No Laying Up - Golf Podcast - 906 - Presidents Cup Thursday

Episode Date: September 27, 2024

It was a clean 5-0 sweep for Team USA to open the 2024 Presidents Cup. We break down the days events, cover some news, and set up tomorrow's pairings. Presented by High Noon. Learn more about your ad ...choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Be the right club. Be the right club today. Johnny, that's better than most. How about in? That is better than most. Better than most! Expect anything different. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the No Laying Up live show presented, as always, by our friends at High News. We're drinking tonight, fellas. We have a lot to celebrate. The United States of America is up five-nothing. Everybody here is stoked. Randy has just been ready to run through a wall all day. Hello, Mr. B. USA. USA. Hell yeah. Taste it. TC has flipped
Starting point is 00:01:04 over to the American side as well. Hello, Mr. TC. I'm not flipped over to any side. There's no flipping. Now you guys understand why I put my membership on pause. And you know what? We're drinking tonight. It's a hurricane party.
Starting point is 00:01:17 It's a hurricane party. That's exactly right. The high noon end zone pack is here along with your favorite fall colors, pear and cranberry and year-long classic, year-round classics, grapefruit and black cherry. Whether you're tailgating in the lot or playing golf on the green, get out and enjoy the crisp fall air with even crisper drinks. The High Noon End Zone Pack is only here for a limited time. Get it while you can. Visit to find it near you guys. The cranberry is wonderful. It's splendid. They didn't have it. I went to Publix. What like two hours ago, they didn't have any of the fall flavors in yet. I
Starting point is 00:01:49 bought it all up this week. TC. I went shopping for it. The hurricane man. It was a run on it. It is of course a five to nothing lead for the United States of America over the internationals. Uh we have a lot to discuss when it comes to that but uh TC uh a curveball, you guys are not expecting this. I promise we are gonna 12-6 curve ball you off the top. And TC is gonna give us kind of 10 positive takeaways from the day that was.
Starting point is 00:02:18 TC, what do you got? I have no idea where you're gonna go with this. 10, it's the week of rejoicing. I'm trying to be positive. You know, I think today was such a disaster for the tour that it was actually a win. So I'm trying to kind of take that take that tack. So number or counting down from 10. 10. Okay. Camilo Vijayegas aesthetic was awesome. He looked like an absolute G out there. He was kind of, you know, back and forth with Kisner a little bit. We'll talk about that. Exactly. So I thought he looked, I thought he looked the part. I thought the European wags or the international team wags looked looked great as well. solid is frozen to Gaten there too. And then number nine, Russell
Starting point is 00:03:10 Henley, everything we hoped he'd be. He was he was great. He was fantastic. Fresh air. Exactly played really well. Perfect compliment to Scotty. I hope they send him out in in force of tomorrow. I'd like to see him play both the first sessions Number eight DP World Tour their putt-putt competition that they posted between we quickly quickly left the President's Cup We got to it and left the President's Cup Billy Horschel is fantastic I just want Horschel's was chirping footsie the whole time. It was great. Go watch that if you haven't already was chirping footsie the whole time. It was great. Go watch that if you haven't already.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Number seven, like I said earlier, this is kind of a dream scenario for anyone who, you know, kind of despises what the tour leadership is doing and knows that they don't even know what their product is. This is really the first international rider or President's Cup that Monahan era really owns like that was venue was chosen and announced during his tenure and all that and the website is abysmal for the president's cup like there's like there's no information about the tiebreakers there's just not a lot of relevant information the app didn't work the broadcast was we'll get to that the venue the logistics the pregame show all of it was awful I'm being too positive solid actually left Left the premises here. We'll keep going
Starting point is 00:04:33 number six Just have to say real quick drawn. That's a true like other than that. How was the play mrs. Lincoln type situation there? You laid out. Oh, yeah. I mean, it's like it's becoming so Irrefutable that you know like I was on the main the main newspaper for Montreal like their main three news sites. There's not a single mention of the president's cup other than traffic like traffic patterns. So number six, Tommy Fleetwood shot minus two 69 today and his T8 at the open to Espana. John Rahm is currently minus three, one ahead of him. So shaping up to be a great weekend there. Number five, the Eric Adams indictment is awesome.
Starting point is 00:05:22 I don't think it can be any better. We're gonna get so much run from this the Turkish Airlines thing connecting through Istanbul. And listen, it's a win for the rats, right? The rats are in the streets rejoicing because he he had gone to war on the rats. What does this mean for the garbage collection? Are we going to get the garbage cans? Do you see what does the McKinsey project? Does it get shelved? I'm worried. Yeah. Number four, Johnson Wagner is going
Starting point is 00:05:51 to have to get so deep in his bag over the next three days to kind of carry this post pregame post game show, mid game show, you know, between it's like he's gonna he's gonna be in his bag. Number three, real quick on Johnson Wagner, my fiance walked in after play it ended and she was physically taken aback by Johnson's mustache like she had a physical flinch when she saw it. She didn't hate it, mind you. It was just startling to I think that's what they're going for there. Biggie. It might want to watch out. It's like, it's like Neil's mustache right now. Number three, Joe LaCava didn't get into a fight. Last time he, you know, last time he showed up at it. Granted, we've got three more days of this thing. So we'll see. Is that a good thing or not? I would have taken a fight today. Honestly, I would have. Yeah, that's that's that's true. Maybe, you know, maybe Tom Kim versus Cantlay. Maybe we get that and the cover Tom Kim. I would be Team Look, have
Starting point is 00:06:53 a there, which leads me into my my my number two, Tom Kim proven to be a proper clown gets everybody all fired up on the first tee. You know, crowd, crowd goes nuts. He takes so long over the ball that the crowd loses their momentum loses the juice. And then go into the next tee after the after the whole Scotty like Scotties putting and him and some general the next day like that's low rent. That's classless. You can't can't be doing that kind low rent. That's classless. He can't can't be doing that kind of stuff. Can have a we'll get into more of that shades of Brookline. Yeah, of course. And then lastly, I just got a shout out the score bug. We were hooked him. So here he is. He's back. Guys, I have no
Starting point is 00:07:37 idea what's going on. I'm dripping sweat over here. My connection went out. Hopefully it's back. I have no idea what's going on. But I'm glad we did that then the 10 you know, you missed him. Yeah, hopefully it's back. I have no idea what's going on. But I'm glad we did that then the 10, you know, you missed him. Oh, I thought to watch the show, figure out what they were. But Sean's number one reason for rejoicing is NBC finally put up a functional score bug. Guys, we did it. We rocked him. Now it may not have been accurate. That's fine. That's fine. We I'd rather be inaccurate than not have one at all.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Like it was mostly close for most of the day. I was celebrating that all day long. It was just very easy to keep track of what the matches were. And the event that we were watching was a big step in golf television match play coverage today. And I could not be more excited about it. We did it.
Starting point is 00:08:21 We rocked them. And you know what? A bonus one, and 11th one. We got we got Cody some spelling lessons, some Mavis Beacon typing lessons as well. I'm excited to get started. Yeah, yeah, it's kind of like Randy's Duolingo thing where he's been speaking French for 800 days in a row.
Starting point is 00:08:40 We we guys are bad guys. TC also your numbering was all over the place, but I think there's a different, probably sound that I need to play after that run through there. Let's see if this will actually work. Oh yeah, there we go. That was the end of the trap draw section here at TC,
Starting point is 00:08:58 but very good job on your top 10 list. Thank you for being positive. It was very positive, right? We had a quick Mayor Adams indictment breakout session, sorry that you missed. Okay, well thank you for stalling for time to get me back online. But yeah, I missed part of it,
Starting point is 00:09:14 so I hope we're not rehashing any of this. But where, Rainey, it's five nothing. Well, what are we doing here? What's going on here? A lot of the questions, I'm not gonna get to me the questions just yet, but people aren't that happy about this event as of right now.
Starting point is 00:09:30 No, I mean, nor should we be. I guess it kind of stinks that we have a blowout on paper and yet we had like three, maybe four coin flip matches, at least by, you know, it was one up most of the way the US ends up winning three of them by one up. I mean, I guess you could squint your eyes and a couple made putts and you know, it could be two and a half, two and a half and that would be such a, it would just be so much more interesting going into tomorrow where I feel like we're
Starting point is 00:10:02 all the big losers because I mean, there's just no way the international team is going to come back and it's kind of have this event decided on Thursday evening. I mean, or I guess never say never. But man, we were close to having like a two and a half, two and a half tied first session and then, you know, we can get into a lot more exciting stuff. But it didn't turn out that way. I guess. So Randy, you're not seeing a path to victory. I TC. I do not. I do not see one. It is funny. I do like the four day stretching out of this event, you know, instead of the 36, 36. I hate it. Well, I do in theory, but now that the event is over on Thursday night, but with three more days to go, it's tough.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Like that's really, really tough combination. But I don't know. I like, I kind of like breaking it out and have let these matches breathe a little bit instead of, you know, any weather delay causing a huge wrinkle in things and all that and the extra day. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I do feel like there's just not enough golf. Like Thursday, Friday, having only, you have 10 matches between two days. Have like a little micro single session or something. You know, do- No, you cannot mess with this. TC, gosh damn it, you cannot mess with this format, okay? This is a tried and true event, all right?
Starting point is 00:11:20 Just 10 cups ago, this event tied, all right? So easy to forget that, but it's only been nine straight wins for the US. And any kind of tweak to that, I just don't, I don't think we have enough evidence to point towards the fact that this event is not thriving. So I- It's a very serious event.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Yeah. Totally, totally gate. It's grounded in history and legacy and you know, presidential stuff, right? Well, let's talk a little bit about the matches and then we can kind of get into some macro stuff. Then we can, I'm sure we'll have the pairings up here by the back half of this show as they sort through that.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Match one was Jason Day and Ben On. The US then put up Xander Shofley and Big Tone. Xander Shofley went on to birdie the final two holes as the US won that match 1-up. What was, TC, what was your takeaway from this match? I love watching Big Tone play match play. I think it's a good game for him because it allows him to play aggressively. He did miss that short putt, what was that that early in the back nine, I think. But made four birdies and like big, you know, big tones of match play killer.
Starting point is 00:12:30 And then, and then Xander just team did Xander stuff. Xander, like he shot into, into 18 there. He birdied 17 as well. 17 was kind of a sneaky little one today, but like he played well throughout the match. I think he made what four or five birdies. So, um, yeah, that's like a, that's a send them out and kind of set it and forget it kind of pairing, um, you know, Ben on and Jason day, again, if they were running a couple of 15, 20 footers in, maybe it's different, but you know, it's just, I'm kind of like, you know, you're reading, uh, Ben Everill
Starting point is 00:13:05 had something about Jason Day, but how, you know, he's kind of accepting responsibility for not getting into the president's cup over the pre, you know, preceding decade plus of his career and, and how he could have been more of a leader and could have taken more ownership and all of that. But I don't know, it just seems like too little too late on that front. But I don't know. It just seems like too little too late on that front. Ben On's putt on 17. God, that was a good putt. And I thought deserved to go in. It would have been so much more fun if that putt goes in. They're all square on 17 going to 18. Yeah. I felt like that was just kind of the microcosm of the day for the internationals. But that's the thing too. It's like Xander then goes and steps on their throat anyway.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Yeah. So it's. Couldn't hold that guy down for that long. It really, I mean, this obvious, but it's just, it's such a mismatch, man. I honestly didn't feel like the US played that great today. Like I did not think they were unbeatable. Like you mentioned, Randy,
Starting point is 00:13:59 like a couple of matches could have flip-flopped. I mean, that's a little generous just because like the international team just stunk. Like they're, they're not the most talented team, but they're better than that. Like they are way better players. Sung J, we'll get into that match here shortly. He was such a disappointment today. And then the next match, they're the team of Adam Scott and Min Woo Lee was just awful. I mean, how they managed to keep
Starting point is 00:14:20 that match to, to just losing by one to Colin Moorkow and Sahit Tagal. It was helped again by Sahit, had quite a poor day. to keep that match to just losing by one to Colin Morikawa and Sahith. It was helped again by Sahith, had quite a poor day. And he was pretty off. That's what I was going to say. Morikawa was not that great, honestly, either. If you're looking deeper at the data, golf's got strokes, gain numbers for all these guys.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And everybody was in the negative in this one except for Morikawa. And Min Woo Lee just looked like he had no idea on the pace on the greens. He was way off with that. He looked nervous. Yeah, he looked very nervous. Blowing putt. He wasn't, you could tell he just had that look on his face on the first tee that wasn't like amped up for the moment.
Starting point is 00:14:54 He looked like he wanted to throw up and running putts way by and then had just an awful putt there on the back nine that came up like a foot and a half short when he needed to make it. And it was just disappointing. Adam Scott, we've seen him play in so many of these man. It just feels like he's got so many 10 footers in this event, and they never go in, they just don't ever go in. And, you know, they just needed someone to stop the bleeding at some point, you would think he would be the guy to do it. And it just did not happen today. It's not dissimilar from his career at large. Yeah. T.C. I was thinking the same thing. similar from his career at large. Yeah. T.C. I was thinking the same thing.
Starting point is 00:15:29 As much as it pains me to say because I'm a big Adam Scott guy. But yeah, I mean, Sawhith didn't make a birdie until 18. They were basically playing like, you know, two on one and they still couldn't get it. There was a hell of a shot. Sawhith into 18. That was the highlight of the day. They were saying he hit nine iron from 172. I swear when they flashed his club it actually was eight iron. He was yelling out to go but he hit it to two and a half feet and had to make that putt to win the matches. Adam Scott did actually roll in a putt there. I was on 18 on 18 to make him make that.
Starting point is 00:15:58 But I liked what faxing was actually saying there. More cow had a chip from just off the green. They should just let sawith go first, right? Because when it's just for clarity's sake, a couple people asking about this, like when it's the US's team turn, whoever's farthest away, that's whose turn it is, you can choose within the team who goes first. They did that a couple times today. I'm surprised they just didn't have Sahith go up and knock in the, knock in the putt to, maybe the executives were asking to string it out there and make sure it got all the way to the indices clock window.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Just I need I need Min Wu to show us something next few days. Montreal is obviously an exceptional culinary city. Min Wu is a culinary and but he's he's he's looking more like a line cook than a chef and an executive. You take away Adam Scott's birdie on 18, where, you know, saw what, like you said, totally two and a half feet. Like that was a foregone conclusion. Those guys made two birdies between them over 17 holes.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Like, of course, could have been easier. Right. It was wet. It was soft greens. Like what are we doing? You see the bottom bent. And like this, I was excited about this pairing for the international team too. It's really, really tough. I'm going to go ahead. I'm going to get this in now. TCM, we'll get back into the matches here. But Mizuho Americas is part of the Mizuho's financial group, the 15th largest investment bank in the world. First largest bank in the world, excuse me. Mizuho America is a corporate and investment bank serving corporate and institutional clients. They advise and fund businesses looking to go public, raise money, expand operations, or connect with large investors.
Starting point is 00:17:35 They also help finance infrastructure projects that promote civic improvements. While you may not know the name Mizuho, you likely know many of the brand name companies they have helped with the projects they have funded. It's a name worth knowing. Of course, the title sponsor, the Mizzouho Americas Open, two years running at Liberty National, doing some great things in golf, specifically in the women's game. They support a lot of our LPGA content as well. So big shout to Mizzouho. For more information, visit Third match out, Russell Henley and Scottie Scheffler against Tom Kim and Sung JM. This was probably the highlight of the day, I think we would say.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Tom Kim made a, this is, if you saw a highlight from today, it was certainly this moment where Tom Kim made a long birdie putt on the seventh hole. Celebrated big time, brought the energy, and Scotty Scheffler poured one on top of him and just yelled right back at him and well what's that now? I forget exactly what he said but gave him a pretty serious shout directly at Tom Kim's way which was sweet like that was a really a very fun moment and this is where you got to give props to Tom Kim TC. He is the one guy like bringing some energy on the international side. He's the needle. Yeah he also looked on the international needle. Yeah. He also looked
Starting point is 00:18:45 like deathly afraid after that. Yeah. He put him in his place after that. Like he was smiling like ha ha. He's like, oh shit, Scottie's serious. And then they got they got kind of, you know, like they played well. I mean, Tom, Tom Kim birdied seven, eight, 10 and 12. Like he had a- Sung J anchored him. Sung J was awful. Like he was the worst player in the entire field today. Other than Christian Posey, no, he was the worst player strokes game wise in the entire field today.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Like Sung J is supposed to be a dude on this international side and gave him nothing. Okay. So I have a question for you guys. Is Sung J, I feel like I've heard,, does anybody do less with more than some gay? Like what what is up with him? I'm right there. There's a certain point. I can't figure him out, man. Yeah. Okay. I'm putting on a note right there with you. And he should have like a high floor. He drives it remarkably straight like he's always in play And it's just like his irons and his putting just evacuate sometimes Quite quite poorly today But so the next moment to follow Tom Kim poured in a birdie putt on the eighth hole
Starting point is 00:19:59 yelled again Scotty back went and got Tom Kim's ball out of the hole and was like Tom was like Barking at him from behind him, like saying something to him. Scotty then missed his putt, but before that, the internationals in a classless move, complete chaotic move. Don't take the piss, Solly. Totally classless move. You just don't do that, TC. They walked off the green onto the next tee, inexcusable.
Starting point is 00:20:23 60 yards away. I've never been so mad in my entire life as when this tee. I unexcused. I've never been so mad in my entire life as when this happens. I've never seen anything so disgusting. This is worse than Brookline. You see I came up with it was Ryan in Brookline for being honest. No, they just like left. It was weird and then the Vagegas and Kisner. Apparently, Vagegas was leading the charge on that.
Starting point is 00:20:45 It was like telling them to do that, according to John Wood reported that on there and told them to go do that, I guess, for whatever reason. And Kisner, I guess, was not happy about that, got a little bit in Vagagas' face. They came and showed them. Gimli wasn't happy about it either. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:00 If you can't tell her if you're new to the show, I was being extremely facetious there. I didn't, this kind of stuff is not a big deal at all. But apparently, as an unwritten rule, like bunting to break up a perfect game last night with TJ Freelance, we talked about that. I totally stand with you guys on that. If like, if there's multiple guys. Yes, nothing game. They're a bloop and a blast away from anyway, you just need a base runner.
Starting point is 00:21:23 That's on me. That's on me for bringing that up. But it was at least a little bit of drama. Like, they're gonna need to play some of these roles, you're gonna need some people to be some bad guys over the next totally fine. I just that's how I think Tom Kim is is outing like I'm rooting for it because he's outing himself as a proper clown. What do you like the for the stuff on the first T he's just annoying himself as a proper clown. What do you like the stuff on the first tee? He's just annoying.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Like there's being a heel or there's being a like- Can't join you here. You know, someone, but he's just, it's just too much. He's annoying with it. He doesn't have any tact with it. I totally disagree. He does everything that everybody else does at any other team competition.
Starting point is 00:22:02 It just irks you. He does it better. He actually like legitimately gets the crowd into it as good celebrations, like his look. You got the crowd into it. He's having the most fun out there. 15 seconds and he was standing over the ball in the first tee for 25 seconds.
Starting point is 00:22:17 That was tough. A couple things. Can you imagine how dry this would be if Tom Kim wasn't doing this? Thank you, Randy. Like on a certain level, you gotta at least respect it. TC, a couple things for you. In a press post around presser, both Tom Kim and Taylor Brent Penrith both mentioned disappointment in the home crowd out there today. A quote from young Tom Kim there. I think it was a little bit too quiet today being on home soil. I wish they would have
Starting point is 00:22:41 helped us out a bit more, especially being in Canada. I know how much they love golf Blame I thought the crowds down five nothing like the crowds on the first like they were doing aerial shots We can get to that. Let's get through the matches and we'll talk. Yeah I'll back him up on that one Granny's probably get roasted for that because they are down five nothing and you're blaming the crowd on it But he's not wrong on that on that front. But also people will say give him something more to cheer about there'll be more boys totally disinterested as a crowd. No, I'm not saying that as a whole as a whole day he's saying specifically in that moment he felt like there was a huge drop in any feeling going on in that match and they he felt like they needed to get something going that's where he was trying to get just something. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Yep. That's not wrong but I think match for all of Canada to match for Wyndham Clark and Keegan Bradley beat Taylor Pendrith and Christian Bezadenhout. Did they win one up or two up? I thought they won two up because of Bradley's birdie on 18. But Data Golf has met two up. The PGA, no, the match wasn't tied. They were one up on that.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Oh, they were one up going in there? Yes. Was Bradley outside of Pendrith maybe? And so when he made his birdie putt, they just gave Pendrith his? But that's the match is over when he makes that putt. It should be two, I don't, it doesn't matter. It goes to speaking that they've had trouble
Starting point is 00:24:08 with tracking the scoring so far today. So I don't know why it is this way. But anyways, Keegan Bradley and Wyndham Clark, Keegan makes the big putt on 18, huge fist pump, big celebration with Wyndham Clark. Wyndham played fantastic today. He was one of the leaders, he was the leader on the US side, just sorry,
Starting point is 00:24:23 he was second on the US side in total strokes gained behind Patrick Cantlay So speaking to his his comments after Rome or recently, you know But like the on Rome saying how he's not in tournament shape It was on able to play himself in a tournament shape while he was there He came out of the gate and played some really good golf today. So shout out to him on that one Yeah, kind of a little bit, you know, it's a zero zero ball game right now, other than the guys that sat the first session, as far as the high scoring and low scoring. Everybody on the international team is T1. As far as high score and low score, everybody on the US team, if the exception of Max and Harmon is T1 as far as high score. That's sick. Taylor Pendreth and Christian, Taylor Pendreth played
Starting point is 00:25:07 solid golf. He did not, he ran out of steam down there at the end, but he was absolutely carrying that team. Cause Buzeta was a minus four on the day in, in total starts game, missed putt after putt. He had so many opportunities in that finishing stretch and just could not get the ball in the hole.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Drive on 18 was sick. Let the air out of it just chip on 18 was sick laid the sod over that after drive it in the water on 18 but feel bad for for pendwith a little bit and kind of redeem himself in some way from the own for only to kind of get let to get completely let down by his teammate was was a tough draw but that's the nature of match play. He made what seven birdies today, I think. One, two, three, four. Yeah, it looks like it.
Starting point is 00:25:50 They conceded the one on 18, that's seven. Poseidon made one. Pretty strong. So it was, there was a moment there coming down, Poseidon had a big putt there on 17, and it was like, dude, he's gotta make this, and they gotta go win 18, or this event is night night. And it was just like, man, he's got to make this and they got to go win 18 or this event is night night. And it was just like, man, I just don't know if your premiere event should come
Starting point is 00:26:09 down to Christian Bezade now on Thursday. I just think we could do better here, guys. I really do. And I'm tired of being told that I'm the bad guy for having that opinion. So you don't understand the contracts, okay. Final match was Patrick Cantlay and Sam Burns against Corey Connors and Hideki Matsuyama I feel like we didn't see a ton of this one, but Cantlay was incredible He almost gained three shots in approach play alone was the best player on the US side. Burns was pretty disappointing
Starting point is 00:26:39 But Corey Connors and Hideki cooked nothing up as a team and a bit of a dud match, but it went down to they closed them out on 17. They won this one two and one for the clean sweep. And they got off to a good start. Connors and Hideki did. I mean, they birded the first three holes and that looked like one that the internationals were giving a little bank on. And then, you know, Cantlay just kept just kept at it. It was he played really well. So what what are we it's off to him. Let's start with the international side with weird. Is there I don't get the sense that there's a ton of like
Starting point is 00:27:16 Captain blame going around right here. I don't know if like Fierce can take a victory lap right here and we're you know has to wear the egg on his face here, but is there a do it just kind of feels like he's back. He got his back up against the ball with the squad. He's got probably did the best he could. But like your other options were Mackenzie Hughes and see will Kim. I didn't, you know, the benching see will Kim seemed a little bit curious just based on how, you know, how things went for him in 2022. But other than that, uh, just there's not a lot there, man. And I don't know what else
Starting point is 00:27:45 he's supposed to do. Johnson Wagner was talking about Mackenzie Hughes. Like that was kind of the one thing he was saying. He's like, man, I'm surprised he left Mackenzie Hughes on the bench because he's one of the best putters on tour, like in the entire world. And give him a chance to roll some putts in and get the crowd into it. Maybe that's like he said that last night when the pairings came out. But that was really the only qualm I've heard. Yeah, I don't think there's any, I mean, players got to make plays, right? Like Min Woo Lee paired him up with Adam Scott, like, you know, veteran with a rookie that, you know, they should feed off of one another. And just it just didn't happen. Players just didn't play. And I guess I just I feel like I'm always fighting against that that narrative of the match play comes down to putting right. It always seems to be the it's the final thing you see. It's where people feel like it gets decided but like
Starting point is 00:28:36 the US was nine shots better than the internationals T2 green today and four shots better on the greens. So it always I don't know. It's always like Kevin now should be on one of these teams like we got it. We need guys that make make putts we always miss the putts like dude, it's kind of decided before, you know, if you get boat race on the greens, that's a problem, of course, but most of it is going to get decided to green at least decidedly today. And I don't know, it's it's, I don't know if there's a button to push here, which is kind of sad as we're sitting here on Thursday looking at the rest of this week. Randy, what say you? I don't, yeah, I mean, I don't think Mike Weir could draw these out of a hat.
Starting point is 00:29:11 I don't think it matters. I truly don't think the captain plays a part in this. And I was just gonna say like Furik after at the conclusion of play, he almost sounded like sheepish and like trying to make this closer than maybe the 5-0. Like it was just a very weird like, I don't know. It almost feels like he was
Starting point is 00:29:34 feeling sorry for the international team a little bit. But yeah, you know, you look at Min Woo Lee, Adam Scott, that should be a great pairing. Sung-Jae and Tom Kim. I really liked that pairing, you know, Corey Connors and Hedeke. You just got to play better. That's what it comes down to. Um, Buzedan-Hut and Pendrith. Yeah. Maybe you, we're not going to win a lot of matches with those two. It just, at the end of the day, you just don't have a full deck. I don't think. Tomorrow feels more like, all right, we can second cast some,
Starting point is 00:30:04 some things on the alt shot. On the alt shot. Yeah. Cause there's so much, the thing. Tomorrow feels more There should not have been five matches today. Like let the international depth is going to get even more exposed. The US has won nine of these in a row. Like throw a bone back to the international depth. And they have so much more depth. So much more depth. Throw a bone back and just make it four matches like the Ryder Cup. And I know they're trying to differentiate themselves at least a little bit. But like this is part of the problem here.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Like they had to run out a team of Christian Bezadenhout and Taylor Pendreth in this event. And it's just not a fair fight. It's such a bizarre thing. I don't think they can cut back another match though, and only have one set of matches on Thursday and Friday. Right? You have four matches on the course. Like tomorrow, there's going to be eight balls total on the entire golf course,
Starting point is 00:31:05 the entire or 10, 10 balls total on the entire golf course all day tomorrow. Yeah. That's not a lot of golf. Yeah. You should play two singles matches with the people sitting. That's what I'm saying. Exactly. Weird.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Or do you like a little, like a two man scramble? Yeah. Yeah. What did you guys think of, uh, of Roa Montreal TC? You know, like a two man scramble. Yeah. Yeah. What did you guys think of, uh, of Royal Montreal TC? Like no, I'm not going to get worked up about it. It's not Royal Montreal's fault that they're having this competition there. I know it's our 150th anniversary and all of that.
Starting point is 00:31:39 I know it rained last night. Um, you know, sun came out towards, towards the and it was it's like one of the more unremarkable golf courses I've ever seen anywhere ever like there's some there's a couple of cool holes on the back nine but for anybody saying oh it's it's a classic classic style like no like the bunkers like looked like a Muni saw I believe you called it chipotle package. Look like some of those greenside bunkers have just no
Starting point is 00:32:09 depth to any of them. Yeah, like they had a playing through at one point just showing in like an empty green like an empty circular green unfold on there. It's just it just didn't. If you're going to this course, then you better be going to it because the fans are fucking awesome in that. 100% Or the setting is great or there's, or it's in prime time or something.
Starting point is 00:32:33 It's got none of that. It's just got like kind of that sleepy up North, like late afternoon fall kind of dark light to it. I'm just, you know, and on top of that, like, it doesn't have any of that stuff. And it's like, on an island where there's one bridge on and one bridge off. It's insane. TC, you're being too kind. It's a stunning choice of a venue for this event. Like it is such a letdown after Royal Melbourne. The next one's going to Kingston Heath. Completely uninteresting style of golf.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Yes, they got rain the night before. That's kind of part of the model here, I guess of like, it's not it wasn't going to be fast. Very unlikely to be fast and firm. I don't think actually got lucky because it could have rained a lot more. Yeah. Just no crowd atmosphere for it. It. It's just man. This is what they're asking us to overcome. All right, it's a it's a the United States playing a team event, but there's no Brooks and there's no Bryson in
Starting point is 00:33:30 it. There's international side of all everyone from around the world, except for Europe, except you don't have Joaquin Neyman, you don't have Cam Smith, you don't have some of the most interesting people on the international side. You got a bad golf course venue for it. Like it's that's literally just a golf course, right? I mean, there's absolutely nothing special about that venue in any way. No real atmosphere of any kind,
Starting point is 00:33:50 a terrible, terrible broadcast and an absolute ass whooping are all the things you're asking me to overcome to like get ecstatic about this event. Like I am tired of being the bad guy on this front. I really am like that. I just, I have six things off the top of my head of of what's fighting against this and six more for you big guy.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I mean, we had the app because the scoring didn't work. It just didn't work on the app. Within 25 minutes today. On on the app and on the shot tracker on the website, they chose four colors that are all like in the same. This is egregious. Red, orange, yellow, and pink. All right. Like this is like user experience 101, just double birds at the user. Like, what are you guys doing? This is, and so I saw, you know, John Henry, Tom Warner, they all flew up for the beginning of the president's cup to all their planes,
Starting point is 00:34:52 Radar Atlas showed all their planes up there. And it's like, man, I hope they're taking notes on what's going on here because the people, like Jay's henchmen, Jay's lieutenants who chose this venue, who built out like, honestly from above, it looked like a live. It looked like Live Chicago. I mean, I know it looked good from a ground level. like there's that's like these groups aren't going to be there for 12 12 holes so like the the grand stands on one were both like they were bigger at the solheim cup i thought as far as seating and everything and they were they were like more than half empty for the last three groups that teed off today and there's and as you can see there there's nobody waiting to get in there either
Starting point is 00:35:43 i know it's thursday or. So I checked the Montreal newspaper. I checked the three biggest news sites in Montreal. Even in the sports section, there wasn't a single mention of the president's car. There was like seven stories in a row about the Montreal Canadiens, like pre-season hockey. There's some political stuff bitching about the stipends or the incentives given to the PGA tour. And then, you know, and all right, granted, all right, maybe Saturday they show out. Cool. Like Saturday, it might be eight, you know, eight, two by the time Saturday morning rolls around. What are we doing? Yeah. Uh, yeah. We could spend some more time on that. The dream is
Starting point is 00:36:28 in the dream 15. Oh, head into Sunday. I was just saying Saturday's on the table. It's back on the table. Yeah. Saturday clinch is on the table. What do they have to get to have points 10 and a half points over the next two days. And there'll be there's 13 available points. Because there's five points tomorrow and there'll be, there's 13 available points because there's five points tomorrow and there'll be eight points on Saturday. They, they got, they were a half point short of 15 in 2017.
Starting point is 00:36:52 And, um, I, cause I honestly, I think the U S is going to play better tomorrow. I truly did not think the U S played very good golf today. Outside of a couple of guys, it was kind of just kind of just Mac golf, but. Do you see what to take us to on the you know, you got Mackenzie Hughes chugging a beer there on the first tee, not even a Canadian beer. He was chugging Estella, at least give him a Molson or a Labatt or something like that. I'm sure there's all sorts of contracts or official
Starting point is 00:37:20 beer partners or whatever but give him a high noon, you know, how about that? TC, why don't you take us to an ad to what's going on with h&b yeah i will solly i will i'm wearing actually it seems like you matched up you did some painting in your uh in your office there uh and it looks like this section i'm just kind of, Aberdeen blue that I'm wearing in the Wallace sweatshirt. So, no Holderness and Bourne, they are like, we stock them in our store we have since we started selling things to people. Their new fall collection just dropped. Seasonal color, sorry, seasonal colors. I've got the Aberdeen blue on. Sally's got the sky blue on, um, we've got scotch pink, sage green, fescue sage green is
Starting point is 00:38:07 Randy. That's right up your alley. Uh, we've got the Wallace, which I'm wearing. They've got that fully in stock. It's kind of the hoodie version of the ward sweater that we, that's a personal favorite. Uh, nice for cooler Canadian temps. See, I'm looking out for my Canadian friends. Uh, they got a bunch of pattern polos. They got one with swords on it, season. They've got one with the Loch Ness Monster on it. They got one kids too. We got that for Freddie and Gustav. They got tour visors.
Starting point is 00:38:33 That's called the frame. The stow hoodie is brand new, ultra lightweight, nice option kind of for down here in Florida, Sally. And they got full zip jackets, vests, Q-zips. Like they've kind of built out their offerings the last three years or so on that front. And so you can find H&B in the merchandise tent at Roa Montreal this week, or you can go to Nolang or you can go to Nolang up and buy it. We stock it there.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Or you can go to, NLU 10 for 10% off your next order. And as I believe that's the that's the only discount code on the market for Holderness and Born. So they've been a great partner to us. And l u 10 and Yeah, yeah, my favorite. I wear it every day. My favorite stuff. So fantastic. I'm getting word through the grapevine that we may have pairings for tomorrow. Is that an accurate statement there, Mr. McBride, who is running the ones and twos for us?
Starting point is 00:39:30 I do not know these, so we are gonna find these out live. Are we able to debut them one by one here, surprise style here? Who went first in setting them out, Cody, you got them? No. We are not, we have the straight sheet. Of course, the social did not provide it. Audio wise, you could do it one by one. You could tease it out. I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yeah, of course. So I think you're going to be a couple surprising selections here. But for match six, first off tomorrow afternoon, representing the United States, Pat in the Hat, Cantley and his good buddy, Xander Schauffelin. Wow. Versed, Decky and SungJay. Okay, that's a big good match. Listen, you know, the owners now, like Cantley and Schauffler, this is their favorite event because they own this event, right?
Starting point is 00:40:18 They, you know, they're, they're stakeholders, they're shareholders here. No, they both, they both showed up ready to rock, ready to play in top form. So that should be a good match, or at least I would have thought so before I saw Sungjae play today. I was gonna say it seems like a great match on paper. And then I'm like, wait a second, and Sungjae, is he actually good? Does he actually ever do anything? I don't think so. Who went first there? Do you know Cody who? US went first.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Okay, got it. So they sent Hedeke and Sungjae after the US's probably best team. That's interesting. So then internationals would put out the next team first and the US would win. They put out Adam Scott and Taylor Pendreth. US team rebuttled with Sahith, the Gala and Colin Markow.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Okay, running that team back together. Sure. Seemed comfy. I was gonna make a can't lay joke to can't lays probably looking at the international team like a distressed asset, Randy. True, true private equity fashion, alternative asset management. Shout out to those guys. I like that he announced, I like that he announced he was going back to make the K-Lite joke. Of course. USAF putting up match three, yes. Max Homa and Mr. Brian Harmon pairing are pretty familiar with from last year against
Starting point is 00:41:41 Christian Biesendhut and Jason Day. Jason Day. No, no, we came out. No, you're spelling it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. It's Sahith as well. What did I say? Sahith.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Sahith. Oh, Sahith. Excuse me. Yeah. I'm a fan of his whole family. So who was Christian's partner? Jason Day. Jason Day Jason did.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Okay. All right. Match for Corey Connors, Mackenzie Hughes, Team Canada against Wyndham Clark and Tony Fina. Oh, okay. Well, pig, a lot of a lot of swine, a lot of hogs up in up in Quebec, one of the pork producers in North America. I'll just guess we have Scotty and Sam Burns then for the foursomes for the United States. Have you Scotty and Russ Henley? Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:38 With their play today, which I absolutely love. Yeah. They're going to be so much better. Yeah, see, we can better go. Yeah. Yes, he only is in better golf. Yeah. See, I think that's going to be a really good match. I think see who comes off the bench fire and yeah, I like that one. So one of our any Canadians like earlier, like Corey Connors and Mackenzie Hughes, send them out first, get them fired up. Like Cory Connors and Mackenzie Hughes, send them out first, get them fired up.
Starting point is 00:43:10 But TC great time to flash the graphic, Cody, the Canadians are guys. Zephyr Melton tweeted this out. And in the 2013 president's cups, over a decade ago, Graham DeLay scored three and a half points for team international. Since then, the entire country of Canada has combined to score two points for the international side. And both of those points were won by Adam Hadwin. He got a half point in 2017 and one and a half points in 2019. And they're 0 for their last 10. Yeah, 2015 had no Canadian players. And then 2022, Connors and Pendrith both went
Starting point is 00:43:46 0 for 4 and today so far, or this year so far, Connors and Pendrith 0 for 1. Crazy. Let them have it. Have a little pride, Canada. Let me just say that. Like have a little freaking pride. That is so embarrassing. Oh my God. I stand with the opposition parties in Quebec. I would be so mad about these subsidies as well. Look at this. And Kent State too. Anti-Kent State, right? And Kent State. Thank you. Where are the Golden Flash alumni? have some pride you guys are better than this are they are they yeah i don't know that's kind of my point like there's not i don't think it's kind of not these it's not these guys fault like there should just be better canadian golfers i would think i mean uh you know they're just getting thrust these matt gotta go play fucking scotty schaeffler tomorrow? Are you kidding me? Doesn't seem fair. This is gonna soften your guy Furex
Starting point is 00:44:48 resume so much to like the hard the hard edges on his resume. It's gonna it's gonna I don't think so. Hey, I mean, he went 20 and 10 in President's Cups as a player and nobody like thinks of that right? I mean, nobody can President's Cup just doesn't count towards anything. It's it's it's a no, it's kind of a no-win situation for, you know, anyone that goes into this. Cause it just, um, I mean, Stricker was one guy that, you know, won it in 2017 and launched that into a very successful campaign at home at Whistler Straits. Like that was kind of,
Starting point is 00:45:17 he's like the success story of that one. What if Furet gets another shot at the Ryder Cup captaincy? I just don't think that's gonna happen. I just think it's good. They can, I think they're turning over a new leaf, but, um, yeah, if, if they change anything up based on the fact that Christian was a, now couldn't make a putt on the back nine today, then they're even more foolish than I would have ever given them credit for. So do you think we can get Trevor Immelman in here one of these nights just
Starting point is 00:45:41 to, you know, just come in and defend this. I just want to hear the other side of this. Maybe Saturday night if they're, if they're not, you know, we, we did a pot with him right after the president's cup last time around in 2022. And we, we chat about this. He did a great job though. Yeah. He did a great job.
Starting point is 00:45:58 And like, but I kind of was challenging him a little bit just to say like, Hey man, like he's like, well, listen, we love this event. We, you know, we, we take this event very seriously. Like, I get all that I get all that. Like, is it an entertainment product or not? Right? Because a lot of people watching here are saying like, Yo, this is really quite working for me. What was the tweet you sent over? Brandy? As we get into maybe a hamster day portion later, there was a flared lens or something on the sixth hole all day and it
Starting point is 00:46:28 somehow kept getting worse. It was so sick. They were doing their best to like cut to other shots like the plane that was flying around instead of showing the shots through that lens but totally nailed in. Which the plane, there's no, the plane is circling for for hours and hours and hours. And it's all you hear on the broadcast. It's so annoying. And how many shots are they could just just tape some shots land the plane and then drone technology. Can't we just get a drone up there?
Starting point is 00:47:01 I don't know. That would cost that would cost maybe more money than the plane, Randy. I thought I thought I thought we were given Tommy and the boys the toys the big event toys. Yeah, that's what that's what that's what Uncle Sam flood did did say. Yeah, how about the, the, I did miss Keegan Bradley. I thought Keegan Bradley, it was good to see him back out there. You know, I don't necessarily like it, but I appreciate it. I respect it. He's so twitchy and just like that that kind of gyration that Wyndham did on 18 there. It was kind of a Tiger Stevie kind of thing. But you can tell it does mean something to Keegan and good seeing him out there and feeling like
Starting point is 00:47:51 he's got kind of a second leaps on team golf. I think having him, I mean, I'm kind of 50, I can go either way on him playing in these things in the future, but having him involved seems to be a good thing, right? Which I don't know if I would have said that several years ago, because he does seem to have, I don him involved seems to be a good thing, right? Which I don't know if I would have said that several years ago, cause he does seem to have, I don't know if it's PR related thing,
Starting point is 00:48:09 but it seems to have gone through a personal, uh, you know, worked with the same guys as Bryson did a little bit. Their, their arcs kind of remind me that he just always seems to be saying the exact right thing. Now, uh, he's kind of let his guard down and of this like total F you attitude he's always had towards other players and other people in general and like, seems really welcoming and is really, I don't know, I don't want to say
Starting point is 00:48:31 difficult to root against. That sounds like I'm trying to root against him. I'm not but like, you know, we the feedback we've gotten from a lot of other people about Keegan over the years has not been positive. Right. And I think he has like come to terms with how he's treated other people over the course of many years. He's said as much out loud and like this version of Keegan feels more authentic than like the new version of Bryson. I didn't mean that to sound backhanded. It is truly like, I think Keegan has honestly come quite a long way and I'm actually getting quite amped. I'm getting quite amped for him to be a captain of the Ryder Cup team, honestly. So
Starting point is 00:49:06 real quick, who's sitting on the US side tomorrow? Sam Burns. And who's the second? Not saw him keegan keegan. Keegan is sitting. Okay. Yeah. And then on the on the international side you got Tom Kim sitting really I didn't even notice that Minwoo and Minwoo okay Tom Kim sitting interesting yeah what hmm interesting what what anytime you can get Bez back out there I I feel like I guess you have to. There were, Tom Kim was the second best international player today behind Taylor Pendreth and Strokes
Starting point is 00:49:52 Gain. There's no freaking way he sits a session. It wasn't, they're saving him. They want to ride him for 36. It's not like you're playing for your life tomorrow, you know? What? There's always two more days. We'll be good. They're well, this team is not good enough to ever sit Tom Kim. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:50:13 I I totally missed that on the first time through. That is blowing my mind. I'm just starting to think this might not be a serious operation. I feel like that's I'm starting to net out there guys. Yeah,, we heard we heard disaster stories in the merch tent. Today they only had like two registers working out of 10. Randy, the hotel workers are on strike at the hotels I found at the at the European host hotel scabbard. Sorry, the the International Host Hotel. I don't know about
Starting point is 00:50:46 the American one. And then I know you guys saw the paintings that were done. These things are sick. I like the paintings. Did you see teals? Our family is proud owner of multiple teal Henley pieces and her book as well. Her website last night. Yeah. It's she's a fantastic artist.
Starting point is 00:51:08 My wife's a big fan as well, but we- So I also, I thought the, I thought the one that Tabitha Furek did looks like Ellen DeGeneres. I miss that. Do you see this is where an image to support that would have been helpful. I think we have it.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I think we have it. I think we have it. We do. Wait does it not? I've asked good content. We can make fun of a lot of stuff with this event. I'm in on the paintings. I am too. The paintings are sick. That's infinitely better than I could ever do. Nice smile, you know.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Let's get to a few questions on here. I'm just gonna give you a sample of some of these because we don't actually have to answer them. But just as how people are feeling after today's today's event at JTS FASU just why to all of it. CB lack said, is this the worst course in the history of golf? Trosser 92, have the internationals ever made a putt? Matt Diebel 13, what was a better performance Cody's spelling yesterday or the internationals today?
Starting point is 00:52:18 And Johnny P. Styles, tough watch for a Melbourneian having to watch an uninspired performance on an uninspiring course. Just play every one of these at the proper Royal Melbourne. Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and have to agree with that one. So Wolverine One asked the question that I think is the question when it comes to this event. What would have to happen to get this format to change?
Starting point is 00:52:40 How long can we go on doing this? Can we do that? Can we have that convo on a Thursday? Do we need to wait until Sunday for it? Like I'll throw the caution flag on that. I think, you know, let's see what happens tomorrow. And we can ask that question again, if it's 10 nothing or 911. And then then we can just and we can discuss it again. But like, it's, you know, it's, it's outside of the the the, you know, it's in the open field, that question is being asked across sports now, if people are talking about the President's Cup at all.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Yeah. Our buddy Dan Wolkin here on the live show. It's hard to believe the President's Cup is still a thing, just a one-sided competition, no juice to US versus the world. And the international team is rough. A sporting event in need of a major reset. I think we don't have to go into it if you want to save it for later in the week.
Starting point is 00:53:32 But there seem like two like very easy solutions. And then a, I don't know, we'll call it a pie in the sky, but you know, a dope course and getting truly the best players available to play in this event would seem like the quick, easy things you could do. And then the pie in the sky, like I'm going down the pairings, like you could have, I think it should be a mixed event. And you could have Min Woo and Min Gi as a pairing. You could have Cory Connors and Brooke Henderson. You can have Tom Kim and Jin Young Ko or Tom Kim and Ataya Titicum.
Starting point is 00:54:07 There's so much more juice to be had with that type of event in my opinion. And it's, you know what, it's just freaking hard when the last international one was a 10 out of 10. It was an awesome event. It was seriously so good. I thought it was gonna save the President's Cup. And I know there's been a lot of changes in the golf world since then, but like, it's not like it sucks
Starting point is 00:54:28 every year. And you know, since live existed, it has sucked. Well, partly because you know, Sally's been lobbying everybody to play the President's Cup every year. Sure. This is your guys fault. Maybe once every four years. Maybe we should go every four years with the President's Cup. Like the international crown big. Yeah. But it's a total like that's, that's my thing though, is if they're not investing in the actual product, like, I mean, today, the pregame show was two guys, it was perks and, um, it's Juan's name, uh, John Swantek from here in Florida in a studio in Florida.
Starting point is 00:55:06 And then they send it to the first T with like no, you know, no context or anything like that. And it's like, NBC's half-assing it. The ratings are going to be terrible. I don't know what sponsor outside of like in Melbourne, I don't know what sponsor is going to, is going to pony up for this thing here moving forward of like, Oh, you know what I'm sponsor is gonna is gonna pony up for this thing. You're moving forward of like, oh, you know what, I'm dying to be the presenting sponsor of the President's Cup. And I feel bad for our hitters at one password TC. Well, I like I don't mind Paul McGinley, but it feels weird having him on this event. Like,
Starting point is 00:55:42 where's Nobolo or, you know, there, there's so many international guys that you could bring in to it to at least like it would just make more sense. I feel like a hundred percent. I mean, it's, they promised a fun booth and it's like the same shit they're trotting out. Yeah. Unimaginative. Well, I'm a little hard when you're like trying to pull out history for the international side of like, yes, this person was a stalwart on
Starting point is 00:56:07 this team. And you're like, got a bunch of L's, man. Like, who are you gonna find? Like when they're talking about at the end of the coverage, like, oh, yes, Trevor and Ernie are gonna give these boys a speaking to tonight and get them fired up to go out there and yes, do exactly like we did and lead to that one tie at one time. Guys, you can do this. Well, we kind of skip past Amsterdam. We should circle back on this, right? Because like this, this, this, this, like of, of all situations.
Starting point is 00:56:34 So the most exciting thing that happened today was the Scotty and Tom Kim kind of debate and that incident. And then Tom Kim classlessly walked off onto the next tee and all that stuff. Kisner wasn't happy about it. Kisner literally works for NBC. He is an announcer for this broadcast. This event is not too serious where you can't get John Wood get a microphone down there and be like, hey, what happened in your conversation with Camilo Vejegas? Captains involved should be working their asses off to create storylines. I don't care if it's fake. Like Scotty and Tom Kim are doing their part of like making this somewhat interesting. We know your friends like, you know, it wasn't like we know that wasn't like a hateful thing that was going on. But
Starting point is 00:57:16 that was freaking interesting. Like, that's fun. I'm excited to see what's going to happen next in that. Then the next two, like the next two birdies that happened tying birdies that happened that match happened in playing through and we The audio they go with it like it's such an unbelievable just mail in of the entire thing That the start was so bad. The middle part wasn't that bad I thought they kind of died the commercials down there for a little bit and it was kind of some sustained golf action But then it just just no way of sustaining the interest in it. The smudge on the camera on six was just the absolute best. All the playing through if you're streaming it, you don't get to see any of the shots. So you miss the Tom Kim, Scotty Scheffler
Starting point is 00:57:54 exchange on that when they do come out of the playing through, they do that dumb swipe and like you can't even see the ball go in the hole if it happens to be right at that moment. That's sick. It's just, it's it's just, man, it's just so bad. I'm, I'm so thankful for the score bug that I'm going to save like four to five minutes of what I could probably rant about. I'm so happy. I'm so thrilled we can actually tell the score. So that is important. But man, it just all it was, it was, it's funny, too. Just, it's not even on the cock. Like, I not even on the cock.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Like I don't have feature group. They had feature groups five years ago. They had feature groups on PGA tour live. You could watch us a whole match five years ago. They've gone completely backwards. You can't even stream it on the cock and there's no feature, no bonus coverage, nothing. It's cable only.
Starting point is 00:58:39 So, so even if you subscribe to the cock, you can't even get the golf channel feed on the cock. It's just crazy So it's not good guys. It's not good. It's just it's like when someone like, you know shows you Who they are like believe them like that. That's just kind of the tour doing that right of like, alright, cool Like Jay Matt rap. I see you guys. I see you guys. I trust you. See you play I Matt Rab, I see you guys. I see you guys. I trust you. See you play. I got to get to my to my you just don't do that of the week. Please. This was this was I can't I can't even book could even I howled when I saw this tweet. I could not believe it. I freaked out. I was running around my room. I was so happy like this is the highlight of my day for me. If you could pull
Starting point is 00:59:26 it up, Cody, if you have it was a tweet from John Huggins. Haven't seen the so called incident at the President's Cup, but his heart not to laugh out loud when American players claim to be offended by a breach of etiquette hashtag Brooklyn. We've had a running bit for like five years now about how the Europeans will not let Brookline go This is a hundred percent serious tweet. This is not satire at all I gave this with the elbow jiff because this made me so happy that we're still talking about Brooklyn 25 years later these dudes
Starting point is 00:59:56 Keegan was so it's listen between Keegan was 13 years old with What Brooklyn happened? None of those same players were involved and we're still talking about it. That's the best You just don't do that. Just don't do that. I'll give it in his bag today. Yes. I'm Kim literally wasn't born yet He also said on the subject of sportsmanship nice to see Joe LaCava managed to get through a match without putting off an opponent It's kind of disappointing. Honestly, come on It's kind of disappointing, honestly, come on. That's what Randy and I were saying earlier. Anything else we're missing? Lift clean, I didn't mention that.
Starting point is 01:00:31 We of course planned lift clean in place to start the day. That was, you know, expected from the front PGA tour event. And then it was crazy how soft the greens were, like guys were spinning it from the rough even. And just I don't know like yeah I don't know there's nothing to say about the course like it's I don't want to like I feel like the course is like the sacrificial lamb here we should be pointing the fingers at the tour for choosing the course of course. It's not like Belle Reve, it's not the course's fault, right? It's exactly. It could be Canada's fault, you know? Could be. And for people saying this is why they don't have the Canadian Open outside of Toronto or whatever, not even at like, all right,
Starting point is 01:01:19 move around the country every few years, but even in Toronto, like just have it at some better courses too. Like there's one they added out a of years ago in Toronto was bad, but get out to Calgary, get out to some different places. So anyway, this is the second time they've had the president's cup here. That's the crazy part, right? We've already seen this place. I know. I don't understand how the president's cup isn't going to like new venues. Unless like Royal Melbourne, if you want to go to Royal Melbourne, go there all you want. Kingswood. Yeah. Just, you know, I don't know, but it's just, it's just a total
Starting point is 01:01:57 fundamental lack of understanding of what your product is and or lack of caring about what your product is. Yeah. Like that's what I, about where your product is. Yeah, like that's what I, is this, Cody is making the money sign here on the video if you're listening to the pod. Like, is this a big moneymaker, this one? Like it has to be the answer I would assume,
Starting point is 01:02:14 but like, I don't understand the finances exactly of how this works, but I'm tired of that being the answer is one and two, like, there was no atmosphere out there. There's no, almost no people out there. Is this a serious moneymaker? You're the ratings are going to be cataclysmic. They're going to be so freaking bad. It's it's I cannot wait to see the ratings, honestly, because it's like any wise pound foolish on these, these deals to like they're
Starting point is 01:02:40 getting, you know, 6 million Canadian dollars from the province. So they're getting two and a half million from the federal Canadian government. But alright, cool. Like you're trying to grow a multi billion dollar business here. And it's so unserious. And the and I know the people that like, from SSG that are poking around or, or like, they've said the same thing, like, wait, like, where's your data? Where's your's your like you guys are like you guys are running this thing like it's the 1960s without realizing that all those things like equate and that's what
Starting point is 01:03:13 comes out of your television product yeah so you you now have a television partner who like absolutely should turn around to the tour and be like guys like this ain't working anymore man like the money that we paid for these rice just ain't there like it's and then the tour says hey we we pre-sell we pre-sell the inventory and we still can't make money together yeah they're all in it together that's the that's the really hard part but anyways let's save some of this for the rest of the week because we're gonna need some some content for the rest of the week because we're going to need some content for the rest of the week. We might be sparkling, you know, Friday and Saturday night.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Yeah. Please do. People are demanding your return of the Montreal Canadiens sparkling with some of those French names that that that Cody can spell. I looked up that guy who sent that funny tweet by the way, too. It says that he's a part-time stand-up comedian. So I guess that passes the test.
Starting point is 01:04:07 You chose. Oh, yeah. Good job, Matthew. I chuckled. That was a good tweet. One other thing. I went down the wormhole the last few nights on Montreal history, Quebec history, just generally.
Starting point is 01:04:21 I knew kind of pre 60s and then kind of like recent last couple decades. Stuff from like the 50s through the 90s is crazy. I didn't realize how much over time or how much organized crime there is. It's like the concrete companies. And I was deep in it last night, Randy. I would welcome you to join me. Cody, you would love it. last night, Randy, I would welcome you to join me. Cody, you would love it. Maybe a Saturday evening, uh, wrap-troll segment on organized crime in Montreal. I like that. Sounds like the, uh, the, the international seed that need to send some of these boys, uh, to that U S team room, put a little scare in them. Uh, the remainder of it, but any,
Starting point is 01:05:01 any pictures or images or anything that we miss, Cody? No, we're good, bro. Okay. Congratulations. If you want to go through that Yeah, can we go through the smudges actually this much is so sick. They were so So pronounced like amazingly and they kept going back to this camera view for It's like midway through the day and you're you're dead on it just kept growing somehow Get it get a soft cam up there, you know They don't have they didn't have any handhelds to cut to I guess they had to stick with this tower view that it just did
Starting point is 01:05:39 not work but Congratulations to Evan Beck. He wins the USGA mid pro championship 9 and 8 over Bobby Massa and gains a berth into the Masters in the US Open for that. Congratulations to him for that one. That was a kinlock in Virginia. Anything else for me to wrap? Uh, Sal, do you want to explain the mid pro thing? Oh, it's a, sorry, it's us to mid am but it's all former pros that you know, make it towards the end. So you know, it's it's been the championships been corrupted. This is my my state
Starting point is 01:06:12 we take 30. There was a whole 25 is fine. 25 is fine. Just you can never have played pro. I just don't get like the if you turn pro you're a pro. Yeah. All the kids, he's done IELTS and everything. They're all pros anyway. They're all getting paid. If you know if you dedicated your life to professional golf,
Starting point is 01:06:37 and that is your income and get your amateur status back like what? That's not the same as like competing against like actual amateurs like it just it just is very silly to me I don't understand it but You know, that's that's my stance on the matter as a broken back 38 year old. I ride with you solid float something Sunday if the if the US team closes it out before Sunday the junior presidents cup team on the US side should go should be able to go out and play the full full Sunday singles match those kids up
Starting point is 01:07:13 against the international team yeah and I what I'm sorry are you embarrassed international side you should have played harder you should have played go in go beat the hell out of these kids yeah what happened You can put Luke and Colton or and Miles out tomorrow and they they'd vote Rose. What's the score tomorrow night? Uh eight and a half one and a half. That's what I was gonna go with. You got you the international says day two winner in your big parlay. Do you see how you're gonna. Listen, things changed, man. Circumstances changed.
Starting point is 01:07:47 I got new information. If the Cowboys don't get it done tonight, it's all out the window anyway. Ooh, I got my survival league too, guys. Tonight's a big day for survival fantasy league. Real housewives of OC too, Cody, am I right? For sure. I think we're getting to two and a half.
Starting point is 01:08:05 I think international split tomorrow. I think they'll bounce back a little bit tomorrow. Does that make my parlay a three way or do I lose? That's between you and your maker TC. I would never, I would never. My maker TC. Between you and your parlay. So all right, that's gonna do it for Thursday night.
Starting point is 01:08:24 We'll be back Friday night Saturday night and Sunday night Giving you all of our reactions to the President's Cup. Thank you to high noon Mizzouho H&B TC big Randy Cody running the ones and twos see you back here tomorrow night. Thanks for tuning in Cheers Shout-out to Eric Adams

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