Off The Telly - Why is it called The London Eye?

Episode Date: October 16, 2024

Natalie Cassidy and Joanna Page chat about all things on and off the telly. This week Nat and Jo are feeling very autumnal and delve into the world of Gilmore Girls (Netflix). They also chat about Ha...lloween, dry robes and Jo's last ever day on Gavin and Stacey.What they can’t stop watching, what they definitely aren’t going to bother with, new releases and comforting classics – TV is timeless and no telly is out of bounds. As well as having a natter about what’s on TV, they share backstage goss from the world of telly, whilst also cracking up about the more humbling moments in their lives. Self-confessed TV addicts and stars of two of the biggest shows on our screens, EastEnders and Gavin and Stacey, Natalie and Joanna are the perfect companions to see what’s occurring on and off the telly. Timecodes for shows discussed this week are:20:07 - Gilmore GirlsGet in touch by sending us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to 03306 784704.Hosts: Natalie Cassidy and Joanna Page Producer: Georgia Keating Executive Producer: Richard Morris Commissioning Editor: Rhian Roberts Production Co-ordinator: Becky Carewe-Jeffries Sounds Editor: Arlie Adlington Music by MCassoOff The Telly is a BBC Studios Audio Production for BBC Sounds.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 BBC Sounds Music Radio Podcasts Hiya well we are here now again for another episode of Off The Telly Jo we're together again we're in the same room Nat and Jo are together again
Starting point is 00:00:19 we should get a plaque made up we should shouldn't we back together again in the same room. The girls are back in town. Lovely to be doing a nip. Lovely. So there probably will be a bit of swearing from us because I can't think of anything to say.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Well, there always is, quite frankly. And also, there might be a few spoilers, but not actually that bad spoilers. We don't ruin stuff. We just have a chat about the show, so don't panic. Yeah, don't get all hit up and think that we're going to just completely, you know, reveal the end. Ruin your whole weekend. Because most of the time we don't.
Starting point is 00:00:59 We have a little natter about the television, don't we? Yes, we do. We talk about what we've been watching on the telly, what we've been interested in, what we're still watching from a couple of weeks ago. And we have a little nag, don't we, about our lives? We have a nag, we have a chat about what we've been up to. You look nice today. Well, I've had two meetings this
Starting point is 00:01:16 morning. Oh, very good. I know. Well, I've gone straight from Cardiff straight up to London and it's all very exciting being back in London town again. I saw the London Eye. I had to double check what it was called then. The London Eye is the wheel, isn't it? Yeah. Why is it called the London Eye if it's a wheel?
Starting point is 00:01:34 Because you can look... Out of your eye? Well, you're seeing a large view of London, so it's like you're in the iris of London's eye, I suppose. Yeah. I've just made that up but it sounds good well I saw the London eye and um a bridge and and the river yeah and it was quite exciting and I think I saw the shard as well so I thought today and you know what as well I
Starting point is 00:01:58 think now I'm going to start wearing I've gone into into the season of well you were telling me regarding last week you were saying how Stacey had boots, no tights and a dress. Yes. And I'm liking this with the tights. Yes, yes. I've gone for tights today. Joanna is, for the listener, sporting a lovely little pair of boots.
Starting point is 00:02:17 They are so comfortable. I feel like it's kind of quite a Victorian boot. Yes, it is. It's Victorian, but also this is quite rubbery and spongy. I like it. Yeah, half Victorian, half sort of climber. When I did the Beggars Opera when I was a little girl, I wore boots like that.
Starting point is 00:02:36 It reminds me of being in my first job on stage. Those little Victorian ones that you lace all the way up. I love those. I love them. And I'm enjoying wearing... I think I'm going to go more for dresses now. Yeah. Because, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:02:48 I think it's been off working and sort of discovering my kind of old style again. It feels like your look. Yeah. You look cracking. Although, look, can you see, right? Because I'm sitting down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Look, I'm sporting like a little thing there, which I can't be bothered. I'm so damn tired. It's only a little bit. I can't be bothered to readjust myself. tired. It's only a little gape. But I can't be bothered to readjust myself to close the gape. When you have a tea dress on with buttons, if you don't gape, then you're not wearing the right size,
Starting point is 00:03:14 is what I say, because it would be far too big. That's true, because I did originally get this in a bigger size. And then I thought, no, stuff it, go on, go for, you know, the smaller size, because it'll fit you better on the shoulders. Yeah, no, it looks lovely. I can't believe that we're in the same room together! We've not been together for such a long time. Oh, my God. It's over six weeks.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Oh, my God. Is it six? It is six weeks. Well, we've both been very, very busy, and I have to ask you, I'm afraid. Oh! Are you all right? No, I'm not, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:03:39 No. We finished on the Monday, and this now that we're recording is on the Thursday, isn't it? We're on Thursday now. Yeah. So we wrapped on Monday and we finished the whole lot. We had a party Monday night. I didn't actually go to bed until five o'clock in the morning on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Usually you're up watching the telly. Yes, usually I am up watching the telly at that time or I'm dealing with the kids. Yeah. That's unheard of for me with four children and wanting to settle down, you know. So, yeah, I went for it. I had an amazing time.
Starting point is 00:04:12 I did a lot of crying. I was very emotional. I drank a lot of French martinis, which prompted then a lot of emotional crying. I think I'm still recovering from it. I've also got a bit of a chest infection i'm not surprised now i know i think i'm quite run down and tired and i'm starting to get a bit of a spotty chin i don't think there was much longer that i could go for with putting
Starting point is 00:04:36 you know full makeup on every day yes yeah yeah yeah it's a funny one isn't it full makeup every day because my kids eliza will say to me mommy when you take me to school, why do you never put any make-up on? And I say, because when I'm at work, darling, I wear a lot of make-up. Yeah. And I just want a day off. My face needs to breathe. But I think she prefers me with a full face of make-up on. I mean, I don't blame her.
Starting point is 00:04:58 No, I think you look gorgeous like this. You look completely natural and gorgeous. Look at your eyes. You look amazing. And look at your skin. We've always talked about your skin. I had a job that I was doing yesterday. That make-up's from last night.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Is it? I was so tired I couldn't take it off. Oh, but that's quite nice, isn't it? I always find that the make-up that you've had the night before, when you wake up in the morning, it's just got that rubbed-in sort of nice feel around your eyes. Sort of smouldering look. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I like that. So that's what we're going for. Yeah. So you've been very busy, havenering look. Yes, yes. I like that. So that's what we're going for. Yeah. So you've been very busy, haven't you? Yeah, it's been super busy, but I'm coming towards the end, really, of the busy period.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Yeah. And looking forward to, well, Mark's birthday's in a couple of weeks, which will be lovely. Lots of nice family get-togethers. We've got Firework Night coming up, Halloween coming up. And what are you going as on Halloween?
Starting point is 00:05:46 Are you dressing up? No, as always, the family will say, please take your mask off, and that'll be that. Eva's announced to me that she's going as a vampire, and I think I'm going to dress up this year. I might go as a zombie. Where are you going? Oh, just around the streets. Fine.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Yeah, just around the streets. Every single year, we go out, and then we wander around the streets. There was word on the street last year that there was a werewolf. I say werewolf. I can't bring myself to say a werewolf, which I think everyone says. Why were? I've always said since I was small, werewolf.
Starting point is 00:06:16 So that isn't a Welsh thing? I don't know if it's a Welsh thing. If any listeners out there are Welsh, right, do you say a werewolf or do you say werewolf? I thought you would have gone werewolf.wolf were were were yeah no I've always said werewolf well there was a werewolf in a house which we went looking for last year and we found him and we got loads of sweets so we will be out and about I'm doing a Halloween party for um the kids friends and stuff oh that's nice Eliza's asking if I could do that but it's very different when they turn 14. Oh god yes.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I said I don't know yet really if I'm up for it. I don't know. I'm not prepared. Oh my god well my lot they're all 11 that's the oldest age range. That's alright. So they're still up for bobbing apples and all of that sort of stuff. Oh I think Eliza would bob an apple. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:04 But yeah I'm just not sure of numbers and I'm just not there yet. My head's not there. However, we've got a lot to look forward to and work is toning down a tad, which is quite nice. What are you going to do for Mark's birthday? Not sure yet. Not sure.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I'm having to think about it. My brain needs to switch off and start again. Oh, my God, so what star sign is he then? Scorpio. Oh, my God, because we've had this discussion star sign is he then? Scorpio. Oh, my God. Have we had this discussion before? My James is a Scorpio.
Starting point is 00:07:28 He's born on Halloween, October 31st. Oh, right. When's Mark born? 24th. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. That's funny. Wow.
Starting point is 00:07:36 That's amazing. It's not that amazing. But it kind of is. You're very, very shocked about that. No, but it kind of is. Because, look, we are now a partnership and we are working together. And both of our husbands are Scorpios. And they were born about, very shocked about that. No, but it kind of is. Because, look, we are now a partnership and we are working together. And both of our husbands are Scorpios.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And they were born about, like, five days. Likely, fortunately, five, ten, six, seven, eight, nine, thirty. Six days apart. Thirty-one. Seven days apart. When's your birthday again? March the 23rd. I'm an Aries.
Starting point is 00:07:56 What are you? I'm a Taurus. Oh. The one next door. Yes. Oh, my God. There you go. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:08:04 So, when are you? When's yours? Are you February the something? No, May. May 13 Yes. Oh, my God. There you go. That's weird. So when are you? When's yours? Are you February the something? No, May. May 13th. Oh, right. Born on Friday the 13th. Were you actually born on Friday the 13th?
Starting point is 00:08:13 I was. Oh, my goodness. But I don't like spooky things. No, you don't. So I see it as a lucky day. Yeah. God, you and my James would be sorted. You're born on Friday the 13th.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Halloween. And he's born on Halloween. Yeah, perfect. Good God. So this week we are just talking about one thing, which inevitably we won't just talk about one thing because I am now obsessed with Bad Sisters. Oh.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I've rolled on from our other week and I found it quite difficult to attempt to watch anything else. Bloody hell, it's good. Oh, I told you you'd love it, didn't I? God, it's so good. I think I'm roundabout on one of the last episodes now. Oh.
Starting point is 00:08:50 He's awful. Isn't he awful? I can't believe it. I thought he was bad in the first episode. Oh my God, it's so interesting. I love the way, right, that it's flashing back.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yes. And then you're discovering each episode what he's done to each sister. Oh my God, he's awful. And we're now on the last one now where they're going each episode what he's done to each sister. Oh, my God, he's awful. And we're now on the last one now where they're going around and they've just done, not the paintballing, but, you know, the shooting. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:11 I'm in the middle of that episode. Right, OK. He is absolutely awful. No wonder when we were talking about him playing Dracula and stuff and I was in raptures saying, oh, I think he's gorgeous, that you were like, he's horrible. It just shows you, though, doesn't it, a person? It doesn't matter what they look like.
Starting point is 00:09:27 If they have a persona of an arsehole, they look like an arsehole. Yeah, he's so horrible. I couldn't think of anyone more unattractive than him. So when you were saying that, I thought, what's she going on about? Do you know what? I don't think now, if I watched him in other stuff,
Starting point is 00:09:42 I don't think I'd feel the same now watching him in other stuff because I hate him so much. Well, fantastic what a great actor yeah yeah he's just oh my god he's just so awful oh my god with Ursula and the photos oh my god isn't it awful oh my god he's just terrible although what she was doing is not great I know I'm not saying it doesn't yeah but but oh my godous oh my god wasn't she so good and she's sitting opposite him at the table and then when she finds out
Starting point is 00:10:08 and she runs into the toilet and just throws up and it's like oh my god the whole thing and I can't believe they're brilliant aren't they they're brilliant aren't they they're amazing
Starting point is 00:10:15 the women are all absolutely bloody amazing you would kill to have any one of those parts wouldn't you and has it was it written by Sharon Horgan yeah
Starting point is 00:10:23 how can Sharon Horgan keep writing amazing stuff ladies are genius she's amazing yeah she's just incredible I'm loving it so so in all of my spare time I've had and when I've been filming and everything in my lunch break I've been propping my phone up and eating my food and just watching Bad Sisters the whole flipping time well I don't blame you brilliant well i have been watching dipping into gilmore girls and we can get on with that later shall we have a little um listen yes to what the people at home have been saying yes let's see what they've been up to we've got this message here from alicia hi joe and nat just wanted to get in touch about the bin olives debate of last week of all the fab stuff you chat about, I can't believe this is why I'm messaging.
Starting point is 00:11:06 But I'm with you all the way, Jo. The film lids have got to be employed to get us to buy more as it's an easier way to recycle the hard plastic lid than the film lid in most of the UK. Anyway, absolutely love the podcast and you both from Alicia, self-confessed recycling nerd. Yeah. Nothing wrong with that girl.
Starting point is 00:11:25 No, absolutely nothing wrong with her. We've got a voice note here as well about blue tits, Jo. Maybe after you said last week that you'd get a blue tit tattoo. Let's have a listen to this. Hi, ladies. Absolutely loving your podcast. I listen to it whilst I'm cleaning here in Barry. Jo, I met you down Barry Island a few weeks back
Starting point is 00:11:45 and told you how much I enjoyed your programme. Yes, there is a Joe Cole. He did play for West Ham and he also played for Liverpool. So, Nat, you are right. Going back to cold water immersion and swimming, there are blue tits around the country that and i'm part of the barry blue tits um so if you ever fancy uh doing some cold water swimming look for your local group or come along to barry and join ours we'd love to have you oh can i just say yes i met the blue tits
Starting point is 00:12:21 did you when last week how i was in south sea in portsmouth and i met the blue tits. Did you when? Last week. How? I was in South Sea in Portsmouth and I met the blue tits. The group, because it's really big, you know, around the UK, around the world, I think. It's cold to see what we're swimming in. And I met some of the ladies and I was chatting to them for the doc. That's why they do it. So how weird. That's lovely.
Starting point is 00:12:39 That is weird. And you met her, so you've seen her, don't you? I met her when I was filming Down by the Slots. Well, there you go. I chatted to her the other day. Oh, my God, I'm so glad that you've messaged us again. That is brilliant. And she'll be thrilled to be on.
Starting point is 00:12:53 So that is absolutely brilliant. Oh. Well, we mentioned that Sonia is in prison last week on EastEnders. Well, there's been another iconic character back in the square. And this listener is very excited for his return. Hi, girls. We're obviously a wee bit by the TV Crushes episode. But I was so excited this week when I read that one of my favourite first ever TV Crushes is coming back to EastEnders.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Michael French, the gorgeous David Wicks and I am so excited, I love him, he's gorgeous and he is one of the original bad boys and I was just curious to know if Nat had a schoolgirl crush on him like I did, he was
Starting point is 00:13:39 my crush then, he is my crush now so Nat let me know if you felt the same way bye girls i have to say that when i worked with the wonderful michael french who in my opinion i know i say this about many people but i've said it before about steve mcfladden but i would say michael french is one of the best people i've ever worked with he's so talented and he just makes you think about everything and i was very small so no i didn't have a crush on him actually i i was i really looked up to him you know yeah and everything he did had a kind of swagger about it and everything he touched had a meaning so everything
Starting point is 00:14:19 he did was with a purpose yeah he was a real propster he worked with a lot of props he was always busy he was always putting a tie on getting his keys putting a shirt on he was a genius and i i think i did a lot with him probably when i was about around 13 yeah and i just really looked up to him but i was thrilled to see him back and obviously sonia's in prison so i'm not working with him at the moment oh my gosh it is isn't it what what's going on with sonia in prison what I'm not working with him at the moment. Oh my gosh. Which is very sad. It is, isn't it? What's going on with Sonia in prison? What can you tell us? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Is she ever going to come out of prison, do you think? Who knows? I haven't got a clue. My God. Poor Sonia. Poor Sonia. Pregnant in there. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Who knows? Maybe David Wick saved her. Maybe he's back to ruffing some feathers. Maybe he is. Hit her out. Gosh. But, yeah, he is brilliant and he is a very, very... We all had a crush on him. Very, very handsome man.
Starting point is 00:15:16 He is. Very handsome. Yeah. He was. He was suave and he was tall and he was handsome and he was just wolf, wasn't he? Yeah. I used to like watching him.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah! So this week, right, we decided that we were just going to talk about the Gilmore Girls. Yeah. Because loads of you have recommended it. It feels, oh my God, and after now starting to watch it, it feels like the most perfect autumn watch, right? So we'll get on talking about that, right? But all can i just say right jamie in his little it was
Starting point is 00:15:49 like a little swimming oh come on what did he look like oh my god he looked so unbelievably cute he did look really really good he went for the cute factor but i love the bins I love the specs and I loved I love the whole outfit actually feathers he was incredible very very good and I think for a young man yeah to take that on and really go with it yeah it was really really good yeah um can we just talk about everybody else so the show oh my god I'm loving Pete Twix I mean George of the jungle I'm loving, I'm loving Pete Twix. I mean, George of the Jungle. I'm loving him. I'm loving him. And I'm just loving seeing this vulnerable side, you know. He always seems not closed off, but when I've watched him in other stuff,
Starting point is 00:16:32 you can see that he's got this twinkle and he's incredibly funny and so, so dry. But what's amazing is just seeing all of that seem to come down like the other week when he just went, I just love dancing. And just this lovely softness and this vulnerable side coming out in him do you think it's a good thing i do well it's making me want to give him
Starting point is 00:16:50 a coach i think he's lovely do you not think it's a good thing i'm finding that i'd like to hide behind a pillow oh my god are you finding it cringe yeah why why He's discovering himself, though, isn't he? I think he is. I just don't want to do it. I don't want to watch it. I think he's obviously discovering something. Bless him. Because he's feeling it.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Do you know what? He's doing it, and he's doing really well. And I saw on his podcast, I saw a clip where apparently he said to his mum, he told his mum he was doing it, and apparently she said, oh, don't fuck it up, what are you doing that for? Aww. So bless him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I think he's brave for doing it. Yeah. Good on him. Aww. Who are you enjoying watching as well? Oh, he's brilliant, isn't he? I can't watch him without crying. Mm.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I just find he's got the same feeling for me that Bill Bailey gave me. When I watch Bill Bailey on Strictly, I couldn't stop crying. Yeah. And when I watch Chris, it's the same thing. They've just got a magic about them. Mm-hmm. And I just think he's amazing and he's hilarious. He's so flipping funny, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:18:00 Yeah. He had a chat show. Yeah? And I was asked to go on a few times and I couldn't make the date work and I'm really annoyed that that didn't happen. Aww. Because I've always found him really funny
Starting point is 00:18:14 on all the panel shows and stuff. Yeah. I mean, it's just amazing, isn't he? He's so flipping quick and he's always got like a gag or something really witty and just very, very funny to say. My favourite gag so far was when Craig slagged him off and he says, it's all right, mate, I'm driving you home tonight.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I'm enjoying it, though. I am watching it every single week now. And I'm tuning in because, and I don't think I've ever loved the characters so early on as I have now this year. Who else have we got? Let's have a think. We've got Toya, although Toya has now left. But Toya, she was always...
Starting point is 00:18:48 I loved Toya, how much she threw herself into everything. Yeah, she really did, didn't she? My God, she didn't care. She was completely committed. And she was like, boof, you know, absolutely brilliant. Full of life, full of energy. And you think, I just... Can I have some of that?
Starting point is 00:19:00 Whatever you're having. And when I'm your age, I want to be that energetic. What a brilliant woman. Yeah. Amazing. I love Tasha as well. Yeah, she's very good, isn't she? Oh my God, she did an incredible dance last week.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Very good. She must be an utter joy to dance with, isn't she? I don't think you can call anything at the moment. No, I don't think you can. Because I'm not just saying it. Wynne, for me, is one of my favourites. Oh, I love him so much. He's delightful.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Yes. He's got such rhythm. Jamie's really good. Yeah. Chris is amazing. You know, there's got such rhythm. Jamie's really good. Yeah. Chris is amazing. You know, there's a lot of people on it this year. I don't know there's ever been such a big mixture of, like, banter and people who genuinely are funny and you want to listen to them
Starting point is 00:19:34 and they're genuinely, like, blink your neck. I love watching you dance. You're really good. We need to work out, are we going to go and watch it together? Yeah, I think we need to go and watch it together. So do I. Right, so let's work out on weekend when we can to go and watch it together? Yeah, I think we need to go and watch it together. So do I. Right, so let's work out on the weekend when we can both go and watch it together. I think we need to do that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yeah. Because Jamie's asking. Oh, good, good. So I think we should sort that out with the boys. Yes, definitely. And get down there. Yeah. Cool.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Now, Guillermo Girls, I have never watched in my life. And suddenly, I chuck this show on and think, where have I been? Have I missed it? Yeah. So it started in 2000, right? 24 years ago. Oh, my God, right? That didn't even compute into my head then, right?
Starting point is 00:20:18 Was 2000 24 years ago? Well, we're in 2024, Jo. But that doesn't, like, make sense. The year 2000, right? I feel it was about, like, seven years ago. Well, we're in 2024, Jo. But that doesn't, like, make sense. The year 2000, right, I feel it was about, like, seven years ago. It started 24 years ago. I remember standing... Oh, my God. ...along the embankment,
Starting point is 00:20:35 having run out of alcohol and needing a wee just before the fireworks for the 2000s. Oh, good God. I had a shit New Year's Eve. Oh, me too. I remember standing on Mumble's seafront having an argument with my boyfriend. That's how I saw it in the year 2000.
Starting point is 00:20:51 That's disgusting that the year 2000 was 24 years ago. There's nothing we can do about it. You seem really upset about it. Well, that's just awful, isn't it? I'm surprised you've never really thought about that before. Well, it's just... Well, I have, but when you say, you know, the year 2000 whatever
Starting point is 00:21:05 when i talk about that because when i started watching gilmore girls i was like oh my god it's like going back to the 90s no i felt like i was watching the 70s did you that is how how calm there's no technology in it there's no phones i felt like i was watching friends again it was very friend like i felt with the coffee shop and the costumes you know you know we used to have like the lip liner that's like a browner color and you've got your hair and that sort of and everything you know like those autumnal colors and that sort of feel and i was like oh my god i feel like i'm watching friends again it was very soft although friends now i might be really controversial here, but when I loved Friends, had the box set, continually watched it,
Starting point is 00:21:48 if I put Friends on now, I feel like it's really dated. Do you? I don't know why. I just watch it and go, I don't really enjoy it anymore. Yeah. Whereas I think with this Gilmore Girls, maybe it's being a mother of a daughter. Really am enjoying watching the relationship between mum and the daughter.
Starting point is 00:22:07 And obviously, she's 16. Yes. And there's a lot going on there. But I like their relationship and I love the way the mum talks to her. She can be quite firm, but they're having a laugh. And I was watching them in the coffee shop having a chat and I thought, I hope me and Eliza can be like that in a couple of years. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I was really enjoying that relationship you know yeah when it first started I was a bit like oh god I don't know if I can sit and watch this because it's so gentle I know I suppose these days we're used to stuff which is like boom boom this is what I wanted to talk to you about and it was just like it was very gentle and very calm and then I thought oh god I just don't know if I'm too old for this now and it's just not my type of thing because it seems quite slow. I'm liking the fashion and the colours and the costumes. It's got a friend's 90s sort of vibe to it, which I'm quite liking. And then I thought, oh, God, I don't think I'm going to be able to get through all of this.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I was then in no time at all on episode four. And I genuinely, right, I was eating pancakes with ice cream and a cup of tea and I started thinking god you know I wonder what little village I can move to um so that I'm really in the hub of the village because I can get up in the morning then and go for a walk and I can go to like a really nice little shop and sit down with coffee yeah and like another little you know some baked goods and stuff during the day right and then I thought, oh my God, I'm in the world of the Gilmore Girls. It's sucked me in and I'm here and I now want to live there.
Starting point is 00:23:30 I know what you're saying. I would like a coffee shop where I live that was in there. That's like that. And it's got the real feel of, you know when you used to watch Dawson's Creek and those sort of little American type... Never watched it.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Oh my God. Oh my God, you've got to watch Dawson's Creek. Have sort of little American type oh my god you've got to watch Dawson's Creek although we're probably far too old for it now but you do have to watch Dawson's Creek at some point do you remember the wonder years yes but I didn't watch that one a lot I love the wonder years
Starting point is 00:23:57 but you know those little American villages oh my god aren't they lovely and they do Halloween massively there and stuff are you moving to America now? No, God, no. I'm looking for something like the Gilmore Girls, but around, you know, in this country. OK.
Starting point is 00:24:12 But it's dragged me in. Because at first I was like, oh, God, I don't know if it's a bit slow and if it's a bit boring. And then I was like, oh, I can see I'm going to be in this now. And I think because we are so used to now, our brains are hardened to sort of threatening behaviour, violence, everything's sexualised, emails, phones. What was that thing we were watching last week about the train?
Starting point is 00:24:37 The night sleepers. Oh, yeah, all it was was technology, technology. Yeah. I really enjoyed it. And I think sometimes it's okay to watch things that are that little bit more relaxed and slow well you know i like that anyway yeah so i i really am enjoying it i'd love to tell eliza to watch it i'd be really interested to see if eliza enjoyed it or not just because would it be too boring i don't know because i thought right then i'm not going
Starting point is 00:25:01 to watch anymore i'm on episode four and i thought i'm not going to watch anymore until i'm with eva and i'm going to say right sit down you and me are going to watch this together because it's like the good old days of when we were younger sitting down and watching something and because it isn't there isn't all of that technology it's not all too fast it's just you just go into this world and it's just it's lovely isn't it and i like the locations as well yeah as you said about the coffee shop but i like the fact she works in a hotel and you've got the funny chef the scatty woman who keeps doing everything yes who's melissa mccarthy yeah so but i really like i think it's quite clever and they've mixed you know quite a lot of different shows and put amalgamated them all together and it works really
Starting point is 00:25:42 well yeah so i do like it whenever i'm gonna watch seven series of it i was like oh my god this must be like huge big chunks of people's lives mustn't it because if it's you know as as started in 2000 absolutely no wonder people put it on when they're ill or they put it on when they want to like go back to what that time was like because you put something like that on and you just go back to that time in your life don't you when you've got all of those memories of whatever was happening there and then absolutely and you put your favorite thing on and you go back and there's so many seasons of it now that you can sit and just watch all of it have you watched any bake-off yet no none never have I and I've got two but no I just wondered if you started watching the baby no I haven't now I put the telly
Starting point is 00:26:22 on the other day because I've not watched any tv while I've been in the hotel I've only just been watching stuff on my phone or on the computer and normally stuff to do with this so I've not been in and been able to watch no big of a normally I love it and I got quite excited about that because I thought all right okay now I'm at the end of this job this is my time now to kids have gone to school maybe when Bo is having a sleep I'm going to catch up or actually whenever he comes home because we all like sitting down and watching the bake off yeah I can now start putting it on and just it's coming up to like Christmasy sort of enjoyable time like that yeah I haven't really watched a lot of telly because I've been so busy I'm trying to think what else has been yeah we've got strictly we've got the bake off what else has been going on um
Starting point is 00:26:59 oh no I've just I've been doom a lot on Instagram, which I do rarely, but watching a lot of funny comedy videos. Yes. I'm loving Josh Pugh at the moment. Oh, are you? Comedian. He's so funny. He's just absolutely hilarious. Is he the one that's got that curly hair?
Starting point is 00:27:15 Yes. Yes. I started watching him, I think it was on Twitter, and then I moved over then to watch him on Instagram, I think. Fantastic. He's so dry, isn't he? So, so dry. He did one this week about social media.
Starting point is 00:27:26 What was he saying? And it was all the mums and it was kind of the meeting of what you've got to do this week. Yeah. So it was like, you've got to do baby scans, you've got to wish someone a happy birthday that you don't really like,
Starting point is 00:27:35 then you've got to move on to... What did he say? Move on to grandkids. I want you to favourite, you know, do a lot for one set of grandkids. Yeah. And let the mum and dad spiral out of control. It was all sort of stuff like that
Starting point is 00:27:48 that was very, very good. But I've been watching a lot of short stuff, you know, because you're in the car or you've just got a little break. Yes. And I've been getting my fix of kind of Gervaisy clips and a little bit of Josh Pugh and enjoying that. Have you seen, we watched the other day, you know Goldie Looking Chain, have you seen their song that they've done about
Starting point is 00:28:04 dry robes? No. So the one that you're wearing right now, right, I actually bought that one for myself the other day um you know goldie looking chain have you seen their song that they've done about dry robes no so you're so the one that you're wearing right now right i actually bought that one for myself the other day you have got to listen and it's hilarious right because it's so true right we've got to listen to goldie looking chain song like rap thing about dry robes because i swear to god now it will make you laugh it's so funny it's really really funny i'll do it i'll do it you know there's a site that's called a Facebook page which is Dry Road Wankers? No, no, is there? I was featured.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Someone took a picture of me at my local, you know, at my local Marksies or whatever. Yeah. And they took a selfie and said Natalie Cassidy's a Dry Road Wanker. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:28:39 That's quite an achievement. I'd quite like to have that. I was, yeah, I was quite proud of myself. Oh my God. Well, you've got to search right this video and this song about it
Starting point is 00:28:46 because it is hilarious. I will. And it's so true for all of us. But sometimes I think it's nice to have a chat about the clips we watch because there's so many. Did you get my thing
Starting point is 00:28:54 about Christmas? I sent you... No! I tagged you in it. No! It was this thing about putting up your tree and... Oh my God, no.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I'll have to have a look at all of my messages and all of that. Oh my God, I'll have to have a look. Have a little look. look yeah the kids have started asking me now about when are we going to start putting up the halloween decorations mine don't want mine up i've got two large pyrex boxes in the garage yeah filled with halloween tree i've got halloween tree just little ones but with baubles and everything that light up they're, my God, a Halloween tree. Little trees. I've got lots of little bits and pieces.
Starting point is 00:29:27 No, I don't want them up. What, at all or just at the moment? I don't want them. Ever? Eliza's up for it, only because she wants her party. Yes. But Joanie said I don't want any decorations up. She hates Halloween.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Oh, my God. So it's not really your choice, actually, because they're my decorations. Yeah. But you do it for us and I don't want them. Oh, my God. That's quite nice, though, because they're my decorations. Yeah. But you do it for us and I don't want them. Oh, my God. That's quite nice, though, because my lot have been going, when are we going to get the decorations up? And I want to be like, Jesus Christ, I've only just come back from Cardiff.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Not even in fact, oh, my God, you know what I had to do? Go on. I was in such a flipping state, right? So it was the day after we'd finished the job. I booked in to do another PSA. Yes, you did. Yeah, and then I couldn't manage to do it. I went for a curry instead.
Starting point is 00:30:04 I couldn't face up and somebody shoved something through my ear. I felt so ill. Fair enough. Yeah. But you can do that soon. Well, do you know what? I think I'm considering doing it this afternoon. Well, I was going to say, you're in the right place.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I know. Considering doing it this afternoon. You can get your tattoo as well. Have the blue tip under your tip. I don't think I can do that. I don't think I've got enough to muster up for that because I've still got a chest infection. So I think I can only that. I don't think I've got enough to muster up for that because I've still got a chest infection. So I think I can only manage a PSA.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Leave your chest alone then for now. So if you do want to binge watch all seven series of the Gilmore Girls, it's on Netflix. Plus they also did a four-part special in 2016 called A Year in the Life, which is on there as well. Oh, I might jump into that. That sounds good because it's a four-parter. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:49 And you know the girl who was in it, the daughter, Rory, she, when they moved Gavin and Stacey in America and they gave it a go and they did a series out there and it wasn't successful. Right. Well, the actress who plays Rory, she plays the Stacey character. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:31:04 Yeah. But it didn't go as well as The Office did. No, not at all. I don't think it was, well, it wasn't successful. That was one of the clips that I watched this week that made me laugh so much. Oh God, which one? It's Ricky Gervais talking to Steve Carell at the awards and he says, have you got your, give me your award. Oh my God,
Starting point is 00:31:19 I think I've seen that one as well. Yes. He goes off stage, he's like, don't just sit there, give me the award. Yes. Because if it weren't for me, you'd be that one as well. Yes. He goes off stage. He's like, don't just sit there. Give me the award. Yes. Because if it weren't for me, you'd be no one. Yes. I don't know how he gets away with it. Genius.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Right, before we go, we've got time to hear a recommendation from a listener. So let's have a listen because I don't know about you, but I think we need a little bit of inspo. We do because we're back in the swing of it now. Yeah. We finished, you know, or half nearly finished our jobs. We're back in the same room.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Come on, we need to get this thing back on track. I think we're going to be starting, maybe trying to do some Monday evenings again, because they're good. Yes. Monday evenings, and we can have a drink after. Yes, because that was a nice little routine we were getting ourselves into.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Yeah, it was good, wasn't it? And that was sort of through the winter months, so I think. And I think once we do one, we should try a new cocktail every time that we finished. I wonder what you were going to say there. Well, you know when I said it right, because I'm still quite tired, and when I said cocktail, I don't know why,
Starting point is 00:32:15 but I nearly stressed the wrong part. I know you did. I nearly sort of went cocktail. It was weird. I wasn't sure what was going to come out of my mouth. So was I. I think it's because I'm tired. I'll tell you something.
Starting point is 00:32:31 You're getting hysterical, Jo. I'm going to have to pull you back. Let's listen to this. Hi, Nat and Jo. It's TJ from North Yorkshire here. And I just want to say how much I love this podcast as it really does get me through my manic work weeks um I love all the recommendations that both the listeners and you girls give I think they're really funny sometimes really emotional and just addictive to
Starting point is 00:32:55 listen to and watch and I want to give my own recommendation of Netflix's Heartstopper which is a teen romance coming of age series. There's a couple of series out now. I really think you should start from season one though. I do believe it is age appropriate for kiddies and honestly just to sit down and enjoy wholesome series for both you and the family. It might not be your thing, but it's got a lot of difficult topics like sexuality, gender euphoria, and also finding who you are at such a young age. And I think you both really like it. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Keep doing what you do. Oh, well, Eliza is obsessed. What, does she watch it? Oh, she loves Heartstopper. Oh, well, Eliza is obsessed. What does she watch, Jess? Oh, she loves Heartstopper. Oh, really? So if we do Heartstopper, I probably will watch a few of the first series, or a couple of those,
Starting point is 00:33:55 then Eliza can film me and then I'll watch a bit of number two, which would work for me. Can I give a shout-out to my darling friend Adam, who has done all of the costume, and it has received amazing reviews for the costume for series 2 and Adam I've grown up with on his standards costume guy
Starting point is 00:34:11 and he's amazing so congratulations for all of your work on Heartstopper oh brilliant oh well let's definitely do that then sounds really good and also I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who's answered our call out for voice notes about your TV heroes
Starting point is 00:34:26 we're going to drop another one of our What Shall We Watch bonus eps this Friday all about your heroes from the telly and we just can't wait I've been thinking about who my hero is and I can't quite decide I think I'm just going to go with one because normally I get about three or four different things
Starting point is 00:34:43 but I'm just going to go no, bump one there we are, TV hero I've been having a good think as well and I've got quite a few different ones so it's going to be a toughie but we can have a chat about that for Friday please do keep sending us voice notes on whatsapp about anything we've discussed on the pod or anything you'd like to say about the telly the number is 033 067 784 704. Oh, well, that is enough from us for now, Jo. It's been a lovely chat. It's so good to see you.
Starting point is 00:35:13 You too. Stop being sad. You're an icon. It's been amazing. We all can't wait to watch Christmas. We cannot wait. And you're going to look back and just, you're going to love it. You know, you're going to look back, have a brilliant Christmas with all the family, watch it and think, what an amazing time I've had.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Oh. You will. You really, really, really will. Oh. Thank you for listening, everyone. And don't forget to tune in to our bonus episode, Dropping on Friday. Then we'll be back with more off the telly
Starting point is 00:35:41 next Wednesday on BBC Sounds. This week, we've been watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix and we are absolutely obsessed with Strictly Come Dancing. Fingers crossed for the boys. Fingers crossed. Come on, boys! Keep listening! Off the Telly is hosted by Natalie Cassidy and Joanna Page. The producer is Georgia Keating.
Starting point is 00:36:07 The commissioning editor is Rhian Roberts and it's a BBC Studios audio production for BBC Sounds. I'm Greg Foot and my podcast, Sliced Bread, from BBC Radio 4 is back to separate more science fact from marketing fiction. We've gone from where there's some science and we've turned it science-y. Each week I investigate one of your suggested wonder products, something that's promising to make you happier, healthier or greener. The cost is almost £200.
Starting point is 00:36:42 It's out of my range, I'm afraid. The new series of Sliced Bread, including our 100th episode, where we'll be investigating the products promising to help slow the effects of ageing. We can hopefully slow down the ageing process and hopefully make people live healthier for longer. Sliced Bread with me, Greg Foot, on Radio 4 and Listen First on BBC Sounds.

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