Not Another D&D Podcast - Ep. 83: The Devil You Know (The Hellfire Chronicles)

Episode Date: November 14, 2019

The Band of Boobs travel to the 8th Circle of Hell and prepare to confront Illsed! Moonshine befriends a strange beast, Hardwon meets his romantic equal, and Beverly makes good use of his Orb... of Recording. Support us at to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Get tickets to our upcoming live shows at Effects Include:"Crackling Fire" by sagetyrtle at"Dreamy Ambience" by Klankbeeld at"Moonshine's Stump" by Emily Axford."Unknown Tome" by Emily Axford."When You Wish Upon a Stone" by Emily Axford."Illsed's Secret" by Emily Axford."Sea Beast" by Emily Axford."The University" by Emily Axford."Gladeholm" by Emily Axford. "Qwiksus" by Emily Axford. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Headgun Podcast. Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item. Plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy.
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Starting point is 00:01:42 Bahumya. Bahumya. I'm your dungeon master Brian Murphy, joined by Jake Hurwitz. Hard one, sure foot. Welcome back to Bahumya everyone. Bahumya. Bahumya. Bahumya. I'm your dungeon master Brian Murphy joined by Jake Hurwitz. Hard one, sure foot. Emily Axford. Moon Shine 7. Here to have fun, get some, and roll ones.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Oh, please don't. Don't. Oh yeah, bye bye. It'll happen. Sometimes you fall in a hole. And of course, called Walt Tanner, Beverly Toggle, the fifth rider of the husk, brother of the dusk. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Thank you, mommy. Oh yeah, guys, let's do a little recap. So last week, you guys raced to the seventh circle of hell to save Balnor. There, you found three descending rings of violence and came across all manner of nefarious folk. Some familiar, some new, one of the latter was a reanimated god husk that dominated the
Starting point is 00:02:33 lesser monsters, attacking people at random and pursuing them until they were dead where someone else caught their rage while Beverly rushed to help Boundor fight off his old rivals Aleik. Hard one was attacked by the god and nearly killed. Moonshine was able to pull his attention with a lightning bolt only to be knocked out herself. Hard one then returned the favor and saved her by throwing his lightning javelin at the god, then tricking it into thinking the no-ld deep bragg had done it instead. As the god attacked Deeprag, you were able to rejoin Bev and defeat the rest of the hounds. You then descended to the lowest platform,
Starting point is 00:03:10 battling an onslaught of acid rain as you searched through burning sand for a way out. Munchine eventually found one. And then we won Hell. Right? That is what I remember. Yeah, and that's what I remember. Yeah, you were dispensed out of a giant prize machine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And you came out into big chucky shoes. And then a big version of me got the prize. Yeah. Emily found a glitch in the code and we clipped right to the ninth level. It's amazing. That's right. This one is called Killscreen, was the name of that one. Oh.
Starting point is 00:03:44 But no, no. Moonshine plummeted through the false floor and disappeared into a hole in the sand. And that's where we are now. So Moonshine, you are plummeting through this narrow tunnel, plunging into the abyss below. You still have an action. You only used your bonus action to find this pit. What do I see below me?
Starting point is 00:04:05 Just a bis for now Then I think I'm just gonna let myself keep falling. Okay, so much and you continue following through this narrow shoot passing Thousands of tiny creatures as they skitter through the earth lining the walls Hi, bitching back at you. You pick up speed until you are shot out of the seventh circle of hell into the eighth layer, which I would assume Bev already gave you guys a full power point.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Yeah, you guys got a full power point. This is fraud. You are shot out into a black sky. It is. Can I take a second to make a joke to pander greens and be like, hey pander greens, you're home. What? I don't get it. Because you're fraud. Oh, you're fricking burned me. You watch roast battle with Jeff Ross. No, but I'm gonna guess you do Ross goes in on those people
Starting point is 00:05:11 Anyways, just try to keep it light cuz I think that we might die You know what like yeah, I think it wait the oxygen mask didn't fall in the belly chain Oh wait, well I'm supposed to put it on myself before I put it over the TV and try to make sure Ross is okay It's got Jim Norton on there Look over at each other. Oh, he tells it like it is So you guys are following through the sky. Moonshine, you see that the sky is pitch black,
Starting point is 00:05:49 that there are no stars, no moon. But below you, you can see rubble of what looks like an ancient city. The ruins glow with a white light, as if it were reflecting moon light, but there is no moon. You see rubble, great pillars reduced to jagged rocks, torn down statues and such, but to you right now you're just falling at a high speed. You're about to hit the ground for max damage. What do you do? I wild shape into a bird. Okay, wild shape into a bird. As a bird can I use my wing? So I'm a
Starting point is 00:06:23 bird, right? So I could like, I'll have a really good sense of what would make a good nest. And I real quick put together like a little nest for people to fall into. Like a big bird nest. You start grabbing sticks and making a nest. You fucking maniac. Mochaine, go ahead and give me a perception check.
Starting point is 00:06:43 25. She's gonna find some good sticks. Moonshine, you see a strange creature. Other than this creature that you see fly up into the sky, you see nothing else. You do not hear a peep here, weirdly quiet. But with that kind of a perception check, you can see that this looks like a mantocore. It has a lion's body with a big, strange human-like face than dragon wings and a big scorpion stinger. And as soon as you land and kind of
Starting point is 00:07:13 perch and start building this nest and look out, you see it takes off into the sky, starts flying towards you, but disappears into like the black of the night. I'll build this mess for you! You hear a voice speak back to you. Oh, that's so nice, aren't you so sweet? Yeah, yeah, what's your name?
Starting point is 00:07:36 My name's Moonchan. My name's Paris. Paris, I'm building you a mess. Tell me what's your favorite kind of stick, because I'm gonna make sure I get a lot of it. I like every stick. Every stick? You like them? Navier, you like them straight.
Starting point is 00:07:49 How crooked you want them sticks. I like every stick. Okay, because I tend towards crooked, so I'm gonna favor the crooked. Then we're gonna cut back up. We are still in initiative. And we're gonna cut up to Beverly, who's still on the seventh layer of
Starting point is 00:08:06 hell with hard one and bow. We're just like as moonshine talks to this weird creature just like screaming over acid rain. I can't mean the life here man. Ball knows I'm like Death's Door. That's your turn. Okay I'm sure moonshine is doing something very useful to help us all. And it was good to know your brother. I didn't have any action left for the record. I used my actions, it turned into wild shape. I used my bonus action for the perception. I'm like a nest to fall in. I'm never gonna complain about you turning into a bird.
Starting point is 00:08:36 That's the dope shit I'm here for. Bev, make a deck save. Okay. And now that those guys are off the shield, you can use it to block the rain. Oh great. Cool. You know what? I will say flat out, you can use it to block the range. Oh great, cool. You know what? I will say flat out, you can use it to block the range.
Starting point is 00:08:48 You don't need to take any damage. Brad, hold it over your head, you take 20 damage from the sand. But you do see that there is now a hole here. Yeah, we found the hole. You found the hole. Found the hole! Okay, so if I'm able to feather fall, then I will do that.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Sweet, I will jam a javelin into the wall and attach a rope to it, just in case Balmor needs a little extra help. Yeah, you use your action to do that and then you jump down. I jump. I'm just kind of chilling and falling. Do I see this mantocore? Yeah, you fly all the way down and you land in the level of fraud. You land next to Moonshine the Bird.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Actually, you just see a bird talking to a really nice mantakor. But I told you whenever I, whenever I wild shape into an animal, I have a little badge I wear. So they know it's a wild shaped Moonshine. You see the badge. Do I notice that the bird is with egg? Yeah, OK. You see it's full of eggs.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Oh, hey, Moonshine. Rock. Rock. What's going on? Rock. Rock. Oh, a man's a core. Yeah. Hi, nice to meet you. Oh, hi there. My name's Perry. Hello. Beverly's so gold. The fifth. How are you?
Starting point is 00:10:10 I'm doing so well. I'm always doing well. I'm always happy to have new guests here. Perry's, I'm doing a little home renovation for Perry's. Oh, nice. Yeah. That is back up to Balanore Stern. Balanore is almost dead.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Balanore is going to make a new house. I'm going to make a new house. I'm going to make a new house. I'm going to make a new house. I'm going to make a new house. I'm going to little home renovation for Paris. Oh nice. Yeah. That is back up to Balanor's turn. Balanor is almost dead. Balanor is gonna make a con save and he passes. He makes a deck save and he fails, but he's gonna try and dominate a bowl. Try to get out of it.
Starting point is 00:10:38 He fails. Oh. Hard one. You see Balanor collapses and is just getting eaten alive by this acid and by the sand. Yep, that tracks. That is your turn, Hard One. Okay, I'm gonna start your turn, Dex save. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I think I'm gonna use my second and final endowmentable to try to beat, I don't, as 16 it does not save, right? 19. Passes, so you just take 10 from the rain. Go ahead and give me a con save. 22. You just take eight, you all right? No, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Did you guys get that? I did like the mask your wounds. Yeah, everybody's taken, yeah, we're just around. Yeah, the only reason I've not died is because of all your heels. Okay, so I have very little HP. I'm going to kiss my ring of featherfall, wrap Boundore up in the cloak in my cloak and just dive through. You dive through with Boundore, it's going to be a little extra weight. So you guys are going to hit the ground for a little bit of damage. Yeah, I imagine I'll just hit the ground and die in this beautiful nest. Yes, see.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Ballon or an hard one. Ah! Crash into the ground, 25 damage. I'm down. That's what I'm doing. Oh no, hard one. Your stick. Instantly goes down.
Starting point is 00:12:02 You see, Ballon or an instant. I never wanted to miss a nest. Ballon or an instantly fails a death save. No hard one instantly goes down Nothing Valor instantly fails a death save is all like twisted and fucked up on the ground They're both just seizing there on the ground. Um, Munchan that's your turn. All right one trick pony coming in with another mask your wounds Don't hate it. That will never get old. Yeah 28 for everyone. Whoo. Oh Zesty wow that will never get old. Yeah. 28 for everyone. Woo! Oh, zesty. Wow, look at that. And I also healed a mantocor for 28.
Starting point is 00:12:30 This beautiful bird, I must be in heaven. I'm not lying, I do. Thank you so much, yeah you see. Paris, I'm looking after you. I'm a bit of a healer. You getting business with me, you'll find that out. I love you, I'm so happy to have you here. I love you.
Starting point is 00:12:44 You see, yeah, it's super unsettling. The semantic one has an extremely handsome face. This man with strong features, a great head of hair, and dimples, mouth set, and a permanent smile. Dimples and whipples. Who are your friends here? Oh yeah, I'm sorry. I was being rude. Let me introduce everyone. This is the hard one sure foot the lion's stormborn Yeah, okay a lion's stormborn never nobody likes to be called these days. I like to change it up Bound or the brave hey, I've had a rough day and Young Bev also had a rough day nice to meet you. Oh, and of course pop off me Well, isn't he just the cutest little thing? Yeah, you can pet him if you want right poppa
Starting point is 00:13:30 Before the man's a core goes to pet poppa I I kind of like walk between them So what brings you to this level of hell? I kind of like dart eyes back to moonshine That's right. How did you down here? I got to imagine every after life was courting you I had that get you down here. I got to imagine every after life was court new. Oh, it's no big deal at all. Suddenly you see his head does a full 180 degree turn. And you see that on the other side is another face. This one looks like a contorted version of the handsome man.
Starting point is 00:14:01 His skin is gray, Paris's delicate features now looks severe. He's got like a super thick brow big under bite and fangs and he goes, I am gorth, I tell brutal truths and Paris tells sweet lies. And then you see turns back to Paris. Oh, no, that's not true at all. I just like having everybody here I just trust this face more, you know I honestly got all the kinship with gorse Yes, that's right. This half-elf. They couldn't possibly be as big as a human that did as much of a word That's the same workout said Paris back you fucking liar Turns back. That's right. He's lying about everything. I was noticing that my my pinky ring only fits on my middle finger now
Starting point is 00:14:56 That's probably because the ring got bigger That's what I was thinking stretch out rings don't do that But they do do that sometimes. But why do fingers swell up and down based on temperature and climate? That's true. That's true. I suppose she's got me on that one. That's right, Gorg.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I don't think it does that. No. Not enough. You guys just can't agree on anything. Beverly looks like in the fur of the mane for like another face that's just normal. We're all weird. We're not weird at all. You're a little weird. We're not even a little bit weird. We're super normal. We're super weird. You all have the same taste and food. I grab a wrist bits. I grab a wrist bits from Beverly's pocket to see which of them eats it. Paris looks at and goes, I love Ritzbitt so much that
Starting point is 00:15:47 Gorth can have it. And Gorth turns her ears eye truly love Ritzbitts. I worked out well. Cool. 13 of Ritzbitts. I trust him. Poor Paris. I guess he probably actually wanted a Ritzbitt
Starting point is 00:15:59 but has to lie about it. Yeah. Ha ha ha. Huh. So I mean, we're here in in fraud obviously you're some sort of you know physical representation and in some to some extent but no not at all. We're trying you know we actually have an appointment with Mr. Hill said and and we are running late. Go ahead and give me a deception check. Nat 20.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Yeah. Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo. It's freaking suck at gorth. What? Why were I stuck in? Ha-ha-ha. Get Paris to explain it. You see, Paris looks at you guys.
Starting point is 00:16:39 You all work for ill-said. Well, we don't work for him. We just have an appointment with him. We have something to discuss with him. We have something to discuss with ill said. But we made the appointments. Oh, he's expecting us and we are running late. Yeah. I mean, egg on our face, right? I'm still a bird. You see, Paris goes, well, if you want to see ill said, you got to get down to the ninth layer of hell. And you see Gorth turns and goes, Il said, is here in fraud, you little scrawny losers, which one of us are you talking to?
Starting point is 00:17:20 Why did he have me know of a sudden? He's just looking straight at Balnor. What is he? Who? It's just like a heart set. Like brutal truth is, I mean, that was just an insult. You know, you didn't have to editorialize with them. Well, then if, if Ilsa is here,
Starting point is 00:17:37 we would love an introduction. Ilsa, it's not here. You're like, do you all have like tiny water bottles or something that you give before meeting? We do. We do. We do. Yeah. Okay. Yes, yes, I have like tiny water bottles or something they give before meeting we do A quick you know riddle check here just do a quick riddle test Paris yes does gorth lie
Starting point is 00:18:00 Yes Okay Gorth. Yes. Does Peristell the truth? No. Okay, now I'm personally confused. I know that I see that.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I wrote having a seizure. I know I heard a story one time where there's two sphinxes and I know that we could try and crack this, but I think it's pretty obvious Paris sells lies and Gorth tells what no what Paris your beautiful I love you so much. I think here's beautiful. No, I'm not. See that now that's the truth.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Gorth is no I'm not stop. I hate it when people come from and he's stop. He loves it. He freaks it up. There's time for white lies and there's a time for the truth. He loves any freaking eats it up. There's a type of white lies and there's a time for the truth. He's hot. Paris is hot. You guys are hot.
Starting point is 00:18:51 I mean, he's objectively hot. I wish I could turn my face around and make out with Paris. I know, but you could like, jerk to the top. I wish I could too. I do that thing that Barbers do. I mine our illusion two mirrors. So you can look at Paris. Paris goes, oh my god. You're beautiful
Starting point is 00:19:06 Gorge. I also think you're beautiful This is healthy. This is only on the outside So yeah, so we kind of just need I mean like we are a professional enterprise here Band of boobs LLC And we are We're writing me what else had so if you got a waiting room or something magazines we could read. Well as you can see there was recently a big battle here kind of two random wizards do some fighting. I'm so
Starting point is 00:19:41 sorry can I go forth what Yeah, I gotta get yes Gorth check on that yeah There were two wizards, but they weren't random. They were that scrawny little freak ill said and who was the other freak the other wizard the Waste case pot head known asED, known as a LONUS. Never heard of her. Who won this grand battle? Gorth O'Truth Teller. You see, quickly turns back to Paris.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Ah, nobody. You know what? Um, I think it was. Yep, it was a LONUS. She kicked him in the stomach and then she Stone called stunned him and he'll say went down. He was like, oh no, it's gawr. Where's Alonus? And I hold his face so he can't turn around. I'll give you a kiss. I'll be telling where Alonus is. I put a red spit in her mouth. I would love that.
Starting point is 00:20:45 I don't want everyone to kiss me. I don't want to kiss Paris. I give you a rich kiss. Even though it's personal, he's fucking garbage. Valner, look away. Hard one. Just Paris too. This is fucking disgusting.
Starting point is 00:20:54 No. Distract him. Hard one. Distract him. I don't need a distraction. He's lying. He needs a distraction. He's lying.
Starting point is 00:21:02 He needs a distraction. He's lying. I don't need a distraction. I would hate it if he gets This absurd I think I hold up my orb of recording make sure you kiss it make sure the orb gets it Who is this for? Lots of people Not me exclusively several others. Okay. There's no right for the orb to record it I easy Gorth goes. Alonus and Ilsaid were doing battle.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Ilsaid tried to get through to her and eventually did and they stopped fighting. Ilsaid and Alon us are now working together. And you hear Paris turns around and goes, Alonus and he'll say it, are working together. So this is one of those contradictions, a complicated situation where it's both true and untrue that they're working together. Yeah, maybe it's hard to establish a binary. I have another seizure.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Baris, honestly, I like to at first, I really... Am I gonna make out with him? I think that'd be better than you saying words, yeah. All right, real quick, y'all. Should we just spend the bottle minus Beverly Beverly or not, you two young? Yeah, I'm recording that as me because I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:22:24 And the camera man. Let me see, Gord turns around. Everyone's not making this guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy Alonist and he'll said go he Motions for you to follow him Takes off into the sky. I I ask if I can ride on Gorthand and Paris's back as Paris and Gorth start to fly away. They're kind of low flying so you can follow them Paris goes. Oh no, see we actually aren't strong enough. Oh, um turns around he thinks you got your fat he's got a hit he's right about one of us the armor okay I try and fly on moonshine I'm a falcon can you fly on me can I do like a sonic and tails no I'm gonna keep drying so we're So our speed is reduced by how you're going to get out. You're like link holding up a chicken.
Starting point is 00:23:31 So we're gliding, beveling, throwing, just like running with a goof-lapping bird in his hands. You guys follow Paris and Gorth. And they take you to the center of This ruined city the center of these ruins you see that there are a bunch of fallen statues And you see a big Dome building that has collapsed in on itself
Starting point is 00:24:01 There is a set of stairs that leads below the collapse building under the rubble, creating a sort of cave. And you see Paris turns to you and goes, I wish you all good luck and then flies off. Oh no, no, no, no, no, you can't fly off. Go forth, go forth, go forth, what? What are you happy to say about this? Gorg turns around, I hope you guys die.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Fair enough. I made y'all a mess. We gave you so many Ritz bits. It's just flapping away in the distance. You don't deserve to get kissed by hard one. But I'll do it now if you come back and rescue us. Ha ha. Wuh.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Wuh. Oh, they're flying back. Just flying away. Oh, that's what that meant. Proof. So we are in this dome. You are outside, you are in the city ruins. You see they brought you to this staircase.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Everybody go ahead and give me perception checks. That's probably a good idea. Net 20 again. Wow. I can't believe I'm getting these all fucking now. They're on stuff that doesn't actually make a difference. Munchine. It's gonna make a difference.
Starting point is 00:25:09 It does make a difference. You sense a great bit of magic coming from this cave with a net 20. It seems like Alonus has set up her magnificent mansion here. You feel like that there is a barrier and then magic beyond it. Your GPS getting a ping, we near the address? Yeah, a lot of us is here.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Let's talk to her. Yeah. Those that Manscore, despite being beautiful, was not really very trustworthy. Even, you know, even Gorth didn't see in that trustworthy. I think Gorth was trustworthy, although the way he ended things really left us our taste. Yeah, Beverly is still trying to figure out
Starting point is 00:25:54 the deeper riddles. I think maybe if he tells two truths then the other one can lie. I think there might be exceptions. I think he was honest. He just really honestly wants us to die for whatever reason. Yeah. Well, you know, we aren't hell. We aren't hell. Yeah. Win and hell. Kill us. Yeah. So I guess, yeah, let's go towards Alonus.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Sweet. See you guys to send the stairs. You enter the cave and see that inside is a mansion. I'm the same one that you were in when you met Alonus in the Feywild. You see that it is two stories tall, lined with books, a balcony on the second floor, overlooks the floor below. Down on the first floor,
Starting point is 00:26:36 books are scattered everywhere. You see the desks are covered with papers, there are diagrams, pictures, and letters, and all upon the board on the wall looks like a conspiracy theorist essentially. You even see the white circuit that was seemingly controlling her when she blew up the astral keep is just discarded to the side on one of the couches.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Do we see the pool that she was using to show us visions before anymore? It is. It is in like the center of the room and in fact you see that she is there meditating looking into it. Oh! I kicked something over. You kick something over. Yeah. You kick into like a bookcasecase a bunch of books fall down and You see Alonus is faced away from you guys and she's quite perceptive so she should have heard you coming in But she must be super distracted by something because as soon as you kick the books over she Joltz forward kind of with a start. She turns around slowly Seize you guys
Starting point is 00:27:42 You see she's wearing her normal kind of adventuring gear. She's got her purple cloak on. Her goggles are all to the side though, her hair looks all frayed. She looks like she's been up for a while. And you see, she turns around, kind of slowly stands up and holds her hands up in sort of a conciliatory way and goes, hey guys, I guess I probably owe you a few explanations. Yeah, yeah, that'd be nice. That's it.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Specifically, to you, hard one? Whatever. Okay, so let me start off by saying I was never under the Alles Control. Did she think you were under her control? She did. That's a circuit that she used to control me. You see, she points over to the circuit that's discarded, like off on one of the chairs near her desk. She goes, I was prepared for that. You remember, she used one on me in one of the possible futures that I showed you.
Starting point is 00:28:46 So this time when she captured me, I acted the part of a charmed person, but I'd actually prepared an item to trigger a counter spell at the moment it went on my head. I figured she would use me to try to perform some great act of violence, and she did. She wanted me to slaughter everyone at the astral keep. So I did. Did anyone die? I don't know. I got blown into space. Yeah, we haven't really had an accurate body count just yet. Yeah, right. Well, I did blow everyone into space. I did do that. It's better than what you could have done. I realized that. Yeah, and all of a pretty good prank on Thiola, to be honest. Yeah, actually, can I see that, Circlip? Yeah, she walks over, she hands you the Circlip.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Can I do like, I just wanna like hold it, and I don't know. Yeah, go ahead and do, I guess, an Arcona check on it. 18. 18. Plus zero, but that guess, an arcana check on it. 18. 18. Plus zero, but that doesn't matter with your roll on 18. You look at it, it seems to be dispelled now. And you see Alana sees you inspecting it,
Starting point is 00:29:56 and she goes, what that does is it kind of casts a sustained, dominate person spell. So that, now is it, it's a spell. It is spilling the spell, yeah. So now it's nothing, now it's just a pretty TR. I could re-enchant it, it kind of goes against my whole thing. Well, let's not get a side-step here. Yeah, let's talk about it.
Starting point is 00:30:17 There's a part two to our questions. Okay, so I pretended to be under the Alice influence. I figured if she had me with her, I would be her weapon. And that way I could make sure that as few people got hurt as possible. So I destroyed the astral keep, but I saved everyone as far as I know.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Hi, Gabi, I'm Silanus. It is a relief to find out that you are not I'm either under her control or willingly working with her. Yeah, no, I hate the all a lot Okay, so she is bad. Yeah, no, we got I got pretty I got pretty worked up there for a little bit I'm sorry. I didn't give you the benefit of the doubt No, it's okay. I've been super shady. It's been we're gonna after all this is done We got to sit around and smoke a bowl sometimes because there's a lot of screwed up stuff going on. Anyway, I knew that after the explosion
Starting point is 00:31:12 at the Astral Keep, the olive would think that I had done what she set out for me to do. And while she was distracted, I headed into the nine hells to try to confront ill-set. So that's what you came here to do. Why do you feel the need to confront ill-set? I'm just asking because I don't know your intentions. I don't even know my own feelings about any of this sometimes.
Starting point is 00:31:37 With the information that I knew, I thought I could maybe beat him. And I also thought that if you all just happened to scry on me and want to follow me into hell, that wouldn't be uninvited. Well, here we are. What happened when you fought Ilsaid? Because last we heard we were talking to a beautiful and ugly manacore and they both said you guys were working together. Right. Yeah. So things are super complicated and I also want to address one other thing. I feel like I owe you an explanation, Beverly. Sure. It's Bill. I did know
Starting point is 00:32:13 about your father's deal. He told me while we were in the Feywild, he swore me to secrecy. You know how deals are in the Feywild. I mean I'm sure I could have tried to come up with some sneaky way to tell you, but if I could be perfectly honest, I did think it had a good chance of working. If you had known about it, you might have confronted him before you were ready. You wouldn't have had the backup of the Devils
Starting point is 00:32:38 at Queen Ezra's Tower. The green nights would be lost. You guys might be dead. So I'm sorry for taking that choice out of your hands. I'm sorry for making that choice for you. I won't say it doesn't sting, but you've seen more futures than we could ever know. So if that's what you thought was best, then I'll have to trust you. But dang, man, that's cold. Yeah, it's kind of against my whole thing.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I like to let other people make their own decisions, but your dad was insistent that you could stop him and I thought he was right. For what it's worth he was and that's its own kind of punishment. But we're here now and it seems like you and Ilsaid had kind of a bit of a showdown. What happened? Yeah, so here's the thing. You see she puts her hair back in a bun. It's all like up and crazy right now. And you see her eyes are bloodshot. You don't know if that's from her smoking or her just kind of being stressed out.
Starting point is 00:33:42 You see she walks over to this kind of conspiracy wall that she has and she goes. I'm going down with the place. Yeah, okay, so here's the next thing we need to talk about. Oh, guys. There's a lot of thread. Yeah, ill said isn't ill said. You see she points to the board
Starting point is 00:34:00 and it's just written across a bunch of papers. Ah. So that's what that says. And you see, she rips a huge bomb. Sploser fucking mind. Okay, okay. Yeah. It doesn't want you to don't understand
Starting point is 00:34:13 what it means, walk my hand. Il said isn't Il said. Okay. Like A is A. Yeah, what? Are you saying that he goes by his middle name or something like that or like not exactly? Okay, so there are greater powers at work here than just a rogue
Starting point is 00:34:32 Necromancer, we're in more trouble than I had originally thought. I was I was afraid this was getting too easy Yeah, all right. Maybe he can explain it better All right, you see emerging from the board in a puff of ghostly smoke is ill said in the form of a specter. He bears the likeness of the Elven ill said, this pale skinny necromancer with long stringy white hair, but he is a ghost.
Starting point is 00:35:04 And you see he says... Gustavind. Why? Okay, I'm ill said. I'm sure you've heard some bad things about me. Yeah, you look different in the chat. Yeah, does he sound like the ill said that we talked to? Yeah. Yeah, we've talked before. I don't think that's true.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I'm pretty sure we called you Miss Roselle a bunch. Yeah, who the hell did we troll? We troll you. Oh, okay, I see. We troll you. You're embarrassed. Now you're pretending that you weren't there. You see, as you guys are like going in on ill-sed,
Starting point is 00:35:38 Alonus kind of stands between you guys and goes, listen to him, okay? Hear him out, because I thought the same thing. I figured, hey, we're on fraud. Everybody's lying down here, right? We get into this crazy fight, but the more he talked, the more I kind of realized what he was saying made sense. And finally, I used magic to ensure that he was telling the truth,
Starting point is 00:36:01 and he's being honest. There's greater forces of fraud at work here. So did you transform Ilsaid into this ghost or is his body somewhere else? Yeah, Ilsaid take the floor. You see, Ilsaid hovers over the magic projection bowl that Ilsaid used to share a Boundary story, not like a pot bowl, like a big bowl.
Starting point is 00:36:25 That's also a bubble. And you see, ill said goes, perhaps it would be easier if I showed you. Sure, yeah. Can I do like a perception check on this entire situation? Is a Lannis, a Lannis? If ill said, isn't ill said,
Starting point is 00:36:40 maybe a Lannis is an Lannis? You see, a Lannis is super high, she goes, oh shit. What? Yeah, why don't you open yourself up and let me do a perception show. She cast a tech to magic on herself. Okay, yeah, it seems normal,
Starting point is 00:36:54 but can we trust anything down here? That's a good call. Right, dang. I did blow up the astral keep. Who am I, right? Yeah, right, Jesus. What? Should we put that on the board? I'm putting that on the board. Yeah, you see she did have a picture of herself up there, but she had exited out and she's like, I guess I gotta put myself back up on the suspects. Yeah, I think that's for the best.
Starting point is 00:37:08 I got a 25 on my perception. It would be an insight, probably. Oh, that's a 21 on my insight. They appear to be, I'm gonna be a 25 on my perception. I'm gonna be a 25 on my perception. I'm gonna be a 25 on my perception. I'm gonna be a 25 on my perception.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I'm gonna be a 25 on my perception. I'm gonna be a 25 on my perception. I'm gonna be a 25 on my perception. I'm gonna be a 25 on my perception. I'm gonna be a 25 on my perception. I'm gonna be a 25 on the suspects. Yeah, that I think that's for the best. I got a 25 on my perception. It would be an insight probably. Oh, that's a 21 on my insight. They appear to be telling the truth. You can cast a tech magic or zone of truth or something if you'd like. Can I just do like a divine sense?
Starting point is 00:37:36 You get the sense that this ghost of ill said is evil in the way that being evil is almost the trait of a monster. Like he is bound to a level of hell. And that makes his spirit the same kind of stink as a devil or evil being. Anti-radient energy. Exactly, gotcha.
Starting point is 00:38:00 So like if a, you know, a super mean business man isn't gonna radiate evil energy, this ill said does have some evil energy, certainly. Sure. So still a jamoke, but maybe not the prime jamoke. Yeah, you kind of don't know. He's a ghost in hell, so he's not great. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:22 All right, well watch your weird movie. Let's do it. Yeah. I'm in. I get my milk back out. I got any popcorn in there. That's not covered in tuna. Let me look.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Oh, my God. There's two hounds in here. He pulls out Salik, who's got his arm chopped off and just suffocated. And then Elix was in there with a whip tied around him. He looks eight half of tuna sandwich. You sick fuck. This is disgusting.
Starting point is 00:38:48 This is the last thing he did. He couldn't breathe and he was eating tuna. But Belnor wouldn't you do the same. Where the way to go. I'll give him a good burial. So you guys see this spectral form of ill said flies into the bowl and you see an image. You see the image of Glade Home University well over a hundred years ago.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Strangely, it looks more futuristic, the glowing spheres that light the cobblestone streets of the university are floating. Now they're kind of set up like gas lamps. It's one of those things where technology or fashion goes through a cycle where something is new, so they're like, we need to make this look cool and robotic. And later they're like, no, 80s fashion was cool. Let's bring back crew neck sweatshirts.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Like how all art buildings on colleges from the 70s are just big, ugly concrete bricks. Yes, exactly. So this is at like an ugly time before it got pretty again and it used to be pretty if that makes sense. So you guys see various students mingling and walking over the long bridge to the university and it'll said begins. He goes, I was a young student at Glade Home University.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I take a quick bong rip. Yeah, you should have. Phil, that's gonna be a long movie. Yeah, you should have. I crossed my fingers, please don't be hot. You should have a shot. Please don't be hot. You see a hot young ill-sled.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Oh! All right. You see, ill-sled goes, I was a spray 34 at the time. And I wasn't exactly popular. Necromancy doesn't go over super well when most of the students are more interested in learning how to fly or summoning animals. You see, young Il said face not quite as withdrawn, but still pale. His hair is white.
Starting point is 00:40:40 It was always white, but it's full instead of stringy. You see, he is in some type of druidic biology class. There's a girl sitting next to him attempting to cast a spell on a dead plant and looking extremely upset. Il said, leans over, waves his hand, brings it back to life, and a beautiful rose grows out of it. You see she looks elated for a second until the rose suddenly grows thorns and starts snapping at her with like hundreds of
Starting point is 00:41:10 little vicious teeth and you see him furiously trying to like hold it back from her. Honestly if either of y'all want to get me like a Valentine's Day present or a mother's day present I'd actually prefer a bouquet that attacks me. Do you want an attacking rose? Yeah, that'd be awesome. Okay, I can make that. Okay. Cool. He continues and he goes,
Starting point is 00:41:32 I wasn't cool. There was however, one necromancer who was. Oh yeah. You see as Ilsaid is bumbling, trying to fix his mistake, a young Erdan waltzes in, still has the messy curly hair and pinsnay glasses. Bubbles is bubbles there? Bubbles is not there.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Didn't have bubbles yet. Without looking, he waves a hand, freezing the rose into a beautiful crystalline blue. He uses a magic hand to hand it to the girl who blushes. He then duplicates it with a flick of his wrist and places it on the desk of a guy sitting across from her and he winks at both of them and they both blush. He keeps walking. Erdan goes to his seat in the back of the room and throws his legs up on the desk.
Starting point is 00:42:23 And you see Lucanus sits next to him. You see he quickly puts his legs up to try to imitate Erdan, but then gets nervous and puts his legs back. Oh, bad boys. That's my dad. And you see, ill said, looks on at their little friendship with this kind of look of jealousy.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Later, you see Ilsaid is out on the long bridge between the university and the city. It's a brisk day. He pulls his cloak tighter as he looks out over the ocean, deep and thought. Busy students walk by, all in big, happy groups, but Ilsaid is all by himself. Erdan impresses a group of students by bringing a dead spider back to life, then commanding it to weave an intricate web. And Il said goes, I wanted to be like that. I wanted to be impressive.
Starting point is 00:43:18 I wanted to be able to do things that other people couldn't do. And that's when I found it. You see, Il said, turns from watching Erdan, and squints at a glowing red light coming from the water below. He looks around, and nobody else seems to notice it. Later, Il said, is out on the cliffs. You see, he casts a water breathing spell on Il said is out on the cliffs. You see he casts a water breathing spell on himself and dives into the water. He swims deep, deep below
Starting point is 00:43:51 the surface and eventually finds the ruins of an old wizard tower. It's all crumbled, it's broken in half. He swims in through one of the windows and finds ruined soggy books and useless wands and he also finds the source of the windows and finds ruined, soggy books and useless wands. And he also finds the source of the red light, a necklace. It's silver with a skinny chain and an intricate circular pendant with a red jewel in the middle. You see that as soon as Ilsaid touches it,
Starting point is 00:44:19 he reacts with a jolt and the jewel begins to fog up with a jolt, and the jewel begins to fog up with a black shadow. And Ilsaid goes, the jewel, it spoke to me. I came to learn that the necklace I'd found contained the soul of a lich. A lich is a wizard who has attained immortality, usually through devilish or demonic help. Rather than having their soul as part of their body, a lich can contain their essence in an item called the phylactory. So long as the phylactory stays intact, the lich can keep coming back to life. This necklace was the lich's phylactory.
Starting point is 00:45:09 He explained that he was special, that unlike a normal lich who regenerated their own body, he could transfer to a new one each time. He achieved this power through a pact with the Devil Osmodeus. The only catch was that once his original form perished, Osmodeus. The only catch was that, once his original form perished, Osmodeus would get to pick the next body. Osmodeus chose an arch devil bound to the eighth layer of hell, effectively tricking the lich into eternal servitude,
Starting point is 00:45:39 unless someone could find his philactory on the material plane and help him get out. So just to be clear on what happened there. So the idea is basically that the phylactory is where his soul is, that's in this necklace, that's in this pendant, this wizard, this lich, had a body died, osmodeus picked the first body for him and picked a devil that was bound to hell.
Starting point is 00:46:06 So basically separated the Lich from his falactory so that he would be trapped in hell and have to serve him. Freaking Adam. In exchange for getting the powers of a Lich. Classic Devil Deal. Yeah. Yeah, you see, Ilsaid continues. Classic Devil Deal. Yeah, yeah, some people do at smart
Starting point is 00:46:26 the devil's though I've heard stories. I've heard some stories. So the Lich said that we could help each other. That he could do me a favor and all he'd need was a favor in return. I declined at first, but there soon came a day when I would need a favor. You see the gates of Glade Home open on a rainy day. Lightning cracks in the sky and thunder rumbles as a line of somber, elven warriors and mages carry these floating vessels. They almost look like caskets, but they are an arcane item through which high elves use to transport bodies. You see Luconus trailing
Starting point is 00:47:12 Erdan as Erdan rushes up to the caskets. Let me see them. One of the mages turns to him. Son, you don't want to do that and Erdan is trying to like push past them to get into the casket and Erdan goes, where wizards we have magic fix them cast, raise dead. If you fools won't do it, I will. You see he holds his hands up to do it. One of the warriors grabs his wrist and he goes, son, you can't just cast, raise dead, that spell doesn't... it doesn't restore body parts. And you see Erdan looks troubled, but then his face hardens, and he goes, let me see them. The mages and guards just kind of look at each other and shrug. Il said watches from a distance.
Starting point is 00:48:10 I wanted so badly to be able to help, to be the hero for once. Later you see Erdan and Lucanus standing over the caskets, alone in a room that looks like an arcane kind of coroner's office, various embombing concoctions and such. It almost looks like a big kind of witch's hut. Yeah, I can't say. And as Erdan reaches down to open the casket, you see Lucanus stops him.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Erdan leaves them be. Erdan goes, I can fix them. You can't, Erdan, no one can. Suddenly, Ilsaid rounds the corner and pipes up. Actually, that's not entirely true. I know someone who could help us and he just happens to own me a favor. You see, Ilsaid holds up a gold coin with a symbol of a triangle with a circle in the middle. And Erdance scoffs and he goes, no offense ill said but if I can't do anything about it now that can you. And ill said blurt's out. He's a lich. Erdan and Lucanus both look stunned.
Starting point is 00:49:36 He's mastered the art of living forever. If anyone can bring someone back from the dead who isn't fit to come back, it's him. Lucanus looks horrified. He snaps at Ilsaid. You spoke to a lich. Ilsaid, you could be expelled. You could be thrown in the dungeons. This is madness. You see Erdan's face hardens. miss. You see Erden's face hardens and he says try it. Erden motions for Erden to join them. Erden looks kind of excited and walks over to the casket as Luconus whips out his wand and presses it against Erden's chest. No. He turns and pleads with Erdan. Erdan, they're gone. It's over. Magic cannot heal this. Il said, as his hands up, looks to Erdan for guidance. Erdan slaps the wand out of Lucanus' hand, then casts a whole person spell to throw him against
Starting point is 00:50:45 the wall. Erdan, no! Erdan turns to Ilsaid, do it. Ilsaid holds up the coin in his palm. You see it begins to glow, then melts, and joins an orange arcane glow in his hand. He closes his eyes and whispers as he holds his hands over the caskets. Please let me be able to put them back together. You see the torn apart bodies of Erdance parents rise from the caskets, then rapidly begin reforming healing with an orange glow around them. The boys look on in wonder as
Starting point is 00:51:27 Erdan's parents float back to their feet fully intact. They're both wizards with curly hair. They look a lot like Erdan. The mother also wears the pincenade glasses. Erdan rushes in to give them a hug and they pull him in for a tight embrace. When suddenly their eyes glow red and they attack. It's chaos. They just like clench his back in and try to bite at him. They're all screaming, Erdan is quickly able to pull his wand out and blasts his father back who quickly de-animate and falls apart to the ground.
Starting point is 00:51:58 As he's distracted by this horror, his mother lunges for him but she's quickly blasted away by a fireball. You see Lucanus stands there with a smoking wand. Erdan looks at the horror scene, then sneers at Ilsaid, who looks on in disbelief. Erdan turns to Lucanus, and immediately explodes into tears. You are right. I should have listened to you. I will listen to your counsel from now on, my friend. Lucanus stares forward very serious and looks at Il-Sed.
Starting point is 00:52:38 No one can know about this. That we knowingly worked with a lich. You need to make this right, Il said. Il said, you see, Il said, still shell-shocked, just takes off and runs away. Later, we see Il said in his dormitory. He looks both ways down the hall before closing the door, then lights nine candles on the floor,
Starting point is 00:53:00 atop a circle of runes with the phylactory in the middle. He casts a spell, and a moment later, a puff of black smoke, a shadow appears in the wardrobe mirror. Lich, you deceived me. The deal is off. And the Lich goes, why? I brought them back together. That's not what I meant, you know that. I'm done, I don't want your power, I don't want any part of this. Oh, but you still owe me a favor. Fine, just make it quick so you can be done with me. Oh, I'm afraid it won't be quick. I have great things planned for us, Ilsaid. You will be the vessel that brings me to the material plane.
Starting point is 00:53:57 You see, Ilsaid horrified, is paralyzed, as shadows begin leaking from around the candles and crawling up his body, holding him in place. Ilsaid, you wanted to be special and you are special. It is rare to find someone stupid enough to make a deal with me, but with enough potential that I could still do something good with your body well done. You see the black smoke, flows out of the mirror, and takes a humanoid form, tilting ill said's face towards them with long, shadowy fingers. Ill said stammer's.
Starting point is 00:54:42 What horror have I brought upon this world? I go by many names, but some call me. Akarat. The shadow shoots in I'll say mouth, eyes, ears, nose, as his body contorts in an unnatural twist like he has a broken back before he settles and stares forward. The lich, Akarat, stares at himself in the mirror. The face of Ilsaid looking back at him, but with the glowing red eyes of Akarat after a moment, the red of his eyes dyes down and returns to being indistinguishable from Ilsaid.
Starting point is 00:55:20 He smirks. Ilsaid continues his story. From that moment, I was effectively dead, and my spirit came here. I can still cast spells, however, and who has more of a connection to that body than me, so I've been able to cast the Skry spell and keep up with what Akarat was doing as me. you see Akarat, now posing as Ilsaid, arrives in the same class we saw before with Erdan and Lucanus. He confidently restores the plant monster back to life. In the back of the class, Erdan struggles and Lucanus tries to help him. Ilsaid continues, before he was bound to the Nine Hells, he was some kind of hedge wizard who wasn't allowed
Starting point is 00:56:07 anywhere near the university. But as me, he could access everything. You see him at the library, taking in ancient tomes, buttering up the teachers, who let him into restricted sections. He ogles the wall of relics in the Great Hall. Akarat covered his tracks by casting a modified feeble mind spell on Luconus and Erdan, causing them to forget the event entirely. You see Ilseh's hands hovering over Erdan while he sleeps, pumping him with some kind of necrotic energy as he twists and turns like he's having a nightmare.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Before long, Akarat performed a ritual to remove his essence from the pendant and put it somewhere that would grant him more influence. You see him holding out the pendant and performing a ritual. The shadowy figure, the true form of Akarat, escapes the necklace and enters the all-caster apparatus. The reason Acherot can possess so many bodies all at once is that his very essence can reach the entire population of Gladehome, and now that he rules hell, now that he dons Osmoides' crown, his powers have been amplified. He can make hollow bodies far, far away from Glade Home. And worse, he is now powerful enough to inhabit the dead gods.
Starting point is 00:57:31 He seeks to resurrect. You see, the image in the bowl gets foggy before Il said returns to his spectral form and joins you. Let's see. That movie was fucked up. Yeah, sorry about that gang, kind of a rough ending, form and joins you. This episode of NADPOT has brought to you by Bird Dogs. They're a company that makes pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age-old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered.
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Starting point is 00:59:14 So you're saying that the Acarot we knew is Acarot Jr. You see Alonus pipes up and she goes, the aquerot you knew was just an avatar. Essentially, aquerot's prime hollow body for him on the material plane while he did his work in hell. His personality of a dark paladin who was obsessed with pleasing his dad was tailor-made to was Taylor made to seduce you to the power of the nine hills. That makes sense. Part of his thing is going... He wanted to lore Beverly Inn, like he did, ill said, and eventually control his body. So, Akarot also is the one who left the book for Maribal. Akarot is everything bad that has happened
Starting point is 01:00:15 from the Nine Hells since the three of you have met. Primo Big, Big Back, Back Guy. If he was trying to steal Beverly's body, does that mean that he doesn't have body right now? He has a lot of bodies. Well, he wants like a prime body. He likes good ones, yeah. Oh, so he's a collector.
Starting point is 01:00:35 He's a collector. Oh, okay, so it wasn't like, I need this one. Well, it wasn't, so here's the, I have so many cars I don't drive. It is not in vain that you destroy these hollow bodies. It does destroy them. The one that you killed was a powerful death knight that was the avatar through which he did work on the material plane.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Do you mean this one? I hold up the head. Nice, dude. But that head is worth a lot less than we thought it was. Yeah. We thought it was. We thought this was the first place, but it's third at least. You see, she takes... We should all light out and put some peppermint in it.
Starting point is 01:01:13 That'd be fun. You know, if we ever open a restaurant... Yeah, we could use it open bottles. Whatever we're gonna have time, we'll be dead soon. You see, she takes a rip and she goes, you know, if you want to keep just thinking of him as ill said, because he's ill said to you, then it is kind of like you killed back or out if you think about it.
Starting point is 01:01:31 And ill said, goes, whoa, whoa, hang on, everyone relax. I don't know. I got no one more round with him. What's why? I'm okay. I screwed up. Honestly, I'm sorry to say this to you, you are in hell and being punished,
Starting point is 01:01:48 but I feel for you. And just so you know, I had an aunt who was a very, a very good person and had a similar fate to you. And we had another, another good friend that got duped into spending eternally in a shitty place also. Yeah. Yeah. It happens.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Yeah, her truck, a little bit of jam. I was talking about that. Oh, were you? Oh, all right. You're not gonna have to honestly forgot your name. Okay, so sorry game. That, that's a good question. Ilsa, look at this belly chain.
Starting point is 01:02:25 This isn't a phylactory, is it? I'm gonna have Alonist look at it and do an arcana check. You see she looks at it and she goes, I don't think so. If Acarot used the all-caster to kind of spread his essence out, then yeah, he could have other phylactories, but they likely would have had to
Starting point is 01:02:45 have been in grade home at the time, but that is something bigger to consider here that if Acarot used the all-caster, then he could have many phylactories. Yeah. Factories of phylactories. There might be factories of phylactories. So what's to say that all of us don't have a little bit of Akarat in us. If he's basically just in the air,
Starting point is 01:03:09 if we're just breathing in Akarat's magic. He can't inhabit you unless you are dead or you submit to him or you enter into some kind of deal. See, the reason Akarat had what was essentially his errand boy avatar going around with his true name while he allowed ill-said to take all the credit while he was quietly working away in hell was so that we would underestimate him. See, now that's what is so strange is whenever you hear about someone who craves immortality,
Starting point is 01:03:45 there's usually some sort of arrogance in there and they want to spread their name everywhere. Yeah, maybe he's just having fun fucking with us watching us chase our tails. Yeah, so is that what he's in it for? He's not in it to stroke as you go. He's in it because he genuinely enjoys. You know, he might be in it for the long haul because it'll stroke his ego when this is all over. She points to hard one.
Starting point is 01:04:09 I think he would reveal his true name when it's too late for anyone to stop him. Yeah, it seems like he's really good at multitasking. So it'll said it was kind of like a shell corporation. Shell said. I actually have a board about shell corporations if you guys want to look at those. Oh, you've got an entire other room. Yeah, no, that's my conspiracy room. We go in there to freak out.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Okay. So, okay, okay. Now, I'm just trying to cover our asses here because, you know, ill said you are in hell. Yes. Sorry, keep repeating that. Yes, no. Again, I pity you. I feel bad for you.
Starting point is 01:04:45 You had to watch someone else do better with your body than you did. Okay, relax. I was gonna say that, you know, as sort of a lonely person, to have everyone suddenly kind of see me and be nice to me was great, but then you just, you razz me. I am Lucana's daughter. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah, he got dirty with a, Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:05 He got dirty with a crack elf. Good for him. Yeah. I never really liked me very much. No one, no one really did. But Luconis especially didn't. I know.
Starting point is 01:05:17 I know. I mean, honestly, I don't know if it was just subjective in your side of the story, but Erdend didn't come out great in that story. You know, at least in the beginning he seemed like. Erdend's super cool. That's so interesting to me. I didn't get that from him. Did you like super cool?
Starting point is 01:05:37 He has a skeletal cat now, which I actually argue is cooler than giving people frozen roses. Right. Yeah, he definitely wrote cool in the film. I just, I don't know. I think he sort of lost his groove. Yeah. He didn't lost his groove for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:54 So, okay, just to cover our asses right now, we had a duplicitous mantocore tell us from both angles that y'all are working together. And it was both a lot and both a truth. I'm no stranger to contradiction, but why don't y'all tell me exactly how you're working together? Yeah, what's the working relationship? Yeah, and why is it both a lot and a truth
Starting point is 01:06:15 to say that you're working together? Articles of incorporation. The lie there would be speaking to you knowing that you think ill said is the enemy here. To say that Alonus is working with ill said, means that Alonus and ill said are both sheds. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:33 That therefore is a lie. Saying Alonus is working with ill said, and it's just that ill said has insight on to what Akarat is doing with his body is a different thing and that is the truth. Okay, so now you guys are friends with benefits. That's your okay, so I mean, don't I have y'all hooked up?
Starting point is 01:06:55 We could, if we want, wouldn't that be nuts? Oh, she is. Alana's goes, did anyone else see that movie? Do you want to hook up with that guy? I get that distinct impression that he never scored when he was alive. What? I scored all the time. Heavy scored.
Starting point is 01:07:12 What? It was, you just left it out of the movie, is all so that we had to. But I mean, the opening scene is you failing with the ladies, so. Yeah. I remember I did it 34 times. Okay, that's a very specific number.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Yeah, that's also my record, bro. Oh, it gives you a spectral high five. All right, this guy's good for it. It's telling the truth. Okay, so I've one more very important question. Yeah, go for it. I'll honest, if you tried to smoke, Il said, I would if he would allow it.
Starting point is 01:07:44 All right, it's fine. It would also be more like, huffing, right? Because you tried to smoke ill said I would if he would allow it all right I'm like huffing right you don't smoke smoke you smoke dank nugs That's true that is true Beverly writes that down smoke dank nugs Yeah, ill said lets you guys do smoke herings with him and he does lots of tricks And he goes okay anyway, I spend so long hating you, man. Ilsaid continues and he goes, I am trapped here on this layer. So I can't help you in any major way, but I can give you information.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Akarats plan is to resurrect dead gods, inhabit them, and send them to the material plain. People will have to choose between bending the knee and making a hellish deal with him, or being killed and turned into a hollow body, acarot seeks to control every being on the material plain, and he has the means to do it. Even if he doesn't, a clash between his gods and theala could destroy the material plane. Do you mean, gods other than the husks we saw?
Starting point is 01:08:51 You see Alonus pipes up and she goes, I can't imagine you saw these husks, he's been collecting them for a long time. Alonus, no one all this, is there a you that wonders if you should have worked with the allah Seeing the threat that ill said pardon me. Sorry. I apologize to ill said that aquerat We're gonna try and reclaim your name, but um Seeing the threat that aquerat holds is there a part of you that Wish is that you at because there's a part of me that's like man Maybe we should have just gone along with the allah and then pulled a fast one on her at the end You see a lot of us thinks about it for a second and then gives you a strong look and
Starting point is 01:09:36 goes We worked with the alla to kill the devil Then we would be the devils My brain Contact high and it's like oh The allah has her reasons for doing what she's doing but don't forget that she tried to wipe out get that she tried to wipe out upper glater on. She did kill a whole bunch of people. She killed a ton of people.
Starting point is 01:10:08 When you think about it, conviction is like the strongest blade. Did somebody else have to have a contact tie? What? Beverly just starts like moving around the threads on the wall. Hey, Il said, so say, say we want to, you can't help us, but can we help you? Say we want to write a sequel to your weird movie.
Starting point is 01:10:34 Oh, if you could tell everyone about the record. Tell everyone my story. Tell them about the 34 times I did it. Do you want me to say someone's name? Or should I just leave it there? You got to respect leave it super vague. Yeah, if you want to throw a name in there Just a cool name. We check sources We know. I probably know all the people. Hmm. Unlikely we don't kiss and tell right except in this specific
Starting point is 01:11:01 Trista. Yep. That was one of them at the heart, man. Yeah, okay, cool. Right. So what's our play? I said, you've been down here for a while, right? Yes. We just have been workshopping this idea about just like, do we wanna close hell? Eh, what are your thoughts on that?
Starting point is 01:11:21 If hell was closed, Akarats would have never been able to speak to me and I wouldn't be here. Hell being closed. Hell being closed. It would be awesome. How about closing hell from like second layer down? If that is possible.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Do you like the second layer of hell? The first layer is like super red. Yeah. You're having a lot of fun up there. Really. Yeah, it's really fun. Honestly, it's like demolition derby. Yeah, yeah. It's just me burning, man.
Starting point is 01:11:49 It's kind of fun. It's the devilish and derby. It's the devilish and derby in the real, just material plane. Okay, maybe we could, yeah. Like recruit someone to talent. What if you just bought a car? It just felt like such an authentic,
Starting point is 01:11:59 like at that point, we would just be kind of appropriating from the first level of hell. Had kind of like such an authentic thing going on. Well, I give you my opinion. Maybe it's like eight layers of hell and then kind of like, you know, we just raise that top layer right up to the surface. Are you the only person on this layer?
Starting point is 01:12:17 I think that's perhaps people will start popping back up in about 24 hours or so. We're kind of in eternal damnation and we'll pop back up in about 24 hours or so. We're kind of in eternal damnation. And we'll pop back up. If one of you could banish me or something, though, that'd be wonderful. You want to be banished? Do you want to live in hell? No, I've got a taste of it and it seems bad.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Super bad, you know. So why don't we just banish all the bad irredeemable souls? You, yeah. They plenty of people just don't exist, not everyone goes to hell. So what is the purpose of hell then? For bad people to torture other bad people,
Starting point is 01:12:54 and it's bad, and it sucks, and it's hell. So there isn't any sort of rehabilitation aspect. The first layer of really, the first. I don't know if transformative justice. Who is your, let me ask you a question. Who is your favorite person from the first layer of hell? Dance chain? Dance song?
Starting point is 01:13:15 Rip chain? Buzzer. Buzzer's cutters, really. You like it? You like it? Buzzer's cutters. I must say their name hasn't made. Their name hasn't made its way down to the eighth layer of hell.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Ilsa, you have to forgive her. The Crick Bible is actually just a popsicle stick with a joke written on it. They don't have much in the way of heaven and hell. So I don't think you quite understand like did the people here for the most part are being punished? Well, I understood it was punishment, but I didn't, I don't know. I'm trying to make an educated decision. Did you feel us though, you knew that? Coming down here, everyone. The people in the first layer seemed like
Starting point is 01:13:51 a lot of them had gotten tricked just like you will said. Like people that they didn't deserve to be there forever. That is true. And that they wouldn't stop, they could repent and they could find peace, right? But they wouldn't be able to be tricked if Devils couldn't talk to them. Yes, but then we turn our back on everybody that that was tricked. We can't get them their soul coins. We can't get them their their way out. Do you think it's worth
Starting point is 01:14:15 cleaning house as much as we can and then I want to just sink in it. I want someone to just cast banish on this whole damn place from two Listen level one we keep around for like bachelor at party We make the first level into six six six flags And then the rest we just cut off You see Alonus thinks about it and she goes If you had the hellfire crown you could probably dismiss everyone underneath you. I think you would have that power. That's a power that you shouldn't take lightly.
Starting point is 01:14:53 I really, I'm a strong believer that you only need one layer of hell. That's it. Well let's also remember here gang that we might not be alive to make any plans because Acarot is working on resurrecting gods. Yeah, I've got like eight hit points right now. I'm in no position to be talking about how I'm going to close out. Right, absolutely. Everyone should definitely get some sleep before we do anything. Okay. Beating Acarot is going to be difficult, but it's not impossible.
Starting point is 01:15:28 He needs more time to resurrect the dozen or so gods that he was planning on bringing to the material plane. But our presence here has spooked him into action. Only about half of them are ready, but he will be sending possessed gods to the material plane within the next half day or so. So the ritual has already begun. We should get our rest. Well, before we get our rest, who's hungry? Because we might as well have a hero's feast now. I do not like to go to bed on an empty stomach. I think we do a hero's feast now. And you see, ill said goes, well, if you're planning on kind of banishing everyone anyway, I might as well stick around and have a ghost meal.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Oh, you can have a ghost meal. I could try. I'll do my best. I'll do my best to make you a plate. Can I cast a small banishment spell on the food so that it becomes ghost food? Yeah, we can even do monitor illusion to make fake food. It just quietly eats a chicken sandwich in the corner.
Starting point is 01:16:30 It's really good. Well, moonshine's working. I go over to her and I say, sorry, I didn't mean to disparage the crick. I'm not sure what to do. I know your opinion of the crick. And it's an opinion that a lot of people have so it's not new. I just kind of stand by for a minute and try to think of something nice to say and then
Starting point is 01:16:56 I just walk off and kind of sharpen my sword. Pender greens? You know. What would you do if you had that, if you had the crown, a hellfire crown? I know you don't have, I know you're not the most ambitious man. Oh me, I'm very ambitious actually.
Starting point is 01:17:16 I like the hellfire crown. I would be like, watch out everybody, King, Panda Greens in the house Everybody get your shit in order. I would get like a real cool. I have like black armor on But I would get like black and red armor cuz I'd be from like hell now if that makes sense And then I would have ever I would like make people make me the cool, kind of fire armor. And those rad-ass demolitioned herbids that were on
Starting point is 01:17:50 the first layer, they would happen unlike the second layer, except people would also be fucking, because it's like lost. And then basically just demolitioned herbids, but then I would kind of keep the theme. I think of each one, like I'd be like demolitioned or be here on fraud, but then it would be like demolition, it would be like bumper cars.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Because those are like fake cars. Well, I don't mean to eavesdrop, but Pension Crees was just talking super loud. And, yeah. Oh yeah. Munchain, that sounds awesome. It does, but it also it also seems like maybe the Best thing is to banish the people instead of just give them a crazy despotic leader
Starting point is 01:18:34 Let's not decide anything until Put the crown on my hair girl. I was gonna. Sorry. I'm talking to you. Munchain now. Oh Sorry, yeah, she'll hear it. It's crazy I'm real I think that now he hears everything. Yeah, yeah, I thought there was like like you could turn it on Every deep conversation every secret we shared every special moment you were just there dude You've done it with 34 people Really, yeah, how many people you did it with Bendigree 35 I don't know, Michelle. That was pretty good.
Starting point is 01:19:22 I was a little without me in Sprite. 35 is a really solid, respectable, yet believable number. Yeah. Yeah. Fendigrees, you are such a weirdo, but you are actually quite comforting. Oh, all right, sure no. Try to be. All right, y'all, here was Vist.
Starting point is 01:19:41 I set out the, like, little buffet trays. I mean, I'm trying to put a tiny little lights under them. I tried to put a chicken wing in Mouchens Belly Jane. Oh He could saffron the bellie Jane Bones bits The bone doesn't get spit out you know he ate the bone I didn't eat the bone Okay, we have a trash out here
Starting point is 01:20:10 This is a different bone I didn't eat the bone, I would eat the bone It's not even tasty, I could not I would say you ate the bone Yeah, you know what, actually better grades, I was gonna make a stock, could I have the bone back? This is a paper mishaped one. Oh, one truck, no, I'm just gonna fish it out of the trash, which I went through. Oh, oh, yeah, it's a bone of a dad. And throw in another bone in there for him.
Starting point is 01:20:37 You get back half of that bone, I think this is the first one. All right, yeah, dish up, dish up to everyone. Sweet, you dish up the hero's feast. And part of the hero's feast is I have to serve it. Moon Shine serves everyone. So it's bittable. I make everyone a, what is it macrobiotic or what is it when you have like the correct correct nutrients, macro nutrient,rient, okay, whatever.
Starting point is 01:21:06 I wish everyone their macros. Dish out, if you're a spiced to everyone. I could snack on some max. As you guys are eating, Alonus talks to you guys, and she goes, no, it's good that we didn't work with the olive because the olive and acarot can't clash that could destroy the plane. We're the only people that can stop this. So we have to stop them one at a time.
Starting point is 01:21:33 We have to stop acarot then we have to stop theala. I can't wait to face each other. Do you think that theala is stronger than acarot? Do you think that theala is stronger than Acarot? If theala and Acarot were to like one V1, theala would win. If Acarot's plan goes off without a hitch, Acarot will be stronger. Here's the thing about Acarot though.
Starting point is 01:21:58 So just because he might have a bunch of different phylactories, he might be... He's a phylactory. He's a phylactory factory. He's a fl of different falacteries. He might be he's a Flactory he's a he's a falactory factory a flander and falacteria Doesn't mean that he's forever powerful if we can stop this body if we can Unseat him from being the king of hell he'll lose all that. If we can stop these gods from coming back, then he's just some asshole that lives in a bunch of necklaces.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Hey, I plug, I plug. Um. Actually, that's super friendship to people who live in belly-tarrings and necklaces. There's actually a lot of people who... It's a fabulous lifestyle to be sure. Yeah. All right, so. And I gotta fabulous lifestyle to be sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:45 Alright, so... And I gotta go back to eating bones. I mean, not eating bones. It's just at this point we all know you ate the bones. I need to take out the garbage cause it's full of bones. That's a little garbage get thrown out of the belly chair. Yeah. Are there any bones in it? It's full of packing peanuts.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Sure. Don't look in the bag. The pain. These are going to look in the bag. You painted wood, don't look in the bag. Why don't you garbage your freak? It's a lot of intricate stuff. You're the weird one. Okay, so Alonus, do you know where Acarot is? It's on the 9th layer of hell.
Starting point is 01:23:24 How do we get there? With this ritual being underway, Akarad will be distracted enough that I can overcome any block he has and teleport us there. It won't be exact. I won't be able to sneak around, but I can get us to the 9th layer of hell. This ritual must take a lot of concentration. Yes.
Starting point is 01:23:47 So if we can at least distract him and engage him, he won't be able to cast it while we're fighting, hopefully. You see, Il said pipes up and he goes, he has a lot of hell. Oh, you're in my stomach. Oh, God. Yes. I was trying to eat the ghost meal.
Starting point is 01:24:03 I was being polite. It didn't taste like anything. Sorry. I thought maybe if I winded New York's stomach and tried to eat sort ghost mellows being polite. It didn't taste like anything. I thought maybe if I winded New York's stomach and try to eat sort of your digested food, ask permission first, but sorry, but yeah, right on. Yes, he has a lot of help. There will be mages up there, other hollow bodies,
Starting point is 01:24:20 helping him summon these dead gods. All right, well, at our hands full. Yeah, I guess maybe we'll get a good night's sleep and then... Yeah, just a wink, I only need four to eight hours. Yeah, so it's like a normal... So on average, like six? I mean, at least, yeah, I can transfer four,
Starting point is 01:24:41 but I tend to err on the side of a 68. It trends towards eight, like, if you weren't just sleep for four hours, would you feel okay? I wouldn't be myself. Yeah. So maybe you wouldn't like get your HP back or any of your stuff? Honestly, I really, it hasn't come up because we travel with, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:59 other people that need eight. Right on. You know what that's like? People with that pop up. I know what that's like. I'm sorry. Papa's already asleep. Papa missed the whole thing with ill said he wakes up. He starts yapping at ill said. So you guys all go to bed for the night. Alana shows you to the same room you guys had used that other time.
Starting point is 01:25:20 You guys all get in one big bed. And in the morning, you are set to face off against Akarot, Ilsaid. Akarot, Ilsaid, aka Akarot. Ilsaid is not Ilsaid. Ilsaid is not Ilsaid. Ilsaid is not Ilsaid. Alonus is Alonus.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Alonus is Alonus and Akarot. Although there were question marks next to it on the board now. Pop-op is not Akarot. Re now. Pop-up is not ackerox. For real? Pop-up is high. For real? I prepared note cards for everyone.
Starting point is 01:25:50 It's gonna be kind of hard to sleep tonight. Yeah. I'm already passed out. The hard one is snoring. Oh, wow. A lot's been happening. You okay, Balnor? I'm sorry, we lost you.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Oh no, that was in your, I lost you guys too. Thanks for coming for me. I couldn't, I'm not much good at my own. Oh, don't say that. Hey, I'm a good member of the team, you know. Okay, we're not a team without you. No one's talking down on themselves right now. Okay, you just had a, you had a hero's feast in your belly.
Starting point is 01:26:25 You think that you think I'll let just anyone eat a hero's feast? No, heroes in the title. Great, on the hounds. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Starts barking and then immediately falls asleep and far. In my sleep, I put my arm around bell. Hard on a bell, not just spooning and farting.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Loudly snoring and pop-off with them. REEEWP! POP-O-BAH! Hey, what did I put in that hero's seat? Oh, yeah. It could have just fine. I'll try it. I'll go with two trance.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Munchain goes in who her trance. I stay up a bit and I write a little apology letter for my harsh words to moonshine. I try to say that I'm feeling a lot of things, but feeling scorn or anger towards moonshine is never one of them and I'm deeply sorry. And I hope you enjoy reading this letter as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love you moonshine. And I slip it in her overall bib as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love you, moonshine.
Starting point is 01:27:25 And I slip it in her overall bib, so she'll find it later. Yeah, moonshine, you... I'll wake up. I'll read it. Because you wake up four hours before me, so I don't read it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:35 And I take it. The boys are snoring and farting. Yeah. And you find this note in your bib. I read it and... Okay, so I could try to write a note back. Oh yeah! I think you can fully write a note. I don't know if you know them fancy words yet, but...
Starting point is 01:27:56 I think I said I understand young bib. I wake up and I'm like oh it's just like when I would get letters from the pin-pal fairy. And I wake it when I'm like, oh, it's just like when I get letters from the pinpile fairy. And I wake it when she writes. And I say, I love you. I definitely help her make breakfast in the morning. Yeah, you guys wake up the next morning. You guys go down to the little sitting area that Alonus has. You see she comes out of a room.
Starting point is 01:28:26 She's all geared up, got her purple cloak on and her goggles and she says to you, is everyone ready for this? I'm gonna teleport us to the ninth level of hell. I'll be ready in about 10 minutes. Yeah, yeah, you know what, why not throw a couple buffs on? Do you have any kind of inspiring speech you'd like to give us? I would love to give a little inspiring speech if there's time. While Bev is doing this, I'm handing out good berries.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Oh, okay. So we'll have them warners on us. Bev also has his book. Do you want to do anything with your books? Thank you for reminding me. So as a 14th level, that means I get 70 hit points to dispense with touch hands. So I guess, you know what? I'll just split it even.
Starting point is 01:29:14 I'll do 35 on the book. Okay. And now all of us have, actually I don't need any good berries because I can heal. Bev kind of, well, Bev might end up using a bunch of spells. So I'm going to give Bev to good berries, Bound Bev might end up using a bunch of spells, so I'm gonna give Bev to Good Barriers, Bound or to Good Barriers, hard one to Good Barriers, Paw Paw to Good Barriers. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:33 And for my inspiring speech, as an inspiring leader, I go over to, I go over to Alonus's conspiracy board. Yeah. And I take down everything other than the pictures of us. And I connect them all with threads. And I write, we got this in the middle. You see Alonus comes back. You hear a toilet flush and she goes back and she goes, Oh, oh, fuck. Oh, I've worked so long on those. Oh, it's okay. I copied it. Oh, oh, thank God. I Actually cleaned it up a little bit. It turns out that Stunk Bug is behind it all
Starting point is 01:30:09 What? Teleports away. I'm just gonna Comes back with Stunk Bug's corpse. Oh, no So you guys are all inspired you guys all have this heroes feast you see Alana looks to everyone so everyone made their Preparations we did to go I You see Alanaus looks to everyone. So everyone made their preparations. We good to go. I tie headband around my head.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Bounder also has a headband around his head. Papa also ties a headband. I tie a headband around my head. I ask Ilsaid if I can have some of his smoke and I put it under my eyes as a granite ritual. Actually. He marks you. Can I wear the Cerclet? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Just for fun. Yeah, can you put on the white Cerclet? Looks really good on you. Everyone just tell Akra that I'm like, there's a hell of bees that y'all like tamed with a Cerclet. Awesome, but just remember when we go up, if we ever go up, it comes off.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Hahaha. Yeah, and you see, Il said goes, thank you for your sympathy and your kind words. If you do become the king or the queen or the whatever of hell, please, please banish me. It is so bad here. It's mostly boring, but then also bad when the devils are here and they just hit you with things.
Starting point is 01:31:28 One time I just got like spiked into a tree. Just dude took a nail. I thought you were not the boss on this level. Oh no, I'm no, not at all. Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear that. Yeah. Yeah. It's my hope that, it is my hope that if we are so privileged to obtain the crown that whoever wears it will banish everyone. Right, and remember, 34. Is how many people y'all lane with?
Starting point is 01:32:01 Okay. Right. Also, the number of extra hit points we get. Correct. Yes. Wow. Also the number of extra hit points we get. Correct. Wow, look at that. One for each time. I don't know if there's anything stronger as a confirmation. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Yeah, I got it. It's just a small one. I thought we're on the level of fraud, but I just believe you now. For you, I stopped counting pretty quick, but you really committed. Oh no, I lost count two after 34. Yeah, that was pretty good.
Starting point is 01:32:30 You too. Yeah. Well, see you later. Yeah. I was like, you want me to bring along any message to Lukonis or Erdan. If I, again, I'm so privileged so privileged to make it out of here. Yes, tell them I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused with my foolishness.
Starting point is 01:32:55 Tell Lukana's that he was right. Okay. 34. 34. And also 34. I was just saying number 34. 34. And also 34. I was just saying number 34. 34.
Starting point is 01:33:07 I just say the number 34, sure. I see Alonus reaches her hands around you guys, and you all disappear and are teleported to the ninth layer of hell, treachery. And that's what's for session. No! to the ninth layer of hell, treachery. And that's what- No, that's not the whole thing. Yay, we're all about everybody. Sorry, put away your fucking character sheet.
Starting point is 01:33:33 No, I got it out. Put it away. Those are the stuff players. Sorry. So much HP. Guys, if you wanna hear us talk about the show, if you only hear my players complain at me, go Going over to slash nad pod. That's n-a-d-d-p-o-d don't sing yet I want to apologize to anyone cough throughout this. I'm so sorry if any of them made it into the edit
Starting point is 01:33:56 Apologize to you listeners. We're gonna be releasing the all coughing mix on the background If you want to hear the coughs add up to high-hears well, I have the new tier. It'm a pan-tron. If you want to hear the coughs out of the pot, I am the new tier, it's $1,000 a month. Yeah. It goes to buy Emily Robatusson. Yeah, we got some things to plug. Emily and I are playing D&D on Twitch with Dimension 20. Check out Dropouts Twitch channel. Watch me and I play Fantasy High, season two with Brennan Lee Mulligan and Shivan Thompson and a bunch of
Starting point is 01:34:28 Fun people from college humor and from Ned pod and this is from yeah and maveris Hell yeah two pro gamers and I'm I miss I feel so blessed Called the way he got I would like to plug our PO box 19 20 Hillhurst Avenue number two two two two Los Feliz California blog, our PO box, 1920 Hillhurst Avenue number 222, Los Feliz, California, 90027. This week we had a bunch of amazing packages get sent to us. I'm gonna shout them out right now. Now, Ben A from at Foamcaster Radio and Michael from Legato Mods made us a custom
Starting point is 01:35:01 old Cobb Blunder bus. Thank you very much. It was great. I did open it at the post office, and I got some weird looks, because I was basically just opening what looked like a firearm in a government building. Don't do that. But thank you.
Starting point is 01:35:18 It's really fucking cool. We really appreciate it. Damian and Bridget sent us an Ohio Pop-off festival poster. Oh, it's so cool It's I guess it's a festival to celebrate the fruit and also the possum. It's Real serendipitous. Yeah, I think we should do show at the next festival. Oh my god Absolutely Real awkward outdoor like poorly Unreal, Awkward Outdoor, like, poorly, bad sound. Our table is a hay-bale.
Starting point is 01:35:46 That would be amazing. Speaking of amazing, at Derek underscore Smith 20 on Insta, send us some really cool coasters that they made. They have the sigils of the boobs, wood burned into them, and then a nice layer of shellac put over them. They're shellac. They're real classy. That's the shellac. That's too far. Yeah, it's a good whack if nice layer of shellac put over them. They're shellac. They're real classy. That's the shellac.
Starting point is 01:36:06 That's the fall. Yeah, it's a good example. It's a whack if you don't shellac. Speaking of crafts, we also got some 3D printed status condition rings for tabletop from Luke C. and Mike at They're so neat. They're so cool. I really want to play like some actual tabletop now, because we've got like little conditionals for everything.
Starting point is 01:36:26 They even included specific ones for our characters' slogans and catchphrases. Me and Marfave, a D&D group that we do a Christmas retreat with every year. So I'm definitely going to bring them to the Christmas retreat. We can also use them for when we do the Patreon livestream. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:43 Thank you so much, Luke. See, got some nice notes from Brian H. And last but not least, some dragon stickers Can I also use them for when we do the Patreon livestream? Yeah! Thank you so much, Luke C. Got some nice notes from Brian H. And last but not least, some Dragon Stickers and another lovely note from Leah in Australia. There's some good Dragon Stickers and the note was very heartfelt. Thank you all so much.
Starting point is 01:36:57 Thank you so much for sending us stuff. It warms my heart and so much that it makes it a golden divine heart and I hope no one steals it. Yes, thank you everyone. Jake, what do you got? A brother sister beard oil baby brother sister support my family oil business by Jake's oil. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Wow, sounds like snake oil. That's one of our newest ones. That's the oil for your snake. My snake's too dry. You've got to dry snake. You can cover it with their with family oil. It's dry. I'm literally a snake oil salesman. My cobra is errant.
Starting point is 01:37:34 Cool guys, follow us on Twitter. Adcie H. Murphy's me, Ad called these call-dwell, Adiacs for Examily, Adcie Kerr, which is Jake, and you can tweet about the show using hashtag nad pod. That's n-a-d-d-p-o-d. We are we are, youth of a nation, we are we are, youth of a nation. It's the end of the show everybody and that means we need to shout out our benevolent council of elders.
Starting point is 01:38:03 Our shout we will. Starting with Brad D. Dillon B. Danny P. Steelbreaker and Spencer Caskbrew 5. Extra faces on the mantichord that our heroes never saw. These faces tell white lies, false truths, tale, tall tales, open secrets, and passive aggressive sub-tweets respectively, honestly the boobs dodged a bullet. Next up we got beer man Dan, Hermes W. Adam R, and Danielle the Dastardly Dame. For Hawkbabies that moonshine birth real quick while the boobs were talking to the Manticore, they all hatched and are now being raised by illsets ghosts. Howl door frostback, multiple for Jordan DJ, Jeffre S, and Cutter W5 elves from the Magic
Starting point is 01:38:43 Academy that never hung out with Ilsaid, Erdan, or Luconis, because they were too busy playing ultimate frisbee with Maveris's dad, dang, maybe we should have watched that flashback instead. Shubbert, the mushroom, Elena C, mixologist Michael McD, Andrew, M and Boundor's boy, the Archbishop's of the new Church of Shadowfell.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Their wimples are each three feet tall. Have nine foot wingspan's and can cast featherball at will. Duskmother, be praise. Just an eye, Jacob C, Elena M, Mick Pucks, and Earl and Kathleen L, a five-headed dog that guards the secret tenth layer of hell, which is known in the infernal tongue as Acarot's Man Cave. It is a horrid place that wreaks of sulfur, brimstone, and amsteau light.
Starting point is 01:39:29 Yum! Damn you are! Destincy, Devon B, Jive G, and Jostrich. The Holy Knights tasked with guarding the chaotic terror known as Binky Fiasco! Should their shields falter the world would crumble under the weight of Binky's neverending shenanigans. Stay strong, my brethren, J-Strong. Sergio Salazar Salaman Sakaraes, Dei Sakwani, Michael L, Sam H and Traley the Kray-Fay, four Elven innovators who start up the Flaxery Factory, just got major VC funding. Now trapping
Starting point is 01:40:02 your soul in a powerful artifact and transcending death isn't just easy, it's fun. Aaloo Card, Jory S, Adam H, Ryan and Aaron G, a five-headed man to court, one face tells the truth, one tells lies, and the other three mostly just quote anchor man. Big Buck, Richard X, Makina, Sam L, and Troy McC, ill said's best buds at Gladehome who would have saved him if only he'd stopped trying so desperately to be friends with Erdan. Love the ones you're with, ill said. That beautiful message.
Starting point is 01:40:31 Dom R, Josh S, Blitzbree, Dmitry, and Caleb Storm, a no-mish architecture firm that retrofits orkish homes to resell to their no-mish clientele. Basically they just lower the shelves, cabinet sinks, shower heads, mailboxes. Okay, it's actually a lot, but those orcas, garages, fit a fleet of nomish buggy. Nicholas C. Mike H. Matthew E. Samuel B. Until for G. The owners and curators of an antique jeweler that specializes
Starting point is 01:40:59 in cursed jewelry called the Flaxery Factory. Gage M. Aaron C. Bohumia's fiercest L&D TJM, the gnome barbarian, and trust the traveler. The Duskmother Choir who can't wait for the holidays to roll around so they can go caroling with holiday favorites like, we wish you a Merry Christmas Dusk. And I'm dreaming of a grey, Chris Dusk. Anime intellect, Zolo Dolo, Larissa J, Dylan C.M. The wannabe DM, and Kelvin Noodles, a group of college whisperer bards who steal people's shadows, then commit minor identity theft with them.
Starting point is 01:41:35 They were also in fraud, hoping to ban a boob's would interact with them so they could tell the tragic story of how they worked at a nursing home, stole the souls of the elderly who passed, then cashed their pension checks. Not sympathetic. Call Mb! B Money!
Starting point is 01:41:49 J! Heartless Master N. C. C. Lulu, the interior designers who worked tirelessly to make Alonis' magnificent mansion into a shabby chic French country cottage with Bohemian flair. But Alonis just keeps leaving bongs and goggles everywhere. Aiden R, Luke H. Zach C. and Jake L. 4 of Alonist's college friends from Glade Home University who were crashing at her magnificent mansion while she traveled through hell. Alonist loves hanging out with these guys, but they love to drop in at the most inconvenient times. They play rock band all night and it's really hard to get a trance in.
Starting point is 01:42:22 I'm hopeless, Timmy R, Alex M, Aaron S, and Eric G. Il's said gang of nerdy underdogs that he hung out with in Gladehome. Together, they all claimed to have slept with 170 people, which is 34 each. They all back up each other's claims, so it's airtight, and they definitely aren't lying. Sounds like the truth to me.
Starting point is 01:42:41 Luke is B, Ruben A, Jordan L, Laura S, and Jay Parker, a crew of Faye Somaliets, who have the superior sniffing power of the hounds, but use it for good, namely to tell the difference between a summer court pino and an autumn court cabernet. Faye Somaliets is a beautiful phrase. Austin C, Austin MR, just a pissed off, Triss aka touch it, Kaylee Elise, and Barnes and Adder! A cool crew of teens who hangs out with Irland and Aguene and is encouraging Irland to forget that two-time imbebrally.
Starting point is 01:43:14 Between them, there are seven new love triangles, so everyone get ready for Bev's story to get a lot more complicated. I'm excited. Devon W. Shinnewaby, Jared E. and Persephone 4. Dorgers who survived a nomish uprising in Cragwater. Anytime they hear a Teehee, they reflexively throw a knife at the smallest person in the room. Reese and S. Bell in the Bard, Jackie, Eric and Andrea B. And Charo Arcadius. The uncredited producers ill-seds docu-drama. They've really pressed him to put in a happier ending and are currently working on a special edition blu-ray that ends
Starting point is 01:43:50 with Erden getting bubbles. Steven C. Maxwell C. Mike K. Omri M. and Caleb L.5, extremely lazy nights of penance who are being whipped into shape now that Bev's senior is there. Before it was all hanging out all day and drinking plates of soup, but now they've got to do drills and listen to speeches about hustle, it's hell. Scott D, no-thorough the prodigy ranger, Shane B, the pinch and Dan, a bunch of holobodies who think Acrox kind of sucks and don't obey him at all. They're currently at a rave in the Feywild. Richard C, Karen T, Curtis S. Michael C. and BJ L. Hard one's meal preppers. These folks feel about a thousand top-work containers every week full of crawfish as Hard
Starting point is 01:44:32 one continues to try and bulk back up to no avail. Nikki W. Andrew B. Christopher B. Pete C. Ferris and Ken of the Wizards Tower. Jurors in one of Papa's first trials. The person Papa defended was 100% guilty, but they could not deny the legal brilliance of that young possum and had to give him the W. Nicholas P. Robert F. Kevannam, Angel B. and Raoul N. Boundor's Jam Band.
Starting point is 01:45:00 When he's not fighting Devils and Hell, Boundor loves to plug away on the base in his garage and pound Bud Heavy's all weekend long long and this crew feels the same way. I am the atlas, Ryan of Clan Cougan. Mary Bell, the Kitty Morphing gnome, Esmi M and Robert, a group of teens with summer jobs at the Borgers Big Borgers. The hours are rough and the pay sucks, but at least they get to eat all the Big Borgers they can handle. Yens Christian T, Joe McGee, Meta Amps,
Starting point is 01:45:29 Mr. Hydroise, Jonathan from Crickfield, a few of the Dusk Mother's Revenants who have fully atoned for their sins, but still don't want to move out because they like living with their mom. I make sense. Atticus C, Jonathan D.R. Canadian Game Smith, Tom S. and Grace G, a Crick Improv team, and all cops opening act.
Starting point is 01:45:50 They always crush as much as the headliner too. The V's may be vicious, but the crowd is anything but... And that's it for this week. Thank you guys so much for listening. That's that sweet. Thank you to all of our Patreon subscribers, all of our Council of Elders, and all of our listeners. You guys can head on over to our Patreon
Starting point is 01:46:06 to listen to the short rest. We'll catch you guys next time. That was a Hate-Gum podcast.

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