Not Another D&D Podcast - C3 Ep. 0 - Welcome Back to Bahumia

Episode Date: January 13, 2022

Welcome back to Bahumia, everybody! The 2 Crew settles on their new characters (mostly) and we provide the set-up for Campaign 3, premiering February 2022.Support us at;to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Headgun Podcast. Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item. Plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy.
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Starting point is 00:01:20 with brush processing. Code P-A-W-P-A-W. Goodbye, Sweeties. Hey, everybody. Before we start, I wanted to do a quick plug. Me, Emily, Jake, and Caldwell were just on an episode of Three Black Halflings playing a game called Paradox Perfect. The first episode is out now. It's completely insane.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I really think you're going to like it. It's a very fun time travel game, very fun system really encourages the shenanigans. We had a great time with Jasper and Jeremy as always. So check that out over on the three Black Halflings feed after this on With The Show. Welcome to the campaign after the campaign. This is not another D&D podcast. Welcome to episode zero.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Everybody. So zero. Of our campaign three, we're bees or chants. It's not that toy that you like flicking around with your wrist and it makes that noise. Yeah. Yeah, I think so. I don't forget what it's called, but I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:02:27 We're the buzz buddies. That's the new two crew. Let's force it everybody. Come into you for the high. Force it early. Thank you all so much for joining us. We are doing this a little bit earlier than maybe we thought we were going to because we are going to start bulk recording in like another like week, week and a half.
Starting point is 00:02:50 So we're really coming up on our recording time. So originally we were like, I would be neater for the feed if we did episode zero end of January and then we did episode one beginning of February. But that really leaves us no time to get feedback. We will have already recorded a bunch. And it would be silly to have for us to do an episode zero after we'd already recorded a new one. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And also, you know what? I like a sloppy feed. Yeah. I like it just a nasty feed. I like people to just have to wait around in there. The feed is gonna go fast. It's like the neat feed. It's January. Everyone is living their best life being their most pristine,
Starting point is 00:03:27 habitually wise. And we're just throwing a little splash of end of the year chaos. Yeah. A little bit of hogla day cake. Yeah. You're coming over to our house. We have not cleaned up. There's still boxes. The tree's still up gang. I'm so sorry to absolutely still up. It's still the hogla days. So next week, and the week after you guys will be getting probably a live show and a D&D court.
Starting point is 00:03:51 But we've got sort of the evolution of what we did at the end of December. We've got our ideas nailed down a little bit better. And did you say you still have five ideas? Six. Six. Two of them are like one word, one word, things that I'm just like, oh, I want to inhabit that energy someday, but I probably won't do that for this. Two of them I've thought more seriously about. And then two of them I think are like fun ideas, but one, but like I have a reservation about both of them. Okay. Okay. Let's whittle off. So you narrowed it down to six. So I narrowed it down to six.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Right, okay. I will say, Emily, I'm gonna pitch you something. Six characters, six sides on a D6. Well, think about that. That's interesting. And I could sit this campaign out. Okay, it's just amazing that, okay. I'll give that some thought.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Yeah, yesterday M ran two characters in combat with me. Oh shit, just to see who was- Oh, don't say that, Merv, that's private. That's private. That's not private, that's private. That's private. What is private about that? I have two that I kind of am gravitating towards the most.
Starting point is 00:04:59 So I was like, let me see what I would build these characters to be and see which one is more fun to play. Right. And then it turned out they one is more fun to play. Right. And then it turned out they were both quite fun to play. That's cool. So that's why I'm confused. There were two characters fully built to level 12 that were tested and I thought those were the ideas,
Starting point is 00:05:16 but this does sound pretty private actually. I think I'm feeling a little embarrassed to be able to write it. Why not? Pants me in front of the audience, murder. Holy shit. Murph. Holy shit. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Yeah, I am. Um, well, Em doesn't want to share anything right now. She's somehow, this is all very intimate. I'm very shy. Yeah. Well, I'm still, she at the end of December, she was like, I don't want to tell anybody anything. And now, now she's got her six characters
Starting point is 00:05:44 that need to be narrowed down. You guys need to understand, I am like an octopus. I have eight different legs, all working independently, gathering information for me. This is true. And you're full of ink. And I'm full of ink. So are we gonna start with him?
Starting point is 00:05:59 Are we gonna start with him? I think so. She's just shaking her head. Okay, so she's not going first. Let's, all right, fine, fine, fine, fine. Okay, thank you. Me and Caldwell will go, but we should roll for it. Okay, that works.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Oh, we could also all roll for it. I can roll for it. Okay, yeah, when the dice come out, now I'm locked back in. I don't have any dice by me. Can someone roll for me? 11. I'll roll for you.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Okay, Caldwell's roll is a six. Sorry, mine is a 17. Okay. Yep. Okay. Does that mean I go first or I get to choose the order? You go first. Okay. Okay. Percent. My character is called Calder Kill Day, the half giant of the ice night. Whoa. Calder Kill Day. Oh my gosh. My name, but cooler. Yeah, I actually realized it was similar to your name just before we jumped into the session. But called her, it means, it's like Scottish for rough and turbulent waters. So I had the idea that I wanted to be
Starting point is 00:07:00 half frost giant from the frigid north and come from a place where there's a frozen waterfall called the ice knife. Oh, that's cool. Just the sickest shit. I understand. I wanna be a giant ice man. That's awesome. So yeah, I'm using Goliath stats.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I'm playing an Eldritch Knight and I found a bunch of like icy frosty spells. Ooh, yes. Damn, that's awesome. Dial in. Did you name the waterfall off of the spell, Ice Knife? No, I actually just was like, I just sometimes say weird geographical locations in a gruff voice
Starting point is 00:07:38 to try to decide where I want to be from. Wow, that's smart. That one just fell off my tongue one day. Oh, that's kind of cool. And then I saw the spell, ice knife, and I was like, yeah, perfect. Yeah, that was great. Oh, it's like that's where the spell originated.
Starting point is 00:07:51 They saw this ice knife waterfall, and then they replicated it with spells. Love it. Or maybe there was a hermit that lives in the waterfall behind the frozen part, and they invented the spell. Gotta be. Oh, that's fucking cool. That's very fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I did imagine they're being like, cavernous caves behind this waterfall and that's where we're from. The snow hermit or snurm it. Snurm, that's my parents. Snurm it, the snow hermit. Jake, it's so crazy that you've never DMed because you like one of the best parts of DMing,
Starting point is 00:08:25 which is saying cool places in a gruff voice. Yeah, that's true. I would get a real kick out of just writing the descriptions for a location, for someone else. And then do you think that you'll have you thought about, because I'll do it tonight, you get powers. And have you thought about if you're going to have had those powers prior or being made a super soldier, is that how those powers came out?
Starting point is 00:08:51 Oh, that's a really good question. That is something we should discuss. So, yeah. So, one thing that I think right off the bat, I'm going to change from the last time we spoke is I think I'm going to change the name of the company from a long ink to mothership, just because gonna change the name of the company from Alon Inc. to Mother Ship, just because I like the name Mother Ship as like a quasi-evil corporation.
Starting point is 00:09:12 It just sounds very, it's like a fantasy big show. I was holding out from Mother Ship being a benevolent course. Well, we don't know, we don't know. They might be neutral. They might be lawful neutral, we'll see. True, true. But then for a big thing to be anything. So there's Mother Shipful neutral. We'll see. True, true. But then for a big thing to be anything.
Starting point is 00:09:26 So there's mothership, the company, and then the mothership. So there's the mothership's mothership, which, you know, will love some fun. Grandmother'ship, some fun. And yeah, so I think the plan was to have you guys know each other. And I know M is planning on her character having undergone the like Esri thing that we explored in the first campaign of these like synth eldritch nights.
Starting point is 00:09:53 She's not playing an eldritch night, but this idea of like these sort of fake sorcerers or these people who got their powers bolstered by undergoing kind of experiments. So my thought... One of my ideas about... One of your ideas. Well, I mean, you have to fit into the world somehow,
Starting point is 00:10:09 so presumably... I'm just joking around. Let us look at one of the six mirrors in the fun house and see what we gaze. So my thought was that you guys were some kind of prototype program, or the reason that you guys knew each other or you guys were together is that you guys all responded in a weird way to the test.
Starting point is 00:10:32 The stimuli. Yeah. So we're essentially, we were made to be super soldiers, but then like, sometimes it's an experimental procedure and so sometimes they just file them into more grunt work. Yeah. Yeah. They don't turn out as they hope. Yeah, so sometimes they just file them into more grunt work. Yeah. Yeah. I like to check it super easily. I think they hoped.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Yeah, so I think you guys, I think where we're going to start is that there's gonna be like a new line of Synthelgear tonight's known as kind of being like the elite. And you guys are from a line of like, you know, you guys are like class D. You guys like, did not respond well. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, we're the ones that the scientists looked at
Starting point is 00:11:08 and they went, huh, that's interesting. Oh well. Yeah, and I think with these like. Well, at least we got good information from it. Yeah, yeah. And I think with this like Ezri military having been like tested on and things like that and like created, I think there is like a uniformity to people
Starting point is 00:11:27 that you guys don't fit into. So I think it's less about you guys being not powerful or something like that. And it's more about just like you guys did not manifest the normal powers that the normal soldiers would have. Yeah. So we're like less easy to control, I guess.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Yeah, totally. I like that. Yeah. So, so I guess how I am wondering how that would work for Calder because that's going to take some getting used to. I think I have a thought. I have a thought. Is that like this is? Hit me. This is like he is kind of like his iceiness is taking over, you know? Yeah, maybe you were maybe you were just a normal fighter before, but you had this magic that you could have learned that but you didn't know and The tests instead of like giving you new magic brought out your internal magic and Yeah, it's kind of similar to mine, but I think that makes sense when you do cast misty step and you keep throwing fucking snowballs That's cool that actually that works with an aspect of my backstory,
Starting point is 00:12:26 which was like, I wanted to differentiate him from being like, he was different so he didn't have any friends. Yeah. Like, hard ones. So like, in my head, I was the smallest, I'm a half giant, I'm like the smallest of these giants. So, but rather than ostracize me, I had like a very fierce and protective family
Starting point is 00:12:43 that sheltered me. Oh, that's so funny. That's very sweet. I gave him a bunch of brothers and a mom who was very protective. It's almost like he didn't learn the magic and the fighting style that he might have if he was like a cobbler. Because he was cobbler. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Because you're too small to fight. We have to protect you. That's almost like a reason why he would have gone to Ezri to, you know. So that's really fun. Yeah, because I think this is something your character would know, so this isn't really giving anything away. But now that's the kind of frost dwarves
Starting point is 00:13:16 and the frost giants have like a little bit of peace now, I think one of the things that's gonna be happening is that there's gonna be fire giants that have been like living under the mountains that have looked that are like have been quietly kind of gaining power this whole time. Oh my God, my niece would be so excited to hear this. She always just wants to be a frost sorcerer fighting fire giants.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Is that as the younger sister of Sky? Is that one of the, yeah. She's very into the world. There's also something so cool about like, I feel like all through Bohemia, I think is that any younger, adventurous guy? Is that one of the, yeah. She's very into the world. There's also something so cool about, I feel like all through Bohemia, we would hear about the giant wars, and it was this war way in the past.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Yeah, so it's kind of sick that there's something brewing with the giants right now. Yeah, so that's fun that makes sense for your characters, like motivations, this idea that maybe they wouldn't let you fight the other, they wouldn't let you fight the fire giants. They're just like, you two small, we can't send you out. They'll pull let me train and I, and I want to. Yeah, it feels a little like a Steve Rogers sort of thing. We're like, you've got the spunk, but you don't have like the muscle to back it up. Right. But then you're also though doing a very smart thing, which is that like you felt small
Starting point is 00:14:23 there, but then you're gonna show up in Ez Ezra and everyone's going to turn to you to be the small. Yeah, I am seven foot seven. That's right. A fish that does not fit in a barrel. Yeah. Yeah, so that could even give you a little bit of, I think despite your family being very supportive, maybe they were too protective. And so that gave you a reason to be super protective.
Starting point is 00:14:44 That gave you a reason to join the super soldier program is to be like, I'm confident enough to leave my hometown, but I still would like to elect for this thing that makes me stronger. Yeah, it's basically Moana actually. Oh, I was just gonna say, yeah, the pig from Moana, right? I am gonna have a really hard time unseeing that like on Please do remember
Starting point is 00:15:09 Caller 7 puts 70 super cool Why does cool 2 dude? Yeah it's awesome Yeah she's definitely cooler than caller I also like that caller is like the beginning of like called era isn't that what they call like the opening of the volcano volcano. So when you were first saying that talk about ice in this
Starting point is 00:15:31 I was like picturing an ice volcano. That's fucking so sick. Yeah. Wow. I don't know if that geologically exists, but in fact, it really can. I mean, yeah, like a dormant volcano probably. No, I'm thinking one that spewing ice.
Starting point is 00:15:44 That's too nice. Like, oh, it's almost like a dormant volcano, probably. No, I'm thinking one that spewing ice. That's too nice, like, oh! It's almost like an avalanche. Except it's like shooting from the air. Yeah. Wow. Reverse volcano, I love it. Yeah, it's like a white dragon's cold breath. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:57 There's a giant cold dragon living in it. Sweet, I think that that's a great starting spot. Call Doldh, do you wanna talk a little bit about or do you, or I'm not? Oh, actually technically I am next. You're next, okay. Yeah, I did technically. Okay, we have to honor the dice.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Why don't we go in least likely to most likely order? Really? Okay, awesome. Okay, the first one is just a sentence that I had in my head last night and I was like, I would love to play that. A tight grandma. A tight grandma. A tight grandma.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Just like a attractive Pilates toned grandma. Okay. All right, okay. Emily, don't say the other five I did. You got it. This one is perfect. This is kind of Terrakon's tight grandma. No, because she's not tight.
Starting point is 00:16:43 She's just a grandma. Okay. So I was like, what's one that's like, like I just like had the phrase in my head and was like, that was really fun. Like she has to keep telling people she's a grandma. Yeah, exactly. She keeps it tight.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Or like, would you? Yeah, she keeps it tight. She wants to be a hot grandma. Hot grandma. Okay, number two is, we're going least likely too. Yeah, yeah. I mean, debatable, but go on. And number two is, oh, number two is we're going least likely too. Yeah, I mean, debatable, but gone. And number two is, oh, number two is just that I still keep really wanted to do someone
Starting point is 00:17:10 who does like poison, but like have poison, have more like status effects like a spell. But again, I just wasn't really in the mood to go poison for this campaign. I wanted something a little, it just felt like kind of wrong or aw for something like it felt too Dark for this. Yeah, Poison feels elder morning in a way to me. Yeah, I think that was definitely the case Okay, they're at least likely actually this is another one that I rejected I like really got excited about it But then I rejected it because it was again like a little too elder mourn It's basically like um and there's this god
Starting point is 00:17:46 named Umberley. They call her Indian dealer and she's basically like the goddess of like the under like under the sea deep deep sea and is like and so I was like really into reading about her and like the idea of like playing someone who's God is just a hungry, yawning portal that must be fed. And so your worship is not like, oh, I delight in my God's love. It's like, no, no, no, every day I wake up and I fucking appease my God. That is what my religion and I do it so that you can go fucking celebrate your God. You know, so I got like really into like being and I was like, oh, I can have like deep sea creatures
Starting point is 00:18:26 and like that would be my aesthetic, but it just felt too dark. So someday I would like to play maybe like a paladin or cleric of Umberley, and be really, really into just like appeasing a insatiability that must be appeased. I'm picturing like a giant lanternfish mouth. Oh yeah, for sure. For the Scott, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Oh that's sick. Like fully that. But again, it just got too dark and didn't feel like of this world. Okay, so then fourth least likely. So we're getting down to the final three. We're getting it to moderating to the top three. Okay, so top three.
Starting point is 00:19:03 So maybe third most likely. Okay, yeah, great. It's a shift for sure. Everyone who's mad at me just bite your tongue. Bite your fingers. Bite your fingers. Bite your knuckle. Okay, I was like trying to think of drag and elf, but I was like maybe not vibing off of it too much,
Starting point is 00:19:24 just feeling like I kind of wanted them to be antagonists, but I did come up with a Dragon Turtle Elf, because I thought it would be funny to be like, like, so lame compared to the other Dragon Elves and just so rejected by them. Would you be like a tortoise? Or would you just have like a little turtle hat? I think I would be an elf,
Starting point is 00:19:43 because that's what the Dragon El elves are like, are elves. But the head of it instead of it being a dragon would be a dragon turtle. Yeah, exactly, yeah. And so something bad would probably have happened to her dragon turtle. She'd go to the other dragon elves and be like, we're in trouble to be like,
Starting point is 00:19:56 who the fuck, you live in the water? That's really sick. Your dragon is a turtle. I think it's fun, but it maybe felt a little too, like coming up with like a silly elf feels like what I did for campaign one. So I felt like maybe it wasn't the most creatively enticing to me, although I, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:13 I still think it seems fun to play for sure. Yeah, it'd be fun to have steam breath, but it wasn't very strong. So all you could do with it was like, you know, get the wrinkles out of clothes. So maybe consider that. Yeah, this soldier could be of use to us yet. And then maybe my second most likely is.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Is one of the ones in combat yesterday? Is one of the ones in combat yesterday. Oh. I can't believe you're calling me out, this verb. I just, you have to live with these characters. You have to know that it's gonna be fun to play. Yeah, I know. I don't think it's intimate.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Okay. If it's intimate, why didn't you do it with me and called well? Then why, if it's not intimate, then why am I blushing? Second most likely is that I kind of wanted to be like a bard who wants to be a poet but has never been in love. This is once I started kind of like thinking, this thinking, this came up when I was thinking of spring, a lager, and I'm like, what is that remind me of? And then I was like, I'll poetry.
Starting point is 00:21:10 And then so I thought it would be kind of fun to be like a bard who like wanted their sword to be mightier than their pen, or wanted their pen to be mightier than their sword, but unfortunately, we're not a very good writer. So that's, it's kind of just someone who wants to be a writer but has like literally no life experience and is also quite bad at it.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Oh, that's really fun. I feel like I relate to that on a personal way. Yeah, yeah. I think it just seemed fun to like, like first of like, I truly don't even know what good poetry is. So like trying to like write sonnets and just being so bad at it
Starting point is 00:21:45 feels fun. And then- It's also very funny if they're just an extremely good fighter too. So that's what it is. It would be like a swords barred. I think I did swords barred paladin because it's fun for them to be a better fighter than they are a writer. Yeah. And just like the idea that you would like, like deliver a final blow, but then like maybe say something clever at the end and be like way more powerful of what you said,
Starting point is 00:22:09 way more proud of what you said. Yeah. That's also really funny for the like the super soldier aspect. They like beefed up your, you're being good at fighting. Yeah, you thought like you would enhance your brain as well and it has, but it just like gives you quicker reflexes
Starting point is 00:22:25 You're like no, no, no, that's not what I need to do. I think I was like kind of thinking that like you know like the sort of like paladin thing It's like you like maybe we're part of some sort of like ecstatic creative Background you know, and then you weren't good enough for it Right, so pictureing the scientists saying like, the procedure has removed your ability to rhyme. I don't know how that works, but it's gone. I think I also thought it was funny to think of, like, what would a writer who couldn't pay the bills do? I guess they go become a super soldier
Starting point is 00:22:55 so that they can find their writing. Starbucks was full, so I became a super soldier. And then the last one, which I probably maybe had the most interest in, is just a malfunctioning a lagerian who basically went through a breakup and or got dumped and instead of going to get bangs or some other drastic breakup thing, she just enlisted to become a super soldier.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And now her sort of, like, fay magic and the arcane magic are clashing. So yeah, and I think- This is being a soldier is your rebound. Yeah, I'm essentially like re-bounding by making like a big life change, but then it like absolutely fucked me up. And so now I'm like malfunctioning
Starting point is 00:23:39 and like my magic is messed up. And I think that would be, for that, the spring alladger and I kind of pictured be, for that the spring elad, I kind of pictured her vibe being more of like, an April shower spring, so kind of like the ugly duckling spring. So I think it would be like all kind of like rain themed. Oh, that's really cool.
Starting point is 00:23:57 And there was a possibility of a duck. Oh, I was, that was the only one I had even any thought of familiar, because I thought it would be funny. Because I saw something about, I was looking up about rain, and I saw the expression, nice weather for ducks. And I was like, oh, it'd be really funny if a duck was always following me around,
Starting point is 00:24:14 and it was so embarrassing and such a hassle for me. But he loved that I make it rain. I can make it thunder and rain. Ducks are super brave. They'll attack. They'll defense. They'll defense. Didn't their wings?
Starting point is 00:24:29 They got wingspan. Oh yeah. I got chased by a duck doing CrossFit over the summer. Really? Yeah. Yeah, came at me. You were doing it outside, like near a lake? Yeah, one of the, one of the, you know, you like do your pull-ups and you have to run 200
Starting point is 00:24:44 meters and then you would, I would like run down to this river and back. And there was a bunch of ducks down there. Wow, yeah. Every single time I did it, they got a little closer in the last time, they just went happy. Did you talk to your instructor that might have just been part of the course? It was, yeah. Yeah. The duck actually was the instructor.
Starting point is 00:25:01 I went inside to tell on them, but it was the duck. It was a different thing. You guys do pull- up while getting dive bomb by dive bomb butt ducks. Yeah, quack fit. Is what it's all about in 2022. That's right. So it sounds like ducks are really ferocious.
Starting point is 00:25:14 So actually, I probably should have one because they sound like they're like, statted out. Yeah, the mighty ducks. It's right there in the name, mighty. Yeah, so I think that, yeah, that's all my six. Okay, can we review? We've got malfunctioning a ladren.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah. Paladin. The bad poet fighter. That pervard. God. We're never gonna be a good poet. Just gonna keep getting better at what. That's really tough.
Starting point is 00:25:38 That feels like it's so much fun to play. Yeah. Oh man, the, in the very intimate battle we had yesterday. Very intimate. Very private. It's Oh man, the very intimate battle we had yesterday. And you're very private. It's a very private, very intimate battle we had. Careful. Both were very powerful, but it was kind of the college of swords mixed with Paladin of being able to do
Starting point is 00:25:57 smites and flourishes in the same thing was pretty insane. It was pretty cool. Wow. Oh, that's juicy. That only makes it funnier too. That's the stronger you get. That's what I was saying is it's so funny to be able to smite, but then really wish you could write a poem.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Yeah, smite not right. It's my heart right. And it really scales too, because the stronger you get and the same you stay at poetry, you get smite or each love for that. I think there's like something charming to me about playing someone who wants to be good at something that they're just maybe not destined to be good at, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:33 but has like such a simple affection for it that it's maybe their small, small growth in it will be nice to them. Yeah. And a lot of artists just aren't recognized in their time. That's all my dream. Yeah, And a lot of artists just aren't recognized in their time. That's all my dream.
Starting point is 00:26:46 That's what she's going through. The thing, I think the thing that I, the thing that, like, I think that the, the, the Paladin Bard was maybe a little, a little, I felt more powerful. I said it, but the Aladdin thing, it's like, it's like a sorcerer, a cleric, and there's something fun about potentially having the option to change, like, if I were to change to a different season, right, I could come up with new subclasses, you know? So I like came up with like, what would be the subclasses for the summer? What would be the subclasses for the autumn? What would the subclasses for the winter be? So that it's like,
Starting point is 00:27:19 maybe someone who kind of like craves newness like me, cause I do where I'm like barred and sorcerer, you get pretty locked into a limited number of spells and I wonder if I'll get. Mm-hmm. So this would allow you to access even more spellless. You would allow me to just like every once in a while just like change out certain
Starting point is 00:27:45 flavor spells for other flavor spells and it might just that maybe that would be really interesting. Right. Because not it's kind of like what we did for Bev when you changed some classes for a little bit. If we wanted to work in some kind of like oh I'm this eladron when I'm in this mood but like I think I'm down the line, not mood necessarily, but more like form, like, not something that's what's often. There could be a thing that it's like, do I change with the seasons,
Starting point is 00:28:11 which might be fun creatively to do because I like paying attention to the weather, or do I change in response to, you know, external, like a big external event, it seems like it would be open to that. And but who knows? Maybe I would just be like, you know what? I'm fucking loving this.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I'm sticking here. So who knows? Yeah. I mean, I think Taik Grandma really didn't get a fair shot. Yeah. I think you decided on Taik Grandma. Is she a grandma? She's so tight.
Starting point is 00:28:40 How? She could be older than 47, right? Let's be a new grandma. I do think that the top two are both really, really awesome. I love the grouping of college of sorts and pallidine that's super fun I haven't really seen it before. I will say that the like wild magic messing with the arcane stuff in vice versa very, very, very much fits into the world. It fits into the world. Yeah, I do, it definitely feels like the little bard paladin
Starting point is 00:29:11 who wants to be a good poet could kind of go into any world. Whereas this, it feels like the malfunctioning Aladdin maybe feels more of this world. You know, actually, like I, hard one died first season, spoilers, but, you know, I got to play a character for a few episodes so you can always go to that back up. Yeah, it's true. I got a lot of stuff in your back pocket
Starting point is 00:29:33 for this campaign, for sure. It's gonna be, I'm gonna just keep getting myself killed so that I can keep coming back and tighter and tighter, grandma's. I'm always out. I heard most of you've been yelling at yelling at. How have you gotten tighter? Do you have any names in mind? I think the only thing I thought was for the malfunctioning lagerum because it's like
Starting point is 00:29:57 rain and like sort of early spring, I think I was thinking Zephyr. Zephyr? Maybe Zep might be a cute sort of nickname. Yeah. Zephyr is incredible. I love a Z name, I will say. Yeah, that's true, right? But that was all I thought of.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I think the Bard day literally just came up with yesterday. Because I kept thinking about spring. What do I want to do about spring? I don't know. If you did the barred paladin, would you alternate levels so that you could get in better? No, I would just do those two levels of paladin. I think I would have more fun taking levels of bard.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Gotcha, for sure. Yeah, you could get some space. Divine Smite, as long as you have the ability, you can scale it up with spell slots, I think. Oh yeah, I kept that at five but or it kept out at level four. Yeah, there'd be no reason to take multiple Paladin levels besides the first two when we did play it though I was like oh shit you go through spell slots when you play True but Bard's get like level 9 spells and shit.
Starting point is 00:31:05 So they get, they get high level. But you can't do a smite at, I mean, I guess you could do like, one of the lower, you could do like a searing smite or something at the ninth level. Right. But yeah, regular smite has that five d. Oh, this is another thing. Is that so Murph also gave me like a little book of spells for.
Starting point is 00:31:24 So intimate. For for my for Christmas. Emily, how dare you? Oh really? I don't have to say it. Okay, I won't say it. I'm joking. I'm so smurf. He came up with um part of what I thought of this was Murph gave me he made like he bound a little book of like old uh 3.5 to four level spells um named it Miroslav's magic manual. Oh! We were a Christmas and there's a can trip for bars. It has a strange name like Ammonu sister or something like that and it's basically you can talk and dictate to a little quill that writes for you.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Great. And I thought that was really a fun can trip. And there was just a lot of fun bard ones. Like there was a second level one called finale that basically you take one, you use an action to take one attack and you crit on a 19 or a 20 and get to add a little more damage. But if you don't kill the person
Starting point is 00:32:23 that everyone has advantage on attacks against you. That's so good. What a bargain. Yeah, I wish there aren't, there aren't many bargain spells in like current D&D, but I feel like yeah, the older stuff was a little more like, you get something and you give something. Oh, that was so cool.
Starting point is 00:32:39 There's so many cool like bloody spells that are like, there's actually a really awesome wizard spell that I actually did make a whole this is what I made the whole umberly care umberly devotee character around which is mm-hmm you heal someone by hurting yourself you basically sacrifice hit points to give to heal someone else and I was like that is sick healing blood magic yeah very cool yeah so that's that's all sweet um great so tight grandma is tight grandma tight grandma a succession of tighter grandma Yeah, very cool. Yeah, so that's all. Sweet. Great, so Tite Grandma is. Tite Grandma!
Starting point is 00:33:07 Tite Grandma is a succession of Titer Grammas. TG, call those you want to tie to the Tite Grandma. That's what the Eldridge Knights look like. The official ones. Yeah, there are all these Tite Grammas. Tite Grammas. This is so funny, I have a character that I was going to introduce as being one kind of person,
Starting point is 00:33:27 but I think she's going to be a tight grandma. Yes! Oh, right. A tight grandma would make it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. There's a whisper about, like, she's like really tight, right? What is her process?
Starting point is 00:33:38 Like, what? Goop products. You're using, I'm just like, I think she's a grandma. I think she's a Pilates not yoga, right? Let me see your medicine cabinet. Call the one at your six, tight-grained ideas. I actually have a D12 of ideas, so just grab a little of those all, great.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Loose uncle, a D12, technically that could be one. There's nothing wrong with having a lot of ideas. I know. I had a ton of ideas, but I think I've narrowed it down. I know what type of character I'm going to play. This episode of NADPOT has brought to you by Bird Dogs. They're a company that makes pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Now we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's going to be difficult. Luckily Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and forced to choose a side, it's gonna be difficult! Luckily Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier. Bird Dog stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look. And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, Bird Dogs invented a cloud knit fabric that looks just like khaki but stretches so you get a way slimmer fit without having
Starting point is 00:34:45 to sacrifice movement. And trust me, you are going to need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother, make sure you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti-style tumbler, go to slash pop-off or enter promo code pop-off at checkout. That's slash pop-off or promo code pop-off for a free Yeti-style Tumblr.
Starting point is 00:35:15 You won't want to take your bird dogs off, we promise you. Okay, that's it for me, go team pants, and enjoy the show. I'm gonna play a bully wug, whose name is either Solomon Bufo or Lonnie Bufo. I have not decided. Wow. How do you spell Bufo? B-U-F-O. It's the scientific name for fraud.
Starting point is 00:35:40 If you're telling me. Yeah, Solomon is funny because it sounds like Solomon. Yeah, I kinda like Solomon Bufo. I think it would. And then, Sol is Solid is funny, because it sounds like solomander. Yeah, I kinda like solomando. I think it would. Solomando boofo. And then solos are pretty good, and pretty fun name. Oh, solos good.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Yeah, solboofo is kinda, that would be the kind of the name that I would use, I think. So like, I am thinking that they're like, a bully wug that has grown up in Ezri, I think. I'm not totally sure what their backstory is, whether they were just kind of abandoned in Ezri, I think. I'm not totally sure what their backstory is, whether they were just abandoned in Ezri or whether they, I think I had an idea,
Starting point is 00:36:10 and I was talking with Murph about it, where maybe they were adopted into this kind of program for preparing youths for basically a battle school or something like that. Yeah. Almost like, yeah, like the idea is that it's almost like a boarding school to that like get a job at the company essentially. So it's like kind of dark, but like it's like send your child here, learn
Starting point is 00:36:37 magic. And then they just fucking conscripted in a war. Yeah, I think it's kind of like a night's watch, which is sort of thing where it's just just like like you can either send them there as a Prestige thing or if you have nowhere else to go and I think it's like Yeah, maybe he got like adopted into that But I think I just have this like very funny mental image of like this like roster of like Military cadets and then one frog. Yeah, I like that you're a city frog that you grew up in. It's really. Yeah, city frog.
Starting point is 00:37:08 This is my swamp, baby. But for classes, I have my main thought that I really liked going back to what Murphy's saying about unexpected side effects was doing a way of the astral-self monk. Yeah, that's very cool. Which is, I like the idea of a monk for a frog because it's like, they mesh really well because like monks are all about like agility and movement
Starting point is 00:37:32 and like frogs. Are you gonna get a tongue attack? I think because I get so many unarmed strikes, I could definitely hit someone in my tongue. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Great, you're pushing people with your tongue, that's good. We were talking about it on tour and like the idea of like and the idea of getting slapped by a frog is just so funny. Just a wet hand.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Yeah, it's very funny to picture fainting with the tongue and then just doing a slap with my actual fist. But the thing about astral self is that you get like basically these like celestial arms that you can use for unarmed strikes. They can either like go over your hands like you know spiritual gauntlets or you can like separate them and it basically looks like you're you kind of get like a a goro look where you have four arms going. Or maybe three tongues.
Starting point is 00:38:20 What? Two feet celestial arms, be celestial tongues. Sorry, that's actually not a good idea. I was saying, let's do it. You can't fool with these things to call the wall. But I'm not sure what the arms would look like yet, because you do get to choose as a monk, what the flavor of the arms is. So I don't know if it's the sort of of thing where like this is like a side effect of the procedure or if this was something that was like, you know
Starting point is 00:38:47 buried deep within Solomon, but I don't know I think like that's I mean you consider they look like toe arms. Ooh like big bulky toe darts. Yeah, I wasn't yeah I think that could be good. I could I thought that could be like demonic in a way as well I don't know I feel like it's kind, this might be something like Murph and I need to discuss later on. I also thought it'd be fun if like, when you first see them, they're like bandaged
Starting point is 00:39:11 so you don't know what's under them. Oh, that's fun. Yeah, I almost think that like your thing can be like, I think a lot of these synth eldritch nights are just these like in like this big kind of bulky armor. And I think that very much did not fit your style. And I'd say even like maybe the arms weren't, because like a monk mechanically can't wear heavy armor.
Starting point is 00:39:34 So maybe literally your powers wouldn't manifest, don't literally don't manifest when you wear the uniform. Oh, but you're saying, so my arms would be like giant metal gauntlets, like spectral gauntlets. They could be that. I meant more just like the armor,
Starting point is 00:39:51 like you literally can't wear the stuff that the normal soldiers wear. Like it literally hides your power. It literally the arms do not come out. Do you know what I'm saying? Oh yeah, like that. But I do, it's rad that they would be gauntlets too. Like, yeah, there's something fun about like,
Starting point is 00:40:07 it's like, I wanted it so bad, but like I couldn't, like the armor was too heavy or like, you know, concealed my power, but like, if I take it off, you see these like spectral versions of the armor. That's your armor, yeah. That's pretty sick actually. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:23 That feels pretty good. I had one other idea, which I thought was kind of fun, but this is like, you know, just, you know, as good as we're sharing, I might say it, which is, it might not work because I know Emily's also leaning towards Bard, but I thought it'd be fun to do College of Valor, and basically, they have a bee that like, that my character was like,
Starting point is 00:40:42 the mascot for his school. I really like the idea of having a giant flat sword that is also a billboard, and it's just like it has the logo of the mother ship like on it and it's like a holograph sword. So it just like waves that around in battle is like the other idea I was thinking of. So you've got like school spirit.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Exactly. It'd be like, you know how there's always like a banner man or like a flag wielder in battle. It would be like that, except like as like a college of valor bar. So basically inspiring others as like the mascot in battle. It's also very funny because I think both characters like just the idea that you you guys probably would have been at this
Starting point is 00:41:28 for a while. So just being like late 20s or early 30s but really sticking to the fact that you were the mascot and whatever. Yeah. The best year like that was the highlight of your life. You know I used to be the mascot. Yeah. Yeah. You can take a man out of a costume but you can't take the mascot, yeah. Yeah. You can take the man out of a costume, but you can't take the costume out of the man. You're watching we do a flip. Just absolutely each shit. Yeah, that's, I don't know, that's a fun idea,
Starting point is 00:41:54 but the Astral Monk seems really fun, and also just like fits pretty well. So I'm leaning more towards that, but you never know. Maybe there's a tight grandma in my future. Whoa, all tight grandma's campaign. We have a week before we record. I think all these ideas are awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Kind of whatever you guys decide between the higher ranked things, but I think that kind of core group of the malfunctioning source or the mom. I think that even hearing it, it's like I'm kind of trying to figure out why the bard who wants to be a poet would be rejected from the super soldiers.
Starting point is 00:42:32 And I'm like, there's not as much of like a sort of like something an obvious reason of why, you know, so that. Oh right, because it's that clad, that builds, it's almost like you are exactly what they were hoping for. Yeah, they got it. Yeah, right, right. And it's more like, are exactly what they were hoping for. Yeah, they got it. Yeah, right. Right?
Starting point is 00:42:47 And it's more like, I'm not what I hope to be. It's just your personality, they don't like it. Yeah. Yeah. Well, she can be in another campaign someday if she doesn't. Or maybe she'll, maybe we'll meet her along the way. Yeah, I hope so. I would imagine that the three of you, it would kind of be like, called Bull's character,
Starting point is 00:43:05 like literally can't wear the uniform. Like literally, just like would always lose and sparring until like he busted out of it. It was funny, it would get like disqualified. Yeah. I would say Jake's character probably like, couldn't pass certain spellcasting tests,
Starting point is 00:43:23 just because it would be like, what if instead of this? Like do like an arrow thing and it's just like ice knife. Yeah, I said, yeah. Fuck. You misty step, but leave like a slick thing of ice where you misty stepped from. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:36 You misty step into ice, it's like. So I think it's like just, it's just as effective. It just like doesn't, you know, qualify you. And then I think M's character would be straight up dangerous. Yeah. She's a liability. Yeah, because water is a good conductor for electricity. So there is something fun about zapping someone who is the essence of rain showers.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Yeah, I'm love it. Those warm summer rain showers. Yeah, it's like you're squishing. Yeah, so it's cool. Basically, you guys are not fully in like the elite part of the Esri army. You guys are just like guards now that are kind of just like around town. And my God, I can't wait to have contentious arguments with a squadron that's better than us. Oh yeah, we're the B team. Do you guys get B team? No, I think we're like the D team. Yeah, D team. Got it.
Starting point is 00:44:32 You guys get like really shitty missions. And one thing that'll be introduced in the first episode is this idea that the like squad that you guys have. So you guys are a three person squad. Each one has like a almost like a psychic mage like a pre-cognitive mage. Oh, like, is that in Rappnica that they have? Yeah, that's a wrap-n-a-thing.
Starting point is 00:44:57 But the idea is that you guys have this pre-cogn mage who has has a little crystal ball and will kind of tell you things that are popping up in town, but other people's mages are really, really on the ball and yours is crystal ball. Does it really wanna be there? Like wants to work her way up and her own. It's like the PR person. She's like, I got really bad missions for you guys.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Is that okay? Or... Oh my god. This whole conversation has really finally, because I've been kind of freaking out being like, what the fuck? And I'm like, I've been like, Merv, what do I need to make the music sound like? And he's like, final fantasy and I'm like, what the fuck? Am I like, I've been like, Merv, what do I need to make the music sound like? And he's like, final fantasy, and I'm like, I did that already. But this whole conversation that we've just had, I'm now having musical ideas,
Starting point is 00:45:51 just from hearing these descriptions, because it's really just think to me now. I love that. It's all freezing into place, much like the fire that Jake's character was supposed to start. Shit. Yeah, and the final part of the test,
Starting point is 00:46:07 just a quick cantrip to make the fire. Coming right up. Oh, you've let it the sticks. It's gonna be a little bit harder, but I think with a quick fire bolt cantrip, this will be easy. Not a problem. Fuck me.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Okay, you've frozen the wet sticks. Give me a flint. That's it. Just sends you over to Emily and Paul Dulles' characters who are over in the guard area. I kick soot into the fireplace. Sit down so heavily. I really like the idea that we're paired
Starting point is 00:46:44 with someone that just hates the job, because I do think that my character, like despite everything, just like loves working for a mothership, just like is really on board with it. There's an image from an anime that I saw that like I really think helped define my character. I don't even know what anime it's from.
Starting point is 00:47:01 It's just like an image that keeps getting passed around. And it's just a picture of a green frog next to a giant Fried chicken leg and the caption is How delightful that even a frog like me could eat fried chicken And I just feel like that's that's Solomon at his core. Yeah Awesome guys, I think we've got a solid framework going into That's Solomon at his core. Yeah. Awesome, guys. I think we've got a solid framework going into episode one. And this was very helpful for me.
Starting point is 00:47:33 And I hope it was helpful for you guys. Yeah, it was. I feel really good. Yeah, it's actually. So that's why we're doing it so far. Even helpful for me music wise, this conversation. Yeah, that's huge. So we're really sorry for messy feed, everybody.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Yeah, sorry. We're so sorry. I'm so sorry. Oops, I spilled into your feed. Yeah, and yeah, get excited for February when we're dropping episode two first. Yeah. Yeah, we're going to do it all out of order,
Starting point is 00:48:00 just kind of for fun. No, it will be helpful though, because we don't wanna get totally lost in feedback or whatever, but it is helpful if we pitch an idea here and then someone's like, oh, that's Goku. Like you just, that's already a character. Like you already did it. Oh no, it's Goku, it's like grandma. She's a tight grandpa for sure.
Starting point is 00:48:21 He's such a tight grandpa. Yeah. Come on now. Got you know what? Nothing's new. Nothing's original. Everything's been done. Okay. Oh, brother. Goku is a tight grandma.
Starting point is 00:48:33 It all comes back to Goku. It all comes back to the origin. Sweet guys, thank you all so much for listening. We're going to wrap this one up. We'll be back over the next two weeks with I think we'll probably do a live show in a short rest and two dungeon courts to round out the month. Before that, you can head on over to our patreon
Starting point is 00:48:50 slash nad pod. That's NADDPOD, don't see. Wee! Whoa! And I think we'll probably do something kind of fun and maybe mixed bag at Ask just because we've already done a hard side about the world. We've done it pretty recently.
Starting point is 00:49:08 So I think we'll just do something, we'll put something fun and bonus up there. Cool. Pound your mess, but we're gonna have fun. It's worth a little fun in January. You know, dry January is the thing, but for us it's a very, very wet January. Slot. Slot. I like that attitude. Slot, Jan. Sloppy. Sloppy. I like that attitude.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Sloppy January. Just like absolutely be your worst self. Yeah, truly. Like be your best self in February. Yeah, give yourself another month. Or don't ever be your best self. Actually, I am privately waking up really early. I've become an early morning person,
Starting point is 00:49:39 and that's a really nice change. Mm-hmm. It's true. Not sloppy. Stop doing it. I woke up at 6 to P and M was up and I was like, is this on purpose? That's like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:49:52 But the thing is, Emily, you're waking up early so you can be awful in other ways. You have more time in the day. Exactly, yay. You just fuck around and be a mess. Oh yeah, wake up at 6 a.m. And then I fucking dick around on my phone for four hours. Yeah, sorry, I'm 10 like normal..m. and then I fucking dick around on my phone for four hours. Yeah, you go.
Starting point is 00:50:05 You can get to the end of Instagram, not even just to be able to follow. I honestly, yeah, if I woke up at 6 I don't know what I would do. I guess I would just start drinking at 5. I can't be awake that long, that's funny. Let me tell you, that's what we've started doing. Yeah, yeah. Sweet guys, anybody else have anything they'd like to plug? I can't wait that long, that's bloody. Let me tell you, that's what we've started doing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Sweet guys, anybody else have anything they'd like to plug?
Starting point is 00:50:27 I would love to shout out Madison Gourley, who, yeah, yeah. Ilok Henry theme, it's on my Twitter just at J. Kerrwitz. It's a really beautiful song and they put a lot of effort into it. So you can go listen to it there. Thank you, Madison. I'm really thinking, Madison. Thank you, Madison. Oh yeah. Anything else called though? I would love to plug some stuff from our PO box. If that's okay. Yeah sure. Why? Fine, fine. Here we go. I'll be quick. Shout out to these nice people.
Starting point is 00:50:56 MacUV sent us an actual hungry trout in and tavern sign. Oh yeah. They're trying to get in our living room. Yeah. They're living in our living room. Yeah. Our living room. The maze is awesome. Yeah. Too bad that Tavern has burned down. Oh yeah. Currently. Ash Beanie sinned in an actual mermaid sleeping bag.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Despite not being made of grass, it looks super cozy. It is really amazing. I have to be honest, I gave it to one of the cats and the cat really enjoyed it. Yeah. There you go. The cat got to be a little mermaid. Don't put them in water. Allison S sent a crocheted Zirk for Vane and a D20 Cat toy. I'm honestly very excited to see what your cats roll with this, Murphy. For their campaign that they're playing in.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Let's see, Claire in knitted Merf a beautiful two-crew sweater and sent some band of boobs ornaments for the rest of us. Thank you so much for making for making the Hoglet A's extra cozy, Claire. Thank you, Claire. Thank you. Thank you. I need to see the sweater. I haven't seen it yet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Oh, I got to bring it over. I have a huge box of stuff for y'all. Let's see. Glenn F. From Stash Panda Good, send us some miniature skull ornaments and earrings. Oh, yeah. They're really cool. I can't wait to put them on my tree next year and just forget that I put them there
Starting point is 00:52:04 and then writing myself. And then be like, oh no, my dog ornament died. And then, oh, this is great. Mahalo J of the scuddle butt soapco, Santa's a bunch of bars of soap inspired by the Bohumia campaign. They smell so good. I think I'm finally going to start washing my hands now. Oh, that's a time. Yeah, I think now's the time. You gotta make positive life changes in 2022. Anyway, that's all, I've got more stuff. If you want to send us things, it's 1920 Hilherst Avenue, number 222,
Starting point is 00:52:35 lowest-fleece, California, 9-0-0-27, excited to shout out more things in the upcoming episodes. Sweet. Thank you all so much for listening. You can follow us all on social media that we may or may not use. At Teach, Murphy's Me, at Call These Called Well, Adi asked for Dezemley, and at Shake Hurts is Jake.
Starting point is 00:52:50 And you can tweet about the show using hashtag, nadpod, that's NADDDPUD. We are, we are, we are, the youth of the nation. We are, we are, we are, the youth of the nation. Go mother ship, Love you guys. That's good. That's good. It's the end of the show, everyone, and you know what that means.
Starting point is 00:53:14 It's time to shout out our benevolent counsel of eliters, starting with Brad D. Jeffery S. Hall door frostbite, steel breaker, and Matt M. Fire Giants who have emerged from beneath the surface of Frostwind, but not to cause any trouble. They just heard of us in really good tapas in Asmodia and are planning a sick road trip. Derby M. Jordan DJ. Cutter W. Jive G. Dylan B. And Dungeon Mama. Salomon's friend group from the mother ship boarding school. He was actually way more popular than you'd think, mostly do the fact that licking his skin gets you super high. Danielle the Dastardly Dame, Andrew M, Beardman Dan, Scott D, and Danny P, a family of ducklings that have started following Zephyr around. They love eating bread, splashing in puddles, and dealing 10-D-6 piercing damage per round.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Don't fuck with these ducks. Mixologist Michael McD, Vincent W. Nicole T. Victor T. Boundor's boy Andrew B. and Justin I, a group of Ezri authors who just rejected Emily's character from their weekly poetry slams. Not because her poems were bad, but just because she kept accidentally divine smiting every time she snapped her fingers in support. Ragnar Ferd Wind DJM the Noembarberian
Starting point is 00:54:31 Kaylee E Elena M.N. Chalé the Crafay Solomon's instructors at the Mother Ship Military Academy They taught Saul how to fight with his tongue and have regretted every day since Those saliva stains are never coming out. Jerady, Damial R, cyborg version of Josh the Cobald, Phil, Bear the Fabulous, and Richard X Machina. Caulders, overprotective family members, they spent every winter gathering bear pouts to make
Starting point is 00:54:59 into giant snow suits so that little cauldry would say warm and before you ask yes the snow suit did have little ears attached to the top insulting but cute! Michael L. Trast the traveler Sir Carl Jory S. and Calum L. Waiters at Solomon's favorite restaurant in Esri. They have to institute a no BYO B policy after Saul started bringing his own bugs. Come on, Saul. They have bugs on the menu. You're just being cheap. Jack L. Sam L. Nicholas C. Sam B. and Mike H. Indoor Lajren who don't want to associate
Starting point is 00:55:37 with a season. They adorn themselves in soft pants, thrive under artificial light and can only exist on our plane when a room is exactly 72 degrees. Oh, Disha Mulek, the baby bronze dragon, Matthew E. Colton B. Adam G. Megan S. and Navajar. The scientists who conducted the super soldier experiments on Zef, Calderon Saul. They had all just come back from lunch, and there's a slight chance an entire Oreo milkshake got dropped in the serum, but strangely, the records from that day went missing,
Starting point is 00:56:12 so no one knows for sure. Panama James, Cummins the Bard, Captain Sidial, Nathan C, and Diana, Fish Frozen in Ice Knife Falls. Don't worry guys, we'll chisel you out of there. CC Lulu, Burnsinator, Michelle O, Alex W, Timmy R, and Jonathan W. The Crock-Waring Warrior, the G-Team of Super Soldiers who mostly do coffee runs. Unfortunately for the D-Team, that's gonna put them in touch with people who can promote them to the seed team before the D team even sees arrays
Starting point is 00:56:46 Lucas B Aron S it's Kevin Bionic Pookie New York and Cass skateboard Cass Poetry Bards who can think of a rhyming couplet as a bonus action during a round of combat Most characters need to use a whole action to do that Steven C Mike K
Starting point is 00:57:04 Lady Taco Joy. and Nara. Pre-cognitive mages who spend a lot of time bickering and being mad about what each other is gonna do to each other. It's kinda like having someone cheat on you in a dream but worse. Jake L. Nick W. Brave the Badger. Esme M. Justin P, and Smog in the Tarris. Dragon Turtle elves who wield shields made of shells, which they can completely hide their body under if a battle goes badly. Nathan, Kazamiya the All-Knowing, Jabari the Safari, Big Bad Bird of the mad. Giant monsters on the horizon.
Starting point is 00:57:46 And Goya-Dulia. The lab technicians at the Super Soldier Lab. Look, they try their best to facilitate everyone's transformation, but maybe just maybe they took an early lunch during Jake called Wown and Elise characters transformations. Thraft. Burle-T. Percival Frederick Stein von Musselynvon, Muscle, Closowski, DeRolo III, Christian
Starting point is 00:58:10 A, J. Dragonborn, and Joro, the unappropriate. Tight grandparents. Here's a thing. These tight grandparents do yoga AND polodies. That is their secret. Liam D. The Sandray, and Ben A. Feldonis, and Dave H. Solomon's Frog Friends, who announced a life of violence to advertise Budweiser, you gotta pay the bill somehow. Vivian Koalaber, Catherine S. David K. Christian S. and Dustin S. Tott, Grandparents, like tight
Starting point is 00:58:44 grandparents but different enough that they get a different ability score improvement, and unlike tight grandparents, they get dark vision. Connor F. Hawkeye Pierce, Isabelle F. Kyle H. The Timewalker, Emilio D. Two Left Eyes, and DBC's Awesome. Members of Calder's Cubscout Troop, he could never light the fire, but boy did he make a solid snow cone. Blair the bug, Blair Barb Larian, Cat Sea, Pork Chop, Manette, F and Pat El, Paladins of the tight grandma.
Starting point is 00:59:20 These holy nights don't need a god, just a hot-hot grandma. Achoozae, Lauren H, Amber W, A-K-A, Hazelbat Latte, Joshua D'Alyas, Hawthorn, and Ryan S. Members of Solomon's Mother Ship Pepsquad, these cheerleaders are capable of leaping 30 feet straight into the air, which is impressive, considering only half are frogs. The charming fluff, brinthly sea, micabee, Patrick H and ploops. The Esri mighty ducks, they're not a hockey team, they're just a crew of ducks that follows effort around to catch some rain. Carly Ann, Addy, Birdie Safe K, Laurie P, Seth AJ, spam gaming the not-so-skilled gamer, and Connor Savage.
Starting point is 01:00:12 A-class synth-eldrich knights, these high-ranking super-soldiers are absolutely going to bully the shit out of our heroes. Christopher J. Pepplepot, Logan S. Leviathan, Bioquart 7, Remington CD, and Amber Dexterous. Caulder's giant siblings, they're all super protective of him, but will occasionally huck him into an icy lake if he gets too annoying. Thrill of the fright, Sullivan H. Trubhop-Drupper, Sidneety, Matt Y, and Alex C, Zephyr's friend crew who helped her through the breakup. They convinced her not to get bangs, but unfortunately failed to convince her not to become a failed super-soldier. Lindsay W, Juicy Kiwi, Champ Wilde, Vailen, Sprite Pepsi, and Carlin C,
Starting point is 01:01:02 Stunkbox tailors who could make armor to fit Saul if only Frazier attire was military approved. Louis is your dad, Jake, Sessie A, Matthew J, T-R-A-P, and Noah, the bagel of all things. Pre-cognitive interns, these unpaid mages know exactly when their bosses need coffee and how much splenda to use. Estelle, Baron S. Soestian's romance partner from the Baronies, conflicted DM. Dandy, and M. Barber, Synth Eldridge Knights who have a vendetta against Calder, because they asked him to cast a spell to roast their hot dogs, but the dope froze them.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Marcus P. Pup-Kaylish, Gabriel M. Learns the balanced druid, Dakota JP and Poggos self-proclaimed Faye Prince. Fies, hanging around the eldritch barracks, thinking they're safe, but they have another thing coming. We got a three-tongued frog down there. Catrin, Tracy P, the Crick L. Fibrarian, and the E, Lisa M, Holly Hyena, and Anthony A, ice climbers who regularly scale the ice knife and who all agree that it's tall enough to be called the ice sword. It just doesn't roll off the tongue the same way. Leah C. Abigail, May B. Kristen I. Egg Infinitum, and Sloth King 777, a group of tight
Starting point is 01:02:30 grandparents who actually got tighter as they aged. They were quite loose as young adults. Cal, just Cal. Commodore Galaxy, Edison, and Russell H. A monk named Dilgo and Nios the novice monster hunter. Emily's other character ideas, sorry didn't make the top six but we know in our hearts that you were all incredible. Laura Lyon, Kira Frost, Morgan M, Sticker, Zachary A, Steven E and Mr. Adams, the track team that Solomon used to be a mascot for, they'll tell you nothing inspired them more than a frog with a banner, they never won an event, but they were inspired as hell.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Megan F, James F, Jimmy A, Captain Cappy, M4L, and the Dragon Ambassador, Calder's Giant Family, they were close growing up and will always remember their fun tradition of stuffing caulder into one of their socks every Christmas. Way fairer. Andrew B. Dalton B. Cope Fresh. Best DM.
Starting point is 01:03:34 James and Lauren H. Zephyr's X's friends. They have all vowed not to tell Zephyr's X that she's had a glow up into a super hot super soldier. Quite kind of them, really. And that's it. Thank you all. We love you all so much, and we are so excited to start this new phase with you.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Mwah, mwah, mwah. Goodbye, sweeties. That was a Hate Gum podcast. Thank you.

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