Painkiller Already - PKA 610 W/ Drift0r: Driftor Mystery Tumor, Kyles Dog Reveal, Biden Loan Forgiveness

Episode Date: August 28, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pka 610 with our guest from clearly his crypt is drifter taylor this episode of pka brought to you by lock and load wonky weeds death by gummy bears fume that's a new one and better help we'll hear more from all of them later but for now we've got drifter looking like he's checking in from the hospital are you okay no no no no it's not the hospital i going to go ahead and move this. I'm just on mobile laying in my bed like a big loser because I made a slight miscalculation doing physical therapy. They had caused a little injury and I probably just shouldn't be sitting in my chair for two or three hours. And you guys said I could just do this laying in bed. So I'm just laying in bed, being lazy, doing a podcast. How old are you, Drifter?
Starting point is 00:00:45 I am rapidly approaching 35, so about to transition into boomer numbers. I'm definitely an asshole, but I've enjoyed watching all my 20-year-olds turn 35. We're all hitting geriatric pregnancy. Oh, yeah, yeah. Does your back hurt? I've been in back pain town for a while now. Yeah. So what, uh, what kicked it off for you? It seems like you have some shit luck with your health.
Starting point is 00:01:12 What happened? I was looking at your channel and I saw a video from recent where you're like, Oh, I've been out of commission for six weeks. Just another thing. What happened there? So I'll make this story really short. I hired a private physical therapist. I do physical therapy at home. Actually went really well. I was a victim of my own success and just kind of crushing it on exercises, overperforming. So we kept picking them up perhaps a little bit more rapidly than we should have until we found one that ripped one of the discs in my L5-S1 spine that caused a lot of nerve pain and wasn't very pleasant. my L5 S1 spine that caused a lot of nerve pain and wasn't very pleasant, rapidly followed by some other bad things because I'm just having problems with my joints. And there is literally no known cause for it. I'm still fighting doctors and tests and MRIs and blood work and all sorts of nonsense. And yes, many psyche evals, many, many, many psyche evals.. We're headed toward that like, is it lupus or sclerosis or these
Starting point is 00:02:07 really rare, freaky diseases. In the meantime, I still have the energy to get up and make content and shitpost. Why were you doing PT? You haven't told us. What was the initial injury that had you in physical therapy?
Starting point is 00:02:24 We started the story in the middle i'm the lost okay uh two problems number one in high school i got my spine absolutely fucked in high school football and it became a much bigger problem later in life there's a lot of back pain so that's not good and then the uh orthopedic hand problems i basically couldn't use my hands for like six months i did did regular physical therapy. It didn't work. I hired private physical therapists to work on the back and the hands together because the back gets weak when you can't lift and do things normally. Right. So I was just trying to build up muscle and strength and honest to God, it was going great. I was going back to gaming and all the things I wanted to do until I tried to pick up just a little bit too much weight and resting pepperonis it's not easy being 35
Starting point is 00:03:05 damn so this is like how much time over the past two years have you been like laid up because it seems more often than not like uh good days like are yeah almost equivalent did you did you offend an elder god i have wondered the same thing because a vast majority of the things I've experienced are rare, unlikely, impossible, cursed, you might say. Exactly. I'm glad Taylor said it. That's where I'm headed because I'll be honest. First of all, you're real chipper about it, and it's great that you keep a positive attitude, at least here, right? You got to put on a happy face.
Starting point is 00:03:43 But it's like, Jesus, that's got to be such a weight just not physically i mean don't get me wrong that that's where it is it's awful physically but jesus the the emotional like suffering that that would that the fact that it's making you lay there and think about what's wonder what's what's wrong with you and and usually when something's wrong with me i'm like dang it gotta go to the podiatrist and figure out why my heel hurts and but you're laying there like what i wish dr house was real yeah yeah uh my doctor how i had a guy kind of like dr house he was a little um little kooky and he loved that my problems were weird because it was like fun to research uh but i kind of exhausted him uh so that's not good oh i did beat the cancer in the meantime the pituitary tumor uh that's gone
Starting point is 00:04:30 uh spontaneous remission problems didn't go away maybe it wasn't causing the begin with who knows your new problems ate the cancer i don't know i really don't have a lot of clarity on this. You got to try to stay chipper, as you say. But the mental toll is tough. Imagine not being able to sit in a chair. You can't hold your cell phone to scroll on TikTok or whatever. No books, no video games. Can't sit upright to watch TV and stuff. So it's a lot of bed.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And as you can see, I've got the cell phone rigged up here where I can watch many many things and entertain myself but it's not a healthy life like is that on the tables can you can you get your dick sucked or are they like and no matter what do not have no problem uh no i've i've managed to somehow stay sexually active i have no idea how it's a challenge now i feel like geriatrics like hold up let's get the position, right? We're not going to throw anything out of place. We've got to get those support straps. Jesus, that sucks. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I would not. I'm I come down so much and empathize so much with what Kyle said with like, I would I would be handling that so badly. I feel like like I would be Mr. Woe is me like everything I want to do. I'd be like, oh, I want to go work out. Can't do that. I want to go sit and play a video game because I can't work out. Can't do that. Everything I like
Starting point is 00:05:50 involves sitting or standing. One of the few things that I think I could still enjoy is what we're doing right now. I feel like talking to people about stuff I like. I'm sitting. Yeah, but you know, anything you do lying down i guess
Starting point is 00:06:05 i'm thinking of all the things you can do lying down there's like a real short list fucking and that's a big one out of the out of the equation with after my dick has been sucked and i wake up from the fourth nap i'm kind of at a loss yeah you're describing my life i'm trying to be really chipper and friendly but no it's not fun it bums, but no, it's not fun. It bums me out. No, it's convenient at all. Got some good news, though. I think we mentioned this. I think I kept it private last time. Despite all the health problems,
Starting point is 00:06:33 I have never been more financially successful. I've applied what I learned from social media to a I have to keep it secret, different type of website to absolutely exploit algorithms and fuck that computer for every dollar it's worth. And I've managed to create something that essentially just prints money. And I can also now talk about from the ages-old harassment problem.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I did have to move and buy a new house because that was bad. I'd waited years so that it's all off the market and there's no... Very similar to that, Woody. Off the market and there's no uh very similar to that woody uh off the market and stuff but uh the funny thing was i moved in the same city uh but like way to the other ass inside of it uh closer to frisco and i bought a house right at the low point of the pandemic and it like doubled in value and this other thing so i'm now living in like a giant mcmansion with more money than i know what to do with and the ironic thing is not much i can spend it on so i'm just stacking those dollars up and whenever this improves i'm gonna do something
Starting point is 00:07:36 crazy you're just gonna see me in like dubai or something money question yeah you take a big loan for the house no cash so during my like fat years you know the big money earning years for me i always had this thing like i want to be able to transition from this to working at mcdonald's and still keep everyone basically fed like that was my thing like don't take on a really high cost of living which i didn't really avoid but you, I didn't want to have a mortgage hanging over my head like a guillotine. Like, you know, the day Mojang tells all the servers they have to shut down, I want to be like, it was a good ride. No, that's the right thing, because like you said, even if everything disappeared overnight and in the social media world, it can. media world it can you could still support your family with little minimal work part-time job like a low stress job and just coast for ages and have everything paid off that's kind of what i'm trying to put together not quite as successful as you i know how much you killed it so i'm working
Starting point is 00:08:38 on it you're doing well yeah yeah would you try to transition into a paramotor instructor like let's say you're you're going to stay out of the office. That's not on the cards for you. But you do need to bring in another $30,000 a year. Do you go to paramotor instructor or something? Do you turn your hobby into a little bit of a side deal? Yeah, why couldn't Woody be an instructor? Initially, I thought you were telling Drifter that once he gets better,
Starting point is 00:09:02 he should be an instructor. And I was like, why would you tell him to do that? You know, maybe. And I was thinking about how I do. I sometimes daydream about that job. Yeah, it used to be my dream dream. I wanted to be a paramotor instructor so bad. Kyle, it was practically a fetish watching people take their first flights.
Starting point is 00:09:21 I go on YouTube and just watch video after video of people losing their, like popping their flying cherry and land and talk about their excitement. And the idea of guiding people into that and just taking away their para virginity was like my cup of tea. But since then I've evolved to just caring less about new pilots. And there's that. Oh, and then also just standing in the field seems like a pretty
Starting point is 00:09:46 expensive like a brutal way to earn your money like oh you don't stand in the field you own the the place where the people stand what does stand in the field mean oh i'm sorry so this is when you train someone to fly a paramotor are you familiar with the paramotor is it all like you the little flying machine yeah yeah so uh you know 90 of teaching someone to do that is done under the sun standing in grass you know teaching them to control the wing while they're standing on the ground until now at woody's indoor para you've got like imagine crank up the fan yeah fans it's fans and they're training there and they've got bungee straps to them so they can like hover in place and they're learning indoor stuff it's hard we could just point a couple paramotors in your direction and have whatever
Starting point is 00:10:33 we wanted yeah we'll get this is a good idea friend to aim them you know what they say about business they say you don't want to identify a market. You want to do something you personally enjoy. Right? That's true. I think all of us did that in some way. That's the opposite of that, obviously. There's no more mark for a big warehouse. That's what Mark Twain said, though, right? No, that's what Mark Twain said. Make your vocation your vacation.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Do you remember the Simpsons where Flanders opens the leftorium? The leftorium. Hell, it's nothing but left-handed doodles and stuff like that. Like, that's what the bare paramotor warehouse would be he'd be like and it's open and then no one there well it would double as a cattle barn for so we're gonna have to rodeos on sundays you're gonna have to moonlight saturday bath oh but could you imagine the smell when all the fans kick up well it's gonna motivate you to get in that sky. For a while, no one made any money as a paramotor instructor.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Everyone complained about the prices of it, and then I'd look at all the paramotor instructors living out of their vans and be like, do you think they're getting rich on this? But now, that's changing, and there's a couple, they're business owners, of course. They've got people working for them. But I think there's a couple millionaire
Starting point is 00:11:43 or multi-millionaire flight schools so yeah well that's good it's a it's a bizarre sport i hope it keeps growing because i like i like niche sports that sort of push um the boundaries of like little legal things like like um and i really have always appreciated those ultralights that i guess i saw that thing i don't even know if it qualifies as an ultralight i think it's a glider technically i always saw that gif on reddit of the guy who looks like he's holding a big model plane a model plane like you build with airplane glue and then he like puts it on his shoulders runs a little and then tucks into that son of a bitch somehow like a like a contortionist oh yeah now he's a fucking pilot and he just flies away and i gotta lose a lot of weight before i i think it is an ultralight if it weighs less than 255 pounds
Starting point is 00:12:32 that means it qualifies under those less restrictive ultralight rules so he's still carrying 200 plus pounds of fake airplane on his shoulders and arms and stuff. That seems very dangerous. You don't want to be heavier in the air. It looked like he This is not the video, but this is the video. You might think this guy's a nerd right now. This guy is so don't give a fuck about his
Starting point is 00:12:59 This is probably a $15,000 or $20,000 toy that he's got that he's playing with. That's why he's sitting so rigid. He's scared's gonna break this bitch on an active runway at o'hare just those things are cool though you ever see the disappointment in those guys faces when they crash because they're expensive yeah i mean you wouldn't want to watch like a wait how expensive like thousands of dollars like tens of thousands of dollars. Oh, wow. I like it the other way. I like it when they crash a $15,000 model airplane
Starting point is 00:13:31 and they're like, yeah, we all knew we'd fly it until it crashed. This was the expected outcome. It's the eventual outcome if you keep flying it. Yeah, I think they have that in mind. I think the engines are the more expensive part and like nine times out of ten with a crash the engine survives it had to be a hell of a crash to damage the engine but the rest of that thing is as light
Starting point is 00:13:53 as it can possibly be right and the electronics in it like there's all sorts of uh automatic leveling gyroscope insanity that they can reuse so cool i i uh as a kid i was fascinated with anything remote control. I don't know why I never got into the drones. Everybody got super into those drones. To me, it just seemed... What does that say? It's too small.
Starting point is 00:14:15 It's expensive and there's a huge learning curve. Oh, $5,000 is cheaper than I expected. That's cheaper than I expected as well. See related products for turbines and upgrades. Maybe that doesn't come with an engine? I don't know. Well, that's neat though.
Starting point is 00:14:35 That's really cool. You can just buy these jet engines, huh? Yeah, but there's like four grand to pop and he needs two. These are little airplane engines. You can get the big silly ones for cheap like like leftover surplus off of a goddamn airplane jet engines you can buy them and strap and do whatever you want with what like what could you use it for i there's that clip thing i sent i maybe sent it to you guys i know i sent my dad because he was like how much do those cost
Starting point is 00:14:59 this guy's on like a trike in the desert with a big Santa beard, and he has a jet engine strapped to the back of this thing, and he is moving on some salt flats. The thing turns cherry red, all of the exhaust tubing back there, and the outlet engine part is big. It's not like we're going to take off on a runway big, but I don't want that thing behind me big. Jet engines are scary. Yeah. I guess they're safe, though. off on a runway big but like i don't want that thing behind me big jet engines are scary yeah
Starting point is 00:15:25 i guess i would want to use it like they looked fun do you remember in jackass when they like threw footballs up in that jet stream and like we're hitting the other guys with it and like just walking into the air and it was powerful enough to like not only knock them over but like kind of take them off their feet a little bit that would that would be cool really demonstrates that's a different situation. That's a fucking jet dragster. That's the scariest thing of all the things we've talked about so far.
Starting point is 00:15:53 It's just literally strapping a rocket to a car. It mortifies me how skinny and thin they are in those little front wheels. You can see them wobble when they race. Could you imagine being in that and slamming into a wall at 400 miles an hour oh there's a person in that yeah of course there's a person in that it's a drag race car it looks like i think those are the ones that go like
Starting point is 00:16:16 330 miles per hour and then john force have the record for like highest speed ever in a drag car i think it was around 330 john force with a name like that he has to have the record right for a while he had a reality show on like cmt or jason speed he's got three i think he's got three blonde pretty daughters who all drive as well and so it was like i i don't know what the show was called it was like team force or something and there's like him and his daughters like training to race like like one of them caught on fire and there's like do we keep doing this i could have lost all the skin on my legs you know we're this close like and there's a lot of that it was a neat show yeah a lot less pretty with no skin i had to guess yeah you'd be a lot less
Starting point is 00:16:57 pretty with no skin doesn't he look like a nice guy like just a good dad i don't know i feel like he's a fun guy to hang out with. Yeah, he looks like a great... How can you tell? Look at him! He looks like a nice guy! You don't think so? I can tell from the mustache he's a good father, I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:15 He seems like a good guy to me. I like his... I like... I don't... He wears a lot of rings. I guess anything more than one ring is a lot of rings. Yeah, I was about to say, those are championship rings. See, I don't like... That's a little gaudy Like, Brady doesn't wear his
Starting point is 00:17:29 Yes, he does Yeah, when people ask him Where he's like, I don't know Who's the best, really And they're like all over his hands Like the same shit Jordan can't wear those all the time I mean, if you had championship rings You'd have to wear them sometimes
Starting point is 00:17:42 Well, he's doing a press shoot there where he lays on the ground with his daughters behind him. It's ring time! Do you know the Deagans? Are you familiar with them? They're interesting in the same way you mentioned. It's this guy. I think his first name is Brian Deegan. He's popular on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:17:59 And all his kids are future stars at shit. So he got a gold in the X Games for like stunt motor crossing, like half pipe motor cross or something insane like that. Where he takes a dirt bike, goes 60 feet in the air, just triple flips and lands and all that. Well, he's grown children that race motor cross. His daughter is in the NASCAR truck series. And his other son is young. So we don't judge him yet.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Um, he's a little guy and, he's just sort of documenting his life where like, he's like, Oh, this guy's a future motocross champion. This, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:34 my daughter here is a, uh, uh, in the NASCAR thing. It's good looking family too. Yeah. That's super smart to do though, because those are sports that are like sort of popularity
Starting point is 00:18:45 driven as much as anything right like like if you're a star like we don't care how many times conor mcgregor loses if we're being honest same with nate diaz i like him on my screen because i don't care because he doesn't care you know and so like the same thing is here if you if you if you get introduced to that fucking shithead on the left there at this age and like for the next eight years while he matures and learns to drive go-karts or whatever, you start liking him. By the time he gets to the big show, it doesn't matter how great he does.
Starting point is 00:19:14 That guy on the left, I actually like him. For one, so I ride motorcycles. He's so much better than me. He's stupidly good. He's got the genes for it. I guess, dude, and the practice and the work he puts in. He has private coaches.
Starting point is 00:19:30 His name is Danger Boy. I don't know how I left that out. The guy on the left, everyone calls him Danger Boy. And he just jumps his bike like 50 feet in the air. It's fun to watch. Did any of you guys growing up literally copy your father's haircut? I need to know that before I start making fun. No.
Starting point is 00:19:47 No. No. I didn't have any input on my haircut as a kid. I was going to comment on it, too. I was going to say a good thing. That's a racing man's haircut. You're wearing helmets all day. You don't want side hair.
Starting point is 00:20:01 That's a raceman's. How do you know? That's the cut of a racist. That is. like that's that's a raceman's that's the cut of a racist i'm a motorcycle racist i like this family i've seen them i will say the kids sometimes seem a little unaware of how amazing their lives are like they have new friends over and they're all racing side by sides around a track, jumping them in the air. Of course, all of them are very good
Starting point is 00:20:30 at it, yet their friends are like, how does a stick shift work? To them, the friend is the weird one. They're like, you can't ride a side by side? Really? At all? You're scared to jump it? Okay. You're a weird one. It's like, no. She's normal you're weird you're you're
Starting point is 00:20:48 amazing but but not normal you're extraordinary that's good that's better better phrase yeah whatever they do you know they're starting early at like instead of yeah i don't know probably i hope they're not wasting their time at school i think they're homeschooled. Never going to college. He's on the best motocross team, the one where champions come from. And he was really good. I'm not good enough to say whether he earned his spot or whether social media helped him on his spot, but he's on like Yamaha Star or something like that.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I would have asked Zach to take it down by now, but I've been staring at this guy's daughter for a while. I saw her. She was racing in this NASCAR series. They invited her, and the other men didn't like the way she drove. So they're like hazing her, like, oh, you bumped, you rubbed racing, you did this and that. And she's like just standing up for herself in what I thought was an impressive way. Not only is she a woman, which is a bit of a deficit, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:45 when you're in an argument with some guy, but she's half the other person's age. So this 40-year-old is, like, giving this 20-year-old shit about the way that she managed her race car. And she's like, Rubbin's racing, man. You know, you don't like it. Deal with it. And I was like, fuck yeah. You know, like, everyone's Rubbin out there. And he's picking on you because he wants you to be more polite while racing.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Suck a dick. I don't know. I like that. I'm going to be the champs. I'm fascinated by I think it's got it's a little bit of a new thing. And certainly in like the last two centuries. the last two centuries. It started in the last one where if you're a championship football player,
Starting point is 00:22:26 baseball player, you're going to be able to give your child the ability to do the exact same thing. If they have the talent, they will do it. You're going to move everything from the path you can. With acting families and stuff, a lot of celebrities that we know of today got the jobs
Starting point is 00:22:41 via nepotism or their parents were producers or famous and just trained them since they were little and they've already got the ends via nepotism or their parents were producers or famous and just trained them since they were little and they've already got the ends and sometimes it's like yeah nepotism was a good idea like bryce dallas uh howard that uh the red-haired uh young lady the actress she's a fantastic actress and director her dad's ron howard like i'm glad her dad was ron howard because now i get to see her on my screen whether she's acting or directing it's always good she directed a bunch of the mando episodes she's okay I don't know I think that's like the only thing I still watch on Disney plus or have y'all seen Stephen King's son
Starting point is 00:23:12 Stephen King's son looks exactly like him like he literally cloned himself it's scary have you seen Stephen King's son's new movie I have not what's the new movie it's called the black phone who actually wrote the. I am familiar with The Black Phone. I've yet to watch it. It feels so much like a Stephen King story that it's like, what the fuck is going on here? Does Stephen King do this under what they call a non-diplom? No, it's his son.
Starting point is 00:23:36 You know what makes... Can his son finish a story? It'd be great if his son could... Oh, that's a bad picture. Find the one with his son with a beard. Stephen King with the beard and his son with a beard because yeah yeah the one with steven king with the beard and his son with the beard steven king is outstanding it's starting stories and he can't end them for shit he is so good at building i'll never finish that
Starting point is 00:23:56 book i have sitting there needful things about the devil who owns the store and gives people cursed items as you're reading it you're like this is such a cool world. It's all unfurling. I bet this is going to come into play later. Oh, I bet that's going to come into play. And then you can almost see him panicking towards the end. Like, oh, oh! Like, I want myself into a corner here. But the world is so great,
Starting point is 00:24:19 and the ideas and the novel disturbing aspects of it are so great that it sucks you in regardless. Two thirds of his entire library. And by that I mean his entire library, but only the first two thirds of every book. You'll be great. Just stop one exception. Have you guys seen
Starting point is 00:24:38 the movie Maximum Overdrive starring Emilio Estevez about the machines that come to life and there's like evil trucks and stuff. So he that was the first movie he got to direct cause he was such a famous writer. And it was also during his cocaine binge. So he did a ton of Coke and said that he doesn't remember anything about the movie. It was panned for being bad. And to be honest, it wasn't the best movie, but like the first 15 minutes they got ACDC actual AC acdc to play their songs the acdc band got murdered kids got hit by lawnmowers people got hit by steamrollers they were like vending machines shooting soda
Starting point is 00:25:13 cans blowing up people's heads and stuff it was awesome for like 10 minutes and i think that's where all the budget went to like that's where all the cocaine shots happened and the rest they just kind of hodgepodge together. The rest was just a hangover. Whatever. I don't care. If anybody wants a neat little horror movie though don't read up on any spoilers but The Black Phone is pretty good. It's about
Starting point is 00:25:35 a child murdering psychopath who kidnaps little boys and kills them in his basement. It's good. I really enjoyed it. His most recent victim is different from all the others in a way and uh and it's a it's a good story it's i don't know 90 minutes and it's got ethan hawke in it as like fucked up a scary bad guy it's pretty fucked up yeah but but again if you think about it it feels very much like one of those stephen king stories it's set in the 80s
Starting point is 00:26:00 um abusive home life with the kids and i don't know just it feels it's that got that 80s lived in grungy small town kids story feel to it it's good i liked it a lot i'll check it out great horror movies i guess there must not be like a huge budget or a huge audience for like budget horror movies horror horror is the uh the most financially successful genre in all of filmmaking it is where almost everybody started because you can make you can make a horror movie for a small amount of money that will make a huge amount of money some of the biggest um like like multipliers of money in to money out have been from the horror genre when you look at like paranormal activity or player witch project and there's several more that aren't popping in my mind right now these movies that
Starting point is 00:26:48 got made for fifty thousand dollars and then maybe a producer comes in and scruffs up the cgi like they did that's why i went paranormal activity i think steven spielberg someone some big famous producer director saw a screening of paranormal activity and was like this is perfect you need like twelve thousand dollars worth of CGI. I own a CGI company. Let's work together. And then that thing made hundreds of millions of dollars. I think it was J.J. Abrams. Could have been.
Starting point is 00:27:12 I don't recall. Something like that. But you're right. Yeah, that is everybody starts in horror, super successful. I personally love horror movies. I watch way more of them than I should have. Even subscribe to Shudder, which is a mostly hit, but some,
Starting point is 00:27:26 um, some misses too. That can be funny. Watching psycho Gorman. Huh? I did recently finished psycho Gorman. I despise the first 15 to 20 minutes cause it was very boring and I hated that little girl so much,
Starting point is 00:27:38 but it got way better as it went. It was just hilarious. He's like telling his whole like backstory and she's like, that's boring. Shut up. Yeah. So the premise of psycho Gorman is imagine if like a Thanos like character was unearthed on earth and he,
Starting point is 00:27:54 he's like getting ready to power up and start raping and pillaging and ripping everyone apart. But then there's like this spunky little goofy 12 year old girl who like has his controlling his, his remote control. And, uh, and and and she's like hey look what i got and he's like give me that no i don't think so you gotta do what i say now huh well technically and like so every time he meets one of her friends he's like you will live in an
Starting point is 00:28:19 abyss of hell i will skin you and devour you only to vomit you up to eat you again and she's like ignore him go to sleep big bully and she just like picks on him the whole time like slaps him around and like basically makes thanos her bitch and he's scarier than thanos he's this giant monster his name is psycho gorman and uh and so this silly little girl like is in control of him and uh she like introduces him to her parents and stuff like a pet. It's a fun, weird movie. It's got really fun effect work in that it was mostly practical
Starting point is 00:28:51 and it looked like advanced cosplay and it kind of felt like, all the characters kind of felt like Power Ranger villains except horribly violent, murdery, rapey Power Ranger villains, like really gross nasty ones and that was really fun. No, not the putties, like the boss rapey Power Ranger villains. Really gross, nasty ones. That was really fun. No, not the putties. The boss characters.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah, yeah. They had to assemble to take them down. They had 40 characters, all with different abilities and crazy stuff and great costumes, and most of them die in 30 seconds. I want to say, Rich Evans has a small voice part in there somewhere. Red Letter Media fan? I love Red Letter Media. Me and my wife watch
Starting point is 00:29:24 Best of the Worst all the time. We pop some D8 and just enjoy that. They haven't uploaded a thing I haven't seen. What's the show on the... They eat spicy wings and they interview people. Hot ones. Hot ones? Okay. That guy's a masterful interviewer, by the way. I'm really impressed
Starting point is 00:29:40 with what he does. And he had Matt Damon on. He asked Matt Damon why they don't make good movies anymore. He might have phrased it different. I thought it was interesting. His answer was no DVD. He says it used to be you'd release the movie. He's like, say you have a $25 million movie. This movie will cost $25 million to make, which we all know is it sounds like a lot of money, but in the scope of making a Hollywood movie, it's towards the low budget side not nothing but you make a comedy for that or a drama and he's like so 25 movie 25 million there's another 25 million he had a term for it like sna but it's basically promotion so now you need 50 million and half of it goes to the uh to the theater owners he had a term for them like the show people but
Starting point is 00:30:22 the people on the movie so now you need to do a hundred million in sales to break even on your $25 million movie. And it used to be that when they came out to DVD, that just be a whole nother boost. It'd be like a second opening. So you could make that movie thinking that maybe, you know, you do a hundred million in the theaters and then the rest is all profit. And this thing has been a good idea. Now, because of live streaming making DVDs obsolete, that second boost just isn't there
Starting point is 00:30:49 anymore. And that kind of movie... Why not? People aren't buying it for $20 a pop. Why don't they get like a big... See, it seems to me that it should be... Did they make so much by selling whole copies, selling whole copies to a blockbuster? Was that so much by selling whole copies, selling whole copies to a blockbuster?
Starting point is 00:31:05 Was that so much more profitable than getting rid of that middleman and just renting a digital copy that they have no overhead on? That's what he's saying. You might not remember, but DVDs were like $100 their first two weeks, and then they go down to $19.99. So Blockbuster would pay that hundred dollars because they needed it on release day and then we wouldn't i think that's right and that's absolutely right you were spot on but that was that made up a small time in history and matt damon seemingly make this seem like hey forever it was this thing he's making it like when vhs was a thing still so for his forever that was like from 1980 to like 2010. That was like 30 years.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Don't forget the whole VHS genre is kind of like what streaming did today. Once people could watch stuff at home, you had shot on VHS movies and home movies and indie films. A lot of it horror stuff. It would pop off and become kind of popular because video stores would just pick them up because people would actually rent them. So it was a disruptor that they turned into something that was profitable. people would actually rent them. So it was a disruptor that they turned into something that was profitable. And streaming, I think, is harder to make a profit on because people aren't paying that much for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:11 And also, you have to remember, when people physically would go in to buy a new M&M CD or whatever and it was priced high, the Best Buy that was selling it or whatever, or DVD, whatever, they know that's a loss leader. They're not making the money on that item in particular when you come in. They're banking you're going to buy other things with higher margin. And so actually going into the store, you're going to make more purchases
Starting point is 00:32:32 than if you're sitting there on your couch. You're not going to be distracted. You just hit one thing, $4.49, order. I can remember how difficult it was to get the Marshall Mathers LP unedited because there aren't like record stores in livonia georgia so you've got to go to like a walmart or a best buy and like everywhere i went had like the censored version because we're in the south i guess i don't fucking know it was super annoying because i'm like i'm i'm 15 i don't have a lot of means
Starting point is 00:32:59 it's not like i can just oh they don't have it here well let me was that pre-internet ordering oh yeah yeah and then like pre-internet ordering? Oh, yeah. Yeah. It would have been like pre-Amazon kind of. Just as worse like pre-internet searching, right? Yeah. This guy has a quad 4x4 by Honda and a phone book trying to figure out how he can get this thing. It's hard to pull off. It was a Kawasaki 300.
Starting point is 00:33:19 My mistake. I hurt myself so bad on that thing. You're bringing back a weird memory. I'm from Mississippi and my hometown did not have a record store. My college town also did not but a nearby town that I would drive to to shop at had a pet
Starting point is 00:33:39 and record store where half of it was vinyl records and CDs and the other half was a pet shop. So you could go in there and buy a couple of parakeets and a puppy and maybe some vinyls. And it was really bizarre, but I couldn't not go into there every single time. It was just something you had to see.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Kyle. What a dog update, Kyle. Dude. So before you do, I do this thing where I ship things boy and girl together i'm marrying them off this is a forever relationship when i heard you still had your dog two days after the last time you talked about him i'm like this dog has found a home this dog with its external
Starting point is 00:34:17 metal sticking out of its skin and aggression issues has its forever home and it's kyle yeah um so here's the the whole story quick um uh i went and got this dog from the pound he's uh he looks like um like a malamute or a husky type mix he's got one of those stupid cute fucking fuzzy faces and he's like eight and a half years old and he looks he looked he had his earache what else is going on with his face? I'm not done. Taylor thinks he's got Down syndrome. And that's just because, look. He does. He has Down syndrome.
Starting point is 00:34:52 He obviously has Down syndrome. My dog does not have Down syndrome. He does. You got him from the short pound. He's a good boy. He's a good boy. Does his skull have the little points? He's very smart. He does tricks. nothing sneaks up on that guy
Starting point is 00:35:08 anyway when i get to like a curved monitor i go to this kill shelter and uh and it's loud as fuck in there and i i look at three or four dogs that are kind of like that dog. They don't have the small dog I'm looking for, but I want to look at everything. And he was the only one that kind of came out and was like super duper friendly and was like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:35:33 who are you? I want to know you. And I was like, dude, I've never met a down, a grumpy person with down syndrome. No, they love you immediately.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Um, so my dog is, he's got special needs and he loves everybody but i also babysit my girlfriend's dogs a lot and they're over here a lot and he got like food aggressive with one of the other dogs and bit her in the fucking head and now that dog's scared the other dog is a little dog right not a little baby dog but like a 30 pound german shepherd type character okay and and so she's just like scared now anytime this big fucker is around because he doesn't look in that picture but he's
Starting point is 00:36:12 like 75 80 pounds and like okay yeah his paws are like three fingers wide or more like like kill that 30 pound dog easily you mean like oh, it's like he's got real boy teeth. He's got fangs. And most normal house dogs have little dog chewy chum teeth. Like the kind that could kill a person if it bit you on the neck. At the same time, he's eight and a half years old, and the bottom of his paw pads are so fuzzy because he hasn't been groomed that on my hardwood floors, it's like the Grinch trying to run sprints around here. He's just slippy sliding around and looking goofy, like a, like a big goofy fucker. Um, he's
Starting point is 00:36:50 fine most of the time, but I'm always afraid that he's going to get like food aggressive and hurt somebody. So I've got little dogs around me right now. I've, I've got a little Pomeranian and another little dog hiding out with me, uh, with me here. So because they're afraid of that big fucker down there. So I'm looking for a husky rescue for him because I tried to take him back and they're a fucking kill shelter. And I don't want them to kill him. And he's also got like they weren't taking care of his ear infection. So I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow to get his ears, give him some antibiotics for his fucking ears. And at some point, the son of a bitch got one of his back legs broken
Starting point is 00:37:27 and they put some metal hardware in there. And you can see the metal hardware. And I don't mean through the skin. I mean, I went, tink, tink, that's stainless steel. You can put a fridge magnet on this motherfucker. And he's just walking around smiling at people. So I got a theory that maybe the reason he got a little food aggressive is because he's in a tremendous amount of pain from between his head and his leg and so i'm gonna get all that shit sorted out for him whatever it takes and
Starting point is 00:37:53 you got a cyber dog on it next time i'm injured i'm gonna go to kyle's house bark a little you already did this once taking him to the kill shelter you got hardware in both legs that's a that's a bridge too far no no just one I already did this once, taking him to the kill shelter. You got hardware in both legs. That's a bridge too far. No, no, just one. What if, let's say you got the ears fixed, and maybe the leg improved a little stability and training.
Starting point is 00:38:17 You think you might keep the dog? You think it's in a position where it might calm down and be more domesticatable? Yeah, I think what I'm going to try to do once I get all of his pain fixed and he's a happy boy is try to put food on the ground between the two dogs and hold them both real closely with good body harnesses and teach him that we share food here.
Starting point is 00:38:39 I was talking to my dad about this and every time he gets a new dog into his little mini pack that he rescues over there, the new dog won't realize that everybody gets a hot dog around here because they've never experienced that before dad's like i got a whole pack of them guys don't worry everybody gets a hot dog and like after at first the new dog is like fuck you i'll kill you for a hot dog after a while it's like oh wait you got enough hot dogs for everybody all right then i get all right but anybody else shows up they don't get none right now they're teaching your dogs about
Starting point is 00:39:11 socialism yeah like like they have to be part of a pack where you're you're the boss and and they need to know that all of their food is yours and as some of your food is theirs if you say so like if anything else can be kind of scary because like you've got a dog roaming around the house that can like is like yeah looming over the other dog like hey motherfucker this is my spot like we can't have that there's no bullies allowed around here it's not just the 30 pound dog for drifters benefit you have the little pomeranian oh yeah i got two little dogs that i'm babysitting i've've got a 15-year-old Pomeranian that's just like this little happy
Starting point is 00:39:47 cocksucker that looks like a caterpillar. Where you at, bitch? She's around here somewhere. And she's like... So are all the little dogs huddled up under you for protection? Yeah. Oh, I'm like right now? Yeah, yeah. I'm mother hen.
Starting point is 00:40:03 You should scoop one up. I'm sitting on my... I don't know where the little one is. She's actually not under me. I don't feel her, but the big girl's over here. She doesn't want to fuck around. She's cheating on her fake campaign model. That's how serious Kyle is taking security. The door's closed! They're in here with you.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah, they're in there with you. I'm glad you're taking such precautions for the Pomeranian. That poor little guy. He needs... The poor little girl. He's snack-sized. Yeah, they're snacks. If that husky just looks at him the wrong way,
Starting point is 00:40:32 it might kill him. The husky the other day, like... The husky only looks wrong ways. The Pomeranian. Always got one eye on the prize. It is retarded. It is. It really has thousands of...
Starting point is 00:40:50 It is. Zach, show the picture again. It keeps people from seeing. Oh, goddammit. Leave a comment below with how much you obviously agree this dog is retarded. That's what they look like.
Starting point is 00:41:03 And it's not that he doesn't have potential to be a sweet dog. That's just what they look like. It's not that he doesn't have potential to be a sweet dog. That's just what they look like. Have you ever seen those graphics where they take one side of someone's face and they show how weird it would look if you were fully symmetrical? That's what this dog looks like. There's something. You know what's up. It's just been mirrored.
Starting point is 00:41:23 It's a cute boy look at look at his floofy paws what is the dog friendly to people does it people aggressive he's he's had a bath since then i i got the fucking bathtub with this motherfucker i mean i get in my underwear and i get in i've got a big jacuzzi tub and we get in the jacuzzi together and uh he didn't hate it but he didn't love it either but he's um tomorrow he's going to um the vet first and then after they clear him to get groomed i'm gonna have them i know they have an undercoat you can't shave them down but i'm gonna have them trim him as close as is appropriate for a husky type mix and so he can cool off and look pretty because he's a beautiful dog just down syndrome aside and i think he's like i looked at like i think it's pronounced samoyeds
Starting point is 00:42:11 it's like s-a-m-o-y-e-d and and that's what he looks like to me like like that that that's that dirt face look that you're talking about but some i thought are like a little floopier but he's i don't know i think Kyla's suggestion yeah I think he's a mix of something see I thought I was hoping when I saw him online because they made it look like he was really short um something about like the way his legs are so floofy makes him look short but in the picture that I saw him in originally I thought he was half Pomeranian half husky a palmski and palmskis are so husky half foolish just i want to see a husky corgi mix like that seems like a neat combo oh yeah i like that he's probably clearly not consensual a husky corgi as
Starting point is 00:42:56 soon as i get rid of this motherfucker i i have been looking at those like designer dogs that are like like there's so they take the poodle and they let it... If you're a poodle, you get the fuck. They're going to be bringing you strange exotic pussy all day every day. There's all kinds of something.
Starting point is 00:43:18 His body is so disproportionate. It looks like a husky that's been scrunched i can pull a short slab poodles get to fuck all the time because all the owners want their dog mixed with that hypoallergenic because they you know they're hypoallergenic they don't shed and you end up with these like you're pretty smart looking like weird um that dog that i showed you the other day that's a half golden retriever half poodle it's fucking looks like a cartoon character that's the dog i want if i didn't have this burden
Starting point is 00:43:49 in my house downstairs i guarantee if i walk if i walk out that door and look down the stairs he's down on the hardwood looking up at me yeah this is the dog i'm getting as if it's still there once i get rid of this burden what's the the real name? Or do we just go ahead? Burden's real name is Rocky. Um, but I, I felt like I shouldn't bond to him. So I,
Starting point is 00:44:11 I call him a different name every time I talk to him. So, uh, I call him Eskimo Joe. Sometimes I call him Eskimo Joe. Sometimes, sometimes I call him Toby and I do that whole thing from roots where I go, yo name is Toby.
Starting point is 00:44:24 And then he looks at me all retarded. Come on, that's not, Chappelle did it. It's funny. But it's a cute dog that needs a home. He's got one. What if it loves you? Look, I'll tell you about love. Last night at 2 a.m., I went down there
Starting point is 00:44:40 and warmed up some beef broth to soak the fucking hard food in. You know why? Because I put two and two together and realized with an earache, I bet it hurts to chew. And he fucking loves it now because he's got soft food that he can just slurp up without chewing. You're so supportive.
Starting point is 00:44:56 You're such a good doggy daddy. You get that at the vet? Look at the doggy daddy. Go home to mommy and daddy. It drives me crazy when they do that. Dude, I didn't realize how much I hated that until now. You're right. Okay, so we're all 30s-ish here, so I personally don't have kids.
Starting point is 00:45:13 I know we talk about our kids. Yeah, I'm on the same train. No kids. And everybody's like, yo, look at your baby. It's your fur babies. Oh, your little fur babies. And I'm like, no, that's a dog. That's a pet.
Starting point is 00:45:24 It's not a child if that was my child i'd have to have a very different conversation with my wife about where it came from yeah and you shouldn't have him at the vet because he doesn't look like me at all i watched a clip i watched a clip on uh youtube today and it was patrice o'neill meeting borat and this is when borat before the movie it was when he was just an ali g character that a lot of people took for real uh when they met him until he got real ridiculous and uh and when he had this ridiculous he had this joke it's probably been told before but um they were talking about sex positions and big women or something and he
Starting point is 00:45:59 was like you're a fat to patrice o'neill and like they're having a good time and then he said uh they asked they asked him about sex positions in Kazakhstan. He said, most famous sex position in Kazakhstan is dog style. They're like, oh yeah? This is when the man, he stands up like
Starting point is 00:46:18 this and the dog, he lay down. I thought that was such a well put together joke everybody's sitting there like waiting on him to yeah we know what doggy style is and then he's like and then the dog and you're like oh god and this guy found a way to make that funny all right i really appreciated it he was really funny just sitting there riffing with them and kind of shitting on patrice for they're like but you don't have many men like Patrice in your country. We have a one. We keep him in a circus. His name is Bobo. A woman to love, Bobo.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Didn't Patrice die some number of years ago? Patrice has been dead, yeah. Of course he did. I mean. Come on. No, he lost the weight and became a fitness instructor. No, he was funny. How did he die? I think he had untreated diabetes and it caused him to have a stroke and he died as a result of that, I think.
Starting point is 00:47:18 So he died from being too fat, basically. Yep. I think that's it. Being fat is objectively unhealthy for you. When my wife was a nurse, she was a 500 pound dude she took care of. And he was fat because his family was super toxic. Like he was in the hospital for heart problems and they would bring him like
Starting point is 00:47:36 Papa John's and KFC and stuff like that. After many months of treatment, it finally dawned on him that this is bad. And he literally lost like 300 pounds. He went from 500 to 200 and was super happy. But the damage had been done over the years and the weight loss was stressful. Dude had a stroke and just keeled over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Like those people on like My 600-lb Life, like they're so fat like on the show my 600 pound life when they made that show they probably didn't be like hey guys 600 let's not lowball ourself like let's say 900 like they probably thought 600 was wild now you watch like an episode of that show i haven't seen a svelte 600 pound person in years it's like i want to see 120 pounds and you're right like when you're that fat anything at all a cold could could kill you because you're like you're you have no circulation like your body would you rather watch talk circulation your feet would you rather watch a show called my 600 pound life or my 1000 pound death well definitely the second one if i'm a producer at like cmt one of those trash networks that needs a new hit, we're taking on TLC for fall.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Oh, my 600 pound life, yeah? My show's called My Thousand Pound Death. And we've got a thousand pound guy who's gonna die. We guarantee he dies by the end of the season. Thousand Pound Death is a brilliant show. Kyle, that's great ideas for a producer. I've got a show called My Big Fat Fucking Funeral. Do you guys remember the heart attack grill oh there's so many ways we could do this dude it would be fun to watch like like oh my gosh
Starting point is 00:49:14 you know this guy weighs 930 pounds and we're on season four i don't think she's going much longer like there's no way there's season six. No plot armor. No plot armor. The point of the show is to make them gain more weight. It starts off at my 600 pound life and it's like by season three we're like, yeah, we broke 850. It's like still going trying to gain more.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Whoever dies first, two million dollars to your family. It's like, oh, this is a sad show. I don't like this. People watch it, though. Pretty sure that's a whole collection of fetishes, too. Jerry won last night in his sleep. Yeah, those fat shows are pretty ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:49:55 I can't watch them, man. They make me sad. It just feels like a little bit abusive and creepy. Imagine being like, you're dying. You're so fat, you're dying. You probably stink. You can see their skin is ripping. They don't get off the couch. And a whole film crew just shows up and starts filming you so that the world can laugh at your suffering. And a lot of them just seem like, I'm a celebrity now. Like, okay. But they low-key know that everyone's
Starting point is 00:50:24 laughing at them. so eat the pain away yeah i'm sure that makes them stress eat when they're when they're doing that like it's just wild how fat some of these fucking people are and it like you it would be it would be so hard like i i love to eat i absolutely love it but like to get to 400 pounds, you had to also get to 390. Like to get to 500, you had to get to 480. Like at some point, there's a point where you can't reach your ass anymore
Starting point is 00:50:54 to wipe yourself. And for a lot, for all of the people in this show, that was not sufficient to say, eh, no, I'm going to keep eating. Like that,
Starting point is 00:51:03 that isn't enough. That should have been a wake-up call. You watch Intervention, a show like that, or any of the drug addiction shows, and you're like, oh, I'm watching somebody who's destroying their lives with prescription pills or heroin or whatever. This is sad. And then you see it with food, which
Starting point is 00:51:17 is probably like, I don't remember because it's an often made point, probably the hardest drug to stop. Because if you are an alcoholic or addicted to cocaine, like you can live just fine without alcohol or cocaine. Like you can try and avoid it and stuff. But like if you're addicted to food every day, every day, it's like I need to eat every day for three times, at least probably 10 times. If you're fat, like you have to tell yourself, yeah, I do need to eat. And it's going to be leafy greens.
Starting point is 00:51:44 if you're fat like you have to tell yourself yeah i do need to eat and it's going to be leafy greens like yeah no you're in america the fat cheap stuff with all the oil and grease is readily accessible you don't have to cook it they'll deliver it to you man you can probably get the uber uber guy to just come in and set it down on your lap for a big tip get them to feed your fat ass did you ever have a wake-up call Like one day you like looked at yourself in a mirror or you couldn't do something and you just, it just hit me as like, this is my limit. I have to do something. I have to change my diet or I got to work out or something. Yeah. I've definitely done that. Like it was like the, it was probably 2016, 2017 or 2016. I wasn't lifting at all. I was just eating a bunch of garbage, not healthy, not even like good calories. And I was getting out of the shower one day and like saw myself in the mirror and was like, oh, my God, like you're a big fat person, like you're a big fat, fat person who looks pear shaped. fat person who looks pear shaped and oh my god this is embarrassing like it just hit me where i just was like really embarrassed of myself and really ashamed and like it was that day i dropped
Starting point is 00:52:51 it like late night snacking cut that out that's that's always been a big problem for me late night snacking i don't make any good food choices at 2 a.m no there are not many available i'm glad to hear that woody what about you did you have like a wake-up moment, like a coming-of-Jesus moment? Not like that. I mean, I had moments where I felt bad, moments where the internet, like I can remember there was one time. I was starting my paramotor, and the camera was on my thigh. So it was this real terrible shot, and I looked down, and everyone who looks down has a double chin, but mine was a little pronounced. And the internet gave me a really hard time about it,
Starting point is 00:53:27 but that isn't what turned it around. What turned it around is Kyle and Taylor were working out and they would talk gym stuff all the time. And I'm kind of in this community now where like my friends are talking about working out and Kyle showing his progress pictures. I got roasted on the internet for sharing my shirtless pictures, but Taylor knows I was not alone. Kyle had a secret.
Starting point is 00:53:46 He was getting in shape too. And so I wasn't so much shamed into getting fitter as I was inspired into doing it. Yeah. That's the most wholesome thing we've said on this entire episode. Literally had a good friend support group that encouraged you to do good things. Nice.
Starting point is 00:54:05 I'm just glad to hear that since we've been talking about fat people dying. It's a nice sort of. We're all super sweet to each other in our group chat. I just imagine it's like, how was your day? You can tell me anything. We won't judge. Or more often, it'll be like kyle being like check out this guy in kazakhstan getting hit by a rocket and it's like i didn't know they could
Starting point is 00:54:32 have this few pixels in a video okay how is it it's part of the watching this video imagining what could happen how are they so low res these days? Because I get like the ones in the early 2000s and 90s, cell phones and digital cameras were crap. But even a basic bitch, $100 generic crap-o from Android still gets pretty decent video quality, at least outside in the light. So I don't know why it looks so awful, except people probably re-render it and other people like re-download and upload. But it'd have to happen so many thousands of times to degrade.
Starting point is 00:55:10 You literally have to do like a thousand times to mess up the video quality. So no idea how. Kyle nailed it too. I just imagine there's some Ukrainian YouTube who takes your decent video and turns it into garbage. Yeah. And there you go. I've seen a lot of high quality ones. I go to the combat footage subreddit.
Starting point is 00:55:27 And then the Ukraine video report. And subreddit as well. And there's a couple more. But you see some really HD. Like fucking. They don't have Rode microphones on yet. But everybody's got a GoPro. They really need to get on the mic game.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I want to see those new Rode. Half the video. Have you seen those new Rode mics that i see everybody wearing that it's just a little puck right here instead of a silly microphone that gets scruffy and stuff i don't know it's really high quality like i see a lot of people using them now like i want to see a guy mic'd up speaking fucking english explaining to me what's going on and i want to actually see what's going on all i ever see is that bullshit where they blind fire over a hill or something maybe i don't want to get shot maybe maybe i'd be the one guy who's like hang on i'm gonna shoot somebody and i put my head up i immediately get shot by a guy that's doing this over his head but i don't think so i don't think they're hitting shit i think they're just wasting
Starting point is 00:56:16 ammo yeah this thing kyle i'm curious i hope that link works Oh, is that a battle scene or something? A lot of these, like the really low quality ones also, like, you know, when you'll see something posted and it'll be like, this fight took place outside in Boston, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:35 where someone did this and that. And then like, you click it and it's like, this just happened. Like, this is quality. And then you see the comments. It's like,
Starting point is 00:56:43 this is a fight from 2006. It was posted this many times. Like I definitely, that probably happens with war see the comments. It's like, this is a fight from 2006. It was posted this many times. That probably happens with war stuff, too, where they're like, crazy epic rocket launch. And you're like, this definitely isn't 2022, you karma farmer. The fight, I'm with you. I like it, though, when it happens with police.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Look at this police, whatever, three policemen holding down a pregnant woman and beating her. Then I'm like, I hope this is seven months old and the top comment is the resolution to what happened in this thing or you know now the cop has been charged or let off or whatever what were you saying Kyle? Far too often the comment is like no charges were filed
Starting point is 00:57:18 the police said they did nothing wrong yeah or at worst internal investigation or at worst he retired and it's like yeah he retired oh yeah we got him boys just going to work in another department you know he's gonna do private security now i still keep all of his friends and connections and everything it's uh no i saw those guys in arkansas i think beating the shit out of that guy outside of a gas station the cops they're just like ground and pounding this guy yeah and then one guy's doing I saw those guys in Arkansas, I think, beating the shit out of that guy outside of a gas station.
Starting point is 00:57:45 The cops. They were just ground and pounding this guy. And then one guy's doing that thing where he's throwing knees into a downed opponent. They don't even allow that in UFC, dude. What are you saying? Now those cops are in trouble, right? No one's taking their side, it seems.
Starting point is 00:58:02 What was the situation? I had illegal ratifications reddit was against it i don't listen to reddit too much we didn't see any like mitigating reasons or excuses why the police would act like that we just like to me the video i saw was clipped at police beating the dickens out of someone who's clearly helpless oh what if that guy had a knife 10 seconds earlier that's not part of the video yeah he was he took a good ass whooping though um yeah it's yeah i don't know it would it would suck to get your ass beaten by the police um because they get away with it and it's kind of hard to sue them because they've got good lawyers and stuff and you and you pay for their legal team
Starting point is 00:58:40 but but i don't know i always go back to that thing. Apparently it's racist now, I think, to say just obey the officers and nothing bad will happen. But I mean, I've been in that situation. I've been locked up a few times, boys. That's the good advice. They should teach that in high school. Because the reality is when the cops show up, especially these days with body cams and instant communication, you're done. these days with body cams and instant communication, you're done. If they show up at your house right now and want to arrest you for a law that does not exist, you just have to bend over and take it. Cause if you offer these much resistance, it's just okay to beat you up or shoot you, or you'll get additional charges or whatever. And people are terrified of cops. You said nowadays with cameras and this and that, that, that, that it makes it somehow easier for them to do it?
Starting point is 00:59:27 Well, yeah, because back in the day, you used to just be able to like, if they were going to pull you over for speeding and you had a fast car, you could just outrun them. At least that's what my dad and his friends used to do in the country. They just floor it and the cops just, they're not in the middle of nowhere. They're not going to call helicopters or anything.
Starting point is 00:59:41 But these days with instant communication, it's way harder. Did you go up in Hazard County? No, it was La and it was like you know what okay if you're a cop are you gonna chase a man down a dirt windy dirt road at 80 miles an hour no you're just gonna say if he flips he flips that's why i became a cop i know you like you still run like this all the time i haven't done it since i was 17 but motorcyclists routinely run from cops yeah yeah yeah i i know a guy who does it on a pretty slow bike right i don't want to give away too many details but this bike's top speed is like 78 and uh he's like yeah so the cop was chasing me i made a u-turn and then he did and i made another u-turn and off i went
Starting point is 01:00:25 i guess that'd work w yeah i mean you're right with the cop thing kyle because like the best cop advice would be like treat every cop like he's an egomaniac who wants to get violent assume all like that look i've been in multiple situations where some of them where i went to jail and some where I didn't, where like the cops were there and I had guns and they had guns and we needed to end this peacefully. And certainly it was going to end with me being like, hey, I got guns. Don't be scared. Let's make you happy. And I never got shot. It's been like that.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Like when I got arrested, the post officer post officer like you got any guns on you and my first instinct was to be like none like like like show them empty pockets but it was like clearly that's a stupid thing to do he's like hang on a minute we'll look and i'm like yeah yeah you're right yeah you should look but just so you know i don't have shit and there's a lot of y'all i don't think i can get you when i when i get pulled over my move is so first of all they're in the car for a I can get you. When I get pulled over, my move is to... So first of all, they're in the car for a second. I get all my paperwork together.
Starting point is 01:01:28 And then I have my hands on the steering wheel at like 10 and 2. And I just lock them there. And partly it's to show them my hands so they're not nervous. But I'm also trying to show them I'm the kind of guy who's putting his hands on the steering wheel, right? It's not just seeing my hands. It's knowing that I'm the kind of guy who's not trying to get trouble. I want to see hands too.
Starting point is 01:01:49 You hit him with the yes sir, no sir. Yes officer. I like officer. I feel less of a cuck to call him officer. I don't say any of that shit. I don't say yes sir, no sir. I don't say officer. I say master.
Starting point is 01:02:01 I'm an absolute asker, sir. If this works out well, we're going to be equals by the time it's over. I want to be friends. How can I assist you, man? I was talking to a cop the other night with some nonsense. And by the end of it, he was telling me his story. I was like, why are you a cop anyway?
Starting point is 01:02:18 I was like, your dream was to build race car engines. He's like, well, they got pulled over for speeding and 67 and the judge said i could go to nom or i could go to jail and to nom i went and it was like we got this guy's whole life story out before we got this traffic thing over with i'm not gonna say yes sir no sir unless they've got guns out and then that that does make sense once the guns are out then you say whatever you think's best i do like the idea of doing the peer thing and being personable over i want to be friends i can see being combative very bad idea but it's really rough if you ever get pulled over by a cop that's already on an ego trip they've had a bad day they're competitive get up in your
Starting point is 01:03:00 face yell at you try their best to trip you up. It's, it's rough to deal with. Yeah. Yeah. I cops can be such assholes. And it's like, that was where the Uvalde thing got me so mad.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Like, look, you're already strutting around like peacocks where everybody kisses your ass and calls you your town's finest. Now you have to every once in a blue moon actually be worth a shit. And when the rubber hit the road, you're worthless.
Starting point is 01:03:31 You fucking cowardly cunt. I agree. I'm in Texas, so the Evalde thing hurt. How many cops were there? 70? 100? I lost track. They didn't do anything but arrest parents. I think less of Texas and Texans because of it. Not even kidding.
Starting point is 01:03:47 I agree with you. We're fucking Texas. Our SWAT teams have tanks and shit. Why don't they use them? I'm surprised you needed a SWAT team. To me, the fact that there wasn't a shop teacher who went in there with a stick shooter and shot the guy. I'm like, what part of Texas
Starting point is 01:04:04 were they in? Was this Austin? Come on. Exactly. shooter and shot the guy. I'm like, what part of Texas was this? Was this Austin? Come on. No, exactly. Like, didn't the police stop like multiple parents who tried to get in and do that where they're like,
Starting point is 01:04:13 Hey, all we're authorized to do is allow the killing of children. Like, yeah. You know what? Back off, mom. Your kids will take care of this.
Starting point is 01:04:21 You'd be in kind of a helicopter parent. Yeah. I mean, it's an American school, the kids might shoot back, you know. What is that? All children should be armed. I've actually been saying things like that. The crazy solutions
Starting point is 01:04:36 for this is teachers have guns, veterans in schools, and all sorts of weird, like, we're going to put up barbed wire fences and constant surveillance and have every student with a tag on their body like all this nonsense and i've just moved on to like that's a half measure i think all students should have guns every kid should have a gun it'll solve their problems with their guns and not that i believe any of that but it just reached that's like the only next step to go to in terms of absurdity that's what they do in poland
Starting point is 01:05:05 all the students have guns yeah i never hear about shootings over there exactly you don't hear about it at all anybody who says shit gets shot you don't talk about those polis shootings or you get shot how about we have like like a designated just shooter psychiatrist who goes all around and like tries to analyze before it happens and is like this person's risky and they're like alright we're gonna take that person. Farmer Johnson has a prairie
Starting point is 01:05:36 dog problem. We're gonna turn him loose on there. Kill all the prairie dogs. Get that anger out. So you find the kids that you think might be school shooters and you train them to be crack shots. Yeah, I'm wondering about that. That's exactly what he's saying. Yeah, now that I'm thinking about it, it's not a good idea.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Are you afraid that America is not going to be number one in school shootings? We're falling down the rankings and we need more professional school shootings. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I guess that's not a good idea. Well, I'm out of ideas then. What do you have? You can't just say no to my ridiculous theory.
Starting point is 01:06:10 I mean, we talked about the homeschooling your kids to be race car drivers. That seems like the plan to me. Like, Jesus Christ. Look, all the money you'll save in driving those kids back and forth to school, buy them a go-kart, get them on the circuit. Let's go. Get them that fruitcake haircut, too. All the most successful kids are like those
Starting point is 01:06:28 homeschooled weird ones, like the motocross ones, where they're just obsessed with something. All the best NHL players are like, they got taken out of school at 11 to just play on a pond all day, and now they're making $20 million a year. Here's a genuine question.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Would you have liked to have had a parent who was that would you have liked it if your father was a champion let's say in your case taylor hockey player who who like was trying to mold you from birth to be that would you have liked that kind of lifestyle where there was no question about baseball or football it's like son like like you know i i played for the i played for the blues myself like i think we can get you a spot like you just got to show the initiative you gotta put the hours in like would and would you have wanted that though like putting your whole life aside and being that that focused on a thing like if if it was in the cards for me like if i had the ability and like i knew i had
Starting point is 01:07:18 the ability from like now i would do that and pretend that it's not hockey, a thing that you love. Pretend that your dad's a tennis star. Man, that's a lot safer. It is. Wait, wait, wait. Kyle, let me take a look. Better on your everything. Taylor, now the sport's cross-country. Oh, I'm out. You pushed into it.
Starting point is 01:07:37 I would be, like, my dad wakes me up, like, day three for my morning run. I'm calling Child Protective Services. And it's Taylor worst it's the worst thing that's what they should do at guantanamo cardio is there kind of cardio you enjoy um rowing i like rowing uh if i'm playing a game i can distract myself like if i'm like i actually do like playing tennis just like casually for fun i like like that's good cardio tennis so as long as i'm distracted playing a game it's not bad but when it's just on a treadmill or just running or just on an elliptical it's so mind-nitingly boring. At least with glifting, it's like you're doing eight different things,
Starting point is 01:08:26 so it's moving around, staying active. I really like rowing if I'm in a kayak. I hate the rowing machine. I hate all rowing machines. I want paddles. I really like my elliptical for that mindless cardio that you just have to do. This idea that we're going to have a game we play every day
Starting point is 01:08:43 and get the necessary amount of cardio is nice and all and but but like it's just not going to happen you're not going to play volleyball for an hour every goddamn day you're just not not as an adult like basketball i bet there's games happening not too far that's fair now that's organized and you you can get that going but your body hold up let's say you're trying to let's say you're trying to do like you have to lift in the morning and you have to run at night and and like every night it's gonna be a game of i mean well you know basketball i think it's gonna be rough on you several problems one i'm not good enough at basketball two i'm afraid the other players will beat me up for doing things
Starting point is 01:09:21 wrong for being bad at basketball i don't understand the trash talk culture and when you're allowed to chirp back and when you cross the line i'm gonna run into trouble i imagine it's like every sport where like you're probably not doing a lot of chirping in a casual ymca game like right i'm not sure you're familiar with the basketball courts there's a lot of chirping i'm thinking about like i'm not sure if you've with the basketball courts. There's a lot of chirping. I'm not sure if you've been to a basketball court that's full of white people before. No.
Starting point is 01:09:52 We all have a good time. It's fun. Nobody's mean or anything. If there were white people, if you go to a church basketball league, you'll be good. Everybody sucks. That's the league I want to play in. Church leagues are great because there's no black guys there
Starting point is 01:10:11 to fuck up the curve. It's like you're out there hitting dingers all night. Competitions to homeschool kids. This is how those old white baseball players did it. I get it now. Hell, I should, I should have a baseball card. If I had a time,
Starting point is 01:10:27 you were blowing me away. Are you saying there are basketball court courts filled with mostly white people? Join a church basketball league. It's all white people. And no one's watching those games. Like, so there's no reason to feel embarrassed.
Starting point is 01:10:43 There's a couple of playgrounds. and even if you do the one... Oh, we're not playing public basketball. Who do you think you are? What, do you play with public people? You're not rubbing elbows. I don't play at all. I'm nearly 50. They're going to break me.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Just go to wherever the closest court is. Wait, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up. Are you actually nearly 50? 49. Holy shit. And I mean that in a good way way because you definitely do not look 49 respectfully like i would have said 40 flat maybe 42 less uh you should see without a shirt you go even lower but no seriously you definitely don't look almost 50. Just whatever they say about you on Reddit or whatever.
Starting point is 01:11:27 You look a lot younger than you are. His back definition? Yeah. Yeah. What is jacked? I used to get destroyed in basketball as a teenager. I just want to feel it. You always go to that.
Starting point is 01:11:41 This is not a great picture, all right? He's looking at the other picture. He has better pictures pictures he has better pictures looks in that one he looks like he like looted a larger body and you know what that one looks like it looks like that opening scene from terminator when he's like just traveled back naked and he had to quickly grab some department store pants he lost a lot of weight there and he's almost showing you like a weight watchers thing where he's like how many notches i can tighten this belt i was so slow to buy clothes that fit like i didn't want clothes that fit
Starting point is 01:12:14 because i had to keep the weight off i'm like i can't deal with going into my fat clothes again let's just stay in them yeah big brain Big brain. No, which was tremendous. The workout programs definitely helped a lot. And his diet's super good now. Yeah. Yeah. And he's an inside person, so he takes care of himself. It's been hard to work out with.
Starting point is 01:12:41 I got my cast off yesterday. Oh, I'm excited about that. Here, look. Look at that shrunken calf. We've got to get a screenshot. What is that? Did you do the measurement? The girth measurement?
Starting point is 01:12:55 No, but it's not too late. I'm in a walking boot. Not the second, but I'm not doing any calf work yet. The boot doesn't allow your toe to flex. Your flexion, I think it's called. Calf is still shrinking, I think. Do you really want that measurement? I'm curious how much
Starting point is 01:13:11 difference there was and how quickly it's going to come back. I'll do it. I have one of those. I think you have one too. You measure your bicep with it. It's like a special tape measure that's good at it. Yeah, it's curved. Yeah, it's curved. I sent you the guys. I don't know if you all saw it, but I sent you that little clip the other day.
Starting point is 01:13:28 It looked like they were competing in an Ironman-type competition, and there was an obstacle that you approached that was an overhanging wall. It was like leaned toward you, and you just have to jump, basically do a pull-up and get yourself over a sheer wall. It's like imagine a giant piece of plywood leaning toward you. There's a guy competing with one arm, it's gone to the shoulder, and one leg, he's got
Starting point is 01:13:51 one of those metal bendy legs. You see he approaches the obstacle and looks at it, and you see these two white girls in the back, and one of them's like, hey, hey, hey, should we do a thing like and he jumps and grabs it with his one arm, does a full chin up, throws his
Starting point is 01:14:08 good leg over, and he's up and over and gone. It was so cool. He did that one-armed pull-up like it was nothing, and then threw, like I said, his good leg over and he was just up and over that fucking obstacle faster than a whole person could have. Impressive. I have so much admiration
Starting point is 01:14:24 for people like that like like all right i've got this holding me back but you know what fucking i'm not here for excuses to be fair though first of all he weighs a whole lot less than a whole man and so that one arm pull up is much less impressive and frankly like i could do one arm pull up like we just gotta one arm pull up i could climb a ladder with just my arms. I could just let my legs go limp. That's different. Can you do a one-arm pull-up? Can you grab a bar and pull yourself up
Starting point is 01:14:51 with one arm and kiss that bar with your lips? You know, I think... I think I can do it with a big enough kip. Can I jump? He kipped. He jumped, I think. Yeah, yeah. We can all do it here, but we're in pretty good shape.
Starting point is 01:15:07 That's the thing. I mean, I do steroids and lift that. Dude, you guys are, I'm Mr. Potato Man. I sprained my wrist pouring milk a few weeks back. You laughing. I just woke up, normal day, going to go pour the milk, and I hear a little pop, and then the pain starts. It's like, well, a couple weeks of braces.
Starting point is 01:15:28 You're talking about climbing things. I actually strained the shoulders because some woman was getting attacked outside my house. I heard these people screaming and fighting. We're in Texas, so we have those giant nine-foot stupid fences or whatever. I had no idea what was going on. So I was worried and should not have, but I used my hands to pull myself up and jump over the fence and look. And it was like some guy was chasing, I assume his girlfriend taking swings at her saying, I'm going to get you bitch and chasing her down the street. So I popped back down and called the
Starting point is 01:16:00 police and they said they didn't ever find anything but this woman was fast dude was big like six three six four and she was way smaller but he's one of those big guys that can't move so she booked it and she was like way ahead of him going somewhere uh but the point is that like just pulling myself up over the fence i was like well that sets me back about two weeks on physical therapy right there i got fucked on one. I have a question about the tea. Like you came on this like two shows ago. You said your tea was low and you were trying it, I think. And then in a more recent show, I forget the update.
Starting point is 01:16:32 But where are we now? Did you figure it out? So we could not find what was causing the low tea. We'd done a shit ton of endocrinological testing with pituitary endocrinologist. And we found exactly nothing about anything abnormal about my body with one exception. And we did the genetic testing as well. And that's that I had a very small tumor on my pituitary gland and I got it scanned a year later and the tumor was gone. The doctor told me it was so small, there's a chance maybe it was an imaging error, perhaps it was a small cyst that popped. And these kinds of things do sometimes go into
Starting point is 01:17:10 spontaneous remission. It could have been bigger before and was on its way down when we found it. So there's that. So I have, now that the tumor is gone, nothing wrong with me at all, but my testosterone is like double digits. So I still take the clomiphene. I did a ridiculous amount of testing and clomiphene takes all of my hormones back up to normal. Everything, the estrogen levels, the testosterone levels, all the other, like the prolactin and everything is all perfectly in range for the last six months to a year, I still got problems. So that's what's going on there. So I have almost no tea for really almost no reason. And I know that people are like,
Starting point is 01:17:52 oh, you lazy beta male gamer soy. Wait for a second. You've said both that your levels are normal and you have almost no tea, and I'm confused. That's if I'm not taking meds. Oh, okay. So when I'm on the clomiphene, it's perfectly normal. Everything.
Starting point is 01:18:05 We'd get this huge lab work every time of a giant list of things. And it was all normal. Now, if I don't take that, it all goes crazy, mostly the testosterone, but that throws other things out of balance too. But the doctor told me that he's the pituitary endocrinologist. And he said, there's no reason this should be happening to me. And that given a lack of anything else and good labs on clomiphene, it's smarter to leave me on that than risk changing anything. So that's where I'm at on that. We're fighting other battles. We're looking at like rheumatologists and autoimmune and nonsense. But let's we'll get away from that.
Starting point is 01:18:40 That's a boring topic. How long before we go to healers and oils and crystals? Sort of which? My question is, why did you stop at normal? from that. That's a boring topic. How long before we go to healers and oils and crystals? Some sort of witch. My question is, why did you stop at normal? I'm not 100% sure that a witch isn't the source of all this. You need to switch to high tea and throw some Tren in the mix
Starting point is 01:18:57 and Andralone and other stuff. Stop fucking around with normal. You're crazy with your... This is just like in the movies. This is just like in the movies. He has almost exhausted medical science. He just listed all of these specialists, all the testing
Starting point is 01:19:14 they've done. This is just like in The Exorcist when they run the little girl through all the tests and you're thinking like, Jesus, it might be the devil. Why is no one... By the time they go through the fourth hospital trip, you as the viewer are like, come on, guys. Why is no one considering the devil?
Starting point is 01:19:30 I don't believe in the devil, but at this point, it's clearly the devil. And here we are with Drifter. It's been years of specialists and medical facilities. The guy literally sees demons. No one. The man literally sees demons no one literally sees demons hey you'll like this who tells us he sees demons and is plagued by inexplicable medical issues and no one out there is thinking right now it might be the devil it might be a witch a warlock a wizard of some kind you're joking
Starting point is 01:19:59 but i've wondered like a chance i've legit wondered because i'm exhausting science here and not getting answers. And I don't believe that I've lost my mind. Actually, if I've lost my mind, that's the best thing ever. It's the easiest thing to fix. But you'll like this one. You talk about the devil. I had to go get an MRI a while back. And I went to two facilities and tried three different machines. And the machines failed three times in a row. I didn't get scanned until my fourth MRI, and all three times the nurses apologized, and were like, we're sorry. This basically never happens.
Starting point is 01:20:30 We don't know what went wrong. That was only one time that that happened, but it was just one scan that three MRI machines failed on me in a row. It took like a month to get it done because I was always getting rescheduled. That sucks. So who knows? Maybe it's demons. I've always. So I'm guessing that those MRI technicians
Starting point is 01:20:47 are part of the plot. And so what happened was they hadn't been alerted that you were going to be scanned that day. So they don't have the fake scans that they're going to present to you. They, of course, don't want you to see what's really inside of your body, what they've been growing in there for your entire life, that you are the chosen one and this they have this elder god that they're going to try to bring back through you through it makes sense honestly given all the problems and weird stuff i would i would buy it it makes sense that's why your t is low it is absorbing all of your testosterone it's this it's going to come out the super hyper alpha male it's a whole lifetime of tea it's gonna bust out and
Starting point is 01:21:26 be like the giga chad like aliens except a giga chad is just gonna burst out of my chest it'll just look like derrick they really will be death star delts just explode out but it but it blows up out of you like it's slowly wearing you like a suit and then you tear like like the Hulk's clothes that would be the cool way but he's not yeah when he comes out he's already wearing under armor it's yeah like happening and it looks like your arms are getting huge but then the skin starts tearing and then you
Starting point is 01:21:55 see horns or well I imagine horns like demons have horns you'd also come out with a phone just filming it like live streaming his ascension yeah his ascension or have you ever seen the void just filming it, like live streaming his ascension. Yeah, his ascension. Or decent. I watched, have you ever seen The Void, Taylor? Yeah, that's such a fucking good movie.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Yeah, yeah. The Void kicked, so when The Void kicks off, it's like an hour and a half movie. Yeah, I've seen this. You start in the third act. Like, there's no, like, in the beginning, there's no, in the middle of things got scary. It's like, no, we're in the third act.
Starting point is 01:22:23 Shit is crazy. Guess what happens in the first 30 seconds? We shoot a woman and burn her alive. Like five minutes later, get your axe ready because here they come. It's like you're in the end of the movie. Oh, yeah. And the end ramped up more. The beginning, even still extreme, comparatively boring to how batshit off the rails it went on the end.
Starting point is 01:22:43 And I just loved it. I enjoyed it. I thought it was great. I really like crafty and stuff. I like practical effects. I like indie horror that's well done. It takes itself seriously and that movie hits all three of those boxes really well. I watched it again the other night. I also like Event Horizon. Very similar as well, but same thing in space. I mean you might be the same person on
Starting point is 01:23:05 movies i love all that though i will also watch some of the schlocky stuff on twitter not twitter shutter my wife and i will get really high on delta 8 and just put on one of those like really dumb ones and just laugh at it yeah yeah i do that a lot i do that a lot i like uh i like silly stuff too um i've been watching this TV show. I want to talk entertainment with you because you're a man who probably knows his entertainment because you spend a lot of time presumably watching TV and stuff. Or maybe you have some suggestions. Yeah, I feel like I'm such a bad sounding board so often
Starting point is 01:23:37 when Kyle wants to talk about entertainment. He's like, have you seen this movie, Taylor, or this one? I'm like, no. How about this show? No, haven't heard of it. You haven't heard of it? Well, then I've got a crazy recommendation, but you first. For all mankind, it's on Apple TV. It's a parallel universe,
Starting point is 01:23:52 an alternate universe, and the difference in this, the inciting incident is the Soviets beat us to the moon, and we say, no, that's not the end. We're going to keep going. We'll be the first to build a base on the moon. We'll be the first to put a woman on the moon. We'll be the first to put two women on the moon. Whatever. We'll go to Mars first.
Starting point is 01:24:12 And so this first three seasons of this show take you through the decades from the 60s up until the mid-90s. That's where the third season ends. Of a different American space program that was very important to the united states because we just stayed in neck and neck with the soviets through the decades with the space program it is fantastic really that actually sounds really good i need i didn't even know that was a thing but i also don't have apple tv so i gotta find a family member i'm sure there's a way to get there anyway yeah probably all right then i've got a weird one for all of you. As soon as I say it, I know
Starting point is 01:24:48 the comments that are going to show up under the videos and you're going to laugh. It's on Shudder. Have you seen Dragula? I have not. I've seen the box art. Yeah, okay. So it is about a drag show. Not drag racing,
Starting point is 01:25:03 but the men dressing as women. It's horror themed, but it's also very extreme horror themed, like people that could probably work on movies, making whole prosthetic alien bodies and crazy shit. On top of that, the show is also like kind of like one part fear factor. So if you lose Dragula, you have to do some sort of very extreme challenge in drag in order to not get eliminated. So imagine taking drag Queens and pushing them out of airplanes and they're like skydiving and full drag or they're there. And it's like, how many piercings can you get in 30 minutes? And they come out looking like porcupines or just battle each other. Last one standing gets to stay. i don't do a lot of reality tv and when i do it's it is reality tv i i usually do something that's either i think of that reality it was like popcorn shit in the background so it's usually gordon ramsay yelling at people or um we found this show recently on netflix called alone that's about a survival contest where you take like i don't know how many, let's call it 10
Starting point is 01:26:05 survival experts. You scatter them throughout the wilderness in, let's say Alaska. Last one to quit gets half a million bucks and the months go by. And it's rough. Alone is neat because like Kyle said, they're experts.
Starting point is 01:26:22 I saw another show, I think Naked and Afraid, and the goal is to last 21 days. The thing is you can starve for 21 days. You find a water source and you'll pretty much stay alive. You find minimal food. Sure, you're going to come out the other end pretty beat up, but you're going to live. You're going to be looking sexy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:39 If you're up against survival experts, you're going days 75 days 100 days in there you have and the the structures they build are impressive these are log cabins with chimneys and hammocks and shit like that on they getting afraid 21 days they're like well i guess i can just lay on a pile of leaves for a while you know make it by they're they're in for the long haul these survival experts i've been watching survivor i saw season like 7 and 37 or something like that there's so many seasons no 37 i didn't know like they must be doing a couple seasons a year to get to that you have to be hasn't been that many years survivor is a good show so obviously like some of it like the audio is too good i'm like as a guy who's made videos i, like the audio is too good.
Starting point is 01:27:28 I'm like, as a guy who's made videos, I'm like, this audio is outstanding. And both of them are shirtless. That tells me that there's a boom mic hanging over them. Yeah, there's an audio guy with the mic hanging over them while they're whispering to each other. So if it's not staged, it's at least they know they're not private. That taints the interaction. They don't mind the camera. The cameraman's keeping their secret.
Starting point is 01:27:51 It was always the premier reality show in my opinion. It was like S-tier reality. It has changed in a good way, I think. Originally, season one, you thought that it was about the ability to survive and then by the end of the first season you realize that oh you know what
Starting point is 01:28:10 modern day survival skills include alliance building and manipulation and lying and stuff like that's richard hatch was the best survivor on that island he wasn't the best at catching fish but you know what zombie apocalypse richard hacksx maybe runs that show or i think his name richard hatch he's won the first season now people are looking ahead and like when they vote someone off the last eight or twelve i think it's 12 people now get on the jury and decide who wins so it's like drifter i'm voting you off but man it hurt my soul to do it i loved you so much i know we all lied to you and made you think you weren't about to get voted off but that it hurt my soul to do it i loved you so much i know we all lied to you and made you think you weren't about to get voted off but that's not who i really am you should love me so
Starting point is 01:28:51 that when you're on the jury you secretly like me and like that's part of playing the game also when the jury looks at who wins they all know this is a devious game if you make it to the end and you're not a fucking cock sucking asshole, then they're like, you know, Drifter played kind of a weak game, but Taylor over there made major moves.
Starting point is 01:29:12 He's the guy that got Carl out. We all thought he was a juggernaut and he's the guy that got Lewis out and no one thought he wasn't going to make it to the final three. Taylor's a player in this thing, mover and shaker.
Starting point is 01:29:23 No one's a bigger asshole. He wins. And so now people are building their survivor resume along the way like i gotta make moves i need the jury to know that i'm a bigger asshole than the rest of the whole different metagame yeah the metagame has evolved and also that makes more sense that's better like if like you wouldn't want to you wouldn't want to as a viewer see the winner be some guy who was like, I'm not going to talk like you would want everybody to be like, yeah, you bested me. So you get my vote. That's how it goes. And here's let's say that I'm very good at the game in this scenario.
Starting point is 01:29:55 I want to drag along a few people that we viewed as non threats. So I vote a threat off. I vote a threat off. I vote a threat off. And at the end, it's me and two lamos and I get my win. it's because i know damn well if i don't get you off now you're gonna beat me in the final three and it's a million dollar prize million dollars for first place okay nothing for second oh yeah that's beautiful i love that right it's so hardcore you would like this russian survivor show that never came out. They tried to do one.
Starting point is 01:30:26 It was kind of like Survivor and Naked and Afraid, and it was like the last one that quits. But the producer was kind of crummy, and he's like, hey, we're going to be in Siberia, so if somebody dies, there's not exactly police around. And contestants started killing each other.
Starting point is 01:30:41 And the Russians shut it down, and it never came out. Jesus Christ. Who won? Everybody lost lost they all got charged with murder it was like on camera that's so stupid that went poorly damn that's gonna be great like 30 for 30 style document and then here's here's the thing that happens on a lot of reality shows right i watch it and i'm like oh you're making this mistake i could do this better i could do that better in some cases it's true but i'm forgetting that i have the benefit of like you know i'm god watching uh like aerial shots of the camps and stuff and i've heard your private conversation so of course i make better decisions than you i have more information than you in survivor i watch this and routinely think these people are all
Starting point is 01:31:26 better than me they're all smarter than me they're all more clever than me they're like catching fish with spears and shit and they're working hard the structures they build i'm like i would lose this game you know i i would be dan over here there's a a guy who fell in love with a girl. And dude, she hit it back. And it's a showmance, right? These guys are deep in love. Would you be on it? Would I be on it? If the Survivor team, you've just got to put them in your email tomorrow
Starting point is 01:31:57 and offer to be on the show the next season whenever they're filming, would you do it? You've got to. Yeah, I think so. I think so. I had to talk to jagger like you should apply then it's open applications though i could tell you i'd get my ass kicked these people what everybody would love to see you on the show totally fall into the
Starting point is 01:32:16 show man it's a hypothetical single me like i see these guys of course the girls are all beautiful right and it's like oh you're on an island for 39 days what are you gonna wear uh bikini and you know and they're like huddling together for warmth it's an environment that would make people fall in love and the guys are like dopey love and the girls are like i got dan wrapped around my finger yeah he's gonna vote anyway i tell him to and i'm like fuck you're bad or good i don't know but you won't fall for that you'll no no that that particular thing i'd be immune to but i'm not i watched one guy he he got busted like lying to everybody right and i watched a girl she was working the jury right she was like hey you just want to let you know everyone's going to vote against you and then she did too she lied backstab but she was working the jury and when
Starting point is 01:33:08 they caught her working the jury she was like what no i didn't say that she's telling you weird lies it looked terrible for her she should have come clean the other guy that lied to everyone his name was mike and uh he's like you know what i've told the truth like 90% of the time. That's pretty good for Survivor. And everyone is like, yeah, yeah, that's true. All is forgiven. And it was like, oh, he handled it so well. He's a social genius. Kyle would do well at survival.
Starting point is 01:33:36 He's the height. His body fat's too low. He's got to put on some pounds before he goes. Dude, it's a problem to look at. There's a guy on season 37. He calls himself the mayor of Slamtown. He's a to put on some pounds before he goes. Dude, it's a problem to look. There's a guy on season 37. He calls himself the mayor of Slamtown. He's a professional wrestler, and he takes people to Slamtown. And, dude, he's really charismatic, and I liked him.
Starting point is 01:33:54 But he got voted off fairly early because to look at him, he's a threat. You're like, we got to get rid of this guy or he's going to win this thing. And then there was this nerdy guy who lasted way longer. And he kept auditioning for the position of Slamtown Comptroller. And it was hilarious. He's like, you know, that's the mayor of Slamtown right there. And that's not a great picture. He looked better, I felt like, most of the time.
Starting point is 01:34:19 Just in his natural. But it's useful to have him on his team. There's a lot of competitions that are like hey hold this heavy thing above your head or prevent this everything from touching the ground and it's like all right slam town you do that we're going to be solving puzzles while you do it the the big jacked guys like i haven't watched as much you know survivors you i guess but i've watched a couple seasons those guys get picked out quick like they'll be like oh that guy he's a threat and it's like you haven't even talked to big joe over there he could just be a dummy who doesn't know what he's doing but it's like
Starting point is 01:34:48 it's almost like an agreement where it's like that guy's shredded i know i'm safe because i'm not shredded like him and so everybody gloms on to just the most obvious visual like you know superior in their eyes like oh that guy's gonna best me in all the competitions. So you're right. And there's an actual... So now I'm good about the strategy of it. Oh, Zach says he's a WWE star. I thought he was on lesser wrestling. But in any case, what you want to do is have a strong team
Starting point is 01:35:17 before the merge. So there's like two tribes. And then as they get smaller and smaller, eventually you merge. When there's two tribes, and then as they get smaller and smaller eventually you merge when there's two tribes your entire tribe gets immunity once we merge it's every man for himself so if you win the immunity challenge it only applies to you so it's like you somehow want your team to be strong while cutting out all the best players right before the merge because those best players now they're going to win all the immunity challenges and stay alive so like you want them to keep your team alive while also getting cut off right before
Starting point is 01:35:50 they do it's it's conflicting anyway survivors are really good show i didn't realize it i thought it was a stupid stupid reality show and while there's certainly elements that i'm sure they're pulling the wool over my eyes like you know when they find the immunity idol i'm like try to tell me he didn't find that an hour ago then they reenacted it set up yeah you ever see there's a new reality show people are watching kind of in the so bad it's a good way it's called the secrets of skinwalker ranch it's on netflix it's like a paranormal investigator show uh it's like imagine the most incompetent team of paranormal investigators you've ever seen. A whole army of people with thick Southern accents. And they're so bad.
Starting point is 01:36:32 They get hurt like every episode. Somebody falls, somebody has a heat stroke. One dude, he's like, yeah, my head just started swelling for no reason. He's got like this big lump up here. It's like, it must've been the alien energies that we can't detect. And it's, it's like the worst reality show I've ever seen, but it's also hilarious at the same time to just watch them go try to find aliens and get hurt. Just incompetent idiots just can't find the ghost. It's like older guys, like bigger, heavier set,
Starting point is 01:37:04 50 plus conspiracy theorists. And they're like older guys, like bigger, heavier set, 50 plus conspiracy theorists. And they're like, yeah, we'll get better signal up on top of that. They're mountain. Let's walk up there. And, you know, 300 yards later, they're all done. Maybe the side of the mountain has good signal. If they want to be found, they'll come to us. I'm more of a ghost trapper.
Starting point is 01:37:23 Yeah. I can't get into the paranormal shows because I know they're all horse shit they've been looking for a decade or more they've had an organized TV show that's been looking for ghosts for over a decade and they haven't found shit that tells me there are no goddamn ghosts that or they don't want to be
Starting point is 01:37:41 found in which case that means there are no goddamn ghosts because you can't find one that... Sure, ghosts are real. You just can't see them or detect them in any meaningful way. That means it doesn't matter if they're real or not. You can't interact with them. There you go. Perfect. But the show of shows
Starting point is 01:37:57 has come back, of course. Game of Thrones episode one. You watched it. No, have you watched it? No, I didn't watch that no i refuse refuse i like like the only way they can get me to come back and watch any of that nonsense it would have to have glowing reviews they would have to somehow win over the um the um what's the subreddit the um the felt free folk the free folk they'd have to win over free folk for me to come
Starting point is 01:38:24 back over and watch a single minute of that shit i i there's there's no fucking way and i already saw like a meme where they i guess in the new show in the first episode some main character says like oh but we got to be we got to be unified because one day the long night will come and this guy's like rolling his eyes he's like well the long night came and we had a 12-year-old girl solve it for us in five fucking minutes. None of this dragon shit, all the voting, like your entire kingdom is for...
Starting point is 01:38:51 None of it matters. We needed a 13-year-old girl. That's my problem with prequels in general. When you know... When the way it all ended is a beloved thing, the way it is ended is a beloved thing, the way it is in, let's say, Lord of the Rings, a prequel can feel good,
Starting point is 01:39:11 especially if Peter Jackson made a prequel with Elijah Wood and the gang and somehow de-aged those cocksuckers. No, The Hobbit was good. The Hobbit was a prequel, wasn't it? It was bad, though. Yeah, but it was rough. It went hard on that uh what is it 48 fps
Starting point is 01:39:25 and 3d stuff and it was you know it was neat but that didn't make it good filmmakers should never lean on new technology you'll you'll find more love going the other way for nostalgia's sake with some 70 millimeter stuff like chris nolan or quentin tarantino then you then you'll then you would ever like capture some new audience who's like, ooh, 48 frames per second? You don't even know what that means, dude. There's money to do what it means. And I say it looks like soap opera. It's like soap opera.
Starting point is 01:39:51 Some exceptions, though. Digital's fun. If you've ever watched any VR films, those are really fun. You look like the kind of guy that's watched a lot of VR films, honestly. How dare you? No, that was the first thing you do. I got a i got a brand new headset and i took it to show my neighbor who's a vr developer right first thing he says is how good does it play porn because i know you watched it and it hurt because i was like that is the first goddamn thing i put on there to see if it works i put porn on my vr once and I was like, well, that's weird.
Starting point is 01:40:26 I feel like this involves me. What we're essentially doing is having me masturbate in a room with a blindfold on, deafened. What this really is is a really scary game of is anybody watching? Like, if you're a voyeur, that's the fun of vr i wonder if my wife came home early is she watching and really it's the gardener being like mr myers i need to know about the bushes oh my oh my lord like is he watching me now like i was just creeped out there's no way i can jerk off deafened and blind blinded by this vr helmet and that that pixelated lady pretending to suck my dick didn't look that great either.
Starting point is 01:41:06 Oh, you must have played through the Flash player, man. You got to download the 4K stuff. So much better. I mean, I don't think my GPU at the time could have handled 4K. But no, no, no VR porn for me. Regular 360 VR videos are super fun too. If they're well made like the uh the gorillas one
Starting point is 01:41:28 their music video was amazing i've never i've never done anything like that i'm sure it's very immersive but i always go back to that being like kind of a oh yeah we did that thing that time now let's go back to watching tv the way we watch tv on a big flat screen. Well, yeah, it's for sometimes. But you're a fan of the cannabis plant Delta 8, perhaps. That's like peanut butter and jelly with VR headsets. When you're posted, you're just there. It might as well be real. Yeah, I mean, a good sound system, darkened room, and like a big-ass 4K TV, I can pretty well accomplish that too.
Starting point is 01:42:03 I feel like when you go into VR, you're also kind of like, you're by yourself. Yeah, you are. And I usually like to watch movies and TV shows with a lady or something like that. You know, like enjoy it together because I consider myself a fun person to talk to after a movie. And so I want to watch a movie with you and then we're going to discuss it. And I'm going to be secretly judging you based on what you took from that movie. So if you didn't pay attention, I'm going to know first right you based on what you took from that movie so if you didn't pay attention i'm going to know first right away because there's a quiz coming wow it's like how
Starting point is 01:42:30 to make sure you got a real experience out of it uh but my wife and i take turns with the vr headset and it'll like cast to the tv so we can like sort of play along and watch and stuff so that sounds interesting for for something to do occasionally but I think that it would just be like, yeah, you put on that helmet and watch a movie. I'm going to sit over here for a while. Oh, no, no. I don't think I've ever watched a full movie in that thing. That would make me dizzy. It's fun for 30 to 45 minutes. You play some crazy videos, and it's like, okay, cool. I'm done. Back to reality. That's about how I felt about playing games. Granted, I had the first Vive, and so I was playing archery games.
Starting point is 01:43:08 I could play for about 45 minutes, and then you start getting a little motion sickness and start feeling a little nauseous. It's time to quit. And I would be sweaty and out of breath after 45 minutes of doing this as fast as I could. Did you ever beat Sabre, man? Oh, I don't even know if I played Sabre, man.
Starting point is 01:43:24 I wouldn't have known which games were good so i just downloaded a shitload of games but i played saber is the only one i can do for like oh is that the one where like it's a musical thing where you're hitting stuff you have lightsabers and you hit notes so it's like ddr with lightsabers uh i was getting to where i could do expert and expert plus and i would stream that for like an hour and come off stream i'd pull the headset up and just sweat would just like pour down me and all the mesh and stuff in there would be like sticky and gross and hell of a workout yeah i've still got my vibe i have no interest in using it um i'm thinking about buying a new uh pc building a new pc actually i um every day i refresh my like
Starting point is 01:44:01 i've got the pc parts picker like put together And so it's fun every day to refresh it and see if the price changes. Because, you know, it's all the prices and they update. And every day it goes down by, like, $6 or $8. It's kind of neat. It's like, man, this shit gets cheap. It's a good thing you didn't buy yesterday. There was $6. Oh, man, I've saved $12 this week alone.
Starting point is 01:44:20 I don't even know. I didn't. That new 4080 Ti coming. It to see am i gonna wait for the 40 series uh gpu like i don't think so because every time i say i'm gonna wait i wait and then oh yeah you can't get them or they're two thousand dollars or some shit you gotta meet some guy in a shady alley somewhere to get it the prices have jumped like i know the prices went wild recently but it used to be a GPU was, what, $600? Then $1,000 became kind of normal,
Starting point is 01:44:48 and now north of $1,000 can be kind of normal. $1,500 is what my GPU costs. Okay, thank you. Sounds about right. So when the 4080 comes, it's suddenly like, we didn't think they'd be $2,000, but here they are.
Starting point is 01:45:02 Yeah, you can get a 3090 Ti for around $1,200, $1,250, $1,300. Did you say 3090? Yeah, 3090 Ti. I mean, you guys are all entertainers. You can put this on your business card as an expense because it helps you render videos stupid fast. Who puts money into it?
Starting point is 01:45:20 We put the money into the account. If we had a business account that somebody else was filling up, that'd sound great. Wait, PKA doesn't run out of its own business account? Yeah, it's got an account. Okay, okay. I was worried about you guys if that wasn't true. But there's no reason for PKA to buy me a pimped-out gaming PC
Starting point is 01:45:42 that can play 8K video, right? Yes, there is. Because one, it's something you want. And two, it's something you can tax deduct, which saves you money. He can deduct it personally on his schedule. We want a Kyle who's relieved and relaxed on the show. I think it makes sense.
Starting point is 01:45:59 Ah, can I use the business card for a bit of prostitution? Maybe a little relaxation technique of my own? Maybe run that through the old business account? You'll handle that, right? You'll get the numbers to look right or whatever. You know. This is perfect. He knows how to stay out of trouble
Starting point is 01:46:17 and run a business at the same time. I like this. This is good. This is a solid idea. We need a business account that we just... And a masseuse. Yeah, masseuse. I have a masseuse. It's great. I love it. Does she fuck?
Starting point is 01:46:32 That's the kind of masseuse we're looking for. No, no, no. I actually, along with the physical therapist, have massage therapists that come and just massage me. I feel like I've already ascended to the old man form where I just take my clothes off and lay down. It's all right oil me up you're not you're beyond any sort of arousal you're just like ah my back's hurting today you know yeah kind of kind of strong old
Starting point is 01:46:57 hands in there yeah and she'll like dig right in and be like does this hurt and like crush some muscle oh god yes it does please don't stop i need this oh that sounds awful it's a weird thing like like well if it hurts enough now just finish all my pain for the day enough i mean it helps long run muscles healing and stuff but does it you do feel good at the end it's supposed to like i did a massage once ever and it was a sports massage like and it was a sports massage. And it was like when I was like, it was probably like five years ago. I was lifting a lot, and I was like, you know, people say to get sports massages,
Starting point is 01:47:33 and it like wipes out your soreness, and you're good to go. And like it's my fault for like going into it thinking there was going to be some magic wand of where I like, they massage me, and the next day it's like, oh, I can't even tell I worked out my back yesterday. I don't like laying still that long. I hate that. I don't like
Starting point is 01:47:52 being still. I love it. I fucking love it. It's been a minute since I've done one. Maybe three years ago I had a lady come in and get a massage and it was so good. I was super burnt out. My legs were so sore and it felt excru i was like super burnt out my legs were so sore and it was it felt they were it was excruciating to like have someone rub your quads out when they're just
Starting point is 01:48:09 completely ruined but it feels so good hard enough because it wasn't like hurting it was i've never had a massage where too hard wasn't an option like they all have that knob i've never met a masseuse who didn't have that who didn't have a knob that went all the way to scary town um that if you if you cuffed me down and and gave me a mean massage like that for a while you could make me talk i'll never i was in that strip club in cincinnati i think no or kentucky maybe and and they had a masseuse there who was like wearing a cocktail dress like she wasn't getting naked or anything but she was like a real masseuse and and she was like i don't know i told her to do it hard i guess and she really crippled me i was like whoa whoa jesus fuck so i'm gonna step back strip club with a masseuse yeah yeah so you can sit there in the chair and like throw dollars at the girl
Starting point is 01:48:58 with another lady behind you massaging your back like you're at the table that's beautiful yeah you can be getting a massage and have titties in your face that's exactly what you do yeah yeah yeah we yeah we had um i think i had like put that strip club's phone number on like my twitter or something and told them to like blow it up and like ask if i was there and so it gave them the impression that i was quite the the star they were like they literally said something like kid rock was in here one time and nothing like this happened and i'm looking at my buddies like was quite the star. They literally said something like, Kid Rock was in here one time and nothing like this happened. And I'm looking at my buddies like,
Starting point is 01:49:29 just keep playing it. What? Yeah, me and Kid Rock. Two peas in a pod, but different pods because I'm too good for him. Kind of on the same level. Kid Rock's going down. His album's weird.
Starting point is 01:49:44 Yes, sweet kid he'll make it someday as far as they know what the busy beaver and louisville kentucky peas in a pod kid rocking her and you got your free services so yeah i'd never seen that before they had like a real masseuse who was like not up for anything dirty she was just gonna rub your shoulders uh there for i think maybe ten dollars for 30 minutes or something jesus that's dirt cheap that's nothing i mean i don't remember if i'm being honest it was 10 or 20 bucks the thing was we had piles of money in front of us so it was like how much of this do you want you know i'm here to give this away how much how much would you like you know oh you can't do that at strip clubs it's so expensive to just go and just throw
Starting point is 01:50:26 money away like don't like i mean i'm talking about a pile of one dollar bills you know a few hundred dollars like it's not like this was thousands of dollars that we were throwing away this okay well you were in kentucky i'm going in like california where they'll spit on you if you give a one dollar bill and not in a sexy way where do strippers not take ones california la downtown la also in mississippi they take uh nickels and quarters what do you Where do strippers not take ones? California, LA, downtown LA. Also in Mississippi, they take nickels and quarters. What do you give them? Do you get twos?
Starting point is 01:50:52 That's the move. No. I would only go to strip clubs with friends. It was not really my thing because my mom worked in that industry for a long time. So it's not exactly like sexy for me. Really? a long time. So it's not exactly like sexy for me. Really? My mistake though, is I found the oldest, most heavyset, desperate looking, clearly single mom stripper. And I wasn't going to spend any money, but the person taking us out gave me like $500 of fund money just so that I wouldn't get
Starting point is 01:51:17 kicked out of the club. And I gave the whole 500 to the older, less attractive woman because she clearly needed it. Nobody was giving her attention. And I thought I had done a good deed and went back to my chair, but there was a miscommunication and I got a very up close and personal private show with a person that I didn't want to see in that particular type of undress right in my face. It was horrible. You pay for a dance and you're going to get it, boy. Yeah, pretty much pretty much no good i've never seen an uppity strip club that wouldn't take that where girls would turn ones away
Starting point is 01:51:52 i've definitely seen situations where when you go to get um your money you get you get twos you get you get two dollar really that's that's a real popular thing that strip clubs will do it is doubling their income and you don't quite feel like they've doubled the income. I guess it's this weird thing. $2 bills. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 01:52:09 cool. Neato. Yeah. Give me 50 of them. And like, you don't realize like they're just gone real quick. I'll give you 50 more and they are cool. Wait,
Starting point is 01:52:17 you know what they should go back in the old days. Arcade machines ran off tokens, right? So you give them like $5. They'd give you 20 tokens. There's no way that you don't spend every single token. They have no value outside this.
Starting point is 01:52:34 It doesn't work. I've been to clubs like that. They use Monopoly dollars. Okay. Really? As a patron, I'm not big into strip clubs. I've been to six or seven. I've been to like six or seven. I've been to some real nice ones. When I've gone, I've been like somebody's guest
Starting point is 01:52:49 that was like a cool person. I don't know what else to say. You know, some famous, I don't know, millionaire or some kind who's like, yeah, let me tell you my strip club. And he's like, show him your pussy. And the girl's like, yeah, here's my pussy. And it's like, do you own this place?
Starting point is 01:53:03 I own her yeah i've literally had that happen um but uh but but it's not really my bag um i went to the strip club they just seem like such awful people when i on the so when my collegiate swim team the assistant coach owned a strip club and if we won he'd stop by on the way home and i'm like 19 like i'm not even allowed in this establishment you're supposed to be 21 so he put stop by on the way home and i'm like 19 like i'm not even allowed in this establishment you're supposed to be 21 so he put us like in the back corner and we just like watch the strippers from afar while he i guess took care of business i don't know what a cool guy right it's it's it seems a little inappropriate by today's standards like you're a 19 year old dude and he like
Starting point is 01:53:42 arranged for you to see some titties from from afar like i think we're okay i think the real problem is the alcohol that's why you're not allowed in there right like isn't it i don't think yeah the titties there's some strip clubs it's 18 plus you can go in but still you got to be 21 to drink um different states have different laws about the levels of nudity too that can be experienced. Yeah, yeah. I think I've only been in maybe one that had full nudity. Is that why it's 21 for strip clubs? Because they're trying to make the booze money, too?
Starting point is 01:54:13 Oh, yeah. That's a huge part of it. Yeah, I mean, everything in the strip club is going to be stupid expensive. Well, I mean, it's like a bar. You know, like buying a drink at the strip club is no different than buying a drink at a bar. You know, you're paying three or four times what it's worth, and it's not worth it. You know, it gets expensive if no different than buying a drink at a bar. You're paying three or four times what it's worth, and it gets expensive if you're trying to get drunk at a bar. I want to go somewhere that has appetizers.
Starting point is 01:54:32 They have appetizers at the strip club. They have good appetizers. Buffets sometimes. Honestly, a lot of strip clubs have really good food. It'll be like, sometimes I've seen it be like a Waffle House in the strip club. Not a literal Waffle House, but imagine that, you know, it's that big griddle situation. And there's a guy right there.
Starting point is 01:54:47 So you can see that, all right, he's doing a good job there. Like nothing's gross about this at all. He's got fresh eggs and bacon. And he's like, yeah, give me a burger. Come on. And sometimes when the strip club closes, they all go to Waffle House.
Starting point is 01:55:00 So, and you can buy, you know, you're in there. I'll never forget. I've told the story, but once more, my little hometown of Livonia, Georgia, very puritanical place. I don't know how many churches we have, but we have at least five big ones. Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, Church of God. It's what we do. And then this new restaurant was going to come to town. They bought up this little square of land near the where the interstate pops off in Atlanta. We're right on Interstate 85 heading up here in Northeast Georgia. And so they're like, oh, a new burger joint applied for licensing. It's called the Cafe Risque. Yeah, yeah, we'll apply. We'll approve that. And they didn't read the fine
Starting point is 01:55:40 print of what they were approving. They were approving a burger restaurant and strip club and novelty store. And so that is what they built right there in puritanical Livonia, Georgia. They built a cafe risque strip club and they put billboards, they put billboards up and down the interstate for 30 fucking miles. I've seen cafe risque. I don't even know where the place is, but I've seen tons of billboards. They have them down in Florida, I think, and maybe South Georgia. So if you're ever on I-95 up down there, you may see some of their billboards. It's like a chain?
Starting point is 01:56:11 A chain of them, yeah. I don't know how many there were, but it used to be three or four. Imagine opening up a strip club franchise. Yeah, it works. And so you pull off, and here's this 24-7, essentially Waffle House, and then there's a stage with a naked lady on it at all times, some pool tables and a jukebox, and some pornos. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 01:56:36 That's a hell of a deal. Yeah, stumble on into that fine establishment. Wait, that's what it's like when you go there? Yeah. It's lame? It's what? Lame, I said. Like, the billboards make it seem like this place will be a dream like james like nba players are gonna be in there looks like it used to be a dentist's office this is a low class establishment as far as yeah
Starting point is 01:56:58 the the girls like like there's gonna be i would say there's a lot of like fours and fives that are in there, like some real rough looking ladies. And it's like a DVD. They like sell pornos and sex toys and stuff. And then there's, like I said, there's fucking food as well. You get a burger while you're there. I like that.
Starting point is 01:57:15 When we were like 18 or 19, like when I was right out of high school and just like staying up all night and doing silly shit, it's like Waffle House or Cafe Risque. Well, one of them has a pool table and titties and the other doesn't. Waffle House must have taken a hit. So it ended up coming to a head and they couldn't get rid of the restaurant. So they bought them out for a million dollars of taxpayers money to this little lot. I mean, it was like an eighth of an acre that this whole thing took up for a million bucks,
Starting point is 01:57:45 and then they bulldozed that shit to the ground, and there's a Cracker Barrel there now, if you're ever driving through. Fun for the whole family. Cracker Barrel. Yeah. Sitting on the burial ground of the Café Risqué. Is Cracker Barrel even
Starting point is 01:58:01 good? It's not bad. I remember. I remember it's gone down bad the breakfast has gone down yeah the breakfast like i was thinking like the breakfast was really good i remember as a kid hash brown dude hash browns breakfast potatoes eggs bacon sauce like anywhere can make that good it's pretty good i like the environment i like the old country store part i like that little peg board you get to play they got a shirt there that says i got pegged at the little country store you wear there's uh i like all the shit on the walls and the lanterns i like they got that like honey on the table i don't know i like the biscuits i like cracker barrel it's okay i don't go a lot but maybe once a year i just haven't been to one in a long time
Starting point is 01:58:38 maybe i'm under underrating it there's this place like in southern missouri down not in missouri anymore down there and it's called lambert's and there's so many fucking billboards for this place and it's like home of the throat rolls and it's like that's it they have these yeast rolls and if you go like hey i want to roll some guy throws it at you and like he like goes they like go out of their way if i were if if like a waiter was right next to me and i'm like can i have a roll and he had the rolls he'd be like no and then he'd like go across can i have a roll go deep it's such like a stupid little gimmick but as a kid i remember going there and like thinking it was a huge deal like this is the billboard place where they throw
Starting point is 01:59:22 bread at you and it did disappoint. I'm sure it would now. I'm sure it wouldn't hold up. When I was a kid, there was a place that they spilled peanuts and popcorn all over the floor. You'd walk in there, and it was almost like a barn because you're crunching the peanuts and the popcorn
Starting point is 01:59:40 as you walk to your table. The Texas Roadhouse does that. Do they? Maybe it was then. I always thought it was really neat, and you could to your table house does that do they maybe it was then and uh i always thought it was really neat and and you could make your own mess and it was cool when you go to the texas roadhouse the entire floor is that you just you know you throw the shelled peanuts on the floor and there's they're offering them everywhere for free you know so they're just everywhere all the floor and they also have those yeast rolls there with that delicious honey butter that i was talking about with someone the other day there's when i think about those like i don't know what you call that class of restaurant it's a sit-down joint that
Starting point is 02:00:09 entrees cost about 20 to 30 dollars i don't know what that is but things like uh cracker barrel albac steakhouse red lobster shit like that none of their food stands out in my memory none of it except for the bread all of them have unique breads. The Olive Garden has those breadsticks that are just so fucking good. Red Lobster has those cheesy biscuits. The Yeast Rolls, like I said, over at Texas Roadhouse. And there was somewhere else that had tremendous bread. I wonder if the bread is the only thing made right on site.
Starting point is 02:00:43 Everything else, I bet, is reheated food. And the bread is crafted by the chefs. You gotta do steaks, though. I don't know. There's just something about bread that's good. I think maybe we just crave fucking carbs all the time. We don't get enough of them. And I could sit there and eat a whole basket of those goddamn breadsticks, no problem.
Starting point is 02:01:00 Dude, this leads into a topic I have. Taylor? Before we do that, we're gonna hear from a couple of wonderful responses oh if it's a link okay go ahead you talked about carbs i have the answer for taylor diarrhea these cheese balls that we have they are terrible taylor you know how you get chets and you eat one after another after another? Six of these and you're finished.
Starting point is 02:01:30 It's all you need. And by the way, you see how this bag is open? I guarantee you they get stale so quickly. By the time you've had half a dozen of these terrible, better-for-you Che these terrible better for you balls one you don't want anymore two the next half dozen will be worse than these this is this is a weight loss solution shitty terrible food what is it made of what's like the principal ingredient
Starting point is 02:01:59 uh definitely not cheese it's definitely not real cheese. Cornmeal. Okay. General cornmeal, sunflower oil, cheddar cheese, or something rather. These are terrible. They sound like cheddar cornbread puffs. They sound delicious. They're probably not. I mean, I believe you if they're awful.
Starting point is 02:02:19 You guys are going to think this is a sponsored message. No. Like what? Like a this is a sponsored message no like like like like like like a real cheese uh ball company paid us to shit on these people yeah utz came in with the big bucks to shit all over pipcorn yeah like all of those cheesy take them down down. Yeah. I mentioned, like, I got these, like, cauliflower, flour Cheez-It, like, sea salt or cheddar flavor, like, ripoffs. And I, like, saw the box. And it's like, you can eat the whole. I looked at it by the box amount of calories.
Starting point is 02:02:57 So the whole box is 450 calories. And I'm like, that's, like, because I'm going to eat the whole box of this. That's the plan. And then, like, I started eating it. And I'm like, maybe a third of the way into the box. Like you're just force feeding yourself. You're not getting any like dopamine, like nice little snack dopamine hit that you usually get with the cheese. It's in the goldfish or the deli meats.
Starting point is 02:03:17 Like it's not cheese. It's all night. And by the way, if you don't kill the box, they're good tomorrow. None of these problems exist with this product. Oh, yeah. You know how they fixed it on my goldfish tub? My four liter goldfish tub? You just snap it back in.
Starting point is 02:03:32 Perfectly fine. Like the little carton, like a milk carton, you pop it back in. I still got half of one of those out there. I'm going to munch on after the show. These get stale so quickly. By the time you transfer them to your tub, they're gone. No, no. they come in a... Oh, for that, yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:47 Those are dog shit. All those replacement snacks, the majority of them are dog shit. If it, like, this is something I wish I'd thought about. Like, if you are in the snack aisle and you see something that's too good to be true, it is. It's going to taste like dog shit. If they're like, oh, there's this chocolate, and it's high fiber, and it's a taste like dog shit if they're like oh there's this there's this chocolate and it's very it's high fiber and it's and it's a different kind of sugar it's sorbitol and then like you try it and you're like oh this isn't fucking chocolate man like and now i'm in the
Starting point is 02:04:14 hole for 80 calories for something i didn't even enjoy that sometimes though oh i have an exception to that maple syrup they have figured they have mastered maple syrup. If you buy low fat maple syrup and by the way, everybody, you should, it tastes exactly like the real stuff. And the whole freaking bottle is 140 calories. It's a,
Starting point is 02:04:36 it's a month for 140 calories. That's nothing. Yeah. Like this is a good tip. If, if like it's a sauce, an alternative sauce, make sure that it has sucralose in it. that's like the sweetest of the sweet most powerful of those like
Starting point is 02:04:50 fake sugars and so if it's got that in there it's going to be like a good fake barbecue sauce or a good fake ketchup or something those uh g hughes i use those sauces all the time with the the sucralose in it like it's the like it's you can have like a palm full of ketchup for like eight calories, like something absurd. Yeah. Sucralose is not Stevia. That's something different. It's different.
Starting point is 02:05:12 Yeah. It's a different artificial street. Can you guys hear me clearly? Hopefully. Yes. Yeah. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 02:05:17 Just making sure I did a little hot swap there. I went to go pee in the yard and then come upstairs and get in the office. So that's when it went all paranormal activity is when I stepped outside. Did not like that. So, all right. You're looking good now. All set up. Do you want to do ads now?
Starting point is 02:05:33 Yes. Yes. Thank you for reminding me. This episode of PKA is brought to you by the ad I have on my phone. One second. This episode of PKA is brought to you by Fume. Fume is the natural inhaler designed for a better, safer, and natural way to quit cigarettes.
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Starting point is 02:07:00 you. Nice. Be good health improvement if you guys try it. Linked below. slash P-K-A. This episode also brought to you by. Nice. Be good health improvement for you guys. Try it. Linked below. slash PKA. This episode also brought to you by BetterHelp. We've talked about BetterHelp a couple times. So let's hear about their service. Life is a little twist and turns and it's important for you to show
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Starting point is 02:08:23 mess and we have a coupon code for you therapy is important it helps a lot of people a lot of people need therapy too it's true it helps a lot of people so if you think this is a good service for you uh out there check it out use our code uh also brought to you you guys know these guys death by gummy bears and wonky weeds drifter was talking about the Delta eight, the THC alternatives. So thank God send in red States. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 02:08:48 I'm in a red state as well. Are you or a loved one sick of mediocre or even bad THC alternatives? I know I am. Well, we've got great news for you. Death by gummy and wonky Have you covered death by gummy bears and wonky weeds were founded by a group of passionate professionals who were sick and tired of low quality Delta Delta-8 products that are spray-coated and very often incorrectly dosed.
Starting point is 02:09:10 That's why and had the boys in the lab cook up high-quality, powerful THC alternatives that are accurately dosed and actually taste great. Looking for a super-strong 100-milligram Delta-8 gummy that'll put you on your ass? Then Death by Gummy Bears is for you. Looking for more of a mellow, relaxing high? Then the cartridges, disposables, pre-rolls, distillates, and weaker gummies at are more your speed. So whether you're trying to get absolutely shit-faced or just a nice relaxing night at home, we've got the THC alternative product for you. We've got the THC alternative product for you. With so many satisfied customers all around the USA,
Starting point is 02:09:47 American-based and serves all states where hemp-derived THC is legal. So whether you're a current THC enjoyer or just interested in trying something new, go to or and use code PKA20 for 20% off your order. Once again, that's,, P PK20 for 20% off your full order. That's a big discount, folks.
Starting point is 02:10:07 So check it out. You can get yourself these unbelievably powerful 100 milligram gummies, which will knock you on your ass. But if you're a more beginner guy, just grab the carts. Just get the Delta 8 carts or the THCO carts. Drifter, if you want to go to another place, if you want to get scary fucking high off some delta eight okay these gummies are like like i don't want to beat your head it into your head too much because we do it in the audience every week they are impossibly strong which ones would you recommend which one what's your favorite one you smoke a lot so like like i don't give a shit about the flavor because like frankly none of them
Starting point is 02:10:41 you you wouldn't eat any of them to treat them as candy. No, I get it. This is drugs. So, like, the peach one or the strawberry one tastes okay. But, like, I get these whole fucking jars. You notice this one's empty. Yeah, I did notice it was empty almost immediately, yes. 25. 25 in each of these jars.
Starting point is 02:10:59 And then there's 10 of them in each of those bags there. So, each one of these is 100 milligrams. Yes. That is a lot. So my standard daily dose is probably 25 milligrams in the evening, and that gets me going good. If I take 50, I go off into potato land. I'm not on this planet.
Starting point is 02:11:17 I'm not a functional human being. Tell them how much you take, Taylor. I can take like two and still mostly maintain. 200 milligrams? I take it. I can't take milligrams. I take five. I take 500. I would be a scary place. Bro, that's not hallucinating.
Starting point is 02:11:33 I mean, I can take five and not like freak out, I bet. But I wouldn't have a great time. 33 seemed excessive to me. Like I'm a whole junior league here. I don't want to do it now because we're two hours in, but I'll eat five funsies on the next episode um we'd like to hear like i'll be here like i'll say this um their carts are real strong too this is hrc that i'm puffing on and i can get scarier high from this than i do off the gummies sometimes like if i just keep puffing oh yeah you gotta keep
Starting point is 02:12:05 going at that it's there's something about this hhc like it really i can tell it's definitely the strongest high like like it's this like okay it's it it literally makes me worse at math like it's also carts fun kind carts are always kind of the natural choice because it just allows you to meet it to where you go you take a hit you see where you are oh i'm good there and then you're you know case closed yeah you don't have that like new to edibles thing that people get where they're like oh i just took 20 milligrams and they're like oh my god what if it was too much recently here in this house i had to take care of a mostly naked man who was having a panic attack it was bad uh just some friends came over to visit we had had Delta 8.
Starting point is 02:12:45 We ate some. This guy was a frequent flyer. I didn't think anything was wrong. Apparently, I gave him way too much, and he was convinced he was dying and had an anxiety attack and took all his clothes off and was making weird noises.
Starting point is 02:12:56 We had to get him back in bed and convince him that he was fine. Eventually, he fell asleep, and it was fine, but it was very annoying at the time. I think I'm an asshole with my opinion on stuff like that because i i've been real fucked up before and at no point did i the whole time in my head i'm going this will be over soon but it's gonna suck so like
Starting point is 02:13:17 the people who don't have the ability to like grab on to that little bit of reality. I'm like, what's wrong with you? How I'm like you in that regard, like, look, it's safe. You're going to be fine. Do you have to wait this out? Yes. Yeah. Are you not happy right now? Fine.
Starting point is 02:13:34 I'm out of compassion. I have compassion fatigue at this point. Are you going to call the police or something? No, just don't, just don't just wait. You know, you're okay.
Starting point is 02:13:44 Intellectually. I'm not even going to inconvenience you if i've gotten so high that i'm vomiting i'm gonna say hey look i fucked my evening up y'all go have fun i'm gonna go take my shirt off and lay in the bathroom and vomit and like that's what i'll do and that that's what i do when i overdose on marijuana edible that's how i handle all night for me yeah when i over for me. Yeah. When I broke my leg, it's like I'm going to be in bed for five weeks. Can you bring me food? And outside of that, I'm not going to drain you.
Starting point is 02:14:12 That's a good way to be. As long as you... We also have Lock and Load. Derek texted us to make sure that we told people about the sale coming up this Monday, Augustust 29th at 10 or at 1 eastern time it's going to 39.99 from 49.99 and with our code pka or jizz you can get it for 35.99 so if you were on the fence you weren't sure about whether or not you wanted to try lock and load now is the chance now's the time try it out see if you like it it works you're
Starting point is 02:14:46 gonna see a difference everyone does every everybody does do the pre-cums uh everyone's talking it's a service at this point you give her a little taste while she goes down on you and then you just fill her up like a water balloon later on yeah or more appealing ways of saying like your orgasm feels better because you're coming. If Woody didn't have the kids to prove it, I wouldn't be sure he had sex before. I was like, do you know how
Starting point is 02:15:16 sex works, sir? A hot water balloon. Do you think it's like an anime where she literally inflates full of semen? Oh, baby. We have a high-end thing where they lay the eggs and the girls start getting bigger.
Starting point is 02:15:31 Have you seen the end of Ghostbusters where she explodes and the white stuff splatters all over the city? Welcome to my bedroom. Okay. All right. Messy. Messy. I fully stand behind our product because it's a messy product. It's good stuff.
Starting point is 02:15:50 I'm very proud of it. Proud to be in the jizz biz. I tell everyone I know. I tell strangers, random strangers about it. I tell them I am a mogul in the jizz biz. Yeah. I like the sound of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:01 I make up a story about Mark Cuban turning us down, and now we won't take his money you wanted to get on mark cuban's pharmacy imagine how great that would be his his like online pharmacies he had all these pills and then just in case you boys want fatter loads we got it right here that'd be fun no it's uh it's it's i don't know we I guess we've said it all before, but every time I think about it or explain it to somebody, I'm kind of like... Oh, Kyle, your mic just cut off.
Starting point is 02:16:31 You just died. You're silent. You didn't do anything wrong. It just happened. I saw it. Drifter, do you have any tattoos? Yes, I do indeed. I have exactly one. It might look familiar to you. Sure. It's my familiar to you. Sure. It's my symbol.
Starting point is 02:16:47 So I got this tattoo in 2013. I didn't actually want it in particular. My wife wanted to get tattoos. And for some reason, she just got it in her head that I didn't like girls with tattoos. I don't know how that idea got implanted in there, no matter any amount of speaking or driving her to the tattoo shop or actions made any difference. And I just said, you know what, fuck it. I'll get a tattoo to prove to you it's not a problem. And I could only think of one symbol being the one for my channel that I spent probably about the last 15 years of my life on.
Starting point is 02:17:19 And when I used to play Halo 2, that was the symbol that I made in the little emblem creator when everybody else was making the grenade dicks. And that was what I put on my YouTube channel. It became my brand. And when you played Halo, you used to wear the patch over your left shoulder. So it only seemed natural to put the tattoo right here where it would be in my Spartan on Halo. And that's all I've got. Though I have been considering getting more recently.
Starting point is 02:17:41 Because, I mean, let's be real. I'm never getting a real job ever again. Do you get a forehead tattoo if you wanted? I i could i think that would be a little tacky i think how about a qr code a pair of rooms like right here people just come in my head oh you the subdermal implants yeah you get the holes in your cheeks all sorts of fun stuff if you want it not my uh not my cup of tea though do you you like body horror movies? Sometimes. I would say I usually like them, but every now and then, one of them actually manages to get to me, and I say good
Starting point is 02:18:11 on that movie, because I'm kind of hard to get to. Try Crimes of the Future with Viggo Mortensen. It just came out. You can rent it now, I think, for like six bucks or something. Crimes of the Future. They're like probing into his body and looking, and they sexualize all this weird surgery stuff. the future they like they're like probing into his body and like looking and they make it they
Starting point is 02:18:25 very they sexualize all this weird surgery stuff it's it's uh it's in a future where he's growing all these tumors and so he has a an art show where he gets dissected and has the tumors removed in front of a crowd with no anesthetic jesus christ and it's it's way weirder than anything i just said they there's some we there's uh some weird parts where like the girl is like probing his belly with the probing thing and she's kind of thrusting and and grunting it's kristen stewart the chick from twilight like like she's like probing 64 year old vigo mortensen's belly and like grinding and like she's like oh yeah if you're into fucked up stuff did you watch
Starting point is 02:19:06 that thing they put on shutter called the sadness i did not i i'm not necessarily into fucked up stuff okay yeah i had to clarify the envelope some people like they hear you say that and they're like ah i got something you won't like and say well then don't share it with me like this isn't a contest like i like some bizarre stuff. There are people that will go straight to the bottom and they're like, show me the most fucked up thing that's legal. Yeah, someone sent me this movie where this guy captures
Starting point is 02:19:34 this Asian couple and he's dissecting them in front of each other. It's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's not fun. That just makes you feel sad. I like the movie where we make a triangular rift in reality and go you know to another realm or something and people are mutating and we chop stuff up with axes i don't need any torture fucking porn though that's not my bag i will make a recommendation
Starting point is 02:19:55 that you'll like uh it's one segment from a movie vhs 94 it's a shutter original you're familiar it's a horror anthology series yeah so that So each one, there's like four or five. And every time there's some that aren't very great. There was one in the middle of VHS 94 that is a better Doom movie than the Doom movie. It was made in Indonesia. And it's about a doctor in the 90s that kidnaps people to do cybernetic experiments. And like a SWAT team busts in and kills him, but sets all the experiments free. And it's told from the perspective of some woman that was kidnapped and
Starting point is 02:20:29 turned into this like super crazy cyber mech. And these are like shorts. Yeah. It's like 30 minutes. So SWAT team versus cyber demons, but all from the first person perspective, there's a really neat twist in the middle. I won't spoil,
Starting point is 02:20:43 but I'm telling you it stomps Massive dicks and it's super just 84 94. No, it's like the middle segment. It's Indonesian the rest of them you probably did you watch the love death robot stuff? Yeah, I love those Okay, I have a lot of fun with those studios. Have you seen all the oats all of them? I used to talk to what was was the name uh just neil blomkamp yeah he used to be like twitter buddies and talk all the time so i went to support his like studio and stuff and then it it blew up and yeah that sucks yeah he made uh um the um the the district nine movie right and what i understand he like inherited those halo props that had been built for the what was going to be a big deal blockbuster
Starting point is 02:21:25 halo movie they got canceled but all of a sudden you know they got all these guns and like fake ships and facades and tech and they're like how about we make a weird immigration movie about apartheid with like insect people like someone said yes for some reason and we got it worked man fantastic it's so good a lot of the movies are good uh so elysium i think might have been the weaker one i think chappy is super underrated there's a lot of very existential philosophical topics they hit there and some hyper violence chappy lost him um the opportunity to do something cool i think oh it lost him the opportunity to do the new the alien sequel he wanted to do an alien sequel with that that took sigourney weaver and um michael bean
Starting point is 02:22:07 michael bean i'm glad you got yeah and uh and like continued their story you know with like the scarred michael bean from the comics and it was chappy that lost him that opportunity i think i think that's sad i think they saw that and they were like that guy is not going to helm an alien film no uh and it lost him. Chappie was too smart for its audience, in my opinion. Sure, but they need somebody who knows that. They need somebody who won't make a movie too smart for their audience. If you're going to make an alien movie, you've got to hit a pretty good audience.
Starting point is 02:22:39 R-rated, sci-fi, hit the nostalgia beats, but update, keep it fresh. And you're bringing 50 60 year old sigourney weaver and michael bean back like no we're not giving oh they the i remember reading like the script was they were in cryo sleep for too long so they got all wrinkly when they opened the doors stuff like that i would have loved that but everything else they've done with that franchise has been garbage but yeah um anyone who's listening who hasn't seen the oat studio stuff that's real good shit they actually have a sigourney weaver one that's like 30 minutes long where the reptile alien race has like overthrown humanity entirely and uh and they're like they've got this experimental tech that
Starting point is 02:23:16 they're using to try to overthrow them and so there's like a rebellion forming and so the fire base at the heart of it i love the fire base with the vietnam shit yeah yeah basically basically a vietnamese man who's like lost everything to the americans because of the war transcends to become some sort of other worldly being who now has godlike powers he's like so mad he becomes a god and he starts floating around like disassembling American troops and their tanks and just and like the CIA is there like here's what he did at like
Starting point is 02:23:52 Firebase 3 and here's what he did over here and they've got all these scary photographs and the thing is get you all hyped up for this Rambo like character to go face off against the river god because they gave the main character like this little like sort of almost prototype time machine that could like shoot bullets through time
Starting point is 02:24:10 and they're like we think it might hurt him you can go find out it's on netflix um i saw it on youtube before they put it on netflix like long ago and uh there's a really good one with um what's that young girl actress the the blonde girl that was like in everything and when she was a little girl and she's in the one with the hand dakota fanning yeah yeah there's one with like adult dakota fanning where she is she's on like a space mining asteroid or something like that and she has been lied to her whole life and told that she's a replicant which is like a lower lower class of being like a slave being when really she's just a little girl. And she finds that out like halfway through.
Starting point is 02:24:52 He's like, we lied to you. OK, you're not actually a replicant. You're a person. Now, come on, snap to we got to get out of here because something has made all the other colonists roll into a giant sentient ball. And it is coming to consume us because it has all of their intelligence oh god and and like when it goes through security checks it's like all right which thumb will work i got them all and it's like and then and then oh yeah i remember that that was a fun one too it has like a limb with everybody's eyeballs on it like like looking
Starting point is 02:25:20 around 360 degrees because it's just got all the colonist bodies like like moving them around and and using them to make this big hulking monster that's always chasing them and the man is the man is injured and dakota fanning has him like thrown over a show like come on we gotta get out of here and he's like lumping around it's good they're all good i like sci-fi like that they don't make videos great i'm really sad he didn't get funding any one of those could have made a great full-length feature. Probably indie film-ish, but still very enjoyable. I'm surprised there's a Kickstarter thing to finance something like that. It was, because Oat Studios did their
Starting point is 02:25:52 sales, right? And you would buy oat fuel, and it didn't make enough money, so they said it's Oat of Fuel. And then it did Kickstarter, and that failed, and they just never quite got it going, and then Chappie failed, and Neil Blomkamp did an exorcism movie kickstarter and that failed and they just never quite got it going and then chappy failed and uh neil blomkamp did a exorcism movie with like a catholic priest SWAT team during the pandemic and
Starting point is 02:26:12 it's been it was not very good it's been rough since then well shit well i think a lot of district nine um it it did such a good job of like all sci sci-fi does, it's shining light on a social thing that we have or have had going on in this weird, bizarre sci-fi way that brings you along for the ride. And they did that for Apartheid. I've been watching more sci-fi lately, and you talked earlier in the show about how horror is a nice way for a filmmaker to get started.
Starting point is 02:26:40 It's very low budget. It can have huge multipliers. I think of sci-fi is very expensive to produce, but it's often not, you know, like, like, Oh,
Starting point is 02:26:50 this takes place on the moon or a space station. Yeah. When you hear something takes place at a space station, it's spinning. So now they have gravity and there's only one set. And you know, so what do they have? Some way they're wearing like street clothes in something they're told as a
Starting point is 02:27:04 space station. Jumpsuits? Yeah. Jumpsuits, full grass. This is actually a really low-budget production. It's not as bad as it seems. With Sam Rockwell. You would think, oh, it's going to be big budget.
Starting point is 02:27:15 That movie probably didn't cost shit to make. It's just him wandering around by himself in the same outfit. Yeah, you look at a lot of those old sci-fi films. Alien was meant to be cut from the same cloth it's only because um um um ridley scott like like come shows up like somebody like that with his wife uh who wouldn't have made those movies the way he did without his wife there like being his absolute partner um like but he comes along and he's like oh you got what is it 19 million dollars okay um all right i'll make the best movie that's ever been made here yeah sci-fi yeah i can do the best sci-fi movie horror movie ever made yeah let me just knock that out
Starting point is 02:27:49 of the park and he just he it was it was supposed to have all this nudity in it and be ridiculous i saw an interview with him where he's talking there's a scene where at the end spoiler alert from 1979 the sigourney weaver's character faces off with the alien uh in the uh in sort of the shuttle they need to get out of here the big ship's about to explode and they gotta face off and they're supposed to both be naked because she's supposed to be changing out of her clothes and the alien is supposed to
Starting point is 02:28:14 be like you know naked there too and they're supposed to face off that way can't remember who didn't want to do the nudity I think it was on Ridley Scott he didn't want it but he did say he was like sigourney refused to trim her minge hair so we had to spend an enormous amount of time and effort having them airbrushed out of every frame and if you look back and there's like a scene where like you're kind of looking up and she's wearing the skimpiest panties and the skimpiest top and uh and her pubic
Starting point is 02:28:50 mound is this big poof that's clearly being contained by these little panties and then if you go back to aliens the sequel by james cameron there's a scene when they all like get to the planet that where the aliens are and they're coming out of hypersleep. And when the pod that she's in lifts up, huge bush. They didn't airbrush it this time. James Cameron didn't have the budget. James Cameron came in. He's like, I'm not spending the time, Sigourney.
Starting point is 02:29:17 It's up to you. Oh, you didn't do it? Well, it's in the movie then. And it's just pubic hair just rolling out of her panties, and she just does not give a fuck. That's realistic. You've got bigger problems in space yeah gotta kill aliens and stuff you wouldn't want hair flying around getting in the the instruments probably in the instruments that's why all astronauts now have to shave completely all their body hair really yeah they shave each other that's
Starting point is 02:29:40 the only way to do it weird okay yeah i don't say going to say Sigourney Weaver and the character Ripley, one of the best all-time strong female characters. There's a lot of shows. It was written as a man. No, it was written gender neutral the entire script. But the point is,
Starting point is 02:29:55 all these shows try to make strong female characters, but Alien did it better back in the 70s. And Terminator did it just as well in the 80s. Oh, yeah. With Linda Hamilton?
Starting point is 02:30:04 Linda Hamilton was... Holy shit, bro. Oh, yeah, with Linda Hamilton. Linda Hamilton was... Holy shit, bro. I'm scared of that Linda Hamilton when she's doing fucking pull-ups in the insane asylum on her bed. With those big, bulging shoulder muscles. I was like, that chick could bench-press me. But speaking of chicks that could probably bench-press you,
Starting point is 02:30:19 the last time I was on this show, we talked, I think her name is Gina Carino, space cop from Mandalorian. Yeah, you know, she got fired from Disney and she joined Ben Shapiro's film company. Yeah. And the joke was at the time, people were like, Ben Shapiro is going to make her do a bunch of gross sexual things on camera. Right. Well, I saw screenshots from the film they produced. It's called My Son Hunter, and it's about like hunter biden's laptop and there's a scene where the actor playing joe biden sexually assaults gina carino and like comes up and like
Starting point is 02:30:52 licks her neck all like gross and slimy and like that meme actually came to life she left disney to go let old dudes lick her neck in propaganda films. Strong female character. You don't think the Daily Wire movie is going to be a hit? Do you think it's going to be ham-handed? It's hilarious. There's a scene, like on the cover art, it's Joe Biden smelling her hair. Is it really?
Starting point is 02:31:21 And he's going like this, smelling it. And it's so funny because i literally just re-watched mandolin both seasons this week and i was paying attention to her character and and every time i got i was like she ruined her career by tweeting some bullshit now she's in the movie sniffing joe biden's hair and she was like wait but she's like the second most popular character in in this i'm like yeah i know she's like a star like all she has to do is keep his zip and she's got her own fucking disney show and it would be one of the better ones that guy's not even biden looking enough oh he's close enough come on he's having a proud i guarantee once that hair comes down you can see
Starting point is 02:32:02 the rest of the face you're like that doesn't look like fucking Joe Biden. Well, he does a damn good impression. Does he really? Just like him. Yeah. That would be funny if he actually did a great impression. You know who does an amazing politician impression? Have you seen, is it Vice? He plays Dick Cheney.
Starting point is 02:32:17 Yeah. Yeah. Oh. Who does, is it Christian Bale that does it? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Can you find a picture of Christian Bale as Dick Cheney?
Starting point is 02:32:29 I got to watch that. I love Christian Bale. Oh, my gosh. And, I mean, you're going to see a picture of him looking like Dick Cheney, but his mannerisms and his posture, and he just kills it as Dick Cheney. The scene where George Bush and Dick Cheney are having lunch and bush is eating those hot wings and uh and he's talking to cheney about maybe being his vp like it's so good it's so good he's he's a tremendous actor he's one of the best he is he went from batman to dick cheney
Starting point is 02:32:59 in a very short period of time and then back to other stuff again who's better than him like who's a better actor than christian bale really you know daniel day lewis is that yeah and is that only and is that only because daniel day lewis is selectively picking like just he doesn't work nearly as much he doesn't work nearly as much look i don't like most of daniel william defoe is excellent how about um people who are considered great actors tom hardy is often on that list um i had a second one oh jacqueline phoenix do i have his name right walking he's good too he plays like a lunatic weirdo so well probably because he's he's like the anti-social characters so well yeah yeah kyle i need an assist who played the main character in nightcrawler do i have jillian hall jillianal. Jake Gyllenhaal is another one.
Starting point is 02:33:46 He's fantastic. I think that was the first movie I watched from him that blew me away was Nightcrawler because I hadn't seen him that ghoulish before. I mean Donnie Darko, but that's different. He's being plagued by the ghouls in that one. I have another one who impressed me. Who plays the guy with multiple personality
Starting point is 02:34:02 disorders? The movie might be called Split. Michael Fassbender. It's in the... It's in the same universe as Unbreakable. It's McAvoy. Yeah, McAvoy. My bad. I mixed those two up.
Starting point is 02:34:13 But yeah. One's Magneto and one's Professor X. Sorry. Yeah, that guy's incredible. The one who plays... The movie's called Split, right? Do I remember? Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 02:34:25 It's super good. It plays like seven characters all very well. As in that shit, Lamelon universe of... Yeah, yeah, of Unbreakable. He plays women too. And oh my gosh, like he just kills it.
Starting point is 02:34:37 He plays like a little kid. He's like, yeah, I don't know. You better be careful. And it's just like, wow, he just... He just really seemed like a creepy kid all of a sudden but he was an old lady a little while ago and it's it would be so terrifying to deal with
Starting point is 02:34:50 someone like that and like never knowing who you're fucking dealing with like it'd be horrifying especially when they're like don't trust what steven says about the rest of us he's a liar and it's like i don't like that i'm gonna to put you in a home if Reagan hadn't shot them all. Yeah, there's a couple of great actors right now. Philip Seymour Hoffman is one that I missed. Like I didn't do it right. I watched a movie last night, The Bucket List. I've seen it before, but good gosh, that movie is good.
Starting point is 02:35:18 Is that Jack Nicholson? Jack Nicholson and the guy who always plays God. He's black. Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman Dude that movie is so good If people don't know the basic premise is The two people meet in a hospital
Starting point is 02:35:33 Because they both have cancer It's not going to go their way And one guy writes a bucket list The other guy has nearly limitless money And he's like we should do this And here we go You don't know this movie it's oscar winning no no i i know about it but it seems kind of like a sad movie about old men dying i don't really
Starting point is 02:35:50 want to watch it so i never have um i'm pretty sure you'd like it i like i'm sure i would i like both those actors if you want to see a uh an old bruce willis action movie you might have never seen before there's one called last man Man Standing. You ever seen this? It takes place around 1920 gangster era. And it's the old trope that Clint Eastwood did in the Dollars Trilogy where you've got a stranger who rides into a town that has two big gangs and the stranger plays them against one another.
Starting point is 02:36:20 Clint Eastwood was the first one I ever saw do it. I'm sure it's a literary trope. Last Man Standing. So it's just right at the end of cowboys being a thing because they are in Texas on the border with Mexico. But it's in an era where the Tommy gun exists now and 1911 pistols. And Bruce Willis uses dual-wielded 1911 pistols
Starting point is 02:36:43 with I don't know how many magazines. There's a scene where he's getting ready to go fight and he's just loading mags. uses dual-wielded 1911 pistols with I don't know how many magazines. There's a scene where he's getting ready to go fight, and he's just loading mags. And you're like, where did he get all this ammo? But he has it. He has hundreds and hundreds of rounds. Because when he gets in a gunfight,
Starting point is 02:37:00 he doesn't go, bang, I got you. He takes both of his pistols and goes, da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. And the bad guys fly through windows. And then he reloads. And then he finds another one to do that to. They fly through windows. I would like to see more 1920s gangster stuff. We often talk about, like, hey, let's all agree for the sake of this.
Starting point is 02:37:17 L.A. Confidential. If you haven't seen that, you haven't seen the best of it. Okay. They record it sort of in the second half of the superhero bell curve right i i love superheroes stuff more than most did and even i'm like all right you know i don't have the same excitement around thor that i used to i i saw a reddit thread and they put it really well they said that the the marvel thing is like when you play an rpg and you've completed the main quest and now you're just going back and knocking out those little side quests they don't really have
Starting point is 02:37:44 any consequences it's just like i don't know did i ever get that fish hook back to that guy everybody's looking for that hat i think and yeah so that's why subversive heroes are popular now like the boys but listening okay good point so but let's just assume that superheroes are kind of you know on the second half of the bell curve what do you want to be next we've talked about this a lot and In 1920s gangster stuff, it's on my short list. That would be cool. I do like gangster stuff. LA Confidential
Starting point is 02:38:12 is my favorite one. I think it's in the 20s. It's in Los Angeles. Obviously, it has one of the strongest casts that have ever been put together. You got to go back to something like A Bridge Too Far to get a better cast. Everybody from Walter Cromwell.
Starting point is 02:38:28 Look up the cast of A Bridge Too Far. You're like, wait, this exists? All these people managed to get in the same movie? What's the movie I'm talking about? L.A. Confidential has Kevin Spacey, Russell Crowe, Guy Pearce, James Comrell, David Stratham,
Starting point is 02:38:44 Kim Basinger, and Danny DeVito. Good gosh. Yeah. Yeah. It's real good. It's long, maybe two hours and 30, maybe two hours and 40. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:38:55 They're dealing with some mysterious snore type stuff. They're investigating a big capital murder case that has some secret stuff going on. Kevin Spacey's really good. You've got three cops who do their job completely differently. You've got Kevin Spacey who wants to be a celebrity cop. He wants to be tied into the TV shows that film there in L.A. and to be their consultant and to be kind of known by the public.
Starting point is 02:39:23 And then you've got Guy Pearce who's like, buy the fucking book. I don't care if you all hate me. He's like, you're going to be hated in the department. I didn't come here to be liked. I came here to get ahead. That's a direct quote from him. There's a scene where a cop beats a prisoner and he's like, you're going to inform
Starting point is 02:39:40 on your fellow officers? Absolutely, I will. You're going to be hated. You're going to be a pariah. I didn't come here to make friends. I came here to get ahead. All right, corporal, or whatever the fuck. And then you've got Russell Crowe, who is like the good soldier boy, who will go in and get his hands dirty,
Starting point is 02:39:56 beat a confession out of someone, whatever it takes. And these three are at the heart of this huge conspiracy. And they're being played against one another. and what they really need to do is come together and have a conversation. It's a good movie.
Starting point is 02:40:11 Russell Crowe's good at being intimidating. Back then he was. He is a physical force in this movie. There's a scene where someone's being interrogated and Russell Crowe's on the outside watching the interrogation happening and the guy is talking about raping and beating this woman and she's held somewhere still alive and guy pierce is trying to like trick this guy into giving the
Starting point is 02:40:34 information and russell crowe's been out there leaning on this office chair the whole time one of those wooden ones and you can just hear the chairs creak and finally it breaks in his fucking hand and he just runs in there and like like fucking dumps all but one of the bullets out of his pistol and he's like and immediately starts clicking them off where is she click where is she click and this guy's like click where is she he's ready to kill this guy in front of all the cops the guy pisses himself gives an address and that's it and they go it's it's a it's a good movie. I always get him mixed up with, uh,
Starting point is 02:41:05 the 300 guy, Gerard Butler. They look similar. Gerard Butler is like the budget version of him. I like him. One Russell Crowe watching 1993 is virtuosity where he's the villain and he hunts down, uh,
Starting point is 02:41:20 Denzel Washington. So it's like a really young, skinny Russell Crowe. And he's like weird and creepy. Yeah. Yeah. He does not look skinny Russell Crowe. He's weird and creepy. He does not look skinny anymore, though he does look weird. He's big. He's a great big fat person.
Starting point is 02:41:34 I saw him doing one of those GQ interviews where he talks about all of his biggest movies like, here's what I did for Gladiator. It's like, damn, man. You're looking rough. I could never look like prime Russell Crowe,
Starting point is 02:41:50 but 2022 Russell Crowe? I was meaning as far as being handsome. You can't work your face out. But his face now, he's getting a very Phil Margera feel. This is is very thin
Starting point is 02:42:05 makes a lot of people handsome okay i just think in general like it you look um i've been watching professional soccer lately football and uh god all these guys are good looking because all of them have like protruding cheekbones and sunken in this. Like they just being that thin and doing the kind of cardio of European football player does. They just, they look good. I do like a nice, ugly super athlete.
Starting point is 02:42:33 Like that might be one of my favorite things about Alexander Ovechkin is that he's an absolute dog to look at. He's an ugly man. I don't think you're giving Rob Brindamore his due. Rob Brindamore is not ugly. You can tell that a handsome face was beaten out of him. He was a handsome man, and you can see the beginnings
Starting point is 02:42:54 of handsomeness. It's just his nose has been broken. It's got the girth of three noses. It doesn't look good. Do you know what I want to talk about before Drifter goes? Kyle, did't look good but you know what i want to talk about before drifter goes how did you want to go instead did you want to talk about mma uh it was going to be biden student loan forgiveness um so so i think i have this right biden's forgiving federal student
Starting point is 02:43:19 loans for ten thousand dollars and 20 grand which is to say another 10 if it's a pell grant not an expert in pell grants but i think they're for people with low income and uh so 10 or 20 grand of student loan forgiveness they call a dark grant if they make under a certain amount of money and to get the additional one like 125 000 or and 250 000 if you're married like it's it's kind of for most people, right? I assume it phases out. It usually does if it's above that. If you make $150,000, you get $9,000 back instead of $10,000.
Starting point is 02:43:52 I'm making that up, but it's probably right. I don't know. I'm torn. In general, I wasn't for student loans. I was against it. And the reason – or student loan forgiveness. And the reason is going to college is a good deal. These people are making more money than the rest of the population. You're kind of taking the country's money and funneling it towards our most successful people. That is the guys who have college degrees or presumably they finish school with their loans. The reason people still go to college now is it's still a good deal.
Starting point is 02:44:27 You go to college and you can be a freaking certified public accountant. Sky's the limit. Holy shit. It's true. Is it too late for me? Why did I ever do YouTube? Thanks for the hit net back. Anyway, so we were taking money and giving it to America's most successful people, our college graduates.
Starting point is 02:44:49 And I'm like, why? But then on the other hand, we've just dumped all this money into PPP loans and some other COVID relief loans. And I'm like, shit, we gave money to everyone else. When, to try to not be a hypocrite, Trump raised taxes on blue states. I thought it was targeted and bad, right? So here's how that worked. Something called SALT, and it is basically, it was tax deductible to use the interest on your mortgage and your real estate taxes.
Starting point is 02:45:22 But it only made sense if you had a lot of those to do. Otherwise, the standard deduction would work fine. So these are people who live in expensive homes, which you could call rich people, but actually if you live in Massachusetts, your home costs a lot. If you live in Hawaii, your home costs a lot. New Jersey, New York, the places with expensive homes are blue States. So he kind of raised taxes on blue States and gave them the finger. And I was like, wow, this is a really targeted kind of Trump tax on blue states and gave him the finger and i was like wow this is a really targeted kind of trump tax increase if you're a blue state suck a dick well now biden's doing student loan forgiveness for college graduates which feels kind of targeted too
Starting point is 02:45:57 like if you're a blue voter you get some money back can't use it for my my trade school loans student loans if you got a federal subsidized one, it counts. I don't think that's true. I think if you were to go to community college and get your HVAC degree, you would get that forgiven too. I wonder if Scott has any student loans. I'm going to send him a text.
Starting point is 02:46:18 I mean, he shouldn't. I mean, he's been making six figures for several years, but he is the kind of guy to be like, fuck it. how many months? Alrighty then. Well, that would have turned out to be a good financial decision. Let the government pay it off for him. Oh, it'd be so huge.
Starting point is 02:46:34 If the three of us had known this was going to happen, wouldn't we have all taken out some student loans a few years ago? Get our free 10 grand. Going back to school. And shit, I'm gonna go. Like, alright, let's learn some shit.
Starting point is 02:46:49 I got $10,000 worth of bullshit to learn. If he wanted to stimulate the economy, he didn't have to do it by paying off the debt of college graduates. Like, there are more efficient ways to dump money into everyone's pocket. Well, I'll tell you what he did buy. There aren't more efficient ways to fire up your base
Starting point is 02:47:06 and buy a few votes, though, than getting during an election season. $10,000. You can buy some serious votes that way. I don't know. I don't feel one way or another about it. I frankly don't have anybody in my life who benefits from it.
Starting point is 02:47:22 I'm sure there's somebody out there is what I'm getting at that was like thank god i only owe 10 more grand now i can now my now my my options are open and for those people it's like oh man that is kind of a good thing but then i imagine there's a bunch of people who like have like 180 000 worth of bullshit and they're just like yes slice another 10 off and we're just doing that across the board and where's that money even coming from? It's coming from me and you who pay taxes.
Starting point is 02:47:49 People who pay taxes. You and me, true. Also, someone working at Walmart is paying taxes and it's going to some college graduate. I'm going to take an opposite stance and say it was a good thing. I think it was a half-assed measure and they should have forgiven all of it. And the reason that it's so extreme
Starting point is 02:48:10 is because, so we wanted to have student loans to get people into college, right? Because college students are smart. They stimulate the economy. It's better for everybody. But what we did by subsidizing the student loans is we kind of pumped a whole bunch of money into the college system and colleges kind of rapidly realized they could charge what they want. And demand was only going up because I don't know about all of you, but literally from the moment I could speak, my parents told me, go to college, get a job at a big company. If you don't go to college, you're going to work at McDonald's. You don't go to college, you'll never get married. You don't go to college, you're going to die alone and poor and hating yourself. You talk to your
Starting point is 02:48:46 school counselor, you talk to your teachers, you talk to other working professionals, you can go talk to your pastor, priest, or imam. You can go get on the internet. They'll all tell you the same thing. You have to go to college or you're going to be a loser. So of course people do it. Not everybody needs to go to college. With the federal money coming in, the prices kept going up, but the money availability was there and people just take the loans, you know, because you're 18. I have to pay that when I'm 24. That's forever from now. And you have an entire generation, almost two of young people that graduate college into an economy where they start off with a whole house worth of debt, like a whole mortgage worth of debt that they have to pay on. And the economy's in shambles. And outside of a few technical degrees, college degrees aren't as valuable as they used to be. And even the technical degrees can suck a fat one if there's not a lot of demand in that industry. So you have a bunch of people that since they were babies,
Starting point is 02:49:40 were told to go to college and they did. And they did exactly what every reasonable person told them to. And now they will never have enough money to own a house. They will never be financially stable. A lot of them have difficulty getting married or dating because of the loan debt. Nobody wants the day to broke ass, right? It's really rough and people are absolutely screwed. I mean, you have doctors and that's a little specialty, but imagine graduating at 35, something like five, $600,000 in debt. And then you're allowed to begin to work. So you've got an entire generation just super burdened by debt that will never be able to do anything useful and are just waiting around for their parents to die. I feel like you can't get by with like... Who has $500,000 or $600,000 of debt? Doctors, lawyers,
Starting point is 02:50:30 people with professional masters and PhDs. Can you fact check that? I'm not sure. Maybe I'm wrong. Where are we going to school? Let's pick a college. Hold on. Real quick, you did say something like everyone is told to go to college. That's not true.
Starting point is 02:50:50 A lot of people are told that they won't be able to go to college because they can't afford it we're going to harvard it would be prohibitively expensive also i'm looking up here a little under 50 of all student loans all federal student loans are for grad students so you're going to take money from people making like very little to pay off the full bulk of some guy who now has 30 years ahead of him as a doctor has 30 years ahead of him as a doctor or 30 years ahead of him as an attorney. That's just not fair. And it's never fair. As I Googled it, the average undergraduate has $25,000 in loan. This is the average federal student loan. Debt balance is $37,000. That doesn't really tie in. Maybe
Starting point is 02:51:23 the typical finishes with 25 grand but the average is 37 i don't know what's happening there but there we are let's call that a range 25 to 40 grand in debt average school it's not great it's not great sure but also these people are probably making 15 grand more a year 60 grand more you know someone else pay for it this this idea that like oh people graduate college and then they can't get good jobs afterwards. Well, pick a real degree. That's a thing, too. I'm in for it if Mexico
Starting point is 02:51:51 pays. I want Mexico to pay for it. That's the only way. That's how it should work because he's just willy-nilly, 10,000 each. What if we had to go get that somewhere? That's how it should be. How'd you come up with that number? It's a nice round number.
Starting point is 02:52:08 It's like when Tony Soprano wanted to know some shit about one of his guys' sex life, so he's asking his sister, and she's like, $5,500. And he's like, how'd you come up with that number? Seemed like a number that you would pay. You're right. It's the lowest possible number.
Starting point is 02:52:24 It's like a number you would pay number do you guys not think society gets better if we unburden young people from debt are you the most indebted generation well you're certain some of them and you're helping almost everybody i mean depends where we how we do it right you're not helping almost anyone unless you're selling some trickle-down economics plan where we take our wealthiest, most successful college graduates and give them the money in hopes that their auto mechanic gets better paid. There is a little bit of that to it, but people out in the real world, you have professional services that you have to contract and do and things that get made and manufactured and doctors you see, would you rather have those people that you deal with be in crushing debt and depression and working extra jobs and just kind of bullshitting?
Starting point is 02:53:12 Or would you rather have them healthy, happy and making good decisions and actually really really trickle down? I guess that it is a trickle down thing, but it's real. How many times have you gone to a doctor and he looked like he wanted to kill himself? I mean, that's that's just that doesn doesn't make any sense man like do you want i understand like like you're right the the targeting of students for these predatory loans is wrong i don't like that i but at the same time and destiny came on the show and made a really compelling point like a year or two ago where he's like as far as forgiving all student loans for everyone that's really just a you know huge influx of cash for
Starting point is 02:53:49 the wealthiest among us who can afford to gay say hey i'm gonna get a postgraduate degree in history that person you know like is either making a very bad decision or they have money like and so you're he made it much more articulately than me but to to forgive all the loans, just whole cloth is like, yeah, you're punishing people who were like, well, fuck, I didn't go.
Starting point is 02:54:08 Cause I couldn't afford it. I don't think that's a punishment. Cause I, I, again, I believe that if you didn't go to college, they're not, you're not going to get your tax bill.
Starting point is 02:54:18 And it's like 10,000 more dollars. And it's like, Oh, here's Kyle's tax money. I mean, college money. It's not how that works. Where do you think the money comes from?
Starting point is 02:54:25 The money comes from, honestly, a shit ton of loans from foreign entities, loans to ourselves, questionable financing, quantitative easing, and a disgusting amount of money printing. We spend, I think it's 30 to 40% more money than we make. No, no, no, you mistake me. Stop gish galloping and tell me where the money comes from to pay everybody 10% or $10,000. I don't actually know what the funding is from. Okay. Yeah, sure. I thought you were looking for something more specific than that.
Starting point is 02:54:53 No, no. Just general taxes. Cost of living going up. Businesses having to increase their service costs, their product costs, and that's disproportionately going to hurt people in the lower income bracket, right? Yeah. That's a i had wish i had some student loans so you think that the student loan debt is what is contributing to higher sorry paying off student loans and freebies is what contributes to our debt and inflation situation if we were to whole cloth
Starting point is 02:55:21 pay for every student loan yes yes, that would be bad. Then how come every other Western country on the planet just has free college for everybody, almost? You can graduate... They don't have military spending. Exactly. They don't have military. We take care of the whole world. We could take 1% of the military's budget
Starting point is 02:55:43 and bang out all the student loans that the entire country has over like a couple of years. The military gets so much money. When the aliens show up and we like stomp a mud hole in their ass, the United States is going to be like, you see? That's why! That's why!
Starting point is 02:55:59 That's why! Our military is looking pretty good in Ukraine right now now like i i'm getting off topic but anyway i worry that we're giving money to a selective successful group of people and it it doesn't feel good to me well i didn't have anything to do with it so it doesn't matter y'all elected that guy i'm not even allowed to vote guys uh it is time for me to bounce on that note i have some other things i have to do here this evening so my girl's birthday anytime it's good to be here anything you want to pin uh yeah uh shamelessly i have started posting on tiktok now i'm uh repurposing a lot of short form content from
Starting point is 02:56:41 other platforms into tiktok and like youtube news. And that's a platform that I'm mostly working on growing organically and doing different stuff with. So if you want to see me shit post about all these topics, you can come check me out on TikTok. Check them out. All right. Check them out. Thank you for coming, man.
Starting point is 02:56:57 We appreciate it. I hope you feel better. Hope you get out of the woods. This was all fun. This makes me feel better. So good to see you guys again. Good. Glad to hear it.
Starting point is 02:57:03 Take care, man. See you. Have you guys checked out TikTok? No. I haven't looked at it at all. If I want that, I just do YouTube Shorts. I feel like it's the same shit. I've checked out YouTube Shorts. I'm trying to get the algorithm
Starting point is 02:57:18 to feed me more of your dude, Kevin Samuels. Oh, see, what I do, I think this is some old man shit i do what i do is i've got youtube on my fire stick and so i i'm in my living room watching youtube on tv like watching kevin samuels like sitting there with my dog like on like it's a tv show and i'll watch three hours he would do these streams like two and three hour long and i'll just watch the whole thing unedited with him taking callers like willy-nilly he like piles them up he'll have like 10 in a bank waiting to talk to him and he'll pick them one at a time to come
Starting point is 02:57:49 talk to him about whatever topic they're on that night and i'll watch him take them on all on it's kind of like an arena some nights yeah i mean i want to see that i've been to more into his shorts and yeah that's how i started he's you know dunking on fisher price net sometimes in his shorts but not always you know it helps when you're right you know the these sixes come on think they're tens and talk about how they want to have you know multi-millionaire husbands to take over their children and it's like yeah that he sets them straight yeah he usually wants to talk about math more than anything he's like no no we're talking about math how like i need numbers we're gonna we're gonna use numbers to
Starting point is 02:58:30 make numbers on his numbers he's like oh this percent of people make this so this percent of people do that and all of a sudden you're asking for a point yeah i mean i can make up numbers and he's making them up like i fuck up the math, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 02:58:45 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 02:58:45 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 02:58:46 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 02:58:46 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 02:58:46 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 02:58:47 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 02:58:48 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 02:58:50 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 02:58:57 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 02:59:00 like, like, like, like, million, 300,000, you're like losing a whole percentage every time. So by the time you get to the guy who makes 300,000 or 350, it was like 1% of men period. Uh, and he's like, man, you were literally talking to you ever hear the 1% that's who we're talking about now. That's who you want. You want a guy that most people think has way too much money. That's how rich the man you want is that there are people that think he has too much money. That's how rich the man you want is.
Starting point is 02:59:26 That there are people that think he has too much. It's good stuff. I enjoy those. I still haven't watched any of him. No? No, I haven't watched him or Andrew Tate. Recently, pretty much all I've been doing on youtube is just listening to stuff i listened to the old uh ricky gervais show with carl pilkington those every like few years i'll
Starting point is 02:59:53 just start re-listening to those the way i'll listen to old ona and it's just carl is a is a joy he is so fucking funny and like he and ricky and steven merchant the third guy on there who was involved with ricky on the first office they're just really good at like winding carl up and getting him to go where they want him to it's just it's really funny i saw kyle nodding you've you've listened to those before right the old yeah well i'm i'm more just like carl pilkington and anything he does uh i really enjoy him i watched whenever like maybe you introduced me to him or I discovered him. However, I went through all that shit. I can't even remember the name of the show.
Starting point is 03:00:29 An Idiot Abroad. Yeah. Watched it all. An Idiot Abroad is so funny. I love it. When they add the little guy, the dwarf, I don't care for it. I don't like any of that. You're right.
Starting point is 03:00:41 It's the Carl Pilkington show. You're watching for him. Like, you don't want to see a diversion of attention to Warwick. I haven't seen it. Is Carl Pilkington the genius of the show or just a tool that Ricky Gervais plays? An instrument he plays?
Starting point is 03:00:56 Yes, it's both. He's clearly someone who knows, and you get more of an insight to this if you listen to the old radio show they get together in like the mid-2000s like he is a character in a way yeah like he's uh he's naturally a weird guy but like you can tell listening to his radio like he's prepared bits he's prepared like ways to say things in a funny way if you've never listened to the radio show look up uh carl's diary ricky
Starting point is 03:01:22 gervasio carl's diary and they read through like the things that he talks about and like they'll get like five passages in a row and they'll start reading the next one and they're like it's about bugs again carl this is the fifth one in a row they're all about the mothers in your house what are you doing like i can hear ricky laughing now ricky he has ricky cracking up the whole time it's clearly one of those situations where ricky gervais found carl pilkington and yeah just thought he was the funniest human being in the world. And I was like, I've got to show more people. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:01:52 And so basically for Woody's benefit, the show, they send him around the world and the show is just watching him fail at things. so it'll be like we're sending you to this uh amazon tribe and they do this silly thing where they build like this rickety tower of sticks and then they jump off it with vines tied to them it's their version of a skydive a bungee you know you try it and it's like you it's like a going bit like he doesn't try anything he doesn't go out of his way to give it a go he's kind of grumpy mean-spirited not mean-spirited that's the wrong way to put it he's grumpy but in an innocent way when he is offensive about cultures he's in a way where it's like well this is a mockery of his ignorance not of you know chinese people or whatever we're like he'll just sit there and like he's like i'm just sitting here looking at that lady she's eating a stick with scorpions on it just talking in like i remember that yeah yeah i think
Starting point is 03:02:47 he was in china for that he goes to china she looks at different parts and goes oh that's gonna be good you know i can't wait for that bit yeah it's so so fucking funny i love it and you know the camera just zooms into a lady over there who's eating a goddamn scorpion kebab and she's just like looking at a fucking scorpion like crunch that's a leg crunch that's its fucking thorax and and he's just he's making it hilarious and they send him to some really beautiful places but some real i think they send a machu picchu or something like you had to go on this crazy trek to get there yeah and and i think he got within like a few minutes of it and it was like can we just say we went or something like like he didn't even want to go the rest of the way this is about the same view ricky can't be mad at this and then he just turns around and leaves
Starting point is 03:03:40 he walked 99 of the way to machu picchu and then he was like couldn't be bothered to go up the hill he's like we're here let's just call it quits if you're looking for tv content an idiot abroad on i don't know if you can get it for free anywhere i've i've bought all the seasons on amazon hoping that some of that gets back to him probably hbo right it might be i thought all that shit was on HBO because it seems like Merchant and Ricky Gervais and that little fellow and Carl all have some plug-in at HBO
Starting point is 03:04:15 where anything they want to produce can go up there. The same way that Danny McBride does and that guy that he writes and produces for him. Everything Danny McBride wants to produce, they just make it over there at HBO, it seems like. He's doing that Righteous Gemstones show right now. And they're all the same goddamn character. He's the same character in everything.
Starting point is 03:04:36 On the Carl guy being a character, like, he is somewhat that guy. Because, like, according to Ricky, he is the reason, like he could have done more seasons of his own show. And he was like, I've done it. No,
Starting point is 03:04:53 like, just like didn't want to do it anymore. Like just said, no, like you can keep doing this HBO or sky TV, whatever, like British HBO, like,
Starting point is 03:05:01 and he just shot it down. Wouldn't do anything else. So I don't know what he's up to now i wish you'd do more fucking content i haven't seen anything from him in a while i've uh no but it's time for a new show to watch i think i'm gonna take on that severance show on uh apple tv that that what he recommended uh he's shaking his head now what he said it was a feast for the mind and the eyes he said it's some of the finest cinema for the senses the finest cinema since clifford 2 it was probably written by stephen king it it is such an outstanding premise for a show and then it loses me so hard where i'm just
Starting point is 03:05:40 like advance the plot would you you are dragging on simple points to the point where I think you're doing it on purpose. You're not bad at this. You're good at sucking. I don't know why you're doing it. Did you ever see Midnight Mass, the one on the island? Okay. I also said it was too slow, yeah. Yikes.
Starting point is 03:06:00 Yeah. And again, I feel like I'm – It's like seven episodes. It's just people sitting. Sitting in boats, sitting in chairs, sitting in aisles, sitting in pews, sitting, sitting and talking, sitting and talking, talking and sitting, talking and sitting. It's like seven hours
Starting point is 03:06:16 of talking and sitting and there's no doing. The dialogue is my favorite part of the show. The dialogue is the best part. Well, then I bet you loved it. You wanted more vampires, I guess. We need a swarm of them and lasers! It's like four and a half hours from now
Starting point is 03:06:32 I'm going to tease you with a sharp tooth. And then we've got a couple more hours of sitting. He'd make short work of this guy and he'd give a speech. That's what I need. I need Tony Stark to sort. I loved it. There's a scene where the man and the woman
Starting point is 03:06:48 sit on the couch and they both talk about what they think happens when you die, or at least what they hope happens when you die. And it makes me cry, cry, cry like a little bitch. Not quite the boat dialogue scene, but it was still good. Well, I mean, the boat dialogue
Starting point is 03:07:04 is like making the couch dialogue come to but it was still good. Well, I mean, the boat dialogue is like making the couch dialogue come to fruition. You know? I highly recommend that. It's one of the finest things I've ever seen on Netflix. I think the majority agree with you. It was well-received. I love it so much. Midnight Mass.
Starting point is 03:07:19 So fucking good. I watched it again recently, and I caught a bunch of extra shit i didn't catch before okay all right i'd stand corrected i was gonna ask if you watch it again and it was like my answer question like he's gonna say no i cried the second time too yeah and you know what if you're watching this you might like it because i i mean i think that it's generally well received people on netflix said people who watched it said it was great i it's it's a drama you know they're look there's sci-fi uh mystical elements going on but um they they make you pay for them by watching the show and learning about
Starting point is 03:07:54 these characters they're it's not a marvel movie at all but there's some cool shit going on and i like to i'm gonna drop a few spoilers here i like to like think about like wait what was that thing was that an angel was that a demon was that a vampire are they all three the same fucking thing is that a fallen angel which would be a demon come down to earth to twist 240 more minutes of dialogue and we'll give you another hint hey the bad guy only said like three fucking words the whole movie um like he didn't say shit. He just kind of stood menacingly there. He was fucking scary. I loved it.
Starting point is 03:08:30 I loved it so much. His voice was like Jared Kushner. They didn't want to ruin the movie. Did Jared Kushner have a weird voice? Yeah, he does. It's not masculine at all. Did you see Marjorie Taylor Greene got swatted the last two days in a row? I only saw it as a headline. I didn't dig into it. And as much as I dislike her and think that
Starting point is 03:08:51 she acts intentionally to divide and hurt the country, I'm still not pro swatting. Yeah, of course not. No, I think that the most recent call, you might think, hey, how do they fall for it two nights in a row? What could they possibly say the second night? The second night, they claimed that they were a transgender youth who had went there and killed everyone. Like, I got her! And anybody
Starting point is 03:09:15 comes here, tries to mess with me, I'm gonna kill them too. Click! Holy shit! Sounds like a real one! Let's get in there! Sounds like a real one. Let's get in there. It's like a real one. Everybody load up. Do you think like most of the SWAT team? They're like, guys, we're heading out. There's a trans teenager who just killed a senator.
Starting point is 03:09:36 And they're like, okay, like, do I have to put my cop shoes on? Because we're just coming right back. Can we swap eyes on the way? I don't have my belt my cop shoes on? Because we're just coming right back. Please, can we swap my Popeyes on the way? I don't have my belt. Is that okay? I don't have my belt. We good? Yeah, we just got to show up. Yeah, that's ridiculous.
Starting point is 03:09:56 That's a huge fuck up. Two swats on that prominent of a person in two days, and they didn't verify? That makes them look really dumb. That's good news, though that makes them that's good news though it's honestly it's good news for for the average joe because um that's the sort of thing it takes to get like scary laws passed against something like like someone important to have an issue um so so that will um that'll be a good thing i think in the long run for for all peoples
Starting point is 03:10:19 out there but uh but it's not a good thing that's happening to her even though she is just she doesn't live far from me she's down in rome georgia oh i forgot yeah she's yeah local gal um i don't know any man oh she's real i know i know she's a little silly but i don't know in what ways so you say loon she's goofy i interpret it as more calculated w WWE. Yeah. That's a real good one. WWE. She's always doing culture war stuff. She's always talking about how the Democrats are grooming people, how there's only two genders, how there's this, there's that, and the other thing.
Starting point is 03:10:57 And her whole brand is disliking the other side. Yeah. And you can say she's a loon or you can be like, she's firing up the people of this rural county and she's the one who has the commercial where she shoots a barrett 50 cow and blows up a truck okay that's a good kind of commercial remember didn't like uh that guy from texas do that like in this election yeah whatever his name rick perry's ripping me off rick perry just like had an ad where all he did was shoot a machine gun and he's like i'm rick perry i approve this message
Starting point is 03:11:30 you didn't say anything rick but somehow i think i said pretty i think i could i could guess every i could based on this no audio over it but gun, Rick, I can guess every one of your positions. I forget how many federal level departments there are, like the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, etc., etc., Homeland Security. He wanted to remove like five of them, but he forgot which five. The one that he stumbled on was the Department of Energy. And then under Trump, he became the leader of the Department of Energy. It was like something from Saturday Night Live. Our political system for the last, through the Trump era, Saturday Night Live bit.
Starting point is 03:12:15 You couldn't make it up. That's why late night TV hasn't been funny for the last five or six years. What they normally goofed around about just happened. And then there was there was no joke to be made anymore it was like it was like the reality got more absurd oh i got outraged every day there's something yes and i'd stop being outraged about yesterday because he gave me a new red herring and there was only one point of view it was everyone it was let's mock trump every night and and it was like what are
Starting point is 03:12:46 we mocking him about tonight and you'd be like well wait a minute god damn it like i thought that was okay did we just mock anything he does whether it's good bad or ugly and that's what late night tv became for like five fucking years yeah like all of them sucked i stopped watching anything and it's not like i'm some big Trump supporter. When there's funny stuff about Trump, it's funny. The fact that he still walks around with that hair like that is a goddamn riot. If he was in your family, you'd be like, here he comes. Here he comes. Touch it.
Starting point is 03:13:22 I'm not going to touch it. You touch it. Come on. Come on not going to touch it. You touch it. Come on. Two out of three. I just try and have family barbecues on windy days. Yeah, you'd be goofing around about Uncle Chuck.
Starting point is 03:13:36 Should we find a graphic of Trump's hair explained, Zach? I've seen them before where they show the cut and how he's covering bald spots. Doesn't he go forward in one place and then swoops in another place and it like forms a wicker pattern of when jimmy fallon grabbed it and and gave it the shmush it was like oh that's quite a lot of hair that's more hair than i gave him credit for like like when i saw it move it moved in a way that suggested like some pretty good stuff there it's surprising he
Starting point is 03:14:06 makes it look some sort but it's not as empty as you'd think you know and he had i i remember he was um there's a name for the podium he's at look at that and he's like people think my hair is fake and he invites a member of the audience to come up and pull his hair and see that it's real and i thought it was kind of ballsy so yeah um sweep the thinning front section to the side and provide a band of cover above the forehead the most important part take the longest back section and propel it forward so that the comb over lies at a 90 degree angle with the under layer and gives the illusion of thickness take a third section of the hair from the top, roughly in line with the left ear, and sweep backwards at an
Starting point is 03:14:48 angle to deal with the peripheral thinning area on top. Comb hair directly above the ear backwards, otherwise it will trail by the face, detracting from the rest of the cofure? Anyway, my takeaway from all this is that he is
Starting point is 03:15:04 a genius and he's not getting the credit that he deserves. I just watched the clip. I just watched the clip, Kyle. I don't know what I was expecting. I was expecting the top of a box to just flip back. He does have more. It's very thin in a lot of areas. Very thin.
Starting point is 03:15:20 But it's his hair. It's growing out of that area. Normally thin hair doesn't become 12 inches long, but look at that. Yeah. You know, something about that is pretty regal. I'm glad
Starting point is 03:15:36 you said it. I'm glad you said it. He looks like a proud old lion, doesn't he? I'm seeing a bird, a male one, ready to pick up a eagle. A bald eagle right I'm glad we both came together and finally agreed about Trump
Starting point is 03:15:51 I like what's way funnier is like the orange that stops on his forehead because there's so much effort taken in his appearance and it's like that just goes by the wayside actually so you're right about the bad spray tan but when he became president and started getting professionals doing his makeup it got better
Starting point is 03:16:11 yeah yeah i wonder what he looks like anymore like they like had some people like on the campaign trail he was doing it by himself the way he always did and then somewhere along the way he had a pro take over i i'm if he uh if he if he comes to a route a rally within 30 minutes of me i'm gonna go for sure uh and i'll do the same thing i'll try to get up close i i think it's look i think this is a historical fucking figure i think donald trump is more of a historical figure than the average president by a long shot and i want to be able to say yeah i saw him i was in that room i i was in that room in hickory kentucky in 2015 i saw that motherfucker and angry and north carolina yeah he was thin and angry yeah when he's thin and angry and chris christie was there with his pants pulled up to his goddamn
Starting point is 03:16:59 ears i saw his dude chris christie was the best optical decision for Trump by far. Cause like Trump fat load, even like before he became president, he was already, you know, wasn't like anyone that would stop in America and make you stare, but fat Chris Christie looks horrible. He looks like he could die anytime. And so he like,
Starting point is 03:17:19 yeah, he's a, he's a food addict. He loves fucking blooming onion. And so he would just have him first of all chris christie's short and so you see trump they're towering over him and it's like oh wow that suddenly this tall fat guy doesn't look as fat next to this orb of a man christie was wearing those businessman socks that that go that have like the uh the suspenders attached to them
Starting point is 03:17:43 to the socks themselves. And they looked fancy. They were some pattern. But when he sat down in this chair, it reminded me of that chair that Morpheus sits in when he talks to Neo and offers the pills. It was a big cushy chair. But when he sat down and pulled his pants up so he didn't have a bulge or anything,
Starting point is 03:18:04 God, his pants like came come so far up and it's so tight around his balls and dick and thighs and there's so much belly and he's got the suspenders and the like he's probably wearing a six seven thousand dollar suit but he looks like shit that no way worse than this way worse That's the best he's ever looked. Yeah. Maybe this will be difficult to find, but search Trump and Chris Christie and Hickory, North Carolina. Maybe we could find a picture from the day that I was there
Starting point is 03:18:35 and got to see him. That was cool. A fun Chris Christie picture is Yankees uniform. Oh, what was he thinking? Oh, that's brutal. Crazy. It's hard for a normal man to look good in a Yankees uniform. What was he thinking? That's brutal. It's hard for a normal man to look good in a Yankees uniform.
Starting point is 03:18:49 With those pinstripes and that tight athletic... Oh, this is from Hickory. On him, that looked like that baseball hat was painted on. Can you get Chris Christie in the Yankees uniform? If you Google Chris Christie fat, there's a ton.
Starting point is 03:19:06 Is it the Yankees uniform? If you Google Chris Christie fat, there's a ton. Is it the Yankees uniform or just other ones? There's one, he's still in a baseball, but he looks fat in a different outfit. That's not his thinning look. It looks like Trump's lost some weight.
Starting point is 03:19:21 It was even worse in my memory, but okay. Look at that moose knuckle that's as bad as it gets he's he's a specimen i had even better in my head though if i had been the locker room and i'm chris christie and i put that shit on and i look in the mirror i would have immediately picked up my phone and i called my handler agent whoever the person is that's usually between me and and them. And I say, look, this shit's not going to happen.
Starting point is 03:19:51 You tell them that I'm having heart palpitations, low blood sugar. I don't give a fuck. Meet me out back. We're leaving. That would have been it. I'm leaving. And it would have been, oh, Chris Christie had to leave for personal health reasons. Chris Christie had low blood sugar. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:20:03 Make it a uh make it a anything family emergency like you tell him i had to go to like fucking vote on something at the capitol but i gotta go yeah instead he suited up like that and and like come on that's a bad look yeah terrible oh by the way i wanted to say like we did uh i guess we actually did invite wings on he said he want to come on so just so you guys know ball was in his court and you know he didn't want to come on maybe in the future we'll see up to him yeah i uh i had something gaming related kyle so i or i said some of it on pkn i'm very tempted to jump back into elden ring but i also a couple days ago i started fall out 4 and i have like borderline zero experience in fallout i played actually this one the beginning of it when it came out and like quickly stopped like i didn't really get anything done in it so i
Starting point is 03:20:58 didn't really know and you told me you're like don't put anything in charisma because you get all these points like your intelligence your your your perception, your whatever. It depends. It impacts how well you're doing things. And Kyle was like, don't worry about charisma. It does not matter. And I was like, all right, my guy's going to have no charisma. Absolute just wet blanket of a person to be around. And so like literally this no charisma. But he said he said there's no need for charisma. Did you say this? No charisma?
Starting point is 03:21:24 Yeah, he said there's no need for charisma. And so unlike, I was imagining it to be more like Skyrim's engagement talking where it's kind of you only can say a few things and they don't matter that much. And when they do, it's very obvious. And in Skyrim, at least, they even orchestrate it sometimes where you have a shitty speech and they'll be like, well, I'll give you the key of the Dragonstone, whatever. Fallout 4 does not do that. And I've been like out loud laughing a couple times
Starting point is 03:21:47 because I fail every single speech check. I was waiting outside. The first like main city you go to is called Diamond City. And I got there and there's this lady, this reporter NPC. And you know, the guy at the gate, he can't see you. And so she's like oh you better let me in and he's like fuck off you are just writing bad newspaper articles about Diamond City and she's like oh well this guy I'm here with he's a big supplier of things are you gonna go tell
Starting point is 03:22:14 Marcy that you turned a supplier away and he's like okay and he opens the gate and then like you go talk to the guard and he's like so you're here to tell me that all that was a bunch of hullabaloo out front of the gate and your options are to say like like yeah that was hullabaloo bunch of nonsense and your speech check is just to say i'm sorry and so i hit i'm sorry and my guy goes because it'll say'm sorry. And the guy actually gives a little more verbiage than that. He goes, I'm sorry about that. I had never been to the city before. She started talking.
Starting point is 03:22:50 And before I knew it, the door was open. I made a mistake. And my speech is so low that the guy behind the counter responds. He goes, oh, yeah, it happened so quickly. You forgot all human decency. It happened so quickly. You forgot all human decency. I it happened so quickly you forgot all human decency i don't have time for people like you get out of my face and i'm like good god like like i'm i'm getting absolutely lit up by every npc in this game yeah i i stumbled upon a vault that wasn't
Starting point is 03:23:20 the one i started in on the way to diamond city and I walk in and they make it in and this kid is like, hey, I'll show you around this vault. It'll only cost you five caps. And I obviously, I choose every speech thing because they're funny. And so I, instead of selecting yes, I was like, yeah, you can show me around, but I'm not going to pay you five caps.
Starting point is 03:23:38 And the kid goes, if you're that much of a cheapskate, just go out there and die. It's like, Jesus, fuck, man like it's like jesus fuck that's why i told you that because like it's so funny all you can get with higher ones is like avoiding fights or making a little bit of money or like you know the kid would have led you around for and you'd save five caps if you'd been had high charisma but you'd have been denied the kid telling you to go kill yourself so it's a lot better that way the same is true intelligence
Starting point is 03:24:04 if you make your intelligence zero, especially in New Vegas, there's a, I'm not going to be able to do it perfectly, but there's this thing in New Vegas where you're trying to power up this, this solar array where it's capturing, it's tons of solar arrays powering a super weapon. And you're pretending like you're an expert about this technology to a guy.
Starting point is 03:24:25 And the guy's like, you sure you can handle this facility? And if your intelligence is like one, you just say, oh, oh, oh, me make electric, boom, boom. And the guy's like, I don't think you're qualified. Like you literally say like retarded stuff. Like you grunt at them. There's one i think where if your medical skill is zero and like you just sort of like chop at them when you perform
Starting point is 03:24:51 your surgery like like uh but but if your luck's high enough you can be like somehow your your monkey-like strikes have have created a perfect surgical operation the patient lives congratulations it's like there's lots of stuff and fall out i'm glad i have zero charisma because it's very funny Perfect surgical operation. The patient lives. Congratulations. There's lots of silly stuff in Fallout. I'm glad I have zero charisma because it's very funny. But the big downside is it impacts how much you can buy and sell things for. And so I'll loot armor that in my little thing says it's worth 20, for example. I can sell it for four.
Starting point is 03:25:26 If I loot a gun that says it's worth 200, I can sell it for four if i loot a gun that says it's worth 200 you know i can sell it for you know 30 or something and like if i want to buy if i want to buy one stim pack which i haven't because they say there's a million of those and there's a ton of them it's like 200 for me to buy one stim pack yeah yeah it's it's a little bit of an impediment i'm just gonna keep collecting i personally don't really i like fallout new vegas the most i think it's a little bit of an impediment. I'm just going to keep collecting. I personally don't really... I like Fallout New Vegas the most. I think it's the best of the games. I'm not a big fan of 4. I've played it.
Starting point is 03:25:52 I've beaten the shit out of it like three or four times with modded and unmodded and ridiculous and really plain Jane. The story's kind of a letdown, frankly. You haven't gotten there yet, but when your eyes are opened to the full plot, you'll be like,
Starting point is 03:26:09 oh, well that's kind of sad then, huh? Well, shit! Where do we go from here? The Institute, not the bad guys? They were ham-handing how bad they were every NPC I talked to. I'm pretty sure they're going to take a knock in that band.
Starting point is 03:26:25 You're going to have to choose between the institute um the and and the railroad and uh and maybe the brotherhood of steel i don't remember but but that's the real one it's between the railroad or the institute because the institute is making these synthetic life forms and yeah and seemingly trying to enslave and you know like insert them into positions of power. Well, I like the current guy. Safety? The current guy I have with them is Nick Valentine. The synth who will like do the hacking for you. Yeah, who's inexplicably dressed like a noir detective.
Starting point is 03:26:57 Like doesn't make any sense. The year is like 2178, I think. It's 2277 or something. It's been hundreds of years. I like the way i play these games is like so slapdash like i don't just stay on mission i go around i explore everything like the first thing i do in all the games like this like rpgs is like wherever i start pointing i turn around and explore everything behind me because i always assume you know there's going
Starting point is 03:27:19 to be a bunch of there's always a thing right behind you behind the waterfall yeah yep i went and found something in in in fallout four too, but I'm, I really am liking it more than I thought I would, but the non vats combat is kind of shit. Like the discrepancy came out. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 03:27:37 you're on control. I'm on it. Cause I'm using my X-Box to play it. That's what I have. And so like, there's some, it like the cursor accelerates and decelerates as you're moving
Starting point is 03:27:48 it, which is weird. Oh, Taylor. I'm playing on my Xbox. That's what I have it on. Yeah, I get that bitch on the PC. God damn it. When he was telling me his Elden Ring story during PKN about how much trouble he had with the menu system,
Starting point is 03:28:04 like get a mouse. You play it on PC. It's a PC game. No, it's not. Dark Souls is literally more of a console game. Oh, is it? Okay, that's fair. It's made for console, and so they encourage you to play it on console, and the menu
Starting point is 03:28:20 system is not very intuitive. The real thing is it takes too many clicks through layers to get to places on a controller. Whereas what you want on a controller in an RPG is very quick access to your stuff. Something about the, I don't know this for sure, but I do know that when you have a
Starting point is 03:28:36 keyboard with 104 keys on it, oftentimes they solve that. I'm sure. I like playing on console. I hope you really get into Fallout because Fallout New Vegas is... I have a shit ton to do. Fallout New Vegas is my favorite game, though.
Starting point is 03:28:50 It's much darker. It's much more... It's much meaner. You're in the Mojave Desert in that one and you've got Las Vegas as this cool place to go. And I just don't think that Diamond City compares to New Vegasgas uh like it because those are like the two major like settlements that you go to it's just as a centerpiece for a game especially with the mod now because you go into casinos in new vegas and
Starting point is 03:29:15 gamble like and there's like there's like slave girls dancing uh and stuff like you can get yeah they got diamond city sucks like i i actively am made sad when i walk into diamonds make sure you i don't know how long you run the plate run the bases on the plate run the bases it's a it's a thing okay i did not do that all the way around i just i hate how it's organized it's like you couldn't have made worse economic use of this baseball diamond. It's like the entire world is full of trash and they can't take it out. They can't take it out of Diamond City. It's because Bethesda doesn't understand
Starting point is 03:29:52 the universe in which their game is made in. They're just making... They made Oblivion with guns. That's what Skyrim was... That's what Fallout 3 was called when it came out. But people love Oblivion with guns. If you think about how it works, this is hundreds of years after the war. The war happened in 2077,
Starting point is 03:30:08 2078. That's when the bombs fell. This is 200 years after the war. That's the same amount of time that separates us from fucking Napoleon. There aren't Napoleonic cannons just leaning against our houses. There aren't skeletons at Waterloo just laying there. They actually don't know where all the
Starting point is 03:30:24 bodies that died at Waterloo went. It's a bit of a historical mystery if you want to look into that one. It's fun. They're not laying there anymore. You walk into a store in Fallout, and there's a skeleton on a bench. And it's like, there's a woman operating this business. She has never moved the body out of her place of business. She has a diner with a dead man in a chair and it's like
Starting point is 03:30:45 come on that's ridiculous we would have swept up we just started growing some crops i watched some i watched a youtube about a video about this today they were talking about this exact thing and so right like yeah you're 100 right like that like when i play games like this if there's like something integral to the plot i'll pay attention to what's being said but mostly i'm listening to carl pilkington joke around in one ear and like i it's just well i'll say something good about it it the level up system for your skills infinitely better than skyrim's like if you want to get like smithing in skyrim you have to take fucking hours of finding shit or flying around fast traveling to every smith and then waiting until they restock and then buying it and dealing with the huge amount of money it costs and then
Starting point is 03:31:30 all the weight of everything in this you just like select gun upgrade two and it's like oh this perfect like i did not want to spend a shit ton of time at a smithing station making iron daggers that's the worst part of skyrim in this, it's almost like perk overload in Fallout 4. There's so much shit you can do that I lose track. I'm like, I guess I should just keep putting shit in Rifleman because I'm not doing that much damage. I would always lean on a YouTube guide because there's so many choices to make.
Starting point is 03:31:59 I've never played it through, though, so I'm trying to mostly do it myself. The only time I'm Googling on this playthrough is if like i get pissed off when i'm not told how to do something trivial that's needed for a larger purpose so like when they're like you need to build a radio tower here and i'm like and i go to this workshop and i'm like okay power where the hell is the radio tower and i look up on youtube and the guy's like yeah so it's a little confusing because no one tells you how to do it and they don't tell you to attach the wire and also in order to get the tower you have to go to other and i'm like oh okay other and then find it and like that kind of stuff i will just google get it done real quick because i do not want to try and solve some puzzle
Starting point is 03:32:37 that's not meant to be a puzzle yeah um there's a lot the dlc is quite good i thought there's an there's one where you go to nuka world which which is like a Coca-Cola world kind of thing. It's like a theme park that you go to. And then there's one called maybe Far Harbor or something, where you go to sort of a harbor city settlement where they live off the sea, and they're being attacked by creatures. I think there's a cult there that worships maybe a nuclear
Starting point is 03:33:08 weapon or something. I'm sure I'll have to kill them at some point. Yeah, that's your choice. You can side with them or you can go the other way. I always will choose what side will get me more XP. If I can get more XP, if it's like you can join us, we can go back to our base or you can
Starting point is 03:33:24 join that side and kill all of us. It's like, well, you guys go back to our base or or you can join that side and kill all of us and it's like well you guys are gonna give me a shit ton of xp i always cheat and go online and i i see what happens if i go left or right because i don't sometimes it's game breaking it's like oh you killed martha well you can never be a ninja then i didn't even know i could be a ninja good because we wouldn't have wanted you to get your hopes up it's really cool and now you can't do it there's a fuck but martha you know i want to know what happens and sometimes it's like if you kill the person i don't know what gemstone comes out of their asshole but if you spare them they give you the sword of eternity and it's like
Starting point is 03:34:03 gems are a dime a dozen i don't have a sword of eternity. And it's like, gems are a dime a dozen. I don't have a sword of eternity. Come on. So I like to find out what's going to happen. I'm liking it a lot. First real foray into the Fallout universe. It's good to know that Fallout New Vegas is better. Fallout 3, it's not better. I don't think so.
Starting point is 03:34:21 Fallout 3 is super old, isn't it? It's probably 10 years old or 13 years old, something like that. So you had Fallout. Obsidian made Fallout New Vegas, and the people from Obsidian are made up of some people from the OG company whose name escapes me. It doesn't matter. They made Fallout 1 and 2.
Starting point is 03:34:40 Fallout 1 and 2 were these top-down survival games. But Fallout 3, like I said, they called oblivion with uh guns it's okay but i don't like it i've never liked fallout three it's in washington dc and then new vegas came out a couple years after that in 2010 and according to zach and i really like that one as most people do it's great modded and uh and then you've got fallout four which is in boston and then fallout 76 the the cash grab game that came out uh a few years ago that's just dreadful and it takes place i think in west virginia and it doesn't have you said it had like no content like it was just it's changed since i played it it it's it's a weird sort of like multiplayer uh fallout um we
Starting point is 03:35:27 could play it together i bet it's fun now i bet it's fun now because uh it's been so long um i bet it's one of those games that they were like okay and it's probably better now but if you want to play fallout together fallout 76 accomplishes that for sure i'd be down definitely i'm sure it's probably cross-plat platform and there's like actually i don't own fallout 76 i just get that on pc yeah i would i i i would definitely want to play fallout on uh on pc i i've got the most fallout time on on console though on like xbox 360 i think playing new vegas back back then there's no telling how many playthroughs i did just wasting time wandering in that goddamn desert.
Starting point is 03:36:06 I haven't dealt with any glitches so far in Fallout 4, which is something like in Skyrim. I always use that as a point of comparison because I played that more than any other RPG by a magnitude of 10, but I like that. It's way better on the waypoints than Skyrim was. I know it's the same company. So five years, they made a lot of better decisions.
Starting point is 03:36:27 Like, so many of the problems in Skyrim were like, I already collected all the dragon heads. And then it's like, oh, yeah, but this person's stuck in a doorway and a Draugr is laying on top of them. It's like, oh, okay, well, I guess I don't have to join the Thieves' Guild because that's all you can do. But in this, like, even the companions, they, like, get out of your way better. I guess I don't have to join the thieves guild because that's all you can do. But in this, even the companions, they get out of your way better.
Starting point is 03:36:51 They don't just stand and go away for you. Oh, man. The deathclaws. I thought the deathclaws were going to be a huge part of this game. I fought one deathclaw, and I got a super armor set for it. I did try to kill it without the armor set because I thought I was hardcore. I got fucked up so fast uh because i didn't think it would be that fast and um with the armor set got it pretty good but that's the only death claw haven't seen any death claws other than that i guess i haven't played
Starting point is 03:37:16 that i haven't played very long so if you uh you know if you look at the map you have the area you start in and then radiating out from there you can find it online but there's like a temperature map and every time it goes to a hotter color the enemies are leveled up and they use the leveling system in the game like like now their stats are just better they're level 100 they're level 250 or whatever and as you radiate out the further you get away on the opposite end of the map in the glowing sea the glowing sea is like this crazy irradiated area with like your visibility is like 20 yards or something because they're just blowing toxic nuclear like fog blowing past your uh vision everywhere everything's green and glowy
Starting point is 03:37:56 and uh there's tons and tons of gigantic rad scorpions and death claws out there it's and it's kind of hard to survive there to begin with because it's so radiated i want to uh like get a companion who i actually like because next playthrough i want to do the like lone guy where you get bonuses for being by yourself i think that seems like fun the loot would be annoying but i did not read what you just posted sorry you don't want to be a wage cuck for the rest of my life what would you guys do if you're starting from scratch um i always like that one where you start off with like i hate the idea of the plan involving a decade of education and before before we start tipping the the debt to income scale back the other way in any meaningful way. I just really like the idea of going to that trade school and getting a degree in two years to get
Starting point is 03:38:52 on HVAC or to become one of those really high paid skills that you could then lean into your own entrepreneurial endeavor. If you're going to be a welder, let's be a welding company. If you're going to be a welder let's be a welding company once we get our if you're going to be an hvac guy let's be an hvac company i i don't want to always be a wage before we go too deep this was a patreon question i forget the level it might be ten dollars ten dollars question and we might use it in the show and it was don't want to be a wage cuck for my whole life what would you guys do if you were starting from scratch which kyle read yeah i had this thing plumber electrician hvac the only like one thing is it
Starting point is 03:39:29 doesn't quite qualify as what you said because there's still 10 years it's just not all in school accumulating debt you know you have okay but but it's a whole different scenario right like like you can you can start off making 50 60 000 a year like way more than the average person and then the second year it's just going to be more every year and the more you want work the more you get right if you're working for some other company like you could i don't know i like that a lot especially the hvac thing i just always think that like when someone comes to me and they're and i'm hot and sweaty and and like it's like yep that, that'll be $1,000. I'm like,
Starting point is 03:40:06 do you take cards? Or would you just like to take it out of my assholes? Either way. What's the fastest way to pay you? Yes, sir. It doesn't want to be a wage. I wonder what his existing skills are.
Starting point is 03:40:22 Right. Did you finish school already? Are you currently a computer programmer? I'm starting him at high school. I'm starting him at 18. Just gotten out of high school. Started nothing. I'm putting him at 24 and not happy with his current role in life.
Starting point is 03:40:36 Okay. How do you get out of there? I kind of like what Scott did. Scott's Kyle's cousin. He went to community college. I'm going to foul this up a little you go to school and you get your welding certification but he got like a second one or like you know he got his masters in welding
Starting point is 03:40:52 I think he keeps going he does this thing where he like travels and gets like certifications and various specializations and techniques like he's like going and getting if he was a doctor he's going to like a podiatry clinic. So if anybody needs anything, yeah, I can do that
Starting point is 03:41:08 too. So like anytime he has a job whether they want him, he does this shit where they've got to, they use a mirror on a stick that's reflecting the back of a pipe. And he's got a special welding tool that lets him like reach around behind and weld
Starting point is 03:41:24 backwards through a mirror. That's a whole different kind of welding. That has nothing to do with knowing what to turn the machine up to and how to draw a bead. He's doing it backwards through a mirror on the backside of a pipe while wearing a gauge that lets him know if he takes too many rads. It's cool welding. Sounds scary. It sounds like you have to actually be good at this some this shit because uh i know when he's welding nuclear power plants and they uh they x-ray
Starting point is 03:41:53 your welds afterwards to make sure they're good there's no fucking faking this stuff like they really check it out um i mean college could be a good advice for this guy. I don't think he said he's in college or not. He said he didn't want to be a wage cuck. And I feel like... I mean, I think... Doesn't college set you up to be a pretty successful wage cuck? I mean, more so... We know the answer is STEM, whether we like it or not.
Starting point is 03:42:18 Yes. Look, if you're smart enough to do that, you're going to have to be an entrepreneur or you have to go into STEM. Am I wrong there? No, you're right. So I'm, you're going to have to be an entrepreneur or you have to go into STEM. Am I wrong there? Or get lucky. No, you're right. So I'm – We're waging on luck. I'm currently like emerged in this world a little bit because my daughter just finished college and her entire friend group just finished college.
Starting point is 03:42:37 So all the different majors are entering the grown-up workforce and they're seeing what's up. And every one of them is like holy heck in stem you know that this one gets to work at 40 grand this one's at 35 grand and this one's at 75 grand 75 grand this is your first job out of school and you're making 75 000 85 000 that's the stem yeah like if you're gonna go to college be smart and get something that's gonna get you a degree don't go for English or history or psych or something. Figure out what you want to do
Starting point is 03:43:10 first. Have a career in mind. We've been watching that For All Mankind show. They're all engineers! There'll be a point somebody will be like, you're all engineers. Just do it! And they'll be like,'re all engineers just do it and they'll be
Starting point is 03:43:26 like yeah i guess we are they'll start getting fucking chalkboards out and and shit and they'll like and they'll fabricate a thing from nothing like having a skill like that is invaluable yeah over so over getting like god there's so many degrees that are just meaningless right that don't really have a career in mind behind them. For sure. Or at least not one that's in demand, which is what you want. Ideally, you want to go out and have three options. Hey, there's a guy, they want me in San Diego to engineer something
Starting point is 03:43:56 and they want me in New York too. Man, that would cost a lot, but they are paying 50 more thousand a year. You want those kinds of options, right? If you're going to be a wage dog. You should be in a position where multiple companies are competing for the right to pay you six digits right that's where you aspire to be yeah or get in there and start welding bitch that is that position you know i can make six grand you have to if you're willing to hustle for it but you know then you're going
Starting point is 03:44:22 to be the guy who like might go on the other side of the country for three, four months at a time, live in a trailer on a job site welding, but you'll make six figures in those four months. And the toll on your body is going to be hard. That's something that never gets talked about with trades. It's like, oh, just crawl around in an HVAC system for 38 years. Your body body's gonna get fucked over time that's why i always like it's like a cost benefit like would you rather be someone who has to blow their body out you know doing all of this hard stuff every day or be a wage cock who is like sitting at a desk and then you get to go to the gym or whatever like also sales sales uh is the highest paid position but you got but but but can also be lined out But you'll know right away with sales if you're any good at it or not. Is that true, Kyle?
Starting point is 03:45:09 Can't you get better at sales? No, we don't give a fuck out. You either will or you won't. It doesn't matter if you can or you can't. You will or you won't. Because it'll be over quickly. It'll be over. Yeah, maybe three, four months of someone sitting right next to you and being your buddy and saying, no, you should have, you should have asked for the sale.
Starting point is 03:45:30 You know, you didn't ask for the sale or, Oh, you were too aggressive there. We don't ask for the sale when we meet them, buddy, but you've got your sink or swim, right? Let me ask you this. Let's say we're grading salesmen on one to 10. It could it be, you just need to hit the ground at a five? No one's going to start as a 10 probably. Sure. Very few.
Starting point is 03:45:49 You just need to know that you're not a two. Yeah. I don't know. I have some medium amount of experience in that. And I just noticed that there were guys who could do it and there were guys who couldn't. You either could or you couldn't. What was the characteristic of a guy who couldn't,
Starting point is 03:46:06 was he not bold enough being personable? I didn't want to be his friend. I didn't want to be that guy's friend. Like I, every now and then I joke around about me as a 19 year old, kind of giving these guys a hard time that were in their thirties and forties and fifties. And I think the reason I was giving him a hard time is like,
Starting point is 03:46:23 I didn't want to, I didn't want to be their friend. They were kind of losers. They just didn't seem like cool guys. They, they sit like, like I remember like, they just seemed weird.
Starting point is 03:46:32 They weren't friendly. They weren't personable. They weren't guys that you wanted. I didn't care if they liked me and there were some, some people you care. You're like, Hey, I wish,
Starting point is 03:46:42 wish Brad liked me. It'd be kind of cool right i mean he's got a fucking side by side just he doesn't have a brother that could be me we could be fucking god we have our own handshake i know we would you know it could be like that i kind of want to be brad's friend that sounds right i'll sell and yawn brad right now right now. I'm buying, I'm buying. Like I have some sales experience and like in seeing people, like you can tell if they're going to be good or not just by how, like honestly, like conversational.
Starting point is 03:47:15 Like if you're a conversationalist and you're good at making people feel comfortable, putting them at ease, like making the stakes seem low, just a normal day, like that kind of thing makes you good at it. Like you don't want to be Mr mr like asking for the sale three times before you've even spoken and like gotten to know them at all because that's off-putting and you know that person's not
Starting point is 03:47:34 going to buy from you because they feel like you're a predator do you remember how when it was your first day at a new grade or with a new teachers like for that first week or two before you got to know her you were you were real on edge with her. You're like, like, I don't know how she handles things. She might be fucking strict and scary. I'm going to like mine,
Starting point is 03:47:52 my P's and Q's. And then after a while you feel comfortable around her and you guys, everything's a lot smoother. And the same is true when you're, when you're dating a girl, right? Like at first we're sitting on the couch and you're like, Ooh,
Starting point is 03:48:03 if I like make the wrong move, I could offend her. And like, like there could be a misunderstanding, but then like after maybe we've had sex or we, at least we made out or like goofed around or something. Like now it's like, I could flick her on the tit and make a joke out of it right now.
Starting point is 03:48:16 And it'd be funny. Like, like you, the same as the bridge has been passed. You've got to get, you've got to like break that bubble of like social distance a lot quicker when you're selling something. Cause we don't have a couple of dates to break it down. And we don't have a couple of weeks at school to break down that, that, that little barrier between teacher
Starting point is 03:48:35 and student. I've got to become your friend or at least someone that we can have like a normal loose conversation. That's flowy. Sure. Now, like in the next 10, 20 minutes, because we, we, you got, I got to get you out of here. And like, you don't have to be like, like when I said conversationalist,
Starting point is 03:48:50 I mean, being able to read someone, you don't want to be Mr. Flowery over the top. Talk, talk, talk. Like if you,
Starting point is 03:48:56 like you should be able, this is what it is. You need to be able to read someone and their intentions and their desires. Like, does that person want to be spoken to? Or is that a no nonsense? Don't fucking, you know,
Starting point is 03:49:04 hoity toity. Talk to me. Just get it done. Or is this someone who maybe it's their first car and they would be more relaxed if they were in a more, you know, gentle atmosphere. And you ask them like a question about themselves. Why do you want this kind of car? Oh, this will be perfect for that. Like I've never sold cars, but like with sales in any way, you gauge the person first.
Starting point is 03:49:21 You're selling yourself. That's trite. But you are in pretty much everything. If someone doesn't like you, they will not buy from you. Exactly. The slightest offense can turn somebody off. They're looking for offenses and potential
Starting point is 03:49:36 slights of, oh, he revealed these. I would often position myself as an independent kind of guy. Like, look, it's you versus them. And I'm your middleman. But don't worry, I'm with you. And I could sell that.
Starting point is 03:49:56 And so it made the process a lot easier. Even though I'm not working in their best interest, they need to believe that, or at least kind of believe that I am. Because I mean, look, they want a car, right? their best interest they need to believe that or at least kind of believe that i am because i i mean look they want a car right like it's not like i'm gonna ruin their lives or something like that i'm trying to make an extra two thousand dollars here on a fifty thousand dollar purchase i'm i'm trying to put food on my table like when i've done like like oh i'm sorry go ahead no it's it's but
Starting point is 03:50:20 it's like you said you've got some people would be guys would come in and this isn't their first rodeo and and and they'd be like hey look i'm here to buy a new f-150 i want the blah blah blah package and hey it's got to be red or black or red or black red or black and it's like all right do you know which one you want you want me to pull it up here you want to take it on a test drive like like i'm just giving nah i've done all that all right you want to see numbers yep let's do it hang on though my manager actually look he'll give me a hard time if you don't go out there and smell that thing first right so let me pull it around let's get in there and smell it and then when he comes around he asked if you smelled how the car smelled you can say it smells great
Starting point is 03:51:01 then i won't get in trouble because i gotta get him back out there to smell that fucking car before we start talking about numbers he's gotta get back in there one more time and feel how smooth the leather feels and like rev it up or whatever why are you getting him in there is that true your manager doesn't care if he's in the car right no my manager doesn't care i want him in there i wanted to go touch that 60 fucking thousand dollar truck before he sits down and starts talking to wells fargo like i don't i want him to remember why he's here. You want the car to sell itself. The car does sell itself. They're nice. New cars are nice.
Starting point is 03:51:30 He's there because he wants it. BMW has this electric SUV. I think it's called an iX or something. It looks sick. It looks sick. I'm looking at it in this commercial and my mouth's watering. I'm like, that's a fucking sick car. That's a fucking sick car.
Starting point is 03:51:44 I bet that car is $85 fucking dollars though isn't it well that model isn't that model actually starts at 105 000 and it's like yeah of course it does it's a bmw electric suv and it looks sick of course they're a hundred fucking thousand dollars is that what new cars are gonna cost now should i just swallow the pill and get me one of them six figure fucking cars because that's just what cars cost now no they're not that much are they fuck if you want a cool one if you want a cool fucking car that people go oh that's one of them those are a hundred thousand fucking dollars it looks better in black but that's it that one's europe jump out at me as standoff. Stand out, I mean to say.
Starting point is 03:52:27 I look at that car and I see one of the many cars on the road. It's got this sunroof that's got that magical glass that just turns opaque instantly. I don't like a crossover look in a really expensive car. Again, it looked better in black. Okay. I'm not loving it myself right now, but but the the one in black particularly good the interior reminded me of the tesla but it's just like this long big fucking glass panel
Starting point is 03:52:53 i'm getting to an age where a man begins to appreciate the corvette it's not my fault but uh i see a corvette and i'm like whoa whoa, American cars look like McLarens now. This Corvette is as attractive as a Ferrari to my eyes. Good gosh. Corvettes were always not quite as cool as those European ones. It looks cooler than a Bugatti to me. I think that any of our big car guests would agree with me here and say that that corvette like that that stingray corvette the 2022 2023 or whatever is the most bang you can get for your
Starting point is 03:53:31 buck in a in a car period like it's so much car for i mean look they're 90 to 110 or something like that probably and oh my fucking god like like look throw that next to any other car on the planet and i'm still like but that corvette though that looks like a rocket ship i i don't think it gives up anything to any car and the corvette traditionally did like throughout my whole life it was like oh the car vets are cool and then you're like well okay the ferrari's cooler it's more expensive this is a mid-engine car yeah i know it like it dude what does that mean people like the engine in the middle because it weights the tires better okay and you've got you've got a front in this thing yeah and but it's really hard you have to really design the car around the
Starting point is 03:54:18 engine if you put it in the middle it handles better you've got your center the engine's the heaviest chunk of the car as you can imagine it's moving it back when i'm driving we kind of lean to the left when i'm riding can you imagine when wing how often wings has to get his tires balanced all those left tires getting worn down to the wire there Is there any significant difference? Nah, there can't be. Why not? You go ask any... You go ask any... The difference between his weight and mine is what? 190? I don't know what he weighs.
Starting point is 03:54:54 Would that make that big a difference in a car's weight? He weighs four bushels. Is a bushel 100 pounds? It's a bushel of corn. I don't know. That doesn't help me know what it weighs. 21 stone. There are...
Starting point is 03:55:08 I don't know what he weighs. They call it a quarter cow. He said 426. That's what that motherfucker weighed when he came to my house. When he came to the FBS boot camp, that's what he weighed. What you're saying is he's back at his fighting weight. Time is a flat circle.
Starting point is 03:55:25 Motherfucker. It's his fighting weight. Time is a flat circle. Motherfucker. It's his fighting weight. When he came in ready to go to, what do we call it, boot camp? That was his boot camp weight. Sometimes I was about to say I'm mad that I wasted my time helping him, but y'all got to see it. I'm sure a bunch of y'all enjoyed those FPS boot camp videos. It was not for not.
Starting point is 03:55:45 But Jesus Christ to still be the exact way after after all that and that surgery to. Yeah. And the surgery. That's the trouble is the therapy. He doesn't have the right relationship with food. That's just what's up. You know, he's he's eating sugar. He's eating carbs, which are basically the same thing to your body.
Starting point is 03:56:04 And he's not like he's normalized it. He's eating carbs, which are basically the same thing to your body. And he's normalized it. He must have. He'd be a millionaire right now if instead of all this nonsense, he'd have gotten just ripped. If he was some fucking big bodybuilder dude, he could be a legitimate bodybuilder size by now. Springboarding off of that ridiculously powerful lower body that he's had to maintain.
Starting point is 03:56:30 Turn that right on in to fucking 600-pound squats for reps. 185-pound wings has got the bar bending, fucking cranking them out. He could be that guy. He could be motivational speech Walter Goggins-type um that's he could be that guy he could be motivational speech walter goggins type guy he still could be not david you ever hear that thing about walter goggins having to having to qualify for he wants to qualify for another race that's why his name is david goggins am i wrong david i'm sorry walter goggins is the guy with the teeth in uh
Starting point is 03:57:01 the the the genstones show you're. He's a fucking white actor. I'm talking about the black motivational guy. It's David Goggins, right? I'm pretty sure I'm going to Google it. He was running that race, and he had broken all the bones in his feet. And so he duct taped his shoes to his feet so they went numb, and then he cranked out like 25 more miles shitting himself as he went. So wait,
Starting point is 03:57:25 here's the whole story. I've heard it recently. So David Goggins was just getting into shape and he's, he's a big fat fuck at this time. And two 80, maybe two 80. Okay. And anyway,
Starting point is 03:57:39 he wanted to raise money for other, like a veteran friend of his. And to do it, he had to get in this race. And to get in that race, he had to run 100 miles. So he has four days notice. So he just runs. He does like 50 miles. He's not feeling.
Starting point is 03:57:57 At 70 miles, he has two broken feet. So he just tapes them up and runs the other 30 miles with broken feet and then four days later runs the other race and and this is like a paul bunyan level oh oh it gets better he has a lot of his feet like that yeah it's the i don't i don't even like him as a motivational speaker tell him about the world record i don't think i know it he had the pull-up world record he set the world record for like consecutive pull-ups jesus christ weird but okay how many how many is it how many what's the world record like a hundred is it a hundred you know pull-ups right i know the pull-up cranking them out uh i don't know what the record is it must be super
Starting point is 03:58:44 high i wonder if it's pull-ups in some period of time like in 24 hours where you um he lost the record recently to a famous person's son like a football player's son or something like that um but but it was a tremendous amount of pull-ups 4,030 pull-ups in 17 hours good did he hang that long i don't understand i don't remember rated pro-rated yeah right he just did one in 10 seconds and then they prorated it extrapolated from there i remember seeing him on instagram and he's like giving you a motivational speech and he's cranking out these slow pull-ups while he's talking to you and i'm like it's been minutes i'm the only one that doesn't like it. So here I heard this guy hired him. I forget the guy's deal, but he's a successful entrepreneur.
Starting point is 03:59:31 So he hires David Goggins and immediately he's like, well, you know, I want to see your starting spot. Let's see how many pull-ups you can do. So the guy goes and he does like 10 pull-ups. He's like, no, no, now do as many as you can do. And he does like four more. And he's like, no, no, no, do as many as you can do. He has like two left in him. And there's like rests between each one of these. And he goes, we're going to do 100. And he's like, he's at 16 and he can't do any more pull-ups. And you're going to get 84 more out of him?
Starting point is 03:59:59 And he did. And I'm like, is this even healthy? How is this good work? this is a terrible workout plan if i'm your personal trainer i'm like all right you know we're gonna do this exercise it's gonna feel like to you and you're not even gonna be hurt afterwards we're just gonna get your form right you know overhead presses with 15 pounds i know you could do 25 but we want to get your form locked in at 15 you'll be at 25 eight days from now sounds like woody's gym for pussies i'll go to walter coggins gym i've worked out arms and destroyed elbows
Starting point is 04:00:31 walter coggins will injure you on your first day i'm like this isn't even smart what are you what are you up to no that's good advice work out didn't he make him jump in the ice lake too make him jump in an ice lake or do something crazy yeah yeah he had him jump in an ice lake and his wife is like what is this insanity you brought this inspirational guy around suddenly of hypothermic and and like how is hypothermia good exercise okay yeah step one should be diet way before that you can fix most stuff instantly introduced this regular person into like outrageous feats of strength and endurance and discomfort and i'm like all right look i like it i love more about the rocky speech about the get knocked down and get back up a thing
Starting point is 04:01:20 than i am this guy who's about self-injury and mutilation that's ridiculous yeah he's about mental toughness clearly though right like that's what it's all about i don't know happy spin on it i don't know if he's like jaco because jaco is one of those like up at 4 a.m cold showers motherfuckers liar fucking liar so you talk about him not having enough sleep i've heard him address that and be like he's like he's like yeah people don't who don't believe me about that they don't know about because he goes to bed at like 10 30 he said he said he goes to bed at 10 30 and he's up at 4 30 which is like six hours right um and which is doable but but he's like he's like people people don't believe you can do that they don't know about naps oh you laid out if you're tired you laid on the floor you elevate your feet set
Starting point is 04:02:02 a time for 10 minutes you'll sleep if're tired, you'll sleep for 10 minutes and you'll wake up feeling good and you'll go about your day. And he's talking about taking these 10-minute cat naps. What a lie that is. That's not how sleep works. I don't mean to rip on the article, but you don't know shit about naps. I napped for two hours today. I can kick his
Starting point is 04:02:20 nap in ass. Jaco's head is so big that I just can't think that he doesn't know more than me. There's so much knowledge in there. That's why I always lean to Taylor if I have a question. It makes a lot of sense. I'm with you on that. I wish it were true.
Starting point is 04:02:38 I wish that the bigger the person's head, the more intelligent they were. You could just tell from a distance. Never been disproven. I can get a rough gauge on how strong someone is by looking at them. I want that for intelligence. I want to know. There were some guys
Starting point is 04:02:55 that worked on that. They had a lot of... They worked on it for a while. They got a bunch of people together. They took some measurements. Took some notes. Got their phrenology all lined up. There's got to be They worked on it for a while. They got a bunch of people together. They took some measurements, took some notes. Got their phrenology all lined up. There's got to be one thing useful.
Starting point is 04:03:16 I think Kyle might be making a German joke. Talking about those Nazis. There's a lot of bad people that wanted to be able to spot a slow person just by looking at them. Y'all have done that to my dog, apparently. I went down there and I was like, there's so many people making fun of you on the internet, dude. You don't even know. He's a cute dog, but he is retarded.
Starting point is 04:03:39 He's still laying there. He's so sad. No, he was like, who are you? in there he's so sad no he he was like who are you snack you've got running around here i took it took him out a little while ago he's hurt he's hurt now hey the fucking the other dog was like running with its like long cable lead on that i've got outside i hook them all up so they can run around the yard go crazy i don I don't have a fence yet. And this motherfucker, the other dog ran the cable into this guy's leg and he's limping
Starting point is 04:04:09 now and now he's laying down there all sad. Did it get caught on his exposed surgical hardware? I don't know. It bumped it or something. Let's call it a show so you can get to your needy retarded dog. Oh, also, Patreon. We've got that. Patreon Hangout coming up. Coming up this Sunday and Tuesday. Check Also, Patreon. We've got that.
Starting point is 04:04:25 Patreon Hangout coming up. Coming up this Sunday and Tuesday. Check out the Patreon. And also PKN. PKNs have been good recently. Check out the Patreon for that. And don't forget to lock and load discounted jizz pills. Code PKA or code jizz.
Starting point is 04:04:41 You know you want to see what your pre-comp can be. And go support drifter go support drifter wherever he's doing his thing because good god guys he's just barely hanging on to life by the skin of his man's teeth if you believe in a higher power pray for drifter throw one out for drifter tonight to whomever and whatever like like and if you're if you're into any like l eldritch gods i think they're called fucking ask them if they'll lay off of them because i think that man's been cursed anybody knows any voodoo or uh or witchcraft in general but i would appreciate it help him out because
Starting point is 04:05:16 no contact us because i'd i'd like to know what you've done to him because it's effective jesus christ they the doctors are baffled. If he even knew Vladimir Putin a little, we'd think that's what it was. Like the Russians got. I really respect how he seems to be handling it. I would not be doing it that well at all. But anyway.
Starting point is 04:05:37 PKA.

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