Painkiller Already - PKA 617 W/ The Lore Lodge: Supernatural Events, Alex Jones Trial, Tax Scam

Episode Date: October 15, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pka 617 our guest the lore lodge taylor this episode of pka brought to you by lock and load death by and of course our hard dick friends over at blue chew hooking you up we're gonna have a couple of penis related every one of them are like erect all the time all of them hard hardest can be everyone sits down in their meetings no one stands up to say goodbye at the end because they're all just turgid under the desk. Aiden, thank you so much. Is it turgid or turgid? I took
Starting point is 00:00:32 a gamble there and I was hoping no one would say anything. Because I had the word in my head. I was going to throw it out there. We all have to do what's a good one. I'll allow it. Okay? I'll allow it. Point to Taylor. Okay. Damn, starting off strong.. Point to Taylor. OK, damn. Starting off strong.
Starting point is 00:00:46 I'm keeping score. Don't worry. Do you want to talk about? Thank you for joining us. You are you're kind of in the same world as as Wendigoon. Yes. Follow in conspiracies, learning about interesting demons, tales, monsters. And I I always want to ask this when we have people on like you or Wendigoon.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Do you personally have an experience that you think was supernatural or unexplained? Yes, absolutely. And it's one of those ones that's, you know, it's not like anything super intense. It's very like almost like ghost adventures level. But I remember I was playing manhunt with my buddies. We were probably 18 because we didn't stop doing that until college. I wish I could go back. I miss those days.
Starting point is 00:01:34 But we were all we had a neighborhood like six houses that belonged to all of our families. We would just play out in those backyards. There was this one abandoned house that was right next to my buddy Tommy's place. And nobody ever went in the yard because it was trespassing and whatever. One night I decided I was going to hide back there and I'd see, watch everybody kind of run past me. I'm like, all right, I'm definitely alone back here. And as I had been walking in to the backyard, there was a plastic lawn chair on the driveway. And I just remember like taking note of that and continuing along. I'm hiding in the corner and I'm looking into the opposite yard,
Starting point is 00:02:06 not paying attention to what's behind me. And I just hear something, you know, like scatter across the ground. I turn around behind me and the chair is like across the driveway. And, and also at this point, it occurred to me that it felt a little chillier than it had five minutes
Starting point is 00:02:23 ago. And I, we all thought this house was haunted a little chillier than it had five minutes ago. We all thought this house was haunted. We'd always kind of had that vibe about it. It was always very unsettling to be near it. And so, of course, I turn around and I'm like, I'll just tell the ghost to fuck off and go back to my business. So being 17, 18, that's exactly what I did. I yell, you know, hey.
Starting point is 00:02:42 We went straight to ghost, not fox or cat. Oh, yeah. Or breeze. It was way too big of a chair. The up real it's chilly it wasn't it got colder i don't mean to ruin your story but one time i used to keep chapstick in my pocket yeah and then it wasn't there fuck dude wo Dean! Woody, did I ever tell you? Dude, this happened just last night. I wasn't that tired.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Where's this going? I closed my eyes for a split second. Ten hours went by. Fuck! Aliens! Do you explain that? I can't tell. So we all laugh.
Starting point is 00:03:24 We all think it's very funny it's hopping to the ghost thing the part is i yell fuck off to the ghost and i i to this day i swear it i mean this i heard every door in the house slam shut and i look up in the window i look up in the window in the very upper the attic window and i'm like and i i you do not want to take this to court with me sir i saw a person i saw a person i heard all the doors slam that's that's the one that i that comes to mind first out of all of them um i wish that it's a spooky experience i like like my whole childhood was spent watching supernatural like like clickbait shit you know before there were
Starting point is 00:04:05 clicks all those fox news shows that were like every commercial break they were just about to show you bigfoot's pussy like nazi aliens and how true it definitely is i'm talking about before that this is pre-cable this or pre-me having cable this is when fox would have these little like supernatural specials and they they talk about demons and ghosts and whatnot. And I wanted it. Demon goose. Yeah, goose. So it's just regular Canadian geese.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I'm open to it. And if I had ever seen anything, I would be open enough to it to be like, oh shit, I think that's a warlock. I think I just saw one. One. We got one now. But that's never happened and i don't know like like i've been in like abandoned buildings and i've spent so much time in the woods like hundreds thousands of hours in the woods and i've just never seen anything that i couldn't be like box the breeze i completely close to ghosts i think it's absolute bullshit there's never been
Starting point is 00:05:07 one i hereby challenge every ghost watching this show to come at me you pussy fucks bring it you ghost you know what if nothing will happen if i were like you said that you yelled out because that's no not with a sports injury you have to do what he's being assaulted by orthopedic demons yeah yeah you need to chant the meniscus prayer so that you're safe what i think the easy you said that you like like fuck you demon or ghost or whatever i think because that is just gonna if the ghost is real, it wants to upset you. It wants to scare you. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And so I think that's not actually the way to do it is you don't shout them down. What does a demon not want? Some fucking some fucking loser who's like obsessed with demons. And so, like, if you start acting like, are you there, Lord Bill? Are you there, Lord Bill? I was I was playing with my Ouija board and sacrificing cats, and then he's going to be like, oh, God. It's one of these ones.
Starting point is 00:06:09 You know what? I'm going to find someone easy to scare. It's a fan. Be an annoying fan to your demon, and he'll get it on. Yeah. Get in that demon's DMs. Always be in his DMs, pestering him.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Ask him. Yeah, get a ouija board i remember as a kid like it's because like i went to church and stuff my mom was like you can't play with the ouija board and it was never in my head like i want to play with it because i remember even seeing like the hasbro commercials being like that is the lamest toy there's no score. How am I supposed to play this? Like, I don't care about that. But she was always like, don't you bring one of those home? And I'm like, it's not a problem. I have no money or ride. Like, I'm not going to make it out.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I'm eight. Like, I don't know. She would tell me, like, don't play this at your friends' houses. And I'm like, what sort of losers do you think I'm running with? What year was this? You're nine years old. Don't ever drive a Ford. This was probably 1998. And so it was like in the middle of like,
Starting point is 00:07:12 they were saying that Pokemon was demonic at the time. And like, I knew that was silly and stupid. The 90s religious right bullshit, guys. The religious scare, all that nonsense. Luckily, it was born after. Yeah. Yeah, that was ridiculous. And I just always remember, like like in my head i'm like oh those idiots thinking that alakazam and charizard are demonic but in my head always i was like but
Starting point is 00:07:33 that ouija board thing they seem like really upset by this i it was it was like way later in life that i gave it more thought and i was like oh it's like kids pretending. Or usually I would imagine the most mature child manipulating it for the fear of others. When I was in college, they would do little seances in the dorms and stuff. Someone would break out a Ouija board. I actually don't think I ever did one, but I'd hear about it and stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And the deal is like six people put their hand on that little Ouija thing. None of them claim to be the one that initiated it towards the letter, but it doesn't take much for one person to make the slightest movement on this thing and everyone else to think a spirit is moving it. Yeah. I did see something like that. It's very much like a collective,
Starting point is 00:08:18 like psychological thing where it starts moving in one direction. Everyone's like, Oh, it's going here. And you just kind of all have the same response to it i remember there was um there's one guy he was on my swim team his name was dante and they were asking this spirit questions about him and all the answers were like the ones that would hurt his feelings yeah and he was very hurt it like it wrecked him and to this day i don't know if it wrecked him because he felt like the ghost
Starting point is 00:08:46 had an issue with him or my theory that he realized six people had an issue with him. I'm going with theory number two. Theory number two seems a bit more close to his head, not what really happened. Four times more than their Caucasian partners.
Starting point is 00:09:02 We gotta pump those numbers up, guys. Four times more often black people believe in ghosts. I'm just picturing a guy like, they're like, is Dante gay? And he's like, oh, no. The other people are like, oh, no, oh, no. It's going towards yes. I mean, I saw the same thing. You're right with the pressure thing.
Starting point is 00:09:21 It's got little tiny pressure points. So you're pushing down. You're not really pushing down it'd be like four of us all trying to push down on an ice hockey puck on the ice all at once it's gonna move yeah like it there's no it's it has to it has like little not lubricated feet but like i don't know what to call them teflon feet yeah like yeah a little glide non-stick gliders i like that. Yeah. OK, this makes it prone to sort of moving around on the board. Yeah, I've never I've never taken most of the stories I hear about Ouija boards, too. Seriously, it's you know, it's always been. And, you know, for me, my my field of study, I went to school for medieval studies.
Starting point is 00:09:58 I got a minor in religious studies like and kind of folklore and demonology and all of that has always been interesting to me. studies like and kind of folklore and demonology and all of that has always been interesting to me so that was something that i i looked into a ton and what i found was with uh with a lot of the demonology stuff the idea that just using a ouija board is gonna summon some sort of like you know you're gonna get like a paul yawn hanging out in your living room uh doesn't really track with any of even the established like demonology lore from thousands and thousands of years ago but what it uh what does happen is if you go in there and you go in with somebody who like has the intention of summoning something um that's where the possibility works its way in in terms of the actual like belief system behind this stuff uh
Starting point is 00:10:46 intent is far more important uh in in demonology than if i thought i could raise the demon i would but you don't but you don't really think you can you don't really believe it and so like in the thought of people who studied demonology they'd be like well you don't really want the demon that theory is often why i thought that my magic powers weren't working you didn't believe enough if i just believed more i would fly but try it again you're just a heretic yeah i like that theory i like that that's why magic doesn't work except for a small group of people who are stupid enough to believe in magic so all wizards are just morons.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Well, something interesting about like, you know, the term demon and all of that, a lot of people have like this Hollywood idea of what that means, that it's some sort of like evil spirit. Or I think in the TV show Supernatural, they make the argument that it's a human soul that's been twisted to be evil or promised some sort of power. In the Bible, you know, the term demon doesn't actually,
Starting point is 00:11:46 there's no term for demon in Hebrew. You have to get into the Greek, the Septuagint, so the Greek translation of the Old Testament, or into the New Testament, where they're also writing it down in Greek. And then you get the word daimon, which is the one that actually refers to this. And even in Greek mythology,
Starting point is 00:12:02 this is a class between God and man. So in, in Judaism and Christianity, demons are usually referenced by a term similar to like evil spirit. And what you, what you come to conclude as you actually go in and make, you know, these deeper readings of some of these, uh, I don't want to call them esoteric, but some of the less upfront books like in Genesis, it's very much like God said, let there be light. And then you get to like Deuteronomy or Numbers where they start talking about the evil spirits and the princes and the abomination of Moab, Hamash. And what you what you start to discover is demons in the Bible are not like this low powered thing. They're they're whole ass angels like they are they are fallen angels so you have for example in uh in daniel
Starting point is 00:12:53 i think it's daniel 10 14 uh he this guy encounters an angel daniel encounters an angel and the angel says sorry it took me so long to get here i was held up by the prince of persia and who he's talking about there is not cyrus the great he's talking about the the angel responsible for persia the the elhim responsible for persia so i was gonna guess jake gyllenhaal and then and then what he says after that is that you know he was stuck there until the chief prince michael came and helped him out so there's like all this really interesting lore in there about like the interactions between angels and demons and the term prince that gets used. So what you find is a lot of people have this concept that demons are some sort of separate thing from angels.
Starting point is 00:13:36 No, in the Bible, it says on multiple occasions like that the demons, the evil spirits are the princes of these other kingdoms. That always made sense to me because obviously, you know, Satan was an angel who had fallen and he had that big war with God. So, I mean, he had a bunch of angels, like a third of the angels left with him or something like that. So he loses and they all get cast down to hell and they become demons. But I don't know why they would look any different.
Starting point is 00:14:04 But the thing I always liked, and I really enjoyed that enjoyed that miniseries on Netflix called Midnight Mass. Yeah, it was a good one. The quote from the Bible that when you see them, you will be terrified. The Bible tells us this. So when they see that fucking angel slash demon slash vampire, they are fucking. It's like, oh, my God, it's eight feet tall. It looks like the devil yeah we're all terrified it has wings yeah almost every time they show up it's like be not afraid
Starting point is 00:14:31 and they're like i'm fucking afraid right now that's yeah yeah i i of all the made-up things that i've read some of the bible's one of my the more interesting of them it's uh there's some good stuff in there everything else is based off of it right like if you look like like tolkien was great with the elves and all the all the languages and the races that he invented with the dwarves and the the fucking fucking else but even his shit is based on the the the old text from the bible and that's based on some stuff for zoroastrianism before zoroastrianism is actually is. Later? Later than Jehovah? Yeah. So Judaism – so there's a large amount of contention on this at the moment.
Starting point is 00:15:15 When were the first books of the Old Testament written down? Because the oldest extant copies we have date to the Babylonian exile, so the 6th century BC. extant copies we have date to the Babylonian exile, so the 6th century BC. But a lot of the accounts that are conveyed in, for example, Exodus talk about things that happened 600 years prior to that. I was doing some work in prep for the Weird Bible podcast, which is with Wendigoon, and I think I've accurately dated the Exodus to 1206 BC because there's mention of a solar eclipse.
Starting point is 00:15:49 There's mention of... I got a feeling you're the only one who thinks Zoroastrianism didn't come first. No, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not the only one who thinks that. Yeah, me too. But even so, early... You know, I'll throw my hat in that ring. It's similar to Judaism. I'm going with Aidan to keep it even.
Starting point is 00:16:06 The earliest extant accounts of Zoroastrian belief date to about 600 B.C., as do the earliest extant biblical accounts. Now, it is possible that because these two civilizations, these two peoples, the two religions, the Jews and Zoroastrians, both were part of the Persian Empire at that time. I'm telling you, Mr. White in 10th grade may have misled me. Yes. He was lying through his teeth intentionally. But it's the thing. So Zoroastrians traditionally will date their religion to be back to 2000 BC. But so will the Jews.
Starting point is 00:16:38 And they're at the same point where they both have the artifacts, the documentation to back up to about 600 bc but there was a little tablet discovered on mount nebal in israel back in i think it was february or march and it has on it written um you know uh the curse of jehovah be upon you jehovah curse you all that it's written in hebrew it's a two centimeter by two centimeter copper tablet and the thing it dates it's it's tentatively dated to about 1200 bc in deuteronomy yeah in deuteronomy it says put a curse on mount ebal which like the likelihood that that this tablet that is this big that somebody knew about that 600 years later and accurately put it in there.
Starting point is 00:17:25 It seems very unlikely to me. And, you know, I'm not saying that Judaism is the oldest religion in the world or the first one in the world, but it is it's one of those things where you look at it and it's like, damn, that's a good PR team. That's old. So, I mean, I I don't hear any Zoroastrians ever. They're mostly in Persia. Yeah, they're mostly Iranian. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 00:17:51 I thought it was like a dead religion. They didn't do that anymore. No, there are still Zoroastrianisms out there. Zoroastrianisms. There are still Zoroastrians out there. And it's a fascinating religion. It's very cool. I think that Tolkien probably took a little bit from Zoroastrianism when he was writing the
Starting point is 00:18:05 Silmarillion, because the story that you get in Silmarillion is that Eru Iluvatar was, you know, singing the world into existence with all of his Valar and all that. And then Morgoth comes in with the discord and he can't create of his own will, but he can twist the creations of Eru Iluvatar. twist the creations of Eru Iluvatar. And Ahura Mazda and Azura Mainu, I think, is the darkness. It's a dualist religion. It's the same structure where
Starting point is 00:18:32 Ahura Mazda can create things and then Azura Mainu can only twist things. He can only, and then he can't. It's the sun and the moon all over again. I feel like every religion starts with the sun and the moon. There's a lot of dualism. Most religions are dualistic. I mean, you can see a ton of that with Tolkien.
Starting point is 00:18:47 And he took it from Christianity, too, because his big thing was like, oh, evil can't create. It can only twist and corrupt. That's why the orcs are twisted and corrupted and ruined souls of elves. Like that kind of thing. So Tolkien was just kind of a bullshit plagiarist and not very good. He was stealing from those Zoroastrians. God damn it. Son of a bullshit plagiarist and not very good. He was stealing from those Zoroastrians. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Son of a bitch. I mean, it's the same classic. There's nothing new under the sun. Everything is a reconstruction of something prior. Like, it's about how you can put it together and can you make it entertaining? Because I doubt that anybody is going to sit there and read through the Zoroastrian texts and be as into it as you
Starting point is 00:19:23 would be with Tolkien. And honestly, with him, the's the linguistics is what makes Tolkien so incredibly impressive. This guy just sat there and designed a whole bunch of languages for a world that didn't exist. That's to me, that's the really fascinating thing about the guy. I saw a thing with Kanye and Colby Covington today to their worlds collide. Right. And that's your favorite topic in the world now. colby covington today to their worlds collide right don't you love this buddy and this is your favorite topic in the world now who's colby so colby covington is a ufc fighter very he poses his right wing wears maga hats he's hung out with donald trump a little bit um so what happened was candace owens that right wing um political commentator who's a black lady i think she has
Starting point is 00:20:03 a film called like the biggest lie Ever Sold or something like that. It's about Black Lives Matter. Yeah, and it's about Black Lives Matter being a huge scam. And so they're at the premiere of this movie, right, on the red carpet. And there's Candace, her husband, very nice looking fella, Kanye West and Colby Covington.
Starting point is 00:20:23 And they're all wearing black because it's quote unquote blm's funeral this is today i saw it today it can't be more than like 40 hours old i'm pretty sure the movie premiered like today if i remember correctly how's it doing in theaters oh so so fun fact uh i i've met candace ellens i have i have met candace ellens um i met her at uh at the trump hotel in dc when i was a sophomore sophomore i think i was a sophomore in college um i was 20 years old i was not supposed to be there i i could not legally be in that room because it was alcohol being served and all that. But no, I met Candace Owens. I met Charlie Kirk before.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Charlie Kirk's got some weird tastes. He was in a hotel room across from my hotel room at CPAC one year, and he got mad at us in our room. Keep in mind, the guy was maybe 27 at the time. If that he was, he was mad at us because we were listening to music. It was like 9 PM on a Friday and he was trying to like, listen to classical music and drink a bottle of wine alone in his room. And we're all like, ah, okay,
Starting point is 00:21:32 Charlie. But no, I went in, I went in here and I was drinking scotch with Nigel Farage. And I met Mike Sernovich and I think Tucker was there. It was like, what year was this? Oh, a while ago. 2018, I think maybe was there. What year was this? A while ago?
Starting point is 00:21:47 2018, I think. Maybe 2019. Damn. So do you know the inside scoop on Kanye? Kanye was not there. I will say that much. But Candace was a weird person to interact with. She did not want to talk to anybody. Basically, her and Charlie just sat on a couch
Starting point is 00:22:05 and drank wine alone the entire time. I thought it was very odd. Personally, I never liked Candace Owens, even when she was just red for the black on YouTube. All I've ever wanted to do is sit on a couch alone and drink wine. That sounds like a great time. Well, with Charlie Kirk.
Starting point is 00:22:22 You epic wine lover. I was there with a guy who is now in prison for the January 6th riots. My life in college was weird as fuck. I bet there wasn't just one guy. There are probably a few people there. I bet a few. Aren't you all so glad
Starting point is 00:22:37 that we weren't there for some weird reason? We could have been. I thought about going to What if I had been like, come on guys we'll do a live PKA at the Trump rally. It's a huge thing. We, come on, guys. We'll do a live PKA at the Trump rally. It's a huge thing. We'll be on TV maybe. We'll just do the PKA live.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And what if you guys had agreed to it? And then we're there. And we get swept up. And then, come on, we'll do a PKA from inside the Capitol building. It'll be great. And then the next thing you know, we're all in prison. We're all in Guantanamo Bay. That has occurred to me.
Starting point is 00:23:03 At what point do i start to say no i think this is too much right mind you have a whole crowd taking over the capitol building people knocking over police they've got their riot shields they're bashing in the bulletproof windows on that building and they've taken it over and they're opening doors and and what i'm there with like 6 000 people headed this way saying no i've got better judgment than this crowd but like i could be swept up it could have i could be swept up too i could be swept up if everybody was going in and like for a moment like like but i wouldn't be there you know it when i think i think yeah if they start breaking the windows and hurting people,
Starting point is 00:23:45 that's when I know it's not my crowd, especially me. Yeah, especially you. There's no political rally I really want to go to. There's never been one where I'm like, oh, I'm there. I don't want to be around that, honestly. I'm not really a Republican. I've always been more a classical liberal, like, you know, like, paleo-conservative type. What the fuck is a paleo-conservative?
Starting point is 00:24:13 Like Thomas Jefferson, like early American founding ideas. It's like someone who loves low taxes and dinosaur bones. Exactly, you got it. I love low taxes and high taxes. I feel like whenever someone says they're a founding fathers believer, they just project onto what they would like to think Thomas Jefferson would have said about him. Well, as a Christian, you're not a Thomas Jefferson supporter. I do have plenty of disagreements. What's Jefferson's take on Medicare?
Starting point is 00:24:39 Please lay this out for me. I have a lot of disagreements with all the founding fathers, but there are certain things that like the through lines of the Constitution and all that in terms of ideology that I appreciate because I don't trust authority. I don't trust hierarchies. What through lines of the Constitution? I'm not following this. Maybe it's my lack of education. The simple just limited government, freedom of speech, expression, the right to bear arms, stuff like that. The stuff that made it into that final draft, I very much like. I think it was very well written. I think that there were some unfulfilled promises at the time. For example, all men are created equal in the Declaration of Independence. Well,
Starting point is 00:25:18 clearly not because there were slaves, but it was almost a promissory note that everything that we're talking about here, we intend to fulfill. And then, of course, it took a very long time. But a lot of people don't know that Jefferson proposed abolishing slavery in the 1700s. And then again, three times in the 1800s, Pennsylvania abolished slavery in 1780. Like they're all you know, the fact that the South still had it in 1865 does not necessarily track with, you know, what, what the entire country wanted. And I think that, you know, certain things like the 1619 project, total horse shit, like, you know, that is not a history. And I think I, what's her name?
Starting point is 00:25:55 Nicole Hannah Jones. I think she actually had to come out and retract it and say, oh, well, this isn't actually a history. This is, you know, a political treatise. And so stuff like that, though, is what I mean when I say, like, you know, I think back to a lot of the way the founding fathers were just that enlightenment philosophy of, you know, people deserve the right to be free and, you know, pursue happiness and life, liberty and property, those kinds of things. Sure. I think it's all just a fucking joke at this point. It really matters.
Starting point is 00:26:21 So it's it's best to elect the people that are the silliest. That's also fair i've been working on that as much as a person who's not allowed to vote anymore can really basically just what i do here this is i mean you're you're talking to a guy who you're talking to a guy who made his his image in his living talking about how the national park service is hiding the wendigo so like you know one of those i don't know whose it was but i saw it a few years ago and i think it was just late at night and i was a little creeped out anyway and uh you know i live
Starting point is 00:26:53 by myself and they were suggesting what they did is they overlaid two maps one of missing persons and one of the national parks and and the cave systems particularly yeah and i'd seen that movie the descent so i have that little thing in the back of my head and i'm like my heart starts beating a little bit faster i'm like i think there's something to this god damn those maps just line the fuck up like like this isn't correlation and they line up those dots are on top of each other and then i was like, of course, there's there's assholes are wandering in a park next to a cave. Of course, they go missing. They're out of nowhere next to a cave. Sometimes they go there to go spelunking.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Yeah, you don't. Yeah, those ones. When somebody goes missing spelunking, that's not exactly a mystery. It's very obvious. I've seen that. I've seen that exact map where it shows missing people and then the caves. Yeah, people are getting lost in caves. Dude, it's scary. shows missing people and then the caves. Yeah. People are getting lost in caves. Dude, it's scary. And we got a ton of caves.
Starting point is 00:27:52 We got a lot of, um, dude out in Texas. I'm glad, obviously glad you got the map out in Texas. I saw so many cool caves. I saw two cool caves. I say so many. They were so cool to go into though. You could have, you could have kept them in. I would have bought so many. I saw two.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Um, and then in Tennessee, have you guys ever done one of those cave tours? They had a couple in Tennessee. I did one in Pennsylvania. The Crystal Cavern or something like that. There's one in Tennessee that's really nice. Maybe this is like every cave everywhere, they do the same bit.
Starting point is 00:28:20 But they've got some cool lighting in there but then they turn it all off so you get to experience pitch black. And it is otherworldly black it reminds me of that substance that's like completely black and doesn't reflect any light there's zero light when you're in a cave and they turn the lights back on you're like man if you were to get lost in here it's not that kind of dark like in the middle of the night where you can fumble your way through a little bit no yeah i see shapes and shadows a little it's just you don't have eyes anymore it's so dark
Starting point is 00:28:48 there's no light dude it very I do want I saw caves in Dominican Republic and that's kind of cool because there's nobody in charge of the caves right I think the crystal caverns or wherever it is I went like there were velvet ropes involved
Starting point is 00:29:04 there were places you couldn't go as you mentioned there are lights in the dominican republic it's like can we like climb on the stalactites and they're like yeah fucking everybody does dude i won't say exact i won't so here's what happened we were in this cave we and i thought of it as a really cool experience to be allowed in this cave. And those stalactites and whatever they're called, the ones that come down and the ones that go up, they're down there. And there's a little ecosystem. And I know that whole thing about just touching one stunts its growth 100 years or something. Because it's like taking the calcium out of the drip drop water and slowly layering it.
Starting point is 00:29:43 A lot of 8 inches were broken off. I'm sure there's a millennia missing. The one we're in though, Christine and someone who knows who just was just like, Hey, can I have this? And like broke this. And I was just like,
Starting point is 00:29:59 and the guy was just like, yeah, man, that's yours. And I was just like, I won't be taking anything from here because that's one of the most awful things i've ever seen i was tiptoeing around in here trying not to kill the crickets oh yeah that guy that guy's like stealing animals from the zoo
Starting point is 00:30:15 i couldn't believe he broke it off but there were uh there were those scorpions that glow in the dark and uh like really disgusting meal but the the ground in there is is like it must be the most fertile shit ever because it's just like dead crickets for all of eternity it's just this brown loose stuff that's full of meat like worms wiggling around it's gross in there and it's hard to get in but it was really cool experience the ones in tennessee were like you said, lights and ropes. Sounds like you go to the Dominican, things are a little looser. Am I allowed to go there?
Starting point is 00:30:50 Am I allowed to go to the DR? I hope so. Why wouldn't you be able to? Because I'm a fella. Does that mean you can't travel outside of the country? I think the Dominican Republic... Wait, really? They're like dozens of countries. They won't have me. Wow, I did not know that. Most of the heavy hitters... Think of a country you'd like to go countries. They won't have me. Wow, I did not know that. Like most of the heavy hitters, like think of a country you'd
Starting point is 00:31:05 like to go to. Name one, quick. Australia. Australia will let me, Ireland won't. I mean, it kind of makes sense that Australia would let you. It would be a little hypocritical if they didn't. It's part of their heritage, right? I like Kyle's knowledge on this. He's got a list somewhere
Starting point is 00:31:24 that he's just like crossing off where he can't. yeah so there's certain places i cannot go to and there's certain places i can i'm wondering if one of my felonies just rolled off my back the other day when biden like signed that piece of paper and now now i've only got one a single felony to my did you see that that uh that executive order he wrote or whatever it was about pardoning – that very specific marijuana offense actually is going to release zero people from prison. We were talking about 6,500 people. 6,500 people would have their marijuana charges expunged from their record, but there's nobody being released from prison as a result.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Oh, from prison. Yeah, zero people getting out of prison because of it. And also, if you have the possession charge, the odds are you have like three more to go with it. Yeah. Like, probably not. I mean, I know I did. There's like nobody in federal prison
Starting point is 00:32:18 for simple possession of marijuana. It's like trafficking charges are what get you in, and they also tack on the possession. The thing is, trafficking doesn't always mean what you think like i learned that through kyle's experience where i don't know if i should well they were trying to say that like like kitty runs like a uh a soap and um candle making etsy business one true lane over on etsy and uh uh goodbye her stuff and uh um they were trying to like make her like she's got all these presses like hydraulic presses that make bath bombs and it's they're they're forcing like
Starting point is 00:32:51 chemicals together and it's a little bath bomb you throw it it smells like shit and the bubbles but but it looks crazy because there's big there's powders everywhere and devices to package them and so many ups slips and like all the and scales you know like the electronic scales for for package um label making so they're trying to like oh this kyle guy he may have only had half an ounce but we just we just didn't catch him when he had 50 kilo moving through the way so like they joke they joke around about trafting for a while because it was a joke because there's i mean they tested everything she had and the scariest thing is baking soda and uh but but the the the intent to distribute is me offering marijuana to my girlfriend and like a text message
Starting point is 00:33:34 like that's insane you might think like that's the thing i didn't want to say out loud that i didn't know i don't give a shit and you may think to yourself like how ridiculous like like who offers marijuana to their girlfriend a text message what what the text message was was like hey you want to smoke tonight i rented like iron man or something like that it was like it was literally something like a regular pablo escobar it was like i got iron man you'll get high watch it but not until after i kill my ops sweetheart yeah i gotta head back out on the streets and collect my money. Got to run by and get some extortion money and traffic. Yeah, it was much nonsense.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Were they like, I don't know the story of what happened to you super well, but I do remember like, you know, I think I was, God, probably like 12. It was like, I got caught coming out of um i was coming out of the post office and um what happened was i had had a everybody makes it sound like i ordered the drugs off of like an illicit website but but what happened was my dealer here in georgia got arrested so now i don't have a dealer and i like mentioned this to a friend uh and she was like oh that sucks i mean i could send you some stuff and i was like nah i don't want you getting in trouble and she was like, oh, that sucks. I mean, I could send you some stuff. And I was like, nah, I don't want you getting in trouble. And she was like, ah, who cares?
Starting point is 00:34:47 Who gets in trouble for weed? And so a friend just was mailing me a little bit of weed every now and then. But yeah, they smelled it, I guess, at the post office. And so there was a whole sting set up. So as soon as I took possession of it, they're like, someone's about to get their mail. Yeah, it was a whole thing i you know i had to go it was at the post office at a uh in a uh p.o box and uh the first red flag was it wasn't in the p.o box so i had to like go to the counter be like hey i got a slip in my p.o box did i miss a package and i i either she didn't know or she's a good actor because she just i really wish she'd
Starting point is 00:35:25 like winked at me or like squeezed my hand twice or something because the fucking agent is right behind me in line he's right there so what was it connected to what you were doing on youtube or was it just total luck of the draw this happened uh i think that that makes me a little bit more of um a catch in some ways but uh but it was just stupid me and bad luck i should have moved out of the state years before then i shouldn't have been or i should have been having my friends send me send me weed that's a thought but then you'd have less weed but then i'd be fucking sober all the time and who wants that yeah exactly yeah so um we all assumed it had something to do with the guns at the time. Like that.
Starting point is 00:36:08 No, there was a thing, though. Like they had some. I don't know exactly how it works, but they have these point multipliers that could impact how long he was in prison. And like every gun and maybe every specialized gun, like full auto or silencer or something like made it worse. Now, all the guns were legal. Everything was okay. I was going to say, that's a lot of guns. But they assume in the law that the guns are related to the distribution.
Starting point is 00:36:32 In Kyle's case, of course, they aren't. They're related to this YouTube channel where he's Russian. But they're like, yeah, yeah. YouTube channel where he's Russian? Yeah, yeah. But the prosecution wants to tie the guns to the Netflix and chill. They're trying to say that these guns are part of my criminal enterprise. I use them to protect my drug business.
Starting point is 00:36:53 That's what that law is meant for. So they go after this drug dealer who's got three guns on him. And they're like, okay, one's for him and two is for his lieutenants. They're protecting the drug business. Each one of them another three years. Nine years plus the five we gave you, 14, go. But in my case, they try to apply
Starting point is 00:37:10 the same thing to me. And at some point, they stopped counting guns, but they didn't run out of guns before they ran to the limit of years they can tack on for guns. You had like 100-ish, right? That's a good estimate. Yeah, over 100. I think it's like 10 or something. Or maybe it maybe it was five maybe like five and each one is like
Starting point is 00:37:29 two years or three years it was going to add like another decade or so and then also if you get if they do the trafficking thing and then i had a gun whose serial number was slightly obscured because it had been professionally painted to like look silly you know like a gun from call of duty and they were trying to use a law that's meant to get people who destroy serial numbers and try to apply that to me. That's another decade mandatory. So that's why I said, okay, possession with intent. Let's go. Because I didn't want to deal with all of that craziness.
Starting point is 00:37:58 The law said obliterated serial number. That's how the law read. Obliterated. Yeah. I might have mispronounced it. Altered or obliterated. That that like that's how the law obliterated yeah i might have mispronounced altered or obliterated that's the okay and um i was like what is that and there were i was cautious about even asking kyle details because every time i have a secret to keep then that's something i have to very carefully censor myself i'm on this microphone five hours
Starting point is 00:38:21 a week and so i didn't even know some of these answers but i'm like did kyle fucking scratch off a serial number like i i didn't know and i didn't need to know you know and i later found out yeah yeah and not not only did i not scratch one off but i'm like one of the few guys who can like because i've got all that oh the the the ffl and the sot all that paperwork i can take your gun grind that fucking serial number off, and change it to anything, including nonsense. I can make it Shit Stain 101, write it in my logbook. This is a Browning shotgun, serial number Shit Stain 101, and it is legally Shit Stain 101.
Starting point is 00:39:01 If it ever gets, I could sell it to somebody registered them now they go and do it do a crime with it it goes to court as a piece of evidence they're like yes sis yes sir your honor this is browning serial number shit stain 101 that's what it legally is now i'm the guy who can do that kind of shit so the idea of me painting over a serial number to hide it on my own gun is that law's not meant for me yeah it doesn't make sense so that was the situation for people to know what the story is, we didn't say it just now. He took the gun to a pro to be painted, maybe like a Call of Duty
Starting point is 00:39:29 gun, like a special camo or something. And they got paint in the serial number. This isn't some random person. This is what they do. Snow camo. Snow camo, okay. And then they used Kyle of obliterating the serial number.
Starting point is 00:39:44 That was just bullshit. That's not fair. Yeah. The very most obscuring it slightly. Yeah. And he's allowed to. Well, I mean, if anything, it's like on that gun, that gun did not have a very legible serial number.
Starting point is 00:39:59 But it can become legible with like your fingernail, some spit, maybe like some time, you some time. We just need to hit it with some crayon. With the light, we'll be able to tell. It's paint. It wasn't engraved. Anyway, I don't want to talk about that anymore. The audience heard that so many times ad nauseum. I don't want to talk
Starting point is 00:40:18 about it, but I know they're done with it. Do you want to talk about Colby Covington more, or is that right? I just think that's so hilarious he's such a fucking good troll he knows how to inject himself so well into those scenarios you know like like that that's that's really good trolling on his part kanye might get canceled for real black people are kind of done with with him white people are signing off now that i got a feeling that a big part of kanye's audience is white people like i i would say i i believe it's 65 70 of his like money audience people who pay to like get his
Starting point is 00:40:51 shit it's white people and then the rest is is other people's but he's he's turned off both groups now i think uh i think jp morgan debanked him like Yeah, they dropped him as well. I think he's got until the end of November to find a new bank. Last week, I predicted that Kanye wouldn't get canceled. He's just a special guy. Everyone looks at him through a different lens and he can wear a White Lives Matter shirt and they're like, yeah, it's just Kanye being
Starting point is 00:41:18 Kanye, right? He says weird things. Dropping the Jews directly into conversation was not a good move on his part. I didn't i saw that he tweeted that he was going to go after jews and i saw never a good thing to say death con three death con three but i said death not death which was also not great and then he was on tucker carlson and oh zach has the tweet. I'm going to read it. I'm a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up, I'm going death
Starting point is 00:41:47 con three on Jewish people. Funny thing is, I actually can't be anti-Semitic because black people are actually Jew also. You guys have toyed with me and tried to blackball anyone who ever opposes your agenda. Can I throw out a couple things about the terminology death con three?
Starting point is 00:42:04 Okay, so first of all, he's a rapper. He's all about changing the way words work, and he's a self-proclaimed genius. So I'm just going to assume that he knows that it's actually DEFCON, D-E-F. And I don't know what D-E-F. I bet it's an acronym or stands for something, maybe defensive posture or something. In any case, 3 is a lower thing than one. Defcon 1 is when we're launching nukes, I think. It's when the world's about to end.
Starting point is 00:42:32 And five is the most chill. So for him to go to three is kind of in the middle. It's like a we're observing thing. I'm going to go mild on this tomorrow. I'm going to give this some thought tomorrow, everyone. You're right yeah three what the hell I'm pretty sure that 90%
Starting point is 00:42:51 of the time that Kanye tweets something he's not entirely sure what he's talking about so yeah yeah honestly the fact that he says death and death if he picked the number three he doesn't know any of that stuff see that's where i am i don't know because i at the same because you'd either go one you've heard his music though he's capable of of this kind of like lyrical like like he could he could be making a pun there he could be i don't
Starting point is 00:43:15 know much about by going death con because maybe saying death and con as in conning you out of something maybe he's trying to say something there between the lines. The question is, is he playing 3D chess or not? Is he dumb or is he outsmarted? The only thing he is good at is writing and being a wordsmith.
Starting point is 00:43:36 That's his thing. He sells those hideous clothes, those stupid fucking shoes, the social media nonsense. All of that is bad. The only thing he can do is write and you're gonna tell me he doesn't know that it's def con i don't know maybe he's just an idiot and i'm and i could be i think you made an excellent point with the number three thing if he was familiar with the term def con he would have gone like DEFCON 5, time to start fact finding or like or he'd be like DEFCON 1
Starting point is 00:44:08 I'm gonna get real on Facebook live tomorrow. We go in nuclear on Israelis tomorrow, DEFCON 1 like if he said that I'd have understood that he understood things but I think he's actually mentally ill I saw them on CNN, they were saying mental illness is no excuse for
Starting point is 00:44:24 anti-Semitism. And I was like, isn't it? Seems like it really is, though. I was caught off guard. Did you see he was on Tucker Carlson's show? And that they edited out the parts where he was crazy? So he and Tucker were talking. Anytime he hit a talking point that, say, Tucker's been hitting for years, they kept it in the show. Anytime he said something wackadoo that they wanted to
Starting point is 00:44:48 not portray him as a mentally ill, crazy person, they edited it out, and it was left on the cutting room floor. There was a part where he said something, he was like, you know, and you know what? I just said that, and they're going to interpret that a different way, and that ain't what I meant. Can we edit that out? And he was like,
Starting point is 00:45:04 yeah, no problem. And then it's like, I'm reading this on the toilet. Y'all suck! I feel bad for Kanye in that because if we're going to have an interview where he's going to be like, you know what? That came out wrong. That ain't what I mean. That's just what fell out of
Starting point is 00:45:20 my mouth right now. Can we take that out? He took it out of the broadcast but how does it get leaked? You should have said it. We don't edit this, but you can expand on this and explain what you really mean. How did it get leaked, though? He did it. I don't know. It's not in the broadcast.
Starting point is 00:45:36 But I've got the transcript on my phone. Leaked it. Same thing that went on with that punch at the basketball practice. Got leaked by an insider. They still don't Same thing that went on with that. That punch at the basketball practice got leaked by an insider. They still don't know how that's leaked. It's I need to find the whatever staffer suddenly has a new Benz. That's who whoever's driving around in their new Mercedes Benz TMZ TMZ money because I'm sure they made a lot from there.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Like it must be be i think they got paid 170 000 maybe zach can fact check that are you guys familiar with the second half of that tweet though what he was talking about with like the black people are the real jews thing yeah with kanye i've heard like israelites thing i've seen videos of the hebrew israelites very aggressive they do not uh they don't care for white people. It's very like, and it's weird stuff that's rooted in like pseudo history and all that. I had a whole thing on TikTok earlier this year
Starting point is 00:46:35 and late last year where I was arguing with this woman who claimed Rome didn't exist. And yeah, yeah, that's a conspiracy theory. It's there today. Yep. She claims that the city of Rome was built in 1515 A.D. or something like that. OK, well, she's just non. Oh, no, she's absolutely.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Go back to like Charlemagne and like 800 and see that he's making his coins look like Roman coins because he wants to like stand up the old standard. But that's the thing. The saddest quote. of the old standard but yeah that's the thing the the saddest quote this woman had a hundred thousand followers who like wholeheartedly every single one of her videos were like thank you for preaching the truth the world needs to like i'm sure there were some of them in there trolling but for the most part because she she would delete any comment that did not agree with her it was hilarious that's like after the fall of the germanic tribes kept putting roman fucking faces exactly for a hundred years.
Starting point is 00:47:26 It makes no sense. But that kind of pseudo history and stuff, when people get deep enough into it and they don't have the education to know it's wrong, or they assume that the reason you're after that person is because they're a woman, which was me. My case was apparently I'm sexist for calling you out on being batshit insane. But that infects people's minds and they start to believe it and if if you're not constantly like shutting that shit down um you know i'm not saying to censor it or make sure people aren't allowed to say it or whatever but you know somebody's got to be out there being like okay fun fantasy story you've got there but uh no um otherwise you get to things like kanye west saying it's death con three on
Starting point is 00:48:06 jews like if you don't nip that in the bud it becomes a very very is it uh is the black israelite thing or is it something different that like white people are demons like not real people i i mean it all rolls into the same kind of like black hebrew israelite hotep like all of that different stuff all does come from a black supremacy standpoint um and any kind of like black Hebrew Israelite, Hotep, like all of that different stuff all does come from a black supremacy standpoint. And any kind of racial supremacy, in my opinion, is just really fucking stupid because, you know, people are
Starting point is 00:48:33 people are people and people have their things that they're good at and things that they're bad at. You know, somebody being black is not going to make them bad at math. Like, you know, that's kind of where I lean on. It's like, you know, people are individuals.
Starting point is 00:48:46 There's 7 billion of us. I'm, I'm really interested in what evidence there being that Rome isn't there right. Just now. There's no, no, she believes that Rome is currently there.
Starting point is 00:49:00 I can just, I can find the live feed. What do you have? You've been to Rome. Isn't, isn't that? He believes he's been to Rome. I saw it. It's there.
Starting point is 00:49:10 This lady was arguing that half of Rome was constructed by Mussolini in the 1930s. She's a troll, man. She's a troll. I wish she was just a troll. I think that smart people who are good at making arguments have a real problem with their time being wasted by two forms of people, the mentally ill and trolls.
Starting point is 00:49:29 OK, if if you're a person who's capable of realizing that all of the many reasons why Rome existed, you're at least of average or above average intelligence. And that should be utilized elsewhere than disproving a mentally ill slash troll. And that should be utilized elsewhere than disproving a mentally ill slash troll. Because no one with a sound mind who's put any amount of effort into studying the thing thinks Rome didn't fucking exist. That's crazy talk. That's silliness. That's a joke. All it would take is one example of them being like,
Starting point is 00:50:00 hey, new evidence reveals Sparta not as old as previously thought, and then you'd have a million billion of this going around like, and the pyramids? I bet there is one for the pyramids. The pyramids are older. I believe the pyramids are much older than we think they are. Well, some of them, like the ones at Giza were
Starting point is 00:50:19 thousands of years old by the time Cleopatra was a person. Yeah, exactly. They don't even know who built the fucking Sphinx there. And I, I remember that thing from the history channel before when it used to be the history channel, when they claimed there was water erosion at the base of the, the,
Starting point is 00:50:34 the Sphinx. Yeah. I don't know. I like to believe that that's like much, much older. Like, I don't like the way that the ancient Egyptians, they like dipped their toe in the Sphinx pool to try it out and then went back to pyramids.
Starting point is 00:50:46 You found a better, cooler type of monument. I think that was some older people. I think that was some cooler people that came before them. There's a movie called 10,000 BC. It's a terrible movie. But they put forward in that movie that I think
Starting point is 00:51:02 they go into Egypt and it's kind of a tropical-ish Egypt. They've got mammoths that they're using to move blocks. movie um that like i think they go into like egypt and it's kind of a tropical ish egypt and you know they've got mammoths that they're like using to move blocks and they're building the pyramids like in 10 000 bc so there's all the saber-toothed tigers and mammoths and what we would think of as like the hunter-gatherers that would have lived back then and and those people are just in awe by an actual civilization they're being a little bit like Apocalypto in some ways. Kind of similar notes. Have you seen the...
Starting point is 00:51:30 Who knows how true or reliable this is, but they apparently are now saying maybe those big stones that they used in the pyramids weren't quarried and moved. They also knew at the time how to mix components and let it reset into like limestone i've seen that i've seen that which seems really cool i don't know that that's i don't i don't know i i just saw it and was like what oh he's a mini american eskimo oh that's fucking cool bro that's
Starting point is 00:51:56 a nice dog he's adorable he's awesome all right his name's archer that's a very archie archie american eskimo yeah he's awesome this is how big he is compared to me. I thought you might have like a Pomsky or something. He's a little bigger, a little longer nose. He doesn't want to look at that bright screen. Kyle, how are your pups coming along?
Starting point is 00:52:17 They're screaming. I hear them. Are they huskies? They're screaming. I have a Malamute and I have a Bernie's Mountain Dog slash poodle, a Bernie Doodle. Yeah. And the Bernie Doodle is nine weeks old, and the Malamute is nine years old. About the same level of development.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Yeah, they're coming. No, the old one is not retarded. He's just a Malamute, not a husky. That's the difference. I thought he was a husky, but I didn't know Malamutes existed. They got those derpy ass faces. He's a smart boy. I'm sure he is, Kyle. Malamute tried to eat Archie when he was a puppy.
Starting point is 00:52:52 He is smart. My mom thought I was smart, too. Always eating with his mouth, pooping with his eyes. I think my first grade teacher during a parent-teacher conference told my parents there was a fine line between gifted and criminal. And my parents
Starting point is 00:53:08 were like, he's seven. What do you mean? It's like, well, he's getting 100 on his spelling, but then he's making a torch out of it. Okay. I did threaten to stab one of my classmates with a pencil, but in my defense I was seven. Well, see, you should have
Starting point is 00:53:24 just pulled the trigger on that. Then no one took you seriously the rest of grade school i'm sure they're like oh there's old dry fire big mouth pencil stab threat you should have right that's why i got bullied so so every now and then um i discover something that's just gigantic and like i had never known about it before and i'm like ah there's a corner of the like universe or whatever that I didn't even know about is that what the metaverse is am I the only one who thinks it's a joke that Facebook has spent 13 billion dollars
Starting point is 00:53:54 on something that looks like one of those free games off the Xbox marketplace looks like Sims 2 the joke is not Facebook spending the money on doing it the joke is the people who are paying Facebook to use it like but apparently there's spending the money on doing it. The joke is the people who are paying Facebook to use it. But apparently there's very few people actually doing it. I can't tell what's true.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Everybody's making fun of the metaverse right now. I think I read story after story. I read 30 people were on it. 27. 30 people? That's. That is so small. I could live stream right now and pull 10 times the numbers the metaverse is pulling, if that's true.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Any time of day. Jesus Christ. I mean, that is horrible. That's unbelievably low. People would, like, accidentally make their way there and have a stroke on the keys, enough to log in. Like, it's hard to imagine that something with Facebook behind it can fail that tremendously. Yeah. And I've seen it, like, on YouTube videos and stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:48 It doesn't appeal to me at all. It looks terrible and boring. I don't know why anyone would have an interest in it. And how meta Facebook has bet the house on this is crazy to me. I mean, I'm not super surprised by it when you see how many people out there like you know pay for an only fans like at some point there's going to be people who are desperate enough for social interaction and status that they're they're gonna start paying money to own property in the metaverse and have a girl oh my god i saw that guy who had the house the guy object to you saying only fans people are desperate for interaction
Starting point is 00:55:20 not anymore 799 baby i've solved that problem now i've got this problem it says someone here spent 450 000 to buy a fake house near snoop dog's fake house in a fake neighborhood this is yeah it hurts me it's a little bit like um is it nfc why am i losing it nft nft thank you yeah people were like dude dude dude in this universe you need to pay a lot of money you can get near snoop dog you can be you can live near joe rogan online you can do whatever like this is the place where you want to be people were investing thinking that they'd be able to resell it and make a ton of money it it hasn't happened like that metaverse properties are a lot like nfts now and that no one seems to think they have any value which is bitcoin going
Starting point is 00:56:13 that way i don't know there's not a lot of money to be made betting against bitcoin long term but is this time different there's not a lot of well yeah i i don't know about bitcoin that seems to me like um something something that's all i mean it has utilities there's lots of reasons to use bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general if you're moving money around and for large amounts or secure my murder securely or yeah yeah whatever whatever you're buying bathroom is not going to pay for itself no it's not but um but but the nfts like that was just a bridge too far for me um even when doug was on the show doug's lost a tremendous amount of way i saw doug yesterday in a video talking about that poker lady he's like i'm 95 sure she's cheating and i'm like
Starting point is 00:56:57 yeah me too it's like obvious that bitch is cheating uh but but um he uh he was trying to sell some of those things and i wonder if it's just probably just makes sense for somebody who's invested in them every time they're on a platform to be like yeah everyone listening this you really need to invest in these things that i've already invested in as soon as possible like like that's probably his bid he's probably just trying to like you know sell the stuff that he owns but i was sitting there like no i don't want that that sounds insane why would i want that and i i saw the one that um logan logan paul bought with some like six hundred and fifty thousand dollars yeah it's gone from like 650 i have 670 it's worth like 20 i heard 10 20 for it i would just like to that's where i couldn't even believe it like hey this thing that he paid 650 000 for is now worth 10 i feel like enough people would
Starting point is 00:57:56 be like 20 yeah he could make more money literally printing it out autographing it and auctioning his autographed nftsTs on eBay than he could make from selling the NFT itself. Yeah, for sure. That and it just didn't make any sense. What was the other thing we were just talking about that seems just as made up?
Starting point is 00:58:16 The metaverse? Oh my god, that's the property in the metaverse. That's the silliest thing I've ever heard of. I can't imagine what what they're thinking the i have a hard time stack ranking the silliness kyle i'm not sure whether the answer to the math problem which is bitcoin or the proof that you're registered to own a picture which is nft or the online property is the silliest of these three i can tell you the
Starting point is 00:58:44 answer to the math problem seems to be the one that's worth the most right now, but I can't tell you what its utility is or why. Why people need the answers to these Bitcoin math problems. I don't know. Well, with Bitcoin, it's very much following along with kind of the gold standard idea of having a finite amount of a currency because the US dollar is essentially worthless. It means nothing. It's backed by the US military. That's why the dollar
Starting point is 00:59:08 has value. It's a pretty good reason. As soon as we lose control of the petroleum industry, we're fucked because basically the dollar is backed by oil. Every single country in the world has to buy dollars in order
Starting point is 00:59:24 to buy oil. Isn't oil backed by dollars? I mean, that's what you got to use if you want some. It's it's Russia. Well, that's the thing is Russia, I think, made an agreement with China that they would be buying in rubles. OPEC just bucked the Biden administration, which is not a hard thing to do because they have no teeth. But bucked the Biden administration was like, no, we're we're cutting oil production. Sorry, like you, you don't get to say. So the world is moving in a direction where the U.S. dollar, which, of course, you know, you have to buy oil on the dollar. Therefore, the dollar retains value. That's that's going away, which is going to be a really big problem for us.
Starting point is 01:00:03 And if you basically any chart you look at of the U.S. economy, after 1971, shit goes off the rails in a way that's bad for everybody except the government. And that's the year we got off of the Glass-Steagall, I think it was. If everybody wasn't using dollars 20 years from now, if everybody's not still using dollars 25 years from now, I would be more surprised than if you found a ghost. I think we're solid there. And the U.S. military is a really good reason for something to be valuable.
Starting point is 01:00:31 It might be the greatest reason ever. And we say the Biden administration has no teeth, but I bet Russia disagrees. Yeah, I would say so. We're sending scarier and scarier stuff. It concerns me a little that we're sending so much stuff because at some point, like. Isn't that our stuff? How much do we have? We're doing different. We're getting into them in different ways. I think we're doing some Lend-Lease stuff, right, where they'll have to pay us back.
Starting point is 01:00:58 But they're also just like sometimes Germany will have a bunch of missile defense systems. And so we'll pay Germany to give their systems to the Ukrainians. So there's a bunch of missile defense systems and so we'll pay germany to give their systems to the ukrainians so there's a lot of that going on and then and then obviously biden got like it's somewhere in the neighborhood of like neighborhood of like 30 billion so far that he's given to ukraine like it's it may be more than that now and i noticed that russia's like i think it's way way more than that. Russia's annual defense budget, like the, what they spend on their military is only like 60 or 70 billion.
Starting point is 01:01:30 And we've already given like a considerable fraction of that to Ukraine this year, ourselves, not counting what everybody else has given. It's a, it's no wonder the Ukrainians are doing so well that, and they seem to be much more into fighting than the Russians are. The Russians just seem bad at it.
Starting point is 01:01:45 They don't want to do it. They don't want to do it. Centralized command is a problem. Their logistics are a problem. All right, I get it. Motivation is an issue, or morale, I meant to say, is an issue. But it seems like their entire command structure and the idea of just loading it all on trains.
Starting point is 01:02:02 I think motivation was a good word for it. I can't fight. I cannot fight for you even if I believe in the cause unless you keep me fed and warm there's no way not long term maybe this week i'll put it in i'll go hard for you boss hungry and cold i'll fight all week but what are we gonna do next week my feet are rotting off now i have no argument against that you need to feed and warm those are core things you have an ineffective force if you don't have those. I read 1.5 million winter uniforms have gone missing.
Starting point is 01:02:31 I think it's Napoleon. This is going to show how third-class Russia really is. Winter's coming, which means snow is coming. Everybody's going to have to change uniforms pretty soon. We don't wear green uniforms when there's
Starting point is 01:02:46 snow on the ground we wear white uniforms ukraine will have white uniforms i guarantee it we're not letting our kid go to t-ball practice without the right cleats it ain't happening russia on the other hand i love that analogy i bet they're showing up with some dolly parton has this song called the coat of many colors. And it's about being so impoverished and so poor that when wintertime came, her mother sewed together all the scraps of cloth around the house and made a coat of many colors. And she's saying about how she loved her daughter while she sewed it.
Starting point is 01:03:18 And she went to school and they all made fun of her coat of many colors. It was really just because she was too busty for the normal jackets, like two other layers. But yeah, but she had big tits fun fact has a lady too always has always will gives a lot of books to people has a nice little theme park in tennessee if anybody ever wants to go dolly would um but in any case um the russians aren't gonna have winter uniforms they're gonna be wearing their greenies and they're not going to have white uniforms and it's going to be funny i guarantee like drones are going to pick them off constantly i i don't have that confident i think if if russia needs something i think china is going to give it to them no fucking way no china's not even they're not acting like friends
Starting point is 01:03:58 right now china china needs us involved in this war so that they can fuck around with taiwan like that's i think that china's backing off just enough to make it seem like they're not a problem, but I could very much see if Russia gets to a point where they need uniforms, fuel, and food, I could absolutely see China doing it. They've needed all those things for months. Russia is nowhere near committing its full strength right now. We saw what they did just this past week with the airstrikes. Russia has been limiting themselves.
Starting point is 01:04:30 The only reason Russia is getting embarrassed on the world stage is they're not really trying. That's a solid theory. The entire world is making fun of Putin. Suddenly he's gone from this badass guy who wears rides bears and shirtless on horseback, wishing he was our leader. Now he's a fucking joke in platform shoes who's
Starting point is 01:04:54 gay. You heard it here, folks. I've got some friends who are i he's on his platform shoes and he's gay it's like like third grade bands our president guess what putin you're gay the perception change in putin he's a he's an international embarrassment i think the theory that he's just not really trying and that he's emperor has no clothes i mean i don't think it's much but i don't uh not to not to get too argumentative about it but i don't think it's so much of a theory is like if if you look at objectively he is he's not committing his full
Starting point is 01:05:42 and i think it's because he wants more of ukraine than just don bass so i think he's not committing his full strength. And I think it's because he wants more of Ukraine than just Donbass. So I think he's trying to avoid a, like, you know, airstrikes on civilian targets kind of war. Do you think that's why they're giving away so many tanks? Because they just don't have enough fuel and they abandon them and they let the tractors tow them away? Because he just probably doesn't, like, care. No, I think that he's playing a much longer game. I think this is a war of attrition for him. This is a long game. Okay, a war of attrition.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Well, look at the united states if you look at the u.s right now when when putin invaded the entire united states population was very pro-ukraine let's you know let's support them let's give it all we've got the world i think even the biden administration like the cia if i remember correctly was convinced this war would be over in like a month and a half and that ukraine was going to lose completely uh and then it kind of ended up going a lot longer because ukraine did a much better job of fighting than anybody anticipated but uh now we've got u.s special forces on the ground we we have green berets in ukraine that is as reported by the intercept that is the case right now the cia and the green
Starting point is 01:06:39 intercept from where i need the intercept the intercept i don't know i don't know what that means it's it's a a it's a news organization. It's on the it's on. It was it was it was founded by Glenn Greenwald. But we've got we've got special forces on the ground. We're more involved than than was being led on. So that's that's one issue with it. And then there's also if if you look over the last six months, U.S. support for the war among the population is rapidly declining. A lot of people are saying, hey, you know, why was aid for Ukraine and a hurricane relief bill for Florida? What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 01:07:14 So I think I think for Putin, there's a few. He's still got options on the table that are not just I think that at the very beginning, it was a blitzkrieg. That was the goal was we're going to go in, we're going to overwhelm them and we're going to get the territory we want. I don't think he ever planned on going west of the nipper. Um, but I think he's come to a point where like now there's a couple options. Either he can go full throttle and do airstrikes on cities, maybe use tactical nuclear weapons. Um, you know, any number of things, uh, there's the possibility that they're going to route, uh route nuclear weapons into Belarus so that Belarus can launch the nukes, which means that Russia didn't do it. I don't know about
Starting point is 01:07:49 nuclear weapons at the moment. That seems a bit far-fetched. But the other possibility is if he can just keep the war going and keep the Ukrainians needing more and more assistance from the West, he can kind of, he can bleed the West until... Oh, you're so wrong about that. Your theory is that Russia is going to bleed the West. And your theory is that he's giving away tanks and artillery. I didn't say he was giving away tanks. He is. I did not say that, though.
Starting point is 01:08:14 You said he was fighting a war of attrition. No, no. You said he was fighting a war of attrition. You said that he was playing the long game. And what's actually happening is Ukraine will be like low on ammo. Then they take over this school or whatever. Then they have all the rounds they need. That's not how you win a war of attrition.
Starting point is 01:08:28 I'm reminded of this scene in Moneyball where all the baseball experts are like, man, this guy hits really well. When he hits it, the sound of the ball coming off the bat, it dings. It pops. You should see this guy. He's like a fucking tiger with muscles stretched over his skin or whatever. And they're all brand he's like and then brad pitch character is like hey if he's such a good hitter why doesn't he hit good why is he getting on base like i can see his his batting percentage if he's a good hitter why doesn't he hit good and everyone's like ah well you know you got to hear the ball come off the bat then you'd be more impressed if he's such a
Starting point is 01:09:04 good fighter why doesn't he fight good right why isn't he why is he losing all this territory why is he losing his tanks i think they're holding back um what are they holding back like specifically they are this airstrike last week was like that was the first time they'd done that they hadn't done something like that before i understand like the missiles they shot i i understand what he's saying with the cruise missile thing because i did see something about them shooting way further into ukraine than they had previously however this like idea that russia could bleed the west like it's mismatched as far as resources like russia's the one getting bled right now they just had their
Starting point is 01:09:42 main source of income taken out of the equation their main bargaining chip over germany and western europe their supply of energy seized away from them they're losing billions of dollars from that like they and it makes europe more dependent on us for for support and energy and so like it russia should be freaking out because on the global stage they are losing in a serious big way like we we are seizing more influence from them so like the the bleed them out thing i definitely don't see that like we the u.s is on a geopolitical stage but fucking russia we are we are having elections we have an election in a month that could easily no one cares about this totally no okay so we have an election you keep talking about the people are going to think this and that. But you're going to have two
Starting point is 01:10:25 candidates. Which candidate is going to say, and my opponent, he sends money to those dying children over in Europe that are being killed by Vladimir Putin. Can you believe it? And he's going to stand up and say, yes. And I intend to send more if you elect me. And they're going to stand up and fucking clap. Because that's how it works. No one is
Starting point is 01:10:41 going to win on the platform of turning the gas off to ukraine while vladimir putin's destroying their infrastructure so they freeze this winter we're going to get like as much money as we can for as long as they'll take it and we should relish the opportunity i mean when americans are struggling to pay for groceries it's not going i run on that platform. You'll be your local mayor. But nobody fucking cares about that jargon when it comes to signing $40 billion over to Ukraine.
Starting point is 01:11:11 We're going to do it. There's a lot of sitting politicians right now who are asking that question, though. Which ones? Matt Gaetz, Dan Crenshaw. There you go. I bet there's a bunch of scary Republicans like republicans that have that have their seats sewn up and are like provocateurs who will do anything to go anti-biden but i doubt there are any people who have elections to win who are going to say boo because but dark brandon's out there now and
Starting point is 01:11:37 he's feeding the ukrainians and he's making the republicans look dumb left and right in the like in our election the ukraine shit is not going to be a big talking point like you look at what people are surveyed on what they actually care about it's all to do with the economy and that's the consumer price index skyrocketing people energy food all of this is going up in a way that hasn't been seen in pervy weight also that's what like that's what's going to be the big thing that's what i'm talking about that for us that would resonate a lot more yeah i agree with you that like i don't to be the big thing. That's what I'm talking about. That's what I mean. That would resonate a lot more. Yeah, I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:12:06 I don't think the Ukraine thing is going to get brought up that much because people are a lot more concerned with what's going on. I don't see it at any point being like, you know, the Republican candidate gets up there and says, I want to stop funding the Ukraine war. And the Democrat says, well, I want to keep funding it because that's a losing issue for the Republicans. That would be stupid. But when it comes to situations. The Republicans, if they get back in charge, they will be all about giving the money to Ukraine. And it will be the Democrats the whole time that didn't want to do it. They all do this. They all want to fund it. Yeah, I don't know. The way I'm looking at it is in a situation where the United States continues being able to have its citizens buy food without a problem,
Starting point is 01:12:42 buy gas without a problem, all of that, we would absolutely fund Ukraine indefinitely. But I think there's going to be a lot of people who look at it and they say, all right, well, we just sent $50 billion to Ukraine and Flint doesn't have clean water. We just sent $50 billion to Ukraine and Florida has just been wrecked by a hurricane. We just put out a new aircraft carrier too. Did you all see that thing?
Starting point is 01:13:01 You know what that is? Nobody fucking cares. It's cool as shit. But it was also signed off on a decade ago like so cool dude it's probably not even cool anymore it's the coolest one it's the newest one ever i'm not i'm not saying i'm not saying that i'm not saying that russia can win the war if the u.s is involved i'm saying if they can hold off until the u.s is no longer involved they will win that's that's what i'm saying the u.S. is involved. I'm saying if they can hold off until the U.S. is no longer involved, they will win. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:13:28 I don't think the U.S. will get involved unless the Russians go and attack a member of the NATO. I don't think they will get involved. I really hope we don't. But I hope we keep sending them anything and everything they want, as long as they won't do
Starting point is 01:13:43 anything, attack Russia on their territory. I did see one thing that was a little worrying. So the Russians claim that they've tracked the path of that truck bomb that took out the bridge, and seemingly the explosives came in through the same port that both sides have agreed to leave open for grain shipments. So it went from there and like bounced around um in behind rush into russia and then came over the bridge you know and what's that that's the
Starting point is 01:14:14 pole i think is the the city the port oh that i don't know but uh but i just conclusion we're to draw from this path i'm not they're not supposed to be put um the the agreement disallows weapons uh going through that port they're leaving it open so the grain can flow out of there and the world doesn't starve uh and russia and ukraine and everybody else has agreed okay leave that one open so if they moved explosives through there to blow up russia's bridge that's not something that's good for anybody yeah and it was really cool did you? All right, let's talk bombs because I've made a bunch of them. Let's talk. That was awesome.
Starting point is 01:14:48 That was awesome. So I choose to believe that what they had there was 5,000 pounds of like high explosives, like artillery shells and stuff like that or something. It wasn't just like a Timothy McVeigh bomb. No, no. Okay. And then something
Starting point is 01:15:05 about this and i choose to believe they used like they did it on purpose they hit those rail cars full of fuel that are adjacent like over there and immediately hit like seven or eight of them rupturing them and that's what caused all that fire so they fucked they fucked both sides that's a good point i i didn't my dumb ass didn't even consider it wasn't a coincidence that there was a train full of fuel next to the explosion. It must have been shooting shrapnel is what I'm saying. I'm imagining shells. If you just have, I don't know, a big pile of C4, for example, that doesn't shoot as much shrapnel.
Starting point is 01:15:38 The truck goes everywhere. It kind of vaporizes. But if those fuel things are getting ruptured at that distance, which looks like 70 meters or something, maybe less, whatever, there's like shrapnel, lots of stuff hitting it. And it happened to immediately pop them and ruptured them. But it would have been fine if it wasn't gas train day, right? The trucks can't go across the bridge now, like the semi trucks. I think maybe they're letting them over like one or two at a time because they're worried about the fucking vibrations on
Starting point is 01:16:06 the road that's left. It's fine for mom and pop to drive over, but these trucks full of food and military stuff and just supplies that normally go into Crimea to fill their stores and supermarkets. Did they shut the channel down for food? This channel is where
Starting point is 01:16:21 there must be a tall part where the boats go yeah there are 900 uh semi-trucks in a line waiting to go across this bridge right now on the wrong side of crimea if if i understand it right now if you take a current picture there'd be a barge next to it repairing the bridge and not the vehicles passing over yeah oh yeah i'm sure just just a really quote to be very clear i i don't want Russia to win. I do want Ukraine to win. I just wanted to make sure that was clear.
Starting point is 01:16:50 I'm just like, I'm skeptical about the current situation. We need simple binary answers here. I want Ukraine to win. I hope Ukraine wins. But I'm also just like, I'm very cautious about believing how much they're winning. I'll take that vote, too, if he wants to take a vote on Ukraine winning. I think Ukraine is going to they may end up with less territory than they had, but not by a significant amount.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Not but not like those four territories that he's annexed and all of Crimea. Like it ain't going to be that where they're getting more of that back and they're getting peace. And if the U.S. stays involved, if the U.S. stays involved, there's, I would say, like 1% chance like Russia has any shot of winning. If we're involved, even just pouring money and resources, like just doesn't seem like they can keep up. Like they just they don't have that capacity. Maybe I'm wrong. I also don't know fucking anything about any of this. So who knows?
Starting point is 01:17:45 You have a platform you're required to speak on this topic. That's what I do. I speak authoritatively about things I saw in passing while playing Magic. We talked before about who took out the Nordstrom pipeline. I don't know. There is an argument to be made that Putin did it. I don't think that makes sense to me. I think we talked about on pkn like you just look at like who wins the most from it and who loses the most like russia takes the biggest of l's losing that money and that bargaining power meanwhile who's coming up you know smelling like daisies the u.s who now is getting more control
Starting point is 01:18:23 over europe's energy. We're going to offer to fill in that gap, I guarantee. And Russia, uh-oh, sorry, Putin, billions of dollars that you just spent on that infrastructure? Oops, it's not paying off, is it? Because now you can't do that. And you can't hold your energy providing over the head of Europe to get them to do what you want. Five lines, $25 billion.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Because that's why Germany wasn't giving money to Ukraine, because Germany was afraid of Russia. And so now this being eliminated. He wants the German people to not support this Ukraine war. He wants their prices to go up. He wants them to be freezing. He wants them to have an energy crisis. So Putin wants to stop selling energy to Germany.
Starting point is 01:19:01 But he can't just stop selling it. Otherwise, the solution is easy. He doesn't want to stop selling energy to Germany. He makes a ton of money, billions doing that. He wants Germany. He was trying to break the will of Germany. That's the argument that people make. He wants the German people to stop supporting their government's support of Ukraine. The counter argument, I mean, today I read that Putin offered to continue giving Germany gas through Nord 2, right, the other pipeline. And they said no.
Starting point is 01:19:31 No, both the Nord Stream pipelines got hit. That's the thing is prior to this hit, neither of them were even actually transporting natural gas to Germany when they went out. Apparently, they haven't been transporting natural gas to Germany for a little while. when they went out, there was, apparently they haven't been transporting natural gas to Germany for a little while. So that's the question is like, why would Putin hit his own pipeline?
Starting point is 01:19:49 That was not already, that was already not transporting gas. Yeah. Like it does. To use it as a. It was transporting gas to Europe. Like I saw the gas bubbling up, right?
Starting point is 01:19:59 There was gas in there. To use it as a threat. He would go, I'm turning your gas off. He wouldn't destroy his own infrastructure. There's a problem. You can't do that. Because then the solution is put in someone other than Putin who will turn the gas back on.
Starting point is 01:20:12 By breaking the pipeline, he gets to stop selling it and he gets to keep his job. No, that doesn't. No. But no, by breaking the pipeline, he's removing the influence he held over Europe by being their principal provider of energy. When those pipelines are destroyed, now Germany doesn't feel the threat of the gas being turned off or turned down because it's already been taken off the table. But now he's executed on that threat. The German people will go cold this winter. The German people will not want to participate.
Starting point is 01:20:43 He could have done that anyway with turning it down and not destroying tens of billions of dollars. Then Putin puts himself at risk because they'll put someone in that chair who will turn it back on. What makes you think that? By breaking the pipeline, he gets to have his cake
Starting point is 01:21:00 and eat it too. He gets to stop selling it to Germany and he gets to not be under threat of them finding someone who will sell it to germany no he's bombing his own cake and feeding the remainder to the united states if that's what he was doing like that he's destroying his he's destroying his his principal source of income in the middle of wartime like he needs that fucking money yeah so neither but the pipelines were switched off when
Starting point is 01:21:25 they were hit um neither of them was transporting gas to germany and if i remember correctly i they actually had a whole thing with austria a couple weeks ago where they almost shut off their gas shipments through austria to italy because they wanted to make sure they were actually going to italy and not getting rerouted to Germany because Germany is the energy crisis. So when you say it wasn't going to Germany, do you mean that Germany wasn't purchasing the oil that's clearly being shipped to their country? I know it's going elsewhere, right? It's going to...
Starting point is 01:21:56 No, no. The Nord Stream pipelines were not... They were switched off. Then why was it leaking at enormous amounts? They had methane. They had methane in them to keep the pressure that i don't know i just i just sent you the i i sent the the article i don't want to write an article right now it's it's from ap it's it's pretty short but uh spoon fed but the point is
Starting point is 01:22:15 they weren't they were not transporting oil or gas through the pipeline well is that relevant though like yeah because that they weren't there that there wasn't gas moving through it at that instance. That doesn't change the fact that Germany was planning on getting some gas out of there at some point this winter when it got cold. They always have. I could be wrong. My understanding was that the pipeline, like whatever agreement they had, the pipeline was not transporting gas. And and that's why it was kind of confusing. This happened.
Starting point is 01:22:44 It does have methane in it to keep it pressurized but uh you know again i'm not a gas expert like i don't know how this shit works yeah but still i don't understand like that's their pipeline it's where they get their gas they didn't have it turned on today irrelevant my understanding my understanding is that it has been switched off when for a while uh that that's just my according to the uh i don't know why like i'm you're you're making these points and and i feel like you're getting at something but i don't know what it is and i all right so so here we go in this in this specific case when it got and here's why i'm i'm skeptical about everything but in this case it had been shut
Starting point is 01:23:21 off for a three-day maintenance issue. So according to this article. According to this article, in recent weeks, it had been running at 20% of capacity. Yeah. I don't know what to conclude from that. I'm with Kyle on there. Like, oh, it's running at 20% capacity. Does that just mean they didn't need 100%? They couldn't do 100%?
Starting point is 01:23:41 That's all the Russians were giving them? I would imagine it's all the Russians were giving them. Because Germany did want more. Germany's got all those fucking ads and shit out there now. You don't need hot showers. Conserve energy. Do this. Their costs are going up greatly. That's why it makes sense, to me
Starting point is 01:23:58 at least, that those Nord Streams are a huge bargaining chip and income source for Putin. And for him to lose that weakens him dramatically. I can't remember what China pays per barrel of oil, but I don't think it's what they get from Germany at all. I think it's a significant discount. Can you fact check me on that, Zach? Because I think I read something the other day that the Chinese were paying way less.
Starting point is 01:24:24 They would much rather sell their shit to Europe than the Chinese. My understanding is that now they're selling it to China, and China is then shipping it to Europe or some shit like that, something ridiculous. That's so China. Oh, yeah, the Russians make money, the Chinese make money,
Starting point is 01:24:43 and then Europe is just fucked because they shut down their nuclear plants. I'm surprised the US military is not buying it for an extra high price. No, we're also selling our strategic oil reserve to China. To China? Biden sold something like a fifth of our strategic oil
Starting point is 01:25:00 reserve recently, and I think it was like a million barrels of it went to China if I remember correctly. Why would we do that? Who fucking knows? He's been emptying the strategic oil reserve to keep gas prices low.
Starting point is 01:25:16 The oil reserve is lower than it has been since like 1945 or something. Oh, that's good. 1945 classic good year. 1945 or something. Oh, that's good. 1945, classic good year. Jesus Christ. Well, I mean, it was probably high because the war was ending
Starting point is 01:25:36 so we stopped holding on to so much, right? China being at the top here makes sense. It's supposed to be like during peacetime, it's supposed to be uh like during peace time it's supposed to maintain a certain number of barrels um and i guess now uh we decided that this is not peace time anymore um for us so our prices like they're anticipating it's going to go up it's anticipated that after the midterms our prices are going to skyrocket. Yeah, if the Republicans, I don't think it matters if the Republicans win or not.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Basically, they're suggesting that they're keeping gas prices low so that gas is an issue for the midterms. And then I think the Saudis just released a statement, which it's the Saudis, so you can only trust it as far as as far as you're willing. But basically saying that Biden or the the u.s requested that and when you hear u.s read state department so uh the biden state department requested that they hold off on cutting production for a month which no they asked him to hold off on the announcement for a month like yeah okay i know you're gonna fuck us by lowering your oil output but can you
Starting point is 01:26:42 do it after the midterms? Yeah, exactly, which is what Trump got impeached for, but they're just all so... They're all fucking crooks. Every single one of them. They are all crooks. Woody, game three tomorrow. Are you nervous?
Starting point is 01:26:58 Are you nervous? Are you? The Bravo's heading on up to Philly. Blanked you out last game. Haven't scored a running. I mean, the way I recall it going is we went into Atlanta and split games with you. The other question is, are you embarrassed? You haven't
Starting point is 01:27:10 scored a run in like 15 innings or something like that. Yeah, not since that first win. Yeah, that's just the part that embarrassed you in your own field. We won. We won 7-6. You won 7-6. Are you embarrassed?
Starting point is 01:27:25 And now you've got to go to Philadelphia, which is one of the hardest sports cities to play in in the country. You guys got to go there and play two games. Luckily for us, we're playing baseball, though. Y'all have to go. This isn't a sport. This is a game. And look, we were saying before the game, I would hate to have to go in there and play the birds undefeated in Philly. It would be scary to go to the NFL game.
Starting point is 01:27:50 I bet they're chunking batteries. Probably. I hope so. Philly's fans, we're not scared of you. People say America has no culture. They didn't even see us throw batteries at Santa. Yeah, exactly. Dude, I would love that.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Like some guy in a hard hat from Philly, like holding a handful of D cell batteries with that picture where it's like, it's a culture, not a costume. It's so awful. No, stop throwing that.
Starting point is 01:28:16 How do you, what is the only Philadelphia accent? I know is Dennis from always sunny dude. And he is kind of Phil. Is that, is that even close to how Dennis was sounding? Oh, Rob,
Starting point is 01:28:24 Rob McElhenney and Charlie day. I don't know about the guy who plays Dennis, Glenn, Glenn Howard, and his kind of philly is that is that even close to how dennis was sounding oh uh rob rob mclean and uh charlie day i don't know about the guy who plays dennis uh glenn glenn howard uh how howard something like that yeah but i know i know i rob and i think charlie are both from philadelphia so that's you're you're getting a legit like philly accent from that well his his his like over the top philly accent always struck me. You know the episode I'm talking about, Kyle, of course. It seems like Aiden does as well. I live it. It's a great shot.
Starting point is 01:28:51 I'm looking forward to the game. We've got a little bit of money riding on this. Taylor's team's already knocked out, so his $5 is up for grabs. Yeah, Taylor. Have we had a PKA episode since the Cardinals got butt-fucked by the Phillies? No. No, they lost. I think they lost both of them, right?
Starting point is 01:29:08 Because it's a best of three. Yeah, you guys got swept. Yeah, they got swept in the best of three. That's kind of a... By the team that I just care for. And I care so much about the Cardinals. This was the first year they made that a full three-game series. And years past, you played one game, winner take all.
Starting point is 01:29:25 Would have been the same outcome. We just doubled down on you guys. It's like double penetrated, really. That's the baseball term for it. The Cardinals just got absolutely piped. Spit roast, some might say. I think as a baseball knowledger, I think just based on the logos themselves,
Starting point is 01:29:50 the Phillies are going to take home this series. Now, where did I get that? Now, you're probably asking, where did you get that? Look at the shape of the Phillies logo. What does that look like to you? Baseball diamond. A baseball diamond. What sport are they playing?
Starting point is 01:30:04 Baseball. Meanwhile, the Braves, this has nothing to do with Indians. It does have something to do with Indians. Tomahawk. You give me nine Braves versus nine guys who play baseball from Philadelphia and the guys with the bow and arrows are going to fucking win every single time.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Yeah, but not by the rules. Because they'll shoot them. Not by the rules. They'll'll shoot them. Not by the rules. They'll be defeated, but they'll cheat. They'll shoot them with bows while they're trying to steal second. We're going to scout your second baseman before this is over. No, I like your interpretation of baseball. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:30:39 I don't know who's going to win. Braves are the better team. They should win. They're slightly favored. It wasn't a big win. You know, it's going to come down to pitching, and who wants it more? Shut the better team. They should win. They're slightly favored. It wasn't a big... It's going to come down to pitching, and who wants it more? Shut the fuck up. Why aren't they winning?
Starting point is 01:30:51 That's a question. They are winning. They won the last fucking game. You didn't score a run. You didn't score a run. It's tied, and we just played two games in a row. Good luck scoring a run next game. Winner will take $15 home. Unless I'm the the winner in which case i am taking my five dollars from taylor and we are going double or nothing with that on november
Starting point is 01:31:11 14th when the abs take on the st louis blues in colorado mind you wow this is not gonna look good we're gonna keep a messy affair only i think we only play like two or three times this year the next one's not till like december or Dude, by the end of like football season, someone's going to be a millionaire. They're going to go double or nothing again. But yeah, I'm pretty excited that the Braves might go back to back here with this World Series thing. It wouldn't be too hard at all.
Starting point is 01:31:41 If they can stay hot and injury-free, then they should be. Stay hot? You lost a game at home. I mean, we were coming back in the end. How many runs did we score in the ninth? It was a bunch. Less than you needed. Looked real good. I can't
Starting point is 01:31:59 wait to watch the game tomorrow. In Philly. In Philly, yeah. I'm glad it's in Philly. I mean, it's going to be a whole series, right? Then the next one will be in Philly, and then they'll probably come back. It may be three in Philly. I think maybe two in Atlanta and three in Philly and then back.
Starting point is 01:32:11 They may not come back to Atlanta. Might not come back. Might not make it back to Atlanta. You never know. They'd be the first to repeat since the Yankees 23 years ago. Damn. Yeah, going back to back would be...
Starting point is 01:32:23 Going back to back would make up for like what they did to my childhood and only winning one series with Glavin Maddox and Smoltz. Like it's a travesty. Bobby Cox should be, we should find where Bobby Cox is in his mansion with all that money that we paid him to lead, to manage our team for that decade and just drag him into the street and
Starting point is 01:32:42 tar and feather him for Januaryuary 6th on that mansion what do you win like 14 pennants in a row like four he took the east 14 times in a row but but one one series that means he was in the post his record in the postseason was 1 and 14 for going all the way like that's like when you look at it that way it's pathetic that's really bad like you get to do this tournament every year every year for for, for, for over a decade and a half, for almost a decade and a half. And you want it once. Yeah. Bobby Cox, Chipper Jones deserve better. I don't know anything. I don't know much about baseball, but I did see like a lot of clips of Mets fans like melting down oh if y'all want to see some great videos go on youtube and just search mets um meltdown 2022 the mets melted down in a historical kind of way this year they were 10 and a half games ahead they lost it lost their division then got swept in the playoffs by the lesser team that they got forced into playing because they lost the division it's the first team ever to win 100 games and be out of the playoffs like that.
Starting point is 01:33:46 It's wild. It's one of the biggest collapses in modern sports history. I mean, and I'm from Atlanta, right? We lost the Super Bowl to Tom Brady a few years ago. Yeah. Okay. The most spectacular of fashions. That might be the worst meltdown in all of sports history.
Starting point is 01:34:05 If you're taking into account how significant it is like this wasn't some like friday night game you know where somebody was ahead by five or six scores and they just lost it no this was the fucking super bowl and we went into halftime all those scores i remember watching that game as a freshman in college uh i was i was at penn state so of course it's straight just entirely pittsburgh and philadelphia fans with a few new york sprinkled in so everyone was rooting against the patriots uh but we all left we left at at this point in the game that's on screen right now because we were at primanti's and we were like all right you know this is this is this is there's no reason for us to stay here this game is over we're gonna go home you know have a drink do homework whatever and we all about 45 minutes later we're like what the
Starting point is 01:34:50 fuck happened yeah yeah that that picture that you just showed there that that that little whatever you want to call it that that picture of that scoreboard with the time stamp and everything atlanta atlanta falcons fans you could win three in a fucking row you could have a you could have a dynasty you could have your own tom brady who like one ups him and wins eight rings and 10 fucking years they still throw that bitch up they'll still throw that up and you'll still have to say yeah you're right because that is fucking pathetic the fact that it was like two minutes in the third oh my god there's's one division in football that can take down Tom Brady in the Super Bowl. It's the NFC East.
Starting point is 01:35:29 No one else can take him down. Yeah. So the Mets collapse was historic, but that's the all-time collapse for sure. I can't think of anything worse than that. I mean, I saw a viral clip from the big heavy guy who's like the Mets dude, I guess, with barstool and him just like screaming i guess after atlanta had beaten them three times in a row to steal we sweat them to steal the division yeah and like he's one of those guys who's like respond like reacting over
Starting point is 01:35:57 the top but like you could even tell he's like almost crying seemingly like every year it's the braves every year like freaking out about it and I'm like I guess there's a history with the Braves and the Mets and the Braves yeah like it's not as upset as I am as the Braves fan who I'm like yeah 14 years in a row we went we only won the one all 14 of those years the Braves I mean the Mets were get the ones taking the L right like maybe they weren't number two maybe they were number three. But they lost the division 14 years in a row, no matter how you slice it. And now it's four or I think it's five more years in a row now
Starting point is 01:36:33 because the Braves have gone five in a row now taking the division. Jesus. Suck it, Mets fan. Suck it. I don't know. I mean, I don't know anything about the Mets. He had his rally cap on. Did you see he had his rally cap on?
Starting point is 01:36:46 He's crying with a rally cap on. It's great. I feel like maybe you have a rivalry with the Mets because the Mets and Braves, I guess. Look at the budget. Zach, don't you feel bad for the Mets fans compared to the Yankees? Because that's got to be heartbreaking. Like being in a city with one like really fucking,
Starting point is 01:37:03 like the fucking Yankees. And then how many championships do the Mets have? I would guess way fucking. I have a hard time feeling sorry for a city that's capable of having two professional baseball teams when I barely have one. And and and we don't even have a hockey team. The Braves budget. What do you call it? What is it?
Starting point is 01:37:22 What you pay for all the players? What's that? Their salary cap salary is like 80 million less than the mets the mets are like 280 and the break okay okay well here we go yeah i nailed it they're 280 i think the braves are i nailed it i knew all right perfect um so like you see with 80 million less and to humiliate them that way dude going in and sweeping them for their division. That's that is really heartbreaking. Like I can't imagine being on the receiving end of that,
Starting point is 01:37:51 that, that, that would suck. And I'm not even that big of a fan. I mean, I got a couple of jerseys and like, I care. I got,
Starting point is 01:37:58 I get bummed out when we lose, but like some of those diehard fans that like take it super seriously where they're, you know, somebody is a diehard fan when they've it super seriously where they're you know somebody's a diehard fan when they've forced their whole family into having the gear and like their wife is really into it she knows players names because she loves her husband like i i i never experienced that did either of you have households where there was like a sports type thing going on we're like ah
Starting point is 01:38:21 browns are playing saturday everybody knows we're all around the the tv i remember this attitude in my house like like mike tyson was a really big deal when i was like a young adult and uh he would just win fight after fight in like 90 seconds i had never seen a boxer that ran across the ring and met the other guy practically in his own corner right and he would just wrecking people. And I'm like, dad, dad,
Starting point is 01:38:47 the Tyson fights on. Let's see. Let's see. And he's like, Mike doesn't come and watch me at work. That's what, that was the sports attitude in my house. I have a little bit of that too.
Starting point is 01:39:00 Yeah. I kind of a similar thing. It was just, and I don't think that it really came from my parents as much as it did from me. I think that I was just a little bit jaded as far as it came to sports always. Something about the mercenary nature of professional sports is it's hard for me to get behind the way that everybody's going to the highest bidder.
Starting point is 01:39:22 And if you don't lock players up like i can remember years watching the braves when i fall in love with players and be like oh man that's my guy that's my guy fucking oh he freddy freddy hit one oh great and then like that guy's gone and he's the dodgers signed him up and he's never coming back and like you know getting that guy back and he's legitimately a nice guy like like he he's gone like like that That's why MMA is so much easier to get behind. The only thing that's going to change is his sponsors. Somebody different was going to pay that same guy to go break people's heads. It's still the same guy.
Starting point is 01:39:52 If he leaves the UFC, he's probably at the end of his career. My father did watch the Sixers. I just wanted to throw that out there. He took us to a couple games. My dad watched nothing. He still doesn't. I don't think he has ever watched a sports game on purpose or gone to one on purpose when it wasn't directly to support me.
Starting point is 01:40:10 If he wasn't coming to my baseball game, he wasn't going to watch a baseball game. My grandparents, my mom loved the Braves. They watched all the time, and I spent a lot of time with them. What I like to watch is real heavily influenced by them for whatever reason like i love schwarzenegger and uh and um alien and all those movies because that's what i watched when i was with my grandma and we watched the braves with my grandpa on uh you know on the in the afternoons but but it again it's it's always been hard to
Starting point is 01:40:38 get into those sports because roster is going to be all different next year if it was the same guys and those guys had to have been born in my state man that'd be cool like i get that's a little crazy like now new york's just going to trounce everybody in cali like the places with big populations i hear you and it is a little mercenary but i always felt like college was even harder like so in college they play for four years at most and they're really only good usually the second two years right freshmen and sophomores don't usually lead teams sometimes but don't usually so really you've got this guy for like one two years who's the leader of your team and then it's gone every year you have a different team it's hard to be a fan of anyone when you
Starting point is 01:41:23 get one year to watch them or two. Unless you're Penn State, in which case your quarterback has been on the team for like six or seven years. Yeah, they look young up there. Fucking ridiculous. Sean Clifford needs to go home. And he's doing really well right now, but like if we don't beat Michigan on Saturday. I get what you're saying. No, you're absolutely right.
Starting point is 01:41:40 And there's a – when you've got a pro guy that you're a fan of, like if you're a fan of brett farve then like he's got his whole career to like get that w for you and him because you are you guys are in this together right but if like matt matt stafford was the qb at georgia and it was like come on matt let's get one let's get one let's not and and throughout his tenure i'm probably a little off on this, but we were top ten every year, if I remember correctly. I think there was a year or two where we were top five, maybe bounced up to third occasionally.
Starting point is 01:42:12 But not only was Bama in the wings, Florida was there. In those years, Florida was the problem. It was the Tim Tebow Florida. And it didn't matter. Those four years, we don't get to win because Tim Tebow's there and he gets to win. I don't know who else won a championship in those years, but Matt didn't matter. Those four years, we don't get to win because Tim Tebow's there and he gets to win. I don't know who else won a championship in those years, but Matt didn't.
Starting point is 01:42:29 And now, I can't remember who he's playing with now. He's really having a hard time. Well, he's in the NFL. I bought that. I've been watching too much SportsCenter. I bought that stupid package the other day so I could watch the baseball game. And it just comes with everything.
Starting point is 01:42:42 So now I've got SportsCenter again. Zach says he won a Super Bowl who did matt stafford he's playing for the rams won a super bowl i don't know when the blues and the abs play this year though for our bet kyle when the blues and abs play for our bet i i'll get on discord with you and explain what's going on in the hockey game. If you're going to watch it, I'll be like, you can be aggressive about it. You can be like, what the fuck was there a whistle? And I'll be like, because that guy crossed the blue line without the puck prior to the puck crossing. It was offsides.
Starting point is 01:43:18 Why is that whistle? And then I'll explain icing to you. And it's okay. Nobody gets icing the first five or six times you explain it. Oh, yeah. You've explained icing and offsides to me i understand offsides um icing um i i couldn't explain um offsides i mean it's fairly self-explanatory you might get some of the finer points wrong but everybody can understand what that is no i could get into hockey um
Starting point is 01:43:40 every time i check like the abs aren't playing i guess i need to I need to figure out when they're going to play and record the game and make sure I watch it. You picked a good team to follow. Did hockey get rid of the two-line pass? It's legal now, right? Yeah, you can do a two-line pass. Yeah, you didn't used to be able to for people who don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:01 Yeah, it used to be not as fast a game. And I think that was a good rule to make it faster the um the uh the ufc fight is what the 22nd like a week from now yeah now yeah yeah like like next that's that's gonna be a big event i think charles beats him everybody he's it's like three to one odds against charles and i think charles wins who's the matchup all of Charles Charles Rivera versus Islam Makachev and I think that Charles takes it he's the fucking he's just such he's so fucking hungry I don't know like that guy wants to win and he's gonna do it I think he has eight losses and everyone gives him a hard time about that and you were saying I think that Khabib didn't have as good a resume I looked at it more Khabib's resume is better than you gave it credit for.
Starting point is 01:44:46 He beat Pettis. He beat Gaethje. He beat Conor McGregor, or I might say the ghost of Conor McGregor. He's got some good wins on there. Charles beat all those guys faster, more handedly, and he did it in a shorter period of time. Back to back to back.
Starting point is 01:45:01 He beat Conor McGregor? Without missing Sefer Conor, and that's the one that come on it's hard to measure him because he loses every fucking fight since 2016 except for cowboy i mean i mean your boy beat ala quinta to take the belt so i i can't even believe that everybody everybody he was a monster that night he went the distance i don't know what was the deal with conor mcgregor because he was like i remember being a freshman in college and everyone wanted to watch the conor mcgregor fights we'd all get together and like all that but i and then by the time i started paying a little bit of attention i feel like he was constantly losing he's a whiskey
Starting point is 01:45:39 man now and he stopped fighting as often that's the. Conor is in there to do this hit-and-run, miracle-in-the-ninth kind of thing and sell that story and make as much money off it as he can. He's not the kind of fighter who wants to go in there and defend his belt eight, ten times in a row and make his living. Or once. Or even once.
Starting point is 01:45:58 Because what's the point? It's about winning the belt. Now you've got it. That was the whole thing. I got it. Now we've got to do another thing. And that's kind of what he did. And he turned that into hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars.
Starting point is 01:46:07 And he still is the biggest draw in mixed martial arts. If he comes back tomorrow and he fights, name a person, it'll be one of the biggest pay-per-views of all time. Just like all the biggest pay-per-views of all time were Conor McGregor. Like the top five, there might be one Tyson slid in there somewhere, but the rest of them are Conor McGregor. Sounds like a good businessman. And he's got that whiskey.
Starting point is 01:46:28 I mean, he is a good promoter. The Irishman came up with a whiskey company, and it went well. You know, like, every time I see him, he's winning. People can make fun of him and say he looks old. It's like, dude, he's got a big, scruffy beard, and he's showing himself, like, beet red from the gym yeah he looks like shit i bet if he like takes a shower and makes that hairline look right it'll be okay every time i see him he's on a yacht getting his dick sucked y'all are acting like you all don't want to be conor mcgregor and beating up
Starting point is 01:46:57 old men jesus you saw that i told him not to film it you know what I want someone to like do a parody maybe this is asking too much from a UFC fighter but I want whoever one of the trolls is to film themselves giving head on a yacht where they're like
Starting point is 01:47:20 life's feeling good and then like it doesn't show anything and pans past a nice dinner, a beautiful scenery, and then straight to a wrecked dick. And then he just starts going at it. My view, so Connor did it on a beautiful yacht in front of a mountain range with a Chardonnay in his hand or something.
Starting point is 01:47:38 I want to see some lower tier fighter do it in a canoe next to some dirty river. He's getting a rim job in a port-a-body. A rim job in a port-a-body with a 40 of old English. I've been thinking about this a lot.
Starting point is 01:47:57 One thing that makes the UFC so good is its WWE nature, the entertainment side of it. Everything else is a sport. Baseball's a sport. Football's a sport. MMA's not a goddamn sport. There's a name for that kind of
Starting point is 01:48:14 combat, right? Do you know it off the top of your head? I don't know what you're going for. MMA's not a fucking sport. It's a fight promotion. UFC is a fight promotion, and there's a name for like mixed martial arts like that technique i can't think of what it is it's something is that what you're going for it's something like that sure yeah okay in any case
Starting point is 01:48:32 it's a fight promotion so it has nothing to do with who's good or who's bad it's all about what's interesting and what the fans want he's putting on a show for you like vince mcmahon does and he's got the bet don't don't don't misunderstand He's got the best talent in the world, minus maybe two or three or four guys who are just holdouts for whatever reason. He's got the best talent in the world, and he's making it interesting. There's like plot lines.
Starting point is 01:48:57 This is like a soap opera for an adult man. I used to watch my mom watch Young and the Restless, and I'd look and just scoff and be like, who cares whose baby it is? They made it up last week! So Kyle, I kind of agree with you. It's part of why I like watching basketball.
Starting point is 01:49:16 You're like, hey, this is more than just a sport. This is a promotion. There's storylines, etc. Dude, when I watch basketball, I'm watching, I don't know how many players have podcasts now six ten like a half the fucking league has podcasts that draymond green up there scores eight points a game and considers himself like the leader of the new media he's punching his teammate did you see that i saw that that dude that dude scores eight a game
Starting point is 01:49:43 yeah something like that he's really good because that dude scores eight a game yeah something like he's really good because that's a thing like he's known for so in basketball you do pretty well if you do a triple double triple doubles a good game okay and uh that means you score double digits and points rebounds and then something else usually assists possibly steals and uh that's a triple double he is known for his triple single he averages a triple single over like the whole so as a utility guy you throw him in for a few minutes and somebody catches their breath he's a glue guy noting that his defense is really good right i mean if i stop i'm sorry but well he wouldn't know not that good because what you're getting is this is not the guy
Starting point is 01:50:22 who fucking punches people and gets away with it exactly michael jordan beat up steve kerr in practice and everyone's like well buddy's mj you ain't mj you're not mj bro and and uh oh he says he's the third star who fucks who likes fucks with other guys okay he likes with other guys on the team like fucks with other guys yes i think what he's saying is he gets into the players' heads. That's Draymond Green's thing. He'll make your best player play worse.
Starting point is 01:50:55 It's a strategy. Yeah, but anyway, he's punching this guy. I'm watching. I mentioned so many times. Jimmy Butler can't swim, and he really sucks at canoeing and he's scared to death when he falls in 18 inches of water i watched that video 30 times i bet but i like i like watching i like i watch the games a little when i happen to catch him on but i watch the story unfold okay i'm as much into that as anything else that to me is what
Starting point is 01:51:22 modern sports offers now these guys are on YouTube. They have podcasts. They do these long interviews. Isn't there a show called NBA Wives or something? That's like the players' wives being shitty together? I don't know. Maybe there is. I would think that would be right up your alley. It might be.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Raymond's wife is talking shit. Dude, I like Steph Curry. Steph Curry's wife has one of my favorite Twitter clapbacks ever someone made fun of her children said they all look the same and she's like that's what happens when you're all the same baby daddy i'm like fuck she somebody called 9-1-1 she murdered that woman yeah that's such a weird like thing to criticize someone for like To be fair, they look like clones. My sister looks
Starting point is 01:52:08 like a feminine version of me though. We probably have the same parents. No, we don't. She's my half-sister. You got half of them. We have different dads and she looks exactly like me. Mom's got some dominant genes.
Starting point is 01:52:24 Yeah. Because my dad's kids look nothing like me. So is this guy going to get in trouble? What's the deal? Are they suspending him? Looks like he's going to get in trouble internally. It's going to kill him on his contract renegotiations. He's in a
Starting point is 01:52:40 contract year, but he's going to stay with the team. Come on, Zach! Come on, Zach! Get that kid! I wasn't going to say it. What happened here? Those are beautiful children, Zach. He starts circling the boy. No making fun of children.
Starting point is 01:52:56 He'll grow into it. I look down on that young man. We can make fun of anyone but kids. I am not going to make fun of five heads. I'm the last guy to do that. Leave that little fellow alone. That fellow's going to make fun of Five Heads. I'm the last guy to do that. Leave that little fellow alone. That fellow's going to be more successful than any of us. His daddy is
Starting point is 01:53:10 Steph Curry. Steph Curry is one of the best players in history. Maybe you could argue strongly he's the best player right now. I don't know anything about all that, but I saw a beautiful woman on the sidelines, courtside seats the other day with her boyfriend, and Steph Curry was standing over there playing, and she
Starting point is 01:53:26 goes, biting her lip, staring him down. I would never want to take a girlfriend to a sporting event where we have courtside seats. You're afraid they're going to take your girl? Yeah. I'm 5'9".
Starting point is 01:53:42 I'm a little overweight. I can't really grow facial hair. I get along on my personality alone. So, like, I go to a professional sports game where there's some 6'6 dude with, like, a beard and a jacket. He's clearly got a ton of money. Like, I can't compete with that. I'm on Aiden's side. We're going to watch eSports.
Starting point is 01:54:02 Like, the times when I manage to actually talk to women are like when i'm on stage like performing with my band like that's that's when i'm at the top of my game like if it's not that's your best look i i go out with like my friends and i'm not like the shortest of all of us but like i'm not i know my place in the ranking here you need you need some some putin shoes that's the nice thing though it's getting to be winter i can start wearing my boots like you know i can i can give myself an extra inch we need to make sure no matter who becomes president that they're always tall i think that makes us that makes us look good we do not want someone who's like five
Starting point is 01:54:42 jimmy carter didn't. It's been a while. Jimmy Carter, not a very big guy, right? He's in a wheelchair. Last time I saw him, I'm saying he's about 3'8". He's just withering away. I pulled it up to look at it, and most of the recent presidents have been at least like 5'10". Carter's 5'10", according to Wikipedia.
Starting point is 01:55:03 McKinley was 5'7 but that's like what 1900 yeah you got to go back harrison yeah yeah you got to go back to like way back when people were just shorter i mean james madison shortest president 5-4 oh poor guy abraham lincoln tallest at 6-4 i usually historical figures are like figures are lying up the height. Those pictures of Lincoln standing next to other people, they had to have changed him.
Starting point is 01:55:33 He definitely was more than 6'4". I didn't see the movie with Daniel Day-Lewis. It's a historical... It can be slow. I think there's some good Civil War fighting, briefly. I think there was information i guess people talked about what lincoln sounded like so daniel day lewis tried to sound like what lincoln was described and it's it's a little high pitched but uh it's pretty good there's a lot of arguments around what i
Starting point is 01:56:01 guess is the his office or conference table about ending slavery with historical figures and stuff and Lewis kills it. It's a little long too if I remember correctly, but I liked it. I liked it a lot. Lincoln. I'll check it out. I like Daniel Day Lewis a lot. You gotta find that movie, the LA Confidential movie.
Starting point is 01:56:20 There was nowhere to... I can't buy it on Amazon. I tried to buy it what, three, four weeks ago when you told me to and it literally wasn't there. You know another movie that I just randomly the other evening just thought about Stanley Kubrick because I was thinking about movies
Starting point is 01:56:37 to watch and I'm like, damn, he's known as the best director ever or at least in that conversation. I've seen The Shining. I've seen A Space Odyssey but I i've seen you know a space odyssey but i'd never seen uh like i think his his last film eyes wide shut is that worth watching pretty good it's the tom cruise one i hear it's like a trippy like sex cult party like yeah it's exactly that and i watched it when i was like 15 and i think it weirded me out a little i should watch it again i just remember there's a part where you see Nicole Kidman wipe her ginger
Starting point is 01:57:07 bush after she pees. And, uh, I didn't like to see that. And, uh, well, I mean,
Starting point is 01:57:13 I guess I did, but in the same way I was like, why does it have to be a peeping bush? I think I would like it anyway. I think I'm going to go ahead and, and put that in the for sure column in the absolutely lane like the least sexy full frontal nudity ever in a movie and um but but no i remember it being kind of weird and weirding me out as i may have even watched it when i was
Starting point is 01:57:40 younger than than 15 but uh but whatever it was i didn't i didn't love it when i watched and i haven't gone back to it have you seen um clockwork orange i have i like that one it's very very unsettling the entire time yeah i guess that's the way i would i don't like that unsettling like i don't like you didn't you didn't like the way it made you feel like it's supposed to make you feel like really uncomfortable well mission accomplished did you guys see the that new horror movie smile no no it does it's it's the same kind of deal where it's just like deeply unsettling the entire time there's a few jump scares but even the jump scares are more unsettling than they are terrifying it's i've been meaning to watch another real horror i want to watch uh nope the uh the the jordan peele movie but But they're doing that thing where it's like $20 to rent it,
Starting point is 01:58:26 and I refuse to pay $20 to rent a movie. He makes horror movies. Does he make horror or thriller? He makes mystery thriller. Yeah, he's the guy who makes horror and won't hire white people. That is scary. That's a solid joke. Oh, did we see that we didn't talk about
Starting point is 01:58:47 the Scooby-Doo remake? Oh my God. They didn't put Scooby in it? That's the part that got me. It wasn't recoloring the characters. It was that Scooby's not in it. Scooby is integral to the plot of Scooby-Doo. The whole thing shows up
Starting point is 01:59:03 in Scooby-Doo. You know how much of a fucking weirdo Shaggy comes off if he's not hanging around an innocent kind of comic relief dog? He's just a scary degenerate talking to children. Well, now he's the black guy hanging around with those white kids selling them weed. Yeah, of course, they had to make the black guy the stone
Starting point is 01:59:19 or drug dealer. Are you accusing the new Scooby-Doo of not being woke enough? I should all be black i watched i watched a program on netflix the other day i saw a white person and i almost vomited in disgust it's not enough so so let me let i was in a a script writing class in college as a junior or senior um i wrote a period piece because i was medieval studies major so i was studying that time period wrote a period piece about 1480 wales there was a rebellion against the english that happened and i wrote a period piece about that and And I was told I needed characters that were minorities
Starting point is 02:00:05 and I needed characters that were not straight. And I remember saying to my professor, I get that that would sell better, but that doesn't really track with the history here. And she was like, it doesn't matter. And I was like, that's not... That's not that's not really the story i'm trying to write about 1350 whales like this is a story about a young like
Starting point is 02:00:33 farmhand whose dad was killed by an english knight and he's like trying to get revenge like it's not a story tell me everyone in this family is the same color yeah like and because i've written i've written scripts like pilot scripts for other shows that i had where like there there are black characters and there are gay characters and whatever but like in this specific one i was like that's just really it's jarringly out of place yeah especially because the first documented black person in wales is like 1647. So I was like, we even have the documentation to show that if I did this, it would be a historical. Like, I can't I can I give you a Portuguese guy.
Starting point is 02:01:20 Maybe like I mean, like by their pro woke pro girl power person on the podcast for a while. I just don't love the recasting. It feels shoehorned. Feels lazy. It's like it feels's like just make a new story like it feels like it's the same few goddamn like series getting rehashed over and over and like this like it no one who saw the preview for scooby-doo the new scooby-doo thinks it's going to be good. No one. Not even the creators. The creators know it's going to be dog shit because you made a Scooby-Doo rip-off with no Scooby-Doo.
Starting point is 02:01:52 That's retarded. That's wanting to fail. It's almost believable that they tried to sell an original cartoon program and then whatever media apparatus they're doing it through hulu or netflix or amazon or whatever was like oh okay well we want you to tie it to an existing
Starting point is 02:02:11 franchise like that kind of thing who knows that could have been what happened but it looks like dog shit actually no it looks like there's gonna be no dog shit whatsoever in it because there's no dog there's no scooby in a sc-Doo show, which is a tremendous oversight. But yeah, I agree with you on the, like, trying to shoehorn in a diverse character into a story written about 1200s whales or whatever. It's like, this is going to be jarring. And anyone who's reading this is going to be pulled out of it. Because they're going to be like, oh, this was a decision organic you know stream of consciousness style move it was a deliberate at this person if you look at like disney's remaking the little mermaid and made ariel black which whatever mermaids are like that they're they're mermaids but at the same time like
Starting point is 02:03:02 it's just this constant reworking we get a female Ghostbusters and we get, you know, now Captain America is black, which I don't really care about. And I'm pretty sure that's even in the comics. But I like that they keep it seems like they would rather take an established hero like a Spider-Man, a Captain America. They haven't done it with Batman or Superman, I don't think. But like DC has static shock why not make a static shock movie or a static shock tv show why rehash and you know turn a a white character black when instead you could just make the show about the black character that i grew up loving like i i feel like a lot i feel like a lot of you know black people black kids like you know people who grew up at the I feel like a lot of black people,
Starting point is 02:03:45 black kids, people who grew up at the same time as I did when Static Shock was on Cartoon Network would be like, this is awesome. This is real representation, not just a rehashed character. It feels like you're just throwing them bone instead of actually caring. Make a black character with a black story like Miles Morales
Starting point is 02:04:01 as Spider-Man. Very solid. Still a rehash. black character with a black story like Miles Morales as Spider-Man. He was a new Spider-Man. He was a rehash, you know? I guess, but there was a female Spider-Man and this is into the multiverse if people don't know. Spider-Man is, I think, probably the one they've done it the most with, right? I don't know if that's
Starting point is 02:04:20 in the comics and the canon or not, but I did like the movie. Yeah, and I liked the character. I think it was solid. It's just like, make the Static Shock movie. Give us that. That would be awesome. That means he was like my generation.
Starting point is 02:04:34 I feel like if I don't know the superhero, it still has a good shot. I had no idea who Guardians of the Galaxy were. And they did, what, two or three billion dollar movies? Yeah, it was insane. So it doesn't have to be that, you know, historic. It doesn't have to be Superman. Speaking of like diversity and casting, have you guys seen the trailers for what's it called?
Starting point is 02:04:55 I think it's called Devotion. It's a new movie about the Korean War, about fighter pilots. And it's like, it's one of those things where like, I'm sure race is going to be a part of it, but it's a historical drama. So it's going to be about, you know, it's it of those things where like, I'm sure race is going to be a part of it, but it's a historical drama. So it's going to be about, you know, it's, it looks phenomenal.
Starting point is 02:05:09 The acting looks incredible. The script writing looks amazing. The cinematography is beautiful, but like it's, they don't, they don't shove it in your face. I think that's the issue. A lot of people have with the woke stuff is that it's just like, it feels like it's being shoved down your throat.
Starting point is 02:05:23 When in reality, if you just make it as an organic decision, I think a lot of people will go along with it i have never looked at a black character on screen and been like ah they should have been white like oh i have all the time kyle's watching the nba come on get that peach basket back up there every time some like lanky white guy gets it, Kyle doesn't care what team it is. He's immediately someone who's faster steals it from him.
Starting point is 02:05:53 Kyle starts watching hockey and he's like, I don't know what it is. I love this. Are there any good black thoughts on Dirk Nowitzki? There are good black hockey players. Yeahs on Dirk Nowitzki? There are good black hockey players, yeah. There aren't a lot of black players in the NHL. The NHL is also far and away the most diverse league, and so it's got Lithuanians, Estonians, Russians, Belarusians, Irish.
Starting point is 02:06:19 All different kinds of white people. Yeah, that's a lot of different white people. Sure, sure. But, I mean, you would say that, like, you know, a black person from Somalia and a black person from Nigeria yeah that's a lot of people sure i mean you you would say that like you know a black person from somalia and a black person from nigeria that's diverse those are different cultures taylor i would never say that those people are all the same oh i love like that point of getting woke where like you go back you go back to being racist you're like everyone's the same! All of you people!
Starting point is 02:06:48 This one's speaking out. I forget who it was, but someone recently classified slobs as being non-white. I love my own joke. I'm sorry. It was like Luke Rutkowski was talking about it. It's just
Starting point is 02:07:04 like apparently Slavic people are people of color now, according to some organization. I've seen what Slavic people look like, and they're white. They're definitely white, but they were basically like, because they faced such like oppression and hardship in majority white countries, they count. And I'm like, so did the Italians and the Irish. It's just a little, the Slavs are just 40 years behind them.
Starting point is 02:07:24 Like, they'll get there. And my people, the Neanderthals. It's just a little, the Slavs are just 40 years behind them. Like, they'll get there. And my people, the Neanderthals. The Neanderthals. We were victimized so bad. The most discriminated against group. Taylor, have you been keeping up with Game of Thrones? Which is what I'm going to call House of Dragons henceforth. Makes sense.
Starting point is 02:07:40 Yes, and I would love to talk to you about it. We're going to hear from a couple of sponsors first, and then we'll jump right into that. I'm going to talk to you about it. We're going to hear from a couple of sponsors first, and then we'll jump right into that. I'm going to run to the bathroom. So this episode of PKA is brought to you by Blue Chew. Spring has finally come, so let's help you do the same. That's right. This episode is sponsored by Blue Chew.
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Starting point is 02:12:08 lock and load, also 10% off anything else you'd like. This is cum coin. Sometimes I wonder what the difference between my show, which we try and keep PG, PG13 the most, and regular adult podcasts are, and then I
Starting point is 02:12:24 then some of the oh yeah we really are family friendly by wow you're not a yeah the difference is your audience comes like pussies yeah they don't know how to bust they're not my audience includes people under the age of 18 to be fair you have to have a pretty high IQ to understand Bach and Lowe I did not know that that was a type of supplement that people needed it absolutely is you're outing yourself as a standard
Starting point is 02:12:56 as opposed to a super physiological one when you come does it go like mine actually makes a noise. Kyle sounds like Vikings hitting land on the New World, seizing monks and women from the English and then taking them back. That's what Kyle's boss says. It sounds like a long boat crashing ashore on an English beach.
Starting point is 02:13:22 Yeah, meanwhile, you've got ice cream truck sound effects when you come. That's how it works. If you're trying to enhance your volume, Aiden, this is the way to go. I'm an Italian-American. I have plenty of volume.
Starting point is 02:13:43 There you go. You can always get more. You can always have more. How's the pearlescence? There's so much we can do. There's so much we can do. I bought that wheel for my... Well, for whatever, right? I was going to hook it up to my Xbox, but for some reason the games won't recognize it.
Starting point is 02:13:58 Oh, the driving wheel. This is the racing controller. Yeah, the Logitech one. I got the cheap one. But there's like a $1,000 one. I was like, fuck, for the wheel? The wheel's the cheap one but um there's like a thousand dollar one that's like fuck for the wheel the wheels are grand i think i got like a ten dollar wheel do you have pedals yeah i've got pedals and and and this wheel that looks pretty good no wait how much was it how does uh two hundred dollars okay i think i think that's the uh the older model I think there's a new one that's like $350. It's the $920
Starting point is 02:14:28 versus the $923 from Logitech. But I think they make a $1,000 one too. In any case... So much money for a wheel. I do not want a whole setup. I've never used a wheel in any game whatsoever. I don't know. I thought it'd be fun. And that Xbox has...
Starting point is 02:14:42 I got the game pass thing. You pay like $15 a month and you basically get access to 10,000 games or something. Okay. And at first I thought it was going to be all arcade games because I haven't had an Xbox in so long.
Starting point is 02:14:53 But it's like every game you've ever played is on there. Like all the Xbox 360 games. So Dead Space is free to play and you can play even cloud play. So you don't have to download everything. But you and your attachment to Dead Space is fun. Love Dead Space space it's one of the best games of all time i love left for dead but imagine me bringing it up every week oh guys you're not gonna believe this they have left
Starting point is 02:15:14 for dead i'm sure they do we we did a run well maybe not right what was it oh it's xbox also dead not dead by daylight what was it uh shit now it's gonna drive me nuts if i don't look it up what kind of game is it trying to remember what games were you running from the killers because that's uh no it was uh left for dead there we go we did uh we did a run through of left for dead 2 on uh on twitch and i discovered that i am very bad at zombie shooter games. Like I am terrible at them. I signed up for the Warhammer 40,000 beta.
Starting point is 02:15:52 Did I get the name right? Yeah. 40K. 40K. 40K. Okay. And I'm a little bit nervous. I'm worried.
Starting point is 02:16:01 Like, dude, I could really suck at this a lot. Is it a strategy or a shooter? It's like Left 4 dead got it but probably a little more sophisticated in that the players are not all the same right so like if you're a dwarf this is how you play if you're something else this is well it won't be the same characters but work with me right if you're the tank you do this if you're the nimble guy you do that and um kyle talked And Kyle talked about it on the show, how it kind of, who he plays with isn't random. He likes to play with good players. He's like, oh, is Timmy coming along today?
Starting point is 02:16:34 I guess we won't be playing on champion level. Because Timmy's here. We're going to play on hero level instead. And none of us are going to get good loot. Not those of us who need top tier loot anyway. So it won't matter. It won't matter because who believes that? Who listening to this show believes it doesn't matter to Kyle?
Starting point is 02:16:58 Because I've got friends that are like of different skill levels. And you may be better than all of us. I'm not saying that that's not a foregone conclusion that i'm gonna be like better than you at this game or anything but um i will play it probably more so that that might get me there but in any case i play with people that are really good sometimes and we try to like put everything on the hardest difficulty and max everything out but then like if somebody else wants to play i'm like like, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, we'll play some easy ones. I don't mind.
Starting point is 02:17:27 Now I can kind of relax because it's a little stressful if you spend three or four hours like trying so hard. It's kind of nice to relax and just shit on the game on easy. For people who don't know this game mechanic at all, it goes like this. At the end of the game, you get rewarded. Rewarded with better amulets, which power you up in little ways, and better swords and shields and shit like that. You can imagine.
Starting point is 02:17:52 The rewards you get are contingent on how hard the level you just played was. If you're a shitty character, then those rewards are worth something to you, even if you played at a low level. But if you're that good player, and I'm not, then you're wasting your time. There's nothing at the end of this game for you. There will be for me, because you drive my ass through it. But for you,
Starting point is 02:18:16 it was an act of public service. There's only so much of that that you want to do. That's how the game mechanic works. I've never minded it. Because it is stressful to play on the harder difficulties and you know everybody when we do that everybody's kind of accountable like if you let the team down like we don't take it super seriously i don't make it sound like super sweaty but we're trying to fucking win and if somebody's letting us down
Starting point is 02:18:38 it's like all right well next time maybe not that guy we're running into this problem but but but if the next time we play on hard like if everybody wants to play on hard and like somebody's oftentimes it's because their character just isn't ranked up high enough to play on hard right and i don't mind i'm like oh that's cool i'll use the character i don't i don't normally use this will be a fun little mix up of things but if hopefully we get into that bait i know taylor applied to and it won't matter there i'm they'll probably lock us all at like normal difficulty. And,
Starting point is 02:19:08 um, I've, there's a bunch of content for the game out now. I don't know if you've watched any of the videos. There's lots of gameplay. There's lots of, um, like these little features for each of the characters.
Starting point is 02:19:16 There are different characters and they do have differences about them, but you're able to really RPG ask your character up. And like, he might be the big ogre but i bet you could make him faster if you wanted you know what i mean like you could you could shift him that way if if you tell me that you can have two of the same character in the game this time around is that confirmed two of the same oh i i did not tell you that that would be news to me i think they really like the motley crew idea of the big guy and the little girl and like like one
Starting point is 02:19:45 of there's like a little asian girl with a hammer and then there's a big ogre with like a knife and a shot a grenade launcher so um i don't know all the details i haven't watched a ton of the content maybe an hour's worth but it looks good to me and it's that nice mix of melee and and guns so um so we'll see how it goes november 30th worst case scenario right i think that's when it comes out so it's not too far yeah not too bad that's what all the game companies are like the game's gonna come out this date and then they postpone it by six months like that oh yeah this has been rolled back over a year and a half so um i've i've been i'm probably gonna stream some of it um i'm not sure i may buy a new uh buy a new a new PC with the intention of streaming some
Starting point is 02:20:26 Darktide. You might need to order it soon if that's your intent. I don't think I'll get the 40 series. I could probably get a 3080 Ti for a steal right now, and that thing is so powerful. The 40 series cards are so big, and
Starting point is 02:20:42 they are coming in so far below what they said they would uh as far as the performance numbers they they were like oh yeah double your performance and it's like actually they always say that it's like three times performance and then reality is like one and a half times performance it seems like that's podcast sells you gig speed internet and you get 300 megabytes per second that gpu is is this fucking big it's like a sub sandwich it's like a foot long that thing is so thick and so wide i've seen um i saw those those memes of it uh where they mount the motherboard to the gpu rather than the gpu to the motherboard because it's way bigger than a
Starting point is 02:21:17 motherboard uh i'm that that thing looks ridiculous i have the 3080 standard, and I think I'm fine on that for a while. Yeah. As opposed to TI. Yeah, I think I have a 2080 TI, but I'm honestly not sure. I don't remember. But yeah. Do you guys do any survival games? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:37 Do you play The Forest? Love The Forest. Looking forward to the sequel. It comes out. That's cool. I think February? Yeah, they pushed it back to february now like but it was supposed to come out like earlier this year and then it was pushed october and now they're pushing them like yeah i uh i i got a big party
Starting point is 02:21:53 of guys together and played through the forest together like maybe six of us i think and we didn't do a bunch of base building i don't think that was in the game yet at the time but we did the main story spelunky down the caves getting all the gear and then saving the kid and i fell in love with that game i really liked how scary it was um what's that saving the kid yeah yeah and we saved it got him out of there i think back at the hotel when we got him back home he like mutated or something but i yeah i was gonna say we had uh an experience there's two different endings you know yeah we But the sequel looks like a much better game. It looks like a full-fledged game, whereas the first one, one of those examples of a game that they developed, not quite done,
Starting point is 02:22:34 and then never really finished it up with as much polish as you would like. There were a ton of those from 2016 through 2020 that came out that got to their beta stage and then died. Which sucked. But I had a lot of fun with The Forest. I'm hoping the next one is everything that's cracked up. I'm excited for guns. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:55 Yeah. I always was envious of the elf's range weapon. I get other characters kind of had it. For people who don't know this game, if you built your elf the right way, she had rapid fire bows and unlimited ammo. And then imagine you as
Starting point is 02:23:14 a dude with a sword whose superpower was like lunging. And it's like it's really hard to sort of get engaged, take out the mobs, be competitive. When one person has basically a machine gun is going, and you're like, wait, I want some too.
Starting point is 02:23:35 And you have to use your lunge skill. You're about 80% because you put yourself in the middle of trouble. It is useful for getting out of trouble. If you are smart, you don't use it up in advance, but yeah, you know, you lunge into a crowd of problems and then good luck after that.
Starting point is 02:23:56 So part of it was also that we had put so much time into it and you hadn't. And so like, I had a little 30 guy. Oh, well, we were all over 30 okay yeah yeah i don't know maybe there's a way to build the character so it has more range to compete with the elf because i mean i played the elf a couple different ways like sometimes i would play it so
Starting point is 02:24:17 it was that assassination melee character who was just running around with daggers stabbing everything in the back getting that like 12 times multiplier and then sometimes i would be the machine gun elf because that's just so much fun you're just yeah when there's a machine gun elf on your team though you're a spectator in this i i broke a thousand kills many times yeah oh yeah that's like on a game like that i would have like a 30 ah you'd have 150. Maybe it's 150. You're not supposed to break 1,000 though in that game. There were times where my guy with his
Starting point is 02:24:52 flail, the flagellant or whatever, the vagrant, whatever his name was, his thing... I don't think that's what that word means. It's basically like the flagellant. F-L-A-G-G-E-N-T, right? Someone who's flagellating themselves.
Starting point is 02:25:08 Yeah, that's what that word means. And that's what this character was. He was a guy who hurt himself. Flagellating others. Yeah, my guy's whole thing was like, oh, he uses his ability, and then he doesn't really take damage, but he gains life from killing people. And I'd be trying to get close, and I'd pop my guy's ability. And I'd like get close to start earning health back.
Starting point is 02:25:28 And then just from behind me, just arrow, arrow, arrow. And I'm like, no, no, I need to,
Starting point is 02:25:34 I need to hit someone. I need to hit someone. Like, God damn it. When I play that game, I try so hard. That's the game that makes me not blink so much that i had to get those special eye drops because i'm just trying so hard to kill as many fucking rats as i can that's such a fun game i'm
Starting point is 02:25:55 looking forward to the new one man i can't wait it's not rats this time which is a little bit of a bummer i really liked that it was rat centric and you had just a different kind of rat for every you know thing in the army so the leader is a rat general and the foot soldier is this little pinky rat and then there's a rat ogre and there's a rat abomination and just it's great everything's a rat it's very very cool they added the goat men later on i enjoy that a lot too yeah the goat men are fun with chaos god the number of times that i get questions about the goat man on tiktok i was always like i have to goat man i have to explain to people that that is not actually part of anybody's like any culture's folklore here it is so are you talking about the goat man who used to come down out of the mountains down here in georgia with the with the goat oh yeah oh no you
Starting point is 02:26:39 guys have a goat man and maryland has a goat man and texas has a goat man and i'm like people think it's like some native american legend and i'm like not not quite like it's not quite a bleeding man like no no it's a man with a with a wagon led by goats who lived up in the mountains and he'd come down to town you know in the spring get his get his stuff if you have supplies for the rest of the year and then he'd goatad on back home. Man. Goad on back home. He doesn't sound like much. He doesn't seem very sinister.
Starting point is 02:27:09 Well, people would. He's not at all. People would come out and the goat man's coming. Everybody look. That's the thing. The Maryland one. The Maryland one is like supposed to be a monster. And so is the Texas one.
Starting point is 02:27:19 Yeah. No, they're asking about. He's a little man down here in Georgia. No, no. That's not the same thing I'm getting asked about. There's pictures of him. He's a nice. Are there any of these regional ghouls goblins monsters that you're like oh that's real but it's a serial killer there's there's certain things that i am open to uh or at least open to the possibility that there was a legitimate version of it sometime
Starting point is 02:27:44 in the past. One of the most interesting ones that I've come across is the Wendigo, which is an Algonquin legend. And essentially, it's built around the idea that when somebody commits an act of cannibalism out of desperation or greed, something along those lines, that they transform into this demonic entity that has a constant craving for human flesh. And the Native American legends on it vary from it's just a person who is a cannibal to it's a legitimate monster.
Starting point is 02:28:13 But that's one where I'm like, I feel like this has its roots in something real. Well, we've seen it twice in modern times. We saw the guy in Florida who attacked that man, beat him to the ground, and for 17 minutes ate his face until the police showed up. That's what everyone said.
Starting point is 02:28:29 That's what everyone said. Stone cold sober. He had trace amounts of THC from weeks gone by. Sober. Then another guy was also eating a man's face and snarling naked. Unrelated event. Different place in the country. The police were trying to stop him and they put the canine unit on him and he still continues to eat a man's face and snarling naked and unrelated event, different place in the country.
Starting point is 02:28:45 And the police were trying to stop him and they put the canine unit on him and he still continues to eat the man's face. And at one point he looks up the police officers, growls and says, kill me. I'm eating people. They eventually beat him off the man. And the man's face was eaten off and he's in prison. These are both real stories. They should have taken him to the hospital. I'm sure they did. They did. face was eaten off and uh he's in prison he's in these are both real stories of they should have taken him to the hospital i'm sure they did they did that guy in florida like like zach try
Starting point is 02:29:11 to find the guy in florida the victim because his face looks exactly like um from that uh hannibal lector movie remember um oh yeah when he's verger verger um uh that was the character's name that words his face had been peeled off and fed to the dogs looks like that i'm gonna feed you to my dogs and he like talks all weird my parents i didn't really practice the voice before i started the character this this is what happens when a a wendigo gets you in florida oh yeah that's but but that's yeah that's one of those legends that i'm like i feel like this This is what happens when a Wendigo gets you in Florida. Yeah, that's one of those legends that I'm like, I feel like this could have come out of something real.
Starting point is 02:29:53 Skinwalkers are another one. I just wanted a glimpse. Skinwalkers are another one where it's like, there is a real tradition associated with the idea of being a skinwalker. Whether or not people can actually transform into animals and travel, the astral plane is up to you to decide if you want to believe I've decided on that one. I think is that they will eat your face in Florida, but no on the astral plane.
Starting point is 02:30:14 Yeah. So there's, there's, there's things like that that I think probably have their roots in something real. Uh, and then of course there's the missing forum, one phenomenon,
Starting point is 02:30:21 which I there's, there's some of those cases where like, yeah, that person person probably just got lost but there's other ones where it's like if everyone involved in this is telling the truth then some weird shit happened here um and so i'm i'm one of those people who like i i don't know that i believe in any specific version of a supernatural kind of thing but i am open to the existence of things we don't yet understand um i usually lean when when when I've got all the facts and it still just really doesn't make sense. I start questioning the things that were told to me by people
Starting point is 02:30:53 and weren't evidentiary. Because I remember there's one where a lady lost a toddler in the woods. She had like three kids with her. And I think this might be from Wendigoon's channel. She's got like three kids with her, you know, stepped up from the ages a year each. And one of them is real little. She turns her back for like 20 seconds.
Starting point is 02:31:10 Kid's gone. I think I was in that video. They search the woods, you know, like you might have been. They search the woods. Missing 4111, yeah. She goes back. Like we never find this kid again. And it's like, did a stranger come in, wait until she turned her back, snatch the kid, and then sprint like did a stranger come in wait until she turned her back snatch the
Starting point is 02:31:26 kid and then sprint away to a car waiting somewhere that's far-fetched what's more likely to me is that that mother didn't like that kid and or or maybe like through her like incompetence somehow that kid got killed or something and her way of it is like oh we lost tommy in the woods i'd want to know did anybody else see tommy in the woods that day when's the last time anybody else saw tommy are we sure i made it to the woods i have one of those um we did a we did a documentary it's called into thin air uh the case of tom nessick it's on our youtube channel the lore lodge but uh we we drove up to brant, which is where this guy was when he went missing. 82-year-old, I think paratrooper veteran, but blind in one eye, had hearing damage in one ear.
Starting point is 02:32:12 He and his three of his buddies, and I think they're like three of their sons, went out hunting. And as the story goes, basically they left him, they spread out in the line. The older guys were basically waiting they were the watchers while they had other people pushing game towards them i guess that's a normal hunting technique i don't hunt but uh from what i'm told that's perfectly normal
Starting point is 02:32:32 and they were out there for a few hours and then when they decided to pack it in and go back to the camp uh tom messick the older guy was was just gone nowhere to be found and they fully searched the area. Nobody found anything whatsoever. And as far as the story goes, it really sounds like this guy just vanished into thin air, which is where we got the name, but with no explanation. So we drove up there because David Politis tells this story in a certain way. And we were like, we want to get the whole story. We want to really dig in, talk to people up there, to where he went missing you know not just take somebody else's
Starting point is 02:33:07 word for it and a bunch of people up there told us like we don't think he was ever here like we we think he like there was an accident somewhere else or he fucked off to cancun you know whatever and we just don't think he was ever there or the other option was people said aliens um but But yeah, there's these stories where like a lot of the times where somebody goes missing like that, it seems like the possibility is that they were never even there. And that's why the missing person is so strange. Part of my brain will be led. It's really easy to lead me to that place, to take a little leap of faith and be like, hey, you're connecting the dots here. Maybe their mob could have been... Yeah, maybe they came and got him.
Starting point is 02:33:47 Okay, I could see that. But whenever you're saying that a child went missing, I start thinking of all the reasons people have for getting rid of children, how often it happens. It was a famous one when I was a kid, when I myself was a child. John Bonet Ramsey? Not that one.
Starting point is 02:34:00 It was the one, I think in South Carolina, where this lady said she had lost control of her car and had gone into a lake with the child strapped inside and child had drowned. But she had done it on purpose. She had just strapped her kid in the car, put the car in neutral and rolled her car into the lake and killed the kid. And didn't think that they would notice the car was in neutral? Well, look, I was a child at the time. I think she wanted to pass it off as an accident. Yeah, I get that. But like, that's such an easy thing to catch i mean south carolina the judge is like
Starting point is 02:34:30 women drivers am i right get on out of here all right you owe me one high five get the hell out of here it's south carolina so um but but yeah whenever i think i that that's sort of particular the one where like we brought the child here. We turned around for 30 seconds. The child went poof. We searched for an hour. We went back and got adults and teams and dogs. We surrounded the area.
Starting point is 02:34:55 The helicopters hit the sky. The amber alerts. Every road was cut off. And you still didn't find the kid. When you tell me you brought a dog in and you lost a toddler still, all right, something happened. Somebody's lying. Dogs are really good at that.
Starting point is 02:35:11 Like, anybody who's got a dog, like, try to put a treat in your pocket and, like, make it fast them, right? Like, they'll track the kid down. Toddlers stink like shit. That little kid getting drunk through the woods or walking himself, rubbing on everything, drooling, spitting, shitting, they found it. So someone took that kid. That's one of the missing 4- took that kid not that's one of the missing four one profile points that's one of the profile points for these cases the dogs can't find
Starting point is 02:35:29 them um yeah and there's some cases where it's like yeah that makes sense but a lot of these cases are kind of weird um to me that says that they're looking in the wrong place which means that someone has lied the person who pointed that way is the liar the mom is saying look over here when really we should go back to like look for the blood in her basement because she let the kids play down there and one of them hit the other one in the in the head pushing a shelf over and she didn't want tommy to go down for the murder of billy and so she's gotten rid of billy like that's so much more believable right like yeah it's more than eight that it's a that it's a that it's a murder the the ones that get me really are the ones where like there's there's
Starting point is 02:36:06 other witnesses who were strangers the day these people met like for example like uh like like the dennis martin case from 1969 great smoky mountains national park like the kid was playing with kids from another family and his brother like they were all around when this happened like this would have had to be like 20 people involved in this conspiracy to keep their mouth shut about this kid going missing um and then you know he's vanishes within like five minutes with from out next to his brother his dad took his eyes off him for like 20 seconds yeah and then they call him the green they call him the green berets and the green berets can't find this kid which of course has led to a ton of like
Starting point is 02:36:44 conspiracy theories about like oh my god the green berets like you know they went in there because they were hunting monsters or whatever no they were training nearby like they train in that area but it's not exactly the same but i've seen kids like parents take their eyes off them for a couple seconds and disappear like 200 times and the reason is but they're usually within like 50 yards. Bullshit. They're miles away. Really? And here's the scenario. I was a lifeguard on the beach for years.
Starting point is 02:37:12 And it's just that. The kids are digging a hole. Parents take their eyes off them for a second. They start walking. The kid gets disoriented and he just keeps walking and walking and walking. 100% of the time they go downwind. It was like a predictable thing. Don't even look look the other way they walked with the wind at their back
Starting point is 02:37:29 that's the way they went and uh we would just get on the radio tell every lifeguard and invariably like two miles away four miles away somebody would return a crying child to the lifeguard and then we'd be like oh yeah they're looking for one of those on 17th street it was a blonde and and i've literally like 200 times i've seen this so the idea that a kid just like vanished when the dad took the eyes off him for a second isn't foreign to me in this life oh yeah step one is easily believable it's like all the things that come after that it's like all right so so they were in a park and there weren't any people there. Like parking lots covered. It's all everybody that was in that parking lot. We know.
Starting point is 02:38:07 So where'd the kid go? Like there's 50 miles of wilderness that way. The highway's this way. And that's, they got to go past the people, get to the highway. So where'd he go? We searched that whole 50 mile area. The dogs, the tree, the, you know,
Starting point is 02:38:17 the green berets and like nothing. And then it's like, and then you start thinking like, I wouldn't be able to find it. A dog is beneficial. They have dogs. I mean, there are dogs that are bred for this. Bloodhounds are bred to search out a specific scent. I'm aware of that. I just don't know how
Starting point is 02:38:34 effective a dog is. I don't know. They're pretty effective. I would think that they would be good at getting a person in the woods. If they're dealing with fresh tracks, my understanding is that dogs are extremely effective if it's within like a few hours yeah you know if they if you if it knows what the kid smells like they give the kids hat or something or blanket or whatever like especially
Starting point is 02:38:56 the kid right he's like falling around everywhere it's not like he's wearing sneakers like sprinting through the woods there's not a ton of similar childlike smells in the woods. It's dealing with like discerning, like I feel like it's fine. Missing people. 10% of the time. I have one experience with dogs. Our house was robbed and the dog didn't do shit. Well,
Starting point is 02:39:13 see that stat's not helpful though, because how often are dogs deployed when in the wrong area, right? How often is it the fault of the handler who put the dog in the wrong place? I could tell you that when dogs are used in areas where victims were actually present, they found the victim 90% of the time,
Starting point is 02:39:28 but dogs are used in effectively 90% of the time. Unfortunately, that's the problem with the statistic is like, they'll, they'll bring dogs out in situations where there was never a chance. The dog was ever going to find the person like, like either quickly. If I tell you that a five-year-old can go six miles,
Starting point is 02:39:43 all right, six miles in every direction well that's incalculable no one knows what that is but but it's a lot there was one i'm struggling to remember his name right now i think it was keith perkins uh maybe where uh less stroud from survivor man tried to track the same distance this kid went in the same period of time and he couldn't do it and they were like and they found the kid but same period of time and he couldn't do it. And they were like, and they found the kid but the kid was so young he couldn't really describe what happened to him. Is it pi squared?
Starting point is 02:40:09 For the area of the circle? Yeah. Pi r squared? No, it's a... You just kind of get the gist. Do you multiply the radius by pi? Something like that, yeah. It's 37 square miles. Pi r squared. Pi r squared. Was it pi r squared? I think so. That sounds right. That's one of the things
Starting point is 02:40:26 had to find the area of a fucking circle but yeah there was this one kid i'm trying to remember who it was it rocks never having to do math again keith perkins sounds right but he went like it was some ridiculous uh amount of like distance like, like 12 miles in 24 hours or something like that. It, I need to get it out. Child. If the kid walks six miles in any direction, which I know it's probably downwind,
Starting point is 02:40:51 but whatever, it's 113 square miles. Now, what if he could have to find, what if we really mean any direction though? Include the sky and the ground. Go. It's a sphere.
Starting point is 02:41:00 Now. Now it's incalculable of once again, into real shaped things. I didn't know how to do the... We're accounting for mole people now. We're accounting for... We're accounting for thunderbirds. There's a lot of area to search.
Starting point is 02:41:15 If you're talking about a body in the leaves. One of the things they thought, maybe a thunderbird came and grabbed the child and flew away with her. A thunderbird? Yes. The mythical Native American giant birds. Not mythical at all. They existed, but the Indians thought they caused the thunder, I guess. You can't disprove that.
Starting point is 02:41:34 Those birds existed. But they'd come down and take the child away. They don't exist anymore. But it was either a thunderbird or maybe one of those reptilians who live under the ground. What are those called? The doctor who named them. I don't know how much I believe about what we know about
Starting point is 02:41:47 animals that used to be around. After some of the mistakes they've been making with dinosaurs, pretty foot-in-mouth embarrassing. Yeah. Because for a while, to keep us interested, they were finding like six bones and then arranging them in the absolute
Starting point is 02:42:04 coolest possible way. And they're like, at this and it's like what and then a few years later oh it's actually way smaller oh actually velociraptors aren't cool they were the bitches of the dinosaur world oh that's not because of paleontology that's because of jurassic park it's all one thing yeah paleontologists were like no and then the paleontologists did have some things i will give them that but what happened it's one of those things it's gone both ways now i think they found some velociraptors in asia or something that are bigger like mega raptors or some shit and they would i believe again yeah you believe again it's fully contingent on how cool velociraptors are because they are very very cool and if you still watch and if you discover that the velociraptor is actually this
Starting point is 02:42:51 like tiny little weenie shitty lizard just name that something else like make that a different bitch made lizard do you still watch the jurassic park movies uh i mean I haven't in years. I saw the first one and the second one and I remember the third one watching like... But the new one came out and hating it. I saw the first Chris Pratt one and I think it's probably just because I was 25 years older
Starting point is 02:43:17 that I didn't really care for it that much. It was whatever. Yeah, they've come out with at least one more because in the new one they've come out with at least one more. Because in the new one, they've got, like, dinosaurs are everywhere now. And, like, all over the world. And people are having to deal with that. And there's, like, underground dinosaur fighting rings. And there's also, like, dino auctions for the ultra rich where they can, like, buy a cool dinosaur.
Starting point is 02:43:40 I kind of want to see it now. I didn't know all that. And they bring back the Asian guy from the first movie who had the egg, and he was like, what species is this? Velociraptor. You breed Velociraptor? Yeah. That guy, he's in this one.
Starting point is 02:43:56 And I think he also made some megalocusts, and they've released the megalocusts, and they're eating all the food in the world. And there might be a volcano, too. I didn't watch the movie. I didn't watch the film yeah wait did you make up the thing about dinosaurs being everywhere everything i said is accurate and in the movie and uh and and you can get all of that just by like looking at thumbnails that's how youtube works oh i want to talk about um house of dragons and how it's actually good now um is it good now not just middling i think last episode like got me on
Starting point is 02:44:31 board it first of all it was cool and inspirational uh in that way that i think we all like but not because of a battle because of something else i won't like spoil anything but um the king did a very cool thing um i am definitely team green on this one uh i i have to be again i don't want to spoil anything i know what he hasn't started the show but for those who know they know i guess um the show's pretty good it's a bit of a soap opera but um my uh matt uh what's his name matt smith is it matt smith i think yes i think so that's such a simple name it's i keep forgetting it then he's made up um he saves the show he saves the fucking show he's so good and they introduce a new character um or at least that you know they're aging up these characters as we go we keep moving forward in time significant amounts
Starting point is 02:45:20 so there's recast children and so a child got recast and it was like oh shit he's a problem now like he i was a little worried about him when he was a child but like he went from i don't know like a bully of a 12 year old to a grown-ass sword-wielding man in one episode and he's like clearly like looking for some trouble like he's the scariest character in the show now he's he's got an eye patch he's got that long crazy blonde hair and you know he's for real at the eye patch um yeah you see him earn the eye patch in the previous episode um so so yeah pretty good show um they could still i mean it's not great but but i'm looking forward to the next episode i'll say that for it and and that's a first so far like like none of these episodes
Starting point is 02:46:05 so far have had me like oh can't wait for next week but this one did because uh i don't know i really liked what that guy did that's where i'm at like i think i've watched the first three and after i finished the third one no part of me was like oh my god i gotta find out like it's kind of like oh okay you know at some point i'll see what goes on yeah i'm uh i'm current i think a new episode might come out tonight is it thursday nights does it come out i thought it was sunday wasn't game of thrones sunday i honestly don't know but uh but yeah it's pretty good show it's getting better the guy who plays the king is tremendous uh he won me over at first i wasn't a big fan but um at this point, I'm a real big fan of his.
Starting point is 02:46:46 I don't like the blonde girl. I don't give a fuck about her. I think she's a dirty whore and I hope they kill her. I hope her children get their brains... This sounds discriminatory against dirty whores. I hope they bash... I will spoil this a little bit. You won't care.
Starting point is 02:47:02 There's an instance of who's the baby daddy? That's a thing that's happening and it's a very everybody knows but nobody's everybody's afraid to say anything kind of situation and what you have is the husband was black the wife was white the children have are white with brown hair the wife is a targaryen, you know, that crazy blonde hair. And the husband, again, is black with white dreads. And everybody is supposed to look the other way
Starting point is 02:47:32 at these two brown-haired boys. And, like, the whole family's there, you know? And everybody's tall and blonde and long, thin faces. And here are these round-faced, brown-haired boys with curly hair. And everybody's these round-faced, brown-haired boys with curly hair. And everybody's just like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 02:47:48 And the black guy's brother is like, they're carrying, I don't care who fucks who. That's my name. We're the last of the Valerians. We're the last. It's up to us. There are no more.
Starting point is 02:48:01 And I started thinking, and he's supposed to be the bad guy somehow in this scenario, mind you. But their skin isn't that of someone who has a black father. They're white as fuck. And I started thinking to myself, imagine if this was reversed. I would be so, I'd be like, this woke shit. I can't believe it.
Starting point is 02:48:18 Like if they did the reverse, if they had white husband, white wife, but the child was clearly mixed race, I'd be like, how is nobody spinning them off? But it's the same thing. The kid's clearly 100% white. Everyone knows they're fibbing, but they don't care. Oh, they care. They care, but you can't really say much. What are you going to say?
Starting point is 02:48:44 Yeah, if they're the rich, powerful family, you kind of just have to go, oh. That's the crux of the show, by the way. It's those kids don't look right. That's not going to fly. That's the crux of the first show, too. What show are we talking about? Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 02:48:59 My wife and I are re-watching Game of Thrones, and I'm having a blast with it. Now, I remember us discussing what was going to-watching Game of Thrones, and I'm having a blast with it. Now, I remember us discussing what was going to happen next in Game of Thrones, and people who watch the show really got a kick out of it. Like, I think, come this red wedding, it's going to go pretty well for the Starks. And people were having a good time with our takes on it.
Starting point is 02:49:20 Now I get to be that guy. One, unbeknownst to me i know everything about this show i am an expert in game of thrones somehow so i am unstumpable with all these questions she's asking me and all these relationships i didn't realize i knew it years yeah and so she's like pause it okay wait a minute you know does denarius fuck her brother because he's touching her boobs at this point and i'm like no no it's not like that you kind of think it is but it's not and uh um i'm having a blast with it but you can't watch anything right now yeah i uh i i can't go back i can't go back and
Starting point is 02:49:55 watch it i i haven't who knows maybe 10 years from now i'll watch it again and be like oh now that we've got the john snow show in the bag it's cool to go back and start from the very beginning because I think that's supposed to come at the end of the year or early next year the fucking Jon Snow show man I'm psyched for that like that's what I want bring Kit Harrington back and bring his red headed wife in with her fine ass she's dead bring her back to life
Starting point is 02:50:18 it's Game of Thrones baby he was dead too let's go that makes them a perfect couple or just like ham-handedly do it where he's like, you're Egret's sister. That's a really good impression. What is your name?
Starting point is 02:50:35 You've got the same mole on the left side of your pussy. Tell me, sister of Egret, what is your name? Also Egret. I know you're different because she all right let's carry on carrying your egret then yeah i'm i'm very excited for that i hope it's good um i i hope that those those the dnd guys i hope they have nothing to do with it i'm yeah fuck them
Starting point is 02:51:06 yeah they stink they botched the the one the one bit of solace i can take is that the reason they rushed it is because they were supposed to be starting a new star wars trilogy that they were supposed to write and then after a game of thrones they lost that's the way it is they lost the contract i'm like ah so there is some poetic justice in the world. Yeah, I'm pretty psyched about that too. I'm happy to see Amazon's show I won't say failing, but I get recommended a lot of videos
Starting point is 02:51:33 for that show for whatever reason. I think it's because I watch so much Lord of the Rings content in general. And I noticed that there are these videos with 2,000 views that say, A MASTERPIECE! Galadriel is king! And then there are these videos with 350,000 views that are like, the woke nonsense blames fans again for their woes.
Starting point is 02:51:59 Yeah, it's really not doing well. I would say it's not doing well with a very like core group of people that just despise it there's definitely they wanted it to be like you know like they wanted it to be as big as game of thrones was they absolutely did they've spent a billion dollars even in the same arena as how from from what i'm seeing a lot of like hardcore tolkien people are not happy about it and then like the broader population really likes it but the people who know the lore really well tend to not enjoy it very much
Starting point is 02:52:30 I haven't watched it yet I can't really speak to it like in my life no one I know who's like not in either of those groups like they're kind of just casual like they like the Lord of the Rings movies they don't give a shit like none of them are talking about it none of them are watching it I do have friends who are watching the new Game of Thrones show but about it. None of them are watching it. I don't think any of my friends have watched it.
Starting point is 02:52:45 I have friends who are watching the new Game of Thrones show, but not the new Lord of the Rings. Taylor is a heart. I don't know. I've never met or probably even encountered anyone who is as big a Lord of the Rings fan as Taylor is. And I don't know up from down in this thing, but I suspect he is the most biased reporter in the history of...
Starting point is 02:53:07 You mean the most well-informed. He's like, listen, listen, me and all my friends don't like this show. So what more do you need to know? I mean, but like, think about this. Think about, let's say I got put in charge of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as someone who has zero respect for it.
Starting point is 02:53:26 Maybe I actively dislike it and I want to remake it into my own thing. And then I present it to you and you're like, this isn't fucking Marvel. I know Marvel. This isn't. And I go, not only is this the best thing in the world, you're wrong for not liking it. You're bad for not liking my reworked version of this. And it's like, no,
Starting point is 02:53:46 of course, Taylor just doesn't respect the, the, the history of Marvel or any of that. And he just took this character and was like, Oh, this is this character's backstory. Not anymore.
Starting point is 02:53:53 I'm going to squish you into this box. And now you're this kind of guy. Yeah. But that's how it would be. I can't be alone in that. I would have never heard of the Cimmerillion. Had it not been for you. Did I pronounce it correctly?
Starting point is 02:54:04 I think I did. Cimmerillion. Close. Yeah. Yeah. Cimmerillion. And likeillion and like you're right that is that's why i said like that's a level of nobody who's ever read the cimmerillion is liking the show guaranteed like exactly the people who are that nerdy are like the kind of artists who are like what's there i will say one of my mutuals guy who's been on my show, has a Lord of the Rings podcast, Don Marshall. He likes the show, and he's very big on it. He has to. He has a Lord of the Rings show podcast. But it also, the thing is, it also fits his politics.
Starting point is 02:54:35 Oh, is it political? Not, I mean, not in the sense that they're sitting there telling you that, like, there's not elves being like, thank God for Bideniden but no but uh you know it's it's very obviously like trying to be more more diverse i did see the anti-union speech did you see that like no like there was like a clip where like you know because obviously jeff bezos very much against unions and like there was there was a clip of all these like men being like wanting to union like making union workers appear foolish short-sighted and silly and it was just so jarring to see a clip in the lord of the rings universe
Starting point is 02:55:18 where it's like why the fuck you're making points about unions like like stop it this is i want to find that the problem i'm having more than anything is like i don't mind if a show has a political message i don't mind if a movie has a political message you know everything's biased to one direction or the other but from what i have seen from the clips i have seen the writing just isn't good like and when you have a political message i feel like you need to work it into the story and have it not necessarily be subtle, but definitely not hit people over the head with it. And it very much feels like when they have a political message, they're just slapping you in the face with it, which I just think that's just shitty writing. You know, like, don't do that.
Starting point is 02:55:58 That's the problem I have is like, you don't get to excuse shitty writing by saying, you know, oh, well, you don't like it because you're racist. No, I don't like it because the writing's bad. I have absolutely no problem with there being a black Valyrian family in Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. I have no problem with that whatsoever. I don't think people really cared about... Maybe I'm disconnected. I don't think people cared about that with House of the Dragon because they they were like this is in the lore with george rr martin like this
Starting point is 02:56:28 i actually don't think it is i don't i'm pretty sure the the valerians aren't uh the valerians the the family not the valerians that race but in the book i don't think the valerians are but i'm i'm okay i'm okay with it no i meant like but it was him he's overse it. And if it's fine for him to be like, yeah, that's still, that doesn't really matter if it's black or not. I don't really care about that as long as the story's good. Like I saw a good thing with Joe Rogan talking about it and he was like, but I've already, but that's a prequel, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:56:57 And there's black people, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I've seen game of Thrones. There ain't no black people. What happened to him what and the guy's like i don't know joe's like no no no what happened to him they do seem to address and it's
Starting point is 02:57:13 like i'm watching the show and i'm like i think we're finding out what happened to him man between between this story and the game of Thrones, some real shit goes down. I think they did a good job of solving that plot hole with this one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're finding out what happened to him. It's so funny. We're talking about the whole thing. I got the things sitting on my desk over here.
Starting point is 02:57:38 I dug these out the other day. These are the only DVDs I didn't throw away. I'm re-watching the two towers. My wife and I were re-watching it this past weekend. I don't know what to do with these, though. I kind want to like make some kind of artwork out of them maybe like i don't know put them in epoxy or something or resin or whatever you call it yes i think you should get into crafting because like there's like what i mean it's like a cool little art book and it's got all the stuff in it but it is i have the same one yeah oh i bet i mean i know but i want them to re-release i want a 4k um extended version set just like this in a steel book and i think they did do a 4k yeah i want 4k yeah i i want
Starting point is 02:58:17 that um whenever they do that i'll buy it but i don't think they do it. From what I heard, they did do a 4K version of the original Lord of the Rings trilogy, but it looked wrong. Like it, like, cause they had to, cause they had to invent so many pixels that it just like didn't look right.
Starting point is 02:58:37 Interesting. And it felt video game-y. I don't know what they filmed. I don't know what they filmed it with. The original? Yeah. I don't know what it shot on. It would be a good thing to know.
Starting point is 02:58:47 It's neither here nor there. But yeah, I don't own much physical media anymore. I've got a handful of movies. I wanted to watch The Martian the other day. I own that. That movie looks so good. It is good. I liked it.
Starting point is 02:59:01 If you happen to watch The Martian with a good audio system it's amazing that initial scene where they um there's like a storm that breaks everything it sounds very very good with surround sound cool yeah i've uh i hadn't seen it in a little while but uh i i watched it the other night that's a really good movie it is matt damon's a great actor to be able to carry that thing on his shoulders like that. Like, every scene when he's all there but all by himself,
Starting point is 02:59:28 you're like, yeah, like, these are the good scenes. Like, I like when they go back to JPL, back to NASA and stuff. That stuff's cute, but I want to see Mark Watney, like, making potatoes
Starting point is 02:59:37 or whatever. Mm-hmm. We haven't talked about Alex Jones yet. Oh, poor Alex. All right. Woody was on, Woody's on,
Starting point is 02:59:45 Woody's so toxic on Alex. what he's what he's on whatsapp like oh boohoo this is what happens when you make fun of children come on man he's got negative 900 million dollars i mean he probably had a few mil to balance that out like negative 80 that's why it's only negative 900 965 million is the judgment against him roughly his people say it's over a billion jesus christ there's a previous judgment that's millions from the other do we find any of the people who like caused our economic collapse that much no we know no 67 million was the highest. They didn't say shit about it. There are sitting senators and congressmen who lied us into the Iraq war, who cost thousands
Starting point is 03:00:31 of people their lives, who will never face justice for it. Hundreds of thousands of people over a million. A million dollars? How did they get to that number? Was it Biden in office? They went child by child and tens of millions of millions of dollars so there were some republicans the parents i don't know them off the parent yeah for the parents yeah um i saw um i bet i'm getting my cases
Starting point is 03:00:56 conflated because um today was also the day that that shooter maybe got um yeah not that was cruise got got um um what do you call it when they give you the sentenced sentenced yeah and they gave him life instead of death subject matter expertise kyle what the heck there are i don't know a cup of coffee they grab them and they put them in the back of the maybe they take them to this they take you to the scary place 99 of the time i'm against the death penalty because i feel like there's just too high of a chance that somebody gets wrongfully convicted yeah but in this case like this is not this is not up for debate he did it like this guy murdered what was it 17 children i believe it's 17 like it's it's cut and dry like death penalty is for this. Is it a worse punishment, though?
Starting point is 03:01:46 I'd rather die. If you offer me life or death, I pick death. They always argue that it's actually cheaper to keep him for life in prison than it is to give the death penalty. I'm not arguing the finances of it. Just fix it. I like where your head is. I feel like the reason it's hard is because there's an appeals process
Starting point is 03:02:04 and we give the death penalty to people who may or may not have actually deserved it. But this guy. This guy's appeals process should cost less than $9.99. Exactly. Right now we've got guilty and not guilty. Let's come up with definitely fucking guilty. And if you're definitely fucking guilty by a jury of your peers, you died a day. Right here. Yeah. I don't see this being a slippery of your peers. You died a day right here.
Starting point is 03:02:25 I don't see this being a slippery slope at all. I don't care if it's a shot. I like Nicholas Cruz when we have on-camera shooting children. He should just be taken out on the courthouse steps and just popped in the back of the head right there. Oh, but how much money would the
Starting point is 03:02:41 bullet cost? I mean, the cop shouldn't take i'm the cop shouldn't take him alive is the real is the real problem if they wanted that's the other problem is like fuck the police they're not killing enough people dude did you see him put did you see them all right so there's a kid did you see the kid at mcdonald's get shot by the cop no no the guy who's like just literally eating a burger i did-year-old kid. Oh, yeah. White, if it matters, is sitting there eating a cheeseburger, yellow wrapper, at McDonald's in the parking lot. Got his girlfriend in the car with him or a passenger.
Starting point is 03:03:12 It doesn't matter. And the cop just opens the door and is like, get out of the car. And he's like, what? What? And the cops start shooting and shooting. And the kid's on life support now. He did survive. Oh, is he on life support?
Starting point is 03:03:23 Yeah. I know that he got a bunch of holes in him. I think his passenger did too. And the cop was under the impression that it was a stolen car. It wasn't. The cop didn't run the plates or anything. He just approached the car and treated it as if it were Grand Theft Auto.
Starting point is 03:03:38 Which, by the way, is not a capital crime. He shoots the kid, call it five times, and the kid pulls away but then stops. Then the cop's like, you want some more, do you? Shoots a few more times into the back of the car. Then the car really
Starting point is 03:03:56 speeds away. Initially, they charge the kid with assault on an officer and fleeing. He's fleeing for his life! The cop initially claimed that he tried to run him over with the car it was only until the like once they looked at the footage they realized that the cop falsified that report this is a bad cop but he deserves at least a paid vacation yeah he he had only been a cop for six months get shot on the way home um like
Starting point is 03:04:22 for six months he'd been a cop yeah so now he's gonna get like the only time the only i think i think the filing charges actually in this in this case i think i read it they're gonna press charges good there there's very few situations under which it's like okay to just open fire on somebody without trying to arrest them first it's like if they're actively shooting at you if they're actively shooting at someone else or if you caught somebody in the middle of like a rape like those are driving a vehicle toward you um yeah exactly if they're actively shooting at you if they're actively shooting at someone else or if you caught somebody in the middle of like a rape like those are driving a vehicle toward you um yeah exactly if they're imminently threatening your life someone else's life or cops use that one a lot like cops use that one a lot to kill people and like um i bet like i because like all you do is
Starting point is 03:04:59 step out of the way like sometimes you don't like i've seen i've watched all those cop videos and i've seen plenty of them where the cops are standing in front of the van they're like if you move this van forward i will kill you and it's like you know you could step to the left and that wouldn't be in that we wouldn't be at that point anymore we would now be at the point where you push that van forward and i'm gonna be real mad have to chase you down again and stop you like that's where we should be but they always get in front and it's like do or die motherfucker and it's like don't put him in that spot because he could we don't know why this person's driving the car and being crazy some people are assholes and malicious trying to cause as much harm as possible and some people have had a mental breakdown and they just need to chill out and i've
Starting point is 03:05:39 i handle high pressure situations pretty well When the cops pointed their guns at me, I followed instructions, but some people seem to act like you ever corner a dog and it's like a wild dog or something, or maybe a dog that's flipped out and they're just like, so people act like that. You can see it in their eyes on, in some of those cop videos. It's like,
Starting point is 03:05:59 Oh, you're not dealing with a rational person anymore. You're dealing with a cornered animal. Like, like this guy cannot be reasoned with anymore. He will not give you his hand because he is crazed now. He is not working through his mind. Well, I should probably give
Starting point is 03:06:11 them my hand because there's no other way this ends. He doesn't think like that. If you can hear into that guy's brain, it's ahhh! That's all that's going on in there. Fight! Fight! Fight! It doesn't seem yeah it's just that's what's going on there's just a fight fight fight like it doesn't seem like most cops are even trained in de-escalation like they'll they'll
Starting point is 03:06:31 rattle off like three instructions but each one counteracts the previous where it's like freeze hands up left hand red like simon didn't say bang bang bang like they'll try and actively confuse not try to actively confuse, but they just, that guy in the hotel was the best example. Yeah. Get on your knees, put your hand up, lay down, hands behind your back. Like, what do you want me to do, man? Like you just told me to do five different moves.
Starting point is 03:06:56 And that's what it's all about. Bang, bang, bang. Yeah. It's just like, fuck you, dude. That guy got a cop psych on Zillow picking out his new, his new pad as he's executing someone. Yeah. That's it's a real shitty job. That's why they should raise the pay for cops
Starting point is 03:07:08 and get rid of these doofy motherfuckers who are getting that job for $25,000, $30,000 or whatever because it's what you can get. Make it an $85,000 a year job and require a fucking degree to get into it and you'll have some professional ex-military well-adjusted people with psychology degrees in there. I get the carrot
Starting point is 03:07:30 approach and I'm not opposed to it entirely but there should be more stick. Oh, lots of stick for the cops. Oh, it should be if you fuck up, you're in trouble. You know how sometimes the cops fuck up and the city pays out like so many millions? Yeah. New policy comes from the retirement
Starting point is 03:07:45 fund that changes the whole fucking culture of the police department they're no longer blue walling whatever and saying oh you know what show me he shoots a couple people but that doesn't matter no now you all move your retirement age from 65 to 67 suck a dick suddenly they won't be so in favor of each other being assholes i like that so much that makes sense i like that so much or we could have this is an equally good idea or we can have you all tell you this is a good plan we have we have hyper cops now these hyper cops are unique in that they can only ticket police officers. You see a hyper cop walking around society.
Starting point is 03:08:29 He's not going to give you a ticket for speeding. He's there, a smaller, more elite contingent of higher paid people. Then they go out and they punish cops. They see something bad going on. They get a ring on hyper 911. And then they go sent out and they're like there's something going on we got a cop abusing a child in a neighborhood dispute then he shows up and he starts he doesn't even talk to the cop he goes to the people he goes will you explain to me what officer dipshit is doing here
Starting point is 03:08:56 and the officer can say we're a thin blue line he's like i got a different requirement account buddy i'm a hyper cop don't talk to me you're all resisting arrest. Are they part cybernetic? Isn't that that would be phased in over time? Yeah, it's a good idea. Do that though? Yeah, but they're all on the same team mostly, right?
Starting point is 03:09:18 We need a totally different one. The FBI, they're too busy protecting pedophile islands. There's a lot of oversight in law enforcement in general. That's the main problem. Yeah, that's why we need hypercops. We're going to talk about Alex Jones a little longer. That place is in deep water, and I'm loving it.
Starting point is 03:09:34 How does that work? How do you actually... What did Alex do to you? I've been entertaining you for all these years. We've got to get Woody to get his payout. Here's the problem I have with what happened there. It's not that Alex Jones got in a heap of trouble because whatever. Because they're after all our First Amendment rights.
Starting point is 03:09:54 It really is that, though, because if you... I knew it. I fucking knew it. It's not every right wing... Watch the video of his lawyer, or not his lawyer, the plaintiff's lawyer, saying that he wants them to award as much damage as possible so that it takes out info wars permanently he made it about shutting down info wars not punishing alex jones to me that says this is about crushing dissent this is not about punishing out rushing dissent yeah this guy made a business out of saying that these were child actors.
Starting point is 03:10:26 No, no, no. He already had that. Parents were lying. He sold supplements and made a wealthy, wealthy man out of himself. He told his followers to harass the surviving parents of the children. And they were
Starting point is 03:10:41 at the parents' house giving them shit, harassinging them haranguing them horrible on his direction about punishing him this is about taking out info wars how it's a fine against alex jones it's an alex alex jones that is targeting the assets of alex jones which include the lawyer said it dude the lawyer said we should be taking out but you're acting like it's about punishing defense dissent and said it's actually about punishing alex jones no they're not after everybody else who's talking they're after alex jones and only alex jones because he's the he's the first target he this is not was he the first target it's gonna be alex jones and then it's
Starting point is 03:11:23 gonna be libertarian and it's gonna be tucker carlson like that's who it's gonna be alex jones and then it's gonna be libertarian and it's gonna be tucker carlson like that's who it's gonna be next and i call it slippery slope all you want that is what it is you don't think the nazis were sitting there in 1933 going all right we're gonna take out someone acceptable first and then try and link people to them it's exactly what they did it is the playbook it's in solilinski's playbook rules for radicals. The whole thing is mapped out. This is what they do. I'm not saying what I'm hearing is they're taking out someone who's acceptable,
Starting point is 03:11:50 but you're not okay with this because you're worried that somewhere down the line, they'll take out someone who's not acceptable. I'm worried that that's where it's leading. Yes. I'm worried. I think if we take out people who are acceptable, we don't have a problem,
Starting point is 03:12:02 but that's the whole point is to, is to start it with someone who everyone but the whole point is to is to start it with someone who everyone's kind of argument is we need to keep this guy on the air okay we can punish him a little bit but we don't want to lose info wars that'd be a problem no we need to keep this guy don't reframe my argument that's not i think i'm pretty much on target here you said they're going after info wars and that's your chief complaint my exactly that is my complaint is that they're going after info wars deliberately not just alex jones this if they were trying to punish alex jones the settlement the money would have been way lower so you're saying
Starting point is 03:12:35 alex jones is not info wars i that is what i'm saying info wars is an entire company owned by alex jones sure that's the only thing i know about it yeah i don't know anything about it it's essentially oh come on hey there are gwyneth paltrow's company that sells pills is the same fucking pills i'm not even kidding they're the same pills when if paltrow sells them joe rogan sells them alex jones sells them they always change the pill company no he doesn't he doesn't own the pill company i just read. Alex Jones owns the pill company. No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't own the pill company. I just read it today. He contracts the pill company.
Starting point is 03:13:12 He owns the branding for the pills he sells. He is not the guy who owns the supplement company. That is the same company that supplies Gwyneth Paltrow with her shit. It's the same pills. It's funny because I read it today. And look, I'm only as good as my sources. It could be wrong. But it said he owns the pill company and the pill company is transferring its money into a trust. And the trust is named after Alex Jones.
Starting point is 03:13:31 You are talking about the branding of Alex Jones pill company. What is it better? They buy the separate financial entity. I don't care how they contract the pills. They buy the pills from someone else. That's the point. It doesn't make a difference. Yes, it does. It's not Alex Jones' pill
Starting point is 03:13:48 company. You're saying they sell the pills. So they may outsource the manufacturing. Everyone else is selling the pills. They outsource the manufacturing. This doesn't make any difference. It doesn't make it not his pill company. It is. No. The supplement company is his, but he's not
Starting point is 03:14:04 the one manufacturing the pills. You're acting like Who cares if he manufactures the pills? You're acting but he's not the one manufacturing the pills. You're acting like... Who cares if he manufactures the pills? You're acting like he's the only one doing it. It's like saying Apple doesn't make phones because they outsource their manufacturing to Foxconn. No, no, no, no, no, it's not the same thing. This iPhone right here, this is an Apple iPhone designed by Apple and then constructed by someone else. If you were to take this phone and buy it generic from somebody else and rebrand it, that's what Alex Jones is doing. So by saying, oh, well, he made his money selling these. Yeah, he did. But that's the InfoWars was around before
Starting point is 03:14:36 Sandy Hook happened. He was selling the pills before Sandy Hook happened. Yes, he gained followers from the Sandy Hook thing. And that is a tragedy is horrible. And he should absolutely be punished for that. But what they are doing is deliberately trying to take out a dissenting voice in the media marketplace. That is what they are trying to do. Who's they? The fucking establishment. The establishment because it was actually done by a jury of 12.
Starting point is 03:14:58 It was a civil suit, and the jury – And everything you're basing this on – Did Alex Jones have an opportunity to defend himself in this trial? Everything you're basing this on – Alex Jones did have an opportunity to defend himself. No, he did not. He went for years not cooperating with the trial. No, he did cooperate.
Starting point is 03:15:10 No, he didn't show up every time they tried to depose him. Boom. No. Boom. No. That's exactly what happened here. You know that it was a discovery issue. You know that it was a discovery issue. You know that it was a discovery issue.
Starting point is 03:15:27 They would not accept that what he gave them was what he had. He wouldn't show up and talk. Because they weren't giving him a fair trial. So we agree now that he didn't show up when they tried to expose him. Sure, but if they're not going to give the guy a fair trial, And then his argument is that he didn't have a chance to defend himself no he didn't show up when they demanded his presence oh my god you're you're totally leaving out half the story but it's it's it's neither here nor there like you're you and
Starting point is 03:15:54 i are not going to agree on this because i actually i in my opinion no no no keep duking it out you'll get to an agreement all right you know what You know what? You want me to say the agreeable phrase here? The establishment. No, no, no. The establishment media, the establishment media, the establishment political parties, they want to quash dissenting voices. The Democrats did it to Bernie Sanders. And I think that's something we can all agree on.
Starting point is 03:16:22 The Democrats did it to Bernie Sanders with the superdelegates issue. Bernie won that primary. And the Democrats went and crushed him and they do the exact same goddamn thing to to media companies. For example, remember when Miley Anopolis got taken out? That wasn't the left who took Miley Anopolis out. The right did that. When they find people within their movement that they don't like, they will attack them. They will take them down.
Starting point is 03:16:45 And of course, they're going to attack people on either side. They also have a jury of 12 that I guess they secretly manipulated or paid under the table in some way to get them to award a judgment against him. Like, what is the mechanism that this happened? I get the dark, shadowy lizard people. The establishment got them to take out Alex Jones. Don't you hear what I'm saying to the dark, shadowy lizard people? I'm them to take out alex jones saying to the dark shadowy lizard people i'm talking about legitimate things i'm talking about the fact that steven there's a jury that made 57 people and we don't know why i'm talking about the fact that jeffrey epstein
Starting point is 03:17:14 absolutely didn't kill himself but we keep pretending he did that's what i'm talking about like you're talking about lizard i'm talking about alex jones having a jury settlement awarded against him and you'd rather talk about anything but that because you don't have any evidence. You put a guy on the stand. He's not allowed to defend himself. And you just feed the jury information. You get up there and you tell the jury. What happened was Alex Jones wouldn't show up to his own trial so many times that the judge was forced to order a summary judgment.
Starting point is 03:17:44 And then he said that he wasn't allowed to defend himself when in reality he wouldn't show up to his own defense. And then he pretends to be the victim. He was up there on the stand being questioned, not allowed to defend himself to a jury while the lawyer for the opposition told them they should award the maximum damages to take out his media company so what happened in that scenario is he's up there on the stand and they ask him questions and then he wants to go off about like how hillary clinton's a lizard person and make it his own info wars episode now and they're like no no no no you have to actually answer the questions that you've been asked to you it It's a stay on topic. He wanted to do the opposition's lawyer got shut down by the judge. For being for leading the jury, for telling the jury how they should find this and to tell the jury like all this information,
Starting point is 03:18:37 he got shut down numerous times because he was out of order, because he was out of line. And you're going to sit here and tell me that alex jones was the only guy causing problems sure alex did use the opportunity while he was on stage knowing he was about to get taken down for everything he's worth to call out the establishment and the corruption but everyone's sitting here being like boo alex jones he has some valid fucking points okay he most of them aren't valid is it the lizard people the pedophile ring or the sandy hook uh conspiracy that his are his valid points the epstein thing is a, the pedophile ring, or the Sandy Hook conspiracy that are his valid points? The Epstein thing is his valid points. The pedophile thing is completely valid.
Starting point is 03:19:10 That is true. Matt Gaetz you talking about? No, Matt Gaetz was being extorted and you know that. Why are you doing this? Why do you? I'm just saying he fucked 17-year-olds. Matt Gaetz, there is absolutely no evidence of that, by the way. His Venmo transactions or evidence.
Starting point is 03:19:26 His Venmo transactions that what he gave a 17 year old money. Yeah, that's, that's evidence. All right, fine. Bill Clinton was on Epstein's private jet to Epstein's private Island. 26 times.
Starting point is 03:19:38 Is that evidence that Bill Clinton molested those children? I don't know if Bill Clinton did that, but your number's wrong with the 26 times kind of. How? Well, it's because these flights had multiple legs, and they kind of exaggerated. Like, I think there were like six trips that turned into like 26
Starting point is 03:19:56 legs. Okay, fine. And that's where that number comes from. Six times he went to this island where it was... No, none of the trips were to the island. Oh my God. We know he... Holy shit shit if you look at the flight log literally i don't i don't have i don't have a jamie to sit here and be like hey jamie pull that up but my point here sure to the flight log show him going to the island is it show him going to bill clinton in africa and new york and etc and it doesn't matter because we know that epstein brought the fucking kids to new york with him
Starting point is 03:20:24 that might be true it's just that i was correcting that epstein brought the kids to new york with him that might be true it's just that i was correcting you when you said he went to the island all right wait wait wait so so matt gates venmoing somebody money is evidence that he molested 17 year olds bill clinton said she him so did what was her name virginia something uh who's virginia jeffrey i think is her name i don't know this person and prince andrews walking scott free bill clinton's walking free fuck i don't care if trump was on the flight flight logs we should know every single goddamn name in that black book this is the first time anybody's ever been convicted of sex trafficking without a single client named what if it's better for the american people if we don't know though
Starting point is 03:21:04 i can see no circumstance under which it is better for the American people if we don't know, though? I can see no circumstance under which it is better for the American people that we don't know which of our... Yeah, it'd be better to know if they were doing that shit. What if holding influence over foreign powers allows America to be more prosperous and powerful than making enemies of them? Don't care.
Starting point is 03:21:19 I'm with Kyle. I'm just asking. Under no circumstances can you protect child predators. Those people should be put through the wood chipper in the public square. There's the greater good. Even if it means to surrender to communism. A couple young buttholes and the
Starting point is 03:21:35 economy's better. Nope. Not taking it. We cover up for our kind around here, God damn it. I don't care whether i do not care whether there's a d or an r next to your name if you do something like that to a child you should be shot in the street we're not talking about politicians and civilians we're talking about like do we keep this file on the chic of wherever the fuck stand because now he's going to sell us
Starting point is 03:22:00 his oil just right and whenever we tell him to and if we tell him to make this much he'll make that much and if we tell him to pour it out on the ground he will too nope yeah i'd hang on to them pictures i wouldn't flight logs and chic whoever the fuck would they would tell me some cheap oil if i if i had that shit it would be published in the world if we out him he's just gonna be embarrassed in the west and like keep doing his thing over there maybe but at least we said it that's what i was it. I'll keep it quiet. Yeah. Anyway, I'm not saying Bill Clinton doesn't fuck children. He might. I'm only saying
Starting point is 03:22:29 that the flight logs don't have him on the island. He's got a bad heart. I doubt he's doing it anymore. We need to introduce him to Blue Chew. With a little Blue Chew, the man can get up to the job. Alright, so we got our Jamie to fact check it. There's no flight log saying he goes to the island.
Starting point is 03:22:48 Of course not. But we have pictures of the victims in Epstein's New York apartment, so if he went to New York with them, fuck it. Fine. That's enough. Is it? I gotta see him in the apartment. I gotta see him in the apartment. We should know which names are in that book. All I'm hearing right now is he went to New York one one time and he flew on a plane i've been on planes
Starting point is 03:23:09 sitting here like i don't like bill clinton you cannot but i'm not about like bill clinton on one hand you're wanting to like come on don't go after don't go after alex jones come no no i don't know that there are people that work there on the other i said punish alex clinton went to new york one York one time where his wife's the senator. A likely story. You guys are pinning something weird on me. I said both of these people should be punished. Because what you do is you're like, maybe we should look at this.
Starting point is 03:23:36 And it's like, well, you're insinuating that we should look at that because X, Y, and Z. You're kind of implying things but not standing behind what you're implying. You went pretty far on Matt Gaetz being innocent, even though the girl he fucked said he fucked her. And there's the Venmo transaction for it. And the fucking prosecutors said that they didn't have enough evidence and that the witnesses were unreliable. That's right. They said the witnesses were unreliable, which I wonder if, like, this time i'm thinking weird cover-up maybe i'm being biased maybe this is my bias coming through but i'm like this guy's a sitting member of the house of representatives and they're like you know what the witness is unreliable let's not pursue this case
Starting point is 03:24:16 if i'm being honest like i just don't care because it doesn't matter they're like it just doesn't matter you know my thing is this i don't i think everyone agrees this is consensual i hate that she's 17 but 17 oh with the mac gates yeah i'm on the mac gates thing um if people don't know the details and i think i have this right in fast forward she was 17 she was in college all her friends were 19 they were on a website where you look for sugar babies they hired a couple of them they flew them to wherever. And I think they paid them like $800 or $900 to fuck. Is that all? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:24:49 And she's like, it was consensual by her part. She lied about her age, right? And so Matt Gaetz is under the impression she was 19. They have their party. They do their thing. And then they bring her back. And they're satisfied customers. And she's a satisfied sex worker.
Starting point is 03:25:05 That's like how it went. It turns out that because they traveled for this party, that makes it illegal. Had it been in Florida, it would have been, I think a little scummy because she's 17. It is scummy, but she lied about being 17 and it was only illegal because she crossed
Starting point is 03:25:21 lines. And I just feel like it's a bit of a technicality. But it is what it is. And they decided not to prosecute him because they said that the witnesses were unreliable. Good. That's what's up. I hear that and I'm like,
Starting point is 03:25:37 I wonder if someone scratched somebody's back. I don't know. Being scummy is the American fucking way. You want to talk founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin loved getting after it. He was all the time in France, just whores left and right, and 17 would have been old for Benjamin Franklin.
Starting point is 03:25:52 Is that part true? A 17-year-old would have walked in. I don't know if there's necessarily evidence for that, but I would be shocked. No, there's not, but I'm funny. 17 was definitely not considered underage in the 1700s. But, no, I mean, to be very clear about my stance on this, I think Alex Jones should be punished.
Starting point is 03:26:10 I think he absolutely should be fined multiple millions of dollars. He should pay for the pain and suffering and all of that. I just worry that what we're seeing here is, and honestly, I think Matt Gaetz should be investigated the fullest extent possible. Bill Clinton too. Fuck Donald Trump. Same thing. All of them. I want investigations into all
Starting point is 03:26:28 of these people. Trump has a problem. Apparently there's a chick accusing him of rape and she has the DNA on the dress. We'll see where it goes. I don't know. He was just ordered to show up for being deposed. Oh wait, is that the New York
Starting point is 03:26:44 Attorney General one? Yeah. Who's losing her race to a Republican right now and suddenly has a criminal charge to file? Dude, that is political. I'm torn, right? I mentioned to my wife, I was like, dude, this is politically motivated. She ran on the platform of I will go after
Starting point is 03:27:00 Trump. That makes it politically motivated, right? Is this a witch hunt? It could be. And she was like, well, what if she ran on the platform of I'll take down the mob? Does that make that politically motivated? And I'm like, I hear your counterpoint. Yeah, I'm not saying
Starting point is 03:27:16 I don't believe it or that it's impossible because it's politically motivated. I just am very aware of the fact that it's politically motivated. I know that this isn't the way the law works. You don't have to prove your innocence. You have to prove their guilt. But he could easily prove his innocence by
Starting point is 03:27:30 giving him some DNA and proving that it's not his, but he doesn't want to. Instead, he said, she's not my type. She was pretty hot. She was totally his type. She was like a blonde, hot woman. In not political stuff. um so you you all know boogie uh yes two nine eight eight friend of the show friend of friend of us all so i don't keep
Starting point is 03:27:57 up with him at all but i had people kind of loop me in on twitter sending me messages like you should watch this video he made so i guess a year and four months ago, he made a video called I am finally rich. How crypto made me rich. And and in the video, I didn't watch the whole thing, but I saw some clips of him saying like, I'm to the point now that I could quit YouTube. I could quit streaming. I could quit everything and I could still live life at the same quality I have now. I could retire.
Starting point is 03:28:27 And it's great. I'm glad to finally be there. He just made another video just a couple days ago, less than a year and a half after this, called I Need Your Help. And he is talking about how his crypto investments went sideways, downward. And now he said he's lost most of the money he put into crypto. And it was like a very, it was a very e-beggy video. Like, yeah, that was the old video. I'm finally rich.
Starting point is 03:29:00 Show me the new one. Yes, show the new one for help me and dude he's he's getting he's getting lambasted by by his his subscribers people watching it like you know how usually even if there's a big bad response or something the top comment will be something like someone who really likes that youtuber's like oh i'll support you i'm sorry you're going i'm with you big guy uh no all the top comments are like, sorry you have to work, man. We all do. As a longtime fan, I must say,
Starting point is 03:29:29 nah, fam. Once in a life, you should all do it. Oh, no. And he was like, at the time, he's going like, and so if you could just give me like five bucks a month or ten bucks a month for this or this thing on this platform or this thing on this and it's like and none of it was like the normal way it would be done where like he wasn't like hey i'm starting this and this amount of money i'm gonna do this series where i go to a different fucking restaurant whatever it
Starting point is 03:29:58 is it was just like no no discussion of new content just like like I need money. Give me. I need money. Money me. We don't even ask that much money. We're like, hey, could you give $1 a month to our Patreon to get access to all of our exclusive content? Yeah. People are like, this is so interesting. Watching someone who hasn't had to work in over a decade finally have to go back to work. Here's a tip.
Starting point is 03:30:21 That is interesting content, actually. Dude, I was thinking to myself like i'll never be as rich as jeff bezos because he has to kept doubling down doubling down doubling down he worked long after he didn't need to and i thought like i'll never make 20 million on crypto because the second i make three i cash the fuck out put my feet on the coffee table and say i won i just can't see myself making 20 million unless it happens faster than i looked at it like what i don't understand has been alienating his audience for years and this i think this is like one of those like death of a youtuber things like over
Starting point is 03:30:57 twice as many dislikes his likes his views are already bad all of the comments i was looking for a supportive comment just now while you were talking, trying to scroll through. I can't find any. Any of them. All of them are like, I'm sorry. The nicest ones out there are, I'm sorry to say this, Boogie, but you aren't the only one struggling. Get out there and get a job and earn your money. That's the nicest one I can find.
Starting point is 03:31:20 I'm not sure this is death of a YouTuber. I'll go real quick, Kyle. I think this is death of a youtuber and i'll go real quick kyle i think this is interesting content i think that like dude i want to see a guy struggle i hope you could get a job at mcdonald's and tell me every day how it went and i'll be like all right i'm here for it how to be how to ship go is the ice cream fucking machine broken again tell me what i want to tell women it is we just got a new we just got a new fry shipment this morning where are the potatoes so he's i'm looking at it it's like what 1.6 million views
Starting point is 03:31:51 i don't know how long his videos are that's 12 pies here oh oh i don't know he's gaining subs i can see that he was losing subs in 2020 is Is he gaining though? No, his best ones are on zero. How many gains? Yeah, that looks like zero is the – Well, oftentimes. But the thing is he's making 10. Well, none of that matters. Things have been going poorly for him lately. But now, now it's time to fight for your money.
Starting point is 03:32:15 Now it's time for Wings of Redemption versus Boogie. Really quick. Woody, Woody, I – Woody, I did want to apologize. Loser deletes their YouTube. I did want to apologize for getting heated during the Alex Jones thing a little bit. Oh, that's not heated. That's cool. That's content, my friend.
Starting point is 03:32:31 I did not know about the depositions that he didn't show up for. I was not aware of that. So I just do want to apologize and own up to that. This is orange shirt Woody. Orange shirt Woody is a kind guy. He's not going to go in on you. Just looking at this What color shirt Woody? Blue is the problem shirt.
Starting point is 03:32:53 Go in on him. He'll say some hurtful shit. Boogie's subscriber yearly estimate is down 120,000. Yeah, but his weight is up way more than i i don't know that you know what i tend to be too positive there's a blue shirt i think i like my hair i need to start going straight back on
Starting point is 03:33:18 that anyway um i like him with the struggle like him is him as this new motivation. I, I I'm here for it. Maybe I'm too positive on it, but I, I do. You can be hated and successful. There's a couple of guys who use that model. Sure. Absolutely.
Starting point is 03:33:34 Yeah. Yeah. But, but you really got to lean into it, right? You got to know to lean into it. You can't just be, you can't try to be liked,
Starting point is 03:33:42 be hated and just keep grinding your way forward on the broken glass. You've got to be like, yeah, I'm a bad boy now. And you've got to just all the time be kind of like throwing salt in the wound of them and stirring controversy up. But that's not what he does. If I lost 10,000 subscribers in a month, I would probably just quit. Yeah, I mean, well, he's got four million or so okay yeah i'm i'm sitting at 67 so i'm a little he's a little different but yeah he's like i think what do you've actually got a point there people will hate watch like yeah this kind of from the ufc there are plenty of guys in the ufc who play the uh the heel heel or WWE and you know,
Starting point is 03:34:25 there's a place for them. Colby Covington is, I mean, we were just talking about how he's, he's out there with Kanye, not to support Candace Owens or Kanye or, or any of that shit. He doesn't,
Starting point is 03:34:35 he doesn't even believe in any of that shit. It's his character that believes in that shit. So that's, we have to be there. We're talking about him now. It works. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, he's great. He doesn't even, I can't wait for him to fight again. He doesn't have a fight book. so that's why he has to be there we're talking about him now it worked I can't wait for him to fight again he doesn't have a fight booked but I'll watch it
Starting point is 03:34:50 I'll pay for it can't wait who do you want to see him fight I want to see him fight for the belt I want to see them throw him right at Leon Edwards and fuck everybody else and then see his shit eating grin on TV when he takes it because he can go right into London and take that belt anytime they
Starting point is 03:35:05 throw it up for him from Leon Edwards. I don't hate that, man. And he might... Usman, for as great a wrestler as he is, didn't wrestle. Maybe he did wrestle Edwards. I don't know. I just feel like Colton Covington might hold him down and grind him and beat him.
Starting point is 03:35:22 That would be my bet. I mean, jiu-jitsu is very good. There's a lot of... He's going to hold him down and grind him. Beat him off. Wrestlers are good at getting top position and staying there. They don't always do a ton of damage, but they win fights on points
Starting point is 03:35:42 by... It's sometimes called lay and pray. And Colby Covington's really good at it. He gets on top, he holds the guy down, and then he pillow hands him all around the entire round and he wins that round by the judge's scorecard. He does this. And Leon Edwards is a
Starting point is 03:35:57 striking kickboxing specialist who's susceptible to that having happened to him. Colby manhandled him. Yeah, he took the belt from him. No problem. It's a fluke. He has it anyway.
Starting point is 03:36:09 That's what I would want to see, but they're going to let Kamaru come back and get his belt back, and then I don't know what. I don't know what Colby's going to do. Anything he does, I watch, so I enjoy him. He's not even that exciting of a fighter most of the time. He's Chael Sonnening it. He's Chael Sonnening it.
Starting point is 03:36:23 He's so great. Oh, Chael's fighting Tito Ortiz. Are you kidding? Are you fucking kidding me? That's so good. Chael's not talking about it, but Tito is. So I guess it's true.
Starting point is 03:36:32 Wait, I hope that he beats the fuck out of Tito. Tito, that piece of shit for hitting brain dead, um, Iceman a couple of years ago and like, and beating him up ground and pounding that poor old C CTE fuck that made the sport what it is. I think when Chael fought Tito the last time,
Starting point is 03:36:49 Tito was an active fighter, and Chael was coming off of a steroid suspension, and he kind of just wasn't the best version of him. One guy was active and as good as he could be, and then Chael wasn't the best version of himself, and he hates it. He hates that loss. He very much wants to avenge that loss.
Starting point is 03:37:06 And he's explained it. He's like, I was the worst fighter alive. I didn't know it. But Tito Ortiz is clearly the worst fighter who's ever fought in the organization. And I lost to him. Therefore, that night, I was the worst fighter in the organization. That's how that is. So, yeah, Tito Ortiz, they say February of 23. I'd love organization. That's how that is. So, um, yeah, T or T's,
Starting point is 03:37:25 they say February of 23. I'd love that. I'd love that. I'd watch that. I'd pay for that. Um, I think what organization would it just be a standalone pay-per-view maybe like a Logan? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:37:38 I hope they go try to make their own money and I won't watch boxing though. I won't watch boxing. Oh, well I'll steal boxing i'll steal boxing i'm willing to pirate boxing um oh anderson silva versus logan paul how far away is i'm sorry um jake paul how far away is that end of the month right is it like the 28th i had that number in my head i had anderson silva maybe i'm wrong that number in my head. I had Anderson Silva easily winning in my head.
Starting point is 03:38:08 I had that for Tyrone Woodley twice, so don't go by me. October 29th. I didn't realize how old Silva was. Is he 46? I thought he was closer to 48 or 49, somewhere in there. It's hard to tell. He's really old.
Starting point is 03:38:26 He's almost as old as you nearly yeah like he's 47 he's 47 fight like that at that age doesn't he right it doesn't look i've seen 47 year old 50 year olds fight before and everyone's like oh boy That's not good. Jake Paul's at his peak. He might win. My money's on Jake. Is Jake Paul my age? Early 20s. I don't like that. If not slightly older.
Starting point is 03:38:52 Yeah, Jake's got to smoke him. Big boy. He hits so goddamn hard. If you can knock Tyron Woodley out with those big gloves, then you can knock anybody out that he's going to fight anyway. I'm not saying he's going to go beat up some heavyweight or something, but he can certainly knock out Anderson. If he can knock out Tyron, he can knock out Anderson. I want to see it. I'll steal it.
Starting point is 03:39:15 Aiden, I've been holding onto this for almost four hours. Did you study medieval studies in college? Where? Penn State. Penn State offers medieval studies? college? Where? Penn State. Penn State offers medieval studies? Like sword fighting and armor and stuff. No, it's the study of history, culture, religion in the medieval period.
Starting point is 03:39:36 So from the fall of Rome to the fall of Rome, essentially, as we joke. Because 476 is the fall of the Western Roman Empire. 1453 is the fall of the Eastern. So we joke that it's a little bit longer than that, depending on where in Europe the medieval period starts and ends in different areas. But yeah, so Penn State actually used to have a super robust history department, but due to funding cuts, they've kind of pared it down.
Starting point is 03:39:57 There used to be a religious studies major. There is a Jewish studies major still. It's not much bigger than the medieval studies major, but basically a lot of these departments, uh, due to loss of funding, either scaled back or they're volunteer only for the professors or they're cross-listed with everything else. But yeah, I, uh, I, the, the cool thing was it was so interdisciplinary that by the time I was a senior, I was eligible for, um, I had a, I got a major in medieval studies and then minors in history english classics and religion so i've i've four minors that went along with the major which is
Starting point is 03:40:31 just absolutely insane i wish they would have given me a second major um would have made more sense this is like i was raised in a household that thought a business degree was too generalized and not didn't prepare you for a career enough that you needed like a more specific degree like a doctor engineer obviously accountants top of the yes um medieval studies like there were two of us my graduating class uh me and a girl named izzy that would be that would suck if you finished second in your class yeah i don't know which of us was uh was the higher the higher scores on everything
Starting point is 03:41:14 then you take that you put that feather in your cap yeah so as you're i was the i was the top male in my program uh i can say that you worked outside of YouTube? I did for a while. I got out of college and I went to work as a marketing coordinator for a digital marketing coordinator for a property management company that handled student housing, privatized student housing. And then I went and was the marketing director for an insurance brokerage. A digital marketing coordinator. Do they do ad buys for a property? Is that okay? Yeah, I ran Google ads, Facebook ads, more traditional marketing over the internet,
Starting point is 03:41:52 stuff like that. I built websites. It was a legitimate real corporate job. Yeah, I actually know someone else who has that same job. Yeah, and it was a decent job. It was decent money. But it was the kind of thing where you go into work every day and do something of absolutely no value to anybody at all, even yourself.
Starting point is 03:42:15 And there were times where I was like, you know, if I was making more money. You're connecting customers with properties. Yeah, that didn't really make me feel fulfilled. Home is where the heart is. And here's the thing. Had I been making like $120,000 a year, I would have been like, okay, cool. I'm fine to come into work every day and grind and whatever and do something that I don't really care about. But I was making 45 grand. It wasn't enough, especially where I live. It was not enough money. So I decided to go get my master's i'm currently a master's student in history uh the plan is to get my phd and be a
Starting point is 03:42:50 professor uh but of course if youtube takes off to the point where i'm making the kind of money that i need to make then i'm gonna stick with that but i i feel like it's important to have that that degree set and everything so that if things don't go well i have a backup plan and i can go in and do a normal real person job. I've had, I've had this, uh, someone,
Starting point is 03:43:09 I don't know where they're from trying to scam me for like a couple of years now. They send these notices to my dad's house that say, I owe, uh, like taxes and a, in a different County. And it's always this wording.
Starting point is 03:43:20 It's like, Hey, you owe like $12,347 and like interest is piling up by the day and if you get back to us on this it's like dated in such a way that oh hurry up we've already missed a three quarters of the like uh leeway time but it's like if you google the 1-800 number for the county taxes right it's it's like county tax scam blah blah blah someone county my grandma blah blah blah county tax scam and so like every time my dad sends me a picture of one of these notices i have to be like nah dad don't worry i'm good like i pay my taxes i'm all good i don't owe anyone if i owed them that twelve thousand dollars they'd come for it by now like i love when they're like
Starting point is 03:44:02 you you owe you owe us within seven days of receipt of this letter and it's like how do you know something like that it's like how do you know when i opened this letter like you don't you don't fucking that's such a dead giveaway like it frightens me a little bit that this is the father aspect of it because when we cared for my mother-in-law she couldn't differentiate between real and fake bills or even like people who were like you know you owe i'm making this up but like six hundred dollars to the red cross she'd be like oh no i need to pay that and it got to be where it felt somehow impolite or intrusive for us to tell her what money she was what things
Starting point is 03:44:39 she was allowed to pay and wasn't yeah but she needed that you know that she needed that towards the end and would your father have fallen for this scam maybe no because he went down to the county he went down to the county tax office and he'd been like what the hell is this and they'd have been like we didn't send that to you and like you goddamn right you didn't it'll got like he's not he's much more likely to go down there and ask questions than he is to just push a button and send some money away I don't think he can he had one once, he called me, he's like I think I'm being scammed, but I don't know
Starting point is 03:45:20 he's like, they're saying that there's a warrant for my arrest in Alabama, and they're saying it he called you they're like he's like they're saying that there's a warrant uh for my arrest from in alabama and they're saying it's 20 years old and i was like i don't know if i've ever been any fucking trouble in alabama i'm almost 70 years old probably you know and i'm like no that's gotta be bullshit he's like yeah i think it's bullshit too i'm gonna call him one more time but i was like i was like yeah there's no way that's got to be bullshit. He's like, yeah, I think it's bullshit, too. I'm going to call him one more time. I was like, yeah, there's no way they want money to get rid of a warrant. They'd want you to show up. But it just seemed very official.
Starting point is 03:45:53 The letter and the person you called on the phone was also, like, you called the number, and there's a guy there ready to run the scam. Maybe I should call that number and record it. No promises. Dude, I consider myself pretty scam aware. I'm an internet person. I'm on top of this stuff. Even I will occasionally get
Starting point is 03:46:11 a text that looks like it was from AT&T or Apple or whatever saying it's time to change my password. I'm like, nah. I don't think so. Jackie, thankfully, runs them by me. She's like, I've got this. What do you think? I'm like, nah, that's not one.
Starting point is 03:46:28 Yeah. I do my mom's website and Google listing and all of that, and she'll get calls where they're like, hi, I'm calling from Google, and I'm like, you will never get a call like that. And that's the IRS here. Like, you're never going to get a call from somebody. Do you know how hard it is to get in contact with Google?
Starting point is 03:46:45 Right. Nobody works there. Mom, you are never going to get a call from somebody. Do you know how hard it is to get in contact with Google? Like first, right? Nobody wants to call from Google. First of all, there's no one at Google. Like tough call day. Like Google's going to call the person whose phone number is on file on the account.
Starting point is 03:46:57 Not the number listed as the business number online. Like that's a scam every time. Unless you're a big client of Google, the way Google responds to questions is, oh, oh no. Is there a problem? Did you check with any of our competitors?
Starting point is 03:47:13 Oh. There aren't any competitors? But what about... You know pretty well someone's actually talking to you. It's like, stop making fun of me! Are you a bot they're like yes i'm the auto i don't know yes i am cruelty bot my name is i don't know how far reaching comcast is but i one of the jokes at least comcast is headquartered in philadelphia
Starting point is 03:47:39 so almost everyone around here has it unless they have verizon um but there's like the running joke is like getting in touch with comcast is the most difficult fucking thing on the planet because you call them and their their bot will just run you in circles until you get tired and give up and then and then they just get away with whatever they're doing i i like i spent i think an hour and a half on the phone with comcast once just to get on the line with a representative because they weren't actually giving me the service I was paying for. I was checking my download speed. It's like 20 megabytes per second.
Starting point is 03:48:12 I'm paying for a gig. And I'm like, what is this? I'm sad about that. But I would imagine the ones that have zero competition in their area are the worst because there's no incentive to be better. The second I call a company, it's customer service line, and they have a real person on the other end i'm like i love you what uh amazon servant now i've never talked to a person at amazon but the the the procedures i guess set in place for like disputing shit from amazon is the easiest of anything i've
Starting point is 03:48:41 ever used you can literally and i'm kyle mentioned this, and I'm sure myself, Kyle, and Woody, we spend a lot more on Amazon than the average person. Like, if I select, like, this didn't show up, there's no second question. It's just refunded. Like, that's it. Like, if I order some lemon waters and they just don't show up for three weeks,
Starting point is 03:48:59 I just go, these didn't show up. And they're like, oh, we're so sorry about that. Here's the listing if you'd like to order it again. And it's like, goddamn, this is perfect. Like, good. No wonder they do well. It's a good company. And they're like, oh, we're so sorry about that. Here's the listing if you'd like to order it again. And it's like, goddamn, this is perfect. Like, good. No wonder they do well. It's a good company. And I never lie.
Starting point is 03:49:09 I've never scammed them. But oh my God, it seems scam friendly. It would be really easy to scam Amazon. I'm going to get me two 4090s. Yeah. Go ask a lot of bitches. And then send the other one to me. I'm going to be very honest with you guys.
Starting point is 03:49:23 The chair I'm sitting in right now, I got for free because Amazon just didn't bother following up. Report it. Here's what happened. I ordered this chair that I'm currently sitting in. It did not show up. It did not show up for three months. Stealing food out of Jeff Bezos' kids now.
Starting point is 03:49:41 I moved out of my parents' house into this apartment. The chair was not here. I moved into this apartment the chair was not here i moved into this apartment in november of last year uh i buy that one that's sitting right behind me for less money i but i reported this one had never come and they were like yeah the package is lost like we'll just refund it to you um december mid december late December, this one shows up. Now, am I supposed to go back to Amazon and be like, hey, the chair that never arrived finally arrived. Do you want your money? I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 03:50:13 But I was like, you know, this is... They make this really easy. They've already forgotten about it. They don't care. It costs them more money to go and figure out where the hell the chair is than they made giving me the chair. They don't want it back.
Starting point is 03:50:28 It's not a good attribution of resources from them to be like, oh, let's go pick that thing up. It's like, no, they're missing out on more deliveries. No, no, no, you're missing out on the best part. Let's go pick that thing up, disassemble it, make sure that it's all safe first and recertify it, then put it all back in a box and put it on sale at a reduced rate. To make $140. To lose $37 probably. Yeah, true. Yeah, by the end. So they're just like,
Starting point is 03:50:51 yeah, keep that shit. It's just easier this way. We don't have a whole infrastructure for coming and picking your shit up and getting it back here and putting it back in the box. We're the drop-off guys, not the pickup guys. Yeah, you're wanting the opposite of what they do. I was hoping Titan Fitness was going to do that for me with that piece with that piece of equipment i thought i was hoping they didn't want it back but i finally sent a fedex guy he wanted it he wanted it um because because
Starting point is 03:51:15 otherwise i was gonna send that shit to you or something i don't know i mean what are you gonna do with two of them yeah what'd you get that assisted assisted dip and pull-up machine. When I got that a couple months ago, the whole thing, but some of the tackle wasn't with it. Some of the cable wasn't with it. Instead of sending me a new cable, they're like, we don't have a cable. We've just got another
Starting point is 03:51:37 machine. I'm like, send me that. We can get you a cable in 10 days. Nah. I don't want to need that machine tomorrow i'd like it tomorrow if possible i'm not pulling anything up right now what is an assisted pull-up machine uh if you do pull-ups and you do dips this is the thing that adds counterweight so that you can do more reps or if you're a girl and you like't, not just a girl. You kind of stand on your knees, right?
Starting point is 03:52:05 And then your knees go on a pad and then you do the exercise and this pushes up to assist you. And it allows you to, uh, activate your hypertrophy. So you can like, like most people, let's say average guy,
Starting point is 03:52:17 I'm going to say can do one to three pull-ups. That's, that's not a sense of two to three. Isn't really enough to build strength or muscle mass you really need to be doing like you know eight ten twelve at a time and then do that two or three or four times in a row you know with some rest in between so to accomplish that kind of work and in those muscle groups you throw a little assist on there for the average person or for a girl because women just don't have the same upper body strength and it's it's a different ratio for them so i was very briefly
Starting point is 03:52:49 in the national guard um like four months before they separated me for anxiety disorder uh but um which is a weird story i never made it to basic training it was fucking stupid um of course now if we get into war with russia i'm absolutely getting drafted because they'll be like ah anxiety's not real they are not drafting you but uh but so uh i i remember being at rsp which is reserve uh recruit sustainment program um and we would have to do our fitness shit uh each time once a month and for the guys it was like i think 24 was the minimum amount of push-ups you had to be able to do for combat roles which i was i was infantry or i was going to be infantry um and for the girls it was literally like six i just remember being like you guys can you guys can do these roles like i'm supposed to believe that like if i'm out there in the battlefield
Starting point is 03:53:44 like you're you're going to be able to carry me? It should be by job instead of by gender. I don't know if 24 is the right number, but whatever it is, it should just be by job. For infantry, it needs to be whatever, 20. Then it shouldn't be push-ups.
Starting point is 03:53:59 It should be a block that weighs 10 kilos. It should be a block. What does push-ups have to do with doing a job right like that's how i operate my body weight like show me the work that needs doing and then let me prove myself amongst that like you're saying that if putting ammo crates that weigh say 120 pounds over your head is important in your job to a large extent it really is just like what's the most i me and you could do that we're not gonna do it all day it'll be it's much easier to be like all right line up everybody
Starting point is 03:54:32 do push-ups then to be like all right today we're gonna head into the armory and find a full ammo can and you gotta lift that over your head 20 times like no that makes sense but i'm sure you're also just like they want the bare minimum. I saw the recruitment numbers for all of the branches of armed forces this month, and they are bad. They missed their numbers by thousands and thousands across the board without fail. And they are they are slightly to blame for that, to be honest, because the the standard, the physical standards are absurd for getting in. Really? You think they're too high i if you have asthma if you've ever broken a bone we don't want you no but if you've ever broken a bone that's a price ever
Starting point is 03:55:12 you are ineligible even like a nose yeah nose arm weird yeah it doesn't matter what your arm and leg like it was you know it doesn't matter you could be cleared by a doctor you need like four or five doctors to wave you for certain things um and other things aren't even waivable uh for me it depends on the brain for me my recruiter literally was like uh he asked me on the drive there he was like have you ever broken a bone and i said yeah i broke my ribs um he was like no you didn't it's like okay he's like do you have asthma well i did a while ago i haven't had an asthma attack in years no you didn't like literally recruit recruiters tell you to lie because the standards are that strict that if you have even the slightest physical disability, you're out. I'm shocked I got in because my feet are nearly flat.
Starting point is 03:55:57 I have nearly flat feet, like very low arches. And I got I got through. But, you know, for me, I was mildly colorblind, not even red, green, just weird colors. Certain shades of yellow and blue don't look right to me. Do you think you can do it with it? That dropped me out of life. Do you sign up right now? Go through boot camp and serve?
Starting point is 03:56:17 How old are you? No, no. Forget the age thing. I'm asking people. Pretending it was just. Yeah, they're going to let you. You think you can do it? Pretending they let me. Because I was looking at the. I'm sorry. Not to dodge the topic. thing i'm not pretending it was just do it yeah they're gonna let you you think you're pretending
Starting point is 03:56:25 they let me because i was looking at the i'm sorry not to dodge the topic but i looked at the broken the bone thing and i was like is that real is that right that's based on what i found it's mostly right yeah like in my case i've got some hardware in me yeah it's no good you're out you can't have hardware in your exemption um if you have any osteoporosis if you have any atrophy from the bone broken if it's still a little bit broken because it was like six months ago out out out out out yeah but it does look like it is possible to break a bone heal completely if you didn't need surgery and still join so there's it's a they're not kicking guys out they got in a bar fight what they told me was if you broke a bone ever you're out but that might have been to make sure
Starting point is 03:57:03 that i didn't actually admit to having broken any bones. Yeah. And again, could be wrong as well. It's something like 80% of Americans of age are not eligible for military service. Kyle asked if I think I can do it. You can do it. Yeah. For sure.
Starting point is 03:57:21 I think I could. You look like you probably could handle it. Oh, yeah. So some of this stuff wouldn't be hard for me like the push-ups and the pull-ups um the running i'd be like the question is can i run that much today and then run that much tomorrow and then run that much the next day like how much will i wear down but i think i could survive boot camp you know what i'm worried about it's the most bitch made thing it's blisters like i'm worried about getting blisters on my feet and like like because that
Starting point is 03:57:48 would stop that would slow me down and like make me want to because i feel like you run through some pain because even if you're like super sore when you start running like you kind of get in the zone it doesn't yeah like if you just do it like that's what a lot of people who are fucking quitters never find out that like if you fight through that pain for three to five minutes, it goes the fuck away and it feels good again. It's not fun getting there, but it does. They had a very good strategy. They had a very good strategy for motivating us, which was they brought in a very attractive private first class girl to oversee the push-ups and sit-ups. As you can imagine, every single guy was like, I'm going to do 60 push-ups and sit-ups so as you can imagine every every single guy was
Starting point is 03:58:27 like i'm gonna do 60 push-ups in a minute like like as if this girl had any interest in any winner gets to fuck her yeah that's how i'd run the military i was i was 19 how much running is there i wish we had like a... I wish Bob I wish Bob and he were here. Yeah. He would know like how many miles a day. My guess. I don't know. But I don't think it's crazy.
Starting point is 03:58:55 I don't think they're doing no crazy. I bet they're doing at most 5 miles a day in packs. There are like 20 mile ruck marches, but I don't think there's any. I think it's like rare though, right? right yeah they can't be every day because they do need people to actually get to the other side of boot and um also i imagine they build you up a little bit you know you want to enter in as best shape as possible but you're gonna leave and have
Starting point is 03:59:18 even better shape right yeah it's not like day one is a 20 mile rock. I hope I'd rather do a 20 mile hike than a four mile run. 10 times. Oh yeah. Yeah. They also have different standards. It depends on March. They break it up. At least when I was enlisting,
Starting point is 03:59:33 they broke it up into a combat, like combat adjacent and then non-combat roles. So like the combat had the highest physical standards, you know, run a mile in, I think it was eight minutes, uh, eight minutes.
Starting point is 03:59:46 I think it was, it was eight minutes going into bootcamp or something or basic training or something like that. And then once you were done, you were expecting to be able to do two miles. I think you were expecting to be able to. Yeah. I can knock out an eight minute mile.
Starting point is 03:59:56 Like I can do an eight minute mile. All right. There will be sweat. It's, it's not, it's not sure you could do an eight minute mile right now. I could absolutely do an eight minute mile. I'm'm i'm built for medium distances i did a thing former track runner in me thinks of medium distance is 400 to 800 meters
Starting point is 04:00:17 i bet i actually couldn't look at me almost every day for 30 days but that was like two years ago and i'll be honest i couldn't run an eight minute mile right now and i'm i'm skinny enough i got like a 758 like that was and it might have been actually like 1.1 miles it was like a little longer but um i wasn't fast on day one in high school i ran a 630 once and i was really high on myself so if i just if i just haven't lost anything since that day the last time i ran is 630 there was no internet we had internet but i uh i only ran the mile once the time the day that they like required us to and i ran 645 and it felt awful and uh and i haven't ran one since and timed it
Starting point is 04:01:07 but i did i did a ton of running uh on that last weight cut and i was running a 5k every day and i'm yeah 2.8 miles three point how long i don't know the machine i'm pretty sure it's miles yeah Every day. Uninclined with resistance. With my heart. Every day. I'm pretty confident I can knock out an 8-minute mile. If not today,
Starting point is 04:01:37 then after two days of doing it. Two days? 19-year-old me. I just need to kick it back in. I'm 19-year-old me. Yeah, I just need to kick it back in. I'm 19-year-old chemistry set over here, okay? My body gets up to speed, okay? Give me a couple weeks running and I'll be a sprint. How it would actually go, I guarantee to myself,
Starting point is 04:01:56 is I would burn myself out on the first lap. And then by the time I was in the middle of lap two, I'd already be doing the mental game of like who are you doing this for like like and i i wouldn't want it and by and i'd like quit like fat and sweaty i'd be like no actually i thought about it and it was it was gay i didn't even actually want to run fast i'm'm pretty sure. When I was a junior in high school, I was on the track team, but I was a sprinter. And me and another one of the 100-meter runners decided we were going to try
Starting point is 04:02:30 the mile, just like, fuck it, why not, see how we can do. Both of us, the first 200 meters, way out in front of everybody else, making these guys look like chumps. By 400-meter mark, we were like 100 meters behind. Really? Yeah, I ended up dropping out after the second lap because i was i was like yeah you gotta averaging two minute laps is gonna be the thing because we don't run and we don't know how to pace ourselves um because i use machines i i don't remember the
Starting point is 04:02:58 last time i ran on this fucking that's so true where the hell do i get off saying i could run an eight minute mile right now there's just no way i'm trying to be nice about it unless there's a slightly if there's a if there's a man with a gun behind me i can do it i if there's a man with a gun behind me who's willing to give me two or three weeks to get in shape oh yeah i could do it even then i I'm on lap four. I'm like, you've lived a full life. Let it happen. The last time I was able to run I was probably 22.
Starting point is 04:03:37 How old are you now? 25. In a month. That's not that long ago. It feels like a long time ago for me. That's a bit like that's a much bigger that's that's a tenth of my life you're like no like okay that's how time works that's how dude it feels a very long time ago when you get in your 30s the years start just flying by at 40 like they're like tick tock it's hard to feel slower yeah i pop years like smarties
Starting point is 04:04:01 yeah sometimes two is it four hours oh yes yeah flies when you're so making fun of minorities and I pop ears like smarties. Yeah. Sometimes do it. Four hours. Oh, yes. Yeah. Blies when you're making fun of minorities and Aiden, where can Aiden, where can everybody find all of your wonderful content? So the lore lodge on YouTube is, is the, the main one.
Starting point is 04:04:18 That's where I have my podcast, my Bible podcast with Wendigo and our recorded content or documentaries, all that stuff. So that's all the, all the long form stuff. And then I, on Instagram and Tik TOK on the Aiden Mattis, I do a lot of short form stuff over there. And that's more where I talk about like the fun little folklore topics, like various, you know, like native American and Celtic and all those legends. But yeah, that's, that's the primary. And if you want to contribute on Patreon, it's slash lorelodge. And it's $1 a month
Starting point is 04:04:48 and you get access to the exclusive stuff and all that. Links for that are below. Check out Aiden's stuff. Also check out Lock and Load, Wonky Weeds, Death by Gummy Bears, and Blue Chew. Very cool. PKA 617. What is the Blue Chew again?

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