On Display with Melissa Gorga - Fit(ness) for a Housewife (w/ Jillian Michaels)

Episode Date: October 13, 2022

Melissa is joined by celebrity trainer and nutrition guru, Jillian Michaels, to break down Melissa's wellness routine, settle the debate of crunches vs planks, and discuss the one thing we should neve...r put in our morning coffee.  Jillian also tells us about her all-in-one wellness tool, The Fitness App, and the exclusive 50% discount for our listeners available here!  This week's sponsor: Clare - Online Paint Shopping Made Simple: clare.com/melissa (10% off order)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hold on, why are you making faces at me? What did I say wrong now? It's about what is wrong with that. Yeah. Yeah. All right, everyone, I'm actually so excited because I have been waiting for this. She is one of the biggest names in fitness. She's a personal trainer, a successful business woman, and you've seen her all over television.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Ladies and gentlemen, I have Ms. Jillian Michaels today. Hi. Hey, how are you? Good. I am so excited to have you. And let me tell you why. Because every, I get so many DMs and questions constantly for me to talk about. So I asked my listeners all the time, what do you want me to talk
Starting point is 00:00:54 about? What do you want to discuss? Everyone wants to discuss fitness with me and, and, and with my personal journey and how I've had three kids, what I do, what I eat, and I have been waiting for the right person to come on so we can talk fitness together. And I am so excited that I got the best of the best with me today. Look, I'm going to be honest, having had three kids and looking as superb as you do is not typical. So not that there's a not that that you cannot look absolutely amazing, but it's it's not uncommon to struggle with it. And there's nothing wrong with that. But I'm not surprised that people are
Starting point is 00:01:34 wondering like how you've done it. Because it's, you know, it's yeah. I feel like I get so many questions all the time about fitness and exercise. You have, I mean, you were on the biggest loser for so many years. You've done so many things. What are you doing right now with fitness? I know that you have this amazing app out right now, the Fitness app. Right? That's like getting 1,800 massage, by the way. Whoever wants the fitness app, that's the score right now, the fitness app, right? Right. At the top, that's getting 1,800 massage, by the way. Like whoever wants the fitness app,
Starting point is 00:02:08 that's the score right there. All about that simple sexy promise. And the fitness app says it all, like, use this app. It'll help you get fit. We're big on that at my company and powered media. So we do have a fitness app with a host of great trainers that customize his workouts for you in the gym outside, audio only, all different types of workouts from weightlifting, boxing, yoga, personalized meal plans, meditation, sleep support, community.
Starting point is 00:02:40 So we really tried to just take the 10 apps that you have on your phone from the meal tracker, the yoga app, the running app, and just make it one app real simple and straightforward. So yes, we have that, and I think I believe you were kind enough to let us give your listeners a huge discount. So if you guys go to jillionmycles.com slash on display, you can enter the code on display and you can get a year long membership for $69.99. So thank you so much for allowing us to that. Thank you for gifting us that. I'm going to make you tell us that all again at the end case anyone forgets that. But thank you
Starting point is 00:03:18 so much for for giving my listeners that I appreciate it. And it sounds apt. Amazing because there are so many different apps that people use. Like there's like what what time do you eat at the fasting? There's this. There's that. There's so many different things, right? Crazy. I know you really shouldn't have that. It's totally unnecessary. It should really be a one-stop shop where all your needs are on one platform. And that platform thinks with other apps. So for example, the fitness app thinks with everything
Starting point is 00:03:48 from my fitness pile to Apple Health. And a Strava app, other workout apps, so it's a good log, everything that you're doing in one place to make it as simple as possible. Because at the end of the day, be fit and being healthy isn't necessarily easy. And it does require some sacrifice, some work, right? But it's really worth it.
Starting point is 00:04:10 You still want to make it as simple and accessible for people as possible. Right. Right. And I think a lot of people struggle. What is your advice for people who are just getting into it? Like they just want to start working out. They're really, it's not in them. It's not who they are. They're really going getting into it. Like they just want to start working out. They're really, it's not in
Starting point is 00:04:25 them. It's not who they are. They're really going to enjoy it because I personally enjoy it. And I'm actually going to tell you what I do. And I would love for you just because, you know, my listeners have been asking and I'd love for you to tell me what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong as well. I feel like who better than this is like a personal training session. Don't be jealous everyone. I have Jillian Michaels just telling me what to do out there in the gym, which I'm so excited about this. Okay, so let me tell you what I do. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Okay, I'm ready. And tell me if I'm right or wrong. So I'm not, I'm not really, I'm not a really heavy eater, but I do eat like so I eat on the weekend. So let me give you for instance, like Monday, Tuesday Thursday, okay Monday through Thursday for me a couple coffee in the morning. That's just how I start my whole entire life. Do you put anything in it? It's out of curiosity. Yeah, so this is where I I'm the creamer the French vanilla creamer that they say kills you. That's me. I put it in my coffee. Okay, so the first thing I want you to do
Starting point is 00:05:26 is switch that out and this is gonna sound kind of surprising. But you can use something like organic heavy whipping cream. And the reason people are gonna, it sounds totally counterintuitive because it is high in calories, generally gonna use like a tablespoon of it. And the reason is because it'll give it that really nice creamy texture and creamy flavor, but it has no protein and it has no carbohydrates. So what it's allowing
Starting point is 00:05:51 you to do is something called a dirty fast. So I'm sure you're going to ask me about intermittent fasting or sure to come up. If you have that crappy cream or you're blowing it. So over it's done. So you can cheat that dirty fast out with just fat. That's why some people use MCT oil and medium-chain fatty acids. Coconut oil. I like the taste of it. That's why I go with organic heavy whipping cream because I just I think it tastes gross in my coffee and that will allow you to cheat out a few more hours without triggering I don't want to get too technical for you
Starting point is 00:06:29 But when you eat carbs or protein it shuts down a process called a topology and that's exactly what you're fasting It's basically where your body breaks down dead and senescent tissues. This is a great thing You can cheat it out but fat. And so I like organic heavy whipping cream because it tastes better to me than other forms of fat. Not because it's the best form, just because it makes the coffee taste better. Now does that have dairy in it? One of the reasons I use the French vanilla creamers because they have no dairy. So what do I want you to do? Because it bothers me. It bothers my stomach. I can feel it through my soul. Like I go for almond milk when I get it. So wait, hold on. Okay, I'm not going to push you. If it's like a spiritual thing, like I can go into but I'll eat cheese. So if you're so if there's like mozzarella out, I'm going to eat a piece of mozzarella.
Starting point is 00:07:19 But for some reason, like milk bothers me. Does that make sense? All right. Okay. If it bothers you, then I would switch to, I would switch to like MCT oil, like a medium chain fatty acid and, or the, what about butter? Does butter bother you? No. Not as ideal, but like a grass-fed butter or beef, for example, that's organic, clean, because that crap that you're taking in the morning is just so.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Is it crap, just be honest, it's crap. Oh my god, reading the ingredients, is it like the one with the artificial flavor or the artificial? Yes, artificial up the chain, up the thing. 100%. I see these TikToks about, like, do not use these creamers and I'm every morning. I'm like I can't I don't know what to replace it with and I only do it once a day. I mean is it that bad?
Starting point is 00:08:15 Basically what you're doing is okay, so you have coffee when do you eat next? Okay, so I have coffee the very rarely sometimes I'm so hungry, I'll eat a banana. Like I'll have a banana in the morning tops. The only other thing I'll really eat in the morning is from Starbucks. I like their little egg white roasted pepper egg whites. They say they have like a lot of protein in them
Starting point is 00:08:38 and there are 170 calories, but I enjoy them. They're delicious. Okay, okay. I want you to think of it like this. You have to ask yourself, first of all, when I look at anybody's program, the question is, what are they trying to accomplish? Right? So I've worked with people that are endurance athletes. I've worked with people that are morbidly obese. I've worked with people that are trying to beat an autoimmune condition. So it's going to change what you prescribe for them. So to speak, they're Finnish regimen,
Starting point is 00:09:12 they're food. So look with anybody I'm going to advocate, you chemicals in the food as possible, as clean and organic as possible. But at the end of the day, think of it as follows, okay? What do you do? Imagine your food on a scale of one to ten, one being foods that prevent, slash potentially helps you mitigate your disease. And we all have seen that episode of Dr. Oz, right? It's like organic blueberries and pecans and wild salmon and kale. Like we all, everybody knows what a super food is, right?
Starting point is 00:09:51 And everybody knows the other side of that spectrum, which is a 10, 10 are foods that contribute to disease at a rapid pace. And it's drive-throughs and sodas and fake flavors and fake colors and fake sugars and fake fats and hormones and pestle, so shit that is and fake colors, and fake sugars, and fake fats, and hormones, and pests, and say, shit that is not food, we all know that.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I'm okay with you living, one to five, and this is where there's gray area. So a five food is a food that isn't gonna cure you, and it isn't gonna kill you. And that's things like, let's say, a perfect example of this, was a company I had invested in years and years and years ago before, that were actually better, let's say, a perfect example of this, was a company I had invested in years and years and years ago before, that were actually better options in the category,
Starting point is 00:10:30 was something like pop chips. So pop chips is a processed potato chip. It's literally just potato and salt and flavor, but no MSG, no trans fats, no artificial colors, no trans fats, no artificial colors. So if you don't overeat it, right, it's got no nutrition, it's completely empty calories zero. But at least it doesn't have poison in it. So when I'm taking those one to five foods, my goal for people is 80, 20.
Starting point is 00:10:58 And that means 80% of your calories I really wanna run one, two, and three, right? And 20% of the calories I really really want to run four and five. So it could be organic ice cream. It could be that class of wine. It could be those pop chips. It could be your Starbucks egg thingies, where I do not want you to go. It is the, you know, the overly processed, heavy chemicals, because
Starting point is 00:11:28 know, the overly processed, heavy chemicals, because that's it is just not food. And we can go on and on and on about the havoc it wrecks in your body from genetic mutations in your gut destroying your Michael biome, the lasting impact of doing that. I mean, I could go on and on and on. Keep it simple and live one to five and try to choose one to three more often. If that makes sense. on and on and on. Keep it live one to five and try to three more often. That makes sense. It does make sense. I really don't want to let go of that morning.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Like I'm going to just have to keep it real. I'm going to really stare at it tomorrow morning and think of you. What do you love so much about it? I need the sweetness and the coffee. So I need that to do like an organic cube of brown sugar and a little almond milk since you're breaking the fast anyway. Oh, okay. So just get like a bar of sugar and an almond milk and see how a cube of organic brown sugar is 14 calories, right? You're not eating massive amounts of sugar that your body is going to become insulin
Starting point is 00:12:27 resistant like the time it happened. And if you have it with something that has a little protein or a little fat, it'll slow, it'll even slow down how quickly that sugar hits the bloodstream. It lowers the what's called the glycemic load. So even though a food converts to sugar very quickly in your body, sugar is gonna convert to glucose very, very fast, right? That's the glycemic index. But if you combine it with protein or fat, it slows down how quickly it's going to convert. Long story short, it's 14 fringes calories,
Starting point is 00:13:00 have a cube of brown sugar, organic cane sugar, and a little milk of choice. A preferably, or again, make sure that almond milk is organic. Oalmins are very, very heavily sprayed crops. They have like, a couple of different kinds of poison on them, yeah. Guys, as someone who is just moving into her new home,
Starting point is 00:13:20 let me tell you about Claire. Claire is a new online paint brand that makes paint shopping simple. Claire takes the hassle out of paint shopping with a streamlined selection of designer colors, mess free peel and stick paint swatches and premium paint and supplies delivered straight to your door. So it makes it so easy. We all want to create a beautiful home that reflects our personal style. And paint is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to totally transform your home.
Starting point is 00:13:53 And make it feel more like you. Claire makes picking paint colors easy and hassle free. If you need help choosing a color, you can try Claire color genius. You answer a few easy questions about your space and your style and Claire delivers a personalized paint color recommendation just for you. With Claire, you can find everything you need to choose a paint color and tackle your paint project with confidence without even leaving your home from the products to inspiration,
Starting point is 00:14:23 to tips and tutorials. It's literally a one-stop shop. So for your next paint project definitely you guys have to give Claire a try. It's so hassle-free. Go to clair.com slash Melissa for 10% off your order. That's clair.com slash Melissa for 10% off. If you believe in organic you are big on it. It is a real thing. I feel like a lot of people struggle with organic because they look at it as something that's very expensive.
Starting point is 00:14:53 I get it. So what you have to do then is work around it intelligently. And what that means is you prioritize where you spend the dollars. So think of it like this, you've got, you've probably heard of this, the clean 15 and the dirty dozen. Have you heard about that? No, tell me. Okay. So the clean 15 are fruits and vegetables that have far less pesticide, herbicide, fungus side residue. And that's going to be things with a rung, thick skin, and plants that have natural forms
Starting point is 00:15:27 of insecticide that require less spray, right? So that's when you're looking at things like an orange or a watermelon or a pineapple. Those things, same concept, right? Very thick, not thin skinned, hard for bugs to get to them, less spray. Conversely, if we go with the dirty dozen, you're looking at thin skinned, hard for bugs to get to them less spray. Conversely, if we go with the dirty dozen, you're looking at thin skin fruits and vegetables. So the blueberries, the raspberries, yes, yes. But wait, what about grapes? Talk to me about grapes. I love grapes. They're just sugar balls. I'm not worried about that. I'm fine with you having grapes, but if you can't afford the organic ones,
Starting point is 00:16:06 I want you to have the orange, the pineapple, that you see what I mean. So Google clean 15, and if you can't afford organics, that's where you're getting the fruits and vegetables versus the dirty dozen, which are heavily, heavily sprayed. And you might hear back in the quote, olden days, which is roughly a decade ago. You would hear that we're financed by big food and big pharma, putting out messages, saying, oh, this is all bullshit and a conventional raspberry meaning a raspberry that is in organic,
Starting point is 00:16:40 has the same amount of vitamin C as an organic raspberry or whatever, the same micronutrients, vitamin Dimineral. Well, first of all, that's proven to be both because soil for crops that are sprayed with fungicide pesticide herbicide is over-formed and depleted, which is where the plant gets its nutrients. Second of all, when a plant is forced to make its own insecticide, naturally, it's developing more antioxidants and more polyphenols. So it is better for you, but more importantly, it's what you're not getting. And when I tell you the stuff is poison, it is poison.
Starting point is 00:17:19 It's designed to kill everything, not just bugs, including all of the microbes, millions of bugs in your body that are linked to everything from how you age, your cognitive function, you're from a vanity perspective to health of your skin, your immunity, whether or not you get COVID, I'm not kidding, whether or not you get long COVID,
Starting point is 00:17:45 I mean, it's a big deal. So I can't say enough about how important it is to mitigate foods that have hormones, antibiotics, fungicides, pesticides, herbicides. And you don't need to eat. Like, you don't need as much meat as we're eating. We just don't. We just don't eat less of it and put those dollars towards healthier
Starting point is 00:18:07 foods. You spend it there. You don't need meat all week long. What is the worst meat to eat? Like which meat should we try to stay away from? Processed lunch meats. So like all the processed meats, those like deli slices with the nitrates and nitrates and the colors and the fillers. We find the little box of turkey that it's like in the little plastic thing and it's rolled up for you already. It's such a great snack. Don't do it. Get the rotisserie chicken. Get the rotisserie chicken. This is what I do. I get the rotisserie chicken and I snack on that all week long. the rotisserie chicken and I snack on that all week long. And get that. It's a wee bit of option, right?
Starting point is 00:18:47 Or go to the deli and ask them if they have like organic turkey or organic chicken. Poul tree is not as bad as red meat because it does not have the growth hormones. So, you know, ideally, ideally we would, I'm gonna eat this, if you're gonna put those organic dollars somewhere and make it dairy and meat.
Starting point is 00:19:08 And then, because you always have the option of going with the clean 15 on fruits and vegetables and things that have far less spray and residue. Right, okay, well, wow, you know, I'm gonna go look it up now and I have to look at the clean 15 because I need to know all these things. I'm sure it's everything I love, like all of my berries and everything that I love.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Just go work in, and go, you have the fun. So you're telling me if I have an organic strawberry, it just, they didn't spray it at all. Is that what you're saying? So was it then dirty? Or it's, no, it's just. Bawseys in water. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Not only is it, not only is it not sprayed with those chemicals, right? It's better for you for the reasons I mentioned in that it has to make its own insecticide. It is grown in healthier soil because there's not chemical fertilizers in the soil, they kill everything in the soil. It's just, you know, I love that you're eating that. That stuff is loaded with all kinds of awesome pests, right?
Starting point is 00:20:09 Polyphenols, antioxidants, all the great things, but maybe organic, or you're just, you're essentially ingesting chemicals consistently. And I would rather you avoid it and have an orange if you can't go organic. Got it. Okay, so let me rewind back for a second. This is what I eat for breakfast, ready? Okay. The banana, the coffee, maybe an egg here or there, like a little maybe. I go right to lunch. Lunch for me is usually like a salad, right? Or if I'm in a rush, one slice of pizza, if I'm in a rush, if I'm in a rush,
Starting point is 00:20:46 there is not a good rush food out there for a nice Italian jersey girl. So I will grab a slice. I will not, maybe like once a week just like because that's like on my rush day. But other than that, I'll eat like a tuna sandwich. Is that I do you hate can tuna? I'm sure that's illegal too. No, it's, look, you can get it like packed in water. You don't need oil, although you're trim. So what I mean trim is such a, wow, it's like 1970. I just said you're trim. Oh, what I mean, like you're fit.
Starting point is 00:21:20 You don't look like a girl that's trying to drop weight. So if you're trying to drop weight, you don't want to pack the oil. The only concern with tuna is if you eat tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of it. No, no. You can accumulate mercury in your body and you're perfectly fine to do that. I like to put some olive oil on mine because I want the healthy fats and I'm not watching calories.
Starting point is 00:21:41 So I'll do it with like olive oil and dill and cranberries. And I'll see sometimes I just cheat and buy the and cranberries. And honestly, sometimes I just cheat and buy the tuna at full foods. They have this cranberry tuna. That's already done. It's delicious. Yeah, I wanna do it. Yeah, it's all get like the rotisserie chicken
Starting point is 00:21:54 next to it's the cranberry tuna. Is it perfect? I mean, wild caught salmon is perfect. But tuna salad is fine. Traffin, that load it up with mayo. That's all. Well, what if you use light mayo? I use light mayo, just a tad of light mayo.
Starting point is 00:22:11 God, I don't even remember what's in the light mayo, but if it's filled with shit, I would rather use... I would rather use switch to live. Jesus, you are like, I'm gonna have to change my whole life after this podcast. You're not. Look, you're using the thing. You're, I'm just trying to take, unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:22:32 the way I look at food now and I stand, fortunately, is because you lose, you're starting to lose your relatability and I can see that. The problem is I talk to doctors all day long. And the doctors, I talk to specialize in being essentially an upstreamist, meaning they don't like to treat their patients with medications, they do if they need to, but an upstreamist is a person that goes, all right, why is your thyroid fucked up? Not, let me throw drugs at the problem, right?
Starting point is 00:23:03 They will if they need to, but they want to know why you have PCOS and they want to look at that and see if they can help you with lifestyle, food and host of other things. So when I talk to this variety of doctors, you know, like there's this one doctor named Dr. Umanide, she wrote an incredible book called, This Is Your Brain on Food, and it she really looks at mood, anxiety, depression, all of the different ways your food impacts your brain chemistry. So when you tell me things like, I'm having this creamer, all I know on my brain is on my girl, my god,
Starting point is 00:23:37 she's gonna get genetic mutations in her gut and it's gonna fuck up her body's natural ability to process insulin over. That's what I know in my head. So you're like, what's the matter with you is just as a little creamer, but I'm seeing it every time I look at it. It's what I look at.
Starting point is 00:23:52 It's like, yes, every time I look at food, I'm like, that can save your life, that can kill you. So I'm always gonna try to find a swap that will go from killing you to saving your life. And if I can't get you to save your life, then I'm gonna try to go somewhere in the middle like that cube of sugar over the splasher for organic almond milk.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Is that gonna go? I'm gonna do it. That I'm gonna make a promise to you that I'm gonna do because I have guilt about it when I do do it, because I know it's not the right thing. And now if I'm having a personal session with Jillian Michaels, I'm gonna listen to you.
Starting point is 00:24:24 I am gonna listen to what you're telling me today, I'm going to listen to you. I am going to listen to what you're telling me today. Okay, so we got past it. And I've heard a lot that we need to get back to like understanding our relationships with food, right? Like you need to understand there's there is a little bit of a relationship with me and that coffee in the morning. I have a relationship. Like I can't wait to get out of bed and grab my creamer. And if someone drank all my creamer, and it's not there in the morning, I lose my shit. Like my day starts off from home.
Starting point is 00:24:52 I am annoyed, I am aggravated. I'm like, who would ever drink the last of the creamer at their nighttime coffee? Like that was very rude. I get so insulted. I really do. I get pissed actually. You can see it all over my face. But anyway, moving on. I do understand. I understand. I do. It's an emotional thing I have with that
Starting point is 00:25:13 cup of coffee in the morning. And I'm not even a call. Like it's just one time a day really. Maybe sometimes I'll grab a Starbucks, but moving on. Hold on for dinner. Hold on. Is your copy organic? I forgot to ask you. No. This copy has to be our I don't know I like Folgers. I just buy Folgers. Oh my God. Anyway, I just need to tell my listeners if you guys can see her facial expressions and how she's reacting to everything I'm saying it is like I said the worst thing she's ever heard She's holding her head guys. She is literally holding her head. Oh my god. It's like drinking two-bunked Check but adding like a shot of poison into it. All right. First of all wait no folders
Starting point is 00:26:03 Okay, first of all organic coffee, then we can get into gourmet coffee. Coffee is the one of the heaviliest sprayed crops in the world. I think it's second only to cotton. So it's got that much crap and poison on it. Conversely, if you switch to organic coffee, you're getting all kinds of awesomeness,
Starting point is 00:26:24 antioxidants, polyphenols, and if you switch it to organic coffee, you're getting all kinds of awesomeness. Antioxidants, polyphenols, anything you switch it to cold brew. You're getting less of the tannins and the acids and the, it does have its long story short. It can strip out some of the, some of the oils that aren't as good for you. So cold brew would be ideal. Right, you can make it cold brew and heat it up. If you want to skip that and just tell me to go fuck myself on that one or something. No, no, no, I'm going to get organic coffee.
Starting point is 00:26:50 No, no, no, I'm going to go. I'm going to do it. I'm going to get organic coffee. I'm going to get the little cube, the little brown cube, 14. I feel better. Whatever you said, 14 grams of sugar. Yeah, 14 calories worth of sugar.
Starting point is 00:27:03 14 grams of sugar. 14 grams of sugar. No, 14 calories of sugar. Okay, so see listeners, I obviously don't know what I'm doing. So don't ask me how I stay in shape. I don't know. Because here's what you're doing. You're exercising obviously and you're not eating at time. So, so what happens is that don't forget, the second aspect of food that we haven't touched
Starting point is 00:27:28 on is that food contains calories. Calories are units of energy. So food has micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, all the good things, antioxidants, polyphenols, all the awesomeness. But totally separate in a part, it also holds energy. So wait, believe it or not, and I've got in a million arguments
Starting point is 00:27:53 with different people about this, but at the end of the day, wait is determined by how much energy you take in. And while they'll tell you, like, oh, that's not true, because when you eat really healthy, you don't overeat, bullshit. I've seen people do it a million times, because tell you like, oh, that's not true because when you eat really healthy, you don't overeat full shit I've seen people do it a million times because they're like I'm eating so healthy
Starting point is 00:28:09 Yeah, you don't know why I'm gaining weight I'm like when you had three other commas a bag of cashews and a whole package of chicken bingo Okay, so so Energy is energy and when you how do you think bears Hibernate for the winter they're eating all the awesome stuff, right? Wild salmon, fruits, nuts, berries, but somehow they pack on enough fat to not eat for months at a time. But they're not getting ruffles. I mean, I hope not. So with that said, you are not
Starting point is 00:28:38 overeating. So you're balancing your energy in and your energy out. That's fantastic, right? So if there's no weight gain and you're not trying to use weight your exercise. So that's one of the best ways to support your hormone balance, a topogy, which is when the body cleans up the dead, so that's in stuff, your muscle maintenance, your bone density, your cardiovascular health, it's the number one form of preventative medicine. I'm just looking at over time, because remember, fit people can still get cancer, skinny people, and I am saying skinny because I'm saying they're not fit, right? They're just not overweight, they're not having an excessive body fat, can still get diabetes and heart disease and all of their things. Just because you might not be overweight, it does not mean that you cannot get very, very sick from all the crap and the food. So
Starting point is 00:29:31 you need to think about both. Okay. And then listen, for dinner, I'm having a little piece of meat every night, usually like a little grilled chicken, a vegetable, and maybe a little rice, or like, I'll make my kids the baked potato and I'll like take two little rice or like I'll make my kids the baked potato and I'll like take two scoops. I'll try to stay away from carbs during the week for dinner, not so much for lunch. And and I work out like an hour a day, six days a week. And I want to talk to you for a minute about workouts. Hold on, why are you making faces at me? What did I say wrong now?
Starting point is 00:30:03 It's about it. What what what is wrong with that? You don't need to avoid carbohydrates and you shouldn't. I don't want to like dole gin them during the week, right? Because I'll eat pasta on Sundays and I'll eat it on Saturday nights. I'll have the bread at dinner if they serve any kind of bread when I go out to eat. I eat it every piece of it. Okay, so that's a poor quality car when you're doing it in moderation. So that's fine. We're talking about process flour. Hold on, and one thing I do do with the bread when they put it in front of me is I gut them, I only eat the outside the crust, but I load it with butter,
Starting point is 00:30:38 but I do not eat the fatty part. I rip it right off and put it on my side plate. There my salad. Can you do olive oil instead of butter? Sure, yes, with a lot of salt, you just dip it in. It's amazing. I'll take it because you don't have high blood pressure. So we don't really need to worry about the salt. If you don't have high blood pressure, and in fact, some iodized salt is actually good
Starting point is 00:31:00 because your thyroid can be iodized, and it's hard to get. Wait, so tell me the difference because I always see there's iodized or there's the non-iodized, because I used to work in the old school, good because you're hard to get. Wait, so tell me the difference because I always see there's I guys or there's the non I guys because I used to work in old school, all the old school
Starting point is 00:31:10 talents do. Which one do I want? I guys. Okay, what's the difference? Okay, so I guys has I a dine added to it. I don't you can get in. Not I't mean a little bit, and like always turns,
Starting point is 00:31:28 and some seephy, but not a time. You really can only find it in sea vegetables. Like, well, common, nori, combo, kelp. So if you're going for sushi, but really, if you get a little sweet sauce,
Starting point is 00:31:42 and you have those a few times a week, that helps a lot. But if you're using iodized salts, you're going to be fine. It really, it gets a little sweet sucks, and you have those a few times a week, that helps a lot, but if you're using iodized salts, you're gonna be fine. You don't want copious amounts of salt. If you have high blood pressure or heart condition, it's a monster no-no. You gotta be super chill with the salt,
Starting point is 00:31:57 but your cardiologist can explain all of that to you. Right. But it's dangerous. For people with a heart condition, as they would know, blood pressure issues, they've got to be very, very careful with their salt. If you don't have anything like that, you're salt in your food, you're not going to crazy, you're exercising, which means you're sweating.
Starting point is 00:32:13 So you're going to be sweating out some of that salt. The iodized is adding iodine. Iodine is necessary for optimal thyroid function. So you're fine to do that. And the olive oil has the polyunsaturated, monoinsaturated, it's the good fat. Those are good guys. Polyunsaturated, monoinsaturated fatty acids. So you're not trying to use weight. We don't need to worry about the calories there. So we're getting the nutrition.
Starting point is 00:32:38 And it's just it's going to be a better fat for you than butter. Okay, done. Hey, y'all, it's Savannah, Chrisley. And I've got a new podcast titled Unlocked. We're creating a space for people to truly be vulnerable. You're used to seeing me having to have this picture perfect bow on the life that I live. And frankly, that's not who I am. I'm a little wild, I'm a little crazy.
Starting point is 00:33:04 And I love really, really hard. I'm a little wild. I'm a little crazy and I love really really hard I really hope that you'll join me every Tuesday as I bring on friends family and some guests And I'm pretty sure you're gonna recognize listen and follow unlocked now on Apple podcast Spotify Amazon music YouTube or your favorite podcast app. Let me talk to you for a second about just workouts real quickly. So let me speak to you about abdominals for a second because there's the there's the plank, right? The plank that everyone is obsessed with. All the trainers say we need to plan the air.
Starting point is 00:33:46 The air. I think it's hysterical, but I need to discuss these things because this is what people want to know. I want to discuss the plank opposed to the old school crunch and sit up. Like, is there one that is better for you? Okay. If we're talking about conditioning your core, right? Because remember, you can't spot reduce fat. So people who do ab exercises thinking they're going to get a flat stomach, it's not going to happen. We have to burn. If you, in fact, have body fat on top of your muscles, a cute genius fat, it's going to keep you from having a flat stomach. If that's something that you want,
Starting point is 00:34:30 corduances are not going to accomplish it. This is a combination of hit training and core conditioning and strength training, because the goal is to burn body fat so that you can see your abs. So separate conversation, if we're talking about functional training, then it's going to be plank and plank variations. And the reason is because you're working multiple muscle groups simultaneously and synergistically. So if you think about what you're working when you're in a plank, you've got chat of shoulders, triceps, right? You've got your quad engaged. If you do it, right, you're squeezing your ass,
Starting point is 00:35:06 like you're gonna try to eat your leggings with your booty, right? Squeeze your little butt, keep it nice and strong. Pull that belly button up into your spine, flare out your inner cocos and your lads and your upper back with the spine neutral. And you've got a ton of muscles working together for optimal functionality, a better calorie burn,
Starting point is 00:35:24 better core strength over all. Crunch is not as functional as it isolates, not that I don't do them. I do them, but with a bunch of different exercises. So if you had to pick one, you can do them. You're fine to do them, just as long as you're doing them the right way, right? So a sit-up you don't need. So instead of a sit-up, you would do a crunch and a reverse crunch, which is going to be way more effective. Because a sit-up, once you get the shoulder blades off the ground, you're now moving into hip flexors and it's not bad, it's just, it's not going to accomplish what you want into a complex. So what you want to do is keep your chin off of your chest,
Starting point is 00:36:09 think about bringing the bottom rib towards the hip bone and drawing the belly button into the spine. So the lower back is on the floor and lifting the shoulder blades off the ground. Once the shoulder blades are off the ground, you've got a full exhale-ishing at the top of the movement, right? So exhaling and drawing the belly button Once the shoulder blades are off the ground, you get a full exhale-ishing at the top of the movement, right? So exhaling and drawing the belly button into the spine for a nice contraction and then lowering breakdown, inhaling on the way down, that's a crunch. Anything higher than that,
Starting point is 00:36:36 you're done with the abs at that point. So now a reverse crunch is the opposite. You want to rotate your pelvis towards your upper body. A lot of people think, you see them doing things like me raisins and you know in terms and all these things but all they're doing is hammering the crap out of their hip flexors. The key to hitting those lower abdominals is keeping the low back on the ground during your ab work and rotating your pelvis so that you're lifting your hips up off the ground and think about bringing the knees towards your nose. So you should be able to slide your hands under your butt on that reverse crunch and back out. Right. Makes sense. Okay, but you would prefer a plank over a crunch if you had to choose.
Starting point is 00:37:22 I hate choosing. And here's why I hate choosing, I think all are great. And it's like saying to you a heart surgeon, I ain't gonna give you one tool to perform this quadruple bypass, and they would just be like, but the guy's gonna die. Like you're not gonna die, it's just super inefficient.
Starting point is 00:37:40 People build, they adapt to the exercise. You want to continuously train the body in a variety of ways from a variety of angles of pushing the pole with sometimes higher reps, sometimes low reps, obviously adjusting the weight accordingly. Variety is key with fitness. I'll take plank over crunch, but you should really be doing both. So a lot of women out there, they, they're concerned about the extra skin, especially after having babies, there's that skin. Is there a solution for the skin besides surgery? A tummy tuck? No.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Besides the tummy tuck, is the skin ever going to go away from anything other than a surgery? Oh, well, that's not. I know. I'm sorry. I everybody. I know a lot of people talk about that skin, you know, especially after babies. I know. And the thing that it is, like I want to see you and I've said this to so, so, so, so many women.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Listen, you know, fitness comes down to the so run-of-you prayer. And this is what I mean. You gotta have the strength to change the stuff that you can and the stuff that you can usually needs to be changed, right? It's when you're carrying a lot of extra weight and it's life-threatening. And it's causing a host of other health issues that run the gamut from a wrecked out of this function, the glaucoma. Like I can go pancreatic cancer if you go on and on. That needs to be changed. You're not healthy at any size.
Starting point is 00:39:10 That's a dirty rotten lie. And you got to wonder who's profiting from that lie. Oh, I don't know. Big, big pharma, certainly not the person who's overweight. All right. Gave a link that, okay. Then you get into stuff like skin and cellulite, and that has nothing to do with your health. It's a matter of aesthetics.
Starting point is 00:39:28 I have no problem with that. Listen, if there's something on my body that I could change, I wish I was taller. If there was a surgery, I would get it. That, if huge noises of kids, I fixed it. My teeth were crooked, fixed tongue. You know what I mean? Like, I would do it.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I have no issue with people changing things that they don't like, but ultimately that part of the security part of the part where it's like, you know, have the ability to accept the things you cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference. It's not like cellulitis, it's not like extra skin. You're healthy, you're beautiful, nobody's perfect. You had a kid, that's amazing. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:40:05 Like celebrate the shit out of that. It's kind of incredible. You built a human. You're their leader now. Like, you know, like, yeah, see the ride time. And if you're really, really, really bothers you, you can get a tummy tuck. And I, you know, I've had several friends who've done it. It's painful and it's expensive, but you can do it. It's not just. Yeah. Well, listen, Jillian, thank you so much for coming on today. I enjoyed every second of this and I have been dying and waiting to talk to you about all of these things.
Starting point is 00:40:36 So make sure you all head over to Gillian Michaels.com. We have a promo code. It's on display. They're going to get a discount with this, right? Just for my listeners. Half, actually. I even, I was like, it's $6,999 for the entire year, usually like 120.
Starting point is 00:40:53 And I was like, how long will we do this for? For your listeners, I'm going for your listeners. So I, we don't even offer that. I was like, we don't offer this ever, not for new years, not for so. Well, just for Melissa Gorga, you're gonna offer. I have some pretty amazing people that listen to this podcast. So I'm sure everybody is is very excited about it. So guys, make sure you guys head over to jillianmichels.com. Thank you so much for today. You are so informative. I can stay here with you for another hour.
Starting point is 00:41:26 I have so many more questions. I want to talk about water. Like I want to talk about everything. I can keep going, but I don't want to take too much more of your time. I can make a water tip really simple for you. Ready? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Go ahead. Okay. All you have to do is look at your pee. The pee is for your pee to look like lemonade. So it looks like apple juice. You need more water. If it looks like water, you need to replenish your electrolytes. That's simple.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Really? So your pee says it all. Everything you need to know. Everybody has different water. What about what it's really yellow, really yellow? If you're supplementing like crazy and not the way it's really yellow, but you can tell, right? If it's neon, but even dark, darker, more concentrated.
Starting point is 00:42:05 More water. You're dehydrated. Yeah, period. It should look like lemonade. And if it looks like water, water, you can develop an electrolyte imbalance. And it takes a lot for that to become severe, but it can cause headaches, fatigue, brain fog. And it's not that hard for those people who are pounding like a gallon of water and working out all the time So simply add coconut water or I have no investment in this product. It's called electronics Is great little addition on salt your food if you Seltzer yes, it's sparkling water, but I always buy like seltzer because I buy cases of seltzer Sparkling amount of dinner. Sugar?
Starting point is 00:42:46 No, it's like a four. Celtier has zero sodium in it. Club soda has the sugar. No, zero. It's just carbonated water basically. Yeah, 100% all day long. And all the myths you've heard about like eating your bones is bullshit.
Starting point is 00:43:02 It's all bullshit. It's not like some people say it bothers you. Some make the carbonation is not good for you all of this. So not unless you personally are noticing like, oh, I get discomfort. And you this really is where people need to listen to their body because I have zero issues. I've never met anybody with issues, but every I'll hear that somewhere, oh, it can make you feel gassy. I mean, I've never had that problem. That side, listen to your body, but it's not even the slightest bit. I'm healthy. It's a little expensive. That's the worst thing. Right. All right. Well, this has been so informative today. I promise you I'm no longer going to use my creamer after this one is done. I have to finish the one that's been my refrigerator first. And I'm good at finishing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:47 So everyone, you need to download the fitness app, including myself. It seems that I also, Jillian has laughed at me the whole entire episode. But this was so much fun. I love your personality. You're so great. So thank you so much for coming on. And everyone do not forget to use promo code on display and download that app. Thank you so much for coming on and everyone do not forget to use promo code on display and download that app.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Thank you. You better have a great one. I had a ton of fun with you. Thank you. Thanks so much for coming on. I appreciate it. You know that fresh produce is the best produce. That's why at Crogr, we invest in local farmers to bring you seasonal picks that taste fresh from the farm good, like sweet corn, refreshing watermelon, and juicy peaches.
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