No Laying Up - Golf Podcast - 965: Happy Hour: 2025 API at Bay Hill

Episode Date: March 5, 2025

Bay Hill week. Join us as we run down news and notes, One-and-Done picks, play some trivia, answer audience questions, and more. Presented by FanDuel. Support our sponsors: FanDuel x NLU Rhoback Su...bscribe to the No Laying Up Newsletter here: Subscribe to the No Laying Up Podcast channel here: If you enjoyed this episode, consider joining The Nest: No Laying Up’s community of avid golfers. Nest members help us maintain our light commercial interruptions (3 minutes of ads per 90 minutes of content) and receive access to exclusive content, discounts in the pro shop, and an annual member gift. It’s a $90 annual membership, and you can sign up or learn more at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Be the right club. Be the right club today. Yes! That's better than most. How about in? That is better than most. Better than most! better ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the no laying up live show happy hour addition arnold palmer invitational presented by MasterCard.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Solly, I haven't been on a Happy Hour yet this year. I was perusing, putting the agenda together. It was like, man, it feels like I haven't done one of these in a while. I had Norovirus for the first one. I missed the next one. I got TC is here. Hello TC. How are you, buddy?
Starting point is 00:01:02 Hey, Solly. I'm good. I was on a pod yesterday with Randy and Arthur was going off. It sounded like yappy hour or like happy hour. God. We had Randy for a second, but he's now leaving. Thanks for coming and so long, Randy. Oh gosh, TC, that might be the highlight of the show
Starting point is 00:01:22 in the first 20 seconds. Sally, it's great to be here. You know, Bay Hill, my favorite week of the year. So very excited to dive in those paychecks from Pond of Egypt. Keep flowing in. We're going to talk some news and notes from around the tour, some Bay Hill specific stuff. We're going to say something nice about Bay Hill. We're going to, you know, we did that with Tory. I really greatly enjoyed that.
Starting point is 00:01:42 We're going to do a little bet you didn't know segment. We're each going to try to try to stump the other participants or bring something to the table that we bet that they didn't know. Talk some Bay Hill trends, some historical trends, get into our FanDuel plays, of course. Randy's got a great game for us that was suggested, I believe, in the comments on the last episode of have these guys played their best golf. And he's got some names for us as well as some final news and notes. But before we do that, of course, it's no laying up.
Starting point is 00:02:07 It's presented by Fandl. We're going to talk golf. We're talking action. Whether you're picking the winner, betting on the wide range of player props, or trying to guess the number of birdies, there's plenty of ways to get in on the action with Fandl, plus you can live bet while the players move up and down the leaderboard and combine multiple bets to make a parlay. So download the Fanduel Sportsbook app today
Starting point is 00:02:26 and make every moment more this PGA Tour season. Must be 21 older and President-Select states, gambling problem, call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit Excellent, Solly, excellent. Gentlemen, it is Bay Hill Week as has been said. It is Mr. Palmer, all right. It is, said. It is Mr. Palmer. All right, it is, I always think of Mr. Palmer this week.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Remember him fondly. It's a signature event. It's a bringing together of some of the biggest names on tour. So let's go around, let's talk a little news and notes. Tron, I understand we have some huge news to kick things off with Bay Hill this year. Huge news. Wouldn't be the Florida swing without some discussion of beaches. And unfortunately, I'm not sure why they did this. I'm not sure if there was some coastal erosion
Starting point is 00:03:19 but they took away the beach on 17. No more beach on the 17th hole. Just grass straight into the water. It was the only beach in Orlando. What are we doing here? Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, it kind of kind of makes me wonder like there's that beach at the Wyndham where they have that big sandcastle and some of those people partying out there. Hopefully that's sticking around. Beaches don't seem to be in a great spot right now. So, you know, it just kind of was one of those like weird design quirks at Bay Hill that I weirdly always aesthetically associated with the course.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yeah. And it's it's really hard to kind of work backwards on the architectural intent a lot at Bay Hill. And I swear we are going to get to like saying something nice about Bay Hill. But I wouldn't say that the hole had a lot of architectural intent prior. And that somehow has even less now. Like at least when you had that back right pin and you had that kind of sandy area between the water and the pin, gave you, you know, you weren't still like had a chance to go at the pin. Like you had an option to do that. Whereas now just making it all was bringing the water up closer to the green really just makes for more of a bailout or invite more inviting for more
Starting point is 00:04:30 of a bailout. And again, one of the many flaws of Bay Hill is kind of a mini bailout and a big bailout usually end up in kind of the same spots and you watch a ton of the same short game shots on repeat. So yeah, again, kind of hard to make sense of this change shot Shout out to Bruntley Rowmind for these pictures that were showing up on the screen right now. But yeah, it wasn't, there's nothing screaming at me saying they got to get rid of that beach bunker on 17. Didn't fit, but like it didn't bother me at all. I think maybe visually, I don't know if it makes
Starting point is 00:04:59 it harder or easier visually, but yeah, I don't know. I kind of set aside some of the criticism lobbed at Bay Hill. It seems like they've gotten this tournament so hard over the last three, four, five years that it's kind of one of the few weeks a year where I just don't care. I'm like, you know what? Give me carnage, give me crazy firm greens, give me a little bit of wind and like roll the balls out and you got to execute boys. Well, that's going to be similar to my say something nice about Bay Hill. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It's quite all right. No, it's quite all right. It's I've started this out talking Bay Hill here.
Starting point is 00:05:40 So that that one's on me. But some more more news notes a new feature to be expected on the broadcast this week viewers will notice fewer commercials when the Arnold Palmer Invitational presented by MasterCard broadcast with time repurpose for live golf segments focused on the player caddy interaction I did get a chance to demo what this is going to look like so essentially what has happened is MasterCard is going to be giving up some of their like almost forced commercial space for those that are uninitiated or don't know when you sign a title sponsorship with the PGA tour. You also are essentially
Starting point is 00:06:15 forced into buying commercial inventory that runs on the networks, you know, both during your tournament week and during other weeks. And in the past, they've not shown flexibility on flexing out of that is my understanding. And MasterCard, if you remember what happened at Bay Hill, I believe it was, I figured it was two or three years ago, NBC exploited some gap in the contract and sold an extra 40% of ads rolling right into players league
Starting point is 00:06:42 and everybody was as furious as it could possibly be. But working backwards on this, giving up some commercial inventory rolling right into players week and everybody was as furious as they could possibly be but Working backwards on this giving up some commercial inventory to let announcers are forced to lay out as many times as we asked them to do it I think they're forced to do this in this segment I think there's gonna be a little MasterCard logo on the screen and they're just gonna zoom in on the player caddy conversation I I think that you can cut and paste this from like a 2017 podcast idea that we had for about eight years ago. But can we fly the banner TC? Are we working? Is fan forward working? I think I listen, early returns are good. It's tough for me,
Starting point is 00:07:17 like some of it feels like common sense. But sometimes common sense is where you got to start. And so you know what praise progress, I just hope that they don't get rid of some of the team rose ice cream commercials. Because those are those are always a highlight this week. Those really bring in the casual fans. I Yeah, common sense. Who would have thought the year of our Lord 2025. Maybe we show player caddy conversations, let fans get a little peek behind the strategy of certain shots.
Starting point is 00:07:47 It's unbelievable. Truly a win here, Solly. I give Neil a lot of shit for shouting out sponsors that are not sponsors of our program. But if you are going to provide viewers something positive as it associates with your name, I'll say your name five times, MasterCard, MasterCard, MasterCard, MasterCard, MasterCard, I will. For all future sponsors, follow this,
Starting point is 00:08:10 like follow this method, I will shout you out every single week to hundreds of thousands of people, I promise you, because it is a positive development and I wanna encourage more of this. So congratulations, assuming it goes well, and we're giving the benefit of the doubt of all that, assuming it goes well. Congratulations to all involved in getting this pushed across. And we want to see more of
Starting point is 00:08:27 this. Don't stop. Don't stop here. Keep going. Keep finding more ways to limit the commercial interruption. I don't know why you need to survey 50,000 people for this to happen. But we're celebrating and praising progress here. Rejoice. Incredible. Well, yeah, sorry. raising progress, please. Well, yeah, sorry. Speaking of not tracing progress, please. Well, I was going to say maybe transition here to Jay Monahan. Uh, some tour talk, broadly speaking. We're fresh off the press.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I believe an Eamonn Lynch interview with Jay Monahan has dropped. Is there any, I noticed all you were trying to quickly digest it before we went live and anything to shout out? I'll shout out the first question that Amon lobbed at him, which was how do you how do you still have a job? I'm paraphrasing that a little bit. But Amon is one of the few guys with, you know, with enough moxie to be able to pull off
Starting point is 00:09:19 pull off that question. But I'll say this format does serve Monahan better than a lot of his televised interviews do. It is, you know, a lot of a lot of words in there and a lot of, you know, kind of say out loud all the positive things that have happened under under your reign and downplay the negative things that have happened. Didn't have any massive takeaway other than yeah, it was a good a better format for him for people to kind of understand the challenge. And I mean, the biggest takeaway I had and again, I read this five minutes before we went live was didn't, I guess this shouldn't be that surprising, but didn't express a lot of regret in not taking the Saudi call from years ago and kind of says out loud like no, they wanted to create a team, like team rival product, right. And I don't know if that's revisionist history to just assume that was the plan from the jump and kind of downplay the fact that some of this, at least some of this could have been avoided. But I don't recall us ever hearing from an answer from like that direct on hit from him on that to say no, don't regret it. And this was all, you know, an unavoidable war. I don't really buy it. But it was interesting that he had that to say. DC, I'm sure you have some thoughts.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Yeah. I just thought the, yeah, like reading it is a lot more digestible and tolerable than being forced to just get waterboard with bullshit and listen to it. You can kind of gloss over certain business speak, you know, portions of it. But yeah, I mean, I think over the last couple, like you're starting to see some change at the tour, you know, portions of it. But yeah, I mean, I think over the last couple, like you're starting to see some change at the tour, you know, better late than never, right? I'm starting to see just be immediate stuff or calm stuff or whatever, they're, they're, they're starting to evolve a little bit. And so I'm going to try to give them the benefit of the doubt there, even though over the last five years, they certainly haven't earned that. But we're looking ahead, guys. And I'm sure, I'm really, really curious to see how Jay's presser goes next week and see what he has to share there. Because on the flip side, it does seem like they're certainly spinning it up to where, man, that meeting must have gone really, really, really bad for them to change their tune that that Radically from three weeks ago till now great question or great comment here from Will Farber email five things
Starting point is 00:11:33 You've done this week Jay, which I mean, I mean even started out with it with an absolute high and tight fastball Yeah, why do you still have a job? That was the first first question in the piece? So he did try to outsource it a little bit to, hey, trolls. Sometimes people are asking this. Other people are asking how you potentially still have a job. And just a few of your members. Like, no, I think a lot of the members. He also said that Jay has two years left on the contract in the article. I was under the understanding that his contract was up at the end of the year, but could be, let me have to dig in a little bit on that one. Thanks to you. I think he's got two years. But if he's if he's
Starting point is 00:12:12 on staff, like if he's under contract, I think at the end of this year, he gets a big ass balloon payment. Got it. Got it. Yeah, he's you know, was asked earlier. I were advising you can guess what I would advise him. He also said, I don't see that happening when asked as early in the week about asked whether a deal would be announced at the players next week. He is singing just a little bit of a different tune. A couple other different tunes being sung a little bit here.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Rory McIlroy spoke on this item earlier this week. I think we have about a minute long clip ready to roll here for Rory's answer and kind of just noteworthy in this is like you can just watch how Rory's working really hard not to try to say something dumb and think his way through this one. Narrative around golf. I wouldn't say needs a deal. I think the narrative around golf would welcome a deal in terms of just having all the best players together again.
Starting point is 00:13:12 But I don't think the PGA Tour needs a deal. I think the momentum is pretty strong, as you say. TV's been good. TGL's been hopefully pretty additive to the overall situation. TGL's been hopefully pretty additive to the overall situation. And yeah, I would say, again, I answered this question in Torrey Pines two weeks ago. The landscape might have looked a little different then than it does now over these past couple of weeks. And I think a deal would still be the,
Starting point is 00:13:49 I think it would still be the ideal scenario for golf as a whole. But from a pure PJ Tour perspective, I don't think it necessarily needs it. Depends on what the definition of needs. Yeah. Does that sound different to you guys necessarily needs it. Depends on what the definition of needs. Does that sound different to you guys? That it sounded over the last several weeks and months? Yeah, it does.
Starting point is 00:14:13 I need some type of cheat sheet to just figure out what all Rory has said over the last two and a half, three years. Um, I do want to commend him for taking questions. Like I, I do respect him for at least sitting up there and answering questions. I cannot believe we get Monahan like on a very limited basis in front of the press. I know we just talked about him doing a one on one. But for Rory and the players to have to deal with this week in week out over and over and over again, and not the commissioner leading the media forward messaging on a potential merger or deal is just insane to me. I don't understand it. That also could have like Deidre said earlier on Slack. That could have been from two years ago,
Starting point is 00:14:59 or from a year and a half ago. I just feel like it's Groundhog Day. and a half ago. I just feel like it's Groundhog Day. Yeah, I can't shift this quickly that as the tour seems to be shifting here from like, yeah, we don't need a deal because I am still team like. Things are, we're crushing it right now. TV getting slightly better off of the horrible ratings from last year, problem not solved there. TGL has been additive. I can agree there, but again, something nobody was asking for and hasn't tangibly improved the Thursday through Sunday PGA tour product in any way. Like I, if anything, it's distracted from it and not a lot,
Starting point is 00:15:36 but like, you know, it makes it harder to tune in Thursday, you know, sometimes after, you know, being up having to watch TGL, you know, Monday and Tuesday. Yeah, you say that as a juper links. Yeah. Yeah Shut the fuck up guys. I'm not ready to do this tonight. I got a match with you. I'm with you. I'm with you You're not riding like I'm a yeah, I just don't ride It's so yeah, I I'm not buying they don't need a deal because I don't think like Not again massive hour-long conversation in like in like 30 seconds here. I don't think no
Starting point is 00:16:10 deal means like live just kind of lingers like it currently does because another round of bidding can happen very quickly. And they still have all the money like live is either going to spend more money or shut it down. And I would bet way more on spending more money here because they have a lot of pride involved with us at this point. So especially on the heels of a bad meeting. Yeah, exactly. I think we can definitively say that now. So
Starting point is 00:16:34 TC. Yeah, I got I saw some some news and notes from from Sam Saunders, Arnold Palmer's grandson is of course on the tournament board or committee or whatever. And he said that Ricky and Jordan did not get sponsor invites this week because they wanted to keep it really objective.
Starting point is 00:16:56 And they, A, like in this weird circuitous way, he got back to saying like, hey, I don't believe that there should be sponsor invites for these elevated signature events, which I think is probably the right answer. But then in the most subjective thing ever, he said Rafa Campos got a sponsor exemption because he wrote by far the best letter or series of letters, which, you know, Randy, you're a man of letters. How do you, does that sit with you? Well, the only thing I know about Rafa Campos is we did a little segment.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Rafa Campos is having an awful season. Like he was, he was the LVP of the West Coast swing from a couple of weeks ago. And so for him to get on the backs of a, just a very nice letter and invite into a signature event is wild. But I do agree, like they probably shouldn't be sponsor invites. Like if we're really just getting down to brass tacks, but yeah, man, I just can't imagine Rafa is bringing in any eyeballs or fans or any excitement. Maybe that's his way of making it objective of saying, hey, we're going to give this to the worst player possible.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Who's definitely not going to climb up the rankings on account of how they played here. God, I didn't even think about that. This has turned into a Wednesday tradition of the signature events is discussing the sponsor invite element of it. But I don't think I get the sentiment of, these are the top events, the meritocracy, you should have to qualify, no sponsor invites at all. I get that in a really micro zoomed in version. Macro, if you are a selling point for this signature event model,
Starting point is 00:18:39 is like, hey, we're gonna focus a shitload of energy and try to create the biggest massive media product around these specific weeks that we possibly can in Theory the trickle-down effect of all this is gonna help float the tour That's the theory behind the signature events. So how do you create the most interesting and most marketable tournaments like saving for? Exemptions for like how can you make the tournament more interesting? for exemptions for like, how can you make the tournament more interesting, either to people attending, or to those watching on television? Is my support for the sponsor exemptions? Like do is this event better with Jordan Speeth? Is it more interesting
Starting point is 00:19:12 with Jordan Speeth involved or not? To me, and some people disagree, some people disagree, like I think it's more interesting they didn't qualify. I'm going to just disagree with that, because I would want to check his score come Thursday of this week, right? And that's an overly simplified version of it. But I kind of refuse to believe that this tournament wouldn't be more interesting with Spieth involved. Having that fail safe for those few key guys, sure, it's like a little bit unfair, whatever, but like you kind of have to live in this, you know, you can't live in this meritocracy,
Starting point is 00:19:45 You can't live in this meritocracy, utopian vision and live in the reality of like, this is golf for money and like this is sponsored golf. That's what it is. So using these spots on the most marketable and interesting people for your tournament is my campaign for what I wanna see used out of these spots. Now it's the sponsors, right?
Starting point is 00:20:00 They can do whatever the hell they want. Which is why team Rose is in. Like team Rose got in, cause he's a master master card guy he's got a great track record here mckenzie hughes and and min woo lee are also in but could you say do you think spieth all right so let me pose you to this you think spieth found out like a week and a half ago or two weeks ago that he wasn't getting into bay hill and opted to add Cognizant to his schedule. That could be the counterpoint to, hey, if these guys need, like, Joseph Lamonia wrote
Starting point is 00:20:34 about this maybe a month ago, I think in the lead up to Pebble of like, hey, if you're not giving these guys spots in these tournaments, they're going to be forced to fill out their schedule with the lesser tournaments. And then that helps the John Deere classics or the 3Ms or the Detroits of the world. So Garner more eyeballs, more notoriety. So it's kind of a, you know, there's two ways, I guess, to feed the tour at large, right? Well, how about this? Like if you request a release from a PGA Tour event to go play an event on another tour that you're not a member of, you know, usually there's a make good you have to do of some kind. Like you can skip, you know, Phoenix this year to go play this, but you've got to come back and play it two out of the next three years or something like that.
Starting point is 00:21:18 We're all doing that for Saudi. Exactly. Make the sponsor exemption contingent on you got to play a non-signature event in between signature events. Make that sponsor exemption contingent on him going and playing Cognizant and see how badly you want to play all these in a row. I'm down with that. I think that does support the tour and the other events as well. I think there's room for improvement here. Because also, with the way that the schedule is formatted him not playing, you know, this week, then then maybe he plays valspar as well because he's not playing three weeks in
Starting point is 00:21:53 a row or four weeks in a row like it because the way the signature events are are built they're all you know, they're always kind of in tandem with something else as well. So yeah, anyway. Anyways. All right, we got a couple other topics to get to before we do that. You guys know row back, I don't need to tell you but best fit, best feel. It's it's St. Patty's season. There's nobody more ready than row back is they just released
Starting point is 00:22:16 their St. Patrick's Day collection. It's great. It's incredible. They always do their greens well. designs are so good. They got fun prints, cool stripe combos, classic solids, they got it all between polos, hoodies q-zips. Nobody owns st. Patty's the way Roe back does They also recently restocked their Delta pants. Those are my favorite pants to wear on the course I'm rooting for those sub 65 degree days here in Jacksonville TC where I can justify putting the putting the Delta pants on I got them in every color way. I think that they have I got my green on today This is like my of my favorite pieces.
Starting point is 00:22:46 It's kind of green houndstooth pullover. I was getting some comments from Dej in the Slack today about this huddle hoodie that I've got on. It's about as diesel of a sweatshirt as you're going to have. It's very different than the Hezzy hoodie that we're wearing quite often, but I freaking love this thing when it's on a cool day. I kind of forced it today because it's 75 here today, but I really wouldn't wear it. The Sprint Joggers, great for wearing around the house
Starting point is 00:23:08 or for traveling in. Roebacks quality, it's just different. There's a reason why we talk about it as much as we do. They got the best quality out there. Time to load up on some Roeback. Use the code NLU at for generous 20% off your first order through the end of this week. That's spelled 20% off pants, polos,
Starting point is 00:23:25 hoodies and more with code NLUTC. Next segment. Let's do say something nice about Bay Hill because we've totally, we already tarred and feathered it. We already said- We're going to come back to tarring and feather, but we're going to say something nice in between. So Randy, we'll start with you. Oh, thank you. You kind of alluded to it TC, but just to back up your earlier point about how this has become one of the stiffer tests on the PGA tour calendar. Guys, did you know in the last five iterations of the event, so starting in 2000,
Starting point is 00:24:06 a grand total of four players have finished double digits under par for the week. And three of those years we didn't have anybody. So 2020, 2022, 2023, nobody reached 10 under par or lower. Uh, 21 and 24 two guys did. So I say all that, I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point.
Starting point is 00:24:28 I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point.
Starting point is 00:24:44 I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a good point. I think that's a even like more remarkable because there's four par fives. Absolutely. I'm fishing in the same pond as you are. Yeah, I was going to say. There's about, there's about nine of them out there at Bay Hill. So we, you know, that's, it's a pretty, you know, the chances were not great that we'd be in the same pond here, but I'll say
Starting point is 00:24:57 this, at least they work very hard to get this thing firm, like very firm, like comically firm in some years. And the wind does blow out there and it is like a, just hold on for dear life. And has that led to some kind of boring Scotty wins? It has, but you know, it's better than, Bay Hill soft would not be a better tournament. Sandwiching my compliments here,
Starting point is 00:25:23 like the firmness here highlights how bad the design actually is because there are some shots that just literally aren't physically possible even for the best players in the world. The great shots end up right next to the average shots, but that's at least more interesting than just wedge fest, spin it back to five feet however you want to. So that's my nice thing to say about Bay Hill. TC, you got anything left? I think the six holes sick. I mean, it gave us the Bryson content bonanza a few years back. Like this is one of the main reasons why, like, man, if everybody was back together, we would get to see Bryson playing this hole. That'd be really fun. But kind of on your all points, like,
Starting point is 00:26:07 That'd be really fun. But kind of on your all points, when it's hard, I want it to be really freaking hard. And just having a week like that, we're like, welcome to Florida, big dog. Welcome, especially with PGA National being softened up and March at players is overseen. It's like, cool. This place is overseated and we're still going to make it hard. I'm down with that. I just want to see. There's trouble everywhere. If you step out of line at all, you're going straight to the maximum security penitentiary. I love watching this tournament on Shotcast or just following along the leaderboard because there's always like Browns and yellows and all sorts of shit like that on the scorecard as far as just others eights nines tens love it. Getting a lot of Browns and yellows with my daily activities
Starting point is 00:26:57 around this house as well. So thank you for that. Do we want to do actual Bay Hill thought any more than that? I think we're pretty well documented over the years. We'll have plenty of time Sunday for that. Are you are you pro Bay Hill? You might even be kind of pro Bay Hill. I'm pro the idea of Bay Hill. Honestly, it it you know where it resides in my mind. It's it's the Florida Torrey Pines.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Yeah. Without you know, you don't get the ocean. But I think it's a It's the Florida Torrey Pines. Yeah. Without, you know, you don't get the ocean. But I think it's a better golf course than Torrey Pines. And it could be. But just the type of tournament it produces, you know, it's fine. I still can't really describe any of the holes. They all, I swear in my mind, they all are like the same. Yeah, it's, I think going to,
Starting point is 00:27:46 I think I held it in high esteem that I went to it like in 2018, I was like, oh no, oh no, that's not it. All right, next segment. We're gonna do this, we're calling this one, bet you didn't know, and you can take this truly anywhere. I think Randy, you're fishing in a very different pond. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. I don't know if you got different job, but I'm throwing it to TC first.
Starting point is 00:28:08 What's something that you bet we didn't know? Yeah, I listen, guys, I didn't know this. I'm not sure if Randy did it, even though he's a Bengals fan. I didn't know that Carson Palmer was Arnold Palmer's nephew. Do we dignify that? What are we supposed to do with that? It's one of my favorite bits of like the last 10 years. And then it got into Flip Saunders.
Starting point is 00:28:36 So does that make a Ryan Palmer and Carson Palmer cousins? I don't think they're brothers. We know they're not cousins. Yeah. OK. All right. Um, well, listen, we've talked about the design of Bay Hill. I found this to be something I didn't know. And perhaps you guys didn't know. But our guy hard hitting Ron Witten in golf digest last year had a piece about the contested, I guess, the curious history of Bay Hill, and I'll try to summarize the article.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Essentially, there was a guy named Thomas F. Barnes, who was a Florida real estate developer, and Ron Whitten put out a book or some list back in the early 80s, and he credited Dick Wilson with designing Bay Hill. And this guy, Thomas Barnes, reached out and said, no, you have that wrong. Actually, I designed Bay Hill and
Starting point is 00:29:27 as Ron Witten explains he's like as any good lawyer I had to dig into this and so you know finding two eye witnesses that would kind of be able to speak truth to The design process around Bay Hill the first guy said flat-out no Thomas Barnes did not design Bay Hill. In fact, a group of guys from Nashville, Tennessee had given him money as part of the initial development of Bay Hill. And I'm quoting the guy saying Barnes ran off to Japan and Europe with their money, and so they kicked him out. He found another guy, Bob Simmons, who was actually like the guy on the ground for Dick Wilson. And Bob Simmons unequivocally said, that's quoting, this is Ron Whitten quoting Bob Simmons. That's a damned line you can quote me on that,
Starting point is 00:30:20 on whether Barnes designed Fay Hill. Yeah. So Whitten goes through and he explains how it really was a Dick Wilson design and Arnold Palmer and his design team have made some changes throughout the years. So whether you want to call it a Dick Wilson or an Arnold Palmer design, the one thing that we can say is it's not a Thomas F. Barnes Jr. design. Don't thing that we can say is it's not a Thomas F Barnes Jr. design.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Don't call it that. This should be going the opposite direction. These guys should be blaming the other. No, that guy designed it. Which is the irony, right? Yeah. Maybe they do want to pin it on him now. Alright, mine's a quick one. It's more of a little question here. I bet you don't know the answer to this one, guys. How many times has Tiger won at Bay Hill? Seven. I'm accusing myself, because I just saw it on Wikipedia. Seven or eight, right?
Starting point is 00:31:14 It's eight. It's eight. Yeah. You're both wrong. It's nine. He won a USM here, and this was in the trivia last year. I asked this question, you got it wrong then
Starting point is 00:31:26 and you didn't remember it a year later. I knew I didn't know it. Was I on that show? I don't know if you were or not, but I literally went, I was gonna do a whole trivia segment. I was like, did I do Bay Hill? I did Bay Hill trivia last year,
Starting point is 00:31:36 but I was betting you guys wouldn't know that one and I was right. So, all right, let's get into some picks here. I got a couple notes here. I wanna give a shout out to Ron Kloss over at Betts Burtz. He had a bunch of really good notes just about the week, and he's always putting up good stuff on weekly PGA Tour stuff. He noted that Bay Hill is the third most predictive
Starting point is 00:31:59 annual course on tour. That's out of 44. So, if you got course history at Bay Hill, this place welcomes the horses on in horses for course, what else is up there? Like quail? I'd have to look at that. I don't know what the answer will be fun list to look at this. I'm sure we can we can update that on on Sunday night. I'm sure he'll send a note over here. But just a couple things
Starting point is 00:32:21 of note roaring Scotty, of course, have great history here, but also Sung Jay, he's never finished worse than 21st here. Got a couple of top fives. He's the third best in strokes gained around here. Cory Connors has played really well here as of late. I know he hasn't been playing great golf, but his worst finish is also 21st in the last four years. And our close personal friend Max Homa, top 25s in all five of his appearances here. Tough course. I feel like to get right when you're not playing great, but he's going to test that that he's got a good driving history. You gotta, you gotta hit fairways.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah. It's a rare course that reward, you know, kind of trends tour. I hate to say rewards. Every course rewards accuracy, but more than the average PGA tour course, distance and accuracy are emphasized at Bay Hill. Accuracy, not a ton. It's not bomb and gouge, but it is just a driver's paradise.
Starting point is 00:33:11 It's basically tailor-made for Scotty Scheffler, which I know a lot of courses are, but this one especially is of above average length, but also above average accuracy and more focus on the length and accuracy is like right up Scotty's alley. So you're gonna see about 15% more approaches from over 200 yards at Bay Hill than a normal PGA Tour course, and almost 20% less approaches from 100 to 150 yards.
Starting point is 00:33:35 And they have the longest par 3s on tour of any golf course on tour, longest par 3s. So those are our Bay Hill notes. We like that. Just as, as as change it up, you know, change it up. I want to say I do like a little bit more variety in the par threes. But if we're in Florida, bunch of water everywhere. Cool. Like, like I said earlier, just just challenge challenge the shit out of them. I this is the really, really dumb trivia question I have before we get to our plays. But this is like I've emphasized this both times I've said it because it was setting up this question. But the name of this tournament is the Arnold Palmer Invitational presented by MasterCard.
Starting point is 00:34:14 That is six words long. That is the longest name of any tournament on the PGA Tour calendar. There are two that have five words. Can you name the two tournaments on the PGA Tour calendar. There are two that have five words. Can you name the two tournaments of the PGA Tour schedule that have five words? Current? Current, this year's schedule only. Because I just keep thinking of the Cognizant Classic at the Palm Beaches. Bang, that is one TC. That is one of them. I can't get out of my head a military tribute at the Greenbrier
Starting point is 00:34:45 But that's not a schedule anymore The CJ Cup honoring Byron Nelson it is that is called That's forward CJ Cup Byron Nelson is what it is actually titled I think I would have the honoring well, and I didn't count the. That's one of the few tournaments that has the in it, but I'm not counting the word the in that. It's a good answer though. Is there something else after Charles Schwab Classic?
Starting point is 00:35:17 It's Charles Schwab's. The Colonial. The Colonial, yeah. It is not, that is not the right answer. That X St. Jude classic benefiting. No There are I'm going to give you a couple four word ones with some controversy in them Um, there's the one flight myrtle beach classic, but one flight is one word Uh, so that's that may sound like five but that is four
Starting point is 00:35:43 I'll take I would have accepted AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am But Pro-Am is a hyphenated word and I'm only counting that as one. So that's all that's a four word one Also the Mexico open at Vedanta world. That's yes, but Dante world is one word as well Yes, so the actual final answer if you're ready for it, it is the Memorial Terminant presented by Workday is the other five word PGA tour event. So the memorial, so you're counting, you're not counting the more, no Memorial term presented by Workday. I mean, by is, I feel like by is in the same.
Starting point is 00:36:21 I think Arnold Palmer is also the Arnold Palmer and no it's actually not but no it listen this my miss my system all right that's this the way it worked that's the way it shook out all right you ready for plays DC yeah let's do it let's do it all right so we got what do you guys want to do first maybe the one and Don's or you want to do the our kind of let's do one and let's knock the one and don'ts yeah okay cool so for the guys that aren't on the uh i don't think any of these have hit yet for the year they have but that's that's to say that's tough right right ones are hard like we're not trying to pick just
Starting point is 00:36:57 the favorite who's going to win like we're trying not to waste a guy either so uh dj it's got tommy fleetwood plus 2500 last I checked these. I'm going Listen, one thing that thrills and delights me if you missed the Sunday pod is that Tommy Fleetwood has not won on the PGA tour. And yet he gets picked dozens of times to win tournaments by the no laying up crew. I love it. It's just like Joe Burrow has never won a Superbowl, but we're always picking him. Don't you dare, TC. Don't you dare. All right. Next up, I'm going with my guy. You know, it's a proper setup when this guy is his course fit is money. And that's my guy, you know, it's a proper setup when this guy is his course fit is money. And that's my guy, HG Harris English. He's playing great right now.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Plus 17,000. Yeah, he's 170 to one guys, which feels like feels like a mistake or something, honestly, after how we played at Torrey. He played well a couple weeks ago as well. So HG's playing great golf right now. He's healthy and he's got a good track record here. So, Solly, I got you with Rory. I'm going Rory this week. You know, it, yeah, I think this is as good of a Rory as much as I love it for Scotty. I think we're all probably saving Scotty
Starting point is 00:38:24 for the same tournament, but Rory obviously great history I love it for Scotty. I think we're all probably saving Scotty for the same tournament But Rory obviously great history here. I'm not overthinking this one I think I think this is this is my week most likely tournament for Rory to win is this one? Okay, let's I'm three. Let's all say the tournament. We're saving Scotty for just so Rory's Rose plus 750 we put these together Neil's got sung J lost 3900 Listen Neil Neil you listen to the data. He'll finish for so just not playing great It is worth noting that but he's got the wave got on the bag. That's true
Starting point is 00:38:58 so and then KVV as Shane Lowry plus 5500500 good course fit master card guy. Yeah. You know, busy week for lots of things there. Yeah. And then lastly, we got, we got Randy. You got math McNeely. I do have math, you know, he played well at the, the second
Starting point is 00:39:18 iteration of the Tory event, the Genesis and not much history here. He's played four events, but has not played since I believe 2022. So I feel like Mav is a new golfer. I'm looking for form and we're going with a little bit of a flyer here. He's pretty disciplined too. You know I feel like he can play this. He's not gonna get caught with his hand in the cookie jar all Yeah, all that much, which is important here. Let's do our three man, three man parlay that kind of this this takes into account our through like it's a three way parlay each of us is each contribute one pick. Yes. Or one of these picks. So this is going to be we all did top 20s
Starting point is 00:40:03 and they all kind of align with guys we've talked about earlier. Uh, I've got Harris English plus three 30 for a top 20. Uh, I think that's, you know, I love that. If he's going to be a pick to win, I definitely love that. So that was my entire philosophy with, yeah, if I'm not picking, you know, if the values there with the top 20, I'm going to take the guy I'm picking to win. That said, that said, Sally went with Sung Jay. I'm going to take the guy and pick in the win. That's it. Yeah, that said, Sally went with Sung Jay. I'm going sung.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yeah, I don't necessarily love the win, but there is some. Yeah, pop plus money. It's it's not a very big field. Top 20s are different in these signature events. You know, you just kind of half the guys play themselves out of it.
Starting point is 00:40:37 You just gotta kind of beat the other half to get the top 20. So yeah, my guy and then and then Randy's got MAV. Obviously so yeah, yeah, it's a good good play. I like that one. Each of us put together a kind of a fun more wild parlay and then we put together what we call the tap in which is good about and then we've got kind of a custom parlay that we'll go through as well. The fun parlay mine was Billy Horschel Jason Day and Tommy Fleetwood top 20s.
Starting point is 00:41:06 It's about 20 to one right now plus 2008. So, you know, Jason Day, I always feel like this place suits him. And then he withdraws and you go to take his family to Disney World. You like that? Crazy stuff happens. God, I forgot about that. Good news is I think Dash is too old for Disney World now. Dash is the creator now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:27 He's an influencer. He's our competition. It's wild, TC, that I ended up with a, I would call a more fun parlay than you put together here. Like, I went bigger than you did, which I got. You went four ways, yeah. Sung J, Jason Day, Matt Fitzpatrick, and Russ Henley, top 20 for plus 28 17.
Starting point is 00:41:46 So that's, that's, that's playing right now. Not great, but you know, decent course history as well. And man, Ron got in my head here as much as, you know, this being that predictive of a course I was, I was, I was hunting for the guys that have the course history, but no, he has not had a top 20 since August, but now listen, that can turn around this week. Randy, what do you got cooking?
Starting point is 00:42:07 So I went, you guys know I love, I love nationality plays and I also like the group plays that FanDuel puts up. So we went with a group play parlay group winner, group A out of, out of the big boy group. I I'm taking Ludwig Oberg parlayed with, uh, so that's over Scotty Rory. That's essentially like Xander things of that nature. Yeah. Ludwig Luddy is going to have to do work. Um, I'm taking Mav McNeely out of his group and I apologize. I don't have it up in front of me and
Starting point is 00:42:46 then the final one kind of the the I won't call it the kiddie table but you know, kind of we're getting down to the bottom of the field. I'm taking Michael Kim but I feel like he's played some good golf. You take those three group winners. You
Starting point is 00:43:00 parlam and it's plus 13, 746 if anybody wants to get a little weird this week with me. I like getting weird. Uh, Randy, we'll, we'll stick with you. What do you got for your tap in the tap in? I, I came back to my nationalities, uh, the aforementioned favorite, favorite betting, uh, offer. And I have Ludwig as the top Nordic and I have Scotty as the top American parlay those two. You get plus four 50. Okay. So I have a couple as the top Nordic and I have Scotty is the top American
Starting point is 00:43:26 Parlay those two you get plus 450 Okay, so let he's just basically going against Hovland Hop yeah, I think there might be like one or two other guys I would have to look at the field list, but it's really like Luddy and Hovland. Yeah Sorry, what do you got cooked up? I got just a simple one. Again, I think Scottie's probably going to win this week. I know I always say that and think that.
Starting point is 00:43:51 But a Scottie and Rory top 10, you get positive money on that. Plus 111. I should say, this is supposed to be kind of a tap in. I feel like every time I try to sneak one of these in, I'm like, of course these two guys are going to play great. It doesn't hit. But this strong, of course, fit guys are gonna play great. It doesn't hit, but this strong of course fit if you can get positive odds on.
Starting point is 00:44:08 This is the fact that I extremely confident, Scott, he's gonna top 10. It's essentially, is Rory gonna top 10 this week is the way I've thought about it. So that's my tap in. There's a guy, I don't think he gets enough. Granted, I haven't looked at his record here, but he's won on courses it would seem like the concession
Starting point is 00:44:27 Which would seem like kind of a similar deal. That's more Akawa. I've got him for a top 20 along with Ludwig and that is Without ties. It's plus 208 plus 144 with ties But I thought the two of them just seems like like seemingly two of the highest floors in the game. You know, obviously you need some some putters to cooperate when you've got you know, top fives or top tens, but I feel like top 20 is just, you know, hey, they just got to play
Starting point is 00:44:59 all right. So bad news for their TC's miss a couple of the last two times around more cowhouse. So maybe there's something there. He's 21 or 22 either. So he just maybe not that much of a fan of the golf course. But Tiger Woods was also not a fan of the golf course and he won nine times there. So you never know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:17 It's just that just to put a bow Ludwig and in Hovland are the only two Nordic players in the field. I can confirm that. OK, Sammy Belladz did make it in. I mean, great. Technically, that's not a that's not a nationality play. It's a it's a it's more of a region for it. And to be fair to Fandl, they do say top in region.
Starting point is 00:45:41 I guess that's my mistake, calling it a nationality play. I cooked up one more for you guys, because this is the kind of week where this was our custom parlay for the week. This is the kind of week where I get like, all right, we've got Puerto Rico going on. We've got live Hong Kong, DP world tours, I think still in South Africa. And then, and then we've got Bay Hill, obviously. And then the LPGA is in China at the What About China. So I cooked up, I got Richard Bland for a top 10 in Hong Kong. Adrian
Starting point is 00:46:15 Dumont de Chassard, who is heating back up in a big, big way. Down in Puerto Rico, I got him for a top 20 and Ryan Gerard for a top 20 down there. He's, he's been one of the hottest players in the world for years now. He's been playing really, really well the last, last month or so, especially. So I would say those three, those three is plus, plus 1802. So 18 to one for, you know, listen, there's only 55 guys in the field and live. You know, I don't know, I'm just taking a flyer there. So, odd subject to change. But, you know, so that's what we got on the on the play side this week. All right, Randy, I'm gonna throw it to you for our final segment before we get to final news and notes. Take us away. Okay, so I apologize. I don't know who suggested this, but we
Starting point is 00:47:07 had a listener commenter say recently, you know, it'd be a fun segment is to debate whether X player has played their best golf, or, you know, if like, like in their career, this is like, have we already seen the best golf of, you know, let's use Ricky Fowler as an example. I don't think it's going out on a limb to say we've seen, we've already seen the best golf of Ricky Fowler's career. So with that. I just did a test run of this, Randy, in my head, a bunch of names and like it is very easy to say yes on so many guys.
Starting point is 00:47:41 I know. Well, for your boy putting together five names, I thought the same thing, Solly. So I do have some names. You guys tell me, I have their ages. Would you like to go from youngest to oldest, oldest to youngest? What? How would you like to approach this? Let's go oldest to youngest. Yeah. Okay. Oldest to youngest. We're going to start with 34 year old Brooks Koepka. Have we seen his best golf? Yes. I think unequivocally yes, just because I think in order to see something better, it would take a lot of majors. Right? At least one major, if nothing else. I thought this was probably the easiest one. It's like one. It's like one major isn't gonna like he can win one major and still not going to equate to his best stuff. No, it's just crazy because it's like he never racked up PJ Tour wins, but he did win a shit ton of majors
Starting point is 00:48:36 and not along well five of them and not a long time span. All right. I think I think Brooks is a I think he's a great player. I think he's a great player. But he did win a shit ton of majors and not along well five of them and not a long time span All right, I think I think Brooks is it I think that's a non-controversial yes crazy. He's only 34. I Know that was part of it, too. All right, we're going we actually have two 31 year olds Let's start with a guy. We've talked about he won't be here. I Think it's where this discussion ultimately was going to head is Jordan Spieth. Have we seen Jordan Spieth's best golf?
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yes. I mean, those two years, those were incredible. Like he's not going to turn back into that guy. I think he could be better than he's been the last seven years, but I don't think he's ever going to return to 2015 or 2017. last seven years, but I don't think he's ever going to return to 2015 or 2017. I crazy to say about a 31 year old. That golf was just so freaking good. I get we don't even appreciate it enough. It was a game's changed a little bit too.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Yeah, you know, and, and, yeah, it was almost like illogically good. It was illogically good. And I thinkogically good and I think I'm long Spieth, but I'm also saying yes. Yeah, I'm with you there. I believe in Spieth. I still do believe in him, but that is an easy yes. Randy? I'd like to see a study is the quote unquote prime of professional golfers. Is that shifting at all? Does it feel like it's getting younger? For sure. It used to be like 32. I think maybe that's master's age to win.
Starting point is 00:50:13 I forget, but I remember to always have the number 32 in my head for like the prime of somebody's golf, but it has to be younger than that now. Yeah. Yeah. I unfortunately think we probably, I mean, it's just a safe bet bet to say yes, we've seen Jordan Spies best golf, but I hope we have it. All right. Another 31 year old, a live guy, Cam Smith. I guess it just depends on like if you were to ask me with Dustin Johnson, right? His best golf was when he played the 18th hole the 72nd hole at Oakmont. Cam's one that like man, I you know, like you said he's 31. I mean, yes.
Starting point is 00:51:01 He was so good. He was so good. Freaking good. He was so players was insane. Are we going to see like Cam approach that? That's what I'm I guess more. He's been one of the big bummers of this whole thing. Forgotten man, truly the forgotten man. Yeah, I think we've seen his best golf, unfortunately. OK. You know what I messed up the age ordering. So I'm going to go back to another 34 year old.
Starting point is 00:51:34 My apologies. It's okay. Max Homa. Have we seen Max Homa's best golf? I'm going to say no. I don't go out on a limb. I think Max is a grinder. I think he carries deeply and uh. I remind myself I'm a dog. I'm a dog. I'm a dog. I'm a dog. I believe I I'm I'm with TC here as well. I don't I don't think I don't think this is uh that
Starting point is 00:52:00 we've seen the the best of Max. God, this is a reverse speech for me in that I really hope that we or no maybe it's the same. I think that we I think that we might have but I really hope we have it. Because if he wins a major at any point like that's why like his is different right because if he wins a major at any point that's his best best golf. Yeah, that's a high point for sure. And honestly, my interest has to win. Yeah, multiple. Yeah. If if Spieth had peaked at Max's peak, I would say we've we could see
Starting point is 00:52:33 better out of Jordan. But speed is peak was just so high. Like Max's peak was good, but it wasn't like unsustainably high. That's why I would say he could do it. That's why I would say he could do it. Yeah. All right, last one. 28 year old, Will Zalatoros. I thought this was my favorite one, the most interesting one.
Starting point is 00:52:57 I'm gonna say no, because he never, he didn't really like sustain like a massive level of play for a long period. I mean, some great peaks around majors, but I think that was just a sampling of what he's capable of. And I would not be surprised if we saw him rise up closer towards the top of the game again.
Starting point is 00:53:17 So I'm gonna say no. It's a good question. I'm gonna say no, just cause as Neil likes to point out, he's put on a bunch of muscle. You know back injuries can be fickle also because he's only won one time. There's probably a debate on what yeah how you would define his best golf but you know ripping off three runner-ups and six top tens and like eight major starts. I just, for me, that was the one where I was like, if I were betting, man, I'd say we've probably seen the best golf.
Starting point is 00:53:53 I think of all the ones that that I've said, like, I would be the most bullish on him that we haven't seen his best golf yet. Some of that may be owing to age, but I think some of that owing to just, maybe it's just probability, something like that, where, you know, he's going to keep putting himself in these positions and, and knock off one at some point, you know. Yeah. All right. I'm going to, I really, I really appreciate you not putting Tommy in there. We can save that one for the next time we do this.
Starting point is 00:54:24 I'm switching up a couple of, we're going to cut out a couple things here from the final news and notes as we try to keep these to an hour. But TC, what's the weather forecast looking like this week? Yeah, weather forecast looking kind of benign this weekend. But this is the both the North American model and the ICON model and the European model is an agreement on these. It's looking spicy for tomorrow. This is the Thursday forecast. So I think we should see it's gusty as hell here in Jack's front just rolled through should be really nice tomorrow, but really, really tough, tough conditions to play golf in that gusting up to up to about 30 miles an hour. So, and then just a quick note for next week, it looks like long, I was talking to our guy, Lou Turner, the official meteorologist of NLU
Starting point is 00:55:11 Protratch holding. Solly, I know you were down at the station earlier this week as well. Lou said his long range models right now are showing a front rolling through Jack's next Thursday and Friday and potentially 40 to 45 mile an hour. Oh, my God, don't tease me like that. Lou. It's too much. No, that's cancel. That's delay of play too much wins. You don't want them 45. You want them 35. I mean, gust of 45 like, you know, sustained 2530 kind of thing, which would be fantastic. So please. Yeah, please. A few other things to shout out TC design disaster that you particularly tickled you.
Starting point is 00:55:54 I had missed this one somehow DJ sent it over earlier this week. LaManya does such a good job with these. He did the Montgomery Club in UAE. I think it's in Dubai. And just, A, like the, it's just absolutely incredible how penal this thing is off the T. And then you zoom in and I, I, I audibly gasped because I thought that was the green there kind of in you know in front of those bunkers and then you zoom in and you see that the green is just like this narrow tiny little strip behind those bunkers and that thing that looks like the green is actually a pond in the middle of the fairway and I guess like look up look up shallow that cream is insane Look how shallow that cream is. It's insane. I was howling. And then in that same money, threw up another hole from that same course. It's got just this outrageous shaped hand bunker
Starting point is 00:57:06 in there that I can't imagine being the agronomist working on that. But Monte doing some pretty provocative stuff. And I appreciate Lamanya and Porath and Andy and those guys shouting stuff out because it's a really fun digestible little series on Insta. So. Amen, they're very entertaining. We got the Walker Cup heading to Pine Valley in-four. I don't know if you want to cover that now or in twenty forty-four. We can get to it
Starting point is 00:57:29 but yeah. I'm a little bit worried. You know, Gustav, my younger one. I think he's probably going to be he's going to be twenty-four at that point. So, he'll probably be aged out of the Walker Cup at that point. He's going to miss out on splash world. Patrick's's gonna be 20. Let's go We're gonna pin that up on as well. That's gonna be a goal for him TGL regular season is over Or is it over or just the playoffs are locked in? I don't even I don't know the answer to that somebody really who could say I think it was over
Starting point is 00:58:00 I think it was over. I think last night was the last night. That is right. Yeah, sorry. Sorry about Jupe. I don't want to talk about it. It's an embarrassing performance. I think, you know, it's kind of good thing, though is bad enough that, you know, they're gonna, it's gonna help with the draft. It's gonna help them, you know, really restructure things in a way that I think are necessary. Hopefully, you know, losing for Luke, Clanton was was a campaign I was I was really going for earlier in the year and hope
Starting point is 00:58:26 that makes some big moves in the offseason and get get back out of this thing. How did Dunlap play last night? I for Atlanta, right? Last night. Yeah. He rolled up with two with two women. Was Boston caught Boston common the other team to miss? They were the ball frauds or toast It's all over ratings are starting to head in a bad trend for TGL last several have been on ESPN 2 Which does make a quite a difference in the ratings and things but the playoffs are also going to be on ESPN 2
Starting point is 00:59:01 Well listen the Monday is yeah last Monday anytime you can put Bay Area versus Los Angeles Golf Club at noon local time on a Monday afternoon. On the East Coast, yeah. I guess noon local on the West Coast, you know, for all the local fans out there. I just don't know how you can draw many ratings. This was, this tickled TC's fancy. I set this over. If you've ever been in a memorial tournament or if you're from Dublin, Ohio, I know this may be a small group of people,
Starting point is 00:59:25 but there is a famous restaurant there called the Bogie Inn, which has gone through many different ownership changes and many different fluctuations over the course of many years, a very dated old building. This is an image that it's up on the screen now of what I've a building I've driven past literally thousands and thousands, maybe tens of thousands of times as many double nights have over the years. But it shut down for a while but it would open up for just Memorial Tournament week and they'd get like you know 30 to 50 percent of their annual revenue just during Memorial Tournament week, a big outdoor area, live music and it turns into like an overflow area for the Memorial Tournament there and it's always a fun spot. I went there with, I didn't, the famous, like players that missed the cut on Friday well it can be
Starting point is 01:00:09 seen partying there and all kinds of stuff I've spent many a fun night there but they're redoing it completely to make it look like something I would never ever dreamed would be in Dublin Ohio just outside the gates of Muirfield Village TC said it looked like something in Scottsdale, this massive, massive complex with all these chipping and putting greens. And did you ever go to this, Randy? Did we go to this together, the three of us? I have never set foot inside the Bovian.
Starting point is 01:00:36 You know, we went and met Todd Hamilton at that, it was at a different bar. I was at Martino's, yeah. Yeah, exactly. I mean, it's not like maybe this is one of those deals that Jay was talking about, where he's like, you know, with the SSG money. It's very well could be it's like spilling over into the parking lot. It is I this could also be a TGL situation with us, you know, the renderings might look very different than
Starting point is 01:01:02 how this thing, this thing ends up but Just want to give that a shout out as well. I'm sure we'll bring it up I feel like that place might play in Dublin, Ohio like I very well good. Yeah Dublin's changed a lot since I left so this is some exciting news, but yeah I got some breaking news when it comes to the creator classic, which I'll be competing in next Wednesday I'm making equipment changes and swing changes one week out. So I'm going full max home. I'm not changing equipment companies, but I just switched to a GT2. We're working on some some some very fast swing changes, you know, to get implemented here. But we think we've gotten the driver straightened out and we're gonna
Starting point is 01:01:45 we're gonna do the cram for the exam all over again, just like the gasp. Rilla gasp. Rilla video is going to be out very soon. I don't know. I'm not positive on the actual date of that, but you can watch how that meant quite poorly. Friday, I believe I'm being told spoilers, dude. Yeah, I mean, people know by now it didn't go great, but the full experience will be out on Friday. So, and as Tisi mentioned, there's Puerto Rico this week, Live Hong Kong, and the What About China, Blue Bay open as well. Starting tonight, Prime Time Golf. Yeah, it was delightful last week,
Starting point is 01:02:20 watching the LPGA over in Singapore. So I'm hoping for more of that. Yeah, watching the LPGA over in Singapore. So I'm hoping for more of that. Yeah. Gents, it's 5.04. My childcare ends at 5pm. So that is the end of happy hour. Thank you everyone for tuning in. Thank you to Fandl. Thank you to Roeback. TC and Randy, Cody running the ones and twos, Matt running social as well. Thanks everyone for tuning. We'll be back live on Sunday night. Again, check out our YouTube channel come Friday for our new video as well. Check out our recent scavenger hunt podcast that just came out this past week. That's been a popular one as well.
Starting point is 01:02:52 And you guys had a great show on Sunday night, Randy. And the Strat boys and DJ, that was a lot of fun. So thanks everyone for tuning in. We'll see you back here Sunday night. Crack on. Fandle the official sports book of no laying out. Must be 21 plus and present in select states for Kansas in affiliation with Kansas Star Casino or 18 plus and present in DC gambling problems call 1-800
Starting point is 01:03:14 gambler or visit call 1-888-789-7777 or visit forward slash chat in Connecticut or visit m ma dot org or call 1-800-3 support in Massachusetts

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