go to this and i think every every newsroom that respects itself will send at least one representative to learn what the new blueprint is for news. Point one, hear from newsrooms innovating to meet the moment. How can news outlets everywhere treat climate change as a story for every beat, not just silo it on the weather desk oh that sounds good two discuss whether news outlets should still take fossil fuel advertising and how journalists can grapple with climate disinformation we have a great news future we're like shooting fish in a
Starting point is 00:48:22 barrel coming up for us look ahead to the 2024 elections that will have profound implications. Hold on a second. You got to stop. Because you're a journalist. Well, I don't know about that, but I'm not not a journalist. Right on. There's supposed to be a separation between journalists, the whole process on that side of the aisle, and a Chinese wall, as some people like to call it. Yes. Between that and advertising.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Mm-hmm. So now why are they talking to journalists about who can advertise at all? This is a complete violation of journalistic principles they're not supposed to be in there with this are they going to go out with on a sales call you better take that up with the columbia journalism school my friend do you dare go against them yeah we will also look ahead to 2024 elections that will have profound implications for global climate action how can journalists make those implications clear to voters refute misinformation and hold candidates accountable this i think is where you come in and say if this is not political
Starting point is 00:49:37 hold what accountable candidates oh candidates for office. Okay. Next point. Learn from journalists covering and living in frontline communities how to highlight climate justice in our reporting. This doesn't sound like reporting. Sounds like propaganda. Next point. Recognize that telling the entire climate story means not just including solutions
Starting point is 00:50:08 but interrogating those solutions so the public and policymakers know which ones actually work whoa this and this is the news ma'am the news is going to be doing this. Here we go. Plus, get a front row seat to interviews with special guests and global climate luminaries. Woo! I'm a global climate luminary. Climate Changes Everything will be a participatory event with networking breaks, a town hall, and working sessions on key conference themes. We are at a moment of historic opportunity for journalism. Climate coverage around the world is better than ever,
Starting point is 00:50:50 but so much more is needed. More energy, more creativity, more commitment. Let's forge a path forward together. Send me a link to that. Together. Yeah. You have to send me a link. Yeah, well, I'll send you a link.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Maybe I'll go to it. You're not going to get on a link. Yeah, I will. I'll send you a link. Maybe I'll go to it. You're not going to get on a plane. Please. Hosted by the Columbia Journalism Review, the Nation, the Guardian, and Solutions Journalism Network. You have to go to it. You're not going to do it online?
Starting point is 00:51:18 Click here to attend. You're going to make people go to it and waste energy? Well, we have to be together. Let me see. Let me see if you can join online. Let me see. Is there a...
Starting point is 00:51:28 I'm looking now. No, I don't... It's in person. It's in person only. It's free. It's free? It's free. But wait, there's a little information button.
Starting point is 00:51:38 This event is intended to assist working journalists in their climate coverage to give journalists priority when registering for the event. When you reserve a spot, your registration will be added to our list. Journalists will receive a registration confirmation. Acceptance will be based on the order of the registration request received. We're too late for this. Everyone signed up for this one. Oh, I definitely, I should, send me this stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:59 I may violate my current rules. You're not going to get on a plane. You know, if you go there, they're going to out you. Kind of like the invasion of the body snatches. They'll be looking at you like, oh, there he is. He's a podcaster.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Get him out of here. Roust him. Roust him. Yeah, this is the stuff we're dealing with. Yeah, well, it's good for the show. Milan. I have a couple of follow-up clips of this climate thing oh please we love let's start with kids and climate from democracy now
Starting point is 00:52:32 and the committee on the rights of the child said monday governments must address the climate crisis and other environmental emergencies to quote ensure that children are protected from foreseeable premature or unnatural death and threats to their lives and enjoy their right to life with dignity. The formal opinion issued by the U.N. body could be a boon to multiple lawsuits brought by youth around the world over their government's inaction and contribution to climate change. Next month, thean court of human rights will hear a climate case from a group of young people in portugal against 32 countries it's for the children man for the children for the children it's a scare something so let's go to
Starting point is 00:53:20 the now now here's the thing it always gets me and I think that I don't know if they're going to teach this, or if it's, this is something it takes a while to develop. Air pollution is air pollution. Carbon pollution is not even pollution technically, but it's just, you know, CO2. Well, when they say carbon, do they mean carbon dioxide or just carbon? Well, nowadays they mean carbon dioxide, but they say carbon. They're misusing all these phrases.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Yes, that's not, carbon pollution means humans. We are carbon, so you are pollution as a human being. And so Amy has gone down the road of trying to equate air pollution, which is a technical term. And you know, let's just frame this. Yes, I was an air pollution, which is a technical term. And you know, let's just frame this. Yes, I was an air pollution inspector. Just above rat poop inspector.
Starting point is 00:54:11 I had worked for the administrative state for nearly a decade. Yes, you were deep state. No, well, the administrative state, yes. You were deep state. If you want to call it the entire administrative state, which is huge, and the fact that people keep saying, well, we've got to get rid of it.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Good luck. And so as a representative of that group, and I would say an expert on air pollution, it's getting pretty bad what they're trying to do here. And here's Amy's air pollution report. A new report finds air pollution reduces global life expectancy by 2 wildfires and other sources are, quote, the greatest external threat to public health. Unquote. In South Asia, air pollution cuts life expectancy by an average of five years with the air quality in New Delhi, India, leading to a loss of life of more than 10 years on average. of more than 10 years on average i thought you know i'm a i'm now a not a former smoker since november last year i thought it was like 15 years what was this 2.2 years business that's not worth quitting over go back start smoking i might have to start again this is two years who's counting i think it's a lie.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I think so, too. But why? Why this number all of a sudden? It's a weird number. It's weird to say that. I'm throwing this clip in there as like, this is not about climate change, technically. It's about air pollution. Why is it?
Starting point is 00:56:02 And air pollution is not good, obviously. Would you say that our air has gotten a lot cleaner since the 70s? It's super clean compared to the 50s. Sucking on soot? You just have to go visit Beijing and see what bad air looks like. Remember this? Here's an example of how much it's improved. Sucking in soot.
Starting point is 00:56:27 There used to be a running gag about the smog in Los Angeles. Well, dude, now you're asking me to play the whole thing. Obama. For one thing, the smog in Los Angeles was photochemical. It was not soot. Soot is what happened in London, maybe, in the 60s. The London fire. The London fog. The London fog.
Starting point is 00:56:57 That's what it was. There used to be running gags about the smog, smog, smog, because the L.A. basin was a bowl that was very susceptible to developing smog. Smog, hanging there, just hanging, hanging. And nobody talks about smog in L.A. anymore. I haven't heard the word smog forever. Because we got homeless now.
Starting point is 00:57:18 It's much more fun to talk about then. All right, all right. I'm just making a point here. You're trying to submarine me. No, I'm not. I'm just making a point here you're trying to submarine no i'm not i'm just you're the i'm just being the funny man so uh the smog situation is completely lost to history it seems like nobody even knows what it's about now they're bitching and moaning about everything else but uh beijing still has smog and i'm sure new delhi does and it's not healthy everyone knows this no okay um we can move away from climate change i think we're done there i'm done um let's move to the covid comeback because you know there's just a number of people who are still out there
Starting point is 00:57:58 trying to make you love the covid i love the covid comeback. President Biden has signed off on a new funding request for a revamped COVID-19 vaccine that, quote, works. Let's watch. This is my favorite. This is like just putting it in our face. Hey, we're going to take some more money like we already like Gail already told us there CBS mornings. Like, oh, it's going to be free just in time for Halloween. We're going to take more money, your money, your like, oh, it's going to be free just in time for Halloween. We're going to take more money, your money, your money, people, your money, and we're going to get a vaccine.
Starting point is 00:58:30 This time it's going to work. I mean, they're putting it in our face. Mr. President, can you say anything about the object of COVID cases and the ovarian? Yes, I can. As a matter of fact, I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is not necessary, that works. It is tentatively, not decided finally yet, tentatively, it is recommended that, it would likely be recommended that everybody get it, no matter where they got it from. Biden's announcement comes amid a spike in COVID cases and hospitalizations around the country. However, the president will likely face an uphill battle in the upper chamber.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Kentucky Senator Rand Paul already signaled his opposition, posting on X, quote, X. So to recap, one, POTUS is saying the vaccine they're currently promoting and they mandated does not work. Two, he wants more funding for another one. That's a no from me. The rise in COVID cases also prompted the reemergence of mask mandates in some places, but people might want to slow down before going that route. A new study reshared by the National Institutes of Health reveals that N95 masks may expose users to dangerous levels of toxic chemicals that have been linked to seizures and even cancer. This study was led by researchers from Jeonbuk National University in South Korea.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Don't worry. And it found that some disposable masks contain more than eight times the U.S. recommended limit of toxic volatile organic compounds, or TBCS. They also noted that the level of toxicity can be decreased by simply letting the mask air out for 30 minutes before use making fools of people just wave your mask for 30 minutes people wave your mask in the air and party like you just don't care then put it on your face with your TBCS chemicals. And when you're bringing back COVID, you gotta bring back Scarf Lady, Debra Birx, back on ABC. Hey, so, I mean, let's get right into it.
Starting point is 01:00:33 How serious is this COVID surge that we're seeing right now in your eyes? Well, I loved your introduction because you laid it out perfectly. So what does it mean when someone recommends a fall vaccination it means that you're ignoring the summer wave and we've had the summer wave in 2020 2021 2022 and now 2023 it is predictable it's what covid does it's what covid does summer cold it's called the summer cold is what the summer cold does it's what the flu does but. It's what the flu does. But no, it's what COVID does. It has been persistent, but we've had these waves. And so we've never gotten to zero.
Starting point is 01:01:13 The hospital admissions have never gone to zero. Now we're living in this a bit of a fantasy world where we're pretending that COVID is not relevant, but I can tell you, if you can hear my voice and you know two or three people who have COVID, that means that five to 10% of your friends already have COVID. Why is she laughing about that? Why is she laughing that five percent of your friends, which means, I mean, I don't have that many friends, John, so you probably have it. Five percent of my friends have COVID. 5% of my friends have COVID. You can hear my voice. I think it's a lie tell.
Starting point is 01:01:50 No kidding. I think she's lying and she knows it. But she even says, you can hear my voice that I'm lying. If you can hear my voice and you know two or three people who have COVID, that means that 5% to 10% of your friends already have COVID. Why? Why, Debra? That means that there is a% of your friends already have COVID. Why?
Starting point is 01:02:05 Why, Debra? That means that there is a lot of COVID out there. There's a lot of COVID. As far as the boosters then, this booster shot, are these boosters coming too late? Well, the important thing is this is the booster that would have been appropriate for the summer wave. This booster is most likely not going to work with the winter wave. Oh, no. Then why take it?
Starting point is 01:02:29 What? Then why take it? Because President Biden's going to get you one that works. Because we already have a pretty significant escape mutant or escape variant out there. Yes, yes. This is a horrible, horrible, horrible woman. That's beginning. Oh, you loved her.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I did for about 10 days until I saw the lies she was espousing. You know, you sound like my wife. She says, but you loved Deborah Birx in the beginning. I said, yeah, until she started rolling out some data. Okay, well, let's stop you right there.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Your wife and I noticed the same thing. You fell for Deborah Birx because she had a nice scarf on or something. I did. I did. I did. I did. And it wasn't for 10 days. It was months.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Bull crap. Oh, oh, do you want me to grab, bro? No. Okay. Because we already have. It's a waste of time. We know it was months. It's not.
Starting point is 01:03:20 No, it was not. It was 10 days. And when she started showing charts, immediately I went, no, this is not. This is bull crap. And I can prove it. And I will do that on the next show to show you and her. You turning on me. You turncoats.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Where's the love, John? Where's the love? Because we already have a pretty significant escape mutant or escape variant out there. She laughed again. Escape mutants. Because she said escape mutants, she thought it was cute. Escape mutants. Escape mutants.
Starting point is 01:03:50 We've got escaped mutants. Escaped from what? From her. From another lab? Beginning, just like the current variant began like eight weeks ago. We're already beginning to see some evidence of a new variant for which the vaccine probably is not well matched.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Probably? How does she know? Because she's Deborah Birx. She's fully crap. She can't say what she just said can't be said by any scientist. You don't... Probably.
Starting point is 01:04:22 She said probably. You know, she's just making it up. That's her job we're never was any good no no as i recognized right away we're already beginning to see some evidence that's why there's two of us john it's of a new variant for which the vaccine probably is not well matched so the whole point of doing mrna technology you know i just we're never going to get through this clip i like what they did here when she says probably not well matched and they throw a random sound effect in for which the vaccine probably is not well matched so the whole
Starting point is 01:04:59 point of what was that a hospital office or something it? What was that? It's like a sound effect hit. It sounded like somebody wheeling a dead patient by you in a hospital. For which the vaccine probably is not well matched. So the whole point of doing mRNA technology... Ah, now we're getting to it. What was the whole point of doing mrna technology is to give you human software upgrades was to be able to switch out these the mra mrna vaccines that you can tailor make yes so right now yes hold on stop again i you're right we're never going to get
Starting point is 01:05:38 through this clip but did she she don't run clips of her anymore. I got one more. She says technology. She never says vaccine. He has to say vaccine. So the dumb audience that listens to this crap understands what she's talking about. Yes. For which the vaccine probably is not well matched. So the whole point of doing. And she laughs again. The whole point.
Starting point is 01:06:01 mRNA technology was to be able to switch out these the mra mra vaccines that you can tailor make yes so right now yes we should be making the vaccine against this very new variant the b 2.86 so that it is ready in january to really combat what we know will be the winter wave now what's interesting is this summer wave, and each summer wave seems to be coming about two weeks later. And that resulted in our winter wave last year being in January rather than primarily December. And so we should expect a late December, early January wave.
Starting point is 01:06:41 And so we should be making vaccines right now for that wave. It's a lot of waves. They're planning on having two shots a year. Yep. Yep. Yep. Well, there's one more clip. I hate to do it to you,
Starting point is 01:06:54 but there's one more. We'll finish this one with Deborah Birx. I guess my question still remains, why? Like, why aren't more boosters being cranked out? Yeah, we need more boosters. More boosters. We need more boosters because we need money. The president just gave money. Let's crank out some boosters being cranked out and yeah we need more boosters more boosters we need more because we need money ah the president just gave money let's crank out some boosters if it's a
Starting point is 01:07:09 political concern where maybe the administration is thinking like no one wants to take more shots covid's a political liability for us let's just do once a year like the flu is that is that the reason i think we we wanted to make it like flu because Yeah, because it is flu. Easier, but it's never going to be like flu. No. It stays with us in between the waves. We have a summer wave. We have a winter wave. It makes people much sicker than flu.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Many more people die from it than flu. No, exactly the same amount of people died from it. That's died from flu, lie. And by the way, flu does not have this level of long covid and these long side effects wow wow you people a long side effect she's evil she knows it's the vaccine but then flu and by the way flu does not have this level of long COVID and these long side effects. Why is that funny? There are people who are in dire, dire condition and you're laughing.
Starting point is 01:08:14 That we see with COVID. So let's just all agree it's not flu. It will never be flu. Following it and surveying for it. Okay, okay, all right. I'll agree. I i agree it's not fluid will never be flu i hear you dr burks do for flu will never be adequate in this country i believe if if the federal government said to the private sector we need better monoclonal antibodies we
Starting point is 01:08:39 need more antivirals and we need a vaccine against the new variant that's coming the private sector would do it like they did four years ago well yeah that's exactly what's happening now we got some money they're going to do it but it won't be antivirals it won't be ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies off the table remdesivir that's what we want it's not that they need guarantees from the government that they would pay for it. Because now insurance is paying for it. Oh, insurance pays for it. The magical insurance company.
Starting point is 01:09:11 This is magic. The insurance is paying for it. Not the people who pay premiums, just insurance. So what the federal government needs to do is lay out the plan that says we're not done with COVID. COVID's not done with us 250,000 americans died in 2022 we've got to do a better job in 2023 and this is part of our better job wow okay so this lady is insane but the insanity is rife and and i am thinking that there's a big part of American culture, particularly the culture, drivers are just, they want it so bad. They want COVID to come back because they want to be able to identify each other with masks.
Starting point is 01:09:57 They want it. If only it could be the way it was supposed to be. If only COVID was really killing, if only COVID was killing kids, and then if only we had a vaccine that really, really worked, the president is not promising that, if there was a vaccine that really, really, really worked, then people who were anti-vaxxers,
Starting point is 01:10:19 who weren't taking the shot, then we could really call them out as being baby killers baby killers and some people want this so much that they are willing to say it out loud this is sam harris being interviewed on the impact theory podcast on vaccine mandates he is having a mental health event before our very eyes. If you change a few of the variables, I think your ethical intuitions and certainly political intuitions would totally change. So you make it a much more obviously effective vaccine that really does block transmission. It's like a sterilizing vaccine. You make it a much more dangerous virus. You make it a virus that's actually preferentially killing kids rather than old people right so now is it now we're in an environment where like you're deciding not to get vaccinated is putting my kids at risk right do you get to make that choice right and you might say oh yes yeah i
Starting point is 01:11:38 should be able to make that choice as my body you know but dial up the the deadliness of the pathogen. Dial it up. Give us something like airborne Ebola that incubates for a month. You don't know you have it, and you walk around spreading it, and it's got a 75% fatality rate, and it's mostly killing kids. No one gets to make that choice anymore. I mean, then literally the cops come in and vaccinate you. And I would say that all of us would agree to that. The moment, again, that you turn up the lethality on the pathogen,
Starting point is 01:12:15 you turn up the effectiveness of the vaccine, you turn down the risk of the vaccine, give me a truly safe vaccine where there's not even one documented case of vaccine injury, right? So then you just have to be completely crazy to be worried about being vaccinated in that kind of environment. Then it's just a no-brainer. Then we just don't tolerate a diversity of opinion because the stakes are too high. It's a full-on emergency. Bodies of kids are being stacked up in parks, right?
Starting point is 01:12:49 There's so many of them, we don't know what to do with them. We've got these mobile morgues and we have a vaccine that actually works. And then we've got RFK Jr. saying, you know, maybe you don't want to get the jab on Rogan's podcast, right? That's the world I've been worried about ever since COVID.
Starting point is 01:13:10 What the hell is he talking about? He is wishing for everything that is not true. So in his mind, what he really wanted COVID to be, and maybe it can come back again, is it's killing babies. We have mobile morgues. We have babies stacked up in parks. I mean, I think he had an erection when he said that. We have a vaccine that actually works, doesn't harm a single person. Then RFK Jr. would be such a horrible person. RFK Jr., under those circumstances, of everything he described, all those variables, would be all in for the vaccine? He's not an idiot. But this is my point.
Starting point is 01:13:46 The guy is having a mental meltdown because none of this is true. That's what they all thought was happening and what I think he secretly wishes would happen. Like, give me viral Ebola, airborne Ebola, please. Yeah, that would sit around for 30 days, which is like, no vector does that. He's saying dial it up. But let's assume if you invented one that did, that would sit around for 30 days, which is like no vector does that. He's saying dial it up.
Starting point is 01:14:06 But let's assume if you invented one that did, that'd be great. Dial it up. Dial it up. That's literally what he's saying. Dial up. Dial up the lethality. Dial up the effectiveness. Well, we had none of that, Sam Harris.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Well, Sam Harris should be hired by the NIH to coordinate with the next development of the next vaccine combo. Who says they're not already cashing their checks with this kind of talk? And this brings me just to a general observation. So, after Dope Sick, which was produced by
Starting point is 01:14:39 Michael Keaton, didn't quite get the amount of attention that I think it was intended to get and was about the Sackler family and the creation of— Yeah, it was too—I'll give my opinion. It was too ponderous. It was ponderous. And I was like, you could watch the—I watched the first episode and I tried to watch more
Starting point is 01:15:02 and I said, you know what? It's too ponderous. There's not enough hours in the the day for me now no i'm not watching any more of it so they so now they're back to do another series because that now if i were a network executive or i work for netflix let's just say and i see that you know that show michael keaton it had all the right elements okay you know one of our experts said Keaton, it had all the right elements. Okay, you know, one of our experts said it was too ponderous, but it really should have done, it was critically acclaimed. It really should have done much better. You know, let's do another, let's green light another one.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Because why not? Everyone loves the Sackler family. So now we have Painkiller, which is another series about the Sackler family creating the opioid epidemic. And I'm going to call whitewashing on all of it. What this is doing is focusing all attention of evil pharma, evil pharmaceutical companies, the people that run them, the funding they get, and that is to vaccine companies. I mean, Johnson &son paid a bigger fine
Starting point is 01:16:06 than by a factor of four than the sackler family did this is whitewashing the entire evilness of big pharma and putting it all onto one family yeah that's what you do you focus but i want everyone to know that because the focus is, oh, evil Sacklers. Meanwhile, I got 100,000 people a year dying and it's still the evil Sacklers? No, no, no, no, no. It's not even in the picture anymore. Bring back lobotomies, people. We need to do something about this.
Starting point is 01:16:38 It's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. And now we have Vivek. Ramaswami. Vivek, man. Vivek is the... He's being called out as the pharma boy.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Oh, yeah. They're really going... I don't know why they're so freaked about this guy because he's not a genuine threat, but okay. I think they jumped the gun well that's interesting you say that because he he is kind of doing he whenever something comes out he has exactly the right you know he has exactly the right uh the right thing to say hold on this is a short clip from the hills there is an allegation now that
Starting point is 01:17:25 Vivek Ramaswamy made his money by buying a drug that had already failed multiple clinical trials, changing the name of it, having his mother, who's a doctor, writing a new survey, not like a new research, but basically a new survey that indicated the drug could be more promising, having the stock go up on the drug, profiting from that, and then the drug ultimately fails anyway fails anyway so there's definitely scams and it's incumbent on the people who approve these things who have scientific knowledge to actually assess the possibility uh of these interventions being successful so they're going after him and he hold on a second so this guy didn't know this so this guy did the following he spotted a drug that that if it was rebranded and a little research was done, it would benefit the company that was manufacturing this drug and the stock would go up.
Starting point is 01:18:14 And he pulled that off? Yes. Yes, he pulled that off. Wow. Okay. So, but Vivek Ramaswamy comes in did you see that video of him but i want to start i'm going to interrupt you again sure because i'm still thinking about what a genius move this is in terms of just making some quick money in the stock market have that guy run our country
Starting point is 01:18:38 the uh they're what they're trying to do is tarnish him by saying, because of the rebranding thing, as one of the pharma bros. Yes, exactly. You know, that creepy guy that was testifying in Congress. Scarelli. Scarelli. Scarelli. That guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Who I still think is something of a plant for something or other. I don't know. I've never been totally bought into that guy. So they're trying to make him look like a Scarelli. Yeah. Oh, nice try. It's cute. I have to say, now you don't like him. You said
Starting point is 01:19:09 yourself, I don't like him. Who, Ramaswamy? Yeah, you don't like him. No, I don't like him. Okay, well you'll like him even less because he comes in. But I don't like him as a candidate. I think as a person he'd be a great guy to go have a beer with. No.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Did you see him on MSNBC like early talk show? Yeah, he's a little bit of a kiss-ass. A little bit. He's the kind of Silicon Valley guy that I wouldn't mind having a beer with. He says exactly what MAGA country wants to hear.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Oh yeah, absolutely. He's a parrot. He's a Donald Trump parrot. Yeah, listen to this. Why do you think? Oh, yeah, absolutely. He's a parrot. He's a Donald Trump parrot. Yeah, listen to this. Why do you think there are more race-based? When is Chuck going to leave, meet the press? Didn't he already say? I thought he retired a year ago.
Starting point is 01:19:53 What is the deal with this guy? No, he's still here. Why do you think there are more race-based violent crimes on the right than on the left? Why is this a little more pervasive, a lot more pervasive on the right? Well, the fact of the matter is, I think that there's a lot more violence that's also pervasive in parts of the country that supposedly are left-wing voter bases.
Starting point is 01:20:12 So I don't think this is a left versus right issue, and I don't think we should try to politicize this through partisan goggles either, Chuck, especially in the wake of a tragedy like this one. The fact is, there are black men dying on the south side of Chicago. Do you ignore the elements that allowed this manifesto
Starting point is 01:20:28 to spread online and that what we're, you know, it does feel as if social media connects some of these hateful ideologies. Well, the fact of the matter
Starting point is 01:20:39 is I do think we have two... He's got to stop saying fact of the matter because that's not good. Ideologies. Well, the fact of the matter is I do think we have two standards that we're even applying if we're having a conversation about manifestos. We still have not yet even seen the manifesto of that transgender shooter in Nashville of a Christian school. And yet here we're focusing on the motive.
Starting point is 01:20:59 So if we want to look at this through a politicized lens, let's look at what the political media and the political establishment is doing differentially in how they analyze different crimes and then create a new narrative around it. The fact is, what I said in the Nashville shooter case, I will say here, any killing, any mass killing is heinous. We need to get to the root cause of the mental health epidemic. I don't remember him saying anything about the Nashville shooting. And I don't even was he even on the scene at the time? I don't remember. Address that. We need leadership. Is he talking about the new shooting that just I don't even, was he even on the scene at the time? I don't remember. Address that. We need leadership.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Isn't he talking about the new shooting that just took place a couple of days ago? Yeah, but what he's saying, he just said, what I said about the Nashville shooting when it happened. Yes, he's doing what, exactly what MAGA country is doing, is saying, hey, you're calling this a hate crime. And there's evidence that they are totally doing that for political reasons. But and you're talking about the guy's
Starting point is 01:21:52 manifesto, but you didn't allow the manifesto to be released of the Nashville shooter. This is a MAGA country trope. Why do I know? Because I live here. Any killing, any mass killing is heinous. We need to get to the root cause of the mental health epidemic. Address that. We need leadership that sets the right tone in this country. But if we are going to talk about manifestos and politicization, Chuck, I think it is incomplete not to look at the
Starting point is 01:22:15 absence of releasing that Nashville shooter manifesto even as of today. That's why I personally traveled to Nashville to call for it. And that, I think, is the best evidence of real politicization. I don't even remember that either. When did he travel to Nashville to call for it. And that, I think, is the best evidence of real politicization. I don't even remember that either. When did he travel to Nashville to call for it? Well, we're not keeping that conclusive tab. I am, I am, I am. In terms of what
Starting point is 01:22:32 the public sees and what the public doesn't. I want to apply one standard for everybody. I don't want to look at this through partisan goggles. I want to look at this through one standard of the rule of law for everybody. All right. But he's definitely smarter than Chuck. anyone smarter wood is smarter than chuck all right so now so this even though there were there's there's a lot of shootings around our country and there's all kinds of shootings
Starting point is 01:22:59 of all kinds of people we got a chinese guy shooting people in uh um in carolina let's not talk about that he was from wuhan even to make it funnier we got to talk about the white guy who shot the black people that's all that matters americans don't matter just if it's white against black that's the only thing that matters because you know trump's kind of got black americans on his side so let's uh let's hype this up and alex police were pretty quick and emphatic in saying they believe this was a race motivated attack. Very quick and emphatic. Very quick and emphatic. What do we know about the shooter's background or motivations here?
Starting point is 01:23:35 So a couple of things here. They say that based off of his writings, which they described as hate field ideology, they were able to determine pretty quickly that this was a crime motivated by race. Even though his parents called the cops and said he didn't take his meds, he is having a psychiatric event. There's an issue with him. Oh, no, no. He just hates black people.
Starting point is 01:24:02 This is white supremacy. The Clay County Sheriff's Office, who has been assisting our agency with this investigation, received information after the shooting that the shooter had authored several manifestos, one to his parents, one to the media, and one to federal agents. At one point after the shooter starting his heinous act, he texts his dad at 1.18 p.m. on Saturday, telling him to check the computer at the home. At 1.53 p.m., the shooter's family members called the Clay County Sheriff's Office. By that time, he had already began shooting in Jacksonville. And based off of the writings that are detailed there, where they're filled with racial epithets and also notes that were found on his person after he shot himself. Police were able to determine pretty quickly what the motivating factor was. And that was that this person was driven by race-based hate.
Starting point is 01:24:55 The manifesto is, quite frankly, the diary of a madman. Okay, but either he is a racist and he hates people or he's a madman okay and he's clinically insane and he's having a mental event and he has access to guns none of which should happen of course but it's you know you can't have it all but i guess you can and this is exactly what the what the democrat party wants because we got to roll out joe kick that mofo in the back okay speak on saturday morning the uh the nations observed the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington. By the evening, a white gunman in Jacksonville, Florida, reportedly driven by racial animus, went on a shooting rampage
Starting point is 01:25:37 at a store near Edward Waters University, a historical black university. Three black Americans were murdered in cold blood. But we know this, as I made clear in my inaugural address, white supremacy is a poison. It's a poison. It's been allowed to grow faster and fester in our communities. Said the white supreme leader of the free world. The point where the intelligence community is determined, the U.S. intelligence community is determined that domestic terrorism rooted in white supremacy is the greatest terrorist threat we face in the homeland. The greatest threat. We have to act. We have to act. Yes, an act we do. Never let a crisis go to waste. 60 years ago, Dr. King urged us to struggle against the triple evils of racism, poverty, and bigotry.
Starting point is 01:26:30 Today, racism is still with us. Poverty is still with us. And now gun violence has come for our places of worship, our schools, and our shopping centers. our schools, and our shopping centers. What prescient words by the granddaughter of Martin Luther King just a few hours before that shooting talking about racially animated shootings taking place across the country. Nicole, here we are 60 years later, still a lot of challenges. Yeah, really striking. Of course, that was King's granddaughter. We also heard from Martin Luther King III, Dr. King's son and King's wife. But, you know, really being out there on the mall yesterday, 60 years later, it was palpable the amount of frustration and concern
Starting point is 01:27:20 there is 60 years later. You know, we talk about how far we have come as a country, and yet for many, particularly in the African-American community, there's a sense that we're still fighting the same battles, whether that's issues of hate crimes and racial violence, whether that's the issue of the rollback of affirmative action, voting rights. So those were some of the concerns articulated at the march yesterday, and also a call to action to continue to keep fighting some of these issues so that one day dr king's dream can be realized that certainly was a message expressed it's so bad that the media will do anything to work in white white gun white gun white poison white supremacy white white white white white a shooting during the chicago white socks game friday was reportedly accidental two women were wounded espn chicago reports one of the women snuck the gun
Starting point is 01:28:10 into the ballpark after quote hiding it in her belly fat yes white fat people that's what's at the white socks game now the real reason for this is because the democrat party is very worried about trump's popularity with ados american descendants of slavery black men and we've there's evidence everywhere he's the gangster now he's on par with martha stewart bring rollout snoop dog everybody the hood is with trump can't have that we begin tonight with a weird trend that we've noticed coming out of MAGA Republican world. This is a party, after all, whose base is overwhelmingly the same demographic that gets its news from Fox. So let's just say not super diverse. But since Trump came along in 2016, they keep insisting that because of him, Republicanism is booming among black people, despite there being no evidence of that.
Starting point is 01:29:04 And as Donald Trump's troubles have gotten more intense, Republicans are leaning into a new republicanism is booming among black people despite there being no evidence of that and as donald trump's troubles have gotten more intense republicans are leaning into a new twist on this narrative namely that trump being an accused felon has broadened his appeal with black voters i think this is endearing especially many black men to president trump. As one black lady I spoke with earlier today here in New Orleans said, Trump's a gangster. And that means he has cred among a new block of voters that perhaps have never given him a serious look. And now they're looking again. Black Americans throughout our history have felt unfairly victimized by the system. Historically, there's some truth to that. The mugshot unintentionally created a bond between Donald Trump and black Americans over the weekend. With the help of mugshot merchandise,
Starting point is 01:29:50 the Trump campaign raked in over seven million dollars. Today, my garbage man told me he's buying mugshot T-shirts for everyone he knows this Christmas. Oh, bless your heart. Good to know, Jesse Waters, that some of your best garbage men are black i mean come on y'all y'all don't really know any black people do you none right none i figured well i do know one but you're not one of them joy and lomina born in brooklyn father from the democratic republic of the congo and mother from guiana give me a break. You're not ADOS. These are horrible people. Horrible. They'll do anything. She gets paid
Starting point is 01:30:30 good money, that woman. She does. Now, you brought in a Tucker Trump clip, which now has me worried. From the interview that Tucker did with Trump. Before you get to that, I still want to stay on the civil rights thing, because I do have the Biden clip.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Oh, okay. Yeah, play this. And this one, I think, wraps up a civil rights coverage. Pause for just a moment. I thought things achieved. I was able to, literally, I figured,
Starting point is 01:31:00 talk strong, firmly, on the voting for the What? Civil Rights Act before you died. I thought, well, maybe this was real progress. But he never dies. It just hides.
Starting point is 01:31:12 It hides under the rocks. Wait a minute. How old is Biden? He told Strom Thurmond to write for the Civil Rights Act? To vote for it. And this was so. And people have done the analysis of this. And there's two stages to the analysis. First of all, the act was passed when Biden was 21 years old, eight years before he became a senator.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Yeah. So he didn't know Strom Thurmond from anyone. And so that's just an out-and-out lie. He has said this before. And at least one guy, and I was going to look up the voting record. I have to assume this is probably true. Strom Thurmond voted no. But this is just the kind of bull crap.
Starting point is 01:32:01 And by the way, this was provided to us by our grand duke this this clip even though i ran it through adobe which grand duke uh the one that's in san jose oh okay david ah yes foley i just want to give him credit for this so he will continue to provide well eventually one of the 18 000 clips he sends us will hit. I mean, you know. Actually, I use a lot of his clips. He just seems to be sitting on TikTok. Oh, yeah. And honestly, I would appreciate more if he just sent me the TikTok link.
Starting point is 01:32:37 Does he send that to you as well? Does he send you the actual file? Yeah, he sends an MP3 file. Well, what's cool about the MP3 files is you can post them yeah uh on uh directly on no agenda social isn't he archduke is he grand duke or archduke no he's a grand duke grand duke okay all right so now i'm worried about trump and tucker uh and so you had this from the interview that ran as counterprogram to the Republican debate. Well, it makes it look even more ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:33:09 Hold on. Let me go back here. The protest didn't work. You got elected anyway. Impeachment didn't work twice, obviously. Indictment is not working. Your poll numbers go up. When they raided Mar-a-Lago in August of last year, your numbers went up.
Starting point is 01:33:24 They can indict you 20 times and you're not gonna you're not gonna lose the republican primary because of that well it makes it look even more ridiculous i mean the four indictments and maybe there'll be more i don't know these people are crazy but they're counterproductive so if you chart it out it's an escalation yeah this is what i'm saying so what's next after you know trying to put you in prison for the rest of your life that's not working so like don't they have to kill you now i i think the people of our country uh don't get enough credit for how smart they are and i i'm not sure i would have said this 10 years ago but they get it you know they really get it when somebody gets indicted your poll numbers go down when somebody gets all right so that was the why don't they have to kill you now.
Starting point is 01:34:05 Also part of that interview, he, out of the blue, started asking, well, don't you think Jeffrey Epstein was killed? Am I right? Yeah, I think so. So now Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, I'm sorry, comes out with an article, how Jeffrey Epstein tried to tap into Trump's circle. Yeah, I saw that article.
Starting point is 01:34:32 I'm now thinking there is, it was so out of the blue for Tucker to ask about, to ask Trump about, do you think Epstein was killed? And now we have this Jeffrey Epstein tried to tap into Trump's circle. Do you think these are just like code warnings? Code warnings or they're setting something up. Here, the subhead. Before 2016 election, the convicted sex offender invited Trump campaign backers, Peter Thiel and Thomas Barak to meetings with Russian diplomat. and Thomas Barak to meetings with Russian diplomat. They're connecting
Starting point is 01:35:06 Epstein to Trump and, you know, hey, why don't they just kill you? I don't like any of this talk. I don't either. That's why I put that clip together. I don't like any of it. Yeah, I don't like it at all. It's too nonchalant.
Starting point is 01:35:21 It really is. It's not good. The whole world has gone crazy john the whole world has gone nuts we're good to go oh we're it's great for us do you want do you ever heard of cleo dynamics cleo yeah cleoo Dynamics. Is that the woman who does readings? Cleo Dynamics treats history as science. Its practitioners develop theories that explain such dynamical processes as the rise and fall of empires, population booms and busts, and the spread and disappearance of religions.
Starting point is 01:36:02 These theories are translated into mathematical models, and then finally model predictions are tested against historical data. So the idea is you take a period of time that already was, you build a model around it to then predict what will come. And this has been done by a dude named Peter Turchin. Yeah, this is not new it's new to me i'm not saying there was a a kind of statistical uh system that was developed i forgot the name it was ss some statistical package for the social sciences sps as some
Starting point is 01:36:41 there's i can't remember i know a friend that was that developed one of these systems uh this was the academics don't warm up to this they even though it's it seems to have some interest well this Peter Turchin guy wrote a book called End Times although he himself said that his name rings a bell Turchin the I think i have uh he's been around i guess i mean do you put any uh let me see any credence to any credence to this yeah no no okay good then i'll play some clips here's the explanation of cleodynamics well this is part of the new science that we call cleodynamics the science of history and it's based on the good old scientific approach which means that we start with many different theories trying to explain a particular aspects of reality in this case the dynamics of you stop for a second so i can get one more little jab in here before it continues
Starting point is 01:37:38 please the reason uh this is if these guys could do this with any degree of accuracy, this is like climate science. Oh, I'm not. There's too many variables. Very possible. And until they come up with a package that predicts the stock market with accuracy. Yes. I'm not buying any of this, especially predicting history. I mean, in the future, no.
Starting point is 01:38:02 Well, what's beautiful. It can't be done. Too many variables what's beautiful about this is that and too much noise that's the other problem too much noise that somebody i asked a superstar statistician once years ago i forgot who this was he's a professor and i said why can't you just you know come with stock i got a stock market i'm thinking he says he says the real problem is too much noise and And I'm not going to disagree with you, but I love his conclusions because they agree with my biases.
Starting point is 01:38:32 Well, that's why these guys are popular. Yes. We translate theories into mathematical models because we want to study the dynamics, and you cannot study dynamics without such formal apparatus. And then we collect large amounts of data to test predictions from different theories to find out which of them feed the data better and which therefore are closer to the real drivers. So he took a data set from 2010 to now in the United States.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Has my interest. So the United States, since 2010, it's been a very interesting experience. Because remember that this prediction was a scientific prediction. It was not a prophecy about what is going to happen in the future, because that's really not possible to do. in the future, because that's really not possible to do. The idea was to derive, again, derive a prediction from a theory and then see how well it corresponds to the reality that was to unfold in the next 10 years. And over those 10 years, it was a very strange experience
Starting point is 01:39:39 because essentially it was like on the train, you know, heading for a train wreck and seeing everything unfolding pretty much as the theory has predicted. So all the trends that I noted in 2010, they continue developing in the same unfavorable directions during the next 10 years, and in fact now. Okay, so now here he starts to talk about some of the issues and what really went wrong with America. And so these are really, he's going back and saying things I think you and I will agree with, only he's using not prophecy, but science to come to this answer. We could have told him this, but I love when he says this. Several factors that drive societies to crisis. come to this answer. We could have told him this. But I love when he says this.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Several factors that drive societies to crisis. The most important ones are, first of all, what we call popular immiseration. That's declining living standards for the majority of the population. And secondly, even more importantly, elite overproduction. Essentially, when a society produces too many elite wannabes. Elite want too many elite wannabes. This is exactly the problem. For the limited set of power positions that we have for them, the competition between such elite aspirants becomes so intense. And there are so many people who are on the losing side that many of them uh turn to um to working against the system because they cannot make headway within the system and so that's us by the way we're elite you know i can't right you know i had to understand him
Starting point is 01:41:19 i can't understand a word he's saying. Not a single word? Pretty much. Oh, that kind of ruins everything, doesn't it? Well, it would be nice if he spoke, if he wasn't, had such a thick accent. Well, you're just being racist now. I can't help that. He's a scientist, man. He sounds like a cartoon scientist. So, I don't know what he's saying.
Starting point is 01:41:47 I mean, I seriously can't understand it. Okay, well then I'll just tell you what he said. Yeah, why don't you just wrap it? So there are too many elites and elite wannabes, and the number one group of elite wannabes who will be at a number of, a factor of six to one more elite wannabes than jobs for them which will be eliminated and created by ai can you guess the group of elites that one particular vocation that will be eliminated by ai and there's a lot of them. A lot of one group.
Starting point is 01:42:25 There's one, one elite group. Nope. Professors. Nope. Well, it's different. Same thing.
Starting point is 01:42:31 Uh, uh, doctors, physicians. Nope. Uh, electricians, lawyers.
Starting point is 01:42:38 Oh, lawyers. And when you think about it, that's actually what AI could be reasonable at, is taking language, large language model, taking historical cases, and creating arguments for and against case law. And now, I'm thinking that one story about the lawyer who, you know, he was embarrassed in court because he had run everything through AI and had made up all these cases. I'm thinking that's bull crap. I'm thinking that's a bull crap story now.
Starting point is 01:43:11 You think it was just done to kind of push back on this? Yes, yes, absolutely. Absolutely. The other thing he said is that Trump is a bit like the Brothers Grac brothers Grotchi of Rome. So I thought it was an interesting comparison. The Grotchi brothers who, you have elites who become counter elites and you have the elites who are
Starting point is 01:43:35 credentialed elites, which would be lawyers and you have elites who are financial elites. That would be Trump. And it's the financial elites who become counter elites but that was you get this from a statistical analysis of 2010 is beyond me i don't know anyway the the things that would help steer america straight steer america straight again that besides a a minimum wage okay the number one thing would be stop giving government-backed loans for higher education that would be one of the top things you could do i think that's true
Starting point is 01:44:15 are you are you just did you just fall down or what i mean the thing fell down and i'm thinking what happened to you what happened to you i don't know if that would do anything okay well we do have news on that back now with a ticking clock for student loan borrowers payments are set to resume in october but as brian chung reports some say they can't afford to pay and others say they won't josie bridges is a single mom living paycheck to paycheck. It's hard enough dealing with rising prices at the store. My student payments are sitting right now at about $400 is what they're expecting each month. So I mean, that's my food budget right there. The pandemic freeze on student loan payments allowed Josie to
Starting point is 01:44:59 open up her own salon in Portland, Oregon. But with $4,000 in outstanding debt from her community college degree, she says she simply won't be able to make the monthly payments once they resume in October. Now I realize that it's kind of out of my hands at this point. If I can't make it, I can't make it. It's a game changer. The Biden administration's plan to forgive up to $20,000 in student debt would have wiped Josie's slate clean. Instead, a challenge from six Republican states resulted in a Supreme Court decision in June striking down the plan after Josie had already put thousands of dollars in investments into her salon. I'm disappointed and I'm confused. It's too inconsistent. I don't know what's going to happen in the future. And that's kind of scary.
Starting point is 01:45:38 If the administration was able to cancel all the debt, what would that have done for you? Given me financial freedom. The median student borrower has between $20,000 to $25,000 in outstanding debt. And for those over 40 million borrowers, they're going to be facing interest accrual beginning in September, with the first payments in over three years due in October. And unsurprisingly, there's now a movement, as you heard the lady say, to not pay. We're just not going to pay. It is officially time for a student loan repayment boycott. Some taking to social media, calling on borrowers not to pay. Does the U.S. government just think we're going to go back to paying student loan payments? Like what? It's going to ruin my credit score. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona says it's a risk people
Starting point is 01:46:20 shouldn't take. The loans are still there and the repayment is still needed. Failing to pay comes with serious consequences. Those in default face wage garnishing and big credit score hits. But for now, the government says borrowers won't face those penalties if they miss payments. We know many of our borrowers are going to struggle to make payments, but we want to make sure that we're not sending their name to credit agencies. So we're going to hold them harmless for a year as they're getting back up. Really? Among longer-term options for relief, see if your employer...
Starting point is 01:46:48 Did you just hear what they said? Yeah. Basically, the Biden administration just said, don't worry about it. We're not... This is how they get votes. Yeah, exactly. ...offers repayment assistance programs
Starting point is 01:47:00 and consider the SAVE program, which adjusts monthly bills based on borrower's income. Josie's weighing her options, but says it's going to be tough either way at this moment it's either come up with money to pay for these now student loans that i'm having to pay or make it to where my business doesn't function as it needs to one of millions bracing for the debt cliff this fall yeah okay so just don't pay don't pay until after the elections people it's going to be great as it needs to. One of millions bracing for the debt cliff this fall. Yeah, okay. So just don't pay. Don't pay until after the elections, people. It's going to be great.
Starting point is 01:47:31 This is not good. This is kind of a version of anarchy. We could use a little bit of anarchy. That would be fun. We need some anarchy. We've got too much. We don't have any. What anarchy and we got too much we don't have any there's not what what anarchy are you seeing i'm seeing anarchy when you when a gang of 45 thieves rushes into a neiman marcus
Starting point is 01:47:52 and steals everything and rushes out and then one of them gets caught and they get put back on the street seems anarchistic if you ask me have you have you heard about the uh the oakland pirates the oakland pirates yeah okay tell me oh let me see i probably have heard about it it's um no this is this was new to me here's a little intro to the story property crime in oakland has been on the rise this year we all know that that's not new information but what is unusual is where it's being reported. Year after year, robberies are up by 28% for burglaries. That number skyrockets to 44%. Most of the focus is on carjackings and business break-ins. But now, those who live aboard boats at the port say they're facing a threat of their own,
Starting point is 01:48:39 an increase in attacks from pirates. John Ramis explains. Are you interested? The Oakland Pirates, people. We often have a romantic. I do have one. There's one interesting story that I want to relate after this, but yeah, play it. We often have a romantic notion about pirates, but when it comes to theft in Oakland, it's not really even that unusual. The same things that are happening on the land are also happening on the water. Considering all the problems Oakland is facing, now there's one more. Pirates. No kidding, those who live along the
Starting point is 01:49:12 estuary say there's nothing safe about living on the water. It's every week. It's every week somebody's missing something from their boats or either their dinghies, their outboard motors, or from their cars. The twist is that the thieves are actually coming by way of the water, operating small boats, usually at night, to steal from the large vessels tied up at the docks. John Fordham's apartment overlooks the Jack London Square Marina. A couple weeks ago, I saw for the first time a high-speed chase on the water with a police boat pulling over a regular another boat that was speeding away people will steal anything these days but damon taylor who maintains a sailboat
Starting point is 01:49:52 near the jack london aquatic center says outboard motors seem to be the real prize yeah the motors are the thing you got to figure even a brand new small you know 10 horsepower engine is 10 15 thousand dollars brand new what so even you know in 10 horsepower engine is $10,000, $15,000 brand new. What? So even, you know, in the black market, they'll probably be able to get at least a couple thousand for that. And while some are calling for more police response to the area, Taylor takes a pragmatic view. They can't handle what they're, well, they can't handle the land, you know, financially and resource-wise. They can't, so they can't. There's no Oakland Navy, you know.
Starting point is 01:50:25 But the problem is a serious one. Some call these boats home. And the idea of thieves trying to enter them in the dead of night has a lot of people living in fear. Yeah, baby. That's your anarchy right there. $10,000 to $15,000 for a 10-horsepower outboard motor? Those outboard motors, I went over this with the Horowitz.
Starting point is 01:50:45 Oh, yeah. Based on some story. Yeah. He's a boating guy. He is. And, yeah, they're really expensive, some of these Mercurys, especially the bigger ones. I mean, they cost as much as a car. So I'm watching the local news, and they had a good camera shot from somebody's camera.
Starting point is 01:51:03 I think it was a ring, or I'm not sure. But there's some guy breaking into somebody's camera. I think it was a ring or I'm not sure, but there's some guy breaking into somebody's car. Around here, if you're going to go into Oakland or San Francisco, and Oakland's got the same problem as San Francisco had, still does, kind of, which is the soft district attorney that doesn't think they have anything to do with
Starting point is 01:51:20 crime. I'm just a district attorney. It's just my name. It's like one-hour cleaners. And so do with crime i'm just a district attorney it's just my name it's like one hour cleaners and so they show a car pulling up guy running out looking inside this other car busting the back window opening and taking something off the back and then jumping back in the car and taking off what was remarkable was the car that they drove up in was a Lexus. That they bought legally with all their money. And they drove off in this Lexus.
Starting point is 01:51:53 And I'm thinking, what the hell? What's going on here? This is somebody that needs extra food. But, okay, whatever. But they're not going to do anything about it because the DA there is in uh in oakland yeah there's another bunch of slouches yeah you know this this brings me to a question i have for you because you'll be the one to answer it properly um it appears that a number of silicon valley elites are building their own private city or a new city yeah in california supposedly buying up land and everything and of course the immediate is oh it's going to be a 15 their own private city or a new city in California. Supposedly.
Starting point is 01:52:25 Buying up land and everything. And of course, the immediate is, oh, it's going to be a 15-minute city. I doubt if Lorene Powell Jobs is going to live there, it's not going to be a 15-minute city. Do you know anything about this? Yeah. Well, I did. In fact, I did a little research on this that I called up a friend of mine who does this
Starting point is 01:52:41 type of development. He developed Tellur ride and some other places and he knows you know all the guys that are involved in all this stuff and i said you know anything about this this is the same thing you did to me yeah and i and i and there is some good reporting on it around here and it's and the names are all on the there's a list of yeah reed hoffman and uh yeah it sounds like a bunch of lefties. He thinks it's a fool's errand. He says these rich guys,
Starting point is 01:53:08 they're always going to get their hair up their ass about developing a city, and they're too dumb to do it right. People that can do that are few and far between, and nobody on that list can do it. So it's just somebody, and I think it was Moritz. Oh, from Sequoia Capital, of course. Everybody's buddy, Michael Moritz.
Starting point is 01:53:30 Yeah, Michael Moritz, yeah. The guy who, in 2017, seems to be the guy whose idea this is. And then he got Marc Andres and his, you know, whatever, boy. Whatever you think is good. He's Elon's man, too. Elon should be in on it. I think Elon might be, but I'm not sure. But it's like they decided, because there's land outside of Travis.
Starting point is 01:53:53 I think that they were hoping that Travis gets shuttered. If Moritz thinks like this. Travis Air Force Base? Yeah. So Moritz thinks like this. I don't think it's, for one thing, I don't think it's going to be shuttered. We've already shuttered too many places in California already. Right.
Starting point is 01:54:11 But if they shuttered it, they could turn it into a private airport that was like that thing Ross Perot owns down in Texas. Yeah. Yeah. That operation. And then you'd have a nice little, you'd have a nice setup. It's probably not going to get shuttered. And these guys are just a bunch of boneheads.
Starting point is 01:54:24 They're just buying all this property up. It should accrue in value anyway, so they're not going to lose their ass, which is, you know, they're not, it's not a money loser, but I don't think anything's going to come of it. It just seems like a bunch of douchebags who went like, San Francisco sucks. It's no good, man. It's no good. We don't like it anymore. We're going to make our own city we'll show them look i know how to make the linkedin i can do linkedin i can do a city ah i was married to the apple guy most of the douchebags you're talking about have already long since moved to palo alto okay palo alto sucks it all sucks it all sucks we need a place where there's affordable housing for
Starting point is 01:55:02 our slaves i mean workers don't you think it's something like that? I think there was an element of that. Has that ever worked? Isn't it just like the company? Well, yeah, it did work in the 1900s. Yeah. Like in 1910. Yeah, then you'd have to buy from the company store and you'd have to shop there.
Starting point is 01:55:18 Yeah. Yeah. Get your slaves in there. That doesn't work anymore. Our slaves can't live in San Francisco anymore. It's dangerous. We need to give them safe places, safe spaces. I think you're exaggerating, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:32 Well, with that... I know how much you love this type of person. With that, and my exaggeration, I'd like to thank you for your courage and say in the morning to you, the man who put the sea in the coup contagion. Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to my friend on the other end of one.
Starting point is 01:55:47 Mr. John C. Good morning to you, Mr. Adam Curry. In the morning, all ships, sea, blue, sun, ground, free in the air, subs in the water. The day is the night's out there in the morning to the trolls in the troll room. Hello there, trolls. Can you stop? I want to count you. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:56:05 1876. Hmm. Is that bad? Is that good for a Thursday? Is that bad for a Thursday? I don't remember anymore. No, it's average. It's average.
Starting point is 01:56:15 You're average. A bunch of average trolls doing average trolling. Congratulations. You did not excel. I'm surprised it's that high. Four stars. Why are you surprised it's that high? Because that clip you played of that guy who nobody can understand.
Starting point is 01:56:30 Oh, thank you very much. I can't understand. I'm leaving. I'm leaving now. All right. The trolls are hanging out in the troll room. You can too. You can be a troll.
Starting point is 01:56:40 It's very easy. It's free. It's free of charge. Go to Log in. Listen live to the stream. You can listen to that stream 24 hours a day and troll with all kinds of great podcasts on or get a modern podcast app drop the legacy please drop it already before it drops you before it drops your favorite podcast go to grab one of
Starting point is 01:57:00 those apps that have the troll room and the live streams all right there. You can import your podcast from your old legacy systems. Speaking of podcasts, I mean, hell has finally frozen over. Did you hear of the new podcast, which is not really a podcast because it's only on Spotify? Did you hear of the new hot new podcast that podcast that spotify has launched for a 12 week limited run 12 what kind of a podcast is that strike force five i'm sorry strike force five what is it it's all the late night talk show hosts now are doing a podcast oh yeah i saw some videos of it it's like i didn't see the podcast or want one even want to, but it's so,
Starting point is 01:57:47 Oh, it couldn't be more lame. And I, I tried to get through the first episode, which dropped, dropped. They should have picked it up. And I got 11 minutes until I just had to stop it.
Starting point is 01:58:01 These guys, I'm going to make a prediction. There will be no audience for them to come back to three three of these five shows will be canceled will be preempted for something else maybe even old letterman episodes would be better than this there will be no audience the audience has moved on this is a pathetic attempt under the guise of we're raising money for the people who work on our show who don't have any money because of the strike which your companies themselves are responsible for
Starting point is 01:58:31 which is just bullcrap yeah you know that that is true i mean most of these shows are produced by the host yes and like letterman show used to be pronounced i remember there was pants or something international worldwide pants worldwide pants that's a very memorable but the other ones are all produced by these same guys so they're the executive producers and producers so they're going to convince me that this limited 12-week run which is sponsored sponsored by what's the George Clooney's tequila. Tequila. Oh, the tequila from George Clooney.
Starting point is 01:59:13 Tequila and the other guy. Because God knows we need more tequilas. Who's the guy, Ryan Reynolds, isn't he? Who has alcohol, he has gin or something. Casa Amigos is the one, that's the right. What is the, it's Ryan Reynolds, isn't it? Who else also has a has alcohol he has a gin or something casa amigos is the one that's the right what is the what is the it's ryan reynolds isn't it who else also has a i don't know i don't keep trying i'm not talking to you i'm talking to the troll room somehow there's going to be enough
Starting point is 01:59:34 money for hundreds of people hundreds of people oh mint mobile that's right mint mobile he is mint mobile okay aviation gin there you go so that's going to save these people no it's a pathetic attempt by these five sorry that i have to say it now they are total losers because this is not this is a one out of five star product it is bad it's a bunch of guys you know when comedians hold on a second let me stop for you for a second let me stop you dead cold okay since you're like the guy who invented the whole model of podcasting and you're probably the greatest expert there is which we haven't even consulted for this idea which as i heard on dvorak horowitz unplugged the reason the only reason you're working with me is because you figured, you know,
Starting point is 02:00:26 I'm going to be in the industry. Why not go to the guy and work with the guy who invented the industry? Not because I'm talented. Not because, no, it's just because, oh, he invented it. Might as well hang out with him. I heard you. I heard you. I heard you.
Starting point is 02:00:39 I keep tabs on you. Fact. So, okay, now I'm going to have to do it to you. I'm going to have to, unfortunately, I have to play a. Fact. Okay, now I'm going to have to do it to you. I'm going to have to. Unfortunately, I have to play a little bit. Oh, no. Yes, I have to play some of Strike Force 5. This is our bonus clip for the segment.
Starting point is 02:00:54 Let me see. Oh, there's a new. Oh, episode one. Let's see. Let's do it. And John's been on. Let's go to the opening. What would happen if five of America's top 11 most beloved talk show hosts
Starting point is 02:01:06 all talked on top of each other for an hour? We're about to find out on the first ever edition of Strikeforce 5. Let's meet the Strikeforce, starting with the former host of The Late Show at Stephen Colbert from his headquarters in South Carolina. Stephen Colbert. Hello, Jimmy. It's an honor to be here. This is where we should all applaud each other. It is an honor to be with you here, Stephen. Next, from his home studio in Long Island, where he stays up late every night recording himself singing along with the Bee Gees karaoke, the former host of The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon.
Starting point is 02:01:42 Hello, Jimmy Fallon. Hey, thank you. So happy to be here. This is exciting. Good morning. I should mention to the listeners, for the purposes of this podcast, Jimmy will be known as Tammy from here on. And then, Jimmy's upstairs. Are you getting the comedy, John? Are you getting the humor?
Starting point is 02:02:00 Who are the other people? Neighbor, fans of this show know him as the cute one, the Nick Carter to our Backstreet Boys, unemployment's own Seth Meyers. Seth? It's just so exciting to be talking before 1237 at night. Say hello to the lady, Seth. Tell us, what color are your eyes?
Starting point is 02:02:16 I looked at pictures of you for a lot of the night last night. I can't figure it out. I've been told ocean blue. I mean, if anything anything the writers of these shows who were gainfully employed and some of them wrote some funny jokes they're probably sitting at home going like I should
Starting point is 02:02:34 be hosting the tonight show these guys are nothing without me because they're not they have nothing to say they're completely un-industry they're bland they're very bland the blandness comes through They have nothing to say. They're completely un-industry. They're bland. They're very bland. The blandness comes through.
Starting point is 02:02:50 And who is the last one? And for those who will criticize us, who say we don't need a show hosted by a group of four middle-aged straight white men, we bring you a fifth middle-aged straight white man. But this one is from England, which is an entirely different country. He is the currently force majeure former host of Last Week Tonight, John Oliver. Hello, John. Hello, Kimmel. At first, I'd say Seth's eyes are Gatorade blue, but, you know, reasonable people can disagree.
Starting point is 02:03:16 Also, I cannot believe you're the only one who gets to have a soundboard. I didn't know we were doing soundboards. That changes everything. This is the level that these guys can actually deliver. And what is Oliver doing? He's not a late night guy. He has a weekly show on HBO. But he has writers. Probably non-union writers he could sneak in.
Starting point is 02:03:38 Anyway, no, that doesn't sound like a good, like anything. It just sounds like a bunch of, it sounds like a classic podcast. It's a circle jerk. sounds like a classic podcast no it's it's a circle jerk it's a bad podcast it's a bad bad that's what i meant most podcasts are like that yes many are like that not all there are some outstanding products but this is just some is way down a number just make you know if there's a hundred really good podcasts, I'd have to think about it. It's just so pathetic. Really, it's sad. And the sound sucks. Of course.
Starting point is 02:04:12 Sophia with an F has better sound than these guys who are all professionals. And is more entertaining. Oh, yeah, she's much more entertaining. That's for sure. But, you know, this is what's happening to the m5m you know that the drea mateo she was uh on the the sopranos she was uh i think one of the she was she was the girlfriend to one of the mobsters yeah i don't know don't recall yeah's not, she's not doing an only, only fans.
Starting point is 02:04:47 There's no only, only an only fans. Oh, only fans. Yeah. Taking her clothes off. She's taking her clothes off. Yes.
Starting point is 02:04:55 You can join. You don't have to take your clothes off to do an only fans. Uh, okay. Yeah. Yes. You do. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:03 Of course. If you want to make any money. What if they just want to chat with a celebrity? Well, if you look at the story in the New York Post, she doesn't have any clothes on. Oh, okay. That's interesting. She does have her boots on, however.
Starting point is 02:05:22 Boots on? She's got boots on the ground. All right, so much for the boots on, however. Boots on. She's got boots on the ground. All right. So much for the bonus content, everybody. This is a value for value podcast. And that means, oh, my goodness. I forgot to tell you that you can also follow us on And I do have a follow-up of our last conversation.
Starting point is 02:05:43 It's gotten pretty bad. It's gotten pretty bad. It's gotten pretty bad. Now what? Yeah, I'm now being accused of attempted murder. Who did you kill? Well, nobody. It's attempted murder. So no one's been killed yet.
Starting point is 02:05:55 Oh, well, who did you almost attempt? Well, I'll just read it to you. Tell me if you know what's going on. You are sending your community to bother us because of some completely justified block by completely misrepresenting the situation it's the graphene os people they're mad at me now for talking about this nonsense oh about them being a bunch of douchebags yes and because uh you know i guess that the developer is being swatted or doxxed that no but he was supposed to be swatted or doxxed or something before that.
Starting point is 02:06:28 Yeah, but now I'm complicit. Well, see, this is the problem. I can say that they're douchebags, but I've never been a member of the cult. So I can kind of say whatever I want. This is like being in Scientology. You can say what you want about Scientology one way or the other, but if you're a member of Scientology, they'll go after you for being even slightly critical, just as if, for example, you were a member of the Democrat Party.
Starting point is 02:06:56 Yes, well, you were. If you quit the Democrat Party, I did, but I did it in 1980. And it's been so long that no one's ever associated me as a Democrat. So I can say what I want. And nobody goes after me as a former Democrat, a quitter of the cult. I haven't left the cult. I was, for all practical purposes, never in the cult. And so I can say what I want. But somebody who knew, or say Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is still in the cult and critical of it.
Starting point is 02:07:27 Yeah. You know, they go after him. You go after the problem is, is that we have my opinion, only my opinion. I'm not a scientist. It's just my opinion from doing a podcast. So I'm no better than those douchebags from the Strike Force Five. So I'm no better than those douchebags from the Strike Force 5. My opinion is we have a lot of young men who basically were vaccine injured as children, received too many whatever, whatever was in it, and just too much. More than I had, and I didn't have anyone with autism around me growing up.
Starting point is 02:08:00 Now everyone's autistic and or has Asperger's or whatever. Neurodivergent, I think, is the term that's being used in the case of this group. And they go nuts. They can't handle criticism. Then, you know, then they've been trained that you have to be a victim of your autism and you're a bad person If you say anything about them, like my advice, I gave it a say. Here's some advice. Why don't you just stop interacting with people? Just don't reply. Shut your social media off. Who cares? We want the operating system.
Starting point is 02:08:35 We don't want to know. Easier said than done. It's not that hard. It is for some people. Right. But it's sad because it's just a bunch of vaccine-damaged individuals who now just call that autism. And they're on the spectrum. And all they can do all day is talk about how they've been victimized
Starting point is 02:08:53 because they're on the spectrum. I am neurodivergent. Have you seen my Tourette's? Yeah. People have to realize how shaky this guy is I'm talking to. Thank you. Hey, that's not nice. You're being mean to me.
Starting point is 02:09:11 Value for value. When we present this program, we give it to you completely free, open, everywhere on the Internet. There's no behind paywalls. There's no Patreon levels. There's no premium content you have to subscribe to. You don't have to go only to Spotify or Google or Amazon to get it or only on YouTube. No, no, no. It's everywhere that we can put it for you except on Spotify because they want us to sign a contract. We have no contracts with anybody. You can get it on open, free, good podcast apps. And when you receive receive that you accept no agenda into your life if you're thinking
Starting point is 02:09:47 i feel good about this i want to give some value back you can do it you can do it anytime you want time talent or treasure one of the ways that people like to return value to us is by creating art for every single episode why are you laughing are you Because I was wondering how you were going to worm your way over to the art. Because I'm listening to you go on and on with your no, no, no, and you have a patter. And you're like really good at it.
Starting point is 02:10:16 And then you're going to move to the art. Sometimes you forget, but most of the time you don't. And here I am. I remember. And I'm waiting to see how you're going to make the segue, and then boom, there it is. That made me chuckle. I don't and here i am i remember and i'm waiting to see how you're going to make the segue and then boom there it is i made me chuckle i don't know why i'm glad that after 16 years i can still make you chuckle yeah you make me chuckle i've been with you twice as long as i've been with my wife can you believe this and i could and i made him giggle oh there
Starting point is 02:10:40 you go ladies and gentlemen so we want to thank the one and only the incredible value bringing darren o'neill who not only does the rock and roll pre-show every single two hours of of top-notch quality programming on the stream before we start on thursdays and sundays but he also he's in fact i think you said when we were looking at this, at art and choosing this, first you said there's only one, because I sometimes I'm like, I got to go pee. So I, you'll start looking at the art and I come, which is my code for I'm going to get a glass of wine, but I tell you I'm going to go pee. And then I come back and, and then you say, Darren O'Neill is talented. I think that's your exact words. You said Darren O'Neill is a talented guy.
Starting point is 02:11:26 Yeah. talented i think that's your exact words you said darren o'neill is a talented guy yeah and he created the hot dog wiener plane with hot dog boy at the controls with all kinds of surface to air missiles wagner 33 i mean it had everything in there beauty it i mean it was just so good and we love darren he just nailed it he just it with this. There's no two ways about it. Yeah. Now, what I am seeing is a lot of people dumping AI art on us now. We have... We're just going to have... I've said this already.
Starting point is 02:11:58 We just have to... We're stuck. Because this is... And we're a forward... Kind of forward-leaning podcast. Yes, we lean in. And there's nothing we can do about this. We lean in.
Starting point is 02:12:11 What do you mean by a forward-leaning podcast? What does that even mean? That means that everything that we do, we're ahead of the game. We make predictions that are sometimes years ahead of what happens. This is true. And so recognizing the AI thing thing which was foisted on us by a comic strip blogger which which ended up with you banning his or his submissions yes including the one we picked which i was convinced was was probably a which he then said wasn't
Starting point is 02:12:41 he said was i still don't believe it. Because he has a certain style. It's very recognizable, like most people that do drawing. Yeah. And it's just a fact of life that we have to, at least I've come to grips with immediately, not immediately, but within a couple of months of it showing up a lot. It shows up constantly. And sometimes there's too much of it. I can't argue with that.
Starting point is 02:13:07 Yeah. Well, there really wasn't that much that was any good. There was a couple of pregosions that were no good. Trump stuff was no good. Darren's thing was head and shoulders. Head and shoulders. Above all the other submissions. And I think when an artist comes in and looks at the stuff that's available,
Starting point is 02:13:24 he has to compete with it because he's going to submit something. And he sees something that's just, oh, fuck, they're going to pick that, I can tell. Wow, dropping the F-bomb. You know, so that may be part of the problem. But I think that what we're seeing now is the future, the future of AI.
Starting point is 02:13:43 You get, you know, you can easily pick out the good stuff because you just look at it and it's like a wall of meh. You know what I mean? We've always had a wall of meh. No, no, it's not like this. It's a bigger wall of meh. Well, that could be.
Starting point is 02:14:04 I mean, I'm just looking at it. It's like, oh, so much is AI. bigger wall of meh well that could be i mean i'm just looking at it it's like oh yeah there's so much that's very meh but so much is ai it's like okay you know i wrote an article for bitcoin magazine for the paper magazine uh for the printed edition and they want me to write about podcasting 2.0 and And I'm excited because I'm going to put in, you know, we're now doing with music and artists are getting paid. And so, you know, we're basically revitalizing the music industry and bypassing all of the gatekeepers. And so I have an outline in my head.
Starting point is 02:14:38 I'm not a writer. You know that. Between the two of us, you're the writer. I'm a lover, not a fighter. You're the writer. And so I take, not a fighter. You're the writer. And so I take my outline, I throw it into chat GPT and it writes, you know, 700 words.
Starting point is 02:14:53 And I say, Tina, could you please, could you please, you know, she calls it the Tina wash because she's a professional communications expert. She's mad. Right away, she says, this is chat GPTbt how do you know well when it starts off with in the ever-changing world of podcasting and you know professionals can see right through this whether it's words whether it's art and we're pretty good at picking art it's crap, it's meh
Starting point is 02:15:26 it's just a wall of meh you gave her a chat GPT script? yes that you tried to pass off as your own? I didn't, I just said could you please read, I didn't say like I wrote this she said, she called her right away
Starting point is 02:15:43 she said this is chat GPT she actually didn't want to look at it she's like i don't want to write i don't want to do anything i don't blame her yeah but but so but is my point clear it's not that for one thing let's start off with this little premise people should all know this it's not that hard to write but well i i did write it's just i wanted to be it's it's writing for with a a budget of words for a magazine it's not easy that's take skill that's not what i do can we agree on that yeah no well most yeah no most people can't write yeah no writing shores i mean because do simple writing chores because there's some daunting aspect to the length
Starting point is 02:16:28 and they can't stop themselves from jabbering. Yes, yes, yes. If you're writing for a publication and you're at, say, 700 words, which is very short, but say you're doing 700 words and you do it and you do it and you do it and you do it and you do it and you do it and you keep doing it and you've done maybe 100 of them. Well, it's like falling off a log.
Starting point is 02:16:48 Yeah. You start here and you end there and you run the word count. It's 700 words. It's very common that writers can do that. But if you haven't written 700 words and you have to like, oh, I got to write a 700-word essay. I've never done it before. 700-word essay. And you're never going to make it.
Starting point is 02:17:06 You get to about 300 words, you think you're done. And you go, oh, no. Oh, jeez, I'm short. No, what am I going to do now? Why don't you throw that vinegar book in the chat, GPC? See if it can finish it. I'm kind of serious. I'm interested to see what would happen.
Starting point is 02:17:22 The book is almost done. Whoa. Okay. interested to see what would happen the book is almost done okay all right let's uh look at the treasure part of uh the value that we receive this is people who come in and uh would love the title of executive or associate executive producer of an episode. And of course, I mean, you can send us $1 and you're a producer. No one's a listener. If you're doing value for value, if you're providing time, talent, or treasure, you are producer of the No Agenda Show and you should be very proud of it. And we're going to start now with, by the way, thank you, artists.
Starting point is 02:17:59 Thank you to all the artists. No matter how you're trying, no matter what you're doing, whether it's hand-drawn or or a it doesn't matter we appreciate the effort all of it is highly appreciated you're all loved and we certainly love dustin sonderreger sonderreger i don't this is a new name to me saint joseph missouri wow 1-888.33 he's got he's got some numbers to communicate to us. Here's some numerology. In the morning, Adam and John, I was hit in the mouth by a buddy of mine, Sir Blowback, B-L-O-E, Blowback, in December of 2020.
Starting point is 02:18:35 I figured I have listened long enough. I should share some treasure. Please accept my humble apology and this small donation for you. Can't wait to see this guy's big donation please knight me sir sonderreger of bluff woods i request some cold bush light and salty pretzels at the round table no jingles but you could give out some double up karma for all the listeners happy to do that thank you dustin we appreciate it. You've got double up karma.
Starting point is 02:19:05 Very nice. Good start. Good start. We appreciate that. Well, that's followed up by another nice donation from Adam Urbano from Apex, North Carolina. Apex.
Starting point is 02:19:15 Apex. 1-1-6-6-6-9. This is the guy who donated last show. I think it was last show. Yeah, twice. With the two nights for his boys and the whole thing and he's and we were waiting for a note from him telling us what the
Starting point is 02:19:32 night names are and all the rest of it but meanwhile he keeps sending us money which is fine with me let's give him a double up karma for that yes definitely you've got karma now the double up karma is appropriate because i believe he's going through some custody issues and he'd love to at least have partial custody of his two sons because he pinged me on x i guess are we going to say x now instead of twitter or the the website formerly known as twitter what do we say are we just going to call say X now instead of Twitter or the website formerly known as Twitter. What do we say? Are we just going to call it X? I say Twitter. I don't care.
Starting point is 02:20:07 All right. So we DM me on Twitter. And then I said, hey, man, you know, it's like, that sucks. Praying for your boys and for you. So we appreciate that, Adam. Thank you. Yeah, we do appreciate it. Alan is in Cumming, Georgia and sent us a note. And this note is accompanied with 900.
Starting point is 02:20:24 Man, what a day um dear mr curry mr devorek time to contribute to the greatest podcast is a handwritten cursive time to contribute to the greatest podcast in the universe please find the enclosed check for 900 for the value provided this should qualify me for knighthood accounting below. Should it please the peerage committee, may I be known as just Sir Alan? What does it say? Just Sir Alan. At the round table, may I have,
Starting point is 02:20:57 oh, I can't, five-way Cincinnati chitty? Cincinnati chili. Oh, chili. It doesn't say, it looks like chitty. It doesn't look like chili. Yeah, it's chili. Well, Cincinnati chili's famous. Hold on. I got to write this down now because I didn't have that on the five way what is five ways since since i think it includes beans and cheese you can buy a bunch of stuff on there so it's basically
Starting point is 02:21:16 cincinnati chili is it's basically um a it's like ground beef it It's like, let's say Texas, you get Texas style chili. Yeah. But let's add a bunch of a clove and some, and cinnamon. And you just really got the weirdest back flavor that they, and it's very, very specific to Cincinnati.
Starting point is 02:21:39 Well, I'm excited because it's at the round table. It will be here in just a moment. In fact, five ways, Cincinnati, Chilean sweet tea, please keep up the round table. It will be here in just a moment. In fact, five-way Cincinnati Chilean sweet tea. Please keep up the fantastic work.
Starting point is 02:21:48 Short notes save lives. That's for you, Mr. Dvorak. Be well. Alan Cumming from Georgia. Thank you very much, Alan. And we'll be doing the nightings. And it's all one break, people. So it's going to be great.
Starting point is 02:22:01 It's going to be very fun. Okay. Onward with, what do we have here gareth gareth white in saint kilda victoria australia and this is actually a thousand dollars in australian dollars which comes to 646 which is still a good amount yeah but and and we honor that we honor it we honor honor it. We honor it. So he says, ITM gentlemen,
Starting point is 02:22:30 birthday donation for my SHW spoken hot wife, Emma, for her 40th. It's the ninth time on the 23rd of August. Shh, we don't talk about that. So she's been 49 times. Yeah. On the 20th,
Starting point is 02:22:44 she should be 39. I agree. I agree. I agree. Yeah, that's Jack Benny's been 49 times. On the 20th, she'll be 39. I agree. I agree. I agree. Yeah, that's Jack Benny's age. On the 23rd of August, I know a belated gift, but we just came back from a birthday vacation at her favorite spot in Noosa, Queensland. I love you to the moon and my love you to the moon and back my queen can she be named dame emma huntress of the unicorns sure adam and john thank you for all that you do truly the best podcast
Starting point is 02:23:15 in the universe the jingle request john fisting nuts always brings tears of joy to our eyes. Cheers, Gareth. Location, St. Kilda. Victoria. Australia. Just go for it, John. Tell us your peeve about the fisting method of eating snacks on an airplane. I see this on the airplane, and it's very annoying, and I think it will result in fights breaking out. Because it's just so annoying to watch. Guy takes his bag of peanuts and he throws a pile of them into his palm of his hand
Starting point is 02:23:49 and then he makes a fist around the nuts. Around the nuts. And then he shakes his fist to try to bring a nut to the little hole. Stop. To the little hole. And then he throws a nut in his mouth from his fist then he does it again
Starting point is 02:24:08 he shakes and throws and shakes and throws it is annoying as hell to watch it brings tears to everyone's eyes tears of joy thank you Gareth I produced it you did with the moaning woman where did you get that
Starting point is 02:24:24 dude I produced this you watch with the moaning woman where'd you get that dude i i produced this you watch porn never mind why am i asking no this tina and i were just together maybe a year or so and and i'm in bed with a laptop i said oh man this predates tina this does not predate tina she was there when i made it and I was showing off like, look what I'm going to do and put all these sound effects and echo and she was like, wow, that's so cool. Marry me. Yeah, that's what happened there. Oh, God. Enough.
Starting point is 02:24:55 Martin Schels from Laber in Deutschland says, Danke für Ihre Mut. With $500. Thank you for your courage is what that means. Since it was so short, can I read this next one? Because I'm very proud of this one. Go for it.
Starting point is 02:25:09 This is, ladies and gentlemen, the one and only, the famous Dana Brunetti. Dana Brunetti. Yeah. And he sends in $333.99. And he says Gran Turismo, that's his movie, is currently number one. So you know what this is for you. You guys have done just a good job of promoting the film as the studio. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:25:37 It's because of the No Agenda show that it made 17 plus million dollars last week domestically. And since Adam has been nice to me on the show lately here's your cut it's more than mine that part i actually believe yeah i believe it this combined with my previous donations and dinners and wine with john probably puts me at grand duke or something but i'm happy with my i'm happy with my title of governor of the state of el dorado a safe state unlike camifornia even though john's daughter and son-in-law don't trust that john can explain in hollywood you're only as good as your last at bat so i'm out on top bitches dana yeah he claims to be quitting all the time. He should.
Starting point is 02:26:26 Yeah, what's he referring to here? His reference is that Brennan and Jay were up camping just north of where this theater was. And I said, can I invite them to the movie? Oh, yeah, there's enough seats. And so I told them, you know, come down and watch the movie because it's on the way back because they were passing right by it. And they never showed up. And so I asked them about it.
Starting point is 02:26:53 They said, oh, we were afraid because we had all our camping gear in the car that someone was going to rob us when we were watching the movie. And so I relayed this little information to Dana, who just thought it was rather funny, because if anyone had been, you know, they don't break into cars up there in the sticks.
Starting point is 02:27:16 They kill people for breaking into cars. And there's actual cops that get arrested, and you get thrown in the slammer. It's different. Jake Lydon, I know his mom, and we both know her mom, and he was on his way to college in Arizona, and he stayed, you know, he's on his way from Chicago. He stays in a Hilton hotel, like, you know, on the road, on the way,
Starting point is 02:27:40 puts his car in the garage. Next morning, his car is gone with all his stuff. The whole car? Yes, from the hilton garage everything that's crazy the world has gone insane now about this movie dan brunetti of course is a super famous uh hollywood producer who left hollywood and he'll never return this is his last movie ever i i understand gran turismo is now battling for top box office with barbie well now yeah barbie's is is lagging because it's just over the hill gran turismo let's just put it this way bernetti's not quitting he's just like he's full of shit. F-bombs, S-bombs. What is wrong with you?
Starting point is 02:28:26 Who are you? He is, this movie is terrific. If anyone, especially for, I'd say it's a good family film because it shows you, it's got a lot of good messages.
Starting point is 02:28:38 This is a positive film. It's a film. And I'm sure he got screwed out of something or other because he wasn't there at the end. So first of all, I think it's a great date movie. I haven't seen it, but I know enough about it. Great date night movie. And if you had to choose between Barbie and Gran Turismo, hands down Gran Turismo.
Starting point is 02:28:58 Because it's real boys, real girls, real men, real women, real relationships, real real life and it's a true story it's it's really an it's an outstanding watch many movies i have to i i watch them at home and and it's like half the time i can't get through the whole film yeah this is a no-brainer for for uh attendance i would yes now is it as good as snowpiercer and it's on imax is it is it as good as Snowpiercer? And it's on IMAX. Is it as good as Snowpiercer? Snowpiercer is a terrific movie. Not a date night movie.
Starting point is 02:29:35 Thank you, Dana. We appreciate you, brother. Thank you. Daniel Mariano's next on the list, and he's in Pflugerville. We like to point out the fact that we hang out or hang out we at least associate with people that are above our
Starting point is 02:29:49 ranks. Successful. Daniel Mariano in Pflugerville, Texas People have actual success, yeah yeah he's in Pflugerville, he came in with 333.69 and he has a note, again another one that's written out.
Starting point is 02:30:05 And it's actually on a piece of paper. And you can tell because it makes noise. Sounds like it, yeah. Sounds real. This donation brings me to Baron status. Nice. My accounting is attached. I'd like to be known as Baron Daniel.
Starting point is 02:30:20 I will choose a better title and territory once I escape from the greater Austin area. No jingles, but I'd like some karma for my fellow Catholic producers. Keep the Latin Mass alive, people! It's a message for you. It's a message for you in there, John.
Starting point is 02:30:41 No. You've got karma. This is a message for the radical Catholics that are being watched by the FBI because they're doing Latin Mass. Well, that's Void Zero. He's all into Latin Mass. Yeah, I've talked to Void
Starting point is 02:30:56 Zero about it, and as far as I'm concerned, it's the way to go. Then we have Stephen Draper in Stafford, Virginia. No note, 333.33. That gives him a double up karma you've got karma hey look who's here sir kevin dills we haven't heard from him for a while in huntsville north carolina 333.33 heave ho boys he writes there's work to be done mr dvorak more harmonica don't encourage him.
Starting point is 02:31:26 Oh, no. Don't encourage it. No jingles. No jiggles. Just karma. Sir Kevin Dills. Just jiggles. Duke of North Carolina.
Starting point is 02:31:37 You've got karma. Evan Andrew Norton, 333 in Austin, Indiana. That's a different Austin. Evan here. Not your typical swamp creature from little33 in Austin, Indiana. That's a different Austin. Evan here, not your typical swamp creature from little old Scott County, Indiana. Been a huge douchebag. Please de-douche. You've been de-douched. I've been a listener since around episode 10, but I've been a mouth hitter my whole life, the nonviolent kind.
Starting point is 02:32:01 Thank you for your amazing program, fellas. I just got back from my first NOAA agenda meetup in Greenwood, Indiana today. Everybody was so friendly, unique, and patient. I love the conversation, the people, and the food. I will be back for sure. No jingles, but I'll take general karma, please. Check me out on Instagram,
Starting point is 02:32:18 at 5KS underscore six days, where I promote health, fitness, culture, and food. I've lost, check this out, 175 pounds in 11 months, 200 pounds overall since 2021. Depression and Bidenflation be damned. In the morning, sincerely, Sir Andrew Newton. 17 pounds a month is a lot. Yeah, well, it must be the Ozempic.
Starting point is 02:32:43 Future night of the Scott County Swamp. My future video game release is at All right, brother. Thank you. You've got karma. Richie D. Paoli. Paoli or Paoli. Paoli.
Starting point is 02:33:00 He's in White Plains near Armonk. He's in White Plains near Armonk. We, he's in White Plains near Armonk. We used to go shopping in White Plains at the Zares. He used to go there all the time. At the Zares in White Plains. Yeah, there's an IBM and a CIA in that area. Correct. Correct.
Starting point is 02:33:16 I have been on board from about show 1400, he writes, and have never missed one. Good. I'm happy to offer this first of many donations to the best podcast in the universe. Obviously, I need a de-douching. Yeah, of course. You've been de-douched. And maybe some shame for waiting too long. Shame.
Starting point is 02:33:39 Shame, shame. Please send me some new business, Carmen, in the form of a goat scream. I recently took over Cameo Auto Body. Cameo Auto Body in Brooklyn, and I'm now off to a slow start. It was my attempt as an exit strategy from the ATM business, which I can tell you firsthand with almost 20 years of experience, is dead. It's dead. No one uses cash anymore, he writes. ATM business is dead. It's dead. No one uses cash anymore, he writes.
Starting point is 02:34:06 ATM business is dead. That's interesting. But even with electric and self-driving car accidents, they do happen. I would like to put an offer out to No Agenda Nation. If anyone needs a dent popped or a bumper painted in the New York City area, come to Cameoenda Nation. If anyone needs a dent popped or a bumper painted in the New York City area, come to Cameo Auto Body
Starting point is 02:34:27 2002 Utica Avenue in Brooklyn and ask for Richie. If anyone does does ill kickback, if anyone does, I'll kick back a portion to the show. Okay, that sounds good. Richard
Starting point is 02:34:43 D. DePaoli. DePaoli. DePaoli. DePaoli. All right. Richie, ask for Richie. All right, man. He's your goat.
Starting point is 02:34:55 You've got karma. Come on, New Yorkers. Give them some business. These are fun notes, actually. I'm having a good time. Jim Donaldson kicks off as our first associate executive producer from El Paso, Texas with a short row of ducks, 222.22. Hello, Adam and John. Plus, get monation. That's you folks listening. Top
Starting point is 02:35:12 of the morning. I've been a royal douchebag. So send, so I'm sending a row of ducks for the lads. Please hit my friends. Oh, I can't read this. Please hit my friends. I can't read this. Please hit my friends.
Starting point is 02:35:27 Becca. Is this the one that's handwritten? Yes. Let me see what it says. Please hit my friends. My friend Becca and Judy. In the mouth. In the mouth.
Starting point is 02:35:39 So I guess they're douchebags. Douchebag. And Judy. Douchebag. Please de-douchebags. Douchebag. And Judy. Douchebag. Please de-douche me. You've been de-douched. And then I think he's asking for... We all need, who need it, especially Becca and Judy.
Starting point is 02:35:59 They need a de-douching. Jobs Karma, but he's not getting one. Jobs Karma for all, resist we much, Reverend Al. Oh, well, I can do that. Resist we much. We must and we will much about that be committed. Jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs. Let's vote for jobs.
Starting point is 02:36:25 He's also known as TunaX12 on all platforms. All platforms. All platforms. All platforms. That brings us to another Brooklyner, Scott the Welder. I guess you get together with Richie.
Starting point is 02:36:41 Maybe he could weld some bumpers. Scott the Welder here. Man, it was pretty cool when Comic Strip... Okay. When Comic Strip Blogger followed me on Twitter... Oh, that's cool, man. When Comic Strip Blogger follows you on Twitter. Hey, he's a
Starting point is 02:36:57 No Agenda Celeb, baby. At the magic number of 222, Jobs Karma keeps on working. My wifey hates your show of opinions. But that last round of karma went right to her as well as
Starting point is 02:37:13 as well. So she's she's benefiting but she hates the two of us for some reason. That's a show of opinions. It's a show of opinions. Well, we have an opinion about her. Shout out to all these Georgia listeners. I love you all.
Starting point is 02:37:29 It's not my birthday, but give someone a biscuit anyway. They always give me a biscuit on my birthday. Adam Cover is in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. 201, first time donation. Can you deduce me? You've been deduced. D-E-U-C-E, dedce me. You've been deduced. D-E-U-C-E. Deduce me.
Starting point is 02:37:46 Can I get a shout out to my smoking hot wife, Danielle, as we celebrate our 10 years of marriage on Thursday the 31st? Of course. And they never had a fight. We are on our way to the northern border. Have you noticed this, John? noticed over the past several months that people spell border, which should be B-O-R-D-E-R, as border, B-O-A-R-D-R. I've seen a lot of this popping up. I think it's the right spelling because that's what they all end up becoming. Ladies and gentlemen, John C. Dvorak, he's here all week. We're on our way to the northern border with our six-year-old to see the big waterfall.
Starting point is 02:38:26 Wish us luck crossing the border and continue the great work. And please give me some goat karma. You bet. Have a good time at the border. You've got karma. Well, here we go again. Liz Popple in Penshurst, New South Wales, Australia.
Starting point is 02:38:45 A lot of Aussies today. D-Douche David from the Hunter Valley. You've been D-Douched. He is my amazing husband, provider, and protector of me and our two human resources. Thanks, John and Adam. We love you guys. Never have an exit strategy. Keep deconstructing. We will. John and Adam. We love you guys. Never have an exit strategy. Keep
Starting point is 02:39:06 deconstructing. We will. Love and kisses. Christopher Adamson is in Woodbury, Tennessee. 200. Switcheroo! Switcheroo! This goes to his smoking hot wife, Britton Adamson. Alright, let me make that switcheroo. Oh, Adamson.
Starting point is 02:39:22 There we go. Switcheroo. So, Britton Adamson. Alright, good. switcheroo. So, Britain, Adamson. All right, good. Make sure we put that bold so we don't mess it up. Please de-douche her. You've been de-douched. Oh, here we go. I would like to add Sir TJ the Wrathful to the birthday list.
Starting point is 02:39:37 His birthday is on the 2nd. That's Saturday, right before mine. Means he's a Virgo. Ladies, he's a Virgo. Please check out his podcast, Into the Dorfulverse, which I can recommend. This is a family of 10 brothers, and they make music. It's like the Value for Value Von Trapp singers,
Starting point is 02:39:55 and they do good music. The Dorfels is a great band. Call out my cousin Mike as a douchebag. Douchebag. In fact, I'm going to play TJ the Raffle and his human resources. Everything's a scam on the end of show mixes, which is excellent. It's an excellent show.
Starting point is 02:40:12 Now for the last part. On the last episode, I learned that Adam does not like for us to call it a pod. He is known as the pod father. Is he going to change it to the podcast father? Thank you for your courage. Keep the lid down. It's a warm day.
Starting point is 02:40:26 Yes, everyone should keep the lid down. She's got you by the balls on that one. She does. You got me. What are you going to do? Well, first of all, I've never called myself the podfather. Other people have called me that, and it's cringeworthy. Stop calling me the podfather.
Starting point is 02:40:40 Call me the podcast father. It doesn't quite have the same ring to it, does it? It doesn't work. Hey, stop doing it, does it? It doesn't work. Hey, stop doing that, smarty. Okay. All right. There you go. Anonymous is up.
Starting point is 02:40:52 In Rutland, Massachusetts. That's $200. No nothing here. So we're going to give him a double up karma. You've got karma. All right. All right. All right. I'm going to do this one because it happens to be my turn,
Starting point is 02:41:10 and it's from Linda Lupatkin in Lakewood, Colorado. $200. Thinking of rage quitting? For a resume that gets results, go to for all of your executive resume and job search needs. That's for all of your executive resume and job search needs. That's Or find Lyndon Lupatkin under the show's producers list. I'd like jobs karma.
Starting point is 02:41:32 Jobs, jobs, jobs, and jobs. Let's vote for jobs. You've got karma. Someone on No Agenda Social said, Yeah, I saw this. Seeing as Lyndon Lupatkin gets an advertisement every single time, would you be okay if someone came in and made an advertisement for Globhomo? I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:53 Globhomo sounds like an outstanding product. Globhomo. Globhomo. Get yourself some Globhomo. Code No Agenda. Paul Hearn in Chesterfield, Virginia. 200 bucks. No jingles, no karma.
Starting point is 02:42:13 That's the way to go. Grew up with Adam and Headbangers Ball. Enjoyed John on Tech TV and Twit. I've been listening to No Agenda on and off for years, but I just recently got hooked and started to see the value. Oh, nice. Whatever it takes. Therefore, you should see my $200 producer donation as well as my monthly 3-3.33 to work towards my knighthood.
Starting point is 02:42:36 Very good. Thanks for your courage. Thank you for your courage. And then finally, from our associate executive list, and we are just going to go blow right through it, Dame Patricia from Miami, Florida. And she sent in a handwritten note, which I have a copy of here. In the morning, guys, my son's job was terminated. So I'm requesting jobs karma for him. Thanks for all you do, Dame Patricia.
Starting point is 02:42:59 Jobs, jobs, jobs, and jobs. Let's vote for jobs. That's right. OG karma. jobs jobs and jobs let's vote for jobs that's right og karma karma thank you to all these executive and associate executive producers you you lighten our life this was a good notes by the way not too long not too many crazy jingle requests uh fun interesting entertaining five stars thank you so much we really appreciate all you do and as we do for all of our producers and john's going to read us through to the 50s and then we'll get into some meetups and and we
Starting point is 02:43:31 got some nightings in a dame here along with the title change we sure do let's start with the tribal back to you bob yeah we sure do boy that was the one of the worst handoffs yeah yeah okay whatever whatever tribal meetup in Greenwood, Indiana, which is credited to the raffle winner, Bruce Blesinger. Oh, nice. $180. Emily
Starting point is 02:43:55 Adams' favorite spook, Shufflecrat. Michael Hamilton in Lake Lynn, Pennsylvania, $150. DeKalb Jacob in Spring, Texas, $123. michael hamilton in lake lynn pennsylvania 150 dollars to kyle jacob in spring texas uh one two three four five needs a dedouching sorry i know that happened you've been dedouched mistake kevin mcatee in littleton colorado 100. Baron of Rotterdam in Rotterdam. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 02:44:28 9-9-9-9. He wants some jobs. Carmen will put that at the end. Curtis Cool in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. That's cool. I told you the story about Joe Cool already. Yeah. 80-31.
Starting point is 02:44:43 He did own a 1983 Pontiac J2000. That's always kind of a funny car. Yeah. 8031. He did own a 1983 Pontiac J2000. That's always kind of a funny car. Yeah. He's on the birthday list for Olivia. Mark Gill in 8008 at Dena, Minnesota. He's a de-douching. You've been de-douched. He's got the boob donation, and he is on the birthday list.
Starting point is 02:45:07 Kevin McLaughlin in Concord, North Carolina, 8008. Today's words are canary melons. And by the way, a canary melon is a... Canary melon. I have had that melon a number of times. It's one of the finest melons you can buy. Kevin McLaughlin's in Concord, North Carolina. Edward Owens in Alameda, California, 8008.
Starting point is 02:45:30 Steven Rivas in City of Industry, California, 6969. Oh, John, hold on, hold on. I got an air quality alert. I bet you did. Reported air quality in your area is unhealthy for sensitive groups. I'm so sensitive. You've been dedouched. Craig Kohler, Evansville, Illinois, 6502 Jamie Buell in Vista, California, 6006.
Starting point is 02:45:57 Kevin McLaughlin comes in with his second melon donation from Concord, North Carolina. Small boobs, 6006. New century melons. New century melons. New century melons. Let's see how long this goes on. And now finally we've gotten to the $50 donors right off the bat here. And it's really pooped out quickly here on today's donation. It did.
Starting point is 02:46:18 Let's start with, and I'll just name a location. Zev Green starts us off. And he's in Teaneck, New Jersey. Sage Sage Distribution in Chicago, Illinois. Valerie Ray in Plano, Texas. Towers Comics in Edmonton, Alberta. Go to Towers Comics.
Starting point is 02:46:36 Ray Howard in Kremling, Colorado. Justin Kaler in Blifton, Indiana. David Steele in Mobile, Alabama. Julie Mindaneo, Minadio, Minadio, Minadio, Minadio, Minadio in Costa Mesa. Ryan Sharp in Huntsville, Alabama. Kyle Mann in Cincinnati. Jill Woods in Ocean Grove, New Jersey. Tristan Henderson in Stritsville, Ontario, Canada. Brandon Locklear in Sugar Hill, Georgia. Justin Heiner in Vine Grove, Kentucky.
Starting point is 02:47:21 Dotted Mind in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, UK. And last on our list, right there in Castle Pines, Colorado, is Tony Lang. Thank everybody that's on this list profusely for making this a very well-received show. Thank you. An outstanding show, actually. I really appreciate this. Let me see, do I have everything all set up here?
Starting point is 02:47:43 Yes, I do. Jobs Karma, as requested. Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. Jobs.
Starting point is 02:47:48 Jobs. Jobs. You've got karma. And thank you to all these executive and associate executive producers, to all the producers who came in over $50, and, of course, those who come in under $50, typically for reasons of anonymity. Also, you may be on one of the many different sustaining donation programs.
Starting point is 02:48:06 We really appreciate you doing that. Even if you're coming in as an exec, just being on the, and a lot of people, you see them 33, 33 a month. That really does help. If you'd like to become a producer of the No Agenda Show,
Starting point is 02:48:17 be a part of the Value for Value revolution. Go here. Go to slash NA. And again, thank you for producing episode 1,586. Our formula is this. We go out, we hit people in the mouth. Order. Order.
Starting point is 02:48:41 Shut up, slave. Shut up, slave. Two things I want to mention. One is a make-good note for Dame Sarah from the previous episode, 34590. My note got missed on Sunday's show. It was okay because it was read at exactly 333. But since it's a birthday note, I had to send a make-good. The 34590 was to celebrate the birthday of my smoking hot love of my life, Sir Zons,
Starting point is 02:49:04 better known as Rolando Gonzalez. End of show makes her extraordinary. It celebrates his 45th trip around the sun on Wednesday and the 90 cents is for 45 more without a fight. I was happy to hear that you accurately stated we live in Houston, Texas because all of Rolando's end of show mixes have him living in Dallas, Texas. Although I almost hate to correct the record because this always gets a huge laugh from all of us Houston listeners.
Starting point is 02:49:29 Rolando is the best guy a gal could ever hope for. He works his tail off for a family we truly appreciated and couldn't do it without him. I hope this fall brings some relaxation so that you can do the things you enjoy, including making some more end-of-show mixes so that the girls have something to dance to. And as always, thanks to you, Adam and John john for all the sanity and stability your show has brought to
Starting point is 02:49:48 our family we couldn't do it without you either and then she does ask for a biscuit for his birthday which of course we always love handing out they always give me a biscuit on my birthday and i want to thank cassandra from candanavia or former candenavian she remember i think she sent you a whole bunch of canadian pennies and stuff remember did you get pennies in the canadian i never got any pennies well she sent me a whole canada box which is like they got stickers i've got beer koozies i've got uh canadian pennies all kind she sends me... She's the one that she and her husband collect classic muscle cars. Holy crap.
Starting point is 02:50:29 What do they collect? They have... Do they have a Hemi Cuda? A Hellcat. Ooh, that's a good car. A Hellcat. And... What else is it here?
Starting point is 02:50:45 I don't know what this other one is. Beautiful cars, though. Send one of those to the P.O. Box. I want one of those. Just an idea. Thank you all very much. I'm going to give out a carmine just for everybody who needs it to get out of this segment here. You've got carmine.
Starting point is 02:51:25 All right. Janet wishes her nephew, Master Theodore Constantine Bell, a happy birthday. Turns one today. And she also wishes her sister, Constance, a happy birthday. She's turning 40. Christopher Adamson wishes Sir T.J. the Raffle a happy birthday. For the second, Curtis Cool, his daughter, Olivia, a happy birthday. She turns 12. Happy birthday to our new human resource. On the 29th, Emmett Michael Schultz.
Starting point is 02:51:42 Welcome to Gitmo Nation, Emmett Michael Schultz. Mark Gill is celebrating. And Ray Jacobson wishes Christina a happy birthday. We say happy birthday on behalf of everybody here, the staff and management of the best podcast in the universe. It's your birthday, yeah. Title changes. Turn and face the slate.
Starting point is 02:52:01 Title changes. Don't want to be a douchebag. No douchebaggery here. Uh-uh, because we have an upgrade for Sir Daniel. He becomes a Baron thanks to an additional $1,000 marked up in support and value to the best podcast in the universe. We appreciate that.
Starting point is 02:52:16 Two knights are on deck, and we have one dame, so let's grab our blades for this ceremony. Here you go. Woo, nice one. Emma, Emma, Emma, Emma, come on up on stage. Justin Sonderreger and Alan, all of you are about to become royalty here at the Noah Jenner Roundtable, the Knights and the Dames, and I'm very proud to pronounce the K-D as Dame Emma, Huntress of Unicorns, Sir Sonderreger of Bluffwoods, and just Sir Alan for you.
Starting point is 02:52:43 We've got hookers and blow. We've got rent boys and Chardonnay. Cold Bush Light and some salty pretzels. A five Cincinnati chili and sweet tea. But that's not all. We've got beer and blunts, Brazilian hotties and cha-cha-cha-cha. Ruben S. Women and Rosé. Gaseous and sake.
Starting point is 02:52:56 Baca, vanilla, bong heads and bourbon. Sparkling cider and escort. Ginger ale and gerbils. Breast milk and pablum. And of course, the ever effervescent, the kind we love. We all love to feast out on the mutton and the mead. While we're doing that, head over to That's where you can see these handsome dame and knight rings. Anybody can gawk at them,
Starting point is 02:53:13 but only officially pronunciated knights and dames can have them. And there's a handy sizing guide over there. Please take a look at that and send your address where we can send this off. It comes with wax to seal your important correspondence and, of course, with a certificate of authenticity. Thank you for becoming Knights and Dames of the No Agenda Roundtable. No Agenda Meetups. We are winding out the month, so really only one meetup today. The Mile High Five Eyes Burgers and Fries meetup, which kicks off at 6.30 at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science in Denver, Colorado.
Starting point is 02:53:50 And on Sunday, which will be my birthday, September 3rd, the annual pig roast in South Jersey. Fitting. 4.30. That'll be in Medford Lakes, New Jersey. Contact the host. I believe it is at her house. Day one of the lengths. And in Mexico City, the meetup will take place at 5 o'clock at La Cceria del barrio in mexico city i would love to receive a report from those
Starting point is 02:54:11 guys and a a programming note from the back office we've had several proposed meetups that like go to a movie for instance they live although cool for the 30th anniversary, it's released on September 3rd. But these aren't really meetups. So the back office is declining those. Really, a meetup is a meetup. It's not a meetup. A meetup's a meetup. It's not a movie.
Starting point is 02:54:35 And it's definitely not a meetup within Burning Man. No, that is the opposite of a meetup, actually. This is not going to be done so meetups according to mimi there's at least five of these burning man meetups these people keep trying to put on the thing yeah really no a meetup is organized specifically for the meetup now if there's a meetup and the meetup like indiana and all of a sudden a burning man starts surrounding that meetup, that's understandable. Breaks out.
Starting point is 02:55:06 Burning Man breaks out at the No Agenda meetup. That can happen. But otherwise, no. Coming up in the next couple of weeks, Fort Dodge, Iowa, Rice-Friesland, Philadelphia, Fort Wayne, Anchorage, La Harpe, Kansas, we got Cincinnati, Ripon, Wyoming, Higginham, Connecticut, San Diego, Green Bay. It's all over the map. If you'd like to really experience NOAA Agenda Nation, really understand that there's people just like you. They won't look like you. They may not sound like you. They may not
Starting point is 02:55:38 believe in all the things you believe in, but they are just like you because NOAA Agenda Nation is bigger than anything you can imagine these are producer organized it gives you a true connection to the community it is a part it is the it's an essential part of being a part of the nation and as you know connection is protection if you can't find one there you start start one yourself. It's easy. Always guaranteed a party. Sometimes you want to go hang out with all the nights and days. Bum, bum, bum. You want to be where you want to be. Triggered on health and fame.
Starting point is 02:56:15 You want to be where everybody feels the same. Tiddly-liddle-lip-dum, bum-bum, like a party. All right. Let's talk a little bit about Ukraine before we... Hey, how about ISOs? Now, are you forgetting the ISOs? I got one. I got one, too.
Starting point is 02:56:37 Oh, this does not bode well. Where's your ISO? I went through a lot of trouble to try to remember to do ISOs today. And I don't even see your ISO. Oh, no, I didn't do one. Oh, this is a problem. Oh, I know what happened. I have the lamest ISO in the universe.
Starting point is 02:56:55 I was counting on you, bro. Well, I was counting on you. Here's my ISO. LOL. That's all I got. What was that? LOL. That's all I got.
Starting point is 02:57:04 LOL. LOL. That's all I have. Okay was that? LOL. That's all I got. LOL. LOL. That's all I have. Okay, that's what we have to use. Wow, bad. This is very bad. I can't believe we're this bad. All right, let's talk about Ukraine.
Starting point is 02:57:18 Ukraine is important. I only got one clip. It's about these drones. Now, the drone story has been changing. And in the newsletter, I constantly, when there's an update on drone technology, one clip it's about these drones now the drone story has been changing and i've ever in a newsletter i constantly when it's an update on drone technology i put a as much information and photos as i can into the newsletter and so now there's these new drones and they don't talk about the details here but play this drones clip so we know what the base this is on wednesday
Starting point is 02:57:42 ukrainian drones struck targets in at least six regions, including Moscow, deep into Russian territory. This was reportedly the biggest drone strike in Russia since Russia invaded Ukraine. One of the targets hit was a Russian airfield hundreds of miles from the Ukrainian border, and at least four military transport planes were destroyed, confirmed by Russia's own state media. The Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman said according to preliminary information, there were no casualties due to the drone strikes. Nevertheless, Ukrainian drone attacks on civilian objects confirmed the terrorist essence of the Kiev regime once again. It's clear that Ukrainian drones weren't able to
Starting point is 02:58:25 fly those distances without assistance from Western satellite information. The Ukrainian drone strikes happened around the same time Russia sent its own devastating attack on Moscow, saying it hit command and intelligence targets. But Kyiv residents don't seem to agree. Humans do no such things. There are no military objects here, nothing, just an apartment block, rest area. The missiles fell in the park. Ukraine's military said they shot down all 28 Russian missiles and 15 out of 16 drones launched overnight. But Ukrainian authorities said at least two people were still killed as debris from the intercepted missiles fell in four locations. This is interesting.
Starting point is 02:59:13 I know you might not think it's that interesting, but it is. Well, it is interesting for a lot of different reasons. One, the fact that these reports just don't make sense. No. But the other interesting thing to me is there's a drone that the ukrainians have that goes 700 kilometers and it's made out of cardboard here's what's here's what's going on with this story um we have the what is she she is hicks deputy secretary of defense kathleen hicks unveiled the defense
Starting point is 02:59:46 department's initiative aimed directly at countering the people's republic of china's rapid build-up of its armed forces the united states department of defense is going to be pumping in billions of dollars in the next 18 to 24 months to build drones they see drone warfare particularly water drones where have we seen those before drone warfare is the future and you know we had douchebag schmidt eric schmidt we had we we had him talking about it and you? All these drones, what they have in them as a special secret sauce? Come on, you can guess it. What is driving the stock market already? What do we need?
Starting point is 03:00:31 What do we desperately need? AI. AI. We desperately need an outlet for AI. So all these bogative companies are now going to be getting government contracts for the biggest money sinkhole that we have defense to save all their butts. That's what this is. Oh yes, drones. Look how effective
Starting point is 03:00:52 it is. Even a cardboard drone can go to Russia 700 miles. Imagine if we Americans put some AI into them. This is a money scam. Surprise. It's a good one, too. Surprise.
Starting point is 03:01:06 Well, speaking of scams, I got to read this to you. I'm going to play a little bit of a trailer of a movie documentary coming out on Paramount+. Sometimes in pursuing a curiosity about something going on in the world, maybe part of it is because you're looking to believe in something. There are people that you meet who are the embodiment of that hope that you want to have.
Starting point is 03:01:35 The film we'd set out to make was not meant to encounter an existential threat to democracy, just a spirited story of a comedy superstar turned president. Do you already know what this is about? What other comedy quote unquote superstar
Starting point is 03:01:51 has turned president? The Paramount Plus original documentary Superpower tells the story of how Sean Penn heads to Ukraine to learn more about comedic actor... He's been working on this documentary forever.
Starting point is 03:02:08 Yes. To learn more about comedic actor... Let me read the blurb. To learn more about comedic actor turned President Volodymyr Zelensky. It was meant to be an amusing film. It is turned into a document of history.
Starting point is 03:02:24 When Penn was brought in an undisclosed bunker in the presidential palace, it's actually disclosed, it's in the presidential palace, the Russian invasion had begun. Penn talked to President Zelensky as explosions rocked the city. He became an inadvertent front row witness to this historic David and Goliath struggle. an inadvertent front row witness to this historic David and Goliath struggle. Through moments of levity, inspiration, and on-the-ground storytelling, it becomes clear that Ukraine's superpower lies in the strength of its leader, its people, and ultimately, its heart. Stream the new documentary on September 18th exclusively on Paramount+.
Starting point is 03:03:02 Well, at least nobody will see it. No? Paramount+. Well, at least nobody will see it. No? Paramount+. Since the inception of that product, my wife has gone, I don't know how to even get this thing to work. And nobody that I know of gets it. I mean, the worst one is Peacock
Starting point is 03:03:23 or whatever the hell that thing is. I actually have Paramount+. Well, you'll get to see it. Do you know why? the worst one is Peacock or whatever the hell that thing is. I actually have Paramount Plus. Well, you'll get to see it. Do you know why? If you're going to watch that, I would recommend you've already seen these, but people out there should go to YouTube and track down the Scott Ritter documentaries.
Starting point is 03:03:39 Oh, about Zelensky. Yeah, it's very good. They document all the houses he has around the world and all the rest of it. It is, I would say, one of the top documentaries. And it's in parts. So there's part one and part two have been released. I don't know if the part three has ever come out.
Starting point is 03:03:58 But they're definitely, part one in particular is just a mind boggler. Very good. Scott Ritter on Zelensky documentary. Now it's time for our Trans Maoist Agenda Update. Self-destruct initiated. Yes, we have some interesting things going on in the Trans Maoist Update, which goes beyond trans, but we like to talk about trans. Just to see what crazy stuff is going on now.
Starting point is 03:04:25 The first thing would be this fabulous award. Have we ever been nominated for a streamy? I've heard of the streamies. We should be. Well, we're not. I would assume that we, because of the quality of the product that we deliver for the last 15 years going on 16, I would assume that they would be recognized for a Streamy. It's not that this is a slouch of an operation.
Starting point is 03:04:51 No, the Streamy seems to be only YouTube, TikTok, or... Here, the Streamy Awards is the... Well, they just call them the YouTube Awards. No, no, no, because it's much broader than that. The Streamy Awards is the first come the youtube awards no no no because it's much broader than that the streamy awards is the foremost recognition within the creator community it is yes honoring excellence in a variety of content verticals and areas of content verticals who talks like that ron bloom uh content verticals and areas of expertise but i think what this is now the streamies is produced
Starting point is 03:05:28 by dick clark productions and tube filter i think this is an outfit that um that tries to legitimize this type of content that's trying to build a um advertising based industry around it. Oh, yeah. I can see that being an issue. Yeah. Probably a good idea. Yeah. I mean, you and I, it disgusts us too much. But, I mean, in a world where we would want to make money, this would be a moneymaker.
Starting point is 03:05:59 I'm convinced of it. And the breakout creator this year, breakout, breakout, breakout, breakout creator. Can you guess who the breakout creator is this year? Kara Swisher. And the winner is Dylan Mulvaney! Oh my god!
Starting point is 03:06:20 Oh my god! Hi! You know, I'm really shocked because I thought the only award I would ever maybe win was maybe a Tony Award, but now I'm a musical theater gal with a streamie! Theater TikTok, we made it to the mainstream. 532 days ago, I made a coming out video that turned into my Days of Girlhood series. And my life has been changed for the better. But on the flip side,
Starting point is 03:06:49 there's also been an extreme amount of transphobia and hate. And I know that my community is feeling it. And I now know that even our allies are feeling it. Oh, our allies are feeling it. And I look around this room and I just see so many amazing allies. I know at this point, I wish it was Kara Swisher. Allies that have platforms. And I think allyship right now needs to look differently.
Starting point is 03:07:11 And you need to support trans people publicly. Applause. And proudly. Yes, proudly. And I think the trans community and the creator community actually have something in common and it's that people often underestimate us but I know
Starting point is 03:07:31 that we can stay optimistic about just the future of transness in general because if we can influence people to buy $22 air one smoothies we can also do this I love you so much thank you thank you that's that i played this clip for that thing and that thing only because what is happening here dylan movaney
Starting point is 03:07:52 you are being abused by the by the people who run the creator community which is silicon valley to sell crap to sell junk to sell smoothies to sell makeup to sell wigs to sell smoothies, to sell makeup, to sell wigs, to sell all kinds of crap. This has nothing to do with your transness. This is just to sell stuff to children. Just the future of transness in general. Because if we can influence people to buy $22 Air One smoothies, we can also do this. I just, I love you so much. Thank you.
Starting point is 03:08:24 Thank you. Thank you. I'm going to go have a beer just i love you so much thank you thank you thank you i'm gonna go have a beer and i love you i love you all right well i'll tell you this yeah milvaney knows how to uh she knows how to do he knows how to do it just milvaney milvaney milvaney knows how to do it oh it's almost said it's I know, it's hard. It should be just Milvaney. It's like a NASCAR winner. They plug it everywhere. You look at their patches when they come out,
Starting point is 03:08:53 they put the mic in front of them, and look at all the patches, and they're going to mention every one of them. That's because they're media trained to promote, promote, and promote. And is this talk exactly, John? I do have some. Wait and it's this talk exactly i do have some wait it's this talk exactly that you and i are having right now that is putting our country at a disadvantage for at an actual financial disadvantage because of you and i friend, this has happened. Canada has updated its travel advisory to the United States
Starting point is 03:09:26 warning LGBTQ people that new state laws and policies may affect them. The risk level is still green, listed as take normal security precautions. And the advice doesn't call out specific locations. But when asked for details, Global Affairs Canada pointed to laws banning drag shows and restricting access to gender-affirming care for transgender people. An actual travel advisory. Canada's turned into the weenie country. Who are they kidding? Well, they asked Christina Freeland.
Starting point is 03:10:00 She's in charge of this now, isn't she? Isn't she the homeland lady or something they asked her yeah the rebel news asked her about it she couldn't answer the question but i'll give you a little bit it's kind of funny why has your government issued uh the travel advisory for lgbtq plus uh people to the united states and was this something you discussed with President Biden or your government discussed with President Biden first? So, you know, as someone who has had the real privilege of serving as Canada's foreign minister, I know that our travel advisories are done very professionally. We have professionals in the government. Professional professionals.
Starting point is 03:10:48 This is proof that these people are dumb. We have professional professionals in the government. Whose job is to look carefully around the world and to monitor whether there are particular dangers to particular groups of Canadians.
Starting point is 03:11:04 Danger. podcast dangers. That's their job, and it's the right thing to do. When it comes to the United States specifically. Yeah. What? I have personal experience. Oh. Of dealing with a diversity of U.S. administrations and of dealing with American leaders at all levels of government, in all branches of government, and with Americans from...
Starting point is 03:11:35 All right. I can't take it. If you're in Canada and you want refuge, you can stay at my house for a while. Please. Leave. Leave there. Leave there. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 03:11:41 Leave. Here's what they should do because of this tribal advisory. When a Canadian comes in, the customs and immigration should punch him in the nose. And then they would have something to bitch about. And if you're gay or lesbian, you're welcome here. Come on over. If you're trans, fine. This is lame.
Starting point is 03:11:57 This is really, this is actually, I think this is an act of war. I think it's something that we should be complaining about. But let's go to california oh yeah well yes send all your lgbt2 spirit by the way it's not just lgbtq it's two two s lgbtqi plus in canada all right california they got that straightened out yes well i've got to be official about it there This is action in California. Trans in California. This is from NTD.
Starting point is 03:12:28 A mother in Northern California won a lawsuit against a school district. She claims her daughter was, quote, transitioned without her consent. This comes a day after the state sued a Southern California school district for requiring schools to notify parents if their child identifies
Starting point is 03:12:46 as a different gender. NTD's Aileen Ng has the story. Jessica Conan claimed her 11-year-old daughter, Alicia, was socially transitioned to a boy without her knowledge or consent. She filed a $100,000 lawsuit with the Speckles Union School District in Monterey County and won. Wait a minute. $100,000? That's it's it that lousy lawyer that seems like it'd be worth a bit more and you know they can pay it justice from the school that decided to try to transition my daughter behind
Starting point is 03:13:18 my back uh this is so wrong and this settlement right here proves in the public eye according to fox news conan alleges that the school district told alicia she may be unhappy because she didn't so wrong and this settlement right here proves in the public eye. According to Fox News, Conan alleges that the school district told Alicia she may be unhappy because she didn't know who she quote truly was inside and then she was allowed to use the boy's bathroom and male pronouns. NTD reached out to the board members of the Spreckles Union School District but didn't hear back by airtime. This comes after Attorney General Rob Bonta sued the Chino Valley Unified School District on Monday for requiring schools to notify parents that their children identify as a different gender. Chino Valley Unified School District Board President Sonia Shah has been vocal about supporting parental rights over their own children. The board voted to notify parents within three days if their child wants to change their gender.
Starting point is 03:14:04 The board voted to notify parents within three days if their child wants to change their gender. All it's saying is we're going to bring the parent in the picture because we do know, you know, from parents coming forward that there is these inappropriate conversations between teachers and students. There is inappropriate things that are happening. So to me, this policy made sense to put those safeguards in place to let them know. made sense to put those safeguards in place to let them know you know a friend of mine who has a 13 year old daughter in uh in school which of course is filled with liberal teachers he's he's genuinely afraid and you know he he he monitors her social she's not even allowed really i don't think she's allowed to take a phone to school he is so worried and he's and he says to me adam when is this going to end and i give him the answer that you have given us is when these children who have been transitioned come back to shoot their doctors and parents that's when it will end yeah yeah that'll do it and but i'm now we
Starting point is 03:15:00 have people who are just afraid that this is happening at school to their children and it is happening at school they should be afraid and and we and john i don't care about and you you be whatever you want to be but this is the problem this is the problem with the trans talk in america this and it's in still in the uk and it's still in the netherlands it's it has not gone away it just had there's too much money in for the medical community too much money part two here's the second part of this clip i like it shaw says she has received many death threats targeting her and her family and one person has even been arrested but she still pushes on because she has people who support her and are in the same boat hold on stop this is the school administrator who said no if your kids are
Starting point is 03:15:42 transit are turning trans we're going to tell the parents. So she's getting death threats. But she still pushes on because she has people who support her and are in the same boat who want to expose those targeting their children. She believes that it's important to let the parents talk to their children when they feel upset. But it can also be a very good thing if the parents are involved and they're part of the process, right? Because they're now knowing that their child's talking to this person and I think that's very important to respect those different households' traditions or their values or their morals. And if we try to be the ones as a school district to determine the, you know, the morals and the values, that's going to only hurt the child.
Starting point is 03:16:29 Chino Valley assured that the parent notification policy does protect students. If they believe a student could be in danger, abused, or hurt by their parent or guardian, the district would not notify them. So meanwhile, the Attorney General of the State of California sues that school for this policy. Can you believe that unfortunately yes yes i can believe it and and and there and gavin newsom has to realize that this is not helping his chances of becoming president no matter what he thinks this is this is you just hands, good to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:17:08 No, I'm not done, but welcome. Thank you for listening. Tina comes in with my wine. Are you done? I'm still doing this. What is she rushing you to drink for? She wants me to drink. She knows who I work with. Thank you, babe.
Starting point is 03:17:21 It's happy hour. Thank you, darling. Get her out of there. Did you hear that? She said, get her out of there. Thank you, darling. You's happy hour. Thank you, darling. Get her out of there. Did you hear that? Get her out of there. Thank you, darling. You know what? It is wine o'clock. What do you got going on? Wine o'clock. You have a basset hound
Starting point is 03:17:33 who needs to pee. I've got a wife. I don't now. No, the basset hound's back where she belongs. I have one last clip which I just thought kind of fits in with all this madness. And this is the kiss, the illegal kiss in Spain. Have you been following this illegal kiss?
Starting point is 03:17:51 Okay, yes, I have. Another one of those topics I was hoping wasn't going to crop up on the show. This is a great topic. I wasn't going to introduce it, but it's the funniest thing ever. Tonight, outrage growing inside Spain. We cannot express our joy as women without having some man interrupted and spoiled. As pressure intensifies for the head of the Spanish Football Federation, Luis Rubiales, to resign. It comes more than a week after he grabbed the head of star player Jenny Hermosa, kissing her on the lips as the team celebrated their World Cup win.
Starting point is 03:18:26 Prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation into whether it was sexual assault. FIFA suspended Rubiales for 90 days, and in the last 24 hours, leading officials from the Spanish Football Federation held an urgent meeting demanding Rubiales resign immediately. It was an about-face for the Federation. Days earlier, members applauded Rubiales resign immediately. It was an about face for the federation. Days earlier, members applauded Rubiales when he repeatedly said,
Starting point is 03:18:49 I will not resign. Rubiales saying he was the victim of false feminism and the kiss was consensual. Hermoso firing back in a statement saying, at no time did I consent to the kiss he gave me. This has now really turned into a me too moment for us here in Spain. And not just as it relates to Spanish football and the women that are playing the sport, but also just in a wider scope of society altogether. Meanwhile, the Spanish government has begun the process to try and force Rubiales out. An unbelievable story. This is a sports kiss you know what's funny is that the big question that is on everyone's mind is all these journalists a lot of sports journalists you
Starting point is 03:19:34 know that the question has never been asked and that question is was tongue involved? This is a celebratory, like men in soccer kissing. The women won. Everything the men won, including pay, equal pay. But oh my goodness, there's butt slapping going on with the men. This is a normal. It was a big, like, I love you. You won. You did it.
Starting point is 03:20:03 And she didn't even look like she misunderstood that. The whole thing. The world was gone. I think there's a little peer pressure that got her all jacked up. Don't you think? And it's Spain, for God's sake. I don't know if you're familiar with the culture. They're always kissing each other.
Starting point is 03:20:20 They're kissing each other a lot. It's all over. But I'm not going to downplay it. The guy is kind of a creep, so I'll take the lady's side on this one. They got those great shots of him looking with side eye like... He's a creep. The guy's a creep, so let's go with that. He's a creep.
Starting point is 03:20:40 All righty then. And who knows about with tongue. Yeah, please. We got to end the show mixes from Phantomville. Toby and TJ the Raffle and his human resources on the way. And after this, episode 93 of Mo Facts with Adam Curry on The history of hip-hop as it pertains to today's world. Part one.
Starting point is 03:21:00 There's a part two coming. It is a dynamite product. I really enjoyed doing that with Mo yesterday. There's a part two coming. It is a dynamite product. I really enjoyed doing that with Moe yesterday. And there's only seven more until we hit 100. Then we retire the entire product. Coming to you from the heart of the Texas Hill Country, in FEMA Region No. 6 in the morning, everybody, I'm Adam Curry.
Starting point is 03:21:26 And from Northern Silicon Valley, where I remain. I'm John C. Dvorak. We will be back with you on Sunday. My birthday. I turned 59. It's a very non-event in my book. And we'll be doing at least three hours of deconstruction for you. We look forward to it.
Starting point is 03:21:41 We enjoy it. Value for value, baby. Remember us at Until then, adios, mofos, a-hooey-hooey, and such! Coins here, never here, but never fear a booster's near. So shake your ass, get over here, my dear
Starting point is 03:22:06 It's not free, but don't worry Cause pretty soon it sure will be Just in time for RSV, Sherry So come on, let me vaccinate you So come on on let me vaccinate you it's not
Starting point is 03:22:31 the job that's killing kids with heart attacks and infancy it's turbo cancer excess deaths my dear there'll be no grannies left to die you killed them all just like last time propaganda works just fine, my dear. So come on, let me vaccinate you.
Starting point is 03:22:53 So come on, let me vaccinate you. Excess death might seem strange But anything outside the range Could just be blamed on climate change My dear Got blood clots, it's not the shots It's probably just a scotch Eggs and beef and meat you eat My sweet
Starting point is 03:23:17 So come on, let me Vaccinate you So come on let me vaccinate you What was it like, the mushroom experience? There was a delicious
Starting point is 03:23:39 mushroom dish. These mushrooms had hallucinogenic properties. I can't tell you. Later on. these mushrooms had hallucinogenic properties i can't tell you later you're sleeping and having visions or i i was I was red. I was red. What are considered magic mushrooms?
Starting point is 03:24:21 What are considered magic mushrooms? What was it like the mushroom experience I I just watched people I was not aware of these mushrooms pollution
Starting point is 03:24:37 properties but all of us enjoyed the mushrooms the restaurant and none of us enjoyed the mushrooms, the restaurant, and none of us felt any ill effects. Okay, girls, what did we learn from today's episode? That you're a D-bag! What? No, I'm a proud knight! Oh, um... That John's not buying it! Oh, well, that's normally true
Starting point is 03:25:06 But anything else Let us think Everything's a scam Life's a scam Everything's a trick Just to get your money Everything's a scam If it's on the TV
Starting point is 03:25:22 How can they just lie like that? All the time they've been trying to control the masses. That's the scare. It's a war for your mind. You will find it's all propaganda. This is a scam.
Starting point is 03:25:38 Moon landing, JFK, everything is run by the CIA. Everything's a scam They just wanna brainwash your brain belief Everything's a scam If it's on the mainstream 3, 2, 1, go! Have you heard the show?
Starting point is 03:25:58 Everyone's talking Curry Devorah deconstructing That's their job pointing out stupidity With an awesome No agenda committee The media just lies and lies. And Curry DeVore can show you why. Value for value is their way.
Starting point is 03:26:09 Cause they ain't in it just for the pay. 15 years and awesome producers. The best podcast. In the universe. Shut up slave. Everything's a scam. Everything's a trick. Just don't get your money.
Starting point is 03:26:34 Everything's a scam in this whole scheme. No way. But that's a scam. That's an epic scam. It's a scandal to me. This is a scam. I would say that's a massive scam. The best podcast in the universe.
Starting point is 03:26:54 Adios, mofo. Slash N-A. LOL.

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