Not Another D&D Podcast - C3 Ep. 7: Ma Goblin's Mob Goblin (The Mothership Saga)

Episode Date: April 8, 2022

Duck Team officially joins Mob Goblin and hatches a plan to take down Mothership! Calder feuds with Albin, Sol feuds with everyone else, and Callie reveals why she's on the run from her famil...y. Support us at to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Get tickets to our upcoming live shows at Effects Include:"A Wizard Tournament" by Emily Axford."Mothership" by Emily Axford."Zelbuldar" by Emily Axford."Sea Beast" by Emily Axford. "Blackthorn Hall" by Emily Axford."Crash Landing" by Emily Axford."Mothership" by Emily Axford."Mee Maw's Burden" by Emily Axford."Microbrews Cruise" by Emily Axford."Bonkginya, Fia Bonkginya" by Emily Axford."Soul Coins" by Emily Axford."The Frog" by Emily Axford."Spooky Shafts" by Emily Axford.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Headgun Podcast. Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item, plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy.
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Starting point is 00:01:43 I'm your dungeon master, Brian Murphy joined by Jake Herwitz. Figure skater, side guy hater, called her kill day. Yeah. If you missed that reference last time, it was because it was very brief, but Calder is a confirmed figure. No, we've mentioned that's the second time we've been skating. Really? Yeah, I know, because I said one time that I could do it faster than him But I could do it more gracefully. Hmm. I do believe that unless you got it
Starting point is 00:02:08 Well, then that was for me Then of course Emily Axford Suggie broad commit an insurance fraud Kaliope petricle It's really truly wild or Randy And then of course called a Tanner voted launch pad Academy's cutest little buddy three years in a row It's all Bufo. Whoa What have been for didn't see the rhyme coming would have been it for I don't know if you can hold up to the otter though
Starting point is 00:02:35 No, yeah that otter you rushed me the last two years coming for your seat Anyway guys, let's go ahead and do a little recap. So last time you guys battled Grumpy old Professor Lyser and his bunny bud Claudius during the fight, you were stunned and manipulated with the Professor dredging up memories of him failing you during your entrance exams. In the end though, you prevailed with Saul resisting Lysizer's completely reasonable mass suggestion. Yeah, it's it. And then Saul brutally killed him with the help of the party. You guys succeeded in your goal of rescuing Krugin, and afterwards Albin discovered that
Starting point is 00:03:14 the preserved brains of Lizer's lab were the source of the projections and propaganda around campus. Albin and Saul then gave a speech to the students letting them know that they were being lied to, which led to a mini rebellion. We gave a speech pretty much like twice a year that incited everyone, but this was the first real one we've done. Yeah, it was very exciting. You guys usually just get people real amped for the Chantor Chantors to go out there and give it their all. Yeah, we're glorified mascots. You guys were then confronted by pitcher, the captain of the side guys' liquidity team, who chased you through campus, scooping little buddies, flying through laundry rooms,
Starting point is 00:03:51 and avoiding collateral spell damage from the uprising. You eventually made your way to the sewers, and did away with the last of the psychic jocks with the help of Magoblin's subterranean vehicle. You made it inside just as the last of the magic from your liquidity sticks gave out and the five of you crashed to the floor and that's where we are now. Yeah, so you guys have just collapsed to the floor of Magoblin's moving lab. The flying sticks like gave out 10 feet above the vehicle.
Starting point is 00:04:22 So they literally opened the hatch and you guys just fell in, so a good like 10 foot fall. You guys all crash landing in a pile. Albin and Krugin are there with you guys. Oh, you're on me. You're on me. You're pushing into my bladder and I need to pee. We're all hurt. Yep, I'm on the bottom, but that's fine.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Wraaah, the duck's under me. Wraa me. We all landed in size order. That's so weird. You're right foster We're all right. The duck gets out again no bones. So just squeezes out Yes, he everyone slowly gets up except for Krugin It's been just like psychically tortured and stuff so he just kind of rolls over and goes It was just like psychically tortured and stuff. So we just kind of rolls over and goes, I've had a day. Yeah, Graham, do you have like a potion or like a cot or something for our friend?
Starting point is 00:05:10 Yeah, you see, I'm Graham. Cotton a bottle maybe, who is a Mag Oblins like right hand man, this hob goblin with a shaved head who had just shot down the side guys pursuing you. He comes in from the gunner nest. And maybe you could just give him the gunner nest. It says nest, it sounds complete.
Starting point is 00:05:28 There's a lot of, I see a hammock up there. It's like a hammock, yeah. It's not a, the grime looks super angry and goes, it's not like a comfortable, it's not like a nest where birds lay eggs. Why is there a magazine up there? Because I was bored. It's so cozy.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Until I had to shoot stuff, okay? It's like you have a cup of tea. Yeah. I was tired. It's a little chimney with steam coming out. Okay, oh my god. Yes, my particular gunner nest is a little bit like a bird's nest, but that doesn't mean that every gunner's nest is like that. Okay, and you just assumed it was.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Okay, no, I work for my goblin. Okay, I don't work for you. Just like crew can have some of your seeds. Yeah, let me have some of your D and sleep in your nest In the nest already all right. I'll let him in the goddamn nest Out of the way everyone Krugin comes through I put like a little um space blanket Yeah, I put like an emergency blanket on him Yeah, you put like a one of those like tin foil looking blankets around. Great.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Appreciate you. I'm going to go out in the nest. Yeah, I did bargain hard for it. So don't fall it out. I didn't lay those eggs. Those are hard boiled eggs and I was having a for dinner. Get, get, cook and eat them. Gaww, you can have two.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I wink at Krooga. Just do it. I can have as many as you want. Oh yeah, there's actually only two out here. I winked at you, he's holding like seven eggs. See, that's where I went. Oh, my fucking scams from. Krueger goes out into the gunner nest,
Starting point is 00:06:57 which is not a nest, it's just a fucking pod. There's like a blaster. It's a cozy pod. But it's a cozy little pod. It goes in the cozy little pod, he gets set up. Um, you see go grab is just watering to himself Little pissed off. It's grab will make it cozy in here. Yeah, we'll get you more eggs. You're not those eggs You see a ma goblin Comes up to you guys and goes why are you bothering my why are you bothering my right hand man?
Starting point is 00:07:23 Shoot down your guys who are chasing you You kicking out of his nest you still his eggs grammar we bother you Very much so I had no idea Okay, okay, look I'm so sorry Markuban. It's just Krugin is One of the most important people in my life and Ethan a really bad way And I just I just eagle eye look for the most comfortable place for him to settle down his poor bones. Alright well we all know that Graham keeps his nest like he's a little bird.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And he has a fuck rest. I mean. You had seven eggs in there. It was very much a bird. It's a nervous dinner. Mother birds eat their eggs. there. It was very much a bird's nest. It's a nervous dinner. It was mother birds. Eat their eggs. No. So why am I a mother bird? You had those eggs for a long time, Grimm. You're not fit.
Starting point is 00:08:12 You raised them just to boil them? You're sick. You're sick. You're sick. Don't eat the eggs. He's had them for a long time. OK. Look, you've done well.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Little fights at Launchpad are not going to bring about the revolution on its own But perhaps we can recruit some of the disaffected the mages and it will certainly Divert lots of mothership attention. So not only if you saved your friend, but you've helped us out a lot as well, right You see she turned Soldiers now good. I am very much in the lead of soldiers. We are baby birds in your big nest. I am in a toll.
Starting point is 00:08:50 We do have a duck. Where? Foster, can you make eggs? You see Foster tilts his head for a second, and then goes over, and with a wing, grabs one of the eggs and cracks it over like a little fire and starts taking the gravel legs. That was a fun little job.
Starting point is 00:09:10 How am I if he dies in laughter? I am sobbing from laughter. That was very good. Very good fuster. Cold smiles and that's the first time that's happened. That's the sound of ice thawing as a style. A spatula is just clipping through his wing. That should not work.
Starting point is 00:09:29 All right. Graham set the course for the safe house. You see Graham nods, goes over to another goblin that looks to be piloting the subterranean vehicle. And my goblin goes, U3, I guess U4. Boy wizard, the man wizard. Yeah, I'll be just boy wizard. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Okay, come on over, mostly U3 though, points to solve, Callie and Calder. You see she walks over to an arcane machine that is basically just a pedestal with like a flying crystal ball over it. You see she puts her hand over it and begins manipulating it, bringing cloudy images
Starting point is 00:10:07 into the crystal ball. I looked into the A-class team that is pursuing you. They go by the name Go Go Team Tection. Oh go go go they sound so organized. They're so bad. They're truly so bad. Oh, they definitely have fucking formations, don't they? You see, she nods grimly. The clouds in the crystal ball begin to form clear images. And you see three synth eldritch nights in crackling
Starting point is 00:10:40 blue plate. There are two humans who look to be twins, brother and sister. They're nearly identical except for their hair. The guy has a hard side part and Extremely gelled down hair like there's no height to it at all. It is just so gelled down and she has long pink hair That literally sparkles as it moves and the third guy is a huge moose man in full armor with a giant axe. You begin to hear sounds from the projections. You see they spring into action flying through the air on handheld drones dedicated to our city's protection committed to our enemy's detection. Go go team-tection! You see
Starting point is 00:11:23 action shots of them as they do a roll call starting with the twins and then ending with the moose man. StarDunk, Jazzler and Todd. They're like it's like they're high school performers. Saul hums the themes on under his breath. Go go team pection. Can I, is the moose attractive? The moose is huge. Is that attractive? He's a big moose guy.
Starting point is 00:11:51 OK, I'll form my own. He looks like a big buff dude with a moose head. Imagine if you will, a minotaur, but a moose. Karly, check out the pecs on this freaking hawk. You think I wasn't already? You see the three of them jump off their drones and land in a three-point pose. The twins are each on one knee and pointing up while Todd,
Starting point is 00:12:13 the mousse holds up his axe in the middle, star-dunk, jazz, learn Todd. Okay, okay. Immediately my first thought is like, this is not just a fucking physical fight, this has a PR angle so we need to start practicing formation. Formation, formation, rhymes, I have an antlered helm so I can, I'm not as tall as this fucking moose. You're halfway there. I actually told her. No way. You are.
Starting point is 00:12:37 You know what? You know what? When we have this fucking corpse on the floor, I'm gonna have you lie down and see how much taller you are then. I might be taller than when he's corpse on the floor. I'm gonna have you lie down and see how much it's all over your other. Okay, I might be dollar than it when he's lying on the floor. Okay, it's close. He is big moose. You see the projection finishes, as they all get into their pose, and they go, team-tection,
Starting point is 00:12:55 tech-dent serve. Oh, it's like protection. Okay, yeah. Like, tech is like a short and protect. Yeah, protect, but also detect. Contraction. They're clearly douchebags. Yeah, duck team is fucking mean.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Something. There we go. Oh, oh. We're gonna clog your ducks. Yeah, I'm about to have a duck you. Duck you. What you're taking, other duck you. What you're taking away from this is you want to be more likely as people?
Starting point is 00:13:22 Duck you, you stupid finch. Yeah, we have to start a duck Don't give you stupid finch. Yeah. We have to start under a few. Don't give you ducking finch. Yeah. And duck my duck, right? Call her does a summer salt. Oh. Callie does an aerial and it's fucking beautiful.
Starting point is 00:13:37 You both landed on me. You guys hear Graham from the front of the vehicle go, you guys got a problem with birds? You're just talking shit about finches in there. Yeah. It's not like that. You guys hear Graham from the front of the vehicle go you guys got a problem with birds It's not like that Embracing or just somebody see my fucking egg We're just talking about my nose. We're leaning into it. Okay Anyway, you don't have to be like these guys. They seem bad We need to like beat them at their own game.
Starting point is 00:14:05 No, I think you need to kill them if they come after you, although they are very strong. So maybe just avoid them entirely. You have a really good relationship with your pride then. Oh, thank you. That he really helped me. That makes me very proud of myself. Thanks. Oh, therefore strengthening that.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Prudetion. Ships for so. All right, just be on the lookout because they are after you. Thanks. Oh, therefore strengthening that predation. Yeah, I suppose so. All right, just be on the lookout because they are after you. Okay. Okay. So if we see them, do we fight them or run? Go ahead and give me insight, Chex. Shout out to the two crew. 17 for Saul. 14th, Calais. You guys would definitely know based on your time with the Ezra guard that a class soldiers are no fucking joke.
Starting point is 00:14:46 If you guys all of you jumped one of them, you would probably win. Okay. Three on three though, no chance. Unless like you had a lot of backup and you like trapped them somehow. Is there something to be proactive and trying to divide in conquer? Right. Well, the siblings, they'll be tricky, but to divide in conquer. Right. Oh, well, the siblings, they'll be tricky, but maybe we could lure her taut away.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Out them one by one. Maybe. I mean, that's interesting. If, you know, someone's hunting you and you want them instead, you might find yourself in a better position. Yes, there have to be times when they're not all together. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:23 I've seen their bunks. It's a triple bunk bed. They sleep together. Really? Yeah. Even the brother and sister. Well, that's the top one, because that's going to be so hot in a summer.
Starting point is 00:15:33 They rotate every night. What a wild thing to make a cannon. Improvise it so that you can fight them. I'm assuming you'll be. Ha, ha, ha. You're way. You're way. I can't fight them find out where they live. If you're looking to get the jump on them. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:10 So go go team Tetshin is after us. Right. And. It is kind of an honor. It is, right? Yeah. We're catching some serious heat. I understand these twins and this fucking moose after us.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yeah. That's right. The twins aren't shabby either. They're all pretty hot. The side parts a little aggressive. I'm gonna say that, like, since I'm like a bit, I think I use like a bit of electricity to make my sort of like silver hair sparkle as well.
Starting point is 00:16:36 And I freeze my hair, parted on one side. Again, I feel like you guys are trying to be like the dispatchers. No, this is too, though, and have to. This is an opposite side party part to say it to the right part of the rest. He does the Clark Kent be like the dispatch. This is, you don't have to. This is an opposite side party party. Parties here to the right. Parties here to the left. He does the Clark Kent here doing the Superman.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Exactly. And you get to do the same. Everything you say is like really healthy and we're not. Right. Okay. I feel like I saw you with this Berkeley hair like two weeks ago for a second, even before you saw it. Yeah, I think that's my thing before.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Do you guys think if I do the side part, it'll cover my bald spot I'll do like a back part Alpin Kelly Prestidigitation now I Prestidigitation hair onto See he slicks it back as you cast pressidigitation and somehow he just has shoulder length hair and he just nods and goes Well, right, though, wow. I've never seen a comb overwork so well. It's my get. Junior year all over again. Yeah, that year we all had really long hair for some reason.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Even me. Yeah. Sweat furrows at my already moist brows. I tried to just keep casting it. So now it keeps falling out even though it's magic. And the ill pattern ball and this is strong. And this one. I think I need a short rest or a long one.
Starting point is 00:17:46 You see, Magoplin goes over and starts piloting the vehicle. And you guys feel it start to struggle as it leaves the sewer system and begins burrowing into the earth. She goes, the sewers connect to a natural cave system that holds our safe house. But we like to carve up new paths to keep things confusing down here from mothership.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Cut it. Nice. So you guys feel the vehicle eventually finish forcing itself through the dirt as it enters the actual cave system, and then it begins picking up speed as it could like naturally move freely. Magablan hits a switch on the side of the panel here
Starting point is 00:18:24 that lowers a protective shield that allows you guys to see like through a window. It basically reveals a big window. You guys see rock walls and hanging stalactites zipping by, and you guys enter a huge cavern that looks like a full on war camp popping up. You hear the sounds of steel against steel as warriors spar and drill. There are torches that are set up to mark the edges of camp with guards there at the ready. You see there are dozens of war tents and even more
Starting point is 00:18:58 popping up. They've kind of built this little pop-up community. It's mostly subterranean humanoids down here, like species that would have dark vision, like hobgoblins and goblins and dwargers. You see there are blacksmiths like working to supply weapons, alchemists working on potions, and warriors drilling with their gleaming new weapons procured by duck team. This was the payload that you guys got for dark. Happy to be of service. Yeah, you see, Mark Oblinnodged, you've been very helpful for our cause.
Starting point is 00:19:30 We have not had opportunity like this in a long time. Spirits are very up right now. It seems like you're preparing for something big. Oh, yes, we will talk when we get there. Okay. Yeah, you see, this all looks like it was like thrown together very quickly, but you, besides just, you know know prepping for war There's this kind of feeling of hope here. You could just kind of see it on people's faces like
Starting point is 00:19:52 Determination from the warriors, but then also like happiness from the people that are off on the sidelines like people like smack in each other on the back Um and talking and laughing you see like an old goblin with like a spooning a cauldron of stew, giving out food to people, giving out to like kids or people who can't fight who are hiding out or like trainees that are in between sessions and things like that. So I'll class somebody on the shoulder
Starting point is 00:20:18 and just keep up the good work. You see, Graham looks at you and goes, the fuck are you talking about? I was just, I felt like I was in at you and goes, the fuck are you talking about? I felt like I was in the spirit, I was helping the effort. So that was a little patronizing. It seemed like he was really putting his all in there. I'm sorry. I just swept up in the spirit. I share a look with Graham like this fucking guy. You just show up here and you're gonna tell me how I do my job. I was
Starting point is 00:20:45 I've been with this revolution since day one. I've got you to show you were working for the enemy. I thought three days ago. If it was up to me, you wouldn't be here. Hey, hey, hey, you're mad that we ate your eggs. The buster is making an over easy omelette. Yeah, yeah, he's making a frittata for you. It's perfect. There's not a single burn mark on it. All right, yes, everybody calm down. Everyone is equally important than helpful for the revolution.
Starting point is 00:21:15 We don't have to get mad because new people came in and started pouting. And I'm like, things are getting messy. Tensions are high. Alpen, stand up for me. We're never... Ah! Um...
Starting point is 00:21:28 Hey, Grimm! Albin, you're... Don't eat it, Albin. I'm sorry. Eat it, eat it, eat it, freaking dick. Dude, if you have a problem with it. Oh, you could have said dogs!
Starting point is 00:21:39 Eat it, eat it, duck! That makes Grimm more angry. And he's so son-alvin. They start wrestling, but grim immediately just twists. Alvin's the arm behind his back. You're a sickening crack. You're not getting his hair out. Come on. It's all gone. I go back to Prestige. All right. Everyone relax. Prestige agitation. Yeah, you see that there is this whole, like, kind of more effort coming together, but more than just that, it's hope that
Starting point is 00:22:10 they might not always be under mother ship's thumb. This is what I wanted to feel, when I joined mother ship. Yeah, feeling like we were part of something. Actually, this is, well, I never knew I wanted to feel. I don't think I ever had an idea of something like this. This is awesome. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Yeah. Call their olds as shoulders high. Yeah, you hold your shoulder high. You look out and Maagablan goes, yes, call their, we have many reasons to be happy right now. Beatrix has gone on a crazy revenge mission against mothership the same week
Starting point is 00:22:42 that three jailbroken super soldiers have joined our cause. Mob Goblin has stopped all other operations and is ready for action. What are you made for, Moths? I will show you. You see, the vehicle continues through camp until it gets to the edge of a rock wall. Where you guys see a small, kind of dilapidated keep that is like built into the wall. It looks like it was probably here from like a previous settlement or something like that. small, kind of dilapidated keep that is like built into the wall.
Starting point is 00:23:05 It looks like it was probably here from like a previous settlement or something like that. You see it's covered in like cobwebs and moss, big chunks of rock are missing from the architecture. It's sort of the only actual stone built building here. Everything else looks like tents that were just probably popped up in the last couple days. You see Maagablan and some of the other hobgoblins that are in here with her.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Exit the vehicle and there is a guard waiting for her at the bottom of this freight elevator that looks like it goes up into this safe house, the safe house keep. She looks at you guys and goes, take a moment, get yourself some food or potions or whatever you need. There's blacksmiths here. There's alchemists. I'm sure they'd give you a good price or they'll give you some things for free. They're definitely issuing out things to the to the warriors and whatnot. All right. Yeah, we'll take a lap. Yeah, I I've one more thing I want to not give to the cost and I hand over Randy's insurance card.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Wow, the insurance,, the mother's ship insurance, what people are not doing with this. I think that we could maybe milk some money out there. You're going to be getting a very lucrative phone call. Interesting. Or maybe I could use his information and try to hack into their system and see what we can get there That seems more so than whatever that could also wow It's yours however you want to use it very much appreciate it I'm caught between a tornado of fraud. I love it See Albin looks up into like the windows of this keep that's in the in the rock wall here
Starting point is 00:24:42 And kind of sees all this magical machinery and everything, and goes, perhaps I'll go with Mark Goblin, I might be able to be some help. Okay, sounds good. You know how to get in touch. Right, yeah, of course. I can never escape, again, I mean, I think, but it's just a musical way of communicating.
Starting point is 00:25:01 I think, oh my God, take everything the wrong way. I think everything the wrong way. I look at it and I'm like, everything is getting so messy tonight. You know what, we're starting a war effort, you know, that tensions are going to be high. Alvin getting sloppy. Everyone gets sloppy. And I'm right there with you. This is an attention to you.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Alvin looks at you really seriously called and goes, all right, if that's how you feel. And then walks on. How I fit, yeah, I feel like, I feel like it'll be easy for him to get in touch with us. That is how I feel. Give him a hug right now. I don't have to read into everything. Give him a big hug.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And it opens the nest. Hey, call Dren heard that, that was cool. Even for you. Yeah, yeah. For him. For him. I never heard. I never heard. I use my spectral gauntlet to reach 10 feet away and bring out and back. Do you have anything you'd like to say, Cold?
Starting point is 00:25:52 Because if not, I haven't prayed elevator to catch. For whatever you think I did, I am sorry. Wow, okay. That's fine. And he's good. I'm just petting faster and taking in the drawer. We're doing this good that we ride to each other on Doilly Paper because this is a bunch of shit.
Starting point is 00:26:09 It's a bunch of shit. Albin gets on to the elevator and goes up with my goblin. Feels good to be messy. Everything was so buttoned up before. I know. Because we're slowly bridging from work friends to actual friends. Yeah. And so it's like, feelings are gonna come into play. It's messy, we have to break through.
Starting point is 00:26:28 We have to break through. Are we still wearing wizard robes? You guys are. You guys are. The people, they're all rebelling against motherships, you guys are just wearing like being mothership uniforms. I think I'm wearing like a really, really like nice dinner dance wizard row. We should, yeah. Like burgundy valor.
Starting point is 00:26:49 I wonder if they could give us some new clothes as well. I wouldn't mind some new duds, Berger. Okay, yeah, let's do it. All right. So does that some kind of like market we can go through? Yeah, there's definitely, there's basically like vendors that are selling their wares and giving stuff away to the warriors.
Starting point is 00:27:03 So basically, you know, people are being issued a certain amount of food, they're being rationed a certain amount of food, they're being rationed like everybody gets a free healing potion and things like that. Is there a raffle? A ration raffle. That's actually great. I have feeling lucky. Oh look.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Yeah, there's ping pong balls right over there. I'm going to grab one. Yeah, you see there's this little goblin alchemist that is mixing potions and like causing minor little explosions and they've got a couple other little goblins that they're working with. They're handing out potions with people and they go, yes, join the raffle. Okay. You can win a superior healing potion. Take a ticket. Yeah. Each of you take a ticket. I'm gonna go ahead and roll. Roll up the numbers. I'm gonna roll a T100 to see if any of your numbers come up on the raffle.
Starting point is 00:27:49 This will be for the best kind of healing potion possible. Should we roll as well? So you guys all roll a T100 and then all of a sudden. Wow, awesome. It's 86. 76. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:01 You guys pull up these little balls. You get your numbers. That really was. You see the little these little balls, you get your numbers. That really was. You see the little alchemist reaches in and goes, you're just in time, we were just about to announce the winner. Perfect. I think this is so crossed. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I hold Calderon Galley's hands. Come on. You guys make every race. We're like the family freaking out. Well, what did you guys get again? What numbers? 10. 76.
Starting point is 00:28:24 86. Okay, you guys are going to be excited. Okay. 37. Okay. I would be, why would be, why would be, why would be, I look into the crowd and see who fucking won. You just see this one guy in the back goes, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:37 You know what? Give it up. Give it up. Should I try to go home with him and see you at, no, that's, you know what, I'm becoming a buff that. Okay, yeah. I mean, give him up for them. Should I try to go home with him and see you know that's that's you know what I'm I'm becoming a buff that okay Yeah, I mean give him one pick up line Something Not down here. Not down here. It's a defense mechanism forgive me. We're at war. Oh, did you say that we could get a potion for free though?
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yes standard issue for all the warriors. Well you guys be fighting in the coming days? Almost certainly. I bet you say that. It might be. All right. It's a fancy strike. Had a verbal spat just a moment ago. Yeah, I mean, we might be fighting each other
Starting point is 00:29:15 after fucking death. Yeah, I'm exhausted from all of it, honestly. Very well. See Goblin goes in and pulls out three healing potions, just regular ones. Okay. 2-D-4? Yeah. Everyone holds that to one potions, just regular ones. Two to four? Yeah. Everyone holds onto one.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Yeah, that makes sense. Or, could we shove them inside Foster, and he could carry them? Inside Foster. I just, I feel like I've never seen him eat. He's wait list. I just want to try it out. Okay. I see you.
Starting point is 00:29:41 I hear you. I respect you. Okay. Thank you. Foster, would you mind holding our potions? Warrr, Foster unhinges his jaw and opens it up. Are you a duck of holding? Warrr, I knew it. You put the three potions in,
Starting point is 00:29:59 you see the cork from the last bottle is still sticking out. Warrr, I can hold that one if you want. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Wow Wow, I love your fanny quack This with the robe is a really good look I know you don't want to pick up that guy but he is looking at you Yeah, I can pick him up in a sincere way For sure, yeah number 37 is just sitting there over that table with his potion alone. Looks like he got stood up for a date. Did you guys want to buy any potions or anything? Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Do we have any money? I think we have a thousand. I guess that's all. Yeah. Should we just load up? Okay, yeah. We've got healing potions and other stuff. Well, let's get an inventory check.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Yeah. Can we get an inventory check? You see, this goblin goes over, grabs a chest and cracks it open and shows all of these glowing vials. Oh, yeah. Oh, what did those do? What did those do? Do you make all these yourself? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Is there a raffle for those? Really, yes. You missed the raffle that was in the earlier one. You guys got your late. Okay, just if you could give us like a raffle schedule as well. A raffle schedule. There's one in note and one in midnight. This was the one in midnight.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Very generous. This is a really good vibe. It's so fucking nice. This fare is awesome. Okay, we've got potion of animal friendship, potion of clairvoyance, climbing, diminution. However you say that. It's making you bigger, making you small. You nailed it, friend.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Potion of fire breath, potion of flying, potion of gaseous form, potion of giant strength, potion of growth, potion of healing, potion of heroism, potion of visibility, potion of invulnerability, potion of longevity, migrating, poison, speed, resistance, vitality, and water breathing. Can you say those again?
Starting point is 00:32:05 Oh, what do you mean? I'm a French nuclear boy, it's got a mid-diminution fire breath flying. That's just what I am trying to say, it's gross. He, like, there was an invisibility and vulnerability, I want you to be mine reading, really. I never mind, I found a menu. I'll do it with you this. Okay, I mean, what do you all think?
Starting point is 00:32:23 Because it definitely seems to be some really fun ones, but if we're thinking about what is actually ahead of us, it almost makes me feel like maybe some visibility, maybe some sneaking around. Fire sounded interesting. Okay, I can't do that. Yeah, no, I need to, no, no, no, I need to break through. I need to break through.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I'm trying to stop my, I just start to behavior myself. Do you actually? I'm not sure if I ever do. Don't you want to be able to breathe fire? Kind of Kind of do you want to feel yourself or for other people? That's a great question, Kelly To it for me Do you want me to say? Did you say that? Did you say say? Did you just say do it for me? Do it for me. Yeah, fine. I mean, it worked really hard on it.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Like that. Kelly, that is the answer. It's for other people. I want to do it for you. And responsibility. But I should I know, I think that you should do it for you just to say that you don't even like it. OK.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I think we should get a potion of fire breath and for call that. Alright, and let's get one of invisibility too, because that's actually smart. That's very helpful. Fire breathing will be 150 gold. Alright. Reasonable. Reasonable. Potion invisibility will be 600 gold.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Oh! Wow. No, thank you. I could get you down a little bit maybe baby. Yeah. I think it's really... Do you have any errands you need to run? Yeah, we could be like gophers. I've got a fanny quack here, so I can like, shut all back and forth and get you what you need.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Yeah, you probably need to man-miss station, but we could run over to the lunch truck and get you something. Do you want a case of Dia? Yeah. You got to give me a case of Dia. I get about an omeletteette because I can promise you that. I can do an omelette. Breakfast burrito, it's kind of the best of both worlds there.
Starting point is 00:34:09 That seems perfect. Can we do a bit? Breakfast burrito, guys, go ahead. Give me a persuasion check. That's the elixir of breakfast. 14. 14? All right, potion visibility, 450.
Starting point is 00:34:22 And a breakfast burrito. And a breakfast burrito. Amateur v Healing Potion visibility for 50 and a breakfast burrito. And breakfast burrito. Amatovi healing potion. 50 for healing potion, 200 for greater healing, 2000 for superior healing, 20,000 for supreme healing. Okay, so we could do two greater healings, I think, and the invisibility and then also the fire breathing, right? That was for me.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Great, all right, pleasure to do the business with you. First give me my breakfast burrito, of course. We'll be right back. You guys wait in line. You get the alchemist, their food, and you guys pay, and you guys get all your potions. Should we visit the equipment store? See if we can maybe get some new clothes
Starting point is 00:34:55 or some better equipment? I would love to change out of this room. Yeah, how much money you guys have left? Not much. Yeah. 50 gold that we earned. I guess we just need something that is a little less conspicuous. Oh, sweet. Yeah,picuous oh sweet yeah you come good in my like
Starting point is 00:35:08 um you guys still have your old stuff that you're wearing a photo okay you threw it out I think you threw a robe over actually if I could find some yarn I would love to start working on some sweaters for everyone yeah there's definitely a tailor you just you you chucked them a gold and they give you some yarn you just need the raw materials, oh I can take it from here Have some yarn. Can you some yard slap them on the shoulder? You're doing good work. I know I'm mouth this fucking All back see the shake their head and then as soon as you turn around I'm like who's kind of rude right? Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:44 It's what we're all part of the same world. We're so like discord. Are we, are we very? I'm helping call to, I can't help it. Things are good so I'm feeling destructive. Oh yeah. That's where you get, that's where the danger comes. I don't feel it.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Are we, we're not still wearing mothership uniforms. You guys wear, but you guys rusted it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Bronze essentially. Great. Yeah. So you guys, if you guys rusted it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Bronze essentially. Yeah. So you guys if you guys take off your Mother Ship robes, you guys don't look like your Can I stay in my fancy wizard robe with my backpack? Is there like a
Starting point is 00:36:17 Bandana or some sort of like Identifying mark that all of Maggoblin's troops wear a Lot of them have like these dusters on with breast plates, it's kind of the look. Look, I just, there's definitely some doomswear and a Puerto Fricking Cool headband, for sure. Okay, I think that. You get a headband.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I get a headband. I definitely get a headband. Fuck you, sweetie. Actually, I want a duster too, that's it. Yeah, you see that there's like a tailor doing work, kind of like sewing patches and clothes and things like that. And then there's like a blacksmith and an armor that are going through and helping people out.
Starting point is 00:36:50 So you guys go over, you see that they've got different like patchwork, armors and stuff, or maybe the people who don't want to wear the heavier stuff. And the tailor gives you guys like an overcoat, which kind of looks like a duster, and goes optional headband. Absolutely. Absolutely. It's not optional. It's mandatory. That's how I feel.
Starting point is 00:37:09 You see they're wearing a headband. Okay, so I've ripped off the bottom of my fancy wizard robe. So now it's like a short 70s mod dress. I put a duster over it, wear a duck back back and then do a headband. I'll leave you with that. But like a rad headband, not a cute headband. Sal's headband is a little too big, so the back of it is always blowing in the wind a little bit. Take that team texture.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Can I, I want a blue cloak, is that possible? Ooh. Taylor goes, yeah, if you give me an hour, I can put in some dye and all right all right If I could make flowers I could give you I could help with that dye, but I can't make flowers So sorry I walk and stand in a corner and stare at it What Kelly hey, yeah, do you do you want to talk about it? No?
Starting point is 00:38:03 All right Yeah, do you want to talk about it? No! Alright. Okay, Callie, as you're kind of like walking over, being a fucking weirdo, you see that Krugen has left the vehicle, the nest of the vehicle, has started to get his wits back. I'll say it's been like a couple hours. You guys have eaten, been like hanging out a little bit, getting some like down time. And you see Krugen looks to be looking for you, but has not found you yet. Oh, I mean, I'm an open book for him Krugen! Yeah, hey, uh, Gally, can I have a word with you real quick? Yeah, I wish the next is it about the nest. The nest? Is it about the nest? No, you're unhappy with the nest. The nest was great. Okay. Yeah, no, everything was good with the nest.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Krugen pulls you over. It's all take a walk. Yeah, look, there was good with the nest. Kroogin pulls you over. It's all, we'll take a walk. Yeah, look, there is a ride over there. Oh, wow. Deac-oops. Shit, no, you have to be this tall to ride around. No, I'll stand on your shoulders. Okay, so it's kind of a really big duster. Just for the kids who are like uprooted.
Starting point is 00:38:58 So we can give them some normalcy. Yeah, we were all so uprooted. You see, Graham is in the keep, but he's looking at you guys through the window. You're doing a great job, Graham. So all this already pulled out the potion of invisibility. And Fugan has you over on the side, Cali. And goes, listen, I know him. It's not the top of our list of priorities right now.
Starting point is 00:39:24 I think I know what you're thinking of. Yeah, that eggs were making me think of it. Right. Yeah, so it is about that. All this egg talk was kind of bringing it all back really. So that's not the way it came up for me. See, I just had a guy rooting around in my brain, right? And at first, he was just trying to find out what I knew about you and your location. But when he stumbled upon the dragon egg that you stole from your family,
Starting point is 00:39:51 he started to get very interested in the early conversations that we had when we first came together. Okay. And, um... Well, he's dead now. So, unless he did some sort of like formal Law, I don't think he told anybody about it, but here's the weird thing It was like we were connected in some kind of weird fucked up way and I could feel him panicking
Starting point is 00:40:19 And he had a thought and the thought was God, the elves got a hold of one. Okay. But that doesn't really make sense because the dragon elves, they presumably have dragons to dragon elves, so why would- Kind of why- Yeah, why would he react like that? Yeah, unless the egg wasn't a dragon. If it was what? He seemed really scared of it, and like he knew what it was, so I don't know if this was just some Feywild bullshit or something.
Starting point is 00:40:57 I mean, you said the egg was acting weird when you had it, right? Yeah, it was like kind of just like growing bigger and bigger, and I guess all the dragon elves told me that was normal. I mean, they absolutely were like salivating after the dragon egg, but I thought, well, they really are into dragons because they're called dragon elves, if you're gonna name yourself after it, but you think it might not be a dragon The way he reacted to it, it seemed like something else I don't think he would have had that big of a reaction because the dragon I was already have dragons I've I've worked running stuff for your family in the past, but yeah
Starting point is 00:41:39 I don't know what they're up to it seems like they're dealing in something if it it's scarier than dragons, I don't want to know what the fuck they're doing. Absolutely be the direction my sister wants to take up business into. If something's scary, I can guarantee my sister's fucking behind it. Yeah, well, it seems like um, whatever the dragon elves have now is something, mothership, also wants. I think I'm gonna go have a little conversation with my two friends and process this information because I haven't even let them in on that situation. Kali, as you are standing there talking to Krugin, you feel foster on your back shaking
Starting point is 00:42:31 I take I take foster off my back get rid of the backpack I take the healing potions out of his mouth you take the healing potions out of his mouth You see his eyes are turning red and you see he's puffing up and getting big and sticking his beak out. Fossa, are you angry? Can I do an arcana check to see you? Yeah go ahead and do an arcana check. Okay, add zero to that but 16. 16. You see that Fossa is crackling with magic and is having a reaction to hearing you talk about the thing you're talking about. I'm just gonna-
Starting point is 00:43:11 What the hell is going on with your duck? Um, okay, there's a lot of questions, I don't have answers. Not Foster, but what is his name? Foster. Oh good. Hey Foster, good to see you're freaking me out. I'm just gonna real quickly whisper something to Foster and just see what happens. I just whispered in his ear
Starting point is 00:43:33 tracking. You see his eyes go from red back to just black and normal. Where? Just gets normal again and stands in your hand. Okay, so I think I'm just going to bring all this information to my friends because all this untrusting and whatnot is just a drain to be holding it all into yourself. Right on, all right. I'm going to go into this weird keep.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Oh, so you're not using the nest then? Uh, no. If you want to sit in the car by yourself, you can't. Okay. Um, I think I shout to Saul and Kolda. Kalei. Hey, boy.
Starting point is 00:44:17 He's one of nest up. Yeah. We got Elephant ears. Yeah. They said we could ride the D cup, but it's gonna cost 50 gold. So I was thinking, we return one of the potions.
Starting point is 00:44:28 We've got a little something to talk about. What if we're all right? What's conversation? Okay, I love it. Yeah, we could return even three of the potions and take three rides. But yeah, let's let's circle up and chat. I have ideas. So you guys get in the mess.
Starting point is 00:44:43 So we get we turn the net, the nest into a little conversation pit. And I think I just say, okay, so we're like sort of entwined now, right? I mean, our fates are somewhat braided at this point. If you're saying that we're friends then yes. We're wearing matching bandanas. Yeah, we've got to go away like way farther than friends. I said our fates are braided But I could dial it back. Yeah, we're friends, right? I think we've upgraded from work buds to buds to friends Okay, okay friends. Okay, so all this egg talk brought up something that I've been meaning to
Starting point is 00:45:20 Maybe tell you about and also do you want to Keish? First of all, you can make us a kiss. Right. Yeah. There's a hot plate right over there. That was really living right up here. Perfect. Okay, so it's maybe not related to what we're doing, but it's maybe a bigger problem. Or a good thing, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:40 So the reason I'm even here to begin with is that I was running an errand for my family and it happened to be selling an egg from the Feywild sort of like a smuggling business. Sorry. A exotic egg. But when I got there to make the trades off, there was like a couple dragons sort of like tied up in chains And they were being like really mean to them and I just kind of like couldn't help but I cracked and I just I grabbed the egg and I fucking ran so far. This is all awesome
Starting point is 00:46:19 I mean it sounds really awesome. I wish I could say I was like a hero or something But I like immediately regretted it. Even to this day, I'm still like, why did I do that and absolutely fucking upends my life? Where? Well, first of all, Kelly, it's just so impressive that you've always known the right thing to do for so long. I feel like I'm just now waking up to what's right and what's wrong, but secondly, that's very kind. I have to tell you, it was like probably my first moral thing I've ever done. And even then it was like I was just rebelling against my family probably.
Starting point is 00:46:49 You know what? Wherever it comes from. Thank you. You're in the right place. And I'm happy that you've got a head start in front of me because I'm really, I'm just drifting off of the fumes of your moral compass. This is all very flattering. I just have to tell you it sounds more heroic than it was.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I was a coward and I entered it off to people who are probably using it for bad reasons. Who did you head it off to? Well, I entered it off to the dragon elves. What they have? That's how I met the dragon. They want to drag it then, okay? Yeah, so I guess that's where the sort of story gets a little quirky. So the egg, as I went on the run, started getting like bigger.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Is that normal for Dragon Eggs? No. Okay. And then it got bigger again. I just kept getting bigger. I saw it normal for any eggs now. Yeah, so it just kept getting bigger. And then I don't know what happened after that because I gave it to the Dragon elves and then started a relationship
Starting point is 00:47:49 with one of them named Glenn and as soon as he got the egg, he told me he had a girlfriend and introduced me as his friend. I feel like we've all been known the story, Glenn Onward's. Yeah. It's interesting. This is a significant when detail. It's maybe easier to mourn Glenn than a really confusing situation in which I may have done something really terrible or something good and I don't know which. Everybody go ahead and give me perception or insight checks. 19. At 21. 19. You guys notice that as Callie is talking about this egg getting bigger, Foster starts to puff up,
Starting point is 00:48:34 and his eyes turn red. Uh, whoa. Hey. I did this before, and then when I say dragon, you see deflates. Okay. So I don't know what that means. Like maybe the egg wasn't even a fucking dragon.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Do you call it foster? Do you know what the, do you know what the egg was? You see starts puffing up again, holds his wings out. He's turned red, and you see he stands by Callie's side. Is he defending you? Saul's gonna try and do like just a light slap towards Cali to that. Start snap.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Ah! Ah! Oh, I'm dragon, dragon! Ah, the harm's down. Yeah, so I guess- This is the second time in my life. I've almost been eaten by a duck. Ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:49:21 I filled them in on everything that I talked about with Krugin and then just say, so now I'm wondering if it wasn't even a track-ins to begin with. I don't know, that's the thing, my family's just been smuggling stuff from the Feywild to the material plane because we have a lot of freaky shit there that people want here and now I'm starting to be like, how fucking dangerous was this fucking egg? Right, right, and I will also say, Callie, in this moment, as you're re-examining all of this stuff, like your time amongst the dragon elves and everything, you remember Glenn and the other dragon elves were
Starting point is 00:49:57 extremely excited to get this egg from you, like enthusiastic in a way that seemed to be like almost overplaying their hands, like it, a way that seemed to be like almost overplaying their hands. Like, it seems like it wasn't necessarily just like, oh yes, we'll take in this animal that we care very much about or something or we'll take in this being that we see as an equal. It felt very much like an opportunity because the dragon elves tend to dedicate themselves or align themselves with one dragon and they had Glenn had a green dragon
Starting point is 00:50:27 That he was like assigned to and for that dragon's pride to be put aside to be like I'm cool for this one to come in hmm. Now you're kind of realizing like something's up. Okay. Yeah Now that I think back like I really thought oh I'm gonna fucking smash it in the fucking material plane. Everyone really likes me. Every joke I told, they were all split in that the sides for it. And Clinton like presented himself as emotionally available. So fucking rough, really long way. Honestly, he went further than I was even, I used the one who said braided our fate, a fate as braided our timelines together to me.
Starting point is 00:51:03 You don't just conjure that up out of nothing. I know. That's just, I know. Before moving in together, he said that? Yeah. And then what was the time, like once he got the egg? Yeah, so it was kind of like, I was a bit dodgy about the egg for a bit, and it kind of that caught it me. And I thought it was like about me.
Starting point is 00:51:21 And then eventually I was like, well, have you now? I don't need the egg and as soon as he got the egg his girlfriend came back into the picture That's my dear Skelly. It's got to be duck off. That's where? Duck him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it wasn't asshole, wasn't it? Yeah, that's like not okay. Yeah in the least Yeah, yeah, fuck him That's not okay. Yeah. In the least. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck him. That's it.
Starting point is 00:51:48 It was fantastic. It's okay. Well, you know, hold on to that. It's not all that. There you go. It's not okay. Okay. That's how.
Starting point is 00:51:58 So yeah. I don't know. That's everything. I'm sorry. I didn't tell you sooner. It's just we were work friends. And then when I saw the eggs, I was like, maybe I should fucking tell them
Starting point is 00:52:06 because now the dragon elves are up in this and they're not hesitated, hesitated. No, we weren't headband buds yet. Yeah. Yeah. I'm wondering, I know that Launchpad is kind of in extreme chaos at the moment, but, Mark, would there be like a magical animals
Starting point is 00:52:22 study division at Launchpad? There would definitely be magical studies that would would also be stuff about the Fey Wild. Certainly. I'm just wondering if like I would have taken a class or if Albi would have taken a class with someone who might have a little more information. Oh, yeah, we could definitely run this by Albi. Yeah, you guys can bring it up to Albin. I'll have him do a role. I'll say he's unlikely to Know I'll set it at a high DC, but you guys can ask him. I will say that if you had access to You know like a a library as old as the launch pads unless it was heavily censored or something like that
Starting point is 00:53:00 Then you might be able to find info on it. I'm gonna write on a piece of toilet paper And right It's all looking over his shoulder Albin I'm sorry You're my friend Please come hang out with us in our duck in the nest in the nest So a class of the shoulder and says you're doing good work You get a message back in the roll of decks that says, oh why?
Starting point is 00:53:29 Because you need something. I'll ask. So right whenever you want, you can sign my name. I don't have time for this shit. Can I do a perception check to see if there's booze in here? I'll say without even rolling you guys. Yeah, there's a little bit of booze in here. I'll say without even rolling you guys. Yeah, there's there's a little bit of booze I say there's some gray goose up here
Starting point is 00:53:58 Albin comes down after a little bit and doesn't look at Calder But looks at the rest of you guys it goes What's what's going on? How can I help? Okay? Albie in all your studies have you ever heard of a egg that gets bigger? An egg that gets bigger? Like one that looks just like a dragon egg, but then it grows. And it's also from the Feywild, and it was sort of like teal with copper speckles. I'm gonna roll in front of the table. I'm gonna say Albin has a pretty good plus to history, but we're gonna say DC25, he's gonna need a D,
Starting point is 00:54:32 he's gonna need a natural 19 or a natural 20. You know what this is. Can I guess guidance on him? You can guess guidance on him. Okay, I'll roll in front of the table. All right. I don't have any inspiration left. Ouch. Murphook, happy that he failed.
Starting point is 00:54:49 That is a three. Yeah, that is. You see Albin goes, no, unfortunately, I never read awesome fauna and where they could be hiding. Although it is on my list. Oh, wait, you know what? The year we're supposed to take that class, we were trapped in that spider web for like a some mystery.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Yeah. Some of you get out. At this point, I'm not even going to read it. Actually. Especially knowing that you're not going to get any money. It's the album, bitterly looks at Calder, and goes, the spider queen almost each saw. But then I cast Haste on him, and he's able to wiggle out.
Starting point is 00:55:22 I'm going to find a new series. It is a lot of chapters of me wiggling. I prefer nonfiction. Okay, maybe you could read awesome fauna and wear that hiding. I think I will kill. Both of you have a drink. Alright, perhaps we can procure a copy of awesome fauna and where they might be. Okay, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Is that something you'd like me to try to do now or what do you want to do now? I mean, yeah, I wouldn't mind if you tried to get over yourself. Culture! This is getting messy. I've pulled my boss up and pet him while I watch. Oh, I love it. Yes, I suppose I could cast invisibility on myself and try to sneak back into the launch pad. That seems, that seems absolutely dangerous.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Absolutely dangerous. I think everyone needs a fucking good night's sleep. Yeah, I'm cursing a lot today. Everyone's sloppy. Yeah, no, yeah. I say things I don't mean We're still we're still pretty steamed about the tea time right? We're saying same things I mean, but I shouldn't say Right, well, I think they're talking about the plan for the next couple days upstairs if you wanted to join us. Yeah, yeah, that seems good This episode of NAD podOT has brought to you by Bird Dogs.
Starting point is 00:56:46 They're a company that makes pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered. Now we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's gonna be difficult. Luckily Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier. Bird Dogs stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look. And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, Bird Dogs invented a cloud-knit
Starting point is 00:57:16 fabric that looks just like khaki, but stretches so you get a way slimmer fit without having to sacrifice movement. And trust me, you are gonna need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother, make sure you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti-style tumbler, go to slash pop-up or enter promo code pop-off at checkout.
Starting point is 00:57:46 That's slash pop-off or promo code pop-off for a free Yeti style tumbler. You won't want to take your bird dogs off, we promise you. Okay, that's it for me, go team pants and enjoy the show. Okay, thanks. You guys follow Albin and go over to this pulley elevator and you see a hobgoblin guard pose the lever and brings you up to the keep. You see all these cobwebs and dust and mold accumulating on the building, but as soon as you are brought up into the interior, it looks to be in much better shape because there's
Starting point is 00:58:21 all of this precious equipment here. It's like a bigger version of Mag Oblins moving lab. There is no dedicated light source here, just the glow of all of these magic machines, worrying and beeping. You see Mag Oblin and a few others are standing around a projection pool in the center of the room,
Starting point is 00:58:42 essentially like a military sand table that could pull up like magical projections. She's there with Graham and Dark, who you guys know, who's the one who gave you guys a bunch of money, gave you guys a little treat for helping out with stealing the weapon. A splash of a treat. Yeah, you see, Dark was really standoff as when you first met him, but now that you've done a job from, gives you guys the finger guns It goes hey, I see those treats hold them from time still tasty I pretend to get really hurt by the finger guns
Starting point is 00:59:16 Wait you actually gave me one Well, I think I could rustle up another free one actually Well, I think I could rustle up another three-one. Actually, oh, it's a lot. We should incorporate the sort of finger guns pretending to get hurt for, for our routine. For our routine, not that. Great, great, great. Everyone memorize it, great. Okay, proceed.
Starting point is 00:59:33 All right, focus up, everybody. As she waves you guys over, we have a rare window of opportunity here. Beatrix may not want to work with us, but we can seize the opportunity that her war against mothership provides us. You see, she uses her hand to magically conjure an image of the mothership Ariat from the projection pool. Next she makes an image of all the lab ships that are tethered to the mothership. These many ships that are attached to the big one, much like the lab ship that you guys were in at one point.
Starting point is 01:00:11 And she goes, Beatrix has been gathering information on mothership research through rating the lab ships and the homes of the scientists whistleblowers. She is attempting to learn the origin of the S-Class serum and the other super soldier projects. The application is done in the lab ships, but the research and development is likely done in a secret lab in the mothership itself. See she pulls out like a little wand and points a pointer in the middle of the big mothership area projection. There's a little red dot there. Once Beatrix is able to learn the location of the secret lab, we can assume that she
Starting point is 01:00:51 will break into the mothership and attempt to destroy it. See she draws like a little line going through the mothership up to this red dot. This will allow a window of opportunity for a small team to follow in her path of destruction, sneak their way to Alexandra's core and upload the Modify Memory spell that I've implanted in the jammer that I gave you. And you guys remember a little bit back first time you met Magoblan, she gave you that green jammer wand that has a modified memory spell that if cast on Alexandra's core could cause her to forget the S class recipe amongst others. Foster, you still have that? What? Okay, so it would just be removing one thing from her memory. It could perhaps do more. Beatrix by destroying the lab will essentially be
Starting point is 01:01:41 could perhaps do more. Beatrix by destroying the lab will essentially be destroying any new prototypes or equipment and you infecting the system will make it so they can't be rebuilt. Wow, okay, okay. While this small team is inside the mothership, our warriors will attack the distracted guards, aboard the lab ships and sink them. You see, she uses her wand, points to the little lab ships, and you see they break away from the mothership and crash into the sea below.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Nice. If we can pull off half of the things that we're trying to do here, we'll set the research back 10 years. And if things go our way, perhaps we can release their stranglehold on our city. Okay, I mean. A decade has a long time to do some good stuff.
Starting point is 01:02:29 You see Graham crosses his arms and goes, there's one problem. We don't have airships. There's no way for us to get our troops quickly to the lab ships. Okay. Okay. I think we could hijack one. You see, my goblin looks exciting. But there's like doubt in my eyes. I was kind of hoping that you would volunteer.
Starting point is 01:02:51 That's wonderful that you would bring us. Wow, I think we're gunner. He's a gram, stands in front of her. What are you doing? You threatening my goblin? Chase your dear leader. Graham, be more like dark. Hey, points at you.
Starting point is 01:03:04 You're crazy dark. You don't act like dark. Hey, point at you. You're crazy dark. You don't act like this. What have you got in your mouth? These two, dog and Graham. He's very excited now that we have hope of getting out through the mother's ship now. So how many airships would we need to hijack? If we were able to just get one cargo ship,
Starting point is 01:03:21 we could fit a lot of soldiers in there. OK. And what advice do you have about eye jacking and a ship? Guess I've never done it before. You do hear a loud cracking of somebody's fingers in the back of the room. It's not foster. And you hear a crew gun pipe up and go,
Starting point is 01:03:41 oh yeah, I might have a few tips on how you can get your hands on an airship there. Yeah. I'm a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's a man who's about half regular boats, half airships, it's like a two tiered dock. That's where all of the stuff goes in and out of the city. When you get up to some of the higher docs, like over by stricters, elixirs, yeah. That's you've been. Remember, that stuff that's going up to the mothership. So avoid that and hit lower Esri, put as much distance as you can between you and mothership. Okay. So the Esri double docks, wet and dry. Double docks, we want something dry,
Starting point is 01:04:34 we want something big, and we want them just to have offloaded. So there's plenty of room. Perfect. Okay, we can figure it out. Yeah? Yeah, we'll do it live. Hahaha. Out, can we do this tomorrow? You see?
Starting point is 01:04:49 Can we sleep? Mark Oblin nods and goes, yes, yes, please get some sleep. We've got tents set up for you guys. This whole, this whole keep is just, you can sleep in the nest as well. This whole keep is just used for planning and hacking and everything towards the effort. I will also be out in the tent tonight.
Starting point is 01:05:08 But Beatrix will definitely attack Mother Ship under the cover of night. There's already two late now. I do not see her attacking tonight. It'll happen tomorrow night at the earliest. Okay. We just need one tiny tent is all actually. You want smaller than the whole size tank? We just don't need much space.
Starting point is 01:05:24 I don't think. Right? Yeah, I thought we were gonna do the nest. I just cannot put in the tent in the nest. Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, we do need a tent after all. See, Kram just squeezed his fist. Dark finger guns, you guys, that's known as awesome.
Starting point is 01:05:40 You wanna try some? You wanna sleep over? No, I'm all right. You don't want me there. I do! The treat, man, obviously. Yeah, yeah, you guys stay there as a treat. Ah!
Starting point is 01:05:51 I'm not getting nothing, Scott. It's not your nest to give away, Tari. It's not your nest to give away. Whoa, careful. It's not a big deal. It's an anchor gun, too. Ah! Sweet. Can I ask Mark Goblin for something? I think you're good too. I think you're good too. I think you're good too. I think you're good too. I think you're good too.
Starting point is 01:06:05 I think you're good too. Sweet. Can I ask Magoglund for something? Yeah. I'm just thinking if we're going to be trying to steal an airship, do you have like a manual or something on how to fly something of this size? Oh, yes. So is a really good pilot.
Starting point is 01:06:19 I've done it twice. Yes, I'm sure I could find something. You see she goes through, she's got all of these books and everything. I'll say she's got a few bookcases here. You see she thumbs through some of them. Yeah, and he's able to find a manual for a specific type of airship that is probably not the one that you're going to grab, but we'll give you the gist of it. Airships for dingus is great. Yeah, you guys go down to the nest for the night and the tent. I keep down to the nest for the night. And the tent.
Starting point is 01:06:45 And the tent over it. I keep rolling onto the guns and making them go off. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Those are finger guns. You guys wake up the next day. And I'll say that Mark Oblin S conveyed to you guys that basically as soon as you're ready to go, you'll have a guard S-corts that will take you back into like the sewers and get you into the city itself so you guys can pop out there.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Ma, do you have any potions or anything that makes like food a little bit poisonous just inconveniently poisonous? Just like give someone... Yeah we could just put a little bit of poison in the thing, certainly yeah, don, doing the poison something for you Poison of burrito. I was saying if we did something to inconvenience people to get them off the ship. Oh I can put a little bit of poison in the cauldron of stew and give it to you and that shouldn't of us at all pools in one area And then if my car we get Can we get something better than stew?
Starting point is 01:07:43 We mostly kind of a stew situation, right. How much stew can we carry in foster? Can we get some candied popcorn? That's perfect. So kettle corn. Yeah, I want candy the popcorn Tasted with poison. What about cotton candy? That's light. It's easy to I saw that next to the cup Yeah, can we get some cotton candy? Okay, well there are no t-cups. Just enough, I'm just thinking of a way to get people off. Yes, okay, we'll get you some actual treats. Yeah. We'll take some little candies.
Starting point is 01:08:14 No candy. We want to dust them with boys and... Yeah. But like, not like... Just enough that they're like, I think I'm feeling sick, I need to take the down. Right, yeah, yeah. Not lethal.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Can we have some? Alessie's like a little guy. Just be good. You see, she does the candy. I was being able to hardly, hardly person. Why don't we just spread out? Can we have more of these? How do you use the dust?
Starting point is 01:08:40 I'm kinda smelling it out and getting a little faint. Yeah, he's a little guy. Do not let them make the candy. Okay. Looks pretty good. Do you them meet the candy. Oh, okay. Looks pretty good. Do you have any plain candy? You know, we're going to be able to eat it, okay? Because I have a way to purify it just in all radius.
Starting point is 01:08:54 So we can eat from it and trick them into eating. Can you do this soon? It looks pretty good. All right, I do a little bit. I purify just a little bit. The breakfast line is really long, so I would love to eat something this. I have two. a little bit. The breakfast line is really long, so I would love to eat some of this. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Well, you have some poison dusted candy? All right. You seem disappointed. No, no, no, no. You have dusted the candy? Okay. You see, Alvin comes up.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Good morning, Alvin. Hello, Saul. Hello, Cally. Oh, come on. Both of you. Did you not sleep in the nest? Did you not notice that I wasn't in there? It was just a riving mass of limbs. It was crowded. We texted you. Okay, yeah, no, I just slept in a regular tent. It was just normal. You do look like a real restant. I'm fine. Actually, you all look really tired.
Starting point is 01:09:42 So the sound of gunshots sitting wake you up every couple? They did. Yes, when I imagine they woke you up probably more. I have to get up longer because I had to walk around to make sure no one got shot. Yeah. Alvin, we're going on a mission to reclaim a cargo ship for the cause. Right. Do you want to join us or do you have work to do here? Do you guys think it'd be helpful for me to come along or would you rather stay here? It's always helpful to have you along. Yeah, Calder. Oh
Starting point is 01:10:09 Yes, I think it helpful. Okay, that's interesting because I can cast invisibility on two people and I know a big Plotting slow guy that might need us. I Chardonnay, Bob, I'm saying is there like a therapist on staff? Yeah, this is really toxic, okay? I'm a toy candy cane. Yes, I'm eating a go-sack. I'm eating a go-sack. I'm eating a go-sack. Alright, I'll see you later.
Starting point is 01:10:35 I'll see you after you have gotten the ship. I hug her really long. Oh, thank you. She gives you a hug. We very much appreciate you sticking your next out for us. Once I have the information of the ship, I will be able to hack into mothership systems and take it off of the ledger. So that it is as if the ship never existed. Wow. Does that mean that we can have it after?
Starting point is 01:10:58 Sorry. Sorry. No, that's old Kali. We can name it though. Yeah. And we can mind you. Start laying it. Alright, start brainstorming gang. Don't you know if you name something you are responsible for it?
Starting point is 01:11:12 Right. Okay, so she gives you the coordinates of some docs that are in the outer bubble that you guys can pull into after you've stolen the ship and her people will be waiting for you there. I give Albin a headband. Thank you. Wow, this really covers up the ball spot nicely. Yeah, really does. Especially if you wear it like that.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Oh, I'm bit. What's that supposed to mean? Just okay. Is it weird that I'm doing it like this? I whisper to Albin, he's jealous because I've known you longer. Interesting. All right. What was that sound?
Starting point is 01:11:43 Wow. I'll say a guard comes by, takes you guys in like a smaller subterranean vehicle, and you guys are escorted back into like the sewer system where you have access to the actual city. It's you guys, and Albin, and Foster. You guys go through the sewers, and you pop your head out from under the sewer cover, and find yourselves
Starting point is 01:12:02 on a street in lower Esri. In the higher areas of the city, and find yourselves on a street in lower Ezra. In the higher areas of the city, there's a lot of open air and airships at like eye level, but here they're all overhead. You see the constant shadow of moving airships and cable cars down here. The shade is worsened by dark gray clouds on a sunless day.
Starting point is 01:12:23 And it's a busy street full of people as you guys pop out of the sewers. There's a couple of people who are just like, whoa, what? Maintenance. Yeah, sewers are fine. Keep shooting. Damn, those are working better than ever. Be careful what you flush, because we have to clean it up. It has just started raining, so people are all bundled up, so it gives you guys kind of
Starting point is 01:12:42 even more of an excuse to be like covering your faces and things like that, because you are wanted right now. You guys make your way over to the merchant shipyard that Krugen had brought up to you guys. This is where a lot of the airships come in and out of Ezri as opposed to going up to the mothership. As you approach, there are two docks here, built into the side of a small cliff that leads into
Starting point is 01:13:04 like a man-made lake. That's like an open lake that eventually feeds out into the sea. The lower docks are full of regular boats docked in the water, and the second tier has airship docks. There are ones with like propellers and balloons, and others that look more like, you know, like zeppelins or blimps. It is very busy.
Starting point is 01:13:26 You see dock workers grumply loading the ships as the rain pours down on them. There are guards around, but most of them look to be sea or D-class. They wear the Esri blue, but not the crackling blue plate mail. Okay. Well, it seems like everyone's wearing rain stickers. Maybe we should try and steal some rain sticker uniforms uniforms for one of the ships so we can sneak on. Great.
Starting point is 01:13:49 So you're looking for like their rain coats essentially, like the things that they wear over their regular clothes. I think I also, since I got Razib 1 spell, I took pass without trace because my background gives me access to extra spells. It's above the board. I think that I use this rainy day And then I just like increase the rain around us. So it's like a white noise just like totally Hiding our movements. You see the dock workers just looks so pissed off. They're like god damn it This fucking daddy. Yeah, it's all breathes it in through his skin.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Oh, it feels so good. Everybody go and you can be perception checks. 14. 11. 9. I'll say that all of you guys see that a lot of the dock workers are wearing these like blue rain coats, like the Esri blue. The soldiers are not
Starting point is 01:14:47 wearing any kind of coat. They look like they have some kind of like cloak that looks like water resistant but overall are in their like regular uniforms. You see that there are guards on each of the ships but the dock workers are definitely wearing these uniforms. You see that there is like a foreman that's like inside of a little building near the dock. And if you wanted to try to sneak into somewhere like that, you could probably find a raincoat if you were to look around a little bit. Calder, I'll say with your 14, you're kind of looking around at the ships and seeing what
Starting point is 01:15:19 would be like a decent option to try to steal. And you think about what like Magobllin said that it basically needs to be something that can hold a lot of people for them to essentially just jump out and take over these lapships, board these lapships. You find a ship that's quite large, like definitely a cargo ship. It's got like a large hull and a wide deck. There's a huge white balloon sort of this like oblong shape tied down by many ropes that would be that's like in kind of in place of a mast. It has wings going off both sides each with several propellers as well as propeller in the front. You see that there look to be about
Starting point is 01:15:57 4D class nights on here which is seems to be a little bit less manned than some of the other ships. This is kind of the biggest ship with the least amount of security on it, but you do see that there are a decent amount of crew on there and a decent amount of people loading up boxes onto it. Okay, okay, that's their spot. Yeah, I get a little second-hand embarrassment seeing the D-class guards there. I think they just look really dorky. We never looked like that, did we? I get a little second-hand embarrassment seeing the D class guards there. They just look really dorky
Starting point is 01:16:30 We never looked like that did we we no you see one just desperately trying to pick a wedgie. Oh Longingly looks at a picture of her ex-boyfriend God the standard issue underwear did right up your ass. I know it did. Okay. Salamander wearing glasses. Depressing. Okay, I'm wondering. So I'm sorry. We've got like good stealth.
Starting point is 01:16:53 We've got poison foods that we can either just. Should we set that up in the break room? I was thinking we could put in the break room. I saw that little shipping container where the foreman's at. Maybe there's like a coffee stand in there or something. Yeah. And then when they throw their rinkoots off to run to the bathroom, we could grab them.
Starting point is 01:17:11 It's just too complicated. I think it's too complicated. I think we should, it should happen on the ship. Yeah, that's probably true. Yeah, okay. If we can go on as crew, we set up some candy for everyone's time. We show that it's not boys and by eating it.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Right. But really, I've only cast Purify on Ups. Okay. Perfect. That's perfect. So we go on as crew, we give some candy to the soldiers. I didn't want to say it before, but the implication is... Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:17:41 Oh, we knew. Yeah. We were on board. Yeah. And that's interesting, because I know this ship, there's only one head on the entire thing. It's going to be a melee. It's going to be a brown blood bath. I think we should wait and see some people,
Starting point is 01:17:56 if there's people like getting off a shift, we can try and jump them around a corner. OK. Does that seem good? Sweet. All right, cool. You know what? I'll go ahead and roll a luck check
Starting point is 01:18:08 to see if there's anybody walking away from work in the next, we'll say like 20 minutes. That is a natural eight. You guys wait for a while and you don't see anybody leaving the docks. Everybody seems to work. This is like the middle of the day. We've only got four more minutes on this pass without trace
Starting point is 01:18:27 Let's just sneak on okay, all right. Let's try that okay. I'll just be honest the slickers looked cool Still still slick once we're on the boat I've my skin is a slicker, but still I don't know what cool. Yeah, let's do it Has anyone ever said the term slicker so often? Slicker is a ring. Only someone. Only someone at the barber who's trying to get slicker. Slicker. We're gonna we're gonna Nick's operation slicker and we're just gonna sneak on board. Okay, I'm later. Yeah. Shit, Albin is there with you guys, isn't he? You see Albin pipes up. Right, I'm here too. Okay, your classic catchphrase. I can cast invisibility on two of us. I've got good stealth. I don't
Starting point is 01:19:10 Okay, but I've you've got pass without trace. Right. Yeah, I would say cast it on you and Calder I could also sort of prepare it as a reaction in case anything goes bad and and try to cast it on whoever made a noise or whatever Okay, that's pretty smart. Yeah and try to cast it on whoever made a noise or whatever. Okay. That's pretty smart. Yeah. Like prepare a reaction. Right.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Okay. So, an idea, Alvin. Thank you. You can cast one on Calder if you just don't want to look at him. Don't say that he's a court. That was a surprise. Last night was Vity's something we got. Stop, stop, stop.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Or in our messy era. Just, when we was trying to start drama. You would do this, too. When we were in the launch, there was a bit of a gossip. There was the one book where we go home and went to break. And like, I come back and I have another friend and he gets jealous and the two of us get no fight. And we play on opposite teams of the liquidage champion.
Starting point is 01:20:00 It was a lot of storyline. But then we come together because one of us gets hurt. It's the boy wizard and the grievous liquidation dream. Can I do an insight on Calder if he's being sincere when he says I love that storyline or if he's just trying to kiss up to Alvin. Calder just sees his one opportunity to repair his relationship with Alvin and says yes, I'll do it be like that. Yes, I'll do it like that. Hahaha. Yes. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:20:25 You're preparing one friendship by shitting off of it. Hahaha. So I'll have to understand. It's okay. I can take it. Sweet, everybody go ahead and roll stealth. You got to beat all these guys' passive perceptions. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Oh, shout out to the two crew, but I will be adding 21 to that so 23 Number if I got to ask yeah, it's rainy. I have we're covered in fog. It's this swamp camouflage. Oh, okay Okay, then I got I would have given a few four but you add 10 oh add 10 okay fantastic 21 for salt still wow, okay 29 sick Okay, fantastic. And whatever your style is. 21 for salt, still. Wow, okay. 29, sick. Woo! You guys all successfully sneak onto the ship. You see that it's kind of perfectly set up for hiding
Starting point is 01:21:13 in that there's people who are dock workers that are literally loading the boxes on and that there's crew that are bringing it down. I imagine that there's a bunch of like tarps over the equipment since it's raining. Yeah, so we can be hiding under the tarps while we're planning all this. Yeah, should we just go away and tell they take this? I guess my only thing with the the slight poisoning was just to get more people off. Before it takes off. Yeah, before it takes off, but maybe that's maybe the right. Yeah, okay, that's, you know what? Yeah, okay, that's, I'm gonna cast purify food
Starting point is 01:21:47 and drink on all this because poison sweets is not happening. You know what, keep them in our back pocket. We don't know what's gonna happen. All right, you hang on to the poison-dusted sweets. So you guys are waiting under this tarp near a bunch of these crates. It's no slicker, but it'll do. And you see that the dock workers get off and at this point it's just the crew
Starting point is 01:22:12 on here and you hear this grumpy old captain go, all right come on let's get the shit iron deep let's go. And it goes over. You guys are kind of peeking up behind these boxes. You see he goes to the head of the ship and gets the propellers going. You know that airships take like a second to start up. When suddenly you guys hear from the sky. Oh no. A trumpet sound.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Stop right there! You see three A-class knights descend from the sky on handheld drones. Dedicated to our city's protection, committed to our enemy's detection, star-dunk, jazzler, and Todd! Go go team-taction! Ticked and served! Get in the candy. You see they land not on your ship, but on the docks.
Starting point is 01:23:10 And everybody go ahead and give me a perception check. Because I'm going to say it's maybe not going to be the easiest to see. 13. 5. Dirty 20. Okay. Wet 20. I guess.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Sol. Yeah. Dirty used to being in swampy areas. Wet 20. I guess. Saul. Yeah. Dirty used to being in swampy areas. Kamouflage, they're not. You listen through the rain. You hear the sound of the rain, so it's a little bit hard to hear them. You're looking over at the docks. You see that a bunch of the dock workers look kind of annoyed as they talk to team Texan.
Starting point is 01:23:45 And then you see a star dunk, the dude with a severe side part with super gel down hair, start speaking into a megaphone, like this magic horn essentially that magically blasts out the sound and goes, okay gang, there's some dangerous fugitives on the loose and we're looking for leads. We'll be inspecting all outgoing ships.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Okay, you guys hear groans from the dock workers and you see Jazzler, his twin goes, ha, golly star dunk, these people sure look unhappy. I'd hate to have to do a show of force and hurt someone. And you see Todd backs her up and goes Todd to kill My god, I can't believe I had a poster of them in my dormant school. Call their messes up his side part Okay, I think we just keep hiding Yeah, does this mean that the ship isn't taking off yet? It is not taking off yet You hear the guards here and the the actual crew of the ship isn't taking off yet? It is not taking off yet. You hear the guards here and the actual crew of the ship
Starting point is 01:24:49 are like, God damn it. And the captain's like, oh, we're gonna be late. All right, hard everybody. Look alive, look alive. Okay. I do some kind of like perception check for the best hiding spot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:03 That's gonna be a six. Okay. With a six, I'm gonna say you're just gonna go have to go off assumption, which is that it probably be better to be in the hole than on the deck. I'll say that your first stealth check got you on the deck. Okay, let's just get into a fucking box, right? Let's just get into a box. You want to crack open one of these boxes that's under the tarps here? We should get to a box in the hole, right? That might be better.
Starting point is 01:25:26 Yeah, that's what I mean. Guys, go ahead and give me new stealth checks. Okay. That's 20, baby. Switch becomes a 41. Oh, ho ho. Ha ha ha ha. That's 23.
Starting point is 01:25:37 Okay, 32. Sick. Jesus Christ. You guys are adding your post-ten, right? Yeah, that's why I got a 32. Yeah. You guys successfully sneak down to the hull of the ship Jesus Christ you guys are adding your post and yeah, that's why I got a 32 yeah you guys Successfully sneak down to the hull of the ship while the crew is distracted They've all kind of come out actually this is kind of the best way for you guys to get down to the cargo hold
Starting point is 01:25:54 Because everyone down there is now like okay, they're gonna check the whole ship We have to come out and show them our papers and everything so everybody comes out of the cargo hold You guys go down to the hole and you find a bunch of boxes down here. You see that. I'll say that these are the kind of boxes that you'd have to open with like a crowbar normally. But I'll say that you guys go down here and somebody cracked one to make sure that it was like the right stuff. So there is one that is cracked. You see that these boxes are full of mother mini mana meals. Some in dinner in seconds. So it's just mother-d some mothership bullshit.
Starting point is 01:26:31 They're essentially like some in food and water, like TV dinners. Some people like the process of cooking. They're rich in nutrients, but it is just one long noodle is the problem. I do like to slur. I mean, should we hide in here? Before we go in, um, Cali, this might be our opportunity. Is there like a break table or something for the workers down here? You want to put out the candy?
Starting point is 01:26:54 I think, see, the only thing I'm worried about is like when I brought it up, my goblin made sure that I can't go to small people. And if we put it out without supervising it, someone could overdo it. All right, well let's be safe. Yeah, I think I think I'll just hang on to the boys and dust and sweets. Yeah, we want D team to remain diarrhea team and not deaf team. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:27:19 So you guys hiding the boxes you hang on? I don't know if I want to remain diarrhea team By the way, right? I definitely want to be deaf team Deaf team sounds better. Yeah, it does sound better, but again it goes against our credence. Let's go duck team that We're nervous. There it is. Yeah, so you guys Move out some monomials. You make some room. No, we eat them. You eat them. Jesus Christ No Evidence, oh, you're supposed to activate those before you eat them.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Those are your experiences. I eat the rice. I eat the boss. Yeah, you eat dry scrolls. I ate so much candy. I couldn't possibly have an idol right now. I told her no. I didn't do the thing.
Starting point is 01:27:59 You did it here, so I almost like, save it. And I was like, okay, I won't cast that. I called her, you never look hot. And today you look very hot. I don't know if I should get in the box. I shoving in. I'm gonna ship my brain to you. You guys are trapped in here with called her.
Starting point is 01:28:19 You are melting. You are stomach rumbling horribly. She started sweating. Count. Because now I might be psychosomatic just because I'm nervous. I'm currently concentrating on pass without trace so I can't do silence on your fucking guts.
Starting point is 01:28:34 I had a gum drop. I had a lollipop, a chocolate bar. That's so much. I had a numper all. You knew they were dusted. I thought you was got a gas on the other side. Your hands are covered in chocolate. I'm freaking out, Alvin.
Starting point is 01:28:52 All right, you need to take a pump, okay? I think I hear Todd. Oh, God. I'm having a literal meltdown, dude. You guys hear clomping footsteps from upstairs and eventually you do hear Todd come down into the hole with a few of the guards and the crew going past the box they are hiding in. I'm like working so hard not to just like totally self-destructively glom onto him and rebound. Todd. You see his strong glutes as he walks past you through the crack in the box.
Starting point is 01:29:31 This would be so you, Callie. Don't look at his tiny little bob tail. He doesn't deserve you. Stop set the box you're hiding in for a second. Then keeps walking. All clear. Proceed. For mothership.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Todd out. Oh, okay, buddy. Um, and you hear Assy's walking up. You hear a bunch of the guards. You guys hear him say to one of the guards, this is a summoning scroll. You open it and Todd and team Texian will appear. You use it if you see anything suspicious. Huh, yes sir. I memorized that voice. Oh interesting. Okay. Yeah, you hear the D-Class with the squeaky voice.
Starting point is 01:30:25 It sounds like he has acne. I think it was that salamander. He's got glasses and acne. I feel so bad for him. And it sounds like Todd walks off. And you just hear the captain go, all right, that fucking weirdo's gone. Jesus Christ, you almost gave me a horn attack.
Starting point is 01:30:41 All right, let's get these TV dinners to iron deep everybody. Real fucking good job, everybody. Good job. You almost gave me a horn attack. All right, let's get these TV dinners to iron deep everybody Real fucking good job everybody good job. We're doing the Lord's work you hear the propellers start outside and You feel the ship lift off I'll say after a few minutes you know that you're Safely in the air and you would assume you're probably getting out of sight of the docks like pretty quickly,
Starting point is 01:31:09 especially on this like cloudy rainy day. All right. Okay. I think like we need to turn. We gotta get them. You gotta get that scroll. Right. What'd you say? A bathroom. You need a different sort of scroll. I think I feel like we knew this going in that this was gonna take at least a couple hours. I don't think any of us is getting to a bathroom.
Starting point is 01:31:27 I think I'm going to fucking die. Bob Goblin said the smaller ones might not survive. Then why did you eat the candy? I thought it was... Let's do this mission. It's the last thing I do. Okay, so we're in here we want I mean I didn't really want to do like one by one right?
Starting point is 01:31:51 It's like those someone in here and then Sort of knock them out. They're like a tie them up put them in a box. Are there like skidings? Ah, there aren't okay. No skidies. Yeah, Yeah, cause I, easy to do, I'll be transparent. I don't want to have these people. No, these are just guys delivered DVDs. Right, but we can put them in a box. Oh, I'll say that there's like regular dingy's. I'll say that there's no like sky wakeboards that just like fly.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Oh, no, it's really small. Like, are there emergency boats if they crash in the water? Yes. Okay. Okay, so we can just kind of knock them out, one by one, put in the water? Yes. Okay. So we can just kind of knock them out one by one, put them on a dinghy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:29 And then release the dinghy maybe. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So I mean, one way to sort of suss them out would just be to make a bit of noise and see if one person comes or just someone have another. Oh, we need, yeah, we need is one person. Well, we should, before we make noise, we should probably get that scroll.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Cause I don't know how trigger happy that guy's gonna be with a scroll. We should go after them first. And then maybe we can kind of go down the line and get everyone out. Okay, so maybe, I mean, we've still got password without trace, so maybe we just pop our heads out. Let's try to hear a conversation
Starting point is 01:33:01 until we hear that voice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. You guys walk out of the whole of the ship. It's nothing. Everybody go ahead and give me new stealth checks. I'll say from now on, we're gonna go ahead and do group stealth.
Starting point is 01:33:15 So at least two of you have to pass. Okay, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, whoa, you're silent. Ha, ha, ha. 29, okay, with the plus 10, okay? 17, all right. 41. You guys round the corner of the hall
Starting point is 01:33:30 and you see the little salamander guard that Saul has been talking about. It's just nervously talking to one of the crew members and goes, so this big weirdo gives me this summoning scroll and I'm freaking out right? And of course the first thing I do is just give it away because I don't want to be responsible for that. And that's where we're going to get that.
Starting point is 01:33:55 We got to get that salamander. Sorry. Sweet guys, thank you all so much for listening. You can listen to our after show over on the Patreon. slash NADDPOD don't sing yet. Oh, okay, don't do it. Don't do it. Does anybody have anything they'd like to plug?
Starting point is 01:34:14 Oh man, yeah, we've got some live shows coming up very, very, very soon in Texas actually, in Dallas and in Austin. Austin is April 19th and Dallas is April 20th. If you're going to one show, you might as well go to both. Why not? Texas, because they're gonna be different. They're going to be different for sure.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Two different shows. And I feel like we're going to both shows. Yeah, we're going to both shows. So why shouldn't you? We also have in May Dublin, is on May 11th. And Dublin, it's my big homecoming baby. Yeah, we're coming. Yes.
Starting point is 01:34:48 How many Murphy's are gonna be on your prodigal son returns? Yeah, we're gonna be saying the prodigal son returns. So when he talks about the Dublin show. Make me proud, Dublin. Then we've got London on May 12th. We've got Manchester on May 13th, and we've got Enbira on May 14th.
Starting point is 01:35:06 Whoa, it's gonna be awesome. So please go to slash live. Yeah, if you're coming to the Austin and Dallas show, come to Edinburgh. You fly out to Dublin. Yeah, fly out to Dublin. I'll be there. Come on.
Starting point is 01:35:18 Just go on hiatus. Yeah, does anybody else have anything that they'd like to plug? I'd love to plug some stuff from our PO box. It's a great, right? Some really fun stuff. Chelsea P, AKA Chelsea Forest Fines, send us crick stumps for each of the band of boobs.
Starting point is 01:35:34 Oh, they're these like little... Oh, yeah, they're so cute. Miniature, like mushroom stumps that are set on like a slice of wood and they light up. Yes, they're adorable. They're gorgeous. I have mine set up in my office. I just like to stare at it and be transported.
Starting point is 01:35:50 Thank you so much, Chelsea. Isaac sent us dunce chairs for when our dice are being norty as Cal would say. So mine today needs to go up. Yeah, I got a dunk mine in the dunce chair. Oh, two now. Mine literally two of mine rolled in that 20s. Can I have those?
Starting point is 01:36:04 Yeah, you kind of awesome yeah that does and Zephyr J sent us incredible character cross stitches they are super good they're all a character cool yeah they're awesome yeah they are I would say that they are stump worthy you can hang these yeah I have my in my office oh lots of stuff for the office thank you offices are stumps absolutely it's a
Starting point is 01:36:24 write off if it's a stump. Scott W from Buffalo, Sanis, a note inspired by the D&D court punishment of sleeping in Buffalo. Oh, there's no, it's really funny. They also sent us a Buffalo forever pennant. Thank you so much. Go bills. Go bills. Go bills.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Next year's your year. Claire LM sent Murph a worldwide wrestling roleplay. Oh my gosh, when we opened this, Claire Murph, like when... I stopped hanging out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:55 And if that wasn't enough, Natalie F also sent Murph the second edition of the wrestling roleplay. I am nothing if not consistent. Natalie, I'm telling you, he just went silent and totally just read books. He absorbed it. Yeah. Instead of hanging out. It was very dorky. Yes. Indeed. Oh, and then John M and the gang of goofs sent us a nice note. We hope you
Starting point is 01:37:17 enjoyed your time in the San Lucidadel. Oh, John M, I sent you a package. Oh right. Yes. Leave that John M. You sent a prepaid package and I filled it up with dice and sent it back your way. Nice. Yeah, I'm on the way. So if you're John M. From Oakland. The dice are on reach. Yeah, that's a threat now. The dice are on route. And I'll just do one more. Russ sent us a cassette tape of music from their D&D campaign. Oh, it's so cool. Yeah, it's called In the Ruins of the Walled City. We need to track down a tape player to listen to it immediately. We do. It's so fun. We did Marvelet the cassette tape. Yeah, currently it's a coaster, but one day we'll have a cassette tape player to use it. Thank you all so much for sending us stuff.
Starting point is 01:38:01 1920 Hill or Savonoon. Number 2-2-2, let's release California. 900, not going to say the rest. You have Hill or Savonoon. Number 222, Luswily's California, 900, not gonna say the rest, you have to find your own yourself. Whoa. Wow. It's history. Jake, you got anything? Yeah, check out my wallet,
Starting point is 01:38:12 so for other' Check them out. You're selling your wallet. Yeah, I'm selling my personal wallet. I will leave all my cards in it. Great. You know, you shop at Jake's shop if you already bought tickets to a live show.
Starting point is 01:38:23 Yeah, I was gonna say, you use my steal my credit card and buy a ticket to our show. Don't make her fake. Oh, Manchester, don't be fine. Don't be fine. Sweet guys, thank you all so much for listening. You can follow us on social media that we're in my mannet use. At Teach Mrippasme, at Caldys Caldwell, at the Extra Demoleon, at Jigurts is Jake,
Starting point is 01:38:39 and you tweet about the show using hashtag naphot that's any DDPOD. We are, we are, the youth of the nation. We areOD. We are the youth of the nation. We are the youth of the nation. It's the end of our episode, which means it's time to shout out our benevolent council of elders. Let's get right to it. Brad D. Jeffrey S. Hucy. Later.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Mixgater. Matt M. Jordan D.J. Cutter W. Jill and Tucker who want to help Jake move out. Dungeon. A Mama. Danielle the Dasterly Dame.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Beardman Dan. Scott D. Danny P. Michael McDee. Vincent W. Mistere Cole. Victor T. AKA Boundor's Boy Forever, Dominic P. Andrew B, Justin I,
Starting point is 01:39:31 Ragnar Fairdwin, DJ M, the Nome Barbarian, Elena M, Trayle, the Kray, Jared E, Christopher B, Damial R, cyborg version of Josh the Cobald. Philbert the Therapy Duck. Richard X Machina. Michael L. Taylor S. Sir Carl. Jory S.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Calum L. Jack L. Sam L. Nicholas C. Thaddeus Thunderous Turtle. Michael Hightower. Martin P. Matthew E.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Colton B. The front half of a horse costume, Adam G, Tyler F, Ne-ee-badger, Panama James, Andrew the Bard, Captain Cigil, Nathan Cartier, the assistant king to the assistant king of Iron Deep, Hail to the Hammer, Diana,
Starting point is 01:40:21 C.C. Lulu, Michelle O, Harecule Poirot, the rabbit folk detective. Timmy R. Crocaholic, Lucas B. Reiko, Itzkevin, Calder's cold com, burr, New York, Cascade Board Casse, Steven C. Michael M. Mike K. Lady Taco, Joy T. Nara. Jake L. Nick Wolf. Brave the Badger.
Starting point is 01:40:51 Esme M. Mutton the Mad Druid who has been trying to undo his friend who has been stuck as a polymorph sheep for three weeks. Keep going Mutton you got it. Foster the original boneless duck. Aaron the asshole Ranger ranger, Big Bad Beard of the Mad, Eric McD, Giant Monsters on the horizon, Burley T, Percival Fredric Stein von Mussel Klusowski Derrollo III, Christian A, J Dragonborn, Joro the Innopropro, O- O O Liam D the sand rayin bin A fell Donus John the third Dave H Vivian Koala bear Catherine S David K Christian S Rebecca G Dustin S Connor F Hawkeye Pierce bookvars assistant Izzy F the time Time Walker, Blair, The Bug Blair, Barbar Blarean, Cat C, Kelsey J, Pork Chop, Ariel, The Occasional Mermaid,
Starting point is 01:41:53 Felicia Raptor, Selena Inn, Minette, The Magnificent Magikarp, Pat L, A Chuta A, Lauren H, Amber W, Joshua D, Ryan S, The Bone Duster, The Charming Fluff, Robert Crisps, Master Brintley, Telekina Creations, The Official Nadpod, and My Personal Favorite Illustrator. That's real. Bloops, Carly A, Addy K, Laurie P, Hashtag End Colders Cold Come. The War Rages On. Spam Gaming the Submarine Sailor who saw the eagle. Wow. Grant L.
Starting point is 01:42:34 Connor Savage. Christopher J. Pebblepot forget the free Jake plug. C. Nadpod Live. In Dublin. May 11th. And London. May 12th. Awesome. Thank you, Christopher J. Leviathan, Bioquart 7, Sullivan H,
Starting point is 01:42:48 Trubhob, Hopdropper, Sydney Tatum, Jack H. King of the Mole City under Iron Deep. Matt Y says shout out to Abagon Day, Athena, Lamora, Ellie, Garland, and Noble love your big bad DM. Garble the Moist! Juicy Kiwi, Champ Wild, Vailin, Sprite Pepsi, Carlin' Sea, Louis is your dad, always the dad, never the DM. I feel you bud. Armadon the only, Emily S, Noah, theagol of all things. Estelle. Royal Theodger. Conflicted DM. Justin Libby.
Starting point is 01:43:30 Torley Skirmisher. Dandy. E&D. Bunny hashtag claddeist did nothing wrong. Hashtag frog pal sucks. Ouch. Marcos P. Pup Kalish learns the balance druid.
Starting point is 01:43:45 Dakota JP. Pegos. Self-proclaim. Faye Prince. Happy birthday, Katrin. Hope you have a great one. Tracy P. the Crick-Eelf Librarian. Friar Frisd.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Andiee. Holly. Eena. Ha ha. Leia C. Page H! May-b! Albanyn's soul's neighbor who surprised that the nice hot frog and his cute ifsad roommate ended up criminals. Yeah, weird how things work out.
Starting point is 01:44:14 Kristen with a K! Dufinious! Cow! Just Cow! Commodore Galaxy! Russell H! A monk named Dillgo! Yes, the whole thing, yes, every time.
Starting point is 01:44:26 Nios, the novice monster hunter. My new best friend Simon, who's trapped in Dreamland. His loving hugs are what really restore my HP and spell slots. Good on you, Simon. Lorelai Frost, Morgan M, sticker, sous chef to the Cintar chef, saute the panhandler of the crooked panhandle. Stephen E. Mr. Adams, Meg, the male carrier of Bohumia.
Starting point is 01:44:52 James F. Jimmy A. Hi, man, hi, man. Yeah, that's me. Cap and Cap, E. M4L, the dragon ambassador. Wayfarer, inventor of the SS Storm Bjorn, Kozy, Andrew B. Dalton B. Copp Fresh, Barpo Goodbarrel, Bardbarian, and Brewer Emeritus of Waterdeep. Tari Rhymes with Jabari, Welshlander,. D. Tommy K. Nola. John P. Mr. Sillyhead. Monster Captain Renee S. Cameron C. Hope Stagger. The only dagger of hope. Daniel V. H. Olivia the enchanting bard. Blue Slade. And Michaela R.
Starting point is 01:45:42 Thank you all so so much to our many wonderful Council of Elders members. You are the shining stars in the sky, and the M&Ms in our trail mix, a delicious treat, and we thank you. If you would like to join the Council or just listen to our short rest, go to slash nad pod.
Starting point is 01:46:00 We hope we'll see you there, and thank you so so much for listening. Bye bye. That was a hit gun podcast. We hope you'll see you there and thank you so so much for listening. Bye bye!

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