On Display with Melissa Gorga - Sip Back and Relax (w/ Bravo and Cocktails)

Episode Date: March 2, 2023

They have their ears open to all the reality tv truth and gossip, so let's get the juice! Melissa invites, Bravo and Cocktails, onto the show to get the low down on all the drama around the Bravo-vers...e. From latest season of Vanderpump Rules and the need for a "bad guy," to the crazy hookups with the Summer/Winter House(s), to their thoughts on why it's not hard choosing sides on RHONJ; these ladies have something to say.  We also get some behind the scenes scoop on how these ladies filter through the false rumors and piece together the truth.  https://bravoandcocktails.com/ 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 To me, if you put your life on reality television, people are going to talk about it. So why should I? All right, everyone. Welcome to another episode of on display with Melissa Gorga. I'm really looking forward to this interview today. They are the go-to for all the latest Bravo happenings off camera. And if they're on your side on social media, you know you're doing something right. Ladies and gentlemen, I have with me be in Amanda from Bravo and cocktails. What's up, Missy G? Hi. How are you guys so nice to meet you and like talk to you. It's so nice to meet you. You
Starting point is 00:00:47 know I'm a big fan of yours and of housewives in general. So I'm excited to chat with you. I know and you guys have such a great podcast as well. So we're going to get into that. The name of your podcast is what's the name of your podcast? It's called Cocktails and Gossip. So the story, well, we can talk a little bit about the story about how the brand has like kind of evolved and where I came from. But yes, it's called Cocktails and Gossip and you can get it anywhere. You get your regular podcast. Right. Okay. So we know that this all stemmed kind of from like an Instagram thing with Bravo and cocktails, which is, you know, for anyone out there listening that doesn't know, it's a great Instagram account.
Starting point is 00:01:30 They also have a Twitter account and basically social influencers in a way where there's a bunch of Bravo accounts out there that, you know, it's not just Bravo, but it's generally around Bravo and Bravo shows and they give their opinions and, you know, there's a ton of Bravo accounts out there actually. I feel like there's like a group of you guys that are all kind of friends together and give your opinions on the shows.
Starting point is 00:01:56 But I feel that you guys really utilize this little like niche you have for the best, like moving on with the, you know, with the podcast and other things that you guys do. And I know that your opinions that you guys give each week when you watch all these shows, they're, they're respected. And people like to hear what you guys have to say. So whatever you're doing, you're doing it right. I happen to agree. I mean, obviously, there's always teams, right, on these shows and there's always like this side and that side. A lot of the things you guys say, not just about my show, but like the other shows that I watch too, I agree with you ladies. Like I agree with you. Is there one person that's running the social media or is it both of you? So what happened is I'm so I'm the I'm
Starting point is 00:02:42 bravo and cocktails underscore on Instagram. My original Instagram had I don't know about 200,000 followers and I was disabled. And when that happened, I started a new account and said, who wants to build me a website? That's where I met Amanda. And we built bravo and cocktails.com, which we average like four million clicks a month. And people just, people like to send me stuff and I post it. And a lot of it is true, a lot of it. And some of it isn't. Some of it parts are true.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And then so from that, we decided, well, we might as well do a podcast. And so we named that cocktails and gossip. Just to be more broad, we are bravo heavy obviously, but pop culture in general we do. And yeah, and that's why I'm at Amanda. So we do the I do the Instagram myself and then we do the website together and we do the podcast together. Got it. Yes. So I remember your website or your Instagram rather you had a couple hundred thousand followers. I do remember when it got shut down and we will talk about a little bit of that also. I'm glad you were able to though rebuild
Starting point is 00:03:53 your your Instagram handle as well because you still have over a hundred thousand followers on Instagram, correct? I do. I was actually shut down not once, not twice, but three times before I made the website. Right. So it took me a little while to learn. But for us, it ended up being good because, you know, we got advertisers. And now we most recently, a couple of months ago started a subscription. So if you subscribe to
Starting point is 00:04:17 the cocktail party, you get extra tea and a monthly zoom and extra podcast. So it's really become a business for a man, then I, and it's been very exciting. Smart, smart, your business ladies. I like it. I mean, I have to ask, what was the first Bravo show that really got you guys hooked into this universe for me? I mean, I'm from the very beginning OC. OC, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I was like not nearly a housewife yet. I wasn't married. I was a young girl. And I just sucked me in. And I've watched every how I mean, I haven't watched every episode, but I've watched every like for every city in some capacity. And now I feel like I have to watch because people send me stuff and I have to know who and what they're talking about. All right, well, this is my point. I need to understand like how you became a site where people started giving you guys or even just an Instagram handle where people started to give you guys like background information, almost like a doom wall, right? Like it was very similar to how that
Starting point is 00:05:19 works. If anyone knows them, it's like juicy behind the scenes gossip that like if someone was spotted at dinner with someone else, they give you the juice on it. Or if someone knows a secret that's about to come out, they give you the juice on it. And then you guys go ahead and you let us know, you know, what's going on behind the scenes. But how did this start? Like who first decided to give you guys some like secret scoop and you were like wow I'm onto something here I'm gonna start sharing secret scoop with people. Well that's actually what got me shut down molesta. I believe that for sure. But go ahead. A lot of other accounts that were around
Starting point is 00:05:58 longer, new, better and I guess they're you know people are scared to post because if you post something about a reality star who has a friend at Instagram, they can shut you down, right? So I just went out and started posting. And I guess once I did that, more people are like, Oh, if you send it to Bravo on cocktails, she'll post it. And so I did. And I did until I got shut down. And I was like, well, you know, what, I'm not going to stop posting. I'll just make a different avenue. And so now I post the links to my website. And now they can't shut me down because I send us tea. You can go in there. You can post you don't have to give a real email address. So I think the level of anonymity that people can send us tea with like they don't have to do it through like a finst or whatever. And so I think there's just like that extra layer of anonymity that people can send us stuff. So they, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:07:08 and we can't tell who they are. And so, you know, there are people who will leave us are real email addresses and, you know, they have to like, yeah, you can follow up and we will in some cases too. And so I think that's been like, you know, one of the big keys to why we get, you know, some of the really, really good T
Starting point is 00:07:26 is because the people who are in the know can send it to us without feeling like they're gonna get, you know, like we're gonna come back at them or expose them. Right, because it's anonymous, basically. So if like they have some T or they know something that's about to go down, they share it with you guys, but they don't have to, so you never really know who these people are because they can give you a fake email.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Is that what happens? So the emails, we know if it's a real email, well, if someone sends me something, I'll write back and be like, can you give me more details? And if they write back, I know what to read email. Sometimes the emails are like, vicki gumbelson at OC.com.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Well, I know that's not real, right? So, but when it's an email that looks for you, we'll try. And the other thing that happens is that people will, once we post, so like, let's take an email about like today. We just heard that Drew from Atlanta and her husband filed for divorce. In the spring, I had received an email about like issues that drew from Atlanta and her husband filed for divorce. In the spring, I had received an email about like issues
Starting point is 00:08:28 between them and I posted about it. And so when I post an email, people will DM me or send me other emails like, oh yeah, well, I know this. And I so like, it's like a puzzle. Like I start with a piece and then all different sources fill in the puzzle. So it's like crazy. It's kind of like you're a reporter in some way, too.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I mean, it's exciting when you get stuff right. Like today it came out that Stasi was pregnant, which we had heard. So it's cool when stuff comes true. And then there is always the thing, people are like, do you feel bad? And I'll say to you, Melissa, to me, if you put your life on reality television, people are going to talk about it. So why should not?
Starting point is 00:09:10 Right. No, it's never post. Right. And like, if somebody, if a reality star is dating somebody and they're not a public figure, they don't have a blue check, they've never been on television, I blocked their face out. Because to me,, once they put their face on the television show, Olbet's are off. But prior to that, you're just a regular person. I'm not going to post your name or your likeness. Right. I mean, that's actually like, that makes a lot of sense. And I think that's really nice of you guys to be that way. Lisa Hatchstein is an example who I love. I think you're a fan of hers as well. You're friends with her. She's a great girl. She posts, she posts her new beautiful. I'm so happy for her boyfriend on her page.
Starting point is 00:09:49 So once she does that, it's like, okay, well, she's going public with him, right? Right. So now you're, you're able to like post his face and talk about him. I get it. I get it. Well, listen, I actually think it's really nice of you guys to like keep the people who are not on TV off and have a little respect that way. I think that's pretty admirable of you guys right. I mean, because there's some there's some sites out there and there's some they play dirty and they don't and I feel like you guys do and I think that or Twitter because you guys are actually fact checking.
Starting point is 00:10:26 You're not just writing anything. You do like, you know, cross your teeth and dot your eyes a lot of the time. So that's, you know, that's what's kind of makes you stand apart from the rest, I would say. Does that make sense? And also, yeah, and we're also very honest. Like at the, at the bottom of our website
Starting point is 00:10:41 is a disclaimer, but the other thing is like, I say to people, listen, if you're looking for absolute fact and like that kind of thing. Go to the LA times go to the Wall Street Journal, if you want more national inquire type stuff where it may be true, it may be spiced up, it may be porch true, you come to bravo on cocktails. I mean, none of this is Bible. You know what I'm saying. I'm not there. Right. Right. It's just what I'm hearing. Take it for what it's worth. You know, that's it. So how many tips do you guys actually receive each day around about like what do you what do you think you get each day? Oh God, Amanda, you take this one. Well, geez, I mean, we'll be get some inner DMs too. I would say on a given day, we can get anywhere between like six to like 20 emails. And when we say emails are not even like it's literally
Starting point is 00:11:36 a form on the website that people can submit through. And then it just emails us so that it comes into our inbox and we read it. So it really depends on what's going on and if there's something going on, it can be like 20. And then who knows how many, how many, I mean, how many tip DMs do you get? The Oh my God. Please. Oh God. My DMs are filled with like, you have no idea. I'm sure you can imagine just like, and then there's like, I just recently found, so that you know how there's like the DMs and then there's the extra DMs. Well, then I found, I don't know why Instagram does this to me, but there's like a hidden, there's a hidden folder as well, I don't know why they're hidden because they're all normal people that I've never like seen before.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I don't know why they're hidden. So I get such a big amount that like, if I'm really sitting in a doctor's office like waiting my turn That's when I'm that's when I like get in there and I start reading and some of the stuff is crazy It's a lot of people like telling me what another housewife said about me and like go watch this look what she said and a lot of people in my DMS are telling on the other housewives and letting me know what they're saying about me and what they're doing to me So I do appreciate that don't stop. You keep me in the know because obviously I can't watch everything and see everything. So they keep me in the know like, did you see what this one said on our interview? I'm like, no, you know, saying, we call them, we call our followers cocktails and
Starting point is 00:13:01 like, they tell me things and send me like Melissa, when you give me a shout out, thank you so much on your podcast a couple of weeks ago. Yes. The second you, I mean, I think the second I went live, I woke up and I had like 50 things. Oh my God. Missy G mentioned you. You have to bow and I listen to your pod anyway, but I just hadn't got to it yet. I'm like, oh my God, how early do you guys get up?
Starting point is 00:13:23 I love that. That's so good, see? And I mean, I'm always about like helping out. I love that you guys are like kind of a newer podcast, right? How long have you been going? Not even a year. We'll be in the end of May. But you're getting great downloads and great listens
Starting point is 00:13:41 and all of that, I see posting about it. So that's awesome. Listen, I think people like gossip. You guys gossip, right? So people want to hear gossip. They want to hear some juice. They want to hear your opinions on all of these shows and you guys do such a great job of like recapping and giving your opinion and, you know, not being too crazy like either way. So it's it works, you know. Well, and we don't always agree, you know, like we, we will definitely have different view point. I mean, we often do, I feel like more often than not, but we don't always agree. And we like talk to it and we like move on. And it's fine. It's like, but if you look at
Starting point is 00:14:17 social media, and if one person has one opinion, another person has another opinion, it's like, they seem like they're mortal enemies. And so like that's one thing B and I can always talk about. Like that's another thing we talk about is you can like two housewives that don't like each other. Like you don't have to pick a team always. And like that's something that we've been talking about a lot recently, actually. Right. I mean, what Bravo shows do you say that you guys, like what Bravo show do you get the most tips on? Where is like the most juice always coming out of? It's always about what's in season, right? So when something's filming or something's airing, that's what's hot. Like right now,
Starting point is 00:14:59 obviously Jersey, Summer House is big. Like as an example of like getting tea, summer house wasn't even the episode wasn't even over. And I knew exactly who the mutual guy that Gabby was dating that Danielle was also dating that was basically she was cheating on Gabby with Danielle, which Danielle didn't know. I know who he was. Like I didn't and again, he's not a public person. So don't do. I mean, I'm not going to tell you who he is.
Starting point is 00:15:24 But like, so that's the kind of stuff. When a show's airing viewers, all of a sudden are like, oh my god, Gabby, I remember her. She was going out with so and so, and they'll message me and be or send us an email and be like, so here's the deal with that guy and tell us the whole, you know, that kind of thing. So really, whatever's airing or if people see them,
Starting point is 00:15:43 like when you guys are filming Melissa, I get pictures. I mean, you know, you see me post them. So yeah. And sometimes, and honestly, sometimes, especially with the peak cock shows, it seems to me that because I guess a lot of people visit my site, production even sends me stuff. Like, really? Yeah. I mean, I don't know. They don't tell me, hey, this is production, but you have a feeling you have a, you know, we always say as housewives, I always say like, who the hell would know that other than production? Like, I say that a lot, and I feel like, and I wonder if they do it purposely sometimes or, you know, with production, there's all different levels of production. So, you know, like the assistants, you wonder sometimes,
Starting point is 00:16:26 because they're just coming in and out, sometimes they're not staying on the show that long or you always wonder, like, where did this come from? You know, or if they go home and tell their friend who follows an account, and that's how the account finds out. Like it's exactly, it's not the head producer isn't writing it in, but of course.
Starting point is 00:16:43 The assistant producers sister in law might say that you were talking to a Thanksgiving dinner because she was fan growing that you were in the room with this housewife and you told her all the tea, then told Bravo and cocktails. Bingo. And we love that. I'm sure you do. Have you ever had like any feuds with housewives? Like, you know, has anyone come in and started yelling at you through DM and said, like, take this down or non-housewives. Any Bravo show?
Starting point is 00:17:09 Has anyone ever wanted you to like correct the story, fought with you? DM you, give me some juice on that. Yes, but not as often as you'd imagine. And really? Yeah, because I mean, listen, my account's been shut down four times. I have a website. I have a podcast. I'm not going anywhere. So what's the point? And if it's a rumor or if it's something that the person tells me and like shows me whatever, I will take it down. And I also put like a lot of the emails.
Starting point is 00:17:45 down and I also put like a lot of the emails. It's known. We say it on the podcast. I it's on our website. Emails are just that. There's stuff that's sent into us that is not verified. When I post something and I say from a source, that means that I've seen receipts of it and whether I'm posting the receipt or not, I feel like there's a good likelihood that some are all of it is true, right? Which is different than an email. Right. And so people have, and I'm not gonna say who, because I don't like to spoil relationships, because you always wanna, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:12 have a working relationship with somebody, but yeah, people have. And I'm just like, listen, don't be mad at me, you're the one on the show. And also, all press is good press, isn't that what people say? If nobody's talking about you, you should do it. if nobody's talking about you know, I don't know I don't know anymore to be honest like I haven't gotten out of the press in the last freaking six months
Starting point is 00:18:30 And I'm like what is happening here, but I will we're gonna get into the Jersey house. I want to talk about a couple other shows with you first First of all, I want to talk about Vanderpump rules. I know you watch First of all, I want to talk about Vanderpump rules. I know you watch this, like, let's just dive into some of the shows and get your thoughts on them. But with Vanderpump rules, the current season is more focused now on like the core group and they're not bringing on too many like new people. So it's giving like old school Vanderpump rules vibes, right? Like do you miss seeing the old castmates on this show? Like Stasi and
Starting point is 00:19:05 Jack's or Brittany or what do you feel about this? Amanda, do you want to take this? Yeah, I mean, so, so I this is one of those where B and I don't always agree, right? I, I adore Stasi. I think she's hilarious. I think she made great TV. I really enjoyed watching her. Be doesn't necessarily feel the same way, but we were also talking about how, like, Jack's is like, you miss out, you aren't like not necessarily our favorite person, but he also made some good TV. So enjoying the season very much because we don't have as many of the new people we're having to figure out and it is giving that more kind of old school.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Vanderpump rules like I don't think I even watched the full season last season because I just didn't care about some of these new people and so it's been a lot of fun to watch and we're hearing that from the cocktailers like they're all all saying like this, we love it. Where it's back. Like it's it's so fun. And the other thing too, as a bravo viewer, is that I've kind of learned over the years is you don't necessarily have to like somebody to recognize that they're good for a show. Like I don't like jacks. I mean, jacks is a terrible guy. Cheated on everybody. He's not a good friend. He hooked up with his best friends girlfriend of like how many years well as best friend was in the other room. He's a bad dude, but does he make a good reality show? I mean, yeah, of course. You know, so yeah, I miss them. You know, I miss I miss Vanderpump is great. And the thing about Vanderpump that's so good is when you have an ensemble cast like that,
Starting point is 00:20:45 over time, they can get too big for their bridges or acts like they're famous. And those Vanderpump, I'll call them kids even though they're like, they're like grown ass people now. They're like 30. They're like 30, 30, 30. They're like 50, 30. Yeah. Um, which I always left.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Like, Melissa, you're the actual same age. I think Jackson, I, I, are the actual same age. That's what I was going to say. Like, I see some of them and I'm, I'm, I always left. Like, Melissa, you're the actual same age. That's what I was gonna say. Like, I see some of them and I'm, I'm 40 and I see some of these people and I'm like, they're my age, but like whatever, but so you call them kids, but they still give you it. And they like, they show you all the messiness and that's really what makes a good show.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I mean, it's obviously not easy to do when you're that person, but if you want to stay on television, hey, it'll keep you on, which is why I guess it's been on so long. Well, speaking of messiness on a scale of one to ten, how messy is Shayna with the Raquel Tom Katie drama? Like, what are you guys feeling about this? Can't stand her. What she's great TV, but yeah, so messy. She's just wanting for me, like one of those people, it's just like, no matter what she does, I just, I can't with her, I just can't. I'm having Lala actually on the show next week. I like Lala a lot. I enjoy her. Like, so even at
Starting point is 00:21:56 BravoCon, I spent most of my time with her. She's just like a real raw. I appreciate someone who's not putting up a front when they're in front of you. she's one of those like I don't feel like I have to fake it. I don't feel like we have to like, you know, it's just there's no fronting. It's just real people. So I enjoy Lala. She's a flawed person, but she's open about it. Exactly. I feel like she is a flawed person and instead of being open about it and kind of talking about her issues. She deflects and talks about other people's issues. And I just it's so obvious when people do that and the audience is smart. open about it and kind of talking about her issues. She deflects and talks about other people's issues. And I just, it's so obvious when people do that and the audience is smart and stop. But Lala, Lala's great TV too. I mean, she's given us a lot of great moments. You have to binge this season so far. You'll love it. I'm going to. I'm going to binge, but give me something that
Starting point is 00:22:40 you guys want me to ask her. What should I ask her about? That would be juicy to talk to Lala about. me something that you guys want me to ask her. What should I ask her about that would be juicy to talk to Lala about? Oh, I want to know what her opinion is on Sheena and Katie. Like what she thought about Sheena putting pushing Raquel on to Tom. Okay, done. That's going to be my question for Lala. Let's let's jump into summer house for one second. Like this Lindsay and Danielle drama is tough to watch because they were such good friends for so long. But where do you think they go from here and do you think they'll be able to make up?
Starting point is 00:23:13 Like what are you guys feeling about this? Well, we've been talking about this for a long time. So we've known since way early in the summer or of last summer when they were building that there was something going on. And so we've been talking about it on enough. And if you're watching right now, it looks like also okay, right? Like, you know, Danielle is, you know, defending Carl and, you know, she calls them when they're not there that weekend. But we know what's coming and what's coming
Starting point is 00:23:45 is there's going to be a pretty big blowout and the friendship is still in a really tough spot. So Lindsay has come out and said on what's what happens live recently that she wants to, recently that she wants to reconcile with Danielle. And Danielle was on the other night, and she seemed like she was sort of warming to it as well. So, you know, in my opinion, I could see them becoming friends again, but I don't know that they'll ever be at the same level. I think there has just been too much hurt there, is my opinion. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:24:29 So what Danielle said actually last night, I'm watch what happens live, was she was happy to hear that Lindsey said that, but she's not quite there yet. And Danielle has also very publicly said that, like she's had Lindsey's back and she's always been there for her and it really wasn't reciprocated,
Starting point is 00:24:45 which was like the main point of the fallout. Also something that I don't know if you know Melissa Danielle and her long-term boyfriend broke up after the summer. So they split after her and Lindsay had had the fallout and we know that Lindsay and Lindsay hasn't reached out to Danielle, which to me, like, your best friends with somebody for five years, right? Six years, whatever it is. And you have a full out over the summer. You're filming a show. I mean, you more than anybody can understand how filming a show can cause like stress on a relationship. But at the end of the day, if you're really friends with somebody and they break up with their boyfriend of three years or two years, you reach out to them. Even if it's a text to say, listen, I know we're not in the best place,
Starting point is 00:25:28 but I heard and I'm here if you need an ear. That's what a real friend does in my opinion. For sure. For sure. I can tell you from experience that sometimes the show getting in between is the reason they don't reach out as well, because it just makes things like, or it could even go with like what they're saying in press and they're so pissed off about how the press is going or how they're talking about them that it causes them not to reach out. But 100% if someone is your friend for five years
Starting point is 00:25:59 and there's a major breakup, there should be a phone call. 100%. But I did admit last night that, so what we see right now that the episodes were watching, I think that's what I think. I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's what I think that's I appreciate it very much. So she was like, I don't know what that means like we didn't make plans to hang out But she's like it was nice that he acknowledged it right so I think it wouldn't you would want to make up with her because she's really She could befriend these new people, but it's not the same thing and Danielle did ride for her So she'd be foolish not to like take some accountability and mend the friendship.
Starting point is 00:26:47 That's for sure. I want them to make up. I do. I want them to mend that friendship completely. I was out with Lindsay, maybe like two weeks ago, we did an event together for page six. And then we went to dinner after a bunch of us. And listen, I think, first of all, I think Carl adores her to that. Like he is like, he kind of, he reminds me of a, just like a Joe Gorga almost.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Like he wants to be so, like he's so good to her. He was very, like he, he, he is, what's the word I'm looking for? Like he tends to her. Do you guys see, does that come across on the show? Very nice. Because he is like, I feel like he's very, very good to her. And she did sit with me for a minute and say, like, no one in my cast likes me,
Starting point is 00:27:31 the whole entire cast, the whole entire cast. And I was like, how, I'm like, how can that be? How are you going to be able to film a whole show like this? And, you know, she didn't get into it much further than that. But she definitely knows that there's like a lot of tension between her and the cast for sure. Well, she's had issues for years with most of the other girls and Danielle and she's always like been able to mend them enough and like she's had Danielle and she's had Carl and she also had Luke who's no longer on the show, Andrea who's no longer on the
Starting point is 00:27:58 show. Kyle was her good friend, but now him and and her and Carl kind of had a full out. So she's in a weird spot. But listen, she plays a very large role in the show. She brings a lot of the drama because she is a great reality personality. So they're going I mean, unless she chooses not to come back. And again, like they're engaged. So like they're going to have to transition the show somehow. I don't know what that looks like. But you
Starting point is 00:28:23 know, they're all going to be married having kids. It's not going to make sense for them to be in a share house, like maybe they'll all have their own house and they get together or something. No, for sure, I already feel like it's kind of like they're at that age where they're not doing it. You should not be at the shared house as in the Hamptons any longer, right? I mean, I'm married with children at that age, which I'm not saying you have to be, but when you're married at 40, it just becomes less likely that you're going to have a share house with or without of course. Of course. Wait, what are your thoughts on the Potomac ladies dating this summer, like winter house guys, like how Ashley dated Luke and Jacelle is currently dating Jason, like, what do you guys think about this? Okay, first of all, you have to go with this one because you have strong opinions.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Melissa, just as that dating Jason, it's a great photo op, okay? Really? Is that what you would think? It's a my whole thing. Oh, I hope they hooked up, had a little smooch, had a little thing. They're not really dating. It's good for both of them.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Jason and Luke very much are up and coming. They want to be in the bravo world, their models. Jason has been on several reality shows over the years. He very much wants to be, you know, listen, he's built, he's trying to get a career. I'm not hating on the guy good for him. And he's choose, first he, he also dated a Dubai girl. I think Caroline Brooks, I want to say. Yeah. And then he didn't, then then he was spotted with Chezelle. You know, did they go on a date? Did they hook up? Yes. Is it great PR? Yes. Do they see the PR Ashley and Luke got
Starting point is 00:29:50 yes, actually in Luke, I think there was a little bit of that for them. But I think they also met at Brawbocon. They're both hot. They're both single. They hooked up, you know, that had some legitimacy to me. Right. I think they were just they were having a moment. Those two. Yeah. I think they were just they were having a moment those two. Yeah. There's something. There's something. I mean, there's clearly an attraction there and I say get it girls like go have fun. Go for it. Are the ladies, their ladies are older than the men, correct? Yes. Actually, maybe not that much. Ashley and Luke, I don't know because
Starting point is 00:30:21 Ashley's, what is she like, 36? What's Luke, probably about the same age? Right. I think they're close in age. But just, just, just, just, just, I was older. And that's not why I don't think it's real. Um, I just, I, it's just because I've seen him, I don't know, you date one, you date the other one. And also like, do they, do they really have pop, does Jason from Winterhouse have paparazzi following him? Why am I getting these paparazzi style photos in my email? No, I was born at night, Missy, but not last night. I got it.
Starting point is 00:30:51 I got it. I have breaking news. Breaking news that Luke is 39 and Ashley is 34. Oh my God. That's normal. That's normal. I'm shocked. She's so young.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I didn't realize she was like 34. She is young, right? She is. Yeah. I would assume they were the same age. I know. I mean, speaking of stage photo apps, what about Madonna dating Josh,
Starting point is 00:31:17 the boxing instructor instructor? Like have you guys seen this? That we just, Josh is, I just posted about this. I said, Josh is taking a book out of Jason from Winterhouse. I mean, he's like, you know what? I'm not even going to go from a house like, I'm just going to go straight from Madonna. He's like skipping it.
Starting point is 00:31:35 He's skipping it and going straight there. I'm like, that is ballsy. You're going straight from Madonna. And it's like, do you think this is real? Like, what are you things happening with this? You will see how weird, like, so when you watch, it was so, we haven't even talked about this. How awkward it is, he sits there, like, he spends the night.
Starting point is 00:31:53 She's like, you're gonna stay over at that end of the bed. I'm gonna stay over here. And then, like, he goes and sits, like, in the next morning, sits by the front door on his phone, I guess, waiting for a ride, but it looks like he was, like, they make it look like he was there forever like half the people are leaving like to go back to New York City. Or for Annie just sitting there. It's so awkward and he comes off as so awkward and so like, but I can see with a Madonna who has like such a personality like maybe,
Starting point is 00:32:25 who knows, maybe it would work. And you know what, good for her. There's sugar daddies that are in their 60s and have 20 something year old girlfriend. So why can't Madonna be a sugar mama? Good for her. Yes, I agree with that. 1000% 100% go Madonna always go Madonna.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Okay, so you know there is no way I'm going to sit and talk to you guys and not ask you a little bit without getting in trouble about the real host size of New Jersey. We have to talk about that as well. First and foremost, I need to ask you guys because you're such social media people. Have you noticed the difference lately in the social media drama surrounding our show for the Real House, I said, New Jersey? Like, are you guys seeing it different than the past years? Toxic. It is. I mean, I'm not a huge Twitter person. I go on Twitter and I could be like, watch Jersey today and they'll be like, how much does Melissa Gorgher? By the way, Melissa, you owe me money. Apparently, I'm on your payroll.
Starting point is 00:33:26 So can we just say that this is the first time ever, we have ever, like I've never heard your voice, we have ever spoken ever. You've clapped and stuff at like posts of other shows I make, but we've never exchanged, she has, and this is the funny thing, like it's not housewives who send me stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Like, like Melissa's not cool. First of all, there isn't a housewife on the network that has my phone number. That's number one. Number two, nobody, it would be nice. And you know what I write back Melissa? I'm like, wait, if you like a housewife, they pay you, is that a thing?
Starting point is 00:34:03 Is that a thing? You can be paid? I mean, it's just so like, it's so twisted. How, you know, the tree stands or whatever it is, have to assume that like, why are you, listen, if you are gonna put your vote out there and be a stand for something you think I did is right, knowing that sometimes those tree fans
Starting point is 00:34:23 are gonna come at you saying the most ridiculous, crazy things. It's kind of like people respect you more because you're bossy enough and you're solid enough to be like, yeah, this is my opinion and I don't really give a shit when anyone else says about it, right? And I've cared about what people said about me. I would have quit doing this a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Like I don't, I believe what I believe because it's what my opinion. And if someone disagrees with me, that's actually great. I welcome a healthy debate. I'm not a person who thinks I'm always right. This is when I watch Jersey, I agree with you more.
Starting point is 00:34:55 You operate the way I would generally operate. And the other thing that I've said on my own podcast is Jersey for me is the most familiar and always has been, listen, I'm a New York City girl. I live in a suburb of New York City. I'm Italian American. I get it. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:35:13 Like I have sister and laws. I have cousins. I have always very much understood Jersey because I get it. I you know what I'm saying? The dynamics aren't far fetched for me to relate to. And I think that, first of all, anyone who says that, like, oh, I'm on her payroll, obviously, is new. Do they say that to you a lot?
Starting point is 00:35:34 Oh, every time I say anything on Twitter, they, somebody says it. And these are all new Twitter. Twitter is such a helpful place. Twitter is so helpful. It's like, it's a problem. I'll tell you the problem with Twitter. At least on Instagram, if these people are going to make like, Hater or like bullying harassment
Starting point is 00:35:50 accounts, they have to at least post some pictures of their lives for us to even hold them, like, like, say, hmm, that hurt. And it's from a normal person. But like on Twitter, it can literally anyone under the sun tweeting anything. And's just hate and it's just different. So I feel like it's a lot. It's just more hateful on Twitter on. Melissa, the other thing is, but the other thing is these accounts say this to me and like any other account that doesn't fully take the other team side, whether it's to research and Aiden, but the thing is these accounts are named for one person,
Starting point is 00:36:26 and they spend their days tweeting about one per- like one or two people. Listen, people could say to me, oh well, you know, you have an account and that's what you do. Number one, I'm a comprehensive account covering all of Bravo and Pop culture. Number two, I've monetized my account. So it's a business. And I am not like, you know what I'm saying? I don't have an account that's like Melissa Gorgha fan. And then I sit and attack anybody who doesn't like Melissa Gorgha. That to me, if I were a person who had, if there was an account that was like Bravo and cocktail fan and they were attacking and spending 12 hours a day only focused on me. I would be disturbed.
Starting point is 00:37:07 I find it disturbing. It's first of all, I would say it's complete opposite because someone like you is definitely not on a payroll because I'm not paying you to talk about every other Bravo account under the sun and do podcasts about everybody under the sun. But then see, see contrary to that, are these accounts that do like you just said, right about only meat like the right. We're all about this or worth this or no, no, no, you are all about Melissa Gorga. Like that's what you are from 9 a.m. till midnight. And I'm all about the fans, like having their opinions and all of
Starting point is 00:37:46 that. I get that. Listen, I've been in this world for 13 years. I get all of that. But like, shouldn't we be questioning if you're, if these other accounts, some of these other crazy accounts are on the payroll when you live and breathe, like attacking Melissa Gorge from nine a.m. till midnight finding old clips from 2012 like that sounds like great job to me that sounds like a lot of work And I sometimes feel bad for them. I'm like sometimes I want to meet them Like I hope they come up to me in person because I'm like they deserve to meet me since they're googling my name and my face All day long at least like a hand or something if if something. If anyone didn't watch the show, right? Like, if it's just some, and they went to the, they would think, they would think you were like a killer.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Like, say these people, talk about you. I'm like, what has she done? Listen, and I'm not saying the other side that Teresa is some awful person. Either it's family drama. There's things that have transpired over the years. And I've said this on my own podcast, clearly, when there's family drama, nobody is completely innocent. It's a matter of looking at the situation and being like, okay, well, I side more with this person because this is more how I later, it's all personal, right? It's more relatable to me. It's not to say that the person who
Starting point is 00:39:01 sides with Teresa is wrong. It's a different point of view. Like in real life, Jennifer Aiden is a lot like Teresa, like they have, they think the same way. There's nothing wrong with that. That's how they think. I don't think that way. I think more like you. So when I watch it, I'm going to agree with you. It's not that complicated. It's really not. And it's what made the dish not malicious. It's an opinion. I don't I don't for sure. it's what makes the show go around and it's also I will say this and I've always said this I do think our fans Tweet and Instagram the way they are is very similar to our personalities So Teresa fans I feel like you can tell from their posts and their things
Starting point is 00:39:41 They're very similar to her and how she would like talk back or fight and I I'm very, and my fans kind of fight back the way I do. So it's like, it's weird. It's like you do go with who your personality is with or who you would agree with. Or if you were in the situation, you would be the Melissa or you would be the Teresa or you would be the Jennifer or you would be the Margaret, right? It's like, that's just kind of how these shows work. And I get that. But what I don't get is that recently, and it's not, this is not just coming out of my mouth. This is coming from like everyone's mouth. And I mean, every housewife, Bravo PR, everywhere you look, like they're like what is happening? And so I'm asking you guys, what do you think is rallying this up?
Starting point is 00:40:23 And what do you think is so different that like listen, there's always been shit about me on Twitter and Instagram and Theresa gets no easy cardio. She gets a lot of shit about her also, right? So it's like lately though, everything's been triplefold. And like what do you think? Why? Why this season more than the others?
Starting point is 00:40:40 What do you think it is? I mean, I think that social media has a much larger impact across the board on these shows, right? I mean, you even saw a bravo con. There were people like giving on the panels, like Instagram accounts. Right. So I think that I don't know. maybe someone's been crazy. Like maybe someone's encouraging them. Right, right. And I think that's to be continued right there.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I think it always comes out in the wash. So it does. I think, you know, I was just gonna say to you guys, like we're just now starting to see the shows use some of our posts or videos or that kind of thing. So I think it's just the, you know, the fire fueling the fire, right? Where now they're like, oh, wait, you know, so much does happen off screen and on social media that it's just turning into, it's just, it's just growing and growing.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Well, here's just growing and growing. Well, here's my thing with like a lot of the either with the social media. It doesn't coincide, right? With with with actually going on on the show. So it's like, there'll be this whole facade, like you just said, be like, if someone's just reading about me and never saw the show in their life or know like my life or my family or my like businesses or who I am, you'd be like, damn, like, who is this? They would think that you had an affair with Juicy Joe. Like seriously, they would think you did something, oh, God, imagine God for a bit.
Starting point is 00:42:13 They would think you did something horrendous if they were just reading it. And come to find out that, wait, you went on a reality show? Oh, wait, why? Like I took an offer that was given to me like 2010. Yes, I did. So it's like, it's one of those things where I just always get baffled because I'm like, they're talking about things from such a long time. It has zero relevance into like our life right now
Starting point is 00:42:38 or what's going on currently or what's even happening on the show. So it just seems like, and it's not relevant because whatever that situation was, which I really don't want to debate it. And I'm sure you don't. I, of course, believe what was written in Diamond and Rose, which was you were given an offer and you accepted it. But that's neither here nor there. You guys moved past that seasons ago, years ago.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Well, that's my whole point on it. It's like once you get a grip on that, and I have my opinion in you, have yours and we talk about it in public, right? And get put it out there in public and both decide to move on. The fact that it has like came back up again and such a strong force to me was pretty baffling.
Starting point is 00:43:19 I'm just like, I don't even get it and I think a lot of my fans feel the same way. They're just like, how does this have any relevance to like where we're at now or what's going on? But why don't you even want to get into that again? But because it's just like a whole back and forth of like, to the point where I don't even give you shit anymore. Like it's just to the point of like, believe what you want.
Starting point is 00:43:38 You have your side. I have my side and that's that. Who do you guys honestly think is the biggest shitster on your jersey? I know it's hard because I'm on the phone, but you're allowed to say whatever you want. You can say what you want, but who do you really feel like is the biggest shitster
Starting point is 00:43:57 on jersey? And I love Margaret and I'm on her side, but I would say Margaret and I would say probably Jen Aiden. That's exactly who I was gonna say, and I was gonna her side, but I would say Margaret and I would say probably Jen Aiden. That's exactly who that is gonna say. And I was gonna preface it the same way. I adore Marge. I think she is so frickin' funny.
Starting point is 00:44:15 I think Jen has like, kind of blinders. I don't think she always can put herself in other people's shoes about how they might feel about something, which makes her a really good shitsur because she just goes, she just goes in, right? And like she has the biting comments and she is not afraid of confrontation either. Well, I think she's always, to me she always looks like she's in like some type of, like, I feel like she's playing a character. So that's why I've always felt pretty secure for for all these previous years, you know, going into the reunions and I never looked at it like Secure the job, right? I looked at it like no, I'm gonna give my answers. I get to explain myself
Starting point is 00:45:15 I get to say why this happened or you know, I can't wait to explain why Joe to be honest with you guys is acting the way He is on the show. I can't wait for for all of that to surface just for people to really see why Joe is so beside himself on the show because I don't think just yet you're getting full clarity and it's I don't have full clarity and I'm curious about that too because he's not acting like himself. Correct. He 100% isn't and anyone who has watched this show for a long time knows that this is not typical Joe Gorgah. You see something's wrong. It's a little deeper than usual. And, you know, when do we find that out, Melissa? Keep watching. You know, tell me I'm going to get you in trouble. You're not going to get now. No, so far we're good. I'm paying attention to the Bravo gods and what they're going to yell at me for. But, uh,
Starting point is 00:46:04 attention to the Bravo gods and what they're going to yell at me for. But uh, no, like I think, I think pretty late in the season. So it's kind of like a guessing game right now for you guys, but I definitely get that it's a little confusing as to like, all right, why is Joe so next level? Like why is he so livid? But it does, it does start to surface and and some people will agree and some people won't and that's just like the way the show goes, right? That's the love of the real love of the girl. I was like, go rising. And the back and forth. I'm loving the new girls. I have to tell you, I like all three.
Starting point is 00:46:33 I think Jen Festler's most recent episode really cracked me out. She's so funny. You know what, she's that little bit of like, the funny slash like sarcastic that when she's a little mishassy. I like it. Doesn't she remind you of Sikki though a little bit? Like she does remind me of her.
Starting point is 00:46:53 I see the shades of hate that I said that. Sorry, Jen Fessler, but like there's something. There's she's outspoken and there's like, there's a shade of it. But Sikki was always bananas. Maybe the first few, maybe like when she first came on, maybe she wasn't, but maybe when she was like laying on the floor and the cake thing, that was so awesome.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Oh my God, the dramatic CS, it was next level. But you didn't have like the self-awareness that I think won't like to be truly funny. And like you've got to have like really good self-awareness. And I think Jen Fessler seems to have that so far. She's, I mean, she's totally like in some cases trying to make this laugh, you know, like when she's like, oh, I'm just going to eat instead of, you know, do go with this fight that's happening here at the Monserello party.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Right. Like, it's funny. Right. She just gives that little, like, I like to yell. I know Danielle's like very extra and I thought sort of following her Instagram when you know whenever we hear someone's filming we follow their Instagram. And she's I like that she's honest like she want like she said on Instagram I went to every I went she tried for every reality show she wants to be on it. I appreciate that she's honest. I think
Starting point is 00:48:00 they're good so far. I think they're mixing well. I'm happy that the world, so when I first heard there was two new girls coming on, it always gets me nervous because I think of the twins. Remember we had the twins in Amber and, you know, for some reason none of that worked. I mean, Amber, forget it. People were just like, it didn't work. I didn't mind the twins though.
Starting point is 00:48:21 No, I mean, the twins were funny. They made me laugh. I like people who are funny and like make you laugh. And twins were funny. They made me laugh. I like people who are funny and like make you laugh. And they really did. They made me laugh. But with Danielle, I didn't know if the fans were going to hold against her that she's literally tried to be on TV for the last 10 years and tried every reality show. I didn't, to be honest, I thought maybe that would be a little bit of a turnoff for people, but it doesn't
Starting point is 00:48:44 seem to be which I'm happy about, you know, I thought it would turn me off. And initially, like, when we would talk about honest, I thought maybe that would be a little bit of a turn off for people, but it doesn't seem to be, which I'm happy about. You know, I thought it would turn me off. And initially, like when we would talk about it, I was like, I don't know, it seems kind of thirsty. But honestly, when I watch her, I like her. I think she's good. And again, we don't know her that well yet, but I definitely think that she's, you know, got a lot to offer.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And she's, she's got her funniness to her too. Right. What about Rachel? What do you guys think of? Route Rachel Fuda? I know you, I feel like we haven't seen as much of her yet. They're breaking into Rachel a little bit more now, like introducing a little bit more of her story. But what are you thinking so far? For me, Rachel, to me is like you, whereas like I would be
Starting point is 00:49:20 friends with you guys in real life. And I like like, and people like people say to you all the time, what do they want you to do? Do they want you to set a fire to your house? Have some exciting. Why can't it just be that you have a cute family and a business and you interact with your friends? That's what housewives was based on.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Not everybody needs to have their world burning down. And I like that there's like normal girls that you would go get a glass of wine with. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, of course. Like listen, we can't all have the traumatic, traumatic, like things going on left and right or whatever may be good or bad
Starting point is 00:49:58 because what kind of show are we then watching? Like you have to be able to also see people on this show that live more of, like, I don't know what the right word is. I don't wanna say normal. I don't wanna say average. I don't know what I wanna say, but typical. Like, right, like something that you can say, oh, they're just like me.
Starting point is 00:50:15 What aspirational too. I mean, you know, right. There's also to be some aspiration to it. There also has to be, I mean, not some of these storylines where people are like, you know, the star and this and that. It's like, okay, great. But do you, do you want to grow up to be this? I don't think so, you know, right? I told this story on our podcast, but I was watching the first episode with my mom who had like, she's watched like a few seasons ago, but like, doesn't really watch. And so Dolores comes on and she's like, who's that?
Starting point is 00:50:45 I'm like, that's Dolores, we love her. And then she's like, who's that? That I'm like, well, that's Frank, her ex husband. And she's like, okay, but wait, didn't he just say that he's moving in with a guy named David? And I was like, I'm pausing this every day. I'm like, yeah, but that's Dolores's ex-boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:51:02 So then she's like, and then we, who's this guy? And she's like, one, that's her new boyfriend, who we really like too. And she's looking at me like, what? And you know what is happening? Right. And Dolores, you would not consider her to be like extra drama. But her life is really interesting.
Starting point is 00:51:19 And people are really interested by the fact that, you know, she has such a good relationship with Frank. And that Frank speaks so highly of her and their kids are, you know, like, so you don't going to be juicy. And I knew I was absolutely going to love it. I am also a fan of yours. Let me just tell you that because I look to Bravo and Cocktails all the time for a lot of my juice. And there's times I want to rejuice on like the other shows. And you guys always have it. And I really agree with a lot of your opinions, which helps.
Starting point is 00:52:03 So all of my listeners, you definitely need to be sure to follow Bravo and cocktails on social media. And you also need to join the exclusive cocktail party on their website because it's just like too hot for their IG page. And it has all the tea you can ever want in the Bravo verse. Okay. Be an Amanda. You guys have been so much fun. Thank you so much for coming on today. You guys killed it. Hopefully, I'll be watching. I'll be waiting for all of your posts and fun content.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Thank you so much for having us. It was nice to finally meet you. I know, you too. Yes, it is so nice to meet both of you. We definitely have to check out your podcast more often. I swear my new resolution is to listen to other people's podcasts more often. So I'm definitely going to be tuning in soon. But other than that, I will see you guys on social media.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Oh, yeah. I love it. All right. Thanks, guys. Cool talk soon. Let's do it! No! You

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