Not Another D&D Podcast - C3 Ep. 19: Hunters of the Void (The Dragon Elf Chronicles)

Episode Date: September 9, 2022

Duck Team investigates the attack on Shroomrot's lair! Calder earns -2 to charisma, Callie finds closure in a strange place, and Sol is hit with a bombshell. Support us at to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Get tickets to our upcoming live shows at Effects Include:"Epic Chorus Song" by Frankum at"Crackling Fire" by sagetyrtle at"A Wizard's Tournament" by Emily Axford."Soul Coins" by Emily Axford."Sumpin's a Mess Out West" by Emily Axford."The Posse" by Emily Axford."Langston" by Emily Axford."I Need to Know You're Taken Care Of" by Emily Axford."Deadeye" by Emily Axford."Moonshine's Stump" by Emily Axford."The Gunslinger's Girl" by Emily Axford."A Fairy Remembers" by Emily Axford."Left is Left and Right is Center" by Emily Axford."Spooky Shafts" by Emily Axford."The Fairy" by Emily Axford."Secret Basement" by Emily Axford."Gunvar" by Emily Axford."Lilith Latrix" by Emily Axford.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Headgun Podcast. Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item. Plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy.
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Starting point is 00:01:20 with brush processing. Code P-A-W-P-A-W. Goodbye, Sweeties. Welcome to the campaign after the campaign. This is not another D&D podcast. Welcome back to Bahumi, everybody. Bahu! Bahu! Bahu everybody. Bahumiya! Gleh! Whoa!
Starting point is 00:01:47 I am your Glen, Brian Murphy, joined by Jake Erwitz. Dragon Slayer, who hates Glen. That player. Very good. Glen Hader would have also worded. Yeah, now that's good. I sk. Glenn Hader would have also worded. Yeah, that's good. That's good. I skater Glenn Hader.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Yeah, he gets on the options. And then of course Emily Axford. Go lump him he broke, cause of that Glenn note. Go lie a B petricle. You're better than that. And then of course, called Waltanner. Hip hopper, Glenn Bopper, solbufo. Oh, you should bop him.
Starting point is 00:02:28 You have bop him, well. Bop him, well. But you do. Patissons do let solbop glit. Sexually or otherwise, we'll find out. Sexually and otherwise. Yeah, we'll have to see if they have chemistry. You have my permission to go there sexually,
Starting point is 00:02:38 but not my recommendation, right? Understood. Understood. Yeah, that's a good place. That was the end game is to get a Saul and Glenn together. Hmm. Yes. If you could break his heart, I know I can't. What if we all take turns seducing him and breaking his heart?
Starting point is 00:02:54 That would be fucking great for me, actually. I heard foster you're up first. All right, let's go ahead and do a little recap. So last time you awoke in the under city castle and overheard Queen Umberspore asking about a message from her brother. She had sent a warning about the fake Voidelf raids and had not heard back. You approached her and offered to check up on it personally. She then oked you taking Elzor along and together,
Starting point is 00:03:25 you made your way to the fungi district where you used an edict from the queen to bypass the deathcap guards and enter the fungal network for faster travel. Just kind of skipped my things. Yes, politeness squad. Truth's air. What can I do when I ask permission?
Starting point is 00:03:41 I asked for it. There, you traveled underground with the help of branching fungi for encountering branches of the network that were sick and dying. You suddenly burst through the dirt into a pit with a young green dragon and its cohorts in the midst of poisoning the network.
Starting point is 00:03:59 You were able to defeat them without too much trouble and Callie managed to raise the suspicions of one of the blue dragon elves that the greens were secretly plotting against them. After he retreated from the battle, however, you found his body riddled with arrows before he could warn the rest of his allies. As you went to investigate it, Saul caught an arrow with a note attached to it, a note from Glenn that warned you not to metal, little mice, you're amongst cats. Oh, Mike, with a text.
Starting point is 00:04:32 You didn't even have the courage to show his face. I think that's the thing that really... The thing that really fucks me up is that he already broke up with me. And so he went out of his way just to break up with me again. You can't do that. You can't negate a breakup like that. You get double break up.
Starting point is 00:04:46 You can't double, I didn't even, oh. Collar, can you double break up with someone? I can't. I know's that. He knows what he's doing, which makes it even worse. I mean, looking at this note, I'm just like, he's too good. Do you want to burn it?
Starting point is 00:05:01 Do you want to punch it? You do any of the little ritual? If I were to burn it, it would just like fill the air with his... Do you want me to go take a shit and wipe my ass with this? Yes, I do! Ha ha ha ha ha! Sweet, oh god he's doing it right here. And that's where we are now called taking a shit.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Gotta do a poop check. Yeah, of course. Of course. Brilliant dungeon court reference. Yeah, of course. Of course. Ah! Ah! Really a dungeon court reference.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Ah! And I believe our advice was not to make mechanics for sure. Right, well, let's pull up the clue. Right, well, we said you could do it one time. Right, so we said you could do it one time. Great. As long as your players wanted it, yeah. And your players wanted it.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Give me an athletics check, Calder. Ah! Athletics. Because you're in the woods, right? Right, yeah. So, so it's so Swatting involved so presumably this means that calder is proficient in pooping Today I am Wow
Starting point is 00:05:55 Jeez it's I don't even know Takes an alarmingly quick shit Elzor looks and goes oh my god, it's solid! It's solid! You shit so fast! Ow! Really lucky you said that was cool because I had to go pretty bad. Yeah, that was the quickness of a watering shit with the consistency of eye-fibre shit. It's impossible. It's like an icicle. I've never seen anything like it. What a rush. Let's do this every day. like an icicle. I've never seen anything like it. What a rush.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Let's do this every day. Oh, man, I really need to have a sincere moment with this. It's still funny to me. Callie boxed over to the note with the shit on it. And she looks at the note, as she looks at the shit smearing. I'm so sorry. On his letter. She realizes like, she's never gonna get what she wanted,
Starting point is 00:06:50 which is for him to show remorse or any sort of regret. And she shows her boot into the into this shitting. Oh! Why? Just everyone leave it, bury it! No! That's what you call closure. No. I find this probably still watching. He probably saw that shit happen. And in this moment, staring at call to shit on the note, Kelly experiences character growth.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Thank you. Oh. And that's where I'm decision. Great. Ender series. Thank you so much. A little premature, but we're not gonna top it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:35 That's that. I think that was a good point of inspiration. Yeah, we're gonna start incorporating those now. So good God You all are in the living wood here standing over the arrow riddled body of this blue dragon health You've been yelling at Glenn you've been cheating on letters and a shitty and a shitty note that Kelly stepped in and now has called her shit on her Yeah called her shit on her foot. Yeah, it's making emotionally stronger. I'm proud of you, Kelly.
Starting point is 00:08:07 The elves were. I hung call her with this pants. Elzor looks towards the lair where their uncle is likely poison. I'm sorry. Right. Yeah. Yeah, so you do hear a commotion coming from further south And Ellsworth
Starting point is 00:08:29 Does look concerned and goes I'm so happy for you Gally, but Commotion that's the direction of my uncle's layer the poison the poison from the network likely got to him Okay, call their pulls up his pants You definitely needed a white one. You should have done that a minute ago. Also the paper's not gonna get all of it. You should get some leaves. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:52 All right. Well, you guys get started then. I'll run into it. All right. Sweet. You guys all run off. Call their a little bit behind. Does he has to find some leaves to finish up?
Starting point is 00:09:03 Was that shit rest long enough for a short rest? Yeah, you guys are great. Actually, no, you know what, I'm not gonna, you guys did not get a short rest. If you'd like to take a short rest, you can, you're gonna miss whatever's going on. I think Elzor is already mad enough at this. Elzor's running off.
Starting point is 00:09:17 So you guys rush towards Shroomrot's lair and sort of hide out amongst the trees. You see that there's a clearing up ahead leading to another small set of mountains, much kind of like the shiver-blight layer. There's basically a rock face with a cave mouth sticking out of it. And you do see outside of this cave mouth. There is a toxic green fog emanating from the cave. And you see deep elves are running out of it, hacking and coughing.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Does not look like it was meant to kill them, looks like it was meant to like herd them out. You see perched atop the cave mouth are blue and green dragon elf archers with their bows drawn. You see down below, the blues have a sizable force here. You see two young dragons, one full adult dragon amongst riders on wormlings and dragon elves, and as the deep elves are heard out of the cave, they are surrounded by blue elf troops who disarm them and bind their hands, begin like taking them prisoner.
Starting point is 00:10:23 who disarmed them and bind their hands, begin like taking them prisoner. And finally, you see ushered out of the cave, surrounded by green dragon elf, Pikeman, is this massive dragon whose wings have been bound by his captors. He's got Del Gray, blue scales covered in mushrooms that branch and have the appearance of looking like veins under skin, like blue and purple. He's got big jowls and red blood stained eyes and you hear his voice sort of
Starting point is 00:10:54 echo through this valley here going, what is the meaning of this that the whales have done nothing to the sapphire scale? You hear shouts from the crowd of all of these blue dragon elves shouting out, Justice for the High Prince Perry Winkle! Justice for Perry Winkle! Oh no. And Elzor turns to you guys and goes, That's my uncle's room rod, they have my uncle's room rod. What can we do? Yeah, how do you want us to approach?
Starting point is 00:11:24 Ah, if we could free Frumrod, I feel like that would turn the tide's pretty easily, right? Yeah, I'm looking at that binding wondering if we should just... Go ahead and give me perception or insight checks. That is a matte one. Okay, that's going to be a 23. 11.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Saul and Cali, you look down at this force. The deep elves have been disarmed. They are under the poison effect outnumbered. Ten to one. Odds are really in the favor of the blue dragon elves here. And freeing Shroomrot from the bindings wouldn't have. So, Shroomrot looks like a large dragon, sort of like Queen Umber Sport, like roughly as strong looking as Queen Umber Sport, could potentially put up a good fight and probably beat this other adult blue dragon that's there, but even he's outnumbered.
Starting point is 00:12:20 There's more blue and green dragons here. This is just a small outpost of, this is not like a whole under city, like Queen Umberspores. This is what if Princess Shiverblight was a deep elf essentially. Although Shroomrott, you have no reason to think that he's a moron, right?
Starting point is 00:12:38 I'm seeing those red eyes though. It looks like maybe partakes. But it's definitely a situation where they're a small force that has just been invaded by the Empire essentially. You see Elzor's kind of unsure what to do watching and you guys see that one dragon elf captain who kind of sticks his nose up at everybody, especially the deep elves, is long silver hair, blue dragon mask, long blue gloves.
Starting point is 00:13:06 He walks along the neck of one of the adult blue dragons that extends its neck out so that this guy can kind of use it as a staircase, and he walks down until he's standing face to face with Schrumrot. And as he speaks, he's kind of turning out and playing it up to the crowd. You say you've done it nothing that Shroomrot, and that is exactly the problem. The High Prince Perry Winkle was killed last night, and his fortress raided by Void Elves.
Starting point is 00:13:42 You are allies to them once. Tell us where they're hiding. Shroomrod, just foaming at the mouth trying to get away from these pikemen that are holding him and is going, that was sensualy ago! I don't know where they are! The elf just scoffs. And you are sensualy old. Certainly you know how to contact your old friends, yes?
Starting point is 00:14:07 If not, perhaps the High Kings and Quizzators will jog your memory. Uh, and there's cheers throughout the crowd, Shroom Rochester's grittest teeth, and this guy goes, very well. Onward then, to the King's Fortress. He claps his hands together, and all of the blue dragon elves begin marching with the deep elves. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:30 I, we have this blue elf costume. Right, two, right? Two, I know what this blue dragon elf looks like. I can cast a sky self and go in this mask and perhaps be on the inside to let them out if they get put in some sort of jail. I think yeah, if we can wait until they're secured and they're on their turf and feeling comfortable in their victory, maybe that's when we can make our movement. And is there a way to send a message back to Queen of Umberspore?
Starting point is 00:15:05 Yes, I think I need to get my mother. The High King's fortress is nearly 20 miles away. There's no way you'd be able to help Schroemrot and get to the summit unless we did it now. But I think that's pretty much a death wish. And I don't, you see Elzor looks at all the deep elps who've been captured and everything. If they wanted to kill them, they would have done it already. I think this is a show of force.
Starting point is 00:15:34 If we start a fight right now, we better damn well be sure we can win or there's going to be a lot of death. I mean, it's your family and I know that the most important thing is getting the egg back because it might be some sort of crazy weapon But if if you want to get on the sport right now, I'm here. I'm standing next to you. I'm with you Right. We're 100% behind you Thank you, but I think this is all going to take time Getting my mother and a fighting force together getting down to the high kings fort. This is going to take time, getting my mother and a fighting force together, getting down to the high kings fort. This is going to be, I think, more of a political mission than a fighting one. Okay. Okay. Okay. So. I'm glad for that clear headed opinion. Yeah. Yeah. So you go
Starting point is 00:16:16 to your mother. We'll go to the summit. Yeah. This seems like a job for a prince ex. Yes. Unfortunately. I wish I could help you more. I thought we'd be able to pick up some dragons from my uncle, but they've all been captured. You are a lot further south than you were, but you still need to head further southwest to be able to get to the summit. All right, you see they, really frantically their hands are shaking. They pull out like a piece of paper and begin drawing you guys just like a quick map. It's really good. Thank you so much. We already established that El
Starting point is 00:16:50 Doris of Brilliant artist. Really does like Caldwell, what he's doing like a quick doodle just makes it way too way nicer than you do. It's really engaging to watch you do this. Yeah, and you're talking while you're doing it, that's really impressive. Yeah. You see a draw map of the southern half of the living wood here. There's a layout of nine different blue dragon elf forts and they're kind of in a U shape or like a V with the high kings fort all the way to the south.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Like the medallion on the necklace. Like the medallion on the necklace is a great way to think about it. There's essentially a no man's land in the middle that's kind of just blue dragon elf land where the chest here would be. Right, yeah. So you do have to. I have to. You do have to worry about people there, but you don't necessarily have to worry about
Starting point is 00:17:44 you know these big adult blue dragons that have their own hordes and layers. You don't have to worry about that. Ellsworth explains that in order for you guys to get down past these blue dragon layers, to get to the area that the Ruby skill was in, to get to the summit. You essentially have to go through this V and cut through at least two blue dragon elf layers. One on the one side of the V, one on the other side of the V, as you sort of bisect it. Is this a vicious V, would you say? It's a pretty vicious V. They're pretty tight together.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Just trying not to get lost in the V. Never get lost in the V. Now, when you say vicious V, I'm just thinking of vent. And the solves vicious V. It's been a minutes as we've talked about vents. They're bad, although we just shit in a piece of paper. Everyone take a moment, think about vents. But you do see that Elzor points to one of the forts that are nearest to where you guys are now and goes, this closest one is Perry Winkle's fort, which apparently was overtaken.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Alright, alright. That might be the quickest way through. That's not what you'd only have to deal with one dragon fort essentially on the way out of the fee. Can you give us insight as to like what is the normal comings and goings of a thought if we were to pass through? What would be like the least suspicious behavior? Right. You could be patrolling guards, scouts, hunters. They're essentially their own stone keeps
Starting point is 00:19:15 with their own stone walls. The hiking's fortress is the biggest one of all, but you don't have to worry about that. Well, if we go in there being like, we're fucking patrolling, fuck the boys' elves, that would be like... If you get caught, and you pretend to be a blue dragon elf, that is probably a good way to go.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Okay. All right, well good luck. I'm sorry I can't follow you any further. It's okay, you have your mission, we have ours. Right, let's see you again. Are you gonna be okay traveling back by yourself? I hope so. I believe only the one half of the Spore Network was poisoned, I might take a little damage
Starting point is 00:19:50 going through, but sometimes you gotta take a few dirty spores to get to the good ones. I think- All you have to that. I think that your desire to reunite with Iggy will be strong enough to get you there. I also would feel more comfortable if Iggyus was here. Yeah. Alright. Yeah. All right. Hey.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Deepel's rock, Duck Team Sucks. I just slapped him on the back. I'm giving guidance. Thank you. Deepel's rock, Duck Team Sucks. Damn right. Keep sucking guys. Duck Troop these days, but what ever it will be.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Duck Troop Poops. Oh, come on. Please don't let that catch on. You see, um, it's too late. It's too late. It's too late. Elzor runs off towards the network, back towards where you killed the green dragon. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Um, I think, um, while we're here, is it so stupid just to take one second to just see if there are any voidels around. Do you just kind of whisper? Yes, whisper under rocks and trees? Yes, whisper and be like, hey, want to clear your name. Right, any voidels here? We think you're really cool. Give me a nature check.
Starting point is 00:21:01 That one. I found one. It's no with call. It was on my shoe. That certainly looks like it came from the void. The void of elf. You think for a second that you see a void elf hiding, it's just the elf that was riddled with arrows right next to lens note covered in shit So called are do you think with your massive and getting bigger everyday frame that you'd be able to even fit into one of these blue elf costumes? I mean is it a medium I Check the tag. It's an extra small. Hmm Not quite my size. It's close. So I think we'll hang back and if we get into a rough situation, Callie can disguise herself.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yeah, I, I'll say. I'm on the blue elf. Callie put on the blue elf mask. You put on a blue elf cloak. We have two costumes or just, you guys have, you guys have three. Oh, we have three. Yeah, you killed one green elf and two blue elves.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Yeah, okay. All right. and two blue elves. Yeah. All right. Is any of them a size medium to large? All of them would look very small on you, but you're welcome to. I mean, it's a mask, so it's not going to be, the mask isn't going to be that often. It's kind of a look though,
Starting point is 00:22:16 to like wear something kind of small for you. It makes you look a professional athlete. Then I'm definitely doing it. That's right. I think I'm going for that customized character look, we're just wearing a mask in a cutscene. Yeah. Yeah. Sweet, so you guys all,
Starting point is 00:22:32 Solid, you put a mask on or anything? I, I guess I'll put one on, but like if you get more than 20 feet in front of me, you're definitely going to know what I am. Totally. I'll say, Calder and Saul probably hang back a little bit. Yeah. I was Callie walks ahead and she will do sort of the stealth checks first.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And she is looking quite like a blue dragon elf. With these masks on, we do kind of look like a dance troop though. I'm really stifled the desire to dance. Don't stifle it for too long. What's your surprise? Oh shit, Maeve is coming out. Wow, I didn't know Doug diver it for too long. What's your surprise? Shit, Maeve is coming out.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Wow, I didn't know Doug diverging could tap dance. Tap dancing? Look how to tap dance through fast fast fast. I assumed you were break dancers. Tap dancing in a mask. I escaped. Wait, didn't have ice skits on? No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:23:22 He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. Sweet He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the...
Starting point is 00:23:30 He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the...
Starting point is 00:23:38 He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... He's on the... Yeah, take a moment to take a short rest. Probably not a bad idea for you guys to put some separation between you guys and the Blue Elf army as well. Okay, I think as we're going, can I just be using my divine sense here and there, just in case there's any celestial fiends or undead?
Starting point is 00:24:01 Yes, I have six of them, so just like, as I'm going, I might use it sometimes. Shoot him out. Sweet, you've got divine sense going. You guys hike for a while, occasionally having to find different routes and hiding when you hear patrolling dragon elves nearby. I'll say Cali kind of throws her hand up to let you guys know when she hears somebody up ahead.
Starting point is 00:24:23 You guys occasionally see like dragons or dragon elves or dragon riders going by overhead. The forest is definitely on high alert. There was apparently some big attack on high prince Perry Winkle. But as you guys get closer to Perry Winkle's fort, you notice that things begin to die down. And as you approach, I'll say, Callie, you're the first one to approach.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I'm nosy. I'll eat. Stop. Go ahead and give me a perception check, because you guys do have to like cut through this essentially. Yeah. 15. You find the ruins of a huge keep and stone castle walls. And I say ruins because not only has this
Starting point is 00:25:10 place been destroyed, it looks like it's been here for hundreds of years. Like the forest is swallowing it. The mostly collapsed castle walls are covered in moss. Smaller broken down buildings beyond it are blanketed in grass. The roof of the keep has completely caved in. You could see sunlight coming through its broken windows and flowers growing all around it. I pick a flower. Kelly, you pick a flower. You see that it's a little sunflower. How long have you been here? You see this sunflower does not respond, but you do see that foster starts to perk up. Feathers start going up on his neck, starts getting bigger, eyes are turning red. And I'll say at this point, cauldron salt, you guys don't see anyone around. Cauldron salt, would you like to approach with Callie?
Starting point is 00:26:12 Yeah. Yeah, sweet. Do we need to make a roll or can we just... Uh, go ahead and give me investigation checks. Not 20. Detective Kilday. Good for you. Shout out to the Tukur, I got a two. Okay, so Callie,. Good. Shout out to the two crew. I got a two. Okay. So,
Starting point is 00:26:27 Cali, you are trying to talk to the sunflower and are maybe a little distracted as you see, Foster starts to puff up. Saul and Calder, you guys start to walk around the ruins of the fortress here. And you see a frog's into your homes. Continue. Continue. Continue. The frog's into your homes. The Watson to your homes. It's good Lord called well.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I didn't need to dwell on it as the thing. I just said it. Now we have to. I genuinely Jesus Christ. I just don it now we have to genuinely Jesus Christ I just don't think it's worth this level of attention Frankly, I didn't hear it The funny part, too, is that almost said it at Jake and Jake did not get in was nervously laughing It was a little bit for Jake and honestly he was not for either of them. I was a lot. I truly didn't hear it
Starting point is 00:27:23 I was also mid-des you. I was also mid-description. I was also speaking. Who would have let the frog into your home? Yeah, I was just thinking, I was like, oh my god, why would you keep it in the frog home? So what? I just think it would be great if we could keep it with you. Yeah, we can keep it going.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I'm really excited to hear this story. Three. So, element three dear frogs. You guys, don't man. Cali takes out the shit note. Oh, homes and frogs in the walk around the grounds. You see buried in the grass here are a bunch of skeletons, dozens of them.
Starting point is 00:28:01 They've got rusted halberds, same kind of weapons that you saw the dragon elves have before. These were likely soldiers of the fort. There are also large skeletons of dragons, including a huge one that's sort of hanging off the side of the forts that looks like it leapt up to maybe jump out and fly or jump out to fight. It looks like a field of fossils. Does not look like a fresh kill. Can I try something? Yeah. Um, do I see any frogs or toads around? Go ahead and give me a nature check.
Starting point is 00:28:35 14? 14. I'll say you don't see any in this immediate area of the fort. Okay. This... correct me if I'm wrong, but it feels like maybe Glen Fear is learning what his weapon can do. Can I cast detect magic on what's happens here? Yeah. You cast detect magic and there is residue of magic all around here. Powerful congeration magic. And divine magic. But like
Starting point is 00:29:16 fade divine right? Do I sense? Yeah. The wild. You sense some kind of connection to the wild. And as you cast a tech magic, you see that most of the people who are dead here are fossilized already, are skeletons, and look like they've been here for a long time. I don't believe that. You also see a few bodies that are newer looking. You see that they have steam coming off of them, and when you look beneath their cloaks, you see that their skin is melting.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Yes. Okay, well. And suddenly you hear a boom of thunder. Everyone go ahead and give me con-saving throws Suddenly you hear a boom of thunder. Everyone go ahead and give me con-saving throws as you feel your eardrums are rattled and you begin to lose your balance. Nat 20. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Yes, a six. 17 for me. Kali and Calder take half damage. Saw you take full damage. It's just nine damage. So a four for each of you guys. So I was like, I think I see a frog over the- AAAAAAAA!
Starting point is 00:30:29 You guys see a black cloud gathers overhead. The trees sway as tornado winds whip around the ruins, rain pours down instant torrential downpour. You notice rain hitting the face of one of the newer dragon elf bodies causing their skin to quickly melt away. And as you look, you see your own cloak sizzling. You are caught in the middle of a storm of acid rain. Everybody go ahead and roll initiative. We gotta go. Get cover. Damn it. 17. 17. 16. Okay, so first thing that's gonna happen, as the rain comes down, this effect is for 360 feet, we're going to roll a D100 to see basically how far into the storm you guys are, to see how far you need to run to get to the other side. So go ahead and roll me a D100.
Starting point is 00:31:24 42. Okay, we're gonna do your roll plus 50. So you guys have just a little bit over 260 feet to get to the other side. So, layer action, first things first, everybody go ahead and give me a con saving throw for this acid wave. Can I stick with the nat 20 I got before?
Starting point is 00:31:46 For... I was just... I said, can I use the emilys nat 20 for this? Yes, yes, definitely. Cool. I got that 20 like two days ago. Okay, that one. I got a two this time.
Starting point is 00:31:56 So shut out to the two crew. I got a 13. 17. 17. Okay, Saul passes. Oh. Everyone else takes 22 damage, so all you take on the map of damage.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Oh my god, why did he crit on that one instead of the one that saved me four hit points? I'm gonna use Stone's Endurance and Shake Off Nice 16. Sick, yeah, you begin to grow icicles around you, turn into this ice block that is quickly melting away as the acer team is hitting you. I'm melting! On initiative 18, you see Foster.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Eyes glowing red, jumps up, begins flapping. Flies behind you guys, opens his mouth. Waaah! You see a red aura comes out, like almost like a dragon's breath, like a beam, and cast some kind of magical enchantment on the three of you as you're running. You don't know what it does yet. Thank you. Did you eat a bad potion?
Starting point is 00:33:01 Good duck. This is the natural evolution of whatever the fuck foster has been doing. Just flying with his mouth open like he's got a red flashlight on you guys doing something. What the? I guess you had some character growth too. Uh-huh. Unless this is bad and we need to take you to the vet. Callie, that's your turn.
Starting point is 00:33:20 OK. So you've got to get 260 feet. OK. I guess I'm just going gonna run and chug a potion as a bonus action, because I'm not in a good way. Sick, okay. So dash action, you get 60 feet. Callie is at 200 feet.
Starting point is 00:33:34 After Callie's turn, that is Saul's turn. Okay. If I take the dash action as a bonus action on my turn, you get even further. Right, so I can run my full movement and then take the dash action as a bonus action. my turn. You get even further. Right, so I can run my full movement and then take the dash action as a bonus action. Can I also run first? You can also dash with an action.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Okay, so I can double dash. Yep, I can do it. You can Mario Kart double dash, for sure, get those blue sparks going, boys. All right, so that's what Saul is going to do. Saul drinks through his skin, so this hurts a lot. You guys see Saul, it's just sizzling and gacking. Okay, do the red light thing entirely on salt.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Yeah, it tastes like drinking 100 brick waters at once. Okay, so that's going to be my speed is 45 so that's going to be 90, 135. Yeah, 135. Dude, you get halfway out. We are just 125 feet away from it hands as I run After Sol's turn that's called there's turn all right. I am going to bonus action cast expeditions retreat Grow ice skates on my feet sick mask on my face jazz hands on my sides Just melting track jacket.
Starting point is 00:34:45 No, I just bought this. We were expensive too. So yeah, so that allows me to double, Mario Kart, double dash. Sick, all right. So you have 30 feet of movement, so you can dash with the bonus action, so you go 90 feet. Yeah, this is great. So you guys are rushing rushing foster flying behind you. You see he extends the beam to catch Saul as Saul continues running at the top of the
Starting point is 00:35:13 round. You guys see the black cloud swirls and crackles with energy as three huge lightning bolts shoot at you like a javelin thrown by God. Go ahead and give me deck saving throws. 23. 24. 14. Saul you fail. So you guys see Saul is running so fast. Campy as dexterous as he normally is gets hit fucking head on by this lightning. However, Foster's beam gives you guys resistance to this type of damage whenever he's causing this. And Sol is just going to take half. I normally take half from a dex save if I fail. Sick. So all of you guys are just going to take a quarter. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Feels good to be in the spotlight. This one. So hit by this lightning bolt only does 10 damage. That's great. That's halved and halved again. However, you need to roll new con saves for the acid rate. Ah. That's a fail. Ooh, that is a net 20. Oh, 16.
Starting point is 00:36:19 16. Callie, because of Foster, you take 16 damage, half to eight. Call to our install, you guys just take four damage. Okay, after that layer action that is foster's turn, foster keeps doing what he's doing. Cali that's your turn. Dash baby, what else is there to do? Sweet, that's another 60 feet. Dash.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I might also need to take another heal. Yeah, I might need to take another healing. Okay, Cali chugs a potion as she, trying to avoid getting your mouth in the acid rain after Callie's turn, that's Saul's turn. Yeah, this sucks for Saul. Saul's gonna continue to run. Sick. Saul, if you can dash as a bonus action,
Starting point is 00:36:54 you straight up break out of the threshold of rain. Saul makes the toad when he hits the gas noise. Woohoo! Woohoo! And burst through. Absolutely double dashes out. Saul rolls past this threshold of rain. That is Calder's turn. I will also double dash. Sweet's Calder, you go another 90 feet that takes you 80 feet away from the exits. At the start of
Starting point is 00:37:23 the round, the winds become so strong that it begins lifting rocks from the exits. At the start of the round, the winds become so strong that it begins lifting rocks from the nearby ruins. Large trees sway and bend back. Sapplings are uprooted. The wind is so bad that it is now difficult to rain. So everything takes quite a while. I see it in there. It's all, you're on the outside.
Starting point is 00:37:41 This looks completely insane. It's just this contained storm that is only around this area, this looks completely insane. It's just this contained storm that is only around this area. This looks completely insane. Yeah, yeah, Saul, you just see this fucking wind wall in front of you as these guys are just getting pounded by wind. Hey, don't be in there.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Nothing gets past you, Frunks. There's also two new bolts of lightning that come down in you guys, deck saves. 16. Okay, 16 passes. 21. Okay. So, have to in you guys, deck saves. 16. Okay, 16 passes. 21. Okay. So, have to because you passed,
Starting point is 00:38:09 have to again because of foster, that is 10 damage. Go ahead and give me con saves for the acid brain. Fail again. You fail again. Fail again. Okay, I think I did two or 12. Okay, both fail.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Foster halves it to 11. You fail again. Okay, I think I do two, 12. Okay, both fail. Foster halves it to 11. Okay. I go looking. I should maybe heal this turn instead of dashing as a bonus action. Oh, no, no, you can take them as a bonus action. Oh, right. You're almost out.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Yeah. All right, after Foster keeps doing the same thing, he's like a fucking phantom. Just flying through this acid rain, not effective. It is not even hitting him in like sizzling. It's just going through him. Wow, wow. Callie, that's your turn. Yeah, I think I just got a dash and take a potion.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Okay, so you dash, you get just your movement speed. So you are 90 feet away. Is it cool for taking another potion? I'm gonna go down if I don't. Then are all yours. Can you can Kali, can you run to me? Can you jump on my back? Uh, I don't think so because you've been you've been moving so much faster. Uh, you are just 10 feet away from Calder right now. Calder, if you backtrack a little bit, you can grab her on your turn certainly. Okay, there you go. You see she's falling a little bit behind because she's lighter than you.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Saul and Cali are a lot smaller than you call her. You feel the wind beating down on you, slowing you down as you run. It feels like you're running in slow motion. Cali's starting to get picked up and floating away. That is your turn. She's 10 feet behind you. All right, can I just do kind of like a skate backwards thing for just a brief second so she can catch up?
Starting point is 00:39:44 You skate backwards for her hair. That costs you 20 feet of movement to get 10 feet. All right, yeah, you got to do it for the vibe. I put myself out there like off the gusgators. I'm like ready. Gosh, they're doing the routine. I didn't do it to et. Oh my god, we do a triple axel. Great.
Starting point is 00:40:00 I toss Kelly in the air. You toss Kelly in the air, you scoot. She begins to fly away into the air. You toss Kelly in the air, you scoot, you should be getting to fly away into the tornado. No. Yeah, and then I'll keep on, I'll keep on keeping on. Sick, yeah, you grab onto Kelly, you keep on keeping on. You have bonus action dash.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Okay, so you can do 90 feet total, which is lower to 45, which you lost 20 feet. So you got, you get 25 feet further. So you are at 65 feet away from the exit. Yeah, Saul, you were just watching this wind whipping around a crazy lightning, like targeted lightning, like the bolts are coming down and trying to hit the humanoids that are down here.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Saul looks at a frog on the ground, says, I didn't run, I wasn't scared. After a call, there's turn, that's back up to the layer action. I need new con saves for the acid rave. That's a fail again. It's a 15. Okay, 15 also fails. Two fails. 14, half to seven, because of foster.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Seven damage. All these stuff, you don't have to talk about these new powers. Awww. Dex save for lightning as two new bolts come down and hit you guys. Seven damage. I'm gonna have to talk about these new powers. Dex save for lightning as two new bolts come down and hit you guys. Wow. Not 20. This dice is amazing. No, you've got so many 20s on that dice.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Dude, I'll say not 20. You're hanging on to Cali. You guys just dodge out of the way. You guys get out. Yeah, baby. Yeah, baby. However, the wind is picking up even more so. Go ahead and give me strength saving throw to not get turn back. Give me a turn back. Woo! The wind is picking up even more so. Go ahead and give me strength, saving throw
Starting point is 00:41:27 to not get blown back. Okay. And I'll say, Calder can do it with advantage with help from Cali, because you guys are a lot heavier now. All right. She probably is using the hell, man. That is a 19.
Starting point is 00:41:39 19 passes. It just instantly uses the hell. You do have two charges on there from last episode. She's ultra. You do have two charges on there from last episode. She's Ultras. You do manage to keep going. That is Callie's turn. OK, I'm on Calder's shoulder, so I think I'll just
Starting point is 00:41:56 give you a bardic. Sick? Thank you. You give Calder a bardic. You inspire him. Calder, you're just pushing against the winds. You hear Ultras in your mind go, yes, yes, giants versus the elements. Is that for me or Kelly? That's for me.
Starting point is 00:42:12 I see. I've been in a wall for a long time. All right, well enjoy this buddy. That is, I mean, Sol, it's your turn. Can I also, sorry, can I also, since I do have an action, I'm just on, I would like to press to digitation a shower of sparks to really add to our figure skating routine. Oh, that's all sick.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Yeah. Saul for his turn is going to put on a hat that says coach in his room, say, come on, come on, nearly. You guys just insist on taking my little action movie, turning it into Blades of Glory. It's darn it, little feral. Sweet, after all, that's Calder's turn.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Calder, you've got Callie on your back. You've got 65 feet to go. With Expedition's retreat, you can go 90 feet, which is 45 feet. You are now 20 feet away. 20 feet away. You can see your coach in the distance. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Skate hard, skate fast, skate strong. As he yells those encouraging words, I'm gonna need new con saves for the acid ring. Pouring down track jackets are just really bad. No more. 18. Shout out to the two crew. 18 have to nine by foster.
Starting point is 00:43:27 So Calder takes nine. Cal you just take four. Woo! Dex saves for the lightning coming down. 18 again. Passes. 14. 14 fails.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Oh, you could bardic that. Oh yeah, I could bardic that. Okay. 18. Passes. Okay. 16 have to eight by that. Okay. 18 passes. 16. 16, have to eight by foster. Turns just to four.
Starting point is 00:43:49 You guys will take four. Yay. That is, oh, give me a strength saving throw with advantage as you're pushing. You're pushing, you're almost there. Just to be clear, we've been getting struck by lightning. Right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Attract knackets are gonna be so fashionably distressed. 13. 13 is a fail, Calder. I need you to go ahead and roll me 2D10. 10. Why, what the fuck, and hope you roll low. How many feet back we up? All right.
Starting point is 00:44:18 5, 4, 9 feet, plus 10. 19 feet back. We're now 39 feet back. That is back to Cali's turn. Okay. I think I'm just along for the ride. I pressed the digitization more sparks.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Valley, hang on, sparks everywhere. Calder fighting against the wind gets blown back a little bit, but then grabs onto the earth just like he's climbing a mountain going up against this wind. I guess can I use my action to like do like an arcanochec or a nature check or an inside or something? Yeah. I've got a pretty good view because I got the best seat in the house. I squeezed my thighs against a calltor's neck.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Just like I taught you. Yeah, I'm gonna do our conno to try and see if I recognize this magic at all. 19 on the dice, plus one, plus zero becomes 19. Great. Kali, you're thinking about it. You're kind of taking this all in as you look around. You see divination magic, conjuration magic, something is being conjured by a god essentially.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Um, judging by some of the bodies that you saw, you infer that these bones that you saw, when you first got there, were probably part of the initial attack, whatever the fuck happened here, those were the bones. The bodies that you saw that just had parts of them melted out and stuff look like they were killed by some kind of aftershock thing, like what is happening here. This is... Okay, and does this feel like this event is like an aftershock would be sort of like a lingering unintentional thing?
Starting point is 00:46:02 Is that this or is this a different attack? I'll say with your divine sense, you get the sense that this land is calling it cursed implies that this is an evil deity or something, but it's more of a neutral thing. It's just the earth is eating this land. It's been touched by it. It's just this much. It's like a lingering. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:24 And then can I also look at Foster? Yeah. And like use my 19-hour con at check on whatever's going like what he's doing on us. Foster looks like he was meant to protect you from this. You were born for this Foster. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Interesting. Very productive, keep running. Okay. That's the coaches turn, interesting. Very productive, keep running. That's the coach's turn, Saul. I will just stick my tongue 10 feet out to help real him in. Yeah, this is a strength saving ground, sick. Calder, that's your turn. I think I am going to continue this double dash,
Starting point is 00:47:03 the expeditions retreat, and as I get close to the edge, start doing the skating spin, right? Just so we can kind of end on a high note. Pills up on men's zone. We're supposed to. Yeah, yeah, okay. You see in slow motion,
Starting point is 00:47:17 called we're running against this insane wind, just on fire from being hit by several lightning bolts, is just covered in a melting track jacket and sizzling, begin spinning super slow and losing footage as he's almost running backwards. But finally... I see in the air and then I get electrocuted. Yeah, I'm getting caught by Sal's tongue on the other side.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Yeah, you guys grab onto Sal's tongue, you guys pull yourself through, and you crash through the other side of this barrier of acid rain. And we look to the judges to see if that's good enough. And to be the foster lands, where, which is wings out, a perfect day. A perfect day. A big tank! I haven't seen it before!
Starting point is 00:48:07 That'll be a goose egg. So you guys see as soon as you pass this boundary of rain, the rain abruptly stops. Behind you, the sun just begins shining again. The trees creak and write themselves as the wind calms from a hurricane to a soft breeze. Was that all from the egg? I'm so fucking hurt. Oh, so really? Oh, yeah, three potions and I'm still hurt.
Starting point is 00:48:35 So it all gives each of you a paper cone of potion and put it in your mouth. Great. I make it freezing cold and bottoms that thing down. I'm gonna make it freezing cold, bottoms that thing down. So you guys find yourselves in a patch of forest in the literal and metaphorical eye of the storm. There are blue dragon elf forts in all directions, but there are none here in this no man's land
Starting point is 00:48:59 in the center of the southern living wood. You are in the middle of the V between the lines right now. In the chest air. In the chest air. But we're in the chest air. You are in the middle of the V between the lines right now. In the chest air. In the chest air. But in the chest air. We're in the tangle. But yeah, you see this whole area that was just so inhospitable. That was essentially that nature trying to kill you goes back to normal. Wait, can I just talk to you all about something I've been
Starting point is 00:49:21 thinking about? Yeah. Of course. These three eggs were made to prevent the wild from becoming too civilized. And mothership is not good. We don't like mothership, but it's sort of like the other end of the spectrum. It's too civilized. It's society on speed, nature on speed. So part of me feels like,
Starting point is 00:49:44 these eggs are scary, but they could be the only thing to stop mothership. Because we need the balance of the two things in between. I just have had that thought, because we like pivoted and we're like, oh, these eggs are dangerous. But then I was like, but I don't know, I just was thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I mean, no offense to you Foster, but he seems like some sort of weird marriage of the two. He's unnatural in some ways, orderly in others. He's like some sort of form of controlled chaos that seems similar to the Feywild, but similar to things that I've seen in Mother's Ship as well. Where see, uh, Foster's eyes go from red to regular and he just waddles over and then he sits hiding his feet. Oh, so you are so fucking cute. Okay, well I just had to get that off my chest. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Okay, so we're all feeling kind of similar. Right, yeah. Great. Now, do we know, was this Glenn's egg or is this one of the other eggs? Do we know what's happening? I mean, it seems like it has to be whatever hatched from the egg did this. I hope that something hatched,
Starting point is 00:50:53 and this isn't just the raw power that you get from having the egg in your possession. Can I do an icon of check on what Soul just said? Yeah. A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- What's the winning? What, whatever it is, we gotta track it down. Yeah, real quick. Let's just keep going. And hope that Foster gets more and more cool abilities that can neutralize this egg. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Foster, I'm putting you through the ringer bud. Saul lowers his coach hat and then slaps Foster's, to a sh- Brrrr. Foster gets up, starts wandering around. For God's sake, you call it ducks ass for a second. So you guys know that the summit that is happening is happening tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:51:48 So you do have a night before that, but you do have some grounds to cover before you get there. I'd also love to get to where the summit's gonna be. Get eyes on it. And nothing. Sleep nearby, yeah. Right, it's okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:04 This episode of NADPOT has brought to you by Bird Dogs. There are company that makes pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered. Now we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's gonna be difficult. Luckily Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier. Bird Dog stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look. And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, Bird Dogs invented a cloud knit fabric
Starting point is 00:52:38 that looks just like khaki, but stretches so you get a way slimmer fit without having to sacrifice movement. And trust me, you are going to need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother, make sure you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti-style tumbler, go to slash pop-up or enter promo code pop-off at checkout. That's slash pop-off or promo code pop-off for a free Yeti-style Tumblr.
Starting point is 00:53:12 You won't want to take your bird dogs off, we promise you. Okay, that's it for me, go ahead and give me perception checks. 17. 17 as well. Twins. A flat tin. Okay. Driplets.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Yep. That sounds about right. Yeah. As you guys turn to leave, you catch a quick glimpse of a dragon elf in a black mask. Looks like they were hiding, but moved slightly once they saw what direction you were in. Let me sniff the air. Does it smell like a green elf though? That would be like an arcana check to, I just try to sense with your like paladin abilities,
Starting point is 00:54:09 it's almost like a divine sense. Yeah. Divine sniff. Divine sniff? Yeah, give me an arcana check for a divine sniff. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Three.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Three. You have no clue if this is a- I think I'm congested. Let's try, let's just try the audio version that we were doing before. Yeah. We are friends to void elves. We want to clear your name. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:33 We do not avoid the void. Go ahead and give me a group persuasion check. One person make a roll. Yeah. So loud. So all of those dice rolls rolls count towards the title. Through your dice into a pile of other dice. Touch-check.
Starting point is 00:54:50 That's a touch-check. Or any of those good. They all count. They all count. I didn't roll great, but it becomes a 15. 15. You see a tall dragon elf pears around the side of a tree, the black mask poking out a bit. You got those masks on, but you don't look like dragon elves.
Starting point is 00:55:15 You a friend of the blues and the greens. No. Yeah, we hate those guys. Certainly not. Yeah, yeah, we you might notice the blood staining all of our garments. Yeah, that's we made them bleed that I take up my mask and I flick it in the eye How I feel about them you you flick the mask a blood splatter comes off of the mask And you see this dragon elf pokes out and goes well Well, shit, if you're out of your killing blues and greens, then we're probably friends. My name's Bumpy. Let's work with that theory. Hi, Bumpy. You see this tall gangly void elf comes out from behind the tree,
Starting point is 00:56:01 a scraggly beard, stringy brown hair, long olive colored cloak over dirty leather armor. You do see that kind of much like you guys kind of sizzling from being hit by lightning and getting like fucked up. It looks like he was probably caught in this storm. As a bumpy kind of walks out and is waving to you guys though. You do see two other void elves These guys look a little bit more serious. They're brandishing bows. They pop out and stop bumpy And they point the bows at you guys and they go damn it bumpy. Don't be so fucking trusting man Aim said at you guys. What the hell? Oh, all right doing here. We're just bumpy friends. We're just friends of bumpy. Yeah with it. They killed the guys that they put on their masks. Yeah, that was canonically
Starting point is 00:56:55 established so they got blood on the mask and at the very least they're enemies of our enemies which is kind of a friend. We are bumpy buds. It's clear to say. Alright, you're bumpy buds and that's great, but you gotta understand where we're coming from, because there's people impersonating us, there's people trying to kill us, and trying to find our...crick. Wait, the crick? I thought that you lived in some sort of like black hole. I don't know, we're called the mortals because they say we come out of nowhere but we come out of the creek. Where's the creek? I thought it disappeared.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Oh, it's... it's... Don't tell them where the f***in' creek is, bumpy! I'm not supposed to tell you where the creek is. You're not supposed to tell anybody where the crick is. You're not supposed to tell anybody where the crick is bumpy Listen, you all seem nice, but why should we trust you when everybody's trying to find us? We okay, that is we know all about that. I'm gonna lay down my sword Just so they know we're not threatening. Yeah, put my hands in there. Yeah, you guys lay down your weapons You see that's the two other void elves
Starting point is 00:58:07 kind of look at each other and then look at bumpy and then put down their bows. You see bumpy kind of does a conciliatory like bow like apologizing for them and goes this here is for them and goes, this here is Patreon and Junior. They're just being careful. We're out here to investigate all the fake attacks that have been happening and then we stumbled on this and got caught in the storm. Yeah, that happened to us as well. We're all quite synched. These used to be beautiful track jackets. You see as Bumpy gets walks over to inspect the track jackets too. Like kind of also too like officially like me, you guys like he just kind of,
Starting point is 00:58:54 there was like a mini standoff with a Petri in junior. You see these guys walk over to kind of actually introduce themselves to you guys. And you see that as they get close, but be kind of does a double take on Saul. Saul looks behind him. What do you see? Saul Bufo.
Starting point is 00:59:11 What? Yes, but how do you, huh? What's it been 30 years? What do you got? I'm 29. 30 years, Saul Bufo. What? I mean, this guy went on some adventures
Starting point is 00:59:24 back in the day. You cheating on Al? Are you adventure with someone else? I don't know this guy. We're the victory, junior. Doctorate, doctorate, I'm a liar. I don't know this freaking guy. I'm getting a really weird vibe.
Starting point is 00:59:38 I'm not getting a weird vibe at all. I feel like I fucking went on adventures with this guy. I'd be telling everyone. And if I didn't remember, I'd want to know about it. It's Bumpy. I'm jealous of myself apparently, Bumpy. You don't remember, Bumpy. Don't remember you. You don't look a bit different. You have kept it tied, my friend. Rob, what are you talking about? Bumpy, I don't know you.
Starting point is 01:00:04 I've lived in mothership my whole life. I've lived in Esri. What are you talking about? Bumpy, I don't know you. I've lived in mothership my whole life. I've lived in Esri. Go ahead and give me insight checks. Goddamn, that's 20. Calder, you see a moment of profound sadness on Bumpy's face. And then he kind of recovers. Oh yeah, yeah, but you got you got away from there. So all that's why we from
Starting point is 01:00:39 hisry? Yeah, that's what you're that's what you told me. I mean, it's been a long time Oh, but a bumpie's been around for a minute But I don't forget a phase your name saw Bufo, right? That's right. I mean the only name I've ever had When do you say you knew me from? 30 years ago As far as I know I'm not even that old. This is so weird, but can I do like a medicine or nature check to see if Saul is older than he thinks he is? Can she check my bones?
Starting point is 01:01:16 Great. I can give him bone. I can't give him bone. I can't give him bone. Saul, I need to break a bone. What? 19 on the dice. Nice.
Starting point is 01:01:25 So, I mean, nature, it would add nothing, but 19. So, seems like a regular adult bullywug. So, it seems like he's the age that- Seems like he's the age that he thinks he is. But you guys also, duck team at the beginning of this adventure had just sort of been assigned to the same team. You guys were maybe working together for a few months at that point. Did they change his memory?
Starting point is 01:01:52 That's what I'm wondering. Woody's doesn't look like he's aged today. God dang. Well, thank you. I've, you know, I've been a little surprised. I can't keep it tight. But I've seen, I've read the book. I've seen smaller versions of you.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Right. Yeah, hold on, I think I've still got a copy. Let's just assume that I would have a copy of the boy wizard and his frog pal. Yeah. Like does he look young in that? Or has he always looked at me? He looks young in it.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Yeah, you can see my tail from when I was a tadpole. I don't know enough about frogs, do you know? I mean, do you like regenerate? I don't know enough about frogs, you know, do you like regenerate? I don't know what's going on. I mean, well, I never mentioned this, but when I spoke with Alexandra, she mentioned that maybe I wasn't actually an orphan or a regular frog I could have been made by mother ship. Maze?
Starting point is 01:02:49 She... Alexandra was withholding of the truth, but she just floated it to me. And I almost... I was tempted to seek the answer, but that would have meant joining her and I didn't want that. I mean, I'm glad you didn't. You'd be at the bottom of the ocean right now, and I'd be missing you right I guess I'd be a cool Octopus robot which is kind of sick objective Yeah, I'm
Starting point is 01:03:18 Yeah All right, tell us about that other soul buffal you? Why don't we take a moment here? Why don't we all get something to eat? The three of us need a little bit of a rest. We need some food. We can't get back to our home tonight because there's enemies nearby, and we can only get to the creek when it's safe.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Would you stop fucking tailing people? You see, a bumpy takes his, like, gnarled staff and goes and casts a spell. You see he casts Liam on's tiny hut. Oh! See a little hut pop up. Honey goes, come on, insurgers can't get us in here. We can camouflage it so they can't see us.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Right, I could start a little fire. I just need a flint. There's. Oh yeah, no, no little fire, I just need a flint. There's. Oh yeah, no, no, well I can do it with magic. Can you do it with magic? I can't do it. Well, I can.
Starting point is 01:04:12 We don't have time for this. So yeah, they go walk in. You see, Petri and Junior start putting leaves on the outside of the hut just to kind of cover it up. And as he goes to enter, a bumpy whistles out into the forest. Pain Uncle, Pain Uncle, get back here. We're going inside, baby. And you see this little pot-bellied black dragon waddles out occasionally jumping up with little wings and gliding. Excuse me, Bumpy, can I please hug your fucking dragon? Yeah, you can hug P-nuckle if you want. Fair warning.
Starting point is 01:04:46 P-nuckle kind of thinks he's a little pig because we trained him so that he can find shuffles and he goes hung out with pigs a lot. See, P-nuckle flaps over and just goes Pfft. Pfft. Brings you a little truffle. Bumpy, I am so confused about how I could forget about you
Starting point is 01:05:03 because you, my friend, are unforgettable. Hey, that's what could forget about you because you my friend are unforgettable Hey, that's what I said about you man. Oh, what's going on? Let's figure this out. All right. Let's go inside You guys take peanut go and bumpy junior and Petri follow you guys in I fully glam under pinnacle Sitting in your lap, could you stop making me love him so much? Finds more truffles. Hell, you found one of these truffles. Really good that.
Starting point is 01:05:28 They're being a fucking everywhere. I think the truffles are faster. Or open some. They just go in where the potions go. You think it's just storing them? Wow. You guys have to do that. You're not using those truffles the right way.
Starting point is 01:05:39 We can sell those for a tasty mint. So you guys enter the hut. And though it is tiny on the outside, it opens to a modestly sized room that looks like a log cabin on the inside. Rather than being built of individual logs, this looks like this is inside a giant hollowed-out tree stump. Ceiling is about 10 feet high, light brown, color with rings. The walls are made of bark bark and there's a magical warm
Starting point is 01:06:06 hearth with a rug in front of it and some rocking chairs. Nearby there are bed rolls and an area for sleeping. You see junior and petri go over and start making a supper over the fire. They toss in some crawfish and get a boil going. Alright, bumpy lights of pipe. It's in the rocking chair. He gets kind of a serious look on his face as he puffs on his pipe and he goes, yeah, Saul. This ain't the first time we met. Uh, well, um, Saul gets out his journal and starts writing notes.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Tell me everything. So I'll get out his journal and start writing notes. Tell me everything. All right, well, last I saw you was about 30-some odd years ago. And you told me about how you were running away from Izry. You were being chased by some kind of mothership people. You ran into the living wood, knowing that they wouldn't follow you in here, but like most outsiders, you've gotten a trouble
Starting point is 01:07:10 with the local elves. Me and a few of my friends met you, and we struck up a friendship, we helped you get out of the forest and into the Iron Deep Mountains. Now you're saying, Mother-ship got you back somehow. And if what you're saying is true,
Starting point is 01:07:31 it means that everything I knew, everything that I thought was my life was somehow a lie. Last you told me, you were hired by mother ship to train up a squad of monks but when you got there there was no team for you to train they just captured you and threw you in a tube and we're doing some kind of weird experiments. Oh, but what? I just, I have friends. One friend in particular that I remember fondly and truly, and this can't be the case, I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Everything you're saying does it add up. I think, I think it's, maybe it wasn't you in the tube. Who, who would it have been? I guess like... your father or... Are you saying I'm like a clone? I mean, you were a child with Albi. Unless... no. Maybe Albi was lying and he's in on it?
Starting point is 01:08:48 That couldn't be the case. I don't want to believe that. Maybe you're right. I don't know what's true, but Callie, I really want to believe what you're saying. If they caught you, maybe one of those experiments was cloning you, and you lived this last 30 years as true as you knew it, but it was all by their design But why clone me? I'm just a frog. I'm nobody. Have you seen your gauntlet's all? Yeah, I mean have you seen what you do? That's actually a really good point. Saul looks at
Starting point is 01:09:20 bumpy and says Could the Saul you knew do this? Oh, I remember those, man. Hell yeah, dude. Hell yeah, brother. Saul does a predator handjake with Bumpy with his gauntlets. I grabbed your hand. Feels good, man.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Feels good. Yeah, I was really room for you. We got you out of the woods and into the Iron Deep Mountains. And um, you had said that you had escaped out of some kind of test tube and you said you weren't, you weren't going back. I think the Saul you knew might have been the closest thing to a dad that I'll ever have. Damn. Yeah, maybe I'm Saul Jr. Well, welcome slash congratulations.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Yeah, can I have headed that pipe? Bumbi passes you the pipe. Saul like nervously takes a puff and you see that the vapor just explodes out of his pores. Does that mean your father could be in the Iron Deep Mountains? If he escaped from a tube, he might still be out there. It's Krugin up by Iron Deep. Krugin is in Iron Deep and the Iron Deep Mountains are between the living wood and Iron Deep. So I mean, I'm sure we could go try to find him. You've got a lot on our plate, but if there's a chance he's out there, I have to find him,
Starting point is 01:10:52 I have to know more about what's happened to me, what's happened to us, I guess. If anyone could find out, it's Detective Galdor, I'd frox him. Oh, like Watson. That's hilarious, man. It's all silently gestures with his gauntlet. It's guys on the level. Can I really, really, I want to stealthily say something to Calder because I don't want to upset Saul.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Great. Yeah, I'll say a bumpy takes a minute and is talking to Saul. I wonder if this means that there are more souls out there. Wow. Asri has other souls. What a world. A sweater in every color. A sweater in every color.
Starting point is 01:11:38 I don't want to say it to him because I don't know if it would make him excited or scared or whatever. It feels like he has enough to grapple with right now. Yeah. But I'm like secretly hoping that there's a soul in the area. It's a lot just to think about one. Yeah. But I needed to talk about it with someone. Totally.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Well, let's eat some truffles. Yeah. You guys eat some truffles. Sweet, yeah, you guys eat some truffles. You see Junior and Petri finish up a boil in the crawfish make you guys some food They pour you guys some Crick water bumpy. This is maybe a weird request, but Do you have anything that used to belong to my father me. Dad, myself. I used to belong to your dad, you. Let me look through my whole bag.
Starting point is 01:12:32 I got, you know, a lot of the people around here aren't too hospitable, so I'm known to befriend a traveler to here there. I'm going through his bag and um, Saul, what did the little piece of metal that you have, uh, say? It just said, solemn. You see that he has a, he has the other side of that name plate. It says, Bufo.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Wow. Hey, had this like, I just ripped it off like the fucking test tube thing. Mmm. It's all, uh, grips his hand around it. Thank you. You've given me something, and I hope that I can repay it even in a small fraction one day. Yeah, you just look after Pinochal or rat. I'm like chasing him.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Do you have presents for anyone else? We like to get treats. Interesting. I gave you a place. I let you play with Pinochal. Yeah, Callie's holding him. The answer is about, I'm not letting go. It's all right. I want to keep you around the bag. Callie's holding him answers about I'm not let go
Starting point is 01:13:47 I want to click you round the bag But anything click it around the bag. Let me do it Bumpy give call to something look around Do you want some super dirty leather armor or I have like a soiled shirt? Thank you bumpy hands you a soiled shirt. Thank you, Bumpy. Hands you Bumpy soiled shirt. Bumpy soiled shirt does sound like a magic item. Yeah, it sounds like something you'd get in wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:14 What does that do that negative two to Chris? Yeah. It makes you stink. Say thank you and I love you, please. I'll repay you someday, puppy. Alright, yeah. Well, what brings this version of you to the living woods all? I don't know that we ever established why y'all are here.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Alright, yeah, I was kind of a weird rapid introduction. Well, we're here because the greens stole something important from us. Something incredibly dangerous. What did they steal from you? It was an egg. One from the Feywild. Yeah, it wasn't like a breakfast egg. It was like a different kind of egg.
Starting point is 01:14:58 It wasn't like a chicken egg. It wouldn't be a big deal at all. Not like a chicken that we know of. All right, interesting. Interesting to be actually. We have about as many questions about this egg as you have about soul. All right.
Starting point is 01:15:13 We think the egg might be what caused that storm or maybe whatever hatched from it. Okay, I kind of did see what happened. What? Oh, we just saw the aftermath. Okay, I kind of did see what happened. What? Oh, um, we just saw it. Yeah, aftermath, yeah. Yeah, well, we were, we left the creek to come out here cause we were tracking the fake voids
Starting point is 01:15:38 to kind of try to find out what they were up to. And we followed them when they made their attack on Perry Winkle's four. Now I don't know exactly what they did because I had to kind of keep my distance but the whole thing played out in less than a minute and I mean they just fucking toasted these guys. I mean, everybody was just the fake voids toasted everybody. They went in, I saw some kind of smoke. It almost looked like dragon's breath. And Perry Winkle was a fucking adult blue dragon. He does not have a very intimidating name, but he was an intimidating guy and he went from
Starting point is 01:16:26 full dragon to a fucking fossil in a second. That's not good. Definitely not a chicken egg. Yeah. What do you know about Oberund? Oh. Oh, you're talking about the Green Lord? Yeah. Yeah, we're talking about the Green Lord? Yeah. Yeah, we're talking about the Green Lord. We think that this egg is of his mach nations. Yeah, we got a guy at the Crick, a cordoned the gold, who wrote a book about him.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Oh, yeah, we peruse that in a spider's library. Serpent's in search! Yeah, you spider-lover! We got those at the Cricks sometimes! Yeah, well, we got a couple libraries, but one of them had some spiders in it Other others are just spiders Yeah, Oberon roams the peace lands. Yeah, our our Mimos as as traveled there We got some of the best druids you've been to the beastland. Oh me. No, not me personally. I would say Oberon is like a Equalance of a friend
Starting point is 01:17:30 That's better than anything It's that pretty good. I just read a mythological story and easy or fucking acquaintance of a friend He's by a quaint of a friend kind of yeah Yeah, it's like a terraforming reshaping reality arrows You see junior and petri shake their heads. He's exaggerating. So you're saying you could like get us on an email thread with him.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Yeah, to do like a wiffle ball, Lee. He's kind of on, I would say he's very much about nature and it's just kind of one of those guys. Collier B does not press whether or not Bumpy knows that she fully buys Bumpy knows this. She fully buys that he knows it. Bumpy, I think this is gonna be really forward, but like, we have a bit of business here still,
Starting point is 01:18:15 but we really need to know more about these eggs. And if you have people that know more, would you take us to the creek so we can talk to them? We'll be super cool. I'll be so cool. Bumpy looks at P-Tree and, um, and Junior, and goes, they said they'll be cool. And they just shake their heads. God, Bumpy, come on man. Um, and Bumpy goes,
Starting point is 01:18:42 Well, I would love to take you all to the creek, but it's not that simple. The creek, you don't really find the creek, the creek finds you. And now I'm not even supposed to tell you this much, but I got my old friend Saul Bufo here, or his son, Self, of his daddy, Self. Right, yes.
Starting point is 01:19:03 We kinda know what's going on. Anyway, the creek is almost, it's self. Right, yes. We kind of know what's going on. Anyway, the Cric is almost, it's hidden. It's kind of like a demi plane. It's not unlike going to the Fey Wild. But instead of having a regular gate, where you could just kind of go in, there are druids hidden in the forest that you can find or more likely they find find you and the gate sort of shift and they can kind of invite you in.
Starting point is 01:19:30 And that's a reason that despite our bad reputation, we still wear the black masks because then other crit gels can see us and sure how to get back home and I wouldn't be surprised if A few of our comrades got fried in that storm. Oh, no, because I know we went in to investigate and got pretty fucked up I would have to assume Somebody, you know probably morphed as a cheaper bunker some probably wouldn't went in and maybe got off So, but I will to out someday I'll get back to the creek morphed as a cheaper bunker, some probably wouldn't win in and maybe got off. Right. But I will to out some day I'll get back to the Greek. So so this storm is like bad stuff. Well, okay.
Starting point is 01:20:15 So you think Oberon is is kind of doing the storm. Yeah, because when I was a young kid, I'm just going to give it to you all right now. When I was a young kid, I'm just gonna give it to you all right now. When I was a young kid, I talked to a sunflower Brinacute sunflower And she was like who side are you on and I was like the wild of course, and then I saw sunflowers here And I think Oberon represents the wild and I might have made sort of like an other world we packed with in some way in my agreeing to be on the side of the wild and then also I've got this duck, which seems to protect us from it so I'm like really duck-protects you from it?
Starting point is 01:20:55 Yeah, he shoots laser beams. Foster, shoot a laser beam! It just doesn't shoot a laser beam, once again hide just feed faster fine truffles Okay, but it doesn't have any bones. He doesn't have any bones. Look at that. Yeah, I punch him real quick. He doesn't have any bones Yeah, he squishes Bumpy is gonna do a nature check on On foster can I give him like the help action? I really show enough every on foster care. Can I give him like the help action?
Starting point is 01:21:22 I really show enough every nook and cranny of foster. Yeah, he starts flipping him, a foster just goes with it. If you lift up his wings, it smells a little bit. Careful his full of potions. Yeah, this is um, this is some beast land stuff here. This one's a beast land. What?
Starting point is 01:21:42 Whoa, foster, you didn't tell us. Oh, so we thought that you were made in a fucking lab You're from the fucking baseline. Were you trying to tell us the whole time? We're oh, okay Well, I mean the the kind of you see a squeezes foster the fact that he kind of can't get hurt Hints at the baselines to me that he kinda can't get hurt, hints at the beastlands to me. Because it's almost like an unending hunting ground with giant monsters. So it also can be sort of, it's like another plane, but it can also sort of be an after-life.
Starting point is 01:22:15 So like maybe like a lion will come out and just like eat a deer, but then out of the deer's wounds, just like another fucking fully formed deer will just like die out. Colleibies like trying to hide a small hyperventilation about how much he wants to go to the beastland. Fuck he says, fuck you go there. We fucking need friends. They have more. And acquaintance to a friend. Very deviant rating bumping. God damn it. I don't know how to process all this, but false to come here, I love you more.
Starting point is 01:22:46 I'd be single fucking day. I'm so rad. Callie is just covered in familiar right now. Oh. Ah. Ah. Familiar and truffles and laser beams. You're just like the person at a party
Starting point is 01:22:59 who's on the floor with the dog. Yeah. Honestly, that is me actually in real life. Yeah. To fill you in even further, apparently all the dragons are having a summit. And we think chances are good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:13 Have you heard about this? Because it's about you. You see as soon as you guys bring up the summits, Petri and Junior give each other a little look. And we saw that, Hey, Petri, Junior, each other a little look and We saw that hey Petri junior what's going on? We God damn it come closer. You're right. All right. All right. Petri Julia can we all just real quick sort of all put our weapons down and just do a big group hug
Starting point is 01:23:39 Cuz I feel like there's some trust missing I've made And it just feels like bumpy is all breakthrough bumpy is all breakthrough we're supposed to be hospitable I know but we're also supposed to not get ourselves fucking killed all right all right I apologize I'm gonna open my arms I apologize Apparently, we know the frogs. Dad's self. So yeah, there's a cooler version of me somewhere in the room.
Starting point is 01:24:10 And you know him. All right. Let me do. He opens his arms. I perform a trust fall. Now you're actually safe. You're falling into the fire. Oh my, why did you go?
Starting point is 01:24:25 You're supposed to fall towards me. Towards me. I was faster. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to have him and then fall flat forward. They come in and they give you guys a hug. All right, all right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:37 Okay. Y'all are being open with us, so we'll be open with you. We did intercept a messenger that was talking about this summit and we're thinking about going down to it. Problem is, is now that we've come upon this storm, we do think we need to maybe hike north and kind of try to find a way back to the creek to warn people that, you know, danger might become a do them. You also might want to tell this cord on the gold that we think it might have to do with
Starting point is 01:25:08 Oberon. Yeah, we can we can cover you guys at the summit. We'll represent your interests. Well, right. Yeah, we're we are going there to try to get this egg back. That's why we are going to the summit. We are trying to get the egg that caused all this calamity. You see a bumpy slap just hands together and goes,
Starting point is 01:25:28 well, fuck it. I mean, we don't need all three of us to go back to the correct descendant message. I can come along. That's right. Oh, that'd be great. I'm like, I'm so glad you're coming and I walked past him to be an alcoholic.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Oh, okay. I'm so glad you're coming and I walked past him to be. Beenuckle. Oh. Beenuckle. Poker face, man. I turned to be familiar. Who are you? Are you sure it'd be okay if Bumpy came? One of you could come with us if you wanted.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Now we're good. Although Bumpy's probably going to take you guys to the fucking creek. Yeah. We'll see you in a couple days. I guess. Goddamnit. Yeah, we'll see you in a couple days. God damn it You you do see bumpies kind of like puffing on his pipe, and he does look thoughtful All right, so you're duck you said it was protecting you from the storm. Yeah, I was giving us like a laser bath
Starting point is 01:26:23 interesting well Obron bath. Interesting. Well, Oberon is an interesting character to be sure. He's a hunter, so this sort of attack on us, this storm, I don't know that we should be thinking of it as some, you know, grand prophecy come to life. Maybe we need to think of it more like a game. Hmm. Oh. Like a game to prove our worth? Yeah, kinda. I mean, if Oberon wanted to kill everyone,
Starting point is 01:26:54 he wouldn't have buried some fucking eggs that come up in Hatch. He's... Oh, you're right. So it's like a test. He's got a true. I was really good at school. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:04 Maybe he's eggs signify like He's like, cool. I was really good at school. Yeah, maybe eggs signify like the beginning of the hunt. Yeah, I think he kind of him plant in these seeds for humanoids to essentially destroy themselves. It kind of seems like some farewell bullshit for sure. I can I I actually amend something I said to you, though, because I want you to come with us with full understanding of what we're doing? When I said we're going to try to retrieve the egg, this storm, and what you just said, makes me think that actually
Starting point is 01:27:38 we're going to the summit to retrieve what's hatched from the egg, which is going to be way different than just going to try and pill for an egg. Right, yeah. No, I figured, yeah, like I said, I saw it from a distance, but yeah, I saw the whole fork blow up, so I sent something bad scum and we're gonna get you a track jacket though. I think you guys, you guys, you guys get your cell some new track jackets. No, Collife. What's wrong with this one? Yeah, they just get collifey, like some in a
Starting point is 01:28:14 bunch of like water for us to look at and look in her own reflection after distressed track jacket. Oh, it's very distressed. Literally acid wash, each of perfection. Okay, well, Bumpy, if you're going to come with us, we'd kind of talked about going now because we wanted to sort of scout out the grounds of the summit before it commenced. And our friend has a very specific bedtime ritual. So we gotta like really prepare the best.
Starting point is 01:28:44 That's also true. And our friend has a very specific bedtime ritual. So we got to like really prepare the best It's gonna I'm gonna need a lot of help tonight actually Okay, you have like insomnia We're not sure but maybe He just like with trying it. He's just has bath dreams Yeah, yeah, you're that yeah, all right Well, why don't we why don't we get going then? Pat dreams. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, why don't we get going then?
Starting point is 01:29:10 Get closer because the summit is tomorrow. So we might want to pack up. And Petri and Junior, you might want to do the same. You probably want to get to the creek and let them know about the storm and not. If you're going back to the creek, you might want to let them know what happened to Schrumrad too, because the greens and the blues launched a full scale attack on Schrumrad.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Yeah, and specifically we saw them dragging him away and they were saying that they are going to try and torture him to try and find out how to get to the crack. I don't know how recently you've had like connection with him, but. It's, I have not talked to Shroom Rot in a long time. I don't know when the last time you would have talked to a void elf was, but I will say, Shroom Rot does know how the, how the creek works. Okay, but there are, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:03 their systems built in place to protect it, but if they go around and just start fucking dispel and magic on animals and stuff, they might kick and trees find us, kick and trees and what not. Okay, so that's definitely a little bit of a ticking clock, but also Schoomrats, Schoomrats will hold out for a long time and we'll try to send sent some help. I mean yeah maybe if we can get this I guess I should stop calling it an egg if we can get this creature maybe we could use or a lie with the creature to try and get sure and rot out of right. It sure rots in trouble along with all the other things we got to tell our Mimaw figure
Starting point is 01:30:48 not have to help Schroenbrow to be one of them. There we go. So much going on. I think we just got to really hope and trust in everyone's ability. All right. Turns to Petri and Junior who nod and- The Kaya P gives like a really limp,
Starting point is 01:31:06 trying not to be desperate smile being like, so I'm, who's gonna get the layman's tiny hut? Is it gonna come with us or? Well, you made it really fucking weird, but Bumpy casted. So it's bumpies So you All right, oh You guys could have it, but it bumpy
Starting point is 01:31:34 No, I was gonna suggest that you guys could take it. Yeah, but where are you gonna suggest that do you? Do you know how to cast it? I that is after some choice to ask. I don't know how to cast it I'm a ranger Well, you guys should totally have it, but if only yeah, if only bumpy has it then it'll I guess it'll just you know I don't know that it's just as to yours doesn't it. Yeah, you're probably gonna See you I'm gonna see you P3. All right, you two junior Right, okay. Yeah, until we made it again you show you don't what the You can have no bad you guys should take it. We literally can
Starting point is 01:32:14 Petri and junior leave the hut and go off see you very soon Leave the light off baby fucking careful got taken Nice. Ah! Leave the lie off. Well, be be fucking careful, God dang it. They go off. Well, those guys are paranoid. So deal.
Starting point is 01:32:31 I can see it cracking though. We were getting through to them when I almost fell in the fire and caught me. That was kind of like a sneak. He definitely did not want you to die. That much is true. There was this goblin who like really hated us for a while And we want him over and he really loves us now All right, well
Starting point is 01:32:54 You guys want to pack up the hut. We can get head-knife towards Levrix's old layer. Yeah, get to the summit before it happens now My friend is a wizard and he's telling me about the spell basically to break it down You kind of just destroy it and then you resummon it right? So it's cool if we just like you just kind of let out some rage Yeah, if you guys wanted to freak out I'm gonna go stand outside because I feel like we haven't known each other that long But I don't want to see you in this So it's all goes to a support beam and some of his gaulets and screams
Starting point is 01:33:22 It's just all those who support Beeman, so much as Godlets and Screams. Whammy! Colliope takes out her sword and swings at, and swings at a piece of furniture, and she's like, goodnight, fucking Glenn! God, you're so charismatic! Call her to get in on this.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Call her, swings a sword at the beam, it says, I'm afraid to go to sleep. So, ha ha ha, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah I really put like a couple fiery smites into it. Yeah. I want to see it bud. And after it. I turned on the oven. Yeah, I think you guys get the gas going. Get the gas going. Throw some shit.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Throw some shirts on top of it. We run out of it and jump. That's a fireball. Come in, arson. Slow motion. And jump out of bumpy stump. Damn, that was insane. Welcome to the new saw, baby. Bumpy stump damn that was insane
Starting point is 01:34:35 Welcome to the new saw baby. Yeah, you guys jump out of the stump. Um you guys see a bumpy wild shapes into a horse with a beautiful bowl cut All right, I love that for you. I Tentatively put a begin to mount the horse. Yeah, yeah, no that's why I became a horse. Oh, okay, okay, okay. I want to became some milk. If it wasn't okay to ride. Okay, great. Yeah, I would love to know you.
Starting point is 01:34:54 So, hop on, it'll be just like old time. I'm so excited to get to know you all over again. Oh, so I'm so excited to get to know you all over again, too. All right, dibs on front. Yeah, called it. Oh! I whispered a call, called her. I'm so excited to get to know you all over again, too. All right, dibs on front. Yeah, called it. I whispered a call, called her. I'm like, OK, I think we need to be gentler with this one
Starting point is 01:35:11 than we were with the scooter. OK, yeah, so we're not dragging the bottom. That would be bad. Yeah. Bumpy begins to plot along very slowly with all three of you on his back. Y'all! As you guys head towards the summit where Glenn will be unveiling his plan and that's where we'll end our session.
Starting point is 01:35:43 Oh! Yeah, man. Wow, oh wow. We ride in Bumpy now. And that's where we'll end our session. Oh! Yeah, man. Wow, oh, wow. We ride in bumpy now. You guys are riding bumpy. All right, guys. You can listen to us talk about this episode over on our Patreon.
Starting point is 01:35:57 That's slash nadpod. That's n-a-d-d-p-o-d. Don't sing yet. We don't do it. No, no, no, no. Don't do it. Excuse me. Does anybody have anything they'd like to plug? I'd like to plug P-Nuckle.
Starting point is 01:36:06 P-Nuckle. I'll plug P-Nuckle and also our new YouTube channel. Wow. Oh yeah, we got Dungeon Court. Dungeon Court just posted last week. So check it out, subscribe for future video Dungeon Court. Yeah, and we will also have bonus case videos over on the Patreon. That's right.
Starting point is 01:36:24 Bonus case video on the Patreon. That's right, bonus case video on the Patreon. So, to videos. Yeah. If you ever wanted to know what kind of shirts we wear, that's the place to do it. Oh yeah. Yeah, I'm wearing a hat last week. So, oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Do you want to go through that one first? Yeah, that's a big spoiler. I mean, I feel like people can't get to find that out. There's a little crosswork with the hat. There is. There is. I would love to go ahead and plug some stuff from our PO box if that's okay.
Starting point is 01:36:50 Yeah. I'm just going to focus on these names. Otherwise, I'm going to fall apart after those revelations. Alex K sent me a nice note and a dice that never rolls well except for goofs. Truly, truly cannot wait to test that out. Thank you, Alex, and good luck on your mission. Jay Marshall Smith sent us a collection of his zines and a collection of comics he wrote
Starting point is 01:37:11 and illustrated called Solus County. It looks absolutely gorgeous, and I really can't wait to greet it. Thank you so much. Let's see Gabby of Gabby's little creatures LLC sent us some small figurines they made. They also wanted to shout out their sister, M. At M. Nappenberger who was a writer and editor dang.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Talented family. Wow. Geez, a couple more here. Paul W sent us a beautiful miniature scene they painted. It depicts Beatrix and Lavax's last stage. Oh yeah, it's very cool. This is our bookshelf. Sarah and Dipettus, because we're like about to go there.
Starting point is 01:37:42 Holy shit. Holy shit. Oh, they also included a write up for an enchanted artifact called the glittering flame. bookshelf. Sarah and Dipettus, because we're like about to go there. Holy shit. Holy shit. Oh, they also included a write up for an enchanted artifact called the Glittering Flame that was inspired by Selain from Campaign One, which is really rad and Murph agreed off Mike that we can use it in this campaign. So it's really huge of him. Let's see Chris H. sent us a copy of that weird hobbit cover.
Starting point is 01:38:03 Oh, hell yeah, I love having that again. Yeah, it's been a long time. Let's see, Armadon the only sent us a copy of Ray Winninger's Underground, a cyberpunk RPG set in the far off future of 2021. Wow. Yeah, it's a grand imagine. Real crunchy. Made you shout out for that name too, I've always liked it.
Starting point is 01:38:22 Armadon the only. Armadon the only. Yeah, were there others? No, no. I want to. And then Tucker, what's it? It's a copy of Sex Trology.
Starting point is 01:38:33 It's just like, is that great bit? It's great bit. You know, today is my anniversary. Tucker knew. Yeah. Tucker said, do not read this shout out until anniversary. Tucker will be taking your anniversary. What's very funny is that Tucker also sent us a super Mario adventure book. And I
Starting point is 01:38:51 think that it's just like the wildest collection of books you could see. Yeah, it's a trilogy. Yeah, you guys are ruining my bookshelf. God damn. Tucker has duality. That's so yeah, I'm just going to give it a little shout out to Tucker. I'm gonna plug Tucker this week. Sweet. Yeah. I'm not gonna make that.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Yeah, I'm not gonna put it on the channel for everyone. I wouldn't. And with that, you can follow us all on social media that we or may or may not use at CHMRSME, at CalDiscaldal, at the Extra Demole and at CHMRSJake. And you can tweet about the show using hashtagnavpod at naddpod. We are the youth of the nation! We are the youth of the nation!
Starting point is 01:39:38 It's the end of the show everyone and you know what that means! It's time to shout out our Benevolent Council of of elders. I'm talking about Brad D. Jeff S. You see, later, McSkater, Matt M. Jordan D.J. Cutter W. Daniel G. Dylan B. Who would like to wish Kate a happy birthday? You're awesome to have as a friend and a player. Dungeon Mama, Daniel the Dastardly Dame, Beard Mandan, Danny P, Michael McD, Vincent W, Mr. Cole, Victor T, Boundor's Boy Forever, Dominic P, Andrew B, Justin I, Ragnar Faire, Dwin, TJM, Chaley the Cray, Jared E, Christopher B, Danielle R, Cyborg version of Josh the Cobald.
Starting point is 01:40:25 The head chef at a little place called Manjez. Richard X. Machina. Michael L. Taylor S. Calum L. Jack L. Sam L. We got a lot of L's in that stretch. Nicholas C. Tatiator. Leglatiator. Samuel B, Mike H. Matthew E. Way cooler than angry wheat. Ouch. Adam G. Tyler F. Faust, the feisty. Panama James. Andrew the Bard. Nope, sorry, just Andrew the Druid here.
Starting point is 01:41:00 Adrian the Halfling Bard of Fisher, Calder's other home which is possessed by the spirit of L.C.E. Quavara. Captain Sidjle, Diana Deilo Slopez, C.C. Lulu, Heracule Pwarrul, the rabbit folk detective, Timmy R. Crackaholic, Lucas B. Rayco, It's Kevin, Calder's cold Cold, Come, hashtag, rise, Mike! Come, red, spread the cum, Rotteray! New York, Taylor B, The vengeful, one-winged angel.
Starting point is 01:41:34 Cass, skateboard, Cass! Steven C, Mike K, Lady Taco, Brian G, Joy T, Nara, Jake L, Nick W, Brave, the Batcher, Agnity of the NAD pod discord, that's Slash, NAD pod, Foster, the boneless duck, Erin, the asshole ranger, Big beard of the mad, Eric McD, Giant Monsters on the horizon, Gal Roselle the white rose of Galatoron. Christian A. J. Drakenborn. Joro the inappropriate.
Starting point is 01:42:11 Liam D. The Sandrayan. Ben A. Feldonis. John the Third. Dave H. Vivian. Koala Bear. Catherine S. David K. Christian S. Rebecca G. Dustin S. Connor F. Hawkeye Pears. Bookfair's assistant Izzy F. Woodouth Theron who is desperately trying to fix his
Starting point is 01:42:37 oath bow, Catacy, Kelsey J. Pork Chop. Mesa of House in Zunza Ariel the occasional mermaid Chris S the provider of the ultimate blend of Butterfinger babies and the Vervein elixir Selena and Velacy Raptor B Perky always Pat L a tooth A Lauren H. Ryan S. The Bone Doster Annie M. The Crochet, Crafty Queen Ooh, good for you The Charming Fluff, Rubit Crisp Telekitty Creations fan illustrator I mean, you know what I'm going to say right here
Starting point is 01:43:18 I wanna see P. N. Eccle the Puff Belly Pig Plopps! Carly Anne, Addy K. West Therian, A random NPC with a funny voice. AP, Cleric, Laurie P. Those who love and give where they can. Murph, the Nerf, mascot,
Starting point is 01:43:37 Grant L. Conor, Savage, Christopher J. Pebblepot. Why are dragons amazing musicians? Because they know their scales? Celil, Leviathan, Bioquart 7, Remington CD, Amber Dexterous, Kai, the Ham Sandwich. I think I've read that one before, but it really hit me in a funny way right now. Sullivan H, Trob, Hup, Tror, Sidney T. Jack H. Strong, Caldwell Conspiracy Theorist. Fendery, She-Wilf of Winter. Garble, the Moist.
Starting point is 01:44:12 Lindsay W. Juicy Kiwi, featuring Murph's laugh after Caldwell, called Shane's Murder a Jerk. Champ Wilde, Vailin, Beep, Barbarian Buster Baby of Brian and Brennan. Carlin C, Stan the Dragon Man, holder of too many bags, Emily F's, Inuti, Inutiare and Captain! In New Tiaare and Captain Codas, the coolest people ever! Harry Cox, no other bagel of all things, Justin L. Torrey, Levi L, Pendergreens, Pungent, Pudding, hashtag, CCCC, hashtag, slang and rope! Ointy, bunny, Marcos P, pup, K, Lish, Jordan P, learns the balance druid. Dakota JP, Frida M, Pogos, Self-proclaimed, Faye, Prince. Tracy P, the Crick-O, Flippery, and Friar, Frizzet, Andie E, Dina S, Holly Zee, the I will use what you love against you DM chilling.
Starting point is 01:45:26 Leah C. Page H. Helen of Briss. May B. Pixel Stars. Akash T. Kristen with a K. Cal, just Cal. Gammador Galaxy, Edison, and Russell H. A monk named Dilgo! Nios the novice monster hunter. Our new friend Simon, we all had a crazy shared dream and he was in it too. We sang one big bed, it was nice. And weirdly familiar. Patrick, Lorelei Frost, Mike, Theodorecable, Bike.
Starting point is 01:46:01 Oh, okay. Morgan M, a peeling sticker. a trademark dispute with mothership over the patent of the SS storm Bjorn. Andrew B. Copresh. Barpo. Good barrel. Bard Berry and Emperor Emeritus of Waterdeep. Welsh Linder. Garrett G. One Big.
Starting point is 01:46:35 Cured. Eric M. Mr. D. Sean J. Mr. Saleyhead. Ethan B. Monster Captain Renee S. S. Hop, the dancing rabbit, Hopes, Dagger, the only Dagger of Hope!
Starting point is 01:46:51 Olivia, the enchanting bard who will totally be making Monday and a grand novel, off of the duck team-tails with an un-b-go, all the stop-show. Blue Slay the Artificer. Mikaela R. Riley S. Sir Sig 93. FICO. Angry Wheat, who is getting called out in the ass shot outs, by the way. It may not be Christmas, but it's the game itself on a shelf. Tony G.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Corbos, Calamatus, Comedishod, Hashtag, CCCCC, Forever Sorry Jake, Josh H. Jack, the Jack's jinxing rogue and search of Bohumia's biggest balls. A horse, killed by hard one. Mango and Pannadas, Temadar, I'm back baby, told you I'm the best pip in the dead. Rented mules, mystical, musta-loy, dea.Dor, the Burninator, Clementine T, Caleb L, Obi-Quan, Simone, Bird Life, M, Pixie, the Kelpie, Dwander, the Pollywag bartender at a little place called Manges! Can Trip Dumbledore, the bare onesie wearing barbarian with a bad back. Woo, a lot going on there with Kenchip Dumbledore.
Starting point is 01:48:09 Papa Wookie, MJ, the BFG drinking tea by the sea. Camden L, Tucky, Samantha K, a big squid. Welcome to the fold, what a name. And of course, Corona's Maximus. That's it. Those be the benevolent Council of Elders, we love you so much. Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah. Goodbye, sweeties. That was a hate gun podcast.

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