On Display with Melissa Gorga - Happy Gorga'Giving!

Episode Date: November 24, 2022

We all have a lot to be thankful for, and Melissa and Joe celebrate that this week. The Gorgas sit down to talk about holiday plans for the new home, Thanksgiving ingredients from the dollar store,&n...bsp; and the question every parent asks themselves during holiday cooking: "Do I actually want my kids to help with this?" Sit down, loosen that belt a notch or two, and enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with The Gorgas. This week's sponsors: AdvoCare - Energy, Health, and Wellness: advocare.com/melissa (15% off first order) CarawayHome - Chemical-free Cookware: carawayhome.com (up to 20% off) 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How much food we're gonna eat today? Yeah, that's what I gotta pace myself. Nice and easy. Yeah! What's up, everyone? It's another episode of On Display, but it's a very, very special one, because I'm with Joe Gorga, and we want to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Thank you, thanks. Who to spend. I love this holiday. I really do, man. You just sit around and eat and you don't have to make anything. That's right. I sit around. I eat and I watch football. It is the best holiday. You know what? Because I feel like men get catered to like for Thanksgiving
Starting point is 00:00:47 for some reason. You guys don't do much. It's not like do you carve the turkey? Yeah, we do some. We always do something. I got to carry the stuff inside. You know, I get my balls broken no matter what I do, right? So why did you do that? Why did you do that? Go do this. Go clean the front porch. So we always do something. Yeah. Right's like I got to put a muzzle on you. You talk too much. Right. Other than that. No, but really happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Starting point is 00:01:11 I feel so lucky that we get to be. I know so many of you right now. It's early in the morning. If you're listening to it first thing when this released. And you are driving somewhere. I'm sure. I know that the Garden State Parkway South, shout out to New Jersey, bumper to bumper to bumper
Starting point is 00:01:30 at like every year, craziness. It is. So Joe and I go to our sure house for Thanksgiving. Well, we'll sleep there. And then my sister hosts Thanksgiving. So we do Thanksgiving down the shore. We have no choice. We have to go there because it's our only family.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh my. We'll be sitting on the loan then. Joe Gorgas. What? We have really. What are we going to do? You know what?
Starting point is 00:01:56 Facts. You better appreciate my family. I do. I do. I do. They love me. You know, my mom says, I birthed you. I love him so much.
Starting point is 00:02:04 They love me. They love me. I mean, my sister-in-law's love me. My brother-in-law's love him so much. They love me. They love me. I think my sister-in-law's love me my brunel Loves love me my aunt's love nice to be loved. I can't say so much I know right my aunt's they're her aunt and her uncle they live in Virginia It was my birthday. They called me up. I answer the phone. They're here today, too. Oh, they're here I can't wait to see you guys, but they I answered the phone on my birthday and they're like and it had a song They're like happy birthday and they were like, and they had a song. They're like, happy birthday. And they were like, had this little chair in the back. And it was on the family off feels like they were. No, they love you. No, it's a very genuine love, but they all have a little soft spot for you because they know that they're all
Starting point is 00:02:40 you got. That's that's bullshit. No, no, no, no, see, see, now you make me feel like I'm the problem child. Oh, that's for sure. I frame. He's the ugly one. He's the bad one. I mean, really? No, they truly genuinely love you,
Starting point is 00:02:54 but they also have a spot for you when it's a birthday or if it's a holiday or you don't have your parents, you know, they feel like, you know, it's like, no, no, no. My mom and my other day was like, I love, she just calls me at her the blue. And she's like, you know, it's no, no, no. My mom all the other day was like, I love, she just calls me out of the blue. And she's like, you're just, I love you. And just continue to be you.
Starting point is 00:03:11 You know, a lot of people don't really know you. There's a lot of the bullshit that's out there. She's like, because you have the most amazing heart. And I want everyone to know who you really are. So just keep it up who you are. And I love you. No, she did say that at a nowhere, right? So why doesn't she say things like that to me?
Starting point is 00:03:28 Because I, because you don't have my heart, huh? I have a good heart. You got a good heart, but you just don't have Joe Gorgas Howard. Oh my God. I'm one of a kind. I feel like my mother, it's so weird. My mother is so much like softer with you than she is with me.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Like she's just softer with you. Because I'll tell you why. Your mother, when I met you, I said everything I was gonna do. I love her daughter. I love her. I treat the whole family right. I love everyone.
Starting point is 00:03:55 And I mean well. So as a mom, when my daughter gets married, or my sons get married, and I see that they're spouse, their husband, their wife is taking care of my child. I'm gonna love them even more, really. Now I know.
Starting point is 00:04:12 If I ever see... Listen, I feel like I went out of my... I tried to learn, I had your mother come over all the time during the week so I can learn every single thing that she knows at a maid, right? And you did, and that's what I was. And then I named all of my children
Starting point is 00:04:23 after your whole family. Oh, my God. There's Gina. Great. There's Antonia up. We got a little jazopy. Like when does Melissa get to pick a name? She like, I catered. I really did cater them and try so hard. Like, I did. No, you did. Listen, but here again, and I'm going to say, I respect you because you respected the fact that you met this great guy, right? Really? I loved you. You did.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I really was still, I hope. And I do, and I respected you, and you respected me by respecting my parents. It really, you really did. You really did the right thing, which I. And I have to say, I love the way that you were with your parents too, like you really catered to them. Like, you know, I remember one time your mom's car broke down.
Starting point is 00:05:09 You literally just like went and pretty much bought her a new one. Yeah. You know, like when they, as they got older, you bought them a house, right? It's like you just always were so good to your parents. Always, I mean, you know, I look at it this way. They gave so much to me. They barely even got to live in that house, right? I mean, you know, I look at it this way. They gave so much to me. They barely even got to live in that house, right?
Starting point is 00:05:27 Because it was like, then they start, that's when your dad got sick and went to the hospital and all that stuff. Yeah, no. Well, listen, they passed away and, you know, it's sad, but. Is it hard? Like days, like I know what Thanksgiving,
Starting point is 00:05:42 so we're going to keep it happy. But like the holidays is probably when you miss your parents the most, right? Of course, because then you think of them and all the dishes that they made and you're like, wow, I'll never try my mother's ham ever again, or my father's broccoli, you know, you know, my brother, he's like,
Starting point is 00:05:58 and the way he just used to come over and sit in the kitchen and it was his whole thing and cook in my mother all day. Those holidays were, those holidays are not the same anymore because you just lose that tradition. Which is sad. And that's why we're lucky that we have my sister that kind of shit. Of course. And then we have you. And my mom used to always make me a ham because I don't like Turkey.
Starting point is 00:06:25 I'm not crazy about Turkey. And my mother's just made me this ham. And I love ham. So now my mother-in-law makes me a ham every Christmas. And so yeah, she catered to you. She's a catered to me every time for us. She just makes devil eggs. That's what Donna Markle makes.
Starting point is 00:06:42 She knows she's coming with devil eggs. Like that's her thing. But now she added ham to the menu because Joey G likes ham. So he gets it with applesauce. That's with applesauce. Yes. I love the applesauce with the ham.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Funny story. My mother is so funny, like Thanksgiving. You know, good guys all know Donna Mark. She's just like funny. I can't explain it without even like trying. She's a sabreco. She is, but she's also like super kind. She is.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Like it's, I think that's where like even my daughter, like we've, even I learned from her like, she's very kind to humans. She doesn't like anyone to feel sad or if anyone's hurting or stressed out. Like she caters to people, you know. So she got a great heart. She does. But wanna hear a funny story about her.
Starting point is 00:07:26 She loves the dollar store. Like she legit loves it. Like she will come to my house all the time with random shit from the dollar store. And I'm talking like little plastic bags. Like the little thing that you would put on your leftover food. Like I don't even know what to say. Like the most sponges, like, oh, you need a pen.
Starting point is 00:07:49 You need a sponge. I know, I know we go with this. Okay, so one year on Thanksgiving, she, because my sister Lisa does Thanksgiving every year and I will say she does it so good. She puts so much time into this bread that we will eat today. I can't wait. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Wait, wait, wait, wait, you know what I can't wait for. What's the best? Sweet potato. You can't talk about that yet. I didn't get there yet. That's Kimmy's dish. I can't wait for the sweet potato. That's Lisa's not Lisa's dish. That's my other sister. That's like the bomb dish. We'll talk about that too because everyone needs to have that. I think so. But anyway, let's make a long story short with Donna Marco. She decides because she loves the dollar store that she is going to bring the cranberry sauce, you know, the kind that's in the can from the dollar store to Thanksgiving. And I'll be honest with you, not all cranberry in the can is made equal. Even though you think it would be, it is not, like it was watery, disgusting. It was not not good and shout out about the dollar stores. We appreciate you, but this was my sister's like,
Starting point is 00:08:51 ma, what is it? I got it at the dollar store. I can't as it can as it can. Like why? It's delicious. We're like, don't. So now it's a running joke like every year. We're like, Ma, get the cranberry. Do not get it from the dollar. But it's super market Ma. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:07 And what he's talking about the sweet potatoes, I know you guys know this, like the candid sweet potatoes. My sister Kim knows it's my favorite thing. So she makes like, it's almost like a dessert. It's like a dessert. Oh my god. Well, no, so she makes two one with nuts and one with that because I don't like the nuts.
Starting point is 00:09:23 And she puts like, what is that? Marshmallow on top. It's almost like having dessert, but we pile that. It's sick. It's sick. We're going to eat like savages. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Yes. So I really hope you guys are all with your beautiful families today having beautiful Thanksgiving dinners. How bad is the traffic? I don't know, but I hope listening to Joe and I right now keep you happy for your little trip down. I know. But I didn't get the kids up this morning, right? So I said, before we go, I said, come out in the back, help me blow the leaves. I love to blow the leaves, you know. Especially on holidays. You should blow them more often than because they
Starting point is 00:10:02 just all over the place. On holidays, that's what I like to do. So people like, thanks, given what I like to do because I don't really have a lot of time. I'm always at work, so I get up in the morning and I like to blow to leave. So I get my kids up and I'm like, come on. Come help me blow to leaves. And they're like, what the heck?
Starting point is 00:10:16 Come on! Before we were leaving, what a pain in the ass dealing with your children. When you want them to help you, and you know, I'm trying to teach them, and I remember when my dad When I was younger my dad will teach me but I worked I had no choice He was crazy so I worked and I learned how to do everything but these are our kids man
Starting point is 00:10:34 I was gonna I kill you know I did though I just sit down just sit down and watch me don't do anything They're complaining. They're raking very slow. I'm blowing They're playing in. They're raking very slow. I'm blowing. Joey's complain. By the time they put their shoes on and get down the stairs, you're already done with the leaves. It's like, there's just so work. We used to be, I want to say, we used to be more like in fear of our parents than they are now.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Like I feel like they like laugh at me if I try to yell at them. Like, Geno legit looks at me like he giggles when I yell at him. But they move when I say something. They my kids are scared. I mean, they don't I'm crazy. If I get mad, I get mad. Yeah, we know Joe. We know.
Starting point is 00:11:11 But, you know, when I was, when I was younger and I said I was going to have kids, I always said I'm going to teach them to work. They're all going to have jobs early. You know, they're going to get up and they're going to do the chores around the house. They're going to get jobs just like I did. And I am doing nothing. I said I was gonna do right really. I'm doing nothing I mean that you were gonna make them do all these things when I was young
Starting point is 00:11:35 You know in my 20s and I was like I'm when I have children. I'm gonna get up I'm gonna get them. I'm gonna let them get up at the house make them do all these chores I'm gonna get get them a job gonna let them get up at the house, make them do all these chores. I'm gonna get them a job. Well, because they're in sports, and all year round, they really are. But I, let's talk about that, but even the chores around the house, I don't give them too many chores.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I know, let's give them more. I'm lacking in that. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, lacking, whatever it is. You're slacking any, lacking in it. No, it's true. Even for Thanksgiving today, it's like, how many, I don't know, how many of you guys out there? Do your kids help you in the kitchen? And are they making a dish with you? Are they helping you do these things? Or is it more of a pain in the ass to have them in the kitchen? Because they just get in the way, or they move too slow,
Starting point is 00:12:22 and you're like, you know what? Never mind. I have to say I'm guilty of being one of those who's like, let me just do it myself because by the time you help me, you know, I end up yelling at the child five times and it just never ends up really being helpful. But I am curious how many of you out there
Starting point is 00:12:39 actually let your kids like help in the kitchen because I do think that's sweet to like work together on holidays and especially this holiday. Obviously, Christmas Eve for us is huge, but I feel like Thanksgiving is like second runner up, for sure, just because, you know, it's so many people like come home for Thanksgiving. There's so, if they're easy to have college kids,
Starting point is 00:12:59 if you have relatives like, look, we haven't seen my aunt and uncle that live in Virginia, who's my dad's brother, We haven't seen them in months six months, right? But we'll see them today like a lot of people come together for Thanksgiving And I think it's just like special and I almost feel like I don't know what Thanksgiving's like a kickoff to the holiday season It's like all right. It's on yeah, I'm ready. I'm ready to eat right now I'm ready. It's gonna be how much food we're gonna eat today Well, so I gotta pace myself nice and easy every every every hour I'm ready to eat right now. I'm ready. I'm hungry. It's going to be so much food. We're going to eat today.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Well, so I'm going to pace myself nice and easy. Every hour, I tear down. Yeah, we go through rounds and rounds. And you know what I love? The leftovers. We go through a lot of red wine. My family, we drink so much red wine. The red wine that's going to be left over,
Starting point is 00:13:42 like you see the bottles everywhere, just everywhere. You just see red wine bottles. Because we drink too. Cause it's fun. It's like we just sit around and drink and eat all day. It really is one of my favorite holidays too. But I feel like it's always a thing too when you guys fall asleep watching football or whatever it is. You definitely fall asleep. There's always one sleep with the mouth open and I'm videoing them. Oh, you guys, my brother wants to go. no, no, no, I'm never gonna stop.
Starting point is 00:14:07 That's gonna be my tradition. When they're 85, I'm still gonna do it. Yeah, so Joe, whenever one of my brother and last follow sleep or my cousin, Joe just videos them and puts him on Instagram to his one million followers, which is so rude, Joe. It's our joke. So everybody, you're trying to sleep and you're not
Starting point is 00:14:24 enough, but you don't really want to fall asleep because you're gonna be on a video so everybody's like fighting it Yeah, so I just keep drinking drinking espresso and I'm wired I know how the holidays get me feeling with the presence the family events the meals and all the other runaround Which is why I have to tell you guys about the new energy drink mix called Spark. Guys, this is like a great tasting energy drink mix that sugar-free and it's powered by 20 vitamins, nutrients and minerals. With an effective amount of caffeine for an energy boost, be vitamins to support your
Starting point is 00:15:01 body's natural ability to sustain its own energy and Neuroactive ingredients to keep you focused and alert Spark is the perfect solution for your everyday energy needs this time of year is always crazy Especially the coffee line at the drive-through so this energy drink mix is so much easier to just make it home and run out with for the rest of the day. You can find your flavor of spark and discover more products for all of your health and wellness solutions at avacare.com slash Melissa. That's advocare.com slash Melissa. Get 15% off your first order at advac advocate.com slash Melissa today.
Starting point is 00:15:47 But I love I love the holidays. I really do and I love Christmas. Oh, Christmas like favorite time of the year. I know. We'll get there. We'll get there. I feel like sometimes I rush from Halloween right to like I just okay. I'm guilty guys. We just moved into our new house. So congratulations to you, Joe. Congratulations to you. Thank you. It was a ride. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:16:08 It was a ride. It was a roller coaster ride. Yeah, it's getting all of the ducks in a row and getting all the things done. Oh my gosh. It's not easy building a house with your wife. I mean, I build a lot of houses and buildings and it's no problem.
Starting point is 00:16:23 But once you do it with your wife is a problem Well, let me just say arguing the arguing it is insane. Yeah, I mean first of all can we make it happy for five seconds We're finally in our house like So happy you love it. You love everything I did you did what no come on I did it all she takes on if you take you took my direction and did what I told you to do. Basically. You always try to take the credit. It was my, listen.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Okay, I'll give you credit on certain things. You did a really good job with our ceilings. You did. They're beautiful. That's it. I love the cutouts. I love the lights. They're very modern.
Starting point is 00:16:59 But I basically did everything but the ceilings. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I fought you on the white brick. I wanted a white brick house. You were trying to talk me into like, stuck-o for a minute, and then you were trying to talk me
Starting point is 00:17:12 into that other thing. What's the other thing that I like? That I was borderline-loving. Seater, cedar shakes. Seater shakes. That's siding. Yeah. No, we weren't doing siding.
Starting point is 00:17:20 No, it was a cedar shake siding. Right. And you were trying, and I was like, no joke. No, I want the brick. I want the brick. No, I want the brickedar shake signing. Right. And you were trying and I was like, no, Joe. I want the breake. Dreamhouse is I wanted this house. So I my other house, as you guys all know, obviously had like, you know, the castle vibes like all of the like kind of like that, the old school now, it's a little bit older school. But the franchise toe was gorgeous. Yeah, but it was gorgeous stunning classic, you know, has the round cutouts and all the different like
Starting point is 00:17:47 Levels and everything this house. I wanted simple. I wanted it to be like very Simplicity and elegant. I wanted linear lines I didn't want like and I wanted Windows like I just wanted windows that were not gigantic, very symmetrical, like across the front, with a couple peaks, wanted white players. She drove me crazy. Black windows. We had plans, changed this, do that, I want this,
Starting point is 00:18:13 I want my, okay, I build it, rip it down, but build it. Yes, I changed my mind. Move the door, move the door over here, oh my God, I want to rip my hair out. Yes, where my foyer was, it was really not where it was supposed to be on the plans. And I was like, I don't like it here. I have to move. He's like, well, that's the dining room. And I'm like, we'll make it the floor. We'll make it the foyer. And so we did. We did. We worked it out. We're in.
Starting point is 00:18:39 We're in. It looks beautiful. I'm very happy. I feel like it's my forever. I'm never leaving. You know what I want to hear from somebody out there that has built the house because my friend right now called me this morning and he said, oh my god, I don't know how you do. How'd you do it? How'd you build the house with your wife? I'm renovating right now and we're fighting like cats and dogs. He goes, everything I'm doing, I'm ready. And he's like, what do you want? How big do you want this room? He goes, she goes'm doing, I'm ready. And he's like, what do you want? What, how big do you want this room? He goes, she goes, I don't know yet.
Starting point is 00:19:07 He goes, what do you mean? You're the guys are here framing, I need to know. Same thing with Melissa. Melissa will be like, yeah, paint that room, that color. Come back, she, I don't want that color. That's ugly. I go, you picked the color. I hate it.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Gives me another color. I have to repaint the color. I go, you know how much that cost? Did I have to buy the paint? Pay the man to do it now I got to do it three four times I call myself I call Melissa miss three times Melissa three times let's do it three times once twice three times a lady there you go I did change my mind often now she goes like this. Please, the house is done.
Starting point is 00:19:48 She walks down to the basement. She goes, I want everything white. I want everything white. I want everything white. Okay, everything is white. I just want to start off wanting a white base. So then I go down. Now she goes like this.
Starting point is 00:19:57 You know, after we painted the entire basement, and it's all cutouts down there, so it costs a lot of money. All that paint. You know what she says? Repaint the whole basement and it's all caught out down there. So it costs a lot of money. All that pain. You know what she says? Repaint the whole basement. Another color. Dark.
Starting point is 00:20:10 I want it more moody down there. I decided it's a little too light. See? You see? It's insane. It's okay. Now, like you had to paint it something. You think money just grows on trees?
Starting point is 00:20:19 That pain is good. Let that pain stay there for the next five, six years. Oh, definitely not. That will change it. Definitely not. Definitely not. We're going to make some moody changes. And then you know what I hate, which you know what I hate? You know what I hate that drives me the worst.
Starting point is 00:20:30 You know what she'll say? OK, well hire somebody and pay them. I'm like, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo. Try to bring another contractor. Yeah, when he takes too long, honestly, when he takes too long to come with his men, I literally want to call someone who does exactly what his men do and just have them come because I'm gonna pay them And it's gonna happen in five minutes like there we go. Yeah, okay five minutes. Cool. Cool. I'll sub out there
Starting point is 00:20:52 Cool, but I get I threaten all the time. I'm like if you're if you don't get here if it's not done by Friday I'm calling someone else to do it You don't you dare don't you dare you imagine me pulling up I'm gonna do it you imagine me pulling up to the ass and there's somebody else doing work. I go crazy I'll be get out of here. I mean, I think there's things right ladies correct me if I'm wrong But I think there's things that we need to say sometimes to our husbands that we know will like almost trigger them To like get into the action. It's to start moving into like move the rest basically Yeah. And that's what I say to you. I say to you, I'm about to call someone else. I'm about to call another painter unless you send me yours. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:33 but that doesn't get me motivated. You know what that gets me? That gets me mad. I get mad. Yeah, but you get that done because you know I'm gonna call somebody. Yeah, I get mad. No, I had to do it. I was I was building a house from our children. So I had to get it done I know No, no, don't don't don't building. I didn't want to do it for you. I hated you. I did everything for you the house is for you It's done, but I hated you. You told me the one thing I will say what couples it is rough like when you're renovating when you're even when you're doing the backyard Margaret just told me she's starting her backyard, like her pool work, retaining rolls, this, that landscape design even, right? Yeah. She was like, Oh my God. Like you just start arguing with your spouse instantly. Well, here's what
Starting point is 00:22:14 the biggest argument that I've had. You, I'll be there all day working or all week. Show show up and she's like, Oh my God, what is this? What did you do? You did nothing or a week. She goes, I see nothing. This looks like the same. What did you guys do a week? I'm like, you don't even know what you're talking about. Yeah, like so in Tony and I. So the neighbors hold on. The neighbors are like, oh my God, you have, there's 55 trucks here. They're parked all the way down the street. We took up the whole street, right? There's so many men near work and my wife shows up.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Oh my God. And you have, what have you done all week? This looks horrible. There's nothing getting done. And you want to kill it. It's horrible. Well, it's like, and so ladies. It looks like you haven't done one thing here, all right?
Starting point is 00:23:02 It's like a stab and you, you, you basically you suck. Because we didn't see anything. You do nothing. For a minute, we were going through that section where it didn't look like a lot was changing. I would walk in and be like, okay, the floors are down, the kitchen's in, like, get to the next level. So let's get to the next level. So that was the argument.
Starting point is 00:23:21 So ladies out there, if you're a husband's out there and he's busting his ass, building a house, whatever he's doing, be, give a compliment. And maybe you come there and you don't see nothing different because we're roughening wire, we're doing plumbing, we're doing all this stuff that you don't see, right? Maybe you come in and say, oh, babe, you've been here all week, 15 hours a day. Wow, you're working so, right? Maybe you come in and say, oh babe, you've been here on a week, 15 hours a day. Wow, you're working so hard.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I love you. This is coming out great. You know, a little compliment. I come to my view. I said you made beautiful. We have gorgeous ceilings in our house. Beautiful ceilings. One, like, I don't know if this is trend this year or what,
Starting point is 00:24:01 but one thing I did notice is everyone is decorating for Christmas, like already. Not everyone notice is everyone is decorating for Christmas. Like already. Not everyone. Not everyone. Just you. No, no, no, honey. Not just me.
Starting point is 00:24:11 There's no one on our block. What lights, but you. No, no, I'm not. The entire block. Oh, my gosh. I just want to say I see a lot of Christmas trees up already on Instagram. So people, she's already decorated the house. We're barely moving in.
Starting point is 00:24:22 I'm still painting rooms. Right here. I see it as crystal reindeer coming through. I go, what's that? Go get the trees. She's got me. Go get the trees. Get the trees.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I'm still finishing this wall right here. Get the trees. She wants three, four. We got four Christmas trees up. She's got lights up all over. I already have four Christmas trees up. It's just my little diamond reindeer. I am completely, wait, the whole outside of my house is decorated for Christmas already.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Like it is, we are in full blown Christmas. I got a paintbrush in one hand, a hammer in the other, a two by four in my shoulder, and a Christmas tree hanging on my other shoulder. It's insane. I mean, this girl's driving crazy. She'll drive you crazy. Okay, but you know what? Like I noticed everyone is doing it early or this season
Starting point is 00:25:06 I don't know what it is. You know what the people in our block are like look at these gorgas They ready put the high jump. We're making them look bad. They just moved in the neighborhood They're like looking at some of the bitches. You say that. Do you know I was thinking that I'm like I wonder if the neighborhood's kind of like look at the gorgas already their house was lit up like a damn Christmas tree It's not even Thanksgiving. Do you know how many men are getting bitch that right now from their eyes on our block? They're like, look at him. He put the lights up already.
Starting point is 00:25:33 My neighbor came up to me the other day. I swear to you. You did not put the lights up by the way. We had a company come in. This is my neighbor leave. Leave. If you listen to neighbor comes over to me. I'm blowing the leaves.
Starting point is 00:25:42 He comes over and goes, Hey buddy, buddy, you got to stop this. I go, what? He goes, you're making me look bad. My every time I come home from work, my wife bitches at me. Joe Gorkas out there. Look at him. He's a beast. He does this. He does. He's the, I go, bro, I'm sorry. I can't just try to. You wife makes you do it. Yeah. And these go all these men on my street. I love you, man. I'm sorry. I just got a crazy wife. I got a crazy wife. Yeah, you don't have a crazy wife. I have OCD. If I'm going to unpack and the Christmas decor is going right past me, I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, just put it up.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Just put it up. And if you guys follow me on Instagram, just so you know, I'm very excited about it. I started posting the house and I'm going to continue to post just about every single room that we've done and all of my vendors because anyone that I post to you means that I started posting the house and I'm going to continue to post just about every single room that we've done and all of my vendors because anyone that I post to you means that I absolutely love to them. So if any of you are doing construction or looking to remodel, I am going to show you who I used for cabinets, for flooring, for tile, for closets, for you name it, counter tops,
Starting point is 00:26:44 furniture, I am going to give up all my secrets and chandeliers and lighting. Just you name it. You guys are gonna love it. If you're looking for anything new for your house, I will give you all the best spots to go because I've literally been researching this for over a year and a half and I feel like I found all the best. Well, it's very hard to find the good contractor these days. So if we're recommending them, that means they're great.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Right. And even these companies to find the best like tile and the best, you know, stuff that's stylish and different. And, you know, obviously this house and you'll be able to see it on my Instagram is so different than my original. And I feel like everyone is so used to seeing us in that traditional. It's very hard for them to let go of Montville.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Like a lot of people, even in the comments were like, but we loved your old house. And I'm like, we did too. That was a work of art. It was. It was a beautiful home. Nobody thinks we downsized. By the way, everyone's like, I thought you were downsizing.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I thought, this is not down. This house, I will say literally is half, half, half of our other house. No one believes it on Instagram, but it is, it is half the size of our other house. It's like literally the perfect place to like just call it a day, honey, we're staying in the apartment. You know, you know what I'm going to be honest here.
Starting point is 00:28:05 The best part of building this house and with all the aggravation and the stress and all that and the fighting with my wife at the end of the day, she stood up on that foyer and she was like, I love my house, Joe. And she was so happy. And you really, you remember I did that that yeah, it made me feel so good That see that's what all the money I spent and all the hard work that I did in all those hours And I took away from all the other project meant Everything for that because you could tell I meant it
Starting point is 00:28:39 I'm happy and it's I literally do I'm not gonna lie. It's so new to me But I walk around just like smiling. I'm not going to lie. It's so new to me, but I walk around just smiling. I love my kitchen. I love my bathroom. I love my porch. I love everything. I'm like, oh, because I literally, we got very lucky that we found a house.
Starting point is 00:28:56 We knocked it down, and we literally built from the ground up. So I literally, and listen, I'm in my 40s now. I've built a couple homes in my day, I knew exactly what I wanted this time. And we're in a town that I absolutely love. We also have to give some credit to like, you know, when you find these properties, right? Cause we had to do, so we have a four car garage,
Starting point is 00:29:18 two of the garages are detached, and two are on the house. There was definitely things that we had to work with that weren't like ideal for us, but when you want to be on a certain block, right? So like we wanted this very prestigious street that we love in town. You know, you don't always get,
Starting point is 00:29:39 you don't always get to pick the property that you want. You have to function and work this house with your art. You can't always get everything you want. You can't have everything. And I know that you want. You have to function and work this house. You can't always get everything you want. You can't have everything. And I know that there's a lot of you out there that are probably looking for homes and you know exactly what I'm saying. Like I had to have this street, right? And you don't get to pick the exact property you want on the street because they're not
Starting point is 00:30:00 for sale. So it's like, you have to kind of form what your vision is on a lot that might not be perfect for your vision, but if it location, location, location, right? So that's another thing. Like I would like one more extra room in the house for me, like just my own room. Just an extra leg.
Starting point is 00:30:18 My own room, right? And we don't have the space, we don't, so I can't get it. So I built this gorgeous office for my room. I mean, you have a freaking wine room that has a gambling table in it. I know, but that's not my room. I want my own room. What room is that?
Starting point is 00:30:30 That's gonna be everybody's room, and I just want my own room. It's not everybody's room, that's your room. I do, I want my own. I give you everything. I want you to do it. She's got a glam room. I don't have a glam room. I want my glam room. You have a poker room.
Starting point is 00:30:40 It's not, no, but it's the basement. It's everybody's gonna use it. I want my own room, and I don't have it. Who can use my't have. I gave her a beautiful office. I had to take my office away to give her a beautiful office, right? Because we had two offices on a plan and we changed it because she's like, I don't have my glam room. So I got her a salon. So I put it on a salon. That's what I'm talking about. That was my office. That's gone. Yeah, it was. That's what I'm saying when it's plans, you kind of have to, you can't have everything perfect. Because sometimes you have to go with the property You know what a good husband does baby. Thank you. Doll. I definitely use the house way more than you
Starting point is 00:31:11 I don't know if you ever even home so basically it's gonna be what I say Because it's like I don't know and I have to beg you to So every day every day listen let's get back to the bitch in real quick I gotta get back to the big because. Because I gotta talk about this. So every one thing gets done, she's like, oh, all right, it's done. Now in your head as a husband, you're like, oh my gosh, she's gonna shut up.
Starting point is 00:31:34 She's not gonna break, she's not gonna break my balls anymore. She's not gonna call me. Three minutes later, she goes, hello, where's the glass guy? The glass guy didn't come yet. Oh my God, the glass guy. John, I can't do this. I need the glass guy, I need the glass guy. I need the glass guy. I need the glass guy. I need the glass guy. John, I can't do this. I need the glass guy.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I need the glass guy. I need the glass guy. I need the glass guy. I need the glass guy. The mirror in my room. I can't do it because the glass guy's got, I built this office all open where it's all in glass. It's gorgeous for her.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Basically, I have a glass office. It's super cool. I will definitely show that to you guys on Instagram. Yeah, but the glass guy didn't come and finished the door. And she's like, so it's now it's every day the glass guy Seven o'clock in the morning. Guess what my phone call was to Joe yesterday Joe I'm gonna find a new glass guy in five four three two one. Yeah, he was like do not do that That's my guy. I've been working with him for 27 years. He's my guy. He'll he's coming
Starting point is 00:32:23 Okay guys It's time to ditch the chemicals with caraway homes, non-toxic cookware and bakeware collections. So you can make healthier cooking of piece of cake. Caraway homes kitchenwares are all designed for the modern home and feature a chemical-free ceramic coating. So your food can be prepared with piece of mine that no hard-to- hard to pronounce chemical junk will get into your healthy ingredients. All sets come equipped with easy access storage solutions so that there is no stacking required. Gone are the days misplacing your lids. This only happens once a year
Starting point is 00:32:59 guys. Caraway home cyber season event is almost here. Save up to 20% on all Caraway home products, including their internet famous non-toxic cookware set. Listen guys, trust me, it's the holidays, and if you're anything like me, you're going to be cooking a lot. And when you're cooking, why not have peace of mind that nothing except for your actual ingredients is getting into your food. I picked up the cream colored saucepan. I am absolutely in love with it by the way and it's perfect for all my secret family sauces, but most importantly, it's safe. Over 30,000 people have reaped about their Caraway home kitchen and like me, it's now time to try it yourself. Visit CarawayHome.com to
Starting point is 00:33:46 take advantage of their cyber season event and score up to 20% off your next purchase of non-toxic kitchenware. This deal is not gonna last long so visit CarawayHome.com to shop all their incredible products and to save up to 20% this holiday season. Caraway, good looking, clean cooking. Hey, Friday night lights fans, it's not only football, Friday night lights and beyond is an episode by episode discussion of the hit TV series Friday night lights.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Hostify, you are truly Scott Porter who played Jason Street on the show, and my two wonderful co-hosts. Me, Zach Wilford, aka Matt Saricin. And me, May Whitman, aka someone who wasn't on the show, but really, really loves it a lot. We will also bring on some special guests, to answer your questions, and tell you about
Starting point is 00:34:36 what's going on in our lives today. It's not only football, Friday night lights and beyond is available now wherever you get your favorite podcasts. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose! So then when the glass gets done, right, it's gonna get done by the end of the week. Then it's gonna be something else. The landscape and Joe and more plants. I want more plants, I want more plants, I want more plants, I want more plants.
Starting point is 00:35:00 So that's another thing. It's because we finished the house in like November, October, November, we weren't really able to landscape So that's a whole not a thing that's gonna happen in this bridge. We need beautiful hydrages and trees and that's the next step that Oh my god help me. Yeah, this is just a whole and then you know, you know here It's the same thing that when I asked for sex right because I asked she's like ah like yesterday I called her and she was downstairs and I was taking a shower and I called her up and I go, babe, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:35:29 Come upstairs, she goes for what? I go, come on up, she goes, oh my God, come on. Again. Sometimes when Joe calls me and it's like dinner time when he gets home from work, it's like 6 p.m., 7 p.m. I'm always downstairs, it's dinner time. I gets home from work. It's like 6 p.m. 7 p.m. I'm always downstairs like it's dinner time. I'm usually like making dinner. The kids are like around the TV's on.
Starting point is 00:35:51 It's now dark here at 4.30. So I probably have my pajamas on already. And it's like dinner time. And like when he goes upstairs to take a shower and I look on the counter, my phone's ringing and it says, Joe, I literally like, are you kidding me? Like how rude? Because I know what he's gonna do.
Starting point is 00:36:09 He literally rings my phone and I'm like, hello? And he's like, are you gonna come upstairs? And I'm like, for what? Yeah, for what? When I know exactly why he's calling me because he knows that like once I eat dinner and I get comfortable and I'm watching my show and the computer computers on my lap and he starts to like move his hand around I'm like back off me.
Starting point is 00:36:30 I am cozy. I am comfortable. It is cold outside. So depressing. I'm not taking my clothes off. Depression. So you know what he does now? He goes to take a shower and sometimes that phone will just ring and he's like, come up
Starting point is 00:36:41 stare. Yeah, you got to get him through on a day. Why don't you know what I want to say to him? No. I will, come up, stare. Yeah, you got to get him through on a day. Why? You know what I want to say to him? Because no, I will not come up this year. I had to adjust my life. I hate that. It's like, I just got home from work. I'm stressed out.
Starting point is 00:36:53 And like, I got to put myself in that mode, right? I'm not even in the mood, but I got to get, why do you four? Because I got to get the poison out, because I won't go to sleep all night. I'm sick. So I got to get myself in the mood. I've been stressed out all day. So I'm like, hey, come up. So I'm like, I got to work it out. I like't go to sleep on my son. Be sick. So I got to get myself in the mood. I've been stressed out all day.
Starting point is 00:37:05 So I'm like, baby, come up. So I'm like, I got to work. I like to lay in bed at night. We're comfortable. We're cozy. I'm hugging there. We're cuddling. And then you know, that's romantic.
Starting point is 00:37:16 It feels great. You get into the mood. That's when I really want it. But you know, she's changed now. She's like, don't you dare at night. I'm not in the mood. If you want it, get me door in a day. I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 00:37:28 So I make sure. Oh my god. Well, six o'clock at night is not door in the day, but so then it's like once in a while, I'll like walk up the stairs because I'm like, no, because I'm like, and then I just look at him and he's just like sitting there, he just got out of the shower like in his towel and and he's like hi. I'm like this is weird
Starting point is 00:37:48 Everybody's downstairs. I literally have the fire on the stove. There's a fire on you know what I can't stand as I'm trying to Like I got a towel on I put my towel down. I'm like look at this. No, no I try to get it turned down. I'm like look at this you like this she goes as she starts walking around Organizing the room going into the swamp. I'm behind a robin her. She's moving and I'm trying to look at This with the closet. I'm getting on my knee. I'm trying to look and I'm touching and I'm just stop No, oh my god, you know she starts making the bed. I'm like don't make the bed. I'm gonna get in the bed She walks around. Oh, please, grab the towel.
Starting point is 00:38:28 I'm like, I'm always so busy. And like, that's just so extra. So that's why I got into that story is because the way she calls me every day, try my test, I want that. They'll do this, that thing, don't be, I'm that. Well, come on.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And I do the say there. Hey babe Come on, huh? Can we get back on to the fact that it's Thanksgiving and everyone's listening to us maybe with their beautiful families And they don't want to hear about you calling me up this Why but that's what keeps those guys Listen, please listen to the women to the men to everybody out there. I mean listen. We live one life yet You're married. You stuck with this person no matter what even if you know, I mean, I love you baby Can we change the narrative? Yeah, listen, we're stuck right we're stuck. We're together. We might as well have fun Right, I mean come on. Let's go back, let's go back to the days when we were like,
Starting point is 00:39:26 you know, dating, just keep it going, peeps. That's it. Okay, we know you preach it. We hear that question. I'm always gonna preach it. So if I can fix somebody's marriage today, and they listen to this and they go home and they do this, I love it.
Starting point is 00:39:39 That's what I live for. Okay, in your next life, you should be a marriage counselor. There you go. I will be. I will be. But anyway anyway getting back to the fact that today's Thanksgiving I would like I give thanks to having amazing wife That's what I would like to ask you what you're thankful for you what really are you besides me? I know I know you're very thankful for me because how would you breathe or get through your days or be organized without me? I don't know I could do a lot of beyond I'll be on. I'll be on it. Yeah. Right now. Exactly. You would be.
Starting point is 00:40:07 I'd be like that. No, I'll be like that guy. What's that guy? Do what's his name? Okay, but today, what is Joe Gorgher thankful for? So what I'm really thankful for is definitely my family, my children, you and and life and health that I have helped. I'm healthy that I woke up this morning, you woke up my children. I always say that at the end of the day, I say a little prayer to God, thank you
Starting point is 00:40:31 that you know, give us this health. And that's all I really care about. And you know, I'm really thankful. And I always say, I don't really care about money. I don't care about anything. As long as I have my family and I have food on the table and I have health, I'm happy. But how about you? I want you to, I'm my family and I have food on the table and I have health, I'm happy. But how about you? I want you to, I'm not gonna let you have
Starting point is 00:40:48 it. What are you thankful for? I mean, gosh, you know, I feel like it's so, people always ask this on Thanksgiving, right? I, my first thing literally that pops to my mind is health. Like that is so important, right? Because everything else we could always, if we lose everything tomorrow, we can go back to work and we can make money. And we can, but health to me is like, you know, and we have a very good friend that has a little baby, right?
Starting point is 00:41:15 Little Landon's Journey. If you guys want to follow him on Instagram, he shows his whole journey, but he has a very, very rare disease. And it's, you know, you think of things like that and how hard that is and how that baby's always in hospitals. And it's like, you need to be thankful first and foremost, always for health.
Starting point is 00:41:34 And that's just always, always how I feel. Like we're very lucky, we're very blessed in so many ways. We're lucky to, yes, we're hard workers, but we're lucky that we get opportunities and that we wanna work and that we have that drive in us. Like that to me is so important. The fact that our kids are happy, I feel like I'm very thankful for that
Starting point is 00:41:55 because we're lucky, we don't have anybody who's at a pocket or sad or everyone, like, you know, is pretty happy other than when Antonia growls at me, she's happy, right? Mm-hmm. But it's like one of those things where you think of your kids and your health and, you know, it's true.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Like, money is not the first thing that pops to mind at all. It's like, I want my mother to stay around for so many more years. Like, I'm thankful that we're going to Thanksgiving today and we still, my kids still have one grandparent to make us laugh and make us giggle. And so I'm thankful for that. And I'm so thankful for my immediate family.
Starting point is 00:42:34 But I have to honestly say, and I do thank God for this all the time, my extended family, my original family, right? I am so thankful for. My cousins, my aunts, my sisters, my nieces, like I am very, very, very blessed with like a huge, amazing, supportive family. And we don't have one bad egg, right?
Starting point is 00:42:59 In the whole group. You know, there's always like a crazy uncle, a crazy one sisters off, this, that the cousin sucks, whatever. No, not in the Marco family. It's just like I'm very, very happy. And I thank God for that every day because they are, you know, with this life that we live too, right? On reality, television and even for my kids to have support and cousins and all of these things, I am very, very happy and And like that I have them.
Starting point is 00:43:25 And grateful and thankful. So that's it. I think family and health are definitely the highest up on my list for sure. Do you know? I'm sure that, yeah, do you have more that you're thankful for? You mentioned, you mentioned everybody.
Starting point is 00:43:41 You mentioned the family, the children children money and health and the table I love this table and thank for this tape and I'm thankful for the rug and I'm thankful for the fucking aunt and a street over there and I'm thankful for all those people but not you Joe not my husband No, I didn't hear you, but that's for oh that's fucked up This one I'm I am the way I am very thankful for you. This is why I'm, I am the way. I can't talk. I am the fucking lost child. Oh, my family likes you because they feel sorry for you.
Starting point is 00:44:11 They're fucking. I mean, holy shit. I am very thankful for you. You know that. No, no, I don't know that. I don't know. You just, you mentioned the fucking lamp. You were like, oh, I got a big,
Starting point is 00:44:22 I'm thankful for the courage. How about that? Better than this, I'll give you the reason why I'm gonna be crazy. How about that? Better than this, I'll give you the reason why I'm thankful for you. How about that? Okay. I wanna share them. I am thankful for you, Joe Gorgah,
Starting point is 00:44:32 because you do have a way of, you've given me something that I don't have naturally, right? Which is like, you push me to always wanna live my best life. So it's like, I want to feel depressed or if I want to, you know, not put my best foot forward or if like, if I get grouchy or in a mood because I'm overworked a lot, right? Like, you will put it all at the surface and remind me all the time, like, you have one life.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Like, we need to hug, like, we've never hugs before. We need to laugh. We need to enjoy this glass of wine together. We need, we're sometimes, like we've never hugs before. We need to laugh. We need to enjoy this glass of wine together. We need, we're sometimes I would let that stuff go and I'm just like everything I'm just like push everything off. I get tired. I get cranky and you'll remind me like, Hey, sit down. Like this is what life is. Me and you and and talking to our kids and and sometimes I get lost, right? And in in the world of all these things that I do. And like, you bring it back all the time as to like,
Starting point is 00:45:29 no, no, no, no, no. We need to sit and enjoy it. Stop rushing. Stop rushing through dinner. Stop like, sit down and like, this is what it's about. And you're very, very, I'm thankful for that for you. I'm aiming at you. What do you want?
Starting point is 00:45:44 That was pretty good. You're clean enough. I'm thankful for your for you. I'm aiming, you know, that was pretty good. You're cleaning up. I'm thankful for your hot body. Like, this guy would rather me say that. That was nice though. Something deep and thought. Yeah, that was nice. I mean, you just sat there for 25 minutes.
Starting point is 00:45:56 We're thanking everything else in life. And then I was at the end. And I had a reminder. No, you don't count. You're sitting right here. No, that was, I know, baby. That was nice. That was nice. That was nice.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Okay. And that's what everybody should do out there. Remind each other that you love each other. And a hug and stop. Cause life is hard. My days are hard every day, but I don't, I appreciate you, my children. That's what makes me happy.
Starting point is 00:46:21 So, you know, I might have the worst day and I'm like, you know what, screw down. I'm going home to my kids and my wife. And I'm going to forget about what just happened. And I'm going to live my life and make them happy. Then I'll go back and fight war again. Next thing. No, you're very good at that. That's that's what I'm thankful for too, by the way. Yeah. You're very good at leaving work at work, which I am grateful that you're like that. Because I can't do that as much as you can and you're getting better. I'm getting better It's not easy for me, but I I am getting better
Starting point is 00:46:50 All right, everyone listen to me. I know it's Thanksgiving. I hope that you guys all have the most amazing Thanksgiving tell whoever you're walking into today who's ever house you're walking into Cug your family a little bit tighter today. Appreciate that you're gonna break bread with them today and have wine with them today and have family members to eat with because I think we all get so busy and sometimes we forget.
Starting point is 00:47:16 But I personally wanna say thank you so much for being so supportive of on display and just so many different things and listening to me each week and listening to Joe and I and you know we just love you guys so much and we want to wish you all a very very happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. So I'm gonna listen before you finish I want to say something. Listen today is a special day. Today's a day to be thankful.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Love your family. Enjoy them. Today's a day about the bigger picture, and be thankful for your family and your friends, and let the small things slide. Hug everybody a little tighter today, because I would like to. Let's do it! No! Yeah!

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