Painkiller Already - PKA 598 W/Destiny - Destiny Gets Kicked, Amber Heard Vs Depp Verdict, Best Horror Movies

Episode Date: June 4, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 P.K.A. 598, our guest, Destiny Taylor. This episode of P.K.A. brought to you by Blue Chew, Lucy and Lock and Load, the finest cum pills available anywhere on Earth. And they are back in stock Monday. So mark your calendars. This come Monday, there's something is back in stock. And so go code P.K.A. 10 percent off this. All your cum pill needs and any other products you want from Derek's site. Destiny, thank you so much for
Starting point is 00:00:25 joining us today. Hey, thanks for having me on. Destiny, do you really stream 15 hours a day? Is that normal for you? No, that was an exaggeration. I shoot for 10 hours a day, and then it ends up being like 7 to 10. That's so much. That is so much streaming. Is your stream nice to you?
Starting point is 00:00:43 I mean, yeah, relatively. It's not like they're shitting on me the whole time. What do you mean? That's what my stream does to you i i mean yeah relative it's not like they're shitting on me the whole time what do you mean that's what my stream does to me taylor they just call me a retard but i don't mind yeah like y'all don't moderate it at all you don't be like hey i don't like people call me a retard so anybody calls me a retard let's go get rid of them like you don't have any wings of redemption about it you don't be like man anybody calls me a retard and start crying and then talk about how emotional emotionally like sensitive you are like three minutes no i'm not upset i don't pull up for that you know like it's also like different audiences too right like i i'm
Starting point is 00:01:14 a streamer i've been streaming for like 12 years now so like my audience is conditioned to watch me as a streamer whereas your audiences are going to be a bit different right yeah yeah some some people don't get like if i do a stream that it's not like the show where it'll like three minutes will pass where i don't do a bit or a joke and they're like do it do it do something do hank hill molesting boomhauer and i'm like christ well i mean that's good right like that just means you need to that just means you need to stream more so those people will stop watching you that means you need a donation level where you say that yeah dude i'm gonna make that like ten thousand dollars and i
Starting point is 00:01:48 shut the fuck up forever you're gonna want to raise that number ten thousand dollars to get you up forever that sounds like a hitman on the dark web like never talking about charity stream i was so in love with the idea of taylor's where they pay off your mortgage. That was a funny idea. Having a, I thought like I did look into Twitch's terms of service like a year and a half ago, two years ago when I was thinking about that. And I think I might've gotten in trouble for having a fake charity called
Starting point is 00:02:16 Taylor's house. It's not fake. It is. It was all the money was going to go to my mortgage and it was going to be Taylor's house. What's confusing about this conversation you would have if anyone ever called you out you'd be like let me explain let me understand sir you donated something called taylor's house a fund that puts money to go to
Starting point is 00:02:35 pay for taylor's house and and where did you think the money was going i don't know it sounded like a charity to build homes it is is. It is. Taylor's. One house, one guy. Once we're done with that one, we'll move on. There'll be Jim's house and Mike's house. But right now. Taylor's bigger house is the next charity. Taylor's McMansion. Taylor's McMansion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Yeah. That'd be cool. So I was poking around your channel, Destiny destiny looking at seeing what you're up to and it was it was a couple months ago but it was you in the gym lifting and you were talking about how you're getting back into lifting you're doing that again is that still going strong are you sticking to it yeah this is the longest time i've like consistently probably like seven or eight months now i think yeah that's awesome good job man yeah it's been fun are you enjoying it like is it more fun than the beginning? Kind of? I've never gotten any of the,
Starting point is 00:03:29 like some people I, you know, I even ran cross country in high school for, cause they forced us to do a sport. I just did running because why not? I have never gotten any of like the runners highs or any of that shit. Like you're done lifting. Wow. I feel so good.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Or any of that shit. I've never felt that. I like watching the numbers go up and then I like seeing changes in my body over time. And then I guess I like the idea that like, you're done lifting like wow i feel so good or any of that i've never felt that i like watching the numbers go up and then i like seeing changes in my body over time and then i guess i like the idea that like you know you're like accomplishing something you have some discipline to stick with something like those are the it's like a very it has to be a very like cerebral thing for me because i don't get that like emotional like oh my god i feel so good that my muscles move today like i just feel it on my soul like i don't get that kind of feeling i do sometimes especially if I'm down.
Starting point is 00:04:07 If I'm the best me and I lift weights, it doesn't turn me into a better me. But if I'm like, I don't know, seasonal defect, just pissed off. Pissed off isn't the right word. If I'm just not excited about life. A little apathetic. Yeah. And I have two options to either watch YouTube videos about whatever or get outside and move. Get outside and move. I never regret
Starting point is 00:04:25 that. It's better. Yeah, you never regret doing it. And you will but you will regret not doing it. That's how working out always is like there's never a time when I get in the gym and I'm like 10 minutes into it. And now I've got my song playing and and I'm like into the first like exercise pretty well. And my heart's beating. I'm never like, man, I should have done this. I'm like, I should have done this earlier in the day. This is fun. Why do I always forget how much fun this is? It's great. I'm going away this weekend. And so I do push, pull legs, rest today lands on push. So I thought to myself briefly, I should just rest, right? Cause I'm going to not do it Friday monday or something while i'm on my way why would i do push and then just stop but i didn't
Starting point is 00:05:10 i wasn't a lazy bum i got my push in i did well i put like i don't know everything seemed light to me today i was this it was the best me and i'm so like i'm proud of myself for having hit it that's yeah i don't really i don't really get to uh bog down in like the i don't know the cycle of push pull legs like if i miss a day it's like all right well we'll just swap that for a rest day you know like you swap oh i add a rest day um like if i were to travel in that one all right so like push pull legs rest if i do push and then miss a day, pull legs, rest, push, pull legs, rest. Like I don't not rest after legs. You already had your rest.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yeah, I do what Kyle does where you just shift it and just keep going in a different way. But then my pull didn't get the days of rest that it needed. Oh, your poor pull. You'll have to just get stronger. Hope he's comfortable with that. No, I feel you. Look, skip two. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Look, the fact is that we're talking about working out five days a week instead of six in a lot of cases. I don't know. Am I being lazy when 99% of the rest of the population is like, 20 minutes a day? Get the fuck out of here. I think the only scary thing about missing days, and this was the problem for me in the beginning, although now that I'm in enough, the thing that really committed me to it was like starting to gain some weight for it
Starting point is 00:06:36 because now I know if I stop, I'll be a fat fucking loser who's fat and out of shape. Like before, at least I could be like, oh, I'm like skinny fat. Now I would just be fat fat. So it's like, okay, yeah okay yeah fuck i gained some weight um the worst thing about missing days is is if you break the routine and that's always what would kill me in the past because i travel so much for streaming and stuff and if you're out of town for like two weeks you know unless you're lucky if you find like a good gym with a power rack or whatever like you can do a little bit of stuff at a hotel but it's not the same as like going into a gym doing your full routine you have your power rack
Starting point is 00:07:04 you're doing all your big lifts um and once i would break something for two weeks and i'd come home it's like okay i'm gonna go lift i'm gonna be like be domzing like crazy i've got at least like three weeks before i you know do another personal best like fuck it just that would like break me mentally and then i would just like stop working on i'd be fucked or whatever so that's always the scary thing for me about breaking routines and now i'm not as weird because if i'm missing a day or two like i'm feeling like the stress of like okay holy shit like i'm up like i took like four rest days like it's kind of bad again you know yeah as long as i have like that feeling going mentally i feel okay with like taking a day or two i was like okay you know four days bring down
Starting point is 00:07:34 the overall fatigue whatever fuck it like i can invent like you know rest reasons for it as long as the routine or the the drive to keep on the uh disciplined as I'm breaking. Yeah. That's a good way to look at it as well. That like, um, I, I think that I know me, Woody and Taylor on this push, pull leg rest routine and we don't stop it really. You know,
Starting point is 00:07:53 it's, it's like a lifestyle really now. And it can, it can be easy to feel bad if you, if you miss a day or two. Yeah. You feel guilty. That's like the lifestyle thing is really rough because sometimes I,
Starting point is 00:08:04 because it really is a lifestyle thing because like i'll be like my you know my wife want to do something or like some friends i want to do some shit like oh do you want to go and eat and it's like you know i don't know if i really need like 2 000 fucking calories of bread and all this fucking shit that's gonna make me feel like shit the next day or do you want to do like i have to work out friday night like if you want to like hook up or do something different like we can do it saturday or thursday but you're not gonna fuck my gym night up okay i'm not gonna miss that and that type of like building your life around stuff gets a little bit weird sometimes i don't know if you feel like
Starting point is 00:08:31 i'm like pretty strict with like my diet now and it's like i don't want to go out to eat breakfast because i know it's gonna be like 1500 calories of like trash food or i can have like my oatmeal and a banana and like a thing like that that yeah i build that all in i don't know how you guys deal with that i uh i found restaurants um I even watched a series of YouTube videos where this guy is like, here's the stuff that you can eat at Taco Bell. If you only had Taco Bell and you needed to eat lunch,
Starting point is 00:08:55 keep in mind... You can drive by, lean your head out, and smell. Your heart's content as you drive by. The guy's like a big ripped bodybuilder type guy with 10% body fat. He's like, you're on a road trip and all there is a Taco Bell. Let's see what we can do. And like he goes in and finds like what you can eat a Taco Bell.
Starting point is 00:09:11 That's not going to ruin your like macros and your diet. A good video for that guy would be like, let's see what we can do. And he's like, when you look like me, you can walk in and demand a rice bowl. And they will give you a grilled chicken. No, make it. I didn't ask if you had them. I know you don't have them. I want you a grilled chicken. No, make it. I didn't ask if you had them. I know you don't have them. I want you to make one.
Starting point is 00:09:28 It's possible, but I don't have the discipline. If I'm around a bunch of people that are going to be eating shit like that, I can't fucking order like, oh, here's my rice and a piece of grilled chicken, please, with no sauce. I don't have the discipline for it. If I'm around a bunch of people that are eating like shit, I'll be like, all right, fuck it. Tonight will be our night of breaking our diet and everything. It's just fucking, yeah yeah it's really hard like once in the last year and i can still remember the evening because like i really when i go out to
Starting point is 00:09:51 eat i always have grand plans of like getting grilled chicken it always falls apart when i see what everybody else is but one time i like stuck with it and i went out it was me and my wife and a couple friend of ours and they got like chicken wings, pizza, a burger. And I got like a piece of grilled chicken with roasted broccoli. And like, it was a real feeling of depression when I saw the tray come out and I saw like all that tasty food. And then what I was going to be eating on it. And it like,
Starting point is 00:10:18 it was a real like feeling of like being bummed out. Like I'm at the party and everyone's party and eating pizza and wings and look at retard here who got all his fun calories in over the past eight years in the darkness chicken yeah i had my fun in the dark in front of lit by a refrigerator light bulb now there's got to be like a mike tyson and muhammad ali quote it's like the the strongest of diets only survives first contact with the fucking menu because as soon as you start seeing shit yeah oh god yeah not good it's impossible you can absolutely train yourself like like i'll get a little sick to my stomach if i look at like really gross food i don't mean gross food i mean like if i look at like hot wings and like blue cheese dressing thinking about it right
Starting point is 00:10:59 now makes me a little sick to my stomach like like all that all that grease and fat and i'm thinking about like how many calories that is that could have been anything else in calories and i'm also thinking about like i don't i don't know if you ever done like a serious weight cut but like i might this the thing that i did a year or two ago like like took three months to like go from from roughly 215 220 down to 185 or 182 it was awful it was not fun like cutting the calories every week lower and lower and also adding more and more calories or more and more cardio like sliding those two bars up and down simultaneously like it's not fun and and like doing that cardio is not fun so you start thinking about how many steps a calorie really is. And it's like, shit, got to slow down with these calories. Dude, I just need three more weeks of really good dedication
Starting point is 00:11:51 because I've been in gene limbo for like five months now. I can't fit in. I've said it before, like for Destiny's benefit, like if you look in my closet, it looks like four men live in my house based on the amount of weight i've gained and lost over my adult life and like i'm i'm my 36 is jeans they're too big for me now that's a good place to be i'm feeling good about that 34s they're painted on oh so i'm so i'm in the struggle bus there i've been wearing a lot of sweatpants recently and so i just need to forge ahead until i get back into
Starting point is 00:12:23 the 34 zone and that's where i start to feel good. 32 is unreachable. I'm tired of buying skydrakes. 34 is where I want to be. First of all, nothing is unreachable. I can do all things through skydrakes. 32 is pretty much unreachable for me. My bones are that big.
Starting point is 00:12:40 That's a thing, right? Bone structure is a thing. You can't let that fuck with you. The numbers are all arbitrary anyway. I have birthing hips. Yes. I've got a little bitty waist that just the bones just go down that much. But, like, you know, it's a fucking struggle bus all the time with that shit, man. I'm right in the middle of bulking, and I'm eating so many calories.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I'm sick right now like sick to my stomach like like i feel if i if you were like kyle give you 500 to vomit right now all right where you want it that's why you're grossed out by wings right now it's not because the thought of wings repulses you it's because you've eaten yourself into damn near vomiting from trying to yeah yeah i was in the middle of bulking right now. I am in the middle of an unsuccessful cut. I am cutting four or five days a week. That's an incredibly successful cut. That's exactly how you want to do it.
Starting point is 00:13:33 No, it is. Well, it's going to depend on what day six and seven look like, right? You can ruin your whole week in one day. If you're doing a 400-calorie cut a day, and day six and seven are cheat days, you're probably not losing any weight. I'm sorry to cut you off. I want to say this, though. I am always on the cutting edge of my cut.
Starting point is 00:13:53 I am one nature's valley granola bar away from failure. And ruining the carpet. What's that? And ruining the carpet. Those things fall apart. You mess everywhere. When I do a weight cut, it's not cutting 400 or 500 a day. It's cutting 100 a day.
Starting point is 00:14:09 It's like cutting 100 calories off a day and adding 20 minutes of cardio. And then those numbers move up over the course of weeks and weeks and months. You don't notice 100 gone. But then when 200 are gone and 300 are gone, you're like, fuck. I kind of miss that extra rice every day because that's where it comes from you just pull carbs and the protein and fats the same or more or less i'll just get down on myself when i'm dieting like and i like it's funny what destiny is saying with the lifting thing we're like i've been doing that for so long like if i
Starting point is 00:14:38 miss a little bit of lift like when i accidentally stabbed myself in the arm on that package and i had to miss a few weeks like i was bummed but it's like no part of me is fearful of not getting back in the gym it's my favorite hobby i know i will diet on the other hand like if i string together any success and then i like order a pizza and i wolf the whole pizza down then i'm like well sell the farm it's all over you fucked up again you fat piece of shit and like i get in my head and I start insulting myself. And then I'm like, well, you may as well just eat a burger, you piece of shit. I don't know. It's because I've grown up.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Like maybe I didn't get sex shamed enough or whatever. But I have never, ever, ever been able to relate to guys that talk about like post-fap. Like, oh, what did I look at? I feel so bad about what I jerked off. I've never had that feeling. I don't care what I jerk off. I turn it off. I'm done afterwards.
Starting point is 00:15:23 But if it's anything like the post-meal i can empathize because yeah you'll be like i'm so like oh god and until you're like really trying to like once or maybe just for me like i don't think i've ever really known what it's like to be hungry i think before you get into working out like they're different like you get hungry you want to eat or whatever when you're like trying to lose weight and you're like working out like that hunger is a different type of feeling and there are times like oh god like i'm just gonna eat a thing and then you just feel like a fucking loser like why could i just not it's so temporary the the the joy that you get from eating whatever shit you do and it's like yeah geez but but then you go right back to that bowl
Starting point is 00:15:57 or that box or whatever's there because it's so good and i'm ruining my diet on the dumbest shit i'll eat a whole box of extra toasty cheez-its oh no yeah just because i want to your household has to be on board with your diet too like if i'm dating like i tell like my wife like you put this shit in the house i'm gonna fucking eat it you have to not have it in here yeah oh around me it's a fucking effort no no it absolutely is the worst i ever do if you ever date anybody or be with anybody that bakes you're destroyed your life is over my kid's mom is like that she bakes the best she always has like cookies or peanut butter balls or whatever fucking brownies or whatever it's like anytime i walk by
Starting point is 00:16:35 it's like an extra like quarter pound that i'm gonna eat worth of shit and i can't help myself yeah it's all butter i would that would legitimately like we were talking a few weeks ago about like hey what's the last time you actually got angry like like you legitimately like we were talking a few weeks ago about like hey what's the last time you actually got angry like like you know like not at like a video game that like i died or like or something trivial i bumped my toe i ordered a burrito off of doordash from chipotle and it was wrapped so poorly it fell apart when i opened it and i almost cried oh that's not angry it was angry and sad that's just right this was i had built my day on this pillar of happiness this was like right in the beginning of when me and my wife started dating and like we
Starting point is 00:17:14 we actually we got it ordered it was like four years ago and like i opened mine up and it was just a pile of shit not even all inside the tortilla and i had i threw the most we were like hung over something i threw the most bitch fit like i'm not even eating this i wanted a burrito not a burrito and like she was like calm down and i was like i know what i ordered i didn't actually scream but i got yeah that was last time i got really angry was that burrito kerfuffle i think the worst feeling is probably for me it's if you ever get any type of fast food and you get home and you have like a say like chicken nuggets or something or something like that and they like forget like a sauce and you're like oh no that's dry these are horrible the sauce is the redeeming
Starting point is 00:17:54 thing i got a sauce drawer you don't have a sauce drawer in your house where you dump all this extra honey i don't have a sauce drawer but i do have a straw drawer because i'm tired of people forgetting my fucking straws i don't know what it is but i can't drink soda with ice and shit out of a paper cup it just feels fucking horrible you're completely right the cup isn't stable enough right yeah they're like getting in your face and i feel like an autistic child like trying to fucking gargle my fucking soda like a moron it's getting all over i gotta go into the bathtub just anytime i want to get a drink of coke because i know i'm gonna make a fucking mess like yeah when you have facial hair there's always that remnant mustache from the ice that touches that the straw is mess. When you have facial hair, there's always that remnant in the mustache from the ice
Starting point is 00:18:26 that touches there. This is just better if you have a beard, for sure. For everyone, it's better. You guys have very similar beards. I'm looking at them. I think that if I used Photoshop to swap them, no one would notice. I mean, people tell us that all the time. We look exactly alike. We're the same weight.
Starting point is 00:18:42 yeah we're the same weight yeah no the beard is like so clutch for an overweight man it's a facial contouring for guys right right like for men yeah women get to do makeup they get to give themselves cheeks they get to accentuate
Starting point is 00:19:01 their lips like whatever it is that makeup does for women it makes them look better. It clearly does. Ever see a woman with no makeup? It's like, baby, are you sick? No. Woody. Clearly, neither of you have ever seen a woman without makeup. I've seen plenty of women without makeup, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I can tell you have. They look like baby possums. They're all pink and squinty-eyed. It's like, your eyes were bigger yesterday. Like, yeah, I'd draw-eyed. It's like, your eyes were bigger yesterday. Like, yeah, I draw them on. Right, right, yeah. Baby, did your eyelashes fall off?
Starting point is 00:19:30 No, these are my actual eyelashes. Yes, here they are. Oh, man. But for guys, we have beards. The beards get like any double chin you have, one chin again. Your whole face is just sort of drawn into what it should be. Yeah. I saw one of those crazy makeup videos on Reddit and the girl turned herself. I didn't know what she was going to turn her into herself into.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I just started watching this little Asian girl go to work. And by the time she was done, she was Jack Sparrow. And it wasn't even like, oh, that's kind of Jack Sparrow. It was like, is that Johnny Depp on the set of fucking Pirates? She did such a good job. It wasn't even a question as to whether that is Jack Sparrow or not. It was like, oh, my God. Yeah, that's pretty much.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Yeah. I like that this podcast. Don't worry about being 35. I like that we're pro-man on the podcast. There's not enough pro-man vibe in the world. There's not enough pro-man content. I have to be careful. I'm trying to be super pro-woman right now because I've turned my audience into incels
Starting point is 00:20:34 because women are so hateable, man, and I've spent way too much time spending way too much time dating or marrying to... I would say my wife is pretty attractive. Being around attractive women will make you hate women. That's because you've never seen her without makeup. Being around attractive women will make you hate women more than any other thing in your life.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Listening to her and her friend. She had a friend over the other day. She was talking about, oh, there's a lot of concerts that happen down here in Miami, blah, blah, blah. She's like, oh, yeah, I know, but I never think ahead of time. Get tickets or whatever. She's like, oh, what do you mean? Buying tickets or whatever. She's like, oh, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Like, look at this. And she goes to this whole thing about how like anytime there's a concert she wants to go to, she changes her Tinder profile to be like, oh, anybody going to XYZ and want to take me? And she always gets like free things to concerts, always has guys houses she can sleep over for. I remember her and Melina went out to go to dinner once. And she's like, wow, this place is like $100 a person, isn't she?
Starting point is 00:21:23 And she's like, yeah. And she's like, hold on, give me a second. Let me find some guys to like take us or whatever what the fuck are you guys jesus christ yeah yeah the wife i'm glad that's the avenue like that i knew that that's the avenue you were going to take for why you know being around hot women makes you hate women because it's the same feeling that people get around not being around but observing the one percent like seeing people who have privilege that they don't have for no good reason. It's like, hey, I would like those privileges.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I don't know, make $100 million then. Hey, I'd like those privileges too. Grow some titties. Yeah, I was going to say that it's so funny because it's like I live like the, either the stereotype or the reverse stereotype when I see it. When I was like doing carpet cleaning, working class, losing my house, my life sucked. I was very conservative, very libertarian. Like, I'm just going to keep working and working.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I can pull myself. I can do anything. I got to work, work, work, work, work, work. And then when I got I would say I'm relatively wealthy, upper middle class, whatever. Now, now I'm like, damn, life is bullshit for working class people. Like, I can speed around. I haven't registered my car in four years. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:22:23 If I get caught with anything, I just do whatever the fuck. I'm driving around Nebraska plate still in fucking Miami four years because I don't give a fuck. If I get caught with anything, I just pay my way out of there. I do whatever the fuck. I'm driving around Nebraska Plate still in fucking Miami. I don't give a fuck about anything. I can either buy my way out of anything or pay somebody to do something for me for anything. And it's like you live a totally different world. It's a totally different lived experience. Like the little fines that are meant to keep the lower class in line.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Those are just the price of admission. Yeah, basically. And we're not talking about actually being wealthy we're talking about like okay i'm i mean looking at the other day what the average rent like the mean rent in the united states is two thousand dollars a month right now yours to qualify you need to be three you need to make three times that per month so you need to make seventy two thousand dollars per year the average income is around 5050,000. Okay? So something there doesn't add up.
Starting point is 00:23:11 So we're not talking about an absurd amount of money to get out of the little speed bump. The rat race. If you're making $170,000 a year, which isn't like bonkers, oh my God, your family doesn't have to work anymore money. It's like, hey, he's the manager over there, huh? Kind of money. Yeah, you don't really care about registering your your play oh if you make a hundred let me jump in if you make 170 grand a year and then you get a 250 dollar fine the thought is like the fuck i have to use do i even have a stamp like i have to write a check and mail my time is valuable you know like it's not oh my god, $250. It's the bullshittery of having to deal with it. If you get a notice about owing on your taxes,
Starting point is 00:23:48 it's like, those fucking bastards. It's not like, my home, my life. I've got a good example. That doctor's appointment I went to the other day. I self-pay, and I needed to get a new updated physical exam for my TRT stuff. I'm getting new blood work done, and I also need a new physical to go along with it.
Starting point is 00:24:07 And it's just a sports physical. It's that checklist you guys got for sports growing up. No hernias and blood pressure, ears and eyes. That's literally it. Always just on a prostate check. Nah, this woman had fat fingers. Don't threaten me with a good time. I only go to fat-fingered male doctors.
Starting point is 00:24:29 You don't like the guy in Milwaukee who won the arm wrestling competition? Just that guy. That guy. That guy. I think you're clean. I'm like, keep checking. He's like, I don't think you need this four times a week.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I can actually see in there. It's fine. You're clean. It's like a bay window now. Like a porthole. No, it's like $120 to show up. And I'm like, like yeah that sounds fine uh i was also getting a prescription done but then like i got home and i got an email that said okay you paid
Starting point is 00:25:12 the 120 and keep in mind i stopped by a cashier on my way out and they didn't and they're like oh you're good to go they charged me another 226 for some for like what they called a physical it was some sort of like they called it something. I don't remember what they called it. I call up and I'm like, well, first of all, let me just say, $226 extra dollars didn't ruin my day. But I can imagine, what if I didn't have $226 fucking dollars
Starting point is 00:25:36 and they just threw that on there unexpectedly? That could ruin someone's whole... If I had children to feed, or if gasoline's almost $5 a gallon here, Jesus Christ, that would really ruin someone's fucking week or month. That could throw someone into an absolute crying on the floor, what am I going to do kind of situation.
Starting point is 00:25:57 For sure. You'd be fucking destitute for some people if that happens. Did you see that thing the other day where the lady cried at her doctor's appointment and then the doctor charged her like 60 for some sort of like emotional well-being check oh i saw that i'm willing to bet that for those tracks because i know that sometimes people get a little crazy online not to be a buzzkill but there must have been something different like either a specialist that comes in or some sort of it can't literally just be the doctor listening to you cry there There has to be something else, I would imagine.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Maybe she was really bitching his ear off. I'll say this. If your doctor likes you, they won't check boxes. See, in my case, I didn't see the doctor I normally see. I saw his daughter. And I think that she didn't have a personal relationship with me, which is why she charged me for that. Not yet. 226 extra.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Not yet. But her father is always like the opposite he's like oh well that's it nothing well that's man she'll charge like the minimum the 50 or whatever to show up like like that's his bag he's already got his retirement he's 70 something years old just in there for the lulls she's grinding away trying to squeeze some extra money out of me into that clinic. You know who has their retirement? The orthopedic surgeon, the Woodworth C. Oh, you're goddamn
Starting point is 00:27:10 right. We were putting his kids through college at this point. I mean, your insurance provider. Those guys make so much money. Yeah, it seems like me too. Oh, goddamn. Imagine any surgeon's probably doing decently if you're... I'm sure. I didn't know how well dermatologists did until I looked that up as far as the hardest one to get into
Starting point is 00:27:28 i didn't know it was so hard but as far as specialties go like dermatologists make a shitload and it's like as far as the actual procedures they're doing not nearly as invasive as most shit so that would but also you have to like probably a lot of medical school it's so you have to go mostly just skin skin yeah it's not like being a dentist i don't know i i don't understand why i'm not saying it's wrong that it is but like why is dermatology so tough it seems like it's right there with like what's foot doctor pediatrics podiatrist podiatrist yeah thank you like like wait why do we think it's tough? I read it. It's on the internet, Destiny. Don't question it.
Starting point is 00:28:08 It's definitely true. Is it like a really high volume service? Because everybody at some point in their life is going to get a skin issue, right? I think it's probably because it's so varied, right? There's a big variety of things that a dermatologist would do. Everything from an oncologist who's looking for different kinds of skin cancer, like a thing that i had on my eye or whatever and then you've got some guys just trying to make girls pretty and then you've got plastic surgeons who are giving people facelifts they're probably dermatologists too right if they're doing that no plastic surgeons are just surgeons they're just surgeons
Starting point is 00:28:36 yeah okay no plastic surgery is one of the toughest as well although this website i'm looking at does oh i just say they're not dermatologists yeah i was i guess it's dumb of me to equate someone who operates on skin with someone who specializes in skin. Well, I wasn't going to draw attention to it. Well, thank you. Thank you for not calling me. You really embarrassed me there. The formatting sucks,
Starting point is 00:28:57 but that's an ordered list of the most competitive medical specialties. Number one, plastic surgery. Number two, dermatology. Number three, neurosurgery. What? Number four, ENT, ortho, interventional radiology, radiation, oncology,
Starting point is 00:29:15 vascular surgery, general surgeon, med pets. My guess is going to be that these probably aren't ranked from hardest to easiest. It probably is a big supply-demand thing. I bet that in terms of surgeons, plastic surgery is probably a massively supply demand thing so like i bet that like in terms of surgeons plastic surgery is probably a massively in demand thing it's like the amount of procedures and everything expands and people want these types of doctors that's probably and
Starting point is 00:29:32 then dermatology also because like dermatologists they probably get a lot of like customers over and over again because like skin conditions come and go and everything and then like everybody like tons of people can see dermatologists for hair problems for eczema for all sorts of shit that'd be my guess and a lot of like i mean it's the same way like you can use it to so a lot of the way these doctors make revenue is by turn so like the number of people they can see on a given day so like a plastic surgeon isn't going to be able to see a total of people as high as a dentist i know a dentist in the same doctor but like a dentist makes money by getting as many people in and out a day as possible a dermatologist because their procedures are so quick i imagine they operate on like a
Starting point is 00:30:08 volume thing as well where they're trying to get you know a shit ton of small procedures in that each kind of rake in a decent amount but yeah maybe i don't know i did see i was over on uh we were talking about the money thing and i was on your twitter earlier destiny looking seeing what you were up to i saw you treated something about, you said millennials need to learn how to- Fucking millennials, yeah. Making 250 a year plus, 50% of us are living paycheck to paycheck.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Are you guys fucking serious? See, it literally says that 55.4% of millennials making a quarter million dollars a year or more report living paycheck to paycheck. I can't imagine that being true. How? What are you buying? Like, I don't get that.
Starting point is 00:30:57 They're buying two cars, and each one is $1,200 a month. I don't feel bad for people who make a quarter million a year living paycheck to paycheck. And then they're paying $3,500 a month of rent. And all of a sudden, it's like, wait a minute, $6,500 of my money just disappears every month. That still doesn't get you very far into, into wasting a quarter mil though, does it? A lot of people. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:31:16 You can. All right, let's, let's start. First of all, remember that a quarter mil is like 150 grand take home, something like that. Only if you pay taxes. Yeah. That's a lot of taxes a hundred thousand disappearing at 250 000 is that including like health care and everything as well in your paycheck or i'm not wrong a hundred grand out of 250 grand that sounds about
Starting point is 00:31:36 right to me jeez and um like 40 maybe in california or uh is it 40 i well anyway it's a lot let's use let's use 150 as the operating amount though yeah i don't think it's too far off like we have 150 social security taxes that take a lot of that they go for a bunch of that zach says 168k is a better number 150 is an easier number to use so okay yeah think about that three grand a week you know you can spend that and so i used to do people's taxes and um the amount of money that they saved and the amount of money that they earned weren't as tightly related as you'd think like i remember bill clinton raised income taxes on the top percentage of people and like we had a heart surgeon who was thinking about selling his second beach house it's like you have two summer homes what'd you say i said that's heartbreaking yeah it's heartbreaking and we had a school teacher who made 30 grand a year they make 36 now
Starting point is 00:32:36 way up since then and uh uh she was worth three million dollars she lived a very poor lifestyle but like so someone do who's good at math do this 152 weeks a year yeah 150 grand about three grand a week right yeah how the fuck do you spend three grand a week because not all of that is just going out to eat and immediately like perishable food items like if they go bananas and get a Tesla, that's like, that's a one year expenditure. Like on, for like the,
Starting point is 00:33:10 I mean, even a Tesla would be pretty with the, aren't the, aren't the model S is like 80 K or something or a hundred K. How much are they? I have no idea. I just, I, I,
Starting point is 00:33:17 I refuse to believe that someone can make one 50 a year and be living paycheck to paycheck. I'm going to be totally honest with you as a really wealthy person. The people that I hate the most in society are middle class people and when i was a working class person the people that i hate the most in society were middle class people because middle class people they they they want to have the status of being upper class but they constantly act like they're fucking working class so like i'll hear people say shit like there's like oh like i'm living paycheck to paycheck blah blah it's like what does paycheck to paycheck mean to
Starting point is 00:33:42 you it means that when i get home with my family after a two-week vacation at disney world i'm having trouble making like the third car payment for my second child it's like are you fucking serious like what do you mean you're living like even if we do that post-tax using three thousand dollars a week holy shit like i remember like twenty five hundred dollars a month doing like carpet cleaning it's like how the fuck do you guys blow so much goddamn money on like crazy i don't want to pull the avocado toast means but like budget your shit that's insane there's so much money that's being like wasted on stuff i shouldn't say wasted but like at the very least like acknowledge that you have a spending problem you're making that much money and you're actually struggling short like any like major health issues
Starting point is 00:34:17 or you know some other like huge circumstance uh yeah i will say that if you've got any sort of like one of those really shitty health care situations, like a kid who needs whatever kind of medicine and it gets ridiculously expensive, like that can just suck all the wind out of it. Health care is a whole different animal. Yeah. Yeah. A millionaire, like someone who's worth three million dollars can go bankrupt in a couple of years because someone they love got cancer. Absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Yeah. That's totally different i remember when i um my kid's mom had stage four non-hodgkin's lymphoma and we were still like we hadn't like officially separated because all the paperwork or whatever bullshit um but because we hadn't officially separated i was still filing taxes head of household everything and for purposes of medicaid and everything we were still considered like joint income she didn't qualify for any of that shit i didn't have health insurance i was a fucking streamer i remember i had to buy one of her medications one time i went to a pharmacy for two pills to take home it was a thousand dollars like the next day we filed the paperwork for like i can't pay for this we're gonna go fucking
Starting point is 00:35:15 bankrupt like i was only making like i think i made like 115 000 that year which was way better than i made before but not enough to pay for like fucking that that for 500 pills yeah no fucking way yeah that shit was insane fuck i yeah i have a lot of sympathy for um how tempted are you at that point to be like can i look at those before i pay them i want to make sure those are the two pills that i needed today and then just run just run bring her with you and be like take it or you do or you do that the poor person shampoo that you take them home and you crush was like okay we're gonna mix these with water okay this is gonna be four treatments instead of two okay i'm gonna dilute it a little bit all right lick the pill and then
Starting point is 00:35:55 you put it back in the bottle just get better a little at a time with your little licks no that shit's absurd like you can't hold people you can't hold people to task for losing their money because of medical stuff because we have a fucked up system and there's nothing to be done on their behalf about it but like if let's picture a 30 someone like me 31 years old making 150 after taxes let's say i'm even in new york what am i doing to spend that much money that's fucking well you i will, if you're not careful, because my thought process was, when I jumped from nothing to streaming,
Starting point is 00:36:32 the first year of streaming, because it was just crazy, I think I made about $100,000. And my thought was, I was getting about $7,000 or $8,000 a month in terms of raw income, because I was a 1099 employee. I wasn't paying taxes or whatever. And I had the same problem. I was like, I'm getting $8,000 a month in terms of like raw income because i was a 1099 employee i wasn't paying taxes or whatever and i had the same problem like i'm getting eight thousand dollars a month it is impossible for me to spend this much money i went from making twenty five hundred eight thousand yeah that shit was fucking 100 gone i didn't save any tax or anything i don't know how but if you're not careful money can slide through your fingers like nothing like until
Starting point is 00:37:00 you're making at least like five or six hundred or $600,000 a year, like $100,000, $200,000, $300,000 a year, you can lose that. If you order out every single day, that's easily like $1,000 to $3,000 a month that's gone depending on how much shit you sell. Yeah, people on that Uber Eats and that DoorDash grind will lose a fuck ton of money. I've always considered people who have like $1,000,000 or $2,000,000 to be in the danger zone, right? Of being stupid as fuck, yeah. You're a millionaire or multimillionaire, but dude, you can lose it. You just fucking buy all the stuff you want
Starting point is 00:37:29 because now you're a millionaire and that shit will go away. If you have 5 million, then all of a sudden your returns are getting you like 400 grand a year. You can be a little stupid. But if you have 1 million, you can lose it. You can easily spend more than your stock market gains and ruin your principal.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Especially when people are taking on more monthly payments, too. Instead of just making dumb purchases, they make dumb purchases. They have to start paying every month. Yeah, you can slide into oblivion very quickly doing dumb shit like that. Is it distracting to anyone else how much Destiny's background looks like the Italian flag? Yeah. Shut the fuck up. Yeah, my stream says it all the time. What do you want to do like it's got to be by design right
Starting point is 00:38:08 i just picked random colors they look nice okay you're probably i'll change one of them okay the problem is is that like in europe you guys don't have real flags okay we have awesome flags in asia and in the united states our flag is awesome in europe their flags there's three fucking colors on 99% of them, or they copied the fucking stripe shit, and they do that. Whatever three colors I pick in my background, it's going to be some fucking flag. I think I went through six different things one day, and I learned about all the boring fucking flags
Starting point is 00:38:34 of Europe. I was like, okay, well, fuck it. I'm keeping these colors. I'm a little biased here. Is the United States flag the best flag in the world? When you look at how boring all of the stripe flags for Europe are, the United States flag is pretty cool. I think right off the bat, we eliminate every flag that's
Starting point is 00:38:49 nothing but two to three stripes and every flag that's just an intersecting line with four different colors. Cut those out. All the Nordic countries gone. Japan stays because... Japan's okay, yeah. I don't know if you're aware of this. I saw it on Reddit. Come on. Japan redesigned their flag in like that... I don't know like at some point in the last century
Starting point is 00:39:09 they redesigned it they just changed it to a slightly different shade of red that was it it's still the fucking same size dot in the middle of a white field but i do like the original i don't know there's something understated about that i like the japanese flag you like the japanese one australia's flag is about being a bitch like like you've still got like some stuff from the last country right from england on there i know their money i know them and canada both have like the queen's money on the or the queen's face and their money uh canada's flag very cool i like the i like the maple leaf thing i think that's uh i don't know i like like their flag they did their own thing yeah you know what i like i like mexico's flag with the because it's like it's like italy's except they had they had a little
Starting point is 00:39:49 spice into it they throw the eagle in the middle i like not just an eagle an eagle fucking up a snake that's good is it is poland is it poland romaine one of those countries has like a dragon oh it's um isn't it where valentina shepchenko's is it poland no i don't know but whatever the dragon country is yeah not poland poland is like two colors right stupid yeah and the romanian one is boring too yeah um most of the flags fucking suck like oh that's the flag you're talking about which one is that well okay well then welsh i like the welsh flag a lot and i like the way the dragon is like they're holding to that like bad middle ages art yeah and you know what stick stick bare guns and the dragon's like deuces and he's just like like where's he going what's he up to yeah i like that
Starting point is 00:40:38 one more if you're there as a foreigner you're like if you say the wrong thing there's like there's not a zero percent chance that you might get fucking guillotined you know maybe it's possible it's not maybe they play for key about zero percent chance yeah i think there are a tier list of best flags i'm sure somewhere just as a quick thing i looked up the income tax things i was curious what what he said it seems like in most places with um with a normal income tax you do pay about a hundred thousand on two hundred fifty thousand dollars so good job yeah This is one of the things I know about. Yeah, Woody is an accountant over there. He's from a...
Starting point is 00:41:10 I used to be an accountant, a junior one. I have an accounting degree. I'm capable of estimating these things roughly. How old were you when you started in the accounting firm? 19. Okay, there we go. He's up to date on the cutting edge. It actually hasn't changed a ton.
Starting point is 00:41:27 It's not that hard to keep track of the changes. And I'm sure you have. I think the states that have zero income tax, I think people underestimate how valuable that is, especially if you have a business. Oh, I don't. I just moved from California to fucking Florida. Basically, I just think of how much is free here now if i just ignore the fact that i would have been paying however much
Starting point is 00:41:48 state income tax in california that i would be here is like insane yeah yeah i've never thought about it until taylor brought it up not too long ago that sports teams that exist in those states have a huge advantage because like if you're right if you're now don't get me wrong if you're if you're some little team from florida and the Yankees want to – they can outspend you. But if you're neck and neck with somebody else, if they can afford to give you $1.5 million and you can – and in Florida they can only give you $1.3 million,
Starting point is 00:42:18 it's like when you do the math, it's like not having to pay that state income tax. It's probably coming close. You know what I mean? They can outbid people just because of that. That that's why tampa has such a tampa has such a world beater team because and like unlike baseball the montreal canadians can't pay any more than the tampa bay lightning and so tampa's like hey stamkos we'll give you eight million dollars a year and he's like wow that's like eight million dollars a year and montreal's like we'll give you 10 he's like wow that's like six million dollars a year and then he goes to florida and so these florida sports teams are
Starting point is 00:42:49 going to keep getting better i think disproportionately where are the other places that do that tennessee and florida are the ones obviously i'm here in georgia so texas right right tennessee has no state income tax as far as i know yeah i did not know that florida doesn't washington doesn't um i think delaware doesn't am i right about te. Florida doesn't. Washington doesn't. I think Delaware doesn't. Am I right about Texas? Yeah, you're right. I think there's one or two more states. Delaware?
Starting point is 00:43:13 Vegas might not. Nevada, I think. I don't know about that. I always assume they taxed a lot over there. A lot of times, states that have a huge tourism industry just tax the tourists. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Makes sense. It's smart. It helps you win elections. Yeah. Helps you win hockey games. Helps you win all sorts of things. Way more important than your stupid politics shit is the Stanley Cup.
Starting point is 00:43:44 I wouldn't mind it. Just as a slight stupid politics shit is Stanley Cup. I'm going to talk politics with destiny. Just as a slight boring political topic, I wouldn't mind the high tax states because a lot of people make fun of me like, oh, you're a big liberal and you moved from California to fucking Florida. I did go to the low tax place, which I did and taxed for a big fucking reason about it.
Starting point is 00:44:00 I wouldn't care as much if I felt like I got something for my taxes. Like, not to i was gonna make sure my wife's not listening because i fucking hate making any concessions to her ever as a fucking great husband behavior never admit you're wrong go to the master with everything stigma man what would i ever admit yeah i'm never admitting okay you must have that feeling where it's like if i'm among other americans i will shit on this country relentlessly because there's so many horrible fucking things that go on here but as soon as the european shows up i am the most patriotic fucking braveheart mel gibson motherfucker
Starting point is 00:44:32 back-to-back world war champs like undefeated super bowl world like baseball whatever yeah fuck that shit that's why i could never stand pierce morgan it's like you're making good points but fuck you yeah yeah go back to your country. Fuck you. If I'm in like, if I had like, if, if, if LA or these really high tax areas were like European cities where they're like pretty clean, the roads are really well taken care of. They've got awesome buses, public transit, fucking everywhere. It's like, okay, yeah, fuck it. I'll pay the taxes. I spent some time up in New York city, especially in a lot of Manhattan. That's a place where it's like, you know what? If I get taxed a lot, that's cool. I have a subway,
Starting point is 00:45:08 the buses work, tons of fucking taxis. It's relatively clean, even though people in New York City say it's dirty, but I don't think they've ever been to Seattle or fucking LA or Miami before. Yeah, I don't think they've ever been there before, or at least for Manhattan. But yeah, in LA, the streets are fucked.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I have a little focus rs i can't pull out of anything without my fucking bumper scraping the ground because everything's so fucked on all the like everything there's so many homeless people everything is disgusting everything's fucking falling apart like what the fuck am i getting for all my money like it just feels like a ripoff you know that drives me crazy yeah getting no tangible benefits for a huge amount of money out of your pocket are you you I saw you've been doing some stuff about like getting into guns or more into guns. I know you've been a gun guy for a long time. Yeah, it's well in California. I couldn't bring I only have like a Glock and a Mosin.
Starting point is 00:45:54 I couldn't bring either to California because they're literal Nazis when it comes to it. But now I live over in Florida. Something I've been doing recently is trap shooting. It's actually so much fun. It's so much fun. I never would have thought that like shooting at a moving target could be infinitely more entertaining than just going to a range of like oh shooting the same thing but yeah so i've got like go away from you or across from left to right or right to left uh super depends you can do i'm gonna fuck this up i think trap shootings where you just you pull and either one or two will fly away from you at the same like trajectory and everything then there's like either skeet shooting or clay shooting or whatever but you can have like different
Starting point is 00:46:25 stations set up that shoot different things in different directions it super depends before the expert speaks I want to go first sorry Kyle if the target goes away from me I can hit it because it's kind of like in the same thing and I can stay aimed at it if the target goes left like across your
Starting point is 00:46:41 horizon that's actually not possible and it's done with magic and visual effects yeah well you can there's a bunch of different things that are all called different names that are about shooting clay targets but trap uh is meant to simulate the old game of having birds in a trap and you got some poor surf down there opening the cage up letting it go and run away from you so those go straight away from you you'll either stand at a stationary station or move from station to station. But the wobble trap is always throwing a target away from you usually in some random angle, but away from you.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Then skeet, same thing. You're moving from station to station, but there's a high tower on your left and a low tower on your right, and they're throwing skeet intersecting, sometimes in singles, sometimes in pairs. And then there's five-stand sporting clays, which is where you go to five different stands, and there are multiple machines, maybe five, six, seven machines,
Starting point is 00:47:28 giving you varied combinations of targets. And then there's sporting clays, which is basically golf but with a shotgun, where you go to about 18 different holes, if you want to call them that, and shoot five to eight targets per hole, and it adds up to roughly 100 shots at the end, and everybody gets scored one through 100. It's the most fun you can have with a gun.
Starting point is 00:47:49 It is a lot of fun. Publicly, I've only done the one where you go stand between the silos and they shoot those out, the towers you were saying. What we generally did on my grandparents' farm is just one of those tires and then you have to hold the shotgun in your left hand
Starting point is 00:48:05 and then you pull the lever and it fires it out kyle when i said the tire you know exactly what i'm talking about like you use a tire as the base for it because it lays more uh more steady are you talking about the one you've got to cock yourself you gotta you gotta crank it back and then you like hold your shotgun your left hand you pull the string with your right hand and then you quickly aim and shoot that's more high class than what i've done mine i've seen so they put the the pigeon which is like a little clay disc in a high lie sort of thing and one guy throws it in the air and the other guy shoots it hopefully don't hit your friends yeah i mean i've only i've done that but like i had most fun with that throwing it with my right hand and shooting it
Starting point is 00:48:43 like and then pulling the gun up and shooting it. That's not possible. It's totally possible. 12-year-old Taylor fucking all day out there on the farm firing that shit up. I loved it. I would do it every time I went to my grandparents as a kid. I'd be like, Grandpa, you have clays? And he'd be like, yeah, I got clays for you.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And then he'd get two big boxes, and I would just run through all of them, missing more than is appropriate. See? It's a little disappointing to miss the clays because you'll see it like you just get a fat miss, and then you see it just go gently. Yes. Just a little crack. I was a little spoiled when I was a kid. We had all those things.
Starting point is 00:49:23 The hand thrower one isn't not necessarily the basic bitch thing we would use it for like trick shots and like learning to hit very difficult angles and stuff um and then there's the big spring-loaded thing that you cock and ours wasn't on a tire dad built this like stand for it that like went into the ground so it was kind of at like chest height so it was easier to cock but then at 16 i kind of got into sporting clays so my dad bought a five standstand sporting clays range. So I had top-of-the-line, like, industrial resort-style machinery that's solar-powered battery.
Starting point is 00:49:52 So everything's on a computerized system that you could work with your phone. And you could pre-program different games. So it would always be different, the combinations that you were fed. And you could go – you could be like go crazy and it'll be like ka-chunk ka-chunk ka-chunk ka-chunk and now they just start every like 0.8 seconds a target gets thrown from somewhere and if you always when for your shooting for stuff like that are you expected to have like um like a like a five or six round internal magazine are you expected to reload really fast or normally for a lot of the stuff i've seen you're supposed to have two shots basically every time right
Starting point is 00:50:28 um well you know yeah two is the most um is the biggest combination you're ever going to shoot when we're like doing it the correct way but if i'm just out there training then i'm like run them and i've got three shotguns sure okay okay yeah and i'll just load them up as many shells as they'll hold you have three oh three double barrels or just three, like three semi-autos, like three semi-autos, like ready to go. And I'm just going as fast as I can. Like if I'm training, like I'm trying to get better, I would shoot two or 300 shot like, like a day every day.
Starting point is 00:50:56 And, um, and then like dove season would come around after months of shooting 300 clays a day. And at the, at we've got the machines going 45 50 miles per hour the even the rabbit which is this skeet that like yeah rolls on its end and hops along the ground like i it they barely would get out of the machine after a while i would hear the cathunk and i would just go and like know where it was going to be and shoot it so you can get really sharp with a sporting clays range but that that's the that's a that's the that's the most fun you can get really sharp with a sporting clays range but that that's the that's a that's the that's the most fun you can have with a gun without animals being involved i think um if you if you ever really want to have a crazy time and and blow some money at the same time it's
Starting point is 00:51:33 texas helicopter hog hunting jesus christ they'll put you they'll they'll find they've got badass pilots who do that shit all the time they'll put you in the side of an r22 helicopter and he'll fly that thing sideways and your door is the leading edge of the helicopter like like like and you're half you're one ass cheeks on the seat one one's off and you're like strapped in leaning out with an ar-15 and he's chasing pigs sideways going 25 30 miles per hour 30 feet off the ground and you're just that that that that that that that that that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that. And you can see the impact. So it's like a video game.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Like, like you don't need to use a site. You can adjust your impacts. That's awesome. What are, uh, when you're shooting clays, uh, what are you using destiny? Do you get a new gun or an old shotgun? Um, I ordered a nice one to go shooting, but I've just spent whatever shotguns I've been renting, um, at whatever places I go to basically. Yeah. Or if i've got a friend that does a couple like i might shoot with them or whatever oh yeah what'd you order what'd you pick out um it's a it's a browning shotgun
Starting point is 00:52:34 i'm embarrassed to say because i had a friend recommend it but it's really it's like a five thousand dollar shotgun so i feel like a fucking loser but don't be embarrassed it's called the i think it's called a synergy trap classic um yeah like that's a good one oh yes yeah i have a friend that shoots professionally he's like because i because i said i went shooting and i really like doing trap shooting and he's like oh well you sure it was trap or skin then he explained every time he's like well yeah and he's like would you want to do different kinds i was like yeah i guess and he said that um different shotguns excel at different types of shooting and he's like if you want a really nice like trap shotgun you're gonna spend like two thousand dollars but like you should have a
Starting point is 00:53:03 different gun for everything or you can get a really good one that you can like swap barrels and shadows like fuck it like link me whatever and it's like yeah i got that that um yeah so i'm excited that should be here in a week or two hopefully so oh yeah that'll be it looks slick yeah it's a nice fucking shotgun it's a really nice shotgun uh i knew a lot of guys that i love over unders they're so cool so cool looking. I didn't click it. Does it have a really high rib on it? I think it does. I think it says high ribbed.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Yeah, that's a trap thing. But I think you can take the barrel off or the ribbing off maybe too. I'll know more when I get it, I guess. Definitely take the barrel off. It's going to come in two pieces, which is one of the cooler things. It'll come in a nice case too with the Browning wheel. Fucking better. Five grand.
Starting point is 00:53:46 These are pretty wild too. But you got a really, really nice shotgun that you could keep for the rest of your life. Yeah, I hope so. If you wanted for some reason to have children, they could have a really nice shotgun too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Those shotguns are little works of art. Kregoff does some wild stuff with their wood. I know that you can get some of their woodwork where they use this petrified forest somewhere in Europe. That's like the forest was like in a swamp for so long that the wood is turned to stone through the petrification process. And they use that wood to do some of their furniture. And it's real funky looking. But that's kind of like a basic bitch Kregoff trap gun. I don't even want to know how much that costs.
Starting point is 00:54:37 They're silly. This one we're looking at now, Kyle. Can you scroll back up, Zach? What is the benefit of that weird-looking long sight? Oh, you're probably talking about the rib and how high it is. Target acquisition more quickly. This is a trap gun. I don't know about competition trap.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I don't know what they do. But when I shot wobble trap, there was a good bit of reaction time because you hear the ka-chunk, and then you have to find the target and get on and shoot and it's it's leaving you you know it's not like a left to right target where the more time you take um it's not going to change the amount of lead it's the amount of lead is going to decrease because the target's slowing down as it goes from left to right this starts leaving you it's getting more and more difficult to hit and that ridge on the top for me easier to faster target acquisition it's getting up and on the target yeah for me that's that's what i would think i don't know something um prior prior to this a couple months ago i'd
Starting point is 00:55:37 never shot uh i just never shot a shotgun before no interest or maybe i had once or twice at maybe an outdoor range but i just never thought about it much. I had the opportunity, I think like a month or two ago, for the first time in my life, I swear I would never be the person to end up on one of the, or I won't because this video will never be released ever or somebody's dying. Have you ever seen the, it's not a pistol grip shotgun, it's something worse.
Starting point is 00:56:00 You know what I'm thinking of? It's like a- The Surboo Super Shorties? They're like this? It's not... No, no, it's not the... It's like a normal-sized shotgun, but the grip is... There's no stock,
Starting point is 00:56:11 and your hand is like down on some bullshit. Just on a pistol grip in the back, it just ends right there. It's not even a pistol grip. It's worse than a pistol grip. Oh, oh, oh. It's... Yeah, yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:56:22 It looks sawed off, almost. Yeah, almost, yeah. I shot one of these, and I had a friend with me, and he was he was telling me it's like this has got a lot of kick to it it's like i'm don't worry i'm good i you know i watch video i shot rifles i you know i got it and i shot some um and i shot some birdshot out of it and it was uh it was a kit i was like damn that like i hurt my wrists a lot yeah and uh yeah one of these type things something and um yeah and then and then he was like hey you should try you should try a slug next and i'm like okay yeah sure if you you say so so i load one in he's like this is gonna really kick
Starting point is 00:56:56 never in my life um the video is amazing it's like if you've ever played like a laggy video game before i pull the trigger to shoot and the gun literally teleports behind me like two feet. And it's just like hovering in the air for a second. I was like, I have no fucking idea. I thought I was about to die. Like, I mean, I only had one shot, but like, holy shit. Yeah. I don't know if people shoot these like for real or if they only put in birdshot or whatever, but Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Yeah. You just got to be ready for it. Yeah, maybe. Or I'm just, yeah, that dude was laughing for like. Next time you'll be, you'll be braced. You'll be ready. No, because there's no be ready for it. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, that dude was laughing. Next time you'll be braced. You'll be ready. No, because there's no way to brace it. Unless you're really like,
Starting point is 00:57:29 I don't know, maybe Kyle could do it, but like, holy fuck. You just got to be a slug out of those things. There's more left hand involved than you think because when it's like that, it wants to do this as much as go back. It's doing this and back. Like you said, it'll leave you.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I've seen it happen. Yeah, you've seen it happen. Yeah. You've seen that video of the the like Arab guys from like 15 years ago shooting the elephant gun where it like they're like there's a guy feeling from like behind the glass behind the guy and like it bang the butt like bangs into the glass. It shoots back so hard. It's like a rocket takes off. And it was like and not one of those guys in that video knew how to shoot that. I think there was one dude at the very end who maybe one guy does it and it was like and he sets it down and he was the only one in that video i remember the video you're talking about there's one dude at the end that could do it but yeah it was but all the rest it was like man you're lucky to be
Starting point is 00:58:18 out of this with your life because those guns are expensive too those big bore rifles. I always felt bad watching that gun bounce around that room. Because you knew the price tag. A lot of times those big bore rifles I hear about crazy prices. It's like, wait, that's a $14,000 elephant gun. Okay, why? Yeah, you can't even kill elephants anymore. Yeah, you can. Well, I think it's frowned upon.
Starting point is 00:58:42 What, they're invincible suddenly? Trust me, they'll die. They'll go down. I mean, you can. Well, I think it's frowned upon. What, they're invincible suddenly? Trust me, they'll die. They'll go down. I mean, you can, but ever since that dentist killed that lion. Yeah, I was going to say, it depends on where your job is, I guess. And you know, we've talked about this before. That dentist was totally right. In the right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Literally, he was like, I want to kill a lion. And a Kenyan was like, we have an other lion that is not allowing the younger males to meet with the lionesses. Can you kill this one for me? And he was like, yeah, sure, that's fine. And so he kills that one, literally allowing the new adolescent males to come in and promulgate the group of lions, the pride. And the fucking park made a bunch of money from it. And the dentist is like, hey, look at me. And everyone's like, you, I'm going to kill gonna kill you you monster you kill that regal animal and like you see a picture of the lion and it's
Starting point is 00:59:30 it's like it looks anorexic like it wasn't like a fit lion we gotta get over this shit with these yeah fucking animals all right like like it's us against them okay like maybe when we're in a perfect utopian some fucking society we can start worrying about the goddamn animals it's us and dogs and that and maybe cats and that's it okay you had me i would i the everybody gets triggered when i do this one but like or if i have this argument when i see people get so mad about like that there was the fucking gorilla um the fucking lion or whatever there's always one question when people get this fucking mad over this shit i always say are you a vegan if you're a vegan you can be mad if you're not a vegan shut the fuck up why the fuck do you care like you're eating like how many
Starting point is 01:00:15 fucking cows pigs whatever the fuck else every fucking day of your life chickens you obviously don't give a fuck down okay cows are very friendly cuddly creatures and you're crying over some random fuck line get the fuck out of here you don't fuck a fuck. Okay, cows are very friendly, cuddly creatures, and you're crying over some random fuck lion. Get the fuck out of here, you dumb fuck. We're random gorilla assholes. If you think lions are nice, you probably don't know any. You don't know any fucking lions, bro. There are many versions of cats, and cats are assholes.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Like, what the fuck? Cats are horrible. If we are going to have an animal war, I'm not participating if cats are on our team. I'm joining the animals against the cats because they are they're mean-spirited they're not kind dogs on the other hand loving wonderful creatures they love you with their whole heart they would if you died in your house and you have a dog that dog would borderline starve to death before he started eating your body a cat would pluck out
Starting point is 01:01:01 your eyes for the fun of it you You'd be exhaling your last breath, and the last thing you would see is a towel approaching your pupil. That would be what a cat would do to you. And so I cannot stand behind cats. Even the friendliest cats I've ever met are like a really pissy, mean dog. The friendliest cats.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. People are like, this cat is so amazing. He's nearly a dog. Yeah, this cat's so great. Really so amazing he's nearly a dog yeah this cat's so great oh really because if there's a dog behaving this way i would think it was the least friendly dog of all time poison it yeah the harambe thing was silly too because it was like oh my god they killed a gorilla what happened like well a six-year-old got in there and the gorilla was potentially going to tear him limb from limb. So they killed him. See, what they should have done is, like, I'm glad they shot the gorilla.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Because those people got sad. And, like, fuck that gorilla. Look, that gorilla's so glad to get shot. He's like, freedom! That was that gorilla's suicide by cop. He's trying to get out of his life as a drink. Why aren't you concerned about why they had a goddamn gorilla in a fucking zoo? But they should have when parents dropped their fucking toddler off in there.
Starting point is 01:02:11 We need better repercussions. I like it when they take kids away from parents. I like that a lot. Give it to the gorilla. You take the child away from the parent, and you put it in an exhibit until it raises enough money to pay for another Harambe. Maybe. We're out of Gorilla.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Now we've got a six-year-old exhibit. First of all, I'm liking it. But my idea was to let the Gorilla raise the child, right? Since the parent clearly is giving the baby to the Gorilla. Let the parent have his way and see if we get Tarzan. Well, I don't think Tarzan was raised by gorillas because he was arboreal in his method of transportation.
Starting point is 01:02:51 And so obviously he wasn't learning that from a ground-faring great ape. I mean, for you to suggest it is laughable. Which of course only populate equatorial Africarica so i don't know where you're coming from dude if i worked at that zoo i would have really pushed for the day after the harambe thing i'd be like guys it'll be funny we'll make signs that say unattended children will be taken to the gorilla exhibit come on come on they're like come on yeah that was that was a ridiculous thing that got a lot of attention for too long i didn didn't care. I didn't care a bit. I don't like a gorilla dying.
Starting point is 01:03:27 It didn't do anything. What I was upset about was that the irresponsibility of the parent had clearly led to the death of the gorilla, and the parent wasn't being punished for that. That's what I cared about. But I didn't care. There must have been some fine or something for the parents, no? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:41 They should have to spend as much time in the gorilla cage as their kids did. They're not allowed in the zoo anymore. They're not allowed to go to I bet gorillas are expensive I bet but you know what they did cost them a gorilla it's true there's no way gorillas are cheap and you know what I bet they didn't even like sell its hands
Starting point is 01:03:56 as ashtrays to make money they just don't think like entrepreneurs like we do they don't have that entrepreneurial mindset where they extract all the veins and sell them at the gift shop. I bet they fucking cremated that bitch with honor. Powdered gorilla penis
Starting point is 01:04:12 to the right customer. It's how I stay young looking. $300 an hour. Not powdered gorilla penis. Gorillas have the littlest penises. That's why it's so valuable. You only get a little. Wouldn't you want like a...
Starting point is 01:04:27 If you were looking for a gorillity thing, you'd want like a powder of a chimp's testes. Have you seen those things? It's like an ostrich egg. That stuff's cheap. You kill one chimp, you got enough for the whole football team. Okay, well, you're making points. My team always snorts.
Starting point is 01:04:47 We always snorted chimp testicles before a big game yeah i i i would rather a chimp have died than a gorilla i definitely like gorillas more than chimps they're friendlier they're bigger they're stronger they have an aura of i'm a gorilla bro like that's you like you you're gonna come at me yeah there are some little dogs that are very aggressive and mean and i'm like what do you have a complex what is this about right whereas oftentimes big dogs are chill and like lazy i've i don't know if this is true or not but the explanation i always hear for that is that you can't have a disobedient big dog because it will fuck everything up. So if you have a big dog,
Starting point is 01:05:27 people have to give it some level of training or else it's going to go fucking crazy. But for small dogs, people treat small dogs the same way they treat disobedient five-year-olds. Where a five-year-old would do something that it's not supposed to, and the parents are like, oh, little Timmy, don't do that.
Starting point is 01:05:39 But you're laughing, and now you're training the kid to be an asshole. And I think people do that same thing with small dogs. Like, oh, that's funny. Every now and then, like a fucking asshole, he just walks in, he bites people's ankles like a possessed fucking demon, you know? And it's cute, but, you know, we tell them, it's like, well, yeah, no shit he's going to do. Housebreaking. You know, like, oh, they do little peepees and little poo-poos.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So you're saying that little dogs are like women and big dogs are like men. If that helps you. That's what Destiny was saying yes because he's anti-wilson because they can get away with whatever they want and everybody was still like oh all the pretty ones only the pretty one would you rather be a guy or a girl girl oh i didn't expect that because then my follow-up question was going to be
Starting point is 01:06:21 what about a hot girl because that's life on easy mode i mean i to be, what about a hot girl? Because that's life on easy mode. I mean, I just assumed I would be a hot girl. What if you're an absolute dog? I didn't think I was going to be like a 6'1", 205-pound woman all of a sudden. I was hoping that wasn't the case. I keep saying the same thing. Everybody is good-looking enough, enough. If you have good hygiene, you might need braces.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Some people need braces. If you're fit, you're good looking. I don't believe there's... Everyone can be a fucking eight and a half or better pretty much. Eight and a half? You've got a really optimistic world. Here's girl Kyle. I think almost i can
Starting point is 01:07:05 beat off to this she's got a crazy i have a man upper lip but yeah i think i think every person like a six or six and a half i think it's six or six and a half no way six or six and a halves are still getting fit i'm saying if you achieve your max if you max out you you're at least an eight i think you're talking about maxing out you mean like getting as physically fit and everything is possible like good clothes i mean physically fit right let's not pretend this is the physique you can only keep for one day or something right but but like if you're a fit good looking version of you right you straightened your teeth you got a good haircut and you got yourself fit you're an eight eights are pretty high woody
Starting point is 01:07:43 i don't know. 20%? What's the rest of the panel thinking here? Kyle Taylor. I think eight's too high. They do a logarithmic scale of some sort. They're like only 2% of the population is an eight. I don't think I could reach an eight. What?
Starting point is 01:07:58 You're totally good. I'm not as good enough looking of a man. My face isn't there. Someone like Kyle. Kyle's a very pretty boy. He can get there he is there but me i don't think so i don't know about all that there's no totally good yeah no peak taylor is i'd fucking oh you fuck me i'd fuck you now sweetie i'd fuck you too man
Starting point is 01:08:20 you know what i like all i'd fuck all of you i hope they upload a nine second highlight to pk i was trying to write a joke the other day about your dented ass and uh for those of you don't know taylor fell off a bunk bed and and he hit his ass cheek so hard on something he has like a permanent dent in the muscle um and but i had joke about, you know how you could buy dented cans? You could buy dented cans at the store for pennies on the dollar. And I was working so hard on it. You're trying to figure out a way. That's where I got.
Starting point is 01:08:54 That's where I got. That's where I got to the dented can thing. Because an ass is a can. It's like a little dish that I keep the lube in and then reapply it. Oh, that Crisco. You ruminate on that over the next week and hit me good with a good ass ass dent thing because it is it's a real deal injury like i know i'm i memed and joke i believe you know my right upper it's not like where you sit your ass muscle it's like
Starting point is 01:09:17 it's like the part of your ass that's so high it's almost that's the part you inject to your it's like for me it's beneath my love handle. So it's not close to the lower sitting part of the ass. But yeah, it is. If I wear like athletic shorts or like sweatpants that are tight, like workout pants, and I turn a certain way in the mirror, you can see a dent in my right upper ass cheek from where the muscle got deformed. And it looks and it's like it's a shame because i've had like one of my few physical things is i've always had a donk i've always had a donk a huge big bubbly ass that i worked hard to attain and maintain and then i get injured and immediately
Starting point is 01:09:56 i'm taken out of the game now i'll never have an ass like i used to it's really disappointing more and i'm i'm only like half joking it's like i'll like get out of the shower and be like that's terrible your ass is just you think there's a left side oh there's absolutely nerve damage if i overwork like my like that's why i had to do such like weird workarounds the past couple years since this happened for like my lower body because like it i would do like back squats this is right after the injury happened I was like all right I just got to power through and rebuild it and what I realized over like a few months of trying that is like the amount of weight it took to stimulate muscle growth was way higher than the amount of weight it took for me to feel a lot of discomfort and pain in my glute area and also like
Starting point is 01:10:41 I know it's nerve pain because it starts up in that upper glute and if i really overexert it there's a stripe about the width of my hand that goes from there down to almost the outer side of my right knee that just gets like numb and tingly sometimes if i like overexert it and so now i have to do like all sorts of weird shit like i do like bulgarian split squats weighted lunges where i do less weight on my right glute than my left like trying to to recover it but i'm i don't know if i'll ever be able to do like heavy back squats again comfortably without worrying which is another another reason i got that um hack squat leg press machine because i was like i'll be comfortable really like well everyone knows hack squats more quad focused but if you get one with a big foot plate you can put your feet at
Starting point is 01:11:23 the top in a wide position and that'll activate your glutes. And so I figured I can like do that with no fear. Like the worst that'll happen is that like my glute gives out or I get a lot of pain and it just slams down into the safeties. And so what's helped me a lot with like activating the glutes through the squat is first of all, doing a barefooted. I just put a towel on my concrete floor and take my shoes off and get barefoot. when I'm barefooted. I just put a towel on my concrete floor and take my shoes off and get barefoot. And then, and like making sure I just imagine myself driving, not just imagine, I drive through my heels, like just doing that alone. It's like, oh, that's so different. I bought that Titan safety squat bar, you know, like two, three months ago. I love it so much. Like I love it so
Starting point is 01:12:02 much. It balances itself. I thought I was going to have to hang on to those handles and keep it in place, but I was like, I'll squat and I'll just make fists in front of me and squat like that, and it balances itself to where it needs to be, just on my back with all that weight. Now, that thing, I will still sometimes use my Titan squat, like the easy squat thing, because it takes the weight and it front loads it and puts it way more on quads than on like glutes and stuff and so i'll do that sometimes but even then like i'm a little skittish about throwing a ton of weight on the bar like i used
Starting point is 01:12:37 to i just don't want to it just doesn't seem worth it and it's if that's kind of where i don't go super heavy my hips hurt if i go my right hip and like like just that one if i i go really deep sometimes and i don't even i wasn't meaning i wasn't meaning like unbelievably position right yeah yeah yeah if i squat from the back i intend to hit the bottom more often yeah yeah i mean nobody likes that well some people do i'm not even talking about like high weights i didn't know. Yeah, some people like it. I can't. It's like, do some people like being hit in the balls? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Wait, do some people like what going? We lost them. Oh. So Woody and I haven't been talking about weights for a while. Kyle said he goes real deep. And I said it depends on the position. I tell you, you can hit the bottom from the back, and Kyle knew exactly what I was talking about. Yeah, I didn't know how far down the double entendres we'd gotten
Starting point is 01:13:34 or if we were still talking about anything back squatting. Oh, we're inside the cervix at this point. Got you. I was looking at those. I'm still shopping at uh gym equipment because i i every now and then i'll think about doing something silly and getting like one of those crazy like there's one thing that's like a power cage with a functional trainer on either side like like like like yes in that and the thing is like overkill, man. No, it's not.
Starting point is 01:14:06 It's appropriate kill. It's in sanity mode. Like, I'll have to start charging clients if I'm going to spend $10,000 to put that thing. Now that Destiny is lifting a lot, are you planning to stay in Florida for a good bit? Why? Is this going to impact my business? Because if you are, you've got to join the Home Gym Master Race. Oh. You've got to get home gym stuff.
Starting point is 01:14:26 I'm in an apartment right now, so I can't really. I had a nice power rack at my house, I guess, when I lived in Omaha, though. And yeah, having a rack in the house is super convenient and super nice. You can do all of your big lifts out of it, basically. And then I guess if you want to get cable machines or whatever, you can do that, too. I'm moving into a new house soon. But preemptively, I've been building my garage gym so i've got i got quite a bit of stuff out there now um and that's where i've been working out for months now pro tip for you kids listening buy a couple thousand pounds worth of shit right before you
Starting point is 01:14:57 move i i have resisted the urge to get the heavier equipment. I didn't buy a power rack yet because that's outrageous to move. But I have bought a machine or two and, I don't know, 800 pounds of weights or something like that. And a couple of barbells and two sets of dumbbells and some stuff. I got those NuoBells, those adjustable dumbbells. They're awesome. Those look sick. Have you laid hands on them? Do you feel like you could drop them? Drop them.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Here's a scenario that happens to me. I'll do incline bench press with dumbbells. Incline bench press. I was going to call them flies, but I'd be cheating like fuck. Incline bench press with dumbbells. And I am stronger at that movement than I am in getting them into position. So sometimes I practice afterwards,
Starting point is 01:15:53 right? Like, I don't want to fuck around with my own safety. It's like, I'm sure once you get to like, when you're, and I'm maybe you guys are obviously a little strange, but like for me,
Starting point is 01:16:03 we're like getting, getting to like the 45 or 50 pound dumbbells. Once you start hitting that level, you have to like when you're and maybe you guys are obviously a little strange, but like for me, we're like getting getting to like the 45 or 50 pound dumbbells. Once you start hitting that level, you have to like do some weird fucking shit stuff around. Yeah, it gets a little bit annoying. Yeah. And then you can do that. You can do the lift. And then when you're done, you're like, have to do the thing.
Starting point is 01:16:16 And it's like, fuck, I think I've hurt myself one time doing it. Like, this is fucking retard. I'm actually injuring myself not working out like this. I'm not even at the lifting part. That's what Kyle has. But red. Yeah, yeah. I've seen those before. Those cool yeah yeah so i don't know i would not feel confident dropping it no because i don't know what it'll do i don't know what'll happen
Starting point is 01:16:33 uh and they're 800 for the set so don't drop them yeah so um i will have i already thought about this uh i'm gonna have my rubber flooring and I might put crash mats on either side of the bench when I'm doing, in particular, exactly what you're describing. Because overhead press, incline press is like that when you're going heavy. If you've got 75 pounds in each one, 80 pounds in each one, bringing those down to the neutral position in a slow, safe manner can be dangerous on your joints. And I generally try to get them flat on my thighs, on my quads, like, you know, like that. And then I kick them up and I get them
Starting point is 01:17:15 to this position. And once I'm here, I'm good. I can get anywhere from here. But like, it's from this position to like on the quads that can be a little rough. I don't know. We're going to find out tonight. A similar thing happens with my functional trainer. So I do, it's the equivalent of like a decline bench press. Like I'm doing flies up here and I'm pushing it down here and I'm pretty strong in this movement, but getting to here is a problem.
Starting point is 01:17:41 So I have to like go over to this one, pull it down and go over to this one, pull it down, get into position. Then I do the movement. And now it's like, well, don't break. I do a little better than that. My wingspan is like, we did it the other day. It's pretty big. But at the gym that I started at, they've got the really big cable crossover machine.
Starting point is 01:18:06 So I did the exact same thing. And I'd be getting like, I think 75 pounds on each one, depending on the movement. Like I'm not doing like a strict like crossover. I'm similar to that, yeah. Yeah, so I would do that little hop over. But when I'm at full wingspan, it's still pulling me apart like a rack.
Starting point is 01:18:23 That's how wide this this medieval yeah so when i released it's katao like i'd look around before i'd let it go um and i'd feel like an asshole if i ever dropped it from like i don't know here right but but sometimes you gotta drop shit that's uh i've definitely dropped the big dumbbells at that gym and what i would look around to make sure nobody was in the way and if they were i'd be like hey when i when i I'm dropping these. Are those steel-toed rudders or whatever? What do you call sneakers?
Starting point is 01:18:52 Sneakers. Okay. Shoes, probably. If I were being specific, if they're like different types of shoes laying there, I would call like the sneakers sneakers, I think. I thought that was like boots and loafers and such. I think I've gotten spoiled at gyms. When it comes to flies or like reverse flies or whatever like the actual d fly machine the peck deck or whatever i i think it's so much better than anything else like i'll never do like like having my shoulders out here with dumbbells it's just like fucking agony and like trying to
Starting point is 01:19:19 like work the cable machines like you just have like the machine that you sit with your back and you've got it you just squeeze and you come like that's so nice i'll admit tech tech is awesome but how do you do like incline decline equivalents like i kind of like doing like i stress though the lower part and then i do another one where i stress the upper part that's cables you need your cables then okay yeah i mean the cables are great like like i i really like those studies that are dull and hard to read, where they take the core samples of muscle tissue before and after, like this six-week controlled thing where one group only does bench press and one group only does cable crossover and one group does pec deck.
Starting point is 01:19:57 And they find that I think crossover is the highest activation of pec muscle tissue, but it was so closely followed by like wide grip bench and then like so close behind that was the uh you're talking about like two percent three percent better on these exercises and activating muscle tissue so it's not a huge difference yeah you need to get on the steroids soon huh huh, Destiny? No, fuck no. Just get all juiced up. I almost did a long time ago. I think like five or six years ago, I was curious because I was like, oh, I don't know if I'm putting on muscle fast enough.
Starting point is 01:20:43 So I went to one of those fucking nail clinics and they measured me out at like, I think when I went there, they were like, you're at like 340 nanometers, whatever, in normal matter, like 350 to 950. I was like, oh, well, fuck like maybe i should do some shit but i think i that basically like for my in my own mind like i'm committing myself to like the only time i would ever consider like tier two or anything like that is if i did like one to two months in a row of like strict diet sleep exercise and i was like super stalled and i tried other programs whatever if i was at like really low numbers i'd consider it but i mean like i feel like as long as my diet is consistent my sleep is consistent and I'm working out like consistently like the numbers keep going up so I'll do that until I if I hit something that's like really shit then maybe I'll consider it but otherwise yeah no I feel you and and like I won't respond to that because the answer is
Starting point is 01:21:16 discouraging do it what's the response what's the answer I mean well I mean the answer is like everything you're saying is true and it is healthy. Your number, if that's an accurate number, seems low to me. That's about where I was. I was about three. Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Yeah. Well, I don't know if I trust the male clinics, but yeah, no, I know it could be. Yeah. I went to lab core and and and got that's where I get my blood work done. But. It's I don't know, with just a maintenance dose of testosterone, like one hundred fifty milligrams to two hundred milligrams a week or whatever, it's like i don't know with just a maintenance dose of testosterone like 150 milligrams to 200 milligrams a week or whatever it's like jesus fucking christ it's it's absolute cheat codes i
Starting point is 01:21:50 mean it's yeah it's like it's you ever go from driving like a big truck to like sitting in a sports car and you're like oh wow down here things are different huh i'm in a world i can imagine and like and and it's because it's like like that i we might have talked about this last time my fans hate when I talk about gym shit. So I glad I can agonize them on the show doing it as well. But the people always talk about how like the you know, like motivation and you know, getting there and having the drive and like that's the these are the big things like that shit is so easy. When I'm lifting the weights, lifting the weights is easy. Feeling motivated is easy. The hard part is going every single time. It's the discipline between sessions, right between sessions right i can go to the gym and when i'm there i'll work hard for an hour and a half two i'll do it i'll do six seven eight depending on what i'm what program i'm doing whatever i can do that but the um when i when i hear stories about people starting trt and shit like if you're telling me that i can be like fully recovered every two days like growing every time like that type of stuff i know i would get addicted to it and i know i would either start to ramp up or i'd be like yeah this is like the shit you will see a visual like i saw on those posters and i'll get the numbers wrong but it's like you'll notice a
Starting point is 01:22:53 difference in your body in like six weeks your friends will notice in three months and like and on and on and something like that it you just that slider goes to the left so fast yeah like you will notice visual differences in your body in two weeks you'll be like oh that's well that's just different there's like an indentation up here at the where like my where your collarbone meets your shoulder and your neck and uh like like the top um that'll start looking different it just starts looking different in two weeks like like parts of it start going in and weeks. Like, like it's parts of it start going in and parts of it start coming out. Like parts of it are growing and shrinking at the same time.
Starting point is 01:23:29 And you're, you're just a different human being. And as far as recovery, it's, it's instantaneous. Almost. It's some Wolverine stuff. Like the way you can, I can't go hard enough to make myself sore for more than a day. Like I can't, I've tried like, like to the point where I'm, do my squat routine i do all my machine stuff and then i'm to the point where i can't really do real squats anymore so i've got resistance bands to keep me stable as i do body weight back to the if you hit a rest day then you've taken your rest day you just skip your rest day i'm like pull needs three days to rest and you're like fuck pull you pussy yeah you're not chemically enhanced no wait a minute
Starting point is 01:24:07 no no it's it's never fair to compare anything i do to anything that somebody who's not on trt does and it's really not fair to compare anything any more than it's fair to compare like anything that i do to like people who are blasting steroids like multiple compounds like and like ruining their their organs and stuff like that like like ruining their, their, their organs and stuff like that. Like, like those, those freaks you see on the stage that paint themselves into a different race because it makes their muscles pop a little better. That should be, that's the silliest part of bodybuilding in my opinion. Um, it's not that we all have to pretend like your penis isn't super tiny and that little mankini you're wearing. I feel like that should be part of the judging.
Starting point is 01:24:46 I wish Arnold was out there. I'm noticing his balls. They're very large. They have atrophied. You ever see the dog show where they fill the dog's balls up briefly just to make sure that they're real and the dog has testicles?
Starting point is 01:25:00 They do it. I wish they felt the bodybuilders up. They went up there and gave them a little inspection. A little prostate exam. I think it's just... You brought up the right point earlier. That's enlarged. Them doing black body like that? He's been doing prostate bumps. I can see why they do the
Starting point is 01:25:18 dark. The muscles pop so much better when they're in that dark. So much better. I feel like a lot of sports are kind of lame in little ways that they have to be that the painting the bronzing that they do that that really makes white guys as dark as dark as black guys um that's just so the muscles pop appropriately i feel like a dork on the ground in my paramotor like with the helmet and whatever it looks lame like it just does um then uh i had a couple other examples in my head, but I've lost
Starting point is 01:25:46 them. A lot of sports are just kind of goofy for spells. Mountain climbing. The outfits that they wear and their dumbass helmets and stuff. I get why they're functional. Imagine how much of an optimist you have to be to wear a helmet mountain climbing. Get real.
Starting point is 01:26:01 It's not for falling at 200 feet. It's for all the little times you hit your head on the road. You wear that. Okay, well that's not for falling at 200 feet. It's for all the little times you hit your head on the rock. No, you wear that. Okay, well, that's not funny, then. If you had said a skydiving helmet, I'd have been with you. But rock climbing, I need that helmet. Because it could be like a slope that you have to tumble down or something. And it's the difference between getting to the bottom broken and getting to the bottom dead right like but if you're jumping out
Starting point is 01:26:29 of an airplane like fucking peggy hill i saw this whole iceberg on king of the hill the other day where they were like after peggy fell out of that airplane she was never the same again we all remember it they show her like personality change and how she becomes super confident in abilities that she doesn't even have anymore. Oh, yeah. They think that's when she lost her Spanish, that previously she actually could speak Spanish. No, that's the wrong iceberg
Starting point is 01:26:55 because she's never been able to speak Spanish. Hola! That would be funny to listen to where she really did change because I like those little story things. The Simpsons, they had a good one of those. I've watched a lot of King of the Hill. I didn't notice a character change after that. Maybe that's
Starting point is 01:27:10 wrong, but she does do like one of her most arrogant lines ever in that episode where like when she survives and is laying in the bed, she's like Luann, your Aunt Peggy is one of 11 people to have fallen from that height and survived. She's like, oh my god Aunt Peggy. And she's like, of course that is only a guess my best estimate to be fair probably a solid number probably a solid number what'd she fall
Starting point is 01:27:32 from like 4 000 feet or some shit it was a ridiculous height for the for the show 10 000 i guess whatever they do skydiving yet i still haven't done skydiving we talked about doing it um on that colorado trip and god I was just so stoned all day. I didn't feel like doing anything. I underestimated how strong weed was going to be after not smoking for two or three years, and it was just a couple weeks of getting stoned. But I do want to go skydiving at some point.
Starting point is 01:27:57 I want to get that knockout. I got no desire for skydiving. Really? Yeah. It's not something that tickles my fans. It's fun. What would be a hobby that you haven't done before that you'd be open to trying? Because I'm thinking about kayaking. I think that could be something.
Starting point is 01:28:11 That is so funny you just said that because I was like, I've never done a whitewater thing. And I think that could be kind of fun. It's not really a hobby. But I want to do whitewater in a kayak. What do you usually do it in? In that big inflatable raft with all your buddies and everybody's got helmets. I want to be in a kayak like what do you usually do it in the big well in that big inflatable raft with all your buddies and everybody's got helmets and there's a guy i want to be in a regular boat there'll be a guy in the front who's like row he'll tell you from the left or the right
Starting point is 01:28:32 row row row row row stop backwards back like he'll he'll guide you through the rap i'm not trying to take instruction on vacation you need her you won't survive so like me and woody went and did me woody and chis went and did rapids and uh quote unquote rapids and i was look i was disappointed by the rapids i had a great time that day but it wasn't because of the intensity of the rapids i had fun because of the company of my friends and then and you know the environment everything i would like more rapid rapids i remember there being one or two good fun rapids one just fell out of the boat. Do you remember that? Yes.
Starting point is 01:29:05 And the problem was the next five hours was lame. Zach, pull up Burt Reynolds and Deliverance. Show me that outfit he's wearing. That's what I'm wearing. That's what I'm wearing next time if we go rafting. Burt Reynolds and Deliverance. Show me his fucking cool-ass outfit. And I'll dress up as the guy that gets raped.
Starting point is 01:29:24 Ned Beatty. You're the Ned Beatty! And who is Jon Voight? It works! Oh my god! I want to be that kid who I really thought was playing the banjo until you corrected me. That guy looks good.
Starting point is 01:29:40 No, I changed my mind. I know. He's a solid action star. This is a nice pre-steroid action star vibe he's got oh yeah he's got the bicep vein popping no he's in the 70s that's a huge guy when he's a big guy anyway um right off the bat if you've never seen deliverance um if you haven't watched it yet you need me to give you a little little teaser so that you go watch this masterpiece of a movie this This happens in Georgia. These Atlanta boys go rafting. Ned Beatty,
Starting point is 01:30:08 John Voight, and Burt Reynolds here. And Burt Reynolds is like the alpha of the group, clearly. So they take him out of the picture right away as a physical threat. And then hillbillies fall upon them and rape Ned Beatty in the ass right away. And it's your character, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:30:23 You get raped right in the ass right away. Your character, Taylor, you get raped right in the ass right away. I picked him. I know. Yeah. The hillbilly goes, now get them panties off. I remember watching that at 13 and my heart was pounding with fear for Ned Beatty.
Starting point is 01:30:40 You can take Bird off. I expected him to be rescued or saved. like oh there's a rape scene coming oh nick of time i've watched plenty of movies i know how this goes he will be saved in the nick of time and then he wasn't he got raped by another guy and i'm like this is all in my head i feel like this is insensitive to say, but like, like he's been raped. He, that always happened to him.
Starting point is 01:31:09 Like we can't undo it. We like, you can't unfuck that hole. It's not like a gunshot wound. That'll heal up in a movie. It's, it's, it's a mental wound.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Like I, I just felt like, ah, shit. Yeah. From this point forward, you will always have been a guy with a dick in his ass that he didn't want there.
Starting point is 01:31:27 All his friends saw it. His friends were... They responded, I think, as well as somebody could. They didn't laugh or anything. They didn't laugh. No one pulled their dick out. They gave him the sympathy
Starting point is 01:31:39 and empathy that he deserved. They were good friends. Yeah. Sorry. I think that that's um to like go further into the plot because it's a cool movie um like they they kill the the hillbilly there and uh the the raper i i believe i think they got the one that raped him and the other one like runs off anyway but but like they're trying to say what to do with the body right and it's when ned baity steps up
Starting point is 01:32:02 and he's like fellas i don't know if i want any of this getting out you know uh maybe we keep this a little quiet that everybody's like yeah i could see why you maybe want to keep this one quiet ned maybe we do just hide this body here and raft on back to atlanta yeah team yeah like you could see yourself it going down that way like i don't want everybody to know taylor got got raped by that hillbilly? No. Well, then don't bring it up. Well, that's like kind of like a... That's like the same thing at the end of Pulp Fiction kind of, right? End of Middle-Earth? Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:32 I do know the scene you're talking about. Yeah, he's like, yeah, get the fuck out. Don't tell shit. What happens from here? Are you okay? No, I'm pretty fucking far. Pretty fucking far from here. Where are we now? What are we here? What happens from here is me and a couple pipe-wielding motherfuckers
Starting point is 01:32:47 go to jail. Well, you can't get it right all the way. I'm going to get about five pipe-banging ninjas with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch to go to work on
Starting point is 01:33:03 the homes here. You hear me talking, hillbilly boy. I'm going to commit evil on your ass. And the guy on the ground goes, What did he say to Bruce Willis at the end? I mean, what now between me and you?
Starting point is 01:33:18 Oh, that what now? And he's like, there is no me and you. I know all the rest of this scene. Let's just stop. That's such a great movie. That's a great movie.
Starting point is 01:33:27 It's time for a rewatch. It's been a while. Would you say that's Tarantino's best? No, Reservoir Dogs is his best. Hoping you'd say that. Obviously the best. Pulp Fiction's his best movie, but Reservoir Dogs is his best story.
Starting point is 01:33:38 I like that little self-contained jewelry heist thing. It's a complete ripoff of an Asian film, by the way. 100%. He took his whole movie from one aspect. He does that with everything. Everything he's done is stolen, and then he twisted it and made it fucking cool, snappy dialogue, and wild-ass visuals. That's what Tarantino does.
Starting point is 01:33:57 That's fine. Pepsi isn't stolen. I watched Reservoir Dogs last week. I love it. Timoth is like like steals the show for me um all bloody and like like not michael madsen madsen is just madson that's who that's his fucking personality when he's dancing around that room and talking into that ear that's such a great fucking scene he's got that fucking straight razor anytime that song comes on i do michael madsen's dance this is uh
Starting point is 01:34:26 kind of in line with what we're talking about i'm curious um you i'm sure you guys all saw the new batman film right yeah this is probably the first time i've seen a male lead in a movie not do like the marvel roy jack program for he refused they did he refused um they were very upset that he was refusing. They said that he wouldn't stick to their workout program and he wouldn't do it. And he clearly didn't go on any sort of chemicals. It's getting a little bit weird. I don't mind for some, like Captain America
Starting point is 01:34:56 should probably be worried out of his mind because it's literally the story of Captain America. I'm going to sound like Thor and stuff. I don't know how I feel necessarily when I see like, I'm trying to remember. I think Tobey Maguire had like an okay like buff he was better than i remember he was yeah we looked at this recently he got oh yeah he was i would say can you find a good toby mcguire oh well this is new batman new batman's a bitch boy bitch boy strong i mean that's a physique most people my hand wraps around his neck like it does
Starting point is 01:35:25 my girlfriends i think seeing a variety of non-marveling seeing a non-marvel-oriented body i think what if he what i think it's cool yeah you think it's cool i wish i heard it better destiny you so you you're in favor you appreciate the the guy i thought it was interesting yeah so it's it's it's sold the weird because he comes off as kind of like fucking psychotic, right? Oh, yeah, Tobey Maguire is a bit more than I remember. I think he gets better than, I don't think that's his best. Is that not even? Because Tom Holland in the Spider-Man shit,
Starting point is 01:35:54 that dude is, Jesus. He's all ripped up here. Yeah. I mean, his bicep veins are insane. Yeah, they may have even, like the still does some weird stuff, because even toby's looking at a mirror right we're looking at a mirror and then a freeze of a video but he's
Starting point is 01:36:10 awesome in that movie look i think that if you're going to portray that character um you should get jacked for it christian bale does that every role if he needs to be a fat guy to be uh dick cheney like yeah he just wills himself to have male pattern balls. The machinist. His hair falls. I looked for a better one. I didn't find it. So this, I think, is peak Toby. I like the facial thing, like the realization that's happening.
Starting point is 01:36:37 He's as surprised as anyone else. Dude, the rest of the between-us pecs are impressive to me. Three weeks on TRT, yeah. Normal male levels. Yeah, to get that definition, that's genetic, between his pecs. Because it's like, you know how some chicks, their boobs are wider? I think our pecs are just wider or closer together, too.
Starting point is 01:36:58 I'm sure, Kyle, you probably know this because you're way more into this. Something that I noticed that I'd never thought about before, because before I started working at all all my body was just a flat just nothing there's the most androgynous amorphous flat those shoulders like when people said like oh if you want to do like um if you want to do like low bar squats rest the bar across your rear delts i didn't have those so the bar was just going ever like nothing um after building more and after seeing like oh cool i have like a male body. That's kind of cool. One thing that I noticed was how unbelievably important and how different posing makes you look.
Starting point is 01:37:32 Holy shit. There will be times where I will, I'll wake up and I'll walk in the bathroom and be like, Oh God, I don't know what happened, but I lost everything. And then there are times where you're at the gym, especially with a pump and you're like, I look fucking jacked. This is like, I would actually send the first time I would send topless pictures of girls and i feel embarrassed about my body and the um it's funny like uh not that i would ever feel embarrassed my body before listen to love me my what is it uh if you don't if you don't take me at my worst you don't deserve my best
Starting point is 01:37:55 fuck you bitch yeah just um but yeah it's funny because exactly i'll stream like 10 hours a day right and the the comments from my fan base now that i've been working out a lot is like on some debates that i have people are like oh my god like his posture is amazing like he has some shoulders now his arm's gonna be like oh my god and then in other and like the next day i'll be like leaning over like on a laptop kind of hunched and people will be like why he's been wearing out for seven months he's just gotten fatter he has nothing he looks like a fucking slob or whatever and it's just really funny seeing the difference and like what kind of shirt you have on like if you're like you know your posture is good or like yeah that's that's been mind-blowing uh the moral of that story is you can't trust what any woman looks
Starting point is 01:38:31 like in a picture either okay because they always fucking lie with poses okay that was the whole oh bring that one back to the woman hating true yeah and all the filters and stuff too like they work on video too it's like wild like you'll see a video of the girl and you're like, oh, okay. And that's not her. She sent you some fucking AI deep fakes of her flexing her ass or something. You're not even the same person anymore. Weren't you a brunette? I feel like, yeah, fuck those women.
Starting point is 01:38:56 So what do you do? Oh, yeah, camera goes up here. I work all the same angles. I got lights here, here, here. Oh, you don't have a backdrop? all the same angles good i got lights here here here oh you don't have a backdrop no i i you know i if you're going to i mean especially for what i was trying to do it's it's like i spent a year to take to take 10 pictures right you know that was the goal was to take 10 pictures in a year from now and uh so yeah i absolutely got the water bottle out
Starting point is 01:39:22 like get a little wet get a get a nice pump going on, turn the temperature in the house up and fucking let's eat some insulin 25 minutes before we're going to pose. Now, his Tinder profile is ready for the next 22 years. Yeah, it's really fun to do. You know, it's fun to do anything, just to have a hobby in general. And something like that is a lot like, oh, who is it? Maybe Schwarzenegger compared it to the whole chiseling thing, like chiseling the body out of stone, like how he thinks of it that way. It's a bit like that.
Starting point is 01:39:58 Yeah, it is just like that. It's a battle because you chisel away so much stone, and then the stone grows back. You're chiseling away at it faster than it reproduces it's i've been thinking about um those uh i think about getting into building those tables like i i want it i'm about to buy a dining room table yeah and they're expensive um for like a good table because i'm like i kind of want a table that i'll keep for a while you want your last table i don't know if it's my last table, but I want my second to last table.
Starting point is 01:40:25 Let's say that. That means it's a $2,500 table roughly. I'm like, wait, why does that cost $2,500? Can't I do this? Can't I do this? Can I do this for $500? It turns out you kind of can.
Starting point is 01:40:42 I'm looking at those. It's not acrylic what's the thing where you there's epoxy it's where they pour um over the live edge wood and then like it fills in the gaps and you basically just take a form and just throw up wood in it randomly and then pour the uh the epoxy or whatever on top and it hardens and then they try this no no wings wings hired some imbecile to pour like clear coat on top of a desk and make it sticky so it could catch from what i can gather because i've done this i've worked with epoxy thick like that i think the guy didn't add the hardener epoxy doesn't dry like glue or water does it you know
Starting point is 01:41:23 you combine two parts and then it dries chemically they react with each other and it hardens it seemed like this guy either it seemed like this guy either didn't add the hardener or didn't add the ratio right so it just stayed mushy for weeks maybe forever that's a terrible job it and like In the instances I'm talking about, they're not using it as a clear coat for the top. The table is composed almost equally of wood and epoxy. You're pouring so
Starting point is 01:41:53 much of it. The wood is floating in this. Usually, they color the epoxy and they'll throw LEDs in there too to light it. They'll make it look like the beach or a river. It'll look like a blue river is flowing through the center of your table. It can be achieved for a few hundred dollars and a mold, it seems, and basic carpentry tools. You need a saw
Starting point is 01:42:15 and hammer and brad gun and a few basic bitch things. That's like a $40,000 table. That's a little different because of that live edge wood that they're using there, all that artistic shit they've done, and the fact that it looks like it's about 10 feet by 4 feet or maybe even longer. Maybe it's 15 feet long. That's probably a $40,000 fucking table.
Starting point is 01:42:39 He says a couple hundred on Etsy. I don't know. Is he joking? I imagine he literally scroll down. Oh, no. Scroll down and start clicking the arrows, though, because that's when you tell them what you want it to look like. Right. It's a couple hundred.
Starting point is 01:42:56 You realize it's like a 12 inch by 12 inch table. You can get a charcuterie board. It starts at charcuterie boards, and then you click the thing and drag and and so you can get a two everyone needs a nice work yeah i don't know this is my inner bachelor male though yeah yeah coming out but i i'm still not at the point where i'll give a fuck about furniture like my plan is when i move i throw everything the fuck out and then i just buy new furniture where i go next like fucking moving maybe if i had like a house maybe it'd be different but like moving furniture like sucks so hard i did it one time in my life and i'll never do it again i can like replace like my whole living room for
Starting point is 01:43:32 like three or four thousand dollars i don't need anything else you don't like a decent couch for the tv like i'm not paying like fucking trucks and all that fuck all that shit it's not worth it i just want a table i want a table and i think i can build that table for like 800 uh like no problem i don't know how much time though would it take you uh is the other materials like we have a nice dining room table but the legs are like some sort of cast iron heaviness like it's kind of nice i'm like oh i can't do that part i can do the top part you can buy the wood so you buy the legs on Etsy as well. There are these guys who do like these. They've got these crazy legs that like scissor each other.
Starting point is 01:44:10 And then like any legs that you can imagine they've got on there. And then you buy like those. You do carpentry, so you know. But I don't know what you call it. You can imagine. The thing where you like screw the inserts into the bottom of the table. And then the screws go through the base into those inserts. They're metal screw-in inserts that you put in the bottom of the table those teed nuts
Starting point is 01:44:28 i think yeah something like that i don't know you know how i picked out this table i'm trying to learn how to do this this table that i have all three monitors you know i picked this out it was the closest and cheapest table to where i bought my couch at the same store i went that's fine and my mom at the same store. That's fine. And my mom at the time, this was a few years ago when she was alive, she was like, that doesn't match at all. And I'm like, it's going in the fucking streaming podcasting room. Who cares? It's cheap.
Starting point is 01:44:54 Just get it. I made my table. There's not much to it. It's just a tabletop sitting on some file cabinets and shit. And I'm like, I have an 11 foot room and I want a table that's the exact right size. So I have an 11-foot room, and I want a table that's the exact right size. So I have an 11-foot table. Still using it.
Starting point is 01:45:09 Here's what I'm actually going to do. I'm going to buy some of that IKEA butcher block stuff that you can just order. And I'm going to split it. Or maybe not split. Maybe take a quarter of it and make it that. And then I'll have it separated. And then I'm going to have an epoxy stripe to reconnect those two pieces backed with like leds in the bottom and i think i'll make a dot something like that you're not gonna do this till you move oh i've already oh my living
Starting point is 01:45:36 room is full of carpentry tools the mic no you're so you're so funny you'll be like because just a couple months ago you were like I'll be moving soon. Let's put a table that home gym. And then like I knew I knew it would get you the same way it got me and Woody, where we're like, we're just going to get a power rack. Well, but this cable machine. Well, but this peck deck. Well, but this dumbbell. Oh, but this bar like you just get more and more into it.
Starting point is 01:46:01 And it becomes like at a very expensive like this is what's crazy. Like we're talking about all that money like three thousand dollars a week my gym i've probably got eight thousand dollars in it eight nine thousand dollars over the past five years and i feel like sometimes i'll be like you bougie bitch like you're using this no way that's your fucking hobby like like it is my main hobby. I'm certainly not going to say anything. I paid a lot more for a lot less. Yeah, does he? I'm like $10,000 and three machines. But I'm not a retired millionaire.
Starting point is 01:46:35 There's a $10,000 motorcycle sitting next to the bench press. It's like hobbies are expensive, right? They are. No, I'm just going to buy. It's going to cost what it costs because I want a home gym. And so home gyms cost what they cost. Now it's up to me whether I blow all my fucking money on Soren X or something like that. Or if I go and get Titan stuff.
Starting point is 01:46:54 I'm trying to find a middle ground in between there. I love the idea of the functional trainer built into the power rack. It's cool. It's cool and it's space efficient. Even if you have a two-car garage, I think you run out of space at some point. When you say functional trainer, are you talking about like a cable attachment thing? It's the double machine. You kind of do that.
Starting point is 01:47:13 There'll be like two bars really far apart at the gym kind of and you can load weights on them and do like that. Yeah, yeah. And oftentimes where the pulley is goes from top to bottom. So you go top, bottom, and in the middle. I think you're thinking of a cable crossover, Destiny. This is a standalone little machine that has like it's it's it's a double cable machine but it's it's built in this one little pod more than like a big spread out cable crossover machine um it's um they're like the cheapest ones are like 1500 the most expensive ones are
Starting point is 01:47:41 closer to eight yeah that's a very expensive one like a gym quality one that would have you heard of the um there's like a machine that it looks dumb as fuck but apparently people actually review it pretty highly have you heard of something called tonal yeah oh the one that you like uh you like put into the studs in your wall yeah and apparently it like electronically detects like the load for every lift that you do and you don't ever have to actually touch a weight. Apparently, yeah. And you pull, and it tells you if you're pulling hard enough.
Starting point is 01:48:11 Yeah, or it'll adjust the weight dynamically as you're going through your lift or whatever. People review it highly, and I've never done it. They do. It looks really stupid, and it sounds really stupid, but a lot of people give it really good reviews. How do I not be a pussy on that? How do I do better than last time when I have to try harder? I need weights to not let me puss out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:29 It's also like, what is, I think I watched the garage gym reviews, great channel, shout out garage gym reviews. He did a review on this. And like, if you are more than like,
Starting point is 01:48:39 just like if lifting is a hobby of yours that you've done for years, this is not going to hit the weight requirements you need. It's not even, It's not even close. And he said that like, what was the word he used? I think it was called like concentric pressure, like where you know how if you like grab a resistance band, it's not equal pressure the whole time. He did say that this has that like concentric pressure
Starting point is 01:49:00 where like if you pull something that's 40 pounds, it will be 40 the entire movement. It's probably magnetic, right? Which is probably magnetic which is good yes magnetic or something but he also was like but if you ever do anything above say 170 pounds this isn't for you and so it's like oh okay so like anyone who any man who lifts for more than once a month feeling a little sold out here and it depends on your workout program too right like because some people will want to max out or like lift heavy and maybe do i don't know sets of three sets of two like people do that we do sets of 12 you know we do three sets of 12 on everything so that means that like the the highest weights
Starting point is 01:49:40 we're working with on like unless we're doing legs are like you know in the high hundreds low 200s stuff like that and i'm glad you brought that up because i was like as soon as i saw in the chat like destiny was coming on tonight i'm like oh i know that guy's fucking lifting and i want to ask him so if you're still doing the uh so i saw you were doing starting strength from the thing a couple months a long time ago basically i've gone through a lot of different things but yeah okay good good i was hoping to hear that you hadn't stuck with that because like and i'm not i know someone will come after me starting strength is not a bad is not a bad program it's just people will do starting strength which is like five by five compound lifts with low volume
Starting point is 01:50:18 for like eight months which like is not the way you're supposed to do it starting strength is a way to teach you how to do the compound movements. Well, if you're comfortable doing the compound movements, it's time to move away from it. Yeah. I feel like it depends. I feel like a lot of it depends.
Starting point is 01:50:33 I feel like a lot of it depends on a lot of things. I think that ideologically, I think that programs like strong looks are starting strength. I think are probably really good if you're young and healthy and you could like figure out how to do movements and stuff. One of the things that took me a while to notice was that, um, so like I started off with like, like basically just starting strength. And then eventually I was like, you know, um, which is like the ultimate, the ultimate sin as a beginner is to start looking at like isolation lips. But something that I noticed when starting to do isolation lists, cause some of them were fun
Starting point is 01:51:03 was that, um, I didn't actually have any idea how to use any of my muscles before so i didn't know how to bench press until i got on the pec fly machine because i didn't even know how to activate my boob i like when i when i would bench i would sit at the bench and you're pressing and it's kind of weird but like i guess for a beginner i'm body retarded okay because i haven't done anything athletic in like fucking really truly like 30 years of my life and And then I finally like started doing gym stuff. Like you can sit on the bench and you can really push and you're really only using your tries, your shoulder the whole time.
Starting point is 01:51:31 And when you've actually sat at a pec machine and you're truly doing it correctly and you're squeezing your chest forward. When I took some of that and then I went back to benching and I'm like, this is a totally different lift now. Like I feel like I'm actually pushing the way that I'm supposed to. So I feel like learning some of the isolated movements help my workout now if you look at it is basically like starting strength plus at the end of my lifts i'll be doing like some fun accessory movements or things that i feel like starting to miss but i still do especially
Starting point is 01:51:58 since it's so pretty new i want to have big compound lifts like i like to be able to say like my squat is big my bench is big my deadlift is big and i can overhead press for more than 100 pounds hopefully someday um but like these are like that for reps or whatever yeah like being able if you can do those lifts well like nobody can take that from you right that's it's like it's an accomplishment yeah um and it builds like your whole body so but like i don't think it's like a crime like if like you're always worried when you read through starting so you start lifting that if you do like curls one day like riptoe is going to come out of a closet and fucking kill you or something yeah and then also like people get a little bit crazy maybe for some of those programs where they'll tell you to literally like bro if you gain 30 pounds of weight in your first month of
Starting point is 01:52:36 lifting that's great you're doing the right thing and it's like i don't know if anybody can handle the psychological impact of getting that fucking fat just to have a really big squat and deadlift which no offense i love those movements and i think they're important but nobody gives a fuck how big your quads are no girl will ever care any guy that's as differently as coping and deadlifts you can't even tell when somebody is big on deadlift okay i'll watch guys that come into gyms look like fucking sticks and these guys will be warming up with three plates i'm like what the fuck you look like a skeleton and now you're pulling like 455
Starting point is 01:53:05 from the ground you're unbelievable uh but then you'll get gym bros that'll come in and do retarded shit all day with like the 50 different armors but they look fucking cool they look good they got big chest their arms are fucking huge and like so yeah you have to balance out like what is it that you're actually looking for what are you willing to do what do you want to do like all of that shit yeah very true like it depends on your goals and like if getting those compound lifts high for you is a really important thing then then that makes sense. Something that I didn't like about it is, is harkens back to five, six years ago when I started like doing, and I did something like that is there is a promise of progressive overload that is really unrealistic
Starting point is 01:53:39 for a lot of people. And so they'll say, you know, rip a toe in his program and be like every week, five more pounds on your squat. Well, that doesn't work every day. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, it's five pounds,
Starting point is 01:53:50 Monday, five pounds, Wednesday, five pounds. That's bananas. That's not possible to do for any more than like a week if you know what you're doing at all.
Starting point is 01:53:57 And so like you, you get that shit. If you're, if you're brand new, that's like an 18 year old, like healthy adult size male. I'm five, eight. Okay. I weighed 105 pounds in size male, I'm 5'8".
Starting point is 01:54:05 Okay, I weighed 105 pounds in high school. I'm probably never doing that. But for like a normal, like masculine adult or whatever, probably. On what you said, this is something that I noticed, and it took me so long to fucking learn this. And it is one of the most important things. Anytime you read people's numbers on the gym, you need to multiply the weight by 60%, and you need to double the time they said they've been training. So if somebody says like they can bench 225 and they've been lifting for six months,
Starting point is 01:54:30 they've been lifting for like fucking two years and they probably benched like 120. Everybody lies about their numbers. Everybody exaggerates and shit. Yes, absolutely. I don't lie about my numbers at all. I don't either. That's good. You're an older, refined gentleman. But I noticed this morning, because I'll hear online, like if you don't bench at least 225, you're a worthless, like, limb-thick piece of shit. You haven't even started. But then I would do this, and I would think this in my mind, like, okay, Jesus Christ, I can finally bench, like, 150, 155 by five.
Starting point is 01:54:56 Like, I'm so weak. But I'll go to the gym, and sometimes I'll notice, like, wait a second. If you're at any normal gym, and a guy is benching 225, he's probably, like, one of the strongest people in the gym you're not going to 24 hour fitnesses or whatever all the time and it's like the guy's like oh yeah you know load up three plates whatever like these guys are super strong and people like and it's hard to even find people that like even squat more than one plate like most people don't even go on the squat rack so a couple people do uh but like when guys are squatting two three four plates online this is like normal right if you weigh 180 pounds you're not squatting three plates do you even fucking lift but if you go into a gym it's like okay hold on not many people are
Starting point is 01:55:28 putting more than 225 on the bar you know like yeah the online shit mind fucked me really hard for a long time on progress because i'm like dude i'm six months into lifting and i can't pull 315 from the floor yet i'm making progress oh my god six months and i can't get 350 on the number too much uh it can get you hurt too nah i was talking as an older guy i think i'm hurt more easily than you two are but yeah like that'll fuck you up i've hurt myself so many times i mean like it's a matter you have to learn because like there's another thing too compound movements are really hard squatting and dead lifting this shit take like i'm still like i'm not i'm almost here and i'm still learning really these moments
Starting point is 01:56:04 they're really complicated there's a lot of mental cues um yeah movements can be hard i'm sorry to cut you off but like throw you a good punch right not saying i do but it's complicated and it's hard and it looks so easy and and the comparison i always use is like how is it hard to throw an accurate punch if you put a salt shaker on the shelf i'm fucking money at reaching for it you know like it's not hard at all and out of 10 times yet somehow throwing a like a good punch with good form and rotation getting your whole thing while that guy's moving and dodging is really tricky people miss all the time box just miss constantly and back to the weight lifting movement same sort of thing you'd think it's easy to just push things up in the air but
Starting point is 01:56:44 add some weight to it start focusing on everything from fucking flexing your ass muscles to pushing it up or back whatever and there's it's so many things to get wrong yeah i think there's there have been so many movements that i've reset i wish that like i thought about doing this after i get a few years in is like making like a like how to lift for actual body retards because there are like so many ways that you can fuck up lifts that you would just never even fucking imagine. You can fuck like, for instance,
Starting point is 01:57:09 like I had to reset weight so many times, like on the lap pull down machine, there are so many ways that you could like, like you could do pull downs that are even fucking using the right muscles. Like you're like, you're pulling it down. You're hunch your shoulders forward, like get the weight,
Starting point is 01:57:20 like so many stupid fucking things that if you don't have a really knowledgeable person to point it out, or if you don't eventually figure it out because you realize you've stalled in some really dumb way or the wrong muscles are hurting um yeah there's just like so many things of these movements it's like fuck that is such a perfect example of it of like the lat pull down because if you when you i feel like and maybe this is stupid but like almost a litmus test you see somebody get on the lat pulldown, and you see the way mechanically they hold their chest, where their back is, where their shoulders are.
Starting point is 01:57:49 You can pretty much tell right away that person knows what they're doing or that person doesn't. And that is totally independent of the amount they're lifting. Because I used to be like, I have a cable machine in my basement for seated rows, lat pulls, and everything. And I used to get in my own head a couple years ago and be like, I'm not going up on my numbers. Well, I guess I'll just do
Starting point is 01:58:09 bad form pull downs and then eventually I was like, you're alone in your basement retard. What are you doing? I was like, you know what? Back off the weight and just be incredibly strict with it. I was finding I would just pick in random numbers like 125 pull down
Starting point is 01:58:26 with really good form and activation felt better than 190 just a lot of doing that happened to me the switch my muscle connection right we all know that think about the muscles you're moving a lot of times i think about the body part i'm moving when you do a bench press you think you're pressing the bar up man you're kind of pressing your elbows up. That's the goal. If you do a bench press and you're focused on pushing your elbows forward, you're probably activating your chest. Same sort of thing with the lat pull down. If you think you're pulling the bar down, you might be getting it wrong. If you're pulling your elbows down, that's the movement actually is. That was the sort of thing that helped me reset. That's why I always do hook grip
Starting point is 01:59:02 on pull exercises because if you remove your thumb from the equation, if you grip like this, it's like telling your bicep time to pull. If you hook like this and focus on your elbows, just like you said, you can force your lats, your rhomboids to do all of that lifting. What if you only give a fuck about your biceps? Then just fucking wrap it up. Just get big ass biceps. Dude, the way my arms are built
Starting point is 01:59:26 like they're just really long and it's hard to get a lot of bicep mass i every so often i think i look good i was doing i talked about this before i was doing overhead presses in the mirror with a shirt on an overhead press is one of the exercises that i think i look best at i see myself doing overhead like this exercise flatters what i bring to it so i decided best at i see myself doing overhead like this exercise flatters what i bring to it so i decided to videotape myself doing overhead presses with no shirt on you guys will notice you did not get that video i fucking look like like mike from monsters ink that green monster with the skinny arms i look so good it's so embarrassing i do military i do seated presses because my my ceiling in my basement's too low to stand up and do it and so seated overhead presses are very hard
Starting point is 02:00:11 and like i i put a mirror in front of me about like eight months ago and i was just doing it in the squat rack unhooking and then doing my presses and seeing my shirt come up and then just like lay back down on my fat belly. And then I'm like doing the reps, like trying to feel good about myself, looking at my fat pasty belly. And like, I moved the mirror.
Starting point is 02:00:33 I was like, I don't, I'm comfortable in my form. I don't need to see myself do this. Here's where I kick my own ass. So even on my best day, right? The day where my,
Starting point is 02:00:42 I think my abs are there as good as they've been all year, et cetera, et cetera. If I'm on my laptop on the toilet like this, best day right the day where my i think my abs are there as good as they've been all year etc etc if i'm on my laptop on the toilet like this i got the worst gut it is hard not to have a gut when you're curled over like that oh yeah i i caught a i have a big mirror over my bathtub to the left of my shower when i come out of there i caught a image of me bent over drying off the other day it ruined my day it's just like oh god i don't know i had the other experience i caught an image of myself i was bending over like this and i saw my own lat and i was like wait that's really you
Starting point is 02:01:19 look at your lat woody i'll do that sometimes i'll put a shirt on and i'll be like dude you look like a monster you look huge and then i take the shirt off and it's like yeah you look like a monster you're huge you monster speaking of um hating women so you got you do this every wednesday right or not every wednesday you do this every Wednesday right? you do this every week so have you guys talked about the Amber Heard stuff yet? I really don't I haven't followed it I know that Johnny Depp won well she won too
Starting point is 02:01:55 no she lost about as hard as she got she won 2 million dollars I think it was the worst win in the world take it out of the 15 you owe me bitch I think it was the worst win in the take it out of the 15 you owe me bitch i think it was the worst win in the world because at the very least if she would have lost everything she could have gone out and said like well look i got screwed by the courts
Starting point is 02:02:15 they didn't listen to anything i didn't even get a fair case but now that you took a little bit of bite out of her bark by that like well you know they what did you saw me you had some legitimate points but um yeah i think it would have looked better for her uh like just from an outside perspective if she'd lost on everything because at least then she could say she got fucked by the courts or whatever but yeah her net worth is negative six million she doesn't have the money she doesn't have the money to pay she'll absolutely have the money if anybody's out there with a hate because people she could probably start a go fund me to tomorrow oh i'd. That'd be hilarious. I'm not sure it'll do as well as you say it will. I feel like her winning
Starting point is 02:02:48 $2 million and losing $15 is the day she... You will remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow. So did... So Johnny Depp is off the hook. Well, there was no hook. He was suing her for defamation. He was saying that shit...
Starting point is 02:03:04 I don't know what's going on. Right in right in the heart of the me too thing she and her friends got together and faked this whole thing um with i didn't know about with makeup and performances and police calls and stuff like that and then she like had this op-ed that she posted in the wall street whatever wherever the fuck it was they said it eight times yesterday during the thing and i can't remember what paper it is now but um she uh she basically called him out without saying his name and he's like oh those four or five statements are all defamatory and so he sued her in civil court for that and won 13 million i think he sued for 50 and uh came out with 15 or something like that which you'll never see i i don't know about that. I don't know how that works.
Starting point is 02:03:46 So technically he won one count for 10 million. Yeah. And then I wish I could remember the name for this. There was a second count that they awarded him for 5 million, but the statutory max for that is actually like 350K. So technically the judge adjusted that down. His overall winnings were 10
Starting point is 02:04:02 million. It was like 10.3 million. But then she won 2 million. So overall the balance to him is going to be, it's an 8.3 million. I think is what his overall win is. But yeah. Do you think he'll have, or she'll have to pay it?
Starting point is 02:04:12 Yeah. I mean, yeah, I should say judgment. You're going to garnish your future wages, assuming she has. Yeah. Like you have to pay.
Starting point is 02:04:18 It's a judgment in court, right? Yeah. Unless, unless they appeal and win or something. Yeah. I don't know if there's any getting out of it. Like she came out and had,
Starting point is 02:04:24 and like made a statement and it was basically the same statement that she's just lost in court for and so people are like is he crazy enough to do it could he sue her for her post-court statements could he say those are inflammatory and like she copy pasted some of the stuff she said in the original statement like something about you know this was a day where women voices were silenced in the night like candles in the wind whatever like bleeding you know she said something like that about so she knows she lost justly and now she's lashing out oh this is actually about women yeah oh she's she's hidden behind that the whole time it's it's been about women being silenced. Is this what her statement... Okay, I'll read it for people.
Starting point is 02:05:06 I think my favorite headline was... I don't think it was Vice. It was some other publication where it was like, Amber Heard's loss is a dangerous signal for black women everywhere. Yeah, I saw it. What does that mean? She's going to be so mad,
Starting point is 02:05:20 she's going to take it out on them? Oh, Amber Heard verdict sends a message to black women everywhere. Because if white women are losing, imagine oh amber heard verdict sends a message to black women everywhere because if white women are losing imagine how bad it's gonna be for black women like jesus christ damn that's full bore retard that is a ridiculous thing well i want i'd like that yeah that's a good one no this liar can't get away with it this means that people who tell the truth won't it's like i didn't really follow the the trial, other than occasionally there'd be a really funny bit where someone did something silly on the witness stand
Starting point is 02:05:48 or Johnny reacted. I caught like 10 of those, but I didn't really follow it. I'm glad he won. He seems like a genuinely nice guy, as nice as a lifelong celebrity Hollywood actor can be, right? Like, wow. Nice. Yeah, not a perfect guy but like i mean his flaws seem
Starting point is 02:06:07 to be like he does seem like a weird i like to put like there was one part i wish i could remember exactly like they were like and is that the point where you poured a one liter glass of wine and he was like i thought it was going to be necessary like he found a liter of wine was going to be necessary to deal with her that night like and then his text message where he calls her like a floppy lipped fish house or whatever fish market or something like all that cocaine involved too oh yeah he likes and he just like he owned it completely like did you do cocaine and he's like yeah yeah anyone can tell by looking at johnny depp he loves cocaine that someone was like was like and it wasn't a whole bag of cocaine he's like well you got to keep it in something what do you think we just have handfuls of cocaine like blowing no it was
Starting point is 02:06:59 a wheelbarrow what are you retarded like That kind of stuff was really charismatic. He didn't die. It was in a whole bag. You got to keep it something. He's like, yeah, a bag is not a unit of measurement. I don't know what the fuck they're talking about. I mean, he's a professional actor. If anyone knows how to present themselves in a way that's endearing to the general public, it would be them.
Starting point is 02:07:19 I mean, she failed at it. She came off as... What was she in? I don't remember her from any movies. No, she's a major actress. Most recently, she's in the Aquaman movie. That's the one that the fans have been trying to get taken away from her for a while.
Starting point is 02:07:35 That makes sense. Isn't Jason Momoa Aquaman? Yeah, you sent me a photo of him earlier today. I'm going to send that to zach to put up jason momoa looks exactly like sam hyde now what oh i saw this you saw this yeah it actually i didn't know if i was being trolled i thought it was sam hyde yeah that's how much it looks like fucking sam hyde is he's just wearing he's just looking big and burly, a little overweight, bad
Starting point is 02:08:06 glasses, torn shirt, which is very much a Sam Hyde look. Oh my. Doesn't that? Has that been shopped a little? You know what's doing it? You see that stripe across the whole
Starting point is 02:08:22 screen? It's making it look like his shirt's doing a fat belly thing like if you imagine that gone like see there's like this like this horizontal stripe this little angle that's like i don't know it's a dirty window or some shit yeah no it's like look at his glasses the the forehead the hair the facial hair like that's very sam hyde-ish look how big his fucking fur is. Dude, you can see Sam Hyde on the right there. Is that really him unedited? Is that really Sam Hyde? If that's Sam Hyde
Starting point is 02:08:52 unedited, that is a powerful... Oh my god. Okay, that guy's... And remember, he's 6'6". He's Harley's height. I'm hyper-focused on his belly, but if you look at his delts and biceps, like, Jesus. his forearms oh my god he's a monster oh that's so scary just imagine that imagine that face coming to you look at his calves every bit of him like yeah he is so much scarier
Starting point is 02:09:18 than i thought he was is this real yeah i anytime i see anything related to sam hyatt i'm always 50 50 and whether it's ironic or not. It's so hard to know with Sam. It looks like the Waldo from Where's Waldo was doing roids for like 30 years. Oh my god. What the fuck room is he in?
Starting point is 02:09:38 What's going on? There's a punching bag and part of a power rack in the back. Is there a woman in the background in a cafeteria environment? I think there's a nun at an part of a power rack in the back. Is there a woman in the background in a cafeteria environment? I think there's a nun at an office chair. Yeah, right? If that's really him, Jesus Christ. He's huge.
Starting point is 02:09:54 He could be a Ninja Turtle or something. He's a fucking... He could be. No wonder iDubbbz wouldn't let him to the competition. He would have just dominated. All right, that's a terrifying man. Yep, yep, yep. Terrifying man. All right. That's a terrifying man. Yep. Terrifying man.
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Starting point is 02:14:27 understand what's going on but uh buy the cum pills pka code they're they're a little sold out right now but but they uh monday monday they're back yeah destiny i've been dying to ask you this i saw an article uh that talked about donald trump and it resonated with me i i feel the same way they're like this is what's happened to donald trump he has become no longer entertaining i don't give a fuck about everything donald trump says anymore he used to blow you away that you could misspell something in a tweet like hamburger or covete or whatever and it was major news that everybody carried now he's out there accusing people of being dirty and fake elections and it's just the same bullshit again and again and again adam shift is still shifty right this other guy's still sleepy this other
Starting point is 02:15:18 guy's still little he has no new material it's boring as fuck you go to his dumb ass rallies and it's the same bullshit he's been saying since 2015 he is the equivalent i've read and i agreed of a marvel movie boys of the beat hush he's the equivalent of the beach boys singing california girls 50 fucking years in a row he's gonna go up there he's gonna play all his greatest hits. We're going to build a wall. The election was stolen. This guy, you know, he reads the same tired material off a teleprompter with a few little riffs that he throws in on his own. Some insults that seemed edgy four years ago, six years ago, but now they're not. Now it's just dull, boring nonsense. No one gives a fuck about it. The little name calling he throws in, it doesn't faze me anymore. I don't care.
Starting point is 02:16:07 It just seems petty and little and small, and he doesn't have any new ideas, and all he has is the same redundant bullshit. I think when Trump runs again, he's not going to be the show anymore. There are lots of people who enter the presidential primaries as the leader. Jeb Bush had won that thing before he started, which is the coronation ceremony. Hillary Clinton, she won before she started against Obama. It was hers to just give it to her. Why are we even doing this race? And they don't always win, these frontrunners, early on.
Starting point is 02:16:42 That might be what happens to Trump next election cycle. Thoughts? I think that's the off season right now i think you're judging your favorite athlete and uh it's not even it's not even spring training he's uh he's just uh he's working on his material like a comic in some little club somewhere i think i'm sure he's working and people listen to this democrats am i am i right? He's working on a tight five. What's the deal with dividends? I think there's a good chance he wins the next election. I think it'll happen. The whole election?
Starting point is 02:17:16 I think so, yeah. The problem is the Democrats don't have anyone good. Well, the problem is that, like, the one, I think it's actually kind of simple for the next one. This is my what I'm thinking right now. One is that the economy will always be blamed or accredited to whoever the president is. Right. And if we haven't gotten rid of the inflation stuff, if we haven't cooled that off by which is hard to say in two years, maybe it'll change. But if the economy is still doing in a couple of years, like we're already probably losing the midterms if you're a democrat when i say we um if we if we lose if we're going to lose the next
Starting point is 02:17:50 election cycle it'll be to a republican obviously they're not going to run anybody against biden and the person that's going to run on the republican side is going to be trump right and if things don't change it's going to be a republican you don't think they're going to run trump i don't think i don't think they're going to run i'll run biden you'll never i know that people have ideas about dementia or whatever um yeah i'll put like i don't think they're going to run Biden. I know that people have ideas about dementia or whatever. I don't want to get crazy, millionaire. For $20 or $10,
Starting point is 02:18:12 I bet you on it. They'll run Biden. I know for a fact I'll bet it. I'll give you two to one odds on $10. I'll give you two to one. If I lose, I'll give you $20. Pinky's up for this one. That's actually a lot for me that's wait so like when was the last time because i think they're absolutely um the the
Starting point is 02:18:32 sitting president will not be running this time i think the i don't remember the last time but it should have been reagan is when it should have been right like he shouldn't have came back because he's yeah i can't i mean of course there's a two-term presidents where that happens a lot but that's not what you're talking about i can't remember the last time a one-term president didn't run he should not run um honestly like look you die of old age these exactly exactly that's a no bet by the way if biden dies it's a no bet sure or if trump dies of elderly and obesity why would you risk throwing away your incumbent advantage when it's so huge? It's like one of the most important advantages.
Starting point is 02:19:08 I don't think it's as big anymore. I think there's going to be a lot of voices that want to run Kamala. No shot. She is very unlikable. She's so unlikable. And she's bad with her voice. I can't see it being Kamala. There are going to be people who want Hillary.
Starting point is 02:19:25 No, there will not. There will be like five blue checks on Twitter. Yeah, this is the Donald Trump fanatic voice or ideas. I don't think Hillary is coming back. There's no way. I don't think Hillary wants to come back. I don't love her to lose again. I don't think you guys want to go old white guy again.
Starting point is 02:19:42 I think there's a lot of voices in the democratic party that are like, are we doing old white guy again? Do Buddha judge? No, he's not old. He's like 40, 45. That was my alternative to old white guy.
Starting point is 02:19:56 Like, I do believe, I genuinely believe Biden has had a severe decline. I've, I've never seen a president who had his wife slash caretaker with him so often when he's on the microphone. I've never seen that. Like you often would see Michelle with Obama at like meet and greets and anything social. But Biden is often speaking on serious topics. And I know there's different categories of when the president goes on the
Starting point is 02:20:22 mic. Like there's a Rose Garden thing and then there's an Oval Office thing. And they have different protocol. But, man, I see her with him almost all the time. And she sort of interjects with and like softens things and helps things roll along. That's the weird thing is like Michelle would be there with Barack. Remember Johnny Carson had that little fat fucker that sat next to him that made things work? Like that's what she is. She next to him that made things work? That's what she is.
Starting point is 02:20:48 She's there to keep things rolling along smoothly. Ed McMahon. Because I feel like Biden could easily get in a situation where he's like, what? Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm going to do the thing now with the camera, the talkie, the talk talk. I don't know. I feel like something's going to slip out of him. I want them to keep putting him in positions like that because I like when he gets exasperated and he just has to be like, you know, how about you? Shut up.
Starting point is 02:21:12 Shut up about that. And it's like, oh, that's great. Because then like like everyone, like a lot of the media, like wants to defend Biden. And so they'll be like Biden delivers hard words on this. And it's just him, like barely with it. Like, shut up! Okay, yeah, he's not just lashing out as an elderly person. Let's assume Biden is going to run,
Starting point is 02:21:30 and let's just assume that it doesn't matter who comes from the Republicans. It's going to be a... They can all speak well. Even if it were Ted Cruz, he's a difficult... It'll be Trump, but yeah, we can assume it's anybody. Whether it's Trump, DeSantis,z rubio um any anyone from the right i don't know who i don't really know who the field's going to be this time is rubio a guy
Starting point is 02:21:51 i think they're i think they're all better debaters than the than uh joe biden is i thought biden was bad and the vp um stuff like what 12 years ago i remember thinking that he lost to um mckay who was mccain's vp choice like palin palin i i thought he lost to her i don't think anybody cares about debates or any of that shit right because like in turn like it's all an entertainment thing because in terms of like foreign policy or knowledge regardless of how you feel about either one hillary has a trillion times more information is more knowledgeable and every facet of government and life in general versus donald trump maybe they had to do better real estate.
Starting point is 02:22:25 I would bet money, and I would win every time, that if I were to ask Donald Trump to point out on an unlabeled map, where is Afghanistan, he wouldn't be able to do it. No. He wouldn't be able to do it. Just to be real with you, none of us here can. If you tell me you can do it, I believe you. I could probably get to one of the countries. You can pick out Afghanistan on the map. You can get it. I think I can. If you tell me you can do it, I believe you. I could probably get to one of the countries.
Starting point is 02:22:45 You can pick out Afghanistan on the map. You can get it. I think I can. It would take me a minute. I can pick out every country if the words are drawn. A bit of Savant in that way. I can find it, but I guarantee it wouldn't be boop. It'd be like, hmm. I'd be like, no, that's Iraq.
Starting point is 02:23:08 We need to go. But I don't think when the American people are trying to judge winners or losers, I don't think that they're looking at like, oh, well, who had the most informed foreign policy take on this particular thing? I think it's more just like, who made me laugh more? Unironically, who made me laugh more? And that answer is going to be Trump every time because he's got bits he's got jokes he is zach is calling us what color is afghanistan is it is it the green one between the blue one and the
Starting point is 02:23:38 yellow one is it the green one between the blue one and the yellow one? Yes, it should be. The big yellow one is Iran, and then it's Iraq and Syria to the left. The one above the yellow one is Afghanistan and Pakistan. I only know this because we do. That should be Afghanistan, yeah. Oh, that one by India? That's not where I'm at. India is next to Pakistan
Starting point is 02:24:02 because they fight over the Kashmir shit. Between them, they have contested territory to the northeast. I thought you said it makes sense, but is next to Pakistan because they fight over the Kashmir shit. Between them, they've got contested territory to the northeast. Now that you say it, it makes sense. But I was putting it over in Eastern Europe. I don't like how the US got grey. That's not fair. And just to be clear, I definitely struggled with that. That was a minute. That was harder than I thought it was going to be.
Starting point is 02:24:17 I think that that map has had some weird shapings around the borders. Yeah, that's what it is. It's certainly not... That's not the map I usually use for this sort of... People come to me and they say, Kyle, I'm a traveler of the world and I'm trying to get to the land of Afghan.
Starting point is 02:24:33 I don't want to be rude, but Zach, that's a little on you for not showing an accurate map. You did fuck that one up. If you had showed a real map, I would have been fucking laser-eyed. Yeah, it's a pretty weak sauce map. Can you name every country in Italy? In Europe?
Starting point is 02:24:51 Yes. Italy! Italy and Vatican City. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That would be such a great place to live. Imagine being the Pope. Already you got more influence than anyone individually individually and then you get your own country and you get dope guards with like swords and shit i want to know more about i'm i'm really i'm really fascinated with the vatican and what
Starting point is 02:25:15 secrets they might have in there it's all child rape i think a lot of child rape like like i do and and look like i don't believe in god but if they've got some holy relics in there like like i do and and look like i don't believe in god but if they've got some holy relics in there like like at the very least they're historical artifacts and i want to know more about them like maybe i don't believe this belongs in a museum you're robbing my museum that i work out in every night i've got like the fucking moses's hip bone like stuck on the wall shoot i would love to have moses's hip bone stuck on the wall. Dude, I would love to have Moses's hip bone. That's like something out of Supernatural. They'd like make a dagger out of like Jesus's femur.
Starting point is 02:25:52 Dude, the Catholic Church. The actual fucking Jesus. Oh, yeah. I'm getting yoked on the actual crucifix Christ died on. No, it's just Christ. Adding your blood to the blood of Jesus. I got my rings hooked up to the nails. No, he yeah he's got the rings hooked up and then you're just you push the cross into the corner and you're doing fucking landmine rows with it true like sometimes
Starting point is 02:26:16 you throw it on your shoulders yeah i mean like every everyone knows, like, Christ up there all time with the oblique game. That's a man that did not struggle with the lower two abs, I'm going to tell you right now. Son of God had it figured out. Ten pack, dude. And that's doing carpentry, all right? Can I get a picture of Jesus? I want to know. Have you not seen Jesus?
Starting point is 02:26:38 Jesus was jacked. Show me blue-eyed, blonde-haired, lean-as-fuck Jesus, like Brad Pitt on the cross. No, show me five-foot-four, dark-haired, lean-as-fuck Jesus, like Brad Pitt on the cross. No, show me five-foot-four, dark-haired, dark-eyed Jewish Jesus, and because of being short, those muscle inserts. He's probably going to tore that cross down if he felt like it. Five-four? What is he, Danny DeVito? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:26:56 I thought people were short back then, and Jewish people aren't very tall even now. Well, he was the son of God, though. He comes from good stock. I mean, there's a variance, right? It's racist to admit that some people are taller than others how tall do you think god is oh god's pretty tall he can be as tall as he wants man i think god's like a solid six three six four you know i i bet that god god would not want to show up as like a seven foot two guy that would seem insecure i bet he'd come as like a confident six two yeah i don. I could beat the 100 feet tall.
Starting point is 02:27:25 A barefoot 6'2". A barefoot 6'2". Jacked. Vascular. And I'll tell you what, I'm imagining God's feet right now. I think he's got a little bit of polish on there. Can you pop one of those in your mouth? God's toes? Oh, absolutely. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:27:42 I Googled it. I'm sorry to cut you off. God's height off God's height God is 6'2 The top link assures me that God is 6'2 inches tall and that he doesn't use the metric system Well that much is obviously true
Starting point is 02:27:59 He doesn't use the imperial system either, he uses those cubits and stuff Oh yeah, they measure the arc in or whatever, right? Yeah, you go from like the length of a human. It's from elbow to the tip of your fingers or some shit, whatever. I think you're right. Yeah, a cubit. Yeah, a cubit. It says here.
Starting point is 02:28:15 I don't care what it says there in the Bible. It says, like, God's like, all right, make the arc like 50 cubits wide and 300 cubits long. Yeah, but it doesn't say, like, and then Jesus was two cubits wide and 300 cubits long and yeah but it doesn't say like and then Jesus was two cubits tall on the Bible thing and the connected the political thing I want to say one of my favorite things about Trump is I love how he
Starting point is 02:28:34 you have kids I do you know how they lie so horribly when they're like constantly filthy like yeah like so this would happen nathan would come for the moment nathan did you wash your hands and be like uh yeah of course i didn't hear the sink run i turned it really low and and i'll lie i went in and i checked and there's no water in there i wiped it down with the towel like one of my favorite trump lies is he's uh
Starting point is 02:29:01 he's in a conversation with i think one or two like preachers and they ask him, what's your favorite verse in the Bible? And I think he says, does he say all of them? Yeah, he's like there's so many good ones all of them. Did he really say that? What else could he say?
Starting point is 02:29:21 John 3 16 is the easiest one for God to love the world that he gave his only begotten son you know I like Genesis I like the apple and the snake like it's a good story you know I like Leviticus 11.9 Jesus wept
Starting point is 02:29:34 the shortest verse in the bible wait wait I have the quote I'm going to read it hopefully it backs up what we said his favorite well I think many I mean when we favorite. Well, I think many. I mean, when we get into the Bible, I think many, so many. Can I read it in his accent? Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 02:29:50 Give me the voice. I want to read it. Yeah, yeah. You'll do it later. The lines. Well, I think many. And I mean, when we get into the Bible, I think so many, many, many, many. And some people, an eye for an eye, you can almost say that
Starting point is 02:30:06 that's not particularly a nice thing. But you know, if you look at what's happening to our country, and I mean, look at it, if you really look at it, what do you think what's going on in our country? How people are taking advantage of us, how they're scoffing, they're laughing, believe me, I'm talking to a lot of smart people, a lot of good people, they're laughing at us. And then they laugh in our face, and they're laugh in our face and they're taking our jobs and they're taking our money and they're taking the and it ends at h they're in so okay that's masterful we were gonna make fun of that but think about what he did there like i don't give a fuck that he doesn't know any verses anymore what he's saying is like like he almost in a retarded kind of way said who cares about memorizing verses if you take what the Bible really means, right? For example... Oh my god.
Starting point is 02:30:45 That is a generous interpretation of this lunacy. On the other side of what's actually happening here is Trump has like two or three thoughts in his head for like many months of his time. Trump is an instrument that plays one note. Exactly. He tries to
Starting point is 02:31:02 find a way. He's just pivoted and struck. He tries to find a way. He's struck the bible verse and he's like string he could have so easily answered that he's a gong there are classics john 316 i don't even need to repeat that we all know it we're all christians like that that level of thing would have been smarter i just just quickly doing that he got away from it and started talking about how we're we're embarrassing ourselves in the national stage and we need to defend it. Like he went to a core issue that he doesn't care about. What does that have to do with the Bible?
Starting point is 02:31:30 I think the issue. It doesn't have anything to do with it because he doesn't know shit about the Bible. He doesn't want to talk about the Bible. I'm pretty sure right after this, I don't know if the rest of the quote is here, if I'm making this up, but I'm pretty sure right after this, something I asked him again, like, oh, yeah, but like, what's one verse? Just one thing. I think the guy tries to ask him a second time and he just tried. He has to pivot again.
Starting point is 02:31:46 I'm curious. You guys, all three of you are put on the spot for that. Woody, do you have a Bible verse? Yes, Matthew 538. No, you can't read the Beatitudes. I can see you're reading it. Matthew 5 is called the Beatitudes. Very common passage there.
Starting point is 02:32:00 Kyle, what would you say? Turn the other cheek. That's totally not me at all. there kyle what would you what would you say turn the other cheek that's that's totally not me i i would say that um i'm not a big fan of fairy tales and no no no you're in a political position what do you do yeah that's good i'm leading with the atheist thing i'm going to be mocking christians throughout the campaign okay so you're just you're just ready to fucking lose badly like i look like i could tell a lot of lies but I can't pretend like I believe in fairy tales and I don't have any imaginary friends.
Starting point is 02:32:30 That's what it said on my Tinder profile for a long time. I'm not interested in people who have imaginary friends. And I relished the moment when someone asked what that meant. I told them it was Jesus. You've got an invisible guy you talk to at night? Yeah, is he your friend? Oh, he's your best friend. He loves you?
Starting point is 02:32:47 Oh, he loves you more than I can even imagine. Oh, your invisible friend that you talk to at night, he loves you so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for anything you might do that he wouldn't like? Wow, that's a pretty good imaginary friend you've got there is what you have. People get real upset about that for some reason. But no, I don't have a Bible verse because I don't know any Bible verses.
Starting point is 02:33:11 I was in church for years and never once do I remember them being like, hey, write this down. This is called Matthew blah blah. I have no idea. I couldn't name more than half a dozen of the books. Trump, a Presbyterian, has repeatedly said that his favorite book is the Bible.
Starting point is 02:33:27 But in an interview with Bloomberg last office, he declined to name his two favorite Bible verses because he said it was way too personal to share his name. Remember on the campaign trail, he would hold up, on the campaign trail, he would hold up and say, these are my two favorite books. One was the Bible, because you have to, and then number two was Art of the Deal. That's what he would say.
Starting point is 02:33:45 I thought it was going to be the Constitution or something. Dude, you cannot look at that and not laugh. That is so fucking funny. Definitely, it's funny. Having said that, I'm done with the Trump show. I've seen it for six years in a row. You say that, but they're not. I mean, the party is like...
Starting point is 02:34:01 Are you saying, did he win your vote last time? Close. It was close, did he win your vote last time? Close. It was close. But he didn't. So no net loss really here by losing. What you mean is, what you mean is, I'm not entertained anymore. I'm not entertained anymore. And I think that hurts him.
Starting point is 02:34:21 I think the country follows me. I think a lot of people in this country are no longer outraged by everything he does interested in everything he does if he were to get twitter back well he released a press release today talking about how some georgia official was corrupt and that that's why he lost the election they gotta let go of the election you gotta drop that you gotta drop that this is what i was talking about last week trump i could i could win you this election. This is so easy. This is so easy.
Starting point is 02:34:48 It's the core issues. It's what's happening right now. And that's why he was so good. That's why I think he was so good on Twitter is because it seemed like what he was interested in was the current events. He's hung up on this stuff from the past, and he's got to let that go. We don't care if the election is stolen or not. I don't want to hear about rigged voting machines. I don't want to hear about how the politicians in Georgia and Arizona
Starting point is 02:35:07 didn't cheat for you. It's old hat. It's one of the reasons why- You need to be talking about inflation and dead children. You need to be talking about Russia- Price of energy. I'm not sure that's his issue. No, price of energy, price of food is the main issue. Whenever new politicians get in office office people like pundits and stuff will say like oh there need to be uh you know there need to be courts and we need to be holding people accountable blah blah blah thankfully the politicians are a little bit smarter but nobody actually wants that when you get into office people want you to make forward
Starting point is 02:35:36 progress if you get into office and you make like the first like 100 days about trying to hold the last people accountable or like have courts or like it just you look salty as fuck you look like a bad winner and you just seem like vindictive and spiteful and nobody's actually going to be on bad optics yeah it just looks bad so yeah it's good to just move on and um trump being like so fixated like he almost comes off as like a um like like a division three athlete or like a high school superstar who's like trying to hold on to his glory days and he got like you know defeated in the election and he's like that's like his whole life's mission is to prove that that election was stolen and it's like bro it's time to let it go you still have like the whole republican party is still behind you the next president is probably going to be a republican
Starting point is 02:36:14 like just let it go like move forward like where do you stand on the road versus wade thing first of all pro-choice pro-life second how do you analyze the politics of what's happening uh that how boring do you want to be? Really? You think this is boring? Maybe. I'm pro-choice morally and philosophically. I'm very pro-choice.
Starting point is 02:36:33 As a matter of law, I kind of think it should be in a vacuum. It should be left to the states because it seems to be a very contentious issue still. So it seems kind of mean for the federal court or especially the Supreme Court to decide that thing from from a law background. I think that Roe v. Wade was shitty ruling. I the whole substantive due process and how all that is built out is very weird. There's like 17 different amendments that they draw from in order to say we should have a right to privacy, right to abortion. And also the case that it's based on, like, like, was the name uh it was roe her well oh and then there was kcv later but yeah but but but she falsified her story that didn't happen sure although the the
Starting point is 02:37:15 precedent that was set is kind of the more important thing but the the original cases were too but the the unfortunately or fortunately i was wondering i think that alito's ruling if it comes out i think is bad i think that even if we ruling, if it comes out, I think is bad. I think that even if we thought that Roe was bad law, there's kind of this concept with the Supreme Court, with all courts, called stare decisis, this idea that once you've made a decision, especially a watershed decision that other stuff is built off of, you kind of have to stick by that. When the Supreme Court gets in the business of reanalyzing 50-year-old decisions and then reinterpreting them and doing this stuff over and over again,
Starting point is 02:37:45 you kind of undermine the validity of your court. And I think for that reason, not whether I'm pro-life or pro-choice, but for that reason, I think Roe, in case he should both probably stand, because we don't want a Supreme Court that's constantly re-ruling and reinterpreting stuff from decades ago that other stuff has been built off of.
Starting point is 02:38:00 I was looking at it more like, so I think that pro-choice is the more popular position. I think something like two-thirds of America think think that they're depending on how you pull it yeah yeah yeah right i'm with you on that um i was wondering if it could have a positive effect for the democrats given that the roe versus wade threat always seemed hypothetical and not a problem and now it's like holy shit you know like it it's a saving grace if you're a democrat you're like please get rid of roe v wade because it is because biden i love biden i love biden by the way he's done an amazing job as president fuck all three of you if you
Starting point is 02:38:33 don't think so i love biden all right but he is not the type of guy to drive people to the polls i'm sorry people voted for biden because they were voting against trump and biden is not the guy to do it but with the roe v wade shit where you're actually telling women to go buy a fucking hanger if you want an abortion that is like the the lifeblood saving thing hopefully or drive or stay away yeah i've got a couple things to add to that so on the biden thing what biden does well is i don't disagree with many of his decisions like if you take ukraine i think everything he's done with that has been the right move i'm so happy we're not in the war yet. I'm very happy with Ukraine.
Starting point is 02:39:07 Winning the war. Like the support he's given them, the amount of even like political support he's given them and not given them. Like everything is perfect. Perfect. How he let NATO come to their own decision. We didn't go in like George Bush. We're going to lead a coalition of the willing. Like, no, no, no. You guys get together. Put your heads together and let us know what George Bush. We're going to lead a coalition of the willing. No, no, no.
Starting point is 02:39:25 You guys get together. Put your heads together and let us know what you think. We're waiting. Yeah. And everybody on board with the strike bans for Russia and everything. Yeah. And there are other things outside of Ukraine that I think he's really done well, too. The problem is he hasn't inspired even me, who's kind of on his side at all.
Starting point is 02:39:40 This guy doesn't speak and get me to line up. He doesn't get me excited. He doesn't bring people to the polls. And in your example. So Biden has like he's actually done a good job as president, but it seems like he's doing a bad job as president. And the few things that he does do well, like when the stock market hit a new high, for example, there was no celebrating. There was no mention. There was no him saying, look at the Dow just hit 33,000 or whatever it hit at the time. Trump would have claimed credit for that. Trump would have said, look what I whatever it hit at the time you know trump would have claimed credit for that trump would have said look what i did look at the good parts about what i'm doing look at what's
Starting point is 02:40:09 happening to salaries is what trump would be saying right now never mind that inflation is making these salary numbers seem like bullshit but he'd be pimping the good parts trump is like look at the unemployment rate our unemployment rate is fantastic right now trump would be talking about that by the fucking mum it's not working sure there's all sorts of weird stats but that's what trump would have done he would have celebrated the good parts that are happening during his rule you're right and uh biden's not doing that at all he's just silently letting all the negative people get the words out and look that i think that leads to i think it might be because he is not planning to run and he hasn't been planning to run.
Starting point is 02:40:46 Think about it from that point of view. And then if you're the kind of guy who thinks Biden is a smart, calculated man or at least a good politician. Or he hired good people. If you believe in any of those things, then why isn't he touting his accomplishments? If not, that he doesn't plan to run on them because he doesn't plan to run. And someone else might need to tout those leaders as he doesn't publicly speak unless it's absolutely necessary. I think it's because he's actually a good bureaucrat and not a good salesman. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 02:41:15 If you if you look at it, maybe to Kyle's point, if you listen to Biden talk in the past. Oh, man, Woody, if you want to look at a good speech, him talking about U u.s involvement in bosnia in front of congress is the most fired up i've ever seen him and it's really inspirational actually really good but i think he was a younger man and i think that he was against it uh no absolutely he was in favor of of course for u.s intervention of bosnia um but he was a um he was he was a younger man and i think it what was bad the bosnian conflict uh yeah yeah i don't know if you would have hated it if you were politically interested at the time you were probably like 16 years old you're probably right they were ethnically cleansing those people they were ethnically cleansing yeah raping was just how we win hearts and minds and the u.s involvement was
Starting point is 02:42:00 all air force like we had zero deaths i think if not it was very close to zero deaths yet we had a huge influence on that war just like when serbia was fucking with bosnia bosnia croatia yeah but on milosevic fucker right right so we were able to really you know help people get a little less rapey and it was out sacrifice boots on the ground and sold and you can't underestimate like like how important that is on the world stage. I'm sure everyone took notice that America pushed some buttons and flew some planes, and they won a war on the other side of the planet for themselves. Just like right now, we're all looking at Russia. Of course, people like us are like, ha-ha, look at Russia.
Starting point is 02:42:38 They don't know how to fight wars. I'm sure there are people out there who are in the market for weapon systems, and they're not going to buy Russian weapon systems. And that's that's their second biggest import by the export, by the way, is weapon systems like from a financial business standpoint. Winning wars is good because these superpowers, they make weapons and sell them like like American weapons. They're shitting on Russian weapons right now whatever happened because i remember that big story like a month or so ago maybe not even that long where it was like russia's gonna make germany buy uh fuel in rubles and it was like this big threat this big thing like what what happened with that is like is western europe just like going with less power now like more expensive power it's gotten more
Starting point is 02:43:20 expensive but they even with the stripe bans of um some russian stuff i'm pretty sure they exempted energy industries from that because europe still needs that oil um from right that makes sense like why fuck over the people of italy and germany because of that you know um i haven't been looking into that too much so so i'm not really sure i i think the whole thing is fascinating though like it's it's this is one of the bigger political events of our lives I think it's top two or three obviously 9-11 is this monumental fucking if there was a
Starting point is 02:43:52 multiverse it's one of those events that you can't move why didn't Captain America stop him what was he doing because Captain Afghanistan was too powerful oh I wish there was a Captain Afghanistan. That's what they would have done back in the day.
Starting point is 02:44:07 That's how we have all those Russian villains in our comics, because they were the bad guys. Oh, yeah. Have you seen the way American propaganda cartoonists drew Japanese people in World War II? You look at that now, and it's like... So accurate. Photorealism.
Starting point is 02:44:23 They get the Bugs Bunny teeth just right. You you look at those now and you're like damn i get we were at war but fuck like this is brutally imagine you were like an americanized japanese person yeah you're like yeah and you were thrown in the camp yeah man i even remember just watching um is just watching Breakfast at Tiffany's and they have the Chinese guy. That's Mickey Rooney. That's Mickey Rooney. Yeah, I know. Yeah, he's not a Chinese. Right, he's a white man. He's a white guy. And he does like the
Starting point is 02:44:53 Oh, Harold. Oh, Harold. Oh, you don't even understand me. And it's like his eyes are closed behind the racist eyeglasses. Jesus Christ. Doubling down. It was funny though. We've advanced a little bit since then. I watched a really good movie last night. It's called The Little Hours.
Starting point is 02:45:13 It's about a group of it's a convent, a nunnery or whatever, but all the nuns there have been put there because they're mentally disturbed and their priest is John C. Riley.
Starting point is 02:45:26 And, um, and, uh, so it's not a serious movie. It is a comedy. And, um,
Starting point is 02:45:32 the things get like really mixed up because, um, uh, this guy fucks like the King or the Duke's wife and has to flee the castle. And so he flees there to hide amongst the nuns and he poses as a deaf mute so that like that way they can't be asking him any questions he can't be saying anything but all the nuns are trying to fuck him now because they think he's a deaf mute who can't tell on him so they're so they're all like so they're all over him every time he gets alone
Starting point is 02:46:00 and he's trying to fight him off but he's a deaf mute so he can't say no and they're really hot it was uh it's really funny it's i can't think of her name who's april from um parks and rec the uh the brunette that dates uh you know oh chris pratt chris pratt i don't know her name aubrey or audrey or something that sounds right but yeah i know you're talking about plaza or something yeah she's in there and um um that uh there's a lot there's a good bit of nudity it's fun it's a real funny little movie it's on amazon for free if you want to watch it it's speaking of movies that are fun it made me think of a movie i watched just last night that is not fun at all i i think it's on netflix and i was you know dusty doesn't know i you know when i play magic the gathering arena on my laptop late at night and i'm relaxing i like to have something in the background usually it's family guy king of the hill old simpsons episodes but i also my
Starting point is 02:46:57 favorite genre of film i like campy shitty horror movies i just really enjoy them and so i was like i haven't watched horror in the background when i when playing magic in a long time and so i kind of scrolled and something suggested on netflix i think was called the girl next door from 2007 there's a 2004 movie that's very tame called the girl next door but this one was 2007 movie and i'm like i have never seen this before and i imagined it would be on the tier of horror as a stranger calls or when a stranger calls where it's like you get some spooky you get a little thrill but it's not gory not vicious nothing too bad and i was like that's gonna be my background movie and so i'm starting to play magic and the background of this this tale is it's two girls one's 18 and one is 13 that has
Starting point is 02:47:43 polio it's set in the 50s so she's got those leg rickety things set up and their parents die and so they have to go live with their cruel insidious aunt and her aunt they have she has four boys four young boys all like under 14 so those two girls come to to live with them and immediately the first half hour of the movie is demonstrating how much of a bad parent and bad woman this aunt is because the first scene is she's like offering these literally nine year old boys and girls beer and cigarettes
Starting point is 02:48:14 and being like would you like a beer would you like a cigarette and then she just like one of the first scenes they're all in the kitchen she's just talking like about her pussy like talking about sex to children and like her young sons are getting horned up over it. Time out. So what happens?
Starting point is 02:48:30 Time out. No, no, no. I have a question. Yeah. Because I want to go take a piss break, if this is what I think. I believe this is based on a true story, so everything that you're describing actually happened,
Starting point is 02:48:43 just so everyone knows. In some form. No, no, no. No, no,'re describing actually happened, just so everyone knows. In some form. No, no, no. No, no, no. I've read the court transcripts. This happened, and it's worse than what you saw. It's so much worse than what you saw.
Starting point is 02:48:55 I haven't done that, but I did see after I watched it, this is a real story. I don't like this story. It was the most upsetting thing I've ever seen on Netflix. Jesus Christ, okay. No, literally.
Starting point is 02:49:05 And then it shows how dysfunctional and ridiculous the scene is with this woman, this aunt in charge. And she's kind of like hyping her own young sons up about sex stuff. And she leaves the room and all the boys decide they want to tickle the 18 year old girl who's coming to live there. And she's very reserved, very uncomfortable. She doesn't know the situation. So all the boys are over there tickling, but they're really just like groping her like tits and ass and stuff.
Starting point is 02:49:34 And the girl, the 18-year-old girl, shoves one of the eight-year-old boys off who was grabbing her tits. And the boy falls. Then the aunt comes back in the room and the boy's like she pushed me she pushed me and the girl's like he grabbed my breast or he tried to feel my pussy or something and the mom was like he's a good boy he would never do that unless a whore tempted him
Starting point is 02:49:56 and so she and then the mom goes in the most evil fashion ever she's like i'm not gonna punish you you know angelica whatever the fuck her name was when you do something wrong it's susan who's in the most evil fashion ever, she's like, I'm not going to punish you. You know, Angelica, whatever the fuck her name was. When you do something wrong, it's Susan who's going to pay for it. And so then the woman takes Susan, the polio ridden 12 year old and beats the shit out of her.
Starting point is 02:50:18 And so then the girl realizes like, oh my God, I need to get out of this situation. The older girl, like my young sister's getting beaten. This is horrific horrific they go to a baseball game the next day and the boys plus the mom they kind of notice at one point the older girl goes to talk to a police officer and you can see through the body language the older girl's like and she smacked her and she's abusing her and she's giving boys cigarettes and booze and stuff and like
Starting point is 02:50:45 and little girls from around that because it wasn't just boys it was like four sons a cousin who was a boy and then like a couple girls and boys from the neighborhood who would hang out in there and the night they get home they go we know you talk to the cops you're gonna go in the basement and we're gonna chain your hands to the ceiling and you're going to stand there on three books or we're going to kill or beat the shit out of this girl with polio and so she goes down there she gets chained up and they go down there the the afterward you know the polio girl's not there the family the the four dysfunctional being fucked with boys by the mom and the mom herself the aunt is like she's a whore i bet she fingers herself i bet she's fucking playing with her pussy and then the boys are like yeah she's a whore and these are these are these are eight these are
Starting point is 02:51:39 eight nine ten year old boys like she's a whore and i'm watching at this point magic is by the wayside i'm locked into this movie i'm like what the fuck is going on and then they she tells her like 11 year old son like she needs to be punished she's a whore yeah she does and then she's like what do you want to do with her and like talking to her like 12 year old son like that and he's like i want to cut her clothes off and he's like cut her clothes off she's a whore she deserves it and so he goes over there is like cutting her clothes off and she's like crying and he's like talking about wanting to finger her pussy and shit and she is i'm not exaggerating at all about this like this is all cool it's called it's called the girl next
Starting point is 02:52:22 door how am i supposed to know this is what the movie is and then they like they they cut her naked and everything and then the mom is like i bet she's given blow jobs to boys before you know what we do to girls who do that she starts burning her with cigarettes just burning her with cigarettes the girl is like screaming crying everything and guess what it amplifies from here it gets a little more intense a little burn play taylor and so they they literally go back upstairs the boys come back down in the middle of the night and the girl is like chained up hasn't had water in two days and the boys come back down it's like like a 9 10 11 and 12 year old they come down and they're like i want to you know mom's, mom's going to find out. Mom's going to find out if we, if we touch her and they're like, shut up, we're going to
Starting point is 02:53:08 touch her anyway. And so they like start threatening her chained up a 14 year old or 12 year old being like, I'm going to finger your pussy. It's going to happen. And if you say shit, she's going to know, she's going to know, and she'll come down here and we'll tell her you did this. And I'm watching this like, Oh my God. Like, this is a brutal thing. It's a side. The mom comes back down the next day,
Starting point is 02:53:31 decides that's not intense enough. So they take her down. They tie her to a bed with her hands above her head that way. And the neighborhood girls, the neighborhood boys and all of her sons and her watch as she like, has her sons rape her in order she like has her sons rape her in order like like raping and like it is it is beyond fucked up and after she allows her first son to rape she goes you can't rape him second son because your brother's cum is all in there
Starting point is 02:53:59 that's ridiculous you're gonna go skinny dipping in your brother's scum. Gross. And then so she decides, well, we need to let men know that she's a whore. And no one will want you ever again. And so she heats a bobby pin and writes in burns on the girl's stomach, lower stomach. It doesn't even say whore. Whore is only five letters. She wrote like, I am a whore. Fuck me, please am a whore. Fuck me, please.
Starting point is 02:54:27 Fuck me good. Like that amount of burns in her skin. Are you exaggerating with that? I'm not exaggerating. This is really upsetting. It is. And I know I won't go any further because I don't want to spoil that great ending. It is.
Starting point is 02:54:39 It is. Bar none. I had no idea how upsetting this movie would be. The watch. It's called The Girl Next Door. Does that strike you as something horrific and horrible? I knew about it. I didn't know about it.
Starting point is 02:54:53 I was like, wait, that's that thing that happened. Have you seen it? I would not know. No, I would not watch the movie. I know what happened. And it's much worse than what you're describing. Well, and there was also the part after the writing on the stomach the the mom decided this is horrible and she's a whore and she starts giving a little monologue in front of all the boys and neighborhood girls she goes you know there's only one little
Starting point is 02:55:16 place that makes a woman want to have sex and if you get rid of that why are you why are you why are you then it no longer wants to i'm telling the fucked up story dude I feel like you're like one of those movie recaps what is the place? the place is the clitoris and then the woman uses the aunt uses a blowtorch
Starting point is 02:55:40 to burn the woman's clitoris off and then the woman dies. She dies at the end of her wounds almost mercifully how bad they were to her. But I was like finishing up that movie and the credits were rolling and I was like, don't, there's no world in which
Starting point is 02:55:56 this is appropriately called The Girl Next Door. Like, give us a real horror story because there's another movie called The Girl Next Door and it's about a silly little phone call. Like there's no reason for this. But this ruined my evening. It ruined your evening?
Starting point is 02:56:11 The whole night. Like hours later than I was thinking about this again. It's so awful. It's so awful that that happened. It's one of the most – and it's not a movie that relies on the gore and stuff. It's more just the thought and the knowledge of what's going on it is it's it's truly upsetting and it's and i watch a lot of horror it is rare for me to find a horror movie where i'm like oh oh oh oh no but this one did it so i guess hats off in that way i mean but it didn't scare you it just like disturbed you it was just gross it's it and it's
Starting point is 02:56:41 it's what it really makes you like feel it makes me feel worse to be a human if that's what we're like you know what i mean it's it's it's it's like only some of us a small percentage but that's what i'm saying like some of us are like that like i'm one of those things and one of us is like that like it's just it makes us all lower it's so awful and it's it's terrible i've read i think i saw a post on reddit once like like one of those that described like what happened the the whole thing and i read i don't want to read that it's real bad um it's just so awful uh i don't like that story at all that might be my least favorite story that i will not be re-watching no no it was you don't want that one on blu-ray i do like i like fucked up movies
Starting point is 02:57:27 and shit like that and so part of me like i'm watching i'm like this is great this is like really fucked up like i did not i like when it catches me off guard i did not see most of that shit coming but then you're also then you realize it's based on a true story and it's pretty horrific yeah yeah i don't like torture porn i don't like that stuff where people are like tied up and being cut apart like hostile that shit was the worst about it hostile was like zero percent scary a hundred percent you know if we show someone's finger getting cut off in this way maybe people will get scared there was a whole genre of gore porn like audition hostile the saw movies um yeah that martyr there's some of these like italian films like yeah there was this whole Audition, Hostel, the Saw movies. Yeah, that Martyr, these Italian films.
Starting point is 02:58:06 Yeah, there was this whole genre where basically it was just like, how much gore can you put on the screen? And that's scary or horrific or whatever. Yeah, I think they're distinctly different from like, if you grew up, I grew up watching a lot of the horror movies from like the 80s and 90s that are almost like, looking back, I didn't really think of it at the time, probably because I was a kid, so they they were scared of me but they're almost like
Starting point is 02:58:26 comedy horror right like freddy krueger is like a comedy horror guy if you've been like it's a little tongue-in-cheek he's yeah jokes and stuff child play chucky is like it's like they always have like a joke before he kills somebody or some shit sure because like like right in the heart of that you had that whole thing with congress and the MPAA where they were dragging musicians and actors before Congress to testify about gore and stuff. And the MPAA cracked down so hard. They would make a Jason
Starting point is 02:58:54 movie or whatever. They would be like, okay, let's edit this down so that we can get an R. And it would come back X. Not even NC-17. They would have to cut so much out. They were pretty tame. I watch a lot of those 80s horror movies.
Starting point is 02:59:10 The first, Nightmare on Elm Street, is a really good movie. The second movie is just a big gay allegory and has very little to do with actual Freddy Krueger and his mythos. You got to go two more movies before you get to another good Freddy Krueger movie. Yeah, most of Freddy Krueger movies. I didn't
Starting point is 02:59:27 like those. I didn't like the Halloween's either. I didn't think those were scary. Halloween 1 is good and Halloween 2 is like self-contained. It like actually is a direct sequel so I like that. After that I stopped watching. Fair enough. What is a horror movie you like?
Starting point is 02:59:44 Like that you're like creme de la creme. That's a good horror. It spooks me, it frightens me. Good plot. Something like Sinister, or what's it called? Not Insidious or Sinister. What was that other one? The Conjuring. The Conjuring is one of my favorite modern ones. What's his name? It's not John Woo, is it? I think that might be the director. It's really good. I liked it? I think that might be the director. It's really good. I liked it a lot. It relies on some jump scares,
Starting point is 03:00:08 and I think it gets a bad rap for that because I think it earns those jump scares with the atmosphere. But more recently, we were talking about Hereditary and the way that Hereditary and Midsommar and films like The Witch have this really creeping sort of atmospheric thing that this from the very beginning, they're sort of putting you in this place where joy and happiness don't exist in this world that you're in. So we're starting way down here and just wait. We're going further.
Starting point is 03:00:39 Like there is no happy sunshine. Teenagers in a high school enjoying their class. And there's no there's no calm before the storm. We're starting out in a shitty place, and wait, it gets worse. Yeah. I mean, those are great movies. I like The Conjuring, too, too. I liked both of The Conjuring movies. Maybe there's more.
Starting point is 03:00:58 I don't know. But then those other ones that were synonyms that both came out around 2010, Insidious and Sinister. Yeah. Those were pretty fucking good too. I liked those. I get them a little mixed up. The one with Ethan Hawke, it's the one where you have the Bagul demon who makes children kill their own families and
Starting point is 03:01:17 he records it. There's like the tree with the hanging people that he finds in the film. Now the first half of that film, before you realize there is a baguio that looks silly is excellent. It's masterful. Like an Ethan Hawke's a good enough actor that he can carry the whole thing on his shoulders.
Starting point is 03:01:35 But once you see that there's a baguio demon and there's, and like you see it, it's kind of downhill from there. But it's, it's, it was a scary movie to me at the time uh i remember when i watched um it's not the ring what is the uh the japanese horror movie that they that has sarah michelle geller in it and uh it's got the little cat boy that's going
Starting point is 03:01:57 whatever grudge that fucked me up when i was 18 the grudge got you i remember i thought it was stupid it's something about the way the little girl like moved all this jointedly like like really threw me off um but the exorcist when i watched it for the first time um it didn't it scared me more than i think it scares most people especially like today today like 20 years after i was a kid because i was religious at that age like like i wasn't going to i wasn't altar boy or anything i wasn't like i didn't think too seriously about it but i believed in god and uh and so i was like i mean the devil exists i mean this demon demons exist like like i know they do and here is a really good example of like that can... I don't know. That was a scary movie.
Starting point is 03:02:46 That was where they blacked out with makeup, like the eyes and the white face of that little Asian boy who looked dead. Yeah, and he was crawling on the ceiling. That was all right. I liked The Ring a lot more. That came out when I was in middle school, and I remember it being the movie of middle school
Starting point is 03:03:04 where everyone was like, oh, it's the scariest movie of all time. Of course, we had no perspective on scary movies, but it was the scariest to us. I haven't seen The Ring in fucking 15, 16 years, but I remember liking it at the time when I saw it. I thought it was really scary. Yeah, different things scare me. I've never been afraid of the slashers because I grew up on a farm. If somebody tries to come in our house with a knife, it's like,
Starting point is 03:03:29 what were you thinking, boy? It's just not going to end well. Look, free knife. It's literally what you're thinking as a country boy on a farm. Somebody's going to walk up the driveway, pass the dogs break through our big ass door and like what we're not gonna be loaded and ready like like what
Starting point is 03:03:53 is it like you know you're just not afraid of the guy with a knife i don't know destiny are you a horror movie guy what what do you i grew up watching every fucking horror movie all of the classics on the eight like all the hell raisers, the child's plays, the Jason's the, like every fucking classic horror movie. Um, I watched a lot of the gore porn ones cause they're interesting, I guess.
Starting point is 03:04:13 But I think if you've, um, I don't know if you guys ever did the fucking weird shit where you watched all the actual like crazy shit from like augerish and like the really like stuff. Yeah. I wish I hadn't. I watched one.
Starting point is 03:04:24 I watched one about a year ago where this guy's kidnapped these two Japanese people, a man and a woman. I don't even know each other. And he's got him on these stretchers facing each other. You're talking about the movie, the one that ends with him cutting her head off. And then as she's flying through the air, she bites him to kill him as
Starting point is 03:04:39 her head is flying off. Well, that's cool. If that happened, I didn't make it to the end because I got to a part right. There's a part right at the beginning we're going like he finger bangs her until she squirts on his face and then he jerks the guy off then until he comes on her and i was like oh no and i fast forwarded a little and he's about to cut her nipple off with some scissors and i was like what am i watching oh that movie gets so much worse there's a part where he's like driving nails through the guy's dick with a hammer to like cut it off and it's just like the most insanely ridiculous fucking movie in the world that's one
Starting point is 03:05:17 of the like just the crazy what is this movie called i don't even know what it's called it's damn i want to watch it um like i get on like amazon has so many little sub genres and channels that i like go through these little deep dives like that's how i found that spanish language film where the girl is having sex with a tentacle alien jesus that's a horror movie like it kills and rapes like a couple people the tentacle alien does but she's like down with it and she's it's like it looks like one of those wild tentacle animation porns that i'm sure none of you have ever seen, so I'll describe them thoroughly. There's tentacles
Starting point is 03:05:48 supporting the woman, and there's tentacles in every orifice, and she's really having a good time. And that's what this movie is. It was called Untamed, I think, or something like that. I think my two favorite of all the things I've seen, and people
Starting point is 03:06:04 will laugh at me for this. My two favorite horror movies are, one was, and I swear by this movie, and fuck everybody doesn't like it, okay? The very first Paranormal Activity. Oh, yeah. It's incredibly scary. It's a good movie.
Starting point is 03:06:18 It was a creepy, when the guy comes in, when the priest, because everything seems kind of common. You don't really know what's going on. When the priest comes into that house the second time, and he's like, I have to leave. Like, I'm freaking out or whatever. Like, that movie just sets up the atmosphere so and they made that movie for like thirty two thousand dollars the scariest part of that movie to me is when he goes up into the attic and suddenly our two because being together like is such a you feel safe like of course yeah like i've had that where i'm watching
Starting point is 03:06:41 a scary movie but i've got my girlfriend with me. Now she's not going to protect me from fuck all. If anything, she'll get in the way while I'm fighting it. But her being there is like, alright, we're together. And you have that with that couple in Paranormal Activity. When they're together, they're a team. If I see something, then you see it. There will be no paranoia.
Starting point is 03:06:59 We're like, did she really see it? We're together. But he leaves her to go into the attic to check on the noise and it's and and you don't really get to go you he can't really tell what's up there and it's like if it takes him she can't help and if it takes her he can't help they're so close to being locked away from each other and him being in that act and her down here and neither one of those is such that was the scariest moment of that to me and there are so many like creepy he finds a photograph up there that can't exist that's what happens and then i think right after that maybe there's a big jump where something drags her away like something like that why can't the photograph exist because it burned up in her house fire when she was a
Starting point is 03:07:40 child yeah it burned in that house to nothing and now it exists up there is like this charred remnant and it was is is that is the first movie the one where at one point it's either the husband or wife that walks into the backyard and is like just sitting there hanging out there yeah another one comes up i remember weird yeah i remember that part scaring me a lot i think it was the husband that was out there and he was just like dead-eyed staring at nothing until the wife comes up or maybe the wife is sitting on a bench oh there was the one too where the wife is over the husband just staring at him well that's yeah that's fucking weird yeah that's one of my favorites my another one of my top two
Starting point is 03:08:19 favorites is super great borderline can't be good special effects there's a movie called drag me to hell yeah i've seen that i've seen drag me to hell really solid super good movie really funny ending that everything about when she's fighting the woman in the fucking grave and everything that movie is really well done and really funny those are like my two i think like my favorite like newerish like horror movies i think do things like really well i enjoy those two a lot i almost put like drag me to hell in the same category. Not the same category. It's like comedy horror. What is it called? Something versus the evil dead or.
Starting point is 03:08:48 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 03:08:50 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 03:08:51 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 03:08:51 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 03:08:52 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 03:08:52 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 03:08:53 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 03:08:53 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 03:08:53 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 03:08:53 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 03:08:54 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, That's what it's called. That's actually a really good movie. I really like it because it's making fun of it the whole time. They're in the boat outside on the river, and then all the kids are swimming, and they're like, I don't want to upset them. I don't want them to think we're spying on them or nothing.
Starting point is 03:09:15 And then the kids start dying, and they're like, if we get out and help, they're going to know we were looking at them. It's this thing where it's very meta. The same way Cabin in the woods was like meta meta like there's literally going through the tropes and and all the the multiple horror uh enemies like this movie is like that they can't help that they seem like the bad guys from horror movies they just seem like like hillbilly rednecks but really they're just like two good old boys who bought a cabin together and they want to pick her up.
Starting point is 03:09:47 It's a tremendous movie. Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is very funny. I love horror. I want a movie that's going to scare the shit out of me. That's going to really fucking scare me. And I feel like once you've watched enough horror movies, that just doesn't happen anymore. Yeah, it's hard.
Starting point is 03:10:07 It's like you said, you need tolerance. I don't know if it's an unpopular take because it's an M. Shemaya Maya, whatever the fuck. I remember thinking the first Science was a really freaking movie. I love it. That was one popular one. I think you have to get halfway into the movie before you finally see the fucking alien dude in the shitty movie.
Starting point is 03:10:24 Oh, further. I love that movie. I think movies that do that atmosphere really well i think are science was one of his great movies and and like everything tied together at the end i guess it's pretty cute right in reverse at the time i really loved it i think some people don't like it because it's too formulaic and it's like look it's beautiful that way i like it it can be simple but but mel gibson is so likable in that movie and he carries that thing so well and the kids are excellent actors that kieran mccullen kid and his brother did a great job with the clef flip or walking phoenix um phoenix phoenix yeah yeah phoenix yeah yeah yeah he kills it and uh um and you know a little supporting and you know shamalan's in there and he does fine in his little role or whatever
Starting point is 03:11:12 um even the army recruiter down you know when walking phoenix goes to town he's like describing what the alien invasion would be like that's a cool little gritty moment they should have had arlie ermy for that part it would have perfect when they tell me what to swing i was inspired swing away yeah swing away the music goes and he fucking swing it's great it's great it's a it's a it was more of a it was more of a because mel gibson like runs in and scoops the kid up and the alien's attention goes to Joaquin Phoenix. It's a great scene. Kyle, would you put it in horror or would you put it in mystery thriller?
Starting point is 03:11:51 No, it's horror. Aliens are coming in at night to take your children. It's a global invasion. I need to rewatch it. Maybe I'm wrong. There's that moment where Joaquin Phoenix is just about to go into full tinfoil cap cap mode and he's watching mexican tv footage of an alien like running like through a garden or something that's such a freaky fucking video it's the first time you see anything and then it's paused and you can't see what's going on and then the thing just walks by the camera
Starting point is 03:12:17 like oh that's fucking weird not only do you do that joaquin phoenix is terrified joaquin phoenix has a he makes you laugh he's like vamanos children vamanos oh yeah and you get a little chuckle and then you see it and and he goes oh like that like really convincingly he covers his he recoils in terror and you do too because you just saw something move in a non-human slanky reptilian-esque kind of camouflaged creepy chameleon way and it's here already. They're among us. The scouts are here. That's what's in our fucking yard. It's scary. When they run around the house
Starting point is 03:12:52 yelling and they meet each other and then they look up and you hear it's like, oh shit. I love the whole conversation they have with the sheriff when she shows up. She's like, I saw these Kenyan high jumpers jump clean over your head and and melchized is like well okay if we set aside kenyan super athletes in the backyard last night pulling hijinks um what else are we looking at
Starting point is 03:13:16 here it's uh no i dig that you're probably right i right. I haven't seen that since, when did that come out? 2004? Probably saw it last, 2005? The problem is that, and this sucks because it might be an age thing. I think there might be some, I don't know if, I was watching Science for the first time today. I don't know if I'd like it. But if I watch it again, I know I'll like it. Just because of how different media is today,
Starting point is 03:13:44 I feel like it's probably harder for people that aren't used to enjoying kind of like slower things to enjoy those things they're just going to feel really boring i think i'm not sure i think it's it hits you often enough to keep you interested because remember like you've got scenes like the boy killing the german shepherd with the with the with the skewer and then you've got like mel gibson seeing the alien on the roof but not being sure what he's that is a scary fucking moment because i'm you guys know but maybe that's he doesn't my biggest fears is fucking aliens those gray aliens with the big fucking eyes i don't believe in demons and ghouls and goblins and i'm not just aliens for this genius and look i would love i would love for you guys to read a headline about me strangling a knife
Starting point is 03:14:20 wielding a salient to death because that's what would fucking happen but it turned out it was a well-meaning canyon trying to jump over i'm gonna grab my duo bell and turn it to 10 and go to work like i'm not worried about that either but like a fucking extraterrestrial showing up and his in his like interdimensional light speed craft or whatever beaming me up beaming me up for a little operation is like my biggest fear, because I don't have shit for that. Not that guy! Show me the fire in the sky! Show me the fire in the sky! Kyle, that's what you're afraid of, you pussy?
Starting point is 03:14:54 I get puns after. Show me the fire in the sky aliens, because those are the scary fuckers. Oh, is that the guys that do the eye drill thing in that fucking movie or whatever? First, they throw a handful of shit in his mouth for no good reason. And he's like, vomiting up the shit and and and then they like you know that like a fetish thing where they vacuum celia to a bed with like that yeah yeah yeah i remember like do that to him inexplicably and then haphazardly use like the the least sci-fi
Starting point is 03:15:20 knife you've ever seen to cut a mouth hole in it and then they go i think that's when they throw the shit in his mouth like and they're just doing awful things to him and it's it's it's believable-esque as a kid anyway when i watch this shit yeah look at that bitch he's scarier in hd i mean that that just looks like groot it does look does look like Groot, I'm going to be honest. Groot's a problem, though. Yeah. Groot's a nice guy. Groot wouldn't tie you to a bed and vacuum seal you. He might.
Starting point is 03:15:53 Make that go away. I'm going to have nightmares. You shouldn't stop. No, that's what I'm scared of because I figure I can handle most of the other things at least conceivably. What's behind Aliens for you? Like, right behind Aliens, what's the next big big fear you said you don't like slashers but for me like i'm i'm i'm not scared at all of the demon alien movies it's more like the the insidious person you wouldn't expect that's doing fucked up shit behind the scenes that's what's more body horror is like american horror
Starting point is 03:16:23 or not american horror story i'm sorry. American Psycho. That's a spookier story in a way because it's about a guy who just fucking kills people for fun and you don't expect it. You just got – I mean, come on. You'd expect it if you spent five minutes with that fucking guy. That guy was weird. That is so fucking true that people are like, oh, Patrick Bateman was flying under the radar. And then he gets interviewed by the cops. And he's like, I dabble in rape.
Starting point is 03:16:52 They're like, all right, on your way then. Yeah, I think the whole thing is that I think the interpretation a lot of people have is that he didn't kill anybody in that movie. Yeah, he's just fucking crazy. Yeah, like none of that happened. A lot of it didn't happen. I've read that theory. I don't think it makes sense well it doesn't killings that you know he didn't do because he like wakes up after something or like shit wasn't what how it was supposed to be so you know at least a few of them didn't happen like i think the homeless guy killing doesn't he like confront all the cops afterwards and then after he like
Starting point is 03:17:19 wakes up or something or yeah and just so we're clear like if if you consider american psycho 2 to be canon then it just there's an american psycho 2 and it has mila kunis in it don't even acknowledge it as a movie you guys are scared of all the wrong things like kyle's scared of aliens someone else is scared of american psycho i'm scared of like the irs youtube's automated strike system shit like that is what keeps me up at night. Have you heard that old RIP Norm McDonald bit where he's like, you know, everyone's afraid, you know,
Starting point is 03:17:52 everyone's afraid of terrorists. You know, more likely than that is you're going to be attacked and killed by your own heart. Imagine that. You're afraid of terrorists and then your own heart kills you i was just laughing my ass off i have a brag i have a brag i mentioned on the show for like a year and a half now it's like working to keep my bread pressure low so i don't have to go into
Starting point is 03:18:16 those stupid medicines that ruin your dick pressure i said i say it funny blood like an asian uh my broad 120 over 70 today, baby. Nice. What was mine the other day? I don't remember. 200 over 100. At least. I sent you a text when I got it because I got that physical.
Starting point is 03:18:38 Oh, wasn't it good? I think it was good. Yeah, I thought you killed it with the blood pressure. Yeah. I'm sure you could it with the blood pressure yeah i'm sure you could search bp or blood pressure or something no it was i tested my blood pressure recently i am blown away that i'm in a healthy range how the amount of salted meats i eat might want to get a professional take a look no that amazon uh that amazon i got what i wanted out of that and so i got what i wanted a tacit admission that it's okay for me to keep eating the way i do pretty sure you get the same
Starting point is 03:19:16 35 amazon blood pressure cuff i do i'm not sure about its accuracy all that matters is the number of the machine you know right yeah fuck it yeah that's like when you go to weigh yourself in the morning and you're like you go to sleep and you're thirsty as fuck and you wake up in your porch you just you just take a shit you're like fuck if i wait like two hours and weigh myself i'm gonna weigh like five pounds less than i should like that's a good number to stick with yeah yeah but then you have to you set the precedent right like i've had weeks where i weighed in weekly. I lost two pounds that week. I target a pound a week.
Starting point is 03:19:46 That's how I like to lose. If I lose two pounds this week, is that even good news? Save some fucking gains for next week. Now I have to lose another pound to go down next week. I would have rather just lost one pound this week. Maybe be at the high end of my daily scale so that next week I have an easy time. Let me ask you this. What are you trying to prorate as weight loss?
Starting point is 03:20:04 Let me ask you this because I have a formula in my mind i guess that's like suffering times time um you know and equaling results or whatever sounds rock solid and you can you can suffer more you can suffer more and do it for less time right or you can suffer less and do it for a longer period of time those are the that's the way that equation works to achieve the same results you seem to prefer to suffer a little bit less and spend a little bit more time right because you don't do cardio because you just don't want to do more than i used to i've been walking a lot and like a lot like i walk two hour spans but not hard cardio that's a lot of that's a lot of stuff i haven't broken into a run in years kyle the answer is i wasn't trying to achieve a picture day.
Starting point is 03:20:48 I was trying to do a lifestyle change. Yeah, that makes sense. I didn't want to be – I'll make up a number. 1,000 calorie deficit daily, which would be two pounds a week, right? Am I crazy? Yeah, that's right. 3,500 a week. Yeah, it would be 2 pounds a week.
Starting point is 03:21:04 Yeah, yeah. So 1,000-pound deficit would be a thousand pounds a week yeah yeah so a thousand pound deficit every day two pounds a week wait that's a big cut yeah yeah that's that's not what i was targeting i was targeting one pound a week 500 a day because like i wanted this to be the new permanent me not a three months sure are you pretty much you're happy like you're where you're at for the most part now i'm happy i couldn't be a little leaner right now but i'm not like i can see my abs i just rather be leaner than this it's but doing the two pounds a week thing is is is a struggle you know like it just depends on like what you've got your metabolism to are you eating like 1400 calories a day or what are you eating a day at that well no no so you got to ramp your metabolism up to begin with so by the end of
Starting point is 03:21:50 my bulk i'm eating 3600 calories a day so so so by eating 3500 calories a day i'm losing weight you know what i mean so so that means that i can if i cut down to say 2700 calories 2500 calories and do a little bit of cardio i I can lose two pounds a week. See, if I cut well and I'm not a piece of shit with no discipline, 2,000 calories a day is about where I like to be. And then that should be about a 500 deficit a day target, about right-ish. Yeah, it's a struggle to get to the 3,500 thing. Yeah, that seems like pretty late. That's a thing. Yeah, that seems like a lot of metabolism. But you have a lot of muscle.
Starting point is 03:22:28 You're stronger than me. It's just months and months of slowly adding it and doing that stupid vertical diet thing and working on the insulin resistance. The vertical diet needs better naming. I don't understand how a diet can be vertical or diagonal. I just know what I'm not supposed to eat.
Starting point is 03:22:44 I know what I can't eat. How do you resist for so long not ordering a pizza or something? Who wants fucking... I can make my own pizzas. I don't eat pizza. With cauliflower crust? No, I use my... I use that juke bag.
Starting point is 03:22:58 I got this Jewish bread I put it on. Oh, you got a little chala bread you put on there? No, it's not going to be as good as good that's bullshit and we all know it pizza's not a good see i have a cost-benefit analysis on all this stuff right like the things that i can suffer with and the things that i can't going from sugar to stevia huge gain i give up very little i still like my stevia coffee right right giving up pizza pizza's not that good and it's absolutely shit for you wow like wow pizza's not that good hot take of the millennium like right here like the vertical diet works for me because like my favorite meal like if i was when i when i went
Starting point is 03:23:39 to morton's the other night like i i wanted um a filet a filet mignon and i wanted um a baked potato now i got like butter on my baked potato because i'm at morton's but like when i'm eating it here i put some like substitute stuff on there or i put some like fake ass cheese sauce or something greek yogurt usually it's like sour cream to me i put ketchup on my baked potato and it's bullshit it's low class but it adds a little something to it that that salsa i'll put low i'll put salsa sriracha anything anything to get flavor in there like like um i think it is i'm sorry but no that's what i'm saying like like my diet food is like my favorite meal in the world which is like a baked potato and a steak right so like like i'm really happy to to do that and i like to
Starting point is 03:24:21 like there's so many variations sometimes i'll just slice the steak up and do like a stir fry thing and just throw it on the rice and spray everything with sriracha and just eat a big steak bowl. Um, so, so I don't know, I don't mind it too much. Uh, I, I like, if I'm going to do ice cream, there's like halo top ice cream. That's, that's barely any different than a protein shake on the, when you look at the macros in it and it's a very good flavor. Are you hitting up most of the time? Peanut butter every time the peanut butter, have you given cookie doggo? I've had them all.
Starting point is 03:24:52 Peanut butter cups. My favorite. You don't like the problem with Halo top ice cream is it's at home. If I have ice cream, I want to have it outside in the heat in the sun as a cooling factor it's an environmental dish it's not i'm not looking to have ice cream at my kitchen counter i am really okay i'll sit on the i get i eat the whole pint in one sitting like so you want to be outside on i'll settle for one of those metal tables but i'd really prefer a wooden picnic table to have
Starting point is 03:25:23 like that so you would never just sit there and be like oh i'm gonna watch fucking ozark or whatever and get get your uh whatever that protein ice cream is called halo halo top like that's an environment where i'm at home i would have something i have watermelons this season in the winter i'll have like citrusy stuff but in the summer just watermelon so what is your your snack is fruit like if you're sitting there watching Ozark or whatever, your snack is like clementines or something like that? I'll either have... This time of year, watermelon. Other times, it's like
Starting point is 03:25:51 a tropical fruit mix, like grapes and different honeydews and cantaloupe and shit. But I also do chicken. As a snack? I will eat cold chicken out of the refrigerator as a slab as a snack sometimes. Fair enough. I eat eat cold chicken out of the refrigerator as a slab. As a snack sometimes.
Starting point is 03:26:07 Fair enough. I eat a lot of sandwiches too. I'll just make turkey sandwiches. I like that a lot. So fucking good. Do you have a bread source that's not pure evil? I mean, I need carbs. Can't you just eat the really good whole grain puke breads or whatever? The 23 grain shit? Isn't that okay?
Starting point is 03:26:24 I don't want slow digesting carbs, so'm just getting like the cheapest white bread i can get and i'm eating like you know as much of as i want right because i need as many carbs as i can i'm eating like 300 carbs a meal or something like that anyway so you're a bit different though because you're burning you you have a big leeway in your diet for your maintenance right yeah well i'm i'm in a surplus now. I'm probably 400 above. I'm eating a lot of calories right now. It's really fun.
Starting point is 03:26:50 I do my French toast for breakfast, like five or six slices of bread soaked in egg beaters with cinnamon. And I grill those up and put my bullshit fake syrup on there. And it's just like a stack of them this high. That fake syrup is good. That was the best recommendation you've given me of like fake sugar stuff
Starting point is 03:27:11 was that fake syrup. Yeah, I have it all the time. I have that Greg Doucette French toast. And Kyle said something that was really powerful to me. He was like, I'm eating so much of this fake syrup. I was like, it's so much of this fake syrup i look i was like it's gotta add up right the whole bottle of syrup adds up to like 140 calories yeah it's not a lot like you look at the syrup and it's like every tablespoon is five calories and i'm like how like how is that
Starting point is 03:27:41 possible because then you look at like a regular fucking aunt jemima or whatever and it's a hundred calories per tablespoon yeah yeah actually just look a can of coca-cola is the same as that entire bottle of maple syrup yeah and it's a big bottle it's really tasty i put it on anything like that i do a lot of variations of greg nusette's french toast i'll take like a a pan a loaf pan like that are made to like make an individual like loaf of bread, like, like that big. And, uh,
Starting point is 03:28:09 I'll, instead of, I'll take the, the, the French toast and like tear it into like bits and then soak it in, um, that egg mixture. And then just pour everything in the loaf pan and bake it.
Starting point is 03:28:20 And it makes this big, like, I don't know, chewy, delicious cake that you can just eat. I covered the whole thing with that syrup and eat it with it makes this big like i don't know chewy delicious cake that you can just eat i cover the whole thing with that syrup and eat it with my hand you know what i did for breakfast today i made and if this is excessive i'm joking i i scrambled myself i had nine eggs did you really have nine yeah i had nine for breakfast. That's 630 calories of egg.
Starting point is 03:28:47 I don't know. Do you know how much niacin in that is, man? I don't know, but I ate nine eggs for breakfast. I was full. And I also had a bunch of sausage. Were they real eggs that you had? Yeah, real eggs. Grade A large.
Starting point is 03:29:02 Boom. I had to use a wok. I had egg whites with some peppers mixed in and we called it an omelet. I do something similar if I'm doing eggs. If I eat too many eggs, I start getting really grossed out by eggs and their texture
Starting point is 03:29:18 so I have to stop and go back to the French toast. If I'm doing eggs, I'm doing three real eggs and three egg whites. It whites like a mixture of the two i use the egg yeah i want the i want some yolks in there i told you guys about the uh this was only a couple months ago when like i got really baked and there was nothing else to eat in the house and so i ate like six or seven uh boiled eggs do you guys remember that yeah and and then your girlfriend left you i'm sure it's She had to ruin the house. No, my farts were like bafflingly bad.
Starting point is 03:29:49 What's worse, nine boiled eggs or two pounds of crab? It's a real battle because that crab, Destiny doesn't know, I'm a professional crab eater. I can eat it faster than anyone. I can put more crab away than anyone. Just ask anyone. People talk about it. And I ate a ton of crab because I always, I always make a scene at restaurants because they, at this restaurant in particular, we went to, they were like, Oh, you can get three clusters at a time. And I'm like, that's hilarious. Give
Starting point is 03:30:17 me five. They're like, what? Five clusters. And I'm like, no, 15. And then, then they do all that shit. I farted so bad all of the next day that like on the beach my wife was like oh the sea smells bad today and i'd be like that was me two seconds ago she's like oh my god and she's like how is it hanging in the air on the beach like how is how is it a fog around us have you ever farted at the beach and been worried if someone nine yards away would smell because i have and it was a real deal smell but it was so worth it because like when you're in the process of eating all the crab i live in missouri i don't get good crab and so when i finally get good access to crab, it's just tremendous. It's a meal for king's crab legs.
Starting point is 03:31:08 Is it? Oh, yeah. Well, that's why they call them king crab legs. Well, I always go snow crab. The king crab leg, that's a newbie crab. That's something that needs, you need crackers, you need all that on there because it's got spines on it and you don't get as
Starting point is 03:31:24 much meat per pop of the legs. Snow crab is the way to go. It's the most economical. You get the most meat. It's the sweetest meat. Everyone knows. I don't argue with Taylor about crabs. Oh, I know my fucking crab, man.
Starting point is 03:31:37 Snow crab is the way to go, the way to be. Destiny, are you a crab man? Yeah, actually. I think snow crab is actually probably one of the worst types of crab. You really think so? All right, let's go ahead and boot this fucker from the call snow crab is the worst kind of crab versus a really good king crab you would take snow crab every time well what is the form we're talking about because i'm all about steamed cracking the legs getting the meat if you're
Starting point is 03:32:03 talking about a crab cake king crab meat is often better than that. Okay, so yeah. I mean, like if you're going to a nice place, are you really just going for the steamed crab that you can break apart, or do you want like really good crab cake? I really like the steamed crab. I don't dislike crab cakes. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 03:32:19 It's just I've never— Yeah, but if you go to a top-tier restaurant, and you can choose between the best crab cakes versus the best steamed crab, why would you? I'm always going the crab legs because I like the taste of the regular crab meat more than I like the seasoned taste of the crab cake. And it's not that the crab meat in the legs is unseasoned. There's a shit ton of cage and stuff in there that was boiling in. So it tastes great. Can I be super honest with you?
Starting point is 03:32:43 As soon as you started talking, I Googledled snow crab verse and the first thing that came was king crab i've never eaten crab in my life so i don't know you've never eaten crab in your life i have no idea what i'm talking about crab you had me fooled but but no yeah well next time hit up some crab get some steamed snow crab i you know what? I came from the Midwest. I came from the Midwest. Same, man. It's something that took me a long time to learn. Okay? I don't like fish.
Starting point is 03:33:10 I can eat fish now. I'm at a point in my life where I can eat it, and I won't make faces. But in the Midwest, there is a fishy, fishy taste to all fish. It's a fishy, fishy taste. And now that I've been to places in the caribbean i've been to cancun arubia um and um and in la and i've had fresh food fresh seafood but there's still when i go to bite it i'm like waiting for that that nasty fishy and it's just really hard to go over there i can eat sushi if you give me good tuna or whatever the fuck and you know i can like i
Starting point is 03:33:40 can eat it i'm not gonna like be a baby about it but i would never choose it over like a really good steak or like an awesome you know fair enough but like if you haven't had like crab does not get fishy because it's not fish like it yeah it's just like shellfish or something right or whatever it tastes tremendous it's a crustacean it's a sea spider effectively and it tastes great i wouldn't want to eat a real spider, but a sea spider? They got delicious meat. I mean, if there were land spiders the size of a snow crab that had delicious meat in the legs, I'm down. I'm totally game for that, for sure.
Starting point is 03:34:14 But there's not. Spiders are gross. That sounds horrific. If there was a land spider that had meat similar to a snow crab, then I would be a seaman. You'd be a seaman? I would escape the sea spider. I would escape the spiders of the land
Starting point is 03:34:29 and go to the oceans. No, it's not a dangerous spider. There's no way. There's like a cat-sized spider and it's not dangerous. Well, it's dangerous to fucking cats. Not to you. It would hurt me. Lose a thumb?
Starting point is 03:34:47 Even if it's venom like a bee, then it's injecting so much i feel like my arm's gonna rot off well now i don't know what i'm talking about i was trying to make these giant spiders like coexist with people and i'm not gonna have it there probably are giant i'll show you crabs there are it's called the japanese spider crab and i actually spent i actually believe it or not i actually googled earlier today if it's possible to purchase a japanese spider crab online and then have it come to your house so you can cook it up and eat it and then i found out like zach pull up a picture of a japanese spider crab it's the largest uh crab on earth sometimes a leg span of 15 feet. Very big.
Starting point is 03:35:26 And I was like, that must taste good. But then I saw online, apparently they're kind of middling, not even worth killing to eat. So I immediately lost interest. Oh, no, just for the... Just for the story? Yeah, did you eat it? For the story, for the lulls, to see what's...
Starting point is 03:35:41 No, I haven't done it, but I'd be down. Have you seen a Japanese spider crab? Just now. These are huge, oh they're huge they're enormous far and away the biggest crab species not even um in omaha we have a one of the largest zoos in the world i don't know why but they have a huge aquarium and in that aquarium they have those they're like this big like these walking things on the ground and they look alien i think they come from like really deep in the sea like normally a normal human would never see it but yeah they're ground and they look alien. I think they come from like really deep in the sea. Like normally a normal human would never see it, but yeah, they're huge and they look like fucking alien animals.
Starting point is 03:36:09 I guess a lot of stuff at the bottom of the sea or close to there looks like weird fucking alien. The fuck is that? That's some forced perspective nonsense. I refuse to believe that exists. Yeah. I don't think that's, or that's not what I'm saying.
Starting point is 03:36:21 That's nonsense. Have you ever heard of the, um, have you heard of the lot? Are they lobsters or whatever the things... There's some animal at the bottom of the... Let's see, not at the bottom. The things that punch at the speed of sound.
Starting point is 03:36:31 Have you ever heard of it? Oh, yeah. Like a shrimp or whatever. A shrimp, yeah. The mantis shrimp. Yes. There's another name for it. But yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 03:36:39 The mantis shrimp. They'll break aquariums. If you get one, you hear a snapping, popping sound. And he's not hitting the glass he's moving so quickly that the water hits the glass and it will break the aquarium and make the whole thing leak out it's a problem and they're great to look at those things oh they typically come as like accidents into the rock like you buy rocks and the rocks have all sorts of little critters and worms and stuff like that. You don't want this thing
Starting point is 03:37:08 even though it's very attractive because it ruins it and eats all your other fish and stuff like that, but they come hitchhiking still. It doesn't just fuck up your tank. It eats the other fish. They eat fish in the wild. That's what they do. They punch the water. The burst of water
Starting point is 03:37:23 presses against the other fish. It basically knocks it out and then they eat the water the burst of water like presses against the other fish it basically knocks it out and then they eat the knocked out fish jeez that's cool yeah and they hurt you like if you were to try to grab it or something like what i guess you figure out if it could break your aquarium glass it'll hurt your finger it's yeah it's never happened to me did you ever have one no no, no, but it's something that you read about and know the signs to look for, if you're a reef keeper, the highest echelon of fish
Starting point is 03:37:52 man, then you need to be aware of the, I think it's called pistol shrimp, but you would mantis shrimp risk wouldn't it be the guy at the aquarium tending to the whales and such though, wouldn't he be the highest level of aquarium keeper? yeah, I feel like they would rank you based on the size of the animal tended to the whales and such, though? Wouldn't he be the highest level of aquarium keeper? Yeah, I feel like they would rank you based on the size of the animal.
Starting point is 03:38:08 The whale guys... You think because you've got a yard of coral at your house, you're the stippity top tier? Okay. Oh, sorry. You're the Michael Jordan of aquariums.
Starting point is 03:38:24 I am. I am. I am. I'm the best there's ever been. Unless you've got scuba gear on, I'm not. Because I see them at the Georgia Aquarium, like, there's no fucking scuba up to go do stuff. Like, there's whale sharks in there. It's really cool.
Starting point is 03:38:38 It is cool, yeah. Destiny, I know you're, like me, a fellow Midwest boy. Does any part of you ever think you'll make it back to omaha or anywhere in that region are you i get depressed just flying into that city if my son didn't live there i would never ever go back it is actually agonizing to be i don't know why this is going to sound really i don't know privileged or disconnected or something but just like i feel like there's just like nothing for me that exists there like in terms of like everything that i do online like the things that i'm interested in the
Starting point is 03:39:07 issues i talk about like who my friends are you're an internet being and you still feel like this physical location has nothing for you now yeah it's just like when i'm flying into omaha like i'm looking at the whole city like what is there for me here in this entire city there's literally nothing what's in florida um miami just seems like a cooler place my wife likes to be here i have some friends down here that i know personally um i mean weather that's huge well i just i came from la which has like perfect weather so it's hard to compare to fucking miami but did you own a place in la no always apartments i own a house in omaha with my kid and my uh kid's mom living but roger that yeah i would just because real
Starting point is 03:39:46 estate's so insane like i bet if you had a place in la it would have grown to like half your net worth yeah maybe uh real estate is is that something that we haven't figured out yet in the united states we're getting pretty close to having to do something about that yeah dude i just crash again like 2008 well i don't know what it's going to do, but maybe. In Raleigh, they're like, it takes 40% more money to buy a place now than it did a year ago. The problem is that before when it crashed, okay, everybody says that it's going to be like 2008 again. The problem before was that mortgages, through a whole bunch of weird tricks, got plugged into all of these like international investment markets that just drove the fucking demand for these types of like financial products mortgages and shit up insanely
Starting point is 03:40:29 high the issue now though is it's slowly over time what's happening is there is genuinely a massive fucking demand to live in cities that's not artificial like some of the prices have probably been driven up because of a combination of inflation a combination of some supply chain stuff a lot of which has been resolved um But I think like people keep looking for like these ways we got to build affordable housing, or we need to like raise the interest rates. You can try to do tricks like that. But we need like to genuinely overhaul how we do zoning in the United States, because there's more people that want to live in places than there are houses and the costs are just going to continue to go up. There's no way to get around that. It's like a physics problem.
Starting point is 03:41:01 But the people don't want to live in the kind of houses that you just proposed, right? You're like you change the zoning. And what he means is change from like low and medium density housing to high density housing. Americans need to get over themselves and learn how to live in fucking high density places because it is a 7 trillion times higher quality of life. And until they figure that out, they can starve on the fucking streets and be fucking morons. It's so unbelievable. But that quality of life thing is a matter of opinion. There are people who would be like, I'd rather drive 40 minutes to my house with the yard and a swing set than drive 15 they should be able to do that then yeah they
Starting point is 03:41:29 should drive two hours out of the fucking city to go live where they want but actual cities should be actual cities in the united states like i and this it's true here it's true when i lived in glendale it's true i live in culver city true i live in huntington beach i should not be in a high density place that has like a fucking 10 story apartment or whatever. And I can walk across the street and see these dilapidated shit fucking houses that are going for 850,000 a pop because the zoning is fucked. That's unbelievable to me. If you want to zone for some single family housing and ruin your shit, you can do it. But like there needs to be way more ultra high density like places in the United States because it makes public transit work better. It makes retail work the places you can actually walk like if you go to europe you can
Starting point is 03:42:07 walk anywhere anytime you're in an apartment like oh if i need to get some milk in europe i'm like oh i'll be right back melina i'm gonna go downstairs and get some milk if i need it in the united states like i gotta get my grocery list i gotta go down to my fucking car i need to drive 15 minutes away i gotta do a whole fucking ordeal like it is so agonizing you ever go on the i mean that's more of a civil planning thing. So like, that's what you're talking about. No, no,
Starting point is 03:42:26 you're talking about the subreddit. Fuck cars. That's part of it. They talk about that shit, but yeah. Yeah. This is the whole front page of that. It's because if you eliminate cars and the,
Starting point is 03:42:36 and the infrastructure to facilitate them, then like life just improves so dramatically. Does it really? If you live in the suburbs, there's, there's no way for me to walk to the store comfortably. What they're saying is you can get rid of the suburbs
Starting point is 03:42:49 and just create more density. Or like move the... I have to lose all my room in my house and live in an apartment. I don't think the fuck cars people want to like... Okay, well then fuck that plan. Fuck you. I think what they want is for there to be no cars in the cities. Okay, well they can that plan. Fuck you. I think what they want is for there to be no cars in the
Starting point is 03:43:05 cities. Okay, well they can have no cars in the cities while they're getting beaten up and murdered at high rates. And I obviously am biased because I live in St. Louis, which is the most dangerous city in the country. Don't answer this if you think it's the wrong question. Do you live in
Starting point is 03:43:21 the St. Louis city or do you live in a nearby city? No. He's downtown! I, the St. Louis city or do you live in a nearby? No, no, I he's down. I lived in St. I lived in St. Louis for two years, a couple of years ago,
Starting point is 03:43:31 up until 20, the very end of 2018. And then I bounced to the suburbs and I like it a lot more. I just, cause like I have a Raleigh address, but you guys probably everyone's seen my house from the Google maps. Like, you know,
Starting point is 03:43:43 even though it's a Raleigh address, it's not really dense not really dense same thing yeah like i couldn't get mail delivered to me with the st louis address but i am not near the city like i'm not at all no i'm by by by design and i mean st louis is definitely different than some of these other cities he's talking about like st louis is a third world hellhole downtown. And that's not exaggerating. I know a lot of my friends now that none of us have ever been like, oh, be careful. But now it's like, damn, if I go to the cards game, I got to stay in Ballpark Village. Otherwise, it's too scary. There's a lot of U.S. cities that have these problems.
Starting point is 03:44:25 I'm a world away from places that are six miles away like whenever i see like murders and shit in the news they're not far from me by paramotor like it it's a very different environment from like my yard and my neighbors like they all seem like nice people but uh it's not that far like i am in raleigh so what were you saying i was just saying i would get so mad like in 2015 2016 because i was this is when i'm debating like white nationalists and shit and they're always like you gotta look at look at some of these cities and how dangerous they are in fucking germany and sweden like there has been like an increase of crime or whatever but it's like okay bro but like have you ever been to la or chicago or fucking seattle or miami or like any of these like major cities because
Starting point is 03:45:01 dude they're like it is another level of insanity in the united states how dangerous some of these places are yeah like i remember going to through some european cities like i'll ask friends and i still do this i'm a fucking american i'll be like are you ever worried about getting shot here i'm like getting shot what the fuck are you talking about we're not in fucking russia what are you you're gonna get fucking shot we're gonna get stabbed idiot yeah you get sad yeah but hey listen i'll take my chances against some dude across the street with a knife versus some dude with an ar 15 that comes in decides he wants to kill white people okay listen but like yeah i don't know that it's it's it's we're in a really sad state of affairs for a lot of u.s stuff and the thing that bothers me i know we can do better if we could recognize that there was a problem so that the political
Starting point is 03:45:36 will would exist to fix it but it's we're just not there right now it's very frustrating to me that i go to like i remember in 2013 i lived in warsaw for three months and i'm thinking like poland shit whole country obviously it's poland and dude in three months in warsaw i never needed a car ever a single time i could ride those the the tram and the buses i even like looking at the maps without speaking the language i got around that entire city i never felt like i needed a car ever and i get everything is actually nice yeah every everything in europe is so much nicer or like trains like i can go from two places that would be a three-hour flight and go to the airport.
Starting point is 03:46:06 I can take a train for $60 to go from two hours, and it's the easiest, nicest ride ever. I don't know. American cities are very, very, very frustrating. Yeah. But it's almost like, what is to be done about it? At this point, so many things have been built up in the suburbs that most people prefer to be built out, to be suburbs like that. I like what we got. I enjoy it.
Starting point is 03:46:26 To be living further away. I have a good time. I drive into the city. You get right to like, everything's so concentrated. And then I drive out of the city and I go home and it's great. It's perfect.
Starting point is 03:46:36 Yeah. I like the suburbs too. It's great. I have a giant home gym in my basement. It's safe as hell. I have to drive everywhere. and if i want to go to the city of st louis it's quite a drive to see a blues game but guess what i don't fucking go to st louis very often because it sucks like that's why i don't go it's not necessarily because of
Starting point is 03:46:57 the crime or anything like that although that does play a part when you're talking about a city like st louis but it's it's just that the crime has driven out all of the fun stuff out of the city other than Bush Stadium with Ballpark Village right there. They have an area with bars and stuff, and that's literally it. It feels like a few years ago, they built Ballpark Village to be like, hey, you can go to fun bars and stuff right from Bush Stadium where the cards play, and you cannot leave that area you can just stay right here the whole time and now like that area is getting dangerous there was a murder in the middle of ballpark village like two weeks ago a guy was watching a sports game and got shot in the head
Starting point is 03:47:38 like what it's a horrible place to live and i I don't want to be here. I remember that stupid fucking... Do you remember that stupid fucking Seth Rogen tweet? Where he tweeted out... Casey Nesta tweeted out something about how he got robbed in LA. And he just got so pissed off. And I would get pissed off getting robbed. And Seth Rogen was like, oh, well, I've been robbed like 15 times. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:47:59 I don't think it's really a big deal. Like, I've never felt violated. Like, bro, you're just... I hate you so much. I'm just worth $60 million dollars i don't want to get it wrong shut up bigot what an unbelievably fucking stupid fucking i hate god i hate these people but i hate them too i has he made a funny movie in 15 years this guy can fuck himself honestly no has he made a funny movie in 15 years hey he was in pineapple express okay chill i like the north korea 2008 that was 14 years ago fine oh what's the end must come or something that the end is just the end is it the end i thought that was
Starting point is 03:48:40 very good it's a shame what happened with james franco that one was funny wait what happened with james franco well he like uh molested no well there was he was trying to get the underage fans to his uh hotel room and stuff and then a lot of like situations where he was like exerting power over underlings in the business um lots of sexual assault me too type stuff so like they're not working together ever again like he's kind of you know how i knew that guy sucked is he's one of those celebs that like gets a business degree after they're famous and it's like there is only a fuck like shack did this you're a fucking retard if you are shack level famous and then you go get an mba as like a little bit of clout like yeah you think that stanford is gonna fail shack you fucking idiot you can do whatever you wanted you can show up naked they're go get an MBA as like a little bit of clout. Like, yeah. You think that Stanford is going to fail Shaq,
Starting point is 03:49:25 you fucking idiot. You can do whatever you wanted. You can show up naked. They're going to give you a degree. And so these people like already have multi million dollar deals with like fucking, you know, icy hot.
Starting point is 03:49:37 And then they go get a deal. Like to be like, I got an MBA. It's like, okay, you're an idiot. You're a fool. Why are you so mad at Shaq?
Starting point is 03:49:44 Like furthering his edge? He's probably like... He might be the first person in his family to get a college degree. What the fuck, Taylor? I'm literally the first person in my family to get a college degree. So I don't see how that exists. When did you graduate?
Starting point is 03:50:00 2013. When was your first PKA episode? 2014. Okay, fine. You guys follow... I feel bad for bringing him up. Do you guys follow any of DSP's story? I know Darkseid Phil as a character, but I don't really know anything about him.
Starting point is 03:50:19 If this is like a... I'm actually envious of all three of you because there's so much you get to explore. He's like a Wings of Redemption type type character i guess just there's no set there's only one of those let's oh no no no no no give him a chance maybe you'll like it let me see if i let me see if i get a crowning achievement here let's see one of the one of the one of the larger events in his life okay yeah this fucker he has the most dedicated anti-fans in the world they have their own name they're like the sons of kojima they have their own name for how organized they are they are the sons of kojima they are the sons
Starting point is 03:50:47 of kojima and they just hate him so much they hate him so much oh god there are so many things so this guy actually was able to one of the one of this is one of many events in his life he was able to that's a badass name yeah he gambles away so he gambles away a lot of his money in these gacha games, I guess, like WWE champions and people can like see his account publicly and everything. He makes like just the worst financial decisions time and time and time
Starting point is 03:51:12 and time. And then he has like a condo in another state that he can't afford, but he doesn't want to rent it to anybody because he feels bad about it, but he doesn't want to sell it because he feels bad about it. And then he rents in another state and he raises money for it and talks about how he needs to pay off type of. So he goes through all these financial hardships, leases like a new BMW and says he got a great deal on it because
Starting point is 03:51:27 the salesman told him it was a great deal just like more and more this motherfucker okay actually manages to file bankruptcy discharges all of his debt and keeps all of his like video game systems and everything by saying that they are like essential parts of his business essential parts of his business as he's going through the bankruptcy proceedings all of his anti-fans are losing it because like we're not gonna let him get with we can't let him get away with this it's not possible and while they're doing the because i think this is during covet time so they're doing some of the bankruptcy stuff on the phone like or on zoom i think some of his anti-fans are calling in, pretending to be creditors, asking him about his purchases.
Starting point is 03:52:12 So they're releasing these logs of them calling in. And it's like, Phil, is it true that you and his lawyers are like, I don't know if he's supposed to answer that. And the judge is like, I don't know what this guy's talking about. And yeah, it just but he actually managed to do it. He went through the bankruptcy. He got rid of like over $100,000 dollars of debt people saw all of his credit cards were maxed and then he's like right back to where it was before so he's doing like um i think like a week ago he did a stream was like guys youtube made it so you could get subs now a thousand of
Starting point is 03:52:35 you gifted subs and i'm happy for that you guys need to know that if you're not tipping i don't get that sub money for a month or two i need the tips because i need the money now and he has like a cash flow problem yeah he's like i need the cash and people are seeing every day him getting these new wwe champs i think somebody mapped out that he was spending it was like four figures a month on this like gamble game while he's like fresh out of bankruptcy just that's just like a take that guy he has a very very interesting okay okay. Okay, well, he sounds Wings of Redemption-esque. But I'm going to need to know about side characters, the family, how much incest, give or take, we're talking.
Starting point is 03:53:12 I need to know. I mean, how much does Darkseid fill weigh? Is he over 300 pounds? No, he's not that big. Okay, so there's a lot more of Wings of Redemption. No, he's not big enough to make fun of. He can't fill wings. He couldn't fill wings pants. I know that. He absolutely couldn't wings. He couldn't fill wings pants. I know that. He absolutely couldn't. None of us
Starting point is 03:53:27 can fill wings pants. Does he have a dancer's fit? Size 7. Size 7. Did we stop making good FPS games? Are there any more coming out? Or Battlefield kind of died. Call of Duty is dead and it's been dead for years.
Starting point is 03:53:43 So Darktide What the fuck is that? Oh Darktide. That seems that died well he's dead and it's been dead for years so dark tide um that's the name right it's uh it's uh it's made oh dark tide that that seems like it's a warhammer 40k uh a game that's a first person horde shooter so you it's like a co-op game where you and three guys of different classes like fight uh uh you know you don't like that you want like am i a shitter if i just want like another like black ops 2 or like another i just want like another like cool i'm like shooter game we're never gonna get another god see for me it's not a battle royale maybe or that's not like a fucking um like a third person whatever yeah or like a horde thing yeah do you like tarkov because that
Starting point is 03:54:19 to me that's it i was gonna i tried playing it once and i i just checked my mag all the time and i died i didn't i never learned the game i need to actually go back it seemed like a fun To me, that's it. I tried playing it once, and I just checked my mag all the time, and then I died. I never learned the game. I need to actually go back. It seemed like a fun game. So I've got a significant amount played in it, but Woody's probably got more, almost certainly. I've played two full wipes and maybe one half wipe.
Starting point is 03:54:40 It got to the point where you're level 40, and you've got so much money you can't spend it all so in my opinion beating the game um that that's when i usually get bored of it and i kind of quit i've got everything i have all the money i built built all the things and i will i still think it's like the second best shooter of all time right behind rust um if we're talking about a game that you can play forever like if you're talking about a game that like it's worth investing like your harder your hard time to like get good at today because three years from now it'll still matter if you're good at rust or tarkov i think it will rust just for the first time ever change their spray pattern so that's a little wild yeah but
Starting point is 03:55:19 but tarkov it's this ever evolving thing where you're constantly getting new content for that original purchase price. And it's really, really fucking intense game. It's so I can't get an adrenaline dump rush out of anything like I can Tarkov. Yeah, damn. I really miss the old before not to shit on anybody, but like before the PVP meta overtook everything. I really miss the old DayZ and the old Rust. We could genuinely have just like wild fucking encounters with like random people that you would meet. I feel like it's really hard today because I haven't played DayZ in a long time.
Starting point is 03:55:57 But for Rust, it's generally like it's like hardcore PvP shit, right? You're grinding out VPs for long rifle AK and then you like that's all you're doing basically. And then you're raiding. I don't know if you guys play those games a long time ago but you could like run into rent like you'll run into like two people that are talking to each other like broken english trying to figure out how to build like a hut or whatever and it's just like there were so many funny fucking authentic crazy encounters back then in games before everything got like hardcore metaed out you know no it's still like that if you play on if you if you stay off of like really competitive servers if you find a server that's got like a it can have a population of 100 that's its max but
Starting point is 03:56:29 there's only 30 in there maybe like those guys are just goofing around you can go in there and like role play with them and chat and like a lot of times it'll be kids who literally children who don't know what they're doing and i don't know it's fun to be like hey little guy you want some help like come on let me show you how to build a house. Oh, Jesus. Then you decide whether you're going to be nice to him or not. Maybe you make two of them fight to the death. You're like, all right, I'm going to give everything I have to the winner of this
Starting point is 03:56:54 rock fight. Then you make two kids fight to the death. Then no matter what, you kill them both. Sure, yeah. Just being mean and silly. It's a fun game. We spent endless hours just being shitty to children in rust you know just just spiteful mean stuff true do you ever woody do you ever worry about your kids running into pedophiles online no he well i was gonna say no he only plays minecraft but that
Starting point is 03:57:18 would be the place where i would want i was gonna say i listened to nathan on his switch some on i think it's the switch right i'm so old that's just the one they hold yeah yeah the youngest is 19 i don't think they oh fuck never mind you're way different never mind i forget you pedophiles are gonna be like who is this old guy yeah i'm gonna say because i'm listening to him play like four pedophiles and be like oh exactly yeah i listen to play these games and it's him and like three other kids in voice chat and i don't know if my mind has been internet poisoned, but I'm just thinking, man, if I was a pedophile, I'd be playing Fortnite 100% on a Switch. There are so many kids here.
Starting point is 03:57:51 They're all so dumb. I don't know. Colin's 6'2". He won't shave, so he has peach fuzz all the way. They don't look like real whiskers, but he's got all this facial hair. He'll get there. Those real whiskers will start sprouting soon this facial hair he'll get there those real whiskles start sprouting soon yeah he's like a man so as somebody that's i don't think you're too much of
Starting point is 03:58:11 a boomer woody right you understand like teenager experiences and stuff you're connected to internet culture and stuff um how do you deal with when your kids did they ever have like annoying angsty teenage phases um yeah so i try to protect them a little bit from like the rages of the pka audience yeah of course yeah and you don't have to obviously don't go into anything uncomfortable yeah i'm just kind of decade ago like when hope was 12 or something um yeah that was that was like sort of the roughest part of the whole experience i would say when she first started i felt like she didn't like me for no particular reason it's just a thing that happens you know teenagers i think it's part of the maturation process to
Starting point is 03:58:50 sort of push away from your parents and get your own space and i'm here like what i do i i saw a reddit post the other day i wish i could remember like like exactly how it was written out but it was something about they were describing why teenagers are just so horrific to be around and and they were like they're not children anymore and they just have realized that like this is the world they're gonna have to live in and the rules aren't always fair and they're coming to grips with that that like oh shit i'm gonna have to be one of those adult people soon and this is and i was like yeah you kind of are coming to grips the world is kind of shitty when you stop being like a child when you really do start looking at things with like you know beyond
Starting point is 03:59:29 chocolate bars and ice cream and like the next like sugar fix basically like it is kind of a dark day i try to be there's like a lot of obviously because i do political debate and shit so i try to be empathetic towards like other perspectives conservatives or whatever um so i'm more left-leaning i i have to there were i've gotten into a couple situations where like i don't know if you guys have seen any of this but like kids are trying to cancel kids today online for shit so somehow i got caught in a twitter thing where it was like and they were trying to cancel i think it was an 18 year old for like having a kind of sexual flirty relationship like a 15 year old they like went to the same high school and i'm like this is crazy you guys are insane nobody was like being rapey
Starting point is 04:00:09 or whatever but it was just basically like they flirted for a while and then somebody told the girl that was 15 they were like this is really bad you're getting abused and she's like oh i don't know you need to write it down it's like okay but i i realized i was always talking to these guys it was really tempting for me to say like you guys think that this is like the worst thing in your life like this isn't really that bad but But then I realized, I guess when you're a teenager, every time you have a problem, it really is the worst problem in your entire life that you've ever had. Yeah. Cause when you're 15, like I'm thinking like when you're 18 and you end like your first like big relationship, that's probably the lowest point in your life because you've never
Starting point is 04:00:40 experienced anything that bad before. Or every single thing like going to college is the most important thing in your life. Moving away is the most important thing you've ever experienced anything that bad before or every single thing like going to college is the most important thing in your life moving away is the most important thing you've ever done and having like your first big friend fight or whatever like yeah i guess you are it's really a lot of huge moments where it's like i'm 33 now like you lose friends you lose relations like you live and you learn and shit happens or whatever but for teenagers and early 20s people everything is monumentous yeah they're experiencing everything for the first time and it's extra traumatic and it seems because it is the first time it's the only time yeah yeah it's it's it's not just they don't think of it as the first time they're like this is the only relationship relationship that will was ever
Starting point is 04:01:15 going to matter this was it yeah yeah i'm like romeo from romeo and juliet it's time to fucking end it it's like the first girl you match with on tinder and you're like this is the one and then like three lines later she unmatches you and you're like oh my god and then you just start swiping around on everyone you're like yeah every friend you've had through your teenage years is like the best friend you've ever had like that little one i had when i was nine years old that was just stupid this one i have at 16 year old that's you know the friend that was supposed to be mine for my whole life and the romantic relationship same thing that was puppy love this right here at 16 this is true real love this is real love i'm an adult i'm i have a license yeah so yeah i think you gotta like excuse kids for being for being complete assholes although like i don't know but like
Starting point is 04:02:01 it's it's really difficult to tell if it's one of those things where like every generation is the same essentially. So don't act like this generation is the crazy one. I think that the propagation of just cell phones everywhere – that's the wrong word. Just so many cell phones everywhere and so many videos of the crazy things that are happening or leading us to believe maybe that things are uh are crazier than they ever were before because like i don't know i watched that video today of some high school kid just like bashing another high school kid the head with a chair for no reason like this kid is like sitting there and he just like cracks him and the kids like concuss like why i saw that video that was fucked up and i mean there's a lot of fucking weird kids in schools and now we get to see all of it because of cell phones right and people are probably like then my day that never happens like
Starting point is 04:02:48 maybe you just weren't around cool kids because it happened in my high school like i saw i remember like your day it just wasn't video look andrew stevens grabbed that fucking lunch tray walked over and i can't remember the kid he hit but he hit the kid in the back of the head so he was sitting eating he hit cracked him in the back of the head with that thing, and it shattered. The whole lunch tray with those plastic hard lunch trays, it shattered in such a way that shrapnel flew everywhere. And I shit you not, a corner of it flew off and hit this black kid who was sitting across from the kid that he had assaulted. It hit him good in the temple, up here on the forehead, above your eyebrow, right where the skin is thin. Where the skin is thin.
Starting point is 04:03:30 It blunt forced a knot immediately is forming. This huge hematoma. The black kid jumped up and started beating the shit out of him right there. It was a beating.
Starting point is 04:03:46 It was hilarious. That was a great day. And that was just one of the days. There were always assaults like that. I've seen so many. There really were. You know what was different my day versus now? Now there are kids with Asperger's.
Starting point is 04:04:03 There are kids with autism. There are kids with ADHD, which I guess is different than ADD somehow. And like all the different things that you can be diagnosed with and the different ways that you can get help and drugs, etc. Okay. Back in my day, kids were retarded and kids were assholes. Like those were the diagnoses available to you. Those were the diagnoses available to you. They didn't really help.
Starting point is 04:04:27 They just put them in the special needs class and ended their life or something. And now there's all these different techniques and ways to work around the different things that you struggle with. Part of that problem that they had at my high school where I talked about the poop bandit who would shit into a paper towel in between classes and write things on the wall like that that happened in a way that no one could stop no one could stop
Starting point is 04:04:54 him he was too clever he was too quick I don't know how I love all what I don't know how he always had to shit but he always had to shit and then he would write stuff well here's the thing this is where your deduction fails you okay you're assuming that there was only ever one shitter uh there was a second shooter yeah this could have been a team of guys you don't know up on the grassy knoll no this this guy like i know kyle and woody know the story. This guy, his name was Mike. I think I was here when you told it, yeah. Yeah, he was a... Mike was in the... He was in the developmentally disabled core of the school,
Starting point is 04:05:33 except he wasn't there because he was retarded. He was there because he was so badly behaved, they couldn't put him anywhere else. And so he just had free run of the school because all the other teachers were dealing with retarded kids and he would just leave and then go write things and shit on the walls and like and he would write things like ha ha ha you'll never catch me or literally i remember explicitly walking into a bathroom one year 11th grade and i walk in to
Starting point is 04:06:02 take a piss and i was about to take a right and then above the urinals was written ha ha ha you'll never catch me in human feces and so many letters it's the amount of time and the amount of times he had to roll to add what i always thought was like he had to reapply. Yeah, not just horror. He wrote the whole I am a whore in Minnesota, like the reference to that. He wrote everything. What if he had a stencil that he just taped up, and then he took double hands of shit and smeared it everywhere, peeled it off, and ran away?
Starting point is 04:06:37 I mean, someone might have caught him faster. I've said it before. I remember explicitly the morning I walked in, and I was like, oh, Mike. And he was walking out of the bathroom and he goes, Taylor, you might want to... He talked weird. He was like, hey, Taylor, that might be a bathroom
Starting point is 04:06:54 you don't want to use today. And I was like, Mike, you fucking... You just shit all over the bathroom in our hallway again. I kind of like that he He was actually a secret keeper. He knew I was cool because I was okay with him. More out of fear.
Starting point is 04:07:14 I was like, I want to stay cool with this guy because he was also the guy that showed up early at 3 a.m. to the school one day and he smeared Mighty Putty into every lock. school one day and he smeared mighty putty into every lock and so no one was able to get into the school that day until they removed all of the doors with from the hinges which was very funny everybody was cracking up that day like you hear do you hear somebody put mighty putty in the locks and we're like yeah it was mike yeah we all know it's Mike. Don't fucking say anything, dude. It's obviously Mike. It's the same guy that's been writing things and shit on the walls. But yeah, high school, you know, classic.
Starting point is 04:07:54 What did they do when they caught him? They didn't catch him. They never caught him. No, they never did his job. In and out like a demon's whisper. I tried to pull that stink bomb nonsense. Someone ratted me out right away just just right away no i'm not gonna fucking rat on someone i i remember once
Starting point is 04:08:10 i got called into the principal's office on like a monday morning once and they were like we have good knowledge that people were drinking over the weekend at ian's house and i was like well that is reprehensible and they were like so you weren't there and i was like no and don't believe anyone who says i was and they like tried to get us in fucking trouble for drinking over the weekend at the school ended up backfiring i mean you stand up to questioning as long as you can right and he was like we know you're the one with the stink bombs and i'm like i don't even know what a stink bomb looks like was that i not recall. Are you talking about some Wile E. Coyote thing? I have no idea.
Starting point is 04:08:48 Stink bombs? We can search your locker. And I'm like, search it? I don't have a locker, so I think that's a hilarious threat. Later on, he was like, so where's your locker? And I'm like, I don't have a locker. He's like, well, you suggested you did back there. I was like, well, I didn't think you'd go search it.
Starting point is 04:09:04 And he's like, well, where is it? I know i really don't have one of they didn't it was a thing so i was fucking with you he's like we can search your car too and i'm like search it i don't care let's go right now and he's like all right let's go and he gets up we take like five steps and i'm like yeah they're in there let's go get them like once i saw that he was gonna go it's like just so you know as like like as we're walking i'm like well yeah they're in there i'll get them oh man and i had so many in there too it wasn't like there was one but i feel like you could have they can't search your car bro at school that's some authoritarian shit they'll steal your phones they'll do fucking any or at least i went to
Starting point is 04:09:42 private school they'll do fine they'll put a chastity fucking kid you're masturbating too much at home okay those motherfuckers had a lot of power over your life they'll take all your shit i think i was imagining a scenario in which maybe they called my parents and told them and like maybe my parents end up there and and and and then either my parents are going to be like what i i would have to count on my dad to be cool enough to be like no no, he doesn't have them. And no, you can't check. And no, I'm not going to check because I believe like I need him to be that cool. Like, and I can't, and they might accidentally get my mom instead. And, and, you know, like, like I just can't count on either of them to be slick enough to like pull that move and not be like, my son's not a liar. Go look for
Starting point is 04:10:25 yourself. No, no one should be able to look. It's just reprehensible that they even ask. That's where we stand. How dare you? My honor. So I couldn't, I knew it would be worse if I went through that whole process, not only with him, but with my parents who would maybe get drugged there. So I was just like, yeah, they're in there. Let's wrap this up. Two days out of school. Yeah, let's do it. All right. Should we call it a wrap here? Yeah, I think so. Thanks to all of our wonderful sponsors,
Starting point is 04:10:51 as always, of course. And thank you, Destiny, for gracing us with your presence this evening. Yeah, thanks for having me. For sure. All right. PKA 598.

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