Not Another D&D Podcast - Eldermourne - Ep. 25: Flesh and Blood

Episode Date: June 12, 2021

The Third Mates settle up under the mountain, then visit high society! Henry tries to disappear, Fia experiences special treatment, and Zirk can't stay mad. Support us at to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content!Music / Sound Effects Include:"Sci-fi Laboratory" by Qubodup at"A Wizard's Tournament" by Emily Axford."Unknown Tome" by Emily Axford."Soul Coins" by Emily Axford."The Pact" by Emily Axford."The Whisperwood" by Emily Axford."Zirk" by Emily Axford."Montgomery Manor" by Emily Axford."The Purge" by Emily Axford."The Lonely Autumn" by Emily Axford."The Thinking Cap" by Emily Axford."Zelbuldar 3" by Emily Axford."A Memory" by Emily Axford."The Baron's Estate" by Emily Axford.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Headgun Podcast. Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item. Plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy.
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Starting point is 00:01:20 brush processing. Code www-A-W-P-A-W. Goodbye, sweeties. ["Fast and Furious"] Welcome to the campaign after the campaign after the campaign. This is not another D&D podcast. ["Fast and Furious"] Welcome back to Elder Morn, everybody. Elder Morn.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I'm your Dungeon Master, Brian Murphy joined by Jake Herwitz, running a muck with a monster truck, Henry Hogfish. Hey, dude, 1v1 to dump truck last week. Give it up for Hank. He fell in a ravine and I kind of came out even with a lot of help. He made the best of it, falling in a ravine. And then of came out even with a lot of help. He made the best of it following in a ravine. And then of course we've got Emily Axford. Racking Max with no decks with her fire breathing codex, Fia Boginia.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Oh, triple play. Triple play rhyme scheme. Ho ho ho, Fia Clause. I know, I had it. I was trying to come up with a Fia Clause one, but I just didn't come to got you I got you back don't even worry about it. We've got Fia's little elf here We've got called ball Tanner Zelbald our three outpost Delver and Fia clauses little helper. It's cert for Vane Except you're not my little helper because we don't have this dynamic again because we don't have this dynamic again. No, that's true.
Starting point is 00:02:44 You are an adult. I am not in charge of you. He's an adult with a gun. Although I am shorter than you. I am technically shorter than you, so I can be your helper in that regard. That's true. Leilin Statcher.
Starting point is 00:02:55 And a little taller than me. Sweet guys, let's go ahead and do a little recap. So last time, you began by speaking to Tabatha and awakened horror discovered in the ruins of Zelbaldar III. Tab told you that she had traveled to Eldermorn on a diplomatic mission, from Endotera, a demiplane our city full of awakened horrors. Some good, some bad. You were quickly able to deduce that Endotera was another name for the lost city of Zelbaldar, seemingly plucked from this realm and dropped into another
Starting point is 00:03:25 world. The city is surrounded by a mysterious mist that prevents anyone from leaving the mountain, hence Tab's interest in traveling to Eldemorn to meet other forms of life and explore the world outside. You tried to convince Tab to immediately take you back to retrieve the missing arena, but she informed you that she was only able to achieve Plainar travel with the help of a wizard named Kevin. Given, rip, rest in pieces. Rest in pieces. Rest in pieces, but may I have your steak? You did find Kevin's steak. That piece
Starting point is 00:03:59 may not rest. You guys were able to find Kiven's body in the rubble along with his stick, with the device he used to travel there, a wand with a socketed gem called the telefork. Unfortunately, the gem was shattered, so you'd need to rebuild it in order to get to the lost city of Zelbaldar and Arena. Tab explained that the twy-litium gem that was needed is native to Endotera and Zirk theorized that his mom could help rebuild it because she likely has access to a lab. She's done very well for herself, apparently. She's certainly selling a lot of guns. I hope she's doing well for herself, honestly considering the amount of weapons she's
Starting point is 00:04:41 selling. Exactly, hopefully she's not getting ripped off. I don't know if this is a for-profit initiative. That feels weird. Just got not for profit. Guns for bandits. Her charity. As you prepared to leave to find her, you are attacked by Utah and a team of scrappers in giant mech suits. They were intense on burying the secrets of the sentient horror and the horrible truth about Zelbordar 3 revealed by the ghost dragon. After an insane fight, that's a fia jumping over a mech while riding a demon deer and pulling a sleigh, Zerk using Sky
Starting point is 00:05:17 right to send a message to Lusgar through a teleporter and Hank going 1v1 with a dump truck, you were able to best the scrapers and avenge the destroyed outpost of Zelbedar 3. Lusgrar sentenced Hugh Tarte to death and subsequently smashed him with a hammer. And that is the show. Where we are now. Does anyone need a wet nap?
Starting point is 00:05:39 So you are all standing around this impromptu execution. You guys see, in the back, So you are all standing around this impromptu execution. You guys see, in the back, this is just chaos everywhere. Destroyed mex suits, fill the ruins with smoke. You just hear random whirs and pops as the machine's malfunction in the background. Such a shame. You see, Lusgar stands over the body
Starting point is 00:06:01 of Hugh Tark-Gunnerbolt, breathing heavily, staring intensely. And you see, he looks up at you guys and he goes, you found Gris, the dead is repaid. Well, we might all hurt one now. Yes, she's quite fearsome in battle. Look how many are impaled on her step. Yes, let's carve three into that, right? Please, this is an ancient artifact. Let's not carve anything into it, but yes,
Starting point is 00:06:30 I did break a bunch of necks with my staff. Thank you for the assists, but Lusgar are. Not only did they find me, but we were able to find something else that was lost. Gres goes on to introduce Tab to Lusgarar and explains how she likely could help lead them back to Zellboldar, explains the stuff with like the tele fork and everything, explains the scry spell with arena and everything. And you see as he's hearing it, Lusgar doesn't get like his normal pumped, you see he's
Starting point is 00:07:04 just too emotional to be pumped. You just see his eyes are wide, just like big doe eyes, and he's just making like weird noises and breathing heavily. Okay, I'm gonna offer just a little back pat with like nod. As soon as you pat his back, a like noise comes out like a cough like, that's good. I match it. Yeah, it's good. That's good Just you wait cool you wait centuries to find a promise lander than one day. It's just like Just like right there man. Not a bad afternoon. Hey, not a bad afternoon But from stone Glory to Zelbaldor
Starting point is 00:07:42 Glory to Zelbaldar! Glory to Zelbaldar. Glory to Zelbaldar. I, Glory to Zelbaldar. You see, Lusgar kind of wipes his eyes and goes, all right, let's get going. Your friend is likely in danger and the deep folk have waited long enough to reclaim their homeland.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Yeah. So to find our way to Zelbaldar, it seems like we need to repair this twilidium. I show him the shard, uh, and say, do you have any sort of a labrary that we could use to kind of research this further or do you happen to know anyone by the name of Vervein? That's my last name, but also the name of... Yes, I know you.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Sir, okay, just me. All right, I don't know if I ever told you my last name. I also know of Vervein. Sir, you know Vervein too, okay. I never met a Ver a vein, sounds exotic. Great, hi, I realized I'm doing a bad job of introducing myself, that's my name, but also my mom's name, she has a lab somewhere,
Starting point is 00:08:34 but I don't know where she's set up. So I was just wondering if you had heard anything about that. I don't know your mom, but I can, there is a library, just a regular old library. I don't know what a library is, but there's a library in Zobaldar 7. We can try to find information on toiletium. A library is a library but with more buns in burners. It's very dangerous for the books.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Right. But you know what? Through this comes reward. Sometimes fire in books do mix. I'm not a book man. I slap a book far on like the hardcover and a little bit of smoke comes out. Smoke and dust. That's right. How are you going to make a pizza without a little fire? Let's get this is not looking at book. That's a good catchphrase for you, bookman.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Very good. Also a good follow up question. Is there a pizza oven in the library uh... there's no again not a library just a library if you want pizza though they there are bar snacks at the earth and i'll tell you with enough bonson burners we might be able to get a copy of the no bonson bonson bonson bonson bonson bonson bonson mister hendry i've never had a chance to ask you. What's the difference between a hot plate and a BUNS in burger? Would you know your way around one?
Starting point is 00:09:48 Why could you do with a hot plate? The hot plate doesn't take any flame at all. Sorry, Lossclaw. Lossclaw? Grabs, Fia, and Henry and Pulse you in close. The path to Zoboldar has finally been opened. And we're talking about BUNS in burgers and hot plates! Ha-ha! To burgers and outlets to the library
Starting point is 00:10:06 to the library. As he shakes via a completely resets her and then a look of responsibility and purpose comes into her eyes and then she looks at Gras and she says, Gras, I know that you have abilities to look at people. We used it to look at arena. Can we use it to find Zerksmother? Gras nods and she goes, Then I look over at my companions and say,
Starting point is 00:10:26 I was sitting on that one for a while. And I will think one eye with a creaky wink. Gris nods and she goes, yes, I should have enough strength left to do a Skry spell with the help of Zerke. I should be able to locate his mother. Why don't we go to Zelboldar 7 and I'll do it there while we do our research. Okay, great. Just let me know how much hair you need. I'll chop it
Starting point is 00:10:47 off. Just a minimum amount of hair. Zerks, strapping. It's like soren over California. Woo! I can't wait for that orange scent. Lusgar leads you guys to the half destroyed teleporter building and you guys step into the spot for Zelboldar 7. Can I grab a couple of scraps from these mechs just for study? I think I might wanna use them when I'm rebuilding a Spritele later.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Right on, yeah. I just like scoop up, in the bag of holding I scoop up as much mechs scrap as I can. Oh, that's true, you guys do have a bag of holding. Yeah, I'll say some of the smaller guys, like the drill dudes, their stuff probably didn't even weigh 500 pounds. So like you could probably like grab like half of it and
Starting point is 00:11:31 have like a half built mech suit essentially in your pack. So Lusgar once again like is like charging forward like I will lead us to Zubble Dhar and then turns back. Just these are collecting garbage. And I did want to bring a rock from my son. Let me just see if I can find a smooth one. Okay, everyone's collecting something. I tried to look for a spell book. A luskgar and Gris literally carry you guys to the transporters.
Starting point is 00:11:59 You see, there's a spot that will take you to Zelbaldar 7. There's this purple light coming up from a rune circle in the floor After stepping through it You see a flash of light and feel like a rush of wind almost as if you just jumped off something like jumped off a cliff But you get the sensation of landing of landing safely your feet settle and you come out of the transporter on the other side in the outpost of Zelbaldar 7 This is the underground town that you guys first came to. It's full of people and functional buildings.
Starting point is 00:12:29 This is the outpost where Patilda was resting above the Earth and Al Tavarn after her rescue. So she is here. So Lesgar forges ahead and leads you guys to a small library. You see there's an old deep folk librarian, gray, robe, long white beard down to his toes, like it reaches down below the desk. You only kind of see what's going on in here because as you open the door, there's a little bit of light from like torches and stuff outside, but this building is extremely dark. They likely don't want torches or like bunsen burners or other sources of open flame
Starting point is 00:13:08 near these precious books and artifacts. That's right. You could really, you could get by with a hot plate. There's no risk of open flame. I conjure a very subtle controlled fireball. As you do that, you see the old librarian goes, no fire in the library, that's rule number one. Points to a sign that says, stop to read the sign, it's not to read the sign. It's tough to read the sign. Without the light, I was honestly conjuring it to read the sign.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Okay, well the sign says, you can just ask me what the sign says. That's why the sign's there. Signs for me to read. I may even see you, you're shrouded in shadows. The sign signs for me to read even see you you're shrouded in shadows The sign is for me to read okay, we need to do you to be Red to the rules the rules from to on we need the rules from to on rule number one No fire in the library Great number two no talking you already broke that one. That's two rules. That's too straight
Starting point is 00:14:03 I love a rule where the person who makes the rule can break it, huh? Thank you. I made that one myself. There's no rule number three, so luckily you can't get to three strikes. Just the two rules, but you've broken both of them in a very upset way. I really like you.
Starting point is 00:14:18 What's your name? It's a little bit. I could just fucking set up and have lunch with you. You got something else. I'm you, Draarn lunch with you. You are something else. I'm U-Drawn, the librarian. U-Drawn. He needs a pleasure to meet you, and I mean every syllable of pleasure. Is that with this name plaque that is unreadable, says U-Drawn? Yes, it's very tiny, and it's in the dark.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I wasn't necessarily expecting you here. Who are you? Why are you here? Why do you want to read our old books? You see, Lascar goes, I'm so sorry for my friends, but Grizzin' them may have found something interesting. We need to find a book about Toiletium. The librarian kind of strokes his beard and nods, he goes, Yes, yes, I believe I've heard of Twilightium and the journals of the wanderer Engack. You see, the librarian gets up, he does pull out a small lantern and light it that puts the flame like safely behind a glass
Starting point is 00:15:19 and he kind of snures at you guys. We'll still on a play at all. No, there's still, I don't know if you could really use that as a Bunsen burner, the flame doesn't look strong number one a fire behind the glass when held by the library and Niggay's rule number one. I did not see I did see that there were subcategories Beaming because she loves how many rules this guy has Just not exactly what to do around you. It's awesome As he goes in and he looks through like ills of like these dusty tomes, he had mentioned
Starting point is 00:15:50 that he'd heard of Twylydium in the journals of the Wanderer Engack. And he goes on to explain to you that when the original Zellboldar, when the original lost city was destroyed or lost, that most of the deep folk in it were killed. However, there were like dozens, if not hundreds, who were not in the city at the time. Many of them were on hunting expeditions or traveling outside the mountain, so that's how they have records of Zelbaldar,
Starting point is 00:16:17 the writings of the wanderers. Oh wow. So you see, he goes through, and he finds a thick leather- tome and goes through it. Yes, toiletium, toiletium, toiletium. And he's able to produce some information on it after like half an hour of looking around, keeps shushing you every time you guys try to talk.
Starting point is 00:16:38 It's like a painfully long time to quiet. I was scratching my head. Everybody's shushed, feels my heart with joy. Yeah, shush. Something's scratching my head. Everybody feels my heart would joy. Shhh, something scratching my leg. I think there might be like cave critters in here. Yes, of course there's cave critters in here. It's a cave. Can I eat? Can I just eat the little snack?
Starting point is 00:16:55 And you eat that's rule number two A. Two A. Can I get like an audio book version of the rules maybe? Like something I can like put into my ears. That's what you're choir talking, which would be against the rules. I'm looking for your thing. He's got me there. You see after a bit he's able to produce some information
Starting point is 00:17:11 on toiletium. They were apparently these fragile stones that were almost like volcanic glass, and tab confirms this. But instead of being created by heat from magma, it was created by the heat of like a magical source. This needs very specific conditions. Like whoever created this, whether it be a light source,
Starting point is 00:17:33 or whether it be a heat source, whatever it is that originally created the twilightium, is a very specific thing that you would need like lab equipment to put together. Yeah, those precise conditions were going to need a replicate, I think. Does the book say anything about why Zelbaldar was taken to this pocket dimension?
Starting point is 00:17:53 It seems like the Reaper was involved as a result of these awaken that we've seen, but I'm just wondering, like, did the Deep Folk anger the Reaper in some way, or was there some sort of ancient battle or something that occurred? I'm just wondering like did the deep folk anger the Reaper in some way or was there some sort of Ancient battle or something that occurred? I'm just trying to figure out what we're gonna be up against when we go to Zelbaldar Um, you see the librarians eyes widen and he goes somebody took Zelbaldar We know where it is. He's like just absolutely freaked out. Just has no idea
Starting point is 00:18:22 Um, you see Grez and Lusgard, like try to calm him down. He doesn't know what happened to Zelbaldar. You guys are just finding this stuff out. So you see Grez is like trying to calm him down and she goes, Zirk, that is exactly what I plan on staying here to find out. I'm gonna stick around here. I'm gonna do some research
Starting point is 00:18:39 and I'm gonna see if there was anything leading up to the city's disappearance that would hint at what we're dealing with now. Kind of combined the new information we have with the old information that we have here. Keep an eye out for this mysterious maxora. She nods, she goes, I will definitely be on the lookout
Starting point is 00:18:58 for any mysterious sorceresses that suddenly show up and cause trouble. It would be hard to see them in here because of how dark it is. So just, I guess, Cass stay, see invisibility or something, I don't know. I bet she'd come in, breaking both of the rules.
Starting point is 00:19:12 So she'd probably make herself real conspicuous. That's a good point. That is a real sorcerer style. Grez walks over to you, Zirk, and goes, before you leave us, let me help you find your mother. Holds her hands out. Zerke kisses it.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Not necessary. Give me your hand, you maniac. Okay. Zerke looks at Fia and gives it like, what gives, yes, Jure, and then gives his hand to Gris. Fia kisses Zerke's hand. Gris takes your hand and begins casting a scry spell and goes, I want you to close your eyes, breathe deeply, and try to imagine your mother's face.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Zirk does so. He thinks for a second because it's been a while, but then he sees the silhouette of her top hat and her long, kind of, scragally gray hair that kind of matches his own. And are like, down swept along years as well. And then the last thing he pictures is kind of her confidence smile. Zirk, you have the kind of same experience that Fiya had. So one second, you're here, and then all of a sudden, you feel this like rush of wind. It feels like you're flying towards your mother.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Like you have this image of her. She is across the world from you, and you're getting closer, closer, closer. I'm going through mountains, going through cities, going through towns, until you finally make your way through a lab That almost looks like a Greenhouse, it's like mostly glass and then there's like trees and stuff up that look like maybe they're there partly for like kind of privacy
Starting point is 00:21:01 But you see beyond the trees is this beautiful view of a lake. And it's night time. The stars are out. There's moonlight. Your mom appears to be burning the midnight oil. You see an image of her. It's been a few years since you've seen her. She's like aged a little bit, but she looks better than she did the last time you saw her. It looks like she's been living a lot easier. You see that she's got the downturn to ears, still wearing a fucking top hat, even when working in her lab
Starting point is 00:21:39 and is wearing like a pristine lab coat. Is it a nicer top hat though? It is a nice top hat. It is matching the lab coat. It's very extra. It's like a white top hat that goes with theistine lab coat. Is it a nicer top hat though? It is a nice top hat. It is matching the lab coat. It's very extra. It's like a white top hat that goes with the white lab coat. That's freaking wonky vision over here. I love it.
Starting point is 00:21:52 And you see she is looking at something in a microscope. You see that it looks to be like a piece of flesh jumping. It's moving. Mm-hmm. Tviching on dead flesh. Can I do a medicine or archmer check on this flesh? Yeah, you can do insider medicine, I would say. With a medicine that's 18.
Starting point is 00:22:14 You would guess that she's doing some type of research into horrors. Right, yeah, this looks similar to some of, honestly, some of tabs flesh, the way they did kind of moves and restructures itself. You just hear loudly in your ear. Oh yeah, that's me. And you're just not taking out of it. Just flashes out of it. No, no, no. No talking tab.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Come on. So what happened is dessert. You saw a silhouette far away and couldn't get close enough. Quite the opposite. I saw exactly where she is and I have perfect knowledge of it. Oh, I look bitterly at Grez There are levels to this fear the problem was we hadn't cheered for Grez yet when she's scried on you So that was that was the issue. Yes, I was just lacking confidence. Thank you everyone
Starting point is 00:22:57 I relate to them what I saw I spend way too much time describing the glass and how strong I imagine the glass is and like specifically kind of the like rods of color and like the way that like the rot iron is like built into it. And then I imagine. That's not very engaged. Yeah. It's a big part of the game. Henry falls asleep briefly. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no You are weirdly the one who would know where Zerks mom is. Based on the description that he just said,
Starting point is 00:23:27 overlooking a great lake, she's likely in West precinct in Siren Lock. That's like the main, that's the capital of West precinct. That was like my home after my home. That was your home after your home. That is also where your ex lives. How close, so I'm gonna get really detailed information
Starting point is 00:23:45 about which angle he was viewing the lake from. So I can try to deduce how close he is. Yeah, you, the Izzy's house. You would know that Izzy lives with Carlisle, Loch Namor, which is her new husband. They are in like a more residential area. You would imagine they're sort of like a business district that is also on the lake.
Starting point is 00:24:07 There are like homes that are on the lake, but you can based on his description, you can figure out where the lab is for sure. Okay, cool. Yeah, I can take you there. We might need to go kind of like the long way because I don't wanna walk by, you know, the old domicile, but yeah, we can go. Let's just lay low, right?
Starting point is 00:24:28 Should probably just like rent a boat and go right across the lake. Do you know anyone that could get us a boat there? I know a couple people with some boats. Lusgar nods and goes, and I will prepare our warriors. You see, he looks at a tab and goes, we can cohabitate with the awakened, but we will not hesitate to retake our lost city if they choose to defy our destiny. Join us and we will combine forces to save Zoboldar and your friend Arena along the way. Sounds good. Tab nods goes like, might be a good idea, a lot of people want fans of the living as it were. And I see what they're coming from, no offense, but you all have a bit too much skin.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Right, and it barely riggles at all. Yes, just stretches over your whole face. It's just strange, it's just a little strange. That's, I'm just trying to get used to it. You know, Tab, I've always not something was weird about humans, and you have just put the finger on the pin. I don't think I disagree but I don't you know that's...
Starting point is 00:25:29 Takes all kinds. Yeah, I like this skin personally. So you guys would know that by traveling to the crocs you would be right outside of West precinct. That is what you learned the last time you guys were there. There were like these big doors they had like traders and merchants and everything coming through. And that would be kind of your path there. All right. Should we maybe head back to Earthenail,
Starting point is 00:25:52 I have a couple of personal pan pizzas and then go first thing in the morning or should we go now? I could snooze for a bit. Yes, and we need to check in on Betel. Oh yeah, it'd be really good to check in on her. Yeah, let's do a little drop in. You guys head back to the Earthenail Tavern. After you guys go through the bar,
Starting point is 00:26:08 you guys walk up the steps. Everybody go ahead and give me perception checks. Mm. Shout out to the three Cree. Oh. Shout out to the core four. I also got the three Cree. Mimi, me, you're the three Cree.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Oh, Jesus. Of course. You guys go up the stairs into the hallway that leads to all of the rooms and you see that the door to her room is a jar. Good, she might be up and about. That's great, right? Yeah, she probably went to take a piece.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Yeah. I eject the bed. Yeah. Fiya, as you enter the room room you see that the bed is messy There's a table knocked over and there's signs of a struggle, but no sign of batilda That's bad the fuck Circles out as gun starts investigating Fiya go ahead and give me a deck saving throw What what?
Starting point is 00:27:00 Ten I'll say zirk as you go to look around, you guys like first perception check, allowed this thing to get a surprise round on you. You see a figure in white jumps out of the darkness and swings at Fia's leg with some kind of lightning fast weapon. Fia, your legs are knocked out from under you, your throne onto your back. The wind is knocked out of your body, and then you see Batilda pulls off the white blanket
Starting point is 00:27:28 and reveals a wooden practice sword. Lesson number one, ghosts can appear from any corner. APLFG always be looking for ghosts. Hey, that was good, because I was sitting here thinking, wow, the last thing she said to me was that Henry was her favorite You see Patilda offers a hand to Fia I key seat She she angst you up she gives you a kiss on the head and she goes like, good to see a little friend. Remember, stay on the balls of your feet, balls of your feet. All right, stay on my balls. Stay on my balls. Stay on your balls, everyone. Yes, ma'am,
Starting point is 00:28:15 we're ready to go. I'm, I'm feeling good. I'm, I'm feeling ready to, I'm, I'm ready to explore. I'm ready to get out and about. You see she starts doing stretches She seems like really lively like much better. We actually came here to crash for a little bit just for the night Yeah, we were ready to go. She's ready to go. All right. Do you want to take the bed sheet off or just leave it on? You're gonna leave it on okay Yes, well, I'm a ghost All right next training exercise'll practice keeping watch. Two of you will sleep.
Starting point is 00:28:47 One of you will keep watch. And I'll try to sneak up and hit the sleeping people with the practice sword. All right. I was gonna say I wanted to sleep. This is the lively but tailed I told you about. Okay? She's gone.
Starting point is 00:29:00 She's gone. You have no idea where she is. Where'd she go? You have to go to sleep knowing that she's could be out. I run out the window and scream, is there a hotel nearby? Always go hang on on that cave with your teenage. Yeah, and as you get better choice. As you yell at the window, you see a teenager with a lead bike go, yeah, yeah, we know how, Alex. Zerg starts climbing out. A, a cool, who wants, I can take first watch,
Starting point is 00:29:25 if you'll don't mind. Yeah, so she waxes me in the night, right? No way. Fia is very excited about this, so she goes into her coffin thing and can't fall asleep because she's too excited to get attacked by the kill. Yeah, you see a book far is next to you and goes, Mrs. just like the train car.
Starting point is 00:29:41 She could be anywhere. I can't believe it. She could be anywhere. There could be monsters, Miss. There could be monsters. There could be monsters. There could be monsters. I'm so scared. And we are going to be so surprised.
Starting point is 00:29:49 And then we are going to be so scary. But then it's just going to be our friend, miss. Henry falls asleep keeping watch. I'll keep you all safe. You see, Zirk desperately trying to light his pipe at his hands or shaking way too much. You see, so Zirk does first watch. Nothing happens.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Who takes second watch so that Zirk can get some sleep? Henry, I'll do it. Henry, you take second watch. A few hours later, you see Batilda stumbles in drunk and goes, ah, all right, well, I hope I kept you on your toes and you are looking out for me all night That was another test. Henry has been standing on his tippy toes on the balls the entire time Sometimes just just a test always be aware. Fia giggles. She still hasn't fallen asleep. Oh, you don't have any of your spells little fang
Starting point is 00:30:37 Always get your spells. You're keeping watch next. So I guess you guys Presumably explain tap to her. Oh yeah. Yeah, I'll say I'll say as soon as she saw Tab for the first time she was definitely confused. Definitely has never met at Awakened Horror before. Speaks to Tab for a while. All you can say, Tab doesn't need to sleep. I'll say I assumed that she was drinking. Yeah, so she went downstairs and had a night drinking with tab learning about the awakens. It's very funny that we were scared of a ghost with a zombie in the room. I you know you spend your whole life finding horrors and there's still so much to learn and I'll say tab is kind of like explained to her the situation and Patil to goes, all right, well, I suppose Tab
Starting point is 00:31:27 with an eye will follow you to West Pre-Sync, but we might need to find a sort of home base. Tab here might stick out a bit. I think I've got a lot, yeah. So we might want to put together some little disguise or something for Tab. I look at the ghost costume I find a map and I braid it to look like two little braids
Starting point is 00:31:51 Put it on tab said there. Oh, it's beautiful Yeah, you see I'm until that does rip off a piece of sheet and makes like essentially a like bandana like a little mask That will cover the bottom of tab's face, which is where like, you can see like the skull. Again, her eyes are very human, so she's not going to stick out that much. She puts like a little hat on to cover like some of her head. She's got this mask on. Yeah, Zyrka's smitten. You just fall in love with any mop wig you see. See, I put it on myself.
Starting point is 00:32:26 I put it on book far. Wow, okay, hi there. You fly here often. Miss, miss. I put it back on time. So you guys say your goodbyes to like Lesnar and Grez and everything. Their Grez is reading about all this stuff, trying to figure out what's going on. You guys head to the transportors and go back to the crux.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Unlike Zelbald R7, as soon as you guys get there, the crux isn't only a deep folk. They're all manner of different humanoids, out here again, hocking their wares. You once again see the tents with all the different merchants. You guys probably try to keep kind of a low profile because you killed the de facto leader here. Right. But you can probably surmise there are a lot of people happy that Hugh Tar is dead, whether they be honest people who have been shaken down by his gang or nefarious folks who want to take his place.
Starting point is 00:33:26 So you don't feel like you're in like terrible danger. But in the distance you do see light Russian from the outside world as these giant gates are opened to let in outside merchants or travelers. But before you can get there yourselves, you're approached by the messenger boy, who'd you'd given the where's my son letter to? You see he's got a little news boy cap He walks up to you and he goes hey, yeah Henry Hockfish that you Yeah, you're looking at him kid. Yeah, I got your message. Um, okay, you see he hands you a letter with the lock no more seal You see he hands you a letter with the lock no more seal
Starting point is 00:34:11 It's like the silhouette of a of a mermaid on an aqua marine background. Well hold on hold on Got him. I'm emotionally preparing myself You know it zerk you read it. Oh Okay, sure Zerk tries to open the seal delicately, but then just rips it all in one go. Sweet, Zirk, I will send you the letter. To whom it may concern? Cult. Edgar Lochnamore is fine.
Starting point is 00:34:33 After years of soul searching, he's finally found his purpose with the help of his father, Carlisle, and Vervaine Industries. Step thought that what? What? The bid for Petty King of Outerboro has gotten a bit complicated
Starting point is 00:34:47 and there's talk of an election. We would ask that you not make it worse and risk his bid, I trust your discretion. Regardless, Isabella Lochnamore. Is a Izzy, Izzy writes to whom it makens, okay. Oh, give me that thing. Give me that thing. All right, okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Yeah, Henry, you look at it and she refers to Hank Jr. as Edgar, as she did in the past. She had changed his name to be the same as her father's. That's his middle name. Started calling him by his middle name and it sounds like everybody, everybody go ahead and give me insight checks. Can I look to see if there's maybe a secret message
Starting point is 00:35:30 written on this paper or anything like that? Yeah. And can I roll with advantage since this is my ex and I would roll her hand? Uh-huh. Okay, that's a natural one. Okay, sir. Sir, try to eat the paper.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Sir, you see that if you put the first letter together of every line of the letter, it says, STO, Addle. Oh my God. Which is likely a horror that she's trying to summon by sending this note. STO, Addle, a Stodal? A big stoked?
Starting point is 00:35:59 There's a giant stowed out of your son. Fiat, you know for sure, there's no such thing as a stodal. Patil to go, shut up! I let it play out anyways. I let it play out anyways. Via me while I had taken my gizarm, and I was heading towards the door. Zirk, Zirk, go ahead and give me a deck saving throw.
Starting point is 00:36:17 That's good. It's gonna be 21. Okay, 21. You're able to keep reading the letter at hopover. Patil does practice or does she just trip you up? Uh-huh. I got a 19 keep reading the letter at hopover, Patil does practice or does she just strip you up? Uh-huh. I got a 19 insight on the letter.
Starting point is 00:36:29 It doesn't seem like her hand was forced or anything. Reading this letter, it seems like she doesn't want you to show up and be part of Hank Jr.'s life because it would complicate their sort of political aspirations. You know, is he's only grown more and more ashamed of me? I can only imagine that Henry feels the same way. Let's, and Hank, as you're looking into this and stuff, you see that the like messenger kid looks kind of uneasy.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Was there, was there anything else, kid? I toss him a copper too. He takes it and he goes yeah yeah um look uh usually I try to keep this stuff uh stuff I see on the job private but seeing as you uh just generously donated a little tip and uh give me a little extra gold for the delivery. Gold right for a little extra gold for the delivery. Gold, gold, right, for a little extra gold for the delivery. Right, yeah, thank you so much. She's shaking me down. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Yeah, he's a gold. Just give me gold, man. And he goes, something weird was going on at that house. They got a big iron fence and when I showed up, nobody came out to meet me. So I snuck through the boss and I was pounced on by all these gods. It wasn't like normal rich people shit either It was like it was like I was running up on like a king or something It was like on tight lockdown
Starting point is 00:37:57 Then they brought me to the door and showed me to the lady in Lord of the place and they were they were looking stressed out It was like I was interrupting something. I gave him the letter and showed me to the lady in Lord of the place. And they were looking stressed out. It was like I was interrupting something. I gave him the letter. The lady went and wrote something back. And while they made me wait outside, while I was waiting, I looked in the door. There was this guy there, had like a cowboy hat
Starting point is 00:38:19 and like bandages all over his face. And then there was a lady with like big steel shoulder pads and like a reaper scale pendant. She looked like some kind of wizard or something. Oh, oh fuck. Anyway, thanks for the gold. You see he walks off. And you guys had seen the sorceress that attacked the blades when you guys were in the temple,
Starting point is 00:38:49 in the Owens image, and this is the description of the same sorceress. And you see, Patilda goes, he's talking about Moxora. That's even worse than a stote being after my son. Not much. No such thing as a stote. Okay, well, I'm working to get on both, okay? The cousins of weasels, they do exist.
Starting point is 00:39:10 You have to be careful for them. They're quite cute. On its little foot, you want to be a stote today? Stove. You want to be a little stote. I want to be a book, miss. Then you are a book. It's important to let him choose.
Starting point is 00:39:22 There's no such thing as stoteatson elderborn. It's confirmed All right, I'm not gonna push it everyone stop looking at about them I'm fantasy book about a place called America. Yes, I don't know what these wacky things you're reading about are I'm talking about here the real world elderborn Tab of their stoatson indotera. Oh, yeah yeah, we got stoats all over the place. Say, I feet tall, and a bike. Hey, the feet tall! That's a big stool.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Yeah. Oh, the nasty. Oh, that is the cutest little mound. I know, that's a good one. That's the random speed we'll look like. Yeah, you call that a stout? Yeah, right. You ride around on them, go that a stout.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Oh, I say when I see a little one, that's just the babies. We have to get to Indotera. Yeah, go and add a stout. Oh, I say when I see a little one, that's just the baby. We have to get to Indotera. Yeah, nah, there's big stouts. Big stouts, you ride around on them. Big stout country. So this is real bad. We got Moxore at my ex's new house.
Starting point is 00:40:18 We got my son working for your mom, Zirk. Yeah, it's all tied together. I don't know what's going on. We got to figure this out. All right, let's get there. You guys exit the crux through these two giant doors, two burly deep folk workers, pull these great chains that engage the gears, the light of day, breaks in once more as the gates open with loud rumbles and creeks. As you guys exit the mountain, this like giant unnatural boulder that's like blocking the way moves. And you guys immediately find like an unmarked hiking path well worn by human feet and by pack mules and stuff coming through here
Starting point is 00:41:00 like merchants and everything. And you're able to follow it to a main road. You see it's surrounded by a small forest on both sides, but it's a well-maintained cobblestone road. It's a far cry from the unkept roads of Outerboro or like the cold unforgiving landscape of Innerboro. It's still autumn, so the trees are all orange and yellow and brown. You see carriages carrying nobles, trotting by other larger ones, carrying supplies and goods. This is like a well populated area. Like you guys were really out in the boonies before. Everything is clean and well-capped. Even the carriage drivers look like minor nobility, they like tip their big top hats to you as they as they go by. They're a bird's chirping in the trees. It's quite lovely. And you guys know that West precinct, like outer burrow, is one of the
Starting point is 00:41:57 territories of the under-mountain empire. It's not as big as outer burrow, but it is a state in and of itself hundreds of miles long and wide. You are in the capital of West precinct called Siren Lock, which is like a well-to-do city overlooking the beautiful Siren Lake. Hank, this is where you worked when you met Izzy. This is probably like the best time in your life. Mr. Henry, they call it Siren Lock.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Are there sirens in there? Let me tell you everything I know about siren lock. Hank, you would know that there is talk of them, but it's mostly seen as being like sailors saying they've seen mermaids. Yes, it's like sailors' tails a little bit. Like this is a carefully kind of curated man-made lake. This is not ocean. So this was this was like made for kind of commerce. So it's kind of kept very safe. This is like this is like a Disney World Lake essentially. It's very nice. How does it compare to the ocean, Mr. Henry? It's blue and it's wet. Do you think that Moira is here? I think, no, I think Moira and the crustaceans
Starting point is 00:43:11 that's happening in the natural sea. And I would love to go. As you guys exit the forest and enter the town, you see the lake comes into view. This great lake, this huge, beautiful body of water. Again, just maintained to the point that it does seem like a little unnatural. Like, obviously, this D&D, we are playing
Starting point is 00:43:32 in a fantasy world, but these people are living in even more of a fantasy world. It's like this like crystalline blue water with the sun reflecting off of it. You see there are many boats out here, but the lake is so large that it doesn't feel cramped or crowded like the river boats You saw in outer borough. You see several houses and marinas overlooking the lake And you see Batilda pipes up and goes
Starting point is 00:43:56 I've got a little houseboat. I used to stay in when I was in West precinct the blades have different places that are safe to stay Yes, I didn't tell you about the houseboat You have a safe boat the blades have different places that are safe to stay. Yes, I didn't tell you about the house boat. You have a safe boat? I've got a safe boat. I can see if I can find it. Probably best for me to stay out of you anyway, considering everyone is trying to kill me.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Yeah, well, if you need to stay inside, I know how to steer the ship. The third mate here, so. Yes, I don't know how well maintained it is. I don't know if I'm hoping it floats, crosses her Yes, I don't know how well maintained it is. I don't know if I'm sure I'm hoping it floats, crosses her fingers because if it doesn't, well, there goes a lot of great plants and books and everything. Our last boat looked like it was in storage for like a year,
Starting point is 00:44:35 so I think we should do okay. Right, yes, okay. I'm going to go down to the marina. You can find me down there, just follow the cigar smoke. Ah! Ah! Ah! You see, she starts puffing up cigar.
Starting point is 00:44:49 We have lights up in solidarity. That's right girl. It gives you a hug, Fiya, and heads down to the marina. And you see, tab, kind of just like pulls up on her little handkerchief that's covering her face and goes, oh, I kind of like to see the rest of the city here. Uh, if you don't mind, I said diplomat should. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:14 A very quiet diplomat that no one can say. Yeah. That'd be, I think that'd be good for you. Henry, give her some money. Okay, it's, um, you're scraping the bottom of the barrel. Just a little walking around, Mugye. Okay, I don't spend it all, I want change. Right?
Starting point is 00:45:30 It instantly runs off and buys food from a vendor. That's just gonna fall right through. Most expensive vendor, I know that guy. He's a leech. I have lobster rolls, there's barely any lobster, but he was expensive. I know, it's expensive. Easy on the oysters.
Starting point is 00:45:44 It's good though, for one bite. They don't it's expensive. Easy on the oysters. It's good though for one bite. They don't grow naturally here. Ah, these oysters. Ah, one oyster for 10 gold. Come on. Don't eat oysters. Moira. Moira forgive, Tabita.
Starting point is 00:45:57 The waves rise on the lake for the first time. Oh my goodness. You guys see, the cobblestone road leads you guys to the town square where there is an intricate garden as the centerpiece Topi areas of mermaids and other sea creatures yellow sunflowers and white lilies Everyone around here. This is like very bustling lots of people Everyone around here is immaculately dressed You see people in these colorful hoop dresses others and surcoats with top hats
Starting point is 00:46:24 And you see they're not like wearing shorts if you yes, I guess so if you so choose don't worry We'll mend them. Fia you take the left leg. I'll take the right. I do so. Yeah, you guys are mad hangs pants Kiss both your hands Yeah, Henry I was gonna ask we're potentially gonna meet your son and my mom for what's been a long time for both of us. I guess my question is, how do we make ourselves look cool and normal in front of them? I calm out my bangs and my hair. Hank, there's not even an inside check you could roll. You absolutely never fit in here.
Starting point is 00:47:03 At all. This is like, yeah. You might as well ask Lusgar a week ago how to get to Zilbaldar, just a promised land of acceptance that just, you have no idea. Yeah. Zork, I do not know the answer to that question. Mr. Henry, don't feel bad. It is beautiful, but I do not think it is true.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Hmm. thank you. Actually, to your point, Fiya, you guys look around and you see that there are gas lamps throughout the city, and they're not sprite lamps. Unlike an outer burrow, it does not look like sprites gather here. There are no sprite lamps. Inauthentic.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Yes. Where would you guys like to head to? I guess I'll head, let's head to the lab. I don't know where it is I assume right? Yeah we can figure it out. As we are walking because we are walking to the lab but this is a perfect chance to case the joint. I will do a detect magic to try to sense if there is any magic being done of sort of like Reaper Reaper Magic or anything like this. I can do this bell too, so I'll help with it. Fia, you cast this.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Zirk is helping you. You guys are both maintaining concentration as you walk along the lake. You do not sense anything. And eventually you guys do find the lab. You guys see it looks like two giant facilities. One looks like a factory. You see several wagons pulled up either loading or offloading supplies or like guns. You know she was like dealing arms. And next to the factory is a
Starting point is 00:48:35 beautiful facility like in Zerks vision. It looks like a greenhouse. This big glass building right on the lake. There's a lot of leafy trees blocking what's going on inside. You do see that there are glass doors at the front. Would you guys like to approach? How would you guys like to do this? Yeah. Who's standing behind the glass doors in the front? Is there like a receptionist?
Starting point is 00:48:58 Does there's somebody? You do see, yeah, you walk up and you kind of poke your head in and you do see a couple guards out front. This is your mother, so I will follow your lead. Yeah, okay. I just wanna say, something seems off about this. Maybe I'm just not giving my mom enough credit, but she was always a great tinkerer and knew her way, you know, around a crowd, but this just seems like potentially beyond what she was capable. So maybe she's been working
Starting point is 00:49:33 hard and has, you know, expanded her abilities, but I think we just need to have our guard up. She also could be getting cushy funding from the government. Yeah, those contracts. The government loves to fund science for destructive means. Yes, and it does seem like, you know, I don't know, any place with a man made lake, I'm just thinking, what's under that lake? I'm just, I'm wondering what the secrets in this town might be.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Zirk, go ahead and give me an insight, check. 21. Zirk, you think that there is a lot of wisdom in what Fiya's saying, the idea that she's getting like a lot of funding. And you also remember that when you were with your mom, that she would mess around with trying to make like little explosives and stuff. And you do think like she could just be better at creating things that hurt people than creating things that help people.
Starting point is 00:50:23 That's the kind of science they invest in. Alright, so unfortunately for us, she found her calling. What her calling? Well, regardless, it seems like my mom is calmed her way into a cushy government contract. Yeah, maybe she can give you some carrying cash, alright? Then you can pay out Tavita's lobster roll bill. I bought another one, is that what I just grabbed this for you? Easy does it.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Just a few gold daddy of pocket dough. You are getting rid of the lobster and just eating the mayonnaise bread. I don't like the fish, I just like the bread. You're paying for the bread. Where do they sell foot long lobster rolls? Oh, they don't, I just bought a bunch of expensive lobster rolls and put them all together. It's a lobster sub. All right, let's do, could we do a quick witch's ritual?
Starting point is 00:51:06 I'm feeling really nervous about going in. Absolutely. Fear goes around kissing cheeks. All right, little kisses. Little kisses for the body. Yeah, I bring them in and I hug them close. And I say, I'm glad that you're all here to do this with me. And hey, Zirk, your hair looks really good.
Starting point is 00:51:22 That braid is tight. It's not going anywhere. My mom always hated the braid, so I'm rocking the braid. This episode of NADPOT has brought to you by Bird Dogs. There a company that makes pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age-old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered. Now we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's gonna be difficult!
Starting point is 00:51:45 Luckily Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier. Bird Dogs stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look. And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, Bird Dogs invented a cloud knit fabric that looks just like khaki, but stretches so you get a way slimmer fit without having to sacrifice movement. And trust me, you are gonna need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother, make sure you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti- tumbler go to slash
Starting point is 00:52:26 papa or enter promo code papa at checkout. That's slash papa or promo code papa for a free Yeti style tumbler. You won't want to take your bird dogs off, we promise you. Okay, that's it for me. Go team pants. And enjoy the show. All right, yeah, I think we just go right through these glass doors. Sweet. We're gonna brush out your cloak really quick as you're walking through. You go to walk through the glass doors,
Starting point is 00:52:55 one of the soldiers puts his hands out. Stop, what is your business here? We are here to see my mother, Vervaine. You see they look at each other and they look at you. That's right. It's Mommy's special boy and he's back. You see they nod and they turn and they open the door. Okay. Thank you. Thank you for your service. We're with Mommy's special boy. Come on, Steve. You guys walk in and you see that the place
Starting point is 00:53:29 is a buzz with activity. Scientists in lab coats and dirty aprons wearing different versions of like heat masks and goggles. They're all experimenting with different chemical concoctions and weapons. You see one looks to be working on like a six shooter pistol inspecting it as if she hasn't like quite figured it out yet All of the guns that you guys have seen so far have been like one shots
Starting point is 00:53:52 You also see like automaton's around Assisting the various scientists at their stations and jerk this also answers some of your question is like looks like There's a lot of scientists here like there's a lot of people working on this. So it's not necessarily all just her. You guys see that there's also a smaller building within the glass of dome. Basically looks like a big iron shipping container, the square room in the center.
Starting point is 00:54:19 And you see there's more guards posted there. But before you get too far in the lab, you guys are greeted by a familiar face. Quick blast cast Callaway, long duster, cowboy hat, dark hair under it. She's got her red bandana, a face mask, down around her neck. She walks up. As if she was expecting you and goes, well well if it ain't my new friends
Starting point is 00:54:45 I thought you were gonna kill me next time you saw me girl. I give her a really gummy insincere smile And I say I like Liam you like Liam Now you're actually are you so scared you try to make a joke? This is so embarrassing for you. You're embarrassing. You lack I didn't give you a time like I didn't say next time my fucking guys fall on you. I kill you I'm saying in this next visit likely I will kill you everybody this girl lacks Liam What's wrong with Liam? He's who is Liam show sure you'll see i'm one uh... embarrass scientist uh... in the back goes uh... i'm liam
Starting point is 00:55:29 hello liam you're all right you know what i do i fucking love liam we are you know what i'm fucking hate you you're with us too i'm not a fucking date with me liam not with any i'm warming up uh... fish in the microwave right now
Starting point is 00:55:43 uh... you warming it. We can warm it up. We got a bunsen from her Liam. What are you doing? You're fucking body because you are so hot. I need the salmon to be hot. Do you guys have any mayo? So much, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:56 So much. Get over here. You won't with us. I also have a hot plate, which can really heat that fish up quick. Come over here. Oh, yeah. You see quick blast. I, just like waves him off
Starting point is 00:56:06 with her extra mechanical arm and goes like, all right, all right, that went too far in a direction. I didn't want it to go. That's okay. I understand that sort of thing. I have to be honest, I'm gonna lean in and I'm just gonna say, I was really mad at you last time I fucking saw you because you fucked up
Starting point is 00:56:23 with my, with my familiar but my familiar is back and I have a much bigger part in the phrase Liam fish to fucking fry so right now I don't really care you're just not on my shit list anymore you're so far down my shit list that I don't even care about killing you right now okay so that's how it plays out if you want to fight me we do it we have a fight but I have a very specific mission right now, and killing you would be a fucking distraction. Still, don't make any wrong moves. We'll drop you in a second. You see, she does a gummy instance here smile and goes, well, all right then, I suppose we're adding agreement,
Starting point is 00:57:02 ceasefire as it were. Uh, anyway... No, I just literally just stepped out of this entire interaction. I just have I have one eye or raffles You think I forget I fucking I grapple her Like on you're just everyone. It's really like whoa I'm gonna go and break you guys up. You see quick blast, like after a quick wrestling, just like really out of breath goes like, all right, looks at you, Zerkin goes like,
Starting point is 00:57:39 your mom has been waiting for you. I gave her your message. I thought she might be. Quick blast, takes you guys, leads you guys, and you see Stella's station, an open office looking out onto the lake. There are several automatons busy working here, several work stations, and Fiya,
Starting point is 00:57:59 you had been casting like a detect magic thing, you do detect necrotic stuff in here because as Zirk was saying, she was like researching stuff with horrors. So you do detect some stuff here. I try to just kind of wander around and see what I can, that's the thing's necrotic. Sweet, so Fiya starts meandering around Zirk. Does it look like this shipping container
Starting point is 00:58:22 is built out of a material that is like containing some sort of energy or magic? It looks, it looks to be some kind of metal. It looks like it would be hard to get in. Yeah. Okay. Got you. And then Zirk, you see your mom, Stella Vervein, looking at the same device she was looking at when you saw her last, looking at like a microscope. You see, um, today she's wearing a full red pantsuit with a top hat. She's not wearing a lab coat. It looks like she's ready to like go somewhere. It looks like she's like just like stopping in the office
Starting point is 00:58:56 to work on something. You see quick blast, taps her, and you see Stella turns. And you guys see each other the first time. And how long do you think it's been Zirk, like five years, three years? I think, yeah, five to six. Maybe not as long as it's been for Fian Batilda, but it's been a while. I think Zirk was like an older teen when he left. Like old enough that he should have known better about what was going on, but still a kid.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Got it. Yeah, you see, she turns and you see as soon as she sees you, there's this moment of sadness mixed with relief, mixed with excitement and everything, and then quickly flashes into your old like very showy mom. She reaches her arms out like for a hug and she goes like, Zerke, this is my boy, oh come here, come here, Zerke. Ah, a very special boy.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Pulse you in for a hug. Zerke like puts his hands right by his sides in a pencil style and he says, hello Stella, it's good to see you, mom, I missed you. Oh, the old old fashioned Zerke hug, two arms at the side, and Mama picks you up. My arms! Oh, you're a loud crack. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Zerke, like, well, picked up, like, wriggles out and says, hey, hey, hey.
Starting point is 01:00:14 I'm really glad that you're safe and that you're doing well, but we gotta talk about some stuff, okay? Of course, we gotta talk about some stuff. We to talk about these new friends. Who is this? Special boy, we got special girls here. Ah, come on get over here. I'm runs over to fia. I girl can be special Grabbed fia and give her a big hug and lifts her up and who are you? Who are you friends, Erky? Oh, I'm so sorry. yeah, this is a fia beginia and Henry Hogfish. Henry Hogfish, what a name. Yeah, you know, you might... Are you a sailor?
Starting point is 01:00:52 How did you know? I could just tell you have the look of one. Just very handsome. Looks like you really command a situation. You look supremely confident. Are you supremely confident? Not quite, but I'm hoping to get there. That is the confidence that I'm talking about. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Okay. Where have you been? My beautiful boy, how many birthdays have I missed here? Here, you see, she pulls out a pouch and goes, I normally just get you, you know, we go get like a special dinner or something like that, but what do we say? 200 gold, that make up for it Make it 300
Starting point is 01:01:31 Now there's my little nago Pinch is your cheek and give you 300 gold Zurken's trying so hard to be mad at her But he's just like okay. She's, she's that kind of person, Zerke. Like, it's really hard to have like a serious... He's trying to remember she's a con woman. Yeah, and you see she goes, I've missed you, Zerke. I know we've had our disagreements in the past, but your mom has done good. I promise you that.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Yeah, mom, what is all this? Like, how did you go from our little wagon to this? You see, she looks around and she goes, the house, that lock no more built. Oh, okay. Carlyle lock no more? Carlyle lock no more. At first, I was, I'll admit it, was maybe inventing some things on the sly and selling them on the sly,
Starting point is 01:02:26 Zirke, as you know, you gotta do. We gotta eat, right, Zirk? Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no of arresting me, they put me to work, Sirc, they put me to work and they're funded all of this. I got a houseboat, Sirc. You have a houseboat, okay. I got a houseboat. That's the house you have. I got this place.
Starting point is 01:02:59 I got a houseboat. It's wonderful, Sirc. So anyway, but you know, this is all just part of the long game, right? Because we, yes, we got to do the, you know, the weapons dealing stuff, which isn't so pretty, but, but what I'm really working on, I am going to cure horrors. Excuse me? Stella Vervein is going to save the world. Zerke was a little embarrassed and unsure before, but he like stands up straight in it full attention.
Starting point is 01:03:31 We've been able to study them more than any scientist before. We've discovered that the diseased cells that make a horror are present in the living. They're just more pronounced once the person becomes a horror. It's almost like they're dormant Exactly. Yes, exactly. Oh, there's my boy, sir. I Dispoised a genius I look at you Let's get a birthday cake in here. Let's get a couple birthday cake in here
Starting point is 01:03:57 Leo say about six I'm not a birthday cake I put it in the microwave or why would you put up her day cake in the microwave? It can be rude. I mean, it can be rude. I'll tell you what, 10 seconds. For 10 seconds, just to warm it up a little bit. It's kind of nice.
Starting point is 01:04:10 It's actually not a bad idea, Jerky. See, this is why we keep leaving him around. He thinks different. He thinks different. And we like that. We like that around here. She goes, exactly. It's dormant.
Starting point is 01:04:21 So it's like we've got a seed in us that can blossom and turn us into the undead. We're just trying to figure out how we can extract those seeds from from the living So that we could stop people from turning all together Mr. Revein hi, Fia Bouginia. How do you so know? Oh, I know you you're Fia Bouginia the special girl Oh, thank you so much. You have to understand all the signs of white from this one Usually I am around special people and reflect their specialness, but thank you. Um, I, how are you so sure that by extracting these seeds,
Starting point is 01:04:55 someone will not plant them in someone else? Well, that's the thing. Um, I don't, 100% know. And also, um, we have not successfully been able to extract them. Uh, everything just kind of grows back. So we have to successfully been able to extract them. Everything just kind of grows back so we have to figure out how to destroy them because they don't seem like anything but a ticking time bomb. They're not helpful in any way. They don't help us live. We don't need them to live and yet they regenerate every time I try to destroy them. So I'm sorry I said extract
Starting point is 01:05:19 and it destroy. You caught me. Special girl. She figured it out. That is the type of thinking we need around here. He a beams brightest son. That's gonna be my life's work, sir. Sir, you gotta come work for me. Come work for me. Irvane and son. We can put him right on the front of the building. Uh, I mean, you know that is always what I wanted. I practiced writing and sun on the wagon so many times, but no, mom, no.
Starting point is 01:05:48 We're here for another reason. We're here for several reasons, actually. This is really exciting, and I wanna stay up all night talking with you about it, and maybe we can get into our feelings a little bit and really dissect our past. We don't have to do that. I don't know if there's time. If there's time.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Of course, and there might be, and there might not be. Right, sure, yeah, yeah. Yeah. But first and foremost, there and there might not be Right sure. Yeah, yeah But first and foremost there's two things we need your help with and then Maybe if you help me Zirk like tries is best to put on the Vervein charm Maybe if you help me I can help you out with your little horror problem There's my little negotiator pince your cheek So good trying to cheat your mama. All right, Zerco's pencil again.
Starting point is 01:06:28 You see, as she's talking to you guys, tab is kind of just like awkwardly hovering in the background. Stella looks at tab and she goes, oh, and who's this? Who's your friend here? Another special girl. Tabita, she's my twin Your twin fraternal all right. I goes over I give
Starting point is 01:06:53 Tab a hug it's a bit awkward I'm a bit different than my my twin we would rise in a different area For ten oh for ten oh twins different accents. Different embryo and accent. Frightenneau, I'm not inseparated on birth, okay? Fine, we're spelling it. We're spilling all the tea now. You get the sense that you don't even need to be successfully deceptive with Stella Vervein. She understands that people have secrets.
Starting point is 01:07:19 So she sees this person with a mask there and she's just like, all right, you're not telling me? Good for me not to know. Less they can question me about later. I like her. Yeah, so she goes, what can I help you with Zerke? I fish out the shards from the Twyelidium, and I show it to her and say, we need to synthesize
Starting point is 01:07:37 this element that only grows in a pocket dimension called Indotera. That's maybe too much information, Zerke. But oh well. You see, she grabs it and she goes like, sir, Kea, tell me, plain art, Jim, this is a fantastic find. You see she licks it.
Starting point is 01:07:52 That's why I see where he gets it. Why didn't I think of that? And thanks about it for a while and she goes like, all right, we'll put it in the demystifier. You see, she walks over to a device. Remove the mystery, of course. She goes, that's exactly what it does. Sort of, she walks over to a device. Remove the mystery of course. She goes that's exactly what it does sort of.
Starting point is 01:08:06 She walks over to a device that looks kind of like an oven. This is big metal device with a glass window and a small handle to pull at. She opens it up and you see she removes what was in there last. Everybody go ahead and get your perception checks. It's more salmon. First salmon yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Liam 11, 14 first salmon. Yeah Liam 11 14 22 You see She's pretty quick with it. She grabs this item via UC it You see it looks like a small bell that was in here before You see she grabs it and pulls it out you see she puts the twilightium in And starts the device. You hear it worrying and see the lights turn on and she turns to you, all excited, Zirk.
Starting point is 01:08:51 And she goes, the way it works is it deconstructs the magical components used to make whatever kind of magical item it is. Once we get a readout on it, we can recreate the conditions in the item cloner. She points to another machine near it and grow a new one. Oh. You see the demystifier thing stops.
Starting point is 01:09:09 You see she looks at like a readout, it basically prints out almost like a spell scroll. You see she reads through it, but looks kind of confused. You have to explain to her what you learned about Twy Lydium from the deep folk, and then she's able to look at it in a new context, she goes, all right, if it's just a matter of creating a specific arcane heat source, we can just replicate the exact type of magic and find the right temperature to grow the gem, but it's gonna take a few days. Days?
Starting point is 01:09:37 We can put it in and see, I mean, how big do you need this gem to be? It's been a while since we've seen each other, but I've gained a little magical knowledge, and my friend here is absolutely overflowing with it. So if we could maybe like assist in the ritual that this cloner is performing, maybe we could speed it up.
Starting point is 01:09:54 I don't think it's gonna be super helpful for you guys to sit and watch it necessarily. A watch gem doesn't grow. You know that old saying? That is a classic saying. I know that I've honestly never had the context until now. That's an extension. Yeah, it's perfect.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Okay, well how big is that staff, Zerk? It's, what are we looking? Baseball size, basketball size. Oh, tab, do you wanna hold up the staff? Oh yeah, Kevin's dick. Kevin's dick. Sorry, Kevin's dick. Kevin's dick, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Trying to call it a staff, publicly. But yeah. You see, tab holds up the tele fork and you see a stellar walks over to him goes, like, whoa, what is this? This is a beautiful piece of machinery. Yeah, it's a fork that opens up riffs and other dimensions. It's worth it because I've got a lot of trouble
Starting point is 01:10:39 not telling him on the truth. Right. Okay, a distorted value dissolves in Fia's hand. You see, she looks it up and down and she goes like, maybe it'll only take a day, you can check in on it every single day. We'll make sure nothing happens to it. If you want to keep a little piece of the shard for yourself in case for some reason, you're worried about the machine, although this is a Vervane product, which means it is quality.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Keep the shard. We'll keep a shard. Thank you so much. You guys take a shard. And she goes, no, if you don't mind. I take a shard. Yeah, you take a huge shard. I take a huge shard on Kevin's cheek.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Ew! What the fuck? What is happening? You see Stella goes, she's kind of like talking a mile a minute here and she goes like, oh my gosh, I'm actually on my way out here. I was going to a thing sort of a cellop rating. I might get a little call out here, but Carla Alachnomor is announcing his bid for Chancellor of Outerbro. They're doing like a whole election thing.
Starting point is 01:11:49 They're gonna have, they're gonna change it from petty king or petty queen to a chancellor. And he's doing this whole like announcement thing at his manner. I'm going, what do you say? We travel to the booth. So we better watch the, I should watch the gem. I'll watch the gem.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I know it never grows, but. All right, he's watching the gem. I'll watch the gem. I know it never grows, but All right, he's watching the gem you guys coming Mr. Henry, I don't want to go without you They don't want I you read the letter you heard sir Okay, you know what I will try can I try to learn a spell right now in this moment? Sure, I can try to learn invisible and make you invisible if it will make you comfortable to go I mean we could also make a disguise for you like we made for tab Sure. I can try to learn invisible and make you invisible if it will make you comfortable to go. I mean, we could also make a disguise for you like we made for tab. I could probably do a little better job if I spend some time doing it magically.
Starting point is 01:12:31 If you don't got to be seen for some reason, we could just keep you on the down though. We don't got to. Not everything has to be above the board. Yeah. Well, I always felt invisible in this town anyway. Yeah, if someone can make me disappear, that'd be perfect. Sweet, Fiya, go ahead and do a role for Philip. Okay, Fia, up.
Starting point is 01:12:49 It's time to help Mr. Henry. A total of 12. What level spell is invisibility? Second level. Oh, then it works. It's 10 plus a spell's level. Oh, great. It does well.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Yeah, 10 plus a spell's level. Sweet. So Fia, you are very quickly trying to learn the spell. Philip is going like, no, you have to read it for a long time. Yeah. We have to hang out, talk about it, visibility for a while. I'm not just going to treat it to you. You guys feel about love to hear you wax poetic about invisibility.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Please, you are so articulate. Yeah, it's like you're fucking there and then you're not fuck. Oh, God, it feels like a preview. Yeah, and with that, you are able to learn invisibility. You see Stella goes like, all right, should we get going? OK, can I ask you a quick question about somebody and your employee before we head out? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:45 Do you know a guy that goes by the name of, even though it's not his name, he goes by the name of Edgar Lacklamore? You see, she thinks about it and she goes, that's Carlisles, boy. He's going to be at the thing. Apparently, there's some big announcement about him. Okay, so who are yeah, all right, well, I guess I should talk to him. Um before we go
Starting point is 01:14:13 can I Try and discreetly cast the alarm spell on the item cloner Sure, so that I can make sure that nobody other than Stella or Yeah, I think honestly anyone other than Stella if they touch it I'll know. Great yeah you subtly like as you guys are walking away Stella's kind of leading the way she's got like a little like Willy Wonka walk as she like skips ahead does a little role sir you subtly cast alarm on the little door sorry mama. Okay I will also cast unseenant to grab that bell. Oh, shit. I mean, I clocked it.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Go ahead and give me a pure luck check, Fiya. I'll say 11 through 20. She just like, hit it behind the thing and one through 10. She put it in her pocket. 16. 16, great. So you saw her kind of like slide it behind the thing. I will say would have been a flat check to get it out of her pocket, but go ahead and give me a slight of hand check with advantage to grab the bell. Another 16 becomes a 17.
Starting point is 01:15:22 You seem to have successfully been able to grab it. This unseen servant goes up, grabs it, slips it into my butt pocket, slips it into your butt pocket. And Stella leads you guys out. As you guys exit the lab, you see that there is this like mechanized carriage waiting for you. It's this like bubble with cushioned seats and then legs that spike into the ground.
Starting point is 01:15:49 There's a horseless carriage. They're just needlessly high tech for something that could just be horses in a carriage. Justling around in the back. Take it back, she's cool. She's unproblematic and cool. I'm very cool. Whoever said I was problematic.
Starting point is 01:16:04 No one. I know this would be a smoother ride actually. Yeah, just fun. I. I'm very cool. Whoever said I was problematic. No one. This would be a smoother ride actually. Yeah, just fun. I like weaming the deck. I'm not questioning it. You guys travel along with this mechanized wagon. And after traveling through a neighborhood of police estates, you find the biggest of them all, the Loch Nemour
Starting point is 01:16:23 mansion, overlooking the lake. This is Hank. The last time you saw Hank Jr. was through these gates, was when Izzy had told you that it would probably be best for you to leave town, so your son wasn't like confused. And the last thing you saw was him running up to join Carlyle and your ex-wife and going back into the mansion.
Starting point is 01:16:50 So you see this mansion again. You do see that there is some kind of events going on. There are servants in the Loch Numer colors, white and aquamarine. I'm going through a line of guests at the gate and letting them in all extremely well to do looking people. They wave Stella in right away. They let her bring her carriage up past the gate. You guys go on through without a problem. I'm invisible, right?
Starting point is 01:17:15 Oh, I'm weighed. Well, so, Merff, I just learned it, but I didn't stock it. Oh, that doesn't matter. No, it's fine. Okay. So, I'm just waiting for like the, you to give me the message. All right.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Yeah. When I see Stella go through, and I remember the conversation that I basically needed to disappear. So it was not to confuse Henry. I turned to Fiya, and I say, I'm ready. OK. Just disappear for the right reasons.
Starting point is 01:17:42 OK. I hope I'm doing it for the right reasons. And I give him a doing it for the right reasons. And I give him a little kiss on the cheek and then it spreads making king all invisible. I smirk and that's the last thing you see. Hank goes invisible and you see tab leans in and goes, oh, is a little extra that because I don't have a vice. And it might be a little hard from being a blend in.
Starting point is 01:18:05 I can take care of that one actually. I prepare an alter self potion for her, so that she can transform her appearance to look like a normal human. Sweet, so this way you'll be able to order more lobster rolls. Why? You see, Tab transforms to look like the human version of herself as opposed to the awakened.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Sorry about all the skin. Oh, it's disgusting. I don't know how you walk around with all this. It's so heavy. It does. It's fun though. It's like, it's like having an underarm or on, under your clothes. Yeah, but look what you can do with your elbow fat.
Starting point is 01:18:41 It's pretty cool then. Sometimes you get zits, that's fun. Oh. Oh, I want to clarify by the way, I am keeping Sprite-L. What you can do with your elbow fat? That's pretty cool, man. Sometimes he gets it, that's fun. Whoa! Oh, I wanna clarify, by the way, I am keeping Spritele hidden. Great, yes, Spritele's in your pocket the whole time. And I did not introduce them to my mom yet. Great. Yeah, you felt Spritele was uncomfortable in the lab
Starting point is 01:19:01 because of the horror stuff. That's fair. Did not like that. You got like the sense of discovered. I sneaked them some birthday cake, but that's all I did. They super appreciated that. That made the girl laugh. Great.
Starting point is 01:19:14 You guys see that this little park leads up to this palatial white manor lanterns lighting the outside. There are guards on duty wearing chain mail with the lock no more tabored on their armor. The two doors leading into the main hall are wide open for the guests You see a huge crystal chandelier expensive rugs and carpets over bits of beautiful stone floors There's a labrit wallpaper of blue and white candle loppers and sconces fine furniture
Starting point is 01:19:42 You guys see a spiral staircase leading upwards, but the people are all being led into a great hall that looks like it was made for dinner and dancing. It's like it's its own private area for entertaining guests and having like a huge party. You guys are ushered in following Stella. You see rather than long banquet tables that you might see in like a castle There are many smaller ones that kind of dot the room They all have beautiful white table runners and candlelovers in the middle There are painting statues busts and various other pieces of art lining the walls
Starting point is 01:20:18 Another chandelier is in the middle here And at the end of the room you see a small stage where like a band might normally play. And you do see that there's like a little string quartet playing as everybody comes in. It's super fucking pretentious. Can I make a hand and just untune some of these? I. Yeah, the violin player suddenly looks super self-conscious
Starting point is 01:20:43 as it just like sounds a little bit wrong. Yeah, you feel an invisible high five. Because I'm a witch, I catch it perfectly. In addition to the band, you see that there's like a little podium set up up there. And Stella takes a seat at this table. You see they make room for her and her guests. It looked like they were only expecting her, but that they chew people away to make room for her and her guests. It looked like they were only expecting her, but that they shoot people away to make room for
Starting point is 01:21:08 Fiya and Zirk. Or special boys and girls. These are my special boy and my special girl. And my other special girl points to tab. And nobody else, we don't have anybody else with us. Don't know why it was necessary to say that part, but okay, the servant nods. And Hank, you kind of have to just like, are you just like standing against the wall? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Can I, can I ask for a chair for my feet? And then I put it, put them right on the back so he can sit? Of course. Yeah. Would you like a little ottoman? Would you like a boot cost 3,000 gold? She wants to show them off. Okay, would you like a tiny little ottoman for a special girl? This is the best day of my life. Produce a little ottoman for her. I hate to sit on it. This could actually put her feet on it. I forget myself at first and take up all of the ottoman with my feet. Then I make space. It's alright. You could put your foot in my lap if you want. Yeah, you guys get there.
Starting point is 01:22:07 They serve some food. Invisibility is gonna last long enough to get you through all this stuff. They serve some food. They start pouring you guys wine. It's like this little dinner party. Yeah, you see signs around talking about like a fund razor for the chancellor, for the future chancellor,
Starting point is 01:22:24 Carlisle, Loch Namor. This is like one of those rich people by a plate at a like fundraiser event. The sort of thing that the Joker would crash. Yes, exactly, exactly. Gotcha. I'm on the lookout for the Joker. You see a sick and twisted individual.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Oh no! It's fiable, Kenya. Turns out I'm looking in the mirror. Oh my god, everyone's so twisted. I would like to do a perception check on all of the other patrons here. Yeah, go ahead. I'd like to look for Maxora.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Sweet, look around. Can I put my head on a swivel for Henry Jr.? Yeah, you can, so 14 for Zirk. 14? 42 for Zirk. It's a 14 for Zerk. 14. 42. 4 for Fia. It's only an eight for me. Okay. Hank, you look around. You're not able to see Hank Jr. And you also don't see Carlisle or Izzy yet. Okay, so maybe there's a grand reveal. I'll go back to eating Fia's leftover shrimp. I'm doing a big thing where I position my body, so it looks like I'm drinking,
Starting point is 01:23:30 but I'm pouring it into Henry's mouth. So it's like a deaf perception thing. Fia and Zirk, you guys look around and you clock the room. Just very, very well to do people. All wearing like hoop dresses and stuff and circuits and top hats and all having quiet, very polite conversations to themselves. There's like this whole dance floor thing
Starting point is 01:23:54 and no one's dancing. It's all just very quiet and proper. And you guys are like very under-dressed but you get the feeling that like, still is pretty important. It's the equivalent of like, you guys are like high profile actor showing up at like the Oscars and like,
Starting point is 01:24:12 you can just show up in a t-shirt if you want. Like that's what it's like being here with Stella Vervein. Nice. But you guys see, after a bit, there is the grand reveal. The string quartet stops. I haven't stopped May chanting them to be flat. Yeah, they just sound like shit and you hear like a chorus of booze as they stop.
Starting point is 01:24:38 You see trumpeters come out and they do like a bram and a I made chants out one of the framp framp. You just hear like rich people quietly being like what is with the musicians today Henry's clapping after the trumpeters you guys see a handsome man in his late 40s approaches the podium salt and pepper hair, a thick mustache, wears a dark top hat and a serco, it's all understated and sophisticated, except for an aquamarine scarf, this one like pop of color,
Starting point is 01:25:14 his house colors, Henry, you would recognize this as your ex-wife's new husband, Carlisle Alachnomor. I think about throwing a dinner roll at his face and resist the urge. And a moment later, you see he is joined by his wife, Isabel. You see short blonde hair under an ostentatious hat and a long hoop dress that matches the color
Starting point is 01:25:36 of her husband's scarf. She smiles ever the beautiful wife. It's like this really like polite forced smile. You see there's a brief round of polite applause as they approach. I wish that I wasn't concentrating on a visibility so that I could detect thoughts and hear what everyone's really thinking. And you see Carlisle speaks and he goes, greetings, family, friends, and others. And there's like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 01:26:12 polite laughter throughout the room. Why is that funny? I'm gonna blow my invisible eyes. Ey, these people got no sense of humor, Syrke, you just gotta roll with it. hilarious. Okay. Hey, good try.
Starting point is 01:26:24 You just laughed louder than everybody else. You guys are clearly making us seem. Karlao continues, and he goes, As you know, I come from a great line of Loch Nemours. My great grandfather was high-king of this empire. And he helped bring about much of the modern infrastructure that makes our lives so much easier today. And I have continued that legacy of service. Most recently, donating generously to the defense fund of West precinct. And this next part, you guys remember reading about in this newspaper that there were like this like string of horror attacks in West precinct in the newspaper.
Starting point is 01:27:09 You guys read this and it's taken like the community by surprise and you hear him go, there have been horror attacks in West precinct. We've seen this in the burrows but but here? Near our beautiful siren lake? Near our yachts? It's unheard of. I think I just lean over and I say, Mr. Zerk, I think that the best weapon that your mother might be making is fear. I am thinking these seeds are, I think they're making horrors.
Starting point is 01:27:42 She always knew how to pull the trigger of a crowd. What are you saying there, Zerk? What are we whisperin' about? We talkin' to her. She's talkin' to pull the trigger of a crowd. What are you saying there, Jook? What are we whispered about? We're talking about how good the roll is. Oh, it's so good. Yeah, good. Get more the shrimp and the red and the red wine. That was good for you. You hear Carlyle continues and goes,
Starting point is 01:27:58 the high queen is going to call for an election in Outer Bro to replace the Pettit King now that the bright leap dynasty is dead. You hear laughs and booze to the idea of an election. Just, what? Boo! I turn to a stranger at the table and say, why are they booing? Because they're just going to let people decide who leads them. Yeah, sounds logical. I made a hand the chair from under his butt. Falls down. He's he's escorted out. This man is drunk loudly escorted out. I pick it as free. You hear Carl out goes, so as of right right now I am announcing my bid for Chancellor of
Starting point is 01:28:45 Outerboro. We have a rich history there. My beautiful wife Isabel has family in Outerboro and I of course own several properties. You hear? You're my only property. You're my the boss, and he goes, Outer bro might seem like it's not your problem. It might seem far away, but it is not. The threat of horrors here is the failure of Outer bro's defense. One weak link in the chain of a great empire
Starting point is 01:29:20 will one day cause it all to break. With a lock no more in power, we can ensure the safety of the old families. We can keep the horrors out of West precincts. I can guarantee your safety Because I know who will be on the front lines. Oh fuck Henry, you see Hank Jr. is ushered out wearing a tricorn hat, long cloak that looks a little too big for him. He's got a rifle at his side. He looks kind of like a generic version of a horror hunter, like a knockoff blade.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Boom, boom. He's lanky. Looks about 16 or 17 with like a patchy beard that looks like it was maybe grown in protest. You see he has like sort of an indignant look on his face like a rebellious teenager, but you hear as he comes out, Carlisle starts talking louder and goes, The Loch Nemours with the latest technology by Stela Vervaine are announcing a new defense initiative. A team of horror hunters led by my son Edgar Loch Namor, his mother and I couldn't be more proud. And you hear cheers, like erupting cheers throughout the crowd. And Henry, you see that, like, Hank,
Starting point is 01:30:42 Jr. looks like, looks like Proud. It kind of like snaps out of his rebellious thing. And he kind of stands up straight and he kind of like takes it all in. You see he's kind of resisting the urge to smile here. And Carlisle pulls Hank back to his side and just has a hand on his shoulder and goes,
Starting point is 01:31:06 the high queen is trying to keep the old families out of power, but she cannot stop us from acting within the letter of the law. You cannot vote unless you own property in out of burrow, it's true. But my father-in-law, you see he holds his handouts. You see this grey-haired man with like a red scarf Edgar Arias making that's that guy. Yeah, you see this nudy looking dude with his legs crossed It's over to the side gives a little wave as there's like a light cheer. He goes like my father-in-law Has just so happened to purchase thousands of acreage all available for reduced prices. Think of it not only as an investment in your safety, but as an investment in your future.
Starting point is 01:31:56 The luck numbers will bring out a burrow out of the dark ages! You hear a loud roar of applause as people get up to gather around Edgar Arias and his servants notaries to help himself deeds to lands. They have them available on site. And you see Izzy stands there, one hand on Hank Jr. shoulder, smiling kind of blankly, Carlisle, one hand on Hank Jr.'s shoulder, smiling kind of blankly, carlyle, one hand on Hank Jr.'s other shoulder, smiling kind of soullessly blankly, and him just kind of staring forward looking at all of it, not sure what to do. And that's where we'll end our session. I'm not sure what to do.
Starting point is 01:32:44 You know what, I'm going gonna chuck the dinner roll after all. After all, chuck it. You hope. I'll pretend like I did it. I'll move my hand and use depth perception to make it look like I did it. I'm gonna cut down you, Murphy. There's nothing we can do about title deeds, you fucker.
Starting point is 01:33:01 You don't have money. My boy has a purpose You know it's tough it's tough everybody Thank you all so much for listening you can hear us talk about this over on our patreon slash nad pod That's naddpod don't sing yet. We okay Does anybody have anything they would like to plug out plug? Be in a mirror's new YouTube channel. We got the we got the rights back to jake and a mirror Whoa, we put the videos over on jake and a mirror dot com. So you can check it out
Starting point is 01:33:44 It's only 12 years. So, well, we're just trying to own your own name again. Yeah, we just have to wait till it was worth nothing and then they give it back. I would love to plug our PO box specifically, specifically it is time once again for big ups to your nubs. Oh right. Yes, of course. Our recurring segment where we shout out people
Starting point is 01:34:05 who send us a save the dates, we got Laura and Jeremy and Chapel Hill. Jake, apparently you met Laura and some friends in 2009 when you and a mere bought them dinner. So a long history, a long jaconary or fan. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait for the YouTube channel. Wait for the channel.
Starting point is 01:34:20 Yeah, okay, I got 12-year-old. Like and subscribe. Subscribe, you coward. We also subscribe. Subscribe if you've powered. We also got Nicholas and Cassie and Kansas. Theresa and Reed and PA, Sydney and Corian Oregon, Amy and Eric and Washington, Bryson Maxwell and Wisconsin, Katherine and Joshua and Texas,
Starting point is 01:34:36 Amanda and Nick and Disney's Port Orleans Resort Orlando. Yeah. Congratulations. Whoa. Katie and Johnson, Kentucky and Emily and Kyle and Skynetalus, in why? There's no way I said that right, but that's what they are.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Big ups to your nubs, y'all. Big ups to your nubs. And don't forget that Jillian Colby, who tweeted at us that her brother had their first dance to Emily's song. Oh, it was so, it was so touching. It was so touching. It was beautiful. It was really lovely.
Starting point is 01:35:07 Big ups to all your nubs. Big ups to those nubs. Yes, big ups to those nubs. Thanks for making Emily Song part of your part of your special day. Awesome guys. Thank you all so much for listening. You can follow us on social media that we may or may not use at CHMRIFUSME. At Call These Called Well, Adiaskford is Emily Emily, and at Jekyll and Mr. Jake, and you can tweet about the show using hashtag NADPOD that's NADDPOD. We are the youth of the nation! All right, it is time to thank our benevolent Council of Elders.
Starting point is 01:35:47 Starting with Brad D. Jeffrey S. Halder Frostback, Steelbreaker, and Matt M. Patrons of the Zelbal Dars 7 library, they followed the two rules religiously which explains why the third mates didn't see or hear them during their visit. Jordan DJ Cutter W. Jive G. Zolo Dolo, and Dylan B, Kav Critters who are responsible for returning books to these shelves, they organize the books using a complex systems of excretions and odors known as the gooey, decimal system. Very nice. Shubrit the mushroom, Danielle the Dasterly Dam, Andrew M, Beardman Dan, and Scott D.
Starting point is 01:36:23 Nobles attending the Loch Nemours Gala, although they're actually not interested in purchasing land in Outerbroke, they just dropped by to try and win a houseboat in the Silent Auction. Danny P., Mixologist, Michael McD, Boundor's Boy, Andrew B., and Kevin S., graduates of Batilda's Scare School. As a result of their training, no one can get a surprise in on them. The only downside is that they can't be within 30 feet of a bedsheet without going fully. Ape shit. Just in eye, Ragnar, Ferrerwind, TJM, the Noembarbarian, Elena M,
Starting point is 01:36:57 and Trele, the Kray. Faye. Employees at Vervein Industries, who are currently on strike until Liam stops microwaving Sammon and the microwave. They're totally fine with all of Stella's shady business practices, but the hot Sammon is just a step too far. Jared E. Austin-Bonesaw, MR. Damial R. Cyborg version of Josh the Cobalt and Octo-Lick.
Starting point is 01:37:20 Quick blast cast Callaway is New Posse. She recently started calling them the Quick blast cast Callaway Slick Posse. She recently started calling them the quick blast cast Callaway slick and nasty palbrogate and as a result the entire crew is considering quitting. I would encourage that. Gage M. Richard X Machina, Michael L. Sergio Salazar, Solomon Sacrass, Descissuani, and Trast the Traveller, Stote Wranglers of Indotera. They live rugged and solitary lives, Traveller, stote wranglers of Indotera, they live rugged and solitary lives, less by choice and more due to the fact that the musk emitted by the stote smells absolutely fucking terrible. Sir Carl, Jori S, Dana G, Aesoth, Shadows and Calum L, Taylor's who make Stella's custom top hats, she's got one with a rocket launcher mounted inside and another that
Starting point is 01:38:04 doubles as a wine cooler, truly the coolest, most unproblematic mom around. Custom top hats she's got one with a rocket launcher mounted inside and another that doubles as a wine cooler truly the coolest most unproblematic mom around. Jack L. flawless whale temporal Sam L. Nicholas C. and Reese NS instrumental tuners who are looking into Fia's mage hands antics to create a near constant supply of business. Samuel B. Mike H. Byron Murphy likes to drink curfee, Matthew E. Colton B, and Adam G. Hank, Jr.'s tight-knit group of friends who adapted really easily to calling him Edgar and actually prefer it now. Ouch. Megan S. Mateo, C, knee badger, Panama James, Cummins the Bard, and Adrian the Halfling, Halfling Bard. knee brains behind Batilda's
Starting point is 01:38:44 bootcamp, a new form of martial training in which people wearing sheets jump out and attack you throughout the day, but you never know when, great for your cardio, terrible for your adrenals. Dan, Scott D, Nikki W, Grace G, Drew Nasty, and C.C. Lulu, the makers of the demystifier, who sell it back to back with an encryptinator so you don't have to suffer any boredom after the mystery is gone. Barnes & Nader, Michelle O. Timmy R, Jonathan W. The Croquering Warrior, and Lucas B. The Rousselca that Haunt Lake Lachnamore, or rather used to, now they're actually on the Lachnamore payroll and perform a synchronized swimming routine once every hour on the Tens.
Starting point is 01:39:25 Wow, sounds fun. Aaron S. It's Kevin, New York, and Steven C. Lab Rare Arians, who have mastered both the Dewey Decimal System and the Open Flame. They're a great company at dinner parties, particularly Barbacus. KJ, Michael M. Mike K. and Karen J. The Invisibility is a group of backwoods out of BRO folk who cast invisible and were also secretly attending the announcement that their BRO was getting sold off to rich people. Sucks to be there. At the
Starting point is 01:39:53 Ekkithor 666, Nick W. Taylor A, Matthew R, and S.M. Endo-Taren Dermatologist, who mostly just tried to help the undead not be so grossed out by the skin that they have left over That in back knee zombies get pretty nasty Narsity I should say back knee Nathan Kazmir the all-knowing big bad beard of the mad and Eric McDee and also Therath deep folk teens who heard Zirk was back in town and instantly all went and bought new lead pipes Sadly they didn't get to use them, but I'm sure there will be an opportunity soon. Berli T. J. Dragonborn, Joe Rowe, the Inopropo, Cody B. Liam D. and the Sam Drayan.
Starting point is 01:40:35 Ottoman servers at the Lachnamor party shouldn't be surprising at all that they are the most busy servers of everyone. All the rich people just want want inner Ottomans. Ben A. Feldonas, Dave H. Koala Bear, Catherine S. and David K. Cave dwellers who went in and picked over the mechs, once the third mate's left, Zirk would be absolutely devastated to know that there was a rechargeable mech battery in the rubble that he did not get to lick. Christian S. Dustin S. Keith K. Conor F. The Timewalker, Vashguard, and two left eyes. Chefs working at the Lacknamore party, and they are truly panicking because these Yuppies
Starting point is 01:41:12 want lobster rolls, and some rogue tourists has eaten all the lobster in the city. Frankie Koala, Big Bad John, Aston S. Blair, the Bug Blair, Barbarberian, Pork Chop, and Chinele M. Stella Verveins, interns who have all been called her special people throughout their internship and to hear Stella throw the term around so loosely now at just kind of stings. Fury and Hot Pants, Valacy Raptor, Minnet, F Pat L, Achootha A, and Lauren H, the maintenance crew at Vervein Industries who essentially have a full-time job spring for breeze around the facility trying to rid it of the stink of Liam's fish lunch.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Elias Hawthorn, Maddy Y, Alex H, the eldest berry, Evan V, Ryan S, and the bone duster. Staff at the Earth and Ale, who have been leg swept by Batilda one too many times and are trying to deliver and are done. Joshua, H, Robert, Chris, Yidra, Brentley, C, Micah, B, and Ploups. Sirens of... Siren Locke, who songs have never lured sailors astray, mostly because they are a beatboxing crew and the sailors on the lake just aren't having it. But keep it up fam, you guys got this.
Starting point is 01:42:25 Carly and Laurie P. Spam, the game, spam gaming, the not so skilled gamer Connor Savage, Russell H. and Christopher J. Pebblepot. Tabs, friends who can't wait to hear about her travels and meet her new pals when she returns home. They're very positive and good natured, so I'm sure they're going to overlook Les Quars' Colden Difference, just like to have to. Very diplomatic folks. Logan S. Leviathan, Dene A. Bioquart, Kenny and Remington CD.
Starting point is 01:42:53 Scientists in the West precinct, Labrary, whose area of expertise is cooking pizzas on Bunsenburners. It's a delicious job, but somebody gets to do it. Amber, Kay, Everett, Pee, Trab, Hop, Dropper, Sydney T, Jessie, the Jessie DLR, the element god and Lindsay W wrote the rules of the Zelberd, Zelberd art library. One and two, super easy, just float right out of them, but each new mural has over a thousand subsections,
Starting point is 01:43:20 so it took them a lifetime, which is why those rules must be respected. Chance Wild, Vailin, Sprite, Pepsi, Carlin Sea, and Anthony S. Kevin's buds who are planning a super fun surprise welcome home Kevin party, given they even got a fun pinata that Kevin can hit with his stick. Wow, bad news guys, you know what, we'll tell you later. Tristan C. The Loose but of two scoos, Jake, Emily, as the new petty king of Outerbro CC and Matthew J.
Starting point is 01:43:49 Run a lobster roll stand in West precinct, and after Tab's christation bender, they are about to expand to three more stands across Eldermorn. Wow, you got a franchise. Skrip Skripper, Z&C, Michael S, the Bone Duster, Noah, Wyatt B, and Estelle, own a pontoon in Siren Lock, not quite a houseboat, but the weather's pretty temperate, and Zane has been known to spend a night or two on the old tomb. All right, that's fun. Rogue Cree, Daniel N, Baron S, Soescian's romance partner from the Baronies, Mr. Dude Sky, and conflicted DM. Fishmongers whose business rests solely upon Liam's shoulders, it is Liam's love for heated up fish, reheated fish, actually, that keeps all their families housed and fed.
Starting point is 01:44:33 Don't let anyone tease you out of your love for reheated fish, Liam. Just an LB Conor P. Dandy, Jennifer R. and Clifton A. Horse breeders who saw the writing on the wall once the character, carriages of Sirenlock became motorized and quickly pivoted to become mechanics, except for Dandy who became a nurse for all the scrapes and bruises that occur from jostling around in said carriage. Richard G. M. Barber, Marcos P. Pupp Kalish learns the balance druid and Dakota JP, the band at the Loch N' More gathering who are still cursing themselves for being so out of tune.
Starting point is 01:45:07 Loch Nemore is a terrible tipper even when they crush it so they're gonna get absolutely screwed. Pogos V, Tracy P, a very big bet 91 Taylor B, and Scrumpey Bogpipe for vein employees whose actual birthday it was and who are low-key pissed at Zirk for taking all their cake on their special day. Thank you, everybody!

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