Not Another D&D Podcast - C3 Ep. 15: Princess Shiverblight (The Dragon Elf Chronicles)

Episode Date: July 15, 2022

Duck Team has a run-in with the denizens of the Living Wood! Callie gets a close shave, Sol busts out the big guns, and Calder is knighted. Support us at to get ...access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Get tickets to our upcoming live shows at Effects Include:"Harp Heaven" by X3nus."A Wizard's Tournament" by Emily Axford."Into the Planar Pool" by Emily Axford."Wooded Wonder" by Emily Axford."Lilith Litrix" by Emily Axford."Henry Hogfish" by Emily Axford. "The Pact" by Emily Axford. "Rats!" by Emily Axford. "Bonkginya, Fia Bonkginya" by Emily Axford. "Secret Basement" by Emily Axford. "Jolene the Green" by Emily Axford. "The Valiant Ol' Cobb" by Emily Axford. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Headgun Podcast. Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item, plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy.
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Starting point is 00:01:44 I'm your dungeon master, Brian Murphy joined by Jake Kerwitz. Almost a meal for a dragon eel. I'll be killed. We're gonna be lunch. We're gonna be lunch. What was that reference to? Animal. Animal.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Right, Ava Buckew. A Blasphemy. Yeah. Great book. But those teens have some serious 90s attitude. And then of course, we've got Emily Axford. Glenn's ex-hotty with the revenge body. Oh, that's very pestrical.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yeah, those slings going. I would quick pump on that, love it. Just need some shoulder definition, and then I'll get him back. Oh, a fast-gular. Let's do some dips. And then of course, we've got called a little Tanner. I said, oh, so bump, bump.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Bunch in on electric eels. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Run away. It just starts to swivel. That was good. That was good. That was good. That was quite good. I want to bring you a suit by Minism Zoom. Yeah. That's how you pronounce it. I've never heard it said that.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Management. Management. Management. Yeah, management. Management. Management. Management. Management.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Management. Manage. Management. Management. Management. Management. weeks now of good ones and you usually do the worst ones. I like to keep everyone on their toes and sometimes fully on their back. Yeah. All right everybody. Let's go ahead and do a little recap. So last time you guys survived a tidal wave caused by the crashing of the mothership Ariat into the sea below. After the waves settled, you investigated the crash site and noticed something disturbing. There was nothing mechanical left behind in any of the wreckage. Saul dove to the sea floor and noticed a track
Starting point is 00:03:34 in the sand heading towards the ocean. Kali confirmed by speaking to a piece of kelp. It's a third level spell. Make it sound cool, huh? Hey, yeah, love Kille. Kali learned by speaking to a piece of Kille, with that Beatrix and Alex Dantraight, we're likely still alive.
Starting point is 00:03:52 You joined Graham and the other survivors and set up camp for the night, much to Graham's chagrin. Um, hey, no. Really? I didn't notice. Oh, no, he has a problem with Dar, great, I forgot. Yeah, that's the problem. I'm gonna we all agree.
Starting point is 00:04:05 You guys slept out under the stars for the first time without the bubble or the area blocking your view. The next morning, you returned to the city where the citizens were reeling from a citywide blackout of their magic technology. You then met with Maagablan and Albin at the old church of Mordyn, where they told you that they'd be working
Starting point is 00:04:23 with the others to get the city up and running again. You asked a few favors of Albin, and he agreed to look into Foster's origins, as well as Sal's. You said you're goodbyes and headed off into the outer city where you sent messages to Krugin and Calder's family from an irritable bird keeper
Starting point is 00:04:41 who was later attacked by his own birds. That was his fault. That was his battle. He shouldn't have mistreated those birds. As him to join us, he said he moved five feet per hour. His speed was five. Between him and the kelp, we had just a series of all-star guests. I think we're, I was kind of taking our own advice
Starting point is 00:05:02 because I remember we had that to Antique Court where there was somebody's mom kept wanting to take NPCs on the journey. I'm just like, this is an old guy. He's just gonna insist on bringing all of his things and he's gonna walk really slowly. And if the party really insists that he comes along, just everyone can die at some point.
Starting point is 00:05:17 That's a good party question. How many birds would it take for you to leave someone behind? Yeah, two. You guys encountered his brother on the road just outside the city and proceeded to purchase a variety of potions. Solid dude. Finally, you headed into the living wood in pursuit of Glenn and the mysterious egg that Foster seemed so concerned about.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Upon entering, you were struck by the beauty of it all, but were quickly educated on the dangers of the living wood when Sal and Calder went to investigate a mysterious tombstone. The stone led to a pit trap, trapping Calder in a well with a huge dragon eel that nearly killed him. You are able to escape just barely
Starting point is 00:05:57 with the help of Cali's land on hands and Saul's stunning strike as you continue to make your way through the forest as this slow eel begins to lose pace with you. And that's where we are now. Just want to say we didn't say called well last time and we really should have. Because colder was in the well. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I'll say you didn't mention the star map that I made. That was a really beautiful one. It was really cute. That was beautiful. That was really cool. I have it in my inventory. It sounds better organically coming from you than me reading it in a cold recap.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I was just making fun of myself. Okay, so you all have just escaped this dragon eel. It continues to slither after you. Go home. I think I like he pace with it, so I'm always 10 feet ahead of this. He keeps biting at you. This is kind of like Buppet's nose every month in a while. Don't toy with it.
Starting point is 00:06:50 It's really dangerous. You start to notice as you're running that it's not getting tired. I run really fast though. You guys run really fast. You leave this thing in the dust and you guys have survived your first encounter with One of the dragons of the living wood I'll say it that so contradicted everything I said about dragons Well, I mean you said there were a lot of dragons here and that has been proven true. So I don't think you need to be too worried
Starting point is 00:07:22 You said I was gonna love them Yeah, that almost killed me with lightning. I guess it's like if you get on the good side. It didn't give me a chance. It was also an eel. Yeah, that one was so heavy on the eel. It was like bed drag. Mostly eel.
Starting point is 00:07:42 It was mostly eel. See in the distance is slithery eel. No more creatures you said. Let's just write that one off as a eel. Nobody's worshiping that thing, I don't think. Call her, are you okay? Do you want to pop a squat? Yeah, do you need a short rest or something?
Starting point is 00:08:01 Yeah, maybe take a little short rest. Yeah, yeah, I would call their falls down and take them down. Yeah, I also take out my bedpipes and play my song of rest. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, are you trying? See, let me just put some added dorets in your ear. And everyone gets an extra beat. A bunch of people tweeted at me what that song was with the most powerful yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Oh yeah, oh my, was it? Oh no. Oh, Rain King. It's Rain King. It is Rain King. Rain King. Oh, that makes so much sense for Kelly. Dad's why.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Rain Queen. Hi. Rain plays the ultimate yeah. At her price. Wow. Does the bird answer in response? Yeah. I think I found my match.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I crow, it's counting. Yeah, you guys can go ahead and roll your hit dice. If you're injured at all, I believe just call there is a re-visual. And I finally get my fucking party of inspiration back from short rest, although I only used one. Yeah, Saul does some like stretches just to get a conspiracy back in short rest. All that I only used one. Yeah, Saul does some stretches just to get a key back. How close do I think that we are?
Starting point is 00:09:12 Several days of hiking. Okay. Okay. No costume change necessarily. Yeah. You are already covered in muck. Yeah. But the revenge bodies looking good. Oh, I definitely do more pushups. Oh, yeah. I'm going to be so fucking ripped. He's going to he's going to be craving a hug from these
Starting point is 00:09:32 guns. Hey, careful. I'm feeling good now. Okay, great. That song really put a pep in my stack. Yeah. All right, let's keep hiking. Sweet. How are you two in? Oh, I'm doing great. I, you know, I'm 50-50 about the woods. You punched that eel in the face. That felt good. That really helped. See, that's part of the wild.
Starting point is 00:09:59 That like, it's unpredictable. Right, yeah. We're gonna have to accept it for what it is. Just do it. That's why they call it wild. Right, yeah. You have to accept it for what it is. Get some of it. That's why they call it wild. What? So it's sort of like it keeps everything interesting for you. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:10:11 Are you in your element? Are we close to the egg? What? Points in the direction of Southwest. Opens his wingspan. OK. You're a little oaming beacon. What?
Starting point is 00:10:24 That's a follow for stuff. Did you know that thing was a trap? shrugs Never seen a duck shrug It's beautiful, isn't it? I look at foster sideways Foster begins plotting along as you guys follow this little duck through the woods as you guys are Walking you guys Finally begin to hear Sounds in the forest that are not purely nature you begin to hear what sounds like probably humanoids like shouting and stuff guys
Starting point is 00:11:01 Go ahead and give me perception checks South out to the two crew. 19, 15. Okay. You guys hear the intermittent sounds of machinery to the west, like pretty far away, but the sounds of like falling trees and the sounds of like buzzing pretty far away and a little further south you hear a gathering of people. Sounds like some kind of camp or something like people shouting. Okay, we have to find out about these machines, right? Because after Alexander, I'm not feeling keen on the
Starting point is 00:11:42 machine. Yeah, yeah, and I don't want to stumble into anything like we did last time. It seems like people are not very welcoming here. So yeah, let's head towards the machines. You guys start walking towards the sound of machines and... Kali, you have a blade to your neck, Calder and Saul. You guys both each have two archers holding up arrows to you. You guys see two drakes, they are these like white scaled like dragon like creatures that pop up that have archers on their backs.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Pop up, lowest stealth check was a 22. They hold up their weapons to you. And this looks just as high tech as anything you'd see from mothership. They've got these magical compound bows. They wear white dragon masks that cover the top half of their faces. They're all caked, in dirt and leaves to camouflage them
Starting point is 00:12:42 in the woods here, but you do see glittering ice underneath, confirming that these are the cold elves who worship the white dragon. The one with his dagger to Cali's throat lets out a frosty breath as he speaks. Going to your friends, are you? My friends are now my foe, so I'm actually going to start trouble with the order of the emerald scale. Go ahead. But thank you for the warm greeting. Go ahead and give me a persuasion check.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Yeah, because it's not deception, I'm telling the truth. No, you are telling the truth, yeah. It's so cold, I'm getting sleepy. 15. 15. You see he gives a muted, impressed look. We don't technically have any problem with the Emerald Order, although they've gotten in real nice with the blues. I'll tell you. And I'm like saying this all as I'm speaking like juggular is like hitting this sharp knife and I'm just like what am I fucking doing what am I fucking doing. I'll tell you that they have a
Starting point is 00:13:56 problem with you. Glen fear certainly talked shit about you. Oh this is messy. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen fear. Glen messy. Clean off all that fear. Gladewind said something about the cold ones. We have twice the number of the Emerald Scale. They're a lesser order. That's precisely what he said about you. But luckily I've had fate change my mind about them and I've come to see everything he said in a new light. So I know that he was full of shit. So if someone's full of shit and they say someone else is full of shit, then probably they're not full of shit. I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:14:36 That happens to us a lot. Listen. You're walking in here like outsiders, but you're talking like you know people in the emerald order. What are you doing in our woods? Well, right now, we were headed towards the sounds of the machinery because to us, that sounded like mothership equipment. We don't want anything to do with them when we're here to shut down anything they're doing. Um, you see he turns and he spits and he goes, well that makes two of us that hate mothership. But they're not mothership. That's the iron rippers from Iron Deep. What are they, what are the iron rippers doing?
Starting point is 00:15:12 They took something from us. Go ahead and give me insight checks. That's a 24. You read his face. He is furious and ashamed. I know how it feels to hold a grudge, and there's condensation coming out of my mouth also. You have the blessing of King Shiva Blight. I don't know, I just got this from home.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Go ahead and give me a persuasion check. I'd also like to give him an icy handshake. Don't move yet. Yeah, try not to shake his hand, because it's on me, Fred. Also, we're threatening you with weapons. Right. I'll still kill you. I don't know who you are.
Starting point is 00:15:53 That's a 19. 19. He looks down at Callie. I smile really confidently, but I'm sweat. Ah, what's that? Looks at Calder. She's like the frosty breath coming off him. Seas Cally and a Lagerin sort of a cousin to the elf.
Starting point is 00:16:10 She knows the lay of the land. Oh, she's so, she's like the fuck is this guy? He's a city frog. He's growing a soul patch. I'm trying to get him a quite ill with the woods. I'm trying to make a positive experience. So all season skunk and goes, what's wrong with that cat?
Starting point is 00:16:26 Ha ha ha ha. Okay, here's what we're going to do. We're going to drop your weapons, and I'm going to take you to Princess Shiverblight, never met a princess before. Listen, we're here because some people have something they're not supposed to have, and it seems like you're in a similar position
Starting point is 00:16:46 So I think we can work together So I'll go ahead and give me a persuasion check with advantage That's gonna be a dirty 20 Very well Keep your weapons You will need them when you help the cold elves cause and pledge yourselves to Princess Shiverblight You have to tell us what the cause is if you want our help yourself to Princess Shiverblight. You have to tell us what the cause is if you want our help.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Do you see so mad? Was that... oh, I thought that a new person was entering. No, it's just me. Sorry, it's just like my back's to you, so I'm like seeing their reactions. Right, still don't move. Okay, yeah. This is ultimately Princess Shiverblight's decision. Okay, I'm like seeing their reactions. Right, still don't move. Okay. Yeah. This is ultimately Princess Shiverblade's decision. Okay. I'm ranking Captain, but the dragons make the rules around here. Do you understand? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Yeah. So first off, turns to all the other archers and stuff. If anyone tells Princess Shiverblade that I told them what's going on, I'm going to kick your ass. You understand? Hell, do it, do it, he's crazy. I see. Every fucking group is messy.
Starting point is 00:17:51 You see, they nod, but keep their arrows pointed at you guys. And this guy goes, We used to be under the command of the king and queen Shiverblade. Now we work for the princess. These dwarven mercenaries have caught us in a bit of a transitional phase. They must have been scouting us. We were lured out of our lair by them, and they were able to secure the high ground with their war machines. They were in the process of looting the Shiverblight Horde as we speak. We've been chased out to a temporary holding, and the princess is not thrilled. Alright.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Okay, well, I willingly submit to the judgment of the princess. You see, he nods to you guys, takes a knife away from Callie's throat, but to tour back instead. I'm like, oh, Fueh! Sorry, still cold blade, necessary procedure. Understand. Yeah. My name's Gal card, by the way. Gal card. Gal card.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Gal card, nice to meet you if I could see you, but you've been behind me the entire time. I'm not complaining. Colder, hi. I'm Kaliope Petricle. Wonderful to meet all of you. Solbupho, let's just get going. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:13 While we go, will you tell me about the princess? The princess is wise and perfect and as powerful as both of her parents, the Queen Shiver Blight and the King Shiverblight. That sounded really rehearsed, but also forced, very revered. Okay. And if you had any notes, even though she's perfect, just be so careful. Okay, right. Just be really well behaved.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Should we get her a gift? Yes. Okay. What does she lie? Gems. Oh. Oh. No. You're kidding me!
Starting point is 00:19:46 We did it! Did you have to answer it for us? We just gave her an iPhone. We just had three cool jams. We just gave her a phone. Does she like potions? We still have our own personal jams. She's okay with potions, I guess.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I think that's a small one. We kind of need those. Yeah, nah, I just wanted to show it off. We could do a bunch of push-ups for her. I don't know that she'd like that necessarily. Okay, I'm just spitballing. She's like the count of rows. The who?
Starting point is 00:20:12 Does she like counting rows? Never mind. You usually have to have an astrologer attachment to them from childhood to really keep like that. Actually, the lyrics of Rain King, I believe say, I belong in the service of the Queen Oh, and I belong anywhere but in between you can perform that for her Gal card takes you at knife point these other archers following these drakes following behind you guys Only one with a knife to me right now Okay, yeah, they're not like touching us.
Starting point is 00:20:45 I feel like the knife is really digging. It feels like, yeah, actually, yeah. When you could you prod me with that arrow just a little lower, I've got like a little bit of a knot. Okay. Oh, that's nice. Just draw a splud. You guys start to get to the cold ones fort.
Starting point is 00:21:03 What you find is very much still in the process of being built. It sounds like they've been displaced from their layer very recently. You see there are torches at the edges of the camp in these trees. You see there are walls made of logs and like spike traps. There are scout nests in the trees with elves looking out of them. You see they've got like binoculars and stuff and they look Confused as you guys approach. You see they've got like bows at the ready. They pull them back draw them You see that some of the elves have white dragon worm worm-linked familiar or drakes skittering around near them? Others look like they have some juridic powers, like they're bending the forest to their will to help build the fort.
Starting point is 00:21:54 You guys are brought to the front gates. Gal-card looks up to the scouts. Captain Gal-card returning from a scout mission with news for the princess. Hi, we're news. I'm Kaliapipetrako. Call her Kilday. Hey, you don't have to introduce yourself. It's a polite. Should I stop bowing?
Starting point is 00:22:13 These guys up top nod and they open up the gates for you guys. And you guys see that there are people fletching, people making arrows, preparing tools of war. Everyone stares you guys down. Everyone, everyone stares you guys down, everyone turns and stares you guys down as you guys enter. I think I can't help but kind of enjoy this novelty, and I think I turn to Calderon Saul, and I'm like, I know this is like a bad situation, but travel is good for the soul. This is a face for the eye.
Starting point is 00:22:43 To be somewhere new. I know. Calderon killed a the eye. To be somewhere new. I know. I called her Killed Day. Hello. My imagination is. That's a noon. You don't have to introduce yourself. I'm sorry. Yeah. Hi. This is my friend Kaliope. Listen. Listen. Sorry. Yeah. If you go too big for everyone, you won't be able to go big enough for the princess. That's not your fault. I'm sorry. It was just the thrill of the novel. Yeah. Okay. Look. I'm sorry, I was just the thrill of the novel. Yeah, okay, look. I'm a romantic.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Everyone shut up. You're prisoners, okay? Okay, they take you guys to the center of camp and you see in the center of everything is this young white dragon. When I say young white dragon, she's still like a very huge creature. Likely hundreds of years old, giant white dragon.
Starting point is 00:23:28 This is probably the first dragon that called her and Saul have seen close up. You see white scales kind of stained with the dirt of being here in the forest, frosty breath coming out of her nostrils. And you see she turns and she looks at all of you guys, and she looks at Gal-Card, and she goes, When my father returns, he's going to freak out. You the outsiders, take our lair, and now you're bringing outsiders to our fort, nice,
Starting point is 00:24:02 move Gal-Card. I am sorry, princess. He bows I bow call their kill they at your service all buffo What do you know? Clipy patchy call don't you want a little more? And I do like kind of a prince I do I do want more I want to be back in my fucking layer. And also, I want you to address me as the fucking princess
Starting point is 00:24:29 because that's kind of what I am. Sorry, the fucking princess. Excuse me, who's that? I think, yeah, okay. Forgive me, very much. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, go ahead. I bow again. Okay. He is a frosty honesty. Is that what fucking you're doing? Still performing my curtsy.
Starting point is 00:24:48 It's all as bit fully in half. Great. Princess Shiverblight, we encountered your esteemed cadre of soldiers and knights because we were going to investigate some machines that we took serious offence with. She kind of looks at you condescendingly and goes like, if the great princess Shiverblade can't handle that,
Starting point is 00:25:10 what can three outsiders do? Well, I think about it this way. Saul turns around and is looking at Princess Shiverblade up through his legs, because he's fully bent over. What? What? I'm going to show you a scratch in the... It was bowing, but I wanted to look around the eyes
Starting point is 00:25:29 while bowing. It's the only way to do it. Weird fucking move. But kind of baller, right? No. Call the... There's something frozen. Call that.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Call the... Hold up. It's just the hilt of his sword and kneels and says, we know that they took something from you. Something was taken from us as well. And we're willing to help you to earn your trust so we can walk safely through these woods. And as he says it, ice forms on the sword. Go ahead and give me a persuasion check with advantage.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I do all this looking at her through my ass. That is a 15. We've got a stop showing the princess a fucking ass craft. You see she looks down at the sword and looks at you and goes, yeah, I have that power. Finally, someone around here acknowledges that just because my dad and my mom are here doesn't mean that I can't run the family business.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Well, that's the thing is you need to stay here and run the business, but we're nobody. You can send us, and if we die, it doesn't matter. But if we succeed, then everything will be as it was. And also, can I just say it's so fucking weird because families are always like, you can't be part of the family business, but also, you're not good enough to run the family business.
Starting point is 00:26:58 It's like, yeah, of course, because you don't give me a chance to fucking run the family business. I know, it's so fucked up. GalCard, where did you fucking find these chill people? We're not cold ones, but we are chill ones. Then you would be my knight. I'd turn to you, Calder.
Starting point is 00:27:15 If you'll have me, if you'll have me, Princess. I look at Calder with pity. I've always wanted to find a cause. Calder, this is so fucking embarrassing. Should you dedicate your sword to the Princess Sheaver Blight. Calder, milk it. Milk it, we need this. I, I... I...
Starting point is 00:27:46 I make my oath to you, princess. I am your God in leader. It's princess. I am your God in leader, just repeat after me. You are my God in leader. I take out a speaking son and I get this off. You call their waves to doubt. No.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yeah, no. Call this mine. Now Alvin's got to see this. Call their turns his head. Very well. Rise. Sure, call her. God, I-I've always wanted an I-Oid.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Not necessarily of the Princess Shiverblade. Sir, call there if the Princess Shiverblade. Yes, okay, tell us what you'll have us do. So I really liked what the little weird guy said. Looks at Saul. Should they take oath too? I think just you is fine, totally. Oh, we're just picture lowly pages. They just, they don't fit the aesthetic.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I'm not willing to just Squire if I call that. Gal, Gal, Gal card nods and goes, indeed my lady, they do not fit the aesthetic. No, yeah. I'll be your lowly banner man. Yeah, so here's the thing, the little weird guy said like that you guys would go off and like try to get our layer back. And then if you guys died, it would be like fine. And that's a cool idea because like if I died, that would be a tragedy. That would be a tragedy for these woods.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And if any of my soldiers died, that would suck. Because then they wouldn't be my soldiers anymore. Do you know what I'm saying? The logic is flawless, yes. However, I can't let outsiders waltz through our woods without knowing that you're going to get the job done. So I'm going to need some collateral. I see. Golders start batting his pockets. I had a shell. I hold out my umbrella with a speak
Starting point is 00:29:41 collateral. That's a cool ass umbrella and I might take that from you later But it needs to be something that you're not gonna run away for I need to make sure you take care of this so how about That other little weird guy you see she looks at a foster no Sorry, no, that's kind of... I'm fucking excuse me? Well, okay, ah, Galkard pulls... Did you say no to the princess?
Starting point is 00:30:10 She asked for something that she can have. She can have everything, though. Call the... you fucking go, friends. You see, I can be up for that. You see, you see, uh, Foster, Foster walks forward. Right. Foster. Are you some brave?
Starting point is 00:30:23 Right. And also, who says I'm brave enough to be without you? Right. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. Waxford. Waxford. Waxford. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. be back before before you can even miss me. What? You see Foster goes over and sits in wait wait don't forget your boots. Oh, oh, and he's also got a bet. I mean, she's green and he's we don't know what he eats yet. We haven't got a bet. I mean, shit's green. And he's, we don't know what he eats yet. We haven't figured that out. Oh, he like scratches under the bill.
Starting point is 00:31:09 He really likes the counting crows. So he can sing that to him. I count crows all the time. And your frigidness, this is gonna look weird, but we do need to retrieve roughly 16 potions from within him. Ah! Oh my god, it's fucking weird, I love you. Alright, please treasure him as we have.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Okay so we'll just walk away and leave Foster with you. And it's no big deal because we'll see you in a little bit. Yeah yeah not even goodbye. Totally fine. Just a piece out for now. He can just sit in my gems. God that he's gonna really like that, isn't he? You see, Posse is just sitting in the gems. Oh my. Don't forget about us. It's a pet alive for him. Just we're gonna be building it up.
Starting point is 00:31:54 We only ever had three gems. I didn't know him, you like gems, I'm sorry. We'll get you gems. Oh my goodness. Posse, Posse, you're locked towards you. And Posse is headed to your leg. Okay, we'll be back for you don't get too comfortable. We're gonna make you a nest of GM's buddy.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Goes over and joins in the Princess Shiver Blight's Horde. Okay, so yeah, these guys are pretty freaking nasty and there's a few dozens of them and they have war machines, so just like, yeah, I don't know, go take them out or die, and I'll keep the duck, and that's also fine. Gal-Card, you fucking killed it today. Yeah. I-
Starting point is 00:32:38 Thank you, my lady, hey, Bows. On our way out, can I ask Gal-Card, you know, just for any like intel, anything we should know about these wars. Gal-Card nods and goes, Yes, they've got a huge war-forged Titan that stands about 30 feet tall. They've got electrical weapons, they're well armoured, and most importantly, they've got mounted weapons in superior position around the lair.
Starting point is 00:33:04 How many of them are there? Well, they were able to, you see, loudly in front of Princess Shiverblight, there must have been hundreds for them to be able to displace our Princess and then Whispers. I think there's like 30. Okay, let's actually keep that lie going, because it's gonna look really good when we come back. That's right.
Starting point is 00:33:25 That's still a lot of guys though. I whisper to him. What does the big iron titan do? What's the scariest thing that happens when you fight them? It's mostly all about stomping shit and coating shit. Okay, okay. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:33:42 All right, sir Calder, are we ready to leave? Does it have a pilot the eye on Titan? It doesn't it's like an automaton. Oh, okay. That's a good question, Cali Yeah, that would have been cool But that's gonna be it's gonna go in the rework bin Okay, well, I think I'm ready to go. Yes. Do you want to say goodbye to the princess? I feel like I've been the knee. What you have been, hey!
Starting point is 00:34:14 My knees. I won't return unless we are successful. She too is that you don't. Why? Unless you're successful, I...well spoken. Elegant as ever. Everybody around her whispers. Indeed, yes. Fair well for now.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Shivering body, so... Okay, yes, so go. I'm hurt by it. I really want to fucking raz you about this, but I'm too sad about Foster. Okay. I feel like stealth is going to become a bit of a order of the day here. I don't think I want to use the Spells Law. Alright, so let's just sneak up as best we can without spells.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Get the lay of the land and make a move. Are you stealthy, Saul? Yeah, it's all steps behind a bush and you can't see him anymore. Sweet, yeah, I'll say you've got your swamp camouflage here. Then yes, yes, finally, finally. You're not on a fucking boat in the air. You can get your swamp camouflage. He hid behind that kelp.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Then why don't you and I go just a bit ahead and just try to hear what's being talked about and see what not. Sweet, as you guys begin to head away from the fort, you begin to head in the direction that you heard machinery before to the west. You travel through thick woods once again, Calle and Saul leading the way, a little bit quieter, then Calder, Calder, it's a little lonely back there, because you don't have foster around. Normally, you guys would kind of like split up, and if anyone was split up, they'd get foster,
Starting point is 00:35:53 but just in the quiet of the woods. Just kind of going over in my head, how I could not be the Princess's champion. What could I have said, or done differently? I'm honored, but I'm promised to another. That's honorable. Like, um, and that.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Finally, you guys begin to enclose on the former shiver-blight layer. These rippers, these dwarves are definitely not being as stealthy as the elves were being. It's a full-on construction site, essentially. But go ahead, let me know how you're approaching, and I'll tell you what kind of perception checks do. The closer you guys get, better the read you get on the situation, but harder the stealth check, obviously. So I want to sort of climb into the trees and travel by a tree. Okay, you guys can both roll stealth checks with advantage.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Great. 23. 22. Okay. And, Calder, are you staying like kind of in the distance and then you'll just meet up with them? Yeah, I don't want to blow any west cover. Cool.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Great. You guys are not clocked and you're able to get pretty close. I'll say you guys climb up the same tree. You guys are up in this tree here, surrounded by green, camouflage, cally, it's almost like somebody who has blue green eyes. Kind of when you're up in this tree and you're all this green,
Starting point is 00:37:16 you almost kind of take on like a green hue, saw as well, you guys are both kind of blending into the leaves here. And go ahead and give me perception checks as you look out at this little ripper camp. I am gonna activate my visage so that I can communicate with Calder. Great.
Starting point is 00:37:36 All right. Thanks, I need a front. 17. Great, 18. You see a mountain face, tall, sheer rock with a large cave mouth sticking out of it. Icicles hanging down from the top. You can see frost dripping from the inside, clearly the effects of the cold elves and the white dragon. There's no way the weather here would
Starting point is 00:37:57 do this naturally. You also see a stone walkway leading up to it. And making their way up and down it, carrying sacks of gems and treasure are these rough looking dwarven mercenaries. It very much looks like they're not trying to like live here. They're trying to essentially set up a perimeter so that they can shoot anybody down that that tries to stop them while they loot this horde of its like gems and precious they loot this horde of its like gems and precious coin. The majority of them look like mechanics, slash like metalsmiths. They've got a combination of like adventurers gear
Starting point is 00:38:33 and tech mage or gear, suspenders holding up dirty pants, connected to thick boots, heavy work shirts that double as armor, suit covered caps and goggles. They carry long electro bolts rifles on their backs. That's the majority of them. Next up, there are a number of heavily armored soldiers, even bulkier than plate mail. It looks like it has a mechanical and tech magic element to it.
Starting point is 00:38:59 They have a number of weapons at their disposal, a blade coming out of one hand, and some type of gun mechanism on the other. Most of their faces their disposal, a blade coming out of one hand, and some type of gun mechanism on the other. Most of their faces are visible, and they sport mohawks and kind of similar hairstyles. They've got like the floppy mohawk. There are a few of these guys with even bigger armored suits, and they are wielding these chain blades, these chainsaw swords, and carrying electra bolt pistols in their off-hands. There are a number of vehicles nearby.
Starting point is 00:39:27 These beat up looking hover bikes. And the biggest vehicle of all is this war forged Titan, this giant rusty steam-powered machine man standing about 30 feet tall. It's got fiery orange eyes. One hand is an ax, the other hand is a fist. You see that the Titan is standing still as the dwarves load treasure into compartments in its giant feet. Wow, this is awesome. You also see above the mouth of the cave.
Starting point is 00:39:56 There are two metal smiths with mounted gatling guns ready to shoot anyone who tries to ambush them. Okay, I have three thoughts. Yeah, one, I've got, I get one of those bikes. Oh, two. We need to turn this big guy against his own people. Three, if we sneak up, take out the people manning the Gatling guns, we can just rain down on them. That's right. Yeah. Maybe we should try to do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Is there a way to, is there like a back way that we could try to? Yeah, there's definitely sneak up on just the guys in the Gatling gun. It's a rock face. It's like a rock wall, but it does jut out where like the cave wall is. So if you could essentially hike around and essentially slide down from behind them, you might need some kind of, you'd be really vulnerable to being seen, unless you were invisible, or unless you had some other way to cloak yourselves
Starting point is 00:40:58 as you went down, right? What if I cast frostbite on myself and cloaked myself in ice and scaled the mountain. Could I make some kind of stealth check doing that? Yeah, I would let you do a regular stealth check if you guys were to try to essentially conceal like cake yourselves in ice, try to make yourselves look like you're part of sort of the natural fauna of this area of the mountain that was enchanted
Starting point is 00:41:25 by the white dragon. Yeah, I'll say that there's like ice around outside of the cliff face. If you have cantrips or spell slots or something to kind of cake you guys with ice, you guys can make stealth checks along the mountain wall. Okay, so we are going to be able to stealth to try to sell this. Then I will cast Pass Without Trace. Great. So I think that, you know, that's gonna be better than anything I would do. I think that enhances it though. So if you guys wanna go ahead and do some kind of like,
Starting point is 00:41:53 what would it be like a ray of frost? Yeah, but it does do damage. Okay. Okay. So we're gonna basically pretend like we're lumps of snow that are falling off the mountain. What kind of damage does it do? This does cold damage.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Okay. I will take it. All right. This is gonna hurt just for a second. You're like, just like piercing your hair. Ready? Here we go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:18 You don't have to roll two d8s. Just do the one, because I'm saying you guys are like bracing. You guys are like ready for this, but you're getting a rush of fucking cold magic spray on you. It's gonna fucking be a little uncomfortable. Come on. This is the under what's gonna happen to me because I'm made of water. That's a one. That's a one. Okay, Callie is covered in frost for one damage. Okay, I'll turn. Oh, man, take a way and if you're nimble in this, can you still water dance?
Starting point is 00:42:44 I try and I'm so stupid. Wow, it's perfect. Petric or popsicle. That's an eight percent. Saul goes to sleep. Saul is just completely frozen. Shit, I'm sorry, man. Time to hibernate. Sweet, yeah. Saul is slightly more affected by it, but overall this is going to be better for you guys, stealth. Yeah, a caulder cakes all of your backs in frost. You guys now, if you guys just like hunch over, you look like you're just like a ball of ice, like a chunk of ice. Do I look like a winter elatron?
Starting point is 00:43:19 Yeah. My mother was a winter elatron. Wow. No wonder the cold suits you. Thank you. Here's another question. As we are getting used to our new frigid forms, you said they were excavating, right?
Starting point is 00:43:34 Or they're kind of like clearing out trees and stuff? Yeah, so I'll say that you probably even learn this at the Launchpad Academy. White dragons tend to keep their hordes in like a wall of ice So it seems and based on kind of like what you're seeing you're seeing these like stopping wet bags being dragged out of there Ah, it sounds like they're like drilling and chain sawing like you hear the buzzing of like these chainsaw swords Yeah, as these guys are digging this stuff out of sculptures in there. Yeah, yeah, I'm just wondering if there are any like explosives around.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Because it'd be cool to like hit the explosives with the Gatlin gun. Bring a ding-ding. These guys, as you look at them. They will float breath in a while. Some of this fuck up this modeling camp. Some of the soldiers, 100% look like they're like Grenadeers, like they've got Grenade shooting capabilities.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Like you see bombs on their on their person, like in their armor. So that's a thing. I'll also say just give me a luck check to see if they would have like dynamite sitting around. They very well might, because it makes sense for them to start blowing up the walls and stuff. I'll say 10 or higher, and you find some out here, otherwise they've brought it inside. I picked up a dice, but absolutely someone else wrote this.
Starting point is 00:44:50 I know. That one. Ah, no! Just, I'm only supposed to see what we would've got. All right, I want to see what we would've gotten. If you trusted yourself, not five. I don't think there you go. So we earned two.
Starting point is 00:45:02 So it was not meant to be. Okay, so it does look like some of these guys have it on their person. Okay. It does not seem like they are using dynamite in this. This isn't like a proper excavation. And also they don't want to blow up the treasure or any like precious stuff. And also these guys look like fucking shitheads.
Starting point is 00:45:23 They don't look, this does not look like the Iron Deep Army or something like that. There are dudes like vaping. Okay, I have- Alright then, we gotta get the shit back to Iron Deep, bro! Okay, I need, I need to end this fight on a fucking bike with a fucking faith. Taking huge tugs. We can do that. Alright, here's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I don't know if all three of us need to go to the Gatling guns, right? There's two guns. I was going to say you two go up for the guns. And I think I'll try to use like a surprise round. I'll try to climb into this guy's head, cash shatter, and then get out of there. And then meet you guys. We'll provide cover fire, so wait for us to get to the guns. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:05 All right, all right, wow. Foster might not be here, but we're really acting like duck team. Ha ha ha. Now, you guys all have plus 10 to stealth. You still have past without trace up. Everyone go ahead and give me new stealth checks as you move into position.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Kali moving, I'll say, up through the trees to kind of be able to jump out and stab into this Warforge day. Yeah, I'm gonna hold my turn until after them though to see in case one of them like this is a gunner. Cool. So Cali, let's settle you first. 29 29 great Cali silently moves through these trees Cali, you get in a position. You see this War of Forge Titan is just looking forward as you stare at its giant metal head at eye level as you're in this bush. And I'm frigid. I look down at my hands and they look like my mothers. Oh.
Starting point is 00:46:54 And then Calder and Saul. I'll say Calder, you don't have to roll with disadvantage because there is so much noise and that is normally what would slow down the plate. You guys are caked in ice. You guys climb along the rock wall, trying to get onto this ledge, where the two gunners are, go ahead and give me
Starting point is 00:47:16 stealth checks. Not with advantage though. Not with advantage though. Let's fly. You can do it with advantage, Saul. Because we're considering the swamp to be the forest. So you can... It's a frosty swamp. It's a frosty swamp.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Saul looks at his hands and they're blue for the first time and he goes, ah, finally. So this is what it's like. You wear it well. That is a 21. Great. With the plus 10, that's a 26. Sick, all right.
Starting point is 00:47:44 You want the one on the left or the one on the right? Which one's which? Well, left is, if you hold your hand up. Oh, call the holds up to, else. Make it L. How were you doing that? I don't, which way? Oh, saw Twizz's wrist.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Yeah. I'll go to left. It's all Wade's for Calder to make a decision and it does the opposite. So you guys go very slowly and Cali, you watch this as I watch it. I'm at the... Calder and Saul. I'll say go, probably take like half an hour or an hour, go like the really long way around. Then climb down from the top. Climb down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Stay still for a while. Climb down a little bit, stay still for a while, climb down a little bit, stay still for a while, camouflage in frost making there is like vegetation up here and everything. There are like trees and branches and stuff hanging off the side of the cliff here, little like areas to hide. You guys are completely silent, but as you guys go ahead and give me perception checks. Oh. Oh my God, it's one two two. I got 22 too. Oh.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Set out to the two two two two two. True. As you go down, called her, a patch of mushrooms Suddenly appears on the wall near you and then Explodes before you can even react there is You and Saul both breathe in the spores. There's this like really quick magical reaction and you hear a voice in your head go Who are you? You aren't with them or you wouldn't be sneaking up on them
Starting point is 00:49:33 This is true. That's right. We are certainly not with them. And you guys are fully able to communicate in your minds right now. Oh, Calder, can you hear me? Can I hear you all too? You can? Okay. Wow. Yeah. It's a cool echo in your voice. Weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Anyway, no, yeah. We're about to absolutely try and trash this operation. If that's okay with you, um, strange mushroom. I'm not a mushroom. Oh, okay. Who are you? My name is Elzor. Elzor?
Starting point is 00:50:04 Elzor. Elzor? Elzor. Okay. There's something funny about that. No, there's not. It's just, what's your name? My name is Solomon Buffo. Is that not a funny name? It's equally funny, I would say.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Okay. What is happening right now? I am one of the deep elves. Well, the deep elves. How many of you are there? Can I ask why you're asking? I don't want to be withholding. I just want to protect those that are close to me.
Starting point is 00:50:33 I understand. I am here on a scouting mission. I am no friend to the Gold Elves, but these mercenaries are getting close to our caves and as much as I dislike princess shiver-plate. She's a bit much. She's a bit much. It doesn't. It does hurt to see mercenaries taking from a dragon's lair. Yes, I understand. You have conflict between the elves, but this horde being raided yours could be next. I know that's why I'm here, and that's why I'm asking how many people you have. Perhaps I can help you take them out. We're only three.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Three. Take some moment. Kali, after about a minute, you suddenly see mushrooms grow up on the side of your tree. And as you breathe in these spores, and suddenly you are in this network with Calder Saul and this person Elzor. Hey Carly, this is Elzor. Hello.
Starting point is 00:51:53 What's going on? These are my reports, Polars. Oh. I really like the umami flavor I got when I sniffed it. What's going on? I missed everything. I have no context for. What's going on? I missed everything. I have no context for anything that's going on. Elzor explains everything again. I am camouflage against the cave wall with my dragon. Oh that's awful. I do. In the cave? Outside of the cave? Look to your left.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Not in the cave. Outside of the cave? Look to your left. I look to my left. You look to your left? My true left. Wait, which left? I hold up to your left. Yeah, true.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Kali, you look to your left and you see a deep elf comes out of camouflage along the stone wall, riding a deep dragon clinging to the rock face. The elf has a long gray cloak that covers their head. They wear a wrap-around visor that has a dull silver rim with black glass. You surmise that this is probably too counteract. The develves. Yeah, the dark vision when they're in full sunlight.
Starting point is 00:53:02 You can think of them kind of like sunglasses on steroids. Like if somebody had really good dark vision when they're in full sunlight, you can think of them kind of like sun glasses on steroids. Like if somebody had really good dark vision when they went outside, it would be bright to the point of it be almost impossible to deal with. I have my sea glass sunnies on the top of my head and I sort of like, oh, yeah, I kick them down and I'm like, do a finger gun. You also see that as they're looking at you, Cali, their visor turns from
Starting point is 00:53:29 black to red, and then looks down at all the dwarves. It turns to purple. It looks like this is some kind of piece of tech that has some kind of like scanning capabilities. It looks like they were fully able to find you and see you through the trees. Whoa, that's awesome. You also see the deep dragon that is clinging to the wall is covered in dull gray scales with dusty gray blue wings. It has patches of fungi all along its side and neck. It has a dragon-shaped helm with a visor that looks like it serves the same purpose. The dragon and sunglasses. The dragon and sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Elzor scans the battlefield below. Their visor turns to purple. Looks like they're looking into the rock wall, and they go, there are 16 total of the mechanics with rifles. Six inside, 10 outside. Three of these armored soldiers outside, 3 inside for 6 total. Three of these chains on night's total, there's one inside. Have you faced off against this iron Titan?
Starting point is 00:54:41 Is it like the biggest threat here? It is absolutely not the biggest threat here. Really? Oh, no, this is a disgrace that the gold elves let this happen. Alright, so we're gonna look pretty cool and we go back to the princess. Okay, so I'm not even gonna try and start. Oh, it will still be very dangerous. There's not enough of us. I'm saying if they tried to pull this shit on us, we would have fucked him up six ways to Sunday. Guys, Jay, okay. I'm trying to ask this,
Starting point is 00:55:09 specifically, I point at the machine that I was going to attack, and I'm trying to ask, like, is that machine the biggest threat here? Out of everything here, yes. Okay, I see. So this was, all the elves seem to be posturing a little bit. There's a lot of, like, vying for who's the most important, and I get that, I understand that. But we're just trying to like piece together, how good a chance we have of living through this encounter. I believe I have a good chance of living. All right, well.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Then we're gonna get behind you. Yeah. All right. What's your trackin' name? Ignias. That's so sick. Elves or Ignias, that's cool. Elves or we should just get this out of
Starting point is 00:55:45 a way and say that your whole aesthetic rules. We have a duck named Foster. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. Really? I think that's awesome. I think it's pretty cool. I think ducks are cool. Yeah. Well, this is best of all. It's currently back with Princess Shiverbly. Oh! I know, my skin crows. She's the worst. They're just hanging out. Can I talk to Callie and Calder separately without Elzor hearing? No.
Starting point is 00:56:13 All right, fine Elzor, you're gonna hear me. All right, I'll just not listen. If you could just like plug your mental ears real quick. I'll try. Okay, I think we gotta trade up to the deep elves. I don't know if I'm allowed to. I was going to ask like, are you fully pledged for life? Yeah, can you let get out of this?
Starting point is 00:56:30 Are you allowed to like get knighted at one place? I never got knighted somewhere else. I was trying to get knighted so hard for so long. I don't know what the rules are. You do know, sorry, I was actually listening. Okay, it's kind of something I have to do. Were you saying your repost was supposed to? Yeah, it's okay. It's kind of something I have to do. Were you, sir, you're over-possibly? Yeah, it's kind of rude.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Not to let you listen. Yeah, in the living wood, what's the vibe? Is it like night for a weekend? Hey. Yeah, ghosting a nighthood. What's the deal? Yeah. Well, the cold elves really have no influence to the south,
Starting point is 00:57:01 so you just have to get out of here. Like, cross the county line. You just have to get out of here. Cross the county line. You just have to fucking be feet man. Elsewhere you have no idea how good it is to hear this. You just need to get out. Okay. The cold elves are freaking scrubs. Great.
Starting point is 00:57:19 So as long as I survive this battle, yeah, do they tell you about King and the Queen Shiverbite? Yeah, I thought maybe they got kidnapped but it turns out probably they just bounced no They just went to the frigid north where they want to like a vacation home there No, they don't have a vacation home. That's where they fucking live They want to be an ice that they can shiver blades here just so she can be important here. I see Okay, I hope I get to meet her parents when I go home.
Starting point is 00:57:48 They're just as awful as her. Oh, never mind. Elzo, if we make it out to the other side of this encounter, would you consider introducing us? To. To your people. Hmm. Perhaps something like that could be arranged.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Cool. Yeah. First we have to get our duck back, but then we'll roll. Right, yeah. Okay. This episode of NADPOT has brought to you five bird dogs. They're a company that makes pants and shorts,
Starting point is 00:58:22 so no matter where you fall and the age-old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered. Now we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's gonna be difficult. Luckily Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier. Bird Dogs stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look. And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, bird dogs invented a cloud
Starting point is 00:58:49 knit fabric that looks just like khaki, but stretches so you get a way slimmer fit without having to sacrifice movement. And trust me, you are going to need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother make sure you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti style tumbler go to slash pop-up or enter promo code pop-up at checkout.
Starting point is 00:59:19 That's slash pop-up or promo code pop-up for a free Yeti style tumbler. You won't want to take your bird dogs off. We promise you. Okay, that's it for me. Go team pants and enjoy the show. Who's going to make the first move? Um, we were going to take out these... Guns. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Smart. If you do take out the gunners, that will draw the attention of the ones inside Agnes and I will jump down oh And we'll do as much damage to as many people as possible. I've really look. Oh, it's a senior breath Agnes all right, let's do it. Sol and I jump first. Let's rock sweet. Everybody go ahead and roll initiative You guys will get a surprise round, but we're still gonna act in initiative I got 22 16 and I got it eight. Okay, at initiative 22. That is Cali
Starting point is 01:00:13 I'm can I just for this round let them go first. Yep, you want to hold your turn? Yeah, okay? Cali will hold your turn Couple rippers are next, but they are not alerted to you guys. You see they continue moving along the goods from the hoard. Call her you are next. All right. We're doing this. Oh yeah. We're doing this. All right. Ignis, are we doing this? We're doing this. Oh my goodness. Ignis, I cannot wait to talk to you more. MVP. Yes. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Isn't you just going to get a battle cry? Oh. Oh, I just stopped screaming. Call the jumps off with just the hilt of his sword. And as he's jumping down, calls the ice shard to it. And yells, ah. Go ahead and roll with advantage. I roll 219s.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Sick. So that is a 28 to hit. Super hits this dude. Wow, this machine gunner. You see these guys are kind of just, they're barely even paying attention. They're just looking back and forth at each other. Man, this sucks.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Should we start shooting at the freaking trees? Not yet. Oh, fuck me, should we start you to the freaking trees. Not yet. Oh, fuck me, that's two ones on the tree. Do you have great weapon master? Or no, I took that repost thing instead. I'm regretting it now. I'll take all my attacks. Okay, dirty 20 hits, another natural 19.
Starting point is 01:01:42 So they all hit 33 damage. 33 damage, you covered in ice up on this stone wall, hop off, summon your sword as you drop down like 10 feet, cut directly through this dude, who was just saying that he was bored, his friend goes, oh shit! You continue to cut through and you do seven damage to the next guy that's always about to hit.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Ah, yes. But this guy, second guy is still standing, but the first machine gun turret is now unmanned. Hell yeah. That is Elzor and Ignis, but they're gonna hold their turn. That is Sal's turn. Okay, I'm gonna slide down as well. And while the gunner is distracted
Starting point is 01:02:29 by what just happened to their friend, I'm gonna sneak up behind them and then grab the vape out of their mouth and say, these are bad for you, but they're good for my friend, and I toss it to Cali, and I'm gonna help her cut them. I catch it in my mouth. Wait, no!
Starting point is 01:02:43 I like bite it, you hear me bite down. Careful with your teeth. Swords and fists are more dangerous than vapes. Yeah, go ahead and clock this dude with advantage. I'm activating my gauntlet, so that's going to be a deck save from them. He unfortunately does pass, that's a 19. Ah, okay. I'm too distracted grabbing the vape and my force blow misses.
Starting point is 01:03:06 You talk too much! I distracted you with the crunch of teeth on vape. And you vape, and you vape too much. My friend Callie doesn't on the other hand. Until now, I say all of this. I say all of this and then I do a punch and square on the nose. Great. Okay, so that's going to be I'm gonna do two attacks great Does a 14 hit it actually does great does a 13 hit does not okay? So I hit him on the first one okay miss on the second. I'm gonna take a bonus action attack as well great Another 13 goddamn hit okay, so I just hit one time that fucking sucks That is six damage six damage the guys stay standing
Starting point is 01:03:56 Bill is gonna shoot trees So it looks a little nervous and looks over it calledder and says, I got the vape, don't worry. Mission accomplished. So Cali, Saul and Calder have engaged these gunners. Okay, then I just leave off of the rock face and I want to attack the back of this mech thing. Sweet. You see, yeah, Saul, the guy that you're fighting, just like punching, just covered in the blood of his friend,
Starting point is 01:04:30 looks up and just sees an eladron jump out of the trees and starts stabbing into the iron guy. He's supposed to be the scout. Oh, bad, bad stuff, everybody. As I leap, you see, it's like you hear all the ice, like shake from me It's like the cold and like rain down Cool stuff ice-cold
Starting point is 01:04:51 Okay, 25 to 25 hits. Yeah, you get right up under this things It's not a helm. It's like it's it's head But you get under like the metal carapace like into its machinery and I'm going What I want to do is I'm like, I'm going to try and do like as much damage as possible. Smart. I'm going to do third level smite, one of my flourishes,
Starting point is 01:05:14 and I'll do a searing smite. Sick. Insane. Yeah, just glowing umbrella with a like a sharp dagger at the end of it, you come forward, you open it up, there's this arcane blast as you pierce into this thing. Shit dude! It's going out to the robot!
Starting point is 01:05:33 All right, what's your name? Look alive! We know Bill, who are you? Mark! Ha ha ha! I'm rolled pretty poorly, so 35 damage. 35's no joke. And I got a plus two to my ACA, unfortunately.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Blast of magic energy, as you essentially jump on this thing's shoulder, big shock. You hear the camp is now going absolutely nuts. Shit, get up! Glad I left you alive, so you could see that. You hear Elzor in your brain goes, Okay, Aiknius, time to invite him to the fungal network. You see Elzor and Agnius suddenly appear on the side of the mountain.
Starting point is 01:06:12 The dwarves are fucking yelling even more now and just shooting wildly. You see Agnius uses her powerful legs to kick off the side of the wall and slams down into the middle of the camp and is going to let out a nightmare breath. You see black smoke and like poison spores coming out as all these dwarfs scream and are enveloped. I'm gonna go ahead and roll to see how many of each sort of group of dudes that she's able to hit.
Starting point is 01:06:44 All right, beautiful voice, nightmare breath. My dream woman. So she's gonna be able to hit eight people down here. They're gonna go ahead and make wisdom saving throws. Okay. Fuck up now, wise. We know. No shit.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Very funny thing to scream. They all sound like the lead singer of Smash Mountain. It's a body shape of an L on or for it. Which L? You see a bunch of these metal smits start to growing spores all over them. Ah, ah, ah, ah! That make them expand and explode.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Ignis fully takes out for these dudes. Oh, well brings two of them down to death's door and fucks up two of these nights Remind me not to ever get on your bad side again. Yeah, we are definitely Disavowing the cold elves after this We just we just got to leave. I don't wanna say anything. Yeah. Walkin' away.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Just say we're going to a movie, we'll be back, and then just never come back. I'll check in with you after the weekend. But like, what if you pledged yourself to someone else, and then they find out later that you're already pledged? Maybe I'll write a note. So we'll leave. I'll wait.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Then sit. You hear Agnios go,, personally I would be a little bit offended. Yeah, okay. We're going to talk to them. Just to think that you were kind of the second dragon. Mm-hmm. The second choice dragon. Yeah, that's not like, wow, it was at all. You were there.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Did you first saw Princess Shiverblight? You were like, this is it? That made it. No, it wasn't like that at all. You just bled yourself to the first dragon. You can get your, you get your ass sore. Princess shiver blade you were like this is it that me no it wasn't Just played yourself to the first dragon That's strange it took a long time for me to bottle the specific dragon. No one's giving me a chance to explain Okay, um, we are back at the top of the round
Starting point is 01:08:46 Okay, the rise round is. Everyone is fucking scared and freaking out. No, dude. That is Callie's turn. Yes. Callie, you were up. This thing is five times the size of you. So you're just kind of like hanging onto this thing's like shoulder piece and stabbing into it. And I'm stabbing it with my own hands.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Please stop doing that. Stop. You don't sound like the angel at all. Join me, friend. No. Okay, then I'm not gonna stop. Does the floor deen hit? 14 does not hit. You hit this thing's metal carapace.
Starting point is 01:09:13 It looks after that. Wait, so I can't do much else. I mean, I missed that's my one attack, but I do look over at Calda and I'm like, do a bad job than I did, and I give you bar to conspiracy. I'm not gonna inspire me. You did great. I'll do as good a job as you did.
Starting point is 01:09:43 You said that while hanging from a robot. That is the Ripper Soldiers' turns there. I think just gonna close in and try to take out Agnes Elzor. Brace yourself, Agnes. They're each gonna take two attacks. You see they go up. They have one sword hand and one gunhand. They've got just a little pistol thing that
Starting point is 01:10:05 lets out like a little charge as they shoot with their second hand. I'll just go ahead and do all this at once. Yeah. 57 damage to Aikneus as she and Ellison are surrounded by the soldiers. After the Ripper soldiers, that is the Ripperainsaw Knights. There's three of them. You see two of them come out from the cave. They pull the Ripcords on their swords. It starts buzzing. Let's get climate.
Starting point is 01:10:34 And they're actually gonna go up after Calli. On one more for the wall. Oh. Oh. So they go up and they're gonna take some attacks on Kali. They take attacks with their chain blades first, first stack, chain blade, 22 to hit, 14 damage. Second attack is with the offhand gun, 19 to hit.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Hit. Hits a little charge, electrical charge comes out, hits you for 15. Second dude goes, chain saw attack for 17 to hit. A little charge, Electrobolt charge comes out, hits you for 15. Second dude goes, chain saw attack for 17 to hit. Misses! Misses. Second attack also misses, third guy goes, 18 to hit.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Hits, that's my AC. 13 damage with the chain blade. And then misses with the Electrobolt shot. Shoots out past the workforce. I'm just like, I have like my legs around the neck of this war forge and I'm just getting absolutely decimated. Yeah, there's just chainsaw swinging at you.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Get down for there. You guys still think you're doing a good job. Heads up everyone, the weapons are good. After the chainsaw nights turn, that is Calder's turn. Alright. Alright, so one of these Gatling guns is open. Yeah, Gatling gun right in front of you, but you also got this guy up there with Saul that is still up.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Yeah, I'm not worried about him, I want to shoot something. Okay, go ahead. Can I shoot these guys with the chainsaw that are attacking Kali, or will I hit? So the way the machine gun works, this is not just, you know, just an assault rifle or something like that. This is a big fucking gatling gun. So heavy that you probably couldn't, you could probably lift it up, but it wouldn't be worth it. This is a mounted weapon. So the way this works is...
Starting point is 01:12:17 It looks like it's less effective. It shoots in a hundred-foot line that is five feet wide, and it hits anyone that's in line for five d8 of damage. They do deck saves. So it's better to shoot in like groups of people. Do you have these people that are like lined up attacking igneous and Elzor in the middle? Okay. Could you use a little help from up there? You got it. I look at Callie and then train the gun on the... I'm where it's gonna be the most effective. Sweet. Go ahead and roll me a D6 with advantage,
Starting point is 01:12:49 to see how many of these dudes you're gonna be able to hit. Ooh, that's a six. Yeah, cool. You'll be able to target six dudes. They're gonna go ahead and make Dex saving throws. In the meantime, go ahead and roll 5-D8. Okay. 32 damage to all of them.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Jesus Christ. You can mo these dudes down. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. You take out six of these like metal smith dudes. Alright, Agnes, keep an eye on Callie for me. You'll do. Stop screaming. You can all are you.
Starting point is 01:13:27 After Calder's turn, that is Elzor and Ignius's turn. Elzor is going to pull out these two hook weapons. You see they kind of fight in tandem with Ignius. They've got these two hook weapons that are connected to like chains that are on a belt that are under their cloak. And they throw one at one of the metal smiths. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Gosh. Is going to hit them. Does 20 damage off the bat? Is going to use a bonus action to reel them in. You see they yank this one, Dorf. Who comes in towards igneous. Igneous takes an attack with advantage as they get close. You see igneus finishes them off,
Starting point is 01:14:06 just claws them across, they take another one out. Elzor is gonna take a second attack, they take a chain attack, they grab another metal smith, give them Hellzor. They do 14 damage right off the bat, igneus takes a second claw attack with advantage, swipes this dude across the neck, takes him out, down to one
Starting point is 01:14:25 Metal Smith left down here and then there's the one up by like the machine gun Ignis is gonna take their last attack which is just a bite. You see she jumps forward and is going to Launch her head down and bite into this dude 14 to hit just hits does 21 damage this dude is on death's door, but still alive You see she's got him like pinned down and just eating him just hits, does 21 damage, does Duda's on Death's door, but still alive. You see, she's got him like pinned down and just eating him. Oh, just killed me, I can kill me. Torture him, Agnius.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Um, after Elzarin Agnius, that is the Metal Smith's turn. The Duda at 5 HP, just gonna disengage and run away. He runs off into the woods. That's the one that was gonna eat. The one that was in the middle of getting eaten is gonna disengage and run away. He runs off into the woods. That's the one that was getting eaten. The one that was in the middle of getting eaten is going to disengage and just run off. The one that's up with you guys though still has the machine gun is going to, I'm going to say Saul's up there not going to be able to train it on Saul but he is going to turn it and shoot it at Calder. Calder go ahead and give me a deck saving for him. Hey, of course. 19.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Oh. Calder, go ahead and give me a deck saving for me. Hey, of course. 19. 19 passes, so you'll just take half. I still might kill you. This is already halfed, 15 damage. Okay. Turns, fires, this Gatling gun at Calder.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Saul is trying to fight him for control of this. Still manages to hit Calder's shoulder, kind of raises you as these electric bolts are shooting out and heat you a little bit. Let's see if I can freeze any of them away. That is, they're not gonna hit me at all. Sick! Yeah, you just turn to ice and the electric bolt goes off.
Starting point is 01:15:56 All right. After the metal smith turn, that is all it's turn. Okay, great. I say, what were you trying to do? My friends, fine. Let's try to shoot them. Let me show you how to do? My friend's fine. Let's try to shoot him. Let me show you how to shoot people. And I'm going to just try and punch him away
Starting point is 01:16:09 so I can commandeer this. Go ahead and make an attack roll. 17 hits. It does. Second attack. 15 hits. 15 does hit. That's 11 damage.
Starting point is 01:16:20 And you know what, I'm gonna do a flurry of blows. He's already dead. Oh great. You crack him twice. You break his neck on the second punch and he just falls forward off the ledge onto the ground below. Nice work. Sorry Mark. All right now let's see how this thing handles.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Salt instantly gets like so shookin' up, like a paint can and a mixer. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha in my case, Axe. I want you to fucking miss so much, you little piece of shit. You're a little piece of shit. I'm a big piece of shit. What? It is a duet con save. Oh, for searing smite. Or take the, uh, fire damage.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Oh, actually, I probably don't even have, okay, actually I passed all my cons. Hell yeah, okay, okay. Okay, so you passed your con. So, you're conscious. Literally just for a decent sum damage. Uh, that's 20. It's not taking, okay. okay, so you pass your con so you're just for a D-Zix of damage on that 20 Love it. Well, you know, I was about to roll so I just wasted my not 20 on this That's actually the best strategy. Yeah, okay, he's gonna crit on you That is a 23 to hit with the hammer fist. Mm-hmm. That's a 20 that's 26 damage. I'm down
Starting point is 01:17:44 You see Callie is a punched off of this with the hammer fist. Yeah. That's a 26 damage. I'm down. Oh, you see, Cali is a punched off of this war forged Titan. Titan is going to march over use its movement and get over to Saul. You see it looks eye to eye with you Saul as you have this gun out. That is not yours. You don't know that.
Starting point is 01:18:03 I do. It is going to go ahead and take its axe hand attack on you. OK. That is 26 to hits. That certainly hits. OK, that's 19 damage. OK. After the Warforged Titans turn, that's Callie's turn.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Callie, go ahead and give me a death saving throw. Pass. That is a pass. After Cali, that is the Ripper soldiers. They're going to go all in on igneous. Okay, all of the other dragons hiding can come out now. It was just us. Anyone else on this fungal network?
Starting point is 01:18:42 Hello? This thing on. Hi. That's, I know. network? Hello? This thing on. Hi. That's, I know, how are you? I'm here. I know. Elzor, I'm not great. I see your friend is fallen.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Elzor, do you have any friends? Yes, I have a lot of friends. I'm not here right now. Okay, cool. That wasn't a judgment call. I was literally just asking. Do you have any other friends? I do not.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Albin. No, that's true. Is Albin here? Does he want to come in and save us? Not here. Okay, cool. Why are we talking about him then? I don't know how all this came up. Do you want to know more about him? He's a great guy. Not at all. Six dudes to attack siege. Seven out of twelve hit.
Starting point is 01:19:17 85 damage. Ignias is now looking quite fucked up. Okay, we is going to have to take off in a moment. Yeah. After that, that is the Ripper Chain Saw Knights. They're going to go ahead and do, we'll say, Athletics checks with advantage to try to get up onto the ledge to go after Calder and Saul. Oh, all right. They successfully hop up there. There's three of these guys.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Two of them will go at Calder because the Titan is on Saul and one of them will go at Saul. We have no idea what happened to Mark. He fell on his own. Oh, the fuck is Mark. What? Do you know Bill? Who? All right.
Starting point is 01:19:55 They'll give you fake names, you fucking idiot. Why would they do that? They might give you fake names. They did it. Bill and Mark, this is Mark and william. You fucking more on Okay, this that's obviously okay. I don't know why we're having this conversation This one dude is going to take we'll start with Saul chain blade attack Jesus Christ not 20. Oh, I don't like that for me. Okay. That is
Starting point is 01:20:19 24 damage Saul Fuck Saul's down to Is gonna take off hand attack to shoot it called her kid you not not 20 okay 23 damage on call their I'm fine okay then the other two chainsaw attack 22 to hit called her that's 15 damage. Okay. Misses with the offhand. Good. Other guy, Nat one and a 17 to hit. Both miss. Great. Two, especially the Nat one. Two misses. Calder, that is your turn. Here is the situation. Bad. Bad. Yeah. You've got
Starting point is 01:21:07 six of these soldiers in a big armor. You've got this war forge tight in that looks a little fucked up from Callie's thing. You've got three chains on nights. The metal smits, like the little guys have all been taken out. Good for us. Good for you guys. Agnius is looking fucked up, but Elzor looks fine. I could tell Agnius to fly off. I'm still good to go if you are. I'm, yeah. I'm okay. up, but Elzor looks fine. As a reaction to give someone a full potion you can give bonus action to roll for the potions value
Starting point is 01:21:48 Okay Then I will you also hear you see as you go and like start fiddling with the potions You hear Elzor go perhaps that is away Ignis can still contribute to the battle We can get a potion to your friend if you have them. All right, great. So I would like to toss two Frizy Pop Potions to Ignis.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Great. You see she rears up, catches them in her mouth. You know what to do with these. Right, yes, great. I'm aware of how liquid works. Thanks. I do have liquid in caves, you know.'m aware of how liquid works. Thanks. I do have liquid in caves, you know. It's my first time here. Clearly, can I use my movement and bonus action to give Saul a potion?
Starting point is 01:22:35 Yeah, Saul's like eight feet away. These guys are going to get opportunity attacks on you, the two that are right next to you, but they miss with their chain blades. You scoop by them, you feed a potion to Saul. Hey, everybody. Saul, you can go ahead and roll that. Meanwhile, Calder, you still have your action, and you throw this other potion down to Ignis. And then I guess I'd like to train the Gatling gun.
Starting point is 01:23:00 Can I shoot the chain saw guys that are up here with us us? I'm gonna say the guys that are on you. You can't hit because they're too close, but you can hit the Titan and the other guy who shot it you from long range that was going after Saul. Got it. I'm gonna go for the Titan. Great. Sweet. You can get as collateral damage, you get the chainsaw guy too. So you wrestle these two chainsaw knights that are trying to go after you. You spin this Gatling gun turret and start shooting these electro bolts. These little charges at the Titan and the chainsaw nights, both of them fail. So they're going to take full damage on this 5D. 35 damage. Sick. You see this Titan is starting to look fucked up. Starts smoking black smoke coming out from under its shell.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Warning warning stop attacking me. Yeah dude fucking cut it out man. Considered and denied I will action search. Sick. Let it rip one more time. Wow. There we go. Yeah, this chance on night takes the damage to He's gonna go ahead and roll again. He's looking messed up. Let it rip one more time. Wow, yeah, the chance on night takes the damage too. He's gonna go ahead and roll again. He's looking messed up. They both fail. So instead of like the magazine steaming hot,
Starting point is 01:24:12 it's starting to frost up as I'm sorry. Sick. Yeah, I'll say you're able to like cool it down as it starts to get hot. All right, that's so good. Yeah, it's got this like magic charge thing in it that essentially is like casting spells into its chamber. It's not using actual ammo It's shooting like magical bolts as it flies around
Starting point is 01:24:31 26 this chainsaw night looks quite fucked up the war forch Titan is looking quite fucked up is smoking black smoke and all directions after calder that is Elzor and igneous's turn Elzor flips off of Ignis's back. Ignis is going to disengage, fly up in the air, use their flying movement to fly down next to Calli, regurgitate this potion and feeds it to Calli with a bonus action. It's your guys potion. Calli, why don't you go ahead and roll? Love to store potions and animals. 17. Sick. Callie.
Starting point is 01:25:08 I pop up choking on my vape. Oh, thank God, Callie. Agnes is hanging over to you and goes, you shouldn't smoke. But you make it look so cool. No, no, no, no. What I'm doing is throwing up nightmares and spores. Okay. Is there something that will let me do that?
Starting point is 01:25:28 Sure. You see she spores you. I let it ride, I don't mean. Then that is, Ellsor is going to go ahead. You see they pull out these two hooks and are gonna be able to take one extra attack now that they're not doing the yank thing to pull them into
Starting point is 01:25:50 Ignis so they take three attacks. They hit twice on the soldiers These soldiers are kind of halfway between the metalsmiths and the chainsaw nights So they're pretty good, but not great. Elzor is able to get one down to the death's door But still alive after Elzor's turn that is Saul Saul you just popped up with this potion. All right, I'm back up with 17 HP. How many chainsaw knights are up with me? You've got the one closest to you is actually pretty fucked up. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:26:16 You see like all like, soot covered and bloody. Has like a black eye is fucked up from these charges that have been shot at him. You see the Warforged Titan is also pretty fucked up in his right near you and then two chainsaw knights that are going after Calder. I'm going to use a bonus action patient defense to defend against the chainsaw knight that's right next to me. Great. And I'm going to fire on the Warforged Titan.
Starting point is 01:26:41 Sick. Okay. So you, yeah, I'll say that the Warforged Titan has a range of 10 feet, so it's back a little bit. It's not quite the same as you wrestling it off one of the guys, so I'll say even though it's like a ranged weapon, you can shoot it from 10 feet away. So you spin this gun around and you are going to take shots at the Warforged Titan, right? Yeah, I'm firing the gun, but also dancing to avoid getting hit.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Great. I'll say then this guy does not get an opportunity attack on you. You can't hit the chains on night because he's too close to you but you shoot at the the iron giant here. Do a deck save. Damn it's got a minus one to deck so fails. Roll the natural 17 but fails. This machine gun's pretty good. As I fire I say I love your movie. What? 16 damage. 16 damage? This thing looks quite fucked up, but it's still standing up. Do you see a bunch of bolts and everything are flying off?
Starting point is 01:27:33 This thing is barely functional. Warning! Warning! Nearing destruction! Stop shooting! Hold shooting immediately! Crow up, man! You do that!
Starting point is 01:27:43 No! You would do that, humanoid. Just fall over. No. Just be, just be the bigger guy about this. Who literally are? After Sol's turn, that is the Titan's turn. I'll show you who the bigger guy is.
Starting point is 01:27:54 The Warford Titan is going to take two attacks on Sol. First one is the Hammer Fist. I'm just so you know, I have patient defense going. Okay, so I'm taking the Dodge action as a bonus action on my turn. Got it. Okay, so it attacks with disadvantage. The machine gun is shaking me so much that I'm possible to hit. Stay still.
Starting point is 01:28:12 I can't. I'm really, you can't. Sweet, well, Hammerfest, 17. Fucking misses. Sick. Just punches into the wall. Stay still. Nice punch dude. And then is going to make a axe hand attack with disadvantage. Not one on the
Starting point is 01:28:35 lower one completely misses. Oh, baby. Just shit. That is back up to Callie's turn. Callie, you've got your friends up there. They actually look, this Warforge Titan is fucked up. So it looks like you could fuck that up. You've also got Elzor down here that is surrounded by these soldiers who still look pretty hearty and they're six of them. Callie, do whatever would be the most fun.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Ha ha ha ha. Well, that would be hitting, but I don't know if my dice will agree. Yeah, I think I'll just join Elzor if it looks like they're fine. Sick. Yeah, you jump down, you go back to back with Elzor. Yeah, and I will just try and attack one that I could potentially cleave if I get them down. Sweet.
Starting point is 01:29:22 18 to hit. 18 hits. Okay, I will do a third level smite and another flourish. Yes. Another 35 damage. Jesus Christ, Callie, this one that Elzor had messed up, you completely finish it off.
Starting point is 01:29:38 You stick the umbrella in and open it up. Just, it gets like in between like under the plates of their armor. You open it up and there's just blood like in between, like, under the plates of their armor, you open it up and there's just blood that comes out from inside the huge armor suit. The guys around them go, Jesus Christ! And I scraped some of the nightmares and spores off my face and funneled them into my faith and take it.
Starting point is 01:29:59 It's smoking is really bad for you. I know, but now I'm smoking spores and nightmare. Okay, that's fine. Yeah, that's fine. You put another one on Death's Door as well with that. Okay. That had already taken a hit. And then do I have any potions on me?
Starting point is 01:30:15 Yeah, I mean, you guys, what are these all holding it? Yeah, okay. And then I also pour a potion into my vape. Sick. You vape a potion, great. Okay, straight to the face. So there are five of these soldiers left. They are going to go ahead and split attacks on you and Elzor.
Starting point is 01:30:34 I'll say. My icy is 20 right now. Great, okay, so three of them are gonna go after you, two of them will go after Elzor. Two misses. I'm too slimy with spools, nightmares. Two 18s on the second guy. You are right.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Frozen and slimy. A third dude does hit on the charge bolt for 11 damage. I'll take it. I'm not afraid of it. And then the other two go after Elzor. I'm going to do protection paladin. I'll surround my umbrella. You do protection paladin. As I do the umbrella, I'm like, protection paladin. I surrender at my umbrella. You do protection paladin.
Starting point is 01:31:05 As I do the umbrella, I'm like, don't worry, I can keep you at the sun. I like your style. Last dude, would've hit is gonna roll with disadvantage now on the charge bolt fully misses. So, Elzor does not get hit at all. Oh, I like that like a bolt getting knocked away by the umbrella. After the soldiers, this fight has turned around, but it's still tough.
Starting point is 01:31:32 Yeah. The chainsaw nights are now gonna go. There's one up in Saul's face. Gonna take disadvantage attacks. Yes. B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b Grab it and rip it bro Mrs And what you dude Natural five really hard to hit you in this defensive position next two are going after Calder here Jesus Christ a
Starting point is 01:31:57 Nat 20 and a natural 19 So she'll shield wouldn't even do it because 26 yeah to hit on the low one so with the Nat 20 that's 25 damage on the chain saw attack okay and then the charge bolt is gonna do 10 damage to you barely yes the other guy still goes okay baby other guy misses on the chain saw. Yes. And crits on the charge bolt. Yeah, that's...
Starting point is 01:32:29 If you can do more than 4 damage, I think I might be down. I think I have to have 16 damage. Shoot you with the charge bolt. Call the drop. Call the drop. Um, after, um, them, that's called a churn. Call the drop and give me a death saving throw. 15. 15.
Starting point is 01:32:45 15 passes, it's one in the wind column. That is... Elzor, and Agnes is turn. Agnes? Does have a second potion. Agnes does have a second potion. Nice. Agnes is going to take her turn, she's going to fly up and administer it to Calder.
Starting point is 01:33:02 Oh wow, Agnes, I glitched myself to the wrong dragon. Yes, obviously. Yes, it is obvious. It's obvious then too. Literally any other dragon would have been better. I have to be honest. There's a couple that are worse, but it's, ooh, cool.
Starting point is 01:33:17 Lake Shiverblade, that's not good. I know. No, she's, yeah, yeah. You can't like smell, you can't like smell who someone's Come like committed themselves, too, can you? You kind of smell like a trust fund dragon really Oh Yeah, I need a bathhouse. Yeah, I need to scrub myself clean. She brings you up. You can go ahead and roll those hit dice
Starting point is 01:33:42 That is Elzor's turn. Elzor is going to take two attacks. And that one on the first attack, beefs it big time. Just like throws their hook chain, it goes really way too far. That didn't happen. That's OK, I'm this then die. And then throws their other one.
Starting point is 01:34:00 They are going to hit. They do 22 damage. You see they go to real this next person in, but the hook just goes fully through their brain. That works too. And just pulls back. Just pulls back a corpse. Yeah, just guts.
Starting point is 01:34:17 Fully kills the one that was already hurt. Damages the next one because of how much damage they do, and then just going to go ahead and take a third attack. That is another natural one. Sorry! After Elzor, that's Saul's turn. Okay, yeah. Saul is going to just grab a potion, pull the cork out with his teeth, down it, and keep firing at the Warforged. Sick! I don't make a deck saving throw. This thing really can't get out of the way. The machine gun is just too big and not good. So much more.
Starting point is 01:34:50 So much more. So much more. So much more. So much more. So much more. So much more. So much more. So much more.
Starting point is 01:34:58 So much more. So much more. So much more. So much more. So much more. So much more. So much more. So much more. So much more. So much more. So much more. 18, Saul finished this Warforged Titan. Using the machine gun, I write duck team sucks across its carapace with bullets.
Starting point is 01:35:12 You write duck team sucks into the Warforged, Kali, you and Elzor are able to see it as the light goes through it and lights up the canopy, puts this message out there. You see Elzor looks up at it. and lights up the canopy, puts this message out there. You see Elzor looks up at it. Duck team sucks. Is that like a punk rock thing? Yes, finally.
Starting point is 01:35:32 Finally, you get it. Elzor, you are on the fucking level. I understand. Rocks. Ha ha ha ha. Um, after Saul's turn, that is a word for it's time. War for it's time is dead. Bye bye. Fortstein. War of Fortstein is dead. Bye bye.
Starting point is 01:35:45 Crashes and falls down the dwarves. Does he hit anyone? Is it falls? If it did, it would hit Elzor and Calli, which we don't want. I push it backwards. Yeah, there you go. It falls off. That is Calli's turn.
Starting point is 01:35:58 All right, I'm just going to take my umbrella away from guarding Elzor and turn it towards pain. Does a 21 hit? Yes, of course. All right, then let's do second level smite and another flourish. My AC is now finally a good role in that. My AC is now 24.
Starting point is 01:36:21 Sick, such a good score. You're just surrounded by a cloud of black vape smoke now. Another 30 damage. Woo! You fully kill another dude, and you start to fuck up another one. All right. After Kali's turn, there are three Ripper soldiers left. Two of them will go after Kali.
Starting point is 01:36:43 First guy completely misses. takes a sword attack, takes a bolt attack misses. Second one, 24 to hit. What is your AC again? 24. So he's going to hit on the sword attack, six damage. And then the third one will go after Elzor.
Starting point is 01:36:59 Elzor is looking fine though, right? Elzor has not been hit. I might say my reaction. Yeah, Elzor has not been hit. Elzor does get hit once for 15 damage, but Elzora looks fine. Nice. After that, that is the chainsaw knights. Chainsaw knights are up there with Saul and Calder.
Starting point is 01:37:16 Yes. Saul, you're no longer in defensive mode, right? Right, no. Got it. Okay, so this chainsaw knight, the one is going to go after you versus attack, natural four misses chain saw misses I can't grip it so I guess I have to rip it
Starting point is 01:37:32 Then takes a shot at you only 17 to hit misses. I envy your simplistic outlook on life I didn't do either thing But you tried other two chainsaw nights are gonna go after Calder 15 hit misses on the chainsaw. Oh, you know what? I will... Oh God. Do I repost or do I wait to see if I need to shield? Ooh, the conundrum. The conundrum.
Starting point is 01:37:54 The eldritch conundrum. I have 15 HP, so I'll wait to see a bet. That's not a bad idea. Uh, they do... Yeah, they hit with the shot, or they would hit. It's 23. God, even with shield that would hit. Okay, the charged bolt is gonna be 12 damage. Okay, Dr. 3HP. Second guy goes, chain saw attack misses,
Starting point is 01:38:15 gun attack misses. Then I will rip post. Yes! Okay. 22 hit. 22 dozen fact hits. 11 damage. This dude still looks pretty hard. He has not really been messed up. Makes sense.
Starting point is 01:38:30 After the chains on ice turn, that's called his turn. Called he got two chains on ice in front of you, one near solve. Alright, I will drink a potion very leisurely, savoring every... Lee and Clay, don't just wait! Hey, don't just drink this in front of us. Wow, he's making it a bit... Wow, that's insulting, man. It's not dissenting.
Starting point is 01:38:50 It's safer than... You got your vaping, you got your drinking. That is refreshing. We only do that when we're on the job, man. This thing's half-rozen, you see that? Hold it up to the camera. Colder, you also have a bardic inspiration. Yes, I do.
Starting point is 01:39:03 I've ever written down, I wouldn't forget it. Yeah, I twist the label out from the healing potion. So it looks like a commercial. Bird guy, brothers and quits at me. No one does it like them. I love a bird guy. That operation is run entirely by birds now. The guy is gone.
Starting point is 01:39:24 I will take three attacks on this chainsaw, dude. Sweet. 18 to hit, 22 to hit, and a 16 to hit. Two of them hit. Okay. 27 damage. Swing into this, dude. Three times are able to get under his armor a couple times. But you see, as you swing around, he pinches the sword into his side with his arm and starts revving the chainsaw. I'm not done yet, buddy! Oh god damn it! After Calder's turn, that is Elzorn Ignis's turn.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Ignis has kind of been being conservative because she is messed up, but she sees that this one chainsaw knight that's near Saul is pretty fucked up, and she descends on him and just two claw attacks and a point attack. Get fucked. Iggy goes down. She can't not come in loud. Can I hear her battle cry? Fuck you. She real quick slashes this dude once, makes him fall back, pushes him back off the side of the ledge. And then before he can fall and hit the ground, she flies down and catches him in her mouth. Yeah. And starts crunching into him.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Neither rip nor grip, you just slipped. And that chains on night is dead. There are two left. Then that is Elzor's turn. We've got three soldiers down here, three ripper soldiers. Elzor is going to take an attack on the first one, shut it to the two crew misses, second attack hits is going to do 23 damage.
Starting point is 01:40:52 Ooh, fucks this one right up. Then it is going to use its third attack to reel, pulls it in, and then looks at you, Cali. You got this one. Go ahead and use your reaction to take an attack with advantage. Fuck it. Sick.
Starting point is 01:41:06 Yeah, I think I do. 26 hits. This soldier looks terrified as this hook digs into their armor and stabs into them. Elzor yanks them near you as you thrust the umbrella forward. I'll do a second level smite. Another 24 damage. Kalii you finish this next dude You you just this dude doesn't even have time to scream is Pulled in right into your piercing umbrella. You just fucking brain him and then blow him up with the umbrella sick
Starting point is 01:41:41 Saul that is your turn. Okay, you've got two chains on nights that are fighting called they're here. Great. All right, yeah, I head over to the fray. Yeah, thirding me, Saul. Yeah. Nobody hurts my friend. Yeah, I'm going to take two attacks.
Starting point is 01:41:56 Sick. 14? 14 does not hit these guys. What about a 19? 19 does hit. So, Miss on the first one, hit on the second one, I'm gonna go ahead and do a flurry of blows. I say, Calder, you have to survive
Starting point is 01:42:11 so that you can get out of this bad relationship. Actually, maybe this is a good reason to get out of it. Well, thank you, Deft, it's good. That's perfect. Oh, that's really good. Yeah, that's fake, you're dead. That's perfect. So you don't have to happen to awkward conversation.
Starting point is 01:42:24 Oh, you're gonna go back without Calder and say that that's kind of smart as I'll give you the help of my sword. Okay, great, great. Well, don't let her keep it. I'll never mind, I'll make a cloak. So two more attacks. Great. Yeah, if you just give me like a shoe that I could cover and blood and be like, Yeah. This is all the left of your champion, Melody. Standing outside the gate wearing one shoe, waiting for you guys.
Starting point is 01:42:49 I'm sorry, he fought so valiantly. The last words on his lips were, I love princess Shiva blood. You don't have to overdo it. He clearly had a direction. You were the second. You can tell that he loved her. Tell her that she's just a little bit of a... He clearly got in the direction. You can tell that he loves her.
Starting point is 01:43:05 I can't wait to talk to her. I'm gonna go in and abandon myself. That is two more 14s. Solace distracted with the plan. Sweet fake. Calder step. So you just hit the one time. It's the one hit.
Starting point is 01:43:19 That is seven damage to one of these chains on nights. Still looking pretty hearty and the other ones at full health. Okay, God. What have we been doing? It's a tough fight. You guys killed us. There have been like 20 deaths. Chainsonite looks around.
Starting point is 01:43:34 You ruined my day. Even if we win this, we've lost. Oh, thanks. We just came in here for a quick score and I lost dozens of friends. I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah, get out of here, man. You run, you run, you run, you run, you run, you run,
Starting point is 01:43:52 you are losing, we're kinda tied. All right, let's be honest, we're tied. That's fair. You could make new friends, post online about, you know, your common interests. You look hurt, you look hurt, I'm worried about that hook person down there and also the girl. I'm really accurate assessment.
Starting point is 01:44:08 I'm back around the top of the order, that's Callie. Okay, how many people still here? Two full health soldiers. Yeah, yeah, I'm just gonna attack one of them. I miss. Oh no. Callie misses. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:22 All right, after Callie, that is. I spit up some nightmares for her. Yeah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, is an 18. Okay, 13 damage. Still up? Yeah. Okay, next one's gonna go after Elzor. One hit on Elzor. Elzor takes 14 damage. After the soldiers, that's the chance on Dite's Eikes. That's two of them still.
Starting point is 01:45:01 One goes after Calder, one goes after Sal. Yeah, kill my friend. That's right, I will. Wait, what? Puff convincingly, let's make it look like you killed him. Yeah, fake. Fake kill my friend. 24 to hits on the chainsaw.
Starting point is 01:45:16 Yeah, that's gonna do it even if I use Michel. 15 damage. I'm down. Calder drop. Shit. Second dude goes after Saul. Jesus Christ Saul. That is a natural 20 and a 25. Okay. That is chainsaw 23 damage to you. Okay, still up. And the bolt is gonna do 10 damage. I'm down.
Starting point is 01:45:45 Chainsonite's drop, those guys. Elzor looks over at you, Cali. Okay, we'll have to be quick about this then. They are going to, actually, after the Chainsonites, that's called their call, they're going to go ahead and give me a dead saving throw. That's a four. Who's a fail?
Starting point is 01:46:05 Elzor will take their attacks against these two soldiers. That one on one, hits on the other one. 24 damage, pulls them in, turns to Callie. You got this. I look so insecure. I agree with a shaky voice. It does sound like you agree. I do.
Starting point is 01:46:24 It does sound like you do. I do like it. It does sound like you do. Actually, no, no, no, we got this. I got this? Yeah. Is there like a mantra that you all say in the caves? Something to like really pump you up. Oz is.
Starting point is 01:46:37 We're Dr. Dima. We fucking suck. Right. What's yours? We have a number of mantras, but I can't think of one that applies to the moment. I guess I thought was gonna be like, we're K-babs and we rock.
Starting point is 01:46:50 That's pretty fucking good. Okay. We're K-babs and we fucking rock. Uh, it is gonna hit. Yeah. I only have a first level spell left, so I'll do a first level smite. Come on, babies, let's roll well. All right.
Starting point is 01:47:09 25 damage. Damn, very good. Dude is fucked up still alive. After Elzor's turn, I'm gonna say igneous. Even though she's fucked up, she sees kind of how dire the situation is and she's gonna swoop in. Does not have a death wish, is not gonna go after these chains on nights, doesn't even really know you guys yet. So it's going to swoop in and attack this damaged knight and try to fuck up the soldiers here.
Starting point is 01:47:38 21, 21 and 25. Alright. Hits on two claw attacks and a bite attack. and 25 hits on two claw attacks and a bite attack. Fully takes out the one dude and manages to hurt the other one with the bite. Deregnius' turn, that is Saul's turn. Saul, go ahead and give me a death saving throw.
Starting point is 01:47:55 Of course. Okay, 17, 17 passes. After Saul, that is Kalle's turn. Okay, can I get up to them? You can do it with an athletics check. I'm gonna try and get up there. Sweet. 22.
Starting point is 01:48:11 22. Does it? Yeah, you climb right the fuck up. Thank God. I'll say you don't even use your hands. You just kick up on one rock. Kick up on another rock. And jump to the top.
Starting point is 01:48:20 Sick. I think that Calder's gonna be soon so I'm going to bonus action heal Calder great great and then can I turn the turret on them? Okay, so you're gonna go heal Calder bonus action give a potion of Calder Then you have to go over to the gun that that effect that a Saul had been
Starting point is 01:48:44 Using just shoot at these two chains on nights. Okay, I know I'm under a paking my death, but this is really convincing. I did take his shoes. Great. I called her, you like a shoeless. All right, good. Streams, flanness and motion.
Starting point is 01:49:00 Flanness and deck. Call her, you pop back up, you can go ahead and roll your dice. Meanwhile, Callie, these two chains onites are going to roll deck saving throws. Two fails. Go ahead and roll your 5-D-A. Woo! 26th.
Starting point is 01:49:14 Gets one close to death's door, and another one takes them from perfect down to a little fucked up. Great. Okay. And then I smile, and I whisper through my gritted teeth. I have one big boy. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Ah. Am I the eltheus? One of us with 13. Wow, you're so stocky. 13? That is the Ripper Soldier's turn. Has a dragon right in his face, but it's on Death's door and has Elzor.
Starting point is 01:49:49 He's gonna take two cracks at Ignis to try to take her down. Not one on the first attack. Does hit on the second attack. Successfully shoots like a charged bolt at igneus. You hear Elzor, no, igneus. You see igneus drops, is not dead, but is out, but is at zero.
Starting point is 01:50:14 This dude is just gonna try to move, but Elzor gets an opportunity attack. Great. Elzor hits. You see as this dude goes to turn, you see Elzor throws the hook. It jams into this dude's ribs. Elzor reels them back. I'm not done with you yet. After the soldiers, that's the Chainsaw Knights. The one is going to go after Calder. First attack misses, change on misses, second attack misses. Great, that's gonna be a repost then for me. Sweet. 25 to hit. Hits. 13 damage. This dude looks very fucked up, but the other
Starting point is 01:50:58 one is healthy. The other one that is healthy is going to grab the machine gun on your side and amenette Callie. Callie go ahead and give me a deck saving throw. You got good decks. Come on. I tried to remember when I was like so dexterous and everyone was missing me that one time. You've got this in you so. That's a nine. Okay you have five HP? One. Yeah, you're down. I don't even know why we're all safe. Uh, Callie is blasted off this ledge, like, his side of this cliff.
Starting point is 01:51:34 Oh, she had my shoe. I tried to block with a shoe. The shoe was absolutely ruined. No! Oh! I'm so excited for the blasted off the cliff. I say, avenge the shoe. Oh!
Starting point is 01:51:54 Call their screams into the void. And we don't know what he's more upset about. After the chainsaw nights, that's called his turn. With my bonus action, I would like to, actually, with my barefoot, now that I'm a little more dexterous without the boot, I'll take the freasy pop in between my two toes, and pour it into Sal's mouth. Found.
Starting point is 01:52:18 So far. So far. So you wake up to pure horror. So now you understand why I need a shoe. Killing me wasn't part of the plan. And I will take my attacks on the hurt guy. Great. Say 19 and 18 and a 20 for the hit.
Starting point is 01:52:39 All three hit. 29 damage. Fully kill this one dude. Yes. Get this other guy quite hurt. Great. After Calder's turn, that's Elzor and Ignis. Ignis is gonna do a death saving throw.
Starting point is 01:52:51 Six, that's a fail. You see, Ignis begins to have raspy breath. As you see her body starts to rise slower and with less frequency. And Elzor is fucking furious. Has this one dude already caught up and they're going to take three attacks on them. Hits three times just hack, hack, hack. One last hook.
Starting point is 01:53:20 It just completely beheads this guy. Kicks him off and runs over to Igneous's side. That is Saul's turn. All right, Saul's back up with 17. Great. Using the extended reach of, is Callie still up here? Callie, yeah, I'll say, I'll say.
Starting point is 01:53:36 For Chicaul. I said that for Flavor, but Mechanically, she was like, right near you guys. I'll say you can reach your tongue down to a use of potion, certainly. I I will taking a page from calder I'll curl my tongue around a potion bottle uh and then using the tip that remains of my tongue I'll pop off the cork and then just slither it along the ground like a big pink snake towards Calli. Your tongue finds first, gripped in my hands, call theirs tattoo. Saul, you know what to do.
Starting point is 01:54:12 Saul pours the potion of Calli's mouth and then the tongue grabs the shoe. And Saul is holding the shoe now, says, hmm, dips it into the blood of the dead chainsaw guy. Now it's more convincing. And then he's going to make two attacks on the remaining chainsaw guy. You see, as Saul comes back to life, I think he's starting to embrace the wild
Starting point is 01:54:42 and the effects of the living wood are kind of a taken effect on him a little bit. And his gauntlets come back, but this time they're more draconic in form. Whoa, I'm sick. Okay, so that's going to be another deck save since my gauntlets dropped. Fail.
Starting point is 01:55:01 Hell yeah. Okay. Okay, so that's gonna be 2D6 right up top, sick, and then I will take my attack with an S plural. Hell yeah, 16 and misses, okay. But I believe a 24 is gonna hit. Yeah. Alright, so that's gonna be 2d6. Let's see here. Actually, you know what?
Starting point is 01:55:19 So for that miss, I'm gonna spend a key point. Okay. You do focused aim and add two to that hit does a 19 hits. Yeah That's 24 damage. Saul finishes chains on night. Thank God. I Take call there's bloody shoe And I just beat the shit out of him back You beat the fuck out of this dude. This chance on Night Dies.
Starting point is 01:55:49 Everyone has been wiped out. However, Igneus is doing death saves and has already failed one. Elzor has gone over, but it is not their turn yet. That is top of the order. That is Callie's turn. I run over and I put my hands on onto the dragon igneus and I say icky wake up and I lay on hands. You lay on hands, you just hear a snorting. It's been a long time since I've been knocked out like that.
Starting point is 01:56:20 You see, Ellsor strokes her head in her neck. Igneus, you can't put yourself in danger like that. Thank you, Agnius. Thank you. You fought so valiantly. As did you all. What are you? What are you all doing in the living world? And why are you fighting on behalf of Princess Shiverblade?
Starting point is 01:56:42 Right. The Shiverblade thing is secondary to the main thing. That's also sort of his thing. That way, that's nothing to do with me. I'm tagging along. Right, I get it, so Calder loves Princess Shiverblade. What is in the rest of you? I was just cascading. You can see there's like grass stains on his knee
Starting point is 01:57:02 from taking knees before. I just write one down, and he wants to be able to stains on his knee from taking knees Making of which could you um Iggy could you get some gunk on this shoe so that it's a really convincing shoe of a dead man Um, yeah, you see igneous spits up some spores. Great. Those are cool. Those I might not watch them. Just the blood. You see, um, Elzor turns to you guys. I extend my umbrella over them so that if they want to take their visor off, they can. Appreciate it. You see, they smile and they bow and they go,
Starting point is 01:57:40 I've already introduced myself over rapport spores but allow me to do it in person. I am Elisor of the Deep Elves. This is Aakneus, a dragon of the Deep. You saved my dragon, and I am in your debt. Let's go get your duck back, shall we? Yeah. Yes, please.
Starting point is 01:58:02 Yeah, yeah. That rocks and you rock. I could really use Fuster right now. And that's where we'll end our session. Yes, please. Yes. That rocks and you rock. I could really use Fuster right now. And that's where we'll end our session. Oh, wow. Oh. That was looking close. Oh, that was great.
Starting point is 01:58:12 That was great. That was great. We went through. We went through almost all of our healing pushes. No way, really? I think that we went through eight. Oh, wild stuff. Yeah, we'll talk about it on the short rest.
Starting point is 01:58:24 We'll talk about it on the short rest. We will talk about it on the short rest. Uh, thank you guys all so much for listening. You can hear us talk about this more over on slash nad pod. That's NADD. POD don't sing yet. We don't do it. Uh, does anybody have anything they'd like to plug? I would love to plug the nad pod Instagram because it's where we announce our live shows.
Starting point is 01:58:45 That is true. If you want to just be kept up to date when we have a show in your town, throw that a follow-on when we post the shows there. Sometimes we post a little fun stories when we're on tour. Yeah, yeah, we do. It's a good follow. Yeah, strong follow. Check it out.
Starting point is 01:58:58 I'm off. Also, we haven't played this in a while, but the NAD pod print shop. Yes, that's right. Yeah. We haven't played that in a while. Shopped.nad pod. Wait, wait, it's right. Yeah, we haven't plugged that in a while. Shop.Nad pod print away. It's, it's not NAD pod. Sorry, NAD pod print shop on Google. You can find it.
Starting point is 01:59:11 It's 100% artists get all of the profit from it. We don't take anything from it. Yeah, so go support artists and go get some cool art with official NAD pod characters. Yeah. And I also have a quick plug because I've done some like cool kind of steampunk stuff. I had a couple characters that were based off of kind of a mix of home brew and then things I found on the DMs Guild website.
Starting point is 01:59:33 There's a product called the master mechanics steampunk manual and something called a theorial gaslight steampunk characters magic and monsters for 5e. Worth checking that stuff out, I found some good stuff in there, and it's always good to support independent game masters and people who are designing games. Shout out. Alright, and you can also follow us on social media that we may or may not use at sagemerf's me, at called his call tol, at a extra Emily and at your curts is Jake, and you can do it about the show using hashtag nadpod that's n-a-d-d-d-p-o-d. We are we are, youth of the nation, we are we are, youth of the nation. Well, well, well, it is time to thank our benevolent counsel of elders starting with Brad
Starting point is 02:00:22 D. Jeffrey S. Hugh C. Later,ater Matt M Jordan DJ cutter W Daniel G Dylan B Who is missing his own D&D game to see NAD pod live in LA. Wow. Thank you for coming dungeon mama Daniel the Dasterdly Dame beard man Dan Scott D Danny. Michael Mick D. Vincent W. Misturr. Cole. Victor T. Boundnor's boy forever. Dominic Persson, Andrew B. Justin I. Ragnar Ferdwin. TJ M. Traylae the Cray-Fay. Jared E. Christopher B. Damial R. Cyborg version of Josh the Cobald. An awakened Maxim with January Jones on the cover, very nice Portland live show reference, Richard X Machina, Michael L Taylor S. Calum L. Jack L. Sam L. Nicholas C. Thaddeus Thundress Turtle. Samu will be Mike H. Martin P. Matthew E. Way cooler than Angry Wheat, Adam G, Tyler F, Panama James, Andrew who is no longer a bard after the incident in the Feywild, sorry to hear it. Captain Sijl, an awakened Maxim with January Jones on the cover, very nice Portland live show reference, Richard X Machina, Michael L, Taylor S, Calum L, Jack L, Sam L, Nicholas
Starting point is 02:01:42 C, Thaddeus, Thunderous, Turtle, Samu will be Mike H. Martin P, Matthew E. Way cooler than Angry Wheat, Adam G. Tyler F. Panama James, Andrew who is no longer a bard after the incident in the Feywild, sorry to hear it. Captain Sijal, Ariel, the occasional mermaid, Selena N. A. K. A. Valacy Raptor, Minette is evolving into Gerados. Oh my god, we are all gonna die. Pat L, a truth that A, Lauren H, Joshua D, Ryan asked the bone duster, the charming fluff, Robert Crisp, telekitty creations, fan illustrator, insert requests. Let's go ahead and do the WAKIN' January Jones and the Maxim magazine thing from the live show. I'm sure you'll understand that.
Starting point is 02:02:29 Ploups, Carly A, Addy K, AP, Clarek, Laurie P, those who love and give where they can spam gaming the not-so-skilled, actually, whoa! The Tatted Gamer Boy, upgrade! Or update, at least. Grant L. Conner, Savage, Christopher J. Pebblepot, how do you get a D&D player to go out with you? You ask them for a D8 date. Very good. So Leo, Leviathan, Bioquart 7, Remington, CD, Amber Dexterist, Sullivan, H. Trub, Hop,
Starting point is 02:03:02 Drop, or Sydney T. Jack H. Grillianair, leader of the Mishima clan, a spoon among raspberries. Pendergreens penis colada, what? Garble the moist, juicy kiwi, Saul's future life partner, champ wild, Vaelin, beep Barbarian bastard baby of Brian and Brennan. Karlin Costales, Louis is your centaur dad, Emily S. Harry Cox, Noah the bagel of all things, Justin LB, Torrely's skirmisher, Pendergreens, Pungent putting hashtag CCC, hashtag Slang & Rope. Dandy, tunnel monster collective, bunny, Marcos P, Pup Kaelish learns the balance druid Dakota JP, Frieda M, Pagos, the self-proclaimed Vey Prince, Tracy P, the Crick elf librarian, Friar Frisid, Andy E, Holly Hyena, Kristen Z, Leah C, Page H, Helen of Brizz, Beatrix's beautiful baby better, Pixel stars Akash T. Kristen with a K. Cal, just Cal also
Starting point is 02:04:07 congrats on the job. Ellie, Commodore Galaxy, Edison, N. Russell, H. A monk named Dilgo, yes, the whole thing. Yes every time. Zero parody, Nio's the novice monster hunter. My new friend Simon, he was sad and old friend had forgotten him, but we cheered ourselves up by singing one big bed together. Laura Lai, F. Morgan, M. Stephen E. Mr. Adams, Meg the male carrier of Bohumia, James F. Jimmy A. Hyman, Hyman, yeah that's me.
Starting point is 02:04:38 Capping Cappy, M4 L. L. the dragon ambassador, Wayfarer, currently in a trademark dispute with mothership over the patent on the SS Stormbeorn. Godspeed. Andrew B. Copefresh, Barpo Good Barrel Bard, Barian and Brewer Emeritus of Waterdeep, Welsh Lander, Garrett G, One Big, Curred, Eric M. Mr. D. Sean J. Mr. Silly Head, Ethan B. Monster, Captain Renee S. Hoapsd dagger, the only dagger of Hope, Olivia the enchanting bard who will totally be making money off the duck team tails within on the go. All the stops show. Blue slayed the Artificer, Michaela R. Riley S. Sir, Sig 93, FICO, Angry Wheat, the game itself, Chaos Camp, aka, I am a Smap Fire, Tony
Starting point is 02:05:29 G, Anthony Dale Murphy Jr., who would like to declare his full support for Hashtag CCC and its derivatives. Josh H. Jack, the Jack's, Jinxing, Rogue, and search of Bohumiya's biggest balls. Wow. Good luck. Sammy the Neko, Mango, Empanadas, Cory B, Tamadar who is now the coolest person in the storm, Crow, Klan in your face, Meko, rented mules, and finally, mystical,
Starting point is 02:05:57 Mustlioia, of course. That was a head-bomb podcast.

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