Not Another D&D Podcast - Ep. 89: Apocalypse (The Hellfire Chronicles)

Episode Date: January 30, 2020

Siobhan Thompson and Zac Oyama join the Band of Boobs as they struggle to protect the Free Cities against a new threat! Beverly has a bittersweet date with Erlin, Moonshine argues with a godd...ess, and Hardwon becomes a human lightning rod. Support us at to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Get tickets to our upcoming live shows at Effects Include:"Land Mass / Earth Rumble" by el-bee at "Thunder" by Dean Raul DiArchangeli at "The Purge" by Emily Axford."Conspiracy in the Clouds" by Emily Axford."Demigod" by Emily Axford."Mee Maw's Burden" by Emily Axford. "A Rare Appearance" by Emily Axford. "The Twinkling Lights of Galaderon" by Emily Axford. "Sea Beast" by Emily Axford. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Headgun Podcast. Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item. Plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy.
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Starting point is 00:01:21 brush processing. Code www-A-W-P-A-W. Goodbye, Sweeties. Welcome to the campaign after the campaign. This is not another D&D podcast. Welcome back to Bahumya, everyone. Bahumya. Bahumya. Bahumya. Nice.ia. Bahumia.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Nice. I'm your dungeon master, Brian Murphy, joined by Jake Herwitz. Hard one, surefoot. Emily Axford. Man, John Sabin. Slinging Sass and Annihladen Sass. Ha ha ha ha. Powerful.
Starting point is 00:01:59 And of course, called Waltender. Beverly Toggle, the fifth. Technically an atheist now, I guess. Oh, boy. I'm interested. Didn't not. By fifth. Technically an atheist now I guess. Oh boy. I'm interested. Didn't not. Not my choice.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Well I can believe in Polora. You just don't believe he's alive. Yeah, I guess I have no choice, but to not believe in him because he's dead. Ha ha. And then we have our friends and reoccurring guests, Shivon Thompson. Apple Scrumper, one arm is better than none.
Starting point is 00:02:23 That's right. And Zachoyama. Apple Scrumper, one arm is better than none. That's right, socks. And Zachoyama, Maveris, the unschooled, you don't really have to lie to people you're about to kill. Okay, so let's go ahead and do a little recap. So last week, the band of boobs were split up, hard one, moonshine and Apple defeated.
Starting point is 00:02:42 The final form of Akarat shoving him, asked first into a sphere of annihilation. Maveris, fended off a crew of assassins who tried to off the survivors of the Alistrap. Beverly was knocked out by theala and unknowingly used in a ritual. When he awoke, he found Irland next to him not breathing. Beverly cast Revivify, jolting the green teen back to life. The reunion was not happy, however, when Irland revealed what he saw, when he was on the other side, whispering to Beverly, she killed him, Polore is dead. And that's where we are now. So, Bev, you are with Irland in this cave. There are dozens of candles. This ritual has just taken place. You see Erlin is rocking back and forth.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Do you feel it Bev? We don't have the light anymore. I don't... I don't feel anything. Did she use us? Did she use us to commune with him? How did she do it? When a follower of Polar dies, they ascend and they meet him on the outer plains. I was in a dark place when I died and so I went towards the light, a cracked door to Polar's heavenly kingdom. With the power of her ritual and her mages, she was able to essentially sneak in behind me. And then she used you to kill him. What do you mean? What do you mean she used me? Polor shares his power, shares his light with all of his followers.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Casting a spell like Revivify is a powerful spell that uses up a lot of light. That was the last thing I saw. We were in some heavenly abyss. She and all her followers had attacked Polor. Then as I felt myself being called back to the material plane. I saw Polora weakened and Theola thrust with her sword. I wasn't there for the final blow, but I feel it. He's dead. She's taken the light for herself. Did she have his heart? Is that what this was all about? She does now, I feel it.
Starting point is 00:05:05 I fall to my knees and just kind of embrace him. Yeah, you see, Erlin is sobbing and he just leans into you. We're going to get through this. There are other gods. We have strong friends. This isn't the end. It sure feels like it, Beth. It's the end of the world. Yeah, I'm glad you're here. I wish I wasn't. If I wasn't brought back, Polaroid would still be allowed.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Don't talk like that. It was my hands that did this. Unwittingly or not, it's on me. No, no. You're right, Bev. Not about it being on you. It wasn't me, it wasn't you. It was her. It was her. It was the all. This is just one more wrong we've got to write. I try to stand up. You stand up. You feel,
Starting point is 00:06:17 you do feel physically weaker because as a as a paline you are filled with the light it is the magic that gives you strength so it's not like you are you are physically injured from being knocked out but you are also feeling weak just from the absence of strength. Can I reach out to the dusk mother? Yes you may. Go ahead and make a Religion check with advantage 12 12 That still got it. I didn't say it, but I was like I feel an act 20 coming on and I was wrong Sometimes the dice tell their own story.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Yeah, and they don't turn the channel in like a story. Bev, you kind of hold your sword out and try to power it up as you would for a smite or something. And you don't feel anything. You don't feel any connection to the light at all. She's my sword. We're on our own. We're going to cut over to Osmodea. Everything's going great.
Starting point is 00:07:36 I'm asking the box. That was epic. Absolutely. His ass got blown. Yo, y'all are crazy. He's so funny over there. It's all about it. Scroper, hey, give me a high 10,
Starting point is 00:07:48 because you can do it now. I love it. I'm 20. I jump up in the air on my butt. I five with my feet. It kicks me in the chest, but I like it. You guys, so you guys have just defeated Akarat. The orcs feel the influence of their god waning and they begin to lose their bloodlust.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Do you see from a top the tower? Can we hijack their bloodlust? hijack their bloodlust? Yeah, I'm saying can we use these orcs and have them attack the all of the chosen? Uh, perhaps. Uh, you want to like get down and try to rally them to your side? Yeah, I'm going to take this brain and the vet. Okay, you bloody orcs, listen up. Mooshine Cybers got something to say to you. So you bloody, bare, bloody listen up. I, I, I'm playing on the my wood block.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Okay, and now so there's a full war going on. As you guys just scream into the canyon, it's pretty loud. It's like yelling into the grand canyon or something. There's a bit of an echo. It's pretty loud. It's a floating city. Yeah, just a, there's a floating city being pulled at
Starting point is 00:09:02 by chains. There are people fighting. The orcs are losing at this point the Eladrin and elves are starting to push them back. You see the orcs are retreating as they retreat go ahead and give me Perspasion check with disadvantage as you as I never the hell back. Okay, so just a regular roll. Okay As you as I never the hell back. Okay, so just a regular role Okay six And the dice are back to telling the story
Starting point is 00:09:35 The narrative I really rolled one of my dice is rolling cheeky today Like when at the first two roles that I tried it out before we played it rolled a one and then a 20 So I was like you have the first two roles that I tried it out before we played it rolled a one and then a 20. So I was like, you have the first personality. So I specifically chose this one. Um, Moonshine, you see as the orcs are running away, just a crew of them look up and see you an apple on the side of the tower screaming down at them. And you see one of them turns and looks at you and isn't looking where they're going. Rolls their ankle on a rock, trips forward
Starting point is 00:10:06 and just breaks their neck on another rock. You know what? I think they're too weak to be our army. You guys see the Elven army, begin celebrating, begins letting up cheers. You see dwarves celebrating with elves, it's a beautiful thing. Bra-ra.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Okay, round them up, where's Erdan, where's Mama, where's Mima, it's a beautiful thing. Bra-ra. Okay, round them up. Where's Erdan? Where's Mama? Where's Mima? Where's Lucanis? So before you can get to anyone, or I'll say you're able to get down to Lucanis and Mima. So you guys run down the tower.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Oh, before we left, did I grab two remaining vests? I, do you want to reach into the box and try to grab the vests? Oh, they were in the box. I thought they were going to be inside. Oh, so yes, there is this, atop the tower, there is this chest that has this darkness within that destroyed Apple's arm
Starting point is 00:10:49 when she reached in. Oh, yeah, we should take that with us absolutely. I should we throw it in the bag holding? Yeah, that sounds cool. Is it just gonna though if the bag jostles around? Yeah, I don't think we should put it in there. I think we should just carry it down. Can we tie it up a little much?
Starting point is 00:11:02 All right, let's carry it and bring it to Mima. Okay, so you guys descend the steps of the tower. You guys get down to the bottom as you hear cheers erupting in the canyon below. You see Mima and Lucanus have defeated their golems down here. And Mima turns you, goes, you all got treasure, we didn't get any treasure from ours.
Starting point is 00:11:22 There's two garments of clothing in this box. Unfortunately, it will bite your arm off it, bit my arm off. Yeah, you see, Miyama goes, she's very moonshine like she like goes just to reach in. No, I swear I can't wait. Like she's reaching for me. Oh, you don't want to share the vest? No, we can't get the vest. How'd you know they were vest? There's, it's a treasure.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I heard you all yelling about this. I heard him saying something about the cut of the vest. That was weird. That was a weird thing to hear, Devil Yel. See what Bell Norse wearing. You see that thing? Yeah, check this out. Yeah, the devil used to have this.
Starting point is 00:11:55 He's my damn thing now. Oh, but Bell Norse style. He's my damn vest. As you guys are reunited with Mimond Luconis, suddenly, all at once, every light in the city goes out. Every torch, every arcane globe in Glade Home, goes out as if a single, massive breath just blew them all out. You hear cries of confusion and terror before it lowers to just a murmur of confusion. And then you see that the night sky begins to lose its stars. Oh. Me, my sister's normal. This is really weird.
Starting point is 00:12:45 I thought we beat Akarat. Perhaps he was so powerful that it created sort of like a cosmic earthquake, you know, like a, like a, some sort of maybe as the factories were the stars. I've never been to Ozmodia. This might just be the night. Oh second night Yeah, it could be second night. It's not second night. That's what you guys bipes up Just throwing on it's not okay We're spitballing but it's not that what is it? I don't know this is weird
Starting point is 00:13:22 That's weird. Did you say if you don't know what it is, it could be second-night. Yeah, we're pitching ideas here. I mean, I don't feel like we've heard anything better than second night. I'm gonna say it's second night, now's Modia. Moonshine, do you make another announcement? I hold them to brains and the best. Y'all, it is second nut. Please proceed to your second nut festivities. You hear another orc fall? Ugh! Just breaks his neck. I don't know how to leave these people.
Starting point is 00:13:56 You guys saw when the torches and the lights in Glade Home went out. The sky was brilliant a second ago, because all the lights were out, so the stars were super bright, but then they begin to disappear one by one until there is total darkness. And then you see a single shining beacon in the sky, and this feels a lot like what happened later on, when you saw the y Allah ascending into the sky, right? I've got dark vision. Can I see more than just the single ray of light? I've also got dark vision. Dark vision doesn't even help here. This is a like magical removal of light from the world.
Starting point is 00:14:40 You see that the Allah has taken to the sky and is projecting for all of the world. Aptop. You see that Theala has taken to the sky and is projecting for all of the world to see. Is it a projection or is it her? She is so far away that she looks like just a tiny star in the sky, but occasionally it flashes into a huge projection of her. It's like it's happening in your mind. You know it's her, you can sense it, but she looks different than she did before. She still has her
Starting point is 00:15:16 humanoid kind of body shape, but her skin has gone from being a pale complexion to being so bright white that she looks like she's made of radiant energy. She still wears the pristine white armor, but her yellow hair is now bright gold like starlight. Above each of her eyes she has a golden orb that is set into her forehead, and is super bright and glowing, and you hear her speak with a booming voice that shakes the land, the earth quakes, and distant waves crash with the ebb and flow of her voice. She is so bright waves crash with the ebb and flow of her voice. She is so bright that you can now see the faces of all the eladren elves, dwarves, and orcs below that just look up at her in wonder.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Free people of Bohemia, you've done it. You've saved the world. Akarat has been defeated. Congratulations. But I ask you. Now that the devil is dead, what happens? I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Robbers will continue to rob. cheaters will continue to cheat, killers will kill an evil, will keep going on like it always has, you can kill a demon, you can kill a devil, but you cannot kill the evil that lives in every person's heart. You can't, but I can. Your gods have abandoned you. They created this place and then they left. I am the only God born here, the only God that walks this plane. I will not abandon you. I will save you. But first, Bohomia needs to be cleansed. For a bone to heal, we need to set it. She lowers her hands and closes her eyes. You feel the earth begin to shake. It immediately begins raining, torrential downbore, thunder and lightning.
Starting point is 00:17:45 It immediately begins raining, torrential downbore, thunder and lightning. Anyone who wishes to join me now may reject their false gods and repents before they experience any more suffering. Maveris, you also see this, but it's not like outer sky. She's dead. She's dead. She's got a magic. Bev, you also see this. It is just like an image that's playing in your head. And you guys in Asmodia, as you're atop this tower, you see that as she's glowing and casting this magic and making the whole world shake this torrential downpour.
Starting point is 00:18:18 You see a smaller chunk of a ladren, elves and dwarves, but some of them out of pure fear just fall down and bend the knee. They just see a god and they can't compete with that. I won't hold it against them. I won't hold it against y'all. I'll hold it against y'all. Fuck up, motherfuckers. That's fine. That's fine. When you know when we prove her wrong, I'm gonna be real. It's cool that you did this. Everybody you nails is on a list. Tim, right. I don't know how to, I don't know how to I can't write it down, but I'm keeping it in my head. I'm gonna draw a picture of all of y'all. Everyone is just silent in awe and you
Starting point is 00:18:58 got to just like yelling down into the canyon about them being gouged. about them being cowards. You guys do see that all of the orcs bend the knee. Because to them, any research you've done on the way their society works and stuff, they value who's like the strongest. Like orc, chieftains, you can go in, challenge the chief, if you beat the chief, you become the chief, that tells you the truth.
Starting point is 00:19:20 How did that work if we ran out for you last time, huh? Shut up, shut up. Oh, you roll another ankle bitch Good so what did you say fall just falls and breaks his neck? God your friend Brittle bones. I feel like I feel like she's given us promises, but where's the policy right? Oh? Policy you're gonna deliver us from evil. Yeah, there's no policy You're gonna deliver us from evil and yet there's no policy She can't even get it continue not 20
Starting point is 00:20:03 Hard one you see a few a lad like three a ladron and five dwarves stand up Yeah, I don't know where the gods lose, I don't know. I'm only here the plan first. But yeah, you do see this massive army of orcs of all benthiny, some Aladdin, some elves, and some dwarves. But for the most part, they all just stand kind of slack jawed, and the other continues. And she goes, to all who have asked for forgiveness, I forgive you my children.
Starting point is 00:20:29 You see a flash of white light, and after it's gone, anyone who just bent the knee is dead. Thousands, of corpses, just collapse. I thought that below. Undead. You can cross all those names off the list, I guess. Can I do an arcana check to see if it's like, they're straight up dead or they're gonna come back?
Starting point is 00:20:50 Yeah, yeah. 22. They are fully dead. They are actually dead. Oh, oh, oh, oh. And what, one of the doors. How is that a fucking tactic to recruit an army? So all the orcs are dead.
Starting point is 00:21:02 All the orcs are dead. You see the dudes that were convinced by hard one y'all and go, oh yeah, this is not a good plan at all. Not into it. I just said, thanks. And the ola continues with a booming voice and goes, my children will be reborn after I cleanse the world. The rest of you will have time, but you will be punished
Starting point is 00:21:27 for your insolence. Oh, this is end of day shit. For forty days, the world will ache, mountains will crumble, and the sea will rise to swallow the shore. I will return on the 40th night and you will be judged. If you are worthy. Where's the oven here in those 40 days? I'm going to heaven. I killed Polo. Oh, so we have to stay here and you're just going to a spa. Apple and moonshine.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Go ahead and give me wisdom saving throws. I turned to Lucana, so I'm like, holy shit. I got a 21, 19. 19. OK, you guys are both Deffent Actually we can be yeah just cuz I'm deaf doesn't mean I can't shout at you It just means I can't hear what you're saying back so I'm assuming that you're just
Starting point is 00:22:17 Happy with it. I Signed to Apple Scrapper a big thumbs up We can we a big thumbs up. Can we still report suppose we can right? You sign a thumbs up You can still speak in your head certainly and you see she turns and you guys feel her gaze on you and She goes but we can't hear this anymore No, she's speaking in her head. She's speaking in her own head. All right, a little poll. If you are worthy, when I return,
Starting point is 00:22:53 you may live in this new world. Well, I'm not worthy. You have fought me. And you have lost. You have not met you or you. Who are you? Who are you? You see, she disappears in I just met you and you. You were you. Who were you? You see, she disappears in a crack of lightning
Starting point is 00:23:10 as it lights up the sky. In that flash, moonshine, hard one, bev, and bale norbe. You guys don't really know this. I'm assuming he says, holy shit, as soon as it happens. You guys see four cloaked rates, sitting atop horses, and one of them looks at each one of you guys. They disappear.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Which one looked at me? The one with the black horse. Which one looked at me? White horse. And me? Pale horse. Nice. And you guys see, after that flash of lightning, the Four Horsemen disappear.
Starting point is 00:23:51 After this harrowing vision, you guys are immediately brought back to reality. The glowing arcane lights of Glade Home appear. You guys are able to hear again. The torches around Osmodvia begin to go back up, but everything begins to shift. As the earth breaks apart, there are giant fissures cracking in the ground through which boiling hot steam shoots up.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Boulders begin to falling out of the mountain. You see that as the earth shifts, the chains holding glade home begin to yank it as the city shifts deeper into the canyon, Luconus screams over all the rain. We need to get rid of those chains. I'll find whatever mage or item is powering them and shut it down.
Starting point is 00:24:33 There must be some kind of shield on them or they would have been dealt with by now. The rest of you break those chains. Okay, okay. You see, Luconus disappears. Real quick, we are going to cut over to Iron Deep. Oh God. So as I was saying,
Starting point is 00:24:51 we need a name for this crew. Before she interrupted me. Yeah, you see, Cobb is just like looking up and wondering, what the fuck, what are you talking about, man? So I got a couple of options. Goo-Gon gang, because we killed the goo thing. Goo-Gon gang? Yeah, yeah, yeah, mav slads.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Mav slads. Sort of, you know, second night is a good, good, second night. Let's go with Goo-Gon gang. Goo-Gon gang? Yeah. We good? OK.
Starting point is 00:25:24 So, Maveris, you have just seen all of this. And you are in a bad spot. You are in a city inside of a mountain. There are powerful magics that protect the city, but not enough to stop the actual apocalypse. The cave walls above the city are shaking. The ground beneath you begins to crack. Dwarves all over the city,
Starting point is 00:25:51 ones who had been fighting, like, you know, henchmen of Akaraten stuff, like zombie doggers and stuff, start rushing out. You see there are rows of columns that mark the entrance of the city, like out into the valley. You see that there are crumbling pillars as dwarves are trying to high-tail it out of
Starting point is 00:26:10 there. And as you see all of this chaos, you see a crew of dwarves are running the opposite direction towards the mines. And one of them is yelling out to dwarves as they pass and goes, the children, the children from the dwarf and it's during the mines. They're hiding back there in the safe room. We thought we were gonna be invaded.
Starting point is 00:26:33 And that team is crushed by falling rocks. Oh, Mavris, you have a choice here. Yeah. It is easier to just get out, or you can go run into the minds. But you see Cobb goes, I'm gonna go in after him, you'll get out of here. And Red looks at him and goes, I mean, yeah, I'm pretty fucked up. I'm not gonna be much help to you. And Aguayne goes, well, I'm going with you. Cobb, I'm not gonna leave. And Cobb goes, no you, you need to help red, you need to go get the airship, you need to get up in the air, we gotta go help
Starting point is 00:27:09 people. And red goes, yeah, a Gwein, me and you, we'll get the ship, we'll be waiting for you. Okay Cobb, I'll go with you. All right brother, this seems rad as hell. We gotta keep it light. It holds up for Predator Handshake. Just claps his arm so hard. You guys do a Predator Handshake as red and a Gwane run off towards the crumbling pillars and the entrance to the city. Then we are going to cut over to Bev and Irland. You guys are in a simpler situation.
Starting point is 00:27:44 You guys are just More beat up than anyone, but you have a more direct path out of here I'm actually gonna say that in the amount of time that you guys have had talking about Polar and stuff and kind of recovering you guys have had enough time for like a half a short rest Half a short rest so go ahead and roll half of your hit dice as we're resting I say to Erlin I really hope that the all it wasn't broadcasting to everyone because I know my friends would say some
Starting point is 00:28:08 real stupid shit to her and it would not go well for them so just like hopefully that was we were just hearing that in our head and no one else was hearing that but chances are bad so we gotta get out of here. I was quietly flipping her off oh yeah for sure I was like envisioning a giant hand of Polar with the middle finger raised. Let's go ahead and do half a short rest. Half a short rest. Can I take a moment to roll that? Yes, thank you.
Starting point is 00:28:29 So, Erlin is going to do the same thing. Everybody go ahead and roll initiative. Woo! Okay. 17. 14. 15. Oh yeah, 23.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Four. All right, guys, so the way this is going to work, we will start with the folks in Osmodea, instead of dealing with rounds and rounds of you guys taking dash actions as you rush to the city to break the chains, we're going to use a more fun mechanic. You guys will roll to see how many cataclysmic events you encounter as you travel, then once we're in combat and you're attacking the chains, you'll roll a new cataclysmic event at the start of your turn. So there are four chains spread pretty far apart, you will probably need to split up,
Starting point is 00:29:13 you have Mima, Balnor, and you three. Okay, um, Murp. My hat has telcanesis, right? Um, yeah. canesis right? Yeah. Can I use the telekinesis to control the the sphere that we just received from Acro. Yeah. Okay sweet. I want to fucking fling this sphere of chomp and shit up with my telekinesis. Oh no. I mean I like slam slam it down, slam dunk it down. Okay, so moonshine, you use your telekinesis and you sense the presence of this sphere,
Starting point is 00:29:52 the sphere of annihilation that is hiding in this chest. You use your telekinesis to pull out this black orb of negative energy out of the chest and you see it floating there in the air. I'm picturing this so breath of the wild right now. So moonshine, you are able to control this. Do you still want to move anywhere? I feel like you should maybe we should go to one of them and you should do the rest
Starting point is 00:30:22 just in case something messes up with it, at least we're moving. Why don't you two go towards one and Mimam Boundorn can do the other? So hard one in Apple are gonna go towards one, Boundorn Mimam make off towards the other chain, moonshine runs towards the city while holding this fucking spear of annihilation. If you have any more telekinesis, there's two vests in there. That's all good call. With my other telekinetic arm, I search for the vests. There are no vests in there. He was lying.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Oh my god. It was just the sphere of annihilation. I'm glad you're the greatest trick of all. We all was right. Evil will just keep going on. You're convincing the world that the vests did exist. Okay, since Apple and Hard One are together, we are going to just have you guys go on the same turn. So Apple or Hard One, you guys are dealing with the same cataclysmic events, so one of you go ahead and roll me a D6.
Starting point is 00:31:16 You go ahead. Three. Okay, so that is a total of eight cataclysmic events. Oh my God. We're going to run into on the way to the stage. So many quick eight hurricanes. Go ahead and- Maybe better friends for it. Great. So, Apple and Hard One taking off to
Starting point is 00:31:37 super athletic strong buff people. Go ahead and roll a D10. Seven. That is lightning. A bolt of lightning strikes at your feet guys go ahead and give me deck saving throws Shout out to the two Roo but I'll use my other Indomitable okay, I got a 16 fuck that shit 11 11 Apple you are able to roll out of the way hard one you take 14 damage of lightning damage
Starting point is 00:32:12 Oh you guys you guys continue continue to run ground breaking around you you guys you're electrocuted not electrocuted That means you're dead you're shocked. Go ahead and roll another detent It's a one. One. There's falling debris. Some rocks fall down from a wizard's tower as it collapses. Go ahead and give me a deck saving throw.
Starting point is 00:32:33 A good enough one will make you take zero damage as you roll out of the way. Another one will make you take half. 22. 12. 22. Hard one. You completely get out of the way.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Apple's gonna take this one. This is a little competitive. Ha ha. Apple you take 13 damage from a falling boulder. Great, Hav to seven. Draw another event, D10. Another seven. Seven, lightning crashes, lightning crashes.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Go ahead and give me text saves. You don't sing. You guys try to get out of the way. Another 22. I got an eight. That is you take 12 lightning damages. You're struck by a lightning bolt. That's just gonna be full.
Starting point is 00:33:08 With my totem, I'm only not resistant to psychic damage. I'm resistant to everything. You grin and bear it. Go ahead and roll another d10. That's another seven. Another seven lightning crashes. Dexay, baby, you guys are in the lightning zone. This is good. This is good in the wild as well.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Hard one is accidentally holding a lightning rod. Oh, I should let go of this thing. I got a 15. I got a 9. 9 does not pass. That is 11 damage, hard one. You do not take any damage. Apple, go ahead and roll me.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Another cataclysmic events. That is a 10. That is a 10. You find a clear path and have advantage on your next roll. That's for both of you guys. Roll another 10. Yeah, you guys find a clear end. That's not a 10.
Starting point is 00:33:55 That's not a 10. You guys find like a path of rocks that is staying steady, that is together. There's a fissure further away that's moving, but you guys are able to. And I let go of the lightning rod. You let go of the lightning rod, you drop it into the crack, never to be seen again. Give me another D10. Go ahead. Two. Two. That is a fissure. Go ahead and give me a deck save as the ground beneath you breaks and cracks apart, with advantage, because of the good...
Starting point is 00:34:25 I got a 19. Good path, 19. 14. Hard one, you have fallen in this fissure, as you scramble out, you are going to get disadvantage on your next roll. Got it. Okay, that is one more cataclysmic event.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Maybe, go ahead and roll me another d10. That's another two. Another two. That is another fissure. I go ahead and roll another dextrrack with this advantage for me right with disadvantage for you hard one I got an 18 18 you pass Oh, I got an 18 you pass as well hard one. You both dodge out of the way as you guys reach Your chain that is covered in these glowing red runes Radiating with energy.
Starting point is 00:35:05 You guys arrive at one of them, we are going to cut over to moonshine. Moonshine go ahead and roll me a D6. Two. Two. Two. That is seven. What? He's mad.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Go ahead and roll a D10. Ten. Ten. Yeah. He's mad. Go ahead and roll a D10. 10. 10. That's a clear path, advantage on your next roll. 5. 5. The ground crumbles beneath you. Go ahead and give me a strength saving throw.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Starring saving throw. Yeah, you step onto ground that's weak and it begins to give out. You're trying to push up to keep going. 30, 20. Dirty push up to keep going. 30-20. Dirty-20? Like a cat. You've land on all fours and just pounce forward. You are good. Give me another D10.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Six. Six. Oh, this isn't a good one. There is a sudden... Oh, really? The other ones are good ones. The other ones are great. There's some gas that comes through this crack in the earth. And a nearby fire lights it and there's this wall of fire.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Go ahead and give me a deck saving throw. Dirty 20. Dirty 20. Moonshan, you take zero damage. Woo! You pound like a cat and jump over the wall of fire before I can get too high. For the record, I still have my bardic inspiration.
Starting point is 00:36:26 So that is in my pocket. Go ahead and give me another D10. Mochine, you continue to bound forward towards the city. Five again. That is the ground crumbles beneath you. Go ahead and give me a strength saving throw, not to fall. Gonna use my bardic in, Spoke. Nine.
Starting point is 00:36:44 You fall. You have disadvantage on your next roll. Go ahead and roll me another D10. You slip in. You feel your leg sink into this deep hole as the ground beneath you breaks. Three next. Okay. Next is a three.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Boiling hot steam bursts from the ground. Go ahead and give me a constitution saving throw with disadvantage because you're stumbling forward after getting your leg caught. I've never seen you make that face before. So, that's good though. 18. 18, okay. This has already had 10 damage.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Okay, I have a question. Am I still a fungal form last an hour? Do you think I'm still in fungal form? Yes. Nice. One more cataclysmic event. Go ahead. Come on, one more fun to pack.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Eight. Damn, I got a coup d'oeil. I'd sust out all your cataclysmic events. Sharp rocks burst from the surface of the ground. Go ahead and give me a deck saving throw. It's beautiful, 21. 21, you don't take any damage. You hang.
Starting point is 00:37:51 You're... I am a god. You are sure footed. You step on the sides of these pointy rocks and you are able to glide through it. And you get to the city proper and I'll say you position yourself like between two chains and you are able to glide through it. And you get to the city proper and I'll say you position yourself like between two chains.
Starting point is 00:38:07 And you are able to use telekinesis to send the sphere flying at one of the chains. We are going to cut to Bevin Irland. Bevin Irland have gotten a little bit of time to rest up, but they're both beat up at the moment. They can't reach the dusk mother, so they've got no light at all. They've got no spells. Bev, go ahead and roll me a D4. D4? That's not many numbers. That's not as many. You're not traveling as far as the
Starting point is 00:38:34 customer. Yeah, are we still underground at this point? Yeah, you're in this cave. Oh goodness. You got to get out. That's a one. That's the best thing you can get. You have five. That's a one. That's a one. That's the best thing you can get. You have five cataclysmic events. Go ahead and roll a D10. All right. I feel like this is punishment for all the times
Starting point is 00:38:53 we said we liked rolling dice. Yeah. I actually thought it was really fun. That's a two. Beth, you grab Irland. You guys start running towards the hall as this cave begins to fall apart Boulders come crashing down you see as you guys enter this hallway the ground suddenly cracks and there's a fissure Go ahead and give me a Dex saving throw can I add my shield bonus to this?
Starting point is 00:39:18 I know it's not make sense. Yeah That's Beverly Dex save you said yeah, okay, that's going to be a four Sweet you and Erlin are both are both not dextrists I am going through my role the decks of gods and the pantheon just like reaching out to anyone You're like a up late drunk on Tinder being like, who's up? So you and Irland both fall in this fissure. You guys fall and crash into the ground for 15 damage.
Starting point is 00:40:01 But you guys don't miss a beat. You just hit the ground hard. Oh, hold my ankle, dude. It's's okay here. I've got some ace bandages Thanks, I'm actually not feeling it that much god died today. So in retrospect It's wasn't that bad. It's a blip. It's a blip. You guys keep running forward. I'm going to roll another d10. Okay That's a tin 10 you can train a clear path good terrain down Wow, it's actually really nice at the bottom of the fissure. Oh, yeah, this a 10. You can train. A clear path, good terrain down here. Nice.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Wow, it's actually really nice at the bottom of the fissure. Oh, yeah, this is a lot of fun. Wow, this is great down here. It's really smooth, sand. Another 10. Okay. That's a seven. Seven.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Lightning. Lightning. We're inside. That's our inside. I'm gonna say, give me a pure luck check, Bev. I'm gonna say, a one through a five. There's like a crack in the ceiling. I'm gonna say. All right, that's proof of repackage. Give me a pure luck check, Bev. I'm gonna say a one through a five.
Starting point is 00:40:47 There's like a crack in the ceiling. I'm like, you just have to have a fucking look. Yeah, you just look up. Oh, look, I can climb out that crack. Yeah, exactly. Oh, it's an 19. 19, you're good. All right, cool.
Starting point is 00:40:58 You don't get advantage on the next roll, but you do not get injured as you guys continue to run. Give me another D10. Okay. Okay It's another seven another seven another crack in the ceiling I'm going to roll another d20 a luck check so high up before we could climb. Oh, nothing bad could happen here This picture's heaven Beth Is is it high enough that I could like misty step up to this crack in the ceiling you can't you't have any spells. I have a you don't have a god anymore. Oh, I don't have a god anymore Right, I keep forgetting cool
Starting point is 00:41:31 Can I contact pinder greens to see if I'll spot me a spell slot? Yeah, go ahead and make our religion check. Okay. Oh My god pinder greens is religious become a wall That is another four but my religion is five, so nine total. God. You don't even hear Fender Greens. What? Fender Greens!
Starting point is 00:41:53 Come on. Are you okay? I just want to snuggle. But you hear him in your sword. You're a one. Oh, okay, sorry. There's like a bunch of cataclysm going on right now. Do you feel it?
Starting point is 00:42:01 Do you feel the shaking? No. You don't feel like the shaking of action like a shake in a car right now. Wait, you got last time I talked to you, you got to a serious car accident. That wasn't canon. What? You're right, you're right.
Starting point is 00:42:17 They have give me a luck check. I already rolled a luck check. It's a seven. A seven, you're fine. I said one through five. Lucky number seven. Okay, go ahead and give me another De-ten roll cool
Starting point is 00:42:29 Oh, that's a four. Oh boy. Okay. Um go ahead and give me a con saving throw you see um right There are more cracks in the walls and you see some kind of smoke starts pouring through just dust and everything Uh, give me con saving throw or your vision will be blurred. Okay. I pull out my... That's my third four plus two. That's a six total on my cond save. You gotta vet your dice ahead of playing like I do. I like the dice while. You roll them all and you see who's rolling interesting
Starting point is 00:43:00 and you see who's rolling well and you see who's rolling consistent. You obviously haven't pickled anything. Okay, so Ben, you're more gannic. You are suddenly blinded by this explosion of dust that comes out of the wall. Oh, dust. But you feel Irland grab your hand and goes, come on, dude, I'll lead you out.
Starting point is 00:43:18 We gotta get out of here. I can't see anything. I'll lead you. Okay. He drags you a lot. You have some shades. You feel Irland grab you and pulls you through this fissure. You guys reach the other end and you're able to scramble up some rocks. But if you're starting to get your vision back but it's blurry, dude you're the light in my tunnel.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Dude don't flirt with me right now. I'm sorry. You can see he's blushed. God's dead. I'm trying to get him. I'm trying to make a move. Alright, alright. So Bev, you rush out of this cave. You guys finally get out from underground and you hit the open air. Your vision is blurry, but it starts to come back and you hear Irland kind of gasp. He goes from holding your hand in a way that's like pulling you along
Starting point is 00:44:00 to holding your hand in a way that's like, oh fuck dude, well, I'm glad we're here together I guess. What is it? Do you have like some sort of solvent you can put in my eyes? Just give it a sec. Okay, I rub my eyes. You rub your eyes, your vision starts to come back. Bev, you see that you're in Smuggler's Bounty.
Starting point is 00:44:23 You see that this like bar area and the area that had the end with all of the rooms and everything is completely destroyed. It looks like it was probably broken apart by this cataclysm, but you also see bodies of pirates and you see the body of Hurrog, the hill giant bartender is dead. He's dead? He's dead? He's dead? No, no, no, no. He's dead from being stabbed. It looks like the chosen Tokyo here
Starting point is 00:44:52 to this remote island. They had already cleared it out and killed everyone. So you see that there has been a slaughter here. You see that the ships and the docks have all been destroyed. There is all this driftwood in the water and broken down boats as there's just this growing whirlpool of water that's pulling a bunch of the broken down boats down. As the cave collapses behind you and you guys roll out onto the shore,
Starting point is 00:45:21 you see a tidal wave heading straight for the island. I squeeze Erlin's hand. He squeezes your hand. It's at the end of the world, then I'm glad I'm here with you. He pulls you in for a kiss. Then that is Mimon Balnor, they are off doing their thing. This episode of NADPOT has brought to you by Bird Dogs. They're a company that makes pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age-old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs
Starting point is 00:45:57 has you covered. Now, we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's gonna be difficult. Luckily, Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier. Bird Dog stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look. And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, Bird Dogs invented a cloud knit fabric that looks just like khaki but stretches so you get a
Starting point is 00:46:23 way slimmer fit without having a sacrifice movement. And trust me, you are going to need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother, make sure you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti-style tumbler, go to slash pop-off or enter promo code pop-off at checkout. Bird Dogs. Go team pants and enjoy the show. Then we're gonna cut over to Maveris and Cobb. Maveris, go ahead and roll me AD6 baby.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Cool, okay. Should I say if I wanted to use a spell prior to that? Of course. Yeah. I'm gonna do at a fourth level fly on me and me and Oal Cobb. Sweet, you and Cobb start floating in the air. Oh hell yeah, we're keeping it super light now. This is a feather.
Starting point is 00:47:28 You're good, you're good. You should pursue comedy. It's gonna show up. We'll talk more about it later. Okay, yeah, yeah. I got a couple CDs that I'm gonna try to sell you. One, one, whoa. That's great.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Okay, so that is six cataclysmic events. So you and Cobb heroically fly into the mines. You see mine cart tracks being pulled apart as the whole city shakes. You see rocks and boulders falling from the ceiling. You hear the screams of dwarves deeper down. Go ahead and roll some d10s. Six.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Six, there is a wall of fire flying is not gonna help you. You see that there is a crack in the floor, through which there is this explosion of magma that flies up and the walls begin to catch fire. Go ahead and give me a deck saving throw. 21 and I'm also resistant to fire. You take zero already. So you're able to fly through.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Cobb does though, take a big 20 damage. So he flies right through the fire. Oh, can't take too many more of those. Cobb, I have a berry in my pocket if she goes down. Just remember that is good to know, brother. Ah, I should have sent you with a hero's feast. I guess we weren't together when you teleported. Go ahead and roll me another D10.
Starting point is 00:48:50 You and Cobb. Cobb is currently on fire as you guys fly next to each other through these tunnels. Eight. Eight. That is Sharp Rocks. Burst from the surface of the ground. You guys are immune to this.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Go ahead and roll another D10 you and Cobb fly up higher as sharp jagged rocks Up here below you guys see Nine you see that there is a crack in one of the tunnels through which gas starts pouring in go ahead and give me a con saving throw 16 16 passes it okay you and Cobb successfully get through this gas. Oh, it smells like somebody forward in here, huh? Did you beef? Did I didn't beef? Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Cobb, quit farting. We have to get those kids. You did it, I did it, man. Hey, hilarious. Hey, I'm just keeping it light. You gotta keep it light. Go ahead and roll me another detent. Somewhere hard one feels threatened for some reason.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Nine again. That is, boys, this gas again, go ahead and roll me a con saving throw. Dude, you four again. The cop makes the same joke. 14. 14 is gonna pass. This is one of those real bad ones that has a low DC. You and Cobb, both hold your breath as you pass through this. Oh, it's rank. Go ahead and roll me another detent. One. One. Falling debris. Go ahead and make a deck save.
Starting point is 00:50:15 As rocks fall down from the ceiling. Oh. Not one. Not one. Okay. You and Cobb both fail this one. You only take five damage. I rolled terribly. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Um, go ahead and give me another d10. This is your last one. Mm-hmm. The mining tunnels split into two up ahead and you hear screams coming from one. So you guys fly that way. Go ahead and roll another d10. We're coming! Three? Three. Boiling hot steam bursts from the ground. I'm gonna say that's like a geyser that shoots up. Go ahead and be a con saving throw.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Another 14. 14 is going to be half. Cobb gets the same thing. You guys take 20 damage halved so 10. Cobb is looking beat up, but he is okay. You guys fly forward through this tunnel. You see this crew of maybe like 20 Dwarven kids with like ash covered bodies running forward like towards you guys. Help, help us! Hey, we're here to help, baby.
Starting point is 00:51:27 You see rocks falling behind them as they're trying to outrun this avalanche behind them. And then we are going to cut back up to Apple and the hard one. Now you guys are at this chain, so you're trying to break the chain. At the top of your turn, you guys roll a D10, you guys are gonna, everybody, every turn, has one additional one. That's a nine. A nine.
Starting point is 00:51:54 You guys see that there is a crack in the ground beneath you through which gas spews, go ahead and get me con-saving throws. Oh, dang, I rolled a net one. Yikes. Oh no. I rolled 26. Hard one, you see Apple flat out passes out.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Oh my god. Just falls down and collapses. Hey, hey. Hard one, that is your turn. You've got this giant chain right here, you see Apple has just fallen down and collapsed. You're the light poisonous gas. World is coming apart around you. You see all of these like alladrine and elves are trying to get into the city.
Starting point is 00:52:34 People are shooting at the chains, but it does not appear to be doing any damage. They need to do like magic damage and these guys are not, you know, heroic adventurers like you guys, they're just regular soldiers. Okay, it's guys are not, you know, heroic adventurers like you guys they're just regular soldiers. Okay. Okay. Let me go ahead and roll at the top of your turn to see if Lucana has managed to get this like shield down that is, that's my daddy. That is protecting it.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I'm going to say first round he's going to need to get, let's say, 15 or higher. You got it daddy. That is a 16. Yeah! You see the runes that were around it stop glowing and they are now just big old chains that are holding this thing in place. Got it. So, a hard one that is your turn.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Cool, I'll describe that to Scrumper when she wakes up because it was super cool. Great. I'm gonna swing my hammer three times at the chain. Sweet. Oh god, that's not great. It's, well, a 30, 19 and a 16. All of those hit.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Oh, hey. Go ahead and roll your damage on three hits as you smash into the chain with your hammer. Three 16s, so 40. 48. 48. With the bonus action, can I sort of just kick, scrubber in the leg?
Starting point is 00:53:48 You kick her, she rolls over. She is, you can tell that she's breathing, that she's not like dead. Cool. You're good. That is moonshine's turn. Okay, got rolled at 10. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:54:03 So moonshine, go ahead at the beginning of your turn. Roll that d10. 10. 10. You are all good. So you toss the sphere of annihilation. Go ahead and roll 4010. 14.
Starting point is 00:54:17 You do 14 damage. Wait, that's all. I would do more with just hitting it. The sphere does less damage to, it does not destroy artifacts. So this is actually just, I should bail on this with just hitting it. The sphere does less damage to, it does not destroy artifacts. So this is actually, I should bail on this and just attack. You can do it as like a bonus action
Starting point is 00:54:31 and still swing your sword or something. Okay, can I swing my sword now? Yeah. Sweet. I'm gonna go ahead, use pop out, give me a bayonet. Wham! I think I'm gonna great weapon then.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Sweet, Moonshan, you pull back for a huge swing after the sphere of annihilation. Just to get through it. Okay, I got a 24. Oh, jeez. Yeah, I got a 19. Okay. Mm, thank you, Papa.
Starting point is 00:54:55 28. Nice. You mess this chain right up. Acid damage, yeah. You just force it with acid damage. Not 18. Other 18. You break off.
Starting point is 00:55:06 You break off part of one of these giant lengths, but you see it still hooked to the city. It is not done yet. That is. But it is the weakest link. That is. That is. That is.
Starting point is 00:55:20 You remember that show, guys? You're all the weakest link. Good bye. That is Bevan Irland. Bevan Irland are out on the shore. The caves behind them have been completely destroyed. And there is this giant tsunami heading towards them. Do I see any surfboards?
Starting point is 00:55:41 No, I didn't roll a perception jacket. Y'all, that is the fourth floor I've rolled. Yikes. Why is the number four haunting you? It's the four horsemen of the apocalypse. They have a half-rise, there it is. Matt, you see a really rad looking surfboard, but it has pullor on it. It's like a Polora branded
Starting point is 00:56:07 surfboard. I can't. It is shattered and half. No! One of his holy relics. That's the Omen, dude. It's extremely bad Omen. Go ahead and give me a strength saving throw. Okay. Uh-oh. Erlin gets my aura on this, doesn't he? Yes, he does. Do you still have your aura? Do I stop my aura? Cord are you out there? Okay, strength save yeah great that's going to be 17 I I don't add four. So yeah, just 17. 17. Bev, you take half of 60 damage. So you take 30 damage. Okay. Still up. As a tsunami washes over smugglers bounty.
Starting point is 00:57:00 You and Irland are thrown apart as the wave hits the island. You are washed back and you're able to like grab on to some debris. But you see that the island is completely flooded and for now you can't see Irland. It looks like maybe he did not pass his strength saving throw. That is going to be Boundorn Mima. They're off doing their thing, we're going to cut to Maveris and Cobb. I believe I'm having an even worse time at Smuggler's Bounty. When we all died last night. Be fairly slow gold strikes again.
Starting point is 00:57:38 It's Doc despite his best efforts. So Maveris, at the start of your turn, go ahead and roll a D10. One. One. Falling debris. Um, go ahead and give me a deck saving throw. That one. That one.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Okay. Cobb passes the flying colors. He does not take any damage. You take 12 damage. Okay. As rocks fall. And then you also see the tunnel up ahead collapses, rocks fall forward and block the tunnel where the weapons were running in front of them.
Starting point is 00:58:17 You guys see rocks fall behind you. You guys are trapped in this tunnel, go ahead and give me a perception check. 19. 19. 19, okay. You still hear them screaming, so they're still alive. They have not been crushed. Just your path to them has been crushed.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Rocks fall and collapse the tunnel behind you, but you're able to see a little bit of light. You see a crack of lightning from outside and you see a little hole through the tunnel. It looks like the way in which like the mountain has been falling and crumbling. The barrier to the outside is thinner here. That is your turn. So you've got these dwarfs behind this wall. You've got a little hole through which you can see rainwater and lightning. Oh God. The fucked up thing is this is day one of 40 days. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Okay. Yeah, but like one of those days has got to be like a national holiday. How can you give me the distance a little bit? So like how far away are these dwarven's from me? The dwarven's are 20 feet away. They're close. And the hole is above us kind of.
Starting point is 00:59:22 The hole is not far from you guys here. This is all very claustrophobic and terrifying Okay, you're in a little cave Do you think I would know if I was fireball or lightning would do more damage to that hole and this got Probably fireball, okay, I'm gonna also say I'm gonna roll a D20 luck check because old cob is known to love explosives So I'm gonna say ten or higher. He's got some like dynamite. Yeah, did he have any of those potions left? Let me find out. Oh, but he can't shove it in his gun. That's so sad.
Starting point is 00:59:50 That's a 17. You see Cobb pulls out some sticks of dynamite. Do you mind loud sounds and extremely close explosions? I absolutely love them. All right, maybe I'll work on getting the window here open. You get the kids, because Dynamite, not great around kids. I learned that down at the creek. Yeah, alright.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Yeah, let's do it. Sweet, all of it. Oh, just think of it. It's gonna use his turn. You see, he lights a stick of Dynamite. Tosses it near the hole. There's this huge explosion. I'm gonna say, you and God need to make be deck saves to not take damage. Oh, no
Starting point is 01:00:27 12 you take 14 damage and I'm at 16. Okay, Cobb Cobb fails as well Cobb Cobb takes the same amount of damage Cobb is at 11. Oh fuck man. This is really bad But you see that he has blown a hole in this tunnel. You can feel the rain now pouring in, see the lightning outside, and you do see airships like nearby up. It looks like they're kind of like the rescue crew trying to help people.
Starting point is 01:00:58 That's cool, so. That is your turn. I'm just going to cast a fourth level fireball at the rocks. Sweet. See if I can just knock themball at the rocks. Sweet. Just knock him out of the way. I'd do more of some fun. Go ahead and roll damage, and I'll have, I've got a damage threshold for this wall of
Starting point is 01:01:13 stone. 42 damage. After Ol' Cobb uses dynamite in this tiny, tiny space, you shoot a fireball at a rock wall. On one side is you and Cobb, your friend. On the other side is Dwarfens. Explosion of rocks. You see some of the kids are knock back. Whoa, no!
Starting point is 01:01:35 Thank you. They all start rushing over to you. You see they're a little beat up, but they look OK. It looks like they were in the same kind of position that you guys were in, were one side of the tunnel collapsed and the part in front of them collapsed, so they were trapped, but you freed them here. You grab the kids and you guys all start rushing
Starting point is 01:01:55 towards the hole that Cobb created in the tunnel here. Then we are going to cut over to Apple and hard one. Apple, you spring back up. Great and to be clear I was incapacitated and not unconscious. Correct. You did not lose my rage. It didn't lose anything. Yeah. You're all good. All right guys Go ahead and roll a detainment. Okay. Right That's another seven. Now there's seven lightning baby. Go ahead and roll dexchecks. Another seven, lightning baby. Go ahead and roll Dex, check. You have two lightning rods.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Sorry, shit. Thought this was a walking stick. That's 21. That's 10. Okay, hard one. You are going to take 12 damage. Apple, you don't take any. Great.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Just hard one gets hit by just swinging into this chain. The chain is hit by lightning and he's shocked. Oh, you guys, you guys may now take your cracks. Can I recklessly attack against the chain? Yeah. Great. Careful. There's no reason not to.
Starting point is 01:02:58 The chain will attack you with advantage. I got a 30 and I guess this next one I'll do, I will also do great weapon master sweet Le Yeah, I got a 10 oops just a 10. Yeah, oh boy. Okay, so you hit like a particularly strong part of the chain It don't do any damage to it with that hit but with the other one you do what 21 damage on thatically sweet you slice into it This chain is looking pretty messed up. What's the chain say? Oh? hit, but with the other one you do what, 21 damage, automatically, sweet, you slice into it. This chain is looking pretty messed up.
Starting point is 01:03:27 What's the chain say? Ow. They're cute, save them. Oh no. Save them. 60 damage. 60 damage? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:35 I hit on all three of my attacks. Hard one, finish this chain. Just. Yeah. Oh my god. I holster my hammer, and I hit it really hard with the wood block. Change shatters. You see that part of the city stops being pulled down as kind of the canyon.
Starting point is 01:03:55 The middle of the canyon is all like collapsing and falling in on itself. That is moonshine stone. Wait, hang on, there's one more chain, right? There's one that is not being attended to. Great, so why don't we go over to that one? Oh, sweet, yeah, okay. So you guys use your movement and you guys start running towards the other one.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Can I truly pick Harbournup? Cause I have the boots to speed and I can fly. Go ahead and make a strength check. Great. Quite light. Maybe that is a 26. Sweet, I'm gonna say it's gonna be faster for him to run when he's on the ground,
Starting point is 01:04:28 but you can use your jump and carry hard one with you as you jump. You probably say something like, yaddles, good at all. No, I just pick him up and go, ah! And I am weird being cradle like a baby. There's no fireman carry, it's no piggyback.
Starting point is 01:04:44 You guys just struck my lighting again somehow. No. Carry me like a lamb. Apple jumps up into the air, rain, pouring all around you guys. As you guys start to rush towards the other chain, that is moonshine's turn. All right, got a roll my D10, four. Four, but go ahead and give me a con saving throw. So since I got free passage on my last cataclysmic roll, do I get advantage on this? You get advantage on this one, yeah. 17.
Starting point is 01:05:16 17 passes. You see smoke starts coming out from a fissure in the ground near you. Hard one? Excuse me. It smells like hard one's far, but other than that, it's pretty harmless. Cool. It smells rank.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Go ahead and make your attack. Okay, I got this sphere of dune dirty. Annihilation, yeah. Yeah. From the mystic land of dune dirt. 16 from dune dirty. 16 from dune dirty, Mo 16 from Dune Dirty. Moonshine, you use your mind's power of the thinking cap
Starting point is 01:05:48 to swing this sphere through the chain. You see it continues to weaken it. Oh, how weak it look. Very weak. Can I use my spores on it? My acid spores on it right now, and then run over to the last one. Moonshine, you use your acid spores
Starting point is 01:06:04 and the last little bits of this link breaks off and you see it frees that part of the city, that chain is broken. And then I wanna run over to that the final one and get my full action attack on it. As you run towards this other chain, Moonshine, go ahead and roll me a D4. A D4.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Yeah, you're gonna get some, I'll take damage. Cataclysmic events as you run. Two. Okay, that's just gonna be two total, your way closer. Okay. Give me a D10. Seven.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Seven, lightning baby dexay. Okay. I fucking save, 21. Okay, you get out of the way, you save, one more. Six. Ha. Ah, fuckin' save. 21. Okay, you get out of the way, you save one more. Six. Six. That is a wall of fire. There's another explosion of gas
Starting point is 01:06:54 and some fire lightsets, another wall of fire. Go ahead and give me another deck save. 10. Moonshine, as you run through this wall, I run through the wall by a flame. I'm not hiding from it. You and Pop pop on like bad asses just jump through the fire Poppa was in my fireproof bib. I'm like overall. Well, he's got a little fireman's outfit on clear They said he's for the ass. You do take 18 damage. Okay
Starting point is 01:07:17 If so many costumes in the bag of holding Moon China you get to this chain. Okay, and then I'm gonna use pop Paw to attack. I'm gonna do great weapon master with my advantage. 23. 23 hits. 32. Moonshine, you crack this chain with Rosalene explosion to fire energy and weaken one of the links. And also I say, hey, hey, he's grumpy, hey, I want.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Let's see, Apple and Hard One coming down from the rain. They both look like they've been fried by lightning. I'm being held. Can I leave Rosalene on the chain so that if, and if like a lightning strike happens again, that it'll electrocute the chain? No. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Okay. That is Bev and Irland's turn. We will. Bev, you are now in flooded Smuggler's Bounty. You are able to hang on to some of this wood here. Go ahead and give me another strength saving throw at the start of this turn. Please. Just above a four.
Starting point is 01:08:28 That's a seven. Goodness, that is going to be 11 total. That is a fail, unfortunately. Oh my god, it's a band of me. What do you want me to do? Ha ha ha ha. Oh. Babe, you are hit by another tidal wave. Oh.
Starting point is 01:08:43 You are flung back. You see the water climbing up over this piece of driftwood that you're hanging on to, throws you through the air and you hit the water with the wood on top of you, you take 21 damage. I'm still up luckily. Cool, at least it wasn't lightning. You're barely hanging on there, Bev, as you climb back on. Go ahead and give me a perception check. Cool. That's a Nat 20.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Nat 20, go. There we go. Bev, within that 20, you see that in a similar situation to you, Irlin is super hurt and soaked, barely clinging to consciousness, but he has found like a piece of a broken boat and is floating. He has hundreds of feet away in the other direction, getting like thrown in the other direction by the waves. I shout to him as loud as I can.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Erlon! Arlaan! Dude! If we get through this, I'm taking you on a real beach on a Tuesdays! Do you want to make it official for real this time, dude? I thought you'd never ask! Will you be my boyfriend, Beverly Togalt? Dude, yes! A crack of lightning. Then we are going to cut over to Maveris and Cobb. Yes! Crack of lightning. Then we are going to cut over to Maveris and Cobb.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Maveris and Cobb rush out of this hole in the side of the mountain. We are still flying, I think. You guys are still flying, so you guys are flying, but there are like 20 kids. And they're sturdy kids, they're dwarves. Carriers, carriers! God damn it. He's getting all way Lagontra, 80 pounds. How old are you? They're sturdy kids, they're dwarves. Carious, carriers! God damn it. He's gets all way Lagontra, 80 pounds.
Starting point is 01:10:27 How old are you? Dude, one of the kids. I'm only 32. Oh my God. My mind's blown. I've never considered this. All right, my 32-year-old children come with me. I'm younger than all of you.
Starting point is 01:10:41 You see, the other kids go, I'm 12, I'm 8, I'm 15. Really, really changes my perspective on this whole day. You guys start shuttling these kids outside. You see that the mountain has collapsed below you. You are on the edge of a cliff below you. The mountains have collapsed to make like a new valley here. You see dead chosen bodies and dwarves like reaching out as they disappear into dust
Starting point is 01:11:12 and debris below. But above you, you do see airships flying. At the beginning of your turn, go ahead and give me Romeo D10. Three. Go ahead and give me a con saving throw as the ground cracks near you and boiling hot steam explodes out. Nat 20.
Starting point is 01:11:33 You do. Nat 20, you completely get out of the way. You're able to shield the kids. You see Cob, however, is hit. Cob is hit by the steam. He's burned badly and you see he falls back and is unconscious. That is your turn.
Starting point is 01:11:50 You see airships flying in the air near you. So the ground is like crumbling beneath this? The ground is not actively crumbling where you guys are. You guys are basically, you guys are at a super high part of the mountain that is not broken off yet, but the areas near you have completely collapsed. And mountains are becoming valleys as they crumble.
Starting point is 01:12:13 So you guys are starting to get kind of higher. All right, let's not fuck with this anymore. And I'm gonna use Walla Force to make a 10 foot by 10 foot cube. So we could all just hide in a cube that no one can get through. gonna use Wall of Force to make a 10 foot by 10 foot cube. Sweet. So we could all just hide in a cube that no one can get through. Ooh. Nice.
Starting point is 01:12:29 So it should be enough room to fit everyone, right? Right on, yeah, there's only 20 kids. So you grab Cobb, you grab the kids, you guys all get within this wall. Go ahead and give me a pure luck check unless you have anything else that you can do with like canned trips or anything. Cause right now none of these ships are specifically coming for you.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Can I do that and then use green flame blade on my staff as a whole? Okay, so go ahead and do a like charisma check with proficiency to try to wave your green flame blade within this like wall of force. Nat 20. Woo! Jesus Christ. Wave your green flame blade within this like wall of force Not 20 Jesus Christ mavers as you wave your green flame blade you see one of these ships looks like it was starting to Looks like it had just found another crew of people that weren't a situation similar to you and it seems to be heading towards you now doing like the
Starting point is 01:13:24 You know traffic control airplane guy, just waving my staff. Cobb is gonna do a death saving throw. Can I throw him the goodberry? Yeah! Cobb pops back up with one. Oh, that's a goodberry, right? That is back up to Apple and Hard one.
Starting point is 01:13:45 Now that we've all run, a boot are we rolling one cataclysm? So these guys actually need to roll a D4 as you guys are getting over to this other chain. That's a three. Okay, roll a D10. A three. Okay, that is boiling hot steam burst on the ground.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Guys, be con-saves. Good for the pours. Oh, fun. Guys, be con-saves. Give it a pour. Oh, fun. Apple, there's a new one. 13. 13. You're going to take full damage. 19.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Half damage to hard one. You take 10 hard one. You also take half because of your totem. So you also take 10. Go ahead and roll another d10. A six. Six. and roll another D10. A six. Six.
Starting point is 01:14:27 There's another wall of fire and explosion of fire. As you guys tried to get to this chain, go ahead and give me deck saves. 19. 18. That is 25 damage have to, you guys did a partial save. So you guys take 13 damage. Great, so I take six.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Right on. One more, D10. 10, come on, baby. We're like, why not? One. One, falling debris. That, I'm gonna say, okay, the jumping only gets you 70 feet, so I'm gonna say you guys do have to do it.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Go ahead and give me Dex saves. Boof, boy, eight. Eight. Nine. Oh, wait, no, that's a 15, 18. 18, okay, you only take half apples, so you're only gonna take a quarter. So 19 damage to hard one.
Starting point is 01:15:16 I'm so fucked up. Hard one super fucked up. That's four damage to. Oh, four damage for me? Yeah. Then you guys may make your attacks. First thing's first, I'm gonna second win. Right on.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Shit. You arrive, you see Moonshine is here already doing damage. I'd heal you, but it probably somehow heal Acura. You know. I really wish it would deter you from healing. You know, I'm just gonna slap myself in the face a bunch in second one.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Right on. Scrumper by all means. Oh right, I'll do that. I'm also gonna, I'm gonna, reckless attack it. I'm gonna, great weapon monster again. I'm right on my attacks. Holy shit. I rolled a one, a one and a two.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Oh! You guys see, hard one gets down. Slaps his face a bunch. Yells ow as he swings the hammer Oh, okay, it's a little bit fun point taking all you you Does a 14 hit this Like a soccer player getting her Be here I got a 21 and a 14. The 21 hits.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Okay. When you guys don't hit this, you hit it. You just don't hit like a weak point. It just doesn't do effective damage. I drive my eyes. That's only doing two. That's 31 damage. 31 damage.
Starting point is 01:16:39 The thing is looking messed up. That is. Mimaw and Boundores turn. They're doing work. They're bashing Balenoirs turn, they're doing work, they're bashing this chain. How'd they get along? They seem to be getting along famously. You hear a lot of laughs.
Starting point is 01:16:53 That'd be cute. Yeah, not right for you, but I don't know. I mean, yeah, right. Okay, Munchine, that is your turn. Okay, I'm gonna use that sphere. Sweet. The sphere of whatever. What, I'm gonna use that sphere. Sweet. The sphere of whatever violation. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:08 14. Sweet. Does it make the annihilation sound from the movie every time it attacks? Yeah. Yeah, I really base the trippy. Like cool jam kicks in. And then I'm gonna cure wounds, hard one.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Hey. 31. I thought you were never gonna heal me. Yeah. Yeah. I cradle him. I take him from Apple. Apple is holding him like a baby and I take him.
Starting point is 01:17:38 And on my body basically stays limp, but I just reach my two arms out to be transferred slowly. Here you go. Where are you going? Here you go. You're like two new parents trying not to wake him. Hold the neck, hold the neck. And then I guess, did I spores it? Did I? No, I spores to you.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Acid damage rate team. I think is hanging on by a thread, but still there. All right, and then a little pop-up is gonna try it and go in and seal the deal. Woo-hoo- deal. 23? That is. Yes. Does he put on a little hard hat?
Starting point is 01:18:10 That's going to be a 14 for Paw Paw. Moonshine, you see it, you spores it with acid damage. You see the acid eats away at this weak part of the link that Apple has hit and that the sphere of annihilation hits. And pop-off hops in there and bites away at the weakened chain and the whole thing breaks. You see the chain falls down limp. Three of the chains are broken and then we are going to cut over to Bev and Irland. See, I told you he'll eat anything. Beep, beep, beep.
Starting point is 01:18:44 He'll be good for his stomach. You guys have had a rough go at it. Yeah. So I'm gonna say now you are going to roll a D20 and one through five, you're gonna get hit by another big wave. Middleing roll, you'll get hit by a smaller wave for like less damage and anything 11 or higher will be just rough waves,
Starting point is 01:19:09 but no damage. Can I make one more appeal to a god that I know is on the mortal plane? Sure. I see all of these crashing waves, and I'm reminded of a time that Melora spoke to moonshine. Oh my god, I'm never wanted a time that Melora spoke to Mew and Shine. Oh my god, I'm never wanted to get lost so badly.
Starting point is 01:19:28 And I kind of close my eyes for a moment, locking my head in the direction of Irland. And I say, I know your ways are chaos and indifference, but you've been kind to my friend, and I could really use a little bit of that kindness right now Omelora wanderer of this plane Please aid us Okay, Bev go ahead and make a religion check and I will just say all of this reaching out
Starting point is 01:19:55 You're doing to gods and everything they are not necessarily ignoring you like the dust mother isn't rejecting you This is Theala has taken control of this plane and it is more difficult than ever for people to reach their deities, essentially. Yeah. So go ahead and give me a religion check and I'm gonna say this is a DC 20.
Starting point is 01:20:17 Ooh, okay. It's 3 a.m. the bar is closed. You're just texting different gods. It's up on the town. Okay. That's only a 15. I'm so sorry, babe. That's literally she let you down.
Starting point is 01:20:37 I will say, babe, it is what it is with a 15. You see that there is a giant wave, this tidal wave approaching you guys about to slam you again. You see it breaks earlier, almost as if two forces are fighting, and it just hits you with like a gentle wave, and you just bob in the ocean. Moonshine always said, a crashing wave is melora winking. Cool, so can I just do the roll now? Oh, that was the roll. So the religion check essentially neutralized it. And I will say, if you want to like, cheer wounds yourself or something, go ahead and
Starting point is 01:21:23 make a religion check to be able to like, wounds yourself or something, go ahead and make a religion check to be able to like heal yourself. Oh, maybe I really am going through my own. You don't have to, just because you haven't heard from somebody before, it doesn't mean you will every time. So you can do desk mother, you can do melora, it should be like a god you've had a connection to in some way. I think desk mother again. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:42 Sweet, go ahead and give me a religion check. I'm gonna reroll that natural one Arguably lucky Oh, that's a 15 plus five that's 20 20 so dirty Filthy as you call Lourist think as you call to the Duskmother You feel an unfamiliar light surge within you. You feel different, but you feel good.
Starting point is 01:22:13 You may cure wounds yourself. You may cast spells. It's hip, it's different, but I enjoyed it. I'll just do first level. Okay. Okay. That is seven hit points. Everything helps.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Cool. Sweet. Yeah, it could be the difference between life and death. Yeah, you cling to this piece of driftwood. You see, Erlen continues to be carried away further into the ocean. Can I start paddle boarding towards them? You trying to paddle. It is just imagine in the film the perfect storm,
Starting point is 01:22:50 Mark Wahlberg trying to, not even Wahlberg, this glooney, Wahlberg could do it. I do a clean kick. It is just you against the forces of nature. You try to paddle yourself towards it, and you feel at best, you're able to keep yourself like still. I say, dusk mother, Melora, I'm done with that, this mommy time, let's go!
Starting point is 01:23:11 I'm done with that, this mommy time, let's go! We are gonna cut over to Asmode again. On this turn, I'm gonna do some rolls. You guys see, Mimon, Balonor break their chain. All four chains are broken. At the end of their turn, they rush into the city. That is, Mavis and Cobb. Just in like a floating box or something.
Starting point is 01:23:35 You guys are in a floating box, a top of cliff. Chaos all around you. You see an airship is heading towards you as you wave your green flame blade. You see aboard the ship as it gets closer. This is not red and DeGuane. So they must be often some other ship. It would be impossible for you guys to kind of coordinate under the conditions But you do see that is it is another ship. It is manned by dwarves And you see this female dwarf with long red hair,
Starting point is 01:24:05 and she's got like a bronze tabored on. She throws a rope ladder down, she goes, hurry up, bring the kids up, get up here! Can I ask those kids, like, do you know who this person is? Is this your mom? You ask the kids, do you know this person is? I've been burned pretty bad, pretty, a lot lately. They go, that's Jane of Bronzebeard, she's like the coolest.
Starting point is 01:24:25 You guys didn't pick up on that? No! That feels good, I'm smart. Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, it's good to say she sounds hot. Great, so if it's above me, or if I'm above them, I can just undo the wall of force and just land on it. Yeah, so you can just use your movement and stuff
Starting point is 01:24:42 to climb up. Yeah, okay, sweet. So you let the kids up first You see as the kids get closer to the end of the rope She just starts like grabbing them by the nape of the neck and throwing them up like their kittens You see the ship is already full of people as you get closer. She grabs you by the hand and pulls you up grabs Cobb you see she shouts to a dwarf that is that is manning the helm and goes all right We're getting out of here. We're getting out of here. You see the shouts to a dwarf that is manning the helm and goes, all right, we're getting out of here, we're getting out of here.
Starting point is 01:25:07 You see the mountains below you crumble? The city of Iron Deep is just gone. As you guys fly off into the sky, having lived another day. What a day. Yeah, during this episode, I was remembering everything that we've done has been one day. We had a hero species this morning. I remember that burrito. Oh my god, it was so good.
Starting point is 01:25:34 It was a little bit sort of torturile just like wet. Could I have said something to Jane or should I? Yeah. I just wanted to tell her we have to go to Smuggler's Bounty. Do you know where that is? Smuggler's Bounty. Yeah, I guess we could figure that out. Look, why don't we get somewhere safe
Starting point is 01:25:49 and then we can talk. We got a lot of people that we need to get to save places. Okay, but we kind of kind of go there. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, Maverick is a good at making friends. So we're gonna cut over to Apple and Hard One.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Guys, at the beginning of your turn. Roll for one last cataclysmic check as you use your movement to get into the city. It's a three. And then are we all together because we're all at the same time? Yeah, we're all together. So Moonshine will go on the same turn. So boiling hot steam burst from the ground, everybody give me a con save. 17. 16. I only had steam burst from the ground. Everybody give me a con save.
Starting point is 01:26:27 17, 16. 16 as well. Okay, everybody takes half, 15 damage. Woof. That's how that is already. That's already halved. All right, sweet. Then that is the rest of your guys turn. You see the hit points.
Starting point is 01:26:41 All of the chains are broken. Can I heal Scrumper as we run in? Yes, if you wanna use your action to heal Scrumper. Yeah, okay. Thank you. 28, thank you. With you, I know that'll last a while. You know.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Sweet, Mochine, you heal Scrumper. Scrumper looks a little bit healthier for it. You have to slow down a little bit as you're rushing towards Glade Home, towards this island that is now free-floating there. You see, Lucana appears at the edge of the city waving for you guys to join him.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Apple is able to scoop you up and jump with you as hard one runs behind and catches up. You guys all get into the city proper seconds after the chains break and you all whew, disappear. Yeah. Yeah. Moonshine Apple and hard one have all teleported out with Glade Home. The whole city together disappears. We are going to cut over to We're going to cut over to Bev and Irland. So Bev, you have reached out to your gods, and that has gotten this raging storm in the sea down to the point that it's just like the aftershocks of the Allah's cataclysm.
Starting point is 01:28:01 There will be effects on this land for a long time to come, but it's not violent enough at the moment to threaten your life. I raise a quick prayer to the mom squad. Go ahead and give me a religion check. 17. As you reach out to the gods, to Melora and the Dusk Mother, you see a wave hits you in such a way that the piece of wood that you're on cracks in half and the one side flops over the other side and covers you in driftwood. You are like they're kind of hiding. Like a sandwich. Like a sandwich. A bev sandwich.
Starting point is 01:28:56 Then bev, you see in the deep distance, the same wraith on the white horse. It's going to go ahead and make a perception check. You see it is flying on the spectral horse, combing the sea, it looks over towards you, and then it sees Irland. I make a big splash. As you do that, go ahead and make a deck save.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Is he yet another four? Yet another four? I don't add anything to my deck save that is four. Okay, give me your deck. You can get your aura back. I thought you got your aura back. Do I have a lora aura? I have a lora aura.
Starting point is 01:30:04 I have a minuscura. The last aura. Okay, that's gonna be an eight. Okay. Bev, as you reach out to smack the water and to make a noise, a little bit of a futile gesture in this traction. Uh-oh, I don't get trapped. I'm twampled, I say.
Starting point is 01:30:21 You feel as you reach your hand in it? Yeah, that sounds about an eight roll. As you reach your hand in to the water to start making noise and like calling out, you feel a monster's maw grabs your wrist and yanks you into the water. You feel it dragging you into the water. You feel it dragging you into the sea. Your mouth is like filling up with water. Your head is hitting the surface of the sea, but in the distance you see the horsemen holds up. Another one of these yellow diamonds over Ireland. You see the shine of yellow light around him and as he holds his hand out to kind of like block it, you see he disappears in yellow light. We just made it
Starting point is 01:31:14 official! As you yell that salt water, it just goes in your mouth. And you feel this monster yanks you under the water and pulls you for about a minute, you have to hold your breath, you feel your lungs burning. And then after a bit, you are pulled back up to the surface of the sea. And this monster puts you on its shell. This is the dragon turtle from the Feywild. And you hear him go, my friend.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Oh hey, it's good to see you. I saw that the witch sent out a distress signal and I wasn't here in time to get to her, but I found you and it looked like you were gonna get yourself under some trouble there. I know you did what you had to do, but I'm still really pissed. That was my boyfriend. He just got abducted by that horseman. Well, you'll live to fight another day. It wouldn't do anything if both of you got caught. Oh, God, you're a real, you're a real wise turtle. That's how I lived to be so old.
Starting point is 01:32:25 You know, sometimes you gotta run away. Yeah, it's true. You gotta shell on your brain as well. You're smart. I stroke a shell and I guess I climb up on him. Remind me your name, friend. My name's Lasslow. Lasslow. I guess it's just you and me now. All right, where to?
Starting point is 01:32:43 Uh, well, my friends were in Iron Deep in his modia. Oh, that's so far away. That's extremely far away. Is there any land near here? Yeah, we can go to like, go later on or something. Just go to the land. Maybe just land. Maybe just land, huh?
Starting point is 01:32:57 We can just land. Yeah. Bev, you atop this dragon turtle, begin swimming towards the land. Do I see the horseman flying away? Is there anything I can do? The dragon turtle has taken you far away. This is a situation where you're at such low hit points that had you guys fought the horseman.
Starting point is 01:33:17 You guys both would have been captured. A kind of lay flat on the top of the turtle shell and just kind of breath in deeply. kind of like lay flat on the top of the turtle shell and just kind of like breathe in deeply. Ah. Today's bad. Hahaha. Is Alannus's hut still on the back of the turtle? Ah, no. Alannus's hut was on like a little longer.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Oh right. Yeah, he doesn't get a little, little camera. I wish I had a hut. Okay, let me scream in it. And then, and then we are going to cut over to Glade Home. So you guys felt the whole city teleport it is teleported up into the air. Mima, do you have any fifth-level spells left? Let me roll. I need to describe on young bears. Can you not describe using Rosalene? Oh yeah, do I have a sword? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:02 Oh, sweet. I have a scribe, Agri, yeah. Yeah, then I guess I want to take out Rosalene and Skryte on young Bev. Sweet, you find Bev. You see him in the middle of the ocean. There is, there's, Smuggler's Bounty is gone. So all you see is Bev. It's just blue. A top a
Starting point is 01:34:28 Dragon turtle in the middle of the sea. Where's our man? Bev where is Mavris and where are you? I you can't speak with scry you just see him Okay, I am look I'm a druid and different bodies of water are different colors. Okay, so I want to know What does this tell me because it's interesting? Okay, I'm saying like look at the look at the earth from you know I think I'm gonna be a nature check with the water. Don't go ahead and give me a nature check with advantage Okay, I'm the water daughter. I know water better than anyone 25 you can tell by than anyone. 25. You can tell by the water, your connection to nature, that Bev is in the sunrise sea off the coast of Galatoron. He will be at Galatoron if he sales for like
Starting point is 01:35:17 a day. All right. I relay that information. Bev is without Mappers. I do not have a way to scribe on Mappers because I do not believe I gave him a scribe dagger. Bev is on a fucking turtles back in the fucking sea. So you guys, so you guys. But these are live, which is the most important intel. In Glade Home, you appear in the sky above Glade Home's closest ally, Iron Deep. Hard one, you look out and I above Gladehome's closest ally, Iron Deep.
Starting point is 01:35:50 Hard one you look out and to everybody else, since there's all this rain and lightning and the ground is shifting and the earth is changing completely, most people probably don't even recognize where you guys are, but hard one you see that this is Iron Deep and that it has been destroyed. I you know I wanted to take you to my hometown at some point. Yeah yeah it's not the time right now hard one. Close as it's gonna ever get. We're in iron deep. Oh. Hard one you look out destroyed hometown, but you see an airship approach,
Starting point is 01:36:27 Glade Home, the SS Stormborn. Oh, I see a cypressaur eyes. And you see Jaina Bronzebeard looks out and sees you guys as well. Jaina. We've got some precious cargo on here. Mind if we come aboard? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:36:48 I mean, after that, I do not mind. You see Maveris aboard the ship as well. Oh, Maveris! We're the Goo Gone Gang now. Ha ha! That's right! What happened with Biff? Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:37:02 So remember that dwarf mage? Yes. Malora blessed him for that dwarf mage? Yes. Melora bless him for helping us get to Cobb. Where is he out of give him a medal? So he sucks. He was a choice. I knew it. I always knew it that he sucked. You also thought Maverick sucked. Prove me wrong. Well now is the leader of the Goo Gone game. Cob, how do I get into this thing? Cob! You see, I'm running up from the back of the ship is a very injured old cob.
Starting point is 01:37:34 A hug and heal him. He runs up and he gives you guys hugs and he goes, hey, the band of boobs wants to join the Goo Gone gang. The band of boobs wants to join the Goo Gone gang. The band of goobs. And the band of goobs embraces in Glade Home, living to fight another day, and that's where we'll end our session. Oh.
Starting point is 01:37:55 It's a long day. It's been a long day, y'all. What a marathon. Yeah, wait to have some spells back. Thank you to our guests, Zachary Yaman Chouon, what about you, Epic? What an epic guest arc. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:38:12 Mavis. We did it. Mavis saved. Once again. Once again, Apple fucking fucked a background. Thank you for when we ask you to be on it. And it turns into what, four, five? Yeah, yeah, it happens.
Starting point is 01:38:24 Pretty fun problem to have or not or just change your plan. Happy TV, guys. Happy TV. Sweet guys, head on over to our Patreon. Let's know our after show. It's slash nad pod. That's NADD, POD, don't say, yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:38 Oh, okay. But we're all reunited. But we're all reunited. It's never been. I ain't done. But I saw him though. I saw that he's alive. I had a new familiar, familiar so it's fine and he's got a big old turtle my familiar the turtle is a fun little spin oh yeah so um a Zach you got
Starting point is 01:38:55 anything to plug uh I guess I'll just plug my twitch again that's actually I'm on to it on uh and yeah thanks for having me. Right on, fun. Shippon, what do you get to plug? I'd love to plug not getting the flu. Oh, that seems really good. Look at the shot. I guess watch Rick and Morty coming at you soon. Maybe by the time this comes out.
Starting point is 01:39:18 Fuck yeah, but if you can only do one of those two things. Oh, definitely don't get flu. All right, one. It's really bad. Yeah, Jake is really busy. He only has time. I'm done to do one. I'd rather have the flu and watch Rick and I.
Starting point is 01:39:33 You could get the flu and then watch Rick and Morty. I feel like that is a good one. I'll plug that. Nice. Oh, this is something we haven't really plugged, but go to and check out our merch. We got a bunch of new merch, you like December. And we straight up didn't plug on the show
Starting point is 01:39:48 because we're at business people. And also you'll get it like share pictures on Twitter and stuff so we can see it because everyone looks so good in it and I love seeing call wells are in real life. Oh, thank you. We got new character merch. Okay, a lot of people in normal t-shirts and a tent top. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:04 Oh my god out 2020 someones shared someone shared a gym pick with the watch a quick call lightning and it made me want to fuck it yeah I think you guys so much for listening thank you to our guests for joining us what a fun fun arc and follow us on Twitter at thRIFZME. I'd call these call-doll. At Vwerntom is Shivan, Adi extra demily. At Zachoyama is Zachoyama, and at Jake Herwitz is Jake Herwitz. Tweet about the show using hashtag NADPA that's NADD. P-O-D. We are, we are her.
Starting point is 01:40:37 The youth of a nation. We are, we are her. Youth of a nation. Ah, it is time to thank our benevolent counsel of elders. Thank you to Brad D, Dylan B, Danny P, and Steelbreaker. Tourists that were also stranded in Smuggler's Bounty when the Cataclysm began. They missed their chance to escape, though, because they were too busy betting on weather. Bev and Irland were going to make it official. Beardman Dan, Adam R. Danielle the Dastardly Dame and Alucard, the original Horseman, Horsemen
Starting point is 01:41:13 of the Apocalypse. These four were rejected by the Aula because they refused to worship her. I guess it's true what they say. You can lead a horse to milk, but you can't make a meal. Haldor Frostback, Jordan DJ, Je, Jeffrey S. Cutter W and Andrew M. The Dwarfins rescued by Maverick the unscooled since their home was destroyed. Maverick hired them as his teaching assistants. They don't know much about magic, but they are great at tearing books in half.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Shoeberthemuschromelainus C. Michael, mixologist, Mick D. and Victor T. Balner's Boy, plus Maddie, Big Chris, five celestial beings who are currently auditioning to be Beverly's new deity on the world's hottest new competition show, Bahumi is next top goddess. Just an eye, Jacob C. Elena M. Jostrich in Dana G, five Nomes whose entire village was destroyed by Theala in an event that historians will one day refer to as the Day of No Tees. Daniel R. Destiny Z. Give G. And Irland Kathleen L. Crow of Omen.
Starting point is 01:42:14 A hive of brave, honey goblins who aided the Alladrin at the Battle of Gladehome. They're not very good fighters, but they did make the orcs super sticky, which forced them to retreat so that they could go wash their hands. We owe these goblins our lives. Sergeosal is our Solomon Saccharias de Asesuani, Michael L. Trayle the Crate V, Dorees and Michael K.M., a squad of Crick Elbs who believe a peaceful solution to this war is possible, which is why they have spent the past month crafting a massive time out sack enough to capture all of the Allas minions.
Starting point is 01:42:51 If they can get just one chosen soldier to make out with a bully wug, it could turn the tides. Adam H. Ryan, Aaron G, and Jake L, a handful of detens that worked their butts off to bring cataclysmic event after cataclysmic event to the boobs, the real heroes slash villains of this session. True, that too true. Big Buck, Richard X, X Machina, Sam L and Troy McSee, the storm gods who were throwing down all that lightning on Scrumper and Hard One. Why?
Starting point is 01:43:21 Because they actually lost a lot of money betting on a mudboarding championship that Apple threw for the hell of it one time. Can't blame them. Dom R. Josh S. Nicklis C. Austin C. and Kristen P. Pellor's nondesque mother children who have been mourning their pops in all black Hawaiian shirts. If you look very closely, you can see beautiful palms and hibiscus in subtly different shades of black. That sounds awesome.
Starting point is 01:43:45 I want that shirt. Mike H. Matthew E. Samuel B. O'Cada and Mr. Hydrois. Of course, Mr. Hydrois. Yeah, a group of orcs who are faking their bloodlust look. As you get older, it just gets harder to feel bloodlust at the drop of a hat. Dang, I can sympathize. Just getting, ugh, I can't. Aaron C. T.J.M. the Noembarbarian, Traffler, Robert F. and Paul and Megan the Twins, a union
Starting point is 01:44:13 of Dragon Turtle Levery Drivers who cannot believe Laslo is giving Bez bev a free ride like that he doesn't even have a medallion. Anime, intellect, zolo, dolo, nikbe, burlety, and j-dragonborn, a group of fake influencers that blindly follow the fay this way sign, assuming it was a new coffee shop or a pop-up selfie museum and are horrified to be in the middle of a fucking battle. Colton B, J, C, C, Lulu, Adam, R, H, and Blitzbrig Dimitri, the board of arcane and magical items that is currently taking notes on everything Moonshine is doing with the thinking cap and writing her a stern citation with a hefty asphy. Not gonna be a problem though, she is rich as hell.
Starting point is 01:44:55 I'm hopeless to be our Alex M. Aaron Sully, the four horsemen themselves turns out they were just hired by Martha Togold, together bev's friends for his surprise. Birthday party so early in his totally fine. Worry not, folks. Lucas B. Jordan L. Talleth X. Mateo C. and Pupp Theroth, a crew of orcs who bravely resisted the Alas offer only to die moments later by tripping on some slippery rocks. Austin MR, Kaylee Elise, Barnes & Nader,
Starting point is 01:45:25 Mick Pogs and Christian, a tribe of traveling dragon turtles, dragon turtle riders, actually, who will take Bev under their wing and show him the ins and outs of being a little buddy, less than one do not tag the shell, regardless of how sick your signature is. Dev and W, Chenua B, Jared E, Persephone and Eric McDee, an unlucky crew of pirates who were at Smuggler's Bounty for a bachelor party during the chosen attack and subsequent cataclysm. They died doing what they loved, drank your margaritas and playing giant shredder. Rees NS, Eric and Andrea B. Charo Arcadia's Jay Parker and Jonathan O. A Family of Happlings who had a really shitty hobbit hole up until the cataclysm, the earthquakes really opened up
Starting point is 01:46:12 the floor plan though and the rising tides gave them a beachfront property. Wow, upgrade. Steven C. Maxwell C. Mike K. Omri M. and Caleb L, a group of activists who take legal action against devils and demons who lie about having extra best. Their slogan is, keep vests in chess, no sphere in here. Scott D, no third of the prodigy ranger, Mika on G, Dan and the red rain. A crew of green teens that were unfortunately on a canoeing trip with Scoutmaster Denny when the cataclysm happened. Oh dear, Denny quickly used a teleportation scroll once the water got choppy and the Scouts
Starting point is 01:46:53 are shipwrecked on a haunted island. Here's hoping they're saved by a crew of enterprising adventurers. God damn you, Denny. Richard C. Karen T. Curtis S. Michael C. Nathaniel P. The new crew of the SS Stormborn, they recently discovered a secret cabinet in the floorboards of the captain's quarters
Starting point is 01:47:13 that has, I guess, what appears to be a heredol, made of gemabron's beard, beard hair. Okay. Nikki W. Andrew B. Christopher B. Barrison Ken of the Wizard's Tower and Nicholas P. Crick Youngins canvassing for Mayor Joe if you hear a knock on your stump you better be ready to talk some politics or politics with these Joe Bros. Kevin M. Angel B. Rahul and I am the atlas and Maribel the Kitty Morphing Nome. Pendergreens new pit crew for the demolition derby. This is one talented bunch who knows everything about cars,
Starting point is 01:47:50 which is why we can be certain that the Pendergreens utterly unroadworthy whip is actually entirely intentional on their part. Very nice. Yens Christian T. Joe McGee, Meta Amps, and Adakissie, not to mention Tom S. Hard one's childhood goldfish, each of them died happy deaths of old age with nothing but love in their heart for their beloved caretaker.
Starting point is 01:48:14 And would we expect anything last? Luke H. Kelvin Noodles, Grace G. PDD95 and Lance, the Bear Prince's ex-backup dancers, used to get the crowd going back when the bear prince would DJ the fake Chela show but now they can just kind of sell our cane and the parking lot outside Dang well, it's a lateral move really S. Me. M Gary J Kazmir the all-knowing Spencer cast brew and Zach C apple scrumper's Jim spotters They have never touched a bar. They are devoted, but unnecessary.
Starting point is 01:48:48 Scrumpers thick. Eric G. B.J. L. Michelle O. Gage M. Number one Beverland fan, Gen R. Kau Kau's eggs. That is right, Kau Kau's eggs. Hard one is so proud. He plans on going to visit them as soon as he finishes this delicious omelet. Oh no. Oh no. Oh fuck.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Thank you everybody.

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