Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #345

Episode Date: August 4, 2017

This week on PKA, none is around to stop the guys from looking at titty milk brownies, talks of Taylor buying a new car to keep his life interesting and the fellas discuss UFC 214 with Jon Jones and ...Daniel Cormier before IT GOES DOWN.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 painkiller already episode 345 uh no guests tonight just a just a showbiz us boys first topic um jeff bezos temporarily got a couple sponsors tonight though uh lift me undies and texture and i think there's a few hats left over so i'll talk about those later too but yeah jeff bezos becoming the richest man in the world as of like right now i guess but according to chis won't be the richest man in the world as of like right now I guess but according to Chiz won't be the richest man in the world tonight because of some earnings report or something Oh according to Chiz I thought you guys were like saying for real that at the end of the day Chiz didn't make it up, Chiz didn't get out of abacus and figure this out
Starting point is 00:00:37 You know he was on CNN or something and like he's that's what all information is now I think it gets a bad rap right like? Like, whenever you learn a thing, like, people always want to know, where did you learn it? Did you pay for an education where someone wrote that down and forced you to learn it? Oh, you elected to.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Oh, that doesn't count. That doesn't count. I thought it was really cool hearing that he was the richest guy in the world. Like, when I saw that today, I'm like, oh, that's neat. He's got to be, like, pretty pumped about that. But it's not nearly as exciting
Starting point is 00:01:06 now that I know it was trending on Twitter for no reason that he's just the richest guy of the next six hours I'm sure he's fine with second richest he is the best looking richest man in the world I'll say that he could beat the fucking shit out of Bill Gates in a cage match now he can
Starting point is 00:01:21 oh god like are you clicking this before and after picture for the audience? So, like, Jeff Bezos 17 years ago on the left, this is when he's, like, the head of a bookstore, right? Very nerdy. I mean, this is his best look, by the way. There are much worse looks. I've seen him in sweater vests and shit. This is his best look on the left back then.
Starting point is 00:01:40 This was a good day for him. And then on the right, he has transformed into Schillinger from fucking Oz. Like, he's doing so much TRT, shaved the head, he got wider somehow and just added, like, 25 pounds of muscle. He looks like someone from a time-traveling movie, where, like, season one
Starting point is 00:01:58 is the first guy, and then by season three, he's grizzled, he's ready to take it. Like, he's been... Honestly, this looks... It almost looks like twins that took two very different paths in life. You know what? Where one of them is kind of frumpy. Because on the right now with that vest, he looks badass. One of the reasons I don't take TRT or haven't taken TRT is I worry it will change my personality.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Like, I – even at the level of football that was parallel to my swimming, those guys were on steroids. And they would, like, rage out and break their dorm room furniture. They're using super doses, right? Probably. They're starting with the testosterone of a 25-year-old man and going to double that or something crazy. Yeah, 19. But after listening to people talk about it on the internet and comparing TRT to like full-blown bodybuilding steroids, it seems like you're just getting back to that
Starting point is 00:02:50 25-year-old level. Really? But would that change your personality? Because when I look at like Rogan or Bezos, it looks like they went to like more than just their... I don't think Bezos looked like that at 25. He's got the testosterone of a normal 25-year-old man. Now, 25-year-old Bezos might not have had those levels, but that was a problem
Starting point is 00:03:09 back then. I bet if 25-year-old Bezos got those tests today, they'd be like, whoa, Jeff, let's hook you up with a little TRT. You're 25, but look at you. I mean, you got a mirror, right? Did I need to do the blood test? Look. Well, I'm on a soy only diet.
Starting point is 00:03:26 You're lactating right now. But I worry that... No, I just have sweaty nipples. Maybe you're right. But my child, like, I'm a better husband than I was at 19. No, I wasn't married at 19. Then I was at like 24 years old. I'm more reasonable.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I'm calmer. I'm more thoughtful. I'm just a better personality guy than I was as a young man. And it's like, yeah, and if you just pumped me full of testosterone, would I be more argumentative? Would I fly off the handle like roid ragers do all the time? I don't know the answer to that question, but there's only one way to find out. Because this is a completely reversible thing. You just stop taking it, right?
Starting point is 00:04:03 You're like, oh, I was on that testosterone thing and then I snapped at Jackie and called her a cunt. Right? I don't want that. Now I'm not on it anymore and I live here. Oh, no. Yeah. Hang on, let me fix that. Go to widescreen for you guys.
Starting point is 00:04:21 People get psychologically addicted to it too. If I get on this stuff is that a lifetime sentence is that it or will there be like a huge crash of like who i am like i like your point about your younger personality because it's like even if it didn't turn you into a roid rage monster if it just turned you into the 22 year old version of yourself like that's still a very different personality than the 44 year old woody you know like if who knows like maybe jackie would be like oh this young this young buck back in the house i'm loving it or like oh my god like we have to fuck six times a day now just to keep you from
Starting point is 00:04:56 being horrible sometimes 11 yeah sometimes 11 she's just worn out dishes She's low. People from 6 to 11. That's our record. In fairness, it wasn't really one day. It was a 24-hour period. Well, in vampire time, that's the worst. I feel like if that's one day, first of all, 11 times in a day, that's pretty impressive. Because you know that you weren't metering that out. Like, all right, now we'll just deal with my refractory period like no you were just you know fucking like i feel like after i don't know seven you're like all right well let's let's save some of this for later in marriage you know i don't want to like prorate this too badly like by the time we're both 50 be like oh no remember those trips
Starting point is 00:05:39 no you burnt up a lot of those coupons early on. Yeah, so Peebles is the richest man very temporarily. I saw that and I was like, what? Like Bill Gates has been the richest man through my entire adulthood. I don't know, like somehow like an icon was replaced. Saudi Arabians. I even thought that. We all talked before the show about how we were going to try and not be too political. But part of me wonders, is Putin the richest man?
Starting point is 00:06:10 Yeah, he's got more money than Bill Gates, I bet. Or like access to? Yeah. Can he just not direct the whole Russian government's funds to whatever he wants? What I've heard said, what I've read on the internet, and not in like scary parts of internet, but mainstream media, is that he may or may not have access to close to a trillion dollars. And they think that he's funneled hundreds of millions and billions of dollars, perhaps, into shady places where he can access it after he's out of power. And that his biggest thing right now is, who do I leave in power behind me that doesn't immediately come and take everything I have from me like like that's got to be the only thing that he cares about right it seems like it's
Starting point is 00:06:51 not truly fair to include him in that richest talk though okay we'll include the Saudi Arabians because they're a royal family and it's it they're like a they're like a an old they're like Game of Thrones royal family Cersei Lannister has access to as much of that gold as she as she says she does if she if she says bring me a pile of it as tall as the mountain they'll just fucking do it because it's all hers technically and in the same regard these saudi princes they're all like cousins and nephews and uncles and aunts but they're all have like access to the big pot and i'm sure like you know the ups are like, oh, your cap is 100 billion. I mean, no more spending. This is crazy. You tried to buy New Zealand. I'm sure that happens.
Starting point is 00:07:31 But there's definitely a pretty endless supply of funds there. I feel like if you give credit to richness, to people who use the political power to get rich, then you would have to start including... There's probably a Kenyan warlord who, if you just talked about the extent of his reach with his child army, controlled like a hundred billion or something just in holding down crops and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:07:55 You've seen Kenya, right? What are they... The reason they have the warlord is because there are no resources to last them. Alright, alright. that's totally fair. We missed blood diamonds. I just rolled 100 hectares of sand. They grow blood diamonds.
Starting point is 00:08:13 That's the crop in Kenya. Yeah, and that's why you need the children. Yeah, you need their little fingers to pick apart the iPhones. No, it's their supple, malleable anuses to store the diamonds into. This is just like Rick and Morty. That's not a part of the diamond trade. Well, it's their supple malleable anuses to store the diamonds into this is just like Rick and Morty That's not a part of the diamond trade is well it is this seed that's how they smuggle them out That's how if you're a diamond miner you you know put one up there
Starting point is 00:08:37 And maybe you get out and like because the diamond is worth like a thousand days labor I'm sure right, but they're checking you know and they catch you that beat you to death shovels I've got the new stones in my asshole to get us to Germany wait one second what I squat there was more up Shit, where's that hole? That's why they call them blood diamonds. No, no it's not. They call them blood diamonds because they're like, oh you didn't you bring only two pounds of diamonds to me today
Starting point is 00:09:17 that is the kind of rate that you get to walk home with one hand. How do you feel about this? Not good, I doubt. That's not why they're called Blood Diamonds either. Apparently part of the money goes to fund conflicts like Middle East and terror and stuff like that. That's what they say. But you know what? Bride to Bees
Starting point is 00:09:34 don't care about conflict. It's slave labor like mining diamonds to be sold. And part of it is they're not supposed to be selling those diamonds the way they're selling them. They're selling these diamonds illegally and then, like you said, funneling that money back in and buying a bunch of Russian armaments so they can take over some other warlord's child army. I watched some diamond thing. It was just a YouTube video, but it was
Starting point is 00:09:56 going through Canadian diamonds, because apparently people who want to feel like they're not contributing to the blood diamond trade, they go, oh, I just buy Canadian diamonds, so I'm good to go and this dude bought a bunch of northern Canadian diamonds and then took them to like diamond evaluating places or whatever with the certificate of authenticity to be like hey can you confirm for me real quick this was this was mined out of Canada and every single place he goes to they're like no, this isn't from Canada. We have no way of knowing exactly where this is from.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Yeah. Sometimes they said it's not from Canada. One of them even said this is a blood diamond. Right. But oftentimes they were just like, oh, yeah, this certificate of authenticity, that doesn't prove that it's not a blood diamond. It just proves it's a diamond. Yeah. blood diamond it just proves it's a diamond yeah it's just like when the when people try to argue with me that the first episode of rick and morty is going to be episode two for some reason and
Starting point is 00:10:48 then link me to the fan wiki i'm like oh okay now it says what i think like what are you doing the thing is i want those other people to be right so bad you're going to be right too you make a lot of sense episode one this weekend i would love for it to be right too. You make a lot of sense. You think I want to re-watch episode one this weekend? I would love for it to be episode two. Here's what it should be, if you ask me. They should be like, bonus episode, bitches. We got 11 this season. Opening night, you get two. The one you already saw
Starting point is 00:11:15 followed by, you know, episode two of the season. That would be the way to make everybody happy and, I guess, like, get Cartoon Network their money and Roiland would kind of shoulder the burden of them doing their little April Fool's thing, which we all appreciate, and I do, but no, that's not what's happening.
Starting point is 00:11:32 I guarantee you're getting fucking episode one again, replayed this weekend. The ad dollars, it just doesn't make sense for them to take 90% of their potential ad revenue on television and broadcast. You're probably right. I'm trying to make sense of it. Think about how lost the fan base would be.
Starting point is 00:11:48 This is a small show. This isn't Breaking Bad. This isn't a massive... This is a little show on Cartoon Network that has a really cult following that includes us. If you put episode 2 after, I don't know, 13, 14 months of this show not even being on the air at all, as far as new episodes, I'm sure
Starting point is 00:12:04 they show repeats, but if you just throw episode 2 out there, the majority of the fanbase is going to say, but wait, Rick got arrested the last time I was watching. He gave himself up to the intergalactic fucking insectoid police or whatever. They locked him in that thing and vaulted him away with a million
Starting point is 00:12:20 other criminals. What happened? Where's the escape? Those people are still waiting for the escape. they would get way more hate as roiland or whatever his name is the creators and adult swim they would get infinitely more hate i think if they did just stream episode two because you know the the 20 of hardcore followers are the only ones who have seen that most people had no idea that it was even there and so like if they just started with episode two, all the tech and TV articles the next day would be like, you know, Roiland thinks that everybody follows his show
Starting point is 00:12:53 to the point that they're caught up based on a two-hour spree where they could have watched the episode six months ago. If to follow the show, you have to be ready all the time for surprise episodes popping up when you didn't know they were going to pop up and get live-streamed, you'd lose a lot of your audience. I want Kyle to be ready all the time for surprise episodes popping up when you didn't know they were gonna pop up and get live streamed you'd lose a lot of your audience i want kyle to be wrong so bad i'm like brainstorming like well maybe they think that that 18 month gap was worse for business than losing the first episode and that's why but he's he's gonna be right yeah i think they'll do the standard thing that they do. I think Adult Swim tends to do this, where the day it airs, they just show most of the previous season leading up to it.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And then they'll show episode one to kind of give the illusion of more content than you're really getting. But yeah, I haven't rewatched it in a while just because you know those shows where you drill it to death so much in the beginning that no matter how much time you wait when you go back it's like oh i know every single line in this episode like that's how a lot of seinfeld episodes are for me we're like i will turn on an episode of seinfeld or i'll just be on hulu looking through because i love the show and i'll be like there is no way that i know every episode in this entire series and i'll be scrolling through like season five yeah season six yeah season seven season eight god damn I know every single one like it you'll all turn to a different episode and like the the clicker and be like oh yep that's a and know like three lines from it and so I
Starting point is 00:14:16 don't want to Seinfeld it to my I haven't gotten there yet with Rick and Morty I I rewatched the thing and especially in season one there was a few episodes where I was like oh I guess I just didn't really pay very close attention the first time around. I'm seeing some things that I didn't remember seeing. I don't know what's going to happen next all the time. So I watched it all and got caught up. I'm looking forward to it. It'll be good.
Starting point is 00:14:35 I had to watch season three episode one a couple of times. I felt like I didn't get it all with one viewing. I've seen it a couple times now to really follow the whole, like, all right so this rick went into that rick and then there were so many ricks it wasn't as easy to follow i thought as some of the other rick and morty's every once in a while you get the benefit of being able to enjoy the same content twice that happened with me at django unchained in theaters because i went there with friends and i was so drunk that by the time like i remember the next morning being like man that was a really good movie and then trying to think and i'm like what the fuck happened though like what happened in that movie and like the last thing i could
Starting point is 00:15:16 remember is uh oh fuck it must have been when uh colonel sanders when colonel sanders is in there and being like uh you know you can't come in the big house or whatever it is. Or like, oh, come on in, child, or whatever the fuck he was saying. Like, that's the last thing I remembered. So rewatched it again. I'm like, ah, it makes a lot more sense now. Like the second half of the movie really, really is what ties this whole thing together. Yeah, it's a good fucking movie, man.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Quentin Tarantino's next movie, I'm trying to think what it is. He announced it the other day or it was announced the other day. I remember thinking I hated the premise. I hate it. I think you're going to hate it, too. And I can't even recall exactly what it is. I have to find it now because I brought it up. This is a big weekend of entertainment.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Quentin. Yeah, anything with Game of Thrones. Big week of entertainment. We'll focus on... The Charles... Manson murders. Yeah, so it's about the Charles Manson murders. He's, you know, it's gonna...
Starting point is 00:16:15 It's a historical kind of biopic kind of thing, right? You know, it's based... It's about Charles Manson and the Sharon Tate murders. And you don't think that's a very interesting premise? I don't think that's what I want Tarantino doing. I want Tarantino doing fucking like space gangsters or something. Like he can do whatever the fuck he wants, but I want him to,
Starting point is 00:16:33 I like what, I like his body of work thus far. I mean, Kill Bill's nothing like Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction. I mean, it's totally, but I still love it. This doesn't sound fun to me.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Unlike all the other ones too. And Django Unchained's a fucking western you know you know they're all different i yeah i i'll see it just because it's tarantino totally yeah but not excited but i i don't know i think i feel the same way i thought when i movies are fascinating this isn't a serial killer movie though so like you know charles manson was a manipulator he He got these people to believe that he's, you know, a god or something. And he was trying to direct them to go kill, I'm going to butcher this, but he was trying to get them to go kill like a record producer or something like that who had turned him down business wise in the past.
Starting point is 00:17:19 This was a petty like revenge murder on Charles Manson's part. And he got these people to go do it for him. That's the whole movie, I would imagine. If you're just going to stick to the facts. I hope he doesn't get chained down by facts. I hope he Tarantino's it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I agree with you. In Glorious Bastards, where you've got an alternate universe where Hitler gets machine gunned in the face and everything. Now we're talking. My brain clicked another peg farther, and I'm on board now because every one of Quentin Tarantino's movies are an alternate universe.
Starting point is 00:17:53 They all exist within their own universe where things like red apple cigarettes are a brand. There's common things throughout every single one of his movies, and he's confirmed. They all exist in the same alternate universe. One of the reasons that the events in Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and so on are so violent, he said, is because
Starting point is 00:18:10 you're dealing with an American society that got a very different ending to World War II. World War II was ended with a bunch of American Jewish commandos storming a theater and machine gunning Hitler in the face and blowing up the entire Third Reich, right? So we're hard fucking core. We're a little bit more
Starting point is 00:18:26 rough and tumble than our current versions might have been otherwise, or are, you know? So I'll watch this now, now that I have that in mind. I'm a little more on board. I changed my own mind. Hey, can we do fitness talk a little bit? I know it's early in the show, but I... As long as we do entertainment
Starting point is 00:18:42 talk after that, because this weekend is outrageously chock full of great entertainment. I've set your terms. You know what? I'm just excited because I have entered Wonderland. Wonderland is a place where your weight starts with one and I now weigh 199 pounds. What's funny is that yesterday
Starting point is 00:18:57 was the first I hit it. I hit it again today. It was a cause for celebration yesterday. By today, I wake up and say, ha ha, you're still fat. You would look better at 190 than you would at 199, and I'm not even sure we're done then. I'm not sure nine pounds gets us where people look at me and say, damn. It's impressive. I bet you anything you won't stop at 190 because you'll get there and you'll be in this that mentality already of like I'm in self-improvement mode and you'll be like I'm I'm in for a penny in
Starting point is 00:19:29 for a pound or in for 40 pounds how about I get down to 180 or whatever like because you've already done 30 pounds worth yeah I don't see myself like like I don't know like this is just my lifestyle what I've done is I've gotten very snobby about food right I see someone drinking soda and I'm just like, look at them. Look at them soda drinkers, less of a person than me. And thanks Kyle. And, uh, or like whatever, like a milkshake or something. I just, I did have my cheat meal today. I I've been skipping my cheat meal, but, um, uh, anyway, yeah, I just don't't that's risky business no like so you hit 199 you're like ah it just happened to fall on a cheat day so did you say it was the day after i i had been not doing my cheat meal for weeks and to be honest there are people who think it helps who are
Starting point is 00:20:17 like yeah if you just go straight up clean diet all the time then like they feel like your body stopped like you know treats carbs is more precious or whatever like you got to do a cheat meal once a week and uh it aids it i don't know but i think it's probably person by person kind of like there are people out there who are like total alcoholics who if they have one drink they'll go back on off on the wagon off whichever one the bad one yeah they're the joke by the way is it remember that seinfeld episode he has that it's the one with the cashmere sweater but which one is it is on or off the wagon the that was the argument jerry has with the alcoholic in the
Starting point is 00:20:56 crowd he's like i don't remember that joke on the wagon to go get the booze you know or something like that whatever he said but if you're off the wagon, you're drinking. Yeah, you've fallen off the wagon. Well, then it's kind of like that. So some people, like one little sip of wine, and they're off the wagon. But some people, if they can have a drink, even if they like to drink too much, and keep it under control. Same thing with cheat meals, I think, where some people might have an Oreo
Starting point is 00:21:22 and totally lose their shit. Oh, I'd love an oreo i bought kitty a kitty asked the other day as i went out she's like i want nilla wifers and oreos and i haven't bought cookies in so goddamn long like and it's not even the fitness thing it's just like part of my lifestyle requires that i not go when i go to the grocery store i don't go down that goddamn cookie aisle i really don't it It's ridiculous how there's so many cookies now. Woody, I don't think you go to the grocery store often. Dude, you
Starting point is 00:21:49 go to a nice grocery store, and it's like cookies as far as the eye can see. There's like eight different kinds of Oreos, bro. It's a cookie wonderland. I believe it to be propaganda until I walk in the aisle and see they truly do have dozens and dozens of types of cookies. I cry with shame.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I picture like four bananas and eight aisles of cookies. That's a true story about Gorbachev, you know, coming to the U.S. and wanting to see like one of these American grocery stores. They take him to one and he's like, bullshit. Of course you take me to this one. It's a plant. I will pick grocery store. And then they drive down.
Starting point is 00:22:24 This one, Winn-Dixie. And they go in and it's like loaded, of course, like every single American grocery store, like everything you could want. And more and more and more. And he cried. And, you know, his security's there looking at this shit and they're all like everybody's
Starting point is 00:22:40 eyes were open that day. Yeah. And then they had to like turn it into their own propaganda in a way and be like, Fattiest Americans not even content with double stuffed Oreos. They need triple stuffed Oreos. You believed it. Is triple stuffed Oreo a thing? Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Yes. Dude, there are so many. There are Thin Mint Oreos that it's, you know Thin Mints? Sure. They have that chocolate minty coating. They take an Oreo and apply that. There are all kinds of dessert confectionery type oreos there's like pink lemonade uh oreos where it's like a vanilla cookie and on the inside it's sort of this pink lemonade none of
Starting point is 00:23:14 these are my weakness yeah they are oreo r and d has to have the easiest job in the world because they've started with the foundation of perfection of a wonderful cookie and so they can be like how about we just like coat it in fucking caramel or something and they're like yeah yeah it's gonna sell okay how about we put dark chocolate on it once again people will buy them you know like they don't have to worry about anything you'd have to shit on these two chocolate crackers and they buy it they don't care it's delicious no but she i bought those things for her and she's little so she doesn't eat many cookies she's oh yeah had my one it's like but there's a whole goddamn sleeve now and and like i would just walk into her office every
Starting point is 00:23:56 time i pass and be like oh yeah one oreo and i can't leave that 90 97 of a sleeve open he did someone's gotta finish that sleeve obviously it's two servings i ate uh i ate a lot of those oreos this has been a week or so ago now let me um i have a story i'm gonna tell but i'm gonna wait a little later i'm gonna tell the zaxby story um but uh but but yeah i wanted to oh i guess fitness talk um i've been running more uh i kind of like the downstairs no not running outside i wouldn't do that i pictured it outside okay I guess fitness talk. I've been running more. Have you? In the summer? Downstairs? No, not running outside. I wouldn't do that.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Oh, I pictured it outside. Fuck no. Down here with the AC. I have the there's an oversized AC vent right above my little gym area and I like Will Smith slide whatever piece of equipment I'm on right under that motherfucker. So if I'm on the Stairmaster that wings left here, cold air.
Starting point is 00:24:48 If I'm on the elliptical or the treadmill, same thing. But I don't know. I kind of like the idea of cardio. I like the idea of cardio too. The idea of cardio. It's because it's usable strength. I'm fairly strong, I guess. I'm at least average, probably above it, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:25:05 And I don't often use that sort of above average part of my strength. I don't usually have to lift 80, 90, 100 pounds above my head or anything like that. It's usually 35-pound stuff. But with cardio, that's how long you can go, right? That's your gas tank. And I don't know. I kind of got inspired watching Conor McGregor getting ready for this Floyd Mayweather thing because I know that cardio is so important in that in that thing to a fighter if I were a fighter it would be the one of the most important things because there's two ways
Starting point is 00:25:33 to lose I think there's dozens but two ways that in this regard you can go in there and get knocked out and beaten or you can go in there and run out of gas and embarrass yourself and beat yourself and that seems like the worst way to go that if you go in there and you don't have what it takes to even perform with that guy like you're clearly imagine coming up between rounds knowing that your gas tank is empty to take your beating like that would suck you just be like i have nothing that last round didn't go my way and this next one's looking worse do i have? Cowboy Cerrone had a fight just like that. Not necessarily his gas tank was empty, but he knew he was going back to more ass whooping. You know, it was one of those things where, like, we'd have done a couple rounds of this, bro.
Starting point is 00:26:14 And Nate's over there. He's no Merce. He's like, Stockton, motherfucker, come on. Let me lay this out. So Cowboy, Nate Diaz is like Stockton, motherfucker always giving the fingers, like totally disrespecting his opponents. And a lot of it pre-fight, the opponents are just like, you know, like whatever, what happens, happens. Maybe even beaten mentally. Cowboy was not that guy.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Cowboy was like, fuck me, fuck you. You know, like it was really neat to see the unstoppable force and the immovable object like go at it. And you're like, oh, Cowboy versus Nate Diaz. I can't waitz i can't wait i can't wait and then um nate's getting the better of him you know for the three round fight for the first two rounds and then um everyone knows it everyone knows cowboy's not winning this fight it's not his night it's clear that on that night nate was the man and two rounds in nate is like fuck you and cowboy it goes yeah and and you know here we go like i'm
Starting point is 00:27:08 coming out for the third round i'm not leaving and it's just like it was it was so impressive to me it was such a feat of like strength and mental mental strength mental fortitude it's like yeah yeah which is bigger that or when rory comes back out uh with his nose hanging off his face i guess rory did it in a championship fight for five rounds so rory was winning that fight he was winning on the scorecards he would have won that fight if he didn't get knocked out in the fifth he didn't get knocked out he could take the pain of his nose breaking for the fourth time who is this rory he took another jab in that bloody nose and he just goes goes, didn't the ref tell you? The pain, and goes to the ground. I want to say the ref broke it up.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Oh, he did break it up, but the reason he had to was because Rory gets tapped in the nose with this stiff fucking jab, or maybe it was a straight, but it was just a flat, straight punch right into his nose that flattened his nose again, and it was already hanging off, and he stands for for maybe like one beat, like not a second, but a beat, if you know what that is, and he just goes, and like goes down to the ground. And, of course, Lawler's coming for him. His lip's hanging off.
Starting point is 00:28:16 He don't care about that fucking nose. He wants to tear an ear off while he's at it. And so I'm sure the ref, yeah. That fight was the fight of it ever. It was a crazy night of fights. We saw Conor McGregor come out and fucking put on his light show. Yeah. But but but right before that, we saw that Rory fight.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And it was like, wow, is this Conor McGregor guy going to even be able to like top that? Because that was the best fight I've ever seen. At the time, Kyle was less into UFC than he is now. fight i've ever seen yeah at the time kyle was less into ufc than he is now and uh i was just like dragging him by the hand kyle and chiz to go see these ufc fights at a movie theater and uh i'd never been to a ufc event at a movie theater before it was a little like a live event like the people would cheer there was like it wasn't like they were talking like during a movie but they were all like all of us were sort of looking at the fight some people were on mendez's side some mcgregor's and you know like their highs and lows and it was just it was neat it was kind of it had a lot of an energy there
Starting point is 00:29:14 i wouldn't do it again i would drive to go do it especially if you got friends like like it's definitely superior to watching it even i mean i got a big tv and it's close to me and everything and i'm in my room and it's blacked out, but still, that was a really cool experience being in that, the crowd was as cool as the screen. And it's a movie screen. No, it's certainly not small. The huge movie screen, and the sound system. And this weekend, I know you wanted to go
Starting point is 00:29:35 to Entertainment Talk, maybe this is Entertainment Talk. That is, yeah. DC versus Jones is the headliner on the card this weekend. As this goes live, there's three title fights, Kyle's saying. As this goes live, it'll be the night. Tonight-ish. It's Thursday for me right now. And DC vs. Jones is a huge
Starting point is 00:29:54 build-up. This is like every, maybe once or twice a year, UFC does a Super Bowl card. A Super Bowl. And like the fans are like, oh, we'll sacrifice this fight just to make the rest of them go on to the MMA gods. Let Maya die as long as Cormier keeps his belt. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:09 If Woodley has to not make weight for the DC Jones fight to happen, it's a sacrifice we're willing to make. It's, oh, my God. There is a super card this weekend. The main event is Woodley versus, I'm sorry, DC versus Jones. Huge. Huge, huge. It's a rematch fight. DC has won every fight he's ever fought, except one. He won a Strikeforce title.
Starting point is 00:30:34 He's won the UFC title. He's beaten everyone they ever put in front of him. He beat the heavyweights. He had like four, maybe, UFC heavyweight. And just as he was about to face, like, get a title shot, his good friend was the title holder so he stepped out the 205 beat guys there
Starting point is 00:30:49 gets to Jones and Jones wins a decision against him it was a good decision but you know it was still a decision finish him and then Jones of course is taking steroids
Starting point is 00:30:59 and crashing into women with his car they strip him of his belt DC's been the champ but he hasn't beaten Jones. And here's his chance. And Jones might not be the same guy. Jones won't be on steroids, presumably, this time. And they've tried to do this before.
Starting point is 00:31:12 That's the other thing. That's what makes the buildup so crazy, is they tried to have DC Jones 2 already. And it fell through because of something Jones did. He's done so much stuff, it's hard to keep the timeline straight, whether that was dick pill steroid pop or that was running over the pregnant woman. He had two illegal substances in his blood. And it was two either steroids or masks for steroids.
Starting point is 00:31:37 And DC heard about it, and they're like, dude, you can't fight this guy. The athletic commission's doing it, whatever. He's on steroids, no fight. And DC goes, can I fight him anyway? I want to fight him anyway. I'll sign it. Just let me sign it. I'll sign, and then I'll get to fight Jon Jones.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I want to fight this guy. I don't care if he's on steroids. And it's like, oh, you're such a badass. To the hope that Jones, DC hasn't gotten better. That's not a thing. He might have mentally gotten better. That was his first title shot ever there's a whole lot of hype and pressure that goes on a guy
Starting point is 00:32:09 as they enter a title shot so maybe DC's got a little mental advantage but he's older and he hasn't learned anything new I'm sure you don't pick up new fighting skills at 38 years old the hope for me is that Jones is worse the hope is that
Starting point is 00:32:23 you were dealing with Roy to Jones before, and now you're dealing with a lesser athlete, but I don't think that's the fucking case. I thought both of you guys were both... You were pulling for Jon Jones a bit to see the... No, no, no. You were very wrong, and I'm slightly insulted. I thought you were pulling for the Blackhawks, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Take that. It's clear who you want to root for. These guys face off, and one of them is like a really friendly, happy-go-lucky kind of guy. He's like, hey, I'm Daniel Cormier. I wrestled in school, and, man, I'm the world champion. You like my suit? I know I'm a little overweight, but, man, I'm a hard worker. I love my wife, and my kids are so important to me.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Oh, I love them so much, and they love me, and why wouldn't they? Because I'm wonderful. And then you've got Jon Jones over there. He like hit a woman on the way in. He's like getting up on the stage. He's getting up on the stage, like elbow checks a fucking ring girl. I'm like, bitch. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:33:16 That's here. He's kind of a jerk. And the real thing I hold against him, more than anything, because I don't care if my sports athletes run over women and do drugs. I really don't. That guy's there to hit a ball or to hit a man or to sink a putt, whatever. I don't care what he does in his spare time. But he pokes people in the eye when they're fighting on purpose. And he's already got 84 inches of reach.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Why does he have to add three or four more? The first time I saw him doing that that that was enough to make me really dislike him because you can tell there's there's like there's nothing about it that looks accidental like it doesn't look at all like oh i just fight like this and you happen to walk into me it's like no you you're you're like looking where their eye level is and trying to get them to walk into your fingers or they do believe that a little more than they did during Jones' run. You flat out crazy got away with it. Now, the ref will
Starting point is 00:34:10 tell him, close your fist, close your fist, do it. I don't know how much it'll work. I don't remember the fighter's name. It was Gunnar Nelson versus some jackass. That cunt is so much worse than Jones, though. Taylor, this guy, when he throws Nelson's name,
Starting point is 00:34:24 as he's throwing his strikes he's like ah punch with a thumb in your eye he's like punch with a thumb in your eye and like he's like he's like dragging his thumbnail across their eyeball and it's just like and he does it four times and every time after the guy's like ah it's kind of hard to see now and he's like getting the worst of it and he's like the ref is either not seeing it or not caring. I know for one thing, if somebody pokes me in the eye, I would scream, eye poke! You should see an eye poke. You might think of an eye poke as like a gentle kind of thing or like an eye touch.
Starting point is 00:34:57 No, dude, they get one or two knuckles deep. Like you have to see two knuckles into an eyeball. And you're like oh my god I didn't know I poked her that bad what I is not meant to be poked like that like it's like it's the testicles of the face and I don't remember where I heard that but it's a very great description like that is if you want to ruin somebody's face you go for the eyes like i watched some clip uh a friend of mine talking about nate or nick diaz whichever one fought uh anderson silva nick the
Starting point is 00:35:32 the spider nate did nick nick so i watched that like highlight clip because he was like he's in the ufc and he's like you got to watch nick do this and see how much of a an asshole he was and how much he was showboating the whole time and And I was like, oh, he must have really beat the shit out of Anderson Silva. Like, let me let me check this out. I started watching it. And like four minutes into this compilation video, I'm like, you know what this all he's doing is like flipping him off and then getting punched in the face. Like he's he's like being like, oh, I'm Anderson Silva. He was mocking Anderson Silva. And then he'd go up and Anderson Silva would dodge all his punches and land one of his own. And it was like, man, how many times can you do that before you realize, oh, this strategy, it's making me look like a douche.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Like if I'm going to be this cocky, I can't be getting my ass beat. And that's from the amateur eyes I was viewing it from. It seemed like he was making a fool of himself rather than doing what I saw in Anderson Silva. Oh, yeah, okay. So Anderson Silva is a counterpuncher. So what Anderson Silva does is he waits for you to punch, dodges it, and hits back. That's his big thing.
Starting point is 00:36:36 And he's especially good at it. He trains it constantly. They'll have, like, painted footprints on the gym. Both of you guys stand here well within range, dodging like they just practice counterpunching all the anyway the other thing he does he kind of clowns opponents so he needs you to come at him for his fight style to work he's just like you know i can't pressure you i suck at that what i need is for you to pressure me to extend yourself and then i'll find an opening as you try and hit me so nick diazz was like, I don't want to do that. I'll do anything else.
Starting point is 00:37:07 And so he lays on the ground, he puts his back against the cage. He's doing all kinds of things being like, no, you come to me. I'm not going to do what you want me to do. What you want me to do is to walk into you to pressure you because you're excellent at dealing with that. So how about I force you to pressure me? And that led to a bunch of bozo antics, where both of them are just like, you come at me. No, you come at me.
Starting point is 00:37:28 No, you do it. You throw the first punch. I'll throw the first punch. Like, that fight, I thought that fight sucked. A lot of people are just predisposed to really liking Nate Diaz because of the way he does interviews. Or Anderson Silva. Now that you've explained it,
Starting point is 00:37:39 that Anderson Silva gets all his hits from countering, that does make more sense. Is Nick a guy who also is a counter fighter? Not typically. I think that fight he wanted to be because he's up against the best counter puncher in the world, so he doesn't want to be a pressure. Whenever it's stylistic like that, you know, one guy is trying to beat the other guy's style. The Cormier guy who's fighting this weekend, he fought Anderson Silva.
Starting point is 00:38:04 He had a solution for it. He just took him to the ground and laid on top of him. Anderson style. The Cormier guy who's fighting this weekend, he fought Anderson Silva. He had a solution for it. He just took him to the ground and laid on top of him. He beat Anderson Silva? The Cormier guy that beat Anderson Silva. Daniel Cormier? Oh, yeah. I forgot they fought for a second. My bad.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yeah, you're right. So here's a little inside knowledge that you won't know then. I thought maybe you did. Anderson spoke to Jon Jones the other night, calls him, and he says, DC, he has fear in his heart. He has to take me down every time. And I am old man. You are a young man.
Starting point is 00:38:32 He will not take you down. He has fear in his heart. He has fear in his heart. And so John Jones is like, now that's what John Jones is saying at every media thing. They're like, oh, so John, we heard that you spoke to Anderson
Starting point is 00:38:44 from the Spider's Silver. What did he have to say about the like, so John, we heard that you spoke to Anderson, the spider's silver. What did he have to say about the upcoming fight? Well, he said that DC had fear in his heart. That's what he says there. And DC's over there smiling. I had never seen how bad DC's teeth are. His whole top front row. Forget the missing tooth because that's the best part about his smile.
Starting point is 00:39:04 That black segment where nothing exists that void without a tooth that's the best part they're all like they look honestly like they have a film of like filth on them from not brushing for a week like it doesn't look like they're decayed they just look yellow a little bigger than they should be and not straight but like they really look like they have a film that if you took like a washcloth that was dark and like rub them you would get visible like grody stuff that would like scrape off his teeth and that was at the press conference it's like god damn dude get your teeth white and if you're gonna smile in front of 10 million people i was gonna say that like uh yeah that's i'm having, in a lot of his pictures, when he smiles, he doesn't show his teeth.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Yeah, that's smart. I didn't realize it. Yeah, they're quite bad. And it's the yellowness more than anything. It really is the color. I don't... If somebody's got jacked up teeth, like... I think that different shaped teeth can definitely have character.
Starting point is 00:39:59 And they don't... One tooth... They don't necessarily, like... It's not like a scar on your face. You're not Jose Aldo. You just got some messed up teeth. You'll get by. But this is too much.
Starting point is 00:40:09 If that were a woman, I could never kiss that woman. I feel like my tongue would go across her teeth, and it'd be really slippery. Like rocks in a river with algae on them, how you can like... That's his teeth. I'm not getting a good picture. I'm showing people pictures of DC smile.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Their Cormier smile. And I'm... That's a good strategy, I think, in a fighting sport to just have horrible, horrible, nasty breath. Like, at the very least, it will be a little distracting. Wayne fucking Gretzky did that. He would eat four hot dogs with mustard and onions before every game and breathe on people.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Who was that? It's the NHL. You know better than me, but who was that really bothering? It's not about bothering as much as... He cut my finger off, but god damn, did you smell his breath? That man is a tic-tac. Aside from Wayne Gretzky, let me ask you. Maybe you know this.
Starting point is 00:41:02 How common is it for NHL players to just piss on the bench in their pants? I know Gretzky's done it. Do they all? I've heard about Gretzky doing it before. I don't know if that's confirmed. Maybe it is. I don't think. I mean, as a goalie, I didn't really see that happening because I was on the ice the whole time.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Was there ever any yellow section? No. No. There was never. see that happening because I was on the ice the whole time. Was there ever any yellow sections of ice out there? No, there was never. You would have to be a real animal to just fill your cup with pee and then out of your cup breathing holes, there's just fluid coming out and it's dripping down.
Starting point is 00:41:38 If somebody peed on the ice next to you, it wouldn't be like, oh yeah, it's a real tough game, eh? We can't get out there to use the bathroom. The coach is really riding us hard. It'd be like, what the fuck is wrong a real tough game, eh? You know, we can't get out there to use the bathroom. The coach is really riding us hard. Like, it'd be like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Like, no, you don't piss here. Vladimir pissed himself again. That's a thing that happens.
Starting point is 00:41:53 I do it on purpose. I do it on purpose. That's where that whole myth came from. It is a mind game. Some incontinent Ukrainian, like, started this whole thing up. It is culture. You do not be bigoted. The way they tell the Gretzky story is like he's an absolute hero.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Like, oh my god, this guy's so into hockey, he peed himself on the bench. And I'm just like, it sounds to me like he had bad planning. It's only 20 minutes between periods. And wasn't he known as a fast, agile skater? He couldn't tiptoe his way to the bathroom real quick and piss?
Starting point is 00:42:30 If you told me he shat at the bench i'd be like wow okay all right if you told me that he that he like dropped his pants and then like a bucket was produced and he filled it up and and and and and then just slid it back under there nonchalantly he does like one white yeah they had a baby the sharding thing you're talking about uh like you don't notice with players as much because if they need to run to the locker they just get off the bench and run back it's happened with goalies before where they are all they are sick and they have like diarrhea in the middle of a period and so like right at a whistle like i remember it happened to roberto luongo where like right after a whistle at one time he just was booking it to the bench and they're like oh must be something up with luongo they're really headed to the bench in a hurry looks like the backup's coming out and then
Starting point is 00:43:13 like two whistles later he's like sweaty and like walking back up to the bench and they're like all right and the back outs back out and it looks like luongo's back in the net and i think he he's known on twitter for being funny and he tweeted out later that night like that he like no big deal guys i'm not injured just had to take shit right in the middle of a game but yeah if somebody pissed on the bench you'd be a real asshole all right so just to just to cover the ufc thing because that's just the beginning of this one for one weekend of entertainment you've got three title fights of course you got daniel cormier and john jones facing off this crazy grudge match but you got chris cyborg coming back who can no longer
Starting point is 00:43:48 enter the u.s army like that yeah well we'll get to that later i i'm on board with that one they we got chris cyborg uh coming in and she just looks hideous she's so fucking like like and i would say this if she were a man they're like like bigfoot silva is a hideous fucking man and i say it every time i see it chris cyborg like like like looks just like that that puppet from saw like like i'm gonna send you that image it's it's and uh anyway she's fighting this other uh other lady who also looks like a brawler looks like she can handle her own hold her on so i'm really looking forward to that and then you got tyrone woodley facing off against damian maya tyron woodley's a a fast tall striking guy he just hits like a ton of bricks and uh he's he's defended his title three this will be the third time this year he's defended his title which i like a lot yeah uh he beat up
Starting point is 00:44:37 wonder boy twice now in my opinion not one and a half and i think this is gonna be a really good fight because he's facing off against damian maya who is a really you know what he's doing like like like a lot of times when you go a ufc fight starts it's like this guy has like this guy could wrestle you this guy could strike you this guy could hit you with an elbow or a knee like i don't know what's gonna happen but this time you're like hey i'm damian maya we're going to the ground and i might break some parts off of you let's go and and. And everyone knows it going in. Woodley knows what Maya wants to do. Maya knows that Woodley knows what he wants to do.
Starting point is 00:45:11 And all of us watching out in TV land know all of that shit too. But they're still going to fight it out. And Damian Maya's got a very good chance, if you ask me. He's a big dude. I want to talk about how ugly Cyborg is. And the thing is, I would not be hazing somebody for being ugly if
Starting point is 00:45:27 it wasn't so like self-imposed bigly it's not that it's bigly to me like you could be a very ugly person i won't say a word i here i'm about to i think joanna champion is not a good looking girl uh i like her she's kind of nice and she a fighter, and she brings it all the time. But in terms of modeling, she has no modeling career. This woman looks like that because of a lifetime of steroid abuse. You want to play a game? Her face has been distorted. She has, like, TRT head. There's a certain kind of cheekbone structure that you see.
Starting point is 00:46:03 This is what happens when you abuse steroids. And by the way, she's been busted for steroids twice now, right? It's not like I'm assuming she's on steroids because she fails the eye test, which she always does. It's because twice she's been busted for steroids and now they're giving her a title shot.
Starting point is 00:46:20 This is clearly a man-man or whatever the in-between term is. She's ugly as fuck because of her lifetime of drugs. Taylor, have you ever deadlifted? Yeah. To find out how much can you do you lift? Like what would be a heavy weight for you to grab?
Starting point is 00:46:36 Since high school. Yeah, but sure, you're a grown man and you're strong. How much would be a heavy weight for you to grab right now? I don't know, a couple hundred pounds. I haven't done it in so long. Yeah, like 250 would definitely be a heavy weight for you to grab right now? I don't know, a couple hundred pounds? I haven't done it in so long. Yeah, like 250 would definitely be a heavy deadlift for me. Cyborg does like 400 for reps. That is outrageous.
Starting point is 00:46:54 So she's a very, and these, like, you linked this picture, Kyle. This is, this Jack, not Jack saw, Jigsaw guy does look exactly like her. Like, she's a little scarier frankly Like if I If I were walking down a dark alley, and I saw that you know shitty little toy on a tricycle I would walk right by it. I wouldn't even turn around. I'd be like I'm still saving the time going through this alley walk right by him you're not gonna catch me I'm an adult I can run faster than you can ride a trike
Starting point is 00:47:21 I can run faster than anyone on the planet can ride that trike Like it doesn't matter if you're fucking Neil Armstrong, but this lady if I Lance Armstrong, it doesn't matter for Neil either You said anybody I really didn't need to correct or or Louis Armstrong But this lady if I saw her in a dark alley like I I would not want to play her game I'd go right back out of there. This is not a natural look. I think she's straight. Man, I bet she... What kind of man does it take to handle this?
Starting point is 00:47:54 You know what I mean? For her to ever get tousled a little bit and held down for maybe that's what she's into, who do we have to find? The average guy's not cutting it. I don't really have to ask you to cut it. If I were to have sex with her, she would just find herself unimpressed.
Starting point is 00:48:10 She'd squeeze you out of her and be like, get out of here. Squeeze you out? Get out. She'd kegel and I'd pop out of the bed. She literally would. I guarantee that you've seen those women who, like, put a watermelon between
Starting point is 00:48:25 their thighs and crush them? I can't do that. There are totally women who can. Well, I know... I've held a watermelon before, and I know my thighs don't possess that power. They just don't. God, no. Chris Cyborg... He's so powerful. I really want to do some fruit destruction on this show.
Starting point is 00:48:42 I wonder if I can crush a watermelon. I have, on a livestream, torn an apple in two once. What a badass. We'll have an apple crushing competition. But first, all of us need to get on TRT, testosterone replacement therapy. Let's do this as a bit. All of us get on TRT for like a month and see if PKA devolves into like, I'll tell you a thing or two about Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 00:49:08 The Sansa point you're making is fucking retarded. No, it's not, Taylor. No, it's not. We're just yelling at each other the whole time. Maybe that would happen because testosterone, it would make us all less agreeable. I definitely think so, yeah. We'd be less agreeable. We'd be more prone to maybe some
Starting point is 00:49:25 disagreements and some outbursts. You'd be less likely to let something go that maybe rubbed you the wrong way a little bit. We'd need to update the PKA logo to be like PKA and then diagonally like, on TRT. And we'd just all fight for four hours. You put arms coming out of the P and out of the A
Starting point is 00:49:41 out of the side with bulging like one of those. That'd be cool. That's just the beginning of the P and out of the A, like out of the side with bulging, like one of those. Yeah, that'd be cool. So yeah, that's just the beginning of the wonderful entertainment this weekend. Of course, we got Game of Thrones. Maybe we'll talk about that a little bit later. Oh, no, we did cover all three.
Starting point is 00:49:53 But you also got Rick and Morty premiering. Episode two, I'm told. It's on the fan Wikipedia. It has been said by some silly people. But yeah, it's a big weekend of entertainment. I think that's it. Is there anything else? In entertainment?
Starting point is 00:50:08 I thought there was something else in addition to those three things. But yeah, that's still pretty big. I'm looking forward to it. I finished that show, Ozark. Very, very good. Because I added it to my watch list. I saw that it's,
Starting point is 00:50:19 I read the description. It says that it's about a Chicago man who relocates to Missouri with his family and He has he's being forced to launder half a billion dollars of drug money. I think Yeah, huge amount that's not not all in the first season is the half a billion But he has to do a lot there and he's uh, he's not in like st. Louis or Kansas City He's in obviously the Ozarks, which is its own kind of weird culture St. Louis or Kansas City. He's in, obviously, the Ozarks, which is its own kind of weird culture.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Is that southern or north? That's far southern. About as far south as Missouri. Is that your grandparents or grandpa? It's closer than I am to them, but they're actually further south than that. Ah, even more extreme, I see. Okay. Even more extreme. And then that poor character lady, she
Starting point is 00:51:03 dances around from this voice over to a different kind of voice and then sometimes just talks like this hey we don't even watch color tv yeah it's uh I don't know it's it's good I really like it it has that breaking bad vibe without that breaking bad weight not that the Breaking Bad weight was bad, you know, but still. I think you'll like it a lot. I like those... I don't know what it is. I don't know what you could even solidify
Starting point is 00:51:32 about the genre. Like, what is it about Breaking Bad that's so great? Like, it's his character arc, right? It's watching someone outsmart people and do something naughty. It's watching a guy who is bigger and better than the system.
Starting point is 00:51:43 We're all constrained by that system, and here's a man who wouldn't take it anymore. And it just so happens that he's also smart. He's a smart guy. He doesn't just break the law brazenly. He doesn't just steal the car off the side of the road and tear off into the night. No, it's these meticulously planned out plans, the way he puts everything together. Everything Walter White did, whether it's getting that giant magnet in the truck to erase the laptop,
Starting point is 00:52:08 or whether it's whacking 15 guys in prison or whatever, it was so cool to watch this guy go from high school chemistry teacher who would, they never really address it. There's never a point where Walt stops and goes, my whole life it's been this and then that and then this and this was taken from me. He doesn't bitch and moan. He never complains to the audience when he has so much reason to, right? His wife, remember that lazy handjob she gave him on his
Starting point is 00:52:33 birthday on the first episode? I forgot that. Yeah. His whole life is dog shit. His life is very much like Nygaard's life is in the first season of Fargo. And you saw what happened there. You know, Nygaard finally puts the hammer to the back of his wife's head. Have you ever got like halfway through a handjob and just been like, this is just making me sad? No, I'm a fan. You are?
Starting point is 00:53:08 I almost see it as like, oh, honey, let me take a shot at shaving your legs today. No, it's not helpful, and I'm not going to be that good at it. You've got to get an enthusiastic hand job. Someone who's like down there. You've got to get both hands rocking and all kinds. Maybe one hand's down here, and the other hand, like girls' hands are smaller. No, girls' hands are smaller. So they put the palm right the palm, like, right on the head of your cock and, like, grab the whole head of your cock. And it's, like, in their fists.
Starting point is 00:53:29 And they're just, like, crazy stuff going on. I should have clarified. Lazy hand jobs. No, no lazy hand jobs. Everyone has gotten a lazy hand job before. And halfway through, you're all thinking, like, it's starting to look like she's playing with rope, you know. Like, because it's just not fun. Like one of those saltwater taffy things.
Starting point is 00:53:47 But you're right. The difference between a good, yes. It's like saltwater taffy. Almost every aspect of sex enthusiasm is the key, you know? It doesn't matter if it's regular fucking, if it's a blowjob, if it's a handjob. It's really about the enthusiasm. Yeah, the blowjob thing, that's a better way to put it. It's not about the act as much as the enthusiasm yeah the blowjob thing that's that's a better way to put it it's not about the act as much as the enthusiasm because if you know you're getting a very
Starting point is 00:54:08 lackluster let's get this done blowjob that's still not as pleasurable because you're like this person doesn't even want to be doing this like they like what i now i'm like thinking about that instead of thinking about having fun with it you know know? Don't care for that. Don't care for that. I've never found a woman who didn't like sucking dick. I guess I have. I just didn't talk to them anymore, right? I've never been interested in a woman who didn't like sucking dick. I mean, there's lots of levels of sucking dick.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Maybe one weekend you're out with someone, and you get a great dick sucker, and then the next week, that same gal, you know, you get a lazy one. And you're like, oh, what did I purchase? Like, what if it'd be like if you went to Chick-fil-A and you got a delicious sandwich and then you went back there, you know, the next week and it was
Starting point is 00:54:55 a Wendy's chicken sandwich. You'd be like, I don't know what to expect anymore. Like, which was the norm? Was the Chick-fil-A sandwich to dupe me into continuing to purchase these shitty Wendy's ones? Or was this Wendy's was the norm? Was the Chick-fil-A sandwich to dupe me into continuing to purchase these shitty Wendy's ones? Or was this Wendy's one the exception? And we're going to quickly return to that delicious peanut butter, peanut oil fried. This is a good segue.
Starting point is 00:55:13 I guess this is kind of an I'm an asshole moment. But the truth is I am an asshole. I'll be the judge. So, like, you don't need to ponder whether or not I am an asshole. Let's just begin with I'm an asshole and go from there. Okay. Okay, so I drive about 10 or 12 minutes to a restaurant, Zaxby's, to get some food for myself and Kitty. It's a very simple order. I'd like a number one combo with a Coke. I'd like a number two combo also with a Coke.
Starting point is 00:55:46 And in addition, one order of onion rings, sir. And something for Kitty. Well, the onion rings are actually for Kitty. She really likes the onion rings. I don't love them so much. So he's like, huh, I can't hear you. Through the window and everything, he's having lots of problems with his headset or something. He just can't hear me, can't get the order. So he's just
Starting point is 00:56:07 like, all right, pull around. And I'm already behind cars. So it's like, well, I'll just sit here and wait next to the speaker that apparently doesn't work. So that didn't make me mad at all. I didn't care a bit about that. Got to the window, big fat cunt, big fat motherfucker. This dude is huge, big fat motherfucker. And he's real bad at his job. He's got an effeminate voice. He's like, I just don't know what I'm doing with this headset. And he's just like, he can't make my drinks. Like, he can't. So this really hot girl comes over.
Starting point is 00:56:34 She starts making the drinks. I don't care about fatso anymore. I'm more interested in the cute girl. I'm like, I want to come back here more often. This girl's really pretty. She gives me my drinks. Eventually, he gets my food to me. I leave. I get almost to the on-ramp of the interstate and I'm like, ah, let me slide my fast food into this. I have a
Starting point is 00:56:52 heat bag that zips up that keeps the food warm because it's a 10 minute drive and it's Kitty's food. So let me slide my food into its heat bag and zip it up. Oh shit, only two plates of food. Should have been three. Where are my onion rings? So I go back, get back in the drive-thru line. Not really mad at all. This shit happens. It's fast food. Get to the window. I mean, get to the speaker.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Hey, can I take your order? Ah, just here to pick up the onion rings that you left out. Okay, pull around. I really don't have much of a choice. So I sit there through the line again. Six or eight cars. Get to the window. No apology at all. No apology at all. He just kind of hands me these onion rings.
Starting point is 00:57:31 You're annoying him. Yeah. Like you inconvenienced him. I take the onion rings, go on my way. Didn't give me any straws for my drinks either time. Get to the exit of Zaxby's about to pull into the highway and i'm like you know what let's these feel a little light these onion rings feel a little light because like at zaxby's if you order onion rings you get like 30 rings like they fill a styrofoam plate up that's like this big it's like it's it's rectangular it's longer than it is wide they give you a bunch there's always leftover and they're really good onion rings pop the top let's check these out about eight of them in there about eight fucking onion rings in my box he's wasted too much of a time now it's been half
Starting point is 00:58:10 an hour on this journey and haven't even started on my way home and i'm just like all right that's it that's the car in reverse just like back in into a parking space i'm going in go in with my onion rings and i'm just just just I'm just a boiling vessel of rage. And there's a pretty girl, though. And I'm like, hey, is your manager here? I need to speak to someone. He's like, I can help you. I was like, really want to talk to the manager.
Starting point is 00:58:37 And I hear someone in the back. And she goes like, Karen, someone wants you. And a 22-year-old girl with braces comes out. See, already there will be no satisfaction had here today unless I earn it So I say to her hey These are my onion rings. I had to go through the line twice. This is my third trip back here That's not a full order of onion rings that guy's really bad at his job He's not able to take the orders or even get them straight, and he doesn't know the menu.
Starting point is 00:59:06 And he gives me a look, and I didn't like the look. And I said, that's right, fat boy. You said that? Bad at his job. And she acted like I called him a nigger or a kike or started talking about the Third Reich or something. She was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:59:23 I didn't know they made uniforms that big. Oh, wait, whoa, whoa. I'm like, what? I didn't know they made uniforms that big. Oh, wait, they don't. Because his uniform is stretched over his enormous body. And he turns away then. No more smirk from his smart ass. And she's like, you get back here. I got a thing or two to say to you. And I'm like, good night, braces.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Because she had braces on. I guess that was a bit of a snag. Good night, braces. And I left. And I don't think I can ever go back to Zach's feed. Oh, now who's mean to wait, Steph? Huh? Don't they mess
Starting point is 00:59:53 up your order? Do they make you wait too long? Huh? Who's mean to wait, Steph, now, Kyle? I'm always, I will be incredibly mean to wait, Steph, if it's over like two or three times. You have more of a spontaneous rudeness. Woody's is a little more organic.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Everybody uncomfortable. I was like, I hope she doesn't spit in my food because of what he said. They just make this up, people. They like to fuck with me on this. See, Kyle, the thing about you having to go in there a third time you can't even go back into a restaurant fast food or not a third time and expect your food or expect any kind of satisfaction because even if they bring you out a delectable tray of onion rings you still have no confidence that the crack team of food specialists back there didn't fuck
Starting point is 01:00:41 with your food because they would have fucked with it those people you think that the braces manager is going to get on to the fat guy that she's defending if he were to rub his nut sack on one of the onion rings like no of course not like i don't know that's part of it as well like as soon as i got there the girl was like oh i'll get you some more and i said it's not about the rings anymore i walked in here knowing that i would have no onion rings tonight man like like like like that that's gone that's like like in a battle scene in game of thrones where someone's like oh no it's more like uh um oh what is it ah it's fucking butch butch cassie the sundance kid when they're on the cliff face and they're all pinned down the bullets are ricocheting all around
Starting point is 01:01:19 him and he's like ah we gotta jump into the river off the cliff. It's like 200 feet down. And one of them's like, but I can't swim. He's like, you fool. The fall will probably kill us. Like, it was one of those moments. I didn't care about the rings. There were no rings going to be produced. I needed satisfaction. Yeah, sometimes it's good just to complain.
Starting point is 01:01:38 I feel a little bit bad for calling the guy fat. But he was a grown adult, and he was very fat. So from an accuracy standpoint, spot on. He wasn't a child or anything. He was an adult. He can fucking take it. The thing about her getting wildly offended when you called
Starting point is 01:01:57 him fat, I hate that same technique used around a curse word. What's worse yet is you say hate. Every once in a while, I'd be oh man i hate this oh he said hate oh my gosh it's so terrible to have hate in your heart you cannot like something but to hate is just vile and all of a sudden the topic is about me hating something like it this is not a word that has tremendous depth and meaning to me. I hate some stuff.
Starting point is 01:02:28 It's a convenient way out for that manager, at least in this example, where there was no way to justify it and be like, yeah, sorry, I just don't have a good control on my team. Sorry, we're just not very good at what we're doing here. As soon as you gave her an out of,
Starting point is 01:02:43 you like that, fat ass? She's like, oh, god all right i don't have to take responsibility for my actions i can now pretend to be offended you wanted more victimhood comes power and so now i'm good she was following me out get back here sir it's like we're the manager of a fast food restaurant follows customers out and it's crazy because they had a shooting there. That's where the cops got shot in Livonia. Oh, we watched that on the show. Yeah, we watched. It seems like she'd be scared to go outside chasing some maniac who just stormed out of a store
Starting point is 01:03:14 over some onion rings, right? That's why that happens. Those cops didn't get them. It's all over onion rings, lady. Do you really want to follow him out there? He's clearly a bit of an asshole. Yeah, they do it about curse words, too. i do feel a little bit bad about about what i said to him but my outrage was genuine and i really do think at least in some small way he was trying to fuck me over when he gave me that light box of onion rings because it was just so night and day
Starting point is 01:03:38 difference it wasn't a little light it was like a spite box of onion that that and you know that that guy is the kind of guy who notices the weight and girth of fast food items that guy is a rain man of sorts if you like if you put like just put a plate and then put any assortment of zaxby's food on there and that guy can keep his eyes closed and be like that's 920 calories two two butter biscuits, one fried chicken wing, and is that mashed potatoes? And no gravy. Hmm, interesting. Very close, very close. That kind of shit. Boneless or traditional wing?
Starting point is 01:04:13 Boneless. Ah, he's got it. He starts clicking his tongue like a bat. I can hear the bones resonating. These are bone in. These are bone in I have an M.I.N. asshole kind of topic
Starting point is 01:04:31 I saved are you guys ready for this Yeah So it's called pro revenge It's a subreddit and I've Been storing it for a little while it's about Four paragraphs so get comfy I work in a small scale accounting Firm employees. I get along well with all my co-workers except two or three. I'll introduce the story. There's a female co-worker
Starting point is 01:04:52 of mine, let's call her Jessica. Jessica's the office flirt, and while others don't mind it, I very much do. My boyfriend and I have been together for six months, and I frankly don't appreciate some of the tramp flirting with me and grabbing my ass and whatnot. For confusion's sake, this is a dude, a gay dude, and this woman's flirting with him. I don't know why she singled me out. I'm not above average attractiveness. I'm going to rate myself, I'd say a strong six. The first time her advances came on too strong, I calmly rebuffed her, told her I didn't appreciate it, and I told HR.
Starting point is 01:05:20 For a few weeks, she left me alone. Then she cornered me in the break room. While she was wearing a low-cut blue blouse, she was fond of it. Wait, she was fond of. And that honestly was against company dress code, but something she got away with by teasing our boss. I can't remember her exact words, but it was something along the lines of, I love men who play hard to get, but I'm getting impatient. She left shortly after, and I went to HR and reported the incident.
Starting point is 01:05:42 The boss came into my office later that day. We had a few words over the incident, and I was basically laughed out of there. So I went home for the day, contacted my boyfriend's brother, an attorney and talk to them about my plan. A few days later, she came on to me again. And instead of going to HR,
Starting point is 01:05:56 I walked into my boss's office and told him I planned to sue. If nothing was done, I had the reports and the confirmation of my female co-workers as evidence. Jessica was fired the next day, but I wasn't done. For the next nine, I'm sorry, for the past nine months, she's been going through a nasty divorce. I had my SO's brother
Starting point is 01:06:15 contact her soon-to-be ex-husband's lawyer. So, her attorney friend contacts that woman's husband's attorney. Turns out the divorce was because he suspected her of cheating i volunteered volunteered as a character witness against her my testimony testimony ultimately led to her getting no alimony he got majority custody of their son and she had to move i don't know where you are jessica yeah but if you're reading this you deserved it really
Starting point is 01:06:43 so that's that's where I was. That's where I wondered where this whole thing went. So to sum it up, she kind of did some grab ass on him. Maybe it came on to him too hard in an office environment, which is totally inappropriate. So as revenge, he got her fired, lost her her alimony, lost her majority custody of her kid. Really fucked her over. And here's where I'm... Flip the genders and nobody bats an eyelash. Fuck that cunt.
Starting point is 01:07:09 I was just about to go there. She's a sexual predator. She's inappropriate in the workplace and she's the worst kind of sexual... The part about the boss letting it slide, that makes it so much better that he goes to the boss and he's like, hey, fire her or I sue.
Starting point is 01:07:24 And the boss is like, I don't want to. I'm sure there was a meeting after that that would have been delectable to listen in on with the boss and HR and maybe some other higher ups or something. That would have been the great meeting to sit in on. But I bet court, nothing could have been as satisfying as that courtroom scene. That's beautiful pro revenge. I fucking love that. I love that so much. I want to give that man money. I want to support him. He did that so well. I want him to be
Starting point is 01:07:52 a victim's advocate. Going out and finding men out in the world who suffer from similar issues and helping them. We should be funding this guy. I'm torn. What she did is she... What did she say exactly?
Starting point is 01:08:09 I like the ones who play hard to get with her blouse buttoned down low. And she grabbed his butt, apparently. She definitely got it back a hundred times. I mean, losing majority custody of the kid, losing all the alimony. Let's assume that's like $200,000 or something she would have gotten over a period of time. I bet she did more than just like, hey, cutie. Because if he's going to HR, he had already told her, hey, stop grabbing my ass and harassing me, and she didn't stop. It kept going, and then he has to go to HR or whatever.
Starting point is 01:08:40 If you've gone to HR on this person, it's probably pretty aggressive, right? Or right like a little bit of a baby about it could be that could be that you know like but he's a winner he did win yeah he definitely there's no there's no debating he won uh this was a route a series sweep in favor of this guy the husband of the cunt one, really, can you imagine how delighted he was when he got that phone call? Hey, hi. That would have been great. He'd be like, oh, thank God. That bitch was going to drain me.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Can you imagine the first week he had his son after it's all over? He's like, little Johnny, put your best on. We're going to church. He's like, we've never gone to church. Oh, we do now. We do now. We go to church it's like we've never gone to church oh we do now we do now we go to church like we're religious as fuck like i i was i was i think on where woody was going with
Starting point is 01:09:31 it that it might be a little too harsh based on the look i was getting from you based on your readings but kyle you really sold me on how it's not too harsh and that like really your statement there of flip the genders and you wouldn't have a problem with it you're right if this story was a man harassing a woman grabbing your at your daughter's ass and she's already complained about him wants to hire ups and they laughed at her oh ruin the fucker's life oh someone's been doing this to your you know your girlfriend at work oh ruin that guy's life like like you'd be so on board with it every devil's advocate here it is true that the genders
Starting point is 01:10:05 are different though right like the reason that i just plain devil's advocate it is worse for a guy to do it for to a woman because she can be scared she could feel defenseless she could feel like she needs to play this right or you know the implication or the rape threat or whatever right if a woman comes on to a guy too strong you know especially their i think their peers at work whatever like you can hold her on the forehead and that's the end of her aggression it the fact every man well i assume that there's a lot of sexual assaults from like like the the amount of like like the percentage of rapes that are committed by women is still like 20 something percent percent, right? It's not that crazy uncommon.
Starting point is 01:10:45 It's higher than I would have guessed. I knew guys got raped a lot, but it was by other guys. They rape women, too. Guys do rape women, that's right. No, no, women rape women. And children. Yeah. So it's all over the place.
Starting point is 01:10:58 But usually the women that rape teenage boys are hot. Not usually. Those are the only ones that you get stories of. Here's my theory on this. The teenage boys have their game plan completely ass-backwards. There's plenty of ugly female pedophiles fucking boys,
Starting point is 01:11:15 but the boys are too embarrassed to tell anybody about it. Oh yeah, I fucked Miss Johnson, bro! Holy shit, the new gym teacher? Oh my god, she's 24! You don't brag about fucking miss will wilking house the librarian who's who's 68 and only has one real leg you know like that's on the download stop you don't tell anybody about that so they don't get found out but that's why we all i think probably not we're always finding out about these hot chicks fucking kids because they're they get high they're bragging
Starting point is 01:11:48 about it they're just being too braggadocious about fucking these hot chicks that's i'm 90% sure there was a a substitute teacher was like sitting in for our bio class and i'm almost positive one of my students was fucking her like they had dated he worked as a bartender even though he was 18 though so it wasn't like illegal but uh in new jersey at the time anyway you could be 18 to serve alcohol not to drink it but to serve it and uh and he worked as a bartender and i'm pretty sure he fucked our substitute teacher like it was just widely known and uh the way they they didn't like talk about it but you could tell in their interactions they knew each other outside class like that's a thing he was like hey pat hey like
Starting point is 01:12:30 yeah i i'm i'm 90 sure he fucked her yes i had a teacher in my seventh grade year that i don't think anybody fucked her but looking back because what she used to do is she would sit you know how teachers would sit on know how teachers would sit on a stool in front of the class not necessarily with a desk or anything they're just sitting on the stool reading and this lady she was you know when you're 13 anyone who's an adult seems like just adult territory for the most part but looking back she's probably like 25 26 and i don't know how all of us that sat in that class all all the guys in the front row, thought, she doesn't even know that she's sitting with her legs open and sometimes doesn't even wear underwear.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Like, she doesn't even know. How is she so silly that, like, she's letting us all see this? Is this all your teacher's vagina? Is that what's being told to me right now, that there was a pussy show in your third grade classroom? No, this is seventh grade. Oh, that's totally different. So it was like, yeah uh seventh grade oh that's totally different okay so it was like uh yeah seventh grade like it wasn't every day but you could see underwear regularly because she did
Starting point is 01:13:30 like the the sharon stone leg cross from basic instinct where it was not it was it was in it like if i were to sit in there now like a class auditor like at my current age and look i'd be like oh my god this fucking lady's showing her pussy to a bunch of kids like like but at the time i'm like oh my god you know miss julie doesn't even know that we're getting to see your puss or your underwear whatever but uh yeah thinking back on it i bet she banged some kids she had huge tits and uh and look her up now goddamn you're not that old i mean the bitch is 33 or something. Come on. Kyle brings up a good point.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Yeah, I'll get on FB and check out on her. Let's go. Yeah, that's... Your point about only coming out that they're hot because the boys brag about it totally makes sense. Nobody brags about
Starting point is 01:14:24 fucking the old librarian. Yep. I have another woman, sexually inappropriate woman story. Oh. I believe it's a Florida woman. It is, of course, I should have known. Arrested for animal abuse after having sex with her two dogs. I'm sorry, oral sex with her two dogs.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Oh, well, then that's fine. Did she let the dogs lick her or did she go down in the dogs? Well, there were two dogs involved So it's probably happening, you know concurrently It's a good policy I'm like a dog's gonna mind if you don't return the favor right like you have you ever tried orchestrating a three-way with two dogs way with two dogs. You can't keep them. It takes jars of peanut butter to keep them. It's a good
Starting point is 01:15:07 policy to let what goes on in bedrooms stay in people's bedrooms. Yet it might seem like those who are doing the really gross things in their bedrooms no one really wants to know about manage to let their business air into the nightly news on a regular basis. Woman arrested for animal abuse after oral sex with two dogs in Florida,
Starting point is 01:15:23 naturally. As if Florida wasn't already a hub for some of the weirdest sex with two dogs in Florida, naturally. As if Florida wasn't already a hub for some of the weirdest news related to bad human behavior, one woman has brought the animal kingdom into the mix. It broke out that she's having sex with her two dogs. Horribly written story. She's 21 years old. She lives in Naples, Florida. She was handcuffed and charged with engaging in gross misconduct with her animals.
Starting point is 01:15:46 You might be wondering how she got caught. Turns out her boyfriend sent the video that was shot on his cell phone to the police. Now the video is online. Apparently, he didn't send the police videos out of concern for the canines. Rather, he'd been accused by her of sexual assault not long before the incident took place. So she accused him of sexual assault. I think my girlfriend's cheating on me. And who do you think it's with? Our dog Fido and Snickers?
Starting point is 01:16:11 So she accused him of sexual assault and in revenge he sent pictures of her blowing the dogs. Let's get some more... Do you know for sure she was blowing the dogs? They cover it. I'm looking for that part. Johns, that's the woman's name, had filmed herself having sexual interactions with her pet because the boyfriend encouraged
Starting point is 01:16:28 her to do so. And that's on the video, by the way. Shit. I bet the dogs were licking her. Because, like, the dog blowjob doesn't make any sense. And I think we've all seen that on the internet, and that's just not a fun thing.
Starting point is 01:16:44 It doesn't look like any fun. I don't think you'd want any part of that. No, I've never seen somebody blow a dog on the internet. Oh, come on. You stumble across it along with the child pornography, right? OK. It's just out there. Right, Woody?
Starting point is 01:16:56 They looked through the man's phone. I love that. I've got to stop for a moment. This is the answer that you're looking for. OK. They looked for the man's phone. And they found videos of the dogs giving her oral sex while she masturbated.
Starting point is 01:17:07 They also said that there were lower text messages back and forth between her and the boyfriend involving these pictures. Lame. This is... Really? Yeah, the boyfriend's a jerk here. Those dogs were down. He encouraged this madness. She's not terrible looking.
Starting point is 01:17:23 I'd say she's like a solid six. I don't think she should be in any trouble for letting the dog lick her, right? Like, you let the dog lick your face, it's all good, right? Like, all of a sudden, just because I'm smearing peanut butter across my ass and vagina, it's a crime. Yeah, but it's like... I'm coming down with Kyle. I'm being pro- dog world sex on this it's not a stand up
Starting point is 01:17:46 it's not like you can force a dog to do a thing dogs lick things they want to lick alright the dog's happy to make you happy do you really think that she was laying there and the dog was just like oh it's time to go today and went over there and started going to town on her pussy
Starting point is 01:18:03 or do you think he had like a choke collar on it no oh no i think there was something she did to her pussy i think there was some peanut butter on a dog and make it lick like no piece of plastic could you make it lick a piece of plastic like you couldn't make it like anything it like have you ever forcefully brought the dog's attention to where they like peed on your rug. The dog's not having anything. I just don't know what. Get me away from that. Frankly, I think it was your mom. It could have been one of the
Starting point is 01:18:34 other kids. I don't know. That's dogs doing their best pretend. When you're like, did you see what you did? And they're like, oh, gross. Who did that? then they're not smart enough to realize yeah someone must have ate like a whole bag of hershey's kisses with the wrappers on it wasn't me
Starting point is 01:19:01 you know what i'm as mystified as you are by this whole situation. And I don't know. I suspect she's putting something on her. I keep saying peanut butter, but who knows? It could be coconut oil. It could be crumpled up Oreos. But is he doing something to make the dog licker? And I don't think the dog is a victim in this thing.
Starting point is 01:19:22 I think the dog is probably the highlight of his night. Dogs love human attention. You know, you just talk in a silly voice to a dog, a victim in this thing. I think the dog is probably the highlight of his night. Dogs love human attention. You're just talking a silly voice to a dog, and they're super happy. Yeah, they're just loving it. So she might have been just saying, that's a good boy, as he goes down on her, and she's gelling herself. That's his best part of his night. I'm totally against her being punished for this in any way. And the boyfriend's a real scumbag, because he encouraged this thing. night yeah that's uh i'm not i'm totally against her being punished for this in any way and the
Starting point is 01:19:45 boyfriend's a real scumbag uh real scumbag because he encouraged this thing the more you guys are talking about this the more it's making sense and i don't want this perspective to make sense because really i bet the dog's sitting there like i'm just being part of the team you know like like she's always way less stressed out after I finish up. If the dog doesn't share your predisposition against this kind of activity, the dog is down. The dog is totally down. If it were anything... Yeah, the fact that it's just the dog doing licking
Starting point is 01:20:14 makes it hard to say that it's abusive. If it were anything else, then it would be easy to make that connection. But it's still fucked up. And call me a Puritan all you want. I'm very against fucking animals. And allowing them to do things to you or letting them lick you. And like,
Starting point is 01:20:30 like a dog lick in your cheek is like, Oh, what a sweet little animal. But, but what was this lady thinking? What is her life? That's an autobiography I'd like to read. Wouldn't it just to see,
Starting point is 01:20:41 like, I wonder if someone is born like that to where as soon as they hit 14 or puberty she was like i can't stop thinking about dogs like i just love dogs and animals or if this is something that happened later in life with like a kinky boyfriend or that's what the article called that out it said that the guy encouraged it this isn't something she'd ever done before or whatever it wasn't her kink so much that she was doing this to please her man. And I think inadvertently the dog got happy too. Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:21:09 So I feel bad for her because that's, you know, that's a shame that that all went down. Male sexuality is so much more foul than female sexuality. I don't think it is. Like no woman would, as far as like. Yes, you're about to go, you're about to make a statement. It's just, just provably false. No woman would ever want a dog to fuck her. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:21:28 That's disgusting. I think you're taking it a different direction. I'm saying that I bet there are plenty of cases out there of a relationship where, like, the sex, you know, they start getting crazy. And the guy's like, yeah, Susan, I want you to pick up Fido. I want you to put him between your legs and just let what happens happen. And she's like, can I fucking guess? And they do that. I don't feel like that would happen in the other direction as much,
Starting point is 01:21:54 where a woman would be like, all right, I want you to take this dead octopus we got at the store, and I want you to wrap it around your cock. I want you to wrap it around your cock so it turns blue. And the guy's just like, I mean, I'm going to do this, but I'm not pleased with it. It's very cold and slimy. Yeah, the suckers. I don't know. So Kyle, you think women are just as sexually adventurous as men?
Starting point is 01:22:16 Yes. Depraved would be the word. I think there's a spectrum of the stuff. People like feeling good sexually. And there's a whole spectrum of things that the stuff like people like feeling good sexually and there's a whole spectrum of things that make them get that same feeling so some people just a beautiful woman you know touching you like ah i'm at 10 out of 10 but for some people they're like i gotta have a giraffe watching i gotta have my grandpa in the corner like massaging me with oil like like they
Starting point is 01:22:40 need something crazy and i wish we had filthy to to talk about this because he's got that whole sexual studies thing. He'd probably have some input on this. I've read the Kinsey data, that guy that did all those sexual studies. And there's a breakdown of percentage-wise what percentage of people engage in bestiality. And it's broken down depending on whether they live in the city or in the country, whether it's a man or a woman, different age groups, different educational groups. I think a lot of people dispute
Starting point is 01:23:12 his stuff now, like in recent years. I think they dispute some of his findings, but I don't know if his research, his actual data, I don't know that that was... Like if the actual methodology was fucked up or something or if it was just You only used six creepy, you know goat fuckers to complete this whole survey or whatever
Starting point is 01:23:31 I always thought that he that some like opinion that he had based on his studies was like Wrong or had been proven false or something some ideas he had but but I I didn't I guess it's possible that his data is Wrong, but that's the only data there is on you know women fucking dogs right everybody likes depraved shit to an extent but to pretend that on average men and women want the same amount of like sex and are as interested in that kind of stuff is just kind of silly yeah like biologically men think about sex constantly all the time yeah like women don't like, it's like women live in a candy store of sex, and men live in a desert of sex comparatively. Obviously, there's so much middle ground there, that's just hyperbolic to make the point. That's pretty close.
Starting point is 01:24:14 But so, like, when a guy gets sex, it's like, all right, I had to work for this, and let's fucking make the most of it. You know, when a woman gets sex, it's like, ah, I'm not going to buy another Snickers today. I've already had far too many. I'm getting fat. You know, like, I don't want that. It's just't want that it's just give me that variety bag there's nothing wrong with that halloween yeah nothing wrong with it it's just men are definitely more sexually depraved yeah definitely more sexually depraved just because the sex drive i think and and like i don't know just the way we are driven to sex uh it just seems a bit different because it has
Starting point is 01:24:44 to be right like i mean these are those are some rape inclinations if we're driven to sex uh it just seems a bit different because it has to be right like like i mean these are those are some rape inclinations if we're if we're boiling it right down to being honest like that's what it's about thinking how much of a disaster it would be yeah yeah like when you get horny like like of course you'd prefer if a woman allowed you to but but your biology is saying go get some pussy it's not saying if she wants you like there's no part of being horny where like your penis still works whether she wants it or not like like like i feel like i feel like we've uh we've evolved to be a bit rapey just like all the other animals you know like orangutans i had to be very careful about
Starting point is 01:25:16 rape ducks apparently rapey otters rape very rapey but squirrels kyle's not crazy on this i think you know of course you have self-control. You don't hurt anybody. Yeah. But the instinct is to find somebody to grab and take and bind. If it wasn't. Yeah. Genghis Khan wasn't like super concerned about consent.
Starting point is 01:25:42 Like at all. Do you really think he had to ask, though? I feel like if you see Genghis Khan walk into your village, you're just like, like, pull your skirt up. It's because of the implication. Give me that Khan seed. I want to know what happens afterwards, though.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Is your kid, like, are you set for life? Does this give you financial security and protection forever? No. Because we'd all be safe if that were true because he he spawned hundred it's gotta be thousands he had thousands of children right like it seemed like he raped a different woman every day twice a day three times a day it's so much rape that like that you can you can measure the amount of uh
Starting point is 01:26:21 yeah i've heard every man woman and child on the planet has a little con in them. You know how much fucking you have to do? Like, keep in mind, this is a guy who is known for being a warlord. He's not like he's Genghis Khan the fucker. He's Genghis Khan the great, the warlord, the conqueror. He still found time to be one of the most prolific fuckers
Starting point is 01:26:42 of all time. He would giggle at my 11 times a day. Oh, please. He would giggle at my 11 times a day. Oh, please. In one day. He's getting 11 women a day at least. It says that 0.5% of the total world population might be descendants of Genghis Khan. According to the data, and I'm not going to follow the link. 0.5%?
Starting point is 01:26:58 Data. Yeah. 0.6%. Only 0.3%. Oh, no. That's not true. According to the data, around 8% of men, around 16 million individuals
Starting point is 01:27:07 residing in the former Mongol Empire, carry almost identical Y chromosomes. Wow, so they all descended from the same man. 16 million people in the same area now. I wonder if that caused any problems genetically or anything. Those are good genes.
Starting point is 01:27:22 Maybe people didn't even know that they were banging someone that was like Genghis Khan's great-grand khan's great they've been a little bit related and and he meant clearly had some good genes right like like like i don't know what he looked like or what his stature was i doubt if anyone does but he's a real winner what would that percentage be if he was fucking people in a more populated area right like like so he was from mongolia mongolia hasn't really blossomed into the centerpiece of a current earth right now he spent some time in china but if he had conquered china in the same way that he had conquered mongolia maybe 20 percent of people would have some con i just
Starting point is 01:27:58 don't think he could have done any more fucking than he did and i don't think there was ever a point where he was like oh only i had some more women see he fucked i'll say a thousand women and then their descendants turned into a million people if he had fucked a thousand chinese women a thousand years ago then maybe they turned into a billion people i've got an answer for this so it wasn't people in mongolia that were related to him those 16 million are people that were in what was the Mongol Empire, which at the time was much, much larger and took up parts of China and whatnot. And so these 16 million people, a lot of them are in China, a lot of them in Mongolia. I want to make a center of a booming population, right?
Starting point is 01:28:36 He needs to be in like early America, early Europe, early China. He spent too much time in a wasteland. Just jizzing everywhere. Yeah, that's it. He needs to be at the start of where populations explode. I'm sure the bulk of his... He didn't go to China until he was well-established in Mongolia. Mongolia barely has paved roads.
Starting point is 01:28:55 There's only 3 million people in Mongolia, and most of these people live in China. I'm not mocking you. I'm like, yeah, I guess... Isn't that where they drink the fermented goat milk or something like that? No, that was one of the Istans. That is the place where Borat is from.
Starting point is 01:29:09 That is Kazakhstan. Oh, I watched a show last night. It's called House of Saddam. It's about Saddam Hussein. It's about 10 years old, and it's on HBO. It's a four-part, one-hour-each-part telling of the whole Saddam Hussein story, beginning with his taking of power back in like 92, 93, whenever the fuck. I thought that you were going to see some sort of charismatic warlord.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Like you were going to have some moments where it's kind of like watching a Tywin Lannister, where you're like, ah, I can appreciate this about him, or that was very wise what he did here. you're like ah i can appreciate this about him or that was very wise what he did here now is such a paranoid fucking murderer that that like everyone loves him like he's surrounded by a group of people who love him the people outside that also love him the people outside that shell fear him and he doesn't but but he just kills the people who like his best friend right away he's just like boom shoots him in the head he's like the man who can kill his best friend he does not need to fear anyone this this makes me strong to my enemies and it's like dude he loved and his wife's like but he loved you he loved you saddam and every step of the way he'll just get more and
Starting point is 01:30:21 more paranoid and he'll be like ah my brother-in-law, and he'll be like, ah, my brother-in-law. Yep, he's got to go too. He kills his brother-in-law. He kills both of his sons-in-law. He killed his best friend. And that's just the people closest to him that he's just laying out left and right, not to mention the gassing of the curts. And there was no clever thing? No. I don't want to make this political but trump said
Starting point is 01:30:45 something that i've often thought he said i'm gonna mess up his name is it kim jong il the young one the current one the current guy is kim jong-un kim jong-un okay uh trump said that guy's not dumb he's like that guy's pretty smart he was a young guy and when his father died there were a dozen people trying to take power from that country, right? It was kind of, you know, he was maybe the favorite, but he managed to do it. He held it. And he's still ruling that country in an environment where, you know, things are a little chaotic, but here he is still on top. And, you know, everyone else says he's a madman with no brain and yada, yada, yada. But Trump was, Trump says what I think in
Starting point is 01:31:24 this case i'm not often lining up with him but like hey you know what if you're leading a country there's probably something going on between your ears it just to maintain power just to get all the key holders supplied you know all the keys to power right to keep them happy enough so that they keep you in power saddam had so much power to watch this thing, of course. It's really fun to watch because every now and then they intersplice an actual Saddam Hussein quote, and one of them is like,
Starting point is 01:31:51 the law is anything I write on a piece of paper. You know, like this is kind of his mindset. He had it tracked back, his lineage, all the way to Muhammad. So now he has it in his head that he is divine in some way, and he starts having a Quran transcribed in his own blood. You know, just his early war with Iran, with the Khlameni or whatever the fuck,
Starting point is 01:32:13 like that seemed like a justified thing. And then the invasion of Kuwait is painted in a way that I'd never seen it. Apparently the deal was this. The Kuwaitis are using American slant drilling oil technology to drill into Iraq and get their oil. They're stealing their natural resources, and the Iraqis are like, whoa, stop stealing our natural resources and apologize. And the Americans are, of course, giving them this technology to do it. And so Saddam finally has a meeting with the uh with the kuwaitis and they're
Starting point is 01:32:46 like we have powerful friends we don't give a shit fuck yourself meaning the united states of course and saddam's like ah all right we need to talk to the u.s ambassador so he sits down with the u.s ambassador and and and he's like she says uh of course president bush wishes for peace in the middle east but he has no opinion on Arab, against Arab affairs. And he was like, oh, the president has no opinion on Arab, on Arab affairs. Now, of course he wants peace, but you know, and he's like, ah, he walks out of that meeting thinking he's got car blanched to invade Kuwait. I've heard many times he asked for permission, carry on. Yeah. So they dropped special forces in, the the royal the family of kuwait has to flee they're pillaging kuwait taking like things that they claim were bought
Starting point is 01:33:29 with these these ill-gotten oil money gains and then george bush assembles 30 nations and they start building a force over the course of weeks and and at six weeks later you know it's it's game over because there's this one really cool scene that I wondered, watching this all as a child and then later as a young adult, why no one ever says this to Saddam. One of his son-in-laws is like, Baba, the Americans, they have missiles and smart bombs. We will be destroyed before we even see their faces.
Starting point is 01:34:01 And he's like, coward. It's just like, they will fight to the last man you know like like like like the americans can't stomach 10 000 casualties we have more willpower than them and it's like how can you ever hope to kill 10 of them dude like what are you you don't get it you don't get it it was uh yeah it was a real lopsided affair i know someone who was a commander you're right and uh he actually had some guilt afterwards because their tank battles they just like beyond that that was mentioned that uh that that highway of death or whatever they call it with all the burnt out trucks and vehicles with the skeletons in them that's sort of mentioned there's a part where saddam's it's i get them mixed up because I just watch this thing,
Starting point is 01:34:46 but son-in-law, someone he's got in power, the leader of his military is on the radio. He's like, no, cowards will be shot. You can't run. Don't run. Cowards will be shot. Do you understand? And Saddam walks in the room.
Starting point is 01:34:57 He's like, what's going on? And the other guy's like, our army has been overrun. There's a highway we were retreating on and we were all pinned down, taking terrible casualties and there's nothing we can do. And he's like, why didn't you tell me this? And there's always, like, this infighting with the people closest to him, playing each other against him. One time, Saddam asks his, like, two most trusted
Starting point is 01:35:16 guys for an opinion on something that he's going to do. And the first guy's brother-in-law says, oh, if I were you, I'd do this, this, this, and that. Then all this will be smooth, and these people will like you, those people will fear you, and those people will be dead. What about you, Jim? What do you think? Oh, well, I could never presume to put myself in the position of the president. Never. And then Saddam looks over at his brother-in-law like, he did just presume to put himself in the position of the president. He thinks he's got it all worked out.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Like two weeks later, that guy's blowing up in a helicopter crash. And Saddam's whole family comes to him, like his wife, her children, her grandchildren. He's like, there he is, children, sitting behind his desk in his uniform. The man who killed my brother, who killed your uncle, who killed your father. And Saddam's just like, eh. He's just such a monster that you couldn't get on board with Saddam at any point throughout the whole four-part thing. But it was entertaining to watch. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:17 I'd love to check that out. Did you feel like it was biased? Did you feel like it was accurate? I felt like it was accurate. But not because I know any of the things and i can like check up on their facts just because they were so fair to everyone involved except for zadam who by all accounts is a monster and uday uday uh the the oldest son is painted as an absolute that saddam has this part where he's slapping uday around he's he's like violence is a tool not for fun not for not for play we use violence as a tool
Starting point is 01:36:47 because because Uday just had uh there's a party next door they're celebrating Saddam marrying his second wife Uday is from wife number one he does not appreciate wife number two so he goes over to the party they're Saddam's best most trusted friend he is He is shit-faced. And Uday's like, this party's over. How about I get the fuck out of here? And the guy's like, brother, this is my house. And he's not his brother. He's just calling me. This is my house. We're celebrating for your father's great day.
Starting point is 01:37:16 He gave us permission to have this party. Forgive me, but you should go. And he's like, how dare you speak to me like that? It's like, I'm so sorry if I spoke out of turn, but I am very drunk. I can barely see you, sir. Uday starts beating him to death with his cane until there are brains on the ground. This is the guy that just got, that was just at the wedding party of his dad?
Starting point is 01:37:39 And that's a true story. It wasn't a wedding party. It was just a party they were having celebrating Saddam's second marriage. Uday comes over, beats Saddam's best friend to death with his cane. And then, like, his friends are like, what did you do? You beat him to death. And he's like, ah, he's not dead. He's not dead.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Like, doing coke. Like, his fucking brains were on the floor. They're on your cane right here. And then all of a sudden the phone rings. And it's Saddam's, like, scary henchman. He's like, is it true? They're like, yeah, it's true. He killed him.
Starting point is 01:38:08 I'll handle this. Click. And next thing you know, Saddam's having Uday thrown in a cell and having him beaten up and stuff. But still, he lets him out eventually. It's his son. Uday has this moment with one of Saddam's trusted guys because he has a lot of them. He says, Saddam, Papa has had many favorites, but only one firstborn son. And when I heard that, I was like,
Starting point is 01:38:28 fucking right, bro. You need to get on this guy's good side. He's going nowhere. He's got a golden ticket being the firstborn son. I couldn't believe when you told me how bad Uday and Kuse were. I thought that they were just kind of like Dennis the Menace over there.
Starting point is 01:38:40 Oh, you didn't know that? No, no, I'm totally joking. I know that they had people eaten by dogs. That's the big thing I remember. I'm sure you guys know more, especially Kyle, now that you've watched that. A bunch of rape things. Rape things? Rape is like, that's not surprising for them,
Starting point is 01:38:55 because you would assume that they're bad and they'd rape. It's the dog eating and the weird methods of torture that are the most upsetting. So Cusay, he ran the um trying to think of the equivalent but like their intelligence agency the guys who went out looking for the people who were against saddam and then tortured them killed them and found more people to torture and kill and went on so his torture and his violence was always the tool that's not that saddam kind of refers to at one point uday on the on the other hand, was like a monster. He was a Joffrey.
Starting point is 01:39:27 He really liked inflicting pain. He would just find women and rape them. He would just find people and kill them. He was just a real monster. I like the story you're telling. I'm not saying it's wrong. I just can't get past the notion that to stay in power for 25 years, you have to be more than just an asshole.
Starting point is 01:39:46 You have to have some sort of political awareness and vision. I'll tell you what he did. When he comes in right away and takes over, this kind of refers to the key holders of power. He lines up all the key holders of power. He has people lie under threat of torture against their families and admit to a conspiracy that never existed and then name co-conspirators who all
Starting point is 01:40:12 are like cabinet members and stuff. Then he selects a new cabinet and he has them stand face to face outside and he takes his pistol out and hands it to one of his new cabinet members and says, fire. That guy kills his previous counterpart, hands the gun down, and they go down the row. And every member of his, every one of his new key holders murders the man who used to hold the key.
Starting point is 01:40:35 Ah. Which is gruesome. Well, that's crazy. But is there some cleverness? I'm trying to find it here. Absolutely. Clearly it was. He had power like
Starting point is 01:40:45 that's that's what i'm saying all the key holders know what happens on their way out so you better continue to support this guy i yeah oh there's a couple scenes and you can see it in real life it's really fun to like find the old real life saddam speeches where like someone will be like saddam they're sitting at the table all these generals it's kind of a wartime thing, and he's like, that general's a traitor, take him away. And the generals are crying, and they're taking him away, and the rest of the generals, one of the remaining generals at the table, they're all scared, terrified, you can tell, these grown men, 50s and 60s. He's like, I think I speak for everyone here when I say that I love the great leader, and I want him to live forever, and I love him. And everybody at the table, like, in unison starts, like, taking their hands and slamming them on the table in agreeance.
Starting point is 01:41:30 And they don't stop until he tells them to stop. So he just sits there watching as they, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, pound the table. Same thing would happen if they had— What a fucking maniac. Yeah. Another time, and I've seen the video video of this he's got this huge group of people assembled it might be congress or parliament or whatever they had and he starts naming fucking conspirators and they're dragging them out one after as he names them and the people
Starting point is 01:41:54 are so terrified that their name could come up next they start standing up saddam yeah saddam they start cheering and like you can't allow Bob to be the one man who stands and cheers for Saddam. You've got to join in, right? So everyone gets in. And it's like a competition to see who can clap harder. Who can be more enthusiastic and boisterous and happy
Starting point is 01:42:17 to be there? And who can be more part of the team? And so you see this ocean of politicians just acting their asses off because they know it might be the acid baths if they don't or something i've heard that about north korea too and when i heard it specifically it was about when king jong-un maybe died or king jong-il yeah and when kim il-sung when both of them died and like they were competing in a similar way to grieve more you you know, to be more upset, to wail louder, to whatever,
Starting point is 01:42:46 you know, to prove their loyalty. If you watch those clips of like the competitive grieving, like you can see like as they're panning across crowds, like you can see like people like dabbing eyes and then like looking to the right or something and seeing somebody else like, and then that person's like, oh, fuck. else like and then that person's like oh fuck everybody just escalates like if a kid on a playground trips and they all start freaking out you know because they see a bone or something like they it's just it's so creepy you have to wonder what you do in that situation and I know 1,000% what I would do is be banging my hands on that table like you are the fucking man frankly ted isn't banging his
Starting point is 01:43:25 hands hard enough ted do your hands hurt are your hands a little tender ted because i could do this all night you know like that's exactly what i would i would pander so hard if i were in north korea right now like if i got captured there would be no thing of like i'm an american citizen you gotta help me i'd be like i defected and I'm here to help. You gotta do something. Be like, I know their military secrets. And then you just have to go into their base and be like, I hope I know enough that they don't know more. A lot of cold duty.
Starting point is 01:43:54 A few RTSs. I hope that's gonna help me out here. You're gonna bomb LA? Oh man, I'm on your team. Yeah, I'll hit the button, I guess. There's no other option. There's no other option. If you want to live, you'm on your team. Yeah, I'll hit the button, I guess. There's no other option. There's no other option. If you want to live, you have to do that.
Starting point is 01:44:09 If you watch North Korean defectors, those interviews on YouTube, and they talk about what it was like defecting and knowing as they were leaving, yeah, when I left, I knew they were going to kill the rest of my family. And there were people that would tell their family members that they were going to escape,
Starting point is 01:44:27 and the family members would rat them out, and then they'd be publicly executed. Like, it's beyond barbaric. It's going to be crazy when that finally collapses and we could really get in there and see everything that's been happening. We're going to see Nazi-style war crimes, and it's going to be...
Starting point is 01:44:43 All of the leaders who stood by and let it go down are going to look like bad people i think i i think that they do some awful things in there um you just see that when someone has unchecked power they they they seem to default to evil mode right like it just seems like there's some experiment human experimentation or you know forced human experimentation or gene manipulation and And we know that there are concentration camps and death camps and labor camps and slave labor running that economy. It's pretty terrible.
Starting point is 01:45:12 People are born into labor camps there. They live their whole life in a labor camp. They don't even know that there is an outside. I never heard that. That sounds absolutely horrible. That's forming people. I watched the Joe Rogan experience for an hour live today and had Jamie Foxx on
Starting point is 01:45:29 and that was spectacular. Jamie Foxx? The guy from Django? The multi-talented genius? You don't like the comedian, singer, actor, dancer? I don't. Entrepreneur? He thinks real highly of himself. He should. singer actor dancer i don't i entrepreneur i never listened to his comedy himself
Starting point is 01:45:45 he should he should think very highly of himself uh he he told some of the greatest stories on there today and and he his impressions are off the chain every step of the way as he name drops or talks about who's at a party he does an impression like floyd mayweather nails it then all of a sudden he does a German grandma? Nails it. I really enjoyed that. Why don't you care for Jamie? I love him as an actor. I just don't know his music or his comedy, but as an actor he's really good.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Oh, come on. That song with Kanye? I ain't saying she's a gold digger, but she ain't fucking with a bro. Oh, that is Jamie Foxx in it? The guy singing? Can you hear me, mama? When I'm in need. Oh, well, I mean, that part's not that great. Yes, he's a traveler.
Starting point is 01:46:27 Yeah, that's Jamie Foxx singing that part. Yeah, that was his first singing thing. Kanye comes to his house with his jaw stuck. He tells that story. Kanye coming to his house and being like, Hey, man, I got this song. I think you'd be great on it. And they go back to his studio,
Starting point is 01:46:39 and Kanye says, you know, sing this lyric. And I don't know. This whole story was fun to listen to. He was hilarious. He had Rogan rolling laughing. Why don't you like him? I'm sorry. I didn't hear.
Starting point is 01:46:51 I thought he was a bigger guy. You know when he lost me? It was at that roast. And I can't remember it, but, like, the absolute details. I think the other guy is Terrence or something. But the guy is telling his jokes, and Jamie Foxx is just ruining it. You know, he's up there saying, your jokes aren't funny.
Starting point is 01:47:11 Nobody's laughing. This is dull. And the guy would be like, he's not doing well. But part of the reason he's not doing well is that Jamie keeps fucking up his rhythm. He's being sabotaged. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:23 Jamie's heckling him, but Jamie has a mic. So it's like a really rough heckle. And he's a bigger star than the other guy. He ruined that guy's career. And he's just... I tried to find the video of it. Well, if you could ruin the guy's career by cracking some jokes, the guy wasn't
Starting point is 01:47:38 very good to begin with. Maybe he's just not funny. There was a string his career was hanging from, if that was the thing that snipped it I wish I could find it in time I think it was the Emmett Smith roast Anyway, yeah So the guy was up there
Starting point is 01:47:54 And he was doing okay, I guess But Jamie just kept fucking with his routine I don't know why There was no good reason So then they interviewed him afterwards On some sort of radio show and he's like well you know we're all competitive yeah comedians we're all gunslingers up there trying to beat each other so you know that was me beating that guy and it was just like oh no it wasn't like you
Starting point is 01:48:17 weren't being funny jamie didn't have anything clever to say they weren't good lines it was just every time the guy started up again jamie would interrupt him and say i think you're just racist they're both black uh i don't know how i'm racist in that at all but uh you're not of course not i wish i could find it in time it was a really like a lot of people thought jamie foxx was a full-on asshole for the way that he did it well hey everybody has a night where they're an asshole. I just called a grown man a fat ass at a fast food restaurant. If that was your only bit of interaction with me, I'm sure that manager thinks I am a complete piece of shit. It sounds like Jamie was being an asshole but but what i'm
Starting point is 01:49:05 talking about is like his whole body of work i find him fascinating i find anybody who's like multi-talented at a high level fascinating like like whether it's uh was it barry sanders i always get it fucking no it's barry um bo uh what's his fucking name the guy who played football and base uh oh bo sanders oh jackson thank you yeah like whether it's a bo jack? The guy who played football and baseball. Bo Jackson. Bo Jackson, thank you. Yeah, like whether it's a Bo Jackson in athletics who does that, or like, if you look at what Jamie Foxx does, he has been at the highest who is not very good at a lot of things, apparently. No, Tim Tebow is not of any interest at all. I hate Tim Tebow because he played at Florida and they beat Georgia. Oh, yeah, you would hate Tim Tebow. He made Georgia look like a bunch of losers for years.
Starting point is 01:50:00 It's Matt Stafford at Georgia and Tim Tebow at Florida. Stafford stays in the pocket. He's an accurate, strong thrower. Now he's playing for the Bears last time I – right? Chicago? Yeah. No, Lions. He's with the Lions and doing really, really well in the NFL.
Starting point is 01:50:13 You got Tebow playing minor league baseball somewhere, right? Or do they bring him up for some dollars? I feel like we're doing some MMA math here. You know, like, yeah, they went head-to-head and Tebow smashed it. Oh, no, no, no, no. It's a different game, different sport. It's a very similar sport. Totally different.
Starting point is 01:50:29 I object to that. I don't know enough about football. It's a huge difference. I'm not saying I object to the totally different part. If you're a quarterback who relies on running like Tim Tebow, and you're just excellent at it, you can dominate like he did. And he used his running to dominate all through his college football career. But if you go in the NFL.
Starting point is 01:50:49 Where you never knew what Tebow was going to do. He's going to drop back. He's going to do a little half circle, and he's got an option there. They'd have guys in the backfield. You don't know if he's going to hand it off. You don't know if he's going to take it and run it in. Or he's got a very strong arm, and he was accurate enough at the collegiate level to throw on the run.
Starting point is 01:51:04 He's moving around back there throwing it. He's known to Michael Vick, and he was accurate enough at the collegiate level to throw on the run. He's moving around back there throwing. He's known to Michael Vick, but against us, they just dominate us. They beat us every year that I can remember. Every time it mattered to me, they beat us. But Stafford's playing football, and he's playing minor league baseball. If you go, like, compare it to NFL, it's like the fastest guy he ever went up against in college is slower than the slowest guy on that NFL team he's dealing with for the most part because those are the creme de la creme.
Starting point is 01:51:28 Everything you're saying is right. I just have a particular thing about the totally different part. Like football and baseball are totally different. College and pro football are very similar. College baseball and professional baseball are completely different. They're playing with aluminum bats out there. Are you sure that's what completely means? Yeah, it is to me. They're playing with aluminum bats out there. Are you sure that's what completely means? Yeah, it is to me.
Starting point is 01:51:47 They're played in a completely different way. I think Call of Duty and Battlefield are not completely different. But would you agree Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2 are significantly different? Significantly, I'll get on board with. It's the completely that I've always objected to different in the sense that the the things that will allow you to succeed at the collegiate level don't carry over you know it would be like uh comparing taekwondo to uh uh um um muay thai like no they're not completely different they're both combat sports with hands and feet but like we're on the same page right yeah but they're but they are significantly different what if
Starting point is 01:52:24 at the professional level you're like no a taekwondo guy can can never go against a muay thai guy it just doesn't work because x y but the case is true with the collegiate thing like like his style of play this open office only works for super athletes you the only one you can think of right michael vick and randall cunningham and uh no not nearly as effective like like i mean he was the same randall cunningham at this is a long time it was like 91 or something And Randall Cunningham and... No, not nearly as effective. Randall Cunningham, it was a long time ago, it was like 91 or something,
Starting point is 01:52:49 was amazing. He led the Eagles in rushing year after year after year. He was the Michael Vick of his day. He actually got a punt kick record. Fucking Randall Cunningham had the Eagles record for how long a punt could go. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:53:07 It actually rolled a lot. But for whatever reason, the guy didn't catch it. I saw the play. It landed in a peanut truck and they went a few blocks. You could have just left it as a super impressive thing, but you tagged it with the honest thing at the end. It did roll a lot. It was a windy day.
Starting point is 01:53:21 That's what happened. For whatever reason, I guess the guy didn't want a fair catch or maybe they just didn't expect the quarterback to actually kick it and uh and it landed and he got a significant amount of yardage when it like after a first bounce but anyway yeah this guy was the michael vick of his day super duper crazy athlete there are some of those tim deboe the thing is it seemed like he was really good enough to make it work in college but not good enough to do that same thing at the nfl level where you have what made him good at his technique his whole style of playing doesn't work at that high level unless you are at an incredibly high level at what you
Starting point is 01:53:54 do like he was able to run around and be elusive in college but it just doesn't work in the pros for him i guess it's the same thing meanwhile matt stafford stays in the pocket and is incredibly good at georgia stays in the pocket and is incredibly good at Georgia stays in the pocket and is incredibly good at the professional level, you know, that like, like as probably top five QB in the league. There's a lot of intangible stuff too. I think when it comes to being, and I know that's like a joke word in sports when like the reporters like,
Starting point is 01:54:20 you know what, this game just came down to the intangibles and the kind of thing we can't talk. I got to fill three minutes here. So I'm going to came down to the intangibles. And the kind of thing we can't talk, I've got to fill three minutes here, so I'm going to keep talking about the intangible. And it's like, that doesn't make any sense in that way. But there really is a thing, and it's not just football, college football versus NFL football. Baseball, like you said.
Starting point is 01:54:37 Soccer, I would imagine our European counterparts can tell us, but I'm sure it's the exact fucking same. Hockey, like if you play in the KHL, you might be fucking incredible. There are players that come over from Russia every year, and it's like, oh, fucking Yakov Smirnoff showing up on the U.S. shores. He's killing it in the KHL. You watch his clips, and he's just playing hockey, and then you put him in the NHL, and the guy just gets butt-fucked
Starting point is 01:55:01 because it's like you're just not good enough. What you were doing over there, even though it's the exact same, the rink in the NHL is smaller. So a lot of the Russian guys get kind of gun-shy when they realize they're going to take some heavy hits. But it's similar enough that you'd think it would transfer. It just doesn't. It's completely different, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:55:18 The KHL and the NHL actually have nothing in common whatsoever. They play on asphalt over there. And they don't use sticks completely that's where i was coming from yeah yeah i would just like oh it's completely different i can't get on board with that that means something that like the hockey and baseball are completely different well segmented down the tactics are completely different a tactic doesn't work at all in college that does work in the nfl and vice versa i think is what we all it does it just works for very few it works for michael vick it works for randall cunningham It doesn't work at all in college that does work in the NFL and vice versa. I think it's what we all agree on.
Starting point is 01:55:45 It does. It just works for very few. It works for Michael Vick. It works for Randall Cunningham and probably some others I can't think of. Does Michael Vick – it seems like you guys know more about this. I'm sure you do know more about this. Was his playing style, Michael Vick, very, very similar to Tim Tebow, just better? Michael Vick is like a one-of-a-kind athlete.
Starting point is 01:56:01 I don't think there's ever been anybody quite like him with that much power and speed speed what was it that made you kind of compare him to him is what i'm kind of wondering like compare tebow to vick oh just because they're you know outside the pocket moving around i'd always see tebow would be uh a couple of defenders would would break his line and they'd be chasing him around and he fucking shake one off or he'd do a little he'd like run in a circle around the guy because he's you know he's more agile michael vick on the other hand like god damn like there's a reason you play those old uh like madden 2004 oh my god madden 2004 you got you got vick it was like right up the side i don't even need to pick a play like like uh that play and right up the side with vick it doesn't even matter if the play is designed for vick to run you know like he'll still just be so fast and agile.
Starting point is 01:56:47 I don't like football, and I've never really cared for football, but I watched every Vic game I could. I remember him playing in the, like, maybe it was the NFC Championship against the Rams and watching him run for some ungodly amount of yards. I think he got a touchdown, but I just remember him running up the right sideline, and nobody could touch him. And he'd just go, everybody's's following and he's pulling away. He's just pulling away.
Starting point is 01:57:09 I'm a superhuman. Fast as a dog. Yeah, because all these other top athletes in the world are looking at this guy like, God damn it, he's just one shade better than us. One level, one step higher. When they used to do fantasy hockey in the 80s and 90s, they split Wayne Gretzky into two different players.
Starting point is 01:57:31 So you had to pick Wayne Gretzky's goals or Wayne Gretzky's assists because you couldn't have both or you would win every league you were in. That's hilarious. I've seen some people draw the comparison of, you know, Connor versus Floyd as what would happen if you took the world's best figure skater and had him play against Wayne Gretzky. But I don't think that's a good comparison. I don't think there are any good comparisons, which is why this is so fascinating. Yeah, it's a hard comparison.
Starting point is 01:57:56 Because there is a chance that McGregor will win. There's no chance that a figure skater has beaten Gretzky. So I think it's definitely closer. I hope McGregor wins. Yeah, me too. All right, let me tell you a bit about uber when you drive for the right ride sharing app every uh oh god damn it what happened i'll tell you a bit about me undies yeah i was like oh i guess they don't get a graphic there's a reason there's a reason we've been telling you about me undies for months now
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Starting point is 01:59:49 put clothes in the laundry basket okay yeah and then they show up in my dresser i did like eight loads of laundry yesterday and one of the things i did i culled out all of the fruit of the looms i culled out all of the uh the ha. I culled out all of the Hanes. They all bit the dust. They went right in the garbage can. They were rough and scratchy. They're all gone. So we're 100% MeUndies now.
Starting point is 02:00:13 I have the boxers, and I don't wear boxers in anything else because the material, I don't know if this makes sense. The way it hangs, the way it feels, it kind of bunches up and is scratchy sometimes. But the MeUndies material is really soft, and it doesn't bunch up. So I like the boxers as much as the boxer briefs. Did you get the same color swatch thing as me? Well, last time I was going to get an order of stuff, I told Chiz, I was like, hey, tell them to send me panties so that I can give my girlfriend
Starting point is 02:00:40 some MeUndies panties or whatever. And I guess that they kept that box checked. So this month I got some conf, some MeUndies panties or whatever. And I guess that they, like, kept that box checked. So this month I got some confetti panties, or celebrate panties. Is that a box that you're going to continue to leave checked? I told Chiz to try to get that sorted for me so I, you know, some more manly underwear. I have a lot of female underwear right now.
Starting point is 02:01:00 Yeah. MeUndies is really hooking me up. Nice. Nice. Well, they're great. New topic? Yeah. Sure.
Starting point is 02:01:11 I don't have an answer for this one picked out, but I saw on Ask Reddit, and it was interesting to me. Who is your anti-role model? The person you never want to be like when you grow up. Oh. Man, there's so many. Really? There's so many. Really?
Starting point is 02:01:25 There's so many people that you just don't, you look at them and you think, oh, that person kind of sucks. Like a pub. I don't know. Right? Definitely. All right.
Starting point is 02:01:38 So I've always had this thing in the back of my head. It was never a big thing, and my father's never even mentioned it. So it's not, but my grandfathers both died um for alcohol related stuff and so i've always had in my head that like i never like was afraid to drink and i've drank plenty like hard liquor and i've drank to excess plenty of times but i've always had this thought that like i don't want to become an alcoholic i don't want to be i don't do that because that's the that that would be a real like cliche if like I I did that
Starting point is 02:02:07 I couldn't do that so so like if anything like I guess my grandfathers are my anti-role models uh in a way because they were both real scummy pieces of shit who like abused their wives and drank uh to excess and ended up dying because of it in both cases I That's a good answer. I had a manager who didn't take care of his people. It was... I don't want to out him too much. It was one of my managers at Cisco. I had a bunch of them. And it was almost like this guy made his career
Starting point is 02:02:37 fucking over people. Like, Cisco had this thing where they would fire something like 20% of the staff every quarter. It was the bottom 10%. The bottom 10%. 10% of your staff would get fired every quarter. Every quarter? God damn! We run out of people in a year? You might think, how hard is it to be in the top
Starting point is 02:02:56 90%? If you're in a group of 10 and they fire four people a year, if you trip, if you miss one deadline, if you miss anything you could be that one in ten like that could be a thing was there ever sabotage because i'm gonna tell you right now let me go on it okay yes so i other managers didn't do this like they had a policy of doing it but most managers were like i don't have a bottom 10 i like all my guys if i
Starting point is 02:03:21 were to fire i want to be firing a good person. He was like, nope. You know, like fucking Hunger Games, they always found a way to fire someone quarterly. I've told this story before. There was a guy, he was in San Jose. The guy was a superstar. He comes out here, he was going through a divorce, and he had three months where he just wasn't the best version of him. Manager fired him. Didn't last one quarter under my manager. And he had all these like awards from work like crystal trophies and shit like that and it's burned into my head he took his trash can and he swooped all his like awards into the trash can and walked out the door that's it worked under my manager for one month where you know is this a guy who was eating with you like like no he did your excellence
Starting point is 02:04:02 no no I'm saying did your excellence sort of slide this guy to that role okay so i was young and i was an asshole and i used to point out whenever he was stupid because he was dumber than me and uh well you know he would just like not know what day of the week it was sometimes yeah yeah you know he'd be like yeah two days from now they're in an office right but like if he's if every time he slipped, I would, like... Of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:29 This is where I was headed with this. Of course. So, did you look at this guy and all of his crystal trophies with a bit of fear for your family? Oh, no. I'm talking about the manager. This guy has crystal trophies?
Starting point is 02:04:38 I thought I was going to learn something from him. Like, I didn't... Yeah, no. Dude, that's where I was going with this. I was like, do you see this new... Because I'm thinking, we're a baseball team, you know? And, you know, I'm starting pitcher over here.
Starting point is 02:04:47 And all of a sudden, you get Greg Maddox in. He's got fucking Cy Youngs all over the wall over there. And this is the guy you brought in? I'm hoping for his downfall. I left my company and went to Cisco. It was an IT. This was just all IT people. And it's like, if you don't fulfill your IT responsibilities in the bottom 10... And this wasn't like the sales or some other department. It was just all IT people and it's like if you don't fulfill your IT responsibilities in the bottom 10, this wasn't like the sales or some other department.
Starting point is 02:05:07 It was just this one. It wasn't a total Cisco policy. No, it was a Cisco policy. No, no. It was a Cisco policy and he got the idea from GE where apparently it was a policy there too. Anyway, yeah, so I left my company and went to Cisco hoping to work with people better than me.
Starting point is 02:05:22 I was kind of like the lead dog in a sled team at QAD. And when I went to Cisco, I was like, I'm going to be surrounded by people who are all lead dogs on their sled team. So when this guy came, I was like, this is going to be great. I'm going to learn from this guy. I'm going to be the super, I'm going to grow. And he ended up getting fired pretty quickly. Was there ever like a quarter where maybe your numbers aren't so great
Starting point is 02:05:42 and you're like, maybe i'll go over to jerry's computer and delete a few things no i did take my turn in the barrel maybe i'll add an extra zero in this huge line of code on jerry's desk i uh anyway so after after he stopped managing me and stuff i kept watching this guy and he like led efforts to ship jobs to india and he led efforts to like get interns to do jobs and he always found a way to get like cheaper labor fire people like his career was built on fucking employees efficiency but it didn't feel like that when you work for him of course not. How can I make that 10? You know, how can I get that six and have two of them be interns? How can I, you know, get half of their jobs and ship them to India? How can we do this?
Starting point is 02:06:48 And when you're working, there was never a, like, how can we get Matt to the next level? How can we make Matt some sort of architect or whatever? No, not that. It was always, fuck your staff. So if I had to pick an anti-role model. That could have been a good work environment, right? Like, if everybody's constantly stressed out, like you'd think that in and of itself
Starting point is 02:07:08 would take some productivity out of the mix because people aren't sleeping as well. They're in their free time. They're not getting true rest because you need real rest and free. Like, no, that's a real thing. Like if these people are worried, I'm just saying that maybe it's a bad thing.
Starting point is 02:07:22 It's like killing the slowest worker or something. Like in one of those gulags or something like that. Yeah, that's a good model to run this on. We've got a whole lot more coal now than we did before. Well, if you're the guy in charge, who fucking cares about the coal miners, right? So I was senior to this girl, right? This girl named Tracy,
Starting point is 02:07:37 and I just came into the job a lot more experienced with her. I was a higher pay grade. And we were both working on projects. The projects were not alike. They weren't the same thing, whatever. But I was doing well on mine and we both working on projects the projects were not alike they weren't the same thing whatever but I was doing well on mine and she was struggling a little and he comes over and he's like you know I heard what he smoked you on his project and it's like that is not coming from me you know like why are you saying that why are you like getting on her like like that's not how you do this breeding weird competition between your staff
Starting point is 02:08:03 this isn't teaming. Maybe. You know what? You need that attitude. It sounds like that's what he was doing. It almost feels like if he ever were to withdraw and not have you guys under this crazy system, that you might all stop and go, God damn, Rich is stupid, huh? Why is he our boss?
Starting point is 02:08:19 Let's talk to Carl. He'll fire Rich in a heartbeat. I know it. It was like he kept you on your toes. That happens. Yeah. This does make sense if it were a sales department because like if you look at the breakdown of any sales department it's not like the top 10 get 20 of the sales and like the top 50 get 60 of the sales like across the board for cars for anything i mean i'm sure kyle will
Starting point is 02:08:41 confirm this that top 10 15 of people are making 75% of the sales. They're making the overwhelming majority of it. And so in sales, it seems like that might make sense because that bottom rung person, it's like, yeah, you clearly aren't even competitive enough to be in this environment. You know, you're out of here. But if one of those good salesmen drops down, even that would be foolish. Like you wouldn't get rid of them after one bad quarter you know if they have a repertoire they can show you of look at this look at this account look at this account look at this so i don't know seems like a stressful environment the big threat if people were being lazy around the dealership would always be new
Starting point is 02:09:17 hires it wouldn't be firing because fucking cares you know you're on commission anyway you're just hanging out it's like they got plenty of desks to sit you at. They don't care if you're there or not. So the threat would be a new hire. It's like, ugh, you lazy motherfuckers. I'm going to get some new people in here. I'm going to get some head knockers or some assassins or whatever the boss would call them. You know, I'm going to get some really good people
Starting point is 02:09:36 to come in here and replace you guys. And then every now and then he would punish. Like we had a big sales event where like they used a lot of, they used all of our ad revenue for like the quarter or something for one big push in the newspapers and on tv and we uh we we did that thing where like if you're watching daytime tv and i'm i'm in the car pulling up and like and here's kyle with a with a cherokee and i'm just i'm in the car and my boss is introducing the car and everything and we all so we spent a lot of money on this thing.
Starting point is 02:10:05 But we weren't on our phones. He saw that we weren't on our phones. So he makes a phone call and literally hires like a salesman for hire. Like you think of like a gun for hire. Like he goes and gets like a killer and brings him in. And this guy, this guy's selling five cars a day. He was a killer. And we're all just like like just seething with
Starting point is 02:10:27 anger that they brought this because we're it's a real tribal type thing where like if you're the new guy either it's a while before we're going to accept you or have any respect for you we got to see you do something like we got to hear you say something smart at least like give some advice or sell a car do do a thing and this guy came in and it was like this guy's a shark like like like like this is a shark and not a guppy like we got to watch this guy he'll steal our deals from us if he can but more likely he'll steal the customers and he'll he was just so good he was he's better than any of us but that was our punishment we you know did he stick around or was he no no he just brought that guy in for for a three-day weekend that guy sold like 16 cars in a three-day weekend or something it was 16 cars in three days that's insane we all
Starting point is 02:11:09 sold a bunch of i mean on a weekend like that it's pretty outrageous it's a big big store it's i think we had 15 acres of cars so like sold a lot of cars that so kyle i'm looking for a little advice i'm not going to buy a new car unless mine breaks down for a couple years. But when I do go, what are the questions I need to be asking and the bullshit I need to be on the lookout for? Or is there – You can handle almost all of it over the phone at this point. The real question is like what do you want? Like do you want to lease a car or do you want to buy a car? What kind of car?
Starting point is 02:11:40 I'd want to buy one. New or used? Used because I'm not a silly goose. Okay. So things are really easy if you're buying a used car. Now it's really going to boil down to financing, because the cost of the car, there isn't some sort of dealer markup. There's no systems in place to dick you around there. They're not going to hide money anywhere. There's none of that. It's a used car. It is what it is, and you can kind of do research and determine if the value that they're charging for it is right or not. And there you know, there's going to be some negotiation involved.
Starting point is 02:12:05 I'd look at, you can look at the trade-in values to kind of get an idea of what they may have into it. But then you got to consider that they probably pumped at least $500 into it, just getting it spiffy enough to stick on the lot because they use their own in-house people, which they have to pay an exorbitant rate. So, yeah. If you ask them, like if you say,
Starting point is 02:12:23 like I've heard like these kind of like silly tricks and like stories and stuff, but I don't know if they actually work. Like if you went to like a salesman at the end of the month, I've heard it's best to go near the end. And you told them like, you know, show me what the wholesale you guys pay for this car and I'll play wholesale plus a thousand or wholesale plus 800. Just to make sure that they finish their month out good with their numbers and they're still not losing money? That would work on a new car for sure. The whole, like, show me the wholesale and I'll pay $1,000. But what you'd really say is, I'll pay $1,000 under that.
Starting point is 02:13:00 Show me your cost and then lose $1,000. And that would be my negotiating stance on any new car, would be show me your cost and then lose $1,000. And that would be my negotiating stance on any new car would be show me your cost and then lose $1,000 to sell me this car if you're really looking for the best deal. Because they will. I saw it happen so many times when it would be like, okay, the dealership sold 389 cars this month. At $400, corporate AutoNation bestows us with a $50,000 bonus. Guess who gets to decide how it gets distributed? The general manager. Guess how he distributes it he keeps it so he really wants to fucking sell 11 more cars today and if it means losing a little here and there like he'll make it up somewhere else you know he just will and that's the the numbers are always so pliable like like to
Starting point is 02:13:44 a customer when you get presented with the cost of a car, you're probably thinking, this is like a mortgage. This is like written in stone. They went and printed this out. No, they can flub that whole thing up. I remember I went to a customer. I went to my manager. I said, hey, this guy wants to buy this car.
Starting point is 02:13:59 Here's the stock number. Print it all out. Add this and that, these additional items. I like to have those as a negotiating tactic. If they're adding permaplate, that was our big one. It didn't even exist. We didn't even put it on the car. It was just a warranty against stains. Only one person in two and a half
Starting point is 02:14:13 years ever came in to activate their permaplate warranty. It cost $700 a pop and we don't do anything. So I just remember my manager gives me the one sheet or whatever and I'm like no no no no make it two more thousand dollars expensive and he's like well that's just the cost of the car
Starting point is 02:14:30 I was like make it two more thousand extra on the bottom just say plus two thousand alright so I go back over there I said got a great deal for you sir I was the only British guy selling him a Ford Freestyle which was the ugliest piece of shit they ever made it was it was it's sitting on a
Starting point is 02:14:48 volvo xc90 platform it's the same platform as the the 500 it had the ford 500 which i think is discontinued now it had the cvt continuously variable transmission this really underpowered engine and it looked like a faggot mobile for for many for minivan moms oh sir you don't want to drive a minivan well how, how about something even worse? The Ford Freestyle. But this British guy fucking loved it. The whole time I'm showing it to him, I'm like, well, we only have one. They go so fast.
Starting point is 02:15:14 We only have one here. Look, I was like, I'm happy to let you leave. Go home, talk to your credit union, but this green one here, it was hideous. Probably won't be here. It probably won't be here it probably won't be here when you get back so single green and and he's just like i'm like usually we sell these things and this is me like this is stuff that i was taught or like i took from my managers
Starting point is 02:15:36 we usually sell these things three four five thousand dollars over the sticker price there's so much demand for them people are traveling out of state coming here and buying them and just paying their taxes out of state This is the only one here sir. We're a corporate store. Do you understand? We're not just one store We're not three we're 800 stores across the you know the United States We sell more cars than anybody in the world for auto nation. We have one He's just all frazzled He comes back the next night with his credit union check and he paid $2,000 over the sticker price for that fucking Ford Freestyle
Starting point is 02:16:04 We would have discounted that thing another like twenty eight hundred thirty two hundred dollars or something like that he overpaid six thousand dollars because i wanted him to taylor said he wants a used car because he's not a silly i forget what not a silly goose silly goose thank you thank you i've never met anyone who said that buying new cars like if you buy a new car because you want to like it makes sense to me but i've never met anyone who said that buying new cars, like if you buy a new car because you want to, like it makes sense to me. But I've never heard anyone say, oh, yeah, always buy a new car. That's the smart financial move. Like everyone always says buy used.
Starting point is 02:16:36 You're probably right. You're probably right. I'm going to disagree. Okay. Then you can follow up on this. I bought my truck in Okay. Then you can follow up on this. I bought my truck in 2003. Brand new. And I really like that.
Starting point is 02:16:51 I like that I bought it new and kept it for 14 years so far. I think it's kind of cool. I don't know if it's more reliable because I broke it in right and always had long term in mind. Over the entire 13 years of that thing, I never thought, or 14 years, I never thought like, oh, I'm about to dump this thing. You know, we'll put the bad oil in it or anything like that. Yeah. I just like that it's always been mine. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:17 Yeah. I like the idea of buying. Makes sense, yeah. New cars are nice, man. There's a difference between a new car and a used car. There's just a huge fucking difference most of the time. And if you find that snowflake of a used car that is like, oh, it's immaculate, I mean, you're really paying a lot for the immaculate used car.
Starting point is 02:17:35 When you could start with new, get the full warranty, get any kind of lemon coverage if that thing falls apart right away, they're just going to give you a new one. I mean, if it falls apart right away, you know, like a new car is nice. The AC is nice. Like whatever electronics and like media goes, goes so fast that like, you know, the screen that was in your car three years ago might not be cool anymore. You know, now it's maybe it's going from LCD to LED.
Starting point is 02:17:58 Maybe now they're brighter. Maybe now they're not as bright and they work better in like low light conditions. And it's, it's just a totally different thing. I'd like a new car, but really what I would be interested in if i were you is leasing a car because like it's all about the mindset of what you're doing and what transportation and your car means to you in your life right so if you're the kind of guy who likes to have a new car and in you know three four five years you're like yeah i'm probably going to trade this in and get something else in three years once this has 50 000 on it or whatever, then why not lease a car? Because you already are going to always be making a payment. That's a given. Since you're three years, you're
Starting point is 02:18:33 not going to pay this thing off in three years. You're going to get a new car anyway. You're always going to have a car payment. If you just accept that as a cost of life and don't have this future mindset that eventually I will buy this and I will own a car and then that's one less expenditure out of my bank account every month. No more paying for cars. If that's what you want, then that's a really smart thing and that's great and all, but most people would rather have a new car and something fresh every three
Starting point is 02:18:57 years. So why not lease? It's cheap. I get it compared to like having payments on a used car. I was more referring to just outright buying a used car. So you're not like saddled with payments or anything like that. But I don't know. It's definitely more appealing to get a new car for sure.
Starting point is 02:19:11 Yeah, I've always bought my cars. But do you have any idea what kind of car you're going to get? Hopefully something that's better gas mileage. An SUV, perhaps? Yeah, an SUV gets competitive gas mileage with my current car. And so it won't be a difference in gas mileage. It's suburban. I like, well, I like Tahos.
Starting point is 02:19:30 That would get way worse. That would, not way worse, actually, just a little worse than my car. I like Jeep Grand Cherokees. I like, yeah, the new ones are really nice. I like the Toyota, what is it, Highlander? Is that the larger SUVs? The Sequoia is the big boy, I think. Yeah, not that one.
Starting point is 02:19:47 Don't need a Sequoia. I don't know. I just like the idea of getting an SUV, something like that. Like not anything too nice or anything. Just like something that if something happened to it, it would be like, oh, that sucks. Not like, you know, like a big scratch. It would be like, oh, that blows. Not, oh, oh, I got to go put six grand into this.
Starting point is 02:20:06 Otherwise, why would I even buy it if I'm not looking cool? Chiz and I were looking at the lease numbers on maybe Mustangs a while back. He's looking at the 2018 Mustangs. And they're pretty good. It's pretty cheap. And I went down the lease rabbit hole looking at other stuff. And I was talking to a girl a while back. And she was like, I need you to pay all my bills though and i was like oh that's not
Starting point is 02:20:27 gonna work we're not gonna be able to be a be a thing together but just curious how much are your bills it's like 800 a month to probably cover it i was like that's an escalade that's an escalade lease that's exactly that's what 800 a month will buy you. I think not, my dear. Yeah. I have a video I really want to watch, but it's five and a half minutes long. Is that crazy? Is it hilarious? What kind of video? No, it's about financing cars.
Starting point is 02:20:56 It's a, it's a, this guy lines up with the Woody philosophy of buying cars. We could, I don't know. That's risky business i can i can hear people in their cars right now going don't don't play the five and a half minute financing video so i just but it it's it's uh it flows well and it has background music hey can we try it and then at one and a half minutes in or something we can give it a thumbs down yeah if we decide to stop it all right it'll be like uh the x factor yeah or if you're old the gong show so it was high quality video yep all right ready i'm all ready set play Yep. All right. Ready, set, play.
Starting point is 02:21:49 We Americans have a love fest going on with our cars. We love them. Where else on earth can you find a couple who is flat broke and living paycheck to paycheck, but with two brand new cars in the driveway? The problem is our mindset. We've been bombarded with the notion that we'll always have a car payment. So when the car starts to show a little wear, we just run off and sign a $26,000 note for a new one. Hey, car payments are just a way of life, right?
Starting point is 02:22:13 That's the normal way of thinking. Well, the truth is that car fever and normal thinking are sabotaging our chances for success. Recent statistics show that one-third of car buyers sign up for a six-year loan and an average interest rate of 9.6 percent among these buyers the average six cars just over twenty six thousand dollars this means that one-third the cars you see on the street are dragging a four hundred and seventy five dollar payment behind
Starting point is 02:22:39 and what the car dealer won't tell you is that your awesome new car loses about twenty five percent of its value the instant you drive it off the lot. After four years, your sweet ride has lost about 70% of its value, and you've still got two years of payments left on it. That means that after six years, you've paid almost $33,000 for your $26,000 car, which is now worth maybe $6,000. twenty six thousand dollar car which is now worth maybe six thousand at that point the normal person would get car fever again run out and take out a new loan on another new car and start all over again
Starting point is 02:23:12 and the payments just keep on coming but what if we decided that enough was enough what if we decided to hang on to our money instead of sending it out of the bank in the form of payments what if we got really radical and devised a plan to make our money work for us instead of letting it work for the bank? Like this PowerPoint question mark backcrash.
Starting point is 02:23:29 Yeah. How? Our payment was $475 a month, right? Well, let's think differently for a minute. Say you want a brand new sports car that would normally cost you $475 a month, and the car you're driving now is worth around $1,500. If you take that $475 and pay yourself instead of paying the car dealer, you'll have $4,750 in just 10 months.
Starting point is 02:23:51 Add that to the $1,500 you can get for your current car, and you can pay cash for a used $6,250 car. That's a major upgrade in car in just 10 months without ever owing the bank a dime. But let's keep going. If you kept saving at that rate, you'd have another $47.50 in another 10 months. Chances are, less than a year later, you could sell your $6,250 car for about what you paid for it. This means that you can step up again with cash into an excellent $11,000 used car just 20 months from today. Not bad. $11,000 used car just 20 months from today. Not bad. Now, let's just go crazy with this. At this point, you're 20 months into the plan.
Starting point is 02:24:30 It's not a pyramid. This sounds like leasing. Yeah, right? And you're sitting in a great, paid-for $11,000 car. Remember where you were just 20 months before? And you've become an amateur car salesman. Now that you have no
Starting point is 02:24:44 free time because of your wheeling and dealing with cars. Because of your late night fever dreams. You won't buy any phone to answer all the Craigslist calls. By paying that $475 car payment to yourself and a good mutual fund for the next 52 months. Let's just see what happens. Now we're investing. Yeah. You are.
Starting point is 02:25:02 Under your original plan, you would just be finishing off your car payments for that sports car, which just doesn't look as good to you as it did when you needed it six years earlier. So, you start to shop around and pretty quickly end up signing another car loan and going right back into endless payments. Sound familiar? But what about our new plan? At the end of six years, your $11,000 paid-for car has just about run its course. It's been great.
Starting point is 02:25:26 They're purposely using these cute car pictures because they don't want to show you the fucking Dodge Stratus you're going to be in when you use this strategy for the first six years. Someone was murdered in the back, but it gets good mileage. The stock market average of 12%. Here's the kicker. You have about $32,000. Here's where things get nutty. thousand dollars. Here's where things get nutty. If you go buy a car with cash for $12,000, you'd still have $20,000 sitting in your car fund earning about 12%. You know what that means? Even if you never add another dollar to the car fund,
Starting point is 02:25:55 you'll be able to buy 14 to 18 thousand dollar cars every five years from now on. The interest you'd earn on that mutual fund will pay for your cars for the rest of your life. That's free cars, man. That's what happens when your money starts falling from you. You'll never have a car payment again. And do you know what you can do if you don't have a car payment? Do you know what your car payment is costing you? You remember that 475 payment you were about to start handing over to the car dealer? If you were to invest that into a mutual fund on rice instead of living in a tent i lived in a tent from 23 to 27 the money i saved let's look at how much it costs to have an apartment now you buy a tip for 189 forego vagina for the better part of your 20s and 30s.
Starting point is 02:26:46 Just three years later, you'll have saved enough to treat your malnourishment and spider bites. To me, it's about quality of life while you're here to live it, right? It's like, hey, I've got this great idea. You're going to drive some pretty shitty cars for the good part of your life. But by the time you're old, you'll have so much interest that cars will be cheap. And hey, it'll just be money from nowhere. It like i don't like that at all i want a nice car now like right now because of all the things that come along with it you know it's not just transportation it's style it's it's uh it makes me happy i love driving i go out and drive my car
Starting point is 02:27:19 just for fun you know it's like i'm gonna go drive i i i like leasing better than this uh that's the challenge because you don't end up with the shitty cars like remember when you were in that ford and how much you hated it i do yeah and that's that's the tricky part because i literally did this right you know we would we'd buy a car we'd pay it off um it was easy for me to do because i worked at cisco where the pay was lumpy so like it seemed it seemed like twice a year, I'd get like 20% of my pay. So we budgeted as if we lived on my salary and then boom, like $20,000 bonus, like that would roll in. And, um, um, anyway, so that's what we do. Like my truck, for example, I paid it off in nine months. Like I got it, I had car payments on it and then i got a bonus we paid the truck off that was my last car payment back in 2004 and and then we just kept like making
Starting point is 02:28:11 payments to ourselves you know putting that thing that we would have had into a car fund we did that for a long time then we bought my wife's car with a check you know i wrote a check for it and that was that and uh that's the last time we bought a car in like 2006 and like kyle's right you know like you i'm not gonna misquote him but like you can't save sex for your old age right some things you gotta do now right it doesn't work the other way and there is something to be said for like enjoying your stuff i didn't like driving that for Focus. It was kind of a dreadful thing for me to walk through the parking lot and like every single car on the way to mine more than my own car. Like that really sucked. And when I bought my Tacoma, I think I've said this before,
Starting point is 02:28:55 my father said, buy a Chevy S10. It was the last year they were making it. And I hated them. I hated it. I went there because I put a lot of value in my father's opinions. And I checked it out. And it was just like, I don't want this car. I don't want it. I think it would have been a bad financial decision. Because I don't think I'd have kept a Chevy S10 for 14 plus years. It wouldn't have lasted for 14 years.
Starting point is 02:29:16 I wouldn't disagree with that either. So I'm glad I got my Tacoma. I've been really happy with it for a really long time. There's something to be said for the notion that it's not a bargain if you don't want it but there is something to be said for like i'm not a leaser like i don't like that i don't like buying a new car every three years i don't like having a 400 800 payment whatever it is and thinking of that is just a cost of life like you get to own stuff and just keep using it and it doesn't cost you anything you kind of own it but you're going into
Starting point is 02:29:49 that pit because because with the lease thing i'm sure you know how lease agreement works but for everybody else the lease thing you you set terms okay i want this mustang for three years uh you know 36 months for the non-mathematically inclined. I want this thing for three years. I want to drive it for 15,000 miles a year. And so they say, okay, well, that Mustang in three years with 45,000 miles on it will be worth Y. The sticker price is X, and so they subtract the difference, and then you pay on that.
Starting point is 02:30:23 You pay on the difference. The assumption is that when you turn this car back in at the end of your lease agreement, it's worth the difference of what you paid them. And in some cases, that can work out pretty advantageously, like if some cars hold their value better than others. So if this new fancy 28 Mustang is probably going to hold its value very well over the next three years because it's a new body style. It's a whole new thing. So that might be an attractive lease agreement. And they'll make more attractive lease agreements by giving you fancy interest rates and
Starting point is 02:30:54 stuff. But the reason I like that is because of that scenario that I said, it's like, if you always wanted a new Mustang, if in 2021, you're really gonna want a 2022 mustang and you're gonna do it either way then like if you purchase that mustang then you're just eating all that depreciation likely and you become a car salesman again unless you want to turn it in at the dealership for a trade-in and they always fuck you on the trade-in we did yeah yeah if you're gonna buy a new car every three years it very well might make sense to lease. Because you go to different stuff, too. Yeah, that's true, too.
Starting point is 02:31:29 But having a new car every three years is a pretty expensive proposition. Really what you're doing is you're buying that front-end depreciation. You know that thing about losing 20% of its value or 25% it said in the video as you drive it off the lot? You pay for that in your lease every time. You're paying for the three most expensive years of a car's life constantly. Yep. Yeah, that's a good point. That's what leasing is.
Starting point is 02:31:51 It's a lot cheaper than buying, and you always have the car. It's only cheaper than buying if you get a new car every three years. But you got to do that. That's the point. The most cost-effective thing to do is to buy a car and use it until it's done. Or a horse. How much millage and milo do you have in your yard? How many poor people do you see getting around by equine?
Starting point is 02:32:16 Like nobody. Nobody's using horses because it's not like you can just take it home and put it in the garage. Now you've got a two-ton animal that you've got to feed and brush, and you can't just ignore it. Do you know how much Woody would love that? First of all, the man owns a stable. Second of all, you don't think he's capable of growing a crop of milo or wheat or something
Starting point is 02:32:35 or barley? Please, millet? Yeah, absolutely. He has everything it takes. I don't think horses save you money, and they only have one horsepower, which kind of sucks. I think they have like two.
Starting point is 02:32:46 I actually read that somewhere. Yeah, I read like the average horse has like two horsepower or something. 2.3, 1.8. We just shit. Yeah, it was old, shitty horses. That's probably what it is. I had no idea. But anyway, that's the car thing.
Starting point is 02:33:01 We go all over the... I like our range here. We've got Taylor kind of in the middle, Kyle with a beautiful newish car, and me's the car thing. We go all over the... I like our range here. We've got Taylor kind of in the middle, Kyle with a beautiful newish car, and me on the bottom end. It's about time for me to get something different. I don't know what I'm going to do. Are you due?
Starting point is 02:33:14 Huh? Are you due? Are you due for a new car? Because I haven't heard... I know you got the Camaro, what is it, four years ago now or so? That's five, yeah. Or six. Yeah, six years or something.
Starting point is 02:33:24 So yeah, it's about time for a new car. I don't have that many miles on it. I think I got 70,000, 78,000 in six years or something. So that's pretty low. But I'm never going to sell or trade or do anything with that car. I'll just keep it forever. Because of the depreciation. It's worth so much more to me than it's worth, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 02:33:43 Because I've taken very good care of it and uh it's i mean i think it's got one dent about the size of a dime that you have to like like move your head back and forth with the sunlight to find and it has uh one singular scratch um those things irk me if it had a big dent i'd fucking get rid of that thing right away. Like, if there's an imperfection in a thing like that, like a car or my phone, I let my phone screen go oftentimes. But that's just because it's gone so far that now I kind of like that I have a crazy Frankenstein phone. I did that with my truck. Yeah, I was going to say that. In the same way that, like, if I had an an older car i'd feel the same way it's like yeah
Starting point is 02:34:26 this one's mine look at this character it's it's it's it's dented into the material playing your perfection game i play a different game you know i'm in a different contest it's not about having something nice it's about having something that's mine something with character yeah but it's about time for something new i don't know what i'm gonna I'm going to do. My thoughts go everywhere on this. I've thought of a new truck. I've thought of a new sports car. I was looking at those Camaro lease options, and god damn, it was like, oh, man, that would be fun to just drive this.
Starting point is 02:34:56 Get the crazy one with like 600 or 700 horsepower for a couple of years. But I've been fixing up the whole car. You just have two Camaros? Well, if I did that, I would get rid of mine. That's the scenario in which I'd get rid of mine. If I buy a new Camaro, then I get rid of the old Camaro. Like, of course. It's funny you say that.
Starting point is 02:35:14 So I would want a new truck, right? And the things I want to try, I'd like a better backseat. With this paramotor thing, I take it somewhere like twice a week. And I throw the wing in the backseat. I'd really like to have four doors. And oftentimes I like to bring multiple wings i could just go on i feel like if i already get a new truck it would serve a lot of the same purpose as my current truck so what am i doing with my current truck but then on the other hand it has no value to anybody else this is dented piece of shit tacoma um keep it. Sure. 100% sure. There's no reason.
Starting point is 02:35:45 You're going to get like $2,000. As a yard ornament? If someone really liked Woody's Gamer Tags truck, they might give you $2,000 for it. You know what I mean? Like, it's just because of the mileage and the year and everything. Its intrinsic value is so much greater than its Blue Book value. You could use it for like around the yard stuff. Like, I know you have that gator or whatever it is,
Starting point is 02:36:07 but I guarantee if there's a really big job, that Tacoma has way more power than that gator. It could just be a big farm tool, basically. You could soup it up. Imagine if you put a hydraulic tilt bed on it, fucking took the doors off and some netting or something. I don't hate that idea. You could make your own, making those hydraulic tilt beds you can do it yourself i've made one like with the help of other students and stuff but but we made it you know it's just
Starting point is 02:36:33 a hydraulic arm and everything it's uh that'd be kind of neat i uh yeah i think if i were to get rid of it i would think back to it and wish i still had it and yeah i still want that but uh but it is hard to overlook the the duplication of tasks thing you know it's a truck i'd be getting a new truck i don't see myself getting something that's not a truck especially um hope's going to college and freshmen can't have cars at unc so that's in my rotation now too so okay um yeah i i i really enjoy like uh having the full four doors on my truck see that's the other that my truck's getting quite old now so it is about time for a new truck of some kind i guess but then i look at suv and i talked to my dad about this and he's like ah just keep the old truck for work. Something's going to be dirty, like truck, truck stuff.
Starting point is 02:37:27 And then you could get anything else to be your conveyance. And I was like, yeah. Real quick, this isn't about cars. I made my own candles for fun. I bought some wicks off Amazon and some wood wicks. And I bought this huge glass container at Target and was like, oh, I'm going to pour so much fucking wax in there. I'm going to put three wood wicks and I bought this huge glass container at Target and was like I'm gonna pour so much fucking wax in there I'm gonna put three wood wicks and it was working splendidly I put three different scents of wax in there which
Starting point is 02:37:54 probably you're not supposed to do that's probably like a kid combining much candy fuck it smelled great and it was I was looking at it over there and I was like oh man then whoo those flames are getting pretty big over there on that candle. And then, I didn't know this could happen with a candle. All of the... Can you show us? Did it shatter? No, I've had that happen to me.
Starting point is 02:38:16 It's so potholders. Yeah. It's enormous, and now it has a bunch of shit all over it because it was burning clean and then it just suddenly stopped burning clean in the last three minutes. All of the wax caught on fire.
Starting point is 02:38:34 It was just a plume of smoke. That's why if you go back one minute, you see me go and move my computer because it was flaming up. I had to go grab a ceramic bowl and put it on top to put it out because I couldn't. I wish you showed us.
Starting point is 02:38:48 Because I could start a fire. You should have got a spot holder and brought it on camera. A minor apartment fire is no big deal. Oh. I don't know about that. My other two candles I made that were smaller with one wick pre-waxed. Those are doing fine.
Starting point is 02:39:05 This one, I'm going to have to go back to the drawing. This is not that interesting, but I thought you'd like to know I almost started a fire. That's great. I went to the candle-making Reddit a few days ago because I was like, I want to try and figure this out. It seems kind of – I literally typed in candle-making Reddit and then candle-making making youtube and there was tons of stuff there and i like by reading it like reading through but like maybe the fifth or sixth thread like giving you tips on how to do it better because i'm still clearly a retard when it comes to this uh it became very obvious that i'm the only man in that forum yeah this is you and then i started
Starting point is 02:39:40 thinking i looked up candle making classes and if I go to a candle making class, how many young girls are going to be there? Zero. They're going to be too old for me too. No, they're old. But there will be young girls. Those women are too old for me, Taylor. No, no. You're good.
Starting point is 02:39:56 All women love candles. Every time I have a girl over, one of the first things they say is, oh, it smells great in here. Because I always make sure my place smells fantastic. I hate when I walk into someone's house and I get that family's scent where it's like, oh, this is what the Smith's house smells like.
Starting point is 02:40:16 But I liked it when I'd go to someone's house and I'd be like, oh, it smells like pine in here. I bet it always smells like pine in here. What a wonderful... Do you guys think like that too? When you notice the scent? I pine in here. I bet it always smells like pine in here. What a wonderful, like, do you guys think like that too? Like when you notice the scent? No, I like family smells. I like when you go into a new house and you're like, yeah.
Starting point is 02:40:33 But they get up some crazy shit around here. You can smell it in the air. Smells like bacon grease and lubricant. Every once in a while, my friends would like wash my clothing. Like it just would happen. I don't know. Maybe I'm staying over there that night or we went swim party or something and uh i'd get my clothes back after my friend's mom washed them that is that is a kicking candle taylor 10 000 that's like that's
Starting point is 02:40:57 one candle 10 000 candle power exactly that is amazing why? It's because after I looked up more things about candles, I found that not all wicks are the same. And so I bought a wick that is now in there that is meant to burn in a much, much larger container. And so I didn't know. I just ordered off Amazon Prime. So all the mistakes I've made on my own. And so we'll see where we go from here.
Starting point is 02:41:26 I think it's fun. I like fucking around with wax. I like trying to layer in the different scents, like letting it dry and stuff. I don't know. There's something about it that I feel like this is a good in if I could find a candle making club that there would absolutely be young chicks there. And if not, and if it's a bunch of old bitches, then I'll just be able to sit there and focus on my candle making. Yeah, right. Or's a bunch of old bitches, then I'll just be able to sit there and focus on my candle making.
Starting point is 02:41:46 Yeah, right. Or maybe, look, old bitches produce young bitches. Right? They might say, you're so perfect for my Julie. You're so perfect for my granddaughter. She loves candles. She's mine. Granddaughters might be cool.
Starting point is 02:42:06 But yeah. Let me do an advertisement here. Tell everyone about Texture. 2016 was one for the books. The Cubs finally won the World Series. We said goodbye to far too many celebrities in the election. Game changer. 2017 is a whole new world and it's easy to stay informed using the Texture app
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Starting point is 02:43:48 So I linked something here. Okay. It's a breast milk story. Our specialty. So this woman who was doing a bake sale for a school, like a grade school that her son or daughter was going to, she says she didn't have time to go to the store and so she used her own breast milk in these brownie recipes and then didn't tell anyone and gave them to children to eat is that disgusting to anyone else yes
Starting point is 02:44:21 it's a bodily that there are diseases when we get milk in the United States, specifically in the United States, like, they fucking homogenize that shit, which is boiling it. Pasteurize it. That's what I meant, pasteurization. Yeah, yeah. It's clean. We know it is. It comes in a jug. It's legit.
Starting point is 02:44:40 I don't want your titty juice in my children's food. Now, me personally, ma'am, I'll eat your titty juice brownies all fucking day You can squirt that shit right into my mouth. I don't care like what I'm saying You know that thing at the dairies they like sucks under the titties, and it's like Sucking and it's like going to the main hose. I'd stick that hose in my mouth I don't care like right off the women's titties not the cow that grows Yeah, I'd suck it right out of there suck them dry them dry. They'd be all flat. You ever see titties that are just flat and deflated?
Starting point is 02:45:07 National Geographic. You know when you're at the bottom of a soda and it's the straw goes You hear that noise out of your titty by the time I was done with it. You can't just spring some titty brownies on unsuspecting children at a bake sale. That's fucked.
Starting point is 02:45:24 I'd have been a little irked if I found out it was. That's fucked. I'd have been a little irked if I found out it was goat milk, lady. I'd have been a little irked if I found out you didn't wash your hands. But when I found out that you used milk that you literally milked from your own body, a secretion of you that you were just storing somewhere in your household, presumably,
Starting point is 02:45:39 because I doubt she milked herself into the brownies, that's not cool. I made brownies for my school bake sale that had breast milk in them. I didn't have time to run to the store and think it was a big deal. One of the other moms found out and was blowing it way out of proportion. I don't know what to do. That's her Facebook post.
Starting point is 02:45:56 I would sue. We'd get some restitution out of you, motherfucker. You fucked up. People that stupid deserve to pay. Here's a couple of comments from the other mothers in the group who did not see it as a no big deal. Honestly, this is actually a
Starting point is 02:46:11 damn near criminal offense. Breast milk, like blood or semen, can carry disease, which is why legit donation services screen the milk before passing it along to moms and their babies. Secretly feeding children that aren't yours baked goods with your bodily fluids in them is gross, shady, and borderline psychotic. Wait, not borderline, it's full-blown psychotic, another mother wrote. Hi, if you're gonna bake it, it's fine. What viruses survive baking?
Starting point is 02:46:37 Look, I'm an amateur scientist, and this is the sort of thing that I would make a guess about. I don't know enough to dispute that, but I don't want anyone to take this and run with it I don't Baking is not an effective It's gotta be right God damn it It probably is I think it is
Starting point is 02:46:59 But it's still gross She said herself right in her Facebook post And if if it's on the internet, it's true. Some of these kids could use the nutrition. Let's be honest, and I bet she's right. You know what's grosser than that? What? A thousand times grosser than that. It's a real thing.
Starting point is 02:47:14 It's a real thing. These bitches who make omelets with their period blood and eat them. Who are they feeding those to? They eat them. They make omelets with their period blood, and they cook them up and show them on social media and enjoy them. Well, I'm gonna go pee because I don't like looking at the period blood omelets, but I'm
Starting point is 02:47:31 sure a bit of Googling will lead you in the right direction. I'll be right back, though. It's disgusting. You're gonna introduce period blood omelets. Yeah, I don't want to be part of it. This isn't like dragon dildos. This isn't fun for me. This is kind of gross and I'm gonna go piss while you look at period blood omelets um i don't want i want to look at this yeah i can't believe you this is not the kind of drive-by topic that you just leave on
Starting point is 02:47:56 no no you don't go hey there's period blood omelets out there i gotta pee like and frankly google's not turning up a lot on this i'm looking up this on uh on google and there's not a lot on period blood omelets let's see i just put in period blood food oh right off the, there's a lot of red-tinged cookies. Those are sketchy. I know what's in there. I cook for my husband using menstrual blood. Oh my gosh. There are few bodily fluids in the world
Starting point is 02:48:34 more taboo and controversy-inspiring than menstrual blood. Dude, I love how this narrative of men are super grossed out and icked out by periods. It's just allowed to run wild because women talk about it. Like, I've never been in the company of men and women, and a woman's like, I'm on my period.
Starting point is 02:48:54 And people go, ew, gross. Like, the only reason this is so gross is because you're taking a bodily fluid and you're cooking it into something that shouldn't be eaten. That is revolting but the only reason we think it's revolting is because you're trying to confirm your own bias that men dislike this by making it so gross that we have to dislike it because you know that you don't actually have anything to complain about because of your benign the benign fact that women bleed out of their vaginas once a month do you think that men are seriously that grossed out by it like we don't want to eat cookies made of it but we and i just think the whole oh men think periods are so icky.
Starting point is 02:49:26 It's like, okay, show me, give me one time that's ever happened. I've never, ever seen it. Ever. If a woman is on her period, and she brings it up, and she's clearly distressed, if anything, the guys are going to feel bad and be like, oh, can I get you, like, an Advil or something? Like, that sucks. That blows. Like, it's never, ever. Oh, gross. It's just, just like uh totally made up victimhood to the point that you're baking
Starting point is 02:49:50 blood cookies you maniac i it's i'm somewhere in between on this like certainly i've never you know done the whole like oh my god it's so gross it's whatever but i do prefer you not to mention it it is my preference that this is not a topic of conversation. And it's like all women's preference too. Women don't want to share it. For the most part, like if you're with a significant other or something. Let me just toss this out here. I have a website here,
Starting point is 02:50:17 Equally repugnant. That's where I was going to go. Is one grosser than the other? Yes. Oh, yeah. They're both very gross. Oh, good. This one opened up at the other? Yes. Oh, yeah. Are there? They're both very gross. Oh, good.
Starting point is 02:50:26 This one opened up. It's not incognito. You know, I do what I can. There's a mojito come recipe here. There's a, there's a book on it. Natural harvest,
Starting point is 02:50:38 a collection of semen based recipes. Really? Those seem to be the big hits on here. It's not a lot of semen based recipes. I guess it's not a common ingredient. Semenology is the word they've given this. More amateur scientists. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:50:58 But is one grosser than the other? Let's ask Kyle when he comes back and see. I think they're both equally gross. Equally gross, you think? Mm-hmm. Hey, Kyle. I wonder which one's more dangerous. What is grosser, cooking with period blood or cooking with cum?
Starting point is 02:51:16 He provided links to both. Period blood, he says. Period blood, because period blood, the way I understand it, is like the lining of the woman's womb sort of dissolving away and flowing out of her body. So oftentimes it's like, I won't say rotten blood, but it's already clotted. It's not like blood flowing from a vein. It's kind of bad blood. It's been in there and certainly never had a period. Some like dead skin tissue in there. Yeah. Yeah. It's, you know, a womb grew for an egg to be fertilized to grow in and no egg got fertilized so it throws the womb away or at least the lining of it as far
Starting point is 02:51:51 as i know this is science we have to read this the i just scrolled down on this rebel circus link did i share this cooking using menstrual blood you guys have to see this article this like i it was it honestly i it was okay uh fuck that people react periods the way people yeah but these are these are just like getty images i'm i bet or shutterstock or some shit uh people react to periods the way you'd expect people to react to things that are way more unnatural and horrifying, especially considering half the population has to deal with it. That's why people react so strongly. Learn to be concise, you bitch. A great example of this taboo in action is the backlash.
Starting point is 02:52:34 Oh, she's light on blood. That's what's happening. She didn't have enough for the recipe, so she's cutting herself. I'm going to go down to the text under the pictures. Her story about using her menstrual blood to cook for her unsuspecting husband got a ton of backlash when the story went viral on social media. However, she wasn't worried about it
Starting point is 02:52:51 and came clean as to why she did it. She admitted outright that she cooks with her menstrual blood because she doesn't want her husband cheating on her. She swears up and down not only that it works, but that her aunt also does it and is in a happy marriage to a man who wouldn't look twice at another woman. While she admitted that she knew that cooking for her but that her aunt also does it, and is in a happy marriage to a man who wouldn't look twice at another woman. While she admitted that she knew that
Starting point is 02:53:08 cooking for her husband using her period blood without him knowing was wrong, she doesn't think it's poisonous. Oh, if she doesn't think it is, she was adamant that if cooking with her period blood was the way she could keep her marriage intact, she's okay with continuing to do it. That shit would have the opposite effect on my
Starting point is 02:53:24 marriage. I fucking guarantee it. I i will and any judge you know then what a reason for divorce she fed me a period blood omelet over the course of our entire marriage every morning like case dismissed all right uh give him everything you have and death. Death to you. Your Honor, you can't just sentence someone to death. This is divorce court. Death to her. That's awful. Cooking with convicts is disgusting, but not equally
Starting point is 02:53:56 disgusting. Look at this. If that is... Is it saying D-Way? Yeah. Anyway, it says, if that? D-Way? Yeah. Anyway, it says, if that is the way my marriage will be intact, I have no regrets. I'm a very emotional being.
Starting point is 02:54:13 I might die if my heart is broken. Who are people to judge me? Who are you people to judge me? I'm judging your mental health. Look at this right here, ma'am. The woman, known only as Rose, was dating a man with a huge sexual appetite, and came home to him cheating on her after she went away for a week to see her parents. She forgave him, but she vowed never to forget. After one week, I forgave him because I love him, but I was still angry with him.
Starting point is 02:54:34 He asked me to cook rice for him. I was on my period. I removed my pad and stuck it in the water and made sure the blood was very much in the water. I added my urine in the water, and I made stew for him. He came back and ate the food without knowing. That's the end of the water. I added my urine in the water and I made stew for him. He came back and ate the food without knowing. That's the end of the quote. This is the commentary on this from this depraved maniac. The comments on her story are not just insulting
Starting point is 02:54:53 towards her, they're downright scary to read. It's like, what? No! You're taking the side of this maniac who's feeding bodily fluid? Like, do you think in any world ever, these maniac feminist kind of people because normal women don't do this these are obviously hardcore feminist people in any world would i if i came home and it's like oh my wife's cheating on me but i forgave her
Starting point is 02:55:15 after a week little does she know that actually all of her uh all of her facial cleanser bottles are now full of my semen and all of her food has little bits of flecks of fecal matter in it. You know? But I still love her. And then the comment was, Taylor's receiving a lot of hate for this. And it's downright scary. It's like, oh, my God. Like, what world do we live in?
Starting point is 02:55:38 I guess by virtue of the fact that 99.999% of people would be horrified by this. In the old days. But is that even true? Didn't they send the women with periods out to live in a shed in the backyard or something when they were on their cycle? Isn't that what we used to do? I know it's what the Arabs do. No, I don't think a Western culture does that.
Starting point is 02:55:56 Let's Google menstruation shack, and I guarantee we get a ton of menstruation shack. A girl gets her period and is banished to the shit wait is this uh what this isn't like you know boston is it like where is this happening um well i think if you look at this photograph you it looks pretty urban to me it looks like maybe philadelphia um maybe uh maybe boston yeah or the congo i'm not sure uh nepal at all yeah it's in nepal which is uh borderline the poorest country on the planet so so who knows maybe they can't risk you know then risk those Nepalese giant sloths or whatever they're afraid of coming to camp. They couldn't even have this girl in the picture stand in front of a full hut. Look at this.
Starting point is 02:56:52 They told this chick to stand in front of the worst looking hut in the village before this. Look at that. It's just thatch roof. I want to talk about... What do I want to talk about? Game of Thrones or Transsexuals? Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 02:57:11 Game of Thrones? Okay. That's what I'm more interested in right now. I want to talk about Game of Thrones. Wow. So, episode two, better than episode one. They definitely answered my concerns from the first week, not intentionally, of course, because I made the shit last year, and who would care what I have to think. But Euron showed what he was made of. I think what I said after week one was like, there's this whole hierarchy of Game of Thrones characters,
Starting point is 02:57:38 whether it's Jorah the Andal, or the mountain that rides, or Eddard Stark, and you kind of rank them with their swordplay and their effectiveness in battle, like who would win, that sort of thing. I remember Sir Loras was always high in mind. He was a badass before that. Jamie Lannister was quite high. Jamie Lannister, of course.
Starting point is 02:57:56 You've got all of these uber, uber top of it. It's the best of the best. You don't know Jamie Mountain, Sir Loras, like you said, the flower guy. There are a handful of me mountain uh sir loris like you said the flower guy yeah like there are a handful of them that yeah and it's all opinion you just got to base it on you know what you what you have in the narrative or whatever but um you're on we didn't have any information that's what i'm getting at we didn't know like i hadn't seen you're on even bitch slap anybody and i had seen tyrian slap joffrey around. I saw Tyrion win the Battle of Blackwater Bay by leading
Starting point is 02:58:26 his troops. He took that axe wound. I saw him when he was Catelyn Stark's prisoner. He killed that man in that battle with a dagger or a shield maybe bashed in his face. He's killed a lot of people in hand-to-hand combat when the odds weren't in his favor. He's legit enough. I know he's
Starting point is 02:58:42 a little person. I know Euron would beat him in a fight. But what I'm saying is we had evidence of Tyrion's badassness, but none of Euron's. And yet we were putting him up as like, this is the baddie for this year, sort of in the first episode. And I was like, I haven't even seen him get in a fist fight. Could Theon beat him up? Like, Theon's really good with a bow. You know, like what would happen? And then Euron comes in riding a golden kraken jaw or something, screaming and smiling with full plate armor and a squid-shaped battle axe.
Starting point is 02:59:16 He crushed a man on his landing. And then he, of course, proceeds to end two of our least favorite characters of all time in Game of Thrones, the Sand Snake 1 and 2. Fuck their names. And he kills them with their own weapons, and it's not even a hard fight. On the Sand Snakes, do you remember the one scene where she had the finest boobs in the land or whatever? Yes. Did anyone else think it was a bit of a tragedy that she's gone? No.
Starting point is 02:59:43 I don't remember which one it was. It was a shot of a tragedy that she's gone? No. I don't remember which one it was. It was a shot of just the boobs. As he's killing them, I'm like, that's one less perfect set. I don't know. Not at all. I was happy. If they had said, alright, Sand Snake,
Starting point is 03:00:00 if you, with the permission of this guy in Missouri, you can fly there and blow him and that'll secure your spot the rest of the season and if she called me I'd be like I'm so sorry it's honestly nothing personal you're a very attractive woman no ill will but you are a bad bad character and I have no interest
Starting point is 03:00:16 in your storyline I'm so sorry no no no don't get on the plane don't cry choreography not blowjobs no no no you're the're the best the best boobs in westeros the u.s has a bit of a larger palette you know for me to select from but yeah that i i would i was just happy to see them all die because i think i said it in pkn it was just our two of them die it was like watching two or i guess the majority part of a boring storyline die
Starting point is 03:00:42 and so it's ensuring further that we're going to get more time devoted to the shit that matters and not time devoted to a trumped up, contrived storyline that doesn't really add anything. It just aggravates everyone. I'm glad it turned out that the cure for greyscale is just to pick it off. How many times have we gotten
Starting point is 03:00:59 a mosquito bite or an infected thing or some wound and our mom is like, don't pick at it. Don't pick at that. Jorm's fucking up. If he'd been picking at this thing from day one, remember when he had like a silver dollar sized thing on his wrist? I
Starting point is 03:01:15 don't think I would pass out in shaving that much like gross flesh off my body. I'm pretty sure I could like ah, god damn it. Alright, fix me. I could shave that much of me off my body. I'm pretty sure I could like, ah, god damn it. Alright, fix me. I could shave that much of me off, totally. With a sharp knife, especially knowing the future and having seen a stone man.
Starting point is 03:01:31 It's all over him now. I watched Sam cut off his nipple. You know? Like, that was gruesome. I wish there had been a part. That's my only issue with that scene, really. I guess, as far as... I wish Jory had been a part. That's my only issue with that scene, really, I guess. I wish Jor had been like,
Starting point is 03:01:50 so this whole time, all I had to do was pick it off. Yeah. I think there's going to be more to it. I feel like Jor learning that would be this moment of like, it would be like if he'd been carrying the cure in his pocket the whole time, because he has, it's his knife. I agree with Woody that there is going to be more to this. because unless if there is no more to getting rid of grayscale then this that was pretty stupid because like appointment okay well that that would be too simple because there's no
Starting point is 03:02:16 i don't know there has to be something else to getting rid of grayscale because otherwise it makes no sense to not just chip off the little scab that you get in the beginning. No one in the history of greyscale has ever thought to picket their wound. Please, everyone's thought to picket their wound. Yeah, it's natural. Itches. That's why I said it making sense to me, you know? I feel like they could have been like, and it'd been easy, like, oh,
Starting point is 03:02:37 have Sam do a spell, you know? Like, just make it some magic words that he's gotta fucking say, and that would have solved it right there. Also, Milk of the Poppy, I'm, I, i my understanding of game of thrones is that they have a 50 gallon vat of milk of the poppy every 60 yards that they can go grab from and there is no goddamn way that sam couldn't have walked to anywhere in this ancient hospital type library building and been like i need some milk of the puppy it's like why do why do you need it? Oh, I'm a big fat pussy and I can't sleep without it. And they're like, oh, sounds
Starting point is 03:03:08 about right. And so they give it to him. And then he could just go and give that to Jorah and then it wouldn't be a whole thing of Sam going, shh, shh, shh, shh. And he's like, you're cutting my nipples off. He's like, I'm gonna scream. Yeah, I hope there's something
Starting point is 03:03:24 more to it because otherwise that's just another logical silly thing that i guarantee is not the way it would have happened in the books what if he'd like took it taking a mortar and pestle and like crushed up a bit of obsidian dragonglass and like made a fine powder and then added like lard to that like pig fat and just made an ointment from that like that would have okay i feel like that's didn't show it, but they haven't shown it, and I don't think they will. He got the secret recipe from the book, so I'm thinking there's more to it. I think they even said that was just the first part of it. He said there's an ointment to follow.
Starting point is 03:03:54 But I guarantee we don't touch on that ointment. We don't get... Like, we may see him dabbing it on or something, but they won't ever tell us what's in it. And it's not that I want to know... I don't want to see the ointment application anyway. I don't care. It's not that I want to know or need the ointment application. It's just like, well, what about this plot hole? And there's a little bit
Starting point is 03:04:07 of a plot hole in that, like, why don't you get some milk of the poppy? Like, I also feel like... Do you guys notice how easily it came off? Like, when he started using the knife, how I was imagining it going to be like a saw and then like a chip off. Like, within two knife strokes, he had a chunk this big off of his chest.
Starting point is 03:04:23 Like, it looked like the shit was barely hanging on. Like a scab. You kind of pull it off. It was definitely gross. And the way they segued into that soup scene or the creamed potatoes or whatever that was, that was gross. Yeah, it was cool seeing Hot Pie.
Starting point is 03:04:39 So John's still going to bend the knee. No, he's not. It was cool seeing Hot Pie. He might. He might. Yeah, I guess he could. It's possible. It's good to see that Hot Pie has a lot of weight get out of control. You know what Hot Pie does for a living?
Starting point is 03:04:53 Makes pies? In real life? He makes pies. He has a bakery. They make Game of Thrones type pastries and stuff. Really? You could not employ someone like Hot Pie to work at your bakery unless you're laundering money.
Starting point is 03:05:08 Like, there's no way to do it because you're operating at a loss because you got no yeast, you got no dough. I guarantee they walk back there twice a day and he's just got flour on his face. Like, what the fuck have you been doing back here, Hot Pie? I work at a bakery. We know! We know! You've eaten
Starting point is 03:05:23 all of our profits. Look at the size of you. Look at that table of four Lannister soldiers over there. You know what you and those four have in common? Weight. And they have armor on. It's like Walking Dead where they had the fattest chick in the camp watch all the food. What's his name?
Starting point is 03:05:41 Negan. Negan's like, do you not see what I see? Where do you think your supplies are going? That was one of my favorite Neegan. That was the best Neegan thing ever because that's one of those tropes that in every TV show, movie,
Starting point is 03:05:57 nobody ever addresses it. You see the fat person and they're always put in charge of food because you assume fat means they like food, just like the guy with the big beard is out there chopping trees because he looks like a lumberjack like this is the first time i'd ever seen in a show someone like are you guys fucking kidding me like is is everybody in here blind but me do you notice how all of you are famished constantly and this bitch is is morbidly obese no nobody okay like she's not she's eating a fuck ton of cans of peaches. She's not gaining weight back here.
Starting point is 03:06:26 I don't blame TV shows or producers or creators for their fat actors that are portraying characters that don't lose weight every time. I blame those actors. I think that's very unprofessional for them not to lose the weight. I think that if like I guess that's it.
Starting point is 03:06:42 You know, look at Hurley on Lost, Sam here in Game of Thrones. The girl from Walking Dead I guess was's it. Look at Hurley on Lost. Sam here in Game of Thrones. The girl from Walking Dead I guess was a little chubby, but that was more viable because it hasn't been that long and they do have canned food and shit. But she should have fanned out by now. At the end of Walking Dead,
Starting point is 03:06:58 we'll get back to Game of Thrones after this obviously, but that distracted me at the end of Walking Dead when that one girl had clearly put on some weight in the midst of all the action and everything and it was almost just like god like this doesn't make sense it almost it pulls you out of it but the same thing with sam yeah like with sam samwell like yeah the fact that he hasn't lost a hundred pounds at least after spending that much time at the wall like it just doesn't sense. It really should be part of their character. The walking. Like forget his diet.
Starting point is 03:07:27 Like first of all. There'd be no way for a man in his era to eat that much food. Unless he was very wealthy. Like a guy at the wall is just not given enough food to be that fat. And I mean even if he's like sneaking extra. He's still not getting enough. Because of the work. I know he's a steward.
Starting point is 03:07:42 But it's still a physical job. Where he's walking around serving people all day like during his like main brotherhood days or whatever and then when he was north of the wall there was a lot of cardio right carrying all that armor and furs and stuff like i feel like that actor is kind of a a little unprofessional that he hasn't dropped 50 pounds or something like that you know like he's getting paid millions of dollars over the course of this thing, I'm sure. Your main character, lose the weight. It wouldn't be hard for him to lose the weight.
Starting point is 03:08:11 He's very, very fat. He's much fatter than how I imagined Sam from the books. When I saw Sam in the show. Val Kilmer did an AMA on Reddit, and they were talking about his preparation for certain characters, and they brought up Doc Holliday, and he lost an extreme amount of weight for that. And he said, oh, I spent just six months
Starting point is 03:08:31 learning the dialect for Doc Holliday. The weight loss, don't get me started. It's like, yeah, that's the kind of actor that I want. Those are the kind of actors that should be the highest paid, the guys who are changing their goddamn body for a role. That's amazing to me. I mean, i guess the rock has kind of done here's an example like if the rock played like a a guy with leukemia and who a bodybuilder who gets leukemia and he and he like stops working out for a year to like get that look that's the kind of like tom hanks did it a couple
Starting point is 03:08:58 times tom hanks is a is probably yeah i can think of three best actors of all time in my opinion. Castaway and Philadelphia. In both of those he kind of went Who was the trainer in that boxing movie? He's known for losing weight I think. The trainer? In Rocky? No, no, no. It was a better boxing movie.
Starting point is 03:09:24 No such thing. It won an Oscar. Did Rocky win an Oscar? Yeah, for, no. It was a better boxing movie. No such thing. It won an Oscar. Did Rocky win an Oscar? Yeah, for best screenplay, I think. Stallone won the Oscar, right? No, Oscars don't mean anything. Best original story, maybe? Original screenplay?
Starting point is 03:09:38 I don't know. It's like the 70-something Oscars. Boxing movie. Let me see. That's its move oh it's it's showing his picture instantly it's it was christian bale i think that did it i was gonna bring him up next because he he is the guy probably best known for for altering his body roles, from the machinist to American Psycho to the fighter. I think the fighter maybe is the one you're looking at. The fighter is the boxing movie I'm talking about.
Starting point is 03:10:11 But he's the older brother. But he said it took a lot of coke. Seriously? Yeah, I think he plays the older brother with no hair. He's going bald. He's trying to be an example. It's been a while since I've seen the movie, but he's trying to be a better example for his younger brother, who's the he's like talking he's like trying to like be an example to his it's been a while since i've seen the movie but he's trying to be a better example for his younger brother who's like the fighter um he looks like shit basically and he did it on purpose you know
Starting point is 03:10:32 6 for 122 pounds fuck really 122 oh that's outrageous that i had no idea he i can't imagine dropping that low you've seen his bone structure in American Psycho and briefs. Where's it going? He joked that he did a lot of coke. I'm sorry. I saw the headline and he joked that he did. He did the coke. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:10:53 A lot of people do coke. I think coke is a lot more prevalent than you might imagine lately. Everybody does cocaine. I feel like coke is an up-and-coming drug. I don't know how to better state it. I've said this on the show before. When I was a kid, Coke was like a death drug. How people think of heroin now.
Starting point is 03:11:11 What's a drug that if someone's on, you're like, they're probably not coming back? Meth. Just a meth, heroin, injectables. Maybe crack. Yeah, I think Tim just said crack. When I was a kid, Coke was in the same category as meth crack etc and uh now i feel like coke is like oh yeah it's like marijuana plus yeah i don't want to have cocaine but but
Starting point is 03:11:33 like i mean it seems like if you abuse it for years you'll like burn a hole in your nose and like what else other than that heart problems too problems yeah but that's years of abuse you know that's if i'm guessing again dr you can overdose on it and die sure but you have to snort a lot of fucking coke to overdose i don't know how much you need to snort to overdose heart issues that didn't cause them any problems and normal amounts of coke normal amounts of coke you can start like you maybe you have a heart murmur and it's never been an issue for you right you just lived a totally normal life not caring about it and now you're doing coke and suddenly you're predisposed to have giant problems it seems like it's not as big now coke because of how big adderall and five vans and ritalin and all
Starting point is 03:12:17 kyle you need medicine you know oh sorry did i drop out i think you both did? Oh, sorry. Did I drop out? I think you both did, which might imply it's me. But we're all back now. I was just saying, I think that ADD medicines, a lot of people probably don't do coke because they already get those kind of amphetamines. But I'm sure those same people, if they like it, they probably do coke as well.
Starting point is 03:12:39 Yeah, I don't think anybody's... Well, they may be. Because people snort. I was going to say that nobody's popping an Adderall and getting the same effect as snorting a lime, but people snort fucking Adderall. That's the thing, right? Yeah, they're snorting it like coke, and it's legal to carry around in your pocket
Starting point is 03:12:51 because you've got a prescription, so that makes a lot of sense. But every time I've been to a big party in a major city, there's just cocaine everywhere. There's just cocaine to be had. Cocktail waitresses will sell you cocaine like I've never heard of snorting Adderall
Starting point is 03:13:08 does it make it more effective? it just makes it hit you faster you crush it up and you're snorting it right in and it's being absorbed by that soft tissue back there it's going straight into your brain not literally straight like making a turn into your brain tissue but it's being applied
Starting point is 03:13:24 very effectively because it's going in right here and then going in right there. It's not going to your stomach and being processed, going into your bloodstream. Your sinuses are super porous. So you just, it absorbs right in there. Whereas with the pill takes a long time. Yeah. Uh, but, but I can remember like someone I was with, like the waitress came back with drinks, like cocktail waitresses, a club environment. It's dark and there's music and stuff but he's just like yeah lean down here and she leans down he says something in her ear and she comes back like five minutes later with a bit of parchment paper like folded over several times and she's just like does this with him and then he's got a fucking little parchment plate thing of coke and he's like putting it on his uh hand it's just right there at the table you know
Starting point is 03:14:09 and like like nobody cares nobody fucking cares um so i think coke's a lot more prevalent you might think and i don't think it's that bad for you it just doesn't seem like the kind of doesn't seem fun to me it's just like like an energy rush right like i i'm guessing like like is it just like i've done adderall i've taken adderall and that's like whoo i feel like i i'm guessing like like is it just like i've done adderall i've taken adderall and that's like i feel like i'm on high octane fuel is the best way to you know put it as far as a physical feeling i would never take adderall for fun my adderall and vivans experience like because those are the same drug my understanding uh or the same kind of drug like add medication yeah my only experience is taking them like the night before big exams where a friend would be like, oh, you want to take this?
Starting point is 03:14:48 And it's just stressful. All it makes you want to do is work and work and pour over things and be meticulous and it's like... I can't imagine taking this and then going out and expecting to have fun somewhere. I feel like I'd just
Starting point is 03:15:03 be sweaty and anxious and stressed out. Yeah, that's not the drug you would take in dance and zone out. It's not ecstasy. You'd be like, I can't remember my dance moves exactly. I better go watch a YouTube video and brush up on them. I gotta go. You know what it would make me do is I'd be
Starting point is 03:15:20 there dancing and be like, oh my god, my counters are so dirty. I have to run home and clean them. They can't just sit there dirty the rest of the night. What's wrong with me? Then I'm going to take apart a clock radio. Yeah, then I'm going to take apart a clock radio and we'll see where it goes from there.
Starting point is 03:15:35 That's what you hear about with people on crystal meth because I think that crystal meth is a lot more powerful than amphetamine than Adderall is. But what it says on my bottle of Adderall, the chemical thing at the bottom, it says amphetamine than uh than adderall is but what it says like on my bottle of adderall like the like the chemical thing at the bottom it says amphetamine salts so like it's you know it's straight up amphetamines but uh it seems like with crystal meth i've read or seen on the internet people who like for three days they won't sleep and they're taking their all of their electronics apart like their tv sitting over there in a bunch of pieces, like it doesn't work. That's a whole different kind of thing. Whereas
Starting point is 03:16:09 Adderall it's like, there's part of you that's, when I take it, there's part of me that is inspired to do something a little better. There's some things maybe you do in your life that you do half-assed because you can just get away with it. Nothing important, you know, nothing like important, but maybe you kick your shoes under the bed rather than put them in the closet neatly, right? Like that sort of shortcut in life. That doesn't cut it if you're on Adderall. If you're on Adderall though, how does it direct you to something productive, right?
Starting point is 03:16:35 Like let's say I'm a student and I have to get my homework done. You hunger for business. And I pop some Adderall. But why aren't I hungering for organizing my iTunes playlists, right? Because you don't need to do that. There's no stress pushing you to do that.
Starting point is 03:16:49 You have a job at hand. It's not that you're looking for motivation in a bottle to do your homework. You're looking for high-octane fuel to delve into it so your mind won't wander to a girl or to next weekend's party that only really is going to be any fun if you ace this exam. You are just laser focused on the work in front of you at hand, and you can't be satiated by enough work. Like doing work is pleasurable. It's like scratching an itch that you have that you can't itch unless you're doing something. And to me, it's never busy work.
Starting point is 03:17:25 A fidget spinner wouldn't cut it. I don't need to just be doing this. I need to be utilizing my brain and preferably my motor skills as well. I want to sit there and do a thing, whether it's math or if it was in school, it would be math. That was the thing I did not want to sit down and learn. It was like, ah, now I do. I'd love to learn this. It makes it so that you can focus
Starting point is 03:17:47 on something way longer than before. I remember reading, studying for a test, having taken it, and you know how it is to just sit and read a textbook. It's very dense, and it's not fun, and it's easy to lose track and be like, oh, I don't even remember the last two pages. I have to go back.
Starting point is 03:18:03 I would just be able to sit there and, no joke, you know when people are like, I went't even remember the last two pages. I have to go back. Like, I would just be able to sit there and no joke, like, you know, when people are like, I went to the library and I was there for nine hours. So I studied for nine hours. It's like, no, you didn't. And your test scores are going to reflect that because you were getting up and going in, you know, to the bathroom or going and smoking cigarettes or something every 20 minutes. Like being like when I went to the library on adderall i sat there for six hours straight just reading and taking notes to the point that like i'd filled up like a lined notebook like halfway just with uh incredible like it was the kind of notes like the way i used to study a lot is i would make huge outlines and notes knowing that i would never use them to study
Starting point is 03:18:42 because like once you've written it down you kind of internalize it and that's all you need to do. Like when they say teachers are like, hey, you can use one note card to get all your stuff on there and you fill it out like teeny tiny little lettering and then you take the test. You're like, I don't even need the note card. I learned everything. God damn it, teacher. You boozled me into learning. But this, it was unreal.
Starting point is 03:19:00 I would look up and it's like, oh my God, it's six hours later, seven hours later than when I started. And I haven't had a single break. I haven't looked up from the page. I haven't gotten distracted on my phone. If you've ever zoned out driving and sort of go into like a bit of hypnosis, it's kind of like that in the way that time passes. But it's the opposite of that at the same time.
Starting point is 03:19:21 And that when you're doing that driving hypnosis thing, your brain kind of flips into auto drive or like cruise control and but on Adderall god it's it's it's like it's like going from an auto to a stick shift you just really in control you're you're you're right in the middle of the torque band you you never your mind never wanders and if you read something and you didn't quite understand it you're like ah I want to understand it though I must understand it you'll go right back and absorb i hear all your words i understand everything you've said i still do not fathom how the drug knows which one to focus on right that doesn't make any sense to me the drug doesn't it doesn't it goes by whatever so basically it'll make you
Starting point is 03:20:00 if i have to mow my lawn and that's all i have on my plate for the day and I take an Adderall, I will get that done quickly. If I have nothing to do all day and no incentive to do anything and I take an Adderall, I've never done that. So I don't know. Like, I imagine I would just clean stuff and manufacture something to do. What do you do? But like with studying, like I had a goal and all it was, it was like I could study and do well on this test without any assistance, but this facilitates it. It wasn't motivation. It was just focus. That's all it gets you. It's focus.
Starting point is 03:20:32 You still have to be the guy that says, I choose to focus on this. Correct. It doesn't force you to focus. It's not going to make decisions for you, but it's going to make the decisions more attractive to you. That's how it's always been pitched to me. If you take Adderall, suddenly the thing that you don't want to do is the thing that you have to do. It's like, really? Why? Because it seems like
Starting point is 03:20:53 if I didn't want that, then I would just be really focused on something else. It's kind of like a pre-workout. Have you ever taken a pre-workout? If you take that and you drink all that caffeine or G-fuel or whatever, and then 30 minutes later you start getting jittery because it's hitting you, nothing's making you get up and work out.
Starting point is 03:21:13 It's just making that decision more appealing because you know that you're going to be able to do better than you would have otherwise. To me, it makes me want to stop driving anymore. Or pre-workout. Yeah. So it's not going to put any ideas in your head it's certainly like if you didn't already have this thought in your head that you need to do a thing or that there's a proper way to do things already in your head if you don't already have that structure in place adderall's not gonna do anything other than like
Starting point is 03:21:37 fire you up and get you but but it does motivate you to do productive things things that you believe are productive not things the adderall thinks are productive. So if, you know, if that's yard work, man you're gonna get right to it. You want to do it, you're hungry for it. You know, and the negative thing about it, like, I've, like people who take Adderall every day, who are prescribed it, and go to school and are on Adderall every day, it actually does the opposite thing when they're not on Adderall, and they just are completely incapable of getting shit done, because they're so used to being on Adderall that studying is easy for them. You know, it's easier because they're constantly on this mind steroid, quote unquote, but they get off of that, and suddenly they're way worse than someone
Starting point is 03:22:20 who just never took Adderall because they have no ability to focus. Like, they're, like, almost, you know, hamstrung or handicapped at that point. So, I don't know. I think the whole taking those drugs every day is probably a bad idea because I can't see a way that you wouldn't get, like, at least addicted to the feeling of that. It becomes less effective as well over time.
Starting point is 03:22:42 I take them when I got some stuff to do. I just keep a bottle in a drawer. Yeah, i think that's probably the way to do it i don't see any problem with it if it's just something that people do every once in a while like get like a boost or if you actually do have severe adhd and you can't focus and get shit done but yeah i i've heard so many people casually be like oh yeah i got an adderall and clean the apartment you know like they'll go get an adderall so they can get something that they got to do done. You zone out and you work better. I watched that guy who unboxes the MREs and does MRE reviews, and he does new ones, but he also does the old ones. And I think it was a Coast Guard
Starting point is 03:23:21 survival pack, but it had amphetamines in it. It has stimulants in there. No, it was Air Force. I think a lot of the Air force um crash kits whatever they're called like the emergency rations it'll have like signal mirror and some other bullshit in there but there's amphetamines in there because these guys i i think are presumably already pretty tired from some flight or maybe they take them in flight i don't know benzos or something i can't remember what he called them but he had them he like opens it up and there's these like 1960s era speed i wonder if he took them yeah so there's three uh oh go ahead i was gonna change the topic i was gonna do a game of thrones thing again because i wanted to talk about lady olenda if you guys
Starting point is 03:24:02 had anything to say about her trying to basically sneak in and be an equal influencer to Daenerys with Tyrion there. What did you guys think about her? Because I really like her as a character. Yeah. I think she had a good point, and I think Dany took it to heart. You know, are you a sheep? No.
Starting point is 03:24:19 You're a dragon. Be a dragon. I think she took that to heart, and that could be, like like maybe uh maybe her plan that she laid out or tyrian's plan however you want to look at it it was altered after that talk with lady olena you know like she was dead the actress taylor did but he was just fucking with us or wrong no no i was i was convinced and then i i don't know i i must have read something online that convinced me because I was for sure that she was dead. I was not trolling.
Starting point is 03:24:48 But yeah, I was wrong, thankfully. So you should have kept it up and just been like, no, that's CGI. Google it. Google it. It's not widely known. You might not find it. That's actually Andy Serkis in an old lady costume.
Starting point is 03:25:04 You are a dragon. I would know. Was she trying to become an equal influencer? I really felt like she was just doing her best. Like she was giving sage wisdom. There was nothing manipulative. Danny asked for that meeting, not the other way around. Danny was like, Lady Olenna, stay a moment.
Starting point is 03:25:22 I would like to speak to you privately. So I didn't see Lady Olenna doing anything nefarious. I felt like Lady Olenna was giving some... She was like, hey, you want to hear some advice from somebody who's been around the block like 90 fucking times, clearly? I think Lady Olenna
Starting point is 03:25:38 is a super smart character and she knows exactly what she's doing. She's good at this diplomatic shit. And so I saw her little speech. Like, it didn't really actually provide much instruction, like, not much of anything unique, but it did allow her a chance to sneak in the line of, like, what are you? You're not a sheep. You're a dragon.
Starting point is 03:25:55 Like, really pump Danny's tires up and, like, make it in Danny's eyes. Be like, okay, this lady knows that I am the chosen one here like milked some trust there put a deposit in her emotional bank account so to speak but like that's the way I see it because I don't think I think Lady Olenna is too smart to not have little
Starting point is 03:26:15 ulterior motives all the way like it seems pandering like she was trying to do that character where like she was pushing her but also not actually pushing her so that Danny could you know fight back against a non-existent foe and come off as the, I don't know. I feel like Lady Olenna was playing a little bit of a mind game there with Dany. She's definitely, I wouldn't call it manipulation, but she's giving her honest opinion, I think. And that honest opinion that she hopes will push Dany to do the thing that she wants.
Starting point is 03:26:44 will push danny to do the thing that she wants which may be like to forget about casterly rock and take her forces down to king's landing since her first half of her forces just all got melted like we didn't get it was very dark and and they kept cutting away but i'm assuming that all of those ships were destroyed or at least their combat effectiveness is no more like we need not think about that that that army right like i knew that was coming there right because danny was so op she had to get nerfed like i called this a while ago but we knew she was gonna southern was gonna happen you know she because she's just she's definitely the favorite i want to check it but i think i called that specifically that euron was going to attack her at sea and take out an entire thing if i didn't attack her
Starting point is 03:27:26 attack her at sea and take out an entire thing if i didn't attack her well no not he attacked well kind of attacked her like one of her allies yeah i thought he was going to wipe out an army and that that's what he did um i wouldn't be surprised if he did it again the next time she went or the war would have been over if they met up and attacked danny's actual fleet, like, it would have been done. Like, they would have just, like, the entire war would have been finito. Like, that's it. And in that regard, if you think about it, if Dany listens to Lady Olenna there and says, yeah, you know what?
Starting point is 03:27:55 The entire force to King's Landing, like, they win that night, because they burn Euron's fleet up with the dragons. Could be, yeah. Maybe. I mean, it seems like it'd be hard to utilize dragons in a big sea battle like a naval battle because like they are a lot easier i don't think dragons are as good as you guys say they are people let's say you guys because i'm of the opinion if they can put together a hundred of those badass ballistas that they made that fire
Starting point is 03:28:21 the giant uh the bolt that went through the bone of the, the giant dragon, the ancient one in the basement there. Like all you need is a couple dozen of those. And this war is one, like, even if you have shit aim, you're going to hit a couple of them. You're going to wound them. Like it depends. All right. What are we talking about? If we're talking about how do we think this narrative will play out this way? I'm saying that's all they would need. What's going to happen is they're going to make fucking two of those things. They're going to end up making two of them, and they're going to go,
Starting point is 03:28:48 oh, it's been burned up, and the other one's malfunctioning and missing. Like, when really they get just, all they had to do was be like, all right, everybody in King's Landing, are you a baker? Are you a blacksmith? Not for the next three days, you're not.
Starting point is 03:28:58 We're making ballistas for the next three days. I'm going to tell you, if you've got, I'll say 36 of them, three dozen. If you've got 36 of these things pointed at the sky, a couple runs of that, and they'll get a hit. I don't think so. Not in real life.
Starting point is 03:29:13 If there were real dragons and real ballista operators, it's just hard to hit shit in the air. And it'd be so goddamn hard. Did you see that ballista? I've shot skeet before, and there's a lot of pop, pop, pop. Catching and following targets because you match the speed and then
Starting point is 03:29:29 pass. Well, it depends how you've been taught to shoot. But in any case, you've got to shoot in front of this thing and lead it. They need these dragons to go up there and hover and wait for them to hit them, or you'll never get a flying dragon. That's the only way that they attack boats anyway. When they flame the boats, they flap over it and go.
Starting point is 03:29:47 They can't do that. And even dirty sacks, I don't think would enough. I think if they made 110 of those, they could sleep easy. Now we're not divisible by 12, Taylor. You messed it up. We're talking in dozens. Okay, we make 144 of those. A gross of them.
Starting point is 03:30:03 A gross of these things. But, I don't know. I'm glad they're not going to do that because that would really ruin the story if they're like, but my liege, they've made 500 crossbows capable of getting dragons. They're going to make so many of those ballistas, I bet.
Starting point is 03:30:20 Because the last time Qyburn dreamt something up, it was wildfire to blow up the uh the citadel or whatever and he didn't skimp on the wildfire uh i i think he's gonna have the whole top of that castle wall bristling with ballistas uh and they're gonna kill one of the dragons clearly with a ballista but that what i want to know is like i keep hearing that stuff from the book the three-headed i want to get this whole yeah maybe they won't get drogon but i want to know is, like, I keep hearing that stuff from the book. The three-headed dragon. I want to get this whole, yeah, maybe. They won't get Drogon. But I want to hear, like, where the whole three-headed dragon comes in
Starting point is 03:30:48 and if it will be a part of the plot. Like, because the fan theory and some of our theories is that, like, it's Tyrion, Jon Snow, and the Khaleesi. They're all Targaryens. And they are the three-headed dragon. So each of them will ride one into battle in our final moments of victory. So it's hard to imagine that they're going to ballista a dragon this season to death if there's ever
Starting point is 03:31:10 going to be a three-headed dragon moment there won't i don't think there's gonna be a three-headed dragon moment may not it seems like too perfect like game of thrones doesn't do a good job of setting up those perfect moments you know like podor uh i mean that was one I think that takes a lot less coordination than uh than the three dragon thing like well I guess like the past part of it I just mean like it's not a very Game of Thrones-y picture to see three of everybody's favorite character flying in on the creatures that everybody likes the most like this this story is never there's never a time where you're like good guys will win right the idea that the calisi john snow and tyrian all ride in a dragon formation maybe a flying v of some sort of course like you know with with fire laying down rows across the white walkers no way no it's much more game of thrones it's been alluded to the white walkers
Starting point is 03:32:04 to just fucking kill dragons far more easily than you thought. I know. They got nothing for them dragons. And Bran is going to take control of them dragons maybe anyway. Bran is so OP right now and nobody's talking about it. Bran can read your fucking mind and tell you everything you've ever done. Probably snap his fingers
Starting point is 03:32:20 and turn you into a retard or something. He'd rather be able to jog. They told him that he'd never walk, but he'd be able to fly. And I always thought that meant he was going to warg into a dragon. Now that he's the three-eyed crow, I'm like, oh, maybe that's what they meant.
Starting point is 03:32:36 Could be. Yeah, either of those are possible. That would be a huge letdown. One day, my son, you will never walk, but you will fly. A dragon! Master, a dragon! I will be a, but you will fly. A dragon, master. A dragon. I will be a dragon. Not per se. More of a scavenging bird of sorts. Oh, well, I'll be able to fly over the trees
Starting point is 03:32:58 and to the cities. No. No. You're still bound by the range of a normal bird well he's a raven right he's a three-eyed raven i said crow i think they're different i don't even know they uh i think the ravens are bigger uh they are different though ravens can definitely go from city to city because that's how they use their post office but um yeah i i think he's not going to work into a dragon but he's like a remote control right he? He doesn't have that range. He can't pilot a bird across the country. He's got like a 50-mile range on his remote control skills.
Starting point is 03:33:33 That's what I think we're joking about. I didn't realize that, actually. Because it's not big. You know what I did put together? Remember you said, oh, I think that what's going to happen is if you kill one of the... It's not a white. What are the knights? What are the blue-eyed men called white walkers okay so i think the the zombies are called whites w-i-g-h-t-s i was reading about it anyway consistent with game of thrones canon you were saying hey you kill the main guy all the rest
Starting point is 03:34:01 drop and someone i was reading and they're like oh yeah they're essentially warging the dead and i was like oh i never put that together that that was a warg talent that we've seen in this universe all over the place it would make a lot of sense i don't think it is that okay i think it's because they're dead you know like like like like the warging thing it's like on working i'll get the brains don't work anymore this guy this guy has resurrected people you know i i think i think he's literally like put some some of his magic into each of their bodies and has reanimated them into his army of the undead um yeah yeah i would just be consistent with the universe if the universe if he was warging them semi-consistent anyway because they're dead but Yeah, except that he's
Starting point is 03:34:46 walking around while doing it, and there's a whole bunch of them instead of just one animal, and they're people. And we've only seen Bran do that once with a person. I don't know. I mean, Bran is definitely going to have an enormous part to play. Maybe in the end,
Starting point is 03:35:02 more than anyone, in the final battle, maybe what has to happen at the end is that he wargs into a dragon because the dragons are too dumb to know exactly what to do to win the battle or something, and so he has to remote control it, like, or not remote control it, just take over its brain. Like, I can see something like that maybe happening, but aren't we also led to believe that the dragons themselves are pretty smart? What about this? If that dragon horn thing comes into play and an evil character takes control of a dragon, then Bran
Starting point is 03:35:30 is the only counter to that. Now that's the only way I see that playing out that makes any sense whatsoever. Because you have to lose control of a dragon to need to regain it. Because they are very intelligent. You could talk to it and be like go burn those three guys over there but not the fourth. Not the fourth. And it would happen. They just seem that intelligent. You could talk to it and be like, go burn those three guys over there, but not the fourth. Not the fourth. And it
Starting point is 03:35:45 would happen. They just seem that intelligent. So my guess is someone else takes control of a dragon, Bran takes it back. Because Bran's a good guy. You know what's actually going to happen? Is those three dragons are going to fly north to the battle, and because they're in olden
Starting point is 03:36:01 days, no science, stupid times, everyone will have no idea that reptiles are cold-blooded and they'll be dead in a day Who are you thinking it's a lizard did you bring your pet lizard here? No we die exactly It's a lizard. Did you bring your pet lizard here? No, we die exactly You'd have to be a fool to bring it is it yeah, I think the dragons are not as OPS were making him out to be I Don't have to be because the the white walkers are the only thing in the world more OP than the dragons, right? Like only thing yeah, if you could have when they talk whenever whenever the dragons come up it's like oh yeah that's what agon used to conquer the seven kingdoms remember when nobody when when seven of the seven kingdoms rose up and tried to defend against three dragons and he just trounced us all that was our grandfathers he he destroyed you guys all remember that right as kids how our
Starting point is 03:37:01 grandfathers all got their asses kicked like I feel like dragons, like one dragon, especially the big dragon, is worth almost an infinite number of men. Because he can just do these strafing runs. They can't hurt him unless he hovers or lands. He can just fly overhead and burn them all. And one little second of burn and a man is ruined, right? If he flies over you and gives you a little puff, you're done. I do think dragon's fire is meant to be hotter than normal fire
Starting point is 03:37:26 Yeah, yeah Valyrian steel was forged or whatever or like they're like Where's the iron throne it was the the the the great dragon skull the one they penetrated that dragon forged the iron throne of all Of the sword you know that's made of all the swords that a gun if I had a a dragon i'd be making some history i'd be like i have a dragon here right first off i'm gonna get a couple tons of dragon glass i don't know it's just cool shit uh i'm gonna need you to make some valyrian steel because i heard you can do that like they're all these dragons are doing is catching fish killing babies eating sheep right do something cool thanks like i don't think dragon dragons make dragon glass because it's obsidian and it comes from
Starting point is 03:38:06 the earth and volcanic activity. The Valyrian steel didn't have anything to do with dragons. That was magical spells that had been forgotten. Well, if I had dragons, I would be completely wasting them trying to make shit that they don't make. I'd be like, the fuck, Woody?
Starting point is 03:38:22 I've been breathing on rocks for three days. There's still rocks. One go calling for a dragon ride. Please come back. I would want someone like Kyburn, or Kyvern, whichever way it is. I would want someone like him with my dragons
Starting point is 03:38:40 so that he could just be down there fiddle fucking around and being like we tested to see if dragon blood has any healing properties it's like oh does it no it's like like all right well you just keep figuring it out maybe their toenail shavings do something like keep this research i i am funding this shit out of this r&d and the other dragons i have out doing missions like i'll announce to the people like i know that a lot of you out there not gonna name any names are still growing beets i've told you many times i very much dislike beets and we're gonna replace that with corn anyone found farming beets will have their beet farm burn to the ground and replace the corn like i would do things like that control the
Starting point is 03:39:19 economy um i would i'd take joy rides to essos just to see how those slave cities that that jackass freed and then reslaved You know see if they're still going they won't be they won't be They will have collapsed back to the masters They will you say that you say that like getting rid of the masters all at once would make it forever But no just new slaveholders are going to feel that power back. Again, you have to let me know if we're talking about what would actually happen in a real life global political system
Starting point is 03:39:51 that involves slavery and dragons and queens or if we're talking about what's going to happen in this Game of Thrones story. Kyle, I can't make fun of the story if I treat it like within the confines of the reality we're talking about. I have to ascribe our logic to it in order to mock it. I see. I'm on board now.
Starting point is 03:40:09 I'm on board now. So you're agreeing that the slaveholders would have popped right back in there? Yeah, well, of course they're going to fall apart. You've got no solid means of communication back and forth, one little hiccup, one little disagreement, and all of a sudden there's a war. There's slaves cutting masters' throats you know kidnapping babies and sell them for meat or whatever they do oh i saw it i was on the charge of the city no write all the laws i cannot read you know 4chan the other day and and like i guess it was a wrecked uh thread but i clicked this thing and before i could even look away there were like dead children all over the naked, and this guy was going around slicing their buttocks off
Starting point is 03:40:47 with a big meat cleaver and collecting them. And he was doing it fast, like he was collecting chicken eggs or something. I was like, oh, God! Oh, God, he's cutting their asses off! Click. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Hold on.
Starting point is 03:41:00 I'm confused. Why were there dead babies all over the road? Well, they weren't on the road. They were on the ground around him. Who knows the locale? But it seemed that he was collecting the dead children's buttocks for meat with a large cleaver. He grabbed the ass. I heard that's the best part of the baby.
Starting point is 03:41:23 And he was just like, I don't mean he was like getting one ass. Like he gets three asses like before I can click away. You know what I mean? He's like, ass, ass, ass. He's like that guy with the watermelon. Yes, he's like that guy like destroying the watermelon. Like he is the Bruce Lee of child ass mutilation. And like you said, Woody, I've heard that's the best part, the child's ass. Taylor was informing us that a couple weeks ago.
Starting point is 03:41:43 He's got the Ed Ginn cookbook. And he's told me that that should be a thing. And lamp-making manual. Yes. Home improvement. You'd be surprised of the 100 uses for boy flesh. Can you imagine how many asses you've had to cut off before it becomes second nature?
Starting point is 03:41:59 That guy's thinking, he's like, I've got to go to the laundromat after this, and of course the bank's going to be closed. He's like one of those guys at the fish market who's got the sharp filleting knife, and he's gutting the fish so fast that you're afraid for his safety. Speaking of that, did you see, I don't know if it's a YouTube video or where it was, but some guy tried to do Fruit Ninja for reals with samurai swords. I saw that. I clicked away, but I know what he did. He cut his right wrist, didn't he?
Starting point is 03:42:24 No, he cut his left wrist didn't he I want to say it was his finger left pink or his right pinky he got lucky then because the way the swords were crossing I thought he had like like imagine this is a knife blade this is the edge I thought he had like done one of those and like went in at a nasty angle
Starting point is 03:42:40 because like wounds that are at weird angles this like two swords crisscrossing and one of them got like this part of his hand was it bad yeah you could tell the guy started freaking out and was bleeding pretty bad his finger wasn't missing but having having recently been recovering from a pretty bad finger injury i empathized and and but also had the same feeling about myself of like, what are you,
Starting point is 03:43:06 first time handling a knife, idiot? Like at least I was drying a knife I was about to use for eating, not slicing at grapes in my backyard, probably drunk. Were they tennis balls? I think they were tennis balls. I could be wrong.
Starting point is 03:43:18 The caption I read was for ninja in real life, but the comments all said tent. That makes more sense. I don't know. I didn't watch it. I saw the gif. I saw that he had cut himself, and then I didn't want any more.
Starting point is 03:43:32 I don't like gore. I really don't. If it's a car accident and you see a car explode, I can watch that. But I really don't want to see people fucking die. There's a lot of that on the internet. Let me do another advertisement here. When you drive for the right ride-sharing app, every trip can feel like a walk in the park.
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Starting point is 03:44:26 So, join the ride-sharing company that believes in treating its people better. Go to,, slash pka today, and you'll get a $500 new driver bonus. That's, slash pka,, slash pka. Limited time only terms apply. They're doing super well right now yep lyft is killing it if you want a high quality ride sharing app where you're allowed to tip where the drivers are more friendly where they're more likely to be uh receptive to you not wanting
Starting point is 03:44:57 to talk or wanting to talk like that's that's the whole bit here that's what you're gonna get with lyft don't settle for any low-tier service. Lyft is the only way to do the ride-sharing. Woody, what do you tell your barber? I don't say it anymore. But I think I used to say, buzz the back and sides of the number one, point me at the TV, and faster is better.
Starting point is 03:45:20 I feel like you can almost use the same thing for the car. Faster is better. That's what I want to say every time I get my hair cut. It's just like, if you get me out of this chair in 15 minutes and I don't look awful, it's fine. I'm a man. I can put enough product in my hair to make it look presentable. As long as there's not giant tufts sticking out. Regardless of what you do,
Starting point is 03:45:45 it looks the same when I do it tomorrow. There's very little difference. The thing I don't like is I've had it before. I put my hair to this side and I've had it where I wasn't really paying attention because I had to take my glasses off and she cut it like I
Starting point is 03:46:01 went this way and it was just like a little bit like this and I was just like what like you couldn't tell which way I part my hair that bothers me yeah like my hair now when I come in there take a glance look I get that what I came in with is not what I'm trying to leave with but it should give you an indicator right you should be like all right that's the after I need to make it the, that's the after. I need to make it the before. No, that's the before. I need to make it the after.
Starting point is 03:46:29 I said it backwards. But that's what they should do. They should take a look. And when they like have no idea I parted my hair, my hair is like perma-parted now. I start, as a little kid, I farted in the center. Somewhere around sixth grade, I changed it to the side. Maybe fifth. You could shave it bald and it would grow back with that thing. It is so trained at this point.
Starting point is 03:46:53 I don't know how they don't know how I styled it. Yeah, that's a bad barber. She's stupid. That's a stupid person. I always let the same person cut my hair. And she's been in the hospital for a couple weeks. And I haven't been able to get a fucking haircut. Is she old?
Starting point is 03:47:05 I don't fucking know. I don't care. But I hope she makes it she's okay but she she's missing work and uh my hair is crazy long right now like i put product in it and brush it back and everything but like if i like pull it all straight down like it comes down a year that is longer than i thought like like like like the front hair is going like all the way like like everything is like going back like in the back like it's just long it's just long and like it's just like you can have like a man bun almost like you're getting to that length not quite there but uh but yeah i'm jealous of your let me see your neck turn around that's like that's hairy this is what i want is to be able to like not have the deciding factor of when i get a haircut to when my neck hair
Starting point is 03:47:53 connects to my beard that is the deciding factor is when i start seeing like creep around here and i'm like this is bananas taylor you got to get this under control. Like nobody has ears in the middle of a circle of hair. Like – Do you get ear hair? No. No. Nose hair? I don't get ear – no. I don't have nose hair that I've ever trimmed.
Starting point is 03:48:13 Just hair everywhere else. I like to cut my hair so short. It's not that it looks good all the time. I want it to never look really bad. So I wear helmets a lot. I want to take that helmet off and not have anything crazy happening. I want to wake up. I wear that frickin' CPAP mask when I sleep.
Starting point is 03:48:30 So you can wake up with some really wacky hair if you have your hair to. With this, there is no messing up. Look at the sides of this shit. You can't mess that up. You can mess it up like you'll tussle my hair and it will not change a bit. I'm surprised you don't do it yourself.
Starting point is 03:48:47 It's fairly simple and you always get the same one. I'm surprised you haven't learned that one. My wife used to cut it for a long time, but she doesn't like it. I had a friend all the way through school always had the same haircut. It suited him because he had a big fucking melon.
Starting point is 03:49:01 Taylor, you'd love to sit next to this guy on the bus. This guy's head was a popsicle a popsicle stick i mean a like like one of those big suckers like a lollipop outrageous i remember when we were in football and like none of the helmets fucking fit him and the and the coach me like boy you got a big old noggin it's fucking huge but he always i remember that my first football in middle school in seventh grade i went to the office and they're handing out equipment he was like all right here's your helmet and i ran down to the field and i and i got it on and everybody's like is your helmet snug and i was like i'm gonna i'm gonna actually pass out back up there and then he goes all right it needs to be real snug though. Take a large.
Starting point is 03:49:48 Alright, let me give you an adult XL. Jesus. Anyone who's never worn a football helmet that's too small, it is excruciating. It is excruciating. And I can't explain how it hurts. It's a mixture between it's a little bit like a headache, but it's closer to the skin,
Starting point is 03:50:03 if that makes sense. It gave me like an eye ache. For skin, if that makes sense. It gave me an eye ache. For me, it was my temples. It was squeezing in like that. And maybe up, I don't know. I just remember being out there doing up-downs or whatever, the calisthenics, and just being like, this is excruciating. This is awful. I had the opposite experience just yesterday.
Starting point is 03:50:23 I bought a motorcycle helmet. I liked it, but it fit too tight on my head. It was too much. And I could wear it, but you wear it for any extended period of time. You come back, and it's a relief to move it. So I switched back to my old helmet. Anyway, I tried on that helmet more recently, having lost about 21 pounds, and it fit better.
Starting point is 03:50:43 And I'm like, yeah. My head's not as fat. A little less fat in the cheeks or wherever it is that was all over my head. New motorcycle helmet fits properly now. That's cool. I saw a guy try to rob a store with a motorcycle helmet on the other day,
Starting point is 03:50:57 and at first I was like, that's smart. Protection and concealment. Then the guy got him a headlock. You're not popping out. He got him in a headlock. You're not popping out. He got him in a guillotine in this really tight behind-the-counter area, and the guy ends up
Starting point is 03:51:11 going down to his knees, but then crammed into a corner, and he just got him down to his wife, like, yeah, call the cops! Yeah! Yeah, call them! He's just roughing this guy up. I love seeing people who deserve it get hurt, I guess. I watch a lot of Justices Served, and I watch that YouTube channel Police Activity.
Starting point is 03:51:32 Police Activity has good cops and bad cops, so you'll see a cop plant evidence on a guy. That's on there right now. You'll see cops get their story straight to frame someone. That's on there. You'll see cops defend citizens. You'll see citizens run in and help a cop who's getting the worst end of a physical altercation. People come off the street
Starting point is 03:51:49 and throw down, fight. There's one where the cop's wrestling with a guy. The citizen comes in and tries to help. Then the guy produces a gun. The citizen and the cop jump away from him. The citizen's running. The cop's gunning him down, of course. Lots of stuff like that. I like that channel like that sounds good
Starting point is 03:52:05 i'd like that i daydream like it i saw a um a cop was getting ground and pounded basically by a guy and he's yelling help but yeah the fear in his help was like shit like this guy is very scared you know and once you lose control to a bad guy like you're at his will you know and he's a bad guy and i'm like oh my god i wish i was there i wish i was there like a distracted guy who couldn't jump on his back with the rear naked choke i could jump on his back with a rear naked choke and control like it i'd be like i got this oh my gosh stretch him out right there the cop would probably just sit back and watch a little bit oh i hope i hope you know if you the cop would be like all right i got this guy no no no like three more seconds he's gonna go out i love it when i watch the subway i watched it it was an i was gonna say
Starting point is 03:52:52 a subway altercation but so as not to be confusing an altercation that happened on a subway train and one guy's standing there and the other guy's just just in his just trying to instigate he's just all over him like like fuck you and fuck you for saying this and the guy guy's just just in his just trying to instigate he's just all over him like like fuck you and fuck you for saying this and the guy's like i didn't say any of that like well fuck you for thinking it you know he's just like go like go on just really antagonizing and the guy's just okay okay okay and then the bad guy looks away for a second and he he doesn't move like an athlete necessarily like it's not fast but he just goes come here and puts him in a rear naked choke they go to the
Starting point is 03:53:25 ground he wraps his legs around fucking stretches him out right there on the floor bends him all the way back and there's a few people on the subway they're like no no no no no but you can tell in his head he's like okay give it 15 seconds and all the over yeah conscious oh i love that like you might if you have never been through this you might think well what happens when he wakes up when he wakes up i promise you his fight will be gone his fight is gone he's he doesn't know he needs you to explain to him he's not mad at you anymore he's a whole different guy when he comes back from unconsciousness i promise it's like you not only reset his brain but you reset his brain chemistry.
Starting point is 03:54:05 He's not in the same place chemically anymore. He's a different guy. It's like dousing somebody in the face with water, but a little more... Better. Yeah, it's better. It's wonderful. I've been choked out maybe three times unconscious.
Starting point is 03:54:21 I did it once in high school for fun. Joe choked me out yeah because i i was like i was like yeah bro no do it like this i like like i didn't have any martial arts training but you can look in google get online and figure out how to do a choke and and yeah i just remember brady you know get behind me in the desk i was like yeah yeah tighter tighter no it didn't hurt no it didn't hurt don't let me fall though i'm gonna go unconscious and it just didn't choke me out right there in class and then just coming up from my desk And my friend going like yeah, that's fucking awesome. That was awesome. He took you out. It's like yeah. Yeah, it's cool You're fine. You're fine now. This is what you do in a fight
Starting point is 03:54:52 I remember thinking that even then and like 10th grade that like this is how you should fight like like like like I'm not even Hurt, but but I was out of it So so I love seeing that when someone gets choked the fuck out in real life Except I'm copped it on that police activity channel and they're in vegas cop chokes the guy to death that's on the channel it's a risk and if the other guy's on alcohol or drugs then sometimes they can be more prone to dying and with a taser or with a taser too i believe that that's i think you're gonna have a hard time finding any studies that will back that up because there's probably a reason that no one wants those studies to be done.
Starting point is 03:55:28 Because you know what is more dangerous to use on people than a taser? Glock. Take your chances, buddy. When compared to the Glock, the taser seems exceedingly safe and reasonable. You're both right about that. I will say that because the taser is safer, sometimes they go to it when maybe they could use words yeah i agree with that but i think they do that because they don't have a good enough physical training as well i i think that like if every officer should
Starting point is 03:55:55 be a blue belt in jujitsu like if i'm king first of all cops make 75 grand a year second of all they all have blue belts right like we're gonna and i'm not talking about paying the cops we have now 75 grand a year i'm talking about the whole new class of individuals who would be cops in a world where you got paid 75 grand a year to be a cop right like let the wheels turn a little bit on this for the audience like you have good fucking professional negotiating intelligent personable human beings out there enforcing our laws. One thing that's always kind of been odd to me is that the people who enforce our laws don't have to know them. You know, how many YouTube videos
Starting point is 03:56:31 have you seen where some guy has to explain to a cop the law, and the cop will just tell you that you don't know the law, and who's got the gun? There's kind of an attitude. I am the law. Don't be a barstool lawyer. That's what the cop said to the guy last night. And he's like, don't am a barstool lawyer that's what the cop said to the guy last night
Starting point is 03:56:46 and he's like don't be a barstool lawyer i i was in a scenario i don't want to give too many details but the guy was flying low and he bothered someone's cows okay uh and they called the police and the police was like like he was making up aviation laws about how like, oh, treetop is the legal minimum for where you're allowed to fly. And it wasn't me, by the way. And it was like, dude, you're just inventing aviation. Like this is the one area where I happen to be an expert. I've been through training courses two and a half times. And I've read the law.
Starting point is 03:57:22 And there's not very much. There's like two pages on my class of aircraft aircraft it's not that hard to know it and uh the cop is inventing shit that's not true and i don't be really surprised that's all right so that's really inventing it that's like yeah so that's a really niche thing right like how often is he gonna be making up laws about aviation this is probably his first and only time in his career, right? It won't affect that many people is what I'm getting at. But there's been so many times, and these aren't like bad dealings with cops. Like I've been talking to cop buddies or like been hanging out with people, and they were cop friends there, and I showed them one of my weapons or something like that.
Starting point is 03:58:00 And they had no idea about – I have to educate them. I was like, oh, well, yeah, anybody can have, sometimes they don't know you can have the things, and sometimes they don't realize the things are regulated. He's like, well, I know a guy that's got one of those. I was like, well, he shouldn't. He shouldn't have one of those, because the only way you get one of those
Starting point is 03:58:16 is by stealing it from the U.S. government. Like, they don't hand them out, bro. Like, you can't just get one. I mean, yeah, I got one, but like. But you got it legally, yeah. Well, there's no legal way just get one. I mean, yeah, I got one, but... But you got it legally. Well, there's no legal way to get one. I just said that. I was trying to give you an outright there. I'm just saying, if you go to Knob Creek,
Starting point is 03:58:37 there's big cases of this ammunition, and it's like U.S. government-only ammunition. No one else makes it, whether it's Ralfos or some sort of fancy penetrator round like there's a few kinds of things that were never distributed to the general public and so if they are possessed by someone in the general public then there's only one way it gets there right like like so it's not a crime like there's no police out there like oh that was once government property come here like that doesn't exist you know but but just we all know like you didn't get that on the up and up because they don't sell them at walmart they don't sell them on the internet
Starting point is 03:59:08 to circle back to my cop i wasn't mad that he didn't know aviation law like that i'm okay with you know that's fine i was mad that he made up aviation law and you know in his head he has to know he made that up and when you tell him like like like we were presenting it we're like all right here's the faa guidelines this is an faa publication this is the section that governs our thing you can look at it here and he's like nah i'm still right no and you know you're full of shit like it you know if you know or not you know if you have doubt he's just like puffing up and blustering and being a dickhead you could have asked for his i think the only thing you can do in that situation
Starting point is 03:59:47 if there were any consequence for you I wasn't involved. If it's me and if you're going to get in trouble then you've got to get on the right side of this. But if this is just letting some guy think he's right and leaving, that's a different thing.
Starting point is 04:00:02 But if it's the other thing then you've got to call, you've got to be like, all right, well, we need to get your watch commander or whatever you call your boss in this district and locality here because I want to talk to him. I don't like this. I might need to call my lawyer, have him down here and represent me in this matter because we're having very different perceptions of what the law are right now.
Starting point is 04:00:24 And I'm not sure if you have your data you and like whatever the name of the like the law book for aviation do you have your 7130 with you mm-hmm let me let me see here section are part B yes you're not you don't work for TSA no no no not that black woman you'd have to pull one of those it's it's really frustrating dealing with law enforcement that's why it's nice to like try to be friends with them i know like i had an exact thing like that the first ticket i ever had i got when i was 16 and a cop had pulled someone over on the side of the highway and the law in missouri I remembered because I had taken my driver's test like eight months prior. It was, if you see an emergency vehicle on the side, you either slow
Starting point is 04:01:10 down or, or go into a different lane. It's or in Missouri, some States it's both some States, it's just getting to a different lane in Missouri. It is or either get in a different lane or slow down. I couldn't get in a different lane because there were too many people, and so I just slowed down to like 40 or something, like the minimum posted speed limit on the highway. This dude went 1,000 miles an hour to catch up with me on the next off-ramp and then had the biggest attitude, and I didn't know how to deal with cops fully yet.
Starting point is 04:01:41 So he's like, do you know why I pulled you over? I was like, no, I really don't. He's like, yeah, you went right by me over there. Yeah, you have to get over a lane. And I told him, no, I have to get over a lane or slow down. And he's like, no, you have to get over a lane. And I was just like, okay, I guess I'm getting a ticket then. Like, I know you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Starting point is 04:02:02 Or you know you're lying. And I'm 16. And so nobody's going to take my side in this, even if I'm right. Like, it was just annoying. It was like, oh, fuck. Like, this is kind of why people have a little bit of resentment towards cops. It's like, I was actually right. Like, I could go, I could take you to the fucking DMV and show you my permit test where it says, what do you do when there's an emergency vehicle? Fucking slow down or get in the other lane.
Starting point is 04:02:26 But he doesn't care. Like, I don't... That really, really bothers me. There's no or here. Did you pay the ticket? Yeah. Yeah, I had to pay the ticket. Yeah, we call it the move-over law. That's probably a common thing. It's a good idea. I always get the fuck out of their way. Because I can... I've seen a few videos where cops
Starting point is 04:02:41 get sideswiped. You can't always get out of their way if there's traffic. Like, you can't safely merge. Like three months ago I got pulled over for that same offense. And so the truth of it all, what happened was I was on the highway for like an hour and a half. And then I got onto the back roads and my mindset wasn't there
Starting point is 04:02:58 for slowing down. Like going whatever reasonable speed was, like 55, felt like it was crawling to me. So I was going like 70. And I saw a cop pulling over another driver. And I register as, well, that cop's probably too busy to fuck with me, right? I mean, he's already pulled over that other guy.
Starting point is 04:03:14 So I slowed down to like 55. And he pulls me over and he's like, you were racing by me. Like, you didn't slow down. And I didn't want to tell him, actually, sir, I was going far faster. Yeah, yeah. Like Seinfeld. That's a good one.
Starting point is 04:03:31 When Jerry has the really hot model girlfriend, the cop pulls him over. And he's like, you know why I pulled you over? I clocked you back there going 96 miles an hour. Really? Must have clocked me after I slowed down. Because I was doing well over 100 before I got to that curve. Can I see your driver's license and registration? Honey,
Starting point is 04:03:48 would you get him out of the glove box, please? I think the guy who plays the cop in that episode is a fighter. I could have that wrong. Anyway, in the end, I was just really respectful toward him and told him I was sorry.
Starting point is 04:04:01 And he's like, did you even see me? I'm like, yeah. And I had pulled in all. I was fully on the other side of a double line to give him that lane. I just, I don't know. I was going faster for so long
Starting point is 04:04:14 I wasn't really set to go the kind of speeds I should have in a back road. Turned out well. Rap? How deep are we in here? 404? I want to tell everyone a little bit about yeah our hats
Starting point is 04:04:30 Chiz has a note here for me it seems that there are very very few hats left so you want to head over to to get one of the PKA hats we had a small promotional run a few weeks ago and we expanded the
Starting point is 04:04:46 collection i think last week and uh yeah not many left so get them while you can and uh he added here that the shipping is very fast for our european listeners faster than any uh anything you may have bought from us before nice check the Check them out. Very good. So PKA, episode 345.

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