Not Another D&D Podcast - Eldermourne - Ep. 20: Olwen the Sullen

Episode Date: April 16, 2021

The Third Mates face off against Olwen, the emo winter fairy! Henry gets into it with some children, Zirk fails his swimming lesson, and Fia makes a pledge to Batilda. Support us at to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content!Music / Sound Effects Include:"Club chatter, London" by mlteenie at"Metal Drums" by RebelSpirit at"A Wizard's Tournament" by Emily Axford."Langston" by Emily Axford."The Bronze Bastard" by Emily Axford."The Ruins of Cragwater" by Emily Axford."The Red Fen" by Emily Axford."The Witch's Hut" by Emily Axford."The Lonely Autumn" by Emily Axford."Batilda's Blade" by Emily Axford."Kingshammer" by Emily Axford.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Headgun Podcast. Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item, plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy.
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Starting point is 00:01:39 [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Welcome back to Elder Morn, everybody. Oh, good morning. I'm your dungeon master, Brian Murphy joined by Jake Herwetz. Henry Hoggfish, my life is hellish, because I wronged a shellfish. Oh! Maria, forgive us.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I see we've committed to that. I apologize to the Mollis community. And just a notepad file. And then, of course, we've got Emory Axford. Okay, this is hard because I wrote a different one, but now I want to do a shellfish ride. Oh, wow. Okay, we're committing.
Starting point is 00:02:18 The dome. Paladin, which? Looking to pledge herself to a shellfish. Okay, my other one was no frills, mad skills, fish skills, ready to kill for buttilt. Whoa, my god. Thank god you said that one too. I know, well, the shellfish one was pretty bad,
Starting point is 00:02:37 so I really had to pivot. It was off the dome. It was off the dome. And then of course we've got called Oltanner. Zirk for Vayne, alchemist who's ready to jam and has never once wronged a clam. Okay. Oh okay.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Yeah, there we go. That was on my sheet. I came up with that one in the shower two days ago. It seems like it. You said it with confidence, the confidence of someone who had written it ahead of time and was prepared. We're old off your tongue. That's just the energy I bring. That is the confidence I inspire who had written it ahead of time and was prepared hold off your tongue That's just the energy I bring that is the confidence I inspire. Let's do it
Starting point is 00:03:17 All right, yes, let's do it. I like it. Come on game. All right gang. Don't be a fucking suck up. I'll kill your character dude Oh, where to god? The ones they love whoa No, they don't you love me It's a hard way to find out, but I appreciate it. I love all of you guys. It's why I'm trying to do a total party kill here. Alright, let's go ahead and do a little recap. So last time you guys faced quick blast, cast, Callaway in a tense standoff, during it,
Starting point is 00:03:42 Fia revealed that Zirk was still Vervein's son, prompting Quintlast, to reveal her own connections to the Vervein family. This sounds like a soap opera. It is. It's saucy. The drama. I love the drama. Cass explained that Stella was sponsoring her trip and was looking to cash in on Batilda's
Starting point is 00:04:03 bounty. Once diplomacy wasn't going to work, Fiya attempted to send off Bookvar with damning information about Quick Blast, prompting the gun slinger to shoot him out of the sky. A battle ensued, during which Fiya and Zirk were knocked out, but eventually Henry was able to use the horn of the deep, given to the third mate's by Kenley, to summon for deep folk warriors who quickly surrounded quick blast and even the odds. Henry was able to cut a deal to spare her life, provided she helped his friends, and she did so by giving them health potions.
Starting point is 00:04:37 You guys then made her promise not to continue pursuing Batilda, and she left after the deep folk rid her of her loot. You then rested for the night while their leader, Lusgarh, helped you research the source of Henry's curse. Together, you were able to narrow it down to a spring fairy of the sea, and it seems my players have narrowed it down even further. That way down, we in-pointed it. Moria! You guys nailed it.
Starting point is 00:05:04 It's the mollusk lady. It's Moria. Moria, I pledge, but till this plane in your clam, you can pay. All the shrimp tails, all the shrimp jokes, the scampie, it was in the scampie all along. That's you, you, man. You laid the breadcrumbs at our feet.
Starting point is 00:05:18 We didn't even know. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. We've got chapters. This is quite a thing to do. I did it. I've been playing you since the beginning.
Starting point is 00:05:29 It was I all along. Beware the mullet. So the next morning, Lusgrar warned you to be wary of the greater fairies because they work for their own purposes. You proceeded through the sunken temple using various forms of alter self-spells to navigate the underwater challenges. Some fairing better than others.
Starting point is 00:05:50 No, not naming any names. Not naming any names. When you guys got to the bottom, you found Batilda, presumably frozen by Owen the Winter Fairy, before she could bleed out from a mortal wound. Together, you were able to thaw her and stabilize her and begin making your way out of the temple through a secret exit. However, before you could leave, you were trapped by a wall of ice summoned by Owen, revealed to have ulterior motives of his own. He wished to keep a betilde frozen in the temple to protect her forever and is threatened to do the same to the rest of you.
Starting point is 00:06:27 When Zirk pulled his gun, Owen began gathering ice energy and you all braced for battle, and that's where we are now. Everybody go ahead and roll initiative. Woo! Yay! Oh no! That's 20 baby! There we go! There we go! Let's do it. That's the baby. There we go. There we go. There we go.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Let's do it. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do.
Starting point is 00:06:54 That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do.
Starting point is 00:07:02 That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. That's a positive can do. I was decimated by a well-m last session. Yeah, he was destroyed by some spinny water and the hot water. Your weakness really is the sea. What do you get with a NAT 20 Henry? With a NAT 20, I get a 22. 11. Six.
Starting point is 00:07:19 All right, to kick things off, at initiative 22, that is Henry. You see, Owen is just giving this really long, final fantasy speech as he gathers ice around him and you manage to beat him to the bunch. I shall preserve you in a perfect memory. Too much time talking, buddy. I was not, ah! Yeah, not one for the speeches.
Starting point is 00:07:41 So I guess I'm just gonna, I'm gonna swipe at Owen with my claws. Sweet, you rush across the ice here. Actually, go ahead and give me a dexterity saving throw. Oh, no. And forward towards all when. Of course. The river has completely frozen over.
Starting point is 00:07:57 So it is not like completely slick. It is like packed ice like the waves of the current Have made these like sharpened edges. I see so I have an idea. I'm not Henry's usually a magnificent ice skater, but since There's sharp edges and stuff. I'll have to roll. I see That's only 11 and 11 is 11 does it. It's a DC 10 So you're good to move normally Beautiful sal cal from Henry Henry you begin to run forward.
Starting point is 00:08:27 I don't even know what move that is, but yes, you do whatever that is. A perlet. You're able to get triple axel up to Olwyn, who looks down at you and goes, this is not how I remember it happening, Henry. I've pictured this battle in my head a thousand times since we met earlier today, or yesterday. What is time to
Starting point is 00:08:47 an endless being? You planned on fighting us? I um what? Just admitted you did you seem so chill but you were thinking about killing us the whole time? I am quite literally chill. I was a Pah-ha that you would try to take Patilda from me. Well, I guess you've got a pretty good read on our character because here we go, point and guns, Acha. Yeah, I will say that I with my ice clause I kind of look like Apollo Ono like skating across the ice on these
Starting point is 00:09:20 things. That is a 18 to hit. 18 does not hit. You see, like a javelin that's kind of like a staff, it's got like an snowflake on one end. You see he spins it around. You see there's like a little magical whisp of ice that blocks the attack from hitting him, but like shatters. Ha! You know, I'm glad that we're doing this version of the battle that you pictured, because it's super awesome. I'm gonna take my second attack.
Starting point is 00:09:55 That isn't that 20. Whoa! There we go! Okay. Oh, what? Henry! I've been thinking about this fight too. Vade Henry, you were going to fight?
Starting point is 00:10:05 It was destined. Everyone is planning a fight. I'm just trying to sound epic like Lost Gras. It's like the stars on a snowy night. The snow reflects in the moon. I guess I will start assuming I'm going to fight people more often. Yeah, you can start manifesting it. That's 19 damage. 19 damage nice
Starting point is 00:10:26 And I'm also going to bonus action summon shank right on here we go. Hey buddy. Sorry about the well I'm back from hell you fucking killed me you killed me you monster You still wearing a bathing suit set me in why went into. It's freezing in here. The Wilm kicked my ass also. It's fucking freezing in here. We both got rocked, buddy. So we just remember, it's every time, huh? It is not a new guy that I'm summoning. I remember you fucking sending me in.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Doesn't hurt? Yeah, it hurt like hell. It hurt real fucking bad. Oh. Yeah, no. I was torn a sundaer. I am starting to think shank is more cursed than you, Hank. Yeah, no, I just die all sundaer. I am starting to think shank is more cursed than you, Hank.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Yeah, no, I just die all the fucking time. You know? That's actually, that's accurate. I'm the second most cursed guy. That is the layer action. You guys feel the tunnel begins to get colder. The ice begins to turn into like heavily, thickly packed snow.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And you see little snowflakes all in the air. Everybody go ahead and give me strength saving throws. Oh dear. Oh, I'm afraid it's a snow day. Oh. 17. You definitely thought about this fight because you have lots of quick little quips
Starting point is 00:11:40 that are really good. I have lots of little lines. I've had this fight a thousand times in my memory. And I shall remember it. Is there anyone where we want? Over and over again, never. No, well we all win because we get to live together in a snow globe. A.K.A.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Is this temple? Yes. How are we posed in the snow globe? What are we doing? You are kind of tinkering away on various elixirs and that's fun Have those vicious bone claws away and instead of kind of have your hands up like you're looking around like an Explore and fear you have your nose in a book. It's adorable. Okay guys here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna all pretend that we're in a snow globe
Starting point is 00:12:28 and he's gonna think he's one. We're just gonna all freeze for one round. Interest. He'll use us in action to take out a book. Would you guys get an restraints saves? 17. 17. I was hoping you weren't gonna ask and that one.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Oh, brutal. Here you were swinging while today. Yeah, I thought you forgot. I love that you weren't gonna ask and that one oh You're swinging while today. Yeah, I love that you try not Henry is Henry is honestly in the best position to Fail that because the snow restraints him So the snow would restrain you guys instead. It's just going to be difficult terrain So you guys are suddenly surrounded by thick snow. You guys have this ice wall behind you. You guys are up to your wastes in snow.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Henry, you're stuck in the snow here, but you're right up on the stuid. So you're okay for now. These shorts just increasingly a bad idea. And I can tell you the nut is still exposed. I feel it now. None of this was ever a good idea. That is Owens turn.
Starting point is 00:13:30 On Owens turn, he reaches his hand out and you see little snowflakes gather around it and he goes, I hope it's not too much for you. The cold snap. He snaps his finger. And you guys once again. He's got note cards. I see him reading off the note cards.
Starting point is 00:13:51 He's got like a little mole skin notebook. You have a ghost right there, be honest. You're writing all these quips yourself. I write all my own lyrics. These are songs that I'm working on. I love you. You can make a musical out of this. Yes, we do the Fallout Boy way of writing a song where Pete Wentz writes poetry in the
Starting point is 00:14:12 Patrick Stump turns into a song. I just beat my Patrick Stump. So you're Fallout Boy with only Pete Wentz. I am the Pete Wentz of the P.W.E.S. of the temple. Everybody go ahead and give me a con save. Did you guys feel a deep chill in the air? This crazy winter wintz. Winter wintz, 19. That will be a nine for FIA.
Starting point is 00:14:38 19. FIA, you gain a level of exhaustion. Oh, fuck. You feel a deep chill in your bones. Is this affecting Batilda? It is not affecting Batilda. You see? So Owen is not based on what he said. He is not trying to kill you guys. He's trying to freeze you guys. So Batilda is already like almost there. She's already like, you know, five levels of exhaustion. He's not trying to kill anyone.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Should you guys fail, this will be a total party freeze or you guys are just statues until someone finds you. Oh, so, you know, there's a level of lethality here, but he's not trying to kill Patilda. So there's a chance eight years could pass between this and the next session. Exactly, yes.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Exactly, yes. I would never hurt Patilda, I just want to keep her forever Damn you wince after the cold snap you see he's going to Take two swings with his javelin against Henry here gets advantage because Henry is restrained. Oh dear. This is going to hurt a little bits But I would just freeze you if I could That's 23 to hit. Yeah. Nine damage, Henry.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Oh, sorry. Takes a second swing. Doesn't feel like you're freezing me at all. For its. You're stabbing me with the javelins. Stabbed you directly in the heart. Oh no, you've been frozen by a broken heart. Just stabbed you with a blade.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I thought we were doing snow stuff. So stabs you with steel became decidedly less cute. You're stabbed for 19 damage, Henry. Good boy. All right, I'm really fucked up. And then Fiya, that is your turn. OK, hell far am I from him. We'll say 30 feet away?
Starting point is 00:16:25 I will go 15 feet because that's what I can do. Okay. And I will burning hands him at a third level. Okay. Oh, this isn't on theme? No! Not really, dad. Fire!
Starting point is 00:16:39 He doesn't deck save. Deck save, okay. Sorry to ruin your concept album. Ooh, that's a natural five he just fully gets toasted Wait no, you'll melt all the snow stop you're ruining the aesthetic Says not how I remembered it. This is different. It's different is bad 15 fire damage And I would also like to give Patilda her blade Patilda
Starting point is 00:17:04 And I would also like to give Batilda her blade Batilda She's she's out. She's she can't fight Five levels of exhaustion. She has zero speed. She's got nothing. Oh, when is actually going to use a reaction on you Fia Frigid Rebuke Go ahead and give me a constitution saving throw you see he holds his hands up and throws icicles at you No, stop like this It's trying to hit me. I got a fucking dirty 20. icicles just goes and melts as soon as it hits like the warm area that the burning hands just hit. No my icicles. Just wait till I get in range with you. I am going to hit you with so many flaming
Starting point is 00:17:40 slugs. Oh good luck getting through the snow. Do you need a plow? What was that? What was that? You gave a little laugh at the end of that. It wasn't a joke. Just a little laugh between friends. No, why not? You're too slippery. I'm trying to get a hold on what your angle is here. Zirk, that is your turn. Okay. I think Zirk remembers the rune that he saw on the statue of Calista when we were swimming. Okay. And he tries to replicate that on maybe the side of his gun. Yeah, I think I try and like etch that rune
Starting point is 00:18:17 on the side of my gun. And I want to use that to cast flaming sphere, okay. Which is a five foot diameter sphere of fire appears in an unoccupied space of your choice within range and lasts for the duration. Any creature that ends its turn within five feet of the sphere must make it an austerity saving throw. The creature takes 2d6 fire damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. Sweet. I'm just gonna shoot a giant sphere of fire from my gun nice at all win
Starting point is 00:18:45 Oh, no fire destroys things the ice will preserve everything. What are you doing if you're gonna amount a stage play You're gonna need to use some pyrotechnics. I'm telling you right now. Um, so yeah, you see this Flaming sphere of fire appears near an all win or shoots out of the gun and stops near all win and all win will need to make a check at the end of the gun and stops near all-win and all-win will need to make a check at the end of his turn. And then as my bonus action, I'm gonna tell Spritele to add to the Pyro Technic Chaos and drop some dynamite on the Flaming Sphere.
Starting point is 00:19:17 He makes a deck saving throw, go ahead and roll 3d6. I use a Spritele, throws a stick of dynamite. It's just like when my mom would let me play with dynamite completely unsupervised. Why would you give your child dynamite? It's what my mom did for me. I'm just repeating those dates of the past. That's a 15 for him. Okay, that fails. Okay, so that's just that's six damage though from the D6's. Oh, you would think dynamite would hurt more. It's child-friendly dynamite, I made sure. You're more responsible than I thought you were.
Starting point is 00:19:48 More like a mean candle. Why? Don't laugh at our jokes. Okay, we're not friends. I don't understand this. I remember when we were all in that room before and I should have done this. That was a little movie.
Starting point is 00:20:04 That was good. movie that was good and the movie again you're literally the friendship we could do it a million times we could do what other movies do you know do you know other movies yes I know Edwin you stabbed me with a fucking javelin man you dad tried to stab me with your claws in fact you did stab me with your claws who really attacked who first I just stood menacingly and said we can't come back from this. We don't come back from this. Maybe you just turn into a movie and we leave.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Well no you have to stay and watch the movies with me. We can watch it with scissors hands. We can watch the nightmare before Christmas. We can watch Donny Darko. We can watch those are our three choices. The Joker movie choices what that is Henry's turn okay So I'm stuck in the in this ice you are stuck in this ice until the layer action So you can make an attack with disadvantage. I am going to swap places with shank. Oh, oh Okay, yeah You see shank is sneaking up behind him. Yeah, I got this one, Hank.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Suddenly is just like three feet deep in snow. Ah, what the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? You know what, these really feeds the shank is the real cursed one, TRD. Yeah, suddenly my pity is shifting. Okay, yeah, you know, if we can cure Shanks curse,
Starting point is 00:21:25 then maybe I'll be free too. So I'll take both of my attacks. That's a 22 and a 21. Both hit, great. Yeah, so you swap spots with Shank, Shank gets stuck in the snow, you appear behind him, sort of in the air and swing twice with your claws on the way down.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Okay. 27 damage way down. Okay. 27 damage. Geez. Nice. Oh, you stabbed me in the back. Just as you figuratively stabbed me in the back when you tried to leave the temple, even though we have friends. Very nice wins. I could see you shouting that to like a really sick drum line, like when the guitar drops out, that'd be kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Thank you. And I'm also going to use my second win. You take a moment. That is the layer action. For the layer action, you see, Owen begins spinning his staff, his javelin, and you see a swirl of cold fog. Everybody go ahead and give me a constitution saving throw.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Okay. That will be a five for Fia. 22. That's a natural one for Zirk. Zirk takes the pose that Owen saw in his snow globe. Fia and Zirk, you guys take seven, Henry, you just take half, you take three. Okay. Is the flaming sphere causing the fog to disperse I will allow the sphere to Start to disperse the fog so you see while there is this like immediate well of a well of cold energy You see shank begins freaking out. Oh, it's the well. It's the fucking well. It's coming back Come down man. It's just not a scary word. You do see that the sphere of flame is able to help dissipate it Oh
Starting point is 00:23:09 Rooting these that it's terrible. That's right fear the sphere That is Oh, when is going to use a bonus action to Face step, which is like a misty step away from the spheres. He's not right next to it. So that's the game we're playing now. He is going to go ahead and cast Cone of Cold. Oh.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Cone to his staff up. A Cone of blue energy emerges. OK. I'm going to say he's going to be able to get all of you guys. Everybody go ahead and give me a constitution. Say, I'm going to throw. All righty. OK. Ooh, OK. 21. 17? 17 is going to pass. I'm gonna say he's gonna be able to get all of you guys everybody go ahead and give me a constitution safe throw already Okay
Starting point is 00:23:46 Ooh, okay 21 17 17 is gonna pass. Whoo perfect. I also got a 17 okay Um, so you guys all only take 11 damage You guys see this cone of cold energy Fills the tunnel once again covering you guys in like frost and snow. That is fiest turn. Okay. Fia is going to take her movement and then misty step to get the rest of the way. Pop out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Okay. Attack him. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, okay. That freaked all of it. I just quit, baby. Oh, God. I did not see this happening. I don't remember this way.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I feel like you didn't prep as much as you're saying you did. What did you, uh, talk about me through this. You pictured it a thousand different ways, all of which we're going well for you. They were all the same. Wait, I have a question. Don't you understand? We had it right the first time. How many times did it end with us applauding your wonderful lyrics every single time
Starting point is 00:24:46 Okay, that explains a lot what happened was I said some really cool stuff and then everyone Everyone all at once cheered and then you all stayed frozen cheering I guess I'm really proud of just how confident you are in yourself. Yes supremely confident 37 damage. Oh my god. You guys see Oh, and it's just having this whiny conversation With sir back and forth and then you see fear just appears behind him flaming green blade just like almost my head He had to. Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:25:22 Because I do four D6. Because it's 2D6 from my sword. If you double it, that's four D6, one D8. So that becomes 2D8. So I rolled 2D8. So I got eight on each. Four D6s. It's extremely good.
Starting point is 00:25:35 And then I add my plus four. So this is all about the board, right? Yeah. It's all about the board. He is going to go ahead and use his frigid rebuke. I repuby you frigid thing. go ahead and use his frigid rebuke. I repute you frigid there. Go ahead and make a con saving throw. 15.
Starting point is 00:25:50 15 is going to fail. You know what you're right. I was a very bad girl. I deserve a legal rebuke. Yeah. It's a very little rebuke though. I mean, her thing was way more impressive. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:01 14 damage. It's just a little rebuke on the wrist. That is Zirk's turn. I turn to Sprydell and say, this guy should not be a role model. Let's just clear that thought from our heads. Okay, his melodies are better than his lyrics for sure. We'll find you a better wince. Stomp did the heavy lifting.
Starting point is 00:26:19 How dare you. And I think Zirk is going to run into range and pull out his Flintlock and say, sorry, Owen, but I'm more of a holistic guy. And I'm going to cast Firebolt. Sweets. That is a natural 20. Woohoo!
Starting point is 00:26:38 We all done great on Owen. Yeah. I don't know. Everything bad always happens to me. OK. You say stuff like that. It's really unsentific. Yeah, I don't know everything bad always happens to me You say stuff like that. It's really on sympathetic. You just don't do that kind of talk around here anymore, okay? Yeah for real no one's bet no one's life is worse than me Look at Jake no No, mind's even worse. I live at the temple by myself. No one wants to hang out
Starting point is 00:27:01 Everyone used to hang out now nobody hangs out. There's so many other fairies here What about Kalista Kalista hates me? Oh Just like a aren't you just like well Kalista seems like she's got her own sort of Unsaved her he has also hates you Kalista wants to hurt you. I'm on your side Don't you guys understand I'm on your side. She was talking shit about you guys. What she say She was These little humanoids coming through the one with the books, but she can't even read those books very fast
Starting point is 00:27:35 I feel like he's making this up for you. Yeah, I don't think she Feel start walking I need to go read some books in front of a fucking fairy, bitch. Hold me back, miss. Hold me back. You see an octopus flapping in the ice. Both of our im sorry. I wanted to include you, but you just don't move fast enough as an octopus. Yes, no miss. This isn't great. He's just slip sliding around on the ground. Ah, damn shank. Why can't you ever be an octopus? He killed, let me in the goddamn snow. That's 22 points of fire damage good God
Starting point is 00:28:09 And then I'm going to as a bonus action petally move the sphere closer to all win Stop we can play this game all day. You know I'm going to dodge this silly fireball over and over and over again going to dodge this silly fireball over and over and over and over again. Stop dodging it, you look better in this lighting. No, I don't. I look better in the moonlight. That is back up to Henry. Okay, so Shank is immune to all conditions. So does that mean he's not stuck in the snow?
Starting point is 00:28:39 The snow is gone. Snow has melted away. Oh, okay, great. So then Shank is going to move his 30 feet away from me down the cave, okay? And the attacks are going to originate from Shank's position, not mine. Great.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Shank, I'm not the guy that put you in the snow. It technically, it started with Owen. I blame everybody, okay. Well, take it out on him first. All right. That is a 21 and a 14 to hit. 14 misses, 21 hits. Okay. I was just about to say you guys don't miss,
Starting point is 00:29:12 but sometimes you do. That is, that's 10 damage. Oh, I'm gonna unleash incarnation and have Shank attack all on his own. Okay. That is a two. There we go. Shank, as a shadow somehow slips on the ice
Starting point is 00:29:27 You're supposed to be immune Slip on the shadow the ice it's slippery. It's magical eyes No one in no shadow is immune to my slippery nose. Maybe you can hang out with Moria. They seem cool little mollusks Why careful do not insult the mollus? I think I might I am it if you're night with Moria, they seem cool. Little mollusks, why? Careful, do not insult the mollus, I think I might have. I am a future night of Moria, so you might want to tread lightly on these bean ice. Moria, Moria, to gross little mollusks, who cares? You see, until you see me wearing a dress. Just to finish the dress.
Starting point is 00:30:03 What? What? Just to see. Just the dress. What? Just to see where I could dress. That dress of muscles clipped to my skin. So not, I clipped to your skin? Clipped to your skin? Yeah. Yeah, I'm clinging to me a little bit.
Starting point is 00:30:18 To be fair, that would freak literally all of us out. Oh, great. I would leave. I would run. You might think she'd be wearing a dress made of pearls. No. No, not that. Fuck your mullers.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Oh! He makes. Oh my gosh. I speed on my soul on a sculpture of a clam and then shatters it as a layer actor. Everyone run. I see those that you got. He's fucking cursed. He's done. Makes an attack against each those that you got. He's fucking cursed, he's done.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Makes an attack against each one of you guys. First one against Zirk. Misses. Second one against Fia. Is an 18-hit? Yeah, Shield. Shield. Hey, blocks it.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Can I say that? Can we say that out of nowhere? Clam shell comes up. Yeah, you're a giant fucking hermit crab. Yeah. I'll hail the future night of Moria. One goes against Hank, that's 17 hit. That hits.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Can I crown or shift that hit? You sure can. Okay, I'm going to crown or shift that hit. Oh, I love the trill of that R. Fear! Fear looks at what has happened. And she remembers a different future. How about that always?
Starting point is 00:31:25 Who would think about the future when there's so many great memories in the past? I came in here and you're talking about remembering the future and now I try to play your game and you act like it's so weird. It's just weird. It's a re-roll the attack. Sorry, it's still hit. That's an idea. uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh Mechanically you're gonna be doing death saves, but you guys see Henry begins to freeze. He's not like struggling to breather anything You see he has like frozen in place and you see ice is beginning to take over his body. That is Owens turn. Oh no. Owens is going to go ahead and cast ice storm. That doesn't sound so bad and cast ice storm. What in sense, who bad? Via and Zirk go ahead and give me dexterity saving throws.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Henry, you are automatically gonna fail this. Again, he's trying to take your death saves away, but not because they're death saves, they're like frozen for life saves. 18 for fear. Almost, man. You might think that this storm of hell that I am bringing down
Starting point is 00:32:43 and your unconscious friend is hurting him but really all I'm doing is trying to preserve it. It hurts. You want to preserve him while it's nuts out? That was not my choice. Yeah, I'm so sorry but I since Henry is out right now I'll say he's out in like a really unflattering position. It's just it's too cruel. I really get his skinny jeans. That's like picking my nose with one of my claws. This is like, I don't think you want to remember him like this. And I won't. Yeah, Zirk is watching Henry reach down his ass to scratch himself and get Enrolls a six.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Just move my arm. Please. Fia, you take 10 damage, Zirk, you take 20. Oh no, that is exactly how much HP. I had left yikes One heath point you were at one point one the heath point 11 the points and you said 10. I can't believe we're getting waxed by winds You know he does look very very hurts. Oh there by wins. You know he does look very very hurts. Oh there. Bad news though gang but luckily Fiya is next in the order. Oh boy. I will take him. Henry lost one death save. You see as
Starting point is 00:33:56 he's pelted with these balls of hail begins to freeze more. You see Zerk begins to freeze as he goes unconscious and begins entering like a frozen stasis. And then- Sprydell is still around though, right? Sprydell is still around, yeah. Okay, I will have BookVar continue to move five feet. I'm trying my best miss. It's very slippery. It's very far. It's kind of just seems like it's not gonna happen just flocks around And then I will attack him with my sword
Starting point is 00:34:33 16 plus 7 is a 23 hits I hit him for hold on 11 damage, okay on death store. Oh. Fuck, he's on DeathStore. Let's just stay here forever. Yeah. Slows down time to realize this position she is in. I will try to keep him one more time with my board perist. Okay. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Don't play his game. I will use a crownal shift because that's not even... Oh boy. Does it 20 hit? 20 does hit. 13 damage. Fia? Yes!
Starting point is 00:35:25 Finish him. Oh my God! Holy shit! Oh that was tight. Okay, I would like to gut him with my flaming sword and then take my flaming sword over to unthaw my friends. Joylessly. You see, as you pull out your green flame blade, you slash him once, you get him down the death's door, he goes, Fiya, no, it doesn't have to be like this.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I say I know you are just an illusion. I know you're not actually here. This is a manifestation of you. This is true, Perhaps we will meet again I will not hold this against you because you did save Patilda if you don't hold it against me I could never let a little bit of hard stabbing come between friends Anyways, the fire is like leaking you and you are pretty charged now So I need to use this to unthought my friends bye bye so you stab into into Owen you see as it pierces his chest you feel a heat wave in the
Starting point is 00:36:32 tunnel you see the ice around you begins to melt Owen himself is surrounded by hovering condensation as his frosty aura melts away you see his icy form turns to water as he splashes into the river and disperses. Quickly all the snow and ice melts around you and the current of the river picks up again because he was not trying to kill you guys. Once like the curse breaks that he was trying to like freeze you guys with Henry and Zirk you guys pop up to one HP. So you guys come to, and you see, Fia, like in the air, has just been stabbing this dude. He turns to water.
Starting point is 00:37:11 You guys all fall into the cold water, and the water begins picking up again, going down the tunnel. Oh, cold cold cold, watch the film. I'll say you guys are able to, Fia, you're able to get to Patilda and secure her. Patilda, grab onto me. A little fang, it's cold in here.
Starting point is 00:37:30 It's all, it's all grew up former raft, former raft. Here, warm yourself on your sword. This is your sword. Let me give this back to you. I'm sorry that I had to borrow it. No, you'll do more good with it than I will. Book far, where's my tea? Why are you ice skating? Now I'm swimming.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Where did you get eight little roller skates? Roller skates, why roller skates? Ice skates, I meant to say. Well, that was where I went wrong. I was wearing roller skates. That's why you only move five feet. That's why you only move five feet. That's why I only move five feet. So you guys are able to grab a tilt up
Starting point is 00:38:10 and you guys start reaching the end of the tunnel. You guys begin to feel the open air and out in front of you all you see is clouds from this massive height. It looks as if you're about to go over the edge of a massive waterfall. Henry steer us, Henry! How do we steer? How do we steer? Maybe we do find the side. Let's try to find the side.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Are you sure? Moria, Moria, please shuttle us safely with your clams. Moria, give us your krill. As you shout for Moria, you guys suddenly see a few ropes lower down from above the tunnel Moria is guys everybody give me athletics checks to try to grab them. Oh boy. I am out of chronal shifts now my Dear zirk failed rope class 13 for fias. Okay, I rolled a 25 Do I do it good enough that I can kick my foot out to Zirk? Oh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:39:07 I'm breaking a 20. I will say that you'll allow Zirk to do another athletics check. Thank you Zirk is prone in the water like a log. Yeah, Zirk doesn't know how to swim really He's not a swimmer. Yeah, he has to find the top. Yeah, the top of the water is what you want to be my mom said that if you're on the water Then there's no escape. There's no escape from the villagers if you're of the water is what you want to be my mom said that if you're on the water then there's no escape There's no escape from the villagers if you're in the water So I just want to let go of the vials. You have too many bags. You have too many bags, sir I rolled one higher that is a seven that time okay, he's a see you're able to grab on to the rope Henry you're able to grab on to the rope you swing your foot forward and
Starting point is 00:39:42 Zirk you are not able to grab it. You guys see Zirk is going over the edge of the river here. How far away is he? We'll say he's like five feet away, like he just missed your foot. I'm gonna summon Shank and put him in the water with Zirk. Okay. Oh, what the fuck? And then I should be able to swap places with him just for a second to try to grab on the rope. Oh. So you're going to summon Shank and use him almost like an extender like he can grab onto your foot and grab on dessert.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Yeah. OK, I will let you make an athletics check now to try to grab on dessert. Shank, I owe you one buddy. That is a dirty, dirty 20. Oh, that does it. You see, Shank appears is able to, dirty 20. Oh, that does it. You see, Shank appears, is able to grab onto Zirk. I put my body directly over Shank's face.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I can't see, I can't, nope, nope. It's another Bjorn situation. Yeah, good God. Shank, your story is so tragic. You guys see, there is one empty rope next to you guys that just gets pulled up You feel somebody pulling up the rope with Henry and Zirk on it and you feel want somebody pulling up the rope with Fion it and you guys get to The cliff overhanging this tunnel here
Starting point is 00:41:03 And you see that lusts grower and his crew are the ones pulling you guys up. And you see lust-scrar, I'm just both feet planted in like a fucking wide stance. It's just, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh and Henry on the rope. Oh, yeah. Oh my god. Macho man, the Randy said. Yeah. I give him a kiss on the cheek. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Thank you. So you guys are pulled. You're on the side of a massive cliff. It goes a bit higher. You can tell that that's where the rest of the temple is built into the mountain. But there's not much else higher than you guys. You guys are high, high in the sky on top of this tunnel.
Starting point is 00:41:47 And you see the last square goes... We stuck around because I was truly curious if Batilda could possibly be saved. I didn't think it was possible, but you've done it. Batilda is the strongest bitch in all the land. Right? Show them, Batilda. That's right! I give her the sword. Do a quick show like you used to do for me. Yeah, it's just very... Patilt, Patilt, Patilt can do anything. I sit down, cross-legged.
Starting point is 00:42:20 You see, she just immediately collapses with the weight of the sword. There's just a loud clang. It's the rocks. She begins unceremoniously sliding down the side of the mountain. I'm going to need you to step away from my patient. Everyone is all part of the show. And Rhea does a little golf clap. It's building the tension.
Starting point is 00:42:39 You think she's going to fall. And then she's really fast. Very interesting. It's going to be a free fall soon Should we should we grab her? Because please it just seems like a lot of work to save her and then for this to be her and it doesn't feel job It's an interesting it's an interesting show What a twist she just seems like if if it were part of the show that she would get up at some point
Starting point is 00:43:00 You see just she just continues the slide down the mountain. Maybe it's an get up at some point. You see just you just continue to slide down the mountain. Maybe it's an intermission. This is a really long thing. I know any second any second. You see, um, Lusgargo's over, um, Grabser, and, um, picks her up kind of hoist and stir up, um, and he goes, we have an outpost close by. We can get her to a bed. Yes, yes, we need a bed immediately. So if you have an outpost for your love to go there.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Yes. This episode of NAD pod your love to go there. Yes. This episode of NADPOT has brought to you by Bird Dogs. They're a company that makes pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered. Now we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's gonna be difficult. Luckily Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier. Bird Dogs stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look.
Starting point is 00:43:54 And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, Bird Dogs invented a cloud knit fabric that looks just like khaki, but stretches so you get a way slimmer fit without having to sacrifice movement. And trust me, you are going to need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother, make sure you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti-style tumbler, go to slash pop-off or enter promo code pop-off at checkout. That's slash pop-off or promo code pop-off for a free Yeti-style
Starting point is 00:44:33 Tumblr. You won't want to take your bird dogs off, we promise you. Okay, that's it for me, go team pants and enjoy the show. You see that the other deep folk begin setting up like climbing equipment and ropes to begin climbing down the mountain. I won't make you guys do athletics checks. Oh, thank you. That's good because we all have one key point three. Don't get hit by like a pebble or anything, okay?
Starting point is 00:45:00 If we all fail, we just don't, don't, don't. Yeah, out, out. Zerks, he's a vulture's eyes staring at him through the night. Oh no! You just attract these things. There's so many swirling overhead. Lesca Arnes crew are really buttoned up. They're all about mountain safety. Oh cool. Bale blay. Wow. Repelling. You guys, I'll go down the mountain. You see you are at a lake at the base of this massive waterfall. You see, Lusgrar leads you to a pathway behind the waterfall. You guys hear the thunderous sounds of the water crashing.
Starting point is 00:45:43 You see mist fills the air. And you see Lusgrar approaches a fissure in the rock face. And he speaks to it and he goes. Blood from stone. Glory to Zelbaldar. Fucking awesome. You see the fissure shakes and cracks open. Lusgrar, let me know if we all need to speak that,
Starting point is 00:46:04 if you need anyone else to yell it you see it begins to close what I've never seen this I've got blood from stone blood from sclerd is over the right will accept you it keeps close to the blood stone you see the fissure shakes and cracks open, revealing the secret door. Lost guard leads you guys through a dark tunnel that quickly widens out to an underground town.
Starting point is 00:46:32 You guys see, the stone beneath your feet goes from being, you know, the dirt and the rock of the mountain to looking cut and designed, kind of like cobblestone. You see in this wide, wide cavern, you see lights and fires in different stone houses around the perimeter of the town. And straight ahead of you, you see the town square, you see dozens of deep folk out and about. The centerpiece is a fountain with a bronze hue. You see an autumn fairy with a stern look in a cloak of leaves. There are different shops and taverns and inns. You see hunters on their way out of the mountain. You see minors going deeper in. You see cooks, cooking giant cuts of like yedi meat on a spit. You see there are people out here drinking. It's kind of a mix of work and play.
Starting point is 00:47:27 You guys do see sprites in here too. You see sprites and sprite lamps around town lighting the way with a warm glow. And that's a little bit strange just because you didn't really see sprites in the mountains. So it does seem like these are kind of an inherently magical people that like the sprites and the sprites like them. Let's go on how long have your people been here? We've been in this outpost for a few years. There are over a dozen of these throughout the mountain. It serves our nomadic lifestyle
Starting point is 00:47:58 while also giving us some permanence and some protection against horrors or other natural predators. Are there tunnels that connect to within the mountain? So that you never see the light of day? There are tunnels within the mountain. We don't have to see the light of day, but some of us travel outside to hunt yeties and whatnot. Very interesting. And pneumatic tubes for male and sewage and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:48:23 We don't really do with tubes. Hopefully different, different tubes for each one. I too would like to know about the postal system. We just have like magic and stuff, I guess. Okay, Zerk writes down magic. That's usually the answer, I don't know why I ask. Interesting. Can I send a postcard right now?
Starting point is 00:48:42 I'd like to see it in action. Oh, I also wanted to send a postcard right now. I'd like to see it in action. Oh, I also wanted to send a postcard. Uh, very well, we can pick some up at the gift store later. Okay, and I actually have to use the bathroom. So if I could see the magic toilet, that would get right. A hidden town, we did give store for toilets. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Stationary supplies. Well, you know, deep full from other outposts come here and they want to get the postcard from Zell Bull D'Arre 7 to show that they've you it's kind of a thing to try to collect to collect, you know, all all 23. Right. Life is heaven in Zell Bull D'Arre 7. You have just placed a challenge on my plate and I will eat it up concretely. All 23 you said? 23. All right. We have quarter. The outposts are named in dedication to we once had a great underground city called Zelbald R that
Starting point is 00:49:40 spanned the length of these great mountains, but it was destroyed many years ago by a great earthquake. Sorry to hear that. Yes, the very Sienna warned us of its impending destruction, but we did not listen at the time, but we always heed her wisdom now. Would you say all the fairies with wisdom should be heated or are some of them wrong sometimes?
Starting point is 00:50:04 Absolutely, some of them are wrong sometimes Absolutely some of them will try all of them. We'll try to absolutely fuck you. Yes, okay to hear this You see until the begins coughing You just died Let's get her let's get her to a bed. It's just yeah, we'll talk post-parts later We were all also about to die so it's nice to have a moment to breathe. Let's go. You see, he nods to a tavern nearby. You see a swinging wooden sign that reads the Earth and Ale tavern, and he goes, my mother owns that place, she will give us a bet.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Nice. Connected. So you guys go to the Earth and Elle in and you guys see a lively tavern with warm lights and lanterns. You see outside a swinging wooden sign reads Earth and Elle. You enter and instantly hear the sounds of intense drumming. You see there's a shirtless deep folk playing this elaborate set of drums with two big batons. It sounds like halfway between
Starting point is 00:51:10 like war drums and then also like double bass pedal metal. Awesome. Just like super super intricate. The dude's like sweaty as hell. Do I take damage from this? Yeah you guys die. Inspirations own. Inspirations, you're dead. Yeah, it's definitely one of those things where it's just super, super loud. And everybody is screaming to each other to talk in here. But it seems like that's just the volume that this place gets to. You guys see there are people here at tables drinking
Starting point is 00:51:35 and having lively chats. And you see behind the bar, there is a woman that looks a lot like a lust scar. But older, like him, she has white white hair, but with more like wrinkles around her cheeks and eyes, you see she has the same like septum piercing, but her tusks are pointed downward. Is there anyone drinking a tall dark stout? Oh yeah. And are there any ash trays for a good celebratory cigar?
Starting point is 00:52:02 Oh, you have not had a cigar in forever. No, I've been waiting. We've been very busy. I needed something to celebrate. I want to smell the sweet stink of a cigar, little fang. I looked at Dr. Zirk. Like I look at Patel, and I looked at Dr. Zirk and I say, is it okay if I smoke around her?
Starting point is 00:52:22 I think she's probably. I think she's probably. Medical opinion. I mean, medically speaking, no. But it seems like she's pretty used to it, and honestly, yeah, it might help lead her back to life. So guys in my mouth already have way of action. Well, let's go.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I'm noticing a lot of the children are smoking and drinking. Is that okay? Yes. We age a little slower. Those children are 50 years old Understand I took my hat at them You see a couple of kids smoking cigars. Hey, you got a fucking problem, buddy. You're wearing a diaper Cheers little guy or big guy old guy. What did you what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:53:00 Just say forgive my friend. Yes, Shank what you say to that kid? This gang of youngsters, um, surround you? Hey, hope you don't hit your head on any fucking, uh, low beams. Tall guy? I didn't say my shadow. It was my shadow. This guy said, this guy said, this guy said, this guy said, this guy said, this guy said, what's the weather like up there? Haha!
Starting point is 00:53:20 I call you a tall glass of water, but you don't look healthy. Maybe a tall glass of cola, but you don't look healthy. Maybe a tall glass of cola, huh? Okay, huh? Alright, ha, hearty, ha, ha, alright, very funny. It's because you're bubbly, they sense your bubbly personality. Henry, you're shaking. Why is your fist shaking? No, I can't be sensitive. You'll know about this stuff. Alright, get the fuck out of here, kids.
Starting point is 00:53:42 You see the bus car? You all said them? Yes, Graham. Just wait until you ain't around lusk, Grah We'll see what happens to you then Okay Yeah, you come find me You come find me around the Yedi's Around the Yedi meets Dan, alright? I'll come find you if I need anybody to reach anything
Starting point is 00:53:57 On a super high shelf The shortest one of the three of us You should probably come to me I am the tallest And I've got long limbs They start kind of laughing amongst each other and they go. Hey, it's all you have to do a duck to get in the doorway There and long limbs Tops you fear what well. Maybe I was bowing out of respect. You could show some respect yourself I'm not worth the fee I flash my tusks
Starting point is 00:54:22 Ometergy to make them sparkle. You're dropping Matilda. Go ahead and give you a intimidation check for you. Oh, can I help with the intimidation? By just, I'll grab Fia's arm and act like she's done this too many times. Yeah, yeah. Not again, we've been kicked out of too many towns. We've helped by a world in eight and a seven,
Starting point is 00:54:39 so eight minus one is seven. Ha, ha, ha. You see, this kid flashes his very large tusks and it takes a sip. Oh shit, they're very tall. I'm a bit of a thick fear. I've been out tusked. You see Luscar walks up to his mother for a second. You see he grabs a key from her and kind of motions for you guys to follow him upstairs.
Starting point is 00:55:05 You guys go upstairs you see there are a few rooms on both sides of the hall. Lusgar uses a key on one of them and opens it and you find a simple room. You see a gray stone floor with a white fur rug. You see a small fireplace, a large bed with animal fur blankets. You see some furniture. You see a small chest to like your items away, and a window that overlooks the town. And Fia, you're able to set Batilda down here. And you see Luscarar goes, Is there anything else you'll need? I can have them send up some food in ale for you if you'd rather take your dinner here with her or... I will have to, I will stay with Batilda but you can both go do whatever you need.
Starting point is 00:55:49 No, I need to be here to monitor her vitals. I want to make sure that she's recovering at pace. I will take a tall dark, although as I said before and one for Batilda as well. Yeah, make that three. I'm not going anywhere. Luscar gives you guys a little nod and leaves. You guys see a few minutes later a servant brings up Trays of food in ale. There are these like cave delicacies They actually look quite good kind of big-shelled creatures with lots of meat inside kind of looks like lobster They are almost
Starting point is 00:56:23 Almost like a bad bitch. I will inside kind of looks like lobster. They are almost. Fia. They're almost like game mollusks. I'm bad, this. I will subsist to an enthusiasm for a moment. You, I must ask, do you have anything with an internal vertebrate system? I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, man. Most people don't care well. You see, you leaves.
Starting point is 00:56:43 You see, Batilda is lying in the this bed, stirring a little fitful. You see bookvar is attempting to make tea as an octopus. You see he like blows over to the fire place. Bookvar, maybe it's time we put on our favorite outfit again. And I do find familiar to turn him into a book again. He turns back into a book. This will be much easier, Miss. You see he starts flapping while holding a teapot and starts trying to a lint of fire. How water going everywhere. Vodka, everyone. It's a very hot. The octopus should have
Starting point is 00:57:19 been better suited for this. Yeah, you could have steeped eight cups. This section's though are unpredictable. Oh, that's a good point. I think as I see, the tilde is feed full. I take out my hand and I put it over a drink that has been brought in and I cast ceremony holy water. I want to put some trickster mischief into this to try to nurse her a bit and give it to her because I just you know to have I have So little to help. This is what I have to help. You know, we can also put some cave bug meat in there if you want
Starting point is 00:57:54 It's very nourishing Henry's just sucking the cloth Yeah, after saying he wouldn't Delay gives it Henry. I am hungry. I angle the cup away from Mr. Henry. More cloth than me. You do this little ceremony on this ale. You feed it to Batilda. You see, she starts to come. Yes, maybe with a little spoon like medicine.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Feed ale to Batilda with a spoon. You see, she drinks it happily. You see, she kind of opens her eyes slowly and she goes Hmm ale and cigars Feels like home doesn't it little thing? Well, I had to bring you back somehow, but till the are you well enough to speak first off? I have your blade and I give her the crescent blade it got got into the wrong hands, but I took it back and it is yours again. You see, you've kind of just like laid it on her bed.
Starting point is 00:58:53 She's not really like moving around a lot. She just kind of like nods and she goes, well, it looks like it found its way into some good hands. Yes, but you know, there are better hands that are looking pretty healthy right now. You see, because you are too kind to my extremely unhealthy hands. I jam three IVs into your hands.
Starting point is 00:59:17 How? You can do that more gently, certainly. I'm working on it. I believe we are in need of introduction. I am Batilda the Blade, Guardian of the Grove, and Witch of the Woods, Little Fang, who are your companions? I am so sorry. I did not introduce.
Starting point is 00:59:37 I'm so sorry. Batilda, this is Mr. Henry. He is my swimming instructor. That's right. Third mate of the SS scampy as well. At your service. Yes, and he is a great sailor, and he is cursed. But with a shadow, who is more cursed than he?
Starting point is 01:00:00 Yeah, that's right. Ah, kid, I kid. There's no being in my book. There's no B. I ate that one. I didn't think you wanted that one. Ah! And his name is Shank.
Starting point is 01:00:11 And then this is Dr. Zurk. And he is a great worker of health and medicine. And he carries with him a little creature named Spritell. Yes. It's very nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you. Kinley and Via have told us so much about you and your order and we're just really glad that we can help.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Yes, perhaps it would feel good to know that little introduction is necessary from you because I have done this already in your name. We've heard amazing things. Yeah, you got a really cool train car by the way. Thank you. You've really cool train car by the way. Oh, I hope it is okay In the past eight years I have had several guests including the delivery of a wolf pup Where wolf of course, we saw the stain Already Randy finally settled down, did he? Yes, that's wonderful. Yes, I would hope little fang that you would have guests
Starting point is 01:01:05 over eight years eight years I was Locked away. Is that right and yes, and I also want to say I am sorry that I didn't come look for you It it just I did not know if you even wanted to be found it It felt lucky that you even chose me at first So I didn't want to to push it or anything if I had known your own trouble I would have gathered whatever girl courage I could to come find you. You see, she holds her hand up, she goes, little fang, we're together now, you saved me, that's what's important. Now, you say you've spoken to Kenley, it seems it seems like you've put together a
Starting point is 01:01:46 lot of the dots on your own. You've learned more about the order than I ever taught you. I did plan on teaching you about it someday, but you were just a young girl when I left. I take out the book, the Guardians of the Grove book. We have had this in our employee. Well, it has been eight years. You might know more than me about some things. Why don't you tell me and fill me in. We know that someone, the prophet Kane, I think he is called, or maybe you just knew him as Kane, we know that he betrayed you. All wins showed us a sort of blue ray. Yeah, because it was blue, blue rays.
Starting point is 01:02:31 That's it, yes. Of course, blue, magic rays. Blue rays, yes. Sort of something, project something. Crystal clear image. So you guys generally fill her in on your adventure so far. Unless there's anything you guys want to hide or anything. Is there anything you guys want to hide from her
Starting point is 01:02:48 or do you just kind of feel- I had nothing. You had nothing. We are open bookvars. I think what are spilling out of my mouth and I cannot gather them back in because I am just excited to speak to Patil. You see, hearing back your guys story
Starting point is 01:03:04 in your adventure so far, the two things that kind of shock her the most are that Kane has come back is something that she did not know. And then she's also surprised, but heartened to know that you guys know about arena and serenesis because this was her job and she's been out for eight years. So she might have thought that. She had been taken in that time, so she's relieved.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Well, now that we've found you, we do have a few questions for you as well, if that's all right. Of course. One of the reasons that we were tasked with finding you is because you're the only person that knows potentially the location of Cerenesis. Do you have any leads for us?
Starting point is 01:03:53 That was actually why we called the meeting in the first place, the one you saw on Blu-ray. Until recently, or until eight years ago, most of the other blades did not know about Sarenesis and her multiple reincarnations. To protect her secrecy, and keep her safe, there was always only one blade and one smith who knew about it, and that was me and my mentor, the vampire Lord Braden Kenley. Great guy. Great guy. However, Sarenesis points to Fia. Fia, you would know her as arena.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Arena. Had just recently gone on the run again after escaping another attempt on her life. And this time, I was having trouble tracking her down. Kenley and I called a meeting of the rest of the plates to present our predicaments, perhaps not necessarily planning on giving all of the details to protect Sarones' identity, but just enough to stress the importance that we find this girl before the Reaper folk do. But as we were telling everyone, our ally, Kane, revealed that he knew all about Sarenesis.
Starting point is 01:05:14 He revealed to the rest of the blades our secret. He even knew things that I didn't know. That apparently the Reaper was aware of Sarenesis and had locked the gates of Revery until she was hunted down, so effectively no soul could ascend to heaven. Most of the blades felt betrayed by us, but Cain took it a step further. He said he'd learned everything from a prophet of the Reaper, a sorceress named Maksora. This Maksora suddenly appeared at the meeting and offered us a deal. Join the Reaper's cause, hunt Cerenesis, and we'd be on a clean slate with the Reaper. No more being locked out of heaven. Now, the blades were plenty mad at me and canley for withholding information, but joining
Starting point is 01:06:13 the Reaper wasn't an option. We refused. Moxora said that we would change our minds eventually, maybe even when we met the Reaper in death. Then she summoned some constructs, and with the help of Kane, managed to cut down most of my friends right in front of me. I'm heartened to hear that, Lord Kenley was able to survive. Anyway, Kane and I ended up having a knockdown dragout fight throughout the temple. He disarmed me and I lost my sword, but I managed to get
Starting point is 01:06:47 him with a dagger in the eye. Allwyn found me bleeding out near the secret door at the bottom of the temple, and that's the last thing I remember. I'm so upset that that fight wasn't captured on Blu-ray. I bet it would have been a really cool single shot tracking thing that would have really been sick. Yeah. I would ace that up. And Owen moved to not show the ending
Starting point is 01:07:11 to just have some kind of artsy thing where it just kind of left up to interpretation, right? Where you have to assume for yourself, but some people don't have imagination, you know? Where was Maxora from? What do you know about this Maxora? It would seem as if she was the corrupting factor and the guardians betrayal. You see she shrugs and she goes if I had information about her I would
Starting point is 01:07:41 have been more prepared for the the ray meeting, as it were. What do you think we do? Do we go, do we search for arena or do we go to the source of the problem and try to find Maxora? Or do we kind of just be like, you know, this is as far as we go, the blade's got it from here. Hand goes back to being a clerk. I think I should search for Arena. I want to find her.
Starting point is 01:08:10 I think Little Fang's got the right of it. Now, if Kenley thinks Arena and Sarenesis is still alive, there is a chance she has come into her powers and maybe able to help us as much as we can help her. Okay, so we need arena. You see she nods and she goes arena was able to mask her identity in some way where even I was having trouble tracking her down. Now currently I am still the best person to help track her down even though I may not have a lot of leads at this point. Much like the way you feel an attachment and my age, I was considering retiring
Starting point is 01:09:10 at some point. I believe at this point my knowledge is more helpful than any fighting I could do, although I am still quite capable. But I do think it's important to follow in Kenley's footsteps and do my best to prepare the next generation. Yes, of course. Fia, I would like to pass my blade on to you officially. And she gestures to the rest of you guys, and she goes, and to welcome all of you into the Guardians.
Starting point is 01:09:41 I can say that Fia is a great choice. Yes, we will vouch for Fia. Raw athletic talent there is, it's on par a lot. Not all about just being athletic. What about would the two of you not take the oath? Hey, I take the oath. I'm just a full disclosure. I've been cursed by, I believe, a Males fairy.
Starting point is 01:10:04 So, I don't know if you... You don't know if you... You don't know, yeah? So, we're 100% certain it was Moria. Are you growing a shell or something? I inspect the shank for Barnaby. I would say you are incredibly forthcoming, and so I do not think that there is a motionless shell on you.
Starting point is 01:10:27 coming. And so I do not think that there is a motionless shell on you. Anyway, often when a blade gets to retirement, they can become a smith. Would the three of you accept me as your smith? That I can know. Gladly. But till that, I would be your blade, but I don't know if I should use your blade. I think that you deserve to retire with your trusty sword at your hip. Would it not feel good to have it in it at your side at all times? Fia, you are my blade. This is your blade. You see, she picks it up and hands it to you. Would you accept me as your smith?
Starting point is 01:11:11 She has eyes dark back and forth between the sword and Patilda and reaches out so slowly and then grabs it really white not will good then let's take the oath you see she In a paint grown Rips the blanket off of her and like gingerly she still paint kind of like hops up and goes I think as I see this it doesn't even make me think that she's like out of sorts because I'm used to her just like grumbling and complaining and being like. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Book for where are we on that tea? I'm trying this. I'm getting used to being a book again. You see, he's fully on fire. How? Why? I toss him bending over my shoulder. He's able to get it. You see, she takes a cup of tea, grabs a piece of chalk from her pack, and heads to Fien goes, Fien, be a deer, and make a little circle in the center of the room.
Starting point is 01:12:21 I sprint around and circle it so many times. It's perfect. It's a blur. We are in the eye of the room. I sprint around and circle it so many times. It's perfect. Whoa, it's a blur. We are in the eye of the storm. This is a perfect circle. I measured it. The circumference is absolutely flawless. How did you do that?
Starting point is 01:12:35 I have red geometry. She flicks her wrist and with a magical can trip, lights a bunch of candles around the room. You see, she holds her hand out to you, Fian. And she goes, I know I just gave you the blade, but may I borrow it for a moment. Get yours, of course. You see, she takes the blade back, and she goes, alright, now everyone take a knee in the circle. Gladly.
Starting point is 01:13:03 I take two. That means you. I don't know if I'm taking the circle. Gladly. I take two. That means you. I don't know if I'm taking the oath. He doesn't. And necessarily have to do it. Bookmark getting here. Can book for a Beyblade? I ask too much.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Forget it. For ten, I never ask. I know. Yeah, bookmark and sort of Beyblade, sure. I'm coming. I'm just getting a little towel to put down under my knee. If that's okay. You guys all take a any in the circle.
Starting point is 01:13:26 She puts the blade on Fiya's shoulder kind of like she's nighting her and then moves it to each of you guys as she does a reading. You see she pulls out a little book from her pack and begins reading and you guys feel like this is like a spell, this is like a ceremony. You see even like, Sprite will begin to like whip around it in the way that they would during like a fairy promise. But till to speak and goes. I am the Smith that crafts the blade. You are my ward, my iron, forged in fire, turned to steel to protect ideals fragile beautiful things Warriors of whimsy arcane assassins unseen the tricksters mind and soul made whole by your human heart You see she moves the book kind of to the side and smiles and goes
Starting point is 01:14:21 Now say this next part back to me, but replace the eyes with use, and the use with eyes, you'll get it. Zerks sweats. She continues. She continues. You hear the loud crunch of shank in the background, eating a cave monster. She continues and goes, I am the Smith that crafts the blade. You are the blade that hunts the horror. You are the Smith that crafts the blade. I am the blade that hunts the horror. I am the blade that hunts the horror.
Starting point is 01:14:57 I am the blade that hunts the horror. I feel like you two are just repeating the last thing I said. Okay. It's hard. I could just try it one more time. It's okay to not get it right the first time. Okay. I am the Smith that crafts the blade.
Starting point is 01:15:13 You are the blade that hunts the horror. You are the Smith that crafts the blade. I am the blade that hunts the horror. You see she nods and she goes, and it is a good day to begin the hunt. You see she closes the book with a smack and suddenly all of the candles in the room turn green. You guys see the chalk filled circle in the stone floor. Suddenly grows lush with grass, like a small grove appearing in the circle.
Starting point is 01:15:45 And you guys see a small leafy green tree appears. You guys kneel in its shade as you feel a magic blessing rain down on you from above. All of your guys' weapons are now plus one and magical and have hidden abilities. Fuck yeah. That will reveal later. What?
Starting point is 01:16:03 What? Fiya, you see Batilda hands her sword to you and when you touch it You feel Kind of like you do when you hold book far you feel like closer to arena You feel her magic and you can tell that now you Have become the protector of serenesis And that's where we'll end our session. Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 01:16:29 Shit! Yeah, it's official. You're a ward. We did it! Wow! Somebody recognized us. Wow, the third mate's got promoted. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Gosh, man, that was incredible. I can't believe we almost died multiple times. That's true. Yeah, that's true. None of this would have happened if Fia had one less age pace. Jesus Christ. Yes. Oh my God. It's important to roll good on those hit dice everybody. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I got thorns and roses to discuss. Yes. Toronto. You can hear us talk about all of that. Talk about the show over on our patreon slash nad pod. That's n-a-d-d-p-o-d. Don't sing yet.
Starting point is 01:17:08 We, you, I, are the blades. I don't know. Does anybody have anything they would like to plug? Yeah, I would plug the episode I just did of three black highlights. I believe them on this week's episode. So check that out. Coltville has been on an episode. Lou's been on there. They're coming for you. I'm sure you are this week's episode. So check that out. Coltville has been on an episode. Lou's been on there.
Starting point is 01:17:26 They're coming for you. I'm sure you're off and checking them out. That's right. That's right. Looking forward to it. Sweet, check out three black halflings. You'll see Jake on there. Anybody else have anything to plug?
Starting point is 01:17:37 I would love to very quickly plug just all the nice notes we've gotten at the PO box over the past few months. I've been kind of like saving them up and I'm just gonna read through them all in a quick blast here, a quick blast cast calorie. Last name with kind notes. Here we go. Nice notes came in from Kira said the dog mushroom,
Starting point is 01:17:56 Bay from New York, Kayla and Ottawa, Christina in New England, Adam G in Japan. Wow, which we could visit there. I'll come thank you in person. Yes, Steven L. in Florida, good luck putting your aerospace engineering degree to use Lizzie, who's also spread the joy of D&D to friends in South Korea. A postcard, a book, Adam's cosmic curious cafe from Haley D, Abigail Alex and Margot, Margot who just turned one and a half by the way, congrats baby.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Love babies, love babies now. I'm all about babies. I got a Silla postcard from Sarah. Good luck finishing up your masters Tobias who sent Emily some sigils to use for extra good dice rolling. God have your sigils. I did crib today on an attack and that is truly the best crit feeling ever thank you to bias was it a sigils uh... nisteria who sent along some cute dino stickers and then also a couple of save the dates
Starting point is 01:18:53 uh... we got one from allie and tyler new jersey bethany and daniel and illinois elisha and kale of the west virginia Elizabeth and adam in california and andreah and dominic and north carolina as well as aren and mark who in an Carolina, as well as Aaron and Mark, who in an attached note said that they thought that I was the hot one of the group, and this has gone to my head immediately. Thank you very much, Aaron and Mark.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Okay, I'm gonna weigh in and say that hurts my feelings. But I do like the spray tan that you showed up with. That looks cool. And you got your teeth bleached. It's a it's a jarring. It's an unnatural shade of white for sure. It's like so white.
Starting point is 01:19:36 It's green. It's weird. Yeah, 1920, Hill or seven. No, number two to two. Loosefully, California at 90027. Thanks again for sending us stuff. Sweet big ups to your nubs, everybody. Big ups to your nubs.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Big ups to your nubs. And one more thing to plug. Next week, we will be doing a Trinnyville one shot. Oh, that's right. You're required. It's fun. It's very funny. The triplets are truly awful.
Starting point is 01:20:04 They're essentially bad guys now. They're awesome. It's fun. It's very funny. Triplets are truly awful. Essentially bad guys now. They're, we saved the world. We're allowed to be bad guys now. It's so fucking fun to not have to play a good person. Yeah, a lot of pieces of shit. Yeah, pieces of shit. Yeah, a bit easier than ever.
Starting point is 01:20:19 But yes, this was a five Thursday month. So we decided to do a little special for the, thick Thursday a five Thursday month, so we decided to do a special for the end of the month. So next week, we will have an episode of TriniVale, end of the month. Last Thursday, we will have a D&D course to be on the lookout for that. And then in May, we'll be back with Eldermore and picking up from here. You can follow us on social media and various platforms that we don't use. At CH Murf is me. At Caldys Caldwell, Atty Axard, Demaly, and Atchaker, which is Jake.
Starting point is 01:20:50 You can tweet about the show using hashtag, NADPod, that's NADDPOD. We are we are the youth of the nation. We are we are the youth of the nation. It's the end of the show everyone and you know what that means. We simply must shut out our benevolent council of elders starting with Brad D, Jeffrey S, Haldor Frostback, Steelbreaker and Matt M. D&D players who sacrificed not 20s from their own games to help the third mates Womp all win the Sullen. We owe each of you a summoning kazoo for your service. Jordan DJ, Cutter W, JavG, Zolo Zolo, and Dylan B. Deep Folk Brewers who created a stout beer so thick and dark that it accidentally turned into a light, swallowing miniature black hole.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Looks like Vee is got her hands full. Shoeburt the mushroom, Danielle the Dastardly Dame, Andrew M Beardman Dan, and Scott D, the hairstyles in charge of making sure all when the Sullen's signature, Suwup, is perfectly maintained. Right after they finish, all when we freezes them so that he never has to leave a tip. Rude. Danny P. Mixologist Michael McD. Victor T. Balnor's boy. Andrew B. and Kevin S.
Starting point is 01:22:20 People who bought Vervein brand fireworks for their children. Luckily everyone survived, but Andrew B. did get 1D 4 degree burns on both their hands. Justin I. Nicholas T. Ragnar. Petter Dwind. T.J. M. The Nome Barbarian. Alena M. and Trayle the Cray-Fay. All win the Solens' speech writers. They prepared over 300 different one-liners for every possible outcome of the fight, 90% of which were ice puns, while the other 10% were just straight up stolen follow-up boy lyrics. Jared E. Austin Bonesaw MR. Damien R. And cyborg version of Josh the Cobalt, teachers at the deep folk gambling hall slash elementary school who just found out that due to budget cuts, they're also a dog racing track now.
Starting point is 01:23:11 Wow. Octo Litch, Gage M, Richard X Machina, Michael L, and Sergio Salazar Salaman Sakurai Sdei Sakwani, fairy judges who watched Henry's ice skating performance. However, instead of giving him numerical ratings, they all got together and wrote out, tuck in your nuts, please, instead. Trash the traveler, Sir Carl, Jury S. Dana G. Azalth Shadows, Calum M. and Ryan, followers of Zail, the fairy lord of storms. They can summon gusts of wind at will and ride lightning as if it were horses.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Despite all of this, they wield only a fraction of the power, influence and shrimp enjoyed by the followers of Moria. Jack L. Flaulis Whale. Temporal. Sam L. Nicholas C. And Reese and S. Founders of the Fourth of Vervein!
Starting point is 01:24:09 It's a holiday that the Vervein Corporation is trying to make happen where everyone gets together lights a bunch of dynamite and watches the explosions. So far, it hasn't caught on. Samuel B, Mike H, Matthew E, Colton B, Adam G. and Mateo C. A squad of figure skating octopi that were eyeing Bookfar after his smaffire performance but have since crossed his name off their recruiting list. Nibbadger, Panama James, Cummins the Bard, Adrian the Haffling Bard, and Dan. The makers of Cave Sigars.
Starting point is 01:24:47 The only cigars meant to be smoked in poorly ventilated underground locations. Nikki W. Grace G. Drew Nasty, C.C. Lulu, and Jay. The hosts of Cave Creature Cookoff, the beloved television show in which deep folk compete to whip up the tastiest cave creature creations. Having five hosts seems like a lot, you might say, and you'd be right. Barnes & Aitor, Michelle O. Timmy R. Jonathan W. The Croc-Waring Warrior, and Lucas B. The only five people to ever
Starting point is 01:25:22 collect all 23 Zell-baldar postcards. Lasgras didn't mention them because their names are so hallowed that even to whisper them aloud is blasphemy. Aaron S. Kevin M. Hogfishes above average hog. New York and Steven C. The deep folk that heated Sianna's warning about the earthquake, but not in the way she intended, they actually stayed right where they were, but started an earthquake retrofitting company and other rich. KJ, Michael M, Raoul N, Mike K, Maxwell C, and Karen J. All the previous wards of the
Starting point is 01:26:03 previous incarnations of Sirenesis, who, if they all met, would probably pathetically squabble for Syrinesis's attention for your worst of all. Justin Raccoon, Nick W. Matthew R. Esmi M. and Spartagnus. The Deep Folk Public Works Department, which has gone to great lengths to distinguish their sewage pneumatic tubes from their male pneumatic tubes. But still, every day is defied by misbehaving deep folk youngins. Nathan, Kazamere, they all knowin' Big Bed, Birdle the Mad, Eric M and Jack Mayhoff, members of Owens Pop Punk Band. Right now they just have a bunch of poetry and are currently looking for their Patrick Stump. Burle T, Axel A, Nero, Claudius, Caesar, Augustus,
Starting point is 01:26:54 Germanicus, Christian A, and J Dragonborn. Temple explorers who were frozen by Allwyn on purpose. They've requested to be thought as soon as the emo sideswoop hairstyles come back into fashion. Joral, the inner pro pro, Liam D, the sandrion, Ben A, Faldonis, and Dave H. Lusgrars invisible spotters. They help him perform great feats of strength without ruining any of his mystique. Catherine S. David K. Christian S. Keith K. Kyle H. The Time Walker. And Emilio D. Deep folk, with terrible senses of direction, they haven't been able to make
Starting point is 01:27:38 it back to the outpost in months. They're currently wandering around in the mountains just shouting, blood from stone at every rock. Frankie Koala, big bad John, Aston S, Blair the Boke, Blair Barbarian, and Pork Chop. Ranch hands. No, they aren't hired hands that help out on a ranch, but rather hired hands that help out ranch while he works on a ranch.
Starting point is 01:28:05 It's not confusing, you shouldn't say that it is. Chanel M. Alice, Minette F. Pat L. A Choutha A. and Lauren H. Music critics who have slammed all winds terrible lyrics, they have been frozen and will not be thought until they quote, remember it better. Joshua D. A. K. A. Elias Hawthorn, Maddy Y, Alex H., The eldest Barry, Ryan S. and The Bone Duster, Paladins of Moria, stricken with a terrible curse. They all have a shellfish allergy. Joshua H. Ruben Crisp Idrasil Brentley C. Micah B.
Starting point is 01:28:48 and Ploups A wedding party who booked the temple of the Guardians for their ceremony, they chose the path of the summer fairy and let's just say the wedding night was red hot because Callista said everyone on fire. Carly Ann Connor Savage Russell H. Christopher J.O, Logan S, Leviathan, and Demi A, a group of emo deep folks who go to every Owen the Solon show, but so far, Owen's Patrick Stump has never
Starting point is 01:29:19 shown up, and Owen just reads his poetry over a badly timed bass riff. Bioquart 7. Kenny. Remington CD. Ember K. And Everett P. Collectors of novelty snow globes from Eldermorn, but after hearing what Owen does, they're slightly concerned. Are those real people in there?
Starting point is 01:29:40 Trub. Hop. Dropper. K. So say. Jesse DLR, Lindsay W, Champ Wild, and Valon. Choreographers bringing the story of octopus bookfar on ice to life. So far about four skaters have been injured in the 8-legged ice skate costume, but that's no reason to give up. Sprite Pepsi, Carlin C, Anthony S, Sally S. And Tristan C. The Goose.
Starting point is 01:30:09 50-year-old deep-voke children who learn math by gambling at school. They also learn PE by having drunken barfights. It's awesome. Jake. Emily S. The new Petty King of Out of Borosessi. Matthew J. Scrip the Scripper. I actually made that one crazier.
Starting point is 01:30:30 Scrip Scripper. And Zane C. Cooks who operate the Yeti spit. The meat is perfectly seasoned, slow roasted, meticulously carved, and they are not having any of Hank asking them for a hot dog. Thank you. Michael S. The Bone Duster. Noah.
Starting point is 01:30:47 Wyatt B. Lwile Thor-er-er. Rogue Cree. And Daniel N. Waiters at Earthen Ale who have learned to read lips as it's impossible to hear over the non-stop drumming. They wouldn't have it any other way though. Sam N.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Joseph H. David S. Mr. Dude's Guy. Conflicted DM. And Justin LB. An eldermore Olympic volleyball team who are obsessed with recruiting Fia so they can harness her raw athletic ability to win this summer. Conor P. Dandy. Jennifer R. Clifton A. Reverend Chatterbones, and Richard G. All tied for the record of eating the most cave creatures at Earth and Ale. So far, the record is won, so we'll see if Shane can beat it. That's all. Thank you all. We love you. Y'all are so good to us. Goodbye, Sweeties. That was a hit-yum podcast. All we love you, y'all are so good to us.
Starting point is 01:31:45 Goodbye, Sweeties. That was a hit-yum podcast.

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