Not Another D&D Podcast - Eldermourne - Ep. 24: Awakened

Episode Date: June 7, 2021

The Third Mates interrogate a sentient horror before facing a familiar foe! Fia summons a nightmare steed, Zirk goes for a ride, and Hank engages in a monster truck rally. Support us at to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content!Music / Sound Effects Include:"Bone Crunch" by Clearwavsound at"A Wizard's Tournament" by Emily Axford."Fia" by Emily Axford."All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web" by Emily Axford."Unknown Tomb" by Emily Axford."Witch's Hut" by Emily Axford. "Soul Coins" by Emily Axford."The Bronze Bastard" by Emily Axford."Balnor the Brave" by Emily Axford. "Buzzer's Cutters" by Emily Axford. "A Fate Refused" by Emily Axford."The Pact" by Emily Axford.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Headgun Podcast. Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item. Plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy.
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Starting point is 00:01:36 [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Welcome back to Elder Morn, everybody. Hey! Elder Morn. Elder Morn, everybody. Elder Morn. Elder Morn. I'm your Dungeon Master Brian Murphy joined by Jake Herwitz.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Inspiring coach who loves blue cheese the most, Henry Hogfish. You are trying to appeal to the people who are mad at us for misrepresenting Buffalo. Okay, you know what? You pandered so hard. I'm going to believe in the exact opposite direction. You're going to recognize the bills for anyone who's not on the Patreon in the short rest. We had a talk about how the best way to describe Henry is a Buffalo version of Ben Affleck dropping the ice coffees wearing the Boston strong shirt, but it was a it's a Buffalo shirt
Starting point is 00:02:26 And he's dropping I think we said we said ranch. We said Buffalo Wild Wings And yes dressing which it was a huge faux pas jigs jigs right a rec on the ranch is what's happening? He's trying to record on the ranch. You can't record on the ranch. You can't I'm not trying to record on you're trying to record on the ranch dude Then of course we've got Emily expert ranch dude. Then of course we've got Emily Axford. Fia Boginia, time which bad bitch if you don't like me or taste this shit. Yeah. So it's kind of pan third eye antagonize. Yeah, I like it.
Starting point is 00:02:55 You know, I'm either either people from Buffalo are gonna like me or you guys will. I can't have it both ways. I'll either get shit from New York or you. And then of course, Caldwell a Tanner taking a stance because he loves Ranch it's Zirk for this wow Coming out pro ranch circus defl I mean sir could absolutely be pro ranch you can't put ranch too I love ranch. Oh now now you love to do a mind Another this Jake and not a sudden it isn't like Ray's waffling on his ranch. You fucking coward.
Starting point is 00:03:26 At least he's pouring ranch dressing all over his waffles. Discussing. We really should start the show guys. I really feel like we got to. All right, everybody. This is not what the show is about if you're listening for the first time. What a borderline is.
Starting point is 00:03:39 But a borderline is. The borderline is. Yeah, no, this is what the short rest is essentially. This is the third week in a row that I've written a rhyme that I've had to toss out because it's just like the spin that Jake puts on it. And honestly, I love it. All right, guys, let's go ahead and do a little recap. So last time, you guys, along with Grez the Cleric, defeated three scrappers in a cellar in
Starting point is 00:04:00 the ruins of Zellbold R3. Afterwards, you guys rested for the night and Grez used her divine insight to answer some of your questions. She was able to help pinpoint the source of Henry's curse to the spring fairy Leonora, the patron fairy of navigators and storytellers. She also helped scry on arena, Fiya's childhood friend, using Fiya's connection to her. After failing to find arena in the surface world, you managed to track her down in a strange demi-plane, surrounded in mist that looked like a great city in a mountain. This was similar to the description of the original Zell Bull D'Ar, the great lost city
Starting point is 00:04:44 of the deep folk that was supposedly destroyed, even though no one has ever found the ruins. Arena felt close and yet unreachable. Zerk later asked Gres about the feasibility of a working Alcuralexer, and she theorized that it was possible. The great city of Zelbaldar was known for its clerics, but it's possible that they had another way of healing besides just divine magic. In the morning, with Gres in tow, you set to facing the ghost dragon again, but this time with a plan. You handed over the body of a scrapper as an offering, hoping to satiate its need for revenge. Once you managed to calm it of its vengeful frenzy, it spoke to you coherently about the scrappers attack on Zelbald R3. It explained that Zelbald
Starting point is 00:05:34 R3 was once a profitable mining outpost where sentient horrors were discovered in the mines. Appearing peaceful, the village leaders met with them covertly to learn more, but news of the secret meetings was leaked by Cragil to Hugh Tarr Gunnerbold, the leader of the Scrappers. Worried about investments, or hoping to profit off rating the outpost, or just legitimately concerned about the horrors, Hugh Tarr and the scrappers set to destroying Zobold or 3 with an intentional cave in and burying the secret. As the dragon ascended, they told you that there was someone still alive amongst the rubble. Fia was able to pinpoint the spot with detect magic,
Starting point is 00:06:20 then together you guys dug for hours until eventually uncovering a head. The zombified woman suddenly opened her eyes and spoke to you in a surprisingly friendly cadence asking you to help her out and That's where we are now. All right, so you guys see this head in the rubble has just spoken to you She's got like stringy black hair skin peeling at the bottom of her face. She yells as, uh, as Zirk jumps. I'm sorry, is it, are my boots dirty? Is something wrong? Uh, yeah, it's mostly just that I'm stuck in here, which might give me a hand there. Okay. Oh, is there, is there more of you? Oh yeah, you just dug up my head and don't get me wrong. I appreciate that. If you could do the wrist, ah, do the wrist, it'd be great.
Starting point is 00:07:05 I've got the deck magic going and I make she lay quite strong. I just start looking for the other parts of the body. You see, you're able to reach in and you feel her hand. Grass beards as you reach into the rubble. You're able to pull her out. You see full body, not a disembodied head. You see she looks like
Starting point is 00:07:27 either a white or a zombie, but with like human eyes. Like as you pull her out and you're at like eye level with her. How tall is she? She is how tall are you Henry? 5'11? 5'9. 5'9? She's 5'10. Oh, Zerksite. Yeah, exactly. So Zerksite, little smaller than Fia. I'm still her right in the eyes. Zerks, as you look at her, you see that despite kind of looking like a zombie, usually the eyes of horrors are like glazed over or even like fully white or fully black, but there she's got like nice like hazel eyes. She's got like normal human eyes, like very, very human looking. Okay. Are they dazzling?
Starting point is 00:08:08 They're kind of dazzling. Yeah. Wow. Kelly Clarkson style behind these hazel eyes. Oh yeah. Love that song. You see she's wearing black leather armor, caked in dirt and mud from being under the debris. You see she's like patting herself off. You see she's like patting herself off. You see she's got like different bones looked to have been like broken by the rocks that landed in her.
Starting point is 00:08:31 And you see she just starts to set it, just kind of mindlessly, just loud cracks. Oh, it's better. Oh, there we go. All right. Oh, my God. I can try and give you a hand with that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Can you do my back after that? All right. You see she wraps her arms around you. Gets like a grip, gets your arms in there, and does the thing where she lifts you up and press. Oh! Her chest and your back, there's a loud crack. Wow, that was satisfying.
Starting point is 00:09:00 You see, she does a little bow, and she goes, hello, I'm Tabitha, you can call me Tab. Uh, greetings. It almost sounds like she's like reading something, like she's like practicing as if she's like redness in the mirror a bunch of times. She goes, greetings from Indotera,
Starting point is 00:09:21 I am on a diplomatic mission to this world. Technically, my second mission, because during the first one, I was covered in rocks. I see. Oh. Okay, so more of the second half of the first mission. Right. Yes, continuation of the first mission as it were. I just don't...
Starting point is 00:09:41 I don't think you really deserve the credit for the first mission, not to be trite about it, but But you know good to meet you feel bogin yeah I hold out my hand for her to kiss it possibly covering sirks mouth. Yeah, really mathematically. I think that Yes, as a fia covers your mouth with one hand She kisses the other hand and she looks at Zerke and she goes yes Another the other hand and she looks at Zerkin she goes, ah yes, another wonderful welcome to this world. I was told I might be met with some hostility here. First time, quite literal rocks in the face. This time, just unneeded insults after being buried for three years.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Honestly, which one is worse? I can't, I couldn't tell. Ah, the rocks, the rocks. Okay. You're right, that was unnecessarily rude. Uh, let's, let's try again. Uh, you mentioned Indotera, is that another place, another world? Where are you from exactly? Um, you see, um, Shinas, um, and she goes, um, well, it's on something called a, uh, Demi Plane. Uh, although, uh, I guess to us, you're the Demi Plane, right?
Starting point is 00:10:44 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, gonna funny there. Demi Plain, although I guess to us you're the Demi Plain, right? Gonna funny there. Endotera is in another world. It's a great city built into a mountain. Grace, is this the place that you're looking for? Right? This mysterious Zelbutar that disappear? You see, yeah, Grace's eyes light up. Like her eyes kind of reacted as soon as Tab mentioned that she was from a great city in a mountain. And you see, Gres goes, yes, I believe that is why Sienna was bringing us together. You are from Zoboldar and you see Tab nods. And she goes, yes, that's how we knew to come here. That's how we knew you existed.
Starting point is 00:11:30 The buildings we live in were created by people called the Deep Folk. We found many of your writings. You live in the ruins of another civilization? Oh my god. Lusgarower is gonna be so freaking am You see a grays is I'm already getting like lust grower style All right, yes glory is a double-daw that's kind of all over the place there wow, but yes, it's not it's not ruins. It's a full city. We have a functioning society. Oh my god. Is everyone in Indotera also a white or an undead like you? Yes. You would know us as horrors here. I see that I'm from the writings of the deep folk of the sort of clashes we've had in the past on this plane. Seems like we were kind of dicks there, but we're different in in Endotera. A long time ago,
Starting point is 00:12:36 we were mindless followers of the Lord Reaper for a long time, but I'm not sure for how long because again, I was mindless. So I don't remember. I was just crawling around the city like a spider just trying to find somebody trying to get ya. Get ya. I'm scared. Yeah. But anyway, in the spider walking was just kind of by choice or like you prefer to walk
Starting point is 00:13:00 like that. I'm not working like a spider right now, so not really my thing as much. Okay. She has fear, listens to all of this, all of this talk of how walking like a spider is weird. She looks at her spellbook at spider walk and feels really ashamed. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Anyway, all we knew is that we had an instinct to protect the city at all costs. To keep it hidden from the deep folk or any humanoids in general. That was our first and only priority. So someone came in and hid this great city. Someone jammed this city into a dimmiplain our pocket of the celestial genes. And it does not seem to have been a deep focus, so. Yeah, you see, as you say this, Grez nods, and she goes,
Starting point is 00:13:51 the city was not destroyed, the city disappeared. We have proof of some sort of great cataclysm, but no proof of the ruins, as to if it was just a whole portion of the mountain was just taken out from under us. A grand scooping. But basically, after many years of our only priority being to defend the city, we suddenly began to awaken. We had our own opinions, though Reaper seemed to have less of a direct influence over us. Ah, many of us questioned why we were guarding the city in the first place,
Starting point is 00:14:30 or worshipping a god that kept us as mindless zealots, and people like me knew that there was proof of other life, so we wanted to go out and see it. But a strange mist prevents us from ever leaving. Yes, I was going to say I don't think the Reaper wanted you to meet us. Who do you think awakened you? I suppose it's possible that just over the years the Reaper's direct influence over us dropped. The Reaper does behave like a desperate man losing power. Does he not? He'd get in a lot of trouble with some folks saying that in Indu Thera, but you're all right saying that around me.
Starting point is 00:15:14 If anyone gives me trouble for saying it, I take out my blade. Anyway, there's a mist outside the mountain, and as soon as you exit the mountain and as soon as you exit the mountain as soon as you enter the mist you get disoriented and You never come back. So I think the theory that we've kind of plucked from another world and just lived in sort of this weird plain-aw stasis is It's quite right mindless It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right.
Starting point is 00:15:46 It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right.
Starting point is 00:15:54 It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right.
Starting point is 00:16:02 It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. It's quite right. Wait a second, but Arena was alive, correct? She was alive when we saw her. Gresco's, yes, we saw her form moving inside of Zelbaldar and Otera. So this means that all of this talk of trying to kill Arena, if they have Arena and they are not killing her, then they are using her.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Well, if she's alive, they must need something from her or maybe more of the awakened are protecting her. We don't know. Yes, and not to frighten you because I just news to me that your friend is there, but right before I left, a sorceress named Maksora, had come to our city. That name keeps coming up. Perfect. And Wanda's that we would be punished for forsaking the Reaper and abandoning our ancient duty
Starting point is 00:16:55 to protect the city from humans. She gained a lot of support from the more traditional among us, who wanted to please the Lord Reaper but others Who are more of my mind wanted to pursue plain our research so that we could Meet the rest of the world that we'd be plucked from all right. Well, hey nice to meet you. Yeah It's I'm glad that you made it here. We need to go instantly back to where you're from. Yes, stay buried three years, and then instantly turn around. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Congratulations. You can select one to two rock samples if you need something to study, but we need to head right back. All right, just one problem. I'm not the wizard. I traveled here with a wizard named Kevin. He has the device. We just need to get Kevin's magic stick
Starting point is 00:17:48 Kevin okay, so we keep on digging Kevin. Oh, yeah, yeah, hold on hold on I guess with your permission. I'll dig around for this Kevin's stick Yeah, fear go ahead and give me yeah, and as politely as possible because the phrase Kevin's stick to Fia is a little confusing Kevin's D Kevin's what the legendary Kevin's stick. Yes. We need a phone Kevin's D It's a sorry. It's a it's a blank that belongs to Kevin. It's a Steak Steak all right just in case you want to borrow my gloves
Starting point is 00:18:21 Blushes as she goes Go ahead and give me an investigate check with advantage. Dirty 20. Dirty 20. Sweet. Woo. Very nice. Yeah, you guys dig around in the dirt a little bit,
Starting point is 00:18:37 and you do find the remains of a zombie wizard wearing a dirty robe, but his head is caved in. Ah, ah, Keyvins did? He lived a long death or life. I'm not sure, but it seemed like it was full. Oh yeah? Your friend has died. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:57 You want to do anything to remember them or were they an awful boss and you don't miss them? I don't really need to grave Keyvins, ah's work friends. Ah, okay. He's more friend. Ah So, yeah, I'm just saying it like if I if I work friend for me died I might have like a crisis of my own mortality It is I'm already I'm already a bit did okay. Okay. I like you did okay I like you. Fiya you dig around and yeah you see that there is the battered body of this Zabi wizard and in his hand in the rubble here you find this dusty
Starting point is 00:19:36 scepter made of gold. It almost looks like like as you pull it out you see that it is all like bent and screwed up. You see that it almost looks like, like, as you pull it out, you see that it is all like bent and screwed up. You see that it almost looks like a tuning fork with like two prongs at the end. Like a dousing fork? Were you looking for water? No, we were looking for here. We wanted to come here. The way Kevin explained it to me is that it has two pots to it. Ah, there's the fork. And the gem, The fork creates a magical frequency that we can ride along and then the gem is attuned to Endotera. So that's what gets us to Endotera. Is the gem still on it?
Starting point is 00:20:12 Fear, you look at it and you see that it has a socket that looks like it held some kind of gem. But you see that the gem has shattered. You see there's like some bits of it in here, but not big enough to fit the space. And even like looking at like the small bits of the gem, it looks kind of otherworldly. It's this like milky purple gem that when you touch it,
Starting point is 00:20:41 it feels like glass. It feels very fragile. I feel tightly trying to mend it. Yeah, careful, carefully, your fingers. You try to mend it, Fiya, you wave your hand over it. I look really confident at the tab and I say, this always works. You see that it does straighten out and fix
Starting point is 00:21:04 like the tuning fork part of it, but you see that the gem is still broken. And you see Tab goes, oh, I remember they said it was just all we need is a Twilidium Gym. Easy. Twilidium Gym, sure. Great. Alright, Zirk, let's take this to that Twilidium Gym Store, right?
Starting point is 00:21:24 Oh, sure. Yeah, I think I saw one back in the crocs. Let's just head right there. Sure. Great. All right, Zirk. Let's take us to that twilighty and Jim's store, right? Oh, sure. Yeah, I think I saw one back in the crocs. Let's just head right there. You see, Agress just shakes her head and goes, that does not exist on our plane of existence. What do we have to do? Keep on digging for the rest of this gem or something? Oh, it's like, no, it's like last Chittis. It's Rooks. They grow in the mountain. And they tin white for like an hour every day. You don't have that. We are describing something I've never seen before
Starting point is 00:21:51 in the life. It's just like, we don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, but it sounds cool. I want to know more about the cool rock. Everybody go ahead and give me an insight check. OK, that's a 15. 24. I got a 24 as well, right on.
Starting point is 00:22:03 You see that there are bits of this gem still in the sockets and you guys get a feeling that if you could get to a lab or something, like Zirk, if you had a lot of equipment, Fiya, if you were able to research this in a library or something, maybe even talk to somebody in Zelbaldar 7 or something like find out if there's any information about twylydium in the original Zelbaldar. And you guys might be able to recreate it,
Starting point is 00:22:36 but it looks like based on the sockets in this like scepter, in this tuning fork, we'll call it the tele fork. Yes, we will. It looks like it needs to be a lot bigger than it is. Okay, so we gotta get you guys to a lab in a library. Okay, Graz, is there any news we need? Is there anything else we need to do here?
Starting point is 00:22:57 Or can I be moving now? No, if tab can get us to Zell Bulldare, I'm as desperate to get there as you are. Careful before you give her permission to run because she's very fast. No, I'm not going to run. I need to be even faster. I'm going to cast Phantom Steed. Whoa! And summon a spiritual mount for myself. And as much as fear desires to make a firebird, she thinks that the firebird exists in real life and cannot be bridled
Starting point is 00:23:27 so she creates something that she has read about as a consort of wood nymphs it's a winged deer with a snake for rains Hell yes and for rains, I think she said brains, go ahead for rains and then she also casts Good for rains and then she also casts Tensors floating disc so I can hop on this thing that she's as Christ You've just become fear clause and we are little else So I have on this thing that has a speed of a hundred feet and can travel 10 13 miles out of fast pace and you guys can just follow me on tensors floating Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:24:03 Yes, you create this floating disc. There's essentially this carriage. You create this beautiful majestic deer with all these vestigial wings and then snake rains. You see, Fiya gets up on the back. Is there perhaps a laboratory in Zoboldar 7 that we could use? It might be in bad shape, but I know it's an entire city in and of itself. Zerk, with your 24 insight check from before,
Starting point is 00:24:31 you guys would think best place to get information about twy-litium would be by going to some kind of elder or something in Zelbald R7 with Lusgar. Best place to rebuild the gem would be a lab. And the best like inventor and scientist, you know would probably be your mom. You don't know exactly where her lab is, but she's got all of these people running around
Starting point is 00:24:56 with her weapons and everything. It would not be hard to find out where she is. Right. Mm. I think Zerke knew that deep down down but wasn't going to bring it up. Well, I do know one scientist that could maybe help us out. Oh yeah? Yeah, Zirk kind of like flips his gun around nervously.
Starting point is 00:25:16 I don't know how much you're going to like meeting her though. I love a woman scientist. Something tells me I'm a lover. Well, I think we've been putting off this reunion for long enough. But first, let's meet up with Lusgar and see what we can do about finding one of these gyms that we need to synthesize. You see Gresnod's and she goes, right,
Starting point is 00:25:33 let's get to, suddenly you guys see a giant harpoon flies by heading straight for tab. I'm gonna go ahead and do an attack roll. Wow. Okay, fucking craggle. What? As you say that, yeah, you see this Harpoon shoots out. Oh.
Starting point is 00:25:51 So with a not great roll, you see this person misses with this giant Harpoon. You see the Harpoon flies by. Tab moves out of the way. Very fast. She's got like a kind of dexterous build. You see she's got a bow on her side, moves out of the way. Ah, it almost hit me there. Harpoon sticks into the wall of this tunnel.
Starting point is 00:26:13 You see the source is this vehicle about a hundred feet away. Looks like it was used for excavation. There's a giant claw on the front, but there's definitely been some like combat modifications. You see two harpoon flingers on the sides. Immediately after shooting, you see a scrapper is like reloading it, and you hear the engine roars to life. And suddenly you guys feel the entire ceiling of this cave begin shaking, and you start having flashbacks so like when the ghost was giving you visions of Zelbaldar collapsing, you see some of the hanging stalactites begin to fall off
Starting point is 00:26:55 and in the hole that one of them leaves behind, you see a scrapper in a huge mechanized suit, pokes his head through it, hundreds of feet above you. All you can see is a thick protective glass bubble protecting him. You can't see his face from here, but you do recognize the booming voice
Starting point is 00:27:15 coming through the modulator. You hear Hugh Tart Gunnerbowl, the de facto leader of the crux, and the architect behind the destruction of Zelbaldar 3. And you hear him shout and it echoes through the cave. Thank you for handling the ghost dragon. Cragal warned me. Things had gone awry. I didn't expect for you to manage to finish it off, but you're clapping through the modulator. Congratulations. Didn't do it for you. Oh, so patronizing. Clapping through your modulator.
Starting point is 00:27:50 That's right. Are you just saying the same thing? Are you clapping with the mex hands too? At least clap with the mex hands. Come on. I am not your mech monkey. You will be soon. Kragel told me that the dragon was spreading
Starting point is 00:28:03 some vicious rumors We obviously can't let those get out. It feels like if if this is the reaction to the rumors the rumors have to be true Right like the rumors were that you Destroyed the city now you're here. Oh, yeah, I was yeah, I'll cover it in rocks. Well, I witness Hi, he char goes we don't have a problem with you, we've just got a problem with this horror and with Grés. So if you'll leave them to us, we will escort the rest of you out of the mountain. Thank you again so much for getting rid of the ghost dragon. Grés, is there anything to be saved from this city? It's going to be caved into. You see Grzz looks around.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Guys, go ahead and give me perception checks. 16, 12. 18. Via, as you say that, you see Grezz looks around and you're kind of following her gaze. You see about 120 feet away, a little bit past where this scavenging machine is. You see a half destroyed transporter building.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Looks very similar to the one that you guys took to get from Zelbaldar 7 with Lusgrar to the Crux. And you can imagine that since these are ruins, that it would not be fully operational, but based on how the telephorque works, you think it could compensate. The transporter is definitely still attuned to the outpost, it just needs something to power it. Then I'm just going to have my deer
Starting point is 00:29:38 and my little carriage of tensors floating disc and send it towards this teleportation station. I'm going to show you something on Finnish business here. Everybody go ahead and roll initiative. Alright. 22. 15. 14.
Starting point is 00:29:53 So, VIA, as you guys see this Transporter building, you hear Gresgo, we can make a break for it and try to escape, or we could power the transporter and try to bring some backup here and finally finish off Utah for good. Oh, of course I want to do that. Yeah, I would much rather fight Utah again. You see, she nods and she goes, I can use a sending spell to get in contact with Lusgrar and see if we can send us some backup. We just have to open the portal.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Oh yeah. So, Zirk if you can send us some backup. We just have to open the portal. Oh yeah. So, Zirk, you are first with Initiative 22. Um, okay, I turned back to Fiya and say, uh, I don't know how you make this thing giddy up if you just like, whip the snake, or if you pet the snake, or if you kiss the snake. No, no, no, we do not whip anyone. Whatever you need to do with a snake to make this thing go, do it.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Uh, Zirk, so are you kind of holding your turn, waiting for a theater to go, or are you just like getting up on the platform? Yeah, I'm gonna get up on the platform, tell a theater to go, and then I'm gonna just like train my gun on whoever comes at us. Right on.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Okay. So you guys have this one scavenger with somebody driving it, and it looks like a few scrappers on it, that's on the ground, and you've got huge our way above on initiative 20 you hear thunderous smashing coming from the cave ceiling above you this wasn't the deal I said we'd escort you out
Starting point is 00:31:22 You hear a huge smash and you see a giant stalactite, like the size of a huge building, comes crashing down and smashes into the ruins beneath. A top it, you see Huhtar in his giant mech suit, four metal legs with pistons that whistle as it praises for impact and then settles. In front of his protective bubble are two huge iron fists that smash together. Behind him you see a squad of smaller mech suit scrapers, two guys with like hammers built into their fists, two with drills, and two that appear to have some kind of like flame throwing. Capability, you see that there's like fire, they're able to like flick their wrists and fire
Starting point is 00:32:03 comes out. They're kind of the smallest of them all they look like less like mex suits and more just like heavily armored nights Exosuits exosuits and they have masks that kind of look like heat shields and you see they're holding on to like the other mex suit guys to kind of be deployed Wow as the stalactite with the scrappers on it crashes Into the earth that you guys are standing on. Still about like 50 feet away from you, but there's this seismic ripple in the ground and it cracks and creates a fissure. Everybody go ahead and give me dexterity saving throws. Oh boy. All right. I'll say because we, because fias got this mounts because you guys are on tens Floating Disk, you guys will all get advantage on this. The disk is very sticky.
Starting point is 00:32:45 That's gonna be a fucking 18 for FIA. Right on. Which becomes a 19 for FIA. That is an 11 for Hank. Okay, not good. That is going to be a dirty 20-versert. My back is unlocked, I'm feeling too limber, too loose. The Tensers Floating disc protects you guys a certain amount
Starting point is 00:33:06 because it's a little bit elevated off the ground. But there is this like seismic shift and rock start flying up and stuff. You see the left side of the plate that's like holding up the ruins cracks and begins to fall. It's not a free fall, but it's like a slow shift that takes it from being this like 180 degree straight line to being like a 50 degree like big crack.
Starting point is 00:33:31 It makes like a rocky valley. Okay. So, Grez and Henry both fail. The impact knocks them off of the tensors floating disc. You guys roll, you don't free fall. You guys roll 50 feet down on this left side of the Tensors floating disc, you guys roll, you don't free fall, you guys roll 50 feet down on this left side of the plate and settle in this little rocky valley. You see that the scavenger that's being driven by scrapers with the claw on the front
Starting point is 00:33:59 of it is down there with you. It also slides, it begins to roll, but it writes itself. It looks like it was made to tumble and to be able to navigate the rocks. You see it writes itself and revs its engine. Henry, you're down here with Grez, 50 feet down on the lower plate. Fia, Zirk, and Tab are up on the upper plate there. Henry, you're going to take a little bit of damage, but like I said, it wasn't a free fall. You basically just like crashed and rolled through the darts. Like a tumbleweed. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:34:29 So you guys both take seven damage. Oh, this back looks all messed up again. This popped in and out and in again, don't worry. And then that is Zirk's turn. Zirk, you still have an action prepared if you'd like to do anything. Yeah, who is the closest to Henry? Is it this dump truck? that is Zirk's turn. Zirk, you still have an action prepared if you'd like to do anything. Yeah. Who is the closest to Henry?
Starting point is 00:34:47 Is it this dump truck? The truck is now, it's kind of gonna be hard for you to hit because it's about 100 feet away from Henry and it's 50 feet down from you. Okay, the range of my gun and my firebolt is 120 feet. So yeah, you can just take a shot at the scavenger if you'd like. Yeah, if that's all right.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Cool. Well, oh, that's going to be, I'll just do my regular pistol. That's going to be 17. 17 is not enough to hurt it. As you shoot it, you see it just deflects off the things armor as it continues to charge towards Henry and Grez as they lie prone
Starting point is 00:35:26 on this plate tumbling down. Zirk sees this dump truck coming towards Henry and then also sees these mechs up on the top plate and is desperate to investigate how their mechanisms work but he stays put on the disc. That is the Hammerer's turns. There are two Hammerers. One of them is going to jump off the Stalactite and go down to the lower plate. You see crashes,
Starting point is 00:35:51 Mixed Suit saves it from doing damage from the fall and does a full dash action To get close enough to Henry cannot attack this turn but gets close. Henry is it gas powered? How is it? Can you get a look at the gears for me? Sorry, I'm face down in a pile of rubble at the moment. Just take some notes if you get a chance. The other hammer is going to hop down from the top of this big stalactite on the upper plate
Starting point is 00:36:20 and is going to hold their action, basically, like ready to attack whoever comes near them first. Okay, after the hammerers, that is Fia's turn. Okay, so there is this one level up top where Mienzerkar, and that's where there is this big bad guy with about four left. With five guys up here, a transporter is also up here with you guys 120 feet away. I have this, I have this Kevin stick. I could potentially use it.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Yeah, you have Kevin's rod. You guys have Kevin's rod. I hold Kevin's rod in my head. In that case, then, here's what I'll do. I'm going to fourth level fireball, everyone who is standing here. And then my steed will take a dash action to get me to this place where I use an object interaction to shove Kevin's rod wherever it needs to be.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Holy shits. Okay, so you're going to do a fucking fireball to basically everybody on top of the stalactite that pops down. Okay. So that's going to be everybody except for these the stalactite that pops down. Okay, so that's gonna be nice. Everybody except for these two hammers, they are going to... I say Mr. Henry is out of thrust for you. It just would be a waste to not try to get as many people as possible. Oh yeah, totally, totally.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Both of Henry's nuts fell out during his fall. These guys do not have great decks. You see, they're really kind of slow and jerky to move So fireball is is great. You just hear a huge R is like doing an evil laugh. Oh, what can you do wait? No? No? Jesus Christ. What is what is your save? My save is 15 okay two drill guys fail two fire guys fail Maybe it's 15. Okay, two drill guys fail, two fire guys fail. And then there's just the main guy,
Starting point is 00:38:07 Hugh Tar left. Did he win? Did he pass? Did he pass? He has a minus three to Dex in this big thing. Let me just turn it around, K-Turn. Let me K-Turn that real quick. That's a three, that's a zero.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I got a zero. Go ahead into your full damage to everybody. I just rolled it, to count it. They all take 32 damage. Anything that is flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried light on fire. Jesus Christ. And then my deer will take a full dash action,
Starting point is 00:38:39 which is up to 200 feet, so that I can go smash Kevin's rod into this thing. Yeah, the snake is biting you. Oh my god, it's beautiful. I thought these fire guys had resistance to fire, but they don't. You see, both of them are fucking incinerated. This is disgusting, but they essentially just have this like metal armor on that's supposed to like, protect them, and instead, they just get fucking cooked.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Do you see the fucking fireball hit them? Why do we keep doing this to people? Yeah, you see black smoke just coming out from these dudes Helms these dudes are toast instantly. You see the two time we've grease fired someone the two drill guys Their max look really fucked up and are like malfunctioning. Via you hit the snake reins, begin jetting towards this transporter, earth fucking collapsing beneath you. Ride off tensors floating disc behind you, tab and jerk hanging on, holding Kevin's rod. I was thinking I am like doing a baton routine from a parade with Kevin's rod.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Careful, don't let the rod vibrate too much. That's enough. Hank has serious formal. I'm really fucking... Yeah, it's present you are just in the dirt. I don't want to be on this epic ride anyway, okay? That's what I missed, Andrea. I'll let you hold the snake rein next time.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Also, Fiya, once we get to the portal, I think I have a way to contact Lusgar. Lusgar. So we might not need Gris. Okay, great, great. Fiya, as you go about 30 feet, this hammerer is going to engage you and attempt to swipe your mount. Oh, so we had to go past them to get to the thing.
Starting point is 00:40:30 If you want to dodge this dude who jumped down and is kind of playing defense, who was like waiting for you to come charging at them, I will let you roll another dexterity saving throw, but you risk falling off the fissure. Otherwise, you can engage this hammer. If you try to do a de deck so I can back you up. Yeah, so you're writing at him, hammer in one hand, claw in the other hand, flies forward with like steam-powered mech suits to go at you. Steam, Fia Borgania has been a timid little girl
Starting point is 00:40:59 in a train all her fucking life, and right now she does not feel so much like playing it safe and then I think I'm going to look at this winged deer with snakes for rains and say I know that these wings don't work but show me how high you can jump and I want to try and leap over this guy. Jesus. Okay, so you're going for the deck save route. You're going for like a risky yeah, sweet. Okay, so yeah So the left side of the plate has cracked and his is falling you guys are like a fucking wide receiver on the side of the line Running over the side leaping over This hammer as he tries to swing his hammer at you
Starting point is 00:41:42 Go ahead and give me a dexterity saving throw. If you fail, you fall, and you pull the tensors floating disc down with you. I'm gonna go ahead and use my reaction to use Flash of Genius, which is my new Alchemist ability. Basically it lets me add plus four to Fiya's Dex save. So you see like, Assis is happening, Zirk touches his third mate's tattoo,
Starting point is 00:42:02 and it starts to glow a little bit, and Fiya's glows as well. So she has just like a little extra adrenaline. Mine under my bangs glows through. Henry's is glowing down the pitch, but he doesn't know why. Henry, you're still rolling. That's 10 plus one becomes an 18. 18?
Starting point is 00:42:19 You don't even need to add the flash of junior as questions. Ooh. Because you might be able to save it. I will say for flavor, you still make your tattoo light up, circle it, you hang on to it, because you don't need to use it. You still use the power of friendship. That's all I wanted. That's things infected.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Yeah, you are fucking riding the line of this fissure, heading straight for this transporter. You hop over this hammer as he swings under you. The tension's floating. He really look like Santa Claus, sir. Yeah, just this fucked up Santa Claus. Tab is on the back, just like, oh, is that all you fights go? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Yeah, you just see the silhouette of a fucked up deer taking people on a sleigh.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Feel your hands are blue. We're going to have to get those looked at. It's the venom from the snakes. And Fiat, you are charging forward on the steed with Zirk and Tab behind you. You've got this telefork with you. You get to this old transporter building. You see that it is broken down. You guys had been in a
Starting point is 00:43:33 Building like this in Zelboldar 7 that had all these like these different teleporters You see that the little teleportation circles are still there so like One part of the spell is still there, but like the arcane magic that is powering it is not Spell is still there, but like the arcane magic that is powering it is not. Okay, so I've got an object interaction left, so anything I can do to like help set up Mr. Zer. So go ahead and if you want to try to essentially power this station, go ahead and give me an arcana check using the tele fork. Okay, that's going to be a 25. Oh my God, what a turn. Yeah, you blow up all these dudes.
Starting point is 00:44:07 You blow past this giant stalactite with all the guys in it. Get inside the transporter room. You pull out the tele fork. You wave it like a wand. And you see these teleporters all turn back on. Purple glow still looks like a fucked up crumbling building but the teleporters are working. And then I toss Kevin's rod to Mr. Cirque. Ah, Kevin's stick! It's heavier than I thought it'd be.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Sweet, after that insane turn so you guys have turned on the teleporters. Nobody on the other side necessarily knows what's going on yet. You guys can escape if you need to, except Henry and Griez are in a bad position. Henry, that's your turn. Henry, you're down on this lower plates. 50 feet down. You see there's an epic adventure up there. Just the magic of Christmas. You're... Me and Zirk Claus. Me and Zirk Claus. And you've got a truck riding at you. And Henry, go ahead and give me a perception check as this truck rides at you. That's a three.
Starting point is 00:45:16 A three. Shout out to the third mate. You see that there are at least three people manning this thing. You see somebody driving it and two people on the sides with these like Harpoon flingers. They are about a hundred feet away. Okay. So I guess I wanna, I'm gonna summon Shank.
Starting point is 00:45:36 First of all. Oh, it's bad. Yeah. That. Sorry buddy, we're fucked. We picked a dumb day to wear shorts too, didn't we, it was your choice. Always your choice with the shorts. Sorry, yeah, I'm trying to share the blame here. Um, okay. I'm down here with just this car writing at me. Right, Agress, you do have a cleric with you, so how completely fucked?
Starting point is 00:45:57 Can I make an attack on it? Do I have enough? If you have a ranged weapon in my pack, I have a crossbow. I have a crossbow. What? You pull out a crossbow covered in cobwebs. Oh, forgot I packed this thing. All right. Is that skeleton cave?
Starting point is 00:46:14 Well, let's see what I can do here. I'm going to, I'll fire it at a Harpoon manner. OK. 16 to hit. 16 to hit. Just pinks off of it. Just tiny little darts. Just it's this tank and just pink. Okay. I hope that Henry's having an epic time down there.
Starting point is 00:46:31 He's see, Cres goes, Oh my, for C, we need a new strategy. Don't worry, Cres. I got a second attack. Hadooken! Uh, no fireball comes out, so I'll just fire another crossbow bolt. Great. That's a 16-bit again. Just pings out of you.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Dumpchurch is fucking flying at you. Okay. Um, yeah, the rest of my turn I'll just, uh, I'll use the give-cresor reassuring half-smile. Sweet. And I'll shrug really slowly. You see, she looks extremely worried More worried than before you smiled
Starting point is 00:47:10 Okay, you see that these two Scrappers and mexuits jump down from the big stalactite on the top plate They look really fucked up like on death's door. You see smoke coming out of their mexuits But they are going to jump down and rush into the the transporter room with you guys, and they are going to go ahead and take attacks on Fia. They both take drill attacks, putting them on the naughty list. First one is a 24 to hit Going to let that happen 15 damage second one takes a Drill attack and misses that's a 16 to hit
Starting point is 00:47:53 Yeah, you see these these dudes are just screaming As they try to drill into you kind of big daddy style Big daddy from bio shock, not drilling you daddy style whatever the fuck that means. He's a crap episode. We've got big daddy style getting through. I thought we were talking about the 1999 Adam Sandler film. I really didn't understand. I think that's probably what it is. These guys are also both going to use sonic screams. So you hear them yell, and there are shock waves going through this small,
Starting point is 00:48:29 transporter building. Everybody go ahead and give me strength saving throws. My specialty. Fucking hell. Wait, including me? No, no, no, no. Thank you. Just the people in the room.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Nice. 19 for Zart. Passes. I still pass. These dudes are, weenie enough that you guys pass quiet. You're scaring the snake Hey, you see that snake is wriggling. It's already really worked up. That is Grezz's turn Grezz is going to go ahead and cast good God
Starting point is 00:49:00 Death Ward on Hank hey, which is more I think I need that. We're gonna just in case. Not saying that we necessarily need this. I foresee that this is going to go a spectral life jacket. Yeah. After Grezz, that is Tab. Tab is going to pull out a bone arrow.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Ah, my eye just stick. And then it's going to shoot at the two dudes that are in the room with you guys. Hits the one. You see there was like a crack in the like protective bubble of the mex suit. Shatters it and pierces this dude in the chest. You see the mex suit falls over and begins smoking as this guy dies but Tab flubs it on the second one and that one lives. That's okay, tab. I wanted one to investigate. So thank you Roy is did that on purpose To be polite you got complete control of your state in the fight
Starting point is 00:50:01 Then is the fire thrower guys who are both dead Bravo great and then on the fire thrower guys who are both dead. Bravo. And then on an initiative five, you see, with a speed of 100 feet is the scavenger. Is this big dump truck thing? You see it lines through this valley, heading straight for Hank. If you kill Hank with a dump truck, I'm gonna be so mad.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Henry, as this thing gets close, you see that the person driving it is craggy. I knew it! Why? I knew it! The first thing they're going to do is as they get close, they try to use the grappling claw to snatch you Hank. Great, so they'll do a plus 10 to hit.
Starting point is 00:50:43 That is a natural one. The grappling claw misses. So it doesn't matter. Goes to grab at you. It's a little too slow. Stay fucking still. What do you think that's a crossbow? Tries to shoot you with a Harpoon. Oh no. You see another scrapper in one of these like Harpoon Nests. 13 hit misses. Yes. Other one is going to take a shot at Grez. That one fucking misses as well. Just firing like crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:13 A lot of fucking down here in the ravine. Here's a lot of wishing. A lot of wishing noises, what's that? As this thing, as this truck rides directly at you, Henry go ahead and give me a dexterity saving throw to not be crushed by its crushing wheels. Yes, okay. I think you're out of range, Henry. That's a 21. 21 passes!
Starting point is 00:51:34 Woo! Henry, you roll out of the way as it gets close. We do a back check on Henry. Popped out, popped in. This episode of NAD pod is brought to you by Bird Dogs. They're a company that makes pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered. Now we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's
Starting point is 00:51:58 gonna be difficult. Luckily Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier. Bird Dogs stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look. And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, Bird Dogs invented a cloud-knit fabric that looks just like khaki, but stretches so you get a way slimmer fit without having a sacrifice movement. And trust me, you are going to need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of
Starting point is 00:52:28 your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother, make sure you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti-style tumbler, go to slash pop-a or enter promo code pop-a at That's slash Papa or promo code Papa for a free Yeti-style Tumblr. You won't want to take your bird dogs off, we promise you. Okay, that's it for me, go team pants, and enjoy the show. At, uh, initiative 22, Zirk, that is you. Zirk, you are in this transporter room.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Awesome. Uh, the, um, teleport circles are lit up. You've got one, uh, smoking drill dude in here who looks extremely hurt. Um, the other one is dead. Uh, and then you've got huge tar outside and everything. Uh, does one of these portals connect to Zelbald R7? Um, you do find one that says seven, you would assume it meant Zelbaldar 7, kind of carved into the stone beneath this teleporter that is now lit up. I go to that portal, I pull out my pipe, I get like a big puff of smoke from the pipe
Starting point is 00:53:40 and I put it in my cheeks, I load that smoke into a bullet, put it in my gun, cock it, fire it out into the portal and cast the Skywright spell. Oh shit! Oh yeah, you do Skywright sweet, so um... That's cool. You shoot this message through the portal, you see it writes the message in the smoke and travels into the portal, you know that there's like a guard on the other side that would see that and presumably could get this to Lusgrar. What is the message that you write? I write. Scrappers attacking Z3, bring reinforcements. Also, this is Zerk. Hi, how's it going? Please don't send any teens. After Zerk's turn, that is Hugh Tars turn.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Before you see it, you feel it. This giant spider mech jumps down from this big stalactite and crashes into the front of this transporter room that you guys are in, destroys the front half of the building, even more so reduces it to complete rubble, and it is going to go ahead and take some attacks. It's going to take its first swing
Starting point is 00:54:50 with an iron fist at Zirk. Of course. You were right to rip that spell out of your book for you, spiders are no good. I am really starting to question I ever brought to you, Koby. Well, may the flashbacks, yeah. 14, it hit on the first one, Mrs. Big Iron Fist swings.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Mrs. Zirk, it's the tip of my hat. Crashes into the wall. Next one is a 217 to hit. Buh. Buh. Buh. Zirk is looking back at where the arm is at the wall. Zirk, you're punched in the,
Starting point is 00:55:23 I won't even say it's the gut, the fist is so big that it's your entire body. You just see a blurry image of Zirk disappear as he is smashed. Oh, look at the pistons on this thing. Zirk, you take 16 damage and go ahead and give me a strength saving throw. That's a three. Let's go on a date me a strength saving throw. That's a three. Three. Let's go on a date with a third maids.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Great. Fiya, you see, Zirk is smashed by this iron fist and it's just a blur and just flies through the fucking air 30 feet, fucking Dragon Ball Z-style, smashes through the side of a building and rolls in the rubble and takes another 10 damage 30 feet away now. This thing is then going to use its stomping feet, feet like fucking pillars and try to crush FIA 28 to hit rolled a natural 19. Don't trust
Starting point is 00:56:21 anything that's cutters. Big joke is actually one that be crushed. Only six damage. What was that? Bit of a finish there. That's only six damage for you. Okay. And it takes another crack, misses with the other stomping foot. The fists are the bad thing. Circle is absolutely smashed. He just gone.
Starting point is 00:56:46 As far as you know, Zirk is dead. Yeah, you just fucking cheat. I thought he wasn't getting that much damage. Zirk, how are you? How are you damage vibes? He's yelling, so that means he's alive. After Hugh Tar, that is the Hammerer's turns. The one dude who you guys juked,
Starting point is 00:57:05 as you guys got to the transporter, is going to jump down and join his buddy on the lower plate, and they're both gonna go ahead and take cracks at Hank. You see, does like an Iron Man landing as they crash into the rocks below, and together the hammer brothers run at Hank here. Where the shadow brothers. 22 to hit on the on the first attack
Starting point is 00:57:26 Yeah, that'll do it five damage. Okay Second attack with the hammer misses second guy does a claw attack. Hey, I used to have those 23 to hit 20 that hurt that that hits and it hurts 25 or sorry six damage not 25 damage and then takes a hammer strike 24 to hit 12 damage congrats man you're rolling really well thank you so much then that is Fias turn Fias is going to bonus action dragons breath at a third level her little companion book var book var are you ready to be a naughty boy I'm ready miss and he is going to breathe fire on this fucker who is big big feast
Starting point is 00:58:14 god damn it with the deck saves he is he yet huge tarp behind it oh oh oh I've just smashed your weight no stop with the fire don't you don't necessarily have to? Yeah, just absolutely cannot pass anything to X related as of minus three. Got a 10. 15 fire damage. Okay. Nice. Then Fia is just going to green flame blade him. Great. I just crit, baby.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Yes! Yes! Yes! Merry! Yes! Merry Christmas! He's been waiting to say it for like 120 episodes. So Fiya sends bookfarer up, a bookfarer does the pop-up book dragon, breeds fire down on Hugh Tar. You see like a scared spider scuttling back as fire damages, damages the mech suits.
Starting point is 00:59:05 The fear you run up as this thing is vulnerable and slash into it and there's a crack in the protective bubble around Utah. How much damage do you do? 30 damage. Good. God. And then me and Bookfather are gonna piece the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:59:23 So Bookfather's flying in the air, he flies away, and then my steed is going to take a dash action to get me out of these situations. Okay, is it going to disengage, or is it going to- Disengage, yes, pardon me, yeah. Okay, so then it's still, it can go 100 feet, right? Just on a good Jesus.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Should have smashed your goddamn deer. Should have smashed your deer. Oh, and tab goes with you, right? Because you still have the tensors floating disc. I mean, I'll let you rule it, but technically they're on tensors floating disc. Yeah, if tensors floating disc follows me, the fucking slaying rides off 100 feet. And if I could if you would let me like try to Scoop's her if you want to write yet, if you want to ride towards her, I like to ride towards me like try to scoop jerk. If you want to ride, yeah, if you want to ride towards I like to ride towards and like try and scoop jerk. Great, sweet. You ride towards jerk. I will say go ahead and give me an acrobatics check
Starting point is 01:00:15 to try to grab him and pick him up on your way. Yeah, there's just a zirke-shaped hole in the side of the wall. Then there's just like a trail where his body just spun against the ground as he hit every rock. Can we say that I landed like right next to a bed, but not on a bed? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:35 He landed right next to a pillow factory and crashed into the stone wall of it. My back feels like Henry's. Only got a 12 on my acrobatics. Okay, I'm gonna say you're not able to grab Zirk. I'm gonna say it's even kind of tough. Can we say that our fingers like touched for a second? Yeah. So it's like close but dramatic. Fia, do you want to continue going 100 feet away or do you want to kind of hold until Zerks turn to go the rest of your movement?
Starting point is 01:01:10 I'll let you split your movement. Okay, so Fia, you get like slowed down, trying to grab Zerks. He's like kind of buried under some rubble here. He like hit the wall super hard, big chunk fell off. Fia, you kind of stick around waiting for Zerks. I'll say that you guys can continue moving on his turn. Henry, that is your turn. All right, great.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Car didn't run me over, so I assume it's nearby. Stay still! Crackle's yelling at you. Oh, I'll stay still. They've got Kevin's rod, but I've got a guy's arm down here. I'm going to attack, I guess whoever's the most exposed is probably one of these. So you have a choice, you can attack the vehicle itself or you can try to attack these guys, but they have some cover, so their armor class is higher. I see. Cragal at the helm has three quarters cover and the Harpoon guys have cover. Okay, and so it seems like the biggest threat is the vehicle itself.
Starting point is 01:02:06 I'm gonna just try to fuck it up. Great. I'm gonna swing the guys arm at the tires. Right on. I'll roll both of my attacks right now. So that is a 24 and a 27 hit. Both hit. Yeah, you see, you've got these magical blade powers now.
Starting point is 01:02:20 So as you swing, instead of it just like stopping or just you slashing an impetiturable tank, you see, it almost becomes like a spectral blade and goes through it and then there's like this explosion of magical energy. Hell yeah. 22 damage total. Nice.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I'm also gonna unleash Shank and have him make an attack. Okay. Unfortunately for everyone, Shank rolled a one. Ah! It happened, Shank. Shank, have you heard of this guy, Kevin? His life is worse than yours. I haven't. You'll have to tell me all about it. Lost his rod then died.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Oh yeah, he did. You could feel better. You're tied for second last. Okay, I'm gonna action search and take three attacks, two from me, one from from shank all over again 21 and then 19 19 does not hurt this thing wow, okay, so only one of them hit great Love that hangs fighting a truck that is 17 damage
Starting point is 01:03:19 You see that this is a big vehicle. You see it's got like three tires on one side, three tires on the other. One dude operating this grappling claw, two dudes with the hard punes and one and a craggle driving it. You see as you swing into this, like one of the middle tires falls off. You're doing real damage to this thing. Great, I'm also gonna short rest, or sorry, I'm also going to second wind real quick.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Great, it's fall asleep. Actually, you know what? Gris has a reaction called blessing of war. She's gonna go ahead and use that on your last attack that you just did 17 damage of. Go ahead and add 2d8 radiant damage to it. Oh baby. You see she holds her hands down. She goes I foresee that going better for you. Not that it was bad. did not me do insult to you, did not me do insult, we're stuck in the style. It's really good line, maybe I tried that for when I need to talk to the time devil.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Yeah, because that was why I gave you that half smile, that I rolled two fives on the D8s, so that's the extra 10. Jesus, nice. And that puts that singular attack above the damage threshold, which means that this vehicle needs to roll for a mishap. Oh nice.
Starting point is 01:04:32 I missed the rzark. Is this what a monster truck rally is? I've only read books about that. Oh yeah, we used to sell potions at them. I took Hank Jr. to a monster truck rally actually. It's weird because all the cars are kind of like Reaper themed, so it is a little creepy. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Missap 5, furnace rupture, the vehicle speed decreases by 30 feet until this Missap ends. So you see the vehicle begin smoking. You knock off one of the tires and you see it starts slowing down. All right. Hey, fucking knock it off. You knock it off.
Starting point is 01:05:03 You knock it off. You knock it off! I will not! Henry, you have to teach us how to trash talk. Um, after Henry, that is one of the trail guys turns, who's just been left in the dust, although 30 feet can get to Fias and she's waiting for Zirk. So he's going to go up and is actually,
Starting point is 01:05:23 leave me, the rubble is actually pretty comfortable We'll go ahead and take an attack on Via Steed you want my dear don't you That's a 21 to hit 14 damage The deer has 13 hit points. Oh no You see drill goes through the deer deer turns to like a puff of magic smoke and disappears. I just like fall Legs played on a log
Starting point is 01:05:54 You ruined Christmas You see this drill Grinch is then going to use sonic scream Everybody go ahead and give me strength saving throws. Okay. The people that are here. So, tab, Fia, and Turk. It's a dirty 20. 12.
Starting point is 01:06:11 12. Fia, you pass. Yeah. Yeah. The only thing this dude succeeded in doing was getting rid of the mount. But you do see, tab gets hit just for four damage, falls back under butt. Whoops.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Oh, tab, you're in full off. Hey, grab that for me. Let me put that back on for you. Oh, you grab that there for me. Technically, I think Tenser's floating disc is still around. Yeah, no, she's just sitting on it instead of standing on it. It now just follows me. Right, yeah, no, it's still, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:42 No, you're the deer. That is Grezz's turn. She's gonna take a crack at one of these hammerers that are right here. follows right yeah no it's still yeah no you're the deer that is Resist turn she's gonna take a crack at one of these hammers that are right here I'm just just swing sort of staff at the glass tries to break it there we go we got Staffs we got guys arms we got rods down here she manages to hit she cracks the glass she does 12 damage to one of these dudes. There we go. And then as a bonus action, she's going to cast shield of faith on Henry, given plus two to AC. Oh, how nice.
Starting point is 01:07:13 I almost did that also. Great minds. Then after Grezz, that's Tab. Tab is going to go ahead and get up from sitting and just take a shot at this drill dude Hits puts away this other drill dude. This is for the deer. You killed the deer Yeah, you catch it on and this makes we get upset when people die
Starting point is 01:07:38 Hey, we get this point. We need to call the rain deer. It's a rain deer. We turn into Santa It's for the rain deer. Oh, now into Santa. Ah, it's for the reindeer. Oh, now it's even sad that it's gone. Kills that. She'll take a second shot at QTAR, whose 30 feet in the distance. I don't know why they cut the snakes from the Santa myth. Misses rolled a natural three.
Starting point is 01:07:58 I didn't issue to five that's craggle and this truck. Boo. It's a boo. Everyone at home, new Craggle. Boo out loud at your job. Craggle's gonna go ahead and try to restrain you again with the grappling claw. God damn, natural one just like Crabbs. Kevin's body out of the dirt.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Whoa, hey, let go of his calves. Kevin! Kevin. He's grabbed, then shoots one harpoon Whoa, hey, let go of his calves. Get in! Get in. He's grabbed, then shoots one harpoon at Henry. You got 21, he's seen that. Goddamn, misses, shoots one at Gres hits. That's 11 damage to Gres. She's looking okay, but Gres was,
Starting point is 01:08:42 I'll say a little bit behind Henry. This thing is gonna keep riding an attempt to run over Gres Gres going to a dexterity saving throw Passes rolls out of the way That was scary after Craggle that is back up to Zerks turn Zerk you are there with Fia the reindeer no the reindeer is just both no I'm saying fear the right now. You're the rain. Oh, right. I am Okay No, the reindeer is just bow. No, I'm saying figure the reindeer now. You're the reindeer. Oh, right, I am the reindeer.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Okay. Are both of the drill guys disposed of? Who's around us right now? All that's around you is you've got a huge tar, who's 30 feet away. Okay. Let's keep our distance from huge tar, but I'm going to start wailing on huge tar,
Starting point is 01:09:23 I think, is the plan here. Great. Ho, ho, ho. I've got a magic gun. You didn't know, but Santa has a huge snake's forehands and has a gun. And it has an elf who has an elf who has a gun, of course. Read it before Christmas again if you missed it. Make toys, he wants to shoot people. My favorite story in Endo Terra. Santa comes at night, Ah, and he gives you a thinness of blood. I'm gonna give this a shot. Uh, I flipped the barrel of my gun
Starting point is 01:09:53 to the acid setting, pointed up at the cockpit chamber of Utah, and I'm going to cast Melph's Acid Arrow. Whoa. No. This is a spell Nebel Todd me. It's called Melf's Acid Arrow, because Melf is the noise you make when you're hit by it. Impossible.
Starting point is 01:10:10 BOOM! OK, this is a ranged spell attack. OK. Does a 18 hit. An 18 does not hit. No. Thing is heavily armored. The only reason of Fiya's been having success
Starting point is 01:10:23 is because it's all like deck stuff. So like explosions near it really seem to be working. But as you shoot this thing, you see the acid kind of just dissolves and does not look to have an effect on the armor here. Okay, good to know. But does it sizzle with the sound of mouth? Malf is also the sound when it misses. Oh, mouth. Oh, mouth. Hi, hey, we say that all the time. Oh, milk me. That's my turn. Yeah, it's milk me. Sweet, after Zerks turn, that is Hugh Tars turn.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Hugh Tarr gets a 25 feet within five feet of you guys. You see these long iron arms have reached. Is going to attempt to punch Fia. Oh, okay. Oh, no. Hands off our reindeer. Yeah, 25 to hit. That is. reach is going to attempt to punch Fia. Okay, I'm pretty good on. Hands off our rain deer. Yeah, 25 to hit. That hits.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Okay, 15 damage Fia. Okay. And then go ahead and give me a strength saving throw to not be knocked 30 feet. Oh my God. It's so far. Just team rocketing us left and right. Dirty 20.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Dirty 20 passes. There we go. Yeah, you just get smashed into the side of the wall here, but you stay put. Other fists swings around his jerk. Oh, you just got to widen your stance. I see. Just be careful because there are also boots coming for us. That is 19 to hit Zirk. That does hit. Okay, Zirk, you take 15 damage and go ahead and give me a strength save.
Starting point is 01:11:49 All right, 16, 16 fails. I'm gonna use my Flash of Genius. Oh, yeah baby! There it is! There it is! Yes, you are. Finally, I'll say Zirk, your Flash of Genius. It's like you get punched,
Starting point is 01:12:04 just instantly broken nose, tears in your eyes, just bruises all over your broken face as you fly through the wall and your stroke of genius is just like, hey, if I turn my body, I'll hit the rock wall here and not move instead. And you just smash into the wall. I just dislocate my shoulder to avoid further damage. Then this thing is going to take stomping attacks on both you guys.
Starting point is 01:12:29 First one against Zirk is going to miss. That's only a 15 ahead. Second one against Fia. 22 to hit. SHIELD! Finally! Yes! BITCH!
Starting point is 01:12:44 SHIELD! The fucking image of Arena as I recall her now and imagine her now comes up like a fucking guardian angel and fucking pokes him in the eye. Yeah, does that... oh man, I was gonna say I'm aging myself but this is from like the 30s. Does the three stooages block that's the the hand the hand over your eyes to block it but it is you can't hitting me for so much more and i couldn't use you and whoo
Starting point is 01:13:14 that will get used as a person seventy nine years sorry guys i'm a hundred thirty that's a year than the stuages abit and costellal the classic love shamp you know my radio shows Nothing's funnier than the Stooges, Abbott and Costello. Shem, the classics. I love Shem. You know, my radio shows. Yeah, before I hated the fucking talkies, no, that's love Abbott, fuck Costello though.
Starting point is 01:13:32 Thank you, honestly. Okay, Fiya, you managed to block it. Here's what I'll say at the top of the round after Hugh Tars turn. Go ahead and Zirk, you have that fun coin. We have a fun coin, right? We do have a fun coin. Okay, so we've got this two-sided coin,
Starting point is 01:13:52 as coins tend to be. We've got one, that's an at-20 with a skull on it, and one that's a not-one with a skull on it. If you get the 20, Lusquare will roll initiative and show up this round. If you roll a one, he'll roll initiative and show up this round. If you roll a one, he'll roll initiative and show up next round. Awesome, all right.
Starting point is 01:14:08 I hate that you've trusted new with this. Can I just interrupt this, you can put this in. I roll for concentration, and I still have my dragon's breath going. Right on, nice. Great, yeah, Bookfire is still flapping next to you kind of hiding behind you. The real challenge is going to be if I can flip this
Starting point is 01:14:23 in the air and catch it successfully or if I will drop it on the ground. Okay. Flip that coin. I dropped it on the ground. Fuck. God damn. That coin is also so heavy that it looks like it only flips once.
Starting point is 01:14:34 It's like a pancake. The number that's on the ground is a one. Okay. Jesus Christ. Okay. So you can imagine it's going to take like, Lusgrar is probably on high alert waiting for you guys to come back and stuff He's still gonna get here pretty fast, but it might not happen this round. Okay. Um, so after Hutaar here
Starting point is 01:14:54 these two Hammer dudes are are still down here. They are going to go ahead and take you know what they see Grezz doing all this stuff to heal Henry, they're going to surround her and try to get her. Total of three of their attacks hit. You see they surround her, they've got claws and hammers. She's trying to defend with her staff and stuff, but she gets hit a couple times, she takes 20 damage.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Wow. Does she look alright? She looks okay, clerics are pretty sturdy um, okay Um after them that is fias turn My little friend book vaude is going to butterpup fire great So it does a death save Mm-hmm god damn shout out to the two crew negative one good. Oh, okay. Why don't we go easy on the fire stuff? That's 13 damage, Okay. I am going to...
Starting point is 01:15:46 Ah, fuck it. I'll do a third level fighter ball on him now. Oh my god. He makes another deck save. It's almost impossible for him to pass. Fucking, Matt 12. That's a nine. You just toast him again.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Okay, these ones only add these sixes. Goddamn. 29. Yeah, this thing is looking fucked up. Good turn. It's great turn. I cannot do any other spells because Fireball was a spell. And I'm actually also going to send Bookfarer to fly away.
Starting point is 01:16:16 So Bookfarer is going to fly 60 feet away. Great. OK, so yeah, Bookfarer flies up in the air to get away. After Fias turn, that is Henry's turn. All right So I'm down here with the car and there's also people attacking Grezz right now right? There's two of these hammer dudes and there's three people on the car is still there's four oh four Yeah, I'm so fucked down here in this hole. I'm trying to come to you But these guys really really powerful. Yeah, you know, I'm jumping in with Grez.
Starting point is 01:16:47 I'm gonna try to fend these guys off. Great, go ahead. And throw some of the blows. Go ahead and take a crack at these hammer dudes. Okay. Henry, you get in the mix, you two stand back to back, fighting off these guys as this truck swirls around. You guys are trying to grab you with its claws. And I rolled a three on my first attack. This is yeah
Starting point is 01:17:08 30 20 on my second hits. Oh There we go. That's a 17 damage 17 damage one of these dudes looks looks quite fucked up Okay, then I'm gonna go back to back to back shank is in here with me gonna unleash the incantation all right Triangle formation there we go Back to back to back, Shank is in here with me. Gonna unleash the incantation. All right, try and go formation. There we go. That's another 30-20 hits. Nice. And that is 10 damage.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Shank finished this guy. You. Let's have Shank just try to grab the mic crossbow bolt from my fuck it. Don't touch that. Miss fires and just kills this guy. Ha ha ha ha ha. How they do work. Hey, misfires and just kills this guy How they do work maybe you should use that man one of these dudes is fully dead on
Starting point is 01:17:51 Grasas turn Gras is gonna go ahead and take a crack and just get rid of the hammer guys one hits Does 13 damage to this guy does she have a bonus action thing? She'll do a first level healing word on Hank. There we go. You can use that on yourself, Grez. Are you okay? Maybe via, via is also a real fuck. You know something real loud.
Starting point is 01:18:13 I can't see via, I'm in a, I'm in a fissure. Yes, who's makes that? An emotional fissure, we understand. That's six HP to Henry. Thank you. After Grezz, that is Tab. Tab is gonna go ahead and take two shots at Hugh Tar in this thing.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Mrs. both times. Aeros. It's okay, Tab. Aeros just pink off. Ah, technically didn't miss. They just pinked. I think you, you know what? The best of us pink sometimes.
Starting point is 01:18:43 You're trying to melt, not pink. Ah, milf. Ah, milf. Ah, milf. It sounds like a different word when you say it. I know. I'm milf. After that, that is back around to Cragle and the other dudes down here with Hank. Let's hear it folks.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Once again, gonna try to grab you with the fucking claw. Oh, monster, Tra-Grely. Once again gonna try to grab you with the fucking claw monster I will say it is a fucking it is a pretty even fight down here somehow because crackle keeps missing It's just this big bulky monster that cannot it's it's the fucking Luke vs. The rank or in return of the Jedi It's just like can't get you claw machines are hard tries to grab you with the claw 21 to hit that time. That's exactly. Oh, no. Oh, with the shield of faith. Even with the shield of faith grabs you. You are now restrained and grappled. My favorite monster truck match is when it's a truck versus a guy. I love to see a man punch it tire. Sunday Sunday Sunday the undertaker truck versus a guy.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Sunday Sunday the Undertaker truck first a guy Then the two Harpoon dudes are gonna take shots at can't take shots at Hank Hank is grabbed and restrained Good to take shots at Grez Only one hits 17 damage Grez is looking all right, but not great But then you see she had been driving it, but it looks like it's gonna stay put and just fire her Poons and shoot at you. You see the protective bubble that was around Craggle. Craggle gets out and like a fucking pinata is gonna take a crack with advantage on Hank. Does her thing where she grows to be bigger, and goes, what? Turns huge. Milo Heroic, you come out of here when I'm stuck in this claw,
Starting point is 01:20:29 takes a huge swing with her great sword. That is a 26 to hits. That'll do it. 22 damage from Cragile. OK. Back to the top of the round. Does somebody want to roll an initiative for Lushgar? Not me.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Okay, who wants to do it? I'll do it. I rolled a Net 20 at one point today. Eight. Hey. Oh, no. All right. Alrighty. I won't tell you his decks, but he will show up.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Oh, but eight is actually really close to the Net 20 though. Hmm. It's a good point. It's a very good point. Where have you considered this? You know, fuck it. Take the Net 20. Just take it. For playing on this. It's a good point. It's a very good point, Murphy. You considered this? I, you know, fucking take the Natsawani. Just take it. Her playing on this.
Starting point is 01:21:08 It's just a millimeter. I'm in. Guys, I'm fucking in. You know, everybody cheer Murphy at home. Everyone, let's get some cheers going from Murphy at home. Thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Um, Zirk, that is your turn. OK, I want to look over at Fiya. How's she doing? She smiles, but she's missing a tooth. Oh, she's doing Henry's half smile, that's bad. She gives a thumbs up missing a nail. Oh, she looks perfect. Ah, you just gotta set that, you just gotta put it big.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Tab, I love you but your judgment is way off. Ah, here's your tooth. I'll just stick it back in there. Zerks gonna do the Zerks special, which special, which is he loads two bullets into his gun, fires one at a huge tar, and then the other one at Fia, and hopes that he got the order right. So what are those going to be? An attack, and the other's going to be a healing word. Right on. Hutaar heals for 12.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Oh! Yeah, go ahead and flip that coin again. No, it was good. Merf, no, it was flavor. You must be punished for flavor. It's a case for dungeon glory. Are we punished for flavor? Sweet, go ahead and roll your attack. There we go.
Starting point is 01:22:13 That's a 26 to hit. Super hits. Oh, awesome. That's 14 damage. You see, Zerke, you shoot the protective bubble around him. You see that it cracks. and then there's this spider web of cracks all around it. It looks like you can get to this dude
Starting point is 01:22:32 on the next hit or two. And you see he starts to look fucking nervous. Why won't you stay down? See, that's the good kind of spider web. Wait, spiders aren't good now? All right, let me roll healing for fia That is going to be nine points of healing for fia. Oh, thank you after zirks turn That's huge. Are again huge our swings a massive fist at zirk just a blur Jesus Christ. Oh, I probably should have healed myself natural 18. That's a 28 to hit. Oh god, yes that hits. 11 damage.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Okay, still up. Go ahead and give me strength saving throw. Nat 20. Jesus Christ! There it is! Bunch bomb! Zirk, yeah, you see a Spraydle pops out of your pocket and you see a little shield spell around you
Starting point is 01:23:22 and you feel like a little buzz as like you're able to like match strength with this giant iron fist. Oh, thanks buddy. Buzz is my sweet child. You saved me yet again. Buzz is around you. I'm gonna build you such a cool carapace. Then to take the second iron fist swing at Fia.
Starting point is 01:23:41 19 at Fia. Once again, I shield. Oh, shit! There we go. Fia, arcane shield around her, block sits. This thing is going to take stomping attacks, stomps down on Zerk. Excuse me, what?
Starting point is 01:23:55 17 to hit Zerk. That's my AC exactly. Okay, hits. That is eight damage Zerk. Zerk is unfortunately down. Zerk drops, takes a stomping attack on Fia. Ooh, 21 to hit Fia, but that misses because of the... Because of the shield.
Starting point is 01:24:12 Fia, you stay up. You got the shield. Zirk is stomped into the ground. You see just a crumpled Zirk left in a crater. Fia, you manage to block it with an arcane shield, and you are still standing. This dude, it looks like the machine is still operational, but you're gonna be able to get to him soon.
Starting point is 01:24:32 It's like a cracking egg. There is one more of these hammer guys down on the lower plate with Hank and Grez is gonna go ahead and take a hammer shot at Grez, hits on the first take a hammer shot at Grez. Hits on the first attack, hits on the second attack. Does a total of 21 damage, and you see Grez is looking quite hurt, but it's still standing. That is Fias turn.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Okay, I am going to try to hit this guy because if I can hit this guy, then I can send bookar to help down there. Great, nice. That is a not one, so... Okay, let's reveal your bad Bukfar will attack him with his breath weapon. Okay, Dex save. He got a not 20 of the Dex save.
Starting point is 01:25:21 So he's gonna pass, but he'll probably take half. Ronald shift, bitch! Yes! That's, there we go. You think I'm gonna let this bitch win? Okay. No way. He got his time, devil. Show your everything.
Starting point is 01:25:32 All right, he got it, Sam. He got it, got the, oh, 10. Okay, that is, my guy can't ever save. 17. 17, book far reigns, fire down on this dude. You see that there are explosions within this little mex suit. You see the glass shatters around him and HuTar is propelled out of it
Starting point is 01:25:52 and lands in the rubble as the mex suit crashes and the spider like the legs like turn in on themselves and pile up and just look like a pile of rubble. You see HuTar crashes on the ground here. Oh, looks fucked up. Oh, milk. Grabs, goes and grabs a dagger and he's like bleeding out of the nose and stuff, looking fucked up, but just rushing at you on foot. I am not done. I look at him and I say, do your fucking worst. And then I healing word, Zirk.
Starting point is 01:26:28 Okay. Yes. For, I'm so sorry, only six. Okay. Still great. Zirk pops back up. That means no more death saves. That's good to know.
Starting point is 01:26:38 So, Hugh Tarr, rushing at you with a knife, Henry, that is your turn. You are grappled. You can escape the grapple with an athletics check. Okay. I'm gonna look at Cragill and do a cocky half-smile and say, you ready to give up? When we've got it fucking one, no thank you.
Starting point is 01:27:00 I swap places with Shank. Ah! Ah! I'm gonna have a claw! Sorry! Ah! I'm in a claw! Sorry, buddy. I owe you one. I'll attack Kragel twice. Sweet. That is a 26 and a 21 to hit.
Starting point is 01:27:15 Ah, hits Kragel. Never leave the truck. That is a 24 damage. 24 damage. Yeah, you get behind her. You stab into her twice. Instantly looks pretty hurt. Ah, you get behind her, you stab into her twice, instantly looks pretty hurt. Ah, you fucker! Yeah, and you didn't know this was a tag team, because Shank cannot be grappled, so Shank is gonna take an attack as well.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Great. Shank crit. Oh my god! There he goes! The hot tag, I'm coming in! Thank you, Santa. Look at that crass! Thank you, Santa! Look at that, Chris! Thank you, Santa!
Starting point is 01:27:47 It's 19 damage. Kragel's looking quite fucked up. Gres is also going to use her reaction to add 2D8, so go ahead and add 2D8 to that. God, yes. It's got a cool ability. That is only an extra five. On DesiDore, on Death's porch.
Starting point is 01:28:04 OK. Instantly, like you and and shank just both like you appear behind her switching places with shank Stab into her back. She turns to face you Shank shows up behind her and stabs into her And she instantly is like bleeding out of the mouth and looks fucked up. They're a little bowl of kibble on death's porch Yeah, you gotta get a few cats No, no cats on Deathsport. That's true. After Hangstern, that is Griez's turn, Griez is going to do just cure wounds on herself to try to keep herself alive here. Nice. You deserve it, Griez. Thank you so much. Looks to do some out better. After Griez, that is Tab. Tab is gonna take two shots at Utah. Oh, it's just a bit disparate then.
Starting point is 01:28:49 You run in with a knife. Hi, Ed, I'll spy to suit before. Crits. Yes! Oh my gosh, it's almost like I took his crit and gave it to... Yeah. I'm bargain with the time double.
Starting point is 01:29:04 Does a total of 25 damage to this dude You see just hits one five hits another thigh and he just keeps running But he looks really fucked up tabs back baby after tab You see a flash of light coming up from the transporter building and you see Lusgar rushing out of the little transporter room. And he just looks around, he goes, where am I needed? Everywhere!
Starting point is 01:29:33 I pointed out the guy with the two arrows coming out of his thighs. You see Lusgar is going to rush towards Hutar, is faster than him. Now that Hutar is slowing down, he's going to go ahead and make a grapple check. He successfully tackles Hutar down. You see, he grabs Hutar, stops him from moving, and basically has him restrained like grabs him by the legs.
Starting point is 01:30:04 That is craggle and the other dudes down here. I'm gonna say the other guys are gonna act before Kragel. They're gonna take two Harpoon shots at Grez. One hits for 15 damage. Grez is back down to looking pretty fucked up. Then you see the one who was controlling the claw. There's three dudes down here plus Craggle. Um, due to his controlling the claw, is going to get out of his little cockpits. Um, is going to,
Starting point is 01:30:33 BOOH! Do the scrapper in large thing. Um, gets bigger, throws a javelin at Gres. And Cretz. Oh, no. You see this javelin hits Gres in the back and she drops. Ooh. Then that is Kragel's turn.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Kragel is going to go ahead and take a swing at you Henry. Okay. 22 to hit. That hits. 16 damage. Okay. After Kragel and these guys down here, that is on the top plate, that is Zerks turn.
Starting point is 01:31:04 How many people are down in the valley four Scrappers including Craggle plus one hammer dude, so there's five scrapers down there plus Grezz who is knocked out and then Henry How busted does the spider mech look? Fucked okay cool great. I was wondering if I could like use that to neutralize them down there You can I mean a little card down here. I'll let you jump in it and do an intelligence check to see if you can get it running. It propelled him out of there. It's fucked up, but if all you're trying to do is like run with this thing, I would allow
Starting point is 01:31:34 that. Okay, um, yeah, I'm gonna hop in the cockpit, sweet. Can I add plus six, which I get for interacting with tools? Yeah! Shit, that's just an eight, but plus six, that's, for interacting with tools. Yeah. Shit, that's just an eight, but plus six, that's what, 14? Okay, great. Zirk, you jump in.
Starting point is 01:31:51 You see the two like fists at the front, have stopped working, have like broken off, and there's like sparks flying out of them. But you see of the like eight legs that this thing has, like three of them are still working, and you could just kind of drag it along, and this would make it safe to jump down the fissure and get towards like Hank.
Starting point is 01:32:10 Yeah, I think I'm just gonna like drag this thing towards the fissure and try and land on the dump truck or one of the hammers. Sweet, I'll say you can scoop Fiya too if she wants to come along, or if you wanna stay up here. Yeah, I'm planning on fireballing these little fuckers in the valley, so yeah, I can go ahead from anywhere,
Starting point is 01:32:25 but I might as well get away from the year. Hey, Fia, we got a new reindeer. You see that Zerg is just sticking his hands into like loose wiring that is biting him in the same way that it's made good? Fia gets up in this little cockpit with you. Sparks going everywhere. Zerg, go ahead and I'll say give me an intelligence check to try to jump this down like onto this like dump truck down there.
Starting point is 01:32:52 That is going to be an 11, but I'm going to use Flash of Genius. Great. So that's going to be a 15. 15, great. I will say that is successful enough to get you down to it. So yeah, you crash into the top of this thing. It's still together enough to break your fall. So it lands, it like pivots at these like pistons. But then those legs break off too. It does some damage to the dump truck thing here.
Starting point is 01:33:20 And I'll say like fully knocks, crackle, and Hank and Shank off the top of it as they were fighting there. Welcome to the Fizzier, buddy. Hey! But you guys successfully land down here in the Fizzier. Awesome. Could I use a bonus action healing word, or is that too much? You can use a bonus action.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Nice. I'll go ahead and heal and word myself. Man, the tables have turned. Okay. So after Zirk, that is Utah's turn. You can't see what's going on up there. You can assume he's wrestling with with Lusgar.
Starting point is 01:33:48 There is one hammer down here. Hammerer is going to I guess just run up and try to take a crack at Fia. Natural three on the first attack. 22 on the second attack. I believe I still have shield. Didn't I have shield up? Whoa, it hasn't been your turn again misses Yeah, I can't see a blazing good God what a good spell. Oh, Fia that's your turn. I do want to do Bookfarer's dragon breath on Craggle and whoever else he can heat. I'll say you guys showed up right next to Henry
Starting point is 01:34:20 I'll say you can hit the hammer that you just got attacked by and Craggle, okay, so they give me deck saves They both failed 13 damage hammerer looks Superhurt, but it's still alive via finish crackle Okay, but I'm going to do is I'm going to take crackle and put crackle at the end of What I'm going to do is I'm going to take Kragel and put Kragel at the end of Grezz's spear and then I'm going to bonus action healing word Grezz. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:34:50 So I was like, it's not in things she kills. Yeah. You see she wakes up and just instinctively jolts her staff forward and cracks Kragel across the head. Ah, you woke me. You don't doubt forbid a bit there, Grace. You sold out, but you went the fucking down and you absolutely killed this person. Now the beautiful revenge. And then I think I still have an action.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Oh, right. Bookfart just attacked. Because bookfart went. Wow. But I used healing words. I can't use another spell, but I can green flame blade. And I'm just gonna try to hit this dude who is not looking good. Great, this hammer guy. That's gonna be a 19 on the die. Hits, yeah. He didn't fall. 14.
Starting point is 01:35:34 Fija finished him. Yeah. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,ab here. It is. Well, Chris. All right, all right. Don't push it. Don't push it. She just like lack, basically swings her staff. It just breaks his neck. Wow.
Starting point is 01:35:52 See, Anna has blessed you. Yes. Yes. Okay. All right. Did you foresee how awesome you were? I kept this guy alive. Everyone.
Starting point is 01:36:01 After Fiya, that is Henry's turn. Henry, you've just got these Three other dudes down here who look quite scared. You see them like taking off equipment as they try to get out of their little like pods Yeah, yeah, no hang on hang on stay right there. Can I jump into the um? I want to I want to see if I can fire one of the Harpoons at the guy that was operating the claw. Oh He just threw a javelin so he's they're all on the car with you. They're all they're all on the car. Okay, you get thrown down and do that if you want. Yeah, I think I would like to do that.
Starting point is 01:36:33 Great, go ahead and give me a athletics check against him. All right, great. I'm going to try to leg sweep him with the pole of the guisarm. That is an 18. Okay, he only got a 12, so you successfully trip him, throw him off this thing, you hop down into one of the Harpoon things, they're gonna go ahead and take a shot, go ahead and give me an attack roll.
Starting point is 01:36:56 I'll tell you what you add to it. Oh no, I only rolled a five. Okay, you see, the Harpoon just like shoots way over his head. No wonder you guys were missing a lot. Henry is anything you can do with the bonus action or anything? Oh yeah, I can actually attack from Shanks position. So I'll swap places with Shanks and just try to do a classic attack. That is a 3020 hits and that is 11 damage 11 damage Gras is gonna go ahead and use her reaction and give you an extra 2d8. All right, so you essentially do a smite That's another 11 this dude is on desk door super hurt not nearly as tough as like some of the other guys cool
Starting point is 01:37:36 That is graces turn graces just going to Everybody cheer for gras. Let's give it up for Gres everybody. You're being patronizing. I don't appreciate this. Gres it up. She's gonna go ahead. Sorry I just was trying to make you feel really good. No I just don't see we're team players where we it's a bonding thing. I just always try I try to do on the others as I would have done to me and it feels really good to get a compliment. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. All right, it feels good to have our names chanted and what not.
Starting point is 01:38:13 You know what, as an active friendship, let me go ahead and cast a mass healing word on all of us. Yeah. Zirk Whisperer's under his breath. You never cheered my name. Seven to everybody. That's healing. That's Tab's Breath. You never cheered my name. Ha ha ha ha. Seven to everybody. I know, that's healing. That's Tab's turn.
Starting point is 01:38:27 I'll say Tab, just like, you don't know where she is. She's just like up there watching this very personal fight between Lesnar and this other dude. At some point I ran away and she fell off of the disc. Actually, no, there's three dudes down here. I'll say she just pokes her head over the fizzor. Oh, and it takes some shots from up here. Sounds good. So it's good, Tab, Tab, Tab, Tab, Tab, Tab, there's three dudes down here. I'll say she just pokes her head over the fizzor. Oh, and it takes some shots from up here. Sounds good. Sounds good, tap, tap, one, so there's only two guys left down
Starting point is 01:39:09 here. It's fucking grim. It is those guys turned. Let's start to get the really mean and be bad sports. I love it. You see these two guys, the two that are left, are just going to jump out of their little like cockpit things that they were using for the Harpoons, and are just going to take off running. Wait, we're gonna chant your names. Please, we're good, we're good.
Starting point is 01:39:37 No, come back. No, we're okay. We got some Gatorade for you. No, we're good. So they're running, it's my turn. Yes. I guess I like pull out my gun and look back at Henry Fiend Gras Should I let him go or should we take him out? They're kind of a liability, right? Oh, yeah These guys are these guys fucking suck. They they killed the entire village. They killed the city Yeah, they came here to try to finish off a job that they tried to kill all the people
Starting point is 01:40:05 So I just I think I'm a little over redemption arcs. Yeah, momentarily forgot how grievously terrible they were Zerk fires two bullets in their back Gras just nods and goes I agree with everyone's reasoning Yeah, does a 16-hit does hit Alright, let's get a zerk chant going up! Zerk, zerk, zerk, zerk! Zerk, zerk, zerk! Yeah, does a 16 hit? Does hit. Nice! Hits the one, dude.
Starting point is 01:40:32 That's going to be 12 damage. 12 damage, nice. She is going to, Grace, it's going to go ahead and give you an extra 2-D-8. Beautiful. Oh, dang, that's a hole. Do I feel like this holy power coming through me? You feel the power of Christ flowing through you. Holy shit As Christ what he thinks of the time devil because I don't know if I'm dabbling in something uncevory
Starting point is 01:40:56 Also tell him happy birthday because it's clearly Christmas No, that's Santa's birthday. Oh, fuck. I really got it all backwards. Oh, yeah, that's nine more damage Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Bookmark, can you? Bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, book I'll make it up and I say please time devil make me he'd be so sad not 18 on the dice Hi hits oh my god with my fucking green flame brunt blade I rolled two sixes and a seven Fia finish him I LeBoran's like carry him back him back. Okay, hey, hey, hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, glory, dispelled, d'art, d'art, the path to the lost city will be splattered with your blood,
Starting point is 01:42:28 cracks them across the face with the staff. I drop step. Everyone's an MVP today. We all get a game ball. It's a good game, everybody. Let's go. We should probably go check
Starting point is 01:42:38 on Las Gras, who was restraining the angry man with the dagger. Oh my God, you're right. Hey, can you drive this truck? This is your truck, right? Yeah, you think I just inherited it? Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:42:49 Yeah, go ahead. Or a boat guy, but how hard can it be? I can go ahead. Go ahead and give me an intelligence check. I can drive a boat. You can drive a car. It's really similar. They usually do what you rent a boat with whales.
Starting point is 01:43:02 You can rent a boat with a driver's license, is true. You sure can, but it doesn't go the other way. That is a 16. they usually do what you rent a boat with whales. You can rent a boat with a driver's license, it's true. Sure can, but it doesn't go the other way. That is a 16. 16, yeah. You get this thing up and running. It's not too difficult. It's really funny because if you guys are just climbed
Starting point is 01:43:15 or you some kind of magical means or something, you would have got it up there way faster. Instead, you have to like, drive all the way along, like basically the outside where it starts to raise on an incline. Hang on to spend two minutes with the owner's manual as well. Can I fiddle with the radio? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Leave it. Leave it. I will turn this truck around. I will give her something with a good beat. Zerkeeps turning the lights on and off. Roll up that goddamn window, Shay. You guys drive way far out of the way to wrap around. You guys have Gres with you.
Starting point is 01:43:52 You guys meet back up with Tab. And you guys find that Lusgrar has hog-tied huge tar. Oh wow, Lusgrar. Lusgrar. Lusgrar. Yeah, grar. Yeah, let's grar. Lusgrar. That, let's grow, yeah, yeah, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, grow, let's grow, let's grow, let's grow, grow, let's grow, let's grow, grow, let's grow, grow, let's grow, let's grow, grow, let's grow, let's grow, grow, let's grow, let's grow in the mines. I mean this horror? Excuse me, you're really gonna say that about such a nice girl and I- I'm a wikens.
Starting point is 01:44:28 I'm a horror? You kind of a horror there. You, you're a horror bowl. Oh my god. I'm gonna drag him. Punching paper. Drag him. Oh, I'm making rocks fall.
Starting point is 01:44:39 I was in the rocks. I'm gonna be a stab him. There he is. You killed Kevin. You killed Kevin. You killed Kevin. It's weird that she's dead, but you just got absolutely murdered. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:44:47 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:44:55 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:45:03 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm no, I can change, I can change, it's cool, it's cool, I'm good, I'm good, I just, yeah, I did it the one time, I admit it, I admit this, I'm about our three stuff is bad, I admit she seems really nice. You hear Luscar, just starts reading of his rights, just goes, you'll betrayed your people
Starting point is 01:45:18 for the murders at this outpost and for, looks at tab, Kevin, We sent his you to death. Via is a wash in an ocean of feelings for Kevin. Blood from stone! Glory to Zoboldar! Glory to Zoboldar! Glory to Zoboldar! And Kevin, I... Given Luxgar swings the hammer down, Hutar is smashed.
Starting point is 01:45:44 And that's what one of our sessions. That's sprayed in blood and just like a six mile comes across her face. Good lord. My god. Whoa. Going out with a bang. We'll talk more about this on the short rest, but you guys fucking ruled in that encounter.
Starting point is 01:46:04 I was expecting to that, you guys were gonna like need Lush Gras help. I had mechanics where he was gonna be like holding the iron fists that the dude had, so you'd have better cracks, but those deck-saving throws, you basically just hit every fireball guaranteed. Yeah, good Lord.
Starting point is 01:46:20 Good Lord, good Lord. Good to do anything. We got roses ready, roses are cocked on the short rest. We got a rose gun. We got a rose gun. We got a rose gun. I'm gonna blast ya. Sweet guys. Rose can and really.
Starting point is 01:46:29 Thank you all so much for listening. You can listen to us talk more about this over on our Patreon. slash nad pod. That's nad dd pod. Don't sing. Yes. Okay. Does anybody have anything they would like to plug?
Starting point is 01:46:42 I got some PO box stuff I can talk about. Right on. Awesome. We got some nice box stuff I can talk about. Right on. Awesome. We got some nice notes from people. We got notes from Kayla Kaye, congrats on graduating from Stanford. Megan F. No, I know.
Starting point is 01:46:54 Stop. Megan F and their cat, Mavis, thanks for delivering the mail, Megan. Let's see, oh, this is incredible. Jamison H who works at Universal Studios and invited us to the Waterworld Live Seed War Spectacular show. Oh, this is incredible. Jameson H who works at Universal Studios and invited us to the Waterworld live See War Spectacular show As soon as it's safe here there
Starting point is 01:47:14 Kayla C. Congrats on graduating from Oregon State Colby. We're really glad you made it through this tough year and Zachary A Thanks for listening and keep making music if If you would like to send us something, you can do it at 1920. He'll hear us to have a new number 222, Los Files, California at 900, a 27. Suits. Jakey, anything? Check out me at a Miers podcast.
Starting point is 01:47:35 If I were you, what's it called? Is that new? What, yeah, what's it about? What's it like? You know, just a tiny little show. Is it another D&D podcast? It's similar except not as fun. So, yes.
Starting point is 01:47:47 Oh, okay. Check out, check out, not as fun podcasts. Not as fun D&D podcast. That's actually a pretty good name. Yeah, I'm talking about D&D sometimes, but it may or doesn't get it so. Yeah. It's a port UGO by listening.
Starting point is 01:47:59 Oh, yeah. We do have to bring UGO back at some point. Oh my god, I can't wait. We'll do a holiday special where UGO comes to Elterm back to some point. Oh my god, I can't wait. Well, we'll do a holiday special where you go come to Eltermorne. Oh my god. So we can't. I'm gonna buy the Reaper himself.
Starting point is 01:48:11 Oh my god, yeah. The only thing to destroy the third mate's. So you guys, thank you all for listening. You can follow us on social media that we may or may not use. EtsyHMurphusMe, at called these call dwell. At J. HerwoodsJake and at E.A.X. for this Emily. And you can tweet about the show using hashtag NADPOD that's NADDEDDPD. We are the nation, we are the nation, we are the nation.
Starting point is 01:48:37 It's the end of our show, which means it's time to shout out our benevolent counsel of elders. You honor us, and now we honor you. Let's get to it. Brad D. Jeffery S. Halt our frostback, steelbreaker, and Matt Im. Wealthy Zombies funding Tab's expedition from Indotera. They say they're doing it in the name of science, but in reality, they just ran out of under eye cream and need tap to go grab some from the CVS and Elder Morn. Makes sense, probably hard to get. Jordan DJ, Cutter W, Jive G, Zolo Dolo, and Dylan B. The Scuttlers, awakened undead who skitter around like spiders by choice.
Starting point is 01:49:20 They also spin webs, but that's due to a gland problem, and they would all prefer if it didn't happen. Shoeb with the mushroom, Danielle the Dastroly Dame, Andrew M, Beardman Dan and Scott D. Skeletal kiddies who eat the kibble left at Death's door. Legend say that if you fail to give them chin-scritches, you'll be reincarnated as a cockroach. Tough but fair. Danny P. Mixologist Michael McD. Boundore's boy. Andrew B. and Kevin S.
Starting point is 01:49:50 Owners of Twilidium are us, a specialty store in the crux that just went out of business a week ago due to lack of interest. Damn, just an eye. Ragnar Federwind. TJM, the gnome barbarian. Elena M. and Trele the cray-fay. Employees at the DMV who are helping Henry get a license for his new truck.
Starting point is 01:50:10 They also try to take a new photo for his ID, but Shank kept standing in the way. Come on, Shank! Jared E, Austin Bonesaw, MR, Demial R, Cyborg version of Josh the Cobald, and Octo-Litch. Alchemists who are attempting to en-generations of conflict and bloodshed by combining blue cheese and ranch to create the forbidden sauce known only as blanch. I drink it. Gage M. Richard X Machina, Michael L. Sergio Salazar Salaman Sakharaya S.I.C. and Trast the Traveller. Rio Salazar Salaman Sakharaya de Sikwani, and Trast the Traveler.
Starting point is 01:50:45 Cheerleaders hired by the Third Mates to follow Gres around and cheer her name whenever she's feeling down. Unfortunately for Gres, they all have 30 plus passive perceptions and are impossible to escape. Sir Carl, Jorri S, Dena G, Azoth Shadows, Calum L, and Ryan. Lusgar are softball teammates who watched as he bolted from the field to help the third mates. He's actually pretty bad, but the team has an everyone plays rule, so they honestly
Starting point is 01:51:13 dodged a huge bullet. Jack L, flawless whale, temporal, Sam L, Nicholas C, and Reese in S. Jewelers who have a shit ton of toilidia. But unfortunately, it's a super hot engagement stone right now, so sorry folks, they just can't part with it. Tough. Samuel B. Mike H. Byron Murphy likes to drink curfee. Matthew E. Colton B. And Adam G.
Starting point is 01:51:42 Children who made fiat clauses nice list. Oh, good job kiddos. Let a mexude on fire and she will bring you presents. The Amusement Park Operator's working on tabs wild ride. You basically try to hang onto a hovering disc while fireballs, fists, and guns erupt all around you. Sounds safe? Dan, Nikki W, Grace G, Drew Nasty, C.C. Lulu and Jay. The scientist behind Dextrous Mechs, a group of mech tech designers trying to create clunky metal suits with a ballerina's grace. Oh, deadly but beautiful. Barnsinator, Michelle O. Timmy R. Jonathan W. The Crock-Waring Warrior, and Lucas B. Viral marketers who are looking into monetizing Zirk's SkyWrite's bell to tease album drops. Yeah sure, name your price, sounds great.
Starting point is 01:52:39 Aaron S. It's Kevin. Hogfish is above average hog, New York, and Steven C. The monster truck, allies. They go to monster truck rallies, and root for the trucks. Oh, crazy! KJ, Michael M, Rahul N, Mike K, Maxwell C, and Karen J. The makers who invented snake rains. They keep trying to sell everyone on the anti-vendom, anti-bite gloves upgrade, but weirdly,
Starting point is 01:53:07 no one's buying it. The bite feels good, I don't know what to say, it just feels nice. Eccathor 666, Nick W, Taylor A, Matthew R, and Esmi M, a group of extra Terrence. They're like Indo Terrence, but they're really outgoing and get their energy from other people. They are still zombies though, worth mentioning. Nathan, Kazamiyur, they all knowing, Big Bad Beard of the Mad, Eric McD, Jack Meehawth, and Thrath, Deep Folk Meck Pilots, whose mechs all combine into a giant steam-powered robot. Unfortunately, Fia incinerated them all before they had a chance to pull it off. Dang, next time.
Starting point is 01:53:48 Rarely T, J Dragonborn, Joe Rowe, The Innopropro, Cody B, Liam D, and The Sand Drain. Elderborn children celebrating Booksmus. The holiday where Fiya claws teleports down your chimney and magically awakens your favorite novels. Just make sure to leave out plenty of cigars and darkstout for her. Ah, my favorite time of year. Ben A. Feldannis. Dave H. Kuala Bear. Katherine S. and David K. Indotera mages who invented the telespork. It can't open doorways between dimensions,
Starting point is 01:54:20 but it can magically locate any bowl of chili within 100 miles. And honestly, that's way more practical. Christian S. Dustin S. Keith K. Connor F. The Timewalker. And Emilio D. Kragel's family. She never visited them and was always super rude to everyone on the family text thread, so honestly, they're kinda glad she's dead. Frankie Koala. Big Bad John, Aston S, Blair, the Bug Blair, Barbar Blarion,
Starting point is 01:54:48 Pork Chop, and Chanel M. Deep folk bodybuilders who are competing in the annual Zelbuldar in large Othon to see who can grow to the largest size. Only serious warriors are allowed to enter, or as they say at the show, go, wet or go home. Alice, Balacy Raptor, Minette F, Pat L, Achootha and Lauren H.
Starting point is 01:55:11 Other members of Tab's expedition, they were buried under a pile of rocks 10 feet away but tabbed the money so she kept quiet about it to the third mates. Elias Hawthorn, Maddie Y, Alex H, the eldest Barry, Ryan S, and the bone duster. The Drill Grinches, aka the Drinches. They used to dig holes into deep folk houses and steal all their gifts, but then they heard the deep folk children singing a beautiful Christmas carol and had a change of heart. Shortly after that, Fia murdered them all with fireballs. Oh no!
Starting point is 01:55:46 Joshua H. Robot Crisps. Yiddressil. Brintly C. Micah B. And Bloops. Bugs living in Tab's hair. They used to be able to influence Tab's decisions, but if since Lost's favor with her,
Starting point is 01:55:58 ever since a family of politically minded cockroaches moved into her ears. Carly Ann. Laurie P. Spam gaming, the not-so-skilled gamer, Connor Savage, Russell H, and Christopher J.O. Deep-foad construction workers responsible for patching up all the zirks shaped holes in the walls of Zelbald R3. It is a full-time job that is putting their kids through college.
Starting point is 01:56:22 I wish it wasn't. Logan S. LaFyuffin. Demi A. Bioquart 7. Kinney and Remington CD. Ranch fans who absolutely murdered Jake's atts when they heard this week's intro. He will be issuing an apology next week that is a guarantee. Amber K. Effort P. Trubb Hopdropper, Sydney T, The Element God, and Lindsay W. Blue Cheese heads. Her Jake's intro and felt that it was insincere and also murdered him in his ads. Another apology is forthcoming, please stand by.
Starting point is 01:56:59 Champ Wild, Vailin, Sprite Pepsi, Carlin Sea, Anthony S, and Sally S. Kevin's Jim Crew, they all work out at an undead Jim doing weighted spider crawls. Not everyone has calves like Kevin, but Carlin has a beat in the tricep department. Lookin' good, Carlin! Tristan C. The Goose, Jake, Emily S, the new petty king of Outerboro CC and Matthew J. Mechs who used their suits for steam-powered break dancing. It's dangerous, but not as dangerous as going into a fight against Fia Buginia. I must agree. Scripps-ripper Zane C. Michael S. the Bone Duster. Noah, Wyatt B. and Estelle. Hank's Fischer friends.
Starting point is 01:57:41 When Hank had FOMO for missing the fireball disc ride on Santa's cursed slay, all they had to do was look to his Fischer friends to know that, you know what, fuck it, no, they had FOMO too. Everyone had FOMO was a bad time. Sorry Fischer friends, that's the truth. Rogue Cree, Daniel Inn, Baron S. aka Soestian's romance partner from the Baronies, Mr. Dude Sky, and conflicted DM. Elder Morn's Derby Jockies. After witnessing this fight, they've all swapped out their reigns for venomous snakes.
Starting point is 01:58:09 Directly related, they were all also disqualified from their next race. That's fair, it's technically doping. Justin LB, Conor P, Dandy, Jennifer R, Clifton A, and Reverend Shadowboons. Deep folk demolition Derby drivers, who until recently had a standing competition with Cragal and her decked out truck. They'll miss the thrill of evading the harpoons in the claw, but not Cragal, they knew she was bad.
Starting point is 01:58:37 Richard G, imbarber, Marcos P, Pup Kalish, learned the balance druid, and Dakota JP. Boxing coaches who were teaching Zirk to take a punch, though they did just see the Zirk-shaped hole in the wall and are thinking that maybe they'll just teach him to run away. That's definitely fair. Pegos V, Tracy P, Al-Zion, a very big bed 91, Tyler B, and Scrumpey Bogpipe. Elder Morn, Santa's Helpers. Aside from making cursed toys, their jobs include putting the reindeer in an angry mood and ensuring that Santa's poison snakes are hungry for blood.
Starting point is 01:59:13 Oh, no! And that is all of our shoutouts for this week. Thank you all so, so much for listening and supporting us. You can head to slash nad pod if you would like to join the council. And with that, we will see you next week. Farewell.

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