Not Another D&D Podcast - Eldermourne - Ep. 33: People on the Outside

Episode Date: September 10, 2021

Fia joins up with some new friends and prepares to sneak beyond the castle wall! A zombie crystal dwarf and skeleton greaser join the gang. Support us at to get access t...o the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Music / Sound Effects Include: "Drum Cadences" by Kiddpark at "A Wizard's Tournament" by Emily Axford. "Zelbuldar 3" by Emily Axford. "Bonkginya, Fia Bonkginya" by Emily Axford. "Goblin Dirigible" by Emily Axford. "Harenford" by Emily Axford. "A Risky Gamble" by Emily Axford. "The Prodigal Sister" by Emily Axford. "A Bastard's Fate" by Emily Axford. "Escape From Smuggler's Bounty" by Emily Axford. "Gunvar" by Emily Axford.   See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Headgun Podcast. Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item. Plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy. They offer discrete shipping as your privacy is a priority. Plus 100% free shipping
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Starting point is 00:01:41 Welcome back to Elder Morn, everybody. Elder Morn, everybody. Elder Morn. I'm your Dungeon Master Brian Murphy joined by Jake Hurwitz. Dragoon with a spoon. How's that for a bone? Henry Hawthitsch. Oh, three rhymes for the price of two.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Oh my God, I feel like that laugh I just did when as deep as my feet. I really got a reaction. Full body vibration. Wow, honored. Then of course Emily Axford. Having a ball, misty stepping off the ball. Fia Bogenia. That's right.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Yes. Ah, I'm thinking about it all over again. And of course, called a little tanner. We interrupt this to bring you a special bulletin from the Indotera Newswire. Zirk Vervein has been hospitalized with an infected belly button and will not be appearing in this episode. We will provide more updates as the story progresses. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Over to you, Murph. I was wondering if that's good. Okay, well now you're just smearing Billy's work. Oh no, Zirk infected it himself later. By just playing with it too much. It's like I'm doing the worm near a septic tank. Oh. Yeah, I just imagine Sirk playing with a bunch of liquids while also fixing his Billy
Starting point is 00:02:57 button ring and not washing his hands. Disgusting. This week guys, let's go ahead and do a little recap. So last time, Fiya escaped the Lord's Sides forces with Glorg, the ogre, and hid out in an abandoned tavern. Glorg revealed that he was part of a group of embedded awakened within the disciple occupied capital of Endotera and planned to inspire a revolution. The plan involves a vault beneath Endocassel that holds the lost knowledge of Zelbaldar, which the Lord sighed hordes for himself. Glorg believes that if they can get to it, they can prove that the Lord sighed was not
Starting point is 00:03:33 divinely chosen and expose him as a fraud. Glorg also shared that he had allies working on the inside one of whom is Arena. Fia theorized that Arena could be seeking the knowledge of Old Zelbaldar to learn more about her mother, the trickster. Afterwards, Fiya agreed to help Glorke's cause, then used his sending stone to tell Zerkin Hank that she was okay. Meanwhile, Zerkin Hank were ushered in with the rest of the Dragoon recruits from the Arena and met one of Glorg's people on the inside.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Brimstone, Billy, a blacksmith. A blacksmith who had endeared herself to the Dragoons and a sergeant grimdung with her skill and charm. Grimay! Go for it, sir! Grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, grimay, gr, alright, let's get to the recap now. See you at the deal, sir, how you do this? Billy let Zirk and Hank in on the plan to get into the vault beneath Endo Castle, then helped them prepare for their initiation to receive Dragon credentials. With the help of Billy's magical force, Push Shield and a clutch wording bond spell, Henry and Zirk were able to pass their joust and
Starting point is 00:04:45 mage duels respectively, and earn the title of Dragoon Grunt. Billy convinced Grimdung to let the new Grunts help her out for the time being and the sergeant acquiesced. As the team on the inside embedded themselves amongst the Lord's side's army, Glorig and Fia prepared to meet the team on the outside, and that's where we are now. Alright, so we are going to start off with Fia. Glorg lets you know that as far as he knows the team on the outside that needs to get inside the castle walls is supposed to meet here at the old tavern tomorrow. That's the big day when the team sets off on their respective objectives to
Starting point is 00:05:31 get to the vault. Glorg hasn't had a proper night's sleep in a while. So he can feel him there. Yeah. So he suggests that you guys get some rest. Is there anything you want to do before you go to bed? Okay, Fia does have to bring her sweet fill-up, her newly sweet fill-up back to life. But I think that after this day, I'm going to ask Mr. Clark, is there, I have to reanimate my little book, is there somewhere for a little privacy for a witch who saved your life? Yes, of course. Here, why don't you make yourself comfortable back here? You see he opens a backroom that just looks like an old storage room and you see cobwebs everywhere, old barrels like
Starting point is 00:06:25 dried food, salted meats and things like that. Glurg starts like clearing cobwe salted meats, and things like that. Glurgh starts like clearing cobwebs and stuff and goes, oh, actually don't mind, leave it. Oh, you're okay, you're okay with the cobwebs. I like it, yes, I like the window dressing that the spiders make. Great, okay, yeah, feel free to sleep back here. We can set up some like burlap sacks or something sort of an improvised sleeping bag situation.
Starting point is 00:06:47 We should do that kind of for fun around here. Thank you, Mr. Gorg, but if there is a dirt floor, I can just dig a trench. Right. Um, please don't dig a trench in the store room. Okay, I know this. I know this without committing to not doing this. Right, well, I'll sleep in the main room and I'll alert you if anything goes wrong. But until then, why don't you get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning. Thank you, Mr. Glork. Also, good catch earlier. You got me. Oh, yes. Well, Glad to be of some help.
Starting point is 00:07:25 It's so far today I've just been being saved. So, you know, thank you for that. Well, now we're on for fun, right? We're even now. Oh, I don't know. I don't know if my catch was as big as you're a catch, but if you say so. And Glorick walks out and closes the door behind you.
Starting point is 00:07:41 And, Fiya, you see that there is like, like a little candle lobber thing with wax kind of pouring over the side like an old candle, but you can light it. OK. And you're in this dark, like a little pantry. I think that I take the limp little book, fill up. I put them on one of the pantry shelves. I elect not to light the candle
Starting point is 00:08:08 because for the first time in forever, Fio Boggenia is like entirely alone. She is like no Mr. Henry, no Mr. Zirk, no Batilda, no Arena and most importantly, no book for. So I am thinking about all this and I am thinking about Arena like looking for her mother and I think for the first time I also feel the loss of my own mother, like as a personal loss for the first time. So I'm kind of sitting here alone. A feeling I've been running from for so long conjuring all these little animals and little creatures making books fly, making spoon stands, making little dear-month atrocities all to avoid this feeling. And I think that Fia realizes that she maybe can't keep running from this because this is
Starting point is 00:09:20 maybe the only guarantee in this life. So, Fia Boginia, rather than bringing Philip back, that can wait till tomorrow morning. I think she just sits in the excruciating silence of solitude with no cute little familiar to distract herself from her thoughts and tries to get a little more comfortable with this feeling. And I'm going to use this as an opportunity to cast coming of age ceremony. What is that? You touch one humanoid who is a young adult for the next 24 hours whenever the target
Starting point is 00:10:10 makes an ability check. It can roll a D4 and add the number rolled to an ability check. Wow. The creature can benefit from this right only once. Cue the soundtrack. I mean, come on. Be a, as you cast that, go ahead and roll an insight check with advantage. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:31 25. 25. Fiya, as you sit here in the darkness in this pantry, you realize that you never really processed the loss of your mother because you lost her at such a young age. Your memory of her isn't crystal clear, it's more about kind of the feelings she evoked in you, things like warmth and safety and fun. And there was this big divide kind of in your life before and after she passed. Before, even though you lived in this village where there was this sort of religious
Starting point is 00:11:16 zealotry, your mom was kind of this bright spot that brought out this kind of more fun side in your dad. And his kind of attitude towards religion and everything really changed after she passed away. And him being the preacher in town really set the tone for everybody else. And you realize in this moment that you and your father both kind of did the same thing, which is to lose yourself in something else to forget the pain of losing this person. You did it in books, in stories, in magic, and he did it in religion. And it occurs to you that there's this promise of followers of the Reaper that you do what needs to be done in the mortal world and then you will be judged fairly and then you will get to ascend to referee and live out the rest of your existence there.
Starting point is 00:12:27 It occurs to you right now that while this line of thought is a fallacy, that it is likely what your father's intentions were. Does this mean that he would have sacrificed me to bring her back in a way. In an extremely fucked up way, it's kind of to get you to reverie. When somebody is judged on the scales and is like executed in that way, it is seen as being like kind of absolved of your sin. Like this is your punishment and now your soul will go clean to the Reaper. This is why I'm always running from my alone time because I have revelations like fucking this.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I think I take this information and I, I try really hard to not categorize it as reasons I feel sympathy for my father because I have been forgiving him all my life and I'm starting to wonder who really benefits from all that fucking forgiveness. Yeah, yeah, I will say that like none of this excuses anything. He quite literally tried to have you and before that arena killed. And it was for this fucked up indoctrinated delitry. I swallow a big welling of sympathy for him
Starting point is 00:14:03 and then pile all the dried fruit on the ground so I can make a trench in that and I go to sleep face fucking down. Fia goes to sleep planking amongst a bunch of dried fruit. Talk about a book, Varmizba. And the next morning we are actually going to cut over to some new characters. Jake and Caldwell's new characters. For both of you guys, it is the day that you have been waiting for. Your crew has spent years embedding themselves amongst the disciples, and today there's going to be a brief opportunity to access the vault, but that hinges on your team getting beyond the wall and doing your job. Caldwell, do you want to describe your character as he sneaks through the streets, heading towards the meeting point?
Starting point is 00:14:55 Oh, gladly. So, my name is Craig and McDuff, but everyone calls me Chris'e, on count of my large bushy crystal beard. I've also got two tiny little points of horns on top of my skull and I am missing one eye, but the other one gleams with an almost twilight-yam light brightness. And then we're in all black. I'm a wee fellow about the size of a deep foe perhaps. And despite my size and my stoutness, I'm quite nimble. So I'm making my way through town, hiding in the shadows, diving into barrels,
Starting point is 00:15:33 using bits of my crystal beard to distract people by catching the light on it and whatnot. And I've got a special package under my arm that I've managed to procure for one of my allies in this mission ahead. Yes, So Chris, your first job this morning was to pick up a magical item to aid one of your allies. One of your contacts was able to secure a cloak
Starting point is 00:16:02 on the black market that can make someone blend into their surroundings. Your crew is low on people, so you guys now need magical help to make up for their shortcomings. Not everybody is as stealthy as you or a couple of the other guys in your crew. Oh, not likely. You say that quietly to yourself as you roll into a nearby barrel. The third man coming on your mission today is a member of the awakened named Iser. Now, Iser usually does forgeries and helps you guys get like official documentation to keep you out of trouble, but today you guys are so low on people that you have to bring
Starting point is 00:16:40 him in as another point man. So you're going to need the cloak for him because he doesn't normally stealth. Right. With the cloak in hand, you head towards the meeting point. Adulgrab, one of the fish that I found in the barrel, I mean, and I just pulled that right in my mouth. Crunch it on down.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Just a little protein for the roll, you know? Yeah, you grab one of these weird cave fish that are not weird to you. Not even a proper fish, kind of like a lizard, like looks like what a, like, bass would look like, except it has feet, that has four legs. And they're all scrambling around. Oh, I love the way they skittled it down my throat. This dude's going to get along great with Zirk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:27 And there is another stealthy dude heading towards the meeting point. Jake, do you want to describe what your character looks like as he sneaks through the streets? Oh, yeah, yeah, I would love to. Yeah. So he's kind of just picture a skeletal Danny Zuko. He's kind of like a decrepit skeleton with a perfect pompadour. And yeah, I have kind of like leather armor that that actually kind of looks a little bit like a leather jacket like a studded leather jacket. I like that. In my hands I have nothing because my
Starting point is 00:17:57 mission kind of went sideways so we'll see what happens. Right so Jake's character. Your first job this morning was to meet with this guy, Eiser, and escort him to the meeting point. Eiser was supposed to get you guys credentials as merchants to get you guys beyond the wall, but when you went to fetch him, you saw that his apartment had been broken into, and there were signs of a struggle. It looks like the disciples nabbed eyes are, but credentials are not. The other pieces are in place for the mission today and you have no choice but to just head to the meeting points and find another way in. Well shit. Chrissy, and skeleton man, we're not gonna say
Starting point is 00:18:41 it's my name. Okay, My name is rundown Johnny. So Chrissy and rundown Johnny are both Rushing through the streets. There are the Emperor's forces out on patrol today You know that there was a big good hubbub yesterday. You're not sure exactly what it was about you guys have been kind of staying Underground underground underground everywhere in Endo Terror's underground, but you guys have been very underground. I'm trying not to bring on any attention before this big mission.
Starting point is 00:19:16 So you guys head to the meeting point, which is Grog's old bar, formerly known as Grog's Grog. This Grog in the Rock formerly known as Grog's Grog Best Grog in the rock if you ask me This is where the whole gang used to gather and drink and celebrate in the before times Before endotera fell into total authoritarian rule and most of you had to go off the radar to avoid being brought in for questioning The good old days the good old days as you guys approach from opposite sides of the city, you see that it is a shadow of what it once was, boarded up windows, the rusty chains that once held the hand-painted tavern sign, now dangle, holding nothing. And as you guys approach, go ahead and give me stealth checks.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Gladly. Oh, yeah. All right, that's gonna be an eighth, but I add plus 13 to my stealth, so That's gonna be a 21, okay. Yeah, run down Johnny's first role was a crit. Oh Johnny, you just happened to find a pile of bones that you just a sort of disassemble yourself and that you just disassemble yourself and pile on to. And you guys see around the corner near the old bar, there are two enemies here patrolling. You see a white and a peaker, one of these gray gremlins with yellow eyes. They're searching the area around the tavern.
Starting point is 00:20:41 The white is going to look first. Natural five does not see you guys, and the peeker looks around, only gets a 19. So Mrs. both of you guys. So you guys see these two unsuspecting monsters are walking around, guys go ahead and give me perception checks. Yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Okay, Johnny's second roll. That's a three. Whoa Oh, you're all over the mop, Johnny, but I do add an 11 so that's 14. Okay, that will just be a 12 Okay, could I say so neither of you guys see each other? We're too stealthy you guys are too stealthy. Um, so you guys have arrived at the same time Go ahead and roll initiative. So 16, 24. Wow. I'm excited. Today's the day, Johnny. Whoa, where'd you come from? Chris, did I tell myself? Yeah, you said it's just glialy. You're glialy talking to yourself, calling yourself Johnny. Hey, Johnny. Chris, you are first. You can decide to try to just sneak into the bar without these guys noticing or you could try to get the jump on them or
Starting point is 00:21:48 Something you see this white with like boiled leather armor and a sword walking around with this little gremlin dude Let's see so does it look like they're going about the rounds or they just Snoop and Arun the tavern does it it look like they're gonna leave? It looks like they are patrolling this area, so they're not necessarily going to like kick in the door to the tavern or anything, but they're gonna be up and down the block probably. Is there a box entrance to the tavern I could use? Yeah, go ahead and roll me a electric.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Oh Chris is a lucky fellow. That's a 19. 19. Yes, you remember that there is a window in the back that is probably boarded up, but that you might be able to pry open and sneak in through. All right. We've been planning this day for way too long
Starting point is 00:22:42 to get messed up with these two chuckle fox. So I'm just gonna move you over to the back, pry open the window and hope that Johnny does the scene. Okay, sweet. So you go over around the back, go ahead and give me an acrobatics check to get yourself in the window quietly. Oh, gladly That's another 18 plus that is going to be a 28 a 28 good Lord Chrissy like like the way cats just turned to liquid and could just fit into tiny spaces
Starting point is 00:23:21 Just suddenly just like flattened himself against the wall and barely prying it open. This big like, you know, burly dwarf-sized dude goes and slips in through the window. I think if you shaved off Chrissy's beard, it would look like a wet cat, just so skinny. Mostly beard. After Chrissy, that is the white's turn, but the white surprise has not seen you guys. It's just looking around. Actually, I'll say we'll do another perception check. Natural three, not going to see Nat 20, run down Johnny.
Starting point is 00:23:53 That is... Run down Johnny's turn. Okay, well, you know, since I haven't seen Chrissy, I don't even know he's here, I'm not going to try to get into a fight. I'm not going to do that. That's not Johnny's style. Not today. So, can I do.... That's not Johnny's style. Not today So can I do can I can I get a little luck check maybe yeah?
Starting point is 00:24:09 To see if I know about that window in the back They might have tossed me out that way before go ahead and give me an incense check with advantage I'll say you used to hang out here the only way you would forget about it is essentially if you were like kind of frazzled by the excitement Right, oh yeah, that's the takeout window 21 21 That's where do you get your walkma'doons? Johnny, you definitely remember that there is a back window. So you head back down, you try to do the same thing. You do see that it has been pride open a bit.
Starting point is 00:24:35 So that suggests that Chrissy or somebody else might have already been in here. Yeah, the disciple they might have kicked the door, and I know what that looks like. So I'll just sneak in through the open window. Sweet, go ahead and give me an acrobatics check. It's a 15. Okay, you make a little creek as you go to open it.
Starting point is 00:24:55 You're not quite as liquid as Chrissy just was, but who is? But you manage to slip in. Johnny, is that you? Hey, yeah, Chrissy. Quit making so much noise. I was barely made of peep. This thing snagged on my leather. Chrissy has you kind of slip in.
Starting point is 00:25:15 And Johnny, you slip in immediately after. This is within like seconds. You see that in the darkness behind the bar, there is this big, hulking figure who seems to have fallen asleep in his bar stool. And at first, this feels kind of like a flashback to better times. Went back when your friend Glurg used to tend bar
Starting point is 00:25:47 when you guys were all hanging out, but you guys thought Glurg had been taken. You guys haven't heard the news, and you guys see Glurg is just like snoring up on his stool. Whoa, whoa, hey, Chrissy, I think I'm seeing things. That couldn't be. It wouldn't be. That's not a lot
Starting point is 00:26:05 Glorke Glorke fuck what he belongs oh man watch I'm on watch I'm on watch oh It's good to see you again Oh What are you doing man? He runs over and gives you guys a big hug. Hey watch the hair So sorry, sorry, Johnny. Listen, you can touch the beard if you want. Pat's Chrissy's beard. And Glor goes, I was saved.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I was saved by a young girl. She's a friend of arenas, and I believe she'll also be helpful to our cause. She's still sleeping. I should go wake her. OK. Yeah, shall we come. Okay. Yeah, she'll we come with you. Yeah, want to meet the person who saved your life. So you guys, I'll get together and go over to the pantry to find this mysterious person.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Fia, after speaking with Glurg last night and spending a little time in the pantry, just kind of lost in your thoughts, you have a very hard time sleeping, thinking about your family, thinking about your mother, thinking about your father, you're worried about Hank, you're worried about Zerk, you're worried about Bookfar, but eventually fatigue overtakes you and you fall into a deep sleep and you have a strange dream What? Fia, you are standing in the middle of a barren landscape. Dead trees, dry gray soil, overcasts sky, this very much reminds you of the village you grew up in. You can move your eyes around and look but you very much have the feeling of kind of sleep paralysis
Starting point is 00:27:54 but you're standing up. You're just unable to move your body but you can look around. And after a bit you feel a warmth behind you as someone stands back to back with you. You look down and see the back of her hand against yours, but you can't turn around to look. I know this is just a dream and you're just a figment of my mind, but… Erena? Have you come to save me again, Fee? I mean, I don't want to say I'm saving you, right? Because that's kind of like a loaded thing, but I'm...
Starting point is 00:28:36 I just... the guardians, they ask me to take care of you and... Oh, to take care of you, that sounds patronizing too. I'm just... I'm just worried about you. You hear Arena laugh, and she goes, I have been worried about you too, Fee. Really? Of course. I think about you all the time. Where are you? I'm in Endotera.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I'm right here with you. You and I, we have a connection and it's easier to reach in our subconscious and when we're within physical proximity of each other, I'm in the castle. Is this real? Is this like really real? Is this your me! This is both of us. I have had prophetic dreams that you and I would meet again. I think I'd take my little hand and I can I at least move it?
Starting point is 00:29:36 Oh no, I'm paralyzed. Go ahead and... My hand twitches but I make no movement. Making our kind of check. Not 20, baby baby holy shit. Wow. Wow. Wow. Let it happen. Let it all out. You're not able to move The rest of your body, but you grab her hand and you feel her clutch yours Okay, well Arena I'm here and I need you to I'm with your friends out here
Starting point is 00:30:03 Tell me exactly what you need. And I'll do it for you. And also, I tried to send word to you, but it didn't work. They have book for her. Book for her is more than a book. He's, I mean, we knew that, but he's more than a book and they have him. I know. Fee, you have given so much to me and I have not given you anything in return.
Starting point is 00:30:31 That's not true, you gave me book for her and honestly I would probably just be peddling dumb reaper magic if you hadn't awoken my mind. I don't know that I've been the best friend to you, Fee. Before you risk yourself for me anymore, you should know that I've done something terrible to you. What? What are you talking about, Arena? If it's because you didn't get in touch with me, I just assumed that we were in a really
Starting point is 00:31:01 serious situation. I totally understand that. There's absolutely no hard feelings. In fact, you could be mad at me because I didn't get in touch with you. You feel the tension kind of break and she laughs and she goes, no, no. It does not that at all. And you see, this barren landscape of gray land and dead trees suddenly begins to fill with people and buildings. And this is the village that you remember as a child, but it's a few years later, a few years
Starting point is 00:31:31 after you left. You recognize some of the people there and they look older, like some children that are now teenagers, some like middle-aged people that are now a little bit older, and Dorena goes, After and Arena goes, after you saved me, I fled the Reaper Convent and struck out on my own. As I came of age, I found that I could intuitively understand the sprites, and with their help, I learned more about my natural magic ability and something of my true identity. I was young and angry, so I returned to our village to
Starting point is 00:32:15 confront the people who persecuted us. I only wanted to scare them, but when I arrived I witnessed something. You see, arena arriving on the edge of town. The girl with the silver hair from your childhood, only a little bit older. A few years older. Tiny tusks protruding from her lips. She wears a patchwork cloak, like someone who has had to make her own clothes, but isn't particularly good at it. And she watches from a distance as the townspeaker are once again surrounding a young person who has been accused of sorcery. This person hangs precariously over the edge of a pit on a set of scales. On the other
Starting point is 00:33:09 side of it is your father, the preacher, reading the judgment. The bloodthirsty crowd cheers him on as a horror in the pit growls with otherworldly hunger. I hated them in that moment fee, with otherworldly hunger. I hated them in that moment fee, and I lost control. Arena's hood falls off, and her eyes begin to glow green. She takes on a more silver form, like kind of stretching out, like getting taller, ears getting longer, magical power surging all around her. You see she pounds her fist into the soil and suddenly bright green grass covers the barren ground. The onlookers take notice and are distracted, looking confused and scared, suddenly vines shoot up from the ground and grab them all
Starting point is 00:34:08 in twisting branches. You see your father tries to wrestle himself free of the vines, clutching the scale pendant around his neck as if it could somehow protect him. You see, Arena gathers orange arcane energy around her before shooting a huge fireball into the forest of branches, completely vaporizing everyone in the crowd. As the black smoke rushes off of the singed vines, Arena collapses to her knees and returns to normal. The surge of power has died down. She looks shocked. She looks paler.
Starting point is 00:34:51 She looks like sick and is gasping for breath and looking on in horror at the wreckage. The worst part is that when it was all done, the first thing I worried about was not all of the lives that were lost. I worried that you would hate me. No, I understand what you did, but I also drop her hand. You let her hand go. Why are you looking for your mother? I want to know the truth.
Starting point is 00:35:33 I want to know who I am. Was I just an angry young girl who lost control of herself? Or is this who I I'm on the inside? I think it can be both. Did you... did you see his body? My father. Did anything remain of him? All I saw was black smoke. Fia, you remember when you were in the mist? That your father appeared to you as black smoke. I think Fiya feels a welling of sympathy for her father that turns into pity and instead
Starting point is 00:36:19 of swallowing it she just lets it take her over. And then I think she steals herself and says, okay well I will help you find that out for you. I am your guardian and that is what I am here to do. You were once more than that but I suppose you don't know me anymore fee. more than that, but I suppose you don't know me anymore, Fee. I think that was always going to be the case. I'm not mad at you. I'm just feeling that my father is no longer in this world. Does that make sense? Hopefully I think I fantasized about doing exactly what you did, like a million times, but I also fantasized about reconciling with him a million and one. So you can understand the conflict. I understand. I am sorry that I've taken this away from you.
Starting point is 00:37:20 I just wanted you to know the truth before we saw each other again. At least maybe you saved the person in that story. I think I saved this knowing that I saw that maybe they didn't also get saved. Go ahead and give me a perception check. Ten. You do see that in this form that she took, like the kind of the form of Cerenesus. You know that she is a sorcerer and mechanically she used careful spell. And you see that the person that was on the scales while absolutely terrified and maybe as terrified as if they were
Starting point is 00:38:07 Falling into the pit with the horror quickly just like scrambles off Into the woods without you know Without saying anything to arena just like running away from her. I clutch her hand again then and I say Arena I I get it. I really. If we don't know each other anymore, then that is a good opportunity to make a new friend, maybe. I've gotten quite good at making friends while you're gone. You are always good at making friends fee. You just cared about quality over quantity. Uh, squeeze your little hand.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Tomorrow, I will see you in the vault, yes? I guess so. Until then, Fiya. Fiya. Fiya! Fiya! Fiya! Fiya!
Starting point is 00:38:57 Come here! Wake up! You're the little hero! What? What? What? I've chilled down a bunch of dried fruit. I've been sleeping face down, and... What? What? What are my... What are you doing? I've been... What? I've shown a bunch of dried fruit. I'm sleeping face down, and... What? Where am I? I got a...
Starting point is 00:39:08 Oh, you were out. Arena. No, she's in... Arena's on the inside. Oh, yeah, the good ladies and say... Yeah, no, we're gonna go see Arena. Oh, my God. Escaladin, you are beautiful. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:39:20 It crystal-dwarf. I hope you hold my hand to be kissed. It would be my honor. Chrissy puts his beard down right on Fias Paul. This is a new one! I file it away to understand that this is Endotera custom. No, that's just me, that's just what I do. Fias, this year, this is Chrissy and this over here, this is rundown Johnny. At your service. A pleasure.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Guys, this is Fiya. I try to touch rundown Johnny's hair. Hey! You have a big soul. Oh, I'm sorry, he did it, the door did it, but okay, I'm sorry. No, that's a Kristy thing. Yeah, that's absolutely a Kristy thing. It's a Kristy thing, you wouldn't understand.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I have a mug that says that. You found his mug? Yeah, I see the supplies thing. Apparently there's a bunch of them that didn't sell. Oh my god, you see Dusty old, it's a Chrissy thing. I look like someone mass produced these and all of them. Oh, Chrissy, there's hundreds of them. I really thought that was on the something.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Chrissy, I told you, it's just you. You're the only Chris around here I'm a local legend right they still wouldn't get the Chrissy thing though was the problem It's ironic though is the thing We get this you wouldn't understand because you've never heard of Chris That's what you meant she gets gets it. The last gets it. Still, she's not gonna buy one. Alright, well, we better hurry.
Starting point is 00:40:50 It sounds like plants have maybe changed a little bit. And certainly, I'm not completely up to date on what's going on because I've been captured for 10 years. No, yeah, we're on to like plan D at this point. Maybe E. What do you think? Oh, that's right. Speaking of that,'s Isor? Oh yeah, he's gone.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yeah, no he's gone. Yeah, I just gone. Yeah, long gone. Yeah, no he's gone. Did the disciples get him? Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, for sure. Oh that's bad. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Oh that's not good. You had a marriage casual about losing your kin. No, yeah, I kind of processed it on the walk over here. I was broken up. You walk, but I had a lot of trouble walking. I didn't know hurry man. Our numbers have been decimated a bit, but I think that you're here now, I'm not good, to catch you up, we're fucked.
Starting point is 00:41:39 So yeah, we gotta get in there, we don't know how. And our contactizer will suppose to forge some documents for us so that we could pose as merchants, but I do not know how we're gonna do that now that Aiser has been apparently captured and is very likely dead. He was scooped. I will say if you would like a cloak, I've got a spare one. It could disguise your appearance a bit that might be helpful
Starting point is 00:42:04 if you're willing to aid us on this quest. Me? Fia? Oh, I, yes. Yes, certainly. You're more eyes are size than I am certainly. I was actually going to ask if you have maybe
Starting point is 00:42:16 a breastplate lying around. I have this heavy armor that makes it very hard to sneak about. You see that Chrissy has this cloak that mechanically is the cloak of Elven kind. Oh, sick! There we go. There we go.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Okay, I've never really been much of a cloak person, but it's not too late to start. I put it on and then I just like melt into it after like a hard night. I'm just like absolutely like drowning and fabric and loving it. Yeah, you see that? It looks like a good look with like gold trim
Starting point is 00:42:51 and as you wrap it around you, you see that it takes on the darkness of like this pantry and you blend in like camouflage. Can I do it so that like I do it on certain parts of my body so I can look like the Venus Demilo? Yeah sure. This is a reference to something that doesn't exist in this world. How about that? Kind of like it's a crazy thing. I wouldn't understand. Oh that's brilliant. I love that. Put that on a shirt. So, Fiya, while you wear this cloak
Starting point is 00:43:20 with its hood up, perception checks made to see you have disadvantage and you have advantage on stealth checks made to hide as the cloaks color shift to camouflage you. Fia absolutely does a fortnight dance. What's that? No one can see it. What are you doing there? What's happening under the cloak? It's a lot of movement.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I see darkness and arms flailing. I see like occasional glimmers of something happening and it looks quite agile, I must say, but I'm not getting the full picture. All right. Wait a second. I stopped doing my mid-wourt night dance. I paused still in the position.
Starting point is 00:43:57 And I say, wait a second, Mr. Glorck, I forgot to ask you, how are Mr. Sir-Chamister Henry? Oh, as far as I know. Oh, right. They're part. That's Latin. Hi. Hey.
Starting point is 00:44:11 If you don't know now, you will not soon. All right. As a Zirken Henry or Fia's friends, we've sort of combined forces here. We've joined companies. Zirken, Henry are now on the inside with Isaac and Billy. And they're doing fine, Fia. I received a message from Billy last night.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Oh, this is noose to weary ears. Oh, that's quick. No. Alright, so let's talk about the mission. It's not just a matter of getting to the vault. There's also an alarm system. Now Arena is going to disarm it from the inside of the castle, but there There's also an alarm system. Now Arena is going to disarm it from the inside of the castle, but there's also a fail safe. There are
Starting point is 00:44:49 two vault keeper mages who will receive alerts if anyone enters the vault. The inside team will take out the one. This team needs to take out the other. Your target is a wizard who lives in a tower behind the castle walls protected by constructs and various other experiments. I know a thing about two about constructs. And then actually, you know what, I'm going to look for a fork. I'm going to look for a fork in the supply closet and cast tiny servant. Okay, so you can't wait, that's pretty neat.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Oh, look at that. I'm obsessed with this thing. Look at that little laugh. Ha ha ha ha ha. Yeah, you'll fall to hang out with him. Hey, come here. I could use it to comb the pump, but though. Yeah, I was going to suggest it.
Starting point is 00:45:33 You could put him in your head. Yeah, he's the fork to comb your pump, but though, or that's a cloth. It's got even more belt. A lot's beautiful. Hey, not bad for you. And you hear Glurdke continues and goes, I am obviously a little too big to be stealthy,
Starting point is 00:45:49 so I won't be able to go in with you. You've also had a hard day. Yes, I've had a hard couple weeks. I've had, yeah, you've been in like activity. It's been a hard life. I feel like it's like you can take the day off. Appreciate it. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Little bit of a staycation, Feria Glorke. Anyway, without Isar, we don't have credentials to get you guys in. So you'll have to get over the wall somehow. Arate. OK. Well, I am a witch. I don't think I introduce myself.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I feel like I am a witch. So I will use my witchcraft to try to help as much as I can. It's alright! You're just like that arena. You know, she's a quite the magical lady herself. Yes she is, you've met her. Oh, hey! Oh, the lady arena, of course!
Starting point is 00:46:33 Yeah, she's a great, great mager. On person, what does she look like now? What does her laugh sound like? Is it the same as it always was? Yeah, Chrissy, you do a perfect arena laugh. Oh, yeah, let me do it. Chrissy pulls his beard up so that it's like tucked over his head almost.
Starting point is 00:46:54 They make a ponytail with your beard. Exactly. Then goes, hee hee hee hee. How was that? I will get to run down Johnny and assume you like to him to make him feel better. Sounds about right. Yeah, it's a crazy thing.
Starting point is 00:47:11 It's a crazy thing. You're starting to understand. Come on, absolutely Rina. Such a crazy thing. Such a Rina energy. Such a Rina energy. Wow, I was a childhood friend and I can't wait to see her face in a way. Okay, let's maybe go.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Yeah, ready? Yeah, ready? Yes, alright, should we perhaps consider how we're gonna get through the gate? Yes, is it a matter of scaling of all? I no longer have the spell spider climb because I made a joke about how I thought it was obscene and then I swapped it out at the next level up. You see, Glorke thinks about it and he goes, you could try to go through the gate, but the peekers there will see anyone who's invisible or using magic.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Beyond the castle walls, invisibility doesn't work either. There's some kind of anti-magic field. It's sort of like the fairy fire spell. People who are invisible light up Very good to know I hate that spell Yeah, people use that spell fairy-fire shakes his fist cowards. I turn to them. I size them up. They're looking pretty strong And I say I'm a natural athlete. I have been told so I'm ready to scalable. Oh, that's all you want to do a flip contest I've been told, so I'm ready to scalable. Oh, that's so you want to do a flip contest.
Starting point is 00:48:26 That's like dexterity. Yeah, can I do a flip using strength athletics? Like a really painful one? Yeah, if you're willing to take a little bit of damage from your knees locking as you play it so hard. Oh, she's landing right on her shin. Chrissy, go ahead and do an acrobatics check. As Fia do athletics. Oh, 17, that's all.
Starting point is 00:48:50 17. Okay, that's not bad. Oh, I got a 17 too. Wow. Wow. Perfectly and safe. Pretty good front flips. Let's see the back flips, eh?
Starting point is 00:48:59 You can't full of your bones from this, okay? Run down Jimmy, because mine are hurting. My bones feel great. So you guys both do flips. They're both pretty impressive. I'll say that Chris's is more elegant going around, but bangs into some stuff on the way down. And Fia's is less elegant, but does a complete rotation,
Starting point is 00:49:21 but then just locks her legs. And he's very obviously stunned for a moment as she lands. Okay, let's not break our legs or anything before we go. Alright, that's a great flip, Missy. Don't let anyone tell you the apron. Thank you. You see, I'm Glorg brings you guys in and goes, this is for everyone who has died for our
Starting point is 00:49:41 cause. We are going to get the truth out there and inspire a revolution. Hey, this is for Endotera and for all our friends. Indeed. Yeah. Let's break the scales. He hands you guys the sending stone.
Starting point is 00:49:58 You can reach out to the other team once you breach the wall. OK. Can I take a moment to resummon Philop? Yeah, of course. Last night's solitude was fucking enough for a month. Helders, blood, she's summoned and so many little fellas. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:14 So she takes a few minutes after summoning the fort. Do you have any more objects you would like to make dance and fly? Could you make this mug move about? I think that helped move the marriage and days. I made chandit so that it dances. You see that the mug starts dancing with the made chand as Philip comes to life and swatts it out of the air and goes, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm holding back this freaking hold me back who is this to where these people I
Starting point is 00:50:50 I'm totally pretend to hold back this book Come down, feel up you have to know your place go get him right flip contest me in the book let's go So yeah, you feel you feel fill up in on what's going on and he's a dumbass so we just like quickly accept it doesn't really care. All right um should we head out? What is the game plan? You you probably know more than I do. Is it time? All right it's time all right. Okay sounds about right to me. Put up my hood, disappear doing Fortnite dances under me. Good chance to practice new ones, I haven't mastered. I call my pompadour real quick. This episode of NADPOT has brought to you 5 bird dogs. They're a company that makes
Starting point is 00:51:37 pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered. Now we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's gonna be difficult. Luckily Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier. Bird Dogs stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look. And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, bird dogs invented a cloud knit fabric that looks just like khaki, but stretches so you get
Starting point is 00:52:09 a way slimmer fit without having to sacrifice movement. And trust me, you are going to need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother make sure you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti-style tumbler go to slash pop-off or enter promo code pop-off at checkout. That's slash pop-off or promo code pop-off for a free Yeti-style tumbler.
Starting point is 00:52:41 You won't want to take your bird dogs off, we promise you. Okay, that's it for me go team pants and enjoy the show So Glorick since you guys off you guys head through the streets hiding in alleys as you wind your way to the castle wall And you see it from a distance as you approach. You see this massive wall of blackstone. The entire castle area is raised up. It's on a giant plate that hovers over the rest of the city, and because the wall follows this natural plate, there is this kind of unnatural architecture to it. It's quite wavy, and looks almost like it's crooked at some parts. The wall is bisected by this waterfall of Blue Lava that joins the river
Starting point is 00:53:33 below that flows through the city. Cool. If you want to kind of see who's a top it, guys go ahead and give me perception checks with disadvantage. All right, not bad, not bad. 17? Oh, I actually did really well. 21! It's an 8-shit. Yeah, so for being down this far, you guys are able to find a vantage point.
Starting point is 00:53:55 I'll say you even go in, you find like a house that is abandoned by people that were probably like scooped recently. Whoa, I look for a spell book. You do not find them. And you guys are able to get up to like a high floor and look out the window. You look at the window and you see that. I leave a bug. There are like three separate sections.
Starting point is 00:54:15 There's like kind of towers separating the different areas. The section furthest to the left looks to have a tough climb, but the fewest amount of people guarding it. The area in the middle is a medium climb with slightly better defense, and to the right there's an easier climb, but it looks pretty well-manned. Because of the architecture, it looks like the sections are separated enough that you'd only have to deal with the guards from one area of the wall unless they like sent out in alarm. Got it. from one area of the wall unless they like sent out in a alarm.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Got it. I think I got my pick. You guys want all the kind of say that at the same time? Oh, that's really fun, especially since we are recording on Zoom. I'm sure it will be easy to line up. Well, the lobby will be synced. We'll all be saying the same thing. I'm sure. So it should be fine. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:55:02 One, two, three. Middle on the right. East wall. So it should be fine. And here we go. One, two, three. Middle on the right. East wall. Hardest climb, except with a little amount of people. Yeah. Oh, okay. So we're all in the cream at then.
Starting point is 00:55:13 More people, but. I want. Let's go. Let's people climb. Okay, that sounds very good to me. Okay, that's what, that's definitely what I said as well. All right.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Yep, that's what I said. Sweet. So you guys are going to least amount of people hard climb. I whisper to via, sometimes you've got to just defer to the pompadour. Yeah, it was a consensus. So a right. The tiny servant is styling it.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Sweet, so you guys are going all the way on the left. That is where you saw the least people, but the climb looked a little bit harder, but you're just going to kind of take your chances with that. But I would say that Johnny and Chrissy, you guys would know this, that in these like tower areas, there are like bells and stuff that they could bring to like bring more people to like kind of set off a warning. Right. So guys, on this wall, go ahead and roll me to encounter checks with a D10 to see
Starting point is 00:56:12 what is up on this wall here. I got a bunch of D10s in front of me, so I'll roll them right up. That's a 10 and a three. Okay, you guys look up and you see two crossbowmen, two like whites in black leather armor with hoods, holding crossbows, two peakers, these little gray gremlins with yellow eyes,
Starting point is 00:56:37 and you guys would know this from your research. On first to look, it just looks like there's two ballistas up there, but you know that they are animated ballistas that can shoot on the road. Oh, so you guys are at the base of this wall. Here is how this will work. This is a hard climb. This is kind of like the climbing mechanics that we did back with via Zirk and Hank. This is a hard climb, so it's a DC 14. You have to do three successful checks to get to the top.
Starting point is 00:57:10 If you fail, you will not fall. This is easy enough because it's like built of stone. It's not like a sheer rock face or something like that. If you fail your check, then you have to do a new stealth check. Okay. So it's like you slip and you need to try to recover. If you fail a stealth check, it doesn't necessarily mean that they know you're there. They just see something moving.
Starting point is 00:57:34 So they might go down to investigate. So this section of the wall, two crossbowmen, two two peekers, two animator ballistas. How many feet away? 150 feet. So it's gonna take, we're going to say three rounds to get up. So everybody go ahead and roll initiative.
Starting point is 00:57:50 All right. All right. Dirty. Come on. Seven. Oh, 30, 20 feet of me as well. Should we do a roll off? Should we do a flip off?
Starting point is 00:57:59 Probably you have more dexterity, so it's probably you. Hey, mine's plus five. Sweet. Yeah, mine's plus five. Sweet. Mine is bad. At the top of the order are the crossbowmen. Crossbowmen do not do anything. They are just looking around.
Starting point is 00:58:14 After the crossbowmen, Chrissy, you come forward. At the bottom of the wall, you can make a stealth check with advantage. I'm actually, if it's all right with you, I'm going to hold my turn. I would like to go last, because I have an ability that allows me to give people the help action, and I'd love to be able to just,
Starting point is 00:58:35 woo! I'd love to be able to take up the rear and prevent people from falling if it comes to that. Sweet. Mastermind Rogue. Yeah, I guess I'll size up whoever has, whoever looks like they're gonna be the worst at claiming and I will go ahead and give them the help action.
Starting point is 00:58:52 My athletics is good. My, Johnny's is pretty solid too. Athletics 11. My athletics is eight and I'll be adding a D4 to my roles because of I've come of age because I realized the harrowing truth that you only have yourself. I was gonna say it looked like you came of age this not having what you before but I was a gangly girl now I'm a gangly woman. Johnny, you
Starting point is 00:59:15 don't say that to a last you just don't. Girl child has become woman child doesn't have the same ring honestly. I trust, I've seen this lady do a flip, a truster. I'm gonna pull out a big crystal shard from a beard and hand it to Johnny and say, this should help you climb a bit loud. Hey, alright, thanks, Chrissy. Hey, now that's a Chrissy thing. You understand, Fiya, that is your turn.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Okay. Is this a thing that we're using like a dash action? Yes, yeah, it takes a successful athletics check That is your turn. Okay. Is this a thing that we're using like a dash action? I'm wondering if I should take a second. It takes a successful athletics check to reach a point on the wall. Once you reach the third point, you are at the top of the wall. Okay, I'm going to do my athletics rule.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Our first two stealth. Oh my god, a 13 to stealth. Okay. Oh, fuck. Now you do your athletics. D a 13 to stealth. Okay. Oh, fuck. Now you do it, you're athletics. Dirty 20, two athletics. A dirty 20, here we go. You are not doing a great job with stealth,
Starting point is 01:00:14 but they get disadvantage on their perception checks for the first checkpoint. So you are making your way up, you are climbing silently, but you're a little bit out in the open, even with your cloak on Press up on the rocks press up press up after fias turn that is the The sound of my joints thanking the impact that's setting them off the blister does not act on its own
Starting point is 01:00:37 After the blister are the peakers there are two They are going to roll with disadvantage to try to see fias. They got to be to 13. Oh boy. Okay, that's an out one with disadvantage for the first one. Yes it is. And that is a, you got a 13, right? Yeah. That's exactly a 13 with disadvantage. I think I'm not going to chronal shift it because I think this is a long day, beginning of the day. I think I'd rather have it out with this little tiny Grunt sweet. Yeah, I'll say you have not failed by enough like the dude did not see you exactly but some rocks kick off as you're climbing up and as you reach the first section You see one of the Peacakers goes and starts talking to one
Starting point is 01:01:26 of the crossbowmen. After the Peakers, that is Johnny's turn. Well all right, so stealth with advantage first, right? Yep. Okay, 32. Jesus, Lord, you successfully press yourself up against the wall. You are so close to the wall that they would literally need to be like hanging over the edge to see you.
Starting point is 01:01:49 They cannot see you right now. Go ahead and make your acrobatics or athletics check. Okay. Here's something that I would like to do. I have these psionic blades. I can throw them and teleport to where the blade is thrown. The blade disappears. Okay. Make a sound. There is no physical blade. Okay. Basically I want to make another noise but then throw the blade and transport
Starting point is 01:02:14 to a different spot to throw them off of via scent. Got it. Okay. That's what I'm hoping for. Go ahead and give me a deception check. I have another friend who also teleports. He's hit the fork. And he's with me. I win, get Chrissy. It's a via thing, you wouldn't understand. I wish he did! Yeah, you guys are fucking morons!
Starting point is 01:02:40 Quiet down, dude! Shut your binding, you book! Both you, be quiet! Don't you talk about his binding! Hey! A book binding is their blood! Deception check. Yeah. Okay, it's only a 14.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Okay. But I might use one of my psionic blades to reroll that, which I'm allowed to do. Rap him! Ooh! So, you guys see kind of just like a switchblade that glows blue disappear into the ground as I expend one. So sick.
Starting point is 01:03:11 That's a 17. 17 from the exception. Okay. So the peeker that saw something down in Fias area is going to do an insight check to see if they're deceived by this. Mr. Randown in the future, you can use the fork to get a help action. Well, fuck.
Starting point is 01:03:29 I thought you were just for coming my pompador. Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, fork flopped around. Yeah, I was talking you up, calming your pompador. The peeker got a 15? OK. So basically, you like kick your foot to make some noise, to make some rocks fall and then teleports
Starting point is 01:03:46 Parallel somewhere else where you can hide exactly. What do you want to get higher? How far does it go? Yeah, so what I can do I roll at D8 is what I do and I times that by 10 so geez And there it is. There's a seven Seven So that's 70 feet Johnny's got a candy for an arm, Josh Allen style. Sweet. Johnny, you make it up to the second section here.
Starting point is 01:04:10 You just need to succeed one more time to get to the top. And it looks like you have successfully deceived the guys into thinking that maybe there's something climbing up the wall on the one side. OK. After Johnny, that is the crossbowman. You see that they are tethered with like repelling stuff on the top of the wall. You see they pull out swords and are going to jump down.
Starting point is 01:04:36 So they jump down about 50 feet on their first turn and are just kind of hanging there on the side of the wall. They will do perception checks with disadvantage but using your guy's current stealth because right now they're looking down where Johnny was but Johnny's not there anymore. Johnny sneaky. That's what we call it given him the rundown. Okay, natural three, first guy doesn't see anybody.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Natural five, a second guy doesn't see anybody. So you see, yeah, there's like all these rocks jutting out. This is like, this was built of like boulders and stuff. So while it is like easy climbing, it's actually pretty hard to be able to see somebody like hiding within the rocks. Oh, it's a stone mason's dream. And they're like repelling down on ropes and stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Yeah, so they're repelling down. Right, make a note of that. After the crossbow man, that is Chrissy's turn. Chrissy, you are still at, oh wait, Chrissy, you held your turn. Do you want to use your turn at the end of the round? I use the bonus action to give the help action to Johnny. Right, you still want to have climbed?
Starting point is 01:05:42 Yeah, I just wanted to take up the rear. Great. So I'll go take up the rear. Great. So I'll go ahead and start climbing as well. Yeah, give me a stealth check first to that athletics check. Can do 31. Yep, you're good. Wow.
Starting point is 01:05:56 You bring up the rear? I think that Chrissy's beard could kind of like change color a little bit and it kind of just like blends in with the rocks at all. Yeah, you just look like some freaking stalagite. It's hanging off the wall. Fia freaks out. She's like, where did the Chris? He go? He's gone. He's gone He's got people's videos. I know I know it was too good. He betrayed us. He betrayed us. It's me on the stalactite. I go ahead and make an athletics check
Starting point is 01:06:20 Chris. There's cartoon eyes on this stalactite. All. Athletics, I can use acrobatics, right? Correct. Oh, that's going to be a 19, I believe? Okay, 19 passes. You get up to the first peak, you are here with Fia, and then it is your turn again. Oh, lovely. So can I hear what's going on with these guards
Starting point is 01:06:41 that are descending or the peakers perhaps? Yeah, you definitely see that these two guys are repelling down. Well, um, despite my arena impression earlier, I do have the ability to unerringly mimic the speech patterns and accent of a creature that you can hear speak for at least one minute. I'm gonna say that it only works on fellow Indo-Terrins because they're a bit screechier as a race. Right on. So, I do want to take a listen to,
Starting point is 01:07:06 I want to take a wee listen to what these two guards and the peekers are saying so that I can mimic them if it comes to that. Sweet, go ahead and give me a perception check. Oh, lovely, that's a 16. 16, yeah, you can hear what they're saying. You are magically able to kind of record it in your mind, you have like perfect memory for this type of thing.
Starting point is 01:07:28 And you remember what the peekers sound like when they're alerting somebody on the wall. Oh, speaking Screchi Pekers, my bread and butter. I suppose I'll just climb up. And this time I'll give the help auction to Fia, to Aiden, how to climb. Great. And so you give me the help action, I am so surprised that you're there. Ah!
Starting point is 01:07:49 Yeah, here, use one of these. It doubles as a climbing pick and I give it one of my crystals from my beard. I cradle it tenderly. I will bring it to glory. Okay, so Chrissy, you do not need, you can keep your current stealth check, but you need to re-roll it if you fail your athletics check, so go ahead and do another one, or an acrobatics check,
Starting point is 01:08:13 to try to get up to the second part. That's a 13. A 13 is a failure. So, you, I'll say make it about halfway up to the second part, but start to slip. Go ahead and give me a new stealth check. Hey, here we go. Come on, Chrissy. Come on, Chrissy.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Sheld out to the two crakes. What is that? What is that for Chrissy? All right, that's going to be plus 13. That's a 15. A 15. Okay. After Chrissy, that is Fiya's turn. Can I bonus action, misty-step 30 feet, and then hold my action to see which one catches Chrissy's eye? Sweet.
Starting point is 01:08:51 So you, I'll say teleport parallel to Chrissy, get behind another kind of large boulder, protecting yourself. Fia, you currently, I believe, have a bad stealth check. You can, as an option on your turn, if you want to do a new stealth check. I am going to do this. Don't forget to use advantage.
Starting point is 01:09:10 18. 18, okay. All right. Fears at 18, you go 30 feet up. So you're about halfway to the second point here. Yeah, so I'm 90 feet up. Okay, so that is the peakers. So the two peers that are up there
Starting point is 01:09:26 are going to do perception checks. No longer with disadvantage because you guys are high up enough on the wall. So first roll is a natural one. So the first one does not see. Yeah, where do we go? Second one is a natural three does not see. Wow, awesome. That's a tricky thing. After the peekers, that is Johnny's turn. Oh! Second one is a natural three does not see shit. Awesome!
Starting point is 01:09:45 That's a tricky thing. After the peekers, that is Johnny's turn. I guess I'm gonna keep on climbing. I'll keep on climbing. Johnny, you can keep your stealth check because you haven't failed an athletics check yet. Go ahead and do athletics or acrobatics. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:58 21. 21 does it. Nice. Johnny, with the use of your psionic blade, helping you get up, you are able to get to the top of the castle wall here, this like walkway. You see a drop off on the other side, not as high because there's this kind of raised plate
Starting point is 01:10:20 that the castle is on, but still about, you know, 75 feet down, or something like that on the other side and up here you see the two peakers you see the two lines where the crosswoman have repelled down and you see this ballista that is animated you also see about 50 feet away down the walkway there is this bell that does not look like it's manned by anyone But that maybe if one of the peakers or somebody saw you here, they could rush off and yeah and alert everyone So I'm gonna say you can use a bonus action or something But you effectively had to use a dash to climb the rest of the way up. Okay. Yeah, so I'm maybe all cunning action
Starting point is 01:11:04 so I can I want to put myself in the path of whatever way up. Okay, yeah, so maybe I'll cunning action, so I can, I wanna put myself in the path of whatever would be running the bl- running to ring the bell. Oh, sweet. Okay, I will say that's gonna be a new stealth check. Go ahead and give me a new stealth check. 32 again.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Sweet, Jesus. Johnny, you flip over the other side of the wall and begin moving over parallel, then jump back up on the walkway, and you hide behind the bell, ready to kind of jump out in case anyone runs in here. And right as I land, the forky comes the Papa door, back into place.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Thanks buddy. Hey, you're all right. After Johnny, that is the Crossbow men. The Crossbow men do not have as good as perception as the Peacars, but they are repelling down, and if they see you, they can make attacks on their turn. Crossbow men, first one, is going to make a perception check. First one gets a 17.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Let me see what the other one gets. Other one only gets a 12. I do have a ready action to momentary stasis. Okay nice. Yeah, you see one of the dudes looks exactly where Chrissy is. Hasn't had time to react yet, but like looks and goes to like kick off the wall to bounce himself over to Chrissy. Time devil, it's time for you to rear your ugly horns and then I cast momentary stasis. So he has to do a con save. Okay, that is a 11. Fail. Oh yeah, the dude stays put. I'm gonna say not able to move his mouth. Stays stuck up against the wall here isn't moving. Chrissy, you failed your check, but not by enough that he actually sees you.
Starting point is 01:12:54 He just thinks there's something in your area. So it's not high alert yet. The crossbow men are done. They have not seen anything or the one that saw something can't say anything, but it's frozen, so it doesn't look that weird. After the crossbow men, Chrissy, that is your turn. I'm gonna go ahead and claim and today and get to a secure hiding place. I want some there. I want to shout out in a peeker voice and say, Hey, how you doing? Get back up here. get back up here!
Starting point is 01:13:25 Get back up here, something's going on! Wow, really good voice made me, correct? Ha ha ha ha! I say to Philip. Oh, I'm a month cold in book five. Go ahead and give me a deception check. Cool. This is actually, I can unairingly mimic.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Oh shit, it's the wording. Okay, that's exactly how the peekers speak. You see, they look like they're getting ready to like, come back up. Oh, thank God that was close. It was a near shave and a heat shave and go ahead and make your athletics check to climb or acrobatics. Okay, there we go, that's gonna be a dirty 20.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Okay, acrobatics, nice. So since we, since you failed, Okay. There we go. That's gonna be a dirty 20. Okay. Aquarobatics. Nice. Um, so since we, since you failed last time, it didn't make it all the way up. This is only gonna get you, um, within like 30 feet of the top of the wall. Do you have a dash action left or anything or like a, uh, a bonus action? Uh, then I guess I could use, uh, I did not do a bonus action this time. So I suppose I'll use my cunning action to dash.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Sweet. Okay. Uh, go ahead and give me another athletics check Another dirty 20 rad so you climb up rolling in the book this it you climb up over the top go ahead and give me another stealth check 34 34 good lord. Yeah, bad 34, good lord. Yeah, bad. Not bad at all. Yeah, you roll behind some supplies and weapons up here on this castle walkway, and you have made it to the top.
Starting point is 01:14:53 After Chrissy, that is Fiesta. OK, I'm going to try to do my athletics. That's an ad one. Ugh. Ugh. Uh, Theo, with a, a nat one athletics check, uh, I'm gonna say that you fall. Um, go ahead and give me a dexterity saving throw, and that will determine how far down you fall. Can I instead miss this step to interrupt the fall? Give me the dexterity check first. 13.
Starting point is 01:15:24 With a 13, I'm gonna roll a D2 to decide if you fall 10 or 20 feet before you're able to misty step up to see how much feet you lose. I lose. Okay, just 10 feet down, so you get 20 feet up. Okay. Fiat, so I'm going to say you're at about 100 feet. You still have one turn of dash climbing to get to the top. 50 feet to go.
Starting point is 01:15:46 All right. That is the peekers again. The peekers are going to do perception checks. Mm. Mm. You guys all have good enough stealth right now that they do not see anything, but they are looking over the edge here. Then Johnny, that is your turn.
Starting point is 01:16:04 All right. How close am I to Fia? I guess I moved to block the bell path. Still, she's 50 feet down on the wall. I mean, can I sneak back over there to see just the helper in case she needs a boost kit? Nothing to the top. You can just kind of lie in wait and attack somebody
Starting point is 01:16:21 if need be. Okay, yeah, I'll do that. Sweet. So I roll a... Stealth check. Anytime you kind of move around, you'll need to do a new stealth. Okay, I mean, I rolled a 19.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Good Lord. 29. 32, 32, 32. Johnny, you are absolutely invisible. You hop over to the other side, and they're just hanging there. I just want to point out I have a plus one to stuff, okay? I cannot hang with this crew.
Starting point is 01:16:48 That's why we gave you the cool cloak. I know, it's so good. I really appreciate it. Crossbowmen have been yelled to by Chrissy pretending to be a peaker, and they are going to use their turn to dash back up. So they climb back to the top. Oh, lovely. Chrissy, that is your turn.
Starting point is 01:17:08 You see that the crossbow men, they start talking to the peakers. What did you see up here? And the peakers are just like, like just waving their hands around being like, what the fuck, what the fuck are you talking about? Okay, well, I'm gonna use the fact that they are talking to each other to my advantage right and sneak attack them I imagine the peekers have the best vision but the archers um probably are a bit bigger of a threat to
Starting point is 01:17:37 fear exactly that's what it looks like so I'm gonna go from barrel to barrel. I'm barrel striding over to a position where I can sneak attack one of these archers sweet Making attack with advantage out of hiding. There we go. Johnny. You see what kind of weapon does Just Chrissy you see Chrissy pulls out from his beard a long beautiful crystal short sword Heading in the vicinity of time It's gotta be a shard short shard not short sword, right? It's a short sword hiding in the vicinity of time. It's gotta be a shard short shard not short sword right? It's a short sword yes I'll call it a little Chris shard. Chris he suddenly comes out of hiding pulls the shard out of his beard and attempts to stab
Starting point is 01:18:18 into one of the crossbow men. Oh we're doing this. Oh we're doing this. Okay. Yeah I just sharded. Yeah. We're doing this. Oh, we're doing this. Okay. Yeah, I just sharded yeah the crossbowman does not see this like Fucking burly ass dude just like rolling towards him. They're just arguing and just being like you said that we needed to come up here I climbed all the way back up. Now. What is it you want us to look at? It's a crazy thing
Starting point is 01:18:42 Doesn't make any sense. Who's christy? You're right, you wouldn't understand. That's going to be with advantage, that's going to be a 21 to hit. Super hits, go ahead and sneak attack damage. Let's go all out. I'm going to expend a superiority dice. Whoa. Wow. That's great. I am a battle mastermind. So I'm going to expend a superiority dice to try and do a disarming strike. Oh shit sweet
Starting point is 01:19:09 All right, so that's going to be since I hit that's going to be an extra D8 for my superiority art superiority dice plus 3d6 for sneak attack plus a d6 For my piercing damage from my short sword short D6 for my piercing damage from my short sword. Short. Short, short, short. Short, short.
Starting point is 01:19:27 You said it right. It's time. Short, short. Yeah, three flawless attempts. So I'm going to roll all these dice. Here we go. That's going to be a third of the damage. This dude is absolutely on Death's Door.
Starting point is 01:19:37 You almost, you with piercing damage almost behead him. Just like Shard through the neck does so much damage. Just, all right. Grab. I'll be lying if I said I miss this grab his neck but it's still barely alive you see the peekers hop up get ready to like run and rush off towards the bell but it is not too bad because I'm gonna action search rad okay we haven't gotten to use this much this campaign because you guys haven't towards the bell, but it is not there too bad, because I'm gonna action search. Rad. My dude. Okay. We haven't gotten to use this much this campaign
Starting point is 01:20:09 because you guys haven't been fighting Weenie so much, but we are gonna have the cleave role. Yes. But this is just a straight attack not with advantage. Correct. Cool. Although, I probably wouldn't be able to hide with my cunning action, would I?
Starting point is 01:20:22 Yeah, you can. Cool. I'll use my cunning action to, you know what? I'll flavor it this way. I use my cunning action to pull out a crystal shard for my beard and flash it at everyone to kind of momentarily blind them really quickly. Yeah, just flash of white light.
Starting point is 01:20:37 I'm going to make a stealth check to see how well you hide. Make sure you get advantage. So move. That's going to be a 19. That'll do it. That'll pass their passive perception. Go ahead and make another attack with advantage. And I think you can only do sneak attack once per turn.
Starting point is 01:20:52 But you get advantage. That's what I, that's what I, that's going to be a 26 to hit. Hits. Oh, oh, the, the out of cheer that I hit does need to make a stunning save because I did a disarming strike So you disarming strike if I I love the idea of just stabbing him through the neck to drop his sword I stab him through the head. I got a natural 18 on the
Starting point is 01:21:16 Save yeah, yeah, it passes. It's just hanging on for dear life to his weapon. Give me that bowl life to his weapon. Give me that bowl! I fucking back! That's 4 plus 8. That's 12 damage. Sweet, 12 damage. You kill this one dude. Do you want to hit the other crossbowman with the cleave or hit one of the peakers? I'll hit the peaky blinder. Sweet, you hit a peaker. injure him quite a bit. Well that's rude. You don't have to say that. That's very personal. Yeah, telling you a peeker, injure him quite a bit. Well, that's rude. You don't have to say that. That's very personal. Yeah, telling you to absolutely fuck off.
Starting point is 01:21:50 Wow. Johnny, you are lying in weight here. Do you want to use your turn? Yeah. Yeah. I would love to. I guess I'm going to sneak up on, I'm going to sneak up on these peakers because I really don't want anybody digging that bell.
Starting point is 01:22:02 That's that's not going gonna happen on Johnny's watch. 17 to hit the peaker. Hits. So Johnny's got two, basically has two bright blue switch blades. That's what he has. It's one of me, Chan. Two of my lithium switch blades and they do psychic damage
Starting point is 01:22:20 if you could believe it. He stabbed me with one of those ones and I thought about how bad my relationship with my brother was. It's weird. All right, that's 28 damage. 28 damage. Good Lord, between the damage that was already done
Starting point is 01:22:35 to this one peeker and the cleaved damage of this, you pull out your two psychic switch blades and you cut through these two peekers. And it's almost like a lightsaber where it just goes through and it does like psychic damage. And you see as you go through the two peekers, their heads explode. Woohoo!
Starting point is 01:22:56 Oh! It's been too long since we've done the dance, Johnny. Yeah, and hey, this is my other move. I'm gonna bonus action. Oh my God, I just crit. Very nice. That is I can attack with the psychic blades with a D4. Rad, sick. All at twice. That's a four. Six, six, sick. 13 damage. 13 damage to the little crossbow to the other crossbow guy crossbow guy is looking quite injured But is still alive. All right after Johnny's help turn that is fias turn fia You see that there's this very quiet fight as these stealthy dudes like very quietly kill these guys up top
Starting point is 01:23:42 Feel again. Yeah has the feeling of watching another fight from the sidelines and she doesn't know why. And decides to just fucking guiding bolt this guy. Oh, sweet. Get in here. Does his 16 hit? 16 does hit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Miss Fleps, get up here. Whoa, whoa, whoa. 12 damage. 12 damage. 12 damage, Fia, finish him. Hey! Cool, I would like to absolutely, it's actually 120 feet, so I would like to, I'm about 50 feet away,
Starting point is 01:24:18 so I'd like to basically make him geyser into the air. Good lord. For another 70 feet and then fall from the sky. But on this side of the wall. Right, yeah, Spirillian. Amongst all of the noise here, you hear like military training, people testing weapons,
Starting point is 01:24:38 wiverns, flapping in the air, all these different like cave animals and everything. Nobody hears as this one dude is blasted into the sky and falls off and lands on the ground deep deep below with a low thud. And there's nobody else left on this section of the wall. You guys have successfully taken them out. So Fiya. It was my action though, so I still, I can only climb 30 feet if I make my athletic.
Starting point is 01:25:08 That's okay, you guys have enough time. We cheer her on. I just create my athletic. Brad, why now? She said she was a natural athlete. Oh my god, now I believe her. Oh god, Jordy, a spider, a spider is coming. Fia hops over the side of the wall.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Well, the last leg of that was really easy, right? Give me your fork, I'm gonna eat this spider, oh it's fear! Are you really blasted that guy? That was crazy. Oh, mate. I think that you might have really, really softened him up. I don't know about that. That was very cool though. You all had so many cool things that you did. Wow. I mean, hey, hey, come on.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Hey, you're making me blush. I thought it looked freaking dull. I love a skeleton blushing. That's enough out of you. I'm gonna grab you by the bookmark. Hey, not here. Not here. Don't you judge his bookmark. Okay, the three of you. Okay, so what next?
Starting point is 01:26:05 So you guys are up on the walkway of the wall and you see that it would be a much shorter climb down and much easier for you guys to get down here. And once you're down here, it's a lot easier to hide. You see that there are a number of buildings through here. There's different like barracks. There's different people marching around. You see this lava river flows from the waterfall and it becomes a moat around Endo Castle. And deep in the distance, you guys do see the curved tower coming out of the side of the wall where you know the vault keeper that you guys are supposed to assassinate lives. All right. So shall we make our way? Alright, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Absolutely, yeah. Sweet, so you guys repel down the inside part of the wall as some dragones pass by. Alright, so we find a quiet place to hide out and then I pull the stone out from my beard and we contact the team. Sweet! So, Chrissy pulls out the sending stone and today we'll both face the vault keepers and Hopefully reach the vault and that's where we'll end our session. Yeah They're going down, man. They're going down big time Even Soderberg each your fucking heart out baby
Starting point is 01:27:43 Steven Soderberg, eat your fucking heart out, baby. Man, still thing is hard. Even if you open your rogues, you still get seen a little bit. Yeah, definitely. I mean, you can still roll in that one. That one, still coming for you. Yeah, that's my first taste of Rogue, baby, and I like it. Yeah, it's a great class.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Oh, good. Sweet guys, you can listen to us talk more about this over on our Patreon, slash nad pod that's any ddp OD don't sing yeah Wow, we're still going for it. Wow, holy shit the youth of the nation. Sweet. We have gotten some great stuff over at 1920 Hillhurst Avenue number 222 Losfiles California 9-0-0-2-7 stuff like the excellent Chibi Dragonhorde pins and stickers sent to us by Jamila aka Chaco Copah. Yes. Milla. Yeah. No, Chamella. As the creator of our excellent Pride of Bahumia shirt,
Starting point is 01:28:48 she sent us a bunch of these pins. They're so cute. My favorite one is the sleepy book dragon, because it reminds me both of Zirk and Fiya. And you know what? Hank as well, because I think the dragon's drinking a coffee. Thank you. If you want to pick up a set, you can go over to her Etsy at Chaco Copt shop.
Starting point is 01:29:08 That's Copt with two peas and a K. Check it out. They're really, really cute. Thank you so much for sending those, Jamila. Next up, we've got a patch attack. That's right. So many people sent us patches for our collective denim jacket. We're all going to be wearing. Good look. So many people sent us patches for our collective denim jacket. We're all gonna be wearing good look.
Starting point is 01:29:28 We keep the denim jacket pretty clean, but we can put it on a backpack or something. I think for sure, yeah. I don't know if we're going to be wearing one big denim jacket to cover on stage, probably that. Yeah, so. All right, perfect. We know a lot of badges for it.
Starting point is 01:29:42 I'm picturing like a David Byrne talking head style dinner. Hellish. That's the only thing wrong with that special. There's only one David Byrne in that jacket. Mike C sent us some cute cat patches. Dave sent us a possum and trash patch from an artist in Savannah, Georgia. No, like, whoa, we got to come together.
Starting point is 01:30:04 And Grace B sent us some more kickass, possum patches. The patches were designed by AtGockey on IG and Twitter. They are absolutely sick. Thank you so much. This concludes Patch Attack on to your plugs. Yeah. Sweet guys, thank you all so much for listening.
Starting point is 01:30:22 You can follow us all on social media that we may or may not use at C.S. Rivers Me. I call Eck, I'll just call it a while, etger, or just Jake, and at E.A.X. for it is Emily, and you can tweet about the show using hashtag NAD pod that's N-E-D-D-P-O-D. We are we are the youth of a nation, we are we are, youth of a nation. Well, well, well, it's time to thank our benevolent council of elders, starting with Brad D. Jeffrey S. Halder Frostback, Steelbreaker and Matt M. Hairstylist at the newly open Forkies Salon, a barbershop that styles hair using nothing but silverware. Halder works miracles with a melon baller and is booked for two years. Straight.
Starting point is 01:31:05 Jordan DJ Cutter W. Jive G. Dylan B. And Schubert the mushroom. Chrono Blacksmiths who forge the time chains via uses to cast momentary stasis. They also make temporal chain wallets, which are very stylish but extremely hard to use. Danielle the Dastardly Dame, Andrew M. Beardman, Dan Scottie, and Danny P. Members of Run Down Johnny's Old Crew, the T-Bones that used to spend all day racing, tricked out hot rods made of bones, but then the disciples outlawed cars. You will pay for this. Lord Syeeves.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Mixologist Michael McThee, Vincent W. Victor, T. Boundor's boy and Andrew B. Instagram yoga moms currently hunting down Chrissy to try and steal his beard for its potential healing and curative properties. Careful Chrissy, they have almost, they are almost as flexible as you. Justin I, Ragnar Faredwin, TJM, the gnome barbarian, Alina M, and Trayle, the cray-fay. Endo Tara Nutritionist who partnered with Chrissy to create a PSA about the health properties of bones. Their slogan is, you are what you eat and what you are is bones, so eat them, kind of like reverse engineering.
Starting point is 01:32:13 That slogan I like it. Jerrod E. Austin Bonso, MR. Damial R. and Cyborg version of Josh the Cobalt, plus Gage M. The only people in all of Endotera who know what a Chrissy thing is and actually understand it for their safety, they also have been placed inside the vault beneath Endotera Castle. Philbert the Fabulous Richard X Machina, Michael, L, Tras the Traveler, and Sir Carl, Lava Fischer's, they trawled the blue magma river using hooks made of diamond, sure it is
Starting point is 01:32:44 risky, but all the fish they catch are already pre-roasted. So that's a huge time saver. Jury as Dainagy, Talim L, and Jack L. Doctors operating on Zerks incredibly infected belly button. Unfortunately, Zerks tolerance for anesthetics is way too high. And he kept waking up and asking questions during the procedure. That is until Dainagy shoved a roll of bandages into his mouth. So good work there. Dr. I guess. flawless whale, Sam L. Nicholas C and Samuel B. door to door, cut co salesman
Starting point is 01:33:14 who've been trying to move their soul knife set. It comes with soul pairing, filet, carving and bread knives as well as a pair of soul scissors and and an adorable woodlock to store them all in. Very tasteful. Mike H. Utsumulik, the baby bronze dragon, Matthew E. Colton B. and Adam G. The peeker screech choir. It's formed of young peekers who haven't gone through puberty yet so their screeches
Starting point is 01:33:40 can reach impressive and unpleasant notes. Megan has knee-badger Panama Jamesames and comins the barred stealth witches. They're like blade witches, but their weapon is stealth. They would have done way better than Fiya in the St. Counter. Come on, don't be so hard on Fiya. Captain Sigi, Grace G, Drunasti, C.C. Lulu, and Barnes and Nader, barstool, beds inspired by Glorx erect slumber.
Starting point is 01:34:03 These shrewd business folk are trying to move perhaps the worst product ever. Barstools. beds inspired by Glorix erect slumber, the Shrewd business folk are trying to move perhaps the worst product ever. Barstools, you sleep on, no way. There's no armrests or chair back, they're not comfortable, but you can sleep on them folks. Michelle O. Timmy are Jonathan W. The Crockwearing Warrior, Lucas B. and Aaron S. The Makers of Reckless Spell. It's basically the opposite of careful spell. Effects 1D4, Innocent Bicep Danders, and is exclusively used by bad guys. They were really hoping arena was going to give them some good PR this time, but alas, no. It's Kevin, hard ones horse, Schmidt, Neorick, Steven C and KJ. Lizard Fish who have a swim speed, but also advantage on
Starting point is 01:34:43 grapple checks. Don't try to catch him with a fishing line or you will find yourself swimming in that lava. Michael M. Mike K. Joy T. Ekathor 6666. And Nick W. Olkrisse's barbers who have to ditch their razor for a pickaxe whenever he comes in. He pays them in souvenir mugs but at least the conversations. Good. Taylor A. Matthew R, Esme M, Kazmir the all-knowing and big bad Beard O, the mad. The blacksmiths who put the studs on rundown Johnny's, leather, armor, jacket,
Starting point is 01:35:13 even Billy wants to know more about how they achieve something so pointy yet so comfortable. Eric McD, giant monsters on the horizon, Thrath, Burley T, J. Dragonborn, Joro the Interropo, and Cody B, Little Crystal people who live in Chrissy's beard, it's very cute and very disgusting. Liam D, the San Drayan, Ben A, Feldonis, and Dave H, keepers of the hidden fortnight dance, cloaked cultists who floss and secret while the rest of us are completely unaware.
Starting point is 01:35:42 Koala Bear, Catherine S, David K, Christian and Dustin as Errini's Erenas work friends at Endo Castle via would be jealous, but there's a good chance she'll get to fight them. So yeah, you know, it's all good. Keith Kay, Connor F, the time walker, two left eyes and Big Bad John, rival skeleton greasers to rundown Johnny, they just recently lost a dance contest to him, but did win a drag race. So they're one in one. Yeah, rubber match coming up. Oh, DPC is awesome. Aston S. Bollair, the bug blayer, bar blarian, pork chop and chanille M.A. Mug company who built their entire business model around. It's a Chrissy thing. Mugs need
Starting point is 01:36:21 list to say they are absolutely thriving. Don't worry about him. Valacy Raptor, Minette F Pat L, Achootha A, Lauren H and David M, the team of Barbers who keep rundown Johnny's pompadour looking perfect. It's especially hard because Johnny doesn't let them actually touch his hair. Elias Hawthorne, Alex H, the eldest Barry, Evan V, Ryan S, and the bone duster, Endo Terran filmmakers who made a grim-dung Billy Romantic comedy. It has a rotten rating on Rotten Tomatoes' day, which is considered good in Endo Terran, so never mind.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Good, good stuff. Robert Chris, Ydrazel, Brent Lee C, Micah B, Ploups, and Carly Anne, Phillips, fellow bully books, these mean reads love nothing more than to slap mugs out of Maychans and yell at new friends. Laurie P. Seth AJ spam gaming the not so skilled gamer Connor Savage Christopher J. Pebblepot and Logan S. A team of meditators for Philip and Chrissy their first move is going to be to summon a mean book about Crystal Shards to find a little bit of common ground. That's nice. Leviathan, DMA, Bioquart 7, Remington CD, Amber Dexterous, and Thrill of the
Starting point is 01:37:33 Fright, the reigning shuffleboard champs at Grog's tavern. Technically, you're only allowed to compete in groups of two, but this was allowed since it's actually a lot harder to have such an unwieldy team. Sullivan, H. Trubhop, drop or Sydney T. Alex C. Jesse, D. L. R. the element god and Lindsey W. Barber's who trim Chrissy's beard. It's so long because they've never actually been able to find shares that can penetrate the crystal. Champ W. Veylin, Sprite Pepsi, Carlin C. Anthony S. and Jake, hey yo. Bar barbarians who wear the same leather jacket armor as run down Johnny, thank God they can rage because the armor is actually not that protective. C.C.A. Matthew J. T.R.A.P. Michael S. the bone duster and Noah. Fish mongers who used to catch and sell a beautiful array of every creature and now
Starting point is 01:38:20 they are forced to exclusively cater to Chrissy because he outspends everyone else in End of Terror. So we hope everybody likes the kind of Salamander things. Why it be Estelle, Ghost, Rogue Cree, Baron S. Soashin's romance partner from the Baronies, and Mr. Dude Skye. Bouncers at Grogs who got absolutely yoked by just repeatedly tossing run down Johnny Adon's ass every time he made a scene, which obviously happened a lot. Conflicted DM, Justin LB, Dandy, Jennifer R, Clipton A, and Richard G, Acrobatts in the Endotera Circus, who witnessed the flip contest and decided not to try to enlist anyone. In fact, it actually made Dandy give up the sport entirely. Wow, M. Barber, Marcus P. Pup-Kalish learns the balance,
Starting point is 01:39:06 Druid, Dakota JP, and Pago's the self-proclaimed V. Prince, stars of Endotera Shark Tank who all got a piece of Chrissy's mug, Enterprise, and who are now entirely broke. Tracy P. the Crick L. F. Librarian, Andy E. A very big bet 91, Holly, Anthony A. And Leah C. A team of boulders on the east wall trying to send a V6, you know, it's super gnarly, high ball problem. Everyone thought it was a little too
Starting point is 01:39:31 eddy, but damn, did that little tiny crystal guy just crush it? Wow. Timmy, Timothy H, egg, sloth king, 777, Cal S, Commodore Galaxy and Russell H, a family of animated cutlery. We've got a soup spoon, salad forks, steak knife, teaspoon, dessert forks, and butter knife. Oh, my goodness, and they're all dancing. They are also lovable. And I love them all, and I love you all. Thank you, folks. That was a Hitgun podcast.

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