No Such Thing As A Fish - 459: No Such Thing As A Bee On The Moon

Episode Date: December 30, 2022

Happy New Year! Live from the Up the Creek in Greenwich, Dan, James, Andy and Anna look back at 2022 with facts about Will Smith, Gareth Southgate, Jair Bolsonaro and Liz Truss (remember her?). for news about live shows, merchandise and more episodes.   Join Club Fish for ad-free episodes and exclusive bonus content at or

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Um Hello and welcome to another episode of no such thing as a fish a weekly podcast this week coming to you live from up the creek in Greenwich, London My name is Dan Schreiber. I'm sitting here with Anna Tyshinski Andrew Hunter Murray and James Harkin and once again We have gathered around the microphones, but not with our four favorite facts from the last seven days But with some of our favorite facts from the last 12 months This is no such thing as the news meets the book of the year that we didn't get to do all smashed into a 30-minute podcast So in no particular order here we go starting with a fact
Starting point is 00:00:58 What's the jump in I can jump in because we're recording this at the same time as the World Cup semi-final is happening between France and Morocco And I have a fact where 40,000 people in France thought they were watching a World Cup match Germany versus Japan on YouTube But they were actually watching someone playing FIFA 23 And apparently this is that group of people in Vietnam This is what they do they play FIFA they pixelate it so that someone watching the game thinks that maybe they're watching a pixelated version of the actual match and they make hundreds and hundreds of pounds by just That's the thing they're genuinely I read this too, and it's amazing
Starting point is 00:01:43 And what a letdown when you find out that it's not and how foolish you are I saw some pictures of the pixelated and it does kind of look right, but when they clean it up It's very much a video game really. Oh, yeah I haven't played FIFA almost ever Can we do that with the podcast like if we sort of play a kind of slightly garbled version? Yeah People out there who might think that like whales won the World Cup Apparently they're not that gullible
Starting point is 00:02:20 Sorry sorry But they did they did they that's James was pointing out they matched up the right match So if everything was fine the thing that was the kicker was it was a Vietnamese commentary as you say and that's but I don't think Sort of a realism to it because when you go on to YouTube and you're watching some hucky channel It might be in a different language, so it kind of gave realism to it. Yeah, but another news story from the year The Queen Queen died. Oh What oh wow way to bring a downer on it So
Starting point is 00:02:50 So just to cheer us all up Let's remember the greatest tribute paid to her majesty, which was by the London tourist attraction Shrek's adventure Do you guys remember this? There's a lot of companies jumped on the bandwagon? Domino's pizza said everyone at Domino's joins the nation and the world in mourning Pizza Express went for a slightly different message But they also said the same kind of thing and Shrek's adventure London said Shrek's adventure London joins millions of mourners around the UK World in paying tribute to HM Yeah, I went to Shrek's adventure this
Starting point is 00:03:23 See the Queen no the queue is shorted by just a Shrek adventure on the South Bank of London. Oh, yeah, actually. I remember a few weeks ago We never use I never use this on the podcast, but I found out that the longest ever theme park ride was eight hours long So you could have done that ride three times in the time you'd have got to see the Queen really It was the Hogwarts one at Universal in America It was when it first opened what was like a broken motor or something like what was that? Everyone wanted to go there Sorry
Starting point is 00:03:58 You said the ride Well, let's see if I said that by the time the edit goes out Oh The Queenie thing yeah, so um, you know that you might think so you remember for the day of the funeral itself The Queen the Queen's coffin was carried on a gun carriage, you know, that was the thing and it was pulled by lots of naval ratings That was the thing hundreds of them all pulling it it's in front and behind to get it exactly the right speed So that carriage this is just an interesting thing that that carriage has been kept in a sort of storage room That's not the interesting bit
Starting point is 00:04:42 It's been kept there for 40 years and every single week its wheels have been oiled and turned around one quarter just in case gravity affected and Mishaped the wheels and then they wouldn't work properly on the day of the funeral But because I mean gravity doesn't do that. We've got other wheels in the world, haven't we? Yeah, it's not like I come back to my car after I haven't driven it for a month and they're all square Gravity doing to it. Sorry. It's just well, it's making it flat. It's a heavy carriage. It weighs tons. You know that yeah Yeah, yeah, so you were and the wheels are obviously quite sensitive and you just want to you just it's just by shifting your wheel
Starting point is 00:05:22 That's effectively an anti-gravity machine You even out the effect of gravity This bit if you shift it round a quarter turn you flatten out that bit and then you flatten out that it's like Doing something culinary like dough or something. There's there's a culinary metaphor in there Which if I cooks I'd be able to give you right now, right? Domino's pizza actually I just I just think that's an interesting example of the extreme thought that and preparation that had gone into it over decades Yes, you were talking about the different things that different brands did. Oh, yeah, so Morrison's
Starting point is 00:05:56 Apparently it was said that they turned off the beeps in their checkouts Indeference to the Queen dying but they denied it and they said they merely turned down the sound Oh, okay So instead of going it went Although for someone who's dying going You don't really want that do you they should replace it with the Big Ben Bongs that would be nice She caused confusion as a result of her death in Canada, I don't know if you saw this But in Canada there was not long after she died like quite soon
Starting point is 00:06:34 there was a citizen ceremony going on where they were anointing new citizens of Canada and and doing the pledge and so on and It was all done virtually and there was a hundred and forty people there or so and They started doing the ceremony and they had to stop it and say sorry. We can't make you Canadians We don't know who you're pledging to is it the Queen or is it to the King? So they had to like go off and find out who the fuck's in charge Does that mean it doesn't count if they said the Queen instead of the King it doesn't count I think so. Yeah, really cuz quite a lot of the England team in the World Cup matches would sing God save the Queen instead of God Save the King. Hey, so do you think we could get a rematch?
Starting point is 00:07:10 Hey, here's a crazy stat that I read is that the Queen was she was obviously very old What was she 96 years old when she passed so that means that of all the people alive in the country only a hundred thousand people? Had been around longer than her so everyone else of us had her in our life That's still quite a lot. I think a hundred thousand. I can't believe a hundred thousand people are older than 96. Yeah, it's gone the wrong way You just needed to present that with a different tone. Yes, sorry hundreds thousand people have been around longer than the Queen Wow And that will make the edit I will make the edit Just on on Royals, yeah, we're not we're not the only royal family in the world Obviously the Saudi Arabian royal family forgave Thailand this year for a really interesting thing
Starting point is 00:08:01 I had no idea they've been having this feud for 30 years But like there haven't been any flights from Saudi Arabia to Thailand for 30 years There have been no ambassadors anything like that and it was caused because 30 years ago a Thai cleaner who was employed as a servant at the Royal Palace the Saudi Arabian Royal Palace He was called Crankrai Teckamon He stole twenty million dollars worth of gems and diamonds and precious stones Hid them in some vacuum cleaner bags Because you use what you've got and like duck take them to himself. Oh, he didn't accidentally suck them up and then
Starting point is 00:08:38 That may have been his excuse in court. I don't know and he smuggled them out of the country And I love this the way he smuggled them out was he got them to Thailand by putting them in a big box of cargo And then he knew that the Thai officials at the other end would check them at customs unless he did something So he bribed them with an envelope stuffed with some cash and with a note saying hey in my cargo I've got loads of really bad porn and I'd really rather you didn't search it because that would be really awkward for me So can you not and they didn't? I would have thought you'd go for something slightly less tempting than that wouldn't you? Right
Starting point is 00:09:13 They're very respectful the Thai officials and customs anyway this year finally Saudi Arabia forgave Thailand because it became this huge Diplomatic incident people were shot dead because of it. Oh, yeah, there was lots of back and forth. Yeah. Yeah, that's terrible But the blue diamond still missing so check under your seats before you go It's not Oprah. We're not Oprah Just while we're talking about porn even though it was just a word I'm just gonna quickly grab that and bring over here There was a news story which in Manhattan a congressional candidate called Mike it kiss He's running and he has a sex positive approach as part of his campaign
Starting point is 00:09:52 So he thought I'd like to demonstrate how positive I am about sex He released a 13-minute long porn video with himself and a porn star that he filmed and put out to say I'm a man of my words it's called bucket list bonanza and It's with Nicole sage the porn star and Yeah, and what sort of what party is he from I say wherever he is. There's a bit of a party There was someone called Alexandra Hunt who ran in the third district for Congress and she was a former Exotic dancer a but rather than hiding it. She decided to embrace it and one of her campaign slogans was just elect hose And the other one said I may have danced for money, but I'm no corporate whore
Starting point is 00:10:38 Wow, isn't it? Yeah, it's quite good. Yeah There was a guy in Nebraska Bruce Bostelman who apologized for repeating the rumor that schools are Accommodating children who self-identify as cats by putting litter trays in the corner of the classroom Why are they putting less trace another Okay, so the premise of his accusation is flawed. Yes, he accused them of doing something that definitely did not happen, right I got a fact that was sent in by someone actually like a couple of weeks ago someone called Brain blobs on Twitter. So thank you brain blobs. This is a really thrilling thing guys. So The this doesn't sound thrilling but there's there's been a general conference on weights and measures and
Starting point is 00:11:25 some scientists no no stay with it because some scientists from the National physical laboratory in the UK attended that conference on weights and measures and obviously I need I don't need to tell you that That's the that's the authority of the International Bureau of weights and measures and so anyway We've got some new units to celebrate and that's really good A measure of weight a ronogram a ronogram is sounds like your it's someone's birthday And you just send someone come run around That's so much better than what I've got here So a ronogram is a one followed by 20 zeros, okay
Starting point is 00:12:07 And I think I think the earth weighs six ronograms Which is really good because it previously we had to say it weighs like 250 million blars And even that was the previous biggest unit, okay? So you see what I mean now we can just say it's six ronograms, and that's a much more convenient way of putting it great Yeah, that's good. That's very handy. Yeah, I offer people often ask how much is the earth way and yeah Well, there's the ronometer and the universe is how you measure runs The entire universe is just one ronometer across what oh, that's very big You sound surprised, but you have just heard that run ronogram is it's a large thing it's bigger than a gram
Starting point is 00:12:43 But I don't think that then helps you understand anything. Well, all right, okay, that's that's fair enough All right, it's fair enough correct me if I'm wrong. It's an expanding universe Well, eventually it'll be two ronometers. Okay. Here's okay better example better example the other end of the scale They've added some very very small things as well. Yeah, right. So what about a quectogram? Okay? Okay, there's a ronogram, which is the weight of an electron. Oh, this will be the weight of a quark or something It's the weight of something even so the weight added to your phone if you get one extra bite of data That is one quectogram right so that has actual weight. Yeah, I swear to God. I emptied my phone the other day It and it floats it away
Starting point is 00:13:33 I'm not kidding. It felt so much lighter. I was like wow Yeah, and so that's true. Yeah, yeah, there we go. Yeah, is it do we think any of these are gonna come in handy at weight? Which is meeting Maybe yeah, you've lost a ronogram this week. That really is wow well actually on the the earth an universe Worrying news this year is that our days are getting longer and we don't really know why So there's there's quite confusing thing where in the very very long term The days are getting slightly longer because the earth rotation is slowing because the moon's moving away from us That's over millions of years. You don't need to worry about that
Starting point is 00:14:12 But in the short term like the last 50 years weirdly counterbalancing that they've been getting shorter Which we haven't really known why and now suddenly the last couple of years They've gradually started getting longer don't if anyone's noticed here The extra during Andy's bit a tiny bit I So there's a new measure of time the Andy Graham It's only a matter of minutes, but you will age But yeah, we think it might be because of the Chandler wobble
Starting point is 00:14:51 Could that be any more weird Lovely for someone who I know has never seen Someone who's read read the Wikipedia page old friends halfway through I was thinking I'm out of my debt Do you know who's Whose time on earth has been made longer by one to two years as of six months from now. Oh Yes, I think I I mean despite the way you phrase that. Yeah, I think I actually do so It's it's South Koreans right South Koreans have just extended their life by one to two years And that's gonna happen between June of next year because
Starting point is 00:15:36 They usually in South Korea the way that they measure your your age is when you're born you were born one years old So they say that you're you know nine months is right rounded up to 12 months You are one and if you're born I think it's like close to December then you become to because it just is a new year So you go you're to quite quickly if you're born in let's say November So that's been a thing where people have always found confusing if they go overseas because their birth certificate or the passports We all carry our birth certificates, right? Their passport will say an age, but they'll say a different age and it's really confusing
Starting point is 00:16:09 So now South Korea has decided to abandon the whole thing of saying you're one or two when you're born And they're gonna be like the rest of the world's metric or I guess the majority It's a cool interesting thing to do Yeah Go back because it would be cool if as you claim they're adding two years to their life And if that's how they've tricked them into it then yeah I think if I could I'm 38 if I could be like I'm now 36. I think that would make my day But you wouldn't you wouldn't be you would have you you're still gonna die on the same day. Yeah
Starting point is 00:16:46 Mmm. Yeah, but my but I will have died two years younger Also people more people will say such a shame. Yeah. Yeah. They were too soon There were only a hundred thousand people older than Dan Schreiber Can I drag us quickly back to sport? Oh, yeah And well actually one thing I just wanted to say about Southgate which go at Southgate Sorry, yes, I'm not familiar I was actually thinking a scandal Southgate did you about Southgate?
Starting point is 00:17:22 Football manager for England English football manager and you know, everyone thinks he's a really great guy now So obviously he was the bad guy in the 90s because for international lists He missed a penalty at the Euros bit of a crisis for his popularity Everyone loves him now because he wears waistcoats in England's a quite a good team But I found out how he met his wife Ropey. Oh With ropes It's actually not that bad
Starting point is 00:17:49 But he saw a woman he fancied who worked in a shop in Croydon And so he first of all would like loiter around the shop pretending He was looking at the clothes there a lot to try and talk to what sort of shop clothes shop. I reckon. Oh, yeah Hardware story picking up padlocks and going I love this tea Okay, sorry, so he's hanging around the shop. He's hanging around the shop He finds out she's got a very serious live-in boyfriend But it happens he goes to a restaurant one day and her and her boyfriend are sitting nearby at the table And he senses that they're having a bad time together, you know, he senses this relationship on the rocks
Starting point is 00:18:30 So when the boyfriend's not looking he sneaks over to her and drops a letter in her hand with his number 18 pages Note I suppose a note and Saying, you know when this cocks up which clearly it's going to why don't you give me a call and she did and she did And they had their dates in Tesco car park for a long time because they had to be secret I think oh, so she hadn't left they just started dating secretly. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. This is a gossipy story A Tesco car park is not a very secret place either. It's actually open to anyone who wants to go I assume her boyfriend shopped at Sainsbury's
Starting point is 00:19:13 It's the only safe place for them. Anyway, so that is some hot goss from 30 years ago Are they still together? Yeah, the arts very sweet actually I got sports news here as well. This is to do with the world of badminton You'll all know this i'm sure But just to remind you for chinese badminton players were put on probation for two years this year after failing to try their best to win In 2018 so the match happened in 2018. They finally had the thing basically The people that were watching the match noticed that either side were sort of not really giving it They were just sort of like dicking about and that apparently is illegal in badminton because they did it for a very good strategic reason, right?
Starting point is 00:20:00 What both sides? Yeah, so they can play a different team in the next round. Yeah, exactly I thought you were going to say maybe they've been paid to throw the match Oh I'm pretty I think it was because the they if whoever one would be playing the better team and I believe it was two Chinese team wasn't it? Yeah Who if they won we're going to end up playing the other chinese team? And so that was silly because they want china to win So it's pointless china playing china because they're going to knock one of them out
Starting point is 00:20:24 And so they all want and then I think was the other one korean I don't know apparently you know this way better I'm just guessing. I'm just like crystal ball. Um Yeah, I think then the other team were like hang on you're trying to lose. We're going to try and lose as well And and then they and then they got picked up and then in the second half They kind of went for it properly because I think they realized we've been caught out But now they're banned. Yeah for playing shit Which is amazing. Um in 2024 the olympics are going to be in paris. This is the fact about next year. I should say
Starting point is 00:20:56 Because this year they unveiled their mascot. They're going to have and everyone said the same thing that it looks rather like a clitoris Oh And the woman who designed it when they said to her, you know, it's a bit weird that your mascot looks like a clitoris She said i'm so happy after everything that's happened with feminism that people can now recognize the clitoris I saw the mascot I I didn't think it looked like And they did find i'm sure everyone saw this today. They found the um the snakes clitoris for the first time It's got two. Yeah, it's got two. Yeah, because they have hemi peenies Don't they like right penises so they have double clitoris as well. Oh good for them
Starting point is 00:21:42 I got a few records. Oh, yeah, I can do a little quiz. Yeah, yeah Okay, right this record was broken in january by laura noonan of sydney. It's the most cartoon characters identified in one minute. How many? 20 Okay, in one minute 40 31 106 Imagine that that's a lot. Yeah, how how identified what like by photos or I mean, you have some kind of pictorial Did a voice I guess
Starting point is 00:22:12 No, I think it was pictures, you know pop I betty boop donald duck that way that way, you know question two question two All right, all right February record france huber from milan Most swords swallowed while hanging upside down Okay, I've seen I reckon I've seen people swallowing around six or seven. So I'll go for that six. Okay one hundred Sorry, you didn't let me finish 100 You're both right. It's a hundred swords. No, of course it's not. It's uh, it's nine Although is that if you're upside down is it still swallowing or something? Yes What is it if it's not
Starting point is 00:22:53 It's just like it's just sort of pushing something up, isn't it? You know like swallowing is where is where you swallow something down and it goes and you know It still ends up in your stomach though. No matter which way you're orientated. Yeah I think you've forgotten the definition of the word swallow. Okay. You can't like say. Oh, I didn't swallow those diamonds officer because I was upside down at the time Please go on your way, sir We legally can't arrest you Okay, fine fine fine. All right final one final one march record. Yeah, uh, this is me
Starting point is 00:23:20 I'll be kooky matchy of tokyo most socks sorted with one foot in one minute And I want an answer in pairs, please. How many pairs of socks sorted half James's lobal that 30 25 pairs 400 12 points for again 400 pairs of socks I half listen to the question eight pairs of eight pairs of socks per second Final answer Um, I can't I don't know or care who got it right. I think it was Anna. I think it was 15 pairs
Starting point is 00:24:00 No, no, no, I know I just can't remember what everyone said. Oh, right So I agree with you for guessing 400 that I kind of forgot Anna's answer. I think you guessed sort of 25 Yeah, but I meant singles so 12.5. I thought Wasn't this I think I saw this and wasn't she known on youtube for foot related content anyway. I believe the person who won Or maybe I came across her in a different walk of my life, but all right, okay related content I know it means sexual stuff. What what does that but what does that mean? I actually don't know what that means Just sexy photos of feet. I don't know. I guess it's sorting socks with your feet. I don't know Sorting socks with your feet. Yeah, that's what she's doing. That's what this lady was doing. I didn't hear the question
Starting point is 00:24:42 Okay, I have a related fact on these kind of people It's about influencers who do strange things. Okay, and this is Stephanie matto who sold farts in a jar Oh, yeah And she managed to get very very sick because she was trying to fart too many times because she got so many orders She was trying to make as much as possible And what that meant because I found another story in the same week is that you can end up in hospital If you fart too much and if you don't fart enough Because there was a woman called Cara Clark who got extreme stomach pain when she'd been holding in her farts too much
Starting point is 00:25:21 And then this influencer Stephanie matto had been farting too much and she ended up in hospital as well Were they in the waiting room at the same time? But what that says to me is there's an optimum amount. Yeah, well, if you read the uncut version of Goldilocks, there is that scene where One of the bears in hospital because yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, why was why was the second woman holding in her farts? Because she had a new boyfriend And she's yeah, she's fine now. They they had a laugh about it. Okay So what you're saying is we're all walking a kind of quite a bit quite a thick line of yes
Starting point is 00:25:55 But Stephanie has now retired from selling farts in jars. You'll be glad to hear her family are glad to hear But she is now selling her fart jars as nfts. Uh, okay There's um, can I can I mention one of the big stories of the year? Um, yeah, the very infamous Chris rock will smith moment slap at the Oscars I fell in love with this story because it was just a very good example of how very quickly We all jumped to insane theories to sort of justify why it may have happened So there were two theories that came out immediately after it happened One was that someone said that the slap is much less interesting when you realize that will smith almost certainly went through the
Starting point is 00:26:38 Scientology courses that tell you to unapologetically use slaps and physical force to let a fellow Scientologist know they've done something wrong. So the idea is that in the training They just go pang on the side of your face because they're bored or whatever and that's them letting you know Can we introduce the book us? Please no I won't last one But yeah, so but then a Scientologist including ex Scientologists jumped to the immediately saying no, no That's not a thing my favorite one though of all the theories that came out
Starting point is 00:27:13 Is that someone noticed just before will smith came up to slap him on stage? That chris rock had dared to say the word mcbeth on stage Which you should never do the curse of mcbeth. Oh Anna, you know what? But so just a few moments before he congratulated densel washington on his performance on the tragedy of mcbeth And so now if you go to the wikipedia page for incidences after invoking the word mcbeth You will find will smith slapping chris. Well, isn't isn't that only a viable theory and i can't remember his wife's name Maybe it is mcbeth. It's not laid mcbeth
Starting point is 00:27:52 Will smith's wife would have to be called mcbeth because i believe it was accompanied with an Explanatory Explanatory words wasn't it by will smith. He didn't want to leave us in the dark. Didn't he say get keep my wife's name out of your mouth My wife's name from your mouth, please. Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and His wife's not called mcbeth. So that's where that theory completely falls down But aside from that, well, that's the only reason he'd be annoyed about him saying mcbeth No, the the whole idea of the mcbeth curse is that it's out of your control what then happens So then he goes on to tell a joke. He thinks it's going to be fine and the curse takes out
Starting point is 00:28:23 Oh, you're not saying will smith was furious The way you told it it did sound like Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the scottish play your dick head. Oh the garb and tell him Um on celebrities another celebrity of the year was liz truss and A chair of slight recognition in the room, wasn't it just for um for any international lessons? Can you just say who? Yes, so she was the short lived five minutes of fame prime minister of the united kingdom. She's still alive. She lives
Starting point is 00:29:02 Yeah, Liz Charles lives she wasn't prime minister belong. They forgot how long was it 37 days 49 days 49 days. Actually, that's not too bad, is it? But she I learned this year that she was often compared to Margaret Thatcher obviously because she tried to compare herself to Margaret Thatcher quite a lot and She actually played Margaret Thatcher in a school play when she was eight years old Really? So what was the school play mcbeth? Like I was in a couple of plays at school and none of them featured a book without your character Nativity It was the school play was the 1983 election
Starting point is 00:29:47 Wow They did things differently and paisley in the 80s I think the Thatcher election was going on at the time and so they've reenacted it And they asked people if they wanted to be certain candidates and they said would you like to be Margaret Thatcher and try to get people on your side And then everyone would vote for who they liked best who was pitching their political theories and Liz trust actually got zero votes Not even voting for herself Oh, because she she was uh, she was left-wing at the time because her parents were quite left-wing and she wouldn't have been a Thatcher supporter until much later Well, she said that probably was it what she said was she knew the Tories were so unpopular and paisley at the time that she couldn't
Starting point is 00:30:28 Be seen voting for Margaret Thatcher even though it was her in this instance Um, my school did the 1997 election and it's a good it's a good fun Fun thing to do. So yeah, who did you play job press card? We didn't do it as a play Yeah, yeah, um Michael go wasn't around then Who are you? I'm widicum. I was no We weren't playing individual people. It was just like it was done. Is it like I can't remember there was a talk about it or something You played people talking about the election. No, it wasn't a play for fuck's sake It's not we talk about the letters then we gotta talk about the letters
Starting point is 00:31:03 The trust letters the letters the letters that lasted longer than this trust But of course there's a big argument between left and right on twitter like there always is With the right-wing saying that actually there was some discoloration in the letters And maybe it hadn't lasted as long as Liz trust But the Atlantic said that it was still usable in a salad So that happens happened to it in the end. Um, yeah, um straight afterwards for the next month It was doing personalized messages on cameo for 13 pounds. Are you serious serious? Yeah, that's really good There was a really good quote about Boris Johnson in the times this year
Starting point is 00:31:39 Boris Johnson for international list is another prime minister that we've had this year This is around about the time when he was flying back from his holiday to claim the title of prime minister again and then decided against it and There was a school report written by one of his teachers when he was 18 and it was just so good and prescient So the school report said Boris sometimes seems affronted when criticized for what amounts to a gross failure of responsibility And surprised at the same time that he was not appointed captain of school for next term I think he honestly believes that it is churlish of us not to regard him as an exception One who should be free of the network of obligation which binds everyone else
Starting point is 00:32:20 All right, okay. We were talking just before the show. Do you guys remember the sue grave report? This time last year that wasn't there wasn't out yet. It was that's all happened this year We're getting some nose over there. So you're gonna have to refresh people. Nah Uh another Boris like person chair bosson arrow in brazil Uh, he's been away from the public eye for the last couple of months and no one's really known what's happening There's been a lot of rumors What since the election? The vice president said that he'd had covid three times
Starting point is 00:32:53 Even though he denied it existed And he had a skin disease which stopped him from being able to pot on his trousers And so he couldn't do any public events. Oh, you can still do zoom calls though, can't you? Uh, we should think of wrapping up in very not just yet, but soon as can I say a science fact? Yeah, of course. So one thing that's we've just been getting this year It's been in the works for years and years the James Webb space telescope Which was launched. I think at the very very end of last year and we've just got the first photos back this year It's amazingly exciting because we're seeing lots and lots of the universe in you know, completely new ways
Starting point is 00:33:34 And I've just been reading a bit about it. It's so sensitive the James Webb space telescope It could it could detect the warmth of a single b That was on the moon from earth. Okay. Wow. Is that good? Well, we don't have bees on the moon though Well, maybe now we'll find out if we do have bees on the moon. Yeah, and do we? Well, no, but That is quite amazing. Yeah, it's taking these pictures They get called the baby pictures of the universe because it's photographing light from 30 and a half billion years ago really really long time ago So you can see what was happening just after the universe exactly. Yeah. Well, that made me think that all of our baby photos are still
Starting point is 00:34:12 traveling out Into yeah into space as then if you were far enough away, you'd be able to see yourself as a baby You know what you're up to. Yeah, that's what your own baby photo is happening. I guess so you'd have to be firing them out Somehow like for instance broadcast stuff. Yeah, something that's broadcast over the airwaves That would go into space and that could be seen for a long time. So technically no such thing as the news is still on We got cancelled on earth, but if you're on alpha centura, you can watch it live Oh, wow Do you think the owner of all the originated the James Webb Space Telescope
Starting point is 00:34:48 Spams their friends on WhatsApp constantly with annoying photos of the baby universe Quite ugly, but they have to say something nice I've got a bit of a silly story here of which I just loved There's a guy in China two guys in China that were picking pine nuts from a tree recently And the tree was a bit high. So they thought the way we'll get to it is let's just fill up a hydrogen balloon And we'll attach ourselves to that. So they go up in it and they're picking their pine nuts But then the balloon becomes untethered One of the guys jumps out the other one's too afraid to
Starting point is 00:35:24 He disappeared for two days into the air He went on a 200 mile long journey Really high in the sky They were monitoring as he went. Fortunately, he had his mobile phone And he was constantly calling and running low on battery going. What do I do? And they had to navigate him to slowly let air out over somewhere that was landable, but for two days he just What an adventure It's like up
Starting point is 00:35:53 We got any last stories In Nigeria, they seized thousands of donkey penises because they were mislabeled as cow penises Okay There's a romance novelist who wrote an online essay called how to murder your husband and she was sentenced to life for murdering her husband The old double bluff it doesn't always work And according to a recent study at the university of singapore, the three funniest word pairs in the english language Play by parrot weasel penis and spam scrotum We'll try them in the next episode
Starting point is 00:36:36 Okay, that's it that is all of our facts from the year Thank you so much for listening If you'd like to get in contact with any of us about the things that we have said over the course of this podcast We can be found on our twitter account. So i'm on at schreiberland andy at andrew hunter m james At james harkin and anna you can email podcast at if you want to get in touch with us as a group We're on at no such thing or you can go to our website. No such thing as a fish dot com All of our previous episodes are up there. So do check them out There's a bunch of other fun things up there. Check it out too. Uh, thank you very much up the creek for being here for our
Starting point is 00:37:08 Big end of year. No such thing as a new smashed with the book of the year Bonanza, uh, and we'll be back again next week with another episode. We'll see you then good. Bye You

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