Not Another D&D Podcast - Trinyvale - Ep. 12: Rana'For Reunion

Episode Date: May 18, 2020

With an all-new mission, Retrieval Team 22 ventures deep into the heart of the Rana'For Valley; a lush land full of hidden villages, talking monkeys, and super-friendly step-dads. Nyack learn...s to lead, Jens picks up a bad habit and Onyx blends right in as the search for the chaotic realm of the Periphera begins!Music CreditsSound Design by Daniel Ramos ( and @Dr.Schubird on IG)"Trinyvale Intro and Outro" by Emily Axford"Blavin Blandfoot's Bellowing Blunders" by Jens Christian Tvilum“Moonsick“ by Jens Christian TvilumSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item, plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy. They offer discrete shipping as your privacy is a priority.
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Starting point is 00:01:34 I hear my children singing. Like birds chirping. Common babies. It's time for supper. A world filled with magical missions that are matters of life and death, and regretful revenants for whom life and death do not matter. It is a true adventurer's paradise. Today's story begins deep in the marbled halls of the Golden Iris headquarters.
Starting point is 00:02:00 After completing the trial of attunement, the Trinneville trio retires to their suite and begins to prepare for their journey to the Rana 4. As the white marble sky turns to black, Artreo thinks of their new friends who are now scattered across the globe on various missions to help secure the future of Trinneville. Will they ever meet again? Or will the DM get tired of keeping up with them and just roll their deaths off-screen? Oh! Ha! Only time will tell. And so, without further ado, let's rejoin Retrieval Team 22 and begin Chapter 12 of the Trinaville Adventure. Woo!
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah, maybe! Right! Oh yeah. Hello, friends, and welcome back to the table. I am, of course, your dungeon master, master aka a dunkel called well Tanner joined by Jenzlin Dell sword dancer dad Lancer all Stabbed my dad stabbed your dad. It was a ghost of your dad
Starting point is 00:02:54 But still you did put a sword through him. You got to What are you gonna do? New age mess in a vintage dress. Oh, okay up. Yeah nice looks good. I don't etsy. Yeah Nyax self-made man of Marmalade All hail the champion triumphant Okay, y'all I know you're all ready to make a run for Rana 4, but first, how about a quick recap of what's happened so far?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Yes please. Alright, so when last we met, U3 had defeated both the Shard-Wielder Raster von Weinhart and his pirate minions, and were making your way towards the floating city of Vena Doss. To Parlay, with a tycoon treasure hunter known as Mercurio Delurio. However, before you could arrive, Mercurio pulled out a magic rod and attempted to take the Gennarack crystals in your possession from you with force. His plan failed, however, when his half-orc bodyguard, Zogaff, literally stabbed him in the
Starting point is 00:04:01 back and tossed him over the ship. Zogaff then revealed that she was a double agent working for the Golden Iris alongside Blavin, and mentioned that she was now under orders to take you all to their secret headquarters in the Kelsen peaks to meet their leader. After solving a quick puzzle and nearly losing Jin's testicles, you made your way into the secret base of the Golden Iris Society. Once there you were greeted by a dry ad made of grape finds who revealed herself to be the Revenant form of Onyx's mother, Grafite Lumière.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Big hand herself. She explained that after being murdered by a rast, Grafite's husband Baseltois implanted the last bit of his magic into her heart. With this final gift, Grafite was able to regrow herself from the grave and live on as the leader of the Golden Ira society. Over a dinner of chicken wine and wish-bebees, she enlightened you to the society's true mission, Awakening the Hidden God. A mythological entity whose existence is shrouded in mystery.
Starting point is 00:05:01 No one knows how to awaken the God, but she speculated that by taking the crystals back to the place where they were created, and then destroying them, the repressed memories of the gods and perhaps knowledge of the hidden God would spill forth. Graphite then explained that the crystals were created in an artifact known as the Lath of Creation, and that it resides in the same realm in which Verlis, the master of Onyx's shard flail is currently imprisoned. To help prepare the trio for the trials ahead, Grafit then used the Gennarack crystals to create an attuning chamber. Within this chamber, Onyx was able to form a new pact with her Trinstagram followers and became a champion ranger, and Jyns dwalled the ghost of his father to purify rast blade, transforming it from the beckoning void into the rebeckoning void.
Starting point is 00:05:52 So solid. In honor of a solid girl, you used to know. Together, you three evolved from team 22 to the cruel Thruel. After completing your trials of attunement, Graffite informed you that her team had located an entrance to the Perifera in a cavern not far from Nyaxe's hometown in the Rana-Four Valley. And so, with new weapons and abilities in tow, U3 made preparations for your journey to the world's strangest family reunion.
Starting point is 00:06:22 And that is where we are now. So you three are headed to your ship accompanied by Graffite and also a large portion of the Golden Iris crew who have come to see you off. Before you board, however, Graffite pulls you all aside for one last farewell. She hugs each of you and says, I'm so sorry we cannot be together for longer, but sadly there is still work to be done. However, before you go, I have prepared some final potting gifts for you. Ah.
Starting point is 00:06:54 She turns to Nayak and pulls something out of a satchel that one of her assistants was carrying. Please, I'm so full. Please, please don't let it be a baby. Don't not worry. I could never. It is a topical treatment for you. Nayaq for my shortlist sticky friend.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I have one more goopy gift. And she gives you a bottle of magic sunscreen. This will give you plus one to AC. And resistance to a different type of damage every day. You roll a D12 to determine what type of damage. Wow. I really, I have such a nice bronze complexion. I perhaps I'll use a little on my nose.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Just a little bit. You have to be worried about the melanoma. I gain power from sunlight. I should have seen the tattoos, I suppose. Yes, to make sure it's a retainer's shape. You do not want them fading. May I apply some right now? I think that everyone would enjoy that.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Yeah. You're just gonna lather yourself up in front of this old crew of people. Hold on, let me get the lighting just right, so I can make this an Insta story. You're very popular. Not really. Should I be in this or?
Starting point is 00:08:02 I frame Jens out. I say, yes, absolutely, hild this or? I frame Jens out. I say yes absolutely hild together and I frame Jens out. I empty the full bottle into my belly button. I am really to slashing damage. Whoa! Wait a minute, no, resist it. resist it. So, yeah. He was a lot of sunscreen. Oh, it's very gooped on. It's very thick, interesting. Yeah, so for today, you are resistant to slashing damage. So that means that any damage you take from a slashing weapon
Starting point is 00:08:35 will be halved, way to go. Wow, nice. Yeah. And I posted that. So should I see if my followers responded to my content? Yes, go ahead. I noticed you weren't holding at landscape mode. I don't know how you could have fit both of us in that picture. No, you're in there. Absolutely. 100%. 14. 14. Solid post. No effect. Everyone is loving this post. You're getting a lot of people
Starting point is 00:09:01 saying, who's he? Who's he is the star of my Trinstagrand I noticed that that Jen's replied to the who's he and like Jen's Lindell official I'm asking who's he because where is Jen's Lindell? Yeah all of the comments are saying like more of this please get the goth out of here. Who's that goth elbow we can see in this picture? Just standing super far away looking upset in the background. So after you slather yourself and on expose this picture, Graffite moves over to Jens, and she says,
Starting point is 00:09:45 a beautiful blade, like the Rebecca N'Void, needs some beautiful armor to complement it. And she hands you an ornate, gold and royal, purple, military parade jacket. Oh my God. It is a lightweight, but fashionable and sturdy,
Starting point is 00:10:00 and it gives you plus two to AC. Ooh! Yes, I noticed you are dying a lot. Yes, that happens, and I'm a parade suit. This is, I'm about to go see my mother, and this is making me more emotional. This is beautiful. You must show her your very best.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Tell her I say tell her, we have never met, but she seems nice. Yeah, she's dead to me. Oh. Oh. And of course, Onyx, I have something for you as well. Yes, mama. I have something to keep both you and Sweet Obsidian safe.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Ah, sweet indeed. Ah, not, not, I was trying to, I was holding your mouth close. How it erupts even from clenched teeth. Onyx, I think that one came from her ass. I think this could actually help. And she pulls out this full set of war horse armor except to miniaturize. And you see that the jaw of the helmet can actually clamp shut.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Oh, I put it on. Ma, oh. Let's see. of the helmet can actually clamp shut. Oh! I put it on. Ma-ah! What? Seems injured. Is this hurting? Is this hurting? I don't quite know.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Sounds angry. Let me open that. So much worse. Still sounds pained, but it leads some to us. Anyways, this will allow you to cast shield as a reaction without burning a spurslot. Oh! Yes, that is very powerful. Wow, thank you, mama.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Of course, I cannot be with you on your journey and I wish to be. So I give you this gift. I try to spoil you a little bit. It's been so long. Well, you have. And of course, since I must remain here, there is one last thing I would like to give you so that at least the part of me can be with you. Yes, mama. And she plucks a bunch of grapes that was dangling on her ear, kind of like an earring.
Starting point is 00:12:01 And she hands them to you. And you now have a bundle of great grapes. So once per session you can roll a D6 to determine how many grapes grow on this vine and each of those grapes restores one hit die plus your conscore of HB. It's like a little grape amulet. Thanks. Everyone, gather around the grips. There are four of them. I couldn't. No, she's so much light doesn't there be be. They are.
Starting point is 00:12:32 I'm telling you, Jen, I've had one before. They are very light. Interesting. Yes, they come from the earth. We can split one if you want. I prefer that. So after distributing these gifts, graffit hugs each of you. She then kisses on Exxon both cheeks and says goodbye my sweet chickadee. Please watch over Jettankalban
Starting point is 00:12:57 for me. I will. I wish I could tell them about my fate, but I fear it would only put them in more danger. So... I will wait until the right moment and I will tell them. Okay, no, but I do not tell them because this location and the fact that I am alive and running this organization is top secret then. Yes, no, I'm saying I will wait for a safe moment. A safe moment, okay. I trust your judgment. Someday I will tell them the heroic story of our mother. That is all I wish.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Now, go forth. I have programmed Kichin with the coordinates to the Rana 4 Valley, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding it. Now please, go. Awake in the hidden god and resc rescue this world from its divine chains. We're going to visit my mother. And yours as well. Our mom.
Starting point is 00:13:52 My parents actually were both killed in that duel, some say. Do you think she is also my mom? It's possible. I'm right here. You said that I'm still on the ground. You haven't taken off yet. I'm sorry, out of sight, out of mind, you know, that's what it happened with mom's. It is better this way. You must forget I exist for your safety, Onyx.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Now please, Arif, wow, goodbye. All right, I'm off to meet my mom. Very well. Okay, it's things I let her. So you three depart the Golden Iris headquarters, um, graphite in the crew wave as your ship listen to the air. Keychain takes to the pilot seat and begins navigating. You notice that he now has a captain's hat and a little scarf. And he talks into the intercom.
Starting point is 00:14:37 This is Captain Keychain speaking. Next stop, Rana for Valley, buckle up, benches. I really don't want him to be the captain, but I also don't want to do the work to be the captain either. Oh, that's your excuse for your station in life. The gents go out and find himself. He said buckle up. When he's a suit, when he's a gents does not buckle up.
Starting point is 00:15:03 He was very bentively off the edge. Buckle up. I beg you brother. I'm gonna roll for turbulence 14 it's a little rocky Let's see how much damage you take from falling down You take four damage so we that deserve it damn you're pride Damn you pride Nyak for buckling in you get some baby captain wings You honor me you don't have a shirt, so I'm going to have to pin them on your flesh pin it on my flesh, okay, I
Starting point is 00:15:38 Take four damage He takes four damage wow Wait, what kind of damage? Piercing, so you're... Oh, good. Thank you for asking. Oh, next, would you also like some baby flyer wings? Yes, but I would also like them in my skin. What?
Starting point is 00:15:54 Okay, weird. Like a piercing. Would you like it on your nose or your ear, or perhaps your septum? On my ear, please. Okay. You take three days. Oh, it's so cute. So Nia absolutely has a nipple ring now, right?
Starting point is 00:16:09 You have a little pair of pilot wing nipple rings. Awesome. Amazing. So yeah, keychain. Wow, sorry, infected. That was abnormally quick. So fast. You should eat more than just one butter finger BB a week.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I should cut my butter BB and take down actually, right? So Keychain straps himself into the pilot seat, points towards the first aid kit for NIAC, so that he can hopefully patch up his nipple a little bit. And thank you. I couldn't possibly. Just so everyone knows, like my piercing is a cartilage piercing. So I have like little wings in my cartilage. It's very cool. Oh, do you like, let it in half? Do you have one
Starting point is 00:16:53 on each one? No, I just have wings on just one cartilage. Oh, that's dope. And it is, I think it is kind of like an old style wing. It's not a airplane wing. It does look like angelic a little bit. So it kind of works with your whole vibe. Fuck yeah. Um, so yeah, Jans looks jealously at Onyx's I bet he's hand away. But says nothing. You could have had one if you buckled, brother. I don't want one. Why would I want one?
Starting point is 00:17:14 What would I do with it? Where would it fit on this suit? Besides like right above this gold button. That's the perfect space. It would be, it could be. I bet you thought about it. You may have thought about it. I never thought about it. If you buckle, you can have one. That is the perfect space. It would be, it could be. I bet you thought about it. You may have a thought about it. I haven't thought about it.
Starting point is 00:17:26 If you buckle, you can have one. That is for you. I'm not buckling keychain. You have to buckle. You're not the boss of me. Can I minor illusion one? Because I have a new catch up. Can I minor illusion one and see how he reacts to it?
Starting point is 00:17:39 Yes. A seat builder or a button? No, a minor illusion or button. OK, thank you, Gawa. Oh, well, glad he came minor religion or button. Okay, thank you, that one. Oh, well, I'm glad you came around, Keechay. Hey, how did you get that? I make it go away. Oh, I see, it was a goof.
Starting point is 00:17:54 No, it's who you want one, brother. I'm being gasoline. I'm being gasoline. This is... Uh, Keechayn gives up on you because you're a lost cause. And you fly across the continent of Primora back towards the continent of Agendel, which is of course where the Ranafor Valley, as well as the city of Vainilar are located.
Starting point is 00:18:15 After flying for a bit, you eventually reach the floating metropolis of Vainadas, which is connected to the two continents by colossal chains. As you approach however, you notice something peculiar. Giant billboards now float above the city skyline. Each of them features a picture of U3, as well as Zian Blavin and a single word. Wanted. Where famous? Huh, am I in the front? Ha ha ha ha. No, you're kind of obscured by Z.
Starting point is 00:18:48 What? A little bit. This is terrible. Wanted is like a good thing though, right? Oh, I've always wanted to be wanted. I've also always wanted to be wanted. This is potentially means that people will come after us. Let me check my DMs to see if this is conjuring up anyone in my lurking in there.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Oh and Jen, you're in this photo as well Look at that. You're a little out of focus. I guess I'm just really elusive Is that you know because they're trying to catch everyone but me I'm kind of you know It looks like they've auto-shapped you to be a little bit more attractive Why would they need to more attractive. Why would they need to smooch at me? Niak or did they smooch out some wrinkles? I'm only in my 60s. Why would I need to smooch out wrinkles? I don't have any wrinkles. The rosacea seems gone. Your skin tone is crazy. I don't have rosacea. Honest you do see when you're doing like a local search for Vayneidas, yeah, there's a lot of hits
Starting point is 00:19:47 about U3 as well as ZN Blavin. It seems that you're wanted for kidnapping Mercurio, who of course hasn't shown up since Z stabbed him and tossed him into the ocean below. And as you'll recall, Mercurio's base of operations is in Vainedos and he has a lot of influence and sway there. Okay. Go. Do I know anyone from this town?
Starting point is 00:20:13 From Vainedos? From Agadon. Agandon? Yeah, Agandon. Agandon is the continent. Okay. That's where Vainalar and Rana for as well as Verdampa is. Okay, but this city that we're, are we just going over the city? Are we going into the city? That's where Vainelar and Rana for as well as Verdampa is.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Okay, but this city that we're, are we just going over the city? Are we going into the city? You are flying, you're approaching the city. So a quick geography lesson. There's three continents, there's Genorac, there is Pramora, and there is Agendel. And Agendel is kind of the main continent now after the, you know, sundering of Ginnarak. If you've got a map. I do have a map.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Okay, cool. Maybe I can post that online as well when we post this episode to help people follow that. Yeah, of Agendel. And this is where we were when we, uh, Ginnabt Mercurio. Yes, the Kelsen peaks is, um, where the Golden Iris Society headquarters is. It's also where some of the older races, like the Orkish capital, as well as the elves are located.
Starting point is 00:21:08 But most of the new life and industry is now in Agendel after Ginerak was sundered. So you can see Verdantha, which is where the Wood Elves, like Rast, that's where his people are from. You've also got Vayna-lar, which is where, that is like the big clockwork city where your adventure began. You've got the Tamino Forest where you found the first crystal. You've also got, of course, the Randolph-Org Valley, which is where you're heading now. So Keychain has been programmed with a direct line path to the Randolph-Org Valley.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Okay, so we won't be stopping in any cities. Yes. We're just driving past and we're seeing billboards over ourselves. Yes, I was just making sure I didn't need to disguise myself. Okay, cool. Yeah. So yeah, you are flying towards Vandidos. You're not stopping there. You're just flying past it because that's on the way on your direct route to the Rana 4 Valley. But you are noticing as you approach, there are some billboards that say that you are wanted for kidnapping or potentially murdering Mercurio. So yes, why don't you all give me perception checks as you fly towards this city? I got a one.
Starting point is 00:22:09 That's a big two for me. So shout out to the two crew, but I got a six. I got a 10. We were good. Great. While we're doing this, can I look through the spaceship to see if there's any spray paint? Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah, give me an investigation check. I just got a net 20 on my investigation check. Yeah, you definitely find, hmm, I don't know if it would be spray paint. Maybe there's like some big industrial sharpies and business applause. Okay, can a key change? Dearest close to the posters of us. Are we worried about bringing attention to us? I was going to give us some privacy.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Okay. I would like to mage hand a sharpie out and just draw over our eyes. Okay. Okay. I'm waiting to like, so that people won't be able to tell who it is. Yeah. To like censor us. Okay, give me a stealth check as you do this. I'll give you a help action. I'll help you out. 12. 12. She's not super stealthy. I'm going to roll for something.
Starting point is 00:23:21 She's not super stealthy. I'm going to roll for something. As you're doing this, you see two soldiers with big glistening silver wings fly towards you. And you see their eyes are glowing like silver spotlights as they catch wind of what you're doing. Okay, I never do this, but I'm going to mantle of the Mothcast confusion.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Okay. Are the confusion rays? Just to clarify, mantle of the Moth is a random effect based on a D4 role. Okay, I rolled it too. You rolled a two. That's going to be a fear ray. Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:02 All right, let me read what a fure ray does. Target must succeed on a DC 13 wisdom saving throw or be frightened for one minute. Target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns with disadvantage if you were visible to it, ending the effect on itself on a success. Cool, so DC 13, let me roll.
Starting point is 00:24:24 I take my sharpies and I make them look like little devil horns gents threatening me stunts at them Nyak Branch back off his wing nipple ring get out of here I also have wings I do a threatening dance west side story style break it down brother. I am the same to make a noise. Baaah! She seems extra angry. She is in heat. Um, Jen gets really a theater kiddie about it and starts singing West Side Story as a
Starting point is 00:24:58 joke but then just like full on, starts singing the song and trying to impress everyone with how good he is at singing. You're a jet, you're a jet all the way. Just to clarify, Obsidian is a boy, I believe. Oh, is it? Obsidian is in heat. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Mune corn boys. It's not common for other animals, but Mune corn boys going to heat. Great. I'll write that down. Yeah. We'll get to know. So what happens is one of the silver wing guards sees you making the devil horns and sees gins Just working it just really like twisting the audience around in the palm of their hand. Do I feel pretty brother?
Starting point is 00:25:42 Seasons of love and they're like, I don't want any part of that. This guy's gonna try to get me to follow his Patreon. And they flap away, but the other one's like, coward, I think that theater is alive and well in Vainedos, and I shall support this art. And they fly towards you. How close are they? They are. Since you got up to the billboard,
Starting point is 00:26:05 I'm going to say that they are within 30 feet of you and they are closing in. I will, before they get close enough, I will eldritch blast them. Okay, you wanna go in roll and attack? Great. 17. 17.
Starting point is 00:26:21 That misses. Oh! They got good silver plate. Let's try to be done with this. I'm gonna try to polymorph them into, I'm gonna try to polymorph them into a shark. That's terrifying. Cause I'm a jet, so they're a shark.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Oh, right. Seasons of love, the pre-musical. The pre-musical, the musical. You could. Yes, I know, I do all of them. I can do a landlord. I find more of them into a shell out. So I need to, I need to do, I believe a wisdom saving throw.
Starting point is 00:26:55 What did I need to beat? 16, 16. I did not beat that. Yes. They turn into a shark landlord? Yes. Yes. A landlord for other sharks. You see for shark rent. They're big beautiful silver wings shrink and
Starting point is 00:27:14 do little fins. A shark fin pops on their back. Their teeth get huge. And they say, oh, this is awesome. I have big teeth. Oh, no, I'm a shark now. Hey, where's the rent money? First of the month, first of the month. You sold out Benny. You see this shark panic in its silver eyes as it plummets into the ocean below. Let me see if it lands in a beautiful dive or if it breaks all of its cartilage. It's flat. 17, they do a's a cat. 17.
Starting point is 00:27:46 They do a pretty good dive. Ooh. Wow, beautiful. And begin their new life as a shark landlord. As it was meant to be. All right, let's leave. We can possibly. I want this body more flask.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Not very long. We need to go. It's like an hour. We need to go, guys. I'm just saying it's going to be really funny once they all of us are in body more back into a human and are surrounded We need to go guys. I'm just saying it's gonna be really funny once they all of a sudden They're going more back into a human and just are surrounded by sharks. Yeah, I'm gonna talk it full of sand dollars Just fixing fixing a another shark's garbage disposal and they suddenly suddenly turned back into a human
Starting point is 00:28:21 We should wait just in case they decide they want to be a shark We can turn it into a shark for life. Yes, well this is only going to last for an hour so we should go. Oh, they can get real deep underwater in an hour. Yeah. Geachens, step on it. Okay, here we go. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz perception check to see if any more guards notice you as you're booking it away. I wasn't going to but you got right up close to that billboard so I feel like you know you're kind of in the the thick of the city so there might be a few more
Starting point is 00:28:52 guards around. Hmm that is a 12. I'm gonna go ahead and say one more guard starts pursuing you. Eldritch blast. Okay. That's not going to hit. Hmm. Okay. You see one more guard pursuing you. Here's what you can do.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Keychain turns to you and says, we can either keep tailing it out of here or I can turn on the cloaking, but I cannot pilot the vehicle while it is cloaked. It must remain parked and hovering. Let's just kick it in the high gear. Yeah, let's while it is cloaked. It must remain parked and hovering Let's just kick it in a high gear. Yeah, let's kick it into a high gear Let's all put our butts out and moon him That's hilarious. Are you saying you would like to make like a jet?
Starting point is 00:29:43 What when you're a jet you're a jet all the way keychain when you're a jet your a jet Maybe I could be your backup singer you could definitely be my backup singers You can have those wings now Oh my what a cool great good Jen's pulls in some tears hold my are you blushing what I'm not blood. I don't have rosacea Okay, I believe you Singing up close they definitely Photoshopped you I don't have rosacea. Okay, I'd leave you. Broom! Seeing it up close, they definitely Photoshopped you. So I'm going to say that the Silver Wing Guard has 30 feet of flying movement.
Starting point is 00:30:17 The ship can easily outrun them. I'm going to say you're safe. Just... You know what I will do is I will mask of many faces. Make myself look like... Make myself look like Mercurio. Just wave. I'm okay.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And wave from the wave. This is clearly Mercurio's ass. You would know it anyway. I have insanely good deception. Could I while she waves super far away? I just want to be like, I just want everyone to know that I'm all right. I actually do have good deception.
Starting point is 00:30:47 All right, roll deception with advantage. Okay. I have plus 12. Whoa. I have plus eight, which is going to be at 21. 21. You see the guard goes, oh, okay. Bimicario, how fun are you, Trent?
Starting point is 00:31:04 Have them take that billboard down. I try to do one more eldritch book. What? I got an ass one. You see this guard is waving. They're like, have fun bringing me back something from the agondale. And then all of a sudden, their wings are incinerated,
Starting point is 00:31:24 and they fall into the ocean. He shouldn't have asked his boss for a souvenir. Suck it, Benny. You see the other shark guard just boop. We have truly created discontent amongst their rights. What are we doing? Will he remember that when he wakes up and is a guard again? I'll just have guard bones inside of him. What are we doing? Will he remember that when he wakes up and is a guard again? Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I'll just have guard bones inside of it. The guard shark, the landlord shark says, now that's what I call a security deposit. That was pretty good. He's funny. I'll give him that. You hate your kind. He winks his silver eyes at you. You're a cannibal man.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Hahaha. Alright, are you ready to leave Vena Doss if you call him? Yeah, I'm happy. He was supposed to just be a driveibal man. All righty, ready to leave Vena Doss if you call it as a habit. Yeah, it was supposed to just be a drive-by. Okay, cool. Great. So you've neutralized the guards. Great work. You continue driving past Vena Doss.
Starting point is 00:32:16 But more importantly, I covered our eyes on the wanted poster. Very important. Yes, on one of those. Yes, I should clarify, there were four to five billboards with your faces on them So my words only three to four Yeah, one of the quadrants of the city has no idea who you are Generally knows what we look like just doesn't know our eyes But knows the look of our entire crew. Yeah, just a very diverse group of different like
Starting point is 00:32:46 Fantasy races of our entire crew, just a very diverse group of different like fantasy races. High five onyx. No, high 10. Wow. I don't give those out lightly. Yeah, they don't, they know who you are, but they don't know your soul because you're covered in the eyes. They really don't know what you're thinking or what you're about, I would say. So keychain flies at full speed for a bit more until your ship finally reaches land.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Gradually the sandy beaches give way to thick jungle. And using his new internal navigation circuit, Keychain finds a small opening in the canopy and sets the craft down. Once you're down he extends the stairs and cloaks the ship. Niaq, can you lead from here? I've been waiting to lead my entire life. I sat a little silver on your back, I see. I think it's suntan lotion, but a boy can dream.
Starting point is 00:33:36 There's a lot of zinc in that, yes. So yeah, following Niaq's lead, you had deep into the verdant heart of the Ranafloor Valley. Massive palms sway overhead, catching all, but a trickle of light, which a carpet of moss and ferns happily lap up. All around you is an uninterrupted choir of animals. You hear chittering beetles, singing lemurs, and what sounds like a parrot shouting trivia facts. Welcome home, brother. Rack!
Starting point is 00:34:11 A bee has five eyelids! A human brain weighs about three pounds! Rack! What's run? Pitch can get sunburn! Rack! I run. Where are you going? This is terrifying, guy. I run
Starting point is 00:34:28 This is terrifying You see the forest is alive that was my elementary school teacher Hello, mr Bronstein It's actually It's actually mr. Duplos now I got married Congratulations, thank you. Are you married to one of the Duplos brothers? No, I'm a parent. Oh, okay I don't know what the rules are. Duplos with one ass. Oh One minute kiss birds about 26 calories rack. I like the other Duplos is better a one minute kiss although you are talented
Starting point is 00:35:05 I kiss my husband for longer than a minute. Okay, I'm still running You continue running deeper and deeper into the forest the surrounding foliage grows thicker and thicker Vines tickle your shoulders a shaggy rug of moss tugs at your feet. Oh ew disgusting. This is great. I'll set up my speaking stone and watch some Netflix. You do, I want to take a short rest. You took a lot of damage from the pins. Oh yeah, I'll tell you the truth.
Starting point is 00:35:41 So yeah, you all lie down in the moss for a moment. Keachan's like, time is of the utmost, but okay. Keychain lies down. There's always time for a moss nap. Hey, Beetle crawled into my motherboard. She honors you. It may be parasitic and invasive. Oh, she is spitting acid on my circuits.
Starting point is 00:36:01 She gives you gifts, Keychain. Accept them. Your right, it would be unwise, not too. I've been living with a parasite my whole life. Perhaps I will be blessed by this acid, and I will do acid damage on attacks now. Anything is possible. Thank you for teaching me to dream. Like Mr. Bernstein taught you. Bernstein, I believe. Mr. Bernstein taught you. Sorry, how was thinking? Correct. Mr. DuPlaas Bernstein. Respect his marriage. You're right. I am being terribly rude. Kei Chen is so rude. I am working on it.
Starting point is 00:36:45 My beetle is chewing through my courtesy circuits. Okay, we'll get that out because we're not bringing anyone with bugs with us. Naya-kaleeps. Jen starts running again. As soon as he sees one bug, he starts sprinting in a random direction. That's where the bug came from, brother. Turn around, I run back. I can't tell if I am robot or beetle anymore,
Starting point is 00:37:12 the beetle is controlling me. You do have little beetle antennas now. Actually, this is kind of working for me. Yeah, it looks good. Thank you. So you continue running. Soon you reach a point where you see monstrous ferns growing overhead. They're starting to get prehistoric in nature.
Starting point is 00:37:30 And they're so thick that they're kind of all but blotting out the sun. Soon after running for a little further you reach a point where you can barely see it all. And then, dead ahead, you see a small beam of light shining on a massive vine covered rock. Uh, would you like to inspect the rock? Yes. Yeah, cool. I'd like to look for a sword.
Starting point is 00:37:55 A sword? I'm just going to generally inspect the rock. Okay. 17. 17? Plus 15 to find this sword. Even though I have packed weapon magic and I can summon a sword. With 15, you find a beautiful, pointy stick. And when you pull the stick out of the stone, you think that perhaps this stick was left here by some great king of chimps. Onyx, would you like me to help you dispose of your other weapons?
Starting point is 00:38:29 Well, it's kind of a back to weapon thing, so I can dispose and make them appear and make them disappear. Can you use this stick as your back to weapon now? I sheath the stick. It is very pointy. Lead me to the chimps. Ancient sword of our elders. What did you get there?
Starting point is 00:38:51 I'm 11. 11. Okay, so you all kind of get up to this rock. It's covered in vines and moss, and you can't really make out anything on it until gins, you kind of just pull out one of your swords and just half has to start cutting on it. Yeah, I'm just pulling at it. What is this rock? It's weird.
Starting point is 00:39:10 It is an ancient relic. Give me my gloves of our home. We just need to get in there. Just pull at it. Who cares? It's grass. It's disgusting. I'm going to clean this up.
Starting point is 00:39:19 I'll clean it brother. I just have like a towel and I'm just wiping it down. I'm like pure hell. Yeah. I'm just going to spray some purell. Oh, it looks like a towel and I'm just wiping it down. I'm like pure hell. Yeah, I'm just gonna spray some pure. Oh, it looks like it's a bug crawled into your ear, brother. I run off into the woods again. I stabbed the bug with my news card. Roll it.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Give me a name of that chimp. All right, roll attack. Yeah. I got a four. What do I add to it? What do I add to it? That's your normal strength. That's a plus 48 sword. Okay, that's going to be a four. What do I add to it? What do I add to it? That's your normal strength. That's a plus 48 soren. Okay, that's going to be a 13.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Yeah, 13 hits the beetle. You skewer it. Jens! No, my brother. How could I do? Jens, I secured the beetle. Thank you. I was running because I thought I saw a clue. Anyway, this rock is weird, right? I go back to scrubbing the rock. Despite how disrespectful it is, scrubbing off all the moss
Starting point is 00:40:13 and lifting the vines does reveal a carving in the rock. You see that on the face of this rock, there is a gorilla that appears to be wearing a serviceman's cap and tie. Its left hand is outstretched as if to accept an offering while its right arm is extended horizontally as if barring entry. Above the left palm, faint words are etched in Gorillatin, which is of course the language of the Gorillas. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this.
Starting point is 00:40:48 I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. I'm not gonna reveal this. After a moment of thinking it all snaps back you remember your lessons from Mr. DuPlaus Bronstein Boston to plus I can't get it right. I'm so rude. I keep changing It's a fun little game we're playing I Know nothing of the customs of the jungle So yeah after a moment you have instant recall of the girl at in language and alphabet, and you read this without any trouble. You see it says, welcome to Nuckleton Village. Please place toll and left hand or scan QuickPass token.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I pat my pockets for my QuickPass token, but it's gone. Hmm, you lost your quick pass token? Unless. I want you to do a pure luck check to see if you still have your quick pass token. That is a 19. Damn! You root around in there. You know what, you know you find it?
Starting point is 00:41:56 Am I ask crack? I was gonna say in the dueling glove bag, but yes, no, you reach deep into your ask crack. I find, what are you doing? I find a dueling glove in there and then go my token. Throw that out. Was it inside of a glove? Like drugs in a condom? This was for a particularly vile foe. We slap him with an ass glove that's related with the coin. I actually respect that. Thank you brother. Yeah, that's a very gangster. Awesome. Yeah, that's a very gangsta.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Awesome. Yeah, you find your quick pastokin, you place it in the palm of this gorilla statue carving. And then the eyes light up, and the right arm lifts and a magic doorway appears in the rock. As it does, light pours into the jungle from the massive clearing on the other side.
Starting point is 00:42:46 At long last, you finally made your way to Nuckleton Village, the home of the Rana 4 Gorillas. Max Skipson does cartwheel. Because he is the leader, I do whatever he does. Round off backhand spring. Backhand spring. Jackknife. I'm just running away from though. I Already killed the beetle. Jen there is nothing to fear Jen's getting embarrassment. Give me a role to see if you encounter any beetles. Oh God
Starting point is 00:43:16 Five five oh, you're lousy with Jesus They're attracted to me. It's the only thing that likes me. I mean, I'm popular. Misty, play that everyone. Can I get a video of Jen's getting consumed by Beatles? Yes, absolutely. Go ahead and give me a social role after that. 14 again. 14, all right.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Another normal post. People are eating it up though. This is quality content that people have come to expect from ClassCo. You see, Jen's, Jen tries to log into a fake account but accidentally post it from his own and says, this is terrible, is that man okay?
Starting point is 00:43:56 He sees so many people responding to you being like, shut up, beetle boy, shut up, beetle boy. This is the worst day of my life. I post a Q&A, should I do weekly beetle boy shut up beetle boy Stay in my house. I posted Q&A. Should I do weekly beetle boys on this? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, we love beetle boy. We love to hate beetle boy. Jens Jens embraces it way too quickly What's up? It's beetle boy Beetle boy is vlogging Another day out with the Beatles.
Starting point is 00:44:27 I love, I love camping. I love nature. You see that keychain looks so jealous. The Beatles love me. I don't know why I thought I was the Beachable boy. You're the Beetleman. Thank you, Nia. Keychain tries to do a cartwheel and, oh, 19.
Starting point is 00:44:47 They do a great cartwheel as well. They're Antennai, gently brush against the ground as they do it. So yeah, Niaq, you skip and cartwheel into the village. Onyx, you do the same. Jens finishes his vlog and then, I guess just running away from Beatles. I'm always printing in right now. I'm always running anytime I see like I
Starting point is 00:45:10 don't want to touch a tree. I don't want to touch dirt. I don't want to touch anything. You run until you see something that was scarier than the thing you were originally running for. I'm just looking for the least scary thing. Jins sprints like someone on hot pavement. Yeah I'm just trying for the least scary thing. Yeah, Jin's sprints like someone on hot pavement. Yeah, I'm just trying to find a beastro or something. Well, you're in luck because before you, is a vast town square composed of well-traud and soil. A statue of the first silverback greets you from a top of large fountain,
Starting point is 00:45:40 and several gorillas in cozy, cable knit sweaters and no pants, lounging nearby. Some peruse banana leaf newspapers, while others chat over steaming cups of coconut coffee. On either side of the town square, you see adorable colonial-style tree houses in a variety of colors and shades. You also notice that the trees themselves have been stripped of bark and painted to match the houses. Would you like to head in and kind of explore the town a little bit? Yeah, Niac, where is hot? Hey, in Nuckelton, everywhere.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Wow. So yeah, as you are walking, Niac is clearly lying about where he hung out as a kid. I'll tell you what you see. So on your left are a few shops. The most prominent establishments seem to be the Jervis General Store and of course Brewster's pub. Brewster's was an old haunt. Wow, do you have a mug on the wall?
Starting point is 00:46:41 I absolutely do. Give me a deception check. That is a knife. You can just look so... Sorry. ...sipathetically at Naya. I'm just confused because I think Naya grew up so I'm like, Hi, that's where it's made me hate.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Oh, and directly ahead, you see an enormous silver tree with several interconnected houses, nestled in its branches. This is clearly the silverbacks mansion. And to your right, are several more residential houses. These trees also have been stripped and painted, but one of them in particular sticks out to you. It's a smaller tree with a barber pole pattern painted on it. The colors have been enchanted so that they spin infinitely upward, drawing your eyes towards the modest tree house nestled in its branches. Assigned above the house reads, Ron and Laksana's full service, Solana.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Oh. Naya, tell us about Ron and Laksana. My parents, Solana. Oh. Maya, tell us about Ron and Laxana. My parents Solana. Your parents on it, Solana? My mother became a monkey barber. She's the most respected stylist in the city, brother. I'm looking around at all of the gorilla's hairstyle. She is an artist.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I love you, dearly, but you will put some respect on her name. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Last time, Poppy brother. Oh, I'd love to see you, Bob Jen. He's been begging for a pop-sit day one. All of a sudden, Alex and I challenge you to a two on one duel.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Throw a ass glove at yourself. Ha, ha, ha. You see some gorillas in the town square, kind of like notice this beef forming, and they're kind of like looking up from their coffees and their newspaper, trying to see if maybe a fight's gonna go down. I'll tell you what, if you two fight each other, I'll fight on both of your sides
Starting point is 00:48:40 and attack both of you. This is a peaceful village. I won't fight, I won't fight, unless you say one more mean thing about my mother. I won't say anything about your mother or your home wrecker father. And Ag does a back-whip in Farts to glove into Jens' face. Roll initiative! Okay. 17. 21. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Eight. Hold on a minute. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I think I know how I will play this. Great. Because I don't.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I'm actually going to help with both of you, but not a herd both of you. Aw, okay, so you're having a straight up school yard brawl in the middle of the Nucleotan Town Square. Jins, you're up first. Sweet, here's what I would like to do. I would like to run up to Niaac, pretend like I'm grappling him, but then put his arm around me, and yell out, Mom, he's attacking me! He's attacking mother! I'm gonna do a role to see if your mom notices you. these are passive perception. I rolled a three, your mom is deep in a haircut right now.
Starting point is 00:50:09 The music in the barber shop is very loud. So unfortunately, she didn't hear you. I'll keep doing roles every turn to see if Ron or Laxana looks up from their work and notices this fight going down right outside of their business. Sweet. Go ahead attack me, you're gonna get in so much trouble. I'm better at lying than you are.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Go ahead, try, try to win. Mom! He's attacking me! He's attacking me! No I'm not. Naya casts grease on himself. Is that a jam point ability? That's two j-yeah, that's a jam point ability.
Starting point is 00:50:42 All right, so you spend some jam points to cast grease on yourself. You instantly slip out of Jen's grasp. Do you also yell? Yeah, okay, I'll do another roll. Mom! Mom! I got a 19 on that one.
Starting point is 00:50:59 So as you scream, you're just loud and shrill. I love this. I'm sitting. Ma, ma. Obsidian, we will find you a mate. So as you scream, you see, your mom is actually working on an older gorilla lady. She's actually picking little gnats out of the gorilla lady's hair before she begins coloring it and she's like putting the little gnats and like a little like ash tray on like the belly of this gorilla and she looks up and says
Starting point is 00:51:35 oh my my god! Niaq my sweet little monkey man is that you Niaq? Yes mother he covered himself in grease and is trying to get me all gross you know it I don't like it when. Yes, mother. He covered himself in grease and is trying to get me all gross. You know what I'm like when things are gross, mother. Jens, Jennifer, my little dancer boy is like you as well. Yes, mother. Oh my goodness. Oh, Jens. He's in me, mom.
Starting point is 00:51:55 That's not true. That's blessed me this day. My boys are home. Oh my goodness. Oh, let's get you cleaned up, young man. Thank you, mommy. He did it to himself. Jennifer. Jennifer this is your little brother your big little brother be nice to have little big brother I won't hear any of that come inside both of
Starting point is 00:52:16 you and hello who are you oh hi my name is your daughter. I might be your daughter. I'm not going to be your daughter. I don't think so, dear. Well, see the thing is, I do share one of my fathers with Jennifer. Is that true? No, it's not. My half-uncle killed your parents. We're not related. It's just like a found family situation. I don't know, I don't know what that is, but it could be.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Okay, so you might be my mother, but also I want you to know. She's been mean to me too. She posted a video of me covered in bugs and I've been getting cyber bullied for it. Classic sibling stuff, mommy. I saw both of them and they both thought dishonestly That's quite a lot of shut up on it. I get it ahead mom out mom That's quite enough tattling from all of you come inside come inside So yet she leads you all in
Starting point is 00:53:20 come inside. So yeah, she leads you all in. Nack, make a quick jam roll for me. The threshold is now three. I'm gonna carry over the threshold from last time. So would you get 14? 14, you're safe, no jam effect. Happens, fantastic. Yeah, so you are led inside by Lexana Lindell,
Starting point is 00:53:43 of course, Jens' mother, as well as Nyaxe's mother. You see that the gorilla she was servicing is just happily eating gnats and doesn't seem to mind this distraction. And it counts the photos of himself and the salon and the photos of Jens. There's a lot. There's a lot.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Looks for a photo of herself. What? What? There's one. This isn't same. It's in a book of like 80 style haircuts. You're in it and you're the same age. I knew it. As you enter, you see that Ron, of course, jungle Ron, your father, has been cutting the
Starting point is 00:54:23 hair of a gorilla male. He's actually giving him the exact same mullet that he and Nyak have. It's just the only haircut he does. And then you see that Ron looks up and says, Nyak, me boy. Father. Me boy back here. I'm back, bro. Come give me hug, Nyak, me boy.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Hey, Pa. Good to see you. Nyak reluctantly gives him a hug. He's nervous as hell. Me miss you so much. Me miss you, father. How life in big city? It's good. It was good.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Things are fine, Dad. And you see that as he's hugging you, he looks over your shoulder and sees Jins Me so happy to finally meet you Jennifer. Lexana tell me much about you. I Reach his hand out to shake yours. I slap it away. How dare you touch me with the hand that Touched my mother after my father died Wow you spicy one me like that. Don't like died. Wow, you spicy one. Me like that. Don't like it.
Starting point is 00:55:27 I'm not spicy. I'm a bug. I'm a bug boy. He's beetle boy. I'm not. Oh, you're beetle, but wait a minute. Yes, it's the newest sensation I've owned it, and it's funny, and I am okay with it.
Starting point is 00:55:41 I saw that trending. I was wondering what beetle boy was. It's weird because my beetleleboy content is trending, but yours. It's taking. I've never seen anything like this. No, it's like anytime somebody becomes a meme and then they try to make money off,
Starting point is 00:55:54 it works out well. I didn't know how to use the phone well enough to look up what a Beetleboy was, but I saw trending and that's you, you're the Beetleboy. I'm the Beetleboy, my mom. I'm so proud of you, trending, and that's you, you're the beetle boy! I'm the beetle boy, mom. I'm so proud of you, Jennifer! Congratulations! Thank you, Niaq, he's not a beetle boy. I would never shame our family so much.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Yeah, I've got a beetle boy and a monkey man, and I love them both so much! Do you want something to drink? We have lemonade, and tea, and beer. It's that kind of barber shop. We have beer for the boys. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah, I'll get a beer You see Lexana goes to the back and then pulls out Three kind of you know basic cans of beer free all pops them Hands them out too happy for me. Do you have warm water? My stomach is feeling unsettled. Yes, water that's never touched ice I swaggered just joy My stomach is feeling unsettled. Yes, water that's never touched ice. Ice water destroys stomach.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Yes, of course. Too cold. My little tummy baby, of course. She gets a big picture of water and then puts a thimble of beer into it for you and then hands it over. The parasite wants the ale. You mean your imaginary friend, the parasite? Yes, yes, my friend living inside me.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Oh, such a kidder, our boy. Mom, I think he does have a parasite. Can I take an eye acoside? Doesn't have any kind of appetite. Can I take an eye acoside? Hey, sometimes if you want me to, I will stab you in the gut and I will banish the parasite.
Starting point is 00:57:21 I don't know if this is an eye aco or the parasite talking, but I beg you not to ever do that. Okay. Well, if you ever change your mind, you let me know. I might. We won't. I lean in, what are we talking about? Are we going to dual Ron three on one? No, I am trying to banish the parasite in this stomach. Right. Okay. You know, to another plane where it can perhaps amass power and become a threat in this stomach. Right, okay. You know, to another plane where it can perhaps a mass power and become a threat in the future. I just feel like Ron is a thing.
Starting point is 00:57:50 You know what I mean? Like I feel like this Ron thing is a problem. Ron is really distractingly attractive. Is that what you are talking about? No, he's not. Incredibly strong forearms. Yeah. It's quite intimidating.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Yes, these forearms are bigger than his forearms. Everyone's not talking about his forearms. What about the fact that he's so aggressive and he's always yelling at us? No, he's quite intimidating. He has four arms. He's bigger than his rod. Everyone's not talking about his forearms. What about the fact that he's so aggressive and he's always yelling at us? No, he's very nice. He was rude. Right? Very nice. You swung his hand out of me.
Starting point is 00:58:14 That was you, brother. What? Yes, he swung his hand out of me. I really think you should just get your hair cut and bury the hatchet. You would look lovely with a mullet. I'm not getting a mullet. Me can do other styles besides mullet. I'm not getting a mullet. Me can do other styles besides mullet. I'm okay, Ron.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Okay, next. You see, another gorilla sits down. He starts telling the gorilla like a really good joke. It's clearly like an inside joke that they have. The gorillas are all cracking up. Ron is the most popular person in town. Wow, you can, everyone hates this. Everyone feels sorry for this guy. I wish I could be like Ron. Yeah, I feel nothing but charisma.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Cool. Leaking out of his every poor. So what brings you all to town? Is it just a visit? Is it Mother's Day early this year? My two baby boys and my sweet little girl who apparently is my daughter here as well. So you feel it too. You know anyone that's a friend of my sons is a friend and perhaps a daughter to me. OK. I'm open to it. I'm fluid.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Good. You know, if you know when you're swinging from fine to vine in the ran of four jungle, you have to be pliable, like a bow. You pull it back. If you're bow's too thick, it can't bend. You know how that is. Mr. DuPlaas Bronstein, Bronstein DuPlaas taught me facts.
Starting point is 00:59:29 My mother taught me wisdom. That's beautiful. Yes, we're a wonderful community and we're so happy that you finally come to visit. But please tell me what brings you here? We're here on business. Oh, that's always the way. So you're all sitting down in Laxana kind of asks you what brings you to town.
Starting point is 00:59:51 And you explained to her, of course, that you are here looking for the periphera. Grafite told you that the periphera was located somewhere deep in the Rana4 Valley. But onyx, you also know that you are looking for the peripheral because deep within the peripheral is the prison. It is like the keeper of my flail. Exactly, that is where Phirlis is.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Additionally, in the peripheral is the laid of creation, which was used by the gods to make the Gennarac crystals and can be used to unmake them and glean the hidden data that lurks within. Data that might help you figure out how to awaken the hidden god. So that's kind of what you talk about. You say that all very eloquently to Lexana.
Starting point is 01:00:39 And yeah, journey. This is a grave secret. Can we trust you, Mueller? Of course. We just have to not tell Ron. We don't know who he's working for. Ron's been sitting at the table the whole time. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:54 I'm sorry. Me here. Yeah. Sorry, dad. It okay. Me understand sometimes outsiders come to village and they are not accepted at first. Such was the way with me when I was baby boy and I was found in Rana for Valley.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Some of the gorilla not trust me at first but then me welcomed in and me become part of the troop. Perhaps Jinz could become part of troop too. You've done so much with your life dad during inspiration. You're like a parasite to the village. No, me, everyone here work for a village and help make better community. It's beautiful. It's like banana. You have, you see that Ron is like desperately trying to make a metaphor.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Unlike like Santa's like patting him. I was like, you can get this on, you can get this. Inside banana, gushy and soft and warm and nice. Outside banana, hard and protective to keep village safe. We like banana. You see that everyone kind of is like, he didn't cook and that be sort of a better metaphor because coconut's harder, more protected.
Starting point is 01:02:03 What my dad does is open the door for others. To get the better. Yeah, I just, I don't really think of the banana skin as so protective, but he looked really good when he was saying this. He sparks the idea to get the discussion. Yeah, exactly. Jen starts just smoking in their house.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Ha, ha, ha, ha ha ha. Whatever, Ron. Ha ha ha ha. Outside of Renifor, Jen's is really awesome. I'm really awesome everywhere. Nia. Ha ha ha. He loves him wherever he is.
Starting point is 01:02:36 He tries to hug you. I roll back. Ha ha ha ha. Onto a red-hand-ness. Ha ha ha ha.. Just beetles everywhere. Yes, floor is dirt. So yeah, you talk a little more about what brings you to Ranafore and the village of Nuckelton.
Starting point is 01:02:56 You see, Lexana kind of thinks, well, the only cavern that I've heard of would be the Mama's Ma. the Mama's Ma. The Mama's Ma. Which is of course a cave at the very heart of Ranafore. But unfortunately, it's very dangerous, so it's been sealed off by the silverback. So if you wanted to gain entry to Mama's Ma, you'd have to speak with a silverback. You see, Ron interjects. Unfortunately, silverback, not taking guests,
Starting point is 01:03:28 they locked themselves up atop of tree and position guards so that no one can interrupt them. He not sure why. That does not sound like a very open leader of a tribe. This is what you aspire to be, Naek? I, it sounds like your town kind of sucks, Naek. Well, now, now, Jennifer, again, everything I say, Jen's just not just is up to 10 and still I disagree with
Starting point is 01:03:51 it. Use an ashtray. What? Where did you pick up that nasty habit, Jennifer? Just now. I bought cigarettes. So for when I met my stepdad, yeah, you made a stop in the general store. You went to Jarvis general. You didn't have enough money to pay for the mother. I stole them mom. Give me a retro active slight of handshake. Okay. 21. Wow. You see Lexana pulls one out and lights it herself. This will be a little secret, won't it, Jennifer?
Starting point is 01:04:26 Fine, just don't, as long as you don't tell Ron, I don't care. Ron is here. You see Ron pulls out a big bamboo cigar and says, threes a crowd and me like crowd. Those are actually worse for you than cigarettes. People say that they aren't, but if you smoked as many cigars as you did cigarettes, it'd be even worse for you. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Good, commit, get in your own. I think I knock out Jens.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Jens is super lighted from having his first cigarette, I'm being so emotional. You're behaving like a 40-year-old brother. Maybe you should have a seat over there on the waiting couch. I'm going to take a nap, I have a headache. That might be best. I put down some plastic wrap. It's already coated in rubber. The thing is I know he's gonna have a night terror and then accidentally wrap himself up and stuff again. I'm gonna... I'm gonna Damn, he's already you should make sure to grab liveness
Starting point is 01:05:52 Come back daddy daddy come back House Night I call it saran mummy Go ahead and give me another social role 22 22 boy I'm going to give me another social role. 22. 22. Oh boy. Oh, that is a good post. You role in the good post column. A role of D6 for me.
Starting point is 01:06:17 6. 6. Oh, this is fun. From your phone, these spectral fans emerge. You see they're kind of like these ghosts that represent your followers. And they're like, oh my god, Classico, we love you. You're so cool. This is incredible. I can't believe you're meeting you. Oh, this is such an honor. You're great. I love. Like you inspire me. You see them all just kind of like circling around your presence. Um, and the next time a creature tries to attack you, they will have disadvantage. Oh, come here, my little chickadees.
Starting point is 01:06:55 So, wow, are we called chickadees? Is that like our fan name? Yes, that is your fan name. So cool. I'm going to post about this in the Discord. Oh, we love you. Amazing. I love you. I give them each a kiss on the forehead. Oh, this is unhealthy Jens can't breathe I cut him out as if giving birth Jens Thank you, let us never speak of this
Starting point is 01:07:24 Thank God no one saw that Thank you, I'll have his never speak of this. Thank God no one saw that. Anyway, to get back on topic, normally Silverback of Tribe, very social and giving go to many public events, cut many ribbons, very easy to talk to and approach. But a few days before, Silverback have changed a personality. Something happened and they locked themselves up at very top of tree and not come down.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Me not sure what happened to Silverback, but if you wish to go to Mama Ma, you will need to speak with Silverback because they only won. That can take you up there. That's this sound like you're a parasite, Niaq. The Silverback have contracted Niaq's parasite. Let me ask us. It seems like something else we think.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Don't let him talk about me. Quiet, please. We're in this to go I'm trying to think Jen's I say this just a Jen's before like the next time we have like a nice night of sleep remind me to stab him in the garden banish him yes absolutely if our die you die this is worse than my flail. All right? Oh yeah, agree? This is perhaps higher priority than vertless.
Starting point is 01:08:52 I was wondering why I couldn't keep any food down. All right. Should we go perhaps do a little stealth and sneak up on this weird mayor? Oh, do you feel comfortable spying on a silverback? I've always aspired to become a silverback because of my love for the people and my desire to cut ribbons throughout the town. I could lured.
Starting point is 01:09:17 I vowed to not come back until I was ready to lead. I don't. I still don't think I am, but... Yeah, you're right about one thing. We're trying to give a speech, brother. Again, this parasite, but maybe it's a birdless. I think my parasite might have political aspirations. I just know that you've got a lot of good ideas for the town.
Starting point is 01:09:43 This silverback is not the right silverback for the tribe right now if they're behaving this way. Okay. So we must speak with them. Alright, let's go spy on them. Yes, um, yeah. This episode of NADPOT has brought to you by Bird Dogs. They're a company that makes pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age-old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Now we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's gonna be difficult! Luckily Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier. Bird Dogs stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look. And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, bird dogs invented a cloud knit fabric that looks just like khaki, but stretches so you get a way slimmer fit without having to sacrifice movement.
Starting point is 01:10:35 And trust me, you are going to need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother, make sure you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti-style Tumblr, go to slash pop-a or enter promo code pop-a at checkout. That's slash pop-a or promo code pop-a for a free Yeti-style Tumblr. You won't want to take your bird dogs off.
Starting point is 01:11:05 We promise you. Okay, that's it for me. Go team pants and enjoy the show. Should we, how serious do we want to get about this? Do we want to, I can cast invisibility. Let's do it. Okay. I also have one with the shadows.
Starting point is 01:11:22 So if there is a, if there is dimness or shadow or darkness, I can become invisible. I can also disappear in plain sight as long as we have an hour. And we don't actually move. Okay, we are going to have to be. Thank you so much, Naya. I could essentially turn into a praying mantis on a stick.
Starting point is 01:11:44 If you want. You turn into a praying mantis. a stick. You're going to need to turn you turn into a praying mantis will carry the stick Jen's will cast invisibility on me and I have covers himself in dirt and mud and makes a stick like pose on a branch. Where me son go. Where me son go praying mantis. Where me son? I'm beside you father. We moved to say that. Oh, you're a bear.
Starting point is 01:12:09 Oh, Niyak, me terrified. All right, I guess I'll cast invisibility on everybody. Yeah, I think so. Okay, so that's a level four invisibility. Before you cast invisibility, you see Lixana writes something down on a piece of paper for Niaq and says, maybe you should go see Dr. Danbury, you know, over on the left side of town. If you have a moment, he's been very good to me and Ron has, you know, prescribed us some medicine to keep us active
Starting point is 01:12:39 and playful in the way that we like to be. I'm so glad the two of you are still intimate, mother. What? Thank you, Niaq. It's healthy to talk about it. It's a beautiful thing, brother. They had sex one time, Niaq, and that's it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:58 You see, Ron says, okay. Okay. Ron is okay. This is all Okay. Ron. Ron. Yes, everyone is okay. This is all fine. Ron, you're smoking the filter on that cigarette. Yeah. You're supposed to. You smoke the whole thing until it's gone.
Starting point is 01:13:17 You have, it keeps going out and you have to keep lighting it again. Yeah. His father could always keep him in check and I just never could manage. He's such a wild spirit. I'm a wild one, mom. That's what I love about you, Dare. She takes the cigarette butt out of your mouth.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Pat you on the cheek. Okay, so you want to go to Dr. Danbury first? Yeah, let's go to the doctor. Okay. So you go to the gorilla doctor office You see there's no patients currently you're in luck and you're able to go right in and you see that Dr. Danberry You know listens to your stomach kind of drums on it like a gorilla might do uses a
Starting point is 01:14:00 Stethoscope that seems to be made out of bamboo a A lot of the things are made out of bamboo here. For no reason, Jen seems to really respect Dr. Danbury. You love status, bro. Yeah. Oh, thank you. Yeah. Are you one of Lollipop? I would love a Lollipop.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Thank you. There you go. Wow, you have a lot of flavors here. Yeah. You know how to run a business, not like Ron. My friend is addicted to nicotine, Doc. You met Ron? Let's not talk about Ron. You gave me this haircut.
Starting point is 01:14:30 You see that Dr. Danbury has like, an amazing pompadour with a mullet behind it. Oh, great in the front. Yeah, better in the back. As they say, arguable. Party in the front, ad party in the back. What is wrong with my stupid half brother? It seems like you got something in there,
Starting point is 01:14:52 gunking up the works, but clearly it's also helping you out. I would not get rid of it. It seems pretty well attached, but you know what? It's weird that your parents never brought you in to figure this out. Ron's pretty neglectful. At this point I wonder if I'm the parasite or the parasite is... No, come here.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Hey, no, no, no. You're right, maybe I should banish you and keep the parasite. Maybe the parasite is meant to be the silver bag. Listen, here's the thing about guts and stomachs. All of us have lots of little critters living inside of us, you know. Oh, I'm very aware. Yeah, everyone's got a small amount of E.Coli in there. It's just when it gets out of balance. And you've got something very special inside you. I don't exactly know what it is or how it got there, but I know that if you just take a few thumbs every day, it'll probably even yow. I think it's just like exerting a
Starting point is 01:15:47 little too much control. Yes, just watch your diet, take some thumbs, and you know show you some of whose boss. You know your body better than anyone else. My constitution is very poor, but I'll do my best. Dr. Dan Berry, have you spoken at all to the, have you been treating this silverback, the silverback's been acting strange? Is it a medical thing? You know, that's very interesting
Starting point is 01:16:12 that you mentioned that. He was in a few days ago complaining about headaches and hearing voices, you know, as the mouthpiece for Nadas for the village, he's, you know, used to kind of interpreting Nadas's will via augury and other methods. But he said he thought that he could actually hear Nadas speaking to him. And he thought maybe he was losing his mind. So he came in here and I gave him a full scan and everything checked out. He
Starting point is 01:16:46 points to a giant piece of bamboo that's clearly a cat scan machine. Once again, I think if you are a leader and you think you are losing your mind, perhaps you should rescind. I think that your village needs a new silverback. Now you'll just got into town. So you don't know the history here. He's been a great leader to us. He's kept safe. He has just been really watching out for the community. He's very... He's got all of our best interested heart.
Starting point is 01:17:15 It's just something's come over him lately, so I don't know what's going on, but he's not acting like his normal generous self. I'll say that. Dr. Dan Berry, I swear on Ron's life that I will do nothing to hurt this silverback. Thank you. Put that as man. I shake his hand. He squeezes it really hard. Ow.
Starting point is 01:17:40 When he opens his hand, you see that there are three more lollipops on there. Oh, thank you. Dr. Danbury So then Dr. Danbury turns back to you and says naika if you keep up, you know a healthy diet And you you take these these special thumbs that I've given you I think that your constitution will eventually start to repair itself. Okay, and if I don't onyx stab me in the face so my stomach can join the party. I, I, I nod silently and gravely taking on this. All right, I believe my parasite will be
Starting point is 01:18:14 able to cover the rent. Thank you so much, Dr. Dan Berry. Of course, you, you'll have a nice day. You want some more lollipops? I honestly ordered too many. Yes, I'll, I'll take a bushel. Okay. I couldn't possibly. He just eats a ton. Yeah. He's now nourished. See the doctor whispers to you in Onyx and says, like, make him eat a salad.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Yeah. He just needs to eat anything, honestly. No, salads. He would give salads to make him guessy. He's got something funky in his stomach, but honestly, he's eating very poorly. It seems like all he's eating is poorly. It seems like all these eating is Chocolate and I but just a very little
Starting point is 01:18:50 Yeah, that's that's on a good day. I don't have cravings I think that sometimes on ex he says he has a stomach ache I think what he thinks is a stomach ache is just like normal. I think he might just be hungry Does that make sense? So he eats a little bit, he wakes up his stomach and his stomach is hungry. He's starving. I think our friend is starving. Can I, can I volleyball spike a banana down his throat? You have to never do mind if we, if we hold him, if we strap him down on a board and force feed him? I really can't even imagine
Starting point is 01:19:27 Do you want to use the banana shooter that would be wonderful you see pulls out this like Basically bamboo bazooka that is used to force feed people bananas Don't ask me why I have this I should not Dr. Danbury. I respect Dr. patient confidentiality Okay, superannas and my have brothers. And maybe it may be a nibble. You hear the jelly in your stomach being like, no, only like weebies. Don't give me that banana. I hate banana.
Starting point is 01:19:53 You're honestly not hungry. Shoot, Dr. Okay. Are you holding him down? Yeah. All right. Let me roll an attack, I guess. That's like a 10.
Starting point is 01:20:10 I think the first one misses, he's gonna roll again, just so much is on his face. Open your mouth, Niac. I'm not hungry, brother. You see, he aims, he shoots the banana, it misses, and like cracks a hole in the wall. Good lord. I'm like flying to the town square. He shoots the banana it misses and like cracks a hole in the wall Into the town square it lands in the fountain
Starting point is 01:20:35 And then he fires again gets an 18 shoot that banana goes right in you hear the jelly No, I don't want it. Oh, that's that's actually quite nice. That was nice. I want model Once enough friends That was nice. I want more. Who wants enough, friend? More, more, more! Me too, another banana. Still good, Brady. I would say, two bananas actually does sound like a lot. There's a lot of bananas. Let's not press our lunch.
Starting point is 01:20:55 All right, one banana is fine for now, but you're going to eat lunch. You see Dr. Danberry is like so concerned. He's like, I have a salad in the fridge here. Yes, let's have my salad. Eat this. I couldn't possibly. In a few, I have a salad in the fridge. Here, taste this. Have my salad. Eat this. I couldn't possibly. In a few hours, eat a meal in my eye. I'll pick it, I'll pick it.
Starting point is 01:21:11 You're not gonna pick it anything. You're just gonna eat a meal. What is your constitution currently? 11. Okay, all right. If you keep eating healthy, I'll let you boost your constitution in a few episodes. Whoa. Yeah. I think I pulled these guys aside as we walk away and I want to go so on. I say, I think maybe your guy is getting
Starting point is 01:21:36 to the silver back here, right? Do you think that he's? I mean, if he's starting to go kind of crazy and hearing voices and that's where he's trapped. But he believes it is the voice of Nedaz, the gods in this world are not to be trusted. I think that we should spy on him. Yes, certainly. You cast invisibility, I will cast fly and we can be like little drones. This sounds very rad. Cool. So you're gonna approach the silver backstreet.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Yeah, I think we'll, I'll cast, I'll burn a fourth level slot and do a visibility on the three of us. I guess we'll turn a keychain into a little keychain. Great, good so we can carry him. Okay, so you're invisible in your flying. Great, great, great. As you approach the silver tree, you see what appears
Starting point is 01:22:26 to be a huge federal mansion that's been pulled apart and distributed amongst the branches. You're kind of just like surveying this like drones. You're invisible. Everyone's passive perception is low enough that nobody's going to see you as you're doing this surveillance mission. You kind of see that each of the buildings is connected by a system of dumbwaters on police, directly above you, or kind of at eye level now since you're flying, is this austere, columned building that appears to be full of offices, and the branches to your left are two small buildings transporting bundled goods back and forth from the main office. And to your right, you see a bustling kitchen
Starting point is 01:23:05 attached to the office via a modified dumb waiter. And at the very top of the tree, connected by a huge, windalous freight elevator, is a gorgeous colonial-style mansion. It boasts beautiful white columns, wrap-around porches, and elegant, French double doors. As you take in the scene, you see a young gorilla wearing a silver tie and cuffs come out of a door on the roof of the office building.
Starting point is 01:23:33 In her arm, she's holding a large dazzling silver box, which she carries into the freight elevator. After a moment, the freight elevator ascends and then stops at a small porch outside of the private mansion. She then steps out of the freight elevator and speaks with one of the two guards, stationed at the porch, they nod their head and she walks into the mansion. So that's kind of what you see as you're flying around.
Starting point is 01:23:58 That's kind of the scene and kind of the layout of the mansion. Should we try to fly in after while she's... Yeah, we could try to do that. Should we try to fly in after her while she's... Yeah, we could try to do that. While she's in the open. Yeah, let's try to do that. Okay, so you're gonna try and fly in the doors as they're open.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Yeah, this is great. All right. Like, untitled goose game. Yeah. You are definitely causing mayhem. All right, cool. Let me do some perception checks. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Why don't each of you give me a stealth check? I'll give Bartik inspiration, nice to, who should I give it to? I guess you know what, why not distribute some Bartik inspiration? You guys can use it throughout the day. I'll give it to both of you. So it's a D10, if you guys needed, if you roll really bad. I will take it. I get take it. I get a 21.
Starting point is 01:24:46 21? 22. 22? I'm going to use my bardic inspiration. 16. 16. Oh. The guard with the highest roll rolled a 23 on perception.
Starting point is 01:25:00 So, as you are flying by to try and Soar right in through the doors one of the guards Feel something wish past them Smells a shit stained glove kind of flapping in the wind sure it wasn't the cigarettes And was the shit glove he curled his nose. They shout, close that door, close that door right now! The door is slammed closed. Everyone give me a dexterity check to see if you slam into the door.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Fuuuh, that one. Oh, I am also holding that one. Right on. Hikes, two net ones and an 11. AK, two net ones. That's what an 11 is. Nice. All ones, baby.
Starting point is 01:25:44 The dice tell their story. It looks like a picket fence are scores. Within 11, I feel like you're able to like... Come on. It's very good. Yeah, you are contained within this picket fence of pain. Within 11, I think you're able to like pump the brakes at the last moment, but you do make a lot of noise.
Starting point is 01:26:11 You two absolutely just slam face first into the door and you take Door damage, which I guess would be like what? Door bitch. I guess it would be like falling but horizontally, right? I'll say you take 3d6 Okay, so you take 11 damage from slamming into this door. I guess you can roll an attack to see if you break the door down. I don't think we want to break the door down. I don't think we want to start fight with everybody. Yeah, I think we'll just peace.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Okay. Shall we run, brother? Let's look for another way in, I guess. What is the guy wearing on his face? On his face? Yeah. The gorilla guard? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Nothing. They're wearing kind of like a simple silver tunic and no shirt. Okay. I rolled a 17 to keep my concentration on invisibility. Oh, great. Okay, so I say we go back to the freight elevator and try to climb into something that is being delivered.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Yeah, that's a good idea. Although we are flying, let's go up and spy into the windows. Well, you slammed into the door pretty hard. The guards definitely know you're here. So they're all like looking around. What are you gonna do? Fly up into the air. Okay, let's just wait for them to cool off.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Let's just keep it into the air and wait for everything to cool down. Okay cool. All right, great, yeah, you wait for everything to cool down a little bit. The guards do that thing that guards in video games do where they're like, don't look like anything to me. It was many strong gusts of rain. I minor illusion so that it looks like the moon almost has like an orange-ish hue, so it just feels like a spooky fall night.
Starting point is 01:27:45 Oh. This is one of those nights where things are weird. But you two stop getting deep. Yeah, you see the two guards are like must have been that coyote moon. I was in tricks and trouble on the door. I guess we'll have best to get around and see if we can get in some other way. Nice. Or even just if there's like a window
Starting point is 01:28:08 that we can watch through, like to see what this woman is bringing in this box. The woman is already inside. But if there's any windows, we can watch this. So the way that the mansion is set up is essentially like a French colonial mansion where there's like the entrance, but then there's this kind of like beautiful wrap around balcony porch with a lot of like double doors. So if you want to like fly up
Starting point is 01:28:30 to the second level and like look through those double doors. Yeah, great, we'll do that. So I'll give you a quick layout of where the guards are. Okay. There's two like at the entrance of the mansion. There's this kind of like patio space built in to extend out so that it will connect with the freight elevator. There's two there. You see that there are two kind of patrolling this outdoor balcony and give me a perception check Nat 20 now 20 hell yeah, all right with a nat 20 All right, with a net 20, Jens, the cigarette you smoked, the nicotine is spiked to your perception.
Starting point is 01:29:09 You're just feeling so on right now. I'm gonna keep doing this. Yeah, I think you should smoke cigarettes. Our cigarettes, cool brother. Yeah, we are, you should try them. The adrenaline flows through you, your eyes focus in like a hawk, and inside you see the gorilla
Starting point is 01:29:28 attendant walking with this silver box. You see that the silver box has like the sigil of the silver back on top of it. It looks like maybe official federal royal correspondence almost. You see her walking up the stairs, and then you see her approaching a door kind of in the back of the house with two more guards, positioned by it, she like holds up the box, they look at it, they kind of nod, and then they let her in.
Starting point is 01:29:59 And give me one more perception check. 15. 15. You catch a sliver of like an older looking gorilla inside these two doors. Sitting down, you know, like the doors are kind of blocking most of them. You just get like a little bit of a shape of a gorilla, but like you can see that their hair is a little gray. Got it.
Starting point is 01:30:22 Okay. I think your silver back is inside within some double doors. Do you have Onyx any way to, do you have Misty Step? Do you have anything that can get inside? Right on. Do you have anything that can...
Starting point is 01:30:37 Hey, I made us fly. You're incredible. It's pretty good. You don't have to... I am a world lock. I get two spells per freakin' short rest, and I used one to make you fly. Fine, I appreciate it, okay? Sorry, when I visit my parents, I mean my mom, I get, I must tell Ron you call them your parents.
Starting point is 01:31:01 I'm not my dad. I can do a lot to make the floor in here jammy. Mm. I've got mage hand. I don't know what the limitations of that are. I can potentially dimension door people inside, but that would be a lot of spells. Should we,
Starting point is 01:31:24 what can we just open this door and try and sneak in? We shouldn't open a door. I guess we can wait, potentially wait for a moment where the guards like move and then try to slip in. What if we may chanted like a clatter somewhere and then they go investigate it and then we try to go in? Just slip in past them as they run out. Okay, let's try it.
Starting point is 01:31:45 You see the guards are already doing that a little bit. Like they hear wind rustling or like a piece of fruit fall from the tree and they're like, what was that just now? They are rushing for some reason. Okay, I have pretty good deception. Are there any chickens? Any chickens?
Starting point is 01:32:00 Yeah. Do you think you keep a coop? Do a nature check to see if there are birds in the tree 16 16 yeah, you see Mrs. Hamden my physical ed teacher Yeah, you see a bunch of little Baby parrots doing push-ups and you see see Mrs. Hamden, a big adult parrot instructing them. Up, down, up, down, one, two, one, two.
Starting point is 01:32:32 You know what, they seem really sentient. I'm not gonna throw a parrot at one of them. Maybe I'll just pretend to be Mr. Braunstein Duplos. So I'm gonna throw my voice, and I'm gonna say, Cal sap best friends. I'm gonna magend just like a huge Russell. I'm gonna try and like knock something light off of something high.
Starting point is 01:32:56 Like if there's like a flag or something, I can like throw it. There are planters along the balcony. Okay, yeah. I want to knock a planter off a balcony. Okay, yeah. I want to knock a planter off a balcony. Okay, cool. Well, I throw my voice. Yeah, you see the guards are like, Mr. DuPlaus, Bronstein, what a great guy.
Starting point is 01:33:17 Always spouting knowledge for all the world to enjoy here here. You see they're like thinking about their school days and they're a little distracted and then all of a sudden kshh, they're like, oh no, the silverbacks, Bagonius, oh we gotta go check on that. I also minor illusion, so it looks like the Bagonius are bleeding. Oh no, he's bloody Bagonius.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Truly the coyote moon strikes again. And then we wanna try to rush in. Yeah, give me stealth rolls. Truly the coyote moon strikes again. And then we want to try to rush in. Yeah. Yeah, give me stealth rolls. With advantage because you're still invisible. Oh yeah, baby. 22. 22.
Starting point is 01:33:55 Also, 22. Nice. 13. 13. Wait, 24. I'll give you more bar to get inspiration. Nice. Ooh, 24. Nice. Oh!
Starting point is 01:34:05 24! I rolled a fucking 10. Hell yeah, I was gonna roll to see if someone noticed you, but without 24, no need. You all slide in this open door. You see, as you're wishing through, you see the two gorillas desperately trying to replant these flowers. They're being like, oh, this blood. This is a bad omen. Plant shouldn't bleed. Plants don't bleed, right? Plants don't bleed. Mr. Duplos. Mr. Duplos.
Starting point is 01:34:30 Mr. Duplos, please. No answer. What does this mean? Jen smokes cigarette. I minor illusion. I minor illusion. Mr. Duplos for Ross Something foul is happening this day in the state of Nuckleton There's like an agatha crystal novel happening amongst the guards someone have to tell mr. Duplos We got to get to the bottom of this. You see the two guards jump off the balcony.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Oh, gosh. To their death? No, they're gorillas. They grab the branches and they start like broccinating down to the ground. Jim's definitely knows nothing about gorillas and just goes, wow, they're dead. They jumped out of a tree.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Yeah, they go to alert the widow, I guess. And you find yourselves inside this mansion top floor. So you kind of land inside. You see down to your right, there's a stairwell, and then directly back, there's some doors, leading to various rooms. I'll say that the middle door was the one that you saw the silver back end,
Starting point is 01:35:48 or who you think might be the silver back. And you do see two guards waiting outside. And you hear them look up a little bit because they heard all the shouting about Mr. DuPlos Bronstein. And they're like, I don't know, must be that dank Iodimune again. Really placed tricks on your ears, yeah?
Starting point is 01:36:07 Anyway, we can't abandon our posts, silverbacks in there, we gotta stay sharp. Yeah, and they kinda like punch each other a little bit. Yeah, we got this. Can we just like, Eve's drop on his room? Yeah, if you want to, for sure. Yeah. Cool, all right.
Starting point is 01:36:24 What do you think? I think we could do that. I yeah What do you think is the other alternative? I feel like we almost need to confront him just because he's hearing voices I don't know how many people is gonna tell about that. Should we confront him or should we pretend to be like a dispatch from the doctor? Yeah, we could do that. Did we get medication from the doctor? I the doctor. Yeah, we could do that. Did we get medication from the doctor? Uh, I believe we have a banana gun and thumbs.
Starting point is 01:36:51 No, we did not get the banana gun. I would have remembered. You can go back for the banana gun. Um, I did say I specifically clarified they were special thumbs. I think these are probably extra strength thumbs with like a prescription label on them. Yes. Can you, I also have a wheelpad salad.
Starting point is 01:37:08 Can you minor illusion the label to make it look like get some other kind of prescription for the? Yeah, I can minor illusion, but I can also disguise myself to be like, I guess the would he, is there any chance you would have a human assistant? Can you disguise yourself to be a gorilla? I don't think disguise self would let me become a different animal. Can you disguise yourself to be a gorilla? I don't think disguise self would let me become a different animal.
Starting point is 01:37:27 Could you be like a really skinny gorilla? Yeah. I'm just gonna disguise myself to be a woman so hairy she might be a gorilla. Like you might believe that she was like a thin gorilla. Like a... A thin gorilla. Yeah. A sick gorilla.
Starting point is 01:37:42 Yeah. You probably look like a planet of the ape style ape. Yeah. Where you're like human proportion, but you've got an ape face. Yeah. And if you just go and move your lips, I'll speak in gorilla. Okay. I'm definitely in for this.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Yes, I do that. This is okay. Insane. Where are you approaching from? I'm putting on a little lab coat. We go like around the corner. I, will you unleash me from my invisibility? Yeah, I think you can just choose to be cute.
Starting point is 01:38:08 I'm gonna still fly maybe. Okay. She's so thin, she flies. And I guess we will just try to basically sneak in after her if she gets in. Yeah. So she has a shy, I need you to speak for me. She has a minor allusioned labeled Tom's that looks like it's medication for the silverback floating in in a white
Starting point is 01:38:35 lap. Speaking in my voice. Yeah. This is training style baby. I love it. All right. Okay. So you approach the two guards. Looking like as scientific as possible. I also have spectacles. I'm trying to decide if these guards would see you in the same way that like a human would see Jessica Rabbit where it's like, That's kind of what I'm going.
Starting point is 01:38:58 Yeah, it's just like a gorilla that's too hot that like they can't exist. It's that damn coyote moon again. They're hallucinators. Beautiful girl. All right. So I'm going to say that the guard's names are Bethel and Redding. You approach Bethel and Redding.
Starting point is 01:39:14 And they're kind of like chatting again about the coyote moon and all the weird things that are happening in the town. I start moving my lips. Wait, what? I start moving my lips. Oh, because Snia is going to speak gorilla. Of course. Right. Good Lordiac is gonna speak gorilla. Of course.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Right. Good Lord. Order straight from the doctor. Or orders straight from the doctor. Ah! Ah! Oh. Oh, from Dr. Danbury?
Starting point is 01:39:35 Dr. Who else? Of course. He's the best. He's the best. And only Dr. and Town. You're damn right. No, no, what do you got there? Is this supposed to help the silverback snap out of whatever's going on with them? That's Dr. Patient confidentiality.
Starting point is 01:39:48 Yeah, you got me there. Everybody's asking crazy questions that did coyote move. Yeah, I'm sweating. Look at this. You like, he makes you touch his cheeks. See, I'm sweating. I don't know what's going on. It's chill out. I take a hanky out from in between my breasts, and I dab the sweat off. Oh, I'm so dropped by.
Starting point is 01:40:17 I dropped my hand after I say that. Let me get that for you, Miss. What would you say your name was? I didn't know that Dr. Danbury had an assistant. Um, brand new. Oh, welcome to town. Thank you. I'm, I'm Nogatuck. Nogatuck, I'm so lovely to meet you. I'm going to roll a persuasion check with advantage.
Starting point is 01:40:43 Or deception, I guess. Oh, I have good deception. 13. 13? Well, the gorilla is not attracted to you. Oh. But they do what you pass. The gig is up, boys.
Starting point is 01:40:59 I'm just kidding. The gorilla looks at you, kinda squints their eyes a little bit. I thought Dr. Dan Berry already had an assistant. Oh, well, they work hard. They deserve to assist and go right on it. I waddle my monkey butt as I walk in. Did you part the robe so that your bright red monkey ass is visible?
Starting point is 01:41:19 Yeah. They'll keep the door open for that. Can I do a performance check to try to make them attracted to me? Yes. Can I give a help action? Of course. Thank you. Okay, that's a little better.
Starting point is 01:41:30 16. 16. Did I come around? Bethel's not feeling it. Reading. Damn it. Redding's eyebrows are dancing. Okay.
Starting point is 01:41:40 Okay. You see that redding has like some little spectacles and they kind of like lower them. And then Bethel kind of hits them's like come on, we're on duty Bethel's the one I had my eye on devastating. Well, I waddle in Leaving I like push the door open like really really obviously So that it's like really really big for gents and nice we float in awesome Congratulations, you've solved my mansion Cool, so he probably predicted we do it exactly like that.
Starting point is 01:42:10 Word for word, what I have on the sheet. Amazing. Never a surprise. Awesome. So yeah, you enter what appears to be the silverbacks bedroom and personal study. You notice that the bed and floor are covered in banana leaf parchedments. On a wall you see a charcoal drawing of the Silverback and his brother Uticus, who you might remember as the owner of Club Silver in Vainelar. And in the center of the room, sitting cross-legged in a meditative position is the silverback.
Starting point is 01:42:51 His eyes are open, but clouded with a glowing silver mist. You see that his exposed back for a glows with that same silver mist in a path all the way down a spine. And you kind of hear him murmuring to himself. He's saying, Toys of two and parts of three, shall come my sign atop your tree.
Starting point is 01:43:13 Toys of two and parts of three, shall come my sign atop your tree. Retrieval team 22, parts of three, maybe. I mean, I'm gonna start moving my lips because I walked into this room. Team 22, parts of three, maybe. I mean, I'm gonna start moving my lips because I walked into this room. I kind of have to say something. Is the other gorilla in here too now
Starting point is 01:43:33 or is it just the silver back? It's just the silver back. Nobody is in the room with them. Okay, purge the instruction. Then I won't say anything. Okay, give me a stealth roll, Onyx. Are you trying to stealth? You know what, I'll stealth for the option to stealth,
Starting point is 01:43:47 but if he sees me then I'll go into, I'm the doctor's assistant mode. Oh, I rolled well. Okay, I would roll. 21. 21, he doesn't notice you. Okay. He's like deep in this meditative trance.
Starting point is 01:44:00 You see like all around him are kind of like books of history of like the world of Trentavale and like the gods and kind of like personal history of the the Rana 4 troop and kind of like the ways that they've communicated with the gods in the past. You see incense has been lit, it's special and it doesn't look like normal incense. It looks like augury incense that like might be used to kind of like breathe in and kind of enter like a meditative state to try and like
Starting point is 01:44:28 glean more information from a god. What do you wanna do? Do you wanna confront him now? Might as well. I go and I lock the door so he can't run away. Yeah, I guess. I'm not trying to stealth, I love. Yeah, we'll break the invisibility.
Starting point is 01:44:41 Yeah. Great silverback, we demand an audience with you. What? I'm gonna stay a hot monkey. So you stay a hot monkey. You address the silverback. You're all uninvisible now. You see, he kind of looks up startled.
Starting point is 01:45:00 His eyes turned a normal. His back still has the silver streak in it with a bit of a glow But his eyes kind of pop out of the trance. He's like, what? What are you doing here? Did my guards let you in? Yes, that seems suspicious. Who are you? Are you from Dr. Danbury's office? No, I'm new in town and I wanted to meet the mayor. The silver back yet. Well, that's me. Hi. Havana You can call me Haven though. That's
Starting point is 01:45:26 what all my friends call me. Hi Haven. Hi Haven. Um, why have you locked yourself up here? Are you hearing voices? Yeah, you heard about that, huh? Yeah. If we, by the way, what are you two doing here? We don't get many, uh, many, Niaq. Hey, Haven. Oh, runs, kid. Yes, what are you two doing here? We don't get many, uh, many, niac. Hey, haven. Oh, runs, kid. Yes, yes, how's it going? It's going great, how were you? I, I'm good.
Starting point is 01:45:52 Are you in turning it, Dr. Danberry's now? You back in town? I'm not back in town, just breezing through, just passing by. All right, and then, and who's this, who's this fine fellow? I love your jacket, Michael. My big, big brother.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Yes. My name is Jens Lindell, and we need to who's this fine fellow? I love your jacket my big big brother. Yes, my name is Jen's Lindell And we need to get to your weird cave the mom Osmo. Yes Huh, that's kind of a super dangerous place. Why would you need to go there? We're super brave people I mean you you you have the look of bravery Thank you actually you know what I'm gonna drop the act. I turn back into Onyx. This is who I really am. Wait, why were you disguised as a monkey? She wanted to be beautiful. I was hoping I heard lore of what a handsome monkey you are and I was hoping to catch your eye. I see I was misguided. Please. You know, it's been a long time since I played the field. You know, I focus more on the politics and running the city.
Starting point is 01:46:47 The city is my date I would like to say. That's great. You see that he's like a little disappointed that you're not a hot monkey. Wow. I feel deeply introspective. Well, it seems clear that you snuck in here. And that part of me thinks I should call the guards, but also part of the reason that I sealed myself off is because I've been waiting for some sign from Nadasa.
Starting point is 01:47:14 I don't know if you heard me chanting, but a few days ago I received a message from him and it's been playing in my head over and over again. You see, I should explain, as the leader of this troop, I contain within my body a small piece of Nadasa's very essence. It's a power that has been passed from silver back to silver back that I used to keep the village safe, but it also connects me to Nadasa and allows me to hear their will. Now normally Nadas' guidance is subtle. We glean their messages through the reading of banana leaves and the smoking of bamboo bongs.
Starting point is 01:47:55 But for the first time since I became a silverback, Nadas spoke directly to me. spoke directly to me. They said simply twice of two and parts of three, shall come my sign and top your tree, and I've just been sitting here trying to decipher what that could mean. After a few days, I kind of went nuts so and I locked myself in and tried to trance to further my connection with Nadas, and I guess I kind of lost track of time a little bit. I should clean up in here. Can I get you in there? What did the voice of him sound like? It was at a very deep voice that left.
Starting point is 01:48:32 No, no, it was kind of a fluid changing. It was hard to get a read on it. Okay, that is good. Well, I don't know if it has anything to do with your riddle, but we are retrieval team 22, and there are three of us. I said two parts of three. Is there any way you could prove that? Um, I take out my pop-hop gum.
Starting point is 01:48:57 Card, is there anything about it being... Yeah, do we have like a coin from Blavin or anything? Yes. I have pop-hop gum's gift card. Um, you pull that out, and that is just a gift card that says great, great job from Blavin or anything? Yes. I have Papa Gump's gift card. You pulled that out and that is just a gift card that says great, great job from Blavin on it. I pull out the coin that Blavin gave us.
Starting point is 01:49:13 I take it to my ass crack for a long time. Oh, you're still doing that? Yes. Lexana told me about that condition of yours. It's a weird habit. I think it gave me a parasite to be honest. You know I've heard a lot about a pop-up gums jambalaya jamboreen. I've never gotten to go though. You know busy running the town. How is it? There's a lot of ribbons to cut. Delicious. Absolutely. The margaritas are wonderful. Oh you know I really got to stop by
Starting point is 01:49:38 some time. Oh look at this. Huh. A retrieval team 22 and the benefactors face on there that's very interesting yeah okay this this checks out um I it seems like you're the the sign that nidah sent to me we are on top of the tree so what is it you want again to go to mama's mom yes we need to just go to Mama's Mawford. No reason in particular. Just let us in your cave, dude. Yeah. I start smoking.
Starting point is 01:50:18 Oh, he gives you a light. Oh, thank you. He's a filtered, won't light. You're all so nice, It's frustratingly so. Um, you see, he, uh, he takes a hit from his bamboo bong and like passes it around to you. I got this helps me clear my head so I can communicate. What'd you say? I couldn't possibly. Good boy. We were, uh, we were collecting Ginnardack crystals for the benefactor who turned out to not be who we thought he was. And we think some of the secrets behind the crystals lie behind the walls of your case.
Starting point is 01:50:55 We have someone who's meeting us at the cave with the crystals. We don't have them ourselves. Right. Well, normally I would want a little more information from you before I help someone out, but you know, Nadasa's willed it, and we've got a bit of a long journey ahead of us to get to the Mama's Mall. So maybe you can tell me a little bit on the way. Okay. Cool, so... So you're going to guide us? Absolutely, I'm the only person...
Starting point is 01:51:22 Very male, Earl. As the aspect of Nadasa, I'm one of the only people that can unseal the cave for you. So I'll have to do it personally myself. Also, it's been a long time since I went outside. I should probably show my face around town a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:51:35 The town needs you, okay? Yes, the town needs you. Very well. You see he brushes the like plantain chips off of his pants. He stands up. Oh boy. Kind of off of his pants. It stands up. Oh boy. Kind of straightens his back. You see, once he stands up, he does look very
Starting point is 01:51:51 literally and mayoral. And then he just burst out the double doors. You see Bethel and her adding, you're like, whoa, hey, are you okay? Where'd that, where'd that ape lay you go? She was so hot hot she disintegrated. Right Bethel. That damn coyote move.
Starting point is 01:52:11 She turned into three people. Good job, Jens. You see this silverback, Haven slaps his big arm on Bethel and Reading Shoulders. Says, don't worry about it boys, you're doing a great work. I've got some official silverback business to take care of, and these three are going to be helping me. And that is where we will end our session. We're hanging out with the real silverback.
Starting point is 01:52:39 I thought we were going to have to beat that guy up, because we didn't just stab him. Yeah, I know, I'm glad that we didn't just burst in there. He was very nice in the end. 1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1-1-1.5-1.5-1. It's really nice. A very nice lesson that you often should not stab a politician. Diplomacy is the best problem. I feel bad for second guessing him so much. Well, you know, it's always good to be weary and also weary because adventuring takes a lot of work and you three look like your plum tuckered out.
Starting point is 01:54:08 Why don't you get into my triple bunk bed and have a little nap? Yay! I called fiddle buns! It's creaking a lot, was this well-billed? This is structurally unsound, did you buy two bunk beds and then add one on top? I bought it from Guy Kia, which is what I call the back of the truck where I buy my furniture. Thank you all so, so much for listening
Starting point is 01:54:30 to this episode of Trinaville. It's always a treat to put these together for y'all. Before we go, I want to give a quick shout out to Daniel Ramos, who does the soundmacing on the show, all of them at Dr. Schubert on Instagram,, Henry A. For giving me the D&D Beyond subscription I used to put together these fun little adventures. And of course, Yens Christian T for composing some of the music that you heard in this episode.
Starting point is 01:54:58 Yens is in a silverback, they're a golden back. Oh, okay, Ritsy. Thank you all so much for listening. Now go on, get up in that bunk bed. It's gonna hold, I promise. I have to pee, Duckel. Use the cup, buddy. Then you shouldn't have called the top bunk. I regret it now. See you next time. Bye. Bye. Peace. for the HATEGUM podcast.

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