Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster - Ep 282: Ellie Taylor

Episode Date: March 12, 2025

Ellie Taylor – ‘Ted Lasso’ star, ‘Strictly’ contestant and superb stand-up – has a booking this week. Shout out to Theresa’s broccoli pasta. Ellie Taylor is on tour with ‘Palavering!�...�. For dates and tickets head to Follow Ellie on Instagram @elliejanetaylor Off Menu is a comedy podcast hosted by Ed Gamble and James Acaster.Produced, recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.Video production by Megan McCarthy for Plosive.Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.And go to our website for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:28 Get the Rakuten app or join at, r-a-k-u-t-e-n dot c-a. Welcome to the Off Menu podcast, taking the hard shell tacos of conversation, adding the spiced mints of humor, topping with the guacamole and sour cream of friendship and the grated cheese of the internet. Man, I'm hungry. That sounds delicious. Taco night, baby. All nil, pestle. That's that gamble. But if it's Jim's, they guessed it.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Together we had a drink in a restaurant and every single week we invited a guest. We asked them to favour ever, start and make us dessert, side dish and drink. Not in that order. And this week our guest is Ellie Taylor. The wonderful Ellie Taylor, fantastic comedian, brilliant actor. She's got loads of stuff, always a great presenter as well. You've seen her on Mash Report, Ted Lasso. We watched her in the Celebrity Gladiators on New Year's Eve.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Smashed it. We love Ellie. We did the week with Ellie, the day as well. I would say, I don't think I've seen Ellie since we did the week together. That's insane. That's mad. I feel like I've seen her loads of watching all these shows that she's like Yeah, so very much looking forward to having Ellie Taylor in the dream restaurant However, if Ellie picks a secret ingredient, which we have deemed to be unacceptable We will have to kick her out of the dream restaurant and this week the secret ingredient is
Starting point is 00:02:00 Pavlova now New stand-up tour that we will be chatting to Ellie about is called Pallavaring and that to me sounds a bit like Pavlova. Pavlova-ing. Yeah, Pavlova-ing. Good title. That's a good title for you, your next show.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Yeah, they might be confused with Ellie might take me to court. Yeah, that's true. But that's good publicity for both of you. That's great publicity for both of us. So actually that's what my next tour is called Pavlova. Pavlova. You should all come and see it. But if Ellie chooses Pavlova, that's bad.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yes, sure. It will be towards the end of the meal that she'll probably be kicked out. Unless she goes in for poppadoms or bread or Pavlova. Yeah, which you know is a hack people can use. We're not against that. I knew I am against someone choosing Pavlova for poppadoms or bread. I don't know. I'd struggle to, know, you would yeah do a canopy mother on a pavlova turn it into an eating mess Lovely that but Palavra in is at his show. Yes, which starts not Pavlova in Palavra starts in April
Starting point is 00:02:57 Yes touring all over the place go to Ellie Taylor comedy comm for tickets But we'll say that again at the end. Just enjoy the off menu menu of Ellie Taylor. Ellie Taylor. Ellie Taylor. Ellie Taylor. Ellie Taylor. Ellie Taylor. Ellie Taylor.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Ellie Taylor. Ellie Taylor. Ellie Taylor. Ellie Taylor. Ellie Taylor. Welcome Ellie to the dream restaurant. Wow, it's smaller than I thought. Welcome Ellie Taylor to the dream restaurant.
Starting point is 00:03:22 We've been expecting you for some time. I didn't, and there's a lamp and everything. There is a lamp and everything, yes. No expense spared. You guys are doing all right for yourself. Yeah, pretty good lamp, right? Very, very plastic. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Can you buy metal ones? I don't even know if you can buy metal ones. I'd be able to buy a metal one. I guess a real one, I guess the thing that the thing is based on. Yeah, I would think so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't think we're historically... Because it's based on a thing, isn't it? Plastic, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:47 I just think the people who make metal lamps even make ones that look like that now, because like surely that's a cliche. They're like, this is too Aladdin. You can touch it. You can touch the lamp. Oh, it's light. It's my home. That's my home you've got in your hands there.
Starting point is 00:03:58 I love what you've done with there, James. Lovely soft furnishings. And while you're holding the lamp, I'm noticing your nails. Oh yeah. I very much like the colour of your nails. I've gone one hand green, one hand lilac, I would say. Yeah, one hand green, one hand lilac. James has recently been taught how to talk to ladies.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Oh well done, James. That's very nice. I like the colour of your nails. Yes. Well actually, if I was really allowed to have been taught, the colour of your nails are nice. Not many people go for ugly colours. That's very brave of you. I am infuriated.
Starting point is 00:04:29 No, no. You're supposed to be attracted to me. No. It's backfired. Oh, no. Yeah, yeah. You came in wearing those colours wrong, because I said to you when you came in. Oh, my God, I did.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I said, the Joker. I did have a purple hat and a green coat. Ed wasn't here for it, by the way. The Joker. Another wonderful compliment. You look like a psychopath. Thank you. Comedian Joker, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. True.
Starting point is 00:04:54 The true Joker. Yeah, why not? Why not? Thanks, James. Thanks for noticing. I had a manicure the other day, which is rare. Oh yeah? So I appreciate that. That's good. How often do you have a manicure then? He's really trying it. Don't laugh. Well, it's a really good question actually. I would say whenever I've got telly stuff
Starting point is 00:05:13 that I need to look like, you know, like I'm not a woman who's found in a hedge, that sort of thing. Whenever I need to look groomed. So what podcast counts? I wouldn't say that this was the reason I got it done, but it's a lovely accident. Is it? You can say it's the reason you got it done. It's the reason I got it done. A lot of people get quite glammed for our pod. Yeah, but he's got a few cams up. I've noticed it's going to get you. It's not my good side. I'll be honest. Yeah. No, my other side's better. Do you want to turn around back to the mic?
Starting point is 00:05:46 When we welcomed you into the dream restaurant, you said it was smaller than you expected. It is, yeah. What is your Dream Restaurant size? Well, it's going to be different depending on what course I'm having. Oh, lovely. And I've never used this word in a sentence before, and I hope I'm using it correctly. It's peripatetic. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:06:02 I don't know. I don't think I know that word. It moves around. It moves around, that right? I don't know. I don't think I know that word. It moves around. Yeah, it moves around. I didn't know that because when you said you got halfway through it and I thought we're having Nando's. Peripatetic. Correct? Yeah, moves around.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I had a drum teacher who was peripatetic. Yes. Well, I'm peripatetic. You're peripatetic. I wasn't in there just now. You're very pathetic. Right. Yeah, it's going to move around. That's what I've decided.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Sorry. But it's going to move around. That's what I've decided. Sorry. We're squabbling. That's okay. So it's the first Peri-Peri-Petetic restaurant we've had. Is it?
Starting point is 00:06:32 I think so. Do people always say in one place? No, but they don't like, yours is specifically like an accordion kind of like changing sizes by the sound of things. Fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think so. So the first one is I want to have a drink at a nice fancy bar. This is good because we're not into the main menu yet. Yeah. But you are one of the few who's talked about a pre-drink before going into the meal. That's like one of the best bits.
Starting point is 00:06:59 The anticipation of going for a lovely dinner. But it probably should be an option we offer. Yeah. Really. Oh, that's true. Do you want to go for a lovely dinner. But it probably should be an option we offer. Yeah. Really? Oh, that's true. Do you want to go for a drink beforehand? Oh, 100%. But then I like when people do the hacks. Yeah, it makes me respect that it came from them. They've hacked the system. Because otherwise, the amount of questions we've got to ask them otherwise.
Starting point is 00:07:21 But then if we're worried about it not being, it's Ellie's thing. So why don't we say the question can be, do you want to go for a drink with Ellie Taylor first? Yeah, that could be a question. It's a new format point. For everyone. For everyone. Oh, that's quite brutal on me, isn't it? I'm not sure I'm confident. Just a drink beforehand with a nice person.
Starting point is 00:07:42 A nice person, Ellie Taylor. And maybe when we're having this pre-drink, would you be talking to them about maybe your upcoming tour, Pallava Inn? That's all I talk about at the moment, 100%. My daughter loves it, six year old. Yeah, James, I am going on tour. Thank you for bringing that up. So we're in the bar.
Starting point is 00:08:00 What's the bar look like for the pre-drink? Just because it's the one I went to the most recently. Do you know the bar, the Langham Fancy Hotel in London? Yes. It's very dark. I lived there for a week when someone fucked up my visa. True story. Yeah, that's a true story.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Somebody was working for me at the time, messed up my visa. I'd arranged to have builders in my flat while I was away in America, so I couldn't go home. So I had to live in the Langham for a week like a... A rock star. Like Macaulay Culkin, I guess. Oh in the Langham for a week like a rock star. They put me up there to say sorry. That's quite a good sorry. So then I lived there for a week in the Langham. Well, you know the bar very well then.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I know the bar. How often were you in the bar, mate? 24-7. I was in my room the same amount of time most people are in the bar. Did you like living there? Yeah, I did actually. But only because I knew it was only for a week. So it was a laugh. I got a massage. Oh my God. I want someone to mess up my visa. Please, you don't have to go anywhere. The tiniest, oldest woman I've ever met gave me a massage. It was absolutely brilliant. Was she powerful? She was very
Starting point is 00:08:58 powerful. Yeah. How tiny was she? Elbows like steel. She wasn't so tiny she couldn't get above you. What the hell, this guy. You said she was the tiniest old woman you've ever met. Yeah, she could get above me. Yeah, yeah. That's what you want. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Sounds like a lovely way to go. She was in demand to that lady as well. Bloody bit. Everyone was talking about her. Oh, now I want to go. Right. I've had a massage at the Langham. Now I'm going to the bar. Oh, good. Yeah. So you want the tiny old woman. Yeah. I want to get, yeah. like, and the getting ready for dinner is also lovely. I want to get ready and look all fancy. That's nice. And then I'm going to the bar, but I'm sitting,
Starting point is 00:09:32 I really like sitting at the bar. That's my favourite place to sit. And in a restaurant, actually, if there's a bar seat option, I always go for that. Is that what you would do? I love doing that, especially if I'm eating alone as well. Yeah. Sitting at the bar is good. What about if you're not alone? Because I still, I love doing that with my husband. Yeah, when it's two of you. Yeah. Lovely.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Yeah. More than two. Oh, nightmare. Bad. Nightmare. More than two husbands. Nightmare. I've made a fool of myself.
Starting point is 00:09:56 No offence to anyone out there with two husbands. I was nagging someone for no reason earlier. Oh, you wasted it. It's good practice. Hey, he doesn't have to always be your husband, James. There are options. There are options. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. If someone nags you hard it. It's good practice. Hey, he doesn't have to always be a husband, James. There are options. There are options. Yeah, yeah. If someone next year, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:09 That's how it works. That's the lesson I tell my daughter. So you're having the drink at the bar with your husband or join it with the masseuse that I mentioned earlier. She can come up and have a drink with you. No, she's too little. She probably won't be able to reach to the stool. Yeah. So she's not allowed. Everyone waits for that. Everyone raised for that joke. I'm going to go with my husband. He can sit next to me. And he's saying, so Ellie, tell me about this tour.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Why haven't you paid attention? I've been talking about it for a bloody year. Yeah, I'm going on tour in April or May this year around the UK with my show, Pallava Ring. Nice. Lovely, but stand up. I haven't been on tour for about, I think about five years, getting back out there, doing stand-up comedy in inverted commas. Looking forward to it? Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I'm a bit like, I just can't,
Starting point is 00:10:54 I can't imagine what it'll be like to be away from home, you know, and all of that malarkey and travelling around, but I'm looking forward to it. I bet it'd be lovely, actually. Yeah, it will be nice. But do you know what, my aim is, because when I've been on tour before, I do not, this is all based from listening
Starting point is 00:11:08 to lots of your podcasts. I was like, I bet when you guys go on tour, you make an effort to go to the lovely restaurants around you. And I never do that. I get a Wagamama's or a Nando's delivered to the theater. I do that. Do you?
Starting point is 00:11:20 Yeah, so James is better at going to the restaurants, I think. I think you go, you'll take me on tour. Now and again, if there's someone, if there's someone I really want to go, and we've got the time, so we're like in the same area of the country, or we're staying in one hotel
Starting point is 00:11:32 and there's loads of cities around that we're going to, we'll have a lunch in a nice restaurant. But if it's like night to night, different places, Nando's in the dressing room. Yeah, it's convenient. It's very convenient and you know it'll be pretty good. But yeah, now and again, I'd say a couple of times a tour, fancy restaurant for lunch. I need to try and do that because I never ever do that.
Starting point is 00:11:50 But you got to write off the show in the evening pretty much. Oh don't say that. Why? Because it's full. Because it's too full. Do you drink in there lunch time? Yeah, yeah. Whoa. Only like maybe one to two glasses of wine.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Okay. But then actually when we have done that, the shows end up being pretty good because we're so like wired and like. Loosey goose wine. Okay, but then actually when we have done that the shows end up being pretty good Because we're so like wired and like loosey-goosey. Yeah. Yeah, not me look Anyone who saw me in leads on I think it was the third or fourth night of my last tour because I was there for a bit Sorry That was bad I was full where did you go? I went to Ox Club Yeah intended to have one thing but then they they sent over, they were like, you got to have this starter. It's so good. So I had the starter and because it was so good,
Starting point is 00:12:31 I was like, right on. This is a three course meal now because the place is like quality and they had a baked Alaska. Yeah. Which that's the rule. If they got a baked Alaska. Is that the rule? You got to get it. I don't know that was the rule. That's the rule.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I don't think I've, I can't think of ever seen baked Alaska on a menu. That's why you don't know the rule. You never got it. There's always one on the Ox Club, isn't there? It's always a different flavor. Also, they do a different one each time. So every time I've sent someone there, they've gone and got the baked Alaska. It was this ice cream. I was like, this is great. I can get behind this, a different baked Alaska every day. Me too. Crikey. I love dessert, James. You'll be pleased to know. I'm so glad you can relax. Instantly relaxed.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Again, our marriage is looking really, really possible. Marriage now? Well, yeah. Well, yeah, don't mess me around. Yeah, sure. If she's going to get rid of the husband. Yeah, I've got to replace her. At least, you know, stay on husband level.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Yeah. You'll stay married? Yeah. Okay, well you're going to be my first ever wife. That's lovely. How do you feel about that? Would you like a wife? No. No. But you know, I understand that if I'm breaking up a marriage, I should probably, the decent thing is to step up to the plate. Step up and get married. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:42 What is the drink? What are you having? Well, this is the re-drinks actually. So I'm sitting at the bar. Right, you're getting hammered before you get here. No, well, no, because one of them is non-alcoholic. Okay. So I want in a, first of all, I want a really heavy crystal fat glass like you get in like Soho House.
Starting point is 00:13:58 You know, they've got real good weight to it. And I want a double Volcodile Coke. I love that. We're in the Langen bar. We've got a lovely glass. Double Volcodile Coke. I'm ruining it. And I want a double vodka diet coke. I love that. We're in the Langen bar. We've got a lovely glass. Double vodka diet coke. I'm ruining it. My husband despairs about that. It's been my favourite drink since I was like 16 and it's not changed. I'm very loyal to VDC. So that's your standard going out drink? VDC. Double VDC. Well, DVDC. Yeah, DVDC.
Starting point is 00:14:27 I love it. And also, I love Diet Coke. So it's like my, I think it's unusual to have your favorite drink that you can alcoholize. Do you know what I mean? Like ramp it up. You can have it all day. Yeah. From day to night. Make it a bit cheeky in the evening. I love a VDC. So I'm having that. And I also want a Robinson's fruit and barley orange. Now there's a lot of squash chat on this podcast, but I haven't heard anyone talking about barley
Starting point is 00:14:53 water. No, we haven't really talked about barley water. Yeah. Which is a sort of side, I would say a sort of a slight tangent off regular squash. I don't know what it is. Yeah, I don't. But it's got barley in it. And it's really like smooth and delicious. I don't know what it is. Yeah, I know. But it's got barley in it and it's really like smooth and delicious. I would really, I'd really recommend it. Okay. Yeah, I remember the first time I had a lemon barley water as a kid and it blew my mind. Yeah, yeah. Huge shout out. Nice and acidic. Got a bit of tang. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's really
Starting point is 00:15:19 nice. I don't think we have talked about barley water before. This is crazy. I'm so excited. I'm the first one who's going for a pre-drink. Yeah, and it's that. And it's barley water. Let's get the party started. So what do you have in this, like barley water in your day-to-day life? Is that pretty regular?
Starting point is 00:15:33 Yeah, yeah. I've probably had like three already today, mate. Three already today. It's a 25 minutes past 12 for the listener. Alcoholized barley water. I haven't, but you could, I suppose. You can do it with anything, I guess. What would you do?
Starting point is 00:15:47 Add a bit of vodka in it. I think vodka, yeah. If you doubt vodka. Yeah. A double no, we knew. Gin, actually, might work better with a lemon barley water. I don't want lemon, I want orange. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Thank you. Vodka then. Yeah, vodka it is. I'll try that. I'll try that. And I also want, because I'm at the Langham I want to keep it classy. I want to have a Kier Royale. Love a Kier Royale. Which is essentially, when I was thinking about this, it's like putting squash in a champagne, isn't
Starting point is 00:16:14 it? It's like alcoholic Ribena. So what I've done is, yeah, another, another Lone Barley Water really. Another squash really. Yeah. I'd say it's too late when you've gone into the Langham and said double Volcadite Coke, orange Barley Water, to then go, but I'm keeping it's too late when you've gone into the Langham and said double Volcadite Coke, orange barley water. So then go, but I'm keeping it classy. I was going to say I'd whisper the first tea, but no, I'm not ashamed. No, you shouldn't be ashamed. I'm not ashamed.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Yeah. And I'll say, I'd be ashamed of ordering three drinks maybe. I wouldn't actually in real life do three, but I might do two. But this isn't real life. So fine. Fuck it. Yeah. It's to me.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I never spoke about it on the podcast before, but you believe all this. Real it. Yeah, it's to me. I Never spoke about it on the podcast before but you believe all this real life Yeah, when you're in this situation, you've got the three drinks Are you ordering them one by one or you're ordering them all at the same time? And if so, are you once it once it once it or are you whole thing whole thing whole thing? I'd probably chug the barley water. Yeah, it's me rehydrate. Yeah, yes. I've had the massage Yes, of course Because they say that the end of the massage, don't you make sure you drink all your barley water. Yeah, that's what we always say. We have barley water in the foyer. Hello, you up there, drink your barley water. Minnie Mouse. The old lady. That's what she sounded like.
Starting point is 00:17:19 He's like, thanks man. Yeah, she sounded like that. Mr. Hankey. Sorry, why you one sip, one sip, one sip? No, I'd go chug barley water, probably have a good glug of the VDC, DVDC, then I'd sip the Kirao like a classy, classy lady. But you're not going back and forth between the drinks, you're doing one at a time? I might dip back into the VDC, it's hard to say. Do you know, it depends what my mood is. Yeah. Are you talking to the bar person? Yeah, probably. We're just having a little bit of chat and he's probably like, oh my God, she's the most
Starting point is 00:17:51 polite person I've ever had in my bar. Yeah, yeah. That sort of stuff. Do you pride yourself on that? Yeah, I do. Try really hard. Do you do that? I try really hard to be polite.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Yeah, of course. But like overly to like. Until it's annoying, right? Yeah, that sort of thing. Do you tidy up in hotel rooms? No. Oh, when I leave I try to tidy up so they think I'm the best guest they've ever had. Do you?
Starting point is 00:18:10 Yeah. Normally we start with stiller sparkling water after your free drinks. Are you having a stiller sparkling water? Yeah, why not? In for a penny. In for spending a penny. Are we changing location? For stiller sparkling water?
Starting point is 00:18:22 I don't think there's any... Well, I guess we're in the main... In the restaurant now. In the restaurant. Because... Are we changing location? For Stiller's Barley Water? I don't think there's any reason to change location. Well I guess we're in the main, in the restaurant now. In the restaurant. Because I thought we were in the Langham Bar for the drinks and we've not yet gone to the Dream Restaurant. Okay, so we're going, okay fine, then we're going to the Dream Restaurant. Yeah. And yeah, we've moved, you know, Jose down, Burmesey Street. Yes. So I used to live just off Burmesey Street for quite a few years. Cool, great place to live. And Jose was our little local that we would go to too much and I love it.
Starting point is 00:18:49 And it's my favourite restaurant in London. So I'm going there. That's where I'm going for my first little bit. Amazing. Are you sitting at the bar there? Because you can sit at the bar there. You can sit at the bar. You can sit anywhere sort of perchy there because it's very small and they don't take
Starting point is 00:19:01 reservations. Stand by a barrel. Stand by a barrel. I would like to sit down there. Yeah, I don't take reservations. Stand by a barrel. I would like to sit down there. I don't understand. I'm sure it's very trendy and traditionally Spanish, but I'm not standing next to a barrel while I eat. I mean, I could have a barley water on a barrel, but I don't want to have a ham on. Come on now. Have some tecora. A lot of us comedians will do that process in our heads. I'm enjoying to see the working out. It's nice.
Starting point is 00:19:28 People like seeing the working out. Yeah, they do. How the sausages are made. Yeah. And the barley water sausages are made. Yeah. That's my tour show. My tour show is called How the Sausages Made.
Starting point is 00:19:37 That probably will be something you do, Nate. Just me thinking out loud about how to put the joke together. Someone heckles. No, it's not that one. No, you can't heckle at this one. Yeah. That was the last one. Those rolls are over, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:19:51 This is how those sausages are made. So you're having still a sparkling, is the question on your perch. Do you want a proper perch like a budgie? No, I've had too much VDC so I fall off. If I'm just by myself, I'll probably just go for tap because I'm humble. But if I'm with anyone else, I'll probably go for sparkling. I feel like sparkling is more of an occasion. So if you're with someone else, but is that because it's an occasion or is that because
Starting point is 00:20:15 you are trying to project an image of someone who likes sparkling water? No, I think it's because it's more of an occasion. It feels like wow, because I've never had sparkling water at home. Like wow, this is an event. Is your husband still with you then? Yeah, he can stay with me. Yeah? Yeah, he's all right. So you're doing it for them?
Starting point is 00:20:30 Just for the occasion, I think. But it sounds like you're in the same place either way. If they're not there, you'll get in the tap. But it's not an occasion if I'm by myself. It's just me having some dinner, a bit of tea. I love eating out alone. Do you? Yeah, that's an occasion.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Would you go to a fancy restaurant by yourself? Yeah, I have done many times. I've never gone to a fancy restaurant by myself. It's fantastic. Although I did go to a nice hotel actually. Actually, I did add a gig on Friday night in a fancy hotel and I did, I had some nice salmon and a quail royale by myself next to the pianist.
Starting point is 00:21:00 And how did that feel? Next to the pianist? Really nice, yeah, next to the pianist. Were you talking to the pianist? No, I was busy working. Playing away, going like, someone stinks of fish. Where's that coming from? Why is she sitting on my stool?
Starting point is 00:21:08 Where's that coming from? Why is she perching on the piano? Looks inside his grand piano, you're there. Chugging barley water. Okay, so you have got someone with you, so you're having the sparkling water. It's an occasion. Yeah, why not? We're doing that.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And you've got nothing having the sparkling water, it's an occasion. Yeah, why not? We're doing that. And you've got nothing in the sparkling water? It's just... If I've got some barley water in my bag, I suppose I could top it off. I love that. So you're still in the barley train?
Starting point is 00:21:34 I do that at home sometimes if I've got like a bit of, yeah, like a can of soda water or something. In summer, put a bit of ice in there. So when you say it's in your bag, have you got the bottle in there or one of those little squeezy pouches? I don't think they do that with barley water. They're not. You've obviously looked into that. Well yeah, I've never seen it and I'm very familiar with the squash isles. Thank you very much. You
Starting point is 00:21:51 can micro dose with that. What they're right in your mouth. Yeah. Or eye drops or whatever you want to do. However you want to do it. It isn't an eye dropper basically, isn't it? You could basically do an eye dropper with that. Double strength like yeah, fruit and barley. Like Hunter S. Thompson would do that. Double strength, like yeah, throw it in barley. I had to do that. Yeah. Wow. I could, if it was made now, if it were loven in Las Vegas, it'd be like,
Starting point is 00:22:10 got the barley water and I dropped it in my eyes. Can't do the voice. No. Can you give it a go? No. I got shy, got shy. I got shy on that one. Popdoms or bread? Popdoms or bread, Ellie Taylor?
Starting point is 00:22:21 Popdoms or bread? I am going to say bread, because I think popdomoms are weird unless you're in a popadom situation. Oh, here we go. Popadom situation. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Good name for an Indian restaurant, that. Yeah. The popadom situation. I love a popadom situation. Don't get me wrong, but I don't think there's room for that in just sort of a bread-based scenario. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I want some nice like French bread. I want it to be warm and I want a lot of salty, salty butter. Also, I would like, I've just decided this, some olive oil and some balsamic vinegar to dip it in. I want both options there. Lovely. You've only just decided that. Yeah, I just did that on the spur of the moment.
Starting point is 00:22:58 On the way here, you weren't thinking. No, I wasn't. It's just coming. No. What happened? What changed? It's a dream restaurant. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:03 It just changes, it changes everything. Changed how you feel. Yeah. It's perfect. It's Paris. Paris, What changed? It's just green restaurants. Do you know what I mean? It just changes everything. Changed how you feel. Yeah. It's Paris. Paris is it? Yeah. Peripatetic. Plus with that VDC.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Yeah. VDC does sound like you're ill. It sounds like you've got something wrong with you. Arguably you are if you order that as a drink in the high end to be fair. It's because it starts with VD, right? Yes, it's good it starts with VD. That will do it.
Starting point is 00:23:23 That will do it. I've never noticed that before. I couldn't put my finger on it. But yeah, you saying, I've got this VDC and all this. I'm like, this doesn't feel like an occasion anymore. Oh, it does to me. Yeah. It's still an occasion. It's not a happy one. Yeah, it's not the happiest of occasions. Not when you're bringing in, is it a genital disease?
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yeah, I think, yeah, it's actually transmitted. Venereal disease. Venereal. You don't really hear the term venereal as often these days. It's fun. Or peripatetic. Yeah. I'd never heard that. I've heard the other one plenty of times. I was already being boredy. When you say French bread.
Starting point is 00:24:02 French bread. Baguette? Yeah. Well, we've got to ask you, if you go and get a baguette from a bakery in Paris, and then you're walking home with it, you biting the top off of it on the way home? Obviously I am. You've got to nibble the knob.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Yeah, you've got to nibble the knob. If you don't, I can't imagine, that's a real personality type if you don't, isn't it? Like, I just couldn't resist. Is it even restraint? Because I don't think anyone has the level of restraint where you don't bite the top off No one normal so it must just be people who just it doesn't occur to them
Starting point is 00:24:29 Yeah, and then what the fuck is wrong with those people? Yeah. Yeah, don't trust them Yeah, yeah your character in Ted Lasso biting the knob off or whatever it was. What have you said? Yeah It wasn't biting the knob off. Well, well she might who knows But she would if you got the baguette from the bakery. Yeah, because she would. I think anyone would. Yeah. Not anyone though, some very restrained people.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I think they've got to be in the minority and they're probably psychopaths. It's not worth knowing really. No. Would you do it if you were just in like an English supermarket and you bought a baguette for lunch? No, I don't know, because like quite often they're not like warm or they don't have that top that really soft at the top. But also like that, then I just feel like a little kid in the trolley eating the
Starting point is 00:25:11 food on the way around the supermarket. So you always feel like that though? Yeah, but also in your heart, you're the little kid in the trolley. Yeah, but I don't think I was ever allowed to do that. I was never allowed to eat, eat stuff on the way around. I do that now from shopping. Bit hungry. Oh, I just throw it in the packet. Who's pushing the trolley? I do it one handed. Oh sorry. I thought you were in the seat. You know in the seat using your legs to scoot along.
Starting point is 00:25:33 So like Fred Flint. Oh right yeah. Now you could do that now. Like a centaur. Yeah. Half human half trolley. Yeah as a back part as a trolley. That is a character Narnia was missing, isn't it? Yeah, walk around grazing and chuck the food over its shoulder into the trolley every time. That's a good idea for a character, man. Go on stage and that's my next tour. How the Sausage is Made, but I've got a trolley on my back heart. With How the Sausage is Made, you would have come up with that character during the show. Yeah, it was kind of like a sim talk. With how the sausage is made you would have come up with that character during the show. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:26:12 Back house is like a trolley and you could do like a thing but a banana. Can you go get a trolley, please? Yeah, you're there on the tour protest that Your dream starter unless there's another hack coming our way Well, I suppose in it well is all of the items being cheese and ham based is that a hack? No that's not a hack. But it's pretty cool. I respect it hugely. I'm so on board with it. So I want croquetas from that's the only way you can say it, from Jose. Yes. I want jamón croquetas. Yes. I also want jamón. I also, but I don't like, because Jose is Spanish.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I don't really rate Spanish cheeses there. I've said it, but I do like a French cheese. So I'd like some compti on the side. I also just, have I said just jamón by itself? Yeah, you have. I'll say it again. We'll double that. And I also want, and I only thought of this recently when I was thinking, what do I really
Starting point is 00:27:05 love? And I have lovely memories as a kid of going to TGO Fridays for like a birthday or something. And you get the potato skins with cheese and ham in. And I want those too. I fucking love those. Oh my God, they're so delicious. Why are you shaking your head James? I made too many of them.
Starting point is 00:27:17 When I was working in kitchens, people would fucking order them all the time. Because they're delicious. Yeah, yeah, sure. But I hated making them. I hated putting the cold ham into the, also when you see the cold potatoes, they're so delicious. Yeah, yeah, sure. But I hated making them. I hated putting the cold ham into the, also when you see the cold potato skins, you'll
Starting point is 00:27:31 never want to go near them ever again. They're fucking gross. And then you put the cold ham in it, put the cheese on it and put it under the grill. And the whole thing is just like really rank when it's cold. So I'm just put off ever eating it even when it's warm. Oh no. You've seen it. The sausages are made, James Oh, man, she's done
Starting point is 00:27:48 Made Horrible but delicious as a Burn the roof of your mouth off with them every time Doesn't sound good. Yeah, it is part of it. You like it. And the roof of your mouth off. Yeah, same with croquet And I also want with croquettes, I'm enjoying it. You're quite good at that. That's all I've got. I want some like lovely like garlic, some yummy aioli with it, something, some sauce.
Starting point is 00:28:14 But I want a good sauce to croquettes ratio. Yeah. I don't like it when they're stingy. And also I want them to take a note of how many people are at the table and give me a number that I can divide. Do you know what I mean? Do not give me three when there's two of us. That drives me mad.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Yeah. Let's make that a law. It should be a law. Stama, if you're listening. I think it's out of order when there's four of you and they bring three along. It's ridiculous. That was very ridiculous. It's like something, I'm sorry, Ed, you probably don't want to hear this.
Starting point is 00:28:44 You want some time away from it. It's like something the producers of the Tra, you probably don't want to hear this, you want some time away from it, but it's like something the producers of The Traitors would put into the game to divide people and turn them against each other. The croquetters. Let's send them three, when there's four of them, and see their true colours come out and they'll start turning on each other. There we go. That's the next series of The Traitors.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Something more pathetic than like... The tapas room. The next big twist. The tapas. They just call it that. Welcome to the tapas. I just think there's nothing more pathetic, there's like three of you and you have to, oh, should we chop this one into three?
Starting point is 00:29:13 Yeah. No one wants that. Everyone wants it. Yeah. But you do need to, there needs to be a ruling though. Oh, you have to. With what's happening to that last croquette. Oh, because if you just went for it, I'd think about that forever if someone does understood that. You can't chop it into three. The ruling needs to be you two share that
Starting point is 00:29:28 one. And then the next thing that comes, if there's a division issue, then I get priority. That's nice. And we're all having a nice time. I like to say this, that person just gets it. Just give it to someone else, anyone but me. Really? Because too awkward for you to have it. I just can't be bothered with the whole conversation just give it to that person. Right. Or can we shout out being adults just order another portion. Oh that's blowing my mind. Right. What? Big man. We're grown-ups. Big man. We can do that if we want. We could actually do that can't we? Yeah. But sometimes you don't want a whole portion. You just want one extra one for the... I beg your pardon. Okay. You've never seen a kid
Starting point is 00:30:04 you've never seen a kid go, should we get another portion? Yeah, that's weird grownups kids can't go Anyone else who's getting another portion? Let's get another portion Get a few bits and get another portion kiss me for the table Imagine that imagine other kids that was like you got kids imagine one of the kids that the you go out as a family I will the kids turn skin goes You know what I would love that I would love it Yeah, put them up for adoption. I don't know which one it would be No, you would love that Ed what if if suddenly we don't have my kid when
Starting point is 00:30:37 Put this one up for adoption When they say things that you don't expect my I found a video of my daughter my phone She's six and she was just sort of doing a report to the camera. This is me at home with mommy and daddy and she sort of went, and it's going to be Saturday and I love all my friends and then she paused and went, stay connected peeps. And then did a little salute. This is it now. It makes you laugh.
Starting point is 00:31:00 But they all watch YouTube too much. She doesn't watch YouTube so I don't know where she's got that from. I was talking to some friends and that kid, like every time they get hold of their mom's phone just walks around making like YouTube videos, even though they're not going to be uploaded anywhere. Right. And they did one like sneaking into their dad's room where he like builds Lego and stuff, this guy.
Starting point is 00:31:18 And the kid was actually like, it was like, okay people, here we are. And at one point he went, oh my God, I just shit my ass. Our friend's kid, she did a poo on her potty and then turned to her dad and went, Present in there for you. That's amazing. That's not true. Come hold of that. Hold the kid.
Starting point is 00:31:38 That's not true. He must have laughed at that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. Present in there for you. Amazing. He must have laughed at that. Present in there for you. Amazing. My favorite thing my daughter said when she was about three, there was a firework that went off and she looked at me and went, excuse you, mommy.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Good stuff. Funny. Well, maybe if I had a kid who went, should we get another portion for the table? I'd be on board. Oh, sorry. I don't think, if we're being realistic, I don't think Ed could have any other type of kid. Who did, yeah. Ed's kid would definitely turn out like that.
Starting point is 00:32:12 What if your kid's a picky eater? If you had them and they were really picky. Hello, adoption. Okay. What, you're a picky eater as a kid? No. You would. You only have stuff on the adults, you want stuff on the kids mainly.
Starting point is 00:32:23 That's not picky. That's the opposite of picky We like mommy can have some muscles. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yes, he would order the pickers basket. He was very very Strict about what he had pick his basket from the brasserie the browser pick his basket It was um, like a sharing platter of starters and that's what I'd have my main Like a tiny kid Pickers basket. Yeah and that's what I'd have for my main. It's my favourite picket. How old are you at this point? Like a tiny kid. Picket basket?
Starting point is 00:32:47 Yeah, yeah. It's my favourite. Mozzarella sticks, jalapeno poppers. Oh my god. Yeah, all in a lovely picket basket. Yeah, my kids are quite boring with food. But then some of their friends will be like, you know, in their packed lunches, we'll have olives.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And I'm like, what? How have you got olives? I don't even like olives. Yeah. I think olives are disgusting. Really? Disgusting. If they come with my Kale Royal, I'll throw them at the barman. He will not think I'm the most polite person.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yeah, I thought you were supposed to be the most polite person. Well, when it comes to olives. All your good work out the window. Gone. Yeah, I think they're absolutely... She was so lovely and then she lobbed a whole bottle of olives at my head. After a double vodka and coke and a key and a round, she really turns. That sounds nice. I like all this. Quite a lot of sacrilege against Spanish cheese that I noticed.
Starting point is 00:33:32 When I say I don't like Spanish cheese, I can only think of Manchego. Yeah, which is a gorgeous cheese. I don't like it. I find it a bit... Well, you said Comte. Comte is basically Manchego with a berry on. No. Oh my God, no way. Comte is well, much creamier. Manchego is sort berry on? No. Nina Comte. Comte is well much creamier. Manchego is sort of a bit flaky.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Can be flaky. Can have a little bit of bite to it. No, I love Manchego, but I love, I do prefer Comte. How many months age do you want your Comte to be? 24. Nice. That's big boy shit. Two years.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Yeah. Two years. Yeah. Nina Comte. Two years. Yeah. Yeah. Nina Compte, my new character. You're cheese ventriloquist act. Yeah, cheese ventriloquist act. Just brings out cheeses. It just speaks to the cheeses.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Is this part of how the sausage is made? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Work it out in real time. Wow. Nina Compte is great. Nina Compte would be a good character. Just talk to different The finale. Wow. The Comte is great. The Comte would be a good character.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Just talk to different cheeses. What voice would the Comte have do you think? Well I guess would have to be a French like. Zut alor Nina. You have had me in that sack for so long. James's movie. I hated it. James's movie is lit more than he normally does when he talks by the way.
Starting point is 00:34:43 What? You're not really trying to do the ventriloquist thing, are you? Oh, yeah, that's true. You were. Can you try that? A French accent without moving my lips? Yeah. Do the hand.
Starting point is 00:34:52 The hand might help. There you go. Nina, ah, sort of law, mo, ah, je ne comprend pas. Hang on. There's never been a ventriloquist who has a dummy who doesn't understand The end of the act The dummies like I don't know what you're saying, but we can't have a conversation Forget it. Yeah. Okay. Hopefully I'll have more luck with this manchego puppet.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Hola! Main course then? Yeah. And that's quite a lot for your start, but you're sharing it with people. I'm sharing it. I'm sharing it. You know, you still got room. Now, main, I would say that my favorite cuisine in the world is Italian. I'm sharing it. I'm sharing it. So, you know, you still got room. Now, main, I would say that my favourite cuisine
Starting point is 00:35:47 in the world is Italian. I love Italian food. However, I don't think I've ever been to an Italian restaurant and had a pasta that I thought was better than we could have made at home. Really? Which is, when I think about it, controversial, do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:36:03 I love, when we make a good pasta at home, it's so tasty and delicious and I really appreciate it. But when I think about it, do you know what I mean? I love when we make a good pasta at home, it's so tasty and delicious and I really appreciate it. But when I go to a restaurant quite often I'll be like, I mean, it's okay. I've never been blown away by a pasta. Are you making fresh pasta at home? Very rarely, but I have done. But no, fresh pasta, sure. But the sauce or whatever, I I think spot on. I agree. I suppose it is peasants food really. So it should be. This is a problem I had with when I went to Rome. I was like, are you kidding me? This is all fine. It's fine. This is fine. But like I really hyped it up in my head. Okay, we go. Now we're going to have pasta. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:36:37 that's got as good as actually not even as good as Teresa broccoli pasta. Is that your mum? Is that my mum? Theresa? No, Theresa broccoli pasta. Theresa's broccoli pasta. Theresa's broccoli pasta. Theresa's broccoli pasta. I know, that's a nice shout out to his mum, Theresa. Shout out Theresa. Shout out Theresa.
Starting point is 00:36:56 The best broccoli pasta in the world. Theresa's broccoli pasta, the best. Obviously from my point of view there, I'd say it's Theresa broccoli pasta and you're gone, is that your mum? It's because James says that so much on it mentions to eat that broccoli pasta so much that he does not enunciate when he says It's not one Shape when I say a lot of stuff is yeah a miracle. This is my job. I Mean you enunciated better when you were doing Nina Compton You enunciated better when you were doing Nina Compton. Well, you got to.
Starting point is 00:37:24 You got to. That's the mark of a good ventriloquist. Yeah. Theresa's broccoli pasta is James' favourite pasta dish. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. But it's not my mum's Theresa May. Theresa May makes it for me.
Starting point is 00:37:35 We don't agree on a lot of issues, but she makes a bang in broccoli pasta. I've never had chorizo broccoli pasta. Delicious. The best pasta in the world. James ate it every day of lockdown. Did you actually? Yeah. it wasn't good for me and Definitely if you look of look at any footage of me pop it up on TV shows around that time you can tell okay So the churris are yes. Yeah. Yeah, he's got green hair
Starting point is 00:37:57 Green hair. I got a big oily meaty face We all did in lockdown. I don't worry face. We all did in lockdown. Don't worry. My pasta isn't truth or broccoli, but it is. It's my husband's, the first like pasta sauce that he made me. He's called Phil. It's called Phil special sauce. What? Yeah. Yeah. He called it that? Yeah. Oh, still married him. How long have you been together for? Not long. When he said that? Yeah, it feels special sauce. It must be really delicious. To cope with that name.
Starting point is 00:38:29 To cope with the name. Yeah, it is. And it's super basic as well. And he called it that before you'd eaten it. I can't remember the timeline. Oh, or even worse, did you say, I really like this? And then he got all his chest all puffed out. And he retrofitted it.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Yeah. Oh, do you want to feel special sauce tonight? Do you like my special sauce to you? Oh, Yeah. Oh, do you want some special sauce? Do you? It's not great. But it's so good, James. Yeah. It's so good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:53 It's all it is, is like tomato-y veggie yumminess, but it's so tasty. It's so delicious with loads and loads and loads of parmesan on top. So tomatoes. Special sauce. I don't even know what's in it. He doesn't tell you. No, just let him cook it. I think that's essential for any marriage.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Well, not to know what actually, not to know what's in the special sauce. Oh God. You got to have something that the other one loves, but they cannot get it without you. Oh, that's actually, yeah. Why are they like, I think that's right, James. That's important. Yeah. He knows that if you leave him, you're never think that's right James. That's important. Yeah He he knows that if you leave him you're never getting that special sauce again. He knows that you know that yeah
Starting point is 00:39:36 We all know that so he's he's got you. Yeah, it's nerd me. You gotta have it. He's got you're married Yeah, do you have something? Yeah, just make sure you're in trouble man. No, does she make something for you? No, she doesn't cook Oh, I'm the cook. Oh, okay. Crikey No, she doesn't cook. Oh. I'm the cook. Oh, okay, crikey. He's the cook, he is the cook. I'm the cook. I'm the cook. No, no, no, you know, I'm the cook. Oh.
Starting point is 00:39:51 She does like DIY and stuff. No, she. There you go. So she, okay. She's got that, she's got me. So she got you? Yeah, but I got her. You don't play shells with that.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Because I do all the cooking. You got each other. So there you go. What have you got over your husband? I've got quite good teeth. Yeah. So he going to miss those. He's going to miss those teeth. Nose choppers.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Do people think you were teeth on Mars Singer? People are guessing a lot of different comedians for that. They are, it's true. I guessed you. I was watching it with my sister's family. I went, Ellie Taylor. And they went, what, she fucking bent over. Teeth was really short.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Frank you. Clarifying that. Maybe it was the masseuse from The Langen. It was the really short. Frankie. Right. Thanks for clarifying that. Maybe it was the masseuse from the Langham. It was the masseuse from the Langham. If you haven't seen it, it is Mel Gajdridge. Oh, was it? But I was like, could be Ellie Taylor. And they were like, look at teeth next to Joel. You've seen Ellie Taylor with Joel. Sure. That's not Ellie Taylor.
Starting point is 00:40:40 No. Unless that would have been part of the costume bending down. Yeah. Yeah, but I thought, you're't want to do that to yourself. No. You're gonna fuck your back up for however long just for the sake of Mars singer. I don't know, to impress Davina McCall, I'd do many things. I'd bend over for Davina McCall. Thank you for finishing the sentence even though you got halfway through it and realised what was happening.
Starting point is 00:41:02 We saw in the New Year watching you and Joel on TV. Oh, on gladiators? Yeah. How did it feel to defeat a nice lady who just wanted to prove that 50 year olds could do things still? I think she was 55 actually. She said, I want to prove that women in their 50s can still do this and then you absolutely obliterated it.
Starting point is 00:41:22 How did that feel? I didn't obliterate her. I just was taller so it was a bit easier in the end for me. So no mercy. I mean, yeah, it was like I won but also she is 15 years older than me. Exactly a fair fight. But she's super fit to be fair. Louise Minchin, who I did it against. She's like, she does triathlons and all that malarkey. So you agree that you were essentially the baddie of that episode though. You were like wolf.
Starting point is 00:41:47 No. Yeah, you were like wolf. You're the new wolf. No, I had had a baby eight months before, so I was physically a shell. Oh yeah, and you did say that at the top. That was your thing. So it's like, look, yeah, she's doing it. Got a pity story, don't you? Yeah, she's doing it for that, but I'm doing it to show that after you've had a kid, you can do this kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love Claudia Aisman. Really? Did you watch it this weekend? No, I haven'm doing it to show that after you've had a kid, you can do this kind of stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love gladiators. Really? Did you watch it this weekend? No, I'm not. Oh, really good. Really good. Really good. Someone go up it backwards. No. When is that going to happen, man? When there's the next celebrity gladiators and you're on it.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Yeah, I'll go up. I'll go up. Please do it. I'll go up and eliminate it backwards or the travel aid. Yeah. Yeah. You could do the whole eliminate. The whole eliminate. I heard it's a long record. That puts me off.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Oh my God. It's the longest record known to humanity. It was so long. That's why I'm not gonna do it. Yeah. You could do the whole of the eliminator course, not backwards, but from the end. Start, climb up the rope, through the paper. Smash through the paper.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Go down. Down the travelator. That's super easy. Much, much better. Yeah. Oh yeah. Zip line. That's a tricky one, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:46 That's where you are really struggling. You're going to have to have a big push off at the bottom. What is this main course that we've gone so... Phil's special sauce. Phil's special sauce. Is he going to be in the kitchen then making it, Phil? Yeah, unless he's in the restaurant and he's bought a tupperware for them to heat up. Come on, Ellie, this is your dream.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Okay, fine. Your husband can't get a tupperware out of his heat up. I don't know. Come on Ellie, this is your dream. Okay, fine. Your husband can't get a tupperware out his bag. Maybe that's, maybe I'm into that. You can't be in a restaurant with your husband and he calls over a waiter, gets a tupperware pot out his bag and says, this is my special sauce. What?
Starting point is 00:43:17 My wife would like it. Can you heat it up? Yeah. Yeah. To body temperature, please. Yeah. Fine. He's in the kitchen, but he's got chef's whites on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Why not? That sounds nice. Yeah. Yeah. What type of pasta is it? Big fat rigatoni. Yeah. It's an unfortunate hand action I'm dealing with.
Starting point is 00:43:42 It's not ideal. Yeah. It's not ideal at all. You better hope that's not the bit that Benito clips up. I think most of the listeners would have imagined the right thing that you've done with your hand there. Yeah. And then anyone who didn't, it says more about them.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Yeah. And they probably wouldn't eat the knob on the French bread, would they? No, they probably wouldn't. Or they just don't know what rigatoni is. So they've heard that and been like, got it confused in their head of what kind of pasta it is. And they're like, they think it's the bow tie one. So they think you're doing that.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Yeah. Which is awful. Or the food. And they're like, that poor man. Yeah. Yeah. This is what noise do different pastas make? Oh yeah, that's a good, that's a good routine.
Starting point is 00:44:20 So what noise does rigatoni make? I think that's too small. I think that's too small for rigatoni. Don't do the hand gesture with her. Ellie. Ellie. I've literally got my eyes closed for the first time on the podcast because I can't look at you doing that. I did that willingly as well. Yeah you did. God.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Your dream side dish. My dream side dish. My dream side dish. Well, I love breakfast cereal. Where's this going? I love where this is going. And I think it would be remiss not to have some breakfast cereal, obviously with my dream dinner. Also, is it like, I was like, is it a dream dinner or is it, what's the difference between your dream dinner and the meal you have before they execute you? Does that give you different choices? I mean, I don't think it would be different choices necessarily.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Because if it's like, I don't know if you're like, if it was more desperate and the last scent would you be more feral? Because I feel like new, oh my god, I nearly gave it away. Having my cereal as a side dish is quite feral, a feral choice. I guess it would be feral. If I was going feral choice. I guess it would be feral. If I was going death row meal, I guess it would be more feral than a lovely occasion dinner. Where you're just filling your face. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:32 It's mainly just the mood for me that changes. I think every now and again in my death row meal, I'm gonna think, oh, I'm gonna be dead in there. And what you're wearing, I guess, as well. Yeah, I'll probably, yeah. You can jump to it. I don't have much for saying it for the death row. I guess it's more of an, you're emotionally eating when you're about to be killed. Okay,
Starting point is 00:45:47 thanks for clarifying. Yeah. Okay. Getting thoughts in your head. Fine. Who's going to look after Mr. Jingles? But also I think I've often thought about this, I would eat something quite sort of noxious for my last meal if it was on death row. Because if I'm being on the electric chair, I'm going to end up evacuating my bowels and I'd quite like them to have to, yeah. Jokes on them. To clear it up. Yeah. Yeah. Revenge on the guards.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Revenge on the guards. Oh yeah. Lots of lentils. Definitely. Definitely revenge on the guards. Yeah. My side dish is, I love breakfast cereal. My favourite breakfast cereal of all time doesn't exist anymore. It was Kellogg's Start. Do you remember Kellogg's Start? I love this. Yes. I haven't thought about it in ages and I agree with you. It's brilliant.
Starting point is 00:46:35 The best. The best. I don't think I remember what it was. So it was sort of like a honeycomb. Oh, this is great, Ellie. Like three, it looked like some kind of sciencey, I don't know, like, it was like three honeycomb bits together. Right. And it was like malty and delicious. There was always like a swimmer on the packet because it was meant to make you really strong and big. Right. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Even that's full of sugar. Yeah. And they stopped doing it a few, well, quite a few years ago now, I think. But there is, my husband's Australian, so we go to Australia quite a lot. There is a similar cereal in Australia called Nutra Grain, not like the biscuits in here. There's a cereal called Nutra Grain over there and it's very, the taste is very similar. Different shape, James, though. I don't know if that changes it for you, but it's like an oblong, still with like the honeycomb. I know what you mean. I could get on board with it.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Yeah. And it's absolutely incredible. And it's my favourite. And I want that just to nibble on, on the side. That's great. I don't know why finding out that your husband's Australian makes Phil's special sauce even... With the accent? Yeah, it's worse, isn't it? It's worse, but also I'm not surprised now. That's all fallen into place.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Yeah, with all due respect to our Australian listeners. I'm not surprised that he's done that. And so openly called it that, so early in a relationship, brazenly just brought that into it. More charming maybe? I don't know. Who knows? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:52 More expected. I guess you knew what you'd signed up for. I did. So when he said it, you were like, okay, well I knew that was going to happen at some point and stuff like that. He's going to say that. So do you want NutriGrain or do you want the Genie to bring back Kellogg's Start for you? Yeah, I would love it to be readily available in every supermarket. Yeah Genie, please. Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:14 I mean, I've never been happier to use my Genie powers. I think like bringing Kellogg's Start back I would always forget how delicious it was because it looks boring and it would I think the main reason it's not the shelves anymore It's because of the marketing. It sounds like it's I seemed it was like a health cereal. Yes There is from Benito there There's the sort of people made of milk doing sports on the sports. It makes you sporty Yeah, it says multi-grain starts. It looks boring. But the milk has come to life. A smart start for active people. Yeah, the milk has come to life and is running around like sportsmen and stuff. And like it doesn't look like it's going to be fun.
Starting point is 00:48:51 It looks like it's like a brand flake scenario. It's not, it's delicious. It's delicious. If your parents had bought that and put it in the house when you were a kid, you'd be like, mom, not Kellogg's start. Yeah. Well, I want the monkey. Yeah, I want the monkey. I think I always preferred start to the monkey. I've always been obsessed with cereal.
Starting point is 00:49:08 So yeah, I think I got through a lot of, well, the monkey, got through a lot of the monkey and a lot of start. And also I love fruit and fiber. Do you? Yeah. Which is so pathetically boring, isn't it? But I've done, I like personal best, probably got through a packet in like 24 hours. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Brutal. I can, I went through a fruit and like 24 hours. Wow. Brutal. I went through a fruit and fiber phase. Because you do feel virtuous, but it is also... So sugary and yummy. There's those little raisins. Yeah, they're pesky. They're a treat. You ever add raisins to the fruit and fiber?
Starting point is 00:49:37 Add more raisins? Yeah, yeah, I've done it. You've added more raisins to your fruit and fiber? Yeah, I've just chucked in a handful of raisins with my bowl of fruit and fiber. Why? It's full of raisins. That's what's up the ratio. I want even more, it's not enough for me. I've added raisins to like, Weetabix.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Yeah, fair enough. Bit of fun. Yeah, it's great. Add anything to Weetabix. That's why it's king of cereals. No. Have you ever had Weetabix like, dry with like a... Yeah, I visited the Weetabix factory and a man made me eat a load of dry Weetabix one
Starting point is 00:50:03 after the other for his own amusement, that's on YouTube. How many did you do it? I had like a few in a row, but they were at different phases of the making process. So some of them weren't even what you'd get in the box. It was like not fully banked yet. And he was just doing it for his own. He just realized that I would do whatever he told me to do. So he just kept going, why don't you try that one?
Starting point is 00:50:23 We had not discussed it before. So I'd do it every time. It felt horrible. Because the driest mouth I've ever had in my life. When I say dry, I mean like you can put it, you know, put like butter on it. Oh yeah, no, I've not done that because I'm traumatized from that experience.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Fine, fine. But you do that. Put butter on way too big. Yeah, you can put like butter and jam on top. You can use it like a sort of, I suppose it's a bread substitution, yeah. If you wanted to. If you wanted to, I guess you could do anything with it.
Starting point is 00:50:45 You're like, you're going to do it? Yeah, I mean, that sounds good. No, he's not. I'm not. No, he's not. No, I just have a bit of bread. What about people who put like golden syrup on Yorkshire puddings, would you ever do that?
Starting point is 00:50:54 What the fuck? Yeah. I don't know about these people. Do you use up some Yorkshire puddings? You can make them, because I suppose they're like pancake batter, aren't they? Yeah, wow. So they can go either way.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Yeah. Game changer, I've never had sweet Yorkshire puddings before. I love it. Add some gold syrup on top. Adding glitter to a turd. That's what I call that. Do you not like Yorkshire pudding?
Starting point is 00:51:11 They're rubbish. They're boring. I actually don't like anything battery like that. I'm not really a pancake guy. Oh my God. Oh my God. Yorkshire puddings. Are the best.
Starting point is 00:51:22 This is what I'm putting up with every weekend. My other choice for main course, I was thinking of what I used to dream about at university. Me and my friends used to have conversations about a Yorkshire pudding that was the size of a jacuzzi and we would fill it with gravy. Yeah. And peas that would be like the size. Yeah, we're in it. You're in it.
Starting point is 00:51:38 You're in it. And then you're eating that. Yeah. And you nibble around the side, there'll be peas that will be apples floating around you. There'll be some sausages. There'll be plenty of stuff floating around you. We would have had a shower beforehand.
Starting point is 00:51:46 I've had a dab in. Yeah, it still doesn't make a difference if you get in there. Just stop. It's the dream. Hot tub. You're getting them with other people? Yeah, but they're clean. You can't guarantee that.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Okay, can I go say- Also, you're students. Someone's got a double vodka. Someone's got a, yeah. I've got a PTC in one hand. Yeah. A pea the size of an apple in the other. Oh, heaven.
Starting point is 00:52:03 But I love Yorkshire puddings. Someone's got, yeah. I've got a PTC in one hand, a pea the size of an apple in the other. Oh, heaven. But I love Yorkshire puddings. No, I find them boring. Boring now. Maybe the gravy you're having isn't good enough because they are really a vessel for the gravy. Yeah, exactly. We'll use them to absorb more gravy.
Starting point is 00:52:17 No, I just drink the gravy. I don't mind that. I feel so passionate about this and I didn't realize. Yeah, a lot of people do. This is the way he antagonizes a lot of people, a lot of listeners. He knows what he's doing, Ellie. I think Yorkshire puddings, people are passionate about this and I didn't realise. Yeah, a lot of people do. This is the way he antagonises a lot of people, a lot of listeners. I think he knows what he's doing. I think Yorkshire puddings, people are passionate about them, but I think they represent the lack of ambition in most British people.
Starting point is 00:52:34 I'm bearing in mind, I mean, that's the worst thing he's ever said about them. I'm bearing in mind that like, obviously they're named after a specific part of Britain. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He doesn't like the North. So he's going after the North. I love Yorkshire, I think it's fantastic. I just think they need to butt their ideas up. I went to my mum's yesterday for a roast and she made beautiful Yorkshire puddings and
Starting point is 00:52:52 I take Umbridge on her part. She spent Aidan, they were massive and we all looked in the oven and said, oh mum, they're really big, well done. And I felt like that was a personal attack on my mother. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it was. My mother, Theresa. Theresa Taylor it was. My mother, Theresa. Theresa Taylor.
Starting point is 00:53:06 What the Theresa? Mother Theresa. No, it is Mother Theresa, isn't it? On top of that, I didn't even put that together earlier. Me neither. It's the first time I'm hearing that. We're making the sausage in real time, people. Do you want to shout out any other cereals before we move on?
Starting point is 00:53:14 Curiousness Cinnamon. Yeah. That's like crack. Have you ever been curious when you're having it? Curious about how much of a box am I allowed to have in one go? Yeah. I'm curious about how much of a box am I allowed to have in one go? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Curious about how much of a box am I allowed to have in one go? Yeah. Curious about how much of a box am I allowed to have in one go? Yeah. Curious about how much of a box am I allowed to have in one go? Yeah. Curious about how much of a box am I allowed to have in one go? other cereals before we move on? Curiously Cinnamon, that's like crack. Have you ever been curious when you're having it? Curious about how much of a box am I allowed to have in one go? That was a name change that I wasn't on board with. Cereals do a lot of name changes. For some reason it seems to be the food stuff that does the most amount of name changing. And Cinnamon Graham's, great. Curiously Cinnamon. I was like, do I have to call it that now? I've got to say Curious. I'm like a bowl of Curiously Cinnamon.
Starting point is 00:53:50 In conversation, it wouldn't come up, the name. It happened five seconds ago. Here's a serial name change for you. Do you remember Toppers? Oh yeah. That turned into Frosted Wheats. They were Toppers? Toppers. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Wow. And then they kind of got hip to like. Yeah. Then they're just, yeah. Then that makes it sound a bit healthy. Wheats, isn't it? I'm still not over opal fruits. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Sure. Stabished. Yeah. Have they gone back now though? Stabished. Stabished. Did they go back? No.
Starting point is 00:54:21 I mean, I think I've said this on the podcast before, but the advert for the name change was like in a science lab and they had like two monkeys and they were like holding up different names and the monkeys were pressing a red button or green button if they like the new name or not. All right. And one of the suggested new names was Jimpy Jompies. And so me and my mum have called them Jimpy Jompies since then. I wish they were.
Starting point is 00:54:42 I always love hearing about Edith's mum. It's a nice relationship. Yeah, Theresa. Yeah, Theresa. Theresa Gambles. And like, always lovely. Yeah. Jimpy Jompies, I love it.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Are you gonna start calling them that now? Yeah. I don't think I say them the word very often. They don't come up very often, I don't think. I don't think, no one's really buying them. Maybe if they were called Jimpy Jompies, we would be buying them and we would be talking about them. Yeah, absolutely. They'd be on your dream menu. Jimpy Jomp Maybe if they were called Jimpy Jompies, we would be buying them and we would be talking about them.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Yeah, absolutely. They'd be on your dream menu. Oh, Jimpy Jompies. I was saying Jimpy Jompies. No, because it was chimps. Yeah, yeah. Chimps. Makes perfect sense.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Jimpy Jompies. Jimpy Jompies is what I'm going to call them. That's going to be my new name. Jimpy Jompies. Yeah, I can be called Jimpy Jompies. My next tour, I'm going to be called Jimpy Jompies. It sounds like a sausage. I've got the shopping trolley on the back of me. Yeah. And I'm pulling out the cheese buckets. Yeah. Jimby jump. He says sounds like he's got the shopping trolley on the back of me
Starting point is 00:55:25 Yeah, and I'm pulling out the cheese buckets. Yeah, it's doing it a company Yeah, no one be surprised if that was your next move. I don't think yeah. Here's welcome to stay Jimby job Well, God chucking my shopping behind me. Oh cheese out the shopping trolley. Yeah Please one stage and you need a company Straight back in the toilet. Oh well. Easy come, easy go. What milk are you putting on the cereal?
Starting point is 00:55:51 If indeed you are. Yeah, you almost made out that you weren't happy. No, I wasn't, but I suppose I would like some milk to be available. I'm happy to nibble on it as a snack. Yeah. It was a cruity. Yeah. But I would, yeah, I mean, if we're going to have milk, I'd like some really cold, whole
Starting point is 00:56:04 cow. Love that. Want some beef like some really cold, whole cow. Love that. I want some beefy milk on there. Whole cow. Yeah. Do you sometimes go into places where, you know, they want you to say what type of milk and sometimes they lead it and will say cow milk or beef milk. Some places do that.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Do they actually say beef milk? There are places that do that to try and hammer it home. Fair enough. Do you go along with that or do you preempt it? I've never had that. I've never had that. Yeah. And I don't know how I would react in that situation. Yeah. I don't know. I might throw the olives in their faces as well. So you've just got some. We're not giving you any olives. Okay. Because we know what you're going to do with the olives regardless. It's a dream.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Yes we do. Let me have my olives. Just throw a bowl of olives at a human being. Why not? Got a lot to do it. Let me live. olives. Throw a bowl of olives at a human being? Why not? Let me live! Drink drink! Drink? Done drinks. You've done drinks in the beginning, but for your meal If you want that to just be it, you can just be it. Don't let that push extra fluids on you. I'd like a drink to go with my pudding. Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:57:10 So I'll happily just coast along with what I'm having. If I'm having, I suppose it's Phil special sauce. I'll probably have to have a bit of wine with it. Red wine. So he thinks I'm a grown up because I'll put down my vodka diet coke. Why do you need him to think you're a grown up? He's calling it Phil special sauce. You don't need this man to think you're a grown up. He's walking around the kitchen wearing thongs. Our Australian listeners will know what Ed meant. Everyone else, sorry for the image. Was that funny when you started dating an Australian and differences in the language, picking each other up on stuff?
Starting point is 00:57:44 Yeah, still love it now. Still love it now. I found out the last trip we went to that in a kid's play park, they call a slide a slippery dip. That's just stupid. How adorable is that? No they don't. Slippery dip and a water fountain, a bubbler. Can I have a drink from the bubbler?
Starting point is 00:57:57 I feel like Phil's making stuff up. Can you imagine? Yeah. Can you imagine? All of it's bullshit. And my sister lives over there as well, and she's married to, we both married Aussie men. Really? I talk about this in the talk. It's weird, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:58:10 Yeah. Very, very weird. Some people watch Neighbours as a bit of like relief and we've gone, well, that's the husband in for them. Maybe it's just so formative for your neighbours. Both gone for Aussies. Who's your favourite character on Neighbours? Fancying wise, probably Billy Kennedy. And then funny wise.
Starting point is 00:58:28 I have to Google that. Billy Kennedy. He went into a big show. House. Oh yes, it was that, wasn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Huh? House.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Oh, I think I know who you mean. Libby and, oh, what was the other brother? Billy Kennedy. Libby and Darren. Was it Brad? No, it wasn't Brad. Brad was a different one. It was a Brad though. He. It was a Philippe type.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Oh actually, that's quite cool actually. Yeah, love neighbors. Aussies, that's what we're talking about. What stories were there about that guy, Billy Kennedy? His storylines. I don't know, I was too busy trying to work out how to make one of my husband. How did you make one of your husband? I found him in London. There's loads of them. If you look in the right places, loads of them lurking around. Yeah. Earl's Court.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Yeah. That was like the hub, wasn't it? For a while, there was court in the bars. Yeah. I thought your husband's name was Earl and you caught him. You know his name's not Earl. It's not Earl's special sauce, is it? Does that sound better?
Starting point is 00:59:24 Yeah. Yeah. Raw regal. Ever watch sauce, is it? Does that sound better? Yeah. Yeah. Real regal. Ever watch My Name is Earl? No. Crazy show. It's the season for new styles and you love to shop for jackets and boots. So when you do, always make sure you get cash back from Rakuten.
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Starting point is 01:00:20 and... Yeah, why not? What's quite nice as well, if I may say with the cereal as a side dish is it's almost acting as a bridging course between the main and the dessert. Oh, my palette is changing. We're moving onwards. Yes. So my pudding is, well, one of my puddings is actually a drink, but I don't class this as the drink. This is separate. So I want a chocolate milkshake from a place in Sydney, the boathouse at Shelly Beach, which is our favourite little beach that we go to when we're there. And it's the most
Starting point is 01:00:48 beautiful location. And actually, yeah, we're there now because it's peripatetic. We're there. We're in Shelly Beach and it's a beautiful little beach. There's loads of amazing houses that are right by the cliffs. There's loads of bush turkeys that wander around the beach, which are bush turkeys. Yeah. Is that what he's told you that chickens are called? They're just pigeons, aren't they? Just pigeons. We call those bush turkeys.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Wow, they're so exhausting. I can't believe he's still back and forth on the list, shit. For the listener, Ed did that without moving his lips. And yeah, their chocolate milkshake is lovely. And the kids ones come in a glass that's in the shape of a bear. So I'm going to have a kid's one because that's fun. That's nice. Is the bear in a pose of any sort?
Starting point is 01:01:29 Just like just sort of standing, being ready to be used as a vessel. I guess if it's a glass, you can't really have too much of a pose on it, can you? Teddy bear or grizzly bear. Not grizzly bear. Really terrifying for the kids. Yeah. Grizzly roaring. Full grizzly man.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Ever see that documentary? That's wild. Is that where he goes in the bear? Oh, that's the reverend. He does go in the bear. Does he go in the bear? He still goes in the bear. Yeah. Oh. Because he gets eaten. Yeah. Oh, okay. Bear eats him. But in real life, it's not a... My dad still thinks grizzly man is not real. He thinks it's fake and we've all fallen for it. After we watched it, he was like, you seriously believe that documentary? I was like, yeah, that's real. That happened. It was like, it's not real. Everyone's actors in that. That's fake. I can't believe you've fallen for it. The bear was an actor.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Yeah. It goes online. Can't believe that everyone believes this documentary. It's so clearly fake. It's like, dad, the guy, Timothy Trev was a real man. He got eaten by a bear. No, he didn't. That's an actor playing him for a laugh. Everyone's fallen for this. This is ridiculous. What proof does your dad need? No. Oh, yeah. I don't think anything can prove it to him. He's just convinced it's a fake documentary and we're all idiots for believing that Timothy Trevorrow was a real person. Well, if you want a hill to die on, it's a fun one, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:02:36 Yeah, yeah. It's more harmless than mine. Is this a thick milkshake? Yeah, okay. Just getting it back on track? Yeah, yeah. I'd go thick milkshake. Yeah, yeah. Thick milkshake, that's okay. Not a thin one. Ice cream milkshake? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what's in it to be fair,
Starting point is 01:02:51 but it's bloody lovely. You want to have to give it some welly to get it out of the glass, don't you? Yeah, really go for it. Yeah. And they put chocolate around the, they squirt chocolate sauce around the inside of the bear. Okay. Back to bears, sorry. And then, yeah, it's really delicious. Delicious. Delicious. That sounds good. And there's no cream on the top or anything? No, no cream. It's just pure. They know it speaks for itself.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Yeah, yeah. I love it. I really love a milkshake. So I'm having that. We're on Shelley Beach. We're looking out. It's lovely. But also I want some, looking at the bush turkeys, pigeons. But I also want some pudding, obviously. So I want some tiramisu. Lovely. I love tiramisu. Whenever there's tiramisu on the menu, I'll have it. It's my baked alausta. I have to, I have to, if it's on the menu, gotta get it. Where's your favorite tiramisu from? I can't even think.
Starting point is 01:03:32 I don't think I've ever met a bad tiramisu. I made quite a nice one myself. Yeah? Yeah. Made one with Baileys before. Wow. The Italians would hate that, wouldn't they? They've already slugged off their pasta, so I think you're all right.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Yeah, fair enough. Yeah, Delish, want that. I also want an honourable mention here for some Betty Crocker icing just in a pot. Yeah, I know the stuff. Oh my god. Yeah. Just with a spoon. The forbidden yoghurt.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Oh my god. Oh god. That's like worse than Steve's special sauce. How do you keep forgetting? Steve? What? Why is Steve getting involved in my pasta? I can't remember this guy's name.
Starting point is 01:04:07 It's Earl Steve, something like that. Earl Steve. Earl, Earl, yeah. Still, the forbidden yoghurt. The forbidden yoghurt. It's the same as that. Yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Yeah, it's the most delicious thing and I will happily... The thing is you can get it in to make some brownies or something. I always have to buy two because I know realistically, be true to yourself Ellie, it's not going to make it out. Yeah, it's going straight down with a spoon. It's so good. Because it's thick and even like Nutella or something. It's honestly the best tasting thing I've ever had in my life.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Well, it's got to be on your menu then, you can't have it as an honorable mention. But I also wanted to have tiramisu. Yeah, I'll put it as a little side pot for you. I don't want a little one. Okay, a big side pot, you can have a little side, you can have a side dish, a dessert side dish of the Betty Crocker. That's what I want. Yeah. It could be blended into the milkshake if you want it.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Oh, I could drink it. That, yeah, why not? Let's do it. Yeah. Chuck it in. Chuck it in. In it goes. And I also want with my pudding, a Yorkshire biscuit tea.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Have you had, have you had chats about this before? No, I've heard, I've heard of it. But could you please enlighten our listeners? It's Yorkshire tea. Have you had chats about this before? No, I've heard of it. Could you please enlighten our listeners? It's Yorkshire tea. We all know and love this. Probably doesn't. So it's biscuit. It's like infused with like a biscuit flavour, but it's not sweet. It's like a rich tea has been dunked in it. Yeah, that's nice. And let to like marinate. And it's really malty and just delicious and very like wholesome and
Starting point is 01:05:24 warming and lovely. That sounds good. Yeah. It sounds gross when you described it. Yeah, it does. But it's not. But like, I get what you mean. It's like infused with the flavor.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Yeah. They do a jam and toast one as well, which I don't like. That's too much, isn't it? Does that taste like jam and toast? It does, but it's not. It doesn't do it for me. You don't want to sip jam and toast. No, I tried it, but no, I'm a purist. So Yorkshire tea and I carry that around in, I carry it in a Tupperware with me to make
Starting point is 01:05:53 sure. Cause it's like ruined every other cup of tea if you're in a restaurant, obviously. You know, I lose two teabags in a Tupperware. I've got a teabag in a Tupperware. You haven't got like a made tea in a Tupperware? No. Open the lid, just sort it out. It's next to the Tupperware Phil special sauce obviously. I carry around two Tupperwares at all times. Yeah. Don't mix them up. Yeah. That's, that's, that's what I want to finish
Starting point is 01:06:14 with because after dinner, after like main, after savory food is finished, I don't want an alcoholic drink. I'm done. Even if it's a sweet alcoholic drink? No, I'm done. It's over. It's like you're going home. Yeah, I don't necessarily want to go home, but in the restaurant I just want a tea or a mint tea sometimes. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:06:31 But definitely not. I can't imagine wine with my dessert, for instance. But you got what about a little whiskey or something? No. What about an espresso martini? I don't like coffee. I'd like a biscuit tea martini. I hate to break it to you, but tiramisu is full of the stuff.
Starting point is 01:06:43 I know, isn't that weird? It's the only coffee thing that I like. But I don't like it. I don't like an espresso martini. But it doesn't taste like, I mean, it doesn't taste like it. Chocolatey, creamy, yum, yum. It's got the coffee sort of flavor to it, but it's not like a cup of coffee. It's not giving you a buzz.
Starting point is 01:06:58 I shouted out a specific tiramisu on the podcast at a place called Core C.O.R. in Bristol. Well, I've gone in and they did tiramisu, but instead of sponge place called Core C.O.R. in Bristol. Yeah. Well, I'd gone in and they did tiramisu, but instead of sponge fingers, they'd use panettone. It tastes like Christmas pudding tiramisu. Wow. It's one of the best things I've ever eaten. And then the next day, my tour manager went to get it because I talked about it so much.
Starting point is 01:07:17 And they were like, oh, that was just for yesterday. So then I came on the podcast. I was like, everyone get over there, bully them into putting it on the menu. Just trying to do their jobs. Is it back? It worked. Is it back on? Yeah. My tour manager went back and later on there, bully them into putting it on the menu. Just trying to do their jobs. Is it back? It worked. Is it back on? Yeah, my tour manager went back and he said it's back on there now.
Starting point is 01:07:30 And they didn't confirm it was definitely me because I bullied them. You think it is? Yeah, it was. I bullied them into doing it. Shout out to the tiramisu at Scoff as well, obviously. Delicious. In Manchester. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:41 That's a very good tiramisu. Is that going to hook or is that just, it's a pure one? It's a pure tiramisu. There's a lovely personal story behind it. It is genuinely the best Tiramisu I've ever had. What makes it so great? I think he might put coffee in the cream. He'd never tell us. He'd never tell us.
Starting point is 01:07:57 And it's at the end of like an amazing tasting menu. Yeah. Oh, right. So you're there for like hours just enjoying this incredible food. And then it comes out at the end in tiramisu. How many courses on the tasting menu? It's like 14 or something. Oh my god!
Starting point is 01:08:12 And then you look at the tiramisu and you think, oh surely we can't manage it. And that's how you know something is so delicious. Because you still want to give it a go. Your body doesn't even feel full anymore. You just want to eat this tiramisu. We went there on New Year's Eve so normally they come over and give you like a spoonful in a little bowl. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:28 And the main thing we went on New Year's Eve and he brought a whole one over. Oh my God. And went, there you go guys. Happy New Year. To your worst. And no one was expecting us to do that. And you did it. They were all stood in the kitchen going, they're never going to do that. I say we did it. This guy took on the lion's share. I imagine.
Starting point is 01:08:41 You're my hero. Me and Amy and I really went to town on that tiramisu. Don't mind if we tiramidoo. That's a Milton Jones joke. Which to be fair, his daughter wrote for him. Also before I read the menu back to you, who was Betty Crocker? Some American lady who liked cakes. Do we think she's real?
Starting point is 01:09:00 I think she's real. Yeah. Yeah, I reckon. Is she real, Ben? No! Branded fictional character. You thought she was real. I think she's real. Yeah. Yeah, I reckon. Is she real, Ben? Branded fictional characters. You thought she was real. Yeah, I bought into that brand. We've just ruined that for you, like Santa Claus.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Well, it's your dream. She's real now. She's a little old American lady. Yeah. She says, hey, my dear, would you like this part of Asa? She's got something wrong with her mouth. Teeth don't fit properly. I like this. I like Betty Crocker.
Starting point is 01:09:26 She's very friendly, dear. I'm going to read you back to you now, see how you feel about it. You want pre-drinks at the Langham. Double vodka and Diet Coke. Robinson's DVDC. Robinson's Fruit and Barley. Orange. And a Kyo Roi Hell, because you're keeping it classy. Then you would like sparkling water, which you're going to be squirting those barley water pouches into it
Starting point is 01:09:46 that we've just invented. Poblons of bread, warm baguette with salted butter and olive oil and vinegar. Yes. And a bit of dipping. Starter. Some of your lovely enunciation again there. Well, you know.
Starting point is 01:09:59 Starter. It's the compte reading, that's why. Yeah. Yeah, this doesn't need a compti reading to mend your back. I do appreciate that. Starter, jam on croquetas. Oh no, come on. Huh?
Starting point is 01:10:12 Jam on croquetas sounds like you're putting jam on them. Jam, jam on toast, no. Come on, come on James, back of the throat. There we go. Croquetas. Very nice. With aioli from Josie. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:10:26 This is going to take ages. And he would like jam on as well. And it's like, Nina Comti cheese and potato skins with cheese and ham in it. Made by James. Yeah. Rigatoni with... Phil special sauce. Really bad. And then... It dish, Kellogg's start.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Yes. With some cold whole milk, which I'm imagining it being on the side and you add it if you want to. Yeah, not spare. Dessert, we have a chocolate milkshake from the Boat House on Shelley Beach with Betty Crocker's icing in it. Yeah. A tiramisu, could be from anywhere, because you love it, and a Yorkshire biscuit tea. Done. I tiramisu could be from anywhere because you love it and a Yorkshire
Starting point is 01:11:05 biscuit tea. Done. I'm proud of that. I'm happy and I'm hungry. Yeah. That does sound nice. Yes. And I do agree with the bridge thing with the cereal, I think. Yeah. I think it's a lovely move. Thank you. The cereal move. Did you ever go to the cereal bar that they opened in London and everyone absolutely kicked off and hated them for it? Brick Lane. Yeah. Cereal bar, cereal cafe, cereal cafe. Cereal Killers, is it? Cereal Killers, yeah. Cereal Killer Cafe, yeah. It was hipster culture gone mad. Everyone was absolutely furious.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Nice idea. I did. Yeah. What did you have in the Cereal Killer Cafe when you went? I think like a cocktail of like American stuff that I couldn't get over here. You mixed them? Yeah. I always mix my cereal. Nice. What's your favourite mix to do at home? It's all quite wheat based at home, I'd say.
Starting point is 01:11:47 So sort of shreddies, fruit and fiber, maybe some oats. I mean, boring, but I don't care. I really like it, you know, keeps you regular. Do you know what I mean? That's what I was going to say. Fun. Tasty. Your house is like clockwork.
Starting point is 01:12:00 And that's what I like. If I come home from a gig, good gig, bad gig, massive bowl of cereal with loads of sugar. That's's good. I don't tend to like I don't have a VDC. I have a big bowl of shreddies And you put the sugar on top of it. You don't get frosted shreddies. No, I don't although I do love frosted shreddies Mm-hmm. They are sensation. They are fantastic. Actually, what's your number one cereal? I get the boring ones now all the time, but but when I was a kid, you know first First week of the month if you go with mom and dad on the big shop. Yeah. Yeah, you know, first week of the month, if you go with mum and dad on the big shop, you get to choose a special cereal. When it's gone, it's gone. That's what we were told.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Right. Love it. You get one box of it, when it's gone, it's gone. Love that. I would get Crave. I'd go for that Crave cereal. Oh my gosh. Oh, that's with the chocolate inside? It's basically got, yeah, Betty Crocker's icing in it. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Inside the little pockets of whatever, I don't know what crop that is. It doesn't matter what the pockets are. You're cracking into the pockets, you're looking out the middle and you're throwing away the pockets, right? Yeah, yeah. That's my motto. But yeah, I'd go for the Crave. And this is how much of a sugar addicted family we were.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Cookie Crisp, which is essentially, it's got a fucking picture of a wolf on the front. Yeah. You'd be glad it is because of like how insane it turned into a cartoon wolf. Because it is basically just a bowl of cookies. And there is like a wolf going insane like they do in the cartoon. It's a cartoon wolf. It's like howling. You know, like they do in the cartoons when our character sees like a sexy lady and then they turn into a wolf and start howling. That was like the wolf at the top. That's what you do when you saw the cereal, right? Yeah I only do it when I see cereal. Yeah, his tongue unraveled. Yeah
Starting point is 01:13:31 I got in trouble, I smacked myself in the head with a mallet All that stuff Well that sounds delicious Ellie, that's fantastic. Very good. Thank you so much for coming to the dream restaurant Ellie There we are James. Wow, rogue. Rogue. Went rogue a few times there, but I respect it. Cereal side dish. Multiple desserts.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Yeah, I think, yeah, both into that. Yep, I'm absolutely happy with that. No pavlova, even though there were multiple desserts. Yeah, you're thinking, surely she's gonna pick pavlova at some point. Since you said there's a few of these, I was like, we're in trouble here. Uh oh.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Because Pavlova's a popular dish. Yes. Obviously everyone should go and see Pallavering. Pallavering starts in April. for tickets. Go along and see it. It is bound to be a fantastic show. James.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Yeah? Is it bye? Huh? Is it bye now? Oh, are we saying goodbye now? I don't know. Have we done everything? Benito's crazy. He'd start us if we'd done Pavlova or not.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Yeah. We did it. That's the main thing we've done. You're crazy. Benito's zoning out. Because he hates us. Yeah, well, who can blame him? It's been a long time.
Starting point is 01:14:37 It's been a long, old, few years. Goodbye everyone! Goodbye everyone.

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