Off The Telly - Breakdancing on a bit of lino

Episode Date: May 1, 2024

What are we watching? Natalie Cassidy and Joanna Page chat about all things telly.This week they chat about the latest series of Britain's Got Talent on ITV, why everyone is talking about Baby Reindee...r on Netflix, plus another Netflix series which Jo can't stop watching - Love Is Blind.In Off the Telly, Natalie and Joanna talk about what they can’t stop watching, what they definitely aren’t going to bother with, and what you’re all watching at home. From new shows to comfort telly to guilty pleasures, there’s no judgement here. What’s kept us all glued to our screens this week?Self-confessed TV addicts and stars of two of the biggest shows on our screens, EastEnders and Gavin and Stacey, Natalie and Joanna are the perfect companions to your weekly viewing habits.Get in touch by sending us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to 03306 784704.Timecodes for the shows discussed are:4:26 - Britain’s Got Talent 14:08 - Baby Reindeer 23:51 - Love Is BlindHosts: Natalie Cassidy and Joanna Page Producer: Georgia Keating Executive Producer: Richard Morris Commissioning Editor: Rhian Roberts Unit Manager: Lucy Bannister Sounds Editor: Arlie Adlington Music by MCassoOff The Telly is a BBC Studios Audio Production for BBC Sounds.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 BBC Sounds, music, radio, podcasts. Hello. Hello, darling. Welcome to Off The Telly from BBC Sounds. I'm Natalie Cassidy. And I'm Joanna Page. And this is the podcast where we have a good old chat about what we've been watching on the telly.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Yes, well, there's going to be maybe some swearing, because we do get a bit passionate about what we're talking about and there might be a few spoilers. So just keep your ears peeled. Yeah, look out for them. Yeah, look out for them. Enjoy the ep. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Let's go. Do you know, right, say and keep your... It's weird because I feel like I need to say keep your ears peeled because that's what people say. But as a Welsh person, I always say yours. And I've been living now. I like yours. Yeah, I've been living here for years and years and years.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Not yours as in the side of your head, but as in yours. And I still feel myself shudder inside if I have to say I was listening with my ears ears ears so you say keep you years on yeah I was wearing some earrings earrings yeah yeah I like that that's nicer than he is yeah well it's quite well it's quite nice I just think the way that being Welsh and then you say ears it's like like a real urgh like that. But when you say it, it sounds quite smooth. Ears. Ears. Quite bloody boring, if I'm honest.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Ears. Right, what have we been up to this week then? You're not going to believe it. Oh, my God. So from our video, Jo Brand messaged me. God. So I got a little blue tick come up. Jo Brand has followed you.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Oh, my God, that's amazing. I was like, oh, my God, Jo Brand. And then in my head, because, you know, you forget, you're so busy during the week. I'd forgotten that we'd had that conversation about I'd like to go to dinner with her. Yes. Go into my inbox.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Hello there, Nat, it's Jo. If only I'd have known earlier. Would love to have dinner. Tell Joanna as well to come. Oh, my God, that's so nice. Oh, Jo, it's Jo. If only I'd have known earlier. Would love to have dinner. Tell Joanna as well to come. Oh my God, that's so nice. Oh, Jo, we can't wait to go out for dinner with you. But isn't that nice? Oh, that's so lovely of her.
Starting point is 00:02:14 There you go, the power of off the telly. Yes, do you think if we put a thing out about Ryan Gosling that he might respond and ask us out to dinner as well? No. Oh, so also I want to know, have you had a chance to catch up on Ripley yet? I haven't had a chance. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I can't wait until you do. I can't wait until you do. And it is not, that is at the top of your, that is something I want to sit and watch. Yeah. What I think is going to happen is because I get super busy soon at EastEnders. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:42 And although I'm super busy, it means that I'll have more breaks. But when I'm at work, you can't do anything. You're not at home putting washing on, running around. Do you know what I mean? So I think once I'm back to work big time, I'll be able to sit and that'll be my Ripley time. Oh, I was going to say,
Starting point is 00:03:01 we've had a message from a listener about Ripley saying, thank you so much for recommending Ripley. I've been off with COVID this week and have just indulged myself. Oh, yeah. Oh, lovely. Oh, Carol. I hope you're feeling better. Yeah, I'm not going to call you COVID, Carol. That's really depressing. I do. I hope you're feeling better. I'm not going to call you COVID Carol. That's really depressing. I do. I hope you're better and thank you so much for that. Oh, it's lovely. She's had a real, oh, no, it's not
Starting point is 00:03:32 nice being poorly. But isn't it nice though when like, because, you know, you find something to binge. And my lot, they've been pretty. We've all been pretty ill recently. But there's nothing better, is it? When you've got through the worst of it and have a duvet day. But you can't go back yet. And so you're on the sofa with the duvet and you get to just watch a box set very very good and then yeah and then you get the husband bringing food bits of food in because
Starting point is 00:03:54 you've got your appetite back it's nice isn't it and you could get up but you think no i'll just have another day yeah i just lie here in the duvet in my own sweat for a day longer. Oh, can't beat it. Right, what shows are we talking about this week? Well, this week we are talking about Britain's Got Talent, which you can find on ITV and ITVX. We've also got Baby Reindeer, which is on Netflix, and Love is Blind, which is on Netflix as well. Lovely.
Starting point is 00:04:26 The kids have really, really enjoyed our first show this week. Britain's Got Talent. They've been really enjoying it because there was a double bill, wasn't there? Yes, there was. We had the Saturday, Sunday, which they quite like. And again, I know we keep talking about family viewing, but it is nice to get the family together, put the phones away put the tablets away and actually sit down and watch something together so i'm pleased it's back
Starting point is 00:04:50 on me too i mean it's funny isn't it because it is just like good old-fashioned telly yeah and it's like a variety show and we just all love it shove a dog in and then a dog standing on another dog's back and it's like oh my god you're sorted. Bloke chainsawing himself in half. A couple of choirs. A box going on fire. A bit of magic. That's it, you're sorted. How funny was the goldfish man?
Starting point is 00:05:15 Oh, my God. I was kind of like, is he just going to keep going and going and going? I like the stuntman. Do you know what I thought, right? You know there was that stuntman who was the shit stuntman? And they were going, oh, my God. Oh, yes. But I thought, no, I think that is the act. That is not a shit stuntman. Do you know what I thought, right? You know there was that stuntman who was the shit stuntman. And they were going, oh my God. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:05:26 But I thought, no, I think that is the act. That is not a shit stuntman. They are missing a trick. They are. They're missing it. I don't think they got it. That what he was actually doing was amazing. Amazing stunts.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And also, I think he was, it was amazing, but he wanted it to be slapstick. Yes, he did, didn't he? So it was old-fashioned slapstick, kind of Laurel and Hardy-ish falling over. Yeah. I got it. Me too. I liked it. And to turn around and bang into something or go to a walk and then just sort of stumble over,
Starting point is 00:05:54 that was a really good stance and it was really difficult to capture it that naturally. And I think they just thought that it was a bit rubbish. Yeah, I mean, at one point, once he did a bit of a stumble or fall and I thought, oh, that's what I look like when I'm drunk. That's what I look like in the morning after I've been feeding Beau all bloody night. But the panel's not changed. What do you think about, well, yeah, David Williams is gone.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Oh, I miss him. The kids miss him. The kids miss him. Yeah, they do. I miss him. Actually, we were talking about that and we said, we really miss having someone there who is like, you know, just like a big kid, telling jokes, making gags, saying naughty things. Yeah. We really do miss it. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:06:35 I agree. But I love Bruno. Yeah, I love Bruno too. Bruno was a judge when I did Strictly. No way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who was he? He was.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And he doesn't change. That is him. Yeah. Very kind of flamboyant and extravagant. But he always seems to... I always feel like he doesn't quite know what he's doing. No, he doesn't get it, does he? But in a really brilliant way.
Starting point is 00:06:55 It's like, you know, last season he pressed the golden buzzer at the wrong time. Yeah, like 40 times or something, didn't he? Yeah. I'm quite worried that we've only had a couple of episodes so far and so many golden buzzers have already gone. I promise you this was my conversation with Mark. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I said, why, everyone's just using the buzzers. Mm. And then Eliza was arguing with me because she said, no, no, they get two each. I said, no, they don't. One. Thank you. It's one each.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah. They're going to have to do something. They'll surprise us with something, won't they? Well, otherwise, I think there's one buzzer left now, Bruno. Jesus. I can't believe that Bruno's the one who's not pressed it yet. Me too. He's petrified after last time.
Starting point is 00:07:33 He is, isn't he? Who's been your favourite so far? Oh, well, I liked the Japanese, like, body-popping group. Me too. We liked it so much that we kept rewinding it and watching it over and over. And then, when they finished, we made James, the husband, get up and stand in front of us.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Then we rewound it so we could get the music and then we made him dance for us. And he did it so willingly and he was really good. He went for it. It was absolutely hilarious because he is now 48 that's really good and also very sad that you haven't videoed it well to see you know i genuinely was thinking of videoing it because i thought oh my god i could put a bit on yes on and but then i thought well do you know what if i went back home today and asked him to redo it he might be happy yeah it's
Starting point is 00:08:20 hilarious it was hilarious see how you get on the house is full of illness so it might not be the time but see how you get on but no his body full of illness, so it might not be the time, but see how you get on. But no, his body popping was very good. He used to do breakdancing on a bit of lino. Yeah. Who has been your favourite? It's the title of the ep.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Genuinely, he used to have a bit of lino that was rolled up up in Bradford, and then they put the lino out for I suppose it must be like the nice smooth surface and they do like their break dancing and spins and all of that stuff. That is so brilliant. That is brilliant. My favourite, they were absolutely brilliant
Starting point is 00:08:57 and I really loved the girl who got the golden buzzer the first time. Yes. The Cockney girl from Kent, and then she just sang Tomorrow, and it was absolutely beautiful. See, that's the only thing now where Britain's got talent. Nothing shocks you or surprises you anymore
Starting point is 00:09:15 because you've seen it all. When it first started, you'd never seen a dog jumping through hoops with a lady. It was amazing to see the stunt dog. It was amazing to have a choir on that were little children and there was a story behind it. And now, yeah, now I'm just sort of like, oh, what's going to be next?
Starting point is 00:09:32 I'm sort of waiting for something. When you saw Batman dressed up, I straight away was like, oh, well, he's going to sing then and he's going to do something like that. Yeah, it just wasn't my cup of tea really. What did you think about the fella who played air guitar? Oh, for... I was just like, oh, my God, are you kidding me? which wasn't my cup of tea really. What did you think about the fella who played air guitar? Did you remember that one? I was just like, oh my God, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:09:49 Absolutely. I was like, is that what they've got to... So you're telling me they've seen 150 people and that's what they put on the telly? I know. What's everyone doing? I just don't... I was just kind of like,
Starting point is 00:09:58 I can't believe he's being put through on air guitar. But then also, is it just going to be air guitar different songs for the next round? Or is he actually a really good mime artist did you see the did you see the old um did you see the older man who came on with his trumpet yes not that i just not that i just talk about trumpets um but he came on with he came on with his trumpet and then he got his technique was good and then he got his um hose pipe out excuse the pun. I mean a proper hosepipe. He didn't get his...
Starting point is 00:10:30 Oh, my God. He did, didn't he? He had a hosepipe. What else did he have? Oh, didn't he have a teapot? He had a teapot. He had a teapot. Do you know what my favourite bit of the episode was?
Starting point is 00:10:40 When Ant banged his head on the light. And do you know what? Give the man a golden buzzer. I really love Dec's face, because Dec just looks... You know when you're with your best friend and they do something stupid and you just kiss yourself? Yeah, yeah. That really made me laugh, just Dec, just laughing.
Starting point is 00:10:57 They are so genuine together. They are. They're so good, Aunt Baby. They're so, so, so good. Yeah. But I'm just sort of... I've not been surprised by anything yet. I didn't like, there was a magician. Well, I feel, maybe I'm being harsh,
Starting point is 00:11:13 but the magician who came on and then had the man in a scuba diving outfit. Yeah. But I watched it and went, oh, yeah, that's a good trick I have you. And they're going, this is the best magic that I've ever seen. And I was like, hang on a minute, have I just watched something else? They're bigging up every
Starting point is 00:11:34 act a lot. It's very, very, it's so produced. Yeah, it is. I'm a bit like, whoa. Although I'd like to be a judge on there. Yeah, mind you, yes, I would. I'd like to sit there. I don't think I'd ever to be a judge on there yeah mind you yes I would I'd like to sit there I don't think I'd ever get bored
Starting point is 00:11:47 you know getting just acting after acting after acting I'd really enjoy that yeah and I'd get the crowd going yes oh but you'd be good at getting the crowd going
Starting point is 00:11:55 yeah definitely doing all the jokes with them yeah quite fancy that job yes Simon if you're listening a little bit of BGT
Starting point is 00:12:02 but yeah but the magician I was like surely he must have palmed those cards or something before like giving them to them and because he, a little bit of BGT. But yeah, but the magician, I was like, surely he must have palmed those cards or something before giving them to them. Because he did a little flick, didn't he? Well, I'll tell you a secret. Yeah? My Mark does magic tricks.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Really? Is he in the magic circle? He's not in the magic circle, and he'd hate me for saying it, but he's got three or four, you know what I mean? He's got four or five tricks that he does really well. And he sat there and he went, I can't believe this. He's just done two of the tricks that I can do. Oh, my God. So, you know, they weren't that difficult to do.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Yeah, yeah. Because Mark's not Harry Houdini. What about the woman who came on burping? That was horrific. I don't like that. I was like, oh, my God. The kids absolutely loved it, though. And I thought my littlest one, Noah, could go on whistling.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I have never heard a child whistle like Noah whistles. I feel like recording some of his whistling and getting it played on this episode because he has such a strong whistle. Get him on there. Yeah, he started, right? He started whistling when he must have been about four. And now it's like listening to like a
Starting point is 00:13:05 60 year old man whistle he can whistle all sorts of songs his whistle is so loud really a fire engine a police car a car alarm i mean it's just like it's like a really really good whistle get get him on there yeah i reckon he could make it on i tell you what he blinking well could because he's not air guitar on his whistle. What you could do also, just to jazz it up a bit, you could dress him as a life-size whistle. Oh, yes. So he could have a whistle suit.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Yes. And it could be the walking whistle or something like that. Or I could get the dogs involved, and he could somehow sit on Lola, the spring spaniel's back, and she could be, like, walking around the stage. You've complicated it now, Jo. With Bess holding the lead in her hand. So Bess is walking around first with the lead in her mouth
Starting point is 00:13:49 and then pulling Lola alongside and Noah's on the back whistling. That is my act for Britain's Got Talent. I think you should get on there. Get yourself on, get your camper van. As a family, go down and just shove the kids on the stage, see what happens. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Well, going from Britain's Got Talent to Baby Reindeer. Now, before we start this, I think we should say that there's a trigger warning. Yeah, it's a hard-hitting show. It's very intense. It's about stalking. Yeah, it's very disturbing. Well, stalking and also, God, sexual assault. There's a lot. Sexual assault, there's rape, there's drug use.
Starting point is 00:14:32 It's incredibly triggering. Really hard show to watch. And I had heard lots of people talking about it. Me too. We've had so many of you back home just getting in touch with us about this show that we just had to talk about it this week. but I didn't have a clue what it was about um you can watch it on Netflix and it's basically is telling the real life story of um a stand-up comedian called Richard Gad yes now I I'd recognized him you know from like doing doing stand up and acting and things like that. Yeah. But I honestly didn't have a clue that this is something which did happen to him in his real life.
Starting point is 00:15:11 And it's he's now written a series detailing a terrible time that he went through. Yeah. Where he was the victim of stalking and also the victim of... Grooming, really. Grooming, yes. Yeah. And, well, I was sort of just in shock and flabbergasted, but also, I mean, it's quite difficult to talk about it
Starting point is 00:15:39 and say that you enjoyed it or that you thought it was good because it's his life. Well, the biggest thing I felt throughout it, watching it, was A, he was outstanding. Oh, my God, he was incredible. But he's written it and he's lived it. So to them, doing autobiographical drama on those subjects, I just think he's super brave, actually.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yeah, I just wanted to go, oh, my God, are you all right? Are you OK? Are you OK? And then also, aside from that, Jesus Christ, I mean, what an incredible actor. I mean, he's obviously lived through it. He's experienced, you know, he said, you know, that it's emotionally truthful. So we don't know, you know, and also I've And also I've now listened to so many interviews with him
Starting point is 00:16:26 and everything where he's saying that they've tried to disguise the identity of the stalker as much as they can. They've changed different things, but there is an emotional truth all the way through it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Jessica Gunning? She's incredible. She was mind-blowing. I mean, yeah, she plays his stalker. His stalker, sorry, yeah. And she's utterly incredible. Amazing. Absolutely heartbreaking.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Frightening. One minute I was... Wow. It was like a rollercoaster for me of emotions. One minute... Firstly, you're working it out. Some of it's quite funny. And then something sort of shocks you.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Yeah. Then you're frightened. I felt that I was really there alongside that world and kind of peering into it, which was very uncomfortable. Yeah, you felt like you were just there with them. I found it an uncomfortable watch, but amazing. I thought that she was just absolutely incredible. I thought she was great.
Starting point is 00:17:28 You feel so sorry for Martha, yet you're utterly terrified of her. You're intrigued by her. You also kind of want to be her friend as well. You just feel so many different emotions for everything that's going on and for all of them. And it's just she walks into I mean, he's moved to London to start, you know, trying to become a stand up. Yeah. And he's working in a pub. He's feeling quite shit about himself, not feeling too good. And she comes in and it's just this woman comes in and she looks like she's not having that much of a good day. She sits down and he asks, you know, can I get you something?
Starting point is 00:18:07 And he gets her a cup of tea and he says it's on the house. And just that one act of kindness just brings on this whole thing. Obsession. I sort of don't even I just want I mean, I recommend it so highly to watch because i just couldn't stop watching and also i just like to say tom goodman hill who plays um darian who plays like the sort of you know the producer writer you know type friend and acquaintance that um amazing part yeah i mean he was amazing he was amazing he grooms um so so the the stand-up is Richard Gad. And basically, it's his story, what's happened to him in real life. But he's got a different name in the show. Yeah, but he's absolutely desperate.
Starting point is 00:18:50 He goes to Edinburgh. He does a show. He's desperate to be this comedian. There were so many threads in it. Oh, my God. There's just so much. So watching it, you go, why are you still... So he's being stalked by Martha, right?
Starting point is 00:19:04 And she's really scary, and it sort of continues it, and you're thinking, why is that? Absolutely incredible. I recommend it so much if you feel that you can cope with all the subjects involved. You know when he goes to the police station to report her? Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:20 And then the policeman says, why haven't you come sooner? And I just thought, god you know it was kind of the first time that I've ever had any insight into what it must be like to have ever experienced any form of grooming or abuse or assault because he couldn't go and report her because to report her and what she's doing then means he's got to unravel everything from when he's been groomed by this you know big TV producer and the
Starting point is 00:19:53 assault that he's gone through and he can't deal with that he's not ready to deal with any of that yet and he that would have to all come out if he's going to talk about her and I just thought oh my god I just I don't know how I don't know how you got through all of this. Absolutely I don come out if he's going to talk about her. Yeah. And I just thought, oh, my God, I just, I don't know how, I don't know how you got through all of this. Absolutely, I don't know how he's got through it all.
Starting point is 00:20:09 And how brave of you to stand up and just get it all out. Well, that was amazing, wasn't it? You don't have to hide or be afraid. Absolutely. You can just get it all out. But that part in the comedy club where he does that, that was quite amazing, wasn't it? Oh, my God, honestly, it's just incredible, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:20:25 People weren't laughing and he just thought, well, fuck this then. Yeah. And he just told his story. Oh, my God. What about when he goes to Edinburgh and he's got his routine and he's like a performance artist
Starting point is 00:20:34 and then he starts. And, oh, my God, and it's so hard and he's not getting any laughs. People aren't even listening to him because they're watching the football because he's having to perform in a pub. And then, I mean, Tom Goodman Hill as this producer that he ends up getting, you know, getting this card to get into like this private members, you know, club.
Starting point is 00:20:52 So he goes in and then this fella comes up and he's this producer from this show that, you know, he really likes and he starts talking to him and he's a bit smarmy. But he's not overly smarmy, but there's just something very unsettling about him. And I thought that Tom Goodman Hill just was incredible. He was. Just played the most amazing part. But, oh, my God, just... I can't even talk about it.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Well, I just think it's people in power. It shows... It's a real-life thing, so, yeah, it's hard. Like you say, you don't want to pick it apart too much because, you know what that is your story that's Richard Gadd's story and I feel privileged
Starting point is 00:21:30 to have sat and watched it and thank you for you know what I mean you go bloody hell that's real but I think it's just a story of
Starting point is 00:21:38 power fame again wanting things worrying about what people think of you do you know what I mean it had everything rolled into one as well as Martha her mental health fame, again, wanting things, worrying about what people think of you. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:47 It had everything rolled into one, as well as Martha, her mental health. Yes. God, I just wanted to just phone him and just go, oh, my God, are you all right? Are you all right? Yeah. But I'm sure he is.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I mean, I love the way it all unravelled and at the end of it you saw him with all the notes up. Yes. And you go, oh, that's this. Yes. him with all the notes up yes and you go oh that's this we're watching the you know that's what we're watching oh yeah it was really good to think that he was going through all of that when he was doing his stand-up and putting his routines together and that she was then in the audience yeah watching him and how could he have functioned day to day and and just knowing that she's sitting there watching and when it gets more and more frightening and but then he's got this complete reliance on her as well he doesn't
Starting point is 00:22:30 sort of want to let her go and he ends up missing her when he's not getting just that constant attention from her and her saying how wonderful she thinks he is and he's handsome and he's gorgeous and he and he just ends up missing her and he's so kind towards her. Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. You know, because you can see that he is genuinely, this is a human being who's in such a fragile state. Yeah, yeah. No, I loved it and if, you know, if you've got the stomach for it, you know, and the brain power for it, it's absolutely one to watch.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I just thought it was really, really good. Completely incredible. I don't think I've ever seen something with that much of an insight and truthfulness and a realization of what it must be like to be stalked yeah yeah i mean i don't think i've ever seen anything like that before no i've never ever seen anything like that before and and just you know it's a one of a kind to somebody's mental health and fragility and i don't think i've ever seen anything like that before no never and and i mean i think he's just a really incredible man and an incredible talent. Tell you what I did think, though, at one point,
Starting point is 00:23:27 just to lighten the mood. When I saw her house, Martha's house, I thought, I bet she eats in bed. Oh, my God. So much to unpick there. But please tell us what you think, listeners. Let us know your thoughts on it. Send us a message.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Or please, even better, leave us a voice note. Our last one of the podcast is Love is Blind, which you can catch on Netflix. Now, this was recommended to me by someone and they said, Jo is going to be right up your street. You basically have, I think it's about like, it 10 loads loads loads loads of girls loads of boys they've got a great big house yes yes a house i think they're in two separate yeah two separate things or maybe it's like i think it's in a studio maybe a studio and they're all in these little pods don't they are
Starting point is 00:24:22 these little rooms and then there's like a screen going down. So you've got your little pod, you've got your sofa, you've got some wine, you've got your food and whatever. And you take it in turns, going into each different pod and you just chat to, you know, the fella or the girl. Whoever's next door. You go on different dates, but you never, ever, ever, ever see each other.
Starting point is 00:24:40 And then if you click with someone, you go down on one knee, you propose, then you go off on like a sort of holiday then you move in together and then you can actually see each other then when do you see each other though because i've only watched a little bit oh well i've watched now the whole series okay and um so they've gone on lots of dates where they're just talking so the dates are just sitting in the corner i've seen that i mean i thought i'll tell you something joe i watched ep one and within five... No, not five minutes.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I'm making that up. Within 20 minutes, they were talking between a wall, saying they had feelings for each other. But do you think, right, that that could work? No. But when I first met James, right, I'd seen him on the telly, right, so I'd seen what he looked like, and I fancied him.
Starting point is 00:25:25 And then we briefly met for a drink. That really, really interests me, actually, because you never say anyone on the telly, you know, you fancy or find men attractive that are on the telly from shows you watch. Are you serious? James is different because when I first saw him, he was playing, he was a fireman slash biker slash football coach. I mean, good Lord.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Macho. Yeah, if he wasn't in biker leathers, he was in a football kit with tracksuit bottoms and stuff or dressed as a ruddy fireman. I mean, crying out loud. I didn't have a hope in hell, did I? But we went on a very brief date with loads of other people we went out for a drink and that was it and then before I wouldn't even call it a date but before we went on our first ever date he phoned me and we ended up talking on the phone for two hours and we talked and talked and talked and I remember him telling
Starting point is 00:26:23 me about this flat he just bought and there was an outhouse at the bottom of the garden which he was going to put his drums in and I remember thinking nah we'll knock that down to make the garden bigger for the dog and I didn't say it you know luckily um I just but in my head I just thought that and we talked and talked and talked and just got on like a house on fire, met up and that was it. And that was Jess talking. Yes, I had seen him dressed up as a fireman, but he had such a lovely northern accent and such a lovely voice that, you know, I don't think if I hadn't have seen him dressed as a fireman,
Starting point is 00:26:58 it wouldn't have made a difference. It was his voice. And we just connected. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I do think the connection. Yeah. The reason earlier on i said no it wasn't about i think it can work not seeing somebody the connection i just don't
Starting point is 00:27:12 think it can work after 12 minutes yes but you know right so they go on these dates and then they chat and chat and chat and then i think it's as long as it takes them and then you know there were only about five couples who ended up going right okay i do want to marry you yeah and then I think it's as long as it takes them and then you know there were only about five couples who ended up going right okay I do want to marry you and then each man then would go down on a knee and say will you marry me and then the woman will say yes and then they go on then to somewhere else
Starting point is 00:27:35 and then it's only then that the doors open and they walk towards each other and then he'll give her the ring and so then they'll go off then on holiday Can we see the holiday? See the holiday, how is it all getting on? I might skip forward then. I ended up skipping, right, because
Starting point is 00:27:51 there's a lot of episodes. The I Do's and then Holiday. And then I feel like I'm watching kind of a live blind date then. Yes. So they're on holiday and then they're having a cracking time on holiday. I mean, there were a few Barneys and it's always the ones that you think, you sort of tell in the beginning the ones that will work and the ones that don't you can see it right away and you can see the mistakes that they make and then
Starting point is 00:28:13 they come home and then they move in together and that's when it all goes to shit because you're back into your life then and then uh they but then you carry on if you want to carry on and then they go for the wedding dress fitting. And so they've got all the wedding dress on and all of that business. And then if you want to carry on, you do the hen night and stag do. And then you get to the altar. And I can't believe that they've not even had a discussion beforehand. You get all the way down to the altar.
Starting point is 00:28:38 And then they start doing the service. And then you wait to see. You might go, I do. And then you wait to see what he says or vice versa. And it's only then you find out you're gonna marry now if it was me i would sneakily have said to james look what are we gonna say here or it would be quite clear wouldn't it if you really fancy him and he's not really fancying you or yeah surely you would know i think you'd know by the end i've watched the whole series because i got thoroughly addicted spoiler alert by the end i was fast forwarding because i couldn't i couldn't keep it in anymore like, oh my God, I just need to know.
Starting point is 00:29:06 I just can't anymore. I just need to, just tell me. I want to know if you're getting married. I want to know. And I was quite flabbergasted by some of the outcomes. Well, tell me one. I don't mind. Massive spoiler alert.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Massive, massive spoiler, right. Because I'm interested. But AD and Clay. Yes. So they start and Clay yes so they start and AD's so lovely and Clay is really nice as well but right from the very beginning
Starting point is 00:29:31 in the pod they've obviously got a sexual chemistry they did have a connection yeah even in well I remember them from at once
Starting point is 00:29:36 so there you go yes remember them he gets down on one knee and proposes they click I mean they're both absolutely gorgeous
Starting point is 00:29:42 really fancy each other and it's really lovely lovely and then it's all going really well there's really fancy each other and it's really lovely lovely and then it's all going really well there's a few little whatever but it's going
Starting point is 00:29:48 really really well and then it's only two couples who make it all the way down to the I do's right and Adie and Clay
Starting point is 00:29:56 he turns up for the wedding and he's lovely to her mum and everybody else there and he's making jokes and he's like
Starting point is 00:30:03 oh is anybody else as hot as me he's standing at the altar he's making jokes and he's like, oh, is anybody else as hot as me? He's standing at the altar. He's making gags. He's smiling at everyone. Then she comes down the aisle and she gets there and he's smiling at her and he's really lovely and it's like,
Starting point is 00:30:15 oh, you know, he's smiling. And then she goes, I do. And then he goes, I'm sorry, AD. No, I can't marry you. And I was like, what? He's joking. I think he said that he didn't want to marry her. Oh, what a load of old shit. He goes to, she then walks out
Starting point is 00:30:31 and then he goes to see her and says, look, is it okay if we chat? And she's very dignified. And then afterwards, I mean, the reunion. Oh my God, I was loving that when they all have to come back and face each other. And the reunion, he's sitting there next to her and he asks her if she'd give him another, you God, I was loving that, when they all have to come back and face each other. And the reunion, he's sitting there next to her and he asks her if she'd give him another, you know, go.
Starting point is 00:30:47 No. And she says, sort of, she kind of goes, oh, well, you know, and then she says no. But I think he realises the mistake he's made. Goodness me. Fancy doing all that and getting that far and then going, actually, now I'm all right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:59 I mean, what a waste of time. She says it herself. She goes, what a waste of my time. Screen time he was thinking of. That's what he was thinking of. Probably. Arsehole. But can you imagine, and there's some of them as well,
Starting point is 00:31:09 that when the doors open and you can see them walking towards each other. I haven't seen any of this yet. No, that'll be good. I'll just chuck that on whatever then. Just fast forward it because I was like, I want to get to where they're going to see each other. My Eliza, she's got right into it. She's gone back. She's watching other seasons.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I'm going to go back and watch the other ones because it's like, oh, my God, when that screen parts. Because you can't, you just automatically will fancy someone or not. You can't go, oh, I don't really find them attractive. But I'd have a go. But I'm sure if we work on it. No. No, it's either there or it's not.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Yeah. And you can see. Well, they do enter it. Yeah. So they know what they're getting themselves into. I don't feel sorry for any of them. Yeah. And you can see. Well, they do enter it. Yeah. So they know what they're getting themselves into. I don't feel sorry for any of them. No. Because they know what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:31:50 There you go. Love is blind. Or is it? Well, I can't give an answer to that. So that's all of our stuff then. Oh, let's have a look at some of the recommendations that you guys have been sending in for us. Yeah, let's do. Let's start with this one, Jo.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Hi, guys. This is Matthias from Gothenburg, Sweden. I want to send you a big thanks for talking about Taskmaster. I decided to give it a chance and I love it. It's so funny watching the celebs trying to solve all the tasks. One that literally made me laugh till I cried was when Victoria, Corrin Mitchell and the others from that group had to find the guy shouting from the yard. They had a camera stuck on their backs
Starting point is 00:32:35 and the monitor in front of their eyes, so when they walked forwards, they saw backwards. They were so confused, and it was so funny. Now, I would like to give you a tip. It's a series from HBO, always good, always good. It's a series from HBO called Veep. It's a comedy starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus, playing the Vice President of the United States.
Starting point is 00:32:57 It has the marvellous Sally Phillips as the Finnish Prime Minister in a couple of episodes and also stars Stephen Fry in one. There are seven seasons in total and it is really funny and well worth checking out. So thank you for the podcast and all the great tips. Oh, isn't that lovely from Matthias in Sweden? That's really lovely.
Starting point is 00:33:16 I've heard about Veep, but I've never ever watched it. Well, I think that we should do it then, shouldn't we? I think we should and I'm so pleased that he likes Taskmaster because you can't beat it. Oh, we've also got a voice note to listen to now, so let's hear it. Hi, Joanna and Natalie. My name's Nicola. I wanted just to ring in with one of my TV recommendations.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I listen to your show every week. I think you're both really, really funny, and I really, really enjoy listening to the show. So my recommendation is on Apple TV and it is The Completely Made Up Adventures of Dick Turpin. It stars Noel Fielding. It's very silly, very funny. It romps along and I just absolutely loved it.
Starting point is 00:33:58 There's no sex in it, there's no swearing in it, so you could watch it with the kids and I think they'd really enjoy it too. Anyway, keep up the good work with the show thanks a lot bye oh thank you nicola brilliant i've watched one of those have you yes what did you think well i saw it on um instagram because i really like no field it came up popped up but you know blah blah blah apple tv so i put one on thinking it might be a bit risque yes you know how silly and you know I just didn't know
Starting point is 00:34:28 the rating and I watched about 20 minutes and I did I promise you Nicola I thought oh no this is one for me and the kids
Starting point is 00:34:35 so I just stopped it oh let's definitely do it at some point we'll do it because there's no swearing and there's no that you can sit down and you can watch it with them yeah you can relax
Starting point is 00:34:43 I think we should definitely do that yeah yeah yeah. Lovely. Oh, fab. Thank you so much. Sophie sent us in a voice note too with a recommendation. So let's listen to Sophie. Hello, ladies.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Well, this is my first voice note on WhatsApp, so I'm really nervous. I'm Sophie and I'm calling from a little village called Great Yeldam in Essex. Beautiful. Anyway, I'm loving your podcast. And this week I could not stop watching Baby Reindeer. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:35:09 What a twist. And then also I spent the whole day watching Red Eye on ITV or ITVX. It's really, really worth a look at it. I spent the whole day binge watching it and loved it. Thanks, ladies. Keep it going. Speak to you soon. Bye. Thanks so Thanks, ages. Keep it going. Speak to you soon. Bye.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Thanks so much, Sophie. I think that maybe we should listen to Sophie. Definitely. Because people are talking about it. Yes, there's a buzz about it. It's on ITV, isn't it? I think we should watch a bit of Red Eye. Let's go for it.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Oh, thanks so much, Sophie. As always, thank you so much for your messages and voice notes. We have had so many of you get in touch after our Comfort Telly call-out the last couple of weeks that we've actually decided... This is exciting, Jo! drop another episode on Friday that's all about you guys and the telly you like to watch.
Starting point is 00:35:58 So keep an eye out for that this Friday on BBC Sound. So it's like a little bonus. It's called Off The Telly, What Shall We Watch? How brilliant is that? Oh my God, that's amazing. And do you know something? That's also down to our listeners for listening and being interested that we can do this.
Starting point is 00:36:13 So thank you so much. Thank you. It's really exciting. So next week... Early. Is the early... Years. Yearly.
Starting point is 00:36:26 So it's the early May bank holiday next week so we have pre-recorded a quiz special for you all which I think
Starting point is 00:36:33 you'll enjoy I think you're really going to like it it's about quizzes that we love and also quizzes that me
Starting point is 00:36:37 and Jo have both been on so it's a bit of an insiders one and a little bit of a treat but we hope
Starting point is 00:36:42 you love it it's a real bank holiday special yeah well that A bit of an insider's one and a little bit of a treat, but we hope you love it. It's a real bank holiday special. Yeah. Well, that's it. That's us.
Starting point is 00:36:51 That's us. That's flown by. It has, hasn't it? Really, really flown by. Yeah. Please let us know what you think of all the shows that we've covered this week, because it is important to us. Please, please, please.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Do you agree with us? Do you not agree with us? What do you think? Send us your messages and voice notes on WhatsApp. The number is 030306 784 704. So this week we've been watching Britain's Got Talent on ITV and ITVX, Baby Reindeer on Netflix, and Love is Blind on Netflix as well.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Thank you so much for listening, and we'll be back with more Off the Telly next Wednesday on BBC Sounds. Bye! Off the Telly is hosted by Natalie Cassidy and Joanna Page. The producer is Georgia Keating. The commissioning editor is Rhian Roberts and it's a BBC Studios audio production for BBC Sounds. Hello, I'm Dr Michael Moseley and in my BBC Radio 4 podcast, Just One Thing,
Starting point is 00:37:59 I'm investigating some quick, simple and surprising ways to improve your health and life. So which will you try? Maybe playing a musical instrument to boost your brain power or a spoonful of olive oil to help your heart. How about doing some volunteering to improve your immune system? So to benefit your brain and body in ways you might not expect, here's just one thing you can do right now. Subscribe to the podcast on BBC Sounds.

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