Office Ladies - Fundraiser

Episode Date: November 15, 2023

This week is “Fundraiser”. The office attends a fundraiser hosted by Angela’s husband, State Senator Robert Lipton. Andy crashes it and ends up stress adopting 12 dogs, and Dwight “wins” the... auction. Jenna shares how the Dwight storyline was based on a true story, Angela gives reasons why “Life is Downton Abbey” and the ladies wonder how game show prizes get delivered. So have Nellie buy you tacos and enjoy this episode! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Jennifer Fisher and I'm Angela Kinsey. We were on the office together and we're best friends. And now we're doing the ultimate office rewatch podcast just for you. Each week we will break down an episode of the office and give exclusive behind the scene stories that only two people who are there can tell you. We're the office ladies. Hello! Hi there!
Starting point is 00:00:23 Are you excited to go to a super cringey fundraiser today? I am! I'm gonna get my best little hairdo going! Oh, I have fan questions about your hairdo, Angela! Save it! Okay, we have a lot to discuss. Today is Season 8, Episode 22. It was written by Owen Ellixson and directed by Dave Rogers. Here's your summary. The Dunder Mifflin
Starting point is 00:00:49 group is concerned when newly unemployed Andy displays some questionable behavior both in the Dunder Mifflin parking lot and later at an animal welfare fundraiser hosted by the senator. Also at the fundraiser, Oscar becomes convinced that the senator is hitting on him. Dwight misunderstands the rules of a silent auction and Andy adopts 12 senior dogs. Andy, Andy, Andy, as someone who has worked an animal rescue, I can tell you that one needy animal, one animal that needs medications and ointments and salves is enough. You don't need 12. That's a hard job. I mean Aaron says this is my life now. All right fast-fact number one, Angela. You know how
Starting point is 00:01:41 much I love when you do fast-fact number three and today you are doing fast back number one. I am okay for those of you guys that have the DVD box set. We are now on disc five and let me tell you There's some special features. First of all, fundraiser has an extended producers cut But there is also under the bonus section a 19-minute blooper reel, I watched the whole 19 minutes, it was a joy. I mean, if you need a laugh, watch a 19 minute blooper reel. I love our blooper reels.
Starting point is 00:02:17 They're my favorite thing. Me too, they just take me back. Right away, we talk about this all the time that we went to work and tried not to laugh all day. What a blessing. Yes. Okay. It also has the Webisode series, The Girl Next Door, and apparently NBC was hosting Super Bowl 46. Oh yeah. And we did a bunch of promos, like a lot. And they're all on there to remind you guys, Super Bowl 46 was the New York Jets versus New England Patriots, the Jets 1, 21 to 17.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Kelly Clarkson sang the national anthem, and Madonna was the big half-time show. Well, I remember these promos. We did one promo with all of the NBC shows, and it was based on a musical number from how to succeed in business without really trying. And it kicked off with 30 rock, and then our cast sang part of it.
Starting point is 00:03:12 It was, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, what's this song? Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, of men. Yes, yes. And da, da, da, da, da, da, da da da da da da da da da da da da da. You know, I'm horrible at this, right? Like, if I had to go on a game show and really lose badly, it would be like, guess the tune.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Because I'm just like, but I don't know. I can't in the company of men. Yes. Maybe. I'm going to say yes to everything. Okay. But it was huge. It was choreographed and we're lip syncing and it's so charming.
Starting point is 00:03:45 And it was big. The full promo with all of the NBC people doing it was like, oh my gosh, six minutes, it was long. It was very long. It's so fun to watch. It is not on this DVD. Oh, never mind everyone. Google it.
Starting point is 00:04:00 It is out there. Here are the Super Bowl promos on this DVD. First, there's a commercial where Kevin is really excited about the Super Bowl commercials. And then Robert, California pitches his idea for the perfect Super Bowl commercial. Mm-hmm. I'm scared. Yeah, you should be. It would feature a woman in her late 60s. And everywhere she goes, men fall to their knees, crippled with lust. She sees the camera while grocery shopping and drops her basket and looks right at the camera and says, this was all part of your plan, wasn't it Robert? And then Kevin says, wait, how can you do that?
Starting point is 00:04:39 How can you make the commercial different for every single person? And Robert goes, I don't know, I don't watch television. That's weird. I know. And this was made. Yes. It's on the DVD. It's on the DVD.
Starting point is 00:04:51 OK. The next promo was called Fans. And it's Andy and Aaron just saying, right to camera, you guys are going to the Super Bowl. That must be so exciting. And they're very cute and charming. Then there's one called museums. And it's John and Rain as themselves.
Starting point is 00:05:10 But they're dressed in character and they're on set. And Rain is telling everyone what museums they should go to instead of going to the game. Okay. Okay. Like in hopes to get their tickets. Got it. It was very cute. There's one called Postgame where Ed is dressed as Andy and he's sitting in the manager's office and he's encouraging everyone to stick around after the Super Bowl to watch the post-game celebration. Okay. NBC really wanted people to stick around. Oh, that's why they always fight over who gets to air the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I mean, first of all, obviously, the ad revenue. Right, right. But afterwards, they would use the Super Bowl to launch new shows or highlight shows that they really were excited about. Yeah, stick around after the Super Bowl. launch new shows or highlight shows that they really were excited about. Yeah. Stick around after the Super Bowl. Yeah. They say it all the time. And then my favorite one was called Dip.
Starting point is 00:05:52 And Kevin is going to share his perfect Super Bowl Dip recipe. You need to hear it. Brotherhood of Man. Yes. That's the name of the song. There you go. In honor of the Super Bowl, I have made 46 layer dip. Refried beans, ground beef, super salsa, bacon, ground cracker, bacon, seven layer dip, but all in one layer. Garden burger, turkey burger, beef burger, grilled cheese sandwiches. Kevin, I need that report by five. Oh! Now I have to start over, Andy.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Gosh. Refried beans, ground beef, super sauce though. Everything was working for me, but the graham cracker was... That really threw you off. Yeah, that threw me off. There is an actual giant tub of this stuff and he's pointing to each layer. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:06:49 I'm going to put a picture of it in stories. Okay, please. It looks disgusting. And those are the bonus features on the last disc of season 8. That was a very good report, Angela. I enjoyed it very much. Okay, well, thank you. Let's move on to fast fact number two.
Starting point is 00:07:05 One of the storylines in this week's episode was inspired by a true story. Yes. So you know, at the charity event, they have a silent auction, but Dwight thinks this is a guess the price game and that you win the prize if you guess the correct price. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Well this happened to our writer, Hallstead Sullivan's sister in real life. I cannot believe that. It's so crazy to tell the story. So he was working at the office at the time and his sister called him on the phone and was like, Halstead, I won this expensive Italian sofa at this event last night.
Starting point is 00:07:43 It's worth $17,000 and I guessed the price exactly and I won. Oh my gosh. And he was like, that's amazing. Congratulations. But then cut to a few days later, she called him to say that the charity sent her a really weird letter asking her to pay for the sofa. And he said, fax me the letter. When Hall said it was retelling the story, he said, old Teckelert, he said, faxed me the letter. When Hall said it was retelling the story, he said, old tech alert, yes, she faxed me the letter from the charity. And he
Starting point is 00:08:12 looked it over and he had to explain to her that it was not a guess the price. It was a silent auction and that her bid for the sofa was $17,000 and they wanted to collect. Oh my gosh. He said she panicked. Well, yeah. He also said in her defense, there was an Italian man with an accent who had explained the rules to her and perhaps something got lost in translation, but she called the charity, she explained the mistake,
Starting point is 00:08:44 and they did not make her pay $17,000. Holstead said he recognized the sofa she bid on. It was a Dessedi sofa, Dessed, D-E-S-E-D-E. It is an Italian sofa, which is basically the Barken bag of sofas. $17,000 is actually a bargain. I can't even wrap my head around that number. That's a car. Yeah, that's like you're sitting on a car. Well, Halstead said he only recognized it because,
Starting point is 00:09:17 before they wrote on the office, he and Warren had written for a show produced by Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, and they had one of these sofas. Oh! It was written up in like, and they had one of these sofas. Oh! It was written up in like, you know, one of those profiles they do of celebrity homes. And I looked at the website, most of these sofas go for around $40,000. Wow. And I'm very sorry to say it or to say sofa company,
Starting point is 00:09:45 but they are ugly. I'm just gonna say it. They are, were you sending me a picture of one? Yes. I mean, do you wanna see it? Yeah, are they comfortable? They can't be $40,000 comfortable. They don't, nothing is $40,000 comfortable.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Like if you take the most comfortable $1,500 couch, it is not, this special sofa is not 40 times more comfortable than it. You know what, we have a couch for my Kea that Josh put together himself. And when he said I'm gonna put it together, I thought maybe it comes in four pieces you screw on the legs.
Starting point is 00:10:24 You know what I mean? Uh-huh. No, Jenna. There's a box. It's just the stuffing. Then you got to like stuff it and you got to like, you literally build a couch. And I thought, wow, this, we're getting such a deal on this sectional. It's because you build the whole damn thing. Yes, there's no, well, they don't charge you for any labor because you are the labor. It took a whole day. But is it comfortable? Yes. Right. Now, I just, here's the website. Oh, no. Right. This is ridiculous. One of their things is that they make like a snake sofa. It doesn't look like a snake, but you can, I guess, make it into an S shape. I'll try you. It's a giant sea.
Starting point is 00:11:08 It's very... It's like a curved spine for those of you listening. Yes, it's tiny. It looks very spiny. It looks like a spine. And yeah, so it looks like if you took an X-ray of your back, but... And turned it into...
Starting point is 00:11:21 To leather sofa. To leather sofa. But then the way the cushions look It looks like if you chopped a recliner and three pieces Mm-hmm, and then you just put them all in a row tons of mini Like spine recliners Today's podcast is sponsored by the set a sofa. It is definitely not Sorry sorry to set a or to said you don't know what's saying it wrong. We don't know is definitely not. Sorry, sorry, Dicetti, or Dicetti.
Starting point is 00:11:45 You don't know us staying at wrong. We don't know. We don't know. What we know is that we won't be purchasing one of your sofas for so many reasons. Sorry. I love that this white storyline was inspired by a true life event in Halstead's life. It was really funny, too.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah, he was so happy he was getting everything right. I really liked it. Should we move on to FastFact number three? Yes, because it's so special. We love this letter that we got from Alicia H. In my long Wisconsin, she wrote to us because this is the fundraiser episode. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And she is having a fundraiser for her local library. Alicia said the building that the library is housed in was put up for sale last summer, and the community is working really hard to save the library. She said most of the families that the library serves are below the poverty line, and the library has so many wonderful programs. Her own four kids begged her to go all the time. It's like their second home. And she said that she would really like us to help support the library. She will even buy us tacos.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Well, Alicia, we loved your letter. We loved learning about your local library, which is 100% run by volunteers. Yes. If you go to their website, you can learn so much about what this library does for its community. It's a small community, and for those of you that live in small towns, you know that the library can be such a wonderful place to go with your kids. And you have access to things you might not be able to have at home or afford. Very well said, Angela.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Well, Alicia, each year, Office Ladies does some annual giving and we are adding your library to our list to this year. We're gonna make a donation. Yep. We're also gonna send you a signed copy of the Office BFFs and the Actors' Life for the library. Love it.
Starting point is 00:13:37 And speaking of our annual giving, this year we are also giving to Black Girls Code, AMSCI and Liday Hady. Liday Hady is the organization that Rain Wilson and his wife, Holiday Rainhorn, started. And you recently went to a fundraiser with Steve Carell for Liday Hady. That was hosted by Rain, right? We did. It was really fun.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Rain put together sort of this quote-unquote dinner party. Amazing. Amazing, right? And Steve and I went along with a lot of people that made donations to Liday and the people that work at Liday. And we got to hear about everything they're doing in Haiti. It's really an amazing organization. Rain has such a big heart for service.
Starting point is 00:14:17 He and his wife Holly do so much. And I'm going to put a link to their website in our stories. But Liday is a nonprofit, and what they're trying to do is empower adolescent Haitian girls through programs in the arts, education, and health. I think we should post links to all the organizations we spoke about today so that people can see the amazing things that these groups are doing.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I love that. Well, that's all I got, lady. Should we take a break? I think we should, because when we come back, I have a little something for my digital clutter. I love digital clutter. Someday I'm going to clean up my inbox. I am.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Please don't. We'll be right back. We are back and I have an email for you all that came on Saturday, March 31, 2012 at 313 PM. Who would it come from? Dave Rogers to the entire cast of the office. The subject was, wow, exclamation point. Here's what it said. I just finished my editor's assembly of fundraiser and I am thrilled with how it turned out. So many great laugh out loud moments from everybody. We have made some truly great episodes this
Starting point is 00:15:37 season and have seriously kicked ass with our Florida arc. What an incredible run with Tallahassee after hours tests the store last day in Florida and get the girl soon to be joined by the hysterical welcome party, Angry Andy and Turfour. Gotta go, free family portrait studio isn't gonna edit itself. David, I have to tell you in all my years of working on things since the office. This doesn't happen. You don't get letters from your editor or your director even. Like I don't get letters just saying, guess what? It's great. You're great. This is so fun. You're doing a good thing. Way to go, team. Yeah. We got this kind of stuff on this show. It was so sweet.
Starting point is 00:16:23 And everyone responded back. Mindy so sweet. And everyone responded back. Mindy was the first one that responded back. She wrote, I love you Dave. And everybody was like, thanks, everything. Yay, can't wait to see. You know, that's so sweet. Yeah. And this is why I don't delete any of my emails.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Are you ready for this cold open? I think so. Well, Ryan is pacing back and forth. He is going, no, no, no, no, no, no. By the way, he's not saying this in his office. His closet office, he's not pacing in the kitchen. He's come into the bullpen to pace back and forth until someone notices.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Yes. Pam finally gives in and asks him what is bothering you. Ryan, something seems to be bothering you. And it turns out that he is very, very upset that Smokey Robinson has died and he didn't get a chance to see him in concert before he died. People are sad, you know, Jim's like, oh I liked him and Ryan's like, you liked him? Because apparently Smokey's biggest fan is Ryan. That's right. No one else can even compare to like how much he loved Smokey's biggest fan is Ryan. That's right, no one else can even compare
Starting point is 00:17:26 to how much he loves Smokey. Well, Pam is a little suspicious, right? She always has Ryan's number. And she's kind of like, we've never heard you talk about this before, ever. Like, this is a first and suddenly Oscar, from over an accounting says, guys, it's a hoax. Yeah, he's not dead, he's alive,
Starting point is 00:17:44 and he's got a concert coming up. Ryan, you should go. Everyone says. Well, it's really Pam. It's really Pam. Pam was like, you have to go. Jim's like, tickets are $250. Pam's like, $250 is nothing to the world's biggest, smoky Robinson fan. And Ryan's like, well, who's opening? Jim says, Paul Anke. And Ryan's like, well, who's opening? Jim says Paul Anka.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And Ryan's like, oh, what? No, I can't, I'm sorry, I can't do it, I can't do it. I mean, this is my favorite version of Pam. I think when she takes on Ryan. Yes, now that we have been rewatching now for years, my favorite version of Pam is when she just looks at him and just calls him out. I loved how she was like name another song, name one other song of his. And he's like, he can't. Well, I looked up Smokey Robinson. He has been in the rock and roll Hall of Fame twice.
Starting point is 00:18:39 He's been inducted. And he's written more than 4,000 songs. So the fact that Ryan can't name a second song is pretty bad. Smokey Robinson is 83 years old and he is still performing live and you can find his tour dates at and he's got shows coming up in Atlantic City, Providence, Rhode Island, and Nashville, Tennessee. Go Smokey Robinson. Ryan can still go. Yes, Ryan, go. You're his biggest fan. The episode starts with Robert California arriving in a dark brown suit and tie. He looks like really put together.
Starting point is 00:19:17 The suit looks great, but he says he really hates wearing ties. He feels like he's in one of those erotic, what's it called? Asphyxiation. Thank you. Yes. Yeah. And he mentions a few off of Interstate 84. Mm-hmm. I looked them up.
Starting point is 00:19:31 They're not real. I looked them up too. I couldn't find them. I was glad I didn't. I don't know how I ended up here, but I did find out that there's quite a few swingers gloves in Scranton. Yeah, I guess. How's that work?
Starting point is 00:19:44 I don't know. fingers clubs in Scranton? Yeah, I guess. How's that work? I don't know. It says most clubs offered by Pennsylvania's Swingers are for members only. However, couples and singles can get this membership as well. How does a single join a swingers club? I don't know. The closest club I found to Scranton is in Bloomsburg and Erotic Ex-fixi, no, no, it's a Swingers Club. Oh, I went to look for these clubs and I ended up on a Scranton Swingers website.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Oh, and now if you want to swing, you have to go where? Bloomsburg. Bloomsburg. So there you go. Well, that was an interesting Google journey for you. Oh, yes, it was. Also, BY for you. Oh, yes, it was also BYUB just It's so it's a room basically. I don't know. I didn't look any further. It's a basement. Okay. Okay Angela is gonna have a talking head where she says Here's what's going on the senator is hosting a fundraiser for local dog shelters tonight and Robert, California, but two tables.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yeah. And invited the whole office staff. And you know what? They were lucky to get seats because it's going to be a who's who of the Northern 22nd District. Yeah. And Angela's going to do her hair. Oh, she's going to get her hair did. Dwight burst into the bullpen. He doesn't want to alarm everyone, but there's a good chance
Starting point is 00:21:09 that someone's gonna get hurt today. Yeah, because there's a disgruntled former employee sitting in their car in the parking lot. Guess who it is? It's Andy. It's Andy. Guys, Andy cannot let go of Dundra Mifflin. He's become the lurker. Mm-hmm. You know, during this scene, I noticed the little candy dispenser on my desk. Yeah. It's the one that used to be at reception, and we decided that for whatever reason,
Starting point is 00:21:34 Pam would move it to her desk. This is why Aaron has to put out candy in a glass bowl. Yeah. So this little candy dispenser, I saw it was in it. What? Red hots. Oh. And I know why there were red hots in it, what? Red hots. Oh. And I know why there were red hots in it, because I would eat all the other candies, but
Starting point is 00:21:49 you wouldn't eat the red hots. I wouldn't eat the red hots. So I said, Phil, I need you to put something in this container that I don't eat all day, because I was getting tummy aches. It was too much sugar. So he said, what won't you eat? And I said, I won't eat michen eggs, and I won't eat red hots. So he put red what won't you eat? And I said, I won't eat micanikes and I won't eat redhots.
Starting point is 00:22:07 So he put redhots in there. So if you ever see micanikes or redhots and my candy dispenser, it was per my request because I was needing to stop my candy eating. Well, I noticed that your fingernail polish is the exact same color as your coffee mug. It's kind of a pinky purple in this episode. I don't know why I was allowed to do that, but it matches my dress for the fundraiser very well.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Aaron and Angela, Pam, Kevin and Jim are all now gonna go to the parking lot. They're gonna check in on Andy, like what's he doing? He's sitting in his car, what's happening? Aaron is filming him, she said, hey, can we just film you saying that you're fine and everything's normal,
Starting point is 00:22:47 because there were, he might hurt Robert. He says, guys, I am fine. I'm just picking up Aaron for the fundraiser tonight. Kevin is the one that's like, that's gonna be weird. Like Kevin's the one that clocks in on this? I was like, what? Kevin is the voice of reason through this entire episode. It's a wonderful turn. Well, Brian could not get through the scene. He
Starting point is 00:23:10 kept getting tickled. It's in the bloopers that I watched all 19 minutes of and I want you to hear it. I'm picking up Aaron. We're going to the fundraiser. Oh great. That sounds good. Wait, what? You're going to the fundraiser tonight? That's gonna be weird. Well, that'd be weird. Yeah, Kevin, come on, it's gonna be fine. It's not weird at all. Am I the only, my, uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Ready? Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's not weird at all. Oh, boy. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Oh, my gosh. It's John.
Starting point is 00:23:43 It's John and Brian. Yeah, John is messing with him. Brian was trying so hard if you watch it to say the line. So he's trying to kind of laugh through it like, um, but he couldn't do it. Now we go upstairs to Nellie's office. Daryl is going to enter and ask her to sign off on a shipment that's gonna go out soon. Nelly's gonna ask Darryl how everything's going in the warehouse and he says, well, you know what, you can go downstairs and check it out for yourself. And she's like, oh, it's downstairs. She's so aware it is. Did you notice Nelly's desk chair by any chance?
Starting point is 00:24:18 No. It's like this topy cream color. It's like a faux leather. It's like this topy cream color. It's like a faux leather. It's very nice. It is not the chair that Steve sat in or Ed sat in or Creed anyone. It's this new chair. I became sort of obsessed with it.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I wanted to know how did this happen? Where did this chair come from? When did it come from? And I fully mom detective it. I don't have a great answer but I spent a good deal of time on it. That is mom detectives. That is we rarely solve our crimes. Well, this is our mysteries, I should say. Isn't our slogan solving crimes no one cares about? Or not solving crimes that no one cares about. So not necessarily a crime, but a mystery. Where did this chair come from?
Starting point is 00:25:06 So I went back and I looked to see when did it appear. And get the girl, it's the old chair. We don't see her chair in Welcome Party, but then the new chair is there starting with angry Andy. So I think we can safely say that this new chair came during welcome party when Dwight and Jim went to her house to unpack her things that had been delivered. I think that there is something that happened off camera where they brought this new office chair into the office. So you think she had the fancy office chair in her apartment? Yes. I think it was delivered with her other furniture and then she moved it in because starting with Angry Andy, she's really
Starting point is 00:25:52 taken over his office and I think she brought in her new chair. Okay. Is it a dissed a chair? Yeah. It could be. It doesn't look ugly enough in my opinion. Oh my gosh, you are fully. You're really laying it out there. Why am I so mean to this luxury Italian couch? Something about it. It just, it buffed you. It bothers me. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:18 It should be the most beautiful couch I've ever seen in my opinion. It should be able to drive. Yes, exactly. What is the couch do? And the wheels come out. It should be able to drive. Yes, exactly. What is the catabuy? And the wheels come out and you take it down the road. Nelly is now gonna have a talking head where she says tonight could be the night she and Darryl become good friends.
Starting point is 00:26:37 The only thing in their way is the contempt he feels for her. So I was wondering why is it important for Nelly to become friends with Darryl? And I realized that this is setting up a storyline that's gonna pay off in a few episodes where you realize that Nelly really doesn't have any friends since she moved to Scranton. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:59 And this is kind of important to her. I liked this. I liked that we're planning the seed with this storyline. Yeah. She wants a friend in the office. Yes. The fundraiser is now underway. We're going to see Angela in her outfit. She's very much wanting to play the part of the Senator's wife here. Robert California walks up and is interrupted by Andy. And lady, I just wanted you to know this little introduction when Robert walks up. And Angela greets him and is like,
Starting point is 00:27:29 the senator and I just wanted to say, you know, she's doing like that. That was all improvised. Oh, all it said in the script is that everyone says, hi, good to see you. Oh, well, well done, I liked it. I was so delighted by this episode. I just love it when Angela Martin thinks she's fancy and is trying to be fancy.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And every single moment I just wanted to find some little nugget of something to do to show how high the stakes were for her to be the senator's wife at this event. Well, speaking of fancy, fan question from Katie Joby in Indiana. Hi Katie Jo. Angela, how did you feel about your judged hairdo at the fundraiser? Did you have an extensive hair meeting like Jenna would have? Did you love getting to smile so much in this episode?
Starting point is 00:28:20 Ha, ha, ha. You know, it was nice to smile. There is one scene. I will tell you Katie, where I didn't get to smile. It got deleted, but we did shoot it where I completely lose it because Andy is ruining my event. Oh. Yes, I go to the center and I'm like, he's ruining it and I'm just like upset. But for the most part, I got to smile this whole week,
Starting point is 00:28:45 which was lovely, and we did have a very extensive hair meeting. I remember the vision they wanted is that Angela Martin wants to be like Jackie Kennedy, right? She wants that sort of bufant hair that flipped out at the end, you know? So yeah, that was our whole look. I love that. You guys had a story behind the heritage.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Yes, and this is the second time that Angela Martin has tried to look like Jackie Kennedy. You remember she wore the pillbox hat? Yes. And the blue suit to Phyllis's wedding. Something that's interesting to me is would Angela support the Kennedy politics? Or it's just the fashion. I'm not sure about. Is it an interesting choice of role model? I'm surprised that she doesn't fashion herself after Nancy Reagan.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Well, you know, she was Nancy Reagan for Halloween. This is true. I think she just wants to be a politician's wife. Yes, she doesn't care. She doesn't care. The political't care the political affiliation. That's right. If you have a good suit or a nice hat, she's going to try it out. I've got a location breakdown for this banquet hall.
Starting point is 00:29:53 We got a fan question from Haley in Austin, Texas asking, where were the fundraiser scenes shot? At five minutes and three seconds, there's a shot of the outside of the building. Is that also the actual building that the scenes were shot in? These are very savvy questions. This is a long time listener. Haley knows that it could be different places. That's right.
Starting point is 00:30:14 I asked Steve Burgess about this. He said we shot the ballroom fundraiser scenes at the Warner Center Marriott in Woodland Hills. We were there for two days. Steve said that he remembers sending a camera crew outside one night to get an establishing shot, but he couldn't find it anywhere on his schedule. So it is very possible that we used like a stock-footed shot of a hotel. So he's not totally sure, but we did go on
Starting point is 00:30:41 location to shoot the fundraiser banquet scenes. But either way, Steve Burgess said that the banner on the outside of the building, that was added in post. We did not actually hang a banner on a building. Andy is now gonna have a talking head. He says, you know what? Where do I look? You know, it's been so long since I've done
Starting point is 00:31:00 one of these interviews. Yeah. Yeah. How am I doing? I'm doing great. Red flag. I mean, there's these interviews. Yeah. Yeah. How am I doing? I'm doing great. Red flag. I mean, there's so many red flags. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Well, just wait. There's going to be a flag flurry coming up. A flag flurry. Kevin and Cree are going to check out the auction table. And that's when Dwight is going to come up and tell them that they're doing it all wrong, that they're idiots. They haven't guessed the correct price of anything. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:31:26 And Kevin tries to correct Dwight, but Dwight is just taking over. He's just writing down a bunch of amounts and Kevin's like, oh, I find. Kevin has a talking head where he says Dwight doesn't understand what a silent auction is, which means he's the stupid guy in the office. Up till now, they didn't have one. Can I tell you, that was not the scripted talking head. It wasn't. It wasn't.
Starting point is 00:31:49 That was the candy bag alt. The scripted talking head was this. Huh, I know more than Dwight. You know what they say, even a clock is right once a day. Oh. And they went with the candy bag. Which is very funny because the saying is that a clock is right twice a day, a broken clock. It's right. It's not the same. I don't know. But yeah, I
Starting point is 00:32:13 thought this was a great example of when they actually went with one of the alts and didn't use the one that was in the shooting draft. Well, I really like the detail of seeing Dwight guessing prices in the background of Kevin's talking head. And I went to the script and I noticed that that was not scripted. That was a directing choice by Dave Rogers. And I absolutely loved it. It really added to the realism of the moment for me.
Starting point is 00:32:36 You know, my husband is very, very good at guessing prices of things. Like he would kill it on the prices, right? He would kill it. I went on the prices, right? I didn't make it up on the stage, but when I first moved to LA, you're in the audience. Yeah. I waited in line for hours with two of my friends. I got the little price tag with my name on it. It said Regina, because that's my legal name. They have to put your legal name on your price tag. And so I sat in the audience and I did my best to like wave and try to get up on stage. I really wanted to be on. I wanted to win money to like pay for my apartment.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Well, yeah. Because I just moved here. But you probably just put in one like a jet ski. And then you're like, what do I do with two jet skis? Well, poor Pam knows the fate of having two jet skis in her life that she doesn't want. But you know those things I heard that if you win like an actual prize, like a washer dryer or jet ski or something, before you can get your prize, you have to pay the taxes. So if you win two jet skis that are worth like $7,000, first you have to pay the taxes. Oh, you know, you get your jet skis, so worth like $7,000. First, you have to pay the taxes before you get your jet skis. So you get like a bill. Yeah, but I think you can also, I believe. Can you just say, can I just have the cash value?
Starting point is 00:33:53 I think you can. And then they deduct the taxes out of the cash value. I wonder how many people do that. And then now my brain is going to like, is there a giant warehouse of like rejected jet skis and washer and dryers? That's a good question. What do they do with the floor models of the things?
Starting point is 00:34:12 But also, they don't send you the thing that was in the actual episode, right? Don't they just send you something like direct? How do they get it to you? Oh my God, I have so many questions. There's so many questions about how game shows work. This is why you just want to go on press your luck and win the big bucks, right? There's no item you have to deal with. I want if you have to pay for shipment. So I won two jet skis. Now I got to pay for them to be delivered to my house where I have no place to store them. What do you do if you win one of the goats?
Starting point is 00:34:41 Goats? Yeah, remember on, um, let's make a remember on... Let's make a deal. Remember let's make a deal. Sometimes behind door number two, it would just be like a goat. Oh. That doesn't seem fair to the animal. Yeah, I mean does anyone take the goat? What's the cash value of a goat? I don't think I've ever seen that show.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Let's make a deal? Yeah, I've never seen it. Yeah, you win something and then you can trade it for whatever is behind door number one, two or three, but it's like a blind pick. Can you not trade if you don't want to trade? Yeah, you don't have to trade. You can just keep the thing you want. But usually something better is behind one of the doors. Like door number one will have, you know, like a new washing machine or like new kitchen appliances. Door number two will be like an all-expense paid vacation to the Bahamas and then door number three is goat.
Starting point is 00:35:30 You know, and you can pick it. You can say, I'm going to pick door number one. And then they say, are you sure you want door number one or do you want to trade like it's a psychological torture? Yeah, it sounds horrible. Yeah. And then you've got a poor goat in a door. You don't hear it. You don't hear the goat. It's a good question. I never thought about it. If you can hear the goat.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Or smell it. Okay. Well, we clearly do not produce game shows. Because if we did, maybe for good reason. Very mismanage. We'd get very hung up on the smallest details. I hope someone's hung up on the details. Where are we? I don't know. Oh, Andy is holding court with Aaron Pam, Jim and Ryan, and he's started, oh dear, talking about his rock opera. Yes, that he's been writing.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I'm sorry that he's been receiving. Yes, he's been receiving the rock opera. He's been speaking. Mm-hmm's been receiving the rock opera. Yeah. Disgust Orion, and it really made me laugh because he immediately goes, Andy's having a breakdown. Oh yeah. Oscar now has a storyline that is so funny.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I just was so tickled by Oscar Nunez's performance of this, like his joy. He's just giddy because he's chatting with the Senator, telling him that he loves animals, his dog Gerald is his whole life. And the Senator gives him his cell phone number. Tells him, you know what, the best time to call me is after 9 p.m. You know Angela goes to bed at like 8.30. You know she does. We got a letter about that Angela from Justine R in Naples Italy who said, In season 5, episode 1, Angela tells us, quote,
Starting point is 00:37:08 I have a nice comforter, a few cozy pillows. I usually read a chapter of a book and it's lights out by 830. Yes! And that's how I sleep at night. That's right! So it's true by 9pm, she is asleep. And the Senator is free to chat with Oscar. Oscar is a talking head where he says three things are now confirmed. He's right about the senator. He's still got it. And a poor Angela.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Yeah. Now Andy is gonna pitch his rock opera to Robert California. You mean Bobby? Bobo. Oh no. The rock opera is very convoluted. There's an evil figure named Thomas Organ, who
Starting point is 00:37:51 wants to destroy all the guitars in the world. Yeah. The hero of the story, we don't find out his name, is based on Andy. And Andy's going to sing us a few lines of the heroes, I guess, Ballad. Yeah, it goes something like this. We're flying so high, we're cracking the sky,
Starting point is 00:38:08 gonna fly out of this dome, my girlfriend and I. Meredith is like, hey, Gibroni, show some class. Yeah, Stanley also agrees he's a Gibroni. What is a Gibroni? I had to know, I'd never heard this term. Did you Google? Of course I Google too. I do. I mean, well, let's never heard this term. Did you Google? Of course I Googled it. I Googled too.
Starting point is 00:38:25 I mean, well, let's both cheer about it. All right, what'd you find? I found on in 2020 that Gibroni is officially in the dictionary. They added 650 new words in 2020 and Gibroni was one, which of course led me to what is the origin and meaning of Gibroni. Yeah and meaning of Gibroni? Yeah, I guess Gibroni means a foolish or contemptible person, and it has its origins in the Italian language.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Well, I had never heard this term before, Angela, but I guess the rock made it famous in the wrestling world. That's how it ended up in the dictionary was because he brought it into the popular vernacular. I have an audio clip. If you'd like to hear the rock throwing out some gibbonies, let's hear it. And then one of you gibbonies pulls the handles and there it is. One Brahma Bull, two Brahma Bulls, three Brahma Bulls! You gibbonies hit the jackpot and then all of a sudden you're jumping around like a bunch of idiots under tanker with his Mickey Mouse tattoos and his 33 pound head.
Starting point is 00:39:37 So this word caught fire in the wrestling community and I guess it caused a little bit of a stir though Angela Angela, because apparently the Iron Sheik was the first person to use this word and he would say this a bunch backstage. But when the rock came out with it, it became super popular. So the rock did actually give credit to the Iron Sheik for being the person who put it in his ear. Yes, I read that the rock said, talking about the iron chic, his impact on my career has been really profound. And the word jabroni is connected to me,
Starting point is 00:40:12 but when a lot of people think, oh, jabroni, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the rock's word. No, no, no, it's not my word. It's the iron chic's word. Classy. Classy. Credit where credit is to. That's right. You know what?
Starting point is 00:40:23 I mean, just from that clip, I feel like wrestling is so much yelling. It is a lot of yelling. What a yelling like you got to be your own hype man. Oh yeah, that's a big part of it. Wow. Okay. Well, Meredith knew what a Gibroni was, so did Stanley, and they tell Andy to stop being
Starting point is 00:40:40 one. And then, Andy accuses Stanley of being a Thomas Orrigan. And Robert says Andrew, I think this might have been a bad idea. Yeah. Why don't you let me pay for you and Aaron to go out to a great romantic dinner tonight. Andy's like, you don't need to pay for me. I'm doing just fine. Why don't you quit harsh and armello? Oh, Andy. Yeah. Robert asks him to leave. But instead, Andy is going to call over a waiter and he says, I'd like to purchase another
Starting point is 00:41:10 seat at this fundraiser. The waiter's like, I'm sorry, we only sell seats by the table. So Andy says, I'll purchase a table. A whole table. That's expensive. Expensive, but then as the episode continues, not only did he buy a whole table, but like, he wants to have all the salads served, like Andy come on. He's sitting there all by himself.
Starting point is 00:41:29 I've got some deets on our waiter guest star. He was played by Christian S. Anderson. He's also appeared on Key and Peel, Castle and Will and Grace. Nice. You know, when you see Andy sitting at the table and he's getting the pepper, you know, on his salad, you really get a great shot of those beautiful yellow flower arrangements in the center. The daffodils. The daffodils.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Mm-hmm. Lady in my digital clutter. I emailed you that I got to take one of the arrangements home. You did? Yes. Well, you know, there's a whole deleted storyline about Pam and Phyllis fighting over who gets to take a centerpiece home. It was a whole runner that got cut out of the episode.
Starting point is 00:42:12 That's so great. That's hilarious to me. Yeah. So I guess when we wrapped out, Phil had all these extra flowers and he gave them to anyone who wanted them and I took them home. Well, you know, I got curious about those daffodils because I thought they were so beautiful and I remembered that storyline with Phyllis. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I wanted to know how much money did they spend on those daffodils centerpieces? Because they are, by far, the most elaborate flowers I've ever seen in an episode of the show. Yeah. According to the internet, 100 daffodils cost about $150. I frees framed on one of the arrangements.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Did you count the daffodils? At least 40 in each one. Can your autobiography be called counting the daffodils? Yes. Yes it can. Yeah, that sums me up. It really does. So I'm thinking that with at least 40 daffodils
Starting point is 00:43:02 plus the basket plus the labor plus the markup on flowers. I think each one of these cost at least a hundred bucks. And there were so many we spent so much on flowers. I should have asked Steve Burgess what our flower budget was, but I'm telling you you got a nice arrangement Angela. I did. And I'm telling you you would have kicked ass on the prices right. Thank you. Thank you. I'm only they'd called on me. I know. Oscars now gonna return to his seat. He's so delighted.
Starting point is 00:43:29 He cannot wait to tell them the senator is hitting on him. Jim's like, you know what, Oscar? Okay, I think you're misinterpreting this. Oscars like, no, no, no, he gave me the look. And then he does the look. And Pam's like, whoa, oh my gosh. And Jim's like, come on. And Pam's like, twice, he did that twice.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And then Jim goes, okay guys, not every glance means something, all right. Life isn't Downton Abbey and Pam goes, life is Downton Abbey. It did make me look up some of the best quotes of the Dauroger Countess, aka Lady Violet Crawley. Okay. I found a website that said you can take Lady Violet Crawley's quotes and use them in business. Ooh, I'm intrigued. Okay, here's one. There's nothing simpler than avoiding people you don't like.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Avoiding one's friends. That's the real test. like avoiding one's friends. That's the real test. Every woman goes down the aisle with half the story hidden. Oh, it's the job of grandmothers to interfere. You are a woman with a brain and reasonable ability. Stop whining and find something to do. Business mantras from the Dowager Countess.
Starting point is 00:44:47 I don't see them necessarily as business mantras, but they do seem like a nice guide for introverts. I had a little catch in this episode, and you can really see it in this scene with Oscar and Jim and Pam, which is that I'm wearing the tennis bracelet that Jim gave Pam, which is that I'm wearing the tennis bracelet that Jim gave Pam for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:45:07 And I loved this detail. Phil Shea got it out. For this episode, he kept all of my jewelry in a little box. And whenever there was a fancy event, Pam would wear her tennis bracelet. I love it. It's Phil Shea, man, painting the picture. Mm-hmm. Well, we should take a break because when we come back, Jim is now going to go up to the
Starting point is 00:45:26 Senator to see if he gets his cell phone number two. That's right. All right, we are back. And Dwight is hard at work. He's guessing the price of all the auction items. He says this is like taking candy from a baby. I have a really fun catch in this scene. I love a fun catch.
Starting point is 00:45:53 What do you got? Did you notice the family photo on the auction table? Like I think probably it's, or like a family photo session with the talker. I saw that, that's what I thought. I thought it's like, oh, you get like a Sears photo package. Yes. I am pretty certain that the person in the photo is our on set dresser, Sean Farrell.
Starting point is 00:46:13 And I think that's his family. Oh, it's so cute. Cute. Yes. So cute. Well, now Andy is going to bump into David Wallace. And he's going to share with him that he got fired. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:46:24 And David's like, that's the best thing that happened to me. Yeah. He's getting fired. Mm-hmm. He poured himself into his sucket vacuum and guess what? The military bought it for $20 million. For $20 million dollars. And then David Wallace was like, you know what Andy, you got to move on.
Starting point is 00:46:40 You got to forget about Dunderclund. And that's where the scene ended. But there was more. Oh good, because we got a forget about Dunderclund. And that's where the scene ended, but there was more. Oh good, because we got a fan mail flurry about this scene. Oh, okay. Are you ready? Jason T from Houston, Texas says, it seems odd that David Wallace appears
Starting point is 00:46:55 without others noticing him. It's not like the banquet room is packed. Did some other things happen off camera? I mean, you'd assume Jim would spend some time catching up with David Wallace. And Teresa B. from New Jersey said, Are there deleted scenes that help explain David Wallace's presence? Hoping Angela can come through. Well, Teresa, Jason, I have a little something here that might explain it.
Starting point is 00:47:19 So the scene was scripted that Andy is actually exiting the restroom when he bumps into David Wallace. And the whole top of the scene is the same, but then David at the end says, point is, forget those guys, move on. And then Andy would have said, move on. I'm parting with them tonight. David says, really? Wow, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:41 That sounds very awkward to me. I don't think I would have come if I knew Dundermifland was coming. Hmm, then there's a beat and he goes, hey, but you know what, make sure you tell everyone, I sold Suck It for a ton of money, okay? See ya, and then he walks away. So it sounds like to me, he doesn't want to see the Dundermifland crew. He wouldn't have even come if you knew they were gonna be there.
Starting point is 00:48:04 How does he not know they're going to be there? Isn't it like common knowledge that Angela is the senator's wife? And also, I have to agree with Jason from Houston. This is not a large room. I mean, yeah. I can see everybody clearly. Yeah. Where is David sitting?
Starting point is 00:48:22 What about all of the hobnobbing that happened maybe pre-dinner or at the auction tables? There's so much hobnobbing at these things. Yes, there is. I know. Well, I think of the Dundermiffling crew he would have said hi to Jim. Yes. And while it might have been scripted that the scene takes place outside of a restroom, that was definitely not clear to me.
Starting point is 00:48:44 It looks like he's just right in the ballroom. Yeah. Well, I found it interesting in the script that David wouldn't have come if you knew the Dundermifling crew was there. What's his beef with the Dundermifling crew? He's moved on. He's moved on.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Well, now Nelly is gonna try to bond with Darrell. She's complaining about the food, said she'd give anything for just a burger or pizza pie or whatever else they like. Darryl suggests tacos. And it is so clear that Nelly has no idea what a taco is. Yeah, she has a talking head where she says she's never had a taco. She's hoping that they're not slimy and don't have eyes. I would like to say that Nelly pining away for different food really tracks if you look
Starting point is 00:49:30 at everybody's plate. I only saw myself eating at the table and I think I had requested a plate of vegetables but you'll notice that Jim's fish goes untouched the entire episode. So yeah. I could see how maybe Nelly wanted something else. I will tell you what's pretty gross is if you do like a 12-hour scene and you have like a meatloaf or something on a plate in front of you that you have to push around for 12 hours and pretend to eat. I couldn't believe that I don't have memories of the fish that was on John's
Starting point is 00:50:07 plate for all those scenes with me and John and Oscar. Because it's just sitting there the whole time. It never changes. Speaking of our table, Jim is going to return to the table. And guess what? He got the Senator's cell phone number. Yeah, he did. How about that Oscar? Well Oscar and Pam say Jim hasn't proven anything. All he's proven is that maybe the Senator thinks Jim is gay. Then they make fun of Jim's shoes. They say no gay man would wear those shoes. Yeah, Jim's like you bought me these shoes. Why are you making fun of my shoes? My shoes that you bought me. It was very funny. Robert California is now going to take to the podium.
Starting point is 00:50:48 He's going to speak about saving elderly dogs, who he calls heroes, fan catch from Timothy B. In Germany, background catch, when the senator is introducing Robert California, you can see Angela Malfa along the words. Yes, that was a choice I made. I improvised that. I just figured she would know his whole introduction. There's actually more in deleted scenes where he gets up and speaks and every time he does, the camera would find me and I would be saying all of his lines with him. I like that choice, that tracks. Thank you. We had a fan question from Megan W. in Massachusetts
Starting point is 00:51:23 who wanted to know, Angela, were there any deleted scenes or talking head alts during which Angela comments about this fundraiser being for dogs and not cats? I was surprised Angela's talking head about the fundraiser didn't include any snide remark. All we see is the side look that she gives to the dog during Robert California speech. Megan, that's such a good question. You know, I think she was so pleased to be part of a fundraiser event with her politician husband. And even though maybe it wasn't for anything she truly cares about, she still gets to be up front and center, right? So that's why I think there's no snarky comment in the talking head. But there's only one mention of Angela Martin's attitude towards the event in the shooting draft, and it happens when the senator is introduced. In the script it said, Robert
Starting point is 00:52:19 California says, why do we love dogs? And then there's this stage direction, angle on Angela, not buying the premise. And I remember, like when I read that, I was like, how do I convey that? And then I just, there was a dog right next to me. So I thought, oh, well, look at it, I'll roll my eyes, I'll be grossed out. The true Angela does bleed to the rear. Just for a little moment.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Mm-hmm. Andy is gonna interrupt Robert California's speech, and he is going to volunteer to take all of the elderly dogs home with him, and I guess adopt them. All of them? Yes. It's so many dogs. Well, now we're gonna see Andy.
Starting point is 00:53:02 He's with the animal welfare volunteer who's walking him through the different various needs of these dogs. They all have special needs. One of the dogs, Kenny, is a therapy dog and he's really bonding with Andy. And the animal welfare volunteer says, you know what? He must think you're in the midst of an emotional crisis. Yes. Our animal welfare volunteer was played by Andrew Segunda. He was a writer on late night with Conan O'Brien and the Goldbergs. He also played Dr. Ewing in the League,
Starting point is 00:53:37 and he co-hosts a Star Trek, the next generation rewatch podcast called Star Trek, the Next Conversation. Oh, I'll also have you know, we did not shoot these scenes at the hotel. Haley, who asked us about locations, this room was a set that we built on the warehouse stages. And we also got a fan question from Katie Jo B, an Indiana and Nicole L from Canada who said, please tell us everything about the senior dogs. Are they from the normal animal training rental company?
Starting point is 00:54:07 Were all the dogs actors or were any of them actual rescues at the time? Well, guys, all the dogs came through, Bob done. Not really a surprise there. They were not rescues. They were working dogs. We had three trainers to take care of the six dogs. They worked for two days, one day on this little set that we built,
Starting point is 00:54:27 and one day at the Marriott and the total cost for the dogs and trainers was about $6,000. I also asked Steve Burgess if he had the doggy headshots for each of our dog actors. And he did. Bella was played by Scout, and the other dog actors were Lucy Monkey, Langley, Bullet, and Duke. I will put their headshots and stories. Steve said when they talked to the animal trainers about what each dog would have to do, these were the dogs that they recommended for those roles.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I see, I love that. They were cast based on their ability. Yes, they had their specialties. Oh dear, guess what's gonna happen now? The senator is gonna give Meredith his cell phone number. Well, that blows Oscars theory. That's right. Jim still has an eatenus fish, I tracked it.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Oscars now gonna have a talking head where he says, he's not disappointed that Angela's husband wasn't hitting on him. He'd have to be a monster to root for that. A lonely aging monster. Mm, poroscar. Darrell returns with tacos, and Nelly doesn't know how to eat one.
Starting point is 00:55:31 It's like she's, I don't know, scooping the ingredients into her mouth from the shell. She's not biting into the shell. We got a fan question from Gen G in Kentucky who said, I'm a theater professor and I specialize in women in comedy and improv.
Starting point is 00:55:47 And this episode has one of my favorite bits of physical clowning in the entire series. And it is when Nelly tries to eat a taco. I desperately need to know how she came to this bit, to what degree it was scripted, and to what degree it emerged from the magical mists of Catherine Tate's fabulous mind. Well, Jen, this taco eating was scripted. Here's what it said. Quote, Nelly picks up the taco, unsure how to eat it, then puts it to her mouth sideways with her finger pushes the filling down her throat. And then this little bit got cut. It said, Nelly holds the empty shell and looks around and says,
Starting point is 00:56:25 savory, is there a plate for the shells? So this was a combo platter of scripting and also though, of course, Catherine Tates' interpretation of what was scripted. Yeah. Well, her attempt at trying to eat a taco, it tugs on Daryl's heartstrings. He's starting to soften. He has a talking head and he says she's trying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:49 It's time now to announce the auction winners. Guess what, guys? Dwight wins the first item and the second and the third. Well, you know what, guess what? He's won them all. Yes, the MC says I'm going to save us some time. And just announced that Dwight Shrew won everything and they are so grateful for his donation of over $34,000.
Starting point is 00:57:11 It's the largest they've ever received. Thus begins a standing ovation, started by Jim. Oh yeah. It was scripted that Jim would start the ovation and yell speech, but I personally love John's choice of also being the last person standing in clapping. Yeah. Oh, I feel like I should let you know our MC guest star was played by Elizabeth Payne, who was our writer, Hallstead Sullivan's high school prom date.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Ah. Hallstead said he had nothing to do with her casting. She's a working actor. He didn't even know that she got cast on the show and was in this episode until they screened this episode for the writers. Come on! Yeah, he said, you know, if you weren't the writer of the episode, you stayed in the writer's room most of the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:53 So, yeah. He said Elizabeth is also a successful voice actress. She voiced the pre-crime voice in the minority report. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And if you watched the first season of Ugly Betty, she played the mysterious masked woman on the show. I guess there was a woman on the show
Starting point is 00:58:13 who had plastic surgery to change her identity and no one knew who she was. And when she was finally unmasked, she was played by Rebecca Romaine. But before that, it was Elizabeth Payne. Hmm. Well now Dwight's gonna go up and make his speech. Everyone's chanting speech, speech.
Starting point is 00:58:31 He says he's really proud to support whatever this is, and that money is no concern to him. But when did it all become about money? He's trying to get out of it. Yes. He says, what did we spend on the flower arrangements? So, white wine, sprinters, how many courses did they have tonight? Three, if they chose pudding, and they should be ashamed of themselves.
Starting point is 00:58:52 What a waste! They're here for the dog society. And that's what's important. That is his donation. Good night. And he runs out of the room. Do you think he ever paid the money? No. You don't think. I don't think. I think the whole event was like a debacle. As the evening starts to wrap up, Oscar is going to say goodnight to the senator, and the senator says, don't forget to call. And then he lets his hand linger down
Starting point is 00:59:18 as Oscar's arm. He brings his hand from the shoulder to the wrist with a series of little squeezes, suggestive squeezes. That was all scripted, but he would run his hand down Oscars arm. Well, Oscar has a talking head where he's like, I still got it basically, and oh my God, I feel a bit for Angela. Why does this always happen to me? Ha!
Starting point is 00:59:43 Andy is now learning to put a diaper on one of the new dogs, and that's when Jim and Pam and Kevin and Aaron come in to check on him, and he's like, I'm doing great! Doing great! We got a fan mail flurry about this scene, Ainsley said it was maybe our biggest fan mail flurry yet. You're kidding, the whole time? The whole time of the whole series that we've been rewatching. Please tell me what it was. You're kidding. The whole time? Of the whole series that we've been rewatching.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Please tell me what it was. At the end of the fundraiser, when we see all the dogs that Andy has adopted, you can see Andy and April's three-legged dog champion from Parks and Rec. Oh, wow! Yeah. So people notice that we used the same dog as champion in Parks and Rec. Famous dog spotting basically, fan mail flurry. Kevin is gonna try to be the voice of reason again in the scene. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:34 And no one's really listening. Kevin has a talking head race that sometimes he thinks the people he works with are idiots. Sometimes meaning all times. All the times, every of the time. In our tag for this episode, we're gonna learn that the dogs have been, I guess, divided up between different folks at Dunder Mithland, Darryl has Pepper, Kevin has Ruby, so Aaron and Andy didn't end up with all 12 dogs. But they probably have a couple.
Starting point is 01:01:02 They have more than one, for sure. Because no Angela didn't take one. Well Pam and Jim didn't clearly take one. We learn the most about Kevin's dog Ruby. He says she's a good girl. She doesn't eat or poop. She just lays there. It's very clear that everyone thinks maybe she's dead. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he says she smells really bad, but he's afraid that if he puts her in a bath, she'll drown because, you know, even to watch TV, he has to properize open. And then there's a very cute scene with Kevin Ann Ruby. They're laying on the floor together. He tells her that everyone is so interested in her and they must be jealous and she just starts licking him and it's so cute.
Starting point is 01:01:44 And she's not dead. She's not dead. She just likes to nap and doesn't like to bathe. Or eat or poop. Yeah. We had a fan question from Brendan W. and Indianapolis Indiana who said regarding the ending scene about Kevin's dog Ruby. We're led to believe that his dog is dead but he just doesn't realize it.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Was it originally intended to end that way? Where Ruby is truly dead? Or was it always the right or intent for the dog to actually be alive? Well, Brendan, it was always the intent that she was actually alive. Yes. I did wonder myself in that final scene with Kevin if maybe the dog started looking his face like like and we kept it, but it was supposed to end with him just talking to this Comato's dog. Yeah, but no that was a whole little trick that they taught the dog to kiss his face on that certain word Isn't that amazing? Yeah, I know. So yeah scripted and achieved dog actors They're very impressive. Mm-hmm. Well, there you have it folks that's fundraiser. Thank you so much for listening and sending in your questions and comments. Thank you
Starting point is 01:02:50 to Steve Burgess and Hallstead Sullivan for sharing with us such fun behind the scenes details. And thank you for all your questions, some great fan catches in this episode. Really good ones. We'll see you next week. Bye! Thank you for listening to Office Ladies. Office Ladies is produced by Earwolf, Jennifer Fisher, and Angela Kinsey. Our senior producer is Cassie Jerkins. Our in-studio engineer is Sam Keeper. Our editing and mixing engineer is Jordan Duffy,
Starting point is 01:03:19 and our associate producer is Ainsley Bubbaco. Our theme song is Rubber Tree by Creed Bratton.

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