Office Ladies - Andy’s Ancestry

Episode Date: January 17, 2024

This week we’re breaking down Andy’s Ancestry. Nellie pranks Andy about his ancestry and Dwight teaches Erin a new language. This episode also has a famous cold open featuring Randall Park! Jenna ...breaks down the cold open, Angela gets into controversial things people may or may not do in the shower and both ladies deep dive the “Game of Thrones” language Dothraki. So please enjoy this episode because whoa, that person has found him or herself in quite a predicament.  Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Jennifer Fisher. And I'm Angela Kinsey. We were on the office together. And we're best friends. And now we're doing the ultimate office rewatch podcast just for you. Each week we will break down an episode of the office and give exclusive behind the scene stories that only two people who were there can tell you. We're the office ladies.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Hello! Hey there! Today's episode is Andy's ancestry. What are we going to find out? We're going to find out a lot. It's season 9, episode 3. This episode was written by Jonathan Green and gave Miller. This is a new writer alert. New writers. Yes, new writing team alert. They were a new writing team for this season.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Before joining the office, they had written on the class and late show with David Letterman. And after the office, they worked on the Cleveland show, the Mindy Project, Superstore and American Auto. And they were really nice guys. They were. This episode was directed by Dave Rogers. Would you like a summary? I really would because then I have some call sheet information for you. Oh, I'm loving you in these call sheets. You didn't read them when we were on the show. No, I literally do it. I stepped over them. They would put them by our doors. They would slide them under and I would be like, why do these papers? I love a call sheet.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I know. I would read them front and back. I would. I would study them. I'm so excited you're into the call sheets, Aege. 20 years later. Don't ever give up on yourself, people. You have it in you to discover new things about yourself.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Here is your summary for this episode. Nelly retaliates against Andy's bullying by falsifying his family tree. Aaron learns a new language in order to impress Andy and his family. Pam helps Nelly practice driving for her upcoming driving test, and Darryl helps Jim come clean with the secret that he's been keeping from Pam. That summary is rich. Yeah. Angela, I have fast facts but do you need to hit us with your call sheet delights first? I would like to just set the temperature for the week for everybody. Are you gonna continue to tell us the weather? Am I so old? I'm like, how your parents just have the weather channel on all the time?
Starting point is 00:02:26 A little bit. A little bit. Okay. Well, Steve Burgess, you know, you're my favorite fella who loves to take sunset photos by the lake. He gave me all the call sheets for season nine. I have all of them, lady. It's very exciting. I need everyone to know that the first day of filming happened on August 13th, 2012, the high was 97 degrees. Still real hot. Day two, high of 100. It continued into the high 90s for the rest of the week. The one other thing I want to share with you guys, I'm going to put this in stories as
Starting point is 00:02:58 well. These call sheets for Andy's ancestry were so heavy with special announcements for all of the meetings they had to take for work bus the next week. Yes, while we were shooting this, they were prepping that. In fact, they just started putting buses on all the call sheets, like little images of buses. That's very cute. So I'll share that in stories, but yeah, and then I will have
Starting point is 00:03:28 a few get to know your cast and crew moments coming up. I love it. Well, fast fact number one, Angela, is that we had a very special guest star on this episode Randall Park. Yes, is in our cold open. You might recognize Randall from Fresh Off the Boat or Juan Division. You know, the New Yorker did a fantastic profile on him last year. It's definitely worth a read. So last year Randall Park directed a film
Starting point is 00:03:55 called Short Cummings. It's based on the graphic novel by Adrian Tomina. Okay, you know that I went through a nerd out time in my life where I was super endographic novels. I love Adrian Tomina so much. So this whole New Yorker profile was kind of around the subject. So anyway, give it a read. It's very, very good. I'll find it and put it in stories. Yes. Yes. So Randall also did an interview for NPR where he said that despite the popularity of fresh off the boat and Juan Division and being part of that world, the two
Starting point is 00:04:30 things that he gets recognized for the most are for playing Kim Jong-un in the movie The Interview and for the office. Really? Yes, those two things. Those are the things people yell out to him on the street. But he said, for a period of time, he actually forgot that he had been on the office. Well, yeah, because he's gone on to do so many things. Yes. And that people shout out to him on the street and he was confused. He actually told the story to Conan O'Brien and I have an audio clip.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Great. You did a role on the office, and when I heard about this, I thought, oh, okay, well, maybe you had an arc on the office. It wasn't an arc. No, no. You were barely in the office. And they found that character. Tell us about that. I mean, I did. So this was like many years ago, it was the final season of the office. I got the chance to play a character named Asian Jim in like one scene during the final season. And at that point, the popularity of the show had been waning. And I was in and out in an hour and I thought that was really fun. And then I just kind of completely forgot about it.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And then several years later, I'm like walking down the street and this car drives by and a guy else like, Asian Jim and drives off. And I'm thinking like, is this some like racist thing that I don't know about? Either you either a fan just saw you or it's a hate crime. I thought it was a hate crime, you know, because I had forgotten about my appearance on the office. And, you know, people would be walking up to me, like, what's up, Asian Jim?
Starting point is 00:06:17 I'd be like, fuck you. That's all. What do you, you know? And then, by the way, I want to apologize for greeting you when you came here to the studio. And you went like that. Yeah, I did that. And whatever. I mean, man, I was way out of bounds. Isn't that crazy? Yeah. Have you ever done something that you forgot? And then you were reminded later, are there roles like that? Oh, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I was actually doing a Q&A at a university. There's a bunch of college kids. They were so wonderful. Everyone had questions about the office. And then this one guy raised his hand and said, I don't have a question, just my favorite quote. So I thought it was gonna be from the office.
Starting point is 00:06:58 And he quoted my character from Hotwives of Orlando. And I was clearly confused at first. I was like, what? And then he was like, how was it confused at first. I was like, what? And then he was like, how was it for Lando? I was like, oh, yes, right. Yes, I did that. Well, we had a fan question from Claudia L. in Miami, Florida who said, please tell us
Starting point is 00:07:15 how it was working with Randall Park. You know what? Claudia, it's what he said. We allotted one hour for that cold open. He was in and out. I barely met him before I smooched him. He was so nice, but it was just like a very kind of like professional moment. Really, it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:07:38 And we shot those cold opens really quickly. We did. And this cold open has become one of the most famous, most popular. But for us, it was like one hour of our work day. We had no idea that it would take off the way it did. Or that Randall Park would take off the way he did. But I liked him. He was lovely and funny and ready to go.
Starting point is 00:07:58 You know, all the best things. I'm so thankful I got to work with Randall again because I played Amy Chestnut in Fresh Off the Boat. Yes. And we had a few episodes together. I'm so thankful I got to work with Randall again because I played Amy Chestnut and fresh off the boat. Yes! And we had a few episodes together. We had some great scenes where we were on a double date. And we were laughing so hard and they let us improvise a little and he is so fun. And I really enjoyed my time on that show and really enjoyed working with him. Are you ready for FastFact number two?
Starting point is 00:08:24 I am. All right, this is a fan question from Selena P in Chandler, Arizona, who has a question about our season nine set. Okay. Selena said whose decision was it to change the lighting of the office? Season nine is so much brighter than the rest of the series
Starting point is 00:08:42 and I've always wondered why. What a good catch. Well, Selena, I reached out to Greg Daniels and he said the Dave Rogers, our editor, and subsequently the director of this episode, had been complaining for a couple of years that the lighting seemed to be getting darker and darker. Really? Yes, and so they had a big meeting about it, and they actually felt that the lighting this season was more of a restoration of our original look. And so, good eye! They did bump up the lighting, Selena.
Starting point is 00:09:15 I'm so impressed that you recognized this. I kind of want to do a side-by-side. Maybe we should. Yeah. I'll also tell you, Selena, that after I had my baby, I got a bunch of melasma on my face, you know, the dark spots. And they were having a really hard time because the lighting in our office wasn't traditional kind of movie lighting where they light the actors from the front.
Starting point is 00:09:39 It's not the pretty lighting. It's the overhead lighting. Everyone looks like they're a crypt keeper or something. And it was actually that overhead lighting was enhancing these melasma spots on my face and the makeup department literally couldn't put more makeup on my face. If you notice that Pam's makeup is a little heavier in season 9, it's because of this melasma. And actually bumping up the lighting helped with that.
Starting point is 00:10:04 I had to do a bunch of test lighting days. They would combine certain makeup with certain lighting and they ended up creating a little tiny like portable light box that would sit on my desk and shine on my face from below to help counteract the shadows from our overhead lighting system. And then the makeup department tried a bunch of things. But yeah, there was a bunch of new lighting stuff happening in season nine. Yeah, I mean, I know we don't want to go off
Starting point is 00:10:37 on this tangent, but just the things women's bodies go through to have a baby. Yeah, the spots on the face that have never gone away for me. They've lightened now over the years, but then I had another baby and then hello again. That's it. And then where's my little box lip? Yeah, I, at that point I was like,
Starting point is 00:10:55 I travel with a box lip. I wish. All right, fast fact number three. I'll have you know this episode was very well received by critics. The new critic over at the AV Club, Eric Adams gave it a B. I did not see any comments from miles. I looked through all the comments. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Nothing yet. What about a Steve B? Didn't see a Steve B. Okay. Mark Trammell of TV equals named it quote, the best episode of the final season of the office to date. Well, I thought that was nice, but Mark, it's only the third one. It's a big proclamation. It is.
Starting point is 00:11:34 And after this episode aired, Eonline said that Pete, aka Jake Lacey was quote, especially charming, and named him one of the best things in pop culture this week. Let me tell you, people had their eye on Jake. Yep, he was going to be a superstar. I got curious about what other things were on the best things in pop culture this week, along with Jake.
Starting point is 00:11:58 You want to hear some of them? Sure. You know I love a list. Okay. Well, there was a NASA Laddy spacecraft lift off and during the lift off, a frog jumped up in frame. So there's a frog photo bombed the lift off. Do you want to
Starting point is 00:12:17 see a picture? Yes. So NASA has a spaceship. What do you call them? I don't know. NASA has a thing going out into space. Yeah. And a frog eclipse the moment. Yeah, because they take a picture, sure of the tailbrow.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Yeah, lift off. Uh-huh. And this frog jumped up like a photo bomb. And it went viral and it became, here you'll see it. You see the little frog? Oh my god. I now remember this. Oh buddy.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Well, listen, I am sorry. This frog is not jumping. What's it doing? This frog is being catapulted by the force of the liftoff. Please look at this and tell me you think he's jumping. He's like, he does. He does look a little catapulted. I'll give you this photo. You can put it in storage, Angela. Another thing that was one of the best things in pop culture this week were Freddie Prince, Jr.'s abs, portraits of babies eating lemons.
Starting point is 00:13:21 You'll like this one. Tiny hats on cats. Love a tiny hat. Love it. Just any animal. Any animal. Any animal. Yes. The despicable me sound track. Oh, Harry Styles is dog. Oh, and the mega burger pizza. What? So they take multiple burger patties and then they sandwich them between two large pizzas and then they topped the pizza with burger toppings. It was being sold in Kyoto. It weighed three pounds and costs 26 dollars, the mega burger pizza. We should also note Kevin would have eaten this. Yeah, he would have invented it.
Starting point is 00:14:02 He would have invented it. Look at his dip. Yeah. His super bowl dip. Mm-hmm. This is his kind of pizza. Well, there you have it. I kind of want to look up the best things in pop culture every week now, because it was really fun. Yes! Do it. Okay. I have a list coming up that you are going to love. As someone who I've taken a road trip with, I can't wait to share it with you. Oh, I'm very excited. Well, why don't we take a break? And then we will start breaking down this very famous cold open. We are back. Dwight is at his desk and a new guy enters and sits at Jim's desk. He's
Starting point is 00:14:48 claiming to be Jim. He even has Jim's water bottle says Jim and Sharpie. He knows Jim's voicemail code. Yeah. Dwight is trying to stump this guy with questions. He's unsuccessful. And then Pam walks out, gives him a kiss, and then there are family photos. He's in all the family photos. Yeah, Pam has the talking head. She says Jim is at the dentist. Steve is an actor, friend of ours. This is a prank on Dwight.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Can I just say that Pam has really signed up for this prank? I mean, she's all in on this prank. She like kisses their friend Steve. Did you see my hair, dude? Yeah. It's a little judged. I kissed Steve on the lips? Yeah. Not on the cheek.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Not hey babe on the cheek. When's the last time Pam kissed Jim on the lips? Well. It's been a while. Well, Pam's like I'm all in. Yeah. We actually got a piece of fan mail from Sue in China who said why would Pam kiss a random friend like that?
Starting point is 00:15:45 And why did the rest of the office seem so unbothered? And Kiara from Belgium said would Jim be okay with his friend Steve kissing his wife as part of a prank? I guess they were. I have a theory. Oh, please tell me. Mm-hmm. Well, who needs to sneak off all the time now?
Starting point is 00:16:04 Jim. Mm-hmm. Who figured out a prank where he didn't have to be at work? Jim. Mm-hmm. Pam's gonna get hers, I guess. I don't know. I will say it was slightly awkward, as it always is, on acting days like this, where you meet someone and you shake hands and say, oh, hi, I'm Jenna, hi, I'm Randall, it was slightly awkward as it always is on acting days like this, where you meet someone and you shake hands and say, oh, hi, I'm Jenna, hi, I'm Randall, and then now we're smooching. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Like, here we go. Yeah. So like I said before, this cold open always makes the best lists and a screen rant compiled a list of the 10 best office cold opens. This is based on Reddit debates. This one is on it. I wondered if you could guess the rest.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I don't know, but I love a Reddit debate. I know. We don't even understand how Reddit works, but we like how to sign up. I don't know how. I find it half the time. I don't understand the threads, but when I do find something there, it's always delicious.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I know. I don't get it. I don't get it. It's the mystery for us. Do you need like to sign up? Do you need a sign in? I don't know. I don't, maybe if you want to start a contributor. Yeah. Is that what you're called? I don't even know. I don't know. A poster? No. Posting it. I don't know. Post it. All right. I don't ever want us to figure out Reddit. I just want you to know that.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Like, if there's anyone right now writing in like ladies, this is how you do Reddit. I don't ever want to learn it. I just like it that it's this mystery place where there's fun tidbits. Yeah. Mystery online place. I agree.
Starting point is 00:17:39 All right. Are you gonna guess the other top called events? Oh, okay. I will guess that. I will try to. Try to guess. Fire drill. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Oh gosh, let's see. What about when Jim wrapped Dwight's whole desk in a wrapping paper? Yes. That was number two. Okay. Have I hit number one? No.
Starting point is 00:18:00 You're just not thinking of it. It's like whole cookbooks have been written. Oh, Kevin's chilly. Yes. Okay. Kevin's chilly. I'll tell you the rest. The exercise ball. Oh, yeah. Parkour. Parkour. The murder scene that Jim sets up in the hotel room during Tallahassee. Oh my gosh. Future Dwight. Future Dwight was great. Identity theft, bear's beats, battle star galactic theft. I liked that one. And the Pavlov prank, which I didn't totally remember.
Starting point is 00:18:31 It's from season three. Oh, it's when the bell brings the bell. And that is that when he slowly makes his handset heavier by putting the coins because I loved that. I thought it was. And then he picks up the phone and he hits himself in the head when he takes the comb. Yeah, I love that one. Anyway, there you go We did get a fan mail flurry about this cold open people wondering about the kiss
Starting point is 00:18:53 But we also got this question from Glysset in Houston, Texas Angela, yes, Glysset Why are you standing near your desk in the background looking at what's going on during the cold open with what I would describe as a quote happy curiosity? I feel like Angela would normally be annoyed by these types of shenanigans. Okay, I love this question. I went back and watched the scene very carefully and I called Busted on myself. Oscar was showing me something on his computer and I am tickled by it.
Starting point is 00:19:28 One point, I don't even try to hide. I'm literally leaning over his shoulder and more watching something. Yeah. Yeah. I thought you both looked out of character as well. I thought maybe you didn't know the camera was getting you. I think we did it.
Starting point is 00:19:41 And then when we did, I stand up and I look, I turn around. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So busted and accounting. We also got this question from Nathan S in Ontario who said, Pam explains in the cold open that the gym and personator is Steve an actor friend of ours. I just realized in season two,
Starting point is 00:19:59 booze crews when gym puts all of Dwight's belongings in the vending machine. Dwight tells Jim, I know you did this because you're friends with the vending machine guy and Jim replies, who, Steve? So I have to ask, while Steve is a common first name, does Jim have two friends name, Steve? One that is a vending machine guy and one that is an actor or is this actor also a vending machine guy? I like to think actor or is this actor also a vending machine guy. I like to think they're the same person. I like to think that they're the same as well. You know what? When I was growing up, I had a friend in grade school and her dad, his job was placing and stocking
Starting point is 00:20:40 the machines that you like put a quarter in and you get a bouncy ball. Oh yeah. Are you get candy? Yeah. And it was so crazy because they had extras of these machines like in their garage. Oh, in their living room. Like just around their house. And so I'd go over to a house to play and he had him where you didn't need to put a quarter in. And so if you wanted some sweet tarts, you'd just go over and crank it and get some sweet tarts.
Starting point is 00:21:06 I was like, you are the luckiest person in the whole world. Yeah, you live in a magical land. Yes. Do you want a spider ring? Right over by the couch. Oh my gosh. Amazing, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Pretty cool. So this episode starts with Erin and Darryl. They're both in the break room. They're study buddies. Yeah. She's trying to learn French. I guess everyone in Andy's family speaks multiple languages. And Darryl is reading a book.
Starting point is 00:21:33 It's like, life hacks. How to become more efficient? He said he saved 90 seconds brushing his teeth in the shower. Mm-hmm. Lady, do you brush your teeth in the shower? No, but I know people who do. Do you? I have to save time. And Josh is like, that's disgusting. And then last night I went down the rabbit hole and like, how common is this? Do people do this? It might be the only one. It's a very divisive topic online. I want you to know.
Starting point is 00:22:01 What's the vice of about it? Well, a lot of people in the dental profession say that your shower has more bacteria. It's like a disgusting breeding place for bacteria and you should not keep a toothbrush in there. But what if you keep the toothbrush somewhere else and just bring it in with you? That is their recommendation. Definitely do that. I pee in the shower. I know you said that.
Starting point is 00:22:25 If I have to go, the drain is right there. Come on. Most people do it. Do you not? I pee. Never? I mean, I... I am Cassie.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I have not. Who else pees in the shower? Who wants to share? Sam gave me a hug. Oh yeah, absolutely. I have a gift. Thank you. Sam, I know I could count on you.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Wait, wait. Do either of you ever brush your teeth in the shower? Yep. Thank you, C. Sam, I'm pe's good. Thank you. Thank you Sam, I know I could count on you. I think I could count on you. Wait, wait, to either of you ever brush your teeth in the shower? Yep. Thank you, see, see, yeah. And brush your teeth in the shower. Well, here's the thing, I don't know if any of you
Starting point is 00:22:53 out there listening have this issue, but when I'm in water, my body can't release water. You've talked about your problem peeing in the ocean. It's very hard for my brain to allow it to happen. There's no way I would have to be in a dire situation to pee in the shower, because my body is like, lock it up. Okay, I get that when I'm submerged in water. It's very hard for me.
Starting point is 00:23:16 I have a very hard time peeing in the ocean. But I can pee in a shower. It's running water, the sound of it. It's almost like if I get in the shower and I don't even think I have to pee, the sound of it triggers something. No. For me, my body's like, lock it up. Hmm. You can brush your teeth, but you cannot pee. Well, maybe don't brush your teeth in my shower, but how often do you brush your teeth in the shower? Several times a week if I'm running late. If I'm running late, I just make it all happen in the shower. How is it make it faster? I don't understand. Okay, here's what I do. I put my conditioner in my hair. I like to let it set for a little bit
Starting point is 00:23:52 because you know I get my hair highlighted. So I have a conditioner I put on the ends and that's when I do my other business. I brush my teeth, I shave my legs. That's multitasking. Okay, there you go. All right, that is not a perplexing thing. You're like, mm, okay. What? I don't know. I guess I'm always busy in the shower. I don't feel like I have any downtime.
Starting point is 00:24:13 So I don't feel like it's saving me anything to add a task. I don't have downtime. I'm making use of while the conditioner's on me. I know, I don't do the conditioner thing. I guess it's what I'm saying. I have some tidbits about the book that Daryl is reading. The Lifehack book? Yes, it's a real book.
Starting point is 00:24:31 It's called Getting Things Done, The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. It's by an author named David Allen. His whole thing is like just helping you find ways to bring productivity into your life and also help you be more present. Well, we all need that. Well, we have our favorite.
Starting point is 00:24:49 And we do. She is my personal coach and yours for organizing life and getting stuff done. It's Kendra Adachi. She has a podcast and a book called The Lazy Genius. It's really brilliant because it's also simple and that makes it easy to apply to your life. It's be a genius at the things you care about and be lazy at the things that don't matter to you. She has episodes on like every topic. She had one recently that was like seven ways to manage daily chaos or how to
Starting point is 00:25:19 create a relaxing routine. I just listened to one where she talked about five steps to just better improve your work life. And I'm already using two of the steps and it's already changing my life. This is what we're saying everybody. If we were Darryl, we would be just... We'd be reading the lazy genius. Exactly. Lady, let's put a link to her podcast in our stories this week. Oh, for sure. All right. Darrell has a talking head where he explains that the reason he's doing all this is because he has been named assistant regional manager.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Yeah. In fact, you know what would be helpful to him and more efficient would be if he could do a few sound bites and get him out of the way for the rest of the day, so he does one. Oh, there were so many more that he did in the shooting draft they made it into deleted scenes on the DVD. I felt like this episode in particular,
Starting point is 00:26:08 there's a few other moments I'm gonna share where they're really starting to break the fourth wall. We saw this already where Jim and Pam addressed the camera crew about their summer. And I know it's intentional because you wanna start seeing the camera crew in their presence more in the show. Listen to Darryl give them a ton of sound bites.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Let's play the clip. Sister Andy promoted me to assistant regional manager. I've been trying to step up my game, be more productive. In fact, you know what? Let's knock out a few more of these sound bites while we're here. Whoa. That person has found him or herself in quiet a predicament. Oh, that told me, when will he ever learn?
Starting point is 00:26:49 Andy, Andy, Andy. I can't believe Kevin swallowed a pin. I can't believe Kevin swallowed another pin. And then it cuts to a scene of Kevin swallowing a pin. No. And I remember when we filmed this poor Brian had a kind of like slowly inhale a pin, like little, little, little, little, little, little. And then he starts to choke and Oscar goes and hits the back of his head and he spits
Starting point is 00:27:16 it out. Oh, I think I remember this. And then there's like a few minutes later, he starts doing it again and my character is like, what are you doing? But I loved hearing Daryl's different soundbites. Well, while Aaron is practicing French in the break room, Dwight comes in. He's like, that's a great language if you're a chain smoking acrobat. He says, off French, it's a great language. I know, sorry, that made me laugh.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Shout out though to Ellie Kimper because her French was so hilarious. Yeah. It sounded like she was having like her whole body was having a moment. A little little it was crazy. Do I suggest she learned Dothraki if she wants to impress a man? Yeah. He has a talking head. He says it's the language spoken on game of thrones. You know I had to geek out at this moment. I geeked out when we filmed it. I was already a Game of Thrones fan. I had already been callisi for Halloween. I didn't know what any of it meant when we filmed it. I know, honey.
Starting point is 00:28:19 We did have a fan catch from the scene from Laurel F in Phoenix, Arizona, who said that Erin is using a coffee mug that says Northern Light and that there is a real Northern Light espresso bar in Cafe in Scranton. It has the same logo as Erin's mug. Hey, so local Scranton mug. Dwight is going to start teaching Erin Dothraki. Yes. And we had a fan question from Callin' S in Ann Arbor Arbor Michigan who said what was the process like of getting permission to mention Game of Thrones and Dothraki in this episode and were any other fictional languages considered. Well Steve Burgess said that there was no problem mentioning Game of Thrones. The legal department didn't say anything.
Starting point is 00:29:01 He thinks maybe because we weren't saying anything derogatory, and we also did not consider any other fake languages. Angela, I think we both did a deep dive on Dothraki. I know you did. Oh, I had to look it up just to get some basics, but I think you went deeper. Let me tell you guys, sometimes we look ahead to see like, oh, what episodes are coming up? And when I saw this a month ago, I started watching videos. And we'll share a little bit of that with you. Well, for all of y'all out there who might lean a little closer to a Jenna than an Angela, the Dothraki language is a fictional language. In George our our Martins fantasy novel series, a song of ice and fire, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. The language
Starting point is 00:29:48 of Dothraki was created by linguist David J. Peterson for the Game of Thrones. He explained that the grammar is most similar to Russian, but that the vocabulary was heavily inspired by the Genghis Khan Mongolian language to reflect the nomadic lifestyle of the Dothraki people. I mean, it's already so fascinating, right? Yes. I mean, I guess there were so many words that were in the novel, but it wasn't enough for a full language for people on a TV show to speak it.
Starting point is 00:30:21 There were a handful of words, but they needed to create a language. Yes. So, I found so many great articles about David J. Peterson and how he came to develop these languages, but I have to tell you a little something. What is it? I met David a few years ago. How? Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:39 He was a contestant on the game show to tell the truth when I was a judge. It was me, Donald Fazon, Ashley Graham, and Jalen Rose. You remember the show, there were the judges, and then there were three people who would claim to be something, and only one would be telling the truth and the other two were lying and the judges had to guess. Yes, I've been on to tell the truth as well. I know.
Starting point is 00:31:02 So in this particular episode, there were three contestants that came out and said that they created the Dothraki language for Game of Thrones. Okay. And we had to ask them all questions and then guess who the real creator was. I found the episode online. Do you want to know who guessed correctly and incorrectly?
Starting point is 00:31:22 Did you guess correctly? I did! I bet! I did! I bet! I did! I guess correctly. And so did Donald Faeson and Jalen and Ashley got it wrong. I bet you asked good questions. Thank you, lady.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Anyway, I wanted to go up to him so desperately, but they moved the show along, but I think I did a thing like, hey, hey, like a wave, like, hey! Wow. Yeah, it was so cool. Then he did an interview with Vanity Fair where first of all, he explains how he got the job. And then he listens to other people trying to speak
Starting point is 00:31:53 Dothraki and gives his analysis of their attempts and he addresses Dwighton Arons. Really? Yes, all of their scenes. He was very impressed with our writers and their research of the language. Let's hear him in this interview. The producers of Game of Thrones contacted the language creation society who then put together
Starting point is 00:32:11 a competition and announced it to the language creators all over the world online. I then was one of the finalists that emerged. There were five finalists that were picked. And then the producers chose from that set of finalists and they chose mine. So I became the official creator of Dothraki for Game of Thrones. And now this is Dwight Shrewd teaching Aaron how to speak Dothraki. I throat rip. Fourth Agandak. You throat rip.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Fourth Agandi. He she it throat ribs. Fourth Agandak. More of a barbaric growl. Fourth Agandak. Louder. You're shouting it from the back of a horse. Fourth Agandak. More of a barbaric growl. Vuh! Again, doc! Louder, you're shouting it from the back of a horse! Vuh! Again, doc!
Starting point is 00:32:46 Okay, so first this construction was not something that I'd ever imagined for Dothraki. Whoever was a writer of this episode really kind of studied the grammar. And so they created something pretty interesting and I was like, alright, I'll go with that noun incorporation. You did it right, so let's do it. And so I made that a part of the Dothraki language after that, I call it the shrutian compound. I don't know if I ever got to use it on the show. I don't think I did. There wasn't much Dothraki after this thing here. So to the writers of the
Starting point is 00:33:16 office, thank you very much for actually studying this to make sure that the Dothraki was correct, but not a thank you for not inviting me to the set, was a deal. I found out because I watched it live. Literally, that's how I found out. Come on, man, throw me a bone. And then Aaron, your pronunciation was pretty good. Just be sure you get the stress right.
Starting point is 00:33:37 So I'm not too much E.J. Eddie. Good job. Wow. Yeah, isn't that great? I am so impressed with our writers. I know! They don't phone anything in. And now, part of the Dothraki language
Starting point is 00:33:53 was created on the office, a tiny part, but there's a compounded now now. Look at how excited you are. I'm very excited. That your worlds of the office and Game of Thrones have collided. Have had a crossover. They have. I'm gid excited. That your worlds of the office and Game of Thrones have collided. I've had a crossover. They have.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I'm giddy about it. That was very cool. Yeah. So now we're gonna go over to Pam's desk where Nelly is very distracting. She's just sort of like tapping her pen. Yeah. And we come to find out that she has to take her driver's test
Starting point is 00:34:22 in a few days. She needs to practice, but she hasn't had any time to do this thanks to Demandee. Yeah. And Pam is gonna offer to go driving with her at lunch. Yeah, she's like, sorry, Jim. I won't be here for lunch. And he's like, that's okay, I have a thing of soup.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I have a thing of soup. You know what? Fuck you, Jim. You know that you're keeping something from Pam. You know she's on to you. We don't need your little like. I have a thing tease of soup. Put it away, dude. What is that? I think he slips and then has to back pedal. I don't know. To me, he looks at back pedal. I don't know. But he looks at the camera. He looks at the camera.
Starting point is 00:35:08 I don't know. I'm sorry guys, but the part of me that is Pam is not real happy with Jim over this week's long secret that is changing their lives. I have a hot tip. What is it? If you're gonna lie, don't say I have a thing of soup. Uh-huh. It's not a good one.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Do you think he's lying? I thought he was teasing her. I thought he was like, that's okay. I have a thing of soup. No. I know you keep asking me if I have a secret and I keep telling you I don't. No, no, no. I think he forgot in that moment and he slipped up.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And then I think his cover is soup. I think his I have a thing was honest and then he caught himself and he had to say soup. Well you know what? Look at your wife's face for one second and realize that you're breaking her heart. I know. Thing of soup. I can't keep secrets like that. You know what? Thing of soup is not hope in a frame. It sure isn't Angela. Put that on a pillow. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Ah, well before Nelly goes driving, she's gonna have a meeting with Andy. Yes. I would like to point out something here. What is it? I feel like Nelly is Andy's Pam, the way Pam was with Michael, except Michael would have all these random projects for Pam, but they were earnest.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Whereas Andy has all these ridiculous tasks for Nelly, but they're spiteful. I don't know, is asking her to do his genealogy a spiteful thing? Like, is he doing that just because? I think it's busy work. He's demanding. So there were more scenes in the shooting draft. Not only did he ask her to produce childproof paper that doesn't give you paper cuts, which is impossible, he also asked her to make as many different types of hats as possible out of a piece of paper.
Starting point is 00:36:57 So she spent half the day trying to make hats out of paper. Yeah. And then she did the genealogy thing. Andy doesn't even want to read the genealogy report. He just wants the highlights. And so she reveals you are a distant relative of Michelle Obama. Yeah. Andy could not be more excited. Oh, he is so thrilled. He makes a huge announcement to the bullpen. He says, my fellow Americans, I have a feeling my approval rating is about to go through the roof. Hello Americans, I have a feeling my approval rating is about to go through the roof. He thinks this is going to catapult him.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yeah. In the shooting draft, it's also in deleted scenes. He then sits down and writes Michelle Obama a letter. No, he doesn't. Yes, he does. What does it say? I'm going to read it. Andy reads aloud as he writes, dear Michelle, how are you?
Starting point is 00:37:42 I am fine. My name is Andrew Bernard and I recently discovered that we are related. I want you to know the rest of the family is so proud of you for all that you have achieved. As for me, I currently manage one branch of a mid-level paper company. If you'd like to meet, I can come to DC any Saturday except October 20th due to a previous commitment. Hope. And then he looks to camera.
Starting point is 00:38:09 I put that in all capital letters. Hope to see you soon, but again, not on the 20th. Love Andy Benart. That is amazing. I know. It got me so tickled. In your youth, did you ever write a famous person a letter? A fan letter or any kind of letter?
Starting point is 00:38:30 Well, I had heard that if you invite the president to your wedding, if you send them a formal invitation, you get a reply back. Mm-hmm. And I did that. Did you get a reply? I did. Oh! Sorry, we're unable to attend.
Starting point is 00:38:43 You're wedding. Oh, my goodness. We wish you all the best. That is a person full-time job. I did. Oh, sorry, we're unable to attend. You're wetting it. Oh my goodness. We wish you all the best. That is a person's full-time job. I know. You would love that job. I would. You would just get wetting invitations all day. So many wax stamps.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I know. Little confetti's Angela all day. I know, all day. Oh my gosh, how do we get you that job? I know. I know. I just open, oh, that is a perfect retirement job. You have a stack of the presidential seal responses. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:39:12 You open people's wedding invites. I bet I could have a window, have my hummingbird feeder. Ladies. This is a perfect job for me. Wow. Well, Erin is completely intimidated by this news. Yeah. She's gonna have to see the first lady at holidays now? Yeah, what is she gonna say at holiday dinners? Oh my goodness. The pressure.
Starting point is 00:39:32 In the break room, Andy tells Clark and Pete that he's getting rid of all the junk food because in case they hadn't heard, he's now related to Michelle Obama. They applaud him. Yes. Turns out they applaud him all the time. All the time. Well, Andy wants to remove this junk food partly because now he has this very strong connection to one of Michelle Obama's initiatives that we need to get healthier. There was a scene. It's indelated scenes and I had never heard this term before and now I just want to use it for the rest of my life. Andy flexes in front
Starting point is 00:40:04 of everyone. You know, he comes out of my life. Andy flexes in front of everyone. You know, he comes out of his office and he does like the flex. Sure, shows off his biceps. And then he shouts to the room. He says, I want someone to come slap my hang down. What's that mean? Jim says, what's a hang down?
Starting point is 00:40:20 And he said, it's the part that hangs down, you know, from your bicep. You're triceps? Yeah, yeah, right here. Yeah. He's like, someone come slap my hang down because, you know, he's sort of like, it's so rock hard, right?
Starting point is 00:40:31 So I'm gonna hurt. Meredith walks over and slaps the shit out of this. Oh my gosh! Hang down and Andy's like, ow! But I mean, I had never heard that part of your body called the hang down. I've got some hang down. I've got some hang down. I've got some hang down
Starting point is 00:40:46 You know what? I think to myself thank goodness. I'm not you know part of the royal family where I have to put my arm up and wave Because then you just see a jiggly hang down. Oh, you know what I mean? Yeah, I had thank goodness That's the only reason I'm glad I'm not part of a royal family Everything else I could handle. You could do everything else. I could do all the rest of it, but with my broken children, my hang down, I'd have a hard time waving.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Otherwise, you would be in. Count you in. One of my mom's sisters years ago, my aunt, I'll never forget, she had reached a certain age and it was so hot out and she had a long sleeve on. And I was like, what are you doing in long sleeve? She's like, I haven't worn short sleeves in years. I was like, because of the hang down.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Because of the hang down. Here's what I'm gonna tell everybody. Let it hang down. Hang it down, let it flap. Hang it down now. Life is too short. Is this the fifties that we were talking about a few episodes ago, Angela?
Starting point is 00:41:45 Yes. Like my just like body face, wrinkly neck, hang down body is just like, I'm just like, I'm fine. Bring it on. I'm fine. Worried about it in my forties in my fifties. I'm like just whatever. No, I have to tell y'all out there who are a lot younger than us when you get to your 50s. It's a real like liberating zero F's chapter. Yeah, we should all have started this in our 20s. Maybe the next generation will have some of it.
Starting point is 00:42:17 They'll figure it out. Yeah. Jim is now in Daryl's office and he's learning about batching and he's really into it. Andy comes in and Jim's like, you gotta see this, this is really cool. And Andy's like, I'm gonna need you to be canned tuna right now.
Starting point is 00:42:34 I don't wanna hear from you. Yeah, big tuna zip it. That's when Andy tells Daryl his good news. Daryl is skeptical. Yeah, but he's like, that's cool. I have a fun fact. Okay. Daryl is skeptical. Yeah, but he's like, that's cool. I have a fun fact. OK. Michelle Obama's brother is named Craig Robinson.
Starting point is 00:42:50 That's crazy. How about that? That's a crossover. It sure is. I also wanted everyone when you're rewatching this episode and you see this scene, to please note that there's a lot of background action in this scene. Cree does a cross to reception, Meredith is at the copier.
Starting point is 00:43:07 The reason for this is because Rain and I could not be at our desks in the background, and if we didn't have all that crossing, it would have just looked like an empty office. But, you know, Pam is supposed to be teaching Nelly to drive, Dwight is supposed to be teaching Aaron Dothraki, so this is something that they would do to prevent empty backgrounds. And I thought this scene was a good example of it. I like it.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Well, let's go to break because when we're back, Nelly is eating a salad while driving. Yeah. I have a list for you. Best foods to eat while driving. Wait for it. I can't wait for it, but I will wait for it. Best foods to eat while driving. Wait for it. I can't wait for it, but I will wait for it. We'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:43:49 [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ We're back. Pam is in the passenger seat. Nelly is driving. And on the console between the two of them is an open takeout container with a salad. I don't know what kind of salad sees her salad. There's big croutons. Like how is she eating the salad in driving? You know what? It was scripted that she would be eating a
Starting point is 00:44:21 salad specifically. It was scripted that it was in her lap. It was, yes, well, here's the thing. When we first did this scene, we did a take of Catherine holding the salad, like kind of in her lap slash. You could see it when it was on her lap. So then she was kind of holding it up. So we had some like visual issues
Starting point is 00:44:42 because you know, we had those little lipstick camps and you know, they only show so much. So it's like where can we put the salad? Where it's clear that she's eating a salad. Yes, and we started with her kind of like holding it with one hand and having to take her hand off the wheel to eat it. And it was so funny.
Starting point is 00:45:01 She is such an amazing physical comedian. I know this footage is somewhere. I couldn't stop laughing. Ultimately, we decided that it might be like a little too unrealistic. I mean, it was so funny. And you know, by the way, she's not actually driving in these scenes.
Starting point is 00:45:17 We're hooked up to like an insert car that's pulling us because my memory is that Catherine did not drive much. She didn't. She didn't drive in Los Angeles. No, I don't think she really has a driver's license. I don't know what the system is over in the grant. No, I remember this was a whole thing. She had to get dropped off to work.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Yes, they had someone drop her off. Yeah. I think for insurance reasons, they're're like we don't want this actress Who doesn't have a driver's license and who doesn't drive on the right side of the road having to drive so far out To where we would shoot. Yeah, so yes, this was quite an adventure Well, you know in the scene Nelly is distracted. She swirves and Pam's like, ah, and she kind of like pulls herself to the side. She's like, turn, there's something in your hand. Did you see it?
Starting point is 00:46:10 Yes, I squeeze it. You squeeze it. Yes, I was very curious. I couldn't make out what was in your hand. So I went to the shooting draft. It says that Pam is holding a wrapped sandwich. Yes. And after Nelly's swerves, she looks down
Starting point is 00:46:27 and she's gripped it in her hand and squished it. Yes. That was an extra joke, and I'm not sure it ever landed because we had the lipstick cams, we couldn't punch in on it. No, I couldn't make out. There's no punching in. What you were squishing.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Yes. I was curious about the best foods to eat while driving. Oh. There are a lot of opinions about this online. Can I guess one? I'm going to give you top five and one of them is kind of a category. Oh. Guess one.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Burrito. Yes. That is in the category with sandwiches, wraps, bagels, burritos. Oh. Mm-hmm. Okay. French fries. Number one, on many list, French fries. I get it.
Starting point is 00:47:10 But what about if you want to dip your fry in ketchup? Well, that's a different thing. But a lot of people, whatever French fry, fast food, place they go to, they put the container of fries in the cup holder. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yeah. Burger.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Mm-hmm. Beef jer Burger. Mm-hmm. Beef jerky. I was surprised by this one, but then Josh told me in his 20s, whenever he went on a road trip, he made sure to bring beef jerky. Have we talked about this? I only see beef jerky as something
Starting point is 00:47:35 that goes in like your prepper backpack for the zombie apocalypse. No. I don't snack on it. I don't like it, but people road trip with it. And I guess they pack their zombie't snack on it. I don't like it, but people roadtrip with it. And I guess they pack their zombie apocalypse bag with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Well, I don't see it as a roadtrip food. I see it as a survivalist food. Last one that made the top five, which I always have in my car. Right now you could go to my console. There would be one in there. Grinola bar. Grinola bar. Keep one with me. Granola bar. Granola bar. Keep one with me.
Starting point is 00:48:06 These are good foods for while driving. A burrito? A burrito. That's like a hot mess. I guess you have to keep it right. No, I've talked to the boy. No, I've talked to the boy. No, it would be a hot mess.
Starting point is 00:48:16 But yeah, burrito. Burrito, that's least favorite. I'd like to add one to the list. Okay, banana. Yes. Although then you're left with the peel. But that's okay. You just flop it in the floorboard and then you forget about it.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Then your car gets a funky smell and then you find it. Yeah. Yeah. It's happened many times. So back at the office, Oscars talking to some folks and he says to people, you guys, if Andy is related to Michelle Obama, there's a possibility that his family were slave owners.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Yeah, Stanley's gonna chime in here, too. Yeah, but then when we're in the car, Nelly tells Pam that she made the whole thing up. Andy isn't even related to Michelle Obama in the first place. Well, I want you to know the second driving scene started with a bit at the top that didn't make it in. Okay. I read it in the shooting draft and I made me laugh so hard.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Ready? Here it is. Interior Pam's car, Nelly is driving. The mood is slightly somber. Pam, you can't dwell on it. Nelly. It's just what's the one thing you associate with squirrels, a quickness, an ability to scamper. They've run over a squirrel.
Starting point is 00:49:32 It says Pam nods, they drive in silence for a moment, and then that's when they get into the rest of the scene. I remember that now. You can't dwell on it. Doing these scenes with Katherine was so fun. Oh my gosh, I loved being teamed up with her. We spent a whole day on these. Gosh, she made me laugh.
Starting point is 00:49:52 In this scene, she goes on to explain that she made up the story about Andy and Michelle Obama as payback for him sorting her undies. This got me curious about fun British phrases, and I looked some up. I love a fun British phrase. All right, here are some fun British phrases to expand your vocabulary and sound cool. Okay. Ready? Um, bagsy.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Bagsy. Yeah. If you yell bagsy, it's like calling dibs or shotgun. Okay. But if there's like, oh, someone's like, oh oh there's only one cola left back see yeah, okay got it Brawley Brawley is that when you take your bra off you're done. I'm brawley. No If it's raining you got to grab your brawley. It's short for umbrella. Oh
Starting point is 00:50:43 My gosh lady what I am cream cracker. Tired. Yes. Yes. How about this? Wow, you've made a real dogs dinner out of that. Is that mean you just destroyed something? You ate so much of it. No, it kind of like a mess. Like you made a mess of it. Hot mess. Yeah, hot mess. You made a dog's dinner of that. You know what? What? I'm Hank Marvin. Means I'm starving.
Starting point is 00:51:11 I'm a starving Marvin. I'm Hank Marvin. Hank Marvin. Yeah. You know what? Don't get shirty with me, mister. Oh, is that Snippy? Yeah, someone who's like short tempered.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Snippy, yeah. Don't get shirty with me. Don't get it twisted and get shirty with me. And how about this? Excuse me, I need to go spend a penny. Is that pee? Yes! This is a polite way of saying you have to go to the bathroom because I guess back in the day,
Starting point is 00:51:40 the women's restroom cost a penny! I've got to go spend a penny. Yeah. Well, you know, my friend, Mika, is from Australia. the day the women's restroom cost a penny. I've got to go spend a penny. Yeah. Well, you know, my friend, Mika, is from Australia. And he told me that his mom, one time, there was someone they were talking about, and his mom was like, oh, she's a real see you next Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:51:58 What's a see you next Tuesday? What is it? It's, what is it? It's a see, next Tuesday. I'm so sorry. I just got it. I just got it. Sam's laughing.
Starting point is 00:52:14 He's trying to help me. So yeah. See you next Tuesday. You don't want to be a CU next Tuesday. You sure don't. Oh my gosh. If you get too surety, you're going to become a CNX Tuesday. Oh, fun phrases. Faces. I guess something happens to Pam's car and she has to get the tire changed. Yeah, I guess
Starting point is 00:52:35 Nelly maybe has run over something. Probably run over something. Pam is going to have a talking head. She's pretty tickled by Nelly. She says she's fearless and almost sort of fun. And while Pam is saying this, Nelly is pretending to be hitting the mechanic from behind Pam Chuckles. This is hilarious. She's loving it. This is their Thelma and Louise moment.
Starting point is 00:52:56 You know, we had a fan catch from Natalia M. in Toronto, Canada who said, I'm thinking back to season three, women's appreciation when Pam changes the tire on Meredith's car. Oh yeah, but this time she needed help. Yeah. I guess maybe Nelly did more damage. Yeah. Pam did need some help. Also, just if you have AAA, you know, Pam could have called, but maybe Meredith didn't have it, so Pam had to change the tire. I can change a tire, can you? Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:27 And I have. Yeah. My dad made sure. Me too. And you got to do the nuts and a star. Yeah. You don't do them in a circle. That's the best way to get them tight, tighten them in a star pattern.
Starting point is 00:53:39 My dad also made sure I had a socket wrench set in my car. And of course, jumper cables. Yes. All the things. All the things. Well, it's time for a get-to-know-your-casting crew from the call she. Okay. We have Kim Ferry from the Hair and Makeup Department. Three things you didn't know about Kim Ferry.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Kim knows sign language. The prettiest place she has ever been is Monaco. Her favorite superhero is Wonder Woman, and she once worked in the games department at Six Flags Great America. Kim misses family vacations with her parents, and she was Miss Gurney Illinois in 1986. Wow! So lovely. I know, I love these. I think we might need to do it, get to know your office ladies, crew. Yes! And answer these questions, we'll send out an email with the questions to our group.
Starting point is 00:54:34 I like these group of questions. I don't know who came up with them, but I really like them. Andy is going to come into the bullpen now, and his employees are all gathered around talking, and he's like, hey, get back to work. Yeah, yeah. And Oscar tells Andi, he might wanna be nice to people today because his relation to Michelle Obama carries some implications, some negative connotations.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Then he says, you know, this means that you most likely have slave owners in your family lineage. And he's like, who else thinks this is the case? Everyone agrees. And this is when we have Darrell's talking head that he filmed earlier when he was batching. Yeah. That person has really gotten him or herself into quite a predicament.
Starting point is 00:55:21 I really enjoyed that call back. I did too. That was really funny. I did too. And he is now going to call his mom. I really enjoyed that call back. I did too. That was really fun. I did too. Andy is now gonna call his mom. He goes to voicemail, but he really needs to know. He just has a quick question about America's national shame. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Just quickly, I need to ask you some questions. Meanwhile, Darrell comes in to discuss business. Yes, he's trying to get work done. And Andy is too distracted, and Darrell is annoyed. He has worked on this whole report, and Andy has not paid any attention to it. This is going to feed into a later storyline. That's right, of Darrell's frustration at the company. After the scene, there was one between Oscar and Angela over and accounting.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Oh, it was in the shooting draft, it's indelated scenes. Angela's gonna notice Oscar's tie. I want you to hear it. Oscar, is that a Paul Smith tie? The Senator loves them. Oh, does he? Yeah, they're really expensive. Really?
Starting point is 00:56:21 Well, this was a gift from my wealthy aunt, that fire... Oh. Oh! Oscar is wearing a tie that just happens to be one of the senator's favorites. Mm-hmm. Lucky him, he has a wealthy aunt, doubt fire. Yeah. I do love a Paul Smith tie.. Just going to say, you in the
Starting point is 00:56:48 simulator, it is a sharp looking tie. So you know, throughout this episode, Dwight has been teaching Aaron Dothraki. Yes. And now they're going to take it to the bullpen, walking around, pointing to things, does Aaron know what it is? You know, Reinde did a couple of interviews where he said that he absolutely loved doing this storyline. And I guess there were even more scenes that got cut. He said he was most upset that there was a talking head where he is shirtless and he's speaking to Throcky.
Starting point is 00:57:18 And it was cut. He was very disappointed. Yes, they're in the deleted scenes. I didn't include them in my sharing today because it's a site gag. So one, you can't see. Angela, you are learning that we're on listen, it's not going to last long. But he's shirtless with no explanation. And then he's got a talking head in Dothraki, which there are subtitles that you can't read. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:46 I would say I think Reen did a very good job. This is probably why she sat it and made me. Yeah. Because he learned a whole talking head in Dothraki. But yeah, if you guys want to check him out, they're on the DVDs. Well, as they move through the office, speaking Dothraki, Pete says hi in Aaron, responds in Dothraki.
Starting point is 00:58:03 And he's kind of like, I'm sorry. He's not really sure what's happening. She also tries to speak Dothraki. And he's kind of like, I'm sorry, like he's not really sure what's happening. She also tries to speak Dothraki to Andy. Yes. He's asking if anyone's turned in their progress reports. And then he's like, what are you doing? Why would you learn a made up language from a television show?
Starting point is 00:58:19 And then she's like, Dwight, why didn't you tell me this was made up? And he says, listen, people laughed at clingingon at first and now you can major in it. I had to know. Can you? Sort of. Yes. This is Dwight.
Starting point is 00:58:32 There's always a half truth. You can study Klingon and Dothraki in college as part of linguistics courses. In fact, I found out that Klingon is the most widely spoken fictional language. I do not doubt that. That fandom is deep and strong. The University of Texas at Austin offers a course where you study Klingon. The University of Alaska Fairbanks has a course called Elfish, Klingon, and a Throcky course in development. Our son Jack learned, learned Elfish. What is Elfish for? Is that Lord of the Rings?
Starting point is 00:59:08 Yes. Oh. So this is a whole thing, and I read about it, and now I didn't write down the name of it, but this idea of creating language, the creation of language. When you study these fictional languages, it's part of just understanding the creation of language, when you study these fictional languages, it's part of just understanding
Starting point is 00:59:25 the creation of language in general. This is what David talks about in the Wired magazine interview that I'm going to put in stories. Well, I was also fascinated to find out that there is something called the Klingon Language Institute. It was founded in 1992 with quote, the mission of bringing together individuals interested in the study of Klingon linguistics and culture. And as a side note, while reviewing like interesting college
Starting point is 00:59:53 courses that are available, there is a course at Columbia College, Chicago, and the University of Baltimore called zombies in popular media. You would like that. Sign me up. Mm-hmm. Fascinated by zombie culture, personally. What is the culture? There is no culture. They eat people. They then moan about. There are so many other person. Okay. There are so many things and debates about what zombies can do and not do. And different iterations. Don't get me started on what happened
Starting point is 01:00:27 when they remade the dawn of the dead movies and the zombies started moving fast. Because in the past, zombies only moved slow. They moved slow. They moved slow. Like that's one of the things about them that is so scary is that like, they can't run fast at you, but they never stop.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Like they will slowly gain ground and then they kind of back you into a corner. You know what I'm saying? I don't, that's what's scary about them. But then all of a sudden in the new movies, they're speedy fast moving real quick. Yeah, scaryness. I'm sure there were Reddit threads abuzz about the fast versus slow movie.
Starting point is 01:01:07 The zombie, the zombie Reddit threads. And I would think that that would be part of this college course. Jenna, you should take it. I wonder if there's an online version. I am serious. You should take it. Would you take a dothraki one? Like to learn to speak dothraki. I don't know. I mean, it'd be a good party trick, I guess. Yeah. Anyway, something to think about with all our extra time that we have. I know. I just think about there's so many languages I want to learn that are spoken in countries that, you know, I would be actually...
Starting point is 01:01:40 You already speak three languages, Angela. I do, but why not go back and learn more, like be truly proficient in Spanish or something? Yeah, I wish I spoke Spanish. You can. I speak French when I'm angry, and that's it. Oh, angry French. Where are we? Oh, you know where we should go?
Starting point is 01:02:00 We should go back on the road with Pam and Nelly. Okay. Because they are bonding about Pam's murals. Pam painted Angela's nursery? That was a bond show. I was not expecting. Shut the front door. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:14 I cannot believe Angela trusted Pam to paint her baby nursery. I can't believe Angela let Pam in her home. Well, there's that. We learned that she did Angela's nursery, and you know, I guess there were a bunch of animals, but they all had to be fully clothed, like the lion was in a tuxedo.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Well, you have something in common with Angela Martin is which is that you love pictures of animals and little outfits, Angie. Little hats and vests and things. You know, I hear you. I mean, a cowboy hamster will make your day. Get out. With a little leather vest. If you could get a mean, a cowboy hamster will make your day. Get out. With a little leather vest.
Starting point is 01:02:46 If you could get a little vest on a hamster, I would lose my mind. Nelly is going to get a text while she is driving Pam around. So Pam's like, up about, I'll read it for you. And it is a new project from Andy. He would like her to make a family tree for everyone in the office. And he's particularly interested in the dirt. Dig up dirt. So Nellie's
Starting point is 01:03:10 like we have to come up with a bunch of lies. Yeah, she wants to just mess with him. Pam is going to tell her to say that Jim is related to Richard Nixon. She says it's an inside joke. Yeah, he looks very nixiny when he wakes up. And this is when Pam shares that she does feel like there's something Jim is not telling her. Yeah. Yeah. And Nelly's like, oh no, and a fair and Pam's like, no, no, no. He loves me way too much for that. There was a whole old version of this scene. It was much bigger, much longer. Nelly and Pam stop on the side of the road. They're at a park. They sit on a bench.
Starting point is 01:03:46 They're having a snack. And I thought we should hear the full extended scene. I remember shooting it. Sometimes when I walk by his desk, he closes his browser window really fast. Who happens? The men of his or creaches. I've been assured they may do it. I don't think it's porn. He's also been taking these phone calls. He won't say with who. Deela, Drock Deela. And he's got a bad. No. But he's left the office for a couple of lunches, too.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Oh, no. This is worse. He's having an affair. No, that's not it. Well, the signs are all pretty classic, won't they? Oh my God. Could you be having an affair? Well, the signs are all pretty classic, aren't they? Oh my God, could you be having enough fare? Nope.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Thanks for talking it through though. No, you can't be completely sure. I can. Well, no, I just mean there's always a possibility to do this. Seriously, there isn't. I know, I sound like one of those sad, diluded women, but Jim will never cheat on me. Other bad stuff could happen to us, but it won't be that. How can you know that?
Starting point is 01:04:52 Because he just loves me too much. You're a coquil little thing on your head. Angela, I am really glad that you played that clip. For all the people who hate on Pam for not being quote unquote supportive of Jim's new job, listen to what he has been doing to her, the stress that he has put her under with all the sneaky phone calls and the lunches and the lying he's a liar. He has been lying to her for weeks. Yes, weeks. And then by the way, at the end of this episode when she finds everything out, she still gives him a hug. She's still like, I guess,
Starting point is 01:05:36 okay, we're going to do it. But this whole dream job of gyms has started with a betrayal. whole dream job of gyms has started with a betrayal. And he's totally unaware of it too. Like he doesn't even apologize for betraying her. He doesn't say I should have never. He doesn't get it. There is a scene in deleted scenes. Again, it's a sight keg. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:01 So I'm gonna describe it. Jim is looking at office space rentals on his computer screen and the camera catches it. And then he looks over his shoulder and he's busted and quickly goes to the screen saver image that says Dundermifflin. So camera is catching it. And Jim is going to have a moment with Brian who works for the documentary crew and I'm going to play it for you in a bit. I mean I'm silent because I just don't understand
Starting point is 01:06:28 why there is not more sympathy for Pam's position in this. Well, I think people are hearing it now. They're seeing a bigger more fleshed out storyline, so I think they're gonna hear it. Okay. Well listen, should we go to the conference room because Andy's gonna start telling people about their family histories? Now these family histories were all made up by Nelly and Pam. Mm-hmm. So Phyllis is great great grandmother spread cholera. Yeah, Kevin is related to John Wayne Gacy and John Wayne Bobbitt not John Wayne though and not Dwayne Johnson either. Mm- either. Jim is related to Richard Dixon. Jim is confused. Yeah. He has a talking head.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Pam always said he looks like Nixon. That's not true, right? And then he kind of holds a photo up and he's like, oh gosh, he sees it. At this point, Andy gets a phone call from his mom. And guess what? His family did not own slaves. They transported slaves. Yeah. Fan question from Abby W. in Houston, Texas. Why would Andy's mom know so much
Starting point is 01:07:33 about the Bernard family history? It's not even her blood relatives. Oh, Abby, I believe it. I feel like the mom's hold all the info, right? They're historians, right? I believed this. Yeah. That Andy's mom probably took a great interest in the Bernard family. Yeah. And I don't know, don't you feel like it's the moms
Starting point is 01:07:55 who get all the family dirt too? They ask the question. They ask the questions. I think they also write it down. Right. They keep a record. I will say though, I feel like every family has a one person that's very curious.
Starting point is 01:08:08 And on my dad's side of the family, it was my grandmother. She did all this research. But on my mom's side of the family, it's my uncle Jack, her brother. Yeah, I'll say on my dad's side of the family, his brother Don, did a fully extensive genealogy on the Fisher side of the family. You need one. You need one person in your family.
Starting point is 01:08:30 There's always one person. So I guess for the Bernard's, it's Andy's mom. We also got a fan question from Martha B. in Malta, who would love to be mentioned as our first Malta's question. Oh! That's lots of love from Europe, hi Martha. Hi Martha from Malta? Martha asks, are you ladies related to anyone famous
Starting point is 01:08:49 or do you ever get told you look like someone famous? I was recently told I look like Brie Larson. Oh, I was like, I love it. That's a compliment. It is, but I don't think we have anyone famous in our family that I know of. You know, I have been told that I could play Laura Dern's sister. You could.
Starting point is 01:09:10 That there's a similarity in our faces. You sure could. I would be her very short sister from the short side of the family. Yeah. She's tall. Mm-hmm. I would love to be that tall. Well, thank you, Martha, for your question.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Yes. From Malta. Darryl is going to enter Andy's office, and again, Andy is not giving Darryl's report any attention. No, he's not respecting any of the work Darryl's done. Yeah, in fact, he's using it as a coaster. So Darryl says, I need to go for a walk. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Jim notices that Darryl is not in a great mood and kind of follows him out. So Jim's going to go to the Fakie staircase in the warehouse and check on Darryl. Darryl's like, I am done. Yeah. You know what? This might be a better title, but the better the titles, the stupider the job gets. Jim is now gonna hypothetically offer Darryl a job doing sports marketing in Philly. Okay, hold on a second. Did Jim ask his business partner if it was okay to start hiring people?
Starting point is 01:10:14 Does Jim just make giant life decisions and business decisions without consulting his partners? Jim, other people live in the world. Okay? You have a life, you have a business partner, Jim, other people live in the world. Okay. You have a wife. You have a business partner. You're just going to call them up and be like, Hey, guess what?
Starting point is 01:10:30 I know we don't have an office space yet, but I've hired an employee. Well, listen, Darryl's like, this isn't real, right? And Jim's like, no, it's happening. It really is, but we just got to keep it between us for now. And then Darryl hits Jim with the truth bomb and he says, hey, it's not real until your wife is on board. Mm-hmm, what?
Starting point is 01:10:52 Jim's like, hadn't thought of that. I was just gonna have a job in Philly and just, I don't know, tell Pam I was going to the doctor every day. Well, Jim is gonna have a talking head now that would have come here, its indelated scenes. And Brian, the boom operator, is going to call him out. Let's hear it. Yes, Pam and I did decide together that I would not take the job, so thank you, Brian, for reminding me. This is another moment where we're very aware that there's been a documentary crew this whole time and they've seen everything.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Well, also at this moment, Nelly and Pam are going to get back to the office. Nelly drives Pam's car into a hedge. To do this stunt, they put these pads behind the greenery and we put the car neutral and a group of guys actually just pushed us into the fence. Oh. They did not make catwalk drive into a fence. That's a lot less exciting. Yes. Just a few guys rolled you into the hedge. And this is when Nellie and Pam go into the warehouse and Nellie says, what do you think about putting a mural here?
Starting point is 01:11:58 And I want you to do it. Pam is so excited. This was part of my storyline pitch that Pam's gonna become a muralist. I was very excited about it. But then this is also where Pam finally gets the news. Yes, Jim is now, I guess, emboldened by Darryl to be forthright, maybe because Brian called him out on it too, we find out.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Yeah. He says he'd like to talk to her for a second. We kind of talked about this. I think we know my feelings. Jim's like, what was I worried about? She's the best! There's layers here, lady. Jim is instantly relieved. Pam is still filling unsettled. As she should. And this was, by the way, all of this is what we talked about in our pitch meetings about how let's expose some of the immaturities in Jimin Pams' relationship, some ways where maybe they aren't as good of communicators as we think. Well, this is also the thing that the writers struggled with, right, for Jimin Pams to have conflict,
Starting point is 01:13:00 but it wasn't breakup conflict, it was like passive conflict. It wasn't a fair conflict. Yeah. And John and I were really excited about this because we thought, this is the stuff that real marriages go through. Yeah. This is the clunky kind of stuff that isn't like,
Starting point is 01:13:17 I'm cheating on you. It's career, it's kids, it's making a mortgage, it's all of those things. Communication. Yeah. Well, the episode is gonna end on a sweet note, I think. Everyone's leaving for the day. And Pete says goodbye to Aaron and Dothraki.
Starting point is 01:13:32 Yeah. He didn't know what it was earlier. He was confused. Yeah. But he's so delighted by her, he went and learned a little phrase so he could say goodbye to her. And then Andy says, you know what, I like that guy. We should set him up with Meredith.
Starting point is 01:13:46 I am crushing on Pete. In this episode, I totally see why he was named one of our pop culture treasures of the week. Yeah, he's a sweetie pie, and you can't help but root for him. I know. And he's being sweet to Aaron and I like it. She's had two real weirdo boyfriends. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:04 So, I'm liking this. Well, that was Andy's ancestry. It was. Thank you so much, Steve Burgess, for all your good stuff. Angela's loving the call sheets. Loving them. And next week is Work Bus.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Get ready for those call sheets. Oh, boy. So you don't want to miss it. We'll see you next week. See you then. Have a good one. Thank you for listening to Office Ladies. Office Ladies is produced by Earwolf,
Starting point is 01:14:35 Jennifer and Angela Kinsey. Our senior producer is Cassie Jerkins. Our in-studio engineer is Sam Keeper. Our editing and mixing engineer is Jordan Duffy. And our associate producer is Ainsley Bubbaco. Our theme song is Rubber Tree by Creed Bratton. you

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