Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #394

Episode Date: July 14, 2018

On this week's PKA, he's been heavily requested for a while now... the infamous Destiny joins the guys and boy does the show run long, nearly 5 hours of discussing "interesting" subreddits, Kyle's ad...ult toy collection and affirmative action. Also we go down a lead rabbit hole as well, who knew we'd ever go there... lead. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right painkiller already episode 394 with our guest destiny kyle or steve you want to go by steve is that right yeah steve is good i think so yeah steve couple sponsors tonight square space dollar shave club express vpn rocket league and smart mouth we'll get to them later on in the show but yeah got destiny on tonight should be a fun show yeah ton of excellent sponsors if you just can't wait head down there and check so destiny you're i was trying to to look up your stuff on twitch and it seems you're banned for saying faggot and then i also was like oh i'll go see what his thoughts on this on twitter are and i can't couldn't find you on twitter either it's like the whole first impression world this is destiny have you been misbehaving
Starting point is 00:00:40 listen i'm a very opinionated person and i come from an old you guys know you know you're older guys the the internet was a much different place a decade ago okay such that um if you guys were on the internet a decade ago i think i can confidently say that if people would release logs of any one of the four of us from that time period we would have to evacuate the internet i refuse to change i refuse to change if you've seen cler change. If you've seen Clerks 2, the guy's like, he discovers that porch monkeys is a terrible thing to say. He'd never known that before. And he's like, well, bullshit. It doesn't mean anything about black people.
Starting point is 00:01:15 That's just something I say about lazy people. And he starts a little personal campaign with the world. He's like, I'm taking it back, porch monkeys. We need to do that with faggot, because it doesn't mean gay people. We're starting off real heavy, aren't we? First of all, anyone... And we're happy that Steve is in the
Starting point is 00:01:33 front line of that fight. Anyone who uses... Oh, God. Let me get this out. Anyone who uses the word faggot to refer to a homosexual is a faggot, okay? Faggot is what an asshole is. They're annoying pieces of shit that make the world a worse place for everyone else.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Nobody has a problem with gay people anymore except for faggots. So you're going like the South Park. Wow, I see what you did there. Yeah, I think you're going to fight an uphill battle on this one. I thought it what you did there. They're people who ride bikes. Yeah. You know, I think you're going to fight an uphill battle on this one. I thought it was pretty clever there. It might be a little nuanced for some of the people who choose not to understand.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Can I like, can the record show that I did not initiate this topic because my fans all said that I was going to go full-blown fucking politics right off the bat. i did not open this can of worms okay i will say that the idea that all of us are cool with gay people is pretty interesting in light of a very recent supreme court ruling that had to do with a cake shop
Starting point is 00:02:35 in colorado though i'm not too sure if i would uh die on that hill that everybody in america is super cool with the gays as we would them. Yeah, there's definitely pockets of people who aren't cool with gays still. I think that's like a losing battle the same way guns are losing battle. It's clear to me that anyone who makes cakes for a living is probably gay and self-hating, and that was the genesis of all of that. That doesn't seem
Starting point is 00:02:58 like as much of a gay issue as it is a free speech issue, though, right? Because they had ruled the other way when people refused to make anti-gay cakes, right? They're like, oh, whoa, whoa. He doesn't have to make that cake. Who's ordering anti-gay cakes? What would that have on it?
Starting point is 00:03:14 I've never heard this as a Supreme Court thing. We weren't going to bring that up. It's interesting that the same group of people that were so upset about the gay cake baker thing seemed to be very upset when Huckabee was ejected from a restaurant uh when the sarah huckabee was ejected where was the free speech people there it kind of makes you think you know you're totally right i agree glaring hypocrisy they had every right to tell her to fuck off and leave it turns out so maybe you guys can correct me on the supreme court
Starting point is 00:03:41 ruling but my understanding is the reason he wasn't forced to do that was that it was an art like you you can't force a guy to like commission an art piece which is what a cake is now if he wanted to go in there and buy a cake off the shelf they would force him to sell it because you can't discriminate on a couple of grounds they include sexual preference race sex um age i think is one, I think is one of them. Disabilities is one of them. Yeah. The government has defined things that you're not allowed to discriminate for. But you are allowed to discriminate against douchebags,
Starting point is 00:04:15 which is why they would have to sell an off-the-shelf cake to a gay person, but not necessarily Sarah Huckabee Sanders, because you are allowed to discriminate based on douchebaggery. I mean, I think that's... They're not a protected group, it turns out. That's just why I'm no longer allowed at Applebee's. Okay, so I love and appreciate you, Woody, but everything you just said was so completely
Starting point is 00:04:38 wrong. I feel like I'm stepping into all of my triggers here. This is a very popular piece of fake news that a lot of conservatives are spreading about that Supreme Court ruling. So the initial question constitutionally that a lot of people had was, can you compel someone to create art? And if you can, or more importantly, just creating a cake, does that count as compelled art, right? And this is what we were kind of looking to the Supreme Court to decide. Can a baker be forced to bake a cake for a gay person with a gay message? Does that of is compelled art. But the reality was that Supreme Court decision didn't make a ruling on that. So the ruling was
Starting point is 00:05:09 called narrow. And a lot of people don't understand what that means because the ruling is actually seven to two. So it wasn't like close. What the narrow ruling meant was that in this very particular case, the Supreme Court decided that the Colorado commission that was in charge of deciding whether or not that was a hate crime, treated the baker incredibly unfairly. They had made disparaging remarks regarding the guy's religion and that the Supreme Court didn't feel like the Colorado Commission made a fair ruling in this particular case. So they actually, the Supreme Court did not make any statements whatsoever on whether or not baking a cake for a gay person is compelled speech or whether or not that sort of art
Starting point is 00:05:44 is like compelled speech or or whether or not that sort of art is like compelled speech and then ruling Only specifically applied to this case of whether or not the Colorado Commission treated that case fairly Okay I did hear that that it was you know Everybody thought because I saw plenty of conservatives tweeting stuff like they're calling a seven to two narrow trying to trick you and it's like Well, no, that's not what that means. It's just the scope of what they decided okay so so supreme court decisions aside where do we fall upon this idea i i have a couple of scenarios to lay out there that may i'd like to hear people's opinions on let's say i i go into a baker and i say hey i'm i'm having i'm marrying my friend taylor my life partner taylor i want i
Starting point is 00:06:21 want i wanted to say kyle and taylor you know forever uh in fondant and i want uh two grooms on the top and i want interlinking male gender symbols uh also in fondant all the fuck over it and uh and they and they say no can they could be compelled to make that cake and also a second cake is being commissioned that day this time woody is getting the cake commissioned his cake says homosexuality is an abomination and it's got a festive cake it's just a white it really seems like the steve's cake but carry on it's just a white sheet cake nothing fancy it just says homosexuality is an abomination. And they're like, no, no, absolutely not. I will not make that cake.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Can either one of or both of those bakers be compelled, or should they be compelled, to make these particular cakes? Okay, so we're getting into the heavy social issues. In the United States, we have protected classes. And these protected classes generally call under them special protections if they're discriminated against in certain matters. So, for instance, I believe race, religion, nation of origin, your sex. And then the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ruled that this includes like sexual identity. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ruled that this includes like sexual identity.
Starting point is 00:07:51 So like if you're gay or straight, like your familial status, if you've got kids, if you're a veteran, if you're disabled. These things are considered protected classes in the U.S. In the United States, what we've decided is that thus far, we've decided that it is not considered free speech to discriminate against this group of people. So what that means is let's say a gay guy, a gay dude comes into my restaurant and he's being a huge piece of shit. I can say, I want you to leave for no reason. Or I can say, I want you to leave because you're being a piece of shit. Or I want you to leave because you're a Democrat or Republican. Um, but you can't say, I want you to leave because you're black or I want you to leave because you are from the country of India or I want you to leave because you're a man or gay or whatever. Right? Those are generally the decisions that we've made. Um, so far in society in terms of like protecting classes of people and you know we can go into social reasons
Starting point is 00:08:29 for whether or not this is a good or bad idea but that's generally where we're at right now so if you ask i want to make a cake with interlinking genitalia i mean you can say no to this because as a bakery maybe you just don't do genitalia okay gender symbols like steve's idea more Steve's into some weird shit Do you not know how hard arms work? You can't link them Oh yes you can if one's uncircumcised
Starting point is 00:08:54 Oh docking We're gonna be docking Damn it Kyle are you circumcised? Absolutely Me too Incompatible Cut power But yeah so like if somebody came in And they were just like I want to kick Me too. God damn it. Incompatible. Cut power! Cut power! I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:06 But yeah, so like if somebody came in and they were just like, I want to kick, like you could say that like I don't do like those types of symbols. So like I could do a cake with two guys and no problem. But in terms of like adding like interlinking gender symbols, I don't know if maybe you could say like that's the policy. Basically, as long as you're not discriminating against a certain
Starting point is 00:09:21 class of people that we've decided are protected classes, you're generally okay to do what you want. But it's when you're discriminating against somebody on the basis of what we've decided is a protected class, in the US we generally decide that's not an okay thing to do. It's like, they get like an incendiary, like to Kyle's point, that message on the sheet cake that Woody got. If Woody was like, hey, I'm going to my religious event and we're talking about how much gays are ruining the world and terrible and that's why we need this on there. Would they be able to say, no, and we're talking about how much gays are ruining the world and terrible, and that's why we need this on there. Would they be able to say, no, I'm not doing that?
Starting point is 00:09:50 Or would they have to be like, well, that is your religious right? Sure. So I'm not a lawyer. I'm not an ACLU guy. So someone can correct me if I'm wrong, if someone in chat reads this later or on the YouTube comments or whatever. You could say, no, I don't want to do that type of message because I consider that to be offensive or whatever. And that doesn't include I consider that to be offensive or whatever. And that doesn't include just because of a protected class or whatever. But you wouldn't be able to say, I don't wanna do that cake because I don't do cakes for religious people. So I think that would be the distinguishing line there, which seems fine but-
Starting point is 00:10:18 Could they get out of this kind of stuff just by changing their real motive? Where they're like, I don't like the fact this guy's Muslim or whatever, I'm not gonna bake his Muslim wedding cake or whatever, but I'm not gonna say that. I'm gonna say, oh, you're being rude, you're being a piece of shit, get out of here. And then they, no recourse. He comes in, he wants a groom and a tiny little bride.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Yeah, you could, yeah, people do this all the time when they fight about, like, workplace discrimination, right? Very rarely is somebody gonna say, I'm firing you because you're a woman. You usually have to do a big investigation to find out, okay, well, this guy's fired 82% of the women or something, and I can prove some sort of thing, right? It's usually more complicated than saying, I'm discriminating against you because I hate the women or the gays or the whatever, Indian people or whatever. Yeah, it seems like all these companies can still, if they want to turn down service, they'll find a workaround for it. Well, yeah, you basically just say, fuck you, I don't want to serve you, leave.
Starting point is 00:11:09 That's it. You can just say that. But beyond the legality, I want opinions. Our opinions. We are now the Supreme Court. Just the four of us. Forget the fact that's not the... The rest of them have been killed.
Starting point is 00:11:20 There are a few... The four of us have to make a decision on this. Now, personally, where I stand is neither one of those bakers should have to make that cake. The baker shouldn't have to make the cake with myself and Taylor on the top. And he also should not have to make Woody's hate cake. Christ, Woody. My bad. I was born hateful.
Starting point is 00:11:41 It's not my fault. So I guess you hateful. It's not my fault. So I guess, you go first. See, the whole art side of it changes it a bit for me. Like, I kind of like the way they handle discrimination.
Starting point is 00:11:55 So I feel like they have it right. You can't discriminate based on age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, etc. But, you know, if I commission a painting that's against what you like uh fuck it i think it's funnier if you're forced to do things you hate so there's my answer
Starting point is 00:12:12 what a terrible rationale you know what this is a lifetime appointment i can use any rationale i want oh that's true we can just be bonkers up here yeah ah gay marriage legal gay divorce nay nay that decision is made my friend oh man we'd be a great well no the country would be a jam the compelled art question is like really interesting i i personally don't know i would have to think for a long time about that um because we almost have to answer like unanswerable
Starting point is 00:12:49 questions like what is art you know um say for instance we say okay well you know this is clearly art you know commissioning a design on a cake is art we shouldn't be allowed to do that how far could you take that like say i go to get a bouquet of flowers right well is it art and the way the guy decides to arrange it say i decide I want to get a new paint job done On my car is it art to get like my car spray paint like there's I feel like that argument could be stretched to uncomfortable lengths Maybe I'm not entirely sure on that but on the flip side, you know Should somebody be able to commission something like a painting that is clearly? You know art
Starting point is 00:13:24 It's a really blurred line with what you just described because like I don't think painting my car red is artwork however if you I've seen those vans that have an entire like mosaic on the side or even clearly art or landscaping cutting a yard is not art but cutting the
Starting point is 00:13:39 shrubbery and like your Edward scissor hands into like all kinds of like animals and stuff. That's art. I can't do that shit. They face that with porn, right? In porn, there's a line that's really hard to distinguish between art and porn, right?
Starting point is 00:13:52 You can see a topless woman with the skirt on in the sunset, and it's art. It's art. I think you nailed it, Woody, because the age-old thing they say about porn is, I know it when I see it. That's right. And I was a Supreme Court litmus test. Yeah is, I know it when I see it. That's right. That was the Supreme Court litmus test.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Yeah, I'll know it when I see it. Yeah, I think that does it. I think that does it across the board with all of the things we just discussed because I can look at landscaping and I know artful landscaping when I see it. A golf course isn't artful. I mean, they cut it.
Starting point is 00:14:22 My yard isn't artful. But, and I'll go back to edward scissor hands that was art how it does seem like to steve's point you could just infinitely reduce this where it's like hey you just mowed my lawn yeah but look at that i did a like i'm riding this lawnmower that's a skill that's an art and look at that cool little spiral i did over by your tree you know that's really neat a little gay you little gay. It's a little gay. You could take the art. I feel like it's easier,
Starting point is 00:14:48 I know it when I see it, it's easier with porn than it is with art just as a giant, you know, stack of baby. We're fighting with that a lot right now on my platform, on the platform I'm currently banned from,
Starting point is 00:14:59 but on Twitch, that's a big fight right now that what is too sexual for some of the girl streamers versus what isn't, that's a really hard one to do. is too sexual for some of the girl streamers versus what isn't that's a really hard one to do i'll know when i see it because holy fuck i've seen a lot of fucking porn and i don't know when i look at some twitch streamers like i don't know what exactly you know what the problem is the problem with that is the people who are supposed
Starting point is 00:15:19 to be knowing it when they see it are trying to fuck those streamers a lot of times you'll like look at their favorite streamers on their list and it's all titty streamers it's like well you are not an impartial judge like you you need to throw together a panel of people who decide who is being too sexual and who isn't because there's some guy some guy takes his shirt off and he gets kicked off for two weeks and some girl like routinely has like her nipples like popping out of like the extremely thin material and is like she's like oh i got ten dollars ten squats and she's she's wearing like like a you know like no are you trying to stay fit yes wait they'll really be like ten dollars and then they'll turn their ass to the camera oh that's not all here's the thing they do that now
Starting point is 00:16:01 this is one of my favorites they'll have like a whiteboard, Taylor. They'll have a whiteboard behind them, and they'll be like, oh, Taylor made the donation list. I'm glad he's pantomiming this. He's not pushing his ass out anywhere near enough. You need to give it a little shake. Are they playing video games? I thought you had to be playing video games to be on Twitch. Oh, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Not anymore. Which has changed. IRL streaming. Yeah. But then to represent the flip side of that, it can be really hard to decide, you know, because on one hand, you know, you can say this has gone too far. But then on the other hand, it seems like people sometimes are almost pushing for like full on burkas to like cover women up as well.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Like where people say, OK, like if I can see even like a micro nip poking through any part of your top, this is the most ridiculous thing in the world. Or girls are doing things where it's like, you know, some women have big boobs, you know, and based on what they wear, some women will have a lot of cleavage just by the nature of having larger
Starting point is 00:16:57 chest. You know, you can't always wear, you know, like a turtleneck sweater to, to cover up every part. You're exaggerating to make your point though. Like I,
Starting point is 00:17:04 I, no, no. I talked to my wife about this. Because we had a, I guess we had a titty streamer on the show one time, like two years ago. And she's like, she knows what she's wearing. I can tell you. She's acutely aware of what she looks like, how much cleavage she has, et cetera. That's a thing that starts with picking out the shirt before you have it on. They're not surprised to learn that you can
Starting point is 00:17:27 see down their shirt on that camera angle. All girls have been negotiating that path since they turned 11 years old. Yeah, sure, but the problem comes in where it's like, for a guy, if I live in a warm climate, or say I live in an area where my house is just
Starting point is 00:17:43 kind of warm, I don't have to think twice about what shirt would it wouldn't be appropriate like it's i just never have to process it in fact i could almost not wear a shirt i could wear like a wife beat or something if i really wanted to but for women that have large chests navigating that can be kind of confusing because there are women that wear things um even just around other women without going out to talk to guys that some guys will look at it be like oh my god this woman has been a huge fucking whore like why would you ever wear? Whereas for that woman, it's just like, okay, well, this is comfortable for me. You're way too lenient. They know exactly
Starting point is 00:18:10 what they're wearing, what they're doing. And these are girls that are about the live stream in front of hundreds, if not thousands of people. And it's like, you know what? Mistakes were made. I've lived like seven years between two different girlfriends that had very large chests and just knowing
Starting point is 00:18:24 things like even wearing a bra can be very irritating. Like there are a lot of women where as soon as they get home, the first thing to do is take their bra off. Because it's like they're live streaming in this situation. It's work. Yeah. I immediately take off all my clothes when I get home. Sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:38 It's just one of those things where like as a guy, you don't really have to ever think about it. But when you're a girl, you do have to think about it. And then like the standards by which we play by could be very different based on different cultures, right? That, like, some people would look at a girl wearing, like, even a sports bra, and they'd be like, that is way too fucking far. Whereas somebody from a more liberal, oh, yeah, absolutely. Oh, okay, some cultures.
Starting point is 00:18:56 I mean, we, you know. Reading a lot of livestreams, there are a lot of guys that will point to girls wearing sports bras and be like, that's too much. And it's like, dude, it's just a sports bra. There's a lot of incels on the internet oh yeah there are they just wearing a sports bra like no no it's that's pretty sexual because that's what i was picturing when he was explaining it i'm like who's live streaming in a shirt and you can see a little nip and they're like you whore or something sports bra is the way to go that's what i that was going
Starting point is 00:19:22 to be my next counter argument to like because i've dated girls with big tits and when she when she put on a sports bra i was like whoa where'd they go what are you doing you're cheating the whole world right now frankly you know i would rather them be able to show their tits off to their heart's content but i think you can discern a lot of what their intents are based on the camera angle camera angles yeah sure like if they're like teehee, you know, Oh, I'm just comfortable in this top.
Starting point is 00:19:48 And the camera's up here, you know, like, no, you're not, you're playing it up. If they're wearing a regular shirt like that and the camera's here, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:55 the way most male streamers from what I garner, I'm not a Twitch expert. I don't watch many video game streams. Then you'll be able to, you can kind of discern that motive, right? Cause I agree with Woody to the point that, like, a lot of these, like, girls clearly know what they're doing,
Starting point is 00:20:08 and they know that their, you know, core audience aren't people who are like, oh, hell yeah, going to learn a League of Legends strategy from this chick. It's like, no, I like those tits, and I want to, you know, give her money for it. Sure, yeah, yeah, it can happen. I just, sometimes people pull really far in the other direction. It makes me nervous a little bit, but, yeah i mean there's there's definitely a line that can be
Starting point is 00:20:27 drawn i think maybe the answer is twitch starting an over 18 sort of adult uh corner oh yeah i would look there's a there's a there's a few subreddits that are relevant in this conversation there's too busty to hide and it's the number two and bigger than you thought uh i'm bigger than you thought you can see how women with large chests can clearly put those babies away when they're doing some professional work in front of children mind you you know and uh it just makes sense just makes sense i don't know i mean like if you have boobs, I don't think it should be like, I don't think you should have to hide it. Like, you say professional, but I mean, like, my job is playing video games. It's not like I'm going, like, different, there are different types of professions that call for different dress codes, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:15 I don't need to put on a suit and tie to work as a video game streamer and to shout at people that like Trump or whatever on my stream, you know? No one's talking about suit and ties, though. Twitch has decided they don't want to be and they want people to wear things that don't sexualize themselves and those are just the rules it's not a hard rule to follow well like so this is where i am the most critical and maybe where we can find the most agreement is that my problem is that twitch doesn't have any clearly defined rules like right now we could go on to the IRL section and I guarantee you that all three of us could find things that we
Starting point is 00:21:47 all probably feel is very clearly over the line. But Twitch doesn't seem to consistently enforce any of their rules in terms of what should be shown and what shouldn't be shown. And I think that's where the main frustration comes from for a lot of people. Where people feel like
Starting point is 00:22:04 okay, well Twitch says no sexual content but some girls are like pushing that line like really really hard and then other girls like um i don't know if you guys click links during the show or if that's like a thing or whatever but like so something like this right like um i don't want to name names or anything and i'm not saying please be clear when you listen to this i'm not saying any of these people should be banned but i'm just saying like so if this person is wearing a pretty revealing outfit that is workout appropriate, but also pole dancing, you kind of wonder what is the line in terms of what's too sexual
Starting point is 00:22:33 or what's not too sexual. If pole dancing for exercise and a fairly, I don't know what I would call this outfit to not piss somebody off, but in this kind of outfit that shows quite a bit of skin, what is crossing the line? I don't like the word skimpy. Click my link. Kyle, is your link safe
Starting point is 00:22:52 for the show? It's safe for the show, but she's playing music, so no audio. Roger that. Let's see what this is. I mean, she is playing a video game, so I'm on board with this. That was the first one I found, actually. I mean, she's not wearing that because it's comfortable. Well, but that's not necessarily true all the time.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Sometimes comfortable things can be pretty revealing. I'm absolutely 100%. I swear to God, if you bring busty women onto this show, they will 100% agree with me. Because I used to be at the ante of this two years ago until i started talking to more busty women and these are the general sentiments like the idea that i need to lock my shit up in some hardcore restricted bra is not a comfortable experience oh right the t-shirt is so constricting the poor thing how will she get by in a shirt that doesn't come down to the middle of her chest and stop at her ribcage.
Starting point is 00:23:46 We have gone beyond it. She definitely knows what she's doing. She's not even dancing well, frankly. No. Is that a challenge? Wait, do you have dress dance back there? Can you load it up for us? I want a comparison. I want to see who the judge is.
Starting point is 00:23:59 All right, let me go get my Captain America halter top. my captain america halter top yeah it's funny you're defending this because i i i see you know there's a there is a line somewhere where it gets hard to determine this is not close to that line this this woman here we're pointing in the wrong direction this woman up here she is uh trying to turn on 12 year olds sure so and this is is where I think we find agreement. If you look at the website and you see that this kind of stuff is allowed, what is your mind thinking in terms of where is the line? And I think this is the big flaw right now that Twitch
Starting point is 00:24:34 has in that their enforcement of where this line is seems incredibly arbitrary and not at all consistent. So they slapped you down for saying faggot right away. What was the context of that yeah what was the context so we can get so the main reason i got my bandwidth because i said cubans should be shot that was my big oh well i mean some of them in total sincerity well yeah
Starting point is 00:24:55 the problem is like i do a lot of political stuff and i i oftentimes i bring my mom on as a quasi guest kind of and we argue a lot and i'm uh my mom is 100 cuban she came here when she was six from cuba i'm 50 cuban and she is extremely conservative hates the idea of illegal immigrants from mexico but she will defend to the death illegal immigrants coming from cuba because she thinks that they have a right to and mexicans don't and every time i talk to her and i point out like all these hypocritical positions it just drives me crazy and i think at the end of this call i was like holy shit like um like we should just shoot fucking Cubans across the border like we do like you want us to do Mexican or something like that. And when Twitch heard that they were like,
Starting point is 00:25:30 oh, he's inciting hateful speech against Cubans. And you know, this is a big hate. And I was like, okay, whatever you are half Cuban. Yeah. And like, and I even said that I was like, wait, like, you know, my mom is Cuban, and I'm Cuban. And the guy's like, okay, but new people coming into the stream don't know that. And it's like, like okay is this your first you should wear some sort of patch or star that shows that you're cuban yes a starless sea yeah um i was gonna say they can make ghettos for us but i just have to go to hialeah or someplace near miami and i guess we already got that wait uh is this your first twitch ban no i've gotten a van before, although this isn't an escalating ban. Well, so remember what I said at the start of the show?
Starting point is 00:26:09 The internet is a very different place than what it used to be, okay? Like in the early days for streaming entertainment, what I would do on stream is we would go around and open other streams and laugh at how fucking crazy some people were. And that could be content for like a whole day. Whereas these days, if you even say something mean about another streamer, you might get a ban for it, right? The times have changed a lot. So I'm trying to keep up. I'm getting a little up there in age. Maybe not quite where some of you guys are, but, you know, things are a lot different than they used to be.
Starting point is 00:26:32 And the the the band, the most recent band that I got. Have you guys ever seen the show Scrubs? Yeah, sure. All the episodes. Do you know Dr. Cox? Sure. Yeah. Right. episodes do you know um dr cox sure yeah right so the one of the funny things that dr cox does is he kind of like goes off on these like really long detailed insults that's kind of like his shtick sometimes um that's one of the things that i got popular for with streaming was a very very clever very creative long form insults and i was playing a league of legends game with a friend and i think we were losing this game this happened six months ago and we came up to a part where we were about to enter a team fight and I said something like, if you fuck
Starting point is 00:27:08 this up, I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to hurt you. And then when you get to the hospital, I'm going to blow the hospital up when your family is visiting you. And then when they go to the funeral home, I'm going to blow the funeral home up so that I can destroy as much of your gene pool as possible so that when I re-queue League of Legends I have no chance of like queuing up with
Starting point is 00:27:24 you or anybody. It was something like that. And after I said that joke I got a seven day ban for violent threats to hospitals. That was my last ban on Twitch. So does somebody have to listen to that and then go oh I'm reporting Steve for this statement or does like a Twitch moderator go
Starting point is 00:27:39 oh nope and physically shut you down. It has to be reported and then people see it. And because I do a lot of political stuff all of my platforms are constantly reported my youtube my twitter was my twitter my twitch are always being recorded constantly by people that disagree with me so that sucks what happened with your twitter like why'd they shut you down there so i i have to make a guess um i deal with a lot of people on the alt-right um and a lot of the alt-righter peoples that advocate for ethno states are wouldn't be pure enough to make it into ethno states so like half indians half black people like
Starting point is 00:28:11 people that are clearly not fully white and i think i tweeted you're talking to half black people who want an ethno state yep so and like i think i tweeted out a picture it was something along the lines of like um like uh like the current ethno state is looking more diverse than a disney channel original movie um i don't know if like tweets like these have gotten reported as like doxing or as like racial comments because my last twitter ban it said that i was banned for inciting violence and hatred against groups of people and i have no idea like what treat like i'm just guessing like i don't know what tweet i would have gotten reported for and do they do tell you? No, I've tried really hard. I've been working.
Starting point is 00:28:46 I actually went to LA. And one of my big missions during E3 was to hunt down people that knew people at Twitter so that I could just talk to somebody and support. Because I'm 99% sure that if I talk to an actual person, I'm literally like a libcuck SJW. I'm not inciting racial hatred. I have no idea how I got a permanent platform ban for this tweet. Like, this is blowing my mind right now.
Starting point is 00:29:09 But, yeah, every time I send in an appeal, it's just like a robot response. Oh, shit. I didn't know it was permanent. Not only is it a permanent ban on my Twitter account, it's a permanent person ban. So anytime I make a new Twitter account, all the alt-writer people find it, and then they spam report the new one, and then I get banned again. account all the alt writer people find it and then they spam report the new one and then i get banned again so it's like it's actually like destiny number one fan account parody uh for you know links yeah but the problem comes that like at some point like for the twitter to have value to me like i want to be able to have people know that it's me right like these are my political
Starting point is 00:29:37 views and everything like i want to be able to tweet as myself so yeah were you verified before that because it's harder to get banned if you're verified. I was verified, yeah. Jesus. That sucks. So you've been banned from Twitch three times and Twitter permabanned and now you're on YouTube. You seem to be doing really, really well on YouTube as far as the streams are going.
Starting point is 00:29:59 How is that going? Can I ask about that? I wasn't permanently banned from Twitch. It was just a 30-day, okay keep my i wasn't i wasn't permanently banned from twitch it was just a 30 day okay i don't think i'll be permanently banned from twitch but okay sorry god what so uh i don't really have my thumb on the pulse of like which platforms are great and great at different things and twit uh chis just says youtube sucks like he seems to hate it for everything it's the worst live stream i think uh our manager dr chis um. So what do you think? Is YouTube suck for live streaming?
Starting point is 00:30:27 Is that a problem? Like, is he right? So the big problem right now is discovery. And that's where are you going to go to grow your platform? So YouTube streaming just does not have a big viewer base. There just aren't a lot of people there. Like when I stream on YouTube, I'm the largest or second largest streamer, which for me
Starting point is 00:30:47 is not good. I don't want to be the biggest fish in the pond. I want to be able to accrue new viewers. Whereas on Twitch, I should be able to do this quick. YouTube is pitching streamers to me all the time that I haven't heard of. There's a whole section of people that are live at the time, and you don't have to be giant. Some of these guys have 100
Starting point is 00:31:03 people watching them, 54 people watching them, and they're getting on my feed somehow so yeah but that's like that's like the the scare right is that when i go to like i don't even know how to fucking bring it up this is another problem like if i would have list like all of the live streams on youtube like a lot of these streams have like a couple hundred viewers like it's really rare to find like four figure viewers on youtube like most of the people and i don't know if it's just a matter of um youtube doesn't promote the streams enough to their own people but um there's just there's a problem with getting um well and also it's a different type of audience the type of people that watch youtube videos don't necessarily watch streams you know if you look at somebody like pewdiepie um when pewdiepie streams on twitch
Starting point is 00:31:42 he only gets like 20 25 000 viewers which sounds like a lot but he's got like 60 fucking million subscribers our conversion is in is in fractions of a percent here from from engaging users that subscribe on our youtube so i think there's a fundamental difference in viewer as well so i don't know if like i would consider that whole youtube audience as being uh convertible or engageable i guess in a live stream maybe it depends on where you are at the moment, right? Like you're a long-term Twitch streamer, an established person, so switching is really hard for you.
Starting point is 00:32:09 But if you were trying to break into streaming for the first time, maybe YouTube's an easier nut to crack, just thinking. Well, this is like the eternal pros and cons that you have to weigh as a content creator. Maybe I want to get started in streaming, so I go to Mixer because I don't have to compete with as many people. But let's say I go to Mixer and I get viral and something blows up there. How many people on Mixer are going to see it? A couple hundred. But if I do something big on Twitch and I blow up, wow, I'm Dr. Disrespect now. I'm literally a multimillionaire, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:36 because the pond is so much bigger. So for somebody like of your size, I mean, firstly, I don't know what your manager tells you, but you shouldn't be streaming for free anywhere, right? You guys should be writing Deals or something if you want to stream on any platform because you definitely have the leverage to do it I would say But like if you stream on Twitch That's like a whole new pool that you can kind of dip into for viewers that might not necessarily know who you are Whereas when you stream on YouTube, you know your subscribers already know who you are
Starting point is 00:32:59 And then you're already gonna be fucking massive How many new viewers can you pick up on YouTube streaming as opposed to Twitch where people actually go to twitch to like watch games and whatnot i don't know if we'd survive on twitch yeah probably not what we do here no no not not but youtube is like the wild west more right like i mean ice poseidon do whatever he wants but this is how it works right is what you do is in the beginning your standards standards are down here because you don't give a fuck because you're just trying to drive viewers to the platform. But once you build up a core viewer base and then you start to pull in more advertisers
Starting point is 00:33:31 and you want your company to become profitable and you've got something to lose, then you slowly start to excise that content that made you in the beginning, right? I was the largest streamer on Twitch for over a year back when I was starting. And the content that I did, Jesus fucking Christ,
Starting point is 00:33:46 would absolutely get me instantly fucking banned. You know, some of my most popular videos, I've got one called, like, the Baneling rape analogy, where, like, I show you how to use Starcraft units, and it's kind of like raping a girl. You, like, grab her around the front using your zerglings and pick us, like, these are, like, videos with, like, over a million views, right? It's, like, massive videos. Or, like, this is how I lure people out of their base. I use an overlord, and I call it a retard magnet, because every time time you bring it over here they bring their whole army out to kill it and then it's like trapping a retard like there's stuff that i did in the early days of twitch that like i would be instantly banned today for doing it and i feel like youtube will probably go the same way people might not want to believe it now but like i would put money that youtube lets ice beside it
Starting point is 00:34:19 and shit on now but if i were to go to youtube live and there were millions and millions of unique concurrent viewers there i think they would severely curb back that ice Poseidon shit because now they don't need him to drive viewership to the platform. Now it's more organic. Yeah, that does make sense. Are you kind of scared of the restrictions increasing and increasing and increasing to where you're going to feel like, well, now I'm just going to have to sit here and play video games. I can't inject my personality or my humor into what I'm doing. That would really kind of shit on the fun. Yeah, well, for me, I've had to completely revamp the way that I approach things
Starting point is 00:34:54 because I was very fucking edgy. I had a sponsorship with Dollar Shave Club, and at the end of League games, sometimes I would tell people to visit my website and get a sponsored razor to slit their necks with and shit. So I was like, shit, that was not, shit. So I was like shit that was not. Yeah. So I've had to completely revamp it. But this is what you do.
Starting point is 00:35:10 You adopt or die. Right. In some ways it does suck. In other ways I can kind of understand it. You know like I don't necessarily want like ice Poseidon's fan base going all over this platform because some of them are incredibly toxic. Like it's kind of a give and take. I don't know like what the appropriate balance is between like sjw versus like absolute freedom of speech or whatnot i watched a a short
Starting point is 00:35:30 video where you and uh ice were physically together talking and he was asking you something like uh you know what do you see in my future as i continue to do this and this was like six seven months ago i think and and you said hey hey, I think eventually something's going to happen that you can't come back from. And you're going to totally be changed and it'll ruin it for you. Given how much bigger he's gotten, even in the last few months, have you seen something that you think kind of qualifies for what you're talking about in regards to this?
Starting point is 00:35:58 Well, I think it's going to be something like either severe injury to him or somebody dying around him. Something extreme like that is going to be something that's going to be really hard. Did you say severe injury? Yeah. Someone's going to get shot or tased or the police. No, not tased. Not something like
Starting point is 00:36:15 tased, but something really bad, like stabbed by somebody or somebody around him because he's got some pretty crazy people around him. Here's my prediction. If something were going to happen, I think rape is at the top of the list. Like some fangirl comes to visit Ice Poseidon and one of the degenerates that hangs out. I think Ice is the nicest guy among the group. He's the most relatable.
Starting point is 00:36:37 But some of the guys that hang around him are clearly dangerous people. And you wouldn't trust them with, I don't know, your sister. You wouldn't want them to be left alone in a room with them i could totally see that goes for ice in my case too i don't have a sister i could totally see well i don't want her to get aids so i wouldn't leave her with ice but but you know if it if it were just i definitely wouldn't leave her with mexican andy because he might literally rape her i think that i think that's about as likely as as anything and and yeah i see violence on there all the time now how much of it how much of it is scripted and how much of it is real is kind of hard to say sometimes i don't i as somebody that knows paul in real life this idea that they
Starting point is 00:37:13 script content is hilarious these streamers in general are incredibly fucking lazy people the idea that they would take the time to plot out even a basic script is is hilarious oh yeah i'm i'm using scripted very loosely what What I mean is, what I really mean is fake, but fake is kind of a nasty word on the internet. I think that most of the reactions, I think, are sincere. Like, when you're a streamer, it's really hard to fake anything because every
Starting point is 00:37:36 aspect of your life is public, literally every fucking minute of your life. Every text you send might get leaked, all of your postings to social... It's not like the Hampton Brandon guy. It's not like this guy's a total dick on Isastream, then he's posting you know like here i am today walking puppies for the elderly you know on my instagram that i do every sunday and then later on we're going to stream from the soup kitchen right these are people that in every aspect of their life on their youtube channels on their instagrams on their twitters and then when they're
Starting point is 00:37:59 on other people's streams their own streams or isa stream act pretty much the same way i feel like i kind of have to oakum's razor this and it's like the simplest solution is probably the correct one they're probably actually like this most of the time you know maybe they turn it up a little for stream which some people probably do but yeah but i don't think it's too far from from reality we had isa on a while back twice uh yeah twice a couple times and you know very entertaining funny guy yeah but we like kyle i think it was kyle and i were more convinced you know after the first episode like oh him talking about how you know he can't do jesus christ sorry about that but him saying like oh i only shower i only shower uh once every you
Starting point is 00:38:35 know three days and i only brush my teeth once a week we were like after the show like he doesn't actually do that he's hamming it up i don't buy that for a second and then as more stuff has come out the more i'm like well shit i'm sure some stuff is like we've never seen him brush his teeth no i mean like if you go to his apartment like it's a dirty place the stuff off camera is dirty it's not like it's just like here's the set you know where we lol have cake smeared on the wall it's like here's the fucking kitchen with like a i know that this is like a fresh colony of flies that have infested like and i don't know if they were born here on stream yeah like these guys can trace their genealogy back through generations in this
Starting point is 00:39:14 apartment like i don't think that this is like a scripted thing that in season seven they're gonna bring in like attack of the fly family or some shit okay so how many times have you been to his place physically his new place just once and then i've like visited in the past i think before so so ice does a thing to establish trust where you shake each other's penises like a handshake i assume um i don't shake penises with anyone i missed the second part of that i just assumed that you know you were on a connected level with him that's all
Starting point is 00:39:46 I really like Paul I like Paul he's a cool dude but the type of content he does is not at all the type of content that I do and the type of fans that he has are not all the type of fans that I want so I don't mind interacting with him on a stream and what not but I would never want to live there and be a part of that ordeal for extended periods of time
Starting point is 00:40:02 did you read the New Yorker article on ICE? No, there were a lot of people linking it to me, though. Oh, my gosh. Well, I thought it was fantastic. The guy who wrote it got let go. How does it work? Really? I thought the article was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:40:17 If you were to print it, it'd be like 14 pages. It's a long read by magazine standards. But this guy followed ICE for a long time and i really like the way it captured kind of his wins and losses and what it's like to be ice it did that really well and ice's fans you've mentioned how toxic they are they're chaotic right like sometimes they absolutely love ice they're screaming content He is the leader of the monkey clan. He is the best thing around. They can't get enough of him.
Starting point is 00:40:48 And then, oh my gosh, he does something that either violates their trust or maybe he moves. He does something that triggers them and they hate him. They hate him with ferocity that is unmatched by other fan bases. Man, they hate this guy. And so far, he's been magic at winning them back. He's gone through a couple of these iterations. But I think that as a fan, you don't see Ice as like a three-dimensional person who really cares about this. His relationship with his fans is his entire sense of self-worth.
Starting point is 00:41:18 It's his everything. It's his career. It's his finances. It's his popularity. Who he is without streaming is not a lot, right? What was he, a dishwasher or something at a Greek restaurant? I think a line cook, he said. A line cook, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:34 That's who he is without streaming. With streaming, he's somebody special. And when the fans come and go and hate and love like they do, it's an emotional rollercoaster for him. And the article captured it wonderfully it was pretty neat yeah i still need to read it yeah but i wonder how long this can continue because i chis is the one who keeps us you know up to date with all of ice's most recent endeavors and antics but i swear once a week there's like some oh uh tbz and and scuffed whoever the hell
Starting point is 00:42:09 box it out in applebee's waiting area and it's like it's like this can't possibly continue for that long like eventually it's gonna come to a head and it's gonna get shut down like it seems like he's burning too bright to be sustained for sure yeah i agree and like i said i think I said, I think it's going to be that one big thing that's going to happen. Someone is going to get shot or stabbed, and then that's going to be it. Or raped. Or raped, yeah. Or raped. We know where Kyle's money is.
Starting point is 00:42:33 It seems like Kyle's got his money on the rape. The rape thing. Destiny, did you help me five years ago with DDoSing? Did you reach out to me? You did, right? Yeah. That was my entry conduct to a lot of different people yeah oh yeah he i was getting ddos mercilessly and you were i think ahead of me on the curve and figuring it out so yeah because it was something i had to deal with it as well
Starting point is 00:42:55 yeah jesus oh what a horrible fucking feeling oh yeah and it almost like i just mentioned ice like this was a big deal to me it was my my career, my finances, you know, and hurt my feelings. You know, it's not the feelings like this is actually something that I don't know. Like when I enter political rings, a lot of people may like hit piece videos about me that like take like clips of things I've said that are like really bad to show how fucked up I am. Like one of the things that constantly gets used is the idea that like I wanted to kill the kid that DDoost me um and because i because he was ddosting my video games um but like that that act of being ddost is so incredibly fucked like um i don't know how far it went with you but i had like three separate interviews with the fbi and nothing came of anything like i literally have a guy that's just pushing a button costing me thousands and thousands of dollars every fucking month i've got a house i've got a child
Starting point is 00:43:44 to feed i've got like real life bills to pay this is my job it's not like a fucking hobby i don't do this for fun and then go do my real big boy job like my life is literally being destroyed by a guy just ddusing me and nobody fucking cares and even law enforcement i can't get anything done about it right i couldn't get law enforcement to care about swatting me you know like swatting came out and i we found the guy like we found someone admitting to it on xbox live we had their gamer tag and you know i presented it to the detective and it was like yeah just you know yeah how would i crack that nut i found the guy that was detoxing me and it didn't matter none of it mattered i was starting to spam
Starting point is 00:44:22 call his house i talked to his dad i talked to some of his siblings try to get this kid to fuck off or whatever um but yeah but literally nobody fucking cares like not a not the smallest care in the world the swatting thing looked into it or they just were like oh yeah yeah i bet i bet the thing was that like i noticed that after the first fbi interview the second i said gamer they were like totally checked out um the second time they came by um i tried my hardest to avoid gamer like i think when they asked me what i did originally i was like um i am doing like um kind of like online entertainment and advertising alongside video distribution i would like describe my career as things like that but then they would kind of look at you sideways and be like well like what specifically and then
Starting point is 00:44:57 once i would finally get out like well i play video games online for people i could tell that they were so fucking checked out of what they were in. And it's like, that's for mine. It seemed like the woman who we just spoke to was raped. They only existed in the physical world. And in my thing, you know, like I, I went after people who they were DDoSing. I had a website called Huppet or something,
Starting point is 00:45:15 and that used to get attacked a lot. And I talked to law enforcement and yeah, it's like, if they can't take finger fingerprints and like catch a guy running from a cop car, then it's just not their bag. That's not what they do. They don't hunt down anything. They can't read a log.
Starting point is 00:45:30 They have no idea where to get started. Yeah. And it's so much work to go after some of these guys. Especially if it's fucking international. You've got to get Interpol or some shit involved. Even if it's in the country. You've got to start going to multiple fucking countries, subpoenaing servers that might not even be the home country the person did like that fight no one's gonna go through that effort it's fucking crazy yeah it's a pain could you take them to civil court if they were if they
Starting point is 00:45:53 were here in the u.s um i thought about doing that with my guy and the lawyer said that it would cost me about it would be about a fifty thousand dollar retainer for the number of expert witnesses that i would have to bring in to explain everything to the jury because you literally have to bring in like an expert witness to explain like tcp ip stacks like the fundamental transactions the internet and then to bring in expert witnesses to explain all the like it was way i would never get the money back yeah woody would have done it for free how did it eventually resolve did he just stop doing it and get bored one day or well i did some training in nebraska i got my ccw i have a beautiful glock 17 and i was all suited up and ready to train and then
Starting point is 00:46:29 simultaneously i was doing research on how to figure out how to stop the doses and i happened to like kind of like invent like the what became like the de facto ddos protection guide for like the next four years on the internet as a result of my investigation so thankfully i didn't have to go to a dramatic drastic measures but yeah well and now you still have your gun yeah there we go now i just shoot for fun instead of very pro gun ownership okay that's good yeah uh but yeah no it's like like the the analogy that i try to give to if you'd say normies or whatever non-internet people was like imagine you woke up every morning and a guy is literally slashing your tires every single fucking day.
Starting point is 00:47:08 And you can't get to work. Like, that's what DDoSing is. Like, every single day a guy's just slashing your tires and you can't go to work. And it's like, what am I supposed to do? Like, people are always like, you wanna do something to a guy because he's just fucking with your internet? It's like, dude, this is my job. I cannot work every single fucking day because some kid is bored. Like... Dude, so I used to have a
Starting point is 00:47:23 Minecraft server. And the other Minecraft server owners hated me because i got mine popular very quickly and they're like oh my god he's cheating he just jumped to the front of the line he hasn't put his time in and i'm like you're free to make 2 000 videos over the next five years if you want to you know like if i cheated go take the same route no no no they don't want that so they would ddos me constantly and i was like fuck like this doesn't happen in pizza right they don't sit there just throw bricks through your window every day and lock your doors literally the mafia coming to shut down your fucking business except no one cares about it yeah we had i had a fucking server owner and i know the guy he's still not over it completely he had a server in my like he got a
Starting point is 00:48:07 server in the same place that i had my servers so that he didn't go through my ddos prediction he would just ddos me over the land you know like not even over the internet that's got to be detectable over like the fucking like over the land right like i know who it is right like i mean like i'm surprised the the actual land center itself. It took them forever. They said I wasn't getting DDoSed. It's like, you stupid fucks. I paid $6,000 a month at the time for DDoS protection.
Starting point is 00:48:34 And these stupid fucks. And I'm like, I'm showing the, is it the overruns? I forget. When you look at the TCP IP statistics on the network card in Linux. And I'm showing them. I'm like, look at this. Look at this. It's happening right now.
Starting point is 00:48:48 And they're all just like, yeah, I don't know. We got nothing coming through. Were you a little upset that you were spending $6,000 a month on something and still it wasn't working? Yeah, because they were going around it by being on the same network. That sucks. Yeah. Dude, I had this problem with my ISP. And I live in the great state of Nebraska in a city called Omaha.
Starting point is 00:49:06 We don't have a lot of corn here, I promise. It's a real city. I have an ISP called Cox Communications. And for the longest time, I could not get a fucking stable connection to my house. I could not stream. And my speeds that are at ping was like 100 down and 20 up or something, or 300 down and 20 up. 20 up is what I should get. I don't even need a lot.
Starting point is 00:49:24 I only need four to stream. Four is more than than enough but i couldn't get it on any day and i had to go like fucking black like fucking black ops detective to try to prove to these guys that their shit that their nodes were oversold so i like i put my thing on um on uh smoke ping i think it's what it's called um where basically you've got an external uh server that's constantly pinging your you open like icmp packets or whatever on your router and you get pinged constantly and you know i would i would have these logs and i would show them every day like look like my connection every time during peak hours is fucked i'm getting massive packet loss my ping times are horrible and they were just like oh well we can't do anything you know it's not us it's probably you
Starting point is 00:50:01 and i remember one night i was like this is ridiculous. So what I did was I ran a trace route at home to find out what my first hop was, that node. I drove around the fucking neighborhood with my laptop looking for unsecured routers, and I found two of them. And I turned on the ICMP packet receivers on both of them, and then I password protected them. And then I had my friend add those to the smokestack or the smoke ping or whatever,
Starting point is 00:50:24 so that they were right next to my connection. And so I could show like, hey, look, like there are two other people in my neighborhood that are having the same fucking ping problems. What? And they're like, well, you know, we'll let you out of your business contract and we won't charge you a fee. And it's like, whatever. So I had to like buy a whole separate house and fucking move to escape my whole fucking neighborhood. You were driving around the neighborhood. I love this. Yeah, it's like ridiculous this is like two fcc complaints
Starting point is 00:50:47 later like fucking nothing they rolled like 13 trucks out to my house in like a 11 month period and they're just like okay dude it's like i must have had the most perfectly wired house with like the best connections in the whole fucking neighborhood but uh time order business connections were pretty legit uh really yeah get an You don't get an SLA with Cox, do you, with Time Warner? I don't know if you... You do get an SLA. And if they don't meet it, they freaking solve it. Like, there's people coming that day.
Starting point is 00:51:13 When you call, you call a separate support line for business customers. And this isn't racist to say, an American picks up the phone immediately with no hold times, who is an expert on the topic. You know that's what time warner business support was like yeah see when my internet doesn't work i unplug it and plug it back in and a lot of the time that works i had a lady like i i know a decent amount about network i'm not like a network engineer but like just through the process of having to work with so much shit i've learned a lot of shit i had a lady on the phone where i call for my fucking computer problem my internet problems and this lady's like okay well we're gonna try something new and i was like thank god i'm done we've gone through all the bullshit
Starting point is 00:51:55 um this lady is like um okay so unplug the ethernet cable out of the back of your cable modem and i'm like okay i've done that and she's like okay now i want you to unplug the ethernet cable out of the back of your computer. And I'm like, okay, now what? She's like, take the Ethernet cable that was plugged into your cable modem and take that end and plug it into your computer. Oh, my God. Dude, I almost fucking shot myself. I couldn't even believe.
Starting point is 00:52:18 I've also gotten where I call in and they're like, unscrew the coax from your cable modem. Try flicking the line a few times. Sometimes static gets caught in it. I was like, what the coax from your cable modem. Try flicking the line a few times. Sometimes static gets caught in it. I was like, what the fuck are you talking about? Like, this is the dumbest shit I've heard my entire fucking life. But you know there are plenty of elderly people like... Does the static only act up during peak hours?
Starting point is 00:52:33 Oh, I've been flicking it all day. I just want to find my recipes. My grandson said he sent me the photos. If blow on the other end you can get the bad internet out yeah that's my favorite fucking cable to squeeze out like the bad packets like oh that sucks that's why i always get really tired to move houses yeah because of this yeah they they actually released me from my business contract without a fee um because they realized how fucked it was like i knew like i was i was in in contact with like the head of like the um dispatch
Starting point is 00:53:13 here and everything like i knew all the people and like what they pretty much told me was that like he said he like he can't say the note is oversold for obvious reasons it would be really bad but more or less that was the problem they just they oversold the note they couldn't really guarantee the speeds they were advertising last week we did a list of people that we wanted to for obvious reasons. It would be really bad, but more or less that was the problem. They just, they oversold the node and they couldn't really guarantee the speeds they were advertising. Last week we did a list of people that we wanted to basically genocide. And I want to add bad internet providers
Starting point is 00:53:33 to that list. Not just the executives or the people in the office or the technicians. No, all of them. Everyone who gets a paycheck from that internet service provider, done. Wow, that's rougher than Thanos would go.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I don't think it is. I already added to the list. Also, I added to the list, just for everyone who may not have caught PKN, women with large labia. They are now all exterminated. Here, I'll give a quick rundown of what it is again, so we all
Starting point is 00:54:04 know who's allowed in the state and who's not. I don't think me, Kyle, or Woody make it at this point, but it's not the point. This is an ideological thing. List of undesirables. Homeless, people who point over the glass at burrito stores at the ingredients, people who block hallways, people who don't get off escalators fast enough, people who take their shoes off on public transport, people who read aloud in public, people who listen to headphones around their neck loudly in public. People who cross the road diagonally, catty corner. Uncircumcised. Kyle added that one earlier. I gave a little bit of pushback, but I agreed. People who get their stake well done. People who
Starting point is 00:54:38 are too polite when they drive. Woody was, you know, there's a very narrow lane of acceptable driving from Woody. Too polite, No. Too rude? No. People who have gauged ears, people with big labia, people who double park, people with paused load fetishes. Vegan? We hadn't decided on that one yet. People who use bumper stickers, people who steal valor, fraudsters, people who say sports ball, people who speak in movie theaters, people who don't pick up their dog shit, pedophiles. It was telling that it took us about 30 to get to pedophiles. Wait, hold on. What is, I'm sorry, I've never heard of it.
Starting point is 00:55:10 What is Pazlode fetish? Welcome to PKA. I have never heard of this before. This is a Ted Paltopic. I know a lot of sexual fucked up terms. What is it? Basically, there's a subsection of the gay community, like a real niche pocket. They're called bug chasers.
Starting point is 00:55:24 It's a literal Wikipedia article for bug chasers. They actively seek out and want to get and spread virulent forms of the HIV virus, and they call that being paused. And so they're like, oh, I would love to get a nice hot pause load in this boy pussy or whatever they're going to say. We read some – Medicare did a funny video on it a while back, but we were reading stuff about people posting on forums in like 2004, because this isn't new,
Starting point is 00:55:51 and being like, oh, I love to find condoms on gay strip club floors and just empty them into my ass. I walk around with my bare feet so I can find my little cum treasures easier. And it reads so absurd. So absurd. And so, yeah, we don't want anybody who wants to get pause loaded uh they're just they're on the same tier as cats in our state i mean they're
Starting point is 00:56:11 going to be dead eventually right like this is a self-directed problem yeah probably so i don't know outcomes for hiv have actually got incredibly positive it's actually worse for you from a health outcome perspective to have uh to have diabetes type 2 than it is to have HIV these days it's pretty yeah well I mean I beat type 2 diabetes does so much shit to you you lose 10 years off your life on average yeah well you can't well you lose limbs eventually because the neuropathy as the sugar goes to your extremities and shit your eyes will start retinal deterioration happens and then your extremities will deteriorate as well sugar goes to your extremities and shit, your eyes will, retinal deterioration happens, and then your extremities will deteriorate as well.
Starting point is 00:56:45 I'm sorry, the sugar goes to your extremities? Well, the problem is, like, you can't have too much glucose in your blood. It does bad things to you. This is why your body produces insulin, to get the sugar out of your blood and into your cells. So it's a circulation thing, though, right? So, hypothetically, if I ate the foot of a diabetic man that had been removed,
Starting point is 00:57:02 would it be like a honey-baked ham? I don't think that i don't know if glucose has a flavor the same way that other sweetened sugars do yeah i'm not entirely well actually um i'm sorry that actually might be true funny enough because there are people in certain fetish communities so there's like um to not get too extreme here have you familiar with the term water sports yeah of course oh yeah diabetics yeah some people find out that in the participation of these fetishes find out that their partners are diabetic positive because their urine is actually incredibly sweet and it shouldn't be because it's a conversation you're just you're like ah bob i got some some bad news let me get hot it burns so i think you might be
Starting point is 00:57:41 diabetic you wouldn't piss in somebody's eyes You'd get most of it in the mouth Can you have some fucking decency Jesus Christ No that's my fetish I've seen the cum fetish videos Where they make those Japanese girls They make them Hold their eyes Wide open and they blow the load
Starting point is 00:57:59 Right onto the eyeball Steve can you back off on the kink shaming Would you That blow the load right on the eyeball I think, can you back off on the kink shaming? Would you? You know, that blow the load right on the eyeball, I think that might just be something in Japan. I don't think I've ever seen it anywhere but Japan. It's just some poor woman having her eyes opened up, and she's doing her little Japanese talk.
Starting point is 00:58:22 You take my load and you'll like it. From this little pixelated cock. Holy shit. Yeah, they... That's disgusting. Right on the eye. Right on the eye. Imagine, you know when you get a floater in your eye?
Starting point is 00:58:39 Where, like, just some bit of shit or whatever when you wake up and you're looking around and you can't pinpoint it because it moves around? Imagine how many little cum floaters you get. I came in a girl's eye and I got really red and she said it burned for like a day. That's why they should just close their eyes or wear glasses. Be smart about it, people.
Starting point is 00:58:57 I bet they have contacts on. You don't even realize it. Yeah, but the contact's not full eyeball protection, right? It's not full eyeball, but you can rinse it out as long as it's not like in your fucking eyeball right i don't know i've never tried getting cum in my eye before i mean but if you did you'd wear protective contacts probably yeah i think so i'm gonna raw dog your eyeball get those contacts out now other than pause loads are there any other fetishes that you would add to the list um yeah um the bronies they gotta go whoa does that mean we add all the hentai people there too no i accept your terms hentai is only
Starting point is 00:59:33 okay when you up into the point where you add like a waifu pillow um so you can't have a waifu pillow you gotta go there's a name for these i wish i knew it was like daki mirror or some shit pillow you gotta go there's a name for these i wish i knew it's like docky mirror or some shit i'm adding waifu pillows waifu pillow owners um i knew the first brony i ever met i was at a gun shop having a gun built and he was also there having a gun built and he's like um and i was like my gun was very cool and i and and so he was looking at it and and and i was like so just politely i was like so what are you getting and he he was taking his Colt AR-15 and having the Colt, which of course we all know is a horse, turned into a My Little Pony. Rainbow Sparkles or some shit. It's already a horse, so he was making it a My Little Pony.
Starting point is 01:00:19 And he's like, yeah, I'm a brony. And I was like, I don't know what that is. He's like, come outside and look at my Mustang. And we go outside to look at his blue Mustang. Of course he owns a Mustang. Right. And he's changed all of the emblems on that motherfucker to the same emblem. This, this, my little pony emblem. And I was just blown away. He's like, he's like, yeah, yeah. It's nothing weird. It's not weird. Okay. It's not weird. We're just fans of the show. And if you ever watch it, you give it a chance. It's very adult themed.
Starting point is 01:00:46 There's stuff for us, too. And I was like, oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, you know, I watch Family Guy. I guess that's kind of the same thing. I mean, there's a dog that fucks blonde women every week, you know? I guess I can't judge it too much. And then I go to my buddy. I'm like, that guy's a fucking brony.
Starting point is 01:00:59 What the fuck? He's like, yeah. Could you imagine, like, some guy breaks into your house and shoots you and is stealing your shit and as you're taking your dying breath choking on your own blood you catch like his gun out of the corner of your eye and you see like the fucking rainbow sparkle princess whatever like smiling at you on his fucking handle holy shit bitch as you were breathing your last two breaths i think that i think that it would give me the strength to crawl to my safe and get my gun out and kill myself just for having a lot of things happen to me. You'd preemptively suicide yourself.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Yeah. That's a pretty lame thing. So bronies are on the list? Let me specify. Bronies are okay, okay? It's the cloppers who have to die. The cloppers are the ones who sexualize the the uh the uh the my little pony um characters the bronies i think are just fans of the show they're
Starting point is 01:01:53 big fans of the show and they're meant the cloppers i believe i hope i'm not getting this wrong are the ones who sexualize it and often they have like they have like they take their my little pony doll right you can get one that's like i don't know 24 inches long and about this big around you know like you know exact dimensions i'm starting to wonder you know about that size and then they you know the model like the 24 x y model 24 by 13 it's got the expandable fleshlight in the middle easily you know anyway last. Don't even bother looking for it. They put a pony pussy flashlight in the back of it so that they can
Starting point is 01:02:29 fuck their pony. I'm not saying that cloppers don't need to die. I'm just saying it seems unfair that people who stand in hallways and people who drive too politely are dying. But bronies made it through somehow. But bronies are okay because they don't affect me. They stay to themselves.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Also, the adult baby diaper people, the people who have that fetish, they gotta go. Are they affecting you? They are raising the prices of diapers far too high for the single mothers of America. Also, deadbeat dads.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Does a 25-year-old man wear the same size diaper as a 6-year-old? I feel like there's not a lot of competition there. They're driving up the price on our elderly continent folks. Okay. Just kill the bronies. Get on my team, Kyle. Okay, so we're doing bronies.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Wait, I just looked up. I shouldn't have Googled image search this, but cloppers fleshlight. And there's quite... You know, Kyle, I'm on board. One of these is just a plush doll with a banana shoved into its quasi-vagina. Let me link you that. It sounded like there was some pushback earlier, but I would just like to second the polite driver thing that Woody mentioned.
Starting point is 01:03:35 These are the worst type of people because they think they're actually doing good when in reality they're just fucking everything up. So I will second Woody's. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's why you made the list. And it ties in with the other thing woody of people who let others who think they're like being the good guy of oh yeah of course you can cut in line it's like oh you're not the grand poobah of this line i'm behind you you don't get to decide to let seven people in
Starting point is 01:03:57 you cunt i did a prank phone call i did a prank phone call one time where i call i was calling all the local businesses in my own area so that I if they if they need if the geographical specificity was required I would I would know it and I was basically asking them to sponsor my fun run and as and a few of them were interested they're like ah yeah is it like relay for life for you you know you run and raise money for for cancer or diabetes or something like that and like exactly like that except we're raising money for the cloppers and the uh adult baby diaper diaper associations of america these underprivileged groups are are are the recipients of hate from from just about anyone and everyone who comes across them and and then i just go silent right because i want her she's like um the what now
Starting point is 01:04:44 the the cloppers and adult baby diaper Association of Americans. What is that? And then I start explaining. And when you start explaining to a 50-year-old woman from Georgia what a clopper is, they get upset. They get upset. We don't want to do nothing about that. We don't want to do nothing.
Starting point is 01:05:00 We don't want to be part of that. Great. I mean, what would you do if they were like, well, make your case. Yeah, I'm sending you a couple pictures that I've found of these cloppers. Kyle, when you're right, you're right. Yeah, they got to go. They make the list. They got to go.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Cloppers. And people who have waifu pillows. This one's five foot tall. Did you catch that? All right, so if you want to Google this, it's the anthro, which I'm sure is short for anthropomorphic, sparkling knight pony. It's five feet tall. It has a plush mane and tail. It has embroidered details, anal SPH, and a vinyl penis.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Wait, what is SPH? I don't know. Super pussy hole. I don't know. Super pussy hole. Who knows? I don't know. But it looks like, because the vinyl penis is pink, and in some of these, the white fabric is pulled over. It looks like it has foreskin on this.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Gross. And then also, its anus looks well used. External anal sphincter. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, so maybe do like horses normally, do their anuses come out of their body when they get fucked? I've never thought about this before. I'm not really sure.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Not if it's trained right. The fact that none of us know these answers means we're all going to make it. We're making it into the state. Jesus Christ. Imagine fucking yourself with that, finishing, and then having to pick up your five-foot horse-cocked doll and carry it into the closet shamefully. And into the shower with you when you clean it out.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Shower with your lovely. You're like holding its hoof. You're like, yeah, do my back. Oh, dear. This is, okay, I don't know if you guys have experience with it, but this is like the one thing that I have never understood about male sex toys, right? So I'll be incredibly personal, very revealing very revealing when i masturbate it's into something disposable okay i use a kleenex or paper towel or some shit so i throw it away after i can't imagine cleaning something out when you finish masturbating and having that be like part of your
Starting point is 01:06:56 routine yeah anyone here have experienced like a flesh like we were sponsored by the auto blow two and so we all have that experience and by the way when you use an auto blow to it's not the pleasant sound of a woman's mouth on your penis it when you turn it on and then we got whatever I hear that I get a hard off oh god do you walk by like a like a laundromat and you hear the washing machines you're like, oh, shit. I got that Pavlovian response now to anything cyclical like that. The thing about blowing your load in the auto blow, too, is it's this little baggie. Now, it's full of cum.
Starting point is 01:07:37 And so one time I finished. And then I fell asleep. And then the next day I was like, I don't want to clean that right now. I'll just, I'll get that later. And then another day went by. And then someone was coming over. So I was like, let me put this in the drawer. And then weeks went by.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Weeks and weeks went by. And I started thinking about it. And I'm like, oh, that huge load of cum is just in there fermenting. Or perhaps I have impregnated the auto blow and fathered some sort of robotic man child who's gonna want to suck dick for sure and i'm okay with that i'm supportive of of a gay son if it comes to it especially a gay robotic son who might have judged but but i i i just threw the whole fucking thing away i just threw the whole fucking thing away eventually because i didn't want to see what was in there. Because you inevitably would have
Starting point is 01:08:26 had to have turned it inside out. Oh, I thought it was a disposable bag. Uh-uh. No. You're cleaning this fake pussy in your own sink after you come standing there naked going what in God's name have I done? Wait. We've solved this
Starting point is 01:08:42 for diapers. Nobody uses non-disposable diapers anywhere because people want to fucking clean that shit. We have disposable diapers. Why does the autoblow not have a disposable bag? It's not a bag. It's like this very fleshy, silicone-like pussy. Oh, it's part of the experience is what you're saying. Yeah, and it's in there wrapped with all of these spring-loaded cot tensioners that are then like pulled up and down by an electrical
Starting point is 01:09:06 motor you the more i describe it the less i understand why i stuck my cock inside this okay i have three very important questions one are you still sponsored by these people no no okay then two and three so let's be honest how much does it cost and is it actually worth the experience you feel like this is something that you would supplement your sex life with or would recommend to somebody that does not have a sex life so a prostitute is around 200 if you want a decent cheap one the auto blow 250 and it's always there it sits in the drawer next to your bed so i feel like well worth the price but does it function up to up to your fantastical standards? Would you not regret...
Starting point is 01:09:47 Do you come away from the auto-blow thinking, I should have just jerked off myself? No. It is an experience. Kyle, there is a bit of shame and sadness. We can't deny it. There's a little bit of like, eww. But as you're cleaning the fake pussy out in your sink, where you
Starting point is 01:10:03 usually brush your teeth, there's a little bit of that feeling, right? I don't feel shame. I've done much, much more horrible things. They dropped their price to $160. Oh, shit! Get a wild hot boy sports live special! Yeah, the big thing about it, if they could make it quieter,
Starting point is 01:10:18 it would be a much more pleasant experience. But unless you live alone, people are going to know that you're robotically jacking off in the other room. Yeah, it needs a suppressor. It really does need a suppressor. I liked Kyle's original take on it, which was kind of an audio claim of dominance. Like, you know what's going on in this room on the other side of that door?
Starting point is 01:10:37 Don't you bother me. It's masturbating time. Yeah. See, Woody has this deal with his wife. If he gets caught masturbating, she has to finish him off i if he was using his auto blow he'd never have to worry about getting caught they'd hear him down she's like downstairs chopping onions up she's like well he's going at it again don't open that door unless i'm uh down to down the clown yeah i feel like that's the the main thing with all male sex toys is eventually you're going to come in it and then then you're going to do what Kyle did and not want to clean it out.
Starting point is 01:11:07 And then eventually it just gets to the point of like, well, I'm not going to stick my dick back in this rancid cum hole. Yeah. You just throw it away. This is why the same thing happens with girlfriends. To transition to some serious social issues, okay? This is something that pisses me off, okay? Feminists advocate for important shit for women's rights okay mras the men rights guys they talk about shit like male suicide whatever bullshit okay you never hear them talking about the disproportionate treatment of men
Starting point is 01:11:34 the disparaging treatment of men and our lack of access to high quality amazing sex toys okay this is you're a woman die on if you're a woman you can buy fucking the coolest shit you can get a sibian a fucking pommel horse that you buy fucking the coolest shit you can get a sibian a fucking pommel horse that you straddle that sends you into orgasmic fucking height okay that one you can get an auto fuck machine that you can tie your ankles to the bed and have this thing fuck the ever-living shit out of you for two hours okay if you're a guy you get a silicone fucking pop can that you jerk off on your dick, and you gotta clean it. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:12:06 I haven't tried it yet, but I think the toy that you're looking for exists. I'm told that there is a male attachment to the Hitachi magic wand, and that it doesn't just simply bring you to orgasm. It forcefully sucks the orgasm out of you, like it or not. I got one. Of course. I have all three of these. Yes, I have all three of the toys that were just mentioned. Unless they made a new Hitachi,
Starting point is 01:12:28 the Hitachi is, that is an extreme sex toy. The only Hitachis I've ever used with other women, you have to cover it in a pair of jeans in order to bring the sensitivity down. Oh, you don't have the external dial that controls the speed? No, the ones that I've been wearing just have
Starting point is 01:12:43 one and two. Oh, no, no, no. The Hitachi plugs into the variable speed control, and the variable speed control plugs into the wall. This is how the pros roll. The pulse width modulation PWM switch that you use to control the pulse. Absolutely. I'm with you.
Starting point is 01:13:00 I have a whole kit of attachments just for the Hitachis. I have one. The Hitachi goes into it, and then it has this G-spot stimulator thing that's shaped like a hook that obviously goes in the girl. And then on the outside of the vagina, it has this C-shaped thing that's obviously on the butthole and the clitoris. And it's all perforated with these little tingly, feely, feely things. And you operate that thing with sort of an up and down. You know when you're jacking a car up, that up and down motion?
Starting point is 01:13:31 Oh, my God. It's a lot of fun to watch. Is it like just forcing them to orgasm basically because it's so intense? Yes, absolutely. I usually tie the girl up because she'll try to fight it off. She'll be like, ah! I close her legs like, that was too intense. Like, ha, ha, ha. You is. I usually tie the girl up because she'll try to, like, fight it off. She'll be like, ah, like, close her legs. Like, that was too intense. Like, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 01:13:47 You're not fucking with me. Look, I've got $6,000 worth of sex toys in here. You're not ruining this for me, goddammit. I get my fun, too. So you got a tired day. Yeah, absolutely. I've got the Sibian. I've got one of those crazy fuck machines.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Have you ever sat on the Sibian? The swing? I don't think it would have. It would got one of those crazy fuck machines. Have you ever sat on the Sibian? The swing? I don't think it would have. It would just be a taint massager, really. That's the one where they'll tie the girl's legs together underneath it, and they're bonded up. And they're always in a dark basement with high ceilings and wood walls. Right? I love that. That's a good series of porn videos. Well, the problem with all these types of porn videos, i feel bad for people that are like not vanilla at all because
Starting point is 01:14:29 the vanilla stuff has like the highest production quality is that when you start getting into these like offshoot fetish videos you know that the guy is going to come in with like he's very overweight he's got this patchy kind of beard everything is like it does it feels it feels less like you're watching a pornographic video and more like you're watching a guy that just came like some 45 year old that just came from a high school where he picked up like a girl and got her to agree to do some crazy shit like his basement like if that's your thing i guess like sometimes i think like you know it'd be cool to watch some um some kind of more fetishy out there videos that is a little bit more professionally done rather than like I see the duct tape that you
Starting point is 01:15:05 used to bond this girl to like this weird fucking device like yeah sometimes like in a lot of these like the dildo keeps like falling out of the girl because like they use scotch tape to get everything set up they have to keep readjusting it and you're like you gotta have a full vacuum lock system if you're not using vacuum
Starting point is 01:15:21 lock you're just an amateur oh shit have you seen the videos with the oh this might get're just an amateur that oh shit have you seen the videos with the oh this might get really dark i don't know how have you seen the videos with the guys that like vacuum seal their whole bodies except their dick that's sticking out yes yes i have and i always wonder but why because so it's because now they can't move and they're at the woman's mercy yeah whatever she wants to it's like a sub dump thing you give the woman control yeah you do are you some vanilla dude get out of here man what are you talking about this guy's got a six thousand dollar sex dungeon and you're scared of a little bit of
Starting point is 01:15:52 vacuum sealing you're right you know i need to step up my game drop another six grand on sex toys well just seeing someone sucked like that makes me feel claustrophobic i'm like but he can't breathe yeah you want to get can't breathe yeah it's the women that are like boxing balls to get the load to like fucking score it out of the gap yeah I've definitely seen the women that they they like fake fight and then at the end the winner fucks the loser but they're both women oh that's lame I don't like that I don't like your shit lame? Come on, Kyle. But it's all scripted. King shaming.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Oh, as opposed to the real porn that's normally on the internet? As opposed to the spontaneous couples in love who populate Pornhub? If you're in love, I don't want to watch it all. But I definitely prefer amateur porn and maybe amateur BDSM porn. But let's pause for a moment because I want to do a couple of advertises. Hang on to that idea. We'll go right back to it. I got a Squarespace specifically asked
Starting point is 01:16:52 to be sandwiched into fetish talk. I got to get this out there because this episode of PK is sponsored by our friends over at Squarespace. Whether you need a domain, website, or online store, make your next move with Squarespace. With easy-to-use tools, you can create a beautiful website with Squarespace's all-in-one platform. There's nothing to install, patch, or upgrade, ever.
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Starting point is 01:17:44 Jason, I shouldn't host my videos on Pornhub. I should use Squarespace to make my own website that can be the portal to my BDSM fantasy land. Absolutely. They would happily help you out with that. One of their award-winning templates, perhaps, the Dominator template, would be perfect. And I prefer if my ladies are clean-shaven. So let me tell you about Dollar Shave Club because guys, your bathroom called.
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Starting point is 01:19:16 Yeah, did you have some sort of fetish-related retort, Woody? I lost my train of thought somewhere during the ad reads. Yeah, I just don't like the scripted porn i don't like it look i'm okay i was saying this i i feel like steve was saying that um that the production quality is bad but i like a little bad production quality makes it seem more real well like it's not that it's like not bad production quality because amateur shit is really hot with the bat and the bad production quality goes into it. The guy holding the camera is cool.
Starting point is 01:19:48 It just seems like people that I don't really want to watch doing this stuff are the ones that are filming it. When you get to the hardcore fetishy things, the really out of shape, overweight guys with the weirder dicks. Everything just seems like... The setups are not that good.
Starting point is 01:20:04 You prefer pretty penis, you're saying. you haven't seen yeah and we pretty dicks are important to porn to some extent no you don't want to watch some some guy with a shriveled up half hard cock trying to go at it you're like this is this is just sad okay yeah here's here's my thing okay this is my big thing with porn okay call me gay or bi or whatever i don't give a fuck all right if you are fucking a lady in a porn video and your dick can't get fully hard, come on, dude. What the fuck? How am I supposed to get into that? That is my number one complaint.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Yeah, he's not into it. Why would I be into it? That is my number one complaint about porn, yeah. I'm harder than he is! Put me in! Send me a coach! Don't you guys have fluffers for this shit? What the fuck? Are you doing too many drugs? Or what's going on? They're supposed to be chewing up Viagra if they're going into this thing. Jeez.
Starting point is 01:20:48 It's just unprofessional, and I don't care for it. Exactly. Look, if I knew I was going to be shooting a porno tomorrow, I'd be like, all right, well, let's make sure I have a Cialis to take right before. Because first of all, with porn, if you know anything about the production of professional porn you know you'll fuck the chick for a while and then we we stop and and and like wipe her down and like reset the cameras reset the lighting because we're gonna go to a new position and now you're gonna fuck her some more so for like five ten minutes while they're resetting all this shit you're just standing there like it's easy to like lose your heart on you should definitely be
Starting point is 01:21:23 on some performance enhancingenhancing drugs. The first stuff isn't as good, though. Like, there's a happy medium of amateur between the crazy shit that Steve's talking about where, like, they accidentally see the guy's face at one point when they're adjusting the camera, and you're like, oh! I can't believe I'm watching this guy fuck.
Starting point is 01:21:41 And then the professional shit. Like, that happy medium of, like, all right, these people aren't unbelievably attractive unbelievably attractive like this is a real couple fucking like that's that's the yeah and they don't have to be like the hottest people in the world but just like normal people it's gonna be realistic it's almost more sexy because you can you know i think the big problem yeah i think the big problem is that like like professionally produced porn is a lot like go carts where i don't know if you guys have this experience but like go carts are so fun until you actually learn to drive and then they're not really fun anymore because you realize how dumb
Starting point is 01:22:15 the experience is or maybe like every now and then it'd be cool but like before you can drive when you're like 14 go carts are the funnest thing because you get to like drive a fucking car but then when you actually drive it's like whatever porn is kind of cool and then you actually start fucking people and it's kind of like you you turn on the porn video and you watch it and the guy will do a thing where like he flicks his tongue on like the girls like like just like her outer fucking labia and then the girl's like oh like already fucking screaming and i was like this is like so fucking fake it's not even like a hollywood fight it's like this is so stupid like you feel like they're treating you like an idiot yeah i like have some respect for your non-virgin audience you know like what the fuck who knows i agree with your i agree with your comments on
Starting point is 01:22:56 porn however i love go-karts oh but there's like a like i know the kind of go-karts uh steve's talking about like the shitty like electric ones. Yeah, they go like 15 miles an hour. Taylor and I, Taylor and I like two years ago went and drove these like, you had to have a driver's license to drive these go-karts. They were gasoline powered. I don't remember how many horsepower, but they went like 60 miles an hour or something and an indoor like really curvy track. It was a ton of fun dude i ran into chis so hard i thought he might actually be injured yeah it was great that fast like when you
Starting point is 01:23:33 would get off of it your forearms would hurt because you were trying to hold this thing on the fucking track oh that was a blast so sore dude it was eye-opening for me i did a similar thing i had all the woody craft employees over for like a team building event. And we all went go-kart racing one day. Instantly, go-karts went from like a joke to like this is actually dangerous. Some guy hit the wall, flipped up, and landed in the tires upside down. Because there were like tires in between the walls. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:02 And I was like, my God, that can happen. That just happened. Yeah. Yeah. I liked it because it seemed that we signed a bunch of waivers and insurance stuff. And I came to the realization that I can do whatever the fuck I want out here. And I'm not liable for it. Because everybody signed that waiver.
Starting point is 01:24:19 So I'm not responsible for shit. So I just started going. I think it's the other way around. I think when you sign the way I'll interpret my waiver isn't responsible for anything and you are actually responsible for everything personally I think that's what the waiver is for the waivers were that you you saying I wave all responsibility and you it's like an indemnification or whatever I know but I can't believe I don't even want to be responsible but I That's the company waving responsibility, and you agreeing. It's like an indemnification or whatever. I know, but I can't believe I injured someone else.
Starting point is 01:24:51 There wasn't much they could do to me. Well, they could take you to civil court, so hopefully you're all fine. I'll be long gone before that happens. I'm leaving the state in like three days. They'll never find me. You'll be FPS Mexico. Absolutely. Yeah, go-karts are one of those things you don't think about being fun until you get the real deal ones yeah there's a ton of fun there's probably like i'm sure like there's
Starting point is 01:25:11 also probably a really fun like bumper car area in the u.s it just has to be not the ones at carnivals they go like five miles an hour yeah those demolition derby that's adult bumper cars right yeah sure i bet that would be fun and hey they'll have you sign waivers, so you're not responsible for anything that happens. Exactly. You could kill a man. No big deal. Have you guys ever done escape rooms before or heard of them? Yeah, we did that.
Starting point is 01:25:34 The same trip that I'm describing, Taylor and I did an escape room. Yeah, I was really disappointed because that was probably the most insane waiver I've ever signed in my life. Where they were saying shit like, if you get killed or something, like literally in literally in this uh escape room you know like you agree not to hold us liable for anything and i went in like oh shit dude like i'm ready to fight for my fucking life but it was just like going around and looking at a bunch of paintings and trying to add numbers together i was like this is way less intense than i thought based on the waiver that i signed to get in here it's like i thought there would be armed combatants trying to keep me from figuring the puzzle out like yeah trying to figure this shit. I thought the hardest thing about
Starting point is 01:26:07 We're going to be like protection from like stabs or some shit. Did anyone beat their escape room? We were really close and then we didn't. The hardest part of the escape room wasn't the puzzle. It was how shitty the flashlight they gave you in that dark room where you're trying to like piece it together. It's like that's what I didn't like about it because it's like you're not beating us because of the puzzle
Starting point is 01:26:27 difficulty you're beating us because we can't see and they're like it's just a matter and like we were overthinking things like i felt like we were smarter than the people who had designed the puzzle so we're like oh maybe if we do this and that it'll get no like well maybe there's like something written that can only be seen when you shine the light on it. No, no. Ours was really good and it did have things. Like one of the puzzles opened an ultraviolet light, which led you to more clues and stuff like that. It was really good. We started off so strong. Hardly anyone beats this thing.
Starting point is 01:26:55 There were only like two people or two groups who had ever beaten it before. And we started off strong. They were like, this could be like one of the groups that beats it. And then we got stumped on something. I was done i wanted out like 40 minutes in i was like i was like can we just get the fuck out of here like i'm done now we've been going for 40 minutes like like there's 20 more minutes to go like we go we go get you know we were looking at that other one that we could have done where it was in the middle
Starting point is 01:27:20 of the room they put you in there is a guy dressed in zombie regalia chained to a pole in the middle of the room they put you in, there is a guy dressed in zombie regalia chained to a pole in the middle. And he can like try and get you, but he's chained up. I thought that one sounded fun. That would have been fun, yeah. But at the end of it, our time runs out and the guy who works there comes in and he's like, all right, well, if you want, I'll finish the puzzle for you and you can see how it all ends. And I was just like, nah, nah. So disrespectful.
Starting point is 01:27:47 And somebody must have been like, yeah, yeah, show us how it ends. And he was like, all right, so here. And I'm just like, can we leave? And Chiz can stay behind and figure out what this mystery. It's like, who killed Mr. Mustard in the dining room with the candlestick? I don't give a fuck, right? It's not a real mystery. No, it's not a real mystery. It's like the people in the room adjacent are trying to solve the same shit yeah i don't care i wouldn't be willing to try another one of those
Starting point is 01:28:13 again if it was a cool reviewed yeah if it was themed or interesting or something i would but i i didn't enjoy that one that much it was okay it was okay for the first time like a more i guess legit uh haunted house haunted house yeah they have one in atlanta uh that's pretty fucking legit we went there one time me my girlfriend like two of her friends and um they're like like you're being led through it and there are actors and and like zombies are coming after you and and they're they're coming after you they're they're full like really good really good makeup, and they're trying to get you. And then all of a sudden, a Special Forces guy runs in with a fake gun shooting loud blanks or something. And he's like, pop, pop, pop, pop.
Starting point is 01:28:55 And the zombies fake fall. And he's like, come with me. Come with me if you want to live. And we're like, OK. So we're following him. And we meander through this warehouse with him killing zombies the whole way and it looks legit it looks kind of real and then we get outside and like we get ambushed by zombies and they fucking kill that guy and they're like dragging him away and he's like run follow
Starting point is 01:29:14 the light and we start running and following the light and and i had called ahead and uh and um my girlfriend called ahead and like got these tickets for. And the line was like four hours to get into this thing. And so she told them who I was. And so we got to the front of the line. So at this point, when we're running for the light, some of the zombies that are chasing us yell, it's FPS Russia. And that really took me out of the moment.
Starting point is 01:29:43 And the rest of the journey was ruined. They're like, hey, it's Effie's Russia. And I'm like, you're supposed to be groaning and moaning and scratching at me. Get out of here. Come on. I mean, I like that video where he almost died from a toilet seat. I went to a legit haunted house when I was a kid, like eight years old or something. But it was good.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Better than you think an eight-year-old would go to. I had a loose tooth. And when I finished the haunted house i don't know what happened but the tooth was gone somewhere along the way i got scared out of it and you scared the tooth right out of it yeah in the uh in the escape room that i did that you could ask for three hints while you were doing it they'll let you do the three hints or whatever for the one we were doing the way that i kind of gauged how i felt about that escape room was how some of those like puzzles that were being sought for us came across and i noticed that like and like i think if somebody shows you how to do something and and when you look at it and it's a good puzzle it's like a like a oh you have that
Starting point is 01:30:38 moment which like it makes sense but for a lot of the like hints that they would give us and show the solution it would be like oh really like the solution would end up being it was kind of like what you said like you're thinking too hard where like i remember we had like two paintings and one was like um like uh you know these paintings twinned will help you blah blah blah figure out the answer to the combination of the safe or some shit or it was something like that like a little bit more so we were like going through like they give us like history the paintings like trying to find like the brothers of like these guys to see if there's some like
Starting point is 01:31:06 crazy shit but in reality you just had to like add the the dates of like the two paintings together and that was like the combination to say we're like oh like that was it fuck you know there were a lot of moments like that where you're trying to over engineer it yeah and it's like oh yeah what he's what he linked us to a transgender athlete beating the pants off of a bunch of white girls here. That's a pretty good topic, I think. There's a video. There's a video. And, like, you know, the video was shot from beyond the finish line of the 100-meter line so that he could get them coming right at the camera.
Starting point is 01:31:40 One second into this person's 11.72-second run, I was like, oh, that's the man. There he is. There he is. It's the one who runs like person's 11.72 second run i was like oh that's the man it's the one who runs like usain bolt surrounded by white girls is that at the beginning the race yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean the whole race is there like it's 27 second video that you scroll down dude the girl has a full-on mustache like have you scrolled down past the video and and look at the close-up of the girl yeah i have that's that's that's pretty legit it's oh you're right yeah i don't know something about that like this isn't i guess if it's a somehow if they're i'll call it gender confused gender fluid i don't know what to call them and they're really feminine and skinny and like a
Starting point is 01:32:28 soy boyish type thing then I'm a little I'm not accepting but I'm closer to it this is dude this is a guy with a mustache it is you have got to be livid as the second place girl in this race where you're just like are you shitting me been training my
Starting point is 01:32:44 ass off for this trying to be the best and then i just get blown the fuck out by this this person like i would be upset the same with that wrestling one where you saw like the the wrestling trans uh trans woman fighting the the woman and just beating the shit out of her like not not even close like brutalizing this person yeah i've that's gotta piss biological women off quite a bit i i i can't imagine how people can agree with this like like either if i were competing i would i would refuse to compete like like i feel like everyone should just should just strike and be like well we're not coming to the race if we have to race against that guy.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Are there enough trans people to make their own league? Let me just say this. Probably not. For those of you who are into Star Trek, if there was a Klingon who suddenly joined the wrestling team, I'd be like, whoa, whoa, whoa. This is the human boys team. I refuse to wrestle against fucking Worf over there.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Look at those cranial ridges. That is an enormous motherfucker. He killed two men before he got here today. He's a Klingon warrior. I will not wrestle him. That's not fair. Yeah. As a big pro-trans person, maybe the only person in here, I don't know. This is a really dumb wedge issue
Starting point is 01:34:05 that that needs to die i don't think it's fair that um trans people compete in in athletic activities with with non-trans people it's just there's it's too dumb i think yeah i'm pro-trans like if you want sure yeah if you're an adult and you want to do it it's your freedom well no not even as an adult like it's not fair from from like generally so getting way off into my sjw-esque views i don't have like these rigid concepts of gender and all this shit that like an average person might or a normal conservative american might but when it comes to like athletic stuff we do have to address some biological realities of strengths that are given to different genders and it's not really fair to take somebody that's had all the biological advantages of a male, whether it's via bone density or testosterone or whatever, in their
Starting point is 01:34:47 early training, to then take these guys, transition them to be a woman, which is great if that's what you want to do, but then to have them athletically compete with people that have had to train their whole lives as women. That's not, yeah, I'm really uncomfortable with that. The hand size of a man is not going to change no matter how many you know hormones you're taking so if they're doing a combat sport having a big man hand sized hand like that's it's really not a fair advantage yeah once once you've gone through puberty a lot of those things are kind of set now maybe like prepubescent there's a little bit more room to talk but like post-pubescent like you've gotten a lot of advantages from being a male athletically that yeah you've like gotten the male shoulders the male arms like
Starting point is 01:35:25 you're kind of built to throw like in a way that women just aren't like not not it's like uh it was fallon fox that was her name right yeah who the trans woman who beat the shit out of uh biological women broke one of their orbital bones one of the quotes from the one of the women that the trans woman fought she was like i'm one of the strongest women i know i'm an unusually strong woman and the feeling of my wrist in fallon fox's grip i couldn't get out of it it was a strength like i've never felt like that's what she literally said that it was a strength that i've never felt it's like this poor woman getting grabbed and then just a big man hand
Starting point is 01:36:07 caving in the side of her head. We've all beaten a woman before. We know how easy it is. Sometimes two or three at once. I've got a picture of Phelan Fox on the screen for the viewers. She's in a bikini and she has boobs,
Starting point is 01:36:23 but she has a guy's broad shoulders and a guy i see the picture because that sounds that sounds pretty hot yeah google links i think this will work oh yeah let's see let's see that's a big boy it's man shoulders and man arms and man hands he doesn't she i guess i'll say she she. She doesn't have the woman's curve shape around her hips. The athletic male V shape. That's what she does have, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:55 She went pretty big with those boobies. She did. She was not messing around. She's got me beating the Adam's apple department. Big strong neck. Those hands look bigger than mine. Well, I mean, fighting for a living
Starting point is 01:37:13 and doing a bunch of weight training and stuff probably helps with that. I don't think her hands are swelling up and getting... Your hands get muscular, but those are some big fucking hands. Yeah, skeletal structure isn't gonna get larger in response to resistance training right your bones might get denser but your hands won't get like physically bigger well i would not want to fight that that person um no beat the shit out
Starting point is 01:37:36 of me i'm not jumping in that ring absolutely how much does uh she weigh what's what's her weight class uh i'll have to google it she She was booted from everything, right? Like nobody is... I don't know. She's 42 now. 5'7", 143. Yeah, 143. That is the biggest class. Yeah, of women.
Starting point is 01:37:55 I don't know of any women that fight... Well, I know one, but yeah, 145 is the biggest normal limit. Yeah, it just doesn't make any sense to me. I'm fine with... I usually shade on the side of the libertarian beliefs, and so it's just kind of like, ah, you want to do that? Do it. the biggest normal limit yeah it just doesn't make any sense to me i'm fine with i'm i i usually shade on the side of the libertarian beliefs and so it's just kind of like that you want to do that do it do it do whatever you want to do uh you know our our apocalypse list aside of people who need to put be put to death that's all for shits and giggles but in reality you know it's do whatever
Starting point is 01:38:21 you want to do until it starts affecting my rights. You know what I mean? And this definitely seems some, you know, if you're a competitor in a sport, you know, I've competed at like super duper amateur level as a kid. And it's like I can't imagine if someone was like, I was like, wait, that's a grown man on the other team. Yeah, yeah. But he identifies as a 12 year old. That's that's Chipper Jones. the other team. Yeah, yeah, but he identifies as a 12-year-old. That's Chipper Jones. He plays for the Atlanta Braves. Yeah, but he identifies as a 12-year-old.
Starting point is 01:38:52 He, he, he, he. It wouldn't fly, right? Like, he'd feel so shitty as Chipper just hit home run after home run and was just fielding an entire side of the infield. You'd be like, why even compete? Yeah, I quit. Yep. I would definitely quit if there were a
Starting point is 01:39:11 if I were a girl and there were a trans person competing in my field and just stomping us all. Now if it were close that might be a badge of honor that yeah, I beat that giant girl over there too. Yeah, but the fact that it would be a badge of honor shows that yeah, I beat that giant girl over there too. The fact that it would be a badge of honor shows that it's really not that fair.
Starting point is 01:39:28 Right. And people – like I've heard people say like, oh, Fallon Fox, she lost some fights. That shows that it is actually fair. It's like, no, it's showing – lost one fight. Thank you, Woody. It's like, no, that's showing that this person isn't even that good of a fighter, and they're leveraging this strength over these more technically sound women in order to win just by brute force in a lot
Starting point is 01:39:48 of situations. No matter how good their technique is, it's like, what the fuck? I can't move in this grip. Yeah, and there are probably some high, high, high level women fighters that can beat medium or low, low, low tier MMA fighters. I'm sure that exists. Like women to man?
Starting point is 01:40:03 I don't think any female fighter could beat a male UFC fighter. Well, you don't think the highest tier woman fighter could find the lowest tier MMA fighter and maybe be able to, not consistently, but could take a win off of them or something? I don't know. So the highest tier would be like Chris Cyborg. She fights at 145 pounds, and she's very big, very muscular. Just an example. Oh, you would have to get a much smaller man.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Conor McGregor. Conorcgregor fights at 145 sometimes like the guys who fight at 145 are terrifying beasts like yeah maybe not them yeah and like the the smallest class of men what is it's 135 right is that where mighty mouse is or is it 125 yeah i just i don't know maybe they'll rush him yeah what about like the worst guy in mighty mouse's division if he fights cyborg like yeah that's that's what i'm thinking i'm just like saying that like you know even if you do have like a massive advantage you could still lose like a fight or two i don't think so honestly like like i'll say this chris cyborg would beat the shit out of most average men who are walking around. Yeah, who don't know how to fight. She beat the shit out of me. Like, I'm taller
Starting point is 01:41:08 than her, but I'm nowhere near on her strength level and expertise level. She just beat me to death. She could literally kill me with her bare hands. Yeah, she'd know all the right combos, all the right moves. Like, even if you were stronger, she would grab my ass and take me down to the ground, and she'd
Starting point is 01:41:23 hit me in the head until I was dizzy and then she'd choke me down to the head. Until I was dead. Yeah, absolutely. That's what would happen if I fought Chris Cyborg. And I think that's what would happen if most of us fought Chris Cyborg. I wonder where along the lines a regular man could start competing
Starting point is 01:41:39 with a UFC level woman. I don't know. A fight in the hallway of a house i think that that that like some some differences start taking place like he he grabs her wrists and it's like what are you gonna do now you know like if he gets her like a bear hug and he gets on top of her like you know all the expertise in the world doesn't matter if if the person outweighs you by 75 pounds yeah i think it depends on the it depends on the discipline a lot though right like if you're if the person outweighs you by 75 pounds. Yes. Somewhere along the way it happens.
Starting point is 01:42:05 I think it depends on the discipline a lot, though, right? Like, if you're talking about, like, just straight, like, strikes, you know, like, a really big person is going to be scared. But there are, like, things like BJJ and shit. For a lot of the grappling stuff, smaller people can do some pretty shockingly surprising stuff. Yeah, but there's a limit to it. Sure.
Starting point is 01:42:22 At a certain point, like, and the other thing is like the this hypothetical man who's attacking a bjj woman in a hallway isn't following the rules of jujitsu yeah sure i just like um we we have these conversations on streams and this is really interesting like what um what works in the streets in terms of fighting and i'm sure a million people have these conversations you know and um it seems like you've got a lot of really fancy, cool shit that works in maybe a UFC ring or whatever. But when it comes to the streets, the two things that, when we went through a fuck ton of videos just seeing how people fight, the two things that seem to work reliably are grappling. I don't know if you've seen the video of there's a guy in a McDonald's.
Starting point is 01:43:00 This dude looked pretty tall. This guy must have been like 170. And this guy takes down this like drunk dude that's like 300 white guy right maybe wearing yeah it's a slow takedown and green shorts i know that yeah yeah yeah but that big guy like looking at that fight before the video i would have said like you can know all the grappling in the world this guy is 100 pounds of you like he's just gonna sit on you but he actually took that dude down and like had him like in submission and that shocked me um so it seems like the grappling shit is it actually has like real world application and then boxing because
Starting point is 01:43:28 if you punch somebody quick and fast in the face like they just go right the fuck down that seems like the two things that that help the most absolutely i would agree with that assessment and and like it's it's those are the those are two the two core disciplines that are trained in mixed martial arts really like there's a lot of other, you know, Muay Thai and Taekwondo and stuff definitely comes into play, but those are really... Fancy kicks in real life? I've never seen a video...
Starting point is 01:43:53 It's possible to happen, but I've never seen a street fight video where somebody does a fancy kick or something. Yeah, you've never seen a head kick from one of those parking lot security camps. Calvary head kicked a guy from the lake and knocked him the fuck out. Is it on video? No, but he did go to court. He's going to go to court?
Starting point is 01:44:09 Maybe, yeah. But you can find videos of especially the boxers of one dude taking out three or four, or two dudes, bam, bam, right in a row. That shit is fucking crazy. But anything more complicated than that, I've never seen a video since. You remember that bus guy from years ago
Starting point is 01:44:25 like the old white guy with the blue shirt man yeah epic beard man and there was this much younger you know similarly sized guy who was at the front the black guy in an argument uh yeah uh ambulance amber lamps yeah and he just gets like and this guy wasn't even a fighter like apparently he just knew like basic stuff that he learned in the military, like just basic kind of fighting and like maybe a couple classes. And he struck that guy so fast, like knocked his ass out in the front of that bus. He's 30 years older than the guy he was fighting. Still one.
Starting point is 01:44:57 Yeah, it was like 65 versus 35 or something. I think the black guy was fairly old. I don't remember the numbers, but I want to say the black guy was like 50 and the white guy was like 70 or something but I love that video it kind of looks like the black dude was just I'm not listening to it because I'm not going to unmute you guys
Starting point is 01:45:16 it kind of looks like the black dude was just like kind of trying to start shit but the white dude was like fucking ready to go hard that seems to be the big difference here like I don't think that black guy was ever ready to actually fight anybody but when that old white dude stands up he's like ready to go because the black dude is like puts his hand up and he's like i'm done already yeah like two punches in and then they go up afterward and you see like you're like oh he just knocked him down a bit blood all over the blue seats of the bus yeah and shame yeah
Starting point is 01:45:42 i love street fight videos i love street fight videos i wish they'll bring back bum fights we've and the guys will get off in shame. Call the Ambulamps. Oh, that's good. I love street fight videos. I love street fight videos. I wish they would bring back bum fights. We've spoken about that many times, but please. You know, whatever producer out there has plenty of money and no ethics, bring back bum fighting. Bum fights, I really feel like, is just soft core felony fights.
Starting point is 01:46:00 Felony fights is where it's at. Dude, I don't like the felony fights. Those are too intense intense you're a little soft-hearted you two yes when that guy bit the guy in the face that turned me off so much i was i was like i was like he's not even biting till submission you know it's it's he's biting for because he wanted to bite this man he's trying to remove a piece of cheek he's hungry have you ever heard of those videos steve the fel felon fights? I don't think so. It's possible I've seen one but didn't know what it was because I've seen a lot of the online fighting videos.
Starting point is 01:46:29 Yeah, these guys aren't even fighting for money. It's like there's two 30-packs of Natty and they're willing to murder each other in some, you know, reservoir, you know, drained out reservoir. And one of the crazy guys goes to the other dude before and even says, he's like, I'm going to bite your face. I'm going to bite your face. And they start fighting. And then at the end of it, he gets on top of the crazy guys goes to the other dude before and even says he's like i'm gonna bite your face i'm gonna bite your face and they start fighting and then at the end of it
Starting point is 01:46:48 he gets on top of the dude it's over the guy's tapping trying to get out and the guy leans in bites like a chunk of this guy's cheek like hard and the the formerly hard guy who's on the ground pinned with his cheek being bit is now going oh and Oh! Oh! And the fighter is growling. The fighter is like, Did you find it? Link it. These guys use weapons and shit? The weapons don't last long.
Starting point is 01:47:13 If you're not familiar with stick fighting, it turns into grappling almost immediately. There's stick fighting leagues and stuff out there. And these guys, you know like the meta? He doesn't even want to use the stick. like the meta he doesn't even want to use the stick the cheek biter is it doesn't even want the stick he just wants to tackle right he just wants to get right into the carnivore fucking he needs those natties oh man he needs his bush right into the cannibalism okay jesus christ yeah that was a great series someone bring that back is this
Starting point is 01:47:44 like a youtube series or was this on TV like Jackass or what? I don't know how it happened. This is a dark corner of the internet kind of series. Okay. Yeah. This is definitely not anything that was sanctioned by any major network or anything like that. The same way Bumfights was. There's a huge fight this weekend, right?
Starting point is 01:48:02 Like DC, Stipe, and Holloway, Ortega Is that this weekend? Yeah, it is, because I'm actually going to watch it So I'll be able to contribute to UFC Talk You're going to the event or you're going to a bar? I'm going to a friend's place who's having a watch party Okay, cool Yeah, that'll be nice, I'll watch it too
Starting point is 01:48:18 Yeah, it's The people are making fun of me for using this line There's like two Super Bowls a year in the UFC, and this is one of those Super Bowl events. Maybe. I hope the next one is Conor McGregor and Habib. That's the talk, that that fight is being made and it's going to happen. I see Habib talking about it on his Instagram.
Starting point is 01:48:39 I see Habib's coach talking about it. I see Kavanaugh, Conor's guy, talking about it. I see Kavanaugh, Connor's guy talking about it. I'm so pumped for that. This shit unfolds so slowly, right? When did Connor throw that thing? In March? Oh, this is super fast for the legal system. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:48:59 Not for me. I'm not saying that the legal system is going slower than me. Dude, I don't know. If I threw a dolly through a bus window, in two weeks, I'd be pleading to something and it would all get worked out. You wouldn't have a chance to. The case wouldn't have come up yet. That's just the way it works. You're like, okay, well, we'll get to you next year sometime.
Starting point is 01:49:19 Yeah, well, they'll put you on the docket in like a month and then you can get the case continued over and over again while you're asking for evidence and time for discovery. I did a simple assault thing back when I was a teenager and it went really quickly. It was a simple attack. I got a suspended license pulled over in Missouri and I continued that case without even having a lawyer for like four months. So, I mean, until I had enough money to pay for a traffic attorney or whatever. What was I going to say? a traffic attorney or whatever. What was I going to say?
Starting point is 01:49:50 Anyway, regardless of how quickly a legal system usually moves, for my interest, it's just died down. I really wanted to see Conor and McGregor, I'm sorry, Conor and Khabib go at it back in March or February or whenever that incident happened. Now it's July and they still haven't even picked a date. Well, he's got Ramadan coming up, so it's going to be in the fall. It's sketchy for this year. What is Ramadan?
Starting point is 01:50:10 It's the Muslim day of month of fasting. No, no, not what. When? What month? I don't know, honestly. Maybe next month? Wait, is Conor confirmed actually going to fight the dude? I thought he was pretty much done after the boxing shit. It's over. It ended June 14th.
Starting point is 01:50:26 Oh, well, good. Okay. He's had a couple weeks to plump back up. Yeah, the talk is it's going to happen. Kavanaugh's coach is saying it's... I mean, Conor's coach is saying it's going to happen. Habib is saying it's going to happen. They're just... They're working on making... It's going to be... It's worth so much money. It's worth so much money.
Starting point is 01:50:41 Is it? No way. How much money? To Conor, compared to the Mayweather fight? Is it actually getting to that level? Oh, yeah. He'll negotiate a ridiculous deal. It won't be Mayweather numbers, because that's a whole different situation. Maybe it will be. It seemed like that was the big problem with the Mayweather shit. He got such a massive fucking payday for that.
Starting point is 01:50:59 Why the fuck would he go and risk any part of his body or mind again to get back into the ring and fight anybody? Because they might make um mcgregor promotions uh like a co-promoter of the fight and give him an enormous piece of kind of like ticket sales yeah it's the pay-per-view money that he wants so there's first so let's say he made 100 million on the mayweather thing right all right right off like 40 of that to taxes that's a thing. Now he's at 60 million right off another 10% of it to like management and training and all the expenses that go around with it. Right. So now this guy's at 50 million. That's a lot of money, but man, doesn't it seem
Starting point is 01:51:39 like countless NFL stars have blown through $50 million? Well, he's made a whole lot more than that. NBA stars. He's got the Burger King thing, he's made a whole lot more than that. NBA stars. He's got the Burger King thing. He's got the King's potato chips thing. The Budweiser thing. I would say Allen Iverson made Conor McGregor money, and he's out of it. I mean, it just, the problem is a lot of these,
Starting point is 01:51:58 a lot of these athletes get money, and they just like blow through it. They don't have like any financial responsibility or any idea how to budget their money. They buy a fuck ton of cars, a huge fucking house. Like 50 million is enough. $10 million is enough to live very comfortably
Starting point is 01:52:10 for the rest of your life. $50 million, it obviously is, but you could blow through 50 million in a couple of years very fucking easily. I don't see Connor going that crazy. Connor is insane. What do you mean? He couldn't even stop himself
Starting point is 01:52:21 from getting into thug fights on the fucking bus show. Didn't he get like a custom suit made for his baby that says, fuck you, all over it? He probably paid like 10 grand for that. No, he gets those for free. I think he got his money out of that. Yeah. They sell those. That's like
Starting point is 01:52:36 the Conor McGregor designer guy. They have a whole promotional deal with one another. You can buy that fuck you suit on his website. I want to say it's $1,700. It might have been $3,700. Something like that. I haven't seen anybody wearing them yet. Oh, I got three of them. But no, I don't see Connor going... Right next to the symbiote.
Starting point is 01:52:50 I don't see Connor going that crazy with his money. Honestly, the cars he's buying aren't like quarter million dollar cars. They're like $80,000 cars, which I get it. Those are expensive cars. He's got three of them. Like a Range Rover. He doesn't own that. Those are all rentals. That might might be true i can't tell what he owns and doesn't know we had that one guest who was an expert in that and he could tell by something maybe the license
Starting point is 01:53:14 plate number that it was a car they lend out to journalists and he didn't own that yeah that's what's going on like he's not like like he it's an image of his right like when he's wearing that mink coat i don't remember what that mink coat the tags are still on it yeah he's not like like he it's an image of his right like when he's wearing that mink coat i don't remember what that mink coat the tags are still on it yeah the tags are still on all weekend long what is he gonna do with a mink coat right like you know i thought like i thought people tried to make this argument that he just has this image but i thought that it came out that like he surrounds himself with like really shitty people and he has for his whole career and that like bus incident was kind of evidence of that that he actually is like kind of just like a like a rowdy whatever street dude and he hasn't really grown up much and that
Starting point is 01:53:52 was demonstrated when he threw that shit through the bus or whatever there's tons of people he's surrounding himself with clearly didn't like weren't responsible enough or good enough friends to say hey no this is a terrible idea for the simple reason that it's a crime like you're in the like you're in the best part of your life probably right now like you're worth so much don't do this and none of those people said that to him or if they did he disregarded it so probably not the best people he's chilling with he's the biggest name in sports and uh and well no like messi or ronaldo all those guys all those soccer guys. Well, like at the height of that fucking Mayweather hype shit, I mean, I think... Wasn't that the most tuned into pay-per-view event of all time?
Starting point is 01:54:31 Is that true? No, no. The pay-per-view numbers were just okay. They were just okay? Yeah. Oh, shit. I thought that was probably because of streaming. It wasn't the biggest pay-per-view of all time.
Starting point is 01:54:41 Probably. I don't really know what may or may not have caused it to not be the biggest pay-per-view of all time, but it wasn't the biggest pay-per-view of all time. Probably. I don't really know what may or may not have caused it to not be the biggest pay-per-view of all time, but it wasn't the biggest. It was like fourth biggest or third biggest or something. I really don't recall.
Starting point is 01:54:50 Well, that's pretty good. Yeah, it did very well. Sure. Yeah, it did very well, especially... Not even the best of all time. Yeah, okay, so I'm looking it up and I'm seeing second biggest
Starting point is 01:54:58 pay-per-view fight of all time, which I think is decent being the second biggest. What does it say number one was? I don't fucking know. There's pictures of Connor partying and doing coke with all these girls that are not his baby mama. I have not seen pictures of him doing coke. Pictures of him with coke on the coffee table.
Starting point is 01:55:14 Well, that's not evidence of anything. Mayweather Pacquiao is the biggest ever. His lady is like a little nose candy. And he's there to provide it to them. And look, if his girlfriend had a serious issue with him like partying with girls she wouldn't be his girlfriend right yeah yeah you hear that but i mean yeah i don't know maybe she just doesn't feel comfortable bring it up because she's he'll just be like oh yeah i'll have another in here bring another whore get out no he's been with this girl forever i got no i
Starting point is 01:55:42 like i don't give a shit how many girls he fucks. If she's got a problem with it, she'll leave. She's got Instagram. She knows what's up. Yeah. Well, I don't think he should take any heat for doing cocaine. He made hundreds of millions of dollars. I don't care if he does cocaine.
Starting point is 01:55:59 He wants to go a little hog wild to go for it, as long as he's still entertaining to watch fight. I guess I'm just getting into the money and the partying and the character issue that we brought up before and i don't like that he cheats on his girl she stands next to him from at the time he was on welfare she was with him now that he's big and bad and awesome he doesn't give her like he's not paying it back he gave her a brand new car he gave her that fucking range rover that's paid back in full motherfucker would you hang out with me you hang you hung out with me in my parents house she believed in him when he was nothing
Starting point is 01:56:29 and now she's reaping the benefits she's in mansions she's flying around in jets she's driving new cars it's the old cliche like when you marry for money you earn every penny of it it's circle like this is how i look at melania right right? Trump's out there embarrassing the fuck out of Melania, right? Fucking whores left and right. He's got an attorney on retainer just to silence all the women he fucks on the side. And playmates and porn stars and what have you. And he doesn't seem to treat her very well, at least when they're in public. He's not holding doors or anything.
Starting point is 01:57:02 There's no love there like there was in the previous president's relationship and like she didn't even stick with him as he got rich so it's even worse for uh uh connor because she was clearly faithful enough that when he was a janitor whatever the fuck he was before this she still loved him and cared enough about him so i didn't actually he was a plumber and then stopped being a plumber and just started training while he lived on welfare knowing this it is really shitty that he's doing that then like she was like his rock kind of the one being like no you don't give up you keep doing this you can make it i believe in you like who's to say he would be even be where he was if it wasn't i don't think we know that we don't know the details though i i don't know that she's not fine with it she it may be her biggest turn on in the world that he goes out and fucks other girls.
Starting point is 01:57:45 She may be a cuckoldress. You are making a real leap there. No, I think it's much more likely to be one of those. You're assigning your standard relationship norms to Conor McGregor. When you marry for money, you earn every penny of it. I think that's the scoop. I think there's a relationship imbalance in that she's forced to tolerate some real bullshit if she wants to be with him at all. She's got his baby.
Starting point is 01:58:10 She could just go her separate way and collect child support. I don't know how that works in Ireland. Once you've made enough money to keep the bill collectors away, I don't think that more money contributes to any more happiness or satisfaction in your life. Yeah, I think for a lot of those super rich people, it just becomes the game of making more money and like winning in their eyes not like oh i made half a billion you know what i really want is uh you know three quarter billion boat or some shit well maybe but i think it's more when you actually start like taking a hard look at your life it becomes
Starting point is 01:58:42 sometimes even harder when you have a lot of money right because it's like i don't even have a reason to be sad or you know discontent right now but like i don't have the people in my life that i wish i would have right you see a lot of celebrities will reach a certain point where you they've kind of ostracized everybody that meant something to them and they're kind of not it says surrounded by friends or family or loved ones as they'd like to be later in life and money doesn't really buy you much in terms of company or in terms of like feeling comfortable or happy with yourself i think yeah yeah i think that's a great problem to have to to have all those necessity boxes checked of like i'm never going to be hungry i'm never going to be homeless never going to be you know you know destitute sure and so then you need like what is it maslow's hierarchy of needs where you just go up
Starting point is 01:59:25 and up and up on that. And then you need to find yourself and find people who actually genuine, it's gotta be hard as someone who's worth 20, 30, 40, 50, you know, million dollars and getting even more to figure out people who actually like you because anyone is going to pretend that they want to be your buddy. If you've got, you know, a hundred mil in the bank, like they could be an insufferable cunt and you could like be talking shit about them to your other friends as soon as they leave but as soon as they're in there oh yeah ted man you're the best dude you're so funny and entertaining i can't wait to go on your yacht with like that's gonna fuck with your head something that we do also as humans like i noticed this is an observation i make that like we acclimate very quickly to the positive things around us and they don't really impact us anymore.
Starting point is 02:00:07 And that's like kind of the great personal crime that we always commit. We take it. We take everything for granted. The easiest way to think of this is like if you've ever had like a head cold or maybe even like some version of the flu, like somebody just kind of feel like shit. Sometimes you'll go to bed at night with like your mouth open and all you can think is like, I i could just breathe through my fucking nostrils without my head being stuffed like that's all i want in life and i would be so happy and maybe you wake up the next morning and you actually can and for like 12 hours you have the most euphoric experience where you're just happy to be alive and healthy and not like not runny nose not stuffed up not with a headache and it's like the best thing ever
Starting point is 02:00:43 but then the next day after that you're not fucking thinking of that shit anymore you're like you're way done you're way past that you know and then accumulation of wealth and everything is very similar i used to be before i got into streaming my life was very fucked financially incredibly fucked i was doing horrible work for no fucking money and you know i have that perspective which is good for me but it's still pretty easy where i'm at in life to take a lot of shit for granted and not think you know like if i wanted to i could fly to j Japan tomorrow and like goof off for two weeks and I could do it. And, you know, like that's a, it's, it's kind of a cool thing to think about, but you acclimate to it so incredibly quickly that you don't, you're not constantly like taking stock on how grateful
Starting point is 02:01:15 you are for the opportunities that you have, you know? A long time ago, I had a boss who I kind of adopted as a mentor too. And he was talking about people's natural happiness level and natural stress level. And it was eyeopening for me, the way he described it he's you know people just have a level that they kind of gravitate to when things get better or worse they'll go above it or below it he pointed out to a co-worker i may have told the story before this guy was into the rams right he was into the rams the football team it was his thing it was his life it's there and stress over who they were drafting and whether they won or lost. And he'd just follow them like crazy.
Starting point is 02:01:48 Then he got married. Then he had a kid. He had the same level of stress and happiness and highs and lows, just about more important things. It's who he was. And it's where he was. He was always kind of anxiety-filled and on the edge of sanity. And I've noticed the same thing. Like, I'm a pretty happy, content guy.
Starting point is 02:02:07 Times have been high and low and everything in between. And that's just kind of my spot. You know, I've had moments in my life where I worked really hard, you know, 20-hour days and such. And I was just like, oh, man, that must have been terrible. I was like, eh, I was still me, right? And I have times where I work much less. Still me, just me doing my thing. People, the water finds its level with regards to happiness and anxiety and stress and that's just kind of where you are if i dropped 10 million dollars
Starting point is 02:02:33 on someone who's worried about money they'll worry about something else yep there's like one of the great um some people if you're going to more extreme areas this is a big criticism levied at capitalism is that like the acquisition of luxury goods and shit is like the driving force in our lives sometimes it seems like in our economy right consumerism drives so much of us but like everybody everybody listening to this right now has gotten a new cell phone or maybe even a new car or something like that and the first like week you have it you've got like the special protectors and it is the most important fucking thing and you're so happy that you upgraded and then that wears off and then it's just like another thing you have and that happiness is so temporary and it will never be like a long-lasting fulfilling like
Starting point is 02:03:12 permanent elevation of what you call like your kind of set happiness level it never comes from the acquisition of like more goods you know yeah and like how many people every time the new iphone or android come out upgrade no matter what it's like just for that little little little hint and it's not like they were it's not like i had the iphone 8 and i'm so fucking happy and i'm still happy and now i'm getting the iphone 9 and i'm even happier and then 10 years and i'm gonna get the iphone x and i'm even more happy and it's like no it's about the same right every time you know yeah you just come up a little bit and then you go back down to where you were because this is just now the old phone the who cares phone yep do uh is it out there the
Starting point is 02:03:47 kind of work that uh or do you talk about the kind of work you used to do before you got into streaming i was a uh carpet cleaner um so we did carpet cleaning and water damage restoration it was like 80 to 90 hours a week so i would work 10 to 14 hours a day every other Sunday off. So usually in 13-day stretches. And my paychecks were around like $1,000 to $1,500 every other week. It was the worst period of my life. That's terrible. Holy shit. How long did you do that?
Starting point is 02:04:16 Scraping, probably about a year and a half. I worked at a casino before then, and then I worked at McDonald's before that. But yeah, holy shit, it was so fucking horrible. Wait, you made 500 for so 100 hours yeah so the the really weird thing is the way that this would work the way that it would work would be you have to show up at the shop every day at like 6 or 7 a.m so you roll in you get your truck ready but what might happen is you have one job scheduled from 7 to 8 and that'll be a minimum service job you get 15 bucks for it right so i'll work my job from like 7 to 8 and that'll be a minimum service job you get 15 bucks for it right so i'll
Starting point is 02:04:45 work my job from like 7 to 8 and it seems good 15 an hour this is why i got sucked into it right but then my next job might not be until like 11 and that might be an 11 to 1 right so i do the 7 to 8 i go back to the shop i don't really have anything to do for two hours then i've got a job from like 11 to 1 um maybe that gives me 30 bucks and then maybe i've got one more job at like 4 to 5 or something or 5 to 6 so i'll make like 40 or 50 a day but i'm there for like fucking like 10 or 12 hours right that kind of shit with the scheduling of jobs it's like it was so fucking horrible yeah and then some of the work even for 14 15 an hour when you start talking about like um like tearing insulation off of like the shit behind dry walls and then getting like a chipper and like scraping the fucking shit off
Starting point is 02:05:24 the wall that glues the insulation oh my god dude that work was just fucking horrible shit ugh did you ever come across anything just filthy disgusting in the cleaning biz like what was the nastiest shit you found the weirdest nasty shit I mean there was some standard
Starting point is 02:05:40 so the weirdest job I ever fucking did I show up at this guy's house and it's like a standard house, pretty standard. I go upstairs and there's a guy there and he's a little bit off. I don't know how to describe it, but just a little bit too rigid, a little bit too concerned with everything going on. And I kind of talked to this guy. He sits down and he's looking at me and he's like, the only question he asks me is, is the type of detergent you use, does it encapsulate? Or is it emulsifying?
Starting point is 02:06:11 And I kind of look at the guy and I'm like, yeah. And he's like, okay, you can clean my house. So he wants me to do the whole upstairs. It's all carpeted upstairs, the bedrooms and everything, right? So I drag my hoses out of my fucking car, get everything all up get the corner guards online get the little booties around my shoes and i'm cleaning and it gets to the point where i clean out the living room i clean the kitchen and then i'm working my way down the hallway to the bedroom and when i get to the uh there's like a little t intersection where i'm at the end of the hallway and then there's a room to the left
Starting point is 02:06:38 a room to the right he is sitting there in the room to the left and he looks like um he looks like this where i can't i can't really see like what's in his waist but there's a computer monitor that's facing me there's a camera on top and there's like a woman in like lingerie like on like it looks like a campsite and she's just kind of looking at me and then he's just kind of looking at me and i am so fucking uncomfortable right now and i kind of look at him and i kind of like wave at him and i just keep cleaning and i do my shit and eventually i finish and i pack my shit up and it was like the most bizarro fucking experience of my life got a couple more stains to get in here as i'm working on the other room like i'm like constantly waiting for this guy to just
Starting point is 02:07:20 come behind me and then come beside me like just like crazy fucking shit like it was so weird like the guy was probably um i'm trying to think of this in a nice way like a special guy like you know he's barely able to live on his own like he's a little off like that but oh my god it was so fucking weird to have that happen holy shit you have to clean the room while he was in there with a can girl i didn't have to clean that room thank the fuck i don't even know what i would have done if i would have had to do that one yeah He wasn't even courteous enough to angle the computer away as he masturbates while you're cleaning. Well, it looked like he was trying to let the woman see me. So I don't know if I was like playing into some voyeuristic fantasy or something because the computer, it was one of those really old massive CRT monitors was like angled so that I could clearly see it. I'm pretty sure she was looking at me.
Starting point is 02:08:03 And then he was like looking at me as like his lap is hidden from me and i have no fucking idea like oh god that sounds awful the worst the worst types of jobs are the carpet cleaning shit if you have any carpet cleaners your audience maybe they can relate was doing jobs in the winter because what would happen is um you would run you'd have a giant tank of water in the back of your van and you turn on your truck mounted machine what you would have to do is you'd have to run the cables in and out of the house incredibly quickly because if you didn't your fucking lines would freeze and as your lines would freeze you would have to like open the you'd have to open the line you'd have to dislodge it you'd have to dip it into the hot water exchange
Starting point is 02:08:35 in your tank and then you have to plug it back in real quick and like run inside and you had to clean at a certain speed or else shit would start to freeze up and you have to run outside oh my god all this for 15 an hour at rest yeah holy shit it was so fucking horrible i have like so much like for blue collar workers that shit is so bad dude oh my god i feel so bad for people it's a good experience though isn't it definitely when i hear other streamers that are like 25 and they're talking about like oh dude like i just can't get out of bed to stream every day and it's like dude i make 20 times as much money as i did to sit
Starting point is 02:09:05 down and play computer games versus having to drag a power scrubber off the back of a fucking van that weighs as much as i do i will do this shit until i fucking die yeah yeah because you have a appreciation for it oh yeah exactly you know you know the value of a dollar in a way that they don't so many times about how young people can be ruined by success and It's true on YouTube, but it's cliche in Hollywood of child stars and anywhere. It ruins you. It ruins you. You think you're different, that
Starting point is 02:09:34 you'll be better, but no. If you hit it big at 16, good luck being 25. Anthony Cumia talked about that. He's come on our show a few times of the Opie and Anthony show. It used to be an XM radio show. I'm not sure if you're familiar, Steve. I am.
Starting point is 02:09:48 But he was talking about before he got into radio, he was like a tin knocker, like fixing roofs and putting in AC and that kind of stuff. And he talks about how terrible it was making shit money working all day. And if you had to poop, you'd have to go out to the van and then get a spackle bucket and squat over it in the back of a hot van and take a shit and he was talking about how like every time he'd be shitting on a five gallon bucket in the back of that van being like god like this can't be all that life is like shitting into the in a bucket in the back of a van and so then he had his big paying gig and of course you know really appreciates it actually this applies like evenly to this is why i think like student loans are like so fucking weird to me like when you're a kid and you haven't worked before money doesn't mean anything to you
Starting point is 02:10:34 the idea that you take an 18 year old's like do you want 150 000 dollars go to school like well of course they'll say it's because what the fuck does 150 000 dollars mean and i noticed that with a lot of streamers that got into it right out of college when when they have to decide, like, do I want to do this or do I want to do that? Like, oh, I don't know if I make enough money, blah, blah, blah. Like, when I do, like, a sponsorship deal, like, I have a lot of perspective. You know, if some mobile game wants to pay me $10,000 to stream a game for, like, fucking three
Starting point is 02:10:56 days, it's like, okay, well, that $10,000, that was, like, six months of work. Or, like, four or five months of work to me that I could do in three days that blows my fucking mind you know or like i can do like three or four sponsor deals and this is like the median or like the lower class like income for an entire fucking year and it's not even hard work comparatively speaking you know like not to downplay you know being an online figure is
Starting point is 02:11:19 incredibly hard and there's a whole new set of challenges you have to deal with but like i would much rather deal with the challenge today like how do i deal with people calling me a pedophile with some crazy shit online versus before where it's like how do i deal with the fact that i can't really afford the house that i'm in right now and i'm not going to school and i'm working a shit job where i have absolutely no future in front of me and i've got no light at the end of my tunnel like i'm basically working until i die you know yeah it's probably a very hopeless feeling super fucking hopeless oh yeah holy shit when you start to fall behind you're fucked you have no way out nobody to bail you Yeah, it's probably a very hopeless feeling. Super fucking hopeless. Oh, yeah. Holy shit. When you start to fall behind, you're fucked.
Starting point is 02:11:47 You have no way out. Nobody to bail you out with any money because if you're poor, you don't get any bail. All the loans you can take are purposely designed to fuck you as hard as possible. Right? Payday loans and title loans and shit. Yeah. Like 5,000% APR. I paid off a bunch of my uncle came to me one day and showed me like how he was getting money.
Starting point is 02:12:02 And I couldn't believe it. He was showing me these slips where he like he'll take a gun to a pawn shop and he lets them hold on to like he's got like a huge collection of world war one and world war two exotic rifles he'll let him hold a gun and they give him 300 and he pays them like 350 back in like two weeks and i'm like 50 dollars on 300 in two weeks like if you do the math you're like in the tens of thousands of percent of like interest here on this loan like i just got a loan in a house for like fucking four and a quarter like four percent like this is insane how fucked you are in so many different ways when you're poor uh yeah fuck yeah and yeah louis ck has a bid on that that's kind of funny he's like you know when
Starting point is 02:12:38 you're broke they just start charging you for everything there's fees for your bank there's fees for this when you're, they just give you money. Here. Yeah, they waive everything. Take some more. Everything's waived. Yeah. Was McDonald's significantly better than the carpet cleaning,
Starting point is 02:12:57 or was it just shitty in a different way? So I have this joke where the trajectory of my respect for humans has continued to drop every single new experience in my life. McDonald's and then working the job at the casino at the casino. I was like a manager for or supervisor for like a restaurant. So I did back of house in front of house work. The thing that hurt me the most about customer service is dealing with people. I fucking hate people. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:13:22 Adults that act like entitled children. fucking hate people holy shit um adults that act like entitled children like i met so many people that were 30 40 years old that i would be embarrassed to be around at like 18 19 i like legitimately the the way that people act the entitlement is so fucking insane in some of these places i couldn't believe it holy fuck yeah so like was the work the work or go ahead sorry i was gonna say the work was like challenging in a different way like the carpet cleaning sucked because it was a lot of work and a lot of hours and not very much pay but customer service sucks because you have to deal with people and it only takes like two bad customers to ruin like multiple fucking days of your life it's so miserable and you don't get paid enough like the nine well back when in my day i think it was like 525 an hour is what i made
Starting point is 02:14:01 at mcdonald's because i don't think the national minimum wage would come up yet um oh god to deal with some of the people that would insult you and berate you and shit especially you got to be demeaning at mcdonald's where it's like where did you think you pulled up to like this is mcdonald's you say a number and i grab the already cooked food and hand it into your you know fat gullet some of the we had this lady that would come in dude i oh man i don't want to do this too much because I could tell stories for hours. We had a lady that come into McDonald's and she came in one time and she asked for two burritos or whatever. And on one of them, she just had this bizarre request.
Starting point is 02:14:34 Like the eggs were not cooked or were too cooked enough. And at McDonald's, you don't like hand cook anything. Everything is done on timer. So whatever it is, is what it is. It's never going to change ever from one to another. Now food can get cold if it's held for too long or something like that. But for the most part, like you're getting a pretty consistent experience because the guidelines are all corporate given, even if you're at a franchise. This lady was not happy with that answer.
Starting point is 02:14:53 And so she went to the restaurant to eat her shit or whatever. I had to go bus tables an hour later and I go to the to the restaurant. And this fucking bitch had opened her omelet or whatever. And she like painted the whole fucking table with like parts of the fucking omelet and i'm like you're like 70 fucking years old like i wish i had access to the cameras because i want to watch this like 70 year old lady taking apart her omelet like using the salsa to like paint the fucking table and it's what the fuck is wrong with you what a bitch at the uh at the casino we had this lady that would come in and she would order a steak Philly every time. She would say, I want a steak Philly
Starting point is 02:15:27 with six green peppers, six red peppers, and six onion slices. When she would order it, her thing was, I like the flavor of the peppers, but I don't like them in my food. When she ordered them, she would get her thing at the counter. After you give it to her, instead of moving aside
Starting point is 02:15:44 so you could do more orders, she would open the box, she would take out her sandwich, she'd open it, and she would count it in front of you. What? Was this like an old woman? Was this like someone who was autistic, maybe? Or just rude? It was like 30s, 40s, just rude fucking people, dude.
Starting point is 02:15:59 Just insane fucking people. Yeah, she did. I like the flavor of the peppers, but I don't want them in my food what does that mean what could that mean i had a guy that got that said he got food poisoning off a chicken fried steak and eggs and if somebody comes up and says they get food poisoning right after eating it's always bullshit you can't that symptoms don't present that fast and he said he had food poisons like okay sure whatever i'll refund you when i was a supervisor if i gave you a refund i'm throwing away your food i'm never gonna refund you for your food and let you eat all
Starting point is 02:16:24 of it or take it fuck that's insane right well after i gave gave you a refund, I'm throwing away your food. I'm never going to refund you for your food and let you eat all of it or take it. Fuck, that's insane, right? Well, after I gave the guy a refund, I went to his table to clear his plate. And the guy's like, well, hold on. I wonder if I could box that. And I'm like, what the fuck? What do you mean you want to box it? He said he gave you food.
Starting point is 02:16:34 He's like, well, maybe my kids will like it. I'm like, what the fuck do you mean? You want to give it to your fucking kids? And he's like, well, you know, if it makes one person sick, it might not make another person. I'm like, what the fuck is wrong with you? What are you talking about? Take the food. I hope it was the problem i hope it poisons your sick retard kids and that they never become burdens on my casino uh maybe they're more resilient than i am i don't know yeah they've got younger immune systems maybe it's worth the risk
Starting point is 02:17:00 i hate poisoning there was a time when it seemed like i was getting food poisoning like once every two months or something like that i was traveling a lot and eating in a lot of restaurants and it just kept happening just over and over it's the worst thing ever food poisoning is an example of what you're talking about earlier steve of like not appreciating what you have as far as health until it's gone because when you get food poisoning you will spend all day shitting your brains out and then you'll get up and come back out and like start doing what you're doing and then three minutes later it's like how can this be possible how do i have to shit again the first experience in my life i had of this like uh maybe not even a year ago where i got to hang out with
Starting point is 02:17:38 with an awesome girl over the weekend and before i left at the airport i ate like a cheeseburger and for the first time in my life i had food poisoning for a whole day every 15 minutes I had to go take a shit every 15 minutes when I got home that stream I did like the whole day I was like listen, okay I want to give a shout out to all my bros with IBS irritable bowel syndrome any Crohn's guys out there What a whore and it actually like this actually really bothers me on a personal level like two or three years ago I used to think I was so smart that I could understand everybody's experience like secondhand. But as I've had more personal experiences, I've realized it's just not true. You have to live something. And I remember I had an old friend in
Starting point is 02:18:12 e-sports, his name is a minigun or whatever. And he has Crohn's disease. And he used to talk about how like, he didn't like to go out or he didn't like to go to events because of this. And I was always like, dude, like just deal with it. Like, it's fine. Like suck it up. Like you'll be okay. Like you'll have fun. And after that weekend, that weekend oh my god dude i totally can understand what he means like it's scary it was scary for me to go outside of my hotel room because like i have to have access to a toilet every 10 to 15 minutes or i'm literally gonna fucking shit myself and it was the worst feeling in the world hold it like no oh no fiber in your diet it's like no this is this is coming out in the next 30 seconds.
Starting point is 02:18:45 You are either in the bathroom or you are leaking shit. Holy shit. I can't imagine. I'll give that shout out again. If you live with IBS or Crohn's, I feel so much sympathy for you. I had it for one day and it broke me. I couldn't believe how horrible my quality of life had become in that
Starting point is 02:19:01 one fucking day. Oh my god. That's why you see those uh pharmaceutical commercials for crones and i silly but that's kind of what glued it in my head of how terrible it was because it was like are you afraid to go out and it shows like a woman like ponderously looking at her coffee you know like i probably shouldn't be drinking this but it's like is it really this bad yeah well it's like if you want to be able to live your fucking life take our pill and you'll be able to go four hours without needing to shit your pants yep and i gotta be careful hanging out with friends i can't fuck someone because i'm gonna have to take a break halfway through or accidentally like explode shit out the back while i'm fucking trying to do anything like holy yeah no oh my god every normal interaction
Starting point is 02:19:41 every normal interaction becomes like tainted with this, like, yeah, with the shit. And her being, like, disgusted and, like, being a showstopper wouldn't even be the worst case scenario. What if she was like, oh, yeah. Well, then you all found a keeper, right? That's a winner. Oh, yeah. Yeah, baby. Rub it on my face.
Starting point is 02:20:02 Every half hour on the half hour like clockwork i got more for you she's like rubbing it all over herself so she looks like uh schwarzenegger from predator like yeah this is my fetish uh oh this um it's better than that video you showed a few years ago kyle of that guy laying down in the bathtub with goggles on with his mouth open while the woman shat directly into his mouth yeah Shat is generous. Thick. Thick shit. It's like a spackle. Like a paste. What did I return to?
Starting point is 02:20:32 We are sympathizing with our IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohn's syndrome brothers by relating our own food poisoning experiences to it. That's what we are doing right now. It was awful. It was awful. Yeah, we played this sort of a drinking game where we all watched a laptop and we took turns finding the most horrible videos we could possibly
Starting point is 02:20:50 find and if you flinch or you react at all to the horror that you're witnessing you have to take a shot and so i found that video of the woman shitting into the guy's mouth as he laid goggle goggles on in in bathtub. It was horrific. We're getting really dark. Do you want to stop and do our little... Yeah, I could do an ad.
Starting point is 02:21:16 Then we'll come back to the really dark. We'll just sandwich it between the shit and then the... Why did we lose advertisers? Baffles me. I don't know. So Facebook has been in the news a lot lately, getting thrashed for letting third parties get your user data.
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Starting point is 02:24:12 Even at the same time if you want. Play Rocket League over your ExpressVPN. There you go. That's perfect. How long until we have the Fortnite ads running here? That's the real question. I don't know. We'll have to ask Chiz. We should. until we have the fortnight ads running here that's the real question i don't know we will
Starting point is 02:24:25 have to ask chis but we should are we missing on someone who advertises everywhere there's like a online advertising starter pack i see them make what is um oh wait what's the one you guys don't have that everybody has um audible do you do that or did you do that i have done it's. I have done that. It's been a little bit. It changes every week slightly. Which ones we do, which ones we don't. Yeah. Audible's good. Audible's good. My wife lives by
Starting point is 02:24:54 Audible. They have like a special deal. Like all the romance novels you can listen to for an extra dollar. Alright, they're not paying anything here. That is true there. They kind of suck. Dude dude at this point like every conversation with her is on a slight delay because she has to take her headset out she just listens to like girl porn 24 by 7 oh my yeah i'm a fan i like it so uh before we got into the ads destiny you had uh something super dark
Starting point is 02:25:22 to i don't know if you guys ever got into this shit. I fucked my brain on this shit growing up. I feel like this is a safe space for dark topics. More so than most groups of people I talk to. You ever spend hours of your life watching these incredibly fucked up death websites? You ever do this shit?
Starting point is 02:25:38 Yeah, we did a show on that. We watched them online. I'm a little uncomfortable with Woody's response there. That seemed a little bit too intense. I won the thing. I was like, I made it to the end comfortably. There was the worst one. We've talked about it a dozen times.
Starting point is 02:25:54 The Russian one where they kill him with a hammer and a screwdriver. Oh, with the eyes and everything? Yeah. That one's terrible. It really just takes a chip of your soul and removes it. Have you seen the one? Sometimes I wonder, like, what the fuck these people did? Where they, like, reach into this guy's stomach, and they reach up, and they take his heart out, and they punch it out of his fucking body?
Starting point is 02:26:13 What the fuck? We watched that the other week. Is that where his arms and legs are cut off, or just his arms cut off as well? Yeah, I think they are. Yeah. But that wasn't even the most shocking part of the video. It was actually, I'm watching a video where a guy's arms have freshly been cut off, and it's not even close to ranking as the most fucked up part of the video.
Starting point is 02:26:28 Like, holy shit. Some of those videos just upset you. Do you remember they made a salad out of a human? Right? The Mexican cartel did it. It was actually a photo, not a video, so that takes away from it. But you're like, how do you make a salad with, like, human parts as an ingredient? So instead of just, like, leaves of lettuce, they would have, like, heads of lettuce.
Starting point is 02:26:52 And then, like, a human head. And then, like, a human forearm and an entire tomato. They wouldn't cut the salad pieces. And proportionally, it was a decent, like, chicken salad, but really large with your loved one in it. Jesus Christ. And what do they do just like leave this giant salad on your front door uh yeah well i think it was a message to the other people this is the mexican cartel i if i remember the context of bringing it up we were like hey what if the mexican cartel didn't like isis and those two started butting heads how you know who
Starting point is 02:27:21 would end up on top there it's a real clash of titans i always joke about this like if the cartels were muslim like we would have been down there so quickly but because it's just like mexican shit we absolutely couldn't give a fuck less but like if it was actually like the islamic cartel down there in mexico instead of just like mexicans holy shit yeah we would be all over that shit i think so those guys would like kill like school buses full of kids and shit that those people are fucking crazy. But the reason we don't like Muslims is 9-11. Prior to that, we really had
Starting point is 02:27:50 no opinion. Then they killed us. Yeah, maybe. Sure. Yeah. So until the Mexican cartels knock down Sears Roebuck Tower or something. I feel like the cartels are so powerful, though. They're running
Starting point is 02:28:05 huge sections of that government and so like they've got to have some like diplomatic relations with u.s politicians and shit that would prevent us from going too hard on them right oh maybe i'm not i'm not too sure about that but i don't know either yeah it's a good i like your conspiracy i see where you're going with it um because i was gonna chalk that up as fact and believe it you're like you know mexican cartels are so powerful i'm like not compared to the united states marines but when you do the conspiracy route and say you know they're friends with the senator then suddenly oh no like it's not conspiratorial to say they are like friends in the government mexican at the very least yeah right but i think that you took another step right you said that i thought you were
Starting point is 02:28:43 saying american politicians no i'm saying that then they could use those Mexican politicians to influence American politicians. Be like, oh, it's not even as bad as you're thinking down here, and we're actually taking a lot of measures to take care of this on our own. Don't bother. Don't bother. Stay away. That will not work with our current government. I don't think there's – oh, there are diplomatic ties between Trump and Mexico. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, those cartels are just... I'm trying to think of more brutal videos.
Starting point is 02:29:08 Oh, yeah. Actually, I'm really curious now, because I have an answer, and most people seem to agree after we bring it up. What is the most disturbing video you think you've seen? It's that Russian one. The Russian one's there. There's also an ISIS one where they execute just like 38 people or something
Starting point is 02:29:24 like that, just shooting them in the back of the head just like 38 people or something like that just shooting them in the back of the head and sometimes in a position like that i think of myself like what do you do if you're guiding you're like the last one yeah i was gonna say 22 but right like when you know your fate what's your move there you know you're gagged i think and your hands are bound so you're not gonna like macgyver your way out of this or Captain America or whatever it would take. On some level, you're probably just like deer in the headlights. Like you just freeze up and almost like your body is an protective mechanism is like releasing whatever DMT, whatever the hell that is, right? When you're about to die and you're in that prime freakout mode.
Starting point is 02:30:01 and you're in that prime freak out mode. Because when you see those videos, it's rare that you see people move in and try to escape in frantic fish flopping maneuvers. Have you seen some of the ones? I like Taylor. Have you seen some of the ones where the guys fight back or grab an AK or whatever? No.
Starting point is 02:30:19 How does that go down? There's one where, well, usually the guy dies pretty quickly. But there's one where a guy is sorting through a grave of all of his friends. And the people are video recording it. They're kind of laughing at him, telling him to toss the empty guns up. And as the guy is going through, he finds a rifle that is still fully loaded. And you can hear all the guys screaming as this guy comes out and opens fire on these people. And it's like, that's pretty insane.
Starting point is 02:30:42 And there's a lot of shooting there. So I imagine he probably made it for a little bit. Then he dies, right? I want to find more. Yeah, of course. But he's like, that's pretty insane. And there's a lot of shooting there, so I imagine he probably made it for a little bit, but... Then he dies, right? But he probably had a positive KD ratio. Well, I mean, in real life, you only have to kill more than one person. In real life, a positive KD ratio isn't the hardest thing, but
Starting point is 02:30:57 you have to take away from it. I don't know. Most people in war, I would say it averages out to an even kill death rate. death well it depends on if you count assists or not how are you doing your assist yeah and then it really matters if you're running that perk what the fuck is it called hardline pro or something like that oh then it's then two assists count for a kill what um oh so this is actually what i think is the i've seen probably every fucked up video on the Internet. I don't know why, but I just I watch these morbid curiosity.
Starting point is 02:31:27 But the most disturbing one is actually one on YouTube for me. And it's I'm sure you guys have seen it. It's the one where the guy is driving and a brick just comes off the back of the truck and it goes to the windshield and strikes his wife. That's like probably the worst. I don't even know why. There's no gore in the video at all. But it is like I just got a chill thinking about that yeah awful yeah holy shit yeah the noise the guy makes the fact that his life in like a millisecond just like it was irreversibly changed through
Starting point is 02:31:55 no fault of his own in like such a horrible fucking way in like such an unlikely way to like i've seen a similar thing where a tire hits a motorcyclist like it just comes off a semi or something bounces once or twice and then plows in oncoming traffic so the closing speed is like 100 miles an hour massive and you just yeah done done i think and there's a weird thing about watching someone transition from alive to dead to dead yeah just because you always imagine it'll be so dramatic or whatever and now i get paranoid when i'm standing on the street sometimes and like a car comes across the sidewalk a little bit too close it's like fuck i was almost one of those videos wasn't i like my life instantly right here uh you think about that like final destination shit that starts happening
Starting point is 02:32:40 yeah it's like maybe like some roofer didn't quite put a shingle on correct and it's got a metal edge or whatever the hell would happen and you end up dying. Another video like that is, have you heard the one where it's like a family in a car, they call the police because their brakes have gone out and they're approaching the end of a road and they're going like full speed and they're trying to like tell the guy what to do and the whole family ends up dying. Oh no, I actually haven't heard this one. Because they don't have the brakes and they
Starting point is 02:33:06 just careen into whatever it was uh it's been a while since i've seen oh you should have turned the car off huh that's that's only an audio clip i think yeah i don't know why they wouldn't turn the car off maybe they're off the car oh there were a couple think of that was it something there were a couple where the throttle would get stuck open that was like actually it might have been uh one of those Toyota ones. I think you're right. I don't know if Toyota was the brand. I don't want to screw you guys out of future sponsors.
Starting point is 02:33:30 I'm not sure that happened. They made a big deal out of... I think it was Prius that were staying wide open throttle. And then did that ever actually happen? Well, the thing is that if you're a car manufacturer and you detect that it's possible whether it happens once or like a detect like a lab test somewhere shows or like you're doing something and it happens you have to recall immediately because if that happens like twice
Starting point is 02:33:52 your brand you're like you're talking like multi-million maybe billion dollars of damage to like your sales right because that's like a story that you never want fuck um what was the there was a tire company that had to do this firestone yeah for a whilestone, yeah, for a while. How long did people avoid Firestone tires? I wonder what the damage to the market share in stock was. On the other hand, Jeeps do that. I guess Jeeps come out of park, some of them, and they can just drive and kill you. And they killed the guy that played Chekov in Star Trek, the movies.
Starting point is 02:34:21 Yeah, it was that. It wasn't that. Green Wagoneer or something? It was in park. It was the Grand Cherokee. It wasn't that it came out of park. It was that he had left it in neutral or something. It was that it didn't notify you well enough
Starting point is 02:34:36 that you weren't in park. He fucked up. Is that what it was? And then he got pinned against a wall and they found him dead pinned against the wall. I looked up the thing with the Priuses. That killed 89 people. Oh, holy shit. That's some scary shit.
Starting point is 02:34:52 Although it does counter Destiny's point that it irreversibly ruins your brand and you need to recall it on the possibility because we're here like, oh, was it 80 people that died? That's no hurricane. How many people did you say it killed? calling on the possibility because we're here like oh was it 80 people that died you know that's uh that's no hurricane wait how many people did you say it killed 89 oh jesus do you remember like
Starting point is 02:35:13 i don't remember like maybe it was over 10 years ago probably 15 years ago i don't know exactly remember when the most fucked up thing on the internet was two girls one cup at the time you were like whoa this is bananas man you won't be able to handle it and now you could like have that running almost on cnn and people wouldn't ask questions the kids and i watched that together yeah uh yeah healthy fetish relationships now notice how she doesn't fake eating the poop now both of these girls need a bit more fiber in their diet. And then the vomit. Most people didn't watch the whole thing,
Starting point is 02:35:52 but they start vomiting back and forth toward the end. She's eating shit and vomiting the shit into the other girl's mouth, and they're snowballing it back and forth. I'm more grossed out by pimple popping and loogies and snot than I am by that kind of shit. I kind of like the pimple popping. We've talked about snot than I am by that kind of shit. I kind of like the pimple popping. We've talked about this before. I kind of like it. I don't get how people like that. Oh, it's gross. You would probably
Starting point is 02:36:12 like to try some of those Mexican Andy ones, Kyle. I don't want to do the popping. Oh, I thought you wanted to be the popper. Oh, fuck. No, I just, like, he needs Accutane. Yeah needs accutane yeah that works like a charm that needs to be like his fundraiser goal go fund me for accutane he doesn't give a shit it's i mean you'd have a better chance
Starting point is 02:36:37 getting ice to bathe regularly i mean at that point with like when your skin's as rough as uh mexican andy's is like that's just gonna that's gonna get infected at that point, when your skin's as rough as Mexican Andy's is, that's going to get infected at some point. There's going to be some kind of abscess or something. This is like a health issue at this point. Your skin's an organ. You've got to take care of it. Oh, speaking of that, abscesses, the most disgusting thing I've seen in real life related to that was actually my grandma. And I found out through other research that this is pretty common, unfortunately.
Starting point is 02:37:03 Have you ever seen a pressure sore in real life or ever seen a pressure sore like a image of it i'm gonna have to google this i haven't seen oh careful it is fucking disgusting like these things are caused by just sitting in one position for too long and not having somebody move you and it is the old live streamer sore. Bed sore. Yeah. Bed sore. Yeah. It is unbelievable how fucking disgusting these things are. These things are recluse bites. Yeah. It's insane. And I saw my grandma get up one time and like the back of her like dressing, her like hospital
Starting point is 02:37:35 gown or whatever was open. And I saw this thing. I was like, grandma, you're fucking, what the fuck is going on in your back? You've got like a fucking hole in you. Oh my God. Oh my God. It's god fucking disgusting yeah these things are huge if people watching this you're gonna have to look at it yourself
Starting point is 02:37:49 i i looked it up and decided i'd even on this show i didn't want to share it it's it uh and a lot of these look like they're in the same spot like right above the ass crack right yeah so there's just a hole a literal necrotic abscess. If you show me this, I agree with you, Woody. This looks like, or I think you said it, it looks like a brown recluse bite. Yeah, because they're similar, I think. The necrotic tissue ends up dying and then it leaves an abscess once it falls off or whatever. This is literally just caused by pressure, though.
Starting point is 02:38:21 And they're all in the same spot because when you're laying down, commonly these are the areas that pressure is applied. And when you're really old, you don't have the wherewithal to move around as much as a younger person so if people in nursing homes don't come around and move them often these sores just kind of develop over time the sad thing i looked up the um the anton yelkin the checkoff dude and how he died and such um a combination of kyle and i being right so drivers think that they're shifting it into park and it's popping out. And it turns out that it has, I'm trying to get the verbiage they used, an unconventional gear stick design, which causes it to,
Starting point is 02:38:54 people think they're shifting into park, but it's actually in neutral. So they're putting the car in neutral, walking around. And in his case, he got crushed. He was alive for hours. And he was crushed. Kyle said it was a wall. In my head it was one of those brick mailboxes, but I could be wrong.
Starting point is 02:39:10 But yeah, the car rolled into him, crushed him up against a wall or thing or column, and he was alive for hours and eventually died. I had no idea he was alive for hours. That makes it so much worse. Oh, if only he had his comm badge. He could have he could have gotten yeah or sulu to come come help me out one of the worst ways that i've seen to like die
Starting point is 02:39:32 in a car did you guys ever see the um the kid that died reaching into the back seat getting something out of like a van no this was so incredibly sad and fucked up so basically um ah fuck i'll try to look at this in a funny image. How can that be lethal? Well, what happened was the seats like will lean back a certain way if you put pressure on them. So what happened was he just reached over the seat to kind of grab something. And he was reaching kind of far and his like hips went over the seat. But then the seat ended up coming down.
Starting point is 02:40:02 So he couldn't really breathe. But he couldn't push himself up to get over the seat because every time he would like push up, the seat would come up a little. So he tried to push himself out until he got too tired in his arms and shoulders. And then he just suffocated to death and died like in the back of this van or something. He called 911, right? I don't know if he did or not. Dude, there's an audio tape of this kid dying calling 9-1-1 saying suffocating yeah and he's in he's in a terrible bad spot and he says what uh parking lot he's in
Starting point is 02:40:33 he's in like a parking lot of a shopping mall or something and the police were unable to find him in time and he suffocated and died um in this video if you go to like uh 15 seconds you can kind of see it sounds like so dumb like impossible or you go to like 10 seconds in the video on this page and you can see like how like basically what happens you go to reach like back behind the seat and it kind of goes down a little and you can't like push yourself out because it moves with you and he just kind of got stuck there oh and i think he he did call yeah it looks like he did call but oh man and he's like the kid was 16 years old it's not like it was a senior citizen that died through, like, some unfortunate shit. It was like, yeah, like, oh, man.
Starting point is 02:41:11 Yeah, and he was just too squished. Oh, that video helps you understand the mechanics of it a lot more. How fucking horrible. Jeez. And how could any engineer have, like, predicted that, you know, to avoid it? Like, you don't even think to do stuff like that. That's fucked. It's those kind of things that
Starting point is 02:41:29 make you paranoid in that whole Final Destination way, where it's like, I could be that guy for something else, to where then my entire life is a boiled down news story. You're the one guy that died in the most impossible way. It gets worse, Taylor. I stepped on the only faulty manhole cover
Starting point is 02:41:45 In the whole city and fell right through it At some point You'll be the fully competent Like adult And you have a two year old trying to kill him or herself Constantly All the time like I wonder if I can fit my head Between these two spindles by the stairway
Starting point is 02:42:02 You know like Hey look this thing on the bottom of the pool. My brother did that and the fire department had to come. This thing on the bottom of the pool sucks. I'm going to try and stop the suction with my belly button. Or with my ass. Yeah, with my ass. The whole fucking test.
Starting point is 02:42:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's idiot children. No matter how good it feels. At some point, you'll have to keep these unknowingly suicidal young children alive until they become competent like you Good horrible video being a parent now like I totally understand like and people can be real critical parents Like how could you let your kid die that way and it's like dude like you don't understand Fucking three-year-olds are constantly trying to kill themselves at every single fucking moment of their lives I watched this is a really heartbreaking video, really fucking sad. I think it's
Starting point is 02:42:46 a Chinese lady, has a stroller right fucking next to her, and she's like a street vendor or whatever, and she reaches forward to talk to the guy, and the stroller moves back like a couple inches, and then it falls over, and a like a garbage truck rolls right over this baby's head. And it happens in like
Starting point is 02:43:01 the course of like three to five seconds. And it was like, and the lady turns around, and I like can't even imagine of like three to five seconds and it was like and the lady turns around and i like can't even imagine like your kid is fucking dead holy shit dude my i don't know i think your kids are a little bit older um woody but like my son is seven years old and like i'm trying to imagine like letting him walk home from school on his own i don't know how old he's gonna be when i'm okay with this happening like because i'm just thinking like it's three o'clock he's off school it's 3 15 he should be home by now what am i gonna do the day that like he's not home on time like holy fucking shit like i don't even know like how
Starting point is 02:43:32 i'm gonna deal with that oh yeah probably freak out sounds so stressed that's something that you don't think about until you have kids kyle and i don't have children yeah so like to us it's more like ah annoying kid in public whatever but you don't have the parent brain i'm like don't don't touch that you over there stop fucking stop dude or like as a teen i'm thinking of like teenage privacy is very important a teenager needs to be able to grow and develop on their own it's very important that they have their independence blah blah as a parent it's like i need to fucking chip my kid i want a goddamn gps on this motherfucker so i know where he's at at every point in his life.
Starting point is 02:44:06 A lot of parents do that, right? They have the thing with the iPhone where they can track where their entire family is all the time. Yeah. Is it like Apple Home or whatever? Yeah, that way if you're cheating on your wife, you can have your iPad by the bed and you can be like, yeah,
Starting point is 02:44:21 we're still good. We're still good. She's at the grocery store. Oh, man. That would probably help with a lot we're still good. We're still good. She's at the grocery store. Oh, man. That would probably help with a lot of deviancy. You're right. Yeah. You can just leave your phone at work when you're going to go have your affair. We have that on in my family. All of us have that thing. And it's convenient because you get to know when they're coming home and stuff like that. I was doing a long flight on my paramotor last weekend.
Starting point is 02:44:43 And we're refueling. And she's like, you know, you stopped? She's worried I'm not okay. I'm like, no, it's for sure. She's worried you crashed. Yeah, yeah. Oh, God. It's coming.
Starting point is 02:44:53 It's coming. Yeah, find a way to throw it out the fucking window. And a plan, obviously, you couldn't. But just imagine, like, oh, he stopped. I wonder what city he's in. And you bring up the map. And it's like, there's not a city here. Like, oh, no.
Starting point is 02:45:03 Yeah. Lake Erie. in and you bring up the map and it's like there's not a city here like oh no yeah lake erie oh it looks like what he's got for a swim oh man yeah i i don't know if i talked about my friend was watching me you know just fly around and whatever and my phone died and there it is like just end of transmission in the middle of the woods and he waited and waited and did nothing and nothing and nothing synced up with me like six hours later like yeah i was worried about what would happen you know like well now i know what happens nothing like you don't send any rescue party out for me if i get every evidence that i died in the middle of the woods yeah
Starting point is 02:45:38 i have this thing you said i was gone for 12 hours why are you just asking me about this now like what shouldn't you be doing some shit like eight hours ago? I could be fucking drowning at the bottom of the fucking ocean What the fuck did you not send someone for me for? Why do I even have this shit? All that it would do is make you die with hope You've got like your tracking beacon going on You're sitting in this you've got like this air bubble in the plane where like these bodies are floating around
Starting point is 02:46:03 Just like they're gonna come the technology. It's magic and your friends are at like a bar like hot dave's phone died on the plane what a fucking idiot they're like drinking and laughing it's like ah it's the same way like except on a more extreme example of car alarms never do i hear a car alarm and think someone's losing their car someone's stealing a car i always think some jackass hit the wrong button turn your alarm off yeah what are the point of those things do they actually I wonder if they actually like anybody goes out to see what's good I bet if you've got like no offense but old people I bet would look into that shit because they're like the people that are I love how he talks about old people and then worries that I'll be
Starting point is 02:46:38 offended clearly we know where I stand no offense but you know like senile people and the average age of like a conservative in the u.s like 85 years old so in case your audience i don't want to offend anybody but um yeah all the bill o'reilly fans either you know but like you know like sponsored by preparation eight yeah apply directly to the rectum yeah the um i i bet that like the old people are the ones to check that out the people that are super nosy about like every fucking thing in the neighborhood that have to walk out and see what's going on, maybe it's for them. Who just want to be a part of it, have their finger
Starting point is 02:47:08 in every pie. Do you guys have fireworks going off at your houses right now? We did, yeah. I can't tell if it's fireworks or just more run-of-the-mill gunfire. Yes. What city do you live in? Chicago? St. Louis. Oh, St. Louis, okay. He competes with Chicago. I don't know how you'd per capita. Per capita,
Starting point is 02:47:24 we're winning. But that's not a contest you want to win. In that list of dangerous murder cities, you don't want to be hanging around with Honduran cities. That's not the group you want to be in. Taylor, are you going to buy a house? Our crime rate is bad in America, but if you compare us to a lot of third world cities,
Starting point is 02:47:41 it's actually not quite as bad. Are you shopping for houses? Compare us to Caracas, for example. Yeah, I am. I'm looking for houses now. I'm still in the fact-finding phase, trying to figure out exactly what I'd like to do. So I don't know if I want to buy a house straight up or if I'd like to buy a condo so that then I could live in that for a while. And then when I move out into a house, I can just keep the condo as a passive income rental property.
Starting point is 02:48:08 And that also would allow me to not have to be as concerned with you know upkeep and whatnot just pay the condo fee and do that because i'd really like to turn you know take advantage of the first time home buyer thing and also have that passive income later on since it seems like a good good idea yeah we'll see the condo you might be able to get a location closer i feel like you're i don't know where your work and home is, but I feel like it's convenient. That's why you live where you do. Whereas if you were to buy a house with a quarter acre of grass or something, then you might be further from work. Yeah, I'd go further away from the city itself to buy just because I don't trust the city area to not get way more dangerous in coming years because it just kind of has tended to trend downward. And obviously, I don't want to sink money into a house and then be like, oh, well, fuck, this is a terrible investment.
Starting point is 02:48:53 You know, seven years down the road. Now we're Detroit. Houses are, there's a lot of conventional wisdom. Oh, as a joke, I looked up St. Louis and it's actually the 13th most violent city in the world. I did not know that. So, no, you actually don't stack up well against like third world nations. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:49:08 Damn it. Yeah, you actually lose there too. There's a lot of conventional wisdom about buying houses that's actually just so fucking wrong and so bad. I highly encourage you to look like really carefully into other types of financial vehicles for investments that are way better generally. Like most market investments will beat houses
Starting point is 02:49:24 over the long term, just due to the nature that a house requires a fuck ton of upkeep, a lot of expense. If you're renting it, you have to have someone in there constantly. You know, one year of vacancy eats into so much of your margin. There's a lot of issues with houses that like, yeah, a lot of people will look at it like in a really one dimensional way. And yeah, be careful with that. Yeah, well, that's why i'm not saying too much now i have not done my due diligence as of yet and this is such a huge purchasing decision yeah you need to be smart about it i mean i'm only 27 so i'm not too far behind the curve on it uh i really feel like at in our generation now i'm not sure how old you are, Steve. 29. 29? Okay.
Starting point is 02:50:08 So many people now are waiting a decade after traditional home buying, marriage, having kids, all that shit. You had a child early, it seems. But even that, 50 years ago, 40 years ago, would have been totally on the mean, you would think, for having the first kid at 22. It's just weird. It feels like I'm behind the curve like the previous generations like where they were in their life at this point yeah that's like the western thing there's a lot of reasons for that
Starting point is 02:50:32 um liberation of women uh access to higher education or requirement for higher education right it used to be that you know like i i always get so pissed off when like baby boomers will say shit like you know well when i was your age i used to you know i put myself through school and paid for my whole family. When you were your fucking age, you could do that shit in a high school fucking degree. Okay. Like the shit is way more expensive now. You know, if you have a high school today, a high school degree today, you aren't shit. Nobody gets their GED and celebrates it today. Like that's like your first fucking step towards getting a four year that maybe the four year degree helps you depending on the field. Once you get like your portfolio bill and certifications, like you can't even just get the four-year degree helps you depending on the field once you get like your portfolio bill and certifications like you can't even just get the four-year and get a job
Starting point is 02:51:06 automatically like um the barrier to entry for so much of life has grown so much and then as women work more too like if you're a woman you don't want to put your fucking life on hold to have a kid like no man would ever make that decision i'm 22 time to pause my career for two years like these are the most important career building years of your life you know so yeah there's like a lot of shit where people are pushing stuff back you know really really far whereas it used to be like 18 19 even was kind of the norm sometimes for having children depending on what part of the country you're from wonder what impact that'll have on the other side right like on the if you don't buy a house until you're 30 then you haven't paid it off until you're 60 in a lot of cases and if
Starting point is 02:51:40 you you know upgrade a house or two you could could be 70. Is retirement going to look really slow? That's one of the reasons I had kids when I did. I was like, man, it's going to take like 24 years from the time the last kid is born for me to stop working. That was the thought process. And it's like, fuck, if I have my last kid at 32 or something, then 24 years later before I stop paying for their shit? If you could go back, would you do it any earlier or later? 16. I'm pretty happy with the timing.
Starting point is 02:52:18 That's good. That's going to be even more stressful than doing the house buying is eventually having a kid i know kyle is staunchly in the no kids ever camp but i do want children someday and like yeah it's just how high stress i am with certain things like i can't imagine not spending 24 7 worrying about the well-being of my kid when you try to directly in there it's not going to be the same i can just go grab another puppy you know for some for an interesting perspective on this um i was breaking in the process of breaking up with my girlfriend when i had my total fucking oops baby um totally not not anything is that what you named her
Starting point is 02:52:54 no first it's a him but i actually wanted absolutely nothing to do with my kid i figured she was going to do all the raising on peter elsemore whatever i had zero fucking desire to do anything i figured they were going to do everything um i showed up i didn't have any for first or middle name i just didn't it was whatever to me and but i showed up for the delivery because i thought it would be cool to watch because i love watching that gory shit and a woman shitting herself and having her vagina explode seemed incredibly fucking entertaining to me um but when he was born i like 180 so fucking hard it was ridiculous and i'm like super involved in his life since that moment like he spends like half his time here and everything so it's pretty crazy how it wasn't like that at all
Starting point is 02:53:27 oh really yeah so i um i guess everyone told me that as soon as i saw my kid that i would instantly fall in love with her i my oldest is a girl and uh careful this is recorded you don't want oh it's been said before yeah no that i've been real honest about this from the get-go but they were like yeah you know as soon as you lay eyes on her you'll you'll become a father and you'll adore and this and that and uh you know like day one she's born and i'm just like poking her like you do anything like oh damn yeah like like so you're just gonna oh i see you poop and cry yeah yeah you and i are getting off to a slow start. And by the time she was like 18 months,
Starting point is 02:54:08 we started thinking about another kid. And I was like, I don't know if I can love the next one this much. You know, like I was fully bonded. I was like, man, like this other one's got some big shoes to fill. So it took me a while to warm up. That's all. Yeah. Watching them grow up is so,
Starting point is 02:54:23 when your kid starts to get to the age where they don't want to give you like a hug anymore and you're like oh why you used to love giving me hugs like why why don't you like to you know oh yeah see that's something i've never even considered yeah when it comes to that point in life you're like oh oh this hurts so much more than i thought the worst part is that now i have to reflect on my life as a child, as a son to my parents. And now I think back to every time my dad was like, hey, do you want to get off the computer? Just go on a ride with me to the fucking store or whatever.
Starting point is 02:54:52 I'm like, no, fuck off, dad. I'm playing fucking games. Get out of here. And now I look at my kid who's like five and I'm like, Nathan, like, or when he was five even, I'm like, Nathan, come give me a hug. And he's like, no, dad. And he runs away. And I'm like, oh, you fucking piece of shit.
Starting point is 02:55:03 Like, fuck. And yeah. And then I have to think back. Oh, dad. And he runs away. And I'm like, oh, you fucking piece of shit. Like, what the fuck? And yeah, and then I have to think back. Ugh. I never had that phase ever. Like, I still hug my dad. I don't get it. Love my dad.
Starting point is 02:55:13 I'm sure there was that phase when you were, like, too cool for school, you know, like 14 or something. And, you know, you're going away for a camp or something. You don't want to hug him. Never? No, no way. Oh, well. Because you're always worried this is the last time you see someone right like i've always got that thought with everyone right like
Starting point is 02:55:28 like this might be the last time i ever see this person i better let them know that i love them and i care about them and then give them a hug this might be the last time yeah damn well that's a pretty macabre way to think about every interaction yeah i know it's a little dark and as we wrap up this podcast steve i just want to let you know i love you i care about you i wish nothing but the best for you i hope you and your family remain safe and i don't know if you if you ever have this um idea this is actually something that angers me so much is that um as you get older there are so many pieces of like conventional wisdom that were so fucking right and you wish you would have listened to them growing up but if i could go back in time right now and talk to myself i am 100 confident that there is
Starting point is 02:56:08 fucking nothing that i can say to myself where i would have actually believed anything i would have said i don't know if you met a time traveling version of yourself you might listen up right i still wouldn't i know i wouldn't things like um just like dumb shit like try harder in high school to get a scholarship like i would listen to this as a kid like okay yeah sure whatever from the future i'll make it work dude like like just like really dumb small pieces of advice like that like if i could go back to being the age like 18 like oh my fucking god with all the knowledge i have now even if i lost every fucking dollar i had if i could go back to being 18 and start over holy shit dude i've i've thought about this too but so my journey you don't know it was a bumpy one. I got terrible grades.
Starting point is 02:56:45 I went to night school for like 12 years, got all this education, and worked a day job for a long time, etc. And I don't know that I have turned out so well if I hadn't taken the bumpy road here. You know, it instilled a lot of work ethic in me and some values that still pay off till today. What I would like is if I could have just picked the stocks. There's some easy rides, you know? Like, buy Microsoft in the 80s. As soon as Cisco IPOs jump on that one, ride that one
Starting point is 02:57:14 till 2001, then just get the fuck out. Eventually hop in Apple when they rehire Steve Jobs. That's really all you need to know. Like, there's like four trades we're making here, and we're billionaires. But Woody, you would go back in time and be like, young Woody, it's not normal to get beaten to know like this there's like four trades we're making here and we're billionaires but what do you would go back in time and be like young woody it's not normal to get beaten with stiletto shoes scrapers see woody was abused as a child okay that's it yeah that's that's actually the way
Starting point is 02:57:37 that i keep myself saying that what you just said is like the way that i view it is i'm happy with the person i am now and i have no idea how it would have turned out if i were to interchange any of the difficult times growing up in life right because you learn you you mature a lot if you survive what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right with you if you survive like traumatic events or bad experiences the experience that you get from that that you take with you is so fucking important and i think you learn from experience in ways that you just can't you know through third-hand information so i i totally agree with that sense i mean i bet if you tried to hit woody with us with a stiletto today he dodged that thing like fucking george or whatever yeah oh i guess when i saw george bush dodge that shoe i thought a little bit more of our my father did too my father was like he's
Starting point is 02:58:20 pretty spry like that guy's holding up well yeah really laughed at it all i thought was so horrible our secret service was that make he got to throw a second fucking show oh shit i love i love his reaction to it too because like i feel like and i'm just guessing here but like maybe bill clinton would have had like a stern like angry and confused look george bush was amused. He was like, hey, hey, hey, try to hit me, huh? Too quick for you. A little bit of spice in this poor-ass job.
Starting point is 02:58:51 My dad was wrong. Oh, man. He said it was fun. I love that. I bet every president back to then could have dodged it, except for, I think think maybe H.W. would have been the past one that couldn't. And also Trump. I don't think Trump is quick enough to dodge that shoe. I don't know if Reagan had the reaction
Starting point is 02:59:12 times left to dodge a shoe, especially once the Alzheimer's had started to kill him. Try and hit with the first one and then forget that the second one was coming. Exactly. Yeah. Obama, like, is dodging even more than W. I think he's our most athletic president recently. Obama, like, is dodging even more than W. I think he's our most athletic president recently.
Starting point is 02:59:27 Obama catches the shoe. And throws it back. Our most athletic president, though, Abe Lincoln, went out there and wrestled him into submission with his weird 6'6", gangly, you know, arms and a men's strength. I wonder who our most athletic president is? It's got to be Lincoln, right? I guess.
Starting point is 02:59:49 Look at how fat all the rest of those pucks are. Strong point. Teddy Roosevelt was supposed to be pretty stout. Most athletic president is Gerald Ford. Did you Google it? He played on two national championship football teams at Michigan.
Starting point is 03:00:04 I want to know during his term who the most athletic president is. What kind of athletic tests are we going to be? Is this like the combine? Shoe dodging. We've got a sample size of one. I do like the combine, you know, like a 40 time. How many times they can bench press. One thing, as much as I hate to fucking say it,
Starting point is 03:00:25 because I fucking hate every aspect of Trump, more so than anybody on this podcast, I promise you, Trump is supposed to be a very good golfer. I'll say that much. He better be with all the golf courses he owns. Imagine owning that many and sucking. I heard he cheats. I think that he's humiliating.
Starting point is 03:00:40 He's like one of the only like kind of amateur golfers that can run through the pro courses with like no handicaps or whatever. He's supposed to be a pretty good golfer. Really? I feel like I need another source on that because he cheats terribly. I need another source on this cheating.
Starting point is 03:00:56 Can I point out for one second how crazy it is? Most of you can relate to this. Actually, I don't know how old all of you are. Woody, you said you were a little older. 45. Okay. How old are the other two?
Starting point is 03:01:09 32. I'm 27. Okay. Okay. So, yeah. Okay. So, even for Taylor, when you were a kid and you asked these questions, you were never going to find the answer out, right?
Starting point is 03:01:18 Before the internet came out, like, who is the most athletic president? I don't even know where the fuck I would begin to look this shit up i'd have to go to an encyclopedia like encyclopedia britannica like and then start looking up all the presidents and comparing their this would be like a chore i love that i could just like google this while i'm talking to you and like pull up a fucking list on the internet i don't even need a computer to actually do my fucking phone that shit is great to me like back then it'd be like now france has more people than germany it's like well i guess we'll never know we either go into the library or it's not gonna happen yeah yeah it doesn't need something we take advantage of now well yeah i'm looking at the so so this is obviously like in their lifetime i
Starting point is 03:01:56 think not when they were president but number one is gerald ford number two dwight eisenhower george hw bush is number three reagan at four. Kennedy at five. George W. What's the rationale for H.W.? Because I would have pegged him way lower. He played first base for Yale in the 1940s and appeared in the first two College World Series as and as vice president. He was temporarily in power when Reagan had surgery. He spent a few of those eight hours playing tennis on On his 85th birthday, the elder Bush celebrated by skydiving. And his 90th. Apparently Trump is a good golfer.
Starting point is 03:02:30 I googled it. 85th and 89th. 85th and 90th. Holy shit. Okay. This is the death wish at that point. Please! Take me, Lord!
Starting point is 03:02:41 Shit! I saw he had a bunch of good scores in competition which i think negates the cheating cause like like you can't cheat in these televised charity things i think so apparently yeah trump is a pretty legit golfer steve is right there you go thank you hope i get some credibility here some goddamn respect for my facts on the fly i do it all the time yeah no i always do jamie bring-checking me in the middle of my fucking statement. I do it all the time. Yeah, I know. I always do. Jamie, bring up the list of athletic golfers.
Starting point is 03:03:09 Young Jamie. Jamie, pull that shit up. I wonder how good Lincoln actually was. Because apparently, and who knows with all the bloviating from 150 years ago, 160 years ago, he would stand up there and be like, here ye, here ye, the strongest man in this audience, dare come face me. And then he's, I don't know why he's talking like that.
Starting point is 03:03:29 And they come up, and then they start fighting, and apparently he would win every time. Like, he never would lose. How much of that is bullshit lore? He was supposed to be a super accomplished wrestler, and I watched a documentary recently, and I was shocked to see that he fought vampires oh yeah yeah that was a whole saga of his life i didn't know about about uh the revolutionary war
Starting point is 03:03:53 mel gibson was in it i did not know that god he's aged well he's aged well yeah that's interesting because i would have imagined mel gibson would have been more likely to be in uh world war ii on the German side. See guys! Based on the recordings of him, but interesting that he helped the Americans. The funniest recording in history are the Mel Gibson tapes when he screams at that woman, I wanted a blowjob before the jacuzzi. And it's like, because every man is like, fucking yeah,
Starting point is 03:04:25 I totally get it. A promised blowjob gone undelivered is one of the most frustrating things on earth. Especially if you're supposed to get it before the jacuzzi. Thankfully, today, you don't have to deal with those stresses because the auto-blow 2 or whatever can provide you with all of the promised blowjobs
Starting point is 03:04:42 you want. They're up to the auto-blow 2 plus now. 2 plus? Are they like the Apple shit where they're like planned obsoletans? Like after two years, the blowjobs start to suck. It's like it's moved into marriage mode and now it's just not quite
Starting point is 03:04:57 what it used to be anymore. Halfway through your blowjob, a virtual hand comes out to finish the job and you're like, oh god, at least the cleanup's easier I guess yeah they start to use teeth a little bit to make sure they use the other one it's a lazy blowjob let's listen to like two minutes of the Mel Gibson
Starting point is 03:05:16 rant I don't think we've referenced it many times but I don't think we've actually ever listened to any of it I'm queued up at zero I'm at zero. Yeah, go for it whenever. Ready, set, play. It's quiet at first.
Starting point is 03:05:46 foreign bodies in you was that it it had nothing to do with it oh it had nothing to do with what the fact that you had foreign bodies in there correct it's super quiet isn't it lying to me about fake kids i've never had yes yes you just did you said they weren't you lied to me i didn't i never said i never said anything of a kind you never asked me I never told you oh maybe you asked me but I never lied about this It's just an appraisal. Keep it if you want. Look stupid. See if I give a fuck. You know, but they're too stupid. They look stupid. They look like some Vegas bitch. They look like a Vegas whore. And you go around sashaying around in your tight clothes. I don't stand for that anymore.
Starting point is 03:06:35 I don't walk around in tight clothes. I stay at home for most of the time. It's a fucking embarrassment to me. You look like a fucking bitch on heat. And if you get raped by a pack of niggers, it'll be your fault. I stay at home for most of the time. Oh. Jesus. and tight pants so that you see your pussy from behind. And that green thing today was enough. That's provocative. Okay?
Starting point is 03:07:09 I'm telling you. I'm just telling you the truth. I don't like it. I don't want that woman. I don't want you. I don't believe you anymore. I don't trust you. I don't love you. I don't want you.
Starting point is 03:07:23 Okay? Okay. Stay in the fucking house. I'm not giving it to you, but I'll don't want you. Okay? Okay. Stay in the fucking house. I'm not giving it to you, but I'll let you stay there. Okay? I will take care of my child, but I don't want you anymore. Wow. Gold, Derek.
Starting point is 03:07:40 It's gold. Nice. There's so much of that. There's so much of that. That's one of the best tidbits. There's so much of that. There's so much of that. That's one of the best. To get through. Yeah. She is a cunt for recording that and then releasing it, by the way, because she's totally setting him up.
Starting point is 03:07:53 She's like all calm and collected. Oh, no, I'm not like that. Why would you say this? OK, a little. But if your go to reaction is to scream, if you dress like this, you're going to get raped by a pack of niggers or whatever. I mean, how much can you blame somebody for setting you up there if all it takes to get you there is to act calm on the phone? We never got to hear all the shit that was said before this that made her start recording.
Starting point is 03:08:20 And we didn't see the outfit, frankly. Maybe. She would have gotten raped. We don't know. Maybe she would have got some. I don't know. Like, oh, okay. Now the Twitch attire makes more sense. I see what angle we're coming from here.
Starting point is 03:08:32 Okay, okay. He's like, I'm not going to give you the house. You can stay there. But I'm not giving it to you. It's a shame that he went on those crazy rants and all the Jewish stuff because he's very good at making movies. Oh, he's the best.
Starting point is 03:08:52 He's good at that. He's a fantastic actor. Like watching part of The Patriot today when Heath Ledger's character dies and he's like, it's a level of distraught and sadness and like hopelessness that I've never seen another actor uh capture
Starting point is 03:09:05 in the way he does in that scene where the like shake like it's heartbreak like and then he had to go on a crazy voicemail and then wait 10 years before everybody in hollywood's like all right he didn't rape any women and even even you know he doesn't seem that bad anymore you know even outside of his acting apocalypto was a very interesting movie. It's incredible. When I saw it, I didn't know it was a Mel Gibson movie immediately, and I was told afterwards, and I thought I was being memed on. I was like, oh, yeah,
Starting point is 03:09:34 that's a funny Mel Gibson movie because he hates black people. What's the joke or whatever? But no, it's actually legitimately produced and directed by Mel Gibson. I was like, holy shit, that's mind-blowing to me. That's pretty versatile. Damn. It's the South Park thing, where they like trying to like find in that episode you know the right storyline and ideas for imagination land and so they bring in michael bay and they're like you know what's your what are your ideas mr bay he's like well i'm a 18 wheeler spins out and goes and then there's
Starting point is 03:09:58 a big pile of flame and he goes and they finally bring in crazy ass mel gibson and he's tweaking his own nipples sitting there and he he's crazy, but they go, say what you will about him, this son of a bitch knows story structure. Yeah, absolutely. Apocalypto is incredible. He only hired actors that spoke that old language that's a dead language now.
Starting point is 03:10:17 Yeah, it's very, very good. I love Apocalypto. I watched this whole YouTube video about how it's in many ways a sequel to Passion of the Christ. I can't remember all the details of it, but that was very interesting. I don't know. I like Mel Gibson a lot. I saw Hacksaw Ridge last year and cried my eyes out. It was so good with James Garfield.
Starting point is 03:10:40 James Garfield, it's the true story of the World War II soldier who was – oh, what's the thing? When they object to the war or whatever. Conscientious objector. But he wanted to serve and be a medic. But he wouldn't take a rifle into battle. And he had to go through this whole process to be allowed to go into battle with no rifle. He saved so many of the men on the first day of the battle is just horrific one of the most horrific world war ii battles i've ever seen since like saving private ryan but he saves he stays up
Starting point is 03:11:16 on this cliff face and and and just saves like i don't remember the number of men he saved but let's let's say 80 single-handedly lowering them down the cliff face one by one and ropes and the second day his uh his commanding officer is like i know you don't want to go back up there but the men won't go without you and so they're all like at the base of the cliff looking at the the the rope ladder they've got to climb up and the commanding officer cut the like the the general comes over the radio's like, why aren't you up that ladder? He's like, we're all waiting on the private to pray for us. And like, who? And you look and they're all waiting on James
Starting point is 03:11:51 Garfield's character to read from his Bible and pray for them before they go back into battle. I'm just like, they called him a coward and he was the bravest of them all. It's so good. That movie is really, really touching. And very exciting, too.
Starting point is 03:12:08 I even read that, and you never know with this war shit how much is true, how much isn't, because I'm sure most, this seems pretty reputable. I read even somewhere that it was verified that he did something even more insane and risky to save someone, and they were like, that's literally unbelievable. No one will believe
Starting point is 03:12:24 that. Take it out. And then there's stuff like American Sniper, which is like literal propaganda. I don't know about that. Kyle the Sniper dude, the fucking idiot that gave his friend a gun because he thought it would help him with his PTSD, and he ended up killing both of them or some shit? Well, no, he was
Starting point is 03:12:39 treating a guy who had PTSD, he was visiting with veterans who had PTSD, and they went to a shooting range, which, and the guy had some sort of morbid visiting with veterans who had PTSD, and they went to a shooting range, which and the guy had some sort of morbid, sick fascination with Kyle and just murdered him on the range. Jesus. I was meaning more like the actual war story itself. Like, the true
Starting point is 03:12:56 part of that is he does have the record for the longest confirmed kill. No, it's the most kills. I think that's true, right? It's the most kills. Oh. Well, no, what was the huge long snipe that he had? That's not him. Then it's even less true than I thought it was. Most of his kills were around 100 meters.
Starting point is 03:13:12 It was urban combat in Iraq. He's on a building top and he's providing Overwatch for a team of guys who were going house to house and moving through an area. He killed a lot of people. For longest confirmed kill,
Starting point is 03:13:27 you're thinking of American hero Mark Wahlberg from the movie Shredder. That's right. Have you seen Generation Kill? Yeah, I have seen that. Now, that, I'm told, is actually pretty true. I looked afterwards, and I saw that the reporter guy was embedded.
Starting point is 03:13:43 He is the guy who told the story and sold it to HBO. And they talked about him. He talked about it afterwards, like how much of it was true. It was a pretty accurate retelling of what he saw when he was there. Of course, he did the normal thing where he combines a couple characters and do a fewer. But those things really happened. And it was pretty interesting. One of the things we were talking about with the conscientious objector, they looked at the minister, priest, religious dude who came along with them as real baggage.
Starting point is 03:14:10 They were just like, the fuck? Push comes to shove. This reporter will pick up a gun. But that guy is just straight up baggage here. We have to set up his tent, bring his food, haul him around. I thought that was interesting. Bradley Cooper played Chris Kyle in American Sniper. In Hollywood, they
Starting point is 03:14:28 oftentimes have these contract options where they can take a payday up front or they can take a percentage of the gross. He bet on himself and took a percentage of the gross and made $50 million from that one movie.
Starting point is 03:14:44 Nice. The way that i always view the war stuff for the exceptional stories is like you know is it so incredibly fucking unlikely sure but like those wars had so many fucking people involved that i'm sure exceptional shit happened absolutely like i've been on the paintball field and i've seen some crazy ridiculous shit happen right and it's like holy shit i i'm glad this is a video nobody would even believe it have you seen the absolutely insane footage three american soldiers i want to say this was in afghanistan um or it might have been in iraq actually but they go into the tunnel and as there's a guy in the back and i think they got
Starting point is 03:15:19 in trouble for this footage getting released but there's a guy in the back and the front guy comes out and you hear this ding and he's like shocked for a second and a bullet like fucking whizzed off his fucking helmet and then they all like back up and come through and the guy's like almost like shell-shocked like um but yeah like shit like that is fucking have you seen that video it was super popular yeah i've seen one where there's a there's a female sniper um shooting out of like a hole and like a like a mud in a mud wall or a brick wall. And she gets down from the bucket she's standing on. And the moment she moves, it was like something out of PUBG.
Starting point is 03:15:54 The bullet hits right where her head was against the wall. And she's just like, can you believe it? She's a cute thing too, right? I'm not dead. Yeah, she's a cute sniper. The bullet goes right where she was and she laughs it off and i have to wonder like i suspect someone more trained in psychology would be like oh yeah that's the dunning hysterical response or something like that like like this is a phenomenon that's been recorded
Starting point is 03:16:19 and and yeah she just she giggles about it and i don't think it was like a total bravery thing i think she just processed it weird yeah well like in those extreme circumstances like people always everything in reality is so much different than movies and you know this from watching like the like the uh as far as it says like the crazy torture videos and shit like people generally aren't like screaming and writhing and all that shit they're actually usually like eerily quiet and somewhat still and they kind of react to things but you can tell that they're like so like in shock they don't really process things
Starting point is 03:16:52 like they're screaming so much in movies you know yeah that makes sense man this video is crazy do you want to watch this one together you only have to watch like 30 seconds it pops it's like insane. Like this guy must be thinking he's so fucking lucky.
Starting point is 03:17:08 If this guy were a little taller, he'd be dead. Yeah, sure. I'm cute up at zero. Alright, 3, 2, 1, play. What's up? We're gonna put some fire down. Yeah, let's do it. See, now this one's loud enough.
Starting point is 03:17:24 We need more military GoPro footage, that'd be interesting. There's a subreddit for it. Mmmhmm. Combat footage, I think. Mmmhmm. You can see his helmet jostle. Yeah. I missed it.
Starting point is 03:17:38 Kinda. Luckily he had his level 2 helmet on. It's the guy who's second in line, not the first guy. Dude, you got shot. I did get shot. Yeah, if he had a level 1 on on. It's the guy who's second in line, not the first guy. Dude, you got shot. I did get shot. Yeah, if he had a level 1 on, that would have been lights out. Holy shit, dude. Yeah, holy fuck. Where's the hole? Like, I can't see it.
Starting point is 03:18:00 There is no hole. It must have been like a bounce off. Cause I saw a bunch of fucking nerds arguing ballistics or whatever. But apparently a 7.62 round directly to the head would always penetrate. So people are saying it must have like zinged off. Like if he wouldn't have had the helmet on his head would have fucking exploded. It could have been far away too. I didn't really hear a gunshot in the video. So like you know it's.
Starting point is 03:18:19 Those things with diesel. Oh. Possibly. It's all the way down. Yeah. At 500 yards it's not going through the helmet. Let me tell everyone about smart mouth, because bad breath is a gross, embarrassing problem that impacts everyone at some point
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Starting point is 03:19:42 Our breath is fantastic. If you ever see us in public without asking I encourage you to come directly into our mouths And you'll find it's fantastic I know 100% of our audience is male Which means you're trying to get laid So if you have shitty breath
Starting point is 03:19:57 You're not going to get that So make sure you're covering all your bases Yeah I know it's not 100% 98% A little more than that. What's your breakdown like, Steve? Since it's a gaming content, StarCraft 2 mostly, right?
Starting point is 03:20:16 Oh, no. I used to play StarCraft a long time ago. Oh, you mean like my demographics? Oh, wow. We know a guy who represented the US in the StarCraft Olympics. Yeah. Wait, what was his name? Wings of Redemption. Wings of Redemption? Yeah, J Squared. with starcraft olympics yeah yeah wait what was his name jordy redemption wings of redemption yeah j squared is that is that the guy i think it is yeah it's the guy you think it's big guy lots of drama right yeah that's the guy yeah okay he reveries it really i didn't even remember he played starcraft yeah interesting not many people remember that um interesting um but yeah
Starting point is 03:20:49 i would say it's between video games and politics like 95 of my audience is probably male yeah what do you play now like what are your big games you do um a horrible game called league of legends that no sane person should ever play and then um uh i play another game called path of exile which i kind of just mindlessly grind while we talk about whatever is going on today politically did you ever get into call of duty um a no i shouldn't lie um when i was when i was younger i played on like the was it modern warfare 2 i think what was the one that had the map um is it called rust yeah yeah i played that one and then they had like the airport level
Starting point is 03:21:26 and shit i was the guy i was the guy who could get kills in two ways one was with the noob tube and the second was if i died four times in a row and i have my martyrdom i was that guy the only kills i had my fucking one to four one to five maybe you didn't play enough to answer the follow up i was wondering how toxic league of legends is the community compared to cod so much fucking worse holy shit well like in cod um i don't i i don't think there was like a serious like online ranking system in the xbox live days was there really no like everybody that's playing is like playing for fun and and in fps is generally you can kind of if you're really good you can kind of carry the games on your own um even yeah even in like similarly skilled brackets like you can have
Starting point is 03:22:10 rounds at least in csgo i know for sure this is true and it's probably true in modern warfare too where if you're really good you're like on fire like you can take down like four or five dudes like you can be on fucking fire um in league that never happens if somebody on your team has decided that you're going to lose the game, you're going to fucking lose the game, and you will be dragged, kicking and screaming through 30 minutes of fucking hell watching this inbred piece of shit ruin your fucking
Starting point is 03:22:33 30 minutes of gameplay experience because they're fucking mad because their mommy didn't give them a handjob for the night or some shit, and I don't even know. The people that play this game are so upset all the time, and it's fucking horrible. Do you just like it because it's like the game that most people want to watch um i like it because like the the skill set that i developed was unfortunately an rts like so overhead clicking moving so like mechanically i i can enjoy the game for that
Starting point is 03:22:57 aspect um but then it's also like the community is obviously super alive and like playing there are some games where when people aren't raging it is an enjoyable experience but man there are so many miserable fucks that play that game and ranked it's uh if something if a new popular game type emerged that i could play i would probably leave like pretty quickly i hope that after the we're done with like the battle royale phase i hope the next thing that comes isn't like another fps-esque game but maybe like a tower defense or something that like my skill set will transfer over to i don don't know. RTS is my favorite, I guess, genre. That's what it's called, of games. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:23:28 Have you ever played Total War? Any of those? I haven't, but I'm familiar with them. Yeah, of course. Yeah, Kyle and I have been playing a lot of Total War Warhammer 2. It's fun, but it's so detailed. Like, you have to memorize so many unit stats. And it's like, I don't have time for this.
Starting point is 03:23:42 Like, do there have to be a hundred different kinds of dwarves with slightly different stats I need to be able to sift through? Well, it's like that with MOBAs, too. If you want to play League or Dota, the fucking knowledge ceiling of that game is so immensely fucking high to learn what the champions or heroes do. Like, it's really daunting to new players, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:23:58 Whereas for games like Fortnite or PUBG, and I played PUBG for quite a while, and I enjoyed that. Fortnite, I don't like as much. I just don't like the building aspect to it. Lame. Yeah. Well, I won't go as far as to say it's like objectively bad or lame or whatever but like for me personally I really don't like that aspect. Is it because of the
Starting point is 03:24:13 skill set that it takes? I'm told in Fortnite it's really hard to be good because you have to have like all your PUBG skills and then combine that with the building skills simultaneously. Yeah, it's a different genre of game it's it's interesting but i prefer like pub g to fortnite like a million times over and i really like pub g although i started to get a little burned out after a few hundred hours in the game but i don't play any of them but the one
Starting point is 03:24:37 that looks like it would appeal to me is um overwatch i think what is it called the one with it's like cartoony there was a controversy controversy. It's Overwatch's Blizzard's game, yeah. That one I like to watch. There's a lot of highlights of it on Reddit that look like a good time. I play a ton of PUBG and I play Total War with Taylor a good bit and Civilization V still.
Starting point is 03:24:59 I can't resist that game. I go back to that every now and then. I get completely wrapped up and absorbed in it. I hated Civilization so much, I i'm not sure i played games since damn it was that bad it's like the last guy you date and then you become a lesbian yeah i i you know it's not i there were times when i actually liked that game but i stopped liking it and i think what actually happened is i i had ran a minecraft server for a while and you just spend literally like 14 to 20 hours a day doing something about
Starting point is 03:25:32 the game and uh after a while you put the mouse down you're done i've got 1200 hours of pub g now i just checked that's so high wait you've got how many hours? 1,200. Oh, okay. I've got about 700, so... Yeah. I have fun with that game. It just got a little bit too boring after a while. I mean, I enjoyed it a lot, but after some time, like, yeah. I would...
Starting point is 03:25:55 When I play solo, I'll usually play, like, six games or something like that. But when we play squads, it's really fun just to play with friends. So we'll play squads for, like, eight hours at a time. Sure. I try to do... I like to play really fun just to play with friends. So we'll play squads for like eight hours at a time. Sure. I tried to do, um, I like to play for rank whenever I play a game. That's always like the funnest thing for me is doing ladder.
Starting point is 03:26:10 But like, I ran into this thing where it's like, I would like go fucking, if you, if you play it, try it. You play it smart. Getting like top 10 finishes is really easy.
Starting point is 03:26:17 Like most of it, if you're, if you're really playing to survive, you don't have to be a good shooter. You can hide for a lot of it and like drift your way to the top 10 pretty easily. But like, I'll do that for a few games. And like maybe on the ladder, you know, there were times where I was like top hundred or whatever on the leaderboards, but of it and like drift your way to the top 10 pretty easily but like i'll do that for a few games and like maybe on the ladder you know there were times where i was like
Starting point is 03:26:26 top 100 or whatever on the leaderboards but then it's like all right i'm bored it's time to school drop like 20 times in a row and i would get like top like 90 finishes like over and over again just like because you land a little later somebody gets a shotgun you get a bit sounds like oh fuck like yeah yeah uh inevitably with games like i'll get sucked into a game and I'll end up making contact with whoever's the best at it on YouTube and becoming friends with them so that's always been cool like Filthy Robot is a guy
Starting point is 03:26:53 who makes he's objectively the best Civilization 5 player and multiplayer in the world they play a modded version of the game that's specifically tuned for multiplayer play because regular civ 5 just is not and uh and you know we've had him on this show multiple times probably four or five or six times and i've played with him a bunch of times and uh the same thing i've reached out to
Starting point is 03:27:13 the people who play total war and stuff like that so i get really wrapped up in these games and get just completely obsessed and i was like that with company of heroes too let me see how many hours i've gotten that that silly game i haven't played in forever but there was a time when i was really good did you ever play like rust or daisy no i played a little daisy but i it was just so slow and i i didn't really i i wasn't i couldn't find anything i didn't know what i was doing um yeah i played a little more than kyle but never got that much better like it just seemed like daisy took a tremendous amount of time to gather loot oh yeah daisy was you lived for like these two minute adrenaline packed experiences but they were sandwiched between six to ten hours of running and doing nothing yeah and i would have
Starting point is 03:28:01 because i was on youtube i had you know guides, people who were outstanding at the game. And we'd do what it took to have helicopters and strafe and kill and the ultimate DayZ's experiences. And they would take 6 to 12 hours to put together. And then the helicopters, if you don't know, they run out of fuel super fast. So it doesn't last long. It seems like I never played that game,
Starting point is 03:28:22 but from everyone I spoke to, there were just never enough resources to ever put together a fun kit. I've got four.357 rounds, and maybe in five hours I'll find a gun that can use these. Yeah, I've got four.357 rounds and one 1911. More loot makes the game more fun. the new pub g map like it's loaded with loot it's just everywhere if you land especially some of the hot spots it's just like if you land in one spot you can just spin 360 degrees and see five or six rifles you know full of ammo and helmets and just loot everywhere that that's more fun for me yeah wait we for like the
Starting point is 03:29:04 three three like 357 runs of shit are you talking daisy or did you have that experience playing pub g that's daisy well he hasn't played the game much but he's just okay that's kind of like the general like conception of it and that was my experience when i played it was like i i played maybe 30 hours of it and i don't think i ever found a gun with the bullets that went to it and daisy they started to get real dumb about realism shit. Some stuff just got a little bit dumb.
Starting point is 03:29:30 I understand you want to be realistic, but I don't want to sit here and load individual fucking bullets into my magazine to put into my gun. At this point, I'm just going to go down to the range. I don't want to fucking do this shit. Oh no, dude. This is not the realism I'm working for.
Starting point is 03:29:46 Your thumb is cut. Infection sets in. Yeah. Is there, like, a posture button where, like, if I move too much, like, without supporting my lower back, I'm going to start developing chronic pain or some shit, and it's going to impact my mobility? Like, this is not the game experience that I signed up for. There's one game that's apparently going to go in the complete opposite direction as far as realism and that's scum Have you watched any of the the preview stuff for scum? Scum you control like the premise is that you have a prisoner on this island
Starting point is 03:30:15 Who is your guy and you'll notice in the back of your prisoner? There's like an implant on the back of his skull that allows you to control him and so in that regard they go hyper Realistic as if you are actually controlling a human being with your mouse and keyboard. And so if he gets wet, all of a sudden he can't perform as well. Like, depending on his physical makeup determines how he operates
Starting point is 03:30:36 at any number of physical activities. His clothing layers determine how rain or getting in water will affect him. He can get sick. He can get like soggied. It's insane. They came up with a really interesting mechanic that I do like, though. I play first-person mode when I play PUBG because I hate the corner peeking, the free
Starting point is 03:30:59 information that you gain from third-person mode. In scum third-person mode mode if you're standing behind the wall and you've got that free information out there if there's a guy standing there he'll be invisible on your screen unless you physically peek out there you won't be able to see him i looked up a youtube video real quick and all i see is like a video that's brought up and there's like five different monitors where i see like o2 levels heartbeat like what this is way too much for me body temperature fuck that shit yeah it's too much i i mean it's i don't it's not even out yet but i'm already like ah that's that's too much for me to keep up with i don't even like uh like i i
Starting point is 03:31:35 play hardcore mode when i play fallout and you know i've got to drink and eat water and stuff and i usually install a mod so i've got to sleep and do all that stuff regularly but still like i don't want to be worrying about getting wet You've always installed that mod like you want to have to eat and sleep and I use a more extreme version of that mod So that you know the the food will rot if it doesn't last forever the food gives less HP and stuff like that. Yeah, I like that Like funny to me that like Gamers will go through all this shit
Starting point is 03:32:05 to install this stuff, to do this crazy busybody work, but when people get older, they can't monitor their blood sugar appropriately for their insulin shots. It's very interesting to me. Maybe the next generation will do it a lot better. Maybe. Yeah, when I first learned how to mod Fallout 4,
Starting point is 03:32:22 it must have taken... Because I play in ultra-wide, I had to go in and alter all the INI files and mod the game to even run in ultra-wide. I had to make sure that the UI was going to fit and everything. And it was like hours and hours over the course of days to get all the mods installed correctly. And if you made one mistake,
Starting point is 03:32:41 you couldn't tell which mod was the mistake. It's an ordeal, but it's totally worth it. So fun. I feel like I knew a lot of people that did that with Skyrim where they would spend like 52 hours getting these mods installed to make them playable but they would only play the game for like 30 minutes and they'd be happy that they got it all working
Starting point is 03:32:57 and then they would just quit. Yeah, it's easy to do that. I have tried a few times to get New Vegas modded the way I want it and i've given up three times now after putting maybe two or three hours of attempts into it i'll try again eventually but new vegas for some reason has been extra annoying to to mod um much more so than four was do you ever just play at vanilla nah that's no fun no it's no no i mean i have i've beaten i've beaten all the fallouts in vanilla but but like on
Starting point is 03:33:26 console like if i'm gonna play on a pc like like i might as well there's no like fall at new vegas only takes advantage of two uh gigs of ram um you know there's a mod to make it run on four there's an anti-stutter mod there's uh there's nvsc the new vegas script extender like there's there's so much stuff that you stuff that if you're not taking advantage of it, you're really missing out. Did you see the recent Bethesda story that was the most Bethesda thing ever to have been posted?
Starting point is 03:33:54 It was something where I guess some company copied their software and Bethesda knew it because they had bugs in their game that was exactly the same as the bugs in the Bethesda version. Yep. How are they going to make a new skyrim or a new elder scrolls instead of just revamping it they just teased the elder scrolls 6 um they played the shit out of skyrim and i don't want to go back to skyrim like i don't either yeah how do you play this shit i played skyrim i went straight through the main quest i i know kyle why would you
Starting point is 03:34:27 fucking do anything else because it's fun it's fun to like build your character and then you like go join the assassins guild or whatever and you like usually exclusive decisions like i would play differently like sometimes i would go and i would be like all right i'm gonna tear through this middle campaign and do all of it and then i'll filter back and do all the side ones and then other times i'd be like oh you know what i'm gonna play every side quest i can and then go through the main quest as just like a powerhouse god who's like i leveled up so much and then of course you can go through and be like all right i'm gonna play two-handed orc or oh that was too easy i'm gonna play you know a dark elf wizard so there was so much variation just in the character you picked those those rpgs aren't like a jigsaw puzzle that you're trying to complete and then be like oh now
Starting point is 03:35:10 i'm done no need to ever go back to this that's not it at all and that's that's that's not the idea at all like i i've played so much skyrim and oblivion um the and fallout and and they're all very similar in the regard that like you play it over and over and do a different thing. It's a different character. I couldn't give a fuck. After I've beaten that game, it's like watching a mediocre movie the second time. Yeah, but you wouldn't want to go and play a different character because you'd have to adapt every single strategy differently. Every fight would be different if you played the first time through as a wizard and then you decide, I'm going to do a single arm and shield build. I couldn't even tell you what I played through as. I played through as a wizard and then you decide i'm gonna do a single arm and shield build i couldn't even
Starting point is 03:35:45 tell you what i played through as i played through as a dude and and as i went through i got more powers and you'd say uraka or something like that and yeah and i would be able to like oh now i can fucking yell at things and and everything would go fine and then i beat it and uh what difficult did you play on though probably the default i mean i was live streaming i wasn't trying to do anything yeah insane it needs to be challenging uh i think i think games like that need to be challenging or they get they're no fun at all if you don't die pretty regularly when i play borderlands i do enough side quests because if you just go right down the middle your character's not powerful enough and it's pretty much impossible to beat borderlands
Starting point is 03:36:24 without side quests and how many of them i do depends on like how much i'm struggling in the main one that's yeah i would love them to make a new borderlands like a full length game i i had so much fun playing that with friends yeah it's okay the first borderlands i loved i played it a lot and then each one i don't know if the games got worse or maybe they just weren't different enough for me, but by the last one, I didn't really like it anymore. Yeah, the last one felt lazy. It didn't even feel like a full game.
Starting point is 03:36:54 Yeah, it was pretty lame. When we got to the end of it, I was like, Oh, it's over? Thank you. Oh, it's over? Good. I was hoping it would end any second. Oh, that was just as my character was getting fun like just as he's learning all the fun shit you want i haven't played the most recent bioshock the one that's in the air and sometimes i think infinite yeah infinite yeah
Starting point is 03:37:14 it it wasn't as good as the the two previous titles oh it made for some good cosplay though yeah all games all those big games are going to get good reviews they're fucking those aren't real reviews they're paying those people off i think bioshock infinite was okay i like that one compared to the second one i thought it was okay i liked it because it was really colorful the palette was so cool and a lot of games are very fucking dull in terms of colors so yeah that that was definitely one of its shining points like the sky was beautiful like the the outside world was beautiful um but But they made it seem like you're always going to be like Batman, riding along on that hook monorail.
Starting point is 03:37:50 Oh yeah, those are pretty on rails. A lot of that was pretty scripted almost. The thing that I like the most about the Bioshock Infinite environment that I hated in Bioshock 1 and 2, and I actually get this a lot. I actually really don't like this a lot in a lot of games. Dark Souls included.
Starting point is 03:38:05 Some Bethesda games included as well. I don't like to feel like an archaeologist when I play games. If I walk through... Oh, Metro 2033 does as well. I don't want to walk through a game and listen to audio logs of what happened in the past and piece together the fucking story. I want to lose the story.
Starting point is 03:38:21 And in Bioshock 1 and 2, it felt like I was walking into a world where Rapture had already had its big upheaval, and I'm not part of that. I don't get to live the story and in Bioshock 1 and 2 it felt like I was walking into a world where Rapture had already had its big upheaval and I'm and I'm not part of that I don't get to live that at all like I see some monsters and some guy that does plays or whatever and I listen to audio logs of all the shit that did happen but it's like well I want to live that and in Bioshock Infinite I like that you were actually in the middle of a vibrant city with a lot of people and it's like oh cool I feel like I'm actually there when the story is happening it's not like Dark Souls or a Metro game where like I have to pick up audio logs to figure out what cool shit happened in the past like i would rather play that game like the prequel when shit's
Starting point is 03:38:51 going down you know yeah the only one of those i liked was uh the dead space series because it was like almost you had to be playing after it all happened otherwise you wouldn't be that guy you know i love dead space so much the first two are excellent. The third one sucks. Never even played the third. Oh, it's terrible. It's real garbage. But the first two are excellent. Did you play the new Doom? Is that the one we played together? The third one?
Starting point is 03:39:14 Yeah, that is the one we played together. Doom is a lot of fun. I love that new Doom. Oh my god, that game was so fucking awesome. So fast-paced. I actually, I would give it a 2 out of 10 because of how fucking short the game was i wanted the game length to be twice as much i had so much fucking fun playing that game it was so cool holy shit i played it on console i've been meaning to play it on my new pc doom doom oh yeah the new doom it's uh it's very good if i played the new doom i played old school doom that was revolutionary at the time oh no you you gotta play the new doom the new doom is
Starting point is 03:39:45 like a first person shooter with and it's so fast your character it's like almost quake yeah it's so cool so smooth yeah your character moves super duper fast and it feels like it's a bit of a cliche but it doesn't feel like you're locked in a world with a bunch of demonic demonic monsters it feels like a bunch of demonic monsters are locked in with you. They are going to get their shit pushed in like nine times out of ten. Like there's hordes of them will come and then like the big bad monsters
Starting point is 03:40:14 are always really impressive character models. Just blood and gore and guts and shit. Is it on PC? Yeah, it is. And it runs really well on PC. It looks fabulous. And it is nowhere near as taxing as you would expect it to be. If you've got a decent rig, you can run it at respectable settings.
Starting point is 03:40:29 It's really good. Yeah, I've been meaning to play it on PC. Like I said, I played it on Xbox One, and I really enjoyed it. I liked it a lot. I'll have to play something again. I wish I liked video games as much as I used to. Really? I don't know. Why don. I wish I liked video games as much as I used to. Really? I just...
Starting point is 03:40:45 I don't know why don't you. I can't... I don't know. Right? Like, I just can't get into it as much. Like, everyone's... I'm with you. I just don't open that book for some reason.
Starting point is 03:40:54 Like, it's not that I have negative feelings around video games, or, like, I think that bad people play them, or... Because when I played games a lot, the people who didn't like them were looking down their nose like at all that wasted time you know you could be doing something else it's like fuck off you watch 15 hours of tv a week and you're telling me i can't play a game suck a dick right so i'm not that guy saying like i can't believe you you play games and i'm just like i don't know so i just never double click on that icon. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:41:27 It's actually, it's really scary because you don't know if it's like, our game is getting worse or am I just kind of getting old? Yeah, that's like a really kind of uncomfortable feeling. I hear you. I don't think it's about my age. I don't think it's age.
Starting point is 03:41:38 My interest has passed from things before. I haven't done any woodworking in quite some time i don't think it's because i got old i think it just the way i'm wired i kind of transfer from thing to thing sure just doing different hobbies and whatnot i will say i'm having fun right now playing total war warhammer 2 kyle and i have been playing quite a bit of that but like i go in such spurts with gaming where like i'll be super into it for two months, and then for 10 months I won't play anything, whereas I used to play all the time.
Starting point is 03:42:10 One thing that I don't like in terms of RPGs, and I've complained about this a lot in the past, and it sounds like I think Woody is on the same page and the other two of you I don't think won't be, I really detest the shift to open world games. I really appreciated an RPG that was very much linear and on rails with a set main character with a set story and then with characters that were close to that character that kind of grew and developed around it's like a final fantasy-esque game
Starting point is 03:42:36 um i get really bored playing the open world games like the main character never talks and is like a blank slate for you to project your own personality onto that shift has kind of hurt my experience enjoyment with a lot of rpgs like the new near game that came out near automata i really enjoyed that one again and it made me feel like maybe i still do like games but like every time another game comes out where the main character never talks has no personality and is like a blank slate that kind of hurts me a little bit i think yeah i'm the opposite like fallout new vegas is my favorite fallout and i i really disliked in fallout 4 where they they try to assign you like a character you're you're either like um an ex-soldier and father and husband or you're um i don't remember
Starting point is 03:43:17 what the wife's occupation was but you're or you're that guy's wife and you're one or the other and and so it kind of doesn't make sense if you want to be like a ruthless evil motherfucker and just just go on a rampage everywhere you go it's like well what happened to that old guy who seemed like a nice fella and i like uh i like new vegas where you're just you're the courier you know are you excited for fallout 76 is that i'm upset i'm i'm upset okay i'm gonna get it i'm to play it with my friends. But I predict it'll be like Sea of Thieves where we played it a lot for two weeks
Starting point is 03:43:50 and then we're like, well, let's never play this again. Oof. Sea of Thieves. There's a name I haven't heard. Right? Fuck that game. That's the only game I've ever purchased. I have a gigantic Steam library with a couple hundred games or something like that. Maybe more.
Starting point is 03:44:05 I'm happy with all of my purchases. Every single one of them. I've bought so many Xbox and Playstation games over the years. Never been disappointed with a purchase once. I always felt like, even if I just played the campaign, you know, and it was a 12 hour campaign and I beat it. I was like, ah, that was worth 60 bucks.
Starting point is 03:44:21 That was a fun experience. Sea of Thieves I feel ripped off. It's the only game I've ever played where I felt ripped off. Damn. Just garbage. Just fucking garbage. And it's such a cool concept and they've got so much going for them. The water in that game is incredible.
Starting point is 03:44:36 The water looks beautiful. The mechanics for sailing the ship. That's the fastest you ever went into and out of a game was that. You went from one week like i think it was literally one or two week span of like oh i've been playing this chis it's a lot of fun you should get it to like ah no no never again you can only ride around in the open sea talking to each other in pirate accents for so long before it becomes tiresome yeah and and like
Starting point is 03:45:00 i wanted to grief like i wanted a pvp for reelsP for reals. If I sail my ship and operate... Yes, I wanted to go out into the San Francisco Bay and kill some yuppies. I wanted to play PvP and when I sink your
Starting point is 03:45:20 fucking ship and I take your crates away, your chests away, I wanted to mean something. I don't want you to just respawn with everything you started with right over there on that island 30 seconds later. You've lost nothing, and I've gained nothing. Wait, does that actually happen? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:45:36 I thought you lost your treasure or some shit if you died. The treasure's worthless. What are you going to spend it on? Even if you somehow mined that game for 10 10 000 hours and got all the treasure that there could even be all you could get was like a new sale for your bow oh well that sucks i thought the game was like guns like any of the survival games when you die it sucks a lot and you restart with just like your pistol and that's it or something no i when you
Starting point is 03:45:59 when you sunk you were just like ah shucks it wasn't even as bad as in pub like pub g it's like ah we lost click start a new game yeah only if you're like down to the top two teams or something like that like a 1v1 or something you're like ah fuck i can't believe i should have i should have peeked left and then faked i should have used my sniper i should have thrown a grenade all right let's get another one going and see if these like oh they got us well let's try again it'd be more fun if they used steve's idea of make it like somali pirates i play where it's a it's a modern day you know you're umbuntu and you're trying to collect enough you know treasure for that you know hiv medication press b to ransom the white water yeah there's like uh you know a sandals cruise like liner going by
Starting point is 03:46:46 so you have to accost them you know but then there's a you know what's a rich cruise liner i don't know i've never been on a cruise you have to prioritize disney sure you have to this is a better idea and you get guns but you'd be in a shit boat yeah i would absolutely play that yeah there's a there's a new pirate game that was teased at E3, I don't recall. It was like Thunder on the Waves. I don't know. I don't recall what the name was, but it uses, I think, the same mechanics as
Starting point is 03:47:15 that Assassin's Creed pirate game. And I think it's going to be pretty cool. I love the concept of a pirate game, where you are a pirate, and you do piracy. But I hate the idea of it being a sailing simulator, which is what it turned out to be. And like, like,
Starting point is 03:47:30 like I hate all those games that are name a thing simulator. It's like, like if I want to drive a truck, I'll drive a truck. Like, like, you know, I wouldn't want you,
Starting point is 03:47:39 I wouldn't want to be like the just pirates who like, we're doing it for the family. Like, no, you want me, I want to try and be an evil pirate like you're gonna be the most dastardly devious you know one-eyed fuck on the seas everybody's scared of you know kyle the treacherous or whatever the hell the simulator games i haven't
Starting point is 03:47:57 played them but they caught my attention like there must be something fun about farming simulator because that game caught on. For someone who's never driven a tractor before, you and I have driven a tractor, there's no reason we'd ever enjoy playing the video game of driving the tractor. I just can't see it. I want to play the flight simulator games. There's a series of videos you've probably seen where the guy works
Starting point is 03:48:18 the control tower and he's landing people, but everyone's completely incompetent. They're like, why do we have a 747 crashing into a paramotor? They're going the wrong way. He's taking it very seriously. He's using the correct
Starting point is 03:48:33 literature. It's almost like that. Who's the guy he advertised on here once? Stone Temple something? Wait, is this the Battlefield 4 guy? It's not the Battlefield 4 guy, but he's like him, kind of, for a flight simulator. There's a guy that plays Battlefield 4 guy? It's not the Battlefield 4 guy, but he's like him, kind of, for Flight Simulator. There's a guy that plays Battlefield 4 that does the real call-outs. I don't know if he's got a military background or Millsim, but yeah, he does the call-outs and everything for super hardcore.
Starting point is 03:48:55 Is he doing it tongue-in-cheek? Yeah. It's as a joke, but he's doing it really. He really is doing it. It's funny, the juxtaposition of him taking it super seriously with the the nine-year-olds that are like i want to fuck your mom or whatever that it's just really funny listening he does it funny too because at one point like he'll be like what mom all right boys t minus five minutes before dinner time we've got to wrap this thing up you know what i wish i would put the effort to get into it you know the most fun gaming experience
Starting point is 03:49:26 looks right now or something that looks like it would be so much fucking fun are those groups of people they're and a couple of them are big on youtube i think there's one or two guys are really big they play like armor 3 like in that milsim style and they're really fucking hardcore into it but like every single person in the group is really hardcore into it do any of you guys have any experience playing with those groups of people or No, I've watched videos of it. Yeah, I don't think they have either. I've watched people play squads. I don't know if you're familiar with that game, but it's a...
Starting point is 03:49:51 Yeah, I've heard of it. ...a court and mill sim game. And I watched those videos, and those guys, they'll have, like, teams of 30 or something, and everybody seemingly is taking it seriously. Every single person, yeah. I get the impression that they're all, like, active military or something like or something like they must be yeah but it's like it sounds like so much fun to listen to like it's got to be like a fucking blast to like be a part of like a group that's that serious where everybody's on that level yeah when they communicate like you get the
Starting point is 03:50:16 chirp of a radio coming on and stuff like that and they i watched this video where like it's like the marines have to storm over this bridge there's like a river separating two towns the marines are in one and like the the taliban or whoever is in the other one and they and the idea is to get over to the other side and like take them out and they had this incredibly well-coordinated thing where like trucks storm across the bridge taking fire and and like smoke grenades are popped and guys are crawling and they slowly and meticulously take the town and move from building to building, wiping everyone out. And there's commanding officers that have to be protected by one side
Starting point is 03:50:51 but eliminated by the other. And it seemed like way too much for me. I like PUBG where me and my three friends are just, you know, stalking through the woods, sniping people out and stuff. Sure. Yeah, those people get pretty hardcore into that into that stuff i could understand it though like like i usually honestly if i started playing it i would i would eventually get to that point where it's like yeah you guys are fucking too casual for me i'm gonna go play with a with h squad they're they're fucking legit over there they call me the raven
Starting point is 03:51:21 i would i would gravitate toward that eventually i guess because i always do when i get into something i start casual and then get intermediate and then by the end of it i'm playing super hardcore there's only nine minutes left and i want to touch the third rail like steve what do you think of the whole separating families at the border thing oh man wow we're pretty late into this. I don't know. I thought it was funny that Trump said that he couldn't do anything about it and complained about it
Starting point is 03:51:51 and then two days of bad press coverage. Somehow he made that shit go away real fast. Yeah? He handled it like a complete idiot. Yeah. He seems to do that a lot. I'm shocked that he would deviate from the truth. Really? Yeah
Starting point is 03:52:07 Being dishonest about something the guy that said three million illegals voted in our election and then disbanded the organization that he put together To track that or you didn't prove they didn't That's true. Oh God Did you see the video of the letter that he read where he was bragging about how amazing the letter was from North Korea? And then at the end of the video like six minutes minutes later, he's like, I haven't read it yet. It was like a costume letter. It was like extra large and everything.
Starting point is 03:52:31 He is an expert at shooting himself in the foot over and over. But it doesn't matter. His fans don't care. They worship the ground, like anything this guy says. And like he's in this perfect position where if he says a lie, it's just to trigger the libs. And so like it's fine if he's lying. He's doing it to like to trigger the right people. And that's what makes it epic or whatever.
Starting point is 03:52:48 And it's like, OK, well, you've like you have a paradigm where literally nothing he says is ever wrong. Because if it is wrong, he's doing it just to be funny. So like when he says he had like a landslide election win, which is patently not true. We can very easily look up the numbers like it's just an epic troll for the libs. You know, it's just like, oh, yeah, there's a lot of shit like that. It makes me really uncomfortable that he can just tell kind of like flat out lies i think yeah it seems like as the nation gets more divided it's almost like a sports team i used to root for the philadelphia flyers and still do sometimes and they have this guy eric lindros who was chippy right he played
Starting point is 03:53:18 strong he finished his checks we all loved him every other team hated him right he broke jeremy roenick's jaw he smashed everybody liked that because he was a prick and uh and it's just like yeah but if he's on your team you love the guy you like your own dirty players and somehow that circles back to trump in my mind where do or say anything and people just root for him yeah on both sides changing their positions like as he says them. Where it's like all these you know, for an example on the right, people being like, you know, free trade, free trade
Starting point is 03:53:51 this is so important, free trade. And then he's like that's a terrible idea, these are awful deals, the worst deals. And then suddenly everybody's like yeah, yeah, terrible deals, read it, make steel and aluminum expensive as fuck. It's one of the most insane things to me was like listening to my mom who when i grew up i was a die-hard conservative my parents
Starting point is 03:54:10 are still die-hard conservative ride or die fucking um bleed red conservatives and i remember well technically your blood when you bleed and it gets deoxygenated it's kind of a darkish color i don't know but like um but so like my mom, I remember listening to her like as a kid. She would like cry telling me like what Bill Clinton did was one of the worst things ever. It's not about lying under oath or any of that shit. It's just the way that he treats women. That rolls down, Stevie, from the top. You don't understand because my mom was in the Air Force.
Starting point is 03:54:42 And she's like when the president president when the commander-in-chief Is allowed to treat women that way my commander my commanding officer my fellow Air Force man, like everybody's gonna do the same to me and it's like it's ridiculous and then listening to her defend Trump Like the grab him by the pussy shit. She's like that's just locker room talk Stevie all boys talk that way It's like oh, it's that like you have such a different tone like i wish i could have another world where obama said that and i could listen to the fucking outrage of the republicans that get mad when he like asks for dijon mustard or wears like a tan suit i wish i could hear the world where trump is saying his or where obama is saying that his daughter is very attractive and that i think he would consider fucking her i think that was
Starting point is 03:55:22 something that trump said or in like a kind of lighter words yeah oh dating her okay like on howard stern show um where he could have like multiple why or not multiple but like be divorced like not to play the race card but i'm pretty sure that if obama would have come in as a black man with a divorced fucking family and then brought in like a wife overseas and shit you would have definitely heard republicans harp on their fucking family value shit. Twice divorced, right? Five kids, three wives? If Obama would have fucking fucked a porn star and then paid to cover
Starting point is 03:55:51 it up, oh my god. The only thing that makes that different for the populace is that people knew Trump was like this going in. It would be much more shocking to see someone like Obama doing that, because I don't think most people peg him as the kind of guy who would do that. But if Obama was running and people knew that, I think it would be much more shocking to see someone like Obama doing that because I don't think most people peg him as the kind Of guy who would do that
Starting point is 03:56:06 But if Obama was running and people knew that I think it would be a big deal like look at look at how you get the Republicans crying today where Trump is like I can't do my job when people are mean to me and Trump was one of the guy That led the fucking movements that that asserted that Obama was born in fucking Kenya Right the birther movement? That was largely Trump. I don't think he can complain about the name-calling or meanness when every one of his very small... Lion Ted. Lion Ted Cruz. Little Rubio.
Starting point is 03:56:35 Those things stuck, and so for that reason, it was very good branding, I guess, to brand someone else's that to win, but then to turn around and play the, now you've got to be cool to me, it doesn't wash. You talked about the hypocrisy. My parents are on that hardcore.
Starting point is 03:56:51 I would stack them up against yours. So like you said, when Clinton was in office, oh my God, he's our nation's moral leader. It's disgracing the Oval Office, the oral office. They went bonkers on it. My mom said that for the the punishment of cheating he should be killed she thought they should murder traditional conservative values capital punishment capital punishment on bill clinton right and he should be beaten to death
Starting point is 03:57:15 with a shoe right that that was her stance on this thing and then uh you know w comes on but you know with trump they actually they say that he got saved either during the election or just prior to it. So all the things he did prior to that don't count. Hey, look, this is my parents talking. We got saved late in life, so we understand what it's like. And all the things you did before you got
Starting point is 03:57:38 saved, they're in a whole other category. They kind of don't count. What makes them think that he got saved all of a sudden? Because he won the election, he has an R next to his name. Because he's doing the wonderful things now that he's in office. Better than they ever hoped he would do. That's what they said. And, oh, my favorite of all is my mom has suggested that Michelle Obama is a transvestite or straight up an actual man.
Starting point is 03:58:02 An actual man. That's what she... I just don't... What would make you think... I don't know where the children came from in this scenario. I feel like even most Republicans don't think that he is a Christian. Like, are they... If he...
Starting point is 03:58:14 I'm sure he would say he's a Christian. Like, I bet he does. Trump, yeah, I think so. Do you really think he's going to, you know... Do you really think he's an actual Christian, or is that just a political, you know, move? According to polls, two-thirds of Trump supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim. Well, I mean, oh, no, no, that's fun because he's both a Muslim and Jeremiah Wright, his Christian pastor, is the worst person of all time.
Starting point is 03:58:39 Like you're going to you got to pick what you dislike. It's insane. More likely he's a Christian with a crazy pastor than a secret Muslim. People will dig so hard for these comments on like, well, one time there is a videotape of Obama and he whispers to a Russian politician. I mean, like, I can't talk about this much. I'll have more flexibility after the election. That was one Obama thing. And Republicans turn this into a huge thing okay and then you get trump who has paul manafort as his campaign head for like what like six months like 159 days or some shit and they're like oh you know it happens you know and it's like if this was a democrat you would lose your
Starting point is 03:59:18 fucking mind like republicans unironically believe that hillary clinton takes children to the basement with anthony wiener is like ex-white and rapes them in like a pizza place. And like and it's all off of like two words in a fucking email where it's like, oh, well, this here is actually hypercoded language for child rapists. And it's like, OK, Kyle and Taylor made that argument on the show. They'll deny it now, but they said it. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. OK, they said it. So you're so misleading. Someone play it back. Play it back. Someone go find it. No, no, no. I. They said it. You're so misleading. Someone play it back. Play it back. Someone go find it.
Starting point is 03:59:45 No, no, no. No, I encourage someone to go find it. Yeah, yeah. Because what we said is that this- I love that we're relying on old iron-trapped, memoried Woody. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:59:53 Do it. Do it. No, what I remember what we saw and what we said was, this is a really weird way to phrase emails. Like, why are they writing like this? But that does not mean that you go, these are oddly, strangely phrased emails, too. There's a rape ring being led out of a local pizza place yeah that's what we said like you can look at those and be like yeah this is weirdly this is oddly written it'll be linked
Starting point is 04:00:14 on the subreddit we'll see who's right i could be wrong if it happens so oakum's razor it like are they did they say like a lot of weird shit yeah but they're fucking like 60 70 year people writing emails have you ever watched your grandparent like write an email? It's always like very fucking awkward and very weird. It's frustrating. And it's probably more likely that that's the case than there's like a secret fucking child rape ring being ran. Well, there's no basement
Starting point is 04:00:35 at Comet Pizza. That was the walk for me. There's not even a fucking basement. You're mistaken there. The basement is behind a poster. If you play Pokemon Red, you know they can hide these switches behind posters. You can switch that. You will find a secret. That is where the basement is behind a poster if you play pokemon red you know they can hide these switches by our posters you will switch that you will find a secret that is where the rape is happening folks hillary clinton is a goddamn demon drives me crazy dude and i'll like even try to talk to my mom like my mom will say things like stevie like i know that a million
Starting point is 04:00:58 immigrants were bussed into these places to win the elections and it's like okay mom let's think about this for one second let's say there were a million legals busted, not even the three million they're claiming, a million. How many people can fit on a bus? Do you think like 100? Do you think that's like an OK estimate? Seems high. OK, well, OK, let's say 100 people could fit on a bus still. What is that? That's like 10,000 buses of immigrants that are being. But how does nobody have footage of this? Nobody took a picture of
Starting point is 04:01:25 these 10 000 buses moving through parts of the u.s where nobody's seeing like these millions of immigrants how did nobody catch this like in a day and age where i can get video footage of literally fucking anything ever happening look at all the school shooting shit right like it blows my mind that people uh the the fake news and the fake narrative shit like it makes me want to fucking kill myself it's the worst part of my debates when i open up a debate and a guy unironically says shit like hillary clinton unilaterally sold one-fifth of our uranium to russia i was like why would you think anyone in our government even has the power to do that like does that really make sense to you like uh yeah it's frustrating as fuck
Starting point is 04:02:02 it's frustrating as fuck well I'm glad we got a little of it in there yeah one thing that kind of is sad today is that I feel like if you are because I'm actually like pretty right leaning economically I'm a very big capitalist which a lot of my fans hate me because I have a lot of fucking lefty fans now but I'm a pretty big capitalist
Starting point is 04:02:20 big free market guy if you are like a sane conservative I like guns too there is like you have no voice right now in the United States right like but I'm a pretty big capitalist, big free market guy. If you are like a sane conservative, I like guns too. There is like, you have no voice right now in the United States, right? Like, what if I believe in free markets and I do believe in capitalism and I like my second amendment and shit,
Starting point is 04:02:35 but maybe I also think that sex ed in school is okay, that contraception isn't the fucking devil, that climate change is probably fucking real. Like, where do I, where is my voice right now? I feel like I have to be a Democrat because Republicans have just gone so far off the fucking deep end on some shit. Do you think it's probably real or definitely real?
Starting point is 04:02:54 I mean, it's something like the majority of the scientific community, not only is it the consensus that global warming is happening, but that it also is primarily due to man made changes. So it's probably real. Like most likely, yeah. I mean, ugh. And I actually looked up yesterday.
Starting point is 04:03:09 I was curious because it's been so fucking hot here. And I was like, you know, the record high temps are always, like, really crazy. I'm curious if we're, like, close to record high temps in Omaha. And I just, like, happened to look it up. And it's like, over the past weekend, Omaha set, like, three days in a row of consecutive record high temps. I'm like, holy shit. Ugh. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:03:25 Neither side of this has been comfortable. Because we broke a ton of records in winter this year we had like three weeks straight of like zero degrees or some shit and then now in summer it's the complete opposite shit i was thinking it was going to get a little more comfortable for a little while you know like we're in the golden age of global warming like it should be it should be the fun part now like we're not in day after tomorrow yet. We should be enjoying it. But no, it's just getting more extreme on both. Or maybe it's not. It always seems like it is, but then apparently it hasn't changed that much. But then they'll say, well, fraction of percents or small percents changes in this amount of
Starting point is 04:03:59 time actually is pretty big. You just don't know because you don't have the perspective. The scary thing right now that's scary for Republicans is that Trump is a full-on borderline kind of fascist cult of personality that is causing a lot of problems in the Republican Party, such that if you are a mainstream Republican, you're in this
Starting point is 04:04:20 very awkward situation where you don't necessarily want to align completely with Trump's agenda but you have to or your party will fucking crucify you trump will like trump will use his bully party to attack bully pulpit to attack other republicans there's a lot of mainstream republican senators you know uh politicians who really don't like it well no yeah and if you're like a paul ryan and you're a mcconnell it's you're in a very weird place because the republicans can't turn their back on trump because then they'll lose so much ground that they've gained because you don't want to alienate Trump's fan base now from your party.
Starting point is 04:04:49 You'll be completely fucked. And the Democrats will gain so much ground if you do it. So you're like in this really weird spot as an establishment Republican or even like a Tea Party where like you don't necessarily – you're like, okay, like I was in favor of less immigration, but I don't know how I feel about building a fucking wall on our border. That's a little bit extreme. I agree with you on the cult of personality thing. Totally. I think that's undeniable. It being fascistic, I don't think is true at all. Like no fascist ever has been able to be torn on and ripped by every pundit ever, you know, freely.
Starting point is 04:05:20 Well, yeah, but like the scary thing is that Trump has made statements. Trump's understanding of our First Amendment rights are very frightening to me in the US. He's made a couple of statements that are instant deal breakers for me. I remember one tweet he made, and I'm sure you could still find it, is he was saying that people that burn the American flag should have their citizenship revoked. That's a pretty big one for me. Yeah, that's- Holy shit. That's terrible.
Starting point is 04:05:43 That's dumb. That was a pretty big one for me. Yeah, that's, that's, that's terrible. Holy shit. That's dumb. That was a horrible thing. He relentlessly attacks the press and not, and not like I think the press is shit, but like I want to open up libel law so that I can sue the press for fake news and his constant attacking of the press is something that makes me scared too because like you don't want the president of your country attacking the thing that's supposed to exist theoretically to kind of keep the, you know, Congress and the president honest like honest like that the attacks on the free press are very frightening to me as well there's that and then there's the the extreme hyper nationalism like this weird isolationist
Starting point is 04:06:13 foreign policy that we're taking where we're kind of fucking all of our allies fuck everybody you know tariffs on everything we're going to do everything in america like um you know making fighting with like canada like how do you get into fights with canada as the united states president doesn't even make sense you know um yeah all of with, like, Canada. Like, how do you get into fights with Canada as the United States president? It doesn't even make sense, you know? Yeah, all of those things just kind of worry me a little bit. How do you feel about abortion? Because I would predict that, I don't know if
Starting point is 04:06:33 Roe versus Wade is going to get completely overturned, but I think abortion laws are going to change in the next five years for sure. Yeah, it's possible. It's likely. If they do, they're not going to get rid of it. They'll just probably implement that 20-week ban or whatever they were trying to get done. But, I mean, I don't want it overturned.
Starting point is 04:06:52 What I've been seeing as a likely thing, it stops being illegal at the federal level, and then it just goes to the states. Which is bad. They're saying, like, even two, three years from now, it's illegal in 20 states. You just have to drive to get what you need. Yeah. But the problem is the people that need the abortions the most are the people that can't afford to do that. This is why I hate like Dave Rubin, this fucking – the dumbest fucking guy in political commentary today. Makes these stupid – I fucking hate Dave Rubin.
Starting point is 04:07:17 I have wanted to get on a show with that dude so hard. I would eviscerate that guy. He's so fucking – I don't even know how he could sit up straight in a chair because that guy has no fucking spine like i would figure about him most like um he takes these he basically is like if you take a babby in high school and introduce him to libertarianism but they don't think through any of their positions that's his thing he's like the first words that would come out of like an ayn rand fan's mouth like oh free marketplace for ideas absolutely totally no drawbacks blah blah blah blah but like as soon as you give them a basic challenge, like, okay, well, what if hate groups capitalize on free speech to inevitably cause violence to others in kind of third-party ways? What do you think about that?
Starting point is 04:07:53 That's something that you need to have an answer for. And you can still be free speech and acknowledge that happens, but he can't even answer those incredibly basic questions. If they're inciting violence, though, that wouldn't fall under free speech. Not inciting violence, but the fact is that if you allow people to have unlimited free speech, there will be groups that arise as a result of that who will, in a roundabout way, encourage violence. That's a fact. Now, whether or not you can say that free speech should or shouldn't be curbed, it is a fact that there are people that will listen to certain extreme ideas who will take on. There was that one shooter, whatever, that had like the Ben Shapiro was like the last
Starting point is 04:08:24 150 tweets to be favorited or some shit. like these people will be created as a result of allowing more extremist kind of offensive speech out there now again to be clear that doesn't mean we should get rid of free speech or even that we should curtail it at all but you have to know that somebody is going to bring that up and you need to have a response to that you have to have something ready to go and ruben never does he did this this on Joe Rogan a lot with like abortion where people were like where Rubin is like, oh, we'll just leave it to the states. And then if you don't like something, you can just go to a different state. OK, motherfucker. Not everybody has the money to drive across state lines to go and do something somewhere like somebody.
Starting point is 04:08:56 And, you know, somebody especially live in the south. You might have to go multiple states away or even one state away. That is prohibitively expensive to the people that are the most impacted by some of these laws like what a ridiculous assertion not as expensive as a baby a lot cheaper than a condom would probably not as expensive as a baby but like the thing is like all of these things are weighed unfairly you know like you know we'll say like oh well birth control is cheaper than a baby well sure but like nobody makes that decision in the heat of the moment like i'm about to bust this girl like okay well we'll be the most financially advantageous thing to do it's more like if you're somebody that's wealthy you're already more likely to have access
Starting point is 04:09:30 to contraception or to spend money on it or to not be fucking recreationally because you've got more things to do with your free time condoms are free in some places but condoms also fucking suck holy shit condoms are the worst and we can all agree on that yeah i don't mind condoms i'm the only man in the planet that doesn't mind condoms How can you not mind your dick just being numb? If I was with a girl and she was like- It's not numb, it's- If I was with a girl and she handed me a condom, I would say awesome Do you want me to masturbate into this because I am not sticking my dick into you with this impenetrable force built surrounding my dick
Starting point is 04:09:59 Fuck that shit. It takes the fun out of sex. I think you're using the wrong condoms I think I- I think you're using the wrong condoms. I think you're using the wrong condoms. Have you tried multiple brands? Unfortunately, I have, yeah. I use skin extra, extra thick. No, I mean, yeah, maybe I'm using the extra thick condoms. But the thing that sucks is people always say, well, you should do this, you should do that. And it's like, yeah, you should.
Starting point is 04:10:21 But if you're rich, one, you've got a million more options available to you, right? If you take a group of people and you provide one group only condoms and the other group gets condoms or for women they have the pill they've got the vaccination they are not vaccination you get like an injection or you've got like um iuds and our uterine devices like 50 million types of like wealthy birth control not only do these people have a higher chance of being protected but also if they fuck up they've got more access to abortion as well they can take time off work to get an abortion they can afford the procedure they can go to where they need to go to get it traveling is not a big deal to them like everything is kind of there's everywhere
Starting point is 04:10:51 i don't want to hear everything is just like weighted against you when you're poor and people don't acknowledge that sometimes like it just kind of triggers the fuck out of me that yeah i don't really follow dave rubin's stuff uh i've've watched a couple of his episodes but it's more kind of like guest based he doesn't really seem to take hard stances because he's too much of an intellectual coward to do it he's too stupid to research the positions and he's too much of a fucking spineless hack
Starting point is 04:11:18 to actually take a strong position on anything I fucking hate Rubin he's like the most hated person I'm sorry if Rubin watches this podcast you guys don't hate him like i do okay but i i'm starting to hate him more and i don't even heard of him and i hate him now we had him on the show did we yeah a couple years ago that's right i forgot. What I hate is not necessarily a particular guy. This behavior of like a political expert, usually from the right, destroying or eviscerating or whatever some college student who's only paid attention to this
Starting point is 04:11:56 topic for the last six months. Milo gets a lot of that. Ben Shapiro gets a lot of that. That's like a meme now in like some other like right-wing circles and left-wing even where it'll say like, because you know, it's usually like Ben Shapiro gets a lot of that. That's like a meme now in some other right-wing circles and left-wing even, where it'll say, Ben Shapiro destroys this person. Now they're saying, Ben Shapiro
Starting point is 04:12:13 mutilates and murders two young liberals as he tears their skin off and plays them with facts. That kind of shit. It is the ultimate irony to watch that guy scream facts over feel so much with his fucking yarmulke on.
Starting point is 04:12:30 This guy goes and worships the fucking Torah. I don't know if you guys are atheists or not. Maybe that's not what it was. Oh, God, that guy drives me fucking crazy. Holy shit. You're not religious. None of us are religious. Oh, man, dude. We don't have any imaginary friends.
Starting point is 04:12:47 I've got my brony friends. One of the big frustrating things and a lot of like debate related stuff too is that like when you talk about like conservative destroys somebody else, the right-leaning arguments are always so easy and the left-leaning ones are so fucking hard. And it gets really frustrating trying
Starting point is 04:13:03 because like in order to get like a lot of complicated positions there's like a lot of prerequisite knowledge required so like if i'm arguing with with somebody over say like the position of black people in the united states right you know you know what do we have to do to help black people the person on the rights argument is well everybody can be a success story here's a story of a random poor person he's rich everybody just needs to do that pull yourself up by your your bootstraps, blah, blah, blah. Well, what's your thing, Steven? What's keeping black people down? It's like, okay, well, hold on. Well, so firstly, you know, you've got the realities of generational wealth, right? If your grandparents did well, your parents probably did well. You're probably going to do well. You've got stickiness at the ends of economic
Starting point is 04:13:37 quintiles of percentages. You've got things like, you know, lead factors into crime levels and black people are disproportionately in houses that contain lead. And this link is like really well researched, really, really well established. You've got policies like redlining and gerrymandering, redlining and not gerrymandering, gentrification, things that have pushed black people into fucked neighborhoods. And you've got like the crack. There's like all these things that I have to explain to even get you to like my side of the argument. And I feel like I've already lost when I have to start going down these really complicated passages to explain like you know this is why this group of people might be fucked and then the other guy just has to utter like two lines and he's already like fucking won the argument you know the other problem is and i might be looking through my
Starting point is 04:14:16 blue lenses i feel like on the red side they often have a very low standard of proof for what they want to believe i argued with this guy yesterday actually um he is like the he's like anthony something the black conservative online guy he's got like 200,000 youtube subs i don't know like the hugest guy i was arguing with this guy so this guy knows who i am because do you remember that joiner lucas song i'm not right or i think it's i'm not racist for like the white guy raps and then the black guy counter it. Yeah, it's really good. Sure. So this guy did like an observation of that or his reaction. And I saw that he was conservative.
Starting point is 04:14:49 I was like, oh, no, this isn't going to be what I think it is. Right. And it was. It was him listening to this rap. And in 20 minutes, he agreed with every single race racist viewpoint of the white guy and said everything the black guy said was wrong. So I did like a reaction to the reaction. I was like, this is insane. Well, this guy showed up on my YouTube show yesterday because I'm streaming on YouTube and he comes on to debate me.
Starting point is 04:15:07 And I wanted to fucking blow my brains out. This guy is walking through every fucking racist talking point unironically. It's a black guy that I've ever heard saying things like like. So I bring up like, you know, OK, well, he's like, how are black people held down? It's like, OK, what about things like redlining that existed in like the 50s? I don't think I've heard of that. So redlining was the idea that basically a long time ago it was official policies and businesses to not loan to black people. Like as a bank, you would say we do not give loans to black people, period. Like that's it.
Starting point is 04:15:35 And his excuse for that was like, well, it wasn't just discrimination against black people. They just didn't lend to people with low credit. And I'm like, really, dude? And then he's telling me like, well, yeah, my grandpa had a house in West Virginia. And it's like, okay, that's like a one-off thing. And then he just kept going on with like these anecdotes. Conservatives love one-off fucking stories. He's like,
Starting point is 04:15:54 you know, I got stories from my grandma and she told me that the KKK would ride around and when they went to neighborhoods, black neighborhoods, they were handing out toys and stuff. And I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? We don't hear about individual stories of kids, immigrants coming from honduras who just wanted to learn to draw and that's like yeah that's like the most frustrating thing to me like illegal immigrants are all fucking criminal fucking masterminds ms-13 that are infesting the country
Starting point is 04:16:17 in trump's words and it's like okay well where are these same stories of like this poor illegal kid that this family that like if i was in their position, I would do the same fucking thing every time, right? If I'm a father, fuck the country. I have zero allegiance to my country. My family will always come first. If I think that I can forge a better life for my family, illegally immigrating to another country, I'll do it nine out of 10 times, right? Assuming I can make the journey and not fucking die, or it might even be worth the risk, which some people think it is, you know? Do you think the US then has like a moral obligation to import people from all over the world who are struggling in those ways? I wouldn't say to import people because I don't think it's realistic that a country
Starting point is 04:16:52 can take on an entire other population. But when you talk about like deporting every illegal immigrant, like this is a fantasy idea. One, it's not even economically feasible. Two, it's probably immoral. I never argue morality with conservatives because as far as I'm concerned, they have none. Um, so I usually just try to argue like empirical, like economic realities, like, Hey, you know, illegals hop our economy a lot. Just make them legal, bring them under the fucking tax base. Like it makes sense, you know? And you can tell like Republicans are
Starting point is 04:17:16 so not concerned with economic outcomes. When you look at things like DACA, like you, we paid for these people to be educated. Now they are educated. These are some of our best citizens because DACA people have no criminal record. They can't. A lot of them went to school. They register with us. They get temporary social security numbers so they can pay taxes. And now that we spent all that money educating them, you want to ship them back to Mexico? What the fuck is wrong with you? Like, why would you want to do that? They all went
Starting point is 04:17:38 to school. It's a DACA requirement. Yeah, I don't think that... I think that equating all illegal immigrants with the DACA recipients is dishonest. I mean, that's not fair at all. It is dishonest, but DACA is a thing that Republicans attack, like hardcore. And it's like, if there was any group of immigrants that you should be championing, it should be the DACA kids. They're a bigger fish to fry.
Starting point is 04:17:59 If your concern is legal immigration, there's no reason to start with the DACA recipients. Well, sure, but Trump was the one that rescinded the daca thing by executive follows a pattern of kind of hurting children you know daca recipients the kids that come across the border as a way to strong-arm the liberals into agreeing to the conservative wants like a wall yeah i don't think the wall is ever going to happen i think we could be much better served just increasing money for border security as it currently exists instead of building, who knows how expensive, wall. I don't think that's ever going to happen. I don't think even most people like Ann Coulter, who that was her big thing of like a wall, wall. They even have to be coming to the realization like this isn't going to happen.
Starting point is 04:18:39 Sure. Well, that's because even Republicans, and this is where I talk about a disconnect between Republicans and Trump. Republicans in general, I'll catch flack for saying this, but like Trump, in my opinion, is kind of like openly racist and a lot of shit that he says. Republicans aren't generally that politically stupid. So a lot of Republicans don't want to argue for a wall because they know that it hurts them in elections back home. So you're in this really weird spot where you've got to go to the table with Democrats. And this is why they're having so much trouble getting legislation passed, where you're trying to represent the Republican agenda. But there's also this weird agenda that Trump wants to push, and he won't support you unless you're pushing it. But then no Democrat is going to agree with anything. So you're in this weird two-way fracture in the Republican Party.
Starting point is 04:19:23 And that's one of the big reasons why nothing is getting done in Congress, even though the Republicans own the Senate, the House, and the executive branch, and so on the judicial branch. It's because Trump has all these really weird desires that I don't think even mainstream Republicans are totally behind. No, he's, as a Republican president, he's not conservative by Republican standards. No, not at all. I mean, he's against free trade, which, you know, and I've heard people make the case, oh, he's using this as an anchor point as he does with all negotiations. And it's like, well, I mean, it's getting to the point already where we're seeing cost increases on these trade wars. And so it's like, well, how long are we going to hold this quote to life?
Starting point is 04:19:53 What dimension of chess are we at at this point? No, we're playing rooftop backgammon. We're playing totally different sports. Here's something, even though I'm the bluest guy here, aside from Steve, that I bet I disagree on. Trump signed an executive order saying that you can no longer look at race during college admissions, if I understand the order right.
Starting point is 04:20:14 I think I agree with Trump in there. This should just be merit-based. And part of it is this. You've mentioned redlining and historical economical deficiencies. The people applying to college next were born in 2001. 2001. That's like recent history to me.
Starting point is 04:20:32 2001, I was working at Cisco, I think. I was. That to me is not the olden days when these kids were born. This reality of segregation and slavery, they are so far removed from that time when the planet was still black and white. Merit-based admissions just seem fair to me. Sure. So the thing that is very intangible about that kind of stuff is that one thing that we don't... I'm going to dip into the topic of privilege here, which is very uncomfortable for a lot of people, I understand. But one thing that we don't who I'm gonna I'm gonna dip into the topic of privilege here which is very uncomfortable for a lot of people I understand but one thing that we don't count on is all of the advantages that we have being born into certain types of families so if you are somebody that
Starting point is 04:21:15 is born into a family with a mom and a dad where the mom can stay home and work and both parents are college educated if you just run like a Bayesian analysis on this type of person the chances that they will be successful and college educated like grows dramatically versus like single parent households, parent households where only some colleges completed, where no colleges completed, where no high school is completed based on the income of the parents. You have all of these things that can predict future success of a person without even fucking knowing anything about them, right? Show me two people.
Starting point is 04:21:44 Show me one of them born to a middle classclass family with a stay-at-home mom and whose earnings are in the six-figure range versus another one with a single crack mom who has like earnings in the welfare range who is like living off of ebt right i can give you outcomes i can be very predictive of the types of people that will be created in these environments and the problem is them into college you're like you're setting them up for failure in a way there's a reason that like you know if you're trying to get into yale for example and they're like all right the student's black they have a test score that if they were white or asian we would never even consider them but they're black and we need to let them in you're letting someone in who's not prepared
Starting point is 04:22:14 for that elite university and they're they failed disproportionately because of that because there are arguments prepared for that sure and on top of that for those yeah you're making this argument is it's socioeconomic and i I, oh my God, this sounds so racist to say it, but they've done it like when they adopt a person and put them in these families that would set them up for success, they don't do as well as their natural born children. Right. So some of this is just merit based. It's not just a socioeconomic disadvantage. economic disadvantage if um oh man we got a race realist argument you're referring to the minnesota twin studies there i read it in the bell curve i don't know what oh yeah the bell curve charles murray oh i'm very familiar with a lot of these things yeah it's it just seems like merit-based is fair right yeah i guess like at the end of the day what i would say is that like the thing that feels shitty is that if you go back to the 50s and 60s, people weren't targeting socioeconomically disadvantaged groups of people. People were targeting black people.
Starting point is 04:23:13 And even to today, like now that we have all these black people in these like kind of most fucked ways. Now, when we have things that aren't racist, like the on drugs which isn't racist but it kind of is you're literally talking about these kids grandparents right like i i've got a girl i've got a girl who's in college now right not applying to college next year but going in to be a sophomore and i was born in 73 and you're talking about the 50s right like that's that's ages ago like at some point we get to make this stuff merit-based sure but i mean like if i take any kennedy that's born in the united states like do you think that these people are all of them are super overachievers and they're working really hard all the time or do
Starting point is 04:23:55 you think a lot of these guys have been born into families that have been rich for generations weren't you fussing about individual examples just 10 minutes ago well well we well i could point to economic data that shows that people so we develop we divide wealth into quintiles right people that are born to the top quintile of wealth have like a 70 chance of remaining there throughout their entire life people born to nba stars have a really good chance of being good at basketball right you know both of michael jordan's kids played division one ball and this this is also assuming those quintiles don't move around. You're not statically stuck in that third quintile.
Starting point is 04:24:29 A lot of it has to do with age and career progression. It's like people tend to go up those. Maybe you're not going to make it to that top one or even the second one, but you are more likely to ratchet that up. So if you broke those down by age, you're going to see a lot more young people in those lower income areas. Well, not if you're born into an upper income area. That's no, it's called in economics.
Starting point is 04:24:47 It's called stickiness at the ends, right? It's a super well observed phenomenon in the US. And if you're born really well off, you tend to be really well. If you're born really fucked off, you tend to be kind of fucked. People can move and it does happen. And there is some economic mobility in the US. It's not quite as good as other Western nations. But the thing is that just like if your grandparents were super fucked, there's a decent chance
Starting point is 04:25:04 that your parents were pretty fucked, which means there's an okay chance that you're going to be kind of fucked. Like you can work your way out of it, but the amount of work that you have to do compared to another person born into like a much better circumstance, it just feels kind of shitty for those people to talk down on the other people. Like not to sound like really rude or mean or anything, but like if you were born into a family that was like doing well as like a middle class family and you got like your bachelor's degree and now you have like out of college, a 60, 70th hour your job. You didn't really do much like you just kind of showed up every day to your life and like you did it. But I mean, you kind of did what was expected of you. But then to turn around and look at somebody that was born to a single parent household whose mom like was never home, who was three jobs who barely graduated high school and then to look at that person and go well why did
Starting point is 04:25:47 you graduate college like i did it's like motherfucker you didn't do anything i love this notion that underachieving parents have so much less time right like oh your father was an attorney he probably just fucked off all the time and stayed home and played with you as a child taught you how to play baseball you know like like you know but but your mom she worked a cash register so she most likely was so busy she could have never helped you with your homework baseball. You know, like, you know, but your mom, she worked a cash register. So she most likely was so busy, she could have never helped you with your homework. Well, what I mean is like, you have to acknowledge like having a stay at home mom is a massive advantage. With the fact that you can go home
Starting point is 04:26:15 and have a parent there that can help you with homework, that's invested in your success, that cares about you. That is monumentally helpful to a lot of children versus being in a single parent household where the parent just doesn't really have time to spend with you. Not having a father in the home is one of the largest predictors. Because of being a criminal. Acting out, being a criminal, not having a positive male role model in the family.
Starting point is 04:26:35 But does that mean that you take a kid who followed the straight and narrow and not give him the opportunity that the other fucked one did? No, I was just saying that's true. It is badly impactful. But how does that tie to, well, now your test scores are lower so sorry uh mr asian guy you get the boot because we got to let this guy in who is probably not going to succeed because we got to hit our our quotas you know like when this guy could go to a university that more is more apt to fit his needs and actually succeed sure and i and i think to be like, I don't know if I feel comfortable, like literally putting in a black person over a white person.
Starting point is 04:27:09 Like when I think of like affirmative action programs, like more beneficial ones, I think are like, there are groups of people that will come together and raise money for a cause. So maybe you make like a black scholarship program or something. So like if a black person gets that scholarship, it's fine. But if you would say something like,
Starting point is 04:27:23 well, no affirmative action, like those people wouldn't raise that money. So it's not like a white person is necessarily losing out just because there were these types of programs that existed in the first place. Well, by definition, someone's losing out. There are a limited number of spots. Well, because they wouldn't – well, is that true in maybe like an Ivy League school?
Starting point is 04:27:38 He was talking about raising money, not spots. Like a scholarship. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. But if a black organization wants to start a black uh scholarship fund fine go for it feels shitty to me like the litmus test i always apply to these things is if you flip it and say hey we're going to do raise money for white people and and only white people can benefit from this that feels shitty too like it just
Starting point is 04:28:00 doesn't feel and i'm not saying you shouldn't do it because i think it even ties into like free speech and liberty and such like you should be if it's a private organization yeah about black needs or whatever they have the right to do that that's their money i'm with you yeah i agree that it's the right to do it i also agree that it kind of feels shitty to to do anything based on race i don't like that but i agree with you yeah but it just feels shitty to have like generations and generations of like wealth built up by white people like literally through racial policies against black people and then when we make that illegal now we're like whoa hold on hold on like we don't want to do anything race-based now it's like okay well fuck we kind
Starting point is 04:28:33 of got fucked a long time ago in a lot of ways a long time ago there was some fucking there's no doubt about that but we're talking about like the 50s yeah Yeah. Two generations is the difference between me and my grandfather. My grandfather came off a boat. He was poor. My grandmother also came off the boat. They beat the children. My grandfather ran away. My grandmother stayed around, worked a cash register at JCPenney. When my grandfather ran away,
Starting point is 04:28:58 my father said, great, this is an improvement on our situation. And my father made a lot out of himself. He did fantastic. i don't have that same story to tell because i was raised in a good well a lot of a lot of behaviors are so predictive like even i think your political affiliation it's not like heritable to like 80 percent like point out point eight heritability like a political affiliation not in my family but it may be i wouldn't be sure um so like there's just so much that passes from
Starting point is 04:29:25 your parents that I think people kind of take for granted that like yeah I don't know it's yeah yeah yeah it's a I do anything but merit-based feels really shitty I agree yeah everyone should earn their own their own way and and how can you feel like you earned something if it's given to you anyway, you know like oh shit fucking gonna trigger the fuck out of me Okay I don't think that anybody we if you want to go into like this is like hours like free will versus Determinism and shit like people will this is like the really common argument that I'll hear is that like you're the real racist you think Black people need help because they can't succeed on their own, right?
Starting point is 04:30:02 Well, my answer to some extent is yeah I don't think black people can succeed on their own, but I don't think they can't succeed on their own, right? Well, my answer to some extent is, yeah, I don't think black people can succeed on their own. But I don't think white people can succeed on their own either. I don't think anybody succeeds on their own. For the most part, you are a product of your environment, right? If you're born into a really well-off situation, like, you're probably going to do okay. If you're born into a really— And shouldn't this all be class-based instead of race-based?
Starting point is 04:30:18 There are good arguments for that. And to some extent, I can agree with that. And I'm usually more comfortable saying— and actually, they're really good arguments for making it class based because sometimes some affirmative action programs end up going to groups of people that they probably shouldn't. For instance, there are some studies that show that like affluent white women take advantage of a lot of scholarship programs that probably shouldn't be going to wealthy white women. Yeah. There's actually a huge schism in the feminism movement right now between people of color women versus white women, but that's a whole other thing. But everybody has this huge set of advantages and shit, and there's so much laid out before you, before you're even fucking born, that determines how successful you can or cannot be. So when people don't take account of those advantages, and then they levy the same expectations on other people, I don't know, that makes me feel really shitty. and then they levy the same expectations on other people.
Starting point is 04:31:04 I don't know, that makes me feel really shitty. Like, people have so many... I mean, but if you say, I don't think anybody can succeed on their own, then it's kind of like, what option do you have other than to just base it on class? But to say, it does seem kind of racist to say, yeah, I don't believe black people can succeed on their own. They need an extra boost from us.
Starting point is 04:31:20 But again, I would say the same thing about white people. Because white people that are born into fucked families have bad outcomes as well. It's just that there are more black people per capita, people that are born into fucked families have bad outcomes as well. It's just that there are more black people per capita, or there are more black people as a percentage of black people born into bad socioeconomics than white people, is what I would say. And then to respond, or go ahead. No, no, no, go for it. I was going to say, to respond to like, well, what do we do?
Starting point is 04:31:39 This is why I think asking this question is so important. Like, why are people fucked, right? Because the goal is to make environments as good as possible. So get rid of like lead-contaminated housing fucking stop the war on drugs Probably that's still a thing I feel like that's been sorted out a long time ago What city was it that just showed that like 80 some kids tested for lead poisoning levels? This was like just in the news like fucking um fucking two days ago, I think But yeah, it's still... Or like Flint, Michigan.
Starting point is 04:32:05 These are things that are still very much active problems. And a lot of the places that seem to have these problems are run-down buildings that black people happen to live in. And there's a lot of really interesting research following crime history with elevations of lead and shit that match up across 25 different countries. It's like, oof, yeah. I've heard that too.
Starting point is 04:32:25 I've heard that, I don't know how true this is. It might just be grasping at straws. But when Giuliani was mayor of New York, they had a dramatic decrease in crime. But that actually happened nationwide. And they were saying that it had to do with them not using lead in gasoline anymore. And the people who would commit crimes
Starting point is 04:32:43 were coming of age at the time that lead was removed from gasoline. So they weren't psycho crazies. Yeah. Lead in crime and psycho craziness is a correlation, but I thought lead was removed in paint. Like, I mean, before I was a kid, like a long, long time ago, I thought that was very long. Who has walls that were painted from the 1940s? Yeah. Lead is removed from paint, but the problem is that it still exists in a lot of like there are two big places that exist is one is in the paint that's currently on walls because it doesn't get painted over because poorer places don't have money to renovate and then two um it can be in soil outside like like lead ends up contaminating soils and those measurements can be taken like very accurately um and measured across
Starting point is 04:33:21 cities um but but like yeah you've got things like that. You've got incarceration-related shit. You've got the war on drugs. You've got other types of... Is there an equivalent higher rate of cancer in those communities? Or any other maladaptive health things that we could tie to lead poisoning or lead... I don't know if lead predicts
Starting point is 04:33:38 different types of cancer rates as much. I just haven't researched that at all. But I know that lead can predict... Lead can be highly predictive of criminal activity in terms of lead exposure at birth to, and then as a child up to your later life. And there are also biological mechanisms that explain how lead interacts with your body to create a more violent person as well. So like there's the mechanism to explain it, and then there's the empirical data that shows it happening. So just as an FYI, lead was removed
Starting point is 04:34:02 from paint in 1978. So it's places that were painted 40 years ago. Sure, that's not hard to believe at all, I don't think. Yeah, I bet it's not that common, though. Well, in some places, I mean, you can look up lead soil levels. Well, they would have had to paint in the last 40 years.
Starting point is 04:34:18 The guy that lives in St. Louis, right? That's you, Taylor? Like, if you go to some places, I'm sure you could find some piece of shit fucking buildings that have not had, like, a new... Oh, half of the city looks like a paintball course. Sure.
Starting point is 04:34:30 Another problem, too, isn't necessarily that, like, when they redo a lot of these places, they just paint over it, too. So as paint starts to chip off and stuff over time, like, that old lead shit is, like, you know, like, for asbestos. Like, a lot of the times for asbestos in a house, you don't actually get rid of it. You just seal it. But as time wears on, if that sealant starts to wear off and it starts to become exposed, like, this is, like for asbestos, like a lot of the times for asbestos in a house, you don't actually get rid of it. You just seal it.
Starting point is 04:34:45 But as time wears on, if that sealant starts to wear off and it starts to become exposed, like this is like a super well-studied phenomenon that we should probably. I've never even heard about the lead being used as a reason for this. Sure. It's super fast. I highly recommend it. When I first saw it, I'm actually I'm so skeptical of big claims like that. And it sounded incredibly fantastical to me. But basically basically especially because the guy that did the research wasn't like a medical guy at all he was an economist but basically if you look up like violent crime
Starting point is 04:35:13 i don't think it was a freakonomics guy i could be wrong he definitely talked about it i don't know if he was first oh they i'm sure they have they've talked about a lot of podcasts it's super fascinating what this guy found was that lead lead contamination levels in soil if you would draw a graph it would look like this like like a kind of like a little arc or whatever um and then if you did a graph on violent crime like 18 years later it like perfectly matched in some areas so what he started to do is he started to take all of these cities and he was doing these regression analyses and finding that all of them fit the mold and then he went and he looked at other countries and he could find the same patterns in other countries as well that you could find these lead levels measure them in the soil and that 18 years later
Starting point is 04:35:53 they would be these massive predictors in changing crime and uh it's super fascinating research and like when i read stuff like that it makes me wonder like holy shit something as stupid as like lead paint can lead to so much fucking horrible shit like what else what other kinds of like seemingly harmless things can have like such disparate impacts on society i i just i usually find myself erring on the side of are we past this yet like lead was removed from paint in 1978 so how many painted walls from 40 years ago are we dealing with and i, if you look at the data on where the soil levels are measured, there's still a lot of places that have this shit.
Starting point is 04:36:29 Eating the dirt? Well, just kicking up the dirt, playing outside, breathing in the air, around it on days. Yeah, I mean, you don't have to go full retard. Do you remember how you played as a kid? We didn't always sit inside all day and not go outside ever like i'm pretty sure i
Starting point is 04:36:46 fucking ate dirt as a kid but i don't think you even know we're talking about today though we're talking about today they gotta be out there making a month high everyone in this podcast is 10 years older than the kids we're talking about yeah no today it's not a problem as much as it was anymore right this this predicted major spikes of crime in like the 60s 70s and 80s that's what we're talking about next year's college emissions like that's the core topic yeah but if you had parents in the 80s that were committing violent crimes because of lead paint and shit what kind of children are these people having like either out of wedlock and broken families or dads that are locked up in jail like this is having very real impacts on i would love to hear a kid say that they're like hey man i noticed your
Starting point is 04:37:21 life's real fucked up you know you don't a car. You got three kids by three different women. You're living on government assistance. What happened? Oh, man, my dad, he ate paint chips. Yeah, but that sounds ridiculous to you. Oh, your dad ate paint chips? That sounds ridiculous to you. But then when I hear a white dude who's 27 and just got his fucking bachelor's degree
Starting point is 04:37:42 talks about how proud he is that he finally finished college and this motherfucker love lived off Of mommy daddy welfare his entire way through literally talking about Taylor right now The only thing you paid in college was your fucking cell phone bill and you feel like you did that all on your own sit the Fuck down do you are so lucky that mommy and daddy put you through school. Like, have a little bit, just a fraction of empathy for people that might not have necessarily had it, like, as good as you. Like, it bothers me just as much on the other end. And I think that, like, parents have a massive impact on how kids turn out. I mean, I'm sure you see it, Woody, when you go out to restaurants.
Starting point is 04:38:20 You ever see a kid start to scream and parents just start feeding them fucking candy to shut the kid up? Or kids that are obese when they're fucking 14 years old. Or not even, like 10, 11 years old. These kids are obese. You can hate the fatty, but one, this kid is fucked for life. You know he's going to be obese growing up. It'll be a short life if I have my way.
Starting point is 04:38:41 Sure. And two, when he grows up and he has kids, those kids are probably going to be fucked too because if this guy's already obese at nine years old, this guy weighs... I've seen kids at fucking nine or ten years old that weigh more than I do. This guy's fucked forever, you know? I think we discount sometimes
Starting point is 04:38:55 how much our environment has an impact on the choice we make because we want to feel like... You're also really forgiving too, right? Like, I don't beat my children and I took some pretty good beatings as a kid. Like, at some point, you are responsible for your own actions you i mean i don't care to look at like responsibility is boring to me and that like it seems like a thing where it's just like
Starting point is 04:39:14 oh like i'm just more interested like how are you going to act in these certain conditions right so like are you responsible for your actions ultimately you're responsible for every action you you do but that question doesn't get us anywhere it's more like why do you responsible for your actions? Ultimately, you're responsible for every action you do. But that question doesn't get us anywhere. It's more like, why do you do the things that you do? Why are you shooting up heroin in a fucking alleyway? Like, did you grow up from an early age aspiring to be a fucking homeless dude sucking dick for drug money?
Starting point is 04:39:37 Was that your goal as a child? What the fuck went wrong, right? Yeah, were you eating? Like, what went wrong in your life that caused this to happen? And what can we do to keep that from happening to future people so that not the people aren't making these horrible decisions it's like what i'm generally i don't think is send that guy to college over someone who didn't mess up who did take the straight and narrow who was responsible
Starting point is 04:39:57 with their life because the thing about college is it's kind of a zero-sum game right like some people get it some Some people don't. It's not as if we can just give it to everybody. There's a cutoff. And some people get in and some don't. So it should be merit-based. That seems fair. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:40:15 We should wrap it up soon. Oh, should we? I've got to be up early. Also, Woody finished my degree at 22. So, fuck you. Oh, no. I think I misunderstood what he was saying when he i think he was saying this is their the stage in life where they're proud of themselves
Starting point is 04:40:29 for having these accomplishments so i wasn't saying that you took till 27 to finish school i was saying i'm not trying to like i was saying that like you know when he talks about that stage in life i'm like yeah i feel you that i misunderstood your misunderstanding well be sure i'm uh i'm not necessarily trying to like shit on people that are like doing like the straight and narrow like that's great but it's like I remember that like I when I went into college I almost went into college as a sophomore
Starting point is 04:40:55 I took an insane amount of math I took so many AP classes dual enrollment classes in high school that I almost went into college as a sophomore I consider myself to be a pretty bright person I went in for a music degree and I almost, I flunked out of college in like my junior year. And it's because I was working 60 hours a week because I didn't have any help at all. Once I was past 16,
Starting point is 04:41:12 my parents were gone. They moved to another state and I had no help in my life. And I remember sitting in like a practice room one day with my little saxophone quartet, listening to another girl talk about how like, oh shit, dude, like, do any of you guys work? Like, I'm so fucked on homework. And I remember saying like, oh yeah, dude, like, do dude like do you work too like yeah it's like pretty rough and she's like yeah like they just up my hours i was only doing 12 hours a week and now i'm doing 15
Starting point is 04:41:31 and i don't have any time and meanwhile i'm like tired out of my fucking blown out of my mind because i'm working like overnight shifts like like 10 hours a day like six days a week like to pay for everything and it's like oh fuck like you're so lucky that you could go to school like if i would have had parents to pay my way through school i would have graduated to be 100 it's a fucking music degree i know i can get the degree but like due to the fact that i had to work on my way through it like i don't know i got it feels like i got really fucked you know and then to listen to people that never had to work try to levy claims like well maybe that person is just lazy or maybe they didn't accomplish much like nobody today ever tells me that i'm stupid or i'm an idiot
Starting point is 04:42:04 but i flunked out of music school and I was working as a fucking carpet cleaner making $20,000 a year. My life was an, I was an abject failure in life in every single measurable way. And I got really lucky that I happened to grow up at the right time to get into streaming. And, you know, I knew a lot of stuff because I was lucky enough to grow up with video games and shit that I could turn it into a career. But I'm like one or two decisions away from being like a loser that is losing his house, his horrible credit, and is just fucked in every measurable aspect in life. I think everybody is. Everyone's only a heroin addiction away. Yeah, so I'm on the other side of that.
Starting point is 04:42:37 Like I work during the day and I put myself through school at night. Now I recognize a little cheaper back in the 90s and 2000s, but I got two bachelor's degrees and one master's degree. And the whole time, you know, worked all day, went to school at night. Now, I recognize a little cheaper back in the 90s and 2000s, but I got two bachelor's degrees and one master's degree. And the whole time, you know, worked all day, went to school at night. It was a tremendous amount of work. You know, the thing I keep remembering is I couldn't watch a movie. I couldn't watch a single two hour show and not think like, man, this is a serious waste of time. I have a project due, a paper due. I have all these things that are occupying my time. And I feel like I earned my stuff you know i i did that it took 12 years 12 years of that lifestyle and that's awesome so yeah and it's merit-based you know i mean like you know like you wouldn't take off my straight and narrow well actually i worked
Starting point is 04:43:21 so hard because maybe i didn't go straight and narrow in high school i could have set myself up for success as a high schooler but um you know i did that whole thing and then to say like no no no no you know they did you uh you had parents your dad went to college so and didn't leave your mom so really you didn't accomplish anything it's like man really huh i guess like what it feels to me is that like if you if you're in a really well-off place if you're born in a really well-off place there are so many opportunities in front of you that for you to end up a fuck up at the end of that you must have fucked up so much to actually ruin your life like i know people that took seven years to get their bachelor's degree that lived at home until they were fucking like 26 27 years old because their parents loved them and would take care of them all that shit
Starting point is 04:44:00 but when you're on the other end of things and you're kind of like in a fuck spot, say like where I am, it feels like you're sliding down a fucking building and there's like one ledge like behind you or below you. And if you don't catch that one fucking ledge that like one opportunity, you're fucked in life completely. And that when people act like everybody has the same opportunities because like I made it, you know, I did well. I could just as easily come out and say like, well, look, guys, I was a broke carpet cleaner and, you know, I made it. You know, you should all be able to make as easily come out and say like, well, look guys, I was a broke carpet cleaner and you know, I made it, you know, you should all be able to make it too. The reality is like, I could have been one or two mistakes away
Starting point is 04:44:30 from missing all of this and just being a carpet cleaner for the rest of my life and blowing my brains out, you know? I have such a different philosophy and experience. Oh man. Like, so in high school, I fucked up, right? I graduated with a 1.98, lowest GPA of anyone I ever knew. Got into college because I could swim, which was helpful.
Starting point is 04:44:46 And I got good grades in there. And then because I'm a jackass, got thrown out of the dorms. Grades tanked again, right? Fucked up. Went to night school. And then I started going to night school, producing, producing, producing. Didn't like my first career, accounting. Picked up a second degree, MIS.
Starting point is 04:45:01 Produce, produce, produce. Then I finished MIS. Felt like I didn't know as much as the comp sci guys. Got a master's degree. Just keep going. You can fuck up. Choose the wrong major. Choose the wrong career.
Starting point is 04:45:13 Get bad grades. Get bad grades again. Life is long. If you keep plugging away at this thing, you'll get what you want. There is no like I'm on the edge of a mountain. If I fall off, then that's my last chance. Last chance? Why?
Starting point is 04:45:26 To do more. No, that's so not true though if you're stuck i did it twice three times like how's it not true you can be stuck in spots in your life if you're like in your early 20s and you didn't go to school and maybe you fucked up and had a kid or something or you're working a job like you don't you don't always have the opportunity to attend a night school maybe you don't have one near you or maybe you don't even have the money to really do it like where you don't have the the opportunity to attend a night school. Maybe you don't have one near you, or maybe you don't even have the money to really do it. Like where, where you don't have the extra time to commit to something where you can be stuck on like a night school near you.
Starting point is 04:45:50 My commute was two hours to night school. Not everybody can make a two hour commute. Like not everybody has the, the, the access to transportation. Yeah, really? Not everybody has a car where they can drive.
Starting point is 04:46:00 It's not easy, but like it's hard work.'s fucking really hard it dominates your entire life i that was my 20s like gone like i just yeah i mean like i didn't have a 20s can do it and it's awesome that they can but the expectations that we place on people that are fucked are so much higher than other people that when they don't make it it just feels bad to kind of shit on them for it i guess maybe i'm too much of a bleeding heart i don't know yeah i don't make it, it just feels bad to kind of shit on them for it, I guess. Maybe I'm too much of a bleeding heart. I don't know. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 04:46:28 I just feel like life is long. Opportunities come, come, come. It never stops. There is no like, oh, well, slipped. You know, I'm carpet cleaning until death now. I don't know. If you're like 32 and you're like a blue-collar worker that never went to college, I don't feel like you have many opportunities. I was 32 still in school, and I had lots of classmates. At night school, if you go to class at night, there's lots of adults in there.
Starting point is 04:46:46 People who were over 30 who decided, like, you know what? I've noticed that the path to better success is college, so here I am. And it's a pretty neat dynamic if you ever go to night school. The way that the professors interact with the students is a little different. It's like an adult doing adult thing. Sure. I feel like if I were to look up outcomes, though, for people in their 30s working blue-collar work, the number of them that go to college is probably pretty low compared to the number of people in their 20s or early 20s or late teens. I'm sure the one-offs can happen.
Starting point is 04:47:18 Those always seem to be the exceptions, right? Rather than this should be expected of every person. Most people can accomplish this. Those are the hardworking people. Extreme hardworking people are rare there's plenty of people who will just give up after the first hard thing the first hurdle and if the second one comes along they're like wow these hurdles are never going to end oh this is the second one and they give up there and but i mean what is the difference just through a dozen hurdles the difference is you if you're born into a really wealthy family you might never have to jump like a really difficult hurdle like everything is kind of
Starting point is 04:47:47 laid out in such an easier way in front of you that i mean you keep saying these and i'm gonna keep pointing at moody's gamer tag over there he was born into a wealthy family and they were like fuck you earn it yeah yeah i mean like actually a great example of this sure well i mean i'm a great example i can point to myself because i didn't have help and i did it and i'm doing incredibly well now compared to where i came from and i didn't have any help doing it. So I mean, I could point to myself as an example, but like, it just feels like, um, The one thing that I feel like you've said that's held true is expectations are high. And I think that helped drive me a lot. You know, college was 13th grade. I was always expected to go to college
Starting point is 04:48:19 from as long as I can remember anything about school, you know, and you know, I bet Taylor's in the same position where, you know, from the time he was a kid, they expected him to go to 13th grade. And, you know, there were times when I was I can remember I'd make like 100 grand a year, 120 grand a year. And my father was just like, you know, there's going to be a time when you want actual good money. You know, I know you're living the life with just working 40 or 50 hours. I felt like shit yeah you're like are you kidding me and uh um you know so expectations are high and they can kind of drive you and that is a thing but you know i also feel like it it sucks away a lot of
Starting point is 04:49:00 the accomplishment that you know if you just say like oh your parents uh you know thought you could do it you know so therefore it really wasn't you doing it like god i don't know how do i buy that sure okay i'm gonna agree to disagree i mean we can hammer away at this for like hours but yeah no i definitely understand where you're coming i know kyle's every time uh things get political, Kyle's usually looking like, what's the next topic? But thank you for indulging me.
Starting point is 04:49:29 I thought we'd just do this for the last nine minutes, and it turned out to be the last 59 minutes. 60 minutes. Something like that. Hey, well, ended up working out. All right. So we'll check out all of Destiny's stuff. Destiny, is there anything you would like to plug?
Starting point is 04:49:43 Yeah, I can't get banned from my own website, so that's the safest place to find me, All my links to my stuff that I'm not banned from should be on there. My YouTube channel is just Destiny, so yeah, you can find me there. And I have a pre-roll to read here, so join more than 46 million players
Starting point is 04:49:56 in eSports' most exciting game, Rocket League. Download Rocket League today and revel in its high-powered hybrid of arcade, soccer, and driving with a deep customization system that can't be missed. Available now starting at $20 for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam over on PC. Rocket League, rated E for everyone. All right. Check them out.
Starting point is 04:50:16 Check out Destiny. I hope you enjoyed the show. If you hate politics, I hope you skip the last hour. PKA 394.

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