On Display with Melissa Gorga - All-Out Cabral! (w/ Danielle Cabral)

Episode Date: February 27, 2025

This week Melissa invites the amazing momager and one of the realest girls in Jersey, Danielle Cabral, to talk about the one and only moment that Danielle requested to cut from RHONJ, why the dirtiest... castmates on the show really have nothing to fall back on, and what she thinks is next for the beloved franchise.  Melissa and Danielle also share their thoughts on how Dolores is playing The Traitors game, whether they would want to be traitors or faithfuls, and why Danielle would have a hard time playing a low-pro game.  This week's sponsors: Apartments.com - The Place to Find a Place: www.Apartments.com Booking.com - Find the Stay That's Ridiculously Right for You - www.Booking.com Happy Mammoth - Feel Like Yourself Again: www.HappyMammoth.com , promo code: MELISSA (15% off) Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free) Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool: www.Progressive.com Sono Bello - Winter Savings Event: www.SonoBello.com/Melissa

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of on display is brought to you by booking.com booking. Yeah Every time I use booking.com to find a place to stay in the US I know they'll have exactly what I'm looking for They have a huge variety of options from hotels to vacation rentals and I'm always able to find something that fits my specific needs I've found that booking.com has something for everyone Find exactly what you're looking for on booking.com Booking. Yeah What's up guys welcome to another episode On Display. I miss you all so much. I wasn't around last week and I really miss talking to all my listeners because I love you guys.
Starting point is 00:00:51 And I have met people by the way in Wyoming, like I feel like I was on another part of the earth because it was so gorgeous out there that were walking up to me and they're like, we love listening to your podcast and it made me so happy. So just had to jump in there and say, what's up Wyoming? Hey guys. But besides for that, before we get into the Jersey girl that I have with me today, first off, I need to give a huge congratulations to the Fudas on having their second baby boy.
Starting point is 00:01:24 And I am so excited for them. photos on having their second baby boy. And I am so excited for them. Beautiful little Lorenzo is here. And I love his middle name, Antonio. By the way, everyone always mistakes Antonia's name and calls her Antonio. And I'm like, no, it's Antonia. But anyway, I am like so excited and over the moon for them.
Starting point is 00:01:44 He looks so much like his big sis But anyway, I am like so excited and over the moon for them. He looks so much like his big sis from the pictures that I see. And I'm just so happy for them that they finally have their little baby boy here. I know John Fuda was so excited to have his little Lorenzo. So congrats to them and their beautiful family. That is just so special and so exciting. I know Rachel's not going to get a lot of sleep for the next couple months, but you know, that's how it goes. And my second congratulations to little Frankie Jr. He got engaged over the weekend and there's
Starting point is 00:02:19 just photos everywhere. And I feel like I've known Frankie since he was the most handsome little six year old I've ever seen in my life and I cannot believe he's engaged. So congrats a little Frankie and I cannot wait to see what type of mother-in-law Dolores Catania is gonna be like, what do you guys think? Let me know because I'm so curious. But jumping right into my Jersey girl we got in the house today. She's a businesswoman. She's an incredible mom and momager.
Starting point is 00:02:52 She's the one who shoots it straight and sometimes uses her fist on the Real Housewives of New Jersey. I have the one and only Danielle Cabral with me today. Only took her three years to get me here, but here we are. Thanks for the invite. Finally. You're welcome. And I thought I've had you before. And I always say like, Oh, yeah, Danielle's been on the show. But like, I cannot believe that you have it.
Starting point is 00:03:13 And I would watch your podcast and support you. And she's like, Who hasn't been on the show? Oh, Danielle's been here. And I'm on my computer like, No, you haven't asked me to come on podcast. So well, thank you for supporting and listening. I appreciate that. I like that when you guys like listening and you want to hear if we're saying anything about you, right? You want to hear like the school, what's going on. I listen to when you don't have any of girls armed. I listen all the time. Oh, good. I love that. Thank you. One thing I will say about Danielle, guys, in case,
Starting point is 00:03:43 you know, people don't know this about her. You are extremely supportive when it comes to supporting the other girls and like, especially me as well with like our businesses and if there's something good that you see goes on business wise and family wise too. You're very quick to text or call and say congratulations. And I love that about you. You're like, you know, you're a girl's girl in the way that you like root for people to do well, because you also have like aspirations and passions in your life. And I feel like you get excited and happy genuinely when you see it for other people. Yes. There's a lane for everybody in this business. And I think when we're pitted up against each other
Starting point is 00:04:27 already from the get-go, it's nice to just say, do good, I wanna see you do good. Plus I wanna learn from you. I wanna know how you do that. Tell me how you do that because I'm gonna do it my way, but I like to learn and I want everybody to succeed. Down to like how your houses look. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Like I remember coming to your house and seeing your coffee machine, like I want these things, you know, so why am I going to pretend to be not happy for you? I love how much you love the coffee machine. I think it was, you had like a whole 10 minute episode over my built-in coffee machine, which I thought was so... I want you to get that coffee machine one day. I'm going to get it. I want you to get that.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Okay. What was, when you like first got on the show and you started getting like success and money, although you had money already, so wait, that's a rewind. Your own like success money, what was the one thing you bought? So I will say like, yes, we lived well before Housewives, but it wasn't necessarily the money that I was putting in the bank. So I married Joe as a college.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I literally graduated college and married Joe all in the same year. So I never made my own money outside of my jobs that I made, little jobs to go through college and tanning salons. And I worked as like a secretary. So when I really started making my own big money, for honestly, I wanted to save a lot of it. Like I kept like, I wanted to watch the money pile up. You still do though. You told me that you still like doing that.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Right? I do. I like to save my money, but you know, I spend, I'm a spender now, forget it. Like, it's kind of like we're at a point now where it's like, sometimes I pay the mortgage, sometimes he pays the mortgage, sometimes I pay G and then it's like, we have one account, but it's like, you know, it gets, that's where it gets a little complicated. But my first big purchase, what was it? It was probably knowing me it was probably a bag. Like I'm a bag girl. I love a nice bag.
Starting point is 00:06:33 I always have a nice bag. So if I'm going to spend it's usually on a bag because Joe will buy me my jewelry. I love jewelry. But that's a Joe gift. Like I like when someone buys and I grew up like that. Like my dad always bought my mother a piece of jewelry. Like I feel like it needs to come from somebody or it's not as good.
Starting point is 00:06:52 So a bag, I would say, what did you buy? You're making your own money now. Did you buy yourself a bag? I bought a bag too. I actually bought, so Nate and I always wanted the matching Louis Vuitton backpacks. So I bought one for Nate for his 40th and then I bought one for myself.
Starting point is 00:07:07 So we walked to the airport, so cool, with the Louis Vuitton backpacks. I actually love that, that's a good idea. See, that's nice. I like that and you feel good. Like you're like, I worked for this. Like I bought this. It's like, I know.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And I know you're not like, you're not big on like, like everyone loves labels, but I don't think that's like the most important thing to you all the time either, right? Is like labels and I don't know. Not, no, it's not the most important. I'd rather spend all of my money on booking like a VIP Disney trip where like I get whisked away
Starting point is 00:07:42 and don't have to wait on lines. I'd rather, I could literally spend 20 grand on that over like a designer bit. Like that stuff makes me happy. Right. Well, that's that's a fact. I mean, that's so worth it for speaking of Disney. Talk to me about your daughter for a second. How is she little Valentina? She's like a little superstar. How are your kids? What's going on over there? They're great. They're, Dom's got a girlfriend. I just witnessed him hand deliver flowers and her favorite cake.
Starting point is 00:08:13 It was the most beautiful moment. They thought the other mother filmed it. He threatened me, but he was beaming. And I was so happy to witness that first encounter for both of them. And she was standing at the door like Darla remember Darla from Little rascals she was like yes It was so beautiful it was beautiful how old is he he's 10. Oh my god. That is so cute
Starting point is 00:08:40 See, that's a moment. You'll never forget that moment ever ever ever. That's so cute I actually I wrote I have a book that I wrote for both kids since they're born and I write all the monumental things That is so cute. See, that's a moment. You'll never forget that moment ever, ever, ever. That's so cute. No, I actually, I wrote, I have a book that I wrote for both kids since they're born and I write all the monumental things and I'm going to give it to them on their wedding day. And I wrote down, I took a piece of like the box from the cake and a flower and put it in the book for him because that was a moment. Like they're both their firsts in a way.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I love that. I love that. I love that. And how's little Valentina? Well, she's exactly what you would think. I put them in the bathroom the other night and I said, you can curse as long as you're in the bathroom and just whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And I put the camera up and my son was like, oh my God, shit. Valentina was like, Oh my god, shit. Valentina was like this. And I'm like, me and Ada like, okay. So that's Valentina auditioning movies. I know. Didn't she get like a commercial of some sort? Like there's something going on that way. Tell me. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Yeah, she came out already. She filmed a commercial in Ohio. I had to miss it. I had a gig and I couldn't go. I was destroyed. But Nate took her. She auditioned two, three times a week, made your motion pictures that we have to like sign NDAs for
Starting point is 00:10:02 because they're like big time. It's like, imagine like you and I growing up as little girls had a stage mom, like us now, but like showing us as young girls the ropes. Me and you, we'd be the Kathy and Walt Woody actresses by now. You know what I mean? For real. Yes. My mother would never drive me to New York City and go to a GOSI and like wait online for hours. And I was like, I just want to do it. I want to be on stage.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I want to sing. I want to dance. I want to... And she would never, she's like, oh stop, go watch cartoons with your strawberry shortcake tray. Like literally. That would never happen. But now it's not, you don't have to go into the city.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Now you film everything. So we filmed the video, I cut and edit the audition. I sent it to our agent and they upload it like that. Well, that's amazing. Like that is, oh my God, you could do that all day long and not have to leave your house. You don't spend travel and gas. And then there's no one to pick your son up from school.
Starting point is 00:11:04 And like, this is like a whole different world. That's insane. That's awesome. Yeah, yeah, it's great. It's so, and she liked it, but she's super cool. She's like, mom, she's so talented, but she's like, all right, I gotta do it, just put the camera up, go.
Starting point is 00:11:18 And she just gets it. She gets it. See, that's how it's gotta be. Just natural, there's no stress. She's like, come on, hurry up. Let's like make natural. There's no stress. She's like, come on, hurry up. Let's like make this happen and keep it moving. That's like she's born with it. And I do say that to you. I've said this to you before. I'm like, this is your meal ticket, honey. Don't bet on the Real Housewives New Jersey for life. Like, this
Starting point is 00:11:37 is your meal ticket right here. Oh, yeah, we say that all the time. All the time. That's my meal ticket. She's gonna do and she has no like, when I was her age, I was like, oh my God, I'm an extra. She's like, I'm not doing that. I don't have a speaking part. I'm not doing it. I'm like, okay. Yeah, she's-
Starting point is 00:11:55 Really? Yeah. She's a tough cookie when it comes to that. She's bougie. She's totally bougie. She's totally bougie. And she's enjoying it all, right? Like that's what she wants to do. Like that's it. Like that's it.
Starting point is 00:12:07 No, that's definitely not it. She's got a million other things she wants to do, but that one's going to, you know, pay the bill, baby. So we're going to go with that. And she's so cute. I've always said that since I met her. I'm just like, she just has that personality. So good for her. I'm gonna keep watching and cheering her on because I feel like I'm gonna say I knew her one day, be asking you for some tickets to come see something. You know, so. Yes, can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:12:33 How's Nate? How's Nate doing? Your hubby, Nate, how's he doing? Great, he's all over the place with Flash. His business is doing awesome. He's everywhere. So he's awesome, doing great. Good. Is he like over all the Real Housewives of New Jersey drama? I mean, listen, we've had a minute to kind of like sit back and breathe and just everyone's kind of like doing their own thing
Starting point is 00:12:58 right now, working hard at whatever they're working hard at and hustling or whatever. But at whatever they're working hard at and hustling or whatever. But do you guys feel like the both of you are kind of like over that like, you know, dirty feeling that we were getting just because of all the back stuff that was going on and all that like talk that was going on? How do you guys feel right now as far as the show goes? Well, I feel great. I feel like God Delivered multiple ways, you know yeah, going through all that going through the dirty and Being like silenced in a way where like in your core you're like, that's not the truth. What is happening? What is happening? You're like dear God just please let the world see the real.
Starting point is 00:13:45 And then when it does come out and they see it, you feel good. You feel like, like you could breathe, you know? And I think not filming made us focus on what we were really focusing on before the cameras went up. So you know, over it, you never really over it, cause it doesn't ever really stop, but the, the, the, the feeling of like, and they get the mic and you're like, you know, like that.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Here it comes. Here it comes. You got to put your game face on. Here it comes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, that, and, and what sucks is, I mean, I don't know any other way. When I started with Rachel, I've always had that feeling of like, ugh. And I've heard other housewives talk about it and it's similar, but it's not to the extent
Starting point is 00:14:36 that we experienced, you know? Like, I mean, whew, yeah. Our show was dirty. How do you say it? That's what our show was. Dirty, yeah. Our show was dirty. How do you say it? That's what our show was. Dirty. Dirty. Yeah, like that.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Like that. Because obviously there was a lot going on, but I totally hear you. Lipo used to be such a bad word, but we're also supposed to act like we love every part of our bodies. It's BS. Whether it's cold weather that's prevented you from working out or the extra weight gain you can't cut after having a kid, getting your body back is so hard and I get it. That's why you guys should check out Sonobello.
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Starting point is 00:16:40 potential savings will vary. Not available in all states or situations. What did I say to you from day one about the other girls are like, I know you're very happy that people are getting exposed for who they really are and the whole jersey mics of it all and everything. It's like from day one, I said, this is a nasty, not a good human. I've said it since day one. Everybody did. Everybody did. And what's sick is I was really genuinely friends. I genuinely-
Starting point is 00:17:17 I know. I could never understand it either. I was like, what is happening? My best friends, my mother, everybody in my life was like, girl, you okay? Are they giving you something? I'm like, I like them. I like them. I know. And I was better friends. I was better friends to each of them individually than they are to each other.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Oh, it's out. I agree with that. I agree with that. And that we'll just see as time goes on. It'll just fizzle, fizzle, fizzle. You know, like that's a whole nother subject. No, it should be in the boxes. It should be like turn. Take a picture. I'm here. Just gotta cut the tree. Just take a picture with me like a bow stick. I know. It's so annoying and so obvious and it's just all about like take the camera out,
Starting point is 00:18:03 take the camera out, take the camera out. It's just, it's just whatever. And I couldn't be happier honestly that everything got exposed even with what got exposed online. That was my own personal, like Danielle, you, you, I mean, you know how long I remember you calling me even in the beginning when things were weird, not just you, Rachel, whoever, like the shit that was going on online would like take the souls from us because it was like 24 hours a day. And we'd be like, where are they getting this from? And why is it such a strong,
Starting point is 00:18:33 like are these people working for someone? Because it was like, they cared way too much, you know? There's still a few out there that care way too much. There's still a few out there that are just like, come on, you care way too much. There's still a few out there that are just like, come on, you care way too much. It's just, it is what it is. I'm glad all that happened because I didn't get a taste of that my first year, but then the meanness of everything, it's like you experience this probably with your daughter. I haven't gotten there yet with V, but like the meanness of girls happens at 16, 17,
Starting point is 00:19:06 when they just, they got shit going on inside of them. But to have it happen when you're in your late 30s and 40s and you're like, well, you know, it builds you up to be a different human. And I honestly, now knowing who these people are doing it and seeing actually what they like their lives are like, they're normal. Me and you go out and it's like, I love you.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I fucking love you. That's normal people. You know? Right. That's normal. Happy friends. Like, you know, we're not sitting there commenting all day on like ridiculous things on social. That's when you start to realize realize like you even sit back and you
Starting point is 00:19:46 say to yourself like, I used to stress over that, like thing they said like that used to stand you like laugh at yourself for a minute. You're like, can't believe I even thought about that for two seconds because it's, it's such a joke. And it's like, we still have, you know, there's people that like they talk about us Danielle, still the show hasn't been on in a minute and we're not filming right now nothing and it's like it's just still I guess I think that's a good thing. Like they always say like you're nobody until you have haters. So you know, I'm doing great. We're all doing great.
Starting point is 00:20:16 It's the same thing along the lines of like, oh, and it rains on your wedding day. It's good luck. You just say that so the bride doesn't have a nervous breakdown. But realistically, who the hell wants to hear somebody talking about how they, I'm poor, I'm this, I'm ugly. Like that ain't fucking normal to be sitting there reading that, that's why you have to like really separate yourself, because I don't know how it was for you in the beginning, but for me, not anymore. But when it was going on, it started affecting how I was as a mom and a
Starting point is 00:20:50 wife because I felt less than and I was like, wait, what is happening right now? You know, it hurts. It does. But then you see who it is. Here, like, did I really give a shit? Like, look at my life. And you always, I always try to remind the new girls that too. I'm just like, take it with a grain of salt. You never know where it's coming from. They would do anything to switch places. And you know, you have to like kind of give them some cooth because, you know, because of that.
Starting point is 00:21:19 But yeah, that's always the non-fun part of being on Housewives and being on just reality TV in general, which speaking of which, I don't think, and this is one of the things I wanted to ask you, I don't think the Real Housewives of New Jersey is ever, because I know you've always wanted to do TV work, right? You've always wanted to kind of, you've put yourself out there, you've done other shows before. I did Two Wives, I did a house show, I did a Food Network show. I was on TV forever.
Starting point is 00:21:48 So the Housewives of New Jersey is not where you really envisioned yourself landing, I don't think. Right? Or am I wrong about that? Would you ever envision that? Honestly, when you found that I was coming on the show, were you like, what the fuck are they thinking? Be honest. Like I did think you were going to be a little bit of a fish out of water just because I know your vibe and I was like, I don't think this is what she wants to do. You know, like I, and not knowing you that well. But then to be honest, as I got to know you a little more, I'm like, I kind of like, like someone who's not exactly the same or like has like, I kind of enjoyed a different
Starting point is 00:22:29 take on things. And you don't really have that different of a take. I feel like you and I actually, we do think alike a lot of the time as well. I just knew that that wasn't what you weren't trying to be like a housewife. That's just I just don't think you were. Am. Am I right about that? I'm right about that. Yeah, you're so right. I was supposed to do another show with casting at ITV.
Starting point is 00:22:53 It was actually with Michelle Batu. Then COVID happened. And she's like, can't you just have a show that I want you to talk to you about? I'm like, what the fuck? A game show? I'm not doing another game show. And she talked to us, I was wise. I said, I'm sorry, what, are you saying, me?
Starting point is 00:23:11 She's like, yes, they want something different. And then I was like, all right, whatever, you go down this road of auditioning for things so many times, and then it happened weeks and weeks and months and months. Then they come to the house to do a walkthrough, which I didn't know was like a really cool thing. You know, so when they came to my house,
Starting point is 00:23:29 I had a whole setup. I actually put their, I think it was our three executives that came. I put their initials. I had their initials on the napkins. I had my fine china. I had a florist come and decorate. And then I gave them a mozadele bowl.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I gave them a mozadelle bowl as a favor. Nobody ate a thing. Nobody ate a thing. But. No, they were like, what is happening here? That probably got you on the show, honestly, because they were like, this is so funny. Like, she's giving us Muzzadelle before we leave
Starting point is 00:24:02 as like a party favor. We just need to do a walkthrough and just like yeah, how this house is set up Well, don't forget. I knew some of them already from being in the industry and like creating all these ideas and shows and concepts I knew these names. So like I was really excited to have them come in my house, you know, not even a housewives related I was just like yo, this is cool Like I've been trying to pitch to you for years and you're in my home. It was just, it was a very cool moment for me. And I accomplished at the moment, like, aha, I got you.
Starting point is 00:24:35 It was cool. It was cool. I filmed myself during that whole process too. So maybe one day, you know how they used to have like the each true Hollywood stories? Yes. I have behind the scenes footage of that whole process. It's riveting. I cannot. I'm sure it is. And I wish they would bring back the e-true Hollywood stories because those were my absolute favorite things to watch. I can't believe they haven't brought them back yet. I loved those. And actually I saw something to watch. I can't believe they haven't brought them back yet.
Starting point is 00:25:06 I loved those. And actually, I saw something last night. I just happened to have Channel 5 on last night, and it was a show that came up that I guess he does this. He interviews big celebs about their life, and Bethany Frankel came on last night. And she was giving her whole story of how she started and how she ended.
Starting point is 00:25:24 And it was so interesting. I'm like, why don't they keep, why don't they do this anymore? Like it's awesome going off on a hinge here, but I loved that. Okay. So then you get on Housewise, like honestly, has your life changed from getting on Housewise? Like what is different for you right now? People getting the doors that never opens for me open. So I went to a really wonderful summit and expo with some of like the top creators in our industry for like television shows. And they like these top name execs were like coming up to me and I'm like like, oh you're the executive of Amazon Studios
Starting point is 00:26:07 They're like, yeah who's coming back? Oh my what all they care about They care about it one goes to show how our show transcends across so many different people and they love it and to That was cool for me. You know, like people coming up to me and saying, hi, like big successful names that I admire their careers were giving me their emails and giving me their numbers.
Starting point is 00:26:37 And for me, that's the best. Yes, I go out, I get recognized and fans come up and it's so cool. Social media work has, I mean, been a whole other stream of revenue for me, which is phenomenal, but it's just getting in those doors that I was trying to freaking barricade down
Starting point is 00:26:56 for so many years that now it's like, oh, Danielle Cabral from the housewives? What the hell does she want? You know, but they, I get the responses and that's what is the best for me. You have a title now, you have a title now. It kind of helps. How annoying is it though?
Starting point is 00:27:13 Everywhere we go, everywhere. I didn't know this half, who's coming back? Is it true? Are the rumors true? Are you back? When is the show coming back? When's the show coming back? I'm like, people just want the real housewives of New Jersey back. Like, I don't know how else to
Starting point is 00:27:28 tell Bravo or anybody like all day, every day. That's all they ask me. And then I'm sure you're seeing all these like articles coming out and the rumors coming out. And don't you think it's so funny though, that anytime anything ever spills, right? Or like any gossip that comes out about our show or whatever it is, is never anybody who likes me. So I just think it's still, it's always very obvious that it's like, no one's from my camp. Here's the thing, the people that like you, Melissa, have a fucking life. Outside of housewives have beautiful families and they like you and they're like,
Starting point is 00:28:09 I like Melissa so much and I'm not gonna get on here and talk bullshit. The people that don't like you said to their whole lives around talking about everything that all of us are doing and make a career out of it. Imagine that. Imagine your career is talking shit about other women. Imagine that?
Starting point is 00:28:27 No, no, I feel bad for those people. And you hit the nail right on the head, and we've probably talked about this before, but my fans are different. They're not gonna tell the other side they hate them all day long. They just don't do it. They don't do it.
Starting point is 00:28:44 They just stay quiet, but when they see me, they're great to me long. They just don't do it. You know, they don't do it. They just stay quiet. But when they see me, they're they're great to me. And they're great to all of us and whatever it is. But it's it's rough out in the streets. Like, I told you about my dickhead folder, right? Did you start the dickhead folder yourself? No, wait, tell me the dick. What's that? I have on my phone, it's a dickhead folder
Starting point is 00:29:06 and there's multiple people. Some people actually have their own folder with their names in it, okay? And I keep in there screenshots of things that I see with people that may be around in my circle. And then when they come up to me and they're like, I love you, I'm like, wait, hold on, is this you dickhead? And I show them the text that they wrote online about me.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I'm not kidding. I have a whole folder. Wait, you've met some of the dickheads? Yeah, can you see it? Dickheads? Oh wow. Wait, guess who's got one under the name evil. She's got a whole fucking folder.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Let me tell you, I could probably add, I can add to your dickhead folder. I, we could talk outside of this. I can add to you about like 15 people to your dickhead folder. The best is wait when they're dicks, but then they walk, then they come up to you and like, we love you, we love you on this show. And like the fact that you could just pull up your dickhead folder. Oh yeah. You know, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Sometimes I'll go in and I'll post the picture of them with me smiling onto the comment that they talk shit about. Okay. Wow. Wow. Come on, you're that good. You figure it all out. Like I get dizzy after a while.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I'm like, I don't, I can't, like I don't have time for this fucking shit. If people in my circle, people that I know in my area. So if I run into them, I could call right out on this shit. Well, I love it. See, that's the way to be Danielle's like, don't mess with me guys. I got you right in the dickhead folder. And that's gonna be that. I mean, speaking of like Housewives and this whole reality TV thing, was there anything that you ever like cringed about
Starting point is 00:30:50 or like wanted out of the show or tried to get out of the show? Yes, and it had to do with you. So, with me? We were in the studio. Yeah, it was when I was, we were doing that post show thing, I was with Jen and we were talking.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I was being really catty and I had said, yeah, well, Melissa got an outfit from me and she never paid me for it. And Jen was like, really? And I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And it was so against everything I would say. And I got in the car and I called the producer immediately and I was like, listen, I never ask you guys
Starting point is 00:31:27 to remove anything, please remove that because that's just not me and I don't care about that. Okay, okay, sure as shit, it aired, it came out. And the minute it came out, my phone goes, and you And you bet like how's that bitch there's your third I know exactly my point and i'm like, oh god, why did I do that? You know why I was talking about the plastic hangers of it all? Well, I was trying to make a little clean drama. I'm like, we can fight over the hanger.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I always try to find things like that instead of like, your husband cheated on you. You know what I mean? It's like, let's fight over the fucking plastic hangers. Let's, let's do that. You know, Unless the husband did cheat on you and if the husband did cheat on you and you're coming into our territory, we're going to talk about it. But if the husband didn't cheat on you and we, we make that, that's not cool, but we can do that. True, true. But I love that that was your one thing you wanted out. Thank you. I appreciate that. And I think, oh my God, this is always a cringy moment, but you know what? I love the fact that you heard the little ding and there goes the Venmo. Boom. There it is. You actually put a part too.
Starting point is 00:32:55 You like Venmo me with a heart and I was like, oh shit, she's fucking giving it to me right now. Hell yeah. I should have Venmo'd you with like the kissy face. Here you go, doll. Yes, I should have. Here's your 30 bucks. Oh, deserved, deserved. Oh God. One of the hardest parts of getting older
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Starting point is 00:36:10 right, on the Real Housewives of New Jersey. We don't know. The truth is we don't know. Everyone keeps asking us. We don't have any answers, guys. We really don't know. The one thing I do believe I do know is that I do believe it'll come back. I believe it will be a hybrid, right? I believe there'll be some new, some old. I'm not saying these are facts. These are what I personally
Starting point is 00:36:35 think are going to happen. I think there will be some new, some old. I do not think they're going to revamp the whole show. I think they tried that once. I don't think they're going to revamp the whole show. I think they, you know, they tried that once. I don't think they're going to do that. And I know, I think we can say we know that it's not going to film until 2026. Like it's not happening this year. I don't know about that. That's my guess. I'm going to say not this year. I think whatever they do is going to air in 2026. Well that would be very nice. If they could even film us the beginning of 2026,
Starting point is 00:37:09 turn that over by the end, that would be great. But that's just my opinion. What do you think is gonna happen? I think that they needed to take a pause. I think they needed the audience to breathe a little bit and for everybody to breathe a little bit and distance makes people forget. You know what I mean? So I don't think it's going to be as drastic as people are going to think. I think they're going to get rid of three people. I hope they bring on young stupid money because
Starting point is 00:37:39 I could have fun with that all day. I think sprinkle in some old school fun jersey vibes, but I don't think it's going to be that drastic. I think we obviously don't want to see the same story again. I don't want to sit there and try to talk to you and her and think, I don't do it. It's not fun. No, no. I think whatever is happening, we will be separated. Like that's not gonna happen again. That's, I mean, how we tried that already. It didn't work. It's a story.
Starting point is 00:38:11 I think with you, the beauty of you, like let's just say three new people came on the show, right? The beauty with you is, yeah, they know you, but, and like Margaret, right? And even Dolores, but you guys have a human gene to you that it's like, oh, I can hang with her. You know, some of the other ones, there was no human interaction. It was like playing in a game outside the game.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Yes. And you couldn't connect. And it was like, oh, I just wanna have dinner. Like we may play chess game right now because I just want to have dinner, you know? And you have that cake of dinner. She wants to have dinner. Well, dinner.
Starting point is 00:38:52 I love how you say dinner. When somebody's too good, it's like, they're always going to look at them because there's no connection. They're going to look at them like the person that they've seen on TV for 100 years, and it would never work, but you don't get to walk that vibe. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:39:10 I try to be relatable and down to earth and someone who accepts change. Some people just can't get off their high horses or they can't accept change or they can't invite new people in, or they're almost insecure to have the change because then it means like you're not, you know, or that I'm not the head honcho anymore or whoever, you know, and it's like, no, it's actually that's how we move forward in life. That's how we keep things interesting. That's
Starting point is 00:39:38 how, you know, you got to keep story moving. Can't be just the same 10 things over and over and over and over in the same lines like someone banged my head against the wall so over it you know. The problem is with our show we're an ensemble cast so you have seven or eight or whatever many of us huge personalities we're all gonna like want that moment to like have our own personalities but the smart one is like I'm gonna let each that moment to like have our own personalities. But the smart one is like, I'm gonna let each one of these boards have their own personality because what I'm gonna do outside of this show will set me apart from everybody else.
Starting point is 00:40:14 And I think when you have nothing outside of the show and it's just the show, you will go to the depths of hell, which is what we've seen, to try to take everybody else down around you. When in reality, it should be like, hey, I'm gonna show up, we're gonna do our thing, make a great show, but once those cameras go down, my real work starts, you know? Right, no, and you couldn't have been more on point
Starting point is 00:40:36 with what you said, like I've never, I don't think I've ever expressed it like that before, but when you just said like, even when you're not, when you're just going to dinner, right, that you're still going to dinner, right? That you're still in a game of some sort because the dinner's not really just friends hanging out at dinner.
Starting point is 00:40:51 It's kind of like, it's a conversation about what's going to happen or like what's going. You can never just chill, which keeps it very unauthentic and very much so like about the show 24 seven and it's very hard to create a true genuine like girlfriend and friendship with people who are like listen even when the cameras aren't on we're talking to you about what's going to happen when we are on that is what kills it and that's what did kill it quite frankly for the last couple years it was a game it was a constant like game kill it, quite frankly, for the last couple years.
Starting point is 00:41:25 It was a game. It was a constant game and it was a hunger games. And it was like, no, there was a couple times where I fell for it and I had been to dinner. I went to dinner with Jen one time and everything was supposed to be, but the whole dinner was about, so when we get to the reunion I was like oh no like I don't I don't take orders and I don't want to hear any of this like I want to order my steak medium and I don't want to discuss the show you know yeah so that was rough and I think you experienced a lot of that yeah and that's not to me reality tv I love old school reality tv where the cameras go off and you just do your thing.
Starting point is 00:42:05 That's why in a world if we ever go back up again and like new people come on, I don't wanna know them. I don't wanna know about them until I'm introduced to them. If I don't know, like one of you guys, whatever. I don't wanna look into them. You just gotta go. Storylines will form if it's authentic and you could carry it.
Starting point is 00:42:24 When you have to do what was done, and I witnessed it, I backed out of that bitch like this. I was like, I have to do that. But? First of all, I don't know how you do anything else. Like I have a lot of businesses to run here. Like, believe me, I'm not planning shit. I can barely figure out what I'm doing today because the list is like jammed, you know, so God bless and hopefully that hopefully I'm as excited as you for exactly what you just said, which is like, if that happens, if either of us are asked back or whatever it is, I'm excited for new and like different and like, and I agree with you on meeting them for the first time and like, who are you and let me make my own judgments. And that's fun and exciting and like funny Jersey, like, please from from from our mouths to God's ears.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Right? Yeah, that's what I thought I was coming into. They obviously want me because I'm like, you know, super fun and Jersey. And then when they and I watched season 12, I will never forget this. I sat up in the bed and I was like, you want to do this? You want to do this? Like, this is what I was over. They want fun.
Starting point is 00:43:43 We want to be fun. I'm like, all right, I could do that. But I feel like the wind was knocked out of my sails, you know? Right. And I couldn't really be myself because I was always like, like, and uh, Oh yeah. Now that was the roughest. I feel bad. Actually you and Rachel both came on on like the, it was rough. I mean, it was always rough, but like you came on at a time that it got to the point of like, there were sides. Like there was no being friendly with everyone. It was just, unless you're Dolores.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Are you watching her right now on Traders? Are you watching Traders? I feel like her skills of that are kind of going right into traders because I feel like she's, you know, she's staying pretty quiet on there and she's just listening. Do you notice that? Like she's using that technique of like not like she's just listening and staying out of the fray so that no one gets to that table and says like, okay, Dolores said that you said that you're, and this is like nobody comes at her. Like, and I feel like just watching, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:44:50 I think that's what she's doing, you know? Yeah, I wish I could be like that. I can never be like that in a million years. If I was on a show, I'd be like, it's me, it's me. I can't go through this anymore. It's me, like, she's just, that's her strength. Her strength, for sure. And like, I look at that show too, like two ways.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Like if you were to get on it, you either can do that and kind of just like fizzle by and maybe you'll end up winning at the end or getting the big prize or the extra money, whatever it is. But I feel like you would rather come on and be like, no, I wanna like, I wanna make a name on this show. Like, I feel like you're like you would rather come on and be like no I want to like I want to make a name on this show like I want to like I want to talk and I want to like I don't know I feel like it could go either way you can kind of play that game either way because you can use it more for like a platform for people to really hear you and get like know your personality
Starting point is 00:45:40 or you can stay sly and kind of get by and try to win it all which everybody's trying to win the money You know, I don't think I'm sly like that at all to be honest with you. I don't know I don't know how I I don't know. I don't know how I'd be on any other type of like game show This that like your your your housewives in paradise there No, thank you. I can never do that. Oh, the the housewives. What's it called? The girls trips?
Starting point is 00:46:10 Yes. Oh, yeah, I'm thinking a bachelor in paradise. Housewives of paradise. I don't want to do it. Don't don't even offer it to me. Not doing it. Oh my god, you would do it if they offered you wouldn't go with a bunch of the girls from the other cities. Really? You would be it. If they offered you, you wouldn't go with a bunch of the girls from the other cities? Really? You would be good at that.
Starting point is 00:46:28 I mean, it's hard. It's hard in a certain way, but it's also, I don't know. I actually enjoyed it because you get to hear all of their situations and their stories, but I don't even know if they do that anymore. I feel like they don't even do those housewives in paradise anymore. They're doing a Housewives dating show. That one looks fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Wait, if you were on Traders, do you think you'd be, would you rather be a faithful or a traitor? Like what would you hope to be if you were on the show? I wanna be a traitor. Yeah. I feel like you get more play that way, right? You're like in the game all day, every day,
Starting point is 00:47:03 if you're a trader. I like that. That's like acting. I love that. Yeah. I was thinking that too. I'm like, the traders are the actors of the show because they need to be in every room making sure they don't slip. How do they don't slip? I don't know. I always think somebody's- I didn't watch the last one. Why was that girl crying under a table? So I didn't see it either. I'm up to that episode. So I need to see that. I like how she makes all the funny faces and licks her lips all day. I could watch her all day because I just think she does all these quirky, funny things she
Starting point is 00:47:40 does, but I need to watch that episode. I'm actually going to watch that tonight. I haven't watched that yet. Yeah, she's like sobbing. Imagine an app designed to make you use it less seems counterproductive, no? Well, apartments.com's instant alert feature works exactly that way. Instead of scanning rental listings a million times a day, simply set and forget your search to whatever you're looking for in a place and let apartments.com do the rest. From pet friendly apartments to balconies to in-unit ACs apartments.com's powerful search tools let you know when your perfect combination of features you're seeking is listed. So you don't have to power through rental descriptions one by one. With more rental listings than anywhere else apartments Apartments.com's
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Starting point is 00:49:11 I feel like, first of all, you and I connect really well on that. I feel like we're both really hard workers, right? Go-getters. There's nothing, there's not a lazy bone in your body. You try, you work hard. Talk to me about, first of all, what you're working on. And I want you to give a little advice to any of my listeners out there who want to do that. Not necessarily just entertainment, but just anything they're reaching for. Because I feel like you're big on move forward, keep trying, keep striving
Starting point is 00:49:40 to do something new. Yeah. And I'll start with the advice before I go to my what's going on. If it was easy, everybody would do it. And even being on a big television show or this, that, it means nothing. I'm in my office every day, working my ass off, still emailing like,
Starting point is 00:49:59 hey, can I have five minutes of your time? Like it is not easy and it is not an overnight success thing. And my business is still haven't even hit. I feel like it's like right here, right here. I hope this is the year that it all comes into fruition because bougie kids, I'll be open seven years. And I still, like this year I've been really focusing on,
Starting point is 00:50:22 I have a really great concept. I started another line and I wanna do something fun, but I wanna get into a major retail store and I want that to happen. And that's a ton of work. And in that area, no one gives a shit that I'm a housewife. It's all about business and dollars. So like I'm still hustling with bougie kids.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I also have shows that I love to create and produce and not necessarily with me in them, just great concepts that I wanna pitch to networks and be behind the scenes. I've always loved to do that. So I'm working on that. Then you have the content creations of things, making videos, like that video I did
Starting point is 00:51:03 with spoofing on Jersey Mike's like that was I love doing that Wait, I we need to talk about that for two seconds that was wait to do sit down and like get a pen and paper out and Friggin write down like okay. This is the skit like it's a skit you made if anyone I have a script framed. I do I Like it's a skit you made if anyone missed this you guys. I have the script framed. I do. I enjoy that so much.
Starting point is 00:51:26 It's beautiful when schmucks give me content on a silver platter. I'm like, this is great. I don't, you know, I could just go off of this but I wrote a script. I had the Scarlotta boys who you know, come in and Yes. We filmed that in two hours and I just had the vision of it.
Starting point is 00:51:44 I knew what I wanted to do. And it was like maybe the happiest, you know? Things like that. That could be some type of satisfaction. That was for your own satisfaction in so much way. Not a couple of things. That was my own satisfaction. That's how I like to win. You know what I mean? I don't want to go through people on the blogs because I could do that all day. I've had people try to come and help me I could be like yo, can you just release this? Receipt can you just release this that I did pay the bitch like can you just do that? But that's so stupid. You know what I mean? I'd rather I'd rather win
Starting point is 00:52:21 like that All legally that's a better way to win. That's a better way to win because you don't you have no guilt with that. You're not feeling like you're hurting anyone. You're making people laugh and you still showing like I was right. I fucking won. And that's that. Yeah. So like don't fuck with me or else I'll make a video about you. Do you remember the video I do with Nate where he he was naked right after she said something about my husband's chest? We did a whole board.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes, that doesn't bother him, right? He's cool with that. He doesn't care what she says. Oh, no one cares what she says. But those things, they did. They were like, he was thinking that at the time. Of course.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Because they were spoiling it, because she had her people planting it in the things. And he was like, damn, you hear somebody say your worst, most insecure things about you. You hear it out loud. It's almost like it validates it. If someone else thinks it, then it's real. It's not easy. It's true. If you're thinking something about yourself and then someone comes out there and you know what they say, like believe what people say to you when they're mad because that's what they've been dying to say to you. When they're angry, whatever they say is how they really feel and they've been dying to
Starting point is 00:53:36 tell you that. So, you know, and that's a fact. I feel like that's a fact. I feel like that's why I got, you know, whore, you know, it's like, we know, we know, we got it. Oh yeah, she got, she got to get that out. She got to get that out. Oh my God. She always wants to do that.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Yeah. I don't think I had a conversation with her that didn't have you or your husband's name in it. I'm just gonna throw that out there. And that's sad. It's just, that's so exhausting. My God, exhausting. You were like this, you had to turn around and I was like this.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Oh yeah, I got you. Yep. Yep. 1000% I got you. Oh, I know. I know. I know. Can you just vouch? Because I know people probably think it's opposite. It wasn't the same when I talked to you on the phone or when we went to dinner. It was a very different conversation. Never. Never. Never. ever, ever, ever. You and I connected right away. That's why I was so sad that I got lumped into all that shit because I think you and I, which I always knew we'd kind of vibe once you got to know me and know what kind of person I am. You know? And it just, and to when I first started really going,
Starting point is 00:54:49 trying to like get friendly with you again, I really didn't come at you and talk shit about those two. I lost my tongue the whole season. Like I was not talking shit. I just genuinely enjoyed your friendship and the other girls. I was getting to really know you guys. It was no conniving Right. No, you you really did it
Starting point is 00:55:09 I was I was disappointed a little at one point because I you are my time I am over always been the fun girl on the show, right? I've always been the drinker on the show I've always been the one who will like cocktail and like if we go on a girls trip, I'm wild. I'm fat That's me, right? So I was excited to have someone like you who watching your Instagram and all of that, I'm like, oh, she's going to be like the fun girl with me. Like I have someone who will take a shot with me, who's going to drink with me, who likes to dance like me. And even when you and I did, we got asked to do a couple restaurant appearances together, we did Seaside
Starting point is 00:55:45 Heights together, we did it. We have so much fun. We don't sit there and talk shit about anyone. We dance all night. We drink, we have fun. We have like a girls night and and that's it. And so that's why I I think you're valuable to the show. And I thought it was awesome to kind of have someone on. And a lot of that got in the way of us having fun because it was like You know you have a wall up because you can't connect with someone who who's on the wrong side Right or on the it just wasn't working and I was you mad about it. No, like Yeah, but you didn't know me very well here. I was this like
Starting point is 00:56:23 You know, I came on you probably got she like, oh, she wants to be on TV and she's friends with Teresa. I'm gonna, you know, and it was not even like that. But I was, my first season, I was also very much involved with like everybody that was doing all the shit. So I didn't know what, I never couldn't think for myself until I got out of that, until I was like, I don't wanna be with you anymore.
Starting point is 00:56:45 I'm backing out of doing business with you and dealing with you. You guys are not my vibe. Me and you, Brenda, got to... I was back the first year. It was rough. You had to figure out all the... It ruffles feathers. The first year is never easy and then you can come back and it'd be like, wait a second, I see clearly now hold on. Like, and luckily, like you said before, and how you explained Margaret, myself,
Starting point is 00:57:16 Delore, like we are the type of people who, you know, we know everybody's human and we give a second chance and we talk and we figure it out and we listen and it's like, you know, and I think that's why the show can evolve, right? And that's why the show can work, hopefully, eventually, and, you know, we'll see what happens. But, you know, I just like I've always appreciated the way that you and I can have fun together and that you'll kind of like just, you're not someone that I've known forever. And I tell this to people all the time, a lot of my friends and family, my cousins, my sister,
Starting point is 00:57:51 they followed you on social media. Yeah, before I knew who you were and they're like, oh, this girl is supposedly maybe gonna be on the show. I'm like, why do you follow her? Like, who is she? Like, who is this? And they followed you because they, yeah, they thought you were funny.
Starting point is 00:58:07 They thought you were funny. So I'm like, oh good, I'm gonna have like someone to vibe with and then that all like kind of didn't happen. They were even upset. They're like, why, what is happening? I'm like, I don't know. I don't know. So.
Starting point is 00:58:18 The beauty of your family is that you are like this, you're like the, not to everybody in your family, don't take offense to this, but you're like the, you know, the shiny trophy, right? But your family, they're all shiny, but they're so cool and they're real. And like, there's nothing pretentious about this. And like, you're sitting through a post of shirt and sheen. And I'm like, I got that shirt too.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Thank you for posting that shit. Snow. And that's the stigma that comes along with being a housewife is that shit is, that's a no-no. But your family is like, just real, like genuine love. Nothing but love. And even when we were going through our shit, your mother would be like, hi.
Starting point is 00:59:02 And I'm like, oh my God, maybe like, I would think your sisters want wanna fight me in the back because that's what, quiet sisters, that's what they would probably wanna do. But they were just the best. And I think that it was you that wholesomeness, right? Because you could have this big name, you're Melissa Gorga, but at the same time,
Starting point is 00:59:22 but your family, every chance you can get, and I tell you this all the time, you're so lucky to be doing these things and have that family to gift. And you guys are just really all so awesome, really. Thank you. That's very sweet. Thank you for saying that.
Starting point is 00:59:38 And I agree. I'm very lucky. They're awesome. They're all so awesome. Danielle, thank you so much for coming on today. You, finally, I got you on the podcast. By the way, my listeners were telling me that you hadn't been on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:59:53 So I'm so happy. I wish you luck in everything you're doing right now. Let's keep putting that good juju out there. We're gonna come back to the show. It's gonna be all good. We're gonna have fun. We're gonna change it up. You know, I believe in like, manifestation, don't you? I feel like you're a manifestor. Don't you manifest? I got a whole
Starting point is 01:00:12 board. I'm working on that's right. Oh my god. Oh, my god. Okay, should we tell this story real quick before I let you go? So Danielle and I were invited to the VMAs over the summer and we had already booked a restaurant appearance of some sort that we committed to and we were invited to the VMAs. Now mind you, I felt more bad for Danielle in this situation than myself because I'd been there four times. How many times did you go, why aren't you on it? Why aren't you fucking on it?
Starting point is 01:00:48 Yeah, I presented at it and I've been to it like maybe three other times. I've been there a couple times, right? But I love it. It's one of my favorite things to do. So it's always like a fun night. So I was like so bummed. We were bummed that we had to miss it. But we're good people. We're great business women. And when you make a commitment, you make a commitment. And the two of us went to the restaurant and did what we committed to do. And we loved meeting all the fans and, and doing the right thing. But I felt Danielle was literally we were at the table, like, if we get a jet, can we get our set?
Starting point is 01:01:25 we were at the table like if we get a jet, can we jet our set? It was on the, it was in Long Island. We were two hours away. It was, it was not happening, but I like crossed off the V part on my manifestation board cause I was like, I got the invite. So that counts as something. Now I just have to, you know, next year, oh next year it's on and I'm presenting with Paulie D
Starting point is 01:01:45 and it's gonna be a whole thing. Oh my God. That is all you next year. That I, let's see, that's what you gotta put. Did you write that on your little board yet or no? Yes, I did. I did. VMAs, I was supposed to see Paulie over the weekend.
Starting point is 01:01:59 I couldn't go, but. Have you still not met this man? Have you still never met him? Never met him. Oh my God. Never met him. And I'm friends this man? Have you still never met him? Never met him? Never met him. I'm friends with some of that. I never met him. Never met him. Did you meet him? It's gonna Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. That child of the Bravo network. I mean, like, really? It's so funny. Yeah, he's great. You're gonna it's gonna happen.
Starting point is 01:02:24 You're friends with all his friends But anyway, thank you for coming on display today. I always appreciate you. You're so much fun I knew we'd have great conversation and hopefully we let's go to dinner. Let's plan dinner and I will see you soon When Margaret gets back from it will God or wherever she is Marrakesh or something. Yeah, we'll do dinner. Okay. Okay. Thanks Danielle. Thank you. Ciao. I'm Stassi Schroeder, and honestly, you never know who or what you might hear on my podcast Stassi because well, I'm a little cray cray. One of the ways you know you have hashtag grown is when you come to the realization that Carrie Bradshaw is kind of the worst person. I've have explained her that the fireplace grows so that Santa can fit in it. Now she's going to be like, well, there is no fireplace and we're in this hotel and I'm gonna have to explain her I don't know he gets a hotel room key
Starting point is 01:03:47 like all these things that you have to come up with it's just kind of crazy should I bring a whistle to wherever I go do you think that that would be the thing to break the ice whistle listen up every single one of us here is feeling some level of social anxiety so let's just get on with it. Okay? Take a fucking breath. Relax. So please do me a favor.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Listen, follow, rate, and review my podcast, Stassi, wherever you get your podcasts. And TV fans like me, they've got something for everyone and it's totally free. You can binge laugh out loud sitcoms like Frasier. And re-watch cult classics like Higher Learning. Whether you're in the mood to solve a little crime before bedtime with NCIS or Tracker. Or curl up with a surefire hit like Forrest Gump. Pluto TV has thousands of movies and shows all for free. Pluto TV. Stream now, pay never.

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