No Laying Up - Golf Podcast - 972: Saturday at the 2025 Players

Episode Date: March 16, 2025

J.J. Spaun is your solo leader heading into the final round of the 2025 Players Championship. Saturday 66 for Bud Cauley puts him 1-shot back. Join us as we break it all down. News and notes, on-the-g...round observations, and more. Presented by High Noon. Support our sponsors: High Noon - Sun's Up! The Stack - Biohack your golf game (code: NOLAYINGUP) Holderness & Bourne - Spring collection is now Live FanDuel - Official Sportsbook of No Laying Up Subscribe to the No Laying Up Newsletter here: Subscribe to the No Laying Up Podcast channel here: If you enjoyed this episode, consider joining The Nest: No Laying Up’s community of avid golfers. Nest members help us maintain our light commercial interruptions (3 minutes of ads per 90 minutes of content) and receive access to exclusive content, discounts in the pro shop, and an annual member gift. It’s a $90 annual membership, and you can sign up or learn more at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Be the right club. Be the right club today. Johnny, that's better than most. How about him? That is better than most. Better than most! better than most. Expect anything different. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the No Laying Up podcast, the No Laying Up live show. If you're joining us over here on YouTube or X, the everything app. My name is DJ joined after a thrilling day three of the players championship by my guy
Starting point is 00:00:55 TC. Tron, looking like you're trying to keep the sun out over there. I love it. I, uh, it was hot out there. Then I came into my office. I got home in like 12 minutes, came into my office and it's freezing ac's been cranking all day Uh, well, you probably needed it to cool off I can't think of a day that would be more in your more your shit than what we just saw out there
Starting point is 00:01:15 Sawgrass, uh speaking of a guy that is absolutely my shit. That's kvv kev. Great to see you my man Tj, you know when there's a massacre out there, that the, I'm the butcher. I'm gonna come in here and maybe, you know, do a little voices. Gonna bring the heat tonight on this. I love this stuff. I love it.
Starting point is 00:01:33 We got a fun, fun show ahead. Sully's gonna be popping in here in a little bit. I also can tell you that if you're watching this live on YouTube, stay tuned because as soon as we wrap up here, just stay right here on this link. I believe it's going to autoplay the every shot from Soli's round at the Creator Classic at TPC Sawgrass. From earlier this week, shout out to our guy, Patty, who flipped that thing very quick in the edit bay. So stick around for that. That's going to be
Starting point is 00:01:58 very fun. Before we get there, just like everybody predicted, JJ Spawn and Bud Colley are out front at the Players' Championship. They are getting tracked down by Lucas Glover, Alex Smalley, Corey Connors, Rory McElroy, and Akshay Bhatia. God, today was a really fun day, and we're going to talk all about it. But before we do, guys, here is the tea about High Noon's non-carbonated vodka iced tea.
Starting point is 00:02:24 It's made with real vodka, real iced tea, no added sugar. God, I'm trying to avoid the added sugar. You know, that's a good one. I'm checking all these labels. It's gonna be high noon season here as I'm trying to avoid that. If you're a hard tea lover who's done, done with sugary malt based teas, you're gonna love that's me, man. I'm done TC. I'm done. I'm out with them. You're gonna love the non me man. I'm done TC. I'm done. I'm out with them You're gonna love the non carbonated high noon vodka iced tea with 90 calories
Starting point is 00:02:52 High noon vodka iced tea is great for any occasion under the Sun TC's also ready for any occasion under the Sun there with the hood the sunglasses all of it. I love it I some of these iced teas. I've been putting them on ice Then squeezing a fresh lemon into it. Just a little bit of fresh lemon. I love it. Perfect. They come in four delicious flavors you gotta try. Original, peach, lemon, and raspberry. If you're looking for them, visit
Starting point is 00:03:17 to find a pack near you, high noon. Sun's up, gentlemen, what was the top story of the day today? TC, I'm gonna throw it to you first. Where do you want to go? It was the wind man. It was the conditions it was this is everything that we were promised when they moved this thing to March and it delivered and I Mean my personal top story the day. I couldn't stop watching the plane that was flying the number one, Ford number one Duval banner around. The plane was going, it was suspended in mid-air. It was probably going 100 miles an hour airspeed, but ground speed, it was going like 5 to 10 miles an
Starting point is 00:03:59 hour. It was crazy. I've never seen anything like it. How did that affect the golf? crazy. I've never seen anything like it. How did that affect the golf? I think they could have looked at the plane and seen that thing tacking in and known exactly what the wind was doing, exactly what direction it was coming out of. I think overall, there was just a lot of bitchiness out there, which was a great juxtaposition because, man, the crowds were jolly. Which was a great juxtaposition because man, the crowds were jolly. I mean, the people were fired up, the setting around 16 and 17, setting on nine, just all sorts of like, it was sold out today and great crowds out there. Bluebird day, but just with 30, 35, 40 mile an hour winds, hats, people's hats were blown off.
Starting point is 00:04:43 It was great. And like seeing these guys terrified to go long on certain spots and then coming up way, way, way short because of that, that's awesome. It was great. It affected everything too. I mean, lines off the T's obviously, but like putting Rory just kind of looked befuddled all day, trying to hit putts, which you could kind of see.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I mean, what was that? Five, I believe, where he just great driving the fairway, hits the green, has a great look at birdie, trying to be, you know, when it's super windy like that on those greens that are not crazy fast, but faster than, you know, most of the people listening to the show are used to. It's like, you gotta hit those putts with conviction
Starting point is 00:05:22 to try to not, you know, hit a tentative one that the wind is gonna beat up. But then when you do that, you might accidentally run one four or five, six feet past. And it just makes for this kind of headache all day and just this low hum of, you know, uncomfortableness, which to me like that, today could not be more what I'm looking for out of a professional golf tournament. I mean, you guys just bitching all over the place at everything, just, you know, yelling at their caddies, yelling at the wind, yelling at bounces. It was, it was great. And the guy that I will say, uh, upfront here just looked the most un unflappable JJ spawn, man. That's my story of the day, dude. Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:06:03 JJ is just grinding his face off. I loved it, but this guy should be completely like outclassed. This is not a like top dog world-class player and he's out there just freaking rolling birdies and stand stand disciplined and I'm not a great 17th hole there, but like I just loved watching him kind of goofing around on 18 horseshoe that putt in. I had a delight watching the spawn con and all these guys are bitching. Meanwhile, they're getting boat raced by J.J.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Spawn, like he seems to be handling everything OK, right? Which I thought was super interesting to Kisner had some good insight on on the broadcast, kind of asking the exact question that I've I've wanted answered where I'm like, man, this guy's been around forever. He's won on tour. He's turned into a really good ball striker. Like why isn't this guy up there more? And kids had some good insight on, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:50 he just gets so down on himself and he gets so negative and he gets so pouty and for that to not happen on a day like today when he's playing with Rory, just as it was a super duper duper impressive round by JJ Spahn. So I'm sure there's- Maybe it'll happen before. You know the negative self-talk resonates with me, Deidre. That's my spirit animal might be JJ Spawn. Some days you just have it, you know?
Starting point is 00:07:14 And just like a really balanced approach from him too. I mean, 11th strokes gained off the tee, 19th strokes gained approach, fifth strokes gained around the green, and 19th putting. I mean, it's just kind of one of those and you look at like the scatter chart of what's this guy doing well, he's just doing everything well.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And that's kind of how it feels when you're watching them, right? It's good when the data and the eye test kind of match up. That one's portfolio. That's right. It's important in this economy right now, Deidre. More now than ever, TC.
Starting point is 00:07:44 But what else? I mean, going down the leaderboard just a little bit. Second place, Bud Colley at 11 under. For those that don't know, I mean, obviously, he had a career derailing car accident back in 2018. Jacksonville guy probably getting lots of Duval shouts, although he finished so early. I don't even know if anybody was out there to watch his. Did he grow a plant at Windsor Park?
Starting point is 00:08:08 He did, I believe. Yeah. Where where yours truly had his first residence in the Jacksonville area. You sent me something earlier about a potential urban mire. I was doing it. The first thing that popped up, I was like, I need to re-educate myself on this, this whole Bud Colley car accident situation. And the first headline that popped up was just an like, I need to reeducate myself on this, this whole blood collie car accident situation.
Starting point is 00:08:29 And the first headline that popped up was just a accident that injured Collie may have occurred near urban Meyers house. And, uh, it just was like, TC, I don't, I don't know if there's a connection like SEO bait to rest to be there. It just near urban Meyers house. I don't, you know, this is, this is urban Meyers house in Columbus or in Dublin. Is that the Memorial, I believe. Yes, not his former house here in Jacks. But just a fascinating story in his own right.
Starting point is 00:08:54 I mean, that accident happened, like I said, 2018. I think he tried to make a little comeback in 2020, played okay, and then it was just kind of all the ramifications of that car accident just kind of kept coming ramifications of that car accident just kind of kept coming back to bite him. It was little stuff that you know plates that had to be inserted that would get infected or incisions that would rip open or it was just kind of like thing after thing after thing and it basically derailed like three four years of his career and so you know I'm sure
Starting point is 00:09:21 they're gonna lean in heavy heavy heavy on this tomorrow. But Jacksonville guy grew up going to the tournament every year. And it's just a very cool story, man. It's one of those. I don't know how you guys feel. Maybe I'm just getting older because I used to always be the guy that's like, Oh, no stars. Fuck this. This fucking sucks. And now I'm just like, man, this is awesome. JJ Spong has been on tour for going on a decade now, and he hasn't really broken through in a huge way. That's interesting. The Bud Colley thing's really cool. Lucas Glover
Starting point is 00:09:50 watching him hit that seed into 16. No glove, throwback swing. I'm like, ah that's cool. Alex Smalley even was putting me in a good mood just watching him. I'm like, man this guy's really good man. As players on tour. Yeah. This swing's good. It's just, I thought he was gonna get wet on 17 there. That thing's barely, barely cleared. How do you guys feel about the leaderboard, I guess? Big picture in that way. TC, we're kinda talking about it before we popped on a little bit.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Yeah, I think it's a little tough in that it feels so close to being, like you had all the ingredients there. Zala Torres felt like he was now and Rory and Colin and Tommy and we'll get to Tommy. I know people are clamoring in the comments there for some mea culpa action on that front. But yeah, all sorts of kind of, you know, big names hanging on and then and, and then all of a sudden it just, it just does not break the tour's way. Which I guess that's where I find the whole thing kind of perversely interesting a little
Starting point is 00:10:55 bit maybe where it's like, it just feels like every fucking week of the last five years has been like, oh man, this is do or die for the PJ tour. If this person doesn't win, everyone's going to live. Oh, man, if this person wins, everyone's going to live. It's just is like, everything has just been like, you know, we're right on the knife's edge of this entertainment product. What are the ratings going to be like, which sponsors are going to re up. And I just finally am kind of like, man, who gives a shit? This was an awesome watch. Finally, I'm kind of like, man, who gives a shit? This was an awesome watch. Which kind of, Deeds, that kind of matches up with this week in general of like, it felt a little bit like an exhale from the tour.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Yeah. Generally speaking, like Jay's got a big case of senioritis and he's just looking for the school year. He can go out to, he can go out to steamboat and, you know, start his new life up there. And, uh, yeah.'re signing your books, Steve. Yeah. It just feels like, all right, you know what? Have a great summer from Akshay Bhatia. I'm sure we'll catch you.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I'm sure we'll see you around. But overall, it just feels like, man, the stakes are... All right, if a deal gets done, great. If it doesn't get done, they'll figure it out or they'll make do. It may not be the ideal situation, but I don't know. I'm kind of curious to look through. And then like a Smalley, for instance, Smalley's been playing some of the best golf of anybody over the last four to six weeks. So I think if there's one home, I guess it's that you would rather have, if you're going to have a leaderboard with some really unlikely characters on it, you'd rather those guys be young up and comers that are fresh out of PGA Tour U and really guys that we know we're going to see a lot
Starting point is 00:12:38 of for the next 10, 12, 15 years. It doesn't actually seem like the case here either. Well, what I was gonna say is like, I mean, this, this, like, this could very well be like corn fairy tour finals. Totally. Which is incredible. But I think what's so sick about it is like, it's, I feel like every week on this podcast, we're always talking about the golf, the golf, the golf, like just make the golf more interesting to watch. And that's what the wind and golf course did was just like, man, to hit a great shot, you had to hit a great shot. And it just made it so fun that I'm like, man, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Danny Walker, next man up. Let's see what you got, man. I can't wait to watch another blustery day tomorrow because it's just, it's set up for, it's set up to just watch, you know, kind of do or die, uh, test out there. and it's just when it gets like that truly doesn't matter to me who the who the cast of characters is and i want to throw some love to akshay because i was a little bit skeptical last night of him he the chef looked like he was going to drag him down uh and after that stretch when they both got to turn off the online ordering uh i was like a grease fire in the kitchen in the kitchen and actually was able to get out of there when just
Starting point is 00:13:48 like keep running. Uh, no, I'm like after, you know, he made bogey bogey and then double through five and it's just like, well, we're on tilt here and came back with a bunch of birdies and played a pretty solid back nine. Like I just, I was impressed. That's, that's what I wanted to see is like, all right, just, you don't have to shoot 69 today. Like just show me that you're still like a capable player in this. 73 was totally fine like he's very much in this. I thought it was gritty.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I gotta I gotta honestly I gotta throw myself on on your guys mercy a little bit here. He hit that unbelievable shot. The pine straw in 18 and you know my my kiddos getting ready to go to bed. I was like alright, I'll go pop down and see him before bed. And then I'll just look on the scoreboard,
Starting point is 00:14:26 you know, see whether he makes birdie or par. Had to scroll a little bit to see it. What the hell happened on 18? He left a 30 footer about 11 feet short. It was a horrendous lag. So it was a tough way to finish. Maybe it was quarter zip related potentially. But it would have been.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I think looking at it, like I think next year they're going down to 120 ish. Yeah. As far as the field here, Collie, Spawn, Smalley, none of those three would be in the field. How about that? Which is kind of crazy. At least according to I'm going down the eligibility or kind of the qualification here and you know I think they were all kind of 100 through 125 last year. Mules rise up. Well speaking of that, let's bring in the guy who he was lobbying to shrink the field to 25 I believe was his take. Solly is that accurate? I literally heard that speaking of mules is exactly how I heard that. Good evening,
Starting point is 00:15:26 great to see you. Great to be here guys, a little late but better than never. What was your big takeaways today? Did you get to watch much golf? I watched a lot of distracted golf today which is actually a better way of watching it than watching it very seriously I've found because but the takes come to be a lot faster. What I could not understand watching Scotty watching Colin watching Zala Torres watching some of these guys. The one thing you had to prepare for today was that shit was going to happen like crazy stuff was going to happen. The wind was going to be up. You had to go to battle today. Why would you do the, I don't, this went against the law of science. How did this ball go this far? Like it's a 65 yard chip.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Why didn't the wind move it left to right? Scotty was complaining about on the 16th hole. These are the best players in the world. And to watch them twist themselves into a pretzel when like going into the day, you had to truly tell yourself anything could happen. And I've got to be mentally prepared to, you know, to go on the roller coaster.
Starting point is 00:16:30 And some of these guys just could not do it today. And it was kind of maddening to watch that. And I'm like, you said it, you say, JJ Spahn is doing this. Scotty, you can do this. Like Rory, all these guys, you can do this. I promise you, you can do this. You know what I'll say?
Starting point is 00:16:43 I mean, bitchy Scotty is so entertaining. So best, man, I heard any throw, I heard he threw a ball in the water, he slid into his bag. Very likely though, he wanted to he really wanted to and he kind of caught himself and kind of flicked sounds like J Ted Scott may need to get some tips from bubble on a potential year of rejoicing. Can you imagine being in that position if you're him just like, yeah, no, I know, pro tough man.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Sorry, great shot, man. You hit the perfect shot. I don't know. I don't know what to tell you. That's got to get sold. You know who I will shout out on that on that regard? So is is Rory who very clearly did not have it today, especially off the tee,
Starting point is 00:17:27 and he seemed like he remained extremely non-bitchy. Grading on a curve for some of the people that we saw out there today, but he seemed like he very much kept it between, kept it sane between the ears. Steps up, birdies 18, that was like a low-key huge putt, I thought. As was the one on 17, would have loved to have not three putt that one as well. But that birdie on 18 was big just to get him, you know, definitely, obviously, within shouting distance, but even just, you know, one less birdie he's got to make tomorrow is crucial. So I mean, solid, probably pairing with JJ spawn if he had his way. Can you imagine? Can you? I'll give you an opportunity to take that back. You think JJ spawn? Think about how much this helped his career today. I don't care about kicking the J.J. spawns career. Maybe our interests are at odds. We could be looking at a potential
Starting point is 00:18:21 Ryder Cup pairing JJ spawn. There's a spot for JJ? How could there be one for him and Keegan? I don't understand that, guys. Might be Keegan out for it. Who did you want to pair him with, by the way? Did you want to pair Rory and Morikawa? Yes. Who absolutely shat down his leg today?
Starting point is 00:18:37 Maybe, that would have been interesting if he had done that next to Rory and we would have seen a lot more of it, potentially. Interesting. Keegan's tied with one of your other Ryder Cup picks and Zal Taurus, so just so we're clear. Zala Taurus can get a captain's pick and Keegan cannot, so I don't know if we knew
Starting point is 00:18:51 this on every episode until September, but we can. We can. We can. We can. We're going to revisit Pavin stuff for Thursday, I think. We're going to revisit Pavin 04 for Thursday after we do the Keegan thing. No, what I was going to say, Kev, you sent over that Porter tweet that I thought underscored the Zalatoros experience
Starting point is 00:19:08 quite well, which was, what was it, through 11 holes, through 14 holes? Or sorry, no, 14 was 13. The 13th hole, I believe. The 13th hole. He was one off the lead, and finishing his round, he was 11 off the lead. Which, around that time, I alerted the group
Starting point is 00:19:22 that I do have a 75 to one Zalatoros ticket. That's so true. So, if there's any ideas as to what triggered Which around that time I alerted the group that I do have a 75 to 1 Zalatoria Any ideas as to what triggered this 8 6 5 5 5 finished to shoot 78 I'll of course own that one So guys Keith Mitchell just texted me he goes this place fucking rocks Back-to-back days and all this shit. It's amazing Serious good job. You can shoot with a shoot back to back days and all this shit. It's amazing 7862 doesn't happen anywhere with sawgrass salad tourists being 11 under and finishing 300 nowhere but here people go fucking ape shit out And like I was thinking about this watching today I sent this over and I'm workshopping this and I'm hoping you guys can help steer me along the right path But like this I'm anti thick, like most of the year,
Starting point is 00:20:05 but TPC Sawgrass, it works for a few reasons. One is it's not uniform. It's not like if you miss a fairway, you're in thick rough, like Torrey Pines and Bay Hill, essentially. It's in different spots and it's a clear hazard adjacent, I'm using quotes there, that you need to avoid, right? And like watch, and the fact that it has the moguls mixed into it too, it was like, watching Zala Taurus
Starting point is 00:20:27 make that mistake on 14, I'm sitting there watching this, I'm like, dude, just pitch it in the fairway. Just quit in the fairway, pitch it in the fairway. Pitch it in the fairway. The more you struggle, the more it's gonna pull you down. Pitch it in the fairway, pitch it in the fairway, and it ends up, he ends up making eight with it. And like that just, that shit doesn't happen at Tori.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Like you don't, like get tempted into doing stuff like that. And it all, I don't know how exactly, but it just makes more sense at Sawgrass because it has a mixture of places that your ball is gonna end up if you miss fairways. And it just seems to be kind of in the right spots to really, like Min Woo Lee above that bunker, he whiffed it. We have footage of me doing that on the media day
Starting point is 00:21:01 on nine in those moguls. I was greenside and completely whiffed a chip under there. and that's just all very possible even for the best players in the world. I think they're, I mean the more I hear the more it sounds like they're getting ready to hair this place up over the next year, two years and like DL3 is going to be able to have his way with it and bring back, like make it truly diabolical again and amp it back up and more, more slope in the greens, especially is what I'm hearing. So he said that he wants to do all, he's got a plan for every hole except for 12 because he doesn't, there's nothing you can do in that hole. Such a disaster. It finally delivered today though. It was great. You know, even 12.
Starting point is 00:21:43 So stay on 12. It was great. A true was doing its part, man. It was great. True symphony out there today. I was standing on 12T and guys had no idea what it was ripping down. It was such an interesting wind out there. Holes like 16, the drive was tough. One was really awkward downwind. So guys are having to really shape the ball to hold it up against the wind or ride the wind, started uncomfortably right. That was the crazy thing about Zala Torres. He hit an iron off the tee and played the smart shot off the tee and then ends up making a complete mess. Morikawa thought he hit a gorgeous one. It hits the bank and gets rejected back into the bunker. I mean, guys were just so terrified to go long.
Starting point is 00:22:29 They just kept coming up short and or blowing it way right. And that's not one of their. Actually, I had that great one that even Dan Hicks was like, all right, well, surely that was going to stay. So, oh, oh, wait. Oh, God. Oh, no. Oh, God. It's in the water. But hey, speaking of of par fours that are suddenly drivable, can I bring in Cody here for just a second
Starting point is 00:22:48 to talk about our friends at the stack? Cody, I know you've been, Sally and I have been just singing its praises, but you're no slouch yourself over there in the plex. What kind of speed are you adding over there? Well, guys, I know you guys have been talking about this for a bit. I just completed
Starting point is 00:23:05 my foundation on it and I think I've been pretty vocal about it. I was lost and confused about halfway through. I was kind of searching for some things and you come out the other side, you dig into the library that comes inside the stacked app and oh my goodness, we joked about it in a team call a couple weeks ago. I can go back to the video that we did in Korea. I was hitting like 148 ball speeds. Just truly impressive stuff. We have footage of it. Not not good. The other day I was at the range like literally up in the high 160s. Almost almost in the 170s. Like truly, truly mind blowing stuff. Just because you follow the the program put a little bit of effort into it and you know it's coming through so I highly recommend it I know you guys shout this all all the time but everybody please go check out the stack if you visit the stack forward slash nlu and use code no laying up with any purchase. You get 10% off there. The best warmup, it's the best programming around.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Could not say anything more higher of it. And if you're listening to this ad read and you're thinking, you know what, I already got the stack, you don't need to tell me about this, I already got this. I'm gonna tell you, go do the wedge section on the stack. Super fun, man, it's super, super fun. I've been beating that up in the garage with the net.
Starting point is 00:24:24 I just keep putting balls through my net. I gotta get a new net, but that's another story But I reach out to do yes, he really he's got too much power Exactly too much speed too much speed. But yes stack system calm One of our favorite like your partner's shadow one super quick note on that was was part of me was like, yeah You know the tournaments I'm playing lately like you're not gonna see the stack on full display. I took a few months off and on my speeds, it's not really high. I like thought about some more. And I'm like, you know what, I was trying to hit fairway finders out of TPC sawgrass. And you know, like why I felt comfortable doing that is like my median speed has risen so much. And I hit four of
Starting point is 00:25:00 the like the fairways I couldn't even like even have dreamed of hitting a couple months ago, under the bright lights of competition. It's not just about sending it 200 miles an hour, it's about raising what your median level is, and it's so freaking helpful, so check it out. Here, here. On that note, I followed Tommy for the front nine today, and then saw a little bit of him on the back nine. Listen, didn't didn't have it.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Some putts not going in, but he was paired up with Jake Knapp. I was really, really, really impressed with Jake Knapp. Like he's not like it's not all ball speed. It's it's he's it's balls come out of all sorts of different windows. He's holding it up with the wind. He's playing creatively. He's working the ball. It was it was really exhilarating golf to watch.
Starting point is 00:25:47 That's speaking well right there. I'm going to talk to Keegan and see if we can get JJ, excuse me, like get, get him on the, on the Ryder Cup team. Yeah. Yeah. It's very, yeah. I mean, God, he'd be a, he'd be a great, great fit for Beth Page. And the fans love him out there. I mean, he's, he's got great, great support out there. I mean he's he's got great great Support out there. So he's he's just feels like he would god. He would fit in Jack's Beach I never even thought about that wouldn't he just seems like he would it just seems like he fits I Like that take also low-key like really good putter For for having that much speed leading the field this weekend strokes game putting as well as tempo for days
Starting point is 00:26:24 It's crazy. Another point for you, DJ, I could have taken that experience away from Tommy today, getting to play with a PGA Tour winner and getting ushered around like that by Jake Knapp. I could have taken that away if I was in charge of the pairings, that would have been wrong.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Exactly. Imagine what Tommy learned today, watching Jake Knapp navigate his way around that tricky golf course. We said it last night. Guys, Tommy hit a lob wedge. He tried to get lob wedge. What the hell was that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Hitting like a 90 yard club into like a 150 yard hole. Yeah, I don't know. Those guys, again, they're so terrified of going long and landing up top that they end up putting the short stuff into play. That's not good. Seems like Thomas could have filleted something in there. Isn't that his whole deal? Hit some sort of cool crafty little spinner that lands into the upslope and kicks up to that top shelf? Yeah. I don't. Squeeze your hot cut. Yeah, some sort of squeeze your hot cut. Not good from Tommy. I was feeling pretty good after the birdie on 11. He starts poking his head out and, and, and it's like a four and a half footer for 30 on nine, which was a bummer.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Uh, and two as well. Uh, which I believe was, was before you got out there, but then bogey on 14, bogey on 15, double on 17 and, uh, smell ya better luck next time. Mr. 16 to TC. What else is in the notebook from on-site observations today that we haven't gotten to? Let's see, what else? Yeah, like I said, watching guys have to think through the tee shot on one was really, really interesting. Liam Cohen was out there, the new Jags coach. He had all of his... Although it was Liam. Actually, I took a picture. One of these guys was wearing a mega corp pad. A lot. I saw a lot of mega corp hats out there. And he would have been happy.
Starting point is 00:28:08 They're probably all the shout outs. Do you give them other times? A lot of people were talking about Occhet's bad drop on seven yesterday. There's Liam Cohen, Paul, no, Liam, he was out there with Campanile, the new coordinator and the new offensive coordinator that came down from Minnesota. He was whipping a Maybach SUV, which I didn't hold like that. He's kind of a unit.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Well, it was just a gorgeous day, man. The wind was whipping, but it wasn't overbearing or anything as a spectator. There's some spawn con right there. It was lively out there, man. I thought they took it easy on most of the pins, I think, anticipating some carnage. So I'll be really interested to see what they do with the setup tomorrow with threesomes off two tees early on. I think they're trying to get this thing in by about three o'clock before the
Starting point is 00:29:06 storms roll in. So we'll see if- Pretty blustery tomorrow still too, right? Yeah, we'll see. Um, does it, you know- Does it not look like the storms are rolling in before th- like I don't, are they going to be able to get it in tomorrow? That's a great question, which I honestly, one of my favorite days of watching golf ever was watching Cam Smith win on Monday. There's been so many Monday finishes in the players,
Starting point is 00:29:31 if you look through the history. Which there were more when it was in May. Sure. March is a little bit more unique, but I don't know. Bottom line is I wish, like I love this golf course. It's such a good protest. I just wish that we could have it in March without the overseed and it would be the best of both worlds. I was walking around with Joseph LaMagna out there and we were saying how all the Southeastern guys, like the guys that grew up playing semi-dormant Bermuda, like kind of that March, April hasn't quite popped yet, a little bit wet underneath. They don't ever really get to play off that surface anymore.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Like Augusta is why. Billy was lamenting this the other day. Cognizant. They took all the teeth out of the bear trap. Bay Hill, same thing. You know, like all these guys have to go out to the West coast and putt on POA. There should be kind of some downside risk for some of the West Coast guys coming this way. So I just think if they played this thing, and
Starting point is 00:30:30 granted it wouldn't be as green and all that, but if they played this thing on that surface in these conditions, like guys would have been struggling to break 78 or 80 today. It would have been insanely hard. Who was it? Oh, who did I say? Emiliano Grillo, I think shot 85, which is not meant to be a drive-by on him, but it's just TC to your point in slack. It's like we could have had nineties if we would have left it with the dormant Bermuda, but alas, progress, progress. I still feel like getting into March and being able to embrace those wins. I still feel like this tournament's moved in the right direction. We did not. North wind. We did not. Ethel was, I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:13 that was, they had the timer going for how long it had taken them. They'd take, they had a drop on the back of the range. Like I was looking at where they were hitting and I was like, if you had just showed me a screenshot of where they were playing these shots, I don't think I would have been able to figure out where they were hitting these shots from they're hitting from the back of the range That the pro range or the creators range. So the pro range parts that you're Bow I don't know if you said there's like bones is like had a bloody elbow Because he was in all the shrubbery trying to find these balls and seeing seeing what could happen in there He's trying to figure out where they're can drop None of the guys knew what yardage they had from over on the other side of that range. Things had to be moving really, really, really quickly.
Starting point is 00:31:51 It did not. Okshay battled through this really tough stretch and the unstable compound unfortunately fulfilled the self-fulfilling prophecy that we laid upon last night. That was worse than I was expecting from him, honestly. I did not enjoy it. In the string of pearls configuration, very, very volatile structure. Can we shot 80 if that birdie doesn't go banging in on 18 too? Like it was, make that birdie shoot 78, it was ugly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:22 That just brings me no pleasure guys. That drive on five, the narrative one. That box. That just brings me no pleasure, guys. But that drive on five, and they're on that T-box. That's right. It was like the wind was in off the right, but it kept kind of fluctuating between off the right and in. And so guys couldn't figure out whether to play it way up the right over the water or hold one up. But even like guys would try to hold one up. And then it would it would work for like until about the apex. And then
Starting point is 00:32:52 the wind was so strong, that it would still keep trying to, you know, kind of tack back in and it just it would just start getting pushed and pushed and pushed. And by the end, it was it was a 20 yard hook. And that I'm more upset by the hole before like there are questions that Pete Dye is asking you off the tee on this golf course. Can you hit 195 mile an hour ball speed to the answer the question number four is not can you hit it 194?
Starting point is 00:33:18 Because that's literally what his ball speed was off number four off the planet left. I just like that was a sign like dude, what are we what are we doing here? You have this new iron? Like I know it's in the wind comp for for Min left. I just like that was a sign of like, dude, what are we? What are we doing here? You have this new iron. Like I know it's in the wind. What's a seamstress comp for Minwoo? It's like it's a pitcher who only throws like a hundred and two. It's a thrower.
Starting point is 00:33:32 And like he just truly like it's like a Drowless Chapman before he learned any off speed pitches, just reaching back and just gunning everything. Overall, this Chapman was good. Which is so weird because he takes less than drivers so often. I know, in a weird way, I'm almost like, we were kind of joking about it the other day,
Starting point is 00:33:51 it's like he's more like a hitter that just swings at everything. Yeah, he can't hit off speed pitch. You know, and he's just like, oh, but you know, like curve balls. And it's just, what sucks about it is like how, you'd love to, you know, shout out to the narrative, right? Like we talked about the narrative last night
Starting point is 00:34:09 in the who said this game and you know, my me hitting into the water on four has just been the narrative forever. Don't remember that shot. I will remember some shots from today though. But I would love for the narrative to be like, oh, this guy just bombs it and like, that's it. He has such a nasty short game.
Starting point is 00:34:25 It is like that shot that he hit solid on four out of that bunker. So he's just dead in that rough left, which is the epitome of what you're talking about earlier, right? Like the absolute circle that's in your book, massive X do not go left on number four, has a brutal shot, hits it in that back bunker, and then just like cuts the legs out of this bunker shot. It was so fucking good, makes the putt, and I'm like, oh God, maybe today will be different.
Starting point is 00:34:50 And then yeah, just absolutely chloroforms on five, and we're looking for it for 25 minutes. It's like, all right. 70 beats. Again, brings me no pleasure, but that is, it's kind of a no thanks until. Well, he almost hoseled it on then too. It was like such a, you know, it wouldn't better feed, hoseled it in some ways on
Starting point is 00:35:09 six equally bad. Yeah. I don't, I don't know. I don't get it. It seems like an awesome guy. Love when he's in the mix and would love for him to play better golf. And I'm rooting for him. It just, it kind of, it, it feels a little, um, I don't want to say
Starting point is 00:35:23 unserious, it just after watching't want to say on serious it just after watching the Netflix stuff with him it just felt I don't know I'm waiting for it to turn the corner into in a you know that kind of the hype the play meeting the hype and because I think he has a magnetic personality and people could be a really popular player it's just like I gotta gotta see something we can't it can't advance you past Go here. Yeah. He had a really good interview with Evan Priest the other day. I think Evan was just talking to him about the new tree on six and what he thinks about it. And he's like, well, obviously
Starting point is 00:35:56 I hit it really low, but really opened up a vein on Dan Uggla. That's such a good cut. That was really good. But listening to him talk about the architecture out there and how he plays the golf course was really, really thoughtful and engaging and all of that. And then you see him do shit like that. You're like, why, man? I know. It's wild. Someone was asking in the comments earlier how many strokes he lost off the tee today. That was minus 2.4, which was 68th in the field, third to last. So listen, man, when you're cruising at like 200 mile an hour ball speed, you can't really
Starting point is 00:36:30 be losing going on three shots in a round off the tee. That's not going to work. Guys, let's move on. Much like the Who Said It game last night, I prepared something a little different with Cody. This one's very simple. Just it's called who am I much more existential game. But you know, the task is pretty simple here. I'm going to give you a little tidbit about somebody and you tell me who it is.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Okay, so we'll we'll start with an easy one. I think you guys should get this one. I have finished runner up at three majors but have never finished top 20 at the players. Tommy Fleetwood. Not Tommy Fleetwood. Keep in mind I prepared this game before he played number 14. Will Zalatorres. Will Zalatorres. That's exactly right. Just kind of shocked me. Even though he like, God, his game just feels so just tailor-made for this golf course. He seems like a guy when he's in full, full gauche that should be able to like pick this place
Starting point is 00:37:36 apart and that has not happened yet. And who knows what will happen tomorrow, but still looking for that first top 20. He's got seven top tens and majors. Like I'm gonna continue just buying up all of the stock. Agree, agree. When it's on, it looks pretty damn hard to beat. All right, next one. I missed the cut in my first three appearances at the Players' Championship.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Is this all people that are involved? These are people that are involved, yeah, yeah. Woodus said Spieth, but I feel like he made the cut and finished second that year that he played really well in the 15th. Colin Moore Colin? Rory. Rory McElroy. I had kind of forgotten about that. He hated this place. He hated this place. And now he won in 19. He threatened this place and now he won in 19, he threatened again and now is... I mean, we can just skip there. Probably going to win. I remember Sali and I walking around with Rory once, I mean, it must have been 2016 and he could not have been less interested in playing. It was literally during a round, he's chatting us up and he could not have been less interested in
Starting point is 00:38:39 actually playing the golf course. He's like, whatever, screw this. I kind of miss those days, man. Remember Lee Westwood skipping it to go to the horse race when It's like, ah, whatever. Screw this. I kind of miss those days, man. Remember Lee Westwood skipping it to go to the horse race when he was like the world player in the world? I mean, it was just, I don't know, the players has been on such a journey, which I think is again, where I just felt like today felt, felt like a lot of hard work paying off. I just I really enjoyed it. Now it's a major.
Starting point is 00:38:59 That's right. You say it again. I miss that. All right. This is a good one. This season. This I'm going to say it again. I Is this Alex Smalley? Alex Smalley is absolutely bawling out playing exceptional golf. That blew my mind that he, you know, I know scoring average is a little bit of a misleading stat, just considering there's so many different events on tour and, you know, whatever. But third and strokes game total is is kind of no joke. That's that's that's serious play. It's got a pretty balanced. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:44 You know, Pentagon, if you will, there on his statistical profile. He's like 27, is that right? He's not like he's a young, super young. He still lives at home though. You know what, I'm giving the guy his day to day, man. He played great. And you know, it's just crazy to see his statistical profile this year versus last year, right? I will say just a quick note Dej this is this I'm assuming that's PGA TOR strokes gained total Is that correct? Yes, that is correct. We deal with different data. It's not adjust for field strength So he would not be third in the war on the of all PGA Tour players in true strokes gained total
Starting point is 00:40:26 So far this year, but I I recognize your stats and the point stands it points stands I'm just saying the uh, good contact. J tour strokes gain stats are not are less than complete. Well, that's helpful We do have some other strokes gained stats later. So I I would hate to mix uh, you know across the streams here So thank you for calling that out. Also go look at some of Alex Smalley's chipping stats. I had no idea that he's like the best chipper in the world. So just again, when it's breezy like this and everybody's missing greens,
Starting point is 00:40:56 there's some interesting stuff there. Must be steep as fuck. I think he is steep as fuck. I saw Joe Mayo posted all kinds of stuff about how he's hitting these little low runners You know into all these all these flags alright next one I Was the first person to ever play in the junior players and the players championship?
Starting point is 00:41:19 Actually, but Collie bud Collie What a guess He played in the Junior Players in 2008. He was a good A.J.G. player. And he played in the Players Championship in 2012. Akshay also did it. You'll remember, T.C., we went out and watched him at the Junior. I think Akshay won.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I think he did. We mentioned this earlier, but, you know, Jacksonville guy, homeschooled in the Jacksonville area, just so he could focus on, on like literally nothing but playing golf. Went to Alabama, stud, came out of college, stud, made it to the PGA Tour. And it's just, I don't know, it's worth emphasizing at a lot of different turns just how bad that car accident screwed up his life. I mean, it's like took years and years and years off of a career that should have been like he was he was the guy right there with JT and Spieth and Grillo and Patrick Rogers and a lot of the other guys of that age. And, you know, it's easy to say like, Oh, it would have all gone exactly the same for him. It, you know, they probably wouldn't have and he had, he did have a good lengthy career before that, but it still is just worth recognizing going into a day like tomorrow. I'm like, ah, that's a story worth rooting for, man. And especially like a Jacksonville guy.
Starting point is 00:42:30 And I just, I love it. Shout out to the commenter who asked if this is Shagaky Mariam. That is not. Go back and listen to. Got to own that. Yes. Was there any details about the car accident? Like what happened? I mean, very curious. I don't really know. I don't remember a ton of a ton of details about the car accident like what happened I mean very curious I don't really know
Starting point is 00:42:45 I don't remember a ton of a ton of details about about what happened, but Hit a tree leaving Blue Jackets player house in Dublin during the memorial tournament Yeah near Urban Myers house we covered earlier, so yeah All right, so this is this is pulled from data golf. I want to say this and I hope I'm saying this the right way, but Over the past three months. I have the highest strokes gained per round average of any player in the world This was before today this is before today. This is before today. Today did not help.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Colin Morikawa, Mark Morikawa over the past three months is something like plus, see like plus 2.6 or something crazy. He's he is a yeah, number one over the last three months. He's playing exceptional golf, which is, I think why you see him getting quite chippy about not winning. But each, did you subscribe to any of Fax's? Could you talk about that a little bit? Because I missed that and I was unsure what exactly the take was. I love listening to Fax. I'm not meaning to pick on him. It was interesting to hear
Starting point is 00:44:01 him say it. Mark Howard missed every fucking putty looked at today. It was like, oh, I think this this stuff from Bay Hill and telling all the fans he doesn't know anybody anything like I think that's really weighing on him. I'm like, I don't know. I mean, it's below 40. Like I think maybe it was probably more about that. He played pretty good in the first couple of days. I don't know. I just I would like to say on Colin, it's not just what he's saying,
Starting point is 00:44:23 it's how he's saying it, how indignant and arrogant and just smug he looks and sounds saying it. And yeah, he's just, it's just not, it's not a good situation. I wouldn't, you're not wrong, you're just an asshole. Like that kind of thing, you know? I'll defend him in the sense of, I don't think it's arrogance.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I think it's just, he's kind of corporate. He's kind of buttoned up. He doesn't quite have that relaxed way about talking to people. I don't like we talked a lot about the media stuff last night. I don't really think like, it's that big of a deal. It's it's fun fodder to talk about. He wants to blow off media like, go go ahead and do it. I don't really not that worked up about it. And frankly, it's more former players are more worked up about it. It's just like, Kevin, that's like the point of the year so far is like this whole idea like the media is out to get them like, dude, look, go look around, man, like the media, the media doesn't really exist anymore. And truly, there's not a lot of just like week to week like, who good one, Colin, I'm putting this one in my column like that. Don't end up in my notebook in the Jacksonville Union ledger or whatever the fuck like also it's a lot of like random people on twitter
Starting point is 00:45:32 on golf central i think you know what is real is the strizan effect though like if he doesn't say this stuff like nobody gives two shits about it but it's like oh now i'm gonna make this into a much bigger deal totally uh now on the flip side flip side Rory was catching some flack out there from the people just you know like give his phone back, stuff like that so I mean both those guys come out looking like dickheads. Yes just this is a creation of your own energy and your own decisions of this. It's unnecessary, unnecessary distraction, unnecessary thing to deal with. Basic PR stuff will help you out with these situations. They don't have to become situations at all.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Again, I go back to what I said last night, but I don't actually care if you speak to the media. Just know that if you don't, it's going become a story and you're gonna have to deal with that on top of not doing it. That's just an unnecessary part of the situation. Don't need to do it. Solly the situation, Solomon. I love it.
Starting point is 00:46:36 All right, moving on. Guys, I hate, I hate to say it. I hate to say it. I have now shot rounds above 80 in back-to-back weeks on the PGA Tour. This is my boy Rick. I was going to say this is. No, Rick did not play last week. Famously did not get.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Oh, that's right. Sorry. Grillo again. Why would you do this to Grillo though? I would not do this to Grillo. You might notice who's shaking their head. I felt really bad making him make a graphic about this one. Oh, I think I know shaking their head. I felt really bad making him make a graphic about this one. Oh, I think I know. Cameron Young. Cameron Young shot 81 today,
Starting point is 00:47:09 and I'm just reading that into the record, man. We're gonna get hot and bothered about Ryder Cup talk. We're about to get into major season. I'm just, our guy is searching right now. Cody, can I bring you in for a sec? Any comment here? You're right. The fast speed for themselves, DJ. we're in a tough spot here. But I have all
Starting point is 00:47:28 the faith in the world, man. We just got to get more reps under our belt, you know? All right. Well, I appreciate you being a pro and making that graphic for us. Skim Young in the Masters. Thank you for speaking to media on this. That's right. See? That's all it takes. Skim Young in the Masters? Probably not, right? It like ranked outside the top 50. It's a good question. He can't have any great eligibility from the majors last year. Hold on. Let me see. It's a good question. There were there were
Starting point is 00:47:53 there were seven guys that shot in the 60s today. He's in the Masters and five guys that shot in the 80s today. Are we curious as to what his maybe last year he was inside the top probably end of the top 50. Yeah. curious as to what his maybe last year he was inside the top. Probably end of the top 50. Yeah. Yeah. Alright, a couple more. Couple more. This is a good one. I have missed way more cuts than I've made at the players and this is my 17th time here. It's gotta be Lucas Glover. That is Lucas Glover. His record is **** at's missed like, I think nine cuts or something in that, uh, in that stretch.
Starting point is 00:48:27 He shot 75 or worse, 14 times at Sawgrass, uh, hasn't finished better than 48th since 2017. So if you saw this one coming, I think he's a 17th time. I think he's a 17th time. I think he's a 17th time. I think he's a 17th time. I think he's a 17th time. I think he's a 17th time.
Starting point is 00:48:41 I think he's a 17th time. I think he's a 17th time. I think he's a 17th time. I think he's a 17th time. I think he's a 17th time. I think he's a 17th time. I think he's a 17th time. I think he's a 17th time. that stretch. He shot 75 or worse 14 times at Sawgrass. Hasn't finished better than 48th since 2017. So if you saw this one coming, congratulations. That's solo third in 2010. That stretch at the bottom there of like eight miss cut or like yeah, eight miss cuts out of nine ten tournaments.
Starting point is 00:48:58 That's that's tough. Yeah. I haven't played well here but I want to. But I want to. I want to. And I don't think we talked about him. Just what did he chip in seven times today eight times? I mean just an electric round from from our guy Lucas if you want a major 16 years ago I was thinking about that today after chipped in three call and 16 like you what the other 16 years ago Not a good swing. God. He'd be he'd be right there if not for that swing on 17. Yeah. All right, last one.
Starting point is 00:49:29 What did I... There we go. Like, he had such a volatile finish. Double 15, eagled 16, doubled 17. Tough. God, that's a lot going on out there. Last one. Over the first six seasons of my career, I averaged 104th on tour in Strokes Gained Approach.
Starting point is 00:49:49 This year I am seventh in that stat. Strokes Gained Approach. 17th last year as well. JJ spawned. JJ spawned. I did not realize the glow up with his irons, man. It's been crazy. What an absolute ball hitting Jesse. He's respawned with the irons, man. It's been crazy. What an absolute ball spot. All in Jesse respond with the irons. DC. A couple other fun little little JJ spawn stats I found made five starts
Starting point is 00:50:13 the players never finished better than T 64. Got to think he's gonna he's gonna better that tomorrow. By my count. I think this is right. He's played and TC I wanted to bring this up. When you were talking about the grass types. So I assume By my count, I think this is right. He's played, and TC, I wanted to bring this up when you were talking about the grass types. I assume he, I know he's San Diego State college guy. I assume he grew up in California as well. But I believe he's played 20 PGA Tour events in Florida and has one solo top 10.
Starting point is 00:50:40 And it was two weeks ago at the Cognizant. And so I just, that's's really that's a causation correlation thing but it's interesting with uh you know the grass types thing you're talking about it's like talk about a guy that's probably so fucking uncomfortable on grainy ass Bermuda uh and now he doesn't really have to play that much of it anymore right with even like even next week valspar same thing it's overseated like it's like just make like bring bermuda back just a little bit like i feel like the only place to get it is is texas now yeah agree i just also point out jj spawn as of 2021 uh his average ball speed on tour was 165 miles an hour and he was nine uh yards less than average amongst PGA Tour players.
Starting point is 00:51:26 And now in 2025, he is averaging 173, averaging eight miles an hour more in ball speed and is three yards longer than average amongst professional golfers. So he's just had a 13 yard swing, an eight mile an hour. The amount of average move is massive. It's enormous. So he's gone from like bottom half to like average now of ball speed. Which I know all these things are supposed
Starting point is 00:51:54 to be independent from each other, but it's like, you drive the ball a lot better. It is, you're probably gonna be in better spots hitting irons, your iron stats are probably going to improve. It's like all that stuff is, is kind of connected in some ways too. So guys, that concludes this edition of, of who am I? Thank you for playing along.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Kev, we're going to let you go. Thank you for hopping on. Great to see you. Go get some rest ice up in case we need another, we got another, we got a back to back, you know, we might need another bullpen arm tomorrow. So we need you to always want to do a bullpen game. Thank you. Thank you boys. Always. I tried. I did want to say I heard you had some Ashley Bo Giovanni energy out there today. You're kind of lurking in the background.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Several people. Yeah. Trying to watch some golf. I had my HMB. It was because I had my HMB Citron, my, my, my yellow Harwood shorts on. My man knew where we were going next. And that is of course, of course, to give a word and a shout to our friends at Holderness and Born H&B just launched their new spring 2025 collection on I think of H&B as a, they're a spring, a spring shop, you know, I feel like they thrive in the spring. Of course they got the sweaters like you've, you know, I feel like they thrive in the spring. Of course they got the sweaters like you've got on TC, but they've just got such good,
Starting point is 00:53:09 good colors that work in the spring. And I feel like that's what they're, yeah. Green blue right now. Absolutely flashing with the Marine blue. But Liberty red, Scotch pink, the Citron you mentioned, fusion. I think the Liberty red is going to be, it's going to be a hot boy summer with the Liberty Red in advance of Beth Page. It's going to be like the official color of Beth Page. You know who else is a H&B guy? Who's that?
Starting point is 00:53:34 Like Collie. Really? I didn't realize that. How about that? There you go. We mentioned, you know, we've mentioned their aeration line of ventilated shirts. What is Randy's tagline? Microperforations macro comfort. So obviously check that out. The Tilly is their first quarter zip hoodie. It's versatile for off the golf course. What do you have on there? TZ? Sorry.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I got the Wallace, the wall in the, in the green solid. Looks like he's got the, the Wallace on in the black, which is a new, new, new color way for them for the spring. And then, yeah, the print the print polos are fire. They got one that's like a little some waves. This that's awesome. And then don't sleep on the cotton stuff either. It's good. This is it's my favorite. I've like been with them since the beginning. And they're John and Alex are two of the best guys in all of golf. Ride with them. You'll look good. There you go. High praise from TC. NLU10 is the code to use at for 10% off
Starting point is 00:54:38 your first order. This and the Traptor, I think the only discount codes in the market for H&B, so go take advantage of that and thank them very much for all of their support over the years. Guys, let's get into, let's revisit a couple of our fan duel picks from this week. Should we? You know, you guys went deep on these in the happy hour, I believe after I jumped off, just a couple of, you know, we like to throw a lot of picks out, but we're going to have to circle back. Let me open up another high news. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:09 So I just had to go. I had to get a piece done. Exactly right. The one and done's this week to revisit those. Neil and I had JT, which we were feeling pretty good about last night. Never apologize. We're never out of it. I think we're out of it now.
Starting point is 00:55:22 I don't think JT is going to win. He's now T30 after a pretty pretty middling round today hard to you know hard to go low two days in a row I think I heard that somewhere TC you had more kawa at port plus 1400 Last night I changed that. Oh, is that right? I was not reflected in my documents. I'm sorry change it to Tommy Oh, well those were Similarly for you. So I had Wyndham Clark that that would blew up on the launch pad never even I'm not Not apologize for that one. Yeah, we're being blue blue
Starting point is 00:55:58 KVB and KVB and Randy both had a couple missed cuts as well KVB with Ludwig a rare missed cut for Ludwig and Randy went with our beautiful boy Michael Kim. I think he I think he ran out of gas that one that one felt a little too cute Shout out to Michael, but that was me to burn a one and done You don't know what's gonna happen. You see honestly and it's very course history agnostic And yeah, just the roll of the dice the three-way parlay that we had for this was a top 20 parlay I believe Fleetwood still looking fine 22 yeah Neil picked my guy Sepp Straka solid is furious that he's now I believe T8. West Coast MVP I don't even want to hear it. And Randy picked Michael Kim so
Starting point is 00:56:42 that one's dead sorry Sorry, apologies, guys. A couple other ones, just Neil had a good one too. This was everybody to make the cut. Russ Henley, Doug Gim, Daniel Berger, and Aaron Rye, all to make the cut. Parlay. Only Doug Gim missed the cut. Very close. Very close on that one. Randy's nationality play. He was one of the few guys to break 70 today. Randy's nationality play was an absolute train wreck. Adam Scott, MC Ludwig, MC'd, all kinds of just bad stuff from Randy this week. We need to send him back to the drawing board. And then the tap-in, which is supposed to be the gimmies, all of those are going to miss, guys.
Starting point is 00:57:23 That's tough. That's tough, that's tough. I hate that. A couple things that we're looking at for tomorrow. What's the market saying? Solly, we've got JJ Spawn at plus 210. How you feeling on that? I got Spawn at plus 210, Bud Collies plus 500, Rory plus 650, Lucas Glover plus 1000. It kind of looks really nice to me right now. Alex Smalley plus 1200. Corey Connors 1400. Akshay 1600. Cantlay 2000. Sep 2200 and Scotty at plus 2800 are your top odds on there. Let's jump off the page. Everybody make a, I want to hear one pick from everyone. Odds included from that. What's the one that is tempting you there?
Starting point is 00:58:11 I'm gonna say Smalley at plus 1200 if he's great chipper we'll see what happens with the win tomorrow I'll pull up the forecast here in a sec but he and Glover both feel undervalued for only being you know one shot back as some of the other guys that are that are getting some shine there. Yeah I'm much like the commenter. So I really like the Glover play. Plus, I'm a Glover. That's intriguing. Honestly, even Rory at 6.5 to 1 plus 650 is like there's, I don't know, there's not a lot of trophies ahead of him right now. God, if you want to take a flyer, like Cantlay or Sep at minus seven,
Starting point is 00:58:49 five back and really only, you know, only two back a third is a difference. I was gonna say two back of minus nine, which is, which is kind of that logjam there. So yeah, Chris Kirk might pay his young son tonight. I said, I said Roy's going to win last night. I still think he's gonna win of the odds to take there I like Lucas get you know only three back at plus 1,000 But I still think Roy's gonna win so either be Rory or Lucas of those two Can I interest you at all at all? I just have to ask a question in Scotty at plus 2,800 seven back
Starting point is 00:59:24 63 in the final round to win this event last year. Yeah, I just don't think 63 is going to be out there tomorrow. Sure. The point is, you know, the scale can still slide. It's saying daytime, looking at locally heavy rainfall possible in the afternoon. Some thunderstorms may produce damaging winds, south winds 15 to 20 with gusts up to 35. I mean, does it not seem possible? Scotty could shoot 400 and JJ spawn could shoot three over. Yeah, but there's more guys. There's more stuff there that have to happen. I think,
Starting point is 00:59:59 I think Scotty can beat JJ spawn by the end of tomorrow. I absolutely do. I think my Keegan versus JJ spawned head to head is probably dead. Unfortunately, 11 shots swing tomorrow. I just I'm not feeling the Scotty vibes right now. I know it's pretty, you know, it was not pretty. What's what's Jake Knapp at plus 4000? He's he's a minus seven as well. And he probably should be he kind of kind of gave one back on 17 there
Starting point is 01:00:28 Probably should have made a bird on 16 as well. So yeah, he I mean he had a pretty clean card today Two birdies two bogeys even far so I mean there's there's seven guys ahead of him and six of those guys are JJ Spawn bud Collie Lucas Glover Alex Smalley Cory Connors and actually Bautista I'm going to pick somebody out of that minus seven group except might be a step out of a greasier shot into the water and then damn near hold the next one. Yeah. Earlier today too. So yeah, there's some interesting stuff there. All right.
Starting point is 01:00:56 So I'm going to pick somebody out of that minus seven group except might be a step out of a greasier shot into the water and then damn near hold the next one. Yeah. Earlier today too. So, yeah. There's some interesting stuff there. All of these odds, of course, of course are subject to change, but in courtesy of our friends at FanDuel Sportsbook. Do you have our copy?
Starting point is 01:01:19 Do you want to get through our FanDuel copy here? Do you need me to do that? Sure, please. Every shot matters at the players and you can still bet on it all with Fandl, including close to pin finishing position outright winners. It's a big week in golf. Fandl has the big offers just for you get a profit boost for every round of the players. So get those final round plays in download the Fandl sportsbook
Starting point is 01:01:40 app today and make every moment more for the players must be 21 and older and president select states opt in required bonus issues, non-mitrable profit boost the Fandl Sportsbook app today and make every moment more for the players. Must be 21 and older and President select states opt in required bonus issues, non-contrable profit boost tokens restrictions apply including any token expiration and max wager amounts. He turns at Gammon problem call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit Should have brought in Neil for that after Wednesday. That was excellent. Guys, I think we're just about there.
Starting point is 01:02:05 We're just about ready to land the plane here. We're going to do a couple of final, final, final, final, final winners picks. But before we do that, I mentioned at the top here, we're going to probably, we're going to roll right into our video of Solly playing the Creator Classic at TPC Sawgrass. So we're going to watch every shot of that. But what else we got to do before we empty the notebook TC? What else you got? Yeah, just wanted to call out a few saw you need to go out
Starting point is 01:02:29 tomorrow. You're gonna watch from home. I'm gonna be home tomorrow with just too many too many variables with moving around childcare for early T times, which I knew was gonna happen. No, you're gonna do that to me. Damn it. Yeah, we got Yeah, I want to see if if Tommy and Colin are in the same group tomorrow. I wanna see if, we'll see who's got that dog in him. Those two.
Starting point is 01:02:51 You don't think we might've learned that today, do you, Steve? Well, Tommy beat Colin today. I mean, so. Congrats to anybody when. Foxy's paired up with Spieth. So he's probably furious about that. Joe Highsmith continues to play great golf. It's like Danny Walker at all. We did not know we had a walker
Starting point is 01:03:15 Jason Diggs withdrawals he gets thrown in with speed and and when it's sort of the windham withdrawals he makes the cut on the number that goes out and shoots 66 today and his t8 Uh is projected as if he finishes right here right now. He will make $656,000 Uh this week and so far danny walker's career earnings looking that up pj tour you can guess first as I go pull this up Didn't honestly under a million that he played on the pj tour 179,000 in the six events. He's played Jimmy Walker's son
Starting point is 01:03:48 Yes, I believe so. I got Tom Kim play the jacks. He's straight vibing and Denny McCarthy tomorrow. I want burger to Stuff Tom came in a locker. Did you guys see Bo Hossler's shirt today bad TC? One of the worst we've seen. You thought it might have been a tribute to, who'd you say, Troy Merritt? Yeah, Troy Merritt. Pastor Troy. It's a prophet. Scottie's playing with Minwoo tomorrow. That's interesting. We've got, oh my God. I might, I might go watch Jake nap the pound for pound best player in the world. JT Poston and the hottest player in the world. Ryan Gerard. That is a super day for you. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Those mega groups never deliver though. TC come on. We've learned that over the years. We got Max McGreevey, Cantlay and Sep. Uh, Who else we got? I don't know. Weird one from today. There were three rounds of six under. Bud Colley, Corey Connors, and Danny Walker. No one else better than three under. That's just bizarre to see three scores at that level and then no one at five, no one at four. The more I look at this, the more I kind of think, I don't think we gave Corey Connors his flowers as far as we did not at all. Who could go win this thing tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:05:09 You're very right about that TC. I think he got to go shoot 66 before it got bad today though. Like I wouldn't. It wasn't that. I mean, I know it was, it was bad there for a while, but like definitely let up at the end a little bit too. So he, you know, he was in the house. When I turned the golf on.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Rare good record here too. Yeah. 7th and 21, T26 cut and T13. That's about as good of a record as you're gonna see it at the players. Agree. Yeah. And yeah, I'm starting to, I think tomorrow's a really good indicator too. I was talking to Sean Zock about this
Starting point is 01:05:49 today. We're reaching that point in the season where it feels like a marker of time where, holy shit, the Masters is in three weeks. My game's not where it needs to be. Guys start freaking out. I think Xander's kind of freaking out right now. And so it's, you know, I think, I think tomorrow will be an interesting one of like guys trying to really kick it into gear or find something or find that spark. Xander kind of called a shot last night too, with the whole, uh, I'm so bad, I'm so bad, I'm so bad, uh, routine. And then came out in shot 77 today. So he may have been right about that. Cody, what do you got? I just got one question for you guys. Who's gonna win this
Starting point is 01:06:32 thing? Roy? I mean, probably Rory, but that's not that fun. I'm gonna go with Bud Collie. I'm you know what TC? honest to God, that's kind of where my head was at too. I would be that's, that's kind of where my head was at too. That's where my heart is at. Nobody else thinks about him like this at this point, but Bud Collie was really, really good in college. He was really, really good coming up and he was good to the point. Sully, like the early days of NLU, we were always like, Bud Collie, you can't
Starting point is 01:07:02 count that guy out. Count that guy out. I made the biggest mistake you can make. I just counted him out. I've already realized my mistake. You know what, I'm gonna I'm gonna ride with you on Bud Collie. I think he's I think he's not gonna go away tomorrow. That's I'm excited for that. I Rory's probably I can't wait to watch. I don't know what's gonna have no clue what's gonna happen. Nothing feels inevitable for tomorrow. That's a great
Starting point is 01:07:24 formula for a fun Sunday of a golf tournament. Alright I think the I think the better question do they do they finish do they get it in before the storms rolling? I haven't looked close enough at the weather. If the rains look like it starts at 145 by my count that's the no way I just don't know how severe it's gonna be at 145 and if that's when thunderstorms start, so I don't know Who's the mother Cody who you got I'd be Lucas clever Rory, I thought about going a one step further my guy but I think it's gonna be Rory a
Starting point is 01:08:04 Signature can't this with this the deck is kind of set whoever I think TC said that earlier I mean that the decks kind of stacked for you know, signature can't lay win coming out party But yeah, I don't know that that's gonna happen when it does happen He will be the ultimate players champion just like unfortunately what's gonna happen to Ricky? Yeah I'm kind of I don't know JJ spawn impressed me today I'm now you're got me thinking about like if it starts raining and blowing and gets shitty over those last like three, four holes, who's going to, I don't think, no offense. I don't think OXXay is that dude necessarily. Uh, as we saw the quarter zip related three putt today and the what have you at,
Starting point is 01:08:38 at Valero. Uh, is Roy that guy? Don't know. Yeah. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to forgive Akshay for what happened in Valero. I don't remember who he was played against, but I remember I was mad as hell. Denny McCarthy. Oh, Denny McCarthy. That's right. That's right. Well, guys, I'm looking forward to a thrilling, thrilling, fun Sunday at the Player's Championship. Hopefully, we get it all in and we have a lot of fun stuff to talk about on the live show. Tomorrow night, I mentioned a
Starting point is 01:09:06 couple times, but Lord willing, this is going to work. Hang tight on the YouTube channel here once we end the stream and we're going to roll right into a live premiere of every shot of Solis at the Creator Classic. You get to see how it started, how we steadied the ship. And yeah, I can't wait for everybody to see that. And Cody, thanks for producing. Anything else from anybody? Just gonna say on the video, you're about to watch incredible
Starting point is 01:09:33 camera work and TC with the meta glasses and DJ on the bag and all the audio. It's really freaking cool, I think. I was standing on 15 green today And I was still mad as hell about Gabby golf Truly that was all I could think about Mad as hell DJ I will say one thing if the if the auto feature doesn't happen. It's just where you always get our videos
Starting point is 01:10:02 That's right. He's going to the chat It's just where you always get our videos. That's right. He's going to the chat Don't worry about it. I'm playing that way. Yeah guys we think it's gonna work Randy wanted to be here tonight He couldn't be here because Miami our beloved Los Redhawks are playing the Mac championship game against Akron. It's currently halftime Miami's up 12 46 to 34 about that huge Well, do they have a slogan or anything any kind of go red or or anything like that that we need to be Love and honor It's kind of the deal but this would be the first appearance in 18 years. So we'll see yeah
Starting point is 01:10:37 All right, everybody enjoy the video of solid sawgrass and we will catch everybody tomorrow night. Cheers crack on

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