No Such Thing As A Fish - 513: No Such Thing As Upside-Down Space Rain

Episode Date: January 11, 2024

Dan, Anna, Andy and Stevie Martin discuss flipped moons, reverse-shoplifting, topsy-turvy monorails and inverted models. Visit for news about live shows, merchandise and more e...pisodes. Join Club Fish for ad-free episodes and exclusive bonus content at or

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi everybody, Andy here. Just before we start this week's episode, wanted to introduce you to our special guest. This week's guest is the brilliant Stevie Martin. If you haven't heard of Stevie, you are in for a treat. She is a fantastic comedian. Everything she makes is good. She makes wonderful sketches. She's in shows.
Starting point is 00:00:19 She's on stuff. And if you want to hear more of her after this episode, which you will, check out her podcast, which is called Nobody Panic. It's a great show. It contains advice about absolutely everything in the world How to do your taxes how to brush your hair some even funnier things than that. Can you believe it? And it's a great show. I think I did an episode recently which is coming up for release But just start listening to that now once again again, it's called Nobody Panic. Hope you enjoy this show.
Starting point is 00:00:47 On with the podcast! Hello, and welcome to another episode of No Such Thing as a Fish, a weekly podcast coming to you from the QI offices in Hobern. My name is Dan Shriver, I'm sitting here with Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Toshinsky, and Stevie Martin, and once again we have gathered around the microphones with our four favorite facts from the last seven days, and in a particular order, here we go. Starting with fact number one and that is Stevie. My fact is that Australia is wider than the moon except technically it's not. What? Hello. I can't grow back here. I did some verification, I think you're absolutely right. I'm gonna back myself more, says my mom. So it is, if I was looking at it, it would be. But if I was like taking into account surface area, perhaps,
Starting point is 00:01:55 in the fact that it's a sphere, that's not what you said. Yeah, man, so why did it? Why did it? When you moved Australia, it's in the place of the moon. Yeah, it would be, it would cover it from left to right and then some. Yeah. Like in a clit. Like it could, you could move the moon and it would block the sun.
Starting point is 00:02:10 What's the need? Would it? Is it tall enough? Australia. It may not be tall enough. I don't know. Is Australia quite flat? Is it a flat boy from the top to the bottom? It's why I think that you would get bits of moon poking out. I don't think there's any Australia arrangement that totally covers the moon,
Starting point is 00:02:24 but it's definitely wider left to right. There's no doubt. But you might be able to cut bits off or move Tasmania, for instance, to one of the poking out bits. So, a holiday set. They'd love that. Politically controversial plan already. It feels like they probably had to put up with a lot. I don't know. So, the moon is about 3,500 kilometers across in Australia's about, when we look at it in the sky, Australia's about 4. Yeah, that's about four thousand. Yeah, did you know that the smallest moon of Jupiter
Starting point is 00:02:50 Which is so small? It's called just called Jupiter L.I.I Doesn't have a name is the same size as Vatican City It's it. Yeah. It's almost not worth it. It's not Do we know it's a moon? What's there? Does anyone know what the smallest amount has to be for it to be a moon? Oh, is there R also? Is it the Vatican City? Is that it? That's it.
Starting point is 00:03:11 If you can have a Pope, it's a moon. It's a moon. That's it. It's hugely contentious. That question's hugely contentious in that world. Okay. We'll get emails just dozens, hundreds of emails now that you've asked. Wait, doesn't the moon have a bishop?
Starting point is 00:03:24 I'm sure we've vaguely said this in the past, that there is a guy who's a role is a bishop of the moon. Oh, yes, yeah. When they tried to claim it as theirs, yeah. I've got given it to own bishop. I mean, I think self-proclaimed. Is that like, wait, is that when I was 14, my mom bought me a little plot of land on the moon,
Starting point is 00:03:40 and you get a little deed, so I got a deed. Oh, no. You did that. So, it's any mineral rights in like, maybe a centimeter square somewhere out of the mid. You'll get none of that. I will get none of it, because it's not legally binding, because I'm sure she bought it like a paper chase.
Starting point is 00:03:54 But if the bishop thing, I think, checks out, imagine there was a bishop in my bit. That's why the Pope my Bill has that dome over the top of the bubble. Because people own it. It's so that he can, if he needs to, he can operate in a lunar environment. Yes. I also own a small square of the Pope as well.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I got my 15th birthday. We're going to be crazy for the UN or whoever it is to say, right, we are going to divide up the moon, but we've decided that pay for Chase are the people who are going to administer this system. You do need people to do admin. You do, you do. They might have put in the best bid. You're absolutely right. I don't think that's too far a crazy idea. They've got the paper to
Starting point is 00:04:29 make the certificates. I think it's a really... It was high GSM. It was. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here's an interesting thing. So the space between the moon and the earth, right? Yeah. So that is roughly because it changes all the time, but like it's furthest, it's big enough that you could take all of our planets in the solar system, and you could put them next to each other in one big row, and they would all fit between the space, between the earth and the moon. Well, no, yeah, that is good.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Is that extraordinary? Even Jupiter. But Jupiter's so big. No, it's clearly Jupiter. Sorry, I forgot to mention, not Jupiter. Oh, no. I always think we don't make a massive enough deal about the coincidence of the moon and the sun. And the fact that we can have a full eclipse, right? Because the only reason we can have a full solar eclipse
Starting point is 00:05:14 is the fact that the moon and the sun look exactly the same size to us on Earth. And that's just a total coincidence. It's just proportionally the size of the moon and the distance of the moon and the sun look exactly the same size to us on Earth. And that's just a total coincidence. It's just proportionally the size of the moon and the distance of the moon from us makes it the same size to us. And then in a million years,
Starting point is 00:05:32 because the moon's moving away like a few centimeters a year, we won't have full eclipses anymore because it'll be too far away to cover the entirety of the sun. Yeah. And the chances were just infinitimally tiny and I think that is evidence for a higher power if ever there was in the fact that they're basically the same size to us.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I like the idea that in the future, when the moon is smaller and it goes across, it'll make the sun look like a bagel. Oh, yeah! A really stingy bagel, though. Why'd you get that bagel that thin with a huge hole? Yeah, I like that though. Can I tell you about the first Australian person
Starting point is 00:06:07 to go to space? Ooh, yeah. Paul Desmond's Scully Power. Cool. It's the first ever, Ostra Nord. I'm calling him. I have to try and find online if anyone's used that.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I don't think anyone says Ostra Nord. Maybe because of the same market now. It's happened to one guy. That's true. It could be like Ostra and as well, so it's kind of markets. It's happened to one guy. It could be like Austrian as well, so it's kind of confusing. Oh yeah, that'll be Natalie to Heaps of Confucius. Sorry, I was confused.
Starting point is 00:06:31 I was confused then. But he was also the first astronaut with a beard. Wow. In the gravity is beard, it would be flip all the place. Like he was a wizard. Exactly. How was it like my beard? Or were we talking Gandalf? It's in between, it didn't have it like my beard or we're talking Gandalf?
Starting point is 00:06:45 It's in between it didn't have a Gandalf beard very sadly I think even now so much that didn't try and make him shave and he said now it's fine and so he They tried to make sure they said it won't form an airtight seal and presumably you'll as fix he ate and he said I'm a little we're right He's such he is so Aussie. It's brilliant like He said going to Spice was just one of those things that happened because he started off as an oceanographer and then he, because he liked surfing and was studying maths and then he got into the Aussie Navy and then he exchanged over to the US Navy and they said we need to do someone to do a naval study, an ocean study rather from space, so you want to get on board. And he did. He's founded a drone company called the Ripper Group. He's created Shark Finding
Starting point is 00:07:30 AI. He's just in his contract, conforming to stereotype. He's really let you up there. I know, as the shuttle was about to take off, you know, you're sitting like, I guess you're facing the sky. So you're sort of lying on your back with a chair chair right? What did he do? He fell asleep. Oh okay. I thought he was saying you're like barbecues. He stood in a soft position as he went up. That's what I mean and his beard is beard but the things are parted just thing. It's all you could see is the rocket left the atmosphere. Two strands of beard. What a guy.
Starting point is 00:08:10 What a guy. What's your name? What's your name? Paul Desmond Scully Power. What a great name. Paul Power. Paul Power. Paul Power.
Starting point is 00:08:18 That's brilliant. There's just speaking of the moon and Australia. Yeah. I found a really cool thing online and it's an interactive page and it's created, it's this website that's created by the people who wrote a book called Cosmos, the Infographic Book of Space, which I think has loads of really cool infographics about space in it as we would expect. Wow!
Starting point is 00:08:38 It's a shame they couldn't nail that onto the canvas on her house. They needed me writing this sometimes. Your views of books are so shitter-ed-ed-ed. That's so bad. Anyway, they've also got a website, and they have this whole interactive section, and one of the interactive sections, which I strongly amend that you Google, is you can see how high a human or a kangaroo could jump on various celestial bodies. So they'll drop down, you can select human or kangaroo, no other things.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Because they're the two main ones that were going to space. And then, yeah, you can see how high they jumped. So on the moon, we could jump three meters. Pretty good. Yeah. Kangaroo, 11 meters, better. It's always better than kangaroo. That's good to say.
Starting point is 00:09:23 It's relative in here. Yeah. It's really fun, quite a. I was gonna say it's relative in here. Yeah. It's really fun, quite a lot. It really tricks you and I wasted a lot of time because it has things like some of the tiniest moons in the solar system and it'll do, see how high you could jump on this and you click jump and then you sit there as it goes up and up
Starting point is 00:09:37 and it doesn't really tell you if it's gonna go on forever or if it's gonna stop at some point. So I did sit there for about eight minutes watching it go up and up thinking, I don't know if I'm coming back down and sometimes you don't. Really? Yeah, well, it's a bit sad, don't dumb. Don't jump.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Like asteroids and stuff. You know how the moon looks too big? It looks bigger than it is when we look at it. Too big. When you look at the moon and the ice guy, you know what a beautiful moon, they take a photo and there's a dot. Yes. I just thought this morning. Right. Yes. And there's a dot. Yes! I see that this morning. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:07 And it's really weird. It's a weird effect. Yeah, why is that, though? Well, we sort of prioritise it more with our eyes. Oh, okay. But there are various reasons why sometimes the moon looks very big, but we're just near the horizon
Starting point is 00:10:18 because it's closer to things that we recognise, like houses or trees or whatever. You sort of see it in reference to those and you think it's bigger than it is. But wait, he's saying that it takes you so long to grapple to get your camera that by the time you've taken the photo, it's actually moved up into the sky. Because even when you look at it in the night sky, it looks bigger to our eyes than it does on a camera. Okay. I can't wait for it. I'm telling the truth. But there is a way of negating the effect of the moon. This effect of it looking too big, which is, look at it upside down. Oh,
Starting point is 00:10:44 yeah. How do I turn the eye? I do a headstound. You go to Australia. You go to Australia. the effect of the moon, this effect of it looking too big, which is look at it upside down. Oh. Yeah. How do I turn the eye go down? I do headstown. You go to Australia. You go to Australia. You put your head between your legs as you're standing there. And it looks the right size again. Really?
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yeah, this was studied by two Japanese scientists. They won an ignoble prize for their paper. They're telling people to put their head through the legs. Look at me. The size of perceived distance of targets for you to run between the legs. I at me. The perceived distance of targets viewed from between the legs. I almost want to disagree with them, but it's a fact. You haven't tried it. But next time you're out on a romantic nighttime stroll
Starting point is 00:11:12 and a person you're with says, look at the lovely moon, you can say to them, no, look at it between your legs and we'll see it. But that works in you know, like sometimes, I think it was the last year, you could see Jupiter really well next to the moon and Yeah, I looked at some planes, but then I also did see Jupiter So if I looked between my like it would look like Jupiter. Yes, it brings it closer
Starting point is 00:11:34 I'm going to make it smaller smaller. It looks smaller So I'm going to the opposite. Okay fine. Right. What could be my leg stream ahead? You have a leg stream ahead. You know, just bring it up. I can't. I can't. I can't. Check this out. I don't fully understand the science of this, but I find it amazing, because it's true.
Starting point is 00:11:51 And that is that on a rainy day, if the moon is overhead, it's going to rain less. I know. That frightens me on a very deep level. On a rainy day, if the moon is overhead, it's going to rain less. Wow. So, if the moon, rather than like sometimes you see the moon which is like closer to... On the horizon.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Yeah, exactly. And then you get time to go, right? The moon's... Yeah, yeah. Yeah, the difference. When it's there, let's say it's a cloudy day and it's raining, it's gonna rain less. But it's all red for the time. Is it a gravitational pull? Is it sucking, yeah, sucking the rain? It's all the way to the right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Is it the rain goes off in the air? That's all the moon. It's all the moon. Space rain, it right off. Yeah. So the rain goes off in the air, towards the moon. Space rain. Space rain. Space rain. This one happens. Oh, it's like dance, space rain. Okay. What?
Starting point is 00:12:32 Well, so it just doesn't, it just stays within the atmosphere. Yeah, exactly. Close. So the gravitational pull with the moon, it's all to do with the kind of pressure that it's creating around in the air as well. So the pressure can suck up the moisture that's in there. So it's just kind of, it's not, it's not weighted so that it falls down. But so it, it will still rain, but by less. It does, it does make sense. It would have been freaking bizarre, but it just
Starting point is 00:12:54 didn't rain in a Truman show way. But it's less by 1%. It's not a contrary, it's not a lot. It's a really relevant bit of... It's not a frame. I was about to leave my umbrella at home before Dan said it's 1%. Now I think I'll take it anyway. Yeah, but you can drill a hole in your umbrella that's 1% the size of it. And then as long as that's in the right position,
Starting point is 00:13:18 then it won't matter. It'll be fine. Yeah, it's awful. But they did this. They studied it for ages 98 to 2012 They're looking at reports and then they looked at meteorological reports I go all the way back to the 1800s and they found that on the days where the moon was in those positions What was that raining one present last night?
Starting point is 00:13:34 No, it's just love that fact so much Australia's got its first ever moon rover. It was getting its first ever moon rover. Okay. It's quite cool It's gonna go Moon Rover. Okay. This is quite cool. It's gonna go. Why? Is that a... Why are we doing that? It's just being included on a future mission. I think Australia has a space program. Ask Paul Power. And it's gonna be included. But I'd just like to see, can you guess the name? There were 8,000 suggestions. Oh, okay. Of a name. And one winner. And it's gettable. And it's a Nolsey...
Starting point is 00:14:03 Is it Mooniumicy moon face it's not moony moon face it's something it is something actually Australian and you gonna kick yourselves right up the old moon spider that's good it's a rover it's a car it's yeah yeah a roon rover you're so close this is agony can you rover would you say can you rover I'm really... This is Agony. Can you roover? What did you say? Can you roover? I'm gonna give it to you.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Roover is what its name is. What was we closer? What did you say? Roon roover. Roon roover. Yeah, absolutely not dead. That was a shock and get that call me. Wait, say it again, what is it?
Starting point is 00:14:38 Roover. Come on. You should put Kangaroo in front. She said Kangaroo, Kangaroo. It was closer than Roon over. I had to sit there not saying anything. Just being like, mm-hmm, yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Anyway, it's going to be called Roon over. And it will weigh about the same as a Western grey kangaroo. Cool. Or four wallabies. It's acting like that. It's a dead delivery. That's in general to the design. Four wallabies by wallabies.
Starting point is 00:15:03 LAUGHTER Oh. That's integral to the design. All of these, by-wall-a-bees. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha- VPN. Express VPN. If you don't have it, you're basically imagine you're walking a dog in public and you haven't got them on a leash That's what it's like. You're on the internet without a leash. You don't know who's gonna be able to get access to your dog Oh no, that is really worrying actually especially as I don't have a dog But express VPN what it does it creates a secure encrypted tunnel beneath your device and the internet So no one could tell where you are no one could tell what sites you're on. And if you happen to be in Serbia, say, and there's a huge that's much, you can watch that that's much without worrying about finding a Serbian channel to watch it on Netflix doesn't have all dogs goes to heaven.
Starting point is 00:16:00 It doesn't have a toner and hooch. It doesn't have other dog based movies.. It doesn't have other dog-based movies. Well, you can, is that one? K9, it doesn't have a lashing. It's got none of them. What country are we in that doesn't have any of them? But guess what, Serbia might, along with the darts, have all these movies
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Starting point is 00:17:01 NetSuite. Yes, we are. NetSuite is the sweetest and nuts net place to go. If your business is kind of falling behind because there's just so much admin for people to do. Absolutely right. NetSuite is the one place a hub as it were to bring together all of the things that you need in order to make your business run, funcally, run smoothly. And there are three numbers they absolutely want you to know. That's 37,000, 25, and one. 37,000, that's a number of businesses that have upgraded to Netsuite. It's hugely popular globally. 25, Netsuite is turning 25 this year.
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Starting point is 00:18:25 can do that by going to NetSweet, edits, slash fish. That's right. So go to slash fish to get your own KPI checklist absolutely free. Do it now. Okay. On with the show. On with the podcast. Okay, it is time for fact number two, and that's my fact. My fact this week is that as a child, Roll Dal was used as a guinea pig for a chocolate factory. Cool, that's very on the nose. Yeah. I actually wonder about all the other books as well, like, did he have a big peach? One take.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Yeah. Was he a twint? Yeah, no, he, so he went to the school called Repton, and at Repton there was a local Cadbury's. It was either a factory or it was just a base where they were sending chocolate out for it to be tested around the country. Either way, what they used to do was they used to ask for kids from the school to apply to be guinea pigs in order to test out these chocolates and see whether they were fit
Starting point is 00:19:30 for the market and Dahl happened to be there at the time. So he would have been like 13, 14 years old at the time. Yeah, he spent four years at this place and it had a huge impact on him. He did think off the back of it. What's going on inside these chocolate factories? I bet it's a marvelous, incredible place, and it was the seed for what then became Charlie and the chocolate factory. The pod.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Was there love injuries while he was there? Was there love injuries? Is that... My chocolate had a finger in it as well. Unbelievable. Wow. Do we know if any of the kids in that classroom, when the teacher said, every Gwani volunteer
Starting point is 00:20:01 is to test out chocolate and a chocolate factory, was there a single child who didn't put their hand up? Yeah, it's like a dream for a child. It's a dream cake. Professional chocolate testers, or a thing, but not again, not many of them, and it's not as good a gig as maybe Dyle made it sound. You get quite sick. You also develop an incredibly advanced palette. Oh, so then nothing satisfying.
Starting point is 00:20:25 You're ruined. Basically, you get chocolate. There's a few hours old. It's ultra fresh and it's delicious and you're always thinking whenever you eat anything else, you're ruined for your keys, basically. You can't just taste like trash to you. But one thing they do is that real chocolate experts and taste as they listen to the chocolate. Okay. What's in the thing? What's going on there? It's like, is it like a phrase? Like, wine has a nose or whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Is it like, it literally is. They listen to it. They listen to the snap sound it makes when you break a piece of the chocolate that'll give it a listen to make sure. Is there a thing like with cheese where I went to a party and someone was like, Oh, we fridged the brief for too long and they were like panicking.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Did you like fridge chocolate or not? You know, because if you put it in the fridge and then you snap it, it goes... Lovely snap. But would they hate that? Probably. I'm sure they would hate all sorts of things. I'm sure the refrigerating chocolate is a... Yeah. There's probably a deep no-no.
Starting point is 00:21:22 It probably is. You'd be sacked immediately. If you knew anyone who'd ever done it. Yeah. It's probably a deep no-no. It's probably a good way. You'd be sacked immediately if you knew anyone who'd ever done it. Yeah, it's true. But they do, and actually, someone I know went on a chocolate expert for the day. Great. So I was a team building exercise, I think they did a chocolate tasting. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:37 No, just to the house. And the chocolate expert here came down to you. I'm going to chocolate expert here. It's going great. You know, all these quite serious business people we work in finance and they're all sitting there listening to their chocolate. Like a tuning thought.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Wow. Yeah, they do. Jobs don't come up much sort of publicly for chocolate factories, but occasionally, Kaz Cabri will sort of say, we're looking for new taste testers and they did that one point where they put a sort of open audition out and there's so many 4,000 applicants, everyone went.
Starting point is 00:22:09 And they made the point of saying, this isn't gonna be easy. This isn't just you sitting and eating chocolate saying, wow, how yummy. Like it's really intense. They had to go spend two and a half hours a day having their taste buds put to different chocolate tasting tests. They had to sit in a soundproof booth. they had red lasers going around so that they could see
Starting point is 00:22:28 that's like food. To hear the chocolate sound. Sorry, it used a sensory booth rather than soundproof but it's a similar thing. Sorry when you said that they said it's not just about eating loads of chocolate all day but the first thing you said was they had to sit and have their tastes subjected to loads of chocolate for ages. I mean, that's just eating loads of chocolate. No, no, but I think that's slightly kind of SAS, what is quite a nice job. You obviously have to write down quite a little detail, I guess, about what you're tasting. Because they don't like work, they don't like if you say like, mmm, caramel, they're like, no, no, no, we want the components, we want the makeup of this, we don't need to say it. I should know what's in it already.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Like, there shouldn't be required to retro-engineer their chocolates for them. I should be saying, I should be saying if I like it, or not because you want to be able to say, oh, that hint of nutmeg is really speaking to me. You know, if you want to, if you want to, the extra bit, what you mean, yeah. You know what I'm just going,
Starting point is 00:23:22 well, I'll Caramelli. That's my one, was shaped like a tiny seahorse, but I'm not bad. I'm Gia. Oh. I once did for Aussie Jean-Pau. I went in and tested their new scent. Oh.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I just remember smelling one and being like immediately. They were like, so what are the components can you smell? And all I could think of was it, it smells like a man-won. It smells like a musk-man-won. And they were like, yes, because of why? It's like, because it's like other men, shampoo. And I did re-sumthing throughout the hour. So I actually can't smell.
Starting point is 00:24:00 That's the first discovered. And it's like, yeah, a man-won. So, they pay you an advance for that job. They do live in that job, yes, thank God, otherwise it would have f... Yeah. Well, I think it is nice enough that employees at the Cabri's factory, and this was a staff from about 10 years ago,
Starting point is 00:24:16 so it may not be true now, but they can still eat as much of the product as they like, and they do tend to put on half a stone in the first 10 days of their employment. 10 days, wow. Yeah. And then I imagine you pay back, I don't think you keep on on half a stone in the first 10 days of their employment. 10 days. Yeah. And then I imagine you pair back. I don't think you keep on gaining half a stone
Starting point is 00:24:28 for every 10 days. I would have thought they'd have a bucket. You spit it, spit your chocolate into the bucket. I like tobacco, like cowboy, or any bit joyless. Yeah. Maybe they do, but then you can eat whatever you like from that bucket. End of the day.
Starting point is 00:24:40 It's like a fun day. Yeah. Because, I assume they all just have no teeth, right? That's yeah. You have that. The new guys cover you get into the like, well, we're really careful about the first tandesh. You do put on weight, but you save weight because your teeth are going to lock. It feels like a great job. It's like a great job. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:07 So hey, Cadbury, that was the biggie. That was the thing that started chocolate off basically in terms of this big global Willy Wonka-esque hood world. Well, for me, that's Cadbury's always been the global brand. And so started by a guy called John Cadbury. I was looking into him. He was born in Birmingham. He's the son of Richard Cadbury and his wife Elizabeth Head.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Very sad that they didn't take on the double barrel surname, because you would have had Dick Head Cadbury. That would have been a lovely name. And then check this out. This is second wife. Actually, his middle name was Tappar, so that's good anyway. Dick Tappar. Would you like a nice fruit nut Dick Tappar?
Starting point is 00:25:44 LAUGHTER Right. The whole thing was Tappar, so that's good anyway. Dick Tappar. Would you like a nice, fruit nut, dick Tappar? Yeah. Great. What is wife called Ballad? So second wife was called Candia. Oh wow. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:57 So he was an amazing guide, John Cadbury. He was very into animal rights. He set up the animals friend society, which basically is what led into the RSPCA eventually coming about, sort of a full runner and sort of molded into that. And then he passed his company on to his sons, and they've set up this incredible place because they were Quakers. And so they've got this little place called Bornville, which was given its name because it sounded French and therefore would sound really kind of other class. Yeah. So they just gave it a little bit. Dick had town didn't fly for some reason. Welcome
Starting point is 00:26:32 out the mayor of Dick had town. And yeah, and it's a model village. It's a model village. And it's still going to the stay is quite I find the terminology model village quite confusing, because it means two quite different things. He didn't set up a village of tiny houses. That's what got to work! Wow! What a great hobby!
Starting point is 00:26:54 For all the umpilimpas, right? So he said, I'm just like a nice small village. It wasn't what's a model village. It was for the work, it was for Canberra's workers, and it was basically... It was a village of houses that were built along new architectural lines. They were designed to be, you know, a development from the horrible slums that you got in the lower urban centres. I see, right.
Starting point is 00:27:13 That every house had a garden and every house had a fruit tree and things like this. And you know, people were encouraged to live basically clean, healthy lives. These were all quite tea-total places as well. That's the thing you're all looking for. That's the thing. That's outside. It's storing. Unless it's changed recently, and there's been quite a few people that have been trying to buckle it, it's a dry town. Which is nuts.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I just, it's because the Quakers were, what Quakers were behind all three big chocolate companies, which are Cabreroos, Fries and Roundtree. Yes, it is. And they weren't, they, at the time Quakers weren't allowed in the professions. It could be a doctor or anything like that. And they weren't allowed in public office.
Starting point is 00:27:47 So they were in trouble. Well, they're gone, is that so? No, they've got to go into sweets and things like that. Of course, but they're not drinking. They've not got a lot of good stuff going on. So like, let's, they're absolutely cany on the chocolate. Yeah. That's the nice. You're actually missing a fourth Quaker chocolate.
Starting point is 00:28:03 And I've got a product of theirs here. This is by a different company now, but I'm holding it in my hand. It's a Wunker bar. And the Wunker bar was created by Quaker Oats. You know Quaker Oats? Yeah. They funded the movie. They put three million dollars into the funding of the movie, and they had a deal that they would have the chocolate merchandise that would come off the back of it. And that's where we started getting Wunker bars.
Starting point is 00:28:24 But they had a huge problem, because the movie didn't take off to begin with. It was doing fine, but it didn't go massive. This is the one with Johnny, not with Johnny, but with Gene Wilde. And the chocolate itself, they produce at the wrong temperature, as in the melting point of the chocolate, was so inaccurate that when it was being transferred,
Starting point is 00:28:41 it would melt in the drugs and so on. So they had a few problems, and they sold it and sold it to different companies, but it was set up by QuakerOat. So we've got a fourth Quaker company. Wow. Did you know that Cabri's once reverse shop lifted a bunch of their cream eggs? So they sort of sneak them into shops? They snuck them in. Yeah, I couldn't quite work out why they went to these lengths.
Starting point is 00:29:03 This is in 2018. You might remember, they did a kind of Willy Wonka promo thing where they hid a thousand, about a thousand white chocolate eggs in cream egg wrapping. Oh, yeah. I think if you open a cream egg, there'd be a golden ticket in there and it'd be a white chocolate egg and it was really exciting. And then you could win 10,000 pounds. Ooh. But the way they did it was, they didn't, when they made the eggs,
Starting point is 00:29:24 they didn't tell anyone in the factory in did it was, they didn't, when they made the eggs, they didn't tell anyone in the factory in Bourneville that they were making the eggs and they didn't tell any of the people in the shops where they were planting the eggs. They just got, crack, this crack team of spies to break into the factory overnight under cover of darkness, go in, make these eggs, smuggle them out, and then kind of in disguise, sneak into shops and slip them onto shelves. How many do we know how many they made? They said they made about a thousand. You can do that in the course of a night. That's insane. I think you might have been multiple nights, but also I think a chocolate factory can turn out, yes, even a thousand eggs.
Starting point is 00:29:59 They make hundreds of thousands of cream eggs a year, just for a tiny season. You're breaking in, you've got to turn on the lights, you can going to be getting the ingredients. I'm sure they created an pretext of an away day. We're all going on a chocolate listening course, and so no one needs to kind of work tomorrow, you know. And if you notice any white smears around the machinery, just disregard it, get on with your work. And so who were the people who were sneaking them bit onto the shelves?
Starting point is 00:30:22 That's such a cool job. I suppose you have to be very high up in Canberra to get that gig. I'm also inconspicuous, look. Very inconspicuous. Like, you were someone who looks just like a normal person, I guess. I would invent a sleeve that allowed me to drop off an egg. Ah, like lay an egg with your arm. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Yeah, exactly that. So I would pick up an egg. So no one would note it and I would go and buy an egg, you know. But no one's noticed the one I've secretly glade in the egg tray Can I tell you like a real life will you won't care? Yeah, this is a guy. Have you had a forest Mars? No, was he responsible for Mars bars? He was wow Forest Mars forest Mars Also Maltesers, Vendors, also Pedigree Chum and Uncle Ben's Rice.
Starting point is 00:31:06 But those were like, his solo albums of his main career was in the confectionery world. Did he, he was, he hands on invented all of those? I don't know, I don't know how. He invented rice? I don't, it was a technique with Uncle Ben's Rice. I cover up in a pouch. I don't know how on his hands were on Pedigree Chum.
Starting point is 00:31:24 But he, he is a big deal. He's a huge deal, yeah. And he did, I think he did with Maltese's. He took a, this tiny pellet of dough, this pea-sized pellet of dough, and then put it in a vacuum oven, you know, exploded it in a vacuum, and then you cover that in chocolate,
Starting point is 00:31:36 which is how they made today. They made the vacuum, anyway, very cool. But Forrest Mars was very eccentric. As in, he was a bit of a tyrant, he would get his executives on their knees, praying in meetings, he would lead them in prayers, saying, I pray for Milky Way, I pray for Snickers. The success of it, or like literally for a bar of... So, he was a tyrant, I think domestically, as well, his adult son, John, once asked to miss a sales meeting. So, Forest Sr said he had to spend the entire meeting
Starting point is 00:32:07 on his knees in prayer. So, I think, I- Very intimate, people would just get on the knees in prayer. That was a prayer, because I think Lord of Prayer going on. He was so secretive about his life that when he died in 1999, Mars wouldn't even confirm that he died. Oh, shhh. I know.
Starting point is 00:32:22 So, there is a bit of that. It's a quite odd bugery. Someone wants to sort him in an airport and shout it out. Forrest, forrest Mars, and he marched over, and he- He made him get on the knees, okay. He's- That's right, it's more conspicuous actually. He marched over and he said, don't ever call my name out in public.
Starting point is 00:32:42 It was so concerned about being recognised or spotted with any of that. Yeah. I mean, really an unusual guy. Why have you called your biggest product after yourself? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Got Uncle Ben? LAUGHTER LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:32:54 LAUGHTER MUSIC OK, it's time for fact number three, and that is Anna. My fact this week is that the thumbs- up emoji is contractually binding in Canada. Be careful Canadians. And this was as of this year, no, as of last year, 2023. We're now in 2024. But this is because of a legal case in Canada and Saskatchewan and there's, they have
Starting point is 00:33:23 the system there where a legal case will set legal precedent, you know, that will be the one that they refer back to, and there's a legal case where a guy called Kent Mikkelbrough, a grain buyer, who wanted to buy some grain, so he texted a bunch of farmers and said, anyone got any flakster, sell me, 86 tons of flakster I want at. 86, why 86? Kent. He's called Kent Mechelbrecht. Kent Mechelbrecht, that's right. Pretty cool name, frankly, wasted on a Flacks buyer.
Starting point is 00:33:50 LAUGHTER Careful, buddy. Fence, this guy's litigious. Out. LAUGHTER Flacks, why is the coolest career? Sorry, AF. So he needs the 86th ton for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:34:03 He wants 86th ton, exactly. Precisely needs the 86th tongue for whatever reason. He wants 86th tongues exactly precisely a 17 Canadian dollars of bushel. And one farmer responded, Chris Achter, that's ACHTER. Chris Achter responded, they chatted on the phone, and Kent was like, cool, I'll text you a contract. Kent texts him the contract saying, please confirm this is the grain you want to buy. You want to sell
Starting point is 00:34:25 at this price and the farmer responded with a thumbs up emoji. Fast forward a few months. Grain doesn't arrive. Kent's like, where the hell's my grain mate? You agree to this contract? Farmer says, no, I was just saying I've received the message. I wasn't agreeing to the contract. Confirming that he's thums-uping that this is the contract. I am that man. Yeah. Yes, that's me. But he's not signing. No. I understand that.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Like, I get that position like I've received this contract. Thank you, but I never signed it. Well, so these were the two positions that went to court. I think I'm on Chris Actors side. Well, let's argue it out as they did in the Canadian courts. You also had lost, I'm afraid. And he had to pay $82,000 Canadian in damages. Because it was determined that thumbs up.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Because the guy said in his text message, you said, please confirm this is OK. And then with a picture of the contract. And I'm with you. A thumbs up can just be, like, I'm really lit. I can't be honest with you. I'm still on now, but I'll do something to put them off. I think it's an incredibly, I don't wanna weigh in with like an opinion here, but I think it is quite
Starting point is 00:35:32 a passive aggressive thing to do a thumbs up emoji. I tried, I said you one early in this week, Dan, as an experiment to see how it felt. Oh yeah. I didn't feel great after sending it. Oh, you know. Really, what you felt like it's a bit of a thumbs down? I feel like it's a bit of a, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever mate that I'd draw on. You know, it what you felt like it's a bit of a thumbs down. I feel like it's a bit of a yeah
Starting point is 00:35:45 Yeah, whatever mate that I jog on you know sort of was a weird response to me tying in my dog I like instead of a thumbs up. I've started doing a top hat A jointy just like yeah cool. I've got my glad rags on That's not a guarantee, just like a, yeah, cool. I've got my glad rags on. I think he's on saying that. No, I like that. I feel a bit special receiving a top-up. Yes, that's what I like to do.
Starting point is 00:36:11 But also, as a, when my driving instructor, I have to, I have to formally confirm contractually over text. And he'll say, like, this time in this place, confirm. And I just put a Y. And that means that is like, if I, if I miss it. Why, like, why? Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, confirm, and I just put a Y, and that means that is like, if I... Wait, why, like, why? I'm in a bad mood.
Starting point is 00:36:28 And at the top, I didn't seem to think that, no, a Y for Y for Y. Right, okay. And when I do that, I am in this obligation to not cancel within seven days, and I did have to, if I got COVID, and I was liable for, like, 250 quid, and like, so it, but also isn't it, because like, if you... It's the word it's a term that the more a person will complain about your driving but I read about a while back a long time ago but maybe in 2019 about how like
Starting point is 00:36:55 emojis are used in court for like someone sent their partner or ex partner a gone emoji and actually got sentenced for threatening because people do use them in terms of words. If you're gonna, you've got to, I suppose, come down on one side of it, you can't just go, well, if it's a threat, yes, but if it's a thumbs up because of flags, no. Yeah. Because clothes is quite tricky. You can see, I'm just excited that you have first-hand recent experience of this actual facts. Yeah. You've set legal precedent. You and your driving instructor. Top hat means yes.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Don't you be quick, please? Oh, God. Yeah. It is an interesting point though, like what if he had sent a heart for its art-like response, you know, what would be, where's the boundary of the early binds? I love life. And you.
Starting point is 00:37:40 I think that's the right. I think as thumbs up has that meaning. Yeah. I consider it on a white way that way as well. You know, like it's a sort of, it's a right. I think as thumbs up has that meaning. I consider it on a stand-by when that way as well. You know, it's a sort of, it's a yes, it sounds good. Sounds good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And actually, in fact, that was a thing that was brought on me called, because the defence race concerns that,
Starting point is 00:37:56 what if you send a fist bump? Is that a contract? Or is that I'm going to punch you, and that's threat, and then you get to send a bruise. Exactly. Or that Lady Tango dancer in the red dress the red dress yeah we take that as an absolute yes we are you're on would go you're setting twice as much flacks as they've are we're dating that's a dating the flat yeah but I think the judge says don't be silly this is about a thumbs up and that's that's all it is you know well they just to Andy's point about the thumbs up,
Starting point is 00:38:25 actually, in China, you'd be right. Apparently the thumbs up emoji in China is bad amongst the youth because it is, but they asked some Chinese people. Like passive aggressive. Yeah, I think. Basically, Jen Zed in China said that if someone said them a thumbs up, it means I don't like talking to you.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I don't need to go away. It reads like, okay, and no punctuation, that's what it reads like. Okay, you're like, be angry. If I ever send okay and a full stop, that's a angry as I can possibly express myself, like that's absolutely a white hot with fury. You know the gargous cave paintings and the Pyrenees, the instrument. Yeah, yeah. That is...
Starting point is 00:39:02 No, can you explain? Sorry, yeah. There can you explain? Sorry There are these cave paintings in the paradise in the gargous caves and they're very very very old They're between 20 and 40 thousand years old. They're quite hard to date, but like they're they're old And they're all stencils of hands, right? Okay. Yes, and there are there are amazing images They might be looking up there sort of dozens of hands of late on each other. That's absolutely. I think they made them by putting their hand on the cave water and spitting ochre paint.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Really? Yeah, it says. Yes. But the way thing is, about half the hands of being to be injured or mutilated, you know, they're short of finger or two, or some of them are short, all four fingers. And there's a theory that is a language about hunting, or it's an indication of something or another. But there is a theory that that could be the first thumbs up.
Starting point is 00:39:51 It's either someone who's been tragically ritually mutilated with the loss of all four of their fingers, or it's the first ever thumbs up. It's an emoji. It's an emoji. Yeah. That's fun. So that's a, it's hard to know.
Starting point is 00:40:03 A Egyptian hieroglyphs like emojis. I think they are because they're open to interpretation. Yeah. And their pictures. Great, thank you. Goodbye. Do you think they actually had a writing system, but it just got so popular with the emoji side of things?
Starting point is 00:40:20 That's where we're heading. They were really frowned upon at first, the Hieroglyphs, among the older generation. Hieroglyphs are passing. I think. Right, where does the word emoji come from? What does it mean? Oh.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Emotion and something Japanese. Bang, you felt right into my trap. It's nothing to do with emotion. Oh, wow. And it's so weird. So it's from the Japanese words for picture and character. So air is picture, moji is character, right? That's weird.
Starting point is 00:40:50 It is nothing to do with the motion. But weirdly, do you remember the amotic on? Yeah. Like a colon and then a closed bracket is a smiley face. Yeah. That is an emotion icon. And that came first. That's so weird.
Starting point is 00:41:00 But then a moji came second and is nothing to do with the motion. This is like the sun and the moon being the same size coincidence. This is the whole falling into place. It's like a lot of emojis that have got nothing to do with emotion like a suitcase or like an Easter Island hat. Exactly, yeah. So that does now kind of check out, doesn't it? I like what they decide to add each year. So like there was a big uproar because there was no avocado for ages. And I think there wasn't a seal for a long time.
Starting point is 00:41:23 That really got me down. And I think there's... I feel like when you seal an envelope. No, unless you're sealant. I'm right. Can Anna we're getting covered glimpses into your communication style? I'm fine. There was no wax seal. I'm sending it by seal. I'm trying to.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Do you know what the least popular emojis are? Because I really look this up because when you know when you go to send one and you see this vast selection and you think, God, none of these must ever get a look in ever. And there's actually a Twitter account called at least used emoji, which kind of sandy for it doesn't seem to have tweeted since 2020. But in 2020, the same one had been top of its list
Starting point is 00:42:03 for 264 days, which I guess is when it gave up and thought this is the ultimate loser. And I guess it just... What am I doing with my life? Even box, get depressed. Okay, is this getables? I don't know, I guess it's one that you won't have seen very often. It's an inogget? No, it's a lag. You'll never get it, I've just realised. This is one that you won't have seen very often, though. It's an object? No, no. It's a lag.
Starting point is 00:42:25 You'll never get it, I've just realised. The least used one is the symbol that is an ampersand, an equal sign, a musical note and a percentage sign. What is it? What is it? What does it mean? Well, I suppose no one's ever known. Which is why.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Because you don't really get package emojis. Like, that's like four really unpopular ones that have got together in a supergroup to try and bump themselves up. Yeah. It's the opposite of a super group, isn't it? They thought they would be the traveling wheelbrees. And they, yeah. Also at the tramway symbol, I really thought, Andy,
Starting point is 00:42:55 that you can't have been online March in 2020, given that that was the joint lease popular. Tramway symbol. Tramway symbol. An aerial tramway symbol. Oh, I don't even, I've heard anything about that. And it was a, it was a sort of hanging railway. It's a suspended railway.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Yeah. And I saw someone claiming that there's only one suspended railway in widespread use of the London, it's in China, which is why the emoji is not used. Actually, there is one in Germany, the Vapotal Schreberbund, which is a very popular suspended railway. Well, this is great. It's a number of people.
Starting point is 00:43:23 And that's, I'll say I'll stupid enough. That's where the train's underneath. And that's, it sounds stupid now. That's where the train's underneath the train. Yeah, it's so cool. I've accidentally used that, I've emerged you before and been like, what's that? But that is actually real. I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Go to the upper tile. And you'll have a whale of a time. It's a really good, I think they put an elephant in it once. I've just had a memory that. Oh, it feels, wow. Unnecessary, doesn't it? It can't. And they, oh, to prove that it clings to the top. Like, you can be, but an elephant
Starting point is 00:43:48 in it. I think. I know. I'm really, I'm really doubting myself. I've got to find out. I'm not sure what you do. Go quiet for a bit and then go, oh, is it, is it, did you put an elephant in it? They, supposedly they put an elephant, they did put an elephant in it? They, supposedly they put an elephant in it. Right. They put an elephant in the Vubitá Shreva ban in 1950 as a stunt, either to promote the monorail or the circus. Okay, I know.
Starting point is 00:44:13 And it fell in. The panic had broken out in the carriage, which apparently also had passengers in it. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. This is, I'm just on the Wikipedia for it now. The elephant was called Tuffy was fine
Starting point is 00:44:26 and survived another 39 years. I thought you know he was fine. I was gonna be like, this not his fault! I'm paid for a ticket mate. I'm glad he was okay. So I'm famous in 1950. Oh, she, she actually is accidentally, obviously, fell from the Vuppertash Ray of Bhan
Starting point is 00:44:43 into the river Vuppert. Oh no, she survived. Yep, for 39 years. Yeah, I'm gonna keep that in mind. How did she thought that they not shut the doors? Well, what it says here is that she was put on the monorail as a publicity stunt. Yeah, take elephant trumpeted wildly and ran through the carriage, broke through a window and fell 12 meters down into the river, suffering only minor injuries. A panic had broken out in the carriage naturally, and some passengers were injured.
Starting point is 00:45:10 That's a big ass window. It's a big window, yeah. Or a small elephant. It depends how you're looking at it. You threw your legs or you... Stop the podcast! Stop the podcast! Bonjour! Guten Tag!
Starting point is 00:45:33 Kuni Chihuah! Hey everyone! This week's episode of Fish is sponsored by Babel! Wow! That was like having... ...insert name of famous linguist in the room with me. That was amazing, Dan. I like to learn how to say hello in 14 languages and nothing else.
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Starting point is 00:47:14 OK, it is time for our final fact of the show, and that is Andy. My fact is that there is a fish that spends its entire life upside down. Is it trying to make the moon look smaller? That's right. That's right. This is a fact. It was sent in actually by Kate Blisinski. So thank you, Kate.
Starting point is 00:47:35 It's about a kind of anglophish. Sorry, that does sound like a pseudonym for Anna. Kate Blisinski. Yeah. Absolutely right. This was sent by Anna. So, angle fish are the ones which they have a tentacle and they have like a fish and rods sticking out of their head
Starting point is 00:47:51 and then they use the end of the rod. There's got a little glowing ball of light on it and they use that to attract prey to them. It's pretty incredible. We said casually. It's amazing. You've got a light bulb hanging on your face. It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:48:03 It's absolutely amazing. Well, in its bacteria that is lighting it up as well, it's not like an actual light bulb. It is an actual, you've got to feed the rod for them to so weird. Yeah. It's genuinely amazing. And sometimes they accidentally chew their own
Starting point is 00:48:16 tend to cool sort of thing. They're the real thing. Because they closed their mouth and they become, you know, and then they obviously sometimes they trap themselves. Ow. Anyway. Like biting your tongue, basically. It's kind got on, you know, and then they obviously sometimes they trapped themselves. Ow! Anyway. Like biting your tongue, basically.
Starting point is 00:48:27 It's kind of like a joke. Right. So this is the Whipnows Anglefish. And for years, it was just assumed that went the right way up. It just went around the right way up. People assumed that. Because we've only seen dead ones, presumably, with Anglefish, right?
Starting point is 00:48:40 You don't have to see them in the long run. Yeah, because they look very, very deep, deep ocean. And it was assumed to be up right, an upright fish, like all fish. But they got some camera footage in 1999 of one of these swimming around the ocean, upside down with the fishing rod dangling down beneath it, very weird. They thought, what a weird, what a weird one or fish. And so, but they keep finding these, like deep sea drones, keep filming these anglerish swimming around upside down.
Starting point is 00:49:05 And it appears they spend their whole life swimming upside down to attract prey. But apparently it is better for it so that it doesn't bite itself. That's in part of the description of the whip nose. Yeah, it's just helpful. It just gives it a tiny bit more of an advantage. It's quite cute. Yeah, very cool.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Anyway, they're so serious. They're so serious. Anglifish are insane. They do this thing. And I know I always get too surprised by this, but evolution. What a great idea. Like, it's, so one of the thing is that it's got, like, it's bioluminescent in that rod, but also it will eat a lot of fish that are bioluminescent.
Starting point is 00:49:39 And an anglefish has a really elastic kind of tummy, very rubbery, so it can eat things that are almost twice its size, right? And so it goes quite transparent, except it doesn't because there's black lining on the inside, so you can't see the bioluminescence inside it. Brilliant. So it can't attract predators, you know, if there's something inside swimming around that's still not dead. Kind of like a car that has tinted windows, you don't know what's inside the car, but you can like... It is on purpose so that it's not gone transparent. Like I went to the gym once and my leggings had gone see through and everyone could see my
Starting point is 00:50:10 knickers and butt. Right. That's the opposite. Yes, so if you had this... If I was an animal fish, I could have just made my leggings more opaque, for example. Exactly. One of the many reasons to want to be one. Yeah. That really puts it in context. Just like it was really bringing it down to earth, or up to earth. This one that you mentioned, Andy, the whip nose is a classic angler fish in that it's just the females you're talking about. It's pretty much whenever anyone talks about cool stuff with angler fish,
Starting point is 00:50:39 it's just the ladies, because they are way bigger than the males. So in the whip nose ones, then the females are like half a meter, and the males are two centimeters. And I think there's another kind of angle of fish, which has the Guinness record for the biggest dimorphism between males and females. And this I find so hard to believe, but Guinness says that the females are more than 60 times the length
Starting point is 00:51:01 of the males, and half a million times as heavy. That's crazy. Which mating is... I think mating is... Basically, the male sort of latches on to the female, which kind of bites the side of her, and then fuses and then dissolves into her, and all that's left is a tiny pair of testicles hanging off the side. That's incredible. That's basically the skin and their organs all fused together.
Starting point is 00:51:26 And for a long time, I think they assumed that there wasn't a male in the picture at all, right? They just thought it was a female. Actually, you're looking. That's him. That's him. That's his old. I know those testicles anyway. That's his old face. This is great.
Starting point is 00:51:38 We all know couples like that. I know. I know. I know. I wonder if there's a perfect distance kind of like with the eclipse of a moon and the sun, that you could have the male anglifish near you and the female, that they will appear to be the same size. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Do you get females, don't you, which have lots of pairs of testicles just hanging off them? Yeah, you get about six or seven males, will have been fused into one female at once. Really? Yeah, yeah. And it's just like, you know, oh, have you have many previous boyfriends? No, actually, you don't need to tell me. Or it's like a brownie sash with your badge, just that you collect. That's how you explain this to your five-year-old. Yeah, brownies.
Starting point is 00:52:20 No, they're brilliant. They're so good. They are. And they do, when they're lover, they look really cool. And there's no more focus on this in the anglifish world of chat. When they're lava, they're surrounded by this jelly egg. So that is transparent. And so you'll see this tiny little anglifish and then it's got this big sea-thru pile of jelly around it.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Like, there's orbing. Like, sobing, exactly. Yeah. That's very cool. You guys have seen an anglerfish? No, in person, not in the flesh. I've met one. Get away. Yeah, yeah. I met one. I met a very famous one. I met the one that basically was in blue planet that was discovered by all the people. I can't believe I named Droughton. I'm actually anecdotes. So exorating. Are you a close personal friend of the time? I was at a cocktail party with her, we got chatting, we were watching our podcast. She doesn't even remember you down again.
Starting point is 00:53:12 How many times do you have? No, so, uh, years ago I got to work with, um, Alistair Fothergill, he came on Museumicuriosity and, um, he's the person who found the hairy angler fish. So he went down, he filmed it, they, it's you from it, from a half, isn't it? They didn't show you its Harry Angler fish. Fly me. So they brought it back up and it died in the process. Oh, when they died, did the lights go out?
Starting point is 00:53:43 Oh, like a Pixar. They might died, do the lights go out? Oh, yeah. Like a Pixar. You might do, but they would live on. They would. That's even sadder. This is the nuts thing. It's that the bacteria, and I was reading a think, how do they get these bacteria?
Starting point is 00:53:54 Yeah, yeah. Because normally when hosts have symbionts, you know, things living on them that rely on them, they either find them in the local area, or they inherit them. What, sex is symbionts? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. They either find them in the local area or they inherit them. Oh, thanks. It's the area.
Starting point is 00:54:09 It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life.
Starting point is 00:54:17 It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. It's the act of life. Can't say I do father.
Starting point is 00:54:25 It's like in the little jiggle. It's a real male role model. But no, they don't get their lure until much later in life even. So they must find them in their area. They must pick them up from around the place and they have them on the end of their nose. What if they like, didn't find enough?
Starting point is 00:54:49 That would be like a Pixar film, like the Anger Fish that couldn't find the bacteria. That's a good one. That's good. Maybe edit that out so I can write it. No joke, please. I will never write that. I found something that swims,
Starting point is 00:55:02 but it can never be upside down. Ooh. What did it all mean to this? What could that be? It's something big and flat like that. My vision. My vision. Like a man to rake, maybe they're big and flat
Starting point is 00:55:14 but they can't, they swim, but they, no. No, okay. Right. A starfish. Not a starfish. A ball. You would think more like that. A ball, a big one like that.
Starting point is 00:55:22 A boat. A boat. Good. Do they swim? A boat. Oh, that ball. That's no other side of the arm. A boat. Good. Do they swim? I don't know. Oh, I get a water boat man, I was actually just... Try to just give you the answer, that's it. Yes, you probably are.
Starting point is 00:55:31 The answer is the word swims. Smooth. Swims is an amygram. Oh yeah! You've whipped it upside down and it's exactly the same. I've got very hot. Wow! With a rousal.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Yes, I'm incredibly roused. That's amazing. Love that stuff. That is perfectly great. That's great. That's very lovely stuff. Who would have thought? The real thing. You can't wait. You can stay. You've passed the audition. I said a boat Just another thing on how fish swim. Yeah, do you know how to tell a fish is depressed? Too sad okay, because we've got a cure Great. There you go. What a rollercoaster. I know. Sorry, you're using the factor. Please. That was the cure. Come on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:56:30 The craziest spirit is right. What's the cure? Well, antidepressants. We only have a cure because we trial the human antidepressants on them to make them better. But how do you know that it's better? So they swim at the bottom of their tanks. So depressed fish swim low and happy fish swim at the top of the surface of the water or on top of their tanks. And this is actually really useful according to scientists who do trial antidepressants because it's a really obvious sign that they're depressed. So we can trial antidepressants on them and we know if they're working. They just go higher. Because they just get higher and higher. So go pros at that's doing the trick look at
Starting point is 00:57:05 It's like in the end. Oh, I was it yeah It is it true or if I just like made this up in my brain that like a goldfish like Grow to fill their tanks if you actually give them bigger tank They just keep going that is true and that's so sad in retrospect because you know like when you when I was growing up We had just like a little tank with three fish and you're like, God, we were sort of shrinking off the edge. Stunning that pencil. Yeah, that's a thing when people throw them into the wild and to little lakes and so on, they just turn into these turbo shark.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Exactly, you were doing a public service by keeping them from, you know, taking over. Upside down. This? Sure. This is a very weird thing. Which is better for a rhino to be upside down, or not upside down, lying down. Is it in the circus?
Starting point is 00:57:55 It's not in the circus. It's not... Okay. Let me take you to the Vapatarsh Favour button. No, okay. It's better for a rhino to be upside down than it is for it to be lying on its side. It's not weird. How does it get that?
Starting point is 00:58:07 Why? Well, I think we might have mentioned a while ago. We've done this about the rhino's thing. They transport rhinos to new areas by putting them in a helicopter string them up by the wrinkles. No, not in the helicopter. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:58:19 No. No. They hog tie them. Right. They lift them up, upside down, and then they fly to the new nature reserve where they have to get them to. It's the easiest way to transport them. OK.
Starting point is 00:58:32 It takes like 10 or 15 minutes. It's really fast. And what's up? What's up? It's regardless of whether they go. And on traffic. Yeah, yeah. But they're normally not taking them like,
Starting point is 00:58:42 South Africa to Tunisia. You know, it's not a short journey. But nobody had checked how their hearts and lungs actually cope with this journey. And a team of scientists led by Robin Ragdler from Cornell, realised that we should probably look into whether or not they're... Yeah, they're like, I'm sorry! ...crowing the outside of the name. And so they held 12 riders upside down by their feet for an experiment from a crane. and they're also dated obviously, but they were just testing their heart and lungs and it turns out that It's much better for it to be upside down because when a rhino is on its side their lungs are a bit distorted
Starting point is 00:59:14 You know the gravity means oh yeah, yeah, the lungs are not getting equal amounts of oxygen for the air exchange and all that Gas exchange, but when they're upside down it is equal because they're just upside down Lovely, so they when they're upside down, it is equal because they're just upside down. Lovely. So when they sleep, they go upside down. They go upside down, yeah, yeah. Like on their backs. I like that. Yeah, yeah. If you go for a walk in certain bits of Namibia, you'll look up in the trees and you can see hanging from the trees. Yeah. Yeah. Just something wrong. The back. So I'm now. I don't think they like it. They should. They should. They're right. They're like rhino articles on the web,
Starting point is 00:59:46 you've been sleeping all wrong, your whole life. Yeah. There is another fish that swims upside down. And talk, well, it's not actually a fish, it's krill. Not technically a fish, I suppose. But for stalling the letters, very nice. And talk to krill, swim upside down in the Antarctic when the water's covered in ice, so that they can graze like cows on the underside of the ice.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Gorgeous. And they eat algae that grows on the underside of the ice. And they live such a weird life. They migrate, have quite a weird migration, but up and down. So they graze on algae, swimming upside down, and then they get quite fat and heavy from it. And then they sink sink because they're too heavy And they have to fan themselves out like a parachute and they sink about 50 meters down and then they think oh god I'm really hungry again. So then they've used up all their food supplies
Starting point is 01:00:34 And then they have to swim up to the top again eat and then sink and that's their life and they do about three times a day for their whole life Wow, and then they die I go to the fridge more than three times a day, you know. I'm just saying I am, but that's my life too. It's like your whole life. It's like down here. Go back and forth for a food source. Yeah, it kind of is when you think about it.
Starting point is 01:00:54 You're so right. What we all do, isn't it? I'm at work. I then go downstairs, I guess food. And he's always got a plate of something that he just comes up with, something on the go. Oh, I thought you'd done with saying that is kind of our line. I thought I thought I'd put you in that.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Yeah, I thought that. And you reason that I have a podcast is too wet for all the equipment. Yeah. My. Oh. OK, that's it. That is all of our facts. Thank you so much for listening. If you'd like to get in contact with any of us about the things that we've said over the course of this podcast, we can be found on our Twitter, our Instagram, our threads, our any Facebook,
Starting point is 01:01:35 are there so many options that you can find us on on At Shribaland, Andy, at Andrew Hunter M. Various? Yes, Stevie. Yes, Stevie. Mastered on only. Yes. Now I want to Twitter and Instagram at StevieM, the S is a five, I regret it. Right. And if you want to get to us as a group, Anna, where do they go? You can tweet at no such thing or email Yep, or you can go to our group account,
Starting point is 01:01:59 which is at no such thing. All of our previous episodes are up there, so do check them out. Also, lots of bits of merch, and also those the clubfish entrance point. Join us, get access to all those fun things, that you

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