Painkiller Already - PKA 545 Ice Poseidon - Woody Crashes, Ice's Crypto Gains, Mayweather vs Logan Paul

Episode Date: June 14, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKA 547. Here we go. This episode of PKA is brought to you by Postmates and Blue Chew. We've got a highly requested guest back after a long time. Ice, thank you so much for coming. A lot's changed since the last time you were on. Yeah, it's been, how long has it been? Like three years? Two, three years? Something like that, since I've been on with you guys. I wasn't a felon last time we spoke. It's been forever. You know, I would have put money on Ice being the felon.
Starting point is 00:00:28 He was the odds-on favorite. That would have been an interesting bet, though, because I was staring down the barrel, and he was just out of the world. What do you mean? Well, if he'd bet three years ago, whether it was you or I who was more likely to become a felon within the next three years,
Starting point is 00:00:45 I don't know what the odds would be. I'm to become a felon within the next three years. Yeah. I'm still not a felon. So, I mean, ah, step up your game. Yeah. The last time we had you on was in the middle of your like heyday of just all
Starting point is 00:00:57 of this crazy shit going down on every stream. Everybody was tuning in cause you didn't know what sort of wild nonsense is going to happen. And, uh, I think that was, I think even at that point, Twitch had been like a little too much nonsense there, my friend. So you've been just YouTube for the last few years, right? Yeah, YouTube for four years now.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Very nice. How's that been going? Because I went to your channel, I watched some stuff. You've really adapted and changed your content from that wild you know out of control stuff has that been difficult like did you see a huge exodus and people who just wanted you to be a dangerous head basically i mean of course yeah i mean a lot of people wanted wanted to see you know they want to see crazy but it's uh it stopped uh you know like just it just wasn't sustainable as anymore to be honest it just became way too much i just couldn't handle it so no but go go deeper on that what makes it unsustainable was it no longer profitable was it making you unhappy was it sending you to prison like where where was that headed
Starting point is 00:02:01 oh man i mean yeah it was not making as much money as i would like right i had a huge overhead paying a bunch of people paying for a website paying like other streamers i just you know content was very expensive doing events it was all just very expensive and it was uh you know so of course I made money, but, you know, the overhead was just fucking huge. But mainly the stress. I mean, the sustainableness stopped because, I mean, I just got mentally, like, just fucking mentally stressed out, man. Too many people just wanting too many things. And it just became crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I had no privacy, no fucking time off, just 24-7 crazy shit. It seemed like there was a lot of drama. And I know some of that drama is probably pumped up because it's fun for the internet. But was there actual drama that was bugging you at night? You go to bed and you're like, fuck. I mean, yeah. There was drama.
Starting point is 00:02:55 There's people in my life who don't even have real fucking names. There's like Bug-Eyed Joe. Bug-Eyed Joe thinks I owe him fucking three grand. And the whole stream only made three grand and he was only there for 20 minutes. What the fuck am I going to do? Am I going to have to fight this guy tomorrow? I guess a fight would do well on the stream.
Starting point is 00:03:15 It wasn't real drama. Some of the drama was kind of annoying. It was all of course manufactured for the stream. I was never personally too mad at too many people. A couple, for sure, but most of the time
Starting point is 00:03:31 the viewers just enjoyed something, so I just ran with it. Of course, there were some people that I just disliked because they were causing me to have drama with my viewers. I was having... They were trying to press me about some viewers or like I was having like, you know, they were trying to like press me about some shit and I just didn't
Starting point is 00:03:48 like that. I never liked getting, you know, pressed by people. Yeah. Do you, do you still have any kind of contact with blade? I haven't talked to blade in like two years. Yeah, man. I mean, I'm sure you guys can guess. Actually I'm probably not as filled in on the details as you might guess. I was super into your stream for a long time because it was just getting shared around so much. You had a real viral fucking thing, and that's the key. That's what I like to see when somebody's figured out that little,
Starting point is 00:04:20 no, we make this so that people want to share it, and then you don't have to advertise. That's the key to shit. But I was getting it so much. And every time I'd queue in, God damn it, if there weren't people handcuffed or there were some hot chicks showing your ass or there was somebody getting literally cucked in a fucking motor home
Starting point is 00:04:39 or a motor home was getting trashed or somebody was getting pissed on. It was just always just so much trauma yeah it was wild but i don't remember exactly what like may have broken you and blade up um i mean blade you know i i left on a good note with him when i left that's good california and i moved to texas um but he uh you know i mean he just got a little bit out of hand and i just didn't want anything to do with that you know with him saying the n-word and you know throwing dogs and just all this different stuff that's right the dog throwing thing and then he drops and then the rape stuff too like that
Starting point is 00:05:16 oh yeah that was weird that was definitely like a big like i don't want to have to get anywhere near this you know what i mean that was yeah see that dog clip is like it's like leading up to the dog throwing like you can see the guy on the couch sitting next to him being i don't know who that was being like we're a couple of crazy cats on stream aren't we we're wild we like to do crazy stuff and then he throws the dog and the guy's just what do you think we're doing here man we're not that crazy it was just funny to see the guys like we're we're wild what the fuck are you just fall apart dude something about that dog wasn't throwable either right that was like a pug or something like a small little dog or something yeah dude that does not recover from no if he
Starting point is 00:06:04 had thrown a squirrel or a cat, I'd have been pro-animal throwing, right? Those things can handle a fall. Yeah. But that dog... I think the internet would still freak out if he threw anything, let's be real. Well, the internet is a trick.
Starting point is 00:06:18 But those little dogs are the worst to throw because they already have a fuck ton of back problems. If that thing lands wrong, the rest of its life, it could be crippled. Yeah. Oh thing lands wrong, the rest of its life it could be crippled. Yeah, and the rest of its life is going to be very short because I'm not dealing with it. Because it's already got asthma and all sorts. You don't want to have one of those dogs where
Starting point is 00:06:33 they're like little puggy we taped wheels to his ankles. Dude, nothing makes me sadder. Really? Oh, but you see, it's happy. It's happy to have its mobility back. Let me just explain something to you. Nothing in the world is sadder to me than one of those fucking little dogs with with wheels on its hind legs that's the saddest shit in the world to me and and like i'll literally fucking tear up when i see those like youtubers like oh we we spit the 87 cents to get little
Starting point is 00:07:04 jerry here some wheels, and they strap this bullshit wheel system on little Jerry, who's been dragging his fucking cock and balls around asphalt for the last three years. And all of a sudden he's just like, oh, am I normal now? This is great. And he's fucking running around with his front legs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:21 No. He's having a blast. It's the best day he's had in three years in this scenario. He should have killed Jerry immediately. Why would he have him? You know, the rest of Animal Kingdom doesn't agree with your I have a misplaced freckle, I'd rather die scenario. I guess maybe not.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Why does it need wheels? Because it's back legs are crippled. Have you seen those dogs where the back legs are crippled and it can only drag itself? And so what they do is they kind of harness the crippled legs into crippled. Have you seen those dogs where the back legs are crippled and it can only drag itself? What they do is they harness the crippled legs into a wheelchair and then it uses its front legs to walk and it pulls its little broken body.
Starting point is 00:07:53 It's like a little chariot now. Why would you want a dog like that? You don't want it. It's like if your dog gets crippled. People aren't out there taking a taxi. It's not born like that. It's like crippling their dogs. This is a dog that's had taking a taxi. Oh, it's not born like that. Like crippling their dogs. This is a dog that's had an accident.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Oh, okay. I thought you said they're born like that. It's dogs that people like Blade have tossed across a room. And now you have to get them some fucking wheels. I'd get spinners for mine. Oh, that's good. Yeah, I get deluxe spinners that blow bubbles when he stops.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I'd have it be able to do that stuff that you see those cars in California do where it bounces and it plays music along with it. Those high riders. Put some hydraulics on your fucking koala. Back to the streaming thing. You were talking about how stress was even more than money or anything. What got you to quit? Did it get to the point where the thought of going live every day,
Starting point is 00:08:44 you were just a bit of dread where you're like like just stress and concern about what might happen i mean yeah i mean there was right before i moved out of california dread like i just didn't want to go live bro because my like it was just so bad like i just had so much uh my viewers just didn't like me at that point and i just got a lot of hate and i just didn't want to go live you know and did like just it was so hard to deal with you know what i mean it was very stressful and it's it's and i have to do like you know very interesting content to keep people excited and i you know the stress of people hating me if the content just wasn't good enough it was just it was just very stressful.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I feel like you beat too hard. I feel like you you went from like, I don't know, like I like the stunt where you're like in the plastic bubble. I think that would have worked really good during the pandemic. But but like you went from like little stuff like that to like all of a sudden there were people locked in a closet right and i was like oh man i think you skipped a couple steps here and then all of a sudden you guys were in a motor home and it was mobile and i think when someone hears that they're like well who cares but something about you guys being on the road well it was interesting to me it was know, it was interesting because it was, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:06 I, I picked specific people that I knew would make it interesting. Some people had clashes with each other. Like, you know, I picked EBZ and Hampton Brandon to go on there together. Cause they fucking hated each other. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:10:18 this would be great. So, you know, of course it's like reality TV. You just pick people that, you know, are going to cause some drama and like make it interesting and whatever that i was like holding it all together and uh yeah it was uh very ridiculous yeah so yeah what was the impetus that made you stop
Starting point is 00:10:38 like was it a slow grind to a halt or were you like this no i mean i i had this um this project that i was doing called scuffed and we were gonna make uh we're gonna make the streaming platform and uh you know and i had some investors and we got a you know we got a mansion in la and uh everything the investors though decided to drop out because um i mean i don't really know i think they got doxxed i don't really remember but uh yeah so when they dropped out i was super pissed because that was the one stipulation that they told me they said if we get docs and we're out and it took me you know it took me a year to find investors for this project so and you know that was what i was aiming for for a long time I wanted a streamer house I
Starting point is 00:11:25 wanted a streaming platform so I can you know turn the CX Network into a more legitimate thing instead of just like some you know website that I host or whatever but so after that uh you know failed because the investors pulled out I just like I was over it you know I mean what what am i what am i supposed to work towards if all of my opportunities get get halted because of my you know community being too crazy yeah i just didn't know what else to do and i had no motivation i just said fuck it like it's just not worth it it's hard to sit there and dance for people who don't I don't know hit it back a little bit and give you some kudos I mean it was you know I had you know I'm just trying to remember everything that like I mean I guess I
Starting point is 00:12:15 just wasn't putting on the content that I needed to put on during that time but I was going through like depression and shit and like a lot of issues I couldn't go live as much as I wanted to so i just like stayed in my room all day but people got very upset by that and you know they're upset they they rallied us try to ruin things so oh maybe we call it a bomb threat to his apartment complex he'll have to go out that'll be fun should they do that i mean yeah at the mansion i got you know the police called and like all this you know i, I got the police called. I got bullshit.
Starting point is 00:12:47 The police came every day, bro. Fire department, whatever. If I wasn't going to go live, I got fucked with heavily. In a lot of ways, I think LA is wild, right? And it's got tons of opportunity and tons of places to stream from. But in a lot of ways, feel like texas could could be more better suited to like the shit that you were doing a couple years ago right because like i don't know i got friends out there with like um like 80 000 acres where you just go nobody's coming out there nobody's coming to like that's true but bro la has the fucking weird motherfuckers
Starting point is 00:13:21 they have that's true that like you have to be a certain kind of person to do a certain kind of thing for clout and people in texas just don't care about clout the same way they do in la so you gotta you know a lot of the andes that i had bro they just would do anything for clout and that's you know of course they're gonna be great for the stream because they can just do stupid shit with me no you're right you're right you're right i was just thinking more from like a safety sort of standpoint where like whatever you're doing you're right you're right i was just thinking more from like a safety sort of standpoint where like whatever you're doing is not going to get interrupted or like like somebody's not going to throw a fucking kibosh on it but and i don't get that it's like hey we're doing a thing here like the alternative to us doing this thing that that we've got planned it's just the police
Starting point is 00:13:59 showing and we don't do the thing and i look at the camera i'm like well you guys ruined the thing like i don't know why they would prefer to see that than like the thing well i mean i i guess i think most of my viewers had that mindset you know it only takes one person to call the police but yeah a lot of my viewers uh what i don't think they understood was that uh a lot of the hurtful stuff they said actually did bother me and made me less motivated to stream. Of course. The police and that bullshit, I can deal with that. I turn the stream off,
Starting point is 00:14:31 I deal with it, turn the stream back on. I try not to let that shit bother me. It was more so when I would get attacked by people because I didn't provide the expectation they wanted. That really hurt my feelings. Yeah. The internet's a mean place. I think that a lot of the people on the internet are already the expectation they wanted that really like hurt my feelings. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:45 The internet to me in place. I think, I think that a lot of the people on the internet are already coming from place of hurt and it's easy for them to like throw those, throw that stuff at you because they're, they're like, I'm hurting. He might as well.
Starting point is 00:14:56 He should hurt too. I think that's, I think that's a little bit of it, but at the same time, it's just like, come on, you're ruining, you're ruining this for everybody.
Starting point is 00:15:03 You're ruining this for everybody. You're ruining this for everybody. We're trying to have fun here. This could be a place of positivity. And people handcuffed together in a closet. I like the closet streams, bro. They cost me nothing. Dude, I love them. They cost me nothing.
Starting point is 00:15:18 They made like 10 grand. I fucking love the closet streams. And I would watch them and there would be multiple streams. There would be like four streams. And one of the cameras was on that fucking little bot that you had and the bot had a steak knife duct taped to it. I want to say that the audience
Starting point is 00:15:34 could take control of it if they donated maybe. So there's two different kinds of ice Poseidon viewers. There's the viewer who wants to poke somebody with a steak knife on a robot, and there's the ones that want to get up under the girl's skirt. And then there's that one wild card who's like, I want to get under that girl's skirt and stab her with a knife.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I warned any girls that had skirts on. I said, listen, I have this fucking robot. You should put some shorts on or something. I don't know. The knife thing, yeah, I love when the fucking robot stabs you. I love the knife. It's not going to hurt you too much. What you should have had is syringes
Starting point is 00:16:15 all around the perimeter of it, just in every direction, just syringes. Yeah, I mean, I didn't want it to actually hurt people. Ah! That would have been wild. I had a taser on one of my robots. That lasted for like a month before I took it off.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I like that too. Did anybody actually get tased? Some people got tased, yeah. I think it was, I don't really remember. I think it was $20 to activate the taser. So you sneak up on someone and you can tase them. That's actually, like Taylor, for your stream, would you wear, like, some sort of
Starting point is 00:16:50 a shocking device and put a dollar amount on what it costs to randomly set it off? Dude, I'm stressed out thinking about that. What would the dollar amount be? It would have to be high, because there's a couple guys... $100.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Sure. And it's five seconds. No. That's a lot. That's an incredibly long shock. I think you underestimate people who have money, bro. They would hit the taser all day. All fucking day. Non-stop.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I'm trying to think. I'd be afraid. I'd be too afraid to do something like that. I don't know. Imagine some sultan from the Middle East gives you $10,000 worth of shotgun. That's 100 seconds if it's one second. Dude, I did this fucking sleep stream. I think I had it at.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I had the second sleep stream. I had $50 for the paintball shot me at close range and that hurts somebody donated a thousand dollars and they were just like take 20 shots right now like i i had i just gave the money back i said i can't do that oh i'd take 20 right now like how close was it how close like what distance oh dude that would suck right those cars on my back what kind of protective equipment do you get to get one of those like i don't think it's sure dude i was shirtless you just have scars all over your back because that will give you like little yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:18:16 some neosporin on that look i've been lit up like that before it's not so bad i got i've been lit up like that for funsies. Okay? Like, give me $1,000. Let's go. Every so often, Facebook is like, hey, Woody, here's a memory. And I'm like, my forehead's all puffed out. My chin is bigger than Jay Leno's. I've been shot up everywhere. Woody has the worst luck.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Like, for those of you who wonder why we haven't done a paintball event, Woody hates them. Woody hates them. Woody hates them. And look, that's not me trying to throw any shade on Woody. If I had Woody's luck, I'd hate him too because we're there all day. We don't get paid well. We don't get paid well. We're really there for the love of the game kind of thing,
Starting point is 00:19:00 except Woody has zero love of the game. So we're hot. We're sweaty. We're stuck in a hot room we deal with fans all day and look after the first 30 it gets a little annoying after the first 100 fans of like telling the same stories in the same like oh yeah nice to meet you too yeah there was that time i did that thing that was funny that you like it can get a little a little much because you're already hot and sweaty and you're in pain. But Woody gets shot in like the worst places.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Like I've played paintball since I was a child. Like since I was 12 years old, I got my first gun and we played in the woods. I love it. It's one of my favorite things in the world to do. I've never been shot like Woody has, and I've been shot hundreds of times. I like getting shot.
Starting point is 00:19:39 It's like, Oh, you got me. That stung. Woody gets shot like in the cornea or something like that. I got shot in the forehead from like 18 inches away by someone on my team because he was startled the mask like went from here to here and he shot me just right there yeah we we what he's got what
Starting point is 00:20:01 he's got a tall head and uh and when we have like um i think we were so you do you got a tall head, and when we have like – I think we were – you do. You got a tall head, and we were sponsored by this company, or I was anyway. So I had a lot of – I don't remember where your mask came from. It may have come from my sponsorship. I don't remember exactly, but – I didn't buy it. Wasn't it dye? Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Yeah, they were either dye masks or they came out of ANS gear. Check out ANS gear. Good stuff. They don't pay me anymore, but it's good fucking gear. But really low-profile shit. So they make the mask as tiny as possible because it's for pro players. Because the idea is if your shit is a millimeter
Starting point is 00:20:35 smaller, then maybe that paintball deflects off of you instead of breaks and you win a game. So everything is about like, all right, you won't get blinded but you might get hurt and a lot of people that wear those masks that really only come down to here will wear like a headband or like a full bandana like a do-rag type situation a lot of people do beanies too because that seems yeah could you put is there a rule like could you put
Starting point is 00:21:00 something soft on the front of the plastic of your mask? Oh, even more so. What a lot of guys do is they take, like, I don't know exactly what the material is like, but just imagine shoelaces. Like, they take shoelaces, and they put them in, like, this area of the mask, like the chin to, like, ear area, and they drape down. So they have, like, these strings hanging down here, and when a paintball hits them, it really decelerates them. So, like, if they do hit up here, they,
Starting point is 00:21:26 they usually bounce. So like, there's all sorts of stuff like that. And like, like my, my jerseys and pants are just full of padding and stuff. I didn't wear a hat. Cause I don't do well in heat.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Like I'm always, you know, your group of six guys, it's only like 94 out, but there's that one fuck who can't handle it. Who's melting. And like, he's a heat casualty. You got it.
Starting point is 00:21:46 That guy's me. So to throw like a beanie on in the summer when it's 95, I'm already struggling. Yeah. And, and look, we were going all day, right? Like, like, like we were getting up early in the morning, getting out there and we were running around and playing paintball all day. And you were 40, you know, like that's back in my younger days yeah you were 40 42 or something like that you know it's it's not nothing i was 25 or 27 or something like that at 25 you can you can like
Starting point is 00:22:18 fall off of a fucking cliff and get up and dust yourself off you'll go i did that yesterday i'm confused by this because Kyle's saying, I was 25 and Woody's like, I might have been 44. It's like, well, that doesn't work out because it wasn't- Four years ago. Wait, it was four years ago then Kyle, you'd have been 31.
Starting point is 00:22:33 It's at least five years ago. I was about to say, is Woody 20 years older than- No. Woody is 48. Woody's 48. I'm 35. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Yeah. And Taylor is- 30. You I'm 35. Yeah. Yeah. And Taylor is 30. You're 30 now. Yep. Old ass man now. Or I guess the youngest on the show. You guys are the old ones. Yeah. I'm pretty young. I'm 26. You still got all your fresh years ahead of you.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Not really. It's all downhill from here. Yep. So did you guys watch that uh floyd mayweather versus logan paul fight because kyle and i watched it in our discord last night i know you watched it guys because i popped by i saw you did a live reaction what did everybody think of that oh you guys should have told me i had the wrong microphone on oh we're just now realizing does that sound much better so much better? So much better. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Sorry. It sounded fine to me anyway. His voice is so deep. I just took it to be what he sounds like. He's got a real deep voice, right? He doesn't look like that, but he's got a super deep voice. Like you could do radio or something. He's that fucking black guy from the last for the Green Mile.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Oh, yeah. Please, can I? I'm in a lot of pain. You're like the retarded black guy from Green Mile. Hey, he could heal, bro. He had superpowers. I'll take it. Take my hand, boss.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Yeah, but he couldn't heal himself when it mattered. No, he couldn't. He couldn't stand up to the electric chair. Let's go, Alabama. He had, like, very minor healing, a bit like mice, hairline fractures. Not a giant man. I saw the other day. I can't remember which state it was.
Starting point is 00:24:13 It doesn't matter. It's definitely a southern state. It was either Texas or North Carolina, something like that. But they were making it so you had to choose between firing squad and the electric chair. Firing squad, for sure. Firing squad, for sure, right? But here's the
Starting point is 00:24:25 problem you don't have me behind the rifle okay they just pick a few guys out and only like i think most of them have bullets but one of them doesn't and so like if they miss and don't hit your heart you could be bleeding out for a while like it could be really really painful like how far are they shooting me can i I just choose the distance point blank? I watched a movie about this, and the movie was about an – it was like a documentary, and they seemed like they were like the distance in an indoor shooting range, the farthest distance, like way too far.
Starting point is 00:24:58 We should be in the same room together. We should be in a bedroom together with rifles drawn. I mean, I would like to think they pick people who know how to aim a gun. There's six of them. It only takes one bullet to kill you. Do you guys know why one of the guns isn't loaded? So they have moral, so they don't think about it later.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Yeah, so everybody pulls the trigger. Maybe everybody knows. Oh, so everyone pulls the trigger. They don't feel guilty. They can think that they were the guy that didn't shoot. Oh, that's not how blanks work, though. I can feel the trigger. I don't want to get... They don't feel guilty. They can think that they were the guy that didn't shoot. Oh, that's not how blanks work, though. You can feel the difference. That's always been weird to me. Just leaning into it,
Starting point is 00:25:32 they might think they're not, but they know after a while. Maybe they trick them to pull the trigger, and then they know. Yeah, yeah. So in that circumstance, the only people who wouldn't know if you had fired a live round were everyone else. You would know. And the guy who shot. Well, he doesn't know shit.
Starting point is 00:25:49 He's dead, hopefully. But yeah, electric chair seems so fucking scary to me. And then there was this other prison, and they were switching to Zyklon B, and I'm not even joking. What is that? It's the stuff they gas the Jews with. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Wait, I thought we already... Supposedly. There's already states that do gas chambers. What were they poisoning people with up till now? It's a... Stuff they give animals. Why the fuck would you want to get gas? That's terrible. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:18 How quickly do you die in like... I think Oregon does gas chambers for poor people. I think it's like 20 minutes or something. I don't think it's 20 minutes. I think it's many seconds i think it's i think it's a minute or two i don't know i watched a documentary in the gas chamber it's like a few it's at least 10 minutes of like choking i'm pretty sure if that's true that's terrifying do they have a video of these people like slowly dying oh yeah they live stream it well i don't know there's a lot of fucked up shit on the internet.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Wait, who live streams it? Would you watch that live stream? He was joking. No, I wouldn't watch the live. I'm just saying that if I were... Do you think they should live stream it? Here's a question. Do you think it would be at all a deterrent if we live streamed Executions?
Starting point is 00:27:00 Yes, of course. I think that live streaming the Executions is actually not a bad idea. It's a good deterrent, and then it proves that it's not botched. It will put pressure on the prison to not botch the executions. Yeah, that's true. But then if it does get botched, then it's going to be a fucking shit show. Yeah, I think they get botched a lot, a lot more than we know.
Starting point is 00:27:21 If I were dying, if I were getting executed, I should say. I don't think guillotine is an option, but that would be my number one pick. Because guillotine, to me, just seems so instantaneous, getting your head just instantly lopped off. That's my number one pick. Interesting that all the modern solutions just, to me, pale in comparison to what they had back in the French Revolution.
Starting point is 00:27:44 But after that, the problem with firing squad is they shoot you in the heart. They want an open casket. That's why. I want it in the fucking head. Okay? I want it in the fucking head, and they don't do that. So that's kind of out for me. I don't want the electric chair because I saw the Green Mile,
Starting point is 00:28:01 and I'm afraid they're not going to wet the sponge if that's even a real thing. And the gas chamber seems scary. So I guess it's lethal injection. That's what you want. This seems like a bullshit method. Even on Wikipedia it says the gas chamber is the most dangerous, most complicated, and most expensive. And they use
Starting point is 00:28:19 hydrogen cyanide. It doesn't say how... Oh, wait. The gas is visible to the condemned, which is... Oh, my God! The gas is... Here's how it works. You're sitting in a chair. You are strapped to a chair.
Starting point is 00:28:36 You're literally strapped down. No, no, no. You're strapped to a big boy chair. This thing is metal. It's much like the electric chair. You're just strapped down to this thing that's bolted to the floor and underneath that chair like if it were a toilet where your asshole would be underneath the chair part there is like this mechanism that drops one part of the hydrogen cyanide mixture into the other there's like a vessel of liquid and then it drops this pellet into it and they mix together when somebody like pulls a string it's very much like some sort of a fucking i don't know it seems it seems jerry-rigged but they
Starting point is 00:29:10 mix together and then the fumes like start it's like the diet coast mint and diet coke mentos trick it's a mint they tell you they apparently they tell the condemned to take quote several deep breaths to speed unconsciousness when they get in there but nonetheless the condemned to take quote several deep breaths to speed unconsciousness when they get in there but nonetheless the condemned person often convulses drools and also may urinate defecate and vomit on themselves oh no it seems like a really dirty and then also this following the execution they have to purge the chamber and they have to be like super careful touching the person because they're still fucking cyanide because they're coated in cyanide like this doesn't make any goddamn sense.
Starting point is 00:29:46 This is like a boondoggle for a fucking gas chamber company that's like the nephew of a senator. This is big cyanide. That's all this is. The correct answer is lethal injection. You can't change my mind because I've done it twice. I don't know, bro. They're not professionals.
Starting point is 00:30:02 They're not doctors. The first thing they give you is some sort of – they anesthetize you. Some people believe that you are fully conscious and going through incredible pain but unable to move or show that pain as you're dying. Has anybody ever survived enough that they could report back or no? Yeah, Lazarus McGovern. I mean sometimes they misadminister stuff so the thing is i think we've all had fentanyl i know i had pre-surgery it's fucking glorious it's the best day of the year fentanyl day it's great love it and so they load you up on fentanyl and then they give you this
Starting point is 00:30:38 other stuff i put two dogs down right and if you've never put a dog down here's the process first they give her an iv and then you know she's a dog down, here's the process. First, they give her an IV and she's scared. And then they give her the fentanyl. I think it's what they give them. And she's just sleepy. She's awake. She's happy. She has her head on your lap.
Starting point is 00:30:54 You're petting her ear. It's sad. You're saying your goodbyes. And then they put maybe sodium fentanyl. I don't know what the next thing is. And they just sort of you know the breathing slows and yeah it stops their heart or their respiratory system how much does it cost to put a dog down i don't remember more than a bullet more than a bullet that's where i was
Starting point is 00:31:15 heading i've always just shot dogs more than a strong grip you waste a bullet on a dog good grip yeah no it's sad i i i have strong feelings about being there for the dog like you love this dog this you know this dog would do anything for you her whole life or his whole life what are you trying to make it easy on you so the dog faces this alone don't be a don't be a bitch yeah sit there be with your dog pull that trigger i've never gone through that before with my own dog like the trigger i've never gone through that before with my own dog like the way you've never put a dog down no i mean just the way it worked like my childhood dogs died my only one is killed dog i was too young to have to be able to go along like
Starting point is 00:31:54 one of them died and then one other childhood dog died i just get lots of dogs though look at my my uh my fiance's childhood dog like they had this lady come over and like her entire job is putting dogs down it's a terrible job every and they she does it like house to house and i was like first of all i was like this is like a really respectable nice thing to do and second it's like you have the most depressing job because like she showed i was there like with my beyond like her her sisters and the fucking siblings and everything. And like this poor little dog, poor little buddy was laying there, little dog. Like clearly he hadn't been with it blind to death for a long time.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And like this lady's like down, like on her knees, like petting him. Like, so here's the process. We're going to, you know, everybody make sure you give them lots of attention. This is very important. You know, we're going to go with the way you're comfortable. And it was really sweet. Like you could tell this woman has a caring heart and she does this a lot but it was like it's not even my dog and it was so fucking it was it was almost a new level of sadness see like watching the dog die like the
Starting point is 00:32:56 dog wasn't moving as it died because it was already so old but like seeing the injection go in and then her going to everyone like he's not feeling any pain anymore all that pain is back it's all gone now. He's just enjoying you guys are here with them. And it's like, I hate this. This is their science to keep him alive. It could be worse. Have you ever seen how they
Starting point is 00:33:15 euthanize dogs in shelters? Probably brutal. Yeah, so they have so many dogs. They don't just lethal inject them because there's so many dogs. They don't just lethal inject them because there's so many dogs. So they bring these dogs to this farm, and there's like a gas chamber, and you just throw like 40 dogs in a gas chamber, and they just get gassed. Oh.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Is that true? Yeah. No, I swear. There's YouTube videos about it. You can look it up. It's on YouTube. Yeah, I got a couple of them favorited if you want links. But I always –
Starting point is 00:33:43 So growing up – Because that's fucked up we would always like if a dog got hurt or whatever we would do whatever we could to keep them alive or like get them not crippled you know like we had dogs that one dog tried to jump through a fucking industrial fan one time and cut his fucking leg off and it's like all right we we can rebuild him we can make him stronger better than he was before we have the technology and uh and i remember the the vet like did something stupid like like he's like yeah maybe we can stick it back on and it was like we look under the bandage and there's maggots in the in the bandage and my dad's like my dad's like screaming at the vet it's like you
Starting point is 00:34:23 piece of shit like you're never bringing an animal here again we're telling everybody what you've done here you're not you shouldn't be a fucking doctor of a fucking fuck all and we took it to another vet and they were like yeah they did a bad job we're gonna have to take the paw and like like you know so but so they didn't have to take the paw we gotta take the whole leg at that point up to the shoulder because like having half a paw doesn't work yeah we're not paying for a bionic arm i don't this is not happening okay this is the mud on the farm he's not getting a bionic arm they're twelve thousand dollars you just paper mache it so but when they had to go dad didn't want to do it and he was like will you do it and i was always the fucking
Starting point is 00:35:01 executioner because like to me like having hunted and stuff, getting shot is just better than getting injected with something. Because it's just over. It's just over right fucking now. So I've shot so many dogs. How many in the ballpark? Half a dozen. Half a dozen dogs, maybe like three cows. Whenever something had to go you know i do it and your dad made you do the dirty work like that he didn't make me he he was like i can't do it
Starting point is 00:35:33 and i was like don't worry about that i got this i'll do it i'll do it because like he would be like real upset and what range are you shooting the dogs point blank just i'm putting the barrel on the top of their head oh and don't know if I can do that. What caliber? 22 or something like that. You don't want to make a mess. Rattles around inside, kills a mixture dead. It goes right through their fucking...
Starting point is 00:35:56 I saw that on a movie. It's true. Do you look at their face and that little lovable face has a big fucking eye blown out? No, it doesn't blow their eye or anything. They just they don't twitch. They don't move around. They're just all right.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Now you're gone. Now you're gone to that nothingness, which is all their lives. That sounds really humane, honestly, like as a way to do it the same way that like the injections there you were petting and then just instantly dead. There's no fear suffering. He didn't know it was. Yeah, they don't know what's coming. Yeah, I'm literally know what's coming.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I'm literally petting the dog and feeling real shitty about what has to happen. Of course. You can't hesitate. You can't really think about it. You're just like, this has to happen. He's in pain. He's all fucked up. Sometimes it's a dog who's been disemboweled, right?
Starting point is 00:36:40 The dog's guts are hanging out. Like a coyote got him or something? Getting crushed by something, right? Like you've gotten crushed by a car, and this isn't the kind of crushing that you take someone to the vet for. It'd be like getting run over by a tank for a human. His guts are hanging out. He's all fucked up.
Starting point is 00:36:53 He's in incredible pain. You've got to die. It's what I would want. I don't know. It's what I did. Did you guys know that they still do the hanging in the US? Yeah. I would guys know that they still do the hanging in U.S.? Yeah. A couple states.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Yeah. A couple states. I would actually prefer to get hung than anything else. You think so? As long as they do the drop method where it snaps my neck and I don't strangle. Yep. Oh, the drop method scares me. I want to strangle.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I want to be drawn and cornered. I want to be killed like William Wallace. Why would you want to strangle. I want to be drawn and cornered. I want to be killed like William Wallace. Why would you want to get strangled? That could last like minutes. It doesn't hurt. I've been strangled. Not by a rope you have it, Woody. Are you insane?
Starting point is 00:37:34 How different is it? Incredibly different. I disagree. Wildly different. You've never been hanged either. I've seen videos of people being hanged, and I've read testimonials of the hanged either i've seen videos of people being hanged and i've read testimonials of the hanged like no time but first time no it's like if you get dropped so there
Starting point is 00:37:52 there's this old in in the wild west there was this uh formula they would use the guy's weight would be factored in and so that's how they knew how to make how long to make the rope because if you make the rope too long, his head comes off. If you don't make the rope long enough, it doesn't break his neck, and he strangles to death, which is horrible to witness. It's very painful, and it lasts for minutes. It's not like a blood choke that's literally being performed by a human who's expertly cutting off the two carotid arteries or whatever on either side
Starting point is 00:38:25 it's a rough rope like that you're hanging and dangling from that's tearing your skin and and and you're able to get little breaths i haven't heard a problem a turtleneck can't solve a turtleneck you'll just die even slower i don't know if you've seen the now you're itchy while you die i can tell you firsthand the federal prison system does not provide turtlenecks. Now you feel like you're being choked before you get choked. Hanging seems like – you know what? That seems like it should be a loophole. If the hangman doesn't do it right, it should be like you survived and you get to continue.
Starting point is 00:38:59 And I bet that person would be scared straight or think it was like a divine intervention so they can continue to rape. I don't know. They used to do that in medieval times. That's a bad idea. If you survive... That's a bad idea, bro. If somebody murders my fucking family and they let him walk, oh, I'm going to go after him myself. If you shut it down, you're going to have to get the right length of rope.
Starting point is 00:39:17 You're going to do your own justice. Your wild west justice. Yeah, dude. Methods of execution. It turns out every single state has lethal injection as the number one thing but if you want to be hanged to death you better do something fucked up in new hampshire washington or delaware and firing squad you got to be a bastard in mississippi oklahoma or utah otherwise you're getting you're just getting the injection it's weird that texas doesn't have fucked up ways to kill people. It looks like Texas is just lethal injection at this point.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Kyle's muted. I don't know if he knows. They don't have the chair anymore? Electrocution doesn't say. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee are all the electrocution ones. What's Georgia do? Georgia is lethal injection. North Carolina? I want to know. North Carolina, lethal injection. North Carolina?
Starting point is 00:40:06 I want to know. North Carolina, lethal injection. Oh, my favorite. If I was a serial killer, I would just kill people in not a death row state. I wonder if that's why people do it in California all the time, unlike the highway killers, because they know they'll just go to jail forever. I'd rather die than spend my life in prison.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Yeah. Any of y'all ever been to prison no no i'll take your word for it though yeah take my word for it what's so bad about it yeah no kyle walk what's so bad about it man there's nothing fun to do in there man it's it's not fun but it's it's but i think i'd rather die i think i'd rather die than spend the rest of my life in prison because like you can see cars driving down the road dude and you look at those and you got to and you have tv so you can see like other people having fun so it's like maybe if you were on like there's this movie i can't remember the name of it but it's uh it's where they take
Starting point is 00:40:57 prisoners and just throw them on an island and on the island there's like two groups of prisoners there's ones that are like cannibal and hardcore, and the other, they're made a peaceful community amongst themselves. I would prefer that to just living within four walls with barbed wire around them. You can see those cars driving down the road.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Even in those 60 days I did, we'd be sitting in the TV room and you could look through those glass windows and you could see cars driving down the road. And I'd be thinking like, man, they're probably going to do some fun shit. Like maybe they're just going to like Burger King or something,
Starting point is 00:41:33 you know, or they're just going to like work. Like, but I bet he's like, even if his job is like construction or like, like, like he's going to be out in the sun today, like palling around with his buddies.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Like he can drink a beer after if he wants to. Every word you're saying is exactly what it's like to work in a cube environment. Every once in a blue moon, I'd be driving at 2 p.m. I'd be like, what kind of magical lives do these people live? How are they outside
Starting point is 00:41:59 at 2 p.m.? Don't they have to work? Where are they going? What are they doing? Is it a vacation all the time? Yeah, I'd rather die. I'd rather die than spend. I don't think I don't think I could do 20 years. I think, you know, when when I was looking at sentencing, I was going to either run or kill myself if a certain year got laid down. I think 20 years and I was either running and then killing myself or killing myself it was one of the other what was your what was your plan like if they would have laid down and
Starting point is 00:42:29 said uh please stand uh kyle lamar myers we're sending you away for 22 years you know whatever the fuck it is like you obviously go home like what's your plan you must have had like you no no the run you run before you kill yourself. Where do you run first? Florida to escape the state? You're fresh out of guns. I was thinking either Mexico or Canada. And then from there,
Starting point is 00:42:55 try to go to somewhere without extradition laws. Maybe go to Mexico and then try to get on a boat. Pay someone with a boat to get me to some island somewhere that didn't have extradition. I hadn't done any research. You should have called your buddy. I think there's a 50-50 shot we can get a paramotor to Cuba.
Starting point is 00:43:13 I didn't want to involve you in my federal plan, Woody. You got a family. You don't need to be alongside me in a boat heading to Cuba. We always need stories for the show. You were facing 20 years and then you only got 60. uh yeah essentially so the way it worked i've told this a bunch of times so i'll be kind of quick about it but like um they were charging me with a lot of stuff that i just wasn't even close to guilty for but it's still like do you go to trial for this? You know, so I pled guilty to like possession with intent to distribute, which I didn't do.
Starting point is 00:43:49 I didn't intend to distribute anything. I just possessed. But I did that because I was being charged with so many other things like trafficking. And there were all these because I owned guns, they were making each gun this enhancement charge that like each gun was adding like two or three years and up to 10 guns. And it was like crazy. So it was like 20 years worth of guns and then 10 years for supposedly destroying the serial number on a firearm, which had just been painted. It wasn't destroyed. We'd have probably beaten that in court.
Starting point is 00:44:19 But do you risk the rest of your life on that? You beat that on court. So like, yeah, i was being i was being charged with up to like 25 30 years something like that wasn't guilty just 60 days that's it well we cut a deal so that i could plead guilty to two of the lit of the smallest charges and they would drop all the other charges which was their their their goal the whole time that's how like district attorneys and prosecutors work like they're they charge you with like a hundred years worth of shit because they they want you to plead guilty to a year's worth
Starting point is 00:44:51 of shit which is what i did and i could have gotten six months and like five years of probation and they gave me 60 days and two years of probation the intent to distribute i thought that was like a tinder date or something like it's not to sell, which is what most people hear when they hear distribute. Am I, did I make that up? No, it's intent to sell. It's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Um, and it was based on a text message on my phone where I, I wrote my, my girlfriend at the time and said, Hey, you want to smoke a joint tonight? I literally like, like,
Starting point is 00:45:19 like I was like maybe filming a video or something. And like, she was like at her job and I was just like, Hey, when we're done with this, let's get high tonight and watch Trailer Park Boys and Taco Bell. I literally said something like that and they were like, aha!
Starting point is 00:45:31 He intends to distribute some marijuana to his girlfriend. Wait, this all started from marijuana? Yeah. It was always marijuana. Yeah, I had half an ounce of marijuana. Bro, are you fucking kidding me? 60 days for marijuana? In federal prison. Bro, that's some fucked up shit.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Oh, that's the least of it. You have no idea how much money it costs. I don't even want to know. No idea how much money it costs. A staggering amount of money. I bet at some point, like, did you and, like, part of your brain be like, I'm going to stop counting how much this is costing me. Oh, I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:46:02 I don't even know some of the numbers. It's around half a million. What, for, like like lawyer fees and shit oh lawyer fees and seized property it's around half a million what the plus or minus 150k bro where the fuck do you live i don't want to go there but it was federal charges so they know that's that's weird that's so weird why though i just don't get it so weird i don't either come on biden free our man kyle all right well anyway yeah i would rather die than do 20 years in prison you change up your content i see your fans still stinky boo-boo heads no they're pretty nice now yeah i mean there's some trolls obviously but for the most part my fans are pretty nice they uh i mean
Starting point is 00:46:45 you know i had to do some cleansing so i cleansed and i took a year off i streamed on mixer for a couple months and uh i came back to youtube and everything was more easily manageable and you know i could ban the people that were like shitty and whatever so and there's no reddits or anything so they they're shitty people don't didn't even have anywhere to go to like be shitty so that really helps subreddits called it was like it started as ice beside and then ice beside me too and then it did become something different like a meme i don't know i mean there was like some other like forms that popped up and that's what blade was a part of and all this stuff but uh i never really wait blade was a part of a form that was negative towards you yeah well i mean he just like streamed with them yeah oh that was a part of a form that was negative towards you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Well, I mean, he just like streamed with them. Yeah. Oh, that's like part of the reason I was like, not really fucking with him at that point. But,
Starting point is 00:47:33 uh, it was a bit of a betrayal. Well, I mean, he just wanted to get money, right? Like he just wanted to stream, make money.
Starting point is 00:47:39 So I don't really blame him too much, but it was like, yeah, it was, it was pretty shitty. Like from my perspective. So he was streaming with content creators that were giving you shit on that service
Starting point is 00:47:50 or just taking advantage of kind of excised Ice fans who still wanted that negativity and they were kind of looking for a new home. Yeah, you know, Blade never talked shit about me, so I totally appreciate that. That was very nice of him. Everyone around him was talking shit about me. So that was nice of him. Everyone around him was talking shit about me.
Starting point is 00:48:06 That was nice of him. He's good that way. He's chill. I don't know. He doesn't have any enemies that I know of. He's a nice guy. It's just unfortunate that he got wrapped up with some crazy shit and he did some crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:48:21 I don't know what he's even doing now. I don't think he has a YouTube account anymore. Yeah, his channel got banned or deleted or something. I don't know why. I think it was for... It was probably just for doing the shit that he was doing.
Starting point is 00:48:37 I said Blade doesn't like... Everyone likes Blade. Well, he's having to accuse us of some rough stuff, too. For sure, some very rough stuff. We watched one video. The back of the the rv no it was all above board it's like dude you were blackout drunk you if there weren't video you wouldn't have remembered that happened i'd wait sure like like you were you were so drunk yeah yeah i i haven't heard anything from him i want to know i'm curious i'm very invested in where he goes from here how's's his health? Well, it's because last time we had him on the show, he was saying like, oh, I'm cutting out drinking for a while.
Starting point is 00:49:10 And then I feel like I saw a clip just like shortly after that where it was like him streaming incredibly wasted. He had claimed to be sober for some period of time, and our fans immediately disproved it. Like, they're calling 10 days, but four days ago we saw this. I follow him on Instagram, so he posts on Instagram sometimes. He has a girlfriend and he seems like he's trying to be normal.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Does he have a job? I don't know. He only made one post on Instagram saying he was sober with a photo of a fridge full of Coca-Cola. Addicts lie. Why would he lie? Why would an addict lie? Because they're embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:49:53 I mean, I guess that could be it. They're either embarrassed or they don't want someone to slow down the consumption, I would guess. They don't want anyone getting in their way between them and their drug. Yeah, sad which is a very sad thing well i didn't even know he had had this account i've talked to him no i'm sorry i've talked about him to real life people
Starting point is 00:50:14 and every time i'm like then he would take donations for shots they're like oh because there is a a slippery slope with that regard You don't want to do that. You're just going to be fucked up all the time. They shut that down on Twitch. I'll have people occasionally be like, dude, $20 if you take a shot. It's like, no. If I say yes to that, that's straight up against terms. You can't consume
Starting point is 00:50:38 a drug in exchange for money. $30 to show me your feet. I get people saying that all the time. You can't show feet for money either. Not that you'd want to see my disgusting fucking feet yeah twitch has a very interesting you can see my feet it's a it's a patreon goal so imagine if everyone was just getting drunk all day on twitch that'd be a very bad thing yeah yeah and if people are getting a patreon goals we're gonna do a magic the gathering tournament next saturday all right so anybody who wants to jump into some magic the gathering tournament 50 discord link down below make that happen it's gonna be a good time and all you guys
Starting point is 00:51:15 listening who are in the 50 discord show up saturday we're gonna start doing the i'll start taking uh entries uh tomorrow i'm gonna make a big bracket it's to be fun. We've got way more people into Magic the Gathering on the Discord now that Kyle's jumped into it as well. I'm a bit of a tastemaker. He's a bit of a tastemaker. That's true, actually. I'm playing Magic and I get maybe six, seven people. Kyle
Starting point is 00:51:38 downloads the game. Dozens suddenly. Who wants to play? Taylor, will you teach me? He does that. He's a teacher. Hey, boys, it's rust month. And everyone's like, shit, how do I start? I don't know. Dirty's investing 400 hours of the next 450 into learning the game,
Starting point is 00:51:55 and he gets competent. Is Dirty good at magic? You muted, Kyle. Is Dirty good at magic? I can't tell. I hear he's got the white deck, that's why he wins and he gets to five and i don't know he knows what he's doing yeah he's a bit like paper rock scissors at times um there are some complex decks and at tournament play you see these really complex decks that are
Starting point is 00:52:17 able to face many different kinds of decks and so they're not like a jack of all trades and he sort of picked a jack of all trade or he sort of picked um a deck that is not a jack of all trades it's really good at like two things it it's it's making these big creatures and gaining a lot of life but that's easily counterable so is he good at it he wins a lot because he's got a really strong deck that he downloaded off the internet like we all do nothing wrong with that but. But against two of my decks, he beats me every time. Against one of my decks, he'll never win. So it's just like, you know, it's a rock, paper, scissors kind of scenario.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Yeah, often it is. I'm having a blast with it. A couple people are very fucking good in the Discord who know fucking everything about the game. We have a top 200 mythic player. So for anyone who doesn't know what that means, he's top 200 on the planet. How many people play
Starting point is 00:53:14 Magic 3? It's the most popular card game on Earth by a lot. Yeah. It has to be more popular. Well, the most popular... Silly card game for weirdos. The most popular card game for the most popular card game for fucking weirdos i don't know how many players there are but there are i'm i mean i i'm i'm so low ranked that i haven't even gotten to the point where they tell you how many what your actual
Starting point is 00:53:38 rank is i'm like a platinum two or something like that i don know. For him to be top 200 mythic is absurd. The content creators, occasionally you'll have a content creator who's top 10 mythic or something like that. The best players in the world who make content for this shit will be like, yeah, I'm top 500 mythic. Let's go. They're incredible players, but he's top 200.
Starting point is 00:54:00 What is the mythic? I understand top 200. Okay, so it's like I may get this wrong, but it's like bronze, silver, platinum, emerald, maybe diamond after that, and then mythic. So these are tiers. So he's top 200 in the highest of tiers. And so obviously to get from like emerald to mythic, it's a lot harder than to go from silver to gold. it's a lot harder than to go from silver to gold. I went from bronze to platinum in a day,
Starting point is 00:54:30 and I've been stuck at platinum two or three for several days. Winning five or six in a row and then losing five or six in a row. You have to win multiple games in each tier to progress to the next tier, and it's difficult. Is it like Hearthstone? Yeah, Hearthstone is based on magic. It's a lot more complicated than Hearthstone? Hearthstone is based on Magic. It's a lot more complicated than Hearthstone.
Starting point is 00:54:47 It's just a lot more keywords, a lot more stuff to keep track of. I played Hearthstone at one point. It was fun. I didn't like how they removed... It just gives you resources on your own. You can't really impact it that much, and I didn't like that. Resource management and augmentation and ramping is a huge part of Magic.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Trying to go off early before your opponent can. I've been having a blast with it because I've been a Magic player. I've played it a ton for a long time. And so to have everybody into it and just pop it into the Discord and having two dozen people who all want to play, it's awesome. And as always, when Kyle gets into something, he's getting very good very quickly. Thankfully, everybody's playing meta decks for the most part in there and so it's
Starting point is 00:55:27 pretty easy like if i see the first card someone plays i'm like okay i know what their strategy is going to be for the most part like i know exactly what turn they're gonna oh this guy's gonna be like going for a five like a turn five explosion if i can weather that i'll destroy him oh it's an ultimatum deck all right here we go and nobody but me is playing like green aggro and so that's been working great it's real real off-meta. I don't see it a lot. I see a lot of... I won't get into the nitty-gritty, but yeah, we've been playing a bunch, so if you guys
Starting point is 00:55:52 are listening and you're into magic, clearly, or a virgin, come play with us. We have a good fucking time. I'm streaming it in there every fucking day for two or three hours. We just hang out and play. I'll play with you as much as you want because it's fun. It's fucking fun.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I don't know. It's a good time. We're going to do that tournament over the weekend. Last night, we had a ton of us in there. We were all watching the Logan-Paul fight. Did you watch it, Ice? Yeah, I bet $500 on Logan. Oh my god! To win?
Starting point is 00:56:23 Yeah, I bet that $500 that Logan was going to knock out Mayweather. Yeah, there's no judges, so I think you're betting on the knockout in either case. Yeah, I bet. You know who won the fucking bookies? Did they just get all the money? Yeah. Well, if you bet a tie, then you really won because it's 8-1. And the tie is basically just nobody got knocked out.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Oh, I would have bet that easily that's what i that's that's what i was essentially betting because like i bet uh 20 bucks that um not 500 i bet 20 bucks that uh um he would not get that logan would not get knocked out because i did not think that that it could happen he's just too big um i and i didn't think mayweather would want to go hard enough to actually get the knockout because I think he's afraid that Logan is going to catch him. Because if Logan caught him hard enough and knocked him out, we got a couple of black guys in the Discord. Chocolate Thunder was like,
Starting point is 00:57:14 That was hilarious. Chocolate Thunder was like, This is for our people. You can't lose this white boy. You cannot lose this white boy. Do not let us down, Mayweather. He was looking at it like it was like a race war and then like in that first round jake or logan paul like really started using the fact that he's
Starting point is 00:57:30 10 inches taller to just bully him at the end and then it panned to like a bunch of black people in the crowd like oh like laughing and clapping and chaka thunder's like why are you laughing we're losing we're losing like he's just like all mad about one of those shots got through yeah there was that one time where logan is just like like hitting him like this that's the time yeah and he's doing he's all rolled up logan's punched him on the arms on the elbows on the forearms maybe when they walk back like that you just punched a turtle shell that does nothing nobody got hurt i didn't think logan really got hit all that hard i would take that beating in a heartbeat for far less. It makes you realize how boring boxing is. By round
Starting point is 00:58:08 three, it was like, oh, this is a cardio competition. Oh my gosh. Well, to be fair, I've watched a lot of boxing and most of it is entertaining. Mayweather just fights in a non-entertaining way. Mayweather is very defensive and he just gasses
Starting point is 00:58:23 the other person out and then he goes in and punches them. Mayweather's the most boring person to watch box. I've heard that. The reason people watch Mayweather is because it's the same reason that people watch Logan Paul and Jake Paul.
Starting point is 00:58:40 It's a match made in heaven. They want to see this guy get hurt. They want somebody to shut this guy up. This guy's been talking too much shit he's been flashing too much money he's been showing off diamond i love that logan came out with a diamond coated charizard around his neck like apparently that card is worth like 200 250 000 before he put the diamonds on it like that's such a cool internet culture nerdy thing to be thrown into prime time i have so much to say okay i like logan paul i don't know he hasn't gotten me to hate him uh the charizard thing was fine the commentators were terrible super duper over the top terrible all they could
Starting point is 00:59:19 do was insult logan paul and it was pissing me off and it's not like i'm super attached to logan paul or anything but they just he's so tired it looks like he did four tiktok dances oh fuck you that's not funny that's not good that how did you get this job you're awful at it who they're just they're just biased towards me like they wanted mayweather to win and then i think the audience they were like pandering to the audience right like most of the people who bought that fight probably a mayweather fan more so than a logan fan logan is as exhausted as him after four tiktok dances is just not good fight commentary they weren't funny they weren't funny and they weren't educational i guess i'm used to the ufc fight commentary where they're actually watching the fight and commenting on what what's happening in the fight. They do their very best to be unbiased. And, you know, they let you know.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Like sometimes on TV, I can't tell which shots were the real big ones and which shots were. Sometimes I can't tell if it's a miss. You know, like a clip and a miss are pretty similar. And the commentators do a really good job of letting you know like how this thing is going on. I'm watching these guys and i'm not getting anything from it i can't tell i can tell who's more aggressive i can tell if the obvious shots are landing but garbage garbage absolutely terrible i'm so glad i didn't pay for that shit yeah i would suggest if you want to watch a good boxing match try to find to go just watch like a
Starting point is 01:00:42 real professional match i've watched them i so so often find them disappointing you know they just it seems like the shots don't do any damage in mma one shot changes everything in boxing a one shot is not how you do this it's cumulative you break a guy down you wear him out and it's dull by comparison yeah i i've seen some good boxing matches but every weekend i see a good ufc match like that's the difference like like i can i remember um watching espn i don't even know who's fighting because i don't know boxers names but i remember there was this mexican guy fighting a black guy and it was wild and it ended up with a knockout and they were just ferocious and lots of punches being landed and the footwork was fucking cool
Starting point is 01:01:24 and one of these guys was lightning fast but the other guy was fucking mega lightning fast and it was so fun to watch and i was like this is like a one in a million boxing match i think because like you get this level of fun and excitement every night with ufc like not every not every car not every um fight like so like there was a fight in the last card where a guy just hugged the other guy in like doggy style position against the fence and they just walked around the edge of the uh cage for three rounds in a row and it was so dull and so the mexican guy hugging a black guy he almost got disqualified is that the one we're thinking of i don't recall the races um i think it was too they weren't there wasn't a black guy like like maybe like uh
Starting point is 01:02:05 maybe like some like slavic guys or something like that but i was just thinking like this is not the what you want to show anybody who's watching a free fight night card like like the ref should have been like whoa guys nobody wants to watch this shit and even and the commentators are great and they're like look he won the fight he didn't bisping bisping's great bisping doesn't pull any bullshit. He doesn't give a fuck. I don't think he cares about that job. Because he's just like, well, he won the fight, but he didn't win a single fan.
Starting point is 01:02:33 I didn't like it. You didn't like it. No one liked it. Yeah, take your win and go home. You won't be back anytime soon. And it's just like, yeah, exactly. Because Dana didn't like that either. Nobody liked what you just did you hugged a man for fucking 15 minutes in doggy style position
Starting point is 01:02:51 because the other guy was a little bit faster than you and it was a situation where one guy had come down a weight class and the other guy had gone up a weight class so there was a huge size disparity it was bullshit but most of the time you're getting fireworks you're getting like blood and guts and and and just people getting knocked the fuck out and crazy kicks you thought you would only ever see in a movie. I don't know. We've harped on this before. Boxing sucks. UFC is the best.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Boxing is just more of a technical sport. Boxing is more of a thinking sport than a fighting one, in my opinion. It's different. It's different. I don't know. It's different. I don't know if I agree with that point, but I do agree that it's completely different. And I'll tell you what I hate when I'm watching boxing, and it happens 10 times around, when they start hugging each other, and then there's nothing to be done because of the rules of
Starting point is 01:03:38 boxing. That's the point in an MMA fight where it's like, uh-oh, he's got you now. Yeah. So Logan Paul, I don't know why Mayweather didn't knock him out. I didn't know why he wasn't able to seize on those opportunities. I don't know why he didn't hit him. So Logan Paul's defense just seemed to be stand behind that length. He's got all that length.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Dude, he was so defensive. Every time he threw, to make himself even longer, he would throw. He would bend forward, and he was off balance. He's open in the middle. He's open on the other side. There were giant holes in his defense, and Mayweather was just not taking them. He wasn't executing on anything, and I don't know why. I don't think he can.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Maybe Mayweather, either he can't or he – I think he just just didn't want to i think he just didn't take the match that serious and he's just there for fun he wasn't really trying to hurt logan paul you know what i mean but i guess but then they tricked me you know like they're trying to give the fans their money's worth and then they don't you know look i'm in a boxing match but of course i don't want anyone to get hurt it's a boxing match you fuck like it i know it want anyone to get hurt. It's a boxing match. You fuck like it. I know it's an exhibition match, but everyone was there. You sold that it was going to be a fight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:51 And you guys have been talking like they don't they don't get me. They never get my money. I pay for like 95 percent of the UFC cards. I pay for the ESPN plus and everything. And I buy most of the cards that I watch. But I'll never pay for a boxing match. I'll go to somebody's house, I'll go to a bar, or I'll just watch it elsewhere. But I'm not going to pay for that shit.
Starting point is 01:05:14 And if it's a crappy stream that gets taken down halfway through, I don't really want to watch that badly anyway. Yeah, it was bad. I'm looking forward to some offc fights that are coming up nate diaz is about to fight um i always like watching nate do his thing it's fighting anthony edwards black guy oh eves edwards maybe i thought it was anthony but i could be might be right i'm gonna look at it you are the name expert i hope you're right. Leon Edwards.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Leon Edwards. Neither of us were right. Good. Yeah. Yeah, I always like watching Nate fight. I like that cumulative don't give a fuck attitude where he's just walking forward. He's like some sort of a boxer from a different time. He's like a fighter from like – remember in that sherlock holmes movie with um uh with uh robert downey jr where they're like doing this bare knuckle street fights with like the crowd is the ring like he's cut from that cloth i feel like he gives off this attitude like he's insulted that other person thinks he belongs in the ring with him do you you're coming to fight me, you know.
Starting point is 01:06:26 You can't win. You've disrespected him by showing up. You've disrespected Nate Diaz by accepting the fight. You should have been too scared to do such a thing. And he is going to show you. He slaps you. He slaps you like a bitch. He slaps you with his hand because it's insulting.
Starting point is 01:06:47 And it's like, huh. Now, anytime he slapped me, he could have landed a punch. But he chose slap because fuck you. Yeah, that's great. That's great. Yeah, man. I'm looking forward to the next weekend of fights. I think it's coming up.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Let me do something. I'm thinking about going on a trip this week. I haven't quite decided yet. Ice, we're doing this on Monday. We usually record this show on Thursday. Woody's on a fucking adventure right now. That's what we'll transition to. We'll talk about the adventure a little bit. Woody has
Starting point is 01:07:17 decided to have an adventure. He's got a motorcycle. He's got a touring motorcycle. That's not the right word. Adventure motorcycle. Whoever named that was really jerking his head. What are we going to name it?
Starting point is 01:07:34 Touring? Travel? Adventure. Most of our owners are going to drive around on the weekend and come back home. Adventure. What do they cost? $20,000. Not mine. Not his. So Woody's... I don't know why.
Starting point is 01:07:50 I don't know why you'd go all out and get one of those fucking Africa expedition bikes. Heavy is not better. So you're taking a bike across the country or something? The whole fucking country. And here's the best part, man. He ain't riding on roads where he's going. They don't need roads.
Starting point is 01:08:05 He's going dirt roads and trails from North Carolina to, is it Oregon? It used to go to Oregon. They've changed it. Now it goes up to Idaho, then swings back to Wisconsin by the Great Lakes. What a terrible route. It's not in a straight line at all. There's no straight line. It used to be this straight thing
Starting point is 01:08:26 they call the Oregon Trail, believe it or not. But now it just goes from North Carolina down to Miami, Florida, and then we hop on a boat to Cuba. It's like outlining the country. No reason for it at all. No reason for a boat trip. God, that's a real roundabout road.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Is this like a group thing? No. So yeah, apparently this guy found dirt roads that kind of make a horseshoe around America. They'll probably connect in a few years. It's me and one buddy, and we left. In North Carolina, it's mostly paved. We did get off-road the day before yesterday. We both crashed.
Starting point is 01:09:04 There have been three crashes so far one was me yeah that's where you're going when you crashed i'm thinking so i was probably going like it was gravel road i was probably going like 25 headed into the curve but damn so here's the deal picture it's a gravel road under the gravel is super hard packed dirt. So when the gravel is loose on it, like there's not a lot of it, it kind of operates like ball bearings, which I can deal with because it's a predictable kind of slide movement. When the gravel is deep, it kind of works like sand. And I'm either not skilled or it's impossible to really turn sharp and deep sand or even slow down much in this like loose gravel. It's like six inches deep, four inches deep, something like that.
Starting point is 01:09:53 So I'm headed to the turn too fast, which is half of the primary mistake. Like one of the lessons learned. The other was all the thick, like the deep gravel accumulates towards the outside of the turn, which is both the low side and where it gets pushed by people driving on it. And if you stay on the inside of the turn, it's not so deep. Wish I was there, but I wasn't. Instead, I was by the cliff side. So I got slowed down all the way to like five miles an hour. And it was clear that the bike was going off the cliff. So I made this move where I sort of deposited the bike on the road and jumped off the cliff.
Starting point is 01:10:35 I fell about, I said six feet. My buddy said eight feet. Take that for what it's worth onto a pile of rocks, rocks like this, you know, like human head bigger than good land. So and I get down there and I'm doing this like systems check, like how fucked up am I? And I've got a finger that's like all out of place and isn't bending right. And I'm like, what is happening here?
Starting point is 01:11:04 Oh, there's just a tree branch in between my fingers. That much is cool. And then I try to get up and my body's not working correctly. I'm like, whoa. Spine damage? What is this? My carabiner. I have a carabiner that holds this in-reach rescue. One second.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Hurry up! This is a 48-year-old man with a family. Why is he choosing to do this? We don't know. Ask him. So this little thing is a camelback.
Starting point is 01:11:35 This had hooked a tree branch. This little carabiner. And I couldn't stand up. And I didn't know what it was. I thought it was like spine damage or something. Right. I'm like, I can't feel my legs And I didn't know what it was. I thought it was like spine damage or something. I'm like, I can't feel my legs. I can't feel my legs.
Starting point is 01:11:50 And I'm like, oh, wait a minute. It's just I'm hooked to a tree. Why are you putting yourself in such danger? Good adventures come with adversity. You're like off-roading near a cliff and like jumping off bikes. It's a lot of adversity. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:11 So after that, I just sort of climbed back up the cliff. And it's funny because I don't remember like the fall, you know, like I remember the decision, like, all right, I see how I can do this.
Starting point is 01:12:24 I can save the bike and then, you know, I'll fall, whatever, and climb back up. That was the best idea I had at the time. And there was no choice where we both stayed on the road. That would have been option A, but it wasn't there. And I'm like, man, I totally got away with this. Like the bike's not damaged. I'm okay. I wear kind of protective gear you know
Starting point is 01:12:45 obviously i have a helmet on but even like my pants have this like high-tech foam in it that turns into a plastic shell the moment on impact and my jacket has that and i think i landed on my back a lot not only is there a wide spine protector in it but i have a camelback like a water bladder on the other side of that and um i mean i was fine really i hit my thigh it's sore but it's better now those uh those biking uh outfits are they actually do help a lot then huh yeah yeah they really work um there's different levels of them but you know the one i had on was pretty protective i uh my buddy fell twice. Once was nothing. It was like a switchback road, private. This led to a bunch of houses up a mountain. If you take a stairway that has a turn in it, on the interior,
Starting point is 01:13:37 it's almost vertical. On the exterior, it's not so steep. He was on the interior side and his GPS was telling him to turn when there was no turn to be made right there. And it kind of just had him task saturated and he fell over. He felt terrible about it, but it didn't seem like anything to me. I mean, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:13:55 bro, we're dropping the bikes every day. And he's like, you haven't dropped yours yet. And I'm like, I'm just behind schedule. Give me a chance. And,
Starting point is 01:14:02 uh, but his next turn was his next crash was a bigger deal. Um, he didn't make it right. We're on this, uh, we're going downhill on a road called tail of the dragon. And,
Starting point is 01:14:18 um, I forget the stats. Maybe someone can look him up, but it's something like 384 turns and 11 miles. In the Smoky Mountains. Yeah. And I enjoy that turn. Like you get a vibe when you take the turn at the right speed, like you leaned over and the suspension kind of sinks down and the traction is working and you're taking that turn. And I'm just going from turn to turn to turn. Normally, I'm the slow guy. And when you're the slow guy, you've got three choices. You can either try to
Starting point is 01:14:52 keep up in the turns, which is dangerous and that's the worst move. You can try to catch up on the straightaways between turns, which is a little less dangerous, but it's not the right move. The right move is to ride your own ride. So 318 turns on this thing. It's not long. I don't know how long it is. So I told him about this. I'm like, there's a good, bad and ugly choice. The good choice is just ride your own ride. 318 turns and 11 miles. There you go. That's a lot. It's a lot of turns. You're just constantly feeling the traction. And he doesn't do that. He feels the pressure to keep up with me. And again, I'm not trying to act like I'm really fast, but I'm faster than him.
Starting point is 01:15:31 And so he's like going above his talent level, trying to stay with me. And there's this like when you're a new rider and you approach a turn too fast for your talent level, it's almost like you don't ask the bike to make that turn. Cause you're afraid it'll say no. So he doesn't turn sharp enough. He runs off the side of the road. He runs on the road for a little bit and then crashes. His,
Starting point is 01:15:58 uh, armor is like torn up. It has some holes in it now. And his bike is damaged. Like the windshield busted, the clutch levers busted off. Oh, there's a guard that like protects the clutch lever and and some other stuff and uh i didn't see it happen i was in front but when he didn't catch up to me i turned around and uh at that point like he was sort of standing next to his bike and assessing the damage and uh i fixed his bike
Starting point is 01:16:28 for him no big deal he even brought a spare clutch lever anticipating a few crashes and uh we agreed that windshield looked like boomer shit anyway so uh off we go that was a couple hundred miles ago wow that's a what that. Wow. That's quite a crash. Bike's cooler now. It has no wind. So it's off-road the whole time? From here on out, it will be. The North Carolina and Virginia sections, they have a lot of pavement in them.
Starting point is 01:16:59 But going forward, it's going to be mostly off-road. This Dragon's Tail is incredibly popular on their website. It's all bikes, Harleys, and people with supercars who are stoked about driving through. There's a lot of Corvette ZR1, ZR, whatever the really nice one is. So this is what happened. After his crash, we reached this bridge, and they're stopping traffic there. we reach this bridge and they're stopping traffic there well i mean obviously someone crashed badly and the medevac chopper uses the bridge as a landing pad like that's what's going on yeah and uh we're like third in line but when the line started moving because we're like helmets and
Starting point is 01:17:39 armor and like it takes us a while to get dressed everyone Everyone passes us. My God, it was just like leader sport bike after leader sport bike after fancy Corvette, like Miata with a roll cage and one seat in it. You know, it was so many expensive cars. A Can-Am? Is that what those three-wheeled sports cars are called? I don't know yeah and there were so many badass vehicles on the snake and it's just like yeah i'm not one of you i just i just like to take it at my own speed and there were a lot of guys like me there too you know just
Starting point is 01:18:18 enjoying a curvy road um i'm sure but it was a good time man it's it's been pretty awesome so you wrote you called jackie told her you crashed what'd she say she was concerned oh you told her oh my god you fool i don't have any secrets uh yes you do you didn't i mean for being fair you didn't tell her that time that there was that incident with the paramotor where someone else was harmed. I don't remember that time. The incident we're talking about. You kill someone on a paramotor?
Starting point is 01:18:53 I don't know what he's thinking of. There was that guy who got fucking, what do you call it, gift-wrapped. Yeah, which one? Oh! With my, the SIV course that happened not long ago i don't know man i don't know yeah i don't know i don't want to say anything that we shouldn't say but someone got gift wrapped and they didn't make it home that night and then i was like maybe don't tell jack
Starting point is 01:19:15 and you're like yeah probably not i tell her about my incidents i don't tell her yeah yeah every time someone in my universe gets hurt that That's fair. I'm doing the exact same thing you're doing. But worse. Yeah. Yeah, but not as talented. Exactly. Honey, just less talented guys died today doing the exact same thing I was doing. Because some dummy is going home in a box.
Starting point is 01:19:40 In her head, she's thinking about every time you stub your toe walking around the corner of her house and everything. They don't have your ability to avoid that. She's like, yeah, Ninja Woody. He'll be fine. So, yeah. We've had three accidents so far in three days, I guess. So, right on schedule, maybe. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Hopefully, you know, you're kind of doing that beginning curve where it approaches zero. Never quite gets to zero. But asymptotically approaching zero, whatever it's called. Dude, I'm pretty excited. I'm having a good time so far. And,
Starting point is 01:20:12 you know, I wanted a little hardship. I thought it was going to be a flat tire, but you know, it's look cool. Sailing stories don't come from calm seas. Yeah. And there is plenty of time for you to have a ton
Starting point is 01:20:26 more accidents and ruin tires and you know yeah my tire uh i was looking at the rate at which it was balding and i'm like cool i'm gonna make it in oklahoma as a matter of fact not at the beginning of oklahoma the very end of oklahoma i have a scheduled tire change i've sent tires and inner tubes and stuff to a mechanic i've set it up we all set. I didn't realize how much faster my tires would wear with all the luggage on it. And Chris and I are both, we might need a plane. We'll see. We'll go another day or two and be like, we might need tires before our tires stop. I didn't even realize that the tires wore away that fast. I guess gravel and, you know, being all those harsh turns probably. Motorcycle tires don't last that long. I've got numbers like 6,000 kilometers in my head.
Starting point is 01:21:16 How much is that in freedom units? Maybe 4,000-ish, 4,000 miles? Yeah, not a lot. Definitely not what I saw. You know, you put on 2,000 miles before the ride starts and throw some luggage, and then it only becomes like where you thought you had 2,000 miles, now you got one, and it's tight. What's the bathroom situation?
Starting point is 01:21:35 Do you have a little communique where you can buzz him and be like, I got to go to the bathroom, or I'm hungry, or is everything preplanned? Like, hey, I'll talk to you in four hours, and we pull up to to the xyz so i've just been going to the bathroom when we stop for lunch you know it's not hiking yosemite we pull off and and eat at a restaurant um i did bring one wipe charlie's from an old sponsorship but i keep them on the bike and in case uh we gotta hurry nice we gotta get those back i like those one wipe charlie's dude they're amazing from that company that we won't name until you pay us again goddamn right we won't ice do you have any interest in riding a motorcycle at all because i do not it scares me
Starting point is 01:22:19 no i i don't like anything that could potentially hurt or kill me I don't like anything that could potentially hurt or kill me. I mean, you had a bunch of fans. I mean, there's that. But the motorcycle, I just don't trust myself. I think I would be going too fast and freak out and fucking turn and crash and die. Yeah. I mean, we've said it before.
Starting point is 01:22:48 The scariest thing about it would be knowing all the people on the road aren't prioritizing your safety as much as you would hope like all those people in cars all it takes is them like checking their phone for a text or a kid in the back screaming again they've turned around stop yet boom like and you're just done through no fault of yeah yeah yeah the motorcycle thing is just i don't know see i don't even't even like going fast. I'll take a car. I'll chill. That's good with me. Smoke some weed. I'll be chilling. I like fast stuff on the water though, like fast jet skis. I've been on a jet ski that goes like 100 miles an hour. That's fun. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:23:16 That's so fast. Do you take off? Or maybe it's like 80 miles an hour. I don't know. If you hit the water going 80, it's fine. What does happen? I guess if you keep your arms in, you just slide until you can sink? Yeah, if you fall off the jet ski, you hit the water, you slide. You're like a rock.
Starting point is 01:23:32 When you throw a rock, you bounce. Skip like a stone. That can't be good for it. It hurts, but it doesn't kill you. It doesn't break your bones or anything. It could pull your arm away from where it should be. Right? Like dislocate a sock gators i mean at least you're not hitting concrete i mean i don't know true yeah i don't even know they make those go that fast yeah they're they're the really good ones not the shitty ones at the beaches what height is or yeah it's height not speed isn't
Starting point is 01:24:01 it like if you jump over like a hundred feet into water, or maybe it's higher than that, that it's like because of surface tension, you may as well be hitting solid? Or is it higher than that? Doesn't that sound right? It must be higher than 100, right? I feel like high divers do that all the time. How high is the Golden Gate Bridge? Do they die because they drown or because they hit so hard?
Starting point is 01:24:21 I think they drown. The answer is yes. It probably depends on the technique. You can can't ask them i think you hit the water going fast i think falling has a higher velocity than the jet ski you know what i mean yeah depending on how far you fall it also has a different angle of attack like that's the big thing for me like you on a jet ski you don't have to penetrate the water you can slide across it for a while on the bridge yeah you're going straight down i guess it's different than going the same way as the jet ski
Starting point is 01:24:50 right like you'll you'll hear people say like and then the the kindly old woman walked up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder and i thought i do want to live you know i realized i didn't want to jump like i do you think that's like a universal like a human instinct like there's i i have a hard time believing that's a suicidal person like after they jump and the decision is made that they're like yes bring on the death like there has to be an animal reptile part of your brain that is like survive survive survive like there you know what i've seen interviews of people who jump and they survive they most like 98 of them say that they regret jumping as they're falling yeah it would be so scary of course i think it's like uh you get some kind of like i don't know
Starting point is 01:25:37 fucking vision you know like when your life flashes before you and you're just like oh actually never mind i want to live yeah man that was a terrible life i should really pump the numbers on that before i check out i should improve on the second half yeah big mistake when i tried to hang myself i uh i so i tried to hang myself and um as i was hanging i felt I had, I was changing my mind. I was like, you know, it was this, I'm hanging.
Starting point is 01:26:08 I'm like, are you sure about this? Are you sure? Is this what you want? And then it, the, it, what the rope didn't break.
Starting point is 01:26:15 It was a dog leash, but the thing I hung it to broke. And I was like, ah, fucking loser. Can't even do this. Right. Yeah. That's, that's where my head went. I mean, that ah, fucking loser. Can't even do this. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:25 That's, that's where my head went. I mean, that's, I mean, that's kind of lucky though. Right. Of course.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Turned out. I'm going to look at him just throwing it all to the wind. That's crazy to me. If I was like going to kill myself, I wouldn't like, I would do get something instant. I wouldn't jump or hang or something. How long does it take?
Starting point is 01:26:49 People do the car thing in their garage. How long does that take for the car to go? That doesn't work anymore. The cars don't really let off enough monoxide anymore. It works. I think you're giving bad advice on the show. Some retard sitting in there for nine hours in his Tesla. I could be wrong, but
Starting point is 01:27:08 that would be such a good bit in a movie. I thought that the government made cars not release so much gas anymore, so the monoxide is not as bad anymore. Because it's all trapped in the... Hey, that would be a great live stream, Ice.
Starting point is 01:27:23 How long can I survive in the car? No, you put the car out there, turn it on, and get a bunch of last person in the garage wins $1,000. Wins the car. Wins the car. Last person in the garage wins the car. It's like a Mr. Beast challenge, but incredibly macabre. What if they all die?
Starting point is 01:27:41 Do they just stick in the car? Then you get the car. They're going to die. That's the best part. You don't have to give them the car. But I feel like, I don't know. That's what I was asking. I don't know how long it takes for that to happen.
Starting point is 01:27:51 But I imagine that you would be with it enough that once you saw the carbon monoxide, you'd be like, oh, this is real. I need to get out of the fucking garage. More so than someone who blows their head off. Obviously, that half a second decision, like, just just do it i think there's people like that yeah i mean the i think a lot of people who you know shoot themselves would would probably regret it if they could talk so oh yeah and then there's people who do shoot themselves and they're just fucked because and they survive like that worse go through the side of their jaw and now like they can't talk right and they have to give like uncomfortable speeches to middle schoolers about how they yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:28:27 there's a guy in my little hometown and that's exactly what happened he um he he did that fucking he tried to shoot himself over a woman i was told by my mother he did shoot himself just poorly right he tried to kill himself yeah i should say he tried to kill himself he did shoot himself and it ruined his face like like he's just like a ghoul from a movie or he looks like remember the one head orc who's like uh leading the armies against minister yeah his name's gothmog i knew you'd know um he looks like gothmog now yeah he looks like Gothmog. He's like, The city is rank with it. Yeah, you can smell the fear.
Starting point is 01:29:11 That's so fucking scary to think that you could still live after that. I would probably, if I was in that situation, if I was going to kill myself, I'd probably do the helium thing. The helium thing? How do you do that? You get a bag. You attach a helium tank to the bag and uh then you or nitrogen and then of course the nitrogen
Starting point is 01:29:34 doesn't give you the same effect as carbon dioxide so you don't feel like you're suffocating and you just inhale like once and then you just you pass out and then you just suffocate but you can't feel anything and you don't feel like you're choking. How do you stop yourself from breathing after you've passed out? Well, because you put the bag over your head, and then you have a tube with nitrogen going in the bag. I see. You tie it.
Starting point is 01:29:57 So it's pretty – I used to be very depressed, and I looked into this. They have a whole subreddit that people talk about it. Yeah, I'm a moderator there. This was like 10 years ago. It's called This is the End? Well, it's called an exit bag. That's what they call it. That's great.
Starting point is 01:30:18 Dude, the guy that made Adventure Bikes came up with that too. It's fucking gnarly. So you were so depressed you were looking into painless methods that you could kill yourself if you thought it got to that point or were you close i was just curious to see like okay how would i do it if i you know was gonna do you know kill myself so um yeah i mean i that was the method that i chose if i were to you know really do that because if I make a mistake and I don't die, at least I don't have my,
Starting point is 01:30:48 I still have my face, you know, for sure. Yeah. That's a forward thinking method of suicide. And it, and it was like a pretty, it's still like,
Starting point is 01:30:55 it was a pretty instant thing. Like it takes like one or two inhales and then you're out. Goodness. I didn't even know that's how helium I've done that parties as a kid though. I didn't. Well, helium,
Starting point is 01:31:06 cause you know, it, it sinks. done it at parties as a kid, though. I didn't know. Well, helium, because it sinks. It's heavier than oxygen. So it goes to your lungs, and it pushes out the oxygen from your lungs immediately. So you would just pass out immediately. I believe it, because I've done it. It was a boat show of some sort. If you're just in a boat, you can go here. You can see like 100 different kinds at the same place. Big Philadelphia place was rented.
Starting point is 01:31:31 And they had helium balloons. And my brother and I were just like sucking down these giant balloons, changing our voices like you do with helium. So I was like, the more you you suck in the longer the effect lat effect lasts and these balloons were larger than everyday party balloons they were like you know a kid couldn't hug them so i'm get like three breaths deep and then i pass out and i start convulsing on the ground oh yeah dude the helium balloon thing like to change your voice it's so fucking dangerous people have no idea. It takes just you will immediately pass out if you just do a little too much.
Starting point is 01:32:09 It pushes all your oxygen out. And if the helium stays in your lungs, oxygen can't get back into your lungs because, you know, the helium is taking it up and you'll just fucking die. People die from sucking helium balloons a lot. I remember it was like an out of body experience. sucking helium balloons a lot i remember it was like an out-of-body experience i um i was it was like i'm convulsing on the ground and i'm thinking who is that is he gonna be okay why does my head hurt because it's like i'm hitting my head on the back and then i waked up i woke up and uh everybody was paying attention to me, which I hated. I was surrounded by a crowd. They're all leaning over. Are you okay?
Starting point is 01:32:46 Are you okay? And all I wanted in the world was for everyone to stop paying attention to me. And they would not stop paying attention. They were following me around. I'm just like, I'm fine. I'm fine. Just go away. Let me go in the ball pit.
Starting point is 01:33:01 You were standing over your body? No, I didn't have any vision, i just sort of knew that like a kid was convulsing on the ground and i was worried about him and i didn't put together that it was me that's crazy i've never had an experience like that we suffered a lot of brain damage over the years that's what i'm taking from this a lot of concussions yeah. Yeah, a lot of adversity to overcome. These are where the stories come from. Actually, I think with that method, though, I think nitrogen
Starting point is 01:33:31 is actually the better way to do it than the helium. You don't want to waste a precious... You hear that, kids? Because helium is actually rare. We're running out. I mean, of course, I don't want anyone to fucking kill themselves, but helium is just...
Starting point is 01:33:49 Unless... Helium has a bigger fail rate. Why is helium running out? Where does it come from? And why can't we get more? It comes from Party City. Is it running out? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:01 We need to raid Party City. I hear that they got it from the atmosphere. I have no idea how it works. We could just use helium. Use hydrogen. Helium is so much more abundant in space because it's lighter than other gases in the atmosphere, which means that there is nothing stopping it from traveling straight into space. It's also produced directly in space where it's a product of the fusion reaction occurring within stars like the sun.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Yeah, but how do we get that? What do you mean, how do we get that? There's no way to get the helium being created in the sun. No, it's in space. Yeah, but there's so little of it in space. There's infinite numbers of it in space. Space is infinite.
Starting point is 01:34:39 I'm not saying that you can go into space and get more, Taylor. I'm just saying that's where it is. Oh, I thought you were saying... I don't have a proposal. not saying that you can go into space and get more, Taylor. I'm just saying that's where it is. Oh, I thought you were saying... I don't have a proposal. I got a chopper. Here's how we solve the helium shortage. They probably split atoms to get helium
Starting point is 01:34:57 or something. I think it's from fusion, right? They combined two hydrogen to make the helium, right? I don't fucking know. I'm afraid that if I talk about this at all, I'll reveal it. Because helium is the second element on the periodic table.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Yeah. Noble gas. Noble gas. A noble gas. Yep. Oh, man. I know so little about this. You can't go wrong. I'm sure you'll be fine.
Starting point is 01:35:27 Or the other one. I was wondering, how could helium, because helium is less heavy than oxygen. Maybe I'm wrong. Oxygen is eight, right? Helium is very light. Helium is two. Oxygen is eight. What's your question?
Starting point is 01:35:42 Maybe I'm talking about nitrogen, then. I think nitrogen is the way. He's saying helium is not a good way to kill yourself. We're circling back to ice's two. Oxygen's eight. What's your question? Maybe I'm talking about nitrogen, then. I think nitrogen is the way. He's saying helium's not a good way to kill yourself. We're circling back to ice's thing. Yeah. Being heavier than air and sitting in your lungs was paramount to it being an ideal exit bag gas. And now we're like, wait a minute, helium's very light.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Because what you were saying, Kyle, is like, oh, the helium just floats away. And it's like, well, if it just floats away, then how would it suffocate the oxygen out if oxygen is so much more dense? Yeah, no, I'm wrong. I just looked it up. It's actually nitrogen.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Helium is like another way, but nitrogen is like the way because you don't smell it and you don't taste it and it's super heavy. I mean, look, kids, there's train tracks everywhere. Figure it out.
Starting point is 01:36:21 Nitrogen. Train tracks. There's no tall buildings where you live but you gotta you don't need chemistry for this tall buildings that's a very inconsiderate way to to off yourself you're you might hurt someone else you're gonna ruin a ton of people's day going out with a blast all right you're gonna i'm gonna try to hit somebody on the way down have you guys seen those videos where the pilots fucking crash planes for suicide they kill like 200 people with them fuck no no i haven't like commercial pilots yeah there's this one pilot i forgot where but he fucking crashed into this mountain
Starting point is 01:36:55 with like 250 people on the plane he's suicidal one of the coolest stories ever is this commercial airline pilot who had this this scam where he had this huge uh life insurance policy i don't remember what was his motivation he may have been ill or or something but he he was the pilot and he was going to take the plane down so that his wife would get the money but like the co-pilots like catch on to this like as he's doing it and they get into a fucking fight and it is one of the most brutal fucking hand-to-hand battles for life and death you've ever heard of he is battering these two or maybe it's at least two men he's fighting it might be three but he has a hammer and he's he's clubbing these guys with a hammer and they eventually get him they eventually like
Starting point is 01:37:45 subdue him and get the plan plane landed but they can barely land the plane because he's beating them so severely with the fucking hammer like their injuries were were ridiculous it was like it was awful it was crazy yeah the plane was going up and down because like there's two or three men in the cockpit fighting with a hammer for life and death. It's wild. What would you guys do if you're on a plane that was just like the fucking pilot has gone AWOL and he's trying to crash the plane?
Starting point is 01:38:13 There's nothing you can do anymore. Speak for yourself. I have a lot of aviation experience. Woody carries a chute wherever he goes. I would try and break through the cabin and like and i know him would hold me back like all the flight attendants would be like who can pull the harness we gotta get in there like everyone would be working together and so you try to do that and then
Starting point is 01:38:34 you'd all just die in abject fear do you you don't think if you put like 50 people's weight on that door it's not gonna open can't happen. It can't happen. It's a corridor. You've been on planes. We all have. It's a little corridor, right? Like, you get up there. Has anybody here ever been in a corridor? What if you don't care for the welfare of the people up front?
Starting point is 01:38:53 Right? In the same way that, like, at concerts, fences get pushed over and gates and stuff. There's no leverage. They have made those. After 9-11, they made those doors so that, like, human people can't get in them. Are you sure about that? Because they look flimsy to me. And I know that on airplanes...
Starting point is 01:39:09 Only one way to find out, Woody. Weight is such a huge concern that everything on an airplane is as flimsy as it can be, but no flimsier. I'm afraid to Google it. They made those doors so that people can't get into them. How to hijack.
Starting point is 01:39:31 There's 0% chance you're getting through that door. 0% chance. Even so, like Kyle said, that narrow corridor, even if it was like if we could get 10 people on it at once, you got what, three abreast at most if you're turned sideways? There's no way. How many people could you get on your bedroom door in your home, right? Three at best?
Starting point is 01:39:49 Maybe four if one crouches? Like I just found, I think the story you're talking, or at least one story you're talking about, Ice. It was Germanwingsflight9525 from 2015, and this guy named, what the fuck was his name? Andreas Lubitz, who had been treated for suicidal tendencies and declared unfit to work by his doctor, intentionally steered the plane into a crash and 150 people died, no survivors. What a piece of absolute shit.
Starting point is 01:40:21 Absolutely. That guy didn't commit suicide. He's a mass murderer. I mean, yeah. Why would you need to kill other people along with you it's some fucked up shit exactly people like that is why like you know if hell was real might be all right you know maybe not for eternity because eternity is forever but like how about like i don't know a billion years i looked up the cockpit door thing kyle was so right um in my head i thought they were gonna be as bad as strong as the lavatory doors like i don't know why i thought that but i thought
Starting point is 01:40:53 they'd just be shitty air dude everything on airplanes is so shitty i don't know if you spent time with like ga and stuff but these doors they're meant to hold up to gunfire they're meant to hold up to grenade blasts they're meant to um what was the other thing gunfire small grenades maybe that's all they listed but yeah uh you can't just push it with your shoulder it appears i feel like that's kind of like i mean i get it because you know 9-11 and everything but what if one of the pilots go awol they should give like the the flight attendants like a fucking fingerprint access or something you just have it have it so the marshal have it so like the marshal the guy
Starting point is 01:41:30 with the gun and is that real yeah yeah a lot of not every flight they tell you every flight so that you assume every flight but a lot of some flights i assume have marshals on there but you know that would be a good thing if the hostess outside or stewardess or whatever the air flight attendant could get in then all you'd have to do is put a knife on her neck and get in that would be a weak point i mean that that's true but i feel like the it's the flight attendant's duty to not comply less than one percent of flights have an air marshal i mean if somebody puts a knife to my neck and I have access to the door
Starting point is 01:42:09 I'm not going to open it because I'm going to die anyways if I open the fucking door I'm going to fight at least the least I could do hopefully some of these fucks on the plane will help me if I have a knife to my neck you know I would hope that especially now you'd hope they wouldn't help you
Starting point is 01:42:24 well if they're saying like, we're going to kill him unless you open the cockpit door and then you let us kill everyone. It's like, well, this isn't a very good, this is a terrible deal. It's one of the worst deals. I mean, yeah, I think I would rather die than be the one who kills everyone.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Yeah. Yeah, I feel. And like, so you can become an air mars marshal but you have to be between 21 and 37 kai you got to get on it man wait to do what to be an air marshal air marshal you also need to go to get a bachelor degree also gonna have to get that felony removed that oh you know what that is the that's true that seems those uh that seems seems way too easy to become an air marshal. I've heard that the marksmanship requirements for air marshals are out of
Starting point is 01:43:12 this world. Now, Kyle's a really good shot. He might be the guy that can do it, but not many people can. Oh, I'd be indiscriminate. That's a pressure, too. I think he would... Kyle would be very... He'd be like, I'm the air marshal. That's me, everyone.
Starting point is 01:43:28 So I hear there's some big dick air marshal on this. I'm like spinning the gun. You've got like shoulder tassels. Who could be? And a Captain Crunch hat. And a Captain Crunch hat. Any Terry's come up in here,
Starting point is 01:43:51 there's going to be a little bit of a problem. They make pretty good money. It looks like, I mean, the average one makes $65,000, $66,000 a year and the job seems to be going on flights. Yeah, pretty much. That's a terrible job in my much. That ammo is fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:44:07 That's a terrible job in my opinion. I've shot that ammo. It's a lot of fun. What makes it special? It disintegrates when it hits something. It doesn't pass through things. They take really fine copper powder and denim, like blue jeans are made out of, and then they compress them like crazy fucking hard into a bullet.
Starting point is 01:44:23 Is it just called frangible ammo. That's the over, um, overarching description of that type of ammo. Well, that's a very specific kind of frangible ammo that I was driving. Kyle, would that kill you?
Starting point is 01:44:37 Oh yeah. Yeah. Worse than kill you when it hits things. It's just real gross and like dirty. Okay. But it would kill you on a plane, and it would also prevent him from missing. Oh, nothing prevents you from missing.
Starting point is 01:44:50 Well, I mean it would prevent him from missing. Go past him. Yeah, it won't go through him. It won't go through him. And if it does go through him, there won't be enough to pierce the fuselage. They should just give air marshals a sword. Because then you don't have to pierce the fuselage. They should just give air marshals a sword. Because then
Starting point is 01:45:06 you don't have to pierce the fuselage, right? You know exactly who the guy is. He's just wearing dang clothes and he's got a scimitar on his back. I do want the big one on my bag, like fucking Aragorn, though. I want a big boy's sword. I don't think that'd be a bad idea.
Starting point is 01:45:22 Just have him stand in front of the fucking cockpit door. Samurai sword and plate mail. Fuck that. The guy in plate armor who just stands there with his seven foot tall sword right in front of him. One of those Gimli style
Starting point is 01:45:37 fucking war axes. Just a giant double bladed axe. Heavy as fuck. One swing. Fucking six innocent passengers together. The terrorist keeps ducking and you keep killing swaths of people. Is a hammer better at anything than an axe?
Starting point is 01:45:54 Nails. I got armor. I knew nails was coming. Yeah, I don't know. If you're wearing armor. You think it's better with armor? Because it's just weight based at that point, right? Would an axe hit just as hard if it was the same weight yeah if it was the same weight but you'd need an enormous axe to make the same weight as a hammer you know i think those war hammers were blunt on one side and pointy on the other and they were meant to like pierce through if they're
Starting point is 01:46:17 spiky on the other side i think i like that side for hitting people yeah it depends what they're wearing right or where you're hitting them you hit them in the head you use that blunt side because it doesn't matter you hit them with any side killing them you hit them with either side yeah it's not gonna not gonna go well i would not have if i was in like medieval war or whatever i don't know like how much of an option you received on like what class of weapon you got they probably just assigned you bullshit like a pitchfork if you were poor or a serf but i would not want to go with a war hammer that seems like you brought your own weapon i don't know maybe i meant this up my own head kyle it depends what war and what what like age we're talking about right we're
Starting point is 01:46:54 talking about like the english for example like like medieval times or like when they're fighting the scottish right like they had a professional army at that point when they're fighting the Scots. You had longboat archers, you had cavalry, and you had swordsmen, but mostly archers and cavalry. Because I think maybe the Scots are the side I'm thinking of. Where they just bring like,
Starting point is 01:47:17 I use a torch. I use a pitchfork. Why did you choose a pitchfork? I rubbed a bit of dog shit on it. That'll scare it for business. The English hate dog shit. Seriously, though, I would hate to have to fight a man with a pointy stick with dog shit on it in medieval times. It's instant death.
Starting point is 01:47:40 It's instant death. I would be Nick Diaz in that situation. I'd be like, I'm insulted that you brought a pointy stick with dog shit to the fight. I would be so terrified by a hairy Scotsman with a pointy stick covered in dog shit. That sounds so scary. In this scenario, you're an Englishman on what ends up being the winning side of that fight. So you would probably have chain mail at least, right? Something to keep the poo stick
Starting point is 01:48:06 away. The poo stick. I think that shit's expensive. I think that shit was real fucking expensive for the time. Dog poo, it's free. It's everywhere. You can just take it. Kyle, if you need some, I've got a hookup. I have three days. I can hook you up. Yeah, I don't know. It depends
Starting point is 01:48:22 on the age you're talking about, the army you're talking about. It was all different, but yeah, there were definitely some of those armies that were just like bring whatever you got we got to go and then there were those armies that were like yeah everybody gets a gladius they're they're all made to order like the romans for example you know they all had those fucking i don't know how long they were but they're short those swords they use yeah and they had like i have a book about like the like the kind of the like tiered organization of the roman military like throughout the the ages and it's like wild how it wasn't until like thousands of years later that humanity got back to like that level of complexity right and warfare
Starting point is 01:48:59 where like you'll read about like fucking battles in like the year 1100 and it's like oh well that's fucking at you know being generous like 700 years you know from the fall of rome-ish that obviously wasn't rome's peak the fall still not even close like just like bullshit tactics not nearly as advanced okay counterpoint are you sure bullshit non-advanced tactics are worse like let's name all the guerrilla warfare that has lost. Well, that's different. That's completely different. Like the Romans would conquer countries, right?
Starting point is 01:49:32 Like guerrilla warfare is its own animal. Like they had that – that's the whole problem they had with Hannibal, you know, like coming over the mountains with the fucking elephant. The Cothaginian. But whatever they would face someone, the Romans, just the way they broke down their army, right, in a very modern kind of way. We really copy the way that they broke their army down into segments and smaller groups and everything.
Starting point is 01:49:56 And the way they equipped their army was the way you equip a professional army in modern times. Like nobody's going into the Marine Corps and like, hey, what kind of gun did you bring i got my daddy's 30 out six oh that's cool i got a i got a coon shotgun we we've been like nobody's 22 yeah it was literally like we all get an m4 like we all get the same ammo like this army you're describing lost in vietnam right now i was listening to a soldier tell stories about his vietnam experience and
Starting point is 01:50:25 you know he gets to Vietnam and he's really surprised they're not like throwing rose petals at him and stuff like he's there to liberate them from the bad guys and they he was like he was invisible he didn't get any attention he didn't get any love yeah and then what happens is like he's like we would see like two soldiers a month. Meanwhile, we would take like 75, 80 casualties a week. And before long, it's just we don't know who the bad guys even are. They're all of them. All of them. Everyone who looks Vietnamese is a bad guy because someone's killing my men.
Starting point is 01:50:59 So like one guy looks at him sideways from a village and they call in an airstrike and burn the whole village, and that's just the relationship we have with everybody now. But that village won. We ended up winning. Well, not that one in particular. But the village. The guerrilla warfare. They can't conquer anything.
Starting point is 01:51:21 They can defend, but they can't conquer. Yeah, and that was kind of the difference, and I think what Kyle and I were saying with the Roman army. Rome was the first giant empire that actually had a standing army. But the Revolutionary War. Those kind of guerrilla tactics that... Okay, I'm aware.
Starting point is 01:51:41 That's defense again, right? They're defending essentially their homeland against what's essentially a foreign invader. The reason Rome did so well was because of organization and because when Rome sent in legionnaires, that was that guy's job. He was a fighter, and he'd walk into some Germanic area that they were looking to conquer, and fuck, all the German tribesmen were like, fuck it. That guy, grab an axe. You're a butcher. Grab a cleaver. And that's why they were so good at conquering.
Starting point is 01:52:09 And also, they were way better than we are at utilizing our military like just raw force of labor. Because when the Roman army wasn't off conquering and fighting and they would shift out constantly to keep fresh people in, like they would go build roads. And what did those roads do? They made it so they could transport their army and all their resources faster than any empire in world history across the fucking mediterranean so they could respond so quickly so i'm not sure about the romans but like gingus kong did very well because being conquered wasn't so bad suddenly they went from like uh some sort of royalty-based family system to a meritocracy. And, you know, if you got conquered by Genghis Khan, then, you know, you might be better off than you were beforehand.
Starting point is 01:52:54 Genghis Khan gave you two options, just like the Hittites would. And one of them was being conquered and the other one of them was surrendering. And the other was always horrific. It was always just horrific. But the thing is, surrendering wasn't bad. Surrend wasn't bad so in life might be better off if you surrender he could come in there and now you get free health care i'm making that was true the romans as well right i mean lots of lots of business then their organizational structure yeah plenty of visigoths and celts i'm sure we're just like yeah it sounds like a deal uh you guys have roads huh that's cool what kind of gods you got
Starting point is 01:53:24 interesting but uh and they would give them jobs they'd be like oh you wanted you can you'll you'll I'm sure we're just like, yeah, it sounds like a deal. You guys have roads, huh? That's cool. What kind of gods you got? Interesting. And they would give them jobs. They'd be like, oh, you'll be an auxiliary force in the Roman army, so you'll get a little bit of money, too. And it's our currency. Warfare throughout the ages is really fascinating. There's so many good YouTube channels for that.
Starting point is 01:53:40 I watch hours of that shit. I like that stuff a lot. Yeah, Geng's con was a scary fucker just just just real brutal stuff the the boiling of people alive and crushing them with weights and stuff slowly and there's just all sorts of just really all of the tactics all of our execution methods seem pretty pretty you know generous and nice compared to what they did back in the day with like crucifixion and the bronze bull and what was it uh what's the bronze bull that's where you go ahead so they had this big bronze bull and uh they would put a person inside of it it's hollow like the one in
Starting point is 01:54:19 wall street kind of like just like that except they'd make a fire underneath it to slowly cook you alive. And your screaming would be projected through the nostrils of the bull. And it would sound like a bull roaring. Because bulls, like coming through, almost like making a wind instrument out of the oven that was cooking you. Good golly. Now, a lot of these torches, at least some of these torches you find out are just kind of rumors and didn't happen did this happen this happened yeah there was some like the iron maiden that was like made up that's a that's a that's the one where it's like the the scary like
Starting point is 01:54:55 oh they put you in this casket and then they closed the spikes on you that it was just kind of instant and messy i guess like a huge pain in the ass for the executioner. But this other one is called Scaphism. It's from... Oh, we've done the boats many times. Oh, we've done that? Okay, Scaphism's fucked up. Look that up.
Starting point is 01:55:13 Yeah. But anyway, before we bounce past this, torture and execution, we're going to hear from a couple of wonderful sponsors, a couple of wonderful sponsors. This episode of PKA is sponsored by Blue Chew. Guys, been a hell of a year. Personally, I feel like I've aged 12 years
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Starting point is 01:57:52 and use code PKA. That's code PKA for $100 of free delivery credit for your first seven days. Save the hassle. Get the food you love fast at Postmates with code PKA for $100 of free delivery credit for the first seven days. My God, what a deal. Are you going to lose money on this, guys? I'm going to make $100 on this, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:58:10 Now we're making money. Now we're making money, guys. Come on. I'm a businessman doing business. $100 of free credit. That's actually fucking good. Yeah, dude. I'm on the road right now. I'm genuinely going to use this. You got to use it. You got to use it, man. It's a great deal. Use code PKA. All right.
Starting point is 01:58:25 So check it out. All right. So Ice, what's your content like now? What are you up to? Well, I mean, I stream less often than I did, but I still stream like three times a week or something. But I do a lot. I mean, I do sometimes go to haunted places. Sometimes I do crypto streams. I do a lot. Sometimes I go to haunted places.
Starting point is 01:58:46 Sometimes I do crypto streams. I do stock market streams. I do gambling. I sit and talk. I do cooking. I do a lot. Usually, right now, at the moment, there's a big gambling kick. I'm gambling and doing crypto stuff. Are you figuring out crypto and gambling the same thing?
Starting point is 01:59:03 Yeah, they're similar. What kind of gambling? I invest in a lot of the shit coins, right? Like a lot of the... You put money in, and then you sell in like 20 minutes when it pumps. Are you making money? Oh, yeah. I make tons.
Starting point is 01:59:20 Is it hard to do? Do you need to be smart to make money? No, you can just be a fucking dumbass. You have to be kind of a dumbass to do it because you put your money in and you could just lose it immediately. But for me, it seems like you can tell
Starting point is 01:59:37 which ones are going to scam you and which ones aren't. So you just get the ones that aren't going to scam you and then it's going to pump. So basically you get in, there's a bunch of groups out there and Reddit some bullshit and they post this coin is about to launch and then you buy it and then it pumps up and then you fucking sell it before it goes back down.
Starting point is 01:59:54 So when you say you're making tons of money, how much is a ton of money? I mean, right before this started, I made like 1200 on a $300 investment. I put $300. Yeah, typical. I put $300 in and it only took me like four minutes to make $1,200. It took me four minutes?
Starting point is 02:00:13 What are we doing, guys? We missed all of these boats. In the Discord, Ava the other day was trying to get some Bitcoin for PayPal because she wanted to invest in something called what was it jizz coin oh yeah see that's a shit coin that's a jizz coin we got a lot of shit anything with like elon musk or like cum on it you want to buy that shit wait it's called cum coin no no it's called jizz coin and like the individual coins are called cummies. Cummies.
Starting point is 02:00:45 I actually had some cummies. I actually have some cummies. I've already got like a hundred cummies, but I want 500 more cummies. And if I could just get some more cummies today, it's going to pop off. That's where these people lose money though, because you don't want to,
Starting point is 02:01:01 these are shit coins. They're not fucking worth anything. It's just, you just, they're strictly made to make money and you don't want to these are shit coins they're not fucking worth anything it's just you just they're strictly made to make money and you don't want to buy something that's already launched already right it's already like you know pumped you want to buy that's where these like people get it wrong you want to look for something that's gonna get released soon which you can find on reddit or like whatever and you know twice like maybe it pops as a refractory period, then it could pop again.
Starting point is 02:01:25 Yeah. I mean, it could pop multiple times or it could just keep going way high and you can get like a hundred times your investment. But for me, how I do it, cause I don't, I'm pretty impatient.
Starting point is 02:01:37 I don't like holding shit, especially stuff that's worth no value. So I, I buy something on launch or I try to get into like a presale, which is, you know, you could buy it before it launches. If you're willing to trust the developer to not steal your money.
Starting point is 02:01:50 And, uh, then it launches and then you buy it and then it pumps for like 20 minutes. And then you sell before everyone starts selling. And you could, I mean, it's an easy five, 10 X your money in like two minutes.
Starting point is 02:02:02 And there's like six of these a day, six of these a day. of these a day and you just track it on twitter and reddit and well yeah i'm on i'm in i'm in i'm on reddit it's called crypto moonshots and i just try to look for a coin that's just about the launch that has a good community so they have their telegram groups and you want to join the telegram and you see okay they have a thousand people ready to pump this shit so you know you just get you just get in on the pump, but you know, don't hold it because you don't want to get dumped on. That shit's annoying. I've been dumped on a lot. What app do you
Starting point is 02:02:30 use to do your trades in crypto? Because I hear from people so many different recommendations. Well, I use BNB. I buy BNB from Binance and then I go on poo coin dot app, which is a, it's a, it's a website that has charts. And then I trade using poo coin and coin dot app, which is a, it's a, it's a website that has charts. And then I trade using poo coin.
Starting point is 02:02:47 And, uh, coin dot app. Yeah. I'm sold. Literally my next income source to Joe. You have no idea how there are so many people. You won't believe how many cummies I bought.
Starting point is 02:03:04 It's just about making money off memes there are so many people in this scene that make so much money you have no idea i'm talking like a hundred thousand a day wait so you're so the explain to me the process again you're getting bnb what is what is that so there's this crypto called bnb which is buying you know have you heard of binance yeah but it's it's binance's coin, like their crypto. And you can use the BNB to buy the shit coins because all the shit coins, most of the shit coins run on the Binance blockchain, smart chain, right? So that's just like where the community is.
Starting point is 02:03:38 And I mean, there's no regulations behind this shit whatsoever. I have no idea if it's fucking legal. I don't give a fuck. I'm sure they're paying taxes on these products. Yeah, I mean, obviously, when you cash it in to US dollar, then you pay taxes on it. Huh. So Poocoin.
Starting point is 02:03:55 This isn't inspiring confidence, but I guess it's a really good site. You want to buy something? That's a meme. You want to buy the stupidest thing you can find? Because those are the things that make you the most money. We should make our own shitty crypto for the show. I mean, you could, bro. You'll make like a million dollars.
Starting point is 02:04:13 I'm not lying, bro. Dude, these people who make these coins, they are multi-millionaires in like two weeks. NFT for PKA. First, did someone find out what NFTft stands for non-fungible token done dude i have like 20 grand in nft real estate i don't understand what the nft thing means it's uh i mean you it's like you bought you're buying something that only you can have
Starting point is 02:04:39 but it's a it's a you know it's a digital instead non-fungible means you can't turn it into money, right? I don't really know. I think it means you can't copy it. There's no copies of it. He wrote, can edit it. Oh, yeah, it means you can't edit it, right? Am I wrong? Yeah, it certifies that a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable.
Starting point is 02:05:04 So I'm really big into the NFT stuff too, because I think that's gonna be a good future behind it. I did the stream where I showed off some like augmented reality NFTs that I have. So I have this real estate that I, you know, so there's this digital layer on this platform and it's a digital layer over the entire planet. And you can buy sections of
Starting point is 02:05:26 the planet it's like you know you're buying real estate but it's digital and you know it's an nft then you can place augmented reality nfts on top of that and the the vision behind it is you can sell your real estate in a hot spot with a lot of foot traffic when it gets big enough, because you make money when people engage with your property or engage with your content in augmented reality. You're buying real estate in a virtual world, hoping that you've bought real estate in Manhattan. And once it becomes obvious that you've got a hot location, you sell it. Well, I mean, it's not really that simple, but yeah, to keep it simple. Sure. It's like that, but there's going to be a lot of like, you don't want to really sell the real estate. You can make more money off of renting the real estate using a
Starting point is 02:06:13 smart contract or putting content on your real estate that will give you a passive income, you know, such as I had this one idea. People can come and like interact with like a tree, they water a tree and they get paid $5 every time they water the tree. And then I make money from advertisements and from views on that real estate. So it was kind of like YouTube video views, but it's in this platform and it's very small right now.
Starting point is 02:06:40 It's called OVR, you should look into it. It's a very, very small, just came out in January and I have, I you should look into it it's a very it's very very small just came out in January and I have I'm hugely invested into it they have an app on the phone you can download and you can take a look and it's just amazing you're you're placing shared augmented reality experiences that other people can view I can put a fucking dick on the street and other people can open that app on their phone go to that specific street and see my dick so do i go to buy ovr or buy ovr land well you can buy the ovr token and that's that's their crypto so if you just want to make money just hold the token if you want to make big money but way riskier investment you buy the land the land somebody sold the Eiffel Tower on OVR for 106 000 he got it for ten dollars
Starting point is 02:07:28 god damn it I wish I were smart enough to do all this stuff oh it's very easy you don't have to be smart it's just you know I mean do you where do you see technology in five years I think everyone doing like this man augmented reality is the next step in the internet and you know people have headsets glasses whatever just take advantage this is early bro this is a future five billion dollar industry and right now it's only worth 10 million dollars so i can buy oh there's just a bullshit patch of nowhere i don't want that outside of what is it juanita avenue tay Taylorville, and King Cole Highway. Taylorville? Oh, it's a sign. It's a sign. I'm right by the Big South Wildlife Management Area.
Starting point is 02:08:10 You should buy a rich person's house. I'm going to get a lot of... It's like ransom. I do own a lot of headquarters for tech companies because I bought what I thought who's going to use this shit, right?
Starting point is 02:08:25 Like normal people at their house, they don't need to open it up at their house. You know, you want to buy tourist locations. You want to buy tech headquarters. You want to buy- This guy bought a square right on the Bristol Motor Speedway track. And so he'll be able to put ads on that section of the Speedway. Well, that's actually a pretty dumb spot to put it
Starting point is 02:08:44 because you have to actually physically walk into that 300 square meter square that he owns to see the content what you want to buy is actually the where the people sit that's what you want to buy then that must be it looks like a pretty big area because the road itself is very thin and i don't know how it's like it's 300 square meters. I don't know what that really goes to. This is the shit I've been streaming and into. It's super fucking interesting.
Starting point is 02:09:13 You're going to pick up viewers from this explanation because you have me interested. I want to see your stream now. I want to learn more about this. I wish I could put files in here. I could show you a video. You can click share. You don't have a share button?, I wish I could put files in here. I could show you a video. You can click share, no? You don't have a share button? Well, actually, what I could do is I have something in streamable.
Starting point is 02:09:32 So check this. Right there. There we go. It's just like an example that I made. And I coded these avatars. I'm watching it. And it... So this is just like an example that I made. just put a couple avatars a cx youtube logo on the road there and uh you know one of my sponsors as well gamer subs i put it there
Starting point is 02:10:14 and uh you know if you were to go to that specific street that i put it there you could see it too so it has huge advertising potential and it would show up for who everyone or people who just have this app well yeah for if you go on the app on your phone it would show up for you so you have to have the app open okay that's really cool now you're kind of just looking at this woman this avatar's pussy yeah yeah yeah but it's it's bro it's bro. I'm going to, I'm going to make, I'm going to make a fucking store. This is a fucking like a whole store, like in a field. And then people can buy my merch or like certain specific, like collectible NFTs that I make only at that specific location. So then I get a passive income for people visiting
Starting point is 02:11:02 my virtual store in real life. And then, you know, it's just it's just like a really cool concept that I think could blow up. Yeah, it is. I'm going to do more research on this. This is really cool. I also I need to make a Pootcoin account, apparently. Yeah, you have to make a make a MetaMask wallet. You should get into it, bro. You can make it's just a MetaMask wallet. Yeah, it's a digital wallet. It's called MetaMask wallet. You should get into it, bro. You can make... A MetaMask wallet? Yeah, it's a digital wallet. It's called MetaMask.
Starting point is 02:11:29 It's a Chrome extension. And it's amazing. I mean, you could... I love the shit coins, bro. You make... I mean, it's just fun. You make money, you lose money, whatever. But, you know, I try to make money. But you guys should look into making your own crypto.
Starting point is 02:11:41 They make a fucking killing. That's a cool idea. But of course, you have to you have to keep you have to make sure your crypto is done well so your viewers aren't going to get like you know uh scammed essentially we don't want that yeah you don't want to well i don't even how do you use i don't even know how you make one good with better blockchain you don't well no you use the blockchain but your tokenomics you need to have your token. So the way the coins are distributed is called tokenomics.
Starting point is 02:12:08 And you're going to want to make sure your tokenomics are pleasurable to the people buying. Cause there's two types of people, two types of developers, people who make the tokenomics. So the developer makes money and everyone else gets fucked or people who make the tokenomics. So everyone who buys the coin can make money. And the developer doesn't have any advantage over other people hmm and that one that approach seems like you're gonna get more people involved so you'll you might end up making
Starting point is 02:12:35 more money as the developer there anyway you would there's so there's this thing called rug pulling and these developers they could like stay basically they steal the money people buy the coin and then they just steal the money and then uh you know that's it they close the project and they just run off the money but that's stupid because okay you could rug pull and you could make like a hundred thousand in like one day or you could invest into your coin and hope people buy it and it grows and then you could be a multi-millionaire i'll take that chance instead of rug pulling people that's fucking stupid yeah that makes sense trying to build yourself for the future get a retirement account are you guys uh have you guys like heard of crypto or like any like interested in that kind of stuff yeah i'm interested none of us have much expertise
Starting point is 02:13:20 yeah i've like fucked around in a little bit but nothing nothing major like i don't know i need to spend more time this is one of those fucking things that's like passing us by right now that we're you know we're gonna look back and be like god fucking damn it no bro i'm telling you this is some new technology and this shit is the bitcoin bitcoin in 2009 this is exactly where this is at right now this nft shit like in 10 years i think think NFTs are going to be a way more normalized, bro. When you buy a house, you get a deed to the house, right? It's physical and you have to go through a bunch of bullshit to get it, sign papers, whatever. But if it was an NFT, the house deed, there's no middleman. It's just you and the buyer or you and the seller and that's it.
Starting point is 02:14:01 You have this certificate online that only you can have access to because it has a hash code. And it's just the future of owning stuff, in my opinion. That's really fucking cool. I can't get over how this whole multi-billion dollar thing of crypto and now NFTs is like, it's started by the kind of people who would make an app called poo coin now so like now it's i don't know it's like it's not a boomer thing it's not ameritrade like it's poo coin get a poo coin account retard bro people who are into
Starting point is 02:14:38 crypto like they want to make it stupid on purpose because they you know it's like you're sticking it to the man you know you're making it stupid as and you're making you're making a ton of money and then you got these bankers that do you know wall street and they're just their minds are just they can't comprehend it you know and you're just you're just sticking it to them yeah seems like it's totally changed like financial advice like like if someone who's like let's say let's say a boomer who's 68 years old is giving you financial advice like they're speaking from somewhere where like this isn't even like they they don't even know i mean this is more changed it it's added to it like this is these are obviously risky investments you know like a
Starting point is 02:15:21 fucking boomer will tell you to you know invest in the s&p or some shit you know for a 401k but this is like just the new age of the financial system like this not the poo coin thing that's just like that's just memes and like the poo coin is like gambling you just maybe you're like it's like pumping dumps maybe you make money maybe you don't whatever but like crypto like normal cryptos like the nft stuff i showed you or the like bitcoin ethereum this is like the future yeah yeah i mean bitcoin is outrageous and now it's pretty much accepted in a ton of places now right like they're starting to make the transition where you can use it as a currency instead of just like what people people have criticized it as just like a speculation device for a long time right it's still speculative because you got someone like elon musk he can make a fucking tweet and bitcoin drops like 20 that's fucking
Starting point is 02:16:12 bullshit i don't get how that's allowed or i guess because it's a crypto and it's not even regulated so it is allowed right yeah it's not a it's not class crypto is not classified as a security so the sec doesn't regulate it could he do that with like a regular stock? Because people on CNBC do those regular stocks where they're like, you know, fucking this blah, blah, blah. You know, AMC tanking going to go down. Don't lose money on this, folks. Don't be a fool. Like, so I mean, I'm not really sure.
Starting point is 02:16:40 I would assume that the people on the news have some kind of like, I don't know, like they have, what's the fucking word where you're like a professional in something? So they're like actually financial advisors. So I think they're allowed to say that. But someone like me, I can't tell people to go buy something because I'm not a financial advisor. I don't have the degree for it. I don't have the certifications, qualifications. degree for it. I don't have the certifications, qualifications. Yeah, that's something. Woody, could you clarify that? I don't understand the rule of when you're allowed to talk about stocks or when you're not, because it doesn't seem like Elon Musk has to play by it, at least with crypto. I mean, Elon Musk isn't sweet about stocks, just crypto, because it's not regulated. But yeah, I mean, I can say whatever I want. I just can't tell my viewers to
Starting point is 02:17:22 go pump something myself, obviously. I mean, I can be in on the pumps. I just can't tell my viewers to go pump something myself. Obviously, I mean, I can be in on the pumps. I just can't. I'm not going to be like, oh, pump this, guys, because then I'll get into some fucking hot water. I don't know how that works exactly. I know you're typically supposed to disclose if you own something like if I'm on CNBC and I'm saying, you know what, I think GE is the coolest thing. It's about to explode. I need to disclose if I have a position, if I benefit from this advice. There's also people who have inside information, right? And that's business makers, business leaders,
Starting point is 02:17:51 or in my case, I had inside information in some of my companies because I was in IT. And obviously as an IT person, you have access to the systems like broad access and you could perhaps look shit up that a normal person would be secured out of. So I had trading windows around, around me,
Starting point is 02:18:07 but, uh, but yeah, this kind of thing, like what ice is allowed to say and isn't, I don't have any background in it. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 02:18:15 it's just about crypto. It seems like you can do whatever right now. It's crazy, bro. There's going to be two types of people in 50 years. There's going to be people who went broke on crypto, who don't have a 401k and are fucked. Then you have the people who got rich off it. That's it. There's's going to be people who went broke on crypto who don't have a 401k and are fucked then you have the people who got rich off it that's it there's not going to be like a retire at 60 401k i don't think that like people like kids nowadays they just want to get
Starting point is 02:18:36 quick money bro they're not fucking with 401ks and shit you know which i don't think that's great advice i think if you want to like retire, you should maybe make a 401k. But I think also on the side as like a side hustle, maybe try to get into some crypto. Maybe you make, you only need to hit it big once and you make like a hundred thousand. Yeah, well.
Starting point is 02:18:57 With like $200. And you just stop when you're ahead is a big part of it too. I would imagine, right? I'm not saying my area of expertise, but. Oh yeah, you don't want to get greedy. I typically sell something if I get
Starting point is 02:19:09 a double my money type of deal. I don't really hold stuff to 100 times my money because that's extremely risky and not likely. But you were saying you make I think 6 and 12 times all the time, right? Maybe not. No, I've made 10 times my money but that's
Starting point is 02:19:25 not typical i usually make like two or three x on these fucking poo coins so but i do have ethereum and i do have fucking 20k and ovr so that i'm holding for the long run to make the 100x because these are actually legitimate things these aren't memes you know what i mean it's the oh that's the real estate one the real estate thing yeah okay things. These aren't memes. You know what I mean? What is OVF? Oh, that's the real estate one. The real estate thing, yeah. Okay. It's fascinating to me. I think
Starting point is 02:19:54 people might guess that I have a negative opinion of how people make their money. No, bro. If it's working for you, if it makes money, it makes sense. Exactly. I mean, fuck it. I think everyone should try to just give it a shot
Starting point is 02:20:09 at least once. People have made a ton of money on Dogecoin, and that's fucking bullshit. It's like a meme coin. I think if it makes dollars, it makes sense. That's the expression people use. Just want to get it right. Yeah. Do you think you're going to be criticized for getting that wrong?
Starting point is 02:20:26 I wouldn't see it. Yeah. That's really cool. There's this app called Veve. They sell NFT collectibles. And my friend, Hyphonix, he actually, every Thursday, they drop NFT collectibles. And he buys, you know, a couple when they drop. And then he resells them
Starting point is 02:20:45 same day for like he buys them for like 60 bucks resells them for two grand later that day because once they you know once they're sold out they're sold out now they're collectible and scarce people buy it it's insane it's it's so hard to like make money you know like if you're a normal person and you like want to get a job how much does a job pay 20 bucks an hour is a good job right it's a pretty good job you have to do that job for like 100 hours to make two grand or you can like fuck around with poo coins for 90 seconds i know it's true though bro i i said this to my friend the other day i said people who who have no idea like i like it sucks because they are they are working nine to five and they're working
Starting point is 02:21:39 their ass off to make 200 where you that you could invest in a pretty safe, I mean, safe, but if you have some, you know, logical thinking. A fake coin, like jack off bits or something. I mean, if you have enough experience, you can figure out what's like a safer investment versus like other things. Like I can consistently make 2x my money on these fucking poo coins. If all the stipulations are met for that coin on launch it's it's almost certain you make money so i so it's it's crazy that people like don't
Starting point is 02:22:15 know about it you know yeah it's fucking insane but i will i will say that you can lose money too like you lose if you lose on the poo coin shit, you lose everything. So don't put more than $100 in ever. You lose everything. I don't ever put more than $500 in one of these fucking things because if it goes
Starting point is 02:22:38 down, you lose everything. It's not like a stock where it's going to rebound. It's done. You know? It's just gone forever. High risk, high reward. I mean, yeah, basically. This is insane. We've been talking about it for a while,
Starting point is 02:22:57 and I'm just blown away. And it, I don't know, ICE has built a real expertise around this. I've been doing it for a few months now, and it blew my mind as well. Right. I mean, you sound like a subject matter expert to me, and I think that's kind of neat.
Starting point is 02:23:13 I'm talking to a guy who knows what's up. It would seem. You just started a few months ago getting into it? Yeah. Back in February or March, I got into crypto, and then it's been pretty okay recently like so far so other so it's kind of going down right now but it's fine does the stream make much money like in addition to the poo coin making money too yeah i mean right
Starting point is 02:23:36 i make money on stream too uh obviously but sometimes the poo coins make me four times the money that my stream would that day. Okay. And with no effort to like literally 60 seconds is all I need. 60 seconds. That's all I need. 60 seconds is all I've ever needed. It's it's fucking crazy. But it is it is extremely risky, though.
Starting point is 02:23:58 I have lost thousands of dollars on this shit. When I first started, I didn't really know how to invest in this shit. So I was holding it like I would a fucking stock because that's just what people do. Then I realized, oh, you don't want to hold this shit. You want to fucking sell it when it's up three times your money because then if you don't,
Starting point is 02:24:16 you're going to... I invested a thousand bucks into this one fucking coin called Cybertruck. Within 20 minutes, this was one of the first things Iruck. Within 20 minutes, this was one of the first things I bought. Within 20 minutes, it was up to $2,500. That's a $1,500 gain. I'm like, oh, cool. I'm just going to let it ride.
Starting point is 02:24:34 I'm going to go to bed. I went to bed. I woke up the next morning. It was worth $90. I lost everything. I thought, it's going to just keep going up. It's worth 90 times. What a volatile, bullshit ride that was.
Starting point is 02:24:50 20 minutes later, 2,500. Oh, I can't wait. I can't wait to wake up in the morning. I wonder how rich I'll be. You wake up excited. Oh boy, I can't wait to check my Pootcoin account. I bet Cybertruck went to the moon.
Starting point is 02:25:06 Oh, 90 bucks. Although it could be the other way around. One of my moderators put $100 into this coin called Yummy before Jake Paul started shouting it out. And he got $100 in a week. It turned into $10,000. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:25:22 So that's amazing. He would have put $1,000 in there, we would have made $100,000 in a week. So we're at the point in time here that, like, anyone on the internet who's an influencer can just straight up recommend buying careers that they have huge holdings in. That's what people do. Like, you know, I mean, so Jake Paul, you know,
Starting point is 02:25:42 probably got paid by Yummy to shout it out. So, I mean, you just have to be careful as a viewer. If your favorite content creator is shouting out a coin, you should do some research and like, okay, is it already pumped? Is it too late? Like, you don't want to just buy random shit. You know what I mean? It's very, extremely volatile. Yeah, fair enough.
Starting point is 02:26:05 It's insane. extremely volatile. Yeah, fair enough. It's insane. Seems like it. That's why I just buy this stuff on launch because then I know what to expect. It's almost always going to pump at launch. And what's the Reddit forum that follows all this? It's called Crypto Moonshots. It's this Reddit,
Starting point is 02:26:20 and they only invest in these pump and dump bullshit coins. And so you just find a post that's brand new, you get in on it and then you sell before it dumps. I'm going to rewatch this part of the show and make trillions. I'm sure everything I need to know has been said. You'd be surprised, but I talked to this one guy and I don't know if he was lying or not, but I'll just take his word for it. He said he started with a thousand dollars and he said he made a million dollars in under a month
Starting point is 02:26:47 i'd love to have it yeah if he had if he was in doge when it was worth 0.0001 cents like that's pretty possible yeah it's fucking crazy bro there's gonna be a huge like i think gap like wealth gap in the future of rich people from crypto and then the people who didn't succeed in crypto and now they don't have a retirement. Which one will you be? Well,
Starting point is 02:27:16 unless I get moving. I know which one I'm going to be. I need to get some crypto holdings. Or I guess not holdings. Just briefly grabbings. It's not a holding, it's a groping. You just have it for a moment. What is it called in volleyball when you just hit it for a second?
Starting point is 02:27:34 Oh, yeah. You set. You set it so that the other person can spike it. I don't know. You're testing me there. That was the only volleyball word I know. Set, spike, short shorts. I don't know. You're testing me there. That was the only volleyball word I know. Set, spike, short shorts?
Starting point is 02:27:48 I don't know. Short shorts. Fuck. Well, it sounds like you're doing pretty well, Ice. It sounds like you're happier than before. You've got a little less stress in your life. You're making money. Are you still dating the same girl? The one the fans fussed at?
Starting point is 02:28:08 Which one? I don't know how to describe her without saying fan stuff, which is mean. The fans didn't like her. The current girlfriend I have, I've dated for three years. Oh, it must be.
Starting point is 02:28:23 I think it's not the one you're talking about yeah okay uh she moved on from you guys didn't fit at in the long run yeah i mean though i mean just you had a secret relationship with her our relationship was just it was tainted from all the drama and you know stuff meets you know getting hate and stuff it was just unfortunate dude that can happen that i um i once got casey nystat to answer my question and uh he said the internet was like having a really like nosy kind of interfering aunt you know who always has an opinion on what you're doing and and just like inserting themselves in your relationship and the internet can do that
Starting point is 02:29:07 themselves in your relationship and the internet can do that yeah just so yeah i just try to be like uh more uh you just gotta be careful yeah with uh with that stuff like now you know i mean i don't care like if any of my if any viewer of mine wants to like talk shit about my girlfriend i just ban them like you know i don't give a fuck yeah like that that's the right way to be yeah like that that's the right way to be but whereas before i did it that was the mistake there if you hear it 10 000 times then maybe it starts to creep into your head like you know how that works yeah uh you know so they think if they try hard enough sometimes they can find a way it happens uh people who have never had like the level of attention you do think they'd respond differently like oh i'd be immune to it oh man you know if i had a five thousand dollar stream there's nothing that would impact me i'd be so armored and bulletproof
Starting point is 02:29:56 there's wet like bro i mean money's good don't get me wrong but there when you're going through a lot of stress with from other things the money it's not even relevant yeah at a certain point you're just like is it worth it you think it's worth it but like from an outsider's point but when you're in the moment it's it's not it stops being worth it when you're getting extremely stressed i hear you yeah i, I get there. I've been there. So... Yeah, you managed to reset your audience, it sounds like. That's amazing.
Starting point is 02:30:31 I think, like, the negativity I have in my audience, I just kind of took responsibility for. Like, you know what? You make a show like PKA, you're going to get people who like fucking with you. You know? Because how many years of prank calls did we do? How many times have we laughed at someone who's
Starting point is 02:30:47 in an unfortunate spot? Well, sometimes that gun gets pointed on you. You've cultivated an audience of people who like that kind of shit. What, you think they're going to never do it to you? That's what's up. Yeah, that's true. Now I try to not
Starting point is 02:31:03 cultivate that kind of stuff. It's it's it's been very, very well received. So that's good. So wish I get on ban on Twitch, but maybe one day. Yeah. Yeah, that's because YouTube streaming fucking sucks. Why? I mean, there's a lot of reasons the algorithm fucking blows. If you stream your fucking channel does worse than when you just post videos. The chat has no emotes to it. It's fucking bland.
Starting point is 02:31:30 Plain. There's no fucking gifted subs. There's no other streamers that I can fucking host. There's no community. It's just you're by yourself on a fucking island, as DrDisRespect said. Whereas on Twitch, you're within on Twitch,
Starting point is 02:31:45 you're within this community and people host each other. And you know, it's your viewers have other places to go when you're not online and it's different. Those are good reasons. Yeah. No one's ever explained it like that before. Do you think you have any advantage of being on YouTube?
Starting point is 02:32:01 Like, yeah, I mean, yeah. No clickbait. That is the only advantage yeah. Clickbait. No, clickbait. That is the only advantage that I have seen. If I clickbait something,
Starting point is 02:32:09 like yesterday, I did a reaction to the Logan Paul fight and I got more viewers than I typically do because these are just people from the algorithm that search Logan Paul,
Starting point is 02:32:19 Mayweather fight. And that's... But that's not... I mean, it's an advantage to get more viewers and views. But in the long run, that shit doesn't really matter because those viewers don't stay they don't subscribe they're just there for that one stream and that's it yeah i hear you you know hopefully some percentage of
Starting point is 02:32:36 them get hooked but you know like you said most of them are not there for your typical content that's the that's probably even youtube if you make like one kind of video and then you throw in you know some other interest of yours they're like no bro i like you for giant rubber balls that's i'm here for the giant rubber ball walking down the street content all of a sudden you're out there doing something else for pretending to be a doctor in in africa and that's not the kind of content I like. And it sucks, because on Twitch, the viewers watch pretty much
Starting point is 02:33:10 whatever the fuck you do. But on YouTube, you have that. I don't know. Actually, some viewers are about the game. You know, if... I don't want to name names, but if this guy's famous for a particular game, and then he bounces to something else, his viewers drop by 75%.
Starting point is 02:33:27 I mean that. Yeah, that's true. If you're a gaming streamer, then of course. Yeah. I wonder if that hot tub category is going to take off. No, I mean, it's already got, I think it's at its peak right now because I don't know, man. I mean, yeah, there's a lot of people, girls.
Starting point is 02:33:44 I'll take advantage of that for sure. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. If girls want to go in a fucking hot tub, that's all on them. It's mainly like Twitch is the one who people should be mad at. Because Twitch, they should ban that content if the people fucking don't like it. I don't even blame the girls. I would do the same shit.
Starting point is 02:34:01 I can see how Twitch got in this situation. It's like, all right, we don't want bathing suits. And then someone streams themselves at the beach or at a pool. Well, that's appropriate content. What are we against swimwear and swimwear situations?
Starting point is 02:34:17 I don't want you wearing a sports bra on your stream. But if you're at the gym doing a gym stream, then it becomes okay. Then it's a different thing. You're not allowed to stream your feet, but you can stream your feet if you're in the midst of something. There should be no women. That's the rule.
Starting point is 02:34:34 So Twitch is like, okay, well you can do it in this appropriate thing. Fine, there's their own category. We're going to take all the hot tub and swimming pool shit, stick it in this category to the side if that's what you want it's there if that's not what you want you know you won't bump into it and just chatting we're gonna take you guys and isolate you and then you know people
Starting point is 02:34:55 like me are like oh twitch is making a porn category check this out i mean that's not a bad uh fix to it honestly because yeah then you know only the people who want to see that stuff will go there. I'm sure that's where their head was. Twitch does it in an adult category. It is fucking hilarious, though. I go to the hot tub section, bro. You scroll down. You got, like, these chicks with, like, 10 viewers in a fucking blow-up fucking, like, hot tub.
Starting point is 02:35:20 But that doesn't even have any water in it. It's a kiddie pool. They're just, like, sitting there. It's fucking hilarious. It's how a girl make a ball pit out of an inflatable kiddie pool with like a bunch of cheap balls in it and she just lay in there
Starting point is 02:35:34 and it's like, that's not a hot tub. That's not a hot tub, you dumb bitch. You dumb bitch. It's not a hot tub. No, they should make a porn category because i think that it would it would it would cut out all the girls who aren't willing to get naked all of a sudden their traffic would be diminished because fuck them and then there'd be then it would just really
Starting point is 02:35:56 make all the chicks who are willing to be naked go over there and get naked and and who doesn't want that that's what we need i like that a a lot. An adult category for 18 and older. I'm going to be honest. If Twitch made an adult category, it would be the number one thing on their site. I can see why they don't want that. Chatterbait's fucking huge. Yeah. I guess it is.
Starting point is 02:36:17 Those OnlyFans. Make it like OnlyFans. It'd be perfect. They're painting their titties anyway. I'll never understand the body painting. I'll never... You cannot tell me that this is about your love of anime. That is not what this is about.
Starting point is 02:36:34 You do not love Cortana and Halo so much that you thought it would be funsies to paint your titties purple. That is not why you are here. You're here because teenage boys want to see you paint your titties purple and pay you money to do it. Not just teenage boys. Not just teenage boys.
Starting point is 02:36:51 I got a boy broke. I'm going broke. I kind of want to see your ass. Is anyone painting their titties right now? I can guarantee somebody's painting their titties right now. Just chatting it would be, I guess. I don't know. It's probably a titty painting category at this point, man.
Starting point is 02:37:11 Hey, guys. I got a reservation. I'm like a little bit late now, actually. So I got to head out. Yeah, you stayed longer than I thought you would. Yeah, we talked about it beforehand. That's cool, man. Where can everybody go to check out your shit?
Starting point is 02:37:22 Plug your stream. slash icebosiden check it out and yeah that's basically it thanks for having me on guys it's been a pleasure nice talking to you guys again always appreciate you alright I guess I just exit
Starting point is 02:37:38 the browser alright cool later guys later alright dude All right, cool. Later, guys. Later. Look how slick that is. Dude. It was pretty slick by the end, but yeah, this is nicer. We can go from three to five to seven to two.
Starting point is 02:37:54 I think we can do like ten. I think we can do ten if we want. We were talking about doing a thing where you've got the Patreon level where they get to ask us questions, right? So we could do a thing where HotloadZack over there could pre-screen people and have them in a side room and be like, all right, you got your question ready? Yeah, yeah. And then he slides them in like, all right. I'm in. I'm in.
Starting point is 02:38:17 They ask us a question, whatever their Patreon question is, and then we answer it to their face. I feel like that adds a little value to that tier level. Hotload Zach is our incredibly fertile producer. He's our young Jamie, you might say. Hotload Zach is over there running the show right now with at least one child in his arms.
Starting point is 02:38:39 He has three total, right? They're his kids. Allegedly. They're all his. We were. Yeah, they're all his. We were talking about clickbait earlier. He didn't steal them or anything. I saw a Sailing La Vagabonde channel
Starting point is 02:38:53 or video, and the title was This is the End or something close to that. And I was like, the end of what? I'm thinking their relationship, their time on the seas. Getting those nipples fixed. They're getting a new boat. They're getting a new boat.
Starting point is 02:39:09 Misleading. This is misleading. This is the end. They didn't say, we're getting a new boat? Would have been pretty interesting to me. I would have clicked on that video too. But this is the end. Oh, and I want to say she looked pretty... She didn't look
Starting point is 02:39:25 happy in the thumbnail. It was like a close-up of Elena. Puppy eyes. And... Yeah. Anyway, but they're getting a new boat. They have this boat triangle. It's like performance, economy, and comfort. And you
Starting point is 02:39:42 can imagine a triangle and you just place yourself somewhere near that. Are you right next to performance where you give up economy and comfort? You're somewhere right in the middle. Where are your priorities? And they're going more towards performance. And they did a hand motion that was like
Starting point is 02:39:57 we're going from a catamaran to more of a performance, which implied to me back to a monohull, but I don't know. she looks like she's pregnant again right now i think so maybe i'm not 100 sure those nipples are in full mode is that the time to go for performance when you're pregnant i thought that for someone who makes content and lives on the boat full time with like really no other place to go and um they talked a lot in the video about how she gets sick and it would happen to me too
Starting point is 02:40:32 looking at a screen below deck moving around that would wreck me and it wrecks her too um so when they went from the monohull to the catamaran, it was a giant standard of living improvement for her. But now they're getting a more performance-oriented boat. We'll see what's up. The Rapido. I like that name. Looks expensive. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 02:40:58 Do you know what they're getting? I just clicked on the video and it said the Rapido 60. Reliable. Fast. Powerful. Stable. Safe. A lot of descriptors in this. Yeah. I just went to their
Starting point is 02:41:15 page and it says, can't believe we pulled this off. Our new boat revealed. Oh. It's a trimaran. It doesn't look like it has a bunch of space to like walk around like to kind of pace is this smaller than their old boat a rapido 60 you say
Starting point is 02:41:38 their website cannot keep up with all the traffic they're driving to it that's crazy a lot of wealthy viewers getting their own Rapido 60s. Mic drop. Rapido 60. What did you say, Kyle?
Starting point is 02:41:55 I said you got attacked. I watched the new Conjuring movie on HBO Max. I really dig the whole... I was going gonna go watch it in theaters and then i was like what it's on hbo max well you can't oh the spoilers tag is out i like it i like it yeah oh that's great thank you hot load zach there's a tech improvement we've never had before so what is i mean it's a horror movie so i'm not that concerned with spoilers like you
Starting point is 02:42:24 you're not going to tell me all the scary parts. You know, we all experience that. But I really, The Conjuring, Sinister, Insidious, those are the three horror movie series in the last 10 years or so that have been genuinely scary. Very good. Conjuring's great. But it's one of those things where they've made a whole,
Starting point is 02:42:43 I don't know how many Conjuring movies there are at this point because they did the whole Annabelle thing and the whole The Nun thing. They're all connected to that universe. They made a universe out of The Conjuring. I like the first one a lot. The second one is not great. It's just okay.
Starting point is 02:43:00 I don't like any of the Annabelle shit. The Nun movie is fucking garbage. But this was actually okay. This is based on a true story I don't like any of the Annabelle shit. The Nun movie is fucking garbage. But this was actually okay. This is based on a true story. And the true part, I know you're rolling your eyes now, but the true part is that a guy stabbed someone to death and was put on trial for it. And his defense was demonic possession.
Starting point is 02:43:20 And it worked. And so this is sort of the uh the the backstory of that and how um that real life couple was connected to it loosely speaking and it was pretty good it was pretty good it was no there wasn't anything scary in it at all no but but i was okay with that it was more of a uh i just kind of like i don't. I guess I just like those characters now. I like the Lorraine, whatever her name is, and her husband. I like watching them run around, do their sleuth thing
Starting point is 02:43:51 and try to figure out what's going on. Oh, is it a demon? Is it a witch? Is it both? And so that was pretty fun. Yeah. I don't know. I didn't love it. I didn't hate it. But it was free on HBObo max so i'd recommend it i guess i'll give it a go i haven't watched a horror movie in forever and that's rare for me
Starting point is 02:44:11 like i watch horror constantly that's my go-to genre and ever since this that a couple of the patrons recommended this stormlight archive series all of my time has been like all my free time at night has been reading this book. Yeah, you're going to it tonight, right? Like after this, you're going back to the well. That's what I'm doing. Gonna get blasted on Delta 8 and read fantasy. I still haven't gotten an email back. He still
Starting point is 02:44:36 hasn't emailed me back. Like, do I send him another one in case he missed the first one? No, you can send him a follow-up. Actually, you know what? What do you have to lose? Are you going to say no meanly? I don't want to go into too much detail detail but you had that email situation a while back for like so you were just like ah i'm glad that you're okay with what i said before and it worked out go ahead and move forward with this now you just you just took their non-response as uh as an affirmative yeah ah i'm glad you have, no problem with me doing Delta eight,
Starting point is 02:45:06 getting blasted as we speak. Thank you for your permission. This is all because of you. Like include a picture of me, like with two vapes. Like I'm playing like one of those double harps from 300. That's hilarious. Well,
Starting point is 02:45:24 yeah, just, just send a follow-up. I bet if you send one like that, you'll get a response. No, no, no! See? Is that how I have to talk to you to get a response? What do I have to lose? I'm sending a follow-up
Starting point is 02:45:39 tomorrow. You may as well. You may as well. This is last week. Tuesday. Last Tuesday. It's been six days. Hey, I haven't heard back. Huh? This is last week. Tuesday. Last Tuesday. It's been six days. Okay, okay. My bad, my bad.
Starting point is 02:45:48 I was thinking that sometimes I forget the rest of the world just experienced a weekend. And I've been waiting for three days, but for them it's just been like- I think I'm going to say something like, hey, never heard back from you. I did speak to my lawyer a little bit. He says it's a gray area. Really would love to hear something from you. You're the only opinion that seems to matter in all this. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:09 It's federally legal, so it seems like it would be okay. That's the thing, right? And again, alcohol is federally legal. I feel like he's afraid. I feel like he doesn't want to give me permission because he knows I can, but it complicates his job. I feel like maybe that's where we are, but I don't know. I just want to get high.
Starting point is 02:46:27 I'm just going to get high. I'm not going to do anything nefarious. I'm going to fucking do some Delta 8 and watch fucking Trailer Park Boys and eat a taco or something. You could play your Magic the Gathering arena. Oh, that would be so fun. I'd dress as a wizard.
Starting point is 02:46:41 Dress as a wizard, just pop in edibles. Yeah, that'd be funny. That would be good. Hopefully he says yes. That would be nice. Woody, I'm in the middle of book three for Storm. Now, is it the Taylor unique way of counting books? I'm just doing the regular way now.
Starting point is 02:47:05 I'm in the middle of the third. Taylor doubled the number of books for some reason. It's because of the physical books that come in multiple. But for this, oh, well, then I guess I'm in the last quarter then because I'm in the second half. So, yeah, I'm in like the last third of the third book. I've been tearing through it. I love this book series.
Starting point is 02:47:23 I really need to know. The last quarter of the last book let me go get the pages i'm loving this series i haven't been this sucked into a fantasy series in a long time i'm really really enjoying it i talked to it about it to a buddy of mine maybe two weeks ago when we were hanging out just telling him he likes this kind of stuff too and just like three days ago he texted me and he's like i'm all about caledon man he's my favorite and he's now he's all into it and i'm peer pressuring another friend of mine who's into fantasy stuff like dude you want to talk about this with us you know come on talk about the book with us read it read it read it listen to it even so i am i don't know how far deep I am into the second book, but every time a Parshindi section comes up, I'm like, who are these people again?
Starting point is 02:48:09 Oh, my God. I had three people I gave a fuck about four, if you count the ones teacher or something. And yeah, maybe five or six. But the Parshindi come along and I'm like, is there a test on this? And that's what I'm asking you. Do I have to figure out what these Parshindi fucks are talking about and who's who in this power structure? It will help. But like something I was fearful of is exactly what you said is I was so into like Kaladin and Shallan with her jazz and the story, like all that stuff was going on in Dalinar.
Starting point is 02:48:37 And I'm like, turn the page. Oh, a Dalinar chapter is going to be a good one. He's good. And then it would like Eshonai or Venly or whatever the names of the parshendi are would show up and be like it's one of those chapters that i would like take my finger and i would look to see how many pages i had in store and at one point it was like 1921 no 21 22 and i thought that that was going to be like a new focus thank god there were only a couple sizable chapters from them and then and they get way less
Starting point is 02:49:07 boring the the first chapters with the parshendi are so goddamn agonizing because it's just like you said you're already invested in all these characters and they introduce people who are literally on the bad guy side in a conflict where you've already decided i'm assuming where you are uh but yeah the parshendi hopefully aren't going to continue to be a big thing in book two and three or end of two and three they don't get any chapters and if they do it's like one of those like interlude like four pages and that's nice because i just don't care about them at all i don't think i understand them you know like i figured out that they have the different forms and like i get that i get for people don't know the parshindi can morph from one form to another and this form is really
Starting point is 02:49:50 significant there might be a soldier form where they have natural armor growing out of their skin and they're good at soldier shit they have a mating form where like their sex organs come and their libido comes into play and stuff like that they have a dull form where i guess humans don't feel the need to kill them they just enslave them they can barely think or speak in sentences okay so they're basically changed from like dogs to cats to monkeys along the way like that's how significant the change is and uh like i'm hearing all this and i'm like yeah when do we get back to dalinar yeah yeah i'm in the same boat with it i mean i don't i won't spoil anything obviously but
Starting point is 02:50:32 they do get more interesting there's there's some more of the form stuff that gets interesting with them but even then even at their most interesting it's like oh wow how many more pages is in this chapter i just don't care about these characters they suck now the storyline archives they're not done yet right there's a dude writing book four as we speak he's i think he's on book five now yeah because i bought i ordered book four and it came in a giant 1200 page tome and so now now he's working on book five can you get it i want to see a 1200 page book i'll wait for kyle to get back oh yeah otherwise thank you i didn't even think of that i was gonna be like well that was a mistake show oh what's up zach yes
Starting point is 02:51:17 hot load zach don't don't shortchange the man yeah it's it's in the north like after receiving this version of his book i was like oh now i get why he breaks him apart because like you probably couldn't bring this on an airplane in a carry-on like it's such a giant fucking book i want to see it a 1200 page book jesus yeah i bought audio books two and three which is probably about 90 hours of content maybe something like that um but i listen to it while i ride the bike so i got some time does it come through okay i was gonna ask you that like you're getting through some stormlight on the ride i'm sure but like what you're not hearing a grumble or a rumble like it's pretty pretty solid uh it could be better yeah the um so you've got wind noise and you've got the motorcycle itself making noise i'm wearing a helmet that
Starting point is 02:52:12 protects me from a lot of that and hearing protection that just it's in my ears so it stops everything but i grabbed that giant book and crank it up yeah i don't get every word to answer his question for people who want to know. We're talking about the Stormlight Archives and Taylor bought book four, which is 1,200 pages. I was just curious what a freaking 1,200 page fantasy book even looks like. I hope the pages are gilded on the edges
Starting point is 02:52:36 and it's leather bound or something. We'll see. I've been trying to eat my dinner during quick breaks during this thing. I haven't eaten today. How did you get that pizza down? What do you mean? Did you eat it? I didn't even see you eat it. Oh, yeah. I would lean over,
Starting point is 02:52:54 take a bite. I didn't even notice. I never noticed. This is a little book. This is half of book three. It's 700 pages. This is half of book three. It's 700 pages. And this is all of book four. Size of my like torso.
Starting point is 02:53:15 1,200 pages or so. I'm excited. I'm excited. I'm taking this with me. I'm going to be reading it. I'm excited. I still have a good bit to get through here. It's so nice to have a good book.
Starting point is 02:53:28 It's been so long since I was really, really into a series. So, like, every night like, it's not even like, I guess I should read instead of watching TV. It's like, oh boy, I can't wait to read my book. I'm just sitting there with right now the background show is Futurama.
Starting point is 02:53:44 I've got that on low as it's going. I can't believe you read with background shows. That's crazy to me. Yeah, that makes no sense. I wonder where the viewers fall on this. Are they like you? It's just there. I just kind of tune it out, but I like having the voices.
Starting point is 02:53:57 I would want complete silence. That would be my preference. If I could have full silence, it would be amazing. ADHD to the max, Zach. Yeah, i think i do have adhd to the max what was that kyle it was just so annoying to read in prison with like the constant cacophony of just drawing voices that would be annoying for some reason like reading in like a library with someone occasionally coughing or sniffling would distract me a lot more like in college than having a full on show. That's weird.
Starting point is 02:54:27 Cause it's, it's easier to tune out a TV show than to like avoid people watching. You know what I mean? Like when you're reading on the beach or something like you get into it, but then you're like, what the fuck is that guy thinking? Like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 02:54:37 What are you doing? Or like, Oh, nice tits or whatever thoughts you're having on the beach. Do you guys read on the beach? Are you beach readers? No, it's too bright for me. Like, I...
Starting point is 02:54:47 I have brought books to the beach before and it's just like, oh, good god. I don't know. The page is like a mirror reflecting sunlight back at me. I don't like it. If I never see the beach again, I'll be happy. I don't remember the last time I was there. Oh, the beach
Starting point is 02:55:04 itself. We're not saying go in the ocean. I know you don't like the ocean. The I'll be happy. I don't remember the last time I was there. The beach itself, we're not saying go in the ocean. I know you don't like the ocean. The beach itself is fun. It's nice. The sand is half the problem. Oh, that's funny because I'm the opposite. I have no use for the beach. I would like it to be shorter. If we could get from the street to the beach more easily, that's fine.
Starting point is 02:55:20 All the years I've lived by the beach, it's really not my bag. The water is. No, I hate the water. I probably hate the beach it's really not my bag. The water is. I hate the water. I probably hate the sand equally though. I can't decide which one I hate more. It's relaxing. You got your toes in the sand. You're reading your book. You're having a
Starting point is 02:55:36 drink. You're maybe eating a snack you brought with you. It's a good time. No. It's insanely boring. I go to the beach with people who have Taylor's preference, and I am like insta-bored by the time we've unfolded the chairs. Yeah. It's like, all right, got to get up.
Starting point is 02:55:55 Got to do something. My fiance is like that. And so many people I've went to the beach are like that, where they're like, I'm going to pick an activity. Or she'll be like, let's go swim with the manatees. And it's like, I'd rather just read a book. She's like, you read a book yesterday for seven hours. And it's like, yeah, I'm on vacation. I want seven more hours of just that. So the, my travel partner, his name is Chris. He was like, he's noticed a, um, a difference in our
Starting point is 02:56:19 styles. Right. And he described me as performance oriented. Every second of the day is about how to get further down the road. Every turn is maximized. Every minute is maximized. The time in the restaurant, like when the last bite is finished, kickstands up, bitch. Let's go, right? He is like, I would have liked to have stopped at every scenic overlook. Scenic overlooks are wasted on me, mostly. Now, I expect my attitude to change as we go to areas that are new to me.
Starting point is 02:56:49 But like the Appalachian Mountains and such, like, bro, I've seen that before, you know, and all that like forest and stuff. That's what I fly over. And I've seen it so many times. But when we get to the Rocky Mountains or even like the planes, the great planes, like I'm looking forward to that just being different. But, but yeah, he wants to stop where I crashed.
Starting point is 02:57:12 There was a lovely scenic overlook. So I told him you're welcome. And we moved on. I could have crashed by an Exxon mobile, but no, we crashed. Yeah. It was beautiful there.
Starting point is 02:57:25 So he took a picture of the skid mark. That's really the only evidence I have of it, but it happened. If I wasn't going beach vacation, it's the only kind of vacations I really want to do other than going out of the country to Europe is going to the beach or going to Denver, or not Denver,
Starting point is 02:57:45 somewhere in Colorado or Utah to ski. I would rather not go on vacation than go to the beach. You have listed Kyle's least favorite thing. You're like, man, if I wasn't going to the beach, I'd probably go skiing. Yeah. That or prison. I can't decide.
Starting point is 02:58:02 I never read on ski trips because I'm there. You just got to do the activity. You got to get every ounce. When I go on a ski trip, even when I've gone with friends who are like, yeah, we'll do a couple runs, and then we'll have a few beers and smoke a joint. It's like, bitch, come on. We've got to capitalize eight hours straight, just up and down, up and down.
Starting point is 02:58:24 We should be exhausted by the end. We should leave being like, I don't want to ski for so long because then we'll know that we skied enough to get our fill. You don't want to get on the plane and be like, damn it. Should have skied more. I haven't skied in so long. I'd love to go. Dude. Peer pressure Kyle into it.
Starting point is 02:58:41 No, no, no. Don't do it. What you want to do is peer pressure me into coming with you. You'll go. I, no, no. What you want to do is peer pressure me into coming with you. I will ski, yeah. We'll go to Colorado and Kyle will have his own mission and we can have more than one. Yeah, and I'll be the middle of the Venn diagram. I'll be high
Starting point is 02:58:56 and skiing. Can I do both at the same time? At the same time? I've been, I mean, like what you do is like, go to the top of the mountain and then you like hit a weed pen or you like smoke a joint up there
Starting point is 02:59:12 and then you start going down. It's just fun. It's just neat. You wouldn't like it. Name one thing that's not better when you're high. Take that challenge, Taylor. Oh, trying to do a show like this kyle said for many years like i was high every time it's yeah it is way easier to just chit chat and talk and you know keep going for me if i'm not like some people get extra talkative when
Starting point is 02:59:39 they're high right some people do i i don't i'll be having a lot more fun if i was high right now come up with some cool topics maybe i don't know i don't know it'd just be better for me i mean you're one you're one email away my friend i i doubt it i seriously doubt it um no i can't think of anything that's what like doing your taxes might not be as good when you're actually gonna be more fun just not not a good idea but kitty does your taxes that was not yeah kitty sends my taxes to an account i i never see anything but but if i did do my taxes then doing them high would not be a good idea but it would be fun it would be more fun than just doing my taxes did you just order food kyle uh hours ago i ordered food before pkn via like a delivery service like postmates yeah postmates
Starting point is 03:00:27 using what'd you get i got thai food so i got these uh grilled chicken skewers did you eat it i've been like eating a skewer every time i walked away ah okay okay is that the chicken satay yeah it is the chicken satay with the peanut sauce it came with peanut sauce and some sort of weird like uh sweet and sour like clear sauce it's like i don't know it's like vinegar with little chili peppers floating around in it but i've been i've been using that i like that better than the peanut butter stuff not nearly enough restaurants i love thai food i'm hungry with no promise of food till tomorrow. Vending machine outside?
Starting point is 03:01:06 Yeah, actually there's a trail mix in there. There's always trail mix in there. You're not a good person. They take debit cards now too. You can go there, swipe that thing and just keep pressing C4 and just boop boop boop boop.
Starting point is 03:01:22 I could buy this place out of trail mix. You can clear that machine right out. Get that machine your bitch. Then you'll have cattle bags full of it. M&M's in there. Fucking peanuts. Probably some little pretzel bites. These are not the snacks for people
Starting point is 03:01:37 who want abs. I'm going to lose my abs on this trip. Sun chips are healthy. There's a picture of grain. Wheat thins. You remember when sun chips were new? It was like, oh, it's like the healthy chip.
Starting point is 03:01:57 In my head, I was in high school or something when it came out. No, that's not reality. I'm going to have a sun chip and maybe on the down low no one will see me eating chips. It's the loudest bag known to man. It's so loud. I remember being in high school and trying to go eat late at night
Starting point is 03:02:16 after everyone was asleep and just being like. And even reaching your hand in. Those were the worst. And they'd be like, what's better's better for the environment and it's like I'd rather it not be I'd rather it not be give it to me and something made of fucking I don't know seal skin if it's quieter baby seal skin
Starting point is 03:02:38 I don't want a family size bag just a baby seal size bag that was always a thing in prison when I would like my sleep schedule was like crazy because I tried to sleep all day and i'd want to like a snack late at night so i'd be like i'm curling a bag of chips or something but there's prisoners asleep around me and i don't want to wake them so i'm just like reaching in super carefully like looking around that bags i feel like that's not the normal level of courtesy in the prison. Oh, it's not. It's not. It's the level that I show, though. It's like opening up a bag in a theater where you don't want to be rude.
Starting point is 03:03:15 And so you have to like... But then you stretch it out too long and you end up being a bigger rude person if you just rip the band-aid off. That's the challenge. Yeah. Sometimes I should have just made a lot of noise in two seconds yeah but now you're you're in too deep i'm six seconds into a failed bag open go for the big pull now i'm just gonna have to see you later showing i'm gonna leave this is a cut bait on the whole situation i'm gonna get a water i'll be right back i was i was at a, this doesn't mean anything. I was,
Starting point is 03:03:47 me and my buddies were at a restaurant the other day and we were talking about like Yelp reviews and things and how funny it would be if, if someone left, like someone left a review and it was like, this food's too good. I don't deserve this. Take it back. Or like leaving one star food,
Starting point is 03:04:04 delicious service, impeccable burns by now one star there's something like that leaving mean-spirited yelp reviews based on lies i wouldn't do that i wouldn't i wouldn't sabotage someone's business i never leave reviews i don't either i don't i had i'll write some mean shit on like uh like for my delivery services though like they fuck up uh what was it she did the other day? Oh, I was ordering groceries from this fancy grocery store, and I wanted taco seasoning. They have it in bulk. They have a scoop of it, and you get it in plastic baggies.
Starting point is 03:04:36 Yeah. And I wrote five scoops of taco seasoning, not really knowing how much that would even be. And I didn't care if it was five ounces or five pounds. Maybe I'll have taco seasoning forever now. I don't care. But she replies back, they're all out of taco seasoning. Would you like black peppercorns?
Starting point is 03:04:56 No, that's totally different. And I didn't know how to reply to that because the answer is no. That's a completely different fucking thing, you idiot. These are going to be the most disgusting tacos in the world. Because the answer is no. That's a completely different fucking thing, you idiot. These are going to be the most disgusting tacos in the world. Why would I want five bags of peppercorns? Do you not know what peppercorns are? Or do you not know what taco seasoning is? Which is it?
Starting point is 03:05:17 Because it's got to be one or the other. That or you're just fucking with me. Yeah, it says it on the thing. You can get those little pouches in the Mexican aisle. Taco seasoning. What a dummy. What did you leave on her review? Fucking idiot.
Starting point is 03:05:30 Don't ask her for seasoning. I think she did something else stupid, so I took her tip away. You can take the tip away? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. On Instacart. Instacart. Well, you can do it on any of the services, any service at all.
Starting point is 03:05:44 They fuck you up. They're not getting tipped. I'm not doing that. You're not getting a tip if you do a bad job. That's what tips are for. So far, everyone's delivered to my room, which I like. As opposed to the desk downstairs. I want them to come upstairs and put it in front of the door. Yeah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 03:06:02 You're in a real hotel this time. Because of the show i uh yeah yeah i know i um i scoped out like a week ago what i thought would be the best internet connection in the area well then they they probably have like a bar down there with like food you can order or something like little finger food it It's a Best Western. Yeah. They have a breakfast with eggs and waffles and stuff like that. You just go. I mean, that means there's food
Starting point is 03:06:32 down there somewhere. Go see what you can do. I'm staying here. I'm a guest. I think it'll be okay. I think it'll be okay. Making yourself eggs. And that time we rented that lodge up in Vermont and we just went into
Starting point is 03:06:51 the kitchen and started cooking shit and made that horrific mess. The chef was like, fuck my wife. Just go. I mean, what are they going to do? Kick you out? I feel like that's something that if if you just played like oh am i i'm so sorry like like you could play that you didn't get if you put on a borat accent or something people don't think you're no actually you shouldn't do that they'll be like
Starting point is 03:07:19 this isn't working even i'm noticing a lot of inconsistencies in his bowel placement they'll be like this guy's retarded let's cut out some slack yeah give him an extra egg oh have you guys seen this uh this amazon they call it like a mental health booth but it's like one of those suicide machines from Futurama. Sick. No, show me. Sure. They're calling it the Amazon Despair Closet. The Despair Closet? No, they're not calling it that.
Starting point is 03:07:52 No, no, no. Amazon is not calling it. People as a way to share your screen. I want to see it. Oh, you win. There's no way anybody's calling it that. And it is... Basically, you know all the problems with Amazon, right?
Starting point is 03:08:05 Like they're employees saying that they're abused and they're overworked and that nobody gives a fuck or whatever. And so Amazon, they introduced a mental health booth called Amazing. And it is the size of a telephone booth. And it has like a plastic ficus in there and a fake zen garden and it's just a screen that has a bunch of options for like mental health resources but like just like a bathroom at a ballpark you can see if someone's feet are in there you're not getting to relax or anything like look at it how dystopian is this like are you stressed at your job as are, are you stressed at your slave job? Well, hop into the despair closet.
Starting point is 03:08:49 And now they have to be like, like someone at Amazon. Can you play that a little farther? It shows the inside with the ficus and everything. Yes. Yes. I want to see the inside. Everyone see the inside. It's a, it's just fucking absurd that this is what they thought would be.
Starting point is 03:09:05 First of all, there's no way this is going to help anyone. It's all a PR move. And my God, what a terrible PR move. Like at least your Amazon, give them a whole room. Like put some beanbags in there, something. Or let them stay home if they're like having mental health problems. Don't, yeah, the mindful practice room. Mindfully practicing to not waste any more my fucking time you slave cisco had sleep pods and uh they were just i don't know how to describe they look like i guess sort of
Starting point is 03:09:36 horizontally oriented lima beans that you could lay in and uh provided you i guess some level of privacy what like your feet were still exposed. You could like look at the dude sleeping. I never slept in one. And I didn't understand what the point was. Like it's inconceivable to me that they provided sleep pods so that you could like be more rested. Like that's not it. It had to be something else.
Starting point is 03:10:03 It had to be keep you at work longer, give you a reason not to go home. That's what the game room is for. The cafeteria is on campus, not because they want you to eat well or provide what, you know, value meals or whatever. Cafeteria is on campus.
Starting point is 03:10:17 So you can take 15 minute lunches. That's why that's there. Yeah. The sleep pods, same sort of deal. The game room, the game room is there. so you don't go home it's not yeah so that you have fun all day long no it's so that your whole life exists at work
Starting point is 03:10:33 exactly yeah so you like the despair that sounds so awful it does the name is upsetting uh you get your like tip of your pinky clipped off by some malfunctioning robot in a warehouse. I got to go spend my daily allotted three and a half minutes in the wholesome booth. Dude, I like working from home. I guess I was reading a New York Times article, I think, and they were talking about how we're watching the power shift right now from employers to employees. And it was basically saying that employees are valuing working from home, a little mental health stuff other than like, we want cash and that other thing. That other thing being like, work life balance is like a just a bullshit thing employers say yeah like the work-life balance is well you know
Starting point is 03:11:29 we've observed that you burn out and get worse if you don't have a little life so we're giving you two weeks a year to vacation and that's your work-life balance you know yeah exactly the way the same like bullshit like mealy mouth we care is like, we're not so much a company. We're a family. It's like, really? If my aunt gets cancer, are you going to chip in for the chemo? Dad? What am I calling you, you fucking asshole?
Starting point is 03:11:56 You know you're lying. I know you're lying. I'm going to show up at your house at Easter. How do you like that? Every once in a while, Cisco did. Every once in a while. So did. Every once in a while. So our CEO was John Chambers. And while he's not a
Starting point is 03:12:09 perfect person, he would try sometimes. John Chambers probably doesn't mean much to you, but if you were not far from the dot-com days, he was one of the very biggest darlings of the world. And so dude's dad got cancer but prostate cancer
Starting point is 03:12:29 and prostate cancer a while back the way that they dealt with it was like chemo and radiation and like it really sucked and it was it was bad for you the outcome wasn't great and they figured out that they could put like radioactive seeds up your ass and heal your cancer without like making the rest of you sick. Like that. It was just a much better way to deal with prostate cancer. But it wasn't available to everybody. So John Chambers made some phone calls and got the dude or dude's family fixed. I was like, oh, that's a nice move.
Starting point is 03:13:05 Now, I don't know how you get on that list of John Chambers' personal attention, but he made a thing happen. But I think by and large, what we're saying is still right. Yeah, yeah, for sure. John Chambers, same guy, laid off a bunch of people.
Starting point is 03:13:18 Now, this is a guy who claimed he would never lay people off. Never, never, ever. I got to... Anything but laying people off. Our company has, I forget what it had at the time, called $47 billion in the bank. Employees, don't look for another job.
Starting point is 03:13:30 Never, don't look for another job. No, you've got job security here. I laid people off two jobs ago. It was the hardest experience of my life. I'm never doing it again. Okay. Starts laying people off. And he goes, like, he gives us the speech
Starting point is 03:13:44 of how he thought he would never have to do it, but it's unavoidable. $47 billion in the bank, but can't be avoided for some reason. And he gives the speech. And there's a point in it where he gets, like, a little broken up, you know, where, like, he almost cries. And I'm like, oh, man, like, I guess it makes me feel a little good knowing that this is hard on him so then i read an article where a journalist was interviewing him and they mentioned that he almost cries at the same point in that speech and then i see a third performance of this fucking thing on cnbc where he almost cries at the same point of the speech again. And it's like, how many showings of this is like a Broadway play he's putting on all over the place.
Starting point is 03:14:30 I saw it a fourth time somewhere else. And it's like, this is the most insincere thing. You fooled me the first time. The first act was a little shaky, but he really pulled it together. And I was like, all all right now i get it now now i see this is just this is performance art about laying off whatever 20 of your company a haircut yeah that's absurd what an asshole he couldn't have even cried at different points how lazy yeah different points to cry get all like that's what they need to do
Starting point is 03:15:05 like make themselves like ugly cry where they're like he starts flagellating himself yeah now it's as good as layoffs all the time it's interesting so He starts flagellating himself. Yeah. Now Cisco does layoffs all the time. It's interesting. So your product has to be number one or two in its category.
Starting point is 03:15:33 And if it's not, then they just sort of close that part of the company. And that's how Cisco is. Ruthless execution is their pride themselves on their ruthless execution. Now you can finesse that a little bit to be one and two. Oh, our office chairs don't even compete with Herman Miller. No, no, no. We sell office chairs with five wheels on the bottom, and theirs have four. We're number one in our category.
Starting point is 03:16:04 That's a different category. Totally different consumers but by and large this is what they try to be number one or two or they're just out yeah makes sense yeah so fucking montreal canadians might sweep the Jets tonight everybody cares I do that would be neat because that would mean that the Jets who fucked up that Canadians guy with that ridiculous hit that we watched a few days ago that would mean if they win tonight that means
Starting point is 03:16:36 that the Canadians just straight up swept them and the Jets are the way favored team in this so that would be neat almost like a little like yeah we're gonna beat you where it counts we We're going to fucking sweep you and be the underdogs again. So for the story, I hope that happens. That's really neat. Good for them.
Starting point is 03:16:52 Hopefully Boston gets knocked out. How big is it? Isn't Winnipeg a tiny city? It's a teeny tiny little city. I think it's the smallest city that has a team, but it's Canada. And so like every single game is sold out and everybody there watches. So that's what I like about Canadian teams.
Starting point is 03:17:09 I don't know. Even if it's Winnipeg, it matters. It matters. It matters like New York does or something. You see metrics like for like the international fucking hockey or this is it. There are only 5.5 million Finns in the world and 3 million of them watch the international hockey youth championship
Starting point is 03:17:30 between Finland and Canada. That's fucking absurd. That's like 180 million people here watching the same thing. Over half the population. I didn't know Finns cared that much about it. Probably not a lot going on
Starting point is 03:17:45 over there well guess not it seems like it seems like a nice country they're always them in norway are always winning that ranking we were trying happiest people or something yeah like a human development index or yeah happiest people i think it is we're losing in that we're not even in the top 10 which is trash but what does it take to get in? And how do they like manipulate the results to win that shit? I don't know. It's probably a bunch of Swedes on the, Oh, and all of the results come in again.
Starting point is 03:18:11 Oh, what did you get? Well, well, Igor, I got a Sweden again. Cause it like, it's about your priorities,
Starting point is 03:18:20 right? You know, there are plenty of people who take a higher paying job, even though the commute's longer is that job worse you know maybe in sweden they say it is oh my god this guy's quality of life is terrible he drives 20 minutes to work whereas he's like yeah but i have a boat fuck you yeah but i live in finland if i fucking murder a bunch of people, they give me an Xbox and a fucking shower with pulsating multi settings. Like, like, if anything, you look at American prisons and you're like, oh, my God, like, this is this is horrible.
Starting point is 03:18:56 We need to make this better, like make this a little better for the prisoners. And then you look at like a Finnish or Finn prison or whatever. And you're like, let's like, this should be a little about punishment. Come on. Rehabilitation, blah, blah, blah. But he killed a bunch of people. My friends have that life voluntarily. If they could stay home and play
Starting point is 03:19:16 Xbox all the time, they'd be... Yeah. I bet Andres Breivik can get Delta 8. Okay, guaranteed. That guy who killed all those kids on that island, he has Delta 8 right now. He's high as a kite right now on Delta 8. Playing Xbox 360.
Starting point is 03:19:30 He's got a PlayStation 5. He's not playing some old console. You're right. He's probably got multiple games. That dude's got a 3080 Ti. I guarantee it. That's where they went. The Finns bought them off of their prisoners.
Starting point is 03:19:44 No 3090? Did the 3090 TI come out? That's the new one. It came out at the same time. Before the 80, actually. Oh, that's right. The 3080 TI just came out, right? Oh, TI.
Starting point is 03:19:57 I didn't fully notice. Okay, you're probably right. Yeah, I think those came out the other day and then immediately sold out. That's what I want. I wouldn't doubt it. That's the next card. That's your I want. I wouldn't doubt it. That's the next card. That's your next card? Then we go 4K.
Starting point is 03:20:10 Ooh. Huh. So you know the RNA vaccines? Like, for the last 10 years, they've been designing this RNA technology for the RNA vaccine technology. And one of the things that's cool about it is you can rapidly solve the next thing that comes along so that's what happened with covid that in like two days they're like all right this is the cure to covid let's start the testing and whatever but it took like two days to figure out what the vaccine needed to be after that it was just the rest so they thought huh
Starting point is 03:20:48 that. It was just the rest. So they thought, huh, okay, let's do HIV. And they did. And now Moderna has an HIV, not cure, uh, vaccine. Yeah. That will prevent people from getting that. And it's going through all the regulatory phases. Is that what, uh, that's different than prep. Yeah. That's a vaccine for that prep. You have to take every day. Ah, okay. Well then that's way better prep yeah that's a vaccine for prep you have to take every day ah okay well then that's way better yeah yeah than taking a pill every day that you probably that's probably i bet prep is expensive as shit no i don't think so i think it's not oh well it goes to show it but yeah so they're like i don't know the cure for aids is probably here by 2024 or something like that sick Sick. Well, not the cure, but the vaccine for it. You're going to get your AIDS vaccine, Taylor,
Starting point is 03:21:29 just in case some homeless man comes at you in the streets. Sure. Just to be careful. I'll get like if they have one for lock. This is like quicksand. I remember being so afraid of lockjaw as a kid. Was anybody else afraid of that i remember
Starting point is 03:21:45 it was some teacher or a parent that told me that it was a they were like if you step on a rusty nail you're gonna get lockjaw they didn't say it's a rare possibility that this might develop it was i my whole childhood i hated running around with bare feet outside because i was like if i step on any amount of rust my jaw is gonna lock shut lock shut and I'm going to like, I won't be able, I didn't know what the next step was. I didn't know what the next step was. I remember being genuinely scared of lock jaw. I would just go get tetanus shots.
Starting point is 03:22:14 I stepped on lots of rusty things. I'm talking about like five, six years old. Like I didn't know. I was just told your jaw will lock and you won't be able to open your mouth again. Did you think lock jaw was a permanent condition? Yes. Yeah, I didn't i was like five or six i didn't know you were so dumb believing the adults in my life right there yeah dude do you remember things that like teachers told you that were totally
Starting point is 03:22:41 incorrect yeah that i wouldn't have a calculator with me all all the time does that say it wrong calculator you always do you got it that next i don't always do i sometimes most of the time yeah only 50 of the time in the last two sentences so you got one of them right but i remember uh like it was maybe first grade and i still remember this my teacher came over and was like i I wrote a sentence like, Joe stared at Susie's bike or something. And she came over and was like, oh, you misspelled stared. And I was like, no, did I? She's like, yeah, you need to put a T there. And she made it say started. And she told me that the T was silent in the word stared and so like for a
Starting point is 03:23:29 while i would have to like re-go into my brain when i would write the word stared because i would want to put started and i would be like that's there's no silent t and stare that start like and like i realized like she was and like looking back like you look at your teacher like that's an adult but it was. That was a 21-year-old girl or something right out of college who made a stupid mistake. A very stupid mistake. 21-year-old girls are morons
Starting point is 03:23:54 and they let those people educate their children. You wouldn't believe the things you get them to do. I'm in Hope's class. It's like third grade or something. I would volunteer to help out every now and then. They're doing this thing with the solar system where one kid stands in the center
Starting point is 03:24:10 and then all the other kids orbit the sun. And she was like just stringent, strict on this idea that all the planets had to be in a straight line. So the outermost person was faster than the innermost person,
Starting point is 03:24:26 and she's really stressing how every planet needs to be a straight line. I'm like, that's not how it works. This is just Jim. They just put the fat kid on the outside. Come on, Pluto, keep up. Excuse me, Mrs. Dumb Bitch. Do you believe that all the planets
Starting point is 03:24:46 swing in perfect single file line in outer space? Well, three months ago I was getting deep-dicked while drunk off my ass on jungle juice
Starting point is 03:24:54 at a frat party, so I don't know what's going on. Yeah, so, and, you know, that was like,
Starting point is 03:25:00 I don't know. It just seems like it's something that a teacher should have bright. Yeah. Yeah, I don't think that. And that's such an easy one. Who thinks that the planets align that way?
Starting point is 03:25:11 I thought you were going to be like she was organizing a geocentric model. Where she's like... Oh, yeah. Roger, because it's a geocentric model, you actually have to run in weird zigzags to make it make sense. Saturn, you run way 100 yards away and come back. Yeah. They all go in the same direction and they are not in sync.
Starting point is 03:25:33 Although they do believe that the last planet that they only have theorized exists because of the gravitational effect that it's having on other planets. They think that it's going in the other direction. What last planet? What are you talking about? They think there's another planet out far beyond Pluto and
Starting point is 03:25:50 the Kuiper Belt. Why do they say that? Because of the gravitational effect that it's having on the other planets. Couldn't we see that one? We see stars and stuff that's so far away. I feel like we would catch another planet. Well, stars are gigantic burning balls of gas and planets are cold.
Starting point is 03:26:05 We found Pluto. Pluto's a lot closer, and we only found Pluto like 100 years ago. We really could be missing a whole planet. How embarrassing would that be? I think it's big, too. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:26:21 Neil deGrasse Tyson rolling in his grave. You know what? I don't understand why big planets are gassy. Orbiting in his grave. Why doesn't it get pulled in more? You know how
Starting point is 03:26:38 a black hole is small because it's heavy, so then it pulls in, it gets denser. It's dense because it's heavy, so then it pulls in. It gets denser. It's dense because it's dense almost. Why are gases floating out so wide in Jupiter? What do you mean? Do you mean why is Jupiter so far away? Why hasn't it come closer?
Starting point is 03:26:59 No. Why is Jupiter so large in diameter? It's heavy. It should be pulling those gases in tighter. I think it's pulling them in as tight as they can go. I think they're pulling as tight as they can go. I think they're very dense as you get closer to the planet and less
Starting point is 03:27:13 dense as you go out because of the gravitational I think it's not trying hard enough. You wouldn't want to stand on Jupiter. There is a solid core in there. Yeah, but you would die way before you How far would you sink into Jupiter, do you think? Like, all the way? 80,000 kilometers or something?
Starting point is 03:27:31 That's such a hard part. How far do you sink into the sun? All the way. It's like standing on an ocean made of methane or something. Maybe that's Uranus. Maybe that's the one made of methane or something. Maybe that's Uranus. Maybe that's the one made of methane. Or perhaps Neptune.
Starting point is 03:27:49 I don't know. I always forget. But no, I found that interesting. They were theorizing about another planet. Have they named it? It's lame. They always call it Planet X because the person who discovers it names it, right?
Starting point is 03:28:03 Nobody's found it yet. Theoretical planet nine. It's a hypothetical planet in the outer region of the solar system. Not reading all that. They have a picture of a fake planet. That's a lot of fucking information to take in. Come on, Taylor.
Starting point is 03:28:20 I want to hear more. I'm trying to find better details on it right now. I watched a YouTube video. I watched those infographic videos and I watched a ton of spaceship. By Wendell? He does a lot of aircraft stuff. Wendell.
Starting point is 03:28:37 Am I wrong on his name? I'm saying it so I can type it. I probably have it wrong. Now I'm thinking it's something else. Wendell B. He's a rapper. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can type it. I probably have it wrong. Now I'm thinking it's something else. Wendell B. He's a rapper. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know this guy. He's probably thinking about his hit single.
Starting point is 03:28:54 What is this song? Just Don't Understand You. I'm such a nutbag. I don't know where I got that name from, but I'm hunting for it this is actually rmb it's kind of nice who's uh youtube space channels are you watching let me uh let me go to like my uh my home page or whatever that's i never watch space shit i should it's interesting i love that stuff if i'm gonna watch like nature i usually go with like
Starting point is 03:29:22 the deep of the ocean documentaries or jungle, like planet Earth style stuff. Lately, it's recommended. So I listen to these videos that are like thunder and lightning storms with a black screen. I put them on my TV in my bedroom and I go to sleep with that as like a sound machine. But the stupid algorithm thinks that I'm just obsessed with those videos now and I want lots of them. I just need the one. I just need the one. I just need the one. And now my whole homepage is like rain and thunder dark screen.
Starting point is 03:29:52 It's a live stream. They're like, like what black, black screen, thunder and ASMR rain. I've got, I've got like half a dozen of these on every page. Uh, but I'm looking for my,
Starting point is 03:30:01 uh, my space shit that I watch. Here's some stuff about it. Space shit. Yeah. I watch History Uncovered. That's got a lot of medieval combat and stuff like that. I watch In Deep Geek. That's got tons of Lord of the Rings nonsense where they're like, how powerful was the Witch King of Angmar?
Starting point is 03:30:21 Yeah, there's a channel like that in Nerd of the Rings. I watch Natural World Facts. They've got tons of underwater creatures and all sorts of what Discovery Channel used to be type shit. I'm still scrolling. I can't find my space shit.
Starting point is 03:30:38 I haven't watched it in a little bit. But you stop watching something for a week and you're like, ah, he's done with that now. Now he wants to see people getting hit in the head with baseballs. 30 videos of people getting like beamed with baseballs. Now when I just watch. Yeah, that's all it takes.
Starting point is 03:30:54 I watched like one big hockey hit and then that's all that suggested. I watch a, well, animal fights. I'm glad they get suggested because some of those are good, but YouTube removes a lot of them. Now there used to be a glut of good quality animal fight videos, both against people and fellow animals.
Starting point is 03:31:10 And now, harder and harder to find. You have to go to LiveLeak. Disappointing. I don't like this kind of online censorship. This is America. I should be able to watch any sort of this stuff that I want for free. You know what we should do? There's a really good channel.
Starting point is 03:31:29 They've got tons of interesting little animated videos. I don't know how to pronounce the name, but it's Kurzgesagt. Kurzgesagt? I think that's the one I was thinking of. That there's somehow also Wendell. Whatever. That's the one.
Starting point is 03:31:47 You think there's some big YouTuber control on this channel or something? No, I think when you open it, they describe themselves as Wendell or something close to that. What is it? Kersgastak? Yeah, it's this. I probably should just link the channel. They animate
Starting point is 03:32:04 these videos and they're really educational, and it's tons of topics. I'm looking at their last few uploads. The Ultimate Guide to Black Holes, Nuclear Energy Versus the Climate, The Gold Apocalypse, Nuclear Death, The Final Border, True Limits of Humanity, What Are You Doing with Your Life, The Tail End, Optimistic Nihilism, The Great Filter, Wormholes, Loneliness, the tail end, optimistic nihilism, the great filter, wormholes, loneliness, vaccines, bacteriophage, like all things that I'm really interested in.
Starting point is 03:32:33 The great filter is super interesting to me. Totally. Yeah. What is that about? Kyle, do you want to take this on? The great filter is all of the things that get in the way of an intelligent species getting to the point where they can contact us, essentially. Like there's the – is it the Fermi paradox? Is that what it is? Sounds right.
Starting point is 03:32:57 There's the question of why haven't we contacted intelligent life and why hasn't it contacted us and the idea is that the great filter stops um life from reaching the point of technological advancement uh at which they would be able to do such a thing and there's lots of things that get in the way and and i mean there's plenty of things between us and that right now right like uh we might kill ourselves we might kill ourselves asteroids sun flares advanced ever right you know like it could be that we're somehow first we're the first person ever to get this far uh it could be someone someone it's odd seem against it it's a great big universe but you know we could be first it could be that we're not interesting it could be i don't know but there's a bunch of things they list that could be the great filter kyle. It could be, I don't know. But there's a bunch of things they list
Starting point is 03:33:45 that could be the great filter. Kyle mentioned solar flares. That's a good one. Just something that prevents a society from living for the, what even is it? 40,000 years that it takes to get. There's no way of knowing how long it would take, right? Because like.
Starting point is 03:34:03 Yeah, what if this species is way smarter than us? Or it just advanced more quickly. There's no way of knowing how quickly it would take something to evolve. How long have we advanced? From bacteria or from multiple people? Neither. How long have we been basically biologically what we are now? About 250,000.
Starting point is 03:34:25 Quarter million years, yeah. Quarter million years. So if someone born a quarter million years ago, adopted to today, would live basically a normal life. I don't know. They wouldn't do well on Tinder, but you could get them a job at the grocery store, no problem.
Starting point is 03:34:42 Yeah, I don't know what their capabilities would be yeah because that's so long ago like how long have you had an infant i think it's the real question like like if you if you take the infant from from a quarter million years ago and you just it put him in a fucking preschool does he does he and i i think the answer is he looks the same does he i don't think he looks the same does he speak exactly but but i i think he would have the same um intelligence so let's do this. How long have we really been moving forward?
Starting point is 03:35:08 Okay, let's agree that the wheel and tools, that came a long time ago. But that wasn't a period of rapid advancement. Rapid advancement came with maybe metalworking. And what's that, 4,000 years ago? We stutter-stepped, right? We were talking about medieval times earlier. We kind of plateaued over and over yeah well we we i mean the black plague killed how many it was like
Starting point is 03:35:31 it was like a third of europeans were killed by the black plague and and that coincided with the middle ages and the dark ages it was just it's hard to say how long it would take any you know if that hadn't happened maybe we we're 3,000 years ahead of where we are right now, right? Was that farther back than I think it was? The bubonic plague was in the 1300s. Yeah. I mean, a huge amount
Starting point is 03:35:56 of our population got killed off. In 1338. Culture sort of came to a standpoint in Europe, or a stop still in Europe for a long time. I don't know. I don't know either. But in any case, that YouTube channel makes some really good fucking videos about a wide
Starting point is 03:36:13 array of topics, not just space shit. So I highly recommend it. Yeah, I want to watch some more space stuff. I like the videos on all the ways that we could go extinct and uh the ones on like faster than light travel black holes pulsars like all the asteroid mining shit is really cool um all that stuff is really fascinating i wish we do a thing like i hate to agree with woody on this but like i just feel like our space programs never do a thing like like a real thing like like i grew up watching star trek god damn it you know i'm 35 years old we haven't done a thing yet we've been talking about mars since i was in high school
Starting point is 03:36:52 do a thing put a human being on another planet put a human being on an asteroid that'd be cool enough right oh no kyle rockets are more economical now can't we go to you have i not tickled your fantasy look no look i appreciate everything elon musk has done and it's been a rapid advancement my problem is not with him and what he's doing it's with nasa and their slow ass pace and and it's not even their fault it's the administrations who have cut their funding over the last 30 decades three decades like like oh one one space shuttle blew up and a school teacher died better cut the funding back like get out you know that was supposed to be you know that was supposed to be big bird on that flight not a school teacher and the reason it wasn't big bird is because he wouldn't fit they
Starting point is 03:37:39 were like you know big bird seven feet tall right they're like shit let's get a school teacher the kids will love that and that shit blew up you know it would have been difficult to explain to a whole generation of kids why big bird was on that week on sesame street and they'd have to like like for kids sakes like do the news like there was one survivor like flying out of the wreckage. Photoshop. He comes down. He's all singed.
Starting point is 03:38:09 He has like a, he's in front of the cameras. He's like, wow. It was horrible. Whatever Big Bird sounds like. That's a good Big Bird. I have no memory of what Big Bird sounds like. Back on the,
Starting point is 03:38:21 like, I don't mean to hate on Elon Musk. Without pointing fingers whether it be elon or jeff bezos or nasa or whatever just not doing cool shit with the space program in a while i also recognize more economical rockets are a stepping stone to cool shit like i get that too if you want to actually if you want to go to space, maybe you're like, you know what? It's worth $25,000 to me to take a trip to space. Economical rockets are important in making that happen.
Starting point is 03:38:51 I get it. I get it. I get it. Or maybe space planes, whatever it is they use. But still, in terms of what we've delivered, wake me up when something cool happens. I want to start a car in space. Fuck you. Look, you don't have to fly to another solar system.
Starting point is 03:39:08 All right? I'm not expecting that in my lifetime. I know I'll never see that. But fuck, could we just step foot on something again? I'd love to see that. That happened long before I was born. Were you born in the 60s, Woody? No.
Starting point is 03:39:22 How old are you? God. There's no time. My dad saw the Neil Armstrong thing. He saw that happen. I don't think my mom did. My dad was born in 53, so my mom was born in 63. So she'd only been like six or seven or some shit.
Starting point is 03:39:38 So no. In my childhood, the space shuttle started happening. Yeah. And they looked like planes. They were space planes. You know, they launched like rockets, but they landed like planes. And that was pretty cool. And they were built with the same idea Elon had, that they were reusable and less expensive.
Starting point is 03:39:57 But it didn't work out very well. I think they were too expensive to run. Yeah. And then we lost two. I think we only lost two. One on a takeoff the Challenger, I think they were too expensive to run. Yeah. And then we lost two. I think we only lost the two. One on a takeoff, the Challenger, I think, and then one on a reentry when the tiles had been knocked off or whatever. They all burned alive.
Starting point is 03:40:14 We lost one right after 9-11, right? I think that's the one I'm referring to where the tile had been knocked off. That must have got overshadowed. I don't even remember that one. It did get overshadowed by 9-11. It happened the next year or something like that. It was so close that people were like, was it Al-Qaeda?
Starting point is 03:40:32 Did they take down the space shuttle? And it's like, I don't think so. I don't think so. I think we've seen the height of their technological doings when they see matters with box cutters. Yeah, but the box cutter and the AK-47 is the height of their
Starting point is 03:40:48 technocracy. I don't think we have to worry about their space warfare capabilities. But yeah, I want to see us do a thing. And I watch these fucking maybe these fucking space YouTube channels are just getting me hyped up about some shit that's impossible. But they make it seem like it's practical. They say it's practical
Starting point is 03:41:04 to do this like a, not a space elevator, but this loop-de-loop thing where it's like... Where? Space escalator? Space escalator. So they explain this thing where you've got like
Starting point is 03:41:18 one thing orbiting the planet, and then you've got a long cable connecting it to another thing. And as it orbits the planet and then you've got a long like a cable connecting it to another thing and as it orbits the planet it's swinging and and the swing thing would dip down into the top of our atmosphere and it could pick up vessels like you'd only have to get to the top of the atmosphere for it to pick you up and the the centrifugal motion would like sling you all the way to the moon and then you could have another one at the moon they could sling you all the way to the moon. And then you could have another one at the moon that could sling you all the way to Mars. How do you grab onto it if it's always
Starting point is 03:41:48 moving? Well, you do the math right. Remember in Interstellar when he's like, it's not possible. And he's like, and Matthew McConaughey's like, it's necessary. And he just fucking does it. You need a Matthew McConaughey up there doing the math.
Starting point is 03:42:03 I'm sorry. Continue. Jesus. You literally do the math so you got there at the perfect time. That's the sort of thing NASA's good at, it seems like. Math, yeah. Well, then they need to buckle down and get to it because they've lost the plot. Nobody's excited
Starting point is 03:42:20 about space exploration anymore. Do you care about that rover they've got on Mars right now? I don't give a fuck. Are you aware they've got a drone they're flying around Mars right now? I don't care. I want to see somebody bounce around. I don't care. I want to see a dude up there. Or a girl. I don't care. And like we said, if they're going to blow
Starting point is 03:42:35 the We Found Life horn, it better have legs. It better be a formal type that has legs. What about fins? Anything but bacteria. Anything but bacteria. But for real though, if we found some bacteria, that would be a really cake that has legs what about fins anything but bacteria anything but bacteria and i'm no no but for real though if we found some bacteria that would be a really big i think they found like frozen dead bacteria no that would have been a big deal if that had happened i thought that was many years ago they did that no it would have been like epically world-changing information
Starting point is 03:43:01 if we found like actual life had evolved outside of this planet because we have no proof that that's even possible. It would be nice to... If bacteria can happen, then anything can happen. That's so funny. I had it in my head this whole time that we did find bacteria or something on Mars. No. Well, then this is even less exciting than I thought. I think I watched a YouTube video recently about
Starting point is 03:43:20 why it makes more sense to send women to Mars. Something about... It's more economical. Something about... It's more economical. Something about... Being lighter? Being lighter and a bunch of other stuff. I think they also work better in groups. And also, I think maybe...
Starting point is 03:43:34 Why do they get their ass kicked on every episode of The Apprentice then? Because Donald Trump is picking hotties to compete against the men instead of some chicks with degrees. Against businessmen? Yeah, against businessmen. He's like, all right, we have Rebecca, Sports Illustrated swimsuit model,
Starting point is 03:43:49 and Tammy from Dana Hooters. Hey there. Nice to see you again. Nice to see you again in here. And Becky from the Pink Rhino. All right, you're going against Bill. He's from Schwab. And Yale, Princeton, and Harvard.
Starting point is 03:44:05 A trifecta of savvy. Oh, we love it, Bill. That might be why, or it's probably just the case that they're better at everything. That's measurable anyway. Not space-related, but here's a link I found. Apparently, there's a fad with some people called dry scooping where you, you take a scoop of pre-workout and then you take it without anything. And this,
Starting point is 03:44:33 uh, only fans stripper who works on only fans and is like a physical stripper did that with like a dry scoop. And then was like, I was watching the video and she's like, and I was felt like I was going to fall apart. I felt like I was like everything. And then I got to work and I was about to go dance and my chest gets tight.
Starting point is 03:44:52 And my left side of my body goes numb. And it's then that I realized that I was having a heart. And she's like, like 22 years old. And she just, I guess, dry dose, 350 milligrams of caffeine,
Starting point is 03:45:02 which I guess hits you differently than if you drink. I don't, this is three 50 here on the line. Well, dry dose, 350 milligrams of caffeine, which I guess hits you differently than if you drink. Only 250? It says 350 here. Well, I looked up the product. It's 350. I'm looking at the product too. Redcon Total War? Yeah. Now go down to the bottom. Don't just look at the top ingredient of caffeine.
Starting point is 03:45:18 There's anhydride. There's two different kinds. There's one that's 250 milligrams and one that's 100 milligrams. So it's totally 350 milligrams well shit bisinga yeah was that bisinga what is that from like an ancient meme of people used to make fun of uh bisinga i think it was it's a meme from a show i've never watched it and it's so old shouldn't have done it yeah big bang Big Bang Theory. Thank you, Zach.
Starting point is 03:45:46 Appreciate it. Hot load, Zach. Don't disrespect his name. And she's only 20 years old. 20 years old and had a heart attack. And she doesn't look like the kind of person that would just have a heart attack. Can I say, there's no fucking way that 3, 4, 500
Starting point is 03:46:01 milligrams of caffeine were the only factor that came into place with her heart attack. Definitely not. She must have some kind of preexisting condition or she's into something that causes... You know what a lot of strippers that I know like? Adderall. Cocaine.
Starting point is 03:46:15 Amphetamine and cocaine. Amphetamine and cocaine, yes. Yeah, you know what? This probably wasn't the only upper she took that day. This was probably the weakest upper she took that day. Hot load Zach's had 600 600 this show alone.
Starting point is 03:46:31 I usually have a coffee or two during the show. I'd love a coffee. You'd love a coffee. We're almost there. I'm in the central time zone, Taylor. Are you already? Welcome, welcome. This is an exotic land for me. What's tomorrow's plan?
Starting point is 03:46:48 What's the schedule for tomorrow like? I wake up in the morning feeling like a jockey. We're going to go 160 miles from Lawrenceburg, Tennessee to Savannah, Tennessee. And then the next day,
Starting point is 03:47:04 about the same distance to Mississippi, Tennessee. And then the next day, about the same distance to Mississippi. Nice. All right. If you drive through Paris, Tennessee, just keep on going because there's nothing fucking there except some scary people. I wonder where Paris, Tennessee is in relation to me.
Starting point is 03:47:22 I'm curious. I've been to Paris a bunch of times. Paris, Texas? What is there? A whole bunch of weaponry and some scary people. Yeah, Paris, Tennessee would be northwest from me.
Starting point is 03:47:37 You can hit it on the way. Fun little sightseeing tour. No, I'm headed down. We're going to Mississippi. They had smoking restaurants in Paris, down. We're going to Mississippi. They had smoking restaurants in Paris, Tennessee. That's amazing.
Starting point is 03:47:51 I was shocked. We were at this little diner. I think it's against state law. They just didn't give a fuck or something like that. Oh, no, it's Tennessee. I don't know Tennessee's state laws. I just remember we were in this little diner eating steak. I don't know this little diner like eating steak like it you know it's like i don't know a little diner whatever and uh we're in the we're in the uh
Starting point is 03:48:14 thing and there's like a little the fighting wall like here and just over that is another booth right and there's a lady over there smoking a cigarette and she's being all nonchalant and it's coming over onto us and we all smoke everybody at my table smokes cigarettes and what we're eating we're eating right like they don't the two don't mix the two don't mix and like uh i don't remember who said it but someone was like excuse me ma'am would you mind moving that to your other hand you know like i felt like that was a real like easy thing to do when she's reasonable she's like you don't like it move and i was just like well all right then light them up boys we all four of us with cigarettes just blowing smoke into this old lady's face for the next five minutes until she's green move whore she was she was very upset but she knew she couldn't say anything because it would be
Starting point is 03:49:11 hit she'd be a hypocrite dude there i love that that is the perfect response yeah there's places around here i've been to in the last you thought she was non-smokers i'm sorry to interrupt taylor i'm excited about this she didn't know who she was fucking with, Kyle. She didn't know. She didn't realize we were professional smokers. I have Jeremy with me. He lost his teeth at the age of 14 to cigarettes and I don't know what else. To Nick and Nom.
Starting point is 03:49:37 Nick and Nom. I don't know what. God, that boy. I've told you before, but, man, you got to see that guy's false teeth. They are a shit show. They're not good? Oh, I thought they were. Maybe I missed them. No, but man, you've got to see that guy's false teeth. They are a shit show. They're not good? Oh, I thought they were. Maybe I missed them.
Starting point is 03:49:47 No, he's got dentures. Dentures. Better than his natural teeth, though. His natural teeth are rotted out. It's that weird thing. It's like those facelifts. It's like, who's that country? Kenny Rogers' facelift, right?
Starting point is 03:50:00 Me and my dad were talking about this the other day. Because my dad's losing a lot of weight. He's like, I'm worried about it. I don't want to lose too much weight. I feel like my face is going to look weird. And I was like, hey, you could always get that Kenny Rogers facelift. He's like, you know, I know somebody who got one. He does look good.
Starting point is 03:50:16 I don't know what they did. You can't even tell. He just looks 20 years younger. He's 78 years old. And I'm like, do it. Do it. And he's over there like, I'm going to ask him where he went. If my dad gets a facelift, it's going to be great.
Starting point is 03:50:30 It's so great. But yeah, that Kenny Rogers facelift, you don't know if Kenny would look better or worse with or without it. Because he does look odd. He does look odd. But who knows what he'd look like without it. Maybe he'd look, I don't know, sickly or just gross. I don't know. He looks weird, though.
Starting point is 03:50:52 I'd rather look weird than super old. To me, he doesn't look weird. He just looks different. He doesn't look like Kenny Rogers. But if I didn't know his previous look, I wouldn't think that this one was weird. Sometimes when women get them, I feel like when men get them, it's you're just like, yeah, of course that's so-and-so. But, but like, um, who is the blonde lady who was like,
Starting point is 03:51:16 in all those movies, uh, Hunt, Helen Hunt. Look at what Helen Hunt looks like. Really? Oh my God. Helen Hunt. like. Really? Oh, my God. Helen Hunt. Let's see. She looks great. Well, this Wikipedia picture.
Starting point is 03:51:32 Let's see. Let's go 2021. Let's see what we got going here. Oh, shit. Okay. I saw a picture. What do you think? Type in add 2020 or 2021.
Starting point is 03:51:42 Are you? Because she does look great in all those photos. Well, shit. I saw her on the cover of a movie and they did not do her... They did her dirty on the cover of that movie. She looked like a fucking Martian or something. It did not look good.
Starting point is 03:51:57 Angelina Jolie's in a new movie. I think it's on HBO Max or something where she's like... When you look at Angelina Jolie, you know she should be cast in a movie as... I don't know. When you look at Angelina Jolie, you know she should be cast in a movie as I don't know. Grandmother? I'm so sick of 60-year-old women being action stars, but carry on. I have to know how old
Starting point is 03:52:20 she is real quick. I exaggerated, but a cryptkeeper. See Hotloads on my side she's 46 years old first of all gonna be dead soon what i was gonna say is that she is so attractive she doesn't look like she would be working in like an oil field right like no no woman who looks like angelina jolie works in an oil field we know this there are no welders who look like angelina jolie there are no plumbers who look like Angelina Jolie. There are no plumbers who look like Angelina Jolie. She's in a movie and she's one of those fire watchers. She's like the lady in the
Starting point is 03:52:49 big tall tower of the forestry service who's like looking for fires or whatever and she like makes a bad call that gets a bunch of firemen killed. And then now the premise of the movie is like there's like some mobsters after some kid who saw too much and she's like trying to get him to safety like there's like some mobsters after some kid who saw too much.
Starting point is 03:53:05 And she's like trying to get him to safety. And she's like fighting mobsters or something like that. But she does not look good. She has had some work done recently. And she looks like a different human being. Angelina Jolie does. Yes. I just linked one, a terrible one.
Starting point is 03:53:24 Simon Cowell. You have linked one, a terrible one. Simon Cowell. You have to scroll down a little bit. Simon Cowell, all his filler and his Botox deflated his face. And so now he looks like Droopy Dog. He's so shit that he can't judge people anymore because now he's the freak. Where does he look so bad? You have to scroll down on that link I put in there. Right.
Starting point is 03:53:47 The one with AGT next to his face? AGT. Do you not see? It looks like people have clicked and dragged that old Mario Party game. Oh, by his eyes he looks bad. Yeah, his eyes. He's focused on his cheeks. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:54:00 I see where he looks bad. Like above his neck. That area. What do you call it? The face. Yeah, the face. He's got Like above his neck, that area. What do you call it? The face. Yeah, the face. He's got weird face. Yeah, that one.
Starting point is 03:54:08 He's got fucking... You guys are harsh on weird face. Look at him. You can tell something's up there. Like his face is like... You are much more attractive than Simon Cowell. Like Simon Cowell looks so fucking weird. You look like a human being.
Starting point is 03:54:21 He looks so fucking weird. You're what Simon Cowell was hoping he would look like when they were done with him. I might be 10 years younger than him. You are, and that's what I'm saying. You're what he wanted to look like when they were done. It's like you were saying earlier. You can't compare them to what they looked like 15 years ago, which is what they're going for. You have to compare them to what they would hypothetically have looked like with no surgery and that's hard to do but yeah kenny rogers for example people call that a botched plastic surgery
Starting point is 03:54:51 but no i thought he looked pretty good just not like kenny rogers there's another one the chick from dirty dancing got a nose job right something like that oh the pretty in pink check was she in Pretty in Pink? You're not thinking of Molly Ringwald. I am thinking of Molly Ringwald. She also got surgery and then couldn't get cast anymore because she had that quirky look and she didn't have it anymore. Molly Ringwald did? Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:55:17 The girl from Dirty Dancing got, I think, plastic surgery and she's not even famous anymore. You would never recognize her from the movie. You're not too big on Angelina Jolie, right? got i think plastic surgery and she does she's like not even famous anymore you wouldn't never recognize her from the movie i don't think you're not too big on angelina jolie right like you don't think she's hot or she wasn't she was she was hot she was like a tomb raider angelina jolie you know conversation for sexual women on the planet hackers angelina jolie oh that's even further back that's when she's talking oh um yeah yeah she i
Starting point is 03:55:47 just you know what i think i'm picky about female action stars they need to be athletic you know and she was more like a model to me oh yeah like i mean we've said it a million times you know it's it it's it and it's not just female. It's male action stars too. Who's the old guy from Taken? Liam Neeson. Liam Neeson? Liam Neeson has less business being an action star than Angelina Jolie does. I can see that.
Starting point is 03:56:17 I don't know who'd win in a fight. Liam Neeson? I mean, I know who'd win in a fight, but it'd be closer than he'd like. She'd fight dirty, and he wouldn't be prepared for it. Do you remember all the pictures we looked up of Liam Neeson where he just in public just pisses himself? Pissing himself. Is that true?
Starting point is 03:56:35 I stand by it 1,000%. I would bet money on it. You have an Irishman with a clear drinking problem who is always in public with piss in his pants. It's just it's put put one and one together. What do you know? I don't act like it's a conspiracy. The Internet ran with Donald Trump wearing his pants backwards this week.
Starting point is 03:56:58 Have you seen this? I want to so badly. I was disappointed because I was like, it's fake. And it's like,'s fake and it's like well come on let everybody believe it for a while can you show a link yeah they they have taken his pants and i guess photoshopped it i think he had ear like yeah but he had oddly fitting pants on that much is true yeah um and they had a lot of creases in the front yeah not pleats they were horizontal creases like maybe you get from sitting as a fat person or something.
Starting point is 03:57:28 I'm not sure. As a fat person. Well, some rolls grabbed the fabric and pulled it in. Yeah. It's not a great picture we have, Link, but it is the outfit. But, yeah, so anyway, the internet just went nuts with this idea that Donald Trump wore his pants back then. Yeah, he's got some slacks on and he's been sitting. They photoshopped
Starting point is 03:57:50 the zipper to just be the sewn line that would be in the back of the pants. These pants are mostly obscured in this particular picture by the jacket he's wearing. The shadow in the jacket. In other ones, it was out and he has like a fupa going on
Starting point is 03:58:06 and down there. Click on that close-up one. Oh, you got a little moose knuckle there, Don. The president is packing and nobody can deny. He must be or he has four ass cheeks. So that one on the right, if it's the one I'm thinking of is photoshopped and i don't
Starting point is 03:58:26 know how much of the moose knuckle is a photoshop but they definitely photoshopped the zipper out and made him they ran with this idea that he was so senile that he wore his pants on backwards to this event it's a north carolina gop event that's he'd have to look he'd have to piss at some point and it just wouldn't work and And he'd figure it out. Right. Oh, my God. I can't believe it. I've done it again.
Starting point is 03:58:49 75 years. I've never made this mistake. But I don't know. To me, I saw it. I was like, this is kind of fair play. They've been they've been taking Biden, his competitor, two years ago or whatever, and saying he's senile for his stutter for years now. So if they're doing it to Trump, like, fuck it. You can say this.
Starting point is 03:59:13 Who do you think would win a game like Biden versus Trump in a game in some sort of like – Settlers of Catan. Like some sort of little strategy-like like strategy like trivia game like like where like quick thinking and uh it is is really the name of the game trump i think for sure right trump i think yeah now if it was it then what if it was world history or something like that biden also he's quick i'd lean toward biden but yeah no biden much deeper depth of knowledge and something you would think so but but i wonder if he can like pull from it on a moment's notice when like pressure is on
Starting point is 03:59:50 yeah at this age i wouldn't guess the like his i guess his recall i'm not even joking right now when i say like that's what debate should be so yeah well yeah we're still experimenting with uh with stream yard here let us know what you guys thought of this. The new format, hot load Zach over there and all that stuff. We got cut off a little bit. I think I was talking about how the presidential debate should be like some sort of trivia thing between the presidential candidates to actually see who can think on their feet
Starting point is 04:00:18 and who's actually smart and not who can just read a fucking platform or speech or whatever. Prepared 90-second speeches. Yeah, it's bullshit. It has nothing to do with being the leader of a country. Whereas maybe playing a couple games of Civilization V. How about that? They should have to play Risk.
Starting point is 04:00:35 Play a game of Risk, a game of Civ, and a game of Magic. Whoever wins the best of three, that's your president. I'm down with that. This is a good decision. Taylor, what are your odds of taking Trump and Biden in these games? It would be a I would destroy both of them. There would be no chance.
Starting point is 04:00:52 I've never played Risk. I have played Risk. I hated it. Trash them in Risk. Magic? I could beat them. I talk about beating them in a board game. One hand tied behind my back. Still fucking working. i thought i could be taylor and chess uh got cocky played left-handed fuck yeah i'm a right-handed player
Starting point is 04:01:16 well it has been a nice a nice long stretch today gentlemen nice. Nice five hours. You guys want to call it a show? I think so. Thank you very much to Hot Load Zach over there for running the show. I think that's going to be a thing in the future. I appreciate him. You guys let us know. What do you think about the
Starting point is 04:01:39 overlay, where everything's positioned? We're open to a little bit of constructive criticism. You know, if you think something didn't look good, did look good, you know, like the gray.
Starting point is 04:01:49 I like it. I like all of it. Me too. I like this site a lot. Yeah. And it's just our first time using it. I mean, we're going to,
Starting point is 04:01:56 yeah, we'll get better as we go. We'll get more familiarized with, um, with all the little quirks and all the things that can do. And, uh, it's,
Starting point is 04:02:02 it's not, it shouldn't have cut us off as, uh, as Zach was telling us, he's, he's got the paid version. Um, but it't have cut us off as Zach was telling us. He's got the paid version, but it limited us to four hours at a time, which is weird. The free version does that, but he's on the paid version,
Starting point is 04:02:13 so it's a surprise that it did it. It's okay. It's okay. I enjoyed it, boys. Go check out Ice Poseidon. Links below. Check out our sponsors in the links below. Check out our Patreon if the links below. Check out our Patreon if you want to ask us a question. No promises, but we might try to do that video
Starting point is 04:02:29 thing where you guys get to ask a video question. We'll change it on Patreon if that does become a thing. No promises there. I'm just saying that's a thought we're having right now. If you want to be part of our little Magic the Gathering tournament, that's also the ticket. Very cool. All right. PKA
Starting point is 04:02:45 547.

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