Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #292

Episode Date: July 29, 2016

This week on PKA, Richard Ryan from Rated RR is back! They talk a ton about their amazing adventures in Pokemon Go, answer AMA questions about addictions and relationships and discuss recent shootings....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we're live, episode 292 of Painkiller Already with our guest Richard Ryan. A Pokemon master, I hear. So we got a few sponsors tonight. We got Audible, of course, coming back, Tracker, Seesaw, which we told you about last time, and a brand new one, NatureBox. NatureBox is some really tasty stuff. I'll break some of that out later. We'll talk about all the sponsors later on. But let's start the show. Where do you want to begin? Well, with Richard Ryan, our guest. Thanks for coming back. Yes, of course. Let's just get right into it. Let's start talking about it.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I don't know if your viewers are a little burned out on the power gliding and paragliding and everything, but I got to hear details on this i actually don't talk about it all the time or anything maybe if i actually fly we'll bring it up so hopefully they're not too burnt out do you have actually i'm sorry so where are you at in the process i've had three flights on two different days and um my instructor has like cleared me uh to fly solo if there's in that tight gap between competency and disaster. Yes. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:08 You know that first 20 flights where all the accidents happen? Here I am. So what I'm doing actually Saturday, which is the day this uploads, I'm going to another airfield that's closer to me, and I'm going to fly there. So my hope is to, one, go to a nice big field to fly in. So it's like forgiving of mistakes. And I'd like to meet other local paramotorists and make some friends and stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Maybe people I could fly with. You have paramotor buddies. Hell yeah. And you guys can fly in your v formation like black sails going over town striking the fear into the hearts of it's anyone who looks up i don't 15 miles an hour i think it's like jet ski coming jog for it if you've ever had a jet ski like they're fun alone but they're 100 times more fun with everybody else and that's agreed that's kind of what i'm hoping to create so so have you had that moment yet though have you like so for me everybody's like what's the first first time
Starting point is 00:02:12 you went skydiving what was that like uh-huh i'll be honest it's not special it's it's nowhere near special because for me i couldn't i couldn't do something like a tandem skydive uh i never i've never done a tandem skydive my very first skydive was solo uh aff level one and the reason for that is because i'm terrified of heights and despite what a lot of people might perceive by the stuff that i do i'm not an adrenaline junkie i just sometimes get paid to do things that i don't necessarily feel comfortable richard r Ryan goes skydiving. He goes wingsuit diving. He goes halo jumping,
Starting point is 00:02:49 which is pretty much skydiving from really up high. He's like an expert. I didn't expect you to say you were afraid of heights. And I don't know how you didn't tandem. I thought you had to tandem. No, no, you don't. The thing is that Richard hustles big time. If there's a job to do across the country, he's going to get in his truck.
Starting point is 00:03:07 He's going to drive there overnight, and he's going to be there the next morning. Like, here I am. Let's go. Yeah. He's going to be jazzed. He's going to be happy, and he's going to be positive. It's amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:19 So first skydive, I couldn't do tandem. Though your tandem does count towards your license because it's time in the sport. If you wanted to get that tandem rating later on in life and you did a tandem jump 10 years before you started AFF, that actually counts for time in the sport, oddly enough. but for me going up with somebody else in control means that I kind of am left to my own devices where my mind can wander and I can think about all the things that can go wrong but for AFF level one and being forced to go up there and say hey I've got a pass I have to do this work I have to check in I have to check in with my main side instructor I have to check in on my reserve side instructor I have to tell them the altitude I have to do this work. I have to check in. I have to check in with my main side instructor. I have to check in on my reserve side instructor. I have to tell them the altitude. I have to do all this
Starting point is 00:04:09 work. And I'm so focused on the busy work that I didn't really have that time to psych myself out in the skydive. And so it was all said and done. And I'm like six jumps in. And I'm like, oh man, I just don't, I don't remember any of it because it's all going so fast from the work and it was really funny I remember when it clicked I was like I'm psyching myself out for AFF level six and that's the instability exit that's where you're supposed to ball up and the instructor is supposed to like kick you out of the airplane in like the ball or fetal position and you're supposed to hold an unstable fall for three to six seconds and then gain stability yeah and fix it and i was like oh man this is gonna be oh oh
Starting point is 00:04:54 geez oh geez i don't can i do this can i do this clearly people do this and then i was like i saw who my instructor was and her name's hannah betts and she's this this really cute little um british chick and just so disarming to see her as my instructor and i'm like oh dude you totally got a man up you got a man and so i did and it all went well it was it was like and then whenever i pulled and i was under a canopy there was this like huge sigh of relief and i remember it was it was like and then whenever i pulled and i was under a canopy there was this like huge sigh of relief and i remember it was it was kind of close to a sunset load and i was looking like out at the horizon not to be like oh this is so spiritual but that's what i try to tell people is like i i don't i don't know different people what they believe in if they
Starting point is 00:05:40 believe in a deity god whatever it is it's like being under canopy at that moment, it was really, really spiritual because I was like, I'm not supposed to be here in the world like this, but I'm here and I'm slightly comfortable. I just see the world in a way that I've never seen it before. And in an airplane and everything else, there's all this noise. You're moving. There's people. But it's quiet. There's like nothing, nothing right here.
Starting point is 00:06:13 And I was like, oh, wow, this is pretty cool. Now, granted, I went in the sport with the intention of getting to the point of wingsuiting because that's just something I thought I would like to try because how to train your dragon. That's why it happened. Yeah. Because of how to train your dragon, that movie you saw a dragon and you were like, some people have Christianity, some people have Islam.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I want to be able to fall from the sky quickly in at least four different ways. That's my religion. No, because you got a deal. I didn to be able to fall from the sky quickly in at least four different ways. That's my religion. No, because you got a deal. I didn't get what Kyle was saying. Wait a minute. Oh, no. So relativity.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Relativity for Act of Valor, they wanted me to do a few different things for the film. And I was like, okay, well, I could do some C4 breaching and deck cord and whatnot, which I did, which they ended up pulling the video saying that it could have been used for terrorists as a tutorial or whatever. You know what they told us? We were on set filming our accompanying piece. We were both doing one for them, and they told us that you made an assassination guide. And I was like, what did he do and like it was described to me as like yeah it was described to me as you like sneaking up on like bad guys like in blackface and like slitting throats or something like that and i was just i was and we're
Starting point is 00:07:39 out there like you know blowing up a truck and jumping in the lake and try to recreate we're recreating like scenes from the movie and I'm like, he made an assassination guide. That doesn't sound like him. No, I was like, I'm doing door breaching and I'm not
Starting point is 00:07:57 even showing people how people stack on the door before they breach and I saw your video and I'm like, Kyle did a fucking drive-by I mean anybody can go to Walmart get a gun and do what Kyle did but nobody's gonna get c4 and deck cord and blow a door in like I did I mean I was a little butthurt because when you make a video, you're kind of proud of it. You want to put it up and everything,
Starting point is 00:08:28 but they still pay me for it. So I was like, I'll take it. But the other one I was doing was Halo Jump, and I'd never skydived before. So I was like, all right, well, I'll do that. And so I got to learn to skydive. And because they bought the film, I think the week of the Osama bin Laden assassination.
Starting point is 00:08:46 They were like six months out from actually releasing it. So they're like, hey, you got time to learn how to skydive. You want to do this Halo jump thing? I was like, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So I just started skydiving before I knew it. It took a month to get my license. The weather wasn't that great.
Starting point is 00:09:04 But, I mean, if you really wanted to get your license, you could probably – people do it in a week. I mean, you can crank out 25 jump seats. Was the reason that you didn't do it tandem at first because you're afraid of heights and they thought, like, you might freak out on someone and, like, they wouldn't be able to save you? Does that make sense? I hadn't thought about that before. No, no, no. sense i hadn't thought about that before no i i mean i i don't think you know i i've been in a few situations in life where i had the opportunity to freak out and i really surprised myself and my like for as douchey as it sounds the the ability to focus and from from motorcycle accidents and and how i corrected different things to different scenarios
Starting point is 00:09:49 um i like i step back from it and i go oh wow like that that adrenaline from the situation and understanding that something bad was happening forced me to focus and i didn't lock up so i wouldn't be too worried decisions in that moment yeah absolutely and and but the thing is is i've i've been wearing a heart rate monitor trying to figure out like what my heart rate is at different points so i'd be curious for you to do this woody uh whenever you're whenever you're getting ready do you have like um a polar heart rate monitor or anything like that no most people don't have those just they're not you're missing out no i don't have one although it's kind of interesting as it is a concept i yeah i'm actually thinking that would be funny for some of the stuff i do like how like right before i want to have it when i'm playing pokemon go so you can see me go from kinda content to absolute rage
Starting point is 00:10:45 immediately, just to see. From when, oh, look at that! Finally something fucking new! Let's try and throw the ball. Oh, and it froze. Well, hopefully this hard restart will still be here. Oh, no. Nope, no more Charmeleon for you, idiot. Not for you. Go back to Pidgeys, you fuck.
Starting point is 00:11:01 That's how I feel in this game right now. I've caught so many Pidgeys that it's bananas. I've caught like 1,200 Pokemon, each worse than the last. Did you see GameStop put up that Facebook video today? It's like a one-minute video meme about hatching Pokemon and it starts off like like loading putting a egg into an incubator and then it's like Forrest Gump on the porch as he starts to get running and then he takes off running and it's like he just keeps running or whatever and it shows like the meter
Starting point is 00:11:41 going up on the incubator and then the fucking thing hatches and it's a pidgey so dude you got your uh like skydiving license for a video and you just you just like sort of hustled and you got it i i was under the impression that you like had it and that's why you were appropriate for that video you were just like no i'll learn to do it and then we'll make it happen and it took a month for sure sure. That's cool. Yeah. Now the wingsuit thing. Have you had that? Have you had that moment yet though? Like that's what I was getting at.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Have you had that moment where you've been able to kind of sit back and appreciate the, I hate. The grandeur of it all. It's okay. The beauty of the moment. I feel like a hippie. I mean totally. Like yeah. Go ahead Taylor. You answer the moment. I feel like a hippie. I mean, totally. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Go ahead, Taylor. You answer the question. But anyway, with Pokemon Go. It's not natural, right? It's nothing that you experience. It's nothing you experience up until that point. So it's really unique. I hung up on him because he's fucking with me.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I'm so tired of it. Every show. I just dropped. Did I drop? Bummer about that. Your head hung up on you. That was the most popular thing in the world. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 00:12:57 God fucking forbid we talk about literally the biggest thing on the planet. Let's talk about something that 60 people in the southeastern United States are doing right now. There's thousands. Wow, thousands. Well, this is... How many of our audience are paramotoring? One. Go ahead, Taylor. No, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:13:17 It was like, Richard's doing this thing. It's tremendously interesting. We were going to talk about it. It's sort of something we have in common with the guest. And, like And he asked me a question and you literally answer it instead and take it to Pokemon Go. And I don't even know what's right here. Because you're right. It is totally popular.
Starting point is 00:13:34 It's bigger than Twitter, right? So I haven't cut off any Pokemon talk thus far. But I also don't even get a chance to jump in. But this is three hours long, right? So we don't have time to cover it all yeah four hours yeah so there is time for everything but go ahead like i i feel like i'm being a baby go you talk about pokemon but um yeah i don't know richard was even before the
Starting point is 00:13:58 show he was like looking forward to talking to this about tell me tell me have you had that moment have you had that moment yet where you've been able to appreciate like just being up there and like and not worried about everything that's going on have you like i'll say no faith in your equipment i i i feel like i'm easing into that you know i've had some flights where they're like you know what take a minute you're not landing right now you're not doing anything just enjoy it and he's my instructor even gave me a guide like oh yeah see to your north that's the tallest spot in North Carolina or whatever it was. And, uh, but still I've had three flights for a total of maybe like 25, 30 minutes. And you know, some, a lot of that is just spent like launching, like, I don't know, getting settled in or finding my landing spot. And I'm looking
Starting point is 00:14:43 forward, hopefully Saturdayurday just like not being in a hurry to do anything not knowing that i'm not like you know if i fly too long i'm really stealing time from the other students because there's only a limited window and how long we can fly saturday my dad i'm sorry i was talking to my dad about you the other day and you're in your paramotoring thing because he at one time had some thoughts of getting one of the tricycle model ones um and i was like you know what he when i mentioned what yours was he's like oh but you know he was like it seems like on takeoff or landing if things went wrong you just kind of fall on your face and i was like yeah i think that's the fear he's like he should be wearing some knee pads or something about 40 years old is when a man can ruin his knees.
Starting point is 00:15:28 He's like, you go down at 40, you might not get back up. He's like, I remember 40. So when you hang, like you hang from these like carabiners, and you can be too far back, you can be too far forward. And I was really nervous that mine wasn't right. And so far, I've fallen both forwards and backwards. So I feel like we've nailed it. I want you to wear some knee pads. I really am afraid that you're going to take a header and like...
Starting point is 00:15:52 You have a helmet on. That's a badass helmet. I love his helmet. I don't know if you saw his video of his helmet. But it looks like Judge Dredd or something. I wish he would paint it to match Judge Dredd. It comes down. It's all mirrored and shit. He's got the mic and everything.
Starting point is 00:16:07 It's a very nice helmet. I got a fucking toothless helmet with the green eyes and I got a tooth from How to Train Your Dragon. Okay. Is that a character? That's right. I've seen that.
Starting point is 00:16:22 So the dragon's head and then the eyes and then the eyes, and then the wingsuit itself is all black, and then the tail is split with the red little Viking thing on it and everything. Yeah. It's a better session. Do you want to, I don't know if you do or not,
Starting point is 00:16:37 do you want to talk about the specifics of what went down with the How You Train a Dragon thing? Because, like, I know exactly what went down, and I just like that you were so much of a fan of it that you went ahead and did everything oh yeah i mean so so a little i mean i'll consult for studios and brands um from the programming side and analytics and marketing and everything from time to time and uh 20 Century Fox had brought me in a few times to look at a few things here and there and they asked me if I wanted to to potentially pitch something for How to Train Your Dragon because we had talked about one brand deal that didn't go
Starting point is 00:17:19 through or whatever blah blah blah blah and I was like I really really want to do something for this so much in fact that I went ahead and had a custom wingsuit made like toothless I had the helmet made like toothless I can't really afford to buy all the other wingsuits but this is for how to train your dragon too which for those of you who may have or have not seen it the dragons are part of the Viking culture in the second movie where they're not necessarily in the first one. And so they do this thing called dragon racing where the Vikings ride the dragons and they race them through like this obstacle course
Starting point is 00:17:57 and they're trying to catch these sheep and put them in baskets like basketball. So what I was going to do is get a bunch of my friends together, and we were going to have, like, say, four. Terrify a bunch of sheep. Exactly. We're just going to fuck a bunch of sheep. It was going to be great.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Then you'll get banned for being like ISIS again. This isn't like the movie. They're furious. Yes. they're furious so I was gonna have like four wing suits made like the main dragons in the movie and then have
Starting point is 00:18:33 four skydivers cosplay dress as vikings and I actually have the I went and bought a mattress a Serta mattress and told the clerk the sales clerk I was like I will only bought a mattress, a Serta mattress, and told the clerk, the sales clerk, I was like, I will only buy this mattress if you sell me those two massive plus sheep. You know, the ones with the numbers that they like count. Because they don't sell those.
Starting point is 00:18:58 And I was like, I won't buy this mattress unless you sell me those two sheep in on the deal. And he's like, right done msrp is like let's do it and what was the msrp it cut out for a second oh so um there's like two thousand bucks for the mattress oh damn okay yeah it wasn't it wasn't the casper deal that I got. I got two casters for that. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And so what we were going to do is have the skydivers dressed as vikings ride us
Starting point is 00:19:33 dragon wingsuiters and we were going to use the sheep and drop them on a bullseye and try to take each other out in like a big epic skydive thing. We're going to recreate it as closely as a human being can that's it's really impressive yeah you're gonna have so just to clarify for the audience you got one guy cosplaying as a dragon and the other as a viking and he's
Starting point is 00:19:56 sitting on your back riding you in yeah that's hilarious i didn't get that. Thanks, Kyle. That is ridiculous. Carry on. Really? And not just once? And there's three sets of that. Or four. Four sets of that, right? Or just two? Yeah, four of us. And then we're all flying together trying to take each other out and get the sheep and then drop it on the
Starting point is 00:20:20 bullseye on the ground. That's awesome. So what happened? What happened? Well well i don't know if i like should say okay yeah that's that's what i was wondering if you wanted to talk about yeah i mean one of the executives wouldn't um like uh fox was really cool with it they loved it they loved everything um another company um who is affiliated with them to an extent that isn't part of their company, was an executive, but he felt it was a little too unsafe. And I was like, oh, my God, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:20:52 This is like one of the safest things we can do. It's like we're not proximity flying mountains or anything like that they do in Point Break. Like this is relatively safe. I mean, we're jumping out of airplanes. Oh, that's a shame. But you still have the suit and everything. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. Yeah. Yep. Yep. I've already got it. How much did it cost to make that suit of your own hard earned money? Helmet, helmet, sheep minus the mattress and everything else.
Starting point is 00:21:22 I mean, the suit itself was $2,000. The helmet is about $500, $600. And then the sheet probably was just, say, another $400 in on the mattress. So it was a few thousand dollars. But I used the crap out of it. I mean, it's so much fun. I love it. It's one of those things where it's not like it's a cricket set or something like that.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Yeah, it makes sense. I have a wingsuit question. People talk about how dangerous it is all the time, right? And this is like paramotorists, skydivers, paragliders, hang gliders. They're all like, yeah, those wingsuiters, they're going to die. What makes it so – is it dangerous? To me, as an uneducated guy, I'm like, I bet it's not much more dangerous than skydiving it's just that the things people tend to do in wingsuits is dangerous like proximity flying yeah that's very
Starting point is 00:22:12 very correct and and it's actually a huge misconception and it's it's actually it's frustrating for me because um i mean not to get too like emotional, like I keep, I keep preferencing stuff. I need to stop apologizing. Uh, but it was like, you know, I've lost a lot of friends in the last couple of years and, and like, I mean a crazy amount. Like, I don't think I've lost this many people in my life this fast. Um, but it all comes from the exact same discipline. And that's the problem. When people talk about skydiving statistics skydiving is actually relatively safe like you you look at the statistics well so so wingsuiting you have subsets right you have skydiving wingsuiting and then you have the
Starting point is 00:22:57 different kinds of types of flying that people do from acrobatic to uh distance performance they like red bull has this race where it's about speed and gates and stuff like that, but then there's also proximity flying, which most people know of wingsuiting because they see Jeb Corliss. They see a lot of extremely talented guys that unfortunately have passed away, like Jonathan Flores, who was his camera guy to um Nebelkopf to Ludo all these guys that are just just phenomenal just exceptional like grandfathers of the sport who ended up passing away um you know in different different scenarios where Nebelkopf is not a good example because it
Starting point is 00:23:39 was skydiving but wingsuiting um you know it's's just exploded with companies that I won't necessarily say their names again, probably for liability reasons. But there's a lot of pressure for these guys to innovate and do the next big thing, do the next big thing. And when you're proximity flying down a mountain and you legit have inches of room for error, which mean the difference between life and death I mean you're going 120 miles per hour forward speed and if you hit a rock it you're you're done it's like so there's very very small margins for error so guys who proximity fly like even then that's there's different extreme varying degrees of safety there because I know guys who base jump.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Europe, they don't necessarily get all the best weather. Like we get here in Southern California, you can do 21, 25 jumps in a day like I did. And that's not even too taxing. But in Europe, they have crazy amounts of cloud cover and stuff like that. So what's the next best thing? Jump off of a cliff. So base jumping does seem to be a little bit bigger there
Starting point is 00:24:44 because it's, one, legal, where in the U.S. it's not necessarily legal. That does seem to be a little bit bigger there because it's one legal where in the u.s it's not necessarily legal that was my next question was like as a as someone who wingsuits do you look at the base jumpers as like oh man uh you got no room for error if it doesn't you know do you look at that as something even more dangerous no well yes yes and no yes it's more dangerous in the sense that you only have one canopy or one parachute, where skydiving you have two, and you can always cut away from your main to your reserve. Like I jump a 190, which is 190 cubic feet of material for my canopy. A base jumper is probably going to jump the equivalent of like a 300 or a 320 or something like that where it's bigger. So there's a higher probability of it pressurizing and being more stable, not having errors. And then there's other little safety things like the lines, the brake lines, they break away. So if there's a malfunction or something like that, you just
Starting point is 00:25:50 tear the Velcro off and then you'll land pulling on the rear risers instead of brake lines. Little things like that where it's not necessarily more dangerous. It can be depending on the risks that you're taking. But a good example is the typical skydive in the U.S. is from 12,500 feet. And skydiving, you'll probably get 50 seconds of free fall time. Wingsuiting, you'll probably get anywhere from a minute and a half to three minutes. Well, if you jump from Brento in Europe, you're looking at a 10,000-foot cliff. So it's fairly comparable in height and flight time. In Europe, you're looking at a 10,000-foot cliff. So it's fairly comparable in height and flight time.
Starting point is 00:26:35 It's just the consequences if you start proximity flying towards terrain. There's really – and again, is it vertical proximity flying or is it horizontal proximity flying? There's so many different varying degrees of danger. It's hard just to lump everybody into one category. It's like saying, yeah, this is a bad analogy, but I'll say it because it's something we know. It's like saying firearm homicide or whatever it is. It's like firearm death. Okay, what's homicide? What's suicide?
Starting point is 00:27:02 What's this? There's so many different variables. You can't lump everybody into one category. And that's what's frustrating with skydiving, where people say, oh, you know, this many people died skydiving. Well, honestly, you look at the amount of people who were flying high-performance canopies and were swooping, which is like high-performance canopy maneuvers coming down to the ground,
Starting point is 00:27:22 and compare that to, say, tandems, which are extremely safe. I mean, there's millions upon millions of people without having any issues doing tandem skydives. And so it's really like diving into the statistics and knowing what it is and not just going, oh, you know, just this is what I heard or whatever. So wingsuiting itself, getting back to your original question, is it more safe? Yeah. yeah. In my opinion, it is because I hate to say that I'm a scaredy cat, but it's kind of even scary, man.
Starting point is 00:27:52 You jump with, you start getting into these larger groups. It's all about any aerial sport like that under canopy or free fall is like, it's all about what you're comfortable and what you think the risk you're willing to take for what benefit and whatever you're comfortable doing. know all of those guys is extremely terrifying to me because that's where you see a lot of problems where people open up or they cut away into somebody else and then they're like wrapped up in their canopy or they collide with them and when you're skydiving everybody's falling in the kind of the same area and then when it's break off speed you kind of break off time you kind of just you get a little bit of separation then everybody like pitches their canopies and they open up in this cluster. Wingsuiting, it's like, hey, let's break off at 5,000 feet.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Let's break off at 4,500 feet. Okay, great. Boom. You break off, everybody's flying away from each other. So you get so much more separation. And on top of that, whenever you say, all right, I'm going to deploy at, say, hypothetically speaking, 3,500 feet, you're going to reach back, you're going to grab your hacky, and you're going to pull your pilot chute, which is going to deploy your main canopy and stop you from free-falling. From 3,500 feet, you might be under canopy at 2,500 feet or 2,000 feet. under canopy at 2,500 feet or 2,000 feet. And so you set a safe altitude of 1,700. That's my,
Starting point is 00:29:36 if I'm not under a good canopy, I'm going to cut away and go to my reserve, right? That's like 1,000, 1,500 feet. Whenever I'm wingsuiting, I'll pitch my canopy and I'll be under, or I'll pitch my pilot and I'll be under my main canopy within 300 feet. So like I'll look down, I'll see 3000 feet, I'll pitch and it'll be like 2700 feet. So I, I not only am I getting further away from the other people in the sky, I'm also giving myself more time to figure out any type of problem that I might have with my canopy and if I need to cut away and go to my reserve so to me I feel more safe wingsuiting than I do skydiving that makes sense because but just because I have more more control of where I'm going to be and who I'm going to be around and everything else so again there's a paramotor
Starting point is 00:30:24 parallel like the numbers say that it's safer than riding a motorcycle and people do acrobatics in it and all this crazy stuff. And those people get hurt, but there are a lot of people in paramotoring that just want to enjoy a lawn chair in the sky, you know, buzzing around. And those are the people that make the numbers better.
Starting point is 00:30:39 You know, they're the people that aren't getting hurt. So I think that's who I'm going to be. Just, we'll see what time brings. You'll be doing barrel rolls or something. People do full-on loops.
Starting point is 00:30:52 You'd think it'd be impossible because you're hanging from the wing. No, you're a pendulum. Of course it's possible. You just got to be a badass and carry that wind. It's like going all the way over a swing set. It looks like. There's only one kid in class who can do that shit. You got to become that kid. That's got to be your in place. It's like going all the way over a swing set, it looks like. There's only like one kid in class who can do that shit. You've got to become that kid.
Starting point is 00:31:08 That's got to be your goal now. Don't do it. I'm a man of responsibility. You're like doing your chin-ups in the mirror. One of the things I'm worried about is like you need to develop, like not need to, but people develop what they call the Kodak courage. You know, like you put a camera on them, and all of a sudden they're not happy just buzzing around anymore and like no go ahead you were saying something no i was gonna say that honestly
Starting point is 00:31:31 that's that's that is honestly this thing that i am constantly struggling with it's the for better or worse i call it the gopro effect and it's like how many people out there are taking risks just because they know That this is something that they can upload to YouTube everybody's mention almost like all of it It's like I'm guilty of it. I'm guilty of it That's why I started skydiving because that camera was on me would I have had the courage to do it on my own? Had I not won either been getting a paycheck or knowing that I had to man up because there's gonna be a camera on me eventually and the world
Starting point is 00:32:10 started effect where it is you know filming is happening like it gets bananas cuz suddenly it's like oh shit I'm not just gonna fight anymore I'm in an exhibition match that slightly overweight guy in red hat is is a good you know brawler and that's what it is you know it's as soon as you strap that gopro on sitting on the couch isn't okay anymore you can't go for a jog that number eight jacket guy may have never hit that woman if there was no camera going but he had to slap a bitch just saying well it makes me it makes me a hypocrite and i know that but it's still like part of me it frustrates me and seeing and and seeing that effect on on just
Starting point is 00:32:53 content itself like i like i like seeing maybe like the devon grahams do things here and there where it's just like it's beautifully shot or whatever it's fun there's an energy behind it great but but the the i feel like content or athletes or people with these cameras have become those people in the youtube comments who are always going first first i was first i was first bro i was first it's like oh okay so you were the first person to do a back fly exit eating a candy bar. Good job. I mean, at what point? Who cares?
Starting point is 00:33:29 Okay, you were first. The thing about the camera, like part of it is like if you're not doing something incredible, then why are you putting this on YouTube? Like there's that kind of pressure that exists. There's always someone out there going, you know, you're just a regular person. This guy over here, he's doing proximity flying, popping balloons six inches
Starting point is 00:33:51 off the ground. Why are you even bothering? Is he kicking them? I gotta know. How is he popping them? Literally, does he get a spur on or something? They're actually a little higher. They're like three feet off the ground. Does he pop them or just hit them? Do you know what I'm talking about? Just hits them. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He just hits them.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Is it Jeb something? Is that his name? Yeah, that was Jeb. The funny thing was is, like I say, the, I don't even want to say the GoPro effect, maybe even Moore's Law to some extent, even though it's not technology. It's like, just because of cameras and
Starting point is 00:34:24 people knowing what's possible the bar keeps getting raised so much faster like it's like a global leaderboard effect like you'll be sitting there like like you're the champ at your house and then all of a sudden you click global and you're like oh well i've got some improving to do and the viewers see it like that too example was jeb has like like he's he the face, right, to a certain extent because people saw Grinding the Crack, that video with a sail playing in the background and everything. He had a reality TV show, didn't he? What was it called?
Starting point is 00:34:56 Yes, he did. Was it like Superhumans or something? Adrenaline Junkies or something. I forget what it was. But then he had the perfect example of how fast the bar is being raised. Red Bull China was putting together this thing called the Flying Dagger or something like that where he's flying through these two rock formations, which are fairly – don't get me wrong, I'm not taking anything away from it because there's no way I'd be doing this.
Starting point is 00:35:25 But it's flying between two massive rock formations. And this is like this huge media event that they're building up for like a few months, like three or four months. Well, maybe a month into the thing, another phenomenally talented wingsuit pilot named alexander poley she said fuck it i'm gonna upload this one video of me flying through a hole in this rock that's like i want to say 20 or 30 yards by 20 or 30 yards in the side of this mountain. And I'm like, this is legit threading the needle. Like, he flies in through the side of this thing. They call it the bat cave or something like that. Flies through it, and I'm like, dude, this other thing's irrelevant now.
Starting point is 00:36:18 I've missed all my landings by 150 feet so far. You should be threading the needles in, my friend. It gives me a greater appreciation for what these guys are doing. It is not an easy thing to estimate your glide rate and see where you're going to be
Starting point is 00:36:37 400 feet from now or 500 feet from now. I'm sure these people are good at it, but me? No, it's kind of hard to see where you're going to be. I'll send you a video when we finish here. Because I do, I encourage you to do this too. Not right now while you're learning, but I do this more for me, not for the viewers and everything. So shameless plug. I do a video a video, um, log book. So you know how you keep your, your written log book of all your jumps or your flights and everything.
Starting point is 00:37:13 I got so tired of doing all my, my logging manually and losing my book. I said, screw it. I'm going to film every jump I do. And from start to stop, I'm just going to upload the raw footage. I do and from start to stop I'm just gonna upload the raw footage and so here recently The clouds have been epic epic here in Tennessee And I was like I got to try proximity flying right out of the gate like a balloon like I mean cloud So pit Sorry no you good pick Pick an overhang, right?
Starting point is 00:37:47 Because clouds are tricky, right? Because they're moving and everything too. So I was looking for like a C formation like in the cloud, right? So there's a clear overhang that I would fly through or a hole or something like that. I had another guy with me. What kind of cloud is this we're talking about? Cumulonimbus. Okay. Those are the cloud suck clouds.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Carry on. Those are awesome. Definitely. They're deadly for a paramotorist. That's how his little journey turns into a Wizard of Oz type story. His clouds suck. So exiting, and the pilot was so cool i was like hey could you set us out on this spot it's a little bit away from the dz it's cool uh he takes us up to like 14,000
Starting point is 00:38:31 feet lets us get out and um and so i picked this one spot and i was like i want to see how accurate i can be flying not just happen to go through this one thing. I want to legit fly to this thing. And I drilled it like within feet of it closing up. And it was so perfect. So perfect. I was like a minute out from hitting that. I was like, you,
Starting point is 00:38:58 you like hear me. I'm going 120 miles per hour. Right? So I have all this wind noise. And you hear me go, Whoa! Fuck yeah! Woo! And like, normally, normally, whenever I'm like,
Starting point is 00:39:13 skydiving or wingsuiting, you don't talk. I mean, it's so fast, and you're so hyper-focused that whenever you talk or you do things, it kind of takes you out of it, and you fall. It's really weird um i feel like i'd hold my breath and like pass out just because i'd be so nervous yeah oh you know what uh we'll go back to this real fast um so the heart rate thing um it was really weird because
Starting point is 00:39:38 i i have this thing where i i love sugar i'm all about i'm all about sugar. I'm not going to shy away from that. But particularly like cookies, especially days that I wingsuit. I love cookies. I mean I eat the crap out of them. I was like, dude, why am I craving cookies so much when I wingsuit? I was like, okay, whatever. I just put that in the back of my mind. And I was like, what I'm going to do is I'm going to take it and put this heart rate monitor on.
Starting point is 00:40:05 And I just want to see out of curiosity what my heart rate's like whenever I'm at the drop zone. And so from the time I go to put my rig on, my heart rate jumps up to 132 beats per minute from just putting my rig on. And you run a lot too, right? This is a 132 from an athletic guy. Yeah. And then I get on the airplane, and it jumps up to like 140, 145. And by the time I exit, and keep in mind, this flight to altitude is 15 to 20 minutes. So by the time I exit, my heart rate jumps to 170 175 ish that's so high yeah
Starting point is 00:40:49 yeah and and and so I'm redlining this entire time and it isn't until I take my my rig off that everything goes back down is like it totally makes sense every single jump that i'm doing i'm doing 40 minutes of high intensity cardio i need that like glucose to keep me going that's why i'm like the cookie monster i'm such an idiot i thought the way that story was gonna go was gonna be so i put my heart rate monitor on and i jump up to you know 130 a minute then all i do do, I pick up an Oreo back down to 70. I mean, my God, I put the Oreo down 130, pick up the Oreo 70, eat it down to 60. So I always eat six Oreos before every flight. No, it's great. But I just, I geek out on things. I like seeing cause and effect of different things in life. And I'm like, I mean, is it, am I addicted to sugar? Probably. But also like, why am I, why am I
Starting point is 00:41:45 craving is this intense on these days? And it totally makes sense. Water doesn't really satisfy me on days that I'm, I'm wingsuiting. And it, that, that's a clear indication that I'm not getting enough carbohydrates and stuff like that whenever I'm, I'm redlining my heart like that. So I just, I thought that was a curious little bit of info. You talked about how cool you were under fire. My second flight, I killed the engine by accident. So I was coming in for a landing and we had decided that I was too high. So I was going to throttle up and go for another landing.
Starting point is 00:42:19 It's one of the upsides of a paramotor compared to like a parachute. If you don't like your landing you just get try it again um well i there's a kill switch like you've got this throttle in your hand that you squeeze i'm trying to do it off camera and then your your thumb kills it and i bumped the thumb into the risers and oh my god this is my second flight and the big difference between my second my third was the panic level my iq cut in half i was just like if my instructor wasn't in my radio you know telling me like what to do and and you know like where to go from there i'm not sure that i would have thought of it on my own even though it's pretty obvious you know oh there's another landing strip right there go for
Starting point is 00:42:57 that one etc um i and at the very end he told me to. I don't know if I would have flared my landing at the very end. Really? Yeah. Now, it got better. I'm better at it right now than I was on my second flight. But that was like, I don't know. Yeah, I was not cool under fire. And I have been at other times in life.
Starting point is 00:43:19 I'm not a complete puss all the time. Yeah, but like you say, you're only a few flights in. Yeah. That'll definitely come. As soon as you start trusting the equipment i equate it kind of to motorcycles in that sense where a lot of guys who start riding motorcycles like oh i'm never gonna do willies or i'm never gonna go fast through a turn and it's and then you realize oh okay well these these tires are capable of handling that type of centrifugal motion gripping gripping this weight to the
Starting point is 00:43:47 asphalt okay i can lean a little bit further i can lean a little bit further or no i can do a willy at 120 and be fairly stable stuff like that it's like okay i get it i get it honestly the the one thing that scares me more than anything is that um funny enough is help like health i'm i'm yeah i'm i'm like i'm worried that that this adrenaline jump or dump and everything that i'm i'm experiencing on a regular basis is going to make things a little bit more challenging for me in the future because it's like you're constantly like tapping into that it's like i don't know does that have some type of effect on your endocrine system yeah it is addicted that's how people get addicted to skydiving or just anything that's dangerous because once i guess you've hit that
Starting point is 00:44:35 level of adrenaline it's like not even drugs can hit that in the same way because i don't i don't know the science behind it i'm completely ignorant to it so i'd love for people to tell me tell me more about it but like there's got to be some type of one dopamine effect or some type of effect on your endocrine system when it comes to testosterone or or or adrenaline or something obviously because you're constantly hitting that thing but i i just don't know like for me my life is so chaotic and so many things going on that the one time that I am forced to shut everything down is in that three minutes. And I can't focus on anything else. So for me, it's like, oh, I'm meditating. This is kind of like my letting everything go and just focusing on the moment, which is really nice.
Starting point is 00:45:22 You're meditating as you're soaring towards the ground at 120 miles an hour. You may already be too deep into the adrenaline addiction field. If you're thinking, God, I just need to chill out and just jump out of the plane. I imagine, though, you have the brain chemistry of a medieval warrior who's had thousands of engagements
Starting point is 00:45:40 and hacked people apart with axes. Occasionally, you just have to go into full-on flight or fight mode, 170 beats per minute, maintain it for 20, 30 minutes at a time. The only other time you get that is in war, like battle. Or if you're like Death Row, thinking any minute the guillotine's coming down or something like that. It's rare that that is a good thing so yeah i wonder if that is like like again this is just all like speculative
Starting point is 00:46:11 bs that i'm just talking out my ass but like you do bring up the like the military thing that that's that is like interesting because i i mean i would assume that they're definitely redlining a lot and definitely running off of adrenaline a lot. Like what kind of effects that has on testosterone, on what that has on their endocrine system, what that has on their – like what it has to do with PTSD and everything else along those lines and everything else. And it's just – I'd be curious to see if there's any type of studies on that stuff. You know what makes me curious with the military guys? Like there's a different set of rules. You know, they're literally killing people.
Starting point is 00:46:47 And when they're not killing people, they're like, they're just like top of the food chain. You know, I'm not an expert in this, but I was reading about how they drive around in Baghdad. Not anymore. This is a few years ago. It was very dangerous for them just to stop. So if there were cars around them or whatever
Starting point is 00:47:05 the humvees would just drive on the median they'd push cars out of the way they just like look stopping for a humvee stopping in the in traffic is not an option so they're going to do whatever it takes just keep the vehicle moving and never go on the x and living that life for a couple of years and then coming back home and driving between the lines, you know, not just driving between the lines, but like the whole set of rules involved, you know, do not walk on the grass. Do not, you know, carry a weapon. Do not do this. civilization and you've spent years like there's a scene in um fargo the tv show and the guy looks at the cop and kyle's great at quoting stuff line by line but he's like you know your thing is you think there's rules there's no rules am i getting this close kyle yeah very close yeah so like if
Starting point is 00:47:59 i'm a soldier and i've lived a life of no rules, right? I may have even accidentally shot a wrong guy or I might even question in my head whether this was a good or bad shoot. Maybe if I gave them another second, they would have identified themselves as a civilian. I don't know. This stuff happens in war. Now I come home and I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:22 I've just lived with no boundaries or very limited boundaries for so long. How do I get back to getting to work on time? Having a boss who hasn't seen the shit I've seen and weekly status meetings where I'm supposed to give a fuck what my manager thinks of me.
Starting point is 00:48:39 This is my new life? You don't understand what I got in me. I've lived that. It's exactly no the end of lord of the rings when after frodo and sam have destroyed the ring they try and go back to the the shire you know they try and become politicians in the shire help out frodo can't do it he's too he's got that adrenaline level too high he destroyed the ring saved the world fought goblins trolls giant uh spiders he couldn't
Starting point is 00:49:06 that's a nail on the head yeah that actually was a lot more relevant than i was expecting you guys are given two extremely elaborate like these things take you know those those like fictionally and realistically from both of your stories they're taking you know months years of their lives in that process i can't i can't even fathom that dude when i binge watched the first two seasons of um uh walking dead like in my living room with pizza and my my ex-girlfriend everything just like just Non-stop when we went outside after two days of doing that I was like what are all these people walking around? Like going on like what do you want? What are you up to?
Starting point is 00:50:01 ETA for like 36 hours straight, and I had to fight fight the urge not to just veer a little bit onto the sidewalk whenever I was driving. I was like, I can't even fathom what it's like going to war, doing so many deployments, and having that just difference in lifestyles. Honestly, I couldn't even imagine it. Hell, your own lifestyle. You've worked normal jobs before, right? and lifestyles. Honestly, I couldn't even imagine it. Your own lifestyle. You've worked normal jobs before, right? Didn't you have some kind of career at which point you worked? You had three jobs at a time. I remember you
Starting point is 00:50:33 telling us about it. I still do. I can actually talk about it now. At one time, I was at one time, I a – I'd get up at 5 o'clock in the morning, be at the job site at 5.30, work in construction. I was a general contractor – a labor foreman for a general contractor building
Starting point is 00:50:57 at 28-story high-rise next to the Staples Center. I'd get off work at 3.30 and then go home, shower, bartend from 4.30 to about 10. And I had a demo company, landscaping company, software company. So I would, different real estate companies, I would mow their properties for them and everything. But then also foreclosures when they would go to people and say, hey, we'll give you $20,000 to get out right now. You got 24 hours. People would just grab the things that were important to them, and then they would pay me to go in and demo out their houses so that they could flip them really fast.
Starting point is 00:51:34 So I did that. I also had a software company when iOS first came out. I started developing apps for Ray William Johnson and a bunch of other YouTubers and stuff like that. I did a couple of other jobs that were legal but probably won't talk about. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:51:54 and now I'm at that point where I'm still juggling a few jobs. Executive producer for Verizon Hearst media company based out of Nashville. Right now, that's the last time I was on here. I couldn't talk about it because they didn't do the press release yet.
Starting point is 00:52:12 But I still do that on top of Full Mag, guns, working with Evan and the guys at Black Rifle Coffee and an ad. Yeah. You've tried it? Of course we have it, dude. Kitty's like a coffee afic tried it? Of course we have it. Dude, Kitty's like a coffee aficionado. Of course we have it. We've got all the different varieties.
Starting point is 00:52:31 There's three different varieties, I think. We've got all that stuff. I had a boss for like 20 years and I haven't had one for the last I don't know, four or five. It's kind of hard to go back. I don't really, four or five, it's kind of hard to go back. Like, I don't really want a boss anymore. I'm going to bite my tongue.
Starting point is 00:52:50 I'm going to bite my tongue because I got them now. No, it's great. I love bosses. It's hard because, like, here's the thing. It's a constant struggle because because corporations have certain protocols right where it's like you can't do this or you can't do that there's a certain way of this or a certain way of creative or spending money or whatever richard ryan he's used to just going fuck it i'll do what i want and this is what i'm gonna say publicly i'm not like like i'm not holding back 100 like i am i am i'm speaking my opinion 110 now as far as the company's concerned
Starting point is 00:53:38 and everything i can't like just just do that stuff it It's really weird, especially creatively, where it's like, I know my demographic. But at the end of the day, the reason why I feel like all of us are successful to a certain degree outside of our persistence and our aptitude and work ethic is that we actually enjoy or enjoyed what we do. And that is a key fundamental element. It's extremely cliche, extremely cliche, where it's like people are like, oh, just love what you do. No, no, no, let's be real. You got to have some skill sets. You got to have some work ethic and aptitude.
Starting point is 00:54:19 But having said that, it's hard to fake it. If you don't dislike what you do, you're doing pretty good. Yeah, and so that's what I've tried. I try to tell all these people within the different companies, not necessarily saying the company I'm working with now and everything too, but it's like, here's the thing. Pokemon Go, great example. Perfect example.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Dude, I'm too old for Pokemon whenever it was a card game. I was more in the Magic the Gathering age of card playing games, right? And so Pokemon came a little bit after my time in high school. And so I was like, all right, whatever. I embraced it. I fucking love playing Pokemon Go. It's fun. I get it. I fucking love playing Pokemon Go. It's fun. I get it But there is this resentment from people out there just because it's cool or because people enjoy it
Starting point is 00:55:12 They're like oh fuck these guys and these hipsters I get it if somebody's being a tool and they're driving around hitting pokey stops driving up on the curve and stuff like that Those people are idiots. I make way i need my pokeballs yeah those people fuck them here's the thing if you're creating content and you have a specific demographic that you know you know that your demographic is 18 to 24 male and that's 94% of the people who are consuming your content you can't resent the stuff that they like. It's just never
Starting point is 00:55:51 going to work out. It's not going to happen. So it's like for people to say oh Pokemon sucks blah blah blah blah. It's like nah dude I gave it a chance and I fucking love it. I mean I'm not going to be the dude who's just going to be crazy obsessed though I am level 20 right now I don't know where you guys are hanging out at but really 23 but i'm like i'm not gonna evolve anything i'm not gonna evolve anything until i get like to 24
Starting point is 00:56:15 25 mark i'm just gonna keep farming and stuff but but i'm like you just can't really resent the people who appreciate something hate the haters don't hate people who are just genuinely having a good time enjoying something that's not hurting anybody i've been falsely accused of reason there was this big threat about how i called the game a piece of shit which actually never said but i have tried it i played it with colin colin's my son and uh and gave it a go pokemon yeah pokemon go and it it just wasn't our cup of tea. He actually hasn't asked to play again even a single time. You know, it's bad.
Starting point is 00:56:49 What he's into right now is Rubik's Cube and not Pokemon Go. Yeah. What's the community like there for you guys? Is there a lot of, like, Pokestops and people playing it and everything like that? So, like, I'm in a really small town. You've been to my place. There's a Pokegym, gym like two minutes drive away and there's maybe three or four pokey stops around my little town but i've got to drive like 20 30 minutes to get into an area where i can like hit
Starting point is 00:57:14 like multiple pokey stops one after another and and like find multiple pokey gems and actual pokemon at my house there's no fucking pokemon so I gotta go out and hunt. So it'll literally be like, it reminds me of when I would go hunting as a kid, like, alright, let's get ready to go Pokemon, honey, let's get our shit together. I got my battery pack, I got my Gatorade. Are there literally
Starting point is 00:57:38 no Pokemon at your house? There are so few that it's not even worth playing. Mine too, when you drop an instant. Even then, it's just a couple of ratatas and pidgeys and stuff. But if I go down the road or if I go especially 20 minutes away, I can get some good stuff. I've got a pretty good lineup right now.
Starting point is 00:57:57 I've taken a couple of gyms. There you go. Yeah, I've got a pidgey right there. Right next to you. I've got a PokeStop right outside my window. Get out, really? 30 minutes every night, I'm like, oh, you. That's nice. You next to you. I got a Pokestop right outside my window. Get out, really? 30 minutes every night, I'm like, that's nice. You're very lucky.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Drop a lure and farm, dog. Oh, that's so unfair. No wonder you're farming. Oh, I haven't played much. I'm just level 20. I just, you know, spend 20 cents a day and get all I could desire. See, my problem with here isn't that I don't have enough Pokestops to go to it's that
Starting point is 00:58:26 i think i just live in a really bigoted area of pokemon where all of the ritadas all the pidgeys gather together and they forced out the rare ones the weird ones the odd ones they're not around here anymore so i can't find but i haven't seen i caught a tangela on sunday it's thursday right now i haven't seen a new Pokemon since fucking Sunday. Wow. Are you matching anything? Oh, I'm matching stuff, but it's, I mean, you can't really... How do you see your lineup? I see
Starting point is 00:58:54 everyone with these screenshots. Like, what is the sequence of buttons I need to hit? Hit the Pokeball, and then the Pokemon. And a shortcut is just swiping it, so you can like... Oops. Pokeball. And shortcut is just swiping it. So you can like... Oops. Pokeball. And then Pokemon, maybe?
Starting point is 00:59:08 You can get on a Pokeball and then you can swipe it. That's a little shortcut. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. How did... Huh. Is a swipe a shortcut over a tap? I have duplicates.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Is there... Yes, you're gonna have a lot of dupes. So Kyle right there, you can see his lineup. But when I see yours, I don't feel like I see duplicates in my oh, I'm sorry the duplicates right on my screen Hey Kyle Now why are Kyle's in order? Oh? You can sort Have you been involved yeah, you've been involved in those how do I sort? Can someone help me with that yeah
Starting point is 00:59:46 so you go down to um the bottom right corner and and then it'll say recent favorite number hp name or combat power just hit combat power and that'll rank it from the strongest to weakest i've got nothing good to show but i will do my best is is a pins are good yeah it's pretty good yeah it's it's rare oh you got you got you got pikachu there yeah you're not doing what are you talking about kyle this is a lot of hard work this is a lot of hard work and uh it's hours and hours i guarantee i've spent like three times as much time as someone who has access to cool shit. I think me and Kyle have both spent way more time than Chiz actually playing. It's just that Chiz can go sit on a bench and just swipe for half an hour with four different Pokestops.
Starting point is 01:00:38 I have to admit, though, that at first there was a couple nights where I went and just ran a couple K and hatched some eggs. But after a while, I realized that it wasn't tracking every step. And I got really upset about that. Because it's like, I'm running 10K to hatch a 5K egg or something. So, I got the Pokemon Express over here. This is great. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Check this out. As you can see, it is a train track with a train on it that I guess Kyle is strapping his phone to so he can get all the fun of Pokemon without any activity. Kyle, if you can hear me, can you move your chair? Oh, he's about to. There we go. I can't believe that is enough movement to get it to actually... There's no way that's enough movement.
Starting point is 01:01:22 It has to, like... I think you have to move, like, eight feet or something at least. My guess is it's... Put my arm and stretch it out. But even if it's not efficient, isn't he... Like, does that matter? He just lets it run while he sleeps or something. No, I mean, like, the game won't notice that he's moving
Starting point is 01:01:38 because it's such a small area that it won't give him any credit for the movement. Oh, I... Like, because it's not noticing a difference on the GPS of location. But I don't know, maybe it is. Has that worked for you, though, Kyle? Yes. It takes a long, long time.
Starting point is 01:01:52 And the fan trick is actually even better. But yeah, it works. The fan trick of tying your phone to the fan with string and just turning your fan on, correct? Absolutely. That's the fan trick. with string and just turning your fan on correct absolutely so I'll be in bed and my phone is rotating around the room at roughly 24 rpm but that's really fast when you've got a duck to get into bed and if I sit up too far in bed the phone is coming around and I if I sit up too far it'll fucking smack me right in the
Starting point is 01:02:22 head so every now and then you know know, the phone, like, the screen goes black. And I don't know if it's tracking. It's on a string. It's on the blade in my head. No, you've got it on a string. Yeah, so for more distance, more figure circumference. Sure. So, like, as this, I'm going to fix my camera.
Starting point is 01:02:40 So as this thing is. Kyle just had it on top of his fan, like, going like this underneath it, hoping it didn't fall off. Yes. It's terrifying, because, like, the screen will go black, and I'll have to, like, go, like, you know, reset the app or whatever, and I've got to be like, now, and, like, barrel roll out of bed
Starting point is 01:02:54 and, like, crawl over to the wall, hit the switch, jump up and grab the cord before it gets all tangled. So, yeah, I've been able to crank out a few eggs that way. Oh, that's great. So what have been really good hatches for you then? Like, what have you... The Electro Buzz that I got today was from a 10k egg.
Starting point is 01:03:08 It was like an 1100 CP Electro Buzz, and I don't really have any electric Pokemon, so that was a big pickup for me. That's a rare one, too. That's really rare. Yeah, I'm pretty happy about that. And I'm working toward whatever the Magikarp upgrades to. I know you need like 400.
Starting point is 01:03:26 I know that's a really good Pokemon. So like I hatched one of those that came with a lot of candy. So I'm like 70 candies into that. But 400 Magikarp candies is just an enormous task. But I'm close to evolving a lot of stuff. I was really
Starting point is 01:03:42 convinced for a bit that Chiz was cheating until he sent us pictures of his PokeStops where he's been hanging out. And his is a veritable Garden of Eden compared to the places that me and Kyle are going. Even more so for fucking Kyle having to drive to church, you know, an hour away just to get Pokemon. But I'm still having a lot of fun with it
Starting point is 01:04:02 even though I haven't found new shit. Like, it's just, it is getting aggravating every 15 minutes having Chiz on there like, oh, I just caught a Magmar at 1200. Oh, I just got a Koffing. Oh, I just got this, oh, this just hatched. Three out of, or no, I've got four 10k eggs at this point. Four for
Starting point is 01:04:18 four have been Eevees. 100% of my 10k eggs have been Eevees. What level, though? Uh, I'm level 23. Is Eevee good? So, yeah, well, no, that's what evolved me. Not at my point in the game, because I had everything already. Early on, it's strong. Like, maybe this is where some of the listeners can help out in the discussion,
Starting point is 01:04:36 because I've tried Googling this, and I really don't understand what, because whenever you're playing the card game, you can evolve an Eevee into the three different types of from there up i got and so and so so i was looking i was looking i have like three evs that are really like fairly decent uh cp at like 550 and 600 and i always save those really high ones that were difficult to catch because you know they evolve really well and I was like so one evolved into a Vapron or whatever and and I was looking oh wait they have a net weight and a height and everything else so my my highest CP one
Starting point is 01:05:19 is the smallest which is crazy and so I'm wondering, like, whenever I evolve these, do the weights or anything like that have anything to do that, or is it where I caught them, or what? So the first time around, when you're upgrading your EV to its next form, you have the option of picking one of the three forms. The electric one, the water one, or the
Starting point is 01:05:40 fire one. The Flareon, the Vaporeon, or the Electreon, or whatever the fuck it is. Jolteon. Thank you. So the way you choose is by naming the Eevee before you evolve it to the name of the character Vaporeon back
Starting point is 01:05:56 in the old TV show or cartoon or whatever. And I don't remember the exact name. It's like Buzz or Flame. You can Google it and you'll find it. But basically you name the Eevee to the corresponding name that you want it to evolve to. Then when you evolve it, it'll become what you want. I got lucky and just got a Vaporeon the first time out. And I think that it is the strongest.
Starting point is 01:06:16 But I would love to have one of the others. Vaporeon is far and away the most OP Pokemon in this game. Like every single gym, the top Pokemon is a Vaporeon at this point, which is, I guess it's kind of okay for keeping it equal. Or Snorlax. Yeah, or Snorlax. Snorlax is the only rare one that I'm really happy that I got a few of, but other than that, I haven't got much good shit.
Starting point is 01:06:35 The sizes thing, though, like, I thought there was going to be a lot more to that because it'll say when you click on the individual Pokemon, like, it'll say, like, you know, it's two meters tall and it weighs 200 kilograms, and it'll say either extra large on the individual Pokemon, like, it'll say, like, you know, it's two meters tall, and it weighs 200 kilograms, and it'll say either extra large or extra small next to it, and I thought that was really going to come into play, but it doesn't at all.
Starting point is 01:06:53 I have a Pokemon, I don't know which one it is, I'll have to check. I think it's my Exeggutor, maybe. It's a tree Pokemon, like, a big tree. It's, like, nine and a half feet tall, and it weighs 230 pounds, so it's just made of balsa wood i guess like but it's gigantic like so a lot of these don't make sense what are the enhanced okay so weight means nothing weight means i think the xl ones if you get xl and they're in their final evolved stage i guess they have more hp hit points so my executor is extra small.
Starting point is 01:07:26 I've got a tiny executor. Mine is 2.3 meters tall and 12 kilograms. 12? That's really light for something that's 9 feet tall. Skinny as a rail. That's a bamboo executor. I've read online people think that Pokemon Go
Starting point is 01:07:41 is not a deep game, but there's enhancements coming. What's coming that we're psyched about? Trading and person-to-person battles. So, I mean, PvP, I'm really hoping they do it so that I could battle Kyle and maybe not get XP or not get any benefit from it. I could just battle him for fun. Yeah, make game modes. Make game modes where, like, I bring, you know, maybe there's a mode where I have to have one of each types.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Each of us brings our best of each type in to battle each other, or maybe just our best three. We'll have a mixture, and, you know, take turns picking the Pokemon. Like, he gets to pick his favorite, and then I have to match one against him. That would be fun. There's all kinds of multiplayer games that could be done. Something that was fun in the Game Boy games,
Starting point is 01:08:23 and I stopped playing it at this generation, like the Ruby Sapp sapphire one so i went back years later and played them but you can do 2v2 battles in that so it'd basically be like me and kyle versus woody and chiz or whatever it would be and we would all get to pick one pokemon and you need to pick it like to be you know complementary so if kyle throws out his type, I want to cover my bases. So it's like, okay, they're going to probably put an electric out there, so I'll get a ground or a rock type or something that's going to fuck that up,
Starting point is 01:08:51 and it's got more tactics to it. But that's a lot of fun. I'll be interested in seeing, like, if they do anything, you know, obviously Fitbits and things along that nature are going to be huge that they're going to be looking towards.
Starting point is 01:09:04 But Nintendo said that they were just scratching the surface in the AR and app world that they were wanting to do. Going back to Magic, I think that'd be really cool if they did something along the lines with Magic. But can you imagine what would happen if they did something along the lines of Harry Potter or something like that? I mean, it'd be crazy.
Starting point is 01:09:23 I feel like they're like getting ready to just really like ways right pokemon ways like take that map and actually make it useful where you're you're going places and stuff like that it's like yeah put road names or something yeah like yeah richard be constructive you wrote uh mobile apps before Do you look at Pokemon Go and say, man, this sister application is a goldmine? Have you had those ideas yet? It's funny. It's funny. I've really been diving into it.
Starting point is 01:09:53 One of the things at Rated Red what we do is daily news updates and stuff like that. I've been just slamming my head at the wall at the office like, let's talk more Pokemon, people. Let's talk more Pokemon. I don't care. Download the app. Everybody needs to play. Tell you what I want. I'm your boss.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Now download it. I want a nice, reliable messenger that accompanies the game because I noticed that in one of the gyms that I'm holding down, my second in command, if you will, is called JunkiePrincess101, and I'd like to drop her a line, see what's going on with her. Sounds like your kind of girl. She sounds like a lot of fun, right?
Starting point is 01:10:34 For some reason, I'm hatching an egg right now. Oh, what are you going to get? Tap it. Oh, come on. Let's see. Oh, this is exciting. I've never hatched an egg. You got a seahorse. Yay. But I didn't have one of those. And I got
Starting point is 01:10:51 an egg going right now, so I'm going to get double points. A horsey? That was closer than I thought I'd be. Alright. Did I get double points on that dude? Yes, you did. The Japanese for creativity. Richard,ard are you gonna do something like that with the sister app i feel like someone is gonna make a million dollars just existing in
Starting point is 01:11:12 the pokemon universe so this this is like i'm gonna ease into this a little bit but this is what i was like kind of getting as like so i was like okay so what are they doing here what's the api like what are they working off of so this this one story that we did, I noticed just looking for gems in my area. I was like, holy crap, there are tens and tens of dozens of Pokestops in all these cemeteries in the Nashville area. It's like you have a Pokestop here and there, here and there, here and there. It's like, why are there so many in cemeteries in the Nashville area. You have a Pokestop here and there, here and there, here and there. Why are there so many in cemeteries? It's because I was looking at how they were integrating it as far as the map, and it's the Ingress Intel map.
Starting point is 01:12:00 I was like, okay, so this is where they're assigning the Pokestops and gyms based off of that and everything. So how can you make this social? And, man, you would not believe how many people are jumping on this so fast. There's legit, like today, we just did a story on it, or something like that, or something like that where you meet people tinder style to go on pokydates and like so like it's like 20 bucks per match or something like that like crazy insane amounts but it's like for me i'm like what are the angles what are the different angles that you could do without because obviously pokemon is it's the intellectual property of are the different angles that you could do without? Because obviously, Pokemon is the intellectual property of Nintendo.
Starting point is 01:12:49 So how do you do anything without infringing on their copyright? So it's like, so what can you do and how do you do it? Well, what everyone wants is rare Pokemon. And they're using that ingress system, which uses historical landmarks. That's one of the main components that they use. So that's why a lot of churches and cemeteries like you said monuments you know monuments which is what made me think cemetery anything historical really and you'd be surprised how how many historical things there are you don't have to do much to become a historical thing you know i see wagon wheels in town and like murals painted on walls that are historical.
Starting point is 01:13:26 And it's like, I remember when that was done. Bullshit. You've got to predate me at least. Come on, this is bullshit. But I'll take an extra Pokestop. I'm not going to complain. But maybe there's a way to look into what Ingress was doing. I'm not very familiar with Ingress, but I understand that they're using the Ingress system and its landmarks and such.
Starting point is 01:13:45 But maybe there's a way to look into Ingress and figure out where these rare Pokemon are going to be dropped or at least what's being done to figure out when and where they are dropped. Apparently there's a way to do that. I read something on the Pokemon Go subreddit, and they were saying, hey, if you open up Ingress at the same time as you have Pokemon Go open, close out of your Pokemon, don't close out, just minimize it, and then open up Ingress if you're looking for something, and you'll
Starting point is 01:14:07 see, like, spots of activity that's much more detailed in what's going on than what's on Pokemon Go with just the three footprints, and then apparently if you walk towards those areas of activity, and you switch back to Pokemon Go, you're more likely to get something there. I read the same thing. Yeah, Ingress, it's all
Starting point is 01:14:23 the same locations, and you can learn what they call the spawn points. You can see where the Pokemon spawn, whereas, like you said, Pokemon Go, it's just kind of a radius thing. And you told me that radius thing doesn't even work, right? It doesn't work. It hasn't worked for, like, six days. It just, it only says, and it's really, like,
Starting point is 01:14:39 that's the worst part about the game right now. Like, I don't mind, like, I don't seriously mind not seeing new Pokemon, because I know I'll find new shit eventually but just sitting at home and seeing like I saw like a Magnemite or something that I don't have pop up last night
Starting point is 01:14:53 but it just has three footprints next to it if it had three or two or one and there was variation in my little nearby tab I'd know that it was actually there but now I just say fuck it. Like no it's probably not even there. I'm not gonna go wander around like an asshole and just be, oh, look, oh, another Pidgey, fuck me, right?
Starting point is 01:15:10 I mean, throw more useless balls at this so I can waste that and have to find more because it's so hard to catch anything now. I said it on, I said it on PKN, but I firmly believe that at least one of the components that have made this game so, so popular, and so popular with these crowds of people you see in parks and stuff,
Starting point is 01:15:25 like interacting together, is the fact that the Pokemon locator doesn't fucking work. It's supposed to go from three steps down to one, depending on their distance. But what's occurring is you've got a big crowd of people in a park, and on one end of the crowd, they can see the Snorlax. And so they're yelling, I see the Snorlax. He's on my feet.
Starting point is 01:15:44 And then the guy at the other end of the crowd is going, I don't see the Snorlax. And so they're yelling, I see the Snorlax. He's on my feet. And then the guy at the other end of the crowd is going, I don't see the Snorlax. And they're communicating as a hive mind to hunt down the Snorlax and working together in a way that they never would have otherwise. Would you be benevolent? If you ran into the Snorlax and you were on the corner of that crowd and everybody's, oh, there's a Snorlax around, and you see it, you catch it, do you quietly walk away or do you shout it? Because these are your competition. These are the people who are going to be fighting a Snorlax around and you see it you catch it do you quietly walk away or do you shout it because these are your competition these are the people who are
Starting point is 01:16:08 going to be fighting that Snorlax at the gym I would what teams are you guys oh red obviously team red what are you Kyle red red also yes you're all red Dude, I want to be... If I was good, right? If I was a kick-ass player, I'd want to be yellow. I'd want to be like... Yeah, you guys are the army. We're the SEALs. We're the Green Beret over here. We're the smaller elite.
Starting point is 01:16:38 We're the A-team. Yeah, you're the ones we show up and club real hard and then take over. I saw this. I got the idea from reddit like the guys like team it's instinct they're the yellow ones right yeah like team instinct rolls into town and everyone was like is it level or xp or combat 52 000 and it caps at 50 but they have some like glitch they got the extra 2000 and and they're like whatever it's four deep six deep everyone's 52 000 and it's just like fuck yeah that's what i like i'm not into pokemon but that that just
Starting point is 01:17:11 looked like the coolest thing like i'm yellow i'm badass right i'm special i'm delta force bring it that's that's the note i like that idea i see it more as like have you guys seen the memes yeah all the ralph all the ralph wiggum on team yellow where it's just like... Have you guys seen the memes? All the Ralph Wiggum on Team Yellow, where it's just Team Blue and Team Red are duking it out, and then he's just, Go Banana! And sets it in the middle of the...
Starting point is 01:17:34 Phil DeFranco tweeted out, looks like Team Valor or whatever took the Pokemon gym down the road the team mystic on the move or something like that it's like that orange is the new black GIF or whatever with them like walking down the hallway and everything and so so I sent him this picture and it's like, tell your Pokemon to move out of the way.
Starting point is 01:18:06 And it's, it's a game of Thrones. So it's like that scene where the, what were those? The, the religious dudes or whatever with the stuff on their head. The sparrows come to the race to try to take the queen away. And they've got like the,
Starting point is 01:18:19 the mystic thing on their forehead. And then it's, and then it's like Cersei with a Team Valor ball cap on and she's like, I choose violence. Yeah, it's really good. Right now, I looked at the stats on the Pokemon Go Reddit and
Starting point is 01:18:37 apparently Mystic is far and away the biggest team. Really? Everybody thought it was Valor for a while, but apparently 44% of people are blue, 30-something, 32% are red, and then the rest are yellow or whatever it is. But it's a lot of people on Team Blue. All jokes aside about it,
Starting point is 01:18:55 what I really dig, aside from the physical aspect of it where people are actually getting out, I mean, some people are putting trains in their houses and tying stuff to fans to hatch eggs. But, like, realistically, like, a lot of people really are getting out and just running into people that they would have never met before. And it's actually kind of cool, like, just meeting some of these other people. And, like, I think it would be fun just to, like, go with a couple of friends and just knock out a gym or something like that. You know, it's just like.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Yeah, I went to. I went to. I was going to. Let me. Let me. I just had this idea. And maybe it's the nerdiest thing ever. But I was like, well, I don't like two or three of us get in a car and go for some kind of, like, cross-country journey.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Like, like taking PokeGyms. Because I had this idea that different geographical areas have different concentrations of Pokemon. I'm excited about going to Texas at the end of the month because I'm hoping that there's a whole new different set of Pokemon that are common there. But I just thought it'd be fun to travel around the country a little bit, make a road trip
Starting point is 01:19:58 with a couple guys. I'm not doing anything. I'm just setting my phone down. You guys have got a perpetual motion machine around you. What's going on? Yay! A purple rabbit. Nidorano?
Starting point is 01:20:12 A male one. Okay. Look at all those candies he's got. He's got 76 Nidorano. Yeah, because I'm not evolving any of them. I'm waiting until I'm getting to a higher level. What's the strategy on not evolving? Because the higher your trainer experience or level,
Starting point is 01:20:32 the higher CP that they'll evolve to. Oh, I see. So you don't want to waste your evolves early on. Yeah, because if I catch 400 magic carp and I'm a level 12, I'd rather wait until I'm a level 25 and get that one magic carp that was like 400 instead of a 10 and then
Starting point is 01:20:55 evolve that one. It changes as you level up. Right now, my executor is is it going to fuck up? No. Is max level 1965 or whatever. that little bar behind it's all the way full when i get to level 24 it'll increase a bit and then i can pay 3500 stardust and three candies to get make it tick up even higher until i get that i love the
Starting point is 01:21:20 currency dust is so lame how many shrew bucks convert into? That's the most upsetting part of this whole game, is having to tell people that I'm low on stardust. They should have come up with a better word for that. Like protein powder. Did you guys see that link? I dropped in there. So really evolving it now or later, there's... I say do it now, but first drop a lucky egg and then evolve fucking everything so
Starting point is 01:21:47 you get double xp for every evolution yeah definitely do that yeah so then you get half an hour of evolving and you'll you'll rank up way faster yeah because i've been holding off on like i i have like i only keep singles of everything in my Pokemon bag or whatever. I've got 90 different unique Pokemon. A lot of them are just waiting to level. Is it going to be 90 Pokemon in your Pokedex? What's that?
Starting point is 01:22:15 You caught 90? Yeah. In your Pokedex or in the Pokemon screen. Yeah. No, those are different. If you go to your Pokedex on the top, it says caught 90. Oh, Pokedex. If you go to your Pokédex on the top, it says cost 90. Oh, Pokédex. I'm about to be upset.
Starting point is 01:22:29 No, 70. Okay. So did you guys see that link? That to me is what Team Instinct should be. Like an elite fighting force. 52,000 on everybody. I guess their combat points are closer to two thousand like i feel like i see them as terrorists like they don't they don't care about winning themselves but when they
Starting point is 01:22:50 see a red or a blue gym they go and fuck it up and then that's what i want team instinct to be i want them to be one that's like oh they're having fun over there and they go fuck with it and then they don't even leave a pokemon or they just leave a really weak insulting one there like i want them to be kind of like Joker. I like that, too. I like that. I don't know. We haven't joined a team yet, and I'm really thinking of joining the yellow team.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Just for drama. Taylor's getting stepped on. Oh, I'm level five. You get a team. Oh, okay. So you're one level away. Yeah, I like going on little Pokemon adventures. And anytime there's an errand to run or food to go pick up or, like, you know, I'm like, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug.
Starting point is 01:23:32 We're out of milk again. Got to go. You know, I find excuses. Like, today I needed to go wash my car for a few hours it took, I guess, to get her good and clean. But really I'm, like, catching Pokemon and fucking trying to... I go to a place where there's a couple of Pokestops near each other plus a gym and put a lure down, and all of a sudden adult men show up in cars, and it looks really shady because we're in like this back alley, and I'm just like, don't park too close to me.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Everybody keep their distance. I don't want to look like it's some sort of weird fuck party back here, like we're having a soup kitchen or something like that. Let's all just take our Pokemon and go our separate ways. This is like a good setup for like a spoof of To Catch a Predator. Where a guy ends up going over
Starting point is 01:24:18 and like, oh, you have a seat? You're just coming over to hang out with this 11-year-old boy, huh? Just wanted to hang out. Well, he told me he had a PokeStop at his house, and now that I'm here i see that that he does so i will have a seat you know i'm not leaving fuck you i'm not leaving no i don't want to rape him anything you know can you keep him up there i don't care i'll sit in the kitchen get my pokey stop i'll have some of those cookies though i've been doing a lot of divingdiving. Blood sugar's low. It is interesting, like, the effect that one game could have
Starting point is 01:24:48 on businesses and everything. Like, so say you're a small business or whatever, you just throw, you got a Pokestop in front of you, you just pay that extra bit of money to keep lures going all weekend long. A lot of people come in there and, you know, buy stuff and hang out or whatever if you got a coffee shop.
Starting point is 01:25:04 But then also I started thinking about law enforcement. So being in California and everything for so long, I think about the different areas that they'd set up traps, like in Sherman Oaks at the Galleria. It's a high-traffic area, so cops would wait on bicycles to catch people texting while they're driving because then they have to stop in this traffic area and then they would just like they give them their tickets and pull them over and everything so it's like man if i was a cop and i had like quotas to get and stuff like that probably just be a dick and set up a lure on a pokey stop and just wait for people like swipe
Starting point is 01:25:38 and i'm just pull them over on reddit i've seen cops set up lures at the police station so that people have a safe place to play. That's very cool. See, you would be the responsible police officer that people would love and respect in your town, and I'd be the cast out. I'd be like, this fucking dick, he's just setting traps everywhere. I can't go to the grocery store without this dude trying to get me for stealing a penny off the ground. Stealing a penny off the ground. Let me jump in here with a little word from Audible. This episode of Paying Clue Already is being brought to you by
Starting point is 01:26:16 Audible includes more than 180,000 audio programs from leading audiobook publishers, broadcasters, entertainers, magazines, and newspaper publishers, as well as business information providers. You can download and listen anywhere on your iOS device, Android, Kindle, Fire, Windows Phone, We'll see you next time. lets you switch back and forth between reading the book on Kindle or Kindle app and listening to the audio book without ever losing your place or missing a word. It works with the iPhone, Android, and the Kindle Fire. Audible is offering our listeners a free audio book of your choice and a free 30-day trial membership. So just go to slash pka and choose from over 180,000 downloadable titles. Get your free title today and start listening. It's that easy. So go to slash slash pka that's slash pka and get started today um it looks like we're uh i think shiz uh did the read the road listen to uh andy where's the martian after he watched the uh
Starting point is 01:27:18 the movie uh last year and he said that was really good so uh he wrote in here that he suggests that one strongly we um my family actually uses that service my wife signed up and uh i guess it's silly but it colin prefers to listen to books as opposed to music when he mows the yard and that's like one of our primary purposes he listens to the percy jackson series of books right now so yeah we're pretty happy with it yeah i'm a big martian suggestion because i didn't do it with an audiobook but that's an excellent book like it even reads the same way that matt damon is kind of like a snarky dick in the movie where even when he's been up there for like two years eating potatoes he'll still hop on tv and be like fucking crazy right so like like his
Starting point is 01:28:02 spirits are still so high and he's sarcastic at like soul 400 but that's an excellent book check it out on audible well i'll tell you one thing i love about um audible the the app itself too tracks how much time you listen uh to the different books and i was really surprised at how like i knew see i have some some anger issues if i get in traffic a whole lot i didn't expect that. And I just sit there. But here's the thing. I completely fixed it. This isn't just me going, oh, no, this is awesome.
Starting point is 01:28:32 Like legit audio books, something about a conversation, podcast, stuff like that. I realized that whenever that conversation is going, just even listening to people talking helped me so much. And I didn't realize how much time i was actually spending in my truck i mean i put 50 000 miles on my truck in the last year and i have crushed audiobooks from audible i mean like i went through lord of the rings on one trip from tennessee to california and just back and forth back and forth, back and forth. So, I mean, like, it's just ridiculously worth the time. Ridiculously. I like things that keep track of what you do, but that they're, like, good things.
Starting point is 01:29:13 So, like, if you look on Audible and you're like, oh, man, like, I've spent a thousand hours listening to books. Like, there's no guilt there, you know? Like, when I used to hop on COD4 and go to the leaderboards, I would almost, like, be a little upset when I would see how much time I'd spend. I'd be like, oh, my God, 41 days and I'm 16. Like that's a significant portion of my life. Like what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:29:36 What am I doing? But with Audible, no worries. You're spending time. You're getting smarter. You're learning words, becoming more articulate, increasing your vernacular, getting smarter. You're learning words, becoming more articulate, increasing your vernacular, getting smarter. I was trying to see how many hours I've got on my Audible app right now. Did you say 50,000 miles in a year?
Starting point is 01:29:52 Yeah. That's a lot. Have you thought about driving something different? It's been in my head lately. You just got a new truck. You just got a new truck, so that's where you want to be, I guess. It's occurred to me that a lot of my trips, especially the longer ones, don't need a truck so much something happened to your truck richard is there something i don't know you were like yeah no no something did and so okay well
Starting point is 01:30:15 okay i'll elaborate here's the thing i just i i try to stay positive with just about everything that i do publicly not for not because i i think i should shelter my or my voice or yeah or whatever but but i just it gets on like i just hate when people go to social media just to vent and that's the only thing that they do and i was like man i just bought this truck i mean i got hooked up on it still, I mean, MSRP, they're like not cheap. They're like $70,000 trucks. What'd you get? F-150 Super Crew. I had to order it because I wanted the six and a half bed, not the short bed,
Starting point is 01:30:59 so I could put like a full truck vault in the back. You got hooked up because you like professionally work with them? No, a lot of brands are firearm shy let's say um they're not they're they just i i get it it's not pc um but whatever so i got hooked up to a certain extent i wasn't given anything i just got a good discount on some stuff and and whatnot but still it's a lot of money a discount beyond what a normal person might get you, even if they were good at buying a car? Yeah, it was like what an employee would get if they worked at that. I didn't get that. Yeah, they give you like X plan or something.
Starting point is 01:31:34 But you can negotiate to that. They'll discount to that. Did you freeze? He froze on my screen too. Yeah, he froze. We may have lost him temporarily. We'll get him back. This is a good time for me to tell people about Tracker though. Let me sneak this in here.
Starting point is 01:31:47 If I can just pull it up real quick. Tracker makes losing things a thing. Excuse me, let me start from the beginning, I guess. Smart cars, smart phones, smart homes. Technology has made everything smart, but when you lose those smart things, it can make you feel really stupid. Tracker makes losing things a thing of the past. Tracker is a coin-sized device that locates misplaced keys, wallets, bags, computers, anything in seconds. Just pair Tracker to your smartphone, attach it to anything, and find its precise location with the tap of a button. It's that easy. Lose your phone? Press the button on the Tracker and your phone rings even if it's on silent. I like that feature.
Starting point is 01:32:22 With over 1.5 million devices, Tracker has the largest crowd GPS network in the world. So your lost items show up on a map even if it's miles away. Never lose anything again with Tracker. Listeners to our show here get a special discount
Starting point is 01:32:35 of 30% off your entire order. So go to and enter promo code PKA. The hardest thing you'll ever have to find is their website. Go to right now and enter promo code PKA for 30% off your entire order. Again, that's, promo code PKA. Glad you're back, Richard. Is that good?
Starting point is 01:32:58 Yeah, you're back. Pretty good. You're frozen for me, but I hear you fine. And you look good. You got a handsome smile. It's not one of those weird frozens, so you're safe. I never look good when I freeze. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:33:10 It's always upsetting where it's like, oh. You're like Terry Shivo. Oh, no. Someone pulled a plug on me. Oh, we lost him again. Even his hang-up picture is very fancy. He looks like he'd be a fashion mogul, doesn't he? He looks like he had a line of watches or something.
Starting point is 01:33:32 I don't know what that even means, but maybe a Europe. He's a little less manly. Hey, welcome back. Is it working? Yes, you're perfect right now. Oh, my gosh. was like it's okay we did two ads it all worked out fine so you got the employee discount right which is to say i think a good discount but not something like nothing beyond crazy hookup like i used to i mean i sold
Starting point is 01:33:58 those sports for they give that out all the time like like uh like they were talking about you know there would be i went and bought my car outside of our dealership, and they were like, why didn't you do that? I was like, because I can negotiate a better deal than employee pricing. That's why. Like, I wouldn't want to buy one here for X plan because I know you're still making $800 on me. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:34:18 I'll go somewhere else. So that's a good deal you got if you got employee pricing. It is a good deal, but it's not like scraping the bottom like hurting somebody's feelings at the dealership kind of good but who cares right it's a hundred dollars yeah and they i mean they didn't charge me anything on top of it there was no like setups or any of that yeah none of that stuff which is great i really appreciated that but the the the frustrating thing is is last last year three times the thing has cut out like it just stalled out like driving in the middle of it and um here a few days ago i freaked out because i was on the interstate and it stalled out like three times and i about got drilled by a
Starting point is 01:35:01 semi truck and i was like all right i gotta take this thing and i gotta find out what's going on I got on forums and stuff the f-150 forums and stuff like that obviously people are like really on point with that stuff and throttle body throttle body throttle body throttle body I was like okay I've changed the throttle body on my oh for f-150 and my 98 f-150 I do that stuff blindfolded. I feel like an idiot. Is a throttle body like the EFI injection? Like what is it specifically?
Starting point is 01:35:37 No, so it's in between your manifold and your intake, like your air intake. So it's the butterfly valve that adjusts either electronically or mechanically depending on what type of vehicle you have. And so being that it's a new truck, I can't fix it myself because I'd void the warranty. So I was like, okay, I'm going to take it in. I'm going to just, all right, you guys take care of this. I appreciate it. When can you get to it? I get to it like well it's going to be next week we're super backed up and this was on like a tuesday or wednesday and it's like oh geez that's a week away man i gotta film i gotta do all this other stuff and everything it's like okay uh well i've been okay for the last year did you ask for a rental so here's the thing i was like can i take it with me can i just can i just take the truck and bring
Starting point is 01:36:25 it back with an appointment and they're like no we don't do appointments like that it's like if you leave with your truck you're gonna lose your place in line it's like that's kind of screwed up um whatever can you guys give me a loaner because a couple of dealerships i've worked with in the past we just give me loaners i'm like um well sorry we only have a few loaners they're out but we got the hook up on a rental car company i'm like oh so i can't take it i can't fix it because i'll void the warranty but you got the hook up on a rental car company which you're probably incentivized to do is like that's shady man because i i've you know i bought this brand new vehicle and it's like i i'm not in no way shape or form am i complaining because i can afford to get a rental vehicle it's just the
Starting point is 01:37:12 fucking principle of it and so so i i just went to social media and kitty actually uh favorited it and everything is like it's like clearly i should have factored in the cost of a rental car when buying a new ford truck without that's good and then smiley face and like laughing crying and everything so i try to be funny about it and everything too and ford reached out and they ended up giving me uh like the management or whatever for service, called me up and was like, hey, look, we'll pay for your rental vehicle and everything. And the part was actually on back order.
Starting point is 01:37:52 So it would have been a few extra weeks. And magically, magically over the weekend on a Sunday, the part appeared. Nice. And they fixed it on Monday. What are the chances? They took one off something else. They were like, get it out there.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Bob, get your truck in here. We're taking your truck. I'm sorry, Mrs. Jenkins, but you're just going to have to wait. Oh, I've been waiting for weeks for this piece. I really want to drive my truck. I'm sorry. He's got a lot of Twitter followers. He's got some, you know, he's spitting more guff on there if we don't get it to him so i'm sorry ma'am you'll have to drive to church that was the thing though is they gave me a ford truck rental they gave me a ford truck rental and
Starting point is 01:38:35 like not not to be an idiot about it or anything it's kind of funny because like you order your vehicle like the way you want or whatever and so i've got my safe and everything in my truck and it's specific and like it's like hey why don't we just take the throttle body off this dude and the rental stopped working right you just keep the rental here because you're gonna have to pay for it during that time anyways right but you know people do that with tires they'll yeah they'll rent the exact duplicate of what they own, swap all the tires out, and take it back. Because who's going to notice the tires are worn 30,000 miles extra?
Starting point is 01:39:13 Yeah. I've heard that on... It's racist to say, but black people Twitter talks about that all the time. That's the third egg that Richard has hatched. I've watched you. You haven't walked anywhere. I don't know what's going on. I just leave the app running all the time. That's another thing. like on twitter like i i shouldn't spend so much time on bullshit things like this but sometimes you just got to go hard in the paint on crazy and my phone was throttled by at&t i guess because i
Starting point is 01:40:00 leave my app my pokemon go, running all the time. So I hit my data cap super fast. What about data or Wi-Fi? I'm unlimited, but I'm on Wi-Fi now. But because I drive around and everything, I just leave the phone on the passenger seat just open. So hopefully I'm hatching eggs or something. And so it's constantly running, sucking data when I'm not on Wi-Fi. And so they obviously throttled me.
Starting point is 01:40:29 I couldn't open Google Maps or anything, so I go on this epic rant about how I can't play Pokemon Go and I can't hatch my eggs because I can't. Where did you rant? On Twitter? On Twitter. And I just do this stupid, elaborate story about how these kids are trying to gang up on me at the gym.
Starting point is 01:40:52 This one kid in a stroller ends up mugging me in an alley and everything. They follow your dad out. They follow me home and they're kicking in the door and they're singing Willy Wonka pure imagination and all this other stuff
Starting point is 01:41:08 and like just kidding but it's really a big fucking pain in the dick whenever you guys throttle my internet everyone in the office is like what is Richard doing I'm like walking around the office taking pictures of the door being kicked in and stuff like that
Starting point is 01:41:23 Richard so for years I have followed one person on Twitter Tmartz Mom is taking pictures of the door being kicked in and stuff like that. Richard, time. So for years, I have followed one person on Twitter, Tmart's mom. And people fuss about it. Why do you follow? And I say, I only follow the best. I scoured Twitter, found the best person,
Starting point is 01:41:38 and that was Tmart's mom. It appears that she's closed her Twitter account. Yeah, I'm guessing she's probably been getting fussed at because her son is involved in that whole CSGO lotto thing. Are you familiar with this at all? I saw Phil talk a little bit about it, but it's still, it's kind of... I actually think we're going to talk about it a little bit tonight and in connection with another guy, two other guys.
Starting point is 01:42:03 But Tmart and Syndicate and another guy named Josh OG owned a website where you could gamble CSGO skins. And they've been taking a lot of heat for it because they kind of didn't disclose the fact that they owned it. They made videos as if they were happy customers. To be fair, not only did they not disclose it, they were like, hey, look, guys, I just stumbled upon this website out of the blue. And man, is it fun playing here?
Starting point is 01:42:29 And then that slowly turned into, hey, it turns out we're going to start working with this website a lot. They like what we do. We like what they do. When in reality, it's like, well, if you look at this documentation right here, like, you're clearly the president and CEO of this. The founder. Yeah. Yeah. To say not disclosed was pretty kind because I like T-Mart.
Starting point is 01:42:52 But you got to be fair. Deceived, I think, is maybe more accurate than not disclosed. And then, like, because of that initial sin, they started wrapping all these other sins. Like, oh, it's a gambling site for kids. Well, it's a gambling site for anyone who checks the I'm over 18 box. Some of them are probably young and some of them aren't. But I think because of that, his mom closed her Twitter account. And I'm looking for a new guy to follow.
Starting point is 01:43:22 And I think it's going to be you. I'd be honored, but that's too much pressure. It's a decision that I make. Why not just follow Trump at this time of the year? We're guaranteed to have just crazy
Starting point is 01:43:38 nonsense filling up your feed. Trump is a buffoon, but he's the buffoon we have to have now at this point which kind of is unsettling but man his twitter is hilarious because i've said it before he tweets like a 70 year old man you know lots of exclamation points and like you know crooked hillary today too insulting our men in arms or just, it's like random shit.
Starting point is 01:44:07 He just thought of that and tweeted it. I'm so old, I don't see the age in his tweets. I use triple exclamation points sometimes. They really emphasize your point, Taylor. I don't know. All this time.
Starting point is 01:44:22 Is he sitting there like, oh, I got 14 got 141 characters fuck i gotta think of three more there we go perfect send it out when i have to delete extra dots or exclamation marks at the end of sentence because i want people to know i'm that excited i'm glad you're with me richard because taylor makes me feel so out of date and then he'll make fun of people, usually not me. And I'm like, I don't see anything wrong with what that guy did. Like, that guy seems really in line with it. He's like, yeah, he used that. There was, I got into a fuss with a contractor.
Starting point is 01:44:55 I don't want to get into the details of it. But he used a lot of exclamation points in his texts. And Taylor's like, yeah, he texts like an old, out-of-touch person. And I was like, I don't even know. In text, I don't use exclamation points, but in video titles, sometimes I do. Go on. Let me know if you agree with me
Starting point is 01:45:13 on Twitter or here or anywhere. When you see lots of exclamation points or just random words that shouldn't be in all caps, but they are, like, I want to bring America back again like stuff like that like lots of exclamation points a lot of caps I feel like those come off as older people sometimes because these sound like my video titles okay that's it that's it
Starting point is 01:45:41 whenever it's clickbait it's one thing? So when you're doing a BuzzFeed best practices of all caps or whatever, that's one thing. But, like, I'm, like, genuinely excited. Yeah! Whenever I'm, like, that's just how I thought. Or three laughing, crying faces. I'll just, like, throw three of them down because I let you know, dude, I'm legit. I'm laughing over here. Yeah. Thank you, Richard.
Starting point is 01:46:10 I'm the same way. One's borderline creepy but three lets you know this is legit. Something about three just seems like... You're right. One is like... Are you a little girl? Are you like a 12-year-old girl just like winking at someone?
Starting point is 01:46:26 No, I'm a grown man, so I throw down three laughing, crying faces to let you know what's going on. I'm over here laughing my ass off. Yeah, I don't know. I love the triples, baby. I like it. Triples! That's where I am. Maybe you're right. Maybe nobody's getting my message from LOL or haha.
Starting point is 01:46:42 You're probably right. I've driven haha around like i i've texted you or do you because i'll go ha ha ha ha ha it depends on what i'm actually doing like i won't say laugh laughing my ass off unless i'm literally laughing i have to be sitting over here chuckling out loud before i'm going to give you one of those. See, I just ramp them all up by one. If I write laugh out loud, what I probably actually did was an unexpectedly
Starting point is 01:47:12 sharp exhale through my nose. One of those. If I write laughing my ass off, I probably audibly chuckled. Yeah, chuckle. We'll do it. By the way, Richard, I went upstairs just in to grab a soda and
Starting point is 01:47:28 Kitty mentioned a possible business opportunity for the two of us. Have you ever been to the Czech Republic? No. I'll talk to you after the show. Alright. Yeah, it sounds really cool. They call it the cultural hub
Starting point is 01:47:44 of each other. Sounds fun. alright yeah it sounds really cool they call it the cultural hub of eastern Europe sounds fun sounds fun wasn't taken to weren't they in the Czech Republic all of eastern Europe nobody was going to take us just recently there were these terrorist
Starting point is 01:48:00 attacks in Nice and the people were from is it Tunza how do you pronounce Tunza? Tunisia. Tunisia. And Jackie's like, oh, we've been to both those places. Definitely preferred Nice. Oh, God. Yeah, that was terrible. In Tunisia?
Starting point is 01:48:16 I hated it. Even Tunisians hate Tunisia. Yeah, Tunisia sucked. The tour guides were nearly crooked. they just brought you from like one friend's place to the other like trying to get you to buy shit and uh it makes sense like the i don't know it look i hate it when people just i call them like parachute tourists right they drop in and then pretend they know a country you know so so don't let me do that to you i was there one day but um just
Starting point is 01:48:47 the vibe of it like i don't know i didn't like the cops with the i don't know if they were semi-auto or full auto but they were like assault rifles you know is what the media would call them uh carrying that around and um i guess assault weapon is the term that people can agree with, right? They were assault weapons. I think you made it worse. Did I? I don't even know. Scary black rifles. Just call it a death machine.
Starting point is 01:49:14 Yeah. A murder machine. I would have called it an AR-15 or an AK-47 if I remembered which one it was. But anyway, the cops carried scary black rifles and that seemed over the top to my sensibilities. The places where you went shopping were covered and they were like dark little alleys and stuff and the whole vibe of it just seemed uncomfortable to me and creepy. They were selling things that I thought
Starting point is 01:49:43 were kind of easy to produce. don't know crap bullshit and uh i don't know i've got a bowl of checks mix yeah like macaroni craps and shit what's that i'm sure i'm sure if you go to england like that shitty tour guide is also going to try and sell you something stupid or take you somewhere not that great like maybe to not the extent of Tunisia. They'll sell you a little big bend. Okay. We spent a couple days in Italy. We spent a couple
Starting point is 01:50:14 days in France. It wasn't like that at all. They were aggressively prying open your pockets. Like, ooh, don't look at something without buying it. That's considered rude in Tunisia. I'm like, really really i feel like you're fucking with me no i kind of like to see what i buy before i buy it yeah or maybe it was you can't ask the price without eventually buying it or something like that and it's just like that's how do you even like conduct i don't have nothing i like
Starting point is 01:50:41 taking you to their cousin's place. Yeah. Like trying to drum up. This is Zidano. He is town butcher and the child doctor. Also sells little flag of Tunisia. However they speak over there. Nice was really cool.
Starting point is 01:51:00 That's close enough. Yeah. I don't know. Do you travel? I mean, do you guys travel a lot like that or not lately is that just because because just out of curiosity like i hear people say like pros and cons of doing things personally i don't travel a whole lot outside the state so okay i've debated on that it's like i hear a lot of people go and they do that europe tour and they're like oh man
Starting point is 01:51:21 i'm just so exhausted i just like the vacation itself going like two days here, a day here, two days here. It's like, is it like what place to you would be like a cool spot just to go kick it for like a week or a week? Italian Riviera. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's mine.
Starting point is 01:51:38 I liked it way more than the French Riviera. And so what, what was so much better about it? Cause I would like to go to Italy more than France. And it seems like most people are on Team France for when they go to Europe. Like most people want to go to Paris. But I think Italy would be really neat. I'm trying to remember. I felt like the Italian Riviera had more to do.
Starting point is 01:51:55 It was more connected with the rest of Italy. And it, I don't know, it was near other cool things. And I don't know. Did I just like the docks more? I'm trying to think what it was but I walked away like dude when I go on my epic cross Atlantic sailing trip I'm definitely going to the Italian Riviera
Starting point is 01:52:12 not the French one. How are the people different? French versus Italians? Italians were fucking crazy it's like the French are like civilized of course there's the whole pompous thing, and there's some truth to that. And, again, I'm like parachute tourism here, you know?
Starting point is 01:52:30 I didn't really get to know the countries. The Italians. Everybody knows. They're well known for the douchebaggery. They are. The Italians were friendly, but, like, so outgoing to the point where, as an American, I'm kind of, like, shying down from the hand motions and the aggressive posturing and everything. Maybe they wanted to be three inches more into my personal space than I typically go for.
Starting point is 01:52:54 And like that existed. But overall. You made an Italian friend. Overall, they just – I don't know. I liked the friendly vibe. Although I didn't like the driving. Oh, my gosh. I just, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:53:04 I liked the friendly vibe, although I didn't like the driving. Oh, my gosh. So Italian driving is like, it's cliche. Yeah, it's a cliche that they're crazy and stuff. But, oh, my God. You know, like, again, it's like a full contact sport over there, the driving. And everywhere, they're just, the horns, the nosing in. Like, in America, like a zipper merge, right? Everyone kind of gets the zipper merge.
Starting point is 01:53:27 You do whatever. And there are douchebags who don't follow the zipper merge rules, right? I'm going to get two rights in a row because that makes a fucking difference. In Italy, like, no. Like, everything is just aggressive, like, fuck over, like, and at more speed than you would guess. So, I have two questions. One, what thing did you make a special trip to go see, some historical thing that really underwhelmed you,
Starting point is 01:53:54 and you were like, holy shit, do they frame this picture well when they put it on postcards because this is bullshit. And what thing did you go visit perhaps? I'm assuming there was one that you were like, wow, people made this. Huh. The Vatican was pretty cool in terms of like this is pretty neat. But not just the Vatican. There were a lot of churches.
Starting point is 01:54:19 It's almost one downside of America. I feel like there's not a ton of history here. Of course we have our, like, Revolutionary and Civil War. And, like, you can sort of stand in a field and be like, dude, some shit went down here. But, like, you go to the churches in Europe and you're like, oh, my God. Like, they built this when metal was really hard to come by. Like, that's amazing. And, like, the Vatican, but all the churches in general really blew me away. Like I couldn't get over how big a deal that was. And then I guess for underwhelming, everything in Tunisia, maybe.
Starting point is 01:54:55 Well, what's the big pull of Tunisia? For me, I wanted to be in Africa. Like I just sort of wanted to add a continent to my list of places I'd been. wanted to be in Africa. I just sort of wanted to add a continent to my list of places I'd been. As far as why other people go there, I can't imagine. I'm really shooting on Tunisia.
Starting point is 01:55:14 That's okay. I can't have too many things. I feel like Tunisia is an African country you go to if you want to dip your toe in Africa. Like, well, I want to be able to say I went to Africa, but I'm not going to Central or West Africa. Jesus Christ. Or stay away from that Ebola, Zika,
Starting point is 01:55:30 malaria, all of those different... South Africa looks like a place to go. Yeah, South Africa is, of course, fully civilized. Like Cape Town? Yeah. I think Kyle's thinking apartheid, but it's not... I don't know. I think it's rough there still. I keep reading a lot of news reports about violence there.
Starting point is 01:55:49 It's, like, specifically, like, black-on-white crime. There's some horrible things that go on there. The rape capital of the world. The rape capital of the world. And the home of the Stryker 12-gauge shotgun. Like, the amount I've heard it called, like, the rape capital of the world, I haven't looked up the stats. Maybe they count it differently there. But they are not, like, barely holding the lead over someone for rape capital of the world.
Starting point is 01:56:13 Like, all the other countries just keep quitting rape because they're never going to catch up. But, yeah, I don't know the specifics of South Africa. They're breaking those rape records and looking at the crowd laughing as they break the records. I'm not even trying. is rape easily avoidable like it i mean obviously no probably but when i look at how much you weigh when i when i see like video of of south africa i'll just say casey nystat's wife is from south africa and they visited a lot people hate it when I mention his name, but fuck them. So, and you go and they live in like a, it's a wealthy area. Like, you know,
Starting point is 01:56:49 it looks like you could, it looks like it could be Southern California. You know, like it's nice. I'm sure we do have some listeners from South Africa. So if they could speak up. Have you ever, if you're from South Africa, how many rapes have you committed? And if the number is too high to like get to the, you know, like count them all, how many rapes have you committed? And if the number is too high to, like, get to the, you know, like, count them all, how many rapes have you committed this month?
Starting point is 01:57:09 So if you're, just let us know down in the comments. You know, I want to, how many times have you been raped? Yeah. There you go. There you go. On the other side, if you're a female Tunisian who isn't one of the female Tunisian rape gang members, which we've all heard so much about. Yeah, South Africa. Well, they've got the rape gangs in Tunisia, too.
Starting point is 01:57:28 I'm sure. Yeah, yeah. It's sort of like the Moose Lodge and the Masons. They're very similar organizations. I have a new topic. I don't know if this is interesting. You want to do this real fast? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:57:42 What the fuck? I'm calling bullshit now. He's strapping that to his dog and going and saying, go! Like the dog is making a thousand sounds. Yay, you got a cat. You already had a Meowth too. Can you evolve it?
Starting point is 01:57:58 Um, no. I'm short on them. Well, fuck. Meowth upgrades to the Black Panther. It's the most racist of Pokemon. It's a new topic. Really?
Starting point is 01:58:08 No. Oh. Yeah. No, it doesn't evolve to the Black Panther. It evolves into Persian. It does. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:58:18 There you go. I love that Richard doesn't know them either. Kyle clearly doesn't either, but i'm happy that kyle was not into pokemon because he missed the boat by a bit but he's still working on getting it like me and she is in our chat about it but every so often it's just kyle saying like yeah i'm just getting so many the fucking green one i don't know like a lot of the green and then the one with the feathers on his head or something. Is that right? I like that though.
Starting point is 01:58:48 I like that the names are kind of like puns too. Like there's Tentacool. And what does Tentacool upgrade to? Tentacruel. Tentacruel, yeah. Yeah, yeah. So I really like it. The aspect that I like the most is the grind.
Starting point is 01:59:01 It's going out and collecting them and getting my 50 Pidgeys I need to evolve again. Or to move up to the next level. Because it seems like the higher you level up, the more cool Pokemon are around. At first, I got nothing but shit. And when I got my first Xenonat, I was like, oh, this is the coolest thing ever. But now I'm looking for Mankeys
Starting point is 01:59:19 and Pikachus. Venonat. Yeah. Venonat. I've got a serious Venonat problem and it's been happening since I downloaded the game. That's all that lives in my house. Venonats. Venonats and Pidgeys. It's an infestation. I'm getting so fucking tired of it.
Starting point is 01:59:36 It's such an interesting game because it's bridging the gap between so many different age groups and it's across both sexes it seems and you know all different i i i see black people out playing i see white people out playing um i'll be parked in a parking lot now and just looking around the others who were there with me there were three cars parked working my lure and a cop pulls by and i'm like shit that cop's wondering what the
Starting point is 02:00:01 fuck we're doing back here and i and i i wanted to be the first one to speak when the cop rolled by. So I was just like, hey, I'm playing a game. I'm just letting you know that before everybody else says they're playing a game and I'm the fourth one to say it and it becomes real. Yeah, you're playing a game too, huh? No, I'm just playing a game with all these kids. Yeah, me and all the kids, we're playing strip Pokemon. The cop goes, me too. I i was like it's my lure he's like yeah
Starting point is 02:00:30 hopefully he remembers you if he ever pulls you over you're gonna say i'm the lure guy come on you probably caught something good from that if there's a night there's a pokey stop by the outback steakhouse and uh i like to hang out there. I don't even eat inside. I order takeout, get my food, eat my steak in the parking lot. I bring my own silverware because, you know, plastic doesn't work. I'm out there eating my steak, catching Pokemon. All those other fucking plebs are sitting around me drinking Slurpees and shit. And they're Hondas.
Starting point is 02:01:05 I'm just over there having my nice dinner out catching Pokemon in a parking lot. It's funny how even if that's all you're doing, sitting in your car at a PokeStop, it makes you feel like you're out doing something, even though it's exactly what you'd be doing at home, but you're in your car swiping every eight minutes you're like well at least i'm out you know i walked some to go get the food and i came back i'm starting to really ration my steps now to the point like like if it's not loading up like there have been times i've been
Starting point is 02:01:38 sitting here and i'm like god i just want to get it to fucking turn on because i have to pee and i'm gonna walk to the bathroom i don't want to piss those steps away. I just want to get credit for everything I'm moving. I get angry too. I'm like, damn it, the servers are down. Maybe I can wait 20 extra minutes to go to work. That way the app can load and I can throw up the
Starting point is 02:01:58 passenger seat and let it hopefully hatch the mix. Are iOS and Android equally unreliable or is one better than the other? Android's better, I think. Yeah, it is. Today I was on the subway and then I couldn't get my app to sign in
Starting point is 02:02:13 so I just said, fuck it. And I just didn't eat for lunch. If I'm not going to get credit for driving slowly and bothering the people behind me on the way then what's the point? You almost feel like you die inside just a little bit when you give up on that moment and you're like, well, fuck it. slowly and bothering the people behind me on the way then what's the point yeah you know you almost feel like you die inside just a little bit when you give up on that moment you're like well
Starting point is 02:02:28 fuck it i guess i'll drive to work like a normal person at normal speeds today not hoping that that 20 mile per hour 30 mile per hour hoping that counts a little bit towards hatching like i like what I... In traffic, I notice that I'll get little tiny smidgens of it, and so, so often now, I leave it in the seat next to me so I can kind of see that I'm tracking, and you know when there's that big gap,
Starting point is 02:02:55 a couple hundred yards in traffic where everybody speeds up and you slow down? I'm that guy now who just takes my foot off the gas and I just roll at eight miles an hour all the way up to the to the line until it gets to be too rude i had to uber to work um a couple times while i didn't have a vehicle the other day for uh my truck going into service and i learned something that you you should totally not do as the driver of a vehicle. But if you're a passenger,
Starting point is 02:03:27 whenever you're driving down the road, stuff isn't going to have enough time to spawn. But if you point the map in the direction that you're going and you load a Pokestop before you get to it and wait for the ring to go from smaller big to like larger soon as it gets on it swipe before it closes back down and you still get it it's so good i had that happen where i i took like probably 10 minutes going around an extra block pretty much that i didn't need on a commute because as i was driving past a poestop waiting to swipe it, a fucking egg
Starting point is 02:04:05 hatched, and I can't get out of the egg screen to get my Pokestop points, so I just had to wait for the egg to hatch and then double back, make sure I got my three worthless Pokeballs or whatever the hell it gave me. But it's XP! It is XP. No wonder you're such a high level without evolving anything, if you can just kind of
Starting point is 02:04:22 put it next to your window and swipe every eight minutes. Yeah, that's's great i wish i had that and it's it's walking for you right now as you sit still yeah it's weird man i'm on like so i got a goldeen right there too on the pokey stop um but it's weird so i don't know if it's because i'm on wi-fi and gps where he paces he's just doing circles on my edge of the block. I guess he's trying to figure out what my GPS location is. So that's just counting towards walking. It's really cool.
Starting point is 02:04:53 Don't change a thing. Richard, have you played with a Vive yet, the VR? Yes and no. I did early on with Brandon L brandon lodge uh yeah no um so um i i went and played his um oh man i'm gonna butcher their game uh it's called junkyard or something like that oh um um hover junkers hover junkers yeah yeah i went and played it, and it was insane. And he showed me some of the different apps that they had. I think this is the Vive, right? Where the painting with the tools and stuff?
Starting point is 02:05:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, and he showed me the different artists who did things for it, like the Disney artist who did the Little Mermaid, and it's like the 3D bubbles and everything else. It's like, oh my gosh, this is like a new way of looking at things. It's really cool. Very interesting. I can't wait. The whole augmented reality,
Starting point is 02:05:54 virtual reality stuff, it's just I can't wait to see where things go in just a couple years. We had a guest on the show like two months ago, three months ago maybe now, and Tucker was talking about how much he loved the vibe and how much he was loving vr and i was like i'm gonna do that as soon as i get i was in la at the time and i was like as soon as i get back i'm gonna start figuring out what kind of computer i'm gonna build and and put together and then i'm gonna get a vibe and so i've got it
Starting point is 02:06:18 now and i've been playing a lot of the gun simulated simulation stuff and the arrow games and it's so ridiculous. I get done and I'm dripping in sweat. I'm sitting in there fucking loading. It's like you're doing shooting drills. I'm taking cover and running and ducking and reloading on the move
Starting point is 02:06:38 and dealing with so many aggressive moving targets that are coming at me and having to get headshots. There's a game called Raw data it's absurd there's multiplayer so you and a buddy are in a virtual arena defending against waves of robot attackers there's a horror game called the Brookhaven experiment where like you stand there and hold your position down defend it and just these monsters are constantly coming and it's yeah pistol in one hand and flashlight in the other
Starting point is 02:07:04 and you're in the darkness So the flashlight is key and the battery is always draining So that one's actually more terrifying than anything, but there's one there's a game called horseshoes hot dogs horseshoes and hand grenades and It's so close You've got a Glock and I've got the mag in the other hand, and I thought that it would just auto-glide in. But no, you've got to carefully make sure. You've got to line it up and put it in correctly. And you've got to chamber a round.
Starting point is 02:07:31 And with a revolver, you're putting each round into the weapon and then closing and then cocking the double action. It's like a weapon simulator. That's very cool. It's absurd how much fun I've been having with this thing. So did you go to E3? Because I'm excited.
Starting point is 02:07:51 I haven't really, since I've not been in Los Angeles and all the people who are privy to early access of things, I'm really curious to see what people think about all the different platforms, people who are creating content, creating systems and stuff like that, like PlayStation. I haven't had a PlayStation in a long time.
Starting point is 02:08:09 I'll probably end up buying a PlayStation just for, what is it, Arkham VR or Gotham VR? What is that? I'm not familiar with it. Everything I'm doing is Vive-centric, so I'm on the Vive subreddits and boards and stuff. I don't know anything about any other VR stuff. I'm just so excited for the games that just tap on that nostalgic nerve, right?
Starting point is 02:08:31 So this is coming out for PlayStation in October. It's their VR headset, and the trailer shows nothing. I mean, the trailer shows nothing. It's Mark Hamill doing voiceover, and it's Mark Hamill doing voiceover and it's it's epic it's it's like you get cold chills listening to it's awesome really well if you're like a Batman fan you just your mind starts
Starting point is 02:08:55 doing things and you start picturing the possibilities of being able to wear this this VR headset and you're like oh wow and then it's like dawn the cow or whatever it's like oh my god being whatever. And so it's like, oh, my God. You want to talk about being afraid of heights. Being able to have like a good VR simulator and being that Batman on the edge of a building, like that temple of Assassin's Creed or something, and looking over on the edge before you do that big high fall.
Starting point is 02:09:25 I just had to clean my drawers out. This room is like the minimum space required. It's like two and a half meters by three meters and I've punched the walls a few times so hard that in my head I'm like, I wonder if my knuckles are bleeding right now, but I've still got to keep going.
Starting point is 02:09:42 What are you doing? Hitting a... Oh, I had a knife in my hand and a pistol in the other, and I was out of ammo, so I was fighting the monster. I was just hitting him in the head as fast as I could to try to get as many licks in before he, like, eats me. Because if I can, you know,
Starting point is 02:09:58 I could kill him hand-to-hand, even if you're out of, uh... So I'm just bashing him with a flashlight in one hand and my pistol in the other, and I punched the wall really fucking hard. Um... So I'm just bashing him with a flashlight in one hand and my pistol in the other and I punched the wall really fucking hard. So I'm going to go to another room that's much, much bigger than this and I'm excited about that because in a game like Hover Junkers in
Starting point is 02:10:13 particular where your left hand is sort of operating a... It's turned into this bubble and as you turn your hand, you're guiding the ship and as i point forward i'm accelerating as i pull back i'm decelerating and and i'm doing all my steering with this one and my other hand i'm rotating the the thumb here and selecting which weapon i want
Starting point is 02:10:35 and then grabbing it by squeezing and then firing it so i'm like riding into battle like this on my on my hover junker and like i see the bad guys and I'm just coming up on them drive-by style like ramming right into them and just shooting them in the head as fast as I can over their armor and then retreating back to safety and when you're playing multiplayer in that like I'll
Starting point is 02:10:57 see my blue teammates and I'll like stick my fist up in the air with my controller and they'll do the same thing and I'll hear them come over the mic. They're like, where are the bad guys? And I grab my flare gun really quick, and I'm just, poof, shoot toward the bad guys, and we both sort of head off into the nightlight
Starting point is 02:11:13 to go get this guy. That is so cool. It's so much fun. You get immersed into it, and I'll be lying on this floor because you're in sort of a hover junker. It's a hovercraft, but it's got junk all around the sides as cover and I'll be laying down on my back
Starting point is 02:11:28 as low as I can get doing reloads above my head to like get back up and recover and steering out of situations like that so I love that game you're saying that you could like fight people off with your hands yeah so is this i was hoping that they do it like this where if you like really come down hard it's a harder hit in the game and they don't do that thing with vr or at least like the the xbox one where you can kind of just like go like that and it's the same thing as like huge movements is that how it is or for now is it kind of like you can just go like that and hit punch or you actually do have to swing? It's definitely not swinging super—well, you have to make a big arm movement to get it to go.
Starting point is 02:12:14 So you can't flick your wrist and, like, swing your knife. You have to swing your whole arm to get any distance. And, like, you want to keep them at arm's reach anyway. I feel like my longer arms probably help in VR because if I'm out of ammo and I know they're coming, I, like, I turn sideways and, like and I've got my knife out here like this, like, back, back! Like doing one of those. Because when he gets close, he's going to bite you.
Starting point is 02:12:35 And they're so terrifying, some of these enemies. You've got a voice in your head and she's like, we thought we were creating a peephole into another universe. But it must have been a doorway doorway and now it's been ripped open and then you look and all of a sudden here's a spider scorpion crawling down on top of you to wrap you up in a web and like consume you and it's like it's horrifying if you can imagine a like spider scorpion the size of a couch and uh and i'm like oh god let me shoot it real quick and it shoots web on your gun and all of a sudden sudden, your hand's all wrapped up in web,
Starting point is 02:13:06 and you're trying to get the fucking web off in real life. I'll be sweating and terrified playing that game at the same time. It's a scary game. Do you get a feeling of, like, true panic sometimes where you'll look up, like you've described before, and you see, like, a zombie dropping or something, and you're actually in real life, like, your heart's beating faster? Oh, yeah. I can't wait for that.
Starting point is 02:13:26 I remember playing Dead Space and I would feel my heart beating really quick when I had those loud headphones on. Every light was off and I was really into it. I can't imagine. A horror game might actually be unpleasant in VR. It might just not be fun. It's horror.
Starting point is 02:13:42 They'll all be coming from the left for a while. So all my attention is on the left. you know my my flashlights on and I'm just shooting as rapidly as I can reloading as cleanly as I can and Then I start thinking I haven't checked my my six in a long time And I spin around with a flashlight in the pistol, and he's just right in my face Yeah And it's just like, oh, fuck! Yeah. Fuck, fuck. It's scary. It legitimately scares you.
Starting point is 02:14:08 And I mean, I'll be down here screaming like a bitch. It's very good. I've had so much fun with this thing so far. I'm loving it. Oh.
Starting point is 02:14:20 What's the setup cost you from what you built? So a fan... So my plan is to put the new nvidia 1080 uh uh graphics card in there but i want the asus strix overclocked version which is i haven't been able to lay my hands on yet it's been back ordered for over a month and a half now so a fan was nice enough to let me borrow his 980 Ti, which is pretty top of the line anyway. It handles everything VR very, very well. It doesn't max, max out the hardest games, but it gets there.
Starting point is 02:14:52 I would say $2,200 worth of computer minus the graphics card, which is going to be another $700. So almost three grand in computer without any, including some peripherals. I got a 34- inch g-sync ultra wide monitor which uh it's that's it overclocks to 100 uh frames per second 2200 can't include that monitor was how much was that monitor itself a grand monitor yeah maybe you're right maybe i'm
Starting point is 02:15:17 not can't the monitor was 1300 um wow yeah i don't know And then the Vive itself is $800 plus tax, so like $875. I'm not really sure what I've got in it. I didn't – three or four grand in everything. What's the marketplace like as far as the selection of applications and games? Really? And that – I'm so happy to be a part of that early access community. If you're on the subreddit, like, paying attention,
Starting point is 02:15:50 you'll see every day the devs are on the subreddit talking about their games and talking about how things are going to be implemented in the future. The games are evolving so quickly. A game like Out of Ammo, which is like, you're standing over sort of an area that needs to be defended.
Starting point is 02:16:07 It's a military game, and you're like God. You're, say, 400 feet tall, and you can call in strikes here and there and make anything you want happen. You can put a unit here, there, a sniper there, a rocket man there. But then the cool part is you can point at them and click, and you become them. And so you're doing the mag changes, you're looking down down the scope you're making that one soldier on your battlefield like it's like an rts but all of a sudden you can make any one soldier the baddest motherfucker there's ever been so so you're like even the sniper rifle reload i find so fun you open the bolt pull it back reach to your hip and grab a round place it in the chamber close close the bolt and then you can fire. And so after a while,
Starting point is 02:16:45 you're doing this so fluidly, it's very challenging. But that game has been updated so repeatedly. At first it was $10. I think now it might be $20. They keep raising the prices. They add content. So I got it at $10, and now there's multiplayer and all kinds of things
Starting point is 02:17:01 they add to it. So every single day there's a handful of new games that are worth trying out. Many of them are free, $5 games, $10 games. The best games are like $30 to $40, something like that. Wow. And they continue to support it? Yes. Oh, big time.
Starting point is 02:17:20 Yeah. Because they're not turning a profit, these VR developers. They're working for their passion. With only 100,000 vibes out there on the market, it's not like you're making an Xbox One game where you've got tens of millions of potential buyers out there. You've got 100,000 people to sell to, and the games are $10, $5 a piece. They're not making too much of a profit, if anything. They're counting on some sort of future revenues I suppose. I'm loving it and I like that
Starting point is 02:17:50 the people who are involved with it, they seem like the developers. They just released a game called Trials on Tatooine which is the first Star Wars branded sort of mini game experience. So you do some lightsaber stuff and that's really fun too. There's so many things that VR can so you do some lightsaber stuff and uh that's really fun too uh there's so
Starting point is 02:18:05 many things that uh vr can make you do uh whether your hands are guns or claws or you're like living inside of a mystery novel flipping through files reading up on something and trying to solve the the story um the bow and arrow games are so much fun those are the ones that i've spent the most time on is bow and arrow stuff. And that's the best workout too. I'll be dripping with sweat after playing a bow and arrow game. I feel like it's a it's this circle
Starting point is 02:18:33 that's coming around eventually or inevitably where whatever I guess whatever people believe but like the matrix right where augmented, virtual everything gets so good plug me in but but here's the thing here's the thing it goes full circle everything just like then then you plug in you have the electrode stimulating your your body in ways where it
Starting point is 02:18:59 it recreates uh physical activity or sensations and stuff like that. And ultimately you're like, God, you're the master of this universe that you designed or you bought or you're experiencing. And then ultimately it's going to come full circle where people like, you know, it's going to be like,
Starting point is 02:19:19 you know, it's really crazy. You know, it's like next level, not doing any of this experiencing life just going out there and just seeing where the chips fall and not not having any control over anything it's like oh i had access to life this entire movie like that where everybody is locked in the it's in the future and everybody lives in these pods and
Starting point is 02:19:45 there are these like biomechanical replicas of their ideal self-image out there walking around and with their brain uh synapses on board logged in and what happens is for the first time in like a generation someone dies they die while in their chamber and that was supposed to be impossible. And so Bruce Willis leaves his chamber and goes from digitally de-aged, good-looking Bruce Willis, die-hard Bruce Willis, to 60-year-old Bruce Willis. And so he's the only ugly 60-year-old man in this world of Adonises in their biomechanical suits trying to solve this crime.
Starting point is 02:20:21 But yeah, I definitely see your point there. What's that movie? I don't know. Look up Bruce Willis's uh filmography on imdb and you track it down i don't i don't remember the name i've only seen it once and it's not that great of a movie for being honest richard were you advocating real life on the show for a second there did i interpret it that right gross yeah you know what's funny is like i am like i is I will admit it wholeheartedly. To so many degrees, I am a hypocrite, right? Because I rely on social media.
Starting point is 02:20:51 I rely on the entertainment industry for my primary sources of revenue and income and how I make my living. But like I was saying earlier, I don't resent it. I enjoy it. There's things that I hold kind of dear that I just won't disturb or I won't corrupt in this whole process of I need to be on the schedule or I need to do this or I think people will enjoy this. I try to stay true. Like I make this because hopefully other people appreciate it, but it's going to be people will enjoy this. I try to stay true. Like I make this because hopefully other people appreciate it, but it's going to be because I enjoy it. Um, but having said that, given the opportunity, if you know, like having kids or whatever, like, uh, better relationships
Starting point is 02:21:38 with friends who aren't necessarily into that, I just like, I would be content to a certain extent to taking a break or deleting and just being being away from it and just because when i i do wingsuit i can't be on social media like for some reason it just takes me out of focusing or when we go to the mountains like even when we went to um texas i mean that was that was fun we didn't really have cell service or anything except for in the evenings and so it was nice it was just being even though we're still filming and there's work to be done it's kind of nice just sitting there just chatting and it's like no we're not
Starting point is 02:22:12 checking internet we're not doing this or that and that was so much fun just talking to those guys about their their rack stories and stuff like that that was a great time I feel out of place sometimes like so I have been into games and this other stuff as deeply as anybody out there right you know like i i would at work just wish i was playing call of duty i would go to work and tell
Starting point is 02:22:38 stories about video games that i'm sure they weren't interested in right that was me for a long time and then i you know quit my job and just did it full time, day and night. And it wasn't just video games. It's, you know, of course, the video games, the Twitter, the social media, the whole nine yards. And I still do that for a living, but there's a part of me that doesn't, like, dude, have you guys tried this other stuff? Like, normal life? Like, you know, I'm learning to paramotor. I'm, like, I really enjoy the sun, you know? I talk about mowing, but'm like i really enjoy the sun you know i talk about mowing but it's not really about mowing grass it's about existing outside um i enjoy that and yeah it's like i think once anything becomes like a source of income for a while you just start to classify
Starting point is 02:23:19 it more as a job and so you just start to have a little less fun with it like any there is not a single professional baseball player out there who enjoys playing baseball i sincerely doubt it they play all that's the one professional sport where it's like a real job it's every fucking day for hours you're there like it's not like the nhl or the nba or even to a lesser extent the nfl like there's no way they're enjoying it i'm sure when they were kids they fucking love baseball and they thought if i could just be a baseball star that's what i want to be and then they get up there and it's like oh my god how many fucking games are in this season like jesus christ like i know they're paying me 8.1 million or whatever but my god don't get me wrong and and like i'm not i'm not saying that
Starting point is 02:24:03 i'm like i'd like i'm biting the hand that feeds me or anything like that because they don't get me wrong and and like i'm not i'm not saying that i'm like i'd like i'm biting the hand that feeds me or anything like that because they don't get their their serious validation things that come from being in the space that we're in right where it's like i had this cool idea people liked it right it's like i was right or whatever you know you're proven a point or whatever it is there There's that validation that comes from it. But then there's also the gratification of doing something that you enjoy and not really sacrificing anything. Like I get to write off all my fun hobbies because I technically make a living at it. So like if I'm going to do this shoot with this gun or if I'm going to go on this wingsuit trip
Starting point is 02:24:46 or whatever, this is going to be part of work and it's going to be fun and we're going to do our thing. But at some point I do kind of, you know, there's different things. So again, I keep going back to
Starting point is 02:24:59 the new job and everything but it's funny because I did a story on jeff gordon yesterday and and there's because i'm an executive producer in a different category there's there's also um there's different uh people who control different aspects of the production so there's documentaries there's news there's they're doing all kinds of stuff there and so news is like five to ten stories a day and I was like I gotta do a story on Jeff Gordon today like you guys like you gotta give me this and I gotta do it my way I gotta I gotta go I got I got an event this is just give me this
Starting point is 02:25:38 and so I did I did this this uh this bit where I'm praying to Jesus, like eight pounds, six ounce, baby Jesus in the beginning of it and everything. And I just go on all these like Talladega Nights references and everything in the piece talking about baby Jesus answering our prayers at the Rainbow Warriors coming back from retirement and all this other stuff. And it's fun. And it's like it's things like that. It's those are the small victories for me that always keep me inspired and constantly other stuff. It's fun. Things like that, those are the small victories for me that always keep me inspired and constantly doing stuff. That's probably been my biggest Achilles
Starting point is 02:26:12 is consistency with content. You see, take tech destruction channels, a really good example. Had I went hard in the paint with that back in the day when Blendtec and I were destroying the iPhone 3 or whatever whatever probably be a little bit more successful now if I just if I did that but I can't really commit to that type of creative all the time so like yeah
Starting point is 02:26:37 I'm gonna do wingsuiting I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that but at some point you do have to disconnect from that too and like I mean Woodyody i mean for me it it's not like inspiration right and if i lack inspiration or motivation i fill it with discipline right that's the way i am and um so that's cool it's almost like like my channel is a little different than most in that it's not really just like about video games or something like that certainly lately it's not about that at all it's almost an advice thing like a role model thing is partly what i've got going on and there's a part of me that wants to be like i worry about the disconnect because my current frame of mind has a whole lot of you know what like i i see you doing this and i see you doing that but you should
Starting point is 02:27:22 get out you should do a thing you should achieve out. You should do a thing. You should achieve in life. Find a career that you enjoy doing and throw some energy and passion into it. Like stop – like I picture a subscriber is like sitting in a room in the dark smoking a bowl or something and playing a video game. And I want to be like, dude, no, no, no, no. Like you're going to find that a lot of time passes and you're not where you aspire to be like you know you need drugs when you've got grass but like you know jokes aside like there's something to be said for real life achievement and you can find yourself you know in a rut in
Starting point is 02:27:57 the video games they're addictive you know and they're great they're great fun i've been there but like you know guys go out and try a thing like achieve a thing get a woman that you love or a guy i don't care but you know like like foster a relationship that means something like find a small victory though find a small because because equally like though out out there i mean like i'm just playing devil's advocate like for uh but like like like you guys were talking about baseball i mean you could probably have been bred into that and an overbearing father figure is like you gotta play this
Starting point is 02:28:30 and you grow up despising it because it was your job at an early age but yeah definitely find the small victories in life that thing that's gonna make you happy the video that I have coming out tomorrow which is yesterday for most people watching this I have this Tony Robbins quote in it, which is like,
Starting point is 02:28:48 most people overestimate what they can get done in a year and they underestimate what they can get done in 10 years. Right. Cause you know, in 10 years, man, you can be wildly educated. You can have a successful business. You can have like a wife and kids if that's part of your, your, you know, goal set. like you can do so much if you just do it piece by piece and make a thing happen and um yeah anyway like but on the other hand i worry that i'm like disconnecting with a lot of people that like my stuff because they don't want to hear that like a lot of people watching my videos might be like no woody you know why don't you just talk about pokemon go more and uh you know There's great fun to be had there, and everyone deserves their...
Starting point is 02:29:26 I'm sorry? Or Seeso. You could talk about Seeso. This episode is being sponsored by Seeso, the all-comedy, ad-free streaming TV service made for the serious comedy nerd. And if you like Community and or Rick and Morty, then you have to watch Seeso's
Starting point is 02:29:41 new original series, Harmon Quest. I don't know if any of you watched that this week, but it's really good. Harmon Quest is a comedic, improv, animated, live-action journey into the hilarious world of fantasy role-playing with Dan Harmon and his comedy companions, starring Dan Harmon, Spencer Crittenden, Aaron McGathey, and Jeff B. Davis. Dan Harmon, creator of Community, Rick and Morty, and Harmontown, brings you Harmon Quest.
Starting point is 02:30:06 It's like nothing else you've seen on TV, streaming, or anywhere else. Dan Harmon and his team embark on an epic journey of dragon slaying and chivalry as they attempt to save the world from evils and other such things. It says here, Fondu Zubag, played by Dan Harmon, Bone Weevil, played by Jeff Davis, and
Starting point is 02:30:22 Buer O'Shift, played by Aaron McAfee, find themselves stumbling through the mystical lands and treacherous monster field caves in their quest to defeat the evil heralds of the Manticore. You can watch every episode of Harmon Quest on CISO right now, so go to and use promo code HARMONQUEST, H-A-R-M-O-N-Q-U-E-S-T, to get free months for free.
Starting point is 02:30:41 Yeah, that is an extra month on top of the already free trial. So CISO is stacked with new original comedies uh besides harman quest like classic series and loads of stand-up specials they have every episode of saturday night live the entire monty python catalog and so much more so start your free trial today check them out i'm gonna watch that show if it's similar to rick and morty yeah, me too. I've been re-watching Rick and Morty. I know. Yeah, I got that. I do the thing, though, with shows where I re-watch it to the point that even the thought of going back to watch it again. I did that with It's Always Sunny.
Starting point is 02:31:14 I kind of ruined It's Always Sunny for myself because I've watched every episode so many fucking times that nothing catches me off guard anymore. You know? I don't know. It almost pisses me off that I've done that with rick and morty like to now like i can pretty much sit there with my eyes closed and just you know know every time he's like you know what morty we shouldn't be here morty put up your ass morty or like i know exactly what is going to be said at every time but that's a great show yeah i'm only on my second watching and colin sees it's a cartoon and wants to like watch it with me and i'm'm like how inappropriate
Starting point is 02:31:46 is this for a 13 year old you know and they're but he's not getting all of it so you know I try to like justify it and there's an episode where they have to like exist naked a whole lot because the bad guys that are over watching them are really like squeamish about
Starting point is 02:32:02 nudity and he's like don't cover your dong don't cover your dong don't cover your dong that's the only reason they're not watching us or something close to that oh my god man collins right here i'm sure a lot of it he's not catching but what's different about rick and morty than a lot of those like even like family guy or whatever is there's there's a ton of gratuitous violence in rick and Morty of just like characters dying. And suffering. Just in horrible ways.
Starting point is 02:32:27 And suffering. Of course, you mentioned the insect one recently. But even the one with the misos. Oh, yeah. Yeah. The misseeks. I'm sorry. What were they called?
Starting point is 02:32:37 The misseeks. Misseeks, yeah. Like me seeking something. Okay. The episode with the misseeks. Those were really unhappy, suicidal, wishing they were dead creatures. I've been alive for 24 hours.
Starting point is 02:32:51 That's an attorney in Meseeks. We just want to talk. You dragged me into this. Well, he dragged me into this. He dragged me. Yeah, the Meseeks, of course, their goal was to teach the guy to play golf better, and they couldn't get it done.
Starting point is 02:33:03 So then they start spawning in new Meseeks with the goal of killing some of the other Meseeks. And it was just like, I don't know, something about it is different than other violence because there's a real unhappiness connection like dread. Yeah, it's darker. It's a clever show. Yeah, it really is. Is that Netflix? What was it on? Seesaw eric and morty is on cso
Starting point is 02:33:28 uh probably but it's on hulu as well and it's on okay it's on the internet for free yeah um did you guys get your i'm gonna get this last ad right in and then we'll get those ama questions before we get out of here um not that not that it's happening anytime soon or anything. Did you guys get any of your NatureBox foods? Not yet. Not yet. I did get mine. I'll grab it and bring it down in a second. But let me read and tell you guys what NatureBox is.
Starting point is 02:33:57 Tired of eating the same bland food while trying to stay healthy? NatureBox has the solution to your problem. Making smarter choices doesn't mean you have to eat boring food. NatureBox makes snacks that are full of flavor and none of the junk. NatureBox makes over 100 ridiculously delicious snacks that are made with better
Starting point is 02:34:13 for you ingredients. Simply choose what snacks you want and they are delivered right to your door. Some of our personal favorites were the peanut butter nom noms. I couldn't get any of those. Kitty made me throw them out. The chocolate hazelnut granola and the pral nom noms. I couldn't get any of those. Kitty made me throw them out. The chocolate hazelnut granola and the praline pumpkin seeds is really good.
Starting point is 02:34:29 NatureBox is constantly adding new and interesting snacks for you to discover every month. Plus, they believe you shouldn't eat something you don't like. So if you try a snack and you don't like it, NatureBox will replace it
Starting point is 02:34:39 in your next box for free. Can't do that with any other snacks. Go to slash pka right now to get two bags of delicious snacks without any of the junk for free. That's slash pka for two free bags of bold and unique snacks delivered right to your door.
Starting point is 02:34:56 slash pka. I can't believe that's free. There's no catch here. Just go to slash pka and they're going to give you two bags of free snacks and they really are good snacks. I'm going to go grab them in a second. I like that
Starting point is 02:35:14 business model. I'm impressed by that. Not only do they want to give you free samples, feeling like that'll definitely like, dude, our shit is so good that we know you're going to buy it. That's the only reason why you give free samples. And then the other side, like, you don't like it? We'll hook you up in the next batch with more free stuff. And I'm like, shit, that says something to me about how they feel about their stuff.
Starting point is 02:35:37 Yeah, I was more – It's so funny. I was going to say, every single time I come on here, you guys have a sponsor that I haven't used. And I'm like, oh, you know what? I'm totally going to try that. I'm totally going to try that. So last time I was moving to Nashville, and so I bought a Casper mattress with the PKA code. And I've been trying to find places to get snacks and it's just not not
Starting point is 02:36:07 happening here so i'm going to tweet you guys a picture whenever i get my pk i'm following you yeah i follow you too i want to see your nature i like nature box as an idea because it's i feel like i can fool myself into thinking that it's basically health food. This is good for me. I can sit and eat a bunch of nuts and rationalize it. Let's see what we got. I've got the whole wheat chocolate chip cookie bites.
Starting point is 02:36:35 I'm going to get into those. Wheat. Sourdough cheddar pretzels. These were my selections. These are the ones that I picked out. Dark cocoa nom noms. Not even the ones that I picked out. Dark cocoa nom noms. Not even sure what that's going to be.
Starting point is 02:36:49 Messed up there. Anything with chocolate, I'm in. I got the whole wheat chocolate animal cookies. And then I ordered some of these bars. These are pineapple coconut bars. So yeah, I'm going to eat some of all of this. These look really good. I'm mostly intrigued by those pretzels.
Starting point is 02:37:05 What was it? Sourdough cheddar? That sounds like it. I'm more into that than sweets. You can pick everything, right? Yeah, that's what I did. I picked all these out. I love sweets.
Starting point is 02:37:15 We've been trying to have fewer sweets in our life. Lemonade is like my go-to drink. So my wife now just puts lemons in water. And that's not lemonade lemonade that's not lemonade at all it's like lemonade tears it's sadness it's like you're the last man on earth and you've been like trying to use that last bit of lemon mix for a long time like to save it for that memories of when there was civilization it is so sad to just have lemon juice in the water. Yeah, and that's like my normal, it's what I have with dinner tonight.
Starting point is 02:37:48 I get that you can drink a lot of calories. If you think of all the sodas and lemonades and stuff, it's just liquid candy. And that's a lot of liquid candy. It's way more than any other kind of candy that I consume. I'm not eating a lot of pies or brownies or anything, but liquid candy is probably my biggest sin. So switching to lemon water should help,
Starting point is 02:38:09 but oh, god, it's not without its sacrifices. For like a full year straight in college, I thought that I was being like the representation of health by drinking like 12 ounces of OJ every morning, and then after a while realizing like, this is just soda in a different form, isn't it? Gatorade.
Starting point is 02:38:30 Same thing. I'm going to drink, I'm going to drink a 12 pack of Gatorades today. Michael Jordan drinks it, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yes. It's funny you say that.
Starting point is 02:38:41 Cause that's the, that's the concession that I made with sugar a few years ago where it was like I realized that as far as genetically, I'm probably predisposed to diabetes within the family. I'm going to slow my roll on sugar some way, shape, or form. So it's going to be that I'm not going to drink my calories anymore with the exception of alcohol um which is a big one but um because i just i love chocolate and cookies and stuff way too much so i just don't drink sodas or any kind of liquid calories so like snacks like that when you say chocolate anything or anything like covered like just interesting things like don't they have some types of like hot stuff too like some flavored nuts
Starting point is 02:39:26 or spices or something like that? All kinds of good stuff. They've got beef jerky. Oh, dude. I'm in. They've got a little bit of everything. I want some hot peanuts. They have those, but Kitty's crazy allergic. So the sourdough cheddar pretzels were really good.
Starting point is 02:39:43 And the whole wheat chocolate chip cookie bites were also really good. And the whole wheat chocolate chip cookie bites were also really good. And so were the animal cookies. But I'm not a fan of the dark cocoa nom noms, which are just big chunks of dark chocolate gooeyness.
Starting point is 02:39:59 I'm in. I'm in. Is that the date? That pineapple bar was really good. That pineapple bar was really good. Send it to me. Yeah, it does look good. I'm going to make my selections.
Starting point is 02:40:11 So you said you don't drink liquid calories aside from alcohol, Richard. Do you switch from regular soda? Did you go to water or did you go to diet? I mean, I drink like coconut water. That's the liquid calorie that I do drink. But I like cucumber water, stuff like that, lemon water and everything. Coffee. Coffee is like 5 calories, 5, 10 calories.
Starting point is 02:40:32 Do you like diet soda or do you not touch that? No, no, no, no, no. Stay away from aspartame. I was doing a podcast with Kit Cope where he was telling me, again, your listeners are probably on it, and they're going to send all kinds of links. But there's something about aspartame and how it wasn't passed through the FDA forever. Yeah. Okay, that's awesome yeah diet pepsi is aspartame free and it tastes about the same but uh i'm gonna keep pumping that into me until some until someone dies i need some hard research
Starting point is 02:41:12 i need some facts on a hunch you know no you know what happens as you get older the information that you've been taught about dieting and in school and stuff it falls out of date and like you guys are all talking about aspartame you might be right about that too it might not sometimes it's not scientific you know in its basis but like aspartame they never taught us about the dangers of aspartame you know last time i was paying attention to this it was all about trans fat which i'm sure are still bad. There's new information that you have to absorb all the time and different ways. Macros, right? I hear these macrobiotic. I think I'm saying that right.
Starting point is 02:41:55 People are having huge success with it. I don't really know which ones are macros. I think I'm supposed to eat quinoa or something, which is just sad rice. I was about to say that. I think you've probably said it in the past, though. Quinoa is sad, gross, slimy rice. I've had so much quinoa. You get used to it.
Starting point is 02:42:16 Yeah. Well, no, here's what I'll say. Here's what I'll say. Experiment. Really experiment with your diets and stuff like that. Just keep somewhat of a journal. It's a pain in the dick. It sucks.
Starting point is 02:42:31 It doesn't sound great. It's not fun. I just keep up with the Wendy's receipts and it's easy to document what's been happening. I'm like an accountant. I just smack them down on one of those spikes on my console and I'm good. Here's the thing. count and i just smack them down on one of those spikes on my uh console and i'm good but here's
Starting point is 02:42:45 the thing like if you like if you kind of come up with a a kyle rating system for how you feel in a day right one through ten and then you document all this stuff it's really funny because i like when i was moving back out here i was like all right i'm gonna spend this this month with kit before i go to roco's wedding in Texas. And I'm just going to try to – I'm going to – Are you training with Kit? Yeah, I was training with him, but I was also on a meal plan. And so he had like my macros down, right? So it's like a very specific carb, protein, and fat ratio.
Starting point is 02:43:18 But it's quality ingredients and everything. And it was so weird that I was consuming way less calories but i was more full at times just people probably don't know kit cope is a world-class world champion kickboxer yeah yeah four-time uh world muay thai uh kickboxing champion um and and so that completely blew my mind it was like and now again here i am being a hypocrite again because i love carbs i love sugars and stuff and i know the effect that it has on my brain, the crash and everything else. But the times that I do just kind of man up and have these kind of set of rules that I say, hey, I'm going to stick to it for a minute and give it a week, get through whatever it is. Like, oh, duh.
Starting point is 02:43:59 I remember. Oh, wow. I haven't felt this good in like 15 years. How long do you need to give it like if you eat well that day do you expect to feel well that day or does it take a week of that oh dude i don't know like you you talk about you talk about lemonade like you you've got this thing for it for me and sugar in general especially when it comes to chocolate and cookies and stuff i it's rough this this struggles real dog it's like for three days you're like what shut up just leave me alone
Starting point is 02:44:36 i need to be in a dark room i can't even like it's like you're grumpy i I'm grumpy, but the hunger is strangely real. It's like crazy intense. Like I was – I carb load so often on sugars and everything that when my body doesn't get it, it's like, what's going on? Why don't I have this constant glucose coming into your system and everything it's like uh and it panics it's like my i get so hungry in those first few days and then i kind of just say hey look man up dude that that hunger is your body digesting itself that's not going to feel good i mean just think of it that way your body's eating itself it's not a good thing. It's a great thing. Your body must be having less body. Yeah. So it's eating that fat. It'll sort it out. Just have faith in the process and just know that
Starting point is 02:45:37 you're eating really good nutrient-dense food. And here's the crazy thing. This is like the most surprising thing for me personally is, man, we're not set up for that. Like in the U.S., we're really not set up for it. Like here in Nashville, all these other places, like when I travel, it's like you try to find good foods, right? And it's fairly challenging. It's so challenging. So I don't even have a great excuse, right? But i'll say in the last two months i've traveled like eight days and that's not a lot like eight out of 60 days but like when you mix in your forced fail days with whatever ones you would have naturally it it seems like a bonus like not
Starting point is 02:46:21 a bonus but like a an unavoidable issue. Like, why even try? If I'm forced to eat Wendy's on the road eight times, you know, add that to whatever mistakes you would have otherwise made, it's a bunch. It's hard. When I'm trying to eat well, or at least well by my standards, what I do is I get a grilled chicken sandwich.
Starting point is 02:46:44 I get two grilled chicken sandwiches from whatever fast food restaurant, Wendy's or McDonald's or whatever, and I just eat the meat. I just throw everything else away. I get it plain, and I eat the meat, and two chicken breasts will get me going. You know, that's gotta be...
Starting point is 02:47:00 That's probably good. A fried chicken breast? It sucks. It's awful. A grilled chicken breast. It's a grilled chicken breast, but it's usually seasoned really heavily, especially at McDonald's. There's a lot of spices on there. No chicken ever suffered as much as that one. The closest I come to that, Kyle, is when I eat the chicken sandwich, and then I realize
Starting point is 02:47:18 all that's left is bread, mayonnaise, and a little lettuce. I'm like, I'll throw that away. I eat that. Fuck it. It's not until you try that approach that you're talking about, Kyle, because I've done that too, on the kicks where you're like, oh, I'll just go to McDonald's and eat healthy.
Starting point is 02:47:31 One grilled chicken sandwich, please. Let me throw away everything that disguises the fact that this is horrible meat, and then you just eat the meat, and it's pretty gross. It's not good. It's very unsatisfying, because when I go to McDonald's normally, I don't go there often, but Kitty likes their fucking fish sandwich, so whatever.
Starting point is 02:47:51 But I know that when I eat the... I was like, this is going to be some tasty food. I like the Big Mac and their french fries are good, and that's about all I'll eat there. But I know I'm going to be happy afterwards. It's going to make me feel good. That food's going to be filling, and it's really going to drop to the bottom of my stomach like a brick and stay there and make me feel good that food's gonna be filling and it's it's really gonna drop to the bottom my stomach like a brick and stay there and
Starting point is 02:48:06 make me feel good all night long until tomorrow one thing but three but if I'm just pulling that chicken breast out and eating it it's so unsatisfying it's just like let's power this down you know it's like a protein shake it's like all right let's get it down in one gulp come on like you don't want to savor this meal it's just like let's get the for you the calories inside our body didn't you guys have blue apron as a sponsor yeah yeah so do what do they do they do all day meals or is it just dinner or um you can sign up however you want yeah and you can sign up for different programs like i'm on like the four member family program
Starting point is 02:48:43 so obviously i get enough food to like split spread out for several meals so it was like it was steak this week so i had you know lots of steak and lots of veggies and stuff yeah it was real good see that's what i'm i'm debating on because for me convenience is the battle it's like i i'm i never know when i'm going to be working or what i'm going to be doing here and And then if I don't have access to that stuff, I just don't eat right. I just eat garbage. So I might try that out then. Hey, you guys got any more sponsors I could try?
Starting point is 02:49:16 I feel like people probably – We've got a guided meditation sponsor. That might help you. Shut up. Shut up. At 30,000 feet. I can't recall the name right now. I feel a little embarrassed that I don't because I read their ad read
Starting point is 02:49:31 three times a month. Last week I was looking for it. I kid you not. It's an app or something like that. It's easy. Is it like chakra meditation or what kind of meditation? Headspace. It's Headspace. Thank you. Sweet. It's easy and it's great patient or what kind of magic headspace its headspace. Thank you. Yes, we Yeah, cuz cuz it's weird cuz I so I get really visual with with the
Starting point is 02:49:53 Meditations and stuff and and so like the shock will shocker ones where you're visualizing these colors Just like roots digging down into the earth's core just breaking through the bedrock and everything, and then just sucking up all the color, be it the red chakra, and it's just coming from fire engines and stop signs and all of the world, and just get super visual with it and everything. But anyways. It sounds like you need to add some acid to that mix
Starting point is 02:50:18 and have a full-on Joe Rogan experience. Yeah, put yourself in the isolation tank. Oh, those sensory deprivation tanks seem so horrifying. Too many federal licenses. I'm worried about that stuff. Yeah, right? So what is it that you do? So apparently you actually
Starting point is 02:50:35 meditate. A chakra, I guess, is just energy? Is that like kind of just is that what it is? Yeah, so you have different chakras in your body that I'm going to butcher it, so I'm not even going to go there. They're different colors at different parts within your body. So, like, they represent different attributes or parts of your being and everything like that. And you just center those for...
Starting point is 02:51:01 I don't know. I'll send you a YouTube video. I love it. You kind of just imagine colors and suddenly this sounds like I'm watching Sesame Street as I explain it. It's really weird. It's clearing your thoughts.
Starting point is 02:51:17 Clearing your thoughts from all the million and one things going on and just focusing on specific parts of your body which contribute to your well-being they each have like specific things like your chest will be like the green chakra and love and and everything and you think about people that you love your relationships with them and everything like um like here would be uh i forget it's here you're like your mouth and like your throat area was like the blue chakra here you're like your mouth and like your throat area
Starting point is 02:51:45 was like the blue chakra and everything and like above you is like what would be spirit it's like the white chakra and it's like just shining down on you just visualize different things so having somebody guide you through that it's actually a nice it's a nice thing for me yeah yeah it's just it's it's kind of a mental vacation i am like and i hear a lot of people talk about oh no it's really important it's like oh if you if you don't have enough time to meditate once in a day then you should probably be meditating twice you know it's like you're ah oh conf Confucius say, buy into this. Get my book. But yeah, that does sound like it would be peaceful if you could do it right
Starting point is 02:52:30 and then like correctly I guess isolate your thoughts, whatever it would be. So are you – like everybody's got all the colors, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. So it's not like – I'm no expert on this. I'm just someone who really appreciates it as someone experiencing and getting.
Starting point is 02:52:48 Because I just have a very vivid and active imagination. So when they allow you to visualize different things. Like I will sit in a chair and once I do my breathing and everything else. I visualize my body as a plant and the roots are just sticking out of me, and they just start slamming through the floor of wherever I'm at, and then they go through the concrete foundation, and they're going through the bedrock and dirt and everything, just going, and it's just- People are screaming, crying all around you. just going people are screaming crying all around you it's going to like the core of the earth and it's just like i'm really like becoming a part of everything in my environment and then as i start
Starting point is 02:53:34 focusing on those colors i visualize the the deepest like brightest greens and the like the fields and the trees and just those colors coming into my chest and just absorbing those colors and everything. It's a fun mental exercise, and it's extremely relaxing, and I don't know. It's rewarding. That's what it is.
Starting point is 02:53:59 It's a mental exercise. You're training your mind. Send me that YouTube video. That'd be interesting to look at. Imagine VR with that. You're sitting there and that's the thing you need to you need to create that yourself you need to not rely on something else to do it for you oh you're right it defeated the whole point that was stupid that didn't make it okay what if you take meditating and you remove everything about it you know then you talk about board i was down
Starting point is 02:54:24 yeah woody's face lit up what he's like you know what this suddenly makes sense points for the different colors anyway it's kind of like books versus movies and stuff like that i like i enjoyed i enjoyed watching the lord of the rings series um not Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones. But reading the books were equally, if not more, rewarding at times because of the visual things that I kind of perceived. It wasn't even in the book, maybe, and I just kind of went with it. And then seeing somebody else's interpretation was nice,
Starting point is 02:55:04 but I'm kind of like, oh, okay, I can see where people prefer books. Do you ever do that in books, where you, like, a character's introduced or something, and then later, like a page later, it'll say, ah, Sam, short and squat, wide as a house he was, and, you know, would eat his fill at any feast, and it was rude or whatever. And at that point, you're like, no, that's not who I was imagining. I'm juxtaposing my own definition of this person here. Do you guys do books where you imagine, no, he's a little bit slender, and he wears a nice hat, and he's polite?
Starting point is 02:55:38 What I'll do in books, and this is funny to me, I will read an entire book mispronouncing all the characters' names. You know what I'm saying? Just fucking all of them up. That's only true if they're not, like, normal names. Like, if their name is Jeff and Larry, then I get it right. But if it's any kind of fantasy book and there's, like, Lord Elrond, I'm calling that guy, like, just who knows what.
Starting point is 02:55:59 And, yeah, it could be Edmund. I could add letters, take away letters. If they have a long name, you know, if their name is, like,onacci, I get like the first three right and then just fucking scatter the rest. That's how I read names all the time. And then if it ever gets converted to like a movie or something like that and I hear the proper pronunciation, it's like I have to translate. You know, I have to start coming up with a decoder to map them. You need mystical names for that because even if it was the exact same
Starting point is 02:56:28 story, as silly as it sounds, if it was Lord Larry instead of Lord Elrond when they arrived at Rivendell, I wouldn't be taking seriously what Larry had to say about this whole situation respectfully. I'm sorry, Larry. I don't trust you. You're a member of a union or
Starting point is 02:56:44 something. I don't know about you, Larry. Probably a pipe hitter. Yeah, you need something mystical. Do you guys want some AMA questions? There's a sex AMA question that I am tentatively... All right. This one's naughty. Prepare.
Starting point is 02:57:00 Would you ever let your significant other try ass play on you? I have bugged my boyfriend for a while, but he't allow it even just a lick lol i think woody hinted that he enjoyed nipple stuff on an earlier pka so i'm curious thanks guys and this is from selena 22 who's uh like i guess really succeeding on the community area of porn hubhub. Yeah, she is. She's doing very well over there. She messaged me yesterday asking when I was going to invite Wings over to my house again because she's a huge Wings of Redemption fan. It's bizarre.
Starting point is 02:57:35 It's this really hot Canadian chick who loves Wings of Redemption apparently. I'll go first on the butt play question. I don't want to answer specifically what I do in bed because I'm married, right? And my family watches this. But I will say as a philosophy, I feel like anything that's not dangerous should be tried if you're down for it. I feel like not everything you do in bed is going to be your favorite thing to do in bed, right? Sometimes it's his, sometimes it's hers, it's whatever.
Starting point is 02:58:10 I feel like, you know, if one of the parties in bed is just Captain No, then you miss out on something that you might be down for. I think you should be able to reserve a few no's. You know, keep a few close to your chest. You know, do they want to try something a little different
Starting point is 02:58:25 than maybe you go with that, but if they say, hey, I want to do some butt play or whatever, you play a no. You say no, we're going to do something else. Everybody else is scared right now. I would definitely let Selena lick my butt for sure. She could put some fingers in there probably too. I don't want you to get anything
Starting point is 02:58:41 enormous out. But short of that, absolutely. She's a very sexy lady sexy lady you know and it's not like her boyfriend staring at their watches like yeah put it in deeper like i'm still i'm still fucking the girl right like like yeah i don't give a shit yeah absolutely yeah you could like it yeah totally i don't think well everywhere isn't what i imagined i was was imagining some dildo stuff, that's what she was asking. Well, it depends how big the dildo is, right? Even just a lick, right? So I think that's where she wants to start with this thing.
Starting point is 02:59:12 I feel like it's not that you can't reserve no's, like Taylor said. You can reserve a no. If you don't want a big dildo up your butt, then I think that you've got a right to keep that out. Yeah, or anything. Baseball bat, stool table leg. you've got a right to keep that out. Or anything. Baseball, bat, stool, table leg.
Starting point is 02:59:26 Will you lick a butthole? See, now we're getting so specific that I feel like we're legitimately like... That's another thing. I don't know why you'd be embarrassed about that we've all admitted to eating pussy before and talked about that i'll absolutely i'll absolutely lick your butthole i'll
Starting point is 02:59:49 put my i'll put my tongue in it if you want me to we'll have some fun yeah there's no limits over here there's not a referee in my bedroom going bullshit you can't do that like yeah i feel this i've got the same philosophy as kyle's i've got the same philosophy as Kyle. Otter system. I've got the same philosophy as Kyle, right? Like you should be down for a lot, provided that it's not like dangerous or hurtful or whatever. And this is in my head anyway, in the context of a loving relationship,
Starting point is 03:00:19 I feel like there's fewer boundaries. I'm thinking dangerous sex and there's a panther in the room. So like, I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, the fear. It really gets you going, huh? If you're not down for choking, you don't have to be. You know, like, you know, I respect your boundaries. I've had girls that want to be choked unconscious, basically to the point of, like of mimicking autoerotic asphyxiation
Starting point is 03:00:46 where I guess like Robin Williams not Robin, ugh, another guy who hung himself to death. Yeah, the Kung Fu guy. I'm thinking of the guy from David Cain or from Kung Fu. David Carradine. He was jerking off while choking himself unconscious because apparently that's a huge
Starting point is 03:01:02 sexual release to come into consciousness as you're coming or be going in and out as you're coming. So I've definitely had girls that wanted to be choked un-fucking-conscious in the middle of sex. And some people just get off more when they're low on it. You get your defibrillator handy, you know, some cold packs. It's no big deal.
Starting point is 03:01:22 There's a guy on Reddit saying he can't get off anymore unless he's holding his breath. He needs to deprive himself of some oxygen. It's part of his thing. Maybe pump the brakes there, buddy. You should be able to breathe. All these judgments. Okay, you're right. Too much judgment. Taylor's too vanilla for this crowd.
Starting point is 03:01:41 Richard, you're quiet. I don't think there's anything... I don't know. I don't think there's anything i'm i'm i don't know i i'm um so when it comes to stuff like choking and stuff like that things that leave marks and everything i'm very skeptical because of uh one the world we live in and social media and everything uh i mean there's like eight people watching while we do it so i've got witnesses smart that's why i live stream all my sessions yeah look at the camera before i choke around like yeah that's what i want all right yeah so i'm like i i always always feel like there's that liability thing like I'm always looking at like sex as a as a legal Thing from you're so hot
Starting point is 03:02:31 Tell me more about your disclaimer Drunk enough to the point where this could be construed as not being able to give consent or Okay, but when it comes to like nose and stuff like that i like like ass play and everything i'm like it's a sliding scale because that's definitely something i'm not into so it's like because it's way down here on the stuff that i'm i'm not even close to being into she's gonna have to be way over here and like oh she's pretty oh she's pretty fucking awesome she's pretty awesome to be able to bring that thing back to okay you gotta really be see to piggyback off what you said like i don't like the argument of people
Starting point is 03:03:26 being like oh that's gay like when if it's a girl doing it it's clearly not gay it's not a man but i i still don't think that means that if you don't like that that you're homophobic or something or that it's like weird like some people just don't like that like i know no nobody's saying that yeah yeah i like you you might not like nipple play, right? And you might just find it boring. I mean, I'm picturing Taylor's hairy ass, and it just doesn't seem like a scene that's prone to a good experience. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 03:03:55 I feel like that's definitely a literal and figurative barrier to any kind of butt play is that, oh, my God, that's a thicket down there. Yeah, have you ever been running around in the forest at night and you just run into a briar bush and you're stopped before you know it was happening? That's what it's like. Or you need like six years. I'm just hung on that. So, I mean,
Starting point is 03:04:15 waxing is like, you better first of all get into some wax fetish play, like, because we're gonna have to clean all that up before anything gets started, right? How funny would that be? You just act like you have a fetish for basic hygiene if your partner is stinky. Like, oh yeah, put that deodorant on.
Starting point is 03:04:33 Oh yeah. No, even more than that. Even more than that. Oh, I'm going to go get the toothbrush. You're not going to sweat for a week, baby. Yeah. So good. Not a drop.
Starting point is 03:04:46 And I'm just going to baby powder over you lightly. Lysol. It kills 99% of airborne bacteria and germs, you know. Burns a little down there, huh? Sorry about that. Sorry. I know it threw your pH
Starting point is 03:05:02 into a whack. Oh, Jesus. So so yeah that's ama question number one um all right good good starter um let's see what this one's also sex and it's it's it's a paragraph so i'm just gonna read through it i don't know where it's going but i see the word sex like four times then i see my name in the middle so my fiance wants to have sex with a woman sounds great right not really my fiance and i have known each other for six years and have been dating for only three we we are set to get married in october but this is but this past weekend after a night out with friends she
Starting point is 03:05:35 confided in me that she loses interest while we're having sex she says it has nothing to do with me and that she's had this problem with her past partners as well. She said that until recently she's contributed it to be her failure to have an orgasm. Not that we haven't tried everything from positions to toys to Kyle's renowned wet platinum. However, she then stated that she feels it could be that she is just more into women sexually. I've known that she's been bi for a long time, but she's never more than made out with a girl. She's never done more than made out with a girl, I guess I should paraphrase. I guess to wrap it up, she told me that I'm all she wants emotionally, but physically she wants to explore something new for pleasure. Now, though I love her and I want only to be with her, if she's sexually unhappy in our relationship due to her attraction to women, is it selfish of me to keep her tied down?
Starting point is 03:06:38 Or do I let her have the experience and go from there? Any reply would be great. and go from there. Any reply would be great. Yeah, that's rough because it seems like I guess if it doesn't affect your end of the sexual relationship with her, then yes, I would let her do whatever it is she's wanting to do with women. As long as it doesn't affect your sexual relationship. But if all of a sudden you're nothing more than like a financier and emotional uh pillow to to sleep next to then we don't want that because then she's literally
Starting point is 03:07:12 cuckolding you with an a woman because she's not straight in that scenario so if it goes all the way to that then you've got a problem that's just not going to work you're obviously going to be better off as friends but if there is a scenario and you might want to experiment and see if it'll work where she can go off and do her own thing with these ladies and hey maybe you can get in on that maybe you two could pick out some girls together um you know i'm sure there's some websites maybe that would facilitate that sort of thing uh and you could be you could be you know maybe you would be interested in having a couple of hot chicks that your girlfriend lures into your bedroom uh you know uh several times a year that sounds like a fun scenario to me
Starting point is 03:07:51 um but maybe that's not something you're into but you gotta make it though i don't think he'd be complaining you know like i think it's already off the table that that would happen and so i would just ask him like like if you went to her and said, hey, I'm just really not feeling this. I'd like to go out, find a nice young man, and bang him. And just for the pleasure. You know, I don't want to start anything with him, just for fun. Like, how do you feel about that, my girlfriend? She'd be like, no, because this is a slippery slope to you telling me that you're actually gay, and I will have wasted all that time supporting you and dealing with it. She's pitching three
Starting point is 03:08:26 ways in this thing, right? She's not trying to leave him. Yeah, my offense to have sex with a woman. Let me see if I'm reading this right. I didn't catch the three ways. I didn't either. Which is, because if that were on the table, I don't think, I think this would just be a brag. She told me that I'm all she wants emotionally, but physically
Starting point is 03:08:42 she wants to explore something new for pleasure. Yeah, that's like saying, hey, I'm all she wants emotionally, but physically she wants to explore something new for pleasure. Yeah, that's like saying, hey, I'm really liking how you're validating me right now. You're validating all my thoughts, all my feelings, everything I need validated. But, you know, when it comes to your neck of the woods, I'm going to go ahead and hit the punch card out early. I'm going to go do my thing. It's really an insidious thing framed as, oh, I just want to go out and try something. That's great for her if she wants to do that. Nothing wrong with it.
Starting point is 03:09:06 Morally, it's fine. But that's not someone you should be in a relationship with. Here's the thing. They're getting married in October. So my first thing I want to tell this guy is, you can't get married. That is way too permanent a thing to be jumping into when you have this larger question mark over top of your relationship you know forgot about the marriage yeah the marriage it's late july this will take me three seconds to say but like yeah the marriage doesn't change my advice but the marriage should definitely
Starting point is 03:09:35 be postponed till we figure things out yeah yeah that marriage has got to stop it's late july and you're talking about october right so this is just what is it two months away three months away and deposits refundable right yeah this is really closing in yeah you can't marry a girl with this larger question mark over your relationship as opposed as you know the whole idea of bringing another girl in like for Kyle he says hey this this might be a workable thing for me like I wouldn't like that I'm I'm not a sharer when it comes to partners like that. And boy, girl, whatever, all mine. All mine. Not sharing. That's my deal.
Starting point is 03:10:12 If it's not yours, then we don't fit. So this guy needs to figure out whether he's a Kyle or a Woody. How's he going to feel? I don't know. Picture that. Picture your wife right your your part bear in mind being a kyle comes with a burning sensation when you pee all right here picture your wife laying on your bed on you know butt naked with some other woman's you know face buried
Starting point is 03:10:37 between her legs and does that get you hot or does that get you jealous like which one of you is that and when you see her like arching her back and and like these kind of images for me both like her butt i'm not down for that you know that is the thing that is supposed to be just for me so anyway well yeah i mean there's two different scenarios out there too because, because, like, I love you, Kyle, but given track records, like, Woody's in a little bit of a scenario that's slightly different, too, where it's like, oh, I'm playing a long game strategy here. We have kids. Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, it's a totally different setup.
Starting point is 03:11:23 You're like, yeah. This guy's getting married in October.ober yeah that's what i'm saying so it's like maybe maybe yeah maybe maybe think more on the long term like i think this could be it depends on how it makes him feel i feel like like not that i believe in marriage but i i would be okay with my wife like like having some sort of three with her and another girl that that would be awesome. I got no jealousy issue there. It's just hot. And I want to get involved with that other chick, too. So that would never
Starting point is 03:11:51 bother me at all, not even a little bit. But yeah, you're absolutely right. Mine and Woody's positions are just drastically different. Like, he's picturing bring another chick into his current household, I would imagine. And she's waving to the kids on her way out like how the fuck does that work right no none of that is true dude even if you
Starting point is 03:12:10 remove all that right and let's pretend you don't have any kids but i'm picturing her being pleasured by someone else and and and like somehow her reactions do it in my warped head like only i could achieve that with her and when i see that actually it's a physical thing and probably anyone could pull that off i don't like it at all um so so yeah and this guy needs to figure out whether he's wired like me or you yeah yeah it just it's up to you my friend it really depends on uh on what cooks your bacon yeah but i really don't like that you know she can't orgasm with him. It sounds like she's gay.
Starting point is 03:12:50 This is a horrible, horrible idea. This is a life-ruining decision. Maybe that's where you need to go with this. That could do the trick. Let's pick another AMA question. I like that one. That was great. These are dark so far. They are not dark, but interesting, I should say. I'm liking them.
Starting point is 03:13:09 Do we have any fun ones? These are the fun ones. I am a 21-year-old. Oh, this guy's got a drug problem. Just stop doing the drugs, dude. That's the answer. Just stop. Stop doing the drugs. You don't want to read the question? answer just stop stop doing the drugs um you don't want to read the question i'm a 21 year old with just about no sense of self-control a drug user medical marijuana for ulcer ulcerative colitis um ulcerative colitis and lsd slash adderall for recreational purposes so he's doing acid and adderall for rec purposes most if not all of my actions are impulse actions,
Starting point is 03:13:46 which has a major negative effect on not just spending, but not just spending, but almost everything else in life. I am aware part of the issue comes from drug usage, but these issues I have noticed since late 7th slash early 8th grade. Damn. Did any of you ever deal with major self-control issues? And if so, what were some of the steps you took to teach control to yourself? He started smoking weed when he was 18 and started doing LSD and Adderall when he's 20.
Starting point is 03:14:17 Now he's 21. Stuff like that. The way you led off with that, Kyle, was almost like the perfect answer already. Because I think people who are in the situation of that guy want there to be this, like, well, you do this in the morning and then twice in the afternoon, and then by nighttime, bada-bing, bada-boom, you no longer want to gamble.
Starting point is 03:14:35 Yeah, take two aspirin before bedtime. Call me if you want to gamble again. No, the answer is you're just going to have to stop. And, like, it doesn't sound to be like you're on terrible drugs. When I think of hard drugs that ruin lives, those three don't come to the top of the list, quite frankly. If you said methamphetamine or prescription drugs or heroin or some sort of heavy opiates or something like that,
Starting point is 03:15:01 I'd have been like, oh, there are treatment programs for this and you're going to have to seek one. But since you said marijuana, LSD, and Adderall, none of which are, well, Adderall can become Kennedy's death. Adderall's meth. Is that a good idea to be taking something that gives you a ton of energy and also something
Starting point is 03:15:16 that makes you hallucinate vividly? Right? Then you can really maximize your LSD experience, I guess. You're just hyped and full of energy making it happen. Just running around town with huge saucer pupils. Everybody knows.
Starting point is 03:15:31 The whole advice should just be... I'm sorry. Go ahead, Kyle. It's just stop. There's no other way around it. Delete your dealer's phone number and just stop. That's the way to make this thing happen. If you're running into social situations that that preclude this then you're gonna have to avoid those too you know if you're gonna do well in school because there's no way that you're gonna
Starting point is 03:15:53 be able to be tripping balls and stoned and getting your work done stick with the adderall though because that's that's gonna help with the tests how old how old did he say he was? 21. What do you think, Richard? Well, you know, again, maybe it's like always the attorneys inside of me trying to figure things out. Where it's like pros and cons, pros and cons. For me, I struggle with it. And like I say, in no way, shape, or form is sugar anything like that which you could probably compare to heroin but maybe you can i don't know maybe it does have some type of chemical effect or tapping on the dopamine levels or something i don't know but um you know i i hear that in the back of my mind and that's one of the main reasons why i've never experimented with drugs too because i tell
Starting point is 03:16:46 myself that a lot i'm like i'm a grown fucking man i'll make whatever decisions i want to make and so like that's if i just said that the other night and i was going to tweet it out about how when you're a kid you think that all all the grownups are just running around being responsible, doing things like they should. But I have this pint of ice cream, and I'll be damned if I'm not going to eat it for dinner. It's like, oh, okay. Velvet. Yeah, I'm like, oh, no. I'm a grown man.
Starting point is 03:17:23 I can make my own decisions. But then it's like okay well do i always make the smart ones and it's like i can see where people kind of get in those pitfalls where it's like oh one time or whatever and it just kind of spirals down so i like tough love at some times or at some point like i can see where that might not work with certain people where it's like like for me i try to gamify things or whatever. I'll be like, oh, you know what? I'm going to set these really, really rigid, hard-set rules,
Starting point is 03:17:54 and I'm going to abide by them. I'm not going to have any extra sugar outside of what I would naturally get from my vegetables and stuff in my meal. And as soon as I get to this point, if I still feel like I need this candy bar, this Mr. Good bar or whatever it is, once I get to this certain point, I burn these calories or I do this or I do that,
Starting point is 03:18:17 I find some way to put a positive spin on it that maybe cancels it out, then I will allow myself to do that because I don't want to like go into this pitfall where it's like oh it's just this one time i'm a grown man i make my own decisions all right i'm a grown man so when it comes to drugs i'm like i'm very apprehensive to to criticize people say just fucking man up dude you know like just like it because it's hard because especially whenever you're young too it's like like a lot of people can't afford to go to treatment facilities.
Starting point is 03:18:47 A lot of people might be in a situation where it's like, ah, I just want to check out in the evening. You know, it's just like, it's my thing. You know, like, it's not a problem. It's just like, I like, you know, I've even caught myself, you know, since I've been in Nashville and not really had, like, the core group of guys to hang around and everything. It's like, oh, dude, two or three nights this week, I drank by myself. I was like, okay, maybe I should slow my roll on that so it doesn't become a thing
Starting point is 03:19:15 where it's like an evening ritual. But I can see where that's a slippery slope. Does it count if you're drinking online while you're online gaming with friends? Like you're or you're like online gaming with friends like we're on a skype enough i don't think it does because i don't feel socializing i think so too so here's the thing here's the thing and for me it's it's it's not it's not how you define things social media drinking is is not necessarily by quantity it's by necessity and so you can drink in my opinion every night of the week a glass of wine you can drink two or three glasses of whiskey if you wanted and you're not
Starting point is 03:19:53 an alcoholic but at the second at which it becomes something that you need or you can't function without it so i come home and it's like fuck man man, I'd really like to go to sleep, but I just can't wind down until I have that glass. And even if it's just one a month, that's when it's a problem because you're disturbing some type of rhythm of which you, you couldn't function without this thing. And that's when you should just say, Hey, do I have a problem? Should I talk to someone in my family? Should I talk to a family member? Should I seek help elsewhere? Should I talk to someone in my family? Should I talk to a family member? Should I seek help elsewhere?
Starting point is 03:20:29 Try to figure that stuff out because ultimately, like, I feel like – I don't know. Do you guys have any ideas of a crutch that would be beneficial? Because I just see crutches as, like, a bad thing. It's like – If you assign the word crutch to people who are like, oh, I'm addicted to running or I'm addicted to working out or something like that, then obviously, like, if you're spending three hours a day at the gym and you're missing work because of it, yeah, that's a problem. But I sincerely doubt that most of those people who are jacked at the gym are just, you know, that's all they do
Starting point is 03:20:55 and they're blowing the rest of their life on nothing. So that's what I would think was good. That's what Jon Jones did, right? I'm sorry, I thought you were between thoughts. I was going to say that to add on to what you were saying, Richard, like, people, you have to be the one to decide. Like, if, let's say Kyle has gambled away 50 grand in the last month, just can't stop, and he tells me about it.
Starting point is 03:21:18 Like, I can give him all the facts and figures, all the evidence, all the, well, you know, 99.9% of people fucking lose money when they gamble, which is how there's a gambling industry worth billions. all the evidence although well you know 99.9 of people fucking lose money when they gamble which is how there's a gambling industry worth billions uh and kyle's no no like i just yeah it's just fun like you don't get it like he has to want to change he has to want to stop that behavior before anything can happen like so it's like i heard such an awful gambling story on the stern show the other day i don't remember uh if the guy was affiliated with the show or works for the show i think he works for the show. They all know him personally, but
Starting point is 03:21:45 he was playing online poker or something like that. Won $600,000 on one hand. He got a royal flush. A royal straight flush or whatever. Real money? Real money. He gambled it all away before he could even withdraw
Starting point is 03:22:02 it from the website. In the meantime, new house, new car, new everything, he's buying because he's got this $600,000 of winnings. He gambles it all the way and is left with the debt of a man with $600,000. Good. Fuck that guy, idiot. And the thing about it was, though, the guys were saying, he's like, oh, he was telling me about this when he'd only lost a hundred thousand of it and when he'd only and when he still had 200 grand left like he was
Starting point is 03:22:30 talking to me and it was just like stop get it out stop and he was like no no i can i can get back to where i was i can recoup this there's no reason to walk away a loser and in the end he's just all of it gone it was so depressing to hear you know what like i shouldn't have even right there i jumped on and said fuck that guy screw him that's the addiction to that gambling yeah people do it in the stock market as well he didn't want yeah like the stock market exact same thing like you think he didn't want to stop it in a certain way he did you think it really wanted to leverage that last hundred grand but like no it's just some sort of click in his head and he hasn't made the decision an interesting thing about the stock market is like a similar
Starting point is 03:23:09 thing happens except that they don't tell you about their losses everybody knows at least intellectually that if you gamble you'll probably wind up a loser right most people do and if you hear about someone who really plays the slots all the time, you think to your head, that fucker wastes a lot of money. But if you hear someone who really plays the stocks all the time, they make it sound like they win all the time. People who are baking shorts and penny stocks and this and that, there are some actual winners, but most of them are losers, and they don't tell you.
Starting point is 03:23:43 At Cisco, oh my god, I had so many co-workers who talked about how they made $9,000 here, $28,000 here, $500,000. But you're still working with me, aren't you? We're both here trying to make our manager proud of us. You've got losses, you're not telling me about, Dick Weed.
Starting point is 03:24:00 Because if you were really making $500,000 a year on the side, you would find this $100,000 a year job to be a waste of your time. Every gambler and every person who trades in the stock market, everyone's up. Yeah. Taylor just froze for me. Yeah, they had Nintendo stock. Damn right.
Starting point is 03:24:17 And it's only going to keep going up. That Nintendo Mini is going to be badass. They just passed Sony, I think, in value. Nintendo did. Great. It's so impressive. I remember talking to Chiz right after the Pokemon thing came out. I was like, is now
Starting point is 03:24:32 a good time to invest in Nintendo? He's like, yeah, you could probably see 15% on your money if you put it in right now. Maybe 20 over the course of the year or whatever. I was like, huh, well, we'll see. Then the next day they announced the NES nes mini and it's just like that stock keeps going up that's good for them there were because they're getting these games because they're doing great
Starting point is 03:24:53 things it's cool there are enough people out there that that think nintendo's a bad bet you know because it's already run up and it's made money on a game that if hypothetically they didn't enhance it i think we'd all predict it would die out pretty quickly and um you know so they're really they're dependent on continued innovation to yeah i to do well and and and it's there though it's not like they had a candy crush game and it's like all right we got to innovate um fucking put some green ones in there i don't know you know maybe they make sparkles when they break now like there's no way to keep expanding on candy crush but with pokemon i could name half a dozen ways you could make the game much much better just by adding a new
Starting point is 03:25:34 mode feature or uh or or anything like that there's there's so so many different places to go with this uh like actually going into a pokey stop so like businesses that are sponsored like whatever they're gonna do with mcdonald's you go in mcdonald's and inside there's an augmented reality experience in there that they figure out yeah i like that that sounds cool another question let me see let me see what else is here yeah and it does seem like walmart has a shitload of pokemon in it by the way yeah you know i'm kind of it's not an ama question but so microsoft bought minecraft for two billion and opinions in the like i the server owners i talked to the other server owners and stuff, and they're pretty invested and knowledgeable
Starting point is 03:26:25 about Minecraft. It was split. Some of them were saying that this is a terrible bet. Minecraft is clearly on the tail end of its popularity, and you don't spend $2 billion on this thing. They announced, like, oh, we sold another million copies. Now we're at, like, $21 million.
Starting point is 03:26:41 And you can't help but notice, like, dude, it seemed like you hit $10 million in year in year one like 20 million in year five the 21 million in year eight I'm making up these numbers, but you can see the slow. Yeah, and On the other hand you've got guys who are like no Minecraft is an intellectual property that will keep giving forever, right? They'll go to Star Wars Yeah I was gonna say they're gonna go Disney on this thing and you know They'll go Disney. Star Wars.
Starting point is 03:27:01 I was going to say they're going to go Disney on this thing. Cinderella and shit. Buzz Lightyear will be a big thing when my kids have kids. The VR Minecraft experience is cool. I mean, you're in there moving blocks around. So I don't know in the end where Minecraft will fall on this thing. I thought Pokemon was a dead property. If you go back before Pokemon Go, are people interested in it?
Starting point is 03:27:25 I remember Blame Truth used to play with it on his channel and guys would be like, dude, you gotta go where the people are and it's not Pokemon. That's not true today. Yeah, it's definitely increased a lot. It's driven the popularity of the game up a lot, but there's always been that sort of... It's like, if you're a fan
Starting point is 03:27:41 of Lord of the Rings, but what are you doing, really like you're just watching the movies every now and then there's not a ton of merch I guess there's merch out there and stuff like that but there wasn't really a new Pokemon game that was fun and easy to get into aside from the card games and those really shitty handheld games
Starting point is 03:27:57 which is just not my cup of tea like the Pokemon Red and Blue and all that stuff that just wasn't me and like I'm very ignorant about it so I probably should talk about it it's like an eSport game and stuff they must be well balanced if that's the case
Starting point is 03:28:13 that's what I hope comes to Pokemon Go I hope that me and Taylor I'm team Red let's pretend he's team Blue and we meet in public and we're just like yeah let's throw down right here and we see our Pokemon on the sidewalk fucking dodging around shooting their attacks and stuff like that and i i really like the i've said it a couple times but i like the idea of a winner
Starting point is 03:28:34 take off where we're actually playing for each other's pokemon playing for pinks i went yeah your squirrel belongs to him and like you like pull a digital chain it's crawling and then it changes from blue to red somehow like i don't know you pull out a hot and he screams in pain as you brand them with the fucking red valor thing yeah i wonder you're really dark with it, though, and you, like, you battle. Pikachu! You battle them. They die. They die.
Starting point is 03:29:09 That's it. All that work and evolving it. To the death! Yeah. Oh, that's a little different because traditionally Pokemon faint. Yeah. Which sounds very feminine. But I feel like women faint and men pass out, right?
Starting point is 03:29:23 Yeah. Yeah. I never thought of that. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. You wouldn't want someone to say, oh, yeah, he fainted. He just couldn't take the pressure. You'd want to be like, yeah, he passed out. You know, hypoglycemia, you know, and, you know, he's just working too hard.
Starting point is 03:29:37 That's what it was, just pushing himself beyond the limits. That's what happens to a man. A woman gets a little dizzy in the face. Could you – I got the vapors. i'm still offline he said he's restarting his thing his connection went out or something like that yeah i'm reading some of these ama questions trying to pick the right one yeah there's a reason i went in the order i did. Some of the other ones aren't so hot. That's great. So you're at level 20 then?
Starting point is 03:30:10 Yeah, I'm at level 20. I went out today and did some hunting and got up to level 20. I'm digging it a lot. Yeah, it's crazy when you see the levels. They jump. You're going like, oh, 10,000, I level up. Okay, 20,000, I level up. 25,000, I level up. And then you get to level 20 it's like 50 000 like
Starting point is 03:30:26 it's a steep incline steep incline around 20 uh i've taken a couple gyms in my area and held them for a day or two that's really fun um because i don't know it's really fun because i see my pokemon up there and he's my my character standing up on top of this make-believe building and everything so that was cool i think i'm holding one gem right now. I had two yesterday. You pretend everything's going to be civil if they do one-on-one battles and everything. But you know. I mean, you're essentially drawing the line for three gangs.
Starting point is 03:31:00 And you're setting territories for people to claim as their gang's affiliation, and then you being able to identify who's trying to take that territory, there's going to be legit straight-up pokey fights. Yeah, I can imagine the guy like, no one can take my Snorlax. And we're like, well, we can whip your ass real quick, little man quick little man come here a group of 10 dudes roll up trying to take a gym and it's like just this one team instinct dude just hanging out on the corner like oh yeah there's already been some real world violence you know you see like like criminals apparently will throw a lure into a
Starting point is 03:31:42 thing and and wait for someone to stumble up staring at their phone, and they'll kick his ass and rob him. So that's definitely happened. And, you know, people have discovered bodies, and there's all kinds of little things. There was an article about that here in St. Louis, that people were getting lured into a semi-shit part of town by a lure, and then getting mugged and having everything stolen. I have a question, an AMA one that I like.
Starting point is 03:32:08 And I'm particularly interested in Richard's take on it. Hopefully I can read this smoothly. I've been plunging away at YouTube for over four years now. Last year, I finally found my success in Minecraft Pocket Edition videos. Now I've grown to over 200,000 subscribers. Problem is, I don't enjoy making these videos at all anymore. I completely hate it. And while I speak English, since my videos don't have commentary most of the time, most of my viewers are from Brazil, one of the lowest CPMs in the world. I want to get more into Minecraft PC edition commentaries, however, I feel like it will hurt my channel significantly.
Starting point is 03:32:40 However, I feel like if I were to get there, I think scaling my channel is possible. Whereas right now, my channel is almost at the largest in Minecraft Pocket Edition videos. I've never seen a million subs coming from this. Whereas Minecraft PC, it's definitely possible. Opinions or advice? The thing that I honed in on most is one, of course, is how large he thinks the potential market is. The other is that he doesn't like making the videos at all what do you do successful channel doesn't like meeting videos at all you know i so i guess but first little caveat it's possible that you sent this uh question into us
Starting point is 03:33:17 before the pokemon go took off and became huge and everything um If you like that game even a little bit, switch on over to that and make your money. But yeah, I don't know that, I mean, Woody was just saying, I don't know anything about Minecraft, but Woody was just making it sound like Minecraft is, at least as far as content creators that are making content for Minecraft, Minecraft content, it's probably on a downswing right now. That's probably not where you want to jump ship to.
Starting point is 03:33:46 I don't know what the thing is. Not CSGO skins. They can't make your bones there either. I want to throw something in. I'm sorry to interrupt. There's something unique to the Minecraft community in that the stars don't last as long. I don't want to be rude to any like particular big stars, but it's not hard
Starting point is 03:34:07 to find a Minecraft channel with like 2 million subscribers having a challenge breaking 20,000, 30,000 views a video, right? Whereas normally a channel with 2 million subs does better than that. Something about Minecraft, you know, the subs just move on from one to the other a lot more quickly than they did in, say, Call of Duty. Allie is still big from all the way back. And I think all the guys who just kept doing COD tended to hang on to their success a lot longer than Minecraft guys are. So I love Kyle's thought. If you like Pokemon Go at all, jump on that. As a guy who's changed topics on his channel I feel
Starting point is 03:34:48 like it's really dangerous I feel like right now I'm trying to grow my channel into a headwind you know I'm looking for a subscriber who enjoys a different kind of video and yeah I'm not sure about this but I feel like the YouTube algorithm punishes that to some extent. You know, if people see your video and unsub, it doesn't promote those videos. And when you've got guys who joined me for COD and now they're watching vlogs and they unsub, and that's fine, right? You know, I get that. It's not why they signed up.
Starting point is 03:35:20 But it's growing a channel into a headwind and I'm thinking to myself like shucks you know I might have to plug away at this for a year before all the people who don't like what I'm doing anymore or just you know they're either gone or they've changed their mind like so he has that similar situation I think what you might want to do is use your current channel to promote your new one rather than swap out a 200,000 is a good channel. I don't want to knock it, but it's not a million either. You could use that to promote your next one and give it the jump start. Yeah, and here's the other thing too though, is you're talking about two different
Starting point is 03:36:01 variables there in which usually people are... So say you have a million subs. Generally, if you're getting views, you have revenue, and you're stuck with a dilemma if you're not passionate about it of views and revenue coming in that you might be accustomed to. But 200,000 subscribers, are you really generating enough revenue towards once you get burned out or you
Starting point is 03:36:26 don't enjoy it? What's the problem? Jump ship. You're not making money anyways, right? Plus, he mentioned the Brazil thing. He said Brazil is the lowest CPM. Yeah. So if you already have low CPMs, you're not making any money. You're not enjoying it you're not enjoying it yeah just like what he said you've got a platform of 200 000 people to promote your next thing that you are passionate about so if it's pokemon if it's whatever if it's underwater basket weaving full steam man yeah i know a girl who majored in that really you don't no of Underwater. Who would be impractical to weave a basket underwater? I am.
Starting point is 03:37:09 I had a teacher, an English teacher. His son majored in pottery. Actually, he was getting his master's in pottery. Oh. Yeah, right? You got one career goal. Like, I'm going to be a pottery teacher. You know, I'm going to teach other people to pot. I'm going to be a pottery teacher You know I'm going to teach other people to pot
Starting point is 03:37:26 Like what the fuck That's it It's not like you're going to make pots and sell them Like that's going nowhere It's not like you're going to be in the business of recreating that scene from Ghost Like that's not This is very early on the civilization tech tree That people value this skill
Starting point is 03:37:43 Yeah pottery is the first tech! Have there been any big headways in pottery since, like, Crete? No. Not since the Bronze Age. Probably prior to the Bronze Age, because before they got bronze, they had to have something to put their shitty food in. Pots. Ceramic pots. You know?
Starting point is 03:38:06 Oh my god, majoring in pottery so did you guys see the the the newest uh unarmed black man to get shot in the streets yes this is gorgeous let me let me lay it out real quick and the video is is linked right there if you want to grab it so everybody can watch maybe um linked right where um it's in this chat somewhere i think chiz has it attached to his notes if not i can grab it somewhere um so so this guy in uh it's florida right he's a he's an unarmed black man in the street the police responded to a call of someone sitting in the street um appearing you know with a gun saying they were going to kill themselves. What was actually going on was an autistic man had escaped from his group home
Starting point is 03:38:48 and the victim of the shooting is his counselor. He's a therapist. He's there trying to help the boy who's having some sort of a panic attack type thing episode in the middle of the street. It's a man.
Starting point is 03:39:04 He's 30 years old. I'm just saying man because if it was boy one could say oh why did you just pick him up and bring him but like no like a fat samoan kid to me on tv on my little phone but but maybe i'm wrong so so this clip this black man is lying on his back hands straight up in the air pleading with the police he's and if you listen carefully you can hear his words verbatim. He said something like, I'm a therapist. This young man is autistic. I'm here to help him. There's no need for a gun. He's got a toy.
Starting point is 03:39:31 Like, if any of us heard any of these things, we'd go, oh, wait a minute now. Wait a minute now. A toy, you say? Yeah. Johnson, that's a fucking toy. What are we doing out here? Instead, they're up on him with guns. And for some reason reason the cop shoots him
Starting point is 03:39:46 shoots him right in the leg as he begs not to be shot clearly unarmed clearly no threat and he says i was like i couldn't believe it i had my hands up and i was thinking to myself i'm safe my hands are up i'm worried about the you know that my patient because he's not responding to the commands he's telling the he's telling the man to, he's like, get on your belly. Do what the police say, but he's not listening. He's not comprehending. So he gets shot, and he's like, I couldn't believe it. He shot me, and I said to him, sir, why did you shoot me?
Starting point is 03:40:17 He said, I don't know. So let me find the video here. Let's see. I got it, yeah. Yeah, let's watch the video together, actually. I hate how these videos, you don't actually see the gunshot. You don't see the gunshot. You don't see anything of value in the video other than the fact that he actually is laying on the ground, hands up, and the guy.
Starting point is 03:40:38 I worry a little bit. This video is five and a half minutes long. I think the video is one and a half minutes long. I don't know what's going to be extra. What well it's a newscast is it can you find this a proper start point yeah because the actual video is really short yeah it's like a minute and a half like 432 uh they sure do milk that shit oh put that in the other chat kyle oh no oh i'm sorry i could get the wrong one yeah yeah i see here uh oh nice okay i feel like if we go to uh if we go to four minutes we get a little bit of
Starting point is 03:41:20 description from the newscaster and we get video of most of the incident and some interview with the victim. Okay, four? Four minutes looks good to me. Okay. Ready, set, play. ...with a gun, but there was no weapon, just Kinsey's client holding a toy truck, which was clearly visible to the officers.
Starting point is 03:41:51 He's got kind of a fat Samoan vibe to him. Hmm. Bullshit. When he shot me, it was so surprising. It was like a mosquito bite. Kinsey says the officer rushed him, patted him down, found there was no weapon, and then handcuffed him. They flipped me over, and I'm face down in the ground with cuffs on, waiting on an arresting squad to come. I say about 20 minutes to the arresting squad to get there. And I was bleeding. Seven News was there as Kinsey was taken to the hospital.
Starting point is 03:42:25 The manager of the group home says the man with autism was handcuffed and remained in a police car for over three hours. Jeez. Now hospitalized. Because of this? Because of this, yes. At Jackson Memorial Hospital, Kinsey's stepdaughters came to visit him. Kinsey wants a thorough investigation.
Starting point is 03:42:43 My life flashed right in front of me You know what I mean cuz when he hit me my first thing I'm thinking I'm thinking about my family And Kinsey was released from JMS here Yeah, I've often said like First of all, I've wondered did they miss target? Were they trying to shoot the autistic guy? You know, because if you... I don't know. Thank God that guy didn't die.
Starting point is 03:43:08 They shot him in the leg. And for people who are maybe on the audio-only version of this, there's a black guy laying on his back with his hands in the air, right? Sort of like Frankenstein might walk. And his feet is an autistic guy who's sitting, not Indian style, crisscross applesauce. That's what they call it now. And so he's sitting.
Starting point is 03:43:28 Oh, what PC bullshit. That faggotry. I won't have it. He sat Indian style. He sat Indian style-ish. And he was playing with a toy truck like kind of in his lap. Now, the police are responding to a call that's a weapon. Bad call, right?
Starting point is 03:43:44 There was no weapon. But that's a weapon bad call right there was no weapon but that's what the police have in their head and they shot the guy's leg when again the guy is not complying is right at his feet did they hit the wrong guy i'm sure that the police weren't aiming for his i pictured it to be his calf all they said was leg though it sounds to me like the cop accidentally shot him like the cop is is fucking holding him at gunpoint. Bad trigger discipline. Yeah. But like the way we all know how cops shoot. When there's a shooting, everyone starts firing so that everyone is sort of, you know, it's like eight officers fired shots.
Starting point is 03:44:17 It's like, well, we can't lock all eight of them up. You don't want just one cop shooting somebody. So, like, I feel like if these guys deemed it necessary to gun down that poor autistic child with his toy, then they would have peppered. It would have been bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. You do know he shot three times. Oh, three times? Are you shitting me? He shot three times and hit once.
Starting point is 03:44:38 Jesus Christ. That is so stupid. Like, anybody who's ever fucking operated a gun knows that that's just unacceptable. What a coward what a fucking coward He must have been to been so afraid of that man lying in the street unarmed and clearly in the like please Did you see the car hiding behind a telephone pole? Absolute cow Right like that that's all I can imagine would cause something like this because all it takes is one guy to be like
Starting point is 03:45:01 Hang on guys. Let me walk out Yep, yep. It's an autistic child. It's an autistic man and his counselor, it seems. Yeah, see that guy? Yeah, he doesn't have a gun. Look at him. Does he seem aggressive?
Starting point is 03:45:14 Is he screaming and cursing? He's begging us not to hurt him. I've talked about it. A lot of these videos are like a ton of these events. You'll see the video, and you'll be like, man like man i really you can't know what happened before and after and it was such a weird camera and it was shaking and it only started filming right when the action was happening so we don't know the build-up this i can't please i can't i can't imagine i can't imagine what could have been happening that would justify this this is nothing at all this is the one. Nothing at all. This is the one.
Starting point is 03:45:45 There's no way that this is justified. I've been talking for weeks and months and years saying like Black Lives Matter, you're rallying around the wrong people, right? You've got this felon who's in and out of jail. Like whatever like rape with knowledge of a minor is, you know, it's like this is, you just like don't make that guy the front of your poster of black lives matters don't make trayvon martin that guy don't make that strong arm robbery saint or ferguson guy what was his name help me taylor uh brown michael brown yeah don't make this is your
Starting point is 03:46:17 guy this guy is a credit to the community right he's a therapist that works with autistic people a grown autistic people which by the way you know they they's a therapist that works with autistic people, a grown autistic people, which by the way, you know, they, they're a little dangerous. This, this guy was kind of a difficult job. Thank you. Yeah. Perfect. It's a difficult job to deal with grown autistic people. And he was seemingly like a perfect person. And, uh, I have issues with compliance, right? You know, like people are the, the guy that got shot shot just reading the all Tom Alton Sterling, right? He was resisting now. I know it's hard not to resist if you get and kind of roughed up a little bit But he just didn't this is your poster boy. This is the guy you won't find Like a better guy less deserving of getting shot than him if you're if you're a black man
Starting point is 03:47:02 With with with with any fucking self-respect, how does this make you feel? Can you imagine stepping outside the house and having this in the back of your mind? You can definitely see how this could foster a hatred for white people. When you see bullshit like this, and not just white people, but white police officers. I'm putting myself in the position of a black mother or just a black man in general and seeing something like that and god if it doesn't just strike right at the heart of what so many people are saying and and like you said usually there's some little twist to it it's like well this happened and that happened well if you look
Starting point is 03:47:39 at it that's a black officer who did the shooting like there's no prejudice here just maybe a procedural error or well look the decision came down from a black justice department head a black officer who did the shooting. There's no prejudice here, just maybe a procedural error. Or, well, look, the decision came down from a black justice department head, a black prosecutor, a black judge. You're like, yeah, you're absolutely right. Here's a gray area. But here's this, I can't, this makes me so sick. There doesn't seem like any gray area in this at all. And Kyle said, like, hey, if you're a black man, feel this way.
Starting point is 03:48:02 It scares me. I'm a white guy. And I was telling myself, you know, the man feel this way it scares me i'm a white guy and i was telling myself you know the reason this shit never happens to me is that when you pull me over i make you feel safe you know i keep my hands on the wheel they ask where the gun is i wait for like a non like i'm going to point with my elbow and wait for some verbal or non-verbal understanding that i'm about elbow point you know that's where the gun is this guy was everything that I hope I would be in that situation. He was a de-escalator.
Starting point is 03:48:28 He was saying, don't shoot. You know, I am a therapist. This is my autistic patient. My hands are up. Like, you do not need to feel scared. And he still got shot. I feel like we could all get shot. Like, that's police fucked up in this one.
Starting point is 03:48:43 The fact that he's laying there, like, I can't imagine a less threatening position. Like, maybe if he were on his stomach with his hands out, but even that, like, they're both so non-threatening. Yeah. And so, like, and even that... What's he gonna do? Like, burst to his feet, throw knives from his sleeves or something? Like, who do we have here on the street? Is this some sort of commando?
Starting point is 03:49:06 Do we have John Rambo out there on the ground? I don't think so. It looks like an overweight, balding therapist. I feel bad for the young man who's autistic didn't get shot, but it depends on his level of cognition
Starting point is 03:49:22 because autism varies wildly. You can be a little bit autistic and still be fine, functional, or you can be severely autistic to where sounds set you off and just little things can, like, ruin a week. Like, just little things like that. And so if this guy's on that end of the spectrum, that's a hugely traumatic thing for someone like that. They said he was hospitalized because of the trauma of what just happened. Yeah, it's horrible. What a piece of shit cop.
Starting point is 03:49:48 And it was in Miami, by the way. Yeah, I feel... So Colin seems much better off than this 30-year-old Hispanic guy was. Because if I told Colin to lay on his belly, he would be able to follow those instructions. But when Colin chopped his foot with an axe back in February, he was not able like there was no reasoning with him he was inconsolable um we were really grateful that the surgeon like moved heaven and earth he called like 10 doctors and anesthesiologists and stuff to get his
Starting point is 03:50:21 operation done the next morning because Colin just, there was no, Oh, hang on till Monday and we'll fix your toes. You know, he was just like, I can't move my toe. Like you couldn't talk it through with him. Yeah. And, um, and this guy's worse than Colin. It would appear, you know, I don't know him. So, um, anyway, I, I, yeah, it would appear you know i don't know so um anyway i i yeah it was an awful one isn't it i i don't know what i want to happen to the cop surely fired you know like don't you not i hate that though you know like like it's not like he fucking misfiled some evidence reports he didn't use his cruiser while he was off duty
Starting point is 03:51:05 He wasn't speeding in his private vehicle and and like, you know drunk. Those are fireable offenses, right? He shot a man whatever the other man whatever if any of us We're trying to cook enact some sort of citizens arrest and we had that man on the ground And and there's a video of us doing exactly what those cops did we would all be in prison we would all be in prison for what we did and it would be a hate crime what what is the you should be too they should set an example of it i don't i don't know what i want to happen you know like i what happens if you accidentally shoot someone do you know like are you all like cheney's able to do it i'm sure
Starting point is 03:51:45 it's case by case basis i'm sure it's a case by case basis but it depends what happens to the other person and like like like there's there'd be a handful of charges like reckless endangerment and discharging the firearm in public and a whole handful of other things that that carry some like high-end maxes that they can like jump on up to and fuck you over. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not a good thing to do. But he shot a man. He shot a man. Yeah. I mean, he got him in the leg, and the guy looked like he could probably...
Starting point is 03:52:14 He looked like a big guy. Like, it's not like it was gonna... I don't imagine his femur is shattered. You know what I mean? It looked like he took a flesh wound, and that's kind of how they presented it. And he's sitting there, you know, able to... He looks fine now.
Starting point is 03:52:29 Thank God. But he could have been dead paralyzed disfigured maimed permanently unable to do his job unable to support his family like let's not try to pretend like that cop meant to shoot him in the leg if that cop meant to fire his gun at all and i'm doubtful of that except that he fired three fucking shots then then he was aiming for center mass or where he wanted he how do you hit him oh it's so upsetting i don't like the whole oh just fire him thing because then it's almost like they had uh get away with felony free cards just for being a cop i wasn't saying just fire him i feel like like I've been misunderstood. It starts with firing, and then I don't know what comes next. I don't think
Starting point is 03:53:09 attempted murder. I just don't think that's what he was going for. If you did this, it would be attempted murder. If I did this, it would be attempted murder. So here's what I've got in my head. There was a guy guy i think his name was reginald denny it was during those la riots like back in the 90s yep and um they pulled a
Starting point is 03:53:31 truck driver out of his truck they threw him on the ground they beat him the guy took a brick and he slammed it in his head and i think he was permanently injured and then he started dancing like an idiot and it was the dancing that got him off right they were like you know what if he was trying to murder someone he wouldn't have followed the brick thing with a dance this is a case of the prosecution getting too aggressive with the charges he's really guilty of i think it was like aggravated assault or like some sort of severe assault but they didn't even charge him with that because they didn't want the jury to have the option of only getting him for assault they wanted him on attempted murder so he walked away he walked away because they charged him with the wrong thing
Starting point is 03:54:13 really and there's no double jeopardy charged him yeah they overcharged him so although in my opinion some murderers do fucking victory dances afterwards right right? And this was one of them. You knew what was motivating that crime. It was a racially motivated crime. He picked that guy because he was white, because of the Rodney King verdict. And they were tired of seeing black men beaten to death in the streets. And he was going to beat a black man to death in the street. What he did, he committed a hate crime.
Starting point is 03:54:43 And he was probably trying to kill that man. Yeah, yeah. I mean, we all know how human physiology works to at least enough of an extent that we know that bricks to the head from smashing are lethal we know that's lethal like we've all bumped our noggin on a shelf and been like shit if that had been just a little harder i wouldn't have made it like so you know when you drop a cinder block on a truck driver that you've already beaten severely that he's probably not going to make it. And that's what his victory dance was about. So that one in particular sickens me almost as much as going all the way back to Mogadishu.
Starting point is 03:55:12 There's so many things that I can't even watch the videos of because I'm so upset with how they were handled. And this thing we just saw ranks right up there for me with the Mogadishu u.s soldiers dragged drug through the streets and uh and uh uh the incident i was just talking about a moment ago i agree maybe that guy should have been charged with attempted murder but i feel like that's informed you know what attempted murder is like you have to actually prove some intent to murder and the fact that after one shot in the leg he stopped i wonder if maybe attempted murder would would have the same result which oh my god would be people would riot in the streets if they were like you know he wasn't really trying to kill him so he's off scott free he only shot him the once yeah it's like he missed
Starting point is 03:55:55 twice like like he was probably left to right head body leg and the first two just missed like i guess we're making some assumptions you know we we certainly haven't seen the man get shot but god i don't i can't imagine i can't fathom that at any point when that video cut off that that same man who's laying there being very articulate very well spoken about the fact that he's a good guy and that they're they're they're overreacting saying you don't there's no need for a firearm sir we're unarmed this is artistic boy i'm his therapist i can't see him all of a sudden when the when the cell phone that he doesn't even know about turns off that he's just like you know what fuck y'all fuck you and fuck you and fuck you too like doing the quick arms
Starting point is 03:56:33 and like reaching toward his pockets like none of that happened my problem with alton sterling is right they're telling him to get on the ground and he's standing with his hands one foot off his pockets and i'm like is he keeping his options open this guy he was not doing that you know he wasn't doing anything that should make a cop nervous and if he gets shot who can't be you know it it was it was a huge mistake i if i knew the law better i knew what to charge the i'd know what to charge the cop with. But certainly, he's not a very good policeman. So that needs to stop right away.
Starting point is 03:57:12 No, he's not. I'd go so far as to say bad. You know, you're going to take hate for that, Taylor. I know. Here comes in the comments. He needs a fulfilling career in sanitation. That's what he needs. That's probably a show right there. We're almost at four hours, and I'm sure
Starting point is 03:57:30 we'll hit it between this and my little post-roll talk about... Well, I'll get to it in a second. Richard, we love having you on the show. Dude, I can't thank you guys enough. I really appreciate you guys inviting me on. It's so fun. I love having you. After every show, guys hit me up on Twitter,
Starting point is 03:57:48 Instagram, everything. They're like, oh, PK, PK. I just love seeing everyone who supports the show and everything else. You're always welcome, man. Yeah, we really love having you on. It's getting pretty late now, but Kitty has a business opportunity that involves both of us
Starting point is 03:58:03 and some travel to check Republican. It seems really cool. It's a little tentative right now, but it looks like it's going to happen. It's a pretty late now, but Kitty has a business opportunity that involves both of us and some travel to Czech Republic and seems really cool. It's a little tentative right now, but it looks like it's going to happen. It's a distribution company. What do you want to plug for your stuff? Tell our fans where they can go find everything that is Richard Ryan and all your things. So I guess really YouTube, full mag, but Twitter, Instagram, all that, Richard Ryan, easy to find me. Stuff we were talking about tonight. If you do want to
Starting point is 03:58:28 see the world of wingsuiting or anything like that, wingsuitrr on YouTube. Upload every single jump that I do. It's my video logbook. Really, you know, it's kind of boring, but... Not if you like it. Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 03:58:43 Alright, and check out CISO. Check out Dan Harmon's show over there. It's really good. Like I said, they've got everything from SNL, all the Monty Python collection, which I freaking love. It's a really, really good value. Check out all our sponsors below
Starting point is 03:58:55 and get some of those free snacks too. Links in the description below. Check it out. All right. I know Richard will. Seriously, I will. We are free snacks. I promise you, I'm going to send you pictures. I'm going to be Seriously, I will. We are free snacks.
Starting point is 03:59:06 I'm going to send you pictures. I'm going to be like, thank you. I was shocked that it's just get free snacks if you want. Yeah. Yeah, I think so. That's insane. That's crazy. Well, shucks.
Starting point is 03:59:22 I still want to drag this out for 40 seconds, but I guess I shouldn't. Thanks for watching everyone all right pka episode 292 that's a wrap

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