Not Another D&D Podcast - Hearthside Chats #3 (Q&A)

Episode Date: April 20, 2019

The crew answers your questions about the campaign, the characters, decisions they've made along the way, creating the world, the future of the podcast, and so much more. Support us at for a bunch of other Naddpod content! Get tickets to our live show in Chicago on June 14th here! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Headgun Podcast. Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item, plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy.
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Starting point is 00:01:52 You just got thwomped. Yeah, you just got. That's right. You sit in at home. You got your bell ringing. Your bell's ringing. Finally, we've all teamed up. We've all teamed up with our DM to Wamp, you for once.
Starting point is 00:02:07 The audience got Wamp, which is, you know, how any good podcast works. Yeah. Thwacken and Thwampen. Thwacken, Thwamp, your audience. Anyway, guys, we're doing a TriniVail this week and then also we're doing this Q and A episode. We solicited questions from Twitter.
Starting point is 00:02:25 As well. You give us cues. We give you a. We give you our a, after you give us your cues. We also answered questions from Patreon. And in fact, as a short rest this week, we will actually be answering more questions over on the Patreon.
Starting point is 00:02:40 So you'll get an additional Q&A episode over on the Patreon. That is how you're surprised. That is how you're subscribed there. That is how you're subscribed. That is how you're subscribed. That is how you're subscribed. Big and medium. This soad is guy.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Oh, correct. Freaking cute. Sobba. It's like a soad that's frothing over into a short rest. You need to give it too much water in the pan. Sorry, go ahead. That's a lot of froth. We will start with a question from Twitter.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Mel, but a werewolf, ask. Hard one was so. I like that name. Hard one was so protective of his pride and autonomy in the first few arcs. What prompted him to rightly, immediately bend the knee to mom? Oh, good, cute.
Starting point is 00:03:25 It's, I think hard one was always just searching for a righteous and worthy queen. He was, he was always eager to bend the knee, but he just hadn't come close to finding anybody. He knows what he wants. You did everything but bend the knee to Shay though, to be fair, that's right. No, you wouldn't, but like you can't bend the knee to someone you wanna be with. That's right. No, you wouldn't though, but like you can't bend the knee
Starting point is 00:03:45 to someone you want to be with. That introduces a power dynamic. Things were too rigid to bend the knee. Exactly. You don't want to start a relationship like that, which is what hard one had to say. I love that. I actually had such a boner
Starting point is 00:03:59 at what have given me. You couldn't bend the knee. I love that way. Because Dick is longer than his dad. I just love the idea of that as dating advice though, just being like, step one, do not bend the knee to them. Unhealthy. That was also, yeah, that was probably the first time hard
Starting point is 00:04:16 when didn't have an erection when he was asked to bend the knee. So it was good. It's a good way to hide one. I haven't listened to that episode in forever, so I don't even remember how much Mama even spoke or we even knew how wise she was or whatever. She may have literally said one sentence and hard one bent the knee just because she was a possum who spoke incredibly eloquently. And I honestly, that decision has,
Starting point is 00:04:45 like, it's only been fortified, the more we've learned about Mama. Mm-hmm. She is very wise. I do think that one of the fun things about like your guys' interactions with NPCs are the kind of unexpected relationships, like the characters that are almost not there
Starting point is 00:05:03 for your character that people still bond with. Like, hard one and Mama is very funny. And then I would say like, Moonshan has a little bit of a special relationship with Bev Senior. Or, yeah. I'm protective of him. I gotta bring him back to Martha Togel. Yeah. It's kind of a fun character choice to be like, yeah, this person wasn't part of my backstory, but I am invested in them. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Taking another character aside and by another character we mean you, and then just kind of directing our eyes towards you and having a conversation in front of our friends for a moment. Yeah. Cassie asks on Twitter, how mentally messed up are your characters at this point? Not great, not 100%. Definitely not one hundo, I would say. I would say definitely, I'm definitely out of sorts. Yeah, it's a mind fuck.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I would say my entire self identity is currently being questioned. It's sort of like there's been an earthquake in my soul. I think we're all emotionally edging at the moment to be sure. Yeah. Just like, one more thing when maybe push us over. Yeah, it's tough because it does feel like the characters need a break and we almost need like a light-hearted, like little three or four episode arcs. But things are so prep, things are so pressing that you guys just immediately would just shout out. Also, last time we went on vacation,
Starting point is 00:06:28 we almost had a total party kill. True. That's true. That is very true. We can never let our guard up. Minute 10 into our vacation, I think Munchain almost got her soul stolen by a pair of suck you by. I know, but if they hadn't been suck you by,
Starting point is 00:06:45 I would have gotten my fucking heart stolen. Absolutely, amen. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. in our character's history, there was a time, before we knew it was a succubus that, that Bev and hard one walked, like watched a moonshine walk off with Balnor to have a four way. My plan, I just want everyone on my plan was that I was gonna like make sure there was always at least one succubus in between me and Balnor.
Starting point is 00:07:20 So, like there was never, you went, there's four people, it's easy to like really focus on two people. Oh, that's a, yeah, that's a buffer, yeah. You're enjoying one and the other one is a buffer for the third person that you're not trying to do. You have to have. You're rotating like one to your right. You can avoid.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Yeah, exactly. Would it have been an awkward dance as Balnor tried to inch near Mune Shine? Sure, but you have to have a game plan going in. Absolutely. God have a strategy. I'm a little bit of a leaping off from this question, from this past question, Johnny P asks, love the show, do you think moonshine would have preferred to be a maribold mushroom
Starting point is 00:08:00 spawned to being a high elf? So okay, I'm not sure if I've talked about this just off-mic with you guys, but yes, the idea of being a monster was sat a lot more comfortably with me than being a high elf because high elves are just so up their own fucking ass. And it's like, they've oppressed my people. Monsters, yeah, cool.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Monsters are cool, so yeah, Maribel was, you know, she was, she wasn't bad at the end of the day. She was corrupted and manipulated, but like the essence of being a mushroom monster that makes pause is not the evil. Yeah, there's like, even I think I'd rather be an evil monster than a snooty high elf.
Starting point is 00:08:46 There's no connections when you're a monster. Like, I think maybe I would prefer that Akira was my dad to a high elf being my dad. But I will say, when we were recording, you were more distraught in real life by Maribel saying that you might be a mushroom spawn then by finding out you're a high-elf. Well because so when we're actually recording when you said that shit like with Maribel that was like very
Starting point is 00:09:17 emotional but there was nothing silly about it but when you said I was a high-elf, that is such a funny twist that I wasn't expecting that I was still very amused at the same time. It's just hitting a lot of emotional keys, I imagine. It's like getting razzed versus getting owned. Yes. Yeah. That's a great, that's eloquent. That's an ice-ray to put it.
Starting point is 00:09:43 I think, yeah, poetry. I think that's exactly what it was a Razzing for so on paying as it were But I would say I would say like at that point like I was more I was very attached to like my mom You know I was actually we just had the whole yeah, so like the idea of Jolene like not being my mom after like we had just like been hanging out with her That was like a really uncomfortable thought. Yeah. Where I was like that, the who my dad is.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I hadn't really even been thinking about that. You know what it is, it's like, yeah, you were pulled into a quick moment of feeling safe and secure by knowing for certain that Maribel is your mom. Or note, by knowing that Jolyne was your mom. But then that rug was instantly pulled out from under you by finding out that your dad is a high elf. Oh my God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Have we met any high elves? Who are the high elves that we've hung out with? Yeah, like Glade Home High Elves. You think we've met any. You've met Galad. Oh no. I remember how he was a high elf. But you've also met Alonus who was a high elf.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Cool. Okay. She's cool. Yeah. Maybe Alonus is my dad. Is, yeah, maybe. Okay. Ooh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:10:58 That's a dirty ass dad. Yeah, that's right. That's a dirty ass theme punk dad. Okay, Alonus is my dad. I feel better now You figured it out Is wait is bearer brisden an elf now he's a human okay cool. Oh, man He's a big buff stern human man. Who would you compare him to visually? I'm talking Tom selic I would talk in that's a good Would you compare him to a visually? Are we talking Tom Sellick? Are we talking Chris Bin Glover?
Starting point is 00:11:25 That's a good, I can't bear to say. It's Chris Bin Glover. It's Chris Bin Glover. That's a good guy. Tom Sellick, that's too cool. No, he's like a Terry Bradshaw. A little bit Terry Bradshaw. I would also say Tom Sellick in blue bloods.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Yeah. Tom Sellick in blue bloods, but bad. What if he was a bit... That bloods. That bloods, bad. What if he was a saintly like hiding corruption in his precinct? Brace bloods. I had a, I have a question for you, Murph. Off of the discussion of Akarot being someone's dad.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Akarot's not that old, is he? Or I guess we don't know, but like, Yeah, you don't know. Because Akarot's dad Didn't ascend to hell until like that fairly recently, right? Like it was yeah, but he's always been like Akarot and elf Akarot is a you guys don't know I'm not telling you stuff. I can't He's something out. He's something unique. I can't tell you guys. We haven't met him yet.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Interacted with him. I will say this much. Yeah, but you saw a man with face wraps and like red eyes that look like little glowing firework. So he does some kind of shape shifter. He doesn't look like a normal dude. So you couldn't just discern from looking at him. I will say he does not necessarily have to be young because it was never established that
Starting point is 00:12:50 ill said had Akarat while he was in hell. True, okay. Who was Akarat's mom? You don't know. Okay, I was trying to catch you off the hook. Oh yeah, by the way. I just think it's really funny. Akarat's like 37.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Imagine if it was shea if Akra's like 37. I imagine if it was Shay, that would be so devastating. People are so hot. I know, I'd be really hot. It only make her hotter. It's like a hot, she has an edge.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Awesome. Yeah. Shay, you had a moment of weakness. Okay, Noah G. from Patreon asks, looking back at where you started with your character to where you are now, is there any aspect of your character you would get establishing early on or wish was different as it's less fitting with the current adventure? Anything you wish you had set up earlier or had planned from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Hmm. I'll start. Are you guys sad that you or regretting at all that you established that you can't read? No, because it's so cute that we're learning. That is true. I guess it's, yeah, but it's been so funny not being able to read. I really, I don't, I haven't minded that. I don't know, is there anything that anybody else
Starting point is 00:14:02 that comes to mind for anybody else? For me, I kind of feel like I abandoned the green teen patch thing a little early. I feel like I could have milked some more fun out of that. But I kind of felt right to hand that sash to my mom when we were leaving Galator on. I don't know. Although you did it for like 20 episodes. Yeah, that's fair. That's the hard thing about the show is like,
Starting point is 00:14:32 it's 20 episodes, which feels like a long time, but in like the world, it was only like two weeks. Yeah, sure. But it a lot happened to your character in that too. That's true. And I guess like, these are like impactful moments in my character's life. So I don't regretted it at all. But like sometimes like Beverly was going you're going to war and also collecting patches.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Yeah. Yeah. It really was like like Bev had his first adventure in Moonstone. But it was still kind of like kind of minor in low stakes. It's basically just like you guys fighting a bunch of barbarians. And then he witnessed a civil war and saved his dad and had to fight one-on-one in a trial by combat. So it would have been a little weird to go into tales from the Crick. It's like, excuse me, Mimaw, the Crick, do you have any patches for finding possums? Damn, you're right. I haven't made a single wrong choice
Starting point is 00:15:26 in my character. Oh, I guess you know what your mistake was. What? Bringing it up here. Oh, no. Shit. Caldwell's made so many mistakes. Beverly's made none. I regret abandon Kaka. I shouldn't have done that. You did it. You have a really abandoned cock-on. You just completely forgot to ever mention cock-on. I said him on a noble quest.
Starting point is 00:15:52 He wasn't there to mention. But as soon as we save my mother and before we defend collateron from civil war, I think we should go find my bird. Yeah, well I thought to the list. Yeah, but like top of the list. That might be more pressing than Shadow fell off. That's what I was thinking, yeah actually.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Just let's go back up and be like, hey, I lost a crow. I was actually really glad when you guys sent Kaka away because you guys just have too many people in your party. It's true. You people for me to keep track of. I'm like, I don't want you guys to have a damn bird. Because all the insane shit that you guys just have too many people in your party. It's true. You're a people for me to keep track of. I'm like, I don't want you guys to have a damn bird. Because all the insane shit that you guys do, I know that especially you guys got high level,
Starting point is 00:16:32 you would have used Kaka to do all kind of insane shit with him getting a fly around and everything. It's spying, doing all that. We were gonna shrunk ourselves down and road on Kaka. Don't even question it, don't even worry about it. Uh-huh. I'm still down and wrote on Kaka don't even question it don't even worry about it. Let's see. Oh, you know what? Off of Kaka, let's pivot to Bojangles a day. Hell yeah. Dave on Twitter asks, whatever happened to Bojangles, the horse riding horse
Starting point is 00:16:58 slash former mayor of Moonstone. I mean, that's more a question for you, Murf. I would like to establish that Bojangles is doing well and has met another horse that also rides horses and they are starting a polo team. I generally just don't make you guys micromanage your mounts and I feel like you guys still have Bojangles. Oh, we still got him?
Starting point is 00:17:24 I figured he like, I guess he's probably, you know what, he's probably like on the airship with like, Jaina and stuff. What the fuck, bow jangles? He was like, you're a fool, man. Right, you guys took him to Esri. I figured that he took this as far as Esri then went back to Moonstone.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Yeah, that's what I assumed. He was pretty important in Moonstone. But who took him, wait, the former mayor. He took himself home. Wait, so he just walked himself back or rode a different horse horse. He's horse man horse. Okay, I mean, it's probably it's more on you guys than it is on me. No, I just I like want us to have access to both jangles. What you're saying right now, Murph, completely betrays the character of both jangles, which is a really intelligent horse riding horse,
Starting point is 00:18:08 who is also the former mayor of Moonstone. It has political obligations in Moonstone. We know a lot of mayors. Let's think about what's funny here. Us finding both jangles on the airship when we go back to Bohumia, or us finding both jangles running the town in Moonstone in like 300 episodes.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Okay, so just to confirm, for Canon, everyone at home, this is exactly what actually happened. You guys got to Ezri slapped Bojangles on the butt and yelled, just go and then Bojangles just hopped on another horse and rode back to moonstone. Yes. That's what happened? Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Yeah, I just rode off into the sunset on another horse. You guys tell me as tell me if you get this link that I just sent you I searched horse riding a horse on the internet. Nothing came up except for this one little gift. Wow. Oh, I hate this. Oh This one little gift. Whoa. Wow, I hate this. Oh, this is terrible. For everyone listening, it's a horse blowing another horse.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Yeah. But Jake just sent us a very distasteful dougha trope. It's like the first animated thing. A tiny weird kind of anthropomorphic horse riding a big regular horse and I don't like it. No, I like it. I think it'd be really cool t-shirt. Yeah, a t-shirt that moves.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Yeah, that would be a fucking awesome t-shirt. Yeah. Take it, you'll take it. Gift shirt. Just a tiny TV in your shirt. Okay. Laura on Twitter asks, if your PC died, what way do you think they would die? Jesus.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Oh dear. I thought about this. I definitely think Moonshine would die, like probably trying, like probably healing someone instead of like probably having to endanger herself to heal someone. I like her own hospitality. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:10 I want Beverly to tabletop Acarot off a cliff, but he falls with him and they both die. Oh, he's like grabbed at the last second. Yeah. So like... Frog style, but in such a stupid way. Yes, exactly. Or like we haven't talked about moonshine's huge tits in a while.
Starting point is 00:20:28 So maybe it'd be fun, like, if she did a handstand one time, and then was suffocated by her own huge. That's how I want to go too. I do, yeah, I have a little note in my notebook that's always like, ask moonshine about huge tits. So bring it up more, yeah. I have that in all my DM notes. Actually, you want to go back to what we regret about our character.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I regret every episode I haven't mentioned. Jay Normus Topshel. It is funny how the characters are pretty undefined other than like moonshine has freckles and huge tits. It really has a flat ass embrace this. So it's just like two weird futuristics, but everything else is. Everyone has huge quads.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Also a thick ass. Think of ass and bad of read. This is kind of going off that last question a little bit. Kev on Twitter asks, if your PC died and you had to play as an established NPC or guest character moving forward, who would you choose? I couldn't ever play someone else. Shea, I would play Shea. Oh, really? Because it would just be really fun to play Shea around Moonsha.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Oh my God. Oh my God. I thought about this. It's hard because you do such a good job with all the NPCs. I feel like I would be betraying your performance a little bit. I know. That's like when one one feels like it's too much, you was like, a grain was a super fun character,
Starting point is 00:22:08 but it's like, I can't fucking, I can't jump into what I would just be like, cool. I guess Murph speaks for her because. I guess, let's put it in a different context. So it wouldn't be like, you guys taking a character, something like that. What, just like, what of the of the tropes of NPCs? If you were just like,
Starting point is 00:22:29 oh, I would play a character like Ol' Cobb, I would play a character like a Gwain. If you had to pick between like rebellious teen ranger halfling, or like, I would do something like, Jaina, like dwarf, waffle, good warrior type deal. What was it? Oh, man, who was the werewolf?
Starting point is 00:22:49 Luna. Luna. Yeah, I'd play somebody like, somebody like Luna. I like the idea of being somebody that, like, can't control, like a rage and is also like getting, she's like, is maybe thinking about defecting from the chosen, she's like getting jaded about her position.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I would play. I like playing people with secrets. Yeah. I would either play a duttle type character because I think it'd be fun to play like a small wizard as opposed to like a small warrior or a T'Baxi poses name, we're trying to remember the
Starting point is 00:23:28 why can't I remember his name? Scullis, yeah. Scullis would be cool. Mm-hmm. That's just like, I don't know, I think like a judo T'Baxi is a very fun character type. Yeah, I could also play Vineyard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Yeah. Just a bartender, you know? Blue collar. Just a bunch of vines. The air elemental bartender would also be fun to play. Oh, hell yeah. Just a bunch of wind. I'll probably play like, I'll probably play like,
Starting point is 00:23:59 Gemma's assassin. What the fuck? That's just kidding. Akira? Yeah, I'll probably play like an Acro tape, you know? Does anyone who could wreck Jake's shit? Level 20 badass. Let's see here.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Bady on Twitter asks, in both Bahumia and Trinivale, what is the most aesthetically defining location or object or even NPC to DM and to players? Also, Howard Murph and Caldwell's approach to world building similar slash different. Wow. Oh, great question. Well, I guess like, Buhumia, I think, is more of a... Buhumia is more of a Game of Thrones book
Starting point is 00:24:38 and Trinavale is more of like a 13-episode anime. I guess is the way to put it. Ha! I think Buhumia is not very game of Thrones at all. I think, I think Bohumi is not very given the thorns at all. I think it's much more final fantasy and like warcraft. That's true. I say Trinivale just dials that up even more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Two anime territory, I would say. Yeah, it's like, no, all right, I got it. Bohumiya is the warcraft strategy games. And Trinivale is a world of Warcraft like later expansions. Oh, interesting. Like when they introduced like pandas and that bullshit. Like this of endariac. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:12 I think that's good. I feel like we generally, we have like a little bit of a similar aesthetic. I think that we both like kind of steampunky stuff. And we both came from like playing Final Fantasy games and things like that. Yeah. And we both came from like playing Final Fantasy games and things like that. Definitely. I think we're both a video game focused DMs, whereas I think a lot of other DMs like grew up reading what is it called the similarity? Whatever the hell the what's the really
Starting point is 00:25:39 dry? Yeah. Oh, the like the history of the Lord of the Rings. Yeah. The crown of barren. Yeah. What about what are your part of this question is what are Murphan Callwell's approaches to world building? What are your approaches to world building my friends? Just answer at the same time. I'm sure. I like to write four paragraphs and read them to you. And I know that that's why I like to listen to that. I know that's not always the best approach,
Starting point is 00:26:13 but I don't know, I like coming up with fun ways to describe things. I like trying to find a really distinct environment for each episode, I guess. And I know that Murph, you do that too. Like, I always think about the gash on top of Mount Forge. That's like a very distinct divisible for me. But yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I think like, and we're very similar in that regard too, we kind of like to have like a playground for every kind of setting, and that is like, how's something that draws you to it? Yeah, I think, especially with like, Trinny Vale being monthly, it's kind of like the mission setup that you've established is kind of similar to how Bohumia is like within the arcs.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Everything feels very different, kind of each Trinny Vale episode, it being a mission that takes you to a different place, it all kind of feels very different, kind of each trinnyvale episode. It being a mission that takes you to a different place, it all kind of feels very different. I think as far as like what like city or like locale best sums up the world, I would say for Bohumi it'd probably be Galatoron, because that's where like we've established
Starting point is 00:27:20 like the airships and everything. And that's kind of, I feel like where the show had some of its bigger like emotional moments and stuff that like kicked off all of like the individual character games. Yeah. I also think every time we arrive somewhere in Bahumia, like the way you set up, the trick and the way you set up, Frostwind was really, you know, you could see every single detail. It was really great.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Even though the hard one had a bad time in Frostwind, Frostwind, I really, you could see every single detail. It was really great. Even though the hard one had a bad time in Frost one. Frost one, I really, I enjoyed the description of it so much. Yeah, that's true. The iron dwarves amidst the peaceful, snowy, slumbery town. It was a good contrast. Yeah, there's a good about that.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I like that it was Slavic. Yeah, extremely. I like that it was in Prague. Yeah, because I got to listen to a bunch of Slavic music. I'm glad that you've got the King's Hammer now, aka the Queen's Hammer, and you just get to bring a little piece of frost one with you forever now. Yeah, I love those voices. The Northern Asian. Got to find them a hot tub. I really got to find them a hot tub. I know. the more than that. It's got to find a hot tub. I really got to find a hot tub.
Starting point is 00:28:25 I know. Those are a good NPC. We only see them occasionally. I feel like they're kind of like key chain in that regard where they pop out a little once in a while. And you're like, it's just like, it's nice to have a check-in with them. Yeah, it is interesting.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Especially with stuff like that too, I do think our styles are pretty similar. I think like our worlds are kind of similar. I think we have a little bit of a different approach with like prepping and stuff, because I think you're a lot more interested in like building your own pantheon and stuff. Like I love listening to that stuff
Starting point is 00:29:00 and being a player in that world, but it is like I never sit there and like come up with the names of gods. Like that's why I just use the regular old fucking D&D ones. I like coming up with names a lot. I obsess over names, like probably too much. One thing I've noticed about everyone that I've known who's like become a DM is that they start getting
Starting point is 00:29:22 into like architecture. Oh, that's you. I feel like every time someone starts DMing, like suddenly they're like, oh, I gotta describe all these buildings. All right. Well, how the fuck do I describe? It looks like this, but what the fuck is that called?
Starting point is 00:29:36 And then suddenly, you guys all know, like parapets and awning. Or you know what a garr what a carousin is. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. That's a very good point. Yeah, there is a lot of, I always have like a synonym page open when I'm prepping for these sessions.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Yeah, I'll also like, I specifically remember rewatching Game of Thrones and like really taking note of how the castle is like laid out and stuff because I don't know you can know a decent amount about history and everything like that but you still don't know how to quite describe all of that stuff you know what I mean? Not to say that any of our stuff is accurate or my or any of my stuff is accurate, but it's more accurate than it would have been maybe. You can see with the mindset though, even if it's not exactly to history, it just puts your head in that space.
Starting point is 00:30:34 There's about 20 minutes of every Buhumiya campaign episode where we're asking Merff about the grain seller of a castle and describing how they would prepare and keep like grains and corn's siloed for the winter and like keep you know has it all planned out so we want to know but we cut that yeah it's a little interesting or the weather patterns of the region how humid is it here let's see sky asks when recording the session that revealed Beav's dad making a deal, did Kallwell's scream of get out startle anyone? And is there a point where you can't really speak after a session due to the high emotional toll it takes?
Starting point is 00:31:16 Um, my guess that's a question for y'all, are y'all startles? I was scared. I was shaking to my core. Oh no. I was, if I called those, called those a dang professional with the microphones. So I was just really happy. I saw him lean back. Right. So I was expecting him to get loud. Mm-hmm. But that's good. I thought that was a really good character moment
Starting point is 00:31:40 because I do think that the boobs are very forgiving. So I was happy that you guys were sympathetic to him, but we're still like, you can't be around us right now. This is bad news. I was slightly worried that Bev would just be like, well, I'm the devil now, I guess. I'll join my dad.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Oh man. That would have been, that's a very fun what if, if we ever want to do that for a live show where we do all become little devils? Oh my God, I loved when we were pretending to be devils. I was worried, that is like a weird thing from that moment is like, I was worried about startling you, but I was also like, oh no, this is gonna sound terrible in the audio, because I've definitely peaked.
Starting point is 00:32:27 It didn't actually scare me. I also saw you lean back from the microphone. But I do feel like sometimes when we're recording and the mood is really heavy, it absolutely carries over to like, if we take a break, we're like, damn. Yeah, damn, that's crazy. But a lot of it is also, it's not like, damn, we're sad. It's like, we'll go into the other room we're like, damn. Yeah, damn, that's crazy. But a lot of it is also, it's not like, damn we're sad, it's like, we'll go into the other room
Starting point is 00:32:48 and be like, damn, like, Murf, that's really good storytelling, that's powerful. Yeah, yeah. It's like, emotional, but still positive if that makes any sense. It's like coming off of like a football field or like, you know, it's coming back into the locker room and being like, nice workout there.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's true. Yeah, I would say we get less, you know, quiet or less talky, less with the big emotional moments and more with like tough battles. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, after, I feel like that's the long bus ride home
Starting point is 00:33:24 is after a big battle and we're all just kind of like looking out the window. Yeah. Yeah, after, I feel like that's the long bus ride home. It's after a big battle and we're all just kind of like, looking out the window. Yeah, let me almost die. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Something like the orc pirate fight or the purple worm fight. I think there's something about like a battle once we start to like lose, then it's like.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Not fun anymore. That's what I was gonna say. It's like, well, it's like you can't, you don't, you feel like you're not allowed like not fun anymore. That's what I was gonna say. Well, it's like you can't, you don't, you feel like you're not allowed to have fun anymore. You feel like you're like, okay, like I have to be, I have to be like focused and just try to do things right. And so like that probably does take some energy out
Starting point is 00:33:59 because it takes it from like a joyful place to like an intellectual place. We got to survive a mode. Yeah. You guys also get more mad at me about you never get mad at me about story things, but about mechanical things you will get mad at me. Like when I counterspelled that way, she was like, that was so fucking annoying.
Starting point is 00:34:18 But also remember, literally, it's not like we were all getting counterspelled. It was just anything I could do. So moonshine literally could do jack shit. By the way, it worked though, because I was depressed. I've had several people confirm to me that I fucked up and should have been using aura of wording in that battle. So we should have been taking like half damage
Starting point is 00:34:36 that entire time. Oh, just for chain lightning, I think. Yeah, just for chain lightning. But like, yeah, which lightning us a few times. Which maybe would have kept you up. Yeah, but like, I don't know, it all worked out. I think like the story structure was good for that episode. So I'm not, I don't feel too bad.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Yeah, it is, those moments, it's like, it's always better when somebody's like knocked out and almost dead, but the time that they do die we're really gonna regret missing like the aura that you're supposed to use, you know what I mean? Yeah, I'll be more aware of it. That was like the first time that we've. You're supposed to use, you know what I mean? Yeah. I'll be more aware of it. That was like the first time that we've had a spellcaster
Starting point is 00:35:08 in a long time though. Yeah. So it kind of caught me off guard. Cool, let's move on to our next question. Craig D on Twitter asks, you're having a dinner party, IRL, who do you invite living or dead from Bohumia? Oh. Let's say, okay, let's say. Shae. Shae. Oh, hell yeah Bohemia. Oh, shame. Let's say, okay, shame.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Let's say, oh, hell yeah dude. You fuck boy, you absolute fuck boy. I invite them over, I pull them move, you know, I invite them all over, I see who makes it to the end of the night, right? Shit would instantly leave. I will make so many. I'll be like, Shay, I made spring rolls. You seem like someone who keeps it tight.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Let's say you can pick three people. Shay, Triss and another Triss. Oh god, here I roll. Are we all pick, we can only pick three between the three of us or we each get to pick three. You each get to pick three. Okay. All right, so I guess one of my slots is obviously a trist,
Starting point is 00:36:08 you know, like, Natch. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh, I think Alonus absolutely, right? Yeah. Yeah, Alonus is so. She would have the best stories if you've seen the world a few times. I didn't have an answer before.
Starting point is 00:36:23 You're like, what type of character would you play next? Like a trope, a lannus would be the trope I would go for. Like a wizard that's super powerful, but a little bit of like a fuck up. So to tinker. Yeah, but I would be like some kind of sorcerer who was like couldn't totally control their magic. Okay, I would go, my mom, my dad, and either galad,
Starting point is 00:36:45 so we could all beat the shit out of him. Okay, I would go, my mom, my dad, and either galad, so we could all beat the shit out of him, or Gemma, so I could introduce them, or Tris, so I could introduce them. Mom's dad and Tris. You still haven't decided between Gemma and Tris yet. So mom, Tata, I wanted you guys to meet my new girlfriend. Triss is like, what? No.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I think you got to get a whole cob in there, right? Yeah, I would do old cob. I would do old cob, Mima and Alonus probably. Those people would have like the best stories and be fun to drink with. They're all down to get effed up. And now we've got a lot of stories. Also, Alonus would be like,
Starting point is 00:37:36 Ulfgaar would be like to like, he would definitely be a sad drunk and an unpredictable drunk. Yeah. He'd be so fun to pregame with though. If you're, it's like the pregame before the dinner, you get like a couple drinks and you play some beer pong with the golf car.
Starting point is 00:37:52 But then you're like, we're going out. We're going out. You just don't go out with him. His golfing turns into murder every single time. He passes out. Without her, he just like passes out. He drinks way too much, way too soon.
Starting point is 00:38:03 He's always trying to drive the airship home and you have to be like, no, man, just take a cab. Yeah. Oh, God. Yeah, you definitely, you hang out with hard one in Ulfgar earlier in the day. And then you see them way later at night and it's just so sad.
Starting point is 00:38:20 We day drink. Yeah. They dayge, they're the kind of guys that you meet them for dinner and they're like just like really, really antsy for their to get like the, for their beard to get delivered. We show up to dinner trash. Yeah. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:38:36 All right. I'm changing my answer. I want it to be just Balmora's family so that you can have a moment of happiness. I'm sticking with trisses and shae and see who wins my heart. It's really funny because Balnor coming to like your dinner isn't even any kind of fantasy thing. It's just like having dinner with like a nice uncle. It's just like, hey, how you been?
Starting point is 00:39:03 It's just going to like your uncle's family's house for dinner when you're like, you're visiting them. Like it'd be pretty nice, but like, you'd probably try to get out of there early so you could go hang out with Wolf Garren Hard one afterwards. It might be fun to do like a dinner with the like stone elemental fire elemental water elemental because they're like, are they like all siblings? I think so, yeah, yeah, that's what you said.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Oh yeah, they were all siblings. So there'd probably be some drama and it would be like really elemental drama. Yeah. So that'd be dope. This episode of NADPOT has brought to you five bird dogs. They're a company that makes pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age
Starting point is 00:39:49 old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered. Now we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's gonna be difficult. Luckily Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier. Bird Dogs stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look. And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, Bird Dogs invented a cloud-knit fabric that looks just like khaki, but stretches so you get a way slimmer fit without having
Starting point is 00:40:20 to sacrifice movement. And trust me, you are going to need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother, make sure you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti-style tumbler, go to slash pop-a or enter promo code pop- Papa at checkout. That's slash Papa or promo code Papa for a free Yeti style tumbler. You won't want to take your bird dogs off, we promise you.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Okay, that's it for me. Go team pants and enjoy the show. Next question. Aaron W asks, will moonshine ever awaken Papa? Will he be sentient and speaking like Mama? Whoa. So I don't want to awaken Papa because I would miss the rees too much. I love the way he speaks and I also think he doesn't really need to be awakened.
Starting point is 00:41:19 He's very intelligent. He's very intelligent. I think we need to awaken him. Awakening him suggests that there's something wrong with him right now and he's perfect the, he's very intelligent. Oh wait, I think we need to, we need to like, awakening him, awakening him suggests that there's something wrong with him right now and he's perfect the way he is. A legal scholar. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:31 So I, Papa decide if he wants to be awakened. Do we need to like, cast speak with animals on him? I could absolutely, I don't even need to cast speak with animals. I can just be like, hey, do you want to be awakened? It's true. Yeah. But and he will kind of like, hey, do you want to be awakened? It's true.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Yeah. But, and he would kind of like give me some rees. But I mean, it just hasn't been on the top of my list because he just is already perfect. It's true. It would only be if he wanted it because like he's perfect to us and like he's honestly got so much more room to grow without even being awakened. It also would be really funny if we did awaken him and the Murph just still did the rees, but we sort of had a different reaction every time.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Yeah, I would definitely be willing to home brew something where you do some kind of awakening to him where he gets smarter, but he still speaks and posses him. Again, I still take issue with the idea that there's anything that he's not already perfect the way he is. Merf, what are the advantages of awakening? I have in a 3.5 E campaign, I awaken someone, which is brutal because you have to sacrifice XP for it. Now I'm leveling slower than everyone else.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Or it hasn't happened yet, but at some point, they're gonna jump a level and I'm not, and it's gonna be devastating. So it's almost like multi-classing. Now multi-classing doesn't affect your XP, but yeah, it affects like. It's how you level. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:53 But so like the wolf went from like, the wolf can speak now, but it hasn't really changed how he does anything. I think it just increases intelligence, but like his fighting hasn't changed. Well, he speaks like common now. Yeah. He talks. I think in 5e, I know in 3.5 you like roll like a few D6s or something and that's how many intelligence points they have. Like it goes up by that much,
Starting point is 00:43:25 and usually just makes them like a little bit dumber than like a human. But I think with five E, it might take your intelligence up to 10, which I think is normal human intelligence. Mm. Okay, I also think that this whole awakened shenanigans is a little sapien centric.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Right. Yes. Technically, like if we awaken Papa, is he going to be smarter in our understanding of intelligence, but lose some possum intelligence? Interesting. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:59 He scramble less. Well, he scramble less. Because he's just perfect the way he is. You don't want to take the scramble out the whole. Papa definitely has a 20 in-priced wisdom at the moment. So like, yeah, we will be taking that away. If anything, we should awaken ourselves to be more pop-up. Pop-up so true.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Yeah, we should appost them ourselves. Very good. Next question. Brandon asks, this is a little bit of a different question. DM court question. Ooh, that was a mixed bag. We did on Patreon one time DM court. Or not DM court.
Starting point is 00:44:33 It was D&D court where we took people's, uh, we took- We mostly just took their stories, right? Yeah. We talked about actually doing a DM court episode which we should. Oh, we were so excited with people. I think we just helped decide one little fight, but we'll do it for this one. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:44:47 DMCord question, my DM won't let my Aura Kakarot Ranger have the ability to fly. Not even as something I can get at a higher level. Is this fair? Is having a PC with the ability to fly, game breaking, how come my DM and I come to a compromise? Wouldn't you just make it like a ability they have? I mean, you could, but I understand why if I have never seen any one play in Eric Akra,
Starting point is 00:45:12 if you in fact can at level one fly, I could see why a DM might not want to have to deal with that, especially a new DM. Especially also like a lot lot of early level stuff. When you're a first level, a second level, a lot of challenges are just climbing over a wall. Yeah, definitely. Which is good because you need those small challenges to level up and get your character a little stronger.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Yeah, I go at higher levels though. Yeah, I would. Higher levels though. Yeah, I would say a good compromise might be to what level can Druids turn into flying creatures? I believe level nine. I would say maybe a little bit before level nine or something is when that would be fair. Yeah. Because I don't know totally when, to what extent Eric Cochra's are-
Starting point is 00:46:08 I would have to- Have been established in like official D&D stuff as being a playable race. I know that you can play them, you can play like anything you want, but I don't know if they have like official stats as released by a book. You should say what Eric Cockers are
Starting point is 00:46:25 into a little summary of them right now for people listening. And then like a little dance, like an Eric Cocker dance. Yeah, and then just do a, and then also do like an Eric Cocker mating call. So yeah, I'm kind of holding my arms up like wings right now. And I'm kind of doing a little shuffle to the side,
Starting point is 00:46:40 showing my bird legs, and then I go, ah, ah, ah! and that's sort of an actually pain to a really nice picture. Yeah I totally totally. But like every if part of we've one of the benefits of playing in Eric Acro is that they fly then like that's usually in favor of other things like so you would think that it's like if you're not going to let me fly, what if I can do it as a once a day ability? Yeah, that's what I think.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Something like that. That makes sense. I think there's ways to build it into your campaign and your character growth as well. I don't know what this era cacra is in the world. If there are more era cacra, you from like a noble tribe or something like that, but it seems like if you either were like raised separately from other air cock-ra and like aren't as good as flying because of it, or like if that is a thing
Starting point is 00:47:33 in the world where like air cock-ra must like go out and learn to fly on their own, they like get literally kicked out of their nest, and there's like ways to like build it into your story to make it interesting too. Yeah, I think there's also ways to be like cool. Like you can fly 10 feet in the air, right? build it into your story to make it interesting too. Yeah, I think there's also ways to be cool. You can fly 10 feet in the air, right?
Starting point is 00:47:47 Yeah. You can fly 10 feet in the air and your speed is the same. But if you want to fly higher than 10 feet, you have to do like throw, like saving throws or something like that, or strength checks or something like that. Also, I am just realizing that part of probably the DM's problem with this is the fact that Brandon is playing a ranger. So I am getting a little bit of a sense. I think we're getting a little bit of a one-sided story here
Starting point is 00:48:15 as someone who is frequently bombarded with shenanigans. Brandon at level one wants to be able to fly up over their enemies and shoot them with Brandon at level one wants to be able to fly up over their enemies and shoot them with bows while not being able to be attacked except by like other arrows and stuff, which I could see is a little bit broken at level one. Well, okay, counterpoint. Don't people say that the Ranger is a frustrating class to play in 5e? Perhaps that's a way to make it a more exciting class.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I would love if Nia could fly actually. Just ask, don't go cold, we'll have a breakdown and give it to you. I'm strotted wings. Yay! I would imagine if you're home brewing something, then I think it's within the DMs right to be like, this kind of fucks my shit up.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I do think it's a little weird to say, you could never do it ever. I think you do like that, even as a high level. I see no reason. If druids can fly around at level nine, I see no reason a different character with a different excuse for being able to fly, couldn't fly at level six or seven. I see why at level one
Starting point is 00:49:27 Yeah, I didn't want your characters flying around here's my opinion you treat it like wild shape So you can do it like once a day for a minute So you could do it for like one combat Yeah, and then and then as you level up and get higher and higher you go up to twice a day I don't know. I think you gotta like take it, battle to battle, it is kind of like, we don't know the full story here, but if I were a DM and somebody was like flying around
Starting point is 00:49:52 in the air out of the range of my enemy, I would either have the enemy throw a rock at them and just like knock them out of the sky, or I would make them do like, strength saving throws on the team to fuck. They could stay in the air. It I would make them do like, strength saving throws. It's really on the team to fuck. To stay in the air. It's like partly on the DM to fuck
Starting point is 00:50:08 with the guy that wants to fly. So the DM would be like, all right, yeah, you want to fly. It's great. I'm going to invent a bunch of villains that do the same thing. Yeah. Yeah, I think I do think that part of the reason
Starting point is 00:50:18 the way I would handle it is like, okay, you're going to fly. Well, then pretty much anytime you're in battle, everyone's going gonna target you because you are the most anxious. Everyone's attention. So it's partly that, but also I just don't totally, anyone who's playing a bird,
Starting point is 00:50:38 I just don't totally trust that you're not trying to draw shenanigans. Yeah, right, that's my next character. Yeah, I have the definitive solution for the DM. Give your villain a gun. Whoa. There you go. Just change the world so that everyone has a gun.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Ha, ha. Yeah, I would say if my official ruling is that if Wizards has a Eric Kakra monster stat that is official and has been play tested and it involves flying, then you should be able to fly because there's probably other things that have been knocked off to make it fair. If this is something that you took from the monster manual and
Starting point is 00:51:22 then are adjusting, then I think the DM should maybe give it to you at like level seven or eight or nine or nerf you a bit in other ways. I could see why a level one character flying could be game breaking, especially for a new DM. Also an idea for the DM, just like every single place they fight, just mention, and the walls, and from the ceiling hangs fly paper.
Starting point is 00:51:46 And then they have to keep doing dexterity saving throws to not get caught up in the fly paper. Also make sure that every two hours a day, the EricOcker does need to preen. So you're gonna need to be observing preening time. And if you don't preen, then your wings will get skanky and that, and then you won't
Starting point is 00:52:06 be able to fly. Exactly. You need to take two short rest forever. You need to sleep for 16 hours a day. Not to mention you have to eat the exact nutrients that will keep your plumage lush. So many oily berries. Yeah, that's awesome. You need to take omega-3 pills. Definitely a tip for DMs
Starting point is 00:52:27 if your character, if one of your players wants to play a really strange character and you're like, what? I don't want you to be a cow person or something. Just have every single town they go to be like, what a cow person? I don't trust you. Wait, my second grade birthday was a cow themed birthday because I loved cows so much. Can I play a cow person? Of course, no, that's no. You already played Elk sometime. You play a goddamn pregnant Elk right now. You have a cow vest, you're basically a cow person. Okay, y'all, it's getting too happy. Let's bring it down.
Starting point is 00:52:57 This C asks, what would Jake Herwitz have done if hard one had actually died? Oh, man. What if you failed your roles in that moment, hard one? Which time? This mostly actually died. When you failed your roles to come back, if you had failed your roles to come back. When I got in stab by the death lens.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Yeah. Well, you would have given me the choice to go to Moriden, Cord, or Shadowfell. Shadowfell, yeah. I think I would have, or Shadowfell? Shadowfell, yeah. I think I would have gone to Shadowfell because I would want to punish myself because I rolled like dog shit. And then?
Starting point is 00:53:33 I actually, it actually would have been pretty narratively interesting, albeit devastating, but I would have allowed hard one to essentially have been like a dead person who was in Shadowfell who like couldn't be revived but could have been around for the last arc. So he would have gotten like one more lap
Starting point is 00:53:52 with the band of boobs. Oh, damn it. That would have been- That would have been- That would have been really too sad. But if he went to Shadowfell, couldn't I still bring him to, what couldn't we reincarnate him,
Starting point is 00:54:01 couldn't we find? Oh, that's interesting. I- I don't, I am, if either of you tries to like get yourself killed, I will be dragging your body to every high level through an incleric good town. So, you know, you're gonna have to tell me
Starting point is 00:54:17 if you don't want me to do that. Yeah, get a sign now. And even if you say you don't want that, I will still do it. Moonshine has reincarnation now, right? Yeah, I do. So just got, well, technically I think I got it for, I think we didn't level, get that level to.
Starting point is 00:54:32 You guys just leveled up after Queen Ezra. Okay, yeah, yeah, so then I do now. Yeah, that actually probably hasn't been announced on the show, but the boobs are level 10 now. Really? Dude. I'll have to come up with rules on how the, you know, if revivify doesn't work, can you then still do like reincarnation?
Starting point is 00:54:56 I would say probably, because it's just a different, it's like a different ritual. It's a different thing. Well, reincarnation is such a sacrifice in a way. Yeah, because you still come back differently. Yeah. We need to have a safe word amongst all of us. Rian Carnation feels like it's, I'm never gonna use it on either of you guys
Starting point is 00:55:18 because it's such a gamble because you roll and see what you would get reincarnated as. And mostly it's like elves and shit like that. But you can, if you roll and see what you would get reincarnated at. And mostly it's like elves and shit like that, but you can like, if you roll, like it's, you roll like a D100. And if you get like, you know, if you get like 99 or something like that, it's like a bug bear. So we need to have like a,
Starting point is 00:55:37 we need to have like some sort of like understanding if we ever do reincarnate at each other. Because it also does sound fun though, like narratively, if one of us was reincarnated as a different race, like that's role play wise, that's such a mind-fuck. But if one of us came back as a bug bear, like we need to have a safe word,
Starting point is 00:55:57 that just means like kill me. Kill me again. Like that. I think we all do need to. It's always gotta be a willing soul. So somebody could always, I would allow you guys, if like Moonshot and try to cast Reincarnate on Hard One or something, and Hard One was like,
Starting point is 00:56:10 it's time for me to rest. But could I roll and see, like, if it's a bug Baron, then I say it's time for me to rest? Yes, definitely. Oh, okay. Honestly, we don't need to kill me, say for it. Thanks, but no thing. This seems real cool, what you got set up here.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I'm good, I'm good. Hard one just looking around at heaven. Uh-uh. This is fun. I wonder if you could use some kind of, or like, I wonder if you could add bardic inspiration. Obviously, we don't have a bard, but I wonder if you could add bardic inspiration
Starting point is 00:56:44 to a reincarnate role So like if you rolled and you got a shit one if you could just add another D.A. and see if you got a better one I would I would allow some kind of I I think it would be if you did if you made some sacrifice or did the ritual and some kind of cool way and you found like a good some sacrifice or did the ritual in some kind of cool way and you found like a good role play reason for it. I would allow what would essentially be like advantage on that role because I do think well you can roll it twice and choose it. Yeah, I think it's it's fun to have that wild card aspect, but I also don't want one of you guys to play something that you don't want to play at all.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Yeah, that's why we have the kill me. Say for it. Yeah, we all need to sign the living will, it's true. Yeah. Cool. Let's do some other ones, kind of rapid fire. Yeah. I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Garrison A asks, which fast food places would each of your characters, including any NPCs, love the most? And said, I guess there's a lot more Chick-fil-A's in Gladeron now that the Oliver's card, which is a funny joke. Yeah. I think the chosen love Chick-fil-A and washing it down with a nice milk.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Yeah. Hard ones white castle, sliders, sliders. That would be a death, I mean. Oh, shit, yeah. Beverly's. Beverly's have Bev Loves Ruby Tuesdays, but he probably also love like shoneys. I think like any like family style buffet restaurant
Starting point is 00:58:04 Beverly is super into into because he's like He's a teen and he eats you know like teens got to eat Dirty secret for moonshine. She loves jolly bee. Oh That catch up at spaghetti great. I Didn't it was so off character. I was just joking. I don't know I'm John silver. Oh red lobster where lobster hell. Yeah Silver. Oh, Red Lobster. Red Lobster Hell yeah. Oh man, this place. There's a place in Burbank.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Red Craw Dad. Maybe, yeah, maybe Moonshine thinks like a secretly is always wanted to go to Red Lobster but thinks it's two fancies. It's an opt for long John Silver. Oh my God, maybe my dad was like a host at the Red Lobster. Oh my God, the matri-dee.
Starting point is 00:58:44 The matri-dirty-d. There's a place in Burbank called the Boiling Crab. And it's one of those spots where they bring you just a big plastic sack full of crab legs. Yeah. And I wanna go there in cosplay ice-crick-house. Yeah. Except moonshine will be like,
Starting point is 00:59:03 why is everyone tucking something into their bed? Not getting it all over themselves. You got a perfectly good shirt for that. Yeah You got a show everyone you wait crawdads earlier today. Dr. Gwen asked fuck Mary kill Nomes birds I else birds a.k. Angels. Okay. Oh, okay. Well Angels Birds AK Angels. Okay, oh, okay, well. You gotta kill the noves. I, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:59:28 The noves have been so good to you. If the, if the high elves are good enough for Jo-Leen, I think I want a piece too, so I'm gonna say fuck high elves. I think I would do, I think I would kill the bird slash angels. Yeah. Fuck the high elves and marry myself a gnome. Yeah, because it'd be fun.
Starting point is 00:59:47 They'd have a fun little lawnmower. They tinkered together and they take care of that. And if you like. But then maybe I would be one of them so they wouldn't be trying to screw me over all the time. But you'd ingratiate yourself to the gnome-ish people because you married into them. I've learned their trickery.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Exactly. That's the ultimate trick people because you married into them. I've learned their trickery. Exactly. That's the ultimate trick is to get married to one. Okay. John S asks, Emily and Jake, what kind of campaign would you DM? That's a really, really good question. Emily, do you know, I'm nervous.
Starting point is 01:00:21 I do know. I would, I think I would do a low fantasy Game of Thrones type of campaign. That'd be so cool. That is my favorite fantasy, and then also practically, I don't need to learn a whole fuck ton about spells. Yep, that's true.
Starting point is 01:00:43 I will say it's easier to have a lot of magic in a campaign as far as world building goes than it is to like come up with a ton of kingdoms and like their governments and all of that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I could do that. I mean? No, I would, I love the idea of like making a council and a triarch and we were shared with magistrates. I'll come up with magistrates. Yeah. I kind of agree. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I like political bodies. I don't really know what I would do. Like I, I like a lot of different worlds. So I definitely like, I like the blood elves in War the Warcraft a lot, or the Night Elves, or the Night Elves of Blood elves. Yeah, there's two. There's both. I like the Night Elves in War the Warcraft a lot and I like to just fly around their worlds and live in their purple glow.
Starting point is 01:01:40 So maybe like a glowing purple world. Damn. So a low magic purple world. Purple world, love it. But I also really like like creepy monsters a lot too. Yeah. It'd be fun. It'd be fun like golf monsters. Like um.
Starting point is 01:02:00 I would love to do like a bloodborne inspired world that you DMed Emily, that'd be so fun. Oh, interesting. Like a little more like lovecraftian. Yeah. I would love to do like a bloodborne inspired world that you DMed Emily. That'd be so fun. Oh Interesting like a little more like lovecraft in yeah, I like spooky stuff. Yeah get spooky. Yeah, that's cool Lee on Twitter asks who's the biggest antagonist theala or ill said slash a carat Do you guys hate the devils or the angels more? Oh, no? We haven't really interacted with theala at all, have we? I think that you interact with chosen. Theala's been like the obvious antagonist, but like I haven't been back in my head that Ilsaid
Starting point is 01:02:34 like destroyed my aunt's life. So like we haven't, like we've interacted with acarat, but like that still doesn't really give me a great window into Ilsaid. The devil's done more to fuck us, but the chosen are more annoying. Yeah. I mean, the chosen did also take over my home.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Yeah, but the devil made it to deal with your dad. And yeah, man, they are all up in my, just my business on every front. I hate them both. Equally, gosh. No thank you to either, I say. Does anyone have a specific answer if you had to pick one?
Starting point is 01:03:10 I just said, I think Ilsaid is bigger. I mean, obviously Theola's got a lot of power, so she's more present. We're hearing updates on her, but Ilsaid, I feel a little more personally attacked by. Yeah, I think that he like, ill said is frozen in the popularity charts as far as people we wanna kill.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Galad is like my mortal enemy, especially given where we are now. But it's been fucking me since before I was born. And we will answer one more question on this episode, but we will answer more over on our Patreon, slash nad pod, Don't sing yet. Oh, I wish to. But this last one is a fun one.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Mr. Anybody on Twitter asks, when will we get an episode with Grand Daddy Brennan Lee Mulligan? The answer is very soon. we are gonna get Brennan in on some of this shadow fell stuff. So I think we're gonna do an episode or two to kind of introduce the arc, and then our good friend Brennan is going to be joining us. Yay.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Old guest. Yay, he's the best. He's so excited. Can't wait. I always talking to me about his character, and he says it's like the closest thing you can get to like a fully broken character but still following the rules.
Starting point is 01:04:29 So I'm very excited. That's what happens when DMs play. Instantly get into shenanigans but like shenanigans that they could that will hold up in court. He's a squeaky clean shenanigans. Oh my gosh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Iron club. Cool guys, so we're gonna wrap it up. I said we'll be answering more questions over on our Patreon. So head on over to there. He's a squeaky clean chin-and-again. Oh my gosh. Yeah iron club cool guys So we're gonna wrap it up like I said we'll be answering more questions over on our patreon So head on over to there if you want to listen to more Guys we got some stuff to plug watch hot date on Netflix me and Emily sketch show you could also We're currently filming season two baby season two baby You can also get our book. Hey you up how to turn your booty call into emergency contacts, the Turek Relatio Ship Advice book, available on Amazon and on Audible. Call the whole way you got to plug.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Ooh, why don't you check out Big City Greens. It's a Disney show that I work for. I believe all the first season is available on Amazon or iTunes or on the Disney now app, not on Disney plus yet, but like get excited is probably gonna be on there. It's just us and the Mandalorian.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Check us out. How do people send us stuff called well? Oh, it's a great question. You can send it to 1920 Hillhurst Avenue, number 222, Los Feliz, California, 90027. I went to the PO box recently. We have a lot of cool stuff in there. So we'll be doing shout outs for that
Starting point is 01:05:47 and upcoming episodes. Thank you so much for sending us things. Jake, what do you got? Beer to old baby, brother sister co, got come. Yeah. Yeah. And the sister, mister of course. Sister mister.
Starting point is 01:06:00 I'm a mister, sister, and I'm happy about it. Huh. Hell yeah. And also, I think our live show, I thought, oh, fuck. It might be sold out at this point, but if it's not, then it is damn close to selling out. You can go to and click on the live tab and you'll see our Chicago show. We're coming to Chicago on June 14th.
Starting point is 01:06:23 I can't wait. I love that city. You too. Very few tickets left. So jump on it. If you haven't already. Guys, follow us on Twitter at CHMurf is me at eAxford is Emily at called is called will at J. Kerwitz is Jake and tweet about the show using hashtag nat pod that's NADD POD.
Starting point is 01:06:43 We are we are the youth of the nation. that's NADDPOD.

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