Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #288

Episode Date: July 1, 2016

This week on PKA, Anthony Cumia returns and the guys talk about his recent visit to rehab, the AR-15 and jokingly discuss the BREXIT....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we're live, Painkiller already, episode 288. Hey, can I jump in before the ads? Yeah. A quick thing, we're trying something new. So we're going to go for probably about 40 minutes, an hour before our guest joins, and then he becomes available a little bit into the show. So you guys can see, I know Taylor and Kyle can see,
Starting point is 00:00:17 but Anthony Cumia is going to be our guest, and he'll be joining us roughly 40 minutes from now. Kyle? Yep, got three sponsors tonight. Dollar Shave Club, Movement Watches, and USA's Mr. Robot, which a lot of you were a fan of. We'll be talking about all of them later on in the show, explain each one of them to
Starting point is 00:00:34 you, but for now, let's just get into it. So yeah, Kumi is coming on later. You guys were telling me... You guys were saying he's in some hot water, so it'll be fun to see what's going on with that. He always seems to be, like the very first time we had him on the thing we were discussing was was it you know the the accusations of racism and all the twitter he had made some tweets that could be interpreted harshly yeah and he got fired from that massive uh uh contract from from sirius so
Starting point is 00:01:00 so yeah he's always in it so it'd be be fun to talk to him. I was always having conversations with myself about this before the show started. And typically, and I hope this holds true tonight, Anthony is an open book. Like, if he's in hot water and in the public thing, he's never like, no, no, no, we're just here to talk about Rampart. Right? For the AMA reference.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Like, he'll be like, oh, yeah, let me tell you about my experiences there. And I hope that he does that this show. We'll find out. We will. I like how he's handled stuff like that in the past as far as being open with it. Admittedly, like I followed his whole firing from Sirius XM closely because I was listening to ONA all the time at that time. Since ONA stopped, I haven't followed him as much. Really, like, what's going on with whatever
Starting point is 00:01:46 his current court case is, I don't 100% know. But he's really got... My understanding is he has fuck you money, and so that lets him just kind of say whatever. Like, yeah, I got accused of this, you know, people think I'm really racist, but what are you gonna do? I guess I'm gonna go get my hot tub and, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:02 maybe tap my Guinness keg. My third Guinness keg downstairs But yeah, I really like Anthony. He's a funny fucking guy, but big said I was racist so I have fucked a black transsexual Let's see him say that now if that is true, that's a silver bullet of Impenetrability he's like I do the left where it's like man, you're a racist and you're a transphobe, oh yeah? Well, I fucked a black transgender person, so there. Let me introduce you
Starting point is 00:02:30 to Jamal here. Jamalette. Dude, that's like the plotline behind Orange is the New Black this season. I've never seen an episode of that. I haven't either. Okay, minor spoilers. There's a
Starting point is 00:02:47 celebrity who gets introduced this season as an inmate, and I think she's meant to be Martha Stewart. There's a lot of parallels, but not exactly. Anyway, she's accused of being racist while she's in there. She doesn't become a lesbian,
Starting point is 00:03:04 but she has these as he's like impromptu photo ops where she's like kissing black women and uh and not just like i don't know how to like the the blackest of black women right giant dark skinned i'm trying to say this gingerly, but like... You mean like a ginger or carefully? Carefully. Okay. The black woman that she kisses, you know, is... Got some soul? Got some soul.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Perfect. I think that works for me. She's got some soul. And like she couldn't have picked a better version. Would CNN call them urban? Maybe. I really wish I hadn't gone down this road because there's going to be Woody Exposed videos all over like I'm the next Keystar. There's a lot of shootings on that road.
Starting point is 00:03:59 She's from MLK Boulevard. What? That's a Chris Rocker team. MLK Boulevard. So. Well, now, yeah. What? That's a Chris Rocker team. There's an MLK Boulevard in every single city. Right. In every single one of, like, that's, like, the barometer for downtown St. Louis of, like, if you know a story's going to be good, if you're talking to a friend, they're like, so I was on MLK. And you're like, oh, and what were you doing there?
Starting point is 00:04:20 I know you weren't lost because you live here, so you were doing something fucky. You know, you couldn't find the drugs you wanted in the other counties, so you had to really delve deeper. So anyway, that's a plot line from Orange is the New Black. She pretends to be a lesbian into black women and poses for photos and stuff. That sounds smart. That's what Donald Trump should do, too. He should bring out a black lover. Like, you know what? This is Emilio. He's been Donald Trump should do, too. He should bring out a black lover. Like, you know what? This is Emilio. He's been with me since the 80s.
Starting point is 00:04:48 He helped me design Trump Tower. Like, start making out with a black guy on stage. What are they going to do with that? I would pretend to be anything. If they were like, you're sentenced to prison for 30 years, gavel bang, get out of here. I would be a neo-Nazi the first day with no qualms because that's the only way that I think, like, if you're in a real prison,
Starting point is 00:05:11 you have to join a gang, right? Like, if you don't, you're kind of fucked. And I don't think that the Latin Kings or some other group is going to be like, oh, yeah, we'll get, you know, glasses-wearing white guy. Like, I'm going to have to immediately, like, get a fucking
Starting point is 00:05:25 pen and start stabbing as they're convicting me. Put that pen down! No, I've got to hurry up! I'm going to jail! I'm putting a swastika in right now! I don't really have a good prison survival strategy. Sometimes people are like, what do you train for? No, that's not going to help.
Starting point is 00:05:42 We all know it's not going to help. They're going to have some sort of fair 1v1. Are we gonna lay the mats out first? Is that step one? Of this thing? No, they're gonna kick my ass at, like, the cafeteria table. I'll be like... I wanna go in there with a good, tight, 3-5
Starting point is 00:05:57 minute set, so that you can just entertain everyone. When they start fucking with it, you just wanna be like, just kinda stand up on a chair and start doing stand up you want them laughing if you could do that i think you can bring all what if you had prison humor too what if it was jokes about the white guys and the black guys and the mexican guys and you had situational observational and they all just like you just roast them i don't know that or yes you you go with the i don't know that you have to be a like join a game maybe you could just
Starting point is 00:06:25 like just be you and just keep your head down but yeah if you did have to join one i think we all know which gang we're gonna fit into am i the only one that has like some related like prison anxiety like oh fuck what would i do i don't know like this is just a situation which i won't thrive in this is terrible because like you have to, like, you have to go to real... The first day of everything's a little rough. Like, to go to real fucking prison, you have to do something fucked up, or you have to fuck up a ton of times, you know? Like, you have to really rack up those loitering charges before they're throwing you in with, you know, fucking Tony Stevens White. You forgot your visa bill, Mr. Woodworth.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Three to five! Like, that's not gonna happen. You forgot your visa bill, Mr. Woodworth. Three to five. You have to do something like arson. I guess just arson. You have to do something like that, I think. Or violent crimes. I know I'm never going to do something like that, so I'm not worried. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:20 When that concussed elderly neighbor stumbles into Woody's kitchen at three in the morning and Woody blows him away, he's going to be... I don't know. When that concussed elderly neighbor stumbles into Woody's kitchen at 3 in the morning and Woody blows him away, he's going to be – I don't know you. That's my purse. That's the castle doctrine, man. I'm safe. Don't come in my house without an invite, baby. That's how it is in Missouri too.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Yeah. I think we're all in states like that, aren't we? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, man. North Carolina, people have no idea. The Castle Doctrine means that if the – it used to be,
Starting point is 00:07:52 and I learned a lot about this during my concealed permit course, that if someone was already in your house, you couldn't shoot them. Like there they are with your toaster, like clearly stealing it. That's like proof of intent not to hurt you. They have to like drop the toaster and run at you for you to be clear to shoot in the old days. Interestingly though, if they were banging on your door, you could shoot them through the door if you wanted.
Starting point is 00:08:18 But if they're already in the house and there they are with your toaster, no shooting. Now, if they're in your house, open fire. Like, that's how the castle doctrine works. If there's bad guys in your house, you don't have to wait for them to prove that they're bad. But if it turns out that they weren't bad, you're going to be in a lot of hot water.
Starting point is 00:08:37 I guarantee you that if it's your concussed elderly neighbor looking for help for his wife, and you've gunned him down without even, like, checking even checking a pulse, there's going to be hell to pay. Probably. And concussed elderly neighbors are a pretty extreme scenario. But if it's like your propane guy who thought he could just enter the house and check on things without talking to you first, you're probably clear. You don't know Larry the propaneane guy i don't damn he sells
Starting point is 00:09:06 propane and propane accessories i don't know how close you guys are to like driving into another state from where your house is very close so when you took your concealed weapons permit did they have to like give you rules for the surrounding states yes it's interesting you bring that up because it's only just recently that south Carolina has implemented reciprocity for their concealed carry permits with Georgia. Up until then, it was like my permit didn't work in South Carolina, but it worked everywhere else surrounding and maybe 40, 45 other states in the union. But now I believe we have reciprocity with them. reciprocity with them and i'm sure the reason was because our uh requirements to to to obtain a concealed carry license permit is you got to have a pulse no criminal record and like 50 bucks and then they just you know it's a they just issue them to you whereas in south carolina
Starting point is 00:09:57 like north carolina where woody is i think there was a class and uh some training yeah the closest state here because when i took my course like they give you like i'm very very close obviously to illinois like only 20 minutes away or whatever and so they'll they gave us like yeah if you're in missouri driving around have that thing loaded set it on like your seat just whatever keep it 100 rounds and like a thousand rounds in the back just hog hog wild, hunky-dory. If you find yourself on the bridge driving into Illinois and you have that loaded gun with you, you may as well just roll down your window and throw it into the Mississippi.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Because if you get pulled over in Illinois with this legal thing in Missouri, you're in a lot of trouble. You will go to jail. So what do we do? We don't bring our guns to Illinois. I accidentally brought a gun to Illinois. I accidentally brought a gun to Illinois once. That's fucking bad. I know.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And we checked the truck so hard before... Oh no. But that's just him, right? You still with me, Taylor? I'm still with you. That's just him. And they checked the truck so hard before... What next? We're on the edge of our seat.
Starting point is 00:11:06 We want to know. I'm just trying to remember where it left off because it's going to speed up his voice in a couple seconds. And it's going to go. And then we went to the show. And it's like, well, god damn it. We lost the whole thing. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I don't know. That's how it always ends up going. So here's the deal. In North Carolina, if somebody is – oh, shucks. Now he moved around. In North Carolina, if someone is entering your house, you're free to shoot. So they told us about this case where – oh, sorry, Kyle. We lost you for a bit.
Starting point is 00:11:37 They told us about this case where a guy was sleeping over at his girlfriend's apartment, right? And bad guy, legit actual bad guy coming in through the window guy had a police record with assault and violent crimes on it and the whole nine yards boyfriend pulls out the gun shoots bad guy as he comes in the house he was in hot water because they're like sure you can defend your home but he's not home he's at his girlfriend's place right now and you know suddenly like he was supposed to retreat or something. I don't know. But he ended up winning, but he had, like, trouble with it.
Starting point is 00:12:09 That would be crazy if he lost. What was he supposed to do, hand the gun to his girlfriend who purportedly, I guess, doesn't have any gun knowledge? Like, how is that better? Yeah. If I'm at, you know, Kyle's house and assuming, or if Kyle's at my house and I assume I know nothing about guns and someone's knocking on my door trying to bust it down, Kyle has to give me a gun and be like, all right, that's the safety.
Starting point is 00:12:31 You're going to want to keep your finger off the trigger until he bursts through the door and starts firing at us. Don't worry. Those are full metal jacket rounds. They're going to go right through the wall and him. Yeah, right through the wall and him and your neighbor and your neighbor's neighbor. So aim low. Yeah. So to me, my home is wherever i'm sleeping that night like if i'm in a hotel room i feel like the castle doctrine i don't know if it does should extend to that hotel room on me i
Starting point is 00:12:54 agree you know i agree i think it does i think there's a whole thing so i want to talk a little bit about the the the britain's exit from uh the european Union because Chiz just linked it here. So the votes are being tallied right now, and it looks like the vote to leave has 161,744 votes. Those voting to remain in the European Union, a bit below that, at 158,537, that at 158,537, a difference of about 3,200 votes, roughly, for them leaving. There's, um... I don't see what you see. Where, where... Oh, I'm sorry, it's at the top center.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yeah, BBC News. Now, what's really interesting is the other link, the push, showing you the value of the British pound, and it's absolutely fallen to nothing kitty was doing something with the pound this afternoon before that happened so i hope she went the right way she was like oh they vote me today the pound's gonna do this in it i want to make a boatload of money and she was like moving stuff around so i hope she did it the right way so so let me just to repeat what kyle said in hundred thousands it's 161 to 158 in favor of leaving but virtually tied um do you guys have an opinion on this or i i tried to look
Starting point is 00:14:14 into it a very cursory look at the situation and i feel like from my little bit of knowledge that leaving makes more sense but i also am not very informed like yeah what do you guys know i same thing very cursory knowledge like i i feel like the uk is one of the stronger members of the eu so if they leave the eu is suddenly like the bt lesser right yeah now it's jv and there yeah and there's some strength in numbers like If the Euro wants to really compete with the dollar, say, then England should be in it. But for England, maybe it's in their best interest not to be in it. I know I don't want America to join it.
Starting point is 00:14:54 In some regards, I think it is, and in some it isn't, right? I was talking to Kitty about this. I was asking how her family was voting, and the smart members of her family, who are a bit conservative, I think, were voting to stay. And interesting enough her in-law who's from a different country was voting to leave. I think one of the bonuses that some see from leaving maybe is that they have more control over their immigration policies and their economy. But I think that they also are going to have to pay more from goods from
Starting point is 00:15:25 the EU countries now. I don't know how that's going to affect their economy in the long run, but the idea of not being a part of not having other people decide things for you just feels right. It just feels like a little bit of liberty. Yeah, it does, doesn't it? When you hear that, oh yeah, there's
Starting point is 00:15:41 a big group that we're a part of over there, and they decided this, so we gotta do that over here now, you're just you kind of feel a little bit trampled on, a little weighed down by people who aren't representative of you necessarily. And knowing that that group can dictate policies and things to your leaders that you chose, and that your leaders aren't able to do things that they would obviously promise in campaigns because it would counteract the wishes of the EU or whatever. promise in campaigns because it would you know counteract the wishes of the eu or whatever like the obviously i've said it very simple understanding but if the uk is so fucking successful and basically uh buoying the eu at like what what is their incentive to stay in it like what how does it help them you know or is like i don't know i don't know again i have a very cursory understanding of it too when it first started and I was kind of young, so I like, I didn't have, I feel like you can understand politics, but unless you've understood politics for 10 years,
Starting point is 00:16:32 you don't have the context. And that's where I was when the EU started, but it was like, oh, wow. So Europe is going to become a country, you know, that's not the start of this thing, but that's how I saw it going. I was like, huh, Europe is going to be a parallel to America, or maybe even better, I don't know. Now that I feel like it's played out for a while, that didn't really happen. It seemed like the weaker states, for air quotes, have held back the stronger states, and they never quite got along. But my vision of it at the start was that this would become America almost.
Starting point is 00:17:08 God damn it, Lithuania, pull your own weight. Yeah, except that instead of North Carolina and California and New York, it was going to be England and Germany and France. I don't know the distribution of power in the EU. So if the grand king of England shows up, and the Prime Minister of Liechtenstein show up, and do they both get one vote?
Starting point is 00:17:31 That's exactly how it works. If that's how it works, then that is obscene. That's ridiculous, because then it's just tiny little countries. He's very upset about losing this amount of power. Really? You don't think it's going to give Liechtenstein a chance to finally seize the opportunity? Well, if the King of England is going on soon, we'll see what he has to say.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Yeah, I don't know anything about Lichtenstein. We don't know enough about this to talk about, I don't think. But I think it's interesting. That's the first true thing we've said thus far. I agree. Without having any specific knowledge about the ins and outs it's clear that there are positives to staying and negatives to staying and
Starting point is 00:18:10 vice versa for leaving as well you know so I think it's interesting because it's one of the bigger countries in the world making a massive decision and seeing how it affected their currency is really interesting so we'll see how it plays out that's cool yeah I don't really care either way I don't really care either way.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Because it doesn't really impact me directly. Maybe it'll impact the economy in a way that impacts us eventually, but I don't know. There is something visceral, like what you said, Kyle, of like, yeah, they should be able to dictate their own decisions. That's their country. They should be able to do what they
Starting point is 00:18:42 want with it. But if most of their country wants to stay in the European Union, then they are doing what they want with it. Yeah, exactly. I'm very – I like that they are voting. I like that. Yeah, I do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:52 I think that's what I like. I'm really freedom-based in my politics, and I think I've become more so since I moved into this house. I don't know what it is, but something about having a little elbow room. It's as dumb as this is. You're able to exercise some more of your rights, so they mean more to you. And I recognize that this next thing I'm about to say is dumb, but hang in there because it's just
Starting point is 00:19:14 emotional. Something about getting my water from the ground and having my own septic system has made me my own island. Hopefully different tanks. Don't judge. We got a Brita. me my own island it's hopefully different tanks yeah yeah you know don't judge hey but yeah it's just like like all right you know yeah so we get my the only thing i get from like the the grid out there is electricity and even that i'm like wouldn't it be great if i had my
Starting point is 00:19:40 own solar i would have my own like country here. And, you know, with the exception of perhaps trash service. But something about that has made me a little more don't tread on me. Like a little more like, you know, like just, I don't know. Every day that passes that doesn't include you planting your first crop is a shock to me. I don't know. You've got the tools. You've got the talent. You've got the tools. You've got the talent. You've got the land.
Starting point is 00:20:06 You've got everything it takes. I am shocked that Colin and Hope are not out there in overalls picking peas or something or carrots and stuff. They really should be. Good point. Yeah, I don't know. I've just become a little more don't try to be a little more. I feel like when I was packed in in the cul-de-sac over there,
Starting point is 00:20:21 it was like, you know, we live in a community. This is a society. We have rules and understanding. And now it's not that I don't live in a society. It's just that it's a little more like I enter and leave it, whereas before I was always in it. And you can paint your mailbox however you want now. That's literally a thing.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Yeah. Not only could I not paint my mailbox anything I wanted, I had to buy my mailbox from an approved vendor. You know, you couldn't just go to Home Depot and get a mailbox. Something subtle about it will be different. Oh, is that a plastic red flag? No, no siree.
Starting point is 00:20:59 You need a metal red flag in this neighborhood. Your mailbox is slightly different than your peers. And, you know, so you would go to an approved, and they were so expensive it was like 320 for a mailbox or something and uh they're like 1995 but just mildly different we had a neighbor who'd got a new mailbox and it was the same in every way except that didn't have the brass straps across the top that shit doesn't fly in amherst you better find a way to get some brass straps on that mailbox and yeah yeah so now and by the way that's what we need our government doing and investing time and making sure that we have mailbox continuity it's a homeowners association
Starting point is 00:21:39 homeowners association is what it was and which is, it's kind of a form of government, and they're definitely supported by the government. The government will say, yeah, homeowners, there's a hierarchy of laws. It's like state, county, city, homeowners association. If it's not defined by those other ones. But the point being is that it is kind of a law because if you said, no, screw you, homeowners association,
Starting point is 00:22:00 they wouldn't just say rats. They'd call their bluff, like something would happen. They could literally take your house from you. Government-related in a way. My view on HOAs is if that's what you want, cool. When I bought that house, I knew it had an
Starting point is 00:22:16 HOA. I felt like I signed the papers. I agreed to it. I liked we had a neighbor down there four doors down from us. He had a Corvette, which sounds nice, but it was like a project he never worked on. And it literally sat on four flat tires in his driveway. If you can imagine this and the paint on it was getting like cloudy and you know how you
Starting point is 00:22:39 get those like, I don't know, patches and it looked like hell. And then he put a tarp on it but the tarp was never like properly put on it so like the corner would be exposed and it would blow in the rain and he doesn't know sloppy tarpmanship yes right it looked like hell it was like a broken down car in his driveway that just sat there for months and the HOA was like you know you can't have that and I think he sold it or something and I I never said anything like I I never read it on anyone because I'm not a perfect person either you know the moment I read on your car my yard comes up as a topic you know crabgrass was not nice it's so that's what that's one of
Starting point is 00:23:23 the things that's so funny to me In your last home We used to talk about how awful your yard was And I'd be like yeah you could put some stuff out here You know a little turf You'd have yourself a couple hundred square feet of grass To put your bare feet on And you're like ah fuck it I was like do you pay somebody to cut it
Starting point is 00:23:39 It mostly just dies on its own It's hard to support A stalk of grass taller than this around here. It was tough. So our front yard, one, it had a really big oak tree in it. And that apparently kills all the grass nearby. And two, it had an incline. And at one time, I remember this.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Oh, my God. I worked my ass off to take this really hard, compacted, awful clay. And I'm with a hand raking making it all loose and puffy and nice and then i spread my um it's grass seed on it and then i put like lime or whatever fertilizer they told me to put on it and then i put hay on it and i start watering it daily and i'm trying to like bring back my front yard and what grows the fucking hay i put on it like that's it you know now i've got these like like ah this is awful that's not what i wanted at all so i it yeah anyway it was hard to grow
Starting point is 00:24:31 there going complete in the front yard yeah really sparsely yeah i'm like there's none of it like this like and i did the right time of year i thought i did it all right i just i am i suck at growing grass so anyway i don't know how I got on this topic. But yeah, somehow moving from that subdivision to this little oasis has made me just a little more like, yeah, I like rules that let people even do stupid things if they want. I don't think a mountain should be off limits to climbing because it's dangerous. If you want to climb a mountain, knock yourself out. I kind of feel that way about gun rights too. I know some people will disagree. Paramotoring, right? I like the laws that we have now. So it's, you can't bring passengers unless you're like licensed and stuff. But the general idea behind the paramotor licensing is like, dude, you don't need a license, knock yourself out because the only guy that gets hurt
Starting point is 00:25:23 in this is you and you're allowed to do that. And you know, that's why there's no like requirements for, for doing the paramotor thing. So, uh, yeah, I like fly around. You should be able to fly around, just not over heavily populated areas. That's actually a rule. A lot of electrical lines. That's not a rule. You're allowed to hit those. Lines aren't breaking in this scenario.
Starting point is 00:25:50 We're going to get some great live leak clips once this becomes more of a mainstream hobby. Whole montages of people just like bugs on those zappers. So if you don't hit the ground, then you can fly into power lines. It's just you need to drop the last six feet. You know? I don't understand electricity sometimes, but you know,
Starting point is 00:26:15 I was talking to my brother about electrocuting yourself and not, and this is when I was wiring the stable, and he's like, but if you're in this situation, you're like a bird on a wire. I don't know exactly why birds on wires don't get electrocuted. Something to do with was wiring the stable. And he's like, but if you're in this situation, you're like a bird on a wire. I don't know exactly why birds on wires don't get electrocuted.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Something to do with not touching the ground. Yeah, I know this intellectually, but I don't know why it never goes up one leg and like takes a little detour, like tests it real quick. I know that if you put like an insulator there, it gets shocked very momentarily before the electricity like figures out
Starting point is 00:26:44 that that's a dead end. I just – there's a lot of electricity. If you told me to wire something in serial and parallel, I'd have to look it up again, as I've done 50 times before. It just can't see the – I suck at electricity mostly. I can wire up a stable because that's fucking easy once you know how and if you call your brother a lot. And if you call your brother who's an electrical engineer, you know how and if you call your brother a lot but if you call your brother who's an electrical engineer you know cake yeah i do call it more than i should admit like you don't see it on the vlogs like oh yeah here i am i just did some 220 it really wasn't a big deal
Starting point is 00:27:16 but sometimes i'll be like pat yeah yeah does it matter you know like which one's hot and which one's cold or just like keep them the same you know it's it doesn't answer the question like oh oh yeah yeah you were you about to do that oh jesus i was about to be an only child actually the one time i asked is he's like it doesn't matter like morally ethically via code or mechanically like you can you know change those around and i'm like oh yeah that's what i thought maybe that's why i didn't know that's a question you have to take seriously like if you're an electrical engineer like that and someone asks you a question like you like if if you're i don't know uh an orthodontist and someone's like do i really need i hey taylor orthodontist taylor do i really have
Starting point is 00:28:00 to floss three times a day no no stop calling me whatever just stop stop but if you're an electrical engineer you have to really take all of those bullshit questions seriously because you to floss three times a day no no stop calling me whatever just stop stop but if you're an electrical engineer you have to really take all of those bullshit questions seriously because you can't just play it off like yeah woody whatever it's fine yeah you might get shocked okay i i fucking wheel of fortune's on all right bye someone could die yeah it's helpful to have pat uh you know my via phone people want him as a p guest. I want him as a vlog guest. I think that would be fun for people to meet my brother. Does he not want to do PKA?
Starting point is 00:28:30 Or does he just not do it? I bet he'd be willing to do it. But I worry about it. First of all, he's a regular person, right? Like, he doesn't on the daily talk to 150,000 plus iTunes, you know, whatever, and try to tell entertainment. He's a regular person. plus iTunes, you know, whatever, and try to tell entertainment.
Starting point is 00:28:44 He's a regular person. And then, you know, I worry that his mic and camera would not be up to snuff. If we grab a random YouTuber, just grab one with 50,000 subs, I bet he's got a relatively professional audio setup and a decent video. But if you just call your electrician,
Starting point is 00:29:02 they might not. So I think it'd be better to visit him. Go camping or something and have him on a vlog. So the vote has shifted towards staying by over 20,000 now. 20,000 votes more to remain than to leave. Almost exactly. So I've got all my PC parts now. I got my monitor
Starting point is 00:29:25 and case and everything. It's so wide. I love it so much. It's the 34 inches wide, but it's the, what is it, 2540x14? No, it's 3440x1440. Something like 36 maybe? 3440x1440.
Starting point is 00:29:42 It's the ultra wide. It's, ultra-wide. Go ahead. We were playing Company of Heroes last night, Nietzsche's and Kyle, and just every 15, 20 minutes or so we'd be in silence playing, and you'd just hear from Kyle like, oh, this is just so great.
Starting point is 00:29:57 This is just so great. Just clearly so happy, and I was sitting there a little bit bitter, like, oh, wow, I can't even see the scared emotion on my soldiers faces as they get mowed down by you know anti-infantry tanks but Kyle can like I need to get a nice monitor now I am I have a comparable monitor Kyle's except that it's flat his is curved also his is higher megahertz this is the latest and greatest and mine's from last year but uh it is great it's
Starting point is 00:30:25 like having four monitors almost because i've got the triple setup the middle one's pretty much two and if you've ever had multiple monitors you know one is kind of the one you use and then the other two are the ones you like i don't know monitor like put skype over there but if you actually use it you bring it to the center uh it's like having two in the middle it's nice it's yeah i'm really digging it we did something a picture of you sitting there looking like a kid who just had a surprise ice cream cake brought out to him on his birthday as you're sitting on your couch like it's not even hooked up in that photo i just had put the the monitor like on the base the base is really big and like conceals the cables and stuff and has LEDs in it. So I get this thing together, and I'm just looking at it like,
Starting point is 00:31:09 it's so much wider than I thought it would be. It's great. Really glad. And it's expensive. So I was worried that I wasn't going to like it. It was $1,300 or something like that. That's a lot for a PC monitor. It requires that pimp desk, too.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Yeah, I got the desk moving along. I went and got some 40-something-year-old lumber that's cut out of a telephone pole. It's white oak, so it's dried out. It's hard as a rock. I'm getting it playing today. It's 9 feet 7 inches from one wall to the other in this room back behind me. wall to the other and this room back behind me. So I'm going to go like wall to wall with the desk and
Starting point is 00:31:45 put this monitor and a 40 something inch 4K monitor on a stand. I'm thinking about dangling the 40 inch 4K from the ceiling. I sell these ceiling mounts so it could like drop down in front of this one when I want it to without there being a whole bunch of hassle. So I might do that.
Starting point is 00:32:02 When you put it on the wall, it's so wide. One thing I would consider, so obviously you're going to support it on the two sides right so you get kind of a floating desk type thing i wonder if shelf supports at like the one-third and two-thirds mark would be good because they are okay put 12 inch brackets under there my first thought was in the center but that's where you're going to be so you might not want that but if you yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna put some 12 inch brackets there and you know I'll have supports screwed to the wall on the side and I'll put some kind of lip on this thing I'll find some more hardwood or something that'll look nice like a breadboard front you mean maybe yeah like yeah turn sideways so it's
Starting point is 00:32:39 it's just not just the edges of the plus it can make it thick like I've got a I how thick is your board do you know what it is did they two inches two inches so did they call it eight quarter that's uh they didn't call it anything like like i went and got the wood myself and like it's i measured it it's two inches that is thick wood yeah i was hoping that you would get all your setup and you could give it like a baptism by fire with this Company of Heroes 2 tournament that we're missing at this very moment. Oh, man. It was going to be... So I've got to assemble the components. I've got all the components upstairs. You know, my case, my hard drives, you know what's in there. But there's a big pile of stuff, and it's going to take... I've watched enough videos
Starting point is 00:33:19 that I know what to do in step, and specifically with the case I have. Like, I found two videos that use that case and utilize some of its little shortcuts. So I'm pretty confident I can do it. The only part that I'm a little like, eh, here we go, is putting the thermal paste on and putting the cooler on the CPU. But other than that,
Starting point is 00:33:38 I think it'll take five, six hours or something like that to put it together. But I'm still waiting on the graphics card. I want the Asus Strix overclocked edition 1080. And they were in stock. Every time they're in stock, I miss it by like 10 minutes because I've got this alarm that goes off. The last time they were in stock was when we were recording PKN this week.
Starting point is 00:34:00 They came into stock for about 15 minutes. When I got back upstairs, it was like, in stock, and I'll go to the website, out of stock. I'll get it when I get it. I'm not sure exactly when I'll be playing games with the whole setup, but I'm excited about it. That's going to be cool. Yeah, it's really neat. Yeah. And that 1080 is so pimp.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I have a Titan, but it's the old school Titan. Think of it as a 780 Ti, roughly. a titan but it's the old school titan like think of it as a 780 ti roughly and uh at the 34 inch wide screen new games can test it man you know like it was it if i play rocket league and i use the gpu to encode it like for a live stream it struggles it gets bumpy you can't do both but at 1080 or 1440 you can just not widescreen yeah i Yeah, this is going to make it a lot easier to make videos. So I may make some gaming stuff because it would render really quickly. And I can play in the high. I never wanted to upload 1080p 60 frames or 30 frames because I felt like we kind of moved past that.
Starting point is 00:35:00 And maybe that's the lowest you can be. You certainly don't come out with some 720 shit so you know I can do this in Ultra HD and that'd be really cool I watched some videos just on it just enjoying the high frame rates this is 100 hertz so I was just looking for videos that would take advantage
Starting point is 00:35:17 of the high frame rate and I watched Need for Speed for example I did watch your latest vlog 60 frames per second i i was but i watched need for speed the newest one um and it's i don't even like racing games and it made me want to get it like just the wet asphalt looked real um it was very cool so i'm just yeah big fan of what i bought here laughing at my own vlogs like you wouldn't want to watch someone read fan mail in less than 60 frames per second.
Starting point is 00:35:48 It just wouldn't capture all the nuance of reading a letter. So did you guys hear? Kyle, I know you did. You were talking my ear off about it all night. The NHL finally settled on a Vegas team. So the commissioner came out, and they're adding a team for Las Vegas in 2017 to 2018. Who's it going to be? So they're adding a team?
Starting point is 00:36:11 They're adding a team, yes. Oh, so it's an expansion team. So they didn't pick the owner yet? I don't know. They haven't picked the owner yet. They haven't even picked the name yet. Historically with Vegas teams, like one of the tricky things the rich people
Starting point is 00:36:25 there own casinos and they don't like like gambling organizations to own their sports teams be interesting to see how that plays out oh they do they have an owner already uh i just don't know what he's gonna name it but uh i think he had to pay half a billion dollars as like you know how you have to pay a bunch of money to buy a franchise? So it cost him like half a billion. Oh, sure, I'm familiar with that. You don't have to tell me. I mean, compared to like the NFL, that's probably pennies.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Like if you wanted to start an NFL team now, like I'm starting up the St. Louis Rams too. Like I bet it would cost you like billions and billions. Maybe not for the Rams. I'm excited for it. I like when there's expansion teams because there's at least a few years there where I don't hate them
Starting point is 00:37:10 and so I kind of can root for them until inevitably Vegas beats St. Louis in the first round and wins the cup and then I will hate them. Do they steal players from the other teams out the get-go? That's what they do in basketball. There's an expansion draft and the every existing team now will be able to protect
Starting point is 00:37:29 certain players i don't know specifically how you decide who can be protected who can't some of the players have like no move clauses or no trade clauses in their contract uh but yeah basically a lot of the teams are going to have to say, all right, we're keeping these, you know, 16 guys, and you have your choice of these six who you're going to take. And some teams are going to have to leave some good guys out there and just hope for the best. But, yeah, I'm really hoping Chicago loses somebody good to them. What do you think they're going to name the team?
Starting point is 00:38:01 That's what I want to talk about. Like, what are they going to name this team? The Vegas Jokers. Huh? Get it? Like gambling, poker, jokers? The Knights was a suggestion, like K-N-I-G-H-T-S, as in like a pun on the Vegas Knights.
Starting point is 00:38:17 The Vegas Knights. Yeah. Aces, maybe. See, that's not as good as Jokers, but I like where they're going. Still kind of card, so we're close. I don't know. What would you name them, Kyle? I was thinking about the teams from basketball.
Starting point is 00:38:35 So they had, like, the LA Riots, the Miami Dealers. It was the Roswell Aliens. You could do a shout- to the old dallas felons the vegas mobsters i like that um i would like i would i just think i would like it if they did something that had to do with prostitution gambling money or uh or something like that like wait hooking is a is a like a penalty in hockey. They could be the Vegas hookers. The Vegas hookers? Yeah. Oh, just put a picture of a guy with a big hook.
Starting point is 00:39:10 He's pulling somebody's leg like he's hooking them. I can imagine the champ. Hook them. Hook them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They should totally be the Vegas hookers. That's the best name we've come up with. If they put it to an internet poll, 4chan would make that happen.
Starting point is 00:39:27 That team is going to do well and make a lot of money, I'm predicting. Because it's like if you don't play basketball. Much like Phoenix and their desert team. Like football and baseball are popular enough that if you don't like the NFL and they bring an NFL team to Vegas, you're not going to just pop in for a game. You're just not going to care that much. It's not very novel. Going to ice hockey games is more novel.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Most people don't get to go do that, and it's a sport that everybody knows is fun to go to. And that is going to be the coolest, and I mean temperature-wise, arena on the whole strip. It's so fucking hot out there during the summer. I bet it's scorching right now. I can remember last year and it was just feeling like I was going to melt.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Yeah, I'd be down to go to a hockey game in Vegas. That's a good idea. That's cool. That would be awesome. There's going to be gambling on it? Yeah, and it breaks the seal on that too. See, that's the big stigma about having a pro sports team in this gambling city has always been the thing that's held them back. So now maybe hockey breaks the seal and three years from now you get an mlb
Starting point is 00:40:29 team or an nfl team or you know one of the real sports so there's a thing so the nfl is rumored to be going to vegas for whatever that's worth and they're also rumoring that the i'm gonna i can't do names the fertidas brothers are gonna sell to sell the UFC so that they can buy a football team. That's like the plan. The rumor is, there were rumors that they already sold it and then they denied it. So I don't think they'd flat out lie. Like they sent an internal memo to employees like, hey, we get that everyone is reporting that we've sold the UFC. We actually haven't.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I don't think they'd send that memo out. Actually, we sold 93% of it. We actually haven't. I don't think they'd send that memo out. Actually, we sold 93% of it. We'll remain partial owners. It appears that there's two offers on the table and they're going to pick one of them. But they're both for over $4 billion.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Billion. Not to dump all of that immediately into an NFL team just to buy one. That's so crazy. Something like that, yeah. How lucrative the NFL is. Dana White owns 10% of the UFC. That's what he has.
Starting point is 00:41:31 So he would get roughly $400 million. And then they're going to – this is the offer. They're going to give Dana White 6% or 7%. So they'd pay – they'd cash out his shares and they'd give six or seven percent again to keep doing his job yeah so i uh and i i wonder this is like you know inside baseball where like people don't care about like the minutiae of it but to me it's the matchmaking the thing that i love about the ufc is that they don't protect fighters right the fights you want they actually schedule they don't always happen, right? The fights you want, they actually schedule. They don't always happen.
Starting point is 00:42:06 People get injured. I've talked about this before. But, I mean, fighters lose in the UFC. In boxing, people need to be like 28 and 0 to capture any attention. And when you have two guys that are 28 and 0, they never want to fight. There's a, I forget the names, Gugliotta versus some other guy. And the boxing world's excited about it. So they scheduled it for the fall of 2017.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Seriously? I'll be fucking even older by then. Like, that's a real amount of time to pass. Like, fall of 2017 for a sporting event? Like, that's forever from now. The Super Bowl will happen again before this fight happens. And then we'll have a good idea. It will, right? The next Super Bowl team is going to, yeah, yeah, yeah. Next January. And then we'll have a good idea. It will, right?
Starting point is 00:42:46 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Next January. And then a whole year will pass. Yeah. Every professional sport will have a championship between now and then. It's like 15 months away. Two. Yeah, I don't like that either. That's the nice thing about UFC.
Starting point is 00:42:57 You're right. It seems like things get fired up and there's a thing coming, and it's coming next week or it's coming three weeks from now or something like that. This whole thing with UFC 200 and Lesnar is the most far away kind of thing that there's been in a while where you're like oh that's that's that's kind of a minute away i think that's july 8th that's not that far from now and well when they announced it you know two weeks ago okay but the and and like this event the ufc 200 is arguably the best card they've ever made. We'll see how it plays out.
Starting point is 00:43:25 But they have like four people who either are or have been champions fighting. They've got like two championship fights and an interim champion fight, if I have this right. Brock Lesnar is fighting on this thing. Like all the way down, Joe Lozon versus Diego Sanchez is a very exciting fight. I don't just say that as a fan. Lots of people are fighting in it. And he's a prelim fighter. Like Joe's't just say that as a fan. Lots of people... Oh, Joe's fighting in it? Mm-hmm. And he's a prelim
Starting point is 00:43:45 fighter. Like, Joe's a main event fighter all the time. He's in the prelims of UFC 200, just to show you how stacked this card is. It's... I'm excited for him. That's a big deal. Yeah, yeah. It's... It's a very big deal. Joe was on another super
Starting point is 00:44:02 card. I forget what it was. But yeah, they typically... Joe gets on that stuff. It might have been one of the Conor McGregor cards. But, yeah, so if they sell the UFC, I hope that's something they don't change, actually making the fights that happen. And the UFC fans, to their credit, if they see a guy who's 22-1, they don't say, oh, he's not good anymore. You know, 22-1, they don't say, he's not good anymore. 22-1?
Starting point is 00:44:27 Oh, so you're saying he can lose? Well, who cares? There are fighters who are like 22-8, and guys are like, oh yeah, here comes Henderson. I can't wait to see that. I do like that about the UFC, that it doesn't have that like pretend like everybody is elite thing that boxing does where it's like oh we got jose sanchez facing you know tony white
Starting point is 00:44:53 they're both 30 and oh and it's like what kind of fucking dock workers are they beating up after stumbling out drunk from a bar being like just see see that? I got three. Throw three more on the win column. That's fucking horseshit. Nobody believes you. If you're all this good, then you're not fighting good people. At the very least, it means you two haven't ever met in the ring. Sounds like an oversight. Yeah, there are very few undefeated fighters in the UFC.
Starting point is 00:45:19 And then, you know, freak, Conor McGregor. Conor McGregor was one of those guys. And then he went up one or two weight classes, depending on how critically you look at it, and got his loss. And the next time Conor fights, people will still be excited. So that's – That's my – Kyle, you still remember your training on how to be an MMA fighter. This is what we're going to do. I'm going to be your manager.
Starting point is 00:45:42 We're going to go to – Where are homeless people not that tough? Seattle. We'll go to the Seattle wharf, and I'll film as you sucker punch them so that we know you won. We get you up to 20, 30, maybe 35 and 0, something believable. We're going to have to take a dive,
Starting point is 00:46:01 and they get 35 and 1. And then I introduce you. High on line. I introduce you. High on line. I like this. I'll be kind of grizzled. A couple of hobos will have cut me by then. I'll have a few scars.
Starting point is 00:46:12 I like it. Yeah. What would your name be? Oh, God. It would have to be something gun-related, almost. Like... Like firepower. I don't know. I was thinking of something that had to do with beating up the homeless, though. The Vagabruiser. That's perfect. Hey, quick interruption.
Starting point is 00:46:35 We're going to be adding Anthony. Oh, there he is. So expect the video to be sort of messed up for a bit. There he is. Yeah, anything that... We can think of other good ones, too. There is. Yeah, anything that is. We have the bagged bruiser, we can think of other good ones too. Hobo. Trying to make a pun with the word transient and it's not working. Hey Anthony.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Yeah. Right away, you need to know we're already live. So it's a thing. I do this fairly on Painkiller already. People know their level of exposure i hear you there you know so now that's all set up how are you man very good i just let me mute the tv my life is the television jesus good good let me sad the sad existence uh yeah doing good i just got home from doing the show a little while ago um and i'm off on fridays so this is like the start of my weekend
Starting point is 00:47:29 kick off the start of a weekend on thursday night i like that i know i figured if i was gonna like be forced into doing my own thing completely and totally i was gonna make my hours from like 4 p.m to 6 p.m so i could never wake up late really unless i was completely destitute and just a bum and i was gonna have a three-day weekend all the time oversleeping oversleeping anything at 4 p.m means that like major life changes need to be made yeah like even once like you never wake up at like 4 15 and be like oh really you know futz today it's like oh god something's wrong and it's endemic like that's exactly what it is like I just decided if I'm gonna make up the rules I want a time with where I have to be to work but it's, but it's got to be so ridiculous that I could sleep.
Starting point is 00:48:27 If I get up at noon, it's like, oh, my God, I'm so early. What time do you go to sleep? Yeah, right now. That's the thing. I've been playing World of Warplanes lately, and I got an awesome Satek setup, so I've been staying up until the sun comes up really bad.
Starting point is 00:48:51 But I'm romping on it pretty good. I suck at mouse keyboard first-person shooters, but a joystick and a throttle and I'm in a fighter, oh my god, I destroy. That sounds fun. We've been playing this
Starting point is 00:49:07 real-time strategy game called Company of Heroes 2 where it's like a World War II top-down thing and you're kind of moving your armies around. Same thing. We've been playing a lot. My sleep schedule's fucked right now. I'm going to... What's up? That leads to unhappiness in me.
Starting point is 00:49:23 If I'm sleeping during the day and awake at night like it it sounds great like oh my gosh you know you get to live this nocturnal lifestyle and sometimes i evolve to that if i have no responsibilities but you do it for a couple weeks and you're like you know kind of sucks like i'm not happy so what i know like you've got to bend your day around it though like when i am up like, 6 in the morning and kind of bitter or something, just aggravated, and I'm not usually up that early, and I'm feeling like I'm really starting the day off right. Like, you know, look at me, season the day, 6 a.m., and I get to, like, a fucking gas station for an energy drink, and I see some disgusting dude with dreadlocks and just a vagabond-looking motherfucker. And I think for a second, I'm like like, oh my god, that guy is awake. Like, that guy is awake right now, which means I'm not doing anything special.
Starting point is 00:50:13 He's also PCC'd the day. Yeah, this guy always thinks he's buying his black and milds early in the morning. Like, he's starting off all right. I think the trick to having the awful sleep schedule is still like doing things despite the fact that the hour isn't necessarily the hour that they would normally be done in so today i woke up at about 12 31 in the afternoon and i got up took a shower went out i got all that lumber together and got it got it planed i had to make two or three stops for that, make some calls, stop by my lawyer's office, set up some more paperwork. And I came back, I painted the room, I got all my PC parts together for assembly, and then I went outside and got a suntan because I'm pale as shit.
Starting point is 00:50:55 It's just too much. Like, I was going to go swimming the other day, and I put my swim trunks on and looked, and it was bad. I was so pale, it's not going to work. So I went and laid out in the sun, got a little bit of a tan, and then I got myself a little hour-long nap before the show, because even though I woke up at 1, I was a little tuckered out from all that work I did in the middle of the day. So I wanted to be nice and fresh for this.
Starting point is 00:51:15 I have the complexion of someone who just got pulled out of a river. They were floating for days. Like, it's horrible. Like, I took this shit. It's called Accutane it's a it's like nuclear acne medication so when i was like in eighth grade like 14 obviously had some pimples nothing like terrible but it's enough to make make me upset and i was telling my mom like i hate having acne this fucking sucks and she takes me to the doctor and demands accutane he's like i
Starting point is 00:51:43 remember his exact words because what he said was honestly putting him demands Accutane. He's like, I remember his exact words. Because what he said was, honestly, putting him on Accutane right now would be like dropping a nuclear bomb on a local 7-Eleven robbery. And my mom was like, nope, you get him on there, you do it. And so I started taking these pills. The pills, if you've ever seen the containers, it has so many goddamn warnings of words i didn't even know at 14 so i started taking it over the course of like three weeks this is great i become a crispy dry chronic nose bleeding just like i i like lift my arm too quickly and it's just crack like oh fuck like god damn it broke open again like an old balloon. And just it was fucking horrible.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Did you have to take a test? And now I can't get tans. It made my cholesterol. I had the cholesterol of Rush Limbaugh at 15. You have late time effects? Because of these pills. Like this is still true today? Like you still have issues from this stuff?
Starting point is 00:52:39 No, no. It was like they even told us up front. They're like, yeah, it may make his cholesterol a little out of whack. And then when I went back in there, they're like, oh, Jesus. Are you straight veining Frappuccinos or something? Because this is horrible. Dude, I took the same shit because my teen acne lasted well into my 30s. And when I was a teen, I think all they had were like leeches they would put on you.
Starting point is 00:53:04 There was no real treatment for it. So in my 30s, I decided I'm going to go on Accutane. And exactly like you said with the dryness, you're just going around with lip balm and lotion all the time. And it's just a pain in the ass. And it supposedly just nukes the shit out of any zits that you have and completely makes them go away. nukes the shit out of any zits that you have and completely makes them go away uh but the cholesterol thing they liver test you every couple of months when you're on it and mine went like through the goddamn roof i ended up with a stent i had to get a heart stent to open a fucking it just clogged one of my arteries.
Starting point is 00:53:48 This was back in like 2000, around 2000. That's dangerous. Do you get any acne at all now? No, it's really weird. You just don't get anything. I still have, obviously, scarring from when I was a kid. But, no, that shit really does work. from when I was a kid, but no, that shit really does work if you're willing to go through
Starting point is 00:54:05 the cholesterol of a fat 60-year-old man and, yeah, you can't even... I'm 25 now. Took it when I was like 14. Yeah. I bet I've had in the last decade I could count the number of pimples I've had on one hand. Yeah. One hand.
Starting point is 00:54:21 I'm pale as a ghost, you know, had chronic nose bleeds for a few years, so some might say it would have been just better to wait it out. I kind of want to try it now, because I'm 30. If you even look at a pregnant woman when you're on it, the kid will come out like a fucking
Starting point is 00:54:37 monster. The warnings for pregnancy are all over the package. If you see, make a real free... You had it before me, obviously, but on the version that I got in 2003 or whatever, 2004, there were pictures not only of pregnant women holding their bellies looking like,
Starting point is 00:54:55 I don't know about this, but also pictures of what your baby would look like if you took it on there. So it was just mangled little golems forced onto the little foil where you poke your fingernail to pull it out. Which features a green skin. Children of thalidomide all over again with Accutane.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Right, but with beautiful, perfect skin. Yes, beautiful skin though. It does. I've heard the abortion rates are skyrocketing in areas where that Zika virus is prevalent. Good. Good. We don't want those tiny-headed babies. They're not good for anything.
Starting point is 00:55:34 A tiny-headed baby does nothing for you. It's not going anywhere. What can they do? Look. You guys act like they have no value. They might be a good source of food. I don't know. You get it.
Starting point is 00:55:47 That's how the disease is spread, Woody. Cannibalism is just going to mutate this thing. I didn't know. You got to cook it thoroughly, of course. So what we end up with is like that Beetlejuice guy that we're all familiar with. With a tiny head, very retarded. A real freak of an individual is what you become um that zika thing seriously i wouldn't go compete i wouldn't if there was a yeah if if the circuses were like they were in the old days it would be
Starting point is 00:56:16 fucking that people would want they would want to have zika babies just to put them in the circus yeah that's the only line of work i think that would have been available uh to zika babies just to put them in the circus. That's the only line of work I think that would have been available to Zika babies. And yeah, athletes are pulling out of the Olympics and shit. I don't blame them. That golfer did, but shit, he gets to do something. So golf is returning to the Olympics for the first time
Starting point is 00:56:38 since 1904, over 100 years. And what is his name? I think his name is Corey McElroy or something like that. He's from either Ireland or Scotland. I get them mixed up a bit um i hate them both equally and uh and uh he said he's not gonna compete but for him you know as a pro golfer it's like fuck it i'll go make 100 grand next week but what if you're the shot put guy or the discus girl and you're like well i guess i'll never compete ever in my whole you know eight years of training were for nothing you just i would have what you know they had the opening ceremony were for nothing. You just, I would have, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:05 they had the opening ceremony where all the countries are walking out with their flags, you know, and Slovakia. I'd have so much shit on me. I would just, it would be caked on like body paint. To me, I feel like most of the athletes are like, if I was a shot putter, for example, I would go. I'd be like, dude, bring your own bottled water.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Don't sleep with the locals. You're good to go. Whoa, whoa. Do you know how Zika spread? No. Mosquitoes. Mosquitoes. That does present a problem in my thing.
Starting point is 00:57:36 And it's not just about those babies. It doesn't just create those tiny-headed babies. It also, I was thinking, it has these long lasting effects that mimic muscular dystrophy. This is a serious life ruining. Where I was going to head was there are some events that involve swimming in the canals or
Starting point is 00:57:57 there's competitive sailing. The sailors, they can't avoid the local sewage. Just make all the Olympic torches out of those backyard tiki torch things that keep mosquitoes away. Cichanella.
Starting point is 00:58:14 They're doing laps in a pool of Purell. The torch lighting ceremony where they light the big one. It's just an enormous bug zapper. We got the 100 meter backstroke brought to you by germax i'm gonna say it again i've said it before i predict that thing will be a fucking massive disaster not only are you gonna have tons of like sexual assaults and violent assaults on athletes and people who are coming into that country because it's a real crime-ridden shithole with terrible social services but you're also going to have tons of um people who are coming into that country, because it's a real crime-ridden shithole with terrible social services,
Starting point is 00:58:48 but you're also going to have tons of people who actually get this Zika thing and it gets spread around the world. It's not like it's the new bubonic plague, but you don't want it. And I think the games are going to be terribly equipped, the facilities are going to be horribly inadequate, and it's going to be a huge embarrassment. It's in Brazil, right? I didn't know, but it turns out a big chunk of Brazil's economy has to do with oil. And because oil is in kind of a recession, Brazil is having a real hard time right now.
Starting point is 00:59:14 So they're like asking for money, and they're just really struggling to put on this show. Doesn't it cost a ton of money to host the Olympics? Yes, very, very expensive. So you've got the country of Brazil, the state of Rio de Janeiro, and then the city of Rio where the thing is taking place in. And I believe what happened was
Starting point is 00:59:32 the city of Rio was asking the state of Rio de Janeiro or the state of Rio de Janeiro was asking the country of Brazil for money. So it's not like they were like, hey, United States, we need some loans. It wasn't necessarily that. I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:59:45 It's going to be so much worse than the do you remember you remember the sochi uh winter olympics in russia right and all this funny they were in i don't remember where i saw it maybe it wasn't even a hockey player but it was uh they had they were interviewing like some american and like norwegian hockey players about like you know what they were thinking about the facilities and it was like, this is horrible. It's not clean. It's gross. My room isn't even finished. There's drywall and paint buckets sitting around. There were pictures of where these players were
Starting point is 01:00:14 staying and it was just like scaffolding and wallpaper hanging out. A lot of them were missing doorknobs. The Russian players who played in the KHL are coming back and they're like, yeah, it is about what we expected. We're not here to have fun anyways.
Starting point is 01:00:35 So, you know, Brazilians, they're going to have an advantage there. They're playing at home. They're used to Zika. They've been swimming in those shitty canals for generations. It's tradition. Yeah, whenever they show, like, I've seen photos of the places where, oh, this event's going to be held here. It's always boat racing or something like that.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Rowing. And it just looked terrible. There's a dead cat floating over there. It's going to be a real disaster. And it really makes me wonder, why did they have it there? I get that it's a beautiful geographic location on but like they if something if this thing's going to cost tens of billions of dollars to pull off
Starting point is 01:01:12 and you really need some people who have their shit together is that where we want to go yeah it's like there's so many it's like if your friends are like oh we're having a big party tonight tons of us we just haven't picked a venue yet. And I have a ton of construction going on at my house, and it's getting bug-bombed at the moment, and I'm just like, everybody, over here, come on, come on, come on! Are you sure? There's a lot of problems. Fuck you! Come over here!
Starting point is 01:01:34 Are you sure? I got a really nice place over here in California. We got another really nice place in England over there. No. No. Come over to my bug-bomb place, and we'll fuss around for a bit. Hope you don't get sick. Free bed bugs. No charge. Bring them home. I think it's going to be a real disaster and it serves
Starting point is 01:01:52 them right. Maybe next time around they'll pick a first world country. I don't want it. Don't you bring that evil on me? If Raleigh wins that thing, I'm screwed. I'm going to be paying for it. And what do I get in exchange? Some roads we don't need? A run-down swimming pool?
Starting point is 01:02:07 Keep your shit. You'd love that swimming pool. I would. I'd take it back. I'd offer my yard. Yeah, exactly. You'd be like, we have a free facility over here. There's 12 acres in the back. You can make an enormous facility. They move out. You end up with your Olympic Village in the backyard.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Don't we keep them kind of nice here too afterwards? Like for the most part, the Olympic villages are kept nice and they're like tourist attractions. In some of these third world countries, they've held them in. They just like right after the closing ceremonies, shit's starting to fall apart already. It's like six minutes after it ends, the new King's militia moves in as parrots. Yeah, like in the U.S., typically that infrastructure means something.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Like I know we had one in Salt Lake City not long ago, and I'm told, I'm not there, that like the highways they built so that they could have all that stuff has spawned like ski resorts nearby. And that infrastructure means something. Lake Placid, that infrastructure they built there from way back is still a part of the local economy. But you go to China and the pictures look like Chernobyl. The paint's peeling. It's all a wreck. They turned it into a sweat factory for iPhones. Little kids are working. They reconstitute the metal to make electronic devices for us immediately. Dude, I don't want an iPhone at all.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Have you guys seen about the new iPhone? The new headphone jack is like a showstopper for me. You're going to have to have like a – What does it do? I don't know. They're getting rid of the headphone jack. And you're going to have a lightning – Well, Bluetooth is a possibility.
Starting point is 01:03:38 But also you can plug into the lightning port. And there are some arguments in favor of it. Like you can have a noise-cancing headphone that uses the battery in your phone as opposed to needing its own battery. And that's pretty much where the pros end. I guess it could be a half a million. But I see that's a big problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Dude, for me, I have two very nice headphones that are noise canceling that suddenly will be worthless unless you want to dongle and screw the dongle life. And then there was something else that oh oh and then there's all sorts of other accessories like there's a world of like credit card readers and wind meters and arrow me down even what they're called and uh like there's a whole bunch of things that plug into that thing that are just going to be gone now and it sucks
Starting point is 01:04:19 so you're going to need like a dongle if you want to charge and use your headphones at the same time? Yes. Yeah, for sure. A dongle like it's 1993. Oh, my God. Yeah. You need a dongle. I don't know why Apple – it's like, oh, yeah, this thing is really streamlined and slim and it's a half a millimeter thinner. You'll love it.
Starting point is 01:04:39 But the real use of it is crap. With the fanny pack charging station though,'s it's quite stylish yeah yeah just i was talking about that today like like the trick to i think the the future really opening up to be that future we predicted is battery power like efficient long-lasting battery or a small power source a little pellet in the phone and then the phone's always on and always has power for years like that would be the shit yeah this charging stuff that we're doing for years and years and it gets a little better every time or maybe not you know depending on the year and the phone and everything what you're doing but we shouldn't have to be concerned with oh fuck i better shut that down today on the train i had like three percent power i turned the
Starting point is 01:05:30 the display dark enough where i had to be a bat to read the fucking thing because it's gonna run out and god forbid i go you know 10 minutes without my phone yeah as much as i hate the battery thing that you mentioned and the length length of charging. Nothing else changed. Too long. But you could charge in an instant. Right. Like playing a video game. Kind of those pacemaker batteries.
Starting point is 01:05:51 You know the video games where you can't breathe underwater, but all you do is pop your head up, and all of a sudden you're fully breathed again? That's what it needs to be, like Mario. Yeah, yeah. Just pop your head up, back down you're golden now now you get that if charging was like that it wouldn't be such a problem you just tap into your car tap into your house everything would be cool but that's not what it's like I don't even
Starting point is 01:06:13 mind charging I just I don't why get rid of something that's worked so well for so long for I was going to say so many people but no, it's literally everyone. Everyone who has wanted to listen to sound, except for deaf people. It's worked for everyone. I also admire that it's 360 degrees, right? Like every, so USB, like the old school rectangle one, you know how it's a 50-50 chance of getting it right, and you get it right like one in four times for some reason.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Like it, but the headphone, it's 360 degrees. Like you just, you can't get it wrong. It's great. Don't even have to look. Got it. One of the best interfaces that's ever been made in all of technology, and Apple's getting rid of it. And I've got a bunch of stuff that I care about that I suddenly will lose.
Starting point is 01:06:58 It's needless innovation. Have you ever been on the highway and you see someone driving a three-wheeled car? Yeah. What the fuck? Get yourself a real automobile, join this century, and get out of your wheel weird... It looks like it's from hundreds of years ago. Like it's what they tried first and they're like, ah, damn it. Two was wrong or good in a different way.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Three doesn't work, let's try four. And then it got to four and it was all right. You're never going to see a five-wheel car. You're never going to see a five-wheel car. You're never going to see a three-wheel car. That's reasonable. You know, the five-wheel car is actually nice. Why? For parallel parking. The fifth wheel comes down and lets you
Starting point is 01:07:35 move it sideways. Isn't that really alternating between a four-wheel vehicle and a three-wheel vehicle, though? It's got a wheel that drops down so that the vehicle can twist in place. If you can't parallel park without some weird swivel wheel, then you shouldn't be driving.
Starting point is 01:07:54 I can parallel park. Some people can't. I grew up by the beach where parking... Every single parking episode through my learning to drive phase required tight parallel parking because that's that's what it's like where i grew up dude you aren't a real a true man unless you feel pride when you pull into a spot that's like really there's nothing left between
Starting point is 01:08:18 the front and back bumpers you got right in there you want want to share it with someone. Look at that. Dude. Yeah. Dude. I rule. That's how I feel when I'm parking in downtown St. Louis, and I'm like, all right, well, I hope this is a good legacy for me when I leave and can't find my way back to my car or something, and I'm murdered in the street. They'll find a nice, well-parked car. They'll know I was at least organized.
Starting point is 01:08:43 It's the only kind of parking where you feel good, like you accomplished something, even something little. So, Anthony, you got back from some sort of vacation. I didn't follow the details of it. Oh, yeah. I was on vacation in Florida. It was wonderful. I spent 28 days down there.
Starting point is 01:09:01 28 days. What do you know? A lot of time for a vacation. Just an odd odd weird number it was 28 days and uh uh five five additional days for the pre-vacation uh-huh which at a resort called detox yeah is that near disney world yeah yeah it's disney it's uh amazing no i well i had some legal wranglings that were going on um apparently i i got not apparently i did i i got arrested in december like six months ago for a domestic incident this is the one with that video.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Go on. Oh, the video. Oh, my God. Yeah, it was quite a treat. I obviously wasn't able to say anything about it. I'm still not. But the court thing has just been dragging on and on and on. As they say, copped a plea yesterday okay i'm waiting for more time to go by and then uh i get a even lower plea so i'm you know the system it's the way the system works but i i went to a rehabilitation facility. So for what?
Starting point is 01:10:31 Well, apparently I was drinking that night. And they were like, hey, go to a drinking rehabilitation facility. Because that will aid you some way in the legal realm. I'm just asking. I looked deep into myself and realized I had to go and take care of some things. This was a personal decision. Any
Starting point is 01:10:55 kind of benefit legally would be ancillary. Exactly. If it benefits me legally, all the better. Because you have to realize first that you have a problem gotcha that's good yeah that's that's i appreciate that explanation because sometimes i'm slow as a sharp as a marvel with regards to the inferences that i i have a question about rehab so when you're there does it matter who you are like is it a little nicer do you get like all-star
Starting point is 01:11:27 treatment or they were pretty good they were pretty fucking cool to me i gotta be honest uh a few of them knew uh who i was uh everybody all the other inmates there knew who i was so that was that was cool um but you still got to do all your shit it was a top-end place i mean pool right by the beach in west palm um really nice facility uh and then you know you had to go to some classes and and group therapy which was uh really amazing i'm not a i'm not an emotion guy like i don't sit there and and like seeing emotion play out and there was literally grown men in their 40s weeping just weeping in a group atmosphere and i want i i wanted to make an imprint like bugs bunny when he would go through a wall like my body my body just was staying in the room. I wanted out of there.
Starting point is 01:12:28 That's awkward. Was there anybody there who you were, like, looking at, like, fuck, that guy is a dude who needs to be here probably the rest of his life. Like, anyone who is, like, I know with alcohol, at least, you start
Starting point is 01:12:43 shaking and you can go into, like, hallucinating and whatnot. Yeah. Like, who is like, I know with alcohol, at least you start shaking and you can go into like hallucinating and whatnot. Yeah. Like it had to be a couple. Dude, everyone else but me that was there fit that criteria. Everyone else.
Starting point is 01:12:56 There was some poor old guy who was like 69, 70 years old. And the first day there, they put him in art therapy. They come up with these therapies that are like, what? It's again, adults. These are adults sitting in a room with construction paper with some guy saying, OK, now draw this and, you know, draw. I'm like, what the fuck? So he had the shake so bad. Me and this girl that were there were looking. We're like, what's he drawing?
Starting point is 01:13:25 I think it's a hacksaw blade. No, it's a sharpie. I think it's an EKG. Every single, he couldn't draw a straight line. I felt bad for the guy. Oh, that's sad. Yeah, yeah. Mostly, I felt bad for the people that were there for the first few days.
Starting point is 01:13:44 And then I was just like, all right, whatever. I'm here for 28 days. Let me just deal with it. What was the point of the five-day pre-therapy? I don't think I understand how this works. Oh, my God. This is something called detox. To detoxify, they don't want to send people that are still all totally fucked up right into the
Starting point is 01:14:06 rehab facility so you take five days and you they put you in a detox facility and everybody there is coming off of something so here's here's what i did here's my i've never been in anything like this situation uh thing i It was like a Wednesday. I went out to dinner with a girl and we split a bottle of wine. Then I had nothing to drink. My flight was on Friday. So Thursday I decided I was going to stay at home and watch Clean and Sober and 28 Days with Sandra Bullock. I was going to watch rehab movies just to get a little glimpse.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Yeah, so Sandra Bullock would teach you what to expect. So then they send me – I go – again, Friday comes along. I haven't had a drink since Wednesday. So I go and get to the rehab and they give you a breathalyzer and it's zero zero. So they're like, oh, well, you got to take some Xanax so you don't have a seizure from stopping drinking. I really don't drink that much. I haven't. I think I'm OK here. They go, no, it's the rules. You have to have it.
Starting point is 01:15:26 I'm like, all right. So I took it. 20 minutes later, I'm on the couch like, I'm all kinds of fucked up. So I go in stone cold sober. Within 20 minutes of getting to rehab, I'm annihilated, fucked up on Xanax. It was amazing to me.
Starting point is 01:15:46 And every time that door opened up for bedtime, though, I was right there. Now you've got a serious Xanax problem. Where you going up there lying like, I'm feeling a little seizure-y. Wait a minute!
Starting point is 01:16:03 So how do you pass the time for 28 days? I mean, do they give you like Call of Duty therapy? You just get to play all the time? Like what's up? Yeah, no, it sucked. I only had my phone like for two hours on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday they give you your phone. And I started just not even missing it. Like whatever.
Starting point is 01:16:22 I'd get my phone, check some shit shit and it wasn't like i sat on twitter for eight hours so it kind of worked out well there was a pool there which was great some really cool fun people um that one i guess the fun yeah once they're so bad parties assholes as the stories they told in group i mean they would like, like, I never knew what a handle was. And they go, yeah, I was going through a handle a day. And I'm like, what is that? It's those bottles with the handle on it, like a jug, a gallon of Captain Morgan or a gallon of vodka. And I'm like, yeah, I had those at parties at my house when a fuckload of people are coming over. But they were drinking like the whole thing alone. And someload of people are coming over. But they were drinking the whole thing alone. And some of these people
Starting point is 01:17:08 are telling these stories. I'm just like, I don't have one of these. I don't have one of these. It would have been so funny to tell your really lame story. You're like, well, one night, and I hate to even say this, I must have drank eight, nine beers. And I'm going to tell you, when I woke up the next day,
Starting point is 01:17:23 oh, the headache. I couldn't even eat until noon. Yeah, I went to work. You won't believe this. I was playing pool, missed easy shots. Yeah, I got missed easy shots. That's when I knew I had a problem. Did you immediately feel like, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:41 the best person in class when you walked in you see everybody shaking with their drawing and their pencils and you're like oh look at this guy oh you need me to hold your saucer of tea for you mr steady hand over here like they they may they elected me uh community president so i had a i had to be there for like the meetings i handed out the work details and stuff and uh they didn't i can't tell if this is true or not dude i swear i swear it was i was like the president and i had to give out like the reading assignments like because people would read aloud from the big aa book uh during some of the uh morning meetings so I did that I had to you know hand that out so uh yeah I was El Presidente I guess it was because I
Starting point is 01:18:31 really wasn't all that fucked up when I went in there yes immediately that's correct a handle a day like if someone told you I'll give you $10,000 a day for every day that you can drink a whole handle by yourself. How many days do you think you could even do? First of all, I would probably die before that. You're passing out. I don't know how he did it. And then he said he broke one on the bathroom floor and got on the floor and started sucking it up.
Starting point is 01:19:01 As you do. I grabbed the wrong beer off the table. And I swallowed it anyway. I heard the whole thing and I realized I was drinking a course. When I was a child and not strong enough to pour a whole gallon of milk, that's how I cleaned the counter. I had a problem. Yeah, that's a problem. I had a problem yeah and then I
Starting point is 01:19:26 got out and then I came back to work and everyone's like oh my god you're so tan but how about the other stuff I have this notion like even if you didn't have a heavy alcohol addiction did it cure your other addictions like reddit or twitter or like I don't know
Starting point is 01:19:43 something else crazy if that happened to me I could maybe kick my reddit or twitter or like i don't know something else like talk to me rods like dude if that happened to me i could maybe kick my reddit habit right even though you know what i did uh take take in what was available and what might have helped with some things there's addictive personality you know i i know i have that and the fact that i was on twitter eight hours arguing with nobody about nothing like with some egg a handle on a handle were there any attractive women in in rehab a couple yeah there was but having sex in rehab is right below drinking. It's right below drinking on they will just throw you the fuck out of it.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Kyle, those women tended to be over 21. We weren't interested. Yeah, yeah. I call them old broads. No, there were a couple of goers there. A couple of girls that were pretty fucking kind of cute and
Starting point is 01:20:42 wanted to do stuff. Yeah, I bet for a fifth they'd have done anything yeah yeah you're just like bringing a little coke with you and yeah but having sex is like a big offense i don't really get why like they really made sure nothing was going on one girl she decided she was gonna um like i was in the pool like this and she swam up like upside down backwards up like that the old scissor stroke we did it in college i'm like like we're in fucking rehab what are you doing and she's like well no one ever pushed me off of them before what the fuck i'm like it's rehab you know believe me any other place but, no, we can't do that. And then, like, they found out about that and talked to me.
Starting point is 01:21:30 They were like, we heard there was an incident in the pool. And I was like, look, everything's cool. No fucking report is necessary. Don't you hate it when they refer to something you did as an incident? An incident, yes. Yeah, you're like, shit, it wasn't really an incident. Let me explain how this all went down. Incident always has this negative connotation where, like, you were up to no good, making dirty plans.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Like, you passed a scheme. Well, there were some girls that would hang out on the couch in the room where there was the TV and everything, the community room. And there were blankets in there. and everything, the community room, and there were blankets in there, so a guy and a girl would put a blanket over them and just diddle each other and fucking play with each other and shit, so that became something. You couldn't
Starting point is 01:22:12 sit close to another person. In Florida, you say? Yeah. Typically, I think of that as the airplane move. Yeah. There were a lot of, you know, there's another girl that was there that wound up fucking one of the guys that were there with a girl keeping lookout. It was, you know, people do what they want if they want to. I can't imagine being in that situation. I really like my freedom. I really like the ability to be like, you know what, fuck all this. I'm going out and just get in my car and go.
Starting point is 01:22:44 to be like you know what fuck all this i'm going out and just getting my get in my car and go that's what i do and it freaked me out especially at first i'm like i really don't like and not to mention i had a fucking roommate so so i wasn't even in the room alone i i've never had like a roommate in the same fucking room and you know i had to do some little chores you know not the toilet cleaning stuff but make sure your bed's made and things like that. I'm like, I haven't made my bed in decades. And it's like, oh, I forgot. Was there security? Like, technically, if you wanted to just walk out the front door, would you get there?
Starting point is 01:23:20 Or are there, like, magnetic locks? Yeah, you could leave. But, you know, you'd be AMA, against medical advice, they call it. It's just counterproductive, especially to what I was doing. So it's not like a prison where you literally would have a hard time leaving.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Sometimes it is, isn't it? Yeah, sometimes it is. This one, they had some rules like no food in the rooms whatsoever. You got to keep it in the kitchen and write your name on it and hope no one stole your shit. But people stole people's shit all the time. And I had things that I just wanted to kind of at night get up, go into my drawer and grab like a fucking beef jerky or some shit like that. So I kept a lot of stuff in my drawers.
Starting point is 01:24:05 beef jerky or some shit like that so i kept a lot of stuff in my drawers and the guy would say we're gonna be looking at rooms today make sure you don't have any food in there and make sure everything's clean so i was like oh fuck so i i took the food out of my drawers i put it in my laundry basket and covered it with laundry and then took some like underwear and put it on top to see if like hopefully you wouldn't go through it. And he didn't. So, you know, that was the trick that hurt me. I thought he was going to take a stick and start, like, He comes in, up against the wall. They're tossing the cells.
Starting point is 01:24:38 They're tossing the cells. Guys mopping. I'm making fucking booze in the toilet. Little kites tossing them through the other doors what says you fuzzy britches he throws a fucking chess piece it goes through the wall was it a great movie yeah like not alcohol other drugs or were there like also fat people there who like were having trouble with eating or like i just wonder what kind of predictions were they all yeah i think the peripheral stuff like being fat or having uh you know ocd that kind of was in there but not as that
Starting point is 01:25:10 it was like a fat person with a drug problem so you're saying current clapping and tapping from the adjacent building the ocd we would uh you look at night, the lights are just on, off, on, off, on, off. I see the locks, like, just... Damn it! Lights out, I said! I know, but I need to do it five more times. One, two, three, four, five. I see the matcher. One, two, three, four, five.
Starting point is 01:25:33 One, two, three, four, five. And I can just... Yeah, just fucking going crazy, trying to make sure the door's lined up right, the door's opening. Some lunatic. The big day was when we went to what we got to go to walmart on saturday that was your big party right there uh they would load us into this white van these white vans that they affectionately called the druggie buggies i like it yeah yeah i i had to get into
Starting point is 01:25:59 something called the druggie buggy which i felt felt just great about and then we go to Walmart and they kind of keep an eye on you as to what you were buying but if they even if they weren't at the end when you got everything you had to hand your receipt over to the the guy to make sure you weren't buying anything you weren't supposed to be buying and some people would like ring up one thing like a bottle of NyQuil and stash it and get the receipt for that and then ring up one thing, like a bottle of NyQuil, and stash it and get the receipt for that, and then ring up all the rest of their stuff, and then have NyQuil to drink. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Man, you've got to be desperate to be sneaking NyQuil. Are you just really congested? Oh, I know. Not after this. That's how they kind of, because as I were i was talking with other people they started saying like are you really here for drinking or anything like you don't really seem i was like yeah well and then we're talking about nyquil and i said oh yeah i love that stuff just fucks me up i fall right to sleep and they go oh see so you're not fucking mr squeaky clean i was like no when i'm
Starting point is 01:27:01 sick i would take fucking NyQuil. I have some at home now. I'm not compelled to fucking chug it down. I'd handle it. You have NyQuil? Because I got smoldering out on us? They were talking about hiding bottles. Wives were there, mothers that have kids and husbands that they just
Starting point is 01:27:26 like booze was more important than their family and they were gonna you know they'd be crying after a week going i want to see my my kids and my husband you're like what the fuck are you even doing here i understand it's a an addiction and that's the whole thing it's very bad and pulls you right in but my god man it's not like you're just a shock jock from the radio that ran into the alcohol thing is serious stuff like that's a disease and you know it's one of those diseases that actually has some effect you get cirrhosis of the liver there's all kinds of things that it'll kill you literally or it can ruin your brain it can just make you a hollowed out version of your former self after long-term use.
Starting point is 01:28:05 But I kind of want to go there to make fun of the people who are there for, like, laughable things, like the OCD. Or the fat people, because I'm into that. Fat people, yeah. Yeah. I would love to just be over there. Like, go to fat people rehab to lose, like, eight pounds or something. Like, yeah, it's, you know, swimsuit season's coming up. I got to trim down.
Starting point is 01:28:23 Yeah, I'm really putting it on. I don't feel good about myself. I caught a look in the mirror the other day. Oh, I was horrified. Look at this. I'm 190 right now. 190. I'm only 6'1".
Starting point is 01:28:34 This is bullshit. This is the heaviest I've ever been. I'm embarrassed. Meanwhile, there's an elephant over there who's 1,000 pounds. Oh, yeah, yeah. He just melted. I didn't know they had rehab for eating. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:48 There is episodes on that show, My Strange Addiction. I cannot believe that some of these are real. Like, some of them, there is a woman who is addicted to, like, taking soiled diapers that babies have peed or defecated in. And kind of, like, just, like, they're all wrapped up all neat. And she kind of, like, sn and kind of like, just like, they're all wrapped up all neat, and she kind of like sniffs them, like compulsively and then like puts them in her mouth and like like she's tasting a
Starting point is 01:29:12 wine or something, just like oh, that's a Thursday apple juice and apple sauce a nice mix, alright, this one's peas like it's fucking disgusting this lady's putting them in her mouth, I would think it was fake if they didn't have a couple shots of showing the soiled diaper on screen like getting folded and her like fuck yeah there's no reason for that i don't know some people do have some wacky
Starting point is 01:29:34 compulsions well and fat people fat people just they they love being fat until they're not fat anymore then they talk about how that was the worst thing ever. Like they lose weight and then it's like, oh yeah, that sucked being fat. No fat person has ever lost weight and been like, God, I just, I don't feel like I'm, I have that mass anymore. Like people aren't inconvenienced by me on public transport. Like, no, everybody's always happy when they're like, God, I fucking hated myself and I thought everybody was always noticing. And it's like, well, we were, God, I fucking hated myself, and I thought everybody was always noticing. And it's like, well, we were.
Starting point is 01:30:07 There's no way not to, but good for you. Now I'm able to seesaw. It's a brave new world. It's funny how the addictions work, right? Like I was listening to – I was a lead singer for like Poison. That's who it was. Apparently he got fat. Not super-duper fat, but he got fat.
Starting point is 01:30:23 And he's like,llywood is crazy man like you can be hooked up on meth or alcohol or cocaine and everyone kind of accepts like yeah you know you're a rock star but you get fat and they're like what happened to you oh my god like you really took a turn south and and he's right and it's just like, yeah, dude. And something about if you eat too much food, it is really front and center. You can do four grams of Coke a day. Nobody drinks a night. You eat four large pizzas. You're not getting any more gigs.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Yeah. Four grams of Coke a day. People are going to be batting some eyes. I have no idea. Is that a lot? That's a lot. That's a lot of cocaine to be doing every day. You know, that's a Memorial Day weekend kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:31:07 No, you're responsible. I think the food thing, the overeating thing is probably the worst because you have to eat something to survive. Like if you decide you're never going to drink again or never going to do drugs again, you can not do that ever again. But eating, it's like, oh oh i have to eat but not as much so i that's probably one that really is a tough one to uh get get that's gotta be one of the hardest to beat yeah probably so but it's it doesn't have the same chemically addictive nature that that that nicotine or alcohol you don't you don't become dependent upon it we all love food i love food so fucking much. It's my favorite thing.
Starting point is 01:31:46 It's technically addictive in a different way. It's real close with sex. Releasing like serotonin and dopamine in your brain when you're eating something that you like, you know, in the same way that if you're smoking a cigarette, that releases some dopamine for you as well. Just like a different avenue to get there. Because we really only enjoy, what, two things? Serotonin and dopamine? Isn't that about it? Maybe norepinephrine if you're uppers.
Starting point is 01:32:06 But for the most part, it's all just different avenues of getting to those same chemicals. That's my favorite. I would rather feel I would rather have the epinephrine than some warm feeling that, yeah, that was nice, wasn't it? Like, I don't want the dopamine. I want the epinephrine. I really like the thrill-seeking
Starting point is 01:32:22 kind of like, oh god, that was scary. That was amazing did you do that did you see that like that's that that's what makes me well that's still happy i have no idea about these things taylor do you want to lay down the basics for those of us who haven't studied dopamine epinephrine and serotonin there are three long words that make you feel good and they happen in your head yeah okay. Can we get from kindergarten to first grade? It's just, I basically explained it. It's just different avenues of releasing the same chemicals in different ways.
Starting point is 01:32:54 It's the reward structure that our brain has. Yeah, it's just the reward system that your brain has. Exactly. You're going to feel good from cocaine and you're going to feel good from alcohol in different ways but you're still just you know antagonizing that reward system getting it to constantly pump out dopamine and eventually if you become an addict like an alcoholic or something you're you're pumping out so much pleasure hormone that when you do stop drinking your body's like well we don't even need to produce this hormone because we're or this chemical because we're constantly getting fed it an art by an artificial means anyway and then you go into depression and whatnot.
Starting point is 01:33:26 That's when you hear about people who have been on Coke benders and they commit suicide or something like that because they're so amped up and they're used to such a high pleasure threshold. And then it just immediately gets cut away. Yeah, you can never get there again. So you made it seem like dopamine was kind of a chill happy, whereas epinephrine was like like an adrenaline associated thing it is adrenaline yeah norepinephrine is just what they the new name for noradrenaline okay it's what they used
Starting point is 01:33:52 to call it but um yeah it's just different avenues of getting pleasure and different things impact you in different ways but it's all like the whole point was like you get addicted to stuff in a similar way in your head it just kind of is what is your poison you know some people it's booze some people it's cookies some people it's dirty diapers i guess one person it's dirty diapers that's so disgusting that's the worst right like like dirty diaper ah why can't it be water like imagine water just like oh this is great'm feeling great. And no hangover, no nothing. So hydrated. Yes. Dude, the hoarder stuff is just as gross to me.
Starting point is 01:34:29 Like, you know, this like stacked floor to ceiling full of junk. They associate value with things that other people wouldn't associate. I saw that like you can buy broth in like a box almost like instead of a – it's a liquid, but it comes in a box. A carton. A carton. Thank you. So it had swollen from being way past its expiration date.
Starting point is 01:34:51 It was disgusting. Oh, did you? But to her, it was like, you know what? If the bad times come, I'll want to have that. It's still good. Notice. Yeah, but that was the core of all of her thinking. Like, oh, this cardboard box?
Starting point is 01:35:04 I might need that for a thing. Come down there. There'll be a day when I'll appreciate the value in all this junk. Junk, junk, junk. Have you noticed they do the thing where they can't just take the disgusting, gross man's things and just be like, all right, this whole team start moving it to the dumpster. They move it to the front yard and then this slob has to sit there and sift
Starting point is 01:35:28 through boxes of trash and be and then that psychiatrist has to sit there and be like, oh, we've got a cat skeleton in a shoebox from 1979 here. Do you want that? Yeah, well, that was Snuggles 7 and he was always special
Starting point is 01:35:44 in my heart. And even if his eyes were eaten out by the other malnourished cats living in my home, I still want to keep it. Like, okay, we're going to take Mr. Kitten's corpse, and we're going to put him over here in the keep box. And it's like, no, how about you fucking, you need to tell this person no. The ship of keeping dead cats in your home has sailed. It's over.
Starting point is 01:36:03 You can't do that anymore. When neighbors are complaining because your house smells of dead animals. In 2016 in the United States, it's an issue. And oftentimes they're really unsuccessful. They'll devote 10 days to cleaning a single wide trailer. And then what do they actually get done?
Starting point is 01:36:18 They clean the kitchen of it. And that's it. They couldn't... Other rooms are still... It's difficult to picture. It's like a dumpster stacked floor to ceiling full of stuff with pans that you can walk through that are often somewhat littered as well. Yeah. Oh, it's so goddamn disgusting.
Starting point is 01:36:37 I like the ones where they throw away the shit that was supposed to be put aside for the me me me idiot to go and they throw it away and then the next scene is the person on it they'll the stark raving lunatic pulling through the dumpster looking for a stuffed bunny with the missing leg or something yeah me me me like some of the things we talked about like almost always like the you mentioned Sort of maybe have some sentimental value Like the cat skeleton which is gross But a twisted part of me Kind of gets it
Starting point is 01:37:13 But this is like expired food That they keep Fruits and vegetables with mold on it Boxes and like Ripped open plastic containers I saw one where every time they wiped their ass They took that soiled piece of paper and threw it in the shit paper pile on the floor Oh god. And they just-
Starting point is 01:37:32 Where did the shitty paper go? In the shit paper pile. They've just been doing that forever. Where do you put your shit paper? Like keep in mind, he's shitting into a perfectly good toilet like he's just wiping his ass and saying ah clean and then throwing it with the rest and on the floor there's this big pile of wadded up toilet paper with shit on one side that he's folded together and like stuck the shit in the middle like some sort of surprise for the next guy if you've ever been to a third world country that's what you do now they throw it out of course they don't just keep it forever but like i yeah we've talked about this on the show before i feel
Starting point is 01:38:04 like i'm like oh my god someone's going to be judging me by my shit paper. You know, they're going to be like, oh, what are you? Third world food not taken well to that belly, huh? Like someone's going to be judging my digestive system. So I'm always trying to make sure that I have a final fold when I put it in there that they can't see. Just in case someone opens it. There was one episode of Hoarders where this lady and this other guy who lived in this house, their toilet broke. And so this was like mid-hoard.
Starting point is 01:38:37 You know, this was like year six in a 10-year hoarding bonanza for these people. And instead of getting their toilet fixed, they just started shitting in bags and just heaving it up the stairs and they just didn't have they didn't go upstairs anymore it was like that's the that's uh you know the second story is the shit story we just shit in bags and then we went up there leave it for decades that was one episode where the guy coming in that overly nice had to come in and and actually talk to the crew and be like we got to shut this down like we can't have guys walking around in Tepid humid air with decades-old feces floating about anything in there. That's where the Zika virus came from
Starting point is 01:39:18 They needed like a spacesuit Yeah, and you know that's awful far as that's concerned uh we all we all have a little bit of uh hoarder especially like i i can go into my office over here go in the closet and find old printer serial cables like cables and shit i have i have old like joysticks from games that still would have to screw into your graphics card. Just ridiculous peripherals. And I don't know why. I just don't throw them away. So I'm a computer guy.
Starting point is 01:39:53 If you're home and you're forced to shit in unnatural places, then we'll have a problem. But if you have old electronics in a closet in a mansion, so we're okay. As a computer guy, those things are my absolute nightmare like like some relative calls up or friend of a friend like hey i got this new macbook retina pro can you help me get my scanner to work with it it's got like an lpt2 cable from like 1993 i'm like no i can't i can't get it to work with this you fucking get a new scanner from this decade you're you're out of luck. I've got lots of stuff, too. I get sent a lot of stuff, like gun stuff.
Starting point is 01:40:31 Like, there's an extra barrel to a pistol here. Like, I got little things like this are laying everywhere. It's got a thing stuck to it. But, like, they're everywhere, and I don't know where to put them. What is that behind you? I can't. Is that a tripod on the couch? It's over your left shoulder.
Starting point is 01:40:48 Oh, no. I got my vectors here. That's what it is. Yeah. And then behind that, I've got my rifle. Is that an arm light? We need to ban that. We need to ban it. It's scary looking.
Starting point is 01:41:05 I don't appreciate it because I don't understand it. I hand-painted this one. What is that one? That's an assault machine gun pistol rifle clip-on. You know the Founding Fathers didn't imagine that. The Founding Fathers are the kind of men who thought, progress stops here. What will be achieved from here on out?
Starting point is 01:41:23 There will be no innovation. Which, first of all, you were allowed to have cannons under the Second Amendment back then, so that whole point is bunk, but whatever. You still have them. The progress happened during their lifetime thinking that, what, it was just gonna stop there? Yeah, a few of them
Starting point is 01:41:40 lived old enough to see, like, the first lever-action rifles, and they were like, alright, whatever. More power because we're not really gonna get it now that's what they said they didn't give a fuck um that's a remington 700 stuck in like a seven or eight hundred dollar chassis it's a steel chassis um it's 10 round uh detachable magazine and a suppressor 308 10 rounds we approve but barely yeah well i mean you know mean, you know. Ah, barely. Kyle, quick update. Who's winning the leave or stay thing? Oh, they are
Starting point is 01:42:10 voting to leave. For a while there, the vote to stay in the EU had ilked ahead, but let me refresh it right now and give you the... By about 100,000, they're going to leave, so it's about 10% ahead. Wow, I didn't know that. By 50,000. Yeah, 50,000, they're going to leave. So it's about 10% ahead. Wow, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:42:26 By 50,000. Yeah, 50,000 votes for ahead to leave. It's 120,000 on my screen. Oh, yeah, you're right. I see it now. It's 140,000 on mine. They're winning by 140,000 now? Yeah, with 2 million votes counted.
Starting point is 01:42:42 Man. Is that early enough statistically? I don't know. I don't know. For that early enough statistically? I don't know. I don't know. For it to be significant? I don't know. I heard that Lee was in the lead there, and they were pretty much saying,
Starting point is 01:42:53 well, if it goes the way the exit polls are going, but wow, that's surprising. I'm somehow very interested, yet completely ignorant on this topic. Yes. Yes. I just think it's kind of, I want to see like a powerful British empire at some point,
Starting point is 01:43:12 not just another piece of this shitty European puzzle that they've become. Look out, India. We're coming back. Yeah. They're going to come back. Look out, US. I like those English. I was watching Peaky Blinders the other night,
Starting point is 01:43:24 and it takes place post-world war one and they're talking about getting ex British military for like an operation. They're doing some criminal thing He's like and don't get any more that that served in India. They hit too hard That was like wow the British were hard fucking core at the time Don't serve in India. They hit too hard hard fucking core at the turn of the century. Don't be more reserved than any of you. They hit too hard.
Starting point is 01:43:47 There's a few days where the sun never set on the British Empire, and now it's like the sun is literally setting on the British Empire. It's terrible. Now they've got, like, what, one time zone? Yeah. Yeah, that's it. That's all they get. Where are the
Starting point is 01:44:04 Falkland Islands at? They've got a few islands, right? they get. Where are the Falkland Islands at? They've got a few islands, right? Oh, they still have the Falklands. The British Isles, all that stuff. So yeah, I suppose they've got some more time zones. But they used to have huge swaths of the entire planet. From Australia to India, all over Africa, South Africa, all those places. America.
Starting point is 01:44:20 It's a kick-ass fucking navy if you got out of line. Yeah, they come in there and burn your crops to the ground, salt your fields. Yeah. And whoop you too fucking hard, apparently. Yeah, the British used to really run a global empire. Yeah. Let me sneak an ad in while Woody has stepped away. This episode of Painkiller Already is being brought to you by Dollar Shave Club.
Starting point is 01:44:43 Guys, we really appreciate you listening to the show, and we wanted to do something to thank you. So we contacted our friends over at and arranged for them to give new members a month of executive razors for free just by buying a tube of Dr. Carver's Shave Butter. We're super excited they're doing that for you now, so let me remind you why millions of others have joined me as proud members of the club. delivers amazing razors right to your door for a third of the normal price that those greedy razor corporations charge. That means that when you join the Dollar Shave Club, you can afford to shave with a fresh blade anytime you want,
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Starting point is 01:45:58 We love Dollar Shave Club. Thank you for your sponsorship. We do. If you need to shave, use our code. Do that thing. Yeah. I love your sponsors. So, Woody, do you want to give the viewers a little update?
Starting point is 01:46:13 And maybe Anthony, too, a little update on your flying. Your airman stuff. Woody is what we like to call a flyboy. Wow. An aviatrix. Do you know what a paramotor is, Anthony? Yes.
Starting point is 01:46:30 Okay. It looks awesome. It's like that parachute, but it's motorized. Yeah, with like a fan on your back. A little fan on your back, yeah. And I have a little bit of acreage here, so I would just theoretically be able to step out my back door and fly away into the sky sky sounds amazing yeah and um there really isn't an update since we last spoke i i
Starting point is 01:46:54 what it is is i've had enough training to fly i'm like there next time i do my thing i'm going to step into the air but um we need good weather and and that's where it is i haven't kited this week which is my practicing because it's a fucking 100 degrees out and i would die 101 degrees to be more specific and uh but anyway yeah i'm gonna fly soon and i'm very excited about that now how do you practice this without actually flying so it turns out 90 of it is just being able to control the wing like during takeoff and landing so 50 of it is just showing up it's you'd think like flying a kite is easy you know so therefore flying a wing is easy but it's 26 and a half meters and like as the wing shifts or like if a thermal swings by it takes you up off your feet and you land, like, five feet over.
Starting point is 01:47:47 And, like, you just got to kind of handle that coolly. Like, all right, yeah, now we're here, you know. Like, now we're airborne. Same thing. Now we're landing. All right, you know, get your bearings again. And you just manipulate it until you keep it. I'm pretty good at it now.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Like, it's pretty hard. How do you control like the various roll pitch yaw of of it there's there's two breaks there's a left break and a right break and if it's getting too far over you pull both of them if it's going left or right you it's a combination of pulling the right break and then shifting your feet under okay so you you could pull both of them and go yeah and it kind of stalls it. You're talking about being while you're flying. You're not talking about kiting. While you're flying, the altitude
Starting point is 01:48:30 is completely determined by the motor. If you give it more fuel, it'll pick up altitude. Oh, right. Okay. When you're kiting, you're on the ground and you're just controlling it to see what the wing does. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:48:44 You are going to be scared fuckless, Leonard. Yes, he is. Suddenly I feel like a feeling of no control is going to fall over you maybe. I'm in the air with a fan on my back and a parachute that I'm hoping has enough air in it so that I don't die. The closest I've come to that so far is like, I'm like running with the engine on my back, but turned off and it gets lifted, right? So now this thing, which weighs like 75 pounds,
Starting point is 01:49:14 suddenly weighs like five. And I'm right there, like, you know, but I haven't actually, well, the only flying I've done is like down bunny hills, you know, like almost like an aerial sled ride. I haven't- I haven haven't been a little a little air yeah i get like maybe 12 15 feet in the air and then land 100 feet down the hill kyle and i have been watching uh with woody crash compilations of people in paramotors
Starting point is 01:49:39 you know because it that's the thing with these paramotor falling uh videos people crashing is you look up and it's like that looks exactly like everybody else who did this successfully and then just as an act of god he seizes the wind and these people just oh and it just looks like they just fall out of the sky with a 75 pound you know home depot fan strapped to their back they slam into the ground like this is not a joke. He's so right. It's dangerous. It kills me. Sometimes when I watch him, I'm like, alright, I've completely identified that guy's mistake.
Starting point is 01:50:12 He used a lot of brake without a lot of throttle. He shouldn't have been making course corrections that low. Other times, I'm like, I don't know what he did wrong, which means I'm totally a candidate for doing that thing also. Yes, not knowing exactly what happened to the guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:26 Oh, my God. He should have taken Delta instead of his own airline. It's all for fun. I've had people tell me that I said it had utility. It doesn't. It's not a better way to get. Yeah, no. That's just.
Starting point is 01:50:43 Yeah. I've never, ever said that this had any useful value at all what it's for is i'm excited about having this privileged perspective on earth like it seems really neat to be able to just step into your backyard and fly into the sky and that's what drones are for and now i'm now I'm just like, I love that. It's a privileged perspective. You can fly. It's called a wing.
Starting point is 01:51:11 You strap your wing on and you soar away. And you get to see Earth from a way that other people don't get to see it. It's pretty neat. Will you ever use the thing to complete some random errand? Like, I want you to go to town, get a pizza, and then fly on back. If that were to hypothetically happen, it still wouldn't have been the best way to make it happen. I would really be kidding myself and think,
Starting point is 01:51:34 you know what, the best way to get to Papa John's is by paramotor. Given the weight requirements of it, I would love to see you kind of land at Little Caesar's Pizza and you go in, buy a hot and ready of it, I would love to see you kind of land at Little Caesars Pizza and you go in, buy a hot and ready and a 20 ounce
Starting point is 01:51:49 soda and you stand there and you pour out half of your soda and you throw like five pieces out and you're like alright and we're good to go. And now we're good to go. We're airborne. I could either leave half the pizza here or I gotta leave my shoes gotta really make those decisions
Starting point is 01:52:08 my instructor was telling me about another instructor who's a big man apparently he weighs like 340 pounds he has a special paramotor that's like made just for him he has a wing that's made for tandem normally two people use it but he just uses it solo
Starting point is 01:52:22 and apparently this guy is like a ballerina. Like his whole life he just kind of slugs around. He's like a regular person. He's like a pendulum. He is like a pendulum. So like his whole life he just looks like a regular big guy. But when he goes to like launch it and step into the air, he's amazing. Like his technique is flawless.
Starting point is 01:52:46 He takes it up, everything's in perfect control, he spins, he takes a step or two, and he's off into the sky. He's just got it nailed. Whereas beginners kind of just run a lot and they're real thumpy and jerky. Unless you're a professional athlete, I never buy that shit of like, man, he is
Starting point is 01:53:02 so, he is fat, but he is quick. You wouldn't believe it and then like you see clips of it online or something of like a fat guy doing a backflip or like running really fast and it's like if you were to just superimpose or if you photoshopped that guy into a normal sized person and showed me that clip i'd be like why are you wasting my time with this normal man running an average speed? Like, why? But no, it's just because you don't expect it.
Starting point is 01:53:29 Like, I don't know. There's no way that dude is out there, you know, deftly maneuvering in ways that other people can't because he's got two fans on his back instead of one. Every so often you see a really big guy hit the dance floor and they can dance. And it's like, holy fuck. Very short intervals. Yeah, yeah, that's true too. But it's like, how did he do that? How does he even practice long enough to develop that skill?
Starting point is 01:53:49 Like a half of the thriller dance. But that's still neat. I think it's cool to beat expectations like that. So, Anthony, you back doing your show on the schedule again? Yeah, yeah. I've been back about a month now, which is nice. So, Anthony, you back doing your show on the schedule again? Yeah, yeah. I've been back about a month now, which is nice. Did you – in YouTube, if you – Things are calming down a little bit.
Starting point is 01:54:11 In YouTube, if you take a break like that, you almost have to rebuild your audience. Did any of that happen? No, which was cool. I had a bunch of the comics and other guests. They guest hosted my show for me for the whole time. So that worked out really well. That is nice. I think people just wanted to see what the hell I would talk about when I got back.
Starting point is 01:54:33 So they hung in there for me. They didn't know if I was going to be like, you know, Jesus once said. I knew you wouldn't. One day at a time. I'm turning the other cheek you bring that up I gotta talk about my mom a little apparently so my mom and my dad split and so
Starting point is 01:54:54 apparently my mom has become hyper religious since then apparently she says that she's gonna let God guide her the rest of the way I hate when I hear that. Jesus, take the wheel. Jesus, take the wheel.
Starting point is 01:55:08 I just kind of do my own thing, and God guides me on through. You're just putting a blindfold on and saying, fuck it. It's just a pious way of saying I'm not responsible for anything I do. One of my least favorite things is when people in business invoke God. This has happened to me recently, but I don't want to talk about who. It's like their shield. This sort of
Starting point is 01:55:33 like, oh, what? Do you feel fucked over all the time by me constantly saying shit that doesn't happen? I'm a God. I'm a Jesus person. And it's like... Christian's the word it's like you should turn that right around if I had contracted Jesus to do this job it would have been done
Starting point is 01:55:51 and he'd be standing on it right now looking at me instead you're getting too close here there's lawyers involved at this point yeah yeah so I might need a new topic at this point. Yeah, yeah. So, I might need a new topic at this point. Isn't it great
Starting point is 01:56:11 when you have your own show and pending litigation? You can't shut the fuck up about it. Yeah, yeah. So, that eu thing that's gonna pass i i just went upstairs to grab a coke and uh and kitty was literally transferring
Starting point is 01:56:33 money around as i walked through she's like she said the exchange rate is uh is pretty good uh for what she's trying to do i don't know if she's taking money out or put money in something about oh yeah she's buying she's buying she's buying pounds because they're so low. That's what she's doing. It appears that Leave is going to win. Now, if I'm looking at this little... Here, let me show the world what we're looking at. It looks to me
Starting point is 01:56:55 like there's a lot of voting left to happen, but you know, it's statistically significant that Leave is winning. I don't know. I don't know. It's statistically significant that Leave is winning. So, yeah. I don't know. Like I said before, and I couldn't phrase it
Starting point is 01:57:10 any better, I'm deeply interested and totally ignorant. Yeah. That's where I am. Yeah, we'll see how that turns out. We'll see what the ramifications are, both short-term and long-term. I think it'll be interesting. If nothing else, it's a nice little story. Yeah, something else to look at in the news aside from trump and fucking hillary
Starting point is 01:57:28 and what death and terror yeah god i'm i'm actively avoiding trump and hit like look there will be a time for trump and hillary talk again on our show and that time is closer to the election right now it's like that's what you do you go through phases all right we had the primaries all that hype and bullshit and then we had the initial thing where they were the two candidates and now it's just gonna be like exhausting to have to listen to all the bullshit i'll wait until you know october yeah whenever the debates fire up i don't know when the debates come on but that'll make it that's when everything will start to matter again you know voters will be firm and we'll see what's
Starting point is 01:58:11 up the convention where apparently the republicans can just say nah to trump ah that's not gonna thing that's not gonna happen they can't really do that because trump's part of the like convention rule making process since he won it's it's over he's the guy it's well i mean it's not technically over but he's the guy they can't pull back now they've already made efforts to solidify around him and that which made them lose face if there was going to be a big switcheroo that was going to come in cleveland then they wouldn't be buddying up to trump they would be having these big meetings with him um he had the big like christian uh group meeting this last week with jerry falwell jr and all those clowns so he's gonna be the guy um was i gonna say yeah neither candidate excites me but i'm really
Starting point is 01:58:57 turned off by the idea of someone who didn't get the votes being the candidate like that doesn't that's not what i'm looking for at all so yeah um i don't know i i i i can't abide hillary so that's that's all that matters to me is my my great great hate for her and all that she stands for so that that kind of seals the deal for me it wouldn't matter if it was trump or flavor flave i know who i'm voting for right right well wait in that case it'd be trump i think you say it doesn't matter if it's hillary or flavor flave if i'm reading you right what i'm you say it doesn't matter if it's Hillary or Flavor Flav, if I'm reading you right. What I'm saying is it doesn't matter who runs against Hillary. Whether it's Trump or Flavor Flav, I would vote for that person.
Starting point is 01:59:31 I might pick Flavor Flav over Hillary or Trump, just because if we're going to go crazy, go full force with it. And hey, at least we'd always know what time it was. We would, yeah. Can you imagine how many times it would be now is the time to act point that is fucking yo right now is 215 by 315 that niggas dead that's how we play it now that would be your president that would be great although it's not that not that angry he's more of a chill guy remember flavor of love love when he had Brigitte uh brigitte brigitte is that how you
Starting point is 02:00:08 spell it nielsen brigitte nielsen who used to be so fucking hot back in the day doing those like red sonja movies or whatever uh like like just super hot but time was not kind to her of course it's not like time uh time was very kind to flavor flay but either he's the one of the most repugnant looking motherfuckers on the planet i walked right by flavor flay at the airport once and it was he looks even worse than he does in that show about him like he looks more like uh like withered he's he's tiny like I didn't realize he was such a tiny... I passed him being like, is that Flava Flade's son? Is that his small body double from far away?
Starting point is 02:00:51 What's the point? I don't know. He looked horrible. And he should have been thanking his lucky stars he ever got to get with Bridget or Brigitte or whoever. Because he is a gross individual. I walked past some professional wrestler at the airport. I don't know my pro wrestlers that well. It might have been Triple H.
Starting point is 02:01:10 One of the really, really big guys is in weight, not popularity. But he was gigantic. And at the time, I was training Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and I had this intermediate syndrome where I thought I could beat people. I couldn't. And I was next to that mountain I couldn't and uh I was next to that mountain of a man and I was just like oh my no way no way like he picked me up like bam bam and on the ground like he was just so big I was like oh yeah well I guess not now I know I would
Starting point is 02:01:42 lose that wouldn't be my thought at the airport if I saw that guy. It would be like, oh, this guy sits next to me. I swear to God. And he's not even fat, so I can't be mouthy. Like, I'll have to be polite about it. Like, is this enough room, sir? Do you need my armrest on this side, too? Like, just reach on over, sir.
Starting point is 02:01:59 Like, whatever you need. If you want, you can just stole me at the luggage. No, I didn't even want my pretzels. It's totally cool. You need to carbo-load anyway. You need energy. You look tired. Have my soda. The whole can. When I was doing the ONA show, we had an appearance at
Starting point is 02:02:17 the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square, which at the time, I think, might have even been the WWE Cafe. They had turned it into it at some point. And one of our guests were Flava Flav. And he was under the impression somehow, I don't know how he got this idea, that our party that we were having, that he was a guest in, was his album release party for his new
Starting point is 02:02:44 album. So he completely took over our party and we bring him up and his posse of like 20 other people come out on stage, literally chased us off of our own show. But there was our audience in the audience watching Flavor Flav and all of his homeboys hijack our show for his album release party. It was hilarious. Yeah, and he looked like he was real ashy. He looked like he was one of those, you see at Hiroshima, those pictures, like somebody that had been hit with an atomic blast. He just didn't look good. Or Pompeii. Yeah, Pompeii. There, that's better. those pictures like somebody that had been hit with an atomic blast he just looked like pompeii yeah there that's better it's just one of those pompeii people oh crispy uh so what happened he just went up there and like like took it over what did you guys went up there he did the yeah
Starting point is 02:03:37 boy we're here we're going uh we're gonna rock this party out. And people just started coming onto the stage. Like, we didn't know who they were, where they came from. And then they just started blasting some of his album, hip-hop stuff. And that was it. Our party was over. And our audience was sitting and standing there just looking up like, what the fuck just happened? Yeah, I think there are pictures of it somewhere if you google uh flavor flay of opie and anthony i'm sure it'll come up but uh like claim the stage after a while or was it like all right well that's pretty much it that was the
Starting point is 02:04:15 end yeah thank god we kept it toward the end of uh the night but oh man we didn't know what happened we laughed our asses off that it did happen like this guy just thought it was his party it's like when michael jackson came out and thought he was getting the uh artist of the millennium statue it's like oh i think this guy because uh who who brought him out i I think it was Miley. No, it was before Miley. And she said, and I believe he is the artist of the millennium, Michael Jackson.
Starting point is 02:04:52 She just said that, and he came out and goes, this is a great award. Millennium. What's even fucking funnier than that is artists of the millennium, you're going up against Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, all of the millennium, you're going up against Bach, Beethoven,
Starting point is 02:05:05 Mozart, all of the greats, and he goes up there and takes it like, oh, you know, they never said they said you would never beat Mozart, and I told him fuck you, he's a hack, he's a fucking hack, Bach couldn't even hear him. He took it. That's one of the most uncomfortable clips
Starting point is 02:05:22 for me to watch, is to watch him accept a fake award. And everybody has to sit there and watch and be like, oh no. They had to give him something too. What was it? It wasn't even an award. It was like a straight soccer participation trophy. A mic stand.
Starting point is 02:05:42 It had a picture of a golfer on it. Participation award. I love it. That guy had an interesting life. I mean, not too many people have had their hair set on fire on national television before. That was pretty great, too, that whole Pepsi thing. Yeah. That was huge.
Starting point is 02:06:03 There was a story that just came out the other day that he had some, you know, we knew he was pretty great too that whole pepsi thing yeah that was huge there was a story that just came out the other day that he had some you know we knew he was pretty creepy but he had some real creepy stuff that just came out like he was a collector of and this is weird because peewee herman fell into this category too a collector of erotica like young boy erotica art though it's art see it's not crazy perverted stuff uh also there were stories that he would uh have videos of small animals being killed and would show them to the children that would come to neverland like weird shit started coming out when it comes to young boy stuff, the difference between erotica art and porn is
Starting point is 02:06:47 the net worth of the owner. That's a razor's edge that you're walking through. I guess Kiwi Herman was trading artwork with the guy that played the principal on Ferris Bueller's Day Off. That guy got locked up.
Starting point is 02:07:02 Yeah, he got locked up. Net worth issues. And they were both friends, and they would trade erotica. And I guess he was trading with other people, and it wasn't as much erotica. It's like Pokemon. You've got to get them all, I guess, you know? He's like, well, I don't have any little Russian boys. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:23 Collect them all. That ties into nobody really likes like what is he doing like what's what how do you play it off like when he has people over who just think like this is peewee first of all don't call him peewee second uh he's really into young boys lithe supple bodies and so he plasters it all over his home like what is he doing when people come over is he just like you know i just god just look at the the crevice on that belly button or the dimple on the butt cheek like it just brings you back to your most human you can't play it off so there's no way to explain how you could be interested in the art of little boys a lot of listeners might not know that because they're young but peewee herman when he came out with
Starting point is 02:08:04 peewee herman's great adventure and he was a huge star like the man of the minute right whatever that was and then shortly after that he got busted for masturbating in a public theater the thing was like before the internet sometimes like that's what these public theaters were kind of for like they had these triple x theaters where people would go in and jerk off, I guess. I never went to one. I don't know how big it is, how many seats there are. I imagine it being like a full-size movie theater, but I'm probably wrong. Well, if you want to know, they were a little smaller than full-size movie theaters.
Starting point is 02:08:42 There was one in Bayshore here on Long Island that we used to go to, me and some of my buddies, or like once we were done with work at a place I used to work in, it was like, let's go to the Bayshore Theater and watch a porn. Dude, you didn't just go out and get porn. It wasn't available just to get like it is now.
Starting point is 02:09:02 Let me get some porn. Oh, here it is. It took work to actually get it. Like, just to get, like it is now. Let me get some porn. Oh, here it is. Like, it's work to actually get it. And we used to go, but we'd laugh our asses off at how bad the movies were. But it was kind of good to see some hot fucking naked chicks and stuff. There was one scene where this girl was just giving a great blowjob to some guy. And he finishes all over her.
Starting point is 02:09:33 And the theater was pretty quiet. And I just out yes but can she cook and it was wild like just starts laughing their asses off that was uh one of one of my seinfeld moments funny line out at the movie they were like regular movie theaters though and people would jerk off in these theaters, right? That was like, yeah, yeah. But apparently when Pee Wee Herman did it, maybe because of his celebrity or whatever, he got targeted and they busted him for some sort of public exposure, whatever charge. I see it kind of the same way that
Starting point is 02:09:57 when you go to Chipotle and you pay for water but you get a Sprite, everybody's doing it and it's accepted, just don't talk about you know i don't do that i think peewee was also in one of those theaters that weren't just guys sitting and even guys just jacking off which was illegal and they used to send cops in that's how he was caught a cop would walk around and kind of see what everyone was doing but i think there was actual sex going on, gay sex going on in that theater.
Starting point is 02:10:30 Might have been someone in Pee Wee's lap. So anyway, he disappeared for a little while. And then he came back and he was on this MTV award show. And it was fantastic. Everyone's like, how is he going to recover from the public embarrassment of him getting caught masturbating in a theater and he's like hey heard any good jokes lately and it was in the place wars because peewee harvey jokes are like the thing and it was fantastic he just totally owned it that line man yeah and then he did like a few movies like blow and he was really good in that uh yeah he did he did a couple of movies where he wasn't Pee-wee.
Starting point is 02:11:08 And then I just watched that new Pee-wee thing that's on – is it on Netflix or Amazon or something? Yeah, I watched it too. Yeah, and you know what? I was thinking like, oh, fuck, this is going to suck. It was actually pretty funny. It felt like Pee-wee's big adventure it really had the feel of you know the whole uh first one with the bicycle and everything uh but but he can still pull that off because he's not 20 anymore it worked i guess he he has a very young look with
Starting point is 02:11:39 him he still looks like yeah he looks like a you would not have if you just saw the movie and uh peewee's big adventure you would not imagine this amount of time had passed between them but yeah He still looks like Pee-Wee. Yeah, he looks like a... If you just saw the movie and Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, you would not imagine this amount of time had passed between them. But, God, I watched Pee-Wee's Big Adventure pretty recently in the last few months, and, God, unlike so many other movies, I thought were fucking hilarious as a kid that still holds up. Like, him and Francis talking about the bicycle, and Francis is just such a fat, smarmy cunt to him.
Starting point is 02:12:07 They're like both 38-year-old men bickering like children. I know, that's the fucking thing. They were men, you know? They're men talking about... My dad will get me anything I want. Dragging about their fathers. On this EU thing, Remain is winning now. Yeah, it's going back and forth.
Starting point is 02:12:27 It flipped the other way, yeah. I don't care, but now I was... I picked a side, and I wanted to leave to win, because they were winning, but now I can't abandon it and bandwagon on to stay. I'm not going to be a bandwagon fan. I'm not bandwagoning. I don't know what that involves, but leave.
Starting point is 02:12:45 I don't know what is better or what I want. I am fairly certain that whenever I choose a side, my fans will tell me what a terrible asshole I am for choosing it. You picked the other one. What's that? I'm team leave. Right? Is that what I am?
Starting point is 02:13:04 Yes, you're Team Leave. They used to be winning, and they fell behind. I think we're still in the first period on this thing. What are the votes now? How much are we losing by? You're losing by about 60,000 votes. Oh, my God. No big deal. They make one dumb mistake.
Starting point is 02:13:20 We get a two-minute power play. We're back in this spot. The third's back in. Take advantage. I'm relatively sure that's exactly how this works. play, we're back in the spot. Take advantage. I'm relatively sure that's exactly how this works. Yeah. Dude, I don't know. Anthony, do you ever go to Islander games?
Starting point is 02:13:36 Nah, I used to go occasionally when they were in out on Long Island. They're at Brooklyn now, so it's kind of a pain in the ass to pump my ass into Brooklyn to go see the Island islanders and from what i hear the barclays center which they built for um the nets uh it sucks for hockey like if you're behind the net on one side you can't even see the net it's like there's some problem with the wall they built or something i don't know i there are yeah
Starting point is 02:14:05 there's seats where you can't sit and then like you know if you're looking out on an arena basketball nhl whatever the jumbotron is in the middle just right in the middle of the building and the islanders arena it's like almost over one of the goalies so if you're sitting high up on the home side yeah you don't see it like i it ridiculous. I don't understand how the Islanders don't have a better situation there being in fucking New York. Like, how? How could they not?
Starting point is 02:14:31 They're the bastard children of the Rangers. They don't, you know, the Rangers will get everything they want. I went to a Hurricanes game. Because the Islanders are so much more successful than the Rangers as a franchise, and they just can't get anything. I went to a Hurricanes game,
Starting point is 02:14:45 and it was like tickets for $9. Like, why not? You know, who could that? Dude, it's dangerous, those $9 tickets. It is so steep at the top of the arena, whatever the hell it's called, like some fucking bank center. Like, you want to have those,
Starting point is 02:15:04 what are the ice mountain climbers use those fucking specialized axes like it's almost like you're going up a ladder to your seat it is so steep and like i've got my kids with me and i feel like i'm holding them because if they so much as slip they're falling down 12 stairs it's ridiculous yeah and and like the thing that i all i need to enjoy the game is to be able to read the players names on their back but i can't i'm so far in the sky like i can only have like a split second to read it and they're all russian so you're like number 28 and the shishnicka fuck fuck wait till next time yeah god damn it so i i can make out that there's a hockey game down there
Starting point is 02:15:44 and even see like by their body language which one might have the puck, but I can't tell who the players are, what lines on the ice. Yeah, the $9 seats are really overpriced for that game. The Carolina Hurricanes. I went to the Barclays Center once, only once, for a Neil Diamond concert. I saw Neil Diamond. He's like 70 years old. Love on the rocks, ain't no surprise.
Starting point is 02:16:19 Pour me a drink. That guy. And I was able to get in with my gun. They actually let me check in like law enforcement does. I showed them my permit. And then they said, what hand do you shoot with? I said, my right. They give you a red wristband so that if any shenanigans break out, they'll know who was checked out when they're holding their guns.
Starting point is 02:16:46 So I didn't think anything was going to happen at a Neil Diamond show. I thought that was a unique little system. Couldn't get it off. Foiled again! That's crazy. And I was just looking for other people with wristbands. In North Carolina, there's no way you could go to an event
Starting point is 02:17:06 that has tickets and stuff like that with a gun like that's like the big thing like if they're if that's what amazed me fucking new york which is great and new york city which is crazy but i guess it's for mostly for law enforcement but since it was a complete, you know, legit license, they let me in. Like getting a concealed carry in New York, I might be out of date. But you kind of have to prove that your life's in danger, right? It's nearly impossible to get. How did you do it? Yeah, I have plenty of death threats against me.
Starting point is 02:17:37 Was it bad? Did you prove that, like, you might have to defend yourself? Oh, yeah. I had threat assessments done. And I save all the emails from people that want to kill me and the threats and everything else. I had some guy that was driving around my neighborhood and tweeting at the same time and putting his position of where he was in his tweets is like, yeah, I think I'm close. I think I'm close. I'm going to not, the next day, I'm listening on the news, and some guy was in a standoff with police, and it was that guy. It
Starting point is 02:18:11 turned out he had an airsoft rifle, but they arrested him, took him in, and he was off his meds. But he was looking for me. Good thing he didn't find you, or you would have killed him. Yes. I would have killed him, and and maybe had a welt You know how like you in the moment that you get shot
Starting point is 02:18:35 Apparently based on war veterans like you're not feeling the bullet searing pain like you're in shock Like what if you just fell a few like pop pop pop pop pop like stings you're like this is the end Like, what if you just felt a few, like, pop, pop, pop, pop, like, stings? You're like, this is the end! And then you mow this guy down in your front yard, only to look down, ah, fuck. It's a couple of heebies caught in the, you know, culverts of my clothing. You're like, I'm a fucking superhero! Hashtag unbreakable.
Starting point is 02:19:04 I guess I'm a vigilante now. All right, let's go. Doesn't New York for... Kyle, you know way more than me, but some states are like shall issue. And some states are like may issue. Or some other word. Those are the words. And the idea is basically, you know,
Starting point is 02:19:19 where I am, it's shall. So if I apply for it, he's gotta give it to me. He doesn't have any voice in this. He's just the facilitator of the thing. It's not like he's the decider. But May, your sheriff, can be like, yeah, I know Marky. He doesn't need that. No, I'm not signing.
Starting point is 02:19:36 Or May just has a blanket thing where he doesn't sign any at all. Like, no, no one gets one here. Here it takes one six-hour class on one day. you had to go to a class eh interesting yeah yeah i had my picture taken you have you can double it up here because uh if you get your concealed carry permit in missouri it also counts as a hunting permit and so then you don't have to do that so it's like you can spend an extra hour in class here
Starting point is 02:20:00 the same stuff and never have to go back. Mine was like 10 hours. It was like five hours of like hands-on, like shooting targets and listening to instructions and then five hours of classroom, something like that. Another thing about New York, no fucking class. I didn't have to take shit. I just got, I went and my New York City one is an attachment on my state license. So it's easier to get than a pure New York City license.
Starting point is 02:20:29 It does the same shit. I drive into the city, whatever. But the state license and even the city attachment, no course, no nothing. But you have to cough up your innards and let them examine everything. I mean, your fucking tax returns. have to cough up your innards and let them examine everything i mean you know your uh fucking uh tax returns i mean i give them everything it was like 50 dollars it was like 50 dollars and they took my photograph and that was the cost oh you had to drive in there and what a hardship georgia really needs to streamline this so close to my house that's the funny thing that the place is literally
Starting point is 02:21:04 so close to my house i could have walked like i. The place is literally so close to my house, I could have walked. I mean, if I looked out a window, I can almost see the place where I had to go. It's so close. It was super easy. Anthony, what do you carry? A model. HK40. I don't know how big that is. Is it like
Starting point is 02:21:19 subcompact? SK. Yeah, it's mid-size. Mid-size.40 caliber. It's nice nice if i'm doing something where i'm not i don't have as much uh to wear i i have that affinity for that walter uh pbk s the uh 380 i like that little thing it's pretty accurate and dependable i i like it down at the range um that's about it. The funny thing is when you first start carrying, you just buy the biggest fucking
Starting point is 02:21:49 45. 1911. I got a full-size Sig 45. I'm like, no one will fuck with me, mother. I just got this anvil on your hip. It's hard. Pulling your pants down on one side. You can't sit down in your car.
Starting point is 02:22:05 Pants on for a good... I need something a little more reasonable. Yeah, I need... I sit here and think, is there a pen gun? Something I could keep in a shirt pocket? Just one shot, maybe. I don't like the little minis carries.
Starting point is 02:22:28 Some guys like those really small guns. I like something with a little substance to it, but not obviously not giant. I like that.40. Good size. I'm on the mini side. LCP
Starting point is 02:22:43 is the gun that I carry. Some people will say, I'm not accurate with it. Yeah, I'm on the mini size. LCP is the gun that I carry. Some people will say, I'm not accurate with it. Yeah, I'm not really either. I'm just hoping my opponent is close. That's the idea. I was talking to my dad about that yesterday. He was looking for a gun to carry.
Starting point is 02:23:00 I was like, on your person or in your truck, et cetera, et cetera, asking questions. Yeah, you definitely don't want some gigantic thing you got to carry around. carry i was like on your on your person or in your truck etc etc asking questions and yeah that you definitely don't want some gigantic thing you got to carry around you want it to be concealed right that's the whole point i carry that lcp sometimes but i can't hit shit with that like i missed a juice box one time on my back porch with it and i know how to shoot so like if i'm gonna
Starting point is 02:23:20 carry something that i think is gonna be effective it, it's probably going to be my Kar-40 or one of my other smaller pistols, one of the revolvers. If you were aiming my – let's say, for example, you're at one gas station pump and I'm, you know, whatever, a car length away from you, you hit my chest every time. You can hit a chest. Maybe not a juice box, but a chest from 18 feet. Not with that pistol. Not in any kind of way. I would literally have to do
Starting point is 02:23:46 this is how I would have to be like squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, pop! And maybe I'm telling you that LCP is such shit I can't hit anything. I need to test it again because I don't think I'm a better shot than you but I feel like I'd hit that shot every time.
Starting point is 02:24:02 Yeah, I'm terrible with that LCP. I mean if I got a full-size pistol, I could shoot your ear off, but with that LCP, I might not hit you. I'll hit the back. I'm looking to get either a, as my next gun, a Ruger LCR in.357,
Starting point is 02:24:18 like the small, hammerless roll for carry. I like those. Those are cool. And then, I think that's what Walter has in breaking bad maybe or something similar to that yes it is and then i was looking at the ruger gp 100 which is the revolver right in the next size and even as i was looking at it i'm like nope this is the same mistake you made last time you're gonna end up with a big amount of metal that's useless i've got a sig p226 mark 25 9mm handgun in there that is so heavy.
Starting point is 02:24:48 It's a great range gun. To be able to shoot 17 of these, right? If I need 17, I'm in a real tight spot and I'm probably not getting out. I've got a gun in the same class. I have a Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm, right? I bet if we would have put them down next to each other, they'd be the same size. I love it at the range. I could shoot like 300 rounds. The recoil never bothers my wrist or my hand. It's fun. And I feel like I'm pretty accurate with it too, but carrying it, no way, in a gym bag maybe. The Sig P238, if I were to choose right now, is the one that I've had my eye on. It's a 380. Yeah, it's a tiny little 1911, essentially.
Starting point is 02:25:26 You know, it's a.380, and it's small. And I've only had big and small, right? Like, I've got a... I forget the name of my, like, seven-cylinder revolver. It's a Smith & Wesson... You've got the Smith & Wesson 680... 686. Yeah, yeah, that's it. Thank you. The Smith & Wesson 686 uh 686 yeah that's it thank you the smith and wesson 686 which is a
Starting point is 02:25:46 full-size big heavy gun um it's a great gun i love it but i wouldn't carry it you know i sooner carry a cinder block and um i've got the smith and wesson mmp9 and then all the way on the other side of 1911 and then i've got this little lcp which is like a wallet almost to carry and i'm like well maybe you could go a little bigger you know and still be able to carry it have you ever shot an ar-15 without you know terrible shoulder bruising and ptsd and stuff because i tried shooting one and i just i started just like anthony's uh detox story i just i took two shots with the AR-15 assault rifle and just openly wept, broke down, lamenting that how could life be this way? Yes.
Starting point is 02:26:36 For people that don't know, there was a reporter. Was it Washington Post? Where was he from? New York. New York something or other. He fired an AR-15 and he said that his shoulder was sore, he had a variety
Starting point is 02:26:50 of post traumatic stress disorder from the loud bang and all that he said the brass flying by his face left him disoriented disoriented the sound, the explosions that were coming out of it it the recoil bruised my shoulder
Starting point is 02:27:07 he was talking about firing an ar-15 and then i love the videos that came out of the little girl going okay dad and and this little kid is shooting it loving it did you see the guy shooting with his nose yeah the nose video this like uh big heavy kind of southern sounding guys out there i don't know if you've seen it but he basically is like this guy said it gave him ptsd and all sorts of things and i figured this would be a good rebuttal and he just kind of holds the gun up with one hand yeah one hand easily he's no bodybuilder then he just puts the the fucking the butt right here and fires like three rounds and you can just barely see it imprinting his nose and he's like
Starting point is 02:27:48 I'm fine how much of a pussy do you have to be for that to scare you to that extent or how much of a soulless shill do you have to be to pretend that that's the thing he's not a pussy because nobody is that much a pussy he's a liar that's what
Starting point is 02:28:04 he was yeah there's just an ar-15 you have to shoot it if you guys ever if you guys haven't shot everyone here has but for people listening if you haven't shot an ar-15 then oh my gosh it is it is the recoil is like a two-finger tap you know it's a 22 caliber rifle that weighs like 12 fucking pounds without optics like this thing doesn't kick at all i mean you can put it on your nose if you show the mini 14 that that guy like andres bravik or whatever used like show people a mini 14 and ask if they think that's an assault rifle and they'll all say no that that kind of looks almost like a pellet gun like it's just fear-mongering based on what it looks like you know you throw a fork grip on there and like a
Starting point is 02:28:44 uh you know picking any rail or whatever and suddenly it's fucking horrible. What paper was he from? I believe it was either the New York Post or the New York Daily News. I think the Daily News. The Times asked two days ago if they could license my AR-15 video. I said no.
Starting point is 02:29:00 Attaboy. Nice. Absolutely not. I know what they're going to do with it. I know which video they want to. I've got a video called My New AR-15. I've got an AR-15 with a $400 Geissele trigger on it so I can shoot the thing almost fully automatic like this. I'm shooting soda bottles and I'm just going...
Starting point is 02:29:21 I waste 30 soda bottles in like 8 seconds or something like that. I know they want to see that. That's gold for them. That's gold for them. It's my $3,000 three-gun gun if I wanted to run it. It's a carbon fiber AR-15. I know we've talked about this in PK before, but I feel like people get the wrong idea about this fully auto thing.
Starting point is 02:29:43 If hypothetically I had a group of people I wanted to take down, I'd do it semi-auto. If you were to go full auto, you just don't control where your bullets go. You're wasting a ton of ammo. You're reloading every three seconds. It's silly. It's not how you... You know what it is?
Starting point is 02:30:00 If you only know guns from movies, you're going to think that you could just wipe people out. That's the one thing that surprised me the most the first time I ever fired a fully automatic weapon was how fast that ammo's gone. It's just gone.
Starting point is 02:30:17 Yeah, that's it. Reload. And, you know, you're not, you are absolutely not getting that accuracy that you get with a semi. I could put more rounds in a target with a semi-automatic than I ever could with a full automatic standing at a distance. I thought that I was going to be a unique snowflake who would shoot more accurately with an auto than everyone said I would. Turns out i'm
Starting point is 02:30:45 just like everyone else yeah they they yeah it tends to rise up so then you kind of pull it down and now you just over correcting yeah i'm i'm more accurate with a garden hose you know just but they think that when you listen to the the left and these gun fucking people that want to yank your gun rights, they think you can just go out and buy a fully automatic weapon at like Walmart without any background check or anything. And you leave and just start mowing people down. It's like that has to be changed. Well, let me tell you something. It doesn't work like that. And you can't even
Starting point is 02:31:25 convince them that that is complete bullshit. Yeah, just like you can't convince them that it's bullshit when they're like, you can just go to and just put in your address and order a gun. It's like, no, you can't. Only someone who's never bought a gun online can do that. They're going to take it to a federally licensed store and you're going to have to go and do your background check there. They're not just going to, you know, the FedEx guy isn't going to be like,
Starting point is 02:31:49 AR-15. Yeah, yeah. Oh, come on. I've got a $1,200 killing implement for you. I know you have a date later today. Like, no, of course not.
Starting point is 02:31:56 I've actually bought off and just like Taylor said, they ship it to your local dealer. It's called an FFL. And what does FFL stand for? Somebody help me. Federal? Federal Firearm License? Licensee?
Starting point is 02:32:10 They ship them straight to me. Well, you have one. Yeah, that's what I'm getting at. Kyle is a gun store for all intents and purposes. But most people... And a bomb store. And a bomb store now too. But most people, they ship it to your local gun store
Starting point is 02:32:26 and then he sells it to you with all the same regulatory background checks from an online purchase that you would have in person. So, yeah. Kyle's a unique snake fleet in terms of licensing. Yeah, they're a bomb store. I'm that too. Yeah, I can manufacture some stuff. Kyle's Bomb Emporium.
Starting point is 02:32:42 Oh, that'll be the name of it. Thanks. I lost my train of thought. Yeah. Oh, but the loophole that does exist is that you can buy a gun from like a regular person who's not a gun store. And that doesn't have the same background check. And they often call that the gun show loophole, but that's not really true. Most of the people at the gun show are gun stores, and they just do all the same background stuff. What it is is it's the father-son loophole because I can buy one for my dad, and he can sell one to me, and I can sell one to Woody, etc., etc.
Starting point is 02:33:19 It's how it should be. That whole terror watch list thing, at first you're like, yeah, I don't want a guy that we don't even allow to fly on a plane to have a gun. But it's like, well, what other rights are we going to snatch away from him just because he's on an arbitrary list controlled by one pencil-pushing bureaucrat in D.C.? Who's the guy who puts your name on the list? Because if all it takes to take away one of your main core rights is to put your name on a list, then that doesn't sound too fucking free to me. Maybe we'll take your freedom of speech next. You try to tell them that that's a bad, and they're like,
Starting point is 02:33:50 well, we have to be safe. And it's like, oh, you want to be safe? Then just do away with the fourth also. If you suspect someone and they're on a list, why can't you just walk in their house and start poking around without a warrant? Let's do away with that one too. And they never understand it
Starting point is 02:34:05 the second amendment stands apart from all the other ones yeah we could shit on that one but you know hey my free they're the first ones to erroneously talk about freedom of speech they have no idea even what that is but the second man do they just want to get rid of that one it's amazing to me very frustrating yeah i i don't know why they i don't know i never see debates on the first amendment right like i would love to see them say you know what the founding fathers did not see the internet coming right people have back in the day there were hardly printing presses and the freedom of speech didn't mean what it meant now look at this man he's got 500 000,000 Twitter followers. We gotta license him
Starting point is 02:34:46 or do something. When they came up with freedom of speech, people were just shouting on street corners. Now, there's the internet. There's Tumblr. There's Facebook. People can reach millions, right? PewDiePie's freedom of speech has a reach that they never saw coming. So, we totally need to lock down
Starting point is 02:35:02 freedom of speech. PewDiePie? Can I jump in real quick with PewDiePie? Because this is funny. He's going to get evicted coming, so we totally need to lock down freedom of speech. The founders never intended the internet. Can I jump in real quick with PewDiePie? Because this is funny. He's going to get evicted from that country if they vote to leave the EU. Really? He is? He just bought a house, too. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. So he's going to be kicked out.
Starting point is 02:35:19 No, he won't. He's worth way too much money to just get kicked out. I have no idea. He's not a citizen. money to just get kicked out. I have no idea. He's not a citizen. Do you know who PewDiePie is? I heard about that whole thing. He's the biggest YouTuber. Everyone here knows who he is.
Starting point is 02:35:37 He's tremendously successful. Dude, I talked about it in my vlog today, which isn't even live yet. Every generation of YouTubers leapfrogs the previous one. The success and metrics that people pulled in 2012 by the same whatever 50th largest YouTuber in 2016 is gigantic. They have more subs, more views.
Starting point is 02:36:02 They're more respected, pulled into conferences or whatever in a way that didn't happen before. Whoever replaces PewDiePie, or PewDiePie, I'm sure I said that wrong. Whoever replaces him is going to be a legit superstar. Hollywood actors are going to be envious of his fame. They're all going to say, how did that guy get big? Tom Cruise is going to be saying, how did PewDiePie V2 get bigger than me? He doesn't even have talent, right? He must not have anybody, Thetans.
Starting point is 02:36:30 It's incredible. Of course, they're going to have a talent. Their talent is going to be charisma, right? That's kind of what the YouTube talent is. People say Kim Kardashian has no talent. I guess she's got charisma. People care about her, love to love her, love to hate her, whatever it is. She's got a thing.
Starting point is 02:36:44 But, yeah, the next version, the 2019 version of PewDiePie, assuming it's still not PewDiePie, is going to be so giant. YouTube will be bigger than TV or movies at this rate. You have like nothing to offer. I was talking to this Vine sensation who was doing stand stand-up and he wasn't a stand-up that got big on vine he just got big doing the six second vine videos and decided oh people love me i'm gonna do stand-up and he just was fucking awful just terrible they don't i think it's 99 of it is young girls that just like that the guy's cute and and just fucking amazing amounts of of views you know what for a six second show i don't knock him because like every stand-up comedian i've ever talked to mentions the same thing how much
Starting point is 02:37:41 bravery it takes to hit that stage like all of them just say bombing and stand up is apparently worse than bombing in all other venues and you know if he's yeah but you got no respect for the guy if he's not trying to earn his way and like climb the ladder if he's just jumping in like hey i'm big over here i bet i'll be great over here you're kind of like yeah i don't know watching you crash and burn i see it the other way like the poor guy didn't get the same graceful entry into it that everyone else did right everyone else starts in a club with six people watching this vine star starts off in a club with 500 people watching and he just you know it didn't get the preparation he
Starting point is 02:38:17 needed yeah that's why he's bombing it assuming he's bombing i didn't see his routine but it like i don't know it it's tough to be a real narcissist to think that because you could make a bunch of six second clips that are entertaining enough to be watched for six seconds that you can then hop out there in front of hundreds of people and kind of wing it it almost makes it seem like you don't have any respect for what stand-up is and what it takes to be good at it that you can just, Oh, you know what? I'm good at this. I'm going to be good at this too. It, I, and standups fucking hate that too,
Starting point is 02:38:48 but, uh, they're a bunch of insecure fuckers anyway. Yeah. I like Brandon Schwab. I don't know if you know who he is, but Brandon Schwab was this UFC fighter and now he's teamed up with Brian Callen.
Starting point is 02:39:00 Do you know him? He's a standup comedian and he's a friend of the Joe Rogan circle. Anyway, Brandon Schwab is doing stand-up comedy right now. And because he's kind of famous from his podcast and his UFC career, he's apparently struggling at doing stand-up. And I feel for the guy. I get it. Because you and your actual stand-up comedian friend are like a duo now.
Starting point is 02:39:24 You're just thrust into a situation that most people don't start in the deep end like that. Some people can pull it off after a while. I guess if you stick with it. Mick Foley, Mankind from WWE, he decided he was going to do stand-up and just kind of tell stories of his life. And at first he said he even knew he wasn't very good at it but he's been doing that now for years and apparently from what i've heard he's pretty good now and people go to see him uh not only because it's who he is but because he's kind of funny so i guess if you stick with it but if you just think it's a magic
Starting point is 02:40:01 bullet's gonna happen and you're gonna get up there and be great at it because you were good at this uh you're probably gonna still have to put the work in yeah it's not stand-up but you know who was shockingly good right away mike tyson so he went up there and and you know he had a lot of props and stuff that you know like guidance and like get an outline in terms of effects but um but he went up there and told the story of his life and i only saw the hbo of it, but it was amazing. Yeah, really good. Yeah. Are you going to go to a Mike Tyson show and not laugh and clap?
Starting point is 02:40:30 Oh, come on. Even if he was up there drooling and falling asleep, I'd be like, oh, my God, genius, look at this guy. Remember this face because this guy was loving it. I've heard him do radio interviews and stuff, and he's a genuinely kind of funny guy, and I don't think he raped that woman. I really don't,
Starting point is 02:40:50 and he still defends it to this day, and he'll say, look, I've raped a lot of women, but I didn't rape that one. I don't think he says that. I think you might be misquoting him. I pretty sure he said that, or at least he's intimated.
Starting point is 02:41:03 He's like, yeah, there might have been a few rapes here and there, but not that one. I didn't rape her. She's fucking lying. He still stands by that. Or at least he's intimated. He's like, yeah, there might have been a few rapes here and there, but not that one. I didn't rape her. She's fucking lying. He still stands by that. I don't believe her. It's not that I don't think Mike Tyson is a rapist. I just don't think he raped that particular woman.
Starting point is 02:41:15 It doesn't make sense. He was doing so well in his career, and everything was going so good. I like Tyson, and I really like that one-man show thing he did. That was entertaining. That was great. Don't worry, ladies and gentlemen. Those chains are made of high-tensile steel. He's on the stage.
Starting point is 02:41:31 Photographers. A little King Kong joke for you. Let me get a watch advertisement in here. We're going to talk a little bit about... What kind of watches? Movement watches. The past few months, we've been working a lot with movement watches. We love
Starting point is 02:41:47 them. You guys love them. So I asked myself, why do I only have one? You see, movement offers different color bands, different bases, and different styles for each of their many watches. Movement watches start at just $95. So do some quick math. You could have a couple movement watches
Starting point is 02:42:03 and it would still be a better deal than having just one of those department store watches. You could get a blue one, a white one, maybe sandstones, your thing. Whatever your style, MVMT has watches and bands to match for every outfit in your arsenal. So there's no hassles. Just order online with free shipping, free returns, and a 24-month warranty. So join their more than 1 million social media followers and get a movement watch today, go to slash PKA today and they'll give you 15% off
Starting point is 02:42:30 your entire purchase. That's slash PKA. Nicely read. Movement watches. The kind you buy. We've all got some. You should get some. There you go.
Starting point is 02:42:45 Who's winning? Leave. Leave is now winning. I didn't abandon my team and look what happened. We surged back into Romans. There's nearly 8 million votes in and Leave is ahead by 50,000
Starting point is 02:43:00 which feels razor thin to me. Only 20,000 as I just updated. It's really close. 20,000. Mine is me. Only 20,000 as I just updated. It's really close. 20,000, is that? Mine is 4,080,000 against 4,063,000. So that's 17,004. He's right. What if leave is like the worst movement ever
Starting point is 02:43:18 and only horrible people want, or I guess it's that close, couldn't just be horrible people, but I'm just rooting for the worst thing. Yeah, leave. I don't know. I don't. It's that close. Couldn't just be horrible people, but I'm just rooting for the worst thing. Yeah. Leave! I don't know. I don't even know what I want, but I know I really care. I know that I like to pick sides, and so I
Starting point is 02:43:34 have. No knowledge. That's my team. I want to leave because it'd be a little bit of a mix-up, right? I'd like to see what comes of it. Let's get something new and interesting going on. If nothing else, it's different. Yeah, difference.
Starting point is 02:43:49 That's all I want. I assume they're voting on this for some reason. If things were going great there, they wouldn't be voting, right? I like knowing how much the people in Liechtenstein are panicking. They called their country-wide meeting at the YMCA in Germany, because they don't have one, I guess. They don't want to sit there and have to foot the bill for
Starting point is 02:44:14 Greece, because they're one economy, and England is just throwing all of their good shit in, and other countries are going broke, but they're keeping it going. It's kind of socialist. If that really is the crux of it,
Starting point is 02:44:30 that they're succeeding and they're basically propping up failed economies, then they should definitely leave because that's not fair to the people of the UK. It's not... I don't know if that's what it is. I don't know either. I keep hearing Germany's super strong economically,
Starting point is 02:44:47 so presumably they'd be another sort of giver for all these taker nations like Greece. Yeah. I want to see it go back to the fucking Lira and the Deutschmark and the Frank and all that wacky money that was going around back in the day. Just get back to good old feudalism.
Starting point is 02:45:09 We have serfs, the lower class, people who till the land and we keep them in the dark, don't allow them to read and know what God really wants. That's for us to know. Man, think of how much easier it would have been to be a ruler of any country before like when you could
Starting point is 02:45:26 control if people were allowed to read like you could literally be like I think that they're better in the dark like they don't need to know all the shit they best not know things yeah they're gonna know we're really fucking up yeah
Starting point is 02:45:41 so the last Game of Thrones episode is coming soon. I'm super excited. Anthony, you're all caught up on that show, correct? God, I'm not. I know! The most recent one,
Starting point is 02:46:00 no spoilers, is very good. We all enjoyed it. Where did you leave off? Where are you on the journey? I just have to catch up with last week. Oh. Oh, man, you are in for a treat. What are you doing here? Go!
Starting point is 02:46:17 That was Anthony Cumia. Thanks for coming on. Go watch the video. I'm right there. It's like this won't spoil anything, but it's compared to not just other TV shows, not just other movies, including shows like Band of Brothers.
Starting point is 02:46:31 It's the best battle scene of anything cinematic ever. That's what I've heard, yes. Far and away. It's a whole new kind of way to do battle scenes that they did. Like, this is Scorsese-level. Cinematography, amazingly well, very well shot, very well choreographed. way to do battle scenes that they did. This is Scorsese level cinematography.
Starting point is 02:46:48 Amazingly well, very well shot, very well choreographed. I remember thinking when I saw initially Lord of the Rings, that kind of epic battle was kind of a new way to do battle scenes back then. To have that scope
Starting point is 02:47:02 of the amount of people. It's not that they found a new way to do it it's that they've taken all the best way we've ever seen and put it together into one you know like there's an aspect there that feels like braveheart there's an aspect that feels like lord of the rings there's a hundred yeah 300 it dude like the the best from all of cinematic history gets sort of you of stuck in this battle. And it's very good. I'll be watching it the second we're done here.
Starting point is 02:47:30 I am absolutely watching it. Yeah, man. Got a couple more seasons, I think, to go with Game of Thrones. So we'll see how this whole story gets fleshed out. Wait, one more season, right? Am I crazy? One more. Are you sure it's one?
Starting point is 02:47:45 It better not be one. I really hope it's two because season, right? Am I crazy? One more. Are you sure it's one? It better not be one. I really hope it's two, because they can't wrap this shit up in one season. Shucks. I have been watching it all this time with the knowledge that... They can't handle all those storylines. They're going to have to just make an aggregate white guy with a beard that represents a lot of characters and just do something with him.
Starting point is 02:48:03 This is the sixth season, correct? This is the sixth we're in? Yeah. Well, I mean, they're going to do seven books, so why would they only do six seasons? I mean, well, I guess next year would be the seventh, right? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:48:18 I love how in the old days they would milk a fucking successful show forever until no one was watching anymore they would just run it into the ground and they go yeah that's canceled yeah it's like what what one season motherfuckers yeah i can't believe me it's so much better this way god it ends at season eight so not seven like i thought that's what i thought i thought there were two to go and and then there was that that kind of thing we're like and's what I thought. I thought there were 2 to go. And there was that kind of thing where like, and maybe 1 on top. I also knew there were 2 to go, but I thought
Starting point is 02:48:50 this season counted. That's where my mistake was. And here's the thing. And this is a rumor, I guess. But there'll be 7 episodes for season 7 and 6 for season 8. So that, I mean, I hope
Starting point is 02:49:06 they're all two hours long. I'm not going to be nearly as excited for these books, for the last two books to release if we've already seen the whole series. If he comes out with that sixth book in 2018, because at that point,
Starting point is 02:49:22 what's happening now in the show is becoming canon for the entire lore lore and everything because i it's first not even the book readers none of us know what the fuck's going on like at this point it's just happening but yeah he really sit down and stephen king has written six books in the last month and this guy can't finish the same story that he's been doing forever it's's because I was like looking at – I didn't look it up. I saw it online that Stephen King treats writing the way people do like a 9 to 5 job. So he'll wake up and be like, all right, I'm going to do 1,000 words today. I don't care if I'm not fucking feeling it.
Starting point is 02:49:57 I'm going to hash through it. Maybe I'm on a roll. It takes me 45 minutes. Maybe I'm not on a roll. It takes me 10 hours. But I have to get it done. Like that – He doesn't believe in inspiration. It specifically about inspiration i think like steven
Starting point is 02:50:09 king doesn't believe in inspiration he thinks that's a bunch of bullshit for lazy people he's like he's like inspired like i just went and wrote i went and told a story i didn't need inspiration right i made it up discipline just like just like that actor where they were like oh you were so intense what were what were you thinking in that moment when your children had died before your eyes and the car was burning? I was counting to eight in my head. Eight seconds of grief and done. Like the Joey Tribbiani. I just pretend that I smelled a fart.
Starting point is 02:50:41 Yeah, yeah. Where could that have come from? Yeah, the math problem was like but yeah game of thrones is super strong right now i they're just doing a good job i just finished this uh newest season of peaky blinders which i thought was excellent i really liked that show um and the third season was real good. They kill off a main character in the third season, and it's shocking. It's like, oh, God, everything's different now.
Starting point is 02:51:12 I've really been enjoying the violence and the gore of that show. It seems like human life doesn't have a whole lot of value in 1915 Birmingham or wherever they are. Orange is the New Black killed a character. And of all the characters in it, she'd be one of my least
Starting point is 02:51:27 favorite to kill. And it's just like, they did that? But she was so... Oh, man. Okay, you got me to care. Congratulations. What's an example of someone dying in a show that wasn't like a bad guy
Starting point is 02:51:44 that you were happiest about? Andrea. Andrea, yeah, yeah, yeah. From Walking Dead. That blonde woman. Close your mouth, you dumb bitch. Oh, man. I wish she died twice.
Starting point is 02:51:57 She would always have her mouth agape. That's her acting style. So, like, she's just like... Like, constantly agape. Always. That's her thing. That's her look for everything. That's confusion. That's fear. That's, like, constantly agape. Always. That's her thing. That's her look for everything. That's confusion.
Starting point is 02:52:07 That's fear. That's interest. Mouth agape. That's her thing. And we were so sick and tired of her, and we've been hating on her for, like, three weeks. Oh, cool. And they pulled her off, and we came back, and we were all like, yeah! Oh, thank God.
Starting point is 02:52:20 I even wanted to come back as a zombie. Just never. Never hire her again. Just go. Just be gone. Just go. Yeah, she shot herself in the zombie. Never. Never hire her again. Just go. She shot herself in the head. That's how it went down. What was the other show that I've been watching
Starting point is 02:52:32 that was... Ah, shit. I lost my train of thought. What was it? It's something good here. Peaky Blinders. I don't know. Another good show? Yeah. God damn it. Someone killed off in it? I've been watching Veep.
Starting point is 02:52:47 Have you guys been watching Veep? I'm all caught up on Veep. That show is so much funnier than you would think it would be. If I just the cover. I also just really like Julia Louis-Dreyfus a ton. I think she's hysterical. For people that don't know Veep, Julia Louis-Dreyfus is the vice president.
Starting point is 02:53:04 If you've never seen it at all, I don't want to do the plot, the twists and turns. But what's funny to me is it's a bunch of people in politics, in the West Wing. And they're the most foul-mouthed, like, twisted, not caring. Like, you ever hear how reporters... Incompetent. Incompetent. Just like... And, oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:53:24 Like, I'm trying to remember one of her lines like you know oh my god fuck me in the ass and you know like you fuck me in the ass and stick a dick in my eye and i've tried both and they're overrated and i'm just like wait what like you're the vice president you can't say that and uh and i just i don't know the stuff they come up with there's an elementary side of me that just thinks it's hilarious i i i'm now into veep i think it's better than silicon valley it at this point in the shows because i'm up to date on both because i don't just watch game of thrones i watch the whole hbo suite on sunday night up until it gets to that guy uh uh yesterday
Starting point is 02:54:03 today with john oliver whatever, then I very quickly Nope, no thank you you smarmy British dude commenting on things you don't really understand. That's what we need. More political commentators like Piers Morgan and that guy commenting on us. Did you see John Oliver's
Starting point is 02:54:20 take on Britain leaving the EU? Yeah, yeah. What side is he on? I take the opposite, even if I have to abandon my team. He stayed right in the middle, of course. And the whole song was like a chorus singing fuck you EU, but we need you.
Starting point is 02:54:36 Yeah, I saw that one. You know, it was funny. He had some funny moments in there. But like the message, wow, he really... I don't know why, but like the message wow he really I I don't know why but I think the people that want England to leave are like the Trump people and people that want England to stay are like the liberals I I'm seeing that that's how people look at that kind of have any interest in it are
Starting point is 02:55:10 Are going with this whole thing huh so who's winning now the lead I don't know who's winning now the leaves are up by 50,000 yeah 150,000 150,000 I made a math error all right yes hey what happened what show do you think was like the first one that decided they were gonna kill off a popular character like that was something that was never done i know it happened on dallas like years ago henry blake like he was the fucking beloved colonel of of the mash unit and he was leaving so they killed off his character but he was leaving anyway like I out of the fucking blue a main
Starting point is 02:55:52 character gets killed that isn't something that was happening two things characters get killed like you said and another thing I like is shows end while they're hot like when Breaking Bad ended they could have gone three more seasons you know like the interest in Breaking Bad ended, they could have gone three more seasons. The interest in Breaking Bad peaked at its finale.
Starting point is 02:56:09 Yes, yeah. Whereas the interest in Friends seemed to... I guess maybe the finale. Look, that show was fading out. They were just done. They make a set amount of seasons now and they're like, that's it.
Starting point is 02:56:24 This is our story. This is our story. This is our arc. That's what we're going to do. Did you see the actor that plays Chekhov in the Star Trek movies? Yeah. Dude, did you see? By his own car. Did you hear about his car?
Starting point is 02:56:38 Yeah. Apparently there's a recall on that Jeep Cherokee, Grand Cherokee. I'm sure I have that close. That allows people to think they were in park when they really weren't. And something like 300,000 accidents and some 100,000 number of injuries has happened because... The shifter doesn't lock in, you don't put it in park and when you put it in park, it doesn't just lock into that park position and stay there. You kind of select park and then it returns to a neutral floaty position so it's like a selector where you're like picking gears so visually you can't look at it and determine yes it's in park unless you're
Starting point is 02:57:12 looking for that little light or something so i guess he thinks he put it in park but it's in neutral reverse turns the car off gets out walks down his driveway turns around is like oh no as the car crushes him against a brick wall. And then they discover him that night. His friends do because he's late for some engagement. Rehearsal. What a tragic way to die. That sucks. And I imagine it's a slow death.
Starting point is 02:57:36 I don't think it was like crush done. I think... You felt the linkage. Like you were literally moving metal parts to put your car in park yeah like there was a rod and a ball joint and it went crank and you knew it was in fucking park you feel it now these jeeps now like i've driven the new ones and some of like uh like a lot of dodge cars i think do this now where price of 300 has it you don't uh like it's a dial and you dial it to park and so you put your foot on the brake dial it to park or dial it to reverse which is so like that's not intuitive like
Starting point is 02:58:12 everybody like when you drive that your instinct is like go like oh so the other thing though is like so my wife has a shifter that's like on the floor mine's a stick shift so of course is on the floor but she's got like that big sort of rod and i see the dial on the dash and it's like on the floor. Mine's a stick shift. So of course it's on the floor, but she's got like that big sort of rod. And I see the dial on the dash and it's like, man, there'd be a lot of console in the middle, either a really nice armrest or like a big storage thing. You could put a laptop in there. Like why is so much space devoted to the shifter?
Starting point is 02:58:38 Like if you could get your mind onto something new, the shifter taking as much room as the cigarette lighter power port thing is nice. It seems like it'd be cool to have a little piece of lipstick on the dash to handle shifting. As long as it's not fucking driving you into a mail box. Aside from the vehicular homicide, it seems good. The shifter on, I of course have a Jaguar and the shifter but it's the same thing it's a shift but you're not really moving anything it's a it's a switch it's a switch
Starting point is 02:59:14 that looks like a shifter and i pull a little triggered thing on the uh shifting and then as i pull down once twice three it'll go through reverse neutral park and shit like that. Reverse neutral drive. So you're not really shifting anything. And that, it's all electronic. So God knows what the fuck can screw up there. I don't mean to brag. I have a 13-year-old Tacoma, and it passed inspection today.
Starting point is 02:59:39 So kind of a big deal. Oh, shut my mouth. My 7-year-old Chrysler 300 never passes inspection. When I got it, I was like, 5.7 liter V8 Hemi? That's sensible for a large sedan. And then immediately it was like,
Starting point is 02:59:57 God, every time I have to get the emissions tested on that thing. I live in Missouri, so it's not like we're the pinnacle of like, this just won't do. They're not super strict. But that thing has never fucking passed I've said it before where I took it in once on a super rainy day had them test it and they were like you got to take this thing out drive around for 20-30 minutes at about 50 or 60 miles an hour and then bring it back
Starting point is 03:00:23 but don't go under 60 for too long before you bring it back. And so it's in the middle of the rain. It's not off a highway. It's off a highway, not a freeway. So it's like speed limit's 45, and I'm just kind of like really trying to speed the whole way in the rain, clearly just looping around in the same area like a lunatic, and then it didn't fail again.
Starting point is 03:00:44 I will never buy another chrysler car another chrysler product what did you do when it failed did you have to uh i just took it back home and drove on expired plates for like a week and then brought it back just praying and it did it passed so that was basically it yeah so has that been still happening was that this year or do we have any further updates? That was... The last time I had to do it was this past year happened, or it didn't happen. Three years ago it happened,
Starting point is 03:01:13 and four years ago it happened. So wait, this past year it passed? This past year it passed. Every subsequent time, no, it was an ordeal. This thing, it's really fast when you need it to be, and if you have, like,
Starting point is 03:01:30 I want to spend $6 in gas to get 200 yards that way, like, then it's fun. But even then, it's not fast enough to, like, a really nice car that I can pull up to, like, a really nice guy and be like, oh, yeah, how about you blow me out in this race? That'll be fun.
Starting point is 03:01:45 Everybody watch! Watch the guy with the actually nice car. It is nice and I can't rip on the car 100%. It's like sitting in a living room. It's a lot of room in there. But that's it. That's the only benefit. Isn't that something that an older guy would appreciate, though?
Starting point is 03:02:06 Yeah, I'm not into sports cars. I don't ever want a sports car. Yeah, that's true, but it's easier to drive around in certain areas. Because they think it looks like that high-end... What's it supposed to look like?
Starting point is 03:02:21 The Chrysler 300 is sort of shaped... If you go down in some places, supposed to look like it's the three the chrysler 300 is sort of oh if you if you get that some people if you go down in some some places they have like a bentley grill on it and they'll put like a b on the front where it's like who are you fooling like there's a chrysler logo on it like i don't know that's you'd be embarrassed many more times than somebody that would look at it and go, wow, that's a Bentley. Like, wow, that's cool. Actually, no.
Starting point is 03:02:49 A hundred people would be like, what a douche. As opposed to one person going, oh, look, nice. And the dude who had it before me tinted those windows like he had a fear of skin cancer. Because any time it's late at night and I need to back out of anywhere, it is a serious struggle. How long did it take you to get the smell of Black & Milds out of it? You know, I've gone nose blind.
Starting point is 03:03:16 What is Black & Milds? A cigarette? A cigar. That mostly black people smoke. Because I think that a black man owned his car. Because mostly black men own those cars. I actually don't mind those little black and milds. Like if I'm going to have a cigar because like the huge cigars are too much of a commitment for me
Starting point is 03:03:33 because I don't have a cultured enough palette of cigars to where I'm having one and I'm like, oh man, I can taste the Honduran leaves here and the sweat of the eight-year-old who picked it. Like, no. I haven't had a cigar in so long. The last cigar I had, I was like 24 years old. My friend had a bachelor party, and it was like,
Starting point is 03:03:52 yeah, we're all going to smoke cigars outside. And I thought, you know, I'm an adult. I can make this decision. I'm not going to get in trouble with my mom at this point. I live on my own. And I try to smoke. It's like a, I don't know know some sort of cherry cigar is there a cigar called cherry garcia or just ice cream what is the chair as risky as you remember is it a cherry
Starting point is 03:04:13 swisher i really don't know but there is some sort of cherry cigar it was a thinner thing and i tried to like it and i don't even know how to smoke a cigar exactly. Do you not inhale? You just sort of You do not. You just kind of like I don't even, that's not even smoking, is it? Yeah, it is. You absorb the, you're still absorbing the nicotine and you're tasting the tobacco. Through your cheek skin, like the mouth flesh?
Starting point is 03:04:38 Yeah, sublingually, yeah. And then you're just lips touching the cigar it's wrapped in tobacco. It's a big chunk of tobacco. It's a big chunk of tobacco. It's totally not in the same nicotine administration level as a cigarette. A cigarette is made to be like, oh, nicotine, there we go. Head shot. I got it.
Starting point is 03:04:56 Cigars are not. I've never smoked a cigar and been like, oh, man, I'm really buzzing on nicotine. I didn't even know nicotine made you buzz. So I thought I wasn't even smoking it. I would just sort of try to keep the end lit, which I was probably unsuccessful at. And I hated it. What little cigar effect
Starting point is 03:05:14 I got was all negative. And it's kind of why I don't drink beer anymore. It's like, you know what? I've decided I don't like this and you can't make me do it. You can't make me do it. I'm not going to drink beer and you can't make me do it. So I'm not going to drink beer and you can't make me. I really liked the cigars for a while. I, um, I, I didn't, I didn't really know what I was getting.
Starting point is 03:05:34 So I'd always have someone help me, but I got my humidor right next to me here. I would, um, whenever we go into Vegas, I'd get a bunch of cigars. Or when we go down to Florida, if I could find a really nice cigar shop, I'd get a bunch. Um, I don't smoke them anymore, but for a long time I smoked them. I liked them a lot. I did like the flavor ones. The only grown-up thing I'm doing lately is I sometimes
Starting point is 03:05:54 cut my lemonade with water because I like it to be less sugary. And learning to fly is pretty adult. Yeah, that's a pretty big boy thing. Oh, well, I'm... Me, pretty big boy thing. Well, I'm all right. Me a big boy. Who would have ever guessed? And then next year, he's going to learn to walk again.
Starting point is 03:06:13 He's going to be asking for rehab recommendations. So be in close contact. It's not that kind of rehab. No, that would be great. Woody in a substance abuse rehab, being like, why is nobody helping me? My shoulder really hurts! You're just outsourcing your addiction.
Starting point is 03:06:31 You're trying to get over it, and so your body's using other things to try and replace that pain. You have to fight through this. Paper mache, Woody. What are you doing? Get over there. You've got to heal yourself. The first day you OD'd on Xanax, that's how serious this is. 200,000. I just took what you gave me how many people uh do heroin like heroin made this huge fucking comeback more than it ever was and it's like there used to be a stigma to heroin you could
Starting point is 03:07:02 drink you could smoke weed coke coke, whatever the fuck. But if your friend was like, oh, yeah, you want to do heroin, you'd be like, get the fuck. That was the line. That was the line. Now, no fucking line. They go, oh, yeah, I was doing some opioids and shit. I was doing some fucking margaritas or whatever the fuck it is. And they go, yeah, I couldn't get a script anymore or it was too expensive.
Starting point is 03:07:23 So I just started doing heroin. Oh, okay. Really? That's just, you know. Oh, I couldn't find a Chardonnay, so I decided on. To be fair, I don't use it every day. I'm more of a heroin weekend warrior. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:07:36 So I definitely. And then just destitute for two days and then go back. I definitely draw the line at heroin big time. Like, that doesn't make any sense to even get into that pool. But you see in the old westerns and stuff when they're smoking the opium out of those big long pipes? Yeah, yeah. I'm kind of curious about that. That looks all right.
Starting point is 03:07:54 Yeah, yeah. I'd like to smoke some of that opium. What do you know about it, though? You're like, I don't know. That pipe looks large. That's not like anything you'd see before. It must be okay. I would eat pipe and smoke them.
Starting point is 03:08:01 That's not like anything you'd see before. It must be okay. I would eat pie and smoke them. I would try that if I were in one of those England heroin bars or opium dens, whatever they were called. If it was that era and I was there and I know that these nice Chinese
Starting point is 03:08:18 immigrants are going to take care of me once I'm passed out, then I would probably try it. What is the one where you go to a shaman and you take it and you most likely vomit? Yeah. That's the one that CEOs of tech corporations go there and bother people from Indian reservations to show them wisdom on what apps to put in their next device or whatever it would be. So that's a hallucinogen.
Starting point is 03:08:42 You're going on a hallucinogenic ride with that. You're hallucinating things and kind of, it's more of a brain-expanding, mind-altering kind of drug where afterwards you're supposed to come away with an experience with that one. Is it really mind-altering and like experience? Like I've never done that.
Starting point is 03:08:58 Robin Quaker said it was. I don't know. I'm not drinking shit. I just feel like... I don't want to vomit. Maybe it is valid. Maybe it is. I've never experienced it, so I won't drinking shit. I just feel like... I don't want to vomit. I've never experienced it, so I won't say it. I saw it on... What's the hell? There's a TV show on
Starting point is 03:09:11 Netflix, like Charlene Does or whatever her name is. Do you know what I'm talking about? No. I forget the woman's name. Camille, Charlene, something like that. And it's she does, right? So then it's like she does dating, she does drugs, she does this, she does that. And you see her experience all these things so the drug one um you know of course they're smoking pot like like it's an everyday thing and then they do
Starting point is 03:09:33 alcohol and they talk about some other ones but they go and they do this what is it called indigen what is it ayahuasca ayahuasca and they go do ayahuasca yeah i know and it looks terrible they're on their side laying on like a porch like like you know planks of wood and they're vomiting into the there's a vomit bucket because vomit is totally predictable on this thing and and they're like one of them was just totally sick and didn't have any like experience out of. So she did it again, and then the second time, I guess, she went on some hallucinogenic trip. And I'm just like, my God. The surefire thing is the worst flu you've ever had.
Starting point is 03:10:14 Don't sign me up. There are other hallucinogens out there. Why don't, I guess they could say, oh, well, ayahuasca really opens you up in a way that mushrooms or LSD doesn't. But to my knowledge, you're not going to start vomiting violently if you take some LSD. Yeah, you definitely want to start off with mushrooms. I think if that's what you're looking for, you know, then you're not going to have, like, the worst day of your life. But that ayahuasca, I'm not sure about the pronunciation.
Starting point is 03:10:44 It's a bit weird because it's not an English word or anything. It doesn't derive from anything we're familiar with, I don't think. But ayahuasca sounds awful. She described it as like a brown, thick liquid that he had in like an old motor oil jug or something. It wasn't even in a proper container. And she like drinks it down. She's like, now what? He's like, well, we wait.
Starting point is 03:11:03 And if you get sick, it worked. And if you don't get sick, you drink more. And then you will get sick. And then you will get sick, and you will hallucinate probably too hard. God, sounds awful. That doesn't sound fun. That sounds like tequila, that part about drinking more and getting sick. And then if you're not sick, you drink more. That's anything.
Starting point is 03:11:23 That's fucking Jack Daniels tequila. Leaving is running away with it at this point. Oh, man. I don't know. I'm back on the right horse on this one. I don't know if I'm really happy or really sad, but I'm really interested. That's my team riding home to victory or defeat. It's too late to look at facts and switch my opinion, Woody.
Starting point is 03:11:44 I've made my decision decision and we're winning. If we were losing, I might reevaluate. You know, Taylor, as a long-term leave guy, is it too late for me to hop on this bandwagon? Am I welcome on this? How much are we winning by? 6.8 million to 6.4 million.
Starting point is 03:12:03 400,000? You're definitely a bandwagon fan if you hop on now. You're just riding the tide of success. What you should do, hop on the other bandwagon. All right, I'll hop on Remain then. And then you can say that you were there the whole time when they went. Right. Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 03:12:18 I'm on Team Remain now. I'm certainly no bandwagon jumper because I got on them when they were nothing. And we'll see how this plays out. That's such a team-robating thing to do is bandwagon. And, God, so indicative of that whole movement. How can you call me a bandwagon fan given that I jumped on when I'm losing? It's like being a Detroit Lion fan. When did you sign up?
Starting point is 03:12:41 1992, back when they had that one year? The NFC Championship? They didn't even... The Detroit Lions don't have a championship, do they? No, but they made the NFC Championship game one year. It was 92 or 93. Barry Sanders had quite the season. I can't wait to see the now LA Rams suck dick just like they did here for the last 14 years.
Starting point is 03:13:05 Because that dunce, whoever's running that organization now, do you see they traded so much shit for the first overall pick? That's probably going to be a mediocre quarterback who fails. I like seeing California sports teams lose because they have too many.
Starting point is 03:13:20 Way too many. Way too many. Well, then you must enjoy the NBA finals. I like California disasters, too. It's been a while since they've had an earthquake. have too many and it's way too many way too many well then you must enjoy the nba finals i like california disasters too it's been a while since they've had an earthquake i feel like if they get an earthquake we're all gonna pay it just doesn't seem fair i mean we might have to chip in a little more through our taxes in some way we don't even feel or notice but they'll get crushed into freeways those whole foods won't repair themselves, Woody. I was just saying the other day
Starting point is 03:13:46 that there hasn't been a really big, nasty earthquake since that Bay Area one. 1989. Al Gore says we're due for a lot of shit six years ago. So be wary. I keep waiting on everything to melt.
Starting point is 03:14:04 Let me tell you about USA's show here. You guys have been talking about this a lot, but I haven't seen it. It's Mr. Robot. So today's episode is being sponsored in part by the hit USA network show, Mr. Robot. The riveting computer hacking drama is about to return for its second season. The Peabody Award-winning show follows a young cybersecurity engineer who becomes involved in the underground hacker group F-Society, who plans to take down the world's largest corporation.
Starting point is 03:14:30 When their hack is successful and the consequences are far greater than they had ever imagined, Rolling Stone magazine hails it the number one show of 2015, and the Huffington Post calls it brilliant. of 2015, and the Huffington Post calls it brilliant. Mr. Robot stars Golden Globe and SAG award nominee Rami Malek, and Golden Globe award winner Christian Slater. If you've run out of time, guest stars this season include
Starting point is 03:14:54 Craig Robinson. He's the guy from The Office. I like seeing him and stuff. So make sure to tune in Wednesday, July 13th at 10-9 Central, only on the USA Network. Let's see here. Only on the USA Network. Only on the USA Network. And let's see here.
Starting point is 03:15:08 Yeah, that's it. Check them out. Check out that show. I've made a practice of only watching Peabody award-winning shows for years now. Granted, my consumption has drastically dropped off. But the three shows i've watched have been excellent including this one so there you go yeah i it's that sounds cool i don't i don't i really feel like uh just trying to piggyback off that but it left me in the middle
Starting point is 03:15:38 of nowhere with nowhere to go so uh peabody shows i i they must be doing something right Yeah I've heard a lot of good things about that show I haven't seen it myself Maybe Sears is the one Oh okay yeah you're the one who always talks well She just watches it too She's liked it too yeah I just popped up the
Starting point is 03:16:00 England thing over here And it says There are only 44.8% of the votes are all counted. So it's not even halfway through all the votes being counted. Yeah. That's nuts. That is. And it's late. The more I'm thinking about this,
Starting point is 03:16:19 the more I kind of want to be part of an underdog tale. Oh, it's too late now, baby. It is too late. See, you're the bandwagon fan because you've never really experienced what it's like to be behind by 300,000 votes like I have. You are just there. You've never known anything but winning. Yeah, the St. Louis Blues, perennial success,
Starting point is 03:16:44 taking the NHl you are the dr chiz of european politics right you just sort of wait to see who's ahead you jumped on that team and then you've been winning ever since that's true i'm totally dr chizing it i'm not gonna do that oh but oh so you're gonna jump on on the remains are you gonna i never left i never left that train. I was on the boxcar leaning out, but I didn't jump. Anyway.
Starting point is 03:17:11 I don't even know. We got a thing. What is... Is this a... Who linked Fuck You European Union? Oh, yeah. That's the John Oliver song that they did. That's how he responded to the
Starting point is 03:17:29 European Union thing. It's only two minutes. Do you want to watch it? Yeah, I'll watch it. Sure. I'd like to see what he did. Let's queue up at zero. I'm there. Alright. Everyone ready? I'm trying to...
Starting point is 03:17:44 It's trying to open. It may play back through his speakers. I got it. Alright. Taylor? I'm squared away. Ready, set, play. On Thursday,
Starting point is 03:17:58 I have a better solution. I'd like to retroactively enter that EU anthem contest with a song straight out of every British heart that both relentlessly insults Europe and quietly acknowledges how lost we'd be without it. Please enjoy. Thank you.
Starting point is 03:18:22 Fuck you, European Union Tally-ho, you fucking pricks We are the United Kingdom You can eat our spotted dicks That being said, we're not going to leave you Turns out we need you nonetheless Fuck you, European Union not going to leave you turns out we need you nonetheless fuck you
Starting point is 03:18:56 there's vampires Spain is far too hot and where the fuck is Lithuania? To be fair, Slovenia is lovely. We're only kidding, it sucks too bad. We must admit, without these countries we'd be really screwed. We'd be really screwed Fuck the European Union Even though we must admit We would all be batshit crazy If we vote for leaving it
Starting point is 03:19:37 We would all be batshit crazy If we vote for leaving it That's pretty good. Well, I guess they're Nathan. That's pretty good. Well, I guess they're crazy. That's pretty funny. Well, that really hasn't helped me take a side. All he did was take a side in the least risky way possible. That's exactly what it was.
Starting point is 03:19:59 I'm pretending to be edgy. But I'm down the middle of this. I do like him a little bit more now because that guy, John Oliver, we both have a real avian vibe to us. He's got some kind of sparrow, and I've got an owl head. I can see way further in this direction than most people. No one's sneaking up on me. Do you think that's an evolutionary thing?
Starting point is 03:20:29 Do you think that your people, that's the reason that you're here through evolution, that they were able to see those predators coming more prolifically? My people have always had one eye on the prize. I like that. Taylor, you know, somehow I also independently came up with the owl thing. But I don't know where from. You don't actually look like an owl. Owls look very different than people.
Starting point is 03:20:51 It's the eyebrows that kind of peak up, and it's hard to tell with the glasses and beard. That's what it is. Yeah, see, this is all a ruse to become less bird-like. If I shave off entirely and remove this, you know. I mean, he's hiding his wings right now. He takes that shirt off. He takes full flight. Mm-hmm. Just hair instead of feathers. You look kind of like the wise owl from the potato chip thing
Starting point is 03:21:13 with those peaked eyebrows. That's what it is. It's only one. I got an excellently contoured eyebrow over here. Naturally, obviously. And this one over here swoops up and it just grows that way so it always looks like i'm kind of being a dick even when i'm not yeah i heard a joke i'm a big fan i heard a joke i'm uniquely qualified to tell so an old lady dies and she goes up to heaven
Starting point is 03:21:37 and while she's in heaven she's there at the pearly gates and they're they're saying you've lived a great life we're gonna we're gonna in. And meanwhile, people are screaming in agony. Ah! And she says, what is that? Why are there people screaming in agony? And we say, ah, we're drilling holes in her back so we can put the wings there. And she's like, ah.
Starting point is 03:21:57 And then she hears someone else screaming. Ah! And she's like, why is that person screaming? Like, ah, we're drilling a hole in the head so we can put the halo there. And she says, forget it, forget it. I'm out. I'm going to hell. And they say, you don't want to go to hell.
Starting point is 03:22:12 You'll be raped and sodomized. And she says, well, I've already got the holes for that. Yeah. All right. That's pretty good. I like that one. Yeah. I could do stand-up.
Starting point is 03:22:24 Well, you're halfway there. Even telling that joke was longer than a vine. Hey, did you see the new YouTube turns of service? Yes, the bullying thing? Yeah. I read through it in a very quick way. Didn't read it all in depth. But I saw the one of not allowing content specifically for the
Starting point is 03:22:45 purpose of humiliating others and like doing that and i i think that's actually a good policy it's like so i know you two guys like you're on youtube and you make videos but you don't like somehow you exist next to youtube like an instead of like really being like following all the players um probably one of the hottest types of content right now is picking on people, right? Whether it's the drama channels or the other channel, I hate to like name names because I don't even name them. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:23:16 They're bigger and stronger than me. They're going to pick on me next. So I don't want that. But yeah, like channels that just like select someone else and then mock everything they do is the hip thing right now. It is exploding. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:23:31 Yeah. And how I feel about that sometimes depends on who they're picking on. Like if they grab like, I don't know, I wouldn't want it to be me, but but like a me i'm somehow a little less vulnerable to this stuff oftentimes it's people who have like some sort of learning disability or they're just young like they're kids and um it feels jesus yeah yeah that was a real one that i saw uh i don't even know the channel or maybe this was like a re-upload because it wasn't on a channel with a lot of subs but it was like just making fun of a young kid like 13 years old uploading content and the kid yeah just like a child and it's like yeah this is that's fucked up like that's out there it's ruthless like this kid's gonna see it but
Starting point is 03:24:16 it's incredibly profitable these channels are getting like one to three million video or views per video and uh and they're also not that hard to make you know like it the the production value is usually just video gameplay in the background and they're just picking on someone and uh i feel like a hypocrite making like saying i almost disagree with that for the reason of being a fan of ona for so long and laughing my fucking ass off at every time bobo came in and jim talked him into like coming on the floor whatever the hell was happening and they're like yeah looking back like i'm like oh man that's not as bad as i don't feel like a child who just uploaded a video to the internet
Starting point is 03:24:55 at least boba wanted to be there like and i can't i can't pretend the painkiller already i don't know we're episode 288 now has i'm sure someone could make a montage of us like saying things that were hurtful or you know laughing at a fat picture of someone or who knows what but um not the picture that's fat it's the person so blame it on photography yeah camera camera at a 10 pounds not her fault 30 cameras so uh um you know i'm no angel i'm sure but uh um anyway i wonder how these terms of service are going to adjust the youtube scene because it seems like they're doing it in response to the just like shooting star popularity of bully channels it's almost like like when i watch videos of like a political channel who will put up like bits and pieces of an unopposing views content and make fun of that like that's entertaining and it's almost you know educational where it's like
Starting point is 03:26:00 oh this is the reason that this policy x y and stupid. What a fucking rube or whatever they say. But when it's just for the sake of picking on a child and it's like that kid didn't have an agenda. He was just like, you know, I'm having fun with this. I bet the world would have fun with me. Like, no. They do? He just gets abused.
Starting point is 03:26:18 Dude, it's incredibly popular and everyone loves it. And, yeah, I don't know. I think it's like the the shooting star of content lately like the most popular thing is like just sort of taking other people's content and picking it apart it's a fine line though because if you just say that it's you know being malicious then what if someone says hey i made a video on fucking abortion or whatever and the anti-abortion or pro abortion people took it and they were maliciouslyortion or pro-abortion people took it, and they were maliciously, you know,
Starting point is 03:26:48 maligning all of my positions and misrepresenting them or something. Like, is that going to be looked at as okay? Like, are we taking that down? It's tricky, right? Like, CinemaSins does it, but that doesn't bother me because they're not picking on weaklings, right? They're picking on, like, I don't know, Iron Man or something, Deadpool. And, you know, like, it would hurt my feelings if they did it to my vlog, but I'd get over it.
Starting point is 03:27:12 What's an example of something they would rag on? What would a kid be doing that day, and how would they actually rag on them? I'm not quite grasping what type of bullying this is. I feel like if i get into examples that i'm really naming names but you know they might grab like a little kid that's singing or something and uh and just talk about how this person has no talent and uh that the the dancing or movements that they're doing are really cringy. And, yeah. And, you know, kids 13.
Starting point is 03:27:48 And do you see the actual people that are critiquing this? For sure. They take clips of it and then talk about what happened. No, no. I mean, do you see the actual people that are doing the bullying? Are they on camera? No. They're kind of anonymous.
Starting point is 03:28:02 Oh, okay. See, that's fucking bullshit i always hated that um yeah so yeah at least like when like on ona they knew it was opie and anthony they could write you a letter and say we don't like this i love so many times i you would i don't remember what it was but there was one time a caller came in like hot saying that like fuck you anthony like you're just a racist like you're the worst and you started screaming like stop just saying it on the radio come to my house come to my house and see me i'll be here come to my house i dare you i fucking dare you to come to my screaming
Starting point is 03:28:42 at this guy yeah daring him to come to your home and that you'd be waiting with a gun. Oh, I love that. I started the topic meaning to talk about the terms of service and not the channels. But, yeah, I feel like this is going to shake up YouTube. I feel like there's, like, I don't know. I can't think of the equivalent. Like, music is suddenly becoming the new popular thing. And they don't allow music on YouTube anymore.
Starting point is 03:29:05 That's the kind of shakeup that we're having. thing and they don't allow music on YouTube anymore. That's, that's the kind of shakeup that we're having, having. So I don't know. I look forward to seeing how it's enforced and what they do about it. But it's, I don't know if you're a, a YouTube follower,
Starting point is 03:29:18 this is huge. It's a big deal. Kyle, what you looking at? I'm looking at the new Model 3 Tesla. They just released some new images of it. I'm on Reddit trying to find some newsworthy, noteworthy occurrences that have happened lately. But if you just want to see the new Tesla, it looks pretty nice for what it costs.
Starting point is 03:29:39 I keep hearing it both ways. I don't know if the tax rebate is going to apply by the time people are taking ownership of them and they're going to get those savings or if it's going to run out by then. This is the less expensive Tesla that's supposed to be like $30,000? Yeah, and then in the 20s with the tax rebate, I guess. Wow. That's inexpensive. I mean, I bet it's going to be like a new 1080.
Starting point is 03:30:03 Like you can't actually buy them. People are selling them at crazy premiums. Well, they had the pre-order thing forever. His has a pre-order. Does he? Yeah. Huh. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 03:30:14 They passed. I like a fucking internal combustion engine. I know. Yeah, yeah. I definitely prefer it. But I would add one of these to my little collection of vehicles. Add it to the collection, yeah. Yeah, yeah, I definitely prefer it, but I would add one of these to my little collection of vehicles. Add it to the collection, yeah. Yeah, like if I'm going to go on a trip that it's suited for, like, I would do that.
Starting point is 03:30:32 If I lived in a city especially, maybe it's stop and go, stop and go, but where I live, I've got a Camaro and a pickup truck, and, you know, if I need to work, it's my truck, and if I'm, I don't know, having fun, it's the Camaro. So, but they're beautiful. And if I'm having fun, it's the Camaro. But they're beautiful. It looks pretty nice. And that's cheap, too. But the problem is, right, that we're creating the electricity that's being pumped in these electrical cars with fossil fuels. Maybe.
Starting point is 03:31:00 There's no tradeoff, man. Come on. But I feel like that's not necessarily true, right? I mean, there's solar. There's windmills. There's nuclear, nuclear, nuclear, I think. Yeah, whatever. I'm an uneducated slob. So yeah, there's nuclear and, you know, so not everything necessarily. And I think it's a little easier to clean things up when you can like pinpoint, I'll make it up, like 300 power sources as opposed to 100 million power sources sure but i think the the majority of the united states energy is still
Starting point is 03:31:30 coming from like coal fire right i know we've got hydroelectric in the mix and and i know that um uh nuclear is is doing some percentage 18 or something like that but i think by and large it's still coal and oil that that we're putting into those things whether we pump it into the tank or get it out of the outlet i don't know what the percentage is really and i know um like coal apparently is like like one of obama's shining achievements has been that like coal is no longer profitable like people are going out of business my old contractor who like took forever on this house had this giant coal mine. I sit there and I monitor the price of coal, rooting for it
Starting point is 03:32:10 to go down because I hate him. It does. He's fucking broke over that, I'm sure. Not as far as the pound has dropped. The pound is at the lowest point it's been comparatively to the dollar. It's the biggest drop in valuation since 94 or something like that.
Starting point is 03:32:28 I think it lost 5.9% against the dollar today. Buy some fucking pounds. Yeah, that's what Kitty just did. Don't go back up. I think Kitty just bought three or four grand worth of pounds just a minute ago. Pound on track for largest slump in history. Wow. I don't even, like, I don't get currency trading.
Starting point is 03:32:50 Like, I follow all kinds of trading and stuff, but the sorts of things that would make a currency do well versus another one. Yeah. Like, I get that, like, a strong economy generally leads to a strong currency, but all this, like, I don't know how to predict where it would go. Or if you were to tell me, like, you to tell me that this X incident was going to happen, I couldn't even tell you what was going to happen to the currency because of it. Currency trading is a whole other flicking thing that I just...
Starting point is 03:33:15 Predicting it certainly is. But I mean, we've got a clear cut case of it dropping to historical lows right here. Great. So I can tell you how to lose money a few hours ago. Like that, I could lock in. As far as what it's going to do next, it must be dropping because people think that it's going to drop. Well, it has dropped. It's dropped now.
Starting point is 03:33:36 So you want to buy pounds and wait for them to recover. I hear you. Well, that's assuming that it's done dropping. Yeah, well, there's the old buy low, sell high thing. Right, right. So I hear you. Is this low? I don't know if this is low. I mean, like, okay.
Starting point is 03:33:53 So it looks like Leave is going to win. They're ahead by half a million votes. His Merka and his other bandwagon riders are going that way. Assuming that they leave, maybe when this prediction becomes a fact, then it'll really drop. Maybe it's only down 5% because it's likely to drop. And when it actually goes, they leave, it'll be 10%. Or maybe the rumor's worse than the news.
Starting point is 03:34:20 So, yeah, buy $3,000 worth of pounds now. And if it keeps dropping, buy three more thousand dollars worth of pounds. Can't lose right now by buying pounds. Unless Britain is going under. Right. In which case we've got bigger problems. The UK is just... Gonna have to feed those limey fucks.
Starting point is 03:34:38 You can't lose now. Because like I said, the vote's not even in. Like half of the votes are in. And it just looks like it's a close... What would the scenario be if you bought $1,000 worth of pounds, which is like $700 worth... Or like 700 pounds now or something like that. What could happen?
Starting point is 03:34:56 It could drop even further and stay there forever? To the point where you'd never recover your money? I just don't think that's a likely scenario. I will shuck. It's not like we're choosing options. It absolutely could just keep dropping for the next 10 years because leaving the EU turned out to be some sort of bad idea. Well, if that... And England just turns into
Starting point is 03:35:17 pick in a pocket. Lisa, I'd like some more. I'm really out of my depth on currency trading but you know like yeah just because something like just crashed doesn't always mean that like it's a buying opportunity sometimes it's a good reason of the it feels representative of you know your overall faith in england as well right i feel like like the strength of the pound and the two correspond to one another. I don't think England's about to go under by any means, but I definitely see that because of the lack in faith of the future for England,
Starting point is 03:35:54 the currency has dropped and been devalued, and it may very well drop further, but I think it's going to bounce back. I think it's just the mystery. The new thing is them being out of the European Union, so you're kind of like, uh-oh, what's going to bounce back. I think it's just the mystery. The new thing is them being out of the European Union. So you're kind of like, uh-oh, what's going to happen? Uncertainty is something markets hate. They don't like – and then once you figure out what is going to happen, what the trend is, that shit will go right back up.
Starting point is 03:36:18 The pound is a great investment right now. I can't speak for Anthony's expertise. I'm pretty sure the rest of us don't know jack shit about it. I look so PKA. I'm just rambling on here. Well, the thing about these dividend readjustments is... Cliff, could you spell it out
Starting point is 03:36:38 for us? Could you really break it down for us? The legal ramifications of all this. Cliff couldn't even begin to understand any of this. It's as worthless as a wet scorecard. What's in your safe? Yeah, it's probably just... Because this stuff's like a self-fulfilling prophecy,
Starting point is 03:36:56 isn't it? Like, during these big changes, where it's like, anytime there's a huge change, the currency drops a bit. Right? Because it's uncertainty. Uncertainty. People don't like that. Huh. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:37:09 It's not going to be the end of the world. I'm basing that on no knowledge and no examples. None. Right. That's how we do it. I like the way you work.
Starting point is 03:37:17 I like it. What's about it? I think we're all out. I think so. Yeah. think so alright that works for me Anthony has to get to Game of Thrones yes I will if I can put that right on I will be watching your twitter
Starting point is 03:37:36 to see what you think remember to be sure to check out season 2 of Mr. Robot on Wednesday July 13th at 10-9 central only on USA Network. And you can tweet using the hashtag MrRobot while you're watching the show. Yes, you can. And you should.
Starting point is 03:37:54 Painkiller Ready, episode 288.

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