Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #276

Episode Date: April 8, 2016

This week on PKA, Richard Ryan from Rated RR joins the guys again and they do a fun trivia game show, they talk about bible stories and discuss UFC 200 and the contenders. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Take two, PKA 276. We have several sponsors tonight. Casper! Stop. Casper!! And a brand new sponsor,!
Starting point is 00:00:16 Are you mocking me? For what? Are you mocking me? Scorbig! We'll talk more about those sponsors later on in the show, and you can check down, there's a link in the description if you want to check them out right now. But first things first. Should we explain that nonsense?
Starting point is 00:00:31 Woody didn't think that I was speaking loud enough. He was like, you sound like a queer. And we were all just kind of like, who even says that anymore? You're whitewashing. He didn't say queer you know what he said fruit i don't say that word i don't use that word no the truth is we did this like 10 seconds ago and his internet cut out while he started so we started over and i joke you're white watching he didn't say queer you know what he said fruit i don't say that word
Starting point is 00:01:01 i don't use that word no the truth is he we did this like 10 seconds ago and his internet cut out while he started so we started over and i joked that he didn't speak loudly enough as if that would help his internet you're whitewashing he didn't say queer you know what he said fruit i don't say that word i don't use that word no the truth is he we did this like 10 seconds ago and his internet cut out while he started, so he started over. And I joked that he didn't speak loudly enough as if that would help his internet issues because I make the related joke
Starting point is 00:01:31 all the time when people can't get their computers to work that they're not clicking hard enough. And anyway. I know a thing or two about wireless networks and I imagine that the amplitude of my voice is somehow powering up that internet signal, and that's helping things along.
Starting point is 00:01:49 So if it starts getting wavy, let me know, and I'll start screaming some more. Louder packets. I like that, Chiz. You're absolutely right. I'm sending out loud packets of information. Well, actually, in all fairness, that seems to have fixed it. Bullshit. Or you could just have Richard Ryan.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Well, we have a guest, Richard Ryan. Oh, hi. Hey. How are you? I'm awesome. Fancy seeing you here. Welcome to the show, man. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:02:21 You've been getting around? Going to the SHOT Show? That's one way of putting it. You know what? I'm pro-slut. Swipe right! Swipe right! Swipe right! What were you talking about just before we kicked the show off? You were saying that you've been staying with some kind of pro-fighter
Starting point is 00:02:37 and getting in shape for a couple months? Oh, yeah. So, I... Yeah, well, we got a long podcast. Why not? So I packed up my house in California. And I've been battling with my California dangerous weapons permit for the better part of five years now. And the CalGuns Foundation and some attorneys were like, hey, look, they've approved you administratively.
Starting point is 00:03:04 and some attorneys were like, hey, look, they've approved you administratively. They did this crazy field investigation where they just canvassed neighborhoods that I lived and randomly interviewed people being like, hey, do you know Richard's trying to get an assault weapons permit so he can have machine guns and stuff like that? And I'm like, this one old lady called me up. She's like, Richard, I don't know if you're getting in a terrorist organization or what. I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. It's just like if I want an 11-round magazine or an off-roster pistol, like a VP9 or something like that, I have to have a dangerous weapons permit
Starting point is 00:03:37 because it's the state of California. I'm sure she said, oh, VP9. Oh, VP9, yeah. Yeah. Well, that seems reasonable. Hey, you're throwing back in the bar right uh and so uh they're like hey we'll probably need to sue the state to get them to release your permit for lack of due process because they're just sitting on it because if they deny me then i can appeal it because i have every
Starting point is 00:04:00 reason to be issued it because all the different studios and stuff like that that vouched for me to gun manufacturers and stuff like that uh my business plan everything i make a living off of firearms and stuff like that so anyways uh they're like the last guy who did that they inspected his house at like three o'clock in the morning and pretty much rating all the people who try that. And he was in a little bit of a different situation than me, but he had a AR pistol and one was a rifle or whatever. They just, they got him with the intent to manufacture a short barreled rifle, where if they tried that with me, it'd be a little bit different because technically we're manufacturers, and the only thing that's prevented me
Starting point is 00:04:50 from bringing a manufactured rifle in the state is that permit, whereas he was a little different. Anyways, long story longer, I just don't want to be in the state dealing with legal stuff. And so it's like, all right, well, my girlfriend and i split up and yeah
Starting point is 00:05:09 yeah and so she made a bad decision yeah well yeah or yeah well yeah yeah i'm guessing we we or maybe you made a good decision yes one of those two no it just it was one of those things it was it was one of those things where it's like never been in a relationship breakup where it wasn't really bad. You throw gas on the fire and everybody hates each other and it's just a nuclear situation. But this was like, it's kind of like, okay, we're not getting any younger. What are we doing? YouTube and everything else is just, it's not getting any younger. What are we doing? YouTube and everything else. It's not an easy life for a relationship and everything like that.
Starting point is 00:05:51 And we might be going different ways. And so, blah, blah, blah, blah. Long story longer. Moving on. Yeah, we were talking about it a few months ago back in Texas. Yeah, right? And so I was like, I'm going to put my house in storage. I'm either going to get a place in Big Bear, super cheap.
Starting point is 00:06:09 It's just the cost of living in L.A. is stupid. I just get outside of L.A. Is that Colorado, Big Bear? No, no, no. It's like two and a half hours outside of Los Angeles. So it's up on the mountain. It's still California. So it doesn't solve your problem.
Starting point is 00:06:23 It doesn't. It doesn't. It doesn't. But I was like, if I need to have a residence in a state, the places are super cheap out there because depending on if the permit needs to be tied to a physical address, then I would have that location. But then Evan and all the Black Rifle Coffee guys are in Salt Lake, and I was debating on going up there.
Starting point is 00:06:44 So after a shot, I went and going up there so after shot I went and stayed up there for a couple of weeks and then I went to El Paso and stayed with Matt and article 15 guys for a few weeks and then I went up to Vegas and I stayed with Kit Cope for like three weeks working out and training with him. He's the fire. Was this just immediately post-breakup, like a travel bender? Yeah, pretty much.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Well, it's more like trying to figure out life and where I want to be because Los Angeles is not really a great place for somebody who can be making the exact same living doing something somewhere else. It's just like the city of L.A. wants 1% of your gross revenue, and then you've got state income tax on top of it and all the hurdles associated with licenses and permits. Why don't you go back to Tennessee? There's no state income tax, right?
Starting point is 00:07:38 Well, it's funny that you say that because I'm in a haunted house in Nashville right now. The offices, I can't I can't really talk about it but I took a job um they'll be making the announcement I think at New Fronts um working for a company um in the firearms industry no no it's um yeah it's just it's it's a media company so there's not nothing really to do with firearms but uh so yeah i they they like they hit my manager up probably in january after shot and it's been a couple months of negotiating and everything is like i'm not gonna like walk away from my youtube stuff i need to still be able to do that and um yeah so i'm while I'm single, I'm going to try to juggle two or three full-time jobs again,
Starting point is 00:08:30 like I did like six years ago, which is not the easiest thing in the world, but I feel great, man. Like I work out twice a day. I get up at like six o'clock in the morning, go to the gym, or work till like, as soon as we get done podcasting here and everything i'll leave the office and then go to the gym and go crash out it's how old are you it's uh 34 yeah because fuck that yeah well i'm just i'm like i so so Matt and I have this thing back and forth where, so you know Nate after he beat Connor. Rogan goes up and interviews him, and he's like, you just shook up the world.
Starting point is 00:09:14 It's like, what do you got to say? He's like, I'm not surprised, motherfucker. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we have a running gag back and forth where Matt will send me just random points in his day, and he'll just pull out whiskey and just start chugging it. And he's like, not surprised, motherfucker. Wait, so this is just an excuse for him to drink copiously whatever he wants. That's exactly it.
Starting point is 00:09:43 But he's a veterinarian. No, no, not that best. Not demolition rant. I was like, oh my god. I pictured this guy at the operating table. Not surprised, motherfucker. And then just suturing some poor dog.
Starting point is 00:09:59 He just pulls a bottle of whiskey out of a dog's gut or something. But for me, it's sugar right so i'll just be randomly it it somewhere and i'll pull out like a chocolate bar or something like that and so it's always sugar with me but i've like kind of come to terms with like everyone in my family's diabetic what are you doing what are you doing you mad man like i should probably rich i should probably get better about my health and uh exercise and stuff and you know what's crazy is um like you don't go to the gym twice a day well here's the thing here's a strong point um i was on propitia for like 10 years um
Starting point is 00:10:47 and i don't that's the hair so it's hair loss the hair loss that's what i thought it was i should have given myself okay yeah does it work um yeah take it off it did oh yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah okay i mean you see you see my my hair my hairlines retreating like a mofo. You watch my videos and you can kind of tell like two years ago whenever I stopped, maybe three. But the thing I found was I've never really taken any drugs or pharmaceuticals in my life. I got hit by a car once. I took a pain pill so I could sleep after like two days of being up and antibiotics. And that's about it. Like no painkillers for any of my surgeries or anything like that. So I haven't been completely
Starting point is 00:11:30 anti-pharmaceutical because that made me a hypocrite for taking Propecia for that long. But I did notice and it's really – it's kind of interesting to watch like all the previous videos and see how it affects your hormone levels. And like I was looking at one video where I was like turned sideways looking over and my face and my neck was just swollen. And I was like, you know what? I probably shouldn't be screwing with my hormones in my 30s. And so I got off of that stuff and I was like, all right, I got to get better about exercising, eating right, and doing that.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And hopefully that helped. Did you notice any health differences in your thought process that you thought were caused by hormones? Or just like, oh, I noticed a little, you know, maybe it's causing you to bloat like steroids do or something. Yeah. Yeah, I think it was water retention. I think, like, I don't know all the science behind it. But I think there's something to do with estrogen. I don't know what it is, but that causes maybe water retention.
Starting point is 00:12:33 But you weren't just breaking down crying watching The Simpsons or something? No, no, no. Or the other way, like you were aggressive. Yeah, I mean, life changes are always like emotionally like challenging um i mean it was like it's really like i mean i feel fortunate enough to have like people i would call my friends right because you you go through world and you meet a lot of acquaintances and it's especially i mean you guys in the the digital space you know those guys like people like hey how's it going and you know it's like hey what's what's happening it's especially, I mean, you guys in the digital space, you know, those guys like people
Starting point is 00:13:05 like, Hey, how's it going? And, you know, it's like, Hey, what's, what's happening? And it's like, Oh, let's, we should do something together. That's great. And everything. But like, you know, when you have people, you can like actually have a candid conversation. You're not even thinking about any of that stuff. Those are the people you really want in your life.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And for me, I've built those kind of relationships with like phil um and some other guys on the west coast and everything and it's like you know we'll sit we'll go we'll watch fights on saturday and not even really think about any of that stuff and it's nice and and moving away from that back here to the east coast it's like oh fuck what am i doing i gotta start all over i can just drive two and a half hours down to Atlanta and see Kyle. I suspect you're very good at making friends. Yeah, I guess. I mean, I'm definitely a people person.
Starting point is 00:13:55 And the funny thing about that is, thank God that I practice what I preach. And like, you know, like some of the root problems with society, I feel like be addressed by you know playing an active role in your family and then playing an active role in your community and then politics right and you just work your way up and and how i i i kind of initiate on that or whatever you want to call it um is like i get to know my neighbors and like i'll just say hey you want to have a barbecue or something this weekend and blah blah blah blah and it's actually worked to
Starting point is 00:14:29 my benefit not that i thought about this in advance but like when the doj was canvassing the neighbors and stuff because people would think that i'm like some like terrorist organization or something especially with all the stuff happening in the world and stuff people are like super super paranoid and everything, but sorry to go on a rant. No, that was great. That was awesome. And let me say this about Richard. Richard is so friendly and so nice
Starting point is 00:14:54 that when I first met him, I was like, what's he up to? What's he up to? I was like... What's his angle? What's his angle? He can't be that nice. No one's that fucking nice. No one's that fucking nice. No one's that fucking nice.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Like, I had this conversation. But I came to find eventually Richard is genuinely the nicest guy that I've definitely ever met on YouTube. Just the nicest, most genuinely friendly. Richard's helped me two or three times out tremendously. And I really appreciate it every time. So thank you. I appreciate it. Well, now I know where we stand, Kyle. I trust you
Starting point is 00:15:30 as far as I can fucking throw you out I'm not even going there. Not even a bit. Me and Taylor have been playing video games all week and I haven't even come close to winning. Not yet? It's a trouncing every night. You did come close.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Yeah, that's true. Actually, I did. What are you playing? An old game called Age of Mythology. Oh, let me see. Okay. Age of Mythology. It's just like a real-time strategy.
Starting point is 00:15:55 The last two games that we played right before this were not a good showing on your part. That was like a little bit of a regression because you were killing it last night for a while. I had a hard time tonight. I don't know. I don't know. I found your part. That was like a little bit of a regression because you were killing it last night for a while. I had a hard time tonight. I don't know. I don't know. I found your temple over in my section and it was all downhill from there. I'm dying to know, Richard. You broke up with your girlfriend because the two
Starting point is 00:16:17 of you were headed in different directions, right? What directions were you guys headed in? Was she looking for a ring and you were just like i don't see that vice versa children what was the man you're digging you're digging you're digging um no i no here's uh what did you hate about her most no stop it taylor he's thinking no no it's it's it's it's challenging right i mean i really like i know you guys completely understand it um um where she's like actually a really really awesome person like a
Starting point is 00:16:55 really like you know squared away head on her shoulders like really like hearts in the great place but um it's hard because like she was separated from her family her family's like in norcal and um yeah it we're both home a lot and with youtube and a lot of the stuff we do seems like we're just screwing around. We're not actually working. But it is a business. And there's a little bit of conflict there and maybe a little bit of resentment between each other and like, oh, he's doing this or instead of doing this. And I told her, I don't know if we just increasingly became more unhappy over the years. And I intentionally dove deeper into work or if work started to affect the relationship and kind of like drove us apart.
Starting point is 00:17:54 But that was definitely a big element of it. And I feel like now, like with the digital space, with whatever you want to call it, it's completely different from traditional media where you could have a career that would last 10, 20 years. If you have an opportunity to capitalize on something, you really need to go hard in the paint as quick as you can and have fun, enjoy it while you can and just expect the best, prepare for the worst. And I'm not really willing to ease up off the brakes right now. And, yeah. Well, so was it kind of like she was seeing you put so much time into your job,
Starting point is 00:18:37 but you just love your job, so it was like she was thinking, well, he's just having fun all day. Like that's not even really working, when in reality it very clearly is working it's just fun yeah yeah that would make sense for resentment like if you have like a partner with a super fun job and you're like an accountant all day and you come home and they're like oh i shot a bunch of spray paint cans and then we goofed off for a while well yeah that's that well that's definitely an element. I think every person has their own level of what they need from another person if they're more codependent or more independent. And that requires more time spent in the relationship, be it at home or wherever. And I think she needed more time, like more time and because she wasn't getting it, it was a little more challenging
Starting point is 00:19:33 and caused a lot more conflict. Whereas like work became a mistress of some sorts or something like that where I just, I wasn't doing my job like spending enough time maybe with her and uh yeah you know I thought about I thought about stuff like this um with regards to like real celebrities you know like some Hollywood you know a-list celebrity and it's almost fun to laugh at how short the marriages can be they get divorced one and a half years later and and just you know it like look at what a train wreck these guys are they don't do relationships well like us regular people but then you think about it and it's like man if you've had even a taste of that you know where you travel for like six weeks or you know what have you it it's hell in a
Starting point is 00:20:22 relationship it's super difficult to thrive uh when that happens so anyway i can kind of see why it's hard yeah i mean it like it's at some point you you you do have to like make a decision where it's like okay we we spend we spend more time arguing than we do actually doing something together or being happy together. Yeah, yeah. So it's like at some point you have to say, is this really worth dragging through the ground or should we figure something else out? Like you say, when it comes to traditional relationships
Starting point is 00:20:57 versus celebrities and stuff like that, I mean, we were together for seven years. Wow. Yeah, yeah. like that i mean we we like i mean we were together for seven years so uh yeah it was yeah yeah sounds like she just hopped off the train when it's just steam in the head like right into money town and she's like nope no luxury life for me you know i'll go account on my own. I'm not going to hitch my wagon to this gun connoisseur. What the fuck? I'd date you. I'd hit it. I have this thing ingrained in me as a kid where that whole Irish pride thing where it's like it doesn't matter how unhappy you are.
Starting point is 00:21:42 You never quit. It doesn't matter matter you just keep going like well so that's like i have a hard time saying no to a lot of a lot of things and and and especially like relationships and stuff like that that i know take work it's like i don't want to give up but the more we talked about it more we think about it that's like it work. It's like I don't want to give up. But the more we talked about it, the more we think about it, it's like it's really – one, it's selfish if you're not willing to commit all the way and say this is definitively what we want to do because, I mean, it comes at a cost too because the older we get,
Starting point is 00:22:22 that's a missed opportunity for her to find somebody else that would be way better for her than me yeah and and so it's you just kind of have to like put all your pride and emotions aside and say hey that's just it's probably for the better you know in terms of ours you did it that way that's like that's a selfless way to do it like you see that maybe she's really wanting a kid, and those years are ticking away. Oh, fuck that, dude. I want all the kids. Oh, you do?
Starting point is 00:22:52 I want a franchise, yeah. Dude, I want all the kids. I was joking as many as I can. I was joking with... Mormon Amish style. How many is as many as you can? Are we talking 5 or 14? You have to really use
Starting point is 00:23:07 the more women you use. Exponential. 14 would be great. So JT from Article 15, I told him he was like, what are you doing? He's like, you're going back to Nashville
Starting point is 00:23:24 and everything. He's like, yeah i'm i'm doing this job there and i'm gonna keep doing full mag and stuff and he's like what the fuck are you doing he was like i'll be honest with you if it all ends tomorrow i'm fine i said i just want an airstream to live in near tactical ranch that i can get a hot latina chick pregnant and have like 20 kids running around el paso like a bunch of retarded gangbangers. All right. All right. Who wants some of this action?
Starting point is 00:23:48 I put five. Hold on. I'll put five dollars on the fact that he and this girl are back together within a year. Wow. Yeah. Make it 500. 500. That was inside info, I think.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I'm telling you. I got a contract with this company for a year, so that's going to be rough. Oh, she'll be there. She's coming. Did she move back to NorCal? Right? You emptied that house. She's semi-mobile right now. She's coming. She'll be back. She's going to be in Nashville
Starting point is 00:24:17 in three months. And I won't be surprised, motherfucker. Alright, going full circle here. So, are they doing a rematch? Did I read that correctly? UFC 200 rematch. Do we know if Joe's on that undercard yet? Oh, that'd be dope.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I'm not 100% sure. Because I remember... They keep changing it. They keep changing it. They keep changing it. It says he's on the prelims. Okay, great. Is that the same thing? What I want to know is, why are they doing that? Why are they having that rematch this soon, this quick?
Starting point is 00:24:57 And it's not even for a title or anything, is it? All that money. All that money. You know why? Because everyone who's fought McGcgregor for the most part a little i mean think about like this way nate diaz is a fight that's people want to see a fight and i don't know like the the all the little fight and everything else is like okay yeah it's great whenever he gets a flash knockout or you know it's it's a big hyped
Starting point is 00:25:26 up fight and everything but i think people want to see him scrap and they know that they're going to get it with him i mean i just think that's the big money fight and that's what they're going for is a paycheck and not i have my own theory really yeah yeah uh i think every fight with connor's a big money fight it doesn't matter if he rematches Aldo, Edgar, Diaz. They're all going to be big money fights. I think, and Dana White said this, that Conor's been such a good company man. His opponent can drop out with 10 days notice. 100% of the time, Conor's like, yeah, whoever.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Just send him. He fought Mendez, the American wrestler. His kryptonite, on like 10 days notice. And he's like, yeah, I'll do it. He fights Nate Diaz. Nate says, I refuse to make weight. Conor says, all right, any weight. I don't care. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I'll do it. And when you do this, you build up credit with the UFC. And then they start letting you choose your fights. And GSP is another guy who did that. GSP fought Nick Diaz. Nick was coming off a loss to condit and then he got a title shot why because gsp didn't like him gsp said he was the most disrespectful fighter he's ever met in his whole career he's like i have never asked for a fight this is nick his brother i've never asked for a fight in the last like eight years i want you to do me this favor i want you to give me nick ds so i can kick his ass and they did and he did so uh um you know i i think connor has built up some credits
Starting point is 00:26:53 connor though uh recently and and because he lost i think people want to see that and him like come back and try to beat him will he be the only champion with a two loss streak if he loses this fight i can't think of another yeah i can't think of a champion that's ever had a loss before like silver's going in front of another way that would be a crazy record right silver fought at 205 every so often but he won all those. I can't think of another champion who ever fought in that class. I don't know. He fought at different weight classes, but I want to say if he
Starting point is 00:27:34 ever did, he had to abandon his belt to change classes. Yeah. But anyway, in the circles I am, which is like the MMA subreddit and forums now and then, people want to see him fight Edgar the most. Of course. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:27:52 I mean, that's the toughest fight right there at that weight class for sure. So for them to give him Diaz again like an immediate rematch at 170, I think they're giving him what he'd like to have as a repayment for him being so cool all this time you watch all the embedded stuff? I don't know if I'm behind am I missing anything? I typically watch it do you watch all McGregor's embedded stuff? I've never seen
Starting point is 00:28:18 anybody so happy to be eating steak and salad he's like yeah man just cramming food down he's like i'm not having to cut this is the best time of my life how hard will it be for him to make 145 next time around he'll have been 170 for like a year i think i'm exaggerating but you know nine months or so and uh then suddenly he has to get he has a harder time making 145 than most of the guys in that class.
Starting point is 00:28:47 And now that he's been big for so long, we'll see how it goes. But he – Who's the next big lady fighter? So Misha Tate just beat Holly Holmes, took a title from her. I didn't like that. I wanted to see Holly win. I like her. No, Misha's hotter. Holly's easy to like.
Starting point is 00:29:06 They're both hot. I guess Misha's probably... Well, that's not true. Misha's much hotter. Misha's the hottest one, the hottest female fighter I think that there is. I think she's much better looking than Ronda Rousey. Yes. If we're judging solely on physical
Starting point is 00:29:22 appearance. Paige Van Zandt. Yeah, oh god. Well, you know, we're trying to on physical appearance. Paige Van Zandt. Yeah, oh, God. Well, you know, we're trying to stay with champions here. You know, when you just throw in, like, the Karate Hottie and Paige Van Zandt and stuff, those are, like, cheat codes. What's the name of that fighter that tells everybody what round it is? I like that one. The ring girl.
Starting point is 00:29:44 She's a fox. I would like to see that. I would like to see like four ring girls versus one female fighter. It'd be a bloodbath. The female fighter would get murdered. They get to bring the cards though. If they put four
Starting point is 00:29:56 four of those ring girls against like a lightweight man, that would be a hard fight. That's a lot of weight. that's a lot of weight i don't know that's a lot of weight to pin you down and and you got four times as many appendages that can swing you can't block it this is so tough see the thing is this i feel like ring girls in particular are like a lot less tough than say random dude you grab from the line no no this is a fight to the death it's not hey
Starting point is 00:30:25 we'll give you a 50 gift card to starbucks if you you put in a good fight here where they're kind of like this is one of them goes it's kind of a thing where like their parents are at gunpoint in the back and it's like and if you don't fight we don't think you gave your all we'll say goodbye to mom and dad go ahead say it practice say goodbye to your mom and dad and just make them do that and then then they would put up a real fight. Maybe that would be the difference. I don't know. Because I have in my head that girls are quick to quit in a fight.
Starting point is 00:30:53 I believe that if Misha Tate hits a ring girl, maybe even just once, that ring girl no longer wants to fight. No, that's why you have to force them. Because of the implication. Because of the implication. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on this, Woody. Because I wasn't that big of a female MMA fan, say
Starting point is 00:31:15 the last few years. Because I feel like the talent pool in the Bantamweight division is so diverse. It's just so lopsided with Ronda. And then you got like Holly, who's like a counterstriker. Well, used to be. I mean, even so, look at the top three.
Starting point is 00:31:31 You got Holly, Misha, and Ronda, and they're completely different. It's really hard to like. It's incredible. They are the rock, paper, scissors of MMA. That's amazing. That's exactly it. Right? Ronda can beat, let's see, Misha.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Misha can beat Holly, and Holly can beat Ronda. And I want to see that work itself out. That's incredible. Three-way fight. Three-way fight. But here's the thing. The strawweight division – A ladder match.
Starting point is 00:31:57 If they brought that into the UFC, like Kit and I went and watched the Invicta fights and I was like, oh my God, these chicks, this is the next level. You watch the Bantamweight division and this is in no way, shape, or form a knock on them, but you watch it three years ago,
Starting point is 00:32:19 the female fighters are a little more chaotic. They're not as calculated, right? They're very reactive. They have that kind of crazy look in their eyes at times. They headhunt a lot. Swinging punches. Yeah. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Did he get quiet for everybody? Can you guys hear him? I lost volume. Oh, they're all participating in this call just fine. Ah. Shucks. It looks like I got kicked from the call. Perhaps it's my internet. I'm checking. Oh, so sad.
Starting point is 00:33:36 No, my internet seems fine. Oh, so I can see in the chat they're saying everybody dropped. I'm sorry for this. I thought it was just me and that they were all talking to each other. But Richard thinks he dropped. Taylor thinks he dropped. I dropped, obviously. um where else shucks oh this is the you get little hints of the kind of things that uh Chiz writes in like he drops in facts and stuff I think it's made the show better um so I'm gonna turn off their cameras because heaven knows what craziness I'll share.
Starting point is 00:34:09 We've learned that if I call someone individually, that fixes Skype. So I can't just group call again or we'll have the issues that we've had last week I'm just sorting this out. Okay. I'm going to try to recreate this call again. I'm sorry for this. We'll get it sorted out quickly if possible. So Chiz isn't answering my call right now. Is that related to the issue? Darn it, we had it like sorted out so cheese is listed as busy I'm gonna group call just to see if this thing gets cooking
Starting point is 00:35:51 She's said to Colin Jizz there. Yeah, can you add people to the call? Yeah, I'll start adding people to there's Taylor Alright. Kyle's coming. Oh, Richard. Where's Kyle? I don't know. What the fuck yeah hello
Starting point is 00:37:16 what are you doing what am I doing what did you say cheese who's hosting us I don't know it's confusing to me I don't know I guess it's is it Richard no everyone hang up hang up okay i don't know why kyle was hosting or kept calling the other call i don't know why taylor i'm sure he had the best of intentions richard are we still yeah we've been rolling the whole time they're gonna see the skypes awesomeness yeah we choose
Starting point is 00:38:19 nice my window I still have two other calls still going I don't know if you guys have that for you to get those stop, I literally had to sign out of Skype and manually go in and leave those groups. That's where I've been. I've been signing out of Skype to get those other calls to stop ringing because Skype kind of freezes and won't let you control them. Choose left. All right, I'm adding richard ryan
Starting point is 00:38:46 now kyle lost his video yeah it looks like it kyle dropped are we we're not recording anymore are we we are totally recording oh yeah if I try to splice these things together it'll fuck up the audio sync and I'm disappointed
Starting point is 00:39:16 that sucks can you like cut out huge swaths in the middle like the last five minutes that would fuck up the audio sync just cutting out like five minutes would ruin it. That's weird. Rerendering it would ruin it. Are we working now?
Starting point is 00:39:31 Fuck. I can see you now. I can't see Richard. Yeah? Here we go. We'll have Richard's video soon, I hope. Alright. I want Richard's thoughts about this current political
Starting point is 00:39:45 whatever the fuck you want to call it. The disaster that has happened. All the things that have happened. It's a shit sandwich and America's got to eat it. Narrow it down. Which of the many calamities that happen are you referring to? I think the
Starting point is 00:40:04 I check out. I really don't listen to the news any calamities that happen are you referring to? I think the, uh, I'm, I, I check out, I really don't listen to the news that often. Cause I feel like the, the 24 hour cycle just really tries to, I don't know, bait in emotion for people.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And I feel like honestly the best case scenario out of all this whole thing, this is just me. Like hypothetically um it goes to a broker convention for the gop um casek gets the nod and trump runs as third party candidate and enough people vote for him where we finally have a third party come to the table. I think no matter who gets elected at this point, it's just like, fuck. Someone sent me this the other day.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Oh, I've got one too. Yeah. Dude, let me get mine. I'll be right back. You're going to like it. Yeah. So my girlfriend and I are big fans of the show of our new favorite reality show which is donald trump's political uh career it's our new favorite reality show for sure um there was a rally uh three hours to my house and i was like do you want to go see this thing
Starting point is 00:41:17 because it looks like a real shit show and she was like totally so we drive to north carolina and like spend the night so we can get there i got there there at 5.30 a.m. That's when I was in line. And I waited in line for maybe six hours and got in like six rows deep. So I could have hit Trump with a shoe if I wanted to, and him and Chris Christie get up there. And it was cool watching them, and I got to see them in person and everything. But the best part was the protesters who routinely get drugged the fuck out of there by the cops. Like, one guy stands up and he's wearing a Trump shirt. And Trump said something about, look, when we go over there and we bleed in the sand, we should take the oil.
Starting point is 00:41:53 We should take the oil and that should be our oil. And this guy stands up and goes, fuck Trump! And he stands up and he's got a Trump shirt and he hulks out of it. Like Hulkamania is running wild in the sky. He's just like's just like double birds fuck trump and his girlfriend's doing the same and then the cops just drag him heels clicking like the fuck out of there so funny i don't know i i wish i could i wish like i wish i could give an educated opinion on any of it um You don't have to. You just pretend. No, we're not looking for that. Yeah, I mean, outside the box, it's like I understand.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Oh, that's so good. Is it pink? They gave me a pink Trump hat. Who did? Yeah! A fan! The Susan G. Komen Foundation. They sent me the Make America Great What does it say? Choose Life. It says Make America Great Again, Trump 2016, but it's in pink.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Get your wife to wear that. Oh, get a picture of your daughter wearing it. That would be the best. Oh, that'd be great. Child abuse. Yeah, no, Richard might not know. My daughter's way to the left. Well, she's 16.
Starting point is 00:43:05 That's true. It's normal. What are you going to say? She's way to the left. I don't have to poke at her too much every so often. Send her to boarding school. Let them straighten her out. Military school, right?
Starting point is 00:43:17 Yes. It's not an environment where she would thrive. I've really enjoyed this whole thing. Like I said, me and my girlfriend, that's our favorite new reality show. It's the Donald Trump show. I don't like The Apprentice. I think I've seen maybe one episode ever.
Starting point is 00:43:30 I didn't care for it. Not that great. No, it's not that great. But what he's doing right now is some of the best television I've ever seen. This shit is hilarious. And look, I don't like a lot of the stuff he does. But what I do like that comes from him is someone going up there and kind of rubbing a little shit in the faces of all those politicians that probably don't have our best interest in mind anyway. I completely agree.
Starting point is 00:43:55 It's rare that somebody like Jeb Bush gets shit rubbed in his face, but Donald Trump's the man who'll do it. You know what's crazy? I've said this a few times. Go ahead. You know what's crazy is I've said this a few times. Go ahead. I was going to say, I've said this a bunch, but I'm probably more libertarian than anything. Because whenever I'm in California, I'm the gun-toting redneck.
Starting point is 00:44:17 But when I come back to Tennessee, I'm the gay-loving liberal. And I actually believe more in an individual's right to choose than entity, be it government, corporation, or whatever, telling people, hey, we're smarter than you, so you should do this instead. And I just feel like the GOP has really fucked up over the last decade. I mean, just looking at it as a case study, I geek out when it comes to analytics, be it YouTube, Google, and everything else. And hindsight's 20-20, but the big thing for me, the first Obama administration,
Starting point is 00:44:57 I was like, these guys are crushing it. They're going through Facebook and they're targeting regions, specifically running campaigns, telling people that they need to tell their friends they need to vote and targeting campaigns like just really, really, really smart. Now, it's funny hearing people say that, oh, Hillary's more qualified than Donald Trump. Well, Donald Trump's more qualified than Obama was. I mean, he had no, no experience coming into that. I mean, he was a freshman senator. Like, I mean, really, like as a businessman, I feel like Trump.
Starting point is 00:45:34 He was a state senator too. Looking back, he really, because we've gone over this before. He had been in politics in Chicago, which is some of the rougher, like trickier politics. Remember on The Office when they would always make fun of they got that guy for being a state senator yeah i mean the point is it's like you compared to like joe blow you know city comptroller he's do he was doing real well but compared to everybody else running for president at the time he didn't have nearly as much experience like i mean i'll catch hell for saying this probably but um whatever it's the
Starting point is 00:46:05 internet um i don't think clinton was really qualified i feel like the fair housing act and all that i mean it's just it's blatantly obvious how special interest played into a lot a governor for eight years we're talking about well i yeah i mean qualified is probably the wrong term um where it's just they probably didn't have the best interest at hand you know um i feel like hw uh herbert walker was probably the the last time we had a president it was just like i mean he led the cia i mean he was like he was in the know he knew what what was going on. He wasn't necessarily like as tied in to. I just like four years. Well, yeah. Well, that was the thing was because he was like, hey, look, no, we're going to do this. We're going to raise taxes because that's the only way we're going to keep from having this huge deficit.
Starting point is 00:47:03 And I was like, well, no, you can't do that as political suicide for a Republican. But I mean, it was just what needed to be done. But I mean, I don't know, like qualified is probably the wrong term. I just, I mean, ingrained into the system. You hear it so much now. I want to throw up every time I hear people say special interests and stuff, but it's true when you look at certain politicians and their affiliations like Who is it the? the Bush administration Who was it that was that was?
Starting point is 00:47:37 You know what was the head of the FDA or? We need people to lobby not just for special interests we need big groups to lobby for general interests like there's not enough fucking water fountains in this city or like there's too many potholes or you know they need to sell liquor earlier like general general interests that like people can join those lobbies and be like yeah this is bullshit there's not that many crippled people in my hometown and it's ridiculous having to park at the back of the parking lot when you're expecting the Special Olympics to come through with the amount of handicapped parking spots you have. It's ridiculous, and we need to have a general interest lobbying sector where we can get those things heard. I think that's where that comes back into what I was saying, like playing an active role in your family and then your community.
Starting point is 00:48:26 in your family and then your community. It's like if you start on a small level and you really get politically motivated to make change in your community and you guys kind of organize and everything like that. I know a lot of people were excited about specific politicians that they voted for, be it President Obama or whoever. And if you're disappointed by what's happened, how have you held them accountable or tried to hold them accountable? Because it's one thing to vote for somebody, but it's another to just back it up. Right. So it's way easier to do on a state and a city level. Right. So I feel like a lot of change can come from that. A good example would probably be the city of Chattanooga, just because I know it.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Because one of my buddies is the director of audit, and he's like really shook up the system there. And I mean, he's had a successful business and everything. He didn't have to go back to work for the city. He's like, I'm just going to make a change. And it's like pissed a lot of people off. I mean, he's like exposed a ton of stuff. And I mean, you look at Chattanooga, he doesn't have anything to do with this, but like EPB, first city in the US to have one gig internet, like five years, three, five years before Google Fiber was even thought of. Now it has 10 gig internet while Google Fiber is
Starting point is 00:49:45 still trying to get legs on one gig everywhere. I mean, it's pretty insane when people get motivated and pushing whatever agenda it is. You want to bring commerce to your city. Okay, well, okay, let's not raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour and drive all the small business out. Let's figure something out to get other people coming in. Make a hashtag. Yeah, exactly. Hashtag Nuga Strong. You mentioned Libertarian Party.
Starting point is 00:50:15 I've got an issue with that. The thing about the Libertarian Party, whenever they say, hey, how about a Republican against Hillary? The Republican crushes them. When they say, hey, how about Trump against against Hillary? The Republican crushes them. When they say, hey, how about Trump against the Democrat? The Democrat crushes them. And the reason is sort of this unnamed, uninspected version does really well. That's how I feel about the Libertarian Party. People say, hey, what about Libertarian? Tons of people raise their hand. Oh, yeah, I'm Libertarian. I'm Libertarian. Until you realize,, until the libertarian party actually does something and they put,
Starting point is 00:50:48 they look at it under a microscope, I don't trust it. You know, like Ron Paul ran and he's an ex-libertarian, but he was real popular, whatever that was four years ago. And he talked about getting rid of the EPA. You're like, oh, well, I'm not in favor of protecting every freaking frog and preventing humanity from moving forward. But the EPA does have a role, right? We do like that they put filters on smokestacks for power plants and stuff like that. And they asked Ron Paul, so what's going to happen if a whole town gets cancer because a power plant did this? And they're like, oh, well, you know, the individuals can sue the power company and get restitution that way.
Starting point is 00:51:30 And it's like, you've gotta be fucking kidding me, right? Like, how is a person going to sue a billion dollar company? Class action lawsuit. That's what it would take, right? Better call Saul. I get that, but I think the problem isn't necessarily with the libertarian party. Your mic's fucked. Yeah, fix that mic. Mine?
Starting point is 00:51:52 You're all crackly. I love watching everybody's physical reactions to your microphone. No, real quick to interject. Me and Kyle were talking to Chiz about this earlier. You were talking about helping your community and whatnot, and it was making me think Chiz is a very active phone banker
Starting point is 00:52:09 for what he calls the Bernie Army. The Sanders. Is that true? We were talking about it. Chiz phone banks and he's donated like $3,000 to Bernie's campaign. Go fuck yourself, Taylor. I think libertarians...
Starting point is 00:52:27 Is it true? Yes, it's true. It's like $3,300 now. Yeah, geez. You've donated thousands of dollars to Bernie Sanders? Yes, tens of thousands of dollars. I'm calling all damn day. That's all I do.
Starting point is 00:52:44 You wonder what I'm doing. I'm calling. I'm texting. I'm face banking too. Face banking? Bernie Sanders. A Bernie Sanders tattoo. Isn't that true? No, it says feel the burn. It's a picture of him winking.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Got the feel the burn tattoo. Western Saturday. Hashtag Sanders Saturday. You guys are so stupid. I hope that the revolution goes the way you want it to. Me too. Well, not really. Not really. You know, it's not completely over with Sanders.
Starting point is 00:53:17 He's still fighting. I think he's won six out of the last seven states. Yeah, and the Carolina Hurricanes can still make the playoffs. Hang on now. He's won six out of the last seven states. And you can see the Clinton campaign is at least concerned about New York. New York's coming up on the 19th. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:53:33 15th. And we just gave three different dates. One of them is definitely correct, audience. She's going to be right. So sometime in there. And everyone is calling that Hillary's's home state but that's not hillary's home state she wasn't born there was she i know she served as senator there but bernie was born in brooklyn like like that bernie's from there right but he's the guy from
Starting point is 00:53:56 vermont too right like yeah you know where's it have you heard this guy speak like like this guy's a new yorker so he doesn't sound like a new yorker to me at all wait bernie sanders bernie doesn't have you heard this guy speak like this guy's a New Yorker he doesn't sound like a New Yorker to me at all Bernie Sanders he sounds exactly like what you would think a Jewish person from New York would sound like
Starting point is 00:54:16 complete stereotypical New York Jewish person it's like a stereotype he owns a bagel store no is that for real yeah oh my god fact checker just makes shit up now see he's lying it's not even true the worst fucking fact checker
Starting point is 00:54:33 chiz stop stop being honest you should have let us roll with that no no but okay so he's pulling pretty well in New York. He's pulling well in Wisconsin. Also in Pennsylvania. She's in Pennsylvania working right now. She's having New York is the 19th. She's having Bill do a stop speech. She said the 15th. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:54:58 I'm so sorry I interrupted. Fucking fact checker. Fact check fuck face. Originally I said it was on the 19th and I was the first one to say a number. What was it actually? The 19th. I said 16th or 19th, something like that. People wanted to correct me so badly that they just made numbers up.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Well, no, it's because you asked if I remember right. You're like, is it the 19th? And I was like, 16th or 19th, something like that, if I remember right. People are going to get this. Chiz writes in there, it's the 15th. Wait, guys, from the beginning let's rematch this whole thing again and see who's on what side he's our fact checker this is something to hone in on you know this is the thing okay i'm sorry kyle carry on talking about uh early or i guess maybe this was before the show woody when you were offering up topics and i was not familiar with this until I just Googled it,
Starting point is 00:55:45 and I'm still, I need you to do some catching up for me. Opie and Anthony, or I guess just Anthony. Yeah. There's something going on there. I think you're more in the know than me. So let me read the article because it's super short. Anthony Cumia, the former co-host of the popular Opie and Anthony radio host, is headed to rehab.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Cumia has made the unexpected announcement on the Anthony and Kumi show, his web-based program. He said he'll step away from the show for the entire month of April. This is in quotes. I'm going to be going away. I will not see the month of April here. Saturday, I'm taking a plane out of here. Let's just say relaxing, learning, rehabilitating is a word that could be used. He later added,
Starting point is 00:56:24 After this whole thing is said and done with, I might have a better understanding as to how I should proceed in the future and perhaps not get myself embroiled in legalities and what not to have plagued me. Legalities and what not that have plagued me. I'm sorry. Kumi's latest brush with controversy occurred in December when his then-girlfriend accused him of assaulting her and posted videos of her claims online.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Saw the video. Dubious, by the way. Yeah. He was later arrested and pleaded not guilty to the charges. He's famously known for throwing wild parties at his upscale Long Island home. Oh, there's two more sentences. Cooley was joined on air by comedian Jim Norton and radio personality Ron Bennington. You had a good run, Bennington said.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I brought this up to you 16 years ago. You had a hell of a run. I don't know what he's in rehab for. It's for drinking. I'm almost positive. Okay. Yeah. That I don't think that he is a drug user,
Starting point is 00:57:23 but I'm also, well, I could be wrong. I have no idea. think that he is a drug user, but I'm also, well, I could be wrong. I have no idea. Just as he is. Yeah. I think our fact checker, ladies and gentlemen, he's right.
Starting point is 00:57:35 He's a big angel dust fiend through a wall and through a chick off of a building. Yeah. Uh, well, that's, I think that's in the end, that's a good thing for building. I think that's, in the end, that's a good thing for him. I hope so.
Starting point is 00:57:49 If he was getting out of control and whatnot, he's the kind of guy who's got a lot to lose. Have you ever... Obviously, alcohol abuse or something like that is, at some point, you're like, I've got to get a grip on this. I need to get help. But have you ever been into something in your life? Not necessarily a substance addiction.
Starting point is 00:58:11 It could be a video game. It could be a hobby. It could be a girl. When you think that, realistically, if you really looked at it, you probably should have gotten a little help. Chocolate. I might be there now. I spend too much time on the internet too much time on the internet yeah i spent how much time in a in a given 24 hour period would you say you spend on the internet last night i went to bed at what i like a great hour i went to bed at like 10 p.m right and i was
Starting point is 00:58:43 like man i'm to wake up and tomorrow I'm going to grab life by the balls and get, you know, just it's going to be fantastic. And then I woke up at two and I opened my laptop and I read until like 6.30. What were you reading? I was on Reddit, 5.38, Ars Technica, Engadget. I go to Mac Rumors every day, and it disappoints me 100% of the time.
Starting point is 00:59:11 There's never anything interesting there, yet I'm just daily looking for a new Mac for some reason. I just go on the internet and consume information all the time. Sometimes I feel like it helps me with this podcast ah X jaws talk you're on the X jaws plan oh my god my information diet is coming to fruition oh what a success Glee's right back to Sam X jaws information diet I wasn't around for that alright so preface this by saying I really like Sam, and Sam, if you're out there and you hear this, I still like you. You should get back in
Starting point is 00:59:48 touch with me. I think you got Kitty's number. You can get my number. We can hang out sometime. I like you a lot. But Sam was pretty out of it the last time he was on the show, and he was all jittery and stuff like he'd had about eight cups of coffee for some reason, and he was going on and on about these life goals he had that were
Starting point is 01:00:03 just absurd. know things like earning a hundred million dollars next year and being piddling over the percentage of his gigantic wealth that he would keep because the rest of it would be donated just lots of silly like a one percent pledge he said that if he makes 500 million a year that he'll only keep one percent of it that year. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Just silly stuff like this. And then he goes on to like, and then he explains that he has this information diet
Starting point is 01:00:30 where he goes on Netflix and he just consumes like massive amounts of documentaries and like History Channel specials and shit like that. And look, I kind of, I subscribe to that idea a little bit. I think you could catch a lot of stuff there. I feel like you left out some important life goals, right? We covered the income one.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Immortality was one of them. He was going to invent a pill. He was going to invent a pill that gave humans immortality. But he's not in college or anything. How's that color? He's just like a regular know he's just like a regular dude like he finished high school and I think he's in college now actually
Starting point is 01:01:10 just to give people an update but like you know like there's no evidence to suggest that he would be the guy that created immortality in humans but here he is on the podcast today I mean it's worked wonders for you I mean my god I feel wonders for you. I mean, my god.
Starting point is 01:01:26 I feel like maybe, and maybe, Sam, you need to look and talk to a lawyer about this. I think Woody might owe you a significant portion of his current net worth if you really get down to brass tacks. No, no. I'm going to sue Sam for infecting me via Skype
Starting point is 01:01:42 of information diet rot or whatever I feel like a juice and like Sam probably knows a few lawyers who could look into this so I have more money than Sam therefore I will triumph in court you're underestimating that Jewish intellect is it the Jew gold that he'll tap into? I don't even know what that is. That oddly anti-Semitic term about an hour in. You taught me that term.
Starting point is 01:02:14 I swear to God, I don't even really know what it means. That's a South Park term. Oh, is that where it came from? Yeah. I didn't even know what the reference was. You thought that Kyle just came up and started berating Jews for keeping gold on them them i don't know how it happened he just made some jewish gold references and i copied it park um like there's this like fiery stairwell confrontation between cartman and kyle and kyle's a jewish character and it's literally a fiery stairwell and and cartman won't let kyle pass he's like give me the jew gold i know you got it around your neck. And he's like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:02:46 I've never heard of any Jew gold. There is no Jew gold. You're insane. And Cartman just won't bend. He's like, you give me the Jew gold or you die. And finally Kyle's like, fine! He's got a leather pouch full of Jew gold.
Starting point is 01:03:03 It's been a while since I've seen that one, but Cartman might be like, I know that's the decoy pouch. Give me the real Jew gold. It's been a while since I've seen that one, but Cartman might be like, I know that's the decoy pouch. Give me the real Jew gold. And he's got another big bag of gold. Oh, we were talking about addictions. I've never had a Jewish person actually get offended by any of the silliness they're going at their race.
Starting point is 01:03:24 I think there's a reason so many of them are comedians. Good senses of humor. actually get offended by by any of the the silliness they're going at their race um yeah like there's a reason so many of them are comedians good sense of humor what a great grace people i i always enjoyed hanging out with sam because he he liked to he liked to uh mock his own people very much so are they a race though because that's one thing that i'm confused about is like it's kind of like because it's's just, I know it's a religion. You could become a Jew, but just on paper, right? Like, you can't become Jewish. I could pastor Jewish. I just, I don't know if I understand it's like a different race.
Starting point is 01:03:57 I don't know if I understand it as a different race, as like black people and Asian people are a different race. like black people and asian people are a different race or if it's kind of like if just everybody in missouri you know no no only fucked people in missouri for hundreds and hundreds of years and then eventually it's like oh those are missourians you know they're they're different but really it's just like i guess they're an ethnic group technically right yeah because it's they were bound by religion and like way back in the fucking day they were just another tribe like you think that they were the only ones traveling around wandering around the desert speaking of which you know that story of like 30 years in the desert 40 years 40 years you know the space how big the space is that they apparently got lost for 40 years in it's like two square miles like you it's two or two
Starting point is 01:04:42 five square miles it's a tiny little desert that That said, Muggs was a good navigator. It was about the journey, not the trip. That's such a small amount of sand that they would see big tracks of their previous attempts to escape the desert as they were going. He was spelling out, God, give me a hand here. Walking in circles to the left.
Starting point is 01:05:02 And all they had to eat was shitty bread that fell from the sky, and pigeons or something. Even in the version that the Jews tell, they had enough gold on them that they could melt it down and make a giant golden bull to worship while Moses was up on
Starting point is 01:05:17 the mountain getting the Ten Commandments. Mount Sinai. Mount Sinai. And is my theology correct here? Was there another tablet that he didn't he smash the tablets that's right he smashed the tablets when he got back didn't he i believe the broken tablet is i could feel this one get back he goes on this mount think about this he goes in this mountain he's gone for days and he's gone so long that the people give up on him and start worshiping a big golden bull and And when he gets back, he literally has the word of God
Starting point is 01:05:46 written into two pieces of stone. And it pisses him off so much that they're worshipping the bull. He just smashes this shit. There's originally a first documented case of roid rage. God gave him a little bit of stone. He was just lifting stones. Comes back off the mountain.
Starting point is 01:06:02 I was working out for like three days. And you fuckers just like, society falls apart. Fuck this. It's like God hyped him up the way you hype a dog up. Like you can get all excited and it's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then you just quit and it keeps going.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Like God was up there as Moses. Like, yo, you're the man. You take him down there. You show him these rules. Yeah, fuck yeah. And Moses goes down there like skipping. Like, oh, I am the fucking man. God's on my side. He sees the bull, shatters him. Hey, have we. And Moses goes down there like skipping. Like, oh, I am the fucking man. God's on my side.
Starting point is 01:06:25 He sees the bull, shatters him. Hey, have we talked about Hulk Hogan and Gawker on PKA yet? Yes. Okay. Okay. We did. We could keep talking about Bible stories, though. I like Bible stories.
Starting point is 01:06:39 You know, say what you want about Bible stories. I think they're very good stories, and they usually have some moral story behind them. And I think most of them would make good movies, if you think about it, right? Yes, Joseph. Well, most of them have been made into movies. There's a lot of Bible movies. The one where Joseph gets thrown in the pit,
Starting point is 01:06:59 and he gets fished. Joseph in the Coat of Many Colors. I think that's a Dolly Parton song. It's a musical. Yeah, it's a musical, too. I used to see commercials for it when I was young, and it looked horrible. But the story itself, when, like, he went out in the desert,
Starting point is 01:07:14 and the dad, Joseph, was his favorite son, the youngest, and he was always giving Joseph all this dope shit, like the best camels, the best berries, whatever was popular back then he got it and all the other brothers were like fuck this guy this is horse shit we've been around here longer we're we live in the bronze age and i haven't gotten jack shit for my piece of shit dad and so they take the youngest guy out there they see a bunch of slavers and so they just are like you know what this joseph guy's kind of a cunt and we'll get better treatment if he's not here so they sell
Starting point is 01:07:42 him to the slavers slavers takevers take him back to Babylon. Joseph works up from a slave, Donald Trump style, from nothing into everything. He had a small million dollar loan. Yeah, a small loan of 60 shekels. Built a massive wall in the progress. Yeah, and then later in his life, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:59 the big Shyamalan twist. The brothers come. They seek help from him and he's sitting there the the grand poobah of babylon and instead of going fuck you guys you're all going to pit he gives them some money which i would not have done no no but you do something awful to him some some sort of awful biblical punishment they had the worst punishments back then oh so and even after all that the the dad was still just pissed he's like well god well, goddammit, Joseph's gone. Now I got 11 shit-tier sons.
Starting point is 01:08:27 You think I just kept having kids because I wanted more? We talked about the torture methods that they had back then before. Have we talked about the brazen bull before? Yes. That's the one where they cook them alive inside the metal bull? That was like a Greek thing, right? Yeah. I was just going to go down that path and say hey you
Starting point is 01:08:45 want to talk about torture because like yeah when they take they boil like they put those pots and put a rat on their stomach and then light a fire on that and so the rat would start like clawing through their like stomachs and shit to get out and everything do you know the story of sodom i think it's a real torture is it it? That's a Thronesee torture. Sodom and Gomorrah is the best one. I don't know why we're not talking about, like, it's the story to be told of the Bible, right? I don't remember the characters' names. A lot.
Starting point is 01:09:15 A lot. Yeah. That's the story, not the part where Jesus dies for man's sins and then comes back. No, no, no. Sodom and Gomorrah is the key. I feel like if I mock that story, then I'm definitely going to hell, but I feel like I could kind of giggle at Sodom and Gomorrah and I might still make it in. This is a razor's edge. How's God feeling today? It's really up in the air. Yeah, but Sodom and Gomorrah, evil cities.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Woody, you seem to know a good amount about the story lot uh he actually let his daughters get raped he offered to let him get apparently so sodom and gomorrah are these evil cities right and if i have this i'm gonna screw this up i'm sure and uh these two what are they like salesmen or something come by to like check and see if there's bad oh no i think they're going to see if everyone in the city needs to be killed right so these like two people come down they're sent by god or something and uh and they visit lot and uh um you know he's checking to see if anyone in the city is you know maybe they shouldn't just burn it or flood it or whatever the fuck they're going to do to it. Righteous men.
Starting point is 01:10:28 What's that? Angels, not salesmen. You say tomato, I say tomato. So these two angels go into Lot's house and he's feeding him or something and then the whole town is like, you know what? I'd like to fuck me some angels, right? Because you don't get an opportunity to do that every day. And the town decides
Starting point is 01:10:44 they're going to, I guess, anally rape uh these angels it's a big it's a big train no wait so the angels are male they come in welcomes them in have something to eat kind of selfish of you to eat it you're an angel and you don't need it and we're in an ancient time where there's not a lot of food so please don't uh invites them in his daughters are also in the house people are freaking out outside going you got angels in there this is horse horse shit. We're going to get them. We're going to get these fucking angels and lots like everybody settle down. I'll give you my daughters to rape. Just don't hurt super human angels behind me. And so he, he pretty much, he, I think he's like right about to do it. And the daughter's like, as he's unlocking the door, they're like, are you,
Starting point is 01:11:23 are you shitting me? You garbage piece of chauvinist shit giving us out to be raped so you can impress your friends um but then i think god comes down and pulls the old god gets a lot of people like punk style you know kill your kid oh gotcha no don't do that don't do that you know let them rip your daughters nope no i was joking yeah they were virgins yeah of course they were yeah and then the best part is when they you know they get the message at this point and so he's the angel say wow lot is the only righteous man left in the either of these two cities so we'll spare him so you know they go walking off into the sunset and everything the angel say oh by the way don't fucking turn around because we're gonna do some hardcore shit to your hometown just
Starting point is 01:12:02 don't even look at it it'll mess you up and lot's wife has to turn around and look're going to do some hardcore shit to your hometown. Just don't even look at it. It'll mess you up. And Lot's wife has to turn around and look back. And just the image of what was happening back there turns her to a pillar of salt. A pillar of salt. So then, so then Lot's feeling real bad about this. Let me finish this up. Lot's feeling real bad about this, right? His wife just turned to a big pillar of salt.
Starting point is 01:12:23 So he seeks refuge in a local cave. And his daughters and Lot are in the cave and everything and and the daughters start thinking wow we're the only fucking people left on the earth we've got to repopulate we gotta fuck dad so they get they get a lot nice and drunk and then fuck him and And it works. They get pregnant. And that's the Bible. That's just one small... That's the key. No, that's the central thesis of the Bible right there. Yeah. I used that story to guide my entire life.
Starting point is 01:12:59 That story and the morals that it teach have kept me on the right rail from the time i was a child that's where you get the other interpretation of turn the other cheek oh it's fucked up yeah there's a lot of bible stories that when you really analyze like what's happening and especially if you were to apply them to modern day and like modern families and groups of people you just they're they're shockingly out of place at times but you know it's god i wish i knew my bible even better like like i think there's more references
Starting point is 01:13:28 into it more references to shellfish than there are gay people in the bible uh only in the uh the argument is like oh that god never taught or jesus never talks about gay people in the old testament they were very very clear about gays and about shellfish and about mixing fabrics. Lots of things. I know we have to take care of something real quick, but I do want to return to Bible stories. It's fun. Carl? You did not call me Carl, did you?
Starting point is 01:13:59 No. Like I wouldn't catch it? Like I wouldn't notice that you called me Carl? Is this a new thing? Are we calling him Carl? No. We're not calling him Carl? No. We're not calling him Carl. Casper mattresses are obsessively engineered,
Starting point is 01:14:09 American-made mattresses at a shockingly fair price. And now you can get $50 toward any mattress purchase by going to slash pka and using offer code pka. Listen, you spend about one-third of your life sleeping. Let's make sure that you're doing it on a good mattress. Casper brings together two comfy technologies together for better nights and brighter days, latex foam and memory foam. So they've got just the right sink, just the
Starting point is 01:14:34 right bounce no matter how you sleep. They've got a risk-free trial and return policy. They'll deliver it straight to you. You can try it for a hundred days and if you're not happy with it, they'll take it right back. At the store, maybe you get a minute or two to try out your mattress but with Casper, you actually get to sleep on it for weeks at a time. So it's $500 for a twin size mattress, $950 for a king size mattress which is what I got and then I used the offer code and got $50 bucks off. Comparing that to industry averages, that is an outstanding price point which is why I did it. So get $50 toward any mattress purchase by going to slash pka and using offer code pka. And I can genuinely say like I paid for this thing,
Starting point is 01:15:10 you know, full price minus hour discount and everything. And it's the best sleep I've ever gotten. It's a better quality sleep. I used to sleep like I sometimes I would sleep 12 hours, like you'd like to sleep into the day and I would still wake up kind of like my neck would be hurting and I didn't feel rested but eight hours in this mattress sometimes I six or seven hours and I feel like supercharged I I don't get tired military I don't even have anymore so big believer in the Casper mattress system check them out shit you not
Starting point is 01:15:37 I'm gonna use that I'm gonna use that code promise you're also here you really will be as a house you let me tell you how to come here's the best part about this thing. It arrives, UPS, in a cardboard box. You clear the floor, put it where the bed's supposed to be, and then you carefully cut this box apart, and it just... Really?
Starting point is 01:16:00 As soon as you break that vacuum-sealed seal, it's wrapped in plastic, it just super hyper-expands, and in like 30 seconds, you've got an InstaBed. I'm trying to find places in Nashville right now, and I've got like an air pad, like camping air pad between that and hotels. So I'm like, I need to get a mattress. So yeah, that's 50 bucks off of that. That's pretty dope.
Starting point is 01:16:24 That's what you want to use. Use our coupon code. Stop being a peasant and get yourself a Casper. Sleep on a mattress like an adult. Our mattresses are such shit. I remember this when I was living in Atlanta. There were these three guys who moved down from PA. It was like one guy had moved down to be with a girl.
Starting point is 01:16:41 And then his two best friends were like, we're not leaving Travis. We're not letting Travis leave state without without us so they moved to atlanta too and uh one of them couldn't afford to move his shit down and it got to a point where the storage unit just auctioned all of his belongings off so he was living on an air mattress and that was like his only possession in his bedroom and i just remember feeling so bad and just just going over there and poking at once and just being like you sleep on this what the fuck how can you do this and then like once my uh my girlfriend and i spent the night at this like haunted mansion type deal uh and there were a bunch of couples there and we had an air mattress and again it's the worst it's the worst i would rather do you
Starting point is 01:17:19 ever wake up in the morning just sleeping on the floor with like a very thin fabric of plastic i'm not as big as richard is i i'm like i'm like six feet six one like 195 pounds there aren't many air mattresses that can accommodate me comfortably it doesn't happen i can't imagine what you're doing yeah well no that's what i was gonna say too like the price for you to say oh that's the most comfortable sleep i had like like 950 plus with the code like 50 off like 900 bucks and getting it delivered not having to load it up and everything you go to like any mattress store like those like those pillow top this or cushion that and everything like 2500 oh i know so many terms i'm just lost in the weeds why not just go to
Starting point is 01:18:05 i mean like no i'm like i know it's double-sided that's so soft i can't believe it like what oh my goodness it's like i'm like legit excited about this because like oh geez that's that fucking it's really nice i uh i for some reason like i never considered my bed. I've been on the same queen mattress for six years. There's no excuse for it at all. In the interim, I've spent thousands of dollars on things like shoes and hats and watches. But somehow the bed got misplaced somewhere along the way, and I never upgraded from that shitty queen mattress. But now I have, and I love it. Did you buy a bed for
Starting point is 01:18:45 it or is it on the floor it's still on the fucking floor let me tell you let me tell you why my truck is it i wish a fucking asteroid would hit would hit that thing just in fast forward like the the things that i have fixed on this thing um two hydraulic lifters uh Had to take the head off and service it. New rear end. New brakes all the way around. New rotors. Wheel bearing on the left side just went out. Had to replace that.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Two transfer cases. One transmission. And there's still some electrical issues that I'm working the bugs out on. It's been pissing me the fuck off. I was over there all day the other day doing that wheel bearing by myself, and I'd never done one before, so I got my YouTube video right there with me learning as I go. And it was a process, and it was $275 for the parts. Just a real motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:19:41 So I haven't had time to do that. I get home from working on this car. I wish I was there. I'm tired. Steel bearing is a 15-minute job. You've got to take the tire off. I'm not including pulling out the air tools, but yeah, I've done... You've got to take the tire off, the rotor off,
Starting point is 01:20:00 the caliper and everything. I've done it about 150 times. Why? Just take the gear splints out, put another Ajax bolt in, call it a day. You know? That's what I say. 08 Silverado. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:15 I mean, not to get in the Ford Chevy debate thing, but one of the things that really pissed me off about my F-150, the 04, was to change the brakes, like the rotor, you had to take the front axles off. And they use like a wax or something where it cross threads it
Starting point is 01:20:38 whenever you take and you put it on. So it takes a specific foot pound of torque to put on and then when you take it off you have to buy brand new ones and everything it's just such a pain in the butt i mean like i know different manufacturers make things way more complicated what they need to be sometimes so toyota's good that way i so i've mostly worked on Dana 44's And a handful of different Toyota axles They're all the same but different They just get bigger and stronger
Starting point is 01:21:11 And I don't know The way that you pull out a Toyota third member Is really easy to work on The way the axles pull out The wheel bearings are not that big of a deal I guess I don't know if I'm just most comfortable with them Or if they're actually easier to work the i guess i don't know if i'm just most comfortable with them or if they're actually easier to work on but uh yeah i don't know i used to go off-roading a lot and i would break axles almost every trip and or break teeth on the ring gear of the third member or
Starting point is 01:21:35 whatever just change brakes or upgrade to new axles and that's why i've done it so many times you still work on your truck and stuff me yeah yeah but it doesn't break anymore huh because i i found like i don't know about you guys but um i i used to do everything like my first car was a 67 mustang it was like here you go this thing doesn't run if you want a vehicle to drive when you're 16 go buy a haynes manual after know, you've worked a few summers to get parts, to get it running and everything. And so I've always worked on like Mustangs, F-150s kind of in the Ford family and everything. Cause that's what I grew up on. And, and it was so easy. Like the engine bays, everything was just the carburation, everything everything just like everything was just awesome it was so easy it just made
Starting point is 01:22:25 sense it clicked and now i got like a 2015 f-150 and i'm like fuck i can't even change the radio out in this thing because it's integrated with so many different electronic systems and stuff and it's so frustrating to me because it's like i i kind of yearned for that, like just wanting to just get back out there and just do maintenance. You get an old fixer-upper. We're always tinkering on something. Well, one of my favorite trucks was like the 92, 93-ish F-150s, like just standard cabs, kind of like what the Rock drove in Walking Tall. Like just – like Not the extended cab, just the regular. That was a good movie. Yeah!
Starting point is 01:23:09 It was awesome. 4x4 post. It starts off with Greg Allman doing that dirty version of Midnight Rider. So good. Very good. I like that movie a lot. That was great.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Wasn't it supposed to be? Wasn't it based on some kind of a true story or something? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm not familiar with that film. You haven't seen that film? It's a quick one, too.
Starting point is 01:23:37 It's not that long. 90 minutes or something like that. It's got Johnny Knoxville in there. 90 minutes. That's a rarity nowadays, finding a 90-minute movie. Has anyone here seen Batman batman versus superman yet no you can spoil it though i don't care i do i have not seen it um chis watched it and did not care for it yeah he hated it a lot i'm gonna i'm trying to get the quote right because it was not well he's gonna give you a new quote now um but but i don't think... Here, hold on.
Starting point is 01:24:05 She thinks Batman vs. Superman is a pile of shit wrapped up in a cat poop tortilla with disappointment sprinkled on top. I think that what really put him over the edge was their gay romance scene. I don't think there was a need for that or for it to go on as long as it did. I like the gay romance scene.
Starting point is 01:24:22 I mean, I definitely didn't picture Batman assuming that much of a dominant role. Like, when you imagine them When you hit Superman with the pink kryptonite, he's powerless. You think I'm making that up, but that's true. Pink kryptonite makes him into a bottom. Well, no, I think
Starting point is 01:24:38 somebody else made that up, and now you're just repeating it. Kind of like the pink Trump hat. No, that's true. Pink kryptonite really does make superman gay and it's you know it's it's part of the uh the uh the canon is it yeah it's part of the canon yeah is that like some weird little like lost in the weeds mentioned in the 1961 episode the site source is. Here we go. Pink kryptonite.
Starting point is 01:25:06 I don't... That's... Wikipedia, Woody. I don't think so. Yeah, there's like five different kinds of kryptonite. But, um... Oh, that's it. Yeah. It is right here on the internet, so...
Starting point is 01:25:16 Yeah, right there. You can't argue with that. I'm not surprised. I don't... Motherfucker. I think that would be a good movie. Yeah, I'm not surprised that it is a shit movie. I feel like they're really pumping out superhero movies.
Starting point is 01:25:35 A little too much gusto right now. Like, give everybody a break. How about you throw out a western? How about another western? I'd like some more of those. Spaghetti Western. Did you watch Bone Tomahawk yet? I have seen Bone Tomahawk.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Richard, do you watch many movies? I try to. What's the comic book movie that we all love? Deadpool. Yes. That was pretty good. I did. It was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:26:01 I loved the little jabs and stuff like, just don't make my superhero suit green. Or things like that which was great. Loved it. Yeah, there were a bunch of mentions like that. Little things thrown in there. I think at one point there was a picture of him. You got something in your teeth.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Who? Me? No, that's from the movie. Oh, you dick. I ate like four slices of pizza like during the show four slices of pizza right before we started just wolfing it down yeah yeah i'm so hungry i've just noticed that like after seeing that i've never actually like done that to anybody so occasionally i just do it and without a fail every single time they're like like, oh, fuck. And then they're like subconscious about it the entire time.
Starting point is 01:26:53 But yeah, no, I think they are pumping out too many. Like you've got deals like what is it with Sony? They have to have a Spider-Man movie in production to be able to maintain the rights to it because it's a Marvel property. So if they don't have one constantly in production or pre-production, then they lose the rights to it. How would you like to be somebody like Robert Downey Jr. so that you're so integral to the whole thing,
Starting point is 01:27:19 the whole big web? Like, I like that he's the nice guy and instead of being like you know what a hundred million a movie let's just make it a hundred million that's an even nice round number right instead of doing that he was like hey you're not really paying everybody else as much as they should be getting so if you want us all you should look out for everybody yeah and you mentioned ed norton edward norton's a cocksucker i love his movies he's a great actor but what a shithead right nobody can work'd he do? Nobody can work with him.
Starting point is 01:27:46 That's why he's not the Hulk right now. He's notorious for being impossible to work with. I really like him as an actor. I love him as an actor. American History X. What did we watch the other day? In Cold Blood or whatever. What's the one where he's with Richard Gere
Starting point is 01:28:01 and he's pretending like he had a split personality? You know who else is great that doesn't get a lot of recognition is Sam Rockwell. with Richard Gere and he's pretending like he had a split personality. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know who else is great that doesn't get a lot of recognition is Sam Rockwell. I really like him. I don't know who Sam Rockwell is by name. No? Primal Fear.
Starting point is 01:28:15 Nice call, Chase. Yeah. Good call, Chase. There's an unrated version on Netflix right now if you want to watch it. Wow. They chop the priest's fingers off with a knife and you see him, like him spraying blood and everywhere. It's pretty gruesome.
Starting point is 01:28:26 You know what's on Netflix? Have you guys seen Promised Land? It's promised, like past tense, promised land. No, but it's reminding me of more Bible stories. It's Matt Damon and... I've seen it. John Krasinski. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:42 The office guy. From The Office, he plays Jim. And it's pretty good, I thought. I enjoyed seen it. John Krasinski. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The office guy. From The Office, he plays Jim. And it's pretty good, I thought. I enjoyed the movie. And there's a little fracking, like, propaganda mixed in there. So you get both at the same time. Matt Damon's really liberal. And I was like, how is this going to...
Starting point is 01:28:59 I wasn't sure how it was going to play out. I didn't see it ever being, like,acking matt damon win and uh it had a had a twist ending and i enjoyed it yeah good movie uh john krasinski's a great actor i love that meme i guess he's in that i was about to say he's in that michael bay movie about benghazi or whatever and um i haven't seen it yet but i love there's a snapchat because not only is john john krasinski in, but the guy who played Help Me Chiz. What movie are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:29:30 Roy. The guy who played Roy in The Office. He's in there too. 13 Hours or whatever. The Benghazi movie that Michael Bay made. There's that meme where John Krasinski is like, Roy, I need you back. He's like, I left that game behind a long time ago, man. He's like, Roy, I need you back. He's like, I left that game behind a long time ago, man.
Starting point is 01:29:45 He's like, they got Pam. And there's both of them dressed like operators with M4s and stuff. It's really funny. I haven't seen that movie, though. To me, it seems a little disrespectful to make a Michael Bay action movie out of something that just happened like that.
Starting point is 01:30:02 I don't know. I haven't seen the movie. I don't know. I think it was done pretty good like i yeah i like the thing is like there's michael bay like movies i mean just because bad boys awesome right awesome but this is this is one of his fewer i want to say character and story driven and not so much action i mean there is action is a part of it and everything but like i think they did a really good job of grounding themselves and would it uh i mean you know like the grs guys and the cia and everything
Starting point is 01:30:39 you know you say what you want about real life versus the theatrics of a movie and everything, but it was really grounded in reality, I felt like. Maybe I'll watch it then. When I heard it was Michael Bay, I was like, well, why is Michael Bay doing that? I'd like to see it. What if Spielberg did it? Then I'd watch it. It really should be Michael Moore.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Oh, no. No. It would be about how Transformers aren't eco-friendly, and they give off too much exhaust. Michael Bay isn't eco-friendly, and he gives off too much exhaust. Have you seen this guy? You mean Michael Moore. Michael Moore.
Starting point is 01:31:16 Yeah, he's fucking enormous now. The last time I... He's been around for a while. Has he? Yes. I remember when Bowling for Columbine came out came out i'm gonna estimate he was like 265 or something but he looks like he's getting up in the 350s now or something he's looking really jesus oh it looks it looks awful looks like he's got like he's got
Starting point is 01:31:37 chins no he's like next to him ted cruz's neck looks like a chiseled professional athlete jaw, which is because what's his name? Michael Moore has that chin where it's not even like a sloped down chin. It's the chin has grown beyond even the confines of the face. It's further out. That's what you call that. Yeah, it's a jowl, a big hunk of meat. Just kind of gross.
Starting point is 01:32:03 I really don't like it. What did Kyle call it? A goblin? The gobbler i really don't like i'll call it a goblin the gobbler the gobbler i like it i like the gobbler i uh yeah on one hand he's gigantic and he's hard to look at on the other hand like well i saw this coming two decades ago like you always knew he was going to grow into that uh chris christie like figure yeah and you Yeah, and you're not looking at a picture of Michael Moore in 1986 being like, damn, where'd that sexy motherfucker go?
Starting point is 01:32:31 He was gross in the 80s, and he's gross now. The other thing about Michael Moore that makes gross such an appropriate adjective is he's always dressed down. He's always slovenly. He's always like rolling out of bed, sweatpants,
Starting point is 01:32:46 hair, not done, et cetera. And this is on his, like a CNN day, you know, like Chris Christie is as rough as he is to look at. He is in a suit,
Starting point is 01:32:55 you know, it might not have added, you know, he might not accommodate the most recent 10, 15. I'll say this about Chris. He looks better standing. He should always stand no matter what the situation.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Because when he sat down in that chair, like the event I went to was kind of like a fireside chat. Like it was Christy in a chair, Trump in a chair. And they're just kind of like turned toward the audience and toward each other. And they're just – Christy's setting him up for everything. And Christy just has this massive belly. And his legs are kind of sticking out of it. It does look – Like a baby's. Like a baby's, yeah. He looks like he's not very mobile. just has this massive belly and and his legs are kind of sticking out of it it doesn't look like a baby's yeah he looks like he's not very mobile um he would well he's probably not who had
Starting point is 01:33:31 aspirations of being the president would like get a lock on that because i feel like that if he's our prime if he had won the the thing if if he's the the gop's nominee i feel like somebody starts throwing they would ask health questions. They'd be like, is this the guy? Is this the guy you want up there? He doesn't look like he's going to make it. It's not just the health to me. It's the fact that he has an addiction
Starting point is 01:33:51 that's beating him. Obama smokes cigarettes. That didn't bother me. Do you think Obama's still smoking? Yeah. Yeah, of course he is. Based on what? Petty vices mean nothing to me.
Starting point is 01:34:02 You had Kennedy fucking everything. See how cigars? Reagan smoked cigars. Petty vices mean nothing to me. You had Kennedy fucking everything. Reagan smoked cigars. Little petty vices. The stuff that you can't deny that's in people's eyes. Churchill was wasted throughout World War II. I mean. All right, all right.
Starting point is 01:34:16 These are not petty vices being wasted throughout World War II. I don't like that. If Obama couldn't stop his smoking, then that would be a deficit to me. It would be a guy who's not squared away. You want to be squared away? Don't have fucking addictions that rule your life that you can't handle. I don't think nicotine is an addiction that rules your life when you're smoking. It's really annoying to the people around you when you're with your friends.
Starting point is 01:34:42 It's like, oh, let's start up this next game. They're like, oh, I'm going to go have a smoke real quick. But when you're the president, you're like, nah, fuck all y'all. But when you're the president, it's like, oh, should we have a meeting in five minutes? Because I'm pretty fucking sure the meeting is whenever I walk in the room because I'm the president. It's a sign of mental weakness.
Starting point is 01:34:57 We have a meeting. He's like, yeah, I know. Gather around, bitches. That's funny, and it's maybe even true, but it's a sign of mental weakness. No, dog. Bum me one. It's no even true but it's a sign of mental dog bum me one yeah i uh it's no different than chris christie's weight i imagine biden light leaning over light and lighting a cigarette and then just kind of leaning back and watching yeah he's open about it though he like didn't he didn't he say he had his stomach stapled and he
Starting point is 01:35:20 still like just just keeps he overcame gastrointestinal surgery yeah he beat lap band surgery that's the term he beat lap band how much of like I don't I know it's an addiction to eat food and that's probably like the hardest addiction
Starting point is 01:35:39 to fight cause you can 100% get rid of booze and like your body's not gonna freak out you can 100% get rid of weed if you're a hundred percent get rid of booze and like your body's not going to freak out you can a hundred percent get rid of oh you know if you're an alcoholic you get the shakes you go into details you have a problem i know i'm saying like like if you wean off or however you have to do that if you're like a hardcore alcoholic you can survive like and then you can stop drinking you'll be okay with food it's like you have to do that every day so every day there's some temptation like it's like if an alcoholic had to like at lunch to have one shot and then like have a shot at dinner and then just keep
Starting point is 01:36:09 it together you know yeah like that would be but come on you don't have to eat cheetos and funyuns and no but that's enough to remind you of like man this carrot fucking sucks i hate my life like all i wanted is that big bag of doritos and i'm gonna fucking have it you know like but isn't there a pull with every addiction you know aren't you like not doing heroin thinking dude you know it would make mowing better heroin not really i've never just sat around and been like oh man a great day to lounge around i wish i had a bunch of coke or like oh man i need to get a bunch of like you know you know i feel like that would be the time when you would enjoy drugs I feel like if you if you were gonna do a little marijuana like mowing time I feel like you'd be like fuck yeah let's mow the whole world but you know what family I'm like that anyways you want to get it
Starting point is 01:36:59 done but but I feel like you'd be like, Jackie, take the kids inside. I'm going to mow it all. Come back home. Do you have an addiction? Do you guys have anything that you would say is, yeah, fuck, man. So Woody, yours may be the internet. Anything for you? At some point, I spent way too much money on magic cards. And that's a funny one in a way.
Starting point is 01:37:23 And this is intermittent. At least once a year i get super back into that hobby and spend like not a lot of money to you know people who are really wealthy but like five six hundred bucks you know that's that's a good amount of money to just throw into a hobby and then suddenly it's like yeah hey i don't want to go play with randoms down at the gaming store like i want my friends to play and if i convince them to get into it it's like their piece of shit deck just gets blown out by mine because i'm spending so much time researching and doing shit i haven't done that in a long time but i've that's a problem phases especially with
Starting point is 01:37:53 strategy card games for some reason where i just i get like i'm either totally uninterested in something or i am utterly like i can't stop thinking about it like right now that's age mythology i'm thank god that's a one-time payment of 35.99 and uh we've got me and kyle been playing that i have an obsessive personality so like i like being good at things and it upsets me if i'm not good at something and and it doesn't like like if it were like basketball like real life basketball i'd be like you know what i just don't have the talents needed for this and this could take years to develop these talents could take years to develop and These talents could take years to develop.
Starting point is 01:38:26 And I would need trainers and equipment. But with Age of Mythology, it's a $35 video game. And I feel like if I just focus on this and read a little bit, I can get good at this. And so, like, I'm really sucked into this video game right now. You're getting way better. Every time you're coming in and we're starting up a game, you're, like, dropping knowledge on me from your research that I didn't know.
Starting point is 01:38:44 Where, like, you're in here, like, spamming that I didn't know. We're here and you're spamming hotkeys and I'm like, what are you doing? You're like, oh, well, you just hit HV, HV, HV or whatever at the start of the game and get your workers going. No wonder you've never won! Come on, Kyle! Every edge I could possibly get. That's how it always is. Same thing with Chiz.
Starting point is 01:38:59 Would you give away your edge? I hear you giving your little things you picked up to Taylor. Well, we're sharing back and forth, so I don't mind giving him mine because he gives me all of his. I want us both to get collectively better at the game. Fair point. Yeah, like if I see him playing a god and I know he's doing something wrong
Starting point is 01:39:19 and we're playing against each other, I'm not sitting over here like, ha-ha, fucking fool. I'm like, hey, Kyle, you want to maybe do that with the Egyptians? He's getting way better. I did the same thing with Civilization V. Chiz got to a point where he was just beating me. At first, I beat Chiz a couple games, and then he started beating me consistently, and I was like, I've just got to start reading.
Starting point is 01:39:41 I've got to go do some homework. And I would do like an hour or two of homework every night. And I would read and read. And by the end of it, I had charts like this. Like the one I have here for Age of Mythology. Where it's a detailed build chart that I've come up with to remind me what to do. It's this eco build. First I buy hunting dogs.
Starting point is 01:40:02 I put two workers on food, one on wood, one on gold Then I make a new villager Is this grief? Yeah, the ones with the expensive workers No, it's Atlanteans Yeah, this is an Atlantean rush Using the Murmillo and the Terma and Valor I'm just sitting over here
Starting point is 01:40:19 Trying to get better at the game constantly So when I get obsessed with something It does become a game Richard, I think we found their addiction Playing with Kyle is a lot of fun because like you're not getting super like like you never care when you're getting like you care but like when you're getting beat you're not freaking out about it but like you send in a big force on kyle and it's just like oh jesus fuck god i just built a bunch of workers again like now like just right before this he three
Starting point is 01:40:42 times built his workers back up and he's like god they're down to three of them so the way this thing is working is it's um it's about micro control to some extent it's about perfectly getting your civilization moving forward so that you hit these um important key eras of the game as quickly as possible because you get more powerful every era so he's hitting his at like three minutes and 30 seconds into the game. I'm like 60 seconds slower, which means that he's already built his army and sent it on the way while I'm building my army. So he gets to my town right about the time I get three soldiers built and he's got 20 and they wreck my shit. And you know, I'm pumping out one at a time, like one 30 seconds and he's already there with 20 and my workers are literally just peasants
Starting point is 01:41:27 they're the shovels rakes they're chopping wood and he rapes the fuck out of them and they are your that's what you use to get money and food and all that shit in the game and he'll come in fuck my shit up real bad cripple me but he'll leave why because you could build yourself back and I'm just like why like because you can build yourself back oh that's not a motivation to not finish you no no because I can't like at that level in the game mice like his town center and his towers can fight me off and so I can't just leave my troops they're beaten on his building or eventually the arrows will take me down
Starting point is 01:42:03 so I go in fuck up his farms and his workers and destroy his houses to like lower his population limit to set him back and then i just leave rebuild my forces everyone yeah and like three to eight minutes later i send in another force when he's got like yeah you can keep saying and in three to eight minutes in those three to eight minutes i'm as fast as i can fucking hot keying around i'm like build it back build it back better build it back better build a wall wall tower tower and and he's like how's it going over there I'm like oh real bad real bad having a hard time I'm not gonna make it I don't know I got like two workers left really I got 10 and I'm just trying to get my shit back together before he thinks it's time to cripple me again I'm hoping that I can get a real army together so he'll come back to cripple and I'll
Starting point is 01:42:43 actually beat him and then I go to his place which is empty. Now this whole time, he's unmolested. Right? So isn't he even bigger and stronger? Like you're trying to I don't know this game but I do know Civ. I'm taking back a feat and he's pumping iron. What's happening is like I set him back
Starting point is 01:42:59 so suddenly he's like, oh fuck, I need to get like eight more, I need to build eight more people to put on food and seven more to put on wood and six more to put on gold. Meanwhile, I've got like 20 people on everything and I'm building new settlements, increasing my population cap. So even if he gets an army of 30, I'll just keep throwing 100 people at it until it dies away. Is he just hopeless then? No, they're like you can just like when I was playing with you and chis the other day and you i think wiped me out and i just like kept some soldiers and some workers and made a new base in the corner everything he had except for like six workers who are unarmed and can do nothing
Starting point is 01:43:36 but build buildings and he went off into some corners of the world and built himself a new little mini empire while i was trying to finish chis off and snuck into my base when all my troops were across the world fighting Chiz and just like, I don't know, minotaur men tore all my things apart. This is probably boring for the fans, but I'm really happy. Just smeared shit on the walls. It was great. Yeah, yeah. So that game right now
Starting point is 01:43:58 is what's like a bit of an addiction and I should probably slow down with. I think my girlfriend's gonna leave me if I... She's like, you get three... She's like, you can have four days a week. I get at least three. I get at least three. And I'm like, can we make it two? She's like, no, we can fucking make it two.
Starting point is 01:44:15 Because I want to play the game every night. And when I say play it, I'll get on and start playing. And four hours will sneak by. And I think there's still time to go upstairs and hang out with her. But really, it's two in the morning. So that game right now. And I think there's still time to go upstairs and like hang out with her, but really it's two in the morning. So that game right now is what I'm spending too much time and time doing. Luckily it's free. Yep.
Starting point is 01:44:32 I think when Woody said, uh, it was like, like you, when you realize it's a problem, I think it's taken this long for it to click for me. Uh, the one time in my life where I knew like some,
Starting point is 01:44:44 well, I didn't know until afterwards that it was a problem was rockstar cola uh i got yeah the energy drink like i i tried red bull and and monster and i drank them but i was never really like hey i gotta have one and then i started drinking rockstar cola and for some reason it won lots of sugar and caffeine but it tasted like a jack and coke so i could just drink them all the time i was like ah whatever and then it got to the point where i could tell you how old the can or how old the can was by the design because there were like the really old ones were gold and black and then the newer ones were like a gloss black top and then the the newest ones
Starting point is 01:45:32 were like flat black everything and matt was like really cool but um anyways i i got to the point where i was like fuck man all right like i gotta get my day started, blah, blah, blah, blah. So I'm always drinking them. And I go through like crazy withdrawal headaches and stuff. And it took them fucking discontinuing them before I could stop drinking them. And when they did, I was running around LA like a fucking crackhead, like a crackhead, just trying to buy as many of them as i could i was getting on amazon i was like on social media hitting rockstar up was like hey you know if i could buy a few more cases maybe just turn the machines off for 10 minutes and those will be mine give me 10 minutes alone with the vet you know to the point where I found the last place in L.A. that had them was this donut shop.
Starting point is 01:46:30 And the lady who owned it realized that there weren't any more because I kept coming in there buying them. And she couldn't get them from her distributor again. She's like, Jesus, this dude's like, we're selling all kinds of Rockstar colas. We got to restock. And then she's like, oh, I can't get these anymore you can only buy one i was like what she's like only one he's like you gotta buy something else too and i'm like what the fuck is this it's like this is like a drug dealer here what's in it for her she won't sell me any cola yeah so for every like for like three weeks every single morning i would get up and i'd walk to this donut shop and i get a apple fritter and a rock star cola
Starting point is 01:47:14 and then i would just be sitting at my desk and i go fuck i probably i might have a problem you're like do i have a drug dealer now? What a low thing on, like, that kind of problem. Where, like, when you're starting that up, I'm like, man, maybe he really struggled with crack cocaine a few years ago or something. Like, maybe this is him, like, getting in shape, really putting his life back on track. And you're like, the only time I really noticed it was,
Starting point is 01:47:44 God, I can't even believe I'm bringing this up but Rockstar Cola like that's so low on what could be a problem like why didn't you just, what do you drink now? Like I just switched to whatever's available NOS, two for three dollars, not bad As soon as I got, like I was like
Starting point is 01:48:00 I'm not gonna drink energy drinks again that's like, I'm not gonna run the risk of Guys who flush Adderalls up and snort lines off a toilet seat. Your rock star cola addiction is really not coming across well here. It would legit affect
Starting point is 01:48:18 the day. I think that's the issue. You should have called me. I'd have hooked you up with some G Fuel. Oh. So you don't drink any? I love energy drinks. But I've never gotten a headache when I didn't get one. I do.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Yeah, I have to keep caffeine going or I'll get headaches. I drink a cup of coffee in the morning. And sometimes I'll have one in the afternoon. But Interspliced is nothing but soda. I've said this many times and people don't believe me. I drink nothing but soda and coffee. There's a trash can next to me with 20 of these in it.
Starting point is 01:48:49 When I look at my end table sometimes in my living room, it looks like someone dared me to drink as many Diet Dr. Peppers as possible. It looks like I just finished a contest. This is the Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry. Oh, I like Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper.
Starting point is 01:49:06 Have you ever had kidney stones? Never, not once ever. I don't think I ever will based on my current track record. Even as a child, it was Diet Pepsi constantly. Well, you are... I don't know when kidney stones... It's more common the older you get, right?
Starting point is 01:49:22 So many sodas. That gives you kidney stones? Yeah. And some people um in a few years yeah i had a friend telling me that his son had them the other day and he was talking about how painful they were he was like i was outside uh with my diesel and sitting in my diesel truck with the window down and i could hear matthew screaming in the bathroom in the house he's like i ran in there and he's laying in the tub, like trying to pass this stone, just in the fetal position, screaming.
Starting point is 01:49:49 That's when I'd want some heroin. I was like, how big was it? He's like, well, if I were to come out, you know, about as big as my pinky nail. And I was just like... That's huge. That's really big. That's huge! And they're not like a smooth BB. They're like a medical leaf or something. Yeah, your bladder, your gall doesn't kind of
Starting point is 01:50:09 sand them down very well. They just push it through the assembly line all jagged. It's a crystallized formation, so imagine rock candy like he said or something like that, you know, it looks very jagged and I've seen it under a microscope. You find that image for us, Chiz. That'd be good. It's just calcium, right? Microscopic or enhanced image of a kidney stone or whatever. Magnified. Isn't it calcium? Yeah. Like it's just...
Starting point is 01:50:33 It's calcium, I think. Calcium. Huh. Yeah. Is there calcium in soda? I don't know. I seriously doubt it. I mean, there can't be any usable source of calcium. I seriously doubt it.
Starting point is 01:50:48 I mean, there can't be any usable source of calcium. I'm usually very careful to get calcium free. Oh, good lord. That doesn't even look like what I've seen before. That looks horrible. Oh, fuck that. I'd cut my dick off. Yeah, it looks like a booger. It's like halfway through my dick, and I'm just like, fuck it!
Starting point is 01:51:08 Like, I can't take it. You snip it off, like, squeeze it through the bottom part like a go-gurt, and then just run to the hospital and get them to re-sew it. Oh, that's so awful. And I know they can do, like, some sort of, uh, there's a machine they can use to, like, bust those up with ultrasonic waves or something
Starting point is 01:51:23 like that. I would own one of those machines if this was an issue I had. I hear about people who get them regularly, and it's just a thing for them. They get it once every two months or something. Sounds awful. Wow. Previous guest, Doug.
Starting point is 01:51:42 Well, that's interesting, Chiz. I don't like that. That's like one of those problems that if you had chronic kidney stones, it's like there's no excuse to not give that person a prescription for morphine. Just so any time of the day.
Starting point is 01:51:58 So what if it causes addictions? If you're pissing out rocks every three weeks, give them everything they need to get that done. Just numb them. Yeah, that's an excuse for a drug problem cut me open all of it slice me in half get it out i don't like those prescription pills really they make like when i have had to take them they make me kind of itchy but that would be a time you definitely wanted the real shit like the what house was addicted to shit not ibuprorofen. He's fiking it. You know what I got in the mail the other day?
Starting point is 01:52:27 Fiking it. My tracker. I think you got your tracker in the mail too. I got my tracker in the mail. You guys want to hear a little bit about tracker? Please. Tell me about it. Smart cars, smart phones, smart homes. Technology has made everything smart, but when you lose those smart things, it really
Starting point is 01:52:44 feels, it still really feels stupid. Tracker makes losing things a thing of the past. Tracker is a coin-sized device that locates misplaced keys, wallets, bags, computers, anything in seconds. Just pair Tracker to your smartphone, attach it to anything, and find its precise location with the tap of a button. It's that easy. Lose your phone? Press the button on Tracker and your phone rings, even when it's on silent. With over 1.5 million devices, Tracker has the largest crowd GPS network in the world. So your lost item shows up on the map,
Starting point is 01:53:13 even if it's miles away. Never lose anything again with Tracker. Listeners to our show here get a special discount of 30% off your entire purchase when you go to and enter offer code PKA. The hardest thing you'll ever have to find is their website.
Starting point is 01:53:30 So go to, right now and enter offer code PKA for 30% off your entire order. I love it. I already put it on my keys. I haven't lost them yet. So I don't know how, like I'll test it as soon as I lose my keys but I'm ready
Starting point is 01:53:45 have you guys attached it to your stuff? I attached it to a dog oh which dog? the one I care about the weenie dog right? no that's my dad's rat terrier he's all shaky he's like shaky and shit. He's like shaky and like really ornery,
Starting point is 01:54:09 but no, the weenie dog doesn't sound like that. She's got more of a speech impediment because of her jowls. Ah, speech impediment. Yeah, I like how you just mix that in, you know. Pepper and speech impediments, personality traits. Dogs don't have lips. I mean, I feel like with those jowls, they wouldn't be able to enunciate very well,
Starting point is 01:54:25 so neither does she. That makes sense. She pissed in the bed the other night right on that Casper mattress, and I immediately start ripping the top covers off and everything to keep it from soaking in. I was very upset about that. Did you succeed? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:42 But I'm very unhappy with the dog. I think the dog's becoming incontinent. I don't think it can help it. How old is it? Like seven or eight. Oh, my God. Hold your piss a little longer than that. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 01:54:53 It's a small dog, too. That's like someone, that's a dog in Woody's stage of life. Middle-aged. If Woody was pissing himself every day, I'd be like, you know what? How about you wait 20, 30 years and then talk to me? I'm drinking so much. I can piss whenever I want and someone will clean me. Privilege, yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:11 That comes with like at 72, 73 minimum. I love that dog, though. I'm going to get her some diapers if I have to. I told my girlfriend to try to find some stylish weenie diapers that wouldn't look like diapers so the other dogs wouldn't know. Oh, thank God. Yeah. Yeah, I hate for that to happen. Are there a lot of...
Starting point is 01:55:28 So you think the other dogs would be talking behind its back? Yeah, yeah. That it's a special accessory. Oh, look at... Oh, the wiener dog gets another treat. Isn't that surprising? They really don't like that. The wiener dog will see that Kitty's dog has a sweater on or something, and she'll not
Starting point is 01:55:44 like it and try to pull it off the dog. She wants her own sweater. That's a really smart dog. It's got a lot of personality. Sounds like a dick. Yeah, it is. I like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:54 Yeah, it's a little more like a cat. Oh, you know what I saw? I had watched a documentary about this a while back. It kind of goes back to our talk a while back about how humans domesticated dogs from wolves, that all dogs descend from wolves. And in the same program I had watched about how the Russians had bred these domesticated foxes
Starting point is 01:56:12 and how they interbred them generation after generation to try to bring out friendly or pet-like traits like white faces, curly tails, and a better temperament, more trainable. They've done it. After 55 years of interbreeding, the Russians have created the perfect pet Fox the there's a guy who's importing them right now I think he's got five for sale there nine grand a pop and they don't look like regular foxes though they have these
Starting point is 01:56:36 white faces they're really intelligent and they're trainable they're like dogs but they're foxes they're 10 pounds nine thousand dollars though what a waste of money to buy a fox yeah if you know if I had ten million dollars I'd have a nine thousand dollar Fox for sure because I think that's really cool fucks head it looks so cool it looks so there's pointy though like it like wasn't it wasn't it kind of like the orca thing, where after just a couple of generations, the ears weren't as pronounced? They started flopping?
Starting point is 01:57:14 It looked like a dog to me. I saw the same article, probably, that Kyle saw. I saw it on Reddit. It had a lot of dog-like traits to me. It was a fox. But fox but god it said something like curiously that the genes for being like attracted to humans and stuff were also brought in dog-like ears and dog-like noses and stuff like that there you go yeah have you seen like i don't know if this is a video you're talking about but there's a video of this fox domestication where it shows, like, in one cage the foxes who are just regular fucking foxes.
Starting point is 01:57:50 And then there's another cage where they've been bred. And the ones where they've been bred, people can go right up to it and it acts kind of like a dog, you know? It's not like sprinting over to say hi, but it takes a measured look at you and then it's friendly. The ones that haven't been trained like they are shaking furiously in the back of their cages because they're so terrified of you coming towards them like they want to attack you they're hissing at you they don't know they think you're there to hurt them or eat them or something like they're freaking out yeah that's the same thing i saw i think that's um it's called the history of dogs or something like that how dogs came to be it's
Starting point is 01:58:22 like it's the story of the of dogs and how they came to be. It doesn't make sense why you would take the time and the money to domesticate foxes like that. We already figured out dogs. I think it has something to do... I think the reason is because you can't... I think maybe the fox fur was very valuable, but you have to hunt fox because they're not domesticatable,
Starting point is 01:58:43 so maybe they were trying to breed foxes puppy farm style so they'd have an unlimited amount of fox i don't know but i they come they came up with a with a super pet um so i'd like one of those things all those pets that like you watch youtube videos on where you think they'd be cool yeah like sugar gliders like those little do you ever see those videos it's a little gliders aren't like constantly in pain i found out later i bet they're constantly throwing a fit just little screeches all day they're flying into shit you don't want them flying into oh my god i can't find my sugar glider i think literally can't handle one without it being an agony i read somewhere or something like that i feel bad for the sugar what is the sugar glider it's like a
Starting point is 01:59:23 tiny little it i don't know if it's a marsupial or a rodent or what, but it's a... There you go. It looks like it weighs about a half an ounce and that you could just kind of flick its spine in two. Like, I don't feel like you could ever comfortably hold it with a dog. Even a small dog, you can be like, oh, gotcha!
Starting point is 01:59:40 Like, kind of, you know, roll it around with this thing. You have to be like, oh, how you doing? Like, yeah. Oh i'm glad um i i tried to get woody to get a pet wolf like like her buddy out in texas um and i almost had him sold on the idea until i think he started doing the research about you know you gotta feed it like 10 pounds raw steak a day and and you know run like 20 miles or something to investigate it and the real problem is wolves are assholes like they don't bond with people they're they're not nice they're like they're timid they're like extremely frightened and then incredibly aggressive and they pace
Starting point is 02:00:17 constantly they don't do well in captivity it was just like oh it's cool and then it's different than what other people have but that's about it not the pet you want yeah did you just want it for the look i was buying a dog and i was i like big dogs so i guess yeah just for the look you know i just told him that like hey there's this guy out there he's got a fucking pet wolf like look into that and you know at first glance it sounds like a good idea it does not sound all i had to google was what's the best number of wolves to own and when everyone says zero i decided not to go in that direction i get a cat or a dog i looked into it and they had like you know like
Starting point is 02:00:56 oh the um there was like a 45 minute episode of the dog whisperer who oh my god who like helped somebody with a wolf but he didn't really know wolves so he had a wolf expert come on and then he like the dog whisperer and the wolf whisperer like partnered up and there were these wolf owners that were great owners he's like yeah yeah you know i do my best i run him five miles a day on a leash right this guy's out there running five miles a day on a leash. This guy's out there running. Five miles a day on a leash. Fuck that. And his backyard was like fucking Harvard for wolves or something. It was all dedicated. It was like a wolf institution of some sort.
Starting point is 02:01:34 And the wolf is still not doing well. He's pacing. Oh, he only likes his owner. He wants to kill everyone else who comes around. And I'm just like, I don't want anything to do with wolves. No, you don't want anything to do with wolves no you don't want anything to do with wolves no you know i want it just because of the uh you know the connection to game of thrones like i'm such a big game of thrones fan that i kind of want a dire wolf of my own and like the dire wolves are like that like like you don't see the dire wolf walking over there
Starting point is 02:01:59 and hanging out with some fucking gray joys hell no no he's he's stuck with his owner and that's who he cares about i I kind of like that. A dog that would, you know, not be social. If you got yourself a dire wolf, it would like kitty. Oh, I already did. I got him. I already did. That's a real issue. Dak's a real motherfucker.
Starting point is 02:02:17 You know, I often look at him in that cage and just think, like, he could totally jump over that and come kill me right now. I don't think I could make it back to the house in that cage and and just think like he could totally jump over that and come kill me right now i don't think i could make it back to the house in time and i don't have a pistol on me like i'm at his mercy most of the time he just doesn't know it um yeah he's open carrying in your own backyard just in case yeah yeah throw down yeah i picture you like waking up like in a cold sweat at night because you think you hear
Starting point is 02:02:47 a faint bark or the pitter patter of paws outside your door. Remember in Jurassic Park when the Velociraptor first turns that doorknob and you're like, oh shit. Dak did that one night while we were all sitting in the living room and emerged from her bedroom
Starting point is 02:03:03 and we were all just like the living room and emerged from her bedroom. And we were all just like... And he's staring at me, and I'm staring at him, and I'm like... I'm looking over toward the hallway and I'm thinking like, I can't beat him there. And I'm like... I'm looking around like, I can't beat him anywhere. And I'm looking at the coffee table in front
Starting point is 02:03:22 of me, and I'm like, I can pick that whole fucking coffee table up though. And I'm ready. I'm ready. If he takes one move, I'm grabbing at the coffee table in front of me i'm like i can pick that whole fucking top coffee table up though and i'm ready i'm ready if he takes one move i'm grabbing the entire coffee table above my head but uh but luckily he was just like beat a dog to death he like backs back in there and i'm and like but he opened the door by himself he knows how to open the door he's he's a he's a real terrifying son of a bitch and he could kill me you know he's a belgian mal those things aren't they're kind of made for hurting people and and to some regard ender also opens doors but the thing about him is he doesn't recognize me at a distance right so every time i walk into a room he wants to kill me every time i like you know he's just like wolf and and i'm all big and bad because i know
Starting point is 02:04:01 he's going to back off when he recognizes me like I'm like, who are you barking at? And then he chills. But, yeah, Dak, what do we got here, Richard? I was showing you this because I kind of felt the same way because I like big dogs myself. And I saw this dog at the park. And I was like, dude, if you breed this thing or you ever decide to get rid of it, this is just a beautiful dog. It would be so awesome to train. It's a mix between a shepherd and a husky, and it just looks like a gray wolf.
Starting point is 02:04:36 I mean, it's so nice. And the mask, everything on it is really nice. Yeah, it's a pretty dog. It looks like an athletic dog. Looks like another of those dogs that would chase you down. Yeah. Do you train dogs for hunting or just to train them? That was one of my first paid jobs as a kid was to train bird dogs.
Starting point is 02:04:59 It was like all Labrador Retrievers. And as I got older, a couple of my buddies have dog training schools and everything. And when I moved out to Los Angeles, working at the animal shelters and everything, it was mostly like pits, even though they ended up euthanizing most of them and everything.
Starting point is 02:05:20 But when we got into the explosives world and everything, my little dog like it took half a day to train him on explosives i mean he couldn't go outside and and um and detect anything when there's a strong wind blowing because their nose isn't doesn't go that far into their sinus cavity into their brain uh like a mal or a shepherd they can detect shit that machines can't i mean they it's just so deep how far the sinus cavity goes into their brain but um i was so surprised i mean it took it took him working from treats and babies to deck cord in probably, I'd say, two hours. That's cool.
Starting point is 02:06:08 I understand giving a dog treats. You gave your dog babies? Oh, they're little babies. So, you know, the toys that they have maybe a psychological attachment to, you know, like little squeaky animals. Yeah. I see. too, like little squeaky animals.
Starting point is 02:06:23 Yeah. I see. So they have a specific scent or whatever that they could easily detect. So you get them in the process of looking for something in a certain way, and then you imprint them on that smell and then move them on to different things, and you reward them in that process. And deck cord or PET petn is like you never really run across that anywhere else so i was like all right well let's see if if he can imprint on this smell and figure it out wherever i take it and sure enough he got in the rhythm of doing it
Starting point is 02:06:58 half a day so what are you doing so you're like holding the cord in front of him i guess giving him a scent and then you have another piece hidden somewhere and then he goes and just finds that how far away are you hiding these like i just don't know i man it was kind of one of those games where we do when people would come over uh it was just like i would take and have him go sit sit in like the studio and just in a completely different area of the house. And I just have like a guess at a point where you want me to put this. And like, I would like try to get it as casual as possible without like really putting as much of my scent over there. So he doesn't know that I've moved over there. Uh, high, low, whatever the air is kind of controlled in the house. You don't have a wind blowing or anything like that so it doesn't really matter if he's up or downwind so it's a little bit easier for a small
Starting point is 02:07:48 dog um but yeah it was i mean a lot of guys you'll to do it professionally they use like boxes and different things like that yeah i was gonna say to heal on but that school where i got dac they had like a wall with maybe a dozen holes in it. And there were boxes attached to each one and he was hiding like fake marijuana or something like that. And whatever the dog was trying to find. And whenever he got to the right one,
Starting point is 02:08:14 if he bumped the right one, from the hole, a tennis ball would shoot out. And he loved that fucking tennis ball. That was all he cared about. Have you ever been in a bite suit? No. It's crazy because they got to the point now where most places, unless you're buying the dog like you,
Starting point is 02:08:33 they don't want you to decoy because one can mess up a dog that they spend a lot of money on. But I know Mike Dowling, he wrote this book Sergeant Rex he's in the Marine Corps as a military war working dog handler and he was telling me about how Camp Pendleton they would occasionally have the media come out and they would do different things you know either shoot guns or decoy for the dog program and so the reporter is like talking oh blah blah blah blah blah they get him in the dog suit and he's like fuck it we're gonna send out our hardest hitting dog and they sent this dog on him and when he jumped and bit him in the arm it
Starting point is 02:09:20 actually snapped his i don't know what this bone is in half and so it did two things there uh one it made the the dog program uh as far as like the aggression dogs look super badass because he snapped his arm through through a bite suit uh but then two it kind of did away like the the government won't won't do um decoys with civilians anymore so now they'll just have like guys who are just getting into the program or something get out there and decoy or some of them more experienced guys you should that is ridiculous you shouldn't be able to be like oh hey i want to put on this bite suit and run around and they're like oh okay hey you know you're really fucking funny let's uh let's sick Cujo on him. You know, let's send him back there.
Starting point is 02:10:06 That was my experience. They kid. Everybody got a big laugh out of this except for me. You know, wait, was it Dak? No, it was much worse than Dak. The dog that he was sicking on me was he had like a like a 75 pound Belgian male. And he had like a much bigger German shepherd. And it was like his dog that that that was like super trained it was the one that would go get him beers from the fridge
Starting point is 02:10:30 that dog was a real handful and the suit itself is incredibly big and bulky and you're hot in there and i mean i could i had i was literally swinging the dog like straight out in circles like it's holding my arm and i'm just like bracing my arm with my other arm and spinning you know round and round to the dog and i'm looking him in the eyes and he's just and it's like his whole body is suspended i'm spinning him so hard i i i've grabbed him and like flipped him over my shoulder um but what would happen if like you got a good move and you like just hurled this dog like 8 feet behind you It falls just That exact thing happened
Starting point is 02:11:09 Alright, I felt bad about it But look, that dog had been whipping my ass all fucking day And I mean whipping my ass Like he's biting hard The guy's like Pockin' Pockin' Pockin' And he's fucking He'll like make him bite my crotch
Starting point is 02:11:24 Make him bite my leg make him bite my abdomen make him bite my right arm now my left arm now now chest now chest and he's just i'm just exhausted and finally he like jumps up and bites me here and i didn't mean to flip him through the air i meant to like just pick him up but i flipped him over my shoulder and he did land on his back and yelped a little bit but he had it coming i'd been getting my ass whooped all day i was gonna say if they if they they sent dac on you before you got him imprinted yeah that'd be yeah that's a hell of a way to introduce a yeah yeah yeah that that wasn't the case but they uh they had some other dogs there to to do that to me uh that that was that was fun but it was a real workout i had no idea that they bit that hard and that they were that vicious
Starting point is 02:12:05 like you just can't get away from those motherfuckers yeah when you hear like 75 pounds or something you're like human thought process is like oh that's not very big like that even a small one is that size but like an animal like we're such pathetic bitches by weight to power ratio when it comes to other animals he's a chomping machine that's what he's good at and like like i said like like i can pick him up and i can throw him i can throw him over a truck or something he's he's yeah but he'd be right back around that truck and have you right back around that truck yeah yeah i don't know if kyle and i talked about this or not but i i feel like i feel like there is a – I don't know.
Starting point is 02:12:45 Like a lot of people have a – I don't know. When it comes to different things, nostalgia, when it comes to the military and everything. And I don't know. They like owning things from that type of world or whatever. like shepherds were one thing because you can find a lot of shepherds that are really really good like house dogs to kind of timid or they can be either or but when it comes to mouths like they're like there are timid mouths but they're very few and far between and i feel like there's so many people who get a mouth and then they realize, oh, shit, I got in over my head. These dogs.
Starting point is 02:13:30 What kind of dog is this? Belgian Malinois. Belgian Malinois. Yeah. M-A-L-N, like what is it? Malinois? M-A-L-I-N-O-I-S, yeah. Their prey drives and their energy levels are just, man, you've got to run the fuck out of them.
Starting point is 02:13:47 They're a huge responsibility. I know a lot of guys are just like, I can't do it. That doesn't look like the kind of dog that you would buy under the presumption that it was going to be a gentle little pup. I didn't want a gentle. I thought it would be my friend. I thought he'd be my badass. I thought he'd be my badass i thought he'd be sitting next to me looking for other people to fuck up that's what i wanted i love
Starting point is 02:14:09 that idea that like and you know i like the commands and everything and his was so obedient like i felt like his was a tool not an animal anymore it was like it was as a it felt as effective as a handgun because he could just point and that dog was coming and that he's not gonna miss he the dog's not probably is better than a handgun in a lot of scenarios oh it's just that dog especially a house oh yeah oh god i'd hate to be in fucking close quarters for that motherfucker yeah everything like you can have a plan to like burgle someone or whatever but as soon as you walk in you get that like like you're gonna like it's that uh what's the quote it's like everybody's got a plan till they get punched in the face like tyson like so you see a dog like that like what do you do what's like you you have like a crowbar like home alone style burglary and you walk in and
Starting point is 02:15:00 see that thing growling at you like you can't just walk back out the door and be like well clearly i've made a mistake. I feel like I could take most dogs with a crowbar. I feel like with a club, I feel like with a club, a man's better than a dog. I feel like you would get... I feel like animals react differently to pain in the midst of a fight.
Starting point is 02:15:19 I'm not talking about pain. I can swing a bat real fucking hard. I feel like a man with a bat is better than virtually any dog. I think you've got to keep them in you because they're the way they're trained to to grab is like not actually from the front if they come at you from the front then yeah crowbar or a bat or something like you even your hands you could you could probably like get one up underneath the neck or something like they're trained to actually come like behind you and grab like the meat of the back
Starting point is 02:15:45 of your arm so you're trying to swing around and you just can't do anything about it. Jeez. Well, that sounds really... That's a good deterrent. I believe if Kyle hits this... I'm sorry. I believe if Kyle hits this dog, the dog's in a lot of trouble. But also,
Starting point is 02:16:02 Kyle, I feel like you've got one shot to hit a moving target. I'm going to choke up on that bat. What I don't want to do is go like Mark McGuire on this thing and swing for the fences. I'm going to choke up and I'm going to be like some of these. These weak palms are sweaty. It's late at night. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:17 You don't have to swing a bat very hard for it to be pretty fucking substantial. But you're right. You miss and lose your balance or something you gotta hit it hard enough to demotivate a dog with bloodlust in its eyes what's that um call of the wild the jack london novel like that's what happened in that like that you know you're inside buck the dog's head and buck finally learns a dog is no match for a man with a club like that was one of the key lessons that's the first lesson he learns once once he's
Starting point is 02:16:43 like taken into captivity and it begins his journey to being what happens at the end. That's a great book. I think I heard something about Into the Gray, or The Gray, that they're talking about doing another one. Oh, my God. Why? Liam actually kills the alpha and becomes, like... This is my idea! This is my idea!
Starting point is 02:17:11 I said this years ago. I've been saying this for years. Like, the movie that should be, like, what I wanted is for Liam Neeson to be the alpha wolf. And, like, it comes back on, and you just see, like, all of a of a sudden like the camera's looking down a valley and you see elk or caribou or some shit and then it slowly comes up and you look up like like like upward facing angle to liam and he's fucking like mountain manned out beard and and like all he's wearing like skins he's got he's got a primitive weapon of some kind and he just goes like points and the whole fucking pack runs past him after the elk and then he starts jogging like that jog that you saw like primitive man doing with the way it yeah the way it happens is that first scene is it's just the wilderness and the the moon there and you hear the oh and then as
Starting point is 02:18:03 you're hearing it then it cuts from that to just a pan down shot and you see that the oh noise is coming from liam neeson's face and he looks solemnly over and he goes when he points and then all of them take off and then the entire movie is about uh his wolf pup gets taken by the grizzly clan and he has to go to the Grizzlies and find a way to sneak in and get his pup out. It's called Graken. Graken. Yeah. That's it.
Starting point is 02:18:31 All right, so Chiz and I were, I guess we were all talking before the show, and we thought that some trivia might be fun. Ooh. Yeah. So I'm reading Chiz's... We were going to do a Chardy McDennis-style one,
Starting point is 02:18:44 where we all submit things that only we would know the answer to like i would put in like ridiculous hockey stats and kyle would put in like what bolt to put in an ar 68c from the korean war i want to do some hockey talk later i don't want to derail the quiz thing but uh taylor was completely wrong about the flyers not making the playoffs i'll wait all right that has to decided, but we'll see. Anyway, Kyle, go ahead. So it looks like he's got 25 questions. Chiz, aren't you going to have to read these out loud?
Starting point is 02:19:12 Yes. Yeah, let's do it now. Did you read the rules? No. I'm going to read them for you. So there's 25 questions. Questions will be read out loud, and the participants say beep to say they want to answer. I think a better idea would be for everyone to use their keyboards.
Starting point is 02:19:28 That way, everybody type the letter F, and then use the enter key as your buzzer. And whoever gets the letter in first gets it, right? So, Woody. Anyway, correct answers are worth two points. If no one wants to answer, we'll go down to multiple choice, where now the correct answer is only worth one point. Negative one point for incorrect answers. Is there a chance to steal?
Starting point is 02:19:54 Yeah, so if nobody gets it, it'll move on to someone else that can jump in. You only can answer once, obviously. You can't keep buzzing in. But if you didn't understand that, I'm going to ask, what is the capital of France? And then if you know it, buzz in. But if you didn't understand that, I'm going to ask, like, what is the capital of France? And then if you know it, you know, buzz in and say the answer, and then you get two points. If no one
Starting point is 02:20:12 wants to answer or knows the answer, I'll push it to multiple choice, which is worth less points, obviously. These are, I'm not, they're not categorized. They're all kind of randomized together. It was hard to categorize them, so we're just going to... That's fine. Let's give it a go. Alright, so keyboard. Type the They're all kind of randomized together. It was hard to categorize them. I understand. That's fine.
Starting point is 02:20:27 Let's give it a go. All right. So keyboard, type whatever you want. Whoever typed something in. All right. Here we go. First question. The layer of the atmosphere closest to us is known as what?
Starting point is 02:20:38 Stratosphere. That is incorrect. Negative one point. I am going to say... Remember, you can... What if you wait until you're called on before you answer? Oh, okay. But now Taylor's up. But you are up. You did buzz in.
Starting point is 02:20:57 Troposphere? That is correct. Taylor is up a point. Wow. Two points, I thought, right? Yeah, you're right. Let's make sure no one's clicking away. Oh, did you Google? No, I had one on the enter and one on the three.
Starting point is 02:21:12 And Richard, no one stayed on it, but I thought it was obvious you can play too as well. Okay. I'd encourage that you do. Alright, I'm in. I'm just gonna let you sit out there and deal with yourself. What color... We always let the guest win. What color
Starting point is 02:21:31 was Slimer in the original Ghostbusters? Oh. Green. That is correct. Two points. That was incredibly easy. I thought that was a trick question. If it was easy, why did you bitches win, huh? Rings were in the Lord of the Rings. Some are easy and some are gonna be hard that you're going to bitch at how hard they are. It's a trivia.
Starting point is 02:21:52 Nine were for ten. Alright, let's stop typing. I'm about to ask a question. What color are bees not able to see? Oh! Kyle got in. I was just guessing. Blue? That is incorrect.
Starting point is 02:22:08 That's a shame. I get a two for Kyle now. Yeah it is, that's a damn shame. Woody gets an answer and then I get mine, right? Woody? Nah, Kyle took mine, I'm not gonna go. Do I get to do that? Am I forced to guess? I think you buzzed in, unfortunately. I buzzed in, but after you did. If we were to think of it, this is a real live game show, it wouldn't work that way. It would just be a pause and then the remaining contestants would buzz in afterwards. Can I answer since Woody is foregoing? Yes, sure. Green.
Starting point is 02:22:39 That is incorrect. Fuck! Alright, I think it's yellow. That is incorrect. It's not too late! It's too late! It's not too late. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Richard, would you like to guess? Is it red?
Starting point is 02:22:54 That is correct. Richard is on the board and in the lead now. Did you google that? I've processed it and tested this. Nobody sees bees, but they couldn't see. Cause infrared, or like red, like a lot of animals can't find it's not the time for facts Coyotes you use a red spotlight. You got a real ringer here folks all right This is horseshit all right in which Olympic event might you encounter the terms eggbeater and flamingo?
Starting point is 02:23:24 Woody synchronized swimming that is correct fuck off y'all i know shit so hoping you'd get that one all right one now dude i'll do a different one who split the atom oh i want to stress this again remember you can all move it down to multiple choice a Sir Thomas Lichtenstein but we didn't win you didn't even know he didn't get in no I made up but he sounds real it's for what's on what either it is not to his own time nobody has buzzed in nobody is but I'm going to like to buzz in here he put K yeah I buzzed I bet K was Kyle buzzing in right there.
Starting point is 02:24:05 Gotcha. Kyle, go. Oppenheimer? Nope. Good guess. All right, we've got to be more definitive. What does splitting the atom mean? What does he German?
Starting point is 02:24:13 Who was the man who split the atom? That's what it means. Wasn't Oppenheimer running the Manhattan Project? I don't know, but somebody did that before the Manhattan Project. I have the answers to my questions. All right, fair enough. This is an obvious one that we're going to be pissed at. Are we going down to process of elimination or multiple choices?
Starting point is 02:24:29 Just go to process of elimination. Who split the atom? Sir John Percy, Sir Henry Adams, Sir William King, or Sir Ernest Rutherford? Ooh, Ernest and Rutherford are old-timey names. That's a promising one. I don't know. Adam is kind of Adam, though, so. hmm oh he named it after himself I'm
Starting point is 02:24:50 gonna say well I was gonna say Einstein but he's not in the list read him again I feel like Oppenheimer John Percy sir Henry Adams sir William William King, Sir Ernest Rutherford. I think we all know that it was good old Percy, right? That is incorrect, Taylor. Fuck. Okay, so who did it, and what exactly did they do? Because I'm a bit befuddled here. We're getting lost in the weeds. Just pick out a...
Starting point is 02:25:21 If nobody wants to answer, the answer was... Do you lose points if you get it wrong was... Do you lose points if you... Yes, you lose points. Oh, fuck. I know. You did buzz in, sir. So I buzzed in, so I have to answer? You do.
Starting point is 02:25:33 Very strict about that. All right, so... Go with Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer? I did it. It's not even a choice. It was wrong. I don't want to make fun of you, but if you were paying attention to the multiple choice options, that in fact
Starting point is 02:25:46 was not a choice for Kyle. Whoever A was. I forget whoever A was. Also, if you were paying attention, A was the one Taylor had picked. So everybody's gone but me, right? No, you were. Just say Rutherford. Wait, how did I go?
Starting point is 02:26:01 We should really move along and just tell us who did it and how they did it. I can't hear what Taylor's saying. Sir Ernest Rutherford. Oh, I was right! What did Ernest do exactly? I'm not going to Google that in the middle of the game, Kyle. I think you're... I'm calling bullshit on that one.
Starting point is 02:26:17 I'm not... I saw the awards. Who won the 2010 FIFA World Cup? That one team where a lot of Latinos live, right? I don't know. Germany. Spain. That is correct. Woody is now taking the lead. I've had three right and one wrong, so I think that gives me
Starting point is 02:26:39 He's got so many monitors, Google's up on all of them. He's got Colin in the corner. I know that because Chiz lived here during the last World Cup and told me many times that Spain won. All right. What food is hummus made from? Peas.
Starting point is 02:26:56 Well, Woody, hold on. We've got to buzz in. Woody, then me, and then Taylor get to answer. Well, God. I'm a little screwed. Taylor said peas? Yeah, it's made out of green beans. Alright, because I thought it was made out of goat.
Starting point is 02:27:10 Woody goes, then I go, and then Taylor goes. Wait, I go after Woody, right? Isn't it like goat intestines? Holy shit. Woody answered first. Fuck the order. Let Woody answer. What? I answered. I thought it was goat. I guess I'm wrong. Intestines is incorrect.
Starting point is 02:27:27 No, I go after Woody right? On my screen it's me, Kyle, Taylor, and you're last. That is correct. Does it look different on your screen? Yeah it's completely different. Make sure you're scrolled down all the way. Yeah on my screen I'm first so I think I should be. Well the answer is chickpeas and on most of the screens I am next. Yes that is correct. Kyle was also the order where you riled off was the same order Did you know the answer before I said it? I just want to put out this typing system was Kyle's idea So if there is any hate coming off of it, and I'll go if you want me there is nothing to do
Starting point is 02:28:01 Which city has hosted the most Olympic Games? There is nothing to do. Which city has hosted the most Olympic games? Kyle? Athens, Greece? That is incorrect. That's a good guess. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 02:28:15 I figured the old ones ought to have always been there, right? It was definitely up there. There's... Okay. We can move it down to... Multiple choice. Multiple choice. All right. Is it Beijing? Is it London? Is it choice all right is it Beijing is it
Starting point is 02:28:26 London is it Athens or is it Los Angeles London Taylor is correct oh wait is he next he buzzed in first oh not on my screen it's me that looks at this turn this team around did he really buzz it first are you sure I really did buzz it positive yeah it was him and then you. Taylor, you are back at zero. Any consolation? I didn't know the answer. Who plays Nancy Botwin on the comedy drama TV show Weeds? That was an accident. I didn't mean to do that one.
Starting point is 02:28:58 Okay, I'll let it slide. I'm in there. I don't know what the order is. Richard Ryan went first. Hold on, sorry. Richard Ryan did go first, in fact, on my screen. I don't know what the order is. Richard Ryan went first. Hold on. Sorry. Sorry. Richard Ryan did go first, in fact, on my screen. I think we should just raise our hands.
Starting point is 02:29:10 I don't know. Mary Louise Parker? You got the answer correct. Why did you say you didn't know? You clearly knew. She's the only person I know on the show, so I was like, all right, I'm just going to try to get back up on the board. Nice.
Starting point is 02:29:24 You are in the lead now. All right. Wait try to get back up on the board. Nice. Wait, wait. He's in the lead? Yes. Yeah, because we keep answering incorrectly, and we're killing ourselves. This game is going to end like minus 10 to minus 8 to 2. Which sitcom starred kids named Theo, Vanessa, and Rudy? Oh.
Starting point is 02:29:43 Taylor was first. Oh, not on my screen. No, I'm sorry. Woody was first. Oh, The Cosby Show. That is correct. I! Taylor was first. No, I'm sorry. Woody was first. Oh, the Cosby show. That is correct. You guys help me out and do that so I can clearly see between questions. But Woody got it right. That is plus two.
Starting point is 02:29:56 Back in the lead. Alright. Taylor, a bit of a harder, more college educated man question. Not to say Woody isn't. I'm going to have trouble saying this. The characters of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern appear in which Shakespeare play? Hands off that one.
Starting point is 02:30:17 Hamlet? That is correct. Nice, Kyle. All that college learning must have been. I saw it on the television. Correct. Nice Kyle. All that college learning must have been. Back to Taylor. I thought on the TaylorVision. Where is the thickest skin found on the human body? I'm in.
Starting point is 02:30:33 I'm in. The back. That is correct again. Not only did Kyle outbuzz me, but I would have got it wrong. I was going to say that bundle between your ball sack and your butthole. I thought it was your heel. I thought it butthole. I thought it was your heel. Alright. Yeah, I would think heel. Woody, that is the second answer. Palm and feet.
Starting point is 02:30:52 What was the name of the meth that Jesse Pinkman initially made and distributed? Kyle? He put the chili powder in it. Chili pee or something? That's what he called it. He called it chili pea. Kyle is the only one who has buzzed in, so Kyle, you have to give me an answer. That's a shame.
Starting point is 02:31:17 I don't recall. That's a shame. I don't remember what it was called. All right, Taylor. Chili pea. That is correct. I said chili pea. No, you didn't. No, you really correct I didn't think that was a possible anyway what he called powder which country had the most casualties during
Starting point is 02:31:37 World War two I got when I was watching. Wait, where did he lose it? He did three last one, and then did three again. That's why he's typing. Oh, I see, I see. Anyway, go on, Taylor. Russia. That is correct.
Starting point is 02:31:57 Russia is correct. Four, for those curious, the scores right now, Woody with five points, Kyle with two, Richard with four, and Taylor with four. Anyone's game still. Plenty of questions on the board. Getting a little bit tougher here. Who was the only U.S. president to be a bachelor?
Starting point is 02:32:16 Oh, god damn it. I don't know it. It was the one that they all think is gay. Oh, what's his fucking name? Oh, I think I might know this. I just have to throw in, was it Hayes? That is incorrect. Was it?
Starting point is 02:32:33 Well, I mean, it's Taylor's turn now. I'm sorry. Is it Tyler? No, that is incorrect. I don't even know if we had a president. John Tyler? He was only president for like a little bit. Oh, that isn't.
Starting point is 02:32:45 Woody and Richard, would you like to move to multiple choice? Yeah, fuck yeah. Let's hear it. The only U.S. president to be a bachelor, was it Calvin Coolidge, Andrew Garfield, James Buchanan, or William McKinley? Buchanan. It's almost like you don't know the rules of the game. It's almost like that. Buchanan. Except you should, because there's only like you don't know the rules. Buchanan. It's almost like that. Buchanan. Except you should, because there's only like one rule.
Starting point is 02:33:10 So now I have six, right? Yes. Wait, was that correct? Yes, that was correct. I was trying to throw him off the case by being confident with it. I had no idea. Oh. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 02:33:22 Well, it didn't work. All right. idea. Oh. Well, thank you. Well, it didn't work. Alright. The 45-mile supply run known as the Voice Secree was established to supply which French location?
Starting point is 02:33:34 Les Corsons? Oh, oui. You guys are... You enjoy your history documentaries. Multiple choice? Is that where we're going? We're going multiple choice. All right. Is it Paris, Yon, Verdun, or Lion? I think it's Lyon.
Starting point is 02:33:54 It is not Lyon. Oh, that's a shame. Verdun. Sorry, what was that, Chair? Answer? Yeah. Yes, that is correct. Oh, you tried to Regis Philbin me, you bastard.
Starting point is 02:34:09 You tried to get me to double back and pick a new answer. You answer out of turn so often, I didn't know you had typed something that time. Put the break in there. Oh. That was breaking between the questions, yeah. Oh, okay. All right. In It's Always Sunny sunny what's the name of
Starting point is 02:34:25 the family who's home of the sorry and it's in taylor you already went you got started mcpoil's no that is incorrect your cockiness just removed that point all right i think hang on and you haven't buzzed in so So I'm gonna read the question. In its all- Martinez. Oh. Martinez? No, that is incorrect.
Starting point is 02:34:50 Oh! They both get negative ones. Yeah. Alright, I will finish reading. In its always sunny in Philadelphia, what is the name of the family whose home the gang forcibly make over in the home makeover episode? I thought it was the Martinez family. I'm gonna gonna type multiple choice multiple choice richard and woody yes okay is it the sanchez family the perez family the morena family all right woody the sanchez family no it is not
Starting point is 02:35:20 it was so close to martinez i thought maybe that was it. I'll read them again, and Richard, you can take a guess or abstain. Is it the Sanchez family? I'm going to abstain. I don't know shit about it. All right, abstain. Nope. It's fine. One, two, three.
Starting point is 02:35:34 The Juarez family. Yep. I'm sad that I didn't know that. I really am. Martinez. Well, that was disappointing. Anyway, continue. All right. Well, that was disappointing. Anyway, continue. It was. The second highest mountain in the world,
Starting point is 02:35:48 Mount Godwin-Austin, is also known as what? Woody went first. Woody got in. K2. That is correct. Very good. Very good indeed. Thank you. I got a search back. All right.
Starting point is 02:36:08 Who plays the part of Caesar in the 2011 version of Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Kyle? Wait. Isn't Caesar that monkey? I just have an issue in that. Yeah, because he continued the question. Yeah, Kyle was going to play who played Caesar long before you named the movie. Yeah, yeah. I, I, I, I, um,
Starting point is 02:36:30 I don't know how to handle this. I know that he buzzed in around when I said Rise, so we had already gotten past 2011. I don't, I don't know the answer anyway. I thought, I thought for sure we were going to, uh, going to that new movie that's coming out by the Coen brothers. Yeah. Caesar is a monkey in that movie, right? Yeah. So wouldn't the name of the actor be that monkey
Starting point is 02:36:46 probably like pebbles you did rich go on andy circus that is correct you are a media man nice let's see richard wow richard yeah so the score right now is Woody 7, Kyle 0, Richard 6, and Taylor 3. A couple more questions on the board. Fuck. What were the names of the Blues Brothers? Jake Elway Blues. That is... Nicely done.
Starting point is 02:37:19 I, you know, I'm going to look this up real quick. I'm going to see if your answer was acceptable. What was your answer, Kyle? He said Jake and Elway's Blues. Elway. Blues. The Blues Brothers. I'm sorry. I'm going to have to say that again. No.
Starting point is 02:37:41 I like how you apologize. I'm sorry. Unfortunately, we're going to have to take those points back. Looks like you didn't get the obligation to this game. So. Ah! So I'll read it again. But what were the name of the Blues Brothers? Anyone?
Starting point is 02:38:00 Or we can go to multiple choice. Multiple choice. Okay. Was it Jake and John? Was it John choice. Okay. Was it Jake and John? Was it John and Elwood? Was it Jake and Elwood? Woody? Jake and Elwood.
Starting point is 02:38:13 That is correct. God damn it. That's frustrating. That's what's above my toilet. There's a big wooden movie poster from the Blues Brothers. That's frustrating. I called him Elway instead of Elwood all right we got a surge ahead Kyle we're getting butt fuck oh it's going real bad one Richard is just playing so conservative oh I know and he's doing pretty well it's doing very well
Starting point is 02:38:40 It's doing very well. Make a good question. Who played the part of Commodus in the Academy Award-winning movie Gladiator? I got it. Joaquin Phoenix. That is correct, Richard. He was Commodus? Yeah, for some reason I was thinking Commodus was
Starting point is 02:39:09 Joaquin Phoenix's father's character. Are Richard and I tied at 8? That's Marcus Aurelius and that was played by... I forget his name. Yeah, that old actor. What's the score now, Chews? Are we tied at 8? Let me add, you are correct. You two are tied at eight.
Starting point is 02:39:28 I just need to look something up real quick. I'm really hoping to win the nothing that comes with this. It's so funny because everyone's so competitive. Everyone's so competitive. Alright. Which of the following TV shows
Starting point is 02:39:44 aired the most seasons? I didn didn't think but i'll make this a two-pointer but obviously this is a question you need to hear the options for so is it 24 freaks and geeks lost or breaking bad what was the oh lost what no i got it first uh you're right i thought that three was from the previous round. No, it was lost. All right. I think Richard got it first. No, that was from the last one.
Starting point is 02:40:12 Everyone agrees it wasn't me. Taylor, you got it incorrect, though. It's not lost? No, so now who's next? What was the question? So wait, wait, wait. All right, hang on. Slow down for a minute.
Starting point is 02:40:22 Slow down for a minute. Taylor rung in first. Who's second after Taylor I think Kyle is you are so what are those? What are those? What are those? I will beat them again Can I just duck the point from Taylor? All right, and what are you didn't hear the question? So I'll read the question again and the options I got the following TV shows aired the most seasons 24 freaks and geeks Woody 24 my turn most seasons. 24 Freaks and Geeks Woody. 24.
Starting point is 02:40:46 I thought it was my turn. What are you talking about? We're having a lot of issues here. But I thought I rang in after Taylor. You asked me to reread everything. Which somehow means that you lost your turn, I guess.
Starting point is 02:41:02 Yeah, I guess so. Which means there's a new round of buzzing in. This is a conspiracy. I think so. I'll throw that question out. Hey! I'll throw that question out.
Starting point is 02:41:17 I have a better idea. Go on with Woody's better idea with this stupid typing mechanic Kyle implemented. I will split the two points with Kyle. There you go. You each get a point. Go on, what's Woody's better idea with this stupid typing mechanic Kyle implemented? I will split the two points with Kyle. There you go, you each get a point. That's unfair. I want at least five of Ryan's points.
Starting point is 02:41:34 Kyle, back up to zero. What are you, Bernie Sanders? All right. I'm not doing very well, can we just share them? I think really that... Go on. It is mathematically impossible for Kyle or Taylor to win this game right now. It's not true. They can keep getting them wrong over and over
Starting point is 02:41:52 and go negative. I still don't think they could go that negative. There's an unlimited amount of bad questions to ask us on the internet. We can play this until cows come home. What political party was Millard Fillmore, the president, associated with? Taylor.
Starting point is 02:42:07 The Whig Party. That is correct. I was going to guess that. Well, you're both smarter men than I. It's a guess. Well, that's a hell of a fucking guess. That's a real part. All right.
Starting point is 02:42:21 Last question for you buffs out there of the histories. After the death of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, how many children did Ted Kennedy end up adopting? Six. Oh, yeah, that's Barbara. I know, I didn't buzz in. Which one did he... What's that thing called when they cut out a piece of your brain?
Starting point is 02:42:45 Lobotomy? Yeah, he lobotomized one of his kids, one of the girls, I think. That's pretty fucked up. I didn't know that. Did you count that one? That's a half-baked. I can go into detail on this after an answer's been submitted. Well, I am not risking this one. I'm not putting a choice.
Starting point is 02:43:01 You're going to multiple choice, really? You don't want to throw your game? Risk. I gotta make the playoffs. I'm not putting a choice. Really? You want to throw your game? I got to make the playoffs. I'm pushing. Multiple choice? Oh, Kyle. Three. It is. Three. Alright. No. Show me five!
Starting point is 02:43:18 That is wrong as well. Richard and Woody, would you like to go to multiple choice? Not that many numbers left. That's reasonable. Can I get a multiple choice confirmation or are you two going to actually guess? You don't get multiple choices for numbers.
Starting point is 02:43:35 Is this the last question? Yes, it's the last question. And Woody is ahead by one point for the record. So I have to answer. Multiple choice? We going there? Yeah. Okay. And choice? We going there? Okay. And you're all going to be very surprised. Is it 15 children?
Starting point is 02:43:51 11 children? 13 children? Or 9 children? Taylor, you're done. It's between Richard and Woody. Look at Richard. Look at those gears turning. How many times did that guy fuck? How many times did he pop one in his head? Someone has to go for it because Woody's ahead by one.
Starting point is 02:44:12 If you both win, that's the score. Woody's not going to go for it until you do. Right. Yeah. I'll wait forever. You take your 25% shot at tying. You have to. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so can I hear the options again?
Starting point is 02:44:22 And I'll guess if I get it. 15, 11, 13, 9. And Richard, you are the guest. You get a 50-50 lifeline if you want to go ahead and use that right now. Shut up. Really? No. Phone a friend.
Starting point is 02:44:38 I will do it for you right now. Yeah, Google. Here we go. No, that's cheating. Yeah. I feel like nine being the lowest number would be wrong. Because everything else is so much higher.
Starting point is 02:44:55 Solid points. Solid points. I don't know. 11 or 13. I'll read them again for you. 15, 11, 13, 9. Fuck. or 13 13 i'll read them again for you again 15 11 13 9 fuck uh 11 or 15 uh double digits so they wouldn't have made such a big deal out of it yeah let's fuck it go big or go home let's just
Starting point is 02:45:17 say 15 well you'd be correct if two of his children didn't die before the parents died? The answer was 13. Wait, his kids died, but that doesn't mean they just never existed. He had those kids. He didn't adopt them. No, he adopted 13. Oh, the question was after they died, right? They died before the parents. He adopted dead people, you know.
Starting point is 02:45:38 Well, Woody is the champion of our trivia game, which was brought to you by Ring. I'm not surprised, motherfucker. Brought to you by I'm not surprised, motherfucker! Brought to you by! Oh, wait a minute! Over 95% of home break-ins happen during the day, and burglars almost always start by ringing your doorbell to see if someone's home before pillaging your possessions. When the Ring doorbell...
Starting point is 02:46:02 When the Ring video doorbell... With the Ring video doorbell... these words don't make sense sometimes. You can see and speak to anyone at your door from anywhere in the world using your smartphone. Ring's advanced motion detection alerts you even if someone doesn't ring the doorbell. It's like caller ID for your home. Installing Ring takes minutes, and it works with either your current wiring or built-in rechargeable battery, which is what I'm using with mine. It hasn't shown any signs of weakening. It's been up for several weeks now. Put your mind at ease and protect your home with the Video Doorbell Time Magazine in USA Today named one of their top 10 gadgets. Our listeners get free expedited FedEx shipping when you go to
Starting point is 02:46:38 slash pka. That's slash pka. With the Ring Video Doorbell, you're always home. Well done. Check them out. that's slash pka with the ring video doorbell you're always home well done check them out that thing's pretty cool because like i'm down here playing games and stuff and sometimes i'm home alone and if i get like a package i need to sign for i can just look at my phone and be like oh yeah it's a ups guy i'll answer that it's not jeremy not wanting to borrow a handgun or something so i'm digging it i like it a lot some of these ideas are amazing like the ring doorbell or the tracker how does one go about selling a product that you could never invent what do you mean well like you know i'm like all right hey i'm gonna uh whatever build a dog collar that
Starting point is 02:47:16 makes it so your dog never barks or gets lost great okay well i'm not nearly smart enough to accomplish that so you're not i think you put you combine a shot caller with the tracker and you're done i know i think of something else that i am not smart enough well i think coming up with that great idea is is the real hard part right i think facilitating it you can always find somebody that can facilitate it i think you'll find somebody who's like all into the mechanical not really a big picture person as much and they're probably not having the same ideas for shit they just kind of implement the ideas and concepts that other people provide for them you know like there's probably idea people and you know work people you know not to say the idea making isn't work or difficult just i don't know your brain yeah there's different kinds of people out there some people like i could never be the one who sat down and was like,
Starting point is 02:48:07 I'm going to figure out how to make this fucking toothbrush a permanent vibrating battery or some nonsense. Like, I don't know. But some people can do that, and that's pretty crazy. But they need somebody to sell it because they could have the best thing ever. But if they're uncomfortable in a boardroom and they can't present things cogently, it's not going to do well. Like when you watch Shark Tank and someone has a great idea idea but they're just inept and just kind of like, well, I'm really hoping you help my company. Like just – you know what I mean.
Starting point is 02:48:33 I have a simple idea. I'm into this everyday carry stuff and I have a slim wallet. No one does a slim wallet perfect. And I have a small change on existing concepts that I think would make mine my idea a better idea than all the other slim what's the change and in in short the problem that they have is that the dollars aren't well accounted for it like here I'll show you my wallet it's in my back pocket and it's this slim I think my wallet is as slim as most people's wallets when they're empty.
Starting point is 02:49:07 This is my full, but the dollars don't stay very well, and I'm sorry. The dollar, they slide around, and on rare occasions, I'll pull it out, and these dollars will still be in my back pocket, and I'm like,
Starting point is 02:49:20 oh, you know, I could do a small thing better than anyone else is doing, and then mine will be, in my opinion, objectively the best wallet in the world. How does one go about, like, what are you, contacting China to have them make your wallet or something? Yeah, what sweatshop do you dial up? Exactly. Like, hey, can you do this? There must be some very skilled seven-year-old chinese children ready to make these wallets for me
Starting point is 02:49:45 you need their deft little fingers and their inability to communicate pain i wonder like how do you transform an idea into a product that you can sell you go to a sourcing expo you're i think are you far from you're coming in very quiet yeah yeah oh sorry sorry uh you go to a sourcing expo it's still quiet yeah that fixed it so magic is like one of those for clothing have you ever heard of magic magic clothing uh no so it's in uh las vegas they do it twice a year i believe so uh the hats and everything that i had made um you just go there and – Those big hats? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I want one of those.
Starting point is 02:50:28 Oh, the one you wore in the video where you forgot your hat? Yeah, I know. I've bought so many hats over the years, and I finally had a company just make them for me, just the way I want. They're going to be like the operator style, like rice hats. So it will have like a Velcro pile thing on it, like a grenade clasp and everything. But the only way I can kind of compare it to, or only thing I could compare it to is like, if you were to go to CES and you have Best Buy and Apple kind of set up there and they're like, Hey, you know, this is the new iPhone for this year.
Starting point is 02:51:07 It's going to be great. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Check it out. And then you go over into the sourcing expo or sourcing side of it. And you have Foxconn who set up there and they're like, oh, hey, you want an iPhone with your logo on it? We'll totally make it for you. And so all the new products for the year. So magic is like all the clothing designers and stuff. So it's like, oh, we're making all these clothes for these people. If you want it with your logo on it or whatever it is. And that's hats, that's shirts, pants, shoes. So wallets, I'm sure all kinds of leather goods and things like that. They'd totally be down to do i mean backpacks you can just give them say hey here you go wingsuits are even a thing that we've even
Starting point is 02:51:49 considered is because wingsuits are fairly expensive and stuff but it's a life-saving kind of thing so it's got to be yeah life-saving in a very specific circumstance you know if a bear attacks you you're not gonna spring to safety in your wings. You might. You might jump off that cliff instead of going back. I've seen several movies where that happens. Yeah, but if it was like a Revenant-style bear attack where there wasn't an imminent cliff to just jump off of, you probably would have got a little bit of air on that hill
Starting point is 02:52:18 but then still ended up under the bear on the bottom. If I've learned anything from James Bond, it's that there's always a nearby cliff. Yes. But, yeah, if you're serious about that, I mean, I'm sure you could get on like any of those websites. The cool thing about it is when you go to the expos, a lot of times they break them up into countries and regions. So if you're, oh, I want to make sure it's made in America, you'll have all those manufacturers in one area, get all their cards and show them what it is that you want to do or whatever.
Starting point is 02:52:48 And generally you can then go over to the Mexico side or the Chinese side and be like, oh, we'll make it for like a third or a 16th. But it's in a slave labor camp. Yeah. Well, sometimes you just got to weigh your options. Slave labor. Don't even know those kids. Maybe some of them are shitty anyway.
Starting point is 02:53:10 I'd like to be completely unscrupulous. So what's cheapest? Slave labor, prison labor, or child labor? Oh, it's got to be slave labor. There's nothing cheaper than a slave, right? No, no, no. Because you have to feed and clothe slaves slaves you could pay a child less than a living wage under the assumption that someone else is picking up the rest of their bill true so children
Starting point is 02:53:32 are probably cheaper than slaves because they're not like because they're just paying them enough to like eat a piece of bread every day or whatever slaves by definition earn a living wage given that they're alive that That's true. Yeah. They have to. They're not slaves for very long if you don't get a living wage. You'll ruin your capital investment. It's just in the form of food and shelter.
Starting point is 02:53:55 Richard, I wanted to ask you if you knew anything about that explosive that they used in that Brussels terror attack. I think it's TATP. Yeah, TATP. It's the acetone peroxide stuff. That's it. That's it. How sensitive think it's TATP. It's the acetone peroxide stuff. That's it. That's it. How sensitive is that stuff? Super sensitive.
Starting point is 02:54:09 Super sensitive. It's the HME of choice. Like right now that's. HME? Homemade explosive. Okay. It's funny. You talk to any of the EOD guys and stuff like that.
Starting point is 02:54:33 C4, DETCORD, all that fun stuff that you'll see in like maybe videos that I'll do, nobody's worried about that. I mean, it's like RDX and the taggants in it and everything are just, it's so traceable. It's the stuff that people can make in their garages that people are freaking out about because it's like how do you can't you can't regulate that like acetone and peroxide. It's like I mean, it's super sensitive stuff and super unstable. But I mean, like like I'm not going to give the kids a chemistry class here and how to make stuff. But you don't have to be Walter White. No, you don't. chemistry class here and how to make stuff but you don't have to be walter white no you don't and and and i think like just somebody like yourself who might not have the craziest um chemistry background you have a very simple understanding from say tannerite or binary
Starting point is 02:55:18 right you're like oh aluminum powder and ammonium nitrate uh well it doesn't take a whole lot to figure out aluminum is pretty fucking reactive i mean it's it's a key ingredient in a lot of stuff and i was playing with thermite just the other day that's exactly it iron three oxide iron four oxide and aluminum powder it's like if you start buying a bunch of uh aluminum powder like five micron off of Amazon, which is totally legit. I'm sure it's going to raise some flags. I'm sure stuff like that's going to start raising flags. And you know, I mean, if you're, if you're making thermite, that's one thing. I mean, nobody's really worried about that, but the second you start doing like Walter White purchases of barrels of peroxide or hydrogen peroxide and, and everything else.
Starting point is 02:56:07 That's when it's like, yeah, I got it. Like start getting, uh, going up. I was watching Adam Savage talk and I guess he's doing a show where he was testing different homemade explosives and he found one that was so reactive
Starting point is 02:56:21 and so dangerous that they canceled the show and decided that's what we're talking about that one. And, uh uh then i guess like homeland security wrote or something and asked for ideas about which one would be like ideas for homemade bombs so he wrote them about that you think that's what it was um well i don't know if that was it because TATP is definitely a well-known homemade explosive, especially within the global community. I know when Mythbusters did the thing about breaking down a body like Walter White, they successfully did it. But they wouldn't talk about the chemicals used to break it down. But when it comes to explosives, that's what I'm meeting with ATF with next week
Starting point is 02:57:13 and transferring my FEL and everything back here onto the East Coast from the West Coast is that I'm going to be doing an explosive series on different kinds of things that maybe have happened or it's just it's easier for me i don't have to spend like tens of thousands tens of thousands of dollars on videos and i can still focus on these other jobs that i'm doing and everything but still do some stuff that has like like some type of payoff to the viewer and everything without giving a full-on tutorial or whatever but yeah TATP I mean that's the
Starting point is 02:57:47 hot shit right now I mean that's what everybody is looking out for for sure I saw some images from that you can see I guess one of their hands is gloved and from what I they said that you know it meant there was a wire running into the glove with like a dead man switch so if he
Starting point is 02:58:03 first he starts shooting and you know if someone kills him he lets go of the switch and that's when it goes off so there's really no way to combat that no but i think they had they had 33 pounds and yeah and then it's super super volatile too which is crazy and like a lot of people you know i mean i we we don't have to get in that like crazy philosophical conversation, but it really like does get to that point where it's like you can regulate everything. Like it's easy for people to point fingers at guns and say, hey, that's a problem. Once you get to a point of homemade explosives, you got to start asking yourself, what's really the root of the problem and how do we address this?
Starting point is 02:58:47 How do we keep from this knee-jerk reaction of regulating this or that? We're just a dog chasing our tail right now. We've got to really try to figure out what's going on here. Yeah, there's so many things out there that you're not going to be able to take enough stuff. You can't take all the stuff away that lets you make explosives. There's so many things out there that you're not going to be able to take enough stuff. You can't take all the stuff away that lets you make explosives. I mean it's everything from fertilizer to the stuff you bake cakes with or all these things are minor. They mitigate like coating ammonium nitrate fertilizer with oil so that the prills won't take in the aluminum powder and everything.
Starting point is 02:59:26 But it's maybe not even that with explosives. There's always going to be something, right? So how do you address that problem? Because first it may be guns, then it may be explosives. What about next time there's an Ebola outbreak, they say, fuck it, let's go to the Congo. Let's get a few vials of that shit. And let's just fucking put it in ourselves, go to every airport and just start coughing and try to do as much damage that way as we can it's there's always going to be if if not explosives it might be chemical or biological next it's like how do you really address the problem and like what's the solution to it i i wish i knew but you build the wall it's it's it's plain and simple you build the wall you know what it's worked for kyle and
Starting point is 03:00:05 age of mythology and it's going to work for the united states absolutely oh i don't want to go back to age of mythology for too long but we we found this this helms deep scenario where they completely replicate the battle of helms deep from uh from uh lord of the rings and uh you start and they like they went so far as to like rename characters and give them special attributes so all the main characters are there defending. And then you have this mechanic setup that just sends an enormous amount of enemies your way toward the wall. And just like in the movie, there's a weak spot in the wall and there's some sort of torch-carrying unit that's always trying to blow the wall up so they get in.
Starting point is 03:00:41 We need seven people to play that shit. But it looked like a lot of fun. Maybe you'll give it a try sometime. Belly button fucking. Is this the kind of game you would try? Age of Mythology? Just not now.
Starting point is 03:00:59 I feel like if you caught me in the winter or something, I'd be more apt to it. But I've been loving having a good sleep schedule. I've been loving getting outside. I've been loving... We can play in the afternoon, early morning. I'll get up at 7 a.m. and play. I'll rise early and have a few cups of coffee.
Starting point is 03:01:14 Did you show him the video that you showed me, like the small map one? That's really neat. Yeah, I don't know if he watched it, though. I didn't watch it, though, yeah. And Kyle's, what, two weeks into this thing? And he's still learning the game and getting better? I'm good enough to beat the game on normal difficulty. Like I whip the game on normal difficulty in 15 minutes flat.
Starting point is 03:01:33 It's just that Chiz is very good. It's not that I'm poor at the game. Chiz is very good too? I'm sorry, Taylor is very good. It's not that I suck at the game. It's just that I'm playing with somebody who's really good because I whip the game on normal difficulty in literally 15 or 16 minutes every time.
Starting point is 03:01:51 You really have that Stewie quip. Quip, yeah. Yeah, he does. Yeah, we've been through this. We got out the dictionary. I proved that it's one of the correct pronunciations of that. It really is. I didn't expect it.
Starting point is 03:02:06 I thought it was going to be some southern thing. No. He's correct, but it's technically correct. The best kind of correct. The only kind that fucking matters to me. The only fucking... Whether you like it or not. I just want you to start doing it now on W words that don't have H's.
Starting point is 03:02:26 Just give me a sec, guys. I'm going to go grab a glass of water. Yeah, I've always done that. I don't know. I have to make an effort to enunciate. I know I make an effort to enunciate certain words and to pronounce them correctly so that I don't sound like an idiot. Were you rapped on the knuckles like in Catholic school? Oh, the opposite
Starting point is 03:02:48 of that. The opposite of that. No, no. It's the exact opposite of that. I don't find the southern accent to sound very intelligent. Especially if it's really deep. And I know that's a stereotype that someone from the south shouldn't have. And I certainly don't judge people
Starting point is 03:03:04 based on their accents. When I hear them, I listen beyond that to what they're actually saying. But I feel like a lot of people don't do that. So I feel like if I had a Southern accent, I wouldn't pronounce it. If a word ended in I-N-G and I just said swimming, I just don't think you sound as intelligent. So I try not to do that. Yeah, things like exactly thank you like you have the most mild southern accent that it's
Starting point is 03:03:32 not it's not even really southern like everyone i see in southern missouri has a worse southern accent than that like you yeah i did it well commode is redneck something you have to get rid of but more white trash than redneck. My grandparents say commode, but they grew up without running water. It's old-timey, too, maybe. I thought it was a British thing or something. Ooh, sitting on the commode! No, I think they have
Starting point is 03:03:55 a loo. Yeah. I guess it's the bathroom. It's not really the toilet. In any case, there's only one thing that I want to talk about right now. What's that one thing? That's
Starting point is 03:04:11 You see, you're paying too much for tickets. Between all the markups and the last-minute convenience charges, even print-at-home fees, you end up paying courtside prices for nosebleed seats. is here to change that. Scorebig works directly with our favorite teams and artists to get their unsold seats at unpublished prices. Only at can you name a ticket price
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Starting point is 03:04:52 no surprise fees and free shipping. Just unbeatable prices on great seats. And when you're in great seats, you actually enjoy the game or the show all the more. Next time you go see any game or show, go to ScoreBig first and see how much you can save. Go to right now, click on the microphone,
Starting point is 03:05:10 enter promo code PKA, and you'll save an extra $20 off your first ticket purchase. That's, promo code PKA. Didn't you just buy some tickets, Taylor? I did. What a fool you must feel like now. I was just thinking about that quite a bit like literally i get we're playing the game two three i guess we're like almost three hours four hours
Starting point is 03:05:31 in but i bought blues tickets for the blues bruins game tomorrow night and i feel like a real idiot asshole right now because i completely forgot that we had this new sponsor and i probably just spent way because the tickets were like $80 a piece. It probably would have been way cheaper. 60% of $80. That's money. It's real money. It's $48. Where are your seats?
Starting point is 03:05:55 Are you at center court or what? Center court. Center ice? What do you call it? Center ice. Yeah. Should be a real good game though. Bruins are in a rough spot, maybe not making the playoffs. And Philly, Woody, you're convinced they're going to make the playoffs.
Starting point is 03:06:13 I'm not convinced yet. I'm not sure. That's iffy. Detroit might beat them to it. Detroit has to get more points in their next five games than Philly does in their next six. And Philly is the hotter team. Well, who is Philly playing?
Starting point is 03:06:28 Let's see what their schedule is. Philly has actually a lot of critical games. Like some of the teams in front of them, they do play Detroit. That's a huge game. If they lose that, that could be it. Then they can still win because they have other games and a game in hand versus Detroit. Yeah, Philly is clearly going to make the playoffs.
Starting point is 03:06:49 And unlike St. Louis, they will make it past the first round. So take that. You're not supposed to agree, you douche. This is how sports arguments go. Well, I mean, you're making good points. All right, I have a question. The Blues already clinched a spot. Yeah, they can win the President's Cup.
Starting point is 03:07:09 They still won't make it out of the first round. No. Washington won the President's Cup already. No, no, no, no. They could hypothetically make the President's Cup, and they still wouldn't make it out of the first round because they're the St. Louis Blues. Well, they have done that before,
Starting point is 03:07:21 where they win the President's Cup. We won the President's cup in 2012. I think when LA, the eighth seed played us in the first round, upset us in six games. And then I was just sad. I continue to make more good points. Yes.
Starting point is 03:07:37 We're always good in the regular season. We're always tearing it up. Well, that must make you feel good. Really tear it up. Well, how about 2010 huh last time philly was relevant uh 2010 is that the year the hurricanes won the cup no no 2010 was when philly
Starting point is 03:07:53 lost to chicago oh okay yeah yeah anyway kyle is kyle oh my god we've we've had 30 minutes of agent mythology talking i never did that yeah but there's at least one other person who likes that. You're talking about something nobody likes. I don't even think either of you... You don't see two of us talking about it right now. I still find it unbelievable that both of you find that game to be interesting at all. It's so silly.
Starting point is 03:08:17 You watch baseball for crying out loud. There's so much action. It's not a sport like basketball where one player... Any sport where it's a team sport and one team can go like 55 and four on the season like the golden state warriors it's like that's a sport that's all about like one dude like you have that one guy like steph curry or whatever and it's you could be good just with that one guy hockey you could have the best guy in the world on
Starting point is 03:08:43 your team but it's so much of a team sport, that's not going to win it for you. I like that about it. I have a question for Woody. I think they made the minimum wage in maybe Seattle 15 bucks a few months back, and we had a discussion about that. I think what we came to and what we all kind of seemed to think was that it's kind of a small case study as far as how it affects and a at the larger economy there now they've done in California which is one of the biggest standalone economies in the world if you know you
Starting point is 03:09:11 made its own country me what what effect is this going to have in the state and outside the state do you think now I think it's gonna drive a lot of automation inside the state like that read an article told me yesterday and it seems like it makes a lot of sense inside the state like that reddit article told me yesterday and it seems like it makes a lot of sense but i think when when all of a sudden that the lowest paying jobs pay 15 i think a higher skilled worker is going to be filling those jobs i think the people who
Starting point is 03:09:37 were once capable of earning minimum wage now they might not be up to the task. You know, I've said all along, everyone who works is competing with automation and overseas labor, right? You don't get to choose whether or not you do. Nearly everyone has to compete with automation, overseas labor. And when they increase the cost of you, then those other things become more attractive. In China, it used to be if you needed a basement, they hired 100 people for a few pennies with shovels. And then when people became more expensive, they bought an excavator. They weren't stupid.
Starting point is 03:10:10 They weren't too stupid to own an excavator or operate one. It was just more expensive than cheap people who were next to free. Now that California has a $15 minimum wage, like you said, I think automation will be the first thing. It's easy to swoop in and do that. There are jobs you wouldn't think you could outsource, like drive-through order taker. That actually doesn't really have to be local at all. I can do that job from India.
Starting point is 03:10:33 It'll be interesting to see if that happens. And... That would piss me the fuck off! If I get to Burger King, I'm like, where the fuck are you? Because if you're not in that fucking Burger King right now, I'm going to lose my shit, motherfucker.
Starting point is 03:10:52 They lie. Hello, welcome to Burger King. What's your name? Steve. Where are you? I'm right here. They always lie. They're trained. I'm Shapoigan.
Starting point is 03:11:04 I had it. I don't think they do it anymore.'m Sheboygan. Yeah. Like I had it. I don't think they do it anymore. Maybe it didn't work out. But at my local Wendy's, I think they like they just made it so that like they were all American, but they were time zone based. So, you know, maybe if it was lunchtime here in the East Coast and it's 10 a.m. over in Colorado, that guy took the order. coast and it's 10 a.m. over in Colorado that guy took the order that way I didn't have to like staff for peak hours because we all had like even staff or
Starting point is 03:11:30 are we doing at Wendy's my friend might be fucking it up it might not be Wendy's but I've seen that done yeah I've literally seen them take orders from elsewhere in America because you know at 10 a.m. your order into a machine and then that information is being relayed back to the store that you're at exactly yeah easy to do right what's the difference between me keying it in locally versus me keying it anywhere i could key it in from my desk it's just you know frosty big mac whatever i've never encountered this thing like conversation like to to think about too because you you want to you want to go to the extreme and say oh well okay ten years ago there were half as many billions of people now there's seven
Starting point is 03:12:12 and a half approaching or maybe surpass that by now seven a half billion people so there's more people but there's more automated jobs so there's arguably to an extent the job markets going down so at what point does it become you know like oh we should figure out some some way to as much as i hate to say it like maybe socialism in the future isn't a bad thing right where it's like way down the line how do you yeah well no it's like it's a sliding scale right it's like if everybody's working then everybody should like have that pursuit but if like you have this this one guy here who owns all of the machines that are doing all the things everybody's a consumer
Starting point is 03:12:57 so what do they really have to make money off of besides making youtube videos i think if we can agree like human wants are insatiable, right? They'll never be satisfied. So this idea that, like, oh, well, we'll get all the things and everything will be cool. No, it won't. Houses will get bigger. Cars will get cooler.
Starting point is 03:13:15 You know, phones will be more complicated. Yeah, people see this world where they're like, oh, man, automation, it's going to take all the accounting jobs and it's going to take all the marketing jobs and it's going to take all these jobs and everybody's going to be take all the marketing jobs, it's going to take all these jobs, and everybody's going to be standing around without a job, with their dick in their hand, and everybody's going to have everything they need because we're just in a weird future where everybody can make everything
Starting point is 03:13:35 in a 3D printer or something. That's never going to happen. It's never going to happen. Automated logistics and self-driving cars, automated trucking or whatever it is, I mean, just logistics and driving alone would be huge. It would be huge. Fucking havoc. All kinds of driving.
Starting point is 03:13:52 Forklift drivers, tractor trailer drivers. Farmers are effectively drivers in a lot of ways. They just handle back and forth around the fields. Well, look at the tractors that have have gps and they just do their own thing the combine and thus far it's rare for a farmer not to be in one but it's the near future right it seems like a really safe spot to try this automated driving you know around in a field but i've said this before so forgive me listeners pretend this is a really simple village economy right we've barely got anything going on and
Starting point is 03:14:26 we've got you know 12 people with spears spearfishing every day trying to feed us yeah right and then you're doing an age mythology thing or whatever um so you got 12 people with spears you know catching fish and then some guy invents the net and suddenly 11 people are out of work they don't just go out of work and be like, well, you know, you really don't need me for food anymore. No, those fishermen get placed elsewhere in the economy and they start building huts or pizzas or whatever it is that comes after fish. That's going to happen. So I can always count on insatiable human needs to fully employ everybody. Yeah, there will, I mean, Well, that's the interesting thing. Improvation is a huge percentage of jobs.
Starting point is 03:15:07 Like, if suddenly it was like, oh, we don't need truck drivers anymore, that'd be really impactful for them. But I don't think that this future where suddenly the majority of people don't need jobs, like, that's not going to happen. There will always be something new. No, but I think in a global economy
Starting point is 03:15:21 and when you are able to scale at the rate at which you can scale jobs or industries and everything it can be way more devastating to happen overnight whereas it taking 10-15 years people have time to adapt where it was i forget who it was was talking so forgive me for like just talking out of my ass, but I heard somebody talking today on an article or a news segment where they were talking about, uh, how food stamps was a failed program where, uh, in one of the States, a millionaire or something like the guy won the lottery who was on food stamps. The guy won the lottery who was on food stamps. He took the lump sum and that month didn't qualify for food stamps, but the very next month got food stamps because he didn't qualify
Starting point is 03:16:13 because he didn't have any more income coming in. And so they were wanting to change things, what I thought was really, really smart and kind of makes sense now looking at it in hindsight. It's like, no, you've got to be working. If you can't work a job that's going to pay you the wages to reach this financial whatever it is that you need to be doing, we can help supplement that.
Starting point is 03:16:35 And if you can't find a job, you need to be volunteering. You need to be contributing something to society, logging those hours either way. If it's at an animal shelter a women's shelter a homeless shelter picking up garbage in the park for t-dot or whoever it is you need to be contributing to society and not just hanging out at home collecting a check and like that's actually like potentially a really good business model for the future right it's like like if if you are offering your services in a way that might not be driving a truck or making a hamburger fucking go pick up the park something like that eliminating handouts
Starting point is 03:17:15 sounds really cruel right you know if i were to advocate this right now oh yeah we got to stop you got to get rid of welfare we got rid of food stamps got to do all that the trouble is that these programs can create dependencies in the cycle of dependencies and they can be anti-business too. You know, if suddenly I decide that like, you know, people in Tennessee have lousy dental care and I'm going to flood in there with all kinds of free dental care, then I'm putting dentists out of business. I'm wiping out like the dental economy that exists today. If I say in ghana doesn't have shoes and i just flood it with shoes then all the cobblers in ghana are ruined you know you're not doing
Starting point is 03:17:51 anybody favors by just yeah that life on easy street long gone so both of them ruined so um uh you know when you do that with these other industries it's just like if i just give somebody money and never get them out of their chair, then I'm not doing that person a huge favor. Yeah. You're not teaching them to fish. I know, right? You're just giving them a fish. I knew it was coming.
Starting point is 03:18:15 But there's something to that. And I don't know exactly what the answer is, right? Like a straight up handout might be a good short-term solution, you know, three months or so. I saw this Michael Moore thing on the health care. Do you guys remember what that one was called? Something sick? Yes.
Starting point is 03:18:35 Sick and dead or something. Is that it? It might have just been sick. I don't recall. Sicko. Sicko. Thank you, Chiz. And he was talking about, I think it was the U.S. versus like a French health care system.
Starting point is 03:18:48 And in the U.S., the guy got his cancer payments paid for. And then the moment he was declared cancer free, he was like expected to go back to work. And you saw him and he looked terrible. You know, he was like his cheeks were like puff sallow puffy sallow gaunt like everything was just sick and weak about him and mentally he was broken too you know he had just beat cancer that's not an easy fight and then there was another guy i think he was french and it was the same thing he had this like cancer survivor like fat alchewitz look about him you know just nothing good i don't know how to describe him.
Starting point is 03:19:27 And he's like, in France, they gave you three weeks and he's taking pictures of himself on the beach. Like, like it was like a celebration, celebratory vacation. And he's like, it was great for me. I got,
Starting point is 03:19:40 I had a thirst for life again. He was ready to hit the workforce. He was fixed. And I'm like, man, they're kind of on to something. What sounded to me like, freaking post-cancer vacation? What kind of horseshit is that? Get your ass to work. But look, there was a sickness that needed to be cured,
Starting point is 03:20:00 like a health that needed to be regained in that scenario. And it made a lot of sense so sometimes the harshest policies that that maybe i knee jerk toward are not the right answer but the most generous bernie sanders everyone makes tons of money you know i hear people talk about a um not a minimum wage but a base salary, it's like a salary for doing nothing. Like, hey, if you're a citizen, you get 30 grand. Pop. Yeah. There you go.
Starting point is 03:20:29 Yeah, like some countries do that. Like some of the oil countries, they have – Alaska has a subsidy where you like being an Alaskan resident because of the oil and everything there. You get tax credits or a couple thousand bucks. I think it is now for being a resident. Yeah, and I'm just like, man, you can't give away too much because then people don't earn it.
Starting point is 03:20:54 No incentive. Yeah. Sorry. If you protect people too much, they get weak. I have a video to watch. It's 50-something seconds. Yeah, link it. What is it?
Starting point is 03:21:04 A little preface? Hey, is it the mountain? Yeah. All right. Let's just jump right into it. I'm queued up at zero. Right. Richard, if you're new to this,
Starting point is 03:21:15 we just all sort of queue it up at zero and then I say ready, set, play. Are you ready? All right. Yep. Ready, set, play. How can I be like you? Just long as my nose. Thor, how can I be like you? The strongest man on earth.
Starting point is 03:21:26 No way. People ask me. Thor, how can I be like you? The strongest man on earth. Well, the answer is right in front of your eyes. Sparkling water. This is my brand, Heavy Bubbles. We have 2 kilos, 5 kilos
Starting point is 03:21:47 And 10 kilos What if I can't carry it? If you can't carry, you can't drink You die You can really become stronger Just by carrying it back home From the supermarket What if I bought other stuff?
Starting point is 03:22:02 Don't buy other stuff Heavy bubbles. Sparking water that makes you sweat. Is that a thing? I can't tell. This is a gag gift, right? No, it's real. You're lying.
Starting point is 03:22:19 It's heavy bubbles. No, I don't trust you at all. Oh my god, it is real. This is a real thing. Yeah, you get some heavy bubbles. Oh my god. I already ordered mine. I'm gonna get a workout and get hydrated at the same time.
Starting point is 03:22:34 Heavy bubbles uses nitrogen instead of carbon to carbonate their water which infuses it with more... This can't be real, no way. I love the animation. It's him, like, electrified. He looks like a Greek god or something. There's like electricity and lightning bolts running through him. Wait, when was this? Is this an April Fools thing? No, this is way to get in shape. March 31st? Come on! This is heavy bubbles!
Starting point is 03:23:02 This is heavy bubbles. It's not even a diet. It's a lifestyle. That's right. I've got six of them. I'm only on the 10K. Yeah, that's, of course, not real. Those are heavy bubbles. So that's absurd. He is so big, it's ridiculous.
Starting point is 03:23:20 He is so big, it's ridiculous. He makes everything funnier. The guy can clearly only speak enough English to say the words that we just heard, but somehow I still want to watch and listen to him say those things because he's just fucking gigantic. His name is Thor Bjornsson. He would have fucked up a couple of villages
Starting point is 03:23:41 back in the day off of his longboat. Imagine him, you know, axe-wielding, back in the day off of his longboat imagine him you know axe wielding screaming in the night as he runs armor like a battle axe in each hand just if you existed back then there would be stories about it like people would still know who thor bjornsson was because there'd be like a life-size wooden carving of him like holding a mammoth head. Whenever they like track our genetic code back, they're like, oh, wow, it seems that like 80% of the men in Europe came from these five men. And I'm like, probably a man like that. Probably a man like that and stuff like 80,000 bitches.
Starting point is 03:24:18 I feel like that big, like you could really run shit in a time and place where being big meant that you would run shit. I'm a cynic, but what does he look like without steroids or performance enhancing drugs? He's just a 7 foot 5 inch tall regular guy. Just your average 350 pound colossus. Just another Joe you might see at the store. Getting his 11 daily pounds of lean meat chicken and his brown turkey breast
Starting point is 03:24:47 as he has his sixth omelet of the morning because I have to get all my protein for the day. Like, have you seen any of those, like, YouTube documentary videos that they follow strong men? There was one where they follow this guy, and he's, like, 7'1", just so muscular that the body has given up. And it's like, we can't make this look good anymore. Just put it where we'd usually put fat and be done with it.
Starting point is 03:25:13 Like, he can't keep working out. He can't keep getting bigger. Just store it away. He ate, I think it was like 14 eggs every morning, like 6 pounds of turkey bacon. And then he went over to his family's house to make a big like potluck dinner. And just like he made a giant vat of chili with like half a cow in there. And half of it was for him, just for him. There's a family.
Starting point is 03:25:37 His like whole extended family is there. He like taking the ladle out and is like, and the beef for you, and the beef for you, and the beef for you, and I take the pot. And like he just starts, it's disgusting, but also fascinating. Like, that's an addiction. I watched a thing about female body builders, and you know, they also
Starting point is 03:25:53 have to eat an enormous amount of food, but the difference is, there's not as much money in female body building. So, they, I don't recall how much it was costing these ladies to eat, but it was so much chicken breast and so much lean meat. It was very expensive every day, like $50 a day, $60 a day, I think, something like that, maybe more. So to supplement their income because there's not sponsorship money, there isn't as much prize money for winning the women's bodybuilding events and all that stuff.
Starting point is 03:26:21 And I'm sure there's barely that much in the men's. I wouldn't think it's a life's living living i don't know maybe it is i guess maybe with the products and supplements and that money there is but anyway they moonlit not as prostitutes but as like basically basically these men would come to them and they would want to get roughed up a little and i and not in a dominatrix type way she would like wrestle this guy and like pin him and like put him in in holds and stuff because she was like a collegiate wrestler or something so she would legit like whip his ass yeah yeah i think i'm just part of it yeah yeah they would come in you know they there's a porn genre like total domination or something
Starting point is 03:27:02 like that it reminds me it's a sport and you know in the porn genre the two women wrestle against each other and the winner fucks the loser you know with the strap on but but um it reminded me of that porn genre i trust me i've never seen it mom um but it reminded me of the porn genre. That's the worst part. Yeah, she literally does watch this whole show. And I guess the woman would wrestle the guy and she would just beat him. That's a weird fetish to be attracted to you losing an athletic competition. I'm like, I should take this woman. I know I can.
Starting point is 03:27:40 I think what it was, I think he had kind of like a fetish for like amazonian type women like he had this he was he fetishized a big strong powerful woman and he was a small guy this woman what he wasn't just like oh you're beating me up he wasn't pretending like she was his physical superior in every way she was taller wider more more muscular by like she was picking him up like the genders were reversed. I mean, like I picked my girlfriend up. It was pretty funny. I like that. That just doesn't sound like fun, going in and getting wrestled and beaten.
Starting point is 03:28:15 Woody, remember that girl who was at paintball who was very muscular? Yes. Have you seen recent photos of her? No, I would like to. She kept going with the bodybuilding and she is a i don't know if i saw on her magazine i'd be like okay like i feel like she fit right in she is a when you said human body or female bodybuilder taylor immediately said gross right he just like slipped in gross and it's like no man female body Female bodybuilders, not the top-level guys,
Starting point is 03:28:45 but the ones who are like one or two years into training are the hottest women on earth. You're talking about like fit bikini, though? Yeah. The female bodybuilders. I'm not signing off on this at all? No, no. This woman was hot.
Starting point is 03:29:02 Fitness bikini is like completely different from bodybuilding. You guys are talking about top-of-the-game female bodybuilders, right? I'm talking about the ones who just got started, who suddenly have started watching everything they eat. They're lifting their tone. Their shoulders start to broaden. They're steepened. I think some CrossFit chicks are broadening.
Starting point is 03:29:22 A little hair on their lip. Oh, twats a bit itchy today. Oh, Jesus, good Lord. You say that the guys make more, but actually I feel like social media now, a lot of those chicks are making a lot of money on the social medias. You can see the fibers of their muscle. That's what she just wrote. Wrong.
Starting point is 03:29:44 You are talking about women who've been doing this for five years, who are at the top of their game. No, I'm talking about the noobs. You're talking about someone who works out. I disagree, but it's hardcore about it. Like a CrossFit chick might be.
Starting point is 03:29:59 Well, that's not what I'm talking about. The chick that went to paintball with us at paintball was very fit and attractive. The next year, she was too much. The next year, she was even more too much. Now she is stronger than any man I know. And she looks like skin draped over a musculature. You see striations.
Starting point is 03:30:20 You see indentions like her fat content must be like guy that was also like abnormally strong right wasn't he like he was he was fit but but he wasn't a bodybuilder per se he looked like you know he looked fit it looked like he'd run a marathon and and you know bent bench 180 20 times like he looked like a strong fit guy but but she now is some sort of like amazonian freak if i'm being honest like it's a real fucking mess like she's got man face she is just a monster a hideous monster and i get pictures of her shown to me occasionally and i'm just like oh god she's just ruined herself because of don't you think that they call it bigorexia. Have you heard that term before?
Starting point is 03:31:06 Yeah. Where they look at themselves and they don't see strength. They don't see their muscles. They just see like, I've got this area to improve. I've got that. I'm not quite there yet. And everyone else is like, dude, there you passed it three years ago.
Starting point is 03:31:22 Maybe take a few steps back. Take a vacation at paintball she was still one of the fitter women i'd ever seen and uh but very attractive and just tone doesn't begin to almost a little too strong yeah but like when she would roll her shoulders and you're looking at her from behind you're she looked like linda hamilton from fucking termininator 2. She's ripped.
Starting point is 03:31:48 But now she's to the point where I know she'd kick my ass. I absolutely know she would kick my... Maybe if I could hit her first, I'm sure... You'd bring the baseball bat you have for the dog anyway? If it went to the ground, I'm fucked. If it went to the ground, I'm fucked. Because she's so much stronger than me, I guarantee it. She's just a muck. It's almost like a shame when you see that where it's like you don't want to say it's a shame because it's condescending to
Starting point is 03:32:10 look at someone's interest and be like oh they don't even get that that's not that great like so i bet there are a ton of them that are just super into it and good for them but from an outsider perspective like when i look at someone for men and women there's a point of musculature where it goes from like impressive to like that's a little upsetting and weird and that's not how you're supposed to look for men you have to get ridiculously muscular for that to happen and you're like ah the pinnacle like that's what i think when i see someone like schwarzenegger i'm like well that's the pinnacle for women it's not that much like you don't have to get like super schwarzenegger in his prime jacked for it to look a little off,
Starting point is 03:32:49 just because that's not a natural thing you see walking around. If you see a guy like Arnold Schwarzenegger in a t-shirt in the store, you might be like, wow, that guy's in fucking great shape. But you're not going to be like, what? Let me Snapchat this fucking weirdo. It's just a different kind of standard. I mean mean good for them for being passionate about it i just i don't i don't get it yeah i i i don't you know i i think
Starting point is 03:33:11 it's great when someone's really into physical fitness it's it's definitely much better than being on the other end of the opposite yeah yeah yeah and so like i'm hesitant to be like hey calm it down with the push-ups like it's it's much. Yeah, but if you're pumping roids into your system and your heart's getting strained. And your clitoris is three and a half inches long now. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:33:35 You don't need the strap-on to fuck your girlfriend anymore. The clitoris grows. I've heard the labia grows. Yeah, the clitorisis grows It becomes a little penis One of the UFC fighters Like they're doing Close up examinations of her labia Like during weigh ins
Starting point is 03:33:54 To determine whether Guessing whether or not she's in Who convinced her that that's how you tell They're like yeah yeah No I don't know it's yet no no no no get up there with the chart advanced third stage clitification i feel like you're fucking with me right now
Starting point is 03:34:18 is this you fucking with me oh is that great they don't use the labia they don't do that yeah they do. Yeah, they used to use a ruler to measure it, but now they take string because some of them are curved, and they lay the string on top any more than three inches, and it's a certified penis. Kyle, no, no, it's not official. It's the eye test. You know, people will look at a dude and say that guy's on roids.
Starting point is 03:34:43 I can tell because, like, he's really ripped in every way except he's got puffy nipples, which is like a steroid thing. They'll look at a guy and be like, yeah, you know, like he's bulked up like lots of people can do. But it's weird that his hat size changed. So you're saying if you see a girl's clit hanging out the bottom of her shorts it's a good chance. Basically yeah there's a UFC fight. It's Holly Holmes is who I'm talking about. They looked at her during weigh-ins and they're like dude either
Starting point is 03:35:14 she's got a gigantic labia or that gigantic labia is the result of steroid use. What's hilarious is I've heard people talk about it before that. Like months ago.
Starting point is 03:35:30 It's just funny that it got brought up again. Regarding her? Yeah. That must get back to her somehow. She must know that people on the internet are all discussing her labia. So it affects her labia? I'm not an expert on
Starting point is 03:35:45 steroids yeah i don't know the clitoris yeah i didn't know it just caused general swelling maybe it doesn't i need some pictures of holly holmes like camel toe now apparently could someone could you fish those out for me you got a file there woody you got a special like holly part of your like porn meta reddit that you've put together it's like it's like huge clits anonymous and yeah woody's got it like segmented uh where's my march folder you know five o'clock shadow bitches or something i don't know yeah let's watch this all right touch of testosterone all right right. So I wish I could. Let me fix the screen grab and see.
Starting point is 03:36:34 Hang on before you hit play because I think I can make this a better picture. That's not even that big. It's not. Well, hang on. It'll zoom in and stuff. I don't know. you just hit the first second right look for back for for lack of a better term the lady's got a meaty pussy all right it's it's just not that that's not that big hang in there let's watch this thing all right set play what's
Starting point is 03:36:57 up everybody this is hollyholm in the way in as you guys know she won i don't think this is the video i watched before spectacular way versus ronda rousey in a second round knockout uh which is pretty much the biggest upset in mma uh history i mean ronda rousey was a title holder uh never been beaten she was hyping herself as uh as a person who would retire undefeated a lot of people were deeming her being cocky. I do agree to a certain extent. Anyway, right now, there is a so-called controversy about Holly Holmes. Some people are accusing her of a possibility of juicing, or at least they're questioning that because of this precise picture in the way in. I'll talk about it a little bit later.
Starting point is 03:37:44 I'll make it a little bit bigger so you guys will know what is up. I'm not sure that I like that we went into this. I don't want to judge this woman's vagina anymore. I feel like I'm in this a little bit. Oh, now we're getting classy? As you guys know, I love the questions I get. You mentioned belly button fucking like seven weeks in a row. Yeah, but that's completely different.
Starting point is 03:38:00 Something about this seems more personal, doesn't it? Yeah, because it's hard. Yeah, I don't think there's anything wrong with this woman's vagina. Go to 406. I'm looking at it. I'm literally paused at 406. All right. Some vaginas look like that.
Starting point is 03:38:17 Here, go to the CamelToast subreddit. You know, some do. I think she's on the bigger edge of normal. Sure, sure. That's not a simp. That's not an any. There's some stuff going on there. Yeah, and I really like her.
Starting point is 03:38:39 Well, not that I know her, but she handles herself really well. Well, I'm glad we covered that. Me too. Yeah, I think that she is not on steroids. I think that's probably just normal. There's a labia gone wild subreddit here. Go on. I'm looking at the labia gone wild uh uh tag here on imager there are
Starting point is 03:39:08 plenty of women here who could who could who are packing more heat than holly holmes is i guarantee it that's awful yeah she probably just used heavy bubbles anyway what do you think she's on? Richard, you said it depends what you call steroids. Yeah, I will not even come close to being a dude who's going to say that I understand even a fraction of that stuff. But when it comes to that level of athleticism, there's so much money involved that like, I know a lot of athletes will like, like Kennedy's like really vocal about it and a lot of other guys. I mean, there's certain things like, like what HGH has a 12 hour half-life. Um, I mean, you have a lot of different things. Really? So, I mean, is there lot of different things really?
Starting point is 03:40:06 so I mean there's so many things out there that it's like if you can get an edge and you can get through a camp and do this or do that I just you have to believe that the bulk majority of athletes out there are on it
Starting point is 03:40:22 it's just like if you're in South America and you know that majority of athletes out there on it it's just like if you're if you're in in south south america and you know that you have a little bit of a window to be able to get away or something like that jose aldo yeah i mean it's like i mean it makes sense it's it's i think it's most sports not all of them it's obviously most more common in like football baseball but pretty much every sport out there i think there's a good percentage of them doing roids or at least something in that family performance enhancing drugs apparently like last year and this year there's like a bit of a cocaine problem in hockey with a lot of the players doing a good amount of cocaine apparently
Starting point is 03:41:01 mike richards has to be on it i am positive mike richards was doing a good deal of cocaine um what was he gonna say uh oh bass nba players now granted this is a time in their life when you know men can get stronger but the difference i see in their physiques from like when they get out of college at 20 to 22 because a lot of them go early, to where they are at 26 and 28 is huge. It's so big. I'm like, wow. Well, it's frustrating to me as like, I don't know, just maybe a sheltered person growing up.
Starting point is 03:41:39 I never realized that that was such a thing. Like in professional sports i mean you got the mark mcguire sammy sosa thing i was so disappointed by that it's like these dudes are big blah blah blah blah blah but like you don't realize when you go to the gym like your local gym and there's like ripped up dudes there a lot of times more times than not they're on something it's like ripped up dudes there a lot of times, more times than not, they're on something. It's like, well, fuck, I busted my ass for like four years just grinding it out, doing all these different workouts and eating right. And it's like, I just can't reach that level. And you're like, oh, fuck, that's why.
Starting point is 03:42:21 Yeah, you're not taking steroids. But it's OK, isn't it? Like it is. If you're not competing steroids but it's okay isn't it like it is if you're not competing knock yourself out i mean you're not competing and like i'm i'm warming up to the fact that like i've i've probably like in taking propitia pharmaceuticals and shit like that i probably damaged what my endocrine system to some extent to maybe manufacture more or less testosterone. And at some point I probably should think about like testosterone replacement therapy or something along those lines. Um, it, where it's not that bad of a deal. You just gotta be honest about it.
Starting point is 03:42:58 Don't fucking deceive people and say, Hey, look, I'm getting fucking ripped up. You got to do work, son. You got to go, you got to fucking eat chicken breast and broccoli all day long you know that's the only way you're gonna get them gains no talking about the rock right now and his you know he promotes that gigantic diet that he does and all that craziness but oh no no no no i just i just mean like that's a good example i feel like i've been lied to like like about everything it's like oh fuck man now like i have like you know buddies who are odd like honest about certain things and like kind of giving me like insight oh shut the fuck up that person's on steroids what uh what what it's just like i feel like i'm like i'm a 30 year old something dude who's just like
Starting point is 03:43:45 been told that there's no santa claus it's like fuck man i've been busting my ass who are you so surprised with some steroids type i'm not i'm not gonna say what are you good friends with them no i just i just mean like like okay let's just take movies let's take movies for an exam and no no way shape or form am i accusing anybody of or saying anyone's on steroids but you take ryan reynolds and blade or you take brad pitt and fight club you take like these iconic scenes with these dudes that are just fucking ripped and you have to ask yourself did they get this from busting their ass for six months working out before the movie i don't know or like christian bale he played in the machinist where he was that emaciated little guy and then like eight months later he comes out as you know where's the joker and he's like six five and gigantic like it's what the
Starting point is 03:44:43 fuck is going on like he didn't just, you know, kale your way into that body. On the other end of the spectrum, I think Kurt Russell did it legit. I don't know if you ever saw that movie Soldier, where he says like 25 words the whole movie. He worked out for like 14 months leading up to that. It was over a year it took him to get into
Starting point is 03:45:00 the shape that he felt like a super soldier should be in. Adam West was also totally natural. I always like it when they talk about Babe Ruth. They're like, yeah, he did it on chili dogs and beer. He was hung over half the time. Back in those days, you could get by in sports
Starting point is 03:45:18 by being kind of okay. Well, you didn't have any black guys hurling the ball at you at 95 miles an hour. People were so bad in every sport that like people who just had jobs where they weren't full-time they're like man i got off really early at the colfax i'm just gonna go you know pick up a hockey stick and go play hey who knows maybe i'll make the maple leafs this year what the fuck are you talking about everybody's skating around with no helmets on. You play baseball. You're using
Starting point is 03:45:46 a thin stick. Somebody says, we should widen that. You go, you know what? That's a good idea. That's how early you are in the game. Sports are just such a tip of the iceberg, though. I feel like that stigma attached to the sports side of it, be it
Starting point is 03:46:02 Lance Armstrong was cheating or this or that it like like actually meeting people who have like done or been on like testosterone replacement therapy and just like how they're like oh dude this totally fucking changed my life like i'm my my whole mental well-being like i feel like me again. It's really weird. I don't know how to explain it. I don't know if with our foods, Kyle, you probably know more about
Starting point is 03:46:31 shit that's put in chicken than anybody here. Our diets, maybe exercise, work, all this other stuff really affecting our hormones and everything. Literally arsenic. If we find a way to balance things really affecting our hormones and everything. Literally arsenic. Literally arsenic.
Starting point is 03:46:47 So if we find a way to balance things out or bring it back to whatever level it should be, it's like I'm all for it. Just be honest. Joe Sonnen is a UFC guy, and he's like, man, I'm on TRT, and I love it. I take it all the time. It makes me a better athlete.
Starting point is 03:47:06 Now that he's not competing, it's time. It makes me a better athlete. Now that he's not competing, it's legal. It makes me a better athlete. It makes me a better husband. It makes me a better dog owner. Because I have more energy and I'm a happier version of me. Somehow the dog owner thing burned into my head. It makes you a better dog owner? Yeah, you walk
Starting point is 03:47:22 the dog more. It builds a good relationship with i don't know i i got the vibe he was just like i'm a better guy to be around you know when i'm on this then i did it why don't you investigate this woody i want you to i i if you go to your doctor and look into this i'll do the same like like maybe your doctor is so much better he really is he might hold me up much better. He really is. He might hook me up. He's so much better. I heard something about, like, I think maybe alcohol lowers your testosterone temporarily. So I figure, like, do, like, three shots, go in and ask for the test. Work out a lot.
Starting point is 03:47:52 I have a secret. I wanted to be low when I go in, though. No, you work out a lot, and it actually drops your testosterone levels. Okay. Fair enough. If I cannot get more, I'm going gonna be 25 next month and if i get any more testosterone i'm gonna go crazy so am i i'm gonna beard coming off your nose yeah i'm just a very hairy individual it's awful like i barely got anything going on
Starting point is 03:48:17 yeah you're just like a wolf man it's yeah i think i know i already asked you this before but but would you consider some sort of like laser like if it were pain i think i know i already asked you this before but but would you consider some sort of like laser like if it were painless especially like if i told you for five grand i'm gonna zap you with some lasers and we're gonna like thin that out by like 95 would you be down no not unless there was like a team of hair placement specialists like figuring out it's me oh it's you my flamethrower not fucking as long as i get to wear the ghostbuster suit no there's no way because no matter what would happen they would like they'd go in and they'd take like too much here and not enough here oh just completely
Starting point is 03:48:56 eliminate one shoulder and the other one still got some action but they leave the five percent all in one square like what if it was plastic surgery level removal? I think the stripe here is kind of cool. I definitely like the happy trail. Well, I got that in spades. You know, you would love to see me in my bathing suit. I would.
Starting point is 03:49:16 I can see Woody going to the hair transplant place, and they're like, well, you really don't need any help from us, sir. You've got one hell of a hairline. They're like, actually, I'd like you to take it from here. And my wife over there, she would like a happy trailer. I would take her and give her the busiest happy trailer ever. It's going to be great. That's funny.
Starting point is 03:49:39 I had a prank idea the other day that I thought would be fun for a hidden camera video. I have no way of facilitating this myself. It's just a funny concept to me, but it was like having a blind guy with the glasses, the cane, and everything go into a gun store and purchase a handgun. And going through the whole process.
Starting point is 03:49:58 Him being like, I think I want a revolver. Give me a.38. And him just being like, yeah. And him at first pointing it the wrong way. Of course, when I pick up a handgun,
Starting point is 03:50:12 the first thing I want to do is like, yeah, that does look nice. I like how that drives. Yeah, I like that. But yeah, exactly, right? Oh, God. I'm searching and assessing in the fucking gun store. It's all cleared here.
Starting point is 03:50:29 I wonder if that guy does that. What if you ask like qualifying questions like, and how many times do you have to pull it before it will fire? Just once. Just one time. I just want him to be like, you know, like, like, you know, putting his finger in the barrel and like, oh, that's a big hole. Wow.
Starting point is 03:50:43 Yeah. Where do the bullets go? Show me. And like getting the guy's hand and feeling his hands and be like, you know, his finger in the barrel and like oh that's a big hole wow yeah where do the bullets go show me and like getting the guy's hand and feeling his hands and be like you know going through the whole purchase buying it and of course the whole time they're just gonna be like what the fuck but i legally i think they have to sell it to him like what if you started off with giant sunglasses it didn't make it completely clear that you were blind right like just like i don't know it just over time oh i want to be obvious immediately is that better you think i want it to be like over the top obvious like white cane and glasses tapping his way in yeah dog maybe that would be funny too but at the end i want him to be like you know
Starting point is 03:51:15 could you load it for me well you still need protection immediately yeah you still have to uh do the nix test and everything so if he can't see he can't answer the questions get help with that though you can you can get someone to help you fill it out because if you're because Chad was telling me they've had people buy guns from that were illiterate and they just walk them through it you don't need to be able to read and write to buy a gun that's hilarious the guy lies about not being able to see he's like oh I'm illiterate I can't read.
Starting point is 03:51:46 I know that they've sold guns to people who were literally illiterate. So if you can do it to them and you can help them through answering the questions, you can certainly do the same thing with a blind guy. You just ask him and fill it out for him. How do you sneak through life illiterate in this day and age? A lot of guys do. What if you're really good at sports mayweather i know two guys who aren't sneaking their way to through very well but they're both
Starting point is 03:52:10 fucking illiterate because they were homeschooled um and and neither one it's those guys that helped my dad you know once 15 once 22 and they're both functionally illiterate i taught them how to read no or right or do basic mathematics um i taught them how to use... They can't read? No, or write. Or do basic mathematics. I taught them how to use a tape measure the other day. We went through fractions. There was one point where I was using quarters to explain it, and one of them went,
Starting point is 03:52:35 so that's why they call it a quarter! And I'm just like, yeah, that is why they call it a quarter. Wow, that's so sad. We had, like, fifth grade math out there for about half an hour and I think I got them on the right path to be, you know, they can read a tape measure now. So did they just not attend school?
Starting point is 03:52:52 Nobody ever sat down and drew some lines in the dirt? No. Well, do these kids have parents or are they just wild feral children living in Georgia? I think my mom has told me that this is called environmental retardation and that's when you're raising your upbringing, your environment when you're raised up is such that it holds you back.
Starting point is 03:53:11 It literally retards your intelligence levels. You're not learning fucking anything, and that's what these kids had. They were homeschooled, but in reality, they're just not doing anything all day. Like the kid's 15 years old, and he works on my dad's farm. And I guess he's learning on my dad's farm like and i guess he's learning like whatever my dad teaches you which is like i don't know pvc pipe today electrical tomorrow the next day we'll do some small engine repair but he's still not learning to fucking read and write dad needs to get some fucking novels out there and get them kids gathered around so what do they how do they they can read really slowly i and i do they, they can read really slowly, I assume, right?
Starting point is 03:53:45 Like they can read really slow in some things. Because otherwise, how could you, you couldn't read what exit you were getting off at, like what road you were going to turn on. You can't read road signs. You can't know what is on the back of the box of Cheez-Its. They can't read and write, but obviously you go through life enough, you know what Cheez-Its look like. You know what the word Cheez-It looks like. Words, in many cases, have become pictograms for them.
Starting point is 03:54:08 Like, you know, they know what the word means, but not why it means it. They think in hieroglyphs. That's weird. Yeah. They're pictographs. Yeah. Emojis. There you go. Next level. That's really all that hieroglyphics was. Just emojis that you had to carve into
Starting point is 03:54:23 stone. Yeah, I mean, they find ways to misspell words, even through text, and that shit has autocorrect, right? Like, it's doing its best to help you along. Well, they think the phone is trying to sabotage them. They don't know a damn thing. Just voice to text, and then read messages. I was at the tractor supply store the other day, and you know how the credit cards
Starting point is 03:54:46 now have a chip in them? Like it's a little more secure? The lady behind the counter was pretty sure that's the mark of the beast. Ah. It's a good thing to run by people behind counters. It just I don't know.
Starting point is 03:55:02 Yeah, she thought it was the mark of the beast. Can someone break down the mark of the beast, what the things are? It's a mark. Basically, it's a mark that is going to be on your right hand or something, and you're going to need it to participate in the economy, buy things, sell things, transactions. I don't know how much of that is actually you know kind of taken through in the bible and explained and how much of it is just like made up like purgatory you know where it's just kind of one
Starting point is 03:55:31 day it happened and now it's just something they believe but i don't know it always it catches my attention like there's religious people and i guess that's fine and then there's religious people who think they want to make it a real active thing yeah the end being near is one of the the key things for me when they're like look like it yeah i'm covered this whole place is about to get destroyed by god's meteorites and a fiery storm but i've accepted jesus and i'm actually kind of looking forward to that day i know that shortly, I'll be pulled up into heaven, and everything will be great, and you know, all this praying I've been doing is really going to make for a happy afterlife for me. Are you hiding, Kyle? No, I'm reading. Oh, okay. I think I thought you were doing another one of those. Oh, no, no, you're doing great over there. i can't behind all that awful stuff you're saying
Starting point is 03:56:25 and and this woman uh you know mark of the beast type like oh yeah the new credit cards they have a chip in them now mark of the beast and it's just like i i don't know if you're qualified to work a cash register if anyone should be able to recognize the mark of the beast it's the person who's dealing with transactions all day, right? Maybe I was wrong. It's Visa in front of you. Everything's fine. They run your card and it's just like... It's like, oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 03:56:55 It's a beastly, hellish card. Anyway. What would it take to get a custom credit card with like demons and shit on it nothing at all like like i i don't know which company exactly but a lot of them do like super customized cards and you can upload your own images and shit yeah that'd be fun that's totally what it should say mark of the beast it's just a mark of the beast and you should i wonder if there were a way to like you know get them to like make the number 666 in there a few times or something oh wow that would be great yeah and then make and then make sure you do it like real slowly in front of your parents while you buy them dinner oh that's my
Starting point is 03:57:35 parents and then once they consume the food once they consume the food you inform them that that they've they've been damned because they've eaten the mark of the Beast food. It's kind of like that dramatic The Omen music where it's like, He's a teacher. It's all loud and monotonous and scary. That'd be good. On a totally different topic, Colin's foot comes out of the boot in like seven days or something like that. That's great.
Starting point is 03:58:01 So just for Richard's update, Woody's son colin had a little bit of a wood chopping accident uh hit his foot with a very sharp axe went through the boot the boots uh severed three tendons they were all reattached successfully it's been in a boot for a while can't really move his toes because it would be bad after the surgery but uh now everything looks great and he's looking forward to doing some more wood chopping very soon once we get the foot off he's really excited he wants to go boot shopping he's uh he hates to miss out on any splitting i've been doing without him um we i've found that there are boots that are cut resistant that like they're
Starting point is 03:58:36 like kevlar or something and they just don't slice very easily shatters all your bones well steel toe i would think would be built in there um you know so uh uh yeah also put them in some like goalie hockey pads or like shin guards or something i think we're you know i'm gonna have him hand me wood while i work a hydraulic splitter for this season let's try this again a little older not You're not asking for my advice, but the one thing that I would do is make sure his axe is duller than normal, because I feel like it went
Starting point is 03:59:12 through that boot like a knife through butter, and it must have been pretty sharp, or he must have swung it real fucking hard, or I guess both. I feel like a duller axe might be a better idea. Or is that worse? Right? I'm not convinced.
Starting point is 03:59:27 It's better. It would be better to have a duller axe. A broken foot with some bad bruising would be better than the tendon damage, I think. And less expensive. We're going to have to mythbust this or something. Well, we'll get a couple of kids,
Starting point is 03:59:42 a couple of axes, and we'll make it happen. Chiz has passed this thing along to me. I think it's on the overlay. If you go to slash pka, this is something that Chiz has cooked up. So I think what he's doing is he's compiled all the PKNs into one giant thing that we're going to sell. It's 80 episodes of content. I'm just reading your notes here. Correct me if I say anything wrong, Chiz.
Starting point is 04:00:08 It says, Running a 10% discount for the next two weeks. Promo code SEASON1. We're selling these because people have been asking for them. Patrons and non-patrons want access to the back catalog of videos. It's kind of an issue when someone signs up for one month of Patreon and all of a sudden they're given all of the previous content. That doesn't seem exactly fair.
Starting point is 04:00:28 So we found a way to make it fair. So you can check it out. There's a lot of content on there. The survival trip episodes are on there. There's me playing with the flamethrower and the potato guns. All that stuff that I did on some of those earlier PKA's that most of you never saw. So if you like it, join the
Starting point is 04:00:43 Patreon page. You can get on there and do it that way. But go to slash pka and you can check this thing out. I think it's pretty cool. If you're interested in it, this is definitely the way to get into PKN. And if not, not. This was a good idea.
Starting point is 04:00:57 I'm glad he did this. Yeah, he spent dozens of hours uploading. Think about 80 episodes of content. It was 80 hours of stuff he had to go in and make sure all the audio was right chis has been spending a lot of time to make this happen which because fans were requesting it and fans fans are complaining about about stuff and wanted to find a solution to all that and it meant chis had to work for like 30 fucking hours on this he hasn't played any video games with us all week every time i ask him he's
Starting point is 04:01:24 like doing stuff doing stuff doing stuff and this is what. Every time I ask him, he's like, doing stuff, doing stuff, doing stuff. And this is what he's doing. He's a hard worker. He's face banking for Bernie Sanders. A busy beaver. How much of that time is phone banking, actually? How much of that time is he uploading? Is he just hitting upload, and then it's, you know, great, I can squeeze in 10, 20 quick calls
Starting point is 04:01:39 for Bernie, and then just give him a ring. Tell the truth, has he done anything for Bernie? $3,200? $3,200? $3,200, $3,300 donated to his campaign. Is that part true, Chiz? Yes. Look at him. He's going to type it in. I don't trust any of you bastards. I don't know.
Starting point is 04:01:57 $7,500 now. Okay, okay. You can't actually even donate that much. Yeah, you can. He donated it. He used his mother, he used several relatives' names to get that money to the Sanders campaign. He's also been donating to the Communism Super Pack, I think you called it,
Starting point is 04:02:14 right? The one that supports... The final solution. The Commies United, I think it's called. Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't have donated that much. 2,700 is the most you can donate did you type that in wrong no you can donate more than that you just have to use proxy names
Starting point is 04:02:30 under one name you think Chiz is going to max out one name for Bernie the Titan Sanders yeah right well I think we're getting pretty close to the end here are there any more topics we want to squeeze in here anything and we need to get covered i got a question for richard ryan about your stuff i don't get your branding you've got rated rr and you've got full mag
Starting point is 04:02:55 and you may have something else in there too what what goes where what i'm confused. Yeah. All right. Well, I'll lay it out for you as easy as possible. I had some aspirations in what I wanted to do with Full Mag a few years ago. And that started actually when I was applying for my dangerous weapons permit because I was wanting to do a more elaborate thing involving a bunch of people in Los Angeles. And then I got a cease and desist from the Motion Picture Association of America. And after talking to my attorneys and everything, they were like, look, you can fight it. Rated R is a noun, represents you, and theirs is a verb for rated R,
Starting point is 04:03:49 indicating that there was a rating thereof. But they've got more money, a lot more money than you, and they're repped by the largest IP firm in the world, and it's just, you're going to go broke. And I was like, well, like well all right well here's me saying all right well i'm just gonna move forward and redo this thing funny enough i still can't say um what i'm doing until like the new front's here in like month, but it's going to get way more confusing. All right. It's going to get way more confusing.
Starting point is 04:04:29 Well, find him now before it gets confusing. Yeah, no, so that's the thing. I tried splitting up Richard Ryan and Full Mag, but the reason why I liked Rated RR as a name was because it always represented me. And when people would get pissy about me doing wingsuiting or whatever it was I was doing that maybe wasn't firearms related. Like as soon as those explosives, like, well, we want to see more guns or destroying iPhones. It's like, dude, this channel is about me.
Starting point is 04:05:05 dude, this channel is about me. And like, if I want to vent creatively, however, I'm going to vent creatively. I work 20 other fucking jobs. I'm not necessarily doing this to make a living. If I, this was my only job, then I probably would treat it more like a business, but it's just a way for me to vent creatively and in a lot of ways and write off my life. Right? And so I've always had that kind of philosophy. And now it's like, okay, I really see where some people just want the gun stuff. Some people just want explosives or wingsuiting. So I've tried splitting it up as much as possible and everything. But across the board, it's pretty much just full Mag and Richard Ryan now. How many people want just infrared videos of
Starting point is 04:05:46 dogs pooping are there any people who you saw that i saw it shut the fuck up that's awesome i was like fuck it i'm gonna burn my audience i don't care because that that small group of people, like you, subscriber numbers are just, that's just, that's arbitrary. The numbers like, like very small percentages of those, some like SEO, like inflates the views and everything else, like from discovery related videos and everything.
Starting point is 04:06:22 There's a very small portion of people who actually watch your videos who are subscribers now. And I'm like, well, screw it. I'm going to make videos for them too. So if they like this, then I said, fuck it. I'm going to infrared my dog or thermal my dog's like taking a crap, and then you see like the eat signature on the ground and everything.
Starting point is 04:06:43 Screw it. I thought it was funny. It's just frustrating. You get in the whole social media world when it comes to freebooting. I've never really embraced anything outside of YouTube. You know what? I'm going to talk shit for a minute. I don't care.
Starting point is 04:07:02 YouTube even pisses me off about certain things. When when, when it comes to freebooting, you got all the guys on Instagram who, who repurpose your content. And then they, they, they put all these tags, descriptions and stuff, and then they'll put, uh, via your name, but not even hyperlink or credit you. it's like okay you just stole my content to repurpose it and everything it's just it's ridiculous and then on top of that uh you got and i i don't know i don't even know if this is going to come back to bite me in the ass but i'm going to tell you the facts um viewers will tell you if somebody steals your content, right? So WatchMojo took a,
Starting point is 04:07:47 made a video about what happens when you get shot by a gun, right? So they stole two of my videos that were watermarked, just the slow motion stuff that say full mag on it and everything. They re-edited with videos from movies and shit like that. They made a completely new creative narrative. They're not commenting on my videos. They're not referencing my videos. There's nothing in the description that would lead people to me. They don't say my name or anything. It's a completely different narrative, right? I do a copyright claim on it and show YouTube, Google where all the information was and everything and what videos they came from, and they pull it down. Two days later, it's back. YouTube sends me an email that says, show us where you're litigating this or prosecuting them, or the video goes back up.
Starting point is 04:08:50 They stole my footage and not even close to being a fair use argument. And then YouTube's like, fuck it. They've got more subscribers than you. That sucks. I was thinking though Devin Supertramp, he also makes videos that just lend themselves to freebooting. I prefer
Starting point is 04:09:13 the term viewjacking. I think that's better described. Viewjacking. Anyway, he sells his stuff. What is it called when they sell the clips? Licensing. I do that too. I do that too. Yeah, I charge.
Starting point is 04:09:28 So I have companies like on a regular basis, like reach out for slow-mo footage of like ballistics and stuff like that. And I tell them like, this is what it costs to run a slow-mo camera per day. This is what it costs per operator. So if you were to do this shoot, you'd pay X amount of money. And so that's why my rate is X. And 90% of the time they don't pay it. Other 10% of the time I license my footage out.
Starting point is 04:09:55 And it's just, it's really frustrating. It's really frustrating. Devin breaks down his three income sources. Of course course there's the youtube pre-rolls right that's a thing there's um you know uh brand integration right that's a thing and then the third one is what we're talking about selling the footage there's a term it's like it's not i have clip art in my head but it's something like that it's like um when they just sell clips and how is it on the tip of your tongue too? To me, it's licensing what you're talking about. I've done that before. Like people wanted to use, I don't know, news channels.
Starting point is 04:10:32 There's been a half a dozen times they wanted to use a clip of something. Sometimes they just need a car exploding or whatever they need. I've done it twice. Real cheap though. I did it once with the leaf blower video and once with the dog bark collar video. Like I said, whenever it goes on TV, I get a million tweets about it like I just saw you on this channel yeah I think usually it's free I think I think once I got paid a lot of money but most of the time it's just like yeah yeah use it I don't yeah sure yeah yeah mine was in the hundreds like
Starting point is 04:10:59 it wasn't any big deal yeah for digital it's like it's way than, and that's the way I break it down too. You have digital, TV, and theatrical, and then depending on the scale and everything, there are different rates. Just for internet, it's super cheap. I think stock footage is the term I'm looking for. Yeah, no, that's it, stock footage. So yeah, you can sell the stock footage, and a lot of the stuff that you make,
Starting point is 04:11:23 or Kyle makes for that matter, are just really eligible for it right no one wants stock footage of me freaking working on my stable you know but uh but if you know i do man hammering oh do you don't know what it would cost to reproduce this yeah but taylor you muted it seems. Oh, sorry. I was saying I want one with you in a hard hat and a clipboard kind of like sun behind you and you're pointing at something off screen like kind of furrowing your brow like that's not right. No, I know construction and that's not the way it should be. And that would be a good.
Starting point is 04:11:58 But yeah, I didn't know that you were already sold stock footage, but it seems like your channel just really lends itself to it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Richard Ryan and Full Mag for now. Yeah. And then coming soon, you should name it like a Call of Duty player, right?
Starting point is 04:12:18 Like XXRichardRyanXXCasual. Triple X. Still. 86. With a Z in there. Check him out. That was a good show. That was fun. Thanks for coming on, man.
Starting point is 04:12:35 Thank you for fucking having me. It's always awesome coming on here. Check out our sponsors down below or wherever the fuck they are. Click those links. Check them out if you're interested in any of those fine products and or services. Very good. Thanks, guys. See you later.

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