On Display with Melissa Gorga - Winners, Weather, and White Lotus (w/ Joe Gorga)

Episode Date: February 6, 2025

Melissa invites the always entertaining Joe Gorga back onto the show to talk about Joe’s strange obsession with the local news weather segments, the many phases of Melissa Gorga (according to Joe), ...and their new obsession with The White Lotus.  The two also share their plans for the Superbowl, and discuss the dilemma they have when trying to pick which team to root for this year.    This week’s sponsors: Apartments.com – The Place to Find a Place: www.apartments.com Belle Vitale - Hormone health that will change everything!: www.BelleVitale.com Quince – Luxury Essentials at Affordable Pricing: www.Quince.com/Melissa (Free shipping and 365-day returns)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Do you know what I complain about with you the most? Would you say in your head like, I know she's going to complain about this, this and that? Like, do you have three things that I complain to you about? Everything. Hey guys, it's your girl. Welcome to On Display. I feel like I sound run down and tired today. I've been running around like a savage all day long, but I'm always so excited to talk
Starting point is 00:00:32 to you guys and fill you in on what's going on in my life. So welcome, listeners. Happy Thursday and thank you for coming back and listening to me. I always appreciate and love you guys. I have a great guest today. Sometimes he's great. Thank you for coming back and listening to me. I always appreciate and love you guys. I have a great guest today. Sometimes he's great. Sometimes he's not so great.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Like lately, not so great. Like lately, I've been complaining about him a lot, but he's always a pretty decent guy. So, you know, much to all of your popular demand, I have Joe Gorga today. What's up, Joe? Yeah, you've been complaining a lot, man. You have. I have Joe Gorga today. What's up, Joe? You've been complaining a lot, man.
Starting point is 00:01:06 You have. I have. I appreciate your silence while I was giving an introduction. That's always much appreciated. I'm tired today. I'm exhausted. We're both just exhausted humans. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yes. I know what it is. What's up, Joe? How are you? What's new in your life? What's happening with you? Doing a grind, baby. It's rough out here. It's up, Joe? How are you? What's new in your life? What's happening with you? You know, doing a grind, baby.
Starting point is 00:01:27 It's rough out here. It's rough in business right now. So we're just working and grinding away. Well, you always complain. I feel like you always complain in the cold months because you need extra things to build. You need heaters and you're like, my guys are freezing and this and that. You always complain in the winter months. No, no, no, it's all right.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I mean, you know, I'm that guy, everybody's like, you know, yeah, he's always looking at the news. I'm always looking at the news. I got to see if it rains, if it snows. Oh my God. I don't know if your husband's do this. This is so annoying. Joe tells everyone one thing I hate when you cut me out, like when he
Starting point is 00:02:03 tells me shut up almost like it's like When the news starts playing in this house and like not the news when the weather so it's like we could be watching the news And all of a sudden it's time for the weather just like shh shh Like you could be mid sentence. He's like shop Why you wait for that right when the news comes and you start talking? I don't do that I don't do that. Who watches the weather it's an app on your phone. Like why do you still watch the weather? No, you got to listen to it.
Starting point is 00:02:31 It's very strange that you like get so intense with the weather. And I'm like, Joe, I know the weather. It's going to be cold. That's the weather. Here's the problem. We've been married for 20 years. You think you would know by now. You break my balls no matter what and you do. You're constantly like you're the same record that plays over and over and over. That's called a broken record. Whatever. That's what I said. Well, I'm saying you said you're the same record. I don't have to say you're the same broken record. Same shit, complains about the same things over and over. You do. Why? Why? Tell me why. Okay. So do you know what I complain about with you the most and over you do why I mean tell me why okay?
Starting point is 00:03:05 So do you know what I complain about with you the most would you say in your head like I know she's gonna complain about this This and that like do you have three things that I complained to you about? everything Alright, give me two things. Give me just like two things that you know that I'm going to complain about you like me just like two things that you know that I'm going to complain about you. Like just two, just two. I go to work too much. I leave too early. Why do you leave early?
Starting point is 00:03:30 I mean, I just- Well, sometimes I roll over. It's dark out. It's five o'clock in the morning and I'm like, where does one go? Where were you going? Where are you going? Is there a girl waiting for you at the Home Depot? Like, are you hanging out in the Home Depot parking lots?
Starting point is 00:03:52 Where are you going? I tell you, the things you say and the things you think about is insane. I am the chillest, I'm the coolest husband ever. I don't bother you. I just came home tonight. And mind you guys, I've never caughtest, I'm the coolest husband ever. I don't bother ya, you know. I just came home tonight. I mind you guys, I've never caught Jo, right? I've never.
Starting point is 00:04:11 No, but I came home tonight and she's sitting in her car in the garage talking. Now if that was me, I- You do that every night. Hold on, hold on, hold on. I go to, I was working out in the gym. I come back, I hear the car. I was taking was working out in the gym. I come back. I had a car I was taking my my my sneakers off in the garage. There she is in a car talking I take my sneakers. I look at her I wave I leave I go in a shower now
Starting point is 00:04:34 That was me on the car in a car sitting in the garage. You came running over thinking I'm doing something wrong No, I would not you wish I want to hear it So Joe sits, Joe pulls up to the house after work. He sits in his car always for an additional 10 minutes and finishes like a phone conversation. No, no, not always. The dog's barking, everybody's going nuts. And I'm like, when is he gonna walk in the actual house? Yeah, so you break my balls for no reason.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Cause it's annoying. See when you're on the phone and you, I didn't even ask you, were you on a business call? Yes, I was on a business call with Nick Marco, my cousin, because we were discussing Let's Sprinkle and Nick is in charge of my books and you know, the company's doing well so we were having a major conversation. I couldn't get out of the car. Just so everybody knows out there, Nick also owns a company where he financially takes care of companies and businesses
Starting point is 00:05:30 and does their books and all of that. So he is in charge of Let's Sprinkle. So we were having a business call actually. My business calls happened to be with family. Yeah, but I would have said that to you. I'm on the phone with my attorney. I'm on the phone with this, my architect. I'm on the phone with my engineer. And you would have been like, bullshit, who is she? You. I'm on the phone with my attorney. I'm on the phone with this, my architect. I'm on the phone with my engineer.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And you would have been like, bullshit. Who is she? You can't be on the phone. You worked all day. Why are you still on the phone? When you come home, you would have broke my balls for no reason. I like to do that. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:05:58 It keeps our marriage alive, which you want to talk about marriage. I talked about our marriage today for 20 minutes. You would have loved this. I don't know if anybody caught it, but I filmed it today, but for all of you who are watching, I was on the Sherri Shepherd show today. And let me just tell you, Joe, she was so sweet.
Starting point is 00:06:17 First of all, who doesn't love Sherri Shepherd, right? She is such a feel good woman. She's happy, she's very welcoming, she's warm. I know she kind of like replaced Wendy Williams in a way because she's literally in her seat, in her studio. Like I was so used to always going there being on Wendy and now you go and you're on Sherry. And the truth is she's amazing.
Starting point is 00:06:39 She's killing it, the show is killing it. She's an awesome person. So I went on her show today. We were talking about Let's Sprinkle. We were talking about life. She wanted to talk about the marriage, but a lot of what she wanted to talk about, Joe, is the fact that we have been married for 20 years. Yay.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Insert, insert. Boom. How do you insert the applause? Boom. Lately. No, but she was like, she was like, wow, like you celebrated 20 years of marriage over the Boom. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr in your business and you guys have made it 20 years and then she was showing off photos of our kids and just like talking about how great our kids are and what a great family we have.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And I just thought it was really nice. It was really, really sweet. So you should be thankful. So when I come home and I sit in the garage or outside on the phone, don't break my balls. No, but just get off the phone when you come home. If I'm in the bathroom right now, I go upstairs and happens that everyone's calling when you come in the bathroom right now I go upstairs
Starting point is 00:07:45 and happens that everyone's calling when you get home and I go take a shot. Joe's got this new thing too. All these phone calls. I'm like, get off the phone. Like she's like, he used to come home and be done with work. All of a sudden he is not done with work. He's on the phone on the phone about to throw the phone against the wall do you realize that if you were on the Phone if I came upstairs and you were on phone in the bedroom Would I say anything to you? No, okay. I haven't a why do women why do wives? break our balls
Starting point is 00:08:20 Annoying I'm gonna need your undivided attention When you get home today today, I'm gonna tell the world this. Today, yesterday I came home, she was so cool, she was so chill, she was happy. I was making a cooking video. You made a cooking video. This morning she called me. Usually she calls me, she's like,
Starting point is 00:08:43 you didn't take out the garbage. You didn't do this. Like nasty or, you know, today. I'm never nasty. Don't say that. Well, you know what I mean. As a wife, you were nice this morning. I hang up the phone.
Starting point is 00:08:56 We had a nice little conversation. I said she was so sweet. Very odd in a wife and a husband. You are great. I'm just saying, you just, being wives tend to bitch. I find things to bitch about. I called her back five minutes later.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I said, let me tell you something. Last night and today, this morning, you were a pleasure to be around. It was so nice. Please continue to be that way. He calls me to say thank you for being a pleasure. Yesterday and this morning I'm like, what? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:09:34 I'm always a pleasure. What are you talking about? It's a pleasure to be in my presence. Like, don't you get it? Don't you feel it? I don't know what goes on and you know, wives wives, am I going to say women, wives' heads sometimes and they just, they look to just abuse their husbands for some reason. They do.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Okay, now you're being dramatic. No one gets abused by, I ask a lot of questions. I go through phases in life, guys. Like so. Oh, she goes through phases. I go through my phases and like sometimes I'm so cool and I just let Joe go like, like he's on the phone. He's doing whatever he's doing. Like he's working a lot. I don't even care. I'm like, whatever. He's
Starting point is 00:10:15 like flipping through TikTok. If we're watching a movie, I let it happen. Yeah, other times when she's flipping. That's all she does. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no When she's flipping, that's all she does flip to flip. No, no, no, no, no. I don't say a word. I am not even like a big TikTok. Instagram, emails, line sheets. Line sheets, yes.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I am always on... Like if I was working while we were watching a movie, because she picks line sheets. It's so funny that you know what a line sheet is. Joe knows that I, obviously I'm the buyer for envy guys So I'm constantly going through line sheets to pick the clothes out Like I just picked out all of the clothes for envy for fall like that's all I know that and I'm not gonna sit there And bust your balls and say listen. I'm home. We're watching a movie. You're going to lunch You know do your thing if you didn't have time during the day, I understand.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Do your thing. Come on. You gotta, you know, be successful. Got it. Yeah, well, I complain sometimes more than others. Sometimes I feel as women guys, and like for any of the ladies listening, do you sometimes feel like you need more attention
Starting point is 00:11:21 than other times in your life? Like I go through my times where I'm just like, I need attention. Like, I'm just like, I need attention. Like I feel like I'm not getting enough. And like you're not giving me the right attention. And then lately we are into Netflix movies, right? So we are watching a lot of Netflix. It is cold in New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:11:40 We are hibernating. I mean, I know if you watch our Instagram, you're like, hi, Melissa and Joe don't hibernate We have an event every night. We have a work event every night. We have a party every night, whatever Trust me. This is hibernating for us like we have bright Joe more than ever We have been in the house like we still have a plenty of events and I love it We just started like watching a lot of Netflix. Okay, and I have been watching all these things
Starting point is 00:12:05 where I'm feeling I'm lacking attention lately. And I need attention. And like all of the movies I'm watching, these husbands are like drooling. No they're not. No they're not, they're cheating. No, no, no, just the one show. We're gonna talk about that in a second.
Starting point is 00:12:19 But they're also drooling over their wives. And I'm like, they're giving them so much attention. And Joe is such an attention guy. I've always gotten a ton of attention, but sometimes I get needy. Like it's okay if I need more, right? I've trained you. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You've trained. He's trained me like a freaking dog. Like what? No, no, I did something wrong. You have made me get used to. I gave you too much attention. Oh my God. Now if I'm not on my game, woo, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:12:49 Oh yeah, I noticed in three seconds. You can't slip. She abuses me. She abuses me. I don't abuse you. Yes you do. You gotta be nice. I'm so good to you.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Sometimes a man at work is going through hard times, whatever. We stress. Stress is the silent times, whatever. We stress. Stress is the silent killer. Killer. It is. So... It's a stressful time. Interest rates are double, almost double and a half.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Insurance is going through the roof. Aren't they also... Is anybody supposed to go down? No, it's not going down. It's still going up. So everything costs triple and double and it's very expensive to run a business And you know, it's tough times babe. So you gotta understand Maybe I can't be on my my a game, you know, well get on your a game 24 7
Starting point is 00:13:37 That's what I'm used to and that's what I like. I'm just kidding But I do get used to it Tell me if this sounds familiar. Something's changed and you can't seem to put your finger on it. Maybe you have hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, PMS, mood swings, or even you're just bloated all the time. You're trying to do all things right, but nothing is working. Basically, you don't feel like yourself anymore. Now you can finally do something about it. BelVitel is the first ever comprehensive 12 week program that combines the key lifestyle factors
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Starting point is 00:16:49 The place to find a place. Wait, should we tell them what we're watching? Oh my God. I know we are so late to the game guys, but we are absolutely obsessed. We watched two seasons and I want to say 38 hours, like two full seasons, White Lotus. Literally, I never thought I wanted to watch it. And like I heard about it, heard about it, heard about it, addicted. Right?
Starting point is 00:17:14 Oh, it's so good. How good was that? The only problem is when you watch a show with your wife and the other, the man is cheating or whatever, she's like, do you do that? Would you do that? Are you doing that? I cannot believe you're saying that every time. Ah, I can't hear it anymore.
Starting point is 00:17:35 So then I go back at her, I go, oh, would you do that? Is that you? Thank you, because no, no, see, you're just, you see you jumped ahead of me on that one. Joe, throughout the whole movie, if the girl does this, the girl likes the sex like that, if the girl's looking at the friend or whatever. Oh, do you do? Do you feel that way? Like, Joe compares whoever he's sitting next to, or I would say his wife, right? Me, you compare to whatever's going on in the movie the whole time.
Starting point is 00:18:05 No, no, no, Joe just does what you do. I give it back to you. Oh my God. Wham! Anyway. And then now this guy on White Lotus, she's drooling over him, drooling, like down the side of him.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Well, which one, season one or two? The one we just watched that was in Italy, Sicily? Yeah, you know who you're talking about. You know, the cheating guy, the dirty guy. Yeah, so it was like two sets of friends that went on vacation. I liked the little blonde too, she's cute. And I liked the other one too.
Starting point is 00:18:30 They're both cute. I liked the double team him, how about that? Yeah. What? Yeah. What did he just say? Really? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Okay, and those two boys were very cute also. I heard you, that's why I'm giving it back to you No, they are Yeah, all right. Well you guys are missing out on the white great great show white lotus. I can't wait for season three It's about a week away, and it's gonna be in Thailand. What's her name? She's amazing in it. What's her name there? Who's like funny Oh Jennifer Coolidge? Oh, oh my god guys She's so good, and I don't want to give it away if you haven't watched it, but it's a mad she's not going to be in the next one. I don't I don't believe I mean, the producers on that show. Hands up to you, man. You did great. Amazing. I found
Starting point is 00:19:14 it so intriguing, Joe, that they were able to show us so many different people's lives and like their individual lives, and then like put them together on an island and somehow make them walk past each other and end up knowing each other. Like it was pretty genius that show. I think it won, definitely won awards, right? It won like Emmys I'm sure or something, whatever it is that you win. But it's really, it's great.
Starting point is 00:19:38 It's awesome. Yeah, it's very good. And there's a lot of cheating going on, right? So the wife- A lot of cheating. I guess that's what's going on in life Right, babe, not maybe because the one wife was saying to the other wife It was almost like she knows her husband cheats. And so what do you feel about this?
Starting point is 00:19:53 She was kind of like well, I have two young kids and so I didn't get that Melissa had explained that to me I didn't get that when when that when that part happened She hands the phone to the girl the girls like listen I seen such, I seen such and such. He was with, you know, basically the one girl was telling the other girl, listen, when we friends, their friends too, with their friends and their two husbands had a party night together. So the and the one guy was messing around. He cheated. He had sexual relations with the with the hookers.
Starting point is 00:20:25 And so... I'm screwed now. I'm fucked because now I can't go on the board again. Oh, you're never going out again. My wife like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll find another hooker. I saw what happens on guys' nights. This is why I can't watch TV because I make it real.
Starting point is 00:20:36 When I watch these movies, I'm like, this is what happens in real life. Oh, no, no, no. Yes, it is. It's a fucking movie. Wait. So to make a long story short, the one woman said to her, like I believe your husband cheated and basically she was trying to say like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:20:51 and like she knows this and she took her phone and showed her a photo of her two children and said, maybe you should talk to your trainer at the gym too. Like in other words, I have two kids, I'm not going anywhere, but I make myself happy on the side too. Like in other words, I have two kids. I'm not going anywhere, but I make myself happy on the side too. And I'm like, I was like, you, I thought she's like, I really couldn't find the picture of the guy, but here's my kids. I didn't get it. You didn't get it. Melissa, Melissa, see, you must be, you must be just like her.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Oh, you see, do you see what we do? We both watch it and start comparing we're like would you ever do that? Did you ever do that? Would you ever think this way? Yeah, would you ever look up with the trainer at the gym? How about the girl how about the woman that her man didn't do anything and then she went and got back at him How about that? Yes, she got back at him because her vision was that but you know what? He did have a wild night So she deserves a wild night back. He didn't do anything. He partied you you fell asleep for his wild night, and then he woke up He's like what happened who cheated on who did that one sleep with it? I'm like you have to wake up I am NOT rewinding this like I'm not rewinding it. I missed I did miss anyway Don't miss the boat on white lotus guys section that part was like
Starting point is 00:22:04 Anyway, don't miss the boat on white lotus guys section that part was like a lot of sex Boobies First of all, they show full frontal men. I was in shock like the first they did the guy just walks naked I'm like, are they allowed is this porn was a soft one? What's happening here? Let's be honest. Let's talk about he walked around What is I saw his whole thing? Which one did you see the thing which one? I think they showed both other things. The good looking guy that you like? They're both very good looking.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Okay, did you see her? Theo James is Steve. Oh wait, I didn't see the penis. I believe Theo James. I didn't get to see the penis. Did you see the penis? I did see the penis. I don't know if it's a prosthetic one.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I don't know if it was fake for the movies. I'm sure it's not his real penis. Okay, listen. Now be honest with me, because I've been married to you for 20 years. We're friends, we're best friends, we're partners in crime, we're partners in everything. And you can be honest with me,
Starting point is 00:22:53 I'm not gonna get offended, really not. So if you see a good looking guy and you see his penis hanging, how do you feel about it? Does it get you excited, or do you just look at it, and you're just watching TV? Do you get like a... I gotta be honest. I was more in shock that there was a penis on my living room TV. Like I've never, I don't think I've ever seen that before.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I was like, oh my God, he's walking towards us and it's just a penis just hanging. Like whoa. I was like, I'm not watching, am I watching porn? Like what's happening here? And I was worried like one of my children was gonna walk into the room and I'm just gonna be looking at a penis. I go like, this'm not watching. Am I watching porn? Like what's happening here? And I was worried like one of my children was going to walk into the room and I'm just going to be looking at a penis. I go like, this is not good. Yeah. OK. That I was so in shock that I was actually seeing a penis on my living room TV.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I didn't think Netflix could show penises. They do. I wonder if you were sitting there with your friend, one of your girlfriends like, oh, my God. Yeah, probably. I would have been like, whoa, look at it. So hot. You know what i would have been like whoa look at it you know what i would have said joe look at this thing that's our line we always say that we're always like look at it look at this look at this we tried to stay awake a little bit here and there for the grammys as well right oh the grammys yeah well that was that was that what did you you got bored easily. I get bored.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I mean. You're not big on like watching the music stuff. You get bored at all award shows. Joe's not an award show guy. I like live for it. Joe is just not an award show guy. I like the young girl, the Sabrina girl. She's killing it.
Starting point is 00:24:17 She did really good. The big espresso, you like that song? Yeah, she killed it. She did great. She did. She had a great performance. She's pretty too, very pretty woman. Pretty girl. You know what I loved Joe? I don't know if you saw this part. Diana Ross walked out. That is an icon.
Starting point is 00:24:31 That is a legend. And she's 80 years old. She looked insanely gorgeous. Like she looked beautiful. She's so put together. She's still got that hair. And she kept like fluffing it and touching it as she was speaking to us. And I felt like she was just, that's a diva. That's like a true OG diva, like 80 years old, like just a bad boss. Like I can't explain it. When she walked on the stage, I gasped.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Like she's gorgeous, Joe show you have to see if I Look like that at 80 like the like lord. She's the only she's doing everything right. I didn't see her She's a legend and her voice Diana Ross. Oh, yeah Her voice is so soft still like it always was like that very soft spoke. Oh my god, Queen Queen Queen I saw Beyonce come in like very late. I feel like she came in like, I don't get that. I do wonder if that's like, were you running late? Do you not want, like, do you just come in for your award?
Starting point is 00:25:36 I wasn't sure and I love Beyonce. I love Beyonce's music, but I do wonder how she gets away with that. How is it okay for you to come in so late and nobody says anything? I do think that was weird. She's been there for a very long time. Maybe she was like, I'm okay. I'll go when I want to go.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I guess she's Beyonce and she's like, listen, I'm coming in before they announce the country music art and she won. She won, which is- People don't like it. They're pissed. I'm seeing a lot of people upset about that And I think it's because they feel like she could have won for the song not for the album because the full album They don't feel is a total country album. They feel like the song though is a song that that one it ain't Texas hold them So yeah, they're I've seeing a lot going on with that.
Starting point is 00:26:26 I have mixed reviews. You know what? I don't really know what I feel about that. I do love Beyonce. I am happy for her that she won. You always wanna be happy for somebody who wins a Grammy. So let's give it to her. She won it fair and square.
Starting point is 00:26:38 And that's it. I understand what people are saying. She's really not country. She's not like a country singer, but she killed that song, which it is a very good song. She did, but she won album of the year. And I think that's why people are a little.
Starting point is 00:26:52 She didn't win anything about country song? She won country album of the year. Country album? Yeah, that's serious. I mean, I saw somebody on social, they were like, no, these are the country singers. She's not a country singer. So they kind of were upset, I saw somebody on social. They were like, no, she, you know, these are the country singers. She's not a country singer.
Starting point is 00:27:07 So they kind of were upset because I don't know. That's what they were saying. Yeah, well, that's how they feel. But she is from Texas. I mean, come on now. She's from Texas? She's from Texas. She's a Texas girl.
Starting point is 00:27:18 What about, well, Sabrina Carpenter, let's talk about like some of their looks for a second. Sabrina Carpenter, who you said, I thought she looked like a Disney princess. She's so cute. She's just like a cute little she had on like this blue feathered, like boa feather boa dress. Yeah, the red carpet. She looked like Cinderella or Cinderella is like cousin or something. She was she's beautiful, though. She's beautiful girl. I mean, the dress was I guess it's very
Starting point is 00:27:44 fitting for her. I just thought it was very Disney princess. How old is she? Is she young? Oh yeah, she's young. Like what? I don't even know. I'd have to Google how old Sabrina Carpenter is.
Starting point is 00:27:53 She's in the Dunkin' Donuts right up on top when you go in. Oh yeah, she's got a major, I think she's like 25 years old. 25. Yeah, she's young. Just like when I married you. I was young babe. Young, see that? She won a Grammy, you won me. Okay, Billie Eilish Joe, she sings Birds of a Feather. You know that song that we love?
Starting point is 00:28:15 We should stick together. Oh yeah yeah yeah. Okay, so she is probably like one of the most beautiful. She's beautiful. She's got these gorgeous blue eyes. I think Billie Eilish is like gorgeous. She covers it up always. Like her style is always very covering.
Starting point is 00:28:36 She wears like big baggy clothes and hats and glasses. And the joke was on the internet that she looks like one of the blind mice from Shrek. But if she took everything off and was like a glam girl, can I tell you how gorgeous she is? I think she purposely does this because it makes people take her more seriously as an artist. Like you can just tell she's just such a beautiful, beautiful woman, girl.
Starting point is 00:29:01 And she just covers it all up. And I think it does take the attention off her looks and keeps it more on her art, which is good for her. I mean, it's working. She's killing it. She's talented. And we're not talking about like, oh, she's a pretty girl. She's a pretty girl. She does come off more like an artist with the way she dresses. So I think she's got a little thing there. There was another one who I thought was like one of these best dressed. She's a country artist. Casey Musgraves. And let me just tell you, her outfit, I mean, this is like very classy and sexy and sophisticated. It's definitely something like a Melissa Gorgover to wear.
Starting point is 00:29:36 I see it. I'm watching it right now. Yeah. It kind of looks like you. Sexy. That's a hot outfit. Like that is, I thought she looked insane. Jennifer Lopez looked insane. Her outfit was insane. Her hair, makeup, she looked insane. Lady Gaga kind of looked like, she was definitely going for the dark. She usually does that. She came in very with a light skin and the dark clothing, very Marilyn Manson vibes that she was giving me. And obviously there's Julia Fox who always just comes
Starting point is 00:30:11 with like the see-through thing is in obviously, like everyone's doing see-through. I think I, I mean, I just wore see-through. I can't really talk too much shit because I just wanna watch what happens live. And I wore a see, I mean, basically you could see everything. You had a bra, you had, you know, you had clothes on. Yeah, like it's just the going trend right now is like see-through dresses.
Starting point is 00:30:31 That Kanye's girl, man, came in butt naked. I mean, butt naked. That was a shame. Oh, Joe, it was terrible. Like I feel like, is she happy? Like I want to know, maybe she is, is, but I wonder if that woman is happy. She didn't crack a smile. And I know she's putting it on for the cameras. She's going into her mode of like, here I am, I'm posing, I'm doing the thing, I'm butt ass naked. She had on a pantyhose over her vagina and her boobs
Starting point is 00:31:08 It was crazy like I saw her boobs You know you can see her boobs completely. I'm like concerned about her a little bit like a little bit like I hope she's okay I hope she wants to be where she is I wonder where her parents are like are they cool that she's like married to Kanye and walking naked on carpets They're married. That's his wife. It's his wife. Yes, that's his wife. Shit, letting his wife out there like that. Yeah, I don't know. I just hope that she's wants to go along with this. Obviously she's doing it, but I wonder if there's going to be a tell-all book on that one day too. I really do. I wonder if we're going to read all about that one day. That's crazy. Honestly. With a new year comes a new opportunity to reimagine ourselves and more importantly our wardrobes. This year I'm looking to refresh my look with some new high quality
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Starting point is 00:33:16 What else is going on with Super Bowl weekend, it's Super Bowl weekend who you going for baby We going for Kansas City or Philly. I mean it's hard because Who you going for babe? Who you going for? Kansas City or Philly? I mean it's hard because... Do not say... Go ahead, I want to hear. I want to hear what you have to say.
Starting point is 00:33:27 It's hard because like you know, I like Saquon. I do. I think he's so talented. I kind of love how he... It's not about us. I know we love the Giants, right? Yeah, but it is about Saquon. I mean I think he got them to the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Did he not? No, no, no, no. No? He's good, but I mean come on. You can't be that good. He's got a great line. He's got a great Right, okay, why was what he's great? Well, how come the Giants didn't you like I don't get that why didn't the Giants utilize him the way? I don't get it when you when you're running back and you go to a team The line has to be great and they have to they have to if you're a good running back the offensive coordinator's got to use
Starting point is 00:34:04 You that way. You understand? So, uh, Philly just put their, put in, they put the program together to make it work for him and it really works and that, that line is pretty amazing. So that's why, that's why I run in that line. So he can just keep running. Cause every time you guys turn that on, all I see is him running across the field with like no one in his way like
Starting point is 00:34:31 touchdown touchdown. He looks like he was back in Penn State. Yeah I was like this is crazy. Yeah so. Right? Yes well we can't you know. All right well who are you? You want the Kansas City Chiefs because they win everything. It's almost like the Chiefs took the Patriots role where they just win it all now right? So I can't really root for them. I don't know. Philly can't go against the... You have to root for someone, Joe. Who are you rooting for? I have to go for... I can't just...
Starting point is 00:34:53 I don't... I'm not even saying it. I don't know. Really? Just I'm gonna watch the game. How about that? I also heard that Jason Kelsey is torn because it's his former team, right, which is the Eagles, and playing against his brother's team.
Starting point is 00:35:08 So like, who does he root for, right? Yeah, that's it. Who does his mother root for? And I think you're gonna root for your son. He's gonna root for his team, but then he's gonna root for his brother. Well, it's his former team. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:35:19 So he's probably like so into the Super Bowl. Yeah, that's gonna be cool. We wouldn't like know what to do with that. What do we do over Super Bowl? I feel like this is the first year. Yeah, that's gonna be crazy. We wouldn't like know what to do with that. What do we do over Super Bowl? I feel like this is the first year we haven't really made crazy plans. I like it, I like it.
Starting point is 00:35:30 I mean, Tara invited us to her house. I think my, I think Gianna, my niece and my sister. We got parties, we got Frank Catania's party, right? Oh, Frank Catania's having a little shin diggy, right? I think I wanna chill with my boys. Let's just like, right? I would be fine just sitting on my couch and watching the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Good, our lives are always- Why are we becoming, what is that word called? What am I trying to say? Non-social? Because that's all we do. We're just like so less social lately. Why is that? Anti-social, that's what I'm trying to say.
Starting point is 00:36:05 We're more, we're a little more anti-social. Like we want to just chill. Why? Because we need it. I think we're tired. Like we're just tired. Do you want to hear some facts about- I want to hear some facts.
Starting point is 00:36:17 What do you got? Okay. Do you want to hear some facts about the Super Bowl guys? Okay. So there's 10 foods Americans consider essential for a Super Bowl event. 10? 10. Can you get, let's just have you like. Pizza. Yes, pizza's on there. What else you got? Fried wings. Yep, barbecue wings. Sandwiches. Nope, not on there. A sandwich? Not a sandwich, no. What else you got?
Starting point is 00:36:46 Cheese steaks? No. Dip? Yes, I'll give you that one. Dip in chips, whatever, right? Yes, potato chips. What else? Nachos, seven layer dip.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Do you want to hear the percentages of these things? So Buffalo and Hot Wings, 49% of people polled that this was essential. Like 49% definitely have wings at their Super Bowl. Barbecue meaning. What's the most? The wings. Oh, 49%.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Then there's like barbecue stuff. Barbecue chicken, ribs, etc. 37% of people, so that's the second. Then seven layer dip. 36% of people said it's essential to have seven layer dip. Pizza's 30%. Chicken fingers or chicken nuggets 30%. Nachos is 30%.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Cookies is 25%, guys. You should get your sprinkle cookies. Sprinkle cookies, sprinkle cookies, let's sprinkle.com. Brownies, 24%. Buffalo chicken dip, 24%. And potato chips is at 24%. We know everyone's got a potato chip. What would you say?
Starting point is 00:38:02 I think the mozzarella is missing. Doesn't everyone? I think the liquor, liquor, 100%. Well, yeah, we're talking about food,? I think the mozzarella is missing. Like doesn't everyone. Liquor, liquor a hundred percent. No. Well, yeah, we're talking about food, not liquor. Ah, same thing. But like, where's the mozzarella?
Starting point is 00:38:10 Like you gotta have mozzarella. No, not everybody's dying. How do you not have mozzarella on this list? Like it's a party, it's a Super Bowl Sunday. It's Sunday, you need mozzarella, I would say. What else do you think is missing, Joe? Liquor. What? Vodka, Joe? Liquor. What?
Starting point is 00:38:25 Vodka, tequila. No. I know. Yeah, no. Beer, I feel like beer is a Super Bowl thing. No? Beer. OK.
Starting point is 00:38:36 I also saw this thing floating around social media, and I think it'd be fun to play this for a second. So Joe, you're going to place your bets on the strangest things people can bet on for the Super Bowl. Okay, so my listeners, you guys should write some of these things down also, because if you even ask these questions to football fans at a Super Bowl party, you'll probably come off like you know a thing or two about the game. Like, so this is actually kind
Starting point is 00:39:02 of funny, you guys definitely should write these down. Okay. So will the national anthem, all right Joe, are you listening? Will the national anthem be longer or shorter than 121 seconds? Ooh, I'm gonna say longer. So I'll bet 100 bucks that it's gonna be longer. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:24 So put that down. All right. Will any of the players or coaches cry during the national anthem? Yes. Oh okay. Players, yes. You say yes? Yeah. Will over 230,000 beers be sold at the stadium? Now the stadium holds a little over 76,000 people. So I mean if you did the math on that, that means a little over three beers per person. So what do you say? Will they sell over 230,000 beers in the stadium? Yes or no? I'm gonna say no. Okay. Not everybody drinks beer. Yeah like if I were there you're definitely losing that because I'm not drinking three beers. Correct. So there goes my thing.
Starting point is 00:40:06 So someone, some guy next to me is gonna have to drink six beers to equal my, you know what I'm saying, kid? Okay. Okay, will Taylor Swift be shown during the national anthem, yes or no? Oh, yes. During the anthem, yes? Oh, during the anthem.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I'm actually gonna see if you won these answers, by the way. I'm gonna say yes. Okay. I'm gonna bet on that, yes. Oh, during the anthem. I'm actually gonna see if you won these answers, by the way. I'm gonna say yes. Okay. I'm gonna bet on that, yes. Okay, will any 300 pound player score a touchdown? No. No, they're not gonna be running the ball at the Super Bowl. No.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Okay, noes to that. What color liquid will be poured onto the winning coach? Give me your color. Green. Green. Line green. We're gonna see if you're right on this. We're gonna have to like go back to these. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:50 All right, so we're gonna see if you win. I think these are good questions, guys. You guys need to like do this when you first get to your Super Bowl parties. You need to walk around and like take a little poll and ask everybody these questions and see who wins by the time. This is like what you do for your pregame.
Starting point is 00:41:04 All right, guys, so rewind this, write these write these questions down. This is your little pregame and see who has the most answers right and they can like win the money in the pot. That's it right. Yeah I think that's awesome. It's awesome. Anyway guys thank you for joining us today. We hope you have the most amazing Super Bowl weekend. I also want to say a little shout out to all of you who have bought the Valentine's sprinkle cookies. You guys have been amazing. I cannot get over the amount of people that are loving the buttery sprinkle cookies. You guys, they're so buttery and delicious. Oh my God. Oh, by the way, Sherri Shepherd today died for them. She thought they were so good. But really guys, I just wanted to say thank you because the
Starting point is 00:41:49 Valentine's sprinkle cookies are killing it. And you guys are killing it. And I'm just so happy that you guys love this little company that I've created. And you guys are all supporting. And I'm so happy you're loving them. And you, Joe, if you could read guys real quick, if you guys could read some of the messages that people are putting as gifts to their friends, they are like the fun, Joe, the funniest thing. Like we know you're not crazy. We know you're not gonna throw these out, but happy Valentine's Day.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Hi, my crazy wife. I know you're gonna like these sprinkle cookies better than diamonds. Happy Valentine's Day from me, Melissa Gorga, and not the garbage can. Like, the funniest stuff you've ever seen. So they make great gifts. It's great for like birthdays and stuff too.
Starting point is 00:42:31 But had to say a little thank you to everyone. Everyone have an awesome Super Bowl weekend. Joe, do you wanna say anything to the people? Just love you guys, man, really. Keep it real. I just posted something the other day. It costs nothing to be nice, baby. It costs nothing to be nice. That's from Joe the
Starting point is 00:42:47 From Joe the quote guy guys right there in the in the flesh and blood live Don't be mean live on display Joe Gorgoth the quote guy We love you guys. We'll talk to you next week. Ciao I'm on display on display on display Ciao ciao. Ciao next week ciao I'm on display on display on display ciao ciao ciao Hey moms, have you ever felt like there's more to motherhood than what we're told? Then you need to check out our podcast, Moms Ask Why. Hosted by Chelsea Jules and Brittany Whitney, Moms Ask Why dives deep into the tough questions surrounding motherhood.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Our mission? To educate, inspire, and empower moms like you to take charge of your children's health. With real talk, expert insight, and actionable advice, this is the podcast every mom needs in her playlist. Because sometimes the best way to be a great mom is to ask why. Follow, rate, and review Moms Ask Why now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.

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