Not Another D&D Podcast - C3 Ep. 66: Wavemother (A Faerie Tale Ending)

Episode Date: August 30, 2024

Duck Team gathers their allies and sails atop a Dragon Turtle’s shell! Sol stays winning in the water, Calder simps, and Callie shares her dream of The Wild. Support us at to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content!Music / Sound Effects Include: “A Wizard’s Tournament” by Emily Axford."Henry Hogfish" by Emily Axford. "Sea Beast" by Emily Axford. "Henry's House" by Emily Axford. "Ode to the Archipelago" by Emily Axford. "A Fairy Remembers" by Emily Axford. "Irondeep" by Emily Axford. "All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web" by Emily Axford. "Tsunare" by Emily Axford."The Entertainment District" by Emily Axford. "Hexblood Centurions" by Emily Axford. "Frankie" by Emily Axford. "Doppelganger" by Emily Axford. "Rousel" by Emily Axford. "The Fairy" by Emily Axford. "In the Dark of Dawn" by Emily Axford. "Haunting Visages" by Emily Axford. "A Friend For Life" by Emily Axford. "The Prodigal Sister" by Emily Axford. "The Widow" by Emily Axford. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Podcast. Howdy, Nadpoles! Caldwell here with a slightly intimate question for you. So if you're listening in a public place, either switch to earbuds, or if you're feeling freaky, go ahead and crank that volume. Who cares? Be bad. Regardless, here comes the question.
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Starting point is 00:01:20 Okay, that's it for me. Thanks for listening and you know what, have a sexy day. Bye bye! Welcome to the campaign after the campaign. This is not another D&D podcast. Welcome back to Bahumia everybody. Bohumia! I'm your dungeon master Brian Murphy. Emily Axelrod, stop rolling dice. I didn't get to check out who's rolling hot.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Well then you don't, you'll have to find out on the fly. No! You'll just have to find out on the fly. If we're rolling, you can't roll. That's the rule. Oh, that's a nat one. I'm interested. That's spicy.
Starting point is 00:02:04 That's pretty spicy. You like to see it. Yeah, let's put them to the side of the rule. Oh, that's a nat one, I'm interested. That's spicy, that's pretty spicy. You like to see it. Yeah, let's put them to the side of the microphone. We can't. There's only a couple more. This is unprofessional. This is wildly unprofessional. Is it okay if I brush my teeth with my electric toothbrush real quick on mic?
Starting point is 00:02:17 No. No. You are all slobs. I'm ready. All right, are you good? No. Are we okay to start the show? Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:27 No, I really need her to, I need her to crit later to save my ass probably, so she can figure it out. I'm nothing! She's still rolling! Okay, are you keeping that one? Yeah. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Of course, I keep the ones that are slobs. Is everyone ready? I'm your Dungeon Master Brian Murphy, joined by Jake Hurwitz. Teaming up against all forces sinister as the right hand to the slime minister. Oh. Called her to kill them. How could we forget the slime minister?
Starting point is 00:02:50 I honestly forgot the slime minister. I can't believe all that rolling delayed that incredible intro from me. It was beautiful. Oh thanks. And then of course we've got the previously introduced for being a scamp, Emily Axford. Putting on a show with a friend,
Starting point is 00:03:06 Laszlo Kloypipetriko. Yeah. Yeah, she did put on a show. An early show as well. A matinee. And then of course we've got Caldwell Tanner. Amphibian Hugh Granty dropping nymph panties, about to sing some sea shanties,
Starting point is 00:03:22 it's all the before. All right. Nymph panties. That's great. I really thought you might have a shanties at Sol Bufo. All right. Mimps panties. That's really thought you might have a shanty prepared. I was excited. We're not on the open sea just yet. I guess we are, we're on Lazlo. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're on Lazlo.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Okay, fine, yeah. Ducks, serpents, and peregrines, here we go, my seafaring men, let's all get aboard this boat so we can cut some Wintercourt throats. Whoa. That was actually good. That was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:03:50 OK, yeah. I'll give it an A minus. Emily, if you can roll like 13 more dice, I can come up with an expert. OK. No, stop. Everyone stop. All right, let's go ahead and do a little recap.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Yes. Woo. Great. So last time, you watched as Zunark and Triss too were loaded onto a Wintercourt warship guarded by two airships. You considered trying to commandeer one, but decided that you'd have a better chance
Starting point is 00:04:15 if you found Laslo the dragon turtle. You wanted Zunark and Triss to know that you were coming for them, so sent a message via Unseen Serpent. To provide a distraction, you spoke to Boomer frog who complained enough about people cursing on his property that the message got through to an arc. I hope he's not followed us. You see a little frog hops up on the Lazlo. That's cannon now.
Starting point is 00:04:39 As you headed to Lazlo, you stumbled upon some water nymphs outside of his cove. Ken and Kali failed to approach them, but Saul impressed them with a brutal fall and a huge grand impression. As our frog, pal, and the nymphs did a strange dance under the water, you were able to access Laslo's cove. The dragon turtle was nowhere to be found, but there was a giant pit of mud. You tied a rope to Saul, who found Laslo sleeping at the bottom. After waking him by falling in his ear hole, you offered a lavage and explained that Zunark
Starting point is 00:05:15 was in trouble. It took a minute, but eventually the seriousness of the situation hit Laslo, and he exploded out of the cave with you all on his back. You quickly caught up with the warship and the dragon turtle was able to wipe out a significant portion of the crew with his breath weapon. Saul stunned an evoker wizard and drew the ire of several knights. While Calli commandeered an airship and Calder battled the captain, a troll warlord atop Lazlo's back. While Calli and Kenna were battling on the one airship, you saw a potential ally, the primordial giant lord stone commander Basalt Von Shale, attack the other one. Calli eventually crashed her airship down into the warship, destroying
Starting point is 00:05:56 the weapons and the crew aboard, but was knocked out in the process while protecting Kenna from an enormous fireball, causing her to fall unconscious into the sea. Meanwhile, Saul was able to run up a chain attached to Lazlo from one of the warships, allowing him to shoot alchemist fire at the Troll Warlord, killing him during his duel with Calder. No, that was Calder. Calder summoned fire for the first time.
Starting point is 00:06:19 That was all Calder. Turned him to meat, steaming meat. Calder, meanwhile, had just sent Triss two into the water to find Callie. Ser Petrachor was sinking with Kenna, who tried to pull her up. She was only successful when Triss sent a thorn whip into the water and yanked them both up.
Starting point is 00:06:37 As you all caught your breath in the water, Saul was landing the surviving airship where he found a docket of security plans for the upcoming summit at the archipelago. As you all came together upon Lazlo's back, Stone Commander Basalt Von Schael ominously pointed at Zunark's court with no crown symbol, then disappeared into the rocky shore, and that's where we are now. Okay, see, you are aboard Lazlo's shell here.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Lazlo's still looking pretty messed up, kind of labored breathing, but looks like he's going to be okay. Zunark's kind of trying to patch him up. You're here with Tristu, Zunark, and Kenna. You've got this airship that you just landed, and this other warship that has been completely destroyed is already in the process of sinking or sank. completely destroyed, has already in the process of sinking or sank. The other soldiers, anyone who's still alive, is swimming on the shore and running away, so there's kind of weird calm. The sun has just gone down, the sky's kind of like purple and orange. It's getting to be evening, it's getting to be like kind of late. And you see Zunark looks at the exploded pebbles that were once this huge giant who just ominously pointed at his headband and goes, um, friend of yours?
Starting point is 00:07:53 Ally, perhaps, maybe? Oh, excellent. Well, great. Are you two on the same page with the, uh, you know, the headband, the no crown thing? They just ominously pointed at the crossed out crown, then seemed like that idea in general, but they're definitely not part of our crew necessarily. How much do you know about, like, the primordial giants that once roamed this plane? Well, I'm 48. Really?
Starting point is 00:08:27 No, really? You're kidding me. I would have guessed 21. Really? Yeah. I think I'm a little bit more worldly than that. I thought he's young to be running a court with no crowns, but OK. Yeah, no gray in those scales.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Yes, no, well, you know, dragonborn, I lived for a while. So really, I am kind gray in those scales. Yes, no, well, you know, Dragonborn, I live for a while, so really I am kind of like human standards. Do you mind if I go through your medicine cabinet and use whatever lotions you're using? Yeah, you see, um, he does, he goes, uh, there might be some lotions in this bag. He pulls out this big bag of treasure that he was able to pull out from under the hull. Spill it. Whoa, it's full of serum! Able to pull out from under the hole spill it whoa serum I dive in headfirst looking for an anti-agencer
Starting point is 00:09:09 Oh, you see yeah, he dumps it onto Lazlo shell here and go ahead and give me some rolls You guys can give me a you see there are healing potions. There's gold and just kind of like random baby treasure There's some if you need like a sidearm or something There's like random weapons and stuff It looks like he fully took like his first round to like knock out whoever was Trying to fight him and then just grabbed everything he could Rommie D6 for greater healing potions. It's on the set of Phil One D6 plus four one D6. Okay, I got two two. Okay, so that's six
Starting point is 00:09:41 D6 plus 4. 1 D6 plus 4. Okay, I got 2. 2, okay. So that's 6. 6 greater healing potions. Woo! 6 greater healing! I saw Caldwell, you rolled a D6.
Starting point is 00:09:50 What did you get on your D6? I actually rolled a D20 because I didn't know the rules yet. No, roll a D6. Okay, I rolled a 4 and then a 2 on the D4. Just did- You want me to just roll a D6? No, no D4. It's the D6.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Alright, I rolled a 4. A 4 on the D6. All right, I rolled a four. A four on the D6. Okay, four times, so it was a D6 times 2000 gold. So 8,000 gold. 8,000 gold! Wow, we could buy a lot of retinol with that. I'll say that's after, this could be all for you guys to have, Zunark and Tristue can kind of take their cut or wave it, it's for the party, for the party,
Starting point is 00:10:24 for the cause. Right, yeah. For the greater good. And yeah, if there's anything else you guys kind of needed, you see that there are like, you know, swords and little long swords and rapiers and things like that. Nothing looks like particularly magical or anything.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I'm gonna look through to see, because I'm from the Feywild. Yeah. So I want to see if there's like anything that, if I see a symbol that's personal to me, or anything. Really? Yeah, Callie, go ahead and give me... I'll say just a perception check as you look through the spoils here.
Starting point is 00:10:56 And I'll even say Zunark dives in, goes back into the ship, and... Nat 20, baby! Whoa! Yay! That's why you look! That's why you see who's rolling hot on top! Yeah! Wow! That's why you do it!'s why you see who's rolling hot on top. Wow. That's why you do it.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Twenty becomes twenty-four. Okay. But that's a nat twenty. Okay. Is Cyra in there? Yeah, I'll say that. Wow. Cyra!
Starting point is 00:11:15 I need to talk you out for this madness. Okay, with a nat twenty. I'll say yeah, you see Zunark actually, as you guys are are going through all this he goes it looks like the coast is clear you see dives back in the water comes back in with more stuff and goes there though there was an armory I found a few things that might be interesting you see dumps a few items down I mean you see like mostly swords and stuff that the crew would use maybe things that the captain would have used, like there's like a battle axe
Starting point is 00:11:47 and like a few like two-hand swords and things like that. But Callie, amongst them, you see this lance that's... That looks kind of like a trident, would be like a two handed weapon typically, but if you were mounted, you can use it with one hand. And you see it's got like a little symbol of a wave on it. And it looks despite the other stuff around it, a lot of it looks worn and used and like, they've seen their share of battle, but this looks pristine.
Starting point is 00:12:27 It looks like as you look at the sort of handle of it, it's got almost a beautiful kind of natural like coral look. There's like, it's all like multicolored at the bottom, but then the top of it, like the trident part looks to be of some kind of magical steel that will not rust underwater. It looks like impeccable despite having been under the water. And this looks like it was likely stolen off of you know, some killed Triton or merfolk knight or something like
Starting point is 00:13:02 that. I'm gonna pick it up and I'm gonna feel its heft in my hand. Callie, you pick it up and you have been under disguise as this autumn eladrin and you instantly see that as you touch it, your skin takes on a more bluish hue and you feel yourself adapt to the weapon and the weapon sort of adapt to you and you see as... Oh my watery, rainy nature.
Starting point is 00:13:34 You begin taking on your spring eladrin form a little bit, your hair turns this dark blue, you turn light blue again and as you touch this thing's handle, you see it goes from this long weapon, like six or seven feet long, to it shortens when it's in your hand and you are not mounted. And it looks like it would allow you to potentially wield it as essentially like a rapier up close, but then it would extend when you're on the back of a mount.
Starting point is 00:14:07 You got a retractable lance? It's a fucking trick weapon? I did. I'm going to lunge at Calder, but be kind of far away, but then make it go so that it comes closer to him. Whoa. OK. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Yeah. It really works. I don't know why you tested it on me. Really cool. There's still enemies nearby. Yeah, you see, she perfectly places it so it hits you in the armor calder, but it would have hit you directly in the heart
Starting point is 00:14:36 had she missed by a centimeter. Good thing you're really used to that brand new weapon you just tried for the first time. Ha's crazy, you didn't even flinch. I wasn't scared at all. I only peed a lot. And Kali, this is a magical weapon. It is a plus two lance and you can wield it with one hand. If you're on the ground, it's just sort of regular 1d8 of attack damage.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Like you're using a rapier or something like that But when you're on licorice's back, it can be a lance and do a d12 of damage And still be one handed That's right Calder dives in looking for lances As you dive in, you see the water begins to freeze around all of your really cool magic items Your beautiful crown that is awesome. The giant sword on your back that was given to you by your mother that allows you to cast slow on people No fair! No fair!
Starting point is 00:15:37 Come on Murph give him some griefs You see the sun gleaming on the first magical item that Calliope's gotten in 50 episodes Give him a fucking pauldron. Let me hold yours then, Calli! You try to throw something at Saul, he literally can't be hit because of all of his magic items. Um, can I help Kena look for a magic item? Yeah! Oh, hell yeah, dude. Yeah, get I'm up!
Starting point is 00:16:02 Go ahead and give me a perception check with advantage. Yeah, let's go shopping ahead and give me a perception check with advantage. Yeah, let's let's go shopping Hey, you know what I feel like this is a new semester for you. Let's go back to school shopping right on Stuff cuz Kenna's using like a you know a training hammer. She doesn't have any kind of like Ancestral warhammer anything like that She's using probably the first weapon that was given to her and somebody like Kenna you would think probably wouldn't ask for the best weapon and probably would deny things being given to her so she's got this little plus zero hammer so she begins to look around. Kenna what you need to understand is that there's this
Starting point is 00:16:36 thing called planned obsolescence so what you have to just keep upgrading to better and better weapons. Right on, planned obstilations. Right on. Correct, incredibly correct. She writes it down. Let's write OBS. Go ahead, OBS. Go ahead and give me a perception check, Saul, or investigation with advantage.
Starting point is 00:17:00 14? 14, cool, yeah. You find a plus one hammer for Kenna, and a plus one shield for her. So she's armored up now, she's already got plate mail. You see she takes this shield that looks like pretty big for her, but she's strong enough to carry it, so you see this shield that if a, you know, a Ladran or somebody were to hold it, this big like kite shield, if they were to use it, it would cover like half their body. She's able to like hide behind it and almost get like full cover. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Now, Calli, try and stab her. I'm ready. Sir Petchacore. Clive, he looks at Kenna, who she considers the little sister, and she goes to swing at her and feels so bad that she just swings at Calder again. Hey! I thought we have a sibling relationship as well. Whoa! Whoa! Yeah, we're like twins who are the same age. It fully stabs Calder in the thigh as it bypasses Kenna, just a wall of metal.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Damn, that one was so close that you stabbed me. Well I didn't even feel it hit my shield it just deflected and hit Mr. Kildane. Yeah that's a really good shield. Sturdy yeah. Yeah thank you for helping me find this Mr. Buffon. Oh of course yeah we got to all be prepared for what's ahead. Mm-hmm. You see Triss too steps forward. Someone should probably find a shield for me, right? I'll do it. That's a seven. Did you say steven?
Starting point is 00:18:37 He said seven. I heard it. I didn't say steven. I said seven. I didn't say steven. Oh my god, Calder wants seven minutes in heaven, I guess. My thigh is actually bleeding a lot. You go over and you find a very similar,
Starting point is 00:18:53 hefty shield for Triss too, and she kind of rolls her eyes and she goes, it's pretty nice, I guess. Thanks. Can I try to find a better one? Yeah. Oh no, I also got a stevin. Did you say stevin? Yeah, three plus four is stevin. She got a stevin. You see as Callie says stevin, she laughs really loud. Oh my god. That's so funny. Yeah, yeah. I will treasure the shield.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Such a, such a calder move this game, Devin. You see? I love that. She takes this metal shield, and as a druid will now not be able to cast spells while holding it. Best friends! Best friends, what if I hold onto that for you?
Starting point is 00:19:43 Wow. Okay. It's making me really pale and sick. Well, yeah, I probably wasn't gonna hold onto it anyway as she gives it back to you. I'm gonna go raid the captain's mini bar if anyone wants to come. Yeah, I'll say, yeah, you can go under.
Starting point is 00:19:56 They definitely have wine, like old Aladdin wine and like casks of ale and stuff. Yeah, you can definitely grab food and beer and All kinds of libations. They got wrong Definitely got yeah, I be is gonna peek at the sky because she's got a ticking time bomb Which is yeah in eight hours They're going to be able to scry on her with the hair that glenn's squirreled away from her head So what how much longer does it look like I have?
Starting point is 00:20:28 You probably have, okay, so Sun just went down, so let's say it'd be the equivalent of like eight o'clock at night-ish. So you got about another 12 hours. Okay. Wait, really? Ten hours? Non-detection is 24 hours? The non-detection that, so this was sort of a magnified, this was a magnified non-detection is 24 hours? The non-detection that... So this was sort of a magnified...
Starting point is 00:20:46 Oh great! This was a magnified non-detection that Ursea, who's like one of the Magi of this very exclusive thing, did a powered up non-detection that basically destroyed your magic item, the shell phone.
Starting point is 00:21:02 So, shell phone is gone, and in exchange you got 24 hours of non-detection. Incredible. I'm gonna take as many nips of liquor as I can, put them in my mouth, and throw my head back. Hell yeah. Yeah, so you guys have all this booty, you guys have a couple drinks. Zunark cheerses you guys, then pats on Lazlo's shell and goes, Well, first off, cheers Lazlo. Thank you for, thank you for coming back for us. Um, and you see him pours a giant shot into Lazlo's mouth.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Oh, thank you, old friend. Wow. That was the full bottle. Do you feel the effects of it? It's so tiny compared to how you are. Do you want me to cast reduce on you so that you're smaller and alcohol can hit you? No, I've got a long swim in front of me so I'll just take a little nip here. You are kind of our driver.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I'm kind of your driver so yeah, I'll be the DD. Yeah, no that's responsible. So how do you guys know each other? Yeah. Oh yeah. You see Laszlo looks up and goes, I'll start swimming, I'll leave it to Zunark to tell the story. Smiles after he takes the shot, dips his hand under the water and begins swimming. He's puking down there.
Starting point is 00:22:16 He's instantly drunk. I'm kind of a lightweight. I really wanna cast Enlarge on him now to make him so big. Okay, go on. So you guys begin traveling away from the wreckage of this fight. Heading west towards this archipelago, you think you probably still have another essentially day,
Starting point is 00:22:40 at least on the sea, in order to get to the archipelago that you're trying to get to. You see, it becomes night. There are all these glittering stars in the sky. It is beautiful. You hear the calm sort of splashing of the ocean waves and you hear sea life and sort of chittering and see all manner of sea beasts, whales and stuff just hopping out of the water and splashing It all primps a little bit in case there's more nymphs or a mermaid or something See hey, what's up? You just start saying pick up lines to water
Starting point is 00:23:21 Pretty wet, huh? Whoa That's crass man just got here you see uh Zunark takes a sip kind of sits you guys are all sitting in a circle here you guys make like a little fire on Laszlo's back and Laszlo is careful to make it so you can't it doesn't get splashed and get extinguished and he's big enough that it's not going to be a problem and it's not going to hurt him so you guys are all around this campfire in the middle of this dragon turtle going through the ocean I think as Zunark starts to tell his story that we've requested I'll go to the front with my trident and sort of like a gondolier
Starting point is 00:24:11 In the water and maybe like hum a little shanty about this archipelago. Hell yeah Yeah, so as as you hum a little song you see Zunark sips his drink and goes well I I met Laszlo about ten years ago there was an initiative set forth by the Winter Court to, he does quote, recruit the great beasts of the Feywild and if they refused to join they would be killed. Recruit for what purpose? To essentially serve the courts. She was trying to get the sort of great dragons and dragon turtles and... So they were demanding submission and calling it recruitment.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Exactly. My crew learned of the plan and we warned as many of them as we could. Lazlo was one of them and Lazlo here had to fight off a couple ships. Honestly, kind of brought me back to old times. We did something like that back in the day. Damn. Yes. But since he knew they were coming, he was able to be prepared. Otherwise, I think they might have gotten the jump on him, perhaps while he was hibernating. Mm.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Wow. Right. They knew the lore about burying your turts as well. Yes, indeed. Wow, and what made you even aware of him to to warn him about this? How'd you met before that? I had not met him before that, but you just saw him out. I saw him out. Yes Well, we have noble. Oh well Yes Well, we have... It's very noble. Oh, um, well, yes, um, we're all, uh, you know, fighting the good fight. We're all noble.
Starting point is 00:25:49 We're just, uh, doing our duty here. And I appreciate you saying that, but I think we have a dream of a better future for this place and people like Lazlo are a part of it. And what is your dream for the future of this place? Cause I've thought a bit about what I want from the future of the Feywild. So I'm curious to hear what you think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Well, honestly, the idea of actually defeating the Fey Monarchs has seemed like a pipe dream for a while until I heard about all of you and what was going on with you in the Material Plane. We haven't spent much time speaking about policy, but I do have my own opinions. Before the Crowns, the Fae were once governed by a Council of Archfae. were once governed by a council of archfey. I believe we could do something like that but with you know our elected officials, us, you know, the people instead of demigods that would toy with us. A... a Fae Republic, if you will. Ooh. Fae Republic.
Starting point is 00:27:00 What about the archfey though? Because they're still kind of... around, aren't they? No, most of them have sort of picked up and gone to their own planes. Hmm. I guess I'm just wondering about, you know, their lingering presence. That kind of gesture towards, like, the Serpents. I would think you would know about that more than I would. You're right, I guess we would. I guess now's the part when we talk, huh? Yes, um, well, Kaliope, what were you thinking for what you think would make a better Feywild for the future? Well, I mean, you're thinking much more
Starting point is 00:27:38 cleverly than I am. I've just thought a bit about what I'd like to see, like what I want for the Feywilds. And I'm afraid that, I don't know if my vision really slots into yours, so I hesitate to share it. Do you want to hear it? Of course. Okay, well, I've kind of thought, because you know, you're talking about republics
Starting point is 00:28:02 and I've thought on the material plane, we've met, you know, good queens and people who follow honorable leaders here and there but I don't know if I want that for the Feywild because I've tried to think well what do I want for the Feywild and I think that what I want is I just I want I want all the weeds and the wildflowers and I don't want fences or pens or even farms. I want to bargain with a tree to eat much as they delight me and I want the weather to betray me as much as it romances me and I just really just want the Fairwild to just continue to be this place that eludes our expectations and humbles us by reminding us that the landscape is as much
Starting point is 00:29:08 a living, breathing, thinking organism as we are. As Callie says this, you see Licorice and Honeysuckle begin sort of snaking around her and you see foster hops up on her shoulder and everybody give me an insight check. Uh, twelve for me. 17. Okay. as Kali is saying this, Zunark looks a little like enchanted in a way that looks like he just kind of discovered like a little crush. I'm not saying that my Trident was cursed or something. And he sort of gulps as when you finish saying that and you're right bro yes yes
Starting point is 00:30:09 I think that's a beautiful a beautiful person thing that you you've yeah beautiful plan I guess I'm not like against the Republic I just him I feel like it needs to be, rather than kings who lead people, I almost want something more of a steward or an intermediary between the landscape and the people. Oh, I think we're saying the same thing. Really? I do not want monarchs. I want, you know, a council who can oversee the betterment of the people here.
Starting point is 00:30:45 I just, I don't want the comforts of civilization to eclipse the power of nature, you know? Yes, yes I know. I definitely know. Anyways, I'm gonna go back to just singing my song. It's all moves so that Zunark and Calli are closer to each other. I kick a little log from the fire to go between them to make the temperature rise just a little bit. But, regardless, there is an opportunity that may present itself if we were able to destroy the crowns.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Okay, what is it? I believe if we were to destroy them, there would be residual magic to craft new magical relics so that the power isn't all consolidated into just one or two pieces. And we should scatter them all across the Feywild and sometimes bury them so that no one finds them except those who are fated to. I guess why would we consolidate them into relics at all? Couldn't we just bury them and let them grow and become what they will? No, I like that too. I just, yeah, I mean when I first came here I was terrified terrified literally petrified of the Feywild and everything It has to offer but because I was always taught that it was just a reflection of our plane But it's it's so much more than that. It's no it's a
Starting point is 00:32:15 Pure crystal and ideal if anything our plane is just one shade of what the Feywild is Yeah, I think that's true. I think it's like a deep reservoir that should always be a resource to the material plane when they've been made hungry and starved by the rigors of civilization. Yeah, it should be wild. It's right in the name.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Yeah. Well, we certainly have a lot of thinking to do and a lot of work to do once we radically change the landscape of this world. But I don't want to change the landscape I just want to let it be... Sorry, the political landscape. Right, okay, okay, okay. Okay, well, how are we moving forward? Because I have another problem which is that I I'm being I'm gonna be scryed on soon Oh, right. We should probably hide you so that they can't like figure out our location based on the stars
Starting point is 00:33:09 You're right. I get into the bag Yeah, you guys explained to Zunark what's going on with the scrying because he wasn't there last night when you Had the lock of hair chopped off night when you had the lock of hair chopped off. So yeah, he agrees and goes, yes, it sounds like if this was cast on you for 24 hours, then at daybreak is when we really need to be worried. And at daybreak, maybe we'll be staring out into an endless horizon and maybe we'll have some time then too. Yes, that's true. They won't be able to tell as long as we don't announce any important
Starting point is 00:33:44 plans right in you know So we've got to make all the planning right now Because tomorrow we can't say anything Shrugs shoot. I just drank a bunch of this Malibu Yeah, I'm gonna be honest. I'm starting to get here. This is 151. I'm fucking wasted right now. How am I supposed to plan? Okay, okay crowns no crowns what's after that fuck right no crowns okay? I'm gonna go before no crowns okay before no crowns okay, so I'll hold a big metal shield You have you have a you have a docket dude So I'll hold a big metal shield. Wait, no, no. I won't cast any spells. Wait.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Uh-huh. Wait, so you have a docket, dude? What? Oh, right. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. What are those papers that you're holding? Wait, do you have a docket?
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yeah. You have a docket? I just, I thought that it was like, I don't know. It's just this like big leather pouch. I thought it was maybe just like a docket. You're ducking us with the docket. Docket. He's got a docket!
Starting point is 00:34:45 Junark takes it from you. I thought there was just more retinol in here. Puts it down in the middle of all of you. And you see that there are plans and a complicated layout for the archipelago and the summit to come. You find out that first off, the summit is happening tomorrow at midnight. So we're not doing any bullshit. We're technically, midnight is the morning.
Starting point is 00:35:11 It's just tomorrow, like 24 hours from now essentially. So night time tomorrow, you see that there are four large islands in the center surrounded by dozens of smaller islands It looks like the summit is being held on the larger island in the southeast because most of the security seems to revolve around it There are blueprints here. You see there's a blockade of warships in the water. So like what you guys just fought except like hundreds of them completely surrounding the archipelago
Starting point is 00:35:44 Above them is a blockade of airships like hundreds of them, completely surrounding the archipelago. Above them is a blockade of airships. So like you fought dozens of them. Between them- Sea and sky. Yes, sea and sky. Above them and below them are Griffin and Wyvern riders. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:59 And below the warships in the water, there are troops of Tritons who are, they're like merfolk but instead of having the like mermaid sort of lower half with the with the fin they tend to have legs and stuff like that but have like webbed feet and stuff and swim really fast it's also written that the Tritons of the summer court will be patrolling the seas around the area and And you see as soon as you see that, Zunar just puts out the fire real quick.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Oh, what the fuck? They got the trains out here looking for us. They really figured this out. Okay, I wish there was an ad villain here. In addition, you see that there are mage towers being set up that are going to put up a bubble over the island, kind of like the Esri bubble. Spells cannot be cast like the Esri bubble.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Spells cannot be cast from the outside into it. So you can't like teleport in unless it's specifically allowed. You can imagine like the monarchs are probably gonna be allowed to just like magically appear there, but no one else is. So you can cast spells once you're in there, but you can't really cast spells to get in there.
Starting point is 00:37:02 So it's not just a matter of like getting a teleport. They don't want anybody seeking it. Okay, I have a couple of questions. On these blueprints, do we see any passwords? Or any like, when you're entering, make sure to go through, you know, this part of the blockade and say these words to this person.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Yeah, I'll say that you see like code names and code words for the different ships that are supposed to be there and whatnot. Okay. Okay. I mean, but also before we think about getting in, we have to get to Saira first. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Don't worry, because otherwise, otherwise she's just gonna be going for it and we can't have that. That was another question. Can I lay out the map of the archipelago for Tris and say, do you know where Cyra was planning on setting up? Literally all I knew was that we were going to this archipelago because there was a summit.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Cyra shared very little with me, kind of just what she said went. Yeah. And then when things got a little too, you know, nuts, like going and trying to interrupt a summit with a giant serpent, that's when I bailed. So sort of as soon as this plan started to come together, I got the fuck out of there.
Starting point is 00:38:19 She's your sister, Callie. What do you think she would do? Yeah. I think she's not acting intelligently right now. I think she's acting emotionally. Okay. Does Cyra ever act intelligently? I guess I just assumed that maybe she'd grown up a bit,
Starting point is 00:38:37 but no, no, grief doesn't always grow people up. Do you think she's just gonna attack them head on? Or is she gonna try to exploit a weakness? What did marigold do? Because we've got we've got serpents and and one is really good at with rocks It likes to eat rocks and the other can fly did marigold have any Abilities well first things first your serpents are really well behaved Your serpents are really well behaved Like you are great. So I wrote it a naughty little baby. Yes. Well not little at all
Starting point is 00:39:14 just completely enormous in fact she see she looks at the map and She goes based on all the security that I've seen I have no idea How the fuck we haven't run into them or how? Somebody hasn't tracked her down or something because Marigold is fucking huge Marigold like breathes Fire down and like turns things to dust and destroy stuff. Okay. I've seen her like take down entire Barracks is without is that the word barracks? Yeah, that's correct. Yeah. Yes, 100%.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Okay, do you think that there's any chance that her plan's been discovered, but Jovier is gonna use her plan to her advantage? If we know anything about Jovier and her history, she's gonna wanna try and claim this magical beast for her own. So this is a trap for Sira too? Kali, as you say that, you flashback to when you were talking to your mother, the ghost of your mother, in the chamber below the ice knife, and you asked about yourself and Saira and she said to you that she's dreamed a thousand different fates for you and Saira's was always the same. I didn't ask her what that fate was though. God I should have. If Saira's is always the same Does it mean that she's just doomed or baby? She's just easy to predict
Starting point is 00:40:52 She's easy to predict so maybe you're a baby you're right. Maybe they do know that she's coming fuck But you're you're a paragrid sir Petrach That means that would you- you could best with other people's fate. Yeah, so that's what I'm saying. Like, can I change her fate if she's only ever had one? I think we can be the instigating factor that can bump her off this timeline. Bump her off this predetermined course. Okay. Yes, I- I will say that, um, for instance, the giant rock person that just jumped out of the air and started- Yeah, Basalt Von Schale.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Right. Stone Commander Basalt Von Schale. Right, that primordial- SCVS. Right. VES. VES. VES.
Starting point is 00:41:40 BVS. I think. Trisco's, you're so smart. I'm bleeding out. VS BBS Trisco's you're so smart It might be the Malibu talking but I'm getting lightheaded Alright, look everybody relax the The Primordial Giant, I don't think that Jovir's forces would have been caught flat-footed by them. I think that if you're Peregrin and you brought them here, that maybe all of this is a wild card. Okay. Kena chimes in. Yeah, maybe, maybe without us,
Starting point is 00:42:29 Cyrus' fate is sealed. But like Garrosh was saying, like her mom was saying to you, we could carve her a destiny. Maybe she's part of that destiny. Right. Okay, okay. So maybe the goal isn't to find her right now because we're going to find her at the summit also. Yeah. But maybe we could, because Bersolt Von Shell, Stone Commander, comma Stone Commander, was a surprise. Maybe we can work with Acorilil, the ocean primordial. Uh, Callie, as you say that, you see the moon hits the water, and you can see like, some far off floating debris. Everybody give me perception checks.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Fifteen. Twelve. Twenty-three. Okay. Is that a sea nymph? You guys look out. Zunark talks to Laslo, tells him to kind of paddle over. You paddle over and you see like leftover equipment, broken pieces of machinery, things that look like they may have been used as like a mechanical mount, something to help you like swim faster and as you go through the pieces you see Zunark looks at one and goes these are Triton vehicles to them swimming is akin to running something like this would help
Starting point is 00:43:55 speed them up somebody somebody must have attacked them oh wait Triton vehicles is there any chance that they were corrupted by the robots? Alexandrite? Oh, the automatons? The automatons, yeah. They, as far as I know, are making, are attacking down in the autumn court. That's quite a ways away from here. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Who has beef with the Tritons? You suddenly hear a... low horn blow. Just a... Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Low horn blow just a I dropped it full You see a figure blowing into a conch in the distance He is a merfolk night on shark back With a crew of other merfolk nights you see they glide through the water with ease
Starting point is 00:44:43 They all wield these long tridents with great shields in their off hands kind of looks like Kali's trident Oh, their armor is multicolored like it's made out of coral stone You see the main knight who just blew the conch rides over and takes his helm off revealing a shrimp face. Oh. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hey! Hey! Hail hearty heroes!
Starting point is 00:45:12 I am Sir Brine Splooge. Your presence has been requested, yes? Did you have a question? I avoided its gaze. Well met, sir.
Starting point is 00:45:27 It takes like its tentacle-like eyes with the just completely like onyx pupils that looks around at you. I have to pick one. I have to pick one and look right at it. Just for the record, I didn't steal this. I found it. Ah, then you are fated. Okay, great, I agree. Your presence has been requested by the true Seelie Queen, a correlate. Ah, very good, very good. Appalachia.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Brine Splooge. Yes, thank you very much. It's Brine Splooge. Is that does that name come from like a family name? A baron, like a land that you own or does it come from like a trade? It comes from my parents? Why? Why do you- my parents? Okay, but it's not like a reference to a trade that you want to practice that your family wants to practice. What are you referring to? I don't understand. We love the name. That's where we're starting. We love the name. All right. Thank you. Yeah. All right. So well, my first name is Aloysius. Aloysius.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Aloysius Brine. Brine. Brine. Brine. Okay. Sala takes a wild guess as to which hand you should shake. You picked the right one, sir. There we go. It's got eight little claws. It's holding a lance somehow.
Starting point is 00:46:40 What would have happened if you picked the wrong one? I would have attacked. Wow. Yes. Wow. We truly are fatal. I have dropped my shield. Oh. Yes. a lance somehow. What would have happened if you picked the wrong one? I would have attacked. Wow we truly are fatal. I have dropped my shield. Yes, but a brine splooge never drops his shield. Always has his hand firmly placed on his sword. Okay brine splooge. Yes. Is it wave mother akuralu that's requested us? Yes the seelie queen akuralu, the glorious wave mother, Akuralu, that's requested us. Yes, the Seelie Queen Akuralu, the glorious wave mother. Yes, Seelie. Yes, my liege lady. Do we get to ride sharks?
Starting point is 00:47:14 I suppose if we can ride on the back of the dragon turtle, you can ride on our sharks, if that's okay with the sharks. Lysow? Lysow? Yeah? Are you seeing this shit? Oh Yeah, yeah, yeah Is it cool if we get on a shark? We're making sure
Starting point is 00:47:32 This isn't spiked Malibu Yeah, no, this is fine Okay, and you're cool I'm cool with Sir Brine Smoot Aloysius, yeah, Aloysius is gonna get on you It's Sir Brine Smoot to you Alright I thought we were friends Aloysius is gonna get on you. It's so Brian Sludge to you. Alright.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I thought we were friends. Yes, show some respect. I shake his foot. Yes. Ow. Ow, my God. What have you done? Come on now.
Starting point is 00:47:55 I didn't know. Come on now. I didn't know. That's for paddling, not for shaking. I'm drunk. I'm drunk and stabbed. Alright. Sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I fist bumped the wrong hand. Ow! That was for eating! Come on now, I'm not wearing a gauntlet on those ones. Give me a break here. That was one of his pedipalps! Alright, I'm going to, I guess I'll, you get under the sharks. The sharks know where to go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:23 So they'll take you down and then we'll follow behind on the dragon turtle. I leap onto a shark. Yeah, I really do. You get under the shark, and you feel them like, pumped to go see a corralo. You know I'm cast in Speak With Animals to talk to these sharks. Hey! Shark talk. Hey!
Starting point is 00:48:43 A corralo's back! A corralo's back! Did you hear? Yes, we heard! The glorious wet mother! Yeah! Hey Shark time Akuril is back Akuril is back Did you hear? Yes we heard The glorious wind mother Yeah She's back Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:51 How is everything now that Akuril is back? Great What sort of promises is she making? We're going to take the sea and we're going to bring great waves onto the land and then everything is going to be water and we can swim everywhere Oh no Awesome Callie what did the shark say? and we can swim everywhere. Oh no. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Callie, what did the shark say? This is sort of a doomsday cult. Oh, cool, cool, cool. Yeah, I was just too distracted by how chafy their skin is. My thighs are so bloody. I'll say that Terp, Brian, Splooge cast water breathing spells on Triss and Zun unarch you guys have the breathers they got from when you were in Sunere and
Starting point is 00:49:30 You hop on these sharks and ride down below the surface deeper and deeper into the sea Until you can see little glints of light Eventually they get larger and you see these luminous pearls, magically enchanted to spread light over a castle of coral. Merfolk, knights, and citizens enter and exit the passages. There's a beautiful sort of chaos to the coloring of the buildings.
Starting point is 00:50:00 They all have this natural bright coral look with abundant sea life, bright blues and greens and reds, orange and yellows. You are brought through by the sharks, brought through an archway into a giant coral great hall. Again, alight by these luminous pearls. The great hall is like a giant cavern inside of a coral reef. There is no furniture save for a throne that looks like a giant clam on which sits... Fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:50:32 That's how I would do it too, girl. I mean, what else are you gonna make it out of? You see the Primordial Storm giant, the Glorious Wave Mother, or Coralil. She has a... once again, you've you met her before but she's got a mermaid lower half and aquamarine scales and a fin her upper half looks kind of like old guppy like a giant fish her eyes are on the side of her head she has long hair of seaweed and wields an enormous magic trident and you see she goes yes, I sensed your presence on the sea. Did you? What gave us away?
Starting point is 00:51:08 You being in the sea. Really? Ah, wow. Did you like smell our scent or feel our familiar vibration? Both. Really? Yes. Wow.
Starting point is 00:51:21 So like when we, if somebody like peed in the ocean, you wouldn't be able to like know that, right? I would. You know everyone who peed in the ocean, you wouldn't be able to like know that, right? I would. Okay. You know everyone who peed in the ocean. You have soiled my home. I didn't. For the last time! See, see, cast a curse on all of you guys
Starting point is 00:51:34 that you can never pee in the ocean again. What? What? Where am I supposed to go? Where I guess everyone can, everyone do a, let's say, let's say. I should be able to say it. Let me pee once before. Christmas saving throws. Let me say. Yeah, I should be able to say.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Let me pee once before. Charisma saving throws for a curse to never be allowed to pee in the ocean again. I got a six. I'm going to use abominable roll a saving throw because I really like to piss in the sea. I'm going to use indomitable. He is a snowman.
Starting point is 00:52:00 14? Nope. Oh, yes. I got a 27! Okay, Callie, you still feel like you could piss in the sea. Where? Oh no! What have you done? I say, yes, I tinkle just a little bit. Callie, give me a bardic, come on!
Starting point is 00:52:18 I really have to go! I give Calder a bardic. Alright, well you can go inside the proper receptacles. Okay, you do have bathrooms. Yes, of course we have bathrooms. It's a 21. I rolled an eight on the bardic. It's very easy to go to the bathroom here.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Calder lets it go. God damn it. Everyone stop pissing. Wave, smell, and taste all of it. Wave, mother, I'm stuck in the bathroom. I'm stuck in the bathroom clam. You're stuck in the bathroom. Okay, I'll get you out. Yeah, you see, it all of it. Wave Mother, I'm stuck in the bathroom. I'm stuck in the bathroom clam. You're stuck in the bathroom. Okay, I'll get you out.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Yeah, you see, Saul goes over. There's like a series of, there's like a clam that is somehow water locked, that you then go into a smaller clam that is then dry, and then you just piss into a bowl, and then you have to water lock outside of it, and then it magically disperses. All right, I'll get you out.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Thank you. I like you. Thank you, Wave Mother. Yes, all right. I shall never sell at your oceans again. Yes, all right. Well, anyway, like I said, I've been able to hear, listen, smell, taste you. Listen?
Starting point is 00:53:18 Yes, I've heard. Taste. Is it hard, though? You're hearing the entire ocean like competing podcasts. You see? You see? It's a bit hard though, you're hearing the entire ocean like competing podcasts. You see, you see... Like imagine listening to every podcast in your feed at once. Sir Brian Splooge catches up, gets on a knee in front of...
Starting point is 00:53:35 Which knee? The left knee, I guess? Gets on his left knee and goes, The glorious wave mother, our sealy queen, can listen to as many podcasts as you've heard in your entire lifetime. Damn incredible. I'm so jealous. It all holds his pee even harder.
Starting point is 00:53:50 See, Zunark just looks like unimpressed. This shrimp is a simp. Oh my god. Light your tongue. Simp shrimp. What's wrong with being a simp? I nudge Zunark. Closer to Callie.
Starting point is 00:54:01 What? Stop, everyone. Is he? The glorious way mother goes, enough, yes, there is endless prattling on in the sea that I have to listen to, not least of which is yours. I am to understand that based on things I've heard on the water and from what we spoke about in the caves that your plan is to destroy
Starting point is 00:54:26 the crowns. Well, you cannot do that without the aid of the sea. Yes, yes, that's true. Yeah, well we are, we wanted to seek you out because we need your help. There's a very serious blockade that we're gonna have to figure out a way to get past. Yes, yes, indeed. And part of it is under the water. Well, if you're going to ask a favor of me, I'm going to need something in exchange for my help. Let's spitball. What are you thinking? Blue sky, go ahead. Blue sea, I should say. Blue sky, no wrong answers.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Right, no wrong answers. Okay, try this one on. Okay. Okay. Hit me. I, no wrong answers. Okay, try this one on. Okay. Okay. Hit me. I wanna be the queen. Okay. Okay. That's the first idea. I'm the only idea. Sir Bride Splooch gets in front of her and draws a sword.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Oh my god. Bow to the Bride Splooch. You're not creative at all. Come on. That's a little bit much, Bride Splooch. Just stand over the side. Yes, my lady. Can I ask you, why is it, so you're pitching a title, but there's- A title. Right, but there's something-
Starting point is 00:55:31 Okay, title, nice. Thank you. There's something beyond that title that you actually want, right? Like no one actually wants to be the queen, they want to respect certain changes, or they want certain status, they want to feel a certain way about themselves. So what is it you're chasing when you chase this title? Because a lot of times people say I'll be happy once I become the queen then they become the queen and they're like Oh, it didn't actually make me happy. Yeah still sad Queen. You don't want to be a sad Bride splooge
Starting point is 00:56:03 Still on one knees suddenly chimes in. They do make a fair point, my lady. When you first got here, you said, I'm so glad not to be frozen. All I need is the sea. And then you started talking about being the queen. Shut up, Bridesplooch, my god. Whose side are you on anyway? Wow, simp mutiny.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Alright. Because we want to give you what you actually want, not a title that may end up feeling unfulfilling. What I want is safety for the people of the sea. See, she slams her trident down and goes, and frankly, I am the only one fit to rule. This world and the humanoids that inhabit the land bring chaos and frankly you
Starting point is 00:56:47 probably should have just unfrozen me because oh and stone commander basalt von shale yeah they're absolutely awesome we like we like barely in to know we do like we like barely in to yes barely okay well barely and I like barely in myself but barely it's gotten mixed up with the automatons and what? Charbon is already creating chaos down south Okay, okay, wait wait dress that yeah, let's let's talk about barely I got mixed up with the automatons that doesn't seem like barely well She gets mixed up with everything she just likes to fight. That's true
Starting point is 00:57:21 Oh, is she fighting the automatons or fighting with them? She's fighting with them. What? On their side. Okay. Really? She's on their side, yes. What?
Starting point is 00:57:32 Yeah, she just wants to cause chaos in the autumn court. She just wants to rebel, yes. They promised her what she wanted, a fight. Yes, okay. Yeah. Here, look, I can show you. You see, she sends off Sir Brine Splooge, who comes back with a giant pearl that looks cloudy. Coralil picks it up and you see it becomes see-through and then her eyes glow as she
Starting point is 00:57:51 casts a spell and you see a magical projection like she's casting a scry. And in the projection, in the giant pearl, you see Ber see bare lane this primordial hill giant barbarian is leading a squad of automatons against a paltry team of autumn court knights you had been told by zunark and stuff that it seemed like the autumn court was being kind of set up to fall and so you see bare lane is just like straight up conquering the lands of the autumn court alongside these automatons. So you see, she's literally clubbing people with this giant wooden club fighting alongside like automatons like war-forged looking robots essentially.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Playing into their hands. Okay, all right, we'll come back to her later. Okay, I'm worried about her. Yes, yes, well we should be worried about her. And then of course we've got Charbon. You see the image swirls and there is that guy doing an image of the High Ember Lord Charbon in his blackened armor with fire underneath it like a glowing furnace. You see he commands an army of fire elementals and Janasi who all march together yelling, for the unfired, for the unfired.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Are they marching towards anything or is this more of a demonstration? You see they're marching in place outside of a bar, but it looks like they're leaving the bar to go somewhere. Okay. And Akurilo goes, I suspect they're trying to take the autumn court while the fae queens leave it there for the taking once they've Taken it and who knows they might even end up joining up together bare lane
Starting point is 00:59:31 Likes a fight. She's not necessarily known for being the best at politics Okay, once they've conquered the autumn courts, they'll control a quarter of the realm and we know Charbon cannot be trusted We need the power of the sea to rise up and quench the flame. I see. True. Yeah, all those like dry leaves in the Autumn Court. That's not gonna be good. Right. But if Jovier consolidates the crowns then then their victories in the Autumn Court are for nothing. She'll swoop down and wipe them out. What about this? We will promise, if you help us break these crowns, we promise that we will help you defend the sea from Charbon. We want the sea to be the sea just like you want. We don't want anyone to tame it.
Starting point is 01:00:20 We'll help you keep your territory. Makorilil thinks about this. And as you guys think, and you guys are talking about Jovir and stuff, you think back to what Zunark was just saying on the back of Laszlo, you can assume that Jovir did not have Charbenn and Berlain in her plans. Because you guys, the Peregrin, are the ones who brought them here. And they would have no other reason to be here. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:00:47 You guys. So they are probably freaking out because I bet they've seen it by now. That feels good. Good. You see, Um, Acorilil seems kind of impressed by you all. Go ahead and give me a persuasion check with advantage. I'm going to do it with my Emissary of Peace. I was waiting for the right moment to say
Starting point is 01:01:07 that I triggered it. Cool. So I add a 14 to it, so it becomes a dirty 20. A dirty 20. Woo, a Coralil gives kind of a thoughtful nod, but then takes on a noble posture and kind of holds her chin up and goes, well, we'll have to iron out the specific details, but I'll sleep on it. Sir Brian Splooge will take you to your quarters and I'll give you my demands in the morning.
Starting point is 01:01:45 and I'll give you my demands in the morning. Okay. Sounds a little ominous, but great, yes. Can I ask one thing? Because I'm in a bad position that I'm about to be, have someone use divination magic on me. Do you have non-detection or any sort of cloaking magic? Because I'd love to stay here and hash things out with you
Starting point is 01:02:05 and make a plan, but I don't want to give away your location. I do not have non-detection specifically, but I can protect you while you are in the sea. I can make it so that no one can spy on you while you are under the water here. Oh, that's good. Okay, so like an ambient non-detection.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Indeed. Look at you. That's awesome. And worse comes to worst, we have a bag, but it sounds like an ambient non detection indeed look at you. That's awesome And worse comes to worst we have a bag, but it sounds like you have something Yeah, let me know if you feel in like the magic isn't working in a just remember pee in the bag if you need to pee I I saved so I think I'll be peeing wherever the hell I want All right, I actually don't need to pee anymore Really, but you are cursed? You failed the save? Yeah. I did. I said, oh no. My body! So, definitely, no one will listen to what I'm
Starting point is 01:02:52 going to do. In general, just down here, you just, you know, if you're going to pee in the water, pee away from like my house, I guess. Alright, just common, common freaking courtesy around here. Yeah, absolutely, I'll happily use the clam It's just it seemed like it wanted to digest me last night. Well. It's it. You know it's a clam who drinks piss. He's weird What is also your throne? Yeah, well no that's a different clam. That's a bathroom clam throne clam You're about to get a on a toilet so glad you do She curses you again to not be in the seat No, I think if you save Christmas saving throw. Oh hell. Yeah, that times a oh actually my head says 17
Starting point is 01:03:33 Okay, I have a minus one. No you fail She's super powerful. She's a shit her saves like a 21. I don't even know if you would have saved on the first Okay, you're good you're good. Yeah, now you feel like you can't pee in the sea. Really? No! Alright, the curse, I'll take it. Alright, just don't pee inside any of the goddamn buildings, alright? I won't.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Alright, fine. I won't remove it. The curse is now, no, I'm not removing it, I'll remove some of it. Now you can just not pee inside my goddamn house, alright? We understand your plight now, Wave Mother. There are malicious forces putting pee and other toxins into your ocean, and we must remove that. Oh yeah, you'd love the ocean, wouldn't you?
Starting point is 01:04:13 But like, whale's pee, right? I know what you did. What's that, what's that, Saul? That looks cute. Oh no, you're talking about the nymphs? Yes, yes, I'm talking about the nymphs. Wow, word gets around. Yes, word does. So lucky, Saul. I about the nymphs. Wow, word gets around. Yes, word does.
Starting point is 01:04:27 I don't like to embrace and tell, but you know. Yes, yes, alright, sir, Brian Splooge, take them to their quarters. Did you forget his name for a second? Yes, for a moment. You see, he looks absolutely crushed. He's kind of a buzz-crayl, isn't he? She laughs hysterically. Shit. I feel like you've got a chance. Oh my god. Can you pull crown? Can you pull crown? She's kind of like the ultimate nymph, isn't she? I know. Hit her with a Hugh Grant.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Hit her with a Hugh. Well, I'm off to bed now, but I do suppose I... If it would be alright, I might be thinking about you as I sleep. Oh, okay. Alright. Alright, yeah, I'll see you in the morning, I guess. Err. Saul, maybe we should give you your own chambers. We'll sleep somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Yeah, yeah, let's do that. You've made me as happy as a clam, I'm afraid. Which kind, the throne or the toilet? All kinds. Hey there, NAD polls. This episode is brought to you by Blue Nile. The road to getting engaged can be long and full of memories, or it can be short and thrilling, or somewhere in between, but the road to finding the perfect engagement ring
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Starting point is 01:07:48 Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to slash Paw Paw. That's slash Paw Paw. slash P-A-W. P-A-W. Goodbye, sweeties. All right. So, um, you say Sir Brian Splooge takes you guys to, uh, there's all these like hallways of this natural castle takes you into one essentially like cavern that, uh, is this, is this like little domed room and you see the little sea life hanging out of the various like natural cubbies.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Um, and you do see that there are a bunch of clams with like padding and like bedding inside Hmm. Oh, you're saying I can't piss in this Yes, please don't piss in your bed. Can I speak with animals on the clam? Oh sure Excuse me. Hey, um are you have any of you ever been a toilet? You must solve our riddle one of us has been a toilet and the other one always lies You can only ask you can only ask us one question Only ask one of us one question you see question all right just put some towels. We can only ask one of us one question you see there are four of us. Do any of you lie? wait we could ask which one was the toilet no no none of you lie okay so I'm
Starting point is 01:09:12 just gonna go up to one of them and say which one of you has been a toilet. You already asked me a question what you asked me if if I lie and I said no so that's the question wait Callie I think I know how to solve this. Man, I really need to piss. Did any of them lick their lips? Yeah, you see one seems to clamor a little bit. I go and knock that one and I dive in with her. Kenneth jumps in one of the not pissed ones as well. Tris, you take the pissed one.
Starting point is 01:09:38 What? No. Tris sleeps on the floor. I'll do it, my lady. No. Nice. Trish sleeps on the floor. I'll do it, my lady. Oh.
Starting point is 01:09:47 OK. RIP. Rest in peace, Calder. A night is always chivalrous. I imagine this is one of the hottest things you've ever seen. Yeah. Calder sleeps in the toilet. A guy sleeping in a toilet.
Starting point is 01:10:02 For you. So hot. You guys get in these giant clams and Sir Brine Splooge gets ready to close the door and goes, I shall see you on the morrow. Do you want a slumber party
Starting point is 01:10:18 Sir Brine Splooge? I'm afraid a knight cannot attend slumber parties. What? On my watch must be diligent. Hmm. Is this true? Yeah, unfortunately. So you watch all day and night.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Do you ever have a day off? No. What? I don't. You've never had a day off? Well, the glorious wave mother of Coral Hill's only been back for like three or four days, so yeah, it's been nuts, but not that nuts. Like beginning of a project. Yeah, I mean I sleep, you know, 13, it's been nuts, but not that beginning of a project.
Starting point is 01:10:46 I mean, I sleep, uh, you know, 13, 14 hours a night, but other than that, there are any breaks. Yeah. I thought you don't rest. You sound super well rested. I don't rest when I'm awake. All right. So Brian, Brian's clear.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Just, I need to actually, when I said, see you on tomorrow. Are you guys gonna be around? We might not see you again, there's a chance. Wow, okay. Well, you know what? I guess this is goodbye if you're gonna sleep until afternoon I mean you could you know, I wake up earlier and say goodbye to us. Set an alarm. Well, think about it. Yes, I suppose if you leave early, I can come knock on my chamber door. We can knock on your door. You can knock on my chamber door.
Starting point is 01:11:34 And we might just leave a note at the end of the day. We might just leave a note. You'd like to just leave a note. We're not that close. I don't feel like we had that much of a connection, really. No. All right. Really?
Starting point is 01:11:44 I don't know, did you feel something? No, no, I didn't. Okay, me neither. I didn No. All right. Really? I don't know, did you feel something? No. Okay, me neither. No, I didn't. All right, well. Okay. Good night and goodbye. Good night and goodbye.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Good tomorrow. I wish you the best life. I wish, I already have the best life. You see, walks off. All right, high five. Who the fuck was that? That was Sir Brinesploo. Yes, no, I know. Hallowicious, yeah. Hall was Sir Brinesploo. Yes, I know.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Aloysius, yeah. Aloysius Brinesploo. Just some prawn, I don't know. Yes, okay. So- Queens and the prawns. I have to be honest. I'm a little turned off by the whole she wants to be the queen thing,
Starting point is 01:12:20 but we do have to make our allies where we can. We definitely can't afford to have the entire ocean angry at us well I mean Callie I think you are headed in the right direction yeah I don't know if she really wants to be the Queen I think she just wants the ocean to remain wild and pure yeah I'm hoping that the desire to become the Queen is from a general insecurity about the safety of the ocean if we can address the insecurity she might drop the unnecessary title. I mean everybody everybody that we've met seems to get really amped on her. Yeah that's true I mean though they were amped on the idea
Starting point is 01:12:56 that the waves are going to take over the rest of the land and they can swim anywhere. That's true yeah right that's a fair point. I guess we could give them the lakes We could just throw the lakes and like, you know tributaries into the deal I don't know if she can totally though because I mean, I don't know if she does freshwater Okay, and we might lose a lot of species if we just throw the ocean everywhere interesting. Okay, I wasn't thinking that through I mean she said she's coming with demands What if we just also show up with demands? Because truthfully, if you think about it, she's in a place that she does feel like she needs us. She's scared about Charbon. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Yes. So perhaps we can meet in the middle. I think we all believe in Callie's vision for the fate wild. We have to, we have to tell her the future as we see it. And, and maybe she'll, maybe she'll sign on and maybe she won't. Is there anything about... Are there any books in here or anything like that? I'm craving a bit of understanding of what she was like as a queen when she used to be here. Go ahead and give me history or investigation checks if you guys want to just wander the castle
Starting point is 01:14:04 and you can ask one of the attendants if there's any information or anything. 12. 12. I rolled a net one. You are able to find like books on her and stuff. She does seem extremely vain. So she does have like a library full of books
Starting point is 01:14:21 about how great she is. But you do see that she is thought of as this great protector of the sea that is able to inherently like understand the animals and people of the sea in a way that's divine essentially. Like she's essentially thought of as like a returning hero, like a god down here. Like she's only been back for a few days and you see like
Starting point is 01:14:54 around the castle there were like tritons and stuff like that and you got, you know, you saw in that docket that there were treyton forces sent out by the courts to try to protect the summit. You see that there were people that, like, abandoned that to be here. So it does seem like she does have a... An authentic appeal. There is an authentic appeal here. She is sort of a folk hero of the sea, if that makes sense, that has returned here. But is also, you know, is a sort of neutral entity in that, you know, she is great, but she thinks she's great and wants everyone to think she's great, so it's not perfect.
Starting point is 01:15:38 I mean, yeah, I share concern about that, but I also think if we expect everyone we work with to agree with us 100% We'll never get anything done. Yeah, the fact that she protects the ocean and is so in touch with it I mean, yeah, the vanity is an issue But that does feel like a stewardship in a way. There are yes, there's perhaps there do need to be guardians of There are, yes, there's, perhaps there do need to be guardians of different domains. And someone who protects the interest of the sea. Yeah. There's certainly room for her in the future that we imagine. She seems to appreciate the wild here and...
Starting point is 01:16:19 Yeah. Callie, I think that as the emissary of beasts, as the speaker for all of these serpents and these wild creatures, you have to... you can meet her where she is. I think that you have a lot in common and you have a very similar goal and I think that that's the angle of attack we should take. Yeah, I mean she was pretty reasonable once we probed further Mm-hmm. And said, well, I just wanted to be safe. So if we could just have an honest conversation with her,
Starting point is 01:16:47 it'd be great to find out that she's like, oh no, I only wanted to turn everything into the water so that we felt more safe. Right, we just have to make sure that her safety doesn't come at the danger of everyone else. Yeah, let's just see if these demands are on the level. Right. Yeah. And then there's always, you know...
Starting point is 01:17:06 He looks around at all of the water around him and thinks better about what he was about to say. I really want to... Do we have any way to communicate? Can I write and she won't hear us? You can assume that you could probably write. You don't think that she has enough power to like sense what you're writing. Just don't write with piss
Starting point is 01:17:25 Okay, I think I'll write worst-case scenario we work with her and then We deal with her after we need her I think that's gonna be kind of a blanket statement for all of these. I think so too I think we can't be naive and think that everything's everyone's gonna be exactly on our side and you know Utopia is gonna just slot in and replace monarchy Yeah, you see Zunark writes down a message and holds it up and it says we are
Starting point is 01:17:57 Allies while we are aligned Yeah Too true. Is there like a unified faction of merfolk and triton that are working with the Wintercourt that are led by some sort of opposing force or are they all just under Joveir? I'm just wondering like, cause it does seem like there are these merfolk
Starting point is 01:18:16 and these triton that are using these strange devices that a Corlew doesn't really like. And it seems like, is that something to contend with? Is that some way to appease her by like removing that force? I you see Zunark not this to just a random shrimp. Oh, you just say it to a random shrimp night Yeah, yes, just like any other humanoids the merfolk are not aligned. There are certainly a force of Tritons and merfolk that work with the Summer Court that would see to the
Starting point is 01:18:47 protection of the nobles at the summit. I see. Is there any sort of like merfolk or triton leader that like personally has the ire of a Coralill? I guess she's a pretty fresh on the team. Coralill is very mad at everyone that is involved with the Courts and that's why we like her, you know, she's mad at everyone What do you think about Brian splooch oh he's a dick 14 hours a day Like he's the biggest simp I'm the biggest
Starting point is 01:19:22 He sleeps like 14 hours a day. And he acts like he's the biggest simp. I'm the biggest simp. Are you? Yes. You are, you're a king simp. Yeah, you really are. I'm a simp shrimp, all right. Yes, we've-
Starting point is 01:19:34 Where do you stand on wanting the ocean to cover all the land so that you can swim anywhere? Pro. Pro. Yeah, okay. Okay. Cool. So the message is gonna have to come from a corralil that the sea is big enough as it is. Yeah, what have you heard a corralil say?
Starting point is 01:19:51 Sea's big enough, let's keep making the sea we've got best as we can. No, that wasn't the message exactly, it was more of the thing I said. No, no, no, but what if there's a new message? A new message? We're just doing some polling. Yeah, we're doing polling right now.
Starting point is 01:20:04 I would be cool, yes. If a Coralil thought it was cool, I would think it was cool, yes. Can I ask you? Your hand is raised. Can I ask you? Uh-huh. What is one change a Coralil could make to the ocean
Starting point is 01:20:16 that would improve your daily life? Okay, I guess sort of the rules about pissing seem a bit much. I was gonna say the same thing. I'm so happy you said that I'll let you know when you get it So the sewage system is confusing to navigate It's fine like to she doesn't really mind if you go out and you piss and you shit in the water Even though she smells and tastes all of it Yeah, but she gets really mad about it in the castle, but like the castle is just coral.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Really? Oh, well of course I think it's understandable. I think it's great. I think it's wonderful. But if I were to give a note, I would say that we are still in the ocean, so you should be able to piss and shit inside. Okay, so pissing and shitting inside would be awesome to add to the platform. And then what about the public education system down here? I'm actually asking for personal reasons because we've got a young, very gifted student named Gung.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Might not be young. I'm actually not sure how old he is. He seems to be aging very fast. Yeah, I feel like actually might. Could easily be a tween. The schools down here are a little bit different than the schools up on the land. Most of the schooling is about sort of like hunting and killing and stealing and whatnot. Okay, great.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Yes. Wow, nail on the head. Wow. Same, I think, for Gunk. Yeah. Okay, okay, great. All right, perhaps a future knight of Coral's Court. A future knight?
Starting point is 01:21:44 Wow, I think that's a bargaining chip right there. Yeah, you have to knight our son. Well, I don't want to use the sort of nepotism, but yeah, I do want Gunk to become a nepo knight. Lord Gunk. Alright, well, it was nice meeting all of you. Yeah, well what was your- We're not gonna ask your name, we think that'd be kind of- No, no, no, actually I'm. Yeah, what was your... We're not going to ask your name. We think that'd be kind of... No, no, no. Actually, I'm going to.
Starting point is 01:22:06 What was your name again? My name is... Why does it feel like everyone we ask size annoyed every time? My name is Daarest in Brian's pooch. Why? You're related to Aloysius. Are you related to Aloysius? Yes, that's my older brother. I resent him. I resent him.'s my older brother. I resent him so. That's why you resent him.
Starting point is 01:22:27 I resent him so. Okay. And he's for some reason he's Sir Brine Spooge, and I'm Sir Brine Spooge too. You see Tris seems to really connect with this. Oh my god. I have older brothers as well that I didn't always get along with. Do they have the same name as you or? I put my arms around both of them. No, no they didn't. But still. Okay, well, it was nice meeting you all. Indeed, Dereston, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:59 Yes, all right, bye. Sleep well, the normal amount, not like your brother. Yeah, no, probably just get six to eight hours maybe. Sleep well. Bye. The normal amount, not like your brother. Yeah, no, probably just get six to eight hours maybe. Six? Treat yourself. All right. You know, you can't do six too long. I'll do seven.
Starting point is 01:23:11 Yeah, you gotta grind and grind. Hey, do me a favor. Wake me up in the, let's, I'll say goodbye to you in the morning. All right? Okay. Yeah, great. We have quite the route to what, work tomorrow morning. All right.
Starting point is 01:23:23 Maybe we should do a brunch. Should we just do a big brunch? Yeah, let's do a big brunch That- have everyone come to us Alright Okay We're not knocking on doors What do you want to brunch tomorrow morning?
Starting point is 01:23:33 You're doing a brunch? To say goodbye Fantastic, alright Bye bye brunch Can you host it? Do you mind hosting it? Can I host it? Well, because we don't really-
Starting point is 01:23:39 I'm too embarrassed to say anything here Do you have a kitchen? Brine splooge? Do I personally have a kitchen? No Sol's a really good cook Oh yeah. Do you have a kitchen? Brine splooge? Do I personally have a kitchen? No. Because Sol's a really good cook. I do not have a kitchen, no. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:49 We'll give you empires to buy groceries. We'll give you sparks to buy groceries. Those are gonna burn up down here. Okay, don't school anyone those here. Our lady, our liege lady, does not like High Ember Lord Charmin. Yeah, yeah. So, like, you'd be accused of being like a spy of and honestly my brother who you know he's a bit much he might tell on you for something like
Starting point is 01:24:12 that but i won't yes yes all right he's awful all right well i'll see you at brunch yeah we'll put in a good word for you with the wave mother too and excellent all right yes all right guys i have Excellent. All right. Yes. All right. Guys, I have to find a grocery right now. Can we go find a grocery? I was joking. I was totally joking. Okay. All right. Shall we go back, go to sleep and hope that the demands that she shows up with are reasonable.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Something we can work with? Yeah. Demands usually are not, but let's hope we can't say it. I know, I know. The key word demands are. Yeah. All right, yeah, let's just stand our ground and counter demand as best we can.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Okay. So Petrachord, do you think maybe she could find out where like, Saira is? Do you think Saira could be in the ocean? I was thinking Saira's so fiery that there's no chance she'd be in the ocean. But yeah, we can ask her if Cyra's taken a bath recently.
Starting point is 01:25:12 Maybe someone swimming along the surface spotted her and reported anything to a Corlil. Even if we ask, have you had a huge beast splashing about? Did a beast drop a ginormous deuce into the sea? She might not have. She's just a lot of talk about shit and piss. I know, it's really crass stuff. I agree with you. She did it so crass.
Starting point is 01:25:38 I'm honestly above this kind of stuff really, is the thing. It's disgusting. I'm so above it, honestly. I say it as first. I think, I think Coralell started it. Yeah, that's a really good call, Kainé. Let's ask her about Saira, because it would be great to intercept Saira before she waltzes into a plan that is going to entrap her. Yeah, and I think something I could do to help us try and suss out the future a little more is maybe if you guys want it all, join me in trying to connect with Galactic Swag again.
Starting point is 01:26:11 I can try and meditate and see if I can restore those spores. Okay, yeah. Yeah, I think what is it? I think it's been three nights since you did it last you need to get three wisdom saving throws DC 20 to refill the spores to be able to use divination again to speak to a galactic swag this would typically have to be done over multiple nights you can only do it one per night but we kind of lost it in the mix we'll say that you definitely could have been spending some of your meditation so you can do them
Starting point is 01:26:44 all now to see if you can get it back together, because it's been a few days. So you definitely have had three days since your last use. Okay. So I'll do three wisdom saves and see if I get three Twiddies. All right. Ken, I'll give you a D4. I will give you a bardic.
Starting point is 01:27:00 We've had a short rest, right? You've had a short rest, yes. Okay. So your bardic's come back every time? Yeah, for short rest, but I think I can only give it to him one at a time. Right, so. I can't like give him three.
Starting point is 01:27:10 Right, so, but I think for these. But I can just spam it every time. For these rolls, you guys can spam it. Okay. Oh, sick. You get a bardic and a squire while you do these. For each one, great. For each one, yeah. First one, easily cleared.
Starting point is 01:27:24 That is a 26. Right on. Nice. Second one. 23 without even adding my wisdom save. Cool. And then a 21 without even adding my wisdom save. So yeah. Oh yeah. All right. Beautiful. OK. You've got the sports back. You can use divination whenever you'd like. You don't necessarily have to use it now.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Keep in mind that if you use it now, the next time you use it will not be until after the summit it's it'll be three days okay best you can hope for is to be able to use this thing again in three days ace in the hole if you will yeah all right swag in the hole shall we get some sleep and speak to sort of lick our wounds from the from the fight. That was today. Isn't it wild wasn't today so long Oh, that was fucking crazy Yeah, I was captured before wait Lazlo said he was gonna Where's Lazlo? You see a hole in the cavern you see Lazlo sticks an eye in
Starting point is 01:28:22 Oh hey everybody So you're good. Yeah I'm just hanging out outside. Laszlo, do you remember a Coralil? No. Okay, okay. Do you know where our grocery is? It's all old but I'm not that old.
Starting point is 01:28:33 I didn't mean to imply that you're really old. Oh no it's okay. But you might want to use some of your knowledge. You young whippersnappers, what are you guys? Just like 70 or 80? What? I'm 29. Oh. I'm 29 too. I don't remember how old I am. Wait when's or 80? What? I'm 29. Oh.
Starting point is 01:28:46 I'm 29 too. I don't remember how old I am. When's your birthday? You're 58 I think. I'm 58? That's what you said. That is so funny of me. Yeah, bitch, I'm 58.
Starting point is 01:28:57 Great, yeah, wow. And you look awesome. Cool, yeah, I'm like 800 years old. Wow. Wow. That's crazy, I didn't know that old. Whoa, that's crazy. I didn't know that we were so close in age. Yeah. I say as I fall asleep.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Yeah, you see, a Coralil goes out and heals Laslo. Oh. That just bought some good will. You see, she goes up and fully heals him. What does a magic look like? I just bought some good you see she she goes up and Look like there's there's sort of like a residual like algae and sea life that kind of grows around Laszlo as he's being healed up that then disappears after the magic takes its effect and also little bubbles come out Hey damn It's a pleasure watching her work.
Starting point is 01:29:46 And, yeah, you guys all go to sleep for the night, and the next day you wake up to the sound of knocking. Oh shit, are we late for brunch? Oh my god, are we late? Do we sleep in? I get it now! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Did we oversleep brunch?
Starting point is 01:30:02 You open the door, you see Darristan, Brian Splooge is waiting for you. Oh hi! You're here for the potluck, right? The potluck, we all agreed it was a potluck. I thought, oh, oh. Potluck brunch, yeah. Well again, we don't have, I specifically don't have a kitchen in my... I feel like you could pick up some muffins though, that wouldn't be too much of an indication.
Starting point is 01:30:19 I brought some muffins. Can I do an investigation check for a kitchen? Yeah. There's a kitchen? Yeah. There's a kitchen here. I got a 19 on the die! Look around, there's- It's minus one 18. There's a kitchen.
Starting point is 01:30:31 Okay, is it stocked? Yeah, it's stocked. Beautiful. A lot of seaweed. Oh, you gotta be. You gotta be. I'm whipping up some kelp cakes. Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Ooh. You make up some kelp cakes. Kelp cakes. This is great. This is like my favorite thing you've ever made. Really? Yes! Thank you! You should do an under the water cookbook. And Brian Splooge, these muffins are awesome.
Starting point is 01:30:50 I don't know what store you got them at, but it's great. Costco. Costco. I didn't know they had one undersea, but they do have them everywhere. They do have them everywhere. Damn, that would have been really helpful. Okay, I'm going to... I've written up some like possible demands.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Okay. Okay. But I want to share them with everyone without her hearing. Right on. All right, we'll read them. Okay. This is just like for workshopping. I've come up with four possible demands. Ooh, okay. One, we will protect your safety, but not at the expense of anyone else's safety.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Okay, so I'm good. Two, you don't seek to expand your domain beyond its natural borders. Number three, you encourage and foster an open mind and non-judgmental curiosity amongst your constituents. And number four, you don't confuse safety with homogeneity and recognize that biodiversity is the strength of the ocean. That's, that, that, that, that just about does it.
Starting point is 01:31:51 Really? I just wrote this down right now. Wow. Yeah. No notes. I even think that the toilet thing that Brian Splooge brought in slots in pretty easily. We could do toilets. We could do ask about your sister.
Starting point is 01:32:03 That's, yeah, you know, that's, oh right, we could include that as a demand. I was just trying to think of how to neutralize her vanities or more dangerous, but yeah, we can also wear Saira and people, whether we really want to say people can shit and piss wherever they want. No, I think that fits in with the homogeneity
Starting point is 01:32:22 of the ocean and stuff, to not mess with it. Yeah, I think that's like a subheadingogeneity of the ocean and stuff's not Subheading under that it's just like a bullet point. I think it's baked in it's baked in okay. That's baked in okay Also, where is Cyrus so that's five bullet points. I would be greedy more public funding for hunting a school All right, we what we said make our son a knight All right, we what we said make our son a night Come becomes a nepo night. We should yeah, let's put that one really low Just in case she only has an appetite for four or five demands sort of sneak it in just sneak it in there Okay, yeah, maybe we can bake that one in too
Starting point is 01:33:02 We tried to like hide it in another one The ocean and also gunk becomes a nepo knife. Kind of like how we hid some QP mayo inside these kelp cakes to call them QP cake. Is that what making them sing? This is incredible, Mr. Buffon. It's so good. In fact, you rule in the ocean.
Starting point is 01:33:18 I'm really feeling it. Yeah, this is just your thing, I think. This is really, I'm kind of like on my game down here You're so much cooler than boomer frog the only other frog we've met here Is where you're heading for sure can I can I do an investigation check for boomer frog to see if he's following us Fuck five I he could be Okay, everyone keep an eye out for Boomerfrog. He definitely could have hitched.
Starting point is 01:33:48 You don't see, you know, every inch of Laszlo all the time. And he was in the wreckage and, you know, we don't know where he ended up. Boomerfrog is gonna have a lot of damage. Boomerfrog is around and he's gonna be upset. Hitching a ride while complaining that other people are hitching a ride is classic Boomer frog is around and he's gonna be upset. Hitching a ride while complaining that other people are hitching a ride is classic Boomer frog.
Starting point is 01:34:08 Yeah, that is. Boomer frog to a T. Playing about transit while using public transit. You see Sir Aluicious Brine Splooge comes to retrieve you. You're up. And he looks really tired. Yes, I knew you were leaving today, so I thought I would come fetch you.
Starting point is 01:34:27 I only got 11 hours of sleep. Wow. You look awful. I know. Would you like to use some of our treasures? We have a lot of face products. We have a lot of serums. All right, why not, TZ?
Starting point is 01:34:41 The shrimp rub. You don't wanna use this exfoliant. Hold on, wait. The shrimp starts rubbing lotion all over himself We give this shrimp a makeover. Yeah, you can believe it Kelly is 58 Alright My late 40s Dang okay, you guys have so much in common
Starting point is 01:35:05 Oh, you guys have so much in common. Probably watch some of the same TV shows. Will you take us to Acorilil? Yeah, of course. I came to get you. See, Sir Brine Splooge takes you back to Acorilil. She stands on her clam throne, hits her trident into the ground, and Brine Splooge takes a knee. She looks at you guys expectantly. Zunark pointedly does not take a knee.
Starting point is 01:35:32 Are we not bowing? That's your whole thing, Red. I have knee issues. Alright. Okay, okay. Alright, here are my demands. Number one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:47 I become the Queen. Of? Of? Ugh, I be... Alright, whatever sort of, if you put together some kind of council or guardians or something, I get a seat. You get a seat at the council, I like that. I like that.
Starting point is 01:36:02 Yes. And Basalt Von Schael, Stone Commander Basalt Von Schael also gets a seat. I can think... Yes, we love that. I like that. And Basalt, Vanchelle. Stone Commander Basalt Vanchelle also gets a seat. Wait, I think yes, we love that. Okay. Yeah, we love them. All right. If you think about it, like a circular table, that's like a crown that everyone can sit at.
Starting point is 01:36:15 Interesting. Mm hmm. Okay. So I just want in. Yeah. Same, same with Stone Commander Basalt Vanchelle. We love that. And then?
Starting point is 01:36:24 Yeah. Hit us. I refuse to cooperate with High Ember Lord Jarvan. You have to kill him. We have to kill him? Yes. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:36 We don't like him. Can we talk privately without you listening to us? Fine. See she just takes a bunch of shrimps and puts them, not living shrimps, but just other shrimps and just puts them in her ear. Ouch. Okay, what do we do with this?
Starting point is 01:36:55 Because there's nothing about, hi Lord Ember, what's his face? That makes me scream, yeah, you're good. Okay, so I don't know who, anything about any of the giant lords. All I saw was him screaming for the empire. Yeah. Yeah. And just watching with a bunch of fire elementals.
Starting point is 01:37:14 Is there any good side to him? Is he? Maybe, maybe not, but we, you know, we could, maybe we could say that we'll offer Lord Charbin the same deal that Acorlil agrees to and if he doesn't agree Then we'll kill him. That's an awesome idea. That's an awesome idea. Okay, um Shrimpy out. Thanks You see she pulls the shrimps out. Okay, keep going. We're wondering if you would consider We go to High Lord Ember with the same With the same pitch that we're giving you and And if he accepts, we let him live.
Starting point is 01:37:47 And if he doesn't, then we kill him. We can also- He still totally might die. He really might die still. He really might die, but we just want to give him a chance to see reason. Okay. Go ahead and give me a persuasion check.
Starting point is 01:38:04 And this is someone she really hates. Give me it with disadvantage. Disadvantage, okay, I'm doing my emissary. You guys can game it, you guys can game it. I'm gonna give guidance. Okay. You get Squire inspiration. I wink at her.
Starting point is 01:38:17 Okay. Oh, this guy's interesting. Okay, so we're starting with a five. Oh my God, four on both the guidance and on the Squire thing. Cool. Takes it up to 13. Okay. Plus 14, 27.
Starting point is 01:38:36 Huge. You see, she goes, God damn it, can't get anything past you guys. All right, all right, all right. Would my lady please like a kelp cake? A kelpie cake, I call them. Yes, thank you. Takes it, slurps it down. Slurps down a whole tray really quick. She's huge, she's a fucking storm giant.
Starting point is 01:38:54 Right, yeah. Now, we want to come to you with not our demands, god that's so crass. More like, no judgment that you said it though, more like propositions. Strong suggestions. Strong suggestions that- First, first, let's settle the Charbon thing, right? Because you say you give him the same deal, could you give him a worse deal? Sort of so I can hold it over his head.
Starting point is 01:39:19 Okay. What if it's a giant circular table? You'll sit not directly across, but like as much distance and askew, so you'll really never even have to see it. Yeah, yeah, okay. If he agrees to all the stuff that I agreed to, and then I have Basalt on the council with me, and Charbon doesn't get to bring anybody on the council with him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:43 You know, I actually think there's a strong case to be made that Charbon shouldn't have a seat at the council. Yes, that's what I'm saying! Yeah, I think I'm down to agree he's not on the council. He's a... Perfect. Yeah. Yeah, let's kill that guy. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:39:58 So yeah, I think we don't want to kill him, but we just, I think we are down to commit to he's not got a seat at the table. Alright. Okay. Right? That feels right, right? Yeah, yeah. Okay. Anything else? Um. Cause we've got, we've got a pet ask. Just spill. Just go with your heart.
Starting point is 01:40:18 No, I'm good. I said all my stuff. I guess my pet ask would be like, do you want to kill Charmin? No, I guess. That's what you want for you. That's all good. Yeah, so I think what we are down to. OK, so here's sort of like the propositions of moving forward that we actually want to ask of everyone who sits at the table. OK. OK, number one, we will protect your safety,
Starting point is 01:40:38 but not at the expense of anyone else's safety. Thinks about it for a while. Fine. OK okay number two again you're gonna get a lot of work out of us after you know if we if we get on the same page. Number two. Little serpents apparently are gonna grow big and destroy the crowns right? Yeah yeah. Alright the prophecy better be real. Number two. Or I'll drown all of you. What? Okay I'm gonna know that blowing past that water you don't seek to expand your domain beyond its natural borders okay yeah and if the water waves are cool as
Starting point is 01:41:14 long as they recede and everyone natural storm no unnatural storm and everyone else is agreeing to this too so this is actually kind of a benefit for you biblical floods well okay well I mean like, I mean, like, if I gotta, like, call lightning down on somebody or something, I can do that. Storms are cool, but just not, you know, not unnatural. Yeah, storms are cool. Contains, yeah, yeah. I can bring my wrath, but not on, like, a large scale.
Starting point is 01:41:37 Yeah, but like, yeah. Little bit of wrath. Within reason. Within reason. A little bit of, like, the amount of wrath that you expect of the ocean, right? Ocean is wrath-y. A reasonable wrath. Reasonable wrath. Within wrath. Within wrath. A little bit of like, amount of wrath that you expect of the ocean, right? Ocean is... A reasonable wrath. Reasonable wrath.
Starting point is 01:41:49 Reasonable wrath. Number three, you encourage and foster an open mind and non-judgmental curiosity in all your constituents. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Love the sea. Love the sea. That's cool. That's great.
Starting point is 01:42:00 Number four, you don't confuse safety with homogeneity. Biodiversity is the strength of the ocean we believe All right, well, it'd be a dick if I didn't agree that Number five do you know where sire is sire? Oh, oh She's a fiery Aladdin she's a fiery eladrin born on the back of a huge beast that is not of this world oh that thing took a shit in the water absolutely laid a lot it wasn't even a log it was a tree
Starting point is 01:42:37 wow a seismic shit yeah absolute seismic one okay great so are you willing to give that information to us? yeah that absolutely doesn't matter to me, I can just show you that, yeah. In number six, again you can say no to this, no worries if not, I hate that phrase, but here I'm saying it. It's all good. If not, our sun gonk becomes a nepo knight in your circles. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:43:02 I would say above Ser Bryan's fluge, if there's any sort of hierarchy. Which one? He does need to outlige. Darrison or above our wishes? Above our wishes. Higher Brine's Looch family. Alright, well that's a little unfair to Darrison. He'll earn the ranking actually.
Starting point is 01:43:18 We're okay if he stops a bit. He's gonna be a good number. Let's not say ground floor, but second floor. Okay, so we'll give him like the access, but not necessarily fast track him. Junior management. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, we'll get him into junior management. He can breathe underwater and... Oh yeah, he loves to. He's great at it. We actually don't know yet. I have to assume.
Starting point is 01:43:43 I have to assume. He's a gifted kid.. I have to assume. We have to assume. He's a gifted kid, he can breathe underwater and above water and you should see his kill count. Oh, okay. He's a tadpole who loves to kill. Well, we like that around here. Okay, yeah, done. So he's gonna need like probably just a thousand hectares just to start off, you know.
Starting point is 01:44:01 That's not too fucking demanding, huh? Your breather pops out of your mouth and you start choking yeah I go to a knee but it's cuz I was tired okay then that's great then I feel like we're on the same page and that's really exciting. Yeah, no it's pretty good stuff you know it could have been better could have been the Sealy Queen but I think when we all see that this council thing falls apart and you know we need somebody to pick up the pieces and you know take it from there. Terrifying. So we have a very tentative deal. We have a weak. Well no it's not weak, it's just gonna say if it doesn't work out,
Starting point is 01:44:54 take it from there. Hard to build on water. Great, great, great, great. I feel fine. I think it's gonna work out. I agree that it's gonna work out. I think you're gonna find out that being on a council, being part of a committee is actually more fun than being alone at the top. I'm gonna write to Gunk and tell him he can drop out of school. Yeah, yeah, do you have couriers? Yeah, you see another Brian splooge comes up to you.
Starting point is 01:45:21 Ah! Hello? We've called, do you want to write out that letter? Yes. Um, uh, dear, dear son, um, drop out of school. Yeah, can you write this down? Can you write this down? Of course, dear son, drop out of school. Drop out of school, post haste.
Starting point is 01:45:36 Post haste. Um, tell them to send the bill to us, and then I leave no address, uh, from your family. Okay. Um, I will get this to your son who is? Oh, he's like a fish. He's a fish. Your new boss. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:57 He's my new boss. Where is he? He's a fish. So- One part of the ocean because of course- Do you know where Russel, not where it is, where it was? Was. Do you know where Russel was? I've never been on the land. Okay. Yes. Just have just said that this man is dead.
Starting point is 01:46:28 He was the greatest among us. Oh, dear. Okay, so. Get in your sun. You want to be a knight. Yeah. We're gonna do this council thing. Sure. We're gonna probably banish Charmander instead of killing him. Fine. Yeah. You wanna gonna probably banish Charm instead of killing him. Fine. Yeah. You want to see where your sister is? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, I sensed a great power heading towards where the archipelago was. Yeah. I sensed that it was one of the serpents. Yeah. And then poof, disappeared. Disappeared?
Starting point is 01:47:07 Yeah, it was there and then it wasn't. And I can't necessarily track things that are outside of the water. But if it were flying right over, I would think that I would. Do you think she got abducted by one of the other giants? Or maybe by the winter cord? But how would her servant disappear?
Starting point is 01:47:30 I mean, like when you say disappear, it wasn't like it lost its life because you'd still feel the carcass. Yeah, it was quite sudden actually. It was- I bet the mages have teleported her in. Oh, inside of the bubble? I wonder.
Starting point is 01:47:46 I wonder if she's been apprehended already. Can you describe her for me? Or even, I mean, she's your sister. If I have like a piece from you or something, I might be able to. Yeah, I think I take my hair and I light it on fire, because that's like Saira.
Starting point is 01:48:04 And I say say this is Essentially her you take it you make like a little air pocket with magic so you can like light a little fire you see a coral ill keeps the air bubble and Pulls out once again this pearl that works kind of like a crystal ball you see she concentrates and you see the crystal ball looks like really foggy for a moment. And then you see the white fog begins to turn to black clouds, like rumbling with little bits of lightning. And... Kali, for the first time in a long time, you see...
Starting point is 01:48:48 Saira. She is... sitting alone in some barren wasteland. The trees around her are all dead and devoid of life. The ground is gray and rocky. The sky is pitch black and devoid of stars. She is cradling her knees and holding her duck staring forward in a trance. She is absentmindedly sort of petting the duck's head, but looks to be in a far off place. Her skin, she's a summer eladrin, it's always been like golden, but she looks kind of pale and tired. There are little, almost like bits of steam on her cheek, like she's being burnt by her own anger, by her own fiery power. And you see her hair, usually of voluminous fire, is now a calmer red, with little flames licking off the edges.
Starting point is 01:49:52 But every once in a while, you see she'll think of something and sort of tense up and her hair will burst into flames and her eyes will grow white hot. But her duck sort of nuzzles in and calms her down, and you see that she's fiddling with a magical relic. It looks kind of like a crown covered in runes. Zunog, have you ever seen an artifact like that? Yes, I mean, I can't read all of the runes from here, but the little bit that I can make out, this is kind of like what I was talking about.
Starting point is 01:50:31 The idea of taking magic from one item and putting it into another. She put marigold into an artifact? It looks more likely like she wants to steal the power of one of the Seelie Crowns and take it for herself. I'm putting it in for herself. And where's Marigold gone? Has Marigold been stolen? You don't see Marigold immediately next to Syrah, but then you see in the black clouds that almost just look like the fog of the crystal ball little strikes of lightning and in it you can just make out the reflection of golden scales sort of snaking through the air. Okay I look at a map of the archipelago are there any islands that are hidden or shrouded. Are there any places that look like there should be an island, but it's not seen?
Starting point is 01:51:30 This does look like the archipelago, but not the one of this world. Is she in a pocket plane or is she in the material plane? It looks like she's in Shadowfell. Shadowfell. Shadowfell? What? Does that mean she's... died? Or she's just waiting there to pop out. She's just hiding there.
Starting point is 01:51:54 Okay, so... You can't cast a spell from outside to get in. But if you're already in a different plane... She's gonna go to Shadowfell, go to where they're meeting and then plane shift in. And perhaps they have security on the material plane but Shadowfell is the land of the dead. There are monsters there. They would not take well to an army showing up. The artifact that she's looking at, is it from the Feywild or is it from Shadowfell?
Starting point is 01:52:29 You see, looks at it for a while. Guys, go ahead and give me history or like arcana checks. 18 on the die becomes a 19. Okay. Good Lord. Shout out to the two crew. Yeah, nine. on the die becomes a 19. Okay. Good Lord. Shout out to the two crew. Yeah, nine.
Starting point is 01:52:46 It looks like it's made by combining a couple other relics and it occurs to you, Calliope, that this is something that could have been forged using, back in the day there were, during campaign one, there were four Fy crowns two kind of lesser ones this looks like this might have used material from like other powerful crowns that were no longer in use and maybe had to be sought out she's crafted her own crown she's been on such an adventure she looks she looks so alone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:25 I know. Is she there by choice? I guess it seems like she is. Yeah. I mean, I guess like one of the cruelties of anger and grief is that kind of robs you of some of your choice. Well, if she's in the Shadowfell, how do we get there? Is there like a rift we can cross through?
Starting point is 01:53:50 Is that something you can help us with? I am able to cast Blane Shift, bud. Can you send us to Shadowfell so that we can meet up with her and then we can follow through with her plan and we can plane shift maybe we don't need to get past the blockade she's got a really strong plan at least in terms of transport the rest of it is for debate at one point it's very strong yeah I don't know what's waiting for us in the Shadowfell but would you be willing to plane shift? We'll throw in something else.
Starting point is 01:54:28 Okay. We'll bring Charbon to you, and you can punch him in the face. Alright, deal. Yeah? Alright, but I typically, when I cast a Plane Shift spell, I would need to come with you. I'm not going to Shadowfell because I would lose a lot of my powers of the sea there. But I can enchant something to allow you to cast it once. Which would mean you'd need to find your own way out.
Starting point is 01:55:01 Well hopefully, hopefully, Syrah has a plan for getting out. I think she does. You do know that Sarah is a sorcerer. I mean, if she plane shifted in, I think she's got a plane shift set aside to come back here. Okay, so let's so let's book this one way ticket. All right. Yeah, we're gonna do it. Any item that be any item that you're gonna insure? We'll take a clam. A toilet one. Okay, I was gonna just give you like a pearl of power to that situation, but no. No, we need to fly under the radar.
Starting point is 01:55:34 You can just go inside the toilet. So if anyone finds us, they won't think. They'll be like, what are you doing traveling with a toilet? That's so crass. We can use the toilet clam that I slept in last night. Yeah, we want that toilet clam. Very well. You see, some nights go to fetch the toilet clam. Zunark goes, do you want the rest of us to stay here and be your sort of getaway plan on the outside of the blockade or anything?
Starting point is 01:56:04 Do we all want to go on this trip? It's not a bad idea to have you guys here. Maybe a Coralill could even escort you and Triss through with some of her merfolk or tritons. Alright, yes, maybe we try to get through on this plane. If it's too dangerous, then a giant dragon turtle that's been healed up can perhaps outrun some of the airships and whatnot if he can get to us. Yeah. Alright, so we're gonna pincer movement. Like a shrimp's claw.
Starting point is 01:56:43 Yeah. Perfect. The shrimp maneuver. Alright. So you all feel you're all going to go to Shadowfell? Yeah. And you know what? That's gonna make it hard for them to scry on me, right? Can scry go to another plane?
Starting point is 01:56:58 I believe it can. I mean we just looked at Saira. Yeah, no, you're right. I mean, because Saira seems like she's got the element of surprise going through Shadowfell, but if they see Siren through you, that could throw a wrench in her plans. I think she's not got the element of surprise. I think they're onto her. Unless this is just a really clever plan. I mean, it's good. Well, they're counting on her coming. They're not counting on us. What can I do so that they can't scry on me in Shadowfell?
Starting point is 01:57:27 I can't protect you necessarily when you're out of the sea. But maybe I can give you something to help you be more mindful. And you see, she gives you a necklace with a pearl on it and goes, this will glow if anyone is using divination spells on you. So then I can hop into the bag. You can just hop into the bag or the water. I've got the bag. Okay.
Starting point is 01:58:01 As long as you're quick, then this will begin to glow as soon as it senses the spell beginning. As soon as it glows, we put on the performance of a lifetime. We pretend we're in the nine hells. We lie. We say that our planet is so different than it is. Oh my gosh. Okay. We're gonna need a lot of props. We can make sets and props. I mean, Sire can definitely make some flames. Okay, that's the best we have to work with. We'll do a dress rehearsal on the way. Yeah, sounds good.
Starting point is 01:58:35 This is great. Hands in, gang. Everybody puts their hands in. You see Triss two hugs Kali really close and goes, I would go with you because you're my best friend. Yeah, but? I'm really scared of Saira. And I kind of would like to privately be best friends
Starting point is 01:58:52 with both of you. And I don't want like her to get mad at me, if that makes sense. Right, that's totally fair. Maybe before we leave though, it'd be really nice if you told Cal to how you felt about him. Are we doing goodbye hugs everybody? Okay yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:10 Calder wanders over with his arms outstretched. I think Calder's really nice. I think you're really nice too. She gives you a hug. Calder holds on for 10 seconds too long. OK. She goes over hugs all for 10 seconds. Calder's counting in his head each second that they're holding each other. Whenever she comes over to hold me for 10 seconds, I'm going to ask sincerely as I can muster.
Starting point is 01:59:43 And I honestly think it is probably kind of sincere just say I'm Really excited to secretly be best better friends with you than my sister I'm really excited for that to be a secret between us, too Don't tell sire that you saw me I won't okay. Okay. Bye bestie. Bye bestie I won't. Okay. Okay. Bye, Tris. Bye, bestie.
Starting point is 02:00:05 Bye, bestie. See, she turns and just... I'm gonna write you letters, but I forgot where they should be sent. Oh, alright. See ya. She's already talking to other people. Bye, then. So you're already out of the room.
Starting point is 02:00:16 And Zunark goes, we'll be on the lookout and we'll talk to Akora, those people, to be able to get like a message through the ocean or whatever we will find you once you get here yeah yeah yeah you will you will because we will get here be safe yeah okay all right all right should we plane shift immediately no we should get right to the edge of the blockade wait which island did you say that it looked like? You guys saw that the island where the summit is happening was on like the, I believe I said, southeasternmost island. You can assume that's where Sire is.
Starting point is 02:00:52 And Plane Shift, if you know where it is, so you guys pointed out on the map and stuff and you tell Acora Lil where you wanna go. She enchants this clam that is now sort of a Bill and Ted style like phone booth type thing. We can go in it and just flushes us down. It flushes you down. Right. To Shadowfell. Enter the clam. Take the next clam to Shadowfell. Alright. Are we get it? Are we doing this? We go into the realm of shadow of the dead. Yeah. Let's jam this clam. Yeah. Let's go there. Let's just like kill a bunch of vampires and level up.
Starting point is 02:01:26 Okay. I don't know if we have time to do that, but yeah. Are we gonna meet vampires? That's basically all I know about the Shadowfell. There's like a very small chapter in the Launchpad history book about it, and it just says vampires galore. That's all it says. All that just for a chapter. I heard that they have a Hydra Hydra, which is a Hydra with Hydra heads. Like smaller Hydras as the head. And that those Hydra have seven heads.
Starting point is 02:01:54 Wow. Yeah. And it's a vampire as well. And it's also a vampire, yeah. I thought that it had like a benevolent lady leader at this point. I think yeah. Okay, let's cling this point. I think, yeah. Okay, let's cling to that. I think she's also a vampire though. Again, the textbook was, you know, it clearly had an agenda.
Starting point is 02:02:12 Yeah, it had an agenda. All right, the spell's not gonna last forever. Okay! Sorry we're dragging our feet because we're scared. Haven't you ever felt that way? No. God damn. The scariest monster in Shadowfell
Starting point is 02:02:24 is confronting your sister. I think Confronting your demons. I should say I view wells up in tears and then hugs colder Okay, drag me there You can do it. Let's go. Yeah. Yeah, let's do it. Let's face the flames Let's face the flame you guys's face the flame. You guys all come together. You enter the clam it slams shut behind you and you feel the spell begin to take effect. You are enveloped in darkness pulled through a planar tunnel, but there is no light because you are traveling to the plane of shadow.
Starting point is 02:03:06 And that's where we'll end our session. I did not see this coming. Good for you. Kudos sending us a shout, making sure we get to see Shadow fast. Yeah, you got to. I'm so excited. That was such a haunted image of her going mad by herself. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:26 Yeah. Oh my gosh. Shadow desert, that's really scary. We'll talk about this more over on the short rest. You can go to slash nadpod, that's N-A-D-D-P-O-D to listen to the short rest. Does anyone have anything they'd like to plug? Ooh, actually, yeah, I would love to plug,
Starting point is 02:03:45 there's this guy, Grant Howitt, who makes a lot of fun little one-page RPGs that are really cool. He made one about Dark Souls called Fucked Up Little Man. Wow. And I just love his work, so go check out Grant Howitt. I think his Twitter is at G. Showett, G-S-H-O-W-I-T-T. Nice.
Starting point is 02:04:06 And I wanna plug a place that me and Murph went to in San Diego called Whiskers and Wine. Aw. It's like a little cat adoption place that you can have a little wine and meet the cats. The cats were really happy. So if you're in San Diego and you're like thinking about getting a cat, there are some amazing cats there. And it's great. You just sit around and you wait and you're like thinking about getting a cat. There are some amazing cats there.
Starting point is 02:04:26 Yeah, and it's great. You just sit around and you wait and you see if any of the little dudes come up to you and say hi. They're so sweet. Beautiful. Yeah, and they're all like, give me a sip of your wine. You're like, no, Katie. Yeah, and you just give them a little bit.
Starting point is 02:04:37 Oh yeah, not until you're 12. Yeah. All right, thank you all so much for listening. You can follow us on social media that we're remembering I use at stage first me at called his Caldwell at a for Dzemile and at Jake or says Jake and you can tweet about the show using hashtag and ad pod. That's any DDP. Oh, D. We are the youth of the nation. We are. We are.
Starting point is 02:05:09 Friends, that sweet and lovely time of the episode has come. The time where we must shout out our benevolent Council of Elders. Let's get right to it. Brad D. Jeffrey S. Lord of the Fjord. Lader McSkater. Matt M. Cutter W. Jeff C. Daniel G. Danielle the Dastardly dame. Beardman Dan, Danny P. Carpe Liam, Bryant the DM with 18 months
Starting point is 02:05:34 between weekly games. Victor T. AKA Balnor's boy. Hoyt's friend, Justin I. Danny Danster, TJ M. Trelai the Cray, Christopher B, Damiel R, Jordan L, Cyborg version of Josh the Cobalt, Targot, Stevie Wags, Hellish Rebuke PhD, Princess Yar, Jory S, Jack L, Nicholas C, star of every film ever made in Bohemia, now starring in the Iron Deep production, A Squire Never Tires.
Starting point is 02:06:10 Samuel B. Mike H. Alka Smeltzer Plus. Great Value Jimma. Tyler F. Fighting Favorites, The Favorite Things Podcast. Knee Badger. Panama James. Heradrian, Carboro Chapel Hill FPV, Rex Daniel, The White, Cici Lulu, Old Cob's Dunkle, Older Burn, Hercules Poirot, The Rabbit Folk Detective,
Starting point is 02:06:39 Timmy R, Rayco, Calder Comes Cold, Shout Out to the cold cum cumpanions Frosty Facial Taylor B. The Vengeful One-Winged Angel Cass Strong Grinch Steven Samples Simmering Sulphurous Szechuan Sea Mike K.
Starting point is 02:06:59 Lady Taco and Team Incredulity Nick W. William W. Big Bad Beardo the Mad. Eric McD. Anonarama. Percival Frederickstein von Mussel Klasowski de Rolo III. J. Dragonborn, guardian of the vibe. Honoring the cock. Minising Apogee, Bin A, Dave H, Dustin S, Danny F, Hawkeye Pierce, Bookfars Assistant Izzy F, DPC is AWESOME! Hashtag Honor the Cock, Shone the Shade of House Inzunza, Ariel, the Occasional Mermaid, Selena N, aka, the Lacy Raptor, Be Perky Always, Pat L, Maxwell J, Lauren H, Serv 16, Annie,
Starting point is 02:07:59 the Feywild Therapist, Skillful Ferret, insert fan art request here. Oh, you know I gotta see the brine splooges. I must see the whole line of brine. If you don't mind. Connor S. Zaleel. Weed Goku 69, currently in orbit around moon number 16. That's right, it is canon.
Starting point is 02:08:20 That is how many moons there are. There might even be more, who knows. Bioquart 7 7 Amber Dextrous Bean Rat was innocent. Trub Hopdropper Jack Hubert, King of the Mole people under Iron Deep, dressed in blue and fighting his way through a bracket style tournament. Lindsay W Valen Pash a dumb bunny bard.
Starting point is 02:08:42 Carlin C Noah the Bullywog Boy, hashtag allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the balance druid. Frida M. Tracy P. the Crick Elf Librarian. Maggie S. see you in Chicago. Saw you in Chicago. Thank you so much for coming. Holly the green laughing hyena. Ha ha. Finally caught up to Duck Team. Akash T. doofinius.
Starting point is 02:09:18 Aaron B. Russell H. a monk named Dilgo. Yes, the whole thing. Yes, every time. Cody C. Lorelei the succubi. And Kira the succulent snack. Your friendly neighborhood, Yont and Yunkle, Andrew and Sid. John Adams, the write-in candidate for 2024. Meg, the mail carrier manager of Bohemia.
Starting point is 02:09:41 James F. Austin S. Wayfarer now has to do something about the trolls. To get rid of them turn to page 42, to keep them turn to page 69! Shane C, Barpo Goodbarrel Bardbarian, Welshlander, Garrett G aka One Big Curd, H Havy the Half Orc 3. Renee the Monster Captain 4. Robox Fleshton 5. Olivia the Enchanting Bard 6. and Jared the Soap Opera Cleric
Starting point is 02:10:12 who are playing Stick It to the Man parentheses down with the monarchy 7. Winterslade 8. FICO 9. Garrett the Artificer 10. We3Gamers2 11. Anthony the Radest of Dudes. Josh H.
Starting point is 02:10:27 Caleb L. The Fairysay, Happy Belated Birthday to Emily. Belated due to the Grinch kidnapping us. Oh no. Cantrip Dumbledore, the Bare Onesie Wearing Barbarian. Lexi H. Nodrog, the Pasophist Barbarian. Gino T. Tristan, the talentless hunk. Shenanigans O'Connor, Mios the Great.
Starting point is 02:10:51 Joshua S. Alexander, Linz W. Angela Pamela, the forever vindicated. Pavu Eskenor, the Goliath Paladin providing service with a smile. Tim M. A cat napping in a sunbeam listening to a podcast. MLG Cheeto. C Jam Hampton. Shell B, Kenna's now first favorite sprite girl. Not because she's her actual fave.
Starting point is 02:11:19 She just found out that Ocreana is a Shell B stand. Girl crushes a bee like that. Jackson R. Snailus, who's infecting Worcester for within. She just found out that Ocreana is a Shelby stand. Girl crushes a bee like that. Jackson R. Snailus who's infecting Worcester for within. Official Ned Flanders. Blake H. searching for a sweet blue hole. With his bestie Big Bev.
Starting point is 02:11:38 Mima Skadez. Oh, it's V. Visibly queer and confused in an airport. Megan N, Anthony B, Savannah H, Balnor's best friend, Steve, Stephanie of House Imzunza, Benjamin A, Gimli the corgi, Pawpaw and Foster's canine friend, Mikkel A. Josh Hole Froakie The two crew blew through. Jennery Ethan B. Maple the shy bookworm.
Starting point is 02:12:12 Ashesaurus Seth E. Billy Batson Tori the tungsten dragoose Son of Thomas, the blind bisexual goose. Honk Michael L.S. the second Jacob the purveyor of shenanigans. Nova, cry! Parcel, Dex Riddlewell, Hannah A, rah!
Starting point is 02:12:35 Ace Dreggs, High Lord of Critsburg. Darius D, Troy's mom. Vin,agram. GKC. Teehee, teehee. Cadmilius, the consumed. Hossinator. Bart of Holding. Clinton P. Cam the Frogman. Dean.
Starting point is 02:12:55 Jake W. Hi mom. Tuesday Cross, the choose your own adventure writer, not the porn star. Steve L. Alex G. Zibbidi-Bock, Nicole, and Katarina C. That is all of our elders. Thank you all so, so much for listening. We appreciate you more
Starting point is 02:13:14 than you could ever know. If you would like to join this illustrious number, you can do so by going to slash nadpod. That's going to be it for us today. We will catch you here again next week. Farewell! That was a HateGum Podcast.

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