Painkiller Already - PKA 591 W/ Anthony Cumia and Wolf : Divorce, Patreon Questions, Woody Was Ghosted

Episode Date: April 16, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to PKA 591. Our co-host Taylor might not make it tonight, might not make it period. Our hosts, fuck I'm ruining this, are sponsored by Lucy and Lock and Load. And our guest is Wolf. What's up Wolf? What's good? How many times do I have to say you guys again? Taylor normally does that job. I fucked it up. That's okay. He's like, yeah, they really do need me. It's always good to see you, Wolf.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Wolf, I got a question for you. Pleasure, brother. I hope it's not striking too close to home. I don't know about that. It's about that goatee you're rocking there, man. I wonder, you clearly spent some time getting that geometry down. Is that facial hair or a silver Sharpie? Right?
Starting point is 00:00:42 See, I had a goatee just like that one time. And it was because I did that thing where every time I tried to even it up on the left side, See, I had a goatee just like that one time. And it was because I did that thing where like every time I tried to even it up on the left side, I fucked it up. So I had to take more and more and more. And that was my question. Like, did this start as a much bigger goatee? Are you trying to say I'm not asymmetrical right now? Like, what are you doing? Your geometry is on point.
Starting point is 00:01:02 All I'm wondering is like, why such a thin one? It's something I haven't seen a lot. It's just my Tony Stark thing. Okay. Also, it's because when I go to the club, less women, less,
Starting point is 00:01:13 less hot chicks call me, sir. Oh, I got you. It hides the silver a lot more. How long, when did you start getting the gray in the beard? When I had kids,
Starting point is 00:01:21 bro. No, essential. During the divorce. I'm so glad you said that telling you because i started going gray right here when uh when i got sentenced to prison like like it's literally one of those things like there's a story from the bible i think of i think uh moses saw god in the burning bush and then he just uh yeah his hair went white as snow, you know, or something like that, whatever they call it.
Starting point is 00:01:48 And it's like, that's one of the more believable crazy things in the Bible. Like, maybe you didn't talk to an actual burning tree that was the work of God. But I can believe he saw some shit that turned his hair white. Because, like, I know people who have seen some shit and their hair turned white. And I saw a little shit and my hair started
Starting point is 00:02:07 turning a little white down here. But yeah, divorce will knock the shit out of you too. I would argue a bad divorce and what I went through are pretty close. Bro, you can get PTSD from a bad divorce. I haven't heard anyone say they enjoyed their divorce yet.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I've heard a couple guys say it. it's not the process I'm referring to. Yeah, I know. Really? Like I've heard, like I can't be, it's more of a, for me,
Starting point is 00:02:34 it was the actual breakup as opposed to the process because there was a love of my life and all that jazz type of thing. But some guys get taken to the cleaners. Right. And then that's the trauma for them. So it depends how you know the perspective you're coming from i have a question about the divorce and i don't think it's too close but here so my friend got divorced everyone knows pka dan and there was a point in the process towards the very very end where he asked his i guess still wife at the time like are you sure are you sure you don't want to just
Starting point is 00:03:05 not get divorced like that my door is still open and hers was closed she said yes i still want to get divorced but he doesn't regret asking he's glad that he put it out that now i think his life is better now and he probably is lucky she said no but for a long time he was like you know i'm i'm it's i get peace of mind knowing it was a have to do and that he didn't just get divorced out of momentum so i'm asking well are you gonna hope i'm sorry kyle um i'm asking well was there a time when did you ask did you check did you get divorced out of momentum? All right, boys and girls, get the pens and pads out. Let's talk about relationships and marriage and divorce because it's horrid. And but also it can be good. Let me tell you one thing about if if it's the woman who decides she wants to be divorced. the woman who decides she wants to be divorced she's decided that months before you find out so you will always be the last one to know you're getting divorced her family will know
Starting point is 00:04:12 her friends will know her boyfriend will know everybody else will know that you're getting divorced before you so she'll already have a new place picked out. She'll already have a new relationship. That's how it literally is 99.9% of the time if she's the one who wants to divorce. Have you ever seen those Japanese game shows where they have to leapfrog from lily pad to
Starting point is 00:04:38 lily pad? That's how women operate. I don't want to be misogynistic. It's not misogynistic. It's how women operate. And I don't want to be misogynistic. It's not misogynistic. It's how we operate. It's how I see it every single time. Because a man will leave and he'll be like, that's it. I'm out.
Starting point is 00:04:53 And he walks out unprepared into the night with a fucking spear. He doesn't have anywhere to go. That might be her car that he had been driving around. But he has decided he will be outside on the cell phone she pays for probably calling his boy to come get him and then like carry his shit back to his house get on the couch a woman will leapfrog to that next lily pad she is ready to go yeah yeah the man will leave the igloo in the snowstorm unprepared and just go for it and it's like and it's it's traumatizing and you know men i'm not
Starting point is 00:05:27 saying men are innocent in these situations either but when if it was a woman wants to be divorced and i'll tell you another thing um marriage counselors are a complete ripoff marriage i'll tell you what and that's a when it comes to divorce and you know the woman says she wants to separate and see other people yeah whatever, marriage counselors, their job is not to keep the marriage together. Marriage counselor is just a phrase that's thrown out there. Marriage counselors are just there to sit and listen to the problems. So they're not going to say, like, you could go, and I'm not saying this is my situation, but I'm saying you could go to a marriage counselor and, you know, your wife is like banging some dude like right after and she will never say the wife is wrong. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Yeah, they often won't. Yeah, they won't take sides because they're getting paid by the couple. So like, but the problem with some sometimes relationships issues can be solved by a third party. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on a minute. So, Kyle, whoa. Hang on a minute. So Kyle, tell Barbara what you really want. Well, what I want is more free time. I'm tired of her.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I'm tired of being stressed that she's going to ask me to an engagement with her friends. And so I can't make my plans. And she, oh, that's what you're really stressed about? I thought you hated my friends. No, I love your friends. They're awesome. But like sometimes I want to plan my night out and I'm afraid to do it because I don't want to disappoint you. That's what you're really stressed about? I thought you hated my friends. No, I love your friends. They're awesome. But sometimes I want to plan my night out, and I'm afraid to do it because I don't want to disappoint you.
Starting point is 00:06:48 That's what it really is. Yes. And that's a problem that's like, we just need a third party to get us both to open up a little. Which is always good, but there's two different types of marriage counseling. That's the rare one. That's the rare one.
Starting point is 00:07:02 There's one before she says she wants a divorce, and then the marriage counseling after she says he wants a divorce. So if you get to marriage counseling before she uses the D word, could stand for other things. But if you go to marriage counseling, if you go to counseling before you reach that she wants to separate part, sometimes it can be salvaged. But after she says she wants to separate her divorce, then there's a huge chance it's just a waste of money at that point. You should just save the money for your lawyer. So how did we get here? You were saying that when a woman wants a divorce, she already has a plan. Sometimes guys like the process oh i asked
Starting point is 00:07:46 if you wished that you could have reversed the process or at least pitched the idea of not people get married out of momentum and divorced out of momentum and the thing is if you asked me during the divorce my lord i would have given my soul to keep the family together and i like that but the crazy thing is i turned out so much better because of the divorce like i would i would literally there would be no wolf paintball if the divorce didn't happen right now i would be some really overweight guy playing golf every weekend probably some kind of weird skin or hell heart condition. I'd be like, so average.
Starting point is 00:08:26 It's not even funny. You have that geometry. I'm telling you, Tony Stark, literally Tony Stark was one of my inspirations because I would watch him do the Tony Stark thing and go out to parties and live the life. You know what I mean? And that's what I started doing with my friends. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:08:44 I was overweight. I was weighing 270. And I'd like the stress helped me take a lot of that away. But again, you guys know that I worked in the music industry and the music video industry. And so, you know, my friends saw that I was divorced and they were like, I don't know if you've ever seen an Usher video where he just broke up with Chili. And it's like, you don't have to call. It's okay, girl. We literally did that. Like they called me up and say, bro, we're going out to the club tonight. We're going to have fun. We're going to do the table service, yada, yada, yada. And it just changed my life. And then I started, I put all that pain and energy into paintball. And that's where everything began.
Starting point is 00:09:28 It just went nuts. And it's like, it changed my life, made everything for the better. And it sounds living for you again, right? I did. And I discovered life all over again. And it was like, like I said, I was traveling every, it was the first time I didn't have my kids every other weekend. I had them during the week, but I would get on a plane, go somewhere and play paintball. Or I'd go hang out on video set and do some of that work.
Starting point is 00:09:53 And I just lived the life. And it just made, oh my gosh, it's just opened so many doors and just showed me so many cool things. And that would have never experienced if I was still married. So I have another question. Kyle, did you want to go or i want to talk about like living for yourself because i think that's a thing that a lot of people like don't they don't even realize it it's like you have someone ever tell you relax at like literally like go through a lot like hey relax your arms and then you're like holy shit i was tense i was sitting here all like in a ball and i didn't even know it am i always like that fuck but that's how living for yourself can be like, like, like I, I know people in my life,
Starting point is 00:10:30 um, who are like in their early twenties and I'm like, Hey, this is the best time of your life. If you take hold of it, like you can do all sorts of crazy shit, like, like hit the ground, run and do this, that, and the other. I've got ideas for you. If you want a little wisdom, I, I was 22 once. And it's like, this person is like living for their, their, and the other. I've got ideas for you if you want a little wisdom. I was 22 once and this person is living for their mom and dad still. It's like, why do you care about the judgments of those people and being there to like...
Starting point is 00:10:53 I don't even want to go into the nitty gritty of it, but just like petty shit. Preventing people from enjoying their own lives and living for themselves. Dude, I had a two-year-old and a four-year-old i had a a small son who was on the spectrum that i was practically raising on my own and i was like that's a stressful life and then you know and then their mom would get the kids every other weekend and
Starting point is 00:11:18 then i would go and i would do the craziest stuff you could ever imagine like and it was it was like, you know, I'd be flying around on helicopters, shooting up paintball guns one weekend. Then I'd be, you know, dating a dominatrix the other weekend. Like, like I do things that normal people just hear about. And I just live life to the fullest. And then that shaped me even more as a person. So like, I'm not mad at my ex-wife in any way whatsoever, because even though the family, not the nuclear family anymore, it changed me as a human being sometimes and he's like when you get divorced that isn't the end of your relationship with your wife especially if you have kids right if you have kids then you two have a relationship until the day you die however the nature of it changes her expectations around you drop to a real low anyway not zero you know she still needs you to watch kids and be a good father and and maybe swap weekends sometimes because people know shit comes up
Starting point is 00:12:29 but um her expectations around you like being her entertainment her source of finance all that stuff like changes so how is that like how's your relationship with the ex how do they compare to marriage do you guys get along better now like um we get along great like and we do it for the kids you know and i'm not saying we don't go and hang out in anywhere like but we get along great um you know i'm not saying we're best friends or anything like is there any underlying like always be mad about never forgive i don't think so like sometimes like you can kind of sense it i mean there's nothing there that we don't fight we don't have any type of aggression like there's you know what i mean she's remade she just remarried and uh you know it is that was i
Starting point is 00:13:18 mean that was a bit weird but you know she got married to you know some rich dude you know bernie looking sanders dude and he's very know, he's cool to my kids and stuff. And I'm like, hey. He looks like Bernie Sanders. You don't look anything like Bernie Sanders. She has more than one type. He went the whole opposite way. She went from Kanye to frigging.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Is she still a gold digger? Oh, Jesus. is she still a gold digger oh jesus no but you know she knows his lines she went the opposite way and it's like but yeah um i mean now she goes you now she goes to the Yacht Club and everything, and she does her thing. Who's that? That's me. No, no. He's a very cool dude.
Starting point is 00:14:16 And, you know, he treats my kids good. That's all that matters. And, you know, it's like I'm still the hero dad so i you know i can't complain about anything you know what i mean as long as they're safe when they're over there it's good but again she she she she you know she found her own path and now they you know play instruments together and listen to country music which is something i never did and and they do their thing and i'm like hey my life is golden. I'm good.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Wait a minute. They play instruments together and sing? Yeah, they do their own little band thing. And she learned how to play bass. And she's really happy. She didn't marry my father, did she? That would be his dream come true. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:15:01 To marry a woman with kids and for everybody to have an instrument and sing to have a country music band at his house that he gets to be the lead singer of like he's already got enough instruments and guitars and fucking microphones to do it he loves that shit well it's funny because like i'm musically inclined like in a different way because i use dj and i do the music production and stuff right and but it's like you know my kids grew up listening to like old school de la soul and you know uh old school hip-hop and funkadelic stuff and like that so they have a great appreciation for music uh but at the same time it's not going to be their type of music per se but they all have their you know they have their fun and my daughter rebels
Starting point is 00:15:42 over there a bit and my son likes his anime heavy metal stuff so you know it works out in the end can't complain bro cool sorry i think anthony kumi is coming soon and it's distracting me i was taking care of it my computer's beeping in my ears and I can't form a thought. You're going to want to put streaming mode on your Discord. And that'll never beep at you again. That bitch hadn't beeped at me in a long time.
Starting point is 00:16:17 That's what you almost said, I know. Woody's got no chill. What does that even refer to? I always thought that meant raccoon. It does. You said something last time that a whole bunch of people got it i will never get over the very shit i said and i and i told them like dudes chill like oh my god if i'm not taking shit personal you guys gotta relax it's all we're all family i appreciate it coon's age means a very long time is an americanism that has fallen out of favor and is considered offensive
Starting point is 00:16:46 by mental people. I didn't know that. Coon is slang for raccoon, coined in the mid-1700s. A coon's age was first used in the 1800s. In fact, it owes its origin to the folk belief that raccoons are long-lived. I think it also
Starting point is 00:17:01 has an alternative thing where people of a certain background in America were thought of as criminals because of the raccoons. There's like Hamburglar disguises. I still don't see that.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Raccoons have those blacked out eyes as their fur markings. I don't see how that... They're called robbers' coons and then they how that... They called robbers coons and then they made black people are robbers, of course, according to some people. Do we really have to spell this out for you, bro? Yes, we really do.
Starting point is 00:17:33 I totally don't even get it. He's not kidding. How does this get to period of time? I'm trying to be sensitive here. That's why I did it quickly like a band-aid. Don't be calling the brothers that on a nice day no i mean i heard it uh for the first time i think from like one of those old-timey like westerns or something like that and the character definitely meant a raccoon because they were like eating frog legs and possums and shit in the woods like like okay so uh that's how i mean it when i say it funny little uh colloquialism or whatever and uh
Starting point is 00:18:10 totally understandable doesn't make a fuck you are not you're not offended anyway because you're not maybe like some people but at some time you still got to be careful you know i think it's more important man i wish it was more about like what's in the person's heart but i guess you can't know that all the time but it, that's the thing, right? And we're not having a private conversation anyway. Exactly, yeah. And it's funny because I've seen a lot of – I could tell you a story. We could talk for days about the racist stuff that happens.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I could tell you that I used to have to send my wife to buy property because my ex was white. So I would have to send her to buy certain properties because they wouldn't sell to black people. And there's nothing I could do about it. This happens to me every single day. I was at the Range Rover dealership like two days ago, and some guy
Starting point is 00:18:57 asked me to go fetch his car from him. Oh, dear. So when you hear, you know, there's some guys out there like, hey, why do you have to make everything about race yeah were you wearing at the range rover dealership i was wearing uh lacoste running shoes i was wearing uh jeans and i was wearing all right why does he think you're fucking working in jeans what i was thinking is like if you were like oh you know i have i was dressed like a porter you know like white button-up shirt some khakis and some black black black shoes on no i know wolf because what kyle was saying used to happen
Starting point is 00:19:33 to me all the time so when i was young i'm kind of an excuse i was like 19 or 20 and i worked as a junior white man at my dad's firm and because i the job required a tie and a button down shirt and i was so proud of myself and i worked for my dad i shouldn't have been proud of myself but i in my head felt like i was i'm sorry can i interject yeah i know a little bit about your father's standards you should have been very proud you know that if you had if you if you were if you had not been able to cut it you wouldn't have had that job you know that okay nothing had if you if you were if you had not been able to cut it you wouldn't have had that job you know that okay nothing wrong with nepotism brother proud that your father thought you had it and invited you into his business and then pawn you off to some competitor
Starting point is 00:20:14 i sent him over there to work for dave across the street i worked for a client but um but yeah you're right actually if i was to embarrass him he would have never hired me but anyway the job required me to dress nice shirt tie like like a junior accountant back in the day i was proud of myself because i felt like i had my shit together at a young age every time i'd go like grocery shopping i'm like i bet all these people think well that young man really has his act together what they actually actually thought, where's the bread? Can you help me find this? They always thought I was a retail employee because I was dressed nice. Yeah, same thing.
Starting point is 00:20:52 When I was 19, one of those cringy and confidence-shattering moments as a salesman early on was greeting a guy at the door and being like, door and be like hey i'm kyle welcome to team ford how can i help you or like or like i don't remember the exact spiel but something like that and being like what are you a greeter and i remember thinking like i could take you old man i'm the assassin mother trucker you bitch see there's a there's a big there's a kind of a i don't know if you call it a fallacy or what have you but is there always a thing where people will i will tell people about certain situations and they're like hey that happened to me but it had nothing to do with it because i was black because because you know i had tattoos or i had a long beard and i go there is a difference and that's part of the thing is that you can't, when you see it from my eyes, then you understand it because, you know, you can shave off that beard or hide those tattoos. And then that problem wouldn't occur. Yeah. Whereas I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:21:57 You know what I mean? And it's like, you try to teach people, but it's unless you're like, again, my ex is white. She could tell you stories for days about, you know, getting pulled over and them seeing her. And then you're like you have to experience it. And otherwise it's very hard to comprehend. No, I believe it's true. I've seen plenty of videos. I obviously haven't lived it, but I believe everything you're saying. I know it's true.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And I'm like and I'm very you know i'm very well spoken educated yada yada yada and i know that you know i i you know i took law pre-law in university so if the cop tried to give me a hard time i'd know the right things to say and to make them worried about their jobs opposed to me worried about living you know what i mean and so there are a few there are a few phrases and euphemisms that are used that are to politely describe a black man and well and well spoken is one of them and i was surprised to hear you use it because like i'm when i hear that that's a little bit of a dog whistle to me like joe biden used to do that stuff to obama when he was running for president oh yeah oh well it's called him articulate. You don't sound black.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I was like, and clearly what Joe Biden, whether you like it or not, meant it is he's very articulate for a black man. That's what he means. He didn't never said that about fucking Bob dollars or Bill Clinton. He was, Oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:23:18 he's well spoken. He's articulate. Like, yeah. What do you mean? He speaks as well as like the other 50 guys who graduated from Yale. That Obama was a white Jewish guy. He wouldn't be like, you know, he speaks as well as like the other 50 guys who graduated from yale that if obama was a white jewish guy he wouldn't be like you know he speaks pretty well yeah oh i know brother that's a whole different kind of racism though but again
Starting point is 00:23:35 obama's being he's used to that and he's being used to his entire life and he's used to hearing it so i was like there's a point where you just got to choose your battles right and you're like whatever you know what i mean like we could if i if i yelled at every bro i'm a professional paintball player which is like one of the most redneck sports that that exists and it's like but i'm very blessed because i never experienced any racism in the game that's why i love the game so much i never nope didn't have any problems any issues at a game you play video games i bet you find it there you're not making it through all the duty lobby is no joke i mean it's calmed down a bit like war zone is not as bad as you used to but they you know they enabled a lot of ways for you to get people booted, right?
Starting point is 00:24:27 But back in the old days, you guys know how crazy it was. Like, oh, my God. It was. I mean, and we were as guilty as anybody. I don't think I said some of the more horrific things, but like we get into I get in those petty arguments with little children on the Internet. And I was like 20, 25 years old. Like, you know, like and I was. I did it last night.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I don't care what you're talking about. I was a YouTuber almost from the get-go and my Xbox gamer tag was Woody's gamer tag. There was no hiding in there. I was always polite. I stood behind what I said because it was always just like shit talking.
Starting point is 00:25:01 They would be complaining about our tactics or whatever. We're so try-hard. We're probably on like a 50 game win streak every night or something like that and and i was just like it doesn't matter what we do we will always be better than you we can do anything we want you can try as hard as you want and you'll never beat us stay right where you are we love it and then just mute them all and just play against them all night i once told a guy he was like a doctor who repaired my kd ratio i'm gonna use that that's awesome i never understood the people who weren't like super
Starting point is 00:25:43 try hard like i was always sweaty. There were no casual games. Even if I didn't have people to play. If I had two friends, we played team tactical. Hard as nails. Sweating. No chatter. Clear comms. Listen to footsteps. If nobody's on, I'm playing cage match.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I made YouTube videos of that. Just trying so hard against a kid. I did non-stop call-outs in public lobbies with strangers. Yeah. That's awesome. I don't think people... People don't talk shit on it like they used to. Like trying hard
Starting point is 00:26:15 or being sweaty or whatever. In Tarkov, they will, but that's just more of a game environment thing. Because of the value of items in the game like when someone's really trying hard it's not that they're just like playing more like attentively they actually did a different thing this game that's clear and visible something that makes a big difference is when you can hear your opponents talk after they die you know that like call you because i played
Starting point is 00:26:40 apex for like a good year and you couldn't hear what your opponent was saying. And that like changed the whole vibe of it. But when you play, you know, play Warzone and you destroy somebody near the kids wearing after you, you say something back that takes you back to that weird rage moment. You know what I mean? So that makes a big difference on how you interact with other people. What was it called? The death chat? I forget what it was called, but that after murder chat?
Starting point is 00:27:06 Dude, there is no more sincere compliment than you cursing me out after you died. I would take such pride in it. You friggin' camper! Tarkov introduced VoIP, so you're always in contact with the proximity sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And everybody thought it was going to be the most toxic thing ever because that game is real toxic in the gameplay. Just it hurts so much. But everybody's so fucking chill. Like the worst thing that I experienced in like, I don't know, a thousand hours of playing or something like that was. Come on, I'm going to fuck you up. I'm coming to get you, you little bitch. Like just aggressive like shit talking but it was never like like slurs and like just just like or like spamming it to
Starting point is 00:27:52 be annoying like because you only get like 20 seconds in a burst or whatever so everybody's super chill and more often than not like like you and your buddy are walking down a hallway somebody kills your buddy and then you two start shooting each other and go into cover and then you'll start chatting with the guy who just killed your buddy are walking down a hallway, somebody kills your buddy, and then you two start shooting each other and go into cover. And then you'll start chatting with the guy who just killed your buddy and be like, hey man, I'm trying to do this mission here. How about I take my buddy's gun
Starting point is 00:28:14 and I get the fuck out and you get everything else. And nine times out of 10, he'll be like, deal. Really? Yeah. It goes like that. Yeah, because it hurts so much to lose. You're risking everything when like i'm offering a great compromise like you can have almost everything you can carry here and continue on through the map and we'll go our separate ways hell we can work
Starting point is 00:28:36 together if you want i've done that like found some random guy in the game like yeah man you want to do this together yeah fuck that guy And just me and this other dude just working together as a team. It's a lot of fun. See, that's the difference because that's a PC game, right? I play console. I stopped playing PC because I got tired of upgrading my computer.
Starting point is 00:28:58 I stopped playing PC at Battlefield 2. I just remember having to upgrade my 3D accelerator card i said okay no more of this so now i have i have three xbox three xbox ones and i have three flat screens on the tv on the wall and me my kids game together and stuff and we'll play together and do co-op missions and stuff like that so i'm like i i can get a cool you know raging pc system if i wanted to but i'm like i hardly have enough time as it is to play so i'll get on i can get a cool you know raging pc system if i wanted to but i'm like
Starting point is 00:29:25 i hardly have enough time as it is to play so i'll get on for war zone and i'll waste a couple hours and then you know like five or six years ago i'd have been like come on man build yourself a land center but like the consoles are so good now and and i'm so jaded by what the gpu companies have been doing for the last five years to us, like as consumers. I just bought a PS5. I'm going to play on that stuff. I think that they have been
Starting point is 00:29:54 trying to make as much money as possible by selling out to every Bitcoin farmer in the world. Allowing their product to be bought in these huge lots and then allowing the resale. But the main thing is they shouldn't be coming out with a new card if they can't fulfill the orders on the current card. I don't like that. I don't. Because I've
Starting point is 00:30:20 got a 2080 Ti, which still powers everything fine. But I want a current card, and I want it now. And that's been so hard to do for the last five years. It's all about the bottom dollar, baby. I hate it. I don't understand why they can't create enough cards. If it's a shortage of materials, that's a different story, if that was the case. But I don't think it's been the case for the last five years,
Starting point is 00:30:43 because that's how it's been for so long. Building your own PC used to be this thing that smart guys did, because you're saving a little bit of money, and you're doing something that everybody thinks is complicated, but it's really adult Legos. I saved $1,500 doing an hour's worth of something that was
Starting point is 00:30:59 kind of neat. That's how building a PC was. Now, it's like, no, you need to build a pre you need to buy a pre-built pc from like a specialty website because they buy gpus and big lots and they have the gpu because there's no way for there's no way for john smith to go and get himself one but i buy power can go by a hundred yeah i think i paid a premium when I got a prebuilt PC, but it saved me. There's a chip shortage now, so I'm going to get it wrong. What's hard to get, but I'm sure it's hard to like find Ram or find your hard drive. And I know it's hard to find your graphics card. And I was able
Starting point is 00:31:36 to just be like, this is what I want. Whatever. Three weeks from now, just get it to me. And it worked out like that. Yeah. That's what I'm going to do as soon as I need one. I haven't felt the need for one. I do plan on streaming when that game comes out, that 40K game. Yeah, I'm going to stream the shit out of that because I'm just going to be playing it so much. And I'm good at that game. Hasn't that supposed to come out for a while now? Yeah, it literally got delayed for six months and then six more months very recently so it's september now i think
Starting point is 00:32:08 september 22nd um and i'm super psyched for i played so much vermentide before it um which is like the fantasy version of like four-man co-op like uh horde clearing you know you're fighting rats and just slaying thousand i i you'll literally break triple digits some games like got a or yeah you'll get a thousand rats killed it's fun it's a lot of fun and you and you have to work as a team together which is the only kind of game i really like to play because lately i've been seeing a lot of 40k uh animation shorts and a bunch of little mini movies that look freaking amazing and there's this guy on tiktok i don't know what his name is but he has this weird you know nerdy guy he's got this blonde
Starting point is 00:32:49 streak of hair coming down his face and he just talks about all the the folklore of 40k and the different characters and the different warriors okay are you into it yet i am so addicted to there's a youtuber you gotta watch all right really yeah there's a youtuber you gotta watch um i think his name is luton uh i'm gonna find his exact name and that's what he does he does like hour-long videos um about 40k lore he'll he'll do like the top 10 like most terrifying weapons in 40k and or the yeah and like worst jobs or times to be alive in the universe the worst planets to live on and all this weird, cool stuff. And I'm like, this is so and I never had the patience to do the board game because you got to build the characters and paint them. And that's just not my that wasn't my life. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:35 And but it's like I was a D&D player back when I was young, young. But I was like the graphics and the 3D. I just want to see a movie. And if I can play a game as one of those characters that'd be dope yeah that universe i've been getting more and more into and i and i feel like it's been growing like in the like pop culture area a little bit like it's on the verge the bowl is on the verge of where they can like actually get it maybe a tv show or a movie i hope because uh it is i mean it's it's so weird and dark. There are no good guys. I think that in the 40K universe, the humans might be the worst species. They're pretty scummy. They're so awful.
Starting point is 00:34:12 They're pretty jerks in what they do to each other. Now, your thoughts on Halo TV show? I've seen the first two episodes. I haven't. There's probably two more out by now, so I need to catch up. I know a lot of people don't like that they're changing so much stuff. They're showing Master Chief's face and stuff like that. They shouldn't have done that.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I didn't mind. I didn't mind. Oh, I don't know. Dude, I played the game since day one. I've never seen his face. In the books, he takes it off all the time and stuff. I don't care. I don't need an excuse.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel you. all the time and stuff. I don't care. I don't need an excuse. Yeah. Yeah. I feel you. I guess the way I feel about it is it wasn't that he was ever,
Starting point is 00:34:49 um, the reason he never took the helmet off was because they never wanted to like personalize him. You wanted to, they wanted you to think of yourself as him, but that's not going to work as well with a TV show. We need to identify with him. Although it works really well with judge dread,
Starting point is 00:35:04 but that's like his thing like in the lore of judge red he's never taken it off and like like it's a it's a pretty comparable situation right like i get it like like stallone ruined the first version of judge red because he immediately popped the helmet off and it's like well you're not judge dread you're you're sylvester stallone i've seen you before. But Carl Irvin keeps the helmet on the whole time and frowns. But for when it came out, it was good, though. It has Rob Schneider in it. It did, and he was stupid.
Starting point is 00:35:33 But how they filmed it, the cinematography, when it had the warrior cyborg thing. That was kind of cool. You know what I mean? And that was from the lore, too. You thought the first Judge Dred judge dread was good i thought it was too stupid it's real i'm co-signing on like the one villain did you guys did you see in the theater no i saw it when it was new i'm old bro i'm old i saw it when it came out you know i said or something i i when i was a kid like like the only thing i ever begged for was the movie store.
Starting point is 00:36:05 I struggled with it. Who's the female character from Speed? Sandra Bullock. Sandra Bullock's character was so stupid in the first Judge Dredd that that was my problem with it. She was over the top, idiotic, didn't know sex, didn't know kissing, didn't know anything. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:36:22 You're talking about a different movie? What am I talking about? Also with Sylvester Stallone. You're talking about Wesley? Go ahead. Yeah, you're talking about a different movie also with sylvester salone so go ahead uh yeah you're talking about the one with wesley snipes in it um where uh where am i what's it fucking called i'm spacing out there's demolition man demolition man so they freeze so in the it's in like i'm sorry it's the hell but no it's easy to get them confused because they came out really close to each other, and they're both Sylvester Stallone action movies in the future, right? It makes sense.
Starting point is 00:36:50 To all the people leaving comments and Reddit threads about this, I deserve that. They're very similar movies. Thank you, Kyle. You're kind. Also, you would have got confused because Rob Schneider in both movies. It's a mistake that can't be made. But shucks. Except for the hulking black guy.
Starting point is 00:37:13 They were very close. Yeah. Wesley Snipes is great in that. He was awesome in that. Yeah. The thing I love about Wesley is that he was a martial artist in real life. So when he did his moves, that's why I love Blade blade so much because he did stuff that an actor wouldn't do like when you get ready to fight and you draw his sword in front of him across you know on the ground like a line across you know
Starting point is 00:37:35 what i mean he did little things that a martial artist would know and that's why blade was so wonderful i can't remember who it was that that's in the... Who's the guy that plays Daredevil? His name's escaping me. The TV show or the bad one? No, no, no, not Daredevil. Deadpool. Is it Ryan Reynolds? Oh, Ryan Reynolds? Ryan Reynolds.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I think he's in Blade III, Blade Trinity. Yeah, that was so horrible. It's real bad. And there was an interview later on where he was like, they asked him, what's it like to work for Wesley Snipes? He's like, who? Wesley Snipes. Oh, I've actually never met Wesley Snipes.
Starting point is 00:38:11 I've only met Blade. Because apparently every time they interacted, he was Blade. He was a character. That was a cursed set because nobody got along
Starting point is 00:38:28 um uh wesley knew the script was bad and he was fought the director over every scene like it was a really bad and again it was a stupid you know they turned into a comedy well why are they throwing those two white kids in there anyway well that's the thing it didn't make any sense to bring the extra characters in it and i've always wondered oh i'm sorry no blade two was so good with what's his name from uh hellboy and oh yeah yeah yeah and then they brought the you know the japanese the japanese samurai guy yeah they had the whole team of like exactly slayers that he like it's a cool concept i don't know any of these movies what are they from the how could you not know blade it's from like 2000 it's the first marvel movie that like blew up and made like 50 60 million dollars blade it was huge dude it was
Starting point is 00:39:17 it was huge that started that got the ball rolling so have you ever seen blade i think i have but it's been he's a black vampire with a samurai sword that's acid-edged, and he fights other vampires in the night. Back when that movie came out, Wesley Snipes didn't pay taxes, and I was a young man. Why are we talking about that? No, no, no. That was way before not paying taxes.
Starting point is 00:39:37 He did his time. That was his prime. I thought he didn't pay taxes at that time. That opening scene in the nightclub and you know, the, they start pouring blood from the ceiling. And it's like, that was like,
Starting point is 00:39:50 I saw that in theaters and it was like, it was like the matrix of that time. Yeah. That movie, that movie still holds up super well, except for that one scene at the end with the CGI. When, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:00 well, whisker or what, not with, uh, whatever the, the whistler. No, no.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Whistler is a good guy. I know what you're talking about. Whistler is a good guy. Deacon Frost. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When Frost turns into a CGI blood vampire or whatever, that's kind of nonsensical. But the rest of the movie is sick.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I remember when they put him in that crazy crucifix thing that pierced him over, and I was like, fuck. That's so hardcore. And then his mom. Yeah. You know what I'm saying like that was such a good movie and then he goes some motherfuckers always want to ice skate uphill i was like yeah that was nice when he said that i was like but it was like it took on a whole different
Starting point is 00:40:37 and i had the comic book before that came out so i was freaking out but it would have it it really you know changed the whole vibe of vampirism right it helped i think it helped like black male action stars like like another step i think it helped um like comic book movies in general take another step i watched unbreakable last night that's another one that's like dude there's this one shot that i i had never noticed before and it's it's after the orange man who's like the villain pushes him off the balcony he goes in the pool little girl save him and he does like a press gets out of the pool and the camera stays low though so you just see him from like the uh maybe the upper thighs down with an upward angle so you see the two girls and uh his his raincoat becomes a cape in that shot
Starting point is 00:41:23 and it's like In that moment, now he's flipped the switch. He goes in and fucking rear naked chokes that giant motherfucker to death. That scene is really simple. It's literally just a one minute chokeout scene, but the guy slamming Bruce
Starting point is 00:41:40 Willis into that wall so hard. The wall's breaking and everything. I just always think when the cops got there the next day and they looked in that room at that big man dead and then like holes in the wall that are like eight feet up body size. Like, yeah. What the fuck happened? Yeah. But how how well thought out was that series? Oh, great.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Years apart and then split after with what's his name i love split with james mcavoy um why didn't he get an oscar for that i don't know why that wasn't nominated because that to me was a really good it's a unique kind of performance yes but it's really well done it's really well done but he's got so many of them in him. When he played the woman character, and just the body transformation that I don't think he used CGI. He got so ripped.
Starting point is 00:42:34 They got to be using some CGI a little bit. That's what I thought, but if they did, they hit it really well. I think that you can look a lot different if you hydrate up and get a little bit round, get a little fluffy, and then go on camera as that, like, do your, like, normal shit like that, and then always have bad posture and crouch a little bit and stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:56 And then when you're going to be the beast, fucking let him get out, let him dehydrate a little bit, let him get a pump going on, let him make his skin a little bit redder, and then hit him with maybe some CGI veins, and then just let him stand big and tall and be imposing and he's just gonna look like that i guess what do you know what we're talking about right now i know i was looking i was curious though about um why didn't he get an oscar so like i wonder who no i can't say why it wasn't nominated some of of the shit, like Bryan Cranston and Trumbo. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Eddie Redman in The Danish Girl. I don't know these fucking people. Oh, that's the guy from Dangerous Beasts. He's a very good actor. But that was the year that Leonardo DiCaprio won in The Revenant. So why didn't it get nominated? Oh, yeah. Revenant was hardcore.
Starting point is 00:43:44 It was hardcore. Now, I thought that movie kind of sucked, but it was so slow. Let it go. It's a movie about walking in the woods for fucking days. I'm bored. I do that for fun in the weekend. That's not a big deal.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I was out there in the snow starting to fire when my friends got there. The camp was set. Leonardo DiCaprio can eat my ass. He doesn't have on me but i saw i'm eating that fish i ate sushi yesterday big deal right i'm with kyle on this but anyway taylor's cut right now we're gonna make a fucking movie about him taylor's cut right now yeah taylor's like out there we don't know if he's gonna make it or not shit went sideways sideways. And they act like that Leonardo Caprio thing was a big deal. It's not. But I do remember
Starting point is 00:44:29 everybody talking about how Leo had never won an Oscar. And it was almost like his turn rather than his performance. No, I guess he didn't get it for Gilbert Grape or whatever. It was his first Oscar, right? The Revenant? That's a shame because he's an amazing actor.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Yeah. it was his first oscar right the revenant is only that's a shame because he's an amazing actor yeah i i remember i looked through the times he lost and the people who won were pretty amazing too like he never lost to freaking happy gilmore or anything but but uh uh yeah so he finally got his oscar then if if that guy from the split won, he would have been taking it from DiCaprio, which is hard. Yeah, that's a hard call. I feel like movies like that really set the groundwork for this ridiculous superhero phase. Everybody thought it was going to end when Captain America, Tony Stark, and everybody died, but they're pumping these TV shows out,
Starting point is 00:45:19 and everybody else that had fallen behind is now trying to make their own superhero shit with anything and everything that they can buy. So I think you're going to see a whole wave of obscure shit for the next few years. I don't know if that's bad. It's not bad. It's just Morbius. I love it.
Starting point is 00:45:36 I saw Morbius. I guess he's in the Spider-Man universe. Apparently, there's a Marvel universe that's not owned by Marvel. It's owned by Sony, and they have lesser characters. Morbius kind of sucked. Everybody hated Morbius. I know. I kind of liked it. I'm not going to lie. I don't know why people complain so much.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I liked it. It wasn't really... It would be bad on the scale of Marvel movies, but good on the scale of every movie, according to me. Not great. I said good. That's why I think Morbius is. But all these other universes popping up, I'm here for it.
Starting point is 00:46:10 I'm not going to like every one, but let's see what you got. You know what I like? I rewatched The Boys recently. That thing is great. The Boys is fantastic. There's the animated companion content that's related to canon. Have you seen it? I just saw that it existed. I didn't know about it until recently. Chiz told us about it and uh what's that me probably missed it uh weeks and weeks back
Starting point is 00:46:29 but uh he said that it's like fits in with the main story and you should probably watch it i just haven't picked it up yet i plan to uh i've been watching fucking masterchef man let me tell you about this sickest kyle has been talking about this blind asian woman who's been like winning master chef competitions all this time okay and i mostly don't care about cooking and don't care about people with disabilities but jesus but the sickest joke in the whole series was like this blind asian female chef is possibly the worst driver ever i was like here's the best part here's the best part she won the whole fucking season the blind girl did let me tell you one of the shittiest parts when you get down to the final four on that show they pair you pair you pair off and the they compete as teams of two
Starting point is 00:47:33 so blind girl she gets to select her teammate and she picks the best chef on the show the other girl who's excellent like so talented And they have 90 minutes to cook a three course meal for six people, not only the hosts of the show, which is like Gordon Ramsay and those other two famous chefs, but their three mentors who have been flown in as well. So these older famous chefs, the blind girl can't do shit because you know, she's blind. the blind girl can't do shit because you know she's blind so that means that the other girl has to do all of this versus a team of two she does it somehow but she doesn't manage to get like three of these rice cakes onto the plate she's her arms are a blur for 90 minutes and the blind girls are like what's happening are we happening did you make the gnocchi did you do everything yet
Starting point is 00:48:29 like like and and sure enough like she fucking loses and so then i don't know the girl she helped she well she only lost because like she had so much to do. I felt that. There's a quarter million dollar prize in the show. They don't have a fair show. They have a silly show where they change the rules up. Sometimes the rules are so fucking hardened. There was the best chef
Starting point is 00:48:59 one season. There's maybe 12 of them left, but this girl is clearly going to win the fucking show. She's a different level and they're like all right when you you know you have 60 minutes to make a pie or whatever and when you're done bring it up here which was a new thing you don't have to bring it up there normally you usually just hands up well this time they want the pies up front she's done with five minutes to spare but she doesn't take her pie up and they're like time's up britney Brittany, you didn't bring your pie up. They kicked her off the fucking show because she didn't
Starting point is 00:49:28 bring her pie up. And the worst part is, they tasted it anyway and told her it was the best pie I've ever eaten. They were like, it's a damn shame because this is the best pie I've ever had in my life. Now get the fuck out of here. Even the competitors were crying.
Starting point is 00:49:45 This is TV. Her pie could have sucked and it would be a better story the way out of here. Even the competitors were crying. It's his TV. Her pie could have sucked and it would be a better story the way they told it. Jesus. I can't do the foodie shows. I just like Gordon Ramsay. I think I've watched all of his silly shows. He's awesome.
Starting point is 00:49:59 He's turned it into a billion dollar empire. I saw him. He has a show where he goes and helps restaurants and stuff. And I saw one episode where the owners of the restaurant took all the tips. And they went to the waitstaff. That was messed up. That was so shitty. That was messed up.
Starting point is 00:50:22 How do you do that? Is there a reality where that's not shitty? Hear me out. I don't know why I'm defending these people because I really don't. But what if it was like, hey, we take all the income in, including the tips, but our waitresses make bank. We pay $75,000 a year here, and we give health benefits. Sure, we collect the tips, but we're not thieves. That's just part of the restaurant.
Starting point is 00:50:48 They're intentionally doing bad business. They're like, hey, let's take their tips and then lose a shitload of money giving them health care and stuff. That's a good idea. They're not doing that. They're taking the tips because it amounts to more than whatever they're giving back. The best thing
Starting point is 00:51:04 about being a waitress is the prettier you are and the harder you try, the more fucking money you make. And I've known waitresses who make so much goddamn money, like as much as strippers. It's insane. I've seen restaurants that say, don't tip here. Look, our food's expensive and we pay everyone appropriately. We're a non-tip restaurant. We're trying something different.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I've seen car dealerships that say, our prices are already low. We don't negotiate. There are other alternative business models. And I guess I was trying to make that fit. I will tip even under the table if I have to. That reminds me of that scene from Reservoir Dogs when the one guy said he doesn't tip
Starting point is 00:51:43 and everybody gave him a hard time. I've got that gif saved permanently in a folder on my phone. Because at the end of the argument, he goes, he thinks it over after they've made their counter-argument that you must tip. He goes, waitressing is the only job that a young woman can get when she's
Starting point is 00:52:00 got no education and still support a kid. You understand? It's the cornerstone of our society. He goes through this whole fucking thing. Steve Buscemi goes, fuck all that. Fuck Mr. Pink. Fuck all that.
Starting point is 00:52:15 That's some bull. I tip, but if it's one of those places I haven't been one that has a no tipping policy, but if I went to one I wouldn't tip. Zach had an interesting thing here. Gordon Ramsay, a no tipping policy. But if I went to one, I wouldn't tip. Yeah. Zach had an interesting thing here. Gordon Ramsay, a British chef restaurant, TV personality, net worth of 220 million.
Starting point is 00:52:36 So I've been following Formula One and I find this interesting because we look up their salaries and their net worth all the time. I know these things are inaccurate, but they routinely have like salaries of 8 million a year, net worth $12 million. And I'm like, bro, you save anything? The fuck? How do you make $8 million a year and you've only squirreled away $12 in your lifetime? You're 29 years old. Did you just start making this?
Starting point is 00:53:00 It's fun to watch. And there's like this thing, the Formula F1 F1 driver lifestyle where they get a dope ass department in Monaco and you'll live the high life and women and fast cars and the whole nine yards. It is interesting to me. Zach, can you pull up a picture of George Russell to do George Russell shirtless just because I'm gay.
Starting point is 00:53:28 When this guy comes up, I find it it interesting i think he's 23 years old but he's been like the it driver for two years now this like that he's been branded as future world champion etc he's a good looking guy he's english i think and he's a formula one driver and he's just like in some ways like you could argue the coolest person in the world. What's cooler than a multimillionaire F1 driver, 21 year old or something? That's him. It's not his best picture, but he's a good looking guy. And I feel like he I don't know. I find it interesting to see people with like this level of success and coolness and good looks and all of them every
Starting point is 00:54:06 single f1 driver was born with a silver spoon there's no one who got into this sport and just like self even the people who come from modest backgrounds it's like the chael sonnen story where it's like there were some years it pains me to say this my father didn't even make six figures well okay he barely made six figures like like there were no years where he made less than that and uh yeah this is just casual george russell i wish you could see his face because he's a handsome guy none of these pictures show him but um uh it is interesting to me to watch these guys who were just born rich live in the there it is that's this guy's life that's his real life i don't even think this is a special day for him he's not a vacation that could be his apartment or his boat or whatever kind of kind of looks like young woody
Starting point is 00:54:55 better well you know who my hero you know who my hero is from F1 is Lewis Hamilton, baby. Lewis Hamilton. Lewis Hamilton. Mercedes. Crazy. Dude, this guy is kicking. He came from a modest background. Look it up.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Look it up. Oh, you think I haven't looked up his background 15 times? For Lewis? Yeah. So modest isn't the word that fits right like his dad made good money i think they had more than one house i'm not positive on that aspect um his father funded his karting career and then after he got out of go karts they all start in go karts yeah he got discovered by i think mercedes or someone close to them and they sort of funded what no
Starting point is 00:55:46 non-super rich family would be able to fund like you can't race in formula three two and whatever without that kind of backing but still like he never worried about food on the table he never worried about clothes he could he came from a family that could buy him name brand clothes all the way through he had calvin klein underwear as a kid like that that's the kind of modest background he came from he retells it as like i had to sleep on the couch yeah like when you were on the road like in your like f formula one you may be couch surf. That doesn't make you broke. I couch surfed last weekend. Do you think F1 is the most exclusive sport like that?
Starting point is 00:56:34 I can't think of a more exclusive one. I got it. Horse dancing. That is a good one. Go try to get into horse dancing. Try it! Horse dancing is hilarious. I love that it's an Olympic sport, and it is a great entry. You can't even afford the horse, bitch.
Starting point is 00:56:52 I mean, Kyle, you've played enough with motors to know how expensive motorsports can get. It's crazy expensive. And it's funny to see these guys. Tennis isn't even exclusive. they're playing games i don't quite know the variation of tennis like that's not squash and that's not tennis is that pickleball i don't even know what that's what is that racket i'm not sure but there's you know what formula one is freaking dangerous man like they more dangerous than stock racing stock car is like that those little cars like
Starting point is 00:57:25 when they crash they crash like i can't remember who recently passed away but they just had footage where lewis hamilton was doing it uh interview and he's watching his screen and you see a guy crash on the screen and lewis is going oh that's not good you know what i mean and the guy died on on the track hey anthony and it's like you know they get paid as well hey we got company i don't think you how you're doing there we are yeah there it is yeah i had the uh button pushed when i'm gaming i i don't usually leave that on when i'm yapping saying curse words as they say how you doing guys good good i. Good. I just had the delivery because COVID made everything available to deliver. So I got a case of these delivered.
Starting point is 00:58:14 But I had two cases delivered and a six-pack of Budweiser because you have to go over a certain price. It was like $39.99. So I'm like, oh, I'll get get that and then it turns into you know the the old wheel of fortune thing where you had to pick price okay and i'll take a beer because it's got to get up to 39.99 so i ordered two of those things and of course uh they forgot one and now what do you do like the guy's gone it's like he goes he's he's like oh call the uh call the store i'm like oh call the fucking store pain in the ass the convenience and then you know you get screwed anyway how you doing it's like joe pesci they fuck you at the drive-thru yeah yeah yeah every time
Starting point is 00:58:59 every time every fucking night anyway i got one case so white claw though isn't that like a teenage girl's alcohol yes my date left it over i didn't know who was gonna make the joke first yeah yeah yeah no no actually um i i ordered a beer too but this was all that was in the house when I first got home. And God forbid I wait until the delivery comes to drink something. Not bad. Kyle, what are you working on? No audio?
Starting point is 00:59:39 Me? What? Kyle. Oh, Kyle. All right. No, Kyle. Kyle, your audio is off. You, Kyle. All right. No, Kyle. Kyle, your audio is off. You're gone.
Starting point is 00:59:49 I'm not hearing anything. I see you trying. Wait. Did he just say something for a second? I don't know. Now I hear you. I don't know what's happening. Okay, so you hear me.
Starting point is 01:00:00 I still hear you. Okay, we're good then. It's one of those things that, yeah. It's a kung fu movie right now. It's off sync. It's one of those things that someone's sound drops out when somebody else is talking, I think. I hate that.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Is it? Am I laggy? You seem perfect right now. You're good now. Okay. You know, hanging. Screwing around. That's good. You know, hanging. Screwing around. Getting in trouble.
Starting point is 01:00:30 I see you're taking in the Lord's word over there. You know, Tucker Carlson showing you the right way. All right. Tucker's on to the background. Yeah, yeah. In that information diet. All right. I like it.
Starting point is 01:00:42 You know what? Tucker's hilariously funny. I don't think I watch any mainstream media to actually get news. It's just funny. He goofs on politicians and shit that's going on. I watch Tucker all the time. I think I see every one of his monologues. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:03 I don't think he does really well for accuracy and and but i i i guess i enjoy watching the the style the premise that like yeah he lays out a really shaky premise and then he builds this big tower on top of it and i'm like look at him go look at him spin look at him like work it he's a master of his craft i wonder who writes it like does he have yeah he's gotta have writers you know i'm sure okay i don't doubt that he has writers what's his part in the process like i doubt he's seeing this stuff for the first time when he reads it he reads it masterfully so how yeah in the writing i wonder yeah i don't know but it's like i, it's entertaining.
Starting point is 01:01:47 His numbers are through the roof. I mean, no one else even compares on any other news channel. So he's got to be doing something right as far as entertaining people. He's more fun to watch than any of the other news channels' personalities. So, yeah, I pop it on. I like his monologue when he first starts. It also
Starting point is 01:02:08 reinforces everything I'm thinking. I'm on the other side. I'm like, he's ruining America. He's brainwashing. Anthony's sitting there like, I knew I was right.
Starting point is 01:02:25 A little confirmation bias. I told you. Never hurts. I saw it on the TV. I haven't watched Fox News in a while. I did my own research. I don't know how to get Fox News. Unlike CNN, CNN seems to give their shit away because I guess nobody wants to watch.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Oh, God. Bomb the CNN Plus. Fox News wants to get paid. And I'm not paying Fox News. So I don't get a lot of it. They did an online thing, Fox Nation, and that is doing very well.
Starting point is 01:02:58 And then CNN goes, well, why don't we do CNN Plus? And they start this online version, and it's literally I think 10, 000 people a day tune in which is won't even cover the cost of the bandwidth uh so yeah they're they're kind of screwed as far as that goes my uh my uncle's been indoctrinated by uh by tucker and a few of his compatriots i believe my i visited my fathern't seen him in a couple of months. Uh, saw him over the weekend. And,
Starting point is 01:03:26 uh, he's like, yeah, your uncle, he's been, they got him, Kyle. They got him.
Starting point is 01:03:35 I was like, who got him? I don't know. He gets his news from his phone now. And there's a few Facebook groups he's in, but, uh, primarily there's some sort of like secret Facebook military group that he
Starting point is 01:03:48 thinks he's a part of. That ain't good. I'll do that. The gravy seals. He's like, move it over. The guy with reflective glasses. He would come over and I used to try to argue with him
Starting point is 01:04:06 but he gets so mad that now I just say, oh, that's wild. I didn't know that. Thank you for telling me. It'll be like most off the wall shit. It's bad. One of the conspiracy things that he heard, this is a completely different individual
Starting point is 01:04:21 in small town Georgia. She struck up a conversation with my father at a grocery store I believe and she told him heard um this is a completely different individual like in small town georgia just um she struck struck up a conversation my father at a grocery store i believe and she told him that uh donald trump would soon be back in power this is many months ago but donald trump would be soon be back in power and that at this very moment there were gun battles taking place in the tunnels beneath the white house and if you stand if you stand outside the White House gates today, that's why the fences are up. They don't want you to hear the shots.
Starting point is 01:04:52 You can hear the patriots fighting for freedom. I don't like the way they're laughing. They're calling my pillow salesman a liar. I swear the Dominion machines were all programmed for Biden to win. Talk about someone that went from rags to riches back to rags again. He had that book. He got over a crack addiction, literally dying on the street one day. And then he gets this pillow idea, makes a fortune,
Starting point is 01:05:23 turns into like one of these folk hero kind of guys. And then just flushes it right down the shitter with the election stuff. He split his sales in half, you would think. You would think. The thing about the right is they will buy a bunch of pillows just to send a message. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They will. They will. Buy bunch of pillows just to send a message yeah they will they will you buy me some pillows find me a single wide trailer without eight of them bitches in it and i'll give you a dollar
Starting point is 01:05:52 all right oh my god they support their people if you know a trump rally like close to me the other that is true and i was so regretful for not having gone because i've been to one before if you've never been i highly suggest it for you. It's amazing. I'm good. Oh, they would love you. Let me tell you this, Wolf. Let me tell you this, Wolf.
Starting point is 01:06:12 They would treat you with – Oh, yeah. You would be like the biggest celebrity there. They would all want their picture taken with you. I was going to say that. Take a picture with me. Take a picture with me. Who?
Starting point is 01:06:23 Tolkien. Come. Take a picture with me. You could be me who token come you could be the guy like honestly i'm gonna be real you're kind of being our guy right now i was thinking it's nice safe Jesus Christ look at this white supremacist nonsense and then there you are and they're like what are you talking about I might be watching this clip I don't know what you're talking about the proud guy that had to be raised
Starting point is 01:06:57 right there right the head of the proud boys is black and the Hispanic guy has a black wife. Gavin McGinnis has an Indian wife. Not all skinfolk are kinfolk. That's not all I'm saying. You want to hear the most confusing, racist moment of my life?
Starting point is 01:07:20 It's when in one of our hangouts that we do every month with fans, one of the black guys showed up in blackface and like as a black man he painted himself with blackface and then did like the big lips and then he ate fried chicken that was his halloween costume wow it was it was a confusing time for me yeah there's a lot out there it's Yeah, there's a lot of confusion out there. And you got your Candace Owens and you got those. I don't want to judge, but people grow up in certain situations. And some of it is fight or flight.
Starting point is 01:07:56 And some of it is just program. And there's no one side that's technically right. But again, back in the days know you had slaves who were just happy to be in the house and chill it clear he was a black man i don't i know i'm saying back in the you know they've always been you know slaves who were happy being slaves oh and they saw that they saw the positives to it so let me ask you this nothing you can change do you think there are any slaves who actually had a good like like remember samuel l jackson in a django i'll compare like absolutely like absolutely that's a good gig he had absolutely when you saw behind the scenes the respect that mr candy had for that guy like then you realize
Starting point is 01:08:36 that it might not even be about race anymore this whole thing might be a big power play he doesn't believe different skulls do different things. Clearly, the person he respects most in the world is Samuel L. Jackson when he goes behind the scenes. Yeah, but a lot of the nannies were black, and so that's why Gone with the Wind, Mammy, they were loved so much. You know what I mean? There's always been a scenario. I think you're kind of missing a little bit of the point with Sam Jackson and Leo DiCaprio and Django. There was definitely a barrier there.
Starting point is 01:09:12 There was a hierarchy that would never be crossed. And Sam Jackson knew he was the house boy and had to be it. knew he was the houseboy and had to be it. Candy knew that he would crack his skull open if he crossed him. But they had this
Starting point is 01:09:33 ritual respect. I don't know. I don't know. Do you remember when Candy went in the room and Sam was sitting in the chair? Sitting in the chair. We're drinking. Mr. Candy's like drink with his glass.
Starting point is 01:09:48 He's drinking. They're drinking at the same glass. Yeah. Think about that. There was a scene he was telling him what to do and saying that they were there for that girl. Yeah. And he's doing it. He's not.
Starting point is 01:10:00 And he wasn't doing it as an underling. You need to know. You need to know, sir. Exactly. He was saying. Oh to know, sir. He was saying, you've been fooled. Sam Jackson's part in it had been because he had been so... That's his life.
Starting point is 01:10:11 His life was looking at this guy as the be-all, end-all of his existence. That's a good fucking movie. Oh, genius. I think DiCaprio's character was more like, you know, loved his dog too i think that's kind of how he looked at it yeah yeah we're not saying dicaprio we're not saying dicaprio
Starting point is 01:10:33 saw him as an equal yeah yeah by any means but he he was still a character i think yeah he saw him is as as much of an equal as he saw anyone in the world though like it's not like i think he saw him as as much of an equal as he saw anyone in the world, though. Like, it's not like I think he saw him above those like crazy hillbillies that lived out there and like. Yeah, yeah, he did. In that shed. Absolutely. That's interesting. He saw that he's he was higher up than the white hunters. Remember what they thought of those guys?
Starting point is 01:10:59 It's a little bit different than the first plantation was like, you want me to treat him like white folks? Yeah, I think that ain't what I said. than the first plantation which is like you want me to treat him like white folks yeah and sam jackson really enjoyed having that power over everyone else on the plantation like he was the the voice of uh leo dicaprio when he wasn't around and he knew and used and abused that power. So, you know, again, power corrupts. But again, it's like there's a lot. And by the way, Anthony, my name is Wolf. Hi, Wolf.
Starting point is 01:11:34 I'm a professional paintball player. So I know you've never heard of that thing before. That's a whole different story. But essentially, I was on a team back in the 80s, I swear. No way. Nell Spot paint in the 80s, I swear. No way. Nell Spot paint pistols. Oh, my gosh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Little bolt action things and go out in the woods in Coram. That's awesome. I had a team, the Red Devils. It was great. Yeah. That's amazing. But yeah, again, I'm I guess what you someone called libertarian. Like, you know, I'm a black guy.
Starting point is 01:12:06 I'm a gun owner. I love my guns. Why didn't you tell me that before? That would have saved you a lot of embarrassing comments. There are some other people who can use this until this moment. What the fuck? Oh, shit. Here I was
Starting point is 01:12:20 fucking with the contrast on my camera. It's my lighting. It's my lighting. It's my lighting. Oh, shit. But I've had to – let me tell you, you know, I'm a capitalist, and I love my money, and I love my guns. But at the same time, there's certain things I could never do. I could never do the Republican time, there's certain things I could never do. I can never do the Republican thing. Right. But I could tell you that I've been offered certain positions and off.
Starting point is 01:12:50 And there's a lot, a lot of money in being a black Republican. Oh, sure. There's a lot of money in it. That's how this whole conversation began. Me telling you, if you want to see a Trump rally go, because you're a man among boys. Oh, I'd be up on the stage right beside Trump. That's the other thing. I guarantee if you get there early, they'll be like, no, no, no, sir. No, no line for you, Mr. Wolf.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Right this way, sir. They're going to put you right in there behind Trump, like between two blonde ladies. It's going gonna be great they want your reactions and if you play it up you'll be it all like my only would you like to come to charlotte with us they'll bust you around i could never i i'm more of a uh a libertarian myself when it comes i'm closer to libertarian than i am republican people think i'm like a hardcore conservative Republican. It couldn't be further from the truth.
Starting point is 01:13:47 I like being left the fuck alone. I like making money. I like keeping as much of it as I can. I want the government out of my business. Leave me alone. Make sure whatever the government's supposed to do, do that. Leave everyone else alone with their lives that lives uh that you know we apparently have a great opportunity to make something of in this country and that's pretty much my stance i i don't
Starting point is 01:14:12 sit there and go like oh abortion i don't give a shit how many abortions somebody gets doesn't matter to me i i'm not one of these you know staunch right wing every bar a part of the agenda thing i've always said i don't want I've always said it should be legal to get an abortion with a suppressed machine gun that you bought at Sears. Because Sears would exist in my America. Sears would still be there.
Starting point is 01:14:35 As I'm smoking weed. If I'm going to see your baby, I want to be stoned. My dad has a lot of craftsman tools off Amazon. Die hard batteries, all that fun stuff. I think I'm one of the few people baby, I want to be stoned. Might as well buy Craftsman Tools off Amazon. Die Hard Batteries, all that fun stuff. I think I'm one of the few people who's brave enough to say
Starting point is 01:14:50 that I'm pretty sure abortion is murder, but it still should be legal. Isn't that what everybody says? No, I think most pro-choice people are like, oh, that's not a life until you name it. Really?
Starting point is 01:15:09 Did you name it yet? You're like, well, no, not yet. Give it here. It's not a life until it gets its 401k. They give it the lobster treatment with the knife. Oh, God. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:15:24 There's a huge religious aspect aspect to the whole thing and that really takes any um debate out of it it's very hard to debate pro-life and and pro-choice because there's religion involved in the pro-life side and you never arguing with somebody to convert their religion. So they believe that life starts at conception. There's nothing you're going to tell them that will lead them to believe, no, it starts once it took its first breath of air. But I guess there has to be a line someone draws somewhere as to when it becomes a problem to abort a baby or are you killing it like
Starting point is 01:16:08 and that's always been the problem right line starts at the death penalty so where anthony was like at some point the fetus becomes viable and you probably shouldn't kill it anymore right what's viable right like and i think we all know when the baby comes out you most people would go yeah that's a human being you can't now the day before because it's still in there wouldn't that be a viable fetus it can live on its own just as well as it does the next day sometimes but well but that's just it you know it when you see it, but when is that line? Because it's such a gradual gestation period. Sometimes the heart's on the outside or the brain doesn't have any skull.
Starting point is 01:16:51 It's only alive because it's still in utero. Right, trimester lines. But again, that isn't religious. That's biological. And that can be used in a debate about scientific content. But when you try to bring religion into it, people are going to say their god believes in this and they want you to do this and argument over. You're never convincing them. Yeah, I don't want to debate anybody about it anyway. Yeah, I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:17:16 I'm a felon. I can't fucking vote. Don't care. You're a felon. It's so weird when you say that. I totally forget that you are a fucking felon. Holy shit. If I had to pick one felon out of these four squares... Don't even do it. Don't even
Starting point is 01:17:36 do it. Welcome to the show. We're going to play a little game called Find the Felon. Oh my god. You were just walking online brother i know i know i say i'm canadian shit oh you're canadian yeah but i went to i went to university in the states so i lived in the states for a very long time so a lot of people uh another funny thing is i you know i did pre-law and uh studied the Constitution, so I know the Constitution more than most Americans do, which is sad. I think that's pretty fucking important.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Especially if you're a gun enthusiast, a gun owner. A lot of states have their own stupid laws that I'm kyle knows this but yeah you just don't want to you want to know what the laws are you want to know what your rights are and so many people become these um car window attorneys uh when they get pulled over and uh dude georgia just shut the door on so much of that, though. They allowed for constitutional carry. Yep. So now it's – another thing, my dad, he was like, your uncle's also armed himself. Oh.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Now that he doesn't have to go and spend the $15 and get his picture taken, he's strapped one on. Lord forbid. Because that's the other thing. I personally do not. I don't think I would support the constitutional carry in Georgia because it's concealed pistol carry. And they basically just told everybody, hey, you can do it. And they're like, really? Well, I've never done anything like that before.
Starting point is 01:19:19 But sure, if I can. You know, like that's 100% going to happen. Whereas before, there was this minor hurdle. A minor hurdle. You went to a building. You said, hey, I want one of those permits. They said, give us your thumbprint and your picture and $15. We're all square.
Starting point is 01:19:35 And it lasted five years. And the best part was you don't have to get background checked. If you have one of those, you can just be boop and buy your gun. North Carolina has that. But they also require a one-day course course everybody passes this course right right i i happen to pass the course the marksmanship is incredibly easy anyone could do it even if they hadn't operated the gun i think and the test was so easy i got one question wrong but people who got like nine wrong they just went up to the instructor and he's like so on on this one, what would have been like your second choice?
Starting point is 01:20:08 They did it with me. We all got hundreds. Every single one of them. I had this dumb idea. They're like a concealed carry permit allows you to carry a knife over three inches. And I was like, well, that makes sense. Turns out it doesn't. But that was the one I got wrong.
Starting point is 01:20:21 But other people got a bunch wrong and every single person passed i still like it because i didn't know like the rules for engagement they change with the castle doctrine but uh they're important to know and they would just make sure you walked out before you got a gun you knew them when you're allowed to shoot i like that there's that little hurdle that little little hurdles okay i don't want i don't like there's three day waiting periods don't get me wrong that's bullshit i want a gun a fucking gun now while i'm still mad okay i got shit to do i can't wait three days i'll calm down i i don't like that at all but a little hurdle that you've got to go and like be serious about it get a thumbprint taken like
Starting point is 01:21:01 i guarantee as soon as that went out... My uncle's an example of it. Last time I saw him shoot, it wasn't too impressive. I think he went and got some silly pistol too. It's nonsense. It's nonsense. I'm licensed. I'm not licensed to carry in the States. I'm licensed in two countries.
Starting point is 01:21:19 I've had firearms in... I have firearms in Canada, which yes, you can have, and I have them when I'm in the States, when I'm in New York. But in New York, you don't have carry-conceal. In Canada, you have to do pretty much a two-day course
Starting point is 01:21:36 for restricted, which restricted means you can buy a pistol or an AR type of thing. But we just passed a law that's kind of banning ARs at the moment, but we just passed a law, uh, that's kind of banning ARs at the moment, but we're fighting it in court and stuff. So it's a little crazy,
Starting point is 01:21:49 but at the same time, you don't need a gun in Canada, Canada. Like I need a gun. That's the shit. Sure. They are so, we are so close,
Starting point is 01:22:03 but we're so different. It's not even funny. I see a lot of dummies on videos that get a gun, have no clue about the rules of engagement, how fluid that situation can be and change from literally microsecond to microsecond where you are, you know, most grand juries would not indict you. And a split second later with what you did, you are completely guilty of murder. Like it's so. County to county. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:35 And it changes county to fucking county. You could literally. But I've seen so many videos of people. You know, there's a recent one where guy gets in a um altercation they have road rage altercation they hit guy gets out of his car with a bat and starts hitting the guy's car now i'm looking going okay what is this guy gonna do he gets out of the car he's got a gun the guy with the bat kind of turns to drop the bat and run and the guy shoots him and then he shoots him in the back as he's running away i'm like oh jesus and then he walks over and he shoots him in the back of the head
Starting point is 01:23:12 no way really yeah that ain't good that i don't get it listen people say okay yeah um you have a different different size population between Canada and the States. But we have the same demographics. Like you have the same percentages of black to minority to African and Canadian to what have you. Right? And you have pretty much the same cultures. But if you look per capita, the gun violence in the states is insane so how is it that the two are so different yes it's the same i think we have more guns than
Starting point is 01:23:55 you we have a lot more it could be that simple i'm going with better aim we got they have attempted gun violence and they just suck. We're all so slick with it. Oh, my God. Oh, God. Is that the scientific? I got to say, I mean, you look at every statistic, over half the people killed with guns in this country, it's inner cities and gang related. There is something going on that just will not be taken care of. Instead, you know, they keep trying to legislate against legal gun owners.
Starting point is 01:24:32 You know, it's gun violence. It's this violence. Like, because they're so scared to actually address the problem. Perhaps some things need to be addressed culturally, family wise. This whole attitude of, and I remember when it started back in in the 80s pretty much where it's like hey no father needed we'll just you know i guess murphy brown was a show that was out and dan i think i remember that yeah probably and dan quayle came out and said this is against family values and and at the time i was looking going, yeah, that Dan Quayle's an idiot. Murphy Brown, if she wants to be a single mom, it's a good thing. And meanwhile, when you look and see how many single moms, especially in the inner cities where they don't have any other real
Starting point is 01:25:16 people to gravitate toward, it just becomes this cycle of gang violence. When are 12-year-olds getting shot? Poor grandma is sleeping in a bathtub at night, and goddamn if that round don't ricochet off the showerhead and nail her. It's so sad. But you have to understand, that's also a matter of programming because there's a lot of people who don't know the history behind that stuff and behind the father's not being around. There's a lot of
Starting point is 01:25:47 Americans who don't know that the government would give you government assistance, but only if there was no father in the picture. That encouraged certain lifestyles. You know what I mean? I think there's a difference between...
Starting point is 01:26:03 Is a divorced mom, a single mom. I'm not sure, but there's a, she's raising. We'll say, well, not necessarily. They oftentimes they co-parent the kids go back and forth from house to house because we'll say father's not around. And that's like, right. There's a huge difference. I think between not having a father figure at all and parents being
Starting point is 01:26:23 divorced. But there's other people that can come in. Look, my parents got divorced when I was probably 11, 12 years old. My dad moved out to California. I did go out there and see him, and I lived out there for a little while. But for the most part, there was this – my Uncle Tony, my brother being just a little older than me, other relatives, neighbors, there was this community thing where you,
Starting point is 01:26:51 you had adult men teaching you and going like, whether it was, you know, it wasn't this sit down and now I'm going to teach you something. It was maybe sometimes it was just a backhand and go, don't be a frigging asshole. What what are you don't do that again you're freaking you're stupid like that but but just having that in there shame was another thing like you do something stupid and to have my uncle tony just go like what are you doing come on anthony what and you'd go like oh fuck i an idiot. Like that has some fucking equity in how a person grows up. And I think a lack of that.
Starting point is 01:27:29 You have to take into account nature and nurture. And you have to take into account cause and effect and things like the neighborhood that you grew up in to have those influences were much different than certain black neighborhoods. And then you have to go, you know, what came first, the chicken or the egg? And it's like, yeah, you do have to ask, why is that? The difference between like, for instance, I was my dad wasn't around. My dad took off when I was five. My mom raised three boys and my mom was an accountant, worked her butt off. And, you know, I grew up in a nice suburban neighborhood.
Starting point is 01:28:04 You know what I mean? Turned out pretty good. Went to university, yada, yada, yada. But if I grew up in the States, the chances are much higher of being in a not so nice neighborhood. Right. And so if you're surrounded by that nurture, it's a matter of survival that, you know, you want to do good in school and you want to do this and everything, but if you're walking and you got a pass by drug dealers every morning who are telling you, listen, if you don't join us, we're going to destroy you. Forget those school books,
Starting point is 01:28:35 come and sell for us. It's a little harder to survive in that environment and make it through all the way. Oh, sure. That's a tough fucking situation. And to try to come up with some resolution is nearly impossible because I think a lot of people have a lot of different ideas as to what the solution to that would be. Some people think more money to education. Some people think more government intervention,
Starting point is 01:28:59 restrictions, whatever it is. I still, you know, maybe it's my age. I still think that fucking smack to the head by someone and don't be stupid and and and making you feel like yeah i shouldn't do that yeah it's tempting wow i can make a shitload of money or work really hard and do this yeah i'm in a bad situation the neighborhood sucks this sucks but i gotta friggin stay on this path. You know, we all did stupid shit. I get that part. But my stupid shit would never equate to at 12 years old carjacking someone with a gun.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Like something has to be done to address that before you can even start fixing it. And I think people are so fixated on, you know, hey, great, more people dead in the city. Let's take legal guns away from legal law-abiding citizens. That's got to stop. The excuses from the left and the right have to fucking stop. Let's figure it out.
Starting point is 01:29:57 The last two big shootings were in the two states with the most gun control. Gun control. It's bizarre. When I heard Mayor Adams here in New York City, Eric Adams, he's been mayor since January. Useless. He's talking about ghost guns.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Ghost guns this, ghost guns that. It's like we got to have a law against banning ghost guns. It's already banned in New York. New York City, you can't have a slingshot. Never mind. It's like you're going to walk around New York City, you can't have a slingshot. Never mind. It's like you're going to walk around New York City and go to NYPD and go, ha-ha, I made it myself. It's a gun.
Starting point is 01:30:33 It slings projectiles by burning gunpowder. It's illegal already. And by the way, the.00001% of ghost guns that are being used in crimes in New York City, it's inconsequential. These are all stolen guns, even straw man purchases, things like that. Regardless, the people using the guns are not legal gun owners. They don't have license, and the guns are not registered to them. So what frigging laws are you going to legislate against legal gun owners that are going to help end the problem with the violence? You and I probably line up word for word on guns.
Starting point is 01:31:13 Maybe not every issue, but guns for sure. It seems there are already laws against doing all the things you don't want people to do. It's illegal to shoot people, right? So already, like, we've got the big one covered you don't have to make it illegal to own the thing to shoot people because that only impacts people who own the thing and don't shoot people people who own the thing and shoot which is the vast majority they ignore laws in the first place yeah yeah another law isn't going to be the issue but you have to but at the same time like i grew up i lived in new york during
Starting point is 01:31:45 the dinkins years right and the gun crime was insane oh so some of these laws actually brought the gun crime down it did did work to an extent in new york and i'm telling you it did work are you sure it's the cause and effect, though? Right? Are you sure it wasn't like the economic? When the big laws went through, you did not want to be caught with a gun in your car in New York. But crime went down outside of New York. Economic prosperity from like the 80s to 2020 just had a lowering crime rates and violence rates all over America. New York is its own universe. Well, it's a universe that seems to follow the same rules as the rest of it.
Starting point is 01:32:28 No, it doesn't. It is strange. It is different. It's very different. Its police department is literally like an army. A bigger police department than countries have armies. And budget-wise, right. And it's the pinnacle of the free world tourism all this security
Starting point is 01:32:46 has to be crazy the transportation systems just blow away have their own police yeah yeah they have their own police the thing is now after dinkins authority all those guys when giuliani came in he was right up until september 11th giuliani was one of the most hated mayors of New York. Hated. September 11th, it was like, America's mayor. We love Giuliani. But everyone forgets before that, people hated him. He was shutting down all the fun porn shops on 42nd Street. Now I hate him.
Starting point is 01:33:19 All the bodegas that he closed. Oh, everything. The bodegas and clubs. And he also did something, and he was called racist for doing it. It was called the broken window. Yes. Where cops would look away at a lot of shit over the course of the years. And he said, look, if we pay attention to the turnstile jumping and the broken windows and try to find out who's doing that, it will lead us to get bigger arrests for bigger crimes. And that's why when people knew if they were walking around with a gun,
Starting point is 01:33:50 there was a really good chance that they could just be stop and frisk. Stop and frisk was terrible. They hated it. But you didn't leave the house with a gun because you knew you didn't even have to use it. You might just go, hey, buddy, let me see what you got there. Oh's a gun boom a year two years in rikers broken windows is tricky for me because like i know who agree with broken windows are considered racist which puts me in a weird spot because it makes sense to me i feel like i followed it myself so i'll lay it out there for
Starting point is 01:34:19 people who've never heard of this you see an apartment building it's vacant but it looks nice the paint is still fresh and the windows are unbroken and you don't tend to throw a rock through the broken even though no i'm sorry you don't tend to throw a rock through the window even though no one lives there once there's one broken window once there's one broken window now this place looks like a target you can break the rest of the windows you can go in there as As soon as there's a broken window, it's a wreck. We would see, like, this is me in high school as an idiot. Idiot.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Let's just lay that out there. Let's admit to that. Cars. We never broke into cars. We didn't fuck with cars. That was somebody's car, right? But in Ocean City, if a car sat there too long, it would get an abandoned tag under the windshield wiper. And that meant it was ours.
Starting point is 01:35:08 That meant that we could fuck with it. We could push it. A bunch of guys could bounce it and make it sit perpendicular to the curb. That was a thing we would do a lot if it was small. We found one that you could start without a key. If it had an abandoned tag, it was like a broken window. Suddenly, assholes like me would fuck with that car who would never fuck with a car that didn't have one. Broken windows, it's called racist, but I'm like, I feel like it's right.
Starting point is 01:35:34 But for you, it worked. But for me, the college kid who just liked to hang out in the city on the weekends and go to nightclubs and stuff getting stopped and frisked for no reason was hell like i was you know i was studying pre-law and i was like you know i was i wanted to be a lawyer all that stuff and i'd go to the house music clubs and the weekends and stuff and you to get harassed for no reason by the police was hell and you gain that resentment over and over again and i even be driving with a car with ontario plates on it and they'd still stop and harass us for no reason here's a situation where when you're close to hold on sorry one more point one more point and a lot of people would say
Starting point is 01:36:17 and the one of the most horrible arguments was hey if you didn't do anything, you shouldn't have to be worried, which is not how the law should work. Yeah, there is a fine line between infringing on people's liberties and Fourth Amendment rights and keeping the city safe. I mean, again, yesterday or today it it was Mayor Adams comes out and says, he goes, look, something's got to stop. He goes, there were, by the way, there was the subway shooting that we had here a couple of days ago. A guy goes into the subway, throws some smoke bombs, for some reason, shoots everyone in the legs. I don't know what he was thinking. I think he got this spatial disorientation from the smoke. He was going like this, but he was shooting down. Some people get
Starting point is 01:37:07 that in planes and they fly the plane right into the ground because they can't see the horizon. If it was so smoky and it had a gas mask on, I've done that in video games where I'm going, what the hell's going on? After that happened, the next day, 13 shootings, two deaths in New York City. So the mayor comes out and says, he goes, look, and this is the first time I've really heard someone say this.
Starting point is 01:37:36 He goes, look, every one of these victims was black. Every single one. I spent all this time in the Bronx and Brooklyn today. And he goes, where's Black Lives Matter? Where's Black Lives Matter? Because these young kids are being killed in these communities. And he goes, what, their lives don't matter?
Starting point is 01:37:56 And I've heard people say that ad nauseum. Usually white dudes on social media, and everyone goes, oh, shut up, it's racist. But to see Mayor Adams say this i it got my attention i was like oh fuck he's addressing the community like what the fuck what the fuck are you doing what are you doing asshole and against giving the smack in the head i it was refreshing to see because i think part of it is because it's confusing for a lot of people and it's hard unless you're in that situation because Black Lives Matter was made to protect people from those who were supposed to be protecting them.
Starting point is 01:38:47 no term as black on black crime because you don't hear you you never hear the phrase white on right why do you never hear the phrase white on white crime when that's the majority of the crime that happens right so the black on black white on white it's an interracial thing what the black lives matter thing is is to stop those who are supposed to be protecting us from killing us. I've marched for that in the States, and I've marched for that in Toronto, too, because we had the same situation as Toronto, but nowhere close like the States.
Starting point is 01:39:16 Our police officers are ridiculously educated in Toronto, so shout out to them. But we've had situations like that, but they've gotten a lot better. But that's why it black it's not black lives matter job to deal with black on black crime because black and black crime is the same as white on white crime and it's this it's a paradox that a lot of people can't figure out and it that's a very general way to try and say it don't they bring it up because like uh you know there's's so many more. There's a lot more
Starting point is 01:39:46 white people, right? Like, aren't black people like a small minority who are... There's a per capita. It's something like, yeah, it's a combination of that, right? So it's like, you know, their purpose is to stop the officials from killing black people for no reason.
Starting point is 01:40:02 Because if I'm just, you know... Oh, the cops are the worst. If some idiot's just running away because of the license. They're not getting sympathy out of Kyle. You should not be getting shot in the back of the head because of a taser. You know what I mean? So that's what it's about.
Starting point is 01:40:17 You're not going to find a more staunch ally than I when it comes to the police, my friend. Oh, I know. I did see that video today and uh you know obviously an investigation has to as in every shooting has to go down um but when i see hold on before you say something okay go ahead police should not the bad thing about the states is that they don't have a third party to rule over these things so So in Toronto, you have a whole different organization that is not connected to the police
Starting point is 01:40:47 who judges whether there's a good shooting or not. The police do not police the police in Toronto or Canada. You have different parties to do that who are unbiased. Well, the investigation, it does go to a grand jury
Starting point is 01:41:04 if it's deemed to be a bad shooting. It's pretty rare. And then they take over. It's very hard these days for people to kind of get away with things that probably were a lot more commonplace years ago. It goes to a grand jury. Who deems it a bad shooting? Well, the grand jury would. The grand jury would take on it. How does? Well, the grand jury would. The grand jury would take on it.
Starting point is 01:41:26 How does it get to the grand jury? You're going to need a DA to get involved. It sounded like if the cops decide it's a bad shooting, then it goes to the grand jury. Maybe I misunderstood. Oh, no, no, no. They could do their own investigation. But the cops also, the internal police department investigation, can't just say, well, that's fine. And then the district attorney goes, well, the cops said it was OK.
Starting point is 01:41:50 Like if they – It feels like that most of the time. That's how it happens. Most of the time – so I'm not an expert on the topic, but it seems like most of the time the cops are like, well, we don't really love it, but they were kind of in line with department policy. Well, here's – but there's two ways that could go. It's a horribly corrupt, racist department, or there's a lot of good shootings that people have grave misconceptions about how they happened because of bullshit social media and bullshit mainstream media. So, you know, I've seen so many cases, so many cases where people had a complete lack of information about a shooting. I've watched the trials in their entirety. And then when the verdict comes out in favor of the officer, because everyone
Starting point is 01:42:40 heard bullshit, they go, oh, black man can't use his blinker? Like, if he comes at me, I was like, yeah, he used a blinker. He hit it with his gun as he was shooting at the cop. It just seems like a lot of people. And I will even say on both sides that there's a lot of people so uneducated of a certain situation. I mean, there are people like Benjamin Crum. He comes out any time there's a police shooting of a certain situation. I mean, there are people like Benjamin Crum. He comes out anytime there's a police shooting of a black man. And he will instantly, and he came out on this Taser thing, instantly say, and I saw his post, his personal post on Twitter
Starting point is 01:43:18 before anything was looked into. Unarmed black man, shot in the back of the head, was not committing any violence against the officer what's the taser thing is there a new one or is this the one yeah i don't know what happened yeah this is uh a guy gets uh pulled over he had a plate on the back of his car that did not match the car so the officer pulls him over he gets out of his car before the officer even gets near his car the officer goes back in your vehicle back in your vehicle he also has a passenger in the passenger
Starting point is 01:43:50 seat another gentleman in the passenger seat the guy didn't get back in the car the cop continues to walk over he goes okay license uh the guy just stands there looking at him and he goes what did i do what did i do the guy goes do you have a license let me see your license this was very you know it went back and forth it was very tense right from the beginning so the guy decides at some moment he's gonna run because the officer says you know turn around uh he wasn't complying with uh or just to show id he kept asking what's about he goes this plate does not fit the car guy takes off they get into a physical altercation on the lawn of a house that they were pulled over near. The cop pulls out his taser, hits the guy with the taser after they're struggling for a little while. It doesn't seem to do much. I don't know what that's all about, but I've seen it happen. So now the cop's holding the
Starting point is 01:44:42 taser. He's telling him stop resisting stop resisting stop resisting uh they they get on their feet a couple of times then they're back on the ground now the guy grabs the cops the hand with the taser and he starts grabbing toward the taser and now the cop's yelling let go of the taser let go of the taser now also i want people to understand uh a taser fires the prongs out, and at a distance, you can zap somebody. After you fire that, it becomes a stun gun. You can literally hit someone with it, pull the trigger, and it becomes a stun gun-type taser. So it's not –
Starting point is 01:45:18 It's not – The ones they use, too. Yeah, the ones the cop was using, too. It's an X-26. Yeah. So the guy finally got possession of the taser. The guy being bad guy. The perpetrator there or whatever. The victim, depending on how you want to look at it.
Starting point is 01:45:35 The cop immediately pulls his gun, boom, shoots him in the back of the head. Because he had the taser in his possession. Yeah, they'll do that. Now, again, an investigation needs to be done. But I will tell you one thing. Benjamin Crum's synopsis of that was nowhere near accurate when he said unarmed, peaceful, nonviolent cop does this. And again, it's based on nothing but the race baiting that guy does, and it's all for profit. I see him as the new millennium's Al Sharpton or something like that.
Starting point is 01:46:10 I've seen that before. You're – even if you hate cops, this guy is doing his job, and lives can be destroyed by bullshit on either side, whether it's the victim, the perpetrator, the cop, the victim, the perpetrator. Lives can be destroyed, and we've seen a wake of destroyed lives when shit like this happens. So it's best to sit back and wait and see what the fuck the real information is. Yeah, if he did get possession of the taser, then they're going to call it a good shooting. They always do. But I've watched – have you ever seen the Police Activity YouTube channel? Oh, Jesus. Well, let me just go ahead and say you're welcome.
Starting point is 01:47:09 What you're going to want to do is watch the whole playlist in order later on and have a couple drinks and you're going to have some laughs you're going to cry you're gonna you're gonna cheer you're gonna be afraid because it's literally nothing but body cam footage and that channel will edit together five different officers perspectives oh right and make you a fucking movie out of some of these great and and it it'll be such crazy shit that you're like how have i never heard of the west dallas shootout tombstone is pussy shit compared to the stuff that goes down on the daily and is uploaded on that channel my favorite my favorite crazy like action movie type moment that i saw was a guy took a hostage with a knife and as soon as the cop like approached and saw that he shot the guy in the face oh god yeah yeah threw down shot bad guy in the face and as bad guy is falling very much dead again in the face yeah and you see a little bit of his
Starting point is 01:48:06 brain come out yeah he was in a little shed type thing yeah yeah you know what his partner said nice oh yeah i remember that now i remember that now yeah here's the best part about that now yeah like the cop didn't catch it and most of the people in the youtube comments didn't either the poor like i think he was a Sikh guy he had the beard maybe the turban too um that was had been taken hostage pissed himself so that's why he's being weird at the end he's trying to like hide that he's pissed his band remember that i don't blame him hey i don't either in the face and then he tagged the moving uh moving get some fucking kyle
Starting point is 01:48:46 rittenhouse marksmanship right there yeah impressive dude that kyle rittenhouse kid like say what you want but like that first of all he had a great great lawyer i love that i i don't know if you've seen the excerpt kyle rittenhouse should not have been there to begin with. Agreed. Everybody agrees on that. Everybody agrees on that, Wolf. Who drives their teenager to a riot filled, like, I have a child the same age. Did someone drive him there?
Starting point is 01:49:16 His mom drove him there. Drove him there. I didn't know that detail. If I was in the suburbs and there were protests and fires and stuff going on, I would not drive my teenager down there to hang out with my AR-15. And that's why your son will never be a hero.
Starting point is 01:49:42 Oh my God. No one will remember your name. I'm proud of you. No, that was... Zach said he drove himself, our producer. He traveled too there. And look, I had this exact conversation with my father two days ago.
Starting point is 01:49:57 And he was like, he had never heard the story. He doesn't watch bullshit news. He didn't even know about Kyle Rittenhouse. He's like, why the fuck was he there with a rifle? Why fuck was he there at all and i'm like those are good points yeah okay but regardless of when the guy tried to shoot him he shot the guy's bicep on his shooting hand and i choose to believe it was intentional wow i don't think so i think that was luck i think oh really that it was yeah i, I do. The way he was falling. Three kills.
Starting point is 01:50:27 The way he was falling. No, no, no. I don't think he had a miss. That's not hard with a two, two, three. Come on now. He didn't have a miss. Nobody else hit him. When I saw him falling back, just the way his gun was pointed,
Starting point is 01:50:40 I think that was pure luck. The other two shots. The other two shots. Okay, fine. But the bicep shot, I think that was pure luck the other two shots the other two shots okay fine but the bicep shot i think that's pure coincidence and i shot myself came apart i shot well the human body will do that but oh yeah i've got my fair share of stuff but regardless though like good i like how they had coached that witness too like like so at that point he shot you in the bicep no no no at that point he destroyed my bicep yeah yeah and he like he looks at like the prosecutor like did i do good boss and he's like yeah yeah you did good
Starting point is 01:51:16 but you're about to lose the whole fucking case so i'll give you 330 yeah yeah he was not a good witness did he lose that arm not make a good witness. He's got the arm, but there's no way he could do shit like this. Yeah, I think they took some thigh muscle and tried to rebuild some shit in his arm. Woody,
Starting point is 01:51:37 would you do that? Would you take muscle from one of your genetically predisposed good regions and throw it on your weak point if you could? Then I wouldn't have any more good regions. No, no, no. You could create a new good region. What he's asking is
Starting point is 01:51:54 would you get a BBL done? No, no, no. I want you to take a chicken cutlet size slice out of each calf. Each calf. And it just goes on your delts now. You've got a fourth delt muscle. I think I would do that, yeah. That's like a
Starting point is 01:52:09 video game attribute slider. I was going to say, exactly. You're just taking it from one. Can't I just take points off intelligence? I don't use it anyway. What are you going to say? I tell these jokes on the internet. I need't use it anyway. I tell on the internet.
Starting point is 01:52:27 I need to boost my charisma. They don't understand Woody. My character is already an oddly maxed out character. I think they need to see the calves. Oh my god, like right now? I mean, I would like to see the calves. Let me see what I can do. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:52:45 This is going to be worth the wait. Oh, shit. I can see him right there. You can already see what's coming. Oh, my God. You can already see what's coming. He's got plenty of calf to lose. He could take a little of this, throw it on the delt.
Starting point is 01:52:59 A little of that, throw it somewhere else. Oh, my God. Whoa! Acrobatic as well. Acrobatic as well. That's what happens when your legs are landing gear. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:53:13 This is perfect. This is perfect. Paraglider. Pistol squat. Jesus. Like bowling pins. Houseway how? Shit. Pistol squat. Jesus. Like bowling pins. House way. How?
Starting point is 01:53:28 Shit. Look at that guy. Yeah, his legs are landing gear. So he's got to land with those things. Woody would look good in a real good pair of heels. Like a pair of heels like a you know red bottoms yeah louboutins louboutins exactly my father had good well still does my father is amazing he's 72 he's got better calves than me
Starting point is 01:53:57 he's are you serious it's genetic yeah like very very good calves yeah yeah this is genetic crazy position like like do you think there'll be a future where I guess they've mapped the human genome right now. I heard that the other day. When are we going to have those Gattaca babies where they tweak them? That'll be the thing. I'm not going to get into the whole movie thing.
Starting point is 01:54:18 Badass movie, Gattaca. Watch it if you haven't. When will that time come? Oh, you saw Gattaca. Okay. I've seen it many times. No, I'm talking to Woody. I'm talking to Woody. He's teasing me about demo man or something. When will the 1% be able to make their kids smarter, better, faster, stronger than the 99%?
Starting point is 01:54:37 And further perpetuate that sort of class difference? That's a huge difference. I'm going to throw my answer out, but there's a caveat. 2025 in China. Those are the people that will ignore the ethics laws first. They'll have both the tech
Starting point is 01:54:56 and the lack of ethics. Cloning, everything. Mine is close to yours. Mine is 2012 China. Their Superman is already a 10-year-old, and he's bitching 225. There are 10 feet tall Chinese at 10 years
Starting point is 01:55:14 old ready to fight. That's racist. It's China. Did I say something bad? Or Orientals. When was Khan from Star Trek born? I don't know. Or Orientals. When was Khan from Star Trek born? I don't know. That was like 2152, I think?
Starting point is 01:55:32 No, he was a super being of the 90s in the original Star Trek. He was in the 90s because Star Trek was like the 60s. It was supposed to be, of course, in the 23rd century. Yeah, very close to 2000 when Khan was born.
Starting point is 01:55:46 Yeah, yeah. Very close to 2000. And that's what he was a result of. He was like the ruler of all of Asia. He tasked me. I love Khan. I love that movie. Khan was awesome. The original was great.
Starting point is 01:55:56 The movie was great. Even the new one I thought was good. Was it called Khan next time around? No, they didn't want to let the cat out of the bag there. Yeah. That it was a con episode. They didn't say his name until later. I really love the original with Ricardo.
Starting point is 01:56:10 Ricardo. Ricardo Montalbán. Oh yeah, that's a great one. When they put those things in their ears. Oh yeah. That scared young Woody. That's pretty dark. They put those little control worms in their ears
Starting point is 01:56:26 and watching it crawl into Chekhov. When Chekhov says it, he goes, Captain, they put creatures in our bodies. Kirk's sitting there going, where, Chekhov? Let me elaborate a little more. I got a horrible image in my head
Starting point is 01:56:44 right now. What I'm like the next thing he was like, I'm coming for you, con. I heard. Killed his pretty boy. You can't one of my crew and get away with it. I did not.
Starting point is 01:57:01 I just wanted anyone listening to know. I did not sodomize anyone. That is not. I'm confused. What does he get hard all the time now? Like, where else did you put it? It was an earworm, and you damn well know it. You put it in your rear?
Starting point is 01:57:12 No, my ear, Captain. Your rear. Yeah, that one is his pretty voice. I got to say, though, Chris Pine impressed me with the new generation of Star Trek movies. It was amazing. That first one, because as a Star Trek fan, you go, alright, this better be good. The whole cast, they fit
Starting point is 01:57:33 perfectly. It was done so well. Yeah, yeah. The guy who played Bones? Right on. Oh, yeah. Loved it. Amazing. That's Carl Urban, who also plays he's in Lord of the Rings. He's the guy with the blonde hair
Starting point is 01:57:49 that always looks like this in Lord of the Rings. He's always like angry. He's the horse lord. Yes, a horse lord. Tell me your name, horse master, and I shall take your mind. I just finished watching the Hobbit series with my kids, and we're going to get into Lord of the Rings next.
Starting point is 01:58:06 There's only one good scene in the entire Hobbit trilogy and that's at the very beginning when he's telling the story about how they lost their home and Thorin's hitting that hammer on the anvil. I love that one little quote, that one little line, and he never forgave and he never forgot.
Starting point is 01:58:22 That's it. Those eight words or whatever. That's it. Millions and millions of dollars spent and they could have just... I like the scene with Smog. I love the dragon.
Starting point is 01:58:35 I love the face move. It was really neat CGI. Whatever they did to make his face move that intricately. They really gave him a personality. Then they killed him immediately. They were done with him.
Starting point is 01:58:51 They killed him a movie later. He got a half a movie. As soon as the movie starts, it's like, got him. Now we have a new problem because five armies are coming. I just couldn't. I bet it's an amazing
Starting point is 01:59:05 kids movie. If I was 12 or even younger. My kids enjoyed it. Oh, I bet. Yeah, my kids enjoyed it. For sure. There's dwarves hopping around and going down the river. I can't lose. How can you lose? They love that shit. How old are the kids or do you not talk about that? They are now
Starting point is 01:59:22 16 and 18. Okay, cool. 16 and uh and my son's 16 daughter is 18 and my daughter just got accepted to university for nursing and i'm very proud of that oh outstanding yeah that's cool she worked it's crazy because her work ethic is so much harder than mine like i don't know if it's a girl thing or not but she just studies like and i i was pretty good in school i did a double major international commerce and pre-law but her work ethic is just scary i don't know where she gets from a couple years from now her skill set's gonna be useful for guys already
Starting point is 01:59:56 12484 blood pressure? Just curious. Bro, I found a lump the other day, and at my age, everything is, oh, my God, I'm going to die. And I'm pretty sure Ant can relate to this a bit, but it's like you're scared of everything at this age. Oh, yeah, everything happens. Everything aches, this, that. Please, daughter. Yeah, please get into medicine. Please. You don't know?
Starting point is 02:00:26 People can't see it on the show, um under my eyeglasses right here there's a small cut and i think i got it by sleeping in my glasses so you know so it rubbed and hurt myself cool cool why has it taken three months to heal and it's not healed is cancer? I do have an appointment set up. It's sometime later this month. We could be eye cancer buddies then. Dude, I'm rooting for you. This will be a new request. Oh no. If you guys don't know, I had cancer on
Starting point is 02:00:56 my fucking eyelid. And the first thing they did was they shaved it off because the doc was like, trust me, I know cancer. This is not cancer and i'm like and it's incredibly painful to get them to when they cut it off my eyelid like it was top two most painful things ever jesus yeah yeah it was a little mole on my eyelid like right in the eyelash region it was like unsightly and i like immediately and uh they they shaved this bitch
Starting point is 02:01:23 off they cut it off and uh i'm all fucked up from it and uh they call me like a week later and they're like hey uh some secretary hey uh dr mike would like to see you uh as soon as possible you know and i'm just like you get dr mike on the phone right now yeah yeah i'm like you get dr mike on the phone right now. She's like, yeah, he just wants you to come in. I'm like right now. And she, she like immediately like two minutes had Dr. Mike on the phone. And I'm like, Hey doc, uh, your lady says you need to talk to me. We're going to do it over the phone.
Starting point is 02:01:57 He's like, well, it's cancer. I'm like, I'm like, yeah, I know. Cause I have this weird awkward conversation. What kind? And so anyway, they're like, yeah, I know because I have this weird awkward conversation. What kind? And so anyway, they're like, what we got to do is as soon as possible, I want to go back in and I want to take a pizza pie shaped wedge out of your eyelid and
Starting point is 02:02:16 that is going to put it together and then put it together. He's like, one problem though you don't have enough eyelid to do that. So we we're gonna have to cut you over here and make a big fucking cut so you've got so your whole face can slide over whoa so you need some slack some slack so please tell me you were asleep i'll get there so so i was right in the middle of like i just had started TRT and I was lifting every single day. And so when they told me I couldn't eat before I came in,
Starting point is 02:02:49 I took that as a suggestion because I got to get my calories. So when I get in there, they get me hooked up the IV or whatever. And that's just, and they give me a pill or two, like some Xanax, like bullshit, like doesn't do anything.
Starting point is 02:03:02 I do real drugs. Like that's, and I fucked up. And she's like, when's the last time you ate real drugs like that's And I fucked up and she's like When's the last time you ate I'm like ah by now it's like Four hours ago she's like wait what and so they made me Sit in that fucking bed with the IV stuck in my hand For the longest fucking time like Three hours or something because I'm a dumbass
Starting point is 02:03:17 Anyway I get in the surgery room And no I'm not I'm not asleep At all they put my head in a fucking like Vice like a chiropractor-type thing, elevate me. They take a Q-tip, put it under my eyelid, and roll that bitch, like, inside out. Holy crap. And then he starts injecting my eyelid with painkillers. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 02:03:38 And every time he sticks that fucking—and I'm not moving a hair. I'm taking it. My toes are crossed three times in my fucking shoes because i'm just like in so much pain every time you did someone something like this to someone it would be torture that's torture that's torture yeah i paid 1800 bucks for it yeah yeah like three or four shots and every time he does it i go he goes yep yep not so bad just a little pinch and i go i go he gets them all in and then he starts cutting and that fucking hurts too and like and and like i'm talking to him throughout the whole fucking thing while he's sewing me up and like like making
Starting point is 02:04:21 this cut over here and i can feel the cold blood running down my face. I'm like, oh, get that. I'm like, this is pretty awesome. I can't believe y'all let me be awake for this. I had to really page it because it was a thousand dollars. You're awake? That's what I said!
Starting point is 02:04:39 Oh my gosh! Why didn't I use a general aesthetic for you? Did you save money on this, Kyle? Yeah. Let me tell you how much it costs to have a fucking anesthesiologist come in. It's $1,500 extra
Starting point is 02:04:54 just for the gas. I said, fuck you. That's worth every penny. What's wrong with Americans? Get out of here. They made it sound like a dental appointment like we had this talk we had this talk like like and i was like he's like
Starting point is 02:05:10 yeah it's i'm like what's he gonna run doc he's like i don't know 1500 to do the thing and uh but it's another 1500 for the anesthesiologist i'm like ah so like double like yeah and i'm like do we really need do you ever do these without anesthesia oh my god he chose to do this yeah He's like, yeah. And I'm like, do we really need it? Do you ever do these without anesthesia? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:05:26 He chose to do this. Yeah, he was down. I mean, I was part of the negotiation process. He ended up knocking a little off at the end, too. I negotiated a little harder. Because, like, with taxes and everything, it was like $2,100. Wow. Nice work, Vicky.
Starting point is 02:05:40 Fight on this piece of leather. We'll pry the bullet out of you I'll bring my own leather for ten dollars less no shit have a snort of whiskey I was supposed to like not drive home obviously because I'm all fucked up and shit oh please tell me
Starting point is 02:05:58 she wheels me outside and she's like so your uber's on the way and I'm like yeah not only are you fucked up I would assume there's like, so your Uber's on the way? And I'm like, yeah. Not only are you fucked up, I would assume there's a patch over your eye. Big patch and bandage. So you're one-eyed, fucked up. I like that you saved $12 on Uber.
Starting point is 02:06:17 It's the inconvenience! The whole thing is a cost cutting measure. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I unlocked the eye patch guy. Answer, Kyle. No, it fucking blew. God damn, Kyle. It fucking blew. Dude, I have an eye phobia, so that would kill me.
Starting point is 02:06:54 I can't even put in eye drops. I think everybody freaks out whenever a friend of mine has some kind of problem where they literally have to inject something into his eye with a syringe every couple of months. I don't know what it is. It's some kind of problem with the fluid in the eye. They
Starting point is 02:07:14 lay him down and there's a needle into your eyeball. That is something from a horror movie. Yeah, that's literally from X-Files or you remember Fire in the Sky? Oh, yeah. Yeah. UFO.
Starting point is 02:07:30 It comes down across the sky. Woody's got to do the sponsors though real quick. Or I'll do it. I'll give it a go. I know the deal. This episode of PKA is brought to you by Lucy. Lucy Nicotine is a company founded by Caltech scientists and former smokers looking for a better and cleaner nicotine alternative. Finally, tobacco alternatives that don't suck.
Starting point is 02:07:50 Research and develop for three years to be made for people, not patients. Lucy has created a nicotine gum with four milligrams of nicotine that comes in three flavors, wintergreen, cinnamon, and pomegranate. Lucy has a this is not a real word long gene with four milligrams of nicotine and cherry ice flavor each and every flavor actually tastes great it's convenient and discreet the products can be enjoyed anywhere on flights at work on the go or even in the gym it's 2022 get rid of your cigarettes unplug your vape throw out your dip and get some lucy nicotine gums or launches. Maybe this is the real deal. A subscription.
Starting point is 02:08:27 Loss L O Z E N G E S lozenges. Yeah. Like secrets for a short throw. I knew some of these words though. This is a real deal. Subscription to Lucy comes directly to your door each month. It's so simple and you don't have to leave your house because Lucy has delivery down painkiller already.
Starting point is 02:08:44 Listeners go to,, C-O, and use promo code P-K-A to get 20% off all your first order, including gum and lozenges. That's and use promo code P-K-A. Check it out. We've also,
Starting point is 02:08:59 we also have to give this disclaimer warning. This product contains nicotine derived from tobacco. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. So head over to and use promo code PKA. And then the other one's Lock and Load. Go ahead, Kyle, take it away. Oh my God. For those of you who don't know,
Starting point is 02:09:16 the uninitiated, perhaps this is your first time here. You're unaware that we here at PKA have created the most effective WOD enhancing formula in the world, frankly. A known universe. We all put our heads together,
Starting point is 02:09:35 figuratively and literally, and we came up with an incredible formula for you. There's a link down in the description. Use PKA at Derek's website. You get your discount. The proof's in the pudding, as I like to say. I took measurements before the product and measurements after. The volume increased tremendously.
Starting point is 02:09:56 I think it was like 300% or something. Now, we're talking about 9-milliliter loads, okay, for you Euro people. I actually don't know what it came to in ounces or grams. Oh, yeah. Oh, that scares the shit out of me. This is a little behind-the-scenes footage at Lock and Load headquarters. Working every day as hard as we can to make sure
Starting point is 02:10:18 that you guys are just locked and loaded, as we like to put it. You're going to love the bottle when you get it. It's covered with cum stains and the official P like to put it. You're going to love the bottle when you get it. It's covered with cum stains and the official PKA logo as well. So head on over to Derek's website. Look, give it a go. Give it four weeks.
Starting point is 02:10:33 That's all we ask. You're going to be a return customer. Like 86% customer retention or something like that. They're not buying this as a gag gift anymore. They're like, actually, hey, that stuff you gave me for my bachelor party, I blinded a hobo with it can where do i get more like you're gonna shoot massive loads i'm talking about longer distances longer orgasms better pre-con more pearlescent wads even like they will be lustrous with the amount of vitamin you get it
Starting point is 02:11:02 you're a repeat customer because you don't want to be a normal person again. If you watch porn and you see these guys go, you're like, that guy fucking sucks. I'm better than him. And you don't want to be normal. So you're saying I don't have to overdose in pineapple anymore? Like I can get this product? That's only for flavor and that's a different product that I've been working on
Starting point is 02:11:19 for a while. Seriously, I want to get a sample of this. I want to try this stuff. I'm serious right now. I'm going to go to the website and I want to get a sample of this i want to try this stuff yeah i mean right now i want to go to the website and i want to check it out i'm gonna link in the description below absolutely that's a picture of the bottle up there where's my bottle of this i am legit looking into this the bottle legit has cum splatters all over it we we fought to keep this hold on hold on Are those like horse pills? That's part of the thing.
Starting point is 02:11:47 Kyle, do you want to do it? I've been saying this the whole time, but look, if we were trying to rip people off, we'd say, yeah, take one a day. 30 in a bottle, 50 bucks. That's not what we say. We figured out how much it took to get the correct dosages of all these effective ingredients to a person.
Starting point is 02:12:03 It turns out it's nine pills a day. Nine pills a day that you have to take. Four in the morning, five in the evening, I believe. You're going to see some results. The bottle has 270 capsules. We have competitors where you take one pill. It doesn't do anything because that's not enough.
Starting point is 02:12:19 You need nine pills. Ours is for fucking real. Five in the morning, four at night. Marking that shit. You will take an eye out. Beautiful. You need nine pills. Ours is for fucking real. Five in the morning, four at night. And you will take an eye out. Beautiful. America! Thank you, Kyle.
Starting point is 02:12:35 Thank you. That's good shit. Iron dome cock. Certain ladies love that. That's all I'm going to say. I mean, who doesn't? I mean, when I watch a porno and it's some pitiful, dribbly load.
Starting point is 02:12:51 Oh, yeah. You feel like you're ripped off. You're getting paid for this? You need some Peter North skills. You got to go all the way. Do you guys want to do a Patreon AMA question? I love AMA questions.
Starting point is 02:13:07 All right. My man here does not need to be anonymized. He's put it right out there. Hey, boys, my name's Tane. You might remember me from the PKA hangout years ago when there were only 12 people. I'm the New Zealander kid out in the nature that could do one-handed push-ups. Yep. I'm wondering what your advice would be with finding women with similar
Starting point is 02:13:26 values. I've never had a girlfriend before. I'm 21 now and I feel myself wanting a relationship. He clears out, I'm not a virgin many times over. I thought I'd preface that. So this is a sex haver. By no means am I ugly. I'm probably in like the top
Starting point is 02:13:41 10%. If not on par with Kyle's good looks, I'm also the same height as Kyle. 6'2", 6'3", and good boots. I'm not an introvert. I'm quite fun, I'd say. I'm thinking of moving to a different country because it seems like all the girls in New Zealand are lame and not pretty.
Starting point is 02:13:58 Maybe I'm not looking hard enough. Do you think I should settle? My friends think I'm crazy with the amount of girls I turn down online and in person. Am I too picky? Am I looking in the wrong place? Any advice would be appreciated. My Instagram is Tane KP.
Starting point is 02:14:12 Put it out there if you want to confirm that I'm telling the truth about the looks department. I love you guys. Never miss an episode. So, our handsome friend here says no woman is good enough in the country of new zealand for him what's your advice give me his instagram again okay uh yes i want i need to see him yeah actually did exactly let's look let's let's see if we can i mean let's go he wants to be seen so let's let's pull him up you need to analyze it to really yeah to really... Is this some sort of an Adonis that needs to move out of the jungle to Hollywood?
Starting point is 02:14:48 Or do we just need to... He's a good looking guy. We'll see what you say. I remember Tane. He is a good looking guy. Now the problem is he doesn't think women are good enough for him or no girl wants to like... He says that in the country of New Zealand they're lame and not pretty. He's looked online and in real life.
Starting point is 02:15:05 Okay, yeah. He's a online and in real life. Okay, yeah. He's a good looking guy. Eddie better. He's got game. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Oh, he plays the guitar? So his problem is he wants to find a real relationship is what you're saying.
Starting point is 02:15:18 I don't know. I got that from Lloyd. What does he want? Appreciate it. Let's see. That's what I'm saying. I guess he does want a real relationship. I'm reading into
Starting point is 02:15:35 I'm not a virgin many times over, but I can't find Mrs. Right. It doesn't sound like he's saying he can't find anyone. Maybe he's not a virgin with dudes. Maybe he's playing for the wrong team and he doesn't realize it. Maybe. Maybe the reason no woman's good enough is because their dick is too small.
Starting point is 02:16:00 Right. That's the issue. Big dick woman. Well, we've solved this one next case next case essentially what i would recommend is um go on a quality uh in uh website i don't know if they have it out that far there's one called e-Harmony. On eHarmony, you actually fill out a huge questionnaire to talk
Starting point is 02:16:30 about all your likes, dislikes, all this stuff. They really scientifically link you up with women that you would click with. I'm guessing he's going out with a whole bunch of shallow, good-looking chicks who have nothing more to offer than some booty.
Starting point is 02:16:47 I thought you were going to send him to FetLife. Anyways, so I think he needs to – I see a guy that – this is kind of common, actually. He's a good-looking guy. Probably his entire life, girls have been fawning over this guy trying to get his attention go out with him when he got a little older but he's never been at a lack of girls fawning over this guy so i think he's probably never really had to develop much of a a personality to kind of get the girl pretty Pretty girl syndrome. Pretty girl syndrome in a guy.
Starting point is 02:17:25 He might be a little jaded. He might be bored with just girls in general. He needs a boomerang. He needs a boomerang. Yeah, yeah. Have you seen the Eddie Murphy movie, Boomerang? Where he was a big-time player, and then suddenly he meets a woman who's hot,
Starting point is 02:17:43 but the woman rejects him after they sleep together. See, I was thinking of Bowfinger when he's got the retarded doppelganger. That's a different movie. I did that earlier. That can't happen to anyone. He needs a challenge. I was going to say that. I didn't know the boomerang reference.
Starting point is 02:18:00 Good looking for these birds. What a nice bird. I'd be with my entire life. I didn't realize he was a beetle. Yeah, yeah. I saw him with a hat and glasses. I mean, he's in a band.
Starting point is 02:18:15 He's got the Ringle thing happening. I think he's trying to channel at least one of the beetles over there. Meanwhile, everyone's fucking sheep over there, so count your blessings, dummy. I need to... Can I do the next one? I your blessings, dummy. I have to. Can I do the next one?
Starting point is 02:18:29 I'm excited about it. Let's go. Relationship advice, please. My 27-year-old wife is 12 weeks pregnant. First pregnancy. She's been extremely nauseous and vomiting for the last 10 weeks. We're not expecting this to go away anytime soon. So far, she's lost 15 pounds and gone from
Starting point is 02:18:45 127 to 112. Prescribed medications have not helped. I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. Our sex life has gone AWOL. Before the pregnancy, we had sex three to five times a week, and I feel selfish. I want some pussy so bad, but I don't know how to approach the
Starting point is 02:19:02 issue. At this rate, she still has six months of pregnancy, followed by more time of recovery before we can even start regularly fucking again. To stack onto this, I find myself jacking off to pregnant porn because I find it very hot. Should I get used to jerking off every day for the next year?
Starting point is 02:19:18 Or should I just start bending her over and sending it when I'm horny? With her being really sick and clearly not enjoying it, which is kind of a turnoff for me. Any advice would be great. I think this guy's on the right. Let me take this. You're on the right path, my friend.
Starting point is 02:19:32 This is really all about you, right? I get that your wife is going through this pregnancy. She's lost 15 pounds when she should be gaining it because of the baby and the pregnancy. But our primary focus is on you getting your rocks off. That's what matters here. Bend her over and send it. That's the position of the show, I assume, right?
Starting point is 02:19:51 Not necessarily. See, I was confused. I thought she was still too fat. I thought he was going to say bro. He said 27. She's too old. Oh, damn. Are they still fertile at 27?
Starting point is 02:20:13 This is actually a very, very common problem. And it's funny because women in the pregnant stages can either go, like, hate sex or really get ridiculously needy for sex and unfortunately he went the other world and i a i would speak to your doctor because there could be something in her diet or something she's not doing i don't know if she's taking materna or something like that that could help her with the sickness um b um you're just gonna have to get that platinum membership to browsers and just deal with it because i mean you could do the you know bend her over and go for it and stuff but it's like it's much more fun if she wants to do it and she's gonna say yes because she's a wife and she'll probably do it reluctantly and stuff like that but when you have someone who if you have if you're being with a horny pregnant woman there's probably very few
Starting point is 02:21:12 things on the planet that is hotter than that so if you can if you can get through the health issues and talk to your doctor talk to your physician and see if there's some way she can get through this sickness. With some luck, she'll get to the horny pregnant stage, and that is insane. She will not get off you. If you could get her in, there's a little subreddit I want to direct you to. It's H-U-C-O-W, WhoCows. Now, these are men who like the idea of usually pregnant women because they actually do lactate, but they usually dress them up like cows, right? Oh, Christ. Like lots of Holstein print, okay?
Starting point is 02:21:52 And they'll put them in like an animal stall, right, with hay and stuff, a whole scene, right? And sometimes they'll clean them up, and they'll tell the actress or whatever, like, look like you do not want to be here. And so she does. And then they hook up like an industrial cow milker to her. And I guess the fantasy is the man has kidnapped her and impregnated her, and now he's like in a milker and turned her into a who cow? And it's wild. So maybe you can get your wife into something like that.
Starting point is 02:22:22 I bet you could both bond over that. And you deserve my bad advice because you fucked up in the beginning. You broke two of the cardinal sins. You got married and then you had a child. You're 0 for 2, bro. I guarantee
Starting point is 02:22:38 your third choice down this path will not be a good one either. She's losing weight. She's throwing up. She's pregnant for another six months. Hey, creep, leave her alone and let her gestate your fucking child
Starting point is 02:22:53 for another six months. Jack it. Wait till she's done. And if you're afraid she's too skinny after she has that kid, I don't think being too skinny is a problem, statistically speaking. I think, you know skinny is a problem, statistically speaking. I think, you know, after a while you'll be wishing for that 120. We were talking to our friend the other day.
Starting point is 02:23:14 He works – he delivers babies for a living. A stork? Yeah. I like it. I like it. And he said that, like, most American women especially are, like, way overweight during their pregnancies, that they're gaining way, way too much weight. And it's always been this body positivity thing because women used to get shamed for gaining eight pounds. And we're like, we need some speed to thin you up, girl. And one of those high-rating leather jigglers.
Starting point is 02:23:42 Get in the jiggler and take your pills it'll help the child shake the baby that's shaking baby syndrome in utero that's somehow we've come so far the other way that we used to be housewives and heels all day while they're pregnant right so it's like you need a caloric surplus but maybe the caloric surplus isn't literally doubling your calorie intake for nine whole months. Just saying. And his point was, and anyone who didn't like my initial take, the whole reason for this was to stop destroying women's vaginas with these fat babies. these fat babies because he said it's just a mess down there these days because they're giving birth to these nine ten pound behemoth american babies that have been yeah that have been in the in in utero getting supersized yeah right never thought of that yeah they're eating like shit food it's
Starting point is 02:24:39 going to the baby they're coming out like frigging oven stuff for roasters. Yeah. And let me give him one, as a dad, let me give him one hint of advice. I know it's romantic and the delivery room and everything, but do not look below the waist when that kid comes out because they will screw up your head forever. Yeah. Did she poop herself? I didn't look.
Starting point is 02:25:01 I didn't look. Oh, there's worse than happens in that bro They all poop themselves It's nearly 100% of the time Wow that's something they don't show you in the romcom Oh no That is not There is a 0% chance
Starting point is 02:25:18 That a woman hasn't sprayed diarrhea All over her doctor to the point where he had to Leave and be replaced There is 0% chance that that hasn't happened that has happened that's terrible you think the real horror is going to be a little higher yes i'm not familiar with both my kids i'm sorry i cut you off well both my kids came via c-section so that whole like once you see the baby emerged like you never see it the same that's not me like i never saw i haven't seen that surgical procedure yeah yeah but circle surgical procedures rough oh and the whole pooping thing if she did that i wasn't there for it what happened with me is they had me outside the door
Starting point is 02:25:54 while they like cut her open everything but deliver the baby i walk in and the room is overpowered by the smell of burning flesh it's, what the fuck have you guys been doing in here? Cauterizing. I would assume. Or that, or they do surgery by lightsaber. That was my first question. If they had played that fucking sound effect when you were outside to fuck
Starting point is 02:26:19 you, you'd have won. Oh, and then the doc pops the hood on his way out. Oh, Jesus. Craw doc pops the hood on his way out. Oh, Jesus. Crawls inside to keep warm. Yeah. And then they pull the baby out of this hole in the stomach and then they ask me to cut the tube
Starting point is 02:26:36 and I stole it. Kyle would do that for the discount. I'm in there getting whacked. How much you taking off for this doc? I fucking tied it like a cone head. He brought his own
Starting point is 02:26:48 knife. Yeah, he brought his own knife. Hold on doc. Oh my God. I'm not allowed to carry those felons. So yeah, I was
Starting point is 02:26:58 traumatized by the surgical procedure, but not the way most dead. I don't think anyone, I don't know who invented or started that whole fucking thing, but I like the old I don't think anyone, I don't know who invented or started that whole fucking thing,
Starting point is 02:27:05 but I like the old school black and white TV version where, you know, the guy's pacing in the waiting room with a couple of friends, the nurse comes out and goes, it's a boy! It's a boy! And they hug each other like never having seen the nightmare that happens in there.
Starting point is 02:27:21 Right, right. We had one of those questions a couple weeks ago and same scenario and the wife says hey i don't want you in here when we give birth just my mom and my sister you have to wait outside after like four hours he ditched and went home oh yeah he felt very upset to be excluded like i wanted to be part of it yeah i'd be i thought that was a dick move i'd have I'll tell you one thing, though. When you're in that maternity ward, the screams that you hear,
Starting point is 02:27:50 it sounds like a horror movie. I can't imagine. I couldn't imagine wanting to be in there. You can tell who's a lock and load customer. I bribed the doctors to make sure the acid...
Starting point is 02:28:06 What do you call it? He gives the epidural. When you freeze them down below, I made sure that that guy was on call and close at all times. Oh, I thought you were going to try to get some off him too. It wasn't that type of party. You see the guy
Starting point is 02:28:22 that brought a PlayStation to the hospital. He's playing Elden Ring. No, but I like him. Yeah, he's just there. You see him in the hospital room, and he's just playing Elden Ring in his wife's room. How fucking pissed. wife's room. How fucking pissed.
Starting point is 02:28:45 I guess the stereotype is any wife is going to hate that the husband or boyfriend or whatever is playing a video game while she's in agonizing pain. Can you pause that game? Yeah, it's not multiplayer. Then I don't have a problem with it. If I'm the woman,
Starting point is 02:29:00 I expect to be entertained the whole time? What, is he supposed to put on a podcast while I sit there? You're talking women. They're strange birds. The most important moment of your life and you need something to kill time with?
Starting point is 02:29:17 I am holding the first one's gun and you need to kill some time? I got an idea. I got an idea for how and you need to kill some time. Kyle, you better have some stories lined up for me. I got an idea for how we'll be spending your time from now on. We'll be at your brother's house.
Starting point is 02:29:33 In my opinion, you know what? You want to be in charge of entertaining me? Look, I self-entertain by bringing a video game console. You should be thanking me. This is not how you treat your wife i was gonna continue this silly argument but i was like he's no ain't gonna work
Starting point is 02:29:54 it's not working they do not like when uh especially if they're in something i was like that my wife she um you guys't know. My wife was learning to ride a motorcycle. She's not really a natural at it. She crashed. She broke her, like her collarbone separated from whatever's on the other tip. The rest of her? So her shoulder like came apart. All right, cool. I'm in urgent care and she's like really not doing anything.
Starting point is 02:30:19 So I'm on my phone reading the news. Apparently that's bad. And she just wanted lots of attention and I guess I didn't have it. Can I ask you a question? You said you were on Reddit looking at the news? It's the Apple News app, but carry on. What was the event of the day?
Starting point is 02:30:36 Oh, I don't remember. Jackie got hurt. That was the big event that day. So something you can't even remember now had drawn your attention away from your stricken wife. She was being really boring. What kind of motorcycle?
Starting point is 02:30:50 She was training with an instructor. I don't know the bike for sure, but I think it was a 125cc Honda dirt bike. A little dirt bike, nine horsepower thing where she was going around. Was she or was or is she looking to
Starting point is 02:31:05 like a road bike or or dirt bike working her way up to that we're not like a harley or something i could be she took a harley course the motorcycle safety foundation if you know she come up with a tat said property a chainsaw on the hey look i'm a i'm a fucking probie for the she got her cut her leather cut yeah yeah yeah I got my colors motherfucker I was riding
Starting point is 02:31:33 I did a trip last weekend and as I'm riding my motorcycle this guy has a jacket on like a leather jacket probationary outlaw on the back and i'm like i'm gonna ride with this motherfucker see how it goes and um now i can be a bit of a spirited rider myself sometimes so i'm like i'm gonna that's the whitest thing you've ever said in your life that's what i didn't make that turn him up i can be spirited sometimes get in my way traffic laws apply to cars that's the
Starting point is 02:32:08 mindset and uh so i follow this guy and we're kind of like weaving in and out of traffic and stuff and i think he noticed me you know like with him and and it's like like look i'm not a super rider or anything but i'm not easy to lose you go go to this red light. He runs the fucking red light. And then he goes into oncoming traffic and he passes like 37 cars. And then he goes across another intersection and onto the highway.
Starting point is 02:32:36 And I'm like, well, you lost me. I gotta do all that. You must have really annoyed that guy. He was nervy. Let me get the fuck away from this Sibby. Who is this guy? Oh, my God. That guy was a spirited rider.
Starting point is 02:32:58 But, yeah, so he left me. I was even, like, trying to catch up again, but I was too far behind. Oh, Jesus. Yeah, you must have pissed him off. The wrist suicide. Well, he's kind of a thrill seeker, right? You got to pull your mic up, man. Adrenaline junkie.
Starting point is 02:33:13 You got to get your mic in front of your mouth. Anthony, I mean to say. There we go. Maybe it's my drink in the way of a difference. Yeah, thank you. Sorry. You're an adrenaline junkie, right? You like a thrill
Starting point is 02:33:25 so my two main hobbies right now are motorcycles and acrobatic paragliding see i remember when it was just paragliding now it's acrobatic yeah so you're doing that shit where they go around and around oh god like i don't know the, he's already had his leg rebuilt once because of that. Oh, really? That's not overstating it, is it? There are four bones that connect your leg to your ankle. I broke three.
Starting point is 02:33:56 There's some plates in there and shit, but it turned out okay. It works fine. Was it a bad landing? I didn't say you were critical. It was a bad takeoff. I guess it was a bad landing, technically. Did you get off ill? No, I didn't.
Starting point is 02:34:10 I was a newer pilot at the time. It's dangerous enough. Fall out a little high? What happened is I got sort of yanked up very quickly. And then, like, imagine you're on a swing set and Superman pulled you quickly. I didn't have any, like, body control to body control to land in a way you'd want to. And just when I came down, basically my toe hit and quickly got pointed backwards. So it did one of these.
Starting point is 02:34:34 It went like... Yeah, I just got... As you bring the wing up at first, it gets all this lift. So I bring the wing up, I get yanked straight in the air, and then dropped. It actually happened twice. The first time, I handled it okay. The second time, very poorly. The me of the day
Starting point is 02:34:54 can do a better job. What do you call those scooter things that you stand on and you ride around on one tire? Those are electric scooter cycles. Those things nowadays are going so fast. You see guys wearing motorcycle helmets and stuff. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:35:07 I want to try it. So I have electric skateboards too, and they're a blast, a little safer than electric unicycles, which you're talking about. My buddy just switched from electric skateboards to unicycles, crashed into an elevator door at like 40 miles an hour. How do you do that? 40 miles an hour. How do you do that? I think it was in a parking garage, which you can imagine is like a fun place to go zipping around. It's smooth. It has
Starting point is 02:35:30 lots of turns, elevation changes. Probably hear the... Yeah. And on a skateboard, he was very good, like a top one percenter. On a unicycle, well, he's starting at the bottom again.
Starting point is 02:35:43 I think that his previous success is leading to his hoping for more rapid progress than he is. Anyway, it's a lot of fun. I just like more calculated risk, I think. I like scary, scary fucking shit. But I want a parachute or a rope. Or I want a helmet or a rope or i want uh you know a helmet and a cage around me like even i'm i'm still so conservative on my motorcycle like like i i don't do anything silly i cruise on that thing i'm not i i don't like going scary fast it scary fast is scary
Starting point is 02:36:18 and it's not a good scary to me it's like man but the the mistakes out here are just deadly. That's all I've ever done is gone fast. That's my only risk-taking thing I do in a car. In a car, I don't mind. And it's not fun until you're done. And you go, God, that was cool. I was doing 180 miles an hour. That's fast. That's cool.
Starting point is 02:36:42 As you're doing it, you're just going... It's cool. You're looking and going, you're looking at the speedometer. You want to make sure. That thing goes in your head. It goes, if a fucking frog jumps out on the road, I'm dead. Is that a real number? Have you been there?
Starting point is 02:36:59 Where are these tires rated again? I tried to see if I could get the Jag up to the 200 mile an hour rated speed. That's what they say it goes. So 200. Yeah. What kind of Jag? What kind of Jag?
Starting point is 02:37:11 The RX. I gave it away. I turned in my lease before I moved to South Carolina. And then I'll get another one. But yeah, I gave up the lease. It was the other thing. It was insanely fast. A lot of fun to fucking drive.
Starting point is 02:37:29 You go fast. Like I said, I don't like that scary moment where you really come into reality. I guess race car drivers and shit. That's a nice... No, that isn't it, though. It was the XR...
Starting point is 02:37:43 That looks like a Cadillac. That's kind of a luxury Jag or something. No, that isn't it, though. It was the XR. That looks like a Cadillac. Yeah, yeah. That's kind of a luxury Jag or something. Because I have a Range Rover Sport, and I got it up to about 140 so far. That's for an SUV. Yeah, yeah. You feel it. Well, they're doing that to SUVs now. They're putting insane engines in these things and making them. they're supercharging them, turbocharging them.
Starting point is 02:38:08 And they go really fast, and it's a fucking SUV. What are you doing? It's kind of funny. So the fastest I've ever been on a bike is 135, which is not that fast. On a bike is pretty crazy. The fastest I've ever been, period, is this story. I'm with Kyle, and I know that he's going fast, but I don't know how fast. is this story. I'm with Kyle and I know that he's going fast, but I don't know how
Starting point is 02:38:24 fast. It just spurred the conversation that I was like, the fastest I think I've ever been in a car is 122. He goes, I'm going 137 right now. That's my record. You've got to have the right road, that's for sure.
Starting point is 02:38:42 Everyone knows the road you've got to go to to go fast. We were driving from Arkansas over the bridge into Memphis. And if you've ever done that, there's this long fucking stretch before you even get to the bridge. I was going 145 or 150 roughly, and I saw the cop a half a mile away. I saw him and went, and Woody's like, what are you doing? I'm like, you saw him?
Starting point is 02:39:07 That's all I'm looking for is cops. Yeah, yeah, what do you think I'm looking at? At that speed, you're just looking for cops. This is a crime. Kyle, you're sure you're not half black to be able to spot cops like that?
Starting point is 02:39:24 Six cents. You don't have to spot cops like that. Six cents. You don't have to spot them. They'll spot you. He was a pre-felon at the time, too. Wow. A law-abiding citizen who could vote and carry a knife. There were a lot of guns in that car. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:39:42 Oh, yeah. We were there doing military training, learning how to use c4 and stuff and like watching all these demonstrations of demo work holy shit it was fun we'd have talked your way out of it i told him you were a vet and that you were uh you we were honoring you back there at the training grounds and all i need you to do is twitch every now and then and not say a fucking word. Dude, I do that anyway. I know you do. I'm not adding a lot. I just like Tourette's over here and listen. Sir, do you have any idea how fast
Starting point is 02:40:12 you were going? He'd be yelling from the beginning. That scenario. Yes, sir. I won't apologize. I was following the commandant's orders. Or something like that. Maybe a general scenario. Whatever i felt you needed just having to yell out every few seconds charlie's in the wire charlie's in the wire yeah that old come on that's the reference i got
Starting point is 02:40:39 what do you want to fuck the iraqis the first time that That's his age. Yeah, the guy with the Iraqis was a haji. Man, that was a good one. That was what they called the enemy back then. I just watched Hamburger Hill. Give me a break. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Charlie don't surf apocalypse now. A lot of Charlie in that one.
Starting point is 02:41:01 Jesus. Charlie's point. Any more questions like that? I wanted to ask like you so uh gulf storm that's what it was right like operation gulf storm uh desert i'm sorry of course yeah yeah desert shield first i was like six i think i was six or seven when that shit happened but but you were like 20 right roughly i Were you a felon yet? Okay. Were you old enough? I was a senior. Okay, you were in high school.
Starting point is 02:41:26 I was right there. Yeah, well, I finished high school at 18. So I think that's February. I became 18 as it was happening. I don't know how much you want to talk about it, but was that a stressful time to watch the war on TV? I remember this. I had a teacher who served in Vietnam. And he brought out this
Starting point is 02:41:46 newspaper. When the US first enters a conflict, it gets printed in a font you only see when wars start or end. That's the law, guys. Wow, that's hilarious. It's giant.
Starting point is 02:42:01 Maybe you've seen this. It was Ocean City's paper the sentinel that's literally it literally he holds the paper out and it says it's war and it took like the whole top of the fold and uh he's this guy was a vet and he's like this is it if you spend any amount of time in the armed forces there there's going to be a war. That's how America works. And he just kind of laid out like we go to war a lot. This is what war is like.
Starting point is 02:42:33 He didn't say there was going to be a draft or anything. He would just like, it's no joke. It's not as much fun as you think it is. Yeah. It's not a good way to prove masculinity. It's awful. You won't like it.
Starting point is 02:42:44 And it's very real. Because I think maybe he was talking to the people who fantasized about getting into the war, which wasn't me. I was going to be a CPA. That was my line in life. But it hit so heavy when he just pulled out the paper and he's like, you can't serve without there being a war. This is your reality wow i graduated i graduated high school in 2004 so we watched shock and awe on tv in high school and so like it was like man if i if i had joined right out of high school they'd have had to pick
Starting point is 02:43:19 between several conflicts to send me to like do this. Say you serve four years or eight years. Can you think of a span where we haven't been at war for that long? No. It depends how you define war. But I remember as a kid, there was Iraq, and then there was this shit in Bosnia or whatever. Yeah, Yugoslavia. And the stealth bomber went down.
Starting point is 02:43:41 And it was always something. It's always been something. Every president has had his war. A crazy threat, a military action. Even though with Reagan, there was Grenada, Panama then with George H.W. There was always something going on where it might not be a war per se uh military conflict they're military people and they are going and shooting and being shot at constantly so yeah that's the other thing like it's the whole thing in the newspaper is from a time gone by because like
Starting point is 02:44:19 you could print the newspaper every day for the last 50 years and make it say it's war and it'd be pretty fucking accurate. It's war. Well, honey, I'm off to the recruiting office. And they'd all just, you know, march up. A million people signed up today to go show the Hun what we're made of. And now
Starting point is 02:44:40 it's like, oh yeah, there's been a war going on for 20 fucking years. No one knows. Did you see that, Zach? Zach put up 222 out of the last 239 years we've been at war. And that's in 2017. You can tack five more onto each of those numbers, 227. I want to see the win-loss and KD ratios.
Starting point is 02:45:00 Am I the only one? Because I think that we're like MLg level uh like top zero one we should be these other countries aren't at war constantly yeah they're noobs that's what i was thinking the other day when there's a lot of countries that join in that americans don't know about though right like almost every war that america has been in canada has fought with you yeah you don't hear that as much, right? Yeah, y'all gotta brag more. I wonder how many people have the longest sniper kills a Canadian.
Starting point is 02:45:32 He should be big dick in it everywhere. Canadians don't walk, don't do that. You don't hear... Yeah, but I'm saying that's how, when you're in Canada, you don't know anybody's a vet. Nobody walks around and...
Starting point is 02:45:48 You don't have the license plates and hats? We have license plates. They've got the on it, but there's no shirts or coats or anything like that. No, none of it. Thank you for your service. No, I didn't serve. We're very serious. No, I mean, I'm saying like they say, thank you for your
Starting point is 02:46:04 service. Oh, yeah. Canadians are didn't serve we're very serious no i mean i'm saying like they say thank you for your service you know oh yeah that would be yeah you know canadians are very subdued when it comes to the military they're very hush-hush about it we're all about it but it's fair but on the other hand when i play when i'm the paintball events there's tons of vets in it right yeah yeah some of my best friends you know army airborne and everything like that i hear some insane friends, you know, Army Airborne and everything like that. And I hear some insane stories. And, you know, these guys, I've played with Army Rangers in paintball. And they go at it hard. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:46:32 And it's almost like a thing of pride when I can last in the bush with these guys for two days in, you know, 110 degrees in California playing. Right. So it's like I've heard from stories from all different types of wars i've heard from guys who were in mogadishu i've you know and it's it's like it's always amazed me and it's like wow it's it's just to be in their presence sometime it's an honor you know i mean so i was uh i was talking the other day about my uh my brother is 18 months older than me, but it's a whole different generation. It's weird. He was born in 1959.
Starting point is 02:47:11 I was born in 61. It's very close, and it's only 18 months, but he is from a whole other generation. It's the weirdest thing. He's entered that point in his life.
Starting point is 02:47:26 He served in the army. He was 82nd Airborne in 1979. He went in. And never heard, he got out, never said anything for fucking decades. Now he's got the hat, 82nd Airborne. Like he's that the hat, 82nd Airborne. He's that guy now that goes in and
Starting point is 02:47:47 it's just all of a sudden you reach an age where guys that had served go like, yeah, fuck it. I served, motherfucker. Have you ever seen the Stolen Valor videos? Oh, yeah. I can't watch them
Starting point is 02:48:03 not because I don't have any sympathy for him, but it's embarrassing. Same thing with Catch a Predator. I don't know which is more cringy. Which is more? I don't know which is more cringy. On one hand, you root for Chris Hansen.
Starting point is 02:48:19 We've spoken to Chris Hansen on the show before a number of years ago. Just had him on two weeks ago. I love him. Good interview. He's a mad man. It was hard to get him to joke around about the pedophiles for some reason. I tried to get forgiveness for having a little pedo porn
Starting point is 02:48:35 on my hard drive. He wasn't playing that. Woody literally said some out-of-pocket shit to Chris Hansen. He is the guy who gets people who do that. Nothing like Artie Lang did. It was me, Artie Lang, and Chris Hansen,
Starting point is 02:48:52 and Artie was brutal. He goes, you're the guy that fucks kids? I'm horrified. I'm horrified sitting there, and Artie wouldn't stop. I'm like, oh my god, Chris,'m sorry you know arty lang he's a comic it's every oh chris i'm so sorry so dude why do you fuck and i'm like i couldn't
Starting point is 02:49:12 stop him he's arty he'll never stop and he knew it was funny he knew the people watching were gonna be laughing their balls off so yeah it was oh that's great oh my gosh no that shows because you know he i'm sure you're aware maybe the audience is like he started up hansen versus predator his own yeah he's producing and it feels meaner to me than the old show and that's a good thing oh wow it feels meaner like for one thing they get these uh these decoys that are great and They get a 19-year-old drama student. They get these decoys that are so hot.
Starting point is 02:49:51 They do. They do. They do. The decoy is like 19. But she's like 5'2", 19. She pops on a ball cap and acts really precocious and like
Starting point is 02:50:05 Got laundry to finish. Come on in. Dude, in the old show they had a decoy that she couldn't pass for 30. And she'd be like, yeah, come on in. I gotta put my tampon out and like run away. Disappear.
Starting point is 02:50:22 I was just playing with my Barbie. i'll be right out like i'd run for the hills if someone said yeah come on in i gotta run rented back into the house no on his new show she's like she shook one guy down she was like hey i'm i'm really scared because you talked a lot about guns in our chat. Could you pull your hoodie up and turn around? And he did that shit. And then she was like, okay, come on in. Sorry, I'm just really nervous.
Starting point is 02:50:51 And then she kept an island in the kitchen between her and him. Yeah, yeah, that's what they do. And she interviews him for like a solid three minutes or something before they introduce Chris into the equation. So it's really good to see them eat awkward pizza together, but she won't eat it because it might be poison. Yeah, of course. We did a bit.
Starting point is 02:51:17 I was doing the show from my house when I started Compound Media in 2014. I was doing the show from my house for a year until I got the New York City studio. And I've been there seven years now. So Chris Hansen was coming over my house to do an interview, and we decided to play out. It's online somewhere, if you can find it. We played out me coming over my house, and then Chris Hansen comes out and catches me talking to a girl it was it looked
Starting point is 02:51:50 so real that I'm like I think I'm going to be fucked here like people look at this and go here's where Anthony got caught doing doing the fucking you know what they could do they could take someone like Chris Hansen's voiceover
Starting point is 02:52:06 from all the other episodes and just pipe that in. Yeah. We did that to Chris once also. We took audio of him reading the transcripts. So you said, I want to lick you and I want to sleep with you. And we took those
Starting point is 02:52:22 things and I was like, I go, Mr. Hansenansen did you say this i want to sleep with you i want to kiss you i want to yeah be your first and chris is just laughing his balls off because you know and we had of course the the brownies and the the iced tea on the table and shit so fucking funny man, man. Wow, that's hilarious. Oh, you found some? Yeah, yeah. That's hilarious. Chris Hansen.
Starting point is 02:52:50 I brought vodka. Yeah, yeah. I brought some Zima. Zima. I can't look, I've been questioned before by the fucking authorities and then handcuffed a time or two myself. I've been questioned before by the fucking authorities and then handcuffed a time or two myself.
Starting point is 02:53:07 I've been in courthouses in front of federal judges, but I can't imagine how scary it would be for him to say, do you have condoms? Knowing that you do. Do you have condoms? And then he follows that up quickly with, we'll find out either way.
Starting point is 02:53:23 Yeah, yeah, we'll find out. And he's so confident. I'm sure there's been times when he was afraid, which is one of the things I ask him lately. Yeah, there's been some dicey times. But he never shows it. He's always big dicking it for sure. And he's got that notebook that looks like a cop's folder. Yeah, when he first started doing it it before people really knew what he looked
Starting point is 02:53:45 like they assumed he was a cop he never said he was but he never said he wasn't and it worked because he'd go why don't you take a seat no no take a seat over there and the people like all right i'll take a fucking seat yeah uh and then and the first season they let him go but they were all over television so i'm sure their life was ruined but then it turned out where they worked with the cops and they were all waiting outside it's like okay well you're free to leave and i'm gonna go oh cool i'm really first season the cops come in it's hilarious so yeah they they know now um one of the good his new setup setup is so much slicker. The cops are in the fucking... First of all, they're everywhere. The main cops that are going to take him into custody
Starting point is 02:54:31 are in the garage with a cop car in the garage. They walk out into the garage. Five cops there. They just throw him in the car and that's it. Garage door goes up. Cop car takes that one to prison. New cop car shows up, pulls in. Garage one to prison, new cop car shows up, pulls in, garage door goes down, and the trap is
Starting point is 02:54:47 reset. Business is good. This is a weird question, but what do they get charged with? I'm glad you asked it. That was my next thing. It's usually like solicitation of sex with a minor. Like sending the messages
Starting point is 02:55:03 or crimes in their own right. I didn't know how much time you got. I thought of like just the humiliation is the problem right like because nobody will fuck with you ever again yeah like like you're a monster but like i never thought that it was like crazy time for just showing up there maybe they're getting like seven eight years no really yes, you bring condoms. You're going to need them where you're going. Yeah. By the way, you won't be wearing them.
Starting point is 02:55:30 Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully they don't get treated nicely. There was a lot of guys that knew what was happening. They're like, uh-oh, I know I'm fucked. There was one rabbi. He's famous. One of the more famous episodes. And he and he goes well you're free to go
Starting point is 02:55:48 he goes I can't I know there's cops he starts crying they get him out there and the cops just tackle him like there's nothing the guy could have done you can literally walk out the door and go I know the cops are here
Starting point is 02:56:04 you don't need to do anything. I'm going to wham! You get bowled over. I would just go upstairs, pull the covers over me. I'm not going. One of my favorite takedowns. The best takedown of all time, though. The guy starts running, and out of nowhere, there was a cop in a fucking ghillie suit laying flat in the lawn.
Starting point is 02:56:33 Ghillie suit, yeah, yeah. And he pops up and grabs the guy. And he sniped his head right the fuck up. That would have been awesome. You know they had that instance where they bust – I don't think this one made it to TV because they busted that guy who was some kind of small-town politician or something. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:56:50 And then the guy offed himself. Yeah, that caused a problem. Yeah. That's probably why they... Isn't that where it ended it? Yeah, it ended it for NBC. That and another thing that probably isn't even nice to talk about that...
Starting point is 02:57:03 Well, actually, that's not that bad. You know, Chris had that affair. That's not that bad. Chris had that affair. That was the other thing. Yeah, that was another thing. And then there was the check thing. The bad check thing to buy merch for the company. There was all kinds of shit. You want to see some of the fucking... This is Exhibit A.
Starting point is 02:57:20 Holy shit, there it is! Exhibit A. Chris wrote a bad check for these and then sent one to me. This is fucking evidence in an interstate podcast. Possession by a felon, too,
Starting point is 02:57:34 right now. Probably back in the joint. They took care of all this. One of the proudest moments of my career is when an Opie and Anthony fan got caught on Chris Hansen's show. Yeah, yeah. No, he's sitting there and he's talking. He goes, do you know who I am?
Starting point is 02:57:56 And the guy goes, he's got like this weird lisp. And he goes, yeah, I've seen you before. You're real funny on the Opie and Anthony show. And I'm like, I'm watching. I'm just like, all right, this is great. There's our fan. I'm sure the advertisers are going to love that. That's our fan base.
Starting point is 02:58:17 Yeah. Yeah. I was like, great. But yeah, I've laughed with Chris about that one. Yeah, your fan base. Met one of your fans the other day. You know what? One doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 02:58:32 One could be an aberration. There's never a second. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That is true. Look, it just shows like, hey, we got fans. That's a big reach. That's how you pitch it. But if there's two, right.
Starting point is 02:58:46 Chris Hansen only busted 37 pedophiles last year and two of them knew our brand yeah yeah that's a problem that's reach i hear if there's one of something i've always heard this if there's one of something it doesn't necessarily mean there's two if there's two of something, there are probably more, which is kind of an interesting take on things. So one doesn't mean anything. Two means there's probably a thousand. Yeah. Do you guys need a new question?
Starting point is 02:59:15 Yeah, sure. I'll listen. I'm wireless. It's new technology these kids are using. It's crazy. You can ask a question to the show and we work them in. So here it is. I'm talking to someone I work with. We just started being friends.
Starting point is 02:59:30 I like her. I really want to fuck her. But she's in this state of not wanting to fuck anyone. What's the right approach? Currently, I've just been trying to talk to her as much as possible. Sex and stuff isn't much of a discussion with her. She's pretty open about stuff like that, but I know that's not an invitation because I know her friends. So I told her, I don't think
Starting point is 02:59:50 we should talk about stuff like that if we're just trying to be friends, but it comes up every now and then. I still don't want to believe that's just because she is flirting or talking about sex that she wants to fuck me. Am I doing the right thing? so he has saucy conversations with this co-worker he wants to have sex with her but she doesn't want to have sex with anyone what do we think she she told him that didn't she right oh he found an honest woman oh shit um no she doesn't have sex with you and she finds it fun to fuck with you that's what's happening you have found yourself in the friend zone no yeah friend zone is different friend zone is like i need a guy around who can operate jumper cables you're a fucking giggle puppet you're like you're like one of those
Starting point is 03:00:34 things you squeeze at a desk to like you're a you're a fiddle spinner that's high school shit she thinks it's silly to titillate you and watch you dance like a bitch. That's what's happening right now. Very few women are ever going to be like, okay, maybe she's not asexual, right? She's having conversations with you. She's not interested in sex with you. And she told you she's not interested in sex. And then she titillates you to watch you be like, oh, if only, if only. Maybe I could. Maybe there's something I could do that would make her like me.
Starting point is 03:01:06 Instead of like finding, go find one of the billion women who want to fuck and are open about it and not wanting to use you like one of those squeezy dolls. Yeah, you exist to pump up her ego. So she drops you crumbs here and there and you
Starting point is 03:01:22 dance like a puppet for her, but her legs are closed bro if if when you're a a kid you're in high school junior high whatever it is you are gonna um that is gonna happen to you and it's gonna be tragic you're gonna fucking adore a girl she doesn't want anything to do it you're gonna try so hard everything she says you're gonna interpret that. Maybe that means something. I'm going to keep pursuing it. And it's just going to end in heartbreak and tragedy. If he's at work and this is a coworker, dude, you're way too old to fall into this thing where you think that if you keep trying and, well, she's talking sex stuff. So move on. Actually move on to some other girl in the office an ugly
Starting point is 03:02:07 girl fuck the shit out of her in front of her let her know and go and she'll be like oh why did why did he fuck her i'm so much prettier make her feel bad yeah i'm sorry you are her simp yeah let's get a new job leave i saw that green text i didn't want want to use that word, but that's exactly what I was thinking too. I saw a green text the other day, and this guy's talking about he used to be out of shape, and he didn't shave and had acne, but he got all that in order. He started working out at the gym. Now he's like, all of a sudden, I'm like a 7 out of 10 Chad. He's like, then this cute girl that never would have spoken to me before came over.
Starting point is 03:02:44 I could tell that she was a little bit nervous to talk to me, but she touched my shoulder and said, maybe we should talk outside the gym. I looked her straight in the face and said, I'm not into trans girls. She awkwardly says, I'm not trans, and then walks away trying to hide the fact that she's shattered. Am I there, bros? God, that's a funny pose. And then he woke up.
Starting point is 03:03:16 Yeah, yeah. It's hilariously funny. Yeah, it's a great joke. I love it. That would be the most shattering thing you could you could say that yeah yeah totally gonna use that unless she said oh oh i i'm sorry to hear that you always hear like you know she is you always hear what's the worst what's the worst he could say or what's the worst she could say no yeah and it's like yeah oh no there's like 30
Starting point is 03:03:45 things off the top of my head that are worse than no how does how does ew suit you yeah i don't go out with trans girls uh you haven't seen my cock yet that would be a good retort come back yeah from her yeah yeah but of course you never think of those things until it's like 2 o'clock in the morning. Oh, yeah, that's a George C. Lansdowne moment. Jerk store! Oh, I love that one. What's the difference? You're the all-time bestseller! The jerk store
Starting point is 03:04:16 called, they're all out of you. Oh, it's the greatest. If you could have your partner receive any superpower to use during sex, what would it be? Invisibility, right? No, why the fuck would you want invisibility? I'm talking about how we talk to
Starting point is 03:04:32 other people. Your jizz is just floating over the bed. That'd be fun. That'd be weird, huh? That'd be an odd thing. Cool. I don't know. Is no man your superpower? what superpower would you want oh no gag reflex no you'd want them to be able to morph into other people i missed no i missed that i missed that fucking marvel uh justin league episode girl with no
Starting point is 03:04:59 look out it's deep throat she's coming she can swallow anything you would want her to be able to like transform into anybody that's good that fucking X-Files oh X-Files X-Men or the girl
Starting point is 03:05:23 female character who can multiply herself into Justice League. Yeah, also, that was my second pick. There's also the girl in the – what's the show, me and you, Woody? The Invincible. Fucking Invincible. You got that chick. Duplicate. Duplicate.
Starting point is 03:05:39 Yeah, that's what I'm thinking of, actually. Yeah, then you can have three Sims and four. Yeah, like three Kates paying you at once and like yeah and she's into it she does it because that did happen on the show yes that happened on the show that's a good fucking show it has like if it didn't happen the writers should be shot yeah when you have an opportunity to make something like that i was like oh of course they're gonna do that have you seen? Have you seen that show by any chance, Anthony? I have not seen that one. No. It is a brutal R-rated animated
Starting point is 03:06:10 superhero show, and it's amazing. Just watch episode one and I guarantee you'll be like, what the fuck did I just watch and where's the rest of it? What is it on? It's Amazon. Do not watch it with the kids. It's Amazon. Do not watch it with the kids.
Starting point is 03:06:25 Yeah, it's violent. It's very, very violent. The youngest is 16. I don't have any kids. Oh, Wolf's younger. Well, that's not to say there aren't any around. Missy's playing video games right now.
Starting point is 03:06:42 I imagine sitting cross-legged on the floor, I'm sure. It's so fucking annoying. Criss-cross applesauce, they call it in her story. Yeah, yeah, criss-cross applesauce. She's in there like, I know the one yell where I know she just won with her other, she plays
Starting point is 03:06:58 with her girlfriend's shit, Warzone, and they win. She goes, ah, we won twice and won second place and i'm like how the fuck the fuck do you do that i stink on ice at war zone i wanted to i wanted to hear your take on the uh this ukraine thing because i've been following this thing maybe you don't give a shit about it but i've been oh yeah no no i i mean obviously i, I think there could be some pretty crazy repercussions globally because of it. But again, with the news the way it is and the bullshit that's been put out over the course of the years now, I have no faith that I'm hearing anything accurate, none whatsoever. So when I see certain sites posting things about the war crimes and atrocities against the Ukrainian people and Putin's this and that, I have to like, okay, I've heard about these certain
Starting point is 03:08:06 soldiers that they have. But again, what am I to say? And it's like, I was like, Dad, I bet if we go down to a redneck bar down the street, there's some dude with a Nazi tattoo. Yeah, yeah. There's assholes everywhere. That doesn't mean you invade a country.
Starting point is 03:08:22 Yeah, if you're in the Ukraine and someone comes over your borders and you have a swastika tattoo on your neck. If you're an asshole, the United States will invade you. Just to be clear, the rules do not apply to this country. I'm just stunned that
Starting point is 03:08:38 we went through four fucking years with Donald Trump as president and there was never a moment where you're like oh i think we're gonna be at war tomorrow like like it was the first time because he was friends with all the bad guys i can remember because he was probably you know what and justifies the means good fuck it and if by friends you mean he went over to North Korea and told him, knock your shit off, or he goes over to Putin and he's like, yeah, this guy seems like he's fucking proud of his country. He wants to take care of it.
Starting point is 03:09:13 Whatever. All I know is it was $2 gas and we didn't seem to be going to war the next fucking day. Jeez, that's crazy. But I understand how some people don't think it was all that good. We're at record inflation. There's literally we're teetering on World War
Starting point is 03:09:34 III, and I'm supposed to go, oh, those tweets and Orange Man bad. It was a damn good four years. I gotta say, what was bad about it look you could hate the guy and i understand why people do and i'm not this crazy i love trump guy i'm really not i think he's he's kind of stupid he said stupid shit i i i think he uh plays to the the
Starting point is 03:10:02 cameras and everything i get it but you can't take those four years that he was president and say they are worse than the four years before it or the four years that we're destined to live, the year and a half even, after it right now. I don't know if anyone can logically say that we are in better shape right now than we were for those four fucking years. I don't know. And what about Trump? Who knows? I don't even know. Those were prosperous years, and that is why I have already called the next election. I've got a lot of money wagered at this point with a lot of different people that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States.
Starting point is 03:10:42 Wow. That's a Paul will state them. I get double if homeboy from Florida is his vice president. DeSantis. DeSantis? Oh, Jesus. That's my dream team. Can't beat it.
Starting point is 03:10:58 Florida is wrapped up. It's game over. It's game over if he takes DeSantis. Now, Trump would only be able to serve one term. So DeSantis as VP, it'll only take one term for him to jump in as president. So he probably wouldn't mind taking the VP slot. Yeah, yeah. He'll still be – wow, we haven't seen that in fucking forever. Under 50.
Starting point is 03:11:16 He's 25 years old now. Under 50. Because I got to tell you something. If anyone thinks Biden has his faculties about him, you got to not be looking at what's going on. Every day there's a new video of him going – like he walks away from a podium and he doesn't know where to go. I know one of them was extended a little bit. Oh, I know. I know there's plenty of fake shit. The problem is there's one every day. I saw bird shit on him yesterday. It's like
Starting point is 03:11:48 nothing's going his way. I hate that. Did you see the bird shit on him? Yeah, I didn't. He said something like he said America first and a bird shit on the flag pen. It was like, God! I swear to you.
Starting point is 03:12:04 I'll tell you one thing I love tell you. I'll tell you one thing I love about Trump. I'll tell you one thing I loved about Trump and that he showed us and this is someone who's American slash Canadian. He showed us that
Starting point is 03:12:18 what America really thought of itself. You ever see those memes where the hero from um uh we were just talking about the show where the superheroes are like the bad guys the boys uh what's his name that's the you know i'm talking about the guy who's like the bad superman on that show yeah yeah homelander homelander. Homelander. And you've seen the memes where you've got what America thinks it is, and you see Superman
Starting point is 03:12:49 and you say what America really is, and you see a picture of Homelander. I think Trump was amazing because he showed us how far we have to go. I think Trump ripped the lid off of a lot of bullshit. I think that happened. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:13:04 He made racists feel comfortable. Trump ripped the lid off of a lot of bullshit. I think that happened. Yeah. Well, he made he made he made racists feel comfortable. I don't know. I know you don't buy it, but I was. Well, I was. Well, I'm going to tell you, I was still very afraid during that time. Not a bit of comfort. I knew that if anyone knew how I felt about native americans deep in my heart oh my god nobody want to talk to me trust me it's it's there was uh uh after coming out of like the
Starting point is 03:13:32 i mean i lost for a lot of money during 2008 and uh the crash and i gained it all back for the the the eight years after that and glad you know i'm happy that trump uh didn't screw up that momentum of the economy but the hate that i saw that resonated throughout the country was the worst i've seen since the jim crow days and i i saw so first again you guys will have a different perspective on society than I will because you didn't see the amount of, hey,
Starting point is 03:14:14 F you, go back to your country. We want to build the wall. And it's like, you know, it had nothing to do with watching mainstream media. It had nothing to do with social media it's what i saw every day when i i'm in the states every week every other week for business and work and i have residency there so i ever for four years i just watched it continue and grow and and gain strength
Starting point is 03:14:38 and people feel feeling better about hating people who didn't look like them. And it was huge. I don't think that was a big part of the Trump for years. For you? For you it was not. No, no, no. I think the media did make a lot of it. The wall itself. No, it didn't. The wall seems to have been something that any country, any other country that did that would be like, yeah, they're protecting their borders. Look what we're doing right now. We're talking about the Ukraine, and they need to protect their borders. They're being invaded by an outside country.
Starting point is 03:15:18 Now, I understand the influx of aliens from other countries over our southern border isn't the same as an invading army. There will be people that argue that. But all I'm saying is, why can't we have a secure border? argue that. But all I'm saying is, why can't we have a secure border? Why is having a secure border with a wall so people can't just come over it, why is that racist? Why is the idea that we should protect our borders for the wonderfulness that is America and what's available to people inside, why should anyone run across and have privy to all that goodness? Why can't we have a secure border? They painted it as being racist, and it's not. That's where the confusion is.
Starting point is 03:15:53 There is nothing wrong with a secure border. Then what's wrong with the wall? But when you're using, and I can't remember the word,'re you create fear to try and get that done that's where the media created more fear with twisting trump's words did you hear trump he said he said mexicans are nothing but rapists and murderers it's like but that's what he said i know he didn't he said he goes he goes the illegal aliens crossing the border the mexicans that are crossing the border they're not sending their best and brightest. Yes.
Starting point is 03:16:28 He's not talking about legal people that go through the system. He specifically called out the bad hombres. Right. There's some bad hombres. Some caballeros. He did that well. But I'm just saying things get – again, the other thing. He said Nazis are good people.
Starting point is 03:16:48 Never said that. He didn't say that. He said some of those people are good people. He said there were good people with good intentions on both sides of the Charlotte issue. Yeah, but there's no good side to that. There was. There were the people that wanted – There were people that wanted to destroy a statue.
Starting point is 03:17:08 And there were people that wanted to keep the statue there, not because of any... No, no, no. The quote that you're using was when we saw the guys in the Tiki torches marching. That's when he used that quote. Oh, no. That happened after. He was literally talking about the people that were there
Starting point is 03:17:23 to support the statue or wanted the statue taken down. Now, the people that were there to support it talking about – and I was from this school of thought too. I think anything that has happened historically in this country should be available for people to see and debate and talk about and know that we went through some very difficult times where a lot of mistakes were made and statues statues were erected to people that weren't the fucking greatest people but to rip it down almost is counterproductive you want to go up and go hey let me read this plaque who's this guy wow that guy maybe i'll read up more on this one holy shit what a piece of shit this guy was and. That guy. Maybe I'll read up more on this one. Holy shit. What a piece of shit this guy was.
Starting point is 03:18:06 And not only that, a lot of the statues were built in the thirties. When then you get another whole line of why during this time, what was going on in the country where they felt they needed to pay tribute to these soldiers. Like there's so much education. You will not find any statues of the SS in
Starting point is 03:18:28 Germany. These statues are Confederate soldiers, right? The guys who were fighting to keep slaves in heroic poses, typically. And these plaques you see under them rarely say, this was a total dickbag. Exactly.
Starting point is 03:18:42 I'm fine with changing the plaque. I just don't think any history should be eliminated a total dick bag. Exactly. I'm fine with changing the plaque. Right, right. I just don't think any history should be eliminated. That's not eliminating me in any way. They talked about how brave they are, how long they marched, how hard they fought. I would like to think we're smart enough to be able to look at stuff in context and not go, let's get rid of it.
Starting point is 03:19:03 Let's go, wow, why why why in 1930 did they decide to put so we're gonna we're gonna assess who's smart enough and who's not smart enough to handle reality and when we decide that certain people can't we eliminate the whole thing for anybody i'm not no no i no, I'm not. Removing the statue. The statues do. And they were put up there by people who,
Starting point is 03:19:28 and that was their intent, right? Yes. The daughters of the Confederates were not trying to prove the bad things that their family did. Exactly. They were there
Starting point is 03:19:37 to create these heroic monuments. Again, isn't that a context? Isn't that a context that needs to be looked into? And you could actually use that and say, wow, we had organizations in the 30s that put these statues up. Why did that happen so long after? In the center square of Raleigh, North Carolina, where I live, on top of these pedestals. And I tell you, they look like heroes when you look at it.
Starting point is 03:20:02 They put them in front of courthouses. They're not exposing our dirty history so we can remember what we did wrong. That's not what these statues do in the slightest. But they could now. They were put there fucking 100 years ago. You'd have to put a different statue there if you wanted to fulfill that goal. These people look amazing. No, not fulfill that goal. You need it to look like it did when they put it up and explain why they
Starting point is 03:20:25 put it up. And I think that's a teaching opportunity. When you eliminate history, you are just you're not letting people look into why something happened. You're not eliminating history by removing a statue.
Starting point is 03:20:42 That's ridiculous. Nope, no, you're not. You will not see SS statues in Germany. No one's forgot about what happened. I think they've got like some... You tear it down and then you teach them why it was torn down. That's how you keep... These are not Holocaust museums
Starting point is 03:20:58 in the Raleigh Center Square when they put some general up that fought to keep slaves. But when they put it up in 1930, exactly keep slaves like but when they put it up in 1930 i think it's a a learning opportunity there i think there's a history lesson as to like i said why years and years after the civil war were they still putting statues up of these people it's it's it definitely is when they said they are move It was done to make them as heroes. That's why the Dixie Craftsman
Starting point is 03:21:28 created it. Whatever it was at the time, taking the statue away isn't going to take away what was going on back then. To educate people. What do they do with those statues? Because I want one. They melt them down.
Starting point is 03:21:42 They're melting them down. They're melting them down to make a George Floyd statue. In museums, they relocate them. They take them away. No, they don't. They said they were going to do that. Not one of them ended up in a museum.
Starting point is 03:21:56 I mean, you can do something with it. Then the other thing, then they got, see, here's another thing. I'm pretty sure there's like busts or statues of like erwin rommel you know like the nazi general that that exist in museums or something like that i doubt they have a blade not in germany but they're never gonna put up in like northern africa where he's fighting would you like anything i think the only good place for that would be germany they took a statue of Teddy Roosevelt,
Starting point is 03:22:27 a giant statue, been there forever, in front of the Museum of Natural History here in New York. It was Teddy Roosevelt on a horse, beautiful statue. He's being followed by American Indians. Slaves. Slaves, American Indians, who were with him, and some
Starting point is 03:22:43 African Americans that were with him. And it was portrayed – they said it looks like they're being subservient. Well, they were. It was – that was the time. But to take away a statue like that, that happened. That stuff happened. It isn't like – no one looks and goes, God, we should do that now. I'd love to be up on a
Starting point is 03:23:08 big horse with some Indians and black people behind me, making sure I have my supplies and everything. No one's saying that. There's a lot of people who say that, actually. I don't think there are. I think people said Teddy Roosevelt was a crazy
Starting point is 03:23:24 Trump supporters can't ride horses was was like teddy roosevelt maybe a mile the american outdoors he had so much to do with that's what i'm saying you're trying to find the good points about the guy no teddy roosevelt was pretty fucking good he was a good guy and and again uh the national parks uh of of this country, Yellowstone, all these places. He fought the Mexicans. He did fight the Mexicans. And San Juan de Gil in Cuba. He fought the Spanish, too.
Starting point is 03:23:52 Listen, my ex is Italian, and you won't see any Mussolini statues in Italy. Well, he sucked. He lost. Oh, he was a piece of shit they all were I looked up where the statue is now
Starting point is 03:24:11 and I feel like Anthony was right I was thinking of Silent Sam he was a confederate statue I remember summer of 1977 New York City I don't know this but in 19 that was a complete
Starting point is 03:24:24 anyway that was a complete everything, bro. Anyway, that's what the statue was. Major news around here. He was on the UNC campus. And he got toppled in 2018, and now he's hidden in some storage location that they don't advertise because everyone was
Starting point is 03:24:40 trying to wreck that statue. They actually had cops stationed around this Confederate statue 24 hours a day to protect it from all the people who hated it. Oh, wow. Yeah, but they got outnumbered and they toppled it anyway. Yeah. For instance, here in Toronto, we're actually changing
Starting point is 03:24:56 one of the names of the university who was named after a bad guy. And there's no problem. No one's got a problem with it. Sorry? What kind of bad guy? Essentially, he just destroyed a lot of native Canadians. Oh,
Starting point is 03:25:12 see, again, with the natives, I'm Yeah. So what I'm saying is we're changing actual names of streets and taking down statues and changing school, university names. And people are not trying to fight it because we understand that you don't.
Starting point is 03:25:32 People are trying to fight it. They're not being given any time to give their opinions because they're instantly looked at and tagged with the big scarlet letter R for racist. That's how people are petrified. I don't think so. I think it's a scrubbing of history and I don't know. Scrubbing of history is book burning and that's what a certain party loves to do. We see that too.
Starting point is 03:25:58 I don't know. I've talked about it here before. I've seen that one burnt. You've got to see the video of the school board meeting. Babies are racist. There's a school board meeting in Georgia, and one of the parents starts reading one of the books that they take issue with aloud.
Starting point is 03:26:13 Yes. And they stop her. They're like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Ma'am, there are children watching this live stream. She's like, do you see that you just made my point? I'm reading a book from the library where our children go to school. And you, madam, think it's too racy to be read aloud in these chambers. It's like, come on.
Starting point is 03:26:33 And it was pretty dirty. I was getting off. On one hand, I'm like, I mean, it was pretty hot. But on one hand, high schools are getting laid. They're fucking each other. They all have cell phones phones right like they've seen some shit yeah okay i don't know what it's like to grow up in high school with a cell phone right like it was a little i would have been in biology class and i'd pass on my test and then you pass because you know everything maybe like as long as that book isn't isn't like in like i don't don't know fifth grade room or something like that
Starting point is 03:27:06 seems fine that's the thing I thought it was a high school library it would seem to me like it's okay for high school although you would imagine that the audience would be high school kids I don't know when I was a kid finding a playboy with like finding the holy grail oh no
Starting point is 03:27:21 that's golden right right like I'm telling you it depends on the fetish of the guy you took him from doesn't it Oh, no. Just golden. Right? I'm telling you. It depends on the fetish of the guy you took him from, doesn't it? You find him in a stack in a garbage. You'd just be walking down the street, and you'd see a tit in the garbage. And then you'd find him and be like, I just struck gold. He's a neighborhood neighborhood rabbit go into the woods and stash it under leaves tell your friends you'll be oh mother it was the greatest thing now
Starting point is 03:27:53 it was like yeah anything you want is available dude this is my playboy story i had like a couple of Playboys. Like Anthony said, there was a stack of like 40 and I grabbed two and my friends grabbed two. We divided them up. Cool. And then so I have like two Playboys that are in my possession that I store between my mattress and my box spring. And that's that. And I owned them for a while.
Starting point is 03:28:19 And all I did was look at the pictures. I was young. I hadn't discovered masturbation or anything like that. I had a friend. I was going to say, what? You didn't read the uh interview with jimmy carter i didn't read the articles yet my friend is two years older and he says what do you do with the magazines and i'm like do with them like what what is there to do with a magazine other than look at it like i just do what you do so he describes this self-sex acts where he wraps the magazine other than look at it like i just do what you do so he describes this self-sex
Starting point is 03:28:47 acts where he wraps the magazine into a tube and like fucks a paper magazine so i'm like it's the whole purpose well i gotta try this and i do and it's not hot at all. The edges are sharp. Yes, you can't look at the magazine like that. Oh, that cedar fold is deadly. And you can't look at the magazine while you're doing that. It's just a magazine. So I tried working the magazine. Yeah, but you need two magazines, one to look at and one to wrap up with.
Starting point is 03:29:18 I didn't do what I thought it would. And yeah, so I didn't do that anymore. That apparently is how he got off. My cousin had stolen, I guess, some of my uncles. And man, those were some ugly vaginas. I just remember this lady spread eagle with these giant wings for pussy lips that she was spreading. And being like, that's what they look like? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:29:43 It was a little frightening at first almost changed teams at the here's my thought on this i must have been hustler though or something i feel like it was yeah women who are committing a faux pas right like if you've if you've agreed to get to the stage where you see a guy naked you have implicitly agreed to whatever you find when he takes his pants off. That is what I don't think there are, like, a woman shouldn't say, like, ah, deal's off now. You're too small, right?
Starting point is 03:30:13 Who's confused by this? But sometimes this happens to white guys. Does it? Anyway. I'm a gun also. I feel like that is degrading. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:30:27 Yeah. So that shouldn't happen. And on the same page, I feel like whatever you find downstairs, you should be okay with. Look, if there's lots of lips, if there's little lips, if there's no lip, whatever, just be happy. She took her pants off. I have standards. God damn it. You won't hey hey
Starting point is 03:30:46 you want to hear the other side of that story so you guys i we've talked briefly about my adult story fun but um i've had i have a couple of friends in the adult industry black guys and i we had this conversation a couple of years ago and they're saying the racism against black guys in the adult industry is really crazy because they will not let you into that industry if you're under like 10 to 12 and where the white guys get in there no problem right right the black guys you can guys get in there, no problem. Right. The black guys, you can't get in there unless you're... There's an expectation. Exactly. And he was saying they were talking about how messed up that is.
Starting point is 03:31:34 They were implicitly talking about how big their dick was. That's like Jordan being like, they're talking about lowering the rim. I'm like, go fuck yourself. I say raise the bitch but i mean if you think about it like it's really messed up that you know the other guys can get in you know just with looks and what have you right but you got to fit that stereotype to be able to be in the game you know what i mean wow i have some mandingo shit right there well literally literally definitely yeah and it's like i mean it sounds like a good problem to have but at the same time it's kind of screwed up at the same time right it's still a stereotype and it's still a you know something that you i think is um yeah if they're basing it on that yeah if black
Starting point is 03:32:22 guy's got a seven inch cock and they're telling him to get away because it's not eight, that's pretty fucked up in the industry. It kind of is. What if you're that close to your dream and you're looking into all sorts of contraptions and pills and techniques because you just need like a half-inch more? Oh, God. And now you're Big Dick Wickerson, like the the black mamba of east carolina or whatever like like that's the difference between burger king and and like fame geez bro it's great i follow on you're like hanging from it on tiktok i follow this black guy uh point star by the name of jason love he's got a huge tiktok following shout out jason love
Starting point is 03:33:05 he's got a huge but this dude is driving around from the adult industry he's got a ferrari collection where's all the the tacky gucci stuff he's got real like he's making serious bank in this stuff you know what i mean and you know it's like it's like he's one of the few guys doing it in that industry but at the same time it's like oh my gosh like that's it's scary what did you say where you watch gucci gucci gear you know how unfortunately my our people like to wear all the gucci stuff i'm just unimpressed with this display of wealth like you didn't mention his 401k or his real estate investments. Oh, does he have Gucci
Starting point is 03:33:48 clothing? Well, I more pointed to the vehicle he drives. The vehicle he drives is vintage Ferraris and stuff. It's not just the flash stuff. He knows his vehicles. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:34:03 I love it. It's not the background for that image what the fuck terrible but yeah the stuff you can find on tiktok nowadays is insane oh yeah yeah i would have wished maybe not i don know, wished to be able to look at the kind of porn that is available now to anybody back in the day. Bro. You really had to find it. And there were the dry periods where you had to look at Sears catalog. Sears catalog. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 03:34:40 National Geographic. Right on time. I know. I was born in 1970. Yeah, okay. National Geographic. Right on time. I know. I was born in 1970. Yeah, okay, there you go. Yep. Remember the Porky scene right at the beginning, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:34:56 Exactly. Now it's everywhere. I was just talking to a girl about this the other night about, I think it's Revenge of the Nerds, how there's a rape scene just right in the middle of it. At the end. And she's like, what are you talking about? I'm like, well, there's a scene where the jock douchebag is dressed up as Darth Vader and he shows something like that.
Starting point is 03:35:16 I don't know. He's got a stormtrooper. Do you want me to lay it out? I know this scene. So at the very end, did you say no? Yeah. No, I said yep. Oh, I was like like i can stop but yeah so at the end of the movie
Starting point is 03:35:26 when like the nerds start winning everything the big nerd dresses up as darth vader and fucks the hot cheerleader chick the thing is she thinks she's fucking her boyfriend right he's in mask and costume so the nerd you had it reversed the nerd fucks the hot chick instead of the jock i didn't even think of it in terms of an assault. What I was going to say is I thought the jock had shown up at the party dressed up as that and then the
Starting point is 03:35:55 nerd had donned the helmet to impersonate the boyfriend intentionally and fuck his girlfriend. That's how I remember the movie. He did do it on purpose. And he was happy about it after but i never thought about it in that context and she's okay with it after 80s were very rapey movie she was like why are you so good at fucking and he's like well all jocks think about his sports and all nerds think about his sex that was his explanation all right that's some good testimony at the trial. At his rape trial.
Starting point is 03:36:27 Oh my god. Even Back to the Future has that scene with Biff and what's his name? The mother. Marty's mother in the 50s. He's like, get away from here, McFly.
Starting point is 03:36:42 She's like, please help me. Biff is literally raping her. He's like, get away from here, McFly. And she's like, please help me. And Biff is literally raping her. He's going to pull her clothes off and rape her in the car. And take your damn hands off her. And he punches her in the head. Punches him in the head. That would have been a better ending. That would have been a better ending.
Starting point is 03:37:00 He knocked out. Because then Biff would be like, fuck. And he just walked away. Like, yeah. Biff would be like, fuck, and he'd just walk away. Yeah, Biff would be like, he just punched this girl. He walks away, he's like, I was scared to punch Biff. Yeah, another timeline.
Starting point is 03:37:16 It really makes you rethink these things, right? Yeah, there were a lot of rapey things. I think there was another one where some, oh, what was that? Goddamn Adventures in Babysitting Yeah, well, the cartoon based on rape
Starting point is 03:37:31 was Pepe Le Pew He just wanted a hug Adventures in Babysitting, you were going to say? Yeah, something like that It was one of those where the cool girl the hot girl passes out and she has sex with one of the nerdy
Starting point is 03:37:47 guys. That was a big thing. I remember the movie. Remember Kids? Oh, God. That was crazy. Yeah. That was a messed up movie. Welcome to the Dollhouse
Starting point is 03:38:03 was another one. Is that the one where she's fully frontal nude? Because I've seen that GIF Or Welcome to the Dollhouse was another one. Is that the one where he's like fully frontal nude? Because I've seen that gif. Which one? Dollhouse or Rosario Dawson? Oh, I don't know. I'm just talking about this. Rosario Dawson. Yeah, that's where the guy
Starting point is 03:38:16 got AIDS in the end. Right, yeah, yeah. I was messed up. But it's a different age we're in, bro. Which is good. Not complaining. It's all good.
Starting point is 03:38:29 That whole AIDS thing. Now you just see fucking commercials for it. You got AIDS, no big fucking deal. Let's get back to fucking people. Open up those bathhouses again. Let's have some fun. Towel boy. Do you know about bugs?
Starting point is 03:38:46 What are they called? Bug chasers. Bug chasers. Do you know what a bug chaser is? Don't know what that is. It's this weird corner of the gay community of these guys who are super into hunting for a quote-unquote pause load. Come on!
Starting point is 03:38:59 Come on! They do the most degrading nasty multiple sex partner things. I wish Taylor was here because Come on. And they do the most degrading, nasty, multiple-sex-partner things to get his... I wish Taylor was here, because he puts on a really creepy voice. Like free-bleeding. I think this is some bullshit.
Starting point is 03:39:19 No, this is real. Wow. Yeah, this is... Kyle has a weird way of finding these weird, decrepit things. So they want to get a virus load? They want to get a virus load. They're bug chasers.
Starting point is 03:39:34 They really want to get a pause load. And it is a whole other group of men who are into delivering that pause load. They are bug deliverers. But see, just like, as we can all attest you know cross lovers they're not interested in one another because because the the guy who wants to deliver a pause load wants an unwanting subject he wants to oh he wants to
Starting point is 03:39:59 quote unquote stealth someone right when he secretly removes a condom and give them that pause load. That's how he gets his rocks off. Right. But, but so he has no interest in this guy over here. Who's like, yeah, all of them. Yeah. Yeah. It's a, that's got to be a criminal thing.
Starting point is 03:40:18 Yeah. In most places. California. Apparently. I think in California. No, no. I think you could just, yeah, you could, you could. Purposely infect somebody. Yeah. apparently i think in california no no i think you could just yeah you could you could have somebody yeah and and and not be uh convicted of it i think i read recently that like
Starting point is 03:40:33 because we were joking about this this is a joke i tell at parties they it goes over well they're not popular um but we were looking at that and i thought i looked it up and now that is a crime if it at one time it wasn't really oh okay that's interesting oh shit they reduced it though which reduces penalties for knowing exposing a sexual part of hiv under current law it's a felony offense punishable by three to eight years in prison. That seems light. Well, it's no longer a death sentence.
Starting point is 03:41:12 It's no longer a death sentence, is it? No, not at all. But neither is hepatitis and I don't want that shit either. Prep with prep. That's why the term is not as long as you would think. But I grew up in the 90s, dude. You're not going to
Starting point is 03:41:27 change my mind about this shit. I remember magic. I saw those infomercials. That little star went across the screen with the rainbow behind it. I grew up in the 80s. I remember Ryan White dying. Trust me. The 80s were worse. Who died?
Starting point is 03:41:43 Ryan White, the little kid with hemophilia. You lived in yeah 80s were worse who died ryan white the little kid with hemophilia you lived in the 80s i got the media that developed in the 80s in the 90s we were terrified i still am freddie mercury is the one that freddie mercury is huge man yeah nothing though man when when fucking rock hudson hudson yeah that was the tipping point right there no one cared because we heard in the news it's like well i hear haitians get it and it's like oh it's the gay cancer and it's this and it's that and everyone's like all right that's good drug use intravenous drug use like i don't care i'm fucking whatever and then rock hudson came out for an appearance at something. He looked like walking death. He was skin and bones.
Starting point is 03:42:26 And everyone went, oh, shit, what's this AIDS thing? Because everybody thought he was straight. You know what? No jokes. They buried him with his ass up. So his friends could – whatever. Oh, yeah. Yeah, Rock Hudson died of food poisoning, bad meat in the can.
Starting point is 03:42:46 Oh, dude, I'm just telling you what these horrible people said during the whole AIDS crisis. It was horrible. One that hit heavy with me. You guys might be young enough that this was MTV Road Rules. Do you remember this? Oh, yeah. In the real world and shit like that? They had an AIDS victim on the real world.
Starting point is 03:43:08 Is that what they called him? Yeah, they called him AIDS victim. I think at the time. No, his name was, he was a Spanish kid. Yeah, yeah. You're going to know his name? Puck, I don't want you putting your finger in the peanut butter and eating it. Yeah, there was this guy named puck who had like no
Starting point is 03:43:26 social grace a piece of shit he was a bike messenger asshole and he'd always like there was a girl there actually the girl on there i think is on fox news now um oh but she's hot yeah yeah and she was on uh real world and he used to go he'd be like hey how you doing chubs and she'd be like don't call me that he goes I see I see you putting on a few he was the biggest fucking asshole Pedro
Starting point is 03:43:52 Pedro Zamora he didn't like the AIDS guy well he was so politically incorrect about it for the time and this was like weird because everyone that watched that and saw pedro had aids was like oh my god he's shaving oh my god and mtv fucked with it too they showed him at one point in the bathroom shaving and they played some ominous music oh no look at don't let
Starting point is 03:44:20 him bleed on you so they kind of played it also. And again, with the time it was, people really weren't very, I don't know, tolerant of shit like that. And, you know, everyone was fine. He was a good enough guy. He was very charitable. Pedro was a good character on that and shit. And, you know, he was a good guy. He had excellent hygiene. He was a good roommate.
Starting point is 03:44:44 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah and he took care of himself like oh you know here's what i want to eat right and and take care of himself i've been watching master chef with gordon ramsay and they they basically you know you know that game guess who or whatever where you're like does he have a hat does he have a mustache they they do that when they cast this show of like 25 fucking wackadoo looking motherfuckers. And I think that it would be amazing if they put a fucking AIDS person on there though because they're cutting themselves all the time while cooking and the judges have to eat
Starting point is 03:45:12 right after. I've seen so many cuts like that would really up the tension in the show. Should you maybe not be a chef if you hear AIDS or HIV? Medic! Yeah, they yell medic and the medical crew comes over and goes,
Starting point is 03:45:27 That's why they started wearing gloves. Yeah, no shit. A lot of times, everything like this. They should wear fucking gloves. I think it's good. They didn't wear them. I'm saying EMTs didn't wear
Starting point is 03:45:44 gloves before the AIDS epidemic. They get right wear them. I'm saying EMTs didn't wear gloves before the AIDS epidemic. They get right to where gloves were when they get to the hospital. And it was more for the protection of the patient that you don't get bacteria in any overcooked food. But yeah, it became that. It got to the point where they put those masks with
Starting point is 03:45:59 the breathing thing to do artificial respirations or CPR. Yeah, and yeah, yeah people just like i ain't fucking touching that yeah i mean you'll see you'll learn this soon enough when you start watching the police activity channel on youtube but every every time the cops like they'll shoot him 16 fucking times and now it's time to handcuff him and so they'll be like glove up like i didn't i've heard that i've heard that line delivered with like like so flatly and so many times now that it's comical they just glove up the guy's literally like uh bleeding out his hand is still maybe touching the gun it's like get your hand off the gun
Starting point is 03:46:47 drop the gun it's like the guy is so dead i think you're okay i do like when the cops have like sometimes you see a cop who just has some common sense and he's not frazzled and he's not operating on fucking training. He's just in the moment being a great cop and they'll be like trying to put the cuffs on and he's like dude. Yeah. Dude, let's provide care.
Starting point is 03:47:16 I don't think he's going to leave. What are you doing? You shot him in the spine, Mark. Okay, let's try to stop the bleeding. Right. Yeah, it's like cuffing Kermit. Oh, Mark. Okay, let's try to stop the bleeding. Right. Yeah, it's like cuffing Kermit. Oh, Jesus. His head is gone.
Starting point is 03:47:32 His head is going nowhere. I've seen a lot of them like that. I'm never going to get that image out of my head. No, no. Jesus. Now, no. Jesus. Now, you're going to love that channel.
Starting point is 03:47:48 And sometimes it'll make you mad because the cop will be a piece of shit. He'll kick some handcuffs. Oh, yeah, I've seen that stuff, too. But then the next one, the one right after that, cop pulls over a speeding car and a woman jumps out of the driver's seat
Starting point is 03:48:01 immediately and starts sprinting at him with an infant in her hands. He's choking. Cop saves the baby on the hood of the car. There's three different videos like that on that, and they're like libraries. Imagine she's running with an infant running toward you, and the cop just goes,
Starting point is 03:48:15 boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop. He's like, and then he does the fucking Robocop twirl. Shut up, baby. It was loaded. It's coming right for me. I don't know what these new ghost guns look like. They look like babies.
Starting point is 03:48:32 I don't know. I figured it was an invisible gun. Yeah, invisible baby gun. At that point, you saw the baby-shaped weapon. Is that correct? All right. Well, I guess we don Is that correct? Yeah. All right. Well, I guess we don't need a grand jury.
Starting point is 03:48:48 Good shooting. Good shot. Okay, next case. Oh, my God. They show... Or even worse, they show a CGI animation of a woman using a baby to kill a person. And they...
Starting point is 03:48:59 They argue that a baby's skull can deliver more than 75 by a small woman. Oh my God. Every year, 75 police officers go down by being clobbered by an infant or toddler.
Starting point is 03:49:20 A baby? A baby? Well, we understand all that officer morgan we are baby clobbering epidemic but why the double tap there's a lot of inexcusable nonsense on there and then there's like hero cops and then there's just hilarious then you'll be quickly convinced you never would want to be a cop ever like i could imagine anyone who would want how is that allowed on YouTube is what I'm saying. Because it needs to be there so that
Starting point is 03:49:47 those cops can be judged by the public. If there is a crooked DA or a crooked... I think Wolf is saying how do they even allow you think they take all that shit off. Yeah. Because YouTube likes the idea of
Starting point is 03:50:02 shedding light on potential police violence and documenting that for the public. That's my take on it. There will be that warning occasionally that's like, hey, you're about to watch some shit. That's how you know you got a good one. I saw one where a female cop comes up to a door. No gun. I don't know why I did that.
Starting point is 03:50:20 Comes up to the door. Knock, knock, knock. Wellness check. Lady comes out with the butcher knife already cocked back and stabs the lady cop in the arm jeez bad big butcher knife lady cop takes three steps back pulls her gun uh lady drops the knife accidentally but oh but then goes to retrieve the knife lady cop blasts her before she can get that knife back up the lady cops on the radio every fucking white knight within radio oh my god i don't know 75 miles right swarmed in she had three of them bandaging her up meanwhile meanwhile they have tased this woman shot her again shot her again and then sick the dog on her the dog is fucking her up and the
Starting point is 03:51:09 lady's hitting the dog and the light's like don't you hit my dog don't you hit my dog and then he tases her while she's hitting the dog and so it's like everything they have the dog shot her and then you see one of the like one of the most wild things I've ever heard a cop say. Ever in a video. Ever. He goes, watch your step. There's guts everywhere. Oh.
Starting point is 03:51:32 What? Because they've shot her in the stomach. And I think the dog is like torn her guts out. Oh, pulling it out. There's like intestines on the asphalt. Was this officer John Wayne? Wow, that is a hell of a fucking statement he goes watch your step there
Starting point is 03:51:47 that's something like how do those guys get away with it and I get shadow banned for playing paintball like seriously make sense for me use one of those like police body cams that has like or just put the overlay put the text on the top that says like whatever they put
Starting point is 03:52:04 and play that little chirp every now and then so yeah yeah no that's some good shit you'll see lots of like dogs being used to fuck people up and like like kujo don't fuck around it's good shit i've probably seen far too many people die the last few weeks just watching that channel i said it's so fucked up that we pick up our phones in the morning and the first thing you do is watch a few snuff films like snuff films. When I was growing up and Wolf, I'm sure you could attest to this, too. It was almost this like urban myth that anything even existed. And they had faces of death was a video and you could rent it and you rent it with your friends and go, yeah, look at that. And meanwhile, most of it was fake the real shit they showed was like reporters that were on scene of a carnage of
Starting point is 03:52:50 an accident or something or riot or yes shit like that but when they you know you didn't watch people literally dying now i swear to you on a daily basis i I am watching at least three or four people in the act of being killed. And if you don't fucking tell me that's not negatively affecting people, you're out of your fucking mind. We should not be looking at stuff like
Starting point is 03:53:18 this. I go on Reddit and I go to the combat footage subreddit and I go to the Ukraine conflict subreddit. Look at you you're looking for it i love it i love it because they shoot a russian tank with an american missile all the ammo kicks off yeah yeah yeah the top blows the fuck off and it's entertaining when i just saw the footage from the train attack that the russians just did. And you saw the real footage of the bodies laying around. Holy smokes.
Starting point is 03:53:48 It's insane. It's really awful. That's why I like seeing them blow up Russians, honestly. I saw one where they chased a Russian with a drone and he's running scared and he leads him back to his friends and they blow all the friends up. So it's great. I was looking into, because I didn't know much
Starting point is 03:54:03 about the Javelin rocket. So I look into it, and the fucking thing is amazing. It's amazing. First of all, they figured out you could shoot it. It's fire and forget. So you can just shoot the fucking thing and run. Also, you could be in a relatively small space. It doesn't have this giant blast back.
Starting point is 03:54:24 The fact that, yeah, it fires off. It's got back the fact that yeah it fires off it's got an initial charge that puts it takes it out of the tube and then it fires goes up and then comes down on one of the lesser armored parts of the vehicle it has something inside called a precursor which is just like it's a a what do they call the directional charge? Shape charge. Shape charge. Smaller to blast the active armor away from the tank for the main charge to then go through the armor.
Starting point is 03:54:58 It's like they went, how could they fuck this little rocket up? We'll deal with everything they do to get around. It is such an amazing fucking piece of technology. Those cost the American taxpayer $180,000. A Russian tank costs the Russian taxpayer $30 million. And we are so happy to trade. We're loving it. I heard at one point we were shooting those pickup trucks with the machine guns in the back with it.
Starting point is 03:55:29 And it's like $180,000 for a $20,000 pickup truck. Just so you know, this ain't a video game, so it doesn't need to be a vehicle to lock on. You'd shoot a tree with the bitch. Oh, yeah, you'd shoot anything with it. Yeah, so if they see some guys in a hut or in a ditch, they're blasting. We sent 800 million more today.
Starting point is 03:55:52 800 million. Yeah, almost. That brings it to over a billion. Is that a Raytheon product? Oh yeah. Somebody's making money, bro. If you don't own Raytheon stock, you're a fool. I think it was Raytheon and what's the other big one like northrop grumman or some one of the other big like um military industrial companies like yeah yeah like i wish taylor was here poor taylor was
Starting point is 03:56:15 was moving some uh gym equipment and got i was wondering what did he do hernia his wife for his birthday got him um like a leg press machine and martin there it is and getting the leg press machine up his driveway with the i guess like there's a sharp piece of metal that came out of the box and it caught him really badly so he's in the er um that was hours ago yeah he sent me a picture of his arm and it's like this giant bandage of like like his kitchen towels and duct tape yeah yeah And it's still coming through? Was it still bloody? It looked like he cleaned it up by the time he got to the ER.
Starting point is 03:56:50 Holy shit. That's scary. Did he tell the Taylor story? Yeah. Did we show the picture? Uh-uh. No, that's his picture. No, let him show the picture because I want to hear the whole story.
Starting point is 03:57:01 Oh, okay. Let me hear a graphic story. Totally right. It's so bad when you cut yourself really bad. It's one of those things. I worked in the sheet metal industry. I was doing air conditioning and heating until I was
Starting point is 03:57:17 in my mid-30s. I have a lot of scars on my hands from sheet metal. It's like working with giant razor blades every day. When you feel that feeling and you just grip it and go, oh, shit. Then you got to go,
Starting point is 03:57:34 all right, how bad is it? Oh, that's pretty bad. I could never just look at it. I had to go, like I'm unrolling a poker hand. The worst is my dad and i were doing this project once where we were we were hanging these uh long 500 foot long curtains in a building and so you have to cut lengths of string over and over and over so
Starting point is 03:57:58 you need a razor sharp knife and i have the knife sharpener i'm polishing this bitch up you could shave with it and i make a bad stroke and i come across the top of this finger just like that. I just did that over the scar. I can see it. And it was so sharp, and it cut to the bone. And I looked down, and I could see just the blood hadn't spilled into the wound. Right, right, right. So it's just open.
Starting point is 03:58:20 Yeah, yeah. Oh, it's terrible. You cut a stake, and it just opens. And of course, there's no blood. It's a fucking stake. That's what I looked like. I just went... Can I tell you I just saw a really
Starting point is 03:58:32 disturbing video of a monkey attack. On the real Tarzan on Instagram. Did you see this this morning? If you go on the real Tarzan, it's the black guy who works with all the animals and stuff.
Starting point is 03:58:48 Come on. His name is Michael Holston. Is it a chimp or a monkey? Because chimps are fucking brutal. Bro, listen to me. I've never seen anything this bad. This, he's just, you see him, he's sitting down, he's talking to a monkey on the ground.
Starting point is 03:59:04 And it looks like they're having fun and everything like this yeah and the monkey just decides to jump up grab a piece of his scalp and rip half of his holy shit really how big is the monkey it looked like a baboon to me it's a yeah probably a baboon to the with Yeah, probably a baboon. I think it was one of those with the fucking fangs. Yeah, where they look all fine and then they go like a fucking predator. From Lion King, Rafiki. Yeah, bro. I just saw this this morning and it's still fucking with my head. I saw it four or five days ago.
Starting point is 03:59:38 There's a subreddit I like called Crazy Fucking Video. I love fucking monkeys. I think they're great. They're so gory. Little like pet monkeys and I think they're great. Little pet monkeys and stuff. They're adorable. When you see this video, you will not approach a monkey again. No, no.
Starting point is 03:59:52 I'm telling you, it's that bad. Chimps are fucking awesome, but they are jacked, and they can fuck you up. They look all fun and nice. They're hugging you, but they'll rip your... This video, it looked like they were friends it looked like they were having a night on the couch no he's outside like like i remember him being like i don't know in the backstory whose video it is or anything so to me it was like tourist is sitting on like a little stone bench and baboon tears half his scalp off
Starting point is 04:00:20 and i it happens so fast. It's so quick. If it's a car crash or if it's a forklift going to crush somebody, I can be like, no, not today. Yeah. You're exposed. He pulls it off with his hand? He bites here. He bites here.
Starting point is 04:00:40 And he tears it backwards and diagonally. He just rips everything off. It's a strip about two and a half inches wide. Two and a half inches by like eight or nine inches. I can't find it. Was it on Reddit, I guess? I saw it on Reddit. No, it's on Instagram.
Starting point is 04:00:54 Instagram. It's a gif going around. Everything on Reddit comes from Instagram. No shit, right? Well, that's why I found it. Wow, that's fucking... Going to nature is metal. The real Tarzan with two N's on Tarzan.
Starting point is 04:01:08 Oh, the real Tarzan. I saw it this morning and it just still grained in my brain. You got it nicely done. Yeah, I'm not going to watch. You guys watch. I'm not going to watch. I'm not going to watch either. Exactly.
Starting point is 04:01:22 I'm not even sure that that's it because I didn't watch it. You must be 18. Yeah, okay. I think I qualified. They got the disclaimer up already, eh? Oh, shit. Let's see. Wow, this guy and the monkey look friendly. He's talking to him. The monkey's kind of got his ass in the way.
Starting point is 04:01:39 There's the two-inch strip. There it is. Oh, they replay it. Yes. He uses his mouth. He uses his mouth to rip it. Oh my god. You see what I'm talking about? It's white when he pulls it out. There's no blood yet.
Starting point is 04:01:56 There's a strip of hair. You can tell that's his new hair. That's why there's a blood. That's what I'm saying. He didn't remove the skull. No, but we're looking at skull. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The thing about this is, though, they could fix that.
Starting point is 04:02:12 I bet. There'll be like no scar. Well, not in that country. That's what I'm saying. He needs to go to a Western country. If you put the scalp on ice, I'm pretty sure the animal took off with it. Am I wrong?
Starting point is 04:02:28 I saw the piece on the ground. With all I have for my scalp. I had to let you guys feel the same way this morning. That's the first thing I saw this morning. There's no predicting what those crazy motherfucking monkeys do.
Starting point is 04:02:45 Bro, I'm telling you. You've never ran so fast as when you're chasing a baboon who's run off with half your scalp. Do you know the strength of that? I defy anyone to be able to take your teeth, bite into someone's scalp, and rip it off their head. I defy you. I don't think you could do it strength-wise. Or do you think you just don't do it I think it's fight strength I think it's our teeth are shaped the wrong way
Starting point is 04:03:10 I think I'm too good He did it like it was nothing He did it as fast as I could slap you Yeah He wasn't trying His mouth is made for ripping and tearing flesh It's his version of a fruit roll up It probably sounded like
Starting point is 04:03:26 that, too. I'd kill that fucking monkey if it was the last thing I did. I would kill that fucking monkey. I don't know if you guys have... I don't know if you guys have sound on yours, but if you have the sound, the people were laughing because they didn't realize what happened at first.
Starting point is 04:03:41 People filming it, they didn't realize. And I'm like... There's that unbelievable story of the woman that owned a chimpanzee and her friend what happened at first. Fuck, people filming it. They didn't realize. And I'm like, oh, fuck. There's that unbelievable story of the woman that owned a chimpanzee and her friend came over and it literally ripped her face off. It ripped her face off. The MMA fighter that fights the baby chimp is my favorite story. Come on.
Starting point is 04:03:59 What? What? It sounds adorable. This guy's an MMA fighter. I don't know what what he's not in the ufc but he's a professional fighter and he's at like a birthday party or something monkey arts but he has a baby chimp that he's playing with and the chimp goes off the rails oh so and that him describing how he can't beat a 16-pound chimpanzee is amazing.
Starting point is 04:04:26 Was he trying to work moves on it? He was throwing it, slamming it. At first, he doesn't hit it full force because he's like, this is a baby chimp. I don't want to hurt it. Then I realized I can't hurt it. You can't hurt it. He says this thing.
Starting point is 04:04:42 You know what human muscles are like. They're kind of strong when you flex them or whatever. He's like, this thing is like wood. You can barely – I had a monkey chimpanzee on our show years ago. Someone brought in a chimp, and it was all cool. And we're sitting there, and it does the thing where it hugs you. And you put your arms around it and pat it.
Starting point is 04:05:04 Dude, I have carried bags of uh concrete you know you ever you ever pat a bag of concrete yep that's what this fucking felt like it was so just hard and they're jack listening to jo Joe Rogan talk about chimps is one of the funniest things ever. He loves how jacked chimps are. And he's just fascinated with chimps. And they're fucking unbelievably strong. Even a little one like that would fucking kick your ass. I've seen these videos lately of like a picture of kids' play structure.
Starting point is 04:05:42 You know, where there's a little maybe wall that you climb up diagonally yeah and uh they use like this little it's a baby chip it's like help me up and the chip just reaches down and lifts the full-fledged man up no way i saw that it doesn't even fucking nothing yeah here you go you need a hand sure i got you bro but you know what it's scary because I have a husky, my dog, a Siberian husky, and she weighs a good 70 pounds. And when I play
Starting point is 04:06:14 tug-of-war with her and she growls, because she growls for fun. You know how dogs play, right? And I play tug-of-war with her. Huskies are fucking insane. I love you. floor with her. Huskies are fucking insane. I love you. I love you. Yeah, true.
Starting point is 04:06:33 But it's scary because when I wrestle with her, I realize that if this animal really wanted to hurt me, it would be a wrap. Really? I could beat your dog up. Bro. When we were out in Texas. My husband, no, but her neck is, like, ridiculously, between all the layers of fur and all that stuff,
Starting point is 04:06:51 if she really wanted to mess up a human being, and her weighing, like, 80 pounds, like, the strength is there that you can see that it would be a, you'd have a situation on your head. Dude, the other thing is, instinctually, for millennia, they know how to kill you immediately. They don't sit there and go, oh, I'm gonna
Starting point is 04:07:11 bite his ankle. Oh, this isn't doing much. Let me go there. They know exactly how to kill a motherfucker. And that goes for dogs, or chimps, or that fucking baboon. If that baboon wanted to kill him, he probably would have killed him. He's just like, yeah, I think I'll just rip your scalp off and run.
Starting point is 04:07:30 Yeah. Yeah. Animals know how to kill shit. Yeah. I know a guy in Texas that's got a wolf as a pet. It's a 99% wolf. It's enormous. And it only eats raw meat, right?
Starting point is 04:07:46 Because it's a fucking wolf and a dog. We went out and shot a rabbit and gave it to him. The guy also had a gigantic pet pig. The wolf and the pig tore that rabbit apart like a bagel or something like that. They each chopped up their piece. They respected each other? Yeah. They were like dogs would be like a little yeah yeah okay but like all right we'll split we'll split yeah yeah like but the wolf was like clearly like still a fucking wolf most like it was so skittish sometimes and you had to be like you had to make sure that like
Starting point is 04:08:18 you and it were on the same page before you approached it and stuff oh fuck that but once you're like down on its level like it was chill because like there's some pictures of it somewhere but like we got i don't remember what we used but i laid and pretend like i was dead and the wolf drug me across the yard like by my belt or something like they got to bite my jeans or my belt i don't remember what we got to do but we got pictures of it dragging me across asphalt with fake blood on the ground i gotta find those pictures yeah that's crazy because you could get perspective of just how big this motherfucker was it was so scary like 150 i don't know i hate when people say shit like you know don't um don't be scared they could smell fear i'm like i fucking reek then i fucking reek of fear i'm scared shit. You can't tell me not to be scared or else you'll make
Starting point is 04:09:06 them eat you. Then I'm going to be scared. That's hilarious. My dog brought this just killed a massive hare. Not a rabbit, like a hare. Those are things that are massive.
Starting point is 04:09:21 Just brought it to the door and waited to come in. I said, you go get rid of that thing and she just had it she had it in her mouth and it was like huge right and it's like i should have cooked it up no problem compliment to you it's like look it is it really is yeah yeah it's like when my cat brings mice to me right yeah yeah yeah but it's like yeah if end of the world i'm'm not, you know, it's just the apocalypse. I'm taking my dog. I'm not getting any toy dog or anything like that. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 04:09:49 You ever see the like when people have serval cats, these big fucking cats and they have a chicken and the thing comes running out. I've seen that chicken and I pull it and that thing's going. Yeah. Making a fucking primal sound and if you try to really pull that chicken away from that it will kill you i don't know how people have are in a house with this thing is that an ocelot ocelot is that what that is yeah yeah they're they're certain but when you give them a piece of chicken they will not let go of that. They'll look at you like, don't even try. I will fucking kill you.
Starting point is 04:10:28 I knew of a guy who had a lynx in his hotel room. Was it pure lynx? It was X Jaws' Who was that rapper? Little Wayne's Cousin. It doesn't matter. It was Soulja Boy or something. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 04:10:44 He had a fucking lynx cat in his fucking... That's hilarious. He had a monkey too. He had a monkey in a cage and he had a lynx cat in a back bedroom. And he was smoking a blunt and he was getting the monkey high. It was great. Oh, a high monkey. That's what you want.
Starting point is 04:10:59 He probably would have fucked their mind up even more than it is already. It would chill him the fuck out. Maybe he'd be calm. Yeah, I was just going to say that. Maybe he'd be calm. I think that fucking guy is trying to fuck with me, though. The cats are funny, man.
Starting point is 04:11:12 A little twist. The cats are crazy. I forget. It might be a serval or something. But if it's closer to the purebred, the cat's cooler. And that's neat in a certain way. But the more it's diluted with domesticated cats yeah better a pet it is so you have to figure out where on the spectrum you want your cat that's
Starting point is 04:11:31 what they do yeah there's like um are they even legal five technically like american house cats like like there aren't there's no such thing as a domesticate so like dogs are a thing we made right we took a wolf and made a dog. It's its own thing. We didn't do that with cats. Cats are just assholes who are hanging around. That's why they're so aloof and shitty. They are as they were. We have not changed the cat.
Starting point is 04:11:56 Very few other animals, fruits, or vegetables, anything we know was like this 100, 200 years ago, or even 50 years ago in some cases. All the dogs look different. Look up a pug in 1925. It does not look like it wants to die. Yeah. Look up a cat.
Starting point is 04:12:08 Look, look up what a wild cow looks like. There aren't any, because they don't exist. Yeah. There aren't a wild cow. What the fuck is a wild cow? They don't like cows. You know,
Starting point is 04:12:18 there's only three wild cows on the prairie. I don't know. Yeah. A bison mixed with a fuckingison? I don't know. A bison mixed with a fucking cat. I don't know. I know what it is. I said it last show. I can't remember it now, though. They're gone now, though.
Starting point is 04:12:36 There's one comedian. We turned them into cows. That's where they went. We turned them into cats. Wow, that's so fucked up. They descended from a species of wild cow called Bose primogenius. Is that what you said? No.
Starting point is 04:12:49 They're now referred to the Urochs, or sometimes the Urochs. That's it. I don't know how to pronounce A-U-R-O-C-H-S. Is that something there's only one black and white blurry picture of from 1890? Like 1890. Like those animals that have stripes on its ass
Starting point is 04:13:07 and an aardvark nose. And you're like, yeah, that thing's long gone. I think it's trying to bring that thing back. Oh, no shit. No, that's like a Tasmanian. We learned nothing from Jurassic Park. Yeah, yeah, Tasmanian something. Yeah, anything that has stripes on its ass
Starting point is 04:13:24 is like this meant to be gone many years ago. No one wants to see this thing. It's like that bird with that massive big beak, that cloud. Yeah, the big beak. Yeah. Oh, okay. I can see how that could be a cow at some point. That is a cow.
Starting point is 04:13:39 That's a cow. I like the really hairy ones from Scotland. That's like a steer, isn't it? That's a steer, yeah. I mean, a steer is a kind of cow. It's like a... You're talking to a New Yorker. A chicken, the hen, and the rooster.
Starting point is 04:13:54 Do you remember what George Costanza's fake horses were named? Prickly Pete. And? And it was a one... It was short of a name. And Prickly Pete and it was a one it was short of me and Prickly Pete
Starting point is 04:14:09 shit I can't remember Snoopy Snoopy yeah another Solarium yes that leads into another Solarium that's hilarious I don't know how you remember that that's awesome so fucking good i might have seen it a few times too many maybe right thousand times every these kids today can't appreciate
Starting point is 04:14:33 seinfeld i don't know why but a whole different head yep i feel like there might be some disconnect because so many of the premises are required that they don't have a way to communicate simple misunderstandings and all that is solved by a cell phone, right? So like the Chinese restaurant episode, any of the misconnections, the movie theater, and he's the wrong showing. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 04:14:58 You know, the whole thing. There's a friend episode about being stuck on the roof, like the door closes behind him. Yeah, yeah. And he's back in. Cell phones just wreck every single one of those plot lines. I remember growing up when Friday at school,
Starting point is 04:15:16 you would have to make plans with your friends. If you didn't, you were out. You'd never see each other again. You literally drove around if you had a car or on your bicycle going to the usual places like oh i'll go to the park by the school or behind the school or i'll go by the 7-eleven and you're going around going i don't know where anyone is because i didn't make plans on friday you didn't find your friends after that there was no way to get it was it you had to look around and try to find
Starting point is 04:15:46 the idea and the whole premise of the home phone oh lord forbid that was busy why did it still ask you at places like is that a home phone no no it's a cell phone don't even put cell phone home phone there's no home phone anymore it's my i have a cell phone i have a home phone anymore. I have a home phone and it's just as a fax machine. Oh, you can have the phone line, but it's not a brain. Yeah, hello. That's what they're getting. Oh, God. Remember when that would happen with AOL?
Starting point is 04:16:22 I mean, my grandmother had that rotary. Hang on. I got cut off. I was downloading porn. I was downloading Captain Janeway. I just remember my dad had a beeper. My grandmother had that unironic rotary phone. It was like, yeah, this is how you get
Starting point is 04:16:38 in touch with people. If you want to see your friends anytime at all, make plans. Hope they're at home. You call them. Hey, is Jimmy there? Nope. Well, fuck. Hey, is Jimmy there? Nope. Well, fuck. That's one of the problems with relationships today because back in the day,
Starting point is 04:16:53 when you left home from work, you didn't talk to your wife or anybody until you got back home. Now, it's texting all day and what are you doing and calling all day. By the time you get home, you got nothing to talk about because everything was texted already. What a great point.
Starting point is 04:17:09 You're fucking right, man. There's no connection to be made anymore. That's why if I ever do get married, I will shun her during the day. I will communicate with her whatsoever. It has nothing to do with making the relationship better. I just don't deal with that bullshit.
Starting point is 04:17:25 It's just my coincidence. Hey, honey, how's he doing today? Shunned. It's a new word for block. They should have a shun button. Exactly. And let the people know they've been shunned. It's communicated from the community.
Starting point is 04:17:45 Goodness. Call it a wrap yeah I think so thank you gentlemen so much for coming on I always enjoy both of you so very much it's so cool Wolf also dude I think it shows two adults can fucking talk and debate about
Starting point is 04:18:03 shit without issue. I respect you, you funny motherfucker. And I enjoyed spending some time with you on PKA, man. You're telling me that you're one of the good ones, Wolf. Really cool. Like I wouldn't even have said that.
Starting point is 04:18:18 What? Now I gotta do some more PR for Woody again. Gonna be in the comments. I got a black friend, see? I went through a whole thing from CPX the other day, a whole thing. The only photos I saved were the ones with you, buddy. I'm gonna need those
Starting point is 04:18:41 for later. Down the road, those are gonna be part of my comeback, yeah. Much love, brother. Much love, always. Do you guys have anything you need to pimp? When is this air? Saturday. Oh, Saturday. Okay.
Starting point is 04:18:58 This coming weekend, next weekend, we're in Atlantic City at the Claridge Hotel for Comedians of the Compound. It's also my birthday, so it's going to be Crazy Blackjack and we're doing a huge comedy show at the Claridge Hotel
Starting point is 04:19:14 in Atlantic City, so if you can, join us. Thank you. Check them out. Tell them you're from PKA. It makes us look good. No shit! Do that! I get so many people that say, dude, fucking love when you're on pka and you know people you seem to have an audience it's awesome man it's fucking awesome and uh if you want to please go to my youtube channel wolf paintball the wolf's den and uh subscribe tell me you're
Starting point is 04:19:42 coming from pka and i'll give out a prize to one of those in the comments who have watched this lovely episode. Awesome. And made it this deep in it. Hey, we're about to be 420. Let's stretch 11 more seconds. I love it. Zach, don't kill this before 420. Oh, fuck!
Starting point is 04:20:05 PKA 591. You're way off! Oh my god. What is happening?

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