Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #237

Episode Date: July 9, 2015

This week on PKA, Taylor unfortunately has had to depart the show to follow his career. New 3rd host, Chiz, joins Kyle & Woody to discuss FrankieOnPCin1080p, review some Applebees Shooting and cover... the LIVE Reddit Revolt!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we're live. Painkiller already, episode 237. Welcome to the show, boys. This episode is being brought to you by Start building your website today at, enter offer code PKA at checkout, and get 10% off Squarespace. Build it beautiful. Well done, Kyle. Thank you, Seth. Thank you, Kyle. Yeah, some huge improvement from last week's fucked up read. Like a professional so yeah i i i blamed that that
Starting point is 00:00:26 silly uh the all those silly corny jokes last week on chiz but uh it turned out he did not write that uh if if you want to go back and listen to that that ad read it's right at the beginning of the last episode very very bad very bad but there's a bad joke so the the thing was called authors on acid and it's kind of like a mad libs sort of thing so cool app go check them out yeah check them out but it was meant to be kind of like a non-sequitur odd weird read with with corny jokes in it because that's what happens in the app so that makes a whole lot of sense yeah right so the read was meant to be like the kind of fun you'd have in the thing but we're doing the read and we're like, your jokes aren't good enough.
Starting point is 00:01:09 So that's how that went down. That's how I played the game. Oh, this joke is awful. What are you doing? Check out Squarespace. I'm sorry. Check out Squarespace. They're sponsoring our show,
Starting point is 00:01:18 and only sexy people work there. All right, so we got to hit the main issue first, I guess. So Taylor has been talking forever about his new job he was getting. I still don't think we should go into very, be very specific about what he's doing because I still don't think you want people to know really exactly. But his job means that being on this show is kind of a no go. So I mean, I can, I'm trying to figure out what I can say. His new job is in marketing, and it has a social, public-facing aspect to it. And he feels like he can't do that and auto-blow jokes on Painkiller already at the same time. Still a friend of the show.
Starting point is 00:02:00 He loves us. He wishes he could. But unfortunately, because of kyle just held up and he never got his that's the worst part that's a shame too his party gift he didn't get to fuck yeah he didn't get the auto blow i will i will say this maybe we'll get him to come on as a guest some night and make it a particularly clean show or something like that but we do have new and improved chis look at this first of all hats right right that's what i noticed right off the bat that reveals a real nice do he's got up there i like the geometry i like the
Starting point is 00:02:34 hairline it's looking nice looks real good and look rocking some jewelry as well and then i noticed the beard i felt like you had you had trimmed that thing up a bit, made it look nice. I feel like that's the strongest the beard has looked. Top 10 Chiz performance for sure. I built in my own narrative into Chiz's new and improved look. I like that thing. You've got to put it under the... Do I?
Starting point is 00:02:56 Yeah. Nah, you don't have to. Otherwise, you look... Oh, now that looks cool now. You kind of look like one of the evil... Combat Woody. No, no, no. He looks like one of those evil guys that were in the Death Star.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Like not the stormtroopers. The admiral guys that got choked. Yeah, yeah. Like not one of the peons. The narrative in my head is this. That Chiz took the bus from North Carolina to California. And along the way, he thought to himself, you know what? I am fitting in with the bus people too well.
Starting point is 00:03:26 These are my people now. Really? How am I any different than the rest of these crack whores on the bus? And decided to clean up his act and elevate his look. Yes. I like it. Yeah. A lot of crack whores.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Crack whores and Latin women with children that like to run rampant and bother me on the bus. It wasn't a fun ride back. it wasn't a fun ride back it wasn't a fun ride there a lot of stories and it was worth it i i really wanted to bitch slap a child i'm not even kidding like it was so bad i was i was the last seat on the bus got taken by this woman she's holding her kid and i'm just trying to listen to podcasts and fall asleep and every time i fall asleep this fucking kid spazzes out and kicks me or just starts grabbing my elbow and rubbing on me and stuff. And when we got to one of our stops and said, fuck this, I'm going up to the other empty seat in front of me where I'm super squished and shit. And then I start to fall asleep. And sure enough, now the kid, instead of sitting in my spare seat, is running up and down the fucking aisle and grabbing my other elbow and rubbing on me and shit.
Starting point is 00:04:27 And I was just so fed up. Dude, I totally think you could have slyly tripped him. Like, just stick your foot in the aisle a little bit, had him eat one, take a header. I'd have had no one on my team. This is who was around me. Yeah, you gotta be kidding me. Alright, so all the cool white people were in the back, alright? You know, it's reverse civil rights, okay? That's where we like to be. white people were in the back, alright? You know, it's reverse civil rights, okay? The woman is this fat
Starting point is 00:04:46 Latin woman. I got a really old, crotchety black woman to my left playing with the kid and stuff. Crotchety old black guy behind her and to my right, squished next to me, is this old, old Mexican grandmother. Doesn't crotchety mean grumpy and like... It sounds like
Starting point is 00:05:02 you're the only crotchety... They're all grumpy. You're the only crotchety person around i was very crotchety i will tolerate a lot of shit on the bus i'm very polite too if i will try to steal i have a strategy to have two seats but if the bus is just filled to capacity and i have to share and you have your seat i have mine i will not even take my whole seat because i'm obviously bigger i will scoot myself over and stay in the aisle. But this bitch was just way too much with her kid and I was very upset.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I wanted to kill that kid. How old was the kid? I don't know, five or something? Like, small enough to where he could run free and do his own shit, but small enough to still be carried in her arms. Did he have any obvious disabilities like ADHD or autism or anything or he was raised
Starting point is 00:05:45 by a latin woman who really didn't care who smoked cd doesn't count i don't know i believe in it i believe in adhd here's the thing right so i i watched this guy who changed my opinion about adhd now i will grant you this i think some kids who who are on the ADHD spectrum are just kind of misbehaving kids or kids with parents who are too light with them or something. I believe in ADHD. I don't believe it's a disability. I believe it's like, I don't know. I wouldn't count it amongst disabilities. What would you call it?
Starting point is 00:06:18 An ailment, though? It is a condition. I don't know. Look, I feel like 90% of the kids they say have ADD, ADHD, or whatever, don't have it. I feel like they're just children. You look at the different signs on the spectrum there, and they all are pretty much, they sound like what kids do when they're kids. I feel like I have ADD to a level that I have a hard time focusing on. You have ADD, not ADHD.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Tell me the difference.hd adhd is attention deficit disorder where you can't focus on things and they give you ritalin to to focus on things it just so happens that adhd attention hyper something attention deficit hyperactivity disorder there you go it's also the same prescription they give you because giving too much speed has your brain chemistry pull you down to a normal level. So I want to get this out. I watched a video and he says to call ADHD just like hyperactivity disorder doesn't really define what it's all about. It's like calling autism flappy hand disorder.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Like if flappy hands were the only problem with autism, it wouldn't be that big a deal, right? Like I tend to jump with my like legs a lot. I don't know if anyone ever does this, but if I sit still, my ankles aren't on the ground, they're just bouncing, right? Like I'm just jittery or something. That's not a big problem, right? That's in the thing with flappy hands, right? If that was the issue, if that defined it, then it'd be no big deal. But ADHD and ADD is a failure to self-regulate, right? It is someone's inability to focus. Kyle, we give you this ad read and you say, all right, I'm going to put on my concentration pants for whatever it takes, a minute or so, do a pre-run, make sure I nail this thing, and then when we go live, you nail it.
Starting point is 00:08:05 do a pre-run make sure i nail this thing and then when we go live you nail it if you had maybe you do have add but if you had a more severe case of it four words in you'd be bouncing off the walls you'd be on something else you wouldn't be able to fucking lock yourself into a task and accomplish it's not that bad i can definitely um focus on you know several minutes of anything but i just always had an issue with focusing on an hour of anything, but I just always had an issue with focusing on an hour of anything. There's no way. I can remember being in calculus and being like,
Starting point is 00:08:32 all right, goddammit, you got a 71. You can't afford to slip here. You at least got to know basically what's happening in calculus today. And it was a reoccurring pattern you know there's a you sit in class for for an hour and a half and everything you just went over there's gonna be a worksheet on it
Starting point is 00:08:52 tonight and a test on that tomorrow and if you so this hour is important couldn't so never would so I don't have that problem like you know encoding it would happen a lot like it sometimes i build web pages right and if you were to print out the code behind a web page it could be 30 pages and everything on that page has like a beginning and end marker you've probably seen html right you kind of know what it looks like there's those brackets and somewhere in those 30 pages is an end that doesn't match the beginning and when I'm seeing when I inspect element yes yeah and and I would have to go through those 30 pages and just kind of mentally like alright
Starting point is 00:09:34 that's a start of this that's a start of this some four tables deep now I'm three tables deep now I'm two that's a start back to three back to four go whatever and look through 30 pages of shit to manually find where the tag is missing nowadays tools do this for you but that's what it was like or even coding or just recently um just came to me with an issue at woody craft and it was difficult to make it so that you could log in using a password to one of our servers and um i just put some time into this and brought in another guy and he was like all right what he just fucking can't be solved um they escalated it to me a day a fucking day of time like that's some time that i like to use this to the point of where everything i have googled for solutions is just purple hyperlinks i've tried
Starting point is 00:10:17 everything so i called in the champ it guy over here for help because i was about to cry and it wasn't easy i don't know how long it took me, like 30 minutes, maybe even an hour. I don't know, two or three seconds at least. I mean, I had to sit down to do it. It was a day for me and I didn't get shit. There have been a time or two where like, oh, yeah, yeah, I see why this was hard.
Starting point is 00:10:40 All right, try it now. Every so often I get one of these, but this one was tougher and um uh anyway it was like i just had to put my thinking pants on i kind of didn't want to but it was like look he had asked me for help like the night before like 12 30 a.m or something and i was like uh no i'm sleeping but then the next morning put my my concentration pants on and i did and that ability to like regulate and focus and concentrate is super useful in a lot of lines of work you know not all of them you can definitely succeed obviously uh you know without it but but in some lines of work and
Starting point is 00:11:17 coding and tech workers especially you gotta you gotta i would think like mine uh disarmor would be one of those where you really need – you can't just be like, hey, what's that? That's not going to work. Something shiny. But, yeah, so anyway, ADHD, I've only recently come around to, like, oh, I get it. I get why the ability to, like, lock in and focus or lack of is a thing that, you know, needs to be treated. Right. It's a real thing. The argument I'd make is they diagnose
Starting point is 00:11:47 children way too early. It's like, oh, is your five-year-old bouncing off the walls? That's a fucking kid. He's going to do that. It's like getting a puppy and going, why is this puppy jumping on the walls? Because he's a puppy. Give it a couple months to a year. He'll calm down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:12:04 It's the people that prescribe it way too early on and mellow their kids out at like age six you know now you've just got this drone that's just focused i think that's true too like and autism in my head autism is like the big one although add and adhd are probably right there certainly one is a i mean they just they slap that label on a lot of people Yeah, and it's an over prescription issue definitely yeah, yeah, yeah And again some of them really have it, but oh, it's a widespread diagnosis or diagnosis yeah So I think it's just over it's over diet people over-diagnosed. People are over-diagnosed. Oh, certainly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Because there's no issue if you over-diagnose for it. It's like, oh, my kid is just not as wiry and he focuses a lot. He's a go-getter now, kind of. Speaking of puppies, you mentioned a minute ago, how much bigger is your dog? I don't know. I was telling Jackie that I don't think he's really grown that much.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And she's like, it's only been a week, and we calculated it had been 10 days. I could probably get him or have him delivered. Would you like to see him? I kind of want to see him. I want Buddy. Go get Buddy. Nobody wants to see Buddy.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Fuck you. Jackie over here. Hold on a second. Horrible. The show has requested Ender and buddies presents can you bring them there's a bunch of misspell and or and presents I'm pretty sure is the like birthday presents yeah I was gonna say Christmas but well so if I get presents from the dogs that very well could be who yeah i i think she'll know what's up i i hope so
Starting point is 00:13:47 your fingers crossed um i know that she's dog yeah dude so buddy he'll be up against the wall i wish i could properly like do a demo but it's too far away the other dogs are like biting at him, and he looks like this. Right? Face on wall, getting nipped at, nipped at. Biting sounds like a pain thing. They're more like using it like a hand, just like holding his neck. His chest and neck and ear is all wet. It's all wet.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Yeah, and Jackie's like, stop it, buddy. He's like, sorry. Sorry, Jackie. They'll be biting him for a good couple of minutes. Oh, God, the ears. Oh, those ears. There's the duck. There's the duck.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Buddy! That is so ridiculous with those ears. He's already getting pretty near buddy size, I feel like. Jackie, who do you think's bigger, Ender or Buddy? I think Ender is taller. Ender is taller?
Starting point is 00:14:51 Yeah, there you go. Now you can see. Who do you think is heavier? I think Buddy is thicker. Buddy. Really? Yeah, from shoulder. I think the distance between shoulder to shoulder, like his mass is... I feel like Ender is taller and longer but more slender. I felt those paws, though.
Starting point is 00:15:10 That is a heavy treat. Oh, that's a delicious treat. What was I going to say? That dog. Oh, the ears. I think most people know by now because I keep talking about it, but we did not decide to crop his ears. We did buy a dog whose ears were cropped but um it wasn't our case we have a theory as to why he was for sale so ender's mom and dad were both like champions and he's like super healthy one of
Starting point is 00:15:35 the reasons we went with the whole like bread thing was because jack died too early and harley who's the only one not there she has like a droopy eye and her sister and her mom both had to be put down early for wobblers and we're like she's a time bomb that sucks so we wanted a dog whose parents had health records that's the long story short anyway um but ender does have a medical issue ender has one testicle. Really? Yes. He is not a champion breeding dog. They lied.
Starting point is 00:16:08 They didn't tell you that, did they? No, she did. She said that. So he actually has two testicles, but the other hasn't dropped. And the breeder would every day grab his scrotum and kind of like, I'm trying to get back on camera, and kind of just pull it and taffy it and work it down And she was she was either telling or showing you how to work the dogs junk telling yeah There's no showing
Starting point is 00:16:36 So have you been properly working the dogs junk? I have seen no scrotum pulling during my time at the Worth household. She stayed here. Do you want to mic up? I can. I'm just not, like, properly. Oh, my God. I've seen you at 7 in the morning. What is properly?
Starting point is 00:16:53 Like, let's go. All right. Okay. So have you been working the dog's junk like you're supposed to? I told you you had to. That's not my area of expertise. You know what would happen to my percent gay if I worked the dog's junk?
Starting point is 00:17:08 I feel like I'd be in percent beast at this moment. Actually, the vet told me I don't have to do it. They'll go in there when they neuter him. They'll go in. They'll find it, take it out, and stop on it. Buddy had the same issue, the old uniball. And look how lovable Buddy is. Isn he just a great dog he's a great dog the other day Harley farts too much
Starting point is 00:17:42 Harley farts too much. Oh my god. She was sick! She did not feel well. She had such an issue. She made everyone else sick. It was like... It was truly bad. Here, you take some. It was like Saddam. Like, she was just gassing us non-stop. A little much. And then there's Ender.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Who's a rambunctious young puppy. Yeah. So... She's there rocking the Woody Gamer Tag hairline tonight. I know right he looks doesn't he look great Yeah, affection cow gave me a lot of compliments before the show and on the show Well no no no no I'm the new host so my prerequisite was yeah, yeah, yeah so He's on the nice things. He's gonna have a good life So my prerequisite was no hat. Merc is gone. Yeah. Yeah. So he's on to nice things.
Starting point is 00:18:29 He's going to have a good life. Yeah. It's a good job. You're going to miss him. It is a good job. So I saw there was a poll on the subreddit. They were trying to figure out, they were trying to guess what mode of transport you might use to get to the paintball event. That was my thread. Oh, was it?
Starting point is 00:18:46 Look at the poster again. Look who did it. That's hilarious. I got to see this. All right. What are the votes? What are the votes at so far? I love that.
Starting point is 00:18:56 I love that it took off like that. Do you see your dogs in the background? Yeah, they look... Look at them. Look at Ender. They're like Nazi dogs. They're very much ready for... Oh, Jackie's holding food
Starting point is 00:19:10 Where's Kyle's picture? Give me Kyle's picture Woody. Well, I've got some right here kill kill kill kill okay give buddy the hat you're gonna train those dogs kill let's see buddy buddy rock the hat
Starting point is 00:19:36 rock the hat buddy my girlfriend got her dog doggles today they're dog goggles oh my god that is just ridiculous they look so cool they're they're dog oh god that's awesome god that is ridiculous they look so cool it they're pink goggles and the dogs like running around like ears flopping with these goggles on it's hilarious she needs a motorcycle with a sidecar wait is it a goggles for people no it's no just when the wiener dog runs a blazing one mile per hour I'm not waiting him in the eyes you know when
Starting point is 00:20:02 he's so hey those dogs, those dogs are low riders. Yeah, it's because tall grass hits him in the eyes as they go through your farm. It really is. It's to keep little stuff out of her eyes. And she likes it. The dog looks cool wearing the goggles. That's the thing. Let's see a picture. I don't have anything like that. Oh. Yeah, you should have taken a picture.
Starting point is 00:20:23 It's an adult phone.'s it's it's an adult phone the dogs asleep though and girlfriend took likes you know she's already like knocked out tonight she took sleeping pills and when the slide love to see like the impressions of pal's phone right it's like naked girl naked girl naked
Starting point is 00:20:39 girl dog naked girl gun gun he's into some shit naked girl gun gun he's into some shit naked girl and dog yes we all appreciate it could do better with the camera work I guess yeah so yeah I thought that was hilarious and I texted you guys today and I I was like, is it going to be an airship or dirigible? Yeah, that's what inspired the thread. Oh, okay. Yeah, I thought you'd done it before me. What's leading? That's what I was going to ask, because I don't have it in front of me. Zeppelin is leading with 66 votes. Horse is second with 44. They're still coming in live, by the way.
Starting point is 00:21:22 with 44. They're still coming in live, by the way. Dog sled with 36. Minecraft mine cart is right under with 34. And then unicycle with 30. That seems unlikely. Alright, so I've got an idea here. Now the problem with the Zeppelin is it's pretty it's as slow as all the modes of transportation
Starting point is 00:21:38 on this list and it's in the air. Oh, so is there an afraid of flying thing happening here that you just haven't admitted to? No, I don't like flying. He's flying internationally. Yeah, I have like two passports that are filled up with stamps. I just don't like flying.
Starting point is 00:21:54 So here's my idea. Here's my funny thought here. What if at the paintball event we actually got you to come in on like a horse-drawn carriage or something for the video? Or, you know, actually riding up on a horse, something like that, I would really like that. We could do that. I'm down for a horse, but you care so. The top-rated comment is,
Starting point is 00:22:14 I hear the Zeppelin folk are quite pleasant. Oh, they have to be. Come on. You can't afford to ride a Zeppelin this day and age unless you've got some serious cash on hand. I think you're done with me. Yes, you can go. Thank you for your help. I appreciate you getting out of bed
Starting point is 00:22:28 and delivering the dogs. I wasn't in bed. I'm putting together... You weren't in bed? What were you doing? She got here in like two minutes. She was not in bed. I'm putting together a sea cow.
Starting point is 00:22:38 With Lego? The Lego ship, the sea cow. Oh. A manatee? No, it's the Lego movie pirate ship called the sea cow. It's pretty impressive. And apparently there's a lot of anger involved in putting the sea cow together. For the boy.
Starting point is 00:22:54 The boy's mad? He got mad because something didn't work right. And I thought I was going to get to put it together by myself because he didn't want to do it. But apparently I was wrong. So now I'm sad. The boy's in rare form form today he misses us he does he really does he wants you back yes um i totally want jizz to come back for our coffee talks in the morning yep no we got up at uh seven in the morning nope i'm all alone sitting there seven me, me and the dogs.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Just pounding coffees. So what did you guys talk about? Wait, did you say farting? Well, Harley was there. I thought Jackie was just passing gas. No, let's clarify that. It was not us. It was Harley.
Starting point is 00:23:38 We were alone. Jackie was just ripping ass. It was just us. No big deal, right? She's got no makeup on. She doesn't care. No, it's the dog. It was just us. No big deal. Right? She's got no makeup on. She doesn't care. She's like a trucker. It's the dog.
Starting point is 00:23:48 It's rare. She didn't blame it on the dog. So what did you guys talk about for Coffee Talk? Dinosaurs. Lots and lots of dinosaurs. I like dinosaur talk. What's your favorite dinosaur? Raptor
Starting point is 00:24:05 yeah well are we talking about the rat the velociraptors from the Jurassic Park movie or the ones from like actual paleontology you know realistic park movie where they talk and they're super smart and they emphasize just how smart they are throughout three movies because you know they were really small and they weren't they wouldn't have like ran people down and killed them. How tall is a raptor in real life? Three foot? Maybe. I thought during different time periods
Starting point is 00:24:32 they got bigger and smaller. I'm not a paleontologist or anything. But from what I've read, the Velociraptors wouldn't have... How tall is a raptor? You gotta say Velociraptor. A raptor is a bird of prey. Although it may just know. Siri knows you like dinosaurs. What the fuck? Well that's just fucking very wrong. That's so wrong. What is that? What was that dinosaur? Yeah I want to see what that is. Yeah continue down that rabbit hole. The tallest animal that ever lived. Its height was 137 feet.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Is that a tree? It ran 57 miles per hour. What the fuck? Yeah, because its stride was a mile. These are lies. Its maximum drop was 115 feet. What is it talking about? Do you have a picture? No, there's no picture on here.
Starting point is 00:25:19 It's a vehicle, isn't it? Is it a vehicle? What vehicle is 137 feet? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. It doesn't make any sense. It has the characteristics of a building. It has the same characteristics as a building, an animal, and maybe...
Starting point is 00:25:33 And it moves 50 miles per hour. Yeah, and a vehicle. The maximum vertical angle of a raptor is 45 degrees. What could this sideways 137-foot, 119 foot dropping item be? All right, you got to get rid of the series. Draw your depictions at home, everybody, and submit them. I don't know. In any case, I'm like 90% sure that Velociraptors were small.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Wait, are you talking about the Raptor coaster? The roller coaster? Oh, that's what it's going to be. Oh, nice. Yeah. Nailed it. We came up with our own little riddle and that solved it. Okay, okay, hold on. Oh, that's what it's gotta be! Oh, nice! Yeah! Nailed it! Nailed it! This was... We like came up with our own little riddle and that solved it.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Yeah! Okay, okay, hold on. Thank you, Google! Good job. How tall is a velociraptor? Good job. Looking. Here's what I found on the web for how tall is a velociraptor.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Alright, thank you, Siri. Ah, come on, baby, hurry up. Everyone at home should still draw their own depiction of what we thought might have been this 45 degree angle 100 foot beach that's 50 miles now. It is 5 to 6 feet tall and around 7 feet long. That's not what the internet claimed. 7 feet long?
Starting point is 00:26:39 I mean, I'd believe you if it says it there. I mean, it's Siri. 5 to 6 feet tall? I thought they were tiny and the whole Jurassic Park thing had made them look much more scary. That makes sense. They've got a legit dinosaur guy, whatever his name is, that worked on all those movies. When I wasn't looking, Siri got awesome. Siri's really good now. It did think you meant a roller coaster first for the first time.
Starting point is 00:27:06 He said raptor. I said, Kyle nailed it. I should have said velociraptor. Okay, because that- Where was that coaster located? Like, did it take some- Which makes more sense. ... a Wally location? Ohio. Ohio.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Hey, Siri. Where is the raptor located? Ohio. You don't need Siri. You got me, baby. ... places matching the raptor. But we want to see if Siri knows. Yeah, it's not a test of Jackie. Siri's a dirty whore. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:27:32 She's like, what, you don't believe me? It's in Cedar Point. Ohio. Which is in Cedar Point, goodness gracious. What's the zip code, Jackie? I bet Siri knows. I can tell you the website. Siri took us to Oscar's Burger Joint somewhere in bumfuck nowhere
Starting point is 00:27:47 in an old ghetto and that place was closed down. That was after Siri was closed. It was not closed down, it just closed at 3 p.m. because they were catering out there. It looked blunt and down as shit and you had to pose your question three different ways until Siri got it right. I love Siri! Now Siri came out, I thought she was a joke. The only question she could answer was like, where is sushi and how tall is a giant squid? And she was otherwise
Starting point is 00:28:10 full of shit. And where to hide a body. Which she seems to have forgotten at this point. But now, I've been hitting Siri with questions all day long. I asked her what the mark of the beast looked like and she got me some valuable intel. This isn't even a known thing. Siri is one step behind Google
Starting point is 00:28:27 in terms of owning the freaking internet's information, and she's useful all the time. My parents, they wanted to go to some campground in Pennsylvania that they didn't know the name of. Siri corrected the name and got me directions there six hours, 50 minutes away. It was... But Google's new one is like a thousand times better.
Starting point is 00:28:48 And then there's that third-party one too. The one they showed at Google totally interprets human context and dialogue to figure out what you want and stuff when they showed off at Google I.O. Is that one real? What? Do you have that one? Well, I don't have an Android phone. But, I mean, do people have the one they showed at Google I.O.? No, because I don't think that, uh,
Starting point is 00:29:08 the latest Android update rolls out until September. See, but that's horseshit then, because you can make Siri look perfect as well. You just ask her the right questions. Well, Siri's done. They had their update already. Like, they're done. Oh, wait. So, in September rolls around, Siri will be behind by a whole year. Chiz, are you comparing...
Starting point is 00:29:24 Are you talking about that thing that I saw, I saw a YouTube video or something party one what was that that's the third party one no remember we talked about it like that one wasn't like they had caught it or asked it a series of questions it knew it would get right or something it was something like that that's the third party is that when you're hitting it with like rapid-fire questions and sometimes they're like what's this and what's that And what's the height of this? Times this. Divided by the circle.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Or what's the curvature of the earth at this particular day? What's the next Wednesday in 2115 or whatever? All that shit. It makes you think it knows the answer to everything because it nailed those questions. But in truth, those were all the questions that it could answer. Which, by the way, when I need to write an interpreter like you know to understand what you're saying and i know that you only say 10 different things it makes it so much easier to do but what google is doing and what siri has done is much more impressive than what that thing does
Starting point is 00:30:15 even though that thing was pretty impressive too i'm just saying siri came out and i gave up on it i thought it was crap and never got my stuff right. I've been using it solidly for the last week and all of a sudden Siri is amazing. I disagree with you. You can't be right all the time. It's just quicker for me to open Chrome and search myself. That's what I've just found. I like that response.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Jackie's like, I disagree with you. Woody's like, you can't be right all the time. I am right. I think electronics's like I disagree with you what he's like you can't be right all the time Kind of got it going on yeah, but the automobiles things are moving parts I have no idea what happened there. Oh, yeah, I think I can't back you on that that was ridiculous Like we both waited and then he goes in there, and it's inflating. I don't understand. I turned... Well, okay.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Step one, I turned the dial to inflate. I did, too. Yeah. And I was like, you can't turn that off or whatever. And then he turned it off, and then we laid on it, and it worked. I hate air mattresses so much. I stayed at your place, and you worked i hate air mattresses so much i uh i stayed at your place and you had the worst air mattress in the world apparently it had internal bladders they were all
Starting point is 00:31:32 like twisted up and folded wrong so it was literally like sleeping on a beanbag almost like like like the upper half of my body had an air mattress and then from my butt to my feet was just on carpet. But I wasn't one to complain. I just stayed that way. You should have came and snuggled with me and my girlfriend. We had plenty of room. The problem with those mattresses are when Epic Mealtime came and stayed with us a couple years back, and I bought a bunch of air mattresses for all of them,
Starting point is 00:32:00 and one room was the whole floor was air mattresses, and that's the room you slept in, and it was hilarious. I should have taken a picture of that. But in any case, that was one of those air mattresses. And it had been like rolled up and packed up two or three times and had not been used since that one time it had. So I could believe it. I've still got so many air mattresses. I wish I knew you had spares.
Starting point is 00:32:20 I just didn't complain. You should have complained. We'd have hooked you up. Or, you know, we fucking went to Walmart and got one for $100. You had a lot going on that trip. Eh, I was a good guy. Yeah, there's very little that can't be fixed with a Walmart trip. Like, a lot of people like to sweat the small stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:34 But to me, it's always like, well, let's just go get a fucking new one. It's $30. Like, $30 should not be stressing us out right now. It's $100, right? Whatever. It was $120, but anyway. Well, I mean, Woody's going to buy his own right now. It's $100. Whatever. It's $120. Well, I mean, Woody's going to buy his own air mattress. So it's $0.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I'm just guiding him to Walmart, really. Well, no air mattresses now. So everybody gets a bed. Yeah, we got a proper mattress and bed frame and stuff for our guests now. In the guest house, this is. I don't know where Kyle will sleep. Anywhere he wants to accept our bed well Or the kids baby. Okay in any open Not in our bed or the children's bed
Starting point is 00:33:20 What's next like I don't you don't need to list all the place okay? No dogs cage cuz I don't I don't know I'll find an appropriate place to sleep At least 1,000 feet away from the main domicile as the court order provides well I think I so we're probably three weeks away from maybe getting domicile as the court order provides. I think I... So we're probably three weeks away from maybe getting the living room set up and then we should do a house tour. Oh, okay. I'm thinking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Order that stuff. The couch should be here in two weeks and everything will be set. Maybe even two weeks from now. Yes, I think our other chairs will be here too. Yeah, okay. Because I feel like we talk about the house and stuff, but no one really knows the background. Well, you have some pictures from the
Starting point is 00:34:09 Day of the Life stuff. You can't piece together that house. I didn't watch it. Of course, I saw the stuff on Zillow and everything. I know what the rooms look like. I got a good idea of what the backyard looks like definitely and the back view of the house and all that. Definitely know what it looks like from space. I got a good idea of what the backyard looks like definitely in the back view of the house and all that.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Definitely know what it looks like from space. I got a firm response to that. I know what every shingle looks like. I was on that one street. I was like, yeah, I'm very familiar with that street. I've seen it a thousand times. So what happens is – what was I going to say? There'll be like drama like homeowners association drama which i guess i can talk about fully now and uh or whatever plans or something i
Starting point is 00:34:51 make poor kyle and chiz look at aerial photos of the place all the time because if i got lost i would know my i would know my way around that bitch we've been looking at those aerial photos for literally like six or eight months because there's lots of reasons to look at them. Like at first it was like, you know, he's like, I'm not sure if I want to buy this place or not, blah, blah, blah. And then later on it was little things like, hey, where would we put a swimming pool? Or hey, where would we put an artificial like fish pond? Or like, where could I shoot at? You know, there's all these questions.
Starting point is 00:35:20 So we're constantly going back to the aerial. So I'm very familiar with that. Chiz and I want to put mini golf so I'm very familiar with that. Yeah Mini golf Yes, lots of putt-putt I'm all in favor of the game I dominated during the event I kicked major ass what he thought I was down the whole time and I was hanging out with Jackie I was like I got this shit like I'm getting hole in ones I fucked up like the second hole did I get second I think you did I think you got second yeah because we got top three yeah that's right oh you know who didn't do very well the scotman they don't have putt putts well they invented golf that's what I was about to say but don't
Starting point is 00:36:01 they call it guff I don't know what they call it. I don't think there's a... Ask Siri, how do the Scottish say golf? Or what's the Scottish word for golf? I can try. You do need to post... Hey Siri, what's the Scottish word for golf? See?
Starting point is 00:36:27 Dirty filthy whore. What a whore. I think it's guff but I could be clearly wrong. She's horrible. Golf is a Scottish term? Look at this dude she took me to Scottish golf history. She's terrible. Golf is a word deriving from the Scottish thing meaning club.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Homewrecker. People wrote the word phonetically. Gough is one of them. G-O-W-F is one. Golf. Goif. Goif. Golf.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Golf. Golf. And glove. Thank you. Thank you for all those pronunciations. It's like the spectrum of your voices you can do. Oh, it's goyf, goyf, goyf. Goyf, goyf. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Why do they have so many same sounds of goyf? It's like G-L-I-F, G-L-I-F-F. And I'm like, well, goyf, goyf. You've got great You can do languages so well. I'm so horrible. You're so good at it. But you need to post the video that I took of you guys all dancing.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It is epic. We did the DDR, Dance Dance Revolution. We pretty much did. Dude, so we did Dance Dance Revolution, right? Jesus crushed you. He did. I didn't know how it worked at first. You have to hit the arrow when it gets to the top.
Starting point is 00:37:43 It's very simple. So I was hitting the arrow in the middle at the bottom. I Didn't know the rules I was I was like basically It's the Ddr is the equivalent of that game as a kid you get that box with all the shapes in it and you have to Put the whole you know the shapes in the peg the square in the square Yeah, the star star star in the star the square, the star and the star. That is DDR. You put the arrow when it hits the hole of the arrow.
Starting point is 00:38:10 And I kicked your ass holding my pant loops. So I was hitting them way too early because I didn't know why I kept missing. I was like, I'm hitting it right in the middle of the screen. So I did it faster, like right at the bottom. And that wasn't right either. It showed you when you had to hit it when it got to the top. And someone told me was it you jackie i don't think so i can see you in the corner am i missing i'm like he's not that fucking bad oh he's just stomping his feet as soon as they pop up well i'm not gonna correct this situation i already got a disadvantage going into this thing because i'm a dancing champion and i had to hold my pants up while i was doing
Starting point is 00:38:43 that game but there's this creepy guy just watching us, right? And then he starts watching Hope do it, and he was watching Ethan do it, and he was watching Jackie do it. Let's describe this guy. He was a little heavy set. I think he had glasses on. Yes. Hippy hair, like dirty, long, hippy hair. Maybe a beard, a lame shirt, short pants, and two socks that went really fucking high.
Starting point is 00:39:04 And he had his leg perched on the DDR machine. He was just staring at his play or whatever. So that's how creepy this guy is. He's just watching us. Nobody said anything? For like, what? I'd say something. Like when it was my turn, I'd be like, excuse me.
Starting point is 00:39:17 This is a very high pressure moment for me. I don't think I could perform my best with you staring at me like you did everyone else. So if you could go find something with you staring at me like you did everyone else. So if you could go, like, find something to do here at the arcade. He just watched us for four rounds, and we didn't know what the scoop was, right? I thought maybe he recognized me or something like that. It sounds arrogant, I guess. But we got recognized earlier in the week.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah, I got recognized yesterday, the waiter at the restaurant. I know. Yeah, like, it happens. You're a liar, baby. So to think like it's not crazy and the guy was just kind of creeping on us but then we realized he was awesome like like so we left the DDR machine or whatever and then the Ethan's tapping on my shoulder and he's like dude creepy guy is hitting the DDR machine and he's killing it and he's just up there like like double footing it back footing
Starting point is 00:40:05 it doing it like adding flair to stuff and he was like oh my god this whole time he just wanted us off of his machine which clearly he rocks all the time he was on like super hard just a murder that he literally drew a crowd around him during that scene he wasn't just us that came back to watch like everyone was checking this creepy guy with some talent and a very niche thing out. There's the creepy guy. You should upload that video of me kicking your ass. Do you guys want to take the gay test?
Starting point is 00:40:34 Yeah, let's do that. I'm sure I'll need to fix our things at the bottom. Actually, this isn't too bad. I'll go. Do you want me to take your dogs or are you keeping them? Take them, please. Especially Buddy go. I'm just going to. Joey, take your dogs or are you keeping them? Take them, please. Especially Buddy because he's the bad one.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Oh, my God. The dog doesn't do anything wrong. Yeah, he's perfect. You can't see him. He's wagging his tail in the corner right now. All right, Jackie. He's plotting. He's plotting.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Goodbye. Bye. Oh, can you bump the air conditioning down a degree or two? I'm hot. Oh, okay. Fine. Thanks. All right, the air conditioning down a degree or two? I'm hot. Oh, okay. Fine. Thanks. All right.
Starting point is 00:41:07 The gay test. So I have it on my thing. I guess we'll all take it at the same time. Are you ready? Yes. Here. Do you need a link? Do you need the link?
Starting point is 00:41:13 I do need a link. There it is. All right. There you go. Start the test. All right. I paid blank for my last haircut. 10 to 25. 10 to 25 for my last haircut. $10 to $25.
Starting point is 00:41:26 $10 to $25 for me, too. Chiz? $10 to $25. It's $14. Who makes the best messenger bag for men? I haven't heard of any of these brands besides Prada. I've heard of Prada. I haven't heard of the other.
Starting point is 00:41:41 I heard of Timbuk2, actually. I definitely know what a messenger bag is. Yeah, I think I have to answer Prada based on the options. I know what of Prada. I haven't heard of the other. I heard of Timbuk2, actually. I definitely know what a messenger bag is. Yeah, I think I have to answer Prada based on the options. I know what a messenger bag is. I'm going to go Timbuk2. I have it in my head that they make durable stuff, but I'm not really sure. Yeah, I'm going with Kohan for whatever reason. I feel like it's not Prada.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Okay. I just feel like Prada is not the answer, and I've never heard of Timbuk2. I have seen blank live musicals in the past year. I'm going one to two. I don't know if it's – I don't like these options. Musicals are gay. I really like musicals, actually.
Starting point is 00:42:13 I like musicals, too. I saw Mary Poppins. It was great. She danced on the fucking ceiling. She was like 50 feet up. It's been more than a year, but I saw Shrek as a musical. I saw Green Day, American Idiot. They did an amazing musical, but it was kind of dirty.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Not that I really like dirty. That's one of my favorite things in any form of entertainment. But I had hope with me. I had hope with me. And within a minute, there were people in their underwear simulating sex. And I'm like, oh, I didn't expect that. It said it was fun for the whole family. But anyway, I'm going to put one to two.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Yeah, really. They build American Idiot as family whole family. But anyway, I'm going to put one to two. Yeah, really. They build American Idiot as family friendly. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. I want to see the Book of Mormon. But the answer for me is one to two. All right. How many yards are in the end zone of a football field? How many yards?
Starting point is 00:42:57 I think it's ten. See, I'm torn. I want to say it's – I thought it it was 20 but that's not one of the choices i think when you do a field goal you add 17 yards to get the true length of it so is maybe it 15 plus the two i think the answer is 15 i'm going with 15 i'm gonna go with 10 i don't know maybe it is short because I'm picturing it's either shorter or just slightly longer because think of what 10 yard intervals are
Starting point is 00:43:31 it's definitely not 10 it's 5 I think it's 5 I can picture the 10 yard markers and it's not that big of a gap yeah exactly that's what I did as well I feel like for those big guys I think it's like 5 strides unless it's a trick question and they're asking to include both.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Think about it this way. A stride is about a yard, each step you take. Are those guys taking 15 steps or five steps in the end zone? Okay, answer it, and then I'm going to get this because I'm curious. Five. All right. You guys did it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Hey, Siri, how long is the end zone? Checking on that. Okay. Check it out. Fuck. The end zone is a book. Oh my God. How long is the end zone on a football field?
Starting point is 00:44:19 This episode brought to you by Siri. Okay. Matt, here is what I found. Well, fuck. They just took me to some, like, trampoline store. Oh, my God. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:44:30 She's getting drunker as the episode goes on. Okay. We'll find out. Can we find out real quick? All right. I'm just going to search. How wide is the end zone in football? All right.
Starting point is 00:44:46 It is 150 feet wide by 20 yards long. See, I thought it was 20. 160 feet wide, so it's 160 divided by 3. I thought... That's the width. I need the length, I guess. We'll know at the end of the test. It doesn't give you the answers
Starting point is 00:45:11 Well then here here. Let me get the answer. It's ten yards. It was ten, so I think we all got it wrong We all got it wrong all right all right Which of the following designers does not produce men's shoes? Monio Blanc Nick Prada Gucci or Miu Miu all right everyone should should answer and then we should discuss. I like that idea. I've answered. Mine's in. I answered too. What did you guys answer? Miu Miu.
Starting point is 00:45:35 I answered Miu Miu too. I knew Gucci made shoes. The rest were a mystery. Manolo Blahnik, Gucci, and Prada I think all make shoes. I just don't know if they make men's shoes and i had never heard of mu mu so i knew that gucci made shoes for extras bar olo is a wine produced only in piedmont tuscany bordeaux or gayville
Starting point is 00:46:01 i actually know the answer to this. I'm like 80% sure. Yeah. But you have to answer correctly. I already answered. All right. What did you answer? Tuscany. I answered Bordeaux.
Starting point is 00:46:13 We're with Piedmont. All right. My cardio routine at the gym consists mainly of hyaluronics, aerobics, the elliptical machine, cycling classes, or the treadmill. My hypothetical gym routine would include the treadmill I get what they're implying with these other workouts that you know like cycling class for example whatever I like my elliptical it's low impact doesn't make my hip hurt yeah elliptical would be my answer if I had one that's what I'd use which of the following careers has Carson
Starting point is 00:46:42 Cressley most recently added to his resume? Fashion designer, author, Broadway producer, who? I don't think it's fair for us to guess. You just got to go who. We don't know. Yeah, totally who in that case. I wish I had Brad Pitt's face, Brad Pitt's body, Brad Pitt's money, or Brad Pitt's wife. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I answered that. Oh, it was a toss-up at that. That's hard. Yeah, right? That's hard. that's hard not for me so i really did you pick uh i haven't picked it doesn't matter i'm still like weighing my options here but i went with money but the wife one was kind of i like angela and julie i don't think what he does but i i do though all of which are amazing answers it's a bit of a trick question okay so all right so here's all right let's think about this do i really want a no offense to woody but a 40 plus year old man's face today do i really i would brad pitt's definitely got a better body than me
Starting point is 00:47:39 despite his age he's incredible shape he's perfect right uh that would be nice to have although i feel like i gotta upkeep that right like that's something that you can give me and i could lose next year you are three weeks away from bad pitt's body or if you're brad pitt you're three weeks away from kyle's body like you're really not that far i don't think that's true at all i do yeah yeah i said i think i'm like 18 months away from Brad Pitt's body no way you were looking it's so hard to put on that much muscle mass you're looking fly at the paintball event I'm just saying all right well and you're lucky you didn't share the room with me oh goodness um Brad Pitt's money I think is the is probably the the correct answer, if you pick Brad Pitt's wife, in essence, you retain all that is you,
Starting point is 00:48:27 and you gain Angelina Jolie and her money and all that comes along with that. Including the kids, Kyle. Including the five adopted children. I'll divorce her immediately and take alimony. Brad Pitt's wife. You would have more money if you went with Brad Pitt. You want to look up the net worths?
Starting point is 00:48:43 I bet her dad's John Boyd. I feel like she's got like old money. I feel like Alright. I'll tell you Kyle made a strong argument although I think if you marry and her divorce you don't get her money. That's not how that works. So Jolie is worth. I would get alimony because she makes more than I do. So the combined
Starting point is 00:49:00 net worth of them is $385 million. Jolie is $145 million. Pitt is $240 million. Jolie is $145 million. Pitt is $240 million. $100 million more than his wife. $100 million more, and I don't get the wife or the celebrity that comes along with that. You plan to divorce the wife, so I don't know why you keep doing that. I do not plan to divorce her. I'm just saying, worst case scenario.
Starting point is 00:49:18 It doesn't matter. I would, $100 million plus for either of them, it does not matter. Well, if you pick a wife one, Woody, I think you're in a particular house. I think... A dog house. Yeah. I'm definitely going to pick Brad Pitt's wife.
Starting point is 00:49:35 I went with his money. I went with his money. I think I'm pretty happy with my wife. And definitely face and body. Dude, if you want to be hot post-40, have money yeah yeah i am most likely to cry when someone yells at me someone breaks up with me someone dies or all of the below all right well um let's go ahead and vote and then discuss
Starting point is 00:50:03 dies i'm in. Yeah, dies. If someone yells at me, they can fuck off. What was the other one? Breaks up with me. Oh. I might do it, too. Cry or die. But I definitely want with dies.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Yeah. Kyle, are you in? You're still deciding. I'm going to go with dies. But I will say I have had breakups because i've had breakups where i didn't cry at all where i didn't really care and then i had breakups as you both know where i like cried for weeks so i'm not real sure but there's not an option to pick this and that yeah so i'm gonna go with guys because i'm just gonna assume that they're
Starting point is 00:50:40 talking about someone who i like feel like i really love guys right like yeah now robin no not at all i don't cry for robin i mean it's a shame i cry for robin you heartless bastard you were laughing so hard you were crying a little but who won season one of project runway jay mccarroll jeffrey sabella i don't know any of these people and i not'm not... I read Project Runway and I thought, oh, America's Top Model. Do I remember? But they're probably different shows. Yeah, they're different shows. Yeah, so I don't know anything about that.
Starting point is 00:51:15 So I'm going to say no. If I could have dinner with one of the following women, I would choose Barbra Streisand, Madonna, Kim Cattrall, and Adriana Lima. So I'm going to look up the other two. So Kim Cattrall is theana Lima. So I'm going to look up the other two. So Kim Cattrall is the slutty one from Sex and the City. Adriana Lima, I've heard her name before,
Starting point is 00:51:31 but I don't know what she looks like, so I'm going to Google her real quick. Kim Cattrall's 58. Yeah, they're all older. Yeah, but the first two are out for me. I don't... Oh, Adriana Lima. She's a Brazilian model.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Wow. That's my answer. I hate the other two. The other two are rough. I wouldn't say that. I would like to fuck Barbara Streisand. That's a picture of her right there. I would love to fuck Madonna.
Starting point is 00:51:57 I feel like Madonna would be amazing at sex. And she's still got a pretty decent body. She'd kegel the shit out of you. And I'd love to just say I fuck Madonna. Kim Cattrall is definitely on the bottom of this. She's at the bottom. She's not that famous like Barbara Strysanis who's a total legend herself.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Won tons and tons of awards. Super famous. Talented. And she's beautiful still. But Adriana Lima is young and super hot. So that's an easy choice. And a Brazilian model. I went with Madonna because I'm not fucking any of them. And Madonna, to me, has lived the most interesting life of these people. I feel like Madonna could tell a tale. I feel like Madonna is culturally rich.
Starting point is 00:52:39 And that would be interesting to me. Definitely. Yeah. I get a manicure two to three times a month i have unruly critical cuticles when i have an important meeting or event coming up in exchange for special favors from my girlfriend every time hell freezes over i've never had a manicure so i guess i would happily get a manicure like i would probably like if there were like a place nearby and like i went with my girlfriend like every time i I might do it every week.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Like I don't have anything against the idea. And I have a hard time taking care of my nails because they grow really fast. Like I trim my nails like twice a week and they still just keep going. And I like them, like I'm trimmed, but I don't want like bloody cuticles and weird stuff going on, which I'm prone to. I feel like I like pick at it and like peel the nail back and get a whole thing going. So the answer is every time hell freezes over, unfortunately. which I'm prone to, I feel like. I'll pick at it and peel the nail back and get a whole thing going. The answer is every time hell freezes over, unfortunately. But I don't feel like that's a fair rating on the eight test.
Starting point is 00:53:30 I would do that like a pedicure because my feet are rough and I walk a lot too. So I'm going to say when I have an important meeting or an event coming up because if something happened where there was an important meeting or an event coming up, I most likely would do something like that.
Starting point is 00:53:44 TV show. Perhaps. Like, what if my hands were literally going to be on TV or something? I'd get a manicure then. Like, yeah. I chose every time Hellfreeze is over because fuck that. If I was going to spend time and money on myself, it would totally be like a chiropractor,
Starting point is 00:53:59 which I've never gone to either. You should do that just for the fun. Or a massage, or that's really my whole list. Those two things to me are like my favorite things. Like I think I'd rather get a massage than a blowjob most of the time, I feel like. I really like a massage. I feel like it's a Brazilian jiu-jitsu thing,
Starting point is 00:54:16 but I literally, like it's painful to turn my neck from shoulder to shoulder. And I feel like that's right up a chiropractor's alley. Yeah. And a lot of people say that's witchcraft, but I swear I went to, I believe that a lot of chiropractors are just like, I don't know, flunkies out of, not even med school,
Starting point is 00:54:33 but flunkies out of something, but there's some of them that do a really good job and I felt like I had one. It was like $40 a session and I always came out of there feeling better than I went in and whether it's bullshit or not, he'd do this thing where he like,
Starting point is 00:54:44 would like, he said that this thing where he would like... He said that my pelvis was shifted one way and it was making one of my legs an inch longer than the other. I'm on my stomach and he's bending my legs back toward my butt and he's putting
Starting point is 00:54:59 them next to each other, the heels of my shoe. You can see that there's a disparity there. Then he goes this whole thing of adjusting me and twisting me, and even palm punching my ass at one point. Like my left ass, he's just going pow, pow, pow. And I'm just like, should I flex for this? And after it's over, he does the same thing, and he's just like, ah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:55:22 And when I stood up, I was like, oh yeah. My weight feels more balanced. I feel like I could lay you on your belly, put your heels not And he's just like, ah, there you go. And when I stood up, I was like, oh, yeah. My weight feels more balanced. I feel like I could lay you on your belly, put your heels not together, and be like, look, they're not the same. Like, give you a big old drum roll on your back. That guy just wanted to touch your ass. Let's be real right now. He wasn't manipulating my leg position.
Starting point is 00:55:39 He was just, like, just putting them there. Like, it was clear that he wasn't doing any witchcraft. And, you know, I mean, he gave me x-rays and stuff too he was pretty good at what he did I thought it was a good idea you should definitely try at least once that's the thing with chiropractors like it so I also fear that they're witchcraft I also fear that a lot of them are witchcraft and that's like even if you found a good one but almost everyone who goes to the chiropractor walks away happy with the experience.
Starting point is 00:56:05 And I'm just, eh. So anyway, manicure? Fuck that. I've got, like, better things on my list that I'd rather do. Okay. My favorite TV show is... and you have to pick one of these. So You Think You Can Dance, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, or Family Guy. That's an easy one for me I'm gonna pick and vote. Not that I'm against those other shows, too. I would check those out. I've actually watched all of those, but it says Family Guy.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Family Guy, yeah. Yeah, same here. I've watched some of those other shows, but I really do think Family Guy is a great show. It's not my favorite, but it's the best out of those. I can't pronounce this first one. I buy my underwear online at Erogenos. Erogenos. Erogenos.
Starting point is 00:56:47 I bet those are like skimpy bikini men's lingerie or something. I'm just going to go there. Anywhere that has a varied selection of cuts and colors in 10 packs at Costco. I nailed it. I don't think I've bought underwear in the past five years.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Dude, go to the website. Is it going to get me flagged? Yeah past five years. Dude, go to the website. Is it going to get me flagged? Yeah, it is. Don't go to the website. Are you sure? Don't scroll. Yeah, I see pubic hair on the second picture. The first picture would be okay, but I'm seeing
Starting point is 00:57:18 cock and balls as I scroll. There are these weird designs that are cut that show off some insides, so you do see pubes on the second. Yeah, I kind of like some of the... On the second picture so you do see pubes on the second yeah i kind of like some of the second picture you can see pubes kind of and if you go to the bottom that's not pubes totally not youtube that's pubes in the windows of the underwear i don't i don't they're trim like i can totally see this guy yeah totally i see pubes in the second picture and look at his happy trail and keep following that's what i want show it. The happy trail is legit on this guy.
Starting point is 00:57:45 That, I want to say, is akin to the happy trail on that girl. Well, I like this underwear. I think I'm going to go and purchase some now so I can click that button. I love the Cell Block 13 one. That's what I'm getting! They look like a jock to me. Yeah, well, there's jocks and thongs. Yeah, they turn into thongs at the bottom.
Starting point is 00:58:08 So I chose online. I took this once before as a test just to see what it was like and if it would get me flagged or anything. And I chose that because I actually buy them online at It was the closest I could meet. So I guess number two? Yeah, number two for me. Because I buy underwear at different... I don't get like the big 10 pack at costco but like i don't know some of my underwear
Starting point is 00:58:31 from like different places like i like to get like the individual underwear at nice stores because they like i don't know they feel nice there's different cuts it's literally what the selection says anywhere that has a varied selection of cuts and colors that's what i do all right one of the following which of the following is not once a popular boy band denati kane take that 98 degrees new kids on the block vote amongst yourselves two of these same one yeah it's probably 98 degrees and new kids on the block i voted i picked the picked the top one. Danity Kane, I think it was, because I'd never heard of it. I picked Take That, because I haven't heard of the first two.
Starting point is 00:59:10 I also picked Take That, because I hadn't heard of it. Alright, let me get the answer real quick. Yep, Take That is a boy band. Well, shucks. You fucking misled me. If I could travel back in time, I would go to Studio 54,
Starting point is 00:59:26 the Moulin Rouge, Woodstock, Nirvana's Reading Festival performance. Totally Woodstock, honey. Woodstock. I don't know. Studio 54 is the one I'm debating between with Woodstock. But I don't think I could have as much fun as me at Studio 54.
Starting point is 00:59:42 I feel like you need to be like... And also, what year in time? We know... Oh time? It's when Michael Jackson and Elton John are in there doing coke together. I feel like my clubbing days at Limelight and Palladium were right there at Studio 54. They were the Studio 54 of their day. They also got shut down while I was going to them and stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:59 I'd have more fun at Woodstock. I got into the elite sections of there every now and then. And dude, there'd just be like... So there's a dance area, right? First of all, to get into the club wasn't always easy. But we would bring these really slutty girls. And problem solved.
Starting point is 01:00:19 And so then they're dressed like... Think of a really gay outfit, right? Where you've got, like, the leather cap and the assless chaps and stuff. A gimp suit. But for a girl. Like, a girl and just, like, chaps, like, a thong in the back and, like, a leather chiz hat or something like that. And, but not, like, a leather, like, Nazi hat. Like, a firmer thing.
Starting point is 01:00:43 But it didn't look Nazi-ish. Anyway, girls would wear that and we'd get right the fuck in. And then in some nights, we could get to the sort of exclusive sections. And I remember it's better lit up there. The doorways, instead of having doors, they had those thick plastic things that might keep the refrigeration in. Are you familiar with these? The things that like loading bays and whatnot?
Starting point is 01:01:06 Yeah, they're like slid up and stuff, but they're thick plastic toys that you sort of part and walk through. There was a couch back there, and there was like this girl sitting on the top of the couch where you're not supposed to sit because it makes a thing. She was sitting there, and some guy was eating her out. There was another girl just like up against the wall, topless, and like two guys were sucking on each boob and uh like it like oh you get to the top and it's
Starting point is 01:01:31 it's kind of a sex club here isn't it and then you know i'm a single it's like can anyone just jump in i got next you know because i'm not sure she knows both those guys. I'm right here. Where's the cue? You need an extra mouth? A toe or something? Yeah. And that's at those places.
Starting point is 01:01:56 The Palladium was neat. It was a big dance floor, like half a football field. And it was always packed. And then throughout the night, you're like, wait a minute. These walls are moving. As the place got bigger and smaller, giant walls that you wouldn't think could move would move. And as the ecstasy started to kick in,
Starting point is 01:02:17 we've all been there when the fucking building starts to shrink. Then the ceiling disappeared. Yeah. The Palladium had... I was really fit at the time. I was a collegiate swimmer, but I was scared of the mosh pit. Because some guys seemed like they were just wanting to fight, you know? And one of my swimmers, he was taller than me.
Starting point is 01:02:33 He was one of my fellow swimmers. He loved the mosh pit. And, like, guys would go in there and just, like, mow people down. I'm like, that's not even dancing. He's just running and tackling people. But my buddy, his name was Ziv. He was Israeli. He was fucking awesome at mosh pitting, right?
Starting point is 01:02:49 He'd be, like, jumping around, just, like, having fun or whatever. Guys would take a run at him. And he's, like, flying, kneeing people and bloody noses and shit. And, like, Ziv is a fucking mosh pit superstar. It sounds like he's a mosh pit asshole asshole no no because he's just jumping around no so i don't think i'm telling the story right i guess because he's bouncing around like trying to talk to girls or whatever maybe protecting smaller people and there's these mosh pit bullies who are taking runs at people and but what dance move has your knee at nose level
Starting point is 01:03:26 flying knee hit it does like he's literally throwing ufc style flying knees or elbows at the bullies because you can quickly identify he's bouncing around he's laughing people like him he's like a like like he's becomes this mosh pit two things, like a mosh pit sort of mini celebrity. Like everyone's looking at him, and he's funny, and he's tall, he's good looking, and he's really fit because he's on the swim team. And girls are paying attention to him or whatever. And then these hater guys are just beating up on smaller people. But the minute they came for Ziv, he's like, fuck off! And he's just fucking like yeah
Starting point is 01:04:06 he hit and he screamed like that who knows the music's too loud it's like techno or something and uh and it was awesome and it was like because i'm like like i'm like this mosh pit's getting too rough like maybe i don't belong here and ziv is like fuck yeah it's rough i belong here and uh and yeah he like the bully like literally like bloody noses and shit and they're like what the fuck and he's like hey you know like we all saw what you were doing we saw you take out three guys before you went for ziv whose real name was ziv pronounced but everyone called him ziv i don't know because we're not israeli and yeah, Zeev was fucking awesome at moss pitting, and he would just wreck
Starting point is 01:04:48 guys at the Palladium who went after him. My girlfriend could not drag me to a woman's beach volleyball tournament, a county fair, a ballroom dancing competition, or a Cher concert. I wish I could answer more than one of these,
Starting point is 01:05:04 but definitely I'll click. Ballroom dancing. I have nothing to do with that shit. Cher was a close contender. Yeah, that was my second one. But if you read closely, it was a competition.
Starting point is 01:05:20 And that seems ridiculous. There's no way you could drag me to a ballroom dancing competition. What if it was aroom dancing competition. No. What if it was a square dancing competition? Absolutely. Why would that make it better? Because you are skilled in that particular dance.
Starting point is 01:05:32 No, I'm not. Dude, this one is so easy for me. If I were at a karaoke bar, I would sing I Will Survive. I'm done. Valid answer. I'm Too Sexy. Eh, maybe.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Sweet Caroline. Not not bad but living on a prayer i found my song yeah sweet caroline woody the slayer i like that one a lot i'm your daddy and you're in my crosshairs woody that's a hard song to sing but i think you just proved that but i hit it anyway um which of the following movies would not or did not star eliza minnelli victor victoria tell me that you love me junie moon new york new york and cabaret i i voted yes because tell me that you love me junie moon that That was my vote, too. That's what I picked, too. All right. The percent gay.
Starting point is 01:06:27 All right. Who wants to go first? Well, how about Woody go last? Kyle, what did you get? I was going to see if we was right on that last one. Tell me that you love me, Judy Moon. Yeah, that actually was a Liza Minnelli thing. So we were all wrong about that.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Let's see here. I think I was 36% gay. Damn it. I am 37% gay. I am 30% gay. I would not have guessed. How many? 30. 3-0.
Starting point is 01:07:02 I'm the least gay in this group, which I didn't see coming. Well, I think that this test is silly. This is not an efficient test because, as everyone knows, Woody's passed what is a 0-100% grade scale. I could probably bump myself a little because I'm still on this Erogenos underwear site.
Starting point is 01:07:20 There's actually a thing here. Yeah, at a point. I closed mine. There's a whole thing here, although we specialize in men's underwear and swimwear what what what does your description say under the percentile um since you're seven let your friends know how gay you are and challenge them to be gayer use the code below to place your official badge in your blogger profile um wait do you have more than that like there's the gray box that says like you are percentage gay oh you're definitely not gay but you could be a little straighter if you know what i mean darling okay i gotta you're the kind of guy that likes chicks but takes a peek in the
Starting point is 01:07:56 locker room as well right same here too uh no that's that's not how that goes maybe i take a little peek yeah i mean i'm curious i mean let's see get the urinal you know i don't pick up the urinal but i once it i had a that's a good way to get hurt i've talked about this before i don't know like how much cock i've seen from all my swimming and ice hockey experience so much so much cock yeah yeah yeah i am still to this day i i i saw an asian guy whose cock was to die for it was gigantic and uh like i even asked him dude so we're in the showers right and the showers aren't stalls or anything it's like a like a i don't know a room with a bunch of shower heads and uh and i'm i'm showering up or whatever and i'm fine like i'm
Starting point is 01:08:45 beyond worrying about my dick size and uh at one point i'm like dude are you sure you're asian he's like well i'm half asian like what's the other half black and that was it so what is the course What is it? What is it? Jennifer Aniston. What did Kyle say? I think horse might have been a little more tasteful. You got a little dark in you, boy. We don't allow that in here. I think the other half was some variety of white.
Starting point is 01:09:18 I don't know. All right. I'm glad we took that. Do you want to talk about Miley Cyrus? Maybe next because I've still got this picture Here on my desktop, and I just I just saw it and I just I just think it's so funny straight up so I I Guess I can post this without is this flagable. I would just be careful how far you get in the zoom game It's a big picture all right. I think I'm gonna. Let me I think I can share it like this All right, all right, I think I can share it like this.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Yeah, and you guys are gonna have to imagine the next inch. Like I've cut her off, but you can see what's happening here. And we have different opinions of this picture. Oh, I'll go sideways so that you can see the quote. The quote is, I hope to motivate mothers and daughters to build their lifetime of memories together and inspire the kids around the world to live their dreams.
Starting point is 01:10:05 And if you're on audio only, it's a picture of her clearly in the missionary position with her knees about as wide as they could comfortably be. Like the birthing position. Looks like she's sitting on the back of a car, like on the boot. But it's a gold car. She's sweaty, so she looks wet. Yeah, she's got a really... I guess you should describe.
Starting point is 01:10:30 She's wearing this really weird one-piece thing that, like... Basically, it's like swimwear, but there's, like, fur on top. But that's not what matters because her legs are spread wide, and there's very little material covering her vagina. You're not actually seeing anything
Starting point is 01:10:44 that I would think is X-rated, but you're just seeing everything you can legally see. And yeah, that whole area is glisteningly wet. I got no problem with this. My opinion about Miley Cyrus is, I think she is attractive. I think she's really hot. Some people are like, ah, she's gross looking. And they show those pictures of her butt looking weird.
Starting point is 01:11:00 But I mean, she's wearing a skin-tight thing and it was squishing her butt. That's not even a fair judgment. I think that all of her antics on stage, like, you know, letting people touch her pussy or whatever. I think she just likes that. Like, I think she gets off literally on doing stuff like this and showing her hot body off and she enjoys it. And it helps her make millions and millions of dollars. Did we watch the video where she like told everyone to lick her pussy or something?
Starting point is 01:11:22 Lick my pussy. Yes, yes. Did we watch it on the show? I believe so. Oh, so okay i'm not positive basically you nailed it she's on stage like you know she's lick my pussy lick my pussy you know guys say suck my dick or whatever to women in their songs so she's trying to like rebel and be like nah this song, lit my pussy. Put your phones down and lit my pussy. I guess, sorry. I'm looking at it. I didn't realize how far off the things were, the names, whatever, on the stream.
Starting point is 01:11:55 No one will say anything, I'm sure. But I'm torn, right? So one thing is definitely true. Sometimes actors or actresses will will put towards like a a fake look on them right and sometimes it's true and sometimes it's not like Katy Perry and her like Friday night I can't remember what happened faux Facebook had me making out with some girl I kissed a girl I don't think that's Katy Perry's real life I think in real life she's kind of a normal-ish person
Starting point is 01:12:25 who's running a business. I'm trying to remember her. No, no, no. She talked about that. Now, that was based on... She talked about it on the Stern Show about where that song came from, the genesis of it. I think that was a true story, but I don't recall. I don't remember. Damn it. I wish I could pull that up. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:12:42 But now I think I could be wrong. But I think that Katy Perry, by and large, just works really hard hard she's kind of a reliable performer she's a professional at what she does etc I don't think of her as the mega slut Kesha I once argued like I don't know what she is right clearly all her songs are about her going out and getting drunk or whatever turns out she was a little out of control and now she's trying to work her way back. Miley Cyrus, I think, is like a carefully crafted thing where she's trying to get more attention. What she's doing in this picture on my screen, I think, I don't know. I think offstage she's not quite as slutty. Isn't she typically in these committed relationships and such?
Starting point is 01:13:23 I don't know anything about her. I don't know anything about her relationship history. I feel like you'd have heard something by now. I feel like all these... You know about all their relationships. Isn't she married? No fucking way. That seems highly unlikely.
Starting point is 01:13:34 No way. Katy Perry was married to... What's his face? Yeah, that British actor. Russell Brand or something. Russell Brand. Yeah. And then he broke her heart.
Starting point is 01:13:43 He broke her heart? Is that her heart is that the deal yeah there's a documentary about her on netflix so there was it's pretty good uh yeah i i think she is this crazy though because i feel like to be this level of like i don't think she's faking to be this amount of crazy and do these kind of stunts you're committed to the cause 100 so i don't think she's a librarian when she's not on stage i just don't no you should look at her instagram like she's just she's she's really comfortable body she likes she she likes doing this sort of thing she enjoys this yeah i don't think i think who she is on stage is who she is in private like and i think katie perry is as well
Starting point is 01:14:22 the only difference is katie perry likes to wear fun outfits and stuff like that like i don't think anyone looked at katie perry as a slut she's she is a role model to a lot of uh girls and women uh i don't think miley cyrus is in the same vein apparently she's gay or at least um she's bi i didn't know that of course she is of course she is um she had an on and off oh she she had an she was engaged but she was never married and yeah i don't know i just it seems like who would she be if she wasn't wild right i don't think she'd have much of her career. And a Montana. Yeah, she had a great career before she did this stuff. Yeah, she had a great career before she did all this.
Starting point is 01:15:10 It's not like she was declining. She had a good music, good TV career. Her father is fucking Billy Ray Cyrus. Yeah, her music was doing great even before she went like... She's just escalating this thing. She's getting more and more popular. I feel like she's doing this to stay relevant and she wouldn't have bridged the gap from child star to adult star if she didn't go slutty.
Starting point is 01:15:27 She really already had, yeah. But look at Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift has been working since she was fucking 12 or whatever as well and hasn't had to do these things. She's very relevant. She makes good music. She's transitioned from country into pop. She's done that.
Starting point is 01:15:42 But she hasn't turned into a fucking slut. She's the anti-slut. That's what her thing is she won't even show her belly button she's not even a normal person she's like prissy practically she's a country girl no she's not and the whole country music thing was just kind of a marketing thing she's i don't she's from like connecticut or something yeah and george bush is in it there you go yeah she's she's this country She's from Connecticut or something. Yeah, and George Bush is in it. There you go. She's from Nashville, Tennessee. They moved there for her career or something when she was young or something like that. At the age of 14, you're right. That's how everything works. Don't believe what you see.
Starting point is 01:16:20 That's why I don't believe that Miley Cyrus is crazy. She just likes showing her body off and rubbing her pussy on stage and making millions of dollars doing it. I'd jerk off on stage if they paid me. I mean, come on. That seems like the best gig ever. I'd pay to watch that. I mean, you did that one time.
Starting point is 01:16:38 I mean, to find paid. Well, I ate the whole bag of Reese's so yes Yes, that cookies get it right all right. I have another video all right. This is all right so What you're going to see Up sorry it starts playing right away when you do it so wait for the countdown, but um What you're going to see here is a bunch of people beating up on one girl it appears to be it's hard to count because it's so chaotic but like six people or so beating up this girl but dad is there and dad comes in and starts
Starting point is 01:17:17 throwing elbows and like throwing people to the ground but roughly so they land head first check it out are you guys ready ready yeah three oh wait I didn't put on the big screen yet let me make this bigger see if I can help three two one play number seven is dead. Oh yeah! There's like 6 people tearing his clothes apart. Oh! Pow! Bam! Yeah!
Starting point is 01:17:56 There's your friend. You want some? I got some. You want some? I got some. Oh! Bam! Hammer face.
Starting point is 01:18:02 Hammer face. I can hear it! Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, come on, I'm coming for you too. Oh, the purse stomp. I can hear it. Yeah Come on. I'm coming for you Your neck low arms. You're bugging. You're a grown-ass man hitting. You're bugging. You're bugging. You're a grown-ass man
Starting point is 01:18:28 hitting children. You're bugging. His best accent ever. I like that one. Did I do one well? You nailed the sassy black girl. You got it. I have 100% on Team Dad here. As a matter of fact,
Starting point is 01:18:43 I wish this situation would have erupted from me time to time. Like, you know, in Hope in middle school, she had all these friends. Everything was going right. And then one day, suddenly the girls didn't like her anymore. And it sucked. And she was really hurt. And I wish I could have just beat all their asses for her. That would have been fantastic.
Starting point is 01:19:08 The only reason I haven't beat up more children is opportunity. I just need hit me first, babies. Come on. Come on. You know how many 12 year olds What if a 5 year old ran up and hit you? Obviously not that. But I'll tell you
Starting point is 01:19:23 if there were 6 girls hitting one of my kids, oh my god. Just fucking bring in the ambulance now because daddy's got work to do. He's got a chain just running through. Woody has an extensive sub game more than I think a stand-up game. So it would be funny if like a 13-year-old girl was getting like guillotined choked or something like that. What are you doing, sir? He guillotines the first one looking around for his next target i i closed her body at another one i got a half decent kick game going on too i can fold a heavy bag you're fucking most of those girls probably way about
Starting point is 01:19:58 the same as a heavy bag so that's gonna come in handy i can fold a heavy bag and all of those girls would crumple on my first leg kick They come limping at me for seconds. Oh Bring that bring that I I Yeah, pretty good video that that guy was taking no shit that day I always look the person I hate most in those videos is always the person holding the camera and the annoying cunts Instigating things in the background get Get him, Juju! Get him! Like, that's all it ever is.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Like some stupid fucking cunt in the crowd, like, really getting off on it. This one dude is gonna beat up this other dude for whatever fucking reason. Like, he's gonna beat you up! Then you'll see I was right, and I always just want, like, first beat up that guy, and then go get the girl with the camera. I disagree. And then turn it around and start fucking her up. The worst person in the video wasn't in this video. The worst person in the video is white soccer mom. Someone who for some reason shouldn't be in a like gang violence
Starting point is 01:20:55 situation yelling, stop, stop, S-T-A-H-P, stop. And it's like, YOU need to stop. Everyone else here is getting business done. Woman, fucking, you're ruining my video. He's throwing bitches to the ground and throwing gut punches. Yeah, he was throwing elbows. He was throwing backs, back, uh, spinning elbows. Spinning back fists. But they were on his back, and they were really effective. He was throwing people feet at a time.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Yeah, he was like fucking Lord Sauron in Lord of the Rings. Just like. He was the giant in the episode of Game of Thrones. Just ripping off bitches. Backhanding them. A couple of those guys. A single swipe would take out multiple people. He's a fucking legend.
Starting point is 01:21:41 I wonder what happened to him. Was there any like negative repercussions of his heroic act here I don't know but it's hard to say the cops probably shot him five minutes later I saw we're all laughing at it I mean because that shit happens that's yeah yeah they didn't shoot it didn't have anything to do with what he's doing there he was smoking a cigarette no he was trying to sell one so they saw it does I saw a video earlier of course I gotta find it it's it's basically these cops are escorting this guy out of a bar type restaurant type place and then shit goes
Starting point is 01:22:16 down outside let me see if you can find it up but yeah I love this dad and and you know I wonder if he's thankful for having been put in this situation. Because I suspect a lot of dads would be down for this. I don't know. Because he didn't immediately start. No, he didn't. At first, he was just pulling them off.
Starting point is 01:22:36 He tried to break it up and stuff like that. He didn't want a confrontation. But then they started clawing at him. And he's like, well, fuck this. I'm getting my kid out of here. And I ain't dealing with this shit anymore. You bitches need to be taught a lesson the best defense is a good offense he didn't sit there and become her turtle shell the whole first step turtle shell when turtle shell
Starting point is 01:22:54 didn't protect his daughter and they started tearing his clothes apart and shit fucking out came the tiger and and god I fucking love it. A lot of people are against violence. And some people say stuff like, there's never a good reason for violence. Fuck that. Violence solves lots of problems. And this guy knows that too. Are you ready? I love this shirt.
Starting point is 01:23:16 You're going to love this video. A minute and a half. Well, your laugh will be inappropriate at the end of the video. I'll just say that now. Are we ready? Yeah, ready set play So it's like a bar type, it's an Applebee's I see now He's washing his hands. The cops have body cameras on and they're in the bathroom trying to escort this This guy wearing his Dos Equis shirt out.
Starting point is 01:23:45 What's he doing? Do you have any ID on you? What's your ID? What's your name? I mean, clearly Applebee's called the police, said this guy was a problem. Did they call a duty hat? I hope so. We all know games cause violence.
Starting point is 01:23:59 So they're escorting him outside. One officer behind, that's the camera we're looking from. There is another viewpoint available from the other cop That we could check out after this if you'd like now, so they're getting to the door right now there's double doors as you can imagine they went through the first door they went through the second door and The officers looking at the guy and all of a sudden he starts doing something and he's got a gun what? Holy shit, oh what holy shit oh and he's dead as shit oh I did not know this was coming wait is that a taste no it's a laser pointer he is a laser pointer it just looks
Starting point is 01:24:37 weird on the camera yeah so the guy drew a gun the female officer yelled gun gun gun and they both unloaded on him with Glock 22s. Who was this guy? What the f- What they s- What's funny at the end? Just the turn of events, like this guy just started shooting. Oh I thought there was gonna be a line or something that prompted the laughter. It was a good shooting!
Starting point is 01:24:58 It was the fact that he whipped out a gun and pointed at a police officer, no one saw that coming. I know I didn't, that's- that's what found amusing. I want to know who this guy was. Alright, so would you like to see that from the other officer's point of view? Because he's the one who shot first. Alright, so here that is. Alright, so would you like to watch the full video or skip to about 50 seconds, which is when he draws the gun? I think you just linked the same video. That's the same video. They look similar because they're both doing
Starting point is 01:25:31 the same thing. The URLs are similar. Yeah, it started me at 50 seconds in, too. It's definitely the same video. The URLs are the same. It's got the same view counter, too. Alright. Well, then maybe I have fucked this up no that's all right but that was a good shooting that was a good shooting well let me try to link again maybe i
Starting point is 01:25:52 just didn't copy paste this correctly because this is definitely the other guy's point of view it's definitely the same video That's a different guy. Like, see? If you go to 50 seconds, he's looking at the female officer. You said it was from the camera perspective of the female officer. The first video was from the perspective of the female officer. Now... It's the same angle. When I go to...
Starting point is 01:26:21 Let's watch it again and see if it looks any different. Are you guys ready? We'll start at 50. Yeah. One, two, three, play. Is this what you watched earlier? Yes. Totally.
Starting point is 01:26:32 All right. Well, I watched a different one. Yeah. And this thing I shoot it. No, this one's better anyway. This guy's a pretty good shot, I think. Yeah, I do too. I gotta watch. Why did he pull the gun out? Do you think he's as good a shot as you?
Starting point is 01:26:48 Yeah, or better. He did a good job. Yeah, I I felt like he kept I mean, I'm sure some of those bullets missed you know he unloaded like I don't even know 10 12 But it sounds like more than that he keeps going it wasn't much his accuracy, because that's hard to tell, but he drew very quickly and fired. I want to watch that again. This guy had a gun pointed at her. She pushed him away, and then they both shoved him to the side. He ran to turn around, and as soon as he turned around,
Starting point is 01:27:16 he got unloaded on. Why did he pull a gun? I don't know. That's the backstory. We don't know who the fuck this guy is and why he was pulled into question. It's like, why is this random guy in an apple tree bathroom getting a any question and then his he immediately draws a gun when they get outside jesus i approve of his of his gun handling skills like i said i can see that the um the recoil pushed the red dot or the green dot it looks like off but he did a good job and like you said he i mean he pulled his gun i i assume he was on kind of
Starting point is 01:27:46 code yellow in the first place or condition yellow is that what the gun people call it kyle condition yellow i've never heard that i don't know or condition red so here it is i if i have it right condition green is where most people are the sheeps they don't even they're not even aware of all the danger around them this is gun person talk i hope i'm getting it right condition yellow is where you're supposed to be all the time just sort of like scanning watching understanding that the world is a dangerous place but not necessarily in a gunfight condition red means like you have some reason to think that you're about to be in a gunfight so this guy didn't come from where i am right now like if someone would have blasted that door i'd be pretty unprepared um right but so this guy wasn't in that i bet that's unloaded but the point still stands um bet it's unloaded i wouldn't take that bet
Starting point is 01:28:39 that one's unloaded that one doesn't work right now. That's the problem. So, but yeah, so this guy was kind of aware he had a perp next to him, which helps with his reaction. But still, he, it's just good. He did, he's a good cop. He did the right thing. In hindsight, I guess they should have cuffed him in the bathroom and patted him down. He wasn't under arrest, you know?
Starting point is 01:29:02 Like, that's one of those, I think they did it 100% right from start to finish actually don't know why they wouldn't have it whatever the charge of suspicion was to investigate this guy like that's what they were so ready to let me go back let me go to the website this all came from and see if I can learn I lost it it is where they win cuff him in the Applebee's if he was so bad whatever they were investigating and they let him walk outside. Like if they knew he had a gun on him, for example.
Starting point is 01:29:29 So let's see. Okay, so here we go. Bushy was suspected of stealing some alcohol from a local Walmart. The videos depict Sergeant Gabriel Green calmly and non-aggressively confronting Bushy in the bathroom of an Applebee's restaurant. He and Officer Kalen Griffin then escort him outside the restaurant bushy then pulls a bb gun pistol from his pocket and points at the officers they then open fire and kill him by all appearances
Starting point is 01:29:56 the shooting looks both justified and unavoidable um bushy was likely attempting a suicide by cop it's really the only explanation for why he'd knowingly pull up a non-lethal gun on two officers armed with guns that shoot actual bullets. Yeah. He's probably drunk, too. Well, he did steal alcohol from Walmart. Yeah, he stole alcohol, and I don't see any. I feel like you're on to something there.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Step one, steal the alcohol from Walmart. Step two, consume the stolen alcohol. I guarantee it. Step three, Applebee's. There was nothing in the middle. Applebee's buffet at the end. So here's the thing. Gun control, right?
Starting point is 01:30:34 I sometimes think of hypothetical Woody as a politician. And the NRA should really like me. Like, I'm pro-gun in a lot of ways. Like, would my voting record be perfectly clean? It's hard for me to resist some of those mental background checks that the NRA wouldn't like to have, but I'm definitely against a lot of stuff that they don't like. The serial number bullets and all that crazy shit. In North Carolina, there was a big debate on whether you can bring guns
Starting point is 01:31:06 to the state fair. And my daughter's so no. Why would you need a gun at the state fair? It's like, it's not about needing the gun. And the people that have concealed carry permits
Starting point is 01:31:13 and things like that, they're really good people. It's about protecting yourself at the state fair. Yeah. Picture crowded grass parking lots going out to the point that there's hardly any lights anymore.
Starting point is 01:31:26 That's the environment where people want to not be scared as they walk back to their car. Dark parking lots, yeah. Yeah. And other people might be drunk or something. I'm for carrying guns into movie theaters. Why do you need a gun for a movie theater? Hopefully you don't. I've carried a gun with me a lot, and the closest I've ever come to using it is being glad I had it when I didn't need it, actually.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Like other scary people or two other people that are in an argument and they didn't need it. I've never needed it. But the one situation in which I would limit guns is I'm not sure people should be able to carry them where alcohol is served. That's the scariest thing to me. Or maybe you can't carry them while you're drinking. That's the one I'd say. I'd say that carrying a gun is just like driving. You can't drink and drive. You can't drink and carry. Yeah. And then, yeah. And I might even restrict that to on your body. Right. Because like I, let's say you're driving. Right. And I've got restrict that to on your body, right? Because like, let's say you're driving, right? And I've got it in my glove compartment. That's considered carrying, right?
Starting point is 01:32:29 That's a concealed weapon that I have access to. But, you know, it's in the glove compartment, whatever. Like, you know, but... But are you drunk in this scenario? Yeah. So you're drunk and... Explain the scenario, I'm sorry. I'm drunk, but you're driving, right?
Starting point is 01:32:44 So let's say we go out i drink too much so i ask you to drive us back right in my car but in my car there's a gun yeah that's concealed carry that's my gun though no because it's my car when the cops get there i'll tell them it's my gun it is my gun it's my gun but what if you're not concealed carry permit you i am okay you are but what if you're not concealed carry permit? You are. I am. Okay, you are. But what if you're not? I'm just trying to say. Answer for everything.
Starting point is 01:33:09 I like this. I like it. Like, you can't have a gun on your hip. You can't have a gun on your ankle or whatever while you're drinking. Because, dude, shit. I bet this guy, if he was alive, if he didn't die in this thing, would regret his action. He'd be like, oh, I was drunk. I was so stupid. I think he was trying to kill himself
Starting point is 01:33:26 from the start, maybe. Why did he have that BB gun? You know what I mean? Well, to rob the Walmart. Like, obviously, if it was enough to make the cops shoot him, it was enough to... Really? You think a Walmart employee No, he didn't like, give me your alcohol! He just walked out with it, I'm sure. There's nobody guarding the alcohol at Walmart. He went back
Starting point is 01:33:42 there, like, stuck in the toilet. I don't think he planned to steal the alcohol. He shoplifted. I don't think he planned to steal the alcohol. I don't think he planned to steal the alcohol the way you say. No, the cops would get called. Find him at this Applebee's. Have the BB gun to prepare for a suicide by cop. I just don't think that's his. That does sound unlikely.
Starting point is 01:33:56 You're right. Unless he was like. Unless he. So maybe the BB gun was in his coat. It looks like a gun. They do that thing. I mean, he pulled that. That was like a
Starting point is 01:34:05 real gun you wouldn't have to stick anybody up at walmart that's my only thing like you could just no i agree with you you just walk in there and grab the alcohol and walk out i feel like he shoplifted and then it i just don't you're right especially why he has the bb gun right because especially if he had the bb gun it would have been an armed robbery call it maybe he stole the bb gun too that seems most probable. He walked away with a prize to go shoot BB guns. He got himself a big bottle of wine and a BB gun and then got drunk at Applebee's and suicided by cop. Every now and then watching a death like, dude, a person just died.
Starting point is 01:34:37 That's a real true thing that just happened there. I was kind of happy. Happy for lack of a term. When I thought it was a real gun. That's a little happiness inside. When it was a real gun I was like, well wow, why the fuck is this a real gun? That was some lethal weapon shit. Nice one Murtaugh. Exactly. But then I found out it's a BB gun. It's like, well it was a good shot still, but that guy just suicided my cop right there. I thought this was like, what'd this guy do man? Why is he pulling a gun on him?
Starting point is 01:35:03 Does he need to get away from Johnny Law? But it's just a suicide by cop. That's a good question. Yeah, this is a good chance that if he pulled a gun on a cop, there was something else that was awaiting him. He's got his rape trial coming up. Right. And that's why.
Starting point is 01:35:22 He's on the run or something like that. Yeah, he needs to get away. He's stopping at an apple, but he's offside the road. The one thing I noticed was, I watched him draw, he draws it from the hip, it looks like, from a pocket or from his waistband and, like, comes up with it, but then he doesn't act
Starting point is 01:35:35 aggressively. He's like this, you know. He's just kind of like, I got a gun! Yeah. Like, even, like, I watched the video four times and, like, don't get me wrong, I just shot him too. Mm-hmm. But, but four times and like, don't get me wrong, I'd have shot him too. But the situation, like if you watch it in slow motion, you're like, why is he being so weird with his gun? Why didn't she tackle him? Because like, you know, even if you're not professional and you're not going into a stance or anything and like getting ready,
Starting point is 01:35:58 like even if you're going to shoot it sideways, he didn't even do that. He never really pointed the gun at the officers until they kind of pushed him away and then he kind of spun around with it still below his around his waist area, you know, holding it down low. Like I said, I had a shot at him too. I thought he pointed it at this guy at one point. It was all up here. Yeah, I just watched it again.
Starting point is 01:36:17 He pulls it from behind and does like a big swooping motion with his arm and then she pushes him and he goes up in the air. She pushes him and the officer behind also does something. I think he grabs and pulls. see but like but like the guy you know they both are on this guy pushing him shoving him and that's totally their her training coming in like she's pushing him with one hand and drawing with the other like that's that was cool to see they knew what they were doing and they both did their job really really well yeah and and she was like she might have been three quarters of a second slower on the draw than her partner um and and she was like she might have been three quarters of a second slower on the
Starting point is 01:36:45 draw than her partner um and and they both were on him as fast as you could ever be expected to be i'm surprised he didn't yell gun he was the one in the back and saw the draw it was her until the gun got pulled up here when he saw i got a different situation this one's fake because it was on tv but um it was on a TV cop drama to be more clear. And basically what happened is this woman was trying to arrest a perp of some sort, and he was like drunk or high, and he tries to rape the cop. Like he gets on top of her or whatever, and he's kicking off the rape. And she pulls her gun and she shoots him a couple times.
Starting point is 01:37:23 And in the show show the question was like all right it's not that it was a bad shooting but if that's a guy that doesn't happen the the fact that the bad guy was so well not just the guy thing but the bad guy so easily overpowered the girl that she had to go to lethal force whereas maybe maybe if it were, say, a strong man. If that was a gay criminal, if that was a gay rapist raping a male cop, he'd have shot him too. You don't touch an officer. That's when you're going to get shot is when you start putting your hands on an officer.
Starting point is 01:37:56 Yeah, it doesn't matter if it's rape or just pushing. They don't like being touched, and you're not supposed to. Yeah, compliance is really important, kids. Don't fuck with that but if it's if that guy was doing it to like kyle right that guy doesn't overpower kyle you know things could go differently kyle wouldn't have to go straight i might let him kyle wouldn't have to go straight oh no no my belt's undoing itself i don't know how that's happening. Oh, God. Leave it alone, please.
Starting point is 01:38:35 But that guy doesn't overpower Kyle, right? Nothing happens that Kyle doesn't want to happen because he's not overmatching him. So I haven't seen the guy. You've seen the show. I haven't. But I'll argue. I'll argue. He'll overpower me. Alright, I don't have that much strength in me and I'll tuck her out real quick. If he wanted to rape me, he'd rape me.
Starting point is 01:38:52 That's how that would go down. Then I'd take some lava soap and go cry for three hours. That's how that would go. Lava soap? Are you using it on your butt? Cause that's awful! I don't want any remnants, Woody. I need to take a layer of skin off, okay? You always see that scene in the movies, you know, where the- Yeah. The act of the victim's been raped, you know, they had this really emotional breakdown in the shower where they're scrubbing themselves.
Starting point is 01:39:14 They're moving super hard until they bleed. And it's really touching and not funny in any way, unless it's Chiz and he's got lava. I got a pumice stone. Dude. It's a terrible thing. I see what they're saying about females. But there's plenty of guys that are too weak. So Chiz, are you saying that you're built for rape? Totally. It depends on the guy.
Starting point is 01:39:37 If the guy is my height or higher, I'm built for rape. Okay? That's how that's going to be. Oh, really? You're one of those dudes with the height requirement bullshit certainly size queen over here did you guys guys are reddit fans did you see that all of these subreddits get private and some employee has left yeah yeah I think they call her Victoria maybe her username was like right CHUTT or something like that.
Starting point is 01:40:09 And yeah, she was the one who was organizing all the AMAs. And she was like the contact person, from what I understand, between sort of the Reddit mods and the authors and whoever else is doing an AMA. And I guess they fired her. I haven't seen any reason for the firing. But I keep seeing, but all those subreddits are privated and I see the mods from multiple subreddits saying that like,
Starting point is 01:40:30 we have no way to get in contact with the four authors who are doing AMAs like tomorrow or whatever. Like we have no, like we're having to like Google their, Google and find out who their assistants are and stuff like that and like reach out to them in that way.
Starting point is 01:40:44 So I don't understand these subreddits though. Like I get her running the AMA and like reach out to them in that way so i don't understand these subreddits though like i get her running the ama and being the proxy between them but it's like ask reddit our science our gaming our history our art our movies like like why are those shut down like that i can't speak to i didn't know anything about that that's pretty ridiculous i those are big those are primary reddit i thought it was just the AMA stuff. I'm reading this carefully. So it appears that Victoria was let go from Reddit. So they're going to interpret that as being fired.
Starting point is 01:41:14 And Victoria, as you guys mentioned, she was responsible for bringing in the AMAs from Barack Obama, Channing Tatum, Amy Poehler, Julian Assange, and a bunch of others. So she is the reason that these great AMA guests came in. So the subreddit called IMA, right, ask me anything, or I guess I AMA, I don't know what that is. Something ask me anything. It's the AMA subreddit. It's the big AMA, I just don't know what the I is all about, I forgot. I don't either. Anyway, they privated themselves in protest and other
Starting point is 01:41:47 subreddits have followed suit in solidarity. Ah, let's private PKA. Let's do it. Right now. All this inside baseball means that you, Reddit, can't get your fix of interesting Ask Reddit threads or take part in celebrity interviews or learn about science or history.
Starting point is 01:42:03 Some of the ones that got shut down are RIMA. That's the big ask me anything thing. AskReddit, which is a really big one to me. RScience, RGaming, which used to be a default subreddit. I don't know if it still is, but that means there's tons of people subscribed. RHistory, RArt,
Starting point is 01:42:20 and RMovies have all made themselves private in solidarity to protest. RMovies? That's my favorite. RMovies is your favorite? art and our movies have all made themselves private in solidarity to protest movies that's that's my favorite well our movies is your favorite ask reddit is one of my favorites a lot of the a lot of pka questions have been from ask reddit like they just ask something that is our television is there that's cool uh so what do you want to start working on a reddit competitor because it feels like it's tearing itself from the ground up really hard like the fat people hate thing a couple weeks
Starting point is 01:42:46 so you have this and people are saying that online too. This thing is like self imploding. You should hire her back. I don't know why you'd fire someone so important. This is your liaison between one of the most popular subreddits you have. One of the interesting things about Reddit
Starting point is 01:43:03 so I was into dig before reddit like a lot of people were i don't know if you guys were really like this is a while ago it's like i was aware of it okay so i was in i was a really active person on dig i didn't have a ton of uh i forget what your dig points were called you hadn't dug in many very many holes but you had a few. There you go. That's fine. I wasn't special or anything on Dig.
Starting point is 01:43:28 I wasn't knocking on the door of Century Club like I am on Reddit. But I was super active on Dig. And one day it just collapsed. But I always thought, like, Dig looks so much better than Reddit. Why do people even like Reddit? And then it just got to be Reddit had so much more content. I liked it more. But now I realize Reddit's UI was great. It was totally functional. reddit and then it just got to be right it had so much more content i liked it more but now i
Starting point is 01:43:45 realized reddit's ui was great it was totally functional it could fit so much on a page if they took reddit and added like horizontal bars and like separated each topic and i think it would suck reddit's really i love reddit it's it's so perfectly designed for just flipping my thumb up over and over and over until it's sore and just going through link after link. Today, all those links are grayed out. I read Reddit today. I have read it. You've read it. Yeah, and I think we've all been there.
Starting point is 01:44:19 We've had one of those days where we read it and the first 500, maybe 1 a thousand posts like maybe we didn't click them and like get but but we at least read the comments or a great amount in some way or another like like it's funny because i don't use it as much as you guys but sometimes i'll get bored and just go all right let's hit all and i'll go through this and i'll be like you guys see this this and that you're like yeah so oh yeah oh yeah it's a little depressing it's like i found this cool thing saying i already saw it i already read it i usually don't send woody like my my reddit finds because like i know he's he he also reads it he knows he's seen all that shit uh i i uh i really love reddit it's uh it's one of my favorite time killing
Starting point is 01:44:56 things to do and it's not just for killing time you know it's it's i i get my i get all my news from reddit which is maybe a liberal uh taste of things, but I think I'm good enough at sorting things out for myself. I have a hard time figuring out if the Internet's liberal or if the people are liberal, right? Like I want to say you could argue that the Internet is a filter, which gives you like a liberal viewpoint, right? a liberal viewpoint, right? Or is it just that we're not subject to the views of those multi-millionaires out there who want to give you
Starting point is 01:45:30 a conservative viewpoint? The reason Reddit seems liberal is because it is. And the reason it is is because, first of all, you're breaking things down a few times. So first, people who are connected to the internet. By and large, there are more liberals on the internet than conservatives.
Starting point is 01:45:45 I would guarantee it. Because they're younger. That and a lot of my... Look at the populace of young people like me. Some guy came by my booth at the gun show. He's about 55 or so. He was like, so what's all this about blah, blah, blah? And we explained it to him or whatever.
Starting point is 01:46:02 And he's like, oh, the internet. That's how they get you. And walks away like like he was he was serious like like there are some people who feel that way and those people tend to be more conservative i would say they think maybe they're gonna get the mark of the beast on them or something by shopping on amazon you never know uh we talked about the mark of the beast before the show a little bit it's the i watch yeah it is the i watch but um i'm sorry where was i going with all this what we're talking about the mark of the beast before the show a little bit it's the i watch yeah it is the i watch but um i'm sorry where was i going with all this what we're talking about the filter of the in and in my yeah so many people on the internet though i can't it or is the internet the unfiltered
Starting point is 01:46:38 version i okay well see i would pose where is the conservative reddit then you know if it's not just the internet as a whole, is it liberal? Those exist. There's tons of forums and boards where it's all conservative. I've never heard of it. There's no public internet company going that isn't somewhat more liberal than you. I've never heard of a conservative. No, there are.
Starting point is 01:46:54 There's lots of conservative places to go on the internet. Sure. There's What's His Face website, previous TV, What's His Face, where Woody ended up. Drudge Report? Oh, you're talking about glenn beck's website yeah glenn yeah i've made a couple visits on that he doesn't like me a lot like 20 comments over there you have red outlets no doubt but to say the internet is 50 50 i would just disagree because the areas that have i bet there's a fundamentalist christian reddit
Starting point is 01:47:19 out there somewhere called like i don't know there's christian mingle every time i make like some other media site like cnn or glenn beck's website never flattering but i could give a fuck i'm always like all right free views yeah well in any case yeah and i think reddit is just more liberal because of the nature of reddit you know it's it's uh there's a lot of more liberal reddit's more liberal uh there's there's conservative and liberal sides of youtube like they can you see like i do is read the comments you'll see it if you're into gun stuff i think you'll find a lot of conservative um people on youtube uh i would just say it's not 50 50 i would even is which one and i'm trying to there's like if you're like all right there's 300 million people who go to YouTube,
Starting point is 01:48:08 but those are just the liberals. I'm like, is it? Or are we starting to represent the actual population? There's so many people. Could it be that conservatives are a very vocal minority, a very heavy, people who are much more likely to vote, do they think they get better turnout amongst their population all the time? Right. Like some people who vote liberal are black.
Starting point is 01:48:29 And unless Obama's running, they're notoriously underrepresented at the polls. Right. They don't show to vote for some reason. Why do you think that is? Because they make them wait 12 days with no bathroom to go vote in their particular county. That is actually a thing their voting experience is much and so if we're talking about black and urban then um the the places where they vote have longer lines and that sucks my voting experience i swear to god i just i walk
Starting point is 01:48:57 in there there's like no line there's i don't even know, like 50 polling things. I did videos, but you can't bring your camera right in there. You can't film other people voting. But I don't even know. There must be 50 different lines to vote. There's no wait at all. The slowest thing about it is how long it takes me to check the boxes. But if you're in, I'll say, a poor urban area, there could be seven or eight or 12-hour lines to vote.
Starting point is 01:49:27 I don't like how we vote. Why don't people vote by mail? Why don't they vote by mail? I don't like how we vote at all. I feel like our current system has tons of bullshit in it. I feel like there's voter fraud. I feel like every election includes a large amount of voter fraud. And I think it changes the outcomes of elections regularly.
Starting point is 01:49:46 voter fraud and i think it changes the outcomes of elections regularly and i think that it skews the outcomes of elections which in turn skews public opinion about politics regularly you know in a lot of cases another thing i i feel like is why don't black people vote that skewed public opinion of about politics i think is ripe there and maybe so maybe they feel very underrepresented like no one's looking out for them. Who gets voted in is such an important thing. And people have so much to gain and or lose by affecting the outcome of those elections that I feel like, like, in my
Starting point is 01:50:16 head, I was trying to think of, quickly think of a way to, like, you know, like, get around all the corruption. And all I came up with quickly was, like, having a guy with a big box of, like, voter cards being like, George stevens votes obama and like on a giant board they go jimmy stevens votes obama and like you just have to go one by one and if jimmy stevens goes no i fucking didn't then you know and that's it that's it i don't see any other way there's crazy stuff so i don't know what's the deal lately but if you go back like eight years when like electronic voting
Starting point is 01:50:51 was just starting to become a thing they're like there's no paper trail there's no paper trail right when you vote it goes in the database that's the end of it i'm like why isn't there a paper trail oh you're just begging there's two outcomes of not having a paper trail. One, people can cheat, right? You can fuck up the system and just like take his vote for Obama and make it for Bush or vice versa, right? I don't know what's happening by the time I press the button on the screen to what's going in the database. We need a paper trail to do that. The other thing that can happen is people cannot trust you, which is also a problem. Even if you don't cheat, even if your machine's flawless,
Starting point is 01:51:26 why don't we have a paper trail that goes with it? The ATM machine can make a paper trail. This isn't like cutting edge technology. They just fucking print out two copies. One goes in a box, one goes in your hand, and you can always like check it. Yeah, yeah, the box one matches the hand one. And 99.9% of the time they won't need the paper trail. But it's there% of the time, they won't need the paper trail.
Starting point is 01:51:46 But it's there. I don't know what's hard about a paper trail. Well, I would just like us to implement texting in our answers for who we vote for. That's the joke a lot of communities use. If you could text it in like American Idol, everyone would vote. I like that idea. There needs to be some sort of secure way that involves a credit card or something but then of course they'll say that you know well these this group of people doesn't have credit cards it's not hard all right you punch in your social security number into this
Starting point is 01:52:14 app you get to vote and guess what like depositing a check from my phone send me an email i like send me an email confirmation to my fucking email with my verified vote status and what i marked for everything like a bank receipt there we're done why do we not have this by now how old do i have to be where i can just vote from home why does it have to be mail order or you know going to a stupid booth where because i think everyone you would see a lot more i think you'd see a lot more liberal voting if that were the case because back to the internet argument again, those people have computers and phones and networking to then cast their votes. And my goal isn't to get more liberal voting. My goal is to get more accurate voting, to get the entire population's word heard.
Starting point is 01:52:57 Represented, yeah, because I feel like, as you said, there's a vocal minority of conservatives that get their way time and time again. minority of conservatives that get their way time and time again. And while I'm very fiscally, I think in a lot of ways I'm fiscally conservative, and on a lot of issues, especially on gun stuff, I'm very conservative about that. But on a lot of social issues, I'm super conservative. My thing has always been like, you're right, liberal. Because my thing has always been, I just don't care about gay marriage. I just don't care about, yeah, not even a little. And if it doesn't affect me, then I don't care about it marriage. I just don't care about... Social issues never affect you. Yeah, not even a little.
Starting point is 01:53:28 And if it doesn't affect me, then I don't care about it. And so I'm liberal. I say, do what you will because it has nothing to do with me. Who am I to tell you you can't do the thing you want to do? And who the fuck are you to tell me I can't do the thing I want to do with my gun? That's how I roll. Yeah, I... God, yeah. I feel like these positions
Starting point is 01:53:45 are better matched than everybody else seems to think they are right it oh god it's weird to me how conservatives and liberals have divided up the issues right how the pro-life group is also the pro-capital punishment group right like it's like they put these issues in a random grab bag and i'm not the one that that first came up with this observation. I don't pretend to be. But yeah, pro-war is another one. Like, yeah, yeah, human life is so valuable. But, you know, I'm the first guy to sign up an 18-year-old to kill my 18-year-old to kill your 18-year-old in a war.
Starting point is 01:54:19 Carlin's bit. If you're pre-born, you're fine. If you're pre-schooled, you're fucked. Because once you're fucking born, we don't care. No social, no benefits, no food stamps, none of that shit. Conservatives don't want any of that stuff for you to help you once you've had your little baby right there. You know, go send them to war. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:54:37 But, like, you know, we'll protect the fetus as much as we can. A lot of that goes back to Christian fundamentalism. And a lot of that's coming from, you know, a lot of that goes back to christian fundamentalism and and a lot of the a lot of that's coming from you know straight out of that a lot of those moral uh there's laws that are just based on some morality that doesn't really i mean matter anymore uh they're just silly very silly well the thing i always like bring up about gay marriage or at least that like sticks in my head but i don't like to argue with people about this sort of thing is like in leviticus whatever whatever it says you know if a man should lay with another man they should be put to death and their blood shall be upon them which basically means they shall be stoned i think is how it goes well it says their blood they shall surely be put to death
Starting point is 01:55:16 is that right and their blood will be upon them which means that kill them and it's not it's nothing on you they their death is on them they they deserve the same but then like there's the whole thing about sodomy which is like the same offense and sodomy includes oral sex with your wife so like that that's that's my thing that i don't understand you can't have anal sex with your wife you can't uh get a blow job from your wife all of those things uh you know or sodomy just as you know two guys fucking each other would be sodomy if a man has if a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman both of them have done what is distaste detestable sorry they are to be put to
Starting point is 01:55:57 death their blood will be on their own heads or their blood is upon them, if you like the English Standard Version. I do. This is a Gill's exposition. If a man lie with mankind, it's a sin of sodomy. It's a breach of law, et cetera, et cetera. And it ends with slain by stoning. And I'll admit, I thought it was the one Kyle was talking about. Is yours Leviticus 20.13? 18.22. But Leviticus 18.22. Anyway,22. But Leviticus 18.22.
Starting point is 01:56:26 Anyway, I saw on the internet a solution to this. If a man gets stoned for laying with another man, they need to legalize marijuana along with gay marriage, and we're set. I'd start fucking men if that happened. Then everything's cool, right? Right, yeah. If a man lays with another man, he's got to...
Starting point is 01:56:47 Like a guy immediately runs over. He should be stoned. Come on, bro, smoke this. Come on. It's what God wants. It gets you into heaven. All right. Hey, it's all up to interpretation on how you want to read that.
Starting point is 01:56:57 Yeah, the Bible is meant to be interpreted, right? You take it literally. Broad strokes, okay? Broad strokes. I have a video to watch. Literal. Literal. It all happened. Rod strokes, okay, I have a video to watch literal It all happened
Starting point is 01:57:10 Check out this guy earning Bush and all I want to learn how I want someone to explain to me how those animals fit fit in the art because We know what a cube it is so we can define the size of the ark and then we know how many fucking animals there Are like I don't think good fits. I don't think that I don't think the population of the atlanta zoo could fit in noah's ark not the same i don't know atlanta zoo might be kind of small san diego zoo is impressive got pandas motherfucker it's all obviously made up right there are so many holes in this story things that can't be true there are people who what is it like 99 of all species are? So now take however many are still around? Obviously it's made up. It's a fucking boat.
Starting point is 01:57:52 Kyle, can you repeat what you were saying before about the observation and such? You phrased it so well. I don't know if you want to say it on the show. Observation. People looking for paranormal or something like that. Oh, yeah. I was saying that if you're looking for something hard enough, then you'll see it everywhere. So if you believe in aliens
Starting point is 01:58:07 and you're always looking for aliens, you'll see signs of extraterrestrials. You'll see, you'll interpret things that way. If it's ghosts, the same thing. You're in spooky houses listening for noises, you're going to hear noises. And if you believe that stuff, then you're going to see miracles everywhere
Starting point is 01:58:23 and you're going to start putting pieces together in your head that somehow make all these Bible stories. Virgin Mary on toast and trees. Yeah, that's sort of, and you're going to start looking, you know, the Bible stories that we find a bit ridiculous, and we all view as sort of fables. Here's a perfect way to explain. I said this to my girlfriend the other night. The stories in the Bible, like say Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, Moses and the Israelites, they all are about as real. They're all about as true as the story of the briar rabbit. And they're all about as useful because you can learn something from all of those stories.
Starting point is 01:59:14 And it doesn't matter that a serpent didn't actually walk on legs and then deceive Eve into eating a magical apple. And then God didn't come down and curse the serpent to crawl on his belly from then on. And none of that happened. It's a parable. It's teaching you something. It's making you a better person. It's a parable. It's teaching you something. It's making you a better person. It's a learning experience. It's something for you to hear and take something from,
Starting point is 01:59:32 just like the story of the briar rabbit is. Or the tortoise and the hare. Any of those. Take one. Yeah. I mean, it is. Same with the Ten Commandments and all that. It's like, hey, we need some rules around here because people are a little chaotic. Ten Commandments seem a lot like Han and Robbie's Cove.
Starting point is 01:59:44 I was talking to someone about the mark of the beast today we'll leave that poor guy out of it but uh the mark of the beast it no one describes what it looks like the bible does say that you'll need the mark of the beast on either the top of your right hand or your forehead to buy or sell anything i'm getting it pretty close here because we were just looking it up recently the top of your right hand or your forehead to buy or sell anything. I'm getting it pretty close here because we were just looking it up recently. So they say the mark of the beast is a V-chip. It's going to be under your skin and you're going to use it.
Starting point is 02:00:15 You're going to swipe it. It was basically like a credit card, low jack, whatever embedded under your skin. He told me that it would have like a federal ID or a social security number in it too. And it would be a microchip under your hand. And he's extrapolating a whole lot from this you'll need a mark to buy or sell, which to me seemed like the Bible was talking about more of a tattoo, which would be in line with the technology of the day.
Starting point is 02:00:39 They're looking for like, oh, the mark of the beast. That's clearly the credit card in your skin, a little chip, or it's an iWatch. The iWatch is the mark of a beast because you need it to buy or sell. If you're constantly on the lookout for things in the Bible that sort of become true, then you'll find it. And that was interesting to me. He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand
Starting point is 02:01:08 or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Revelation 13, 16. So that sounds a lot to me like a, I don't know, like a chip in your hand or something. It doesn't sound like a chip in my hand at all. I hear Mark of the Beast and I think it's a mark, not an invisible under your skin chip. But what does it mean, more? Is it really just commerce? Like why the fuck is there a mark and why do you have to trade the whole, like why, if you have the Mark of the Beast you're not going up the rapture, you know?
Starting point is 02:01:42 I feel like there's a hidden subtext there we're not diving into. How are we supposed to think the Mark of the Beast is literally invisible? The Mark of the Beast clearly, like in that text, it's like you have to have his name or you have to have the number of names, the 666. The way I interpret that is that there's going to – so the Beast is the Antichrist, right? The Beast is some guy who's supposed to take over the world, basically, bring us all under one government, and all those other
Starting point is 02:02:10 signs of the seven signs of the apocalypse or whatever. And the way I... My mind immediately jumps to like, alright, how does that work in a modern world? Well, I don't know, maybe there's a global war and then we need a united nation now we need one guy to lead the armies of
Starting point is 02:02:25 you know the the act the the one side of the powers or something that side maybe there's a guy who takes over and then maybe in the future you need a little chip in your hand to buy stuff or something a little little uh little scannable chip to prove that you are you maybe there's a reason for that maybe maybe we get some some crazy artificial intelligence in the future a mark of the beast on your forehead or the top of your hand to me really seems like it's supposed to be a mark. It also mentions it could be the
Starting point is 02:02:51 guy's name or the 666, like the number of names he has. To say like, oh, they're probably talking about an embedded microchip under your hand feels to me like changing the rules just to fit. I agree with you 100 100 if you're looking everywhere for it they've found something that's not really there there's plenty of things you could read look
Starting point is 02:03:11 to right now and say that is the mark of the beast i told you about my mother's friends or whatever uh like when i was a child saying that the ingles advantage card was the mark of the beast because you apparently there was 666 was somewhere in the code of numbers And they were like ah look at this you need the mark of the beast to save money on groceries now like mark of the beast Don't get it or you're going to hell, and it's like really because I'm saving money on Froot Loops He's not gonna let me into heaven like just that's absurd I agree with woody though like if you've watched any movie where an apocalypse happens in the biblical sense Like, if you've watched any movie where an apocalypse happens in the biblical sense, the Mark of the Beast burns onto their right hand or their forehead 666.
Starting point is 02:03:54 But I don't know what any of that has to do with, like, commerce or any of that bullshit. You know, keep it in the tense of whatever, the year zero. I don't know what the point of it is or anything or why the Mark of the Beast is showing up. I don't know where that in the story happens with the rapture and all that shit. That's after the rapture. Exactly. Okay, it's after the rapture. Excuse me, it's before the rapture. No, it would be before the rapture
Starting point is 02:04:13 because those are the people who get left behind, right? And the others who aren't saved. Okay. I just read something about them drinking a cup full of God's wrath or something. And that cup shall be... It was like, and the cup shall be very full. It's like, shit. That doesn't sound
Starting point is 02:04:28 good. Yeah, if it's anything like this is the end, it ain't gonna be fun. Yeah, I think it's I think it's, uh, I don't like to go after little things like the rapture or something like that at the end times and say, oh, this is poorly written. It's much more, uh, I feel like you're better served by saying something, by looking at
Starting point is 02:04:44 things like the ark or the fact that, you know that there weren't a bunch of jews in israel ever building pyramids or anything like that like that didn't happen like the egyptians kept pretty good records and they never mentioned any of that shit happening so you know what i mean like that doesn't make sense and then all the animals on the ark and there's a bunch of stuff like that so regardless present day sense it's just fun to poke fun of the one particular guy i forget who it is who likes to claim that the rapture is happening like every five or ten years or whatever that guy like 1986 2000 2012 it's like why do you even still believe this guy like he's been wrong about 20 different instances and the other thing i'll say is the fact that none of those stories are real doesn't mean there's not a God.
Starting point is 02:05:26 Yeah. It also doesn't mean there's not some being, some omnipotent being. I don't think it means that the God of Abraham and Isaac isn't the true God. I don't think it definitely means that. I personally don't believe that. But I don't think that the fact that the art couldn't have been real or a lot of the stories are just plain outright fables means that none of that stuff's true. Video time? Yeah, what do you got here?
Starting point is 02:05:58 Gary. Chill out, Gary. Yeah. I'll let you be the judge. Are you ready? Mm-hmm. Three, two, one, play. I'll let you be the judge. Are you ready? Mm-hmm. Three, two, one, play. I'll cover it up when I got out here this morning.
Starting point is 02:06:09 It's still my property. Well, this is snow. And if you think you're going to keep snow on your property. You don't put your snow on my property. This is not my snow. This is not your snow. This is my property. This is the snow.
Starting point is 02:06:23 It doesn't matter. This is my property. Why are you being such an asshole? You don't blow your snow on my property! This is the snow. It doesn't matter. This is my property. Why are you being such an asshole? You don't blow your snow on my property. Poor Gary. You don't put any snow that was where you were on my property. Okay, Gary. You've scared me now.
Starting point is 02:06:37 I won't put snow on your property. Oh, go to hell, you fucking lunatic. I'm a lunatic. Look at yourself. You're the lunatic for covering this up. You want to see a picture of it that I took this morning? You're blowing your crap up here. You don't blow snow.
Starting point is 02:06:50 Look, his whole house is covered with snow. You're completely snow free, right? It is snow free. Because you're Gary, right? It is snow free all the way back to there. Okay, well this wasn't clear. Yes, it was clear. It was clear at 5 a.m.
Starting point is 02:07:05 It's on his window. I don't give a fuck who the hell hears it. Really? Okay, well then go ahead and yell louder. I have my hat on so it's protecting my ears. I'd do something about this if I were Gary. Soon I'll blow it here anymore. Okay, sir.
Starting point is 02:07:23 Now clear it out. Fuck you. I'm sorry I touched your garbage can. Oops. Sorry, Gary. Oh, my God. He's literally... I'll tell Chris I was trying to do something nice for him, and you came out here. What, you think I'm clearing off that garage for me?
Starting point is 02:07:58 Look at it, dumb fuck. Don't put it here! Where should I put it? I don't know where we should... Don't put it here! You tell me, Your Highness. Tell me where to put it. Show me! Not here! Where should I put it? I don't know where to put it. Don't put it here. You tell me, Your Highness. Tell me where to put it. Show me!
Starting point is 02:08:08 Not here! Okay. Okay. Bye. Have a nice day, Gary. Oh, shut up. You want to have a snow fight later? You want to have a snow fight later?
Starting point is 02:08:20 Fuck you, you motherfucking crap sucker. We would have a snow fight later. You threw a piece of cardboard in your recycle bin, Fuck you, you motherfucking cocksucker! We would have a snow fight later. I threw a piece of cardboard in your recycle bin and you took it out and put it on my... on the hood of my car. Because you don't want recycling to happen on your behalf for a piece of cardboard? You have your own can! No I don't. Why are you yelling? Shut the fuck up, asshole!
Starting point is 02:08:40 Okay. I'm quiet now. You go ahead, Gary. Tell the world what you want them to hear. Get off my can, asshole! Oh, you don't want me to touch your garbage can? I'm quiet now. You go ahead, Gary. Tell the world what you want them to hear. Get off my can, asshole! Oh, you don't want me to touch your garbage can? I'm sorry. You're right. It is a beautiful garbage can. Stuck in the snow. And I would hate to mess it up with my fingerprints. That would be horrible, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 02:08:56 What a fucking sociopath you are. I love Gary. Hey, Gary, have a nice day. It was nice talking to you, buddy. Good talking to you, buddy. I think Gary, have a nice day. It was nice talking to you, buddy. Good talking to you, buddy. I think Gary's got a point. That guy blew that snow up on his house, and it's covering the window. I don't know much about it.
Starting point is 02:09:14 If it's a wooden house, that can't be good for it, right? As someone who's formerly lived in a cold climate, you could run out of places for snow. If you're in Boston last year, the snow just piles and piles. The next time it snows, it's on top of places for snow. Like if you're in Boston last year, snow just piles and piles. The next time it snows, it's on top of the old snow. You could run out of places to store your snow. And this fucker is just piling his snow up on poor Gary's property? Fuck that, fuck that guy.
Starting point is 02:09:39 And he's like, I'm just trying to do something nice. Fuck you, no you weren't. You know goddamn well you don't have a place for your snow, so you're putting it on Gary's property. Now, Gary's a little bit of a psychopath with the don't touch my trash can thing. I think what I... I break it all down to this emotional bank account, right? That guy's made so many withdrawals that you're no longer allowed to touch Gary's trash can, right? Gary might let his wife or his mom or someone he likes touch the
Starting point is 02:10:03 trash can, you know, not a big deal. But fucking Snowblower Man does it and Gary's flipping out. You know why? He made too many emotional withdrawals from the old bank account there. I don't like to picture that at all. I like to imagine Gary is just constantly like this, like flying off the handle. That's way more entertaining than they have a long relationship of this guy fucking Gary. No, I think Gary is to just be snappy
Starting point is 02:10:27 He's like you know it is like hey I put my cardboard in your recycle bin and you flip it and and you know you put it on one he put it on The hood of his car in retaliation like that's where it fucking belongs He's got a little bit of a crazies, maybe but is, this guy is an asshole, though. You don't use other people's trash cans. You don't just throw snow on the entire side of someone's house. I was on a woodworking forum like 15 years ago. I don't know how long ago. And some guy was like, hey, that guy used my trash can.
Starting point is 02:10:58 How should I get him back? And half of the people were like, oh, yeah. He put trash in your trash can? I would sprinkle bird seed around his car. Let the birds get them back on your behalf. Right? It's like, oh, fucking clever old people on this forum. Right?
Starting point is 02:11:13 But because it's woodworking and a lot of them woodworkers are older. Anyway, but the other half were like me. Like, really? He put trash in your trash can? Knock yourself out. You know? Unless you're consistently short on room in your trash can knock yourself out you know like unless you're consistently short on room in your trash can which i am lately but you know like to me i got no room for others in my trash can down here either not a square to spare in apex i felt like i had two
Starting point is 02:11:40 trash cans and a recycling the recycling though was was just like almost a cart you'd carry around Target or something. It wasn't that big. But I always had extra room. You can knock yourself out. And this one, a lot of it's because we buy furniture. Like, you know, it seems like every week there's some sort of like chair coming off the internet. And I can barely fit all my trash and, you know, peanuts and styrofoam, whatever. But, yeah, if you put your trash on top of my trash in the can,
Starting point is 02:12:07 I just don't care at all. Knock yourself out. I'm not even being nice. I just don't care in the slightest. It's like a footprint on my grass. Nah, fuck you. You budget your own trash better. Don't be smooching off of my cans.
Starting point is 02:12:23 Chiz knows how I budget my trash. You throw it all out, you burn the rest. You burn the rest. You make a 10 foot tall fucking fire is what you do. The taller the fire, the shorter you gotta watch it. Wave those fumes. That's called
Starting point is 02:12:39 recycling. You burn all that cardboard and styrofoam. It goes up in the air. Yeah. If the flame is green and purple, you burn something cool. A lot of fluorescent light bulbs and stuff. A lot of plastic and roofing materials, probably, it sounds like. Who knows? You don't look at everything you put in the fire, do you?
Starting point is 02:13:05 Yeah. You burn it. The entry for the trash pile is, does it fit everything you put in the fire, do you? Yeah. You burn out. The entry for the trash pile is, does it fit? It goes in the fucking trash pile. That's how that works. Yeah. Shinkles burn green. It seems like every week we incinerate the remainder of our trash.
Starting point is 02:13:16 This week was no different. We had a system now. We put the trash in the thing. Might need some gasoline. Might not. Depends on how many paper products you get rid of. And then we take the trash to the curb, which takes a little while.
Starting point is 02:13:28 You load it on the back of the golf cart, take it to the curb. By the time you drive back, you're ready to supervise this enormous fire. And this last fire we built was big. And our fire pit that we enjoy and stuff has these swings that go around it. And I was like, that swing might catch
Starting point is 02:13:46 because the wind's blowing flames. The flames are licking the wooden swings and stuff. I had to go in there with the poking stick and straighten things out. We burn some shit every week. It's no joke. Ten foot fires are just the start. We just want everyone to remember that this
Starting point is 02:14:04 episode of Painkiller Already is being brought to you by Squarespace. Pretty much the best way to build a website if you want a website. The thing is, your site is going to look professionally designed regardless of your skill level. There's no coding or anything required. They use intuitive and easy to use tools
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Starting point is 02:14:47 yep yeah best if you need a website there's nobody better that's where you go pka ddos protection built into it amazing tools you can get some pro looking stuff without pro skills that's awesome you don't want to deal with all the stress of learning htmml you know ddos protecting it no you pay eight bucks a month cheaper if you go with us, and they do it all for you. Why wouldn't you? Or the expense. A lot of people have a good idea for a website, but they don't have the expertise to build it or the money to invest in a full protection scheme. And solves your problems.
Starting point is 02:15:23 Yeah, they do e-commerce and stuff. It's really cool that they'll set that up for you very cool all right uh i'm looking at more topics here oh did you guys see the oh i bookmarked a walmart uh rampage oh i want to see this but can i can i go get another cup of coffee first you can't see it because the subreddit is now private. It was on our videos. It's on YouTube, though, right? Or LiveLeak or WorldStarHipHop. I'll look and see.
Starting point is 02:15:53 It was a link to a YouTube video. I'll see if I can find it while you're doing your thing. I'll be right back. I need more coffee. Yeah, get up and go. I didn't have to pee or anything. Oh, I can find it, actually. It's a rightful passion. Yeah, i'll link it up all right this thing so kyle's gone and what happens it's the cheese show i just recently caught the uh the pk and that was recorded when i was over there so i didn't
Starting point is 02:16:22 watch until just now when i was uploading them and whatnot you did a very it wasn't even my rhyme you did your own rhyme for that part what was my rhyme pk slash pk it's where the sexy people go to pay there's something else like get your painkiller right away i think that was it no wasn't that either no but i remember it i was like that isn't even my rhyme slash pka sexy people get pka right away no it's a lot of syllables a lot of syllables in that one a little bit of a tongue twister there yeah yeah it's the cheers show slash pka go and sign up right away
Starting point is 02:17:16 I think that was it yeah I think it was go sign up right away if you guys are unfamiliar with patreon there will be an annotation on the side of the screen you can go there. You can do a monthly hangout with us. You can get Patreon early before everybody else. You can get
Starting point is 02:17:30 the video version of Painkiller Nearly, which is a cool thing. And the prices are super low. I forget where the awesome stuff happens, but it's like $5 or $10 a month. $5 for the video for this, $10 for PKN. Really, both are amazing values. I definitely recommend the video for PKN. Really, both are amazing values. I definitely recommend the video for PKN.
Starting point is 02:17:47 $10 a month. That's nothing. Save some money for lunch one day. You got it. Every month. Yeah, yeah. And then we appreciate it because you kind of support the show and you make this all happen. We love you for it.
Starting point is 02:18:02 Your new knife. My new knife. Yeah, I forgot about this thing. I like the way that it flips. It's a Kershaw. Yeah. Yeah, so Kershaw knives. I have one too. I liked mine.
Starting point is 02:18:14 I've started carrying this Leatherman, and I'm so happy with it. I use it for stuff all the time. I didn't know how often I needed a Leatherman. I actually had a Leatherman, I think. Or is this just pliers? Somebody gave this to me. It looks like a Gerber. Is that a Leatherman?
Starting point is 02:18:32 I don't think it's a Leatherman. I know it turns into pliers. Ow! And there's stuff on the... Yeah, there's stuff on the inside too. Let's see. Pull this out. I got a... It looks like one of your things whatever that thing in the middle is like yeah it looks like it's maybe a screwdriver on
Starting point is 02:18:50 the top and a bottle opener on the side yeah and then uh this is a flathead or a nail file it's a flathead and this thing is a divot in it what's on this side there's a others a Phillips head on this side I get that out dude I could let me show mine off for a moment um this is my Leatherman says Leatherman on one side I know this video is kind of small and it says Woody's Gamertag on the other side because you can get them engraved and I think that's super cool um probably the thing I use the most is the knife as far as go, it does everything I want but it's tiny. Like it's small for cutting boxes, it's small for cutting things, but there's never been a situation where I'm like, oh this knife
Starting point is 02:19:33 is too small for it to do the job. And it came really sharp. So that's the knife. It's small. On the other side is a nail file with I guess a flathead on the end. This is probably the thing that I use the least. I sometimes do fingernails and toenails with it, but that's what I use it for. Whatever. It's a nail file. Kyle gave me a funny look, like you don't file nails or toenails. I don't know why.
Starting point is 02:19:56 I don't file mine. I have a system. I find that filing, especially, like, let's say I clipped it and I left, like, a corner sharp and suddenly that corner, like, four days growth later becomes like a weapon that just cuts things or scratches then the file just like I can get that without all the dangerous corner maintenance like cutting skin or go on the way I clip my nails is I start at one edge yes scoop in real deep and I'm making
Starting point is 02:20:24 rounded I'm making rounded... I'm rounding it off as I go. If you clip straight on the top, then you end up with a square front and jagged edges on either side. But if you start at the farthest to the left or right, all the way to the side of your finger and take
Starting point is 02:20:39 the deepest clip you're comfortable taking without getting to the quick, and then you take... It takes a lot of clicks to go around a finger it might take i don't know five six something like that but you get you ended up with a rounded nail that's pretty short and then it sounds silly but like my showers got like stone tile and i do this and file all my nails at the exact same time in like that's five seconds i do my nails the same way, but with my toenails, I guess I'm less coordinated or something. I don't scratch walls with my feet or anything. No, no, no.
Starting point is 02:21:10 I don't do the edges as well. So sometimes I'm like... Anyway, let me go through the rest of the stuff. This is new to me. Do you see it's kind of pointy? I thought it was like a hole poker or something that I didn't understand at first. It's a two... Oh, you guys can't, but the camera can.
Starting point is 02:21:24 I'll give you a look too. This is a two, oh you guys can't but the camera can. I'll give you a look too. This is a two dimensional Phillips head. So you know how normally there's four prongs? This is two and it works super well. Now I wouldn't want to tighten like wood screws or something that takes a lot of, I have actually but not the initial hole. You had a big job.
Starting point is 02:21:41 This is for that little job so you don't have to go get the screwdriver. This is for that tightening, that thing you't have to go get the screwdriver this is for that tightening that thing you noticed a thing that's loose or whatever that and it's it's so handy and this is the flathead equivalent um i guess it's a bottle opener and flathead i never use the bottle opener part but there's the flathead and those things i use a lot and that's why i think i'm preferring this over a knife. When I used my knife, half the time I used it, it was in a situation where scissors would be better or in a situation where
Starting point is 02:22:11 a screwdriver would be better. And some true knife people are like, oh my god, I can't believe you used a knife as a screwdriver. But it was in my pocket and it was handy and that's why. These scissors, you would think that they're too small and they suck and i suppose if you're cutting like gift wrapping or something they are too small but they come in handy a lot you know you can cut tape with it you can cut um like duct tape if you don't want to rip it or it's not ripping well for you of course little tags off and things like that it turns out that really well-built high quality scissors even though they're small or more useful than you might guess. And this Leatherman shit seems to be built really well. I used some scissors like that in Texas.
Starting point is 02:22:51 We had to cut a lot of string. And you would think a blade would have been better. Maybe I just didn't have a blade. But I used some scissors like that, and they worked just fine. And I had to cut, like, hundreds of strings. And these pliers, I thought I would use them the most, but they're probably the thing I use the least. come in here i used them today actually oh are they spring ah yeah they're springy there's a little yeah i like that they work um they're they're good
Starting point is 02:23:15 pliers i used them today i know when the uh um my go-kart had an electrical short so it kept popping fuses uh when during the team building event we were running around in the go-kart and i use the pliers to pull the fuse and fix it and stuff a couple times in a day like i use them and i just i'm finding this little baby leatherman to be a lot more useful than my knives were huh although i'll say this i didn't carry a knife for self-defense i didn't but i kind of liked that i had a knife that worked in self-defense situations. Let me grab it. Yeah, I've often thought of that. Like, you know, you could quickly...
Starting point is 02:23:51 It sounds silly, but like... Yeah, mine that's similar to that. Or like, this one's bigger. But like, any knife, really! The point we're making is that, yeah,, you feel safer if you got a knife. Like, you know, nobody's going to rape you right then and there. No rape for me today. If I don't have this, though, it's going down.
Starting point is 02:24:14 Yeah. So this Leatherman knife seems to get the job done when I need to. I need to break down boxes a lot. Like we buy a lot of stuff off Amazon and even more stuff since the house like bigger boxes with tables and shit um and this little knife always does it but it also seems especially worthless in a self-defense situation don't you come here you son you gotta put your bitch i'm gonna clip your fucking ass come here there's a very small fingernail little thing that's not spring-loaded whatever this i honestly, I honestly felt like I could pull it out of my pocket and get my hands on it if I needed to. With some stabbing.
Starting point is 02:24:47 But it's a very uncommon situation. It just felt nice to know it was there. Does anyone want to take it? I've never opened this. I was given this a while ago. So this is the knife on mine. It's pretty long and sharp. But I don't know what this is.
Starting point is 02:24:59 It looked like a knife. And it's kind of, like, curved, like a razor on here. Is it a hole reamer? But it's not sharp at all. Like, it's kind of like curved like a razor on here but it's not sharp at all like it it's not sharp so i've seen that in uh in my dad's multi-tool i've used it for like whatever you know random jobs that seem like it would be good for no idea what it's actually for though yeah it feels like a good like it looks like an old-timey can opener like when you're gonna say like you pop the can with a hole in it or whatever if you drink them like that yeah you it beats me there's there's
Starting point is 02:25:27 lots of little things like that that yeah I don't know what that's for what kind of tool is that I know what it's for show it again you're gonna have to give me a second is that a Leatherman I don't know what it is I was just given it hmm yeah yep now I'm positive that is anl awl and the way you use it is you poke a hole with the sharp point and then you rotate and twist it to enlarge the hole good call ah okay that makes sense yeah like like for example if you were to gain or lose weight and you needed a new hole in your belt that would be the tool that you'd use i see i like that. Very good call. That's exactly right. Yeah. Makes sense. I like tools.
Starting point is 02:26:08 I like tools too. I fixed my alignment on my truck recently. The tire was wearing bald on one edge or something. I'm like, I'm getting new tires. I really need to... You didn't get Coopers, did you? You know what? They tried to sell me Coopers. They didn't have the BFGs in stock.
Starting point is 02:26:24 They'd take a day and like but we got coopers right here i was like i can't now nothing but pirellis for that fine automobile right there the thinnest tire you can get so when you go off-roading you're faster than those squirrels i you know i was looking at coopers and i'm like i don't know what to think of the cooper should i get the coopers but i got the bfgs they'd totally be approved on the on the wings uh scale but um i like tools too and i i have a um a toolbox you have a tool chest yeah i got a couple of them um i've got a lot of tools uh that i don't use at all like i i've got like full at one point i went out and bought everything that i thought i would ever need
Starting point is 02:27:03 and so like i got all the air tools and all power tools and I've got saws and I've got, I've got, you know, you've seen all that tooling. I think that I've got, you know, the lathes and the machine presses and I got, I got boxes of tooling for that stuff.
Starting point is 02:27:16 If I knew how to use it. I met a guy today. It's my lawyer actually that I was telling you about that. I don't want to get too in depth about what, what he does, but he, um, he's going to be a rape charges i think yeah i'm begging chis not to press but what are you gonna do so like uh i think i need to become friends with that guy honestly because he was telling me today
Starting point is 02:27:38 he's like oh yeah i know how to use a lathe and machine press and uh and all like all the machinery that i've got like he knows how to use it but yeah I got a ton of tools interest I have um so I had I bought a lot of tools kind of one by one as I started building my personal skill set like go see so I bought this off-road buggy and then I fixed it and rebuilt the suspension and learned welding and all sorts of stuff and and as I was doing it I'd buy the tools I needed so that left me with a lot of mismatched sort of tools in a bag that I carried around. I have a tool bag because it makes less noise. And then I bought a tool chest because like getting all my shit out
Starting point is 02:28:15 and putting it away from the bag became a big part of the job. And now I have a tool chest and I went to Sears and I bought one of their big things. Like, I don't know, I'll get the number wrong for sure, but they're like, this is the 1,800 piece tool set. Like that's the one. And now I have all the, what do you need? 22 millimeter, six point, 12 point, six point deep socket or 12 point deep socket? You let me know because they're all there. So I have a tool chest, I think it's maybe four feet wide,
Starting point is 02:28:43 and I don't know how tall it is, but I can't see the top unless I'm on my tippy toes. And so it's like it's a pretty legit thing. And I'm super happy all the time. Like I need my tape measure. There's a spot for it. It's always in that thing. I need a ratchet set or a wrench or whatever. You accumulate tools over time.
Starting point is 02:29:02 But buying them in a pack, like a set, is so much cheaper. So I was like, well, I'll just have a tool bag for my truck that sort of lives there all the time. And I've got a set of tools for my garage that I use more often. Did you see the thing I sent from Adam Savage yesterday? Here it is again if you didn't see it. Adam Savage. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:22 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't like it. I don't like drawers. This is where things go to die. This is my solution. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't like it. I don't like drawers. This is where things go to die. This is my solution. No, I disagree completely. And I'll tell you what. If he doesn't like drawers, that tells me he probably doesn't work with wood mostly.
Starting point is 02:29:37 He totally does. You should see their YouTube channel. He's got a drawer system. You should see the drawer system he has. You talk about your set he has his imperial and his metric and it is fucking insane so the reason i think what he's got going on here is is so great for him is because he's constantly using those tools he's not pulling drawers open all the time you know this is the guy that's always working
Starting point is 02:30:01 crafting something to show it on the big screen and this is kind of like all of his tools really like there's like there's all kinds of stuff this is just pliers that's always working and crafting something. I need to show it on the big screen. And this is kind of like all of his tools, really. There's all kinds of stuff back there. This is just pliers. This is just pliers. Yeah. But there's... Wrenches. They're not all...
Starting point is 02:30:11 I can't think of what that thing is. I don't like it, man. There's like a riveting gun and there's some other stuff. I wouldn't swap. You go to my pliers, you pull out a drawer, it's a fucking display. They're all there. They all match. They're in rising sizes in their category.
Starting point is 02:30:24 How many pliers do you have? Even if you have 40, you're not on par. No, I don't. I don't. I probably have... I'm going to say 10, right? I feel like that would be a normal amount. No, you're coming in low.
Starting point is 02:30:38 I'm going to say 25. Okay. Maybe 20. Maybe I'm exaggerating. It looks like he's got 15 per row. And this is just the front. I'm going to say he's got duplicates and stuff though like I dude if you went to my toolbox I don't think you'd be like ah you're missing this. I've got pliers that you'd use to You know work on computers all the way up to pliers you'd used to work on oil refinery shit
Starting point is 02:31:02 Well, I'm sure he has the tiny small parts, too. Those go in a drawer. I'm looking at this. I like this. I could see the advantages to both. It's just... I think that he used... Because of the work that they do specifically, I bet this is pretty nice. Because, like, you're not always... You're counting on other people to put it back where they go. You don't have to... You know, it's like, exactly.
Starting point is 02:31:19 You don't open a drawer, set it back in its nice area, you put it out. This is something right on the hook. It's probably easier to like tell someone, because a lot of the projects that I've done that actually involve doing shit, it's like, Ricky, go get me the, no, no, the blue one with the, no, no, the green one with the snipping end with the,
Starting point is 02:31:37 I'll do this. Like right there. If you go to any garage in the world, you'll find almost every professional mechanic has a setup closer to mine than Adam Sandler and said that's true he's not a mechanic he's not a mechanic but you'll find very few people who like I saw his rack of bullshit over a well-organized tool chest he literally has your garage wall
Starting point is 02:32:00 cabinets with Imperial cabinets with metric he literally has every kind of uh socket and wrench you could have it's insane well the other thing is when they're building something just as constant i think he's got duplicates because like i can't it i might be missing some of the bigger stuff like once you get over like an inch and a half i don't have every socket to the 64th or whatever but um like i i got a lot of like my tools are right mostly i feel like this is just as like this is just i bet he's got 20 of these though like that's the other thing like now we're talking duplicates again now i do see the advantage of pulling it over to whatever table he's working at i bet he's got a lot of projects cooking at one time
Starting point is 02:32:39 i mean where his hammers you don't think this guy's has fit this guy owns 15 different kinds of hammer i got four kinds of hammer yeah i was gonna say i got four i don't know what i'm missing he's got oh there's all kinds of like rubber hammers and there's the i didn't count them i got i got i don't feel my rubber hammer i don't i got a rubber mallet and then i got a rubber um almost like club like it's got a green circular. That's nice for woodworking when you pound things together. And, um, I think my dad must have like,
Starting point is 02:33:08 I mean, he's, he's got some hammers that are, yeah, there's big hammers, right? Like, like sometimes I didn't count that either. Like the mini sledge.
Starting point is 02:33:16 Yeah. He's got like, it's like a six pound sledgehammer, but it's stuck on just a, a steel handle welded to it. And like, sometimes they're trying to break a tractor tire down or something like that. And there's lots of just pounding the fuck out of something.
Starting point is 02:33:31 I don't know. And there's lots of those metal working hammers that have softer, they're made of softer materials and stuff. I didn't count those either. You got those too? In particular, you know why I didn't count those? I don't count my metallurgy hammers. But I inherited them from my father-in-law who's dead.
Starting point is 02:33:48 So they kind of just sit in a toolbox because I don't really work. I have jewelry hammers and stuff like that. Really? That's cool. I don't know. If I were to reguess how many hammers I have, maybe I've got like 20 hammers. If you were to count all the hammers My video you could with a timestamp on it. You can click around to these are just some of his toolboxes
Starting point is 02:34:12 He has in the array of shit like from screws to actual sockets and tools and stuff like They literally it's a warehouse and Yeah, they do the stuff they do outside of mythbusters is way more interesting than impressive i don't know if i can hang with his stuff but i'm i'm i'm not that like i'm in his league dude like just ball bearings and and uh and uh and uh it's just bearings yeah i bought a thing of earrings i bought an old school card catalog that's maybe like five maybe four feet tall and four feet wide and then i took all those you know the super long card catalog drawers's maybe like five maybe four feet tall and four feet wide and then i took all those you know the super long card catalog drawers i don't know if people do i divided each of those
Starting point is 02:34:50 like i took i rebuilt the drawers and then i divided all of them into five sections so while i don't have i guess i don't have as many sections as i got a lot of shit little bits he's got he's got every drill bit yeah he's got a wall of drill bits he's this one thing is just oh and then the camera pans down and it's like more it's an apex right now i got a freaking like toolbox filled with drawer drill bits that weighs like 60 pounds i uh this is the kind of stuff i want in the end and the see i feel like this is why your house tour should be delayed until you are 100% set up. I would like to see it if this guy's tool chest,
Starting point is 02:35:30 I feel like part of your video should be the tool chest. Or maybe that should be a different video, maybe just like your workshop whenever it's finally assembled. Yeah, maybe when we build the shop and stuff. That's on me. Did you get an air compressor? I have two. So I've got the bigger, I have a 60-g Did you get an air compressor? I have two. So I've got the bigger.
Starting point is 02:35:46 I have a 60-gallon continuous-duty air compressor that could just – you'd use that for like – I want to say spray painting, but what do they call it, like HVAC painting or whatever? You mean like when you're painting a car or something? Yeah, yeah. So I've got an air compressor capable of running all day, continuous-duty, et cetera, that's 60 gallons. And then I have a little one that's probably two gallons or something that's easier to carry around.
Starting point is 02:36:09 It's super quiet. So, yeah, I don't know. I've just been handy at stuff for a while now. I started getting handy about 20 years ago, and then you just accumulate tools over time and people die handy i get it so so uh um but yeah a lot of my tools are in apex right now that uh off topic but that to catch a contractor show i've been watching and sending you snippets of one of the guys that fucked up and was so bad had a contractor's license an electrician's license a plumber's license and an hvax license this guy had every credential house in total disarray but your bomb fucking hit it really yeah he was the
Starting point is 02:36:51 most qualified fuck up they've ever had that's interesting i love that show i've never seen that show i actually saw like a few minutes of it at a hotel recently but i like adam carolla i remember him from the man show and he's he's the best part i'm sorry i'm cutting you off my apologies she's been sending me these things and and one he sent me in particular was my contractor so my con not not not literally my contractor but like he's but it's like he was quoting him you know like i didn't do that that's your subcontractor that's who you hired to do that stuff. Well, you know, like, he was, I guess he didn't know anyone, right? The problem with my contractor, the total fuck up jackass lying thief that he is,
Starting point is 02:37:33 he didn't have any industry contracts. Like, one of the things about a general contractor, like one of the things that makes him valuable is he's kind of vetted the subcontractors. He knows people, they work well together. You know, If I constantly hire this sub, that sub knows that for me to continue hiring, he needs to prioritize my work. He needs to do a good job because that's where most of my work comes from. He has to have his A-team that
Starting point is 02:37:57 he can assemble and a backup guy here and there. This guy didn't know fucking anybody. So he'd call the local supply house and say, hey, I need a guy that does like a tile or floors or something. And they just recommend random Jamal got recommended through that way. And he insists like, yeah, Jamal's, you know, that's not my problem. Like I didn't do it. It's Jamal. I really pro sources to blame here. Cause they're the ones that recommended Jamal. You fucking pieces of shit. How can you blame your subcontractor? You are your subcontractor. You're a general.
Starting point is 02:38:31 You don't even fucking turn a screwdriver. Your only job is to hire the right subcontractors and manage this. When you hire the wrong subs, you can't say you didn't do that. That was the clip that she sent. There's a new thing. You want to watch it? There's the clip if you want to watch it. I was the clip that Chiz sent. There's a new thing. Oh, you want to watch it? There's the clip if you want to watch it. I love this clip. I have a little piece of update
Starting point is 02:38:51 for my guy. But yeah, I'll watch it together. Are you ready? Yeah. You good, Kyle? Ready, set, play. You did a job. You didn't complete the job. I didn't do that job. What? You did the job. I did the job. I didn't do that job. What? You did the job. You didn't do the job. You did the job.
Starting point is 02:39:06 That was such. Whoa, back up, back up. You didn't build the deck? The deck was built by some guys I hired, yeah. But, dude, you collect the money. It's your contract. Yeah. I got on this deck,
Starting point is 02:39:16 and it felt like I was standing in a dinghy. If something had happened on this deck, you'd probably be going to jail. The French door, or as I call them, freedom doors, because I'm American, If something had happened on this deck, you'd probably be going to jail. The French door, or as I call them, freedom doors, because I'm American. This stucco looked like a drunk guy put it on with a playing card. Oh, man. Who did the stucco work?
Starting point is 02:39:37 One of my missing guys. Yeah, but listen. Let me just say something, Carl. You got to stop making a separation between you and your guys. You are your guys. I would have never done that. It's your responsibility to do the job. I gave you all of the money. Dude, that's literally a conversation I had with my GC. I said, you know, you are your subcontractor. I hired you to do this. When your subcontractor screws up, you screwed up. And they would like, they belong on to catch a contractor, these fuck ups. And the engineer called me, right?
Starting point is 02:40:14 So here's the deal. We were gonna build a shop with this guy because I'm stupid slow learner. I trust people, that's one of the mistakes I make. And I was like, all right, you know, I know the house isn't going great or anything, but let's talk about the shop and get that thing going. I've saved up my money.
Starting point is 02:40:30 There's no reason we can't do it now. And so he does, I remember I had a conversation with him. I'm like, you're in an interesting business. Like you're bidding this thing out and you have time and costs into this shop. And you don't even know if you have the deal yet. Right. Because I'm telling him like, I don't know your prices unless you get me a quote. We don't know if this thing is a go. And he's like, yeah, yeah, you know, but I went a big percentage of my bids. So therefore, like, you know, it's a good buy for
Starting point is 02:41:01 me. But I just found his business model interesting my brother quotes jobs like he bid that's his kind of his job is a he works for a really big electrician electrician deal and they quote like multi-million dollar jobs he has a side business where he just makes quotes for people like he'll tell you what's involved in this project based on the drawings and maybe what you should bid and what your costs will be. Like he'll, that's, he does it on the side. He teaches college courses about that. Back on topic. So we had a conversation, the relevant part is,
Starting point is 02:41:33 about how he's taking a risk for quoting this thing because he has to hire an engineer and do that sort of thing. I didn't commission the engineer. I didn't, he certainly didn't give me a quote for how much these drawings would cost or anything like that. And if I don't go with him on this project,
Starting point is 02:41:49 the drawings have no value to me. Anyway, later on, he wants to bill me $3,000 for these engineering drawings. And I was like, no, on this thing, not doing it. I didn't approve this. He's writing as a change order. It's something that I asked for. And I'm like, right here on the paperwork, it says all a change order. Like it's something that I asked for.
Starting point is 02:42:06 I'm like right here on the paperwork. It says all change orders must be approved by both the contractor and the customer. That didn't happen. I'm not paying this. And I'm like, you're going to have to eat that. You made a bid on something. And what happened was he made the bid. I'll tell you, it was for $53,000.
Starting point is 02:42:22 And I'm like, all right, it's a go. Let's build this shop. And then we had an argument. And like days later, he comes back with another quote for $117,000. And I'm like, this is like revenge-based billing. So they were working on it. I stopped it. That's why there's a big pile of mess in my yard. You guys might have seen it in the Day in the Life video.
Starting point is 02:42:39 They stopped the demo on it. I was like, I'm not paying $117,000. This guy just can't change the prices. And it was probably two or three weeks ago, the architect comes to me and says, hey, hey, hey. If you still owe any money to that GC, don't pay him. Because what a sub can do is they can put a lien against the money that you owe the general contractor and divert it to them. If the GC doesn't pay their sub, then instead of the paying the GC, you can sort of pay the sub directly and solve the problem. But I'm like,
Starting point is 02:43:09 Nope, you're a tough spot, man, because, um, I already finished paying the GC and therefore your problem is you have to get the money from, from Ed, the lying cocksucker. So, uh, that means that Ed didn't pay Jamal. Ed didn't pay the engineer. There's another guy on the project. We called him crazy Ron. That guy got paid late and he threatened to put a lien on me,
Starting point is 02:43:34 but he got paid. And then there was another guy named Orlando that didn't get paid. Um, I don't know, but Ed has left a trail of debt on this project. And I'll tell you, I paid Ed. Like the only, you know, though I had an argument with him at one point.
Starting point is 02:43:50 I'm like, the only guy doing his job on this site is me because my checks aren't bouncing and they're coming on time. And he took great offense to that. But the project took three months and he said it would take two weeks. I was the only guy who was really coming through like they were supposed to. And yeah, so if people didn't hear about the Jamal court case thing, Jamal, I guess, sued Ed and I, you know, for nonpayment.
Starting point is 02:44:18 But from my perspective, like I don't pay Jamal directly. I pay Ed. So what I did is what you're supposed to do. Instead of paying Ed the six grand granny sued for, I put it, I withheld it from Ed and I ended up putting it in an escrow account. So in the escrow account, that's just like a bank account, but you can't take it out unless someone approves it. And then those two can fight over who gets what.
Starting point is 02:44:41 And when we went to the jury, or not the jury, the small claims court, they were ready to like issue a judgment that I just paid the two of them equally. And I talked to the judge and said, look, like this is going to go against my credit record. When a court orders you to pay someone, that's a mark against you on your credit report. And I was like, this doesn't seem fair. Like I'm the only one around here who pays their bills. Why should I have the knock on my credit record? And the judge immediately said, you know what? You guys are asking me to write up an order and stuff.
Starting point is 02:45:15 You're asking a lot from the court. How about instead you write it up and we'll dismiss the case after all this is done. And that's what they did. They dismissed the case and those two split the money. Well, that's good. Yeah, it turned out well. The only difference between you and everyone on To Catch a Contractor based on everything you've said is that your work got finished.
Starting point is 02:45:38 He didn't leave mid-job site and said, hey, the money dried up when in reality he ran off with the money or something like that. That's the only difference is your work got finished otherwise you'd have been in the same boat as all these people because he's a piece of shit but it sounds like a lot of those people paid like more toward it than uh than they should have oh definitely like you did you do 50 at the start which was too much but i did apparently 10 to 15 at the start that's well that's the minimum that all of these guys say it's like do not go over 50 you know anything over that
Starting point is 02:46:12 why would the guy have any incentive to come back online i saw 10 to 15 at the start which i which i agree with more towards that but what her job was also bigger too your 50 percent was some people's 100 percent too you know so what happened was at the end of it he's like woody you know money's tight um i finished like 95 of this job you know do you think you can give me some more money i think that's fair and i said no and he's like well you know we are like it's wrapping up things are going good and things were going better at that point. Like the cleaning staff was in there working at that point. And I was like, nope.
Starting point is 02:46:50 You know, how about we go the way the contract is? I pay half up front and half when it's completed. I said, someday there's going to be a ceiling fan blade that's not installed that's going to hold up your $20,000. And I want you to be motivated to finish the job completely and and and that's how it went that's why you finished the job all the way otherwise probably walked if you paid more he would have walked no doubt like because everything else is horrible and awful bad work we done work you know anytime you have to redo work which you guys had to do that's getting eaten out of his a any potential profit or even breaking
Starting point is 02:47:24 even but I'm pretty sure he lost money on it you know certainly yeah totally guys had to do that's getting beaten out of his uh any potential profit or even breaking even but i'm pretty sure he lost money on it you know certainly yeah totally yeah there's no fucking way there was a guy on site seven days a week probably averaged you know 60 hours and uh i happen to know he made 40 bucks an hour do that for three months like you know that that's a lot of the money right there he didn't mind yeah on just one guy yeah yeah he didn't mind i think he ended up quitting i heard he quit and oh i didn't i left out another guy francisco i'm told is suing him for not getting paid also in france francisco cut those like the load-bearing beam. He did. He did. Yeah, Francisco. That motherfucker.
Starting point is 02:48:06 Francisco's not perfect. In the end, I liked Francisco more than most of the other subs. But I also, like, I know Francisco didn't have insurance. So he was, like, under Ed's insurance, and he earned, like, a lower rate or something for part of it. Because I think Francisco extended his insurance to someone who wasn't trustworthy. And then he had no insurance for a while, and then he got it back during the course of my project. It just seems like everyone Ed hired was from the basket of broken toys.
Starting point is 02:48:33 They're all showing up in dented Toyota Corollas. No professional vans. And some people misinterpreted it. That is too much house talk. Some people misinterpreted it as Woody wants to see flashy cars. No, no, no. I just want them to have a professional. Some people misinterpret it as like Woody wants to see flashy cars or like they need to. No, no, no. I just want them to have like a professional.
Starting point is 02:48:48 Like it can be a 1989 Econoline van or something. But if your name's painted on the side with a phone number, at least you do that. You know, you're a plumber. You're an electrician. You're a thing. HVAC guy. When someone shows up in just a dented old like beat up japanese car that tells me you're unskilled labor you're not cars cars are definitely a red flag i'm not going to sign off on they they have
Starting point is 02:49:12 to have their company branded on it but you need a work truck you know you need a work truck or work van for tools and shit like you shouldn't be showing up in any kind of sedan or you know yeah for you know toyota corolla or anything like no you need a place for fucking tools and shit you're a goddamn contractor these people the guy shows up in a car he literally didn't have a cordless drill all he had was a cordless impact wrench which is super handy but he's like this drill bit won't work look at this because it didn't have a you know how a drill works it has the yeah it's like a yeah it has like a... It's a chuck. And the chuck grabs the side of the drill bit. He didn't have anything.
Starting point is 02:49:48 He's like, I need a drill bit that has a hex side on the other side. Because all he had... I'm like, that's because you're drilling with an impact wrench. Don't you... I've got a cordless drill. You know? But it just tells me you don't even... It doesn't.
Starting point is 02:50:00 This isn't your job. Yeah. You're an amateur. I need a drill bit with a amateur yeah a lot yeah those things are really common like they usually come in a kit with the with the with both of those tools the the regular one and the the hammer type right and and although i almost always go with the one that the impact when i just feel like it's because like the uh the front face of it is so much shorter you're able to get into such much more compact areas and I feel it's got tons of power and I'm rarely screwing something that's
Starting point is 02:50:27 precision but he's a fucking carpenter right so I use I use the impact wrench for everything but drilling and if I'm trying to make a hole I tend to use the drill it's good at that if it's an angry hole I'll still use the the impact like like Kitty you'll have buckets and she's she like needs holes in the bottom for like drainage because she like puts tomato plants and I'm just like... Those holes don't matter. What was I going to talk about? Oh, we were wrong apparently about Frankie on PC and 1080p.
Starting point is 02:50:56 Oh, yeah. It wasn't just that he had binded... Do you want to do a little backstory on this? One of you guys should because I feel like I was ignorant from the start, and I still am. I'll do my best. So there's a guy named Lauder, I hope, something close to that. And he apparently is part of a team. They have experts analyze other people for cheating.
Starting point is 02:51:20 It's their Overwatch system. And we misinterpreted it. We kind of thought Lauder was someone kind of looking for YouTube fame by hating on a bigger guy. That's not the case. He actually does these videos a lot. And he'll analyze somebody's skill or technique and determine whether or not they're cheating. I know from Minecraft that sometimes it takes a trained eye to differentiate talent from cheats. And Frankie on PC was showing how he had just learned how to bee hop.
Starting point is 02:51:48 I guess that's bunny hop, but bee hop anyway. And we thought that he had bound it to the middle scroll wheel, which is considered cheating, I guess. But they think even more likely that he had installed a script on there. I think binding it to the scroll wheel would have been okay, actually. I think. But he was running some sort of script there saying, installed a script on there i think binding it to the scroll wheel would have been okay actually i i i think uh but but i he was running some sort of script they're saying and i guess at one point he sort of defended himself and he mentioned something about console commands which in itself is like
Starting point is 02:52:16 this weird way of saying that like yeah i was doing a little something but nothing really so it sounds like he was he had some vague Explanation that he entered some console commands and according to people who are experts and I'm not one There are no console commands that let you pull off bee hops like he did So here he was lying about what he was actually doing and that leads you to believe that Yeah, that's not a step in his favor the a bee hop I it looks like you sort of strafe jump angle to angle like tacking in a sailboat and um it allows you to move faster and and be harder to hit i would imagine too could be that sounds right i bet if you saw someone doing that it would be fucking hard to
Starting point is 02:52:59 hit them in the game also like i'm making this up because i'm not a counter-strike go pro but i'm guessing if it's anything like cod getting to a spot beyond where they expect you to be would be a big advantage and um uh so anyway he's like hey i just learned b-hop this is how i do it watch me and he pulled off 14 consecutive perfect b-hops apparently that's a big deal that that is like pro level bee hopping and he was doing it while a lot of his other movements like the way that he was smooth and stuff implied that he wasn't the movement pro that could pull off 14 consecutive bee hops he mentioned his left to right uh cursor motion uh like as he was pivoting or something and and it it really i think went over it went over our head a bit because we don't know
Starting point is 02:53:46 anything about Counter-Strike but now that everything's in it does seem that he was doing something he shouldn't have been doing which is a shame because I don't feel like he needs to do that he makes really good videos I really like his DayZ stuff though I keep reading people saying that he cheats at that and I
Starting point is 02:54:01 don't know like I feel like what you you know i frank on pc i think is bigger than i've ever been but so i'm cautious about teaching him about youtube you know because he's real successful but if he does want to take advice from an old man i don't think people are watching him for his gaming skill there are are actual CSGO pros out there that they might watch for that. Frankie on PC, there's something entertaining about your videos that's not just you crushing it in the game. Yeah, they're well-made videos. Everything about them.
Starting point is 02:54:37 I really like the... It's the whole package. Well, what set Frankie apart from way back is the fact that he was doing 1080p 60 frames per second stuff like that And no one else when he went to 4k before the right. I think he's actually 4k most But I don't look at him I don't say his gameplay doesn't matter because he's not like having these self these amazing philosophical commentaries or anything It's you know his daisy videos shenanigans and stuff like reactionary stuff that's happening in the game So I can't speak on his Counter-Strike stuff,
Starting point is 02:55:06 but I think it's a whole package. If he sucked ass at the game, I don't think he'd get the kind of viewership he does. Well, that's not what this is about. Oh, yeah, I see what you mean. But in this, it seemed like he was trying to, like, be an upper, upper echelon guy. I bet a lot of people put him on that podium, though.
Starting point is 02:55:22 Okay. Well, I don't know either way. It does seem like he did something that was cheating, the way they consider it. So he shouldn't have done that. And it doesn't seem like he should have. Because it seems like there's a bit of a backlash. You know what? I just saw that Reddit is trending.
Starting point is 02:55:35 I guess that whole thing with that lady getting fired has become a thing. It's like the number one trending thing. I wonder why she got fired. Like 96,000 retweets. She must be giggling at this. I bet her next job. She's looking for that next... She's already got her next job.
Starting point is 02:55:54 She's a liaison with all the contacts. Like, why would you fire this person unless they, like, raped the... Unless they spoke up against the female CEO or whoever she was during that whole our fat people, hey, like, hey, you really shouldn't handle a situation like this. Because I can't imagine why you, that's a really important person to fire.
Starting point is 02:56:12 She's the liaison. Even I saw that Greg Barath, I think is his last name, I always butcher it, that Stan Bilzerian's representation, he was even tweeting, I've worked with her before, she's always been great with all my blah, blah, blah was like she knew a lot of people why did they fire this lady is there a spot to build the next reddit no come on i mean dude dig say no but they're being censored like a motherfucker right now and firing the wrong people yeah oh my god they have the power they literally that's the problem with reddit it's a community driven thing how would you pay to serve it? What do you mean?
Starting point is 02:56:46 It's just a bunch of servers. Wouldn't it be a massive undertaking, though? I mean, it would be a lot of servers. Reddit didn't start as Reddit. That's true. I mean, you gradually, you know, go in there. I don't know if there's a place in that marketplace to jump in. You say that, but Dig is a perfect example of a previous attempt at that type of thing.
Starting point is 02:57:04 Facebook, MySpace, Instagram. There's always a new social media site hidden in the fucking web. Snapchat is super big compared to Twitter and fucking Instagram now. The fact that eBay got... I don't want to say eBay's over, but Craigslist is the new eBay to me. The fact that Reddit is the new Digg. The fact that Facebook is the new MySpace. Tells me that these things happen sometimes.
Starting point is 02:57:27 If you want that, then hire this lady and get started. That would be step one, right? Hire this lady, get yourself a couple of big AMAs, get some other promotion just from hiring her. She's hot right now. She could really push a lot of traffic. Maybe you could get in touch with all those mods over at all the blacked out subreddits and be like, come on board. It's free speech around here. We'll give
Starting point is 02:57:47 each of you a market share of this thing. Let's get started and build something big. That would be interesting. Or on the other hand, the mods could just stop protesting in four days and it'll just be it has a short memory. They will not care about this woman in a week. Someone
Starting point is 02:58:03 posted that thing. It was like they took fat people hate and I said nothing. They did this and I said nothing. And when they came for me, there was no one to speak up for me. It's interesting because Reddit is one of the busiest websites. The Reddit has replaced the internet for me. When I want to read the internet and see what's going on in the world and just sort of be entertained with either deep stuff or shallow stuff or whatever, it's Reddit.
Starting point is 02:58:31 Porn? I hardly know how to Reddit. I hardly know how to internet anymore without Reddit. There's no reason to go anywhere else, really. I go to places when i want something very specific but like like reddit is just the best aggregate for media that i've ever come across it's so team of six million people constantly scouring the best stuff and bringing it to my attention and then they rate it up by what's better than the other stuff it's it's very nice yeah i want
Starting point is 02:59:03 to build so specialized there's i mean we've talked about all the weird niche uh porn subreddits you know just like i mean if you want girls with any vaginas there's a million of them on there and the best part is there's 20 000 other guys just like you organized who also like those any vaginas so you don't feel like a weirdo if if your thing is like guys coming in girls ears or something weird like that is it your play you know you want to if you want to learn anything go on to a subreddit about it that's totally true too you could you can ask questions like what are you going to do go on to a fucking hot rod forums that has still like 30 active users on it and ask for help on this where i find this one-off part from 1942 like no you go to the subreddit for that and wait censorship is a tricky
Starting point is 02:59:46 thing man like it's when people use your service that like oftentimes they don't pay for to hate you it's really tempting to like like all right you need to stop and there's a there's a certain kind of hate that's not just like oh i hate wo hate Woody. It's I hate Woody and you should too, right? Grab your torches and pitchforks. This is a thing that we should totally be complaining about. And when you have that ability to remove it, this is going to be a PK subreddit topic soon. They'll be grabbing the torches and pitchforks. But it's super tempting to do it.
Starting point is 03:00:20 Sometimes it works. Sometimes it's like, all right, let's cut this and it's just unfair, you know. If you hate that much, then please stop hating. But other times, the Streisand effect, man, it just goes more wild than it's ever been. The most famous one that I got in trouble for was a guy complaining about Patreon. Now, we didn't want, there's like a, through the Patreon website, there's a way to ask questions and let us know your troubles and Chiz looks at those. But people would go to the PKA subreddit and fuss. So what I did is I actually answered the guy. Like I provided, I think I solved whatever problem he had. There are so many subreddits that
Starting point is 03:01:02 are private. Like you, it's. It's a lot of them. All right, so let me just wrap up the story. I helped the guy, and then I closed the thread. And they viewed that as a censorship, and started calling for my head and stuff. And in my head, it was like, no, I gave the customer service he was asking for, and then didn't want other people to think
Starting point is 03:01:23 that this was a good way to get customer service and it just didn't go over well i see how that works in your sense in the micro concept but if you're reddit the company reddit like and you've built a service literally on freedom of speech anything goes itself polices itself why step in and like remove our fat people hey like the only justified reason i can see it is if there was some VC funding or something they wanted and they said get rid of it so what are you looking at Kyle global twitter trends well century clubs closed down just so you
Starting point is 03:01:51 know no oh yeah oh my god 8 years of bullshit 8 years of karma whoring I'm gonna I'm gonna just kind of so I've got a huge list here but I'm gonna hit the bigger ones there's tons of them like our Alaska is've got a huge list here, but I'm gonna hit the bigger ones There's tons of them like our Alaska is down. It has 7,500 members though, but 4chan it's gone
Starting point is 03:02:11 650,000 these are subscribers to each one as I'd list a number animals being jerks 230,000 Art 3.2 million ask men 200,000 ask reddit 9 million And then 30,000 eighty thousand uh black people twitter four hundred thousand it's down five million 5.1 million for our books it's down uh things like borderlands burgers butt coin buy it for life candid fashion police all those with 50 to 100 000 or so cannabis is down uh cinema grat 105 000 for cinemagraphs circle jerk quarter million gone uh that is beautiful 3.4 million that is documented 3.3 million uh all these are tens of thousands tens of thousands uh
Starting point is 03:02:55 gaming 8 million gadgets 3.4 million. IMA, 8.5 mil. I'm Going to Hell for This, 460,000. 3.5 million from our jokes. 400,000 from life hacks. 4.1 million from life pro tips. It goes on and on. The list just goes and goes and goes. I expected a lot of these Reddits to be things I didn't really know about or whatever.
Starting point is 03:03:23 This will affect your internet surfing now. You will have to go off of Reddit. Look at that. That's insane. Dude, stuff like our voting. The people have the power. Do they? I mean, Reddit could just.
Starting point is 03:03:34 Do they not? They just shut the whole thing down. I mean, yeah, Reddit could enforce it, but then you'd have a worse uprising because now it's not a community-based site. It's the power of the government. Videos is down. Videos is down. With 8 million, it's down. community-based site. It's the government. Videos is down. Videos is down.
Starting point is 03:03:46 With 8 million, it's down. Videos is like the one. Today I Learned is down. 8.8 million. Oh, what about Today I Fucked Up? I'll check it. I'll check it. I know there's one here.
Starting point is 03:03:57 It's good. No, it's still good. Trees is down with 760,000. No! Today I Fucked Up is still there. Thank God for that. There's just tons of random ones with 10 760,000. No! Today I Fucked Up is still there. Thank God for that. There's just tons of random ones with 10 to 100,000. As long as television's up there.
Starting point is 03:04:11 That's great. And there's a few messages here from each subreddit. I don't know if you care to hear what Art had to say about why they're shutting down or Ask Reddit or gaming, but the mods all had a little post before they shut the thing down. Television's up. Fat Logic is down. That a hundred thousand so about news news is still up financial independence sysadmin these are the only ones that appeal to me all lots of uh not safe for work stuff is down no yeah they made a... This one makes me laugh.
Starting point is 03:04:48 It looks like her. I'll share it with everybody. She's like, this is fine. That's the CEO. It's from the dog one. They recreated it. That's funny's that's funny yeah this is uh this is awful some i saw that the the i think it was the art subreddit like
Starting point is 03:05:13 they their mods specifically mentioned her as well as one of their main reasons say it again uh the art subreddit i think they specifically mentioned her as one of the main reasons for uh for for what they're for what they're doing i i interesting board of directors meeting coming up i wouldn't have picked fat like i could see why they got rid of fat people hate they got rid of jailbait previous to that right and a lot of people were like oh yeah reddit it's that site with our jail bait and if you don't know what our jailbait was it wasn't porn of underage girls but it'd be like suggestive if you saw two 16 year olds roller skating in a bikini that would be perfect for our jailbait you know that kind of thing right to like maybe a 16 year old leaning forward and you catch like a hint of cleavage but not nipple or anything that's what our jailbait
Starting point is 03:06:01 was devoted for and um you know it was basically girls who were like biologically prime breeders but definitely not legal is that it oh i didn't like that biologically but legally no go yeah this is wrong but genetics i i that's good dude like brook shields at 16 looked like a grown woman um that that's the kind of people they would look for on our jailbait and uh um anyway that uh they got rid of that and there was no real backlash everyone kind of knew that it wasn't right in the first place like that's that's just what it was fat people hate i don't we all kind of know that wasn't very nice yeah but i don't look at it in the same line there's no there's no borderline
Starting point is 03:06:54 of illegality here it was the next step right it was like was it i not the next logical step there is a subreddit with like a hundred thousand people making fun of poor people, you'd think, yeah, they should have taken that down. Fuck those pictures of bums on the street and stuff like that, washing windows. I'd love that. Wouldn't that cheer you up first thing in the morning? Like, got my coffee, taking a shit, and there's some bums just having the worst day of their already terrible life.
Starting point is 03:07:19 Like, that'd cheer me up. Pictures of them with their signs and the letters are backwards. Like, oh, look at him. He's got no hope in his eyes right there. You know, that kind of thing. You ever see like the homeless people that have never taken their shoes off and their feet are all scalped off? Oh, they've got like swamp, uh, what is it? No, no, no, there's bones hanging out and stuff.
Starting point is 03:07:35 Like, it's great. PoorPeopleHate is already a subreddit. Woo! Woo! Favorite! No, there's only 25 people on it. It definitely need to step up their game. Oh, I gotta take over. Definitely need to step up their game.
Starting point is 03:07:46 Three of those accounts are me. Look at this gif I just sent you. It's Neil deGrasse Tyson. As Tucker said, it's Neil deGrasse Titan, as Tucker called him, busting a move here. And I think he might be able to compete with you with this, Woody. This is looking pretty slick. Look at him. He's definitely talented. Now, as an award-winning dancer, you tell me.
Starting point is 03:08:07 We talked about earlier, you got to be a pro to, like, recognize a pro. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This guy is right there with me. This guy, yeah, this is outstanding. You know, that's the thing about Neil deGrasse Tyson. Woo! Yeah. All right, that's the thing about him.
Starting point is 03:08:24 Confetti should rain. It's not just that he's by the end of days my mind what I'm told is in terms of astrophysicist I think that's what he is he's um he's like a pro but he's not the lead astrophysicist right he's not he's nothing leading mind or anything but very well credentialed and he's not the lead astrophysicist, right? He's not the leading mind or anything, but he's very well credentialed and he's well spoken. And he's a cool guy that's really good at bridging the gap between today's world and... Bill Nye is not the best scientist ever around, but he's the one that was in the spotlight
Starting point is 03:08:57 before Neil deGrasse Tyson, and he still is in the spotlight to some extent or another. I mean, fucking Steven Hawking, I can only listen to that machine make those noises so long before I can... Like, here's a... Even Stephen... Carl Sagan?
Starting point is 03:09:09 Yeah, he was, like, a boring version of all that stuff. Like, you know, he had interesting shows and, you know, Small Blue Dot or whatever and that stuff, but he was boring to me. The real astrophysicists, the people at the leading edge of this thing, they're not interesting at all. And they can't dance like this. This guy is reaching people because he's this level of cool like I Obama's had his success I think in large part just because he's cool like we never had a cool person qualified for president before and Clinton was pretty cool man he busted out okay you know what BJ's in the Oval Office like JFK was pretty cool you know what there was pretty wrong bj's in the oval office like jfk was pretty cool you know
Starting point is 03:09:45 what there have been a lot of cool presidents i take that back i made a mistake teddy roosevelt teddy i was gonna say teddy roosevelt as well yeah that comment that guy made about him like after he died and they're like death took him in his sleep for if he'd been awake there would have been a fight that's a great quote yeah that's that's good yeah makes you proud to be an american but this guy is super cool and i can see why people want to hear him talk about stars. You want to talk about Donald Trump? Yes. You know what?
Starting point is 03:10:12 Dude, I'm so happy. We got Scott Walker at the top of the polls, and that guy's a fucking batshit insane Froot Loop. We got Donald Trump number two. He's number two in the polls right now. Did you know that? No, he's not. No, he's not. I read it.
Starting point is 03:10:28 What? It was on the internet. That can't be true. That can't be right. No, in what poll? There's so many legitimate candidates. What, does this win a reality show? He's not a reality show.
Starting point is 03:10:37 Is Ronald McDonald in this poll as an option as well? This is not the GOP nomination. I thought the Iowa poll. After New Hampshire, Trump takes... Oh, this is 2015. Oh, nomination. I thought the Iowa poll after New Hampshire. Trump takes this 2015. Oh, wait. No, that's right. That's this year.
Starting point is 03:10:50 Yeah. I'm sorry. This is July 1st, 2015. Iowa poll. Trump takes second place. Okay. In one state. Who was number one?
Starting point is 03:11:00 Who the fuck's in Iowa? I'm sure it was Jeb Bush. I don't know. Whatever New Hampshire saw in Iowa. Oh, what the fuck? This'm sure it was jeb bush i don't know um whatever new hampshire saw in oh what the fuck is this is july 1st 2015 whatever new hampshire saw and donald trump it looks like iowa is seeing it too after taking second place in the latest new hampshire polls trump is also claiming the silver in iowa where he traveled hot off his announcement claiming 10% of support among likely caucus goers yeah so Scott Walker Macy's pulled their pulled their deal with him Serta pulled their deal with him the that was the beauty pageant Miss America's like got
Starting point is 03:11:36 rid of him got totally out of the mess no so he owns Miss America and Miss universe what happened was everybody quit NBC canceled their deal with him and all before NBC canceled like deal with him. And all the... Before NBC canceled, like, everybody who was associated quit. Like, the hosts, they had the same hosts and judges every year, I think. Like, there's like a team. Yeah, okay. Like, nobody wanted... Everybody is distancing
Starting point is 03:11:55 themselves from him big time. After he made this comments about the Mexican rapists or whatever. This whole situation is freaking awesome. Because if there's... Like, I want two things out of a presidential election. One, a good president. Two, entertainment value. And Trump is such a freaking goof.
Starting point is 03:12:13 It looks like Bush is walking away with most across the board. It's really scary. According to this thing. Here, look at this side of him. This breaks everything. Walker apparently is winning in Iowaowa walker's in second overall and jeb is first overall yeah rubio rubio and carson are tied for third trump's coming in at the rcp average i see yeah oh so bush just had some sort of big gain second.
Starting point is 03:12:48 Where's Trump? Oh, Trump is pulling low, but I don't understand what this is. National. There's different ones. Let's see. Six. Yeah, this has Bush. So I see CNN's poll has I'm going to trust CNN's 626 vote. Yeah. The national. See, this is the national GOP. See, national is not important, and I'll explain why. What happens is, like, New Hampshire, no, the first thing to go is the Iowa caucuses, and apparently they don't come with any, like, people. So it's almost like a practice vote, but they're first, so they have a lot of influence.
Starting point is 03:13:20 And then the next thing to come is New Hampshire, and that's the first real primary where delegates are assigned. It's not the number of delegates because that's not a ton. So click on the Iowa one. It looks like Walker murdered it. Where do I click on Iowa? So look, it says at the top in big gray letters, it'll say like national or whatever. There's a nav bar.
Starting point is 03:13:38 Iowa GOP, I see. And Bush is taking New Hampshire, Walker second. So Walker's winning Iowa, and then I guess Bush, you said, is taking New Hampshire. Walker's second. So Walker's winning Iowa. And then I guess Bush, you said, is winning New Hampshire. And South Carolina. And Walker's second there as well. South Carolina's fairly early too. Walker was previously winning.
Starting point is 03:13:54 You can see he was ahead of Bush until just until May. Yes, that's right. Oh, and here we can break down Clinton versus Rubio. Clinton versus Walker. Anyway, here's what I'm trying to say. What happens is Iowa and New Hampshire and those early states will vote, and then that will have a tremendous influence on what happens in South Carolina and New York and some of those later states.
Starting point is 03:14:15 So if I'm an underfunded candidate like a Walker or Trump, all I need to do is crush it in Iowa or New Hampshire, and the money starts rolling in because they see that I'm now a serious candidate that can win a state. If you're winning nationally, but you really don't have a state that you win in until the sixth or seventh one, then you're in a tough spot because your momentum is gone and people are looking at these other people who just kicked your ass five times so i don't know what this one at the end there is if you want to click that one it's good it starts doing a breakdown of clinton
Starting point is 03:14:49 and everyone and clinton seems to be beating everyone but i don't really it's just general election it's so early you know so what happens like someone like clinton has a much higher profile than a walker a huckabee a trump or whatever but once they start debating each other and the world starts treating them as equals, whoever's in second place gets all the platform they need to make their case. You know, like I don't even know Carson really. But, you know, if Carson becomes the Republican nominee, people will look at her as Hillary's equal
Starting point is 03:15:19 and make a choice between them. The 26th. So, I don't know. It's super interesting. But I always love these. Dude, so the last time, people forget what a freak show the Republicans will vote for. Herman Cain, the pizza guy, he was winning at one point. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 03:15:37 Hang on. What was so bad about Herman Cain besides all those sexual assault allegations? Didn't he have the 999 tax plan? He did. Yeah. It sounded like a price for pizzas to me. The thing about the 999 tax, it was like, all right. So I saw people like go through it and like make it look silly.
Starting point is 03:15:57 But it was refreshing to have a guy be like, here's my plan. It's right here. This is what I want to do. This. Everybody else has hopes and dreams and thoughts and ideas. And yeah, it'll be better, change, hope, blah, blah, blah. I'm going to do this. This thing I wrote on this piece of paper here. That's what I'm going to do. I'm not going to dodge your questions. I'm going to say this. Every time you ask, this is what I'm
Starting point is 03:16:18 going to do. All right. So that was nice. I like that about him. And the fact that he had been in corporate America and had excelled at it is always kind of a good thing. I know you can't run a country like a business, but I feel like it does help to – whatever. Romney, poor guy. He must hurt him on the inside. Look at that list I've got. I just love – I feel like this is like the last one. I love the list of candidates on both sides.
Starting point is 03:16:42 The Democrats aren't finished yet. It's the GOP who's been going ham with their nominees. love that bobby jindal threw his name in the hat in there chris chris ted cruz it is such a cost of fuck if people don't know bobby jindal this is great so back in 2009 he was going to be the next great republican like it what in 2004 i guess obama great Republican. In 2004, I guess, Obama was kind of pegged. He did a great speech for, I don't even remember who, Kerry perhaps, at his, what is the coming out speech? The National Convention. And Obama spoke there and they're like, oh my God, this guy Obama just ignites a crowd. He is going to be the next great Democrat. And it turned out he, great is up for debate, knights a crowd. He is going to be the next great Democrat. And it turned out he, great
Starting point is 03:17:23 is up for debate, but he was the next super successful Democrat. And people pegged Bobby Jindal as that guy. So in 2009, they had him do the response to the president's first State of the Union address. And Bobby Jindal got up there, and
Starting point is 03:17:40 for a fucking hour, he talked to everyone like Kenneth the Page from 30 Rock. And it was all just this meter like, so if you guys don't like what Obama has to say, then you might like what I have to say. For like an hour, he spoke like that. It was the worst fucking address in the world. This guy is famous for talking to us like we're all idiotic children he sounded like kenneth the page and uh he's never really lived that down he his own state
Starting point is 03:18:11 hates him he hasn't like his own state has done really poorly under him and he's made some terrible decisions like didn't he didn't he mishandle uh the katrina thing or something wasn't he the louisiana uh governor yeah i think yeah and um but like not just... Katrina's just a part of it. He also fucked up. He's cut education for his people. And he's been this lowering... He's been lowering taxes and lowering services in his state to the point where his state is now failing at stuff.
Starting point is 03:18:37 And also, he's lowered taxes. You know how the Republicans are always like, if you lower taxes, you actually get more money because the economy excels so great. Well, he lowered taxes, got less money, shockingly. And now he inherited this big budget surplus. And now he has a budget deficit because he's just fucking up his state,
Starting point is 03:18:59 trying to make himself attractive as a president. Like, I'm the guy who lowered taxes and ran a more efficient educational system. But the educational system sucks, Louisiana. So, yeah, go on. I was going to say pick a Republican. Everybody's got to pick one. I pick Rand Paul.
Starting point is 03:19:15 And not for president. This is for my, this is for your candidate. So I guess there's two ways to go about this if you want a little further guidance. You could pick one that you would like to actually be president. I think Rand Paul is my guy. He seems to really want to pull back from foreign affairs, which I just feel every time I hear about a billion spent here and 300 million to this country, I'm like, we need infrastructure. Let's get the roads and bridges. Let's invest that money here.
Starting point is 03:19:43 Spaghetti Junction. More Spaghetti Junction. More Spaghetti Junction. That shit costs tens of millions of dollars. So I would pick Rand Paul. And if I just want one for laughs, it's got to be Donald Trump because he can't win. But he will say some ridiculous shit if you put him on that national stage. If I have to pick a GOP, it's also going to be Rand Paul, like legitimate candidate. Because everyone else on this list is just a joke, for lack of a better term.
Starting point is 03:20:09 Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, fucking Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, they're all jokes. And to win it all, it would be Clint. Christie was way ahead in the polls if you go back to just post-Hurricane Sandy. Yeah. Right after that, when he makes the appearance with Obama, then Obama wins the presidential re-election. I found out he wasn't a crook and a piece of shit. Yeah. You got him with Obama crossing the gap between Republican and Democrat in that time when
Starting point is 03:20:38 all the Republicans were like, don't fucking do that, Chris. I like the way he talks, too. I like that Chris Christie, he speaks in kind of a plain, direct, almost aggressive manner. He doesn't pussyfoot around questions. He lets you know where he stands. It doesn't mean I love the guy. I mean, he's really a crook. He's a real piece of shit.
Starting point is 03:20:56 I used to like him. He's a real piece of shit. Is he a crook? Is he? Yeah, a crook's not ideal. The bridge thing, the way he handles marijuana laws over there. His expense report. His expense report is fucking hilarious. Like,
Starting point is 03:21:08 $300,000 or something from food alone. I don't care about any of that. Here's the thing, though. We're looking for a leader, right? Just consider that part of his salary. The president makes like a quarter million dollars a year right now. Okay, he fucked his own state, right? Did he not? He literally fucked and sabotaged his own state with the bridge thing.
Starting point is 03:21:28 That's who you want as your leader? don't feel literally fucking that would involve digging a hole he fucked the bridge they thought it was a beached whale it was christy naked at two in the morning he made a hole he put the auto blow in there so if so i'm not terribly well educated on the whole bridge gate thing but if i remember correctly he was trying to exert some political pressure on another uh like a like a another politician or another like a person in in government somewhere you're close here i can be trying to exert pressure on this person then and go ahead yeah it wasn't exerting political pressure it was political payback so he had just been re-elected as governor and there was a mayor or a district that didn't support him during his re-election so to make that politician and those people suffer he shut down the in there's like big
Starting point is 03:22:13 traffic jams in new jersey every day and he shut down the number of tolls that people who came from that town would have access to basically he just you know put the bottleneck on that town and fucked him and he did it specifically because he didn't have enough votes from those guys as a retaliatory like measure and uh i don't like that and uh so yeah but i don't think it makes him uh i still think he's at the top of the list of republicans i mean you look at some of the like huckabee huckabee would be a problem huckabee would be a problem. Huckabee would try to take some of your freedoms away. You can't have somebody like Huckabee
Starting point is 03:22:50 get in there. Someone who's all the way to the right with the crazy Christianity stuff. The Republicans don't see themselves as big government on these social issues, but that's how I see them. I fear them. I'm worried about you get a guy like Huckabee in there.
Starting point is 03:23:06 He's just a few steps away from starting to stone homosexuals in the streets. He'd probably like that if you asked him and he'd answer. If you got him drunk, he'd be like, yeah, I've already figured out how it'd work, right? One guy would have the soft rock, and nobody would know for sure if they actually killed him like there'd be a whole thing like no well you can't trust those people I feel like Rand Paul I ran Paul's a pretty smart guy I the only thing about his policies that I there's one thing that always stood out is like kind of kind of for life he's pro-life um well what's he gonna how's he gonna fix that it's the appointment of
Starting point is 03:23:46 of um one of the most important things that a president does a u.s president is uh is uh appoint supreme court justices so we as a lot of people know we recently legalized gay marriage and that was because of a a really close vote like five to four or something like that three or four no it's five four five four because that's yeah five four on the gay thing six three on the um obamacare thing yeah so whoever's president nominates who they want to go in there and they might pick a more conservative or a more liberal judge depending on who's the president huckabee would put someone in there in that lifetime appointment, and it would be affecting us for decades to come. You don't want that. You want someone with common sense who's
Starting point is 03:24:31 not a psycho putting the people in there. You can't have a super left guy or a super right guy determining who the Supreme Court justices are. Otherwise, you're going to take steps backwards. That's how you end up you know overturning abortion laws and stuff like that when you really fuck up the supreme court uh so hopefully we don't
Starting point is 03:24:50 take any steps backwards and keep moving forward like we are right now if i had to pick a republican it might be rand paul because he seems a little as i really like their foreign policy i am done with the foreign intervention stuff so done with it bill you know If the United States was really in a prolonged super war, I think our economy would be the big thing. I would like to produce things at home. I would like to have an infrastructure. I would like to have manufacturing and tech jobs here. I think that is how
Starting point is 03:25:15 you win stuff. That is how you win the long game here. You don't just fucking go to war and dump money into short term stuff. So yeah, Rand Paulul i like him because he doesn't want to freaking intervene all over the world if i needed a real president um now i would like i'll cut in real quick i would like it says on that list possible hasn't decided yet i would like joe biden to throw his name in the hat and run for the democrats i really like that and i
Starting point is 03:25:41 think he would be a real contender against hillary because right now i don't think anyone is gonna pull any votes away from Hillary. I don't know. A couple things. He's got so many gaffes. Like, he's such a goofball. Like, he'd bomb that somewhere along the way. Like, he's bad at public speaking, almost.
Starting point is 03:25:56 You know what I mean? I don't give a crap about his gaffes. The fact that he said Obamacare was a really big fucking deal doesn't bother me at all. That doesn't bother me at all. He's done goofy stuff. Can you name you name he slaughters people in interviews do you remember the fucking uh was a ran paul no it wasn't a ran paul paul ryan uh do you make debates it was a very close debate oh that was close i know i remember the i remember that specifically i was in louisville kentucky that night uh and i was i watched it on television and the next day I listened to all the commentary
Starting point is 03:26:25 looking over it. From local radio? No, not from local. National radio. NPR and stuff like that. Everyone thought it was a very close one, but they all gave the nod over to Ryan. I remember there was a specific... Biden.
Starting point is 03:26:40 I remember there was a specific thing in there that Biden nailed him on. And everybody, like, called that the real, like... The turning point. The turning point. And without that, it would have been dead even. And it was just like, I don't know how, like, you pick, like, oh, this is a better, this would be a better leader. He got a zinger in there.
Starting point is 03:26:59 Like, why don't we just get comedians up there? Like, get the guys who do the Comedy Central roast to go up there like that's i'm fine with that but yeah he's up there i like biden most of the democrats on the list um i'm interested in this bernie sanders thing like on one hand he's not as well financed he certainly wasn't as nationally famous and i get a lot of my news through the filter of the internet which tends to be excuse me nuts about these tiny candidates but like Bernie Sanders is drawing the biggest crowds of any presidential candidate right now yeah bigger than Hillary bigger than any Republican now I read that they said and the quote said something like he raised a crowd of 9,500 to 10,000 people the biggest crowd of the campaign now was that the biggest crowd of 9,500 to 10,000 people, the biggest crowd of the campaign.
Starting point is 03:27:46 Now, was that the biggest crowd of his campaign or the biggest crowd of the campaign? I forget what I read exactly, but I read it as he's drawing the biggest crowd. I feel like it was written to make you think that. He's going to get the youth vote, though. I believe that. Do you really think tens of thousands of people are going to come see hillary clinton i don't know not at this time i just i just noticed the way it was written it wasn't it wasn't very ambiguous it wasn't a bit ambiguous i thought the way it was written because it said he draws the biggest crowd of the campaign but he didn't say like
Starting point is 03:28:17 bigger crowd than any other candidate which seemed would seemingly be a better way to word it um or less here's how m MSNBC worded it. Bernie Sanders draws biggest crowd of any 2016 candidate yet. Oh, there you go. All right. Cool deal. Yeah, I believe it, too. He's going to get that young vote like Obama did when running against Hillary.
Starting point is 03:28:37 It's easy to pick who's not winning, right? I can sit here and say Bernie Sanders won't win and probably be right. I could say that about any one of these guys. I could tell you next year the New England Patriots probably won't win, even though they're always awesome. Sometimes I feel like know-it-alls are like, that guy doesn't have a chance. Yeah, I could say that against Hillary.
Starting point is 03:28:59 She probably won't be president either. Most of these guys probably won't, but one of them will be. I'll take a $5 bet on that. I bet Hillary is president. I'll take that bet. Let's do a bet right now. Who do you think? All right.
Starting point is 03:29:10 OK. Let's do a bet. All right, let's do this. Who wants to know the odds? Democrat, GOP, and then president. We'll do that. Here's the bet you just signed up for. You take Hillary.
Starting point is 03:29:19 I take the rest. Oh, that's not fun. That was my point. I have the Vegas odds. Well, let's have fun with it. Let's do a real bet. Oh, that's not fun. That was my point. I have the Vegas odds. Well, let's have fun with it. Let's do a real bet. Oh, sure. No, my whole point was I can pick any one of these and say that they probably won't be president.
Starting point is 03:29:31 Hillary probably won't be. And you said, I'll take that bet. I don't know who's going to be president. I'm just saying that a lot of guys who naysay these people and act so smart afterwards. Unrelated. I'm trying to just have a fun bet here. You pick a democrat president i got the odds here from vegas link them i bet jeb bush takes uh he'd be my gop pick
Starting point is 03:29:54 it's awesome that vegas has betting odds on this you can literally bet on it yeah yeah so i see over in the seven in the one,000 to 1 range we got Kim Kardashian now I think you take that bet all right that's a thousand to one haha Alec Baldwin is there's some celebrities here Hillary Clinton is Arnold Arnold Schwarzenegger is 150 to 1 and he's not even eligible yeah he's not born here these are silly but Clinton, look at those odds. It's basically even odds, Hillary Clinton. Yeah, and Jeb Bush is next.
Starting point is 03:30:29 Yeah, that would be my pick. Jeb Bush would be GOP, Hillary Clinton Democrat, and Hillary Clinton wins the whole thing. Bernie Sanders is fifth. Above Rand Paul. That's interesting to me. 18 to 1. Marco Rubio's got 8 to 1.
Starting point is 03:30:43 That's interesting. Joe Biden, 33 to 1. John Kerry, 40 to 1. Condoleezza Rice at 40 to 1. Marco Rubio's got 8 to 1. That's interesting. Joe Biden, 33 to 1. John Kerry, 40 to 1. Condoleezza Rice at 40 to 1. Interesting. Bobby Jindal, only 40 to 1 when you got somebody like... Some of these are ridiculous. All of them are.
Starting point is 03:30:56 I love Mitt Romney's in here, too. Hey, Mitt's... I feel like... I mean, why not, right? Can Joe Biden win at this point? I feel like Hillary's already raising... I'm going to get my numbers wrong, but like millions or hundreds of millions or tens of millions or something. Hillary's getting all that money.
Starting point is 03:31:15 It's crazy. And she had so many people donate a dollar, so it looked like she had more small dollar campaigns. She's pumping up her numbers by getting $1 donations, whereas someone like Bernie Sanders is getting $40 donations, which is interesting because there's lots of $40 donations. There's a lot of people who really want to make a difference who aren't super rich, whereas Hillary is getting millions and one.
Starting point is 03:31:39 But I don't know. Maybe can Bernie win? My whole point with the rant about you can choose anyone to lose Bernie he's drawing the biggest crowds he's attracting a lot of money is this not how things start? Isn't this how things gather steam?
Starting point is 03:31:57 Maybe. We'll see. Time will tell. I don't know much about the guy from what I've read he seems like a bit of a socialist. Yeah he calls himself a democratic socialist he's for a single payer system he's he's far to the left of any of the other candidates um it seems like you i like a progressive income tax i feel like you know when you have a lot of money you can pay more in taxes even as a percentage you can pay more i think flat taxes are really rough on the people at the bottom um and bernie sanders though like he's so extreme it seems like he wants to do a wealth tax like just take away all the money
Starting point is 03:32:33 you've saved and at that point it's like well fuck that's not fair like all my life they're telling me to save to you know not buy iced tea at lunch or whatever and then finally there's a well fuck it we're just taking it from you and giving it to someone who was less responsible that's that's not fair we have to pay uh i don't know isn't that double because either depending on what ira you either pay the tax when you deposit into it or like an rfa or whatever you pay when you pull out of it later, right? He seems to want to pay. It seems like he's talking about a net worth tax, and that's crap.
Starting point is 03:33:11 And I'm not just saying that selfishly. I think it's wrong for the nation to say if you save. If you're successful, double down. Not just successful, but there's a success penalty at that point. When they start taxing your net worth, there's a success penalty, and I think it's too far. We looking at Ronda Rousey now? This is a better topic.
Starting point is 03:33:31 I was just sharing that picture. Her dress is so tight, you can see her belly button. I thought that was hot. But I also looked at the odds of, like, which party would win, and it's even odds on a Republican. 8 to 11 on Democrat, which doesn't make quite that much sense. I guess because the Independent?
Starting point is 03:33:49 No. I don't know. I don't know Patty Power. That might be a silly site. But Ronda looks amazing. I always thought Ronda's good looks were overblown. Yeah, she's not that pretty. Totally. I don't think she's ever... I've never looked at her and go, wow, she's act like a lot of the people she's fought are way hotter she's good
Starting point is 03:34:09 looking for someone who beats people up that's all yeah no doubt about it i find her is it i find her butterface like if i only saw her from now that's if i saw her from so hard a butterface okay so harsh one on the left look at the one on the left That's not a butterface on the left She looks good there, but if I saw her from the chin up I think she was way fatter than she really is like what 10 pounds fatter no heifer with that face She was 135 pounds. Oh, yeah, really no fattest. There's no way there's no butterface here. I'm God damn it. I need to find more pictures now. You need to find the bad angle of her that makes her look fat you know she's pretty fat is that are you gonna call ronda rousey pretty fat would you guarantee is she's gonna be fat when she's older is it that's a lock her mom's fat too
Starting point is 03:34:56 and her mom was also a pro judo person or whatever um see a lot of these are from like way in day or they're photoshopped mom was a judo person yeah her mom was like elite judo something or other i think she's pretty but she's not a butterface no i and i'm seeing some here where she doesn't look that great but here in the majority she looks pretty good a lot or even this is what she really looks like so i've seen a lot of ronda rousey like i follow ufc at like a stupid level i watched every interview of every fighter or whatever this is what she looks like is she ugly no maybe butterface wasn't perfect but there's just she doesn't have cheekbones she's got kind of a puffy thing going on she's not she's like she's her maybe it's jawline. Maybe that's what it is. Yeah, I was gonna say it's a jawline thing
Starting point is 03:35:49 Because there's no butter face here. This looks like a cute girl's face like yeah, that's not to me to me She's just she's too puffy. There's no definition. She needs cheekbones and jawlines That's what makes it that's what beauty is and an Adam's apple, right? Yeah You know so when you grab her face, you got something to really hold on tight to. She just had a little stubble right here. I know an interesting thing about Ronda Rousey's nose. It doesn't break.
Starting point is 03:36:14 Like, her nose, you know, if you press your nose, it kind of hurts or whatever, and you can almost imagine how it could break. Her nose is so, like, bendable that you can punch it all you want and nothing bad happens like you can it is and then um i saw her right on the bridge i've seen it well i don't know that it's impossible to hurt her but but she she has a nose that really bends over like more than a regular nose and i've seen her do this in more than one interview she was talking to like conan
Starting point is 03:36:43 or jimmy fallon or something then like, yeah, you can touch it. And they're just like, and there's a total like, wow, like your nose folds down into nothing if you want. And she's like, yeah, I think it actually helps with MMA a bit. And she's never had a bloody nose or anything. Full cartilage nose. That's all it is. Interesting.
Starting point is 03:37:02 It's like a tiny nose. It does. In this picture especially, yeah. It's like a tiny nose. It does. In this picture especially, if you're looking at the same one. But, yeah, she has a nose that's like a weeble wobble, right? It wobbles but doesn't fall down. It's very narrow. It's just you can punch it and it bounces right back. She's got a very punchable nose.
Starting point is 03:37:20 You could break her nose. I think she would break mine. Well, I mean, the scenario would be her tied to a chair, and you just... In a scenario like that, I'd do much better. Well, we're going to set the odds just right for you. Wings of Redemption style. Control the engagement. I got my mag light.
Starting point is 03:37:35 It's dark. Shine her in the eyes with it. Give her the shine, and then... We're going to make some teeth soup. That was the one. That was the thing. Teeth soup. Yeah, you take a mag light. You smash their teeth out. You get teeth soup. That was a one. That was a thing. Teeth soup. Yeah, you take a mag light, you smash their teeth out, you get teeth soup.
Starting point is 03:37:49 That's rough. That's awful. I did. It was on the show. Teeth soup. Maybe you weren't there for that one. I don't approve of that at all. Yeah, a lot of my time.
Starting point is 03:37:59 I don't like to match anyone's teeth with mag lights. So do we not want to take a bet for fun now? Bet on what? Or do we already kind of do that? Like you picked your GOP. Who do you think is going to win, not who you think you like? I think it's too far away to start betting now. I'm willing to later, like when we actually know a little more.
Starting point is 03:38:17 But right now, here's Ron Rousey. Is that her? Is it Brunette? That doesn't look good. What are we looking at? Is this? I'm sorry, it's not her. That doesn't look good. What are we looking at? Is it? Oh, I'm sorry. It's not her. That's Gina Carano. Oh, Gina Carano.
Starting point is 03:38:34 So, Gina Carano is beautiful. And I remember they accused Dana White of only creating the women's division because Ronda Rousey is so hot. Yeah, Gina Carano is... She's as hot as any woman can be. She's got such a masculine jawline linker where everyone's looking at the link but me I had to google it oh my god she's gonna yeah she has a big bone structure too so how come you're not providing links I'm just googling you're looking at links here take a break look at all of them all right she's a big woman with a big square jaw I see a
Starting point is 03:39:10 little stubble too I see where you're saying like look alright on that link person working with red with a red tank top one yeah right look right look at that yeah she's even got some sideburns stubble here you can see right there. It's a little gray, you know? And they said he was only 30% gay. Or was it 26%? 30%. So inaccurate. She's got such a masculine jawline.
Starting point is 03:39:37 Look at her. All these pictures are unflattering. You want to talk about pre-fab, she's got a double chin going on in a lot of these pictures, too. Double chin? She actually did have a hard time making weight. Dude, all these pictures, when she smiles, just her fucking jaw is so defined and squared. I see her dressed up as Wonder Woman in a lot of these. She could totally grow a happy trail in this picture.
Starting point is 03:40:02 I'm convinced of it. Oh, wow. Look at at her ass though. Jesus. See the one in the black and white? Scroll down until she's wearing like reindeer antlers and she's wearing like lingerie with her ass toward the camera. That's a great one. Reindeer antlers and lingerie. Yeah, just look for her ass. I'm struggling here. I'm seeing like. It's Shucky Ducky Quack Quack.
Starting point is 03:40:31 Maybe, let me see if this is a direct... Yeah, here we go. Here's a direct link. I don't know. Her chest up is like an SS officer. I like that. Shucky Ducky Quack Quack. Oh, this one right here? Damn.
Starting point is 03:40:48 Yeah, that's a booty. I feel like she's got a camel toe in the one right below it. Let me zoom in. It's hard to see. A little bit. But yeah, anyway, they were asking Dana White if... Enhance. They're like, is the only reason you started the women's division because Ronda Rousey was hot
Starting point is 03:41:05 and he's like no look at Gina Carano she was like the champ before Rousey she's hot and yeah but now she has like a Hollywood career I think Hollywood is very hot is both more profitable and easier certainly
Starting point is 03:41:21 not getting punched in the face you know I had this notion that pro fighters didn't mind getting punched in the face yeah you know i had this notion that pro fighters didn't mind getting punched in the face or were never scared or they were cool with it they're really not like again and again like it um dude there was this thing with brendan schraub he's uh he does he does a podcast but he's a ufc fighter big brown and uh um he was backstage with GSP. And GSP is like scared to death before his fight. GSP is one of the people in the conversation for the greatest fighter of all time. And he's like, I don't know why I do this. I don't want to go out there.
Starting point is 03:41:56 This is so scary. Like, this is horrible. I'm panicked. And he's just like, this is the worst job anyone's ever had. Like, I didn't know pro fighters felt like that i i a lot of them do you know chael sunnen would talk about that you they are you ready are you ready he's like i'm never ready i don't i don't want to do it's like i'm next but i'm not ready uh i don't want to sorry i totally am interrupting right now but did you know there's a resupply mission to the ISS about to happen in 12 minutes?
Starting point is 03:42:26 It's about to launch. It's on Ustream. A resupply mission? Yeah, like to the ISS. Here's the link. Oh, oh, oh, oh, ISS. I'm hearing ISIS. I'm like, why are we supplying ISIS? This is terrible. Well, we kind of did already once before,
Starting point is 03:42:42 so it wouldn't be that weird if we did it again, you know. But this is about to happen in like 10 minutes. It's going to take off. Monumental episode for the 4th of July as this comes out on the 4th of July. Ah, TotalBiscuit taking a jab at Frankie on PC now. What is he saying? Here, I'll link you to his tweet that links to his video. I bet it's a 25-minute video if I had to watch it.
Starting point is 03:43:08 I know we're right in the middle of something, but that ran across my news feed. Counterstrike. Is that a SoundCloud? Lies and videotape. An audio blog. How long is this? 15 minutes. Yeah, maybe later.
Starting point is 03:43:21 Yeah, maybe later. Yeah, there was a movie a long time ago when I was young called sex lies and videotape the videotape so i assume counter-strike lies and videotape is a play on that that would make sense a reference only uh the demographic of 40 year olds he was so i got that one too um what he did is he filed a copyright claim on this guy now let's talk about copyright claims they're so tricky maybe this is boring, but in the meantime, we'll have this... NASA broadcast. This NASA broadcast going. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 03:43:54 If you monetize content, then copyright claims are usually legit. If you're doing it for free, then this fair use thing carries. It's a lot easier to claim fair use if you don't have a monetized video. If it is monetized, then a lot of the fair use stuff kind of erodes away. But another test, let's say that you're willing to pass a higher bar, and it's a judgment call, so it's not like you can just nail it. If you're willing to still go after it the higher bar that is her monetized comment and one of the things is it has to be transformative and and what that means is like if i show an fps rusher video and it's the funny part about my video then i didn't really change it you know but if i'm talking about like proper gun
Starting point is 03:44:43 technique or like criticizing the way he holds it or maybe did like if i'm not if his is just sort of b-roll or if i'm talking about a greater issue and he just has like some footage that like informs it then that becomes fair use possibly if i didn't monetize and i'd almost have a solid case but even that will always be up for the interpretation of some sort of a human being at the end of the day who could lean either way depending on a variety of factors. And sometimes it's just opinion. Yeah. And that opinion is heavily swayed when it's monetized or not.
Starting point is 03:45:18 I have no idea if Louder's video is monetized. I'm not sure. But if you use – use now it was transformative like frankie on pc's video i think was like hey look i got good at bee hopping um and then this guy you know was i guess kind of i i saw the guy's video on a facebook thing he kind of was teaching what bee hopping was and why he thought that it was scripted um to me it passed the transformative test same here you know if I make yeah so well he's the thing is that the one that I use is no one was watching louder's video because they wanted to see some Frankie footage right
Starting point is 03:45:59 right like that wasn't it it was it just wasn't it and and that's where that comes into play if you ask me. 10% of the video had Frankie footage. And it was used to talk about it for the other 90%. Yeah, and it was in no way entertaining. There was no entertainment value to the footage of Frankie's that he showed. It was strictly to... It was like proof.
Starting point is 03:46:20 It was like, here's what this guy is doing. And here's why I think it's cheating. If it makes up a small percentage of your video then that is a thing too you know but i think the important thing to that you need to know is like did did frankie click the button and file the complaint or was it an automated thing or was it his fans like how did that actually happen like like did he click the button and file the claim or or not yeah because i've been accused of flagging a lot of videos and uh some guys even say like i'm a well-known flagger like they just
Starting point is 03:46:51 lay it out as fact it's not really true i've only flagged one video once ever and it was keemstar because you know actually i can tell you why it was because he was picking on wings and wings asked for help so i flagged keemstar's video because he used my footage. And, you know, whatever. Somebody at YouTube looked at it. A human did. And they agreed. And they agreed, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 03:47:13 Because it's, I forget what it is. There's algorithms that do some flagging, but this was a link to an... Content ID system. The content ID system? Yeah, that was the flagging. This was not an automated flag system. It was the off flagging this uh this was not an automated flag system it was a link to an off-site video on twitch and the human looked at it and
Starting point is 03:47:31 confirmed that it was bad but whatever his whole channel was shut down a few days later so it didn't really matter um that had nothing to do with me but um yeah anyway frankie's being accused of this and i just take it with a grain of salt because I know how many times I've been accused of flagging videos when I only did it once. It doesn't help he was actually cheating. Granted, that's not, as we discussed privately, that's no admission of guilt if he did flag the video. Yeah, it totally isn't. It doesn't help him, though, in the public's opinion that he is guilty of something. Yeah, talk about censorship.
Starting point is 03:48:06 This is Streisand effect. I don't think we'd be talking about it if it was just some thing. It wasn't until... If it was just us reporting, oh, Frankie cheated, we wouldn't give any fucks. It would not have been as big news. It was the fact that there's a possibility of him censoring the fact that he was cheating and somebody brought awareness to it. Yeah, yeah, that's the thing.
Starting point is 03:48:26 Are either of you watching anything in particular on Netflix and whatnot? I ran out of content on Netflix. I kind of want to watch, I saw there was this new show called Ascension that I think is a Netflix original. Yes, no, no, no, no. That came out on
Starting point is 03:48:41 either CBS. What's Frankie's name? Frankie on PC in 1080p. Yeah, just search for that. You'll find it. So Ascension on either CBS. What's Frankie's name? Frankie on PC in 1080p? In 1080p. Yeah, just search for that. You'll find it. So Ascension was either CBS or NBC, one of those network shows. And I've wanted to watch it. I'm glad Netflix has it now, though.
Starting point is 03:48:55 But the concept alone sounds super cool. Did you read it, Kyle? Yeah, they're on like a 100-year space mission or something like that. It's like a generational ship. Yeah, so it's 100 years to get to where they're going from Earth or whatever. The first generation has died off, and the second generation will never make it there. The third generation will land on this new planet. And this is the story about the second generation of people that have had no home planet to start from,
Starting point is 03:49:23 and they'll never have a home planet to land on they're strictly living their entire lives on this ship um and it's supposed to be really uh crazy and interesting so i'm looking forward to that oh we lost the video i just look frankie on pc and 1080p is losing subs but not much he typically gains two to four thousand a day which is stellar that is a that is a very successful youtuber two to four thousand a day which is stellar that is a that is a very successful youtuber two to four thousand a day is great two and a half million roughly but today so instead of gaining two or four thousand he lost 28 but that's whatever that'll blow under blow over yeah it appears now he definitely did do the takedown though he is now claiming that a channel
Starting point is 03:50:02 one of his channel moderators did it. Which is, as it says here, that that's conveniently impossible to prove one way or another. What else there is to read here? I want to flip your thing back on. He has channel moderators? Yeah, Kyle, you've got to turn your camera on. Yeah, I was reading that thing.
Starting point is 03:50:20 Hmm. Yeah, I guess he does. I think I've got a couple on mine. You have channel moderators too? Just so that more than one person can get in there. I do that with everything. So there's a backup to a backup. I don't have any channel moderators.
Starting point is 03:50:34 Somehow my Facebook got somewhat hacked recently so it was sharing all these spammy messages. I think we got a handle on that, but I'm not sure because they weren't posting stuff. It was sharing stuff it was more like a bot was doing it uh it was bizarre um so yeah so we are four minutes from launch are you watching anything on netflix or tv wise what do you have finished daredevil i finished daredevil i thought it was fine i didn't quite share the super hype that other people got. That
Starting point is 03:51:07 everybody else got? Yes. I don't know. It doesn't help that you stretched it out over, I don't know, two months. That was Jackie's fault, but yeah. I finished Orange is the New Black and I liked that. I thought Orange is the New Black was good. Anybody want to give me odds that
Starting point is 03:51:23 this rocket doesn't make it? Why would it not? It's a NASA rocket. It's not an Elon Musk rocket. Oh, so you should give me good odds then. What odds would you give me on a $10 bet? That it doesn't make it? That it doesn't make it.
Starting point is 03:51:38 So what does doesn't make it? It just doesn't launch tonight? It doesn't launch. It explodes. It goes off track. I don't know. It hits the International Space Station and everybody dies. This mission is a failure. I'll give you 5 to 1. 5 to 1?
Starting point is 03:51:52 I was thinking 10, but I don't want to pay that much. I'll give you 5 to 1. So $50 versus $10. Oh. 25 versus 5. How long do they launch? How long until launch? It says in 2 minutes it's supposed to.
Starting point is 03:52:07 It says 12 to 5. I'll do 5 bucks. 5 to 1. You watched a couple space rockets. Dude, I just watched the SpaceX one blow up. Those don't count.
Starting point is 03:52:21 That's what I said. Not an Elon Musk rocket. You get so excited, right? Your camera's not working for me. Can you turn it on and off? Yours isn't working for me either. Neither of yours are working for me. Really? I can see mine at the bottom. Mine coming. We'll wait and see.
Starting point is 03:52:39 Yeah, we'll give it a minute. It was like, oh, look, here's a company that's proving that NASA is just wasting money on all their checks and balances. And they're going to do space flight so much cheaper and better. And they're going to bring in the era of commercial space flight. And it's going to be fantastic. And then it blows up time and time again. Three times now. It doesn't blow up.
Starting point is 03:53:02 It just doesn't take off. Or they're like hey look We reached space and it's not much to it like all they did is shoot like a fucking bottle rocket into like lower Space that didn't go well how many NASA failures did they have when they started and even in the mid lifecycle of NASA? Let's be real. There's dozens. I mean we lost a shuttle. It's not that long ago. Yeah, exactly or something Did we lose a shuttle in 2003? Yeah, everybody died. Right, right, right. I remember that.
Starting point is 03:53:29 Columbus or Columbia, one of the sea ones it was. It was after 9-11 and I feared, just like, did the terrorists do this? Everyone's like, no. The shuttle was going 200,000 miles an hour at the time. There's no ride.
Starting point is 03:53:46 You can't shoot a shuttle down. La, that wasn't how it went down. 8600 RPGs fired at once trying to hit it. And then I never knew if they were lying. There was a jet that crashed in New York City shortly after 9-11. And it hit a regular apartment building people claimed they saw missiles like reaching up to the jet and everyone was like nope not a terrorist attack it wasn't and i'm like well would you tell me if it was i think you might be lying i wonder if i can does anyone remember this no all i can remember is the exact scenario with the plane that went down in
Starting point is 03:54:22 pennsylvania which that one i'd bet money on was shot down, just given the evidence. That's that. I don't know if there's other non-911 flight that went down shortly after. It rings a bell, but not the theory of it being shot down. I do remember another plane going down. American Airlines Flight 587. It crashed in Queens, a borough of New York City, shortly after takeoff. All 260 people on board were killed, along with five people on the ground. It's the second deadliest aviation incident in New York State.
Starting point is 03:54:56 The second deadly whatever, whatever. It took two months and one day after September 11th. Yeah, so I'm definitely mostly right with these facts. And I just, I wish they could say, I remember on TV there were a fair amount of people who said that they saw the missile reach up and hit it. Now, oh, shucks, the thing's launching on the side. Oh, let's see.
Starting point is 03:55:21 Oh, there it goes. All right, all right. Please explode, please explode. Oh, jeez goes. Alright. Alright. Please explode. Please explode. Oh, Jesus Christ. But people say crazy things, and they make mistakes. And, you know, you can see things that maybe something shot down from it, and they mixed it up and thought it shot up to it. I don't know, but I also think it's crazy.
Starting point is 03:55:40 We're watching history being made here with this resupply. 349 people gave accounts of what they saw because it happened right over new york about half of them reported a fire or explosion before the plane hit the ground others said they saw a wing detached from the aircraft when in fact it was the vertical stabilizer some witnesses reported seeing one of the engines burst into flames and break off the plane others reported a loud sound like a sonic boom there's a lot of people who like all of these are normal you know you would hear that if it just was taking off and an engine exploded i think you would hear a sonic crack so the the vertical stabilizer i assume that's the thing on the tail yeah yeah but they they saw the wing detached but
Starting point is 03:56:22 maybe it was a stabilizer some people saw the engine burst into flames before it crashed. Sounds like a lot of unreliable eyewitnesses if like three different components of the plane are breaking. Unless the theory is... Jesus Christ. Oh, oh, what's that? Is that good?
Starting point is 03:56:39 Is what good? This is going up. Kyle's like, she's smoking! She's smoking! Meanwhile, everyone in the ISS is like, oh, please, God, get through the atmosphere. Please. It would be very embarrassing if this failed right after SpaceX. Why isn't there a GoPro on this thing?
Starting point is 03:56:56 Why isn't there a GoPro on the head of this thing? I'm sure they want to be able to be like, oh, they can't do their thing, but watch us do ours. Oh, we should talk about Fearcrads for a second. Should we? I mean, we haven't brought it up at all this whole time. Oh, unless you have him in the thing. No, no.
Starting point is 03:57:13 He's on the layout on the back. So Fearcrads was expected to be our guest. We reached out to him several times today and said, you know, you come and he's like, oh, is that tonight? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's going to cancel plans, I guess, with a girlfriend or something to make sure that he could make the show. And we were under the impression that he was making the show right up until
Starting point is 03:57:32 it was go time. And then... We waited an hour. Yeah, we actually waited an hour. We started an hour late. And he just didn't make it, so we started without him. And I don't know what the scoop is. Normally, when they're strangers, I drag their name through the mud for missing the show. Hodor, bitch.
Starting point is 03:57:51 Chris Hansen, whatever. Yeah, it says mugs. He did get us makeup mugs, so I appreciate that. That was the third-party guy in the middle, the Chris Hansen guy. It was the lie that bugged me the most, right? The whole, he's stuck in traffic. But that wasn't Chris Hansen emailing me. third party guy in the middle of the chris hansen it was the lie that bugged me the most right the whole he's stuck in traffic but that wasn't chris hansen emailing me that was a guy who was later removed from the dealings with chris hansen because of said situation right told me that
Starting point is 03:58:15 so okay chris hansen's guy uh drug his name through the mud then but if you're crads i actually like quite a bit and i mean i've talked to him and stuff so uh for all i know he was yeah he has some very valid excuse to miss this thing and i don't know we'll get him on again i really wanted to have him on because he's been doing i'm just curious what he's been doing after like competitive not competitive but you know he was a guy who was his career was built on amazing gameplay i know he's been doing like a lot of online poker and stuff like in streaming the poker and stuff like that i'm curious like how that's been going for him and whatnot or what's he doing i watched his last video um in preparation for pka and it's all about like you know i'm kind of done with cod i think he i don't know if he did or if he was talking about
Starting point is 03:58:59 removing like a thousand cod videos on his channel, like all his history. And, um, he basically said, you know, like I have an interest in being in like marketing or social media. And while you might think that having a thousand videos on YouTube is a good thing, it turns out like a thousand videos of one game would actually make me less attractive to a potential person. So, uh, so he was thinking about removing them all and he was really excited about streaming like he had streamed a couple days in a row eight hours in a stretch and uh people really liked him and he's like i gained 2 000 followers you know in some time followers or sub i get it mixed up and uh so i guess he's still doing the streaming thing
Starting point is 03:59:41 yeah he's been streaming for a long time i feel like he's been doing that way harder than um making video content and like i said he mainly streams poker youtube's in an interesting spot i mean we talked earlier in the show about how craigslist took down ebay kind of sort of and how um uh myspace got taken down by facebook and how reddit is primed to be taken down by something fortune. I don't know, but, uh, maybe not fortune anyway.
Starting point is 04:00:09 Yeah. I was going to bring up fortune earlier, but I just don't, I can't speak on, I've literally never been to fortune. So I was going to ask you guys, but I was like, isn't that kind of another Reddit without like the form posting ability?
Starting point is 04:00:19 It's sharing content anonymously and stuff. The UI on fortune, I think is almost intentionally bad to keep i was also gonna ask like does anyone know like is there a body behind 4chan like there's a guy the 4chan people hate him too i think his name is mook and he'd like made the deadly sin of censoring at one time and the 4chan people are way more i wouldn't want to piss those off i wouldn't want to piss the 4chan people off. But anyway, what was I saying? It was about Furocreds, and then somehow a thing came up.
Starting point is 04:00:50 Oh, oh, Twitch. I wonder if Twitch can take away gaming from YouTube, if they haven't already. You know, right now it's kind of shared, but are we seeing a change? Well, YouTube's also doing that thing. They made that announcement that they're doing YouTube gaming or whatever. They were too late. Of course they're too late. YouTube fucked up so youtube hated gamers like back when i was going hard in the gaming
Starting point is 04:01:10 space youtube hated gamers there was no spot for gamers on the front page they they like they didn't seem to like us they were always like policing us everybody miscategorized i remember we had um uh the storm on the show, right? And the storm, if people don't know him, he was a super big YouTuber, still is great YouTuber, whatever. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but, um, he was bigger than any of us at the time. And he was like, yeah, education on Fridays. That's my category. Everybody knows, you know, that that's when I upload to education on Fridays, and he would take a front page spot with rap videos or just old school YouTube stuff.
Starting point is 04:01:50 But a gamer miscategorizes, and all of a sudden it's this big problem. Why? YouTube hated gamers. They took us off the front page. They found flaws in the way that YouTube gamers were doing things that they didn't have a problem with anybody else doing. They went extra hard against gamers and now you know they wanted to buy twitch for a
Starting point is 04:02:11 billion dollars they're going hard trying to compete with twitch now soon like now they wish they had gaming did that ever be confirmed because i mean amazon paid a billion for for twitch i feel like the bids were the same they went with google i forget what the complication was that stopped them from happening did they turn down the bid or got rejected somehow or i forget what the deal was but anyway a billion dollars they wanted in twitch and then they couldn't get it so now they're going at it on their own it seems like their hate for gamers turned out to be a serious miscalculation and now they're wishing they still had them if they liked gamers one they would have been more gamer friendly and two they would have had better streaming services earlier on i don't blame um i don't blame google for that though youtube and google although they
Starting point is 04:03:01 google owns youtube youtube has uh youtube can't buy anyone uh to like whatever youtube does in terms of gaming i don't know how much the higher ups that google have over there and put their hands in there you know youtube can buy anyone youtube could yeah dude all youtube needs to do is have youtube doesn't make any money make a better cpm system and and that's the thing youtube literally doesn't make any money. Make a better CPM system. That's the thing. YouTube literally doesn't make money. It's a break even. It breaks even.
Starting point is 04:03:28 Right, right. But I guess I just wanted to say YouTube pissed off the gamers. They went to Twitch, and now YouTube wishes they hadn't. I find that stuff interesting, how YouTube doesn't make any money for Google and stuff like that. Amazon and Netflix technically don't make any money. They put it back into buying new shit. But it's just the amount of companies that just – Twitter is another one that doesn't make any money.
Starting point is 04:03:54 Facebook technically is turning around now, but for the longest time since it's been public and stuff, didn't make any money. Static websites are fairly inexpensive to run, right? It's computationally expensive to build a web page on the fly and show it to somebody um i remember when we were doing huppet gaming huppet gaming had a lot of people it had like two million people a month or something like that unique people um it was like it was really popular but it was expensive to serve we had like three or four servers doing the thing and the old caching servers it got pretty complicated
Starting point is 04:04:24 in the end to deal with all the traffic that it got. And what I learned was a lot of these dynamic sites, Reddit is another example. Reddit didn't make any money, didn't go that hard in advertising and stuff, but Reddit didn't make money. A lot of these dynamic sites find that the cost to serve a page isn't that much higher than the cost to like deliver a page because it's computationally expensive so when I hear that YouTube doesn't make any money I think yeah fucking videos like that's one of the hardest things and talk about taking a lot of bandwidth that's rough and and so it's not completely shocking for me to hear that it's just it's expensive to do what YouTube does you
Starting point is 04:05:04 know upload a video have them rerender it for us and then serve it to everybody shocking for me to hear that like it's just it's expensive to do what youtube does you know upload a video have them re-render it for us and then serve it to everybody and hundreds of hours of video like a second advertising crazy too like if you buy advertising it feels crazy expensive like you know they could i'd like to buy advertising for for woody craft and put it all over the place but it's like wow you know, to show it to 100,000 people, how many of those will actually look at it? And it's going to cost how much? And, you know, thousands.
Starting point is 04:05:30 It feels expensive when you're buying stuff. Sometimes people hear about the prices that we charge to advertise on PKA and they're like, my God, I would never. You know, am I sure I'm going to get all those thousands back for an ad? That's a thing. And then when you're selling advertising
Starting point is 04:05:47 though it feels really cheap like you know uh it really low and without advertising you can't go anywhere and it's it's on both sides you know like netflix has no ads you just pay eight bucks like it's so low yeah and they better not have any ads there was a lot of i don't know if you know there was a lot of pullback of the suggestion of them adding ads quote unquote not ads like selling against amazon products or anything like that but like uh ads for other shows that netflix had and stuff it's like kind of like uh when you go to see a movie and they have all the pre-rolls pre-rolls at the start of previews you know and people lost their shit over there. I can understand. Like, I don't want to.
Starting point is 04:06:32 Up another dollar, you know, and I'll keep paying for your service until you've got until $14.99 Netflix, and then after that, you're charging too much. That's why HBO is just ridiculous with what they want to charge for the amount of content they can deliver. Well, how much is it really now if you've got the Apple TV? I think it's still the same rate. They're in talks after they get out of this. All right. Well, last I heard, there's in a phase right now, three months, Apple has exclusivity, or you can watch it, I think, on your computer, and the rate is 15 bucks a month. I think after that phase, last I heard, you can pay in advance and get a cheaper rate.
Starting point is 04:07:05 And I think I did the math for us. If you buy the year, it actually comes out to being a dollar less a month than if you bought Netflix every month, which I'm fine. One, I don't have to deal with a subscription service every month. And two, that's a decent value for what HBO has on. HBO has pre-rolls. You watch the HBO show? Yeah, they will absolutely advertise their other shows. I don don't mind that you can fast forward through that shit too i'll deal with that too for the amount of content hbo has and the exclusive content they have i won't deal with
Starting point is 04:07:34 the hulu situation i mean i just paid so i'm i'm going through the entire sopranos catalog right now with my girlfriend because she's never seen it and i'm it's free well i don't really i wish i'd known that i spent nine dollars on three episodes last night yeah i but i've got the box set like this huge thing of all the dvds uh and so i and i just prefer to go through those that way because they've got all the dvd commentary and i just like the dvds so um and i've already got them but i was missing three episodes i had to buy them it was nine bucks for three episodes so uh and you get so much hbo's got a huge library of continent even content even if you just want to things like generation kill um all the true blood and all that stuff like there's always something to like dive into and they've got long well-made series they've got a lot of long well-made series
Starting point is 04:08:19 but once you finish them like they don't seem to keep up. Yeah, it's not coming at the rate that you want it to. You'll get maybe two HBO shows a year, three, I think. I look at their pipeline. No, they do more. They make a couple that are good every year. They make several a year. The thing is, they only can make two to three a year and then keep them going. It's like three shows.
Starting point is 04:08:40 Whereas Netflix, it's like, all right, I've got House of Cards in February. Orange is the new black in june daredevils in april a new marvel series will be in the in the fall of this year um they tried since eight didn't work um there's that bloodline show i think it did pretty well and on top of their original content they're getting new licenses for movies and tv shows don't forget they're doing the brad movie. Yeah, let me talk on that. They didn't win. That's not just Netflix.
Starting point is 04:09:11 They won the HBO Apple thing. They paid for the rights to get it first on Netflix. They can still have a theatrical release and stuff after that. I don't know what the time period is off the top of my head. Well, it's better. Is it better? They paid a stupid amount of money. $60 million, right?
Starting point is 04:09:27 I think it was like $210 million. Nah, that doesn't make any sense. I'll look it up. That's more than the movie cost to make. Oh, it's supposed to make more than it cost to make. Oh, you're right. $60 million. Yeah, but you can't pay... Netflix can't pay...
Starting point is 04:09:43 It would make more sense for netflix to produce their own movie with brad pitt than to pay 220 for one with brad pitt you know what i mean so it was 60 million for just uh i don't know amount of time but netflix is doing interesting things and they're taking risks as a business which is cool to me like it remember machinima right machinima had a business where it seemed like they just took a little piece of everybody's earnings and they were supposed to be agents. They like to place people in there and take a little chunk of that. They had a business there, but then they got into content creation. Half their staff was making shows that nobody watched.
Starting point is 04:10:18 They were all bad. Whatever. I'm not going to say they were all bad. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Hutch and Sark did a great job, other than that it was real shit that's not an original series though that was just too i think apl fitcher was actually really good too um i never saw but that's not their original which is probably tell immortal combat stuff wasn't star galactica stuff the uh there was another one i think for gi joe that stuff i think the only one they did well that actually is on netflix is the halo forward Dawn one or something, which I haven't watched that yet. But I think the very first one was a Mortal Kombat one, and it just didn't... It seems like they spent like $8 million...
Starting point is 04:10:54 They went for that money fast. It seems like they spent like $8 million on that Mortal Kombat bullshit or something like that. And it's just like... Then they would do the shady stuff, okay? Oh, go on. with that with that line of them producing the originals was the we're gonna use all of our channel network all right and you can sign up and like this original show and we'll sometimes use it to like your videos as well that whole thing you remember that like yeah give us approval to access your account to like and uh that was serious cocksucker shit like so fucking shitty and and they had so many staff that took this like moral high road when in reality they had like like and favorite bots that you know they just like every
Starting point is 04:11:36 channel in their thing represents a like and favorite well every channel that agreed to yeah but the right but how many of the like tens of thousands of channels got that treatment of that i know i didn't yeah i didn't yeah you're a special case you were top you were in the top five top dogs at the time i i was at the they just never did it like i'd be like hey i'm doing a thing like a music video and or something special i'm like i think i'm ready you know like we should do it on this and it was always something slow with them like i don't know we're using the like and favorite bot on this video. You need to submit yours.
Starting point is 04:12:08 It'll be a week from now. And I'm like, I can't. It's too topical. A week, I can't sit on that. Yeah, they're just being shitty. They're just being shitty. They just didn't want to help you. That's all that's about.
Starting point is 04:12:20 Because I probably shouldn't say his name. But that guy was like oh yeah good video when he saw it on my computer and was just like hey yeah push it yeah yeah yeah network wide yeah now and like i guess it was like like i just imagined somebody like pulling a big switch and then it just happened it like while we were like standing there looking at the computer yeah they were just being shitty and uh um so anyway they had like liking favorite bots and then i didn't like that like while they do that they're also claiming moral high ground all the time that kind of sucked attacking youtubers and shit um what was i gonna say uh oh so machina
Starting point is 04:12:57 was producing content and it seemed to me like an obvious mistake but netflix is producing content and it seems like a genius move like their contents actually working and enhancing their platform if they were just a bunch of old movies Netflix wouldn't be what Netflix is but the problem is right it's machinima it's the gaming network right you every gaming movie has fucking failed throughout all of time I mean I don't know if you guys ever went out to the studios and over at machinima like saw what was going on there like yeah i just trust netflix a lot more with content creation yeah i saw what was going on there yeah i didn't even catch all that sniffling yeah yeah Yeah. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 04:13:48 I don't know what you're doing. Yeah, I don't know what you're doing. I'm sorry. It sounds like you're snoring a little. That's what it sounds like. I've never done coke. I don't know how to do it. I love how you just threw the subtlety out of that. I've never done coke.
Starting point is 04:14:07 I guess that was all the sniffing about there. It wasn't a cold. I've got a little bit of a head rush for my fake coke. I just remember every time I would deal with those guys, it seems like the staff are all wonderful people. They're all working their dream jobs because they're getting to play video games at work, for work in some cases. They were cocksuckers and it was a real laid back so i went to the machinima headquarters right this was like after hours and stuff and uh what happened is um another
Starting point is 04:14:36 network had fired up and offered us higher cpms so rather than like leave machinima we said hey you know like this is the deal we're getting from other companies. You know, where do you stand on this? And they were like, I will have to think about it. So then I met him in person. I think I was there for the dance on the dancing thing anyway. And somebody on staff had a picture of Benedict Arnold or something with my head on the guy's body. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 04:15:05 And it was like, wow, I'm like public. He had it on his cube wall. And I'm like, huh, some cocksuckers working here. Nice. Yeah. Breaking news reports Russian unmanned supply ship successfully launched into the ISS. So you owe me $5. Apparently so.
Starting point is 04:15:24 Still a good bet.. Still a good bet. It was a good bet. But yeah, Machinima, like Kyle was saying, not the best employees or production staff, I'm sure, was there. And the content is just so hard to make appealing and successful. It's literally all their series were based on, with the exception towards the end of Battlestar Galactica and the Halo thing is a game thing.
Starting point is 04:15:43 Well, see, that's the thing. So what we see is those offices and everybody in there Star Galactica and the Halo thing is a game thing. That's the thing. What we see is those offices and everybody in there and the other thing we mentioned with some of the higher-ups, maybe. But what was going on with that content creation is they're writing checks to someone to go make this happen. That's not in-house.
Starting point is 04:15:59 That Mortal Kombat thing, those are professional actors. There's a whole production studio that's hired to do that. It's not Machinima people making any of that stuff. Any of it. They're just signing a check and paying a production company to do it for them. They were just not good at that.
Starting point is 04:16:16 That's what Netflix is good at because they're picking the right... The Wachowski brothers made that Sense8 thing despite the Wachowski siblings. Even though it didn't do very well um yeah they're getting their professionals to make their but even like i don't think netflix i think the sensei thing might be looked at as a pretty bad bomb i don't think they'll get a second season but i know like the series we don't like as much like hemlock grove
Starting point is 04:16:37 like they're on season three and stuff like that like some people do like they've got a they've got a small following yeah yeah yes hemlock grove the one with that guy that looks like charlie sheen i don't know anything about it i'm just i've never watched an episode i just know you hate it and didn't have anything good to say so i didn't look oh that's the one with the uh the vampires there you go i thought i had to do with vampires i thought it was werewolves yeah show us what we know i think there's actually a bunch in there i tried to watch it i couldn't get into it. I'm thinking of a different one. Bloodline, maybe? Bloodline, I think, did do well.
Starting point is 04:17:09 Yeah, it is the guy who looks like Charlie Sheen. His name is Ron Livingston, I think. Or no, it might be a guy that looks like Ron Livingston because Ron Livingston is the guy from Office Space. And there might be a guy that looks like him. I like Ron Livingston. I thought it was Ron Livingston. He had a series on Fox that I think only went two seasons. They were like...
Starting point is 04:17:27 Kyle Chandler, maybe. Yeah, Kyle Chandler is his name. Is it the Inbetweeners or something like that? The one you're talking about? Because it seems like it's him. No, it's Bloodline. Okay. I thought I meant the one on Fox. Oh, no. Shit, can I find it? It was Ron Livingston. He was
Starting point is 04:17:43 the negotiator person for police during hostage situations. Oh, okay. I, can I find it? It was Ron Livingston. He was the negotiator person for police during hostage situations. Oh, okay. I like Ron Livingston. He's one of those actors that I want to do well. He was in Band of Brothers and in Office Space, and I loved him in both those roles, and I always like, you know, I want to see him do stuff. Let's see, filmography.
Starting point is 04:18:00 David Duchovny's the same way. I always like to see him succeed. So handsome and cool I'm gonna watch his series too he's got one on I don't know if you heard of it it's called Aquarius they released the whole thing at once um I think it was NBC or something um it's based on like night it takes place in 1960s and he's a cop working on Charlie Manson or something like that did you guys watch um Hot Girls Wanted or something like that netflix never heard of it yeah yeah i fast forwarded through that looking for nudity yeah uh interesting thing man like so they took a bunch
Starting point is 04:18:31 of girls and at the start they're all like kind of excited and really sex positive and stuff like that and it appears that what makes a porn star value, like this is the career trajectory. You go in and now you're like a virgin, right? Or you're playing a virgin or something like that. And nobody knows you. You could be, even if you're not playing a virgin, you're a new person. You're not like hardened to the porn scene. And that makes you attractive to a set of viewers.
Starting point is 04:19:00 And then if you take off like Bell Knox or something,, you know, that Duke University porn star, whatever. Bella. I believe it's Bella. Okay. If you take off, then you can start getting good roles. If you don't, then you get like some of the rougher sub genres. Like there's bondage. And I hear bondage.
Starting point is 04:19:20 And I think like two consenting, like know safe words or whatever no they're doing like slapping the girls hitting them rough uh i i they don't show porn in it but like there's a girl like they make her puke but i'd like pretty much making her puke on some guy's dick and then they have her lick it up on the ground and they're saying things that hurt her feelings along the way and uh dude it's hard i saw it and i'm just like wow like i can't feel any empathy for that because you did something and you went down that path into that it's like it's like calling a crack whore a bunch of insulting things like you know what you did to get here like no fuck you like you know i don't feel bad that she's being talked to inappropriately they tried to be a porn star right what they wanted to happen was like they go in and of course they're super valuable because
Starting point is 04:20:14 they're near virgins right at least in the compared to a porn star they're just regular people right they go in there and they may have had sex with like they're young right so right? So like seven people in their whole lives, three people in their whole lives. And then they become a porn star. That number goes up in a hurry. But after a couple shoots, five shoots, six shoots, whatever, if they're not taking off, then they're going into the rough stuff. And the only way that they can make money is to do like harder, less desirable jobs. And then they get out of the business like
Starting point is 04:20:46 towards the end of the show and then it goes to a bunch of new girls and they're all sex positive and excited because they're they're new girls and they just haven't been through it how about you go back to school and get your how about you get your ged if it doesn't work out for you on that path yeah i don't i mean you know if you go to a porn studio for an audition like a like you should know going in it's like feeling bad for all of the actors that work at restaurants as as waiters and never get that big break it's like you can stop it this this is a career that you know is not is very far and few that make it to the tippy top and if you're okay uh you know there's always a path to turn around go back to school you know try something
Starting point is 04:21:25 else i know a lot of those i don't feel sorry for them either because it's like you you're agreeing to do what you you're there to do like you know you don't don't come to like the the humiliation factory if you're not ready for that right like the fact that she's willing to appear in a film the film's like slap slap like if you're going there for a job, be ready to be a slaptoe. I already kind of think less of you like the girl who got famous from the university. She quit high school, I think. Something like that.
Starting point is 04:21:54 She dropped out of college. But I feel like if you're going in porn, you already go, this is a sweet gig. This is easy. I get fucked and I get money and stuff like that. So there's like a laziness mentality I think. And if you don't succeed at that and now you have to go dark underground and do this other shitty line of work then you're really lazy you won't just you're willing to tolerate you know all of this shit you know the sad feelings and stuff like go back to school
Starting point is 04:22:18 like stop being lazy like have you seen any bellinox's work uh sorry was that any Mila nox's no Bella Knox the yeah it's me LLE which in Disney is pronounced Bell let me open my torrents here I don't know about that I think that's Bella you think it's Bella as well what the hell the from Beauty and the Beast is it her name Bell yeah how's it spelled be b-e-l-l-e probably hang on let me open i'm looking here i have b-e-l-l-e now how's the porn star's name spelled bella with an a on the end oh well there's my mistake oh here's a youtube video oh no it's b-'s B-E- I'm right. Ah, Woody's right. It's Belle. Okay. Okay, I thought it was Bella.
Starting point is 04:23:10 I did too. I saw a porno with her and Lisa Ann, who's like the super popular MILF porn star, who I think has now retired or went to like only masturbation videos. Real shame. You hate to lose a good porn star. Very hot. She's on the stern show every now and then she was
Starting point is 04:23:25 you know she was part of their fantasy football thing she's apparently really good at fantasy football like like legitimately like like she's a fucking champion or something so she's got she was kind of interesting she wasn't like a bobble-headed moron she she had the head on her shoulders and seemed interesting to listen to you want to watch 20 seconds of just i was gonna say let's watch this thing kyle linked a while ago bill knox also did like the forcible like throat porn or something and they they showed um she did like she you know she did the thing and then she kind of crashed and then people discovered her and she went wild and she's on like the view and stuff like that and um the other porn stars were watching her. They're like, look at the way she talks about the rough ones.
Starting point is 04:24:08 She doesn't talk about it. She tries to, like, they're like, she was damaged too. She, you don't see it. All right. Is this a link you want me to see? Yeah. No. Yeah, you linked it a while ago.
Starting point is 04:24:21 It's 26 seconds. So what am I looking at? Is this okay to stream? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is Justice porn. No. Yeah, he leaked it a while ago. It's 26 seconds. So what am I looking at? Is this okay to stream? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is justice porn. Ooh. I'm always down for justice porn. Let's do this.
Starting point is 04:24:32 Working the screens. Are you ready? Yeah. Three, two, one, play. I'm not ready. is he dancing or doing martial arts he's challenging this guy he's been talking tell his mating dance thank you bitch in the background oh shit holy fuck so what happened here is a young guy is like it's kind of he's trying to like bitch this older guy out he's like thrown he's he's in a stance he's like he's talking
Starting point is 04:25:17 shit he's acting all crazy he's you know basically challenging this guy to fight and the older guy is like not having any of it hands in his pockets he's like fuck you man he's like walking out of the establishment then the young guy comes kicks him in the ass and stumbles a bit does a very pussy kick to the ass yeah it throws him off balance into this into the sliding glass door he lands into it and then this guy just turns around and just clocks him on the button and he hits the floor. Oh my god. The older guy's arms are about this big around and the younger guy's arms are about this big around. Like, he was fucking with the wrong guy and the guy in green knew it the whole time.
Starting point is 04:25:55 Like, after the video's over, the thumbnail freezes and you can see how big this guy's arms are. Like, he should not have fucked... You know, he's got a belly. He's not, like, an athlete anymore. But this this guy's strong and this younger guy is just a punk he gets the fuck pit up oh he hits him so hard that's great dude just how his punches he goes right through his head like he went all the way i think maybe the other here's my theory on it i think it's possible that the other guy went back to dodge it because it's like his head didn't even slow down on the punch.
Starting point is 04:26:28 He's unconscious now. He might have hit the back of the head on the cement too. That happens in hockey a lot. In hockey, sometimes some of the worst injuries are not from the hit. It's from the head on the ice. And this guy's head sort of hits the cement on the fall. Let me see if I can catch it better. Yeah, I've watched it like eight times.
Starting point is 04:26:48 It's off camera, so it's hard to be sure. Slow this down a quarter speed. Watch his whole body when it gets hit. Like everything just like shuts down when it gets hit. Yeah, it's like a hit with a taser. He's just like, ah! There it is. I'm at quarter speed too.
Starting point is 04:27:04 It's almost like his back is arched or. I'm at quarter speed, too. Ah! It's almost like his back is arched or something. It's part of the dodge. But look, there's no dodge. If you keep watching, when he hits the glass, he stumbles. And there's no reaction. He doesn't see this guy coming back at him. He hits the thing.
Starting point is 04:27:20 There's no dodging, I see. I'm going to look. I'm going to see if he's... That's all punch. I just don't see it. I think he's still trying to get up off the fucking glass pane. Whatever it is, he got fucked up. That was great. I love that.
Starting point is 04:27:36 Yeah, that was pretty good. At first, you're like, 26 seconds. How am I gonna get justice porn in that amount of time? And then they deliver. Reddit revolt. Now is reddit down reddit revolt is what trending yeah i saw that earlier actually um times i it reddit to me is just one of the so a community website is only interesting when it gets a community right one of the reasons woodycraft is so successful is because WoodyCraft is so successful, right? Like, we're on that list of big servers.
Starting point is 04:28:07 People go there because other people are there. You can get in a game and then things happen. And it's weird when those tides change to some extent. And is it possible that Reddit is actually sinking right now? Just picture this if we banned guns. Like, this is the power of the people right here. They're shutting down every fucking thing, revolting, nailing people to
Starting point is 04:28:30 crosses, figuratively speaking, and saying, no, you need to do this right now or we'll fucking self-implode. A few of the top posts are people wanting to ban their own subreddits. Like, here's a petition for our America to go private.
Starting point is 04:28:47 Yeah. It really is a revolution if you think about it. Eh, a little one. We'll see how it plays out if they do this for more than eight hours. If you've got a week, that's... Dude, it keeps going. But I'm looking at a message to all. If you go sort by all,
Starting point is 04:29:03 Ask Science has decided to stay open but protest and make their top rated thing like uh you know we're not happy with this petition for our america to go private um if i get to the your reddit admins by 4chan's admin protest the top four things on our all are all about the... More than that. They just keep scrolling down. Victoria this or we're revolting on this. Scumbag Reddit.
Starting point is 04:29:32 Oh, I'm sorry. It just keeps going. All the top posts are about it. Yeah. Yeah, either Victoria or like we're banning this and shit like that. Congratulations. Congrats, Reddit. Interesting.
Starting point is 04:29:45 Wait, am I on? Oh, yeah, I am. TotalBiscuit's up here. Yeah. Wow. That's interesting, though. Reddit on trending Twitter has 101,000 tweets about it. Donald Trump, thank you, Donald Trump, has 162,000 tweets.
Starting point is 04:30:02 Nice. Why are they thanking Donald Trump? I don't know. I'll click it. Did he drop out of the race? I don't. All right, what's this? Thank you, Donald Trump.
Starting point is 04:30:12 Huffington Post. American Ferrera. Dear Donald, you've said some offensive things to the Latin immigrants. This is so long. Sincerely, America. That's where we America this nation so Bobby Jindal they got me talk say when they can at the page did a ask Bobby and it totally backfired they're all like you know hey use hashtag ask Bobby include your name in city and we'll reply to you did Jesus ride dinosaurs with or without a saddle?
Starting point is 04:30:47 Hashtag AskBobby. When are you going away? Soon, I hope. Love, Louisiana Constituent. AskBobby. AskBobby, what's your all-time favorite exorcism and why? How does it feel to sell your soul for political gain and yet not gain anything politically? Hashtag Ask Bobby.
Starting point is 04:31:06 When are widely famous people going to learn how Twitter works? Hashtag Ask Bobby. Go ahead. You want to say something? Oh, I don't know who America Ferreira is. It's this woman. I guess she's the one who wrote this open letter to Donald Trump about he's ignorant and racist towards immigrants, and that's why all this is trending. I don't know who she is, though.
Starting point is 04:31:24 She looks like – oh, well, she looks Latin. It's so hard to be a conservative online. It's weird to me that... Are there as many conservatives as it seems? Where are the conservatives? Watching TV, I guess. Listening to the radio. Watching Fox News.
Starting point is 04:31:42 Ask. I know who you're going to say. where do you guys hang out church drudge report drudge report yeah um that yeah they love that one but as a reddit user i know how important the titles are right reddit users who go for for karma totally get that the title is a very important thing. It needs to be kind of clickbaity but not clickbaity. It's funny and it has a huge impact on how you feel about the next thing you're about to see. The Drudge Report was completely founded on that. They'll just be like, look at these crazy fucking liberals doing this or that.
Starting point is 04:32:21 And then you click it, reading to see how crazy they are. Not reading to see what they do. That title trains you on how to react to what you see. As a Reddit guy, that's so obvious. Every Reddit person knows it. Drudge reporters don't agree. Drudge reporters feel like they're making up their
Starting point is 04:32:40 own minds. It's crazy. You guys want to call it a wrap did you i think i think so i have one question for uh if you're a conservative friend i want to know if the dinosaurs were alive during the time of human beings did jesus ride a triceratops i don't i i doubt anyone is claiming that but did they were there dinosaurs on the Ark? Did dinosaurs and human beings exist at the same time in history? I'd like that question answered. How do you get a megalith?
Starting point is 04:33:13 Why? Is it a trap or something? Of course it's a trap. Of course it's a trap because a lot of those people believe that, that humans and dinosaurs roamed the Earth at the same time. That's one of the founding things they believe. They believe that 6,000-year earth, etc, etc. Yeah. There isn't this Jurassic period millions
Starting point is 04:33:28 of years ago. It's like, no, Adam and Eve and the dinosaurs and all the other, you know, creatures. They think that within the Bible is the entire history of the earth. Yeah. And that only stretches 6,000 years or so. And they believe that there were dinosaurs here and that they were in, you know,
Starting point is 04:33:43 people dealt with dinosaurs Yeah, I don't know after I ran a dinosaur. I don't know what my conservative friend would say I do know that he said like you know he's like some science is good, but um You know geology that science. That's not right they get it all wrong Well, I'm sure paleontology goes right alongside geology and that gentleman's mind. I'm not trying to poke fun. I would just like to know his thoughts on that. He might believe in observational science. Well, were you there to observe the dinosaurs back then?
Starting point is 04:34:12 Do you really know they were there? So maybe he believes in observational science. Because you weren't there. You can't prove that. Can't know 100%. I was on the- I mean, you really can. I i mean the thing was right that everyone we they had feathers right the dinosaurs had feathers all over them some i'm dead did that
Starting point is 04:34:32 was that a thing well like it was always that they were just scaly cold things like they fucked up two things one that a lot of them had feathers and two i think it was one of the long neck ones or something was like not a real dinosaur they had combined the bones of two different ones and went yeah it, it's this dinosaur. And a lot of them were – a lot of them turned out – it turns out were warm-blooded according to new research. And I think the reason a lot of them had – some of them had feathers is because of the evolutionary link between dinosaurs and modern birds. Like those dinosaurs that survived the mass extinction 65 million years ago, they had to get smaller, lighter, and survive in a much different world. The same world that those tiny mammals that were like little mice and rats
Starting point is 04:35:12 and other what we would consider little varmints, shrews and stuff like that. That's who our ancestors were. And theirs had to miniaturize and live in that smaller world with less in it. Birds and alligators. I watched Newt Gingrich debate like a paleontologist or something and he did super well. It was interesting to see
Starting point is 04:35:34 a professional politician. He debated about dinosaurs. Then we saw a professional politician go head to head with a paleontologist and Newt Gingrich did really well. He argued that dinosaurs and came from birds no the birds came from dinosaurs and that they ran on two feet and he said he sees birds catch varmints the same way now it seems like newt had the facts on his side too
Starting point is 04:35:55 well well i'm not sure wait did the paleontologist not agree with that that right he didn't think yeah he didn't that's odd to me. It was a while ago. This was like 10, 15 years ago. Yeah, but I'm wondering, what was the paleontologist? It seems like Newt was arguing for evolution, clearly. Why wouldn't the paleontologist? What was their... Where did the birds come from?
Starting point is 04:36:17 What were they debating? Interesting. Any well-educated person, even though we can point point go you're clearly kind of wrong on this like evolution like that's the thing bill nye and ken ham did like ken ham can really sell his side of things if you're just educated and dive into that enough so you can have an interesting debate but at the end of the day you know that person is just wrong they've just managed to warp things around properly to to spew their. I mean, the little things that sell me is when I watch programs where you can
Starting point is 04:36:48 see millions of layers of sediment and stuff like that, and you can literally go back and they're like, oh, you see where this layer is? There's iridium in this layer, and that only comes from asteroid impacts. And that coincides with this mass die-off that you can see here. You see how below this layer, there was this creature in that creature and after this layer they aren't that's because that represents an impact and you can see that and then they date those layers and it's pretty clear science it seems simple and understand and easy to understand God put it there so so here
Starting point is 04:37:22 it is it's newt gingrich versus Jack horner and um 1998 i told you it was old okay and um uh newt gingrich i feel like crushing him and a lot of people like i'm reading this thing and they're like wow newt gingrich really did his thing um horner appears to be gracious hose throwing softballs and letting gingrich win but that's not how i interpreted it really like gingrich was just crushing it. And, you know, in here, they're quite impressed by how much research he had done. But, yeah, it's, I don't know. Somehow it came up in a, well, Gingrich is an amateur paleontologist.
Starting point is 04:37:57 He's got, that sounds lame, but it's a passion. It clearly was. He knew what he was talking about. But also it struck me as I watched this thing, how great a skilled debater is compared to just an expert in the field. What is this clip? It's a clip from Ted. It's the media's reaction to a teddy bear coming alive.
Starting point is 04:38:21 Let's watch this. I think I remember what excerpt was the funnest deal we made. And that's in Georgia too if you look closely at the scroll at the bottom that was a Georgia that's funny look what Jesus did there it is all right we call a show there I guess if you want extra long one yeah coming up on us five three guys hanging out. Let's see. 438-ish, something like that. All right.
Starting point is 04:38:48 I hope you guys enjoyed the show. And have a good night. Thank you, Squarespace. Thank you, Squarespace. Click on their links. Buy stuff from them. Patreon, et cetera. That's how I speak it.

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