Not Another D&D Podcast - C3 Ep. 10: To the Airship! (The Mothership Saga)

Episode Date: May 6, 2022

Duck Team springs into action against Mothership! Callie learns a secret about Foster, Calder gets his ear pierced, and Sol talks his way into some trouble. Support us at to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Get tickets to our upcoming live shows at Effects Include:"Engine Room" by Zimbot at"A Wizard's Tournament" by Emily Axford."Mothership" by Emily Axford."Paetina" by Emily Axford."The Trade District" by Emily Axford."Alexandrite" by Emily Axford."Hexbuds" by Emily Axford."Bonkginya, Fia Bonkyginya" by Emily Axford."Zelbuldar" by Emily Axford."The Smithy's Hut" by Emily Axford."A Fairy Remembers" by Emily Axford."I Think I Lost My Glasses" by Emily Axford."A Glittering Reunion" by Emily Axford."The Game Plan" by Emily Axford"On the Prow" by Emily Axford."Mothership Lobby" by Emily Axford.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Headgun Podcast. Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item. Plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy.
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Starting point is 00:01:21 brush processing. Code www-A-W-P-A-W. Goodbye, Sweeties. Welcome to the campaign after the campaign. This is not another D&D podcast. Welcome back to Bahumia, everybody. Bahumia. I'm your dungeon master, Brian Murphy, joined by Jake Herwitz.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Speed skater, Texanator, called her kill day. Ah, go-go team, Texan. Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh. Are we gonna get sued by Power Rangers? No, no, there's no thing. Bring it, Sabon. Go-go team,taction is very different. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I think it predates. They're very different than Guinea Force. If you steal from everything, are you really stealing from anything? Of course. I'm kind of confused. Go ahead. Emily Axford. Mother of Ducks, you fucking sucks.
Starting point is 00:02:18 I can't believe this is continuing. Wow. And then of course, called Oltanner. It's gonna be hard to follow. Listen up, you fucks, I'm Saul Bufo, the frog that sucks. Okay. I almost did a sucking one, I really regret it now. It would have been better if you did a sucking one
Starting point is 00:02:37 because we just did two sucking ones and it feels a little lot of side is like a copy anomaly. We know what to say. Comedy works into. Two? Comedy is a date. Yeah, yeah, we know what to say comedy works into comedy is a date. Yeah, cute Little bucks sweet guys. Well, we're keeping the sucking going for the intros Let's do a sucky not just the
Starting point is 00:02:56 Intros the rest I got it. I got it. The icy cock who totally sucks perfect great. Yeah, you want to take it again? The icy cock who totally sucks. Perfect, great. Yeah, you want to take it again? The icy cock who totally sucks. I see fly-doll. The cock. One part is unexplored. We'll get into it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:11 OK, let's go ahead and do a little recap. Sure. So last time, Saul was ambushed by Sister Rosaline and a few lightkeeper cultists with the help of Litty, the bullywug. After Albin cast haste on Calder, he was able to catch up and even the odds, besting the cultists.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Meanwhile, Cali discovered a frightened little rat kid named Tully in the sewers. Tully revealed that the light keepers had taken over the water park and were holding some of the kids hostage. Eventually, Sister Rosalene made a run for it, but Calder was able to chase her down and finish her off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I think they're down in puncher in the head. Yeah. Puncher and Taylor had broke. As I was listening back, I saw that you had said, under me, there was crosstalk. You said you just wanted to knock her out, as I was narrating her being murdered. So, ultimately worked out for the best. Ultimately, it's fine. Cal them to know his own strength. Yeah. Liddy attempted to escape too, but Saul was able to catch her and at least somewhat get through to her that she was being manipulated by the light keepers,
Starting point is 00:04:15 the due parties were united and Albin took the kids back to camp while the rest of you went to the water park. That sounds like a nice summer day. Yeah. You've been as one for taking a shit, taking the kids to camp. Um, taking the kids to the pool. Yeah, dropping the kids off at the pool. Yeah, taking the kids to camp would be like pissing on a fire. I don't know. What? Or jerking off into a fire.
Starting point is 00:04:40 I think it'd be like, exactly. Oh, actually, Emily's, Emily's well-grossed does make more sense. Yeah, I'm Emily's wild gross does make more sense. Yeah, why not just taking a shit in the woods? Wouldn't that make more sense? Well, campfire. I know what you mean, but you wouldn't just say camp. I don't make it up, dude. I don't make the rules.
Starting point is 00:04:53 This is just what it is. All right, expression. I'm just going to plow forward. At the water park, you found that go-go team Texan working off of a tip, given by Saul, had tracked down the light keepers and mostly wiped them out. After Patina Glenbottle ordered StarDunk to bring some kids back to the mothership to
Starting point is 00:05:13 question them about the location of the mob Goblin Camp, Callie jumped in action and scooped one from StarDunk. Saul was able to steal the other from Jazzler and after an intense battle that saw both Cali and Sall drop You were able to carry each other to safety with the help of Calder's well-timed expeditious retreat spell Yeah, and Ice Gate style and that's where we are now. So you guys have just rounded corner You see the remainder of this ice that Calder has just created for you guys to slip down to go super fast,
Starting point is 00:05:52 faster than Jazzler and Starda could run. You see it begins to dissipate as the spell breaks. We're always leaving a trail, so I'm glad that that's going away. Calder, I'm gonna say give leaving a trail, so I'm glad that that's going away. Calder, I'm going to say, give me a DC. I'm going to say you carried two people and ran for like 10 straight minutes. Go ahead and give me a constitution saving throw and it's going to be a pretty high DC. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Shout out to the dooh crowd. Oh! How about a light? Yeah, you see Calder just like me out of shape running the mile in high school. Just grab your knees, start huffing and puffing. I'm going to cast guidance by giving Calder some protein goo. Okay, Calder, you immediately start to throw it up. You just start to gag, you've got a horribly sour, sweet, something easy.
Starting point is 00:06:43 No more sweets. Calder, you do have a level of exhaustion. All right, and we can't agree a level of exhaustion means. That you have disadvantage on all checks. Great. So, you are in the outer city here in an alley of cracked cobblestone. Above your head, canopies, keep out the mid afternoon sun. It is eerily quiet.
Starting point is 00:07:06 You're pretty far from the water park at this point. You know Todd had been tasked with wiping out the last of the light keepers, the ones who had surrendered, but to kind of leave no witnesses, Bettina told them to wipe them out. You heard their screams at one point, but you're either too far away now,
Starting point is 00:07:22 or they've already perished under Todd's axe. Okay, your exhausted right, Kolda? Yeah, there's just icy crystals forming in the air from there. Yeah, just frosty breath coming out from you. I feel like you're drooling a lot, like a lot of condensation on your lyricals. Can I take faster and like get put into your mouth like a sort of like paper bag to breathe in and out. Yeah, a duck in a leather boot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yeah. And I just like pet sort of like pet your back and I'm like let go of the concentration. We don't need the expeditious retreat anymore. We can just retreat. We can just retreat. Oh, call the boss of the ground. And then I think I'll take out the roller decks. I mean, is there a sewer grate or something around here?
Starting point is 00:08:09 Uh, guys, go ahead and give me perception checks. Okay. I'll do that with disadvantage. That is a 19 for Callie. Wow. She sees cold of flailing and she's like, I'm not really, don't worry. You carry to me and technically I'm still on your back. Haha.
Starting point is 00:08:24 You're still, you guys are still hanging on to call her. Yeah, you're still hanging on to color. Yeah, part of why he's so tired. Yeah, part of why I fell to the ground. Hold on, you need to exhale, just not only inhale on the duck. It's so tall, you're like a human elevator when you fall. Just change levels. So with that perception check, Kali, you hear the sounds of swooping cloaks
Starting point is 00:08:46 as several figures hop down from the rooftops of nearby buildings. Wait, this could be the wizards from your school, because Mark Goblin was talking about getting them involved. Of course. I'm sure I could recognize the flap of their cloaks. Is there like a distinctive cologne that everyone at school wears?
Starting point is 00:09:03 Yeah, jinx. Yeah. You don't smell jinx. You do see that they are hop goblins. You see your friend's dark, lower's his hood. Dark. Oh, he looks at you guys, he goes, culder, Kelly, it's all, you guys look like shit. I think our finger guns are shooting blanks.
Starting point is 00:09:22 I was gonna say I'm gonna have to put the safety on these finger guns, because you guys already look like you've been shot. I hold up a very limp finger gun. We could use some treats. Yeah, it's afkocht. Albin sent us a message. We were able to get him and the two kids back to camp. Great.
Starting point is 00:09:41 He said there were more though. So why don't you all head back, patch up your wounds. We can find the rest of the kids. Unlike these mothership goons, we're all from around here and we know the hiding spot, so we can take it from here. Oh, Dark, you're on the level for sure. Hey! You're the man, Dark.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Fuckin' love you, Dark! I know. So that's you guys. That was pretty hot. You see, swings, a grappling hook, it connects to the rooftops in one of the buildings and him and the Hobgoblins take off onto a nearby rooftop.
Starting point is 00:10:14 I thought it was a wizard row, but it was actually a cool ass duster. You see, dark looks down, kind of quietly says, you guys can head back the way you came. We had some of our mages clear a path through the tunnel you collapsed Oh, oh sorry about that. Oh, no, it was great We actually should have been dealing with sort of secret entrances anyway, so if anything you just got it started
Starting point is 00:10:33 Okay, great. You're welcome. I give him a finger gun that doesn't fire because I'm so tired Right on Dark takes off. All right. Can you guys carry me? Yeah, of course. Absolutely, Ken. I really reluctantly get off of you and hold out my arms. I called her cralls into...
Starting point is 00:10:55 I think Kelly's arms look a baby. Foster, if you can get the middle, I'll get the legs. I really don't think one person needs to do this. I think I can carry them all myself. Okay. I really don't think one person needs to do that. I think I can carry him on myself. Okay, Kelly's getting about one foot at a time, going very, very slow. I'll say that you guys have to do the old big guy has one arm over the shoulders of two smaller people. Great. And I take your helmet on Foster.
Starting point is 00:11:22 That's fucking cool. We've got you, goda. Foster, you look cooler than me in that thing. Yeah. I never heard of Mike that. It looks pretty proud of himself. What's cooler than cool? Ain't no, it's the song.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Wow. You guys find a nearby sewer grate. You drag a ca calder over to it You slowly let him down you have to kind of see easy I try and flush out the ship by adding more of my own water It's a pretty big pile so I guess that broke your fall. That's a little less intense now, that's good. Sort of a light brown and some of the dark.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Yeah, it smells like a fart and some shit. Yeah. While we're walking, I turn to both of them and foster and say, I'm really sorry for just acting so impulsively back there. I kind of put the whole camp in danger. I'll try to be smarter in the future, but thanks for having my back. Yeah, I can't speak to the camp but I think I kind of liked it because I haven't really had an occasion to Take a chance on someone in a while and it didn't work out
Starting point is 00:12:41 But I'm still here. So I kind of like learning that, like, sometimes getting fucked over isn't something to be so scared of. And we help those kids. Yeah, that's true. I just want to be useful. Yeah, I just want to suck in our own special way. Yeah, we really sucked out there. We did suck together, really.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Also, thanks for having my back on. Saying we suck. I know it kind, thanks for having my back on. Say we suck. I know it kind of came out of like left field. No, I think, oh, I think we're making it work. Yeah, kind of owning it. Yeah. No one could take that from us. You suck.
Starting point is 00:13:14 You guys say to each other, covered in shit. We fucking suck. We fucking suck. You guys, you guys jump down into the shit to pull Calder out. We suck, we suck. We suck. We suck. We suck. You guys jump down into the shit at this point. I'm just kind of riding cold air like a canoe. Just nearly and gone just gilded.
Starting point is 00:13:53 So you guys get back to the tunnel where Calli collapsed it. And you see that the debris here now looks smooth like a regular cave wall. But as you touch it, you realize that this is an illusion. And you find that there is a small crawl space that has been dug out or made by magical means. And you do remember what you had said before, Cali, that Magoblin had mentioned that they were bringing on a bunch of the mages that were kind of disaffected, and you met a few of them. So you think that maybe some of them are helping with some illusion magic here, and things
Starting point is 00:14:22 like that. You know what they say? You've got a crawl before you bowl. This looks like a lot of the otters work for sure. I dropped my hands in my knees. Sweet, you go down and you start crawling in. As you get in, Calder probably won't think this,
Starting point is 00:14:38 but you think this is gonna be a tight fit for Calder. Calder? I can go first. You know what? I can go first. You know what? I think you should. And can I just like try and shove him through? Okay. So go ahead and give me a,
Starting point is 00:14:52 Can I actually put his antler helm back on him and then try and shove him through so that the antler helm is almost like a battery right now. Oh, we all are. He's been like a drill. He's been. Yeah. Got it.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Okay, go ahead and give me an acrobatics check. I have to do it flat because of- Yeah, I'm covered in shit. So it feels like that's like an acrobatics check. I am do it flat because I'm covered in shit So it feels like that's like pretty so it's slippery. I was gonna say cuz Cali did the help action Yeah, don't forget to add a D4 so it's just flat You would have to cast guidance in one guy. I guess I'll cast it. Okay. I'll cast it again I um I rub up on you like a lufu covered in grease screen. This is disgusting Dirty 20. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:15:26 So, Calder Clear's the way of slowly spins with his helmet so that it makes a little drill and makes the whole slightly bigger. I make drill sounds. Yeah. Care about. Look at all the slurry coming out. It might be a little tight for you guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:43 You guys emerge on the other side. And this tunnel joins the big cavern that houses the camp and the safe house. And as you get back to camp, you see that Albin is talking to a few of the older folks who look to be taking care of the kids. You see amongst them are Tully and Liditty who are being introduced to the others. It looks like they're trying to introduce them to make some new friends. You see Tully gives you a little tip of their hat. I do the like, I'm watching you face.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Yeah, Tully. Litty smiles and waves at you. I just shake my head. You look like shit. We smell like it, too. Yeah, you, Albin looks at you guys and goes like, My God, are you all okay? Did you all get your asses kicked and then carry each other like three miles or something? And then crawl around and shit?
Starting point is 00:16:35 Were you trying to wrap exactly what I was saying? That's exactly what I was saying. That's just exactly what it looks like. Okay, wow, it's good Lord. Life chisels into you, what happens, doesn't it? Albin nods, knowingly. Is Chisels into you happens, doesn't it? Alvin nods, knowingly. Is there like a spa?
Starting point is 00:16:48 Is there a shower? Do I do it? Hot springs. Hot springs. Oh, hot springs. And are we allowed to go in COVID and shit? Yeah. I suppose you could ask,
Starting point is 00:16:58 yeah, like a pool where we can kind of, you probably still have fire in your belly. Maybe we can get that out. I called it, I called it burps. Yeah, I'll say that for the purposes of this, you still have a little bit of fire left from that potion of fire breathing. Let's just go find me a water hole.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Yeah. I'll say that Albin calls over a few medics. And you see that the alchemist who is selling you potions before it comes over. Oh yeah. Oh, that's a little nasty cut you got on you. Yeah. Do you have anything for it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Pulls out some... Oh it's gonna hurt. It's gonna hurt. It's gonna burn. Is it gonna hurt you to make potions? Does it hurt me to make potions? No, this just doesn't my talk. Oh I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:17:41 It's gonna hurt me. It's gonna hurt you for me to clean them. Okay. Is it gonna hurt you? me to clean them. Okay. Is that okay? Get on waving. Okay. Just pours a bunch of alcohol on Kelly's extremely burned arm as well. Ow, ow, can you get me split, lit, lit.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I lay my hands on you to cool you down afterwards. Oh, thank you. It's all just like I see up. I need you after my next tattoo. Oh. Um, Mr. Alchemist, I already drank all the alcohol. It's not working though. Oh, yeah, that's poison now.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Oh, you start stopping your stomach. Blah, blah, blah. Yeah, I'll say a bunch of these medics and alchemist and stuff take you guys over to some springs, called or you can breathe some fire near it. You get it bubbling. I want to breed some ice on another one, so we do the hot cold ones.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Oh, back and forth. And I use my water-urainy, I use my tempestuousness to make little malstroms in both, so they're both swirling with jets. This is fucking great. Can somebody contra me just have big lily pad? I've got a lily pad beret. Can we never leave? I set up a velvet rope and start charging in mission. Foster looks fucking cool floating
Starting point is 00:18:55 around. He shows in in my helmet. Just floating around. You know, people say it's bad to be a frog in boiling water, but I feel great. I think you don't know what that, huh? No, it just means that I'm a comfortable frog, right? So I'll say you guys get some medical attention. They patch up your wounds. Can I also scrounge about for some herbs and flowers because I can make it sort of like an herbal bath too?
Starting point is 00:19:23 Oh, yeah, you can scrounge around and try to think of what you would find in a cave. I guess go ahead and give me a nature check. That is a 16. A 16. I'll say that you find some fungi looking stuff, some purple fungi growing off the side of the cave. Was it smell like?
Starting point is 00:19:39 What does it smell like? It smells wet. Ooh, not that. Not that and what you could lift. Not like that, and what? Are you colitis? Is that how fungi smells? Never. Never anything so I was.
Starting point is 00:19:50 All right, I tossed it in. Yeah, he tossed it in. You guys started hallucinating. It's got that nice umami. Oh no, oh no. How many did you all eat? My mother's here. She's not supposed to be here.
Starting point is 00:20:05 My name's Steve, and she's dead. Oh, fuck. I'll say after you guys wounds are patched up, the alchemists go to you guys. You'll probably want to get some rest. Sleep this off. We've done all we can magically and medically to be able to help you guys out,
Starting point is 00:20:22 but nothing's going to work quite like a long rest. Yeah. Do you know if Grimm is prepared our nest yet. Oh, that's a good question. Gremmis was standing near the nest before just with a sword thrusting at the air in like three separate spots. Wow. It's practicing to kill three people at once. You gotta be ready. You gotta be ready for intruders. You know, Gremmis might have a point though,
Starting point is 00:20:36 if I know Gremmis looking out for us, and he's thinking we're in such a bad shape that we constantly keep rolling over and making the guns go off, we'll wait for him to go out and do the same thing. No, Graham might have a point though. If I know Grammy's looking out for us, and he's thinking we're in such a bad shape that we constantly keep rolling over and making the guns go off, we'll wake ourselves up and we won't get a good night's day. You're saying we need a bigger nest of our own.
Starting point is 00:20:53 We need a bigger nest of our own. Okay, great. Foster, can you help us gather some twigs? All right, goes over. March gathering twigs. It's very slow. I mean, twigs in the cave. He seems literally like walking over, just waddling over,
Starting point is 00:21:06 taking a post from nearby tents. I turn it into a stage mom and I'm like, fast at it nicely, ask for some twigs, and you're not bringing really that money. Hey, that's part of the tent. I need that. It's okay. Our duck is just making a nest.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Yes. We prefer it. Sorry. I know. It's important for him to practice. It's important for him to practice. We prefer it. Sorry. I know. It's important for him to practice. It's important for him to all practice. We have no teams. We want him to do it himself.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Okay. The thing is though is that the stick is part of the tent. Does that make sense? Yeah. Okay. I'm going to kick your duck. I know. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:21:39 I'm going to kick your duck. I'm going to kick your duck. I'm going to kick your duck. I'm going to kick your duck. I'm going to kick your duck. I'm going to kick your duck. I'm going to kick your duck. I'm going to kick your duck. I'm going to kick your duck. I'm going to be my first Google Dragon! Dragon, be the baby! Foster, come on. I'm gonna be back. Let's go pick them under me on.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Real fight. We'll fight your own twigs. Okay, okay. We'll build an S someday in the Feywilds, right? Twigs are everywhere there. And they talk to you. Well, as you say Feywild, you see Foster's eyes glow red. Dragon, dragon, dragon, come down.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Okay, so how many trigger words is that now, too now to well one is just a general content of an egg that grows bigger and bigger dragon but I don't know what's going on with Foster. It seems unclear. We should double check with Albin about that book Yeah, there's a lot of other stuff going on But just you know allow that to our list. You know, we're putting that in our brain nest Yeah, all right. I guess I guess we should eat the nest but just staff. You know, we'll add that to our list. You know, we're putting that in our brain nest. Yeah. All right, I guess we should eat the nest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Nest up. Yeah, let's take a long nest. Ha, ha, ha. Soul makes a very normal straight face after saying that. Ha, ha, ha. Callie gives him a high five. Ha, ha, ha. So, so, so,
Starting point is 00:22:40 Eddie this is so she just slapped him. I don't know, I'm not gonna nod solidly. Ha, ha, ha. Heady this is so she just slapped him Color nods solidly You guys go back to the nest of Magaublen subterranean vehicle even though there are many tents available You could sleep anywhere, but you choose to sleep in the gunner's nest You go in there and you see that Grimm is already asleep. He jostles awake as you walk in He jostles awake as you walk in move over There's not a room in here for four of us. Where's there is he got three suck buddies
Starting point is 00:23:19 Four of us plus a duck by the way. Yeah, I'm gonna go sleep on the rocks outside. Oh come on Don't be like that grab the graham storm. I Feel like we're quite literally on the rocks with Graham. I don't know what we did. He must be going through something else. We got invite him to the spa next time. That's a good idea. That must be what happens. Sweet, so you guys all settle in.
Starting point is 00:23:37 You've got your little pack rolls and things like that. Some blankets so you can go to sleep in the nest again. Let's take all of our sleeping bags and unzip them and then zip them together. On the big sleeping bags. On the big sleeping bags. One big bag. One big bag.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Great. You guys make an omnibag. And as you get in, Calla, you see Foster plops on your chest and puts his little beak under your chin. I feel really bad. I think I like, hmm, where are duck's ears? Cold, cold wool. I mean, I think they got little holes.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Yeah, they just got little holes. If you look under those feathers. Okay, I think Callie doesn't know that, so she just speaks directly into his mouth, assuming it'll reach his grave. She strokes him a little bit because usually sleeps in like his little bed but now we're having like chest to chest contact and I'm like feeling this and I think I just sort of like, faster, I'm sorry. You see, looks at you quizzically. I've been really guarded, I know,
Starting point is 00:24:54 and you've shown me nothing but kindness, and I think just understand that, like, I'm capable of really big love and that gets complicated when other people can't meet you at that intensity. So I think I'm a bit protective of myself and can be somewhat stingy with my love and I'm sorry for doing that to you. And I'm gonna try to be a bit better about that. And then I hug him and I give him a little kiss. As you give foster a little kiss, as you sort of accept him and acknowledge him,
Starting point is 00:25:42 he meets your gaze. And you see his eyes begin to turn red again. Go ahead and give me a wisdom saving throw or you can just let this happen. It's up to you. I literally am just like I'm trying to be brave in the face of intimacy. So I think I just remember when I was young and I loved for the sake of love and I just love him and I let it happen. You look into Foster's eyes and I'll say at this point because otherwise it would be completely insane for Saul and Calder to be witnessing this because you guys are all sleeping the same thing. I'll say that you guys fall asleep, Callie and Foster have this little moment.
Starting point is 00:26:30 As you're looking into Foster's eyes, the red of his eyes takes over and you see nothing but red. Then it turns to black. The Black. Quick images pulled from your memory start to pop up. Rewinding two specific times as if somebody is walking you back. You handing over the mysterious egg to Glenn. Before that, you on the road looking at it watching it expand and compress, seeing something rye inside. Before that, you see yourself running away
Starting point is 00:27:06 from a dwarven beast master with a bunch of chained up dragons and you've just attacked him. Before that, you shook his hand and introduced yourself. You remember him saying, no, I'm not, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I work for him back in iron deep. You got the goods? Before that, you convince your sister that you're capable of doing the job and she reluctantly agrees. These people are paying a lot of money, Kaliope. Mother used to say you didn't have the stomach for this. Don't prove her right.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Before that, before that. Quick flashbacks through your memories. Until you see yourself as a little girl. You're sitting on a hilltop, watching your sister and your mother in a field below. Even as a young teenager, your sister has taken the confident form of a summer alladron, fiery, impulsive, strong. Your mother is a winter alladron, wise calculating cold. She is supervising your sister as she burns a field of flowers with the embers of her magic. She turns them to ash and
Starting point is 00:28:19 then she goes over and she collects them into little pouches. The sentient, Feywild flowers raise their leaves to try to protect themselves, but are helpless to defend while they're tethered to the ground. This is what your family does. They take magical things from the Feywild and they smuggle them to the material plane to be sold as spell components or other magic items. But not all of the flowers have been burned today. real plane to be sold as spell components or other magic items. But not all of the flowers have been burned today. You heard of their plan this morning and you managed to get out before them and you picked several rows of the sentient flowers and effectively freed them so they could run around.
Starting point is 00:29:01 And one of these flowers is a sunflower sitting with you on the hillside right now. You're probably about eight years old, this little spring alladrin before the rain. Little blue girl, little like cloudy aspects. And you're sitting there with this little sunflower on this hillside watching your sister and your mom kill a bunch of these flowers. Oh, I'm really sorry. Oh, well, you saved me. Thanks. Yeah, I just, I mean, I think we have different ideas of what a field can reap, or what you
Starting point is 00:29:39 can reap from a field. Yeah. But I think you're a much better use of the field than whatever is there doing. You see the little sunflower shakes their head, just looks down at them and goes, they keep taking and taking and taking and eventually the wild is going to take it all back. What does that mean? I don't know. Oh, you said that like you know.
Starting point is 00:30:10 What does that mean? Who's the wild? Who's sadder you gonna be on? I look at my sister and my mom doing all their work, never inviting me to be part of it. And then I look at the flower and I'm a fucking little shit face eight-year-old, so I'm like, probably decided the wild. Long before the anxiety of adolescence hit you, and the expectations of the world made you feel different
Starting point is 00:30:44 in this moment, Cali, you feel very confident. And you look at this little flower. Their little eyes turn from black to red. You are staring back at Foster. And you have been asleep for hours. You wake up, call the ribs and icy fart. Ha ha ha ha ha. Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I slept like a rock. How about you guys? Saul knocks over everybody's glass of water. As Saul wakes up knocking over water, what's going on? Ali, you lock eyes with his duck. You guys suddenly hear war horns going on. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:31:21 It's time. It's time. OK. Look alive. Boss, that we are not done here. But. Vosette, what? Are you a sunflower?
Starting point is 00:31:28 Are you a polymorph sunflower? What's going on, Kelly? Nothing. Let's go fight for the cause. Right, right the cause. It's time. Yeah, you guys get up. You guys run out of the gunners nest.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I trip over all our iPhone cords. Ah, ah. When do we put those there? The iPhones are already ruined by all the water that's all spilled. Those are the only ones in Bahumia. They'll never come back. They're gone.
Starting point is 00:31:52 It's okay. Someone clean this room. Someone clean this room. Oh no, Foster latex. Everybody watch out. You guys see all throughout the camp, there is a whirlwind of activity. You see, Graham is in his full armor
Starting point is 00:32:05 and is in his directing people, pointing his sword in different directions. Soldiers, to the ship, guards, at your stations, scouts, follow your squad leader to lower entry. Which one of those are we? Good, soldiers, go to the ship. All right, all right, all right, all right.
Starting point is 00:32:22 To the ship. Go to the ship. To the ship. Now, far away, you're not guards, Oh my, hi. You're the ship. Tell that ship. Tell the ship. Now, far away, you're not carved. You're not carved. Look, I do a finger gun. Get those finger guns at me. He's being a little aggressive, right?
Starting point is 00:32:35 Look, Rem looks so stressed. I thought we brought the drama here, but I think the drama lived here. And we showed up and took it on. You guys follow a line of charging soldiers. They're armored, clanking as their boots hit the ground. You enter a tunnel that feeds into an underground cavern. There's a river network here in a large body of water
Starting point is 00:32:52 inside of another huge cave. This presumably connects to an entrance near the docks that you flew the stolen airship into because you see the airship that you stole parked right here. There she is. Just our girl. You guys see on board there's a bunch of crew, like people dressed up as mothership crew members wearing, we'll say rain slickers.
Starting point is 00:33:15 They're wearing the blue rain slickers. Well, getting ready. Is it raining? It is not raining, so it's a little soft. Just in case. Just in case. You do see dark is dressed up like a ship's captain shoots you guys some solemn finger guns.
Starting point is 00:33:29 I give my quick one. I matrix style dodge them, but then I say, now just kidding, and I finger gun it back. I smile, but every time he points it at me, I flinch. Very good, but seriously get below deck, because we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, big bang. You guys get below deck because we're going we're going we're going we're going we're going We're going big bang you guys get below deck and you see that soldiers are
Starting point is 00:33:49 Preparing down here some of them are stuffing themselves into like cargo holds to kind of the idea is almost to like Trojan horse the Mother ship like they're gonna go off and they're gonna come and dear the lab ships while you guys go into the mother ship itself Trojan duck they're going to come and dear the lab ships while you guys go into the mothership itself. Trojan Duck. Oh, that's right. It throws up one of the potions. Put it back in. There are also mages and workers moving equipment around. Looks to be a lot of stuff that was in the safe house.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Like they're moving in here to have kind of a mobile lab that a maugablan can work from. Nice. It's this Arcane Magitech equipment used for hacking purposes. Alvin is helping Maugablan set up a device that looks like a projection pool. They've got a map of the mothership projected over it. You see they're pointing and they're talking to each other. And then Mag Oblin looks up, clocks you guys. My friends, Beatrix has made her move the time to strike his head.
Starting point is 00:34:43 It's not okay. We go, let's do this ready You see she pulls out a communicator and goes dark set sail. Let's move tell him I did a finger gun Call their one that we to tell you that they did a finger gun bang bang She nods people she looks back at you dark says he does a finger gun back. You guys want to do anything else? Anyone else want to do that? Yeah, if you can tell him I said pu-pew. Saul said pu-pew. Yeah, that was Saul that said pu-pew. Call their said bang bang. Okay. He says, Pachu Pachu. Oh, Kelly, did you say anything? Or? Um, I guess I hold up a really limp hang loose sign. Kelly just says the kind of hang loose.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Yeah. Shaka. Oh, he really liked that. He said, it is good to see you. He said it was new. I want to introduce a new variable into this. The finger gun arsenal grows. You guys feel the ship begin to move as it's starting to travel along this river network
Starting point is 00:35:42 through the caves to get back out in the docks into the sea before taking off into the air. And Mag Oblem begins briefing you guys again on sort of the plan here and what's going on with Beatrix. And you know what, rather than doing it in character, I'm just gonna do a little recap because this would all be fresh in the character's minds, but it's been a long time for the player and the audience. Oh, I love that. We're like at a soldier's briefing.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Exactly, right? So you guys have already... I stand at attention. I still have a way too early. Chess puffed out with my little punchy tummy at attention. I'm so adorable. So, Beatrix Netheran, you know is a dragon elf who at some point defected and joined the
Starting point is 00:36:26 Mother Ship Army. She was a legendary soldier and part of the first team of S-Class Knights, a prototype sleeper agent program. Their first mind-controlled mission was to wipe out whistleblower scientists during a quote-unquote field exercise, but Beatrix was somehow able to resist it and managed to fight off her teammates before escaping, everyone else was killed. You found out later via the logs of the scientist Bidra Weevil that Bidra was attempting to leak secrets of the S-Class program to the press.
Starting point is 00:37:00 This is why mothership had to silence the scientists. After the slaughter of the soldiers and the whistleblowers, mothership then spun the story to their advantage, blaming it on the dragon elves and attempting to drum up support for a war with the denizens of the living wood. Yes. Now on a quest for revenge, Beatrix approached Ma Goblin about getting her a jammer to break into mothership labs. She used this jammer to raid the lab ship that you were all in, stopping your transformation into sleeper agents in the process. Salt loudly says, oh yeah! This is all in your brain, by the way. My goblet's not recounting this deal.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Beatrix followed a paper trail from Beedger Weevil's office in the lab ship to Beidre's apartment and has been collecting information about the mother ship's secret programs so that she can board the area and eventually destroy them. Biotrix has refused to take on any new allies, but Mob Goblin has seized the opportunity granted by her quest for revenge. Mob Goblin has armed you with a specialized jammer outfitted with a virus that can target Alexandra's core, causing her to forget the super soldier recipe and infect her system. This will do far more damage to mothership than just killing people at work burning down labs.
Starting point is 00:38:16 And while you all are doing that, the rest of the soldiers will be boarding individual lab ships and destroying those. And that's the end of the recap. But Ma Goblin kind of goes on to explain the layout of the mothership. This thing is huge. It takes up the whole sky. It literally casts a shadow over Esri. It is a mile long.
Starting point is 00:38:39 It is 100 stories high. This is the size of a neighborhood. Ma and her team are proficient hackers who have access to a lot of mothership's data, but not all of it. She goes and she points to this projection pool that she has kind of giving you a briefing like a lay of the land.
Starting point is 00:38:56 She shows you mothership as best she knows it, but there are a lot of restricted areas that she does not have access to, that it is not officially in the system. The location of any secret research facility and Alexandriaite's core are amongst the restricted areas. So Ma theorizes that Beatrix likely knows where they are and that the only way to find them
Starting point is 00:39:18 is to find Beatrix aboard the ship. All right, all right. You see she has- Can you repeat all that? I was stay dreaming. The whole thing. It's a joke! Oh, I give her a wet willy. What?
Starting point is 00:39:31 Very funny. You run a tight ship, but the floors are wet. You see she takes off. She's got like two hoop earrings in, with like a short chain and a crystal hanging on the end of each one, and she goes goes she pulls off one and she goes We can speak to each other through these ear pieces if you get into trouble and you need me to override something You let me know plus I'll also be in constant contact with you anyway to help you try to track down Beatrix great
Starting point is 00:39:57 Gally will you pierce my ear? Gladly I take my umbrella and I piece it with the um I take my umbrella and I piece it with the um oh Albin looks I thought he was gonna be an eargate I was ready You think that like your frosty composition would help but no that thing is Really bleeding as an inch in the amateur that's a big I maybe get to choose the ear. I think the earring might fall through. I think you want the earring.
Starting point is 00:40:27 How you have like seven earrings. I have the pen. We could have used the pen. You would have related these. These are actually clip ons. I wish I could have done that before him. Can I lay on hand so that no disease can come to you? I was not affected.
Starting point is 00:40:47 It's just, yeah, he doesn't even have to work up the gauges. He's just got gauges now. Wow. I turned to Albin, and I say, so are you going to be assisting Mark Oblin, or are you coming with us? You see, he looks at Ma and looks back to you and goes, I think Ma needs me here. I'm one of the only tech majors who has worked at MotherShip recently
Starting point is 00:41:06 and I might be able to help her get around some of the security measures. I did notice that you put on your hacking gloves. Right, yes. With only, I like those things. That's a lot of way I want to ride a BMX. Yeah, just little finger condoms
Starting point is 00:41:18 at the edge of my finger too. Yeah. Just so I don't get calluses. It's all whispers to Calline Calder. Yeah, I needed those. No big deal. Really nice stitch work. Thank you. You see, Alvin goes, in fact, speaking of getting around security, and you see he starts really laboriously lugging a trunk. I don't help. Oh, I owe you. I got that. You're good at it. And even. That's a good start. He opens up this big trunk, and you guys see inside
Starting point is 00:41:51 our three sets of blue plate mail. You know, they don't shine as bright as they used to. Now. That is a good point. I mean, still put it on. Yes. Undeniably good crackle on that plate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Albin goes, this is B-class armor, so it's high enough rank that you'll have access to a lot of the ship, but not high enough that you'll be expected to be in a leadership role. Hopefully, there should be a nice middle ground. All right. Yeah, also Saul, we did make a version for you that is kind of hollowed out.
Starting point is 00:42:21 It allows you free movement. It will be as if you have unarmored defense. Oh, that's amazing. That's not full light milk. Let me test it out. It's all just 12 back flips. Whoa, don't wear yourself out. That's a light cry.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Oh, yeah, it's really breathable. Sweet. Yeah, you guys don the armor, and Albin continues and goes, Ma has also helped me create an enchantment for your monostones to create a fake identity. I can reenchant your stones and sort of put you back on the grid, but as a different person.
Starting point is 00:42:52 I've got all the info, but are there any specific names that you want me to put or can't be your current name? Oh, oh, okay, yeah. I'm really good at coming up with fake names. I'm really good at not being myself. Yes, just again Let's think of something regular. Yeah, regular cuff Just raggy. Yes, you be reggy reggy. Maggie's not bad. That's okay
Starting point is 00:43:15 Seems just like Reggie. Okay. All right. I'll do better. Oh, Kalipe do you have a name? I think Kalipe looks through her criminal I think Kaliope looks through her criminal stack of fake passports with fake names and fake identities. But she's like, you know what? This is a chance to try on a hat that I once really wanted to wear. And I think she thinks back to TGI Sky Days when she saw Freddie proposing to Addy and she thought of like how nice it must be to not have to find your own purpose because you can just make someone else your purpose. Oh no. And she puts back to Glenn. No. Skydays. I... Okay, so... I need it in like, this is the same time. I mean, it's got a real ring to it.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Sure. Glenifer. Skydays. Glenifer. Skydays. And you spell that. But it's like, in a strong, healthy, I don't need this anymore. Okay, so it's a combination.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Oh, okay. It's like when you took the potion of fire breathing to see like isn't like it Racism isn't Jennifer your therapist name yes, so you've I've combined I have an arctic impulse towards both of them. We're not gonna dig any deeper to that. No, I did drink the fire breathing potion I'm gonna stay out of your way. I'm very good, Glennifer, Saul. Saul also thinks back to the GGI Skytomai. Is it?
Starting point is 00:44:55 We don't have to. Saul's in full panic mode. And like he hears other word Skytays thinks back and just like very confidently with a shaky grin goes, potato skinnederson. Yes. Very good. Final answer.
Starting point is 00:45:12 That is on the menu. Okay. Your name is potato. Tater to my friend. Tater to your friends. I'm only Glenifer. Only Glenifer. If you collapse it, then you miss out half of myself.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Calder, please. Bring us home. Calder thinks deeply about TGI Skiders. Please. Calder, I beg of you. You're all going to die. You're all going to die. When I spoke with the waiter about not being served,
Starting point is 00:45:44 Calder's name was dog Well, that's a name. Yes, that's a normal name. Okay, Doug Doug Doug divergent Doug Okay, like he's a virgin. That's right. Great. Okay. That's that's a little character work in there too I like that. I just I project that on to Doug I'm the eras to the Sky Days fortune and I'm married to Glen. Yeah. And so you took his name by adding it to your first name. As is the custom. Okay. And it's not really important for the mission but Tater does fuck a lot. Okay. And it's it's fun because
Starting point is 00:46:21 like Doug's a virgin but Tater fucks lot, but we're still really good friends. We are. Yeah. Doug's a wingman. Yeah. Oh, as guy days, that has a different connotation. Oh. As you guys are talking, you guys hear the whirling
Starting point is 00:46:35 of propellers outside. And the ship begins to shake as you guys take off. You even see a few people fall over as they're carrying things and stuff. And you guys have to take like a wide stance and Albin looks at you guys and goes, okay, all right, but in all seriousness, I need to get back to work You guys need to go up to the deck. You should consult with dark because he'll be the one bringing you up to the ship
Starting point is 00:46:59 I'll load a fresh bullet in my gun. My finger gun. Right. I'm gonna do the universal side for love I give a middle finger. Okay, but please be careful. Come back safely. Um, Saul goes up to Albin and holds out his hand for a classic bro hug. He'll always be my boy wizard. And you'll always be my friend, Sallbuvo. Sall hugs Alvin really hard, claps him on the back, and says, you're out of the shit, now time to shine. Albin nods, and he looks at you, Kelly, and you called her and goes,
Starting point is 00:47:41 I would consider it a great favor to me if you were to get back safely. It might even repay a haste spell. Call their smiles. Maybe a future one for me. I wink, blissively. Oh, Glenifer. Classical.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Guys, I'm playing a character right now and she's honed up very to flip a light beam. Albin laughs and goes off and joins Smarp. Great. I guess that's get on the ship, right? Sweet. Yeah, you guys go up to the deck. As we're going up, can I just be like, you know, we're like kind of like soldiers going
Starting point is 00:48:22 into our biggest battle really in a way. So it's like I think maybe there's like a quietness, but also can I detect good in evil just on I might have done this already But can I detect good in evil on foster? Oh, I mean, I don't know what just happened Yeah, we are going into a dangerous situation. Oh my goodness I think I just like, I'm like a paratrooper holding some sort of like helmet that they're gonna put on looking terrified because it's their first jump. And then I just wanna kind of like cast it on them.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Cool. What was that noise? I think actually since this is from my paladin levels, it's from my mother ship tech, so I think I hold him right up to my mana stone and almost like analyze him. Ooh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Remind me to tell you guys about my crazy dream I had. I was like, I was in my house, but it wasn't my house. We actually really do need to talk about my dream, but it's just not the time. Yeah, no, we'll talk about everyone's dreams. It was just like my uncle was there, but he was like, you didn't know it was crazy. I'm reading right here a short description of divine sense that says,
Starting point is 00:49:33 the presence of strong evil registers on your senses like a noxious odor and powerful good of rings like heavenly music in your ears. I'll say you hear heavy metal music. This is fucking right. I give foster a kiss on the beak. I have a ramp. You guys get up to the deck. You see the lights of the city below you
Starting point is 00:49:59 and above you for that matter. The massive mother ship yacht is almost a mile long and a hundred stories tall. Even at this time at night, it is lit up through the hundreds of windows. There are dozens of other smaller lab ships, cable cars and passenger ships flying by. The city is abuzz with activity even at this time of night.
Starting point is 00:50:17 And Dargis at the helm here. He kind of waves you guys over. Mah has taken this stolen ship off the grid. It'll show up on their systems as any other cargo ship. We're gonna take you guys up to the area yachts under the pretense that we're returning you to your soldiers' quarters after you've escorted us on an important delivery.
Starting point is 00:50:38 After we offload you, we'll proceed to attack the lab ships while you head to Alexandria's Corps. Great place. Great place. Great place. Great place. Great place. Great place. Great place. Great place. Great to Alexandria's core. Great thing, our tight. I throw up a hang loose sign facing the wrong way, though. Oh, that's really new. I raise the roof. I think that something is like falling on you and I try and help you.
Starting point is 00:50:59 You see, dark does like a finger gun, but does it like a pinky swear? I kind of like the awesome fingers. I definitely wrap the barrel of my finger around it. Dark does like a finger gun, but does it like a pinky swear You guys hear the clanking of heavy armor as Graham puts his finger gun in and hooks you guys Bygons Let's do this right. Let's sink the damn mothership. You got it. We'll save you a spot in the spa The what oh we made a spa last night. Yeah, I You got shit water all over the public baths. Is that what that was? Yes, but we also put mushrooms I try to relate to you three I try I really I try. I really try. I try, I try, I try, I try, I try, I try.
Starting point is 00:51:45 I'm sorry, nice to be reasonable. Graham, Graham, calm down, man. Calm down. Graham walks off. You guys see, as you fly up closer and closer to the area, you're passing other ships on your way. And eventually, dark receives a message on a communication device near the helm and you guys hear a voice go
Starting point is 00:52:07 Gargo ship number 2227. I don't have you marks for any deliveries Dark Clearses throat Can I put my hand on his shoulder and be like? Mm-hmm I used to smuggle from the Feywild and if there's one thing I've learned is they'll believe it if you believe it And then I give them Barty conspiracy. Oh shit. Oh rad. That's a D6. Okay. Yeah he
Starting point is 00:52:34 nods to you, Callie and he picks up the receiver of this little device and goes Just dropping off a few B-classes that took us to Iron Deep. Cable cars are stopped for the night so I thought I'd do a misalid. You see, wink set, you call it. He's gonna go ahead and do a deception. I give him a finger gun but it looks like a thumbs up. His deception is already pretty good. He rolls a 15. He gets another two. He gets a 22. Oh, shout out. You hear the voice come back over the receiver, goes,
Starting point is 00:53:16 all right, we're gonna accommodate you at docking port B7. Dark wipes sweat from his brow and flies towards the mothership. We should take a moment on the prowl. I would love that Yeah, I think for you guys should go feel the wind in our hair. Yeah, I love that you guys I mean you probably imagined this for a long time the wind in your hair amongst all these other airships You guys in the blue armor. Yeah, you know, I kind of always hope that my destiny would bring me here But I'm not sure I fully understood it with that mint until right now Yeah, it's funny, right? Yeah, because this is the only way that the B-class Uniform even feels like it fits, right? Yeah, sometimes you get what you want, but not how you expect yeah
Starting point is 00:54:03 Well Let's uh It's in there and absolutely fucking suck. Hey, let's suck together. I suck, you suck, we all suck. Come on, Skewderson. You're a disperaging now. Creme had just come up from below deck to grab something. Over here is you guys doing that? You're shaking.
Starting point is 00:54:25 So this is even this is even too much. Okay, sorry. Sorry. So as you guys get close to this mega area, it's a mechanized doors open up revealing a hanger for airships. You see a bunch of mothership crew begin guiding the airship as it goes into park, kind of like air traffic controllers, as it settles, dark, hops off of the ship
Starting point is 00:54:57 before it can be boarded and begins talking to the security officer here. There's this large ogre woman in blue plate. She's likely A-class. They usually have, if it's kind of an important thing, they'll have an A-class usually leading some B-classes or something. So you see that there are a couple B-class nights standing by in case anything goes awry by some like double doors near the entrance to the actual airship. You see dark hands, the A-Class Ogre, a few papers. See, she looks over them, looks up at you guys, nods, then gestures for you guys to come
Starting point is 00:55:32 forward and motions for the airship to be on its way. As dark walks back, he kind of brushes your shoulder and under his breath goes, Tanya, bang bang, bang bang, bang bang, I'll keep you. I'll keep you loose. But you, but you. You guys see the airship dark gets on, starts getting ready for takeoff again, just he can't get out out of here fucking fast enough. You start to hear it creaking
Starting point is 00:56:01 as they start to prepare to fly out and you see the A-class woman holds her hand out and starts waving you guys over. B-classes, let me see your monostones. Of course, ma'am. I presented. This is so humdrum. This is nothing I presented. I'm looking at my phone while I presented.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Yeah, normal stuff. I do a lazy salute show. I'm pretty surprised. Okay. Apologies for my lack of daysicalical chums, ma'am. All right. Your chums are a little disrespect for you. I like the fact that you say chums.
Starting point is 00:56:32 I say that as well. It's so too just every day. So, you know, I'm a little... They do good work, ma'am. Please forgive them. Right, okay. You all are talking a lot. So, you see, she's got like a little device here
Starting point is 00:56:46 that's projecting information based on the monestones. You guys are changing your postures, you're wearing full helms, so it's harder to recognize you as the fugitives. I say she looks over at the call their Doug divergent. Yep, like divergent. Right, there's a name. What's your name?
Starting point is 00:57:06 And your name is Potato? Yes ma'am, my friend's called me Tater. Tater, skinterson. And then Glenifer, Sky Days? Yes. It's like the restaurant, Sky Days? Yes, how are you familiar? Of course, yes.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Well, you're welcome. Because I invented it. Not even the air is saying it's wrong. You're what? I invented it. Oh, you invented the restaurant. As soon as she sat foot in there, she revitalized it. She might as well have invented it.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Go ahead and give me a disadvantage, I got it. That is a 17. You see, she doesn't really care, she just nods and she goes like, you've done fine work, it's a great restaurant. I'm sorry, did I say invented? I meant reinvencated. Right, exactly. That was the manager at a very pivotal, reimagining moment. They monitored her with a surname.
Starting point is 00:58:00 You guys can go in. We're so tired. You guys can go in. We're asleep on our feet. Right, yeah. Go ahead. This episode of NADPOT has brought to you by Bird Dogs. They're a company that makes pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age
Starting point is 00:58:13 old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered. Now we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's gonna be difficult. Luckily, Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier. Bird Dogs stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look. And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, Bird Dogs invented a cloud knit fabric that looks just like khaki, but stretches so you get a way slimmer fit without
Starting point is 00:58:44 having to sacrifice movement. fabric that looks just like khaki, but stretches so you get a way slimmer fit without having to sacrifice movement. And trust me, you are going to need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother, make sure you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti-style tumbler, go to slash pop-off or enter promo code pop-off at checkout. That's slash pop-off or promo code pop-off for a free Yeti-style
Starting point is 00:59:14 Tumblr. You won't want to take your birddogs off, we promise you. Okay, that's it for me, go team pants and enjoy the show. You guys enter a hallway that looks like it's like a service hallway, like things go through here and stuff to go out to the docks and everything and you walk in and it's already like a maze. You see a bunch of crew workers and dock workers and everybody walking out to all of the different docking bays and all that.
Starting point is 00:59:43 I wanna just walk as confidently as I can down the hall like I know where I'm going. Yeah. And also check in with Mog Oblin. Good idea. And you're like, where the fuck should I go? Okay. Okay. I see I'm tracking your monestones right now.
Starting point is 00:59:56 I see that you have entered the service area. Yep. If you hang a left up ahead and keep going straight, you can get into the lobby. There's going to be an elevator bay there. Okay, we're going to Lucy up here. You're going to be going to Lucy. Okay. Once you get over to the elevators, there's going to be probably a couple other B classes near the doors. I don't know if you'll need to talk to them or anything, but your man of stones will allow you access to the elevators. Once you're there, you need to go up to the 50th floor.
Starting point is 01:00:26 That is the transportation center. From there, you can catch a tram, and try to catch up with Beatrix. She has gone deeper into the ship. Okay. Elevator up. Tram over. Over and out.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Do you don't have to say all that if you don't want to? Under an in, sorry about that. Go over and out. Right. Over and out. Over and out. So you guys enter the lobby of the mothership. You've all been here before, but it is very quiet at night.
Starting point is 01:00:53 There are a few brumbas, these animated brums going around and cleaning up. Everyone don't name them, okay? Because then we will have to take them on. Yeah, it's true. Don't ask them their names. No pests. Under and then, are we talking about
Starting point is 01:01:07 possibly adopting boom boom? We are not adopting any, but we're talking about not doing it actually. Maybe we're not. Okay, please don't. Under and then, yeah, boy. Okay, over and out, over and out. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:17 You guys see, there are some other like clockwork bots are getting things ready for the next day, like setting tables and whatnot. You guys also know that there are security bots here. They're not on the lobby level, but they are up on the higher floors where they might be restricted and they might not want guards around.
Starting point is 01:01:35 So they have robots essentially. You see that there's a screen that is projecting different areas of the city as well as news stories brought to you by mothership. You see headlines like, War with the Dragon Elves, imminent, and you also see, actually everybody go ahead and give me perception checks. Okay. Shout out to the two crew. I can't see in this home. 13. 13. I'm used to wearing gloves. I don't know, this is peripheral. Absolutely shot to death. My eyes are fully on the side, I can't see anything. Actually, that's the 13 as well.
Starting point is 01:02:09 13 as well. Okay. Yeah, you guys look around. You see that these screens are a little bit of a mess, like a jumble of information. You guys are a little too nervous. You're looking around at all the guards. You see that there is an A-class knight down here that looks to be kind of patrolling, looks kind of bored, it's just,
Starting point is 01:02:28 in the lobby is kind of just like, almost like fiddling around, you see there's like an Alexandra Bay, just summons Alexandra, right? And starts like looking through different maps and stuff like that. You see that there is a little, it almost looks like a little turn style aisle thing,
Starting point is 01:02:44 but there are like little arcane barriers, and then beyond it, there are a bunch of different elevators. And you see that there are two B-class knights standing at the sides of each elevator. So I was going to memorize some of the details from the news, just as small talk in case he meets any other board, A or B class that wanna kinda like talk about how we're missing out on the action.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Okay. Sweet. So you definitely clock like one of the biggest ones is them trying to spin the S class attack as being a dragon elf attack, then being wiped out by dragon elves. So that is like kind of the main news story that has constantly been popping up, is like, mothership putting out these news things of getting people on board
Starting point is 01:03:34 with the idea of invading the living wood. Mmm. Mmm. Alright. Alright. Let's stroll up to those elevators. Sweet. As we're going, can I take a peek at you said that someone was using Alexandria to look at maps?
Starting point is 01:03:48 Yeah. Can I just take a peek if they're looking at a map of the mothership? Can I see somewhere that's a higher floor than this? Like if there's a gym or something? Yeah, so on the 57th floor, there is a security center that is where a bunch of the guards and stuff are bunked. Okay, so we'll just say we're going to the bunks. Yeah, great. Sweet, you guys walk through these little aisles that look like turnstiles, but have essentially magic shields up. Your monastones
Starting point is 01:04:20 glow as you go through. They dispel them, you guys get up to these elevators. You see these two B-classes there, technically as you enter and go up to the higher floors and aren't just in the lobby, guards aren't supposed to wear their helmets, they're supposed to like show themselves to like prove who they are that they didn't like Jack Amanastone from somebody's belly or something like that. So technically you're not supposed to have your helmets on. Most people don't care. I'm gonna say on a five or lower, that is bad.
Starting point is 01:04:52 So first guard, we'll see if he gives a shit. Five or lower, he gives a shit. Okay, throwing in front of the table, folks. There it is. Okay. That's a three. You see as soon as you step forward, the one turns and faces you does it in about face
Starting point is 01:05:06 Just a perfect 90 degree turn and turns to you and goes, home itself. Oh God. Of course. I say We got into a fight with some of those like modified bees, you know that are attacking the lower levels and we got stung up real bad Modified bees? You haven't heard about the modified bees. Give me a deception check with this advantage. No, no. We don't have to do this. We don't have to do this.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Okay, wait, wait, wait. I don't know. Well, first off, you should do it. Just do it. And then I can try and. All right, all right. With this advantage, it's a seven
Starting point is 01:05:51 And a five okay, am I Christmas plus two so that's going to be a seven Soldier what the hell are you talking about? Sorry, we honestly just scuffled with the light keepers have you heard about this? The light keepers they're like an outer rim sort of like our the lightkeepers, they're like an outer rim sort of like our dissident group. We got into a bad scuffle, he's got a concussion. We are just trying to get him back to the bunk so we can get proper medical attention. I'm gonna close my eyes, is that okay? I'm gonna close my eyes. Is it? You're not supposed to sleep with one of those, okay?
Starting point is 01:06:20 Right, but like we just need to get him somewhere so we can tend to him. We can't even get this helmet off his helmet and swelled up his helmet. Yeah, that's the problem. All fencing sort of like a cephaletic situation. Should you be able to feel your brain? Knock it off. Go ahead and give me a deception check, Kelly. Thank you, Kelly.
Starting point is 01:06:39 I also got a seven, but I have seven, so it's 14. 14, okay. He will do an inside check. Okay. 11 or higher, he knows you guys are, are a lot. Okay. Can I, before he rolls this? Okay, I just wanna lay off the land. Are we, how close are the three of us to the elevator?
Starting point is 01:06:59 And is he the only person guarding us? There are, there's two guys there. I'll see how much he cares. Okay. That's an 19. He does not give a shit. So this dude is actively annoyed that this guy is like giving you guys a hard time.
Starting point is 01:07:15 He's just like, Jesus Christ, dude. So he will go ahead and do an inside check 11 or higher. And he senses that something's up. Okay. Okay, you see he grabs a sword everybody go ahead and roll initiative. Okay. That is a 20 for Kelly. I also got a dirty 20. Ah, that's a nasty 21 for Saul. Okay, so we are in an initiative now. It is about fight time. The dude has gone for his sword.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Saul is first to act. He goes, Helms off. All right, all right. Saul takes his Helm off and the moment he does launches forward and headbutts the guy into the elevator. Go ahead and give me a shove attack. That's gonna be contested athletics. Great.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Oh, very bad for him. He only got, he got a natural three, so that's a seven. Can we say that I'm activating my gauntlet so that I can use wisdom instead of my string? What was the, what kind of action is? It's a bonus action to do. That's fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Cool. So that's going to be a 17. 17, you successfully use one attack to shove this dude into the elevator. Ah! What are you doing? And then I'll use my second attack to punch him. Really hard.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Go ahead and punch him. In the larynx. Nice. Does a 10 hit? Probably not. 10 does not hit. He grabs Does it 10 hit? Probably not. Tendus not hit. He grabs your wrist and starts wrestling with you, but you see Saul and this dude are in the elevator.
Starting point is 01:08:51 The other B class that didn't care is like, oh shit, fuck, dude. I was just playing with it. Get him in the elevator. Play it like we're all soldiers. Break it up, guys. Ah, guys, this isn't funny. It's between friends.
Starting point is 01:09:03 He is going to need to make a dexterity save. Oh, shit, because of the activation of my gauntlets. Okay. Uh, that is only a five. Great, so that's going to be two-de-six of force damage. Whoop. Oh, yeah. Eight damage.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Looks quite alright. Uh, struggling to get his sword in this little elevator. Oh, no sword, say. Come on, we're just rough-housing. Take off your helms! What are you hiding under there? Besides you, guy who had butted me? I'm hiding a lot of pinch-up energy
Starting point is 01:09:33 that I need to get out, Callie, the cheer-turn. On my turn, I look to Kolda and Saul, and I'm like, I was trying to eliminate these guys, or I was just trying to fucking get passage. I think so do where we can, but we gotta just keep moving. We gotta get to the 50th floor. Yeah, I say we book it to get passage. I think so do where we can, but we got to just keep moving. We got to get to the 50th floor. Yeah, I say we book it to Beatrix. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:48 I say that as I'm punching this guy in the face. Who's Beatrix? Wait, I know who Beatrix is. No, no, no, we said Beatrix. Okay, then I want to use my movement to sort of like swing into the elevator, kick open. You know how like elevators have like little doors that go to the roof.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Yeah, okay. Blah, shit. So I wanna use my, like half of my movement to kick that open. Okay. And then I want to touch him to then face, step him to the top of the elevator and then close the hatch.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Ha, ha, ha. Oh, what the fuck? Give me. So that we can essentially get him stuck in an elevator shaft and we can take it up. Jesus Christ. So this dude is wrestling with Saul in the elevator. Wait, I know who you are. You're with that little frog that is skitt.
Starting point is 01:10:37 I swing in, kick open the hatch, and then touch him. I zok you later. You go to grab him and magically throw him above the elevator. Oh wait, actually it needs to be a willing creature, so can I use my action to cast command on him and say, teleport? He will do a wisdom saving throw, let's see what he adds to wisdom, what does he have to be? 15.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Okay, he has a plus three to wisdom, so 12 higher he saves if not he fails and if he fails you fucking Trapped him on top of the elevator, which is a bad place to be yeah, yeah Yes, that is an eight so he is struggling With a Saul you jump in you kick the little hatch at the top of the elevator You get up there you grab this dude by hanging down. You magically teleport him to the top. Whoooo-wait! And you close the hatch on him.
Starting point is 01:11:33 I will say, because we've established that Kali was able to just kick open this hatch at the top, that means that hatch is not hard to open. So this dude has not acted yet, but somebody's gonna need to hold this thing and you can test it at the moment. I mean, I have still half of my movement, so can I just hang on to it
Starting point is 01:11:51 with the full weight of my body? Okay, nice. You will be doing athletics checks against him to keep it closed. Calder, that is your turn. You know that there's an A class, deep in the lobby, probably couldn't get to you this turn, but probably we'll sound to the alarm or something.
Starting point is 01:12:07 A situation's not great at the moment. Can I just use my turn to press the button for the 57? You can do that as a minor action, yeah. Great, I'll do that. Okay, you do minor action, you press the 50th floor, I will say that the elevator will go at an initiative one. Do you want to do anything else? And push all the buttons above the one we want to go to so nobody can get on the elevator after that. Yeah. Okay. So I'll spray every button above 50.
Starting point is 01:12:35 It's a minor action. Okay. And hold my action. To like stop anybody from trying to get on. Yeah, to stop someone trying to get on. Okay, so. Or if that guy comes through that. Yeah, right. Okay, so Calder, you are standing there with your sword out. You've just hit the 50th floor and every floor above, so 50th through 100 is all been hit. You hear Alexander, right?
Starting point is 01:12:58 She comes up on this little projection on the elevator screen and she goes like, greetings, Doug, you have a busy day today. Yeah, now tell me about it, um, under an end, we have a problem. I guess this is the local today. That's right, you have a lot of stuff. Only after the 57th floor.
Starting point is 01:13:20 After the 50th floor. Lock and you, deprogram this archasm. That is the B-class's turn so call there you are at the doorway holding your sword out The one dude above is going to try to kick down Hmm you will be kicking down into an ice blade. So Cali you are hanging on I'll say you can do your athletics check with advantage and he'll just do it flat. Jesus Christ, he got a nine. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Okay, cut it out. I'm a top fan elevator and I'm kinda freaking out. Yeah, I got a 20. Okay, so yeah. Oh my God, hold it on. The other B class is going to attempt to run into the elevator. Are you going to attack him or are you going to try to shove him out? I guess I'm going to try to kick him out because we're about to take off. So he has this elevator and that's great.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Go ahead and make a contested athletics check. If you win this, I will say that he does not make it onto the elevator. You are able to shove him out of the threshold. 17. That is a 21. You see that this dude does manage to slip in past you. Hey, hey. Get on that spin.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Oh, come here, uh. Big guy, huh? Who? Who? What? Who? No, you. Me.
Starting point is 01:14:39 What? No, you big guy. We're all big where accounts. Colder spins around. So he gets on, he is going to go ahead and I guess you guys can both take cracks at each. Actually, you know what? Also, you held your action.
Starting point is 01:14:50 He used his action to try to blow past you. He is on the elevator with you guys. Just wrestling with you guys. That is the A-class's turn that was in the lobby. You don't know what that guy's doing, but he does not come for the lobby. You don't know what that guy's doing, but he does not come for the elevator. Okay, this run just turned into a speed run. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:10 So you guys get into this elevator. The elevator closes at an initiative one after the A class is turned. You don't know what he did. It starts going up and this dude is still in here wrestling you. This other dude is still kicking from above. You guys hear the clanking of machinery behind you. This elevator's not super fast. You're
Starting point is 01:15:33 on like the fourth floor right now. Is it playing like a mother ship song? Yeah. There's just the light twinkling of piano. 46 to go. And Alex Andrite announces every floor. Entering the fourth floor. Thank you. All right. Entering. Floor 4.5. And entering the fifth floor. Saul's gauntlet's glisten. Cindy says, 10 floors is all I need. And he's going to try and do a stunning strike on the scarred. Sweet. 26. 26 hits. All right. And then they'll need to make a con save.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Okay. Passes. Gets punched in the face and just recovers. Oh, that's not supposed to happen. Okay, that's gonna be five damage. You put someone above the elevator. He wanted to be there. He's gonna get crushed. He's doing it as a elevator you hear the elevator is very slow with a very slow
Starting point is 01:16:30 There's a turkey dinner up there. He's going to get it sensing someone above the elevator. Not it's nothing Okay, I guess I'll take my second attack That's in that 20 Okay, so that's just gonna be 2d6 though. Okay That's in that 20 Okay, so that's just gonna be 2d6 though. Okay, that is 14 damage Sweet, you know what fucking I'm gonna try another stunning strike Yeah, I can do multiple in a turn, right? Okay, all right. Let's do it. All you got to do is I have the key points to do it all right Conceive That is a fail. Yeah, he is fully stuck
Starting point is 01:17:02 Okay, he punched him this time Yeah, I say oh look look, he's getting down. And when he looks up, I just uppercut the shit out of that. Oh good, he's not gonna die slowly getting crushed. You punch him in the nose. All right, I just like look at Callie and Calder and say like, okay, let's shove this guy up there too. Yeah, I think that's a move, because I don't wanna kill them.
Starting point is 01:17:21 No, I just wanna crush him real bad. They're puns just like us. Oh, what do you mean you don't want a chorus, cuz I'm at time. We can only be there right now Yeah, but we're gonna get off on 15 you got 51 2 3 yeah I'll be up here next and I try to figure something out The other bitters really slow also like you're dropping this kind of rude Okay, I'm gonna try to kick down, okay? Okay, so I'm gonna join stuffing.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Okay, please don't. All right, wait. I post, but I respect how light you're being. Okay, at initiative 20, the elevator suddenly stops. A prop lead. And a red light starts flashing as Alexandrite speaks. Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Where? We should be conveying all this to mock up. Okay. It's under and then what's going on? I'm
Starting point is 01:18:13 getting a sense that the thing is everything is happening. Everything is happening. Do you want me to try to get control of the elevator or something? Oh yes do that. You could override the elevator. I can try to override the elevator. Right, we're on, can you make it go faster? Sure, I could try. Yeah. Okay, Magoblin is going to attempt to override the elevator shutdown.
Starting point is 01:18:35 She'll do like a hacking check. This is something that might take time. So if she fails at the first time, DC will get easier. Great. Okay. She does not manage to fully do it, but you do see that Alexandra starts to like glitch
Starting point is 01:18:49 and you hear malfunction, malfunction, system override attempt, returning to dining floor, security floor, transportation center, lobby, office, annex 14, office annex 17, conference room, conference room, conference room, I can feel it through. It goes up and down up and down up and down So here is how this is going to work now as this elevator starts to glitch It is going to open on random floors as there are
Starting point is 01:19:21 pretty going? And Mark Oblin is going to attempt to get it back under control. Oh, this is so cool. I hate how bad it is for us, but it's so cool. The elevator begins opening up. Technically, Calder and Callie are tied. Do you guys want to hold your turn until you see what's coming? So that's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Is that I was just going to say, the saw got the guy stunned, so I'm just going to hold my turn to kick someone who tries to jump in. Sick, okay. Yeah, you guys kind of have perfectly timed initiatives, great. So I am still hanging onto that door. Okay, great.
Starting point is 01:19:51 You guys are hanging onto the door, Cali is great. Yeah, Cali, they're joining me on this. I'm gonna say on the B-class's turn that's on the roof, he's gonna take random damage, because he's like, he's going up and down, getting thrown. Yeah. And then you go setting up a cliff. because he's like, he's just going up and down getting thrown. Woo! Woo! I'm pretty much setting up a cliff. I'm not.
Starting point is 01:20:09 This is Alexandra's to me. Woo! Where is it? You might not believe it, but this is better than killing you, I think. Okay, so the way this is going to work is you guys are going to roll an encounter check with a D20, a 1 through 10, there are random security bots, slash soldiers that are near the elevators that are gonna jump on.
Starting point is 01:20:29 With an 11 through 20, you got a little lucky and I'm gonna roll a D 100 to see how far away the guards on that floor are. So for instance, if I roll like an 80, even with a dash, they can't get to the elevator. So you'll just see some dude getting close. Or they might have to use a dash action to get out. And they can't attack, that type of thing.
Starting point is 01:20:47 Great. So go ahead and roll an encounter check. That team. 13, okay. You see a security robo, like a clockwork dog starts bounding, but it is pretty far away. Let me go ahead and roll a D100 and see how far away it is. Stay, stay. But it is pretty far away. Let me go ahead and roll a D100 and see how far away it is. Stay stay
Starting point is 01:21:11 That is 63 feet away this thing speed is 50 but it needs to keep moving to get into the elevator So this thing rough rough rough rough No, we're off rough rough rough. Is it gonna take a dash action to any of it? It is going to dash to get in. Y'all know what you're turn. You guys, you guys have your turn. Can I, before it even gets on, maybe like, 60 feet away from us, cast shadow on it?
Starting point is 01:21:38 Oh. A creature made of inorganic materials, such as stone, crystal or metal. It is inorganic, you see this thing is made of all these like clockwork gears and stuff at its joints and it has like an arcane battery below it. You see like glowing purple energy. Rough, rough, rough intruders, rough.
Starting point is 01:21:53 No, it's like lightning. It makes a what, deck save? Constitution save. Constitution save. That is a failure. 22 damage. 22 damage. You shatter this thing.
Starting point is 01:22:06 You see a bunch of bolts come off of back of it, but it keeps charging. OK, I also held my action. OK. Rough, rough, rough. Can I just throw a bone somewhere? A bone? I mean, you could throw this guard.
Starting point is 01:22:22 You see that? You can't throw a guard? The guard that's wrestling with you, did you just say throw a bone? I thought you could throw this guard. You see that because I heard the guard that's wrestling with you. Did you just say throw a bone? I thought you were stung. I'm stunned by what dumb idea that is. All right, I'm gonna kick the robot dog and hope that it,
Starting point is 01:22:35 I wanna like, I wanna do like a show that. I wanna show that. Okay, go ahead and make a contested athletics check to try to stop this thing from getting into the elevator. That is a good point though. As you guys see this dude is stunned, you do think this elevator is opening and closing, opening and closing. You could toss people out. Yeah, that's what I was wondering.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Like instead of throwing a bone, maybe you can throw this stone out. No, this bone hit. Interesting. So he was really ragging on your bone idea, so I feel like he's dead weight. Yeah, just throw him at the guy. Alright, so can I... This guy is stunned. Can I Just throw him at the guy. All right, so can I... I need to cast Shatter, those are my... This guy is stunned.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Can I just toss him at the dog? Yeah, this dude can't do shit. So if you want to just throw him out of the elevator, you absolutely can. Great. I do. Okay, you throw him out of the elevator. You try to get the hound, clip the hound
Starting point is 01:23:19 as the elevator doors start to close. This thing is trying to jump in. Give me a contested athletics check. 23. Okay, this thing has a plus seven, so it could be you. It only got a four though. So that's how it works. Yes, divergent.
Starting point is 01:23:32 You successfully throw this dude hits the clockwork dog as the door closes and the elevator starts going up again. Okay, bye. Now a function, now going to food court food court conference room Conference room 13 block G 6 G6 G7 G8 I should cast shadow on the fucking elevator doors. I regret not to But then they would be permanently open. I don't know Wait till it's closed after call your turn that is the dude that is stuck above
Starting point is 01:24:10 Yeah, we all have our Helms on it. I'm so hanging on yeah, he's gonna. I'm gonna roll We 66 of damage We're being on top. Oh my god. We saved you from a very scary dog by the way. You're welcome You don't know that. I shoved it. Nothing more. You hear this dude banging up there. It's going to try to kick through.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Callie, go ahead and give me another contestant athletics check. 16 that time for him. Only 14 for me. You see this dude does manage to kick through, all covered in blood and battered. I said, Helms off. I have the elevator. Can you go crazy?
Starting point is 01:24:48 Really? I'm dedicated. I'm stupid. I'm dedicated. All right, I'll take your Helm off. Nice. Everyone, everyone's Helm's off. Sweet.
Starting point is 01:24:58 So I'm going to say, so he kicks through that. We'll count that as one shove attack. He won't make another attack. He'll make another attack on Cali. That is a 19 Hitu Cali. He's gonna go ahead and do an arcane smite. This is a crazy situation. Elevator going up and down as Mog Goblin tries to hack it,
Starting point is 01:25:15 explosion as the dude stabs into Cali. 22 damage Cali. Ooh, from one smite to another, that was good. Thanks. And it's more grateful, geez. Add initiative 10, guys go ahead and give me another encounter check. 18.
Starting point is 01:25:33 18, yeah. 18 is two clockwork drones. You know these are not powerful. These are little weenies. They're also one D100 feet away. So the door opens and they are going to try to fly towards you Stop The one is 90 feet away, huh and cannot get to you even with a dash action
Starting point is 01:25:59 The other one is 45 feet away. So does manage to get to you guys With a dash action. So the drone. So does manage to get to you guys with a dash action. So the drone. So it's just us in the drone. Floats in and this one B class. All right. So it's you guys in a drone and this one B class gets into the elevator with you.
Starting point is 01:26:16 At the end of the round, Maagablan is going to make another hacking check. Really sorry about this guys. Once we can get you guys up to the transportation center, hopefully we can just have you guys blend in with everybody else. Even if you just put Alexandre on silent, you are on 495, 94, 91, 95, 94, 93. Alexandre, 91. Doug, Doug, Doug, Doug, Doug, welcome Doug, hello Doug. Call me soldier divergent. Okay, so the DC goes down by five every time. She has a plus eight to this role.
Starting point is 01:26:53 It is down to a DC 25 right now. So she needs to get a 17 or higher to get it on this round. Great. Oh, sorry, still trying to get into it. get it on this round. Great. Come on, mom. Good. Good. Good. Oh, sorry, still trying to get into it. He's got some pretty tight security when the alarms are going off. It's all right, this is our fault.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Saul, that is back up to you. Yeah, I guess I'm just going to take a bunch of swings of this drone. Just try and solve one of our mini problems. Sweet. Yeah, you see this little drone? Bee, bee, intruder, alert. Intruder, alert.
Starting point is 01:27:23 You are. Shooting cute little darts. Oh, you're very cute, but alsobeap intruder, alert. Intruder, alert. You are... Feuding cute little darts. Oh, you're very cute, but also, I just, I can't deal with you right now. Oh, they come out of your mouth. Cute little darts. Come on. Don't make that noise.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Just, it sounds like a baby sneeze. We already have it, Dad. That's, that's, foster. He's trying to take your position. Err. That's,. Will a 15 hit? 15 does not hit the drone. Ooh! You see it floats up.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Hits. Hits. Ha ha ha. Okay, I'll take another attack. Kill. There we go. 26 hits. That's going to be eight damage.
Starting point is 01:27:59 Okay. And then I'll use a key point to do a flurry of blows. That's right. And I'm actually going to use my tongue. Say you're not the only one with a cute little thing in their mouth. What? What?
Starting point is 01:28:09 What? You're out of your mind. What are you talking about? You backed me up on suck, so I have to. Yeah, a tongue is really cute. He has a cute tongue. He has a cute little tongue. Cute tongue.
Starting point is 01:28:22 That's where he puts it. That's right. I'm gonna continue to glitch. Scinders in for theenderson, I say, as I dart my tongue out twice, will a 17 and an 18 head? Yes, both head. Nice, so that's going to be nine plus eight, 17 damage.
Starting point is 01:28:36 Saul, you destroy this little drone. Oh. Oh. With your cute tongue. You monster! The B-class night continues to attack Callie Sweet drone blows up at a style baby add initiative 20
Starting point is 01:28:52 It's up to you guys if you want to hold and wait until the next door opens you do know a door opens at 20 Yeah, okay, uh, layer action go ahead and give me a an encounter roll D20 18 18 that's another two clockwork drones that are a hundred feet away you see more at two at two insurers insurers at you at you why you're opening on to like really common areas that don't have a lot of guards like she keeps taking guys up and down to different care cafeterias they have lower cafeteria, upper cafeteria. Oh, lower cafeteria.
Starting point is 01:29:27 What are you doing? You're gonna have to borrow a cafeteria. What are you? A cafeteria. A cafeteria. A cafeteria face is drawn on them. No, cappuccinos, foreign trutters. Oh, we could get pasta and sushi.
Starting point is 01:29:37 Oh, it's all free. OK. 40 feet away from the one, 73 feet away from the other. So one has to take a full dash to get in. The other one gets in and can make some attacks. So he's gonna shoot at, let's say, Calder because he's like in the doorway here. At two, at two.
Starting point is 01:29:56 Don't sneeze on me. That's a 21 to hit with one of them. The other one is a natural one. Ah, yeah, the 21's gonna hit. Seven damage, Calder. Okay, can I use my held reaction to try to toss this guy out of the elevator? Yes, okay, so that's gonna be a contested athletics check.
Starting point is 01:30:13 To essentially do a shove attack. Hold your kill, okay. They can toss. He's got a 15. I got a 12. Okay, so struggles with you, one of your attacks down. I guess I'll try to throw him out again. Okay, contested athletics
Starting point is 01:30:26 18 he got an eight yes, yes You shove him out He sort of scrambles and is running as the doors are closing But it looks like he could fit through Caldwell. You have a held reaction You can attack him. You can try to keep him out. You can do whatever you want Can I shatter the doors of the elevator like when they close, like time a shatter so that it's just like, narrows them
Starting point is 01:30:51 and no one can get on. Oh, we'll have to get out, we'll have to find another way to get out. You want to know, we can probably open when we get to the right door. Yeah. You are smart. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Okay. I've sort of done it before. I don't know. Okay. I've sort of done it before. I don't know. Okay. I'm failed to do it. Sometimes you got to destroy a dog before you realize what you got to do. Oh, heck.
Starting point is 01:31:12 You're doing kind of a controlled shatter spell because you want to just fuck up the door without it completely broken. Yeah, like wait until right in it gets together and then. So here's what I'm saying. As it starts to get close, you kind of start to, you wave your hands and with magic, you kind of start to, you wave your hands and with magic, try to twist it
Starting point is 01:31:27 to keep this dude from getting in. Yeah. I want you to go ahead and give me, I can say you can either do a spell attack or you can do like an Arcona check. And I will say the DC or them to barrel through and get into the elevator, will be whatever you set it at right now.
Starting point is 01:31:47 Okay, I'm definitely doing a spell attack. Yeah, crimp that door. That is a dirty 20. A dirty 20, okay, it is a DC 20, so you- So I make all this like thunder, like right at the moment that the doors kiss, like an eruption of thunder. Break all their innards
Starting point is 01:32:05 and they can't function anymore. Yeah, you break these elevator doors so that they can no longer open, they have to be forced to open. This dude is going to try to run forward and just punch through and try to pry his way in. He cannot beat your DC. He does not break the DC 20. You see his fist, registers,
Starting point is 01:32:30 has the metal bends slightly, and you see a little bit of debris falls, but the elevator begins going up again. Nice. So you've just got these two drones that are in here with you guys. Helms are on in here. So that is after the B class, that is another layer action at an initiative 10.
Starting point is 01:32:51 Go ahead and give me a roll, but they're gonna need a DC 20 to break in. That's a net one. Oh, a net one. Okay, that's probably fine. That is a clockwork enforcer and a hound. Oh, okay, they could be hungry. Be away.
Starting point is 01:33:07 Well, no, with a net one, they're right there. Of course, so they are on their turn. With their attack, I'm standing in front of the broken doors, being like, nothing can stop us now. Yeah. The security dog is going to give the enforcer a help action. Okay. And I will roll in front of the table Licks the enforcer's face. Yeah, you hear on the other side of the door
Starting point is 01:33:33 I'm going to roll with advantage. I'll do one at a time if one of these is a 15 or higher they bust through Attention, I hate dogs. That's a 10 The 10 is a fail. Okay. Do you see the face of the dog bustling up the back? Well, I'm just like in metal. In metal, I just start chewing and this is, it's a cute doggy.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Now, gross, hate him. I think the intruder is you. We're hanging out in this elevator. And you're trying to get in. Next roll needs to be a 15 or higher. Oh! Oh! Shout out to the two crew. Next roll needs to be a 15 or higher Shout out to the two crew
Starting point is 01:34:12 You see how to fist comes next to the dog Um, but I like to make sure it goes like the metal goes right up to my face because I just cast shatter and at an initiative 10 That is the drones again. Sorry guys. Just come on. I love that Merced Bad Rolls are in this working for and against us. Yeah, because it's my goblin rolls poorly. Uh, they are going to, one will shoot at Saul, one will shoot at Calder. Up to two, up to two. That is, you call that a mouth.
Starting point is 01:34:39 19 hits Saul with the higher one. Oh, that's my AC. Exactly. That's good, I see, good for you. Oh, thank you. Five damage good for you. Thank you five damage All okay as you get shot by this little dart two shots at you called her 20 to hit on the on the one that gets a higher roll seven damage, okay That is Maga blin's turn. Yeah, it was on by five again
Starting point is 01:35:00 12 or higher and she gets it this time Okay, I'm gonna roll in front of the table. 12 or higher, open, bring her her tea. I'm also helping with, we would have rolled with disadvantage if I wasn't helping because there's a security breach. You know how it goes. All right, you're gonna roll in front of the table.
Starting point is 01:35:17 Ah! She gave eight last time. Yeah, you did. It's crazy to, because eight is the club, is so close to Matt 20. So, DC goes down by five again, but she does indeed fail. Okay, it's all right. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:35:33 It's okay, my God. I'm getting dizzy, but really sorry. I'm really trying to get into this. It's that the alarm went off so fast. That was not necessarily expecting this. It's just how it gets sweaty. It's okay. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:35:44 High alert. It's like balance of the sweaty. Kind of on the high alert. It's like balance of the universe, okay? Yeah, back at the fine. We're fine here. Back at the top of the order, that is Sal's turn. So you got two drones in here. The elevator is going nuts. The doors are broken.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Great, yes, all is going to continue to attack with his tongue. And he makes an equally cute noise. Bip. Define cute. you to attack with his tongue and he makes an equally cute noise. BAM! Ah, define cute! Cute! Ha ha ha! Under and then what was that? Did somebody...
Starting point is 01:36:13 No, all the girls at Ad Launchpad thought that was cute. I think nothing was real at Launchpad. I would love to see you fucking pull and tail at Launchpad. Under and then I think maybe sell you're just really hot It might just be looks that's a lot to take in over it in so in case I never get to talk to you again No one actually thought the little thing you did was cute. They just thought you were hot saw To be hot and not cute the worst fate for a little buddy. Okay. I'm jealous.
Starting point is 01:36:48 It's a 19 to hit. I'm a first attack. Yes, for sure. Nine damage. Sweet. Yeah. And then I'll take another turn. I'm gonna get it thrown up.
Starting point is 01:36:59 Start smoking. Great. I'll take another attack. I'll cigarette. What are you having your mouth? You have a slow mouth. Can I help you? Hit having here, mouth? You'll have a small mouth. Can I bone you? Hit that out.
Starting point is 01:37:07 13? 13 hits does not hit. Alright, then I will just do one bonus action hit. That's gonna hit. That's gonna be a 21. 21 hits. Great. Alright, one more tongue swipe.
Starting point is 01:37:21 Just five damage. Okay, this thing is sputtering, but still alive. Help me. Help. I gotta help you. You can just help me. Speeding darts on me. Doug scanning. Doug. Yeah, seriously, we're not feeling it. Well, don't come into the office. I'm saving myself. Don't talk to me. After Saul, that is initiative 20, give me a layer action, guys. I'm going to use the big dice. Don't get another one. You see that you still see the dog imprint reminding you that
Starting point is 01:37:46 these doors can't be broken. Six. Six. Okay, that's not as bad. Okay. You hear banging on the outside with like a sword. You see a sword go through and try to like crack it. Oh, for sword. They are going to, you could try to grab the sword on your turn. They are gonna go ahead and do an athletics trick to try to get in. This is a B-class knight that's trying to get in. So 15 or higher, it'll get in. It has plus five to strength, but doesn't have proficiency in athletics.
Starting point is 01:38:18 Shout out to the two crew, does not have. I see their sword snaps. This is an exclusive elevator. That's it, Fit me. Even if it's a fitted clinic, that's it. Halle and Calder, that's your turn. You know that the elevator will stop again. So you guys can hold your turns or you can attack the drones.
Starting point is 01:38:36 See, one is sputtering and really fucked up. Doug, what do you think? Yeah, I think I trust your shatter on this door. Nobody's been able to get through it yet. I'm gonna take out this drone. So strong crimp. Oh boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:49 Maybe that's only a 13 hit. My first attempt. 13 hit on the first attack who misses the drone. Ah. And then, and I know the net one. Holy shit. What is this thing? A pot of plan.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Ah. You hit it and it dink saw I cower in fear I Comin at the ends of his second fails attempt and tried to Make a tax I'm gonna try and make an attack dog. You gotta loosen up So say never Dirty 2020 hit. Yes, of course.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Okay, so I'm gonna try and do it in a way that Golda thinks he did it. Like, come in right at the end, because technically I was holding my action, because I go before him and initiative, so when he misses that second one, can I just like swoop in and like follow his, uh, his, his, Oh no, it's only nine damage. Nine damage just killed the one drone. So the one drone blows, Solve it already, Solve it up.
Starting point is 01:39:54 Teamwork. You do one damage to the other drone. You're definitely... Wait, there's another drone? Yeah, there's two. Oh, I should have smited in Flourish, but I didn't know. You are the team anchor. I'll say you can smite in flourish if you want.
Starting point is 01:40:08 Okay, yeah, as a case then, I will, I'm fucking. Leaving smite. I'm leading my spell slots for this. Oh yeah. We'll leave it at all in this elevator. Okay, I will do a first level smite and the flourish. Okay, sweet. Okay, so that's an extra 10 damage, and I got a two on my, on my bardic dice. Okay, sweet. Okay, so that's an extra 10 damage,
Starting point is 01:40:25 and I got a two on my, on my bardic dice, so my AC's now 20. Okay, the drone is still up, but sputter. Sorry, I should have done the high level. After, I could even hit it. Okay. After Calian Calder's turns, that is back to initiative 10,
Starting point is 01:40:41 the drone is gonna go shoot at hell. Let's say Saul. Yeah. I should be, I deserve it. Gets a five in a one, misses both times. Two, that's two. Little darts just fart out. Initiative 10, guys, give me another encounter role. They're still trying to get through this fricking
Starting point is 01:40:59 normal door. Okay, two, yeah. 16. 16. Somebody is pretty far away. So I'm gonna roll the D100 if it is More than 30 they literally can't get there this fucking twisting the door absolutely fucks me. Yeah That is 36 so they need to use a dash Which means they do not have time to like barrel and
Starting point is 01:41:22 So they go to dash who feel as soon as they go to hit it, as soon as they like touch it, you guys keep going up. Incredible. Just the crunch of mysterious metal. We got a gnarled all over yours. Leave no door on gnarled. OK, that is back to Mag Oblins turn. OK, you hear in your ear.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Got this, ma. Under and then, really hoping to get it this time She is going to roll it is now down to a DC 15. She has a plus eight Seven or higher she gets it this time. All right, you see the hatch kicked in above you You see these doors twisted sparks everywhere You see these doors twisted, sparks everywhere. Alex Sandry, glitching, dead. Really made this up. Yeah, we have destroyed.
Starting point is 01:42:09 I'll be sad to leave at this point. So seven or higher, she doesn't. What's wrong with front of the table? You got this, Ma? Oh, come on! That is a six. Ma, I don't know if I had to do a giant shrine. I tried. I swear I had to do a giant. Albin trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying.
Starting point is 01:42:25 I'm trying. I swear I'm trying. Albin, are you sure you're helping? I promise I'm really doing my best here. Albin. You can be serious with us. What has Albin doing? Is he taking a lunch break?
Starting point is 01:42:35 He's getting sweaty in the little nervous and it's a little distracting. I'm very, I'm sorry. I'm not there to tell a little mom. I've used to fighting dudes who can't actually hit me that they're like projections and shit Saul this is real. I know it's super real You're just gonna need to dig deep and find the towel. I put your pocket earlier. Saul that is your turn Okay, uh, Saul is sad. He can't be their first buddy We just got two buddies they need him right now that we still hurt drone. Yeah, a very hurt drone
Starting point is 01:43:00 I'm just a little drone Don't hurt me. Saul wants to grab the drone and cover its mouth and then hold an action to try and chuck it at the first thing that he sees. Sweet, go ahead and give me an athletics check. Okay. Tested. This thing got a 10.
Starting point is 01:43:18 An 18. You grab it, you've got it grappled, you're just holding this drone down. Repeatedly, darts or just flying into my hands And it's you have 20 guys gonna give me a roll for a counter-jick 17 Good that's one C class night She just let the mom. There's gotta be one for this like an office party, right?
Starting point is 01:43:45 You hear Gifford's deep in the distance. Oh! Oh! I'm putting it in, I'm putting it! Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm putting it in the deep, I'm putting it in! Sal puts his helmet back on. She is fucking D100 away.
Starting point is 01:44:05 She's 59 feet away. She, you hear her dash and knock into the door. So, give her to some manners to get anywhere. So, is it Usverse Adronin? You hear her fraction burn as you guys can see if I put the drone in. It's really Usverse's Magoplas Terrible Rolls. It's the most versatile pin.
Starting point is 01:44:21 That is, do you guys wanna do anything before the next layer action? At 10 or you guys want to do anything before the next Lair action? Yeah, 10 or you just want to be waiting. So I'll just hold up the drone. What do we do with this? Is it alive still? Yeah, I'm grappling it.
Starting point is 01:44:33 Yeah, I just want to attack it. Okay, great, yeah, go ahead and attack the drone with advantage, right? Because I'm back here. Yeah, grappling it, yeah. Okay, that is a 21 to hit. Yeah, 22 to hit. Super hits.
Starting point is 01:44:46 16 damage, because I rolled an 8. 16 damage, Callie, you destroy this drone. Okay. Wow. I'm like a karate instructor holding it out for you to chop it up. Callie, how did you do that? I had to get into it, Ted. Okay, you need to get out of it.
Starting point is 01:45:02 It's really a mental game. We have to be brief. Get out of it, your head, get into their head. I think I need to be coached. Yeah, sweet ad initiative 10. Is anyone else in this? Not in it right now, you guys are just in this broken busted elevator.
Starting point is 01:45:16 Because I saw that I have two weapon fighting. Could I be taking without adding my bonus? Could I be taking bonus attacks? If you have an extra weapon, yeah. You need an extra weapon. I thought it was like if you have a light weapon, could I be taking bonus attacks? If you have an extra weapon, yeah. You need an extra weapon. I thought it was like if you have a light weapon, you can use a bonus action. I think you need an off-hand weapon.
Starting point is 01:45:30 I see, I see, okay, thank you. You can certainly grab it from somebody as you run through the thing. Oh yeah, I have a look at that. I have a dagger. Do you want a dagger? Yeah, I can have a dagger. Yeah, I have a dagger.
Starting point is 01:45:38 Is it real? A pocket attacker. Sweet, you take a dagger. What's a dagger look like? It looks like an icicle with a little handle. Sick. Like a frozen umbrella. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:48 That's awesome. I'm pocketing it. Yeah, I'll say this is kind of a sick dagger. So we'll count it as a short sword. So it's a D6. Go ahead and guys, give me another encounter check. OK. That's my turn.
Starting point is 01:45:59 OK. Eight. Eight. OK. That is a C-class knight, but a C-class knight that is right there. So once again, the sword goes through the little slit in the elevator as they try to crack through. C-class knight has a plus three to athletics, so it has to get a 17 or higher. I'll roll in front of the table. One up? Yeah. Yeah. He. That's 12.
Starting point is 01:46:25 We'll be seeing another short snack. Let's stop doing this. Let's stop. Oh, we have two swords now. The sword breaks. That is not Tomagovlin. Oh, you got this, Ma. No problem.
Starting point is 01:46:39 No problem. It is down to a 10. 10. I'll be with the mach the much just can't get a one Oh my god, I promise you I am a good hacker. This is aberrant. This is strange Under and then I will get this all right. All right. I'll be make sure she checked all her parentheses Gonna roll in front of the table just can't get a one one. Get a one, no one. It's fine, see you. Yeah! That's a nine.
Starting point is 01:47:07 I know right, that's a nine. A nine! A nine! A nine! A nine! A nine! You did an adequate job! So normal.
Starting point is 01:47:17 That is a 17. You see suddenly the lights go from being red in in here and flashing like security alert, security alert. Go and turn normal, you hear the elevator music comes back on, and Alexander lights up a random number on there. You see it going up to like, four, one hundred. And it starts to go up, you hear Ma Goblin in your ear go, we have set off the alarm. They know that you are in there. We need to get you to another elevator.
Starting point is 01:47:50 The shafts connect and the arms totally sealed off. So you should be able to get to another one. They're the hatch of that. Up the hatch. There's the hatch. You guys climb up on top of the elevator. You see all of these other carts going down this line of this like long mechanical hallway. You see all of these other carts going down this line of this like long mechanical hallway. You see all of these cogs and everything and all of these
Starting point is 01:48:10 pulleys pulling up and down elevators. You assume there's probably like a bunch of soldiers coming up and down and going in all different directions. You see go ahead and give me a luck check. We'll see how far the nearest elevator is before you guys get up to the hundredth floor and risk getting crushed. Just give me a luck check. Call the roll that I see dice. It's a net one. Oh!
Starting point is 01:48:38 You guys. We took our best. Rise up. We took our best. Rise up. There's gotta be one soon. You guys look out through a jungle of cables and see that only one other Cart is visible and it's about 50 feet down and across the shaft from you. Okay. All right, it's okay
Starting point is 01:48:56 Because if we let it go we have featherfall. That's true. All right, so we could jump and can you jump with feather fall? Can you jump in sort of like glide, glide? Yeah. Oh, I was just going to take Foster out and be like, I don't know what's going on with you, but I think you're on my side. And then I'm just gonna be like, grab a leg, boys. And then just take Foster and glide like a kite.
Starting point is 01:49:23 We can sing featherfall. You see Foster spreads his wingspan and like a paraglider prepares himself. Callie, you cast featherfall, Saul, and Calder, you grab on? Yeah, absolutely, yeah. I'll grab onto the bill. And you guys begin floating from one side to the other. I'll say with
Starting point is 01:49:46 featherfall you successfully make it to the other side. You grab onto this wire, you are on top of this other elevator, you see the one that you were just on is all busted and sparking and everything as the machinery around it is all messed up. It continues going up. I think you're gunna it. As you all head down on top of this elevator safe for now. And that's where we'll end our session. What a ride. What a ride. Feels kind of 80s to have a fight in the elevator. I love the elevator.
Starting point is 01:50:24 If it was very much like TMNT This is great. It's good. They're actually changing out Guardians of the Galaxy a Disney World. It's gonna be this now It will be open for one week because someone will die and we apologize for any events Sweet guys. Yeah, we'll talk about this more over on the short rest. Yes, we will. That's slash nad pod. That's any DDP All right, then anybody have anything they'd like to plug? Damn. Yeah, people should just go to nad slash live Yes, we have too many shows. Do you even keep track of any more? Yes, we've got the UK. We've got Ireland We just announced Portland, Los Angeles and Vancouver.
Starting point is 01:51:06 Yes, that's right. Dublin is coming up so soon. Dublin on May 11th, London on May 12th, Manchester on May 13th, and Edinburgh on May 14th. Yeah. That's correct. And then June 16th and 17th were in Portland and Los Angeles. October 21st, ish. We're in Vancouver, that might be wrong, but there's a lot of time. There's a lot. There's a lot. and Los Angeles, October 21st, ish. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:51:25 Or Vancouver, that might be wrong, but there's a lot of time. There's a lot of time. There's a lot of shows coming up. You can be cool. Yeah. Called well, you got something. Oh, yeah, I would love to plug some of the stuff
Starting point is 01:51:33 from our PO box, if that's okay. Yeah. Blast through some of these, a lot of fun stuff in there. Joseph B sent us the first three issues of their comic, JoJo 15, Jerdine to the Planet Pie. Thanks for sharing. Joseph, I always love seeing another artist work out there.
Starting point is 01:51:47 Brinnocat and Cliffs on his pictures of the Mama Dog and puppies they're fostering. Oh, all the dogs are named after us. Oh, yes I saw, this is so cute. What you named it for us or? Us, but also named after some of our characters. Yeah, there's an Onyx. Mm-hmm, I would adopt one.
Starting point is 01:52:04 Yeah, there's a Jake. Yeah, there's a Jake. I would adopt him. I love adopt one. Is there a Jake? There's a Jake. Wow. I love adoptive. You can have a Jake. That would be so weird at the dog park. Yeah, my dog is named after me. I thought it would be even after your friends.
Starting point is 01:52:15 I think it would be weird if I had a dog named Jake. Yeah. And I would name Jake. Not even a Merv. Family Guy Style. This is Jake Herwoods One Word. Shy Knight of campsite tales sent us some gorgeous golden coins for in-game coin flips.
Starting point is 01:52:30 I cannot wait to fail a death save on one of those bad boys. Oh yeah, let's see. Ben K, AKA Lil' Cully, sent us several jars of savoury cranberry sauce, that's cranberry. Oh, it's really good, it's spicy, it has jalapeno in it. Yeah, and that is craned as a pun to crann from the first campaign. Of course.
Starting point is 01:52:46 Thank you, Ben. I was in a bag. I think Ben was also at the Austin show, so shout out. Oh, shout out, Ben. Yeah, thank you for representing and representing our taste buds. Nice. We held a labor. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:53:00 Right? Atari, aka Atari, Ryan Schluchibari, same as a massive care package from Australia, including Tim Tamms, Vegemite, truck nuts for some reason, and a frame picture, a framed picture of Hugh Jackman. That's awesome. You gotta give me that Vegemite.
Starting point is 01:53:16 You have to give me the best. I didn't notice that it didn't make it from your house to ours. The Vegemite is definitely at your house. I left the Vegemite. I did get the Hugh Jackman, right, which Which was framed on my desk and it was just distracting. Yeah. I put him away. Because you hear him saying like, you can do this, man. You can do it. My will be put him away in your bedroom. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We sent our nightstand. We
Starting point is 01:53:38 thought you just make love. The greatest show I'm watching, the greatest show people. Adriana S sent us a bunch of mugs, including a Digimon mug for me. Finally now I can stare at Goboomon every time I drink my coffee. Oh yeah. An incredible gift. I'm sorry that you won't be able to stare at Goboomon, but I took that one for myself. And then one more, Zach R.D. got us a special set of transparent duck dice for when Foster needs to make a roll. Oh, that's so cute.
Starting point is 01:54:06 That's gonna happen. I mean, I guess you had to roll against Foster. This was a big episode for Foster. We learned a lot. A lot of Foster growth. Yeah. Thank you for making Foster two powerful Zach R.D. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:54:20 And that is our PO box, 1920. Hillers to Avenue, number 222, Los Files, California at 90027. That's right. And you is our PO box 1920, Hilver's Davenue number 222, mostfully-scalifornia at 90027. That's right. Weeats! And you can follow us on social media that we may or may not use at CHMRI for me, at ColisexColidol, Annie Axford's Emily and at J.C. Herwood's Jake, and you can tweet about the show using hashtag NADPOD.
Starting point is 01:54:35 That's NADDDPOD. We have reached the end of our episode, which means it's time to shout out our benevolent, beautiful, wonderful, and sometimes bashful. Council of Elders, let's get right to it. Brad D. Jeffrey S. Hussie. Later, Mick Skater. Matt M. Jordan D.J. Cutter W. Jill and Tucker who want to help Jake move out. Oh, that's nice. Dungeon Mama. Danielle the Dasterly Dame. Beardman Dan. Scott D. Danny P. Michael McD. Vincent W. Miss Tare Cole. Victor T. Bounor's boy forever.
Starting point is 01:55:26 Dominic P. Andrew B. Justin I. Regnar, Fairdwin. TJ M. the gnome barbarian. Elena M. Traylee the cray-fay. Jared E. Christopher B.
Starting point is 01:55:40 Damial R. Cyborg version of Josh the Cobald. Filbert the Therapy Duck. Richard X Machina. Michael L. B. Damial R. Cyborg version of Josh the Cobald. Filbert the Therapy Duck. Richard X Machina. Michael L. Calum L. Jack L. Sam L. Nicholas C. Theddeus Thunders Turtle.
Starting point is 01:55:56 Samuel B. Mike H. Martin P. Matthew E. Colton B. Way cooler than Angry Wheat. Adam G. Tyler F. Niii Badger. Panama James. Andrew the Bard. Captain sigil. Diana. C.C. Lulu. Michelle O. Haircule Poirot. Thelabeth Falk Detective.
Starting point is 01:56:18 Timmy R. Croca Hollick. Lucas B. Rayco. It's Kevin! Calder's cold-come! Hashtag can't stop me, no we certainly can't. New York!
Starting point is 01:56:31 Cascade board cast! Mike K. Lady Taco! Nara! Whitt! Handwimsy! Jake L. Nick W.
Starting point is 01:56:40 Brave the Badger! Esmi M. Mutten, the Mad Druid, who has been trying to undo his friend who has been stuck as a polymorph sheep for three weeks. Foster the original boneless duck. Veronica P. Aron, the Asshole Ranger, Rasa G. Big Bad, Budo the Mad. Eric McD, Giant Monsters on the horizon. Berly T. Percival Fredric Stein von Mussel Klesowski Derrollo III, who apparently is from
Starting point is 01:57:11 Critical Role, I just found out. Congratulations! Christian A. Olivia K. J. Dragonborn. Joe Roe Deanna Pro Pro. Liam D. The Sandrian. Bin A. Felt Donnis. John. BNA. Feltonis. John. The Third.
Starting point is 01:57:26 Dave H. Vivian. Qualabair. Catherine S. David K. Christian S. Rebecca G. Dustin S.
Starting point is 01:57:36 Connor F. Hawkeye Pierce. Bookfars assistant, ECF. The Time Walker. Blair, the bug Blair, Blar Blarian Cat C, Kelsey J, Pork Chop Ariel, the occasional mermaid Velacy Raptor
Starting point is 01:57:52 Minnet, the magnificent Magikarp Pat L, a Chuta A, Lauren H Amber W, Joshua D, the Bone Duster The Charming Fluff. Robot Crisps. Master Britley. Telekity Creations, the official NAD pod and my personal favorite illustrator. Mhmm. Ploups.
Starting point is 01:58:13 Carly Ann. Addy Kay. Umbur. WarriP. Hashtag In-Colders Coldcom. Hashtag Rise against the Snowy Spunk. The battle is playing out before my eyes and I am powerless to help either side. Spam gaming the submarine sailor who saw the eagle.
Starting point is 01:58:29 Grant L, Connor S. Christopher J, Pebblepot. See you guys in London and Dublin. First rounds on me. Ryan Irphy should make an appearance. We'll see. Leviathan, Bioquart 7, Remington CD, Amber Dextrous,
Starting point is 01:58:44 Sullivan H, Trooobhobdroper, Sydney Tadum, Jack H. King of the Mole City under Iron Deep. Annamondara's Dragna Parake, Lord of Moon Spawn and Night of House Dark, Garble the Moist, Juicy Kiwi singing Lucy in the Sky with diamonds in D minor. Fun. Champ Wild, Vailin, Sprite Pepsi, Carlin Sea. Louis is your Cintardad. Armadon the only.
Starting point is 01:59:15 Emily S. Harry C. Chloe L. Noah, the bagel of all things. Estelle, Royal Theodger. Conflicted DM. Justin Libby. Torely Skirmisher. Dandy. E&D. Bunny. Hashtag.
Starting point is 01:59:32 Claudius did nothing wrong. Hashtag. Frogpile socks. Ah, come on. Marcos P. Popcalaish. Learns the balance druid. Dakota James P.
Starting point is 01:59:42 Frida M. Pegos. Self-proclaimed. Faye Prince, Tracey P, the Crick-Earth Librarian, Friar Frizz, Andie E, Holly Hyena, Kristen Z, Leia C, Page H, Ryan Irvey, Fully Supports, Calder's Cold Com, Hashtag, CCC, For Life. Again, I am merely a passive observer. There is nothing I can do to influence either side. Let the battle rage on. Kristen with a K. Cal just Cal. Commodore Galaxy. Edison in. Russell H. A monk named Dilgoo. Yes, the whole thing. Yes, every time. Niohs the novice monster hunter. My new friend Simon, who I met last night in Dreamland.
Starting point is 02:00:27 He was a little sad at first. He seemed to think we'd met before. Oh. Morgan M. Apeeling Sticker. Steven E. Mr. Adams. Meg, the male carrier of Bahumia. James F. Jimmy A. Hi, man, hi, man.
Starting point is 02:00:42 Yeah, that's me. Captain Kappy, M4L, the dragon, ambassador. Wayfarer, inventor of the SS Storm Bjorn. Oh, cozy. Andrew B. Dalton B. Coke Fresh. Barpo Good Barrel, Bard Barian and Brewer, Emeritus of Waterdeep. Tari Rhymes with Jabari, Welshlander. Garrett G. AKA One Big Curd. Eric M. Mr. D. John P. Mr. Sillyhead. Monster Captain Renee S.
Starting point is 02:01:14 Cameron C. Hopes Dagger. The only Dagger of Hope. Olivia, the enchanting bard who will totally be making money off of the duct team tails with an on-the-go all the stops show. Wow, that's rude.
Starting point is 02:01:28 Olivia, the Enchanting Bard will totally be making money off of the Duck Team tails with an on-the-go all the stops show. Dang, we should have thought of that. Blue Slade Mikaela R Albin's Alibaster Aftermath Hashtag Worth $200 Wow.
Starting point is 02:01:45 Solombs, sticky sauce, hashtag CCC, double down. Oh boy. Kaliope's cumulo cum blast, hashtag CCC forever. I feel like I should do something, but I'm simply powerless. Riley S. Sirsign93, FICO. Melvin Muntan. Angry Wheat. The Angriest of the Grains. A Rushi Manon.
Starting point is 02:02:09 The Game itself. And... Emile. Woo! And that is all our elders. Thank you all so, so much for listening. If you would like to join the council, you can do so by going to Slash Nad Pod.
Starting point is 02:02:21 Or you can go there simply to listen to the short rest and a lot of other fun content. Either way, we're excited that you're here and we can't wait for next episode. See you then. Bye! That was a Hate-Gum podcast.

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