On Display with Melissa Gorga - Keep It or Sleep It? (w/ Ira Madison)

Episode Date: February 23, 2023

Melissa opens up the show to clear the air on last weekend's run-in down in the Bahamas. Then she invites writer, podcaster, and Bravo expert, Ira Madison, onto the show to talk about what he hopes to... see in the current (and future) seasons of Housewives, his "In for 2023" list, and why he thinks movie dates are the absolute worst idea. Melissa also plays "Sleep It or Keep It" with Ira, and we get his takes on the Reality TV storylines that are worth talking about, and the ones that need to be put to bed. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's wrong. If anyone hands you a red Cosmo, just hand it right back and say I'll take the express on Martini. What's up everyone? Welcome to another episode of on display. Happy Thursday morning. I have so much scoop for you guys today. I just feel like there's like so much to talk about. We were away in the Bahamas this weekend, which I know you guys all know. And yes, I am going to touch on the hug that you guys also saw on Instagram that Joe posted between, you know, himself and Joe Judays. I know you guys are also curious. So I am definitely going to get into that with you guys. you know, himself and Joe Judays. I know you guys are also curious. So I am definitely gonna get into that with you guys. You know, I just wanna say before we even get
Starting point is 00:00:52 really into the nitty-gritty of it, that it really was a positive moment. And I'm gonna give you the details because I feel like you guys need to know, right? Because you've watched so much of our lives in and out, especially with the two families. And Joe and Joe, especially just the arguments they've been in, the Instagram wars, the clickbait things.
Starting point is 00:01:15 I'm not naive to the fact that there has been so much back and forth between these two guys. And so I get that you guys are super curious and you're like, how did this happen? How the hell do Joe, two Joe's walk into a bar literally. So let me tell you guys, because I feel like you are owed an explanation because we did put it on a public platform.
Starting point is 00:01:42 So therefore you get the details, okay? We truly wanted to shed light on a positive moment and that's why Joe decided to post this video. I mean, as everyone knows, this show runs on negative most of the time and it's negative this, negative that it's right now the feud that's going on, which it's very hard to deny between the families is is extremely sad, right?
Starting point is 00:02:10 And it's just like a Debbie Downer 24 hours a day. So I think Joe was happy to post this video and show a little bit of positivity and just show like a bygones be bygones tight moment. With that said, let me just give you the details of how it went down. No, it 100% was not planned. We had no idea that we were going to run into Joe Judice. Okay, we were in the Bahamas. We stayed at our hotel every single day and night.
Starting point is 00:02:43 We had dinner at our hotel for three nights. We did not leave our hotel to go look or find anyone ever. There was the night before it happened. There were some fans and people coming up to us saying, as Joe and I were actually, it was the very end of the night. It was probably midnight. Joe and I were walking back to our hotel room after dinner and after we were gambling in the casino. We were walking back to our hotel room after dinner and after we were gambling in the casino. We were walking back to our hotel room and a couple
Starting point is 00:03:09 fans were like, oh my God, we saw Joe Judas. We saw Joe Judas over there and we were like, oh wow, really? And we were like, I looked at Joe and I'm like, oh my God, I forgot. He just, he, this is probably like, he lives here. Like, this is probably where he comes to hang out on the weekends. And to be honest, it kind of slipped my mind that he's really even like, obviously, I know Joe is there, but sometimes he's in Italy, sometimes he's there. It really wasn't like something we thought about to bump into Joe Judas, but they said that's us and we were like, oh, wow, crazy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:41 You know, we went to bed that night, didn't see him. He was at the bar with probably his little lady friend or something. He had a girlfriend. So, which was fine, we went to bed. We didn't think we didn't even think about it again. We thought nothing of it. The next night, we had our day, we went out to dinner, and every night after dinner, we gamble.
Starting point is 00:04:00 So, we were with a crew of people. I know you guys also all the pictures and stuff on Instagram. We had about at least 20 people with us. So we gambled every night. Well, we were just gambling doing our thing. It was late. So I'm talking late. It was probably like, no, late for me. It was like midnight. And we were like, all right, let's go have a glass of wine. We were like done gambling because we were losing. And we went to go walk over to like this casino bar that was literally right next to where we were gambling.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Well, listen to this, this bar has two entrances that you can kind of come from one side of the casino or the other side. I kid you not, we were with a probably like 15 to 20 people walking into the one side of this bar and Joe Judas was with one other guy and he was walking in the other
Starting point is 00:04:48 site at the exact same time to the point where like we all just stood there and we were almost like staring at each other. I did feel a little awkward. I'm not going to lie. I kind of put my head down. I was like, Oh God, like, how is this going to go? Joe was behind me. So I knew that Joe was going to see him after. I just kind of put my head down. I was like, I don't know how I don't know what's going to happen right now. I got a little nervous, but you know, didn't act on it. Joe was like a couple people behind me. Well, Joe Gorgah walked right up to him soon as he saw him without a hesitation. And I'm like seeing all these things on social media asking, like, who's holding the camera? Was
Starting point is 00:05:33 this stage like, first of all, no, it was not me videoing. Secondly, when Joe and Joe run into each other guys after all these years, you can bet your ass the cameras are gonna go up. It's like health rose over for a minute, honestly. And the truth is they saw each other, they went over to the bar, I went over to Joe, I gave Joe a hug hello, it kinda like, I think Joe might have felt a little awkward, Joe Judas for a minute because we were with so many people.
Starting point is 00:06:03 So I, and I also think, you know, we had no, we were totally like we had no idea. We were going to run into Joe judice. Like it wasn't even on our mind. I think Joe judice because he was at the hotel we were staying at might have had a feeling that he was maybe going to bump into us. So maybe it was a little more more awkward for him because he thought to himself like, Oh, I might bump into them. He might have had a little anxiety about it. And so that's why I think his face looked a little different than than Joe Gorgas face because Joe was genuinely like caught off guard, like completely caught off guard. You guys from from from my standpoint, just watching these two from from my Joe for Joe
Starting point is 00:06:47 Gorga, you know, he doesn't really have a lot of family. Basically, he has none at this point. And, you know, I feel like Joe always gets to see me, right? In my family, with my people, with people who know me as a child, that we have all these memories. And we are always talking about our memories as a child, that we have all these memories and we are always talking about our memories as a child. And, you know, I do feel bad sometimes that I never get to hear his stories. Like he never gets to run into anyone from his childhood that he grew up with. And believe it or not, that's Joe Judice for him. He did grow up with Joe Judice. Their parents
Starting point is 00:07:21 were good friends. So I was kind of happy for him in that moment because I could see him grab onto him. It was like Joe was seeing his long lost cousin or you know in this case his long lost brother-in-law that like he knew that he saw family. Trust me. And I think when Joe Gorgas saw Joe Judice's face all of the drama that you guys have always seen happen on camera literally was set to the side. And it really brought them both back to a time when they were truly good friends and family. And they say time heals all wounds, right? And I think that this moment was huge proof of that. Whether it's like seven years from now, 10 years from now, or like 50 years from now,
Starting point is 00:08:01 the fact that this happened gives me hope that this family might actually be good one day in the long run. I am really tired of people playing the doubt game in this reality TV world. It's like we show you something good and then they spill out a huge amount of doubt. Well, they really didn't mean it like that. And they only did it because of this. Oh, that wasn't genuine. That's a lie. Don't believe that they're that good. Don't believe that they want to be nice. It's constantly placing doubt in the viewers vision. And it's very sad. And it's something that I hope the strong people out there see what's going on. They see what they're doing. And I'm honestly done playing that game. I'm done playing the doubt game. Don't be in doubt when you see us do something right. And I have to address
Starting point is 00:08:52 this thing where you guys saw me make the comment, but it was really joe supposed to make the comment. I know it seems shady. So I need to, I'm going to lay it all out for you and explain to you exactly what happened word for word. Again, you guys are probably going to play some doubt on it, but I'm telling you now this is what happened. After Joe posted the video, he was literally making popcorn, kind of the microwave. I saw Gia make the comment. I call him over. I'm like, I read him the comment that Joe makes.
Starting point is 00:09:20 He picks up my phone. He's looking at the comment and then he starts scrolling on my phone, probably reading through the comments that people are making. He then starts to type his reply back to Gia and press send. And I literally look at him and I said, you're on my phone. I grabbed the phone from him. I delete the comment. He picks his phone up and he writes the exact same comment on his phone. I know people are gonna twist us. I know you're gonna say no, Melissa was totally writing that for him and she put it on the wrong thing. I know what you're thinking. I get it.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I'm telling you the truth here. That is what happened. He wrote it on my phone when I was showing it to him. I deleted it me as quickly as possible because I was like, shit, Joe, that's my phone and he wrote it on his phone. Of course that had to happen in that moment right guys like that's our love. Then you doubt even more but it's a real moment it did happen that's the truth of it do what you want with it but that's the truth.
Starting point is 00:10:18 At the end of the day this was like an unexpected opportunity for both of these guys to heal after so many years of drama and conflict. And by posting it, we simply wanted to shed light on a positive moment between the families that was not produced and was off camera. Well, now after talking about housewives a little bit, I need to bring on someone who knows all about this crazy world we live in on and off camera. He's the co host of the hilarious podcast. Keep it with his friend, Lewis Vertel. He's written for all sorts of hit shows on television.
Starting point is 00:10:54 And he is quite possibly one of the biggest bravo experts out there. Ladies and gentlemen, I have with me, I remadison the third. What's up? Hi, Melissa. So nice to I'm going to say so nice to meet you. It is so nice to meet you too. I know that you are you're in New York City?
Starting point is 00:11:12 Are you in New York? I'm in New York. So this is a new fresh move. Right? Yes. I just, I used to live here a few years, like 12 years ago, and I just moved back like a couple weeks ago. You know what's funny? I feel like everyone leaves New York and moves to LA. You don't really hear many people leaving LA
Starting point is 00:11:27 to come back to New York, right? I know, right? What happened? Why the move? I think, you know, I just sort of got like tire during the pandemic, you know? Like it was, it felt like a lot of the same old thing. And then when I would come back to New York,
Starting point is 00:11:43 it felt like a live again. And I never really want it to leave. I went to NYU for screenwriting. And then I moved to LA to just sort of like get a career. Got it, got it. Listen, I always say there's no feeling like New York City. Like I know all the big celebs when they make it, they go straight to LA.
Starting point is 00:12:04 It's like Calibur, it's California. It's Calabasis like I'm like I don't think I would have like the biggest Penthouse I could on the top of New York City overlooking Central Park like to me. There's no City. There's no vibe in the world like you get like from New York City, right? You walk outside it. You just like feel it and feel that you feel the people. Yeah, I'm living in the West Village now. So I'm like, my favorite. It's great. Yeah. Do you ever pass Andy coming on the streets? I've seen, yeah, I see them. I know Andy. So like I've seen him before. I'm very good friends with his, um, his best friends nephew. Okay. So, uh, I'm like, walking with all his little babies now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:46 You know, he used to be a player. Now he's like a daddy for real daddy. He used to just be the housewives big daddy. Now he's a real big daddy. Right. And now, and now, and I've, um, and I've only got, I've done watch what happens live before too, but only in the, um, only when we're like streaming from home, like the zoom one. So, oh, you are on through the zoom. I love it. Oh, God. What were you commenting on?
Starting point is 00:13:11 What show? Okay. That was when like Beverly Hills was airing. Okay. You know, no, that was like pandemic era one. So that when like New York had its pandemic season. So that was the dark ages. The dark ages.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yes, no more mass. The girls can be out. You can go on international trips again. Okay, I like it. I listen, I know you're a huge bravo. I can. Like expert. You watch all the shows.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Obviously Jersey is just starting season 13. Don't feel like you need to say anything that, you know, I'm not pushing you in any direction. That's not how we roll. We're very unfiltered and very raw and real when we're discussing on display. But tell me like, what do you hope to see? Tell me what you hope to see this season on the Real House.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I've made Jersey. Okay. So I've always been a big Jersey fan, you know, I feel like Jersey is just sort of like, there's something about it, where it's just sort of like, maybe it's the family element to, but it just feels like, it feels real, especially in a way that like some of the house was now, you get to a point where it's like, these feel like co-workers, you know, it's like, you guys are in each other's lives. You see each other, um, the bees feel real, et cetera. What I wanna see is, first of all,
Starting point is 00:14:32 I think that we've all like got tired of the Melissa Teresa feud, like what's going on? Okay, it's so funny, because that's a question like, what's Biden doing about this, okay? Okay, let's talk about, it's getting old, right? Is that fair to say? It is.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I'm not going to disagree with you on that. And I also feel like we've seen it. And I think people are starting to believe us when we say, like for now, it's not going to change, right? There's not, you don't feel the growth anymore. Where I think the fans used to root for us a little bit more because I feel everybody at the end of the day wants the family together, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:09 They do. Like, that's what they would love to see happen. But I think everyone's got to a point where they realize it just might not happen. I mean, you tell me. You tell me. Yeah. I mean, I feel like what's interesting is because for a while, you know, like, I feel like the thing, the glue that was holding it
Starting point is 00:15:26 together was Teresa and Joe. Really, I fight with Bises for all the time too. We're not super close. We live in separate cities, but family will be there for one another. And I felt like we sort of had that. And it almost sort of feels like now that she's married into a new family, that sort of replaced that, you know, it's like a replacement family. That, I mean, that's sad in itself just here. Right. I mean, it's a little bummerous, should think that like once new comes the old out with the old and with the new, but it's kind of
Starting point is 00:16:00 the case for for right now. And I think a lot of what you're going to see this season. All right. So aside for Teresa and I, what are you feeling about the new girls? Did you watch that? I love, I'm liking Day-O a lot. Are you okay? Good, good. She's very good. Yeah, I think she's fun. I think, you know, she's like, but like, she was very interesting and like fun in that first episode, you know, like at the roller skate party, like I've enjoying her. And I know that, you know, like sometimes it's
Starting point is 00:16:30 hard to get a new person into Jersey. I feel like I feel like they're always rotating someone in new to like see if they'll stick, you know, but she's fun. She is. I think she's a lot of fun. You'll definitely see her and I have a lot of moments throughout the season. The other girl Rachel, because you've only seen the first episode,
Starting point is 00:16:47 her, more of her family and home scenes come in the next episodes. So that's when, when you watch those, you'll be able to get her personality a little more and see her family, which she is a super cute family also. It does remind me of like when I first came on with a little baby on the floor and like all the little kids and like which I have to applaud. I'm loving the new girls like I love new people coming in. I am sick of like the same old same old if I'm being honest. Like I personally have been begging to bring new girls young new girls because I just I vibe with them. I want new story. I want new things to talk about, you know, it needs to we need to switch it up. So I'm so happy bravo is like listening. Well, that's a interesting because like I feel like that was one of the push and polls with, you know, with New York, right? Right. now they're doing an entire new season with all new girls, but there was that push and pull
Starting point is 00:17:49 of like when they added Leah in, like she was so much younger than the older women who were already older women when they started running. And then got much older and it's sort of, if you're trying to bring in a new audience to Bravo, you can't just have the people who've been on it for 15 years. Do you feel like there's sort of this, um, discounted that you think that when you interact with fans,
Starting point is 00:18:13 like an even online or in person, like so many of them are stuck on things that you'd like to move past. Yes. For sure. For sure. And, and honestly, I'm not saying my whole cast is grateful for the new people. Melissa Gorg is great. I love it. I'm not intimidated. Bring it on. I want to talk about new and fresh and lively. So like, I'm one
Starting point is 00:18:39 who welcomes it. I do know that there are, you know, I get that some of the OGs or other people who've been around for a long time are like, what the hell is this? She's gonna come in and replace me or she's gonna bump me out or now they're gonna wanna watch the young girls instead of girls who, which I think some people get like that, but I'm always like team show, right?
Starting point is 00:18:58 Yeah, you want the young girls to make the OGs work? Get out. Like team cast baby, like let's put it together, cast, baby. Like, let's put it together. Let's keep it elevated. Let's keep it fresh. Let's keep it new. Like I am not about talking about this same conversation over and over.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Like this season, for me, you're going to definitely see something very different. Like I know a lot of people are expecting it to be exactly the same. It's really not, not from my camp. It's really not. So I think that part will be fresh. Whether they like it or not, I don't know. But it's definitely going to be some fresh content coming from me for sure. And it's very raw and it's very real and it's very like true, right? So it's like when something's true, it's just easy to own it and it's easy to fight off anybody
Starting point is 00:19:50 who's mad at it because you're like, no, but I really feel this way. You know? So, um, all right, listen, let's be real. These relationships on TV, obviously they get very sticky and you have such a great personality. So like if you were a cast member on the show, how would you navigate these Jersey personalities that, you know, they're strong. These are strong personalities.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Yeah. I think, you know, like, first of all, like I would have fun with so many of the ladies on the show, you know, and I feel like you've got to really like, I really like the housewise ones for like, you know, you can have an argument, you can fight, maybe you're fighting for a few episodes, like somebody has really pissed you the fuck off, but then you know, you can sort of move on from it because it is, it's not like, I mean, you know, it's real, but it's not like it's taking over your everyday life,
Starting point is 00:20:40 you know, you're fighting in the context of, these cameras are on you, it's while you're filming this, but it's like when it's done, like, you don't need to carry this anger and something past that because, you know, like RuPaul said, like if, um, if the camera's not rolling, it doesn't matter. So why would you still be angry with someone about something when the cameras aren't even there, you know, they're not even catching your argument. It's not even for the entertainment. You're really just sort of angry yourself. You're just mad. You're just angry. You're just mad. And you know, I say the best housewives
Starting point is 00:21:13 honestly are the ones who leave it at the door. And they don't carry it on through the six months that we're not filming. They're not rallying on Instagram and rallying on Twitter and using any press aspect or anything they can to talk bad. Like that's where I'm like, it is eating you alive. We do not get paid for any extra. That's first of all, don't be silly. And it's like the best the best housewives truly leave it at the door and they bring it right back where it came from when it's time to start up again. You don't do it like for nonsense reasons to prove your point to prove your point to prove your point.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Nobody cares. Most of the time, you'll get your little, your, your Instagram raliers and your Twitter, you'll get those like whatever 100 people that are just, the rally with you all day long. But at the end, it doesn't really matter, you know? And so I always appreciate a housewife, whether I like her or not. That came in, we had the conversations, we did what we did, but when she went home, she went home.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Do you know what I'm saying? Like I will always appreciate that girl, always. Speaking of the beef that is actually stressing me out the most this season is I love Jennifer and I love Dolores. And this is upsetting me. Okay. Because I don't want them fighting with each other. It stresses me out. They're like I want them to be loving each other. So like, what's going on there? I mean, I don't think they're in love with each other. That I'm going to bust your bubble on right there. That's not going to happen. I think that you'll have to keep watching.
Starting point is 00:22:55 But I think they tolerate. A lot of it is tolerance. I don't think those two really have like personalities to be besties. I think Dolores is a lot more chill. I think Dolores is, she doesn't get her panties in a knot and like carry it on and get offended where you probably love Jennifer as a housewife for those reasons because she doesn't let go.
Starting point is 00:23:19 She talks about the same thing. Like, she, you know, she's sarcastic in certain ways. So it's like the reason you love her as a housewife is maybe why we don't, do you know what I mean? And vibe with her as a person, you know? As a person, she's, you know, and this is my personal opinion, and you're very, you're allowed to have yours.
Starting point is 00:23:36 It doesn't work for me. Like I see someone who turns it on when the cameras are there and turns it on and I don't go for it. I like, no, no like no no no no no when you meet me on this here they're everywhere it's not you don't the theatrics for me is what takes me to the next level with her where I for me personally obviously you know that her and I don't know the best relationship but this season you're gonna maybe enjoy a little because you're gonna see
Starting point is 00:24:03 that like her and I actually have a pretty good season together. We have a lot of fun time. So just keep watching. You're going to see some fun between Jennifer and I actually, which I think is a little shocking for a lot of people. Do you think because I was really interested in, you know, I had been, you know, long a, um, back and forth from like a to reasonable as a fan. And what really like actually made me love you a lot was, um, ultimate girls trip. Like I thought it was so much fun, you know, and I feel like, do you think Jennifer is someone who would benefit from something like that? Because I do enjoy her a lot, but it does actually kind of feel like she's isolated from the other women because she's so close to think when she's around Teresa, she has zero identity. She just does.
Starting point is 00:25:07 There's no, it's just such a foul, the leader type thing. And it's almost like the word that I wanna use is like, pleaser, she's very wants to pleaser. And you can read it all over her face. And there are some times that I feel like it's okay. You're allowed to feel what you feel. And I wish, and I've tried with her for years to make her speak up on that a little more,
Starting point is 00:25:27 because I feel like she could be in her own right. Fun and whatever she wants to bring to the table, but she gets so caught up under that wing of Teresa that she kind of in my personal opinion, screwed herself, because let us meet you, right? We don't want to meet the minion. So that's where I think she screwed herself. I really do between me and you. I mean, not between me and you, but that's how I feel about it. The housewives, the girl's trip was so fun, so different, so like our real personalities where you can like let your guard down and just be fun because the girls trip that for me is just that's me.
Starting point is 00:26:09 She was at her most likeable to be honest. She was on girls trip. Yeah. I love her interaction with the other women. You know, she felt very like not guarded in a way that she's been, you know, had to be for almost a decade, you know, on the show. Yeah, she let her guard down a lot there. I think we were with a really good crew to the first crew of girls trips of girls trip. We were like, we're a core of like deep good women and fun at the same time between the Kyle and Luanne, like we're the party girls, you know, and we were like rallying the fun. And then everyone else like Cynthia is very deep. And, you know, Ramona's brings the crazy, whatever we need her to bring it worked. That first girls trip really worked.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Do you watch the other girls trips too? I get a world waiting for three to come out. But season two was fun, but it was a tonal shift. It was a lot darker, you know, it was a lot more about fighting. Then it was about everyone bonding where season one felt. And what do you prefer out of the two for a girl's trip? I think I like a mix of both, you know, I think if peacock is going to keep making them, it's good to have a light one and then one that's maybe a bit more dramatic and intense because in a season of a whole house wise, you'll get both of that, right?
Starting point is 00:27:33 Right. Right. That's true. And I think this is just like a shorter version. So you do want to see a little bit of both. I heard, I think the second one had a lot of fighting. Like it had a lot of fight. Definitely outweighed the good for that one. And then all this stuff. Are you listening to everything
Starting point is 00:27:49 you're hearing about Brandi and Caroline? Like that? And I don't even know what's happening yet. So nobody really does. Nobody does. There's a lot of different sides to the story, you know? And I guess eventually that it will have to wait like forever to see that. It feels like right? Yeah. And that brings up to, you know, like Caroline Bansett was just, you know, such an important part of early Jersey. And then, you know, Theresa recently was like having lunch or something with Jacqueline. Like, do you feel like the the storylines or the specter of, I guess, you know, like of former Jersey housewives sort of like hangs over the show a lot in the way fans interact with you or the way just sort of like
Starting point is 00:28:32 people are constantly wishing that they'd come back. Um, and are there some people that you like do from like your first season from when you joined like season four, yes? Season three, right. I'd like people that you're like, they work out a fun. I would love to have them back or people you're sort of like, actually, like I need to show to really should go in a different direction. Listen, I've always said that Caroline doesn't just come with Caroline, right? Caroline has Albee and Chris who are super funny and Lauren. And like, I appreciate a family dynamic on our show.
Starting point is 00:29:06 They come like a crew. So I've always said Caroline, not only because she does feel like matriarch, right? She feels that way too. And she gave calm advice a lot of the times. But I do love, I love her kids because they bring, she's a little older right, but she's got the kids who bring a little younger. And it's like a mix of them together. I said, I always thought that that could work if she came back because of the family though. It's not just
Starting point is 00:29:32 Caroline. It's like the whole thing together works, you know. Anyone else, we've had a couple fails definitely like trying new people. The only people to ever bring back to Jersey. I mean, do you know, we've already tried that right? We brought her back once. It's just not for her anymore.
Starting point is 00:29:47 She's totally outgrown all of this and her new life. Jacqueline. Yeah, Jacqueline's not, you know, not here for a reason. I think it was a lot for her too. You know, it's just, it's a lot. I think that it's kind of weird how I guess I'm going to have to say Teresa because the only other one would be me Kind of please in this sand with them a little bit or like Randomly finds them again or like we'll say something about Kim D Remember the Kim Like I just I'm big on and this is just how I take life to like I like to move forward. I like fresh.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I like new. I'm a level upper. That's what I believe in. I want to level up. Like I want to keep moving forward. I want new. So I don't know. I think the fans would love to see old Jersey, but I don't know if once they got it, they
Starting point is 00:30:39 be like, all right, been there. Done that. We know what you girls are going to say. You know, I would you would you want to see the old girls come back? What do you think about that? I actually have sort of like back and forth on whether I want older people to come back, you know, because I feel like if someone comes back and it's really like a spectacular moment, that can be fun, you know, but like I'm not even one of the people who's like wanting like Lisa Vanderpump to come back to Beverly Hills
Starting point is 00:31:05 or something, you know? I feel like that was a nine season arc that ended, you know? It's time to move on. I agree. I don't mind if someone reappe- I like actually when older housewives like when they reappear sometimes, like at a party or like maybe they'll mix it up
Starting point is 00:31:22 and like that's happens on Beverly Hills a lot, you know? Like Camille has popped up or something and she'll get in an argument with someone, but it's one episode and then she'll move on. You know, yeah. I agree. I agree with you on that. What were your thoughts on Teresa and Jacqueline having lunch and drinks? What went through? You both shocking thing was, and I feel like, so when you wait it to Jersey, it's always one, like there are two sides. It's like people being like the Theresa Fert, and then I feel like there's Melissa Fert,
Starting point is 00:31:53 and I feel like people were excited about this link up with Jacqueline, but I was just sort of like, I didn't know where all these Jacqueline fans that come from because I had not seen people like standing Jacqueline. And so all of a sudden she licked back up with Teresa, you know, like no, it'd been like, let's get Jacqueline back on the show. No, no.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I think it was just spicy for Teresa fans, you know, it was spicy for Teresa fans and it is what it is good for them. Like if they're genuinely, I mean, but I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Jack and was just like, trashing me a couple of weeks ago like on some random podcast, you know, I'm sure it has nothing to do with that,
Starting point is 00:32:35 but that's like neither. If I could get into the brains of like some of the thinking, I would love to know, but okay. Well, speaking of standing okay, like six weeks ago on your Instagram, you posted Iris in for 2023 list. I did. Okay, we got to break down some of these because I actually love this. Okay, okay, house parties and dinner parties. Let's bring them back. Okay, great. Okay, house parties and dinner parties. Let's bring them back. Yes, yes. I love a house party and a dinner party. I think we're, yeah, we all go seeing the same damn people all over again, you know? And I love that yes, we got out and we're going to dinner some things, but my friends lately and especially my friends here, like, I love nothing more than like a Friday
Starting point is 00:33:34 text for a friend that's like, um, my place at 9 p.m. And then, you know, friends go and you can invite other friends that you know, it's like we're all just there. You're hanging out. And I think that is so much more fun. Agreed. 100%. You know, some of the best nights are usually just and the latest nights we have. We're at some of us at home. Always, always, we don't even know what time it is. I'm like, it's two o'clock in the morning. Like, we have to go home. We're at dinner, we're all home by 10, 30, 11 o'clock. We're back in bed. Right. So
Starting point is 00:34:04 we're like, you go out, you know, and I think, you know, me like I'm 30, I'm 36 now, you know, and like going out one, like, this is one of your pegs so much for drinks or like you're there and you're like, is the five great your friends, some friends are like, do we want to leave them go to this bar? Do we want to go to this other place? And then also, you know, like, I started rewatching sex in the city. And I'm like, finally, like, now that I'm the age connecting with them, they're like, the bars big run by everybody in their 20s now. And I'm like, I don't need to be
Starting point is 00:34:33 around 20 years, you know, so I'd rather be in the house party. With people are age with people that we want to drink, what you want to drink, you know, yeah, you said, are the girls walking around in what I call tampon dresses, You know, yeah, you said to the girls walking around and what I call tampon dresses. If they bend over, you're going to see the tampon string. You know what I mean? Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:51 That's how I look at that. I'm okay. So the movie nights, I love this. I've never done it, but I feel like I'm freeing to probably do this. So I love a Sunday night to like kick off my week and just sort of like a wind down like going to like, cause I got AMC, I have the AMC a list of a Stubbs member.
Starting point is 00:35:14 So I just go and see like a movie at like six PM on a Sunday and then go home after it and it's like a perfect way to end my weekend. I love it. And it's used in in New York like it's usually like it'll usually be empty. You know like or they're like four or five other people or something in the theater. So that's it. And it's like you just like being there alone you don't wish there was someone sitting next to you. It's like you don't talk to anybody anyway right? Yeah yeah it's because it's like I don't know how um movies have been can't became a big thing for like dates or something in the first place, right? Like you go with your friends or you're on a date, you're not talking during the whole
Starting point is 00:35:52 boot. You're sort of just sitting there. You know, it's very weird. Each of the ideas like movies for like our first date or something for people because you go that you're not talking to them at all. Wait a second. That's so true. But that was always a thing. Like, didn't take me to the movies for once. We cannot look at each other or speak to one another. you go that you're not talking to them at all. Wait a second, that's so true. That was always a thing. Like, we didn't take me to the movies for once.
Starting point is 00:36:07 We cannot look at each other or speak to one another. Yeah. Right. I mean, that's actually the dumbest first date idea ever. Yeah. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. All right. So speaking of movies, you said standing Tom Cruz.
Starting point is 00:36:25 I love Tom Cruise. Do you? I don't. Talk to me about this. I just think, you know, there's something. So like, compelling about him. I mean, I love the mission impossible movies.
Starting point is 00:36:39 I can't wait for like the next two. It's gonna be two parts. And I just feel like top gun, like save the box office. It's just, he's just like you watch him and like you, you forget about the Scientology, you forget about everything else. He's just like, he's so charismatic and he still feels like a movie star, you know?
Starting point is 00:36:57 You know what you're right about that? There's very few like movie stars left. He's definitely a movie star, right? Like I think Angelina Jolie to. Oh, Angelina's my girl. She's a movie star is it. Yeah, she's it. Give me one more movie star. Who else do we want to say is like a movie star? You start. You know, like Julia Roberts.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Oh, for sure. She's the queen of all queen. To me, there's that's it right there. She's the best of the best. Merrill Street. Yes, you know, like those are still people who are like, they feel larger than like, All queen to me, there's that's it right there. She's the best of the best. Merrill Street. Yes, you know, like those are still people who are like they feel larger than life. Yes, the first season I was on the house wise. Okay, I'm 31 years old. I go to a Christopher Reeve foundation at Tripiani
Starting point is 00:37:38 and she's there. And my publicist is like, Merrill Street's here. We're gonna get the pick. And I'm like, okay, wait. She pulls me a Joe, I still have this picture to this day of to Mariel Streep. I swear Mariel, she had no idea who I was. She's like, huh?
Starting point is 00:37:57 She was like, hello, hi, so I'm like, hi, big fan. We get the pictures, so they're like this. And I had a picture of her teasing, I'm teasing. I'm like, I don't care. I got the Merrill Street picture. It's such a great moment. Every time I come back to New York, there are so many. I feel like this, I feel like Sipriotic is where like every fundraiser is. It's so true. Everybody just ends up there. Right. Um, micro dosing.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Does this mean that we're going to like overdose less? What is this? No, micro dosing. Like, okay. So like, just ends up there, right? Um, micro dosing. Does this mean that we're going to like overdose less? What is this? No, micro dosing like, okay, so like I do like, I like like a mushroom moment, you know, like a thing like that, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:35 I feel like, or like if you like, edibles or things like that, like I love micro dosing. You just take a little bit. Just a little edge off thing. A little bit like every few hours or something or throughout a day. So it's not like you're getting super high like right away, but it's just like you're sort of like going through your day. Very chill. Pretty chill. Yeah. Can we be successful going through our day and productive? Very chill like
Starting point is 00:38:58 this because it's, well, I'm sorry. So, you know, I just hang out most of the time. He's like, yeah, for me, it's great because I'm going to just talk all day and it works. But like maybe somebody in construction, they're not going to microdose. Give it to some of your castmates. Oh my God. I would love to. I mean, I don't think you and I, though, are going to agree on who I have to give it to. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:39:21 That's the frickin problem. I would ask you which one you want me to like pop it down, but what's your answer going to be? I mean, listen, I would you say Jennifer? I mean, is it called a chill pill? The thing that was like, what I stand a house, what I love a housewife, like it's not just because like I have never like a person who's like, life. Like it's not just because like I have never like a person who's like, oh, my favorite housewife is also a person who I think like one, I'd have like a perfect dinner with or like could even be friends with, you know, it's always in the context of this is for the show. This is fun. I'm having a good time, you know, like I like that. And that's that's
Starting point is 00:39:59 what can you avoid my favorite housewife ever? You know, can you more? You know, I love her. My favorite, you know, yes. Yes. You know, I love her. My favorite, you know, yes, yes. So I always say that. There's two things. There's like, you can have your favorite housewife on Bravo, which is the person that you want to watch go crazy or you want to be the typical, like whatever is your looking for when you watch housewives, right? And then there can be another one that would be like the girl that you would go to dinner with and hang out with and bite over to your house for the day. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:29 So there's always two. I get that. I totally get that. Wait, we need to also bring Manhattan's back to 2023. I love a Manhattan. Okay. So I put this because I had on my out list when culture magazine interviewed me, I said, Express on Martinez were out.
Starting point is 00:40:48 And listen, I love an espresso martini. And it's been big since the 80s. And sometimes it's like, it's a good sort of like, it's a good sort of like cocktail I have instead of a dessert. Like if you're going to go out after, but I just think that like, there's no, there's no, I love espresso martini. Yeah, there's no consensus. There's no consistency bar to bar. You know, like, right, you're going to get different espresso martini and some of them are just like
Starting point is 00:41:14 bad or watery, you know, like if everybody do how do they can express a martini? Sure. But how do you best up a pan hat? That's true. I think is it sweet for moose or drive or moose? Yeah, it's something I used to be a bartender. Yeah. You know, my drink of choice right now though. So expresso Martini for me is like the very end of the night or it's the very beginning of the night if I'm tired and I need a little something. I'm a Cosmo girl. I am such a 90. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Bradshaw. Like that. No, for real. Like that is like always my drink of choice for real. Like it's just I can't really good Cosmo at this restaurant, Casino just opened up in the lower east side, Dime Square. Uh, Casino. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:05 And it's, uh, they have a Cosmo on the menu. It was great. I got it and I had like three of them. So. There's nothing better to me. It's like tart. I like sweet tarts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:15 So a Cosmo and I'm a vodka drinker. So it's like anything vodka base is a little tarp. But if they ever, this is a little trick to all my people out there listening. They hand you a Cosmo and it's red. Just hand it right back. It's not right. They have done it wrong. It needs to be a cloudy, cloudy pink or else it's wrong. If anyone hands you a red Cosmo, just hand it right back and say I'll take the express on Martini or the Manhattan. Okay. I love I love vodka too. I've like I actually hate it when when I feel like the gauge rico choice shifted to like tequila soda. Like I'm like I love a vodka soda.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Same and everyone's like tequila tequila tequila. Yeah. I want me and Joe. Vodka vodka vodka. Like we can't switch. It doesn't do our stomach. It's good for shots, but not for I don't need to drink a whole, I don't need to have constantly be doing to kill a set of. Oh my God. Okay. Well, let me give you my 2023 thing before we move on to the next subject, juicing. I am into juicing lately.
Starting point is 00:43:16 I'm telling you, it's like if you do cucumber, celery, and what's the other thing you have to put in a cucumber celery and carrots? Let me just tell you, it cleans your system. It's very, yes, it's everything. So right now, I'm a major juicer. No, I've been, you know, spending $10 every time I walk up to the damn thing. Because right now, look, I'm drinking one right now. Like, I'm trying to do one juice a day, like a fresh juice. That's my splurge, if I'm being honest. As opposed to the Starbucks, I drink my coffee at home.
Starting point is 00:43:49 And then I like to juice, you know, out. I had a green, I had a green smoothie from, um, from Jo and the juice this morning. So I love it. Oh, there you go. Yeah, just run out the door. You grab it. It's good. I'm telling you, the celery, anything with celery in it with cucumber,
Starting point is 00:44:05 and it just clears you out. You're going to get addicted. So everyone needs to pick up on this juicing trend. It's not cheap. It's an expensive little, it's an expensive trend. Oh, I love the LA, you know, I know all about juicing. Okay. It's everywhere. Yeah. This is a Jersey girl trying to bring it in, you know. Um, okay. Well, I'm loving this list of 2023. It's amazing. But before we wrap this up, okay, in honor of your podcast, keep it. I'm going
Starting point is 00:44:32 to play a fun little game with you. Okay. I'm going to mention some current Bravo related happenings. And I want to know whether I remade a sin things we should keep it, which is like a topic worthy of discussion, or if we should sleep it and put is like a topic worthy of discussion or if we should sleep it and put it to bed. All right. Ready? Roni Legacy rumors. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Sleep it. Lisa Rena walking away from the housewives. Keep it. Yeah. Okay. All the cheating husband rumors in Potomac. We want to keep it. I'm tired of that. I'm sure you're tired of it on your show too. Like I was like enough. Like give us real drama.
Starting point is 00:45:14 You know what? As an outsider watching. Because you don't want to see the you don't want to hear the cheating rumors. Are you do? No, it's I feel like years ago when you would first hear like, oh, someone's cheating. Like it felt like a scandal. And then there's certain times where like, you know, someone's actually getting in the divorce. So you know, like some cheating has happened. But I just feel like now on too many bravo shows, um, Jersey, Batalbe, you know, like Maritim Edison, like people, people throw out the ideal
Starting point is 00:45:45 that like someone is cheating and it's sort of take it as truth. And it's just like, well, there's no proof to this. Like it doesn't feel like a real storyline. It's just have people arguing about something that the audience doesn't even really know anything about, you know? I agree. And when there's no proof, it just makes it so like, what's that? What are we actually watching here? Like, what's happening? Got it. Okay. Heather gaze black guy. Sleep it. I was so tired of hearing about that story line.
Starting point is 00:46:12 What? I can't hear about this woman's black out for one more minute. What is actually happening? All right. The Hilton sister's drama. Keep it or sleep it. Wait Wait, what's their new drama? Oh wait, Kathy and Kyle. Okay. What, what, sorry. Will you say, when you say Hilton sisters, I never think of Kyle. Isn't that funny? The head sister. Yeah. No, you're right. Cause she's tech. She's not a hilton. Right. Yeah. Sorry. Sleep it. I like, I want them men their fences. Right. I do too. I think they're so cute. I want them men their fences. Right. I do. I think they're so cute. I
Starting point is 00:46:48 love them both. Have you watched Summer House? Of course. I have. Okay. Summer House drama versus Lindsey and Carl. It's like they are asked out. Nobody's really feeling them. I want to know what everybody in
Starting point is 00:47:03 that house is a hater. I I'm team with C. You are. Okay. I love it. She's a Leo like me. I always got to support another Leo. You know what? She can be probably intimidating to these girls. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:14 And she is. I was just had dinner with her on Saturday night. At so Friday night, I had so much fun. Oh, I got it with her in carol. It was her. Her and Carl and Joe. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Okay. What was that like? It was great. We had a good time. We just, I vibe with her. I like her a lot. I get her. You know, she was telling me some of the, um, some of the drama, you know, and how she's kind of like on the outside. And I was like, but why? Like, what did you do? Like what? She's like, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Like, yeah. So, yeah. But I had a great, alright, so you want to sleep that because you like Lindsay. Yeah, I would love for Lindsay to actually like, if the new Roni successful with the new girls,
Starting point is 00:47:53 like make her a New York housewife. I can 100% see that happening. It's time for her to get out of the Hampton share, okay? It's done. She needs to get out of the Hampton's. That, you know, that ship has sailed. How old is Lindsay? Do we know off the top of our head? Do you know how old Lindsay is? No, I think she's like, let's Google it. Yeah. I'm not sure either. Like, is she older than
Starting point is 00:48:15 the other girl? 36. 36. She's ready. She's 36. She's 36. She's, her birthday is like, I'm like two weeks older than her. So like, you know, I wouldn't be hanging out with the kids and in the hands of the dogs and all this thing. Right. All right. I think you might be right. Okay. Are we going to sleep it or keep it housewives drama happening more on social media than on the show? Sleep it. Sleep it. You know what I loved. I loved, I loved Miami so much because aside from like some of the Lini-Hawks-Teed stuff, I didn't know what else was going on in the season, the drama between people.
Starting point is 00:48:55 I hate this sort of thing now where you know every fight that people are going to have once the season starts. Beverly Hills was doing that a lot too. I wanna be surprised. Yes, Jersey's Beverly Hills was doing that a lot too. I want to be surprised. Yes. Jersey's the worst. Let me just say that because we have some fans that are just, they are relentless. And like they're the worst.
Starting point is 00:49:13 They tell you guys everything before it happens. I'm like, can we just watch the show and like enjoy it? Exactly. Okay. Let me think. What else do I want to ask? Well, we, we already did discuss this, but the Melissa and Teresa drama. Keep it or sleep it. Sleep it. For sure. I'm on I'm on team that.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Yeah, with you. All right, well, that wraps up our very first episode of Sleep Butter. Keep it with Iron Madison. I love it. I got a question for you. Oh, good. I can't wait. Go. So this podcast is called on display. Okay. But you've been, you know, running on on display for a bit too long. Where's the new song? Oh my God. You know how it's so funny. A lot of people been asking me this lately. You need to give people what they want, Melissa. Really? I know. How fun would that be if I just lost it out eight years later? And I'm like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:50:08 Let's just let's just pick this back up again one more time. Right? Listen, I think it's so fun. That was such a fun like time in my life. I was literally like, it was also a lot younger, but I was doing nightclub appearances. I was singing on stages all the time. You know, how swipes get booked. You know, we'll be like, all right,
Starting point is 00:50:25 you're gonna get booked and we're gonna pay you a lot extra if you get on the stage and do onto the sways. Like done. I was doing it like everywhere, you know. So funny, I don't know. We'll have to see about that. Maybe I'll just, you know, it's one of those things we gotta keep out of the thing.
Starting point is 00:50:38 And if it comes, boom, you got it fresh in the show. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna keep that one quiet. Honestly, I, this has been so much fun. You're so great. I know'm going to keep that one quiet. Honestly, I know this has been so much fun. You're so great. I know it would be awesome talking to you. Yes, I know. And of course, what about my friends Matt Rogers was on your show too. So like, you know, he was he said that I'm going to have a great time. So yes, he is my boy, I love him. I love him. I stand him. Okay. By the way, we stand there.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I'm yes, for real. But thank you so much. I love your recaps. I love everything you said. And I thank you. He always watching. And thank you for coming on. I'm very like happy. We are at Bravo Con. Make sure you come up to me. Make sure we meet next time. I will. I will. You there this year. I was there. I was there. Okay. Yeah. You were like hosting. Yes. So make sure we meet. Okay. Yeah. Guys, be sure to check out his podcast. Keep it, which drops every Wednesday. Ira, thank you so much again. Of course. No! All month long, on Pluto TV, streamed the biggest Tyler Perry movies free. Watch your favorites like Madilla's Witness Protection and Madilla's Big Happy Family. Join Tyler Perry as he goes on a couple's retreat with Sharon Leal and why did I get
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