Painkiller Already - PKA 558 W/ Harley: Woody's Acting Class, How to be Good Looking, Wings 1v1 Anniversary

Episode Date: August 28, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pka 558 with our guest harley kyle a couple of sponsors tonight goat and express vpn we'll get to them later on in the show but yeah got harley on for the the evening should be a good show how's it going gentlemen good good yeah yeah taylor's unable to make it family emergency but he'll be down as soon as possible harley thanks for jumping in hell yeah brother glad to be here dude so what is new in your world honestly the newest thing in my world is uh like messages from pka audience every single day go on then the audience has uh since i don't know if it's kyle six pack or whatever it is everyone is just, it feels like everyone's just genuinely hyped all around
Starting point is 00:00:48 because I'm always getting messages on Twitter and Twitch and everything like that. And I remember I did Epic Mealtime, but then when Video Game High School was out, people would be like, oh, Video Game High School. And then when Twitch
Starting point is 00:01:04 happened, people would be like, yo, high school and then like when twitch happened people be like yo i know you from twitch don't shave your beard uh but it seems like this era of my life is now uh pka more than anything and i never i never just i never imagined the audience being so um virulent present yeah everywhere they everywhere it really is a thing so our views are up which is nice but we also it's not our channel but there's a um at least a couple highlight channels and they get a lot of views too well that's not your channel no i honestly like i see clips of that it's like it was so funny it was like the best one and like my buddy will just like send a screenshot of them sometimes to me
Starting point is 00:01:46 without like the link. But like one of them he sent last time was, it was like a picture of all of you. And it was like PKA highlights, PKA highlights. Were the Nazis that bad? It's a tentpole topic on the show. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:02:04 Yeah. That probably goes back to when I disproved the Holocaust that time. Yeah. I ended up looking it up and watching that video. And also, you know what it reminds me of? It reminds me of lately like Project Mayhem. It's like I go to like the corner store. Like I live like I'm like country boy right now well i
Starting point is 00:02:25 shouldn't say that to kyle but like i'm like canadian style of a country and like i'm like just out of like cities and i'm in like this beat up like gas station i walk in and i'm like okay the rolling papers with the filters oh thanks okay and a monster energy drink yeah i'm a 15 year old boy even though i'm 36 yeah thank you for you for that. And I take it, and he's like, yeah. I'm like, yeah. He's like, RSK, my guy. It's like some guy. He's like some Canadian dude.
Starting point is 00:02:53 He's got like a – it doesn't even look like he'd be on the show. He's got like a turban, and it doesn't look like he'd be RSK boy. From what I imagine in my head, it's like Canadian, like Indian dude with a turban working at the corner store. He's like, RSK. You got to pay him. You got to hand him your debit card. He's like, it's on us.
Starting point is 00:03:10 RSK for life. Put in a good word. Put in a good word. Dude, a similar thing. Just like three days ago, I'm on this motorcycle trip. I'm in nowhere, Pennsylvania. I don't even know the town. But my buddies and I stopped for lunch.
Starting point is 00:03:21 And another guy sees all our motorcycles parked out front. They're kind of distinctive with like the luggage hanging over the side. They know that we're adventure riding. So he comes in and he catches us and he starts talking to us. And we talked for like four minutes just about motorcycles and places to go. And then he goes, wait a minute, you look familiar. And I'm trying not to say like, yeah, I'm a bit of a Z-list celebrity. Like, like it is a hard part. Once that happens,
Starting point is 00:03:48 like you look familiar and you don't know, but you don't know where they could know you from, but yeah, continue. Sorry. Yeah. So he's like, are you Woody's gamer tag or the,
Starting point is 00:03:56 or you speak K a right. And I'm like, yeah, yeah. I'm one of the hosts and you get recognized here and there. Yeah. Yeah. That it's also another thing though,
Starting point is 00:04:04 like, which i'm sure has happened a couple times to any of us over the last 10 years or so like you're doing someone someone's like yo you look familiar and you're like you try and decide like does this guy like in your case like does this guy know me from like a minecraft server like the podcast does he know me from like that random episode of epic meal time like where is it and i'm always sometimes people like yo you look familiar i'll be like oh i do this food thing on the internet and they're like oh yo harley we played basketball together
Starting point is 00:04:34 in ninth grade i was like oh yes yeah we know each other in real life i don't want to like talking about you don't like yeah well of course you know me i'm woody's game of tag and then for him to be like no never heard of that i always say the same thing like i've seen you somewhere you're the i'm like yeah freddie wong that's me that's yeah i did switch i did switch to like well i'm a very famous hockey player that's believable yeah people go leafs yeah i've had people take a picture of me like in vegas someone else took a picture of me and like in like five dumb bitches were like oh my god yes yes where are you from and i'm like i'm a basketball player and they're like no way and i'm like yeah and then they're like taking a picture i'm like yeah make sure i don't have an instagram but make sure you put my name in there. And I made up some dumbass name. And they're like, yo, it's this guy from the Washington Wizards.
Starting point is 00:05:27 They don't know shit. Have them tag us, Tim Duncan. Yeah, I know. That's why it's funny. Yeah, but they don't know shit. They don't know shit. To me, video game high school was a big deal. And you were like legitimately acting.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And I think you had an epic mealtime show you recorded too. Are you not pursuing the acting thing so much anymore? Just between gigs or? No, so like the last thing I did was a show called Wine and Cheeseburger, which is actually like the best, one of the best shows I've ever done. I did it with Thrillist. So I was kind of like the host of the show. And it was, I don't want to say it was like a epic mealtime vibes, but if you almost took like, like, it's like, it was, it's like over the top crazy. Um, but it's
Starting point is 00:06:16 pairing wine and cheeseburgers and it's like the editor editing and producing was so funny. And normally when I don't edit or produce, I'm like, I don't know. Uh, but it was so good. normally when i don't edit or produce i'm like i don't know uh but it was so good i loved it the views are shit um the views were bad uh but so i don't know if they'll do it again but i'm getting i got a second job from them uh in san francisco so i just go when things come up they come up and i go i've never auditioned for anything. Well, I did audition for something once. I auditioned for two roles way back in the day. And both of them, actually,
Starting point is 00:06:50 I think TJ Miller got both of them to be honest with you. And I was like, Oh yeah, that makes sense. But I never went and did, did that. Like people go to LA during pilot season, like in January and stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:02 And they like audition for like a million things. I never got around to it or never pursued such a thing um but acting is what got me into epic mealtime i just uh i used to do meisner have you ever heard of this meisner technique for acting no it's like it's so the whole point is that um like a meisner trained student can act with anyone. So like someone like, like I'll use there will be blood as, as an example, Daniel Day Lewis, like the fucking man,
Starting point is 00:07:32 this guy, when he takes the role, apparently he likes stunk like shit. Like he lived like it was like 1892. So the products he used, the food he ate, everything like he stunk like a stinky old man, but not like a stinky old man, like a stinky man of the olden times um and apparently the initial child like
Starting point is 00:07:51 his kid that they had acting in it was um some just an actor and they did the first few days and he couldn't do it because daniel day lewis comes and he's got like this energy that's like and apparently the kid which happens often people start to watch him when they're alive with him in the scene so they're no longer acting they're kind of watching the show that is Daniel Day-Lewis which makes sense um and they replaced him with a guy uh the kid he was in like Little Miss Sunshine um I forget his name. You guys, someone knows his name? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:27 I know the character's name. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes you got that. But anyways, that guy came. He's Meisner trained. And what it does is it works on your, let's call it your tool. It's inside of you. It's the acting part inside of you that it's never in your head.
Starting point is 00:08:43 It's your heart, heart your gut your crotch like you either want to like fuck something or you love something or you desires but like you don't overthink things so he was able to take something like if you're meisner technique and you're in a room with like someone like uh daniel day lewis or a heath ledger like a method actor, you're going to be better because you're based, you're on response. So I'm saying all this to basically lead up to what the first exercise is because it's so bonkers doing it. But I can't teach it.
Starting point is 00:09:17 So I don't know if we're doing it right or wrong because you usually need someone to do it as well. But like, let's say I did it with like, with one of you guys. Like, let's say I did it with you, Woody. I'd be like, me and you will sit down in class together. This is beginners, we're looking at each other. And I'm going to say something about you. And then you have to like, repeat it. It's called the repetition. So I'd be like, you have a blue shirt. I have a blue shirt.
Starting point is 00:09:47 have a blue shirt i have a blue shirt you have a blue shirt i have a blue shirt you have a blue shirt i have a blue shirt now the only reason why we do this is you repeat it because at some point we will stop like schmacting and we're gonna get real and i might be like you have a blue shirt and you might be like i have a blue shirt and you might be like, I have a blue shirt. Okay. I'd be like, you got mad. You'd be like, I got mad. You got mad. I got mad. And it's like, the only reason that you're doing this is to train the tool.
Starting point is 00:10:13 So when someone like Daniel Day-Lewis comes in and he stinks like shit, your tool is trained enough to take that and, and be able to work with it. Like as an actor, ideally, if you were Meisner trained, um, and I did that and like be able to work with it like as an actor ideally if you were meisner trained and i did that and like it was like and then you would do like uh the exercise is like it's repetition but it's like an activity so like i might be like doing something in my room and someone knocks on the door and i open the door and they're like you're really tall and i'll be like i'm really tall and they come in and we acting. But the whole point of Meisner is like, the dialogue is not first. So like, you know, you might get a line. You have an example.
Starting point is 00:10:51 I 100% get this. I'm sorry to cut you off. This description is outstanding. I've never acted really, but I've been in front of a camera enough that I know that when I'm thinking about what people are thinking about my delivery, I'm doing a terrible job. Yeah. That is awful. They're stuck in the head. It happens to everyone. You get in your head.
Starting point is 00:11:11 If you're just feeling what you're bringing, if this is what you're passionate about, if you can get yourself to be in it, then it's so much better. Yeah. I'm getting that from you. No, it's true. It's like, and then the repetition is supposed to do that because like, you know, you get a line, you'll be like, uh, you have the line is you have one line. It's like, uh, your boss is on line one or the secretary. So you stand in front of the mirror. You're like, your boss is on line one. Not your boss is on line one.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Your boss is on line one. Your boss is on line. You try and figure out, you're like, okay, you got it. You figure it out. You go, when you go to do the scene and the person you're doing with is like bawling their eyes out. And they're like,
Starting point is 00:11:52 my best friend just died or whatever. And then they look at you and now you have your practice line. You're like, your boss is on line one. And it doesn't match up with the scene. Sometimes people say lines at each other rather than being like within that moment. And like an example of this is Robert De Niro in one scene.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I forget what movie, but like it was a cop, a little cop. And she came in and she had to arrest him. She came in and she was like, put your hands up, motherfucker. And he cracked up.
Starting point is 00:12:21 And he was like, we've got to do that again. And she did it. And she's like, put your hands up, motherfucker. And he laughed. He's like, I will never put my hands up to that he's like i won't do it because i know my character would never he's like i don't believe you he's like if me the guy playing the character doesn't believe how you're delivering the lines we're not going to commit to
Starting point is 00:12:39 this so you have to make me believe you and it it was like he wouldn't – like some people won't act against it like if it's not enough. I heard that about Marlon Brando once also. He like – you heard this? Did you hear this? Well, you know, Brando's weird because – Yeah. I think he fits what you're saying pretty well because, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:59 in The Godfather, he refused to learn his lines, right? He's got them on a piece of paper on like – In like 12 spots around the room apparently or something like like the guy he's talking to has brando's lines on his he's reading a cue card but i just watched godfather one and two last week it's a masterful performance it's incredible it's one of the best performances it's a top 10 performance ever he's so good when he's explaining to that guy who comes in and wants, the man's daughter has been beaten and attempted raped.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And he's begging the Godfather to like give him justice. Give me justice, Godfather. He's like, you never once invited me to your house for coffee. You come here, you ask me to do murder for you. And you don't even think to call me godfather you don't come to me as a friend you come to me to hire a murderer to do murder this i will not do it's just it's so fucking good i watch it it's so good i love godfather i want to re-watch it too my favorite movies i think the my favorite movies are the ones that like make me feel something and godfather
Starting point is 00:14:04 one and two there will be blood the shining like that, that have those super crazy powerful performances. I could watch a class, or I did watch a documentary about the shining and about specifically the scene where Jack Nicholson and Shelley Long are having that confrontation where he's walking up the stairs with the bet and she's got the bat and she's just like stay away from me stay away and he's just like honey darling love of my life i'm not gonna hurt you i'm just gonna bash your brains in and she's just stay away it's so fucking good yeah she went crazy from that movie apparently they like really were rough on her they like made her do like certain scenes like 1800 times in a row and it was just one line well that's um that's the director he does that he believed in many many Many, many takes. Which director? Big Stan. Kubrick? Stanley Kubrick. Yep. Huh.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Yeah. They say Kubrick had an IQ of over 170 or something like that. He's just a very interesting guy. And his movies are meticulously made. Like when you go back and watch like 2001 A Space Odyssey or A Clockwork Orange, which isn't one of my my favorites or even uh that is not you're one of your favorites no he is oh yeah clockwork orange is not one of my favorites oh yeah i was gonna ask that i thought you said that yeah i love that one i actually never ever stayed awake in one single playthrough of 2001 space odyssey it's hard it is like the most it sounds like the most relaxing movie ever.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Just the way it plays out. It's so peaceful and quiet. And like, I can imagine if I was in theater and saw it, I'd be like, what the fuck? But now I'm like, this is like a beautiful,
Starting point is 00:15:55 like ASMR, like screensaver type, go to sleep thing. It's a little mind blowing when you realize the year it was made. Yeah. And, and what the special effects look like like like those first few scenes when they're just taking the little
Starting point is 00:16:09 cruise to the moon and the spaceship and like the pencils floating in zero g you're like yeah every movie does that it's like yeah every movie does that with fucking cgi this is this i don't even know computers existed when this shit was made like it's so it's so fucking wonky they did but it was like this big but it was this big. Yeah, it was as big as this fucking room. They didn't make fucking pencils float. They're using a wire or something, but the pencil's floating by, and he's
Starting point is 00:16:33 just like, boop, grabs the pencil out of the air, starts writing. The whole space station, the scenes on the moon, and then that psychedelic fucking shit when he goes into the black hole or whatever. It goes on and on and on, and then he's in that shit when he goes into the black hole or whatever it's it's it goes on and on and on and then he's in that white room where he's aging and things keep
Starting point is 00:16:50 changing and he ends up being a um a uh what do you call put the thing that's a baby before it's a baby uh you know that that piece of shit that's inside of women that you like to get rid of the fuck it's not an infant that's the embryo or whatever? No. Fetus. Fetus. That's it. Yeah. Yeah. He's an old man and he has feet. All that shit is just super mind-blowing. It's one of my favorites,
Starting point is 00:17:14 but I feel like... Dude, it's boring just to hear about it. Kyle is so good at telling you about media, and I'm like, what is this truck talk again? Although it is the good part to me, like the
Starting point is 00:17:30 best part, the part where I'm just like a little stressed out is when they're dealing with the How 9000 or whatever and like famous part that like is this movie overrated as fuck? Is it Star Wars? No, it's because it's because of the time like it set the tone like it really it changed things
Starting point is 00:17:45 like and made it took sci-fi like and made it like very serious also artsy too yeah it's an artsy sci-fi movie like like it's about a lot more than um you know it's it's about the beginning and the end of the human race it's about where we came from and where we're going. There's a lot going on in that movie. And I've watched it, but I love the yawn. I feel like that's an involuntary yawn. You're like, yeah, sounds like a real snooze fest to me. I do like the scenes with the pre-man, man, like the monkey people and the little war they have. I love that too.
Starting point is 00:18:20 I love that the obelisk or whatever gives them that little inclination. We're like, we're not getting pushed around anymore. They can't take our water hole away. We need some tools. I don't know. It's pretty sick. I like that movie a lot. Clockwork Orange.
Starting point is 00:18:36 I watched it when I was like 14 or 15, and it was really upsetting. The rape scene and the scene where they beat the old man to death in the street it was they call it ultra violence the characters do and ultra violence was too violent for 14 or 15 year old me it was it was a little disturbing i didn't need to like they're singing it's this juxtaposition of the profane and the ridiculous where they're like raping this man's wife in front of him. And they're singing, singing in the rain. I'm singing in the rain and like kick the guy in the face and like rip his wife's clothes off.
Starting point is 00:19:12 And it's just like dancing with the cane too. Sure. It's a whole performance. Yeah. It, yeah, it was hard to, like you said,
Starting point is 00:19:20 the juxtaposition of the sort of joyous and the evil. But then like the reprogramming part of the sort of joyous and the evil. But then the reprogramming part of that movie was kind of dull. It's like something you had to endure to see how it ends. I like Clockwork Orange. I just don't know why it was considered one of the best ever. I don't re-watch that one. I re-watch
Starting point is 00:19:38 Shining on a regular basis. I re-watched 2001 on a regular basis. And I actually like the one with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman with the sex club craziness. That one's kind of wild. What are your favorite movies, number one favorite movie? My number one is The Shining.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I feel like that's just like not only do I think it's just a perfect film, the way it's made, and I love that it's a Stephen King adaptation where he tells Stephen King to suck his own dick because he's making his own movie right off the bat. You know, there's that scene where there's a VW bug crashed on the side of the road and like, clearly the people in it are dead. That's his way of right at the beginning being like,
Starting point is 00:20:19 yeah, I know what you wrote, Stephen. I'm making my own film because in the, in this, in the, in the book, the family rides up to the
Starting point is 00:20:25 Overlook or the Overreach Hotel, whatever it is, in a VW Bug. Right off the bat, he's saying, I'm killing your story. I'm making my own fucking story. There's a lot of changes in the narrative, but I think Nicholson's performance is really good, and there's so much going on
Starting point is 00:20:42 right in front of the camera that people don't ever see. I think there's a lot of film theories about that. The one that I buy into the most is that Jack Nicholson is molesting his son and that he is feeling a lot of shame about that.
Starting point is 00:20:58 And that's what's going on. Nicholson is clearly a closeted homosexual and most likely a pedophile in that movie. There's even a scene where he's sitting waiting on his interview to be the caretaker. He's reading a Playgirl magazine sitting in a lobby.
Starting point is 00:21:18 And you've really got to pause the film and be like, wait a goddamn minute. Why is he reading Playgirl in a lobby full of people it's just it's clear that stupid that was like your character is reading a playgirl magazine here you go take this and he's like why oh because you're gonna go i'm gonna go look for a like a three and a half hour youtube video breaking down all the things about the shining because that's like one of my favorite things to do there's's a good documentary. It's called Whatever the Room Is, where the
Starting point is 00:21:47 naked woman is that gives Nicholson... Oh, yeah, yeah. It's the room number? Yeah, it's like Room 76. There's a good documentary about the whole thing that's very well made. I've seen that. I love that shit. I've also seen a lot of YouTube videos that
Starting point is 00:22:03 really delve even deeper and get more ridiculous. There's also some stuff about faking the moon landing because it's often been theorized that the U.S. government hired – it's called Room 237. Thanks, Zach. It's often been theorized that if the United States did fake the moon landing, how would they do that? Like, like, like I believe that we've got like rocket scientists who might be able to get us to the moon, but I just don't think we've got too many masterful filmmakers who could like make the footage that was prod broadcast. So the theory is that maybe they hired Kubrick to do that for them.
Starting point is 00:22:36 And then, and then he was sworn to secrecy or threatened to secrecy in some way. And that there are little clues within the shining where he said, he's like, Hey, look at this. Yeah, yeah. Notice Danny's got a little Apollo 11 fucking or whatever it is, like rocket ship on his chest.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Notice that the guy that hires Nicholson looks just like Kennedy and he's got the American flag on his desk. You notice that window behind him leads to nowhere. If you pay attention to the route that we took, that that's an impossible window. It cannot exist within a three-dimensional space it has to be like a video game window like like something like portal there's a lot of crazy shit going on in that movie it's wild harley what's your favorite movie you asked oh terminator 2 it's up there for me it's up there i fucking love terminator 2 yeah i saw terminator 2 in the theaters when I was five, and it changed my life. Yeah. Like, it was the first movie I ever saw in movie theaters,
Starting point is 00:23:31 and I came out like, which is annoying, because you're like, yo, this is how movies are? What? And then you realize, no, that's like literally like, it should be like in everyone's top 10. Like, movies are not like that. Like, no other movie made in 1992 is holding up just as well today and there isn't anything wrong with that movie that doesn't hold up there's not even to me there's no lull in it or anything i loved it yeah it's such a great movie it's so
Starting point is 00:23:57 hilarious uh it's so good it's so iconic effects the special effects hold up so fucking well not only like um like the the trick not only the camera trickery and the CGI, the stuff that's in the lens and the stuff that's CGI are both excellent. Even when you've got the Terminator 2 that's melding and turning into its liquid metal form, it still looks just fine. There's this one scene where, it's actually a deleted scene, but I've seen it where Linda Hamilton is working on Schwarzenegger like in a mirror in that in a shop after he's been kind of busted up a little. They employ Linda Hamilton's twin to like get there's no mirror.
Starting point is 00:24:38 She's just on the other side of a frame. The twin is. And so Linda and that one's working on the back of real Arnold Schwarzenegger's head because you can see his face and real Linda one's working on the back of real arnold schwarzenegger's head because you can see his face and real linda hamilton's working on the back of a dummy's head and because she's like reaching in and like pulling shit out yeah i know exactly the scene very smart that's sick and then there's a scene of course where like robert patrick's character the terminator 2 takes the form of l Hamilton to lure John Connor and then the real Linda Hamilton comes out and is like
Starting point is 00:25:08 get away from him and starts shooting him and stuff. That's also Linda Hamilton's twin. So they use two sets of twins in that movie when you include the prison guard earlier on at the middle hospital. That's great. I like Endgame, the Marvel Endgame movie.
Starting point is 00:25:24 It could be recency bias, but dude, talk about a slow great. I like Endgame, the Marvel Endgame movie. That's good. It could be recency bias. But, dude, talk about a slow burn. I watched 23 Marvel movies before I saw that 24th one to build up to it. I had so much history. I was so invested in these characters. And there were all these moments where there was payoff after payoff after payoff. So many payoffs. That were literally
Starting point is 00:25:45 10 years coming. The crowd was cheering more than once. There was the hammer scene. There was the on your left scene. There was the... It's true. It's amazing. I loved it. I love that movie. How do you feel about Spider-Man?
Starting point is 00:26:02 Are you a Spider-Man fan, Woody? I like the movies. I don't know all the comics. I'm not super into the comics or anything. I've watched hours of videos about the comics, but I'm not a super fan or anything. Did you see the trailer for the new Spider-Man movie? It's wild. I think they've got another multi-billion dollar film on their hands all right so this is the deal it's sick i didn't know how what they're gonna do for
Starting point is 00:26:29 for face i was gonna tell it better than the trailer does but go on get pumped all right when i was in high school when i was in high school i was in love with a girl who was in love with toby mcguire spider-man and so i became a spider-man fan okay like it's her birthday oh here's a 200 spider-man fucking action figure that looks like toby mcguire and fucking has opposable thumbs and shit i want that now dude i do too that's i i blew a whole paycheck on that so toby mcguire pretty decent spider-man for the first one or two got a little cheesy toward the end very corny they lost their way wasn't great fox i think was in in charge of it back then or whoever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Now Marvel's got the property back. Then you had the Andrew Garfield. Yeah, the Andrew Garfield version of Spider-Man, which I actually really liked. It made me fucking cry when he's on the rooftop, his legs all busted up
Starting point is 00:27:21 and he knows he can't make the jump, but he's got to do it anyway because he's got to save the day and all the crane those new york crane operators fucking bring the booms and he's just he like shoots the web and like like stitches the wound shut and fucking you see he's running and he's like got the limp run and then he's just like fuck it he's just goes into super spider-man run just going through the pain and makes the jump. And I cried. I cried at that. I'd never cried at a comic book movie before.
Starting point is 00:27:48 It was sick. And now the current iteration of Spider-Man is amazing. This young British guy or whatever, he's so fucking good. The new Spider-Man has him, of course, because he's our current Spider-Man. He goes to Doctor Strange. He goes to Doctor Strange because in the last Spider-Man,
Starting point is 00:28:03 Far From Home, I think it was, he got exposed his identity as Peter Parker got released to the world and finally we see what happens when a character's identity gets released, it's awful he's being attacked in social media he's being like, they're calling him a
Starting point is 00:28:18 murderer, his family and friends are getting the brunt of it, it's terrible, he can't go anywhere without paparazzi and they're being cruel and awful of it. It's terrible. He can't go anywhere without paparazzi. And they're being cruel and awful to him. And it's ruining his life. So he goes to Dr. Strange. And he's like, you're a fucking warlock or whatever, right? Like, is there any way you can just make everybody forget this shit?
Starting point is 00:28:37 And Dr. Strange is like warlock buddy, the Asian guy with the shaved head. He's like, don't do this spell, okay? You know how dangerous this would be. Don't do it. And he's like, I'm not going to do it. And he makes that gold spinny circle thing and disappears. And Doctor Strange is like, all right, let's get started. Well, he fucks it up.
Starting point is 00:28:58 He fucks it up. And what we have is a multiverse scenario, which was teased, obviously, in the Loki movie, where there's all these multiple, all three Spider-Men coming together in one universe with all of their villains coming together in one universe. Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, three Spider-Men working together against the original Doctor Octopus, all the original villains. Hopefully, Jamie Foxx ain't coming back.
Starting point is 00:29:23 They didn't show the Spider-Men yet, though. They show that yet they're totally coming they're trying so hard to not show that don't show us don't show us i know it's coming don't show it because doc ock comes which i realized he's right behind me where is that um doc ock pops up at the end of the trailer hello peter yeah he doesn't know tom holland so he's got to be talking to the peter he knows yeah that's like there's no two ways around he's got to be mcguire's doctor he's got to be talking to him yeah um and yeah they i did see i watched like a whole breakdown of it like the the little ball rolls out and it looks like it's uh hobgoblin ball and then someone pointed out sand and electricity
Starting point is 00:30:07 and I know they're making a Kraven standalone movie also. I have Kraven and Doc Ockery. And they've got to bring Venom in. They've got to bring fucking Venom in. There he is. What's his name? Venom in. Yeah, there he is. You've got to bring fucking Venom or Carnage or all of them in. I want all the villains, all the
Starting point is 00:30:23 Tobey Maguires, the Andrew Garfields and Tom Hollands, and then bring Doctor Strange in too. This is going to be some nerdgasm shit. I'm excited. Bring Wolverine in too. He won't do it. I know. There's two things. One,
Starting point is 00:30:40 I don't know if he won't do it. I don't trust any actors or directors or producers anymore ever again. They know the value of a surprise. So who knows if he won't? But I think a lot of my excitement now for Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4 revolves around X-Men. I always loved the X-Men.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Here's what I do know. Kyle, I need help. Who plays Deadpool? Ryan Reynolds. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. Our personal real-life friends who enjoy each other's company, etc. Ryan Reynolds has asked Hugh Jackman to be in his movie again and again and again. And he's relied on this personal relationship, a professional relationship.
Starting point is 00:31:28 I'm sure they're willing to pay him. And Hugh Jackman just says no. So it's hard to get them that much. At least has to be true. The problem is he's too old. He's too old. Deadpool one and Deadpool two did not have, he leveled to a super physiological 18 year old level.
Starting point is 00:31:44 I've been saying. They've been there for a decade! He's literally done damage to his future. Hugh Jackman is going to die sooner. Literally, this is why I appreciate what Hugh Jackman's role is Wolverine. He literally
Starting point is 00:32:00 has done irreparable damage to his body organs and his system to play that character. I know the kind of drugs that he has to have been on to accomplish that. They are damaging. This is not a replacement dose of TRT. This is super
Starting point is 00:32:15 physiological levels. Probably a compound like Trenbolone or something. Something that is meant to go into horses. That's made in private labs that he's been shooting into his ass to make him look like that because he's he's not a big man he's definitely hit someone on impulse he hit someone he cares about and didn't mean he's he's killed three to twelve they just they're just feeding this guy hookers in the in the back he when he when he comes out
Starting point is 00:32:45 all raged out he just killed someone like there's blood on that man's hands oh i realized also i have a spider-man poster behind me too it's spider-man far from home or something yeah um so you know what i noticed about like on the topic of the marvel cinematic universe is in like when i first started looking at marvel it was like 1994 95 the x-men cartoon came out um and there was like these cards these marvel cards called metal and it said metal and they were like shiny metal looking metallic they were so cool it was like cyclops were all blue and had like 50 million pouches all over him yeah when he had like his flow and you fucking hated him because he was fucking with wolverine's vibe wolverine was the man and nightcrawler was so cool and like
Starting point is 00:33:30 everything about marvel and i realized like i had this poster it was it was like marvel and it was just a hundred guys and in the front middle was spider-man. You've seen it for sure. It had Hulk in the front. It had Wolverine. Yeah, exactly. It had the whole gang. And front and center, you had Wolverine, Spider-Man, Hulk. You had Ghost Rider may have been there. And it was cool. Venom was the sickest Marvel Marvel character like in 94, 95.
Starting point is 00:34:05 He looked so good. He looked amazing. The illustrations of him are always like really fucking sick. Yeah, and it was like it was just like I never thought about it, but each of these Marvel characters were like A-list, B-list, C-list, and Wolverine was A-list, and Gambit was A-list, and Cyclops was A-list. The whole X-Men were like A-list teams.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I got a question. So which of the X-Men chicks were you, do you think was the hottest? Was it, and it's down to two, I think it was a Jean Grey or Rogue. You think it's down to two, eh?
Starting point is 00:34:35 To me, it's down to those two. I'm going to say something and you're going to remember immediately. And you're going to be like, oh shit, there's more than two. Cause people always forget. Okay. Psy always forget. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Psylocke. You can't tell me you weren't popping little boners with Psylocke, bro. Those thighs? Psylocke more like it. I think Jean Grey blows her away because Jean Grey is wearing this weird costume that only covers her vulva.
Starting point is 00:35:02 It's so deep in her cunt like like it's like like i want to be there like like like pull up jean gray like like like show me jean gray and like like like um if that's her then that's not the correct costume like i get that that's a version of her but like like the the x-men from 94 95 like that Jean Grey. It's kind of like a blue thing. It doesn't cover a lot. You're talking about Psylocke. I'm talking about Jean Grey.
Starting point is 00:35:30 But if you click the Psylocke link here, you'll see you pull it up. You'll see the Psylocke is number one. Psylocke's the one wearing the blue piece there. There it is. Not that one, not that one. It's on the screen, though. It's on the right side, like second from the right. If you close that little bubbly. No, no screen, though. It's on the right side. Second from the right, if you close that little
Starting point is 00:35:45 bubbly. No, no. Get rid of the bubble on the right entirely. Yeah, X that out. Right side at the bottom. It's in the bottom right corner. That. Look at that costume. No, no, no. One to the left. God damn you, Zach. Yes! That!
Starting point is 00:36:02 That! The yellow part is skin. Pull up Psylocke now. The yellow part is skin. That's Psylocke the yellow part is skin doesn't know that that's Psylocke it's an action figure it's an act no no look look at pull up Psylocke I'm telling you it's exactly what you're thinking about that's what you're talking about okay that's super hot too I think I think Jean Grey's better I think go to my link that's the link you want to be in yeah this is yeah Psylockeke psylocke's too ethnic for you you're not what i think no no i'm into i'm into psylocke for sure she's super hot but she's also scary because she's gonna she literally kill me yeah but rogue we can't even touch road we can't
Starting point is 00:36:35 even touch it takes so long out of our penis show yeah yeah bro we'll fuck we'll fuck your dick off literally she'll like suck your life force out of your cock if you fuck her. Rogue number two, Emma Frost. Oh, Emma Frost. Hello. I was trying to remember her. I couldn't think of the hot blonde. And there's the chick.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Is Emma Frost the one who turns into diamonds? Yeah, she could be. She could be. Yeah, that was super hot. And Jean Grey. The thing about Jean Grey, though, is if you're into it, it's like she's very pure. You bring her home to mom. For. You bring her home to mom.
Starting point is 00:37:06 For sure, bring her home to mom. Oh, she's going to read your mind and know all the nasty shit that you were thinking about Jubilee the night before. You bring Psylocke, you can't bring Psylocke home. You know that X-Factor has run through her. Everyone's got a piece of, hey, it's good for me.
Starting point is 00:37:22 My mom's just going to be like, you brought Pig home. got a piece of hey it's good for me my mom's just gonna be like you're a pig home uh yeah i mean these the thing the point that i was getting at is like there was like these oh mystique should be whoever you want harley every one of these women is so impossibly hot they don't exist in real life because they don't have organs in their midsection yeah yeah needs them you're right he them? He's right. They should have hysterectomies at like 12 just to get a slimmer waist. I'm not dating her for her intestines.
Starting point is 00:37:52 I'm dating her because you can kick my ass. The thing I was saying is these characters, when I grew up, like Venom, everything that we liked in the 90s, they were desirable to be in a movie or anything. Like, the X-Men were top tier.
Starting point is 00:38:09 And then, like, you get bad movie, bad movie, bad movie. I remember they announced Guardians of the Galaxy. I had seen one Guardians of the Galaxy comic in stores, and I was like, bro, do you know what Guardians of the Galaxy is? I'm like, it's a fucking tree and a raccoon. Marvel's so stupid. Why fuck Disney? They took like a fucking tree and a raccoon.
Starting point is 00:38:32 And they're going to do this for a movie. Like, can we get Spider-Man sorted first? Can we get fucking the X-Men sorted first? Fantastic Four. Fantastic Four has always been A-list. And then I realized now things are different. I bought that poster just to dress a setup like two years ago. The front of that poster is entirely different.
Starting point is 00:38:51 The front of the poster is Star-Lord, Iron. It's the same poster. Star-Lord, Iron Man, Captain America. Now, like when I grew up, I knew Captain America. I knew Iron Man. The Avengers sucked. To me as a kid even, I thought the Avengers were like, oh, my God, the aliens are coming. We've got to punch the aliens.
Starting point is 00:39:09 We've got to go punch aliens in the face until they leave our planet. Whereas X-Men, even as a kid, I understood that it was like this is different. Like people are different. But should we be treating them differently? Are we scared? It was like such a deeper meaning. It was more like a question about humanity. They covering hiv and race relations in x-men that is the most adult shit ever and you know what's funny is actually the great debate of x-men has already been kind of settled quote
Starting point is 00:39:36 unquote in the usa and it was because when they were selling the toys there is a thing called a doll tax where if you are selling a toy and it is a human it counts as a doll and a doll gets taxed more than any other toy so if i made a toy about like uh like just an alien and sold it it's cheaper i'll make more money than if i made a toy of batman and sold it because batman is a doll so they went to go fight like marvel fought against the doll tax claiming that the x-men are not human they're not they're like they are mutants they're not human we should not have to pay the doll tax i don't remember if they ended up if they wanted them as humans or not but yeah basically it's like that that is the actual outcome of x-Men.
Starting point is 00:40:25 But I realized that now like Captain America, Iron Man, to me as a kid, I didn't really like them. I didn't think they were cool. I didn't think they were interesting. I thought what was interesting was Spider-Man. Every kid loves Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I thought Venom, cause he was fucking cool. And I love the X-Men cause like they had the hype of the show and everything. But now the two biggest for me, and they had the best properties in the early 90s it was batman with mark hamill as the joker it was incredible it was so well made and it was the x-men it was like no no no no no no my mom wouldn't let me watch it because she thought it
Starting point is 00:40:55 was like anti like christian or something because there's like a character named beast and there's a guy named apocalypse and all this stuff like there's a lot of like trigger words in there for a christian um so i'd have to sneak that shit. And there was the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse also. Yeah, it's a whole thing. Archangel. What Marvel did with Guardians of the Galaxy was cool. Because I think a lot of people are in the same boat as me.
Starting point is 00:41:16 In that they gained our trust. I knew nothing about these characters. I'd never heard of them. I certainly saw the raccoon and the tree dude. And thought, what the heck is this bullshit? They're dragging out of the archive at this point they could take by beast and armadillo man and make a buddy cop film and i'm fucking in if it's marvel i'm gonna give it actually i i'll give it a shot if it's marvel i mean they made the tree and raccoon thing really good so i did there was one art uh like a comic that i had read of uh like i picked
Starting point is 00:41:46 it up after the movie i was like i should just check out guardians of the galaxy just because i've always been like fuck it and like it starts off and it's like the planet and you see galactus and galactus he basically eats planets he's like one of the biggest bad guys so he comes to earth to eat eat it literally eat it silver surfer comes by first see what's going on and galactus shows up at the beginning of this planet you see his shadow coming in i'm like yo guardians of the galaxy first comic i pick up is fucking galactus i'm like this is sick and everyone on the planet's like run it's galactus they're all running and hiding and they're going into special bunkers underground and everything that'll work i'm like yeah because they're all so scared of yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:42:24 he's gonna eat the planet fucking bitch so he comes and uh they're they're actually like they're doing all sorts of evacuation uh procedures and galactus comes down he puts his hands down he sticks his head into the planet opens up his mouth and like a ramp comes out and the guardians walk out of his mouth and you see it's a dummy galactus and peter quill's like yo we got 15 minutes until they realize that this is a galactus wrong everything and i was like fuck you guys got me i'm like that's great i guess just you know it's whoever whoever is in charge of the property is gonna like do great things with it and disney did do some awesome things with characters that i didn't give a shit about um i like neil neil gay man you guys know neil no no no he's actually he's the author he uh wrote um this one called 1607 1602 1607 uh and it's just it's marvel characters in like the 17th century.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Okay. And it's so fascinating because you'll be there and like you're speaking to these characters like, you know, like a squire. This guy's like squire is like, you know, Piarist Parker. And like, you know, it's Peter Parker, but he's like just a squire like to a knight. And like the knight is like, you know, I'm kind of taking liberties because I haven't read this in a while, but he's got all sick, a suit made of iron. He's like an ultimate knight. And you realize it's like Iron Man.
Starting point is 00:43:58 And then there's this monk. We have to go see the Oracle. The Oracle, he knows everything. And you go and it's like Professor X. But they don't tell you flat out it's just like a game of thrones style setting to an extent like it's like a like a dungeon soap but it's the marvel characters and like it starts off like even like with our like angel and like how significant it would be if someone was born with angel wings like then and like all the beef that happens and just seeing the people come up like dr strange and how they fit into here um and there's a i
Starting point is 00:44:30 won't spoil it in case anyone listening ends up reading it but they like they bring out some of your favorite superheroes that were literally there the entire time in your face and you're like how the fuck did i not realize that this person with us was this guy um it's a great one he also did that uh he did the uh uh it's about death it's all about death death death's cousin goes missing it's not even marvel it's like dc but anything neil gaiman is sick i like this stuff with spawn you ever reading the spawn comic yeah that's how mcfarland you're not talking about spawn no i didn't i didn't go into spawn a lot i watched the cartoon and i loved the movie and i loved staring at it like i would go to the comic book store and like stare at spawn pictures
Starting point is 00:45:14 but i never bought spawn because comics were expensive cars were expensive and if you're already on marvel you don't get to like bounce to batman and then bounce to spawn because you have to buy like five comics every week if you wanted to keep up you know they're letting todd mcfarland make his movie this time right an r-rated spawn like however he wants to make it that's great actually good oh i'm gonna show you this i i'm super excited because spawn is like the most hardcore like like like comic character ever i think like he literally has killed god and the devil like i need to give it another chance oh look at that i got these on kickstarter it's like spawn i got them on kickstarter it was todd mcfarland sold uh three like he sold
Starting point is 00:46:01 spawn figures but it's like the old spawn figure from like 1995 but inside of it he like he like i'm not gonna open them up you guys could just google images them um uh it's like signed by him it has like all these original pieces inside of it and i i got it like i'm not even a big spawn fan i got it because i'm like spawn's fucking badass like he's just fucking cool like he looks cool how much do they cost i i i got them on the kickstarter i could probably sell them for like a thousand now um but on the kickstarter there wasn't anything crazy i think i paid like 250 280 for all three i thought you were into those for like 353,500.
Starting point is 00:46:45 And I'm like, this guy makes questionable financial decisions. I was really hoping it was going to be like, I could probably sell them for $1,000 now. And you're like, well, how much did you pay? $8,700. Well, those, even these posters, see these posters I have? These cost me about $50. But if you were to look them up online now,
Starting point is 00:47:04 they usually go for much more than 60 bucks because they're signed and numbered um and i and i do i end up collecting a lot of shit um but spawn exists because todd mcfarland made venom um and he was like he was drawing spider-man at the time and he made venom Venom was like apparently one year he was like 50% of all profit for Marvel like t-shirts were sold posters were sold Venom was like a big fucking deal and Todd McFarlane saw none of it so he was just like okay fuck this I'm gonna go make my own guy so he went and like did it again he made Spawn he like just made a guy that was just as cool and uh yeah that was just trying to like make his own,
Starting point is 00:47:46 make his own way there just because you can't like Marvel, like your ideas. They just, they keep them. Have you ever seen the HBO animated miniseries spawn? Yeah. No, I don't think so,
Starting point is 00:47:58 dude. You got to check. It's like six episodes. It's like very R rated. Like, like there's, there's titties and I'm pretty sure there's dick. I'm most positive. Oh, dick. Hold on.rated. There's titties, and I'm pretty sure there's dick. I'm almost positive.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Oh, dick? Hold on. There's dick. And it's hyper-violent. Before we move on, can you tell me more about the dick? Oh, it's a big black dick. It's a big black dick. It has an image. Say no more, fam.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Yeah, it's real fucking good. I've seen it a couple times hyper violent uh it lives up to like everything that you would want spawn to be so much better than the um that uh that movie they made uh you know in the 90s there or whenever that with the terrible cgi although i like that as a kid i liked it of that movie as a kid yeah i did it was great can't watch it now and violator was like such a cool ass character. Like just like this clown that turned into a fucking terrifying monster. It was just great.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Yeah. Yeah. Eating the maggot filled pizza and stuff. John Leguizamo like kind of made a joke of the character, but like that's how he's written. I thought it was good. Is that not? Yeah. I just imagined it was like that.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I always assumed. Yeah. That's how he's written. Like fart jokes and cum jokes and talking about pussy and and just being disgusting that's that's the character fart cum and pizza yeah it's like my kind of night yeah but yeah i'm excited i i like all the comic stuff i i i think that some people say that they're getting tired of it but uh people keep buying it and renting it and uh signing up for services to watch it. So I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I wish they'd pay their fucking actors. I don't like seeing when actors have to end up suing Disney. Bro, I see people go online and they're like, oh, my God, Scarlett. Like, are you not happy with the millions you got? I'm like, okay, if we're going to get mad at someone here for nickeling and diming, why wouldn't we get mad at Disney? People do. People are so – people are, like, so tribalistic these days. It fucking kills me.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Like, people are like, yo, DC is better than Marvel. Marvel is better. I'm like, yo, can't you just like them both or hate them both? Even, like – you know what? Even, like – not to get crazy off top but like even like the fucking president bro since when is it cool to like suck the president's dick this one or the one before like in my days i remember it was like yo bro fuck both presidents this is just the current goofy white man that is the president now but But people are like, it's their team.
Starting point is 00:50:27 They're like, yo, Trump's going to come back 2024. And he's going to, I'm like, I don't fucking care what he does in 2024. Who knows what viruses we have or don't have then. You know, people love picking sides these days. And I'm like, bro, we don't need to pick sides. You don't need to be so DC. Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck Trump.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Like, yo, it's okay. It's the president. You don't't need to suck his dick he doesn't need you to suck his dick in fact i hold him accountable dc don't love their shit movies hold them accountable too i heard that one's good justice league it's pretty good and i'm not justice league but um suicide squad you mean my mistake yeah okay wait suicide squad was very fun i didn't expect to see like cum jokes in a in a batman in a suicide squad movie but i gotta point this out i did not expect to like free guy as much as i liked free guy that movie had me laughing he's out yeah yeah and if i could recommend a movie it's that one months they've been hanging on to that movie bro what about ghostbusters i feel like they've been hanging on ghostbusters and james bond forever yeah i saw the ghostbusters trailer
Starting point is 00:51:30 and i was psyched yeah me too back when that came about the one that hasn't been released yet bro it's a completely different timeline no i i really enjoyed the suicide squad uh they did a great job with it john John Cena can act. I didn't know that. John Cena's great. John Cena's great. I love him. He's funny. I think he's good. I like him a lot. Idris Elba is a really good actor, one of my favorites.
Starting point is 00:51:55 He did a strong job. He actually showed up. It looks like he's out of shape. We talked about that previously, but he's in so much armor you can barely tell. And then Harley Quinn, always a fun character. Her little escape from prison was one of the best scenes in the whole thing. So you know what? that previously but um he's in so much armor you can barely tell uh and then uh harley quinn always a fun character her little escape from prison was one of the best scenes in the whole thing so you know what like first of all i heard she did that on her own which is cool that actual leg thing that she did where she pulled her legs up and got the key apparently like she could do
Starting point is 00:52:16 that yeah um but i realized like watching that and like no offense to like any of the girls watching the pka because i just going to assume that if you listen to pka you're right listen up if you listen to pka and your girl you might also be this girl too um i'm so fucking tired of dumb bitches loving harley quinn like harley quinn's interesting and great but the amount of like dumb bitches or cosplayers or triple X porn parodies I see of daddy's little monster and the two fucking pigtails. I'm so tired of Harley Quinn that during her scene, I was like exhausted. I was like, Oh my God, this silly dumb bitch. It's like, it's just making me think of like a million girls,
Starting point is 00:53:02 like a million different girls that love harley quinn and have made loving harley quinn like their thing for the last few years that i'm like so exhausted and that happens to me i get exhausted which is funny because i like love that's what that's what women do they give up their own like um you know personality and they they like absorb that of something else right whether it you know their boyfriend's a fish a fly fisherman and all of a sudden like they're fucking wearing some waders or their boyfriend's a mets fan and all of a sudden they're like fucking at a mets game and wearing a mets jersey i always joke about that as a calculated thing to get a husband you know like oh yeah fly fishing and mets that's what i'm all about perfect for you yeah that was like when like uh rapper started playing fortnite and stuff
Starting point is 00:53:46 and like every dumb inch the hoe was like yeah i'm playing fork knife tonight me and the girls got fork knife we're all playing it's like relax i don't think like he was i don't think like the whole movement was about fortnite that much so you got back to me when you have 200 wins yeah i don't know no I agree with you to some extent. I'm a little tired of the time. It's just exhausting. Like, you know what else exhausted me? Stranger Things exhausted me, dude.
Starting point is 00:54:11 I love Stranger Things season one. I recommend it to everyone. I was like, yeah, you got to see Stranger Things. It's so great. And then, like, by the time season two came around, I saw so many people that were like, ooh, my Stranger Things tattoo. And I was like, you tattooed that, bro?
Starting point is 00:54:23 It's one season. You don't know if the show's going to be good. they could cancel it even if it's making money exactly anything and i people just love stranger things so much that i was just like i'm gonna relax on stranger things a little bit i heard that so i got arrested between season one and season two and being high was such a big part of watching stranger things to me that I was like, you know what? Whenever I smoke again, we're picking Stranger Things back up. It'll be great. And season four is about to come out now, I think.
Starting point is 00:54:54 But I've heard so much bad shit about it that I don't even want to go back and pick up on season two. Are you right about season four? I'm way behind. I've only seen one. Yeah, there's season two and season three. Season three, people complained about season three, apparently, and fucked up a lot of the characters and like shit like that and but what about the actors getting older does is that
Starting point is 00:55:10 not ruining it like because they were like literally 13 years old yeah it was like harry potter though right like like you know every year they get a little older every every year they they face off against some heart more hardcore shit like harry potter one there's seven and by the end they're like 17 or something like that they're getting laid harry doing life and death well maybe stranger things will too i don't know i just like the toothless guy like he's supposed to be that age here's teeth now stranger things uh they got uh i actually don't know i was just saying it it's the stranger things guys they uh they like when, when that show came out, I thought that was the most
Starting point is 00:55:48 Netflix algorithm thing ever. Apparently, one of the most valuable things in the film industry is Netflix's search bar because of the amount of users that come in and type shift so much that they just have this information. I remember when I first got
Starting point is 00:56:04 Netflix, like, like, like, well not first, but one of the early days before they started doing their originals, they got super eight. And I swear for like a whole year,
Starting point is 00:56:20 super eight was like number one trending on Netflix and super eight has that like nostalgia throwback vibe to it. Yeah. And it was like, they took that. And then there was like all these horror movies people loved going on netflix they loved watching horror movies um you know things like it and stuff like that it got it was just so well received and people searching it that it was like they took the search engine bar the algorithm gave it to like their internal production company and they're like what comes out and like it shat out stranger things there's like nostalgia like four kids friends like the
Starting point is 00:56:50 electro music everything about it yeah it was just really hitting it on the nose and that's when i was like damn this show's like made by an algorithm like it's like all the things we wanted currently that search engine stuff is fascinating to to me. So the number one search engine we all know is Google. What do you think number two is? Alta Vista. No, I'm kidding. I don't know. I don't know. What? Bing? It's YouTube. Bing is fifth. Who's third and fourth? Hold on. I have it up here. Third, I think it's going to be Amazon. We'll see if I'm right. Third is Amazon. YouTube's second. Amazon's third.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Fourth is Facebook. What dick motherfuckers like, I've got to go learn this. Facebook. Does the vaccine work on Facebook? Fifth is Bing. Then we get into some foreign ones.
Starting point is 00:57:45 I don't know Baidu, B-A-I-D-U, but everything's Chinese in the screenshot. Baidu. And then Yandex, which looks like it might be Russian. The index? Yandex. Y-A-N-D-E-X. I was like, the index.
Starting point is 00:58:01 I was like, shit. So six and seven are not English. But yeah, I just thought, the index. I was like, shit. Six and seven are not English. But yeah, I just thought it was cool. YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world, which kind of means Google has one and two. The next one's Amazon. Yeah. That's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Yeah. I don't know. But I really dug season one. I thought it was one of the coolest things I'd seen. I like that 80 shit. I like the electro music, the synth stuff like like the john carpenter style shit uh and uh something about like uh when drive came out it really like i had a lot of those same feelings um or is it you know that uh the movie where he's like the autistic like stunt car driver and he
Starting point is 00:58:40 gets hooked up with a chick i know it has that song night you're not thinking of night call by kavinsky no no this is so much better than thinking of Baby Driver. Night Call by Kavinsky. No, no. This is so much better than Baby Driver. No, Night Call by Kavinsky. It's that song from Driver that you're like, this sounds like it's from a time that I'm not supposed to be a part of. But it's reminding me of older times somehow,
Starting point is 00:58:59 but it's not my time, kind of. But yeah, I love that movie. And what's the name of the fucking actor, that beautiful man? Ryan Gosling. Ryan Gosling. Yeah, Ryan Gosling's in it. He's got the scorpion fucking jacket. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:16 It's so fucking, he's just so soft spoken. It's like a modern day Western in a lot of ways. It reminds me of like a Clint Eastwood Western, how he's just like the man with no name who's just chewing on a fucking toothpick and people are talking shit and he's kind of looking straight through him and then when he needs to like he just flips that fucking switch and stomps that guy's skull until it's pulp like he just grabs the chick fucking kisses her it's the music's playing and then he's just on that guy and the guy's on the ground he's just he's like he's not he's like grabbing the rails to get more fucking power into the stomps until there's no face left it's it's
Starting point is 00:59:50 great and then he goes to that strip club with the hammer oh it's great he played uh like a bully kind of in this show called breaker high in canada uh back in the day i don't know if it's canada but it was on canadian tv and it was breaker. And it was like a school on a cruise and it was not a show I liked, but it was just like on after, are you afraid of the dark or some shit? So I ended up watching it and I would watch it and he was on it. And I didn't think anything of it. It was just, that's just the guy. And then I remember I was in Vancouver once and I was at this mall and I'll never forget this. It was like in the mall all the way across. Like he could have been like a hundred yards away from me. It was Christmas time. There's people left and right
Starting point is 01:00:29 people everywhere, people everywhere. And like, I see him from a mile away and I'll never forget it. He's like posted up on the wall, like leaning, holding a bag. I guess his girlfriend or something is like inside. He's got this leather jacket jacket on he's got like these tight jeans like the cuffs rolled up his hair is like greased but he keeps like greasing it harder on his head and i'm like yo that's the guy from breaker high and he is fucking cool and i'm there i'm like grabbing my hand i'm like that guy's from tv and she's like yeah, yeah, he looks like, and I'm like, no, on TV, he doesn't, he's not bad on TV, something else.
Starting point is 01:01:09 And I'm staring at him and I'll never forget. It was like, it was like, it's such a weird thing to say, but it was like star star quality or whatever, you know, like he had it or whatever. The guy was standing there doing nothing. And I was like,
Starting point is 01:01:21 Oh, that's the guy. And I was like, Holy shit. He should be fucking stomping people out in an elevator with a hammer as the lead not fucking jerking himself off in this show yeah he doesn't he looks like he's a different species than the rest of us do like like he looks like like like there's like there's like chimpanzees and then there's us and then there's
Starting point is 01:01:41 whatever the fuck ryan gosling is like a level above us. He looks like he's his people evolved like another fucking step ahead of the rest of the human beings. Yeah. You know, like I see like people like like like Chris Hemsworth love like Chris Hemsworth for sure. Such a beautiful man. So beautiful. Like if you were a middleaged woman and you're reading a
Starting point is 01:02:05 book about like getting your pussy licked that guy's on the cover or someone that looks like him chris hemsworth so beautiful and i'm like if i was a girl i don't think i'm fucking chris hemsworth that's ryan gosling and breaker high i'm not caught up that's exactly what he didn't look like vibe wise when i saw him which was so crazy because he was cool he was like very cool same hair though uh but um yeah like i'm not about i'm not about chris hemsworth there's something about like uh i guess being so beautiful that it starts to lose it for me i'm actually i could see ryan gosling and i'm like i get this this guy is like like he still has like it's not like uh like chris hemsworth comes off as like a parody
Starting point is 01:02:52 of a very beautiful person my wife won't admit it but i know she's into chris hemsworth like every time we all know she's like oh he's totally fit he's. He's a great husband. He loves his children. When she gets into that what a great husband and father he would make, it's like, bitch, you're looking for an upgrade? My God. She's like, I don't know. I'm not the one that worked out for a year, fixed
Starting point is 01:03:18 my teeth, and now is gone every weekend. I think I'm going to go watch Thor. weekend. I think I'm going to go watch Thor. I feel like I hit a little too close to home. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:47 I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm enjoying this bring that sex work back oh shit they were saying it was a negotiation technique that he was trying to get pressure on the payment people by getting a public upswelling of we want our porn and now the credit card processors
Starting point is 01:04:04 who wouldn't work with only fans are like okay okay maybe we should work with you and now only fans is allowing sex work again they decided to keep it yeah and i found out what the problem was so as a youtuber we all get this they have a strike system where like i don't know how you break rules, probably non-consent stuff. And one of the rules, which means rape, and one of the rules was child exploitation. And they had a strike system, which you could interpret as like, we're okay with a little child exploitation, but not a lot. And that became this like knock against them. People, you know, saw them in a really negative way and they were like, well, forget it. You know, we'll just get rid of all sex work entirely. So that, that was the cause behind that whole thing. I like the
Starting point is 01:04:57 idea. They're saying it was a ploy. I like the idea that it was a ploy, right? Like, I feel like they were like, we're going to get so much free press. Everybody is going to be talking about us. And every one of our content creators is going to be talking about us. Not about their pussy this week and what they're sticking up their ass. They're going to be talking about OnlyFans and how get it
Starting point is 01:05:17 while it's hot, folk, because it's not going to be here much longer. And then, just like that, we give it back. And there's going to be a fucking inswell of people coming to get it i feel like next week youtube's going to be like you know what audio only from now on no more videos no more videos to do that they used to say they were quitting just to get everyone to be like no no no don't quit do you remember that that's risky business because they could be like fuck off yeah right yeah i had i used to like this t-shirt
Starting point is 01:05:46 site way back in the day t-shirt hell and i always went there and i walked looked at the t-shirts i was like oh my god so racist could you imagine wearing this and like i would like look at them and laugh at it and then one time they were like yeah uh the site's closing in two weeks yeah our t-shirts are too hardcore and i was like oh shit i bought two t-shirts and then like after two weeks they're like yeah we lied and sales went up 180 percent so i got a cool t-shirt just the other day i'm gonna get it nice and yeah i was like okay well i'm never trusting them again i stopped going to the site not purposefully i just think it just happened camera that would that that'd be the views that'd be a highlight clip right there get Get the t-shirt on camera. That channel that isn't you guys will be loving it.
Starting point is 01:06:26 They'll be all over that shit. Yes, 2.5 million views in a video. The, what was it we were just saying? The t-shirt hell? I was thinking about his six pack before that. I was distracted as well. YouTubers who would pretend to quit. Oh, OnlyFans.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Yeah, I had a, I don't want to say it's a hot take about OnlyFans But I have Strong opinions about OnlyFans I don't think they really stand out To people a lot But like I did want to share it I wanted Kyle to hear it too
Starting point is 01:06:59 Kyle you missed your chance to casually change your shirt on camera No No he didn't before I shared it. But yeah, it's a shirt. Kyle, you missed your chance to casually change your shirt on camera. Oh. No, he didn't. Yeah. Where did you get this bad boy? What is this? I ordered it straight from the Trailer Park Boys official website. Oh, hell yeah. Fucking love it.
Starting point is 01:07:18 I got the cheeseburger. That's beautiful. But it's a good spot. Yeah, it is. He's back. yeah it is he's back it froze that's hilarious it did but yeah but perfect yeah welcome to the cheeseburger picnic a man's gotta eat fucking 25 well spent have you watched letter kenny at all i love letter kenny i've seen it all okay good yeah that's like our next Canadian entertainment export. Dan, I don't think you got to meet him because he came.
Starting point is 01:07:49 He was like on the weird later years of Epic Mealtime. He wrote an episode of Letter Kenny. He's on Letter Kenny. Oh, sick. You know, I think Shorzy's getting his own spinoff. That's cool. That's very cool. Yeah, they should.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Well, they know what they're doing. I had a hot take about OnlyFans that I wanted to share, but it's not a hot take about only fans that i wanted to share but it's not a hot take but yeah i hate hate how it's like so blatantly cool to have an only fans and the reason why i hate it and because like listen i support sex workers i love it do it you want to do it great kill it you know uh i think if anyone talks badly about sex workers, fuck them. But the thing that I hate is that it is so cool and so mainstream that like something like an OnlyFans, like 16 year old girls see that now or 15 year old girls and they aspire to do that. or 15-year-old girls, and they aspire to do that. And then at 18 years old, they do it, and they might, like,
Starting point is 01:08:51 that's not the time to make such a decision. That's not the age to do it. And I know we allow it at 18, but you don't know shit at 18. And we love hearing the success stories. Yo, she made 30K. Great. Good for her. You know what sucks?
Starting point is 01:09:06 The, like, 18-year-old girl that made the OnlyFans right away as soon as she was 18, did it for eight months, brought in like $700 over eight months and it wasn't worth it. And all of that content exists and it's out there. And there's a digital footprint that you would never be able to escape. And I started to think about this when I saw Mia Khalifa, she was on, she was talking about, you know, the horrible things that Pornhub had done or things that had happened to her. And there was just so much regret in the video that I saw that she was explaining. And I was like, this is a person who's at the top of the industry. No one goes on Twitter and says like, yo, I did OnlyFans for 10 months, and it was a waste of time, and my entire neighborhood saw me sit on a cucumber
Starting point is 01:09:53 and put fingers in my ass. And it's like at 18, I wasn't ready to make decisions. Even if you're a very mature girl, you're not ready to make that lifetime decision. And you only have normally a couple years to really milk this before it's gone and you don't have it or you're you're you're start early you're coming with your thought process the asset is discouraging 18 year old girls from doing this what is your thought process don't listen to harley ladies oh i'm saying there isn't there isn't enough like you go on twitter you go wherever you listen to rap uh like rappers or or uh or or musicians or like or instagram influencers that
Starting point is 01:10:39 are doing it no one's ever going to be like yeah i did it and it sucks instead people are like yo karenikoff showed her tits and got millions of dollars and it's like bro i'm ever going to be like, yeah, I did it and it sucks. Instead, people are like, yo, Karina cough showed her tits and got millions of dollars. And it's like, bro, I'm not going to sit here and crush your dreams. Okay. I won't do that. I'm not going to say that it's not going to happen. There's a chance your tits are going to be great online and people are going to love it. But there's an even greater chance that it won't take a crack at going on Twitch,
Starting point is 01:11:03 take a crack at doing YouTube. If you want to perform or you want the attention, or you think you could handle being in the limelight, take a crack at that jumping rate to only fans, uh, is unless you have this burning desire to, to stick things in your ass on the internet and share it with people. Unless you have that burning desire to do that specifically, like I can't get behind it as like the default here's a great way to make money online because a lot of people don't and then they and i'm not saying it's me because i don't care i have i have friends or people or i know people that are in porn or are cam girls or escorts whatever i don't care i don't care but let's be honest society does
Starting point is 01:11:46 and we haven't gotten to that point where we don't judge and people will judge you your your neighborhood if anyone in your in your high school finds it like they're going to share that shit everywhere you will be judged and will it be worth it there's a super big chance it's not going to be worth it and i think just from a money so you're you're you're coming at this saying like hey start with the twitch or the youtube because like let's just make sure you even like performing like maybe like you'd like performing and making money performing not necessarily just being a dirty dirty whore online like that that's the easy route and it's the quickest route to making a few bucks but maybe maybe like you could you could be successful doing these other things. I think you're 99% there. The truth is we're going to stick stuff in your butt, but start
Starting point is 01:12:30 with Twitch, start with YouTube because there's nothing that'll actually get me to click buy on an OnlyFans more than like a YouTuber or a Twitch streamer that I already like being like, you know what? I think I'm just going to take my clothes off. I know I've been here just playing COD for years, but like, yeah, we're going to move things up to the triple x level now try that out for size like i like that like if it's someone who especially if it was some wholesome shit that they made back in the day well people are always like oh my god this girl made she made 20k this month and it's like yo that girl was homing it up on instagram for eight years before this day so you can't look at that and be like, yo, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:13:06 I know a lot of girls like growing up or whatever they look at. And they're like, yo, I'm better looking than that person. I should do it. But there's so much more to like just being better looking. There's probably, there's probably so many incredible only fans that will never hear about. Well, there is that we'll never, ever hear about that. That probably could be top tier content,
Starting point is 01:13:26 but you just won't see it. There's so many factors. But you know who are the first people to see it? Normally, the people that are close to you in life. Your friend tells a friend, tells a friend, whatever. And I'm like, I know it's not important. Fuck your whole high school. Fuck your whole town if you want.
Starting point is 01:13:41 But I'm just saying, it's not at 18, you might not want this to be part of your life forever. And it's not outlandish to say there's plenty of people who have tattoos they regret. But imagine instead of it was a tattoo, it was like your dad saw you getting DP'd. Something like that. And you can't change that. And I just hate that there's no thought process yet. Like I back it. Do it.
Starting point is 01:14:01 No one's thinking about it yet, though. No one's thinking like, oh, is this the right move? It's just mainstream. What's worse on your permanent record, though, Harley? A regrettable tattoo or, I don't know, naked content on the internet? Oh, naked content on the internet. For me? Naked content on the internet gets lost, right?
Starting point is 01:14:19 Tattoos get lasered. There's a sea of naked content on the internet. Yeah, people, it depends. It also depends. No one's ever found my nudes. can take your tattoo right off though you can get a you can get a cover-up tattoo they do they do excellent work there you can there's like some lotion you rub on it and it slowly fades over the course of months and it's just gone you get lasered right off and it's good as new like tattoos are not permanent nudes people like it all depends like people at me, like my nudes out there, they'll be like, what?
Starting point is 01:14:46 Yo, what? Yo, his dick's so little. That's crazy. But like, if I had like a weird tattoo, they'd be like, ah, silly guy. So like, it depends. But I mean, you know, I don't even, I personally don't think anything's bad with a bad tattoo. It's just like, ah, you got a bad tattoo.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Okay. Anyways, everything else is about life. I was thinking about it. I don't want someone to be haunted by a decision they made at 18 because it was cool during pandemic to boot up an OnlyFans. You know what I mean? For example, a tattoo is not going to prevent you from getting a job in corporate America as long as it's not on your face.
Starting point is 01:15:17 You can have whatever you want. As long as it's hidden by a fucking button-down shirt and a collar, it's not going to stop you from getting a job at an accounting firm or a legal uh office or something like that but maybe if like you were the dp queen of 2020 that might be an issue you might not be able to get that same job well you've kind of gone to extremes there right like you compared a facial tattoo to a famous one right well like my argument is that saying, well, like, I don't think that they're sort of... My argument is that, you know, a lot of these girls, whatever, they upload, I'll make it up, you know, 113 pictures over the course of six months.
Starting point is 01:15:52 It never gets any traction. Is that stuff even, like, findable? Doesn't it just disappear, like, pee in the ocean? Mm-mm. But who... No, it's all connected to you. This is how I imagine it. People, I know how people are.
Starting point is 01:16:03 I'm only talking about people. You have a friend, and you guys are really tight and you tell this friend or you need help or the picture the guy that takes pictures in your city that took pictures there's a million ways but this one person tells another person and i just feel bad because i know how people are in society i know how people could be like i've had, I've had a target on my back, the things that people will say to me, but I don't give a fuck. Imagine I was like a 19 year old boy or girl that made a decision and didn't even really feel good about that decision. And then having that targeted on you, people don't think of the long-term goals. They think about like the long-term repercussions. They're like, yo, this person made this much money.
Starting point is 01:16:44 And maybe you can, but term than you, I think that's the difference, repercussions. They're like, yo, this person made this much money. And maybe you can. See, I'm going longer term than you. I think that's the difference, right? Like you're like this 19-year-old regrets what they did at 18. I'm like this 27-year-old, their actions from nine years ago have now disappeared, like pee in the ocean. I have this fear that goes into what you're saying, kind of that every single thing you've
Starting point is 01:17:09 ever typed in your search bar, text message, anything, whatever, it's all stored. I've been on, I've been on like the end of like a Snapchat promotion where they were able to hook my Snapchat up to my computer. And what it did was for that brief period of time, all the Snapchats that came through, it saved it on the computer. And it was because they needed it to take a picture, to edit or whatever. So these people were sending me snaps and it was all being safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe. They didn't know though.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Now amongst that, it could have been people that just felt like on that day, like sending me their tits or something, but it's a saved picture now. They thought it was gone. And I saw this and I was like, damn, this is scary. Uh, cause like, what if everything you've ever typed, searched, looked up any message you've ever sent in the grand scheme of storage, it is very small in the grand scheme of storage to take note of everything you've ever done, every picture you've ever done, everything you've ever done, everything you've ever typed and searched. And with Facebook and sites like it, there are like 7,000 data points on you specifically, who your friends are, what your phone number is, where you lived, what you love, your favorite shows, what you've said
Starting point is 01:18:21 about certain shows. And this is just on Facebook, facebook everything like that and then you'll go to a website a porn website and it'll be like want to share this on your facebook wall no you fucking stupid porno website i'll never i'll never have you ever almost done it like like first of all let me just say like like just the record like i don't have twitter on my phone but i've got twitter and facebook and shit but like i have like been one step away from it like i said i don't have the and shit, but like I have like been one step away from it. Like I said, I don't have the Twitter hooked up, but like I have accidentally hit share and then I've one more button and it would have like tweeted out like, I don't know, Debbie does Dallas.
Starting point is 01:18:54 I'm really enjoying, I'm really enjoying like whatever it would be, you know, whatever single thing, whatever video, but like i look at that and i'm like yo this is like like what if everything that has ever been done searched whatever anything like that like you've been on that website facebook knows you were at that porn site twitter knows you're at that porn site those are data points like and now this is attached not just to a data point of a user it is attached to you because your phone number is used on the device i saw one the other day where this guy was trying to search sexy kiss on a on a porn website and he accidentally searched sexy kids no and it immediately like like i guess there's something built in now so they were just
Starting point is 01:19:38 like whoa hang on a goddamn minute how oh no oh you're looking for some sexy kids huh you thought you're on the dark web this is porn hub you freak we got your name we got your number and he's just like no no no i wanted sexy kisses sexy does it have a thing does it have like a thing like a warning he said i didn't want to test it out obviously but yeah bro you end up on a list right away yeah and then good luck like no my friend did this and i was just seeing if i swear like if if you if you found out i was on some sort of fucking kiddie porn watch list because i was looking for sexy kids and i tried to tell you i was searching for sexy kisses you'd be like okay sure you were pal you know my friend it's because my friend told me about this story no i just want to see sexy kisses i was feeling i was in a very vanilla mood that night well my my fear is uh and uh like i don't know how it would play out i always
Starting point is 01:20:33 thought i'd make an excellent movie idea or a black mirror episode but what if your log your log the phone number the device attached to you as the person was entirely open now like let's just say it was a thing like a hacker flipped a switch and now if you went on to this particular website and you put in like harley morganstein you can go look at my phone activity typed in messages sent messages received or whatever from up to eight years ago nine years ago and it's all logged and i think there's like a lot of like, like when we think about privacy, you're like, Oh, I don't care if the phone sees me jerk off, let that FBI agent watch me jerk off. I don't care. But it goes deeper than
Starting point is 01:21:16 that. It goes deeper. Like what if in like 15 years from now, uh, you go to buy a car and get insurance and your insurance is higher because they're like oh no when we checked your uh your log here uh you watch a lot of race car videos and we find out that people that watch lots of race car videos are prone to be driving faster and get more accidents or even more embarrassing like we saw that video on your phone where you were getting your dick sucked on the freeway um your rates are doubling exactly like i don't know i've gotten my dick sucked so many times on the freeway if if geico knew you'd never tell anyone i didn't you know like like why do you guys think i did all the driving when Woody and I went to New York?
Starting point is 01:22:07 Anytime I've ever gotten roadhead, I end up parking. I'm like, let's pull over right here. We don't need to do this anymore. Kudos to you, Captain Safety. There was nowhere... I pulled over and parked one time, and then literally some sort of cop was driving through the park
Starting point is 01:22:21 with his sirens blaring, and it scared me to death i was like get off me get off me we've got to go gosh is that she's attacking me it's her it's her not me not me i've done that a bunch of times but like i've never thought like my insurance rates would go up i didn't know that was a possible consequence i'm just saying who knows man you never know and then i'm saying like you know they can like they could pull up your your search history everything is attached to your phone everything on your phone is attached to you and you as a person we literally have a number that identifies who we are all of that is is
Starting point is 01:22:56 accessible it's all there so i'm just like damn what if at some point someone flips that switch and everything is public now you can go look up like like uh your girlfriend's phone your wife's phone your ex-girlfriend's phone your mom your dad anything people are we are like numbered and documented and it's attached to everything we've ever searched looked up or whatever even if you're on privacy mode, apparently like Apple or whatever is getting in shit for tracking you during incognito mode. There's no such thing, right? Unless you're fucking cool ass big dick hacker boy on like Linux or some shit doing like whatever needs to be done to stay private. Everything we do is here.
Starting point is 01:23:40 And the data points are crazy. The information you have. Like I'll be on set and then I'll get home and Facebook will be like, hey, you may know this person. And I'll be like, yo, I literally never even spoke to that person, but I saw them at the gym today. How the fuck do you know? Oh, because the GPS was on on this and on their phone. I remember we spoke about this recently because I watched like PKA hype highlights. Woody is scared when Harley shows him that his phone is tracking
Starting point is 01:24:05 him but like i still think about that stuff i still think about it i think of like if there was ever to be an attack on like on like society like an excellent terrorist attack would be to opens up everyone's phones like literally just make it all like that imagine you saw every politician's phone and what they search for like it would be complete anarchy the police what they search up or police officers or wives and families and husbands and everything would fall apart you found that trump had watched that i'm just a bill video like 30 fucking times trying to figure it out i want to talk about afghanistan did you see by did you see biden's speech i thought it was excellent i didn't oh the the get tough one yeah yeah he was just like we're gonna find you we're gonna track you down and then the press secretary like took it a step further they're like could you oh yeah
Starting point is 01:24:54 she's like i think it made me i think he made it very clear that he doesn't want them to be on the earth anymore and that we're gonna do our best to account make that a thing before we get into it because i want to get into it i was i was uh watching a twitch streamer yesterday waiting for him to talk about and i ended up falling asleep because it was like 5 a.m or something um but you guys got to get him on here it's important off he was an option john circa you guys know of circa yeah john circa and i don't i don't know his audience i it's he's just a streamer that I watch. And I come on here. And I just think he'd be a great addition to the show one time.
Starting point is 01:25:28 And I knew I wanted to say it before I got here. And then you brought up Joe Biden's speech. And I was like, okay, I got to remember that. And I'll bug Chiz about it too. And maybe put them in contact or some shit. But yeah, John Zirka. It's a good one. And I was waiting for him to talk about it.
Starting point is 01:25:42 It didn't happen. I fell asleep. So I'm happy to hear you guys talk about it. Yeah. So then Harley said earlier about like this division and how people just totally suck Trump's dick or totally suck Biden's dick. It's a little frustrating to me because Biden is saying this kind of stuff that Republicans would love this. Like, hey, we're pulling out of Afghanistan. They love that last year.
Starting point is 01:26:08 They absolutely loved it. They bragged about it all the way up. Trump was like, dude, I made it happen. This is me. I said, pull out in May. He tried to undo it. He couldn't. I tied his hands.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Now they're completely ignored that they removed that from their website, et cetera. Now they're acting like this was all Biden's idea of pulling out. Now we all agree the execution could be better but he's doing shit that Republicans should love and they hate it now because it's him doing it we got attacked by ISIS
Starting point is 01:26:36 right? he's like we are going to he practically gave the I have a very specific set of skills speech out there at the podium. And he is going to hunt them down. He's going to kill them. He's going to remove them from the earth.
Starting point is 01:26:51 And it was tough and it was well delivered. So what do the Republicans do? They act like he has dementia. They're wondering who his handler is. Like that same old tired bullshit. And it's like, bro, you love this shit you yeah i love it and i'm like i'm like am i being biased when i love it am i allowed to i don't know but i like people i like i like what i like i think i'm i feel like i'm pretty good at like like just liking what i like
Starting point is 01:27:20 and not caring whose team it is necessarily on um you know you're supposed to be i think it is like like look i i like trump more than biden i i genuinely think biden might have a few screws loose just a little bit but but like it's not like trump was the fuck was like the professor you know like it was coming out like with fucking flow charts and shit and like it was just i don't know i don't know i'm probably wrong about about that opinion however like i feel like they both did a pretty good job on this afghanistan thing and about war in general i really like that trump was like i feel like trump would have pulled out but but like he really wanted to keep the right happy he really wanted to keep like the the insiders from the right happy and
Starting point is 01:28:05 they and and he it seemed like he was like yeah we're getting out of there of course we're what are you guys talking about it's so expensive what are we doing and they were like nah nah yeah because that's here's my question trump like left a goodbye note but he didn't pull out he was president for four years nothing has changed in the last 10 years in afghanistan so why didn't pull out. He was president for four years. Nothing has changed in the last 10 years in Afghanistan. So why didn't Trump do it? Why is it all Trump did is make an agreement with the Taliban so that the next guy would pull out. That was what he accomplished. And I like that. Trump was legitimately anti-war, it would seem. And he was also willing to get tough sometimes. He bombed that guy from Iran. I forget his name. But he pulled out of the Syria thing and he wanted to
Starting point is 01:28:52 pull out of Afghanistan. I'm not sure he would have, right? Because he didn't. He didn't get it done. All he did is say that he would if reelected. Why didn't you do it? Biden did it. Having said that, I think he wanted to to and i give him a little credit for his heart being in the right place he just didn't get it done biden did and now they're all pissed off at him and then too much team bias nonsense in this i think it's this it's interesting like one thing i don't think there's team bias necessarily on doesn't seem so anyway is the is the vaccine it seems like stupid is as stupid does when it comes to the vaccine because i saw trump in like alabama or somewhere you know right in his
Starting point is 01:29:30 fucking wheelhouse being like you know and you know how he speaks he's he's excellent at talking to a crowd and saying saying a lot but saying nothing at the same time and uh he said something like you know and they got this vaccine and the vaccine is good and the vaccine is great. And, you know, I took the vaccine, but but, you know, you you got your rights. You got your rights. You know, you got your freedoms. You know, on one hand, he's saying, like, get the vaccine on the other side. If you don't want it, don't get it. And he's just like putting those right next to each other. And the crowd still is like like booing him. And the more they boo, the more he's like, yeah, you got your freedoms, the more he's like yeah you got your freedoms though you got your freedoms might be mercury in there
Starting point is 01:30:07 hey it might be mercury in there dude i think trump is weak as fuck on his vaccine he is right you know he had to get it privately his whole fucking administration back when the vaccine was really oh come on you know why he got it privately though he didn't want to roll his sleeve up in public they could have cut that out of what if they put like what if they see you had a Rambo arm on him? I was making the point that his whole administration used their privilege back when they were the White House to get the vaccine before anybody else could. And they all did it privately. Right. They all wanted it. And they didn't tell their followers that it was a desirable thing to get. I think they're absolutely antivirus in the Trump white house when they should have said, this is the Trump vaccine. The Trump vaccine is saving us. They could be beating
Starting point is 01:30:56 the Trump saved us drum well into the Biden presidency, but they played it wrong. Yeah. I would have named, I would have named the fucking vaccine the Trump vaccine, and Biden would have had to been like, which vaccine did you get, President Biden? Well, I got the Trump vaccine. Biden had had to say those words. It would have been so beautiful. That would have been such a good piece of media to just have, to roll out for the next campaign.
Starting point is 01:31:23 Like Trump saved America. Biden is just a fucking middle out for the next campaign like like like trump saved america by by biden is just a fucking middleman to the solution like like trump's plan biden executed it because you because you guys weren't smart enough to to keep the the bully in there you wanted to put the guy who stutters in instead i find it so yeah it is just like it's just so crazy to me i think uh there's a lot more influencers that do politics now more than ever. And I just can't help it. But I instantly default to like even people I watch. I'm like, oh, this guy's a grifter.
Starting point is 01:31:53 All I see are grifters, like people that are like pushing politics so hard. That's their money. That's where they make their money. It's always going to come down to that. This is their livelihood first and foremost yeah like if like uh biden did something that makes sense it doesn't sell though to say that it doesn't sell and they got to make their money i understand being works both ways works both ways i understand being passionate about um political things like like like gun control or marijuana
Starting point is 01:32:22 legalization those are things i care about right um obviously the marijuana thing i'd love for them to expunge my record but like jesus i don't fucking talk about a 24 fucking seven like i got guys your identity it's not my identity i i know gun self-worth is not wrapped up in who your president is like like i know guys in the gun community and it's like their twitter feed is nothing but like oh my god they're taking they're gonna take this from you they're gonna take that from you here's the constitution and here's this and that and it's just like do you ever tweet that like oh saturday afternoon enjoying my freedoms cooking some steak on the barbecue for real that's exactly what i'm saying
Starting point is 01:32:59 is like like i look at like even like like matter who, even if like, that's perfect example, like, like, you know, like these gun toting, big dick, bad boys. Shut up, bro. You're a bitch. Everyone fucking complains these days. Like everyone bitches, everybody bitches. And it's always someone's fault. And something's always the next thing to complain about. And I, I brought it up like, uh, the last time I last time I was on, it was a rapper that I find so fascinating. And I didn't say him by name, but his name is
Starting point is 01:33:30 Tom McDonald. And he's like a very fascinating rapper. Not my style. I don't really get behind his message, but he concisely takes his message and wraps it out for his audience and his audience loves it. And I find it fascinating because of the things he says and how it out for his audience and his audience loves it and i find it fascinating because of the things he says and how he hyped up his audiences and i look at it i'm like this guy's fucking complaining he's just complaining every single new song and like he's you know he's he's a canadian dude or he was born in canada i'm not really sure but like you know his like uh his whole message is like you know like fuck the woke people if you're woke like you're an idiot the government and the media are lying to us and controlling us
Starting point is 01:34:10 and it plays up the whole thing he's literally his rap sounds like a facebook rant from like uh like a crazy like uh right wing like facebook page uh but i find it fascinating he's very popular he packages his stuff and he markets it and delivers it in a way. And he's very successful. But I look at it and I'm like, bro, constant complaining. And then you get in the chat and they're like, yeah, man, these fucking people. And it's always they, this, they, like, who is they, bro? We are they. We're all they.
Starting point is 01:34:38 And everyone's always bitching. I look down on the guys that are upset about whatever your part of the media is telling you to be upset about right now. I'm probably guilty of it sometimes. But when Dr. Seuss was canceled, all the guys on my Facebook feed were totally just obsessed with these two books that no one read that I guess had racist images in them or something. And it's like, bro, I feel like you're being played. You didn't care about those books. There's a guy right now talking about the maybe 12 dead soldiers.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Yeah, you didn't post an image of a single dead soldier during the Trump administration. But now it's the biggest deal to you. You're just being upset at things they're telling you to be upset about. That might be apples and oranges, though I do agree completely with your general idea there. Because the soldiers thing, yeah, that guy's a fucking Trumper who's like, oh, here's another thing to picket Biden for that I would have never thrown in Trump's face.
Starting point is 01:35:41 The Dr. Seuss thing, you could kind like stand on an island where you say you know that old adage where like they came for dr seuss and no one is no one came for him no one told dr the company said these books don't sell and they're kind of a landmine out there that someone's eventually going to step on and be mad at us for okay we'll name another thing like aunt jemima's fucking syrup or uncle ben's rye. Did anyone come for these? Maybe they did, but in the Dr. Seuss one in particular, it was the company who internally
Starting point is 01:36:11 decided to do this. Maybe Aunt Jemima, there was a movement to take me off the bottle. I need to speak to Aunt Jemima herself and see how she feels about them removing her from her own syrup bottle because, first of all, that's a wide-hip, sexy black woman, and I'd like to have more of her in my life. And second of all, that syrup is delicious.
Starting point is 01:36:29 It's some of the best syrup. Their low-calorie version only has 10 calories for two tablespoons. They should pay me for this, by the way. It's good syrup. It's very tasty. Low-calorie maple syrup is not as sinful as I thought it was before I started counting. Five calories for two tablespoon. If you, if you use the kind that, uh, that I, that I've been liking almost sure I use exactly what
Starting point is 01:36:50 you told me to get. And, and, uh, yeah, I remember Kyle did this. This is what sold me on it. He's like, I'm putting maple syrup and everything. I use it to sweeten my oatmeal. That might not be a good example, but like, yeah, yeah. So it was, and was and i'm he's like so i finished a whole bottle and i'm like well it must add up how many calories are an entire bottle of maple syrup it was like 120 or 140 something like that it's like oh yeah turns out five plus five plus five doesn't add up to a lot it was it was like 18 minutes of jogging for an entire bottle of syrup. And that syrup added so much happiness into my life. Every bottle is just like fucking cradle that shit at night. Because like you said, I put it in everything.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Anything that would be better. Like coffee? How about a little maple coffee? Like everything. I sweeten everything with it that could like. I'm obsessed with it. I love it. I'm obsessed with it i love it on everything i love maple cookies i love i love maple cake i love everything maple is just
Starting point is 01:37:52 it's just great i just i just i don't even have to say it it goes without saying like i'm in quebec i'm in like the hub of of it like but literally like i go out i go to the grocery store and the maple syrup in the grocery store is from within a mile from here. I hear Vermont has better. Yeah, okay. Yeah, you heard that. That's the word on the street. Who told you that?
Starting point is 01:38:15 That's the word on the street. Everybody is saying that Canadian maple syrup has mercury in it, and if you want the real shit, you go to Vermont. I heard that Vermont maple syrup has mercury in it. And if you want the real shit, you go to Vermont. New Hampshire. I heard that Vermont maple syrup changes your DNA. How dare you? It's probably true. I hope so. I'm not happy with this DNA.
Starting point is 01:38:37 We were talking about OnlyFans is a job that's regretful. I watched two YouTubers who were committing suicide in different ways. I don't even catch every video. I just check in on them because I'm curious. One is... I need to look up her name real quick. My mouse is moving so fast. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:38:56 Are you familiar with her? Not intentional. No, not intentional. I only know this person So you don't, you're not intentional. No, not intentional, but I know, I only know this person because I have, by the way, I'm deep on YouTube drama. It's always been a thing of mine, a guilty pleasure. I know her because she was friends with Shane and she, people were commenting a lot on how she looks and how she looks and what's happening and everything like that.
Starting point is 01:39:29 Yeah, this woman is... Yeah, yeah. Can you just show her a little bit? Is this someone that you're friends with in some way? Should I... Not me. I don't know this person at all. I have no loyalty to anyone on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:39:41 I don't need to temper myself. You put her full screen so people can see her, Zach. Look how thin she is. She looks like she's dying of something that is incurable. She does a makeup channel, like a hair and beauty channel.
Starting point is 01:39:58 Yeah. You mean for people who dress up dead bodies? She actually did a cosplay of a dead body recently, and it got a lot of attention. Oh, all right. Now that's hot. She actually looks a little better in that one. Yeah, turn around.
Starting point is 01:40:15 I don't know the date on that. You're donating $50 to ALS? You need to spend that at KFC, bitch. Jesus Christ. What's the date on that one, Zach? August 23rd, 2014. Oh, she's melted off. Oh, 2014 date on that one, Zach? August 23rd, 2014. Oh, she's melted off. She's lost a good 10 pounds since then.
Starting point is 01:40:29 This is a chick who did not have 10 to give. Yes. I just check in with her every so often to see how she's doing. She talks about her mental health from time to time. She suffers from all the people criticizing the way that she looks. She doesn't like to hear it.
Starting point is 01:40:46 But how can you not? Here I am. You know, like, so that's her. There's another one. He's a motorcycle guy. Well, don't watch this, Eugenia. Yeah, right. Sorry, Eugenia.
Starting point is 01:40:58 Because you're killing yourself slowly, but surely more so than the people who eat a fucking bucket of fried chicken every day. Eugenia, I don't know how to convince you. You will still be hot with 20 pounds of body fat. You'll be much hotter. It's not, it's nothing we're going to say is going to be productive or useful or helpful people. And I don't know personally or anything at all,
Starting point is 01:41:17 but I have a family that works with people with eating disorders and it's just, it's a major, major mental illness. Is there medication? I could flip the switch. There's honestly, from what I gathered,
Starting point is 01:41:32 asking questions and listening to people, there's literally, it's like a point in, in, in health where we really do not know what to do yet. We don't know how to help these people. We don't know how to make them make permanent changes sometimes they bounce back and do better but apparently from what i understand
Starting point is 01:41:50 and i'm super ignorant on it we are we are at a loss and these people i don't try not to offend anyone these people are very very uh very sick you know what i've seen the worst people what i've seen that works and this i'm not i'm not people. What I've seen that works, and I'm not joking anymore, I've seen chicks that look like that, whether they were bulimic or anorexic or whatever eating disorder was the root cause, and they turned that into actually extreme fitness, like lifting,
Starting point is 01:42:18 and it sort of uses a similar part of their mental illness, but in a more constructive way right where it's like that's where he did that actually where they're lifting weights and getting big and muscular and and they can they can they're still lean as fuck but they've actually they don't look so frail and it's got to be a healthier thing because now they're eating calories that they're utilizing because like like she doesn't have any muscle or fat like she and it's just downhill from there but but whereas like i've definitely seen like at least two or three people including furious pete that you mentioned who turned anorexia or bulimia whatever into like being a pretty like
Starting point is 01:42:56 soup like really thick big like strong people like like i don't know bodybuilding is the right term but like i don't know just getting super into lifting and getting big and strong and fit. So Zach's going to queue up the other guy that I watch. So this guy rides motorcycles on the street really fast. He's much better than I'll ever be at, at riding fast, but he'll never be like a world-class GP racer. I,
Starting point is 01:43:23 in my head, he's the equivalent of wings of of Redemption Ed Codd. Really, really good. Better than almost everybody. But not one of those MLG pros. So he's carved out a YouTube space for himself. He has like 880,000 subscribers. It's really big for a motorcycle channel.
Starting point is 01:43:43 But to get people's interest he has to almost kill himself every ride he has all these close calls and when zach finally cues this up uh here we go this wasn't the close call so this is how he rides i know it's a little stuttery, but hang in there. Yeah, I was just saying you can go to like... Yeah, I had a time stamp. I just wanted people to get a taste of normal riding. Yeah, he goes really fast and goes down where his knee is almost touching the pavement. Yeah. And he's about to get real.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Oh! Oh, shit! I don't quite gather what was the cause of that. He smashed into the back of that car. He nudged it. The cause of it was the car. The car moved about a foot and a half,
Starting point is 01:44:40 two feet to the right. It's the car. If you're in a car and someone's ripping by you like that, you that you do kind of you're like what do you want me to do yeah like the car is going to the shoulder it looks like he doesn't know the cars go into the side but it would be normal for a car to swing right wide and cut the apex like that like you know i almost i don't know it i could be wrong it almost looked like the car did it on purpose, but I think the car was just panicking because they saw him coming up so fast and they did the wrong thing.
Starting point is 01:45:09 He moves very quickly to the apex of that corner, almost in a way that he meant to do that. Look how he's on the white line. Did he assume the motorcycle was going to go to the left and that's why he went right? I mean, who the fuck passes you on the right? I'm not trying to put the onus necessarily on the car because dude's on a fucking crotch rocket passing you on the right? I'm not trying to put the onus necessarily on the car because dude's on a fucking crotch rocket
Starting point is 01:45:26 passing you on the right going 90. Yeah, something. I don't think we put the fault on the car driver, but I think that was a big part of what caused the crash. I wonder. Yeah, so there was a hole there that closed and then he was going to the right. If you watched it more carefully
Starting point is 01:45:41 and you could see it straight up, there's also sand on the right. If that car doesn't move, he's still in a lot of trouble. I don't know that he was going to make it at that speed because of the road conditions. But anyway, I watch this guy all the time and it's partly because he keeps almost killing himself. Like that's his content where he just rides around in unpredictable conditions doing crazy stuff. What is this? Cezac pasted something. I'll be the bad guy here. I'm much older.
Starting point is 01:46:15 I've been riding sport bikes since the mid 80s. I've seen guys like you, Max, come and go. Some are in the ground now. You've got more guts than brains. While that's exciting, you're also gambling your life. You've got the absolute skill to burn up the track. He'll probably even be endorsed. You're definitely taking the love of this hobby to the limit.
Starting point is 01:46:34 Don't let it kill you. I bet he's seen that comment. It's the top comment. Yeah. But that's like, look, I'm not knocking. He's a million times more talented than me at motorcycling, but he's in the hospital every couple of years and all his motorcycles are bought with GoFundMes from accidents.
Starting point is 01:46:53 That's it. I may be the only one here, but I see the girl as like... The girl. The girl that eating like I get that they're kind of in the same league. These are both people who are like doing dangerous things and they're in the public eye. But one of them is doing the dangerous things to stay in the public eye. And the other one is in the public eye. And the dangerous thing is honestly, I maybe this is kind of weird and mean, even meaner to say than like giving her a hard time about being so skinny. Would she be so like noteworthy if she didn't have the eating disorder like like is she so good at cosmetics that she would be like this this known cosmetics channel if she did if her hook wasn't that she looks like
Starting point is 01:47:37 she's killing herself she's got millions of views with shane dawson And he did that. Like he kind of like, like she, she was already a thing, but I feel like that put her on more like, I only like this Shane Dawson thing has 32 million views. And another one, she has like 5 million views with Shane. And it revolved around that. It revolved around that so i wonder it's yeah it's tough tough to say right uh i mean i remember there was one guy who always trying to do cool shit and he do you remember this oh i hate thinking about it he shattered his like heel he jumped off a pool like a hotel into the pool and the whole thing was like he was going to be really close to the ledge
Starting point is 01:48:21 but he hit his heel on the ledge and like shattered it. And he had needed this go fund me. And the entire go fund me was like filled with $1 donations being like, yeah, here's a dollar. Thanks for the content. You're a fucking idiot. And like things like that. And like people watch because it's like what they want to see.
Starting point is 01:48:39 Like, why do you think that like hood Olympics milk crate shit is popping off? It's not people successfully doing it. Yeah. It's fully people hurting themselves. You're making my point for me because like my whole thing was like, I think that they're watching because it's so fucked up and dangerous. Like in the motorcycle guy's case,
Starting point is 01:48:57 if he was just making regular moto blogs, like I watch, who's that guy? We watched the he's got like a catching it. Yeah. I mean, noob. Yeah. I watch his um, who's that guy we watched the, um, um, he's got like a catching it. Yammy noob. Yeah. I, I watch his because he's informational. I like his bike reviews.
Starting point is 01:49:10 They give bikes away. Like, like how can I not like, yeah, I'll subscribe. You're going to give a fucking Indian away. Like, like I'll, I'll take a one in 10,000 shot at a free fucking Indian. Let's go clickety click. But, um, I enjoy his content for that. I don't know if you're a fucking squid buddy here. Not that he's your buddy this the squid guy here um like is gonna catch my eye for anything other than
Starting point is 01:49:30 being an asshole out on the roads like i'm watching the same reason i watch jackass i want to see him like be death defying and maybe even crash uh with the girl i don't know like like maybe if you're her body type you're like yeah, she found a way to like, make me look pretty. Even though I've got an eating disorder. Like, like I, is that her hook?
Starting point is 01:49:50 I don't think so. I think people are watching to like, come back and be like, Oh no, it's gotten worse. Yeah. Or gets better. Either one's interesting.
Starting point is 01:49:57 Yeah. That's, that's true too. I mean like one video, like that I always watch in here and it does come down to it. Is this guy? There's like a fucking like and i i do like his channel i've seen all his videos but this one clip there's like a
Starting point is 01:50:10 truck there and he has this high powered rifle and he shoots the truck and the door goes flying and like almost misses him this door would have cut him in half i've watched this clip on his channel so many times even though i've seen the rest of his channel this particular clip where he literally almost dies is the one where i'm like oh shit you guys hold let me pull it up you guys should you guys should check it out yeah i like that stuff russia yeah that's his name yeah i mean i liked doing dangerous stuff in videos like i like i like for things yeah i've watched your videos because of the dangerous shit bro like i watched it i was like yo this guy like we used to watch it and be like yo yo do you see how bro you fucking blew up
Starting point is 01:50:57 the car or like when you there's like fire and shit and i felt like you had to do that you had to do more things to amp it up and take it up and take it up and take it up. And I used to be like, damn, like this week we got to use more pizza. This week for him, he's like using C4 on a drone. Yeah. Yeah. It literally was stuff like that. It was, it was, I wanted things to look as dangerous as possible while being as safe
Starting point is 01:51:23 as possible. And there's a, there's a weird sort of diagram where it's like oh this looks incredibly dangerous and i'm like yeah because it kind of is and then but but you don't want anything you don't want them to be even right you don't want to be like a 50 50 overlap we're like yeah it looks dangerous because it is incredibly dangerous i tried to like it should try to do dangerous than it really is it should look more dangerous than it really is. It should look more dangerous than it really is. I think that car door is one of the craziest. Is it a car door?
Starting point is 01:51:49 I'm mixing it up with a refrigerator door. It's like the pickup truck. I remember both of those. The refrigerator door came back and took Scotty out. Let's see. I'm wearing a chive shirt.
Starting point is 01:52:03 There you go. I'm wearing a chive shirt. Let's see. Oh, yeah. There you go. I remember something. Look at his little arm! Look how adorable your neck is in that one. Yo, this is fucked. Yo, that is crazy, bro! You couldn't put that TNT
Starting point is 01:52:22 or the... What the hell is it called, that binary? Every time, that is so fucked to me, dude. You couldn't put the TNT. The hell is it called, that binary? Yeah. Every time. That is so fucked to me, dude. That is so fucked. The reason that happened, Woody was about to say it, but I usually hung the explosives, the Tannerite, from the rearview mirror. So they're centralized in the cabin of the truck, and they're also easy to hit.
Starting point is 01:52:40 And that truck did not have a rearview mirror because I got it from a junk lot or something and so it had to be attached to like the oh shit handle on the passenger side and and so it's just right against the back of the door and it created a shaped charge that's how shape charges work you've got explosives on one side and on the other side you've got a flat piece of metal and they obviously the explosive like sends that metal forward to like do damage. It's, it's how like lots of like weapons of war built Claymores are somewhat built like that.
Starting point is 01:53:11 Lots of like armor piercing, like munitions are built that way. But in this case, we sent a fucking truck door back at me at the speed of light. I watch it once a month. Literally. I'm like, yo,
Starting point is 01:53:22 this guy didn't almost just die. He almost got fucking cut in half by mangled steel. It would have been pretty rough. It could have killed me for sure. It could have maimed me a little. I kind of wish it had hit me, but not injured me too badly. If it had hit me and blunt impact, the edges don't hit me. If it just hits me flat and knocks me on my ass and I
Starting point is 01:53:45 pop back up, I kind of hurt. I think that would have been even worse. At that point, it's slicing by real close and just giving you a badass scar. On your bloody face, you're like, have a nice day. I had totally done it. I think that if you got hurt, it would
Starting point is 01:54:02 have been hard to land future sponsors. It would have gone so viral. That's a sponsored video, by the way. There's a reason I'm wearing a chive shirt. Is it like irresponsible gun owner thing would give you so much attention? Well, he's standing like 15 feet from the fucking truck. I'm real close to that truck. He's so close to the truck.
Starting point is 01:54:21 Oh, yeah, we're close. I could be kind of a pussy with certain things i would have stood further away from him holding that gun than he was from the truck like he was like in there but that was part of it it was like that was the aspect you knew there couldn't be one motherfucker in the comments be like pussy stand further away pussy like you there was no room for guys like that no like that like that's, that's how you, like, that's how you take it. Like, that's where you go with it. Yeah. Insane to me.
Starting point is 01:54:48 And I also like the framing, you know, of the shot, right. Where you've got like just enough, you got all of me, like waist to head filling the left side of the frame. And then that truck is, we're so close that it's filling the rest of the frame. So when you get a big pop, it just like, it's a cool visual. That's, that's what I always, we a cool visual. That's what I would move closer. I'm sure we could have gotten an expensive lens that would have accomplished all of this.
Starting point is 01:55:12 But no. We're using a big-ass Panasonic with fucking zoom on it. Is that Gator holding that? Yeah, it's Gator. Actually, that day, I had hired... I imagine it goes through his legs and he doesn't move either. It just screws legs. I've got a full crew that day, actually that day I had hired. I imagine it goes through his legs and he doesn't move either. It's just the screws legs.
Starting point is 01:55:27 I've got a full crew that day. Actually, I've got, um, I've got like a, I had hired like a $5,000 per day, a production crew with a high speed camera. There's high speed footage of that somewhere. Um, like, like, like, I don't know, maybe 2000 frames per second, 3000 frames per second, something like that. And, uh, they had never filmed with me before. These guys were like semi-local and after they're all very professional, they didn't say shit. Right. So we didn't have to do any audio engineering, but afterwards they
Starting point is 01:55:53 were like, what the fuck? Now that I know there's 2000 frames per second, imagine just like a car door slicing your head and face off in half in 2,000 frames per second. I would go on the dark web and be like, yo, you remember FPS Russia? I got the clip of him getting mangled by a car door 2,000 frames per second. Someone would have uploaded it for me. Let's get it fucking going. I wouldn't give a shit.
Starting point is 01:56:23 Everyone should see that. That would have been so fucking cool. i don't want to die or anything i don't i don't want to die but if i'm gonna die let's fucking upload that shit to my main channel let's get this shit a hundred million views or something like that if i'm gonna die um that was wild though uh and it was but you know like we did more dangerous shit than that like i had a cannon shoot right past me one time and cut a tree down behind me. We didn't upload that one. Kitty thought that one didn't look a little rough.
Starting point is 01:56:50 I did always. I did watch your videos with the knowledge of being like danger is an ingredient in these videos. Absolutely. There was like an element of people would always be like, you know, the things like, oh, is it Russian? Is this guy real? Then be like, oh, he knows how to shoot. Like he's good at shooting. You had that part too.
Starting point is 01:57:09 But then there was like, I always believe that there was like three elements to make something viral or interesting on the internet. Something that made you have to have your reaction. Then another thing where you're like putting your hand on the mouse is actually Freddie Wong told me this. And then the third thing, which will make you share it and that third thing's important it was always like the third aspect was always danger was always a present ingredient and i think people like we were talking about like to your point like people like that shit what i did early on is like i reckon like i saw what
Starting point is 01:57:38 viral videos were you know they'd be these one-off things like like i don't know chocolate rain or something like that or one of them would be like you know like like'd be these one-off things like, like, I don't know, chocolate rain or something like that. Or, or one of them would be like, you know, like, like some sort of natural disaster, something like that. And I was like, there's these videos, they get like a hundred million views. Like they all have some commonalities in them. Like, like if you could just do that every week, like that could be a career. If you could just, if you knew how to make a viral video at will like like that's a thing so i thought that like the mystery of the character was interesting i thought that um it being dangerous was a was definitely going to always have to be a component of it it being short like none of this 10 20 minutes short was a big deal back then short was like i looked at like like before I put up like that with our most popular video,
Starting point is 01:58:28 fast food lasagna at the time, I was like, bro, this is five and a half minutes. Bro, five and a half minutes. People aren't watching YouTube for hours, bro. We can't do five and a half minutes. Now I sit down and I look at a video. It's like eight minutes. I'm like too short. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:43 I felt like if you could squeeze everything into five minutes, you had a fucking home run. If you had five minutes of just nonstop, like if you could squeeze in some jokes, if you could make the person laugh, gasp and, and then fucking like rewind a little and watch a thing for a second time. Like those were big components to me. I was, I was like, all right, we got to get as many jokes as we can in there. At least one of them will be funny. We got to,
Starting point is 01:59:07 we got to have something in there where they're just like, Oh, Oh, Oh, okay. And then we got to have one moment where there's like, hang on, I got to see that again.
Starting point is 01:59:14 There's companies that take like your content, all your content. And like, they'll package it for Facebook and re-upload you wouldn't even have to do a single thing it would work great for fps russia it would work great for pka highlights uh and you they would just you just give them access to your content you sign a little deal with them um and you know where you're making like uh you know at least half of the lion's share and then they just do their best to monetize your content on facebook because to be honest like fps
Starting point is 01:59:46 russia pka they were just like that would vibe very hard like if i that popped up on facebook like we're the nazis that bad people would be like yes bro i've been waiting for this on facebook someone who's speaking my language as they're wearing an SS cap. It's stylish. We've covered that. It's a tent pole topic. Yeah. I don't know. And,
Starting point is 02:00:09 and then, you know, like I think the refrigerator door thing, that one was a silly, every time something bad happened, it was a product of failures that were a little bit out of my hands where I could, and I could have prevented them,
Starting point is 02:00:24 but like it was, it was a sort of like the show must go on kind of thing that happened where like the refrigerator door thing that happened because, um, the explosives that I had were supposed to work with shotguns, but they just weren't working. And we were making a video with a Sega 12 shotgun, you know, a Russian fully automatic shotgun, trying to blow up this... I think I had a... Was it red dot? It didn't work.
Starting point is 02:00:50 I don't remember exactly what it was, but you're thinking of in the red. And it wasn't working. It wasn't working with the shotgun. I think it was Tanner Wright's low velocity stuff. I think I had some of that. Anyway, it wasn't working. And so I had my friend with a rifle, and what he was going to do is like, when I fire the shotgun shot, he's going to time it just right. He's going to hit it with a rifle and we get the visual
Starting point is 02:01:12 of the shotgun blowing the door up. And he had been drinking apparently. I didn't know that. But I go, boom! And then he goes pow! And then he goes, pow! And then it blows up. And I'm just like, well, we just blew the door up. I only had the one door. And he's like, God damn it, Kyle.
Starting point is 02:01:32 I'm sorry, man. I should have told you I had a couple beers before. I was at my house when you came and got me. And I had a few. And I'm like, we probably should have said something, man. You're back behind me with a rifle. And he's like, well, I wasn't going to hit you. I was like, I guess not. I was like, what probably should have said something man you're back behind me with a rifle well I wasn't gonna hit you I was like I guess not I was like what are we gonna do now I was like we got like an hour of sun left he's like I got an old refrigerator at the house y'all can
Starting point is 02:01:52 have that and so we took his old refrigerator out in the field and we filmed with that same technique um different shooter behind the rifle who could get the timing right because they were fucking sober. And, uh, and when it, when it went off, you know, it's a fucking refrigerator and we're so close to it.
Starting point is 02:02:10 And a big chunk of like bendy sharp steel just hit Scott right in the fucking leg. And, um, I don't know, it makes the video better. I'm glad nobody really got hurt. He got a few stitches.
Starting point is 02:02:19 It was all good. But, uh, you know, that, that video went extra viral because he got hurt. Uh, so,
Starting point is 02:02:29 you know, nothing, nothing, you know, it went fine, I thought. Sure, yeah, worth it. All the injuries were because of stuff like that, though. I don't think there was any. I had some little injuries, like nothing to even, like, speak of. But, like, I had bullets. Like, ricochets come back and hit me and, like, draw a little blood. I had a 50-cal round come straight back at me and hit me in the chest one time and i looked down and it's just there and it's just like it's a 50 caliber bullet like i had been like you wearing anything thick like a coat i was wearing an fps russia shirt
Starting point is 02:02:55 professional russian t-shirts they're still for sale like maybe yeah they're bulletproof by the way get one especially in law enforcement it'll save you good that's not a true thing but i'm like shooting like con pressurized concrete was and this armored round comes straight back like a tennis ball or something and i feel it and i like look i'm but i just keep filming and when we're done filming i'm just like here's one of the bullets guys and like where'd you get that i'm like it just hit me in the fucking chest. It came back and hit me. And then another time we were shooting frangible bullets. These are bullets that are meant for like specifically things like if you're an air marshal and you're gonna have to shoot a gun in an airplane there,
Starting point is 02:03:35 they take a very fine copper powder and like denim and they compress them into a bullet. And that way it'll like go into a person and kill them. But even if it were to go through them if it were to hit something hard like the fuselage of a plane it just goes poof it's like they're target friendly like if if you were to shoot a lot of rounds and pierce your targets and damage the thing you're shooting at like at an indoor range yeah i know what i went to new jersey and they required frangible ammo because they didn't want
Starting point is 02:04:04 anyone busting up their targets yeah that's usually because they've got cheap steel for their targets um now armor piercing rounds they'll fuck up even the best armored steel but um but like regular full metal jacket they you're fine but um i i had two versions of this stuff i had handgun and the handgun stuff you could you could walk right up to steel target and go ping ping ping and i mean the barrel is this far from the target, which means that I'm this far from the target. And I'm just going ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping. Well, in 1911, and the bullets going poof. And it feels like sand hitting you at like kind of high velocity. It barely stings. It's cool. It's like, oh my God, this is so cool and safe. this is so cool and safe. And, uh, and so I filmed that. And then I'm like, give me the AR 15 version, the five, five, six stuff. And we slapped that in an AR. And I'm, I just start approaching a target while like dumping a magazine. I'm just like, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping. As I walk closer and closer and closer to the target. And at some point I got too close and the splatter
Starting point is 02:04:59 shoots me in the crotch and it just shoots fragments all in my, like it didn't hit my dick, but it hits both of my inner thighs. And I finished filming the video, like camera turns off and I pull my pants down to my ankles and like roll my boxers up and my thighs are just bleeding because there's this bullets all in my fucking inner thighs. Um, and then one time when we were shooting the mini gun, um, and I was like holding it like fucking Jesse Ventura from, from predator. Uh, one of the bullets exploded in the belt feeder next to my thigh. And I thought I was the minigun um and i was like holding it like fucking jesse ventura from from predator uh one of the bullets exploded in the belt feeder next to my thigh and i thought i was legitimately shot um and when i when i we finished filming and i like dropped my pants again and it looked like
Starting point is 02:05:35 a cigar burn on my inner thigh because it had exploded and just like went through my pants and then kept sizzling in against my skin but it didn't like penetrate me but i thought i was i thought i might be dying on that one because we were so far from help. Other than that, it was mostly a few close calls here and there. I read. I did.
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Starting point is 02:08:50 Taylor just lost his job. There it is. Harley, last time you were on here, you had gotten Invisalign braces and you were brand new to them. Yeah. Been a little while. How's it going?
Starting point is 02:09:01 So I'm at now my, you change them every 10 10 days i have uh uh pull up here to see because now i'm scared i'm like shit that i not that am i supposed to change them uh i have them in uh four days to go and it'll be the 100 it'll be the 17th tray so 170 days and it they're so ugly when you see them because they look like a weird fake grill uh but like i have crazy feelings and stuff but like uh okay my mouth used to be like square at the top and it's rounding out now it's rounding out um and i feel it and i love like the feeling of every tooth being squeezed
Starting point is 02:09:46 very hard like i'm very comfortable with that but i mess with my jaw a lot and i'm like a weird guy so people will like come in online when i'm like on twitch and i'll be like yelling and screaming and doing my weird shit and then i'll sit there and i'll like mess with my jaw. And I look like a crazy Molly Coke head or something. Cause I'm like yelling and screaming energies high. And then I'm like focusing. So I'm quiet. And the whole time I'm like, I like having them on.
Starting point is 02:10:16 I am like, I'm wearing a mouth guard. Yeah. I'm a little farther ahead of you in the process. So maybe, Oh, I didn't know you had them. We spoke about this.
Starting point is 02:10:24 Did we talk that you had them or. I think so. I don't know. But yeah, so I'm 11 little farther ahead of you in the process. Oh, I didn't know you had them. We spoke about this. Did we talk that you had them? I think so. I don't know. I'm 11 months in. How long do you have to wear them for? Two years? You only do a year and a half. I have to do two years. Okay.
Starting point is 02:10:41 Functionally, I had space between my teeth. Every time I ate, I needed to floss. Cosmetically, I had space between my teeth. So every time I ate, I needed to floss. And cosmetically, I had like a bottom front tooth that was really crooked. And three months in or so, that bottom front tooth was like 90% fixed. How crazy is that?
Starting point is 02:10:57 Because you don't feel like it's doing, like you know it's doing something, but you never know. But then like I'll put in a different tray and I could tell it's like targeting different parts of my mouth, I'll put in a different tray and I could tell it's like targeting different parts of my mouth. I'll put in a different tray and I'm like, oh, you guys are, this tray is going after the bottom corner here, big time.
Starting point is 02:11:12 So it was that tooth in particular. I always wanted to bully this week. You know, I put it in, I'd be like, what? You're pulling apart my teeth. I never gave a fuck about that. Or how are you doing this? Or I have a pop tooth that's crooked. You can't even tell. I can with my tongue. It's not really crooked anymore. But it was never
Starting point is 02:11:32 something I gave a fuck about. It was like, I want to bully this tooth all the time. That's your focus. Why are you wasting my time with anything else? So yeah, you can tell which one is getting it. I change it every week, which I think is nicer because it's easy to remember. Yeah, every seven days is yours? Yeah. Gathering from that it's two years and the 10 days, mine is probably two years because of those extra three days per tray.
Starting point is 02:11:58 And maybe they need to be a bit more hardcore. But for me, my bottom teeth, they all angled inwards a bit like this which functionally there's no problem i have an overbite also it's just like not a problem but i was like i want my teeth on the bottom like pull outwards and now i'll put in trays and i'll be like oh shit like i'll feel it along the sides like pulling them outwards and my mouth my mouth is absolutely different i hate the speech things that happen sometimes like i'll go to do an s and it'll be like a th yeah and that sucks because my mouth my tongue's in the right spot but it's like hitting the plastic of the invisalign every week
Starting point is 02:12:37 your mouth is a little different yeah then every week there's an opportunity to get it just a little the worst thing the worst thing is like sometimes i'll talk and there's no air that passes between the teeth so it'll all come up the side and i'll make like a farting noise that is the worst i'll be like yes it's like this face it's in my i got it all over my face and like it farts out of my mouth and it's like the weirdest weirdest speech impediment is like an accidental farting noise my favorite thing about it is i feel like i'm wearing a mouth guard so when i'm like motorcycling or something and maybe i hit a bump or jump or something where i would otherwise like maybe bite my teeth together or something like that now they're all protected and insulated in there and it's basically a guard. And they're so delicate when you take them out though,
Starting point is 02:13:26 you take them out and like, I can't even touch them against each other for a bit. They're like, they're too, they're too delicate when I take them out my front teeth. So, yeah. And anyone who's watching probably your teeth all locked together.
Starting point is 02:13:38 They find a way to lock together and that's a thing, but I'll be in an intermediate stage most of the time where they're not locking together quite right so when you first take them out you're like what i've got like two points of contact and yeah it's messed up oh yeah that yeah exactly and like you're touching two teeth that never met before are the only teeth touching each other now in your mouth i have to put elastics in at night also when i go to bed i put two elastics here and like it like pushes my jaw forward i didn't just a little bit elastic and they were
Starting point is 02:14:10 like yeah if you want to really like take care of it you gotta have to get surgery like jaw surgery but for that i'm like no fuck that okay like i don't care i have i just have an overbite uh-huh i don't know if you can see it uh but they're like yeah if you want to fix that and i was like no i don't give a shit that much this is enough let's just do this and be done with it yeah and i got depressed when i first put it in i was depressed i put it in i was like this every day dude and like i'm pulling it out and then brushing my teeth and putting them back in i was like this is gonna be fucking hell And I was sad for like three days. I was a little different. So what I had was anxiety. I went in there with my, you know, what, what I felt like were my crooked ass teeth into the orthodontist. And I'm like,
Starting point is 02:14:56 just like you were, I had braces when I was 12 and I had all the same feelings at 47 or eight, whatever I was. And, uh, 47. And it was like, Oh my God. Like I gotta wear these things. What's coming. I don't feel good about this. I,
Starting point is 02:15:10 they're not, I do better in like a high information environment where they tell me what they're doing. They're working on me. Like I'm a statue. Like they're not explaining shit to me. They're just going at it. And I hate it.
Starting point is 02:15:21 I don't know why we're doing what we're doing. They're bringing out like ultraviolet lights to fucking seal the cement or whatever yeah yeah like but i'm in the dark as to why we're doing any of this and i don't know what's gonna hurt and what's not gonna hurt and then mine were so tight the orthodontist there's like a couple orthodontists at this place she had never had a tray so difficult to take off before in her career so like the the nurse tried it she couldn't get it the orthodontist tried it she couldn't get it i was like let me give it a try even though i'm new it's my mouth so i've got this like you know sensory feedback that maybe you wouldn't if you're doing it to someone else i couldn't get it the orthodontist went back
Starting point is 02:16:00 at it when she finally pried it off one of my brackets went flying and she's like well i'm paraphrasing fuck that bracket it was just causing us trouble anyway yeah and she said like i've never had one this difficult to remove and i'm like this is my life this is this is where i am but you know a week or two later not only do i have the technique down but my teeth are fitting the trays better and uh now it's it's just been a super positive experience i kind of like wearing it because i drink monster energy drink with them in i don't do that no you're not allowed no how like you hate you know you gotta brush your teeth you brush your braces whatever i'm like this is stage one of my weight loss plan
Starting point is 02:16:45 bitches are you like it if it happened for me too snacking snacking is dead yours yeah fuck snacking yeah what what like yeah imagine you had to brush three sets of teeth every time you took a bite of something then you would just be like this is sometimes i get high and i'm like oh i don't want to eat at all now and then i'll be like okay i'm gonna take my tray out i'm gonna i'm gonna get high i'm gonna fucking have half a bag of this fucking whatever it is let's do it but take my tray out i get high and i'm like food's weird i don't want my teeth to be squeezed right now i'm putting the tray back in and i'll like put them back in and like it has it has been like eating has been completely different for me because like sometimes you sit down someone's
Starting point is 02:17:29 like yo you want some of this i need to be like okay now i'm like i can't my teeth like the movies the movies one of the movies completely different like i have my teeth with me my wife will be like you know like hey i made this would you try it no no. I don't want 12 minutes of work for one spoonful of whatever the fuck you call it. It's not. Smell it. Smells great. And I went for fake teeth. Try it on the dog.
Starting point is 02:17:56 See how he thinks. Oh, he loves it. Well, must be another winner. Yeah. Like it always is. Yeah. When I went to go do it, I went go talk to like the orthodontist and i was like yeah truth is i want to get um veneers like i want i want to have steve harvey smile yeah like i want to smile and i want people to be like those teeth are way too big and
Starting point is 02:18:20 way too white for your mouth it makes no sense i thought it would be very funny well face tattoos are funny but you didn't do that i know either funny in a really cool way i thought big ass white teeth huge white teeth would be fucking hilarious idea that it was a temporary decision like you could have hilarious teeth and then three years later get good looking teeth you could do that yeah i figured it would be expensive but yeah uh but then i saw actually i saw philip defranco um he was like uh and it was after i spoke to the orthodontist and he was like yeah you don't want to do that trust me they kind of suck you don't want to go to turkey and get fake teeth um and then i saw philip defranco he had done a thing uh it was like like the video and i'll show you my nubs like my little nubs um he was changing and he had his veneers and he was talking about it.
Starting point is 02:19:05 And he was like, yeah, don't do this. He's like, so many people are doing this. He's like, you don't want to commit to, I don't know what his exact words. One of the things we're like, yeah, you commit to spending 20 K in like 12 years from now and 12 years from now, you will spend $20,000 getting your teeth done again. Cause that's just what has to be done. Yeah. And he was like real teeth. He's like, just keep your teeth real. If you can keep them real. And my thing was haunted mouth.
Starting point is 02:19:30 I said, I had ghost teeth. I told the guy, I was like, my teeth aren't like yellow, but they're not, they're like, they're like see-through.
Starting point is 02:19:37 I call them haunted, like ghost mouth. And he was like, if you do this, he's like, you straighten your teeth out a little bit. He's like, and then you just whiten them. He's like, I like i promise you you're gonna be so much happier than getting
Starting point is 02:19:48 fucking big white chiclets in your mouth i'm like yeah i don't know will it be funny though will it be funny i read about steve harvey the other day on reddit they said that um he had a teacher in school that told him he'd never be on tv and so every year he sends that teacher a TV for Christmas. So he can tune the fuck in. That teacher is like, wow, you showed me. I like to imagine that they're really crappy TVs.
Starting point is 02:20:15 Like the kind that he would never want to actually put. He's not sending like a 70 inch plasma or something. No, it's TVs, but there's no ports on it. Yeah. It's just a TV, no port. You can't even plug it in or anything. something no it's tvs but there's no ports on it yeah okay there's the tv no port you can't even plug it or anything can't even use it yeah it's just a mirror um you know boogie's boogie got those ridiculous teeth and i remember thinking like it's that
Starting point is 02:20:34 old thing that woody brings up sometimes when you've got like an old person who gets a facelift and you're like well is looking like a lizard better than looking like a really wrinkly wrinkly old person that's 85? I don't know. It's a different look. I think it's different better, though. And I kind of have the same thoughts about Boogie with his big chiclet fucking teeth. You know, it would have been, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:20:58 They were all rotted out and gross before. I know the number. He had 17 teeth before. You're supposed to have 32. You guys, maybe a listener doesn't know. But he had 17 of his 32 teeth. That's very Arkansas. How many teeth do you have, Mr. Big Shot? Countless. I'm actually missing. I got my wisdom teeth
Starting point is 02:21:20 taken out. One of them, or at least two of them. Something like that. And I had one tooth pulled i had like one of my you had a tooth pulled yeah all the way in the back all the way in the back yeah i had a molar all the way in the back and uh it was always rubbing against the inside of my mouth and like causing sores and uh and sometimes i would bite it like the inside of my mouth and it would i would have i would be gargling salt water for a week to like get it to go away eating worse and eating carefully so because like you bite it once and then it kind of swells and then it's easier to bite yeah you're biting non-stop at that point it's awful um and uh i have the tooth somewhere i kept it because it
Starting point is 02:21:59 was so gross because the reason i got it pulled is it had, uh, uh, the filling had fallen out and I know it. And then had gotten like really gross. Like he had like started rot, like big cavity right in the middle space. It's just gum. It's just gum there. And it's hard gum. That's like healthy gum. And like, like I have, I have two spaces of gum here on top left and bottom right where
Starting point is 02:22:22 the teeth were pulled up. The teeth shifted forward. So I never had to pull my wisdom teeth. It created room um and it is gum and the the invisible line the invisible line is also opening it keeping the teeth straight there and the guy was was just like yeah if you want we'll keep room for a replacement tooth he's like but if you want to do that but i thought i remember when boogie did that it was like that was like peak time of me being like looking into that as well. And that's when, if you take note,
Starting point is 02:22:48 if you look at like boogie and you take note and you watch, look at a lot of YouTubers or even a lot of rappers, teeth are some of the first thing people do. And there's a lot of fake teeth on YouTube. It's like you watch creators and you'll see it all the time. I would argue this. Are you worth the, are my teeth fake? No, I was asking Kylie smile. Like shit. it's like you watch creators and you'll see it all the time i would argue this if you are worse are my teeth fake no i was asking kylie smile like shit i don't even know okay yeah i got all
Starting point is 02:23:11 my really good looking except for one to have two things figured out you need to be thin and you have to have straight teeth if you have that like you're fucking handsome yeah that's all there is skin complexion also and And yeah, I agree. Thin complex. Because people do, like, if you have crazy acne or something, people do give that. Okay. Put a knock against that. But usually adults get their complexion sorted out.
Starting point is 02:23:36 Yeah, yeah. He's fully wired. Teeth are a game changer for people. If you have straight teeth and you're not fat, you're good looking. Like almost every variety of person is pretty good looking if they've got those two things sorted. If you are a guy and you have straight teeth and you're somewhat fit, don't be a fucking idiot and you got everything you need. I feel like guys, a lot of times, we just ruin it for ourselves. you need i feel like i feel like guys a lot of times we just ruin it for ourselves we'll like say the wrong thing or do be have the bad attitude about something or whatever it is but like i've
Starting point is 02:24:12 seen like i remember like just even like going on dating apps a lot and stuff like that like i would like start to see how how you know girls would say that i would be like never never never or whatever i'd look at my friends and they'd be like, oh yeah, it's not working out for me. Or it is working out for me. And I'd look at their pictures and I'd be like, bro, can you just shut up? Like I'm looking at your bio and I'm already like, if I were a girl, like I'm scared. Well, Kyle's laughing. I saw Kyle's Tinder. I was like, bro, this guy, like if I was a girl, I'd be like, I want this guy to dominate me. It's the most, I saw it. I was like bro this guy like if i was a girl i'd be like i want this guy to dominate me it's the most i saw it i was like this is the most dominating tinder profile ever like black and white jacked i was like this motherfucker looking to drop mad loads to come on people
Starting point is 02:24:55 but i didn't see the but if you don't have a six pack like that if you don't have a six pack no it's that there's always exceptions to the rule if you're ripped like that do whatever you want doesn't matter. Yeah. People go up there and we'll say like, they'll say like a lot of things. I'm like, my favorite show is the office. I love the third episode because it taught us a great lesson that would,
Starting point is 02:25:15 even though if you're, if you're like, and it's just like, well, shut the fuck up. I'm an artist. I'll be like, that sounds like you have no job. You know,
Starting point is 02:25:21 like you have to be careful because like girls are a bit slicker than us when it comes to reading into things. And sometimes we are a bit slicker than us when it comes to reading into things and sometimes we think we're slicker than we are and they pick up on that really fast oh yeah i don't know i'll read you my my tinder profile um oh i don't think it says anything too catchy it was i i had actually just like recently changed it used to say something like um i take pills to come more yeah Yeah, it was something like that. I had recently changed it because I had bumped into a couple of prostitutes on Tinder, and it was annoying me. But anyway, it says, looking for someone fun.
Starting point is 02:25:55 Let's go to the movies again. I'm 6'2", if that matters. I don't care how tall you are, but don't outweigh me. If you have an imaginary friend, I'm not interested. That's referring to Jesus and everyone likes a cute slut but don't be an actual prostitute please like that's what my
Starting point is 02:26:14 that's what my tinder said that's like basically saying what I gather from that is like I'm gonna take you to the movie I'm gonna fuck you the fuck is gonna be crazy so don't be thinking about Jesus and you're definitely not getting paid for this Yes that's exactly what it says That's what he wants you to know
Starting point is 02:26:29 That's what I want you to know like going into it Don't waste any time don't be talking to me about Fucking chivalry and how like I'm supposed to Meet you halfway I love that game You're coming to me Like the swordplay is good I think Mort Howe is better But to each his own But yeah no like We can talk about chivalry. I think Mordhau is better,
Starting point is 02:26:46 but to his own. But yeah, no. I kept bumping into prostitutes on there because there's so many fucking whores on Tinder that are wanting to pimp their OnlyFans. And it's just like, I don't give a fuck. Do you really think pussy and ass are a commodity right now?
Starting point is 02:27:02 You're selling oranges in Florida. You don't fucking understand what you're doing right now. You're selling oranges in Florida. You don't fucking understand what you're doing right now. Nobody's buying. Half the people on Earth have one of these. Yeah, half the people on Earth have one of these. More than half of them, if you count Bussy. I renamed Dirty the other night to Free Bussy, if you message me.
Starting point is 02:27:21 In the Discord, he took it a step too far, so now his name is Bussy Boy or something. What did he say? I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. He knows now, though. And then the other part is I want to let the fatties know. Don't fuck with me.
Starting point is 02:27:35 Every time I see a chick who says they're in love with Jesus in their profile, I'm just like, I want nothing to fucking do with you. If part of your identity is loving jesus christ if that look if you're really sure here's the best blow jobs those ones give the best blow jobs if they're the least good blow jobs but girls who like jesus don't
Starting point is 02:27:56 like oh my fucking god like i remember a chick asked me once she's like it was a really cute like black chick and she was like 30 miles away so it probably wasn't gonna work anyway because i ain't driving to you and she was like um what's wrong with imaginary friends she thought it was like some cutesy joke i had thrown in there and i'm like i just you know i just don't i just don't believe in that nonsense and uh she's like she's like like like what i'm like you know like like jesus like like like imaginary friends she's like and she literally says i love jesus and i'm like and i wrote bye and she goes yikes harsh i'm like we'll go pray on it like what do you want me to fucking say like i don't want to deal with somebody who like if you're religious it's fine
Starting point is 02:28:38 i got no problem with it my mother's religious but like if part of your fucking identity is your imaginary friend and your love for an imaginary person that you've only heard about from a guy who's scamming you out of like 10 of your your money on sundays then then you're just a retarded person i can't deal with you i don't want you in my life did i uh i'm not gonna persecute you and burn you the steak like you people used to do but i don't want you in my life did i bring up did i bring up the sugar baby site yeah yeah we talked all about the sugar babies last time yeah and that's like that's the thing is like you do get a lot of prostitutes
Starting point is 02:29:14 uh on tinder because they'll double up on that site um you know not saying necessarily that they're prostitutes but uh like if you find someone on tinder and they're also on seeking like that's a person you know look they're looking for money but if you match them here you won't have to pay them but if you match them there then the understanding is that you pay them well they match with a different group of guys on one than the other anyway so you get me on both oh you get you on both okay you overlap you overlap there is one actually i remember when i was on the site i matched and like uh i got um a message someone had messaged me they had messaged me and they were like i'm a super uh well-known influencer so i can't share my photos right off the bat but if we have something good going then we can meet and I'm the comfortable and I'm down for
Starting point is 02:30:05 this that this that this that and I was just looking at I was like okay I'm like who is this person didn't think anything of it and then I was on Twitch and saw them and they were also from Toronto and I was like oh I'm like that's the person and I'm like and I could tell because of this particular picture and I remembered then like now, like never, never met up with them. Cause I was like, I'm not, I don't want to see you. Uh, and I'm like, I don't want any of this. And I was like, and plus like, yeah, okay. You're an influencer. I was like me too, but it's my picture. I don't think she knew that though. I don't think I was hurt. She was my demo. Um, but I saw her and now it's like legit. Like I'm a,
Starting point is 02:30:45 that's like a person that I'll watch and I'll see just because I'm like, I know now I know. How many hours do you have on YouTube? Harley? Do you have a billion? Yeah, I think there's a billion. That's a lot.
Starting point is 02:31:00 Something I, you know, it was one of those things that people are like, yeah, I pick me all times that I'm like too late. Pussy. We've got a billion views. I don't care. They'll be like don't care they're like yeah epic meal how does it feel having a dead channel i'm like how does it feel having over a billion views yeah and literally like playing
Starting point is 02:31:14 video games for a job now and just doing whatever what i want it feels pretty good we had arian foster on the show he was one of the he's one of the nfl running back greats right so he's very good very successful people are like you're washed up. So he's very good, very successful. And people are like, you're washed up now. Okay. He's like being washed up is great. I just do it.
Starting point is 02:31:30 I'm doing it one all the time. I'm pursuing my music. I'm rich. I'm famous. It's hard to describe that to people. I hope that you can be washed up someday too. I wish good things for you. It's so true.
Starting point is 02:31:40 It's like, it's hard to, to grasp. Cause usually the type of person that'll come in and be like, wow, bro, dead YouTube channel, dead Twitch chat, Cause usually the type of person that'll come in and be like, wow, bro, dead YouTube channel, dead Twitch chat, whatever it is, the person that came in, it's like, I know that you want to have this path. You want to in 10 years from now be washed up.
Starting point is 02:31:58 I know this because like you, you, you aspire to, to be a part, like you, you even know to come in here and make the comment. And I always think that. I'm like, bro, like being washed up is so much more relaxing and good on my soul than when we were the center of attention. If I was the center of attention still now, I would have been MeToo'd. Something would have happened. And I mean, there's no reason for MeToo. I never did anything wrong.
Starting point is 02:32:24 But I'm just saying something would have happened. Put that in there. An old tweet. Something would have happened. And I mean, there's no reason for me to, I never did anything wrong, but I'm just saying something would have happened on all three, an old tweet, something would have happened. It could have been anything. And I'm like, who knows? I'm like, I don't change anything. Like I love the history that I've had with the website and what I do. But like when I sit there and it's like 2am and I'm like stoned as hell and someone's like, wow, bro, dead YouTube channel. And I like go and click their thing and they're like 17 or 18 years old. And I'm like, bro, you have school tomorrow. And I would hate me if I were you because I'm like here and I'm like not stressing.
Starting point is 02:33:00 And you think people think like if you made it and you're not killing it like you used to kill it now you people like want you to suffer for that because you got yours so now you have to suffer and and hate being not relevant or whatever but it's like yeah what is relevancy look at the top youtube channels i always think about that max pain quote where it's like you think a piece of shit feels popular because it's surrounded by flies look at the most popular creators i'm happy it's not me like i'm cool as long the only thing that i miss and i always say there's only one i miss about like not being a novelty and being like top 10 most subscribed channel is that i would put something out that i was super proud of and people would watch it. Nowadays, I'll create something. I'm like, damn, I wish more people
Starting point is 02:33:48 could see this only because I think they'll find it funny. But for me, like fame or being the center of attention was never the goal. And I've met so many YouTube creators that are like, i legit feel bad for like i i've met people who like they're like beefing their brother the family is beefing because it's good for views i'm like i'm so happy i don't have to fight my brother sometimes even when kyle pulled up those two twins on uh those two twin uh porn stars and i was like man that's a bummer i'm so happy I don't have to lick my sister's pussy for a job. I'm like, I'm so happy I don't have to fight my brother to get more job or whatever. I'm so happy I don't have to, like, search the void. Like, I watch some creators, like one of Loki, one of my best favorite creators of all time, Fousey, just so fascinating.
Starting point is 02:34:40 I love it. You guys ever seen when he tattooed his head? Yep. Quality YouTube. Top tier, S tier YouTube content. Some of the best shit see when he tattooed his head yep quality youtube top tier s tier youtube content some of the best shit ever he tattooed his head he tattooed hair on his head amazing another great video removing it um but that content to me i'm like i know this i've met people like that where it's like you are severely affected if your video did not get the views
Starting point is 02:35:02 you are affected and it's gonna have a major it's, you are affected and it's going to have a major, it's going to fuck you up. And it's not even like it's a job anymore because you have a Ferrari and you bought your family house. It's like something deeper that I can't relate to. And people come in and be like, yo, they'll say this or that about dead channel. And I'm like, this is like, like, I wish I could express to this person how I'm impervious to that because like, I'm a fucking 36 year old man, bro. I'm not like trying to be vlog squad. You know, like I think about like, I don't know if you guys know, like Jeff Wittek, like, you know, he climbed on this rope and he let his buddy like smash him into a steel pole and he fucked up his eye and fucked up his brain for views. Like back in my day, people used to fucking shoot a gun
Starting point is 02:35:46 at a car and the whole point wasn't for the door to fly by them but if it did okay and the views were there but it was never like where they're at today today things have to be so much they got to do so much they have to be involved in the drama you got to go and call people out like i'm too i'm too high for that stuff did you did you did you and i or did you see the the offer you got to go and call people out like i'm too i'm too high for that stuff did you did you did you and i or did you see the the offer i got the other day no what is it um i'll double it take your shirt off do you know what the bare knuckle fighting championship is yes they offered me a main event fight against diego sanchez a former ufc fighter who who was who was in the ufc like this year um and i was immediately like no why why'd they pair you up with him because you're
Starting point is 02:36:35 jack you look like you're great at bench pressing fight this man they're like we want a former youtube legend to fight a former ufc legend and'm like, that doesn't sound like it's going to go well for the former YouTube legend. You're going to let me bring a fucking AR-15. Then let's go. Call him back and be like, yo, yo, me versus Freddie Wong. Call him back. If he has to write down Freddie Wong, let's do it. I'd stomp Freddie Wong's ass if they had to do that.
Starting point is 02:37:00 Or even me versus you. I think you'd kick my ass. I know. My back, you got the six-pack. I don't even want to get in the octagon. I'm going to hit you with my six-pack. It's all Abra. I don't want to get in the octagon with you
Starting point is 02:37:13 and just be shirtless next to you. Yeah. He would look really good at the weigh-ins and at the part where they say, all right, you both know the rules. He would struggle with the part after that. Yeah, like i would be great like talking shit to this guy because this guy has cte like like i i'd put i could make him so i could hurt his feelings you gotta make friends you gotta shit talk dimitri style you have to he's it has to be
Starting point is 02:37:43 dimitri going out there. I could. Yeah. I mean, I could. First of all, he's clearly a closet homosexual who was molested by his last trainer. He's clearly got brain damage. He's all washed up, and he needs the money. There's so many awful things I could say to this man.
Starting point is 02:38:00 Don't say them, though. Don't say them, though. The problem. One of the main reasons, one of the top five reasons I said no, I had been talking shit on this guy just like I just did now months ago. Because I am a UFC fan. Like I know who this guy is. I followed his career.
Starting point is 02:38:17 And he is a ridiculous human being. Like he would foam at the mouth at the fights. He's the guy you may have seen him like come out with a crucifix, like crazy, like, like he's an actual crazy person. Cause he's got brain damage and he's a weirdo anyway. Um,
Starting point is 02:38:31 but, but like, but like, yeah, I would look good on the way ends. I would, I would look good in those like pre-fight interviews where we're like talking shit.
Starting point is 02:38:39 He would just be like, you know, I'm gonna go out and do my game and I'm just like, I'm going to fuck him in his ass. Like I just go hardcore and he's going to like it just'm just like, I'm going to fuck him in his ass. Like, I just go hardcore. And he's going to like it. Just like when his fucking fake ass trainer fucks him in the ass when he's chasing him around with a knife. It would be funny. And then we'd have to get into the ring and fight each other.
Starting point is 02:38:56 And he would beat my ass so badly. I would never look the same again. Maybe on a shit talk goes wrong compilation. Yes. They would be playing the kirby enthusiasm theme as all your videos yeah it would be it would that or the coffin dance you know where they're all like like they're all dancing with the coffin it was like like you like play like a short clip of me like yeah bring it on diego the fucking nightmare sanchez and then you like zoom in it's the black guy with the fucking ray-bans and he's like yeah let's do it pussy and then it's the guy's shoes
Starting point is 02:39:30 like like panning up from his legs and they're just like just fucking dancing with the coffin because that guy would he could literally murder me the whole idea is a is a farce you better hope that he's not actually gay because if he is, there's nothing you can do. Nothing I can do. He can rape me. He's literally one of the greatest fighters of all time. Top 500 fighters of all time easily. You might be like, well, 500 is a big number. I'm not in the top million. I'm not in the top 10 million. I'm not in the top 100 million. I'm not in the top 10 million I'm not in the top 100 million That's the difference we've got here
Starting point is 02:40:05 Top 100 million I'm not sure How many billions of people have existed You could beat up 95% of the world I'm sure No There's a lot of women out there He said it all the time He's got to go up against Neanderthals
Starting point is 02:40:18 Look I think we all know that I have no business Fighting Diego, the nightmare, Sanchez. And the worst part is it's bare-knuckle boxing. So it's not even like – if it were MMA, I might even be tempted. If it were boxing, like with those big fluffy gloves, I would do it. But it's fucking bare-knuckle boxing where he can literally ruin my life. If it were MMA, I might walk to him backwards and expose my neck.
Starting point is 02:40:43 Yeah. This is how I want to lose or like learn enough capoeira to like dance at him or something like like like like but but like the whole thing is just a farce it's just silly they were going to film a fucking they were like yeah we'll film a whole documentary series about you training for the fight with the best in the world and i'm just like it's gonna be me waking up at 5 a.m. crying every day because I signed your goddamn contract. Oh no,
Starting point is 02:41:12 no, it's, it's just nonsense. But yeah, that, that kind of falls back on the thing that you were talking about. Cause I don't want to know. There is a number and I don't want to know what their number is.
Starting point is 02:41:20 Yeah. You don't want to say it. I like to pretend to you. I like to pretend their number is $30,000, but like they said their last fucking pay-per-view did 300,000 buys at $50 a pop. Wow. And so like,
Starting point is 02:41:34 if you main event that, like, I got to imagine that's a lot of fucking money, even if they're only paying 3% of that though. I don't know. I don't, that's all negotiable. Right?
Starting point is 02:41:42 Like, like I don't want to know the numbers. Get the calculator away! Put it away! You said $300,000 at $50 and then I'm going to do times 3% because I think that's
Starting point is 02:41:56 right-ish. Isn't that $450,000? $450,000? $450,000? That's $150, grand higher than my number. You've hit my number as well. You're right. My number is about 300,000 as well because I figured like, you know, that's a lot of weed.
Starting point is 02:42:23 I just pictured in bales of weed whenever someone offers me money to do a thing. That's about eight bales of weed. A bale being the big circle thing you do to track the move, right? Yeah, there's 600 pounds apiece. No, I'm not going to fight anybody though. I don't want to fight anybody. Like if they offered me
Starting point is 02:42:43 to fight like someone who's in my wheel. Like again, if they invited me to if they want me to fight Harley, I'm not going to fight anybody, though. I don't want to fight anybody. If they offered me to fight someone who's in my – Again, if they invited me to – If they wanted me to fight Harley, I'd fight Harley. Because, first of all, even if Harley beats me up, it's not going to be gruesome. If they wanted me to fight Freddie Wong, I could just straight up beat up Freddie Wong.
Starting point is 02:42:59 No offense, Freddie, if somehow by some weird means you hear this. I'm just saying I'm much bigger than you. somehow by some weird means you hear this um i'm just saying like i'm much bigger than you and but but like why am i supposed to be fighting a guy who was in the ufc like like three months ago yeah but like i don't know i don't know how to fight i could only i don't either that's the problem see that's the problem harley neither do i yeah when i thought about it when i thought about it i was like oh who would like i fight and like how much would it be and like who would i because i remember i was going through that yeah honestly no muscle glass has to fight dimitri i thought about i was like you know what i i think i would fight dr disrespect
Starting point is 02:43:40 i fight muscle glasses i think he would i think he i think he would handle me, though. He's an athletic. He's athletic. He's my height also. He'd fuck me up, probably. Yeah. Did he play pro ball? I know he played college, and I think I might have even exaggerated.
Starting point is 02:43:59 I watched the fight. I'm going to watch the Jake Paul fight this week, and I watched that shit. I watched the Austin McBroom one. I bought the fucking YouTubers versus TikTokers fight. Back on Jake Paul. Yeah. I have been watching Tyrone Woodley. I 100% believe he genuinely dislikes Jake Paul and everything that he stands for.
Starting point is 02:44:24 Yes. he genuinely dislikes jake paul and everything that he stands for yes he's like this guy is a fight vulture just living off the hard work that real fighters put in and jake paul actually puts in real work he was telling jake paul that he's in real danger he's like the people you are training with are not giving you their best effort you think that you are prepared to fight with a guy like me and you're not you're really gonna get hurt you don't belong in the ring you think he's gonna beat jake paul i hope so crew disrespected tyrone woodley's mom and he's like i don't play that shit it's on video yeah he's like you know you like you better get your fucking dogs away from your mom i'm in there and like i believe every bit of it every bit of it tyrone woodley wants to hurt jake paul i tyrone woodley is so washed i don't know
Starting point is 02:45:14 what he has left but you would think it's a mismatch against jake paul right yeah i do think it's a mismatch i think that tyron is going to knock him out. That would be my bet. It's not as much of a mismatch as me versus Diego, but it's still quite a mismatch. I think Jake Paul will win. You do? And I got one piece of information that I saw that made me think that. Okay. And it was the first time I'm making a decision
Starting point is 02:45:41 because even when Jake Paul was fighting Ben Askren, I was like, I don't know. I think Ben can fuck him up. That was my thought. my thought i just thought oh you're like a fucking ufc fighter you're gonna you're gonna get inside once he's inside during ufc history against a striker youtuber i don't know and i get it this guy's a striker right i don't know a lot of ufc you guys do know more than I do. Um, but there was one clip. It was Jake Paul and him and they were on stage together.
Starting point is 02:46:09 Jake Paul said, if I lose all tattoo, I love Tyrone Woodley on me. And he was like, and if you lose, you have to tattoo. I love Jake Paul deal. And he hesitated so long and it looked like he wouldn't like or whatever and in that moment i was like okay jake paul is in his head or hear me out hear me out my first thought was like jake
Starting point is 02:46:35 paul's in his head and that's where i rested i'm like but there is the chance that culture wise he might be like nah bro that bro, that's gay too. Yeah. Like, I don't want my name on you. That is also gay. That's, that's a,
Starting point is 02:46:51 that's a homo white boy move tattooing my name. Like none of it. I don't know. It's very little to Jake Paul, right? Yeah. And he's like, like all things take Mayweather's hat off.
Starting point is 02:47:03 And he says, I got your hat, right? The next day he says, I got your hat, right? The next day, he had I got your hat tattooed on him. That, like, that to me demonstrates that a tattoo to this guy is like a... You're right. But I did, when I read it the first time, I was
Starting point is 02:47:17 like, I think he's in his head. Now, I'm not going to be like, yo, I'm a huge Jake Paul fan. I'm not going to say like, yo, Jake Paul, I'm like, I'm obviously like not that. I mean, I feel bad that he had to fight his brother in rap songs to keep staying on top of YouTube. But I look at it and I'm like, to me, on paper, Jake Paul is doing everything smart. And this goes back like over a year i thought that the whole conor mcgregor thing was a huge victory for jake paul like you call out conor mcgregor you just did 40 chess he's
Starting point is 02:47:55 in the corner so now he's gonna say no and that's ugly that's a pass you passed on it why wouldn't you the money's there the money's there Why wouldn't you? The money's there. The money's there. Why wouldn't you? You are that guy. You fought Mayweather. Like, the money's there. His brother did. What?
Starting point is 02:48:14 He's saying that. No, no, no. He's saying that. Oh, no. Conor McGregor. I was like, Conor McGregor. I'm like, what kind of fucking conspiracy theory is this? McGregor and his brother fought.
Starting point is 02:48:23 Okay. So, yeah, I'm'm like you did that move and now you are either too scared to fight jake paul or you're avoiding it or you fight jake paul and you beat his ass and we're all like of course or you fight jake paul and the worst case scenario you lose he would be so he did put them in that position and then dana white got so invested in and making us it got so invested in not being invested that it also came off in a bad way by being like it's disrespectful to fighters blah blah blah like bro i'm not a huge ufc guy so i have no loyalty or allegiance to anyone carter mcgregor threw fucking chairs at a bus of his
Starting point is 02:49:04 fellow fighters, cut them up like by throwing the chairs. I saw him knock out that old man at the bar. If you're there and you're like, yo, Conor McGregor's fucking badass. I love Conor McGregor. You can't write off Jake Paul because why? He's an asshole. Conor McGregor, bro.
Starting point is 02:49:22 Like I, when I watched Mayweather and Conor McGregor, I was like, this is going to be fun. Cause I want to see them both get punched in the head. Like, I would love to see them both get knocked out. Didn't this guy hit his wife or something? And I've seen this guy beat up old men at the bar even though he's a trained fighter. So when Jake Paul called me, I was like, bro, you have to kick his ass, Conor. Or what would be really crazy is if he doesn't kick his ass. And I thought when Jake Paul didul did that it was you you
Starting point is 02:49:45 have are now in conversation that's why every mma site or whatever they want to talk about him they want to do it and like i'm a huge wrestling fan i got like wrestling chairs behind me like i go to the events i love wrestling and i always thought the pageantry of wrestling is so valuable because we know that the the winner is decided So what's going to get us there? Well, the lead up to it. And Jake Paul, I'm not being a fan. No one needs to be like, bro, fuck Jake Paul. Fuck you, you fat idiot.
Starting point is 02:50:13 Shut up. You're missing the point. The point that I'm saying is that he did it masterfully, masterfully because he's in every conversation. And so many people want to see him get his ass kicked. And like, they keep putting him up against these people that are just not want to see him get his ass kicked and like they keep putting him up against these people that are just not guaranteed to 100 kick his ass get someone in the ufc right now the top of the ufc like like dana white like see the opportunity here yeah just get your best fighter to kick his fucking ass end it nip it in the bud instead of oh he's
Starting point is 02:50:43 not a real fighter he's not a real fighter so he's sitting here selling pay-per-view after pay-per-view like crazy money breaking pay-per-view records and winning because you don't want to like because you don't want to put your best fighters against even though the best fighters are like bro please let me knock his ass out but instead no one wants to do it they they find themselves above it but you can't hold yourself above the showmanship of it you can't hold yourself above the showmanship of it you can't hold yourself above that aspect because that's what sells tickets boxing doesn't kill it like it used to when my dad used to go watch boxing like it was like everyone shut down front page of the newspaper the next day the boxing results people couldn't even tell you
Starting point is 02:51:20 the top five boxers in this day and age. No one could. And back then, it could have happened. Yeah. Tyson Fury and then his brother and the fat guy. Yeah. I'm talking about with those that is a clutch still fight there.
Starting point is 02:51:41 They think they're too old. I don't know. Yeah. They were fighting when I was in high school. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I have no idea I was in high school. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I have no idea. Boxing is fucking lame, man. Boxing is fucking lame. I hope we come full circle and go to sword fighting again. You want to sword fight somebody, I'm down.
Starting point is 02:51:58 That'd be sick. Yeah, like something that neither of us know how to do. Don't have me go play baseball against fucking Derek Jeter. Come on, he's been retired for years fuck you like like have me go you want me to sword fight derrick jeter all right maybe maybe yeah the final season of walking dead actually that's a terrible idea about the start yeah you would probably could swing a sword. Yeah, you made it. But you chose the wrong guy. I got you at the midsection. But I want to talk about Walking Dead.
Starting point is 02:52:28 So I rewatched all 10 seasons with Colin. We finished it. Season 11, which is the last one, is either just aired or is going to air this weekend. I think the first episode is out. And all I know is they interact with another civilization that has 50,000 people in it. So every time they interact with another civilization, they're a little bit more behind the eight ball. Like there's a part where Rick and crew are the baddest motherfuckers in, in the known universe. And then, you know, like the governor is a little tougher match.
Starting point is 02:53:01 And then Negan, they're severely outmatched and they need to bring in more people and then with the uh whisperers they're even more severely outmatched these people have a nuclear bomb worth of walkers that you know some i'll make up a number like 250 000 walkers they can launch at the thing and now 50 000 humans sorry whisperers are people that can control walkers they are whisperers dressed up as walkers and they had masks on and then they would guide the herds and use them as their weapons and uh so they had the deal i stopped watching walking dead but i used to read the books a lot and i loved them i want i read up until like around glenn um so then i watched up until around glenn uh but that i didn't get this far and like on paper what you just described sounds very I read up until around Glenn. Then I watched up until around Glenn.
Starting point is 02:53:48 I didn't get this far on paper, which you just described sounds very interesting to me. I'm going to watch a three-and-a-half-hour YouTube video on it. Walking Dead turns the corner and gets better again. It kind of peaked when they met Negan. Then it kind of sank when they fought him and it just dragged out the whole we're having a struggle way too long for like an entire year of 22 episodes or something crazy like that.
Starting point is 02:54:10 But it's come around again. And Walking Dead is actually one of the better shows that's ever been on TV. It's, it's there. Like there aren't too many, like Sopranos is better. The wire is better, but Walking Dead is just right past those.
Starting point is 02:54:24 And you watch it again and especially with the good pacing you can get by watching a few a day it's good and there's a spinoff coming after this where daryl the other crossbow guy and carol the meek woman who turns into kind of a badass uh just go off on their own and wander and you know they drop the two of them and they're wandering dead sorry so anyway i'm psyched for the next walking dead to come out and i think there's an episode out there i guess i'll watch 10 seasons of this fucking show like i guess i will they lost me i'm never going back. Okay, I'm off it too. No.
Starting point is 02:55:07 They lost you when they were fighting Negan, right? It was awful. I mean, it was getting there, but a lot of things happened right after they met Negan. For one thing, the network responded to the backlash over how violent the episode with Glenn was,
Starting point is 02:55:23 and they toned the violence down significantly. But then right after that, it's like, look, you have to strike this balance between having plot armor and having mainstay characters. Like, there's an episode of Star Trek The Next Generation where Picard gets assimilated by the Borg. I think it's the end of season three. Yes, the end.
Starting point is 02:55:44 It's a cliffhanger. Yeah. It's a cliffhanger. It's a cliffhanger. You literally end season three I think of Star Trek and Picard seems to be gone. It is very serious. You're like, what the fuck? That's the end? I'm sure a lot of fans thought
Starting point is 02:56:00 that Riker's the captain now because they've pretty much written Picard off and it seems like all hope is lost because like he's essentially dead and uh but then you come back and he's back so like like you know Picard's got some plot armor say what you will about that but like I I think the show is better with Picard in it when they lost Rick when they lost Carl like like it it makes so many of the earlier episodes worthless it's like why did I care
Starting point is 02:56:28 about Rick and Carl's journey I love the lack of plot armor Game of Thrones is bitch made right when Jon Snow dodges a trillion arrows that I rewatched the show I rewatched it and I was with my girlfriend I was like oh you know
Starting point is 02:56:44 that podcast PK I'm like, Woody hates that episode. It ended and she was like, whoa, he lived? I was like, yeah, he didn't like that. Battle of the Bastards. One of the best episodes of anything that's ever aired on television. Look at the IMD ratings.
Starting point is 02:56:58 I rewatched the IMD ratings. I was excited about the show at the time, but now that you know that he can't die, it's just fucking ruined. And I rewatched it. I rewatched it. Why did he come back? Oh, why did he?
Starting point is 02:57:17 Why was he killed and come back? Why did he come back? I literally rewatched the whole. I don't know why I watched Game of Thrones again. I hated how it ended. Hated. I did like Battle of the Bastards, though. If if john snow died then i would have been like what the fuck but i love game of thrones the last two seasons i've never seen someone dismantle something i
Starting point is 02:57:32 cared about so much so quickly i thought it was so bad and even watching it again the second time oh my god and it's it's hard faster and faster and faster the last episode the last two episodes are the absolute fucking worst. I love that Rick is off the show. Now, he's not dead. I think they're making a movie with him. And he's funny. He's like, it was a big mistake to leave the show.
Starting point is 02:57:55 I wanted to spend more time with my family, and now my family's tired of me. In an interview, he said that. No, go ahead. I saw him once in a coffee shop in Athens. Go ahead. Oh, cool. I just think it's really neat that nobody's safe. Rick isn't safe.
Starting point is 02:58:09 Carl's not safe. You know, like I happen to know Daryl and Carol are safe because they're doing a spinoff. But aside from that, anyone could die. You know, Maggie was gone for like a whole year. I don't know what it was. Contract negotiations or just the way they wrote her out. But like people go. Michonne could die andrea died andrea's alive in the comics like if people watch walking dead rick and michonne become like kind of
Starting point is 02:58:31 married and you know live together whatever that's andrea's role in the comic book yeah that i i think what look i i i understand you feel that way and i understand why you feel that way but i wonder if you if your results oriented here or if or if you appreciate the show for for what it what it would be if they had had their way as showmakers because the reason so many characters die is because a robert kirkman got fucked in the ass by a and e and all of those actors and actresses like like andrea like that older bald gentleman who was always good at fixing the van or the motorhome or whatever early on.
Starting point is 02:59:08 All of those early... Glenn, those are all his guys. When Robert Kirkman makes a project, these are his go-tos. When he did The Mist, go watch The Mist when they're all in the supermarket locked in. Such a good movie. You're going to see a lot of familiar
Starting point is 02:59:24 faces. Great movie. These characters die in the comic book though. Such a good movie. You're going to see a lot of familiar faces. Great movie. These characters die in the comic book, though. I don't know. Well, Andrea doesn't. The one thing that I liked about the comic book, when I read the comic book, and it was one of the last things that I got, it was the whole fake phone thing.
Starting point is 02:59:42 Rick carried around the phone in the comics. It was a phone. Is it a walkie-talkie in the show? It was a phone, and the phone would ring, and he would pick it up, and it would be his wife. And he was kind of losing it. This is when he got to the... They went to the society. It was like a society.
Starting point is 02:59:57 Get a community, can't have your guns. And then they ended up being the troublemakers. They had to go sneak their guns back because they wanted to be armed. They didn't trust people. It was after the and it and he was carried around this phone and it would ring and he would talk to his wife and one time carl came in and carl like in the book is like still nine like he never got older and he's looking at his dad he's like what are you doing and his dad's like okay sometimes your mom calls me on this phone.
Starting point is 03:00:27 And if you just, honestly, I know things are hard, but if you just listen, then you'll be able to hear her. And he, like, gives Carl the phone. And Carl takes the phone and listens for a second. He goes, oh, my God, you're fucking crazy. And, like, drops his phone and leaves. And I was so excited because I remember, like, they this little kirkman gives the spiel at the beginning he's like there's no end to this comic it will go it's just going to continue there is nothing people will come people will die he
Starting point is 03:00:56 goes most importantly people will change and i remember the one thing that i was excited about then is i was like yo carl is fucked up, bro. And he's going to keep getting fucked up. And like you had like those kids like in the prison in the comics, like that killed, they killed someone and like cut him into pieces and shit. People were getting fucked up. And I thought that was very interesting. And I was like, oh, I wonder what they'll do with Carl when he's just like, Rick, you're a pussy and you ain't cutting it. And we need to be harder. And I thought it would get to there.
Starting point is 03:01:24 But, you know, you can't do that on the show like if things have to be milked appropriately and and i just i remember that's when i was like oh we'll never get this on the show we'll never get this type of stuff rick rick and carl's relationship was the the cornerstone of that show for me um and the the and and it's you you're touching on it right there it's the idea of rick from the old world um and carl who's been being formed by this new world like that should have been the cornerstone of the show and and like whenever they try to make the show bigger than what fits inside of a room i feel like they're failing like whenever they because because it always falls short of my expectations.
Starting point is 03:02:11 Whenever they try to have 50 of us fighting 50 of them and we've got machine guns, it ends up doing exactly what Sons of Anarchy did. Sons of Anarchy is at its best when they're in a room, when they're in the confines of a room and they're having a discussion about what needs to happen next. And then the next thing you know, somebody's getting a knife jabbed in their back like like like like game of thrones like varus and little finger having a conversation was so much better than like the dothraki writing into the darkness against now game of thrones does a really good job game of thrones is one of those shows where they had the budget and the creativity uh to make the big shit cool. Battle of the Bastards,
Starting point is 03:02:45 the fact that those were real horses blows me away still. It's just such a beautiful fucking scene. It might be the best battle that's ever been put on camera. I like Braveheart. There's actually some scenes in the early part of Gladys. Braveheart is crazy.
Starting point is 03:03:02 I watched Braveheart the other day. If Jon Snow died, I would think Battle of the Bast bastards was the best scene ever they lost a lot of characters giving him a valiant why would john snow die and then die in battle i don't even know why he died and then came back like i'm i watched it again didn't he run into everyone's solo because he ran his brother yeah the thickest plot armor in cinema no the thickest plot armor is after that it's one of the last episodes when aria assassinates him the what's his you know i guess no spoilers uh and like sam is on the ground surrounded by white walkers and john walks by and looks at him and, and there's just so many people that are, are destined to die and nobody dies.
Starting point is 03:03:48 And I was like, what the hell? I thought the show was all about killing motherfuckers the whole time. I mean, I never wanted John Snow to die. I just always assumed like he would live, but like if he died, I would have been like,
Starting point is 03:03:58 okay, I'm not surprised. I just hated that whole show went on. And then like, after like the, the night King, it was like well bitches be crazy and that's where they took the whole show she just went crazy because they killed ned stark in season one like that was great when you were like what that because the whole time
Starting point is 03:04:19 red wedding rob stark heard even more the whole time Ned Stark was in legal trouble in season one, I just knew he'd be fine. He's obviously the center of the show. There's no problem here. And they're talking about beheading him. And I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then when they chopped his head off, briefly, I'm like, how are they going to put that back on?
Starting point is 03:04:52 We're going to need a wizard you know like obviously he's not gonna die die but his head does just keep rolling downhill and like it was crazy that that was a turning point for the show for me yeah i was like good because you don't want to be played for a fool you want you want like me yeah i was like good because you don't want to be played for a fool you want you want like you want it to play out that way um i mean i did i i like it like i'll watch a show and if like someone gets killed that i cared about i'm like okay now i'm listening um but yeah in a huge way and i know kyle said it was budget related but a lot of it's comic related too you know glenn didn't leave for budget glenn got killed in the comic you know and you know what i like what doesn't do things that like i would love for it to do that doesn't take those risks uh is star wars and like there's one point i don't know if you guys saw the last jedi it's the one that everyone hates yeah there's this
Starting point is 03:05:40 one point where like at the end the bad guy kylo Kylo Ren, reaches out to the good guy, Rey, and he's like, take my hand. Forget all the Jedi stuff. Take my hand. And in the theater, I was like, because it was like, are you really going to take everything that makes Star Wars? The white guy, the good guys wear beige. The bad guys wear dark clothes. And you're going to flip that on its head? And then she was like, no.
Starting point is 03:06:08 And then they just kept fighting again. And I was like, bro, if you guys would have done that, if you would have gone that harsh, like that thing where people will cry, not just like kill off the character like Han Solo beautifully, but do that major risk, I respect that. Like the last the last I don't know if you're watching Marvel what if but the latest Marvel what if is all the Avengers
Starting point is 03:06:29 are dead they're dying it's like what happens if like Tony Stark is assassinated right at the beginning and then the Hulk is assassinated and Hawkeye is assassinated this is on Disney plus yeah and I didn't like the first two episodes of What If were interesting. They're kind of fun or whatever, but this third one is just this alternate reality. It felt like some of the risks DC takes with their TV shows and stuff or their movies where they're like, we got to try something
Starting point is 03:06:55 crazy to get the attention. I like that. Star Wars would never. I wish they would have. I wish they had that chance to really take it somewhere else and they didn't pussies um and then it's like okay well if you're not gonna go hardcore hardcore like this this angle for us where we never expected it then just give us what we really want give me luke skywalker fighting fucking 10 000troopers. If you're not going to do something crazy risky,
Starting point is 03:07:26 then do something like, you know, did you watch Mandalorian? Yeah. You saw season two? Yeah. The ending of season two, I saw that. I was like, thank you. Oh. Wow, so hard.
Starting point is 03:07:39 So hard. You have the hype of 45 years. Put him in there and have him kick everyone's ass. We've been waiting, bro. Some of us have been seven years old waiting to see it, and now we're 47 just having him kick people's asses. If you're not going to do that, though, if you're not, then commit to the big risks.
Starting point is 03:08:01 Do the crazy things. Don't do like the last Star wars rise of the skywalker is so fucking it's like they want to make a marvel movie and it's not quite the same because marvel it's like bro we're just happy that all these people are here wearing their silly fucking costumes and fighting together because no one ever thought that we would get 10 years of lead up to this but star wars you have 50 years of lead up so either do the big risk or give us exactly what we want don't do this halfway bullshit at least to me at least in my selling me yeah yeah i love i love that mandalorian finale i thought it was so cool and i was like great yeah bro i'm not you see the
Starting point is 03:08:37 star wars visions trailer it's like uh it's nine star wars tales made by Japanese studios. So it's like anime Star Wars that'll be on like Disney Plus. And you're looking at it and there's like a fucking girl and she's got like six arms and six red lightsabers and the lightsabers are like wrapping up the other lightsaber and guys are stopping beams and someone's going to slash someone with a lightsaber and he's not catching it with his hand. The force is catching it.
Starting point is 03:09:02 And you're like, okay, thank you. Yeah. Like, just do all the cool shit then. If you're not going to take that crazy risk or commit to, like, the good and the bad being flipped on their head, then just do all the crazy cool shit that I just wouldn't even imagine because I'm not a crazy Japanese artist or some shit. But that's Star Wars Visions.
Starting point is 03:09:21 You guys should check out the trailer at some point. That does sound cool. It is neat. It's very cool. And it's like anime, so there's a lot of yelling in it. You don't get that in Star Wars. You never get people charging, screaming, holding their lightsaber. You know, they're always trying to be loyal.
Starting point is 03:09:38 The Jedi's all too much class. Yeah, exactly. They're kind of like royalty. I guess. But when I started to watch Star Trek after Star Wars, you people like you spend your whole life like, or I did being like, Star Wars is for idiots. Star Trek is,
Starting point is 03:09:55 is, is, is for smart people. You know, like it was like this mentality you have. And then you're like, oh, they're entirely different things.
Starting point is 03:10:01 But I still have the comparison in my brain. I look at it and I'm like, bro, I look at all the problems Star Wars has like the the emperor the emperor is running a whole i'm like bro please let picard have one conversation with palpatine we'll get this all sorted out like literally have him share have palpatine in his office having some Earl Grey tea. Let them talk. And you're good. You're good. Like, he's literally just that guy.
Starting point is 03:10:30 And people are always like, yo, Palpatine will fuck in. And he's like, yo, he's not going to do anything. Because if shit gets really crazy, maybe Q will come in and be like, you do a favor for me and a favor for you. Some shit. Like, who knows what. I'm just like, Picard to me is like such a superhero in the realm of like realism and realistic but also on the supernatural aspect where i'm like
Starting point is 03:10:52 i would trust him having a conversation with the the darkest sith lord that has ever existed like they can they can converse and figure something out where everyone's dark track do you want to go kyle i was gonna say you need that patenton Oswalt thing from Parks and Rec where Thanos uses the reality stone from the gauntlet to merge realities between Star Wars and the Marvel Universe. Get all of that shit cooking together. When you say Star Trek is the Picard universe, and it is. When you say Star Trek is the Picard universe, and it is, but Star Trek is different than that too because it is now the swashbuckling, skydiving, base jumping, gravity defying, motocross riding,
Starting point is 03:11:36 UFC fighting show too. They're always like, oh, we've got a real problem down there in the mining colony. Is anyone good at base jumping and trampolines and motocross? There's a real set that's going to solve this. All that got canceled, right? They're not making any more of those.
Starting point is 03:11:54 Now it's about being as woke as possible. Star Trek. Yeah. What am I missing? Star Trek Discovery? There's three Star Trek shows in the air right now. Me and Taylor talked about this on PKM. I don't know shit. Yeah, there's three Star Trek shows on air right now.
Starting point is 03:12:09 Picard, Discovery, and Lower Decks. Yeah. Yeah, and Lower Decks is the best of them. It is animated. Yeah, Lower Decks is anime like Family Guy on Star Wars vibes kind of. And Picard is about captain picard and a lot of people are choked because they've kind of like shat on the legacy that people expected of it yeah um because i where do you find them
Starting point is 03:12:35 cbs is where i watch uh picard and uh but here's the discovery like like i, I think they're on mine. I think this is like, see, I don't want to bash the movie Discovery. I because like, I'm still entertained, but it's nothing like Next Generation. You want to know what the closest show to Next Generation is? The Orville, which is a comedy show. The Orville on Fox is exactly like next generation except it's funny but it's the same costume designers set designers i was on that set it's all the same it's literally next generation but written by and starring seth mcfarland it was like a thing where like they paid me to go and be like yeah the show's coming out look i'm on set okay bye it's on thursday
Starting point is 03:13:24 so it's like one of those things uh but the show's amazing out. Look, I'm on set. Okay, bye. It's on Thursday. So it's like one of those things. But the show's amazing. It's literally, if you like Next Generation, it's right there. It's so good. Such a good show. But like Discovery, like they got to make it so interesting for people. They're trying to like, they just try hard. Like the movies tried hard. But I also can't hate the movies because you know what got me into watching Next Generation? Was the first trailer for the first Star Trek movie came out where the kid is in his dad's sports car and he's ripping past that future motorcycle. And then he jumps out of the car and the car goes off the cliff and crashes. And he's like, my name's James Tiberius Kirk
Starting point is 03:14:05 and I was like oh sick JJ Abrams he's really good at getting people hyped about things so like I he got me so hyped about Lost I watched till the end so like I saw this and I was like oh this is sick so I'm gonna go watch Star Trek because I don't know shit about Star Trek and I was like and I should
Starting point is 03:14:20 as a cool ass big dick sci-fi nerd like myself I should be up to date and I started to watch Star Trek and I fucking hated it I was like, and I should as a cool-ass, big-dick sci-fi nerd like myself. I should be up to date. And I started to watch Star Trek, and I fucking hated it. I was like, this is so fucking dumb. I'm skipping to Next Generation. And I've gone back. I cannot watch Star Trek.
Starting point is 03:14:34 I think Star Trek is so bad. I don't vibe with it one bit. But then I watched Next Generation, and it was hard. We brought this up, Kyle,yle i think just when we were when you were streaming uh or whenever it was when he got the beard once reicher got the beard i was like now we're going now the show is good but it was great deep space nine have you seen it yeah i watch i watch them deep space nine and i like it it feels different it's different but it's the same but it's different it's so different but it's so the same, but it's different. It's so different, but it's so the same. They got it right. Yeah, and then Discovery is like a new show.
Starting point is 03:15:10 It's like people can love Star Trek Discovery and maybe just hate every other Star Trek show, and I wouldn't be surprised. Or there could be people that like Star Trek and are also like, yeah, I like Discovery also because it's Star Trek and it exists. Does the cast follow the same insanely diverse equal men and women formula? Well, a lot of people that I see when they'll clown Discovery,
Starting point is 03:15:36 they'll talk about the characters. There's one, speaking of plot armor, the main character of the show, she's like the sickest. She is like the sickest person. She like, she's just like one of those people that are just super awesome. And like, you're never worried.
Starting point is 03:15:53 So sick. As in she's fantastic. Yeah. Like, yeah. Like sick, bro. Like corn.
Starting point is 03:16:00 All right. Like sick, the sickest. She's just like, so there's just people that are like, like aspects to the sickest. She's just like so there's just people that are like aspects to the show where it's also like the concept is like high action.
Starting point is 03:16:13 Like whereas like Star Trek sometimes they'll be like, oh this, someone comes over which you know, like Professor Exposition and she's like, there's a planet down there where they have this thing and the thing about this planet is you can't have your they don't wear pants on the planet and then this
Starting point is 03:16:29 other moon over here they have all these pants and we don't know we're going to do with the pants and then you kind of stop it's just five minutes into the episode and now the the exposition that they brought up you're kind of like oh damn what would i do now i'm excited to see how picard handles it because to me this guy's established himself as this awesome dude that really makes the right decisions and then you get picard where everyone's like yeah fuck that guy episode one was like oh fuck that guy and you're like what oh well i guess it's a show so it has to be like fuck that guy because if he's the best and we're like what's the show. So it has to be like, fuck that guy. Cause if he's the best, then we're like, what's the show. And I'm sometimes just like, can't we just
Starting point is 03:17:09 have the sickest guy? Like, can't we just get that? Not like a new up and coming, but a person who has been established and I don't get mad when they have like, you know, strong female leads or anything like that. I'm totally cool with it. But like, I do like when my, when my when my my people are respected to an extent like you know luke skywalker when he was on that random planet in episode seven i was like i wonder why and as things played out i was like okay as the whole thing i was like oh you guys didn't know what you were doing with it but when i when i have my characters held held to a high regard it's okay if they're ass kickers it's okay if they have the
Starting point is 03:17:44 answers it brings me to halo if i just talk about halo for a second i'll somehow tie it back to this when i played halo my buddy was like yo what's so good about this game and i was like it's you versus like 10 000 aliens and it's just you and like and like it kind of like applies to to doom also you're just like you're the guy you fucking kill it but not necessarily the newest there's no no there's no progression you're not unlocking new techniques there's no new skills you're not in level one and you can't fight level 20 until you're level 20 you're ready to go you have everything at your
Starting point is 03:18:20 arsenal you fucking kill it splinter cell was like that too. Splinter Cell Blacklist. It's like your sample. You didn't have to wait to be like, well, now that you leveled up, you can use this gadget. No, you got every fucking super spy gadget. And I know I'm going to kick this level's ass. I know I'm going to kick it. But how I kick it is the game.
Starting point is 03:18:39 And I like that. It doesn't always have to be like this tale of progression, the hero's journey. Like, no, bro, he's the hero. It's established. Now let's put him in situations and see how he would handle it and make that interesting it doesn't always have to be that that same that same like that that climb that yeah exactly they always got it's always got to be a comeback no it doesn't he's the guy he's the king i came here to watch the king fucking kill it. I want to see Picard fucking just doing his thing.
Starting point is 03:19:08 But instead, it's like, it's got to be a drag. We're going to, you got to drag it. That's the show. What shows are like, does the guy just hit the ground running and he's awesome from the day you meet him? Miami Vice. Miami Vice, what? I went old school on you.
Starting point is 03:19:24 What year is it? It must be a good show that we all like where it's like, yeah, that guy's like right off the bat. He's not fucking around. He's just gone right into it. I'm sure there are movies too. Like, you know what movie was like that? Dread. Fucking love the movie Dread.
Starting point is 03:19:37 Yeah. Starts off. He's on his motorcycle. He's fucking speeding. He handles these guys, handles business. He gets into the building. The fucking fake judges come he handles them he does it all like he fucking kills me i love dread if dread came out a year
Starting point is 03:19:51 after it came out it would have been just as hot as all the marvel shit right now it's so fucking good it's so fucking good it's one of my favorite movies like i like i don't own a ton of blu-rays but that's one of them where i was like you know i've rented this shit three times now um we're just gonna have to order the blu-ray because we're gonna save money in the long run because i watch it all the fucking time it looks so good yeah it is i love it it's amazing and uh cersei's in it yeah cersei's in it carla urban in it uh so you got you got a game of thrones character and a lord of the rings character you You hear that, you fat fucking dummies? Dredd, you haven't seen it yet, you fat idiot?
Starting point is 03:20:28 Put it on your list. There you go. Yeah. It's really good. I love it. I like Karl Urban. Me too. And he's in Star Trek too.
Starting point is 03:20:38 And, yeah, that's right. And he didn't want to go into Star Wars, even though they offered him, because he didn't want to be in both. He said, I can't be in Star Trek and Star Wars. What? That's far too much money and success. No, thank you. Well, I met him once at Comic-Con, and I was like, oh my God. I was like, I
Starting point is 03:20:53 fucking love... There was a show called Almost Human where he was a cop with a guy. His partner was a cyborg, an android. Sorry. Incredible. It's the future, and his partner is a robot he hates robots kind of vibe but it's great there's only six episodes it was incredible i was like i love it he's like ah no way yeah i just got i'm like we take a picture he's like yeah sure we
Starting point is 03:21:13 take a picture and i'm like oh star war uh star trek yeah he's like yeah thanks i'm like and bro i gotta be honest with you i saw doom in theaters three times and he was like now you're lying give me your phone i'm gonna delete the picture totally joke and i heard him was awful i heard they're doing yeah i did it was but i just wanted to see that first person scene i was stoned in like 16 um and he's apparently i think they're doing a dread tv show on amazon by the way i hope so i've heard those rumors like i'll help crowdfund that shit. If you start a Kickstarter or something, I'll throw a couple hundred bucks in because I want it so bad. I'm a big fan of that shit, man.
Starting point is 03:21:50 I really like it. New topic? Yeah, we can move around. Zach, would you pull it up? This thing, you got to make the picture bigger. This was in the Aged Like Milk subreddit.
Starting point is 03:22:08 They're doing a memorial for that guy whose picture is on the ground and the guy on the far left murdered him number 38 was the killer number 38 was the killer and he's just like the look on his face what happened and then the the photographer was killed right after this picture was taken. Number 21 was the killer. Look at 21. Oh, my God. So here's the deal. The dead guy was dating fucking whatever. Number 38's ex-girlfriend.
Starting point is 03:22:37 So I guess he didn't like that she moved on to another teammate, and he murdered him. And a lot of these guys had their suspicions. They kind of knew. They thought that it was him? Some of them did, yeah. Oh my God. They're all
Starting point is 03:22:55 mourning their teammate, but kind of knowing their other teammate killed him. This picture, I don't know. I'm looking at all the faces. Number 21 knows. Number 21 knows. Number 21 knows this is a farce. That guy behind number 21 knows that number 21 knows. He's so scared of 21.
Starting point is 03:23:16 That's so wild, bro. This is crazy. I feel like he's sitting there and like, I don't know. I'd be like, no, for real. I'm memorializing him from over here though. Right? You guys are all back here. Is this the – oh, I see.
Starting point is 03:23:32 Miami Hurricanes, I think. It is the Hurricanes. Yeah, I got a friend who's a diehard Canes fan. Okay, I see the helmets now. But yeah, I don't know. It's in the A's Like Milk subreddit. And looking at all the faces, I found it totally captivating, knowing that that guy on the left is now in prison for his murder.
Starting point is 03:23:50 And what is he thinking in this pic? He looks like a deer in the headlights. It's so crazy. I need to read something on this. Fucked up, bro. That's crazy. And I can't believe he's sitting there with it in front of him like right in front of him espn i think did a documentary on that guy's murder and how number 38 was the likely murderer and then the police like
Starting point is 03:24:18 documentary even pointed that out yeah and the police like reopened the cold case with sorry this is old this is 15 years ago this is 2006 this picture yeah okay i didn't know that i thought this was like last year picture no it came up 15 years of fucking stressing about being a murderer and it comes back oh my god uh let's see what Zach posted here. Former Miami Hurricanes player Rashawn Jones arrested in 2006 killing of teammate Brian Peta. Let's see how many. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:24:54 So nearly 15 years after the crime, nine months after an ESPN investigation pointed out the missteps in the long stalled police inquiry. So the police didn't really get it right. ESPN did a documentary on like this murder and what went down. The police reopened the cold case and they convicted this guy of murder. And that picture to me is just, I don't know.
Starting point is 03:25:21 There's a lot of things going on. All those guys kind of knew dead dudes dating his ex-girlfriend. They kind of knew he was the murderer. They knew who the guy was. He probably knew he was capable of it. It's deep. There's a lot of shit going on in those heads. That is crazy, yeah.
Starting point is 03:25:38 Look at the face in the foreground on the far right. What is he thinking? He's literally like these guys, some of them if they think about it, are literally like that face on the far right looks like this is a farce. He knows. He's like, bro, I can't believe
Starting point is 03:25:56 that I'm directly across. It's like he's, okay, I see it right now. He's almost smiling at how ridiculous this is. It looks like 38 is almost looking at him and making sure no one's making weird faces like snitches and stitches how did he get killed how did he kill him oh yeah how was he murdered shot in the head as soon as he got out of his suv in front of his apartment complex four miles from the Miami campus. Okay.
Starting point is 03:26:27 Well, anyway, this guy's my age. He turned 37. It was one week after his 37th birthday he got arrested. So he was 22. 22 when he did that. That's like at 22 years old, you're not even sure if you want to start an OnlyFans let alone.
Starting point is 03:26:50 You should really wait till you're 25 to do only fan i'd like to see a picture of the girl that this was all over yeah like like what if she's like like this would kind of be funny if she was ugly right nah you don't date two miami hurricanes if you're not smoking right she's a smoke show i bet yeah that's true i don't know this guy like like maybe i can't i don't know number 38 looks like a handsome fella but maybe that's just a poorly made memorial flag but i'm 100 with you number 38 looks like a baller number on the ground there has a weight problem well no i clicked uh i clicked his uh like the little espn document like he's fucking big like he's jacked yeah she traded like a wide documentary for a second. Like, he's fucking big. Like, he's jacked.
Starting point is 03:27:26 Yeah, she traded a wide receiver for a fullback or something. And when you say that, and you're like, how could she have a type? We know what her type is now. We very much know what her type is. Her type is definitely black football players. Actually, I see the dead guy now in the article that Zach linked. Better looking? Way better than the airbrush picture.
Starting point is 03:27:46 He's got it going on. although he had gold lower front teeth if i ever die don't make an don't cheap out on my flag man come on like either no flag or like a good one right like yeah yeah it's a binary decision don't let us be like we found one for 9.99 if we'll give them a mention like don't do that i started watching this guy's channel um you don't need to pull it up but just so you guys have for reference uh this guy's spencer spencer cornelia i saw this video the biggest reason nba athletes go broke this guy's channel is so funny it's just a little different from other people the way they do it like he he just like he just stands there and kind of breaks people down or breaks down their scam that's how i got to him with scammers i went on a scammer tip for a minute and he just kind of pulls up like charlatans and fraudsters or whatever uh but then he'll just kind
Starting point is 03:28:41 of like go off lately he's been going off a little bit more and like this biggest reason nba athletes go broke is such a funny video it doesn't seem like he's making jokes except their jokes happen constantly the entire time um and he's not like other creators the vibe of him or whatever but he's just sitting there and ripping it and it's like he's breaking down this girl and you're just like, damn, she really made a fucking job. A career path was finding an athlete to put a baby in them. That's the career path.
Starting point is 03:29:17 And why did they go broke? So I hope it's not dumb things. Like Allen Iverson head used to be Timberlands. They're like a work group, but they were super in style. This guy pays millions of dollars every month to this person, to this girl. He put a baby in her, and she's just a random Instagram girl. I was saying Allen Iverson had I think 138 pairs of Timberlands in his closet. And then when he sold his house, he left them all there.
Starting point is 03:29:42 But that's not like – That's $13,000, Woody. But it's an – I hear you. Who cares? sold his house he left them all there but that's not like that's thirteen thousand dollars woody no but it points it points out like a certain thing like i remember like master p every day would buy a new pair of nikes white like air force ones take them out of the box and wear them and you look you're like yeah you could do that 100 times 365 i calculate that you could do that but that type of decision making permeates throughout everything in life it's like that's what you do with the shoes imagine like cars and gas money or whatever and some people roll with like huge entourages like uh you, like some people like they're like they want to bring all their boys with them. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 03:30:28 And they do. And they do bring their boys. And like people get end up on payrolls and then they forget that they have someone on a payroll and everything is just automatic and the money comes out and it goes to things. And if you don't care to pick up your $13,000 of shoes to bring with you, you probably don't care about like the random $8,000 charge on your bill this month. True. Now, I interrupted you. We're talking about the child support payments. Was that like one of the big common reasons?
Starting point is 03:30:55 That was it. That was literally it. He was literally like just pointing out that it's like some people just have like uh lots of kids with different girls or whatever and like this guy is like this he's talking about a basketball player who's like in his early 20s and you know nutted inside someone and has like a full-on uh full-on child now he's 23 years old and the reason why people brought up that he brought up in his video he talks about is like this girl was like all over instagram being like yo like here's how you get an athlete and here's what you do and he does it in a funny way he talks about how she scouts athletes you got to go to a team and find a like a team with young players
Starting point is 03:31:33 but they can't already have a girlfriend or a baby and they can't have like they can't have like an older older dude on the team who's like like 26, 27 to be like, bro, trust me. She's fucking up. That's not the one. Um, and like how she just perfectly chose someone and got a baby put inside of him, um, inside of her.
Starting point is 03:31:54 And, uh, how much he pays now, uh, in child support is 200 K a month. Oh my goodness. 200 K a month oh my goodness 200k a month so this girl like her job was to do that and now you just like get child support and and and and for being uh for for getting cummed inside of uh and and when that's the plan it's not like oh what happened
Starting point is 03:32:21 he took advantage it was like that was a targeted maneuver all i could think about is if i was a kid and i was nba come baby instagram model when i'm 18 i'm suing my mom million percent oh for taking all the child you got 200k a month because of me i want to see everything you ever spent on me, and I'm fucking suing you for it. That's what I would do, 100%. I mean, I'm already Instagram model cum baby, and I came to existence because my mom was like, I'm going to get cummed in by a basketball player,
Starting point is 03:32:59 and I'm going to get money for my kid. I'd be like, no, no, we got money. We got money, not just you. you me too 100 i come out imagine how good your genetics would be if your mom's an instagram hottie and your dad's a basketball player you're six foot nine with a fat ass yeah i don't know unless it's fake it could be like could be fake too yeah um but yeah i would like, yo, this is for both of us. 200K a month. Like if I'm going, if I'm, if I'm 18 and I'm seeing like fucking designer bags and shit
Starting point is 03:33:33 around here and I knew that you were driving this car or whatever, I'd be like, no, you, I want to be living rich life. I better be, I better be rich as the baby. I better be a rich baby entitled to that like can he win that suit i don't know how important maybe not but in the usa you could still take a crack at it well yeah you could take a crack at it but i i just don't know like i know that money's supposed to be for the kids that's the intent and but you never have, you don't have someone like her who is like, I got pregnant. I was targeting this.
Starting point is 03:34:08 They never existed before. But the generation that comes up now will be like, look at all these Instagram posts. My mom put up 20 years ago saying that she only had me with this guy so she can get paid. I didn't have the presence of a father my whole life because she chose a random dude and yeah i wouldn't exist anyways but i want my money and i just feel like it's like the ultimate it would be the ultimate like you know it all just a huge circle now and it's like you don't deserve this you didn't you didn't carry yourself in your tummy for nine months and it's like yeah well you weren't with him when he was shooting at the gym so it all i don't know best believe i was a fucking instagram model baby i'm fucking suing
Starting point is 03:34:51 mom for sure it's the move and i'm saying all this because i hope this kid comes up young man you ain't young anymore you're you're watching pka highlights that some other person uploaded 15 years after the pka episode aired you're checking the highlight now yeah you get yours sue your mom good advice from harley seems like the money should be put in like a trust fund for the for the kid right like there should be child support like whatever that is and i don't know i kind of waver back and forth on what appropriate amounts of child support should be because how expensive is it to raise a fucking kid i mean everybody's like oh it's so expensive but it's not a month it's not hundreds of thousands a month like it's not that much
Starting point is 03:35:33 we don't matter grand a month or two grand a month okay five oh my goodness that's a lot they definitely have to show where they spend it it's true because then you you you could i'm sure people appeal it after the fact. Like you must appeal it and be like, bro, I'm not making that kind of money anymore. 200 grand a month is silly. That's just silly. Yeah. 1.2 million a year.
Starting point is 03:35:55 That's solid cash. I wonder how taxes work for child support. Yeah. I watched in that show, Mr. Inbetween. There's an episode where this guy is trying to hire him to kill this girl he got pregnant and uh and he's like well what's the deal he's like she tricked me now she's saying that if i don't give her like two million dollars she's gonna like ruin my life and she's gonna tell my wife and everything and he's like oh that is terrible and he like goes and talks to her and he's like you're trying to rip dave off for two million
Starting point is 03:36:23 dollars a year and she's like what i just i just told him if he'd help me pay for diapers i'd really appreciate it he's like what all right this is bullshit he like goes back to dave he's like well it turns out she only wanted you to help help her pay for the diapers and he told me a big lie there dave and he's like not having it that's such a good fucking show check that out harley if you haven't seen it mr in between it's all over it's only like three or four seasons. I don't know. I'll check that out It's like an Australian hitman. He's hard fucking core He doesn't look hardcore, which he doesn't look at me. He's scary though Beat up that actor
Starting point is 03:37:00 Have you guys seen Barry? Yeah, Barry it reminds me a little bit of barry also hit men because it's a dark comedy too yeah yeah barry's funny um did barry just get canceled or did he quit or like what happened i think it's just covet delaying it and by the way i pulled up remember that guy that football player yeah so the night that he was shot the guy who was the suspect that got arrested, he said he never left his house that night. But his cell phone places him outside the guy's apartment on that evening. How do you not arrest him then, 15 years ago then? Why wait now? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:37:39 Like, that's everything. Yeah, that seems like an open shot. I fucked up, right? It's like you're literally there. It was 15 years too and there was a strong sentiment amongst amongst all the holy shit amongst all the players that i almost just died did i get the hiccups um that apparently there was a strong sentiment that he had something to do with it um i don't know how they didn't fucking arrest him then. That is so weird and random to me.
Starting point is 03:38:07 Yeah, I'd never heard of that story before he linked it there. I guess I don't really follow that shit very much. No. I don't really follow sports that much anymore. I know the Atlanta Braves, our baseball team, is doing pretty fucking well. We're leading our division right now out of nowhere. Might have to get into that a little bit. I do want to go to a game. I'm free in like 35 days. pretty fucking well. We're leading our division right now out of nowhere. Might have to get into that a little bit.
Starting point is 03:38:26 I do want to go to a game. I'm free in like 35 days. Let's see exactly what it is. Yeah, 35 days and one hour. I go free, so I'm going to go to Colorado. But I'd like to knock out a Braves game before I leave Atlanta. You have to take 1,000 milligrams. I'm going to, yeah. I'm going to. Yeah, I'm going to.
Starting point is 03:38:46 Two weeks ago, people were like, yo, you see Kyle's transformation? I'm like, yeah, man, I saw it. This last week, Kyle has to take a thousand milligrams of edibles. Okay, bro, I know, I know. That's too much, I'm told. Oh, it's so too much. It is a lot.
Starting point is 03:39:03 I literally said he is going to be sleeping. Yeah. I'm going to do it on the show. I'm going to do it on the show. That's what I said I'd do. So it's going to be interesting. There's going to be an episode of PKA. I guess it'll be like October.
Starting point is 03:39:16 Yeah. Zach says I'm going to get scared. Yeah. You're going to get scared. Let me understand. You're going to get scared because of it or scared in anticipation? No, because of what I was saying, when I get super high, you take so many edibles that you get scared.
Starting point is 03:39:28 It's not even getting stoned anymore. It's getting scared because you start to get paranoid about stuff. You take a lot, and that's when you're kind of like, I can't believe people are watching this. October 7th. Did I say anything bad? October the 7th. That is fucking D-Day.
Starting point is 03:39:44 Not literally, I think. I think D-Day is like... It's a different day. Is that a thing already? Yeah, it is already a thing. It's going to be rough. I'm not looking forward to it, but it'll be interesting. It'll be interesting no matter what. Wait. 10 years since Wings lost a 1v1? When? 10 years since Wings lost a 1v1? When?
Starting point is 03:40:08 Yeah, that's... Yesterday was the 10-year anniversary of Wings' Yeah. Wow. Yesterday was the 10-year anniversary of Wings' 1v1. I remember where I was. Were you there? No, I was in Seattle with Whiteboy eating seafood,
Starting point is 03:40:24 looking for some weed. Zach asked why I streamed that shit. I told him that he told me to right on the show. But in hindsight, I don't know that he did tell me to. It might have been my idea to stream it. Yeah, but everybody knew. There's no way that that shouldn't have been streamed. That had to be captured.
Starting point is 03:40:43 Yeah, it was such a... Dude. And honestly, everything I know about this moment, by the way, I know from watching that documentary that that dude made. Yeah, Mr. Medic. Everything I know about this literally comes from that. Yeah. Wings is the only guy that I used to be like,
Starting point is 03:40:58 I used to be like, yo, yeah, Woody doesn't like me. But that other guy, Wings, he hates me. Wings was giving Syndicate a hard time. He was insulting him all show long. And he was insulting him at multiplayer. And I didn't realize that Syndicate was really good at multiplayer. He was a multiplayer player before he was a zombies player. And he's really good right now, by the way.
Starting point is 03:41:21 I sometimes catch his Twitch streams. So he was just sort of putting him down. And then Wings said that he was better at Zombies than Syndicate. Now, Syndicate was literally ranked first in the world. And he's telling him that he's not that good, that if he were to do it, he would be the best in the world. And not best on YouTube, mind you. Like, there are Zombies rankings, right? He's the best player at one point to have ever played the game.
Starting point is 03:41:48 And Wings was, eh, it's all he'd be better. So at one point they sort of decided they would play against each other. And I was the host. Like my Xbox was the host so I could view it and stuff. And I knew that gave Wings a pretty significant advantage with the way latency works. I'm in North Carolina. Wings is in South Carolina. Syndicate is in England, and that's just some Wings' shots.
Starting point is 03:42:13 It's 4,000 miles versus 400 miles. Right? He wins every tie. And then Wings set up the rules to be his advantage. If Wings is really good at something, it's long distance accurate guns where you have to, you know, only a pixel is showing from behind the barrel across the map. That's Wings' forte. He wasn't really good at rushing and beating you by meeting in the hallway. He was good at that long distance shot.
Starting point is 03:42:39 So he does bog M16s across the map and red dots. He set up the whole kit. He determined what you had to use in the game. So he had every advantage. But Syndicate got into an early lead and then because he got that early lead and there was a timer,
Starting point is 03:42:58 Wings had to make bad decisions to push it because otherwise you just not engage and lose. Anger works against you in those. I don't care what you just not engage lose anger works against you in those i don't care what anyone says anchor absolutely works against you in those and the clock right like if i'm beating you whatever five to three i have every incentive to just disengage i'm going to take a spot where you have to come at me and uh otherwise i'll just win five three fine that you know i don't care what score I win with.
Starting point is 03:43:25 So Wings had to push him to Syndicate, and he kept getting beat. And, you know, in Syndicate's defense, he didn't hide very much. He was running around looking for action. It was a fair game, and Syndicate won. He just ran the trash pile. He got on the trash pile, and he ran it. You know about The Man in the High Castle? You heard about that? that yeah it's like a
Starting point is 03:43:46 book and then it's a show it's like what if nazis won the war what would the universe be right today if 10 years ago like wings 10 and owed that that one day one it's like i'm sitting here with him he has like a six-pack and he's jacked and he's like holding it down you know what i mean that yeah that clip that yeah exactly yeah that dude so wings would tell you altered a reality that losing that 1v1 was the thing that people watched him for his gaming skill and it you know deflated that balloon i don't know if he still believes that but i never did you know they watched wings everyone watched cod for the commentary mostly and uh the skill made you stand out but it's not why people came back i had never why people recurred machinima once said like
Starting point is 03:44:38 there's three pillars to this stool there's production value commentary and gameplay and you really only had to be strong in two out of the three. And hardly anyone was strong at all three of the three. But anyway, yeah, so Wings just had to be cool about the loss. If he was gracious, it would have been a non-story. But really, flipping out on me, flipping out on Syndicate, and then he tried to bribe syndicate to purposely lose that that was the part that's it was the other part was not that is the part that's the part because
Starting point is 03:45:13 that's entirely that's a whole other thing i think the reaction that's the part that not that many people even know about when he called he he called me the f slur and And I think that went over. He's right though. Well, he didn't know that. He called me an effing F slur and or fucking F slur. I guess we can say one and not the other. And, you know,
Starting point is 03:45:37 he just flipped out on, on syndicate and he was the sorest loser that's ever lost. And I think that's the big deal the trying to bribe him like keemstar tried to get in it and uh you know be the center of the rematch or something he was always attention whoring at the time um a lot of people didn't know that like that happened on twitter and that wasn't the middle of the universe at the time. YouTube was but it didn't help him. Yeah, I was talking about Jake Paul earlier
Starting point is 03:46:10 and what he does, what it is that he's doing. I'm not saying I like Jake Paul. I'm a Jake Paul. I'm not saying that. I'm saying you can't knock at what he's doing. But I will tell you one thing. If you took Jake Paul and you put his brain into
Starting point is 03:46:27 wings today, right now with everything that is going on and the attention that wings does get, there is a way to leverage that and make success out of it. 100%. Because if people are that passionate, even if they fucking hate you you have to turn it into something and it's like and like uh no disrespect to him there is so much that he is like not doing right about it and that compounds on itself and probably compounds on him mentally and like that's hard to deal with for sure people come in there's gonna constantly hate on you but you have to leverage that passion the whole fucking time i see him live stream and i'm like oh wings is streaming i want to watch his stream and then it's as he's so he doesn't
Starting point is 03:47:16 either he doesn't give a fuck or he can't be bothered to give a fuck or something but it's almost like he intentionally puts on the worst show he can in his stream and there's all this stuff happening in the chat that's like you know blowing up and poking at him and he just wants to not interact with everyone and like like people are supposed to watch him slumping in his chair playing an old game ban that guy ban him like those are i'm like welcome to ban world someone will say something he'll be like ban that guy ban him like those are i'm like welcome to fan world someone will say something he'll be like ban that guy and i'm like no that guy's that's like that's a low-key ambassador of your brand and he didn't like that like that guy's valuable um like honestly like i like like people that get banned from his stream i wish i had audience like that yeah one band for money one band you think it's fun but you
Starting point is 03:48:10 truly wouldn't like no you're right you're right but like you're already there if you're already going to be there already doing the hard part putting yourself in the line of fire then you got to maximize it and like one band stream viewer is worth like 10,000 viewers on TikTok. Like that guy's out here engaging. He came here. He's got your notifications turned on, you know? And like, listen, you got like, if you have like 600 viewers, cause you never banned anyone, no one ever got banned in history. And they're all there like, fuck this motherfucker, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 03:48:42 And like quoting you and shit like that. And like, you're like, you just milk it it and you just get to play the fucking bad guy like it's wrestling people will come in that have never heard anything they'll be like what's going on here who is this guy what is it there would be like some fucking like score esports like the most curious streamer that exists and why does it and like whatever there's absolutely a way to do it and i'm not saying it's like easier than i would know how to do it but the heavyweight champion of douchebaggery but i'm just saying i don't have the answer but jake paul has the answer kyle once said this and it registered is so true to me he's like you know wings might be a streamer who pulls
Starting point is 03:49:22 i don't want to insult his numbers, but 500 to 700 people typically. I think that's right-ish. He's like, but he is way more famous than that. He is as household a name as Shroud is, I would argue. Like, he just, his long history, all the people that have seen, people hear Wings of Redemption, and there are 100 million of them who are who were like well what's that guy doing now my girlfriend knows who wings is yep all of my girlfriends do because i make them watch but they like it she likes it yeah she likes it she watches him and she likes it and then i'm like so would you think she was like this is funny let's's get some Wendy's. Chili, man. I'm thinking Wendy's.
Starting point is 03:50:06 I got a craving for some of that chili. Yeah. That's interesting. I hadn't really thought about him working it, leaning into it. Oh, I wish he did because I watch him like, please handle that guy. Handle him better than ban him. There's a way. There's a way. Even if he went on stream and came out in character doing something,
Starting point is 03:50:24 if he came out like in a fucking, like a suit and tie and a top hat and did some bit, people would be like, I wanted to dress up as Wendy's chili. Oh, he's literally on Twitch. Did he get, he didn't.
Starting point is 03:50:41 Yeah. Something like that. Speaking of that, I'm going to be streaming tomorrow. I think we're going to kick it off at 5 p.m. It's been a minute because I've been waiting on my laptop, but I'm fucking psyched because UPS finally came through. And I got this motherfucker, so now I can run my stream off of this.
Starting point is 03:50:53 What are you going to play? Probably Todd Zombies if you want to join in. I'm psyched to get this thing going and do a 2PC setup. Will he be there? Maybe. It's up to him. Tomorrow night? Yeah, maybe. there? Maybe. It's up to him. Tomorrow night? Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 03:51:05 Yeah. I got a ROG Strix Scar. So I've got a 3080 and a Ryzen 9 to run the stream off of. So I don't think we'll have any more issues. This is a cool... Don't say that. Put a little sign in here.
Starting point is 03:51:20 Put a touch of Wi-Fi there. And we'll have your PC ready for all you need to do. We'll do that later. What's talking to him? That's Cortana. Do you think Cortana would go out with you? Shut up! Show Cortana
Starting point is 03:51:36 your shirtless pictures. I think you said Cortana. She's still going. Like Halo. What am I saying? She's already seen your pictures. They're online. Anyway, like like halo which is not is that it what am i saying she's already seen your pictures they're online she got it of course anyway um i think that's one of the nicer laptops of it she's still
Starting point is 03:51:53 fucking it looked really thin and light off yeah it is thin and light i uh i don't know it i broke my lab looks like it's been cruising on testosterone for a year. I went on this trip. It's the Mid-Atlantic Backroad Discovery Route. It's like 1,300 miles of backroads on a motorcycle, mostly dirt roads. And even though I put my laptop in a protective case and then that is surrounded by other things, when I went to turn it on, it wouldn't turn on. So I went to the Apple store today and they need to mail it off to get it fixed. $600, $700,
Starting point is 03:52:32 kind of a bummer. But I bought another one and I might keep it as a travel laptop. He was like, we do this all the time. We tell people to do it. Don't feel bad. Buy a laptop. Use it. If you want to return it when yours is fixed, you can do that. There's no restock fee. It's like, okay. Or if you like it, you just keep it. So that's the plan. How much time do they give you before you... 15 days.
Starting point is 03:52:58 But the laptop will be fixed in like five. But this is a MacBook that you're using here. That's what I like in a laptop. Now, normally I'd argue they're a little tougher, they're a little better built, but I just broke's what I like in a laptop. Now, normally I'd argue like they're a little tougher, they're a little better built, but I just broke one, so it's hard to make. No, but I agree. My MacBooks are like – my PC laptops are like fucked. But like that first few months, I'm like, yo, this is sick, the PC.
Starting point is 03:53:18 MacBooks, they just – they keep going. But I would say, honestly, I do that thing. I don't know if my move was caught with Costco all the time. So many things i've gotten a tv and brought a tv home and like mounted it and used it for like two and a half months and been like another one goes on sale and i'm like okay pack it up bring it back exchange it yeah i i feel bad buying something with even the thought of returning it right returning it is something when you pay a. You pay a membership, bro. You pay a membership to Costco. Every year they take your money.
Starting point is 03:53:49 I was talking about me with this MacBook though. Like I bought this thing, bought it with the idea that I might not keep it. And that's almost like a guilt thing. But the guy specifically like we recommend people do that. Do it. You'll agree it's okay. So it's okay, I guess. But yeah. I think this time I'm going to buy like a Pelican case.
Starting point is 03:54:06 My headset is dead. Oh, I'm sorry. It's probably wireless. I'm waiting. I'm waiting. He's probably plugging in. It'll work in a second. All right.
Starting point is 03:54:19 Let's all – No. He'll be back in a second. Mic check, mic check. No no he's still doing it what do you think he's doing under there looking for the headset port anyway i'll just tell the audience so i got a new laptop we're gonna try it i think i'm gonna put it in a pelican case so it's really bulletproof for these yeah it's pelican case smart yeah cases are fucking expensive by the way did you ever expect that no i so i love pelican cases i have a couple for guns and i have i have lights and stuff. Yeah, exactly. And I feel like once my stuff is in that case, you can throw it down the stairs.
Starting point is 03:55:10 They're great. But there's a couple things that are four times better and ten times as much as they should be. And Pelican cases are one of those. It's like a Yeti, the cooler, right? It's the cooler you want, the Yeti. You know it's like a um a yeti the cooler right it's the cooler you want the yeti you know it'll be a good one it'll keep your ice frozen for five days it's it's crazy good and every so often i'm like you know what i'm gonna open up the wallet and get a good cooler and then i see the 450 price tag and i don't buy it that's the pelican cases are kind of like that yeah and everything with film equipment every single thing i like remember i went i was like I don't buy it. That's the pelican cases are kind of like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:55:46 And everything with film equipment, every single thing I like. Remember I went, I was like, Oh, like way back when I first started filming, I was like, I'm going to get audio and we're going to have good audio. I'm going to get those like Sennheiser,
Starting point is 03:55:55 like devices. And I like went and I like was like, I'm going to get wireless. Yeah, exactly. I'm going to get four of them. And I went and I like, uh,
Starting point is 03:56:04 grab four of them. And the guy and I like grabbed four of them. And the guy's like, oh, yeah, these are the four mics. But for four mics, you need four receivers. I'm like, oh, okay. So I go and I get the four receivers. And he's like, okay, so the mic is 800 and the receiver is 700. And I was like, $1,500 for the mic? And he's like, yep.
Starting point is 03:56:23 And I'm like, okay, wait, I only want two microphones then. So I put two back. I come back and i'm like okay wait i only want two microphones then i like put you back i come back i'm like yeah just these two he's like all right i'm like muscle glasses your new thing is not talking yeah exactly i'm not supposed to have a character who doesn't speak and knowing me i was wearing both mics so i had a redundant so i'm like okay uh can i just uh question i'm like can i just like get the second hand you know where i can get the second hand or whatever and the guy was like oh like what do you mean i was like well these are so expensive i want to get some old ones and he was like dude the ones that you were buying right now are the ones that people use today
Starting point is 03:56:59 and they have not changed in 30 years and i'm like why is it is it so expensive? He's like, because they're the best. And I'm like, these fucking lav mics are literally, they look like they're like 30 years old. Everything about them. They have like a little clip flap and stuff. Like nothing about them is slick. Exactly. He's like, they're just the best.
Starting point is 03:57:19 And I was like, fuck, man. What brand? I always use Sennheiser. Yeah, same. I think mine's Sony. I've used Sony before, too. I worked on productions where they used Sony's.
Starting point is 03:57:31 Sony sucks if you have a problem. I can just see that Sennheiser logo. If you have a problem with Sony, it just sucks to deal with them. They don't care. They don't care. I was in Japan at the gym kyle you're gonna love this story so i'm like at the gym and i get there and there's like a girl working at the
Starting point is 03:57:53 gym and she's standing there it's just like really quiet it's early and i'm like oh yeah to go in and she's like oh uh you're not from japan you need uh your passport and i was like oh okay look here i have my wallet. It has my Medicare. Here's my Medicare. Same thing. She's like, no, you need a passport. And I was like, well, any ID works, right? She's like, no, just the passport. And I was like, what? I'm like, I pull up the website. I'm like on the website, it has nothing about a passport. She goes, yeah, but I'm telling you it needs a passport. And it's just like Japanese customer service. Like the customer is not always right in fact the
Starting point is 03:58:26 customer is blocking the desk right now get out of the way so a new customer can come and i'm all like well let me speak to the manager she had the best answer she goes no and i was like well are you the manager she's like no i'm like well i'd like to talk to someone she was like well no and i'm like well is anyone else here? She's like, I'm working at the desk now. And it was the most like, this is customer service here. It was not about me. Like, you know, the fucking rules.
Starting point is 03:58:55 You don't know the rules too bad. And Sony was kind of like that on the phone. The one time I had an issue with a very expensive CD player I had way back in the day. They're like, yeah, you broke it. I was like, let him break it. It just doesn't work anymore. They're like, but when you got it, it worked. I'm like, yeah. And they're like, and then something happened and you broke it. I'm like, well, maybe on the inside, something broke, who knows. But then when I ended up going to get
Starting point is 03:59:15 my passport, just side note, I went back to the place. I was like, Hey, here's my passport. She goes, take your shirt off. And I was like, well, this is like, yeah, you have to take your shirt off. I'm standing in the middle of the lobby there have to take your shirt off i'm standing in the middle of the lobby there i take my shirt off and she walks around and she goes okay you can go and i was like what's that all about she's like you're not allowed any tattoos and i was like shit that's crazy even if it's covered but then i was working on thinking about i was like oh maybe that's like a yakuza thing i take my shirt off and my back is plastered in tattoos. Yeah. We've got a friend, Vavity, who he's in the military. He's based in Japan right now.
Starting point is 03:59:48 And he's got a few tattoos on his arms. And they're exposed when he wears a shirt or whatever. And he was talking about what a fucking novelty he is on Tinder there as a good-looking white dude who's fit, all tatted up. He's a fucking – there are no others like he's the one he he's that one good looking white guy with tats and like a like a leader bike pretty sure he's doing pretty well over there yeah i did terrible they wouldn't look at me they didn't look at me no they didn't look at me and i think they thought they thought it was rude to look at me no i'm huge and I had a huge beard.
Starting point is 04:00:26 It's not even like I was fat. I was in pretty decent shape when I was there. It's just they thought it would be rude to look at me like something was wrong with how I look. Like you were deformed. Exactly. They were being polite. The same way they would treat an elephant man.
Starting point is 04:00:43 They were being polite. They're like, oh, no, this part of his head sticks out too much and he's got yeah and it's like his neck is so wider than his head and his eyes are so close and deep in his head don't look at him don't look at him or some shit like that so they weren't. They're like, oh, Fukushima, Fukushima. Yeah. Harley, you said the beer hurt you with women and that's why you shaved it. I'll quote you. You said it was pussy repellent. You're like, guys love it. Guys see that beer.
Starting point is 04:01:16 They think it's the coolest thing. Like, yeah, neat. Yeah, it did. It did. That was like a long time ago, right? Yeah. A while back. That things have changed a little bit uh but what did happen was the beard brought when i first grew a crazy beard it brought us a different type of
Starting point is 04:01:32 girl out of the woodwork it was a girl that like never spoke to me but like i grew the beard and then all of a sudden it's like like girls with piercings and tattoos and like a slit in their tongue are like, yo. And I'm like, hey, you know, like, I don't know what it is, but like, I gave off. I gave off a vibe that unintentionally. They just give you that look and they're like, hell, Satan. And they're hot. So you're just like, hell, Satan. Hail him.
Starting point is 04:02:04 Hail him. Yeah. and they're hot so you're just like hell satan hail him hail him yeah uh you know it's the same thing about getting fit right like there's a certain woody and i have talked about this like not every girl likes a vascular dick root okay like i remember when i was cutting i was like a month and a half into cutting and i was i was showing derrick some progress pictures and i was i was like a month and a half into cutting and I was, I was showing Derek some progress pictures. And I was, I was like, these Adonis lines are kind of ridiculous, man. He's like, Oh, just wait. There's going to be veins crawling up them in a month or two.
Starting point is 04:02:33 And I was like, I don't know, man. And sure enough, like a month or two, there's like veins crawling up my dick root. And I'm just like, I don't know if everybody likes this, man. I know I don't. I think some, I think some girls don't want to feel like unhealthy or fat or they want to be the fitter one and they see you and they're like oh i'm being judged on my belly like with me if i'm i'm slamming a piece on so my girlfriend doesn't hear me if i'm slamming a piece into a girl i'm like my gut's shaking and my tits are bouncing
Starting point is 04:03:03 she's not covering her belly because she thinks it's moving too much i am the gross one but if i was fit and i was like she would be like ah my skin is moving so much just see i've said that harley in different ways and like i think that sometimes a girl won't choose the hottest guy because she just doesn't want to do that much work to be his equivalent right you know like kyle spends a lot of time in the gym maybe you know some girls like i don't want to spend fucking six days a week in the gym yeah and the chicks like the chicks that do spend that as much time as i do in the gym are so vapid anyway like i was i i've uh i've been working out more in the daytime and there's this uh
Starting point is 04:03:49 really cute asian chick who's always in there and she must do something on instagram because she's always got her like boyfriend like filming her working out and she always wears like they're like bicycle shorts or something like yoga shorts like yoga shorts with exposed midriff and like uh like a like a yoga like sports bra thing everything is like skin tight and as thin as a fucking micron so you just just just really cupping her pussy there's lots of lots of fucking uh gooch showing and uh and camel toe showing and she's just working out so goddamn hard she's a real butter face though and uh and he's over there fucking like getting all the angles on his fucking iphone and i'm just like god what a hassle she must be to like deal with like i bet he's got to edit that
Starting point is 04:04:31 shit when he gets home i bet he's over there on a fucking imac adding shadows to her fucking uh labia yeah like this looks like a fucking hassle like i don't care if a chick is like super into the gym or not i just like i was like pretty girls uh i've never had like a fucking hassle. I don't care if a chick is super into the gym or not. I just like pretty girls. I've never had a body type I even cared about. I get that question on Twitch a lot, oddly. They're like, tits or ass? And I'm like, I've never seen one who only had one. I didn't know it was a binary.
Starting point is 04:04:56 I've never met a chick with an ass that did not have tits or tits that just didn't have an ass. But I guess if we had to pick between one, it would be ass. I think it would be ass. Like if it was literally like one of them gets blown off in the war then I want to keep the ass I think yeah up until that's that's how I was 13 onwards up until 13 though I was like boobies rah I like it you can't suck on the ass I'm at a 14 I was like yes you can you could suck on the ass. And then at 14, I was like, yes, you can. You can suck on an ass. Yes, you can.
Starting point is 04:05:28 I always had a trick answer. Flat tummy. Flat tummy. If a girl has a flat tummy, everything else is good enough. Oh, yeah. That's smart. If I can't see the individual vertebrae, I'm out. I want to see vertebrae in that back.
Starting point is 04:05:42 That's very important. I also like it if I can see the individual bones in her forearm. I need that. That's why I'm messaging that corpse you guys linked earlier. I was just looking for it. Every time I've stepped away, it's not to piss. It's to masturbate again. It's again.
Starting point is 04:06:01 Yes, I've came eight times tonight just looking at that poor, poor young lady who I hope gets – She has all the boxes. I shouldn't joke like that. I hope she gets help. She clearly has a mental illness. Good luck to you, Eugenia. You're actually right.
Starting point is 04:06:14 Good luck to you, Eugenia. All jokes aside, maybe try some fitness. The cum counter is up to eight. Thanks, Zach. You kept the cum counter up during his apology. Up during the apology. God damn it. Welcome to PKAka oh we probably wrap it up there i got i got i got i got stuff to do this evening it's still uh still early let's see he's got to go to the gym and come i am going to go to the gym
Starting point is 04:06:37 and number nine i'm gonna go to the gym and come to that all right uh harley thanks as always for coming on what's your uh what's your twitch what twitch harley's twitch is harley plays that's right uh hopefully me him and uh you guys will see me when i stream with kyle and woody yeah uh and mine is uh mine is fps kyle go and follow me follow harley you'll get a notification tomorrow probably around 5 p.m eastern time is when i'm gonna hop on i'll play some zombies hopefully in like a decent frame rate and resolution now that I've spent all this goddamn money. I also got a new mixer, so I'm hoping we get rid of any hissing in my
Starting point is 04:07:12 goddamn mic. I've spent a bunch of money this week, so I hope it's worth it. But I'll see you guys tomorrow. All right. P.K.

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