Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #446

Episode Date: July 12, 2019

On this week's PKA, our king of coffee and guns, good friend Richard Ryan is back on the show! And the guys catch up with what he's been up to, the fellas talk about a very attractive internet celebri...ty selling her bathwater as a troll move and saps actually buying it up and how a Prince across the pond was living his best life and died young. Exactly what you'd expect out of PKA.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pka episode 446 with our guest richard ryan kyle a couple of sponsors tonight express vpn get quip and smart mouth we'll talk about them later on the show but yeah richard ryan's here how's it going buddy oh hey guys one of our top five most wholesome guests oh geez who i feel like i guess a little more yeah right you know we get anytime like when i just watched your videos before anytime i would bring up with kyle we were in a skype chat or something back in the day and i'd be like man this new uh richard ryan video is really cool kyle would always slip in like you know and you meet the guy and he's a big dude but immediately you realize he's just the sweetest, most hardworking, diligent,
Starting point is 00:00:47 like business before anything kind of guy. And just, you know, I respect Kyle quite a bit. And so his endorsement meant a lot and you've done. I always sing your praises. Anybody who ever on your back, that's awesome. Anytime you come up, you get spoken about well behind your back. Uh, when back if I'm in the room. I always tell people, really genuine, nice guy. I'm going to keep kissing your ass since you're here. Can confirm. Helped me out tons of time with no expectation of anything in return and the surprise that you would have.
Starting point is 00:01:19 And I'd be like, yeah, let's give you a shout out in this video. You're like, really? I just drove four hours and brought hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment for fun. Yeah, really, man. I really appreciate you coming to help me. Yeah, so I'm a big Richard Ryan fan. I appreciate that. We need to start doing that with less wholesome guests where we're like, he's a great guy,
Starting point is 00:01:37 a funny streamer, and he actually just returned from building homes in Honduras for children who need them. You put them in a very uncomfortable situation. Just to lie about them. I feel like that's something that you could just make up. We need to do that with Ice Poseidon when he gets back on. They're going to do charity work.
Starting point is 00:01:56 They're building homes for poverty stricken places, but they're actually filling the walls full of bodies like Sicario or something. Dude, I always, even at 14 years old, I remember sitting in church, and they'd be like, and now we're taking donations for the Smith family
Starting point is 00:02:13 to go to Kenya and build homes out of corrugated tin. And then I'd always be like, isn't there a dude in Kenya whose only job is building houses out of corrugated tin? And then a bunch of white kids show up and are like, Ha ha, we're helping and we're getting drunk at night. But really, just like Tom's Shoes has ruined the shoe industry,
Starting point is 00:02:35 the cobbler industry across the third world. Have you not heard this, Richard Ryan? We're cobblers. I have not. I can't tell if that's a true thing or if I made it up. Is it Tom's Shoes or Zappos? Am I mixing it? No, it's Tom's. Zappos is a website where you buy shoes. Roger that. Yeah, so
Starting point is 00:02:49 every time you buy a pair of Tom's Shoes, they donate a pair to like a deserving person. Someone poor in Africa or something. I don't know. Some barefooted refugee. Yeah, perfect. So the problem with that is that if you make shoes
Starting point is 00:03:06 in that economy you're ruined like you're competing with free i cannot compete with my tire shoes you're making them from real fabrics yeah that's who you're hurting little magumbe who just wants to get food on his on his family's plates so i think before you buy toms they did a long-term look at the countries that received aid in Africa. And the countries that received aid did not recover like the countries that didn't. You know, they're doing poorly
Starting point is 00:03:34 because they become dependent rather than, you know, learn to fish on their own. Yeah, no, that's exactly what I was going to say, learn to fish. You've always got to look ahead and see what's going to happen on down the line when you do what you think is a good thing for example people are like no no don't throw garbage out of your window driving down the highway and i say hey they're never going to let those guys out of
Starting point is 00:03:53 jail to pick up garbage if i don't throw my hardy's bag out the fucking window those guys going to be locked up somewhere twiddling their thumbs all right if we're a job creator i'm a job creator that's absolutely right yes creator you're a sun exposer you're like this is this is essential for prisoner mentor help prisoner mental health yeah and you got to think about the other businesses who are now going to profit by my my trashing the highway system right i mean they've got to get gasoline to run those what other businesses will profit well the the the trash bag industry of course they're going to need a lot of bags to pick up all the garbage that i throw because i don't even i'm not just talking about my car garbage i take my house garbage put it in my car and
Starting point is 00:04:33 throughout the day i sprinkle it throughout the state that's why he has a sunroof that's right and you can't just buy cheapo walgreens brand or walmart. They're buying high quality, hefty flex seal bags. That's right. Cause I throw glass too. That little sunroof at highway speeds is nature's dumpster. You nailed it. You nailed it. The rivers,
Starting point is 00:04:54 especially cause it just flows away. God knows where. Oh, it's so good. I've told you guys when I, when I realized one of my, my friends was a total degenerate, like freshman summer of college where we were leaving his house. And it was the next morning after a big party.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And he just had he didn't want his dad to find out when I was the whole time. Like, we're in fucking college. If your dad doesn't think we're partying like he's a retard. And we were driving in his fucking like just Nissan car to a gas station. And he had two bags of he made me sit in the back for some reason because he had two full trash bags up front full of glass bud light box and like i didn't understand at the time because i was like why can't we just put them in the back and then i'll throw them away when we get to fucking taco bella wherever the hell we were going some gas station and then i realized
Starting point is 00:05:39 pretty quickly into the drive why he did that because he was just driving at like 45 50 miles an hour rolled his window down and then just grabbed the bags and dropped them out out the door and you could hear the shattering of glass and i was just like oh man i'm not cool with this like i'm really not cool with this but he was one of those friends who was so insanely rich he had never learned he had affluenza he had never learned consequences because he was one of those friends who was so insanely rich, he had never learned. He had affluenza. He had never learned consequences because he was so goddamn. Not like, oh man, his family's worth like probably $20 million. No, like hundreds of millions.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Like this kid was loaded. The 1% being labeled as polluters when in fact they are job creators. See, it all comes full circle. Well, they didn't create the jobs fast enough because on the way back from the gas station there were piles of broken glass through the road. People broken down with flat tires everywhere.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And it was really like at that moment that I'm like, you know what? I don't think I'm going to hang out with this person anymore. This is like a really shit way to behave. That's really scummy. Yeah, totally scummy. I don't actually throw garbage out my windows i just to clarify this was the this was the same that will make nazi
Starting point is 00:06:51 jokes and not add that disclaimer but the garbage one yeah yeah i don't want people to think that i'm i litter i think it's a really scummy thing to do it really like when i see someone do it like i immediately think less of them as a person like it's one thing like there are some things that i think are okay to throw out a window like like apple if you don't like i was going that way like like maybe you get a burger and you don't like tomatoes on your burger throw a fucking tomato out the window a tomato slice like like something's gonna eat that in five minutes anyway and if not it's just gonna rot away it's a tomato slice cigarette butts not so much but i do rank that lower than like bottles and cans because uh yeah because some cigarette buns butts do decompose if you if you look that up recently actually i i was curious most of them
Starting point is 00:07:36 don't there's a 18 months to five years is how long it takes for them to go away which isn't way less time than an aluminum can and to to put a label like a another level of this was i think before that trash bag thing happened but this guy he had dope ass seats to every blues game every single blues game and there was one of them where he's like taylor you want to come and i was like hell yeah dude i know you've got six seats and we were driving and the way the stadium's laid out, just like every stadium in most major cities, you have to park a fuck of a ways away.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Then you walk blocks and blocks and blocks. We were driving right by the stadium, and all of those little turn-in diagonally right off the road spots were taken by cop cars. I was like, we're going to have to turn around. He was driving. I was like, we're going to have to turn around. There's no way we're getting a spot here and he's like no we're fine he pulls up like in the middle of a line of traffic stops gets out of his car goes up to a cop
Starting point is 00:08:36 shows him some card i guess his dad donated enough to the police force of metro st louis the cop gets in his car backs out and drives away and we park where the cop was like right next to the stadium and i was like this is a level of power i've never experienced i want to be this rich and you abandoned this friend over a little bit of littering like like like just to clarify i don't like littering but i love good sporting events we're still friendly and we're still friends for sure but not like not bit of littering like like like just to clarify i don't like littering but i love good sporting events we're still friendly and we're still friends for sure but not like not i don't know definitely made made me think differently but when you're getting cops to move for you that's pretty sick yeah it's crazy when like the police serve you. That's like a level of power.
Starting point is 00:09:25 It's on the side of their car. Yeah, protect and serve. They're not talking about me, though. No, they're not. They're not. Not for any of us. The next level yet is when the military serves on your behalf. Then you're a corporation of some sort.
Starting point is 00:09:38 We've been a little bit rude so far. I see where you're going. Richard, catch us up. Everything new in the world of Ryan. How's the coffee business going how's how's all of your other extraneous uh businesses wow yeah um coffee's great coffee's doing really well uh i think it's been what a year since we last chat so yeah yeah i think i was in san antonio then so uh i mean it's so funny because I feel like this is the first time I've been on a podcast that I haven't moved from the one before.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Because I was like, I was like L.A., Nashville to a different place in Nashville and Salt Lake and now San Antonio. And it's like, oh, I'm still in San Antonio. This is great. But yeah, coffee's great. Coffee's doing really well. this is great. But yeah, coffee's great. Coffee's doing really well. You know, even to the point where it's kind of maturing in a way where, you know, we're trying to bring people on to help kind of, I'd say automate things and, you know, fill positions that aren't as enticing for us. So we can focus on the content side of things. And I've kind of shifted the narrative of the
Starting point is 00:10:44 content over the last few years. And I think, you know, early on, it was very much kind of guns and pro to a and, you know, TNA and stuff like that. And, you know, done a good job over the last few years of kind of maturing it more on veteran related causes and you know meaningful stuff but still doing the cool uh you know funny content and everything with matt nevin and some of the docu-series and everything and so now i'm like okay now let's start shifting gears into other stuff so um you know the not to not to be a debbie downer but you guys are very familiar with like the issues with or the inherent challenges with youtube and the monetization stuff and i've just been trying to trying to figure out what i can do to help facilitate production again on my channel and
Starting point is 00:11:37 some of the other stuff that i want to do and you know i've consulted an attorney i've reached out to youtube for official statements. And it's kind of frustrating because the terms of service as far as monetization is concerned, it really talks about the promotion or sale of firearms and manufacturing how-to components and stuff like that. And not really anything about demonstration and entertainment purposes. And so there's a disconnect in how some of the manual reviews are done whenever your video is demonetized, where a lot of the people are like, oh, no, it's got guns in it. All right, I'm going to demonetize it. And it's hard.
Starting point is 00:12:21 It's hard whenever you spend so much time and effort. You know, Kyle knows on a video, can spend, you know, weeks or, you know, even months on, on a project. And then you get the, the legs kicked out from underneath it. And I've seen a few videos where YouTube was like, well,
Starting point is 00:12:34 you know, monetization isn't everything. It won't kill a video. I was like, no, that's complete rubbish. I, I have a couple of videos where,
Starting point is 00:12:42 you know, I think one of them was the, the Lottie video has like 20 plus million views and it was getting averaging about 500,000 to a million a month. So it was significant organic, you know, SEO or search and related recommended traffic, even though the video was like four or five years old. And it was demonetized about a year ago. And immediately it dropped down to like three views a day and it was a clear spike down and i didn't realize it because i don't actively check my library and a couple weeks went by and i you know appealed the thing and you see this the on the the bar graph you see the complete drop down and then it's flat for like two weeks. And then I appealed it and then they confirmed it suitable for advertising.
Starting point is 00:13:31 And then it immediately dropped back up to jump back up to like a million views a month. And then like two months later, it was demonetized again and then it dropped right back down. And so in one video, you could see a clear effect of monetization on a video's reach. Oh, yeah, for sure. I had that one time where, I don't remember the specific videos, but this week, video A did 10 million views in about 10 days. And then video B was me raiding a fake drug den full of cocaine and sex dolls. Oh, that's right with a
Starting point is 00:14:05 That was a good video up in the house gun or whatever. I killed all the hostages They didn't they didn't make it but I killed all the blow-up dolls and I got the cocaine at the end I had this big bag of powdered sugar whatever we weren't supposed to be there We just found that house on the side of the road and just went out there shot a video really and yeah Yeah, yeah, that house looks like a perfect crack den. Let's go. And we just did it. It was kind of out of the way. We filmed quickly. And then in that video, I think I said something along the line.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Oh, and I also tortured one of the sex dolls with jumper cables for information. Was it on her nipples? Yeah, I put it on her nipples. And I rigged the jumper cables up to spark a little bit. So she's, and then I like got under the table and shook the doll and went, like made my own, very high tech back in the day. And then in that video, I think I said something like, hey, I knew I was about to upload the AA-12 video.
Starting point is 00:14:57 And I was like, hey, you know, I don't know, favorite or like or something. This video, when it gets to 10,000, we'll AA-12 video favorite or like or something. This video, when it gets to 10,000, will... AA-12 video. And like an annotation. And YouTube took that to mean that if you favorited the video, you got an AA-12.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Like, if you favorited the video, I would mail you an AA-12 shotgun. You couldn't even buy one. Of course not, no. And they were like, you're doing a gun giveaway and i'm like no no i'm not no i'm not um like like i mean if you look into this like even a little bit you'll see that's insane were you talking to a human in this conversation oh yeah do you think i have a
Starting point is 00:15:37 quarter million of these to just yeah like a quarter million of these don't exist and if they did um it's that's like $50 million or something like that. Because they're like 30 grand a kit for each one. And so that video got like, I don't know, a million views or something like that. Because they like age gated it and demonetized it and everything. And then the next video gets like, I don't know, within the short period, 15 million views or something like that. So it's like you just took $20,000 out of pocket because you you didn't understand what this video was about man you want to talk about like hurting on some of that stuff too where it's funny like you're talking
Starting point is 00:16:12 you're talking old cpm numbers because because i like here lately if i get if i get like 10 million views i'm still looking at like maybe four or five hundred dollars it's it's a it's a ridiculous wait are you serious yeah yeah what's new cpm like I had no idea so so like not to you know stretch the conversation out in a bunch of different ways but I I don't know if just because my channel's been around for so long there's something and I hate when people use words like algorithm just so just casually without really explaining to people why but you know it's just machine learning um of pattern recognition and how it relates or ranks certain things right so for um cpms i don't know because i i have you know invest 11x um black rifle coffee uh full mac all these channels that i kind kind of manage and I'm able to see
Starting point is 00:17:06 like Black Rifle Coffee would just in display ads makes more money off of a tenth of my views as what I do running pre-rolls and everything else so I'm running way more ads I'm running premium pre-rolls and
Starting point is 00:17:22 in-stream and everything and Black Rifle is just doing in-stream and in-stream and everything and black rifles just do an in-stream or in display excuse me and and it's getting like a tenth of the views and it's still making way more revenue it's crazy so uh today i think instagram was down like 50 of it or whatever and you guys have a really active community on reddit i'd be curious if any of uh your your listeners know anything about this but some of the people were posting photos of people's people's profile pics and things of that nature weren't loading right but it would have a a description so it was like person may include nudity or may include whatever on the post.
Starting point is 00:18:06 So it was like maybe the algorithm or the AI running in the background is ranking content based off of prior posts or maybe it's good enough to read what the image is and understand how much skin or what the object is. It's got a nipple detecting algorithm. Yeah. So I don't know if my historical videos or what may be impacting that or what. So I'm just going to give it my best effort this year and try to get back on a schedule of doing some things.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Just fun videos, stuff that's not even sponsored. It's just me going out and venting creatively like you know there's a new rambo movie coming out we got call of duty modern warfare coming out it's like dude it's like it's like 1995 or something it's like yeah it's like all the old 80s movies have come back again like toy story toy story 4 and like all that stuff yeah yeah for sure uh i i like everybody that's in the chucky movie but i think Toy Story 4 and like Chucky. It's cyclical. Yeah, for sure. I like everybody that's in the Chucky movie, but I think it's going to be garbage.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I haven't seen it. What's his name that's doing the voice? Luke Skywalker. Mark Hamill. Mark Hamill's doing Chucky's voice. He does great voice work. He's the Joker in the cartoons, right? In the animated series, which is considered the best Batman cartoon. i think where he like arkham asylum arkham asylum yeah i think maybe
Starting point is 00:19:30 he does the joker there too yeah he's he's very good uh with voice work he always has been i mean that's got to be the dopest job ever being a voice actor just go in and like i'm the joker whatever the fuck you say as the joker dude you get get paid 20 grand a day. I wonder how that'd work for you. So I've been listening to audiobooks a lot lately, and sometimes I daydream about myself as an audiobook reader because I can read, but I suck so bad at accents,
Starting point is 00:19:56 and it's so important. Sometimes I feel like I know the characters by the sound of their voice even more so than their names as I listen to an audiobook, so I would just never be qualified for that job i'm the worst ever but richard you're doing the coffee thing had the same job for a couple years now which at least in my head is kind of new to you like you always seem to just go to where you every two years where you find the most enjoyment is coffee fun because after a couple years it just becomes working at
Starting point is 00:20:25 pepsi right yeah yeah for sure and i think um between myself and you know some of my partners i think we're we're kind of feeling that the the little fatigue oh woe is me woe is me but as a as a creative person you always want to feel like you're growing, right? And it's a double-edged sword, right? Because one of my friends, Baker, gives me a hard time because he's like, you're the cheapest dude I know. And you're always like, I text him one morning. Here's an example. example um whenever i was working for verizon i i was going to buy the office an espresso machine at um rated red because i wanted to bring in um and and grind some coffee for everyone and so
Starting point is 00:21:13 everyone could have like fresh coffee every single morning and and so i ordered this really you know kind of nice espresso machine and uh was having it shipped to nashville and then the next morning i immediately canceled it and so banker was giving me a hard time he's like he's bro bro i bet you didn't sleep at all last night i was like tossing and turning thinking yeah well i was like, it's, you know, they're not cheap. There are a few thousand bucks. And it's like, you know, that job is not something that it one is not my company. And two, it's kind of a thankless thing in a lot of ways, because I mean, nobody's really gonna attribute to that, to like, Oh, well, thanks for bringing that that in. It's like, where does it go or whatever. And so for me so for me it's like do people even appreciate it they're probably dumping a bunch of a cream and sugar and stuff so it's yeah it is what it is like we can like buy people coffee you never bought the coffee machine yeah just get them no i didn't cancel it that's funny yeah yeah i'm she's like no it's right here but but that's kind of tied into the, I don't want to say the frugal aspect of being a YouTube content creator or creator in general. It's just that, you know, I grew up, you know, Kyle knows like in North Georgia on a farm.
Starting point is 00:22:36 And, you know, I was given a Mustang that I think my grandma maybe paid 500 bucks for a 67 Mustang when I was like 13 or something along those lines. And it didn't, didn't run. And I was told you got, here's, here's a Haynes manual work during the summers. If you want a car, whenever you turn 16, you need to figure out how to make it work and save up the money to get the, get the thing running. And, and so I've kind of been over that mindset over, you know, pretty much my whole life is figure things out and, you know, work to a point to earn something. And in seeing the shifts in everything and every industry so fast, like as soon as the iPhone came out in 2006, mobile and digital and everything else, just it exploded in a way that every type of industry is constantly being disrupted. And I feel like I'm writing a very fine line of being terrified at night that I'm going to be rendered obsolete at any point by something disrupting whatever profession I'm in that I'm having to move on and just go wherever
Starting point is 00:23:40 my creative mind or my heart or whatever it is, my inspiration drives me so that I'm, I'm just happy to wake up every single morning and enjoy what it is that I do. And hopefully leading with my best foot forward will put me in a good place to capitalize off of it. And if not, you know, I enjoyed that time in that process. You know, we're all going to get beat out by automation. Someday there's going gonna be an ai that
Starting point is 00:24:05 can make fun of retarded people better than we're gonna be out of a job richard's saying better than i can say it myself like like so i i feel like i hit a home run with my woody woody's gamer tag channel and then my team and i hit a home run with woody craft and now i'm like am i still even a home run hitter i don't know you know like it hasn't been tested lately i'm not sure um and then the frugality thing like so here's the thing side story i'm into this everyday carry have you guys heard of this uh some people are oddly into like what's in your pocket right you know the knife the flashlight the keys whatever you keep some guys have tops and pens and can you say what you mean by every like guns it's the shit you get in your pockets on a daily basis oh okay it's when you walk out of the house what goes into your pockets every
Starting point is 00:24:53 single day right okay a lot of people it's wallet and keys and really not much else yeah but like which wallet you have is is oddly interesting to me which pocket knife you choose and why and stuff and then anyway new leatherman came out it's a knife but it also has a phillips head and a flat head which I use probably way more than the other things and it's magnetic so even brand new you can like bally flip it open and I really want it it's like 65 but I don't just blow that kind of money without thinking about it so I put it in the Amazon cart and I'm like well you know if my wife does the checkout then it's not really me being irresponsible right and uh I woke up in the morning like excited to check on it like I'm gonna I'm gonna see this thing it said save for later and uh I like I sat
Starting point is 00:25:42 on it for a day or two I'm like, did you save for later my pocket knife? And she didn't. I guess if it goes out of stock, maybe it moves it from ability to check out. And now it's been out of stock for a week. And I'm like, I think I've just decided that I really want this. But then other times, I'm not as frugal. I feel like maybe I'm foolish for watching my pennies and letting my dollars fly because i bought a nice truck last year and uh and you have a flying machine yeah you know the essentials get covered sure i feel like i feel like for me it feels selfish if it's something
Starting point is 00:26:18 like i'll lose sleep over a pair of airpods or something like that that i'm spending 200 bucks on but then uh you know when it comes to videos i don't blink like i don't rank it like yeah ford raptor is uh maybe ford's nicest truck some i'm gonna i'm gonna roll the dice whatever happens happens hopefully it works out you know i'll get on amazon late at night and i'll fill my card up and then I'll wait to the next day when I wake up to check out though. It's almost like before and after you have an orgasm the way you're thinking about things. You get that good night's sleep and you're like
Starting point is 00:26:53 the fuck was I going to buy that $800 Japanese made knife for? I've already got a nice kitchen knife. I can't. It's like an 8 inch fucking kitchen knife. It's like $800. Like a Setsumi kitchen knife this is the i can't it's like it's like it's like an eight inch fucking kitchen knife it's like eight hundred dollars and i'm just like a set zoomie kitchen knife or one of those like japanese made ones where they like pray over it or whatever yeah literally literally praying over it and hammering it out from you know it's been folded three thousand times or something like
Starting point is 00:27:19 that and the handle is even special made and some guy put the soul of one of his enemies in it where's the qa where's the quality assurance making sure they actually fold it as many times as they said have you heard of kenji tai mu i think if you look at it from a microscope you can actually see that there is a japanese word to describe the post-orgasm clarity that men get ah shut up dude there's a reason they're the smartest people on earth they come up with words for things like that yeah and i was just like yeah the fact that their culture accepts that this is true that there's a clarity just like in that moment a few moments after sex
Starting point is 00:27:56 i like it usually i'm retarded when it comes to late night amazon where i'll just be like you know be like a tuesday night and i'll be like oh i need this and i'll order it but there was at least one point last summer where i came home from a friend's party and i was i ubered back and i'd been drinking and i like sat down and i i had that little bit of clarity like kyle said where i like filled my cart and i was like yeah yeah i'm gonna wait on this the next morning i woke up you know in the middle of my pee, I was like, oh, no. And I finished my pee quickly, ran back to my computer, checked orders. I was like, oh, thank God. And I checked my cart.
Starting point is 00:28:34 I had like twelve hundred dollars worth of workout equipment. That's like Olympic level training things like 400 of grip training who who could possibly oh yeah i missed the beginning shopping around amazon and and i deleted everything from my cart like what you have right now is enough you're fine i'm similar but in a different kind of way where it's like i'm i'm super like clear on what needs to be done it's like i need to order these things because i'm gonna have to have them i have to have them for a shoot or whatever it is i'll put them in the cart and i'm like ah it's so much money no that's the best shopping in my opinion i'll wait and then i end up freaking waiting like
Starting point is 00:29:22 a week procrastinating and then i I'm like, oh, shit. Now I got to pay for like Amazon Prime. That was always the best shopping. When it was for a video, it was like, well, this is 100,000% guilt free. 4,000, 5,000, 10,000, clickety, clickety, clack. Like we got to have it. So we're going to get it. You know, there's no guilt.
Starting point is 00:29:41 There's nothing there. Like somebody needs to be flown down, clickety, clack. Somebody we we need a we need three cars clickety-clickety-clack you know just just whatever just click the buttons i i had that moment of clarity this morning and i pressed buy um anyway um let's see what i got i can't wait i got myself i guess cooking equipment a lot of cooking equipment i got got a KitchenAid mixer, $280. I got the meat grinder attachment for it. That was $40. Dude, KitchenAid mixers, for those out there listening who don't know,
Starting point is 00:30:13 those are like the creme de la creme. Super fucking nice, like restaurant quality mixers for your kitchen. I got the five quart. I got it in onyx black, if anyone's curious. Side note, Taylor's right Really great mixer Turns out mediocre Christmas present Wow really
Starting point is 00:30:32 Who said it was mediocre Those things are nice as shit She didn't appreciate that I think she interpreted Like getting her a vacuum Yeah like in that family Maybe better than a vacuum Dude I'd have kissed you right on the lips If you gave me a KitchenAid mixer like getting her a vacuum she yeah like in that family maybe better than a vacuum but dude i'd
Starting point is 00:30:45 i'd have kissed you right on the lips if you gave me a kitchenaid mixer i don't know especially if you throw in the meat attachment the meat grinder i'll throw in the you know i can make my own burgers now i can i can i can i can choose the specific pieces of meat that i want in my burger all from the same cow hell yeah and as soon as it's it ground, it's going into a patty and it's going on the grill, which I also bought last night. I got a Weber grill. I got that metal can that you do the coals
Starting point is 00:31:13 that they recommended. You did go with the Weber grill. I think I went with the Weber grill. I'm actually having a hard time seeing all my orders. Oh, show all 20 items. There we go. I was going to say, what's in y'all's cart right now? What was your last order? time seeing all my orders right oh show all 20 items there we go i was gonna say i was gonna say what's in y'all's cart right now what was your last door rich must be sick same path i hope so i got a big i haven't even begun starting a minecraft server
Starting point is 00:31:38 i got uh yeah i got the which grill is this? I got the Weber... 22-inch copper Weber grill. It's nothing fancy. It's like a $200 grill. I got a whole bunch of cast iron pots. I got a whole bunch of stainless steel mixing bowls. I got this scraper for preparing dishes. It's just like a flat piece of metal you scrape food up.
Starting point is 00:32:00 I bought some really fancy charcoal. It's from overseas, apparently. I don't know if it's going to... I don't know why. I got all the fire-starting stuff. I bought some really fancy charcoal that's from overseas, apparently. I don't know if it's gonna... I don't know why. I got all the fire-starting stuff. Got some lawn chairs. I bought some more duck fat. All this on Amazon? Yeah, yeah. I got an 8-inch
Starting point is 00:32:15 Wusthof knife. Why is that surprising to Richard? Duck fat? Yeah. Oh, yeah. You can do Amazon Pantry and get basic... You can get fucking lettuce from Amazon if you want. That's right. Buy everything off Amazon. Kyle.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Yeah, that's all I got last night. Very excited. Very excited about the meals to come. So case in point on me, in my cart for the last week, I have the Powerbeats Pro Totally Wireless Earphones, which are not in stock right now. And so they're not due back until July 8th. So they've just been sitting there.
Starting point is 00:32:52 I don't think I'm going to pull the trigger on it and put them the G-Tech 2 terabyte SSD for downloading slow-mo stuff because $30,000 CineMags for the slow-mo camera are kind of eh but a 340 ssd i'm like cringing over so i haven't pulled the trigger on this and i don't know if i will or not the last thing i bought or one of the last things i bought off amazon were blackout curtains for my for this room here to close all of them so hopefully the light's not as bad and when they arrived my girlfriend was like
Starting point is 00:33:25 oh you got blackout curtains for the bedroom i was like i guess again and so no i i don't have any for the bedroom i've got them in my bedroom and i love them i uh i stayed up all night last night on amazon and then then just as I was about to go to bed at like 7 a.m., I found this terrifying YouTube video called, let me get the exact name of it. Let me go to my history or whatever. I can't sleep. I don't want total blackout curtains in my bedroom.
Starting point is 00:33:56 I like and I need that little bit of sunlight getting through in the morning to help me wake up and acclimate. If I had blackout curtains, I feel like I'd wake up crankier. Oh, I love it. I watched this video called The Unsettling National Park Disappearance Problem. It's like a 20-minute video that details all of the disappearances in the national parks
Starting point is 00:34:17 and some of the things that they have in common with each other. I got about halfway through it, and was literally afraid I had to turn it off. I couldn't watch it. Bitch. Because I was literally getting afraid of like, what was taking the people in the national parks? And my mind was going,
Starting point is 00:34:35 was going like, well, of course they're all during bad weather. That makes sense. That's well, okay. They're, they're all during late afternoon.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Okay. And wait a minute. What do you mean? You're finding them without their shoes and pants, but they're they're all during late afternoon okay and wait a minute what do you mean you're finding them without their shoes and pants but they're not suffering from exposure where where are their shoes going you found the shoes three miles away every time what what's happening to them and it's a bigfoot with a gps to drop them exactly three miles away and and then they started like laying this conspiracy theory sort of stuff in. Bigfoot wouldn't want shoes, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:35:07 No, he wouldn't. Where the FBI had been involved in a couple of the disappearances, and then they interviewed the Park Service and he's like, we don't know why they were here. They don't assist in missing persons things. And he's like, has that ever happened before? No, never. And then what
Starting point is 00:35:23 did they say? say well they wouldn't let us go to the scene and it's just like like oh i don't even know what they're suggesting is happening in the national parks and i don't want to know at this point i know i'm never going back i couldn't finish it i was afraid you were too spooked to finish the video i was spooked because at one point they did this like fade transition where like a dissolve and like they dissolved onto like a 19 early 90s photograph of a woman's face and something about the way her smile and eyes
Starting point is 00:35:50 faded into the frame literally made my heart race. I was like, we're going to go watch some fucking PUBG videos or something. I got to go watch something like when I was a kid. I'd watch the Hellraiser or something because I snuck it into the cart. Then I'd be like, all right, time for Land Before Time after this,
Starting point is 00:36:05 because there's no way I'm going to bed on that note. Like I had to cleanse my mental palate. Are you plagued by nightmares? Like if you watch a spooky movie, do you get nightmares afterward? Or anyone, anyone? I do, but it's not. Yeah, yeah, I have really crazy nightmares and really like crazy dreams in general. Yeah, I know you've got crazy ass dreams. Yeah, they have really crazy nightmares and really crazy dreams in general. Yeah, I know you've got crazy-ass dreams.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Yeah, they have these long narratives. Usually I'm being chased by cannibal killers or something like that. I've had a lot of those where they're literally trying to hunt me down and eat me and I'll be with friends and family and they've already gotten two or three of us. And they've always got terrifying weapons,
Starting point is 00:36:40 like a club covered with fish hooks or something. It's always real detailed and visceral and i must be like a lucid dreamer because i never have nightmares the last one i had was probably a couple years ago where like someone wanted to kill me i don't remember the specifics and i just remember thinking like this is lame and then like a second later i was like doing what i wanted to do like like pretend Taylor in the NHL. That's the way my dreams go. I can't remember the last time I had a nightmare.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I can't. Here's the thing. I don't really remember dreams ever. Like I can't remember the last time I had a dream, probably in years. You typically remember a dream if you wake up unnaturally from it. So if I were to drop a book in your bedroom or something, you might remember a dream if you wake up unnaturally from it so if i were to you know drop a book in your bedroom or something you might remember that dream or if the nightmare wakes you up but that's why you don't remember the good ones because you're waking up nightmares like like insidious wrecked me for like six months i couldn't sleep for crap reminds me
Starting point is 00:37:40 is insidious the one with ethan haw Yes. Where he's watching the home videos? Rose Byrne? No, no, no, where the kid goes to sleep and leaves its body and goes into the other world. I don't know. Well, I'll tell you how messed up it is. So when I lived in LA, one of my neighbors, a buddy of mine, him and his wife,
Starting point is 00:38:04 he was a fairly well-known actor he was in game of thrones and his wife was like helen and helen and troy and she was jill valentine and uh resident evil oh that's a very beautiful woman so so they're like they're my neighbors i knew him very well and he was in a movie with mila jovovich called the fourth kind and i know him so well and i watched that movie and it wrecked i am always saying it's the scariest movie i've ever seen and i suggest it to everyone i'm not i don't me it's not an oscar winner no no the fourth kind i know the guy i know the guy and he starts like spoiler alert he starts levitating on a on a bed and i'm like okay cool i'm not gonna sleep for four months now yeah like if i was him i would be very complimented by your
Starting point is 00:38:51 reaction to my art right like it it genuinely affected your core yeah i must be a good actor i watched it when it came out i want to say i was like 18 on rotten tomatoes yeah fuck rotten tomatoes they're wrong all right like said, it's not an Oscar but it'll terrify your ass. I think I watched it when I was like 22 or something and I remember I had to watch it. I'd watch 20 minutes and then I'd have to leave the room, go to the kitchen,
Starting point is 00:39:16 make a snack, hang out in there for a little while. I'd be like, alright, steal myself for 20 more minutes and go back to the bedroom and like play. Yeah. Serial killers or even zombies to some
Starting point is 00:39:32 degree, I'm like, well, whatever. You know, you bested me. You bested me tonight. Cool. I'll accept that dream. But when it comes to anything supernatural like demons or aliens, it's like I have to give in to it because there's nothing that I can do. We're in complete agreement.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Giving in. I've said this so many times. Why don't you guys just like, yeah, apparently there are things you can do to work on lucid dreaming. Cause everybody doesn't do it naturally. Like I remember even as a kid, when I'd be scared of demons,
Starting point is 00:40:00 I would just turn myself into like a demon hunter in my dream. And so then it wasn't scary it was more like they were afraid of me you have to then believe that there's a such thing as a demon hunter and i'm not stupid i just believe in demons yeah you're not you're not stupid i believe in the prerequisite for this circumstance but not the the answer to a mythical solution for it those don't exist i used to have a recurring dream where I could fly, but only if I concentrated really hard. And I mentioned that one time, and
Starting point is 00:40:29 everyone else in the room had the same thing. Yeah, I sometimes have... My only recurring nightmare has been when I was like nine, and it was like a five second long dream over and over, where I'd be in my kitchen. My mom would be like, Taylor, you're late for school! Close the garage door on your way out.
Starting point is 00:40:46 And I would run out with my backpack, start closing the garage door, and then trying to do that sneak under it thing, I would trip, fall, and the garage door would crush my head and I'd die. That was it. And then after that, I would go to a different dream and I'd be fucking doing something else. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Whatever crush I had in second grade or however old you are when you're nine. I've said it so many times, but it's literally not just nightmares. It's fear in general. I'm not afraid of any of the things you see in horror movies that I feel like I could handle in real life.
Starting point is 00:41:17 A human being doesn't scare me because I feel like I can handle that. Even the monsters in movies that I just feel like are bitch-made monsters. Like, Chucky, let's go. I'm going to capture your ass, and I'm going to have the best YouTube channel ever when I show everybody my talking doll
Starting point is 00:41:34 who's demonic, right? When I fucking pull the sheet off of that plexiglass box that I've locked your little bitch ass in, and you start screaming and talking, it's gonna make a lot of money i've got a magical doll now but like something like aliens and demons those things i have no solution for i my latin is very poor all right and and i have i don't have enough
Starting point is 00:41:59 aluminum foil to cover this room so i i feel like i'm in trouble either way. In your head as it's happening, though, is there, even as you're dreaming, is there some kind of voice that's like, demons aren't real? I don't have nightmares about these things. These are actual genuine fears I have. Is that somewhat sated by the fact that you know none of that's real? In the dream, I often
Starting point is 00:42:19 don't know that it's not real. I do have lucid dreams quite often, but in those dreams uh i completely take over kind of like neo in the matrix and i can i sort of bend the code of the the world i'm into my own liking there's usually a lot of sex and flying i'm i'm a hall of fame nhl goaltender in my lucid dreams why would you be a goaltender in your dreams because i don't know that's the muscle memory i know that's what i do it's a really masochistic dream you have there it really is that's like a known meme on even like the hockey subreddit is like goalies are
Starting point is 00:42:57 weird like they asked like they had like an ask question where they're like goalies out there whether or not you played a high level why the fuck did you do that and one guy commented he's like yeah fucking some pro came to our practice and he was firing off super hard slap shots and one of them i got in front of and hit me right in the arm bruised me to hell but i thought i could stop an nhl level shot and so i kept going and all the comments are like you're a fucking weirdo dude why would you not quit and play where you can score which fair enough going back
Starting point is 00:43:32 if I could play hockey all over again from a child I'd want to play forward scoring seems like such a high that I never got to experience I liked keeping your teeth though yeah well I mean I was unless you're playing in the nhl or a ahl do they use masks what do you do you know like uh cages i'm actually not sure and i
Starting point is 00:43:52 don't think they do yeah you're a sharks fan right no uh st louis fan we won the stanley cup this year man first one ever hell yeah okay you're uh you're not a fan of any of them right well i was just i was just curious because for some reason i thought you were a sharks fan oh okay she's the sharks fan he's from gotcha near san jose i'm from st louis we knock those sharks out and their subreddit is still bitching about it he like he lives he lives like maybe 30 minutes down the road and came and hung out and i was like oh hey what's happening man like i don't down the road and came and hung out. I was like, oh, hey, what's happening, man? I don't know much about hockey. Brent Burns came and hung out with you?
Starting point is 00:44:28 Yeah, yeah. I don't know much about hockey. You didn't know a Norris-winning, one of the best defensemen in the NHL came and hung out with you? You're just like, oh, you play that ice game? Neat. That's so cool, dude. My rule in life is treat everybody with respect like
Starting point is 00:44:46 they're a rock star so like it's not like i was like treating like a piece of shit or anything oh he's like annoying on the ice because he's he's very good he's a very offensive defenseman amazing dude but he seems like a good guy like he i wish he would trim his beard a little bit because it looks it's just dirty looking but like they showed like a San Jose Sharks game where like all the players are turning into the player lot and it's like Lamborghini Ferrari Lamborghini you know Bugatti fucking Mercedes whatever the highest level is and then a giant uh Mercedes van a black Mercedes van and A black Mercedes van. And it pulls up and Brent Burns hops out and they're asking why he likes his black
Starting point is 00:45:29 Mercedes van. And he's just like, yeah, it cost me like $100,000. I've got everything I need in there. If I needed to live out of this thing, I could. Taylor Woods is a pretty good impression. That guy is cool as fuck. I like that guy. What does hypothetical Taylor the Hockey Star drive? I've said many times, if I ever got super, super
Starting point is 00:45:47 rich, I'd be one of those Warren Buffett style spiteful rich people where I'd pull up in a Toyota Camry and just be like, yeah, it doesn't even bother me. I'm worth $110 million, but my Camry does fine. Just because the glee of doing that and upsetting people
Starting point is 00:46:04 would be so much more for me than actually driving a nice car because i don't give a fuck about and then he's just smashing bugattis in his backyard or something like that just doing stuff like that like that's what i would do realistically i'd probably buy like a nice suv like a toyota or not uh well toyota highlander what's the the big one the the really big nice toyota i can't land cruiser land cruiser land cruiser that's what it is those are really nice or maybe just like a chevy tahoe chevy tahoes are nice as fuck american cars i've come to appreciate them since i got my truck i've had a question burning for kyle since you mentioned the meat grinder can i before before you do that
Starting point is 00:46:40 can i just mention i was looking at this last night also and not only do i uh amazon late at night i also ebay and uh and this caught my eye and it i i think it's real sexy 65 shelby cobra yeah it's like it's a kit car so it's not a real one so it's only like it's less than thirty thousand dollars what does kit car mean i mean somebody built it out of a bunch of aftermarket pieces on it's like a custom made car. Instead of like a historical rare type thing that would be a well over 100,000. It was built recently
Starting point is 00:47:14 and you know, it's a replica car. How about that? It's got a fucking bored out 347 engine in it. It's got 365 horsepower and I think these things weigh like 2 000 pounds so it's just a real rocket sled i don't know my engines that well is that a modern motor or is it one that would be in a 65 shelby yeah i think this is actually fuel injection i
Starting point is 00:47:36 think uh i think it's a bored out um i don't know ford motors very well at all i i always did chevrolet stuff but a um a 5.0 is like a three 320 something like down there so it's probably a board out 5.0 maybe yeah they had the the 302s and 65 i believe in the 351s i believe and i mean the the copper jets may yeah i don't know yeah i don't know ford engines at all i i always did chevrolet stuff because it's just easier to work on for me but um in any case it is a it's a pretty decent size engine especially for this little bitty car like you could you that that engine would do fine in a car that weighs twice as much this thing is a really neat i don't have any idea what the reserve might be at the top it said it was going for 25 grand right now with reserve not met yeah i don't know
Starting point is 00:48:26 probably around 30 uh probably around 30 something some somewhere in there um but but yeah i i'm not gonna buy this car or anything like that but i'm going to eventually get one because i think they're sick uh i think this would be i think in atlanta traffic i would just be like a crotch rocket just zipping in and out of lanes and just doing whatever i wanted it looks so i get you one of them electric cars dog yeah i don't want to spend well i mean i guess you get the base models like that uh the three or whatever for like 30 something grand but then i'm always going to be looking at that big daddy ninety thousand dollar uh ride that we could go to one of my save topics for that but uh i've had a similar like for me it was the lotus i feel like
Starting point is 00:49:04 you know the lotus is better than i do it's not the esprit what was i looking at do you know oh i don't know the specific model um but the thing about the lotus like i'm sure that you probably found out is like they ride rough as shit and they're loud as fuck yeah and uh they just look cool they're super light they handle amazingly well their motor is like a souped up corolla motor or something like that so it's not crazy fast but it's fast because it's so light and it's it's the ratio yeah but also it's you know it might be more reliable than a typical car that can handle as well as it does because it's built from i think it's literally camry motor and um i don't know it just seemed like it had a lot going for it but it's also a smaller car yeah like i feel like this is small you know that that's gonna be tiny too i might look a little i
Starting point is 00:49:54 would have to sit in that car before i could purchase one because because like if i stick out the top like like like like like this like you're a toy that doesn't fit. That's a Ken doll in a matchbox car. In a Hot Wheels. Yeah. Maybe the case. That car might come up to my hip or something like that for all I know. I wouldn't want that. That was going to be the thing about the Lotus too.
Starting point is 00:50:18 I've gotten in those before and felt a little bit cramped. You should see Harley. Oh God. Even in my car, in that Camaro, like Harley getting into it, his head was like
Starting point is 00:50:29 this far from the roof, like a half an inch from the roof. He's like, ah, we're in here, huh? I'm like, yeah, nobody's ever had a hard time before. Jesus Christ, you behemoth. Have you seen the Ford GTs? Yes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:43 They updated them. Is it 2017 with the new one? Yeah. Yeah. So it's like they're big half-million-dollar supercars or whatever. And Ford invited me out to the Utah Motorsports Campus for the launch of that. And I went out there, and Henry Ford III, I think, was out there. And they had the ones that won Le Mans and
Starting point is 00:51:06 all the new product and got to do hot laps and everything with the car. And they were really concerned that I wouldn't be able to fit in it because it's a carbon fiber tub, the body is, and there's no room for adjustment on it at all. And I got to thinking to myself, I was like, wait, if I can barely fit in this thing and they're concerned about me being able to drive it because i'm so big how the hell is like john cena buying one of these he sold it to me he sold it he did yeah oh is that what it was okay that makes sense yeah that makes sense he's a monster yeah he's a monster is john cena a really tall guy or is he just huge he's huge i think he's thick like he might be like six oh i know he's a monster is john cena a really tall guy or is he just huge he's huge i think he's thick like he might be like six oh i know he's thick with four c's yeah but yeah he's six feet
Starting point is 00:51:50 tall but his shoulders are as wide as like he's like six feet 245 or something though he's he's absurd probably more 42 years old hell yeah let's give a hand to that guy for looking like he's 33 and jacked. I've never watched wrestling, but apparently he does, you can't see me. I don't get it, but that also seems neat. Is that his wrestling power
Starting point is 00:52:16 that he becomes invisible and the other guy has to be like, where'd you go, John? It's funny you say that. There's a funny Instagram account that I like to follow called snatch and snacks it's just like olympic lifters or crossfitters and they do after effects uh on people doing lifts so it's like you know it could be owen wilson's head on the bumper plates or pizza or you know pizza balls and sauce dripping or whatever. And so like the John Cena one is,
Starting point is 00:52:45 it's him just completely invisible and the weights lifting up and down or whatever. And then it'll play like the John Cena music. It's pretty funny. That does sound funny. What were you going to ask about the movie? I feel like wrestling would have been something fun to get into as a kid, right?
Starting point is 00:53:00 Yeah, before the internet. Yeah, before the internet was a big thing. Like, I don't know. It looks like it would have been. It's just a play, right? Yeah, before the internet. Yeah, before the internet was a big thing. I don't know. It looks like it would have been... It's just a play, right? Basically. It's a play, but with also some extreme athleticism. Oh, I'm not taking
Starting point is 00:53:16 that away from you. Yeah, it's... But it is. It's a poorly acted play with extreme athleticism mixed in. I mostly agree, except that the best of them are sometimes good actors, right? Like sometimes they deliver. The 1%.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Yeah. And oftentimes the most popular guys, like they move me. I like to listen to their speeches and let them run. I see them work a crowd. I don't know if probably some of the people here have tried to work a crowd, but it's very difficult. You know, I thought I wouldn't suck because i've talked into a mic so much wrong but uh it's tough to do and to see them do it well is really cool kyle you cannot the meat grinder thing um it wasn't actually about the meat grinder
Starting point is 00:53:55 it sparked an idea i want a cow update you bought a cow right yeah how is that is the cow healthy is the cow growing is that what's the eta on eating yeah you know she she's out in the field somewhere living with the rest of the cows like there's you know it's not like having a dog or anything you just put them in a pasture and that's where they live now and if something happens it happens i haven't looked at that fucking thing since i bought it okay so you're just gonna eat it it's not yeah i bought a black Angus heifer and just put it on my dad's farm and I plan to slaughter it next year sometime, process all the meat
Starting point is 00:54:29 and start Kyle's Fine Meats which will only be for Kyle. Everyone heard about it and they were like, dude, I'd love some. He's like, yeah, bet you would. He's not even going to send some to me and Woody. He's not even going to send two servings to Woody
Starting point is 00:54:45 for Woody to eat one and burn the other. I like it, Taylor. Kyle's Fine Meats are for Kyle. They're going to Kyle's Deep Freeze and Kyle's going to have delicious steaks and pure ground beef for an entire year. It's going to be 800 or 900 pounds by then. It's going to be great. Oh, by then. It's going to be great.
Starting point is 00:55:05 But you don't have any updates. What happens if your cow gets pregnant? I guess there's no bulls in your farm? No, there's bulls out there. It could happen. Now you've got two cows. The math checks out. Now you've got a business.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Do cows ever have twins? Yeah. I've never seen that before. Yeah, it happens. Yeah. I mean, it's a little rare. I don't know how common it is in human beings.
Starting point is 00:55:34 It seems like you see a lot of twins, but maybe not. It kind of runs in my family. There's a lot of twins in my family. My half-sister, she had twins. And my grandmother, she was a twin. twin identical and fraternal with these twins fraternal uh every time it's been fraternal no identical twins thank god because that's weird if you ask me fraternal super common when people are on um uh what is it the opposite of fertility drugs yeah thank you um yeah there's sometimes you know they whatever they they've got like eight eggs in
Starting point is 00:56:05 there and they're hoping one takes and then three take and that yeah or eight take sometimes and you get your own tlc show yeah octomom that must have been wait all the babies had to be like a little smaller right like they they couldn't fit eight full-size babies in a woman's in a woman's body so they had to be like mature babies and sometimes firing them out just boom boom boom boom a lot of They couldn't fit eight full-size babies in a woman's body. I think they're all premature babies. Like firing them out. Just boom, boom, boom, boom. A lot of times when there's eight babies in the belly, you get five or six viable ones.
Starting point is 00:56:35 That's more than you want anyway, so who cares? That's got to fucking suck to be struggling to get pregnant and be like, not only are you having a baby, you're having five. Can you do a partial abortion? Yeah. I just imagine there's an ultrasound. What three seem the weakest?
Starting point is 00:56:55 I want like a simulcast of the abortion. So like I see like the shop vac hoes go in and you're like, no, no, no, not that one. It's like when you're at the deli and you're picking out which steak you want. Like you see the shop vac hoes go in and, and you're like, no, no, no, not that one. It's like when you're at the deli and you're picking out which steak you want. Like,
Starting point is 00:57:06 like you see the shop back head, head toward the big one on the left. No, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:57:09 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:57:09 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:57:10 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:57:10 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:57:12 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:57:12 no, no, no, No, No, No, No, No,
Starting point is 00:57:13 No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No,
Starting point is 00:57:13 No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, I'm not even pro-choice or pro-life but I'm uncomfortable with this yeah I mean what you want to go in blind like yeah just suck out three it'll be fine
Starting point is 00:57:29 would you like to decide the three yeah yeah I would I ask myself in situations like this what would Hitler do do that three dimensional ultrasound thing I do that every morning I grew up in America with the public schools i don't know enough about fertilization
Starting point is 00:57:50 that's how it works shop vac i just remember our sex ed was horrible they did not tell us about many the only time they told us about stds wasn't how you could contract them it was just pictures of how horrible they were yeah it's meant to be like as an adult guest instructor who was who came in and did the same thing it was a guest teacher or whatever and then she was like and i have an std i'm not going to tell you guys which one people out there that are normal just like you and me but they just have stds and we're like oh fucking gross it would have been funnier if she came in like in a wheelchair with an iv roller and she's like i have i have an std i bet you can't guess you got aids bitch most most people haven't had sex in middle school and so we're like, you're
Starting point is 00:58:45 freaked out as a kid about it because you know absolutely nothing. You're completely ignorant to the subject. So you just see somebody like that and you're like, oh no, that's so weird. Gross. My middle school sex ed teacher was pregnant and then she's preaching all this abstinence and it just came off as really hypocritical.
Starting point is 00:59:02 I get it. She's married. But it still was like, yeah, you're pregnant. You can't tell us not to have sex. Look at you. Your husband blows loads in there. And then our – Yeah, you're so happy. Then our – in high school –
Starting point is 00:59:13 Our middle school, you're probably like, your husband peed in you. You can't tell us not to do it too. In high school, like early in the class, right? What they do is they take a quarter out and you do health class instead of gym and day two or three we're doing health class and the guy teaches us that all penises are the same size and that that one burned into my head and i'm like i don't know what to believe he had a really small penis authority figure who's telling me all penises are the same size. You had some micro-dicked loser
Starting point is 00:59:48 lying to you. Could be. As my wife will tell you all. All penises are the same size and size is completely uncomfortable. Anything more than three inches is a waste. And my wife agrees.
Starting point is 01:00:01 And I'm not mad about it. And so does her boyfriend. But I had seen porn, right? I had seen penises bigger than my own. But he's telling me they're all the same size. And I'm like trying to rationalize. It didn't compute. I was really stuck on that until it took a while.
Starting point is 01:00:16 It's the same size. Yeah, that would have been a great counter question. That would have been funny. But yeah, I don't know what he was doing. Was he wrong? I don't think so. Like, I don't think he was. He was.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Oh, he was definitely wrong. Well, OK. He was lying because he had a small dick. Taylor's getting at what I'm getting at, right? Let's do this. We being wrong and lying, right? You know, one is intentionally deceiving. Was he lying in an effort to like set minds at ease?
Starting point is 01:00:41 Was this some sort of thing where he wanted guys to feel better about themselves? I don't know. I can't imagine telling that lie to a bunch of middle schoolers. High schoolers, yeah. High schoolers. Oh my god. We knew in high school. Everybody showers together in high school. It was my high school weird.
Starting point is 01:00:59 We had all seen Brendan's cock by this time. We knew they were not all the same size. This guy was whipping it over people's shoulders while they were sitting down. He did expound on the idea, and he said that flaccid penises were different size, but as they got harder, they equalized. What? Right?
Starting point is 01:01:17 Because this show believed it. It is a true thing. Maybe he believed it. There is a true thing that there are showers and growers, right? That is a real thing, right? You can't look at a flaccid size and accurately extrapolate what the hard size would be.
Starting point is 01:01:30 There's two or three inches of play there that we could have. That might be high. I think that this gentleman may have been telling you what he believed to be the truth, and that to me is the most hilarious thing. He's Pka's pathetic guy
Starting point is 01:01:46 because he truly believed like he'd seen bigger cock soft but most men have never been in the room with another guy's hard cock and you know i i think most of the time oh i i experienced that in eighth grade when everybody like the way that our our gym showers worked is it was just a room with a bunch of shower heads and a tile floor that kind of sloped down towards the drain kind of so you're standing in tepid awful water shower showers that's gross and there were two guys in particular i won't name them but two guys who would always come in and within 15 to 20 seconds have a raging erection. Everyone else is standing around
Starting point is 01:02:33 making jokes with each other, making fun of how bad they did in that day's gym game or whatever it was, just shit talking like guys do. And these two guys would come in, never say a word and just have just hard dicks they'd be like like the rest of us would be like showering with our soft dicks like using our soap and everything and we'd just be like looking and we'd give each other is andrew really hard again again people talk about it like hard again was it a topic of
Starting point is 01:03:10 conversation what did they did they all pretend it didn't happen well in the showers like we didn't want to make them feel uncomfortable or anything so we wouldn't make fun of them to to their faces but like during at the lunch table later that day it was like did you see how robbie and jared had an erection again ah what a bunch of losers what are they doing are they beating off in the stall before they come in trying to if a guy had an erection one time would he get the same sort of treatment or did uh i i never saw someone get an erection just once and then be fine the rest of the time i never saw anybody get an erection ever other than those two guys every fucking day that was a big source of can i go that was a big source of anxiety for me right because i i swam right and of course you get naked you can change
Starting point is 01:03:56 into a bathing suit that's how you do that and uh it was like it wasn't that i was like getting hard for guys or anything i never got hard in the locker room, but I got hard randomly in like biology and chemistry and algebra. And like, like it's my high school boy, like shit goes on. And it was like, Oh my God. Like if he decides to pop his head up now,
Starting point is 01:04:15 I'm fucked. During class. That sucked. I can't count the number of times in eighth grade. I had to do the quick waistband flip and like, hold your t-shirt out a little bit. Sure. 10th, grade i get what you're saying but it was and i think another reason that these guys didn't get ripped onto their face is that they were both super super nerdy like it was it was it was literally a black guy and a white guy nerdy as fuck they would come in
Starting point is 01:04:40 get an erection finish showering and then and then leave. And it was just like, what are you doing here? Either A, they were trying to fluff up before they went in so that they wouldn't be judged. They fluffed too much! They fluffed too much. Fluffing is getting a little bit hard
Starting point is 01:04:59 so that you show a bit better in the shower. Sure. Or B, they just liked what they saw. That's my theory. Seeing another guy my age's ass showering was enough to keep me firmly in the flaccid camp. And that seemed to apply to everybody else in my gym classes as well,
Starting point is 01:05:19 other than these two fucking dudes. I'd feel like I just dodged a bullet. It didn't take an ass or no ass whatever it freaking you know uh what is the the theorem where you can calculate a right hand triangle pythagorean theorem if pythagorean theorem can get me hard than anything can plus b squared yeah the teacher calls you to come up and like work a problem out on the board be like fuck you the teacher it's like he used to be the sweetest student like all of a sudden he just turned on me i i won't happen in school if someone was just like bad timing you know like i am i am at full mast here and i don't want to go to the chalkboard would people just be like respect or would they talk about you for the rest i don't know
Starting point is 01:06:05 i remember there's this this big fat black kid that was in my seventh grade english class and my seventh grade english teacher had giant tits and did not wear underwear and he would sit in front and center in that class and only that class. Because every once in a while, she would cross her legs as she was sitting on a stool in front of us. And then at lunch during that day, he sat at our lunch table. That guy was fucking hilarious. I don't remember his name. But he'd be like, yeah, I saw Miss Mutton's pussy today. I saw Miss Mutton's pussy.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Yeah, you guys sitting in the back thinking you're cool. No, I saw a pussy today. Man. Jake, that's so fucking cool that you saw our pussy. And he would like talk that up a bit. He didn't stay with our school long. He left for some reason. Some sort of rape charge.
Starting point is 01:06:57 I don't know. He was a dude. No, he was fat. The fattest kid my age I'd ever seen. What, like fat people can't rape? I don't know. He wasn't quick quick enough it's a type of prejudice uh there was a micro penis in my high school and i've talked about him before oh but that's never seen one in person i i saw it one time so he was on the football team and uh like a lot of people knew because he was on the football team right he got naked how big is football team 52 guys um a lot of guys a lot of people knew because he was on the football team, right? He got naked. How big is football team? 52 guys.
Starting point is 01:07:26 A lot of guys. A lot of guys knew about this. And I feel like it's to my entire high school's credit that it wasn't a topic of conversation. Someone had told it to me one time and I didn't think much of it. I actually figured it probably wasn't true. And then I saw it and it was like, oh no. Yeah. Was he a little guy or was he like uh a big guy and it was disturbing to look at where you're like oh what he was like a fatter you and uh you know he's
Starting point is 01:07:55 taller than me and stronger than me but he was fatter than than any of us what constitutes a micro penis dude it was like so i only saw it's lasted but i want to say it was three quarters of an inch long yeah you know like really just a head it's it's just the head essentially was it one of those penises that like doesn't hang down it just kind of like oh it just it's like an acorn head stuck above his balls pal's exactly right yeah Yeah, like you're... If it hung, it wouldn't be micro. It was just like a little head. It was just the head. Like, I didn't think funny thoughts about him. It was like...
Starting point is 01:08:32 And it's not a big head either. It's... Kyle's right about this too. Yeah. I've seen a lot of them. Kyle's fine meats. Kyle actively searches them out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Yeah, I saw it. And I don't't know what just struck me is like tragic like this poor guy i'd kill myself i'd fucking kill myself if i had a micro penis absolutely i mean there's a lot of things like we've been through the list of things that if this if this happens that happens i lose two fingers three if i lose three fingers i'm killing myself like especially if it's three of the big ones. I need those. Now I can't game. Now it's going to be weird if I finger a chick with one of my weird fucked up half fingers. I don't think I'd want to date somebody that didn't have all their fucking fingers.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Dude, we're in an era now where you can get some cool ass robot hand. That's all bullshit. They show those guys with the artificial arms on Reddit. And they show you three seconds of the guy, oh, look at my lightsaber arm. Like, real cool, dude. Now slice some bread for me. Aww, why'd you have to do that? Well, I'm not saying it's great.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Yeah, Kyle. I'm just saying it's better than killing yourself. How about you open the door to your house while you're holding groceries? Let's see that out of your $200,000 arm. Oh, you can't do it? Oh, is that a special door handle? Get out of here. It's too slippery on the carbon fiber.
Starting point is 01:09:50 My front door is like a big doggy door. I just crawl in. It's fine. It's fine. If you're only missing three fingers, you could get a little dildo replacement, a little vibrator on there. Oh, like each one would be its own thing,
Starting point is 01:10:01 like one of them spinning. Well, I don't know. You don't know. You're only missing three fingers. You still have a penis. I'm going to replace three of them with a flipper and swim better than ever. That's what I'm waiting for. Not replacement for existing body parts from tech,
Starting point is 01:10:20 but augmentation with new body parts like wings or tilapia skins scales armored you know cool stuff like that what would you guys do if we're living in you know luxury gay space communism where everything's covered and we're all good and i want an elective additional surgery not fixing something you have but adding something to you what do you get yeah yeah um i think i would like denser bones so that i could just be really haphazard and reckless that's i i think if my bones were like super dense um like like wolverine style like not not to the point of hat being coated in an indestructible metal but like just like they wouldn't break almost no matter what they just jut through they just stick through my flesh and i can just pop
Starting point is 01:11:03 them back in or whatever. Um, I think that'd be cool. But also like, I've got really good eyesight. Um, it's better than 2020, but I would like super good eyesight. Like I would like my eyes to be like,
Starting point is 01:11:15 like a, like a, like a 12 power rifle scope. I want, I want that kind of zoom ability. Like I want to be able to see, I want to be able to read text from a hundred meters. That's pretty cool. I want to be able to read text from 100 meters. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:11:25 I want to be able to read my phone. I can't pull myself away from wings. Having wings would be sick. As long as they could curl up enough that you could wear a suit and look normal. And they just bust out of there and start flying. Maybe. I haven't seen Michael. My movie knowledge is very
Starting point is 01:11:45 slim, as you know. Basically, Michael the Archangel is here on Earth played by John Travolta. And this tabloid news team goes from New York out to the country of Pennsylvania or something to look into the story of this angel that's existing. And they get there
Starting point is 01:12:01 and he's got fucking wings. But he's like a rough customer. He's an archangel. And while he's got fucking wings buddy but he's like a he's like a rough customer like he's an archangel and while he's here on earth john travolta in it yeah he's getting he's getting all the fucking all the eating in that he possibly can because it doesn't it doesn't happen in heaven there's no sex in heaven apparently so but but women are gay women are drawn to him irresistibly so there there's this great scene where, you know, John Travolta can dance. He's incredibly talented at dancing.
Starting point is 01:12:29 So there's this great bar scene where he's playing that song, chain, chain, chain, chain of fools. And he starts, like, rocking back and forth at the jukebox. And every woman in the place just goes, and is, like, drawn to him to the point where he's got, like, backup dancers. But it's everybody else's dates. Just a harem of bitches. He's got eight women dancing with him and they're all dancing and he's fucking breaking it down.
Starting point is 01:12:55 What does he smell like? To each woman, he smells like cookies. He smells like caramel. There's even a lesbian there who's like, he smells like cookies he smells like caramel like like he smells like whatever there's even like a lesbian there's like he smells like pussy and all the dudes get pissed and like try to pick a fight with him but he's an archangel so he's just like battle he wants he wants battle like like like he's got this medieval mindset of this ancient warrior mindset where like he loves the challenge of battle. There's a scene where he sees a bull out in a field and he goes, battle. And he just walks up to the bull and the bull's doing that thing
Starting point is 01:13:33 where they scrape the ground with their hoof. And he starts doing it too. John Travolta does. And they just charge at each other and they meet head on, head to head. And you look and the bull is just laying on the ground and John's just like good battle to be fair this movie sounds fucking dumb
Starting point is 01:13:52 it's fun though it's a good movie what does Rotten Tomatoes say I don't know oh wait wait I have it pulled up yeah dude I like Michael 38% fuck them they shit on all the fun stuff uh i like that movie i liked it a lot uh that that was i like john travolta i like i like especially like young john travolta uh i like whenever he like mixes his dancing into a into
Starting point is 01:14:17 a part for some reason it's good stuff i like it yeah like in pipe fiction when when randomly we gotta have a twist contest i you know i saw john travolta interviewed it was pretty cool he's like i never dance at weddings and uh you know like why not like you know you can dance and he's like man i'm not even that good a dancer you know there's some movie magic in there i've got one or two things that i i just do the twist and people think i can dance but if i, I'm only turned on if it's gay. Have you ever seen Saturday Night Fever? Where he's literally, and the sequel to it, where he's literally a dance competition winner. There's hours of him dancing. He can dance. He's being... I think though that at a wedding, I kind of get it.
Starting point is 01:15:00 He doesn't have a choreographed... That's not the environment that he thrives in. Where you have to stay in your own little cylinder and do... Yeah, he needs to break out and have a crowd gather around him to really show off his full expertise. And a choreographer to help him beforehand. I'm sure he's done so much of that, though.
Starting point is 01:15:17 In Saturday Night Fever, when he's dancing to the Bee Gees out there, and even his date has to step aside because he's just so good. Look, holy shit, this isn't even a duo aside because he's just so good as to look holy shit this isn't even a duo anymore it's just john i'm a big fan of john's wonder if i can still do the running man i was that was really hard for me didn't he like grab masseuse's balls or have masseuses grab his balls yeah he seems but is it masseuse masseuse uh yeah he seems to be a secret uh secret gay but i don't hold that against him at all uh unlike you know he but he definitely groped those male
Starting point is 01:15:51 that male masseuse and apparently there's a history of him doing things like that but they were all overage this isn't a kevin spacey scenario oh okay so it's totally cool well i wouldn't say that i mean i guess i mean if he grabbed my ass, I'd be like, oh, John. See, if he grabbed my ass, I would feel like, oh, no, that's just, sorry, I'm a girl guy. Not a fit. If he grabbed my balls, I would feel like that's not an opening move. You can't do that. Yeah, start in the back and and move to the
Starting point is 01:16:25 front like that's what i'm asking for is that too much i just want a little bit of consideration from my assaulter warm me up a little bit yeah all right you know kiss me on the neck we often joke around about living life uh like it's a throwaway account account which is a reference to how in video games like like back in the day when we'd play call of duty 4 especially it seems like we'd max out, we'd have the highest ranked 10th prestige or whatever, and then it would be fun to just make a new Xbox account because you got like three to five free accounts
Starting point is 01:16:52 you can make on any Xbox. And I went through so many Xboxes back then that I just had endless accounts. It was like, hey, let's try starting from a level one private and earning everything all over again because that's fun, especially if you haven't done it in like a year. And you call that a throwaway account because you don't care what the stats are,
Starting point is 01:17:13 the ratings, you're just running around having fun. Just, you know, you're going to play on this thing for literally a month and then never log into it again. And so sometimes I've made the joke about living real life. Like it's a throwaway account being sort of frivolous and being a, you know, haphazard with things and not really devil may care. I have a link here of a man takes that to a whole nother level. All right. This fellow right here is living life like it's a throwaway account. He's living this day that we're about to see.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Like it's the only, you know, you always say, what would you do if there was only one day left on Earth? What would... This guy is answering the question right here in this video, folks. I'm ready to watch, and I paused at zero, and he's drinking with blackface on, which... That's his opening move, Taylor. Pretty cool guy. His opening move is to get blasted while
Starting point is 01:18:05 wearing blackface. And it's not good blackface. It's like a friend, a drunk friend haphazardly took a sharpie and drew it on him. It certainly is, Taylor. It's not very convincing. And he looks Hispanic. He is Hispanic, yes. Okay. Is everybody
Starting point is 01:18:21 queued up? Oh, I am ready to watch. Ready, set, play. That volume is a must for this. Yeah. At the very beginning. What the... What's happening? Are these crack rocks?
Starting point is 01:18:44 I don't know what it looks like. It looks like crack rocks. Okay. We are here, nigga. Look at the bands, motherfucker. This guy's cool. Is it his... I don't think it's his bands.
Starting point is 01:19:01 No, that's his truck. Yeah, I believe that's his truck. Yeah, he's got at least three rims I don't give a fuck about no cops. I wonder if there's any cops nearby We missed a scene. Yeah, we missed a scene there where the car got wrecked at Burger King. He's getting warmed up. He's bleeding a little.
Starting point is 01:19:40 He's in charge. Follow me. That's the greatest line! I don't know about you guys, I'm a huge fan of this guy so far. Cool guy of the week thus far. Yeah, he's into contending. This is Ricardo Gonzalez on Instagram, if anyone's curious. Or on Snapchat. Is he at both hands out the window?
Starting point is 01:20:22 No, he's filming with one. Oh, yeah. What am I thinking? He to like let him get out of their cars. I wanna know how the blood got on the shirt. He's not even driving though, is he? Yeah, he's definitely driving. He's in the right hand seat? Am I wrong? Yeah, he's in the right hand seat. I'm confused about that, frankly.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Look, look, look, here's someone else's POV. Some say he's still sparking down the LA freeway today. Dude, that guy rules. That guy's awesome. Give all your credit to Ricardo Vasquez or whatever the fuck his name is. Everybody follow real quick on Snapchat. Have you ever seen a car spark on the street like that? No, I've never seen it in person. Not in real life, no.
Starting point is 01:21:13 As a teenager, I did. I was like a new driver, and I didn't know anything about driving or life or what have you. And there was a car sparking like that, going in the other direction. And I was like, Oh, that's why they say pull over when you get a flat, because if you don't, your car, I didn't know it made so many sparks.
Starting point is 01:21:31 So we turned around and followed her. And I don't know if she was drunk or whatever, but she was just trying to get to where she was going with three tires. And her car caught on fire. Nice. Yeah. It was a front tire, which probably makes that more likely.
Starting point is 01:21:46 Yeah. I would think so. Yeah. You want to pull over flat yeah yeah but not immediately that's so fucking funny that guy's awesome yeah that guy's like that guy is a badass i mean blackface hennessy the kind of guy you want to hang out with police that's the kind of guy you want to hang out with you can just watch him do his nonsense and you get to be a spectator close up that's perfect oh yeah nothing could go wrong with that plan taylor you need that guy in your friend circle it'll be good that's that's part of the risk you know that real real quick i wanted to jump back to richard here last time we spoke about your coffee company and everything you were trying to get more brick and mortar. Did you ever actually
Starting point is 01:22:26 forge a relationship with Walmart or anyone to get your coffee in those stores, get more distribution? Yeah, we've been trying to figure that stuff out. We've chatted with a lot of people. I don't know exactly what all I can disclose at this point.
Starting point is 01:22:49 But yeah, the hurdle that we've run into is we want to control um a customer's kind of first-time experience with the brand um because we've worked pretty hard over the last five years or so to make sure that people realize that oh no like the coffee is like legit good like if you if you drink black coffee and you don't i do just drown it and you know cream and sugar then you'll notice a really big difference between just about everybody else out there because evan's just such a coffee nut um he's so meticulous about the roast profiles and making sure everybody gets the the most you know fresh uh product possible that's one reason why we opened uh last year our roasting facility in nashville so that when people are ordering stuff shipping from the east coast to arrive on the east coast within
Starting point is 01:23:37 three business days um same thing on the west coast we have you know salt lake city and everything so when you start involving brick and mortar um you really have to if they're not our own coffee shops like we sell stuff on amazon and these other places yeah but brick and mortar you got to start working with dcs and a ton of different things that would probably yeah you lose control of of of the distribution timeline so you don't know how um fresh things are going to be. And we really want to make sure that, especially being a newer company that people, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:10 they imprint on the brand in a way that they, they realize, you know, how much work's gone into making it. I understand if you can't say anything is, is Walmart one of the big distributor or one of the big merchandisers rather that you're working with trying to get it going? I can't
Starting point is 01:24:26 really say i mean we were like okay yeah we're talking about a lot a lot of a lot of big distributors i guess you could say okay i'm hoping i when i do rarely walk through the coffee because i don't drink a lot of coffee i'm always wondering like am i gonna see black raffle coffee in here like yeah and i haven't i mean i can't even i don't even know what an accurate count would be at this point there are literally thousands of dealers across the u.s right now so the most of them are your firearms dealers like 511 if you go into any 511 store we have a significant presence in there for everything from merchandise to coffee and and all that stuff but i'd tell people if you if you're a legit coffee nut and you like want the most accurate
Starting point is 01:25:07 representation of like what it is that we have to offer and just order from a website just because that's, it's going to ship from our roasting facilities straight to you. So it arrives at like it's peak flavor. Yeah. As far as margin is concerned online is best for you guys. But as far as like ultimate distribution and name recognition then brick and mortar walmart would be your go-to especially given like your guys
Starting point is 01:25:30 mo of veterans you know people like that they are walmart shoppers yeah and we just don't want to get into a position with you know people where they they they've seen us on social media they love what we're doing and then they try the coffee and it's like six months old and it's like they can't tell any difference between that and folgers i mean it won't be six months old if you've got any kind of turn it's going to be fresher than you think i think let me dm me about uh what you're doing with with breaking mortar stuff i might be sure i mean i mean if you guys want to if you ever want to try anything i'm like yeah sure i'll send you some stuff out like whole bean or ground or whatever i mean what i tell people is like look if you if you just if
Starting point is 01:26:14 you're putting cream and sugar in it i mean we sell stuff on amazon we sell like 511 stores are all over the u.s you can walk in and pick them up i mean i guarantee you can go into just about any gun shop and and pick some up just to try you can go into just about any gun shop and pick some up just to try it out if you're going to put stuff in. Really? Yeah, for sure. K-Cups are good for a year or so because it's vacuum sealed, so you're not worrying about it.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Are you able to track your business to specific gun shops and chains? Absolutely. You know who your top sellers are, for sure. Southern California and Texas kill it for sellers are for sure southern california southern california and texas kill it for us for sure yeah that could also be populationally based so you probably have great markets otherwise that you just haven't penetrated yet that's great i'm glad that every time we talk about it you've you've made a couple steps forward and that
Starting point is 01:27:00 that's good yeah for sure so every week we do a little segment where we all look at what youtube channels we've we have caught on with us this week you know what what we've been looking at lately what we've been binging and going through someone's entire library well ross notty r-a-s space n-o-t-t-y. He runs quite the YouTube channel. This gentleman basically makes his bones by waiting until his friends, associates, people who have stumbled into his home pass out drunk on the couch. And then he comes up with something horrible to throw onto their face while they're passed out drunk. Now, this is the first video I ever saw from him. This one is called
Starting point is 01:27:43 Kato Caught Slippin'. Straight mustard face. I can tell from the thumbnail what we're going to get here. You have no idea how much of a mustard face Kato's about to get. You do not get caught slipping over at Rasnati's place, all right? Well, it's his mama's place anyway, but they come up with all kinds of... Yeah, I've watched dozens of these, and it's the same format every time,
Starting point is 01:28:12 but it's just something different every time that they use on the sleeping, passed-out individual. Countdown? Yeah. Three, two, one, play. 167,000 views. This guy's really on to something.
Starting point is 01:28:30 This dude is passed out drunk. Straight up mustard face. He's snoring. He's got like an eight-year-old's comfort. I'm still going. This conversation is great. This conversion is great. He's choking on the mustard.
Starting point is 01:29:18 It's still pouring on. He's going for his mouth. That guy looks like a tough customer too. He's just going on top of his head His back Doesn't matter Oh no what are you gonna do Man on top What about your wife
Starting point is 01:29:42 He's so much Everyone's laughing He's not afraid at all. He's not afraid at all. He said, Come back get that shit. Get that shit. He said, come back to sleep, bitch. He started with a brand new jar of mustard. I'm going to subscribe to that.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Dude, that is so fucking funny. Sometimes, they'll be like, we don't call JJ slipping. And what they mean is, JJ fell asleep. So they go to the kitchen and they get a whole pot
Starting point is 01:30:54 like you cook in and they start adding fucked up shit to it. Like a whole jar of vanilla frosting and then a bunch of crystal hot sauce and then a whole bunch of Italian seasoning and then a whole bunch of italian seasoning and and like a little shot of bleach and they just keep going until it's disgusting and then they stir it up really well and just dump this right on the guy's face one time one of them's called like this nigga a hot dog now and basically he gets a whole handful of relish and pours
Starting point is 01:31:23 mustard all over his hand and he does he does like a whack like it like like he just splatters it right in the guy's face so it's just instantaneously full coverage all over his face of mustard and relish that's hilarious i'm totally in favor of it there's so many good ones on there i've been watching all week that's that that's my new favorite youtube channel that is i'm watching the one i think you just described ross noddy and uh so it's kiddo slipping again caught with a bunch of shit and he just made a pot full of random shit from the pantry and he's poured it on his head yeah yeah a bunch of shit yeah yeah it's so fucked up because how did you find him he only has 700 subscribers
Starting point is 01:32:06 we dig deep we dig deep for the best of the best you know um we don't stop at the the top level of youtube we delve until we find things we can make fun of or even better the listeners send us things that are way funnier than anything we can find I tweeted out like a couple weeks ago like hey what are some funny reddits that I can make fun of and one of them they sent to me was r slash theft and this is not what you think it's not people reporting thefts
Starting point is 01:32:40 or talking about thievery it is thieves talking about strategies to steal from people that's literally what it was i found one today i was reading through it like unbelievably just like they're like here are 10 tips to make sure you get away from macy's or whatever the fuck department store they were talking about and it's like just just don't steal things you degenerate no no but tell me more about the tips taylor the tips were things like uh i didn't write any of the tips down i'll make them up they were uh no not make them up it was things like uh uh always go into the changing room before you pull off uh the tags or if you're very skilled they said you can stand in public not in public
Starting point is 01:33:28 meaning like in the middle of macy's and remove those tags with scissors and cut a little bit of the fabric if you need to and then other things were like always make sure that you buy something you know you never want to be a thief who doesn't buy anything because that's more suspicious. So buy something. And I saw one story from some fucking whore who was like, yeah, I went into this place and I saw a sweater that I liked. And so I put the sweater on and I tried and I bought something and I tried to leave and loss prevention stopped me. But I cried and wept and said, I'm only 19. I'm about to go to college and they let me go and it's like well well that's not going to teach you any valuable lessons is it
Starting point is 01:34:10 what you needed is for us to go a little more north korea on your ass and have those guys give a little more lenience you know maybe a little pow pow you know a little little something to make it you know ruminate with you a little more but regardless reddit out there bans communities all the time and they allow r slash theft which is just a bunch of fucking scumbags talking about how to rob people so and they even like have this false sense of superiority where they're like never rob a mom and pop shop it's like go fuck yourself you fucking degenerates as if you addicted kleptomaniacs aren't robbing any and everyone you see. And you put on this nice little
Starting point is 01:34:49 thief face for the rest of the room. I don't think it's cool for you to prejudge these thieves. Did you see any tips on how to get more 9-volt batteries out of Walmart? Yeah. One of them was about batteries, actually. I think. Where they were saying just open them and
Starting point is 01:35:06 empty them into your pockets which seemed what was the username uncouth i don't know it was a klm5986 klm5986 be stealing at Reddit. Yeah. I don't know that guy, but I bet he's a good battery thief. No, but I couldn't believe that Reddit just lets a community of thieves share strategies. And apparently this is in the wake of shoplifting being a subreddit where you could... I only know that because I saw someone on the theft sub refer to an old subreddit that got banned called shoplifting and it was just sharing tips on how to how to steal things i wonder how these things fly under the radar so much right like it i'm
Starting point is 01:35:55 i'm assuming reddit just doesn't know they're bad like doesn't know what's going on and that's why they're still having it there i would imagine so maybe but oh anyway kyle well we are doing this show on wednesday just so everyone knows and the patreons patrons they're getting it early tonight because they're cool kids but um we're doing it because fourth of july is obviously coming up have you heard about trump's fourth of july extravaganza what is he oh something with tanks and we're gonna have the best fighter jets in the world flying over we're gonna have the brand new shirt we're gonna have the biggest brand new sherman tanks yeah we're gonna have the brand new sherman tanks the uh
Starting point is 01:36:35 abrams tanks and uh like he literally said he said sherman he said sherman and i was like this is one hell of a president he's's had them revamp the Sherman project. I knew that they cut him out far too early. That tank always had potential. A little sloped armor and we're going to be back in business. I'm looking forward to seeing the thing. I think it'll be a hell of a show, honestly. Can you say what the actual plan is?
Starting point is 01:37:01 He's having a military-style 4th of July parade. Oh, that's having a military style 4th of July parade. And some people, yeah, some people are excited about seeing like the tanks roll down Washington, DC and stuff like that. Other people feel like this is the kind of thing that democracies don't do, but I want to say France does it. Bastille Day.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Why? FDR did it. Maybe. I don't know, but it, usually it's a thing that the Sovietviet union does and north korea does it's more associated with the dictators i hope they get the left is going all bonkers about it i want tanks there like that'd be pretty neat as a civilian to see tanks roll by where you'd be like
Starting point is 01:37:36 wow that's a real ass tank i want it to be like the ancient times i want them to wheel out some of those guantanamo bay prisoners that we've been hanging on to and just parade them through the streets in shackles and stuff. I'm also fully in favor of that. The military parade come and then he's going to give a speech. Now, I don't know what the speech is going to be, but the people on the left are already freaking out that it's going to be like a campaign
Starting point is 01:37:58 style speech. I was under the impression our tanks were much, much bigger. Frankly, I'm putting it, I'm giving a trillion dollars to Boeing to make the biggest tank in the world. Now all you're saying, this is going to cost too much money. Think of how cool that would look. And then most people would be like, yeah, it would be pretty fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:38:21 Imagine going to war with America, like these huge comically large tanks roll in the three stories have you seen that that like rail gun that either the soviets or the nazis or whoever the fuck had in world war ii yeah the nazis and they had that like gustav gun and it was just a gun on a uh you know a railroad track yeah and it was like two the barrel was like 200 yards long. It was like shooting people standing on it and you're like that can't be true. That's a person standing on that gun and apparently
Starting point is 01:38:52 they didn't even use it so that's dumb. I think they used it. Did they? Yeah, I'm pretty sure. As usual, I'm just making things up. What did they use it for? It better hit what it's aiming at. Right?
Starting point is 01:39:07 That's my thing. That's a good point. If you're aiming at a city, you'll probably hit something that people don't want broken. For sure. They definitely weren't shooting England because they'd have to go across
Starting point is 01:39:17 the fucking English Channel. That's what the V2 rocket program was all about, thanks to Werner von Braun, who headlined NASA later on and took us to the moon. He designed those V2s that were shelling England. How far could
Starting point is 01:39:29 it shoot? The cannon or the V2? 29 miles. This is the Gustav. Wow. Yeah. They shoot further now, artillery. And accurately. Weirdly accurate. It's surprising to me what they can hit.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Did you see, like, maybe it was a clip. Maybe I me what they can hit. Did you see like, it was a clip. Maybe I'm thinking of something else, but when like, in like 2013, this was six years ago when Obama like bombed that, that one building and they were able to like send the rockets into specific windows,
Starting point is 01:40:01 not just hit the building into like, yeah, we want second floor fourth from the right and it would hit there like that that's bananas yeah it's so cool also a lot of people died so that's not cool but it was very it was very neat how only the people in that room that's no lots of other people died well aerospace and defense in general i feel like is is so fascinating and like for me i don't know about you guys but um i watch all the spacex launches and it's hard not to get freaking emotional watching them like even by myself like i watched the uh where they landed the first and second stage, or the side boosters, side by side.
Starting point is 01:40:52 And I was like, oh my God, this is so epic. And then here a few months ago, they land all three stages. And then this last one, they caught one of the fairings or something. So it's like, I don't know. I just marvel at the ability. It's like science fiction. Yeah, it really is. It really is. I wish I shared your opinion.
Starting point is 01:41:13 Really? Yeah, I want to be excited. It's cool? It's not that I don't think it's cool. That would be an overstatement. It's that the cool part that I'm looking forward to hasn't come yet. Like, what do you understand? They've really lowered the cost of sending satellites into space and like ah when
Starting point is 01:41:30 i dreamed up the neatest things about space advancement it wasn't reducing the cost of gps satellites or something like that like that that's not where my excitement is i wouldn't mind going to mars a human um i wouldn't mind like civilian space travel of some sort i wouldn't mind going to Mars, a human. I wouldn't mind civilian space travel of some sort. I wouldn't mind going further. Farther, actually. I'm using the wrong word. I wouldn't mind going farther. I wouldn't mind seeing space knowledge grow
Starting point is 01:41:56 in a way that it's not right now. Really, what they're doing is a really practical just lowering of cost, which I understand is a prerequisite for the stuff that i am excited about it's just not the part i'm excited about that's so interesting because it like for you it seems like it you're looking at the financial aspect and the justification for it and i'm like that's like shooting a bullet out of a gun and then landing it back in the barrel of
Starting point is 01:42:21 the gun and i'm like that takes so much so many geeks involved in that process to be able to like launch it out into into lower earth or even yeah to some extent some of the higher orbits and then landing it back onto the cape and you know what sucks landing on a drone ship in the middle of the ocean and just using these little stabilizing fins to guide it back down and then it stabilizes and then starts an entry burn and then gets a landing burn
Starting point is 01:42:54 at the exact right time and then just like successfully But the end result of all that geek The sad thing about that is that those guys who designed that those fins and everything, they're still not getting pussy. I want to see better
Starting point is 01:43:10 pictures of Pluto than we saw before. I want to see, I don't know, tell me that we can go to another sun. I know how far that is, but something that makes me imagine that we've just shrunk our personal solar system or universe. I'd like a moon colony. I think a moon colony would be sick.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Right? If we got a legit moon colony up and running and it was the sort of thing where for $150,000, you could go up there for a week, that would be sick. And I get that. I agree with Kyle. And I think that reusable rockets are a part of that.
Starting point is 01:43:40 Right? A moon colony is going to be more likely if you can reduce the cost by 50%. Like, I intellectually understand that. It's just that what we've done so far is all the prerequisite stuff. And that's not where the... You are so frugal. It's hilarious. You're hung up on the financial aspect of it. I'm just like... So I totally see the difference in perspective on it because you're wanting the bigger jump you're wanting the bigger jump and where i'm like i'm focused on the implications of the smaller steps um and where they're they're leading us um i think that's i think that's what's getting me so excited because it's like when and knowing that this being able to land all those stages and um successfully doing
Starting point is 01:44:21 that improving those capabilities that gets us one step closer to the moon colonies or commercial. I want to go to space. I think that would be epic, but I don't want to be one of the first few guys to do it. I want it to be an industry that has been proven for like five or ten years before I go do it. And the whole Mars thing and stuff like that, I think each step is like, oh, my gosh, this is a significant.
Starting point is 01:44:46 Even when they just launched the satellites here recently, it's like, okay, we're getting closer. Well, it's equally as scary that we're getting closer to high-speed internet all around the world for everybody. That might be neat. Oh, I don't know it's never been explained in a way that i can understand why the space shuttle was a bad idea like i get that in practice they turn out to be really expensive but that was a reusable spacecraft too and it landed on its wheels just tip it up and send it again was it because it's a government project and they're just not money focused i don't know but it seemed like a really good idea see this is an issue i don't care about but we'll pretend to know a lot about like i don't know like maybe they they really are
Starting point is 01:45:37 bilking the system for more but i i thought the same thing when they're like and these spacex things you can just stand them back up and relaunch them. And I'm like, what have we been doing? Like one-off rockets for 50, 60 years? Yeah, we don't have to get into that conversation of government versus private sector. But there is something to be said for when you have taxpayers footing the bill. It's like, okay, spend as much money as you can as frequent as possible and make sure that you spend it every single year so you get the same amount next year. A little more next year. Yeah, absolutely. You request X amount percent increase and you use that, whereas a private
Starting point is 01:46:15 sector, you're looking at profit margins, you're looking at deadlines. Elon Musk's executive packages, I've been super fascinated by how people are compensated in in different roles as executives in different companies and you know don't quote me but i believe his is um he doesn't get paid anything i think his is all um his is all um stock yeah stock incentives that vest based off of performance incentives and uh or performance goals and i'm like that is yes yes that's the way i feel like that's the way the government should be in some degree it's like if you're not meeting your milestones you shouldn't be compensated for this or whatever under budget over budget and you know kind of kind of adding those kind of private
Starting point is 01:46:59 sector attributes to the the government so it's not so hey just use the money it's coming in if you don't like regarding uh regarding elon musk i feel like woody and i passed like ships in the night where i used to be like fuck this guy he sucks and what do you be like this is really cool and now we've passed and i'm like this guy first of all i don't need any reason other than elon musk's twitter account to like him a lot now. I thought you were going to say his hairline. He'll tweet real funny memes and stuff, and that's hilarious for a guy who's verified and worth billions of dollars. And Woody, on the other hand, has gone from liking him a lot to being like, fuck this.
Starting point is 01:47:39 Maybe that's too extreme, but like, oh, screw this guy a little bit. Yeah, I see what you're saying. Yeah, actually, one of my topics for tonight was the Tesla. The truck? Well, that's interesting, but it was actually the fact that last quarter they broke a record for shipping units. They sold more cars than they
Starting point is 01:47:56 ever have before. I guess the demand is good. They were projecting like 51,000 units. They did like 58,000, something like that, I think. Still not a lot of units. And one of them went to Boogie, apparently. I saw he was getting some flack for that. Yeah, Boogie bought
Starting point is 01:48:12 a Tesla. That's hilarious. Boogie didn't just buy a Tesla. Yeah, but it's three times the amount of BMW. They shipped three times the amount of BMW. There's no way that BMW is only selling 21,'s no way that bmw is only selling like 21 000 units in that given time frame no way 21 000 if if it's like 59 000 or whatever
Starting point is 01:48:34 and you're saying that that was like three times higher than bmw than like 19 000 units 20 000 because i don't want to be the guy who just like i thought it was in the 90s and i think i've heard what richard is saying and it's more like hey our tesla 3 is comparable to the bmw 3i and we sold more of those okay yeah if i remember right that's still impressive that's also a much easier claim to make when one company has 15 offerings and the other company has four. No, that was comparing. No, no, no. That's what the article was talking about, because it said that they had fewer product offerings and they still surpassed BMW's numbers and total shipped units. Well, but fewer product offer.
Starting point is 01:49:21 Was this in regard to one model or no? No, it's the entire model. I'm not positive which one of us is right yeah because it would go the opposite way if if tesla offers five designs or five units and bmw offers 25 then of course you can compare apples to apples to apples one bmw3 versus tesla 3 i don't know if a tesla 3 a thing, but just pretend it is like, then of course, or BMW probably get outsold because they have a lot more, you know,
Starting point is 01:49:51 watering down of their purchasers because of the more units they offer. And I'm not, I'm not. Yeah. It's 95,000 units. That much I found. I haven't found the BMW comparison, but 95,000 units for a quarter.
Starting point is 01:50:04 It seems like a lot. Good for them. They're really neat. I'm not going to buy a Tesla, but they're cool. Boogie bought one. Boogie didn't just buy one. Boogie bought the big daddy one. He bought the $90,000 Tesla.
Starting point is 01:50:19 He bought the $90,000 Tesla. Is that the X or is it the S? Do you want to watch it that the S? Yeah. Do you want to watch it, this video? Sure, yeah. I understand he's been getting some flack. Even the title of this video is Boogie Buys $100,000 Tesla and Then Begs for Money.
Starting point is 01:50:36 $100,000, that's crazy. There's going to be some selective editing on this, but let's see it. Are you guys ready? Oh, is this not from Boogie's channel? No. Well, it is from Boogie's channel, but the video we're watching isn't on Boogie's channel.
Starting point is 01:50:48 It's from his stream, I think. Okay, I'm ready. Ready, set, play. Oh, are you trying to manipulate people into giving you money? The answer is yes. Give me some money. But, get on renewable energy.
Starting point is 01:51:04 But the real reason I wanted to buy the car he's like once it's self-driving you will be able to use it to make money boogie use it to make money boogie and you'll be the i'm like god damn it god damn it all right sell me the fucking thing i'm gonna buy the fucking thing i gave him my deposit i got my fucking car. They're building it. Then I get to my hotel room and I'm sitting there saying, oh my God, I just put myself $100,000 in debt. Yeah, you did.
Starting point is 01:51:34 My car payment's $1,700. That's more money than I make on Twitch. Oh God. That's more money than I make through he has a plan my youtube revenue this month oh god oh god what am i gonna do what am i gonna do why did i do this why did i put myself in a hundred thousand dollars into that i'm already in debt for the car why did i put myself into debt so then it really started to hit me i I really started to panic. I really started to get scared. So I tweeted out that I was not going to be able to afford this car. Reddit and Twitter lost their fucking minds.
Starting point is 01:52:15 Oh, are you trying to manipulate people into giving you money? The answer is yes. Reddit gives him such a hard time. Give me some money. And I didn't realize. But the problem is I was there with Jesse. Jesse was buying the car anyway. And Jesse's like, Boogie, treat yourself.
Starting point is 01:52:29 I'm like, you're right. Jesse's a good friend. He's like, Boogie, treat yourself. Treat yourself. You deserve it. He's like, Boogie, treat yourself. I'm like, all right. I thought you were going to play Mario Maker 2.
Starting point is 01:52:36 We're about to start in just a couple minutes. I like to wait until people get in. So Jesse's like, treat yourself. So I'm like, treat myself. So yes, if you guys want to help me pay for my tesla please go ahead and dig deep i sure would like a free fucking tesla reach down in your pockets and give me a hundred thousand dollars tonight said people like why are you complaining about money on the internet because i just spent a hundred thousand dollars
Starting point is 01:52:58 it doesn't matter if you're a millionaire i'm not a millionaire but if I was a millionaire, spending a tenth of my income, a tenth of my value is fucking insane. Now, here's the good news. I'm going to make a bunch of Tesla videos. The very first Tesla video, here's something that a lot of people don't tell you. Tesla spends a lot of money on YouTube. Tesla spends a lot of money on YouTube Tesla spends a lot of money on YouTube so the reality of it is once once once I start making Tesla videos I'm gonna make some of that money back and that's a good thing I got a video where I purchased the Tesla video and the Tesla shows up then I'm gonna go on
Starting point is 01:53:36 a road trip with the Tesla and I'm gonna show you lots of tests of cool Tesla shit okay but I don't feel like he's viewer-focused on these video ideas. He's going to write that Tesla off. Model 3 is $33,000. You can get a Model 3 tomorrow if you can afford a $33,000 car. I like that part. There's a part at the end
Starting point is 01:53:58 where he's like, hey, don't think you can ever be like me and put yourself another $100,000 in the hole. You could just do $30,000 hey don't say don't think you can ever be like me and put yourself another hundred thousand dollars in the hole you could just do thirty thousand in the hole if you're a peon if you're just one oh yeah everybody has this is the reason i bought a reasonably priced honda because that that when he said his monthly car payment. That is so fucking funny. $1,700 a month to drive a Tesla? You could get stem cells for that.
Starting point is 01:54:29 Oh, but think of how much money I'll save on gas. No. No. That's ridiculous. There's an eight-minute version of this video, too, but it seemed like a lot for us to watch. Is my video frozen? No, you look good.
Starting point is 01:54:42 Okay, good. And he comes to terms. He's like, it costs $8 to fill the tank instead of $30. But it's $100,000 a car, so it doesn't pay for itself. That would be crazy. No, no, no. So what he's talking about is, so this is really, really cool. So Elon was talking about this here.
Starting point is 01:54:58 I think it was maybe two weeks ago. I don't know. Anyways, it's brilliant. Yeah, so he's positioning Tesla he's positioning tesla to compete with uber and lyft and that whenever you take your car to work or school or whatever you log the tesla app on and say hey i'm not using it right now and it goes on um you know whatever the whatever they call the autopilot mode and it drives around picking people up like a Lyft or an Uber and takes them to wherever they go and then it comes back and whenever you want to punch out and it makes you
Starting point is 01:55:28 money I have a problem this is a fantasy I have a problem with that first of all I don't think the tech I don't think it's a technological fantasy I think you could absolutely do it like the pieces are already there you just got to put them together but what I think is outrageous is that anyone all right so so you're in this position where you have a ninety thousand dollar car and yet you need extra income so let's assume that you're that person okay and boogie i suppose is that means this car is very valuable to you this is this is the the most expensive item own, second only to your home. And yet, you are going to let it go off literally on its own
Starting point is 01:56:10 and allow anyone with $20 to hop in the back of the second most expensive thing you own. You're going to end up with Ross Naughty in there, and all of a sudden Kato's going to get caught slipping in the back that was a good
Starting point is 01:56:25 callback yeah muster faced and then you're gonna you're gonna go out in the parking lot you know straighten your tie up let's hop into my tesla and you're gonna look and it's gonna be you got caught slipping now now your tesla is a giant hot dog machine on the inside that exploded because ross notty was in there today and what are you going to do hunt him down and make him pay for it that guy doesn't have an address there are people who would use that car as like the next uber who i wouldn't lend a winter coat to exactly i'm gonna have a fucking soup kitchen in the back of your fucking ninety thousand dollar tesla and i'm not gonna pay a dime but i mean i mean you could even pretend that it's your Tesla for like a $20 ride share, right? Just sit in the front and go pick up girls.
Starting point is 01:57:10 That's hilarious. What if somebody did that? What if they're like, what if they pay him through the Tesla app to like rent his car and then they use it as an Uber? You talked about removing the steering wheels, like how quick they can i just modify the cars to completely change the cab richard elon gets us excited i'm i actually am more excited about elon's car stuff than his space x stuff because that's happening and it's here and i such a hater
Starting point is 01:57:42 i don't think of myself, I see myself very differently because the car stuff, a lot of it he's delivered on, right? Like their autopilot takes highway exit ramps and stuff like that. YouTube videos of people sleeping while the car drives are commonplace now.
Starting point is 01:57:58 I've heard it drives as well as a student driver, right? Which is not to say you want to ignore it all the time. So pretty badly. Yeah, yeah. As good as a 16, 17 year old Which is not to say you want to ignore it all the time. So pretty badly. Yeah, yeah. As good as a 16, 17-year-old, which is a lot better than my truck. You know, my truck will bounce off the lanes once or twice before it busts right through.
Starting point is 01:58:14 And, you know, these Tesla's are so much better. I'm very excited about that. But Elon Musk is also completely full of shit, right? He says that next year, 2020, that Uber thing will come into reality and fruition. He's talking about removing the driver's wheel in hardly any time, five years, and it won't come with one.
Starting point is 01:58:36 Horseshit. As long as he's continuing to be funny on Twitter, I don't mind his lies. Even though we're funding him. I don't think there are lies as much as it is ambition. And he believes in his product. And he knows that if he misleads those shareholders just enough, they'll keep buying in and he'll be able to afford these dream products.
Starting point is 01:58:54 But that is lies. That's a valid argument. That's a valid argument. Like you said earlier, Woody, there's a difference between lying and saying something that you don't know to be not true. Oh, no. What I said is you can be wrong, but not necessarily a liar. And I'll stand by that.
Starting point is 01:59:09 But when he's trying to mislead shareholders to get him to his eventual goals, that's lying. I don't think so. I think he's the greatest human being alive. That would have to be deliberate. He might be. I think he might be our best human. Bill Gates is pretty good. Bill Gates is our best human,
Starting point is 01:59:29 and Elon Musk is our second best human. Bill Gates is like fucking curing malaria and AIDS and shit overseas. Dude, have you seen the carbon neutral plant that he invested in in the Pacific Northwest? Insane. I think that's all they're doing're doing yeah so i think vice did a profile on it there's been a few companies out there essentially what they're like trying to figure out ways to remove carbon from the atmosphere and it it has these huge air movers
Starting point is 01:59:59 or big fans it looks like like a massive wall of fans. The air goes through it. They're dripping a chemical that's removing the carbon from the air passing through it. Then they can either store that in the earth or they can package it up and use it as essentially a fossil fuel.
Starting point is 02:00:20 That'd be great. They make a coal plant. It's carbon neutral. It's removing the carbon. Oh, that's true great. If they make a coal plant. It's carbon neutral. Well, it's carbon neutral, so it's not... It's removing the carbon from the car. Oh, that's true! We suck the carbon out of the air, we put it in these briquettes, and we use those to power the brand new Microsoft car.
Starting point is 02:00:35 So that's where some people are frustrated because their argument is that it's being funded by also the oil companies because they're looking at ways to supplement their product offering. And if we were to go all electric, then we could reduce carbon and not be carbon neutral.
Starting point is 02:00:56 I want an iPhone where I can put a little bit of coal in the back. Crank it up a little bit, get it going. And if you listen closely you're it's a fucking steam engine in there turn that lithium ion or uh the those batteries that you got in there now are arguably more you know damaging in some way right more damaging and more volatile remember when we shot that hoverboard in Texas? Oh my god, that thing exploded like a fucking... And you remember six months later they started banning them on airplanes? Yeah, it's a good thing they did. They're incredibly dangerous.
Starting point is 02:01:36 It was like sparklers and explosions going off. And that shit's so hot. It's melting the material that they're wrapped up in so it's got to be like upwards of 800 degrees so yeah i forget that was hilarious off-topic question for kyle i'm not a smoker and there's a lot of things about smoking i don't like but yeah for some reason i was driving and seriously thinking about how wonderful a cigarette would be and uh yeah i like, it's not even the smoke and the stuff that comes in it that I think,
Starting point is 02:02:09 I'm like, warm air? And here's the question. Can you hear the flame on the end, like a hinge of a cigarette? Yeah, if it's completely quiet, you hear like this little crackle. Yeah, you can hear the crackling of it. You hear like a little crackle. Yeah, you can hear the crackling of it. You hear like this, like a little crackle,
Starting point is 02:02:27 kind of like the way a campfire sort of snaps and pops, but in a very miniaturized version at the end of your hand. I swear, if I just heard the crackle of the flame and breathed in the warm air, that that would be appealing. The taste of it, not great. It depends what you smoke. Like, I always smoked those Marlboro Smooths, and they taste like peppermint to me. And then you wash your
Starting point is 02:02:52 hand, get a little smart mouth, which we'll talk about later, and you know, nobody's the wiser. Marlboro Smooths. And you just flick your butts into Woody's yard, and he'll never notice. Yeah, he does. He likes it. He likes it. Woody treats cigarette butts like they're crack like they're uh heroin needles
Starting point is 02:03:07 do i yeah yeah yeah there's i actually found one in my front yard the other i was like which one of these construction people left cigarettes in my driveway yeah yeah you can react the same way as if you found a heroin needle or a bent spoon. A bent spoon? Yeah, for heroin. I get it. Cook it up under there. Should we do an ad? That's the drug you should get into. Heroin? Yeah, we could do an ad. Yeah, you'd love heroin, I bet.
Starting point is 02:03:35 I think meth would be the weight loss drug, right? Oh, meth, cocaine, Adderall, anything that's an amphetamine is going to destroy your appetite and make you lose weight. Well, that's where I should head. Yeah, this guy's on... Everyone hates talking to someone with bad breath. That awful, that human awful smell, it keeps you from focusing on anything other than finding an excuse to leave.
Starting point is 02:03:55 Now, just think about all the times that you were the gross, smelly one, and the other person was thinking about trying to get away. You probably can't think of any examples, and that's because we rarely have an accurate read on our own bad breath odor. In other words, you could be walking around with trash mouth and not even realize that you're grossing everyone out. That's why SmartMouth was invented. SmartMouth's clinically proven two-liquid formula combines to instantly eliminate bad breath and prevent bad breath from returning all day.
Starting point is 02:04:20 Rinse once in the morning for all-day clean breath, and once more at bed to prevent morning breath from ever even occurring. Just two uses a day and you'll never have bad breath again. Guaranteed. Whether it's the boardroom or the bedroom, having confidence in your breath spells success. Go to slash pka for a free coupon. You can find
Starting point is 02:04:37 SmartMouth products in the oral health aisles of Walgreens, CVS, Target, Rite Aid, Amazon, Walmart, or wherever you shop. Once again, that's slash pka to get your coupon to save on SmartMouth. We all use it here. We're big fans of it. I mean, I literally used some right before we started the show.
Starting point is 02:04:57 It's, you know, because that's when I woke up. Your breath smells great, by the way. It smells great. It smells amazing. Yeah, that's minty. That's fresh. It's delicious. Yeah, if's minty. That's fresh. It's delicious. Yeah, if you're trying to get pussy, you can have bad breath.
Starting point is 02:05:13 And you don't want to mask it with some alcohol rinse that's just going to burn your mouth or something that's really minty that's going to fool you. You got to go with the real solution. So smart mouth your way into some gash. I highly recommend it. It should be part of what he talks about, your everyday carry. I highly recommend it. Like, like, like it should be part of like,
Starting point is 02:05:23 we talked about your everyday carry. I don't know what you, what the, the acronym for like the stuff that you use to get prepared to go out, the stuff that you don't carry, but the stuff, the products you use in your, your toothbrush,
Starting point is 02:05:34 your toothpaste, your, your mouthwash, your deodorant, you know, your cologne, you know, all those things are important to kind of start the day and,
Starting point is 02:05:43 and be the best you, you can possibly be. And SmartMouth is a key part of that process that you should always have in there. Where do you get it? slash PKA. Well, you go to slash PKA for a free coupon, but you can also find SmartMouth products in the oral health files of Walgreens, CVS, Target, Rite Aid, Amazon, Walmart, or wherever you shop.
Starting point is 02:06:07 Oh, sweet. I'll try that. Anywhere you go, grab it. Every time Richard comes on the show, he finds something to buy. Richard, anytime you need a sample of our sponsors, just DM us and we'll have them send you stuff. You don't have to go out and buy it. Would you like some Blue Chew?
Starting point is 02:06:24 They're not a sponsor tonight, but we're now sponsored by Blue Chew, which sells sildenafil and tadalafil, which is Viagra and Cialis, respectively. Well, let's be upfront with this. Richard, how does your dick work? It's great right now, and I don't want to fuck with it. Right now, you say. What I'm hearing now is you're at an A-, a 90%, when you could be at an A+.
Starting point is 02:06:46 We're A+, goddammit. My dick is the valedictorian. You're fucking right. Full fucking athletic scholarship, okay? This dick is... Yeah, getting the full ride, if you know what I mean. My dick can do 200 push-ups.
Starting point is 02:07:05 That's a lot, right? Yeah, 200 dig-ups. We are big. They're not even a sponsor tonight, but I just want to stress. Huge fans of Blue Chew. I have so much Blue Chew at my house, okay? I get the $90 a month version that gives me like... He spends $1,100 a year on dick pills.
Starting point is 02:07:24 I spend more than that because i have another prescription i got from the doctor so they give me the straight to dalafil and these huge tablets yeah does your dick work when it's not uh fine it works fine yeah yeah when i'm not performance enhancing my cock it's working fine it's doing i'm not saying it's not working fine but i'm oh i know i know You probably notice a difference when you're going on natural versus when you got your pills. Because you're so accustomed to that pill life. Oh, there's definitely a difference. Because when you're on it, you're getting an instantaneous heart.
Starting point is 02:07:55 As soon as the action begins, you are prepared. And most women view that as some sort of a compliment. Because they don't know how cocks work. So they're just like, wow, you're already ready to go? Yeah, women are retarded. Yeah, they don't know shit about shit. so they're just like wow you're already ready to go yeah women are retarded yeah they don't know shit about shit they do less about cocks they don't know very much about what you take like like an amount of time to get ready like like if not like it takes you uh you know like 28 minutes i'm talking about what he's talking about richard is if you take a blue chew or two like it's a shockingly little amount of time he's talking about, Richard, is if you take a blue chew or two, it's a shockingly little amount of time between first contact and erection.
Starting point is 02:08:31 It's like you feel like it should be in slow motion. You get a warm breeze, and all of a sudden you're like, Yeah, pretty much. Your heart is a rock. You're ready to fucking roll. That's the way blue chew works. Let's get your cock to the next level, Richard. As soon as we're both in level richard as soon as we're both in the bed as soon as we are both as soon as there's some kissing or touching at all we are a
Starting point is 02:08:51 thousand percent all right we're we're fucking starting quarterback at ucla full ride ready to go okay it's it's it's you're in the zone auto zone it's's big plays. You're in the zone auto zone. I don't know if that's a regional chain. That's why I get it. It is. It absolutely is. To get to a sponsor that is paying us tonight, we're not the first to say it. Sometimes we need a vacation from our vacation.
Starting point is 02:09:19 Delayed flights, hotel snafus, chatty travel companions. Get away for two minutes twice a day with Quip. Their wireless electric toothbrush is lightweight and compact, so it packs away flights, hotel snafus, chatty travel companions get away for two minutes twice a day with Quip. Their wireless electric toothbrush is lightweight and compact, so it packs away easily in your tote or your carry-on when you overstuff your luggage. It happens to all of us. Plus, the timed sonic vibrations give you a meditative break from that jam-packed itinerary. Okay. Even if it's just between moving from the hammock to the pool chair. When it's finally time to go home, keep staycationing with a fresh and simple health routine. And what's great is that the multi-use cover not only works as a stand that mounts to your mirror,
Starting point is 02:09:57 which helps in decluttering your sink, but also slides over your bristles to pack and protect your Quip while you're on the go. Don't forget that Quip's brush heads are automatically delivered to you on a dentist recommended schedule every three months for just five bucks, which is a great friendly reminder to know when it's time to refresh and to stay committed to your oral health. That's very important because 75% of us are using old worn out bristles that are ineffective at keeping your mouth properly clean and in good shape. at keeping your mouth properly clean and in good shape. All these reasons
Starting point is 02:10:26 are why we love Quip and why we take ours with us whenever and wherever we go. Quip starts at just $25 and if you go to slash pka right now, you'll get your first refill pack for free. That's your first refill pack for free at g-e-t-q-u-i-p slash pka
Starting point is 02:10:41 slash pka I like those little rubber things on the side of the brush he's i don't know what they do entirely but it makes me feel clean look at that richard's got his quip hell yeah i told you guys i'm not trying to fill you guys full of shit i really do like it's so funny because you guys are like like every single one of your sponsors i'm like oh yeah i really could use that oh i could use a nice toothbrush and some good breath. Okay, okay. That's great.
Starting point is 02:11:07 And yet you balk at our cockpills. You're going to want to get on board. No, drop Chiz all the shipping info, and we'll get you all of our sponsors. Again, they're not paying us tonight, but if you want to use our code, you just pay $5 for the shipping. Kyle, you can't talk about the dick pills this much,
Starting point is 02:11:24 or they're going to stop sponsoring us knowing you're going to talk about them regardless. If they cut us off, I'll start telling the real truth. The real truth. The accident. The medical issues. No, it's good stuff. It's great stuff. I suggest the Tadalafil, not the Sildenafil.
Starting point is 02:11:40 That's the end of my free ad read. They're paying me directly now. That happened to the man. Yeah, right. That happened to the man. Yeah, like some of the stuff I hear, like, oh, yeah, you're 100% ready as soon as you unzip. Yeah, that sounds about right. Like, oh, you don't lose your erection when you put a condom on. Like, yeah, it's never been a thing, even at my advanced age.
Starting point is 02:12:00 It's not that you lose an erection with a condom. It's that sex with a condom is fucking horrible. Some people do say that. Some people say that the breaking of the mood and you could lose your erection because you have to stop and whatnot. I've heard that said. I'm like, I choose to believe this.
Starting point is 02:12:18 And you know the base dick red ring you get that's uncomfortable? You're using the wrong size condoms. You don't have to use that you don't have to deal with that when you go without condoms if you're getting basic red ring from your condom you're using the wrong condom taylor has an enormous i don't know the condom brands kyle i just know once once this is probably like five six years ago i used i saw like a sheep's wool not sheep's wool sheep's intestine that would not be it was
Starting point is 02:12:47 a sheep's wool concept it was very ineffective it dried her out it was terrible it's like a sponge so much friction right now but you know uh kyle you know what i mean like the sheep's i've got some yeah sheep's it's called uh like i don't remember the brand name but those you lose an erection when you put them on immediately because you start thinking about what a sheep's intestine does. You know? You don't want that on your penis. That's where they digest their grass
Starting point is 02:13:16 and their fucking hay or whatever the fuck they eat. You eat sausage. I wasn't turned off by the actual sheepskin, but I found that they weren't stretchy at all. They break immediately. that they weren't stretchy at all. They break immediately. They seem to stay colder longer. I didn't notice that,
Starting point is 02:13:32 but I just noticed they weren't stretchy at all. They didn't fit on my penis. I just went back to normal. I bought them on a lark. It was another Amazon adventure. You hear those stories about guys who are like, yeah, I was fucking, and we were fucking, and the condom must have broke and i just came in or anyway it's like you know instantly when your condom breaks because suddenly you're like this feels great like i disagree as soon as it feels
Starting point is 02:13:58 fantastic you know your condom broke that it's and they can tell too women can tell too they can tell the difference between a dick covered in latex or sheep's it does make sense but versa dick skin versus skin like very early into my sexual career i don't know what to call it i i broke a condom and i didn't know i broke more than one and i didn't know or i wasn't sure or i wasn't trying to go on describe the breakage are we so so the breakage i am familiar with is basically where on insertion the condom has like sort of caught on something probably a vagina and it begins stretching so you're pushing harder and harder
Starting point is 02:14:39 but the condom casing is not going along with your penis it's being stretched and suddenly there's a pow and your penis pops through the end of the condom and now you just have the condom around the base of your penis yeah that's the only kind of break that's the only kind of break i'm aware of and when it happens it's it's like almost like snapping a rubber band like like there's a sensation there's a noise and like suddenly everything felt oh this is what sex is like i uh similar a million in that like the the after effect was the same where really there was just a condom around like the base like a rubber band almost except i think the cause wasn't catching on something it was poorly applied by young woody where the where it was like stretched and like a blown up balloon
Starting point is 02:15:22 at the tip and that's why it didn't last yeah the worst part about that is that awkward time when you got to get that thing you used to pick up garbage that claw and go in after the rest of the condom that is the tough part you don't have a um especially as she's kicking and screaming please no stop i don't want this. And you say, light out! I'll do what I want. I'll let it go. When I was young, I think I made that honest mistake. But I don't think it would happen to me now.
Starting point is 02:15:55 Richard, what's your biggest condom break problem that you've ever had? Good on you, Taylor, for bringing in the guest. Yeah, no. I'm trying to think um i you know i don't know i'm not sure he's equally grateful not for me like whenever they break it's like half of the time i don't like i don't even know like there's no sound pop or whatever it's just like how do you not know you immediately feel
Starting point is 02:16:23 pussy no that's it that's it that's that's that's the tell not the pop if that makes any sense okay right yeah i agree with you on this other than kyle like it's always been the immediate feeling of like oh this is better yeah but when i was see now i think i'm with you but like young woody was like i was already pretty big fan of how it felt and i i think one time it broke, I had doubts. And I just wasn't in a good position to make good decisions. Well, yeah, fair enough. We've all been there.
Starting point is 02:16:54 That thing's coming in and out all the time. I keep an eye on it. Make sure nothing bad's happening down there anyway. Good thinking. Kyle, you think your dick's going to get harder when you get on TRT? I hope so. I hope so. I hope everything gets harder I hope my head grows
Starting point is 02:17:07 Dude I hope you go through a whole new puberty Where you're like really easily upsetable Oh I totally will I'm looking forward to that I think um libido We're gonna have to coordinate on ways to like Poke at his Oh that's not who I aspire to be
Starting point is 02:17:22 Oh that's who I aspire to be. I'll do it on my own. It's going to be great. I really hope I get, for those of you losers who aren't patrons and don't pay in and get PK in yesterday, I went and did my blood test
Starting point is 02:17:39 to get TRT, testosterone replacement therapy, for those of you who have never seen an episode of this show, both of you. And I'll know, I think, Saturday because of the holiday this week. And this place is open on the weekend. So, like, chances are that I will go in Saturday and get my first injection of testosterone. So did you get the results?
Starting point is 02:18:00 No, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, they came back and he's gay. That was funny. It turns out I'm a woman They don't know whether to put me on the male testosterone Or the female gels That would be the funniest way For a doctor to come back with results Be like, how's my heart doctor
Starting point is 02:18:18 Well your heart's fine, but You're gay Shit! Those guys in high school knew it the whole time you're gay. Shit! For people that don't know... Those guys in high school knew it the whole time. Kyle went to a sports medicine doctor. So if you go to a general
Starting point is 02:18:34 physician, then they look at you and they say, ah, you're somewhere in the normal range. You're gonna stay alive and have male characteristics. Not for you. But if you go to a sports medicine doctor, they're like, ooh, we want to get you to peak you. You know, not levels that are never found in men,
Starting point is 02:18:51 just levels that are only found in ideal men. So that's where he's headed. Yeah, hell yeah, exactly. I'm pretty excited about it. It was a really interesting situation. Did I talk about the hot receptionist being the nurse, apparently, on PKN? Yeah, you did. I was so shocked.
Starting point is 02:19:09 She was the one who was taking your blood? Yeah, the receptionist took my blood. I was like, are you qualified? I'm already kind of squeamish about giving blood. I don't like doing that. That's why you need more tea, bitch. But yeah, I hope it all works out. Most likely, because they didn't call me today,
Starting point is 02:19:32 it was either going to be today or Saturday due to the holiday and everything because of the lab and them being in or out of the office at the facility. So probably I'll have my results Saturday and then be able to go in Saturday for like my first injection so I'm pretty psyched about it nice I hope you get it because if you get it you're gonna go into weightlifting mode and that will motivate me and Woody to go hard into weightlifting mode
Starting point is 02:19:59 and so I I really hope you get it because I'm excited to see Yolk's ass Kyle. I think there's a 95% chance that he'll get something, right? He might be already 80% of ideal and just get a little top off. Well, I'm older than Kyle and I went to a shady doctor. I went to a shady doctor and I had several friends who have gotten uh trt uh through this doctor i mean it was like he was his office was like above a state farm and like an attic and for some reason he gave me a marijuana prescription too i had a coupon and left with trt he offered me a prostitute i was like okay cool sure i'm 110 gonna get something from this dude but i don't want to administer it here because this is like this is like it looks like an attic space with like boxes
Starting point is 02:20:51 everywhere and stuff really this is not the environment right it's kind of kind of shady like a professional looking doctor's office no no no not even close not even close um and so they did the they did the blood work and everything and then then, um, and he's like, keep in mind, he's a friend of people that I know. And, and so he calls me back. He's like, yeah, man, like your levels are in like the six, 700 range. Um, I can't like ethically give you anything. Like, I, like, there's no justification. What a cunt.
Starting point is 02:21:22 And, and, and I was like, oh dude, I like, I thought you were like that dude for Dr. Nick from the Simpsons. Like, hi everybody. He's just going to give me whatever I want. And I was like, oh,
Starting point is 02:21:34 I actually kind of appreciate that. Like, he's like, no, I shouldn't do that. Cause one of my buddies here recently, actually the one I was talking about earlier, Baker,
Starting point is 02:21:43 who was giving me a hard time about the, the frugality and and everything he like we so you know that thing that rogan and those guys do the uh sober october with the heart rate monitors yeah so i have a few a few a few buddies that we we have those and we just we do it year round and it's just to keep each other in check every single month right and so um tim kennedy uh has has it like a bunch of dudes who just like are just insane right we did that and we blew rogan out of the water oh really yeah like triple or quadruple score or something like that so so here so so baker he he like we would crush him in crossfit workouts and and like scores and stuff like that well we we decided to do the my zone stuff because it seemed a little bit more fair because it was
Starting point is 02:22:32 based off your heart rate and effort and everything along those lines and so he and i went skiing he just started skiing this year so there's a handful of us up in Park City and his heart rate is so jacked. Like he is like, like he's always in the red. And so, for example, I skiing for three hours, I had I burned like 500 to 700 calories and had like maybe 100 my zone effort points. In three hours, he had thirty five hundred calories And his heart was just like a red line. And we were trying to like, dude, what the, like, why is he always jacked? He's like, oh, you're just not trying hard enough, bro. And so he goes to give blood here a few, I don't know, a few weeks ago or a month ago.
Starting point is 02:23:20 And they're like, your blood is so freaking thick. And they're like, your blood is so freaking thick. And apparently the doctor that had prescribed him TRT or whatever it is that he was on, like was giving away more than he needed. And like he could have had a heart attack. And that's why I say like, you know, like long as long as you got like legit doctors monitoring your your hormone levels, your cholesterol, your blood pressure and all that. No, I prefer bootleg guesses. No, that's exactly.
Starting point is 02:23:50 That's a big part of what they do is provide, you know, monitoring of all your levels. And it's not just testosterone. I'm pretty sure there's, like, three different things they give you. I think there's something to deal with any estrogen. Yeah, progesterone. Yeah, something like that. Because you're talking a legit sports medicine facility
Starting point is 02:24:12 that you're going to. I don't know how legit or not legit it is. The office was nice. I saw a picture. Dude, if Kyle gets approved for TRT and we're all doing a workout thing, I gotta go try and get approved. Right? Yeah, absolutely. Like go to my local endocrinologist
Starting point is 02:24:29 or wherever. I don't know if you've heard that. I've been looking into this for ages. Sometimes people on TRT become regular blood donors who scale back that blood thickening issue Ryan talked about. Richard talked about. Oh, God. I would rather become a cutter. I hate giving blood
Starting point is 02:24:44 so much. I got lightheaded when she was taking my blood. I hate it. You'd rather cut yourself than give blood? No, I wouldn't literally rather cut myself. How long ago was that, Kyle? Was what? When you got like, oh, this. Never mind.
Starting point is 02:24:55 Yeah, like yesterday. Yeah, like yesterday. You said give blood, which is a lot more than a blood test. Oh, I've only given blood once. Like when I was in high school, I gave blood, and they nearly passed out. And then when I was arrested, they forcibly took my blood. And then this time... Forcibly took my blood. Do you think when you're done with your first T cycle,
Starting point is 02:25:17 you're going to be less of a bitch about this? No, I don't. Because it's not like I have fear. I'm not afraid of the needle. I'm not afraid of the needle. I'm not afraid of the pain. There's just something about the needle going into my vein that grosses me out. It's the same panic. Well, you can get pellets.
Starting point is 02:25:35 But you said you're not afraid, and then you described a fear response and a panic. It's like a panic attack thing. There's not a psychological fear of it. You can get the time release pellets that you don't have to go in and get a shot regularly. Those are an issue. They don't do this there. They give you a shot in the ass.
Starting point is 02:25:53 Don't jump in, Richard. We're making fun of Kyle for being a bitch. We're going to stay on this. I'm always apprehensive about the hormonal stuff too because once you're on once you're on trt you're on it and like you're you're you're not coming back from that yeah i'm down well you have to go through like an extensive offloading program with that right to make sure that your testicles will still produce what it needs because if you go zero or i guess 60 to zero
Starting point is 02:26:20 then your balls have problems catching up because they've been like oh we didn't need to produce testosterone at any point for the last year and now we have to do this and so that's my understanding of the troubles with it right yeah cycling for sure and that was the slow release pellets i keep trying to is uh it's hard to get your levels right with them because there are these very slow release pellets you may have one or three or whatever and um like when you first get it your balls and your pellets are both working and then over time it's just the pellets and you can't easily change it like you can an injection size so with kyle i i would assume as they continue to test him they'll dial in oh that's right are they gonna keep taking my blood yeah they him, they'll dial in. Oh, that's right. I got, they're going to keep taking my blood.
Starting point is 02:27:05 Yeah, they will. Yeah. They'll test. I don't even know, but they'll test a bunch of different shit and, uh, and then they'll adjust your testosterone injection weekly to fit what you need.
Starting point is 02:27:15 Yeah. Yeah. With pellets, it's hard. You know, who knows? They're not adjustable. Why?
Starting point is 02:27:22 Just out of curiosity, why, why do you think you need it? Uh, it's more of a bit than anything. They're not adjustable. Just out of curiosity, why do you think you need it? It's more of a bit than anything. Yeah. I guess I'll say this. The deal is they'll give it to... I think it would be...
Starting point is 02:27:39 I would like to have the most testosterone that a man should ever have. Has ever had. Has ever had has ever had i want him to go back remember boagrius and and troy remember when the one when they have they're gonna have brad pitt fight the champion of the other army and brad pitt yeah that dude's traps are insane and the leader of the other army sees brad pitt and he's like alright. Boagrius! And this hulk of a man doesn't step out as much as he barrels
Starting point is 02:28:09 through a line. Knocking other soldiers out of his way. He's not even wearing armor. He's just I'd like some Boagrius levels of testosterone. Just for all of the things that come along with testosterone.
Starting point is 02:28:25 Dude, that guy is goals. I want that disease where your hands get extra large. I want that Barry Bonds Hulk hand disease. I don't think you're going to get that from TRT. You may from HGH. Well, okay.
Starting point is 02:28:43 Put the cocktail together. We're talking about stem cells too because I'm pretty sure I can get on that stem cell train for another $1,500 a month, right? Well, you're a geek. I think that you should really, really look into all the different potential. So here's the thing.
Starting point is 02:29:03 We kind of pre-gamed on this a little bit, but I'll elaborate a little bit more for people listening in. So, you know, being that I went in the entertainment industry early on as a precautionary measure, I started taking Propecia cause I was like, I want my hair to be awesome, you know, forever or whatever. And I took that for like 10 years and I, you know, I would, I would, I feel like it's wrecked my endocrine system in my late 20s. And I felt like I was getting skinny fat and I was working out maybe once or twice a day and going to the gym. And I just looked out of shape and I felt a little bit tired. And my sex life with my then girlfriend wasn't as good as I felt like it could be.
Starting point is 02:29:46 And so I was like, you know, I'm going to go off of it. And, you know, we ran some tests and, you know, like like the 23 and me stuff and all this other things. They say, oh, well, you're not, you know, based off of your family's history, you're not genetically predisposed to hair loss or whatever it is. And it's just because I took it for so long, it kind of wrecked my endocrine system. And, um, and so whenever I got off of it, I was like, I want to, I want a way to kind of kickstart this a little bit. And, um, and so I talked with, uh, some, some different doctors, be it people in different countries and, you know, athletes and things of that nature. And I was like, what's the best way at the most minimum risk that I could do here? And so I did a, um, a six week cycle of, um, steroids, uh, leading up. I did, um,
Starting point is 02:30:34 you know, a lot of circuit training and, um, it's just a bunch of different things to kind of kickstart my system. Now, the, the irony of it is if you talk to a lot of like MMA fighters, um, and guys like that, they'll, they'll if you talk to a lot of like MMA fighters and guys like that, they'll tell you that when they're tested and camp, their testosterone levels are generally lower because they're going so hard. So you have to keep some of that in mind. But in a lot of this research, I just wanted to kickstart stuff, right? So once I went off of the cycle, you take another fertility drill or drug, sorry. Um, which, um, kind of re-stimulates the, the testicles and the reproductive system. And pretty much every sense, like I have, I've had zero issues far as, you know, sex, sex drive or energy and, and all of
Starting point is 02:31:24 that. So I've like like i'm so apprehensive about screwing with that stuff but i've done so much like reading on and of course a lot of this stuff is is speculation but you know the when you start getting into hgh and some of some of those things like igf1 and stem cells those things have a um i don't want to say a high risk, but they have an indicating factor towards giving people a higher susceptibility to cancer. What kind of weightlifting were you doing? Like a five by five routine where you just do the big lifts or what were you doing when you were on it? So circuit training. So it's circuit training in the mornings.
Starting point is 02:32:01 circuit training in the mornings. That would be 13 rounds of three minutes of high-intensity interval training and one minute rest in between. It could be battle ropes, throwing 100-pound sandbags as high as you can, a lot of crossfit.
Starting point is 02:32:17 Oh, like crossfit. Okay. Kind of, but a little different circuit training stuff. There would be a lunch workout that would be something like an hour of, I'd watch Netflix and do the hip-heck rope pull machines or a rower. I would do that for like 40 minutes to an hour
Starting point is 02:32:38 while I'm watching TV. That's a lot of exercise. You should be awesome. And then I would lift. I would lift at night. Yeah. And I made some of the and doing here's two a day's weight lifting with a uh rowing machine midday when you were weight lifting was it mostly like squat bench deadlift row overhead press kind of stuff it is more vanity stuff i was i was trying to isolate muscle groups so that i could focus growth on be it bicep shoulders like really defining those muscle
Starting point is 02:33:11 groups it wasn't more of a strength training thing as it was an isolation thing um to make sure that everything's just kind of popping or like looking a little bit more symmetrical or whatever it is um and i and here's here's a sales pitch on steroids like one of the main reasons why i said never well i don't want to say never say never but one of the reasons why i was like as probably not for me is that we would be we would be halfway through that circuit training and like i i go 110 that's not just like my ego or me being like oh i'm awesome it's like i like to give 110%. And I would borderline on the sixth round. I wouldn't pace myself for 13.
Starting point is 02:33:49 I would just go 100% for that three minutes in the sixth round and borderline collapse at the end. And I'd be on my knees, on my hands, sucking for oxygen. I have one minute to rest before the next thing that it is that we're doing. And then once that one minute is up, I'm better than I was like a second before. Dude, it sounds like you were just doing straight up CrossFit. No,
Starting point is 02:34:14 that's, that's not a dig or anything. Like people who do CrossFit get ripped as fuck. The only downside to CrossFit, as far as I can see, is people forsake form in order to get reps. Yeah. So they're, so they're definitely doing some stuff with there's i have some issues because i i i love crossfit i do go to crossfit on a regular
Starting point is 02:34:33 basis but um there's certain things that i won't do like the butterfly pull-ups where it's like i usually do strict pull-ups just and it's not i don't know the kipping pull-ups where they're they're kicking their way up and pulling but but i understand why they stand by kip if you want to get one or two more reps yeah but the thing is is i don't want to risk i don't want to risk you get to do the negative and then and then um putting too much of a load on my shoulder and fucking up a rotator cuff and it's the same thing with olympic lifts when it comes to squatting or uh thrusters and stuff like that when once once you get to a certain point where it's like i know i'm
Starting point is 02:35:10 fatigued i'll start focusing on form and not worrying about the time as much well there's literally no reason to do a clean and jerk ever unless you're training for the olympics like it is it is straight up bad for your shoulders to be cleaning and jerking all the time like so i'm totally on board with that yeah but i mean that's my sales that's my sales pitch on it i mean like i've like i would i would be borderline collapsing uh after rounds and um i would once that one minute was up going into the next one i would would be like, I'm not only 100%, I'm 110%. What did you account for this performance? Because I didn't hear that you were on testosterone.
Starting point is 02:35:52 No, I was on steroids. Yeah. So this was after I went off of Propecia. Oh, okay. okay yeah so i i was i was like i was over over propitia and like pharmaceuticals in general um because i felt like i was like that was the only thing that i was taking what was the do you have a picture of you when you were like jacked as fuck doing steroids no what was it called oh that's an oversight yeah well i've never been like that kind of selfie guy, but I wasn't, even then it wasn't like, for me, it was like really, really fast progress after being skinny fat for so long.
Starting point is 02:36:31 It was two months of prep leading into it, making sure that I was physically, because I'd already been working out for years before. And I just wanted to make sure that once i was off of you know the the propecia for like i think it was maybe even a year that i was off before i did this and wasn't still noticing results i was like okay i started talking with doctors and and everyone's like how can i jump start this back and uh between different athletes and people and like even you know mexico and stuff like that or it's like, what's the best way to do this? And, um, because I know they do stem cells in Mexico and, and, um, uh, not Panama. Um, and sustenal was what I ended up taking, but excuse me. Um, but it was, it was insane. Like
Starting point is 02:37:20 I noticed myself getting a little lightheaded and you know it's super clear like you can see how more vascular people become you know blood veins and and everything it's uh i don't know it just it scared me in a lot of ways i was like this is i could see how this would be addictive like i like i feel like superman for sure and it's completely different than trt for sure but still trt does has all the positive attributes of that stuff in a lot of ways. Well who was that giant weight lifting guy who died recently of a heart attack? Rich Piana Rich Piana. I keep trying to tell you
Starting point is 02:37:52 there's an r-testosterone subreddit that you would love of course there is. Yeah it's just people sharing blood tests and experiences that are in front of you in this I don't know journey I like to be surprised by and experiences that are in front of you in this journey? I like to be surprised by
Starting point is 02:38:08 sharp, harsh, physiological changes. Yeah, just shock me. That's what I'm looking for. Okay. Yeah, I'm just going into this completely. I just don't care. Just shoot those
Starting point is 02:38:24 chemicals into my ass. Yeah, just shoot those chemicals. Yeah. Just shoot those chemicals into my ass and let's see what happens. Like a science experiment or something. the good thing with testosterone is being that it's not like steroids or HGH in a lot of ways, there's plenty of other case studies out there and there's a, there are so many men on it right now that you're clearly like oh sorry about that uh so like the fire alarm keeps going off in my building it's gone off like three times today so
Starting point is 02:38:55 uh like i'm like okay cool the building's not on fire i'm good yeah i uh i'm looking forward to it uh i think i'll know saturday if not probably sunday for sure because they're open they're up during the weekend and uh i don't know what the deal with the lab is so i'll know soon and something will start happening soon so i'm excited i think it'll be fun it's are you gonna are you gonna document this like photos and yeah i think i will i i think i'll definitely like like if i start lifting I'll definitely like monitor progress and, uh, and stuff like that. Uh, to some extent,
Starting point is 02:39:27 dude, there can't be an if about it. If you get on TRT, you gotta start lifting. Yeah. If I get, if I go in, go all in,
Starting point is 02:39:35 like get, see if you guys get like kettlebell kitchen or somebody to sponsor you and send you some, uh, meal prep and, and just document the whole process. Nah, I like cooking.
Starting point is 02:39:44 I like cooking i like cooking no fuck kyle i would love for kettlebell kitchen to give us some cool ass stuff that we can cook at home so do they have grilled chicken dude it's insane like i this is not a this is like i've never been sponsored by them i'm gonna start sending jackie recipes i mean you know i would win very advanced recipes. I've tried finding meal prep for the last few years. This is baked Alaska. I want to get Richard on this. I've been trying to get meal prep for a few years
Starting point is 02:40:13 and everybody seems to half-ass it in a lot of ways. I like to experiment with diets just to see how I perform differently with different things. The last time we chatted, I don't know if you guys remember me talking about keto but the problem is is keeping cheese on the show interesting right and so i found it tj well i don't know if this is that great of an endorsement but uh tj dillashaw was who i saw was uh at the time and um i was like okay cool so they have paleo they have athlete uh they have
Starting point is 02:40:47 keto they have vegetarian they have like all these different meal prep options and i was like okay cool so actually matt and myself have them sent to the office because you know we were eating crap food all the time you know what's everybody eating for lunch it's like at least i know every single day i'm gonna have like at least something for lunch or dinner that I can just plug in. And I've been, do you enjoy cooking them? Like doing the whole process? That was the thing.
Starting point is 02:41:12 It's therapeutic. I like it. Well, they're pre-made, um, in a lot of ways. So you're not, it's not like,
Starting point is 02:41:18 um, is it freshly or the other ones that you enjoy microwaving them? Love it. I've been cooking a lot of fish lately i've been doing uh swordfish and halibut and uh sea bass and uh and salmon and uh doing lots of vegetables and i can't stress enough how proud i am of you to start eating vegetables if you cook them correctly they taste good um uh and uh and i've been cooking a lot of fish i went to the the fish market
Starting point is 02:41:46 yesterday and got or maybe it was the day before yesterday i don't know i slept a lot today and uh and i got i got a lot my sleep schedule's crazy and i got a lot of fish uh i got a bunch of um um scallops i cooked scallops last night those were fucking great and uh tomorrow i'm going to get some elk meat i found a place that sells elk meat. Oh, does it make you more aggressive? Yeah, it's going to make you more aggressive, like Joe Rogan says. No, Joe, you fucking maniac. So is it New Zealand? The way that Kyle has done his cooking,
Starting point is 02:42:16 what I was going to bring up before the show, wasn't at all about anything important or testosterone. It was just about Kyle's plate presentation. When he sends us pictures of his meal your plate presentation is fantastic that's what you got you got the perfect uh the perfect arch almost of of asparagus and you've got the little bits of what you created with the fish inside you're doing a great a bang up job on that on that that front. It's craftsmanship, right?
Starting point is 02:42:46 It's, it's not just making something because you're hungry. It's, it's an artisanal meal. If that's such a thing, it like he is building a project and that's how I started to understand it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:42:59 100% right. Like, like it's, it's because of who I'm copying. Really. I'm copying. Like, I don't go to like some home cook, like cooking in their kitchen. I usually go to like I'm copying, really. I'm copying, like, I don't go to some home cook cooking in their kitchen.
Starting point is 02:43:06 I usually go to MasterChef or Gordon Ramsay or what's his name, Marcus White or somebody like that. And so I'm copying, like, a Michelin star chef. So I try to, like, do exactly what they did. And everybody makes it seem like it's brain surgery or something. But it's just copying what they fucking did. And I watched the video five times in a row and then i play the video next to the stove and i don't understand like what the big deal is there's a community built around that weber grill that you're buying on youtube and just people have all sorts of different ways of arranging charcoal for slow burns and this and that and wow i've watched a lot of videos on that
Starting point is 02:43:43 for a guy that doesn't cook. And yeah, I'm going to do some, I'm going to do some sea bass on that and some salmon like over, I think you put it on like a piece of cedar wood or something and throw it in there and, and cook it that way. I'm going to try a few different things, but,
Starting point is 02:43:56 but mostly I just use cast iron and everything comes out really well. I like cast iron a lot. I just bought a full set of cast iron. Didn't you? Yeah. I just bought a whole bunch of cast iron a lot uh well you just bought a full set of cast iron didn't you yeah i just bought a whole bunch of cast iron um are you gonna season it prior to cooking where you put the oil on there you put the kosher salt you put yeah no you just put flaxseed oil on your pan um and uh and then rub away all the excess and then you throw it in your oven for an hour at
Starting point is 02:44:19 its highest temperature and then you turn the oven off and you have seasoned your pan and basically what's happening is the flaxseed oil is soaking into the pores of the cast iron and then it's all burning off and it's leaving a non-stick coating behind and if your pan is sticky after that then you have done fucked up and you didn't leave it in or flaxseed oil it's it leaves the hardest um the hardest coating it's better than vegetable i've never heard that. Okay. That's interesting. Here's a funny-ass thing that I found on the internet. It's some bitch with pink hair
Starting point is 02:44:52 that apparently a lot of guys are creaming over. And she is selling little containers of bath water for $30. She is selling her bath water to loser neckbeards
Starting point is 02:45:09 all around the... I was going to say nation, the world. I don't know. All around the world. She's a gamer, Taylor. Would you value her appropriately? I don't give a fuck about...
Starting point is 02:45:21 Let's play Super Smash. I'm going to beat your ass in Super in super smash no she's not a real gamer she's just taking advantage of a situation where a bunch of dollars i need to know what her kd ratio is 30 30 dollars a cup of her bath water can you imagine that can you imagine having that ability to sell nobody wants to buy my bath water. It's full of air and cum. Bottled water. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:45:49 Bottled while I'm playing in the bath. This really is bath water. Disclaimer. This water is not for drinking and should only be used for sentimental purposes. And yet in the fucking post, she literally says, I'm selling my bath water for all you thirsty gamer boys. Honestly, I can't hold it against you. You have to be. If anyone out there
Starting point is 02:46:11 bought any of this bitch's bath water, kill yourself. No, do it. Kill yourself. It's terrible. Why would you subject yourself to this level of humiliation?
Starting point is 02:46:30 This bitch is making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. Hundreds of thousands of dollars a month being a pink-haired bitch who's selling her bathwater, which, in one way, nothing but respect. Hell yeah. That's pretty cool that you're making that much money.
Starting point is 02:46:45 In the other way, if you're some incel weirdo who's somehow infatuated with this girl, she's not that great. There's a billion, there's three and a half billion other women out there. Go out there and try your luck. I will disagree slightly with you. I think Belle Delphine is pretty fucking attractive. I've known of her. Fuck this bitch. i don't care but i'm not buying any woman's bath water uh or her underwear for that matter um you know i think that's like that i don't that that's not gonna do it for me
Starting point is 02:47:17 all i'm seeing is if bell delphine put me in a self-defense situation yeah i'm coming out on top i feel like you guys are being super judgmental towards me and your other customers. I'm sure Jackie's going to approve that purchase. This fucking cunt is selling bathwater. Put Belle Delphine's
Starting point is 02:47:38 bathwater in your Amazon shopping cart, and when you wake up in the morning and go to check if Jackie saved it for later, you'll notice all of her clothes are gone she didn't save it for later dude i guarantee if you're enough of a fucking loser to buy some words if you open it up it's just gonna smell like daddy issues dude what i can't get over she photoshopped her face hard in this that like perfect i don't even want to call it perfect. Artificial skin? She snapped her face into that.
Starting point is 02:48:08 Yeah, Snapchat has ruined any sort of assessment on attractiveness. She has big eyes and, like, skin that's so flawless, it circles back around to weird, flawed plastic again. And by the way... I'm not sure if you're familiar with Belle Delphine. You might want to do a Google image search, and you'll find that that's par for the course. I need to see Belle Delphine
Starting point is 02:48:28 if you ever put me in a self-defense situation. Why don't we keep going back to this? I'll beat the shit out of you. But her face doesn't match her hips. It's so lightly colored. And I don't
Starting point is 02:48:43 think she photoshopped her body. I think she's probably just really fit because her bathing suit is all weirdly crinkled. She's got a fucking wig on. What's the real hair look like? That's what these thirsty people don't know. Wouldn't you
Starting point is 02:48:59 rather see the video? Delphine. Wouldn't you rather see the video? I was expecting us all to gang together and make fun of this and kyle's defending well i think what you're missing out is this is mostly a troll like like like no it's not it's a woman making hundreds of thousands of dollars every month off she's not selling that much of her bath water well she created a uh porn oh wow we should watch the video she the woman selling that gamer girl bathwater loves to troll her viewers oh troll her viewers
Starting point is 02:49:27 okay it's not her being a fucking whore it's trolling here a few weeks ago she gave that Pornhub account that she had like a paywall for certain things or whatever it was and she like titled the videos like um PewDiePie
Starting point is 02:49:43 goes deep inside me and it's like she eats like a thing that has pewdiepie's picture or something on it what a bitch yeah yeah i don't care for that one bit you should watch the video if you click my link where's it at i didn't click your link i i didn't she's is she 18 i would imagine so because it seems like she's into pornography no she doesn't get nude in it she doesn't get naked I don't want her to be a child that we're picking on dude then honestly
Starting point is 02:50:15 that's what you're worried about I really don't like picking on kids if she is a bitch who isn't even getting naked and still making a bunch of money... She's 18 or 19. That's cool. Good for her. Is this the Instagram video we're watching?
Starting point is 02:50:32 Yeah. With the game over thing? She also just looks like someone that needs just a punch in the face. Jesus Christ, Tate. You're so angry. When did you start TRT? You definitely don't need any TRT. You're so angry. When did you start TRT? I guess it's okay. You definitely don't need any TRT.
Starting point is 02:50:46 You're threatening violence toward women. No, Kyle. I need TRT. My squeamishness with the blood. Can we play this video? I want to see where it goes. Yeah, if you want. Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 02:50:57 Ready, set, play. Rise up, gamer boys. It's time to get your gamer bell buffled up. Do you have a British accent? Yeah. Oh, she's trolling, right? Or are we supposed to... Oh, I did not see this coming. She's spitting into one of the bottles.
Starting point is 02:51:20 Alright, I'll put it back on. I know everyone wants to see it and she's collecting oh yeah oh i've totally changed my mind bye hilarious i just bought a gallon and a half i just bought a gallon and a half water off her back between her ass cheeks and then tying it up and putting it on there just knowing like some fucking loser is gonna pay 50 for that's hilarious uh i'm on her website and all comments everything in stock except for the bath water she's out of stock well she is you know why sold out this bitch is hilarious she's killing it because she's very popular imagine being able to make your whole life about what your pussy is doing
Starting point is 02:52:08 at the moment pretty great right I like those cat videos good for her I got no hate it took me 10 seconds to get there I noticed I got no problem with attractive women
Starting point is 02:52:24 doing this sort of thing online what i don't like is when they invade like um like like gamer spaces um with with unless their skills are up to par that's exactly what this cunt is dude i'm not gonna okay well i'm more into her like um revealing stuff on instagram and when she does that silly face where she sticks her tongue out and looks straight up like she wants me to blow a load on her. But, um, that,
Starting point is 02:52:47 that, those, that's what I'm a fan of her for. Um, but, uh, but yeah, I really dislike the,
Starting point is 02:52:52 the gamer girls who are doing like most of them, you know, I'm a big fan of Lumi, of course. And, uh, yeah, you,
Starting point is 02:53:00 you love Luke, dude, honestly, e-girls, fuck them. That's what they're terrible. E-girls, fuck them. They're terrible. E-girls suck. They're the worst. This is...
Starting point is 02:53:09 I don't co-sign with Taylor's misogynistic viewpoint. Oh, first time for everything. And it's hatred toward women. That's fair. This is so funny. Imagine the kind of guy that buys a container of bath water
Starting point is 02:53:38 from a streamer. Imagine that kind of guy. Put him in your mind's eye right now. I see him. Don't you hate that guy? I'm rough on him. Or do you just feel bad for him? Wait, I'm looking in a mirror.
Starting point is 02:53:53 That's where I was going with that too. I have a girl power video here. You guys want to watch it together? Fight porn? I'm down. I'm down to watch people fight. I'm queued up at zero volume on ready set
Starting point is 02:54:11 play girl knocks out bouncer on fight porn reddit to the bouncers being rough on this guy. The girl comes along and axe kicks him. That bitch being too positive. Too arrogant.
Starting point is 02:54:33 But she's not finished. The bouncer kind of brushed it off. Maybe didn't pay full attention to this girl. She's perhaps defending her actions. The bouncer's got someone pinned. I'm assuming her boyfriend, brother, something. She knocked him out. Well, yeah, with a kick, that's not too hard.
Starting point is 02:54:58 Women kicks are totally different than man kicks. Rogan was just talking about that. Yeah. What do you mean? Physiologically, they're just not designed to create the same kind of power. And her and her boyfriend just skedaddled. Video's over. They just left out the back door.
Starting point is 02:55:14 The fact that they both skedaddled makes them actually cool. I like that. And everyone's worried about this guy's health. Are you serious, Richard? Women suck at most things. No, no, no. I didn't know. I thought you were going the other direction.
Starting point is 02:55:29 I thought that was understood that women generally don't have the bone density or the fast twitch muscles to really do this. No, absolutely. I thought you were going to say that they're kicked. Before we move on, what's the name of that thing women do really well? Eagles. Men can do kegels, too. Eagles.
Starting point is 02:55:52 Like all the inventions women made, just start listing them. There's that thing where they bend over and pick up a chair. Can't do that, Taylor. A man invented tampons. Can you imagine that? That's humili humiliating that's like a game seven loss you know I hate to go sign with at home we've been bleeding out of our pussies forever and some fucking German dude figured it out god damn it I hate to be you're ruining all the chess it has occurred to me that guys are better
Starting point is 02:56:26 at things that guys don't have to be better at. Better at everything. Chess. Why are guys dominant in chess? Because we're smarter. Billiards? Why are guys dominant in billiards and snooker? Stick with the satire.
Starting point is 02:56:43 Yeah. Kyle can't hang deep. No. Kyle can't hang deep. No, he can't hang deep. Yeah, I don't. That is funny, though. There are a lot of things. You sort of get why guys are better, right? Maybe they've got some sort of encouragement system around them that makes them play something.
Starting point is 02:56:57 Or they're just like testosterone. They're guys, right? Like we talked about the women's soccer players not being as good as the men's a while ago. You get that. You see why. It's not a level playing field. But I don't know. The invention thing that Taylor brought up,
Starting point is 02:57:12 the chess, I don't know why. No, it's a real thing. Women suck at chess. I don't know. They're terrible at it. And I've got nobody bolstering my opinion here right now. here plenty better than me but if it was like a guy's team versus a girl's team what are the things the women would win it oh they'd win at uh complaining uh bitching moaning yeah but you don't you think
Starting point is 02:57:41 it's maybe more environmental in a lot of ways because you could probably even segment off um ethnicities so i think i see where you're going yes men are also better at creating environments that's what you're saying let's give you a fair shake i was saying it may be environmental in those circumstances more than genetic predisposition or like I don't know if I can even pronounce it. And that environmental difference is worldwide? Oh well cultural. Maybe cultural
Starting point is 02:58:15 in a lot of ways. So men are better at making cultures in which they thrive? Okay worldwide. No like I don't know anything about the chess culture, the billiards culture. Would you say it'd be disproportionately like a larger amount of Asian or Russian or whatever cultures that generate the top chess players, right? And not, you know, inner city males in the US. You're right in that it does seem like every
Starting point is 02:58:45 really good chess guy is either Jewish or from Eastern Europe. Is that the case? Well, Bobby Fisher, he's Jewish. Or he was Jewish. Hutch is neither of those. Hutch, I don't know about his
Starting point is 02:59:01 chess standing. He's actually really good at chess. I'm sure he is great at chess. I'm terrible at chess. I know the rules, and that's about it. But, yeah, that's a very interesting perspective. Because if you were to say that in, say, academia or something like that, where maybe the, again, chess is a bad one because i
Starting point is 02:59:27 don't know anything about it but if you said there was a higher um propensity for males to be in this field well if it were say asian well then is it because culturally they push the men into that field more than it is the women just aren't interested well it may be that but it's more likely asian is that they haven't had a higher average iq than we do and so of course they're going to be overrepresented in that field you know isn't that isn't that right people acting like this isn't right like it's like no east asians have the highest average iq of any group on the in the world and so east china and japan of course they do better than us in those things like they have a higher iq i'm completely ignorant on that i'm not right like so i've read the bell curve right it's an older book now but it it did studies on things like this. Still holds true.
Starting point is 03:00:26 But people found the book to be racist and such because they didn't like the results of the studies. Oh, but who cares if people say facts are racist? If it's reality, it's reality, right? We all have to come to terms on the same ground
Starting point is 03:00:42 if we're going to have any meaningful conversations. One study doesn't necessarily prove the rule, right? Or you could ask if a kid... Well, it's every IQ study throughout history that shows that East Asians are the highest. Well, let me ask you this. If I were to take one kid and have him be raised in a poor household or have him be adopted and be raised in a privileged household, a poor household or have him be adopted and be raised in a privileged household do you think that kid's iq test would hypothetically do better if he was raised by you know this is actually interesting because uh we we learned i think it was it was some senior level psychology class we
Starting point is 03:01:17 learned about this like the minnesota twins study like we're minnesota twins that's a baseball team but also the minnesota twins study where they would basically study twins who were not wanted by the biological mother and so one twin would go here one twin would go there and they'd go to different families and they found out that a lot of it was biologically driven i thought it would be but i bet there's an impact. What they found is that any impact by situation raising was basically lost by the time they hit 16, 17 years old. And then the means of IQ equaled out. And so it was really interesting in that class to learn about that. Yeah, I didn't expect it. I would have thought a good house is worth five points.
Starting point is 03:02:06 I don't know, making that up. But that's the only one I would have guessed. Well, I would suggest that a bad house could subtract dozens of points. Yeah. Maybe you wouldn't even define it as a house. But a vehicle. A vehicle. Like they have in mad max no like uh that's what trailers are defined as trailers don't oh jesus oh i thought we were going somewhere cool you're just making fun of
Starting point is 03:02:36 winks yeah of course you know you end up with a 62 iq did you see this thing um of uh your your voice on b Sanders' head? No, what is this? It's the thing I linked down there. Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders has a message. Alright, I'm ready to listen to it. These are
Starting point is 03:02:58 tricky to cue. It's just a picture of Bernie Sanders. It's a video. You cannot appeal offline. It does not stop it. You cannot appeal offline. It does not stop it. You cannot. I love that. You cannot appeal offline. Does not stop it.
Starting point is 03:03:15 Poor Wings. It's great. Fucking great. Oh, that's fucking funny. Poor, poor Bernie. Poor Bernie. Honestly, isn't Bernie... Wait, no. I don't even consider
Starting point is 03:03:30 Bernie a top contender anymore. I know Bernie is a top contender because most of his fans are like eat shit and die unless you promote Bernie. Who's the top on the Dems? Harris and Biden seem to be the number two,
Starting point is 03:03:47 or the top two, rather. Biden is one, and then Harris, Bernie, and Sanders are currently tied for two. Wait, Harris, Bernie, and Sanders? Did I say it wrong? Biden is one, Harris, Sanders, and...
Starting point is 03:04:05 Well, Bernie is Sanders. Was it Booker? No, no. It's Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, and... Booty Judge? No, it's not him. Elizabeth Warren. That's the one I didn't skip.
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Starting point is 03:05:44 slash P-K-A. Check them out. You need a VPN. Do stuff where you don't want people watching. Don't be a fool. I have a topic. The government is entirely watching what you're doing online. So don't be a retard
Starting point is 03:06:02 and get yourself whatever the fuck we just promoted yeah are you guys ready for this topic okay yeah what do you got orgy death i was just laughing at your most recent post yeah with uh the fight porn okay uh so this is from the sun which i'm pretty sure is one of the more respected papers in europe or orgy death. The most respected. The emir of Sarjan's son, Prince Khalid al-Qasima, died at age 39 at a sex and drugs
Starting point is 03:06:33 orgy. Check out this player, dude. Picture after picture of him with girls, you just know he's sleeping. I don't know. I feel like this guy packed more into 39 years than most people do. Wait, wait, let me ask.
Starting point is 03:06:49 Do you think this guy likes pussy? I think he's a huge fan. He loves it. He loves it. He loves pussy. An ambulance called police who are said to have found a quantity of Class A drugs. There apparently was a party where some guests were taking drugs and having sex.
Starting point is 03:07:08 It is suspected that Sheikh Khalid may have died suddenly as a result of taking drugs. As well as the police inquiry, an urgent internal probe has been ordered and staff have been ordered to keep quiet. It goes on, but apparently this guy went to sex and drugs orgies all the time. His brother died of the same thing. Dude, this guy is cool as shit and my opinion will not change. This guy, slamming puss,
Starting point is 03:07:30 slamming top-notch models. Awesome guy. I wish he were still alive so I could tell him, hey, pretty cool, man. Kyle. Richard, are you disagreeing with me that this guy slayed so much cash that he just he was living the dream by the end right you got all that money you got your saudi
Starting point is 03:07:56 arabia prince shit you gotta you gotta bugatti and also like you get to throw women off buildings and gays into traffic like you got all sorts of things going for you. Seems like he led a pretty happy, fun life. Lived it up right into the end. And, I mean, that's how we all want to die, right? At some sort of, at an orgy. So that's the question. You couldn't be more right.
Starting point is 03:08:22 This guy died at 39 and lived someone's version of a perfect life, right? Sex, orgies, drugs. Sex and orgies are redundant. Not necessarily. I've had sex and I've had orgies. There's a difference. Roger that. Sex, orgies, drugs,
Starting point is 03:08:39 parties, and an endless pit of money. This guy just did anything he ever wanted. I'm sure he drove every car he ever wished he had. And he died at 39. Better or worse than a normal life? Better. Worse.
Starting point is 03:08:55 Better. Better. 100% better. So, Taylor, let me take that life and juxtapose it against a guy who becomes... An AC repairman and lives to 100. Honestly, I'm just in favor of whatever makes me laugh more. Goes home every night
Starting point is 03:09:11 and fucks his fat wife if she'll let him. This is funny now. He comes home, he works He's got his fat ass bitch wife. That guy in New Jersey who's filling other people's cars up with gasoline and cleaning their windshields. And he comes home every night stinking of gasoline, even if he didn't work that day.
Starting point is 03:09:30 And his wife looks at him with shame in her eyes. And her parents are always telling her what a loser she married. You're really subpar. It shouldn't matter. Because if I'm gay, women won't even be able to express opinions in public. This is a gainfully employed man with a wife and a son. This is average. I didn't even go to a hobo on Skid Row or whatever who's sucking other hobos' crusty cocks.
Starting point is 03:09:56 And like every now and then. Probably sucked them pretty good though. Sucked them hard and long until. Practice makes perfect. I will ask you. You got this guy who died at 39, nothing but drugs and orgies, versus a hypothetical other guy who makes a fine living. He's an Oracle database administrator working for a big company.
Starting point is 03:10:15 He's got a wife and a kid. I know. I'm done. I did that on purpose. Okay, all right. I didn't mean to dissuade it. But is that guy getting pushy, dude? He doesn't love going to work.
Starting point is 03:10:29 He's an Oracle Database administrator. His passion for it died a long time ago. I'll play the Libra card in that. I'm kind of indifferent because it's funny. Each of you are putting your own perspectives on what you deem to be good or what would be your perception of a good life is like oh is quantity of pussies like your your definition of that well maybe yeah like maybe the dude who is that ac repair man he fucking loves his monogamous relationship with his wife and like
Starting point is 03:10:58 you know him and his kids go do some no he doesn't say it no he doesn't maybe she lost her body in the late 90s first of all don't you dare try to quantify my generosity doing charity work or like working on cars or whatever it is and maybe the the prince he was just like like every every chick he was fucking uh he felt like he never had a meaningful connection to anyone that it was only because of the money and he needed the drugs and fucking it got old after a while and he was drowning in a room full of people dude but the way you're saying it is like super sad and i don't like that i don't i don't like your spin on this whole thing no no i would i would choose being whatever makes you happy i would choose being i'm on board with that over like 99 of other lives uh that that prince had it fucking going
Starting point is 03:11:46 all right he had a great fucking life i guarantee like like his childhood was amazing and his team dude you ever think about the the like i know like the queen of england is that bitch who's like old as shit but like think of think about the lower levels like there's a prince who's like 90 years old now yeah do you think he's like pissed all the time he's just like this fucking cunt just won't die i'll never be king of prince charles right yeah yeah he's that red face fuck and then he's got kids. I think his... I don't know how the royal family works. I assume it's all incest.
Starting point is 03:12:29 What about that red-haired bitch? That red-haired bitch? How old is the red-haired bitch? By bitch, I mean man. The red-haired guy. That's Prince Harry. And he's... Yeah, he looks fucking terrible. Get some sunscreen, you fucking loser.
Starting point is 03:12:46 He was a hero. He sucks. How is he a hero? What did he do? He flew helicopters in the military. Did he hop in a helicopter that happened to go over Afghanistan and then he left and pumped it up a lot? That seems more
Starting point is 03:13:02 likely than not. Have you ever been to Afghanistan, Taylor? Yes, twice. Good answer. Kyle, if you don't think that I served this great nation in Afghanistan, if you don't think I've lied to baristas all across this country
Starting point is 03:13:21 about my level of interaction. The amount of valor that Taylor has stolen. You couldn't even begin to calculate. Exactly. You're so angry. I steal valor whenever I think it's appropriate. You wouldn't believe the response you get at a Starbucks when they tell you,
Starting point is 03:13:44 we don't accept Target cards here and I say I fought for your freedoms in Afghanistan then you get free stuff so just a little little thing for you guys
Starting point is 03:14:00 if you ever don't have quite enough money for your coffee pretend to be a veteran. Pretend to be a veteran. No one's going to call you out on it and say things like, Semper Fi! Hoorah! First Division! Up front! Things like that.
Starting point is 03:14:18 If they ever give you trouble. Richard cosigns on this. That's the worst advice you could give. Hey, are you telling a U.S. Marine that that's the worst advice you've ever taken?
Starting point is 03:14:36 Because hoorah, my friend, hoorah! I don't care for that. I don't care for that one bit. Yeah. They didn't join the Air Force to become a Navy SEAL for nothing. I don't care for that one bit. Yeah. He didn't join the Air Force to become a Navy SEAL for nothing. He didn't do that for you to piss on his parade. I never pretended to be a Navy SEAL
Starting point is 03:14:59 for you guys to judge me. I did it to get 77 cents off my coffee anyway you you guys say whatever you're gonna say anyways the floor is yours yeah the floor is yours. I just gotta say, I think that this guy, who was a literal prince in a place where that means a thing, unlike England, with that unlimited bank account, and
Starting point is 03:15:33 good-looking guy. I don't think these women were around him just for the money. I think they could affect any rich man, but they chose a good-looking rich man who owns part of a nation. and uh yeah i think this guy lived an incredible fucking life uh and at dying at 39 you're almost over the edge anyway dude it was almost over i like how you again it's perspective i like how you just casually threw it
Starting point is 03:15:59 out there they could have picked any rich man out there. I mean, so they just settled for a guy who owned a nation. Settled for a guy. Yeah. He's the prince. 100% right, my friend. 100% right. I like how they settled for him. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 03:16:17 I mean, he's at some sort of fashion show with runway models. Have you seen how ugly that fruitcake is? God, he looks terrible. Who are we talking about? All of the princes in the English dynasty. Come on, look at this guy. This guy is a fan, I don't think.
Starting point is 03:16:33 This guy is very good looking. We did link it. Oh, I don't see it. The most recent link for me is the one where Woody put that prince. We're talking about a Prince We're saying that this is the guy We're talking about that he's good
Starting point is 03:16:52 We've been discussing the Prince non-stop I mean Are you okay? I also think this guy's pretty cool You seem a bit irritable tonight and also confused He gets teed quicker than that Irritable and confused that that's that's a side effect of the trt i secretly got on to try and beat kyle to the punch
Starting point is 03:17:12 man i would it i can't believe they didn't give you any like warning things about once you go on trt be aware of uh increased aggressiveness be aware of xyz like i can't believe they didn't say anything like that because i thought that would be apparent there was a lot of paperwork and there was a lot of reading to do but in theory next i'll figure it out i just found the parts where they needed initials and signatures, and I checked the boxes all no, that clearly they wanted me to say no to. And then we were in the back room with the receptionist taking my blood and ready to go. So I fully expect to be on that good stuff in a day or two. I'm very psyched, very psyched.
Starting point is 03:18:01 On that good good. On that good good, as Taylor likes to say. But yeah, there were a lot of warnings and stuff on there possible side effects but right next to the side effects was all the possible benefits right and that paragraph was much bigger in bigger font yeah yeah i mean i had to look really it was so tiny these these warnings you know like it was bitch tits and you know and uh and acne and stuff and it's like we'll be all right we'll be all right if you get bitch tits and acne i that would be i probably will be able to contain myself that'll be too funny i probably will get acne
Starting point is 03:18:37 you're a real horrible human being i probably will get acne um i'll be on i'll be uh doubling up on my uh my skin routine to try to be as preventative as I can with that but yeah I think as long as they watch my hormone levels I don't think that something like bitch tits is gonna gyno gynocomastia
Starting point is 03:18:57 yeah I don't think that'll be an issue at all I mean if it is I'll just get a fucking surgery right like I don't care yeah you'll just get a breast reduction yeah I'll get a breast reduction yeah i'd be caught nice yeah maybe i'll get an augmentation just just go full bore dude hell yeah i'm in favor what if what if i just showed up one day and i had transitioned like i was dude i would i would literally die from what would your name be um uh it would be um kylie kylie uh yeah like kylie minone yeah i i'm kylie now um i'm not i'm only doing the breasts
Starting point is 03:19:36 nothing else i'm not even gonna shave um and i and if you dare dead name me by calling me that'll be it. There will be a civil suit in the state of California, which is just like my gender is now make-believe, so is my residence. It is my make-believe residence to go along with my make-believe gender, and I will sue you. There will be civil action in the state of California.
Starting point is 03:20:04 I dare you to deadname me. I will sue you. There will be civil action in the state of California forthwith. I dare you. I dare you to deadname me. I would never deadname Kylie. I'm not going to. Just the breasts. Just enormous breasts. Dude, have you got some big ass hooters?
Starting point is 03:20:22 Do you remember that guy that won a $100,000 bet by getting implants? Yeah, I do. I have so do you remember that guy that won a hundred thousand dollar bet by getting implants yeah i do yeah i have so little respect for that guy he's the worst dude that guy sucks and did you also see that like the the bet where they're like yeah you could you have to get breast implants for one for one season or something and the guy kept him for years. Like 17 years. Yeah, 17 years. He got some balloons put up under his pecs and now he's talking about tits
Starting point is 03:20:52 for the next 20 years. I don't care for it. I think it's dishonest. What if you get him? At first you think it's this shameful thing and it's going to ruin your sex life. But women are just very curious about it. And like suddenly like you've gone instead of going from like, I'm using imaginary numbers.
Starting point is 03:21:11 Let's say you were a six before and you were like, this is going to make me a fucking four. I'm never going to get a date. But now you're an eight. Now you're an eight and beautiful women are coming up to you and asking if they can touch them and telling you how they're thinking about getting the surgery too and asking who your doctor is and asking if they can touch them and telling you how they're thinking about getting the surgery too and asking who your doctor is and asking if they can see them and you're like well you can see mine if i can see yours and they giggle and the next thing you know you're having lunch and now this is then and you're just going through all these you know you're having lunch with a you're having lunch with a bunch of women who are cool with you pulling your cock out and and just being a tit having guy i don't think so this guy in 1996 he was down on his luck and he's a high
Starting point is 03:21:52 stakes gambler surprisingly not making so he makes a bet with the fellow high stakes gambler for a hundred thousand dollars which he owned 1996 probably better than average, and that he has to keep these things for a year. And he kept them. I said 17 years. That might be right. Yeah. First of all, that guy's cool as fuck. He became accustomed to the breasts and didn't have them removed.
Starting point is 03:22:17 You've come full circle. He was a loser a minute ago. No, he's cool now. Okay. Nothing I say has any push behind it it i'm just saying whatever i think at the moment okay but that guy being a guy who's like dude i think i i i gotta i i'm gonna win a bet if i have tits and then keeping them for 19 years, that's pretty fucking funny. I can't take that away from him.
Starting point is 03:22:47 He still had them in 2016. I think he still has them now. 2016 would have been 20 years. So I think 23 years into it. Yeah. Cool-ass guy, cool-ass girl of the week. I don't know. Definitely guy.
Starting point is 03:23:03 But cool-ass guy of the week? I don't know. Definitely guy. But cool-ass guy of the week. That's pretty sick. Yeah. You know, he was cogent enough to know when he should stop. Boys, I got a video. What do you got? Okay. Well, it is almost 4th of July.
Starting point is 03:23:21 By the time many of our non-paying customers get this, it will be 4th of July. And Jesus fucking Christ, this guy's having a bit of fun with fireworks. Someone's getting burnt. Nice. No, no, no. No one's getting burnt. I'm just guessing.
Starting point is 03:23:35 This isn't a preview. So I suggest we all queue up at zero. All right, I'm ready at zero. Just a moment. So right off the bat. Non-traditional science video. Even paused at zero. I'm ready at zero. Just a moment. Right off the bat, even paused at zero, I noticed that we are inside of a vehicle and there's a big pile of fireworks
Starting point is 03:23:52 and a man is about to light them. There's one large firework he's about to light. It's not music, right? No. Okay, ready, set, play. Not much to hear.
Starting point is 03:24:08 He's just lighting it off in the car. Oh, there's that windshield. Shut the door, bitch. He's running away. He's running away. They're in a parking lot. I need to see how many views this video has. Not many.
Starting point is 03:24:22 I dig deep. You do. And it's a fairly new video. So, you know, you wonder if it's going to happen. What do you think is going to happen? There's going to be a lot of fire outside of that car.
Starting point is 03:24:40 It's a salvage yard, right? I think it's going to explode all at once. If I didn't know better, I'd say it didn't work. But you should go check it out because the fireworks didn't It blew out or something. Yeah, somebody go check! Right? Yeah, never do that. Woody, go check! I will go check
Starting point is 03:24:56 tomorrow. Oh, Jesus! Holy fucking shit! Oh my god! Holy shit! Oh my god! Holy shit! Oh my god! Is everybody okay? Richard has the same confusion I have.
Starting point is 03:25:16 What the fuck? Yeah, yeah. Oh my god, the car! Dude, that's cool as shit. What happened to the car? What happened to the car? Wow, look at that. Kyle, do you know what it was? That's cool as shit. What happened to the car? Wow, look at that.
Starting point is 03:25:28 Do you know what it was? If I had to take a guess about what the most likely scenario is there, it's that the fireworks were just kind of a joke and that somebody popped some Tanner, right. Or maybe, um, uh, set off some other kind of legitimate, uh, explosive charge. Cause the damage that's done there is kind of equivalent to about 10 pounds of Tanner,
Starting point is 03:25:56 right? Roughly, maybe, maybe a little more, probably, probably 13 or 14 pounds of Tanner, right? Like it,
Starting point is 03:26:02 it turned the car inside out. And yeah, like 57 seconds it looks like a it looks like an oxidizer vapor go to zero seconds it gives you yeah you can tell the windshield's like or something's rolled up there right oh is that's not just plastic to you and then there's what's in that toilet paper roll looking thing oh no maybe yeah but it looks like a salvage car right for sure because it yeah you know that's plastic from the interior or something the seats already kind of uh cut up and everything there yeah i i um that would be my guess is that the fireworks are kind
Starting point is 03:26:35 of like um like a joke yeah um and that the actual explosion is something not only more powerful but more stable because he was brave enough to go light a firework in a car so that leads me to believe that probably wasn't anything very volatile that he felt safe lighting a a silly explosion explosive like a firework or roman candle or whatever the fuck that funnel thing he is next to whatever was actually going to blow the car up. So my guess would be somebody set off some sort of binary in there. But who knows? That's hilarious, though. I hadn't seen the whole thing.
Starting point is 03:27:12 And look at the explosion. There's a lot of, like... No, it's hilarious. You don't have to defend yourself. I'm enjoying it. Yeah, that thing's leveled. Yeah, there's a big flash. There's a lot more flash than i think you would see from
Starting point is 03:27:26 tannerite at first but then there's a lot of that like ugly ass like smoky shit that you do get off of tannerite it's hard to say um if that could easily be uh some kind of binary and i would imagine it is because these guys don't look like they're running anything too high-tech in there. Did you guys ever follow the Bluebell or Listerine bandits that have been on social media the last few days? I don't know what that is. Bluebell is an ice cream manufacturer.
Starting point is 03:28:03 I know that. And there was a big video online where this woman was walking through. She reached in, grabbed a carton of Blue Bell, opened it, went, licked it, closed it, put it back in the fridge. Back in the fridge. That is degenerate awfulness yeah I hate that that's horrific nobody wants that in their ice cream
Starting point is 03:28:31 no well unless it's that Delphine girl I bet she could lick ice cream pints and double the value well I don't know about that but I'd prefer her not to that ass water is 35 dollars a that's right little jar it's 35 now it was 30 when i screen capped she overcharged you richard
Starting point is 03:28:54 i was just looking at her website i was trying to get in on that i was trying to trying to get in maybe i drove the price up dude i tried to sell my own bath water no buyers none well you didn't put it through your butt nobody wanted anything i even guaranteed a pube per can and nobody wanted it oh thanks yeah no you wouldn't like that you guys are right that's 30 bucks yes 30 bucks to buy bath water from this whore. I want to talk about this topic. I don't know if the funny will come in.
Starting point is 03:29:30 So here, a New Jersey teen went to a party. Girl was super drunk, raped her. And at first when I heard super drunk, I thought she was asleep or something. But her clothes were torn and she was bruised. So this strikes me as like a violent rape. And the judge showed leniency on him, said that since he comes from a good family and is destined for a good college,
Starting point is 03:29:59 they won't try him as an adult. He's 16. Affluenza. And yeah, I personally, as an adult. He's 16. Affluenza. Yeah. South Jersey. I wonder which town it was. But I don't like trying 16-year-olds as an adult. I view it through the lens
Starting point is 03:30:16 of my own experience, and I was a particularly stupid teenager. I never raped anyone, of course, but I was a really different guy when I was 20 versus when i was 16 and uh i hate to end someone's life even this guy you know at 16 but not because he came from a good household and i just seem worthy of discussion yeah i i'll chime in real quick then that's super easy like the way i i lay it out for people is stuff like that is it
Starting point is 03:30:46 it's pretty easy for me to give my opinion and uh i i feel like i can see like i've matured so much in the last six months let alone 16 years like i can't imagine how different of a person i am and how much i've matured but the fact of the matter is that chick has to live with that for the rest of her life. And it's an unfortunate thing that, you know, two people's lives may be ruined by somebody's immaturity or mistake. But that's, I think that's, it's only, I don't want to say fair, it's just, it's only necessary that, you know, whatever people deem that punishment should be, that it happens to the full extent of it. Because I mean, her life, it doesn't matter the class of that whatever people deem that punishment should be, that it happens to the full extent of it. Because her life, it doesn't matter the class of family that she came from,
Starting point is 03:31:33 she's still got to deal with that for the rest of her life. So he should have the adult response. Would you try him as an adult? I don't know. I don't know. That's kind of something I haven't really um i haven't really been able to process like like i don't understand all the variables in that sense but uh the fact that some people do get off with it like that one kid who was just like probation or whatever like fuck that no way absolutely not there should be a lasting effect and consequence for him like for her okay see like i i'm different in my evaluation like
Starting point is 03:32:09 if it makes me laugh i'm fine with it like that's really it like if it makes me do you think this was a funny rape is that what you're saying no no i'm just saying that anything obscene that happens if it also makes me laugh... What if you did a bit of prop humor during the rape? They slapped her bottom so hard they left it bruised and they sprayed it with Febreze. They sprayed
Starting point is 03:32:36 a bruise with Febreze? Her bottom. Her butt. They sprayed her butt with Febreze and slapped it with such force that she had hand marks on her butt. Febreze? How do butt. Febreze? How do you pronounce Febreze? What am I saying? Fabric.
Starting point is 03:32:52 Febreze. I was curious. It's the stuff that makes things not stink. Right. He had sex with her. They don't seem to think very highly of her. I don't know. This is confusing to me. If he raped her, chalk me up as not a fan but if it was just yeah you know i think i'm not putting my head if it was just a little bit of fabrice sex play like we're all familiar with if he was just being
Starting point is 03:33:16 a little fabrizi then you know i don't see the problem i mean how old was she she was also 16 uh she was 11 no of course she wasn't 11 my guess is they don't have her age in here for her anonymity yeah because she's a minority minor they will put your age in there unless you're a minority in which case did you mean minor richard yes yes um yeah and by the way for the for the record it got appealed another judge said that they're hanging around with us enough you end up there it's uh i'm still stuck on the chess conversation oh i had to check out i felt
Starting point is 03:34:06 like we were about to get to the the women are always just dumb and unable to do things we've we've yes why can't we get back to that i mean to be you guys like what is this like four hours long? It's like, I don't know. It is. Yeah, we're almost there. We have all our bases covered. Kyle, resident racist. Me, resident sexist. That's how it goes. I'm just glad I'm not on your list.
Starting point is 03:34:36 I love people. Woody, resident centrist. UFC fights coming up this weekend. Oh, I'm so pumped for the UFC fight this weekend I got my parents coming in I'm cooking all these elk steaks I'm cooking a whole feast I got the tomahawk elk steak
Starting point is 03:34:54 Where are they sourcing that? Is it the New Zealand elk? It's North American grass fed elk I don't think it's wild I think it's farm-raised elk. You can't do that in the States. That's what the website says. Really?
Starting point is 03:35:10 Because it's an indigenous animal or something. I forget how it's written, but it's like you can't farm-raise stuff that you can go out and hunt or whatever. They farm-raise deer, though. I think that may be axis or something like that not whitetail yeah but you have to hunt it you have to kill it you have to get a tag yeah they go out there and they're like they hunt it with a bolt gun in the stable you have to you have to pay the the state or the government for
Starting point is 03:35:38 the tag right yeah because it's they're a um protected uh like species or something like that. Well, I don't care. I'm curious. I'd love to know because I'd love to have a place to buy some. I hope they're going to the zoo and getting it for all I care. I'll try to find the website again, but I just literally searched exotic meats Atlanta and I found this place that had
Starting point is 03:36:01 like everything. How's elk different than cow? Have you had it before no seriously i have had yeah i had elk in uh colorado uh and uh i don't know i liked it i don't know how to describe the tastes of things everybody's like everybody either says it tastes like chicken or it's gamey like those are the two those are the only two things anybody's ever gonna say about they tried that was different when like steak, when steak is really well done, when I bite it, it's not chewy.
Starting point is 03:36:33 It almost turns into a gel practically when steak is. You want it to melt like butter in your mouth. Yeah, I just didn't want to say meat melts because I feel like I just never loved that description. No, you're 100% right. If you get a nice rare filet, it will melt in your mouth. What's elk like compared to that? I've never had a rare elk. I had elk whenever...
Starting point is 03:36:51 You were there, Taylor. Whenever we went to that crazy restaurant in Colorado. Oh, yeah. We got that fried alligator suit. That was expensive as shit. And terrible. Alligator's awful. I've had it in Florida.
Starting point is 03:37:02 It was not good. But the elk was good i remember being very good i got some kind of an elk steak and i don't know i don't remember how to i don't know how to describe the taste but i've had it before and i liked it then and i thought i'd do something fun this weekend so i um i'm getting these tomahawk elk steaks and i'm gonna get some ground elk and i'm gonna make some uh some um uh hamburgers and i'm gonna get some like elk um what do you call it the uh skirt steak or something and i'm going to get some like elk. What do you call it?
Starting point is 03:37:27 The skirt steak or something. And I'm going to grind that up and make elk sausage. When's dinner? There's in the fights are at 11 PM. Are you doing a late dinner or how's that? I'll just, I don't know. Whenever everybody's hungry,
Starting point is 03:37:38 seven, 8 PM, something like that. The prelims start probably at like 7 PM or something. Are you using your new, your new meat grinder for that? I don't have the meat grinder yet. I've got the KitchenAid device, but the meat grinder hasn't showed up. But yeah, I'll make my own sausage with the meat grinder out of a piece of elk.
Starting point is 03:37:57 Are you getting real intestine casing? I'll use pork casings, yeah. Hell yeah. That's going to be delicious. How are you going to cook the steaks? pork casings. Yeah. Hell yeah. That's going to be delicious. Yeah. How are you going to cook the steaks? That sounds epic. Um,
Starting point is 03:38:08 I don't know. I'll have to look at, I'll look online for some recipes. I could sous vide them and then pan sear, or I could put them on the grill. Uh, I'll do one or the other oven. Then it's a game changer.
Starting point is 03:38:20 Yeah. I'm a big fan of the sous vide. Uh, I like it a lot. I use it for all kinds of things i've used it for some sides i've made eggs in there um but steak and chicken are the the real winners uh with the sous vide um i don't use the um like the torch attachment to to sear things i really like using the pan because then i can baste it in garlic and butter and rosemary and uh as long as the pan's super hot you won't have any issues with overcooking the meat
Starting point is 03:38:47 and uh yeah like the sous vide a lot it was very cheap 100 120 dollars or something like that well you've moved on from the sous vide a bit like with your purchase of the grill you're going into different i can still use the grill though to to like get some grill marks on things and like get that color that i want on the outside because that's the whole point of transitioning from the sous vide to the pan is is is the color and the char on the outside but once you get that chimney rolling you're not going to want to just use it for you know a little sear you're going to different things like like i don't particularly think sous vide fish is the way to go i really like doing
Starting point is 03:39:22 because i like doing fish in a pan because i can saute it in five to seven minutes like any piece of fish really like scallops are done in a minute per side or even less uh really like 45 seconds a side and scallops are done so like there's no need to bring a sous vide in you must have bought your scallops from like a restaurant supply depot because the scallops you texted woody and i they look like butter soft like you put that in your mouth and it just fucking melts like that looks like restaurant quality scallops i love scallops yeah they were uh 20 something bucks a pound i went to the decaf farmers market in atlanta it's like the biggest international market in all of atlanta it's huge and they've got so many kinds of fish so many
Starting point is 03:40:05 kinds of pork chicken beef um like all of the like they've got chicken feet and like veal brain and uh and pig feet calf kidneys they have plenty of pig feet um and live lobster live crab um so much snow crab and king crab uh and so i got some swordfish steaks i got some uh some sea bass uh fillets some really big sea bass fillets and then i got that uh i got the scallops got a pound of scallops nice i am starving now yeah i know me too yeah after this is over i'm going right to the kitchen richard don't you love scallops when you put it in your mouth and it starts melting before you can even chew? So good. Ow.
Starting point is 03:40:48 So good. Ow. Yeah, when I get done here, I'm going to cook a halibut filet and a sea bass filet. And I'm probably going to do some zucchini fries. And there's Parmesan zucchini fries. How did those turn out, by the way? Oh, really fucking good.
Starting point is 03:41:02 I made a sauce. I've got this red chili paste that I've been including in all my sauces. So I put a little bit of mayo, a little bit of ketchup, and a ton of red chili sauce, a little bit of lemon juice, and some garlic. And I made this dipping sauce for the zucchini fries
Starting point is 03:41:18 and they were amazing. They were really, really fucking good. They're just baked. You just take zucchini, cut it into fry shapes uh put them in uh egg and then literally just seasoned parmesan goes on top like grated parmesan so i got this really nice block of parmesan reggiano and uh and uh added garlic powder and italian seasoning mixed all that up and then i just batter them with that and then i bake them for 20 minutes at 425 degrees and they come come out like brown, like the Parmesan is browned.
Starting point is 03:41:48 And they're really fucking good. I bet you should share the love on some of these recipes. I use on YouTube. This guy's name is Chef John with And that's how he says it. He's got this weird voice. Hello, this is Chef John with with
Starting point is 03:42:07 and then he'll give you the recipe. That's how every video starts ever. It's great. If I was Kyle, some of these pictures that he sends up as meals would be on my Tinder profile. That's a baller move. Not only am I going to fuck your pussy, I'll make you some good salmon
Starting point is 03:42:26 that sounds like a good night yeah Woody replied to one of my pictures with I wanna be Kyle's girlfriend little does he know I already am he's a it's so funny
Starting point is 03:42:44 because Kyle has long been a staunch advocate against vegetables yeah now you're showing veggies in all of the pictures you text us and so i'm happy for you because you're clearly getting some vitamins now yeah no carbs no sugar um only vegetables uh there's no starches in any of that food um wow bread or right and uh there was a little bit of rice in one of them right i did that like cilantro lime rice nothing wrong with rice but it was really just for look's sake i just didn't plate it correctly i i formed it into this ramekin thing and made this perfect little little square cube of rice that you were supposed to be able to see but the fish broke so i put the fish on top of it wait is that what was in the photo where you sent the picture and there were those two or three square
Starting point is 03:43:29 things was that rice pressed into a square no that was that actually was um um squash i think oh like i carved i think i carved squash into a into a cube, I used a paring knife to carve it into that rectangular shape, and then I cooked it in butter and garlic and seared. Well, it looked good. It was really fucking good. Everything's really fucking good that I've cooked. I'm very good at it. What's the next thing on the horizon that you want to try and get good at cooking?
Starting point is 03:44:02 I mean, obviously, you just bought a grill, so grilling is coming in coming in yeah i've conquered fish uh i thought that that was that that was the one thing i've always been afraid of um because everybody says it's so hard and it's really fucking easy people are just not good at things um i just copied what they say on the internet i think people are afraid of hot pans so they're like boiling their fish and butter or something instead of sauteing it which is like really high temperatures and a little bit of olive oil um so like i've cooked five different kinds of fish that I'd never had this week and they all came out perfectly flaky and tender and not rubbery at all. Um, I probably am going to move to like racks of lamb, um, and do like that thing where you present the lamb,
Starting point is 03:44:41 uh, rack where the bones are like the meat is pulled down and the and the ribs are like flayed out probably gonna do like a thing like that um i might do st louis ribs because i found a really good recipe for that some spare ribs i love spare ribs yeah i'm gonna do a i could do a full rack of those i found a really good recipe for how to do those baking them in the oven and then going to the grill um and uh probably i've never tried them that way that's an interesting idea so you cook them in the oven and then throw them in the oven and then going to the grill um and uh i've never tried them that way that's an interesting idea so you cook them in the oven and then throw them for the searing at the last second on the you put them in your pan i think you add a little bit of white vinegar and then you put aluminum foil over the top as and seal it as well as you possibly can and then they get baked and
Starting point is 03:45:20 when they come out they are already like fall off the bone and basically cooked and then you put them on the grill and sauce both sides and like sear both sides on a really hot grill with the sauce continuously going on every time you flip and by the time you're done like the bones just pull out like i'm so hungry right now yeah that sounds epic sounds great i love ribs i might go back to frying whole birds too. I really like doing that. Do you ever make chicken wings? No, I don't like chicken wings enough
Starting point is 03:45:51 to make them myself and they're not that healthy. I mean, they're not unhealthy as long as you don't coat them in barbecue sauce. If they're hot wings, like buffalo wings, they're not unhealthy. I don't know. It's fried chicken um you know no not necessarily fried you can bake them oh i'd never do that the way to make
Starting point is 03:46:10 chicken wings is to fry them what you want to do kyle and i'm only saying it because you will like it is you get your your unf not frozen wings from the store and they got the full wings you take your knife you cut them into sections into wingettes and then you put those in a a big hefty bag not a hefty bag what's the name a ziploc a big ziploc bag with a little bit of baking powder in there not baking soda baking powder if you put baking soda in there it's going to be terrible but baking powder in there shake it around get a thin coat of baking powder on all those wings and then you bake those on a drip tray over a different tray you bake that at 250 or i'm sorry at 350 for 40 minutes and you let all of that fat render out then what you do you take you take those out, you dip them in the Frank's Red
Starting point is 03:47:06 Hot or whatever sauce you're using, you put them back on there, you put it in there for 25 minutes at 450. The baking powder will suck all of the moisture out of that skin and make it crispy as fuck. It's going to make it fantastic. I'm going to fry them.
Starting point is 03:47:22 You don't have to fry them. There's no frying involved and it's way healthier and way better for you, and they taste just as good. No, they don't taste as good. I'm going to fry them for like 18 minutes. They do taste as good. You need to visit my house, and we'll make these for you. And they'll be delicious, and I'll make my own fancy sauce. I'm going to fry them.
Starting point is 03:47:38 But I'm not going to cook them, since I don't like wings that much. Oh. How do you not like chicken wings? Woody, Richard, do you guys love chicken wings i can yeah and we do bake them so i'm actually on team taylor here but uh yes i still feel like it's mom and dad fighting here and they're like hey pick a side kid who do you want to go to do for christmas i'm not like gourmet though I just want to eat I think because the skin is on them
Starting point is 03:48:07 and there's some sort of they're not coated in barbecue sauce but there's something hot on them and I just feel like they're an unhealthy treat not an everyday meal yeah it's fried chicken if you fry it you gotta fry it
Starting point is 03:48:21 it's not fried chicken it's baked chicken well enjoy your baked chicken. I want some chicken wings. I will. It's fantastic. I hope that you come over at some point, Kyle, so you can taste one of these baked wings
Starting point is 03:48:36 and be like, God damn, Taylor, not only are you attractive, you're also right. He says that when you're not around. He says, you know that, Taylor? says you know that taylor he's attractive and right he's attractive and he's also you don't have a fat head at all now that i've looked back to ufc talk or guy in footlock yeah we can finish it we never even did somehow we got
Starting point is 03:48:59 distracted with the food um and i'm i i think we're all very hungry i have not eaten today the last time i ate was was last night at like 24 hours ago, I think. I cooked some fish, but I slept all day, so it's not so bad. Yeah, huge fights this weekend. I'm very pumped. I think Jones is going to continue his undefeated
Starting point is 03:49:18 streak. I think Holly Holm is going to get fucked up again. I hate to say it, but it's just going to happen. Holly Holm is going to get fucked up again. I hate to say it, but it's just going to happen. Holly Holm is going to get fucked up by Amanda Nunez. It's going to happen. I like Holly. I'm not a huge fan of Amanda, but Amanda is going to fuck her world up.
Starting point is 03:49:35 And I hope that if Askren can lay hands on Jorge Masvidal, that's all she wrote. He's going to grind him out for three or four rounds and eventually get some kind of TKO stoppage, ground and pound. I don't care about Luke Rockhold. I think Luke is fighting this guy named Jan Blokowkiewicz or something like that. But Thiago, who's fighting Jon Jones, he beat the dog shit out of Jan last January or something like that. I saw that fight, and I think Luke Rockhold will that fight um and then I always bet on uh Diego Sanchez because he's a fucking madman so I think
Starting point is 03:50:11 he wins his fight too but against uh Chiesa is Chiesa the one who tapped uh and then or who they who they uh called the fight when he was getting choked or was he applying the choke remember there was that call that it was very controversial a while back where like some i think kiesa was involved where somebody's in a rear naked choke and then the ref stops it and the guy's like hey what the fuck are you stopping it for yeah it doesn't matter yeah um i got okay so i think kiesa beats diego okay excuse me uh i don't want that to happen but that's my prediction i think jan beats Okay, so I think Chiesa beats Diego. Okay. Excuse me. I don't want that to happen, but that's my prediction. I think Jan beats Luke.
Starting point is 03:50:51 I don't know why I'm picking him, but I just feel like Luke loses big fights sometimes. It's his 205 debut. I don't know. I know you. These are all going to be wrong picks. I think Jorge beats Ben Askren. I don't want that to happen either.
Starting point is 03:51:10 But I just think he's done well against grapplers, and Ben Askren only has one path to victory. And usually when a fighter has one path to victory, it doesn't go that way. Amanda Nunes is going to beat Holly Holm. Even though Holm's a great boxer and has pro-level defense, and Nunes, I think, is just a heavy-handed person who works her way in there. The bombs are coming, and you're going to blow up
Starting point is 03:51:27 her last fight man those bombs were technical I mean they were technical I mean she put it where she wanted it but I don't know if Cyborg I don't know she's the hardest hitting woman in the goddamn in the UFC for sure in the history
Starting point is 03:51:44 of the UFC right in the history of the ufc right in the history of the ufc for sure so um you got to go over to pride to find a bigger scarier woman they didn't have who's that bitch in pride that's bigger than taylor what's her fucking name you see her something she used to be hot taylor there's a there's a female fighter who fights in j Japan who would beat your fucking ass her arms are fucking let me find her she's a monster of a human being
Starting point is 03:52:11 um did Gabrielle Mote nope that's a guy Gabby Garcia thank you um this woman is woman air quotes Thank you. This woman is...
Starting point is 03:52:26 woman, air quotes. There's a girl who's on TRT. Jeez. If I could get that body, that would be... Look at that. Look at that. Here's the one I'm looking at.
Starting point is 03:52:42 It'll be one of those long googles. It almost looks like Taylor. It looks like a monster. She's so goddamn big. So strong. She beats the dog shit out of people. I would like to see her against Nunez. Because Cyborg beat the dog crap out of people too.
Starting point is 03:52:59 And Nunez won. But here's my hot take. So long as I'm making all these long shot picks. So some of them are. I wonder if this is the fight john jones finally loses yeah right because i know right so people don't know jones is a huge uh favorite in this it's he's so obviously going to win that no one really thinks this is the time that he won't but part of me is like that's what it looks like when a boss character loses you know tiago's i think it's how you pronounce it tiago santos yeah ronda rousey i think you're thinking of um no one thought ronda was gonna lose that she was a huge uh favorite and
Starting point is 03:53:36 then someone one of the biggest favorites like in a long time yeah she was super heavy. Tiago has... First of all, he's a perfect physical specimen. I look at him and I'm like, has any man naturally ever looked like that? I'm not sure. I wonder what Taylor's thinking. He hits super hard.
Starting point is 03:54:00 It only takes one, although Jon Jones typically doesn't get rocked like that, not by punches. I just wonder, I feel like this is what it looks like. When there's a foregone conclusion, when a guy is absolutely unbeatable,
Starting point is 03:54:14 when you know that Jose Aldo can't lose, when you know that Conor McGregor will just wake up from his slumber while they swap opponents on him and not give a crap, whatever, anybody, any weight. When you know that guys just can't be defeated they tend to be and i'm like is this what it looks like when john jones loses i don't know it's interesting to me though yeah i mean you can say that every fight and eventually you know yeah eventually you'll be right but is there
Starting point is 03:54:39 anybody in the women's division that can stand up to this monster. I would like to see her fight Amanda Nunez because Amanda is so much more technical. Look at that tricep definition. Hell yeah. Good for you. They said the same thing about Cyborg, though, too. Yeah, Cyborg was... Cyborg got annihilated. I don't care for Cyborg at all.
Starting point is 03:54:59 What? I thought you were all about Cyborg other than saying she was ugly. No, I don't like her as like a person or a fighter i think you know i i think that like i i think it's worse when a woman cheats with steroids than when a man cheats with steroids because absolutely because women it's like it's like the equivalent of the man using plutonium or something like that like wait a minute whoa you're using plutonium we've all just got a tiny tiny bit of trace plutonium in it and you're using plutonium? We've all just got a tiny, tiny bit of trace plutonium in it. And you're injecting whole Homer Simpson green glowing vials of plutonium before you fight?
Starting point is 03:55:34 And that's what it's like to me. Marge, she wants the whole thing of plutonium. That's what it's like to me. Homer, you can't be handing out plutonium to anyone else. But Marge, they say it makes me cool. When these women do testosterone, and their levels aren't just man levels, they're higher than a man's levels.
Starting point is 03:55:54 I think that at times, some of these women, like Gabby Garcia's testosterone levels are higher than mine. They absolutely are. Probably. That's shocking. That lady is shocking. She must have some sort of body dysmorphia drug addiction you know maybe muscle addiction or maybe she's making shit
Starting point is 03:56:12 loads of money over in japan like like they seem like the kind of culture who'd be like oh didn't know miss a woman like like they're probably into like vore they like the fan like i bet her sex life is like a bigger western woman exactly she holds me in her hands like a baby i think nunez beats her now they will never fight because they can't make the same weight class definition but i've seen her fight have you seen her fight gabriel garcia yeah it's pretty clumsy and oh and like she's she's relying on brute strength, whereas Nunez is so technical. I would bet on, if the fight were happening, I would 100%
Starting point is 03:56:50 bet on Nunez to dismantle this chick by round two. Dude, this bitch that you just linked, like, it might take me two headbutts to knock her out. That's how big it is. Like, it really might. He's like one punch man with headbutts to knock her out. That's how big it is. Like, it really might.
Starting point is 03:57:06 He's like one punch man with headbutts. I'm a one punch man with headbutts. I've got the biggest cranium on the planet. Look at those biceps. Jesus, Taylor. Taylor, make a muscle. I swear that I've got a thicker skull than most folks.
Starting point is 03:57:20 We all want to see it now. It just got teased right there. He's like, you know what? I just got teased right there he's like you know i've got this head here it's like damn taylor look at you no but really my my my my skull thickness i'd put that up against the best fucking brock lesnar don't be silly bitch made i could if brock lesnar came at me with anything other than a headbutt, I'd be horrified. But if anybody comes up against me with a headbutt, I win. I win. Homer Simpson? My head's too big.
Starting point is 03:57:50 My head's too hard. Not Homer Simpson because he has that extra little centimeter of intracranial fluid or whatever the fuck that little explanation was during the show, which was very funny. I saw Jorge Masvidal headbutt that ufc like pressure machine they've got yeah measure strike oh yeah okay it's four thousand really four thousand how did he do it did he just arms back torpedo into it yeah yeah exactly like are you joking how did he really no i swear to god i swear he did really he went like a bull. He went straight in. It was like $3,999.
Starting point is 03:58:29 Wow. Honestly, I'm super impressed by the photo you posted of this bitch, Kyle. This bitch is That could be me when I get my implants. Implants? Look at that tricep definition.
Starting point is 03:58:44 Look at the second one. yeah it's just this huge loop of just a big lump of muscle yeah this bitch is cool i'm fine with her um and she doesn't have any all the stories she tells are boring a lot of her opponents a lot of her opponents are like to like be at her weight class which is some sort of super mega woman class they're fat like they're like unathletic so she's the only jacked one of them basically yeah she's the only one of her kind i want they need to mate her with bob sap and then have the child be raised by like like like kung fu masters somewhere in the far east and then and then in the year 2040 have this prodigy revealed to us like i want i want that solid plan kyle it'll be like the boys from brazil but it's it's
Starting point is 03:59:32 it's uh dude her head looks like it's a fucking minecraft character look how square that is look at that look at that joy it doesn't stop it goes straight up through the temples hell yeah she's a bit she's she's terrifying to behold you know what i'm cool with this bitch dude did you see her before steroids yeah she was hot and and like normal athletic looking she looked like a she looked like a beach volleyball like olympian or something like that she's like tall strong as fuck like abs but like pretty i'm not a gargantuan monster oh shit wow like what i see ugly is a girl who's still on steroids i think you know at least the picture i'm looking at let me link it
Starting point is 04:00:13 if you guys click on that but uh like to me that's still the girls don't normally have ripped abs and vascular vascularity like that but um that's hot steroids yeah look at that top left photo where she's in the yellow t for the one where she's really big and then just like a sports bar the ripped woman now she looks like a division one man male wrestler who happens to have titties like like she went from like sports illustrated uh swimsuit model to her fitness corn dude women who get that ripped look ridiculous because they still at the end of their musculature have those little girl hands you know look at her hands time out taylor just bear with me look at her hands when she's wearing the yellow shirt.
Starting point is 04:01:05 Yeah. Look at how little her fingers are. Do they look like girl hands to you? No, no, no. Look at the hand itself. Veins, musculature. Then look at the fingers. Those are clearly girl fingers. I mean, they're not as long as mine, but they look like little sausages. Like she's reaching out at you with some brats.
Starting point is 04:01:22 That's what's funny about it, I'm saying. What a monster. I hope she's getting paid well. She has a mental illness. That's the lens I'm seeing this through. Somehow, let me go back to her picture for the audience. When she transferred from that woman on the right to that woman on the left,
Starting point is 04:01:42 she probably thought she was getting better and bigger and stronger but the better part wasn't true no she looks huge have you she looks like that trans rugby player that was dominating like saudi arabia like from new zealand did you see that yeah yeah just running people the fuck over yeah let me look at look at this absolute unit that's that's saying he's a woman is it a guy pretending to be a girl again it's a trans rugby player look at that look at that unit just boom six foot three enormous oh no this could be your brother. That's not fair. This is what I imagine Taylor's brothers look like. They're littler than me.
Starting point is 04:02:33 But smarter than me. Even the other team's bruiser just looks like a woman playing against a man. Yeah, it doesn't look great. Look at some of these action photos. I'm about to link an action photo. Look at how giant this bitch is. Yeah, that's the picture I was just looking at. There's an actual woman chasing her.
Starting point is 04:02:57 She looks like Brock Lesnar's little brother. There's an actual woman chasing her, and she has this look of defeat in her face. This is silly. This is silly. So that woman's probably a small, speedy player, but even the other big, strong women are not big, strong women compared to her. Oh, you're right. Oh, you're right.
Starting point is 04:03:26 Like, that would fucking suck to be a woman who worked your ass off for a given sport and then be like, actually, today we're playing against Susanna, who is a trans woman, and she's six foot four, 240 pounds of pure muscle, and her hands are the size of your torso. Best of luck. Like, no, you wouldn't want that that's not fair like that's what the ridiculousness is about it is people get all up in arms it's like no just just have fair sports are we all just looking the other way like are we all just in this like this cognitive dissonance is that the right term or we just pretend this isn't happening do we all have to ignore reality and pretend this isn't a thing where it's like no like what why it's not fair to women like i'll be the first to say that
Starting point is 04:04:13 watching women play sports is hilarious i knew this was going there but also they work their asses off at it and there is no way in reality that women who work their asses off should have to play second fiddle to a trans trans woman a trans woman who is a ripped man and becomes a woman like that's not fair that's not fair it ruins the sport it's not okay to subject women to that like there was something that came out recently where it was like uh this one woman sued her own like athletic division because she was looking for a scholarship when it came to track and there were two or three trans trans women who came ahead of her and it was like uh yeah i worked my ass off and i didn't get anything because I got fourth place in this race
Starting point is 04:05:05 because they all beat me. I'm completely fine with using your favorite pronoun. I'm completely fine with using whatever name you choose for yourself. I'm completely fine with your new identity until there's a loser. Until you're taking something from someone who would have otherwise earned it.
Starting point is 04:05:20 Then it's not fair. It's not fair to women who work their asses off to be marginally better than 13-year-old boys at a sport. I mean, not all the 13-year-old boys, obviously. But some of the ones who compete in it. No, but you know what I mean. That's not fair to the women who compete. I can see through the bigotry.
Starting point is 04:05:40 Yeah, I got you. It's really not fair. I feel bad for those women. Like Taylor's hero Mark Furman always says. I don't know who Mark Furman is. He's the racist detective in the OJ Simpson case. If you don't know who Mark Furman is, that's not funny at all. Just a little quick spiel for you. The reason OJ Simpson is walking the streets right now,
Starting point is 04:06:02 probably stabbing people in the dark, is because the guy right now, probably stabbing people in the dark is, is because the guy who was collecting the evidence and the prosecution star witness that was a cop is this guy named Mark Furman. Well, he had consulted with a screenwriter like years prior, and he had talked to her about what it was like being an LA, being an LAPD officer. And it's just in bomb after in bomb after in bomb. he describes torturing black suspects until their faces are nothing but mush jesus christ and and he has to wash the blood off of his hands and his face he's like luckily the uniforms are dark blue that hides the blood he's like people don't want
Starting point is 04:06:37 n words in their in their in their communities where i'm from there are no n words they just want good people there he's like the first five sentences five sentences out of an n words mouth that's gonna be a lie just dude that's fucking horrific there's 11 hours of these tapes where he consulted with this screenwriter and it at one point here's the here's the kicker the judge in the case judge ito his wife is this uh lady who's on who's a captain in the lapdD. Goddamn. Mark Furman talks about her on these tapes. He's like, there's this one kind of bitch I really hate. You know the kind.
Starting point is 04:07:16 Blonde, dyed blonde hair, two-inch black roots, big punch of a belly like a fucking marsupial. This bitch Peggy, the judge's wife. Stop making him sound like the cool-ass guy. She fucked and sucked her way right to the top of the police force. And so this all comes out and they're like they're like, um, judge just so you know
Starting point is 04:07:36 your wife is briefly mentioned in the tapes. He's like, my wife? What is said? He's like, the language is deplorable. The language is deplorable. language is deplorable it's best if we don't even broach the subject i want to hear these tapes so now it's it really that's why oj simpson is out there on twitter right now fucking tweeting instead of i could be more in favor of oj tweeting not only that mark firman also had a collection of Nazi memorabilia, including
Starting point is 04:08:06 medals, like Nazi Iron Crosses. Dude, there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you have a real collection. Like, if someone came to my house, and I was a World War II buff, and they're like, oh, wow, these are your collectibles? And I'm like, yeah, these are real Nazi flags, this is
Starting point is 04:08:22 a real Soviet Union helmet, this is a real British thing. This is a real Soviet Union helmet. This is a real British thing. This is a real American. This is a real American. That's a genuine Auschwitz showerhead. Yeah. This is a real MRE from America in 1940.
Starting point is 04:08:38 It's only weird if you show up and you're like, oh, you're a World War II buff? And they walk in and it's all Nazi shit. If it's all Nazi shit. It's all Nazi shit. And a little KKK. If it's all Nazi shit, be wary. If it's like, oh, you got these cool Nazi things, you got these cool Soviet things, you got these cool British and American things, that's a collector.
Starting point is 04:08:57 At one point, he said something along the lines of, sometimes they don't want to cooperate. So you just put your nightstick in his belly and say listen here boy it just goes on and on with like trying to convince me this guy isn't cool as fuck it's the most over the top race like he literally might have been the most racist police officer in the lapd yeah i i always thought there was like a hint of racism that they painted him with a broad brush but it turns out out he's, I mean, he sounds pretty guilty. He's literally a Nazi. Like, he's evil.
Starting point is 04:09:32 Like, when he talked, the situation where he tortured those men, two LAPD officers had been like ambushed and shot. And he's the first on the scene. He's like, so I grabbed this bitch by the hair of her head and I put the gun to it and I say, come out of there and if you've got a gun, I'm going to blow this bitch's head off. Hell yeah, this guy's cool. They come out without guns. So I throw the bitch down the stairs.
Starting point is 04:09:54 Now we got them. We took our time. And I mean, we took our time. We beat their faces to live. All the bones were broken. They were just mush. And it's just like, holy shit! The woman's like, can I include that in the screenplay?
Starting point is 04:10:07 And he's like, seven years haven't passed yet. Statute of limitations. Man, that's cool. It's so fucked. No, it's not. It's so fucked up. No, I mean, it's not cool. It is funny, though. It's funny that they used him as their star fucking witness from the LAPD. And they even ask him while he's on the stand because there were hints.
Starting point is 04:10:34 They had heard that maybe this guy was racist. Oh, I hear. And so they question him on the stand. They're like, have you ever said the N-word? Do you use the N-word? And he's like, no, I don't use that language and then they roll out the fucking tape and it's yeah it made him he literally perjured himself their star witness and then of course himself through the n-word that is hilarious that is awesome he perjured
Starting point is 04:10:58 himself because he said the n-word in a tape uh well they asked him if he ever used it do you ever use it have you ever used it um and he's like no no i've never used that word especially not i thought it would be hilarious yeah if you want to if you want to like watch the people versus oj simpson they've got cuba gooding jr playing oj and uh it's very accurate he's a terrible actor he's very good as oj you'll you'll be you'll be surprised he does a great job as OJ. I always liked him. Yeah, Snow Dogs was a real Oscar contender. I didn't see Snow Dogs. He's made like three good movies ever.
Starting point is 04:11:30 Literally, I saw him in Gary Maguire. Do you remember when he played the retarded guy in Radio? In Radio. You never go full retard. That movie is hilarious. You never go full retard. And he went full retard. He went balls toto-the-wall retard.
Starting point is 04:11:47 He's like the kind of retarded where they're staring off blankly into space when you're talking to them. He didn't fully understand what he was doing. He's like laughing hysterically at nothing kind of retarded. Like, he went full on. I mean, his whole character was pushing a shopping cart around with a radio in it. That's true. That's why they called him a radio to work from yeah uh if you've ever seen men of honor that's what in my opinion one of his better performances he plays a black man trying to get into the navy uh deep sea rescue diving program and robert de niro runs that program and he and he's incredibly racist toward cuba gooding jr and by the end, Cuba has earned Robert De Niro's respect.
Starting point is 04:12:27 But it takes like 20 years for him to earn that respect that we go through. It's really good. It's a good movie. Men of Honor. You know, that's the way it works, is it takes 20 years as a good black person to earn Robert De Niro's respect. I think he's pretty liberal. I think you could probably get it. He only dates black women. I don't think he's very racist. Is that true?
Starting point is 04:12:51 That's absolutely true. That's very progressive of him. He's outspokenly liberal. That part is definitely true. Yeah, he is. He's very outspoken about his liberal viewpoints. To each their own. Anyway.
Starting point is 04:13:08 Richard? Where can everybody go to find you? You can just find me, Richard Ryan, wherever. Twitter, Instagram. You know, at this juncture of the show, I'd rather not be associated with you. It'd be best if none of the people watching this ever found me no it's great no it's great uh richard ryan instagram twitter pretty much not like this year i'll definitely
Starting point is 04:13:33 be ramping up a lot more of the the full mag stuff and and everything i think i think you guys will really appreciate i don't i don't know if you saw the stuff I did last year where I mounted the M61 Vulcan sourced from an F-16, mounted it to a Prius. Wow. Yeah, it's epic. It's epic. I mean, it was arguably one of the most expensive things I've ever done before. Yeah. Where are you getting the ammo?
Starting point is 04:14:00 So that was a tough one. So it was just getting it from a bunch of different people. What's his name in New Mexico? Bob. Yeah, Dangerous Bob. Dangerous Bob's associated, but it's the other guy, the shorter guy. Oh, Hamilton and Sons? Nah, he's bald.
Starting point is 04:14:20 He's got that big shop in New Mexico. He's been building his own Vulcan for years. Oh, okay. Oh, you're talking about James DeGroote? Yeah, DeGroote. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. he, he's got that big shop in New Mexico. He's been building his own Vulcan for years. Oh, okay. Oh, oh, you're talking about, uh, James DeGroote? Yeah. DeGroote. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:14:28 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, James actually helped out with a fire control unit on that. Um, he would be the guy. Yeah. It was, it was, it was not cheap. Nothing.
Starting point is 04:14:37 Uh, it'll, it'll, it'll shoot about, I think close to $200,000 worth of ammo a minute. So, uh, I was only doing like a 15 round round bursts but that's kind of the project i was working on a lot last year and this year i was like all right i'm gonna i'm just gonna do some more fun projects that are just you know more more about me um just going out having a good time and not so much like promotional stuff even though they are you know how we used to do like the the breakdown videos on movies and stuff so rambo's coming out i'm gonna do some stuff on old school rambo of course modern warfare i had already planned a few videos uh on cod 4 and it just the new one coming out and apparently it's gonna it's gonna be very controversial according to
Starting point is 04:15:25 some sources cool it's uh it's gonna there's gonna be some i'm gonna make some cool videos this year for sure all right we'll check out our sponsors links down below um yeah 446

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