Painkiller Already - PKA 703 W/ TurkeyTom: Going To Indian Poo Festival, Brown Balloon Attack, Biden Goes Number 2

Episode Date: June 8, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't know what that is. I'm not informed on that. DJK703 with our guest, Turkey Tom, who I'm told is fresh off a victory at the most recent UFC event. Let's go. I'm proud of you. You're looking big. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:00:10 Yeah, man. I've been really working on my physique, and he tested me. He tested a young white boy. He didn't know I had hands like that. He didn't know I had black friends who taught me how to fight, and he found out. Yeah. Do you have a lot of black friends?
Starting point is 00:00:22 Do you lead with that? I only have black friends. I only have black friends. I only have black friends. I refuse to be friends with white people. They actually are mad that I'm on this show right now, but I said you guys repped the hood and the culture and stuff. So why was he Anakin except you win with the low ground? Yeah, it was kind of shocking.
Starting point is 00:00:39 The thing is he's a bigger guy too. He's a bigger guy, but I think he was on meth or something. You never know with these kinds of people but you know the biggest problem was when trump came out i clapped and he didn't clap he said that he had a problem with me clapping you know i'm not even a trump supporter but i just thought he had some swag in that moment so i was clapping and uh because i was a true american patriot he had to come after me get very upset and uh dude's the best to learn you can see he's a lot he's a lot bigger than me he's a lot bigger you know i'm five times like six two he. He's on the step above you.
Starting point is 00:01:07 He is. Look at that. You have so much power. Come here. My punch was so powerful. You want some too, Chinbeard? Come here. My hat's off.
Starting point is 00:01:20 I've got to go unhinged. When the hat comes off, I'm in a different state. I'm primal. There's another video. There he goes. It rolls downhill, I'm told. Dude, that ninja roll was a bad call, huh? I don't think that was an intentional roll.
Starting point is 00:01:37 He tried to go ninja turtle on me, but I'm prepared to deal with Asian culture as a black man. What was he yelling at you right in your face? He just kept calling me the N-word, weirdly enough, which is strange. He thought it was Xbox. I've been there.
Starting point is 00:01:52 He thought it would scare me. He thought I would be scared. But I know it's 2024. You get canceled for that kind of thing. And I had to cancel him with my fist, obviously. Well done. Dude, well, that's great. You're a real hero. And if anyone else ever comes forward and says that was them in that video, we know that we can announce them as liars.
Starting point is 00:02:09 That's a false allegation. Because that's you taking on that guy. Man, that's so embarrassing to be that much bigger than a guy and have like you're literally you get an extra foot because you're in the stand above him. And then to make that much of an absolute goose of yourself in front of the public. It turns out hands down, chin up is not a great fighting stance. You're right. He had too many tattoos.
Starting point is 00:02:36 If I see somebody who's all tattoos, I'm like, what's this guy's game? Overcompensation much? I see a guy who has a couple of tasteful tattoos. An eagle, an iron cross that's that's just a couple little ones yeah super saiyan fans right right someone to be respected yeah my black sun is on my back so you can't see it right now but the son and rad is back there and uh it's back in him that's why i'm called the ancient one you know it's basically when i fight i go into a sort of hyperborean state it brings me back you know just lots of germanic ancestry calling to me and uh i just i felt the power like a picture of a fetus what is on your back
Starting point is 00:03:14 it's a sawn and rad it's like a nice ancient rune you know it's uh it's a whole it's not like a racist thing it's just like a celtic ancestry thing it's just for fun it may have been co-opted by some some bad actors once or twice, but that's neither here nor there. Yeah, it's like the swastika. Food is a symbol of everlasting light. Exactly. The Indians, they don't let the whole Nazi thing
Starting point is 00:03:36 boot them off of their swastikas. They put them on the back of their shitty little Hyundais, and they drive around their horrible roads. Hyundai is a fine motor of carriage. I'll have you know. It is. Speaking of India, you guys know Brandon Buckingham, right? He's been on the show.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Yeah, yeah. Really like Brandon. The first time he came on, he actually shouted me out, and that's how I met him, funnily enough. So that's a little bit of lore. But we've become great friends since. But he and I have a plan. We're going to be going to India in September
Starting point is 00:04:00 because there is a festival. Now, this is some ancient lore I'm going to fill you guys in on, okay? And this is not even a joke. I'm not being ironic here, okay? There was a festival in southern India not that far away from a city. I believe it's called Coimbatore is the city. And this is a festival called Gorahaba. G-O-R-E, like gore, and then
Starting point is 00:04:17 H-A-B-B-A. You can look it up. There's a few different spellings. It's a festival in which they engage in the ancient ritual of playing in shit and eating shit. Cow shit, specifically. There's videos of like, I'm not even kidding, like a poop mosh pit where they roll around in it and they eat it. And they believe it has a lot of healing properties and stuff like that. There's videos of like...
Starting point is 00:04:37 Is that like the Burning Man? It's kind of that kind of thing. Yeah. I mean, they get... I am so very excited for the poop festival this year. Makes a lot of sense. Oh, I'm glad. sweat it's so hard for those of you who do not shit on me there are there are 30 indian men shirtless in a giant pile of cow shit and several of them have acquired boulders of cow shit our man in frame center with the yellow shorts is has already
Starting point is 00:05:05 made a man unconscious with a ball of shit and he's coming in for the coup de gras like and predator finishing the guy off if i tried to tell an ai to draw this it would be like this is against our terms of service we will not draw an indian poop festival yeah it does sound so raised like if if someone with a like a nazi hat on told me about this festival i'd be like get the fuck out of here there is no possible way but if like the news is talking i was genuinely counting fingers in this photo and like this has to be ai where's a third arm somewhere a third arm could just be another aspect of you sound like someone who's never worked in it this is normal this is the thing like brandon and i have been joking for a long time about like smoking
Starting point is 00:05:57 shit and eating shit would be like hit the poop pipe because we thought it was so funny and then we we made the startling discovery that in india there are uh they believe some of them anyway that there's a lot of medicinal properties to shit so like when people had covet they were like listen i'm your doctor what you are going to do is take a mason jar put the poopoo and put your piss inside of it and drink it and it will go away it will be gone by tomorrow and uh this is a real thing this is a real thing we're gonna go there and explore their culture i think it works i haven't heard of any shit-eating-related deaths personally. Yeah, my breath was awful, but otherwise I felt fine. Dude, can I just move to India and be a doctor?
Starting point is 00:06:31 Is it like the reverse of what they do to come here? You're going to give up your law career for that? Yeah, I go over there, and I'm like, I am also from America, and I am a doctor. I'm what you must be doing, the necessary is to eat the poopoo that would be in the U.S. we do this too that's how we're so advanced we've been doing this before the Indians and uh that's why we're on the come up right now so frankly frankly you should go over there you'll have a PhD in no time damn of yeah degree in in fecal matter and poop this is what
Starting point is 00:07:02 wait so is it really medical like uh, is it like that tomato festival in Spain where they're just having a fun time? So the medical thing is separate. So this is a festival celebrating the potential spiritual properties of the shit, from what I understand. But the medical stuff is separate. That's practiced sort of countrywide in areas.
Starting point is 00:07:20 But the poop festival happens in one specific area. It's like hours away from an airport we don't know how the fuck we're gonna get there to be honest with you but we did buy plane tickets we don't have a guide uh so we might die we might get speared we're also hanging out with hindu cannibals when we're there that live on this beach uh in another part of india more central so it's gonna be a totally fucked up trip we probably is it the is it the jackass guys with that that put the ash on them like have you seen the old jackass where they went and they meet up with like this tribe? I think it's in India of bone ash covered cannibals.
Starting point is 00:07:52 And they try. I haven't I haven't actually seen that. I know the cannibals live near a beach and I know they wear necklaces of human jaws, but they don't they don't eat. They don't like kill people and eat them, at least according to them. That's what they say. They would they eat the elderly because they don't like kill people and eat them at least according to them that's what they say they would they eat the elderly because they believe it transfers the properties and knowledge to them so yeah you're young you're fine well I don't know in that
Starting point is 00:08:12 video the guy was trying to bite Steve-O like he was like actively like trying to oh he was hungry at that point in Steve-O's life that might have killed the cannibal yeah it would have been enough damn so you're gonna go meet up with Indian cannibals you're going to pop by the poop festival
Starting point is 00:08:28 I imagine that you and Brandon are going to be kind of prime targets at the poop festival for the festivities right because if you're the only ones not covered in shit when in Rome you're going to be made fun of
Starting point is 00:08:43 you're going to be peer pressured of. You're making some assumptions there. You're going to be peer pressured. Get a load of this fucking loser. We're going to feed the ball on him. He smells like deodorant. Oh, look at me. I'm going to go take a shower. That might happen. We do have a friend named Brody. Brody TV on YouTube. Big shout out.
Starting point is 00:09:00 He said he would wear goggles and play around. That should be good. We're going to try to strap a GoPro to him, I think and just witness a povs for for everyone at home to enjoy dude if i were the president of india i would be waging a kim jong-un disinformation like campaign with the military where i'd be like this is the end of the poop festival. We will never do it again. And then I tell my officials, be like, round up any and all poopers and remove them. We are a laughingstock of the entire world.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I go to their world economic meeting. I say, I have some ideas. And they say, get out of here. Your people are pooping in a festival. I am so very embarrassed. I think they should have stages. They can have some cool bands up there, maybe throw the shit around.
Starting point is 00:09:47 It'd be a beautiful thing. It's spiritual. It's like Burning Man, like you said. It's like Coachella, but for shit. Yeah, it's Coachella for shit. Probably just as stinky. It's important we respect their cultural views, though, Taylor. All cultures are equally good.
Starting point is 00:10:01 No, not this one. I think theirs is better. I i mean what are we doing with our shit you know we call it waste we literally call it waste they're making use of it so i mean think about that what what happens the next day like they just they plant crops the infections the infection sets in i haven't really thought about that to be honest i don't know imagine having an open wound imagine having like an open wound and you hop in the doo-doo festival and come out and lose your fucking arms. Do you remember, or like not remember, but Woody, you grew up in like a tourist town. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Like, can you imagine if you grew up in this Indian poop town and you're like, oh, no, I see it's June again already. They are the worst, these leafers. Cow poop is the best poop to play in, though. Cow poop is your favorite to play in, Kyle. Of the poops, it's probably the cleanest. Some sort of,
Starting point is 00:11:01 are they called ungulates? Something that chews cud. Something that chews cud, uh because all all everything that's going in is just grass for the most part especially with cows it starts as grass right yeah but but like it doesn't go to a much more terrible place than grass if you ever look at cow poo i mean it's poo but it's like all right i i've seen worse poo than this like a predator's poo is all sorts of nasty things in there they just eat everything an omnivore like a like bear shit look this is so disgusting i would i'd much rather have cow poo than i don't know people poo for sure people i'm an omnivore
Starting point is 00:11:36 and i'm kind of offended i mean i would so much rather play around in cow shit than any bear guy shit yeah my shit looks really fucked up lately i like i drink so much red bull and i pop so many zins in my mouth like it's straight up toxic it's like horrible i don't even know like what comes out of my ass like i would not wish on my worst enemy for them to see that dude keep it up that's you're gonna make that's that's how you win friends and influence people in india of all time i like blackmail them like my poop is better than yours anyway I think I should be governor
Starting point is 00:12:08 for the last time Tom stop speaking to us in this manner it is insulting just doing that like Family Guy Simpsons like every cartoon show has done it but just the idea of like going to a foreign country and speaking broken English in their accent at them
Starting point is 00:12:26 always makes me smile and laugh. Do not put this shit in the double-gulp cup, whatever you do. Unless you purchase it, then it is your two-to-two wish. Let me out of the cup from home. So this is,
Starting point is 00:12:42 this was just a spur-of-the-moment decision from you and brandon like wow this is a hilarious festival let's go get video of it well so brand i think brandon somehow found out about it and then he spent the next two days maybe three days like incessantly posting about it on twitter basically having a mental breakdown being like how is this fucking real and he's texting me about it and i'm like i can't stop laughing about it like it's a 1 a.m at night is keeping me up i'm like really like i was genuinely fucked up over finding out about this because like once again never in my most racist dreams would i have imagined that this is a real fucking thing that
Starting point is 00:13:12 these people do they roll around and like literal shit you go on brandon's twitter he has videos of women like with a poop bowl and they like put it on their face and they're like this is good like like it clears up their skin i guess um so it explains a lot about why indians smell really good so i think that uh yeah after the mental breakdown he was like i think we need to book a trip so we booked all of our flights and we'll be how much i'm dying to know it wasn't even that much i think one way or sorry uh two ways from here uh to or it's like jfk to new delhi and new delhi back i think it was only like uh two thousand bucks maybe fifteen hundred it wasn't that bad yeah that's pretty long is that a set up but there's some stops i would imagine uh no it's it's it's jfk new delhi it's 17 i think
Starting point is 00:14:00 oh my god yeah it's gonna. Oh my god. 17 hours. Yeah, I think we were planning on popping some Trazodones or something on the flight. If the smell's bad on the way there, just imagine the smell on the way home from the poop festival, right? After the celebration. Well, this is the thing. Every flight I've ever booked, even ahead of time, like I was looking at flights
Starting point is 00:14:19 to Japan, which is like a comparable distance, right? All the seats are like filled up. They're mad expensive, right? On the flight to new delhi we were the only ones picking seats there was nobody else who wanted to be on that fucking flight like literally the plane was empty we could pick whatever we wanted we could get the best upgrade we wanted like we're sitting all at the front of the plane in the same row um for like cheap because nobody fucking wants to go there and i don't really blame them to be honest because there's more stories about literally every day on twitter i see a story like couple goes to india woman gets raped 18 times by the time she leaves guy gets murdered like it's it's brutal
Starting point is 00:14:52 um so and the police i think are just not equipped to do anything about it i also i was curious about the whole cow thing because they respect the cows a lot there and i was curious about what the situation was so i was reading a little bit about renting a car and i was on like i think it was like the u.s embassy website or something like that and they said if you're in a car if you see a cow do not under any circumstance even get close to it because um certain people there in india have been known to incinerate they use the word incinerate on the u.s government website incinerate the car and the passengers inside of it if they disrespect a cow um and the police are like, they won't do anything. Dude, that's the video. The whole video
Starting point is 00:15:27 is disrespecting cows in India. The video will be the last one. This is disrespecting cows. You're going into every cow you see. I saw you take on that white dude with the man bun. You can handle three or four of those little fuckers. Yes. Oh, Indians? Imagine like a hundred of them.
Starting point is 00:15:43 It's like a world war z like swarming into a liquid that's how they attack with like fluid dynamics they're kind of a uh the thing about upon you like a wave indians aren't conscious like us they're kind of a hive mind so they just operate at the same time so one of them senses something like pheromones travel in the air and they all know what the fuck to do man i'm learning so much i'm an expert i'm a racial expert i should uh i should show you or ship you a copy of my phrenology textbook i bought offline seems like a fellow uh scientist of skull size i would appreciate it it's got all sorts of pictures in there that it'll show like a crooked nose and it'll be like,
Starting point is 00:16:29 beware the, the nose of the financier. And I'm like, Oh, I wonder what this fucking guy was getting at in 1855. Yeah, I was, I was,
Starting point is 00:16:40 I was, I was, you know, doing the normal thing the other day, which was reading the Wikipedia article about Hitler's racism. I was reading that. And so my mom is from Bulgaria, so I'm half Bulgarian. So I was curious, what do they think about the Bulgarians?
Starting point is 00:16:53 Because I thought Bulgarians are basically like they're Russian or Romanian or Serbian. They're in that kind of cross section. They're next to Turkey, so there's probably Turkish blood. There's no way they like them, right? There's no way. I was like, they have to be low on the racial totem pole but hitler described the bulgarians as brave uh brave people and their great friends so i think that you know personally uh if the race war happens i will be viewed very favorably by the aryans and i'm very happy with that knowledge
Starting point is 00:17:17 you think you got natural allies in the germans yeah yeah despite the fact that i think genetically i'm probably like a giant fuck up in their eyes because it's like the true romance scene where they describe like uh you know how the italians are actually black people have you guys seen this you probably know this oh yeah definitely knows that scene yeah we talked about last week oh there you go oh yeah that that quote okay yeah okay now i remember i haven't seen the movie, but I know the quote. The Italians are actually... Your grandmother. Your grandmother. The Moors. Yeah, so I feel like I should be in that group, basically, if not darker than the Italians.
Starting point is 00:17:53 But apparently, Hitler respected me, and for that reason, when he comes back on Twitch, I'm going to be respected. I'm going to be respected. Good. It's about time Bulgarians get some respect. I haven't thought about Bulgaria and what they're up to over there in longer than I care to admit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:10 I don't know what's going on. You could almost say I have no idea what's going on. What do you think their number one export is in Bulgaria? Oh, like pickpockets or something. That's true. There's a lot of memes on social media about bulgarians right now um there's this one that's like you know like you are not the father thing where the guy jumps in the air it says you are not bulgarian and it seemed like i thought that was awesome there's this other one
Starting point is 00:18:37 that was like a map of europe and it showed bulgaria and it said but if you close your and it disappeared uh it was like it was pretty beautiful. I didn't know Bulgarians were getting bullied so much by the other European countries. I knew Armenians. They get bullied a good bit over there in that little weird conflux of the world where everybody looks to the outside world about the same, but they're in there and you see a croat and you ask a croat, what do you think of this Serbian guy? you look exactly the same and you live 60 miles apart and he'll be like they come from most despicable stock of humans yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:19:13 the slavs and like people in the balkans they fucking hate each other i talked to this guy on discord from montenegro recently and he told me that eyes of bulgarian would be regarded way worse than a black person in his eyes and i was like okay jesus christ that's racist in the first place that you don't like black people but secondly i'm below that what the fuck i my family is from like next door like we're probably in the same fucking village but because of that border it's like fuck you bro yeah damn that is it is funny that you what actually got you mad it was where you were in the ranking well i mean i don't need to worry about other people in the ranking. It's me.
Starting point is 00:19:49 It's me. I'm advocating for my people, the Bulgarians, the most oppressed race of all. Yeah, there have to be 10 million Bulgarians, 8 million Bulgarians. I'm going to guess there's 3.5 million Bulgarians tops. Really? I'm looking at the population of Bulgarians. My guess. You could swear to me. There are 6.5 million bulgarians so many bulgarians
Starting point is 00:20:11 if you ask me which point is right that's a that's a lot that number is a little high yeah six million that's a lot of what you're doing that's a lot of bulgarians yeah that is a lot yeah they were actually they are an oppressed people they were enslaved by uh by the turks for 500 years okay so of course that's true the ottomans were big bullies in the region to get historical you know yeah i mean hasan piker is like my genetic enemy really like he he to he to me is like a white guy from the south to black people basically if you think about it. Yeah, he's an overseer. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:20:47 He would have been the one in the field keeping a sharp eye. His great-grandfather was probably whipping my great-grandfather. I'm not Greek. Oh, you don't have any Greek? I was going to say you could get double victimhood from the Turks if you were Greek, too. Yeah, they're picking olives or something. The Greeks are just a lazy fucking people, aren't they? I've been to Greece, and I feel like everyone there was just like drinking coffee and hanging out like they
Starting point is 00:21:07 don't really do anything dude the greeks are like uh the greeks are like someone at a company that gets hired on and absolutely fucking kills it for the first six months and then phones it in for the next 30,000 years where like like the greeks got high on their own supply they were like socrates swish aristotle swish plato swish phalanx bronze age mathematics philosophy astronomy alexander the great boom we're taking him a little macedonia but he basically the same and then they basically just gave up rome came along and was like we're gonna take everything you guys do rename your gods and do it better and the greeks are like whatever whatever i guess we'll just be conquered for thousands of years by the romans and
Starting point is 00:21:53 then the ottomans and then i guess they didn't get taken in world war ii the euro while we're on international studies as well as tangentially feces um I don't know if you saw, but the North Koreans, Taylor, have been systematically flying balloons of feces into South Korea. Yeah, they're bragging. Look at all the food we have. We can make poop. Did you hear the justification, Kyle? Tell me. Oh, you hadn't. South Korea, the one that is our ally, has been systematically flying
Starting point is 00:22:26 their own version of Trash Over, which is like K-pop and entertainment. Wikipedia. Can propaganda be true? I'm not sure. But they're sending over, hey, this is what life is like outside of North Korea. And the USB drives and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:22:43 And they're like, we think that what you're sending us is disgusting filth. So we're sending you disgusting filth back, which is feces. Yeah. Well, they're sending culture north and they're sending shit south. They send things like sitcoms and stuff like that. I'll be the judge.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Friends. Lots of friends, I'm sure. Simpsons? Early seasons? They'd identify with the Simpsons of course what if they are only sending like yellow 20 and up i wouldn't be okay i'd be fine with them sending shit back if they're getting like season 28 of the simpsons some people call it a shit bomb i think in india they'll be regarded as like sharing culture like a culture drop type thing i think it's very in time for the festival it's like a loot crate type thing a poop crate yeah we get a picture of the uh poop balloons going into south
Starting point is 00:23:39 the thing is it has to be a coordinated government effort to send this shit south like like the thing going north is probably some aid group or some international group that's trying to send culture north or information north or like hey break out of your mindset there's a bigger world they probably haven't even seen a real world map before but whoever's sending shit south nobody's doing that without permission you know what i mean like That seems like this is a government. That's one of those weather balloons. Yeah. I mean, I'm sure the South Korean government is sending sitcoms and all sorts of shit up there.
Starting point is 00:24:16 That's a super valuable way to get people's minds. Be like, hey, if you like this, imagine how much more you'd like everything else we have not in north korea like that's it's a good seed to plant have you seen the youtube channels that specifically have north korean defectors and they expose them to western culture and you showed me what you like linked me one of them like years ago where it was just a poor skinny little guy eating an american serving size of barbecue and being baffled at every step of it. And this amount of food would be for 10 families?
Starting point is 00:24:54 They're like, no, this is your entree. And we haven't even brought out your biscuits yet. And he's like, oh, what a wonderful place. And I'm Indian too now. Because I'm so stuck in that for this episode. Yeah, they show them all sorts of Western cultures. A lot of the time it's food. I saw some guys, they seemed like Bedouin tribesmen from the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And they were eating a lobster for the first time. And just trying to say the word lobster was difficult for them so when it came out they were terrified you know it doesn't if you've never seen a lobster before and someone plops one down on the table it's it looks like a giant cockroach that's fair yeah they don't know how tasty it is yet they're pretty free it's not i'm from i'm from maine and they're really freaky looking it's just a butter shovel it's the butter that's tasty it's a giant bug it's a giant fucking bug that lives in the ocean that we were like why don't we eat the bug literally we'll eat the ocean bugs 100 i mean they taste good in like a roll but i don't like when i uh my parents like they have the bug itself they like pull it apart they're like they're sucking out the meat i found that disgusting i don't know i don't do crawfish
Starting point is 00:25:57 i do shit like that yeah crawfish look like roaches to me like it looks like a big cockroach it's got that tail on it and everything yeah i mean of the of the sea bugs crawdads are absolutely the worst because the amount of meat i had an idea i had a genius idea for how to so we've got all these genetically modified foods and some for some reason people have an issue with them i honestly don't when i if you can genetically modify my tomato and make it last longer on the shelf so that tomatoes in general are cheaper and more readily available, that's great. Why don't they make crabs with more legs? Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yes. I had fucking legs to that bitch. I love it. Imagine if you had 12 legs on each side. Slow down. We don't have to do two bodies. Like a crab but a synappie. Double legs would be like two crabs. On each side. Slow down. You know. Like a crab but a centipede. It would be like two crabs.
Starting point is 00:26:49 We could tape them together. Centipede crabs where it's just like rows and rows of delicious crab legs. I like that. With a centipede crab, maybe you could snap every other leg off and put it back in the ocean. Would they just go astamount all the way and then the back crabs are actually pretty gross?
Starting point is 00:27:07 No, it's one crab with many legs. It's a centipede crab. He couldn't be more clear. Let's just give a pig like 14 ass cheeks so we get quadruple the bacon or whatever. That'd be a great idea. We're already doing horrible things
Starting point is 00:27:23 with factory farming to all these animals. Why not get fucking weird with it? You're always against the factory farming. What's your problem? It's because it makes me sad. Which part? The part where you see a clip of a cow who is kept in a warehouse his whole life
Starting point is 00:27:41 and then he touches grass the first time and he's spazzing out. And I'm like, oh, man. See like the internet has misled you okay those dairy cows stay in during the winter because there's no reason to go outside it's just cold and barren out there they need to be inside with their calves being milked they let them out in the spring when the grass is back that's why they're right those cows love their jobs there's a misinformation campaign from big cow to shit on a big steak i think and i don't think we should be taking that seriously honestly i will i will never stop eating meat ever like it it could come out that like we're treating the cows 10 times worse and i'll be like that's a damn shame but like you know i wish that wasn't happening you know number seven please oh but
Starting point is 00:28:25 yeah i can taste the fear yeah i i do like meat too much to give it up i have a youtube buddy named vegan gains he made me watch this movie called dominion which is about factory farming in australia and how horrible it is and it's like comparable to the u.s i guess and the the movie was like horrific to watch it was like it was basically just like gore of animals but it was real and uh so that night i was like man that's really disturbing this is so fucked up and i remember at the time my girlfriend at the time i got into like an argument with her i was like i don't want to eat it anymore it's all fucked up and so that night we went out and i got a beyond burger and i was like i ordered it and then the person brought it to me with cheese like cow cheese and so i'm eating and i was like no it's fine i'll just eat it anyway and i was as i I ordered it. And then the person brought it to me with cheese, like cow cheese.
Starting point is 00:29:06 And so I'm eating and I was like, no, it's fine. I'll just eat it anyway. And I was like, as I'm eating it, I'm like, it's just not the same. So I woke up the next day and I just immediately started eating chicken. I just couldn't give a fuck anymore. The problem is that it's just not it's not nearly as good. Like I would be willing to eat like, you know, vegetarian, vegan stuff if it was good. I would eat like the lab grown meat, too.
Starting point is 00:29:24 I don't give a shit. Really? That doesn't bug you bug you at all because to me it's a little icky i mean a little bit but like there's a lot of other stuff in food that's kind of icky too i feel like if everyone was eating it i would probably just start eating it you know i wouldn't care i'm not gonna be the one martyr i spent a lot of time in the um the cattle barns where where you take cattle to be sold to the next step of their journey, which is the slaughterhouse usually or the feedlot. Feedlot's just where they fatten them up before they slaughter them. And you'd see some really rough stuff in there
Starting point is 00:29:52 like crippled cows and cows with big tumors on their heads and shit like that. And it's like, why did you bring it here to sell it? Why don't you just fucking put this thing up? It's misery in your field somewhere, which is exactly what we would do. Like if there's a cow that's suffering, you kill it. You don't, Or you get help. You don't drag it
Starting point is 00:30:07 20 miles to be sold for $300 to then be chopped up and fed to the populace. One of the most disturbing things from that movie was the chick grinder because they don't have used male baby chicks. They take the male baby chicks and they basically funnel them into this grinder
Starting point is 00:30:23 that just chops them all up into little pieces while they're alive and you just watch them go like why don't male baby chicks get grown into chickens that you eat i think they didn't want to use them in this case because they wanted the female chicken so it could reproduce and lay eggs so for that purpose they didn't need yeah they're making hens there and it's a different breed of chicken almost that the ones that are hens that lay eggs um it's not necessarily a different breed but they genetically modified them naturally by interbreeding um so much that the pullets the ones that you grow for meat are just kind of a different kind of bird uh but but yeah i've seen them on that grinder and honestly like it's a good way to go it's a good way to go
Starting point is 00:31:01 they're with all their friends it's better than the alternative you know like like living as a pullet and then getting slaughtered in those slaughter houses i can't remember who it was that informed us about chicken slaughterhouses i had been there before like i've been invited to the slaughterhouse and gone and seen it but i didn't see the shit they saw where like they like cut their throats with this machine but then there's not really enough time for them to bleed out so they're immediately doused in boiling water and it's like they're just boiling in water with their throats cut and like that's pretty rough i don't like that it's not how i would want to go take the head all the way i'm going for a
Starting point is 00:31:39 cardiac event induced by orgasm is that on the table at all? No, don't take forever. They should CO2 them or something. Like, just CO2 them all or zap them all? That's actually how I kill animals. CO2? You gas them? No, I use dry ice. And then they just kind of freeze and fall asleep.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And the CO2, I think, settles at the bottom, I think, I read. And they just die and freeze and it's supposed to be the humane way to kill like a rat yeah why don't we do that with death row people we're always looking for a more
Starting point is 00:32:16 humane way to do it they used nitrogen on that poor fucker in Alabama like 3 or 4 months back yeah and he gently fell asleep if you say so I made that up I have no idea what happened like three or four months back. Yeah, and he gently fell asleep. If you say so. I made that up. I have no idea what happened.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I don't know what happened. I've heard that. I don't think that lethal injection is painless either. A lot of drugs that they give you to take you out of the bad place, set and setting is really important. If you were to give me lots of ketamine or something right before you were going to kill me, I'd have a really bad trip. Oh yeah. That'd be horrible.
Starting point is 00:32:53 That'd be the worst time you like you have your last meal and then you get a little bit too high because they bring you a weed pen and you're like, Oh great. Now I'm all stressed out on my big day i'm gonna be i'm gonna be fidgeting too much in the chair everyone's gonna go everyone's you're sitting there and you're like self-conscious like they know i'm high my reputation am i taught am i giving my last words weird?
Starting point is 00:33:27 That's not even going to give me a few, huh? Yeah, I know there's still places that hang, and I think there's places that do the firing squad too if you request it. I think firing squad would be the way to go if you had competent marksmen. Yeah. 100%. I would just pick all my closest friends who are best with guns. Yeah, you should be able to pick your own squad, by the way. I'll use a bow. No. Yeah, you should be able to pick your own squad, by the way. I'll use a bow.
Starting point is 00:33:46 No. Actually, you know what? I could die. Dude, I'm going to cut your heart in half. Just impaled with arrows. Oh, that or your lungs. Oh, like Boromir. Only one of them has a real steel head.
Starting point is 00:34:00 All the rest are just wooden dowels that embed in my torso. You get that boromir death that's yeah i would die like boromir and you would have to be dressed as lertz of course yeah of course i could save two hobbits but now it's just kind of the film but that would that'd be cool i'd like that i wouldn't like that i don't want to die that way don't kill me that way i i got real high like two nights ago i i ate i took one of those edible like gummy ropes we've got and i took my kitchen shears and i cut off like just a little bit like this much like the tip of your pinky and uh and i i picked all the the little nerd candies off because
Starting point is 00:34:36 i don't care for those and i rolled that bitch up in a little ball like a booger and i took it like a pill like i just swallowed it with because i didn't want to chew that shit up. They never taste good. And it came on so fast and hard. Like within an hour, I was just real good and baked and having a great time. And my girlfriend came in and I was joking around with her. And I had her laughing and we were having a great time. And she goes, hey, what's wrong with your eye? And I was like, I didn't know there was anything wrong with my eye until this very moment. But now I'm very self-conscious.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Why are you pointing at my face? And I go to the hall bathroom and I look. And in this eye, you can't see it now. You really can't. There was a blood vessel broken. And it had done this big spider vein thing on the right side of my eye. And it must have just happened. Because you could almost see a little blood moving around under the first layer of my eye. It must have just happened because you could almost see a little blood
Starting point is 00:35:26 moving around under the first layer of my eyeball. Being high and seeing that upset me so much and freaked me out so much. I walked out of the bathroom and I was immediately mad at her. I was like, why did you have to fucking show me that?
Starting point is 00:35:43 It's really her fault, yes. I'm so upset now. And like, like I started swinging. Do you remember like sneezing can sneezing can sometimes induce that. I probably coughed a little bit or sneezed or we were laughing our asses off like right before. Um, but so who knows something like that likely, but I started feeling worse and worse and worse. And I was like, oh my God, I'm having a panic attack. I'm having a panic attack. And I'm like sliding down the wall to sit on my butt.
Starting point is 00:36:14 And I'm like, wet washcloth, wet washcloth. Hurry. And and what I meant was those paper towels right fucking there. Those paper towels, wet them and get them to me in the next eight seconds which is how fast i could do it rip one two three here you go beat my eight seconds look at that i go unconscious just completely passed out sitting against the wall but i've fallen all the way to my left side so i'm laying on the floor out i wake up she's still not back with this washcloth she's still not back i'm like coming to waking up and i'm like you had to go to the store to buy washcloths
Starting point is 00:36:53 where are you she's gone upstairs in an actual washcloth she's like you enunciated washcloth so perfectly and clearly three times in a row and And I was like, yeah, because my brain was dying. I was just starved of oxygen. It was the equivalent of going, ah, ah, ah. I'm choking. I woke up and once I got the washcloth on my face and my head, I was fine maybe two or three minutes later. But she said
Starting point is 00:37:18 she thought I was dying because I was so pale. I turned completely pale. My lips go blue because my body thinks I'm dying and draws all the blood into my heart and my core or or whatever my hands go numb my feet go numb how long were you out like like five seconds of real time probably five ten seconds of real time yeah i obviously have no idea but you know that sucks i and i i saw your text about that and it was like i saw it literally woody responded like 40 minutes later and was like just saw this are you all good you know we're i was worried i saw it like stress in the text i saw it like
Starting point is 00:37:51 yeah i could feel the stress too i saw it like two hours after woody's 40 minutes after thing and so i'm like if i address this now it might just remind him of a very recent and stressful time i'm not gonna ask him how his eyes doing because he might be watching a show having forgotten about his eye so i was like oh tactical yeah i was yeah i um i had to chill out after that i hate that i have maybe one or two panic attacks a year and i i'm i always get annoyed people like yeah i have them too i get all stressed and i just have to get out of there like you don't have panic attacks you have anxiety i have panic attacks like tony fucking
Starting point is 00:38:29 soprano where i hit the floor and wake up like bleeding yeah i go out i need your own oh you think so yeah your own big-titted wop therapist god she was hot in the early years you know she was the white guy I prescribe one poopy roll around. See how much you all picked up. You need to go out to the world and experience culture. There's a festival in Italy I can recommend. Really get it in that eye. I obviously don't keep up with the online drama nearly as much as you, Tom.
Starting point is 00:39:06 But through you, Brandon, I think just you and Brandon, I saw like a week ago that some guy made a video bullying our boy, our main man, Wendigoon. He did, yeah. Was it just Wendigoon? It was more slanderous. But, yeah, it was funny. It was a bunch of people you guys have had on. I or like it was more uh it was more slanderous but yeah it was uh it was funny it's a bunch of people you guys have had on i mean it was me it was brandon it was um
Starting point is 00:39:30 i don't know if mudahar's been on the show but he was included in there um wendigo was like the main subject though it was basically uh it was just like a bread tuber which for those in the audience who don't know basically means that he's's a socialist YouTuber. He made a video called Conservative Horror Movies. And the last 40 minutes of it or so was dedicated to trying to explain how Wendigoon is a virulent right wing racist. And there was a lot of association tying in there. A large part of it was like, here he is with Donut Operator. Donut Operator is a cop, which means he's a fascist bootlicker who defends the state. And the,
Starting point is 00:40:07 the funny thing is like the examples he used were really funny. So first of all, yeah. So for donut, he was like, he made this disgusting video where he showed a pedophile getting his head blown off. And like everybody in the audience is obviously like,
Starting point is 00:40:19 that doesn't seem like that bad of a thing. And the funniest thing is he uses this absolutely hilarious thumbnail that donut used, which says head removal on it with a picture of the pedophile and like the cop holding like a shotgun. So there was that. He also did just a lot of poor research. He was like,
Starting point is 00:40:34 Turkey Tom was accused of saying the N word and like accused is putting it very lately. I said it on YouTube, like not that long ago when I was playing Fortnite, I lost Fortnite. I fucking, you know, it just came out.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I was angry. He was mad. He got shot. Yeah. Give him the fucking break fucking break i got second place i was pissed the fuck off i can't think of a better word you should have said it more yeah i should have but uh so there was that um he also said that uh wendigoona because he wears a hawaiian shirt he's a boogaloo boy which um is like a domestic terrorist group and he literally said in the video he was like wendigoon is uh partially the cause of right-wing domestic terrorism in the united states and uh people i know he's so influential i had the same that's the thing you don't know he has a lot of
Starting point is 00:41:12 high a lot of high praise for him i thought he was making like lore videos about fucking forest monsters and cryptids yeah that's what i thought too but it's those are all dog whistles clearly he called brandon a gun tuber uh he said he was a gun tuber he said oompa ville was a gun obsessed youtuber um it was funny it was like uh in his in his move to divide everyone he kind of brought them all together i thought that was like a category on youtube to him it's an insult but brandon is just not a gun tuber so it just kind of showed that he oh okay well a lot comes along with gun tuber. Like a gun tuber is a white right wing conservative. Ninety nine percent of the time.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Oh, OK. To me, gun tuber was like gamer like FBS Russia wasn't political at all. But I mean, you can say gamer, too. And you would find, you know, that that boils it down to mostly some white, you know, nerdy neck beard dudes. So I think everybody I think like I think a guy who like just does videos about guns and brandon has done like one video about guns which is when he and i went down to san antonio to hang out with brandon herrera who was also he was called out in the video grand thumb was called out in the video because grand thumb made a tweet saying that like uh open relationships are degenerate and that was like uh
Starting point is 00:42:20 that was like a very uh detestable thing in this guy's view um but basically the point of the video was to say that Wendigoon should not be allowed. He said in public. He shouldn't be allowed in public. And he shouldn't be allowed to make YouTube videos about horror movies or cryptids. He also said because his name is Wendigoon. Wendigoon is hearkening back to the Wendigo, which it is. But he said that's offensive to Native Americans. What a fat ass kid.
Starting point is 00:42:44 It was hilarious. Yeah, for the the video a bunch of native americans were like fuck you don't fucking talk about me keep my name out of your mouth it's not very nice to call that retard a faggot yeah it will probably hurt his feelings i don't like him that's true uh brandon brandon i think he tweeted out and he was like you're a low testosterone soy boy and the guy was like why are you making homophobic comments about me and it's like i didn't even know you were gay but jesus i guess that's part of it now yeah um but yeah it was just a very bad did that guy hear low t and immediately think gay that seems a little that's
Starting point is 00:43:16 what i'm saying there was another thing like one of the funniest parts of the video was uh somebody made a youtuber gay sex chart that a lot of people were put on um on twitter and wendigan was put on it as like a bottom and he was like when he replied to it he was like uh why did you do this to me and the guy's like this is clear evidence that a cis white male is being homophobic because cis white men perceive uh bottoms as disgusting and it was like jesus christ so it was a pretty bad this guy's a provocateur who's bad at his fucking job but has no sense of humor, it sounds like. It does seem that way. I just want to laugh at things.
Starting point is 00:43:49 So to him, everyone to the right of him, and he's a socialist, anyone to the right of him is a Nazi. People making videos about Wendigos in the forest. Yes. There's a tweet from Brandon Buckingham showing a picture of the the guy who was ripping on wendigoon and him this self-righteous bread tuber thinks if you are friends with
Starting point is 00:44:09 internet historian donut operator shoe on head oompa vill mudahar grantham turkey tom brandon herrera or myself then you are a bad person he pretty much looks exactly how you would expect i'll say that yeah it's a bread tuber a bread tuber is like a socialist youtuber um i can't remember i don't think it's bread lines i think it's some other thing but it's gotta be bread lines come on they say it's someone it's some book or something that references something about bread and the rich or something them and their books then man this guy looks like he reads for sure this guy reads age of consent laws oh he does he reads them well um but there was like there were so many videos made about him uh in the wake of it because he called
Starting point is 00:44:53 out so many people that there was like tier lists made of like how good the videos about him in particular were or like how good the thumbnails were um so it was uh it brought everyone together really it did bring everyone that's good everybody got to come together to shit on this guy collectively that's nice probably what he wanted he was just trying to make us better friends I think and now we are is this guy's video like does he get a ton of views
Starting point is 00:45:16 or not even he deleted it like a day or two after but he had 400,000 subscribers but the he didn't even stand by his lies no we took it down right away but then he was like well you know the execution was bad but i think i was my heart was in the right place is what he said about it which is just oh did he delete it because he felt like it was inaccurate he deleted it i think because he was
Starting point is 00:45:38 getting shit he said he felt like he was in the right but he got some of the information wrong but the only thing i think he apologized for was calling brandon a gun tuber directly i think that's the only thing he said but the video is uh you can kind of get a peer to his psychology i hate i hate using the like um oh well this guy is this way so he can't make arguments but in the video itself he opens the wendigoon part by talking about how he's rich therefore he shouldn't uh be allowed to have an opinion on media and earlier in the video he's talking about how he's struggling to pay rent because his youtube videos don't get views and uh the reason why his videos aren't getting views is because he made a he made a video well that's a great question why include it well he's been coping for a long time because of
Starting point is 00:46:15 this video he made so there's a movie you guys probably know the hills have eyes right about like cannibals live in the hills and this guy got a lot of shit for a video he made in which he said that the cannibals in the hills are an allegory for black people or native americans and the white people that are like being chased around by them are like uh colonizers and settlers that are moving into their territory um this was like a like this is like a real thing he said like he's like this is what the movie uh director meant this is a bad film review this is this is my this guy's favorite kind of youtube video yeah i think it's cool fucking retard he's reading into the literature you guys don't know what you're talking about okay frankly i've heard a lot of black cannibals in the united states so i think it's completely accurate uh but he is i don't know
Starting point is 00:46:57 who knows but yeah i'm comparing black people to a uh uh inbred racist i think radioactive rape family of cannibals maybe aren't all the bad guys white in hill seven i've only seen it i think once or twice they're mutated hill folk in this family that rape and murder and maybe eat maybe i don't know i don't remember they're cannibals or not it's certainly not the most progressive uh progressive stance to take that they're actually an allegory for black people or native americans um but okay so this guy start with starts with his ideology and then backwards engineers all media he consumes to comport to that avatar's right there dude what are you doing yeah this guy you know this guy this guy looks like a fucking idiot in his hawaiian shirt he's wearing a hawaiian shirt well he's wearing it because he's
Starting point is 00:47:44 doing it as parody so in the video itself he's like it's actually disrespectful for me to say the word wendigo out loud but i have to say it here for the purpose of uh research purposes um which is crazy it's just a crazy thing to say like i i thought i thought like the n word was like the word that people would say you can't say aloud but the word wendigo went like wendigo like that is a crazy thing to say there's a lot of other shit the video is filled with gold uh at one point he says everyone in appalachia like where wendigo and his room should be assumed to be racist until proven otherwise that's all right well you can't get everything wrong all right you know oh he says that wait wait actually this guy's winning me over he's pretty cool
Starting point is 00:48:22 have he got you you guys are all on board with that. You guys are the ones. It's the anti-Appalachian. We've been to Appalachia. No, I'm team Appalachia. Those people are victims. They get no money from the Fed, and they're sitting there trying to make ends meet through their moonshine operation. Victims of subpar dental care.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Entrepreneurial spirit. I remember driving my Middle Eastern friend through Cherokee, North Carolina, and we drove past the Confederate store. I don't know if you've ever been to Cherokee, North Carolina, but you'll recognize the Confederate store. The Confederate store? Absolutely. It is a store bedazzled with the Confederacy. Okay?
Starting point is 00:48:57 Interior and exterior is nothing, but they have Confederate flag dream catchers in that bitch. They have. Yeah, they're so nice. They keep dreams of black people away. Okay. Martin Luther King is not. Mary Jo Susan, I just had the scariest dream. We had a black president.
Starting point is 00:49:23 It's not real. It's not real. It's not real. Go back to bed, honey. They're flying so many Confederate flags. I don't care if you want to fly one. I'll tell you what I really don't like is the upside-down American flag thing. I don't like them doing anything to the – I don't like when people wear the American flag. I don't like when you turn it upside down.
Starting point is 00:49:42 I don't like when you put that fascist blue stripe through the middle leave it alone is it susan b anthony she got it right the first fucking time all right i mean we add more stars as time goes on obviously but that's just that's like in the ufc when you get another fucking ruby on your belt every time you defend your uh your title i like this i think what's the betsy ross flag look like is that the with just 13 stars? I don't know. Is it Betsy Ross? What does Susan B. Anthony do?
Starting point is 00:50:12 I don't know, but I know she's another history lady. The Republicans adopted the Betsy Ross flag for some period of time. There's one that's like the American flag, but where the stars are, there's like a big white swastika. That's a pretty fire one. You know, that's like the american flag but where the stars are there's like a big white swastika that's a pretty fire one you know it's pretty that's some that's that was huge for one decade a century ago yeah they say america yeah it's just betsy roth susan b anthony uh was just like she was a suffragette she was oh i do not like her yeah taking that by the way if you look at a picture you of her you'll see fucking why my god okay well i'm team fucking what was her name betsy ross yeah is she the one that made the flag yeah yeah and you know what she did after making that beautiful flag she shut the
Starting point is 00:50:56 fuck up like a good wife to herself do you like my flag I made, sweetheart? It's fine. Dinner's not ready yet. And then this bitch shows up a century and a half later and goes, you actually should be Anthony. Susan, that's a girl. We put that lady on a coin. She has a good jawline. That is a masculine woman, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Like, if you look at her from, like, get rid of the eyes and put a man's haircut on her, and that's just a dude. She's been mewing a lot. Jesus Christ. Dude, Zach, slow down. I can only get so erect. She kind of got that hair of the berries and cream. She's big into jawline.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Oh, my God. Look at that fucking jaw. Wow. Look at that. Built like a linebacker, thiser this bitch Dude she'd be UFC champion If she existed today I wanna vote Wah wah
Starting point is 00:51:53 Get over it Zach see if this lady might have been a man If there's any theories about that Or if did she ever bear children You know was she married to a gentleman Or was she like single her whole life? There is no way she was married. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Wait, why the fuck is this? Oh, National Women's History Museum. I saw that this conservative lady, I suppose, made... Lots of inventions in there. Lots of inventions. It's the same style of invention list as the George Washington Carver one we looked at last week. Oh, we found last week, Tom, we found like a straight up George Washington Carver conspiracy website. There's like the Tuskegee Project.
Starting point is 00:52:36 It had like and it was like the inventions of George Washington Carver. There was shit like soap. Vinegar. Vinegar. Vinegar! Is this the peanut butter guy? No! That's the thing! That's what you thought, isn't it? That's what they told us. That's what they
Starting point is 00:52:53 lied to us about. I don't know what George Washington Carver invented. I genuinely don't anymore. They gave him credit for the salted peanut, dude. Okay? Fuck you. Fuck you. If I put pepper on them do i get my name on a goddamn website with an edu tag get the fuck out of here he did not invent the one thing he didn't come up with peanut butter peanut butter he never figured that one out he was using
Starting point is 00:53:17 like peanut like husks to make insulation and shit clunk calling himself edison he made the first car powered by peanuts like the this stuff i just pulled the website up again thank god it was the link was still purple yeah they said he said he invented buttermilk mock meat peanut sprouts mock meat mayonnaise mock meat in 1800 whatever dry coffee he invented dry coffee for centuries People in other countries have been making coffee and they never thought to dry it. They just boiled huge batches of it and carried the vases of liquid coffee around.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Yeah, one of the things on this list is breakfast food number five. We all know breakfast food number five. We all know and love. My world is so much better than four. But I'm more of a breakfast food number three guy, which is also on the list. Just on the iHot menu?
Starting point is 00:54:06 Like, what the fuck is this? This is on What is breakfast food number five? That's on his. I choose to believe it's like Rocky, where number two is the best. Here's the link. It says in the list, foods he invented. Instant coffee.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Can you pull it up for a sec, please? Caramel. He invented caramel. This guy was busy. Oh he didn't. He did not. He did not invent cheese pimento. Substitute asparagus. Do you like pimento cheese? I love it. I'm good on pimento cheese. That makes it sound like I don't like it. I'm fine with it. It's not like
Starting point is 00:54:40 high tea. If you ever go to the grocery store, what you want is, there's this brand at the grocery store that has jalapenos in it. On the pimento cheese package, the little plastic jar or whatever, there's a picture of an old-timey black lady on it, like an Aunt Jemima type.
Starting point is 00:54:55 It's not like a cartoon of her. It's like a bad quality Polaroid of just a black woman's face, and that shit is delicious. What the fuck is Cheese Nut sage what is cheese nut sage dude there's one schizophrenic guy who maintains and updates this website guaranteed like one one lover of george washington carver who can't accept hey i bet he was a real nice guy he invented breakfast foods one through five that's true don't forget peanut cake one and two
Starting point is 00:55:23 it says here under general he invented sizing for walls what the fuck does that mean yeah do you ever notice how every ancient building all the walls are out of fucking whack he invented milk all different sizes he invented 32 kinds of milk woody don't cut him he made oil for hair and scalp yeah what the fuck does this mean italians definitely made that yeah the, the Italians created it. The Italians are like a farm of scalp oil. Oil for the scalp. He created laxatives. That's a
Starting point is 00:55:52 proud one they're putting here under medicine. That's fine. Bar candy. No one else. Substitute asparagus for when you can't get the good stuff. Sweeping compound. Peanut relish. Why would you be proud of it? Peanut beverage for ice cream. Asparagus needs work. peanut relish why would you be proud he's looking for a way to make cum taste better peanut beverage flake beverage for ice cream asparagus needs work plum punch tannic acid
Starting point is 00:56:11 man medicine similar to castor oil couldn't quite beat the castor oil guy he created chocolate coated peanuts he was the first guy ever to put chocolate on a peanut vanishing cream i bet they probably put this here, imagined it to be true vanishing cream. Man, here I was thinking that like the ancient Egyptians and Romans used soap. That's ridiculous. They were black too is the thing you don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:36 That's what they try and keep you down. That's what Big White tries to take credit for. Yes. Yeah, but anyway, we spent a while on this guy last week but it still fascinates me to no end that there is someone out there with an edu domain just making the kind of list that i would if i had a george washington carver edu domain just making things up that's the list you would make if george washington carver was your uncle and you wanted to like big him up on the internet
Starting point is 00:57:01 and not let everybody find out that he didn't invent peanut butter. Like we all believe that's a good trivia question. That should be that. Like if you had like who invented peanut butter, you put his name in the list, but you also throw in who, who did invent peanut butter, whoever actually did it. It's almost like you can't even take credit for inventing something that
Starting point is 00:57:19 simple. This is a college website. This is, yeah, this is not like you said, edu domain. And I looked into it. They like their endowment is 15 college website. You said EDU domain and I looked into it. Their endowment is $157 million.
Starting point is 00:57:29 This is for the same college that Lionel Richie graduated from. Lionel Richie, noted George Washington Carver historian. What the fuck? This is a ridiculous university. There's no way anyone is learning useful things
Starting point is 00:57:44 from this university.'s 142 year old universe learning a lot about peanuts was it founded by george washington garver is that part of it i don't know athletics let's no hold on where's d3 why choose tu here at tu where we love breakfast food number two and chili sauce and peanut hearts John Harvey Kellogg invented peanut butter of Kellogg's cereal he patented the process for creating peanut butter
Starting point is 00:58:15 from raw peanuts there's a different guy who came up with something called peanut paste but that's just like pressing peanuts between two hot plates and he was also a black man um 1884 he did that it's apparently a pretty good school canadian there's no way this is a good school do they have pages for like other inventors which is made up nonsense i hate that he gets credit for peanut butter and he didn't do it why is that i just why is this page
Starting point is 00:58:45 here oh is there a whole george washington carver section i wonder if there's a museum for him you could visit i'm on their rankings on their site it says they're number one in best colleges historically black colleges and universities according to the u.s news and world report so i think this is a predominantly uh white school from what I can tell. Yeah, yeah, seems that way. A lot of peanut scientists going here. They're apparently number 31 on the best value schools, regional universities, comma, south by U.S. News and World Report. I think they divide it into like 16 categories.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Yeah. The seventh best predominantly black school that george washington garber graduated from in atlanta college in alabama according to college consensus so they're up there yeah i might call into question some of the facts on this page but regardless okay i'm okay with tearing this guy down i just don't want you to go back to uh you already tore down uh helen keller who was the other person you were trying to steal valor from the other day not steal valor but just take it away einstein no why would you Einstein wasn't a real person i was trying to think of the other conspiracies i
Starting point is 01:00:00 did back in the uh in the day i think it was also Coco. Coco the gorilla. Oh, we've been through this up and down. That gorilla was not talking. That gorilla learned input orders the same way you can teach a dog that kind of shit. It didn't learn to communicate. It learned that if it does these signs, a fresh plum shows up in my palm. Have you seen those dogs hit those buttons
Starting point is 01:00:23 and communicate stuff? Yeah, but they're not communicating. They're learning. They don't understand the grammar and syntax of what they're expressing. They understand that this and this and this means that a treat comes to me. These sounds just came out of my owner's mouth, which means that this one,
Starting point is 01:00:40 this one, this one, and this one is what I need to do in order to achieve the treat. They're not like, oh, wait, he just posed a conditional hypothetical at me. I need to hit this one. I and this one is what i need to do in order to achieve the treat they're not like oh wait he just posed a conditional hypothetical at me i need to hit this one i think they know what the i think those border collies have 100 word plus iqs i mean i'm not accused but vocabularies they know what those words mean like they can you they describe i think they can i think they can remember what the sound is in like tandem with another thing happening. Yeah, I don't think they actually know what vocabulary is really. They don't understand the meaning of it.
Starting point is 01:01:12 They understand what they're supposed to do when that sound comes out. That's people, too, though, like like blue is blue. I don't need to know anything about the color spectrum. I don't need to know anything about the color spectrum. But if you use a series of words in a sentence to inquire about something to do with my life, I understand and can take many avenues to respond to that because I internalize and understand the root of the question and what you're asking. I feel like I've seen you do complex things, like not regularly, but I don't know. I watched some Animal Planet thing about the world's smartest dog.
Starting point is 01:01:46 He knows 400 words. And they're like, go talk to this border collie. That's in there. I can type it out. Sentences on the floor. The one guy who's on, on screen is like,
Starting point is 01:01:55 yeah, I'm the, I'm the dog vocabulary expert. Oh, what do I do? What do I not do? A producer, A producer. A producer.
Starting point is 01:02:06 I produce lies and nonsense to sell to the animal planet. I also have this part of me that just wants to believe that animals are, that we're all just kind of the same. Like we're all sentient to some level and we're just more sentient than they are and we're able to put sentences together. Like I think the whales should have some sort of personhood and dolphins i feel like they should be protected i'm fine with that like i don't i don't think of them like i get we're all animals but when you say animal you mean a different thing you you know i feel like they've almost transcended the animal thing and getting close to the people thing to some to
Starting point is 01:02:45 some extent i think you're right whales are fine we can kind of you know play dolphins by ear let's start with whales i saw a dolphin try to rape a lady uh yesterday do you see that video on reddit it's like it's like no she's like the ladies they're like scuba diving and the dolphin's trying to get its uh its nose in her snooze that sounds like a guy i know he should have rights and it's dicks out the whole time it's dicks out the whole time he's after her like trying to get its nose in her snoot. That sounds like a guy I know. He should have rights. And it's dicks out the whole time. It's dicks out the whole time. He's after her, like trying to get that bottlenose up her snoot. Well, you can't hug around the ocean too much.
Starting point is 01:03:12 That's their domain, man. They can just drown you if they feel like it. They can just grab you with their prehensile penis and pull you to the depths. I don't think they grab you with it. They can, though. It's prehensile. I can break its grip. I don't think they can coil it it. They can though. It's prehensile. I can break it. They can coil it around your limb.
Starting point is 01:03:28 It's either prehensile or it has an actual bone in it. One of those is correct. I've seen it. I've seen it. Remember when Hank Hill got humped? There's not really a bone in it. It just feels that way.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Hank Hill had that harrowing experience at La Granta. The La Granta vacation spot. I think the dolphin got red cheeks, like its cheeks were flush. They were using that to signify a hard-on. Yeah, because his belly was getting red when it was getting packed. Oh, that's what it was. Well, in the video I saw, his belly got more than red. His dick came out.
Starting point is 01:04:03 He had a fucking baby's arm down there flopping around underwater. I bet. They're big animals, right? How much does a dolphin weigh? I would guess big dolphin, 500, 600, 700 pounds. 500 pounds? 500 pounds would be my guess. Big dolphin.
Starting point is 01:04:18 That would be similar to what I'd guess, too. Usually, they're only next to other dolphins. Unless you have a good foreknowledge of dolphin weight, you can't really get them. But you can't see them very well, and what are compresses? Oh, my God. An adult dolphin can weigh? That can't be accurate.
Starting point is 01:04:32 That's not true, Zach. You've fallen for a big dolphin. Zach said between 2,000 and 6,000 pounds, roughly. Really? Dolphins are so much bigger than I thought. I'm not confirming it. I'm telling people. 6,000 pounds is just
Starting point is 01:04:47 insanity mode. Alright. Zach, I think... I don't believe that. The Maui dolphin's only 110 pounds. Then I guess the orca counts as a... Oh, don't count the orca.
Starting point is 01:05:05 I'm reading an article. I'm learning. No, I see what happened. The top link has it in the Google preview, but you can't tell it's talking about an orca. Bottlenose dolphin. That's what we want. We want Flipper.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Remember Flipper? You ever see that show? I have the answer. 3.30 to cut off my screen. Sorry. Wait, this is an AI overview. Aren't these notoriously wrong? 330 to 1,400 pounds, according to Wikipedia.
Starting point is 01:05:33 For a bottlenose dolphin. Bottlenose dolphins can range in size from 6 to 13 feet long and weigh 300 to 1,400 pounds. That's way bigger than I thought they were. I think it'd kill you easily. Wait, 300 pounds to 1400 pounds in that range? That's a huge range.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Huge range. There's a lot of shapes and sizes of these things. They are human in that way. Maybe 1400 pound dolphins have a weight problem. In the same way that humans like human males weigh between 150 and 700 pounds 700 pounders are not normal human man that's crazy that we're the only animal that just
Starting point is 01:06:13 dominates nature so hard that we have problems with being overweight like there's no troop of chimps out there who's just killing it so hard and they're like their locale and wherever in africa they are their little tribe area and they're just all fat none of them we're the only ones who just kick ass i'm trying to come up with an animal that proves taylor wrong like bear even bears they get fat off of our labor unless they're finding all those honey buns and all that shit in the trash, all those calorie-dense sugary things. I would just say they get fat in preparation for hibernation. Sure.
Starting point is 01:06:54 The way that they rock. Okay, that's all right. Other than bears, there isn't a single animal I can think of that has weight problems. Dogs. But that ties back to you yeah that's us wild dog i've ever had wild dogs are skinny they all look like they are a dinner miss away from death and they probably also aren't any other animals that have figured out how to do fentanyl as far as i know so i think we're pretty addicted to making our lives a lot worse we actively make our lives
Starting point is 01:07:25 harder for ourselves through diet and lifestyle the fentanyl thing is kind of fucked up right like like i don't do hard drugs but like i don't know if i was on a vacation and somebody offered me something i'd be like yeah all right i'm not gonna be the square that doesn't want some fucking whatever that powder is to be a non-fentanyl doing you got i want i don't want fentanyl but what i'm saying is like if you got some powder you want me to snort, and everybody's snorting, I'll snort some of that powder. I'll rub it on my gums like in a scarf case. Doesn't fentanyl come as a powder?
Starting point is 01:07:52 Yes. It can come into anything. What they do, my understanding, is they're using fentanyl to make other drugs go further, which is crazy to me because they show you that tiny little fleck of fentanyl that'll kill a man, and it's like, how do you disperse that over a kilo of whatever the fuck just use baby
Starting point is 01:08:08 laxative like an adult and cut your drugs in it and make it last longer so it's like you could sounds like what a baby would do not an adult that's that's the tried and true method you could just be trying to take like some molly or whatever like some medium grade just fun time drug and but it's it's going
Starting point is 01:08:24 to kill you in the parking lot. That's super sketchy. That's why you only get your cocaine from really, really rich people like Mr. Beast, because you know it's going to be good. Oh, dude. You know, if Mr. Beast offered me cocaine, I mean, what am I going to do? Get kicked out of the contest?
Starting point is 01:08:41 I know. I got two people from every country to come together and do cocaine in a warehouse this is not the way that I want to compliment Mr. Beast one of those vials of cocaine is nothing but fentanyl behind you are 30 million Legos first family that overdoses wins the prize money
Starting point is 01:08:59 or whatever I thought children were watching these videos that's an overlet that'd be awesome yeah that'd be so sick i hear he's gonna do a video in india where he uh he turns all the poop eaters into a fine paste for us to eat to feed the homeless it'd be awesome that would be funny if he had a video at the same time and he was like him trying to clean the streets in the middle of the poop festival that'd be great he doesn't get it we're gonna clean up all this shit for these kind people who can't seem to get this shit out of this city and then they're all
Starting point is 01:09:30 just like they're like fuck you bloody fuck you bloody fuck you mr fuck you yeah that's the fuck off they're like mr beast an asshole it's his biggest controversy ever i can't wait for your content at the poop festival i'm gonna watch your and brandon's video on that it's gonna be traumatizing we were considering uh bring like an irl streaming setup but we thought if something traumatic happens uh we might not want to have that live streamed on youtube for the world to see so we'll probably do some cutting after but that's also a lot of money to flash too you know like like depending on what kind of rig you've got like you've got a dslr with a whole setup like somebody might just want to change their life by taking it from you yeah well it's pretty expensive i know the main thing for irl
Starting point is 01:10:09 streaming is there's like companies that make the bag with the server in it so you always have like internet wherever you go um but i think those are quite expensive and then on top of that there's like battery life for whatever you're filming what to worry about and i mean then once again like you know if an indian person does something to me i might get kind of racist with him or something and you know you just don't need that out there on the Internet for everyone to see. You got to be able to cut it. So he's going to make a video about you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Yeah. Just start doing Indian accent like, buddy, fuck you, buddy, when they're robbing me. Someone might make a mean spirited video where they implicate Wendigoon as a bad guy for hanging out with you. He did have a Hawaiian shirt. That part's confirmed. What I learned is that none of us made the bad guy cut. That makes us basically Bernie Sanders supporters, progressives. Right?
Starting point is 01:10:54 Dude, call me irrelevant more directly. I told him that we were going to India, and he was very confident that we were going to die. So I think given how much knowledge of the world he has, I'm very confident that he could be right, and it will make for a great video. If one of us dies, one of us still has the footage, right? It's fine. Somebody make a hate video called Lesbian Book Club and just run with it.
Starting point is 01:11:13 No one would even get the reference. Probably true. What are you guys up to? What's up in your lives, in your personal lives? I know, Kyle, you just had a bit of a weed episode. I mean, that sounds a bit dark. Your eye almost exploded. Woodyody what's up with you anything just got back from a sexcation in charlotte with my wife uh we like to to get a hotel we try to do it every month but we don't it's like seven
Starting point is 01:11:38 or eight times a year and uh you know we just do a little weekend and bone a bunch i guess and uh so that's what we did in charlotte we also saw a we went to a coral reef and bone a bunch, I guess. That's what we did in Charlotte. We went to a coral reef show. We keep a fish tank together. It's like this shared hobby. That's what we did on Sunday. Brought home some... This was not the location that Nick Riccato went to, right? It wasn't hedonism? No.
Starting point is 01:11:57 I don't know about this. That's it. Just a little weekend with Jackie. I messaged him i was like hey we're watching uh the ufc event in the in the patron disc uh discord over here if you want to join and he's like nope i'm on my sexcation it's like leaving that one on red every five weeks all year long when he goes on a little sexcation my parents would have sexcations when i was growing up with me in the house trying to play left for dead that was really fun um yeah they didn't get it did you
Starting point is 01:12:30 they didn't even like send you outside like not even outside no it was like 1 a.m in the morning i wasn't supposed to be awake i was playing left for dead with my friends and then i would just hear noises and i'd be like what the fuck's going on the first time it happened i cried actually i cried very hard it It disturbed me. I was like 10 years old. Really? Yeah, I was so disturbed. I was like, I didn't – when I was younger, I hated like sex scenes in movies.
Starting point is 01:12:52 I hated anything sexual. It really disturbed me. I reacted very differently. It gave me like a security that my parents got along. No, I was like, this is degenerate. You guys have sex. That's fucked up. Yeah, I would mock them by like i would hear like compliments from the night before or afternoon or whenever
Starting point is 01:13:10 it fucking was and then like the next day repeat them and they're like yeah i guess you really did hear us i remember saying that you've said this to me a dozen times over the years now and every time it just takes me aback to like to be sitting there eating your cheerios the next morning and be like sniping it dad like so dad did you take that pussy or like i mean it's like oh jesus like i remember like i thought it was so traumatized like i remember like uh being very in my feels about it when i was 10 or something i remember because it happened and i think i started crying and my mom came in she was like what are you doing and i was like i don't know something's going on and then the next day i was like eating cereal with my dad he was like so are we gonna talk about last night and i was like what's there to talk
Starting point is 01:13:52 about and i remember going to school like my friends were like are you okay and i was like it's fine it's just shit just happens bro i remember being very like emo about it and very disturbed at the time you know life's not as simple as you thought it was i just don't want to know about it like keep it i also like i don't want not to shit but like close the door you know what i mean there yes i mean looking looking back i'm glad that they were doing that because it shows that they probably still liked each other and still do but at the time i remember being very very disturbed i was like what they fucking have sex i was like so grossed out by the idea that they could have any sexual feelings whatsoever um i was like you know what you guys need to like put a pillow for it in between you when you go to sleep like don't touch each other no kissing allowed that was like my policy as a young 10
Starting point is 01:14:32 year old when my first job was working in my father's accounting firm and uh like so he worked a lot he'd work like you know like an 18 hour shift, but he also had a two hour commute. And maybe these numbers aren't adding up. Maybe it wasn't that long, but it was long. It was a 16 hour day, like a two hour commute. And then he'd get home and he's like, he was complaining to my coworker. He's like, it's like a second job. After I get home, I've got more to get done.
Starting point is 01:15:01 He's got to bone the woman before he can sleep. Well, I got to get home and think about the due date for my presentation on Friday. And then I got to get my wife off three times and traumatize my son. And then I could sleep. Yeah, he had work to do after he got home. Everyone else got to rest. No, I would have come down on the same side as tom in that most if i was hearing that loudly it would upset me as a child i found it extremely extremely disturbing i remember hearing
Starting point is 01:15:32 it and being like what the fuck is that is there someone in the house and then i heard it i was like is that my fucking mom and i was like wait what the fuck's going on and then my my dad came in doing the classic boxers and a t-shirt thing that was all like wrinkled and shit and i was like oh no i was like pulling his shirt way down with 10 they should have started you like before you even spoke like we did at my house i did it was just intrinsically known that your mom and dad are upstairs banging do you remember falling asleep hearing like your parents screaming at each other no i never had that that. I thought this was a part of childhood. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 01:16:06 hearing the beer bottle break over mom's head, be like, you just hear like, and you just lay in there. I heard a lot more screaming than fucking and I'm glad. That's why Kyle and I turned out so well.
Starting point is 01:16:23 I wouldn't trade. A healthy adult with a family and children it taught me how to really cut somebody to the bone with a verbal assault well my mom got me back when i was 15 she walked into me jerking off that was pretty brutal to be honest with you that was a horrible experience you were in your you were in your room though i was in my room and uh i thought that she was i thought i thought no one was there i thought nobody was in the house because i remember walking downstairs and i would do the classic check see if anybody's in the garage there's
Starting point is 01:16:54 no car there uh i didn't hear anything turns out she was in the basement on the treadmill but so i'm up there you know whacking it or whatever and uh she walks in and she's like what are you doing and i'm like what the fuck does it look like i'm she walks in and she's like what are you doing and i'm like what the fuck does it look like i'm doing she's like she's like why why is your dick out i'm like i'm jerking off what do you think's going on and she's like oh you want to like hang out after i was like shut the fuck up get the fuck away from me how close is this to the actual conversation this is very close to that she didn't say hey she's like do you want to drink coffee after and i was like what do you mean after like i'm leaving her attempt to be chill about it right now actually well she walked in
Starting point is 01:17:29 and she thought it was funny she was like she was like laughing she was like ha ha what are you doing and i was like what the fuck does it look like i'm doing she's like oh and i was like yeah so or like is this gonna stop because i was like she had walked in my pants i was like clenching my dick in my hands so she couldn't see it it was like horrible it was horrible um that's brutal that's rough i've never that's one of the last ages where like actually 15 is pretty late to be getting caught jack and that's totally on her your door was closed you mean 15 is when you first start jesus christ no the door the door when your door was closed and it opened very fast. The moment between me looking at some girl sucking dick on my phone and then seeing my mom's face
Starting point is 01:18:09 was like half a second, to be honest. I can't imagine what it was like to have the internet on your phone at 15. I had a paintball magazine that had, for some reason... Those guys were cute. I was into athletes, what can I say? There was every eight pages of this paintball magazine, was just like a lingerie full fold out yeah and that didn't make sense until like looking back now it's like yeah they they knew who was buying these so like we
Starting point is 01:18:36 were just uh we were i was 13 me and my friends were just watching shapes get bang gang banged while playing fallout or whatever it was it was just like that it was instant yeah damn they made everybody real normal got a lot of it i don't know i had limewire by the time i was like 16 though so that audio porn no no no you could download downloading videos from from limewire which was like i got a lot of money out of the preview videos on those sites where it's like, you know, I can still see your tits for like 40 seconds in like the backstory of why they're on this pirate ship. That's all you need. Right. Yeah. I've told this before, but I remember early on and like when porn first hit the Internet, porn sites had pop ups that went everywhere.
Starting point is 01:19:21 They really abused that like pop up JavaScript. And I'm like, jokes on you. I really abused that pop-up JavaScript. I'm like, joke's on you. I can get off to this too. You're just giving me more choices. You've got to get those closed out. If you hear the car coming up the drive, it's like, I've got 40 windows to close. One at a time with a finger pad or whatever.
Starting point is 01:19:40 I remember LimeWire was so bad and our internet was so bad. I would download a porno for like, and I'm not talking about a whole hour long video or something. I would download some three minute clip and it would take 45 minutes to download. And I'd be like, ah,
Starting point is 01:19:53 this isn't what I thought it was going to be. This sucks. I can't jerk off to this. So I download like eight of them preemptively. I'd have them all in a row. Like, like all of them are like slowly downloading together. And I'm hoping that eight, eight pornos that all sound good will be jerk material but sometimes you fail sometimes
Starting point is 01:20:09 you're like well try again tomorrow well it's time to go imagination mode yeah yeah um i i guess there's still sites like that but back then it was like the wild west so i had kazaa and limewire and i was just downloading anything and everything when you were first able to download music it sounds it was like what so it's all free all the music is free because but because you know you had to go to target or walmart or the mall to spend 20 1997 dollars on a goddamn cd and all of a sudden they're like no actually every song forever is is is free now and you don't even have to listen to the deep tracks and the shit on the albums you don't want to
Starting point is 01:20:48 listen to it was I don't know I don't know if there's ever has there ever been like a revolution like that where something that before was not free became free and it was just the wild west that because it's not like you had to go out and get it it was just right there at your fingertips were first created oh I bet yeah I bet if you were a learned man back then and the idea of just a bunch of books you could go borrow because you know see i know i never experienced this whole physical media thing as long as i can remember it was always uh apple music and spotify really yeah i mean my dad had cds and i was growing up but even by then, it was like people were just getting music on the internet and on YouTube. Do you guys pay for a music subscription service?
Starting point is 01:21:28 Yes, I've got. I guess I have YouTube Premium, and that includes the YouTube music. I got Spotify and Audible and YouTube Premium. YouTube Music is good. I just click on an Elton John song, and it takes me away. It takes me right where I need to go.
Starting point is 01:21:45 Is that what you listen to? YouTube Premium is pretty good. I love Elton John. Did you hear me away. It takes me right where I need to go. Is that what you listen to? It's pretty good. Love Elton John. Did you hear Eminem's new song this week? It was good. It was fucking awesome. It's really good. It samples that song. Oh, it's magic. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Bill Cross dressed around a fake-ass bitch. It's a throwback to his early 2000s stuff. They do a de-aged version of him along with the modern version of him and the dh version looks i mean we remember exactly what who slim shady looks like and it's like that's him they brought slim shady back and so slim shady is like judging the new eminem and then at the end there's this explosion that melds them together so he's got the blonde hair with the beard
Starting point is 01:22:25 and it was good. The best line is when he's like, I wonder if I can get a feat with Meg Thee Stallion. Oh no, what was it? He's making fun of Meg Thee Stallion. I wonder if I can hit her in the feet. I wonder if I can have a shot at getting a feat with Meg Thee Stallion. Meg Thee Stallion
Starting point is 01:22:42 got shot in the foot in a club or a bar or some shit so he's making fun of that that's that was a great great line but yeah look at this so it's pretty cool i think it's got like really well it's got like 50 million views in four days or something like that he did age super well yeah he still looks young and he's probably in his early 50s right he's pretty fit yeah yeah he's like real close to me in age i'll look it up i'd guess it was a great song it was an excellent song yeah there was that one part when uh he was like i wonder what the old me would say probably think everything is gay and then the back is like like happy
Starting point is 01:23:13 it very much felt like an old eminem song he even he wasn't doing like the the growly like thing he was doing in like 2009 with the uh lose yourself or whatever he was doing more is like and chicken chicken you know slim shady yeah it's just it's slim shady not marshall mathers for sure and it's not his it's not quite like his his uh newest newest stuff i like rap god too but that's probably seven years ago now more than that that was a lot probably 11 years ago i remember listening to that song in like 2013 so it has to be around there yeah 2013 is when it came out yep yep oh damn look at me that big m&m head here big head in general really big head i was about as big of a fan as you could be in the early 2000s like when i I was in high school, like I remember that Slim Shady song came on the radio and they played it
Starting point is 01:24:08 that summer. Like every five minutes they played the real Slim Shady. And then I went and bought all the CDs. And then every time a new one would come out, I'd buy a new one. Did you ever dress like him? Never. Not even close.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Like, like you never wigged out? No, I've never been that poser. I've always just really i saw you with the justin bieber haircut when that that was just my fucking hair he copied me he's the young that's true that's just what my hair looks like well played well played
Starting point is 01:24:38 no i i liked him a lot and i remember one day my dad was driving us to school or maybe back home from school that's what it was and my sister said something about like we were arguing and she's like listen to what he's listening to and he like took my headphones and listened and it was the first track i think of the marshall matters cd and it's like slim shady doesn't care what you think if you don't like it you can suck his fucking cock he's like i'm like wow you really picked a bad spot like if you skip forward like well not the next track because that's pretty wild not well the next track is fact so let's skip that one go like four tracks in and there's some
Starting point is 01:25:18 poppy shit but but you know it was a bad look. I felt like everything, um, to my dad was an embarrassment though. Like, like anything that was new that I was into felt like it, it almost felt like that meme when your dad is like, you went in son, you know, like the, the,
Starting point is 01:25:35 the worst one was one time he saw me playing, um, halo or something. And, and I was like, yeah, as you see, I'm like a Lieutenant commander here.
Starting point is 01:25:42 And he's, and he like told my mom later on, like we're all having dinner. And he's like, you know, Kyle's a Lieutenant commander. And I'm was like, yeah, so you see, I'm like a lieutenant commander here. And he told my mom later on, like, we're all having dinner. And he's like, you know, Kyle's a lieutenant commander. And I'm just like, I will never share. I will never share anything with you. That's it. That's it.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Now we just talk about fucking hunting and whatever you watched on the news last time. You've never seen a look in an adult man's eyes like my father when he saw me playing magic cards for the first time oh no where he was just like just just just just disgust i would do that to be honest i'm on the same page it's you're with the dad it's such a fun game but it is pretty pretty gay. It's a pretty lame thing to be into, but I don't care now. See, Taylor doesn't look down on bottoms. No, never. I would never look down on Wendigoon for being a bottom
Starting point is 01:26:33 in that Internet Anon's graphic, for example, if that's the way he rolls, which I know it isn't. Wendigoon's a good boy. Even if that fucking asshole in his Hawaiian shirt was saying, wait, was it that guy who said Wendigoon was a bottom? Yeah, he was a good boy even if that fucking asshole in his hawaiian shirt was saying wendy wait was it that guy who said wendy goon was a bottom yeah he's a good yeah well it was a meme guy who said wendy goon was a bottom uh and the guy who reacted to it said well that's homophobic to have a problem with him being a bottom because wendy was like why the fuck did you do this to me i remember when i was younger i think i was watching uh i think i was watching pokemon on the tv i didn't even like pokemon particularly it was just on i remember my dad coming downstairs
Starting point is 01:27:07 and he was like about to go outside to go somewhere he looked at it he just said looks gay and then walked outside um damn damn that probably helped out in the in the long run with your develop it was a hot pokemon and before you answer it like i just want to say I've got a real thing for the, the team rocket chick. I think I'd probably have to agree that it is Jesse from team rocket. Jesse. Yeah. Jesse and James. I don't know Pokemon at all,
Starting point is 01:27:37 but I was sure the answer was going to be like snort a Gus or something like that. No, these are, these are, what was the name of when we were doing the episode what was the name of the poke like we got we were doing a trivia bit like six months ago at this point tom and like chis put a pokemon related
Starting point is 01:27:56 question in there because that was my specialty like the original 51 yeah and it was like name the pokemon and woody was like had no idea any pokemon and so what was zach please put in the chat what what was the name of the pokemon that that woody shot out in the dark and gasped please it made me laugh so much in the moment because it was it sounded like it could be real because it followed that ah fuck zach doesn't you guys if you if you look up guard of war and pull it up on screen you would all fuck the shit out of Gardevoir. There's no question about it.
Starting point is 01:28:27 Oh, Zach, please. Gardevoir. I need to see now. Mewtwo's kind of hippie. You know what I mean? You could be attracted to Mewtwo. Yeah, but Mewtwo canonically has a cloaca. Exactly. You're being kind of specious. I saw that movie. I think at the end, Mewtwo
Starting point is 01:28:43 is the main Pokemon of the movie and like somehow saves the day. That was the only exposure I had to Pokemon because I had seen like two episodes of the show and Oh yeah. Yeah, we could bang that. That's not Mewtwo. That's not Mewtwo. That's Gardevoir. Mewtwo does have like a very weird like groin
Starting point is 01:29:00 area. Like a big old ass on Mewtwo. It's got to be very hippie. Mewtwo is a dude. Oh, a little big old ass on Mewtwo. It's got to be. Very hippie. Mewtwo is a dude. Oh, a little bonded. No, this is the same one all tied up. This is Gardevoir all tied up. See? She doesn't have... She's got a bum, but not like a flashlight.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Not like that dress implies. Just like a napkin you tied a ball in. Now this is Mewtwo. This is the hot one. Yeah, this is the one that's got a big old ass. Look at that tail. You're going to see some fucking cake. I banged this one already at a convention.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Yeah, Mewtwo is too powerful. That's not a tail. What is it, Zach? It's a tail. It's more like a... It's a dick. Oh, he's on the side. Look at where it starts.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Damn. Wow. That is funny to imagine that it's just folded back. I mean, Mew has some tits for sure. There's something going on. I don't know what yet. Breastplate looks hard, though. It doesn't look like it'd be nice to touch.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Well, you never know until you get in there. Did you have an answer for the hottest pokemon character because i think jesse is definitely the winner uh the hottest pokemon character um yeah i mean jesse's definitely up there what about meowth the cat you ever think about the cat uh i enjoyed his comic relief as a seven-year-old but i would not want to talk meowth he's sort of spitty you know he sort of got a bit of a lisp so there may be some advantage were jesse and james fucking or were they siblings i think they're siblings they might have also been they might have also been fucking i don't think that percludes that have you ever noticed every you know how they they do those poses every time they
Starting point is 01:30:40 like make their entrance they like pose together it's always spelling an r with their bodies do you ever notice that yes yeah you know why right well team rocket yes there you go what was is there an alternative theory no there's not i just i don't i didn't know if many people knew that i've only ever seen like two episodes and then the movie and it was all when i was a child uh i watched digimon for some reason. No. That's what was, you know, Saturday morning. That's what was on. Pokemon wasn't on for some reason. I didn't have that channel.
Starting point is 01:31:12 You needed to wake up earlier, my friend, because Digimon, like, Digimon sucked. Digimon was never cool. There was no cable in our area. There wasn't even an op. And we had satellite. It didn't resonate at all. Zach, pull up Chitara would you while they talk this is this is what we got down to in the 80s chitara cheetah is the root word oh i know
Starting point is 01:31:31 exactly what this is i think andy dressed up as this thing in um this is thundercats yeah thundercats yeah chitara thundercats if it helps you find a picture this is how we roll back my day i've never seen any thundercats, but I've seen the imagery enough that it's pretty iconic. They look like a cat. That's a lot of reimagining shit. Exactly. It was more animated.
Starting point is 01:31:56 Yeah, and more of an actual cheetah. This is more of a woman LARPing. Yeah, this is just a lady. There you go. That's Cheetara. That's what we got down with back in my day. I've always seen her with fur everywhere. Same. I was never that her with fur everywhere. Same. I was never that big into Thundercats though.
Starting point is 01:32:10 They weren't shaving like that back then. It's been 40 years. I'm not sure. No one was eating Cheetara's ass. It was the 80s, right? I don't know. We're really exploring all aspects of culture this episode. It looks like the one guy from Kiss.
Starting point is 01:32:27 It looks like he's a Kiss fan or something. Yeah. Jesus. I was looking on your Twitter, seeing what you've been up to. And Nick Rakeda, who came on ours probably years ago now, right? He was on here. friend of dick masterson the attorney uh he got big years ago following the johnny depp and amber heard case online as like a really big streamer and now i think it looks based on the thumbnail that i see on your
Starting point is 01:32:59 twitter things aren't going good for him what's yeah he's uh i think he's just straight up developed a cocaine addiction seems to be the biggest problem um but uh yeah i mean he you know he's been he got he lost a lot of weight he lost you guys are acting like cocaine's all bad it does i don't think he was ever a fat person though and he never will be but yeah not if he sticks to it it's it's too bad because he was uh i mean the real thing about him is he he kind of always posits himself as like a very conservative person not only in his like values like uh openly like you know freedom of speech anti-censorship stuff like that gun rights but also in his lifestyle like he was like you know guy from minnesota had a bunch
Starting point is 01:33:39 of kids um you know normal marriage got married pretty young so it was kind of a uh yeah yeah yeah yeah it was kind of like he had a very good he lost too much he lost a lot way too much yeah um he had a very forward-facing conservative kind of uh look to him and you know vibe i guess he would say and he would you know he would call like cocks degenerates make fun of cocks and you know that's whatever that's all well and good um but then with time he he made a bunch of money on YouTube and it seemed like he kind of was getting into some weird stuff like people started noticing little things like he went to this anime convention and he let a bunch of girls step on him. He was lying on the floor. We're like, Oh, that's a little weird. But you know, maybe it's nothing right? His wife's there. Maybe she's fine with it. It's whatever. And then they start posting in this. This they have this thing calledals. It's like their community for this app called Locals. And, you know, his wife is like posting lingerie and he's posting weird pictures. One of them was his ass gripping a beer bottle. So that was one picture that was posted.
Starting point is 01:34:34 He got cheeks? No, I would say he did not have, he did not have cheeks. I thought it was going to be like, I've seen his baristas do that. And it's like, you need a lot of ass to hold a beer bottle. So I was just curious. Did he insert it? Did he? It was partially inserted, I would say. There was a partial insertion.
Starting point is 01:34:49 It wasn't all the way in, though. Let me ask you this. That's kind of cheating. Here's the telltale. Would you have drank that beverage? No. No, because his ass was bare. It was naked.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Oh, I understood that. Oh, okay. Right, right. But I think Kyle's saying if you've got enough rump to hold it between the cheeks vertically, then it's still drinkable. But if you don't and you have to insert it in, then
Starting point is 01:35:13 nature's beer holder. There's probably another beer in the fridge. Oh, sorry. Just Miller Lite. Last Corona. Zach clarified in chat, that picture is actually his wife so that's even better um did he just send the image did he send yeah he did i'm looking at it
Starting point is 01:35:32 how are you on this so show people that don't show this he's updated on the lore uh well anyway um i don't see regardless of it seems like you get down how that's not that's not the picture there's another picture. There's a picture with a beer bottle specifically. Oh yeah. I kind of do want to see that one. I don't need to see these. It sounds like they do this a lot. I'm going to look up Nick ricada beer bottle ass and see what comes up.
Starting point is 01:35:54 I'm sure something's really good. I don't know. I don't like judging people's kinks, but the furry thing has always been like, it's not that it's not even that dirty. It's just like something about it not being dirty makes it just weird it is physically dirty you're wearing a mascot costume if you told all over if you told me that you like peeing on girls or like getting peed on by girls and be like
Starting point is 01:36:16 all right but you know sure get in the shower we'll be clean right after all right but when you tell me that you've got a 1800 wolf costume that you you you like to dress up in and that you're gonna need me to get one too so that we match and then we start having this long in-depth conversation and start shopping for cat costumes online it's like man this just seems like did extra level. This sounds dope. This sounds like a real way for couples to connect. No, it sounds awful. To be honest, if you do this kind of thing with furries and scat play, I'll take furries 10 times out of 10. All right.
Starting point is 01:36:57 You wouldn't be over there. Okay. You've unleashed an atomic bomb of comparison. I was at pee and you jumped at poo? Oh, I'd be happy to go to a German Oktoberfest and drink beer and eat tasty sausages more than I want to go to the actual shit festival in New Delhi.
Starting point is 01:37:15 A festival's a festival! Tommy's got his trays over here. The corn dogs here are terrible. Everything is shit. It's all shit all okay so just to clarify i do have a link kiwi farms is down right now but it is nick gripping a bottle with his butt cheek so i can confirm it is nick's ass just to put that out there i mean i i would argue about
Starting point is 01:37:36 the facts here right we do care about the facts you got to get it right no misinformation um but uh so there's just little stuff like that it was like oh whatever but the kind of contradictory thing there is he was previously calling stuff like that degenerate and then he's kind of engaging in it right so it was kind of a hypocrisy as i'm okay with furries but not hypocrites right yeah i don't like calling anything degenerate because i feel like it comes from some sort of religious morality high place that i just don't care to stand on at all like i feel like people should get down however they want to get down you know yeah like like not if there's poop involved that's gross so i won't i won't take part in your poopery but but if you want to like i'm certainly not going to create a
Starting point is 01:38:16 a force of poop enforcement agents that go door-to-door sniffing people or anything looking for these fuckers it's a hilarious enforcement method. I was like, shit in there! What's going on? We're poor! We're poor, we promise! She made Indian food, I just keep going. The SS. It's the super smellers.
Starting point is 01:38:39 It's that human feces I smell. You were wandering by your house. No, no. It's dog feces. I no. It's dog feces. I know the taste of dog feces. You are hiding a man dressed as a Saint Bernard under the floor, aren't you? Legit. When I think about the kinks.
Starting point is 01:38:58 To my mind, I guess. I would argue that the furry costume is not any more off the deep end than the sex swing whoa that's crazy that's really easy talk uh i think it's i think it's more off the deep end to be it's a fucking dog it's a dog even take all right so it could be anything you know you could be uh you could be me too i'm i guarantee somebody's dressed up as me too out there taking some charizard cock or something it's something's weird to me that we're dressing up at these other things and that it's so in depth like if you just put cat ears on and a tail and like maybe some scratchy paws by the way you can buy that kit on amazon then just guessing then i see no problem
Starting point is 01:39:37 with that but it's just that you've got this mascot costume and and to taylor's point i know he always brings this up those things get sweaty and like fuck juices like when i fuck in my bed it's time to clean the sheets like like we've made a mess like so but i can't imagine you could dry clean one of those big things maybe you can't no but i wouldn't think you could no you're having anal sex dressed like a fucking mascot from baseball team that's risky that's gross that's you're getting poop particles and cum and liquids all in your fur matted up i don't know i like i pictured a different way like maybe it's kind of cuddly and and cozy and like uh zach bring up some furry porn
Starting point is 01:40:17 yeah on the scale of like kinky stuff furry to in my mind is just like all the others i've never met one i'm being a bigot about it i'm just i'm trusting my yeah oh i've met some actually we've talked about this the yeah yeah a hundred percent of the furries i've met one of one has been a really cool guy and i like him i like him too too, too. Who is the movie reviewer? Your movie sucks. Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's all... I found the picture. Sorry, I just found the...
Starting point is 01:40:50 No, no, I wouldn't. I'm glad you let us know. Yeah, yeah. I'll send this in the links in the chat so you can see this. Of course, of course. Why is it downloading? Command?
Starting point is 01:40:57 Command? We shipped the flash. We shipped the flash. Man, this is... You can still drink from that bottle. I mean, it looks like if he leans back just a little, it'll pour anyway. That thing's practically between his thighs.
Starting point is 01:41:10 Yeah, I was imagining that he was... Pretty good form. You thought he was using nature's bottle holder. Yeah, I thought that's what they call it. Nature's cup holder. Yeah, I thought... But, you know, that was just... That looks solid to be all in good fun.
Starting point is 01:41:25 Yeah. This is kind of the start of things but uh it's not really it's kind of just it's kind of just like whatever right like he's into weird shit like who really cares right but it progressively uh it progressively gets worse from there um one of the one of the big things is uh uh nick like i said he had openly talked about how bad degeneracy is and then uh he ended up going to this this place called hedonism was uh it's basically like a singer's resort right it's a sex resort i've heard um and so uh he didn't announce he was there but he announced he was at a resort with his wife autistic spurgs online they cross-reference photos realize where he is they realize that he is following uh on instagram uh these two uh black bulls you would call them i mean they follow him too uh who work there so that's the thing people
Starting point is 01:42:11 put together um and it basically it came out that nick was kind of into cuck stuff right and um that in and of itself once again it's like it's kind of whatever it's weird but it's kind of whatever um but it's around the time people start noticing nick is apparently exhibiting signs of an addiction um he had already drinking had always been a thing on his show like alcohol had been a thing it's whatever but um he was visibly very drunk during some of his streams um he had his friends uh talking about how he was doing coke and it was a big problem um and uh he was like apparently justifying it to them and uh it all it all mounted an incident where nick ricada got arrested um because multiple members multiple people uh ended up reporting him because uh there's something
Starting point is 01:42:52 called a mandatory reporter which basically means somebody who feels like they have an obligation to report somebody to the cops um and one of the things was his kids were according to this person coming to school uh they were dirty they've been wearing the same clothes for days they were hungry that and that was uh and so eventually the cops ended up going to nick's house um and he he got arrested uh right now he's being charged with uh i think this possession of uh whatever the class of substances um and he also had firearms around the drugs apparently which also you know can be a problem that can add to the charge so um i think he's facing at the max right now 26 years in prison uh for that um and it all kind of it all kind of began with um you know this like i said this early stuff this this just kind of hedonistic stuff which is like whatever right yeah sounds like he was uh like like living living life to living the beat of the just live in the dream yeah
Starting point is 01:43:46 jack and chat said they have a legal expectation to report it to the police and call cps and i mean that's the cops ended up coming to the house yeah i don't know any uh like endangerment stuff or is it just uh i don't think so i could be wrong but i don't think so officially yet um Can you estimate the kid's age? One of the youngest is six. The youngest is six. Oh, fuck this guy then. Yeah, yeah. If they were like 17 and 19 or something, I might take a different look at it.
Starting point is 01:44:14 Zach says there are five charges of endangerment on him and his wife. There you go. But to be clear, there are charges, but obviously he hasn't had a full trial yet, so we don't know everything. But you know he's a hippocrate. That much is locked in.
Starting point is 01:44:29 It seems to me if he was I think a lot of times these accusations are projection, right? Accusation is an admittance. I forget the term they use, but these guys who absolutely hate gay people sometimes turn out to be gay. Yeah, yeah, the ones who make it
Starting point is 01:44:46 like a thing. It's like, you must think about this a lot. All the time. It's really in the forefront of your mind. Gays, gays, always gays. Penises and butts. I mean, it's hot, but God, you can't do it. You said so. You said so, and I don't do it.
Starting point is 01:45:01 I don't do it. And they are. Why are they having all the fun that i want to have it's like one of the things from the one of the things from the police report was his uh his his wife asked to be given her medication when being arrested and the cops went to get her meds and in the medication bottle there was stuff that was not her meds idiots um and so that was one of the things that also they tested what was in the bottle and i don't i don't know if they tested it but they they looked inside the bottle? I don't know if they tested it, but they looked inside the bottle and there were very visually pills
Starting point is 01:45:27 that were not supposed to be... They had a mix of pills stored in a bottle. Usually, if you get antibiotics or something, it'll be like, this is a small white pill that has a line through the middle. There's a little physical descriptor on there.
Starting point is 01:45:43 You can just oh it says that on the i don't think i've heard my prescription bottle very carefully yeah next head i mean there you go um and they did test me okay well you can get a prescription for that it's um i i don't care about any of the sex shit or the drug shit i just don't like like especially like here's like your kids are going to school dirty like you're a fucking scumbag you're doing that to your kids. I mean, I remember there was one or two kids that were like that in school, and it was like,
Starting point is 01:46:10 man, why are you... Why is nobody loving you? In particular, serving is like... This guy made like 700 grand on YouTube the previous year. He has enough money to have his kids out there. Sometimes that can be a curse.
Starting point is 01:46:24 I've been around youtube for a long time and man some of these guys that hit it big especially if they're too young it's it's like a lottery that ruins them yeah well it seems like when he had the opportunity and he thought he could get away with it he ended up doing all this weird shit um i don't think he went into it thinking i'm gonna neglect my children i think because of the addiction he ended up doing that which doesn't make it better but um obviously it is like uh drawing a through line right right like there is one percent of me that's sympathetic to the idea that he didn't want to go down this road he did i mean addiction is very powerful it's very powerful it rewires your brain and you know horrific ways um but making your kid go to school
Starting point is 01:47:05 as the stinky kid like ruining like literally think about it like yeah you cannot overstate how how like life ruining having your seven eight nine year old go to school stinky and dirty can can be like that will set you down the path to ruin you will be a loser for the rest of your life when you start out like that. You're creating a whole mindset within the kid and within his peer group. Everybody's like, oh, yeah, that's the other. You become that. That's who you pick on to be pop. That's creating a hurdle, a series of hurdles that don't need to be jumped if you just smell reason. I don't know. I mean, to me, school is often very materialistic
Starting point is 01:47:47 and very stat and ranked based with stuff like that. Very hierarchical. If you didn't have enough fucking polos, then you're gay. You're just gay. Your family's poor. Then you're lame and you're gay
Starting point is 01:48:01 and there's no coming back from that. If you don't have Jordans, you're gay. You're not cool. I mean, really. If you don't have JNCOs, sorry, you're lame and you're gay and there's no coming back from that if you don't have jordan's you're gay you know you're not cool yeah i mean really like you have jinkos you sorry you're gay right i definitely apparently his kids do not have jinkos at all damn shame so kyle you think it was that like parental success based your stack ranking um it it wasn't necessarily that it was just that like if you if you couldn't if if you had poor clothes and you were dirty like like everybody noticed and those people weren't mixing in they weren't sitting at the at our table or not even that i was the best table or
Starting point is 01:48:37 anything but they weren't sitting at any of the good tables they were sitting at the table with the kids with disabilities the big fat gross kids, gross kids, the greasy-haired kids. What age are we talking about? It doesn't matter. Like fucking third grade through high school. You'd be stuck at that table. You wouldn't have a friend group. Your friends would be greasy-haired, dirty people
Starting point is 01:48:58 who looked funny. Yeah. You'd be sitting at the Italian table. You'd be sitting there with the one guy. There was one kid whose granny had accidentally spilled a whole frying pan of grease on his head when he was a kid. So like half his face was melted. He was over there. There was the other kid that only had three shirts.
Starting point is 01:49:15 So, you know, he couldn't even do a one week rotation. And you'd be like, oh, it's WWE tonight. Like, you know, like there was shit like that i remember i had a friend in like middle school who wore like plain blue like red like all the just the most plain shirts you could imagine like no logos no nothing on there and someone ripped on him one day in a way that like got a bunch of laughs where like he, dude, you're dressed like you're a fucking kid in one of the Spanish textbooks. It's just like the most generic, like bad blue jeans and then like just plain red shirt or plain yellow shirt. Yeah, something like that.
Starting point is 01:50:01 And that stuck with me. I'm like, oh, damn, there needs to be something on my shirt at all times did you guys ever have carlos's mom shop at the same spot yeah do you guys always have the right like school uniform i'm not talking about actual uniform but like you know the uniform that you were supposed to have maybe that's levi's yeah jordash or yeah i didn't have that yeah i dressed very like normally like no one ever would have seen how i dressed in middle or high school and be like, whoa, this guy's got it. When I was 10, there was a phase where I was badly dressed and the school mocked me for it hard.
Starting point is 01:50:36 I ended up moving. It was rough. What were you wearing? A dress? A lot of kick me signs. It was early springtime. So I was wearing long pants and I had outgrown them. So they were highwaters. They called them floods in my area. But highwaters, you guys get it. And it was
Starting point is 01:50:56 pretty bad. It wasn't borderline like I could get away with it. When you sat down, it was a show. When I stood up, it was a show. It didn't fit properly. They were wrong. And the kids mocked me. You had capris on! Basically, yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:09 And I had some other things that weren't my parents' fault. I was training my hair to go to the side, so I brushed it with my fingers a lot, and I blinked too much, which was like I have this mild Tourette's. And people would just pull their pants up, brush their hair with their hands look down and blink a lot as a way of like mocking me and uh it that's called doing the woody it's like a Michael Jackson video in the hallway when Woody steps out everybody's doing the woody
Starting point is 01:51:40 so I talked to my mother about it like years later and uh basically what it was we were not poor my father was professionally successful yeah but my parents were poor growing up like my mother's father died and my father's father ran away and another they didn't have like real breadwinners in the household so they were um frugal cheap i'm looking for a better frugal is a better word so because it was springtime i was about to switch to shorts and summer clothes they didn't want to buy pants for me in like april when i would have been needed new pants in the fall again because you're growing all the time yeah and i like i see the logic in it but it turned out to be uh emotionally damaging for me
Starting point is 01:52:21 that makes sense spring for the pants my mom was in the school system so she saw it she saw like what would happen if you're wearing the wrong fucking jeans or like or whatever and you know like it was easy to be like hey we need to go shopping she's like yeah we do yeah we do you wouldn't want to get you beat up for anything we don't we don't give them another reason let's get some tommy hill figures on you yeah yeah i remember in like grade school how occasionally a kid would just throw up that was awesome like it would just be like you're sitting there in second grade and like learning to me learning to read better i was that kid like some kids just like there was just there was no lead up no warning just
Starting point is 01:53:05 Sarah vomited on her desk Sarah go to the office put you in some dirty sweatpants go tell the next con to make with the kid that grows up on a field trip of yours every field trip ever there would always be that one fucking kid who like couldn't take the bus
Starting point is 01:53:21 moving around it would always throw up on the bus like it was a consistent thing throughout all of my school experience even in high school this happened there always be that one girl looking out the window and the teacher's trying to console her like just pick a point and look at it and then pick another point and look at it and just breathe slowly and like without fail they would just fucking vomit somewhere we went on a field trip to see how peanut butter was made right and i And I don't know. Okay. And anyway, we go and it wasn't like normal peanut butter. We didn't see how Jif was made. We saw how like no name random like natural peanut butter
Starting point is 01:53:54 with no preservatives or something was made. And of course, we all ate the fucking peanut butter, which was dreadful because I was used to like Jiffy or something. Yeah. And we get back and I throw up badly. Like just peanut butter vomit too. I made the most of it. And,
Starting point is 01:54:09 uh, yeah. So shortly before I flew through up like five minutes, we had these, um, tables in the cafeteria that folded into the wall. I don't know if you guys, okay.
Starting point is 01:54:19 Anyway, one like fell out of the wall and just landed on the ground. And, uh, all the teachers circulated the notion that it scared me so bad, that's what made me throw up. And adult me is like, I think you're dodging responsibility for this peanut butter field trip thing you took me on
Starting point is 01:54:37 and blaming the fucking janitor for not locking the table correctly. But the table didn't bug me at all, I assure you. And I'm like, no, it was the peanut butter. They're like, no, no, no, that table was a loud bang. What a great field trip. The worst. The worst field trip we ever went on was to a sod farm. We genuinely went to a field,
Starting point is 01:54:55 and Mr. Mackimson was like, that's how sods made! You see, end of fucking story! It's grass, and that machine cuts it up, well you know it all now don't you dude why are we in a field right now we walked around well farmer malikinson you've got the kids until 2 15 and it's 9 40 a.m what else are we gonna do you're in georgia start picking cotton kyle it was it was awful and he was like, the nitrogen in the soil has to be replenished singletonally.
Starting point is 01:55:27 What are we doing out here? A sod farm on a boring field trip. It was the worst field trip I've ever been on. We also went to a flat. Greenhouses where flowers were being grown. That was actually kind of cool. Greenhouses are nice in the springtime. But that was one of those electives that I
Starting point is 01:55:47 had shown up late for elective day. I was a day late to choosing my elective. Somehow I didn't get the memo on fucking choose your elective day. And oh my god. It was the dregs of electives. So I had to take horticulture and animal
Starting point is 01:56:04 science. And animal science is you're an unpaid farmer for the school now, Kyle. With this filthy piglet while I cut his teeth out with pliers. Hope you paid attention in sod class. I would refuse to go in the pig barn because it's like, dude, this is first period. There is no way I'm going into a pig barn and like helping you cut pig. You're the stinky kid in school now. Then you become the stinky kid. And like the worst kind, BO, everybody's kind of just accustomed to it. Your mom couldn't pull some strings for you?
Starting point is 01:56:39 This is high school. She got no influence in high school. She's a fucking third grade fucking teacher. She had no pull. No pull there. My mom taught special ed for a long time. So it was mostly special ed. That's how I got wrangled in on that special ed field trip.
Starting point is 01:56:52 Yeah, sure it is. Yeah. That was awful. You want to talk about kids throwing up on the bus when you haven't lived until you've been on a bus that a big old fat girl taking a shit on. No. Oh, my God. Oh, yeah. We were driving back from the Tennessee Aquarium, and Tiffany, I won't say your last name, Tiffany,
Starting point is 01:57:12 who is the person I was picturing when I mentioned greasy hair, because she's so greasy blonde back in a ponytail, shit herself on the way back. But on top of that, we stopped at a rest stop to eat our sack lunches. And they chose the spot that everybody walks their dogs for us to picnic in. And so 80% of the kids stepped in dog shit and traipsed it back into the bus. Because again, special ed field trip. Nobody's paying mind. You know, they're out there stomping the dog shit for fun.
Starting point is 01:57:44 They can't wait to go to this they're just having a time that's the last the tennessee aquarium i got a i remember i took a polaroid took a bunch of pictures i remember the whole way there listening to uh um like my my cassette player listening to way down yonder on the chattahoochee that was a good field trip my best field trip ever life-changing man to my cassette player listening to Way Down Yonder on the Chattahoochee. That was a good field trip. Dude, my best field trip ever. Life-changing, man.
Starting point is 01:58:12 I've told this story before, so I'll go quick. We had a whitewater rafting field trip. I had this course called Four Challenges in High School. And I guess one of them was physical or something. So we went on this whitewater rafting field trip. And we're going down the river. We hit something something rough and this girl falls out of the boat and uh she's there's a term for it but she's on like the downside where the water pours over the rock and she's just getting dunked and dunked and dunked and she like can't breathe and in one of her cycles and my boat's like stuck it's not even going it's not floating down river In one of her cycles, and my boat's stuck. It's not even going. It's not floating down the river.
Starting point is 01:58:46 One of the cycles, she makes eye contact with me. Oh, no. She's dying. She hasn't breathed for a good 30 seconds now, 40 seconds. I'm like maybe the fastest guy
Starting point is 01:59:01 on my high school swim team at this point. It clicks in my head. maybe the fastest guy on my high school swim team at this point. And, uh, like it, it clicks in my head. Like this is you, babe. Like this is, this is, you need to do this.
Starting point is 01:59:12 You're the guy for this. And, uh, I jump off the boat and I pull her out of the, whatever that turbulence thing is called. And, uh, she's like under bubble under current.
Starting point is 01:59:24 I don't know. But, uh, um, anyway, uh, I pull her out and she's like under bubble under current i don't know but uh um anyway uh i pull her out and she's like super grateful about it she literally you gotta stop clicking that mouse you gotta mute yourself you gotta are you talking to me no of course not i'm like i don't realize i'm doing no the only one clicking a mouse i don't know i didn't took lead but uh i'm talking to our guest can you hear me buddy oh i can't, I can't. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. My YouTube editor was texting me about a thumbnail because I lied about being Pokeman's editor.
Starting point is 01:59:49 I was saying, mute yourself if you can. You're clicking really loud. Oh, my bad, bud. For what it's worth, I couldn't hear it. I don't know of other people here. Maybe I'm old. Anyway, to roll it along, she was super grateful. It was cool. We didn't like Bang or anything, but it made me increase my self-worth.
Starting point is 02:00:07 That's a good story. That's a good field trip. You've saved all sorts of lives. For her, pretty scary. Taylor, have you ever saved anyone's life? Never. Not even tangentially. Right?
Starting point is 02:00:15 Not even close. It's so crazy. He saved so many. Yeah. I'm old, right? So I've done some cool things along the way, but the life saved are like way there at the top of the pyramid, like things I'm proud of. You guys have such cool field trips.
Starting point is 02:00:29 I didn't have fucking anything good. Like I didn't have any good high school. Not really. I do remember a summer camp. A summer camp. There was an epidemic of someone shitting in the urinals and it was like a big thing. And so at one point they,
Starting point is 02:00:40 it was such a problem that they had like a, in like the mess hall, they had an announcement to everyone. They were like, they didn't know who it was, obviously. It was the Indian kid, obviously. It was actually a white kid with curly hair. I think it was Jewish. But they had an announcement.
Starting point is 02:00:53 They were like, everyone, we know who is shitting in the urinals, but it'll be much easier if you fess up now. And instantly, as soon as he finishes his speech, you just see this fucking kid walk right up to him at the front of the room. It's like, okay, well, he didn't really care to hide it very much did he we're imbecile wow but i think it was like a they're supposed to be sneaky that you are well it was like a week of doing it though like every day you'd go in there there'd be a shit there he's regular every single day they'd clean it new shit clean it new shit um it was it was just such a problem uh i think
Starting point is 02:01:22 i probably pissed on it once because there was the only one available. But yeah. Who among us hasn't had to pee on a poop in a urinal? I've never done that. I've never. So poop bandits is apparently a thing that happened in every school. Whenever I'm on Reddit and someone tells a story about the guy who was smearing shit on the wall, the comments are full of people. Yep. They took the doors.
Starting point is 02:01:45 They closed our bathrooms down. We didn't have a bathroom. Shout out to Mike, our poop bandit in high school. Yeah. Shitty Mike. No idea what that guy's up to now. Big and better things. We got some ideas. We got some ideas.
Starting point is 02:02:00 He's at an Indian festival. That guy was all about it. Is that what being a poop bandit's really about? Is it a scat fetish? I think it's more of a... Domination. More of a joker mindset. What if they're not using their poop?
Starting point is 02:02:15 What if whenever they go in there and there's poop in the toilet, that's how they grab someone else's poop and smear it? No, this guy was shitting into... That's how I did it to defeat the DNA test. Yeah, this guy was shitting into paper people i mean if that's the case i feel like there's a lot of preventative measures according to this yeah you don't have one poop bandit you have 37 oh my god that's like a snow park episode they misinterpret the poop bandit dna test
Starting point is 02:02:43 and the way oh man the way mike got away with being the poop bandit DNA test. Oh man, the way Mike got away with being the poop bandit at our high school, it was so fucking obvious it was him. And like, he escaped and graduated air quotes from high school more like, get out of here, please. And like him, him
Starting point is 02:02:59 escaping with not being called the poop bandit was like his Kaiser So Say not limping anymore outside of the police precinct like it was everyone but administration at that point in time knew he must have been cool right like people liked him he must have been cool because he's got away with nobody ran him out like if this is a detestable figure, people would tell him. He was like... Only Taylor knew.
Starting point is 02:03:29 I was the only one who knew a hundred... Other people found out about it, but the guy told me. Because I remember I was walking through the sophomore hallway. I was about to go in the bathroom that morning, and Mike and I were on talking terms. He was one of those guys that keep your friends close and keep the suspicious
Starting point is 02:03:47 eccentric weirdos closer and he was like oh taylor i wouldn't go in there and it turns into certain bandits i struck again that's how he talked he was like always like laughing to himself like deepest or butthead and then like telling and, and I was like, all right, I'm going to go to the one in the freshman hallway instead. Not good. This destroyed bathroom. Cause I've said, I've said this so many times, he would shit into a paper towel,
Starting point is 02:04:13 Tom, and he would write messages on the wall for people, like for, for the janitors. He'd write like, ha ha ha ha. You'll never catch me. He did that. He'd write like, ha ha ha ha, you'll never catch me. He did that.
Starting point is 02:04:25 In shit. He would write that. That's crazy. Oh, okay, so he poops in the paper towel and then he's got like a marker that he's using as a twerk. He was holding it basically and smearing shit everywhere. I choose to believe he has one of those artist
Starting point is 02:04:41 palettes you stick your thumb through. And he has different of those artist palettes you stick your thumb through and he has different different consistencies of shit it's like this is oh no that's a modeling poo there you can have three 3d with this yeah there was so much like degenerate shit going on in the fucking bathrooms of my high school like uh because jeweling was a huge thing when i was in high school um so i would i would go in there and i would just be taking a shit and then like seven kids would follow in yeah the vape thing i would be just trying to take a shit like normally um you know in the big you know handicap stall obviously because that's the best one and then
Starting point is 02:05:16 i would hear like a troop of seven freshmen come in when i was trying to take a shit and they just all be like oh let me pass let me hit it let me hit it um and they would sometimes they would fuck around sometimes they would like say to me like do you want to hit i'll be like dude i'm taking a shake you're leaving the fuck alone right now this is like this is a consistent problem i had people trying to uh get me hooked on drugs well i'm just you know i'm just trying to poop max i totally misheard you i'm like dueling was a big thing pistols or sabers no that would be cool there was a another shit related memory we have a lot of those i guess yeah when i was i did cross country in high
Starting point is 02:05:45 school and there was a kid on the varsity team that would run ahead of everybody during all the meets and he would shit in the woods and then come back that was like his like marker it was a consistent thing he would do um but he would i mean there's no toilet paper in the woods so he would smell like shit when you feel really good yeah he was really fast yeah he was better have been like to keep that guy around dude i mean he was on varsity so he was he was really fast yeah he was better have been like to keep that guy around dude i mean he was on varsity so he was he was good yeah but there's other people on varsity you can't run in front of like i don't know how's this work what can i say i gotta hand the baton to tony run in his wake for 20 yards oh maybe that's good i was thinking they always hand the baton to each
Starting point is 02:06:24 other and i know that that form is very important the thinking they always hand the baton to each other. And I know that that form is very important. The way that you catch the other person in stride. What if you were so caked up that you could put it between your cheeks back there? So you could use both arms and they could just grab it from back there. I think there'd be a lot of friction going on. Oh, I see that. You need gloves.
Starting point is 02:06:42 You're right. I thought you received it in there. And it's my task to like, you know. Oh, she's got. You need gloves. You're right. I thought you received it in there, and it's my task to, like, you know. Oh, she's got a baton holder. Oh, maybe if you could flick it and, like, get it to go in there like a ninja. Oh, I see your point now. That's even better. I wonder if you can throw the baton.
Starting point is 02:06:57 No. Because you would definitely be thrown. They told us that immediately when they were teaching us to do it, that you can't throw the baton. There'd be some guy who could hurl that bitch. I always wondered if it was, like cost benefit thing like all right you can save a hundredth but half the time you're right if you drop it you lose 10 seconds it's a real crap shoot they were gonna drop it they were doing track instead of football or baseball or you know i think they would just stand in place and because they can't catch that's what i would
Starting point is 02:07:23 do just throw like a fucking football and you win. You just throw it four times around the track, you're good. Would you trust any of your track compatriots to catch it? I'm telling you, Taylor, as a swimmer, you're 10,000% right. We all know that we can't throw and catch. They're not
Starting point is 02:07:40 kidding anybody. It's so crazy that you had all those great electives. My school was so... we had those redneck electives that I guess like you're like, oh, horticulture is kind of cool. You had a pig barn? Yeah, we also had a cattle barn. We had a barn for all the animals. It's like that wasn't fun though. No one was – yeah, I mean look.
Starting point is 02:08:00 You're going to act a certain way. You're going to treat a certain way. We were just – no one was like, Oh yeah, we've got so many cool barns, but like, it's, it's great. But you're like,
Starting point is 02:08:09 yeah, we had fencing and we had, and we had golf. Um, but you had like all those aquatic sports. We had a golf team too, but it was like, how many people were on your golf team?
Starting point is 02:08:22 I don't know. I wasn't, I think we were three. I think we had three i think we have three i'd be in the teens i think yeah we there were like three dudes who who wanted to wear fucking khakis and run off with coach more and do whatever the fuck they wanted so they played golf run off with coach more geez yeah yeah that sounds dope it sounds a little, but it was more like just an older... It was an eight-ball coach.
Starting point is 02:08:47 Take yourself a verse. It's just an older dude who wants to be there with you when you have your first beer and your first blowjob. He wants to watch you closely and mentor you. He sort of stands behind you with his dick on your ass while he teaches you how to look up.
Starting point is 02:09:03 All the time. I said golf pranks. I the time. Like all the time. I said golf pranks. You're like, I've been doing this for nine years. You can take your dick out of my ass. This is going to keep your back straight and your alert at the highest level. When you're playing golf, you need to be alert. It needs to be right at the cusp of fight or flight.
Starting point is 02:09:20 This should do that for you. The bare minimum that we have in Georgia for educators, or at at least we did back then i remember there was this program i don't know if it was nationwide or how exactly it even worked because they were kind of tight-lipped about it but if you had served in the military you could just be a teacher really oh yeah and it was like what the fuck how is this man gonna teach economic um it was english wasn't it yeah it was english how how is this man a fucking english teacher no it's history i'm 100 it was history now um how is he teaching history just because he went to iraq and got shot in the leg and he was mean he was like a 28 year old fucking big scary man who got red-faced and angry all the time
Starting point is 02:10:03 and like it was scary i failed i genuinely failed that class they still do stuff like that like you can take um industry experience and become a teacher but i don't hate it like i mean that makes sense if you're gonna teach computer programming i know i know it's not an exact parallel it's like that though but you don't have to be a certified teacher but like if you're a programmer you could teach bookkeeping if you're an accountant you know and you want to like get over there it's not a bad way to get teachers he went into a rage at this kid named jimmy one day and to be fair jimmy's thing was winding teachers up he would do the copy thing he's like jimmy it's the last time i'm gonna tell you jimmy this is the last time i'm gonna tell you
Starting point is 02:10:49 oh yeah jimmy i need you to sit in your desk and i need you to be quiet while i teach jimmy and sit your desk and be quiet while i teach and like at first that doesn't work but after like 20 30 seconds you could see him just getting redder and redder. And he ran toward Jimmy. And I didn't know what was going to happen. He grabbed Jimmy desk and all. The desk and Jimmy. He fucking yoinked up and marched him out into the hallway, put it on the floor, and slid him desk and all against the other wall across the hallway. And slammed that.
Starting point is 02:11:21 We had big, thick wooden doors. I don't know if that's ubiquitous, but it was so loud. It was like a fucking gunshot. He's like, no! Does anyone else have a problem learning about D-Day? It was just like, no! You should have gone, does anyone else
Starting point is 02:11:39 have a problem learning about D-Day? He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. He's the shit out of me. yeah that guy was way too intense to be a teacher and like you could see it in his face like he would he was routinely surprised by like normal high school shit he's like what what like he had just gotten out of the army like like it was 10 years ago why are you so shocked this is him at 20 oh yeah yeah yeah yeah he had been he absolutely had been yeah he was and i think we had a lady too and her her thing was she had been in the air force and it's like you didn't even fly a fucking plane in there like you were just in the air force and now you're
Starting point is 02:12:22 teaching us it went to an awful school it was terrible you have no idea yeah it sounds like most of our teachers are taking all comers for jobs all comers anybody who would fucking like open a textbook and and watch 20 kids for for eight hours a day uh like i mean that like i said that there was no those other electives like shop um automotive and um welding we just didn't do anything in there like it was just hangout time it was free period and you could take two you take them back to back i had a big fat teacher who like you know how someone who's fat like but they're working day to day like there's like a strength to their fatness okay like yeah this guy wasn't that not no not even not even one percent of that like guys bmi
Starting point is 02:13:13 like he was probably six one six two in the 300s but there wasn't a modicum of muscle on him at all and he would come into school every fucking morning and he would like, he would just openly tell us this. And we were seniors, like old enough to be like, but like bullying him almost where he'd be like, yeah, I don't really drink coffee. He had a really bad underbite and he over enunciated the way he spoke with his lower lip often. And so he would, he'd say, I don't even drink coffee. I go to McDonald's every morning. I love McDonald's and I don't even get any breakfast there. And it's like, fact check. Why? And he would get the biggest cup that McDonald's had in 2008, you know, a 45 ounce thing of Coke. hours of the day as all the ice melted until like by the time my class was there it was you know people would put napkins and instead of just wiping their fucking drink off wiping the condensation
Starting point is 02:14:09 off their cup they would like stick napkins to it that's yucky there would be dozens of napkins every day stuck to this guy's cup that he was refilling with more soda and then then eventually water like i i actually had a seventh hour, so final hour. And so you'd be like, it hasn't even been soda in here since this morning. And I'm like, just buy a fucking water bottle. This is so great. You're drinking it through the same soda straw,
Starting point is 02:14:35 with the same cup. I can see the stains of the soda on your plastic McDonald's cup. There's 15 wet napkins all around you. All around you, there's wet napkins. I hated that guy. i didn't hate him as a guy he seemed like a nice guy but i hated that habit of his and he would uh would close his eyes while he was talking to you like you know like oh like if i don't know if if if he asked like if i was like uh mr stevenson what year did kind of everything kick off for World War II?
Starting point is 02:15:06 Well it's a pretty sophisticated question you're asking and it's actually not what a lot of people would consider and it would be like open your eyes you fucking bitch look at me when you're talking to me don't like piningly muse about how you're going to articulate this answer
Starting point is 02:15:22 you should have just said yeah late 30s late 30s. Late 30s is when it really got moving. 1933 with the Hitler election. That's what got that shit going. Just something like that. And it sucked because he was a nice enough guy. You know when there's a really nice person and you don't even dislike them,
Starting point is 02:15:38 but everything they do drives you up a fucking wall? That was this guy. Every one of his mannerisms drove me insane he was so in a world war ii d-day today right uh june 6th yeah june 6th is it is d-day isn't it yeah i was watching the thing where the the french people go out and rub the the normandy beach sand on all the crosses that they have at that moment They don't get enough love. Shout out to the French. We'll be there again.
Starting point is 02:16:07 If you need us third time, hopefully you don't. Hopefully you can keep the enemies. Might be Russia this time. Might be Russia next time. We'll, we'll be there for a third time to bail you out. If need be,
Starting point is 02:16:17 don't worry. I saw today that we threatened Russia. If they exploded a nuke. Did you hear about this at all? Yeah. That we destroy all of their, they're like, if you, if you blow up one nuke, deton exploded a nuke did you hear about this at all yeah that we destroy all of their they're like if you if you blow up one nuke detonate one nuke even if there are zero casualties we will go in there with conventional weapons and destroy everything you have in ukraine
Starting point is 02:16:36 every man every piece of equipment all of it gone that was our threat yeah it's an interesting negotiation i like that i i look say this about uh uh biden but i'm gonna say lots about biden but lately it just seems like he gets something done every week obviously he's doing it for the election it's like where was this the last like why aren't you always like this why aren't you always just and it was the little things like like lowering the maximum late fee uh for overdraft charges it's like no one is against that except for bankers like like the only there's there's like the airline thing remember if your flight's canceled you're guaranteed like a full refund on the spot cash on the spot you pay me back you know store credit no bullshit yeah miles don't give me fucking miles i need to get
Starting point is 02:17:23 somewhere doesn't matter if the weather's bad give me my money back yeah absolutely all that shit was good and then i saw he's hot no no you're right and i don't mind it because it's true um like like give him credit when he does the right fucking thing or just does good things period that aren't even you know split down party lines it's great if you can do something everybody's like yeah i don't like late fees either. But I saw he secured the border to some extent, something about denying asylum to X amount of people
Starting point is 02:17:53 above a certain number. Yeah, it's 2,500, which means now. I guess I don't know exactly how they measure that 2,500, but if there's like 2,500 spots. I think it's asylum stickers per day. Okay, all right. And which is what we are currently so he's like i'm as of right now no more asylum boom done it's just a pretty good move did
Starting point is 02:18:12 you see the right was giving him a hard time about pooping his pants today did you see that i didn't know i i didn't see that did he did he potentially poop himself no what happened was um he went to sit down in a chair and he did this like pause with his knees bent that looked awkward. And he did it because he didn't want to sit down before his wife. He thought he should remain standing until she took a seat. It was just kind of a weird timing as he was being polite. And and then once she took her seat, he did. And then once she took her seat, he did.
Starting point is 02:18:50 Well, they edited the video to make it look like he bent over and purposefully pooped his pants on stage by the podium. And then, oh, Tim Pool's running with it. All these Twitter accounts are running with it. They cut it before he sat down and before it was clear what happened. If you watch the unedited video, it's pretty clear he's like looking at his wife like, as soon as you sit, I get to. I don't like the disinformation. I'm about propaganda necessarily maybe sometimes unintentionally but but like something like that it's like dude there's enough to actually go after him about right he is an old man yeah he's a senile old man just here's a politician who you know he was the i could be
Starting point is 02:19:20 wrong about this i think he was the youngest senator ever at the time he was elected. Something like that. Yeah. And now he is the oldest president ever. He was alive during fucking D-Day. Yes. Yeah, of course he was. Yeah. So like all that being said, a man who has spent that much time in politics has said enough stupid falsehoods.
Starting point is 02:19:39 Especially you can just you could make a montage of them and roll that. Do that. That's real. You could make a montage of Monroe. Do that. That's real. And it speaks to me. Whenever I hear him bragging about his intelligence and how high he was in his class and stuff like that.
Starting point is 02:19:56 And he's doing it in front of a big group of reporters and stuff. And then the program cuts and it's that old school TV where you've got Walter Cronkite or something. Like a real old man news anchor who doesn't give a fuck about politics. And he's like, actually, Senator Biden was not in that class. He did not take part in any of their honors programs. And he was 283rd in his class. When questioned about this further, he said he misremembered.
Starting point is 02:20:19 And then they just cut. He's always been senile. It happens to the best of us. Yeah, he's always been a politician. So like, don't say, look, like, I mean's always been a politician. So like, don't say, look, like, I mean, he might poop himself,
Starting point is 02:20:26 but like, don't say it until he actually does so that you're crying wolf about him pooping himself. Like stop crying wolf. You're right. He did lie about where he graduated. So did Trump though. So that's not a great decision maker.
Starting point is 02:20:37 He said he was at the top of his class. Yeah, he did. It was actually the older version of the same line. Biden claimed he was in like the top hat quarter or something. And Trump claims he's like number one in his class. And he wasn't top half either. You were talking about like how stinky Trump's farts were like three weeks ago.
Starting point is 02:20:54 That was widely reported. And you denied it. It was widely reported by people that hate him. It was. He was sleeping and farting in court. And it was like everywhere on the news. That sounds cool. That's how you should treat the judicial system. Just come on in.
Starting point is 02:21:09 Just sleep and fart. The jury doesn't even want to be there. I've heard like play by plays of this scene where like first he's closing his eyes. You don't know if he's sleeping or not and then his mouth drops and he gets into a less natural position and he farted himself awake and it was like like the people writing this are like are
Starting point is 02:21:30 like hat on like sleuthing the thing is i can point to you like 37 articles reporting on this and you have zero and you're like i choose it to think it's well i'm saying that would you disagree would you disagree that the media virulently hates him and will write stuff about how he needs to hold rails to get through icy declines he drinks water with both hands
Starting point is 02:21:55 oh the shape of his dick, pee tapes like they will latch on to anything about this dude and so it's just interesting to be like no Biden definitely didn't poop himself and then but three weeks earlier be like trump is having super stinky farts i can i i have video and like stories and you just have guts gut i'm with taylor on this one it's ridiculous to treat it as serious as well i was taylor on this one i i thought it did look like he was like dozing off in court makes plenty of sense i i didn't think that said anything about
Starting point is 02:22:25 him other than he's tired can i can i think i need to be on court too maybe you know i heard that the hvac in this building is like super old and it was always either ice cold or hot yeah i don't mind that but just the idea that that he's everybody's like yeah he's farting yeah you smell it let's see it's i i genuinely think it's just a conspiracy. You think that's just made up? It might be. I think it's 100% made up. All I have is like in school when like somebody's like, you know.
Starting point is 02:22:52 I read hundreds of articles about the pee tapes. You know, Meredith got a tampon stuck in her pussy. This is high school. You know, Meredith got it. And she did, apparently. I don't know. But I remember a kid running. A kid sprinted up to our group. We are in 9th or 10th grade, and he goes,
Starting point is 02:23:07 I'm stuck in a pussy. And then he ran away to tell me. I think it's the same thing. And I think when people hear it, they're like, hey, did you hear about the pussy? She just kept putting them up there. 12 of them, and right now she's about to be turned inside out, turned to sand.
Starting point is 02:23:26 She's got toxic shock syndrome. Her mom had to come pull it out. I heard the lunch lady used tongs. No, I heard they had to call the fire department and use the jaws of life. I made it up. Jimmy Kimmel is doing jokes about it. Jimmy Kimmel hates him.
Starting point is 02:23:42 Jimmy Kimmel is not a reliable source. I hear you. I get it. It's the left news who's talking about it. Jimmy Kimmel hates him. Jimmy Kimmel is not a reliable source. I hear you. I hear you. Like, I get it. It's the left news who's talking about this. But it is also, like, everywhere. And that's because the news is overwhelmingly left. Like, you can look at, like, like they self-reported in previous election cycles,
Starting point is 02:24:00 like employees at CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABCc nbc cbs like where do the employees of these organizations donate and it's like 95 5 to 95 of fox employees donate to the left the midge it was even like almost a plurality of fox people i'm saying like media all aggregate like aggregate was like over 95 5 democrats or republican And so like when I see the Trump, and I agree, I'm watching the video. It doesn't look like Biden pooped his pants. But like the idea that like, oh, there's a bunch of crazy propaganda
Starting point is 02:24:32 saying Biden pooped his pants when just like a few weeks ago, there were mainstream media propagandists being like Trump has stinky poo-poo farts and he farted himself awake. And soon we're going to have the clips of him getting peed on and this porn star who we paid off says he has a a weird dick and uh and he drinks water funny and we have it on tape we've had it on tape it's been on tape for the last 22 years and it's
Starting point is 02:25:00 never showed up yeah i know i know i didn't remember the tape thing the dick thing i've never said i don't know what's true. I know Stormy Daniels made fun of his dick right after he called her a horse face. So I took that to be just childish back and forth. Not necessarily accurate reporting on Trump's dick. He does have small
Starting point is 02:25:18 hands. That's true. But it was reported on. You think they're small? Yeah, he put his hands in the wax museum and they said he's in the bottom 15th percentile. No, he's a big guy though, right? How tall do you think Trump is? Like 6'2", 6'3"? Probably 6'1".
Starting point is 02:25:35 I think he's 6'1". Because he stood next to Obama who's 6'1". And they're the same height. He towers over Joe Rogan. I won't hear this. He does tower over Joe Rogan. He's 6'3", according to Google, which is always right. Look for a picture of him next to Obama.
Starting point is 02:25:51 They've worked this out. I don't know if you've ever seen the stuff that goes down on 4chan and Reddit where they'll be... Next to Baron. They'll take a door frame in known quantities. This doorknob is exactly three feet and
Starting point is 02:26:05 eight inches from here so now we have a ruler that's three foot eight now let's just slide it up and then and they can get the exact measurements of things i don't need six three i certainly don't i doubt he's six two it's it's a rare thing to be that tall and he just doesn't look that tall and he's got the big old business shoes on i just don't care though like i don't care yeah and the as long as it's not short i don't even like when people are like you know he says he's this and he says he's that like yeah that's his thing his thing is that he's a huckster he's a he's he's a he's a huckster he's a he's a um who's the guy that had this it's not barnum no barnum and bailey that's that's the That sounds right, but who are you going for? Who had the sign that said, view the egress this way?
Starting point is 02:26:50 Oh, fuck, I don't know. And nobody had the vocabulary to know that an egress is an exit. And so it's to get them out of his place faster. It might be Ripley's Believe It or Not. And people would go to see, come see the fascinating egress. And they'd be like oh through this story and they it'll clock just kicks them out they're outside it was a way of like getting people through the place they wouldn't hang out was that barnum and bailey okay he's that guy so
Starting point is 02:27:14 when he says that he's like look at these hands you think these heads i remember marco called him out on the small hands and then he brought him he called out my hands no one's ever hit my hands before look at these these look small to you and he also said if the hands are small then uh something else might be small let me tell you there's no problem there i guarantee then that man became the president of the united states like eight months later yeah it's a good policy but you're behind like the faces of the people behind him during that moment was exactly why he won. They were like, he's going there and it's funny. Look at it. He's going there.
Starting point is 02:27:51 And if you could say one thing about Trump that I do love is that he will go there. He won't dance around something. He'll just go there and say the awful. Did you see him on the Epstein files? Of course I did. Yeah, I'm on Reddit, so I heard it. They were like, Mr. President, will you declassify the JFK stuff? Absolutely. We need to know the truth.
Starting point is 02:28:11 We declassify maybe aliens? Yep, let's get the truth out there. 9-11 was the other one. Oh, 9-11? Yeah, let's get the truth out there. What about the Epstein files? Well, maybe not all, because you wouldn't want to... There's a lot of lies in there.
Starting point is 02:28:27 You could ruin people's lives. There's people alive today that could be impacted by that sort of thing. He didn't dance around as much as I am, but he very quickly was like, eh, that less so because there are people alive who could be affected
Starting point is 02:28:44 by the fake stuff that might be in there. I'm like 95% there now. This is the guy who championed the birther theory, right? Who doesn't want lies to impact people's lives. I had another one and I lost it. But yeah, this guy is like beating the birther. If we get two out of three, that's not bad, Woody, though. 9-11 and JFK.
Starting point is 02:29:04 I'm like like you were already president you can't tell me what you would do if you were president when you didn't do it like you could have just snapped his fingers and released these things i mean he's doing that right now and he might get elected have you guys made like official election predictions oh yeah yeah that's on it so far i'm not doing well i i predicted that trump will not win. Kyle thinks that Trump will win. And I think Woody also said he won't. I picked Trump before he announced. Yeah, so Kyle and I bet.
Starting point is 02:29:31 Is it 100 each on each bet? I think so. I don't remember exactly. 100 each bet. The first one I'm sure to lose. I didn't think Trump would win the primary. At the time, it just seemed like there's trump and then there's like 19 other people well shit i'll take the 19 you know i i'll bet that you lose next year
Starting point is 02:29:50 just because i get 31 teams or whatever it is i just feel like the other republicans are so unmemorable like apart from that v that guy and even he like he does turns out you're right and then the other bet was i thought i like the vet like whenever i bring the vet up to liberal friends of mine in the real world, I ask, what don't you like about Vivek? He's a brown person who hates brown people.
Starting point is 02:30:14 That rubs me the wrong way. It's like, man, y'all are supposed to be... Whenever I see somebody on the left, I think people from the right are ignorant about something. It's that. It's that re-couching what Vivek is about. whenever I see somebody on the left, I think people from the right are ignorant about something. It's that. It's that re-couching what Vivek is about is that. It's so absurd to me.
Starting point is 02:30:30 I think he's just against people invading a country. I don't think Vivek was an illegal immigrant. He probably filled out some paperwork. Vivek wanted to raise the voting age to 25. 25? To me, when they throw those out there
Starting point is 02:30:46 boom 25 is bullshit you ever hear jesse ventura talk about this you might have seen it recently because the algorithm i have some interesting ideas about voting in our great nation he has excellent ideas about not not necessarily ideas but um perspective he talks about coming back from vietnam and not being able to buy a beer or vote he's when did he go to vietnam at like 18 16 i think at the time the voting age was higher uh it was 21 at one point yeah yeah so he comes he comes back and he's 19 or 20 and he's getting hassled by some small town, maybe a cop, you know, call him a boy and say it because he wanted to buy a beer. And he's like, I just came back from now. I have PTSD.
Starting point is 02:31:37 I'm just trying to have a brewski with my friends. And he's telling me not only can't I vote, but I can't. And it's just like, yeah. and he's telling me not only can't i vote but i can't and it's just like yeah and anybody's problem is he looks like a maniac sitting there in that chair because he refuses to he grows his hair long and he has very little hair yeah says he's like get out of here with your fucking rocky horror hairdo ate him alive which by the way real quick this episode just brought to you by Lock and Load tonight. The premium, premium ejaculation increasing supplements taking the world by storm. Use code PKA or code Jizz to get 10% off.
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Starting point is 02:32:52 but if you're always taking multiple scoops a day, those little 10s add up, right? Oh, I do. I just dry drink powder all day. I would never do that. I use this free workout, Gorilla Mode. It's fucking good. It's good. It's a bombsicle flavor
Starting point is 02:33:05 I do dry scoop because I'm not a fucking pussy Unlike some people It's gonna be a pussy A fucking pussy is the best kind Do you dry scoop the Stim kind I prefer the non-stim Like no caffeine kind
Starting point is 02:33:21 I love the stim It's like a meth out of the gym I also like that his non-stim kind doesn't have beta alanine in it that shit that makes you itchy some people swear by loving to feel itchy and tingly before they go to the gym i don't mind the actual itch it's nice it's fun i hate that shit it feels like you're like uh you're like ascending to heaven or something like you just took like a stim from fallout or something it's like i'm descending to hell well that's another place to go like you're like uh you're like ascending to heaven or something like you just took like a stim from fallout or something it's like i'm descending to hell well that's another place to go if you're lifting weights listen you know they say when you get to hell go through right
Starting point is 02:33:52 yeah you gotta go through you got a dry scoop are you on is that like your third red bull or are you just slow sipping this is the same red i'm slow sipping right now yeah i'm trying to pace myself because lately my heart is like it's right now yeah i'm trying to pace myself because lately my heart is like it's going to explode so i'm trying to pace myself a little bit too much too much red bull too many zins uh is red your mom your favorite no monsters my favorite well g fuel is my favorite actually because they paid me but um i do like monster quite a bit um celsius everybody rages about celsius it's okay i don't love the flavors honestly it kind of tastes like a it's like a whole foods version of the stuff i like so definitely like the white monster the original monster the white monster is the best one yeah me and the anorexic chicks the zero calorie monster
Starting point is 02:34:35 that's weird those are fire you got a reasonable amount of caffeine in there they don't make you panicky drink if i if i drink a bang it's like um i'm like gonna not get anything done because i'm so anxious have you ever had a rain rain makes you feel insane i have one of those i've tried those two it's the same as a bang like they're both absolutely absolutely nuts whenever i have them which is good for the gym but then after i like can't wind down i just feel like a nut job um but yeah i do like the feeling of caffeine though i like when my heart's like boom boom boom boom but you know probably not good to have that all day gonna get a heart attack or something like that yeah no you're young just put you're making your heart stronger and bigger you're right you're
Starting point is 02:35:15 right you're right i'm just feeling it with blood at all times you're like 26 right i'm 21 actually yeah 21 damn i just took a shot in the dark there now you're gonna see it i promise without the beard i look about 15 i was like how old is brandon buckingham uh probably actually no he's i think he's only a couple years younger than me so he's 29 yeah okay damn the new the new class of of youtube racists and uh exactly and bigots getting called out by the the bread tube losers i'm proud of them well you think gen z is bad my prediction is that uh gen alpha is going to be even crazier because they've they've had to put up with all the uh like every generation is like the opposite of what came before and it's because gen z is so like you know woke whatever term you want to use they've been
Starting point is 02:36:00 very um very socially progressive not that you know progressive stuff is a bad thing but very progressive very against like making jokes you can't joke about that that kind of thing i think gen alpha is going to be the opposite they're going to be like fortnite addicted they're all going to know python they're all going to love fidget spinners and they're all going to be dropping the n-word constantly they're not going to are they in high school now no i think jenna i think jenna alpha is like in middle school at the oldest right now, I think. Okay. I saw Joe Rogan talk about the kids in high school now, and he's like, everyone's saying they're woke. I got reports from the front lines.
Starting point is 02:36:32 They're bringing back retard strong. They are. Retard never left, baby. It never went out of style. Yeah, my little brother's in high school and uh i can from from reports that i've been hearing from the inside i can definitely say that uh certain jokes are being ripped uh i think that's uh i think they're just sick of the it's not even like a conservative thing is they're just sick of like the pc culture that's been going on and you know the comedians they
Starting point is 02:36:58 look up to now like the younger guys like shane gillis and stuff like that they're letting stuff rip so i think they're um they're more in line with like you know edgy stuff so i think my prediction is that because you guys have experienced this the internet's gotten a lot more sanitized in the past 10 years right ever since ever since like 20 i don't know like 16 things have been slowly getting more and more sanitized um but 2016 is when i really was on like started being online as like a person so that's when i like uh why i remember my earliest internet memories were like crazy you know edgy stuff like filthy frank or idubs you know dropping n-bombs or leafies here right all that stuff all like the sore guys like
Starting point is 02:37:35 sore nuda was super edgy right and that stuff kind of went away but it's coming back a little bit like a few years ago you couldn't say retard without having a big twitter thread now even like you know the sort of progressive people on Twitter, they like retard. So I think that we're slowly, you know, nature is healing in that way. We're winning the culture war. Yeah, we are winning the culture war. Yeah, Republicans are winning the culture war. Yeah, just because people don't like a lot of the stuff they're seeing.
Starting point is 02:37:57 So there's going to be a natural swing back. Some of the liberal stuff is just hard to get along with, hard to be a fan of. I don't know. republicans are way more entertaining right now online like if you look at like left-wing news shows they're very boring they're not very funny right-wing guys not saying that they're in the right necessarily but they're just way more entertaining you know and that's kind of always been the case but i mean just look at trump versus biden right trump is like he is a huckster. Like Kyle said, he's very, he's a very, you know, cartoony businessman, but he's, he's very funny. He insults people. You know, he's, he's down with jokes and stuff like that. And I think that that's the fundamental difference that the right just has
Starting point is 02:38:33 a way better media strategy right now. And that's been the case for a while, but it's showing right now. I watch a lot of news and I go out of my way to watch both sides. Dude, the ugliest people work for the left news. Chicks that could never get fucked. Just fat, ugly women are just dominating on MSNBC. Fucking Crypt Keepers over on
Starting point is 02:39:00 CNN. You know that blonde lady that looks 100? Yes, I am. God can't remember her name. God, she's wrinkly. She looks like a King Ranch seat after 800,000 miles. If you look at Fox News, I feel like they hire models. Dude, I'd bang anyone on Fox News,
Starting point is 02:39:17 man or woman. They're all good looking. I'm making that up. Rhett Baer, you hear that? You're 60s hairline. I actually watched The the daily show and they were doing they were covering the trump interview the three people interviewing trump two guys and a girl all of them like borderline modeling careers they could have had like they're fox is right this is this isn't fucking radio like it i i guess i identify more left and i am frustrated
Starting point is 02:39:48 by these guys doing television thinking that they're on radio i mean the right is basically running a eugenics program at this point like they just have to get the sexiest people possible i mean look at alex jones that man is beautiful right i I can't argue. Gutfield's like the number one late night show. I thought he was. I thought that Jesse was Gutfield. Greg Gutfield. Gutfield. He does the five, right?
Starting point is 02:40:13 Yeah. Yeah. I think his show outperforms, you know, Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon and whoever the third one is. Before that, it was Tucker. I mean, he was pretty huge right before he yeah yeah i think the number one show in late night would be the category just late night television oh okay it's gutfeld i said gutfield i watch it occasionally it's it's kind of funny it's it's it's not like for tv it's okay for tv yeah i try not to be some humorless you know if you don't say what i
Starting point is 02:40:46 want to hear then i don't think you're funny but gutfield doesn't do it for me i who's steven crowder i watched him for years without knowing he identified as a comedian like i thought he was some kind of i'm serious it's funny i saw not change not trying to change the subject, but it was this video from Canada. And the dude, he's got his cell phone as he's driving, and he's pulling up next to a police SUV
Starting point is 02:41:14 that is covered with trans flag paint. It's got a transsexual flag paint job. And the passenger is a big black man with a blonde blonde wig on and and he gets him to roll their window down he goes hey are you police officers or do you just identify as police officers and that's cracked me up for three fucking days like that is when you've gone too far why is your police vehicle like painted with the trans pride flag really look at this wow oh my god maybe the rights not us lgbtq plus you had room for the rest why are you ending in plus it's a long car no usl i have no idea what that is but i i think uh you're saying the rights winning the
Starting point is 02:42:09 culture yeah just just backtracking on that i i would say that the left has so dominated the culture and culture war and like all forms of media for the past couple decades that like this like what tom's describing like very young people is like the like the pushback of like they've only ever known this total left leaning hegemony of like pro gay, pro this, pro that. Yeah. And so like crazy. What what are the things that will get you in trouble from social media companies or at work or at school? work or at school well it's not you know being too right wing and so kids are going to identify that and be like oh well you know you want me to say this about trans or gay or you know women or okay well i'm doing the opposite like i'm not doing that and the problem is like there's a large part of the population out there that's not being represented by the media with their interests right and so the right can just basically speak to that in a few talking points
Starting point is 02:43:03 and they they instantly win right in that way yeah yeah to me where the right wins is when the left shoots themselves in the foot like here i'm gonna paint a picture for you imagine an overweight woman with short purple hair shaking her fist with tricep fat swinging around in anger do you think she's a conservative or a liberal yeah we know what she is yeah well i think that's part of why hasan was so popular because he was like the first attractive socialist to ever do it right like and he was he was doing very well for a while um it seems like he's kind of falling off a little bit now but at least online i'm sure you guys have had the perception for the past i don't know seven eight years that definitely the left has been
Starting point is 02:43:43 dominating um the independent creation space. Obviously, there's bigger places like Daily Wire who are institutions that exist or like Infowars that exist. But as far as independent creators like YouTubers, I feel like the left was winning for a while with like bread tube type people, ContraPoint, Hbomberguy. I don't know if these names ring a bell, but they were pretty big for a while. But it seems like that's kind of sliding off. right wins the independent stuff i know i know i guess radio is right if you're talking about radio is right political radio the left doesn't even exist
Starting point is 02:44:16 in political radio like they're 10 as big as the right yeah so what i'm talking about is more like because i'm a youtuber right so i'm like hyper aware of like what YouTube people are doing. And like in the YouTube perspective, the biggest people have been left wing for a while, but it's a big change from how it was, you know, seven, eight years ago. Like I said, like, you know, after Gamergate, it felt like there were a lot of bigger right-wing people like Sargon of Akkad or Steven Crowder was blowing up around that time. And he was never like a daily wire person, right? He had his own thing going on. And there was kind of like a big pushback to leftist stuff., you know, shoe on head was really big. And all these people who I mean, even H3H3 back then, I wouldn't say he was right wing, but he certainly was like making fun of the left a lot at the time.
Starting point is 02:44:56 Taylor, you're gone. But Woody was like, I didn't even know Steven Crowder identified as a comedian. That's good. That's the thing about a lot of the famous right wingersers i think ben shapiro wanted to be an actor initially and crowder he did there's videos of him doing stand-up and he was brutally unfunny but then he realized that when he did like kind of right-leaning jokes for a certain audience people would be like oh i like that you know yeah i think he's something other than a comedian like me right i don't identify as a comedian i'm on a comedy podcast and i have funny co-hosts or something right yeah to me stephen crowder is kind of a
Starting point is 02:45:33 similar type thing like you know it's just not comedian that that's not it's like you wouldn't call tucker a comedian you'd say he's like a you know talk show news guy he does funny stuff he's not a comedian right you see him on kill tony i thought he was pretty funny on there like he's like a you know talk show news guy he does funny stuff he's not a comedian right you see him on kill tony i thought he was pretty funny on there like he's kind of quick-witted he's a funny guy if you're quick women witted and you have a sense of humor and you're not like on the spectrum too much then you you can just be naturally funny especially if you're a man who's not yeah looking yeah yeah people... You see the formula here? It's true.
Starting point is 02:46:10 I'm missing it, but not your joke. I was missing my own point. But yeah, yeah. Some people are funny and like conversationally funny and they kill that and it works on YouTube. That doesn't make them stand up comedians. True. No. Yeah, of course. I want to change the topic, though, and talk a little bit about UFC because Woody, I hate
Starting point is 02:46:24 to admit it But I think Islam Makachev Might be the greatest of all time I'm pretty sure And if he ties or beats Anderson Silva's defense record of 16 Which he's probably 3 away on 4 away on, something like that
Starting point is 02:46:39 Then he is the GOAT I love Jon Jones I'm the biggest Jon Jones defender But I just think Islam Has taken out more extensive competition Then he is the GOAT. I love Jon Jones. I'm the biggest Jon Jones defender. But I just think Islam has taken out more extensive competition in a smaller amount of time in a more difficult era. And he's been more active recently. You'll see a lot of people from the lower weight class. Sure, sure. And, you know, you got two of makachev's most recent victories over a 145er
Starting point is 02:47:06 but still i think he's the greatest of all time just because the people he's taken out the way he's taken them out um how he's taken all comers i hate his fucking guts he's only had he's popped for peds before early in his career uh but but i just well i'm sure he's all clean now that he's at his function yeah i don't know it's it's hard to say i don't know if it's safe to assume that the best of the best have some sort of advanced program that they're doing because you just think the truth would come out somehow or another but but maybe not maybe maybe they're all on something i don't think they're on just testosterone or like the across-the-board,
Starting point is 02:47:46 just make-you-better type shit. I think they're probably on some sort of growth hormone mixed with things like things that give you better cardio, blood doping and shit like that maybe even. I don't know if they test the blood platelets to see if someone has an overabundance of red cells. I don't know if they test the blood platelets to see if someone has an overabundance of red cells. And when they test it, the thing is, if you train in Las Vegas, you get tested really hard. But people would often go to Thailand to train.
Starting point is 02:48:18 And there are training there, but they're just juicing the fuck up. Because the testers don't typically fly out and find you in Thailand. So when I learned that the greatest of all time trains out of Dagestan, is that right? Dagestan, Russia. I was worried about pronunciation. Then I'm like,
Starting point is 02:48:34 I wonder how stringent you want to, you know, USADA or whatever it is now, cicada or something gets over into Dagestan and test. You want to hear the latest out of Dagestan, Russia. You're going to love this Taylor. So very anti-gay over there it's already russia but this is like muslim russia so it's like doubly fucking conservative they hate it they have this undercover program where
Starting point is 02:48:58 they've had like men go online and pretend like they're gay to lure gay men and then they have sex with the gay men on hidden camera and arrest the gay men and it's just like that south park bit where the cop is going undercover and he's like shitting out the cum into a bag you give them ass you'll quite a stretch and then they then they come in and get him. What are you kids thinking? Some of you didn't even use condoms. This is a real thing they're doing, Kyle? This isn't made up? Yeah, this is not made up. That's great.
Starting point is 02:49:35 Hey guys, you know how much we all hate gays, right? Well, I've got a plan to catch them. None of you are going to like it, but I'm willing to put my... Are you going to put your to like it, but I'm willing to put my... What is the punishment? Are you going to put your ass on the line? I'm going to put my ass on the line.
Starting point is 02:49:49 I don't know what the punishment for homosexuality is in Dagestan, Russia. Probably a slap on the cock or something, but it's probably pretty serious. 130 more and we're talking. Somewhere between here, where they give you the key to the city for having gay sex, and Saudi Arabia, where they throw you off key to the city for having gay sex and
Starting point is 02:50:05 saudi arabia where they throw you off a building somewhere between there is what they're doing i would imagine we all got together and watched that pay-per-view and it was a bit of a snooze fest i enjoyed the strickland fight but i like strickland quite a bit and i hate costa so seeing strickland beat up costa for five rounds was to do. His face is swollen up, but he's not cut up and bleeding because they never went to the ground. Of course, the last 10 or 20 seconds was when Strickland
Starting point is 02:50:33 chose to start throwing karate kicks and fun stuff. You are right to some extent about Strickland being a boring point fighter often, but it is fun. He walks backwards and hides behind his jab. He never walks backwards. He did... Maybe I'm'm wrong who did he walk backwards against after he walks forward that's the problem duke is to pre he walked back because duplessy i read it and i read it poorly
Starting point is 02:50:58 yeah he walked in that fight with costa he literally never stopped like constantly costa was kicking his legs real fucking hard he checked him and was hurting costa with his checks it was a fun fight to watch for me as a fan of strickland and a fan of his style but when you got to the islam makachev fight versus dustin poirier you know you got those american hopes and dreams in the fucking Louisiana white dude. And I just want him to win. He's a good man. You know, I got a bottle of his hot sauce.
Starting point is 02:51:32 It's tasty. Put it on my chili. Oh, cool. And it's just like, come on, man, you can do this. And Islam not only, he outstruck him every single round. He cleanly, Poirier never looked like he was in control. Poirier had good damage, take down defense.
Starting point is 02:51:50 He damaged him, but I almost think it was, it was weird. I don't even know how it happened. Maybe those gloves are extra cutting. I keep hearing people say that. I don't know how he cut Islam. He did do damage,
Starting point is 02:52:01 but it was, it wasn't, he, it was always Poirier getting his ass whooped the whole fucking fight fight he got scooped one in the first round and dropped on his ass and there's like three minutes to go it's like oh my god is it gonna end right here is it already over and when he got when he finally got him in the blood choke in the fifth round it was like they were like oh that looks kind of tight and i was like what do you mean kind of tight it looks like he's trapped under a volkswagen his head is like contorted way off to the left and turning purple it's like it's over it's already over like you could see the writing on the wall immediately ah here is one of my
Starting point is 02:52:35 favorite fighters i hate that people say he was never champ because i count interim champ but i'm in like the three percent of people that do that. Yeah, he retired too? I think he... No? No, he didn't retire. He says, I don't know what's next. We'll see where he goes. He should retire.
Starting point is 02:52:55 It's kind of over. He's not going to climb the ladder again to the top. You've got people like Oliveira who are trying to do just that. It was a shitty card. I'm glad we didn't pay for it but uh but that last fight i i it hurts to see those people win i hate them so much i hate them so much the dag stands but they're the best they're the best their fighting style is i like
Starting point is 02:53:19 supreme i i okay there are things about them that I surely wouldn't like they're probably racist sexist homophobe this that or the other let's go you know a little terrorism was spicy but they train incredibly hard
Starting point is 02:53:39 and they live this like fucking Buddhist lifestyle nearly maybe I'm using the term wrong like anybody who chooses to have that ali guy as their representation is a piece of shit in my opinion that that guy who's on all those watch lists and had all those passports on him during 9 11 like like fuck that like i don't like that a bit you always you know more about this than i do so like i i'm like really he's an fbi informant he was stopped on a flight come is that a bad night that's how he stayed that's why he's not a prisoner right now
Starting point is 02:54:11 because he told on the other terrorists he knew he knew and he knew of he's a hero you're saying he's a terrorist who ratted on the other terrorists and he knew enough to keep himself out of prison even though he's flying with a bunch of fake passports on 9-11 um no fuck that guy uh that guy's you're probably right you every time we have this conversation i'm like damn kyle knows like 50 times more than conor mcgregor like that's that was the conor press conference instead of being like i'm gonna whoop your ass you're gonna take an ad you're gonna make a beating he goes on january 7th on sept September 11th, 2001. You want to know where Ali was?
Starting point is 02:54:47 Well, I know because here's his FBI file. And he starts fucking flipping through this motherfucker and talking about where he was and how many passports he had and who he ratted out. Old Connor was great. It was vicious. And he meant it. You could tell that there wasn't as much. Part of it was being a showman, but also he hated Khabib so much. He clearly hated him in a different kind of way.
Starting point is 02:55:09 Oh, this is good. 2002, he was imprisoned in Colorado on charges of document forgery while in jail. He was recruited. It's pretty long. I don't want to read it. I lost enthusiasm quickly. I was like, oh, he added another paragraph. I'm out.
Starting point is 02:55:26 It's a problem because people don't know there's a chat next to our windows where you look at each other and your sentences can only be so long. So they're all getting cut off. So she was recruited by the NYPD's Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence, David Cohen, to work undercover with aia-based arm of a group called the muslims of america this is a thing muslims of america he was one of cohen's highest paid informants of all time earning hundreds of thousands of dollars he's the best he's the best of one ever wow confidential form 184 he's issued a green card remember when we traded that WNBA
Starting point is 02:56:06 player for the butcher of Russia the movie was based on you know that right Lord of War that's what they call him that Nicolas Cage movie is about the guy we traded for Brittany Griner and he's way scarier than Nicolas Cage
Starting point is 02:56:23 he sounds pretty good I hope she's scoring a lot does she still play i think she was one of the better players in the league so i would guess but i'll look yeah i i i hate the idea that that we're supposed to care about women's athletics in general but but those fucking thugs that play in the wnba like the guys the guys in the nba are so fucking classy most of the time honestly like i watch nba press conferences and them being interviewed and stuff and it's like oh shit i wish i'd heard you speak before like these guys are all mostly articulate well-to-do smart like those bitches in the wnba it's likeBA, it's like thunder thoughts. It's like thunder thoughts. They're all fucking screaming and shitty people.
Starting point is 02:57:09 I'm trying to not say certain words. I want to go full Don Imus here. It looks like she's still playing, but she's 33, so she's probably almost done. I mean, I can't think of any other reason to watch the WNBA than to watch a cat fight, right? What other reason would there even be the athleticism the speed
Starting point is 02:57:29 the you know what if you want to see someone dunk occasionally once in a while I'm a stats and stories guy and I've just been like made aware of some of the storylines in the WNBA like people getting pushed around apparently a
Starting point is 02:57:45 significant portion of this league is gay so there's all these like dating relationships and yeah i'll have to show you the videos i saw because this really entertaining chick was like laying it out like she dated her and then her teammate went after her and she said no no no she's not the one and like sticking up for her ex-girlfriend and shit like it's i'm like this is the kind of sport i could watch i the only i only like watching the whatever the highest tier of the sport i'm interested in like the only sport i love watching is the nhl hockey and that's because the nhl are all the absolute there's no debate what the best league in the world is it's the national hockey league the khl the NHL are all the absolute, there's no debate what the best league in the world is. It's the national hockey league.
Starting point is 02:58:26 The KHL, the Russian league is the second best in the world. I have no idea anything going on over there because why would I waste time watching? Not the best version of the sport I enjoy. Like the idea that you'd watch the WNBA and like root and cheer and care about it is like, it's just, it's just,
Starting point is 02:58:45 it's wild to me. It's like, why would you, you, if it's the sport you enjoy, why not watch the absolute best people play the sport? So I respect where you're coming from. And I think a lot of people would agree with you.
Starting point is 02:58:57 I enjoy one, the stats and stories, but to the effort, right. I've been watching a lot of fighting lately. You know who I'm watching fight? Untrained girls. These people are between like 16 and 25 years old and just fucking hair grabbing. I saw one grab another one by the hair, just fucking drop knees to the nose, taking that
Starting point is 02:59:17 chick out. I see a girl, she's on the bottom getting pummeled with hell does elbows reverses it gets on top returns the favor comes out the victor that's the kind of shit i love i love the heart and the soul and the effort that goes into these contests and i don't care if you're in a fucking high school bathroom or ufc octagon i appreciate what you're trying to do i mean the drama of everything is really fun i mean you know obviously when you watch ultimate fighter for example i mean i'm sure it's bad now but i've seen a bunch of the older seasons and they're really good and they're not the best in the world yet like they're trying to get a spot to be the best but just watching these retards like yell at each other and get in fights at the house and you know duke it out and have their trainers have
Starting point is 03:00:01 beef it's a lot of fun you know yeah yeah but i can see where taylor's coming from especially if you like the game but to me the game is only like half of the entertainment i can't even tell you the last actually the last time i watched a series of sports interviews even in hockey was like watching the blues get interviewed after they won the stanley cup and That was five years ago. It was only because that was the St. Louis Blues. That's my team. Other than that, I never watch.
Starting point is 03:00:29 Zach, would you please find a picture of Max Verstappen, the F1 driver, with his wife and his stepdaughter? Find a picture of Max, his wife, and his stepdaughter. You have to know the story. Max Verstappen, Red Bull has two teams. One's called Alpha Tori, which I guess is like bull in Spanish or something. I don't know how why that works. Anyway, he was on the junior team and there was this guy who was the like the driver on the better team.
Starting point is 03:01:00 Max Verstappen took his seat. Now, there's only 21 F jobs on the planet 21 f1 driver seats on the planet so the seat is a big deal and that's him and his wife and his daughter penelope her hair is weird the daughter to me but anyway um max the girl is adorable okay yeah yeah all right this is them all right this Max's new family. The guy who had the good seat on the top team, Max took his seat. You have to invest $80 million on your way from go-karts through F3, F2, and before you get to F1. He took this guy's seat. He took this guy's wife. He took this guy's kid. That's not his kid. the that's the guy who see he took he took his job his what he took his whole fucking life and now he's the one of the most dominant drivers formula one has ever seen last year they were i'm gonna make this up but i'm close like 23 races he got like 19 wins and he's just living the life that this guy would have otherwise had it is a stat
Starting point is 03:02:02 and story that is hard to match, and I'm here for it. Dude, that guy's going to go on a fucking talk show with Robert De Niro and have his own little Arthur Fleck moment. What do you get when you steal a man's driver's seat and his wife and his daughter? I'll tell you, Murrayray you get what you fucking deserve really into formula one uh sim driving games like you know like you'd have pc games yeah and yeah of
Starting point is 03:02:33 course he has this all the perfect setup with the seat and the pedals and the steering wheel and uh he streams on twitch a lot dude it's constant is the penelope is just like this adorable thing with a teddy bear tugging on his shoulder and she's like daddy's training right now you know like all right go to bed get mom and you know like he has this like perfect family that he completely took from the guy whose job he took it's awful can we watch that thunder thought video real quick can we can we play that that video is awesome oh i love it's oh this round is fucking shaking in that video i don't know if they edited that to play it zach taylor tell me if this changes your mind about only watching
Starting point is 03:03:10 the pinnacle of the sport okay so this is the pinnacle undoubtedly this is way better than anything all right money's on the right yeah a good bet but not always this one is Okay, great. Oh, no. That girl at the bottom realizes she has made an error. Dude, the girls on Thunder Thoughts are more vicious than you might guess. I feel like in high school when a guy gets top position, it's kind of like you give. Not girls. They're pretty ineffective punches, but they're just wailing on him, hitting him again and again.
Starting point is 03:04:07 Eight, nine, 12 hit shots in a row. And, you know, they're bloodying up the other girl. And I'm like, fuck, I feel like the boys would have given him a chance to get out. Kicks to the downed opponent. They're brutal. I've been watching a lot of Thunder thoughts this week. I've seen a lot of beat downs. A lot of girls show up with weapons and get the weapons
Starting point is 03:04:25 taken away from them. Weapons don't seem to work unless you're able to actually utilize them. All of warfare would disagree. They don't have effective weapons. A baseball bat is not a good weapon for a street fight. It really isn't. Unless you're really
Starting point is 03:04:41 good with it and you've trained in the art of clubbery. My odds go up if I'm given a bat in any fight yeah i know kyle can swing it but these girls are like using a baseball bat with one arm sometimes like one hand on it and it's like what it's like throwing your knife at someone are you just giving me your knife well thank you you just get one swing though you get one swing and then you're off balance, and he's going to slam you. And once you're on the ground, you're still holding on to that thing because your fight or flight won't let you let go of it. And so you've only got one hand.
Starting point is 03:05:14 And now he's already hit you four fucking times in your days. And by the time you know what's happened, he's gone, and you're fucked up. I still have my bat. I've seen it a bunch of times. Usually they take the bat away from the guy and sometimes they whoop him with it i mean i don't know how to fire off a great punch either i don't know how to box so like the chances of me causing some serious if i either get one big haymaker or one big swing with a bat give me the bat at least i have some reach at least i might you know if i take a reasonable swing with
Starting point is 03:05:46 a bat and i even kind of connect with the head of any adult man he's not going to be able to fight me exhibit a zach would you please play exhibit a how do you have these teats in two seconds the thing about a bat is you're telegraphing your hit from a mile away. Punches are not as bad in that regard. Fair enough. Yeah, I think you want, even if you had a blade in this scene. Oh, I've seen this. This guy got too cocky with the bat.
Starting point is 03:06:17 Now, I wouldn't get too cocky with the bat. See, I wouldn't do that. He kicked. Oh, my. Yeah, we're. Holy fuck. The thing about guys versus girls fighting those guys zach stopped because he continues to hit the guy in the face unprotected till it gets to about 20 hits and when they finally they're like oh he's had enough champ you got him boss that's enough pimp and it's like all right now it's enough and the guy's snoring he's like out snoring then you all walked up yeah you know how bad that is he's fucked up yeah yeah
Starting point is 03:06:52 brain ain't working right when guys fight though there's like a code like you can't do gay stuff with girls they're vicious like they i was going through the subreddit i've never even heard of it they're all grabbing each other's hair like they pull them by the hair with one hand and wail in the face with the i like it i feel wail in the face. I like it. I feel like that's part of the girl. Like guys fight with a code. Girls fight with a code too. It just incorporates.
Starting point is 03:07:10 The code is that there's no code. It's that everything. You know, the girls pull each other's clothes off a lot. And I'm listening. I've seen that. But the reason that happens so much is because the kinds of girls who fight and the environment that is conducive to a fight it also involves alcohol and whores so what you have is club wear and i don't want to make this sound racist but black girls wear these dresses
Starting point is 03:07:38 that don't cover their asses and nothing underneath that like it like, in school, the rednecks were Carhartt and Justin Boots. Black girls wear a cocktail dress with nothing under it. And when they ground and pound, I've seen more black pussy on Thunder Thoughts than in all my pornography. I can't agree there, but I have seen a lot of
Starting point is 03:08:00 Thunder Thoughts pussy. I'll line up with that. It's just the ratio. So you're right i was gonna say something oh oh i maybe i'm giving them too much credit but i've thought that by for example lifting your crop top i've given you something else to worry about some girls will fix it and some girls will just be like i'll deal with the boobs after this fight yeah these aren't classy ladies there yeah i've never seen them mind a bit with the boobs after this fight. These aren't classy ladies. I've never seen them mind a bit.
Starting point is 03:08:29 If anything, after the fight is over, they don't even rush to cover themselves and victory. They strut around and like, yeah, motherfucker. You got me fucked up. They say, you got me fucked up right now. You got me fucked up right now. They mean they're angry, right?
Starting point is 03:08:46 Yeah, yeah, they're angry. You've pushed me over the edge. God damn it. They'd be very David Attenborough style analysis. What do they mean? Explain what the natives mean when they say, you got me fucked up right now, Taylor.
Starting point is 03:09:00 The natives of Philadelphia have their own english dialect you got me fucked up right now what she means is she is incensed you see that old family guy bit where they do it where they're like observing the streets of newark the italian males find problems with the black females a flock of jews sensing danger knowing their best chance of survival is avoiding the location entirely the jews flying away have you guys see the videos where they follow around like la prostitutes with the drone like they follow them and they have like a documentary thing
Starting point is 03:09:51 where do i find these videos i have an example i can show you but they're like here is the common black queen whore you can see her jiggling ass she tries to run away. I probably could grab one real quick. She stumbled upon the ears of Black Queen. Is that what they say? See, I don't like messing with people while they're working, you know? Yeah, it's just rude. Yeah, I see where you're coming from.
Starting point is 03:10:17 She's on the job. It's not a fun job either. As far as the fight tactic of de-clothing the opponent, if some guy's spending the time in the fight with me trying to like pull my pants down, I feel like that helps me. Like now he's trying to
Starting point is 03:10:33 wrangle my pants off and get me naked and I can like, that means he's probably bent over. Get into north-south position. Now he's got his dick in your mouth. Little ground, little pound, little sucking a little fucking yeah yeah the natural mma way a little hedonism mud wrestling yeah the far and away the gayest sport mma and that's fine but it's not the gay dude you wrestled in high school
Starting point is 03:10:59 you wore that fucking gay guitar you wore a a singlet. No, I never did. You didn't wear the singlet? No. I wrestled in middle school, and we just wore shorts and a t-shirt. In high school, people did singlets, but by that point, I was only playing hockey. Taylor, I think they should switch to that. I know that you don't want to give grips to your opponent like board shorts have, but I think that if guys wrestle in either board shorts, no shirt, which seems gayer, but it's not to me.
Starting point is 03:11:29 The singlet is the gayest. Or board shorts and the rash guard. Like wrestling could be more popular. That singlet is repellent. You're 100% correct. Even the people on the varsity wrestling team, it would be like, hey, you're going to go out there and wrestle another guy in a singlet today and then have to take a really thorough shower
Starting point is 03:11:49 because you're rubbing so close and aggressively with people that you spread staph infections? Not really. They would benefit from shirts and a t-shirt. That's the other thing I wanted to mention. I forgot. Islam beat Dustin with a staph infection. And for those of you who don't know that's like like the antibiotics that you have to go on for the staff infection weaken you like like physically like like they they're draining to your to your body
Starting point is 03:12:15 and your metabolism so it's a real like like if your fighter lost and he had a staff infection you're like yeah but he had a staff infection hey he showed up hurt and he he gave us a show like like it's it's your way of like really and like most people be like oh he had staff i didn't know that he won the fucking fight with staff it was the worst version of them and the best version of the other guy presumably i know dustin said he or just yeah dustin said he couldn't train because he had a rib injury or something, but Jesus Christ. I'm so sorry. I hate them, Woody. I hate them. I like America.
Starting point is 03:12:49 I'm not one of them. It's everything about them. Every attribute that they possess, I despise. I despise that Amish fucking facial hair. It's the thing I hate the most. You don't think it's appropriate to cover your wife with a burka
Starting point is 03:13:05 come on i think there are enemy by like three different ways the bathwater here most of them can't get fucking visas to come over here the pieces of shit i hate that they're all sitting in that goddamn hot tub together with their matching haircuts and and i hate that they're so fucking good that they've dominated that sport and they're gonna continue to because when you watch them more when you watch them interact with daniel cormier they don't like grow on you a little bit like they go back and forth a fucking traitor daniel cormier like like if i were if i was general trump would be like joe you're a good guy you're a good guy daniel they say i'm close with the russians oh what are you a commie you fuck isn't cormier from louisiana like he
Starting point is 03:13:47 sounds right that guy sucks so much dagestan if putin wanted to pay me 10 million dollars to do it okay maybe if putin wanted to like rub rub elbows with you you could see taking some money in a fucking yacht or something with the fucking president of russia that's not what i'm talking about he's he's rubbing up with the fighters. It's Khabib and fucking Islam. Daniel Cormier is always just like, he's got this man crush on him. He flies over there.
Starting point is 03:14:13 His children train with him. They're always rubbing each other and wrestling. That's what wrestling is. Dustin Poirier is from Louisiana. Why is he wrestling with them? Why is he their best fucking buddy? They're so cutesy together. Why? Because he trained with Khabib
Starting point is 03:14:29 for like 10 years. Why? Because he's the best in the world, right? It was Khabib, Luke Rockhold and DC. Yeah, but now he is an employee of the UFC in a different capacity. Now he's the guy who interviews the fighters.
Starting point is 03:14:47 And when I see him interview a Dagestani fighter, it's like it's his brother-in-law or something. They're literally having like powwow time. Then here comes not only his countrymen, but his, I don't know what you call it, statesmen. They're both from Louisiana. And Dustin's like, he's like, what's with you and the Dagestanis? You got one of them silly hats in your closet or something?
Starting point is 03:15:04 He's like, I don't like that. It rubs me the wrong way. And they're like, yeah, we're just kidding around. But I'm like, yeah, I feel the same fucking way. This guy's a fucking traitor. I don't like Russians. I could not give a shit less about where MMA guys want to hang out and if they like hanging out with apparently the best wrestlers in the world.
Starting point is 03:15:22 You're not a stats and stories guy. Yeah. He's not there because he's like, we're here to study the best wrestlers in the world. He's there with his boyfriend fucking chilling with his friends. He's not... He's known these people
Starting point is 03:15:37 for 10 years. They trained together before they were famous. This guy, Islam Makhachov, he's known DC for a decade. They trained. In part. This guy helped him prepare for his fights.
Starting point is 03:15:55 Professional wrestling, not professional wrestling. Zach, can you pull up the video that Tom linked for us a few minutes ago? I couldn't find the original, but I did find the video of me watching it, but I didn't add a lot of commentary, but it's pretty funny. I did timestamp it in there. Yeah, I love David Attenborough
Starting point is 03:16:12 parodies. That's what this was, right? This isn't a parody. This is real. This is very real. What's the legality on prostitution in LA? A creature ubiquitous to the streets. Voluptuous bitches prowl the Los Angeles streets, preying on their natural prey and predator, the trick.
Starting point is 03:16:32 The skittish creatures, they flee when recorded. Why are they running away? The combined weight of their... What are they doing? Could there be something bad going on? Why are they running away? They're just hanging out. Shame and hastily purchased BBLs,
Starting point is 03:16:44 at times too great for their ankles to bear. Those who can seek shelter in the surrounding businesses. Best not linger inside too long, though. Their pimp, Demarcus Demetrius... She looks like a panic. quick to slap any bitch that dare return with insufficient funds. Why is she naked? When threatened, they twerk, generating...
Starting point is 03:17:11 There you go. That's the majority of it. When threatened, they twerk. That's so funny. I've never seen that. I want more J.I.s of David Attenborough of nonsense like that. That's great. Probably pester the homeless with that and have a good time.
Starting point is 03:17:27 Oh, yeah. That'd be awesome. Yeah, I love pestering the homeless. It's my favorite genre of YouTube video. If you could pipe audio through it, if you had like a mentally ill homeless, you could probably convince him you were God, have him do all sorts of things. Have you guys seen 2upree on YouTube? You guys know who this is?
Starting point is 03:17:42 He does videos where he goes to libraries with a large camera on a tripod, and he says that he's watching Netflix, but he's walking around basically saying he's if people ask him, he plays a very autistic man, so he's like, I'm looking for a book. It's called 10 Ways to Fuck Fat Bitches, and everybody in the library is trying to
Starting point is 03:17:59 kick him out, and he has this little Indian guy with him, and he says he has permission, so eventually the cops show up they're like do you have a permit and uh he brings out a picture it's a picture of uh it's it's bangladeshi russell brand is what he calls him he says it's his friend's father and it says in bold font it says i permit my son to record at the library is what he shows the cops and the cops the cops always think it's hilarious uh they just let him keep going but he does a ton of these videos he'll stand outside of like business, and he'll just film the window.
Starting point is 03:18:27 And technically, it's completely legal to do that from the start. He's a First Amendment auditor. Yeah, okay. Yeah, he is. And so people will always come out and say, you need to leave. You need to get the fuck out of here. You're breaking the law. They'll call the cops.
Starting point is 03:18:38 The cops come, and they're like, you're not doing anything wrong. But it's gotten so bad that he'll start on a street, and he'll at one end of it and he'll start going to every single business and the cops on the hero and will show up ahead of time to go talk to the businesses he's about to go to to inform them that he is exercising his first amendment right there's nothing they can do that's good i love that some people don't like first amendment auditors they think they're annoying that's the point yeah that's the point i also like when people strap their ar-15s and walk down the street, you know, in sort of a march, not necessarily. They're just gunning people down. Because what happens is I don't like the act of it.
Starting point is 03:19:13 I think the act of it's kind of silly, and I wouldn't do it even if I were allowed to. But I think that it drives a conversation where people go, hey, you can't do that. And I say, actually, I can. Just so you know, so can you. You didn't know the law. And you know what? That cop didn't either. So now I'm going to sue the police department, get my $90,000, and they're going to have a new program where they educate cops about gun rights. I did that for you. I like that. And it happens a lot, not just with the, often with First Amendment stuff, like with being able to film on public sidewalks if i'll see there'll be he'll be
Starting point is 03:19:45 filming people getting their hair cut through the window of a barber shop it's like yeah that's absurd i don't want i wouldn't want to be in there getting filmed you know i wouldn't like that and i would want to know why but not only does he not have to tell me he can do it all he wants he can zoom the fuck in and like i'll see them do that a lot. I like it because it upsets people. People call the cops. The cops get educated sometimes, but every time, the complainant gets educated.
Starting point is 03:20:14 The best part is the guys who arm themselves with some good old-fashioned pepper spray. One of my favorites, he's filming where they keep the school buses, the lot where they're all stored. He's on the sidewalk fucking recording it. The school bus driver's like, he's filming where they keep the school buses, like the lot where they're all stored. He's on the sidewalk fucking recording it. And the school bus driver is like, why are you recording us?
Starting point is 03:20:31 He's like, I don't have to tell you that. I'm doing a private and I'm doing a private personal First Amendment investigation of these school buses or whatever nonsense he says. And the guy takes his phone and throws it. So he fucking sprays him down. There's a whole montage of him just spraying people down with pepper spray and he uses the kind that's got the green dye in it so the cool thing about this guy to a pre is he's not principled he's just a degenerate troll and he does okay well um like he does videos where he'll dress up like a goth and he'll go to like the furniture store and he'll get in bed and he'll start
Starting point is 03:21:04 sleeping and people will come up and tell him to leave he'll be like are you my stupid mom my stupid mom left me here and they'll try to get him to get out of bed and he'll be like my stupid mom lets me wait to get up slowly so i don't get lightheaded um consistently i just sent a link of the the cops confronting him i don't mean to be sending too many links but this is like a genuinely hilarious no you're good uh zach can we watch this one? It's timestamped. I did timestamp it. Yes. The cops, by the way, love these guys. I think they're hilarious. T-O-O-A-P-R-E-E
Starting point is 03:21:32 to appraise his channel. Exactly. He's got a few characters. He's got like a gym one, but this is probably my favorite. He also over here. Hey, guys. Welcome for a book. I think it's called like 13 ways to call a fat girl or something. We're was looking for a book. I think it's called like 13 Ways to Call a Fat Girl or something.
Starting point is 03:21:48 Yeah, we're just looking for a book. Yeah, well, it's not my strong suit in book search. Oh, we'll keep looking. What are the permits for? They had to regroup. Do you have the permits on you? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:22:02 Oh, yeah. Do you have the permits on you? Oh, yeah. Do you want to take a look at them? Oh, yeah, sure. This is what he showed me. My cat loves it. He's like a Bengali Russell Brand. How did he issue this permit?
Starting point is 03:22:22 I guess he's, knowledgeable about the awesome questions. Bengali Russell Brand, we call him. Oh, okay. Bengali Russell Brand. 13 ways of looking at a fat girl? I don't see it. I see it on Amazon. Yeah, that's kind of the end of the clip. But yeah, it's a pretty...
Starting point is 03:22:40 This channel is legendary. He does stuff like this every fucking week. I don't know if it's a real book, but he does every library. It's on Amazon. That's what I thought I heard. What's it called? 13 Ways to Call a Fat Girl? Something like that, yeah.
Starting point is 03:22:54 But yeah, he's really funny. He's got a gym character. He'll go to Planet Fitness, and every time he goes, he needs a new membership, so he'll go there, and he'll need a new membership, and he'll talk to them. And they'll tell him, they're like, this is like a casual place. He's like, oh, I'm a real bodybuilder, though. I'm a real bodybuilder, man. My gorilla friend's going to come here, make noise. He'll go around accusing fat people of causing the lunk alarm to go off.
Starting point is 03:23:19 He'll be like, you lunking. Why you lunking, fool? This will be in front of the people who are employed at Planet Fitness. He'll also do a great thing where he has to try out all the equipment. So he'll try to show off. He'll do 20 pull-ups in a row in front of the employee. And they'll be like, can I show you the rest of the gym? And he's like, no, I'm busy right now.
Starting point is 03:23:38 I'm trying to get my sets in. He does public workouts where he'll be holding um one of those like elastic bands you would use and he'll go outside of a business once again with a camera and he'll do like he calls it soft tissue workout and uh the cop will come and they'll be like can you just move a little bit he's like oh just almost on my set and they're like how long is that going to take he's like well you know i'm trying to go for that high rep you know soft tissue workout could be five minutes could be five years years. You know, you know. And the cops get very, very upset with him.
Starting point is 03:24:08 It's definitely one of the most legendary channels on YouTube. He's the GOAT. It's funny. Just having a fun time in public. And we all get behind that. First Amendment, my friend. No one's getting hurt. He's just a patriot.
Starting point is 03:24:20 He's a patriot. He's an American hero. He is. Bengali Russell Brand is his dad. I like how it's like a barely changed photo of Russell Brand. They put a turban on him and made him a little sepia-toned. I'll try to find the undercover workout real quick in public because they're pretty good videos.
Starting point is 03:24:44 I've never gotten that into that genre like i always like this is like a flavor of it that i think is funny and almost like impractical jokerish where the joke like you're you are the joke you're making yourself the funny thing like the goofball whereas there was probably 10 years ago now there was that trend where the prankster was just effectively like terrorized just yeah you're just that's a perfect bullying just terrorizing people in public oh i dressed as a terrorist and then i threw a bomb case at a family that's a good video that's a little funny but i would see other ones where they like stole people's fast food yeah like you know or like i don't know shit like that the good thing about this guy is there's more of a punchline right there's like a character involved i did i did link the gym video we can just watch the first
Starting point is 03:25:33 minute of it or so but um the nice thing about this stuff is like not like old prank content it's not just made to rile people up the the only victim is like you know the person involved if they choose to get mad at him he's not actually harming them in any way exactly yeah the key to handling this stuff as the person you know working is just don't get mad like just just laugh it off yeah yeah yeah um yeah and he has a few characters one of them he has like a surfer character he did get arrested in that one because he he went to like a cabela's with like a pool or something, like one of the water fountains that he got in. He was like trying to surf. He did get arrested in that case.
Starting point is 03:26:09 I got a black card already, so I'm used to that. Might be my second black card in my wallet. I just need a place where I can be a savage. I'm going to turn the straight bars into curl bars when I'm done with them. Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. You was lunking? You the lunk, huh?
Starting point is 03:26:37 I heard you. Yeah, but you was lunking though, huh? Yeah. I don't think y'all realize what you just did here. Just wait. Just wait till you see me up in here. All right, sweetheart. All right, bro.
Starting point is 03:26:50 Like, if you get the Black Pride membership, you're allowed one guest every time you come. Okay, so I can bring one of my bodybuilder friends here? Absolutely. Okay, yeah. As long as there is not a lunk. I got to look up the definition of lunk real quick. It's when you're on the wall. One who grunts, drops weights, or judges.
Starting point is 03:27:05 Automatically, they don't judge, and they don't drop weights because they have control of it, but they might be doing it. As long as it's not excessive, there should be fun. I'm like, who? Who? I kind of like barter and all. You got any gorilla bars? Yeah, I'm more than a monkey. Sometimes I go one and then two. I just kind of chill up here.
Starting point is 03:27:24 I'm a new lunk here. Yeah, I'm about to be monkey. Sometimes I go up and get into. I just kind of chill up here. I'm a new lunk here. Yeah, I'm about to be setting that lunk alarm off. It's not like a bodybuilder gym. No, it's not that gym. I'm a big bodybuilder. I'm going to bring my bodybuilder friends in here. He stands like Dick Forward. He refuses to touch his own waist.
Starting point is 03:27:41 It's like mid-thrust. What about the whole bodybuilder thing? You don't like bodybuilders here, you're saying? It's just not our mission right now. How big? Is there an arm size limit? Am I too big to be here? I feel like I might be
Starting point is 03:28:00 based on the whole bodybuilder thing. You can get the idea. He's very clearly not whole bodybuilder thing yeah you can get the idea he basically he just incessantly not a bodybuilder am i too big i wish the guy was like nah you're fine but they get pissed off they get pissed off because uh i think when you're just working a normal job you're not prepared to deal with some kind of like retard like this you know so it's hard to blame the employees to an extent but you just got to take it on the chin they take the the lung stuff seriously and planet fitness like i do you remember this this video is probably six years ago now but i don't like brian shaw that guy is
Starting point is 03:28:36 like 610 strongest man in the world him and juji mufu another fitness youtuber were like we're gonna go get kicked out of planet fitness Fitness. I think way sooner than they expected to be kicked out, they were being asked to leave. I don't even think Brian was lunking. It's just like he was lifting an alarming amount of weight where he's like, Juju,
Starting point is 03:29:00 Tom, I need both of you to sit on the other sides of this bench machine because there's no more room for plates and then he makes a little grunt I'd be too afraid to kick Brian Shaw out of a gym that's like he's a sweetheart yeah but he's in that's his feeding session this is crazy they don't even
Starting point is 03:29:16 have a proper bench there they refuse to have a bench press for whatever reason I don't know why what not even a regular bench like a free weight bench they don't have the bench where you can just like put the bench no they don't they don't have the bench where you can just like put the 45 like the plates on they don't have that seems like an enormous oversight in the gym
Starting point is 03:29:30 I mean it does it's a culture statement that's yeah it's retarded I guess that's why it's for fat people and their business model is like Taylor what's your favorite exercise uh chest supported t-bar row or just regular dips or pull-ups dips actually it's hard to beat dips and pull-ups how far do you pull the t-bar back like like like like where do your
Starting point is 03:29:52 elbows in i try and get like as much pinch between my scapulas as possible i try to imagine like pressing them together yeah i'm nowhere near it's so much better than a regular row because a regular row you can cheat with your legs imperceptibly not even realize it and a chest supported one like your legs are out of the equation it's just upper body so if you try to do the same amount of weight you do on a regular row on a chest supported t-bar regular row you won't be able to do it a regular row also requires form um i've one of the few times i ever hurt myself like badly enough that i couldn't work out for a day was doing rows and i like threw my lower back out or like made it do a thing just from you know trying to pop up more finishing a set trying to like pop it up and just like get movement and move the weight and just hurt my back but when i i like the machine a lot
Starting point is 03:30:42 um definitely i like that one too yeah woody's got to be is it is it a calf exercise woody do you like what is it's probably pull-ups oh yeah you're good to beat pull-ups you always feel good afterward it's hard you're you were really like i like jump rope and overhead press also and both of them are straight up vanity reasons i have mirrors all over my home gym and i feel like they're the ones that flatter me the most yeah you're still lifting a lot right tom i saw a couple pictures of you on twitter you're looking bigger looking i don't i don't have a i don't have a true man body like you guys yet but i'm getting there but um i definitely just
Starting point is 03:31:20 like bicep curls i feel like the the pump you get is just so much fun when you feel you're like your bicep feels like it's about to fucking explode. That's a great one. I mean, chest stuff in general. Really overhead press with dumbbells. If you're doing some nice heavy weight on those and you look at yourself in the mirror, you're like, you just feel like a fucking beast. I'm so huge.
Starting point is 03:31:38 Yeah, exactly. An underrated one, honestly, I think is forearm stuff. I don't know what you would call it. Forearm curls and jacking off. You're just doing this, jacking off. That's forearm stuff. I don't know what you would call it. Like forearm curls and you're on the bench and you're just doing this. That's a good one. Farmer's carries. Farmer's carries are excellent. There you go.
Starting point is 03:31:51 This is a great image. Yeah, this is a real picture. Never goon. I saw you tweet this. It's no goon June. Yes. Well, it's a form of excessive masturbation, I would say. So it's no goon June. So you're not allowed to look at your dick even this June. but um no goon june okay yeah you drink that white monster you'll be a white monster why did it look how awful those weights were done by the ai it's it's like i didn't
Starting point is 03:32:16 even notice that to be honest yeah it's so much better on the rack in the back than it did on the ones right in front of them yeah it looks like there's like 30 pounds or 40 pounds on one side and then like five on the other that'd be a crazy lift work the stabilizing muscles at first i was like oh what kind of weight system is that i've never seen where you put are we heavies on the instant oh okay and then you noticed it's a jacked minion yeah yeah i guess i hadn't looked in the eye yet yeah the. He did the Jax minion really, really well. That was really impressive art. I like how he has a cigarette.
Starting point is 03:32:49 As much as I like those First Amendment auditors, I'll never leave my police videos behind. I saw one this week where the guy's running from the cops on foot and he's got a knife and he runs upon a homeless man and he takes the homeless man hostage, knife to the homeless man's throat.
Starting point is 03:33:04 Great strategy. But he's free now? Yeah, right. So the homeless man hostage knife to the homeless man's throat great strategy, but he's free now Yeah, right The homeless man is going what is this? Is this a joke because he's no one's happening You know like like and then the cops and the cops run up and they all got their guns pointed at the homeless man He's got the knife in his throat just like in a movie The homeless man has two dogs his two dogs attack the man the bad man and start biting him and and you know how certain people are with dogs they're very afraid of them this was one of those people
Starting point is 03:33:32 and so he drops the he sort of you're painting a picture here you got it i'm using only one crayon and so he he he turns loose of the homeless man and the cops light him up with gunfire. Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. The guy drops down seemingly dead. And the dog runs in and gets one of those biting shakes. And then they both let go and they run away with their homeless colleague. And that was it. And it was so perfect because the cops didn't shoot the dogs.
Starting point is 03:34:02 Like the dogs at first run to the cop and they're like, but the cop is just like concentrated on the man with the knife as he should be and then the dog's like okay maybe y'all are on my team and they go back and they jump the bad guy it was perfect it was perfect i like that police chases and cars those are great only if they end with like some violence when they get up i'm bored like i like the the ones where they go blackout mode in a fast car. They turn their lights off. Those are excellent. And then when they finally catch them, I like when the cops ram them, and then they get out, and there's some kind of altercation.
Starting point is 03:34:34 You guys are on a different team than me. I like it when they get away. So I watch them. They're usually motorcycles. Pedophile, Woody. They're just speeders. They're just motorcycles out there having a good time the only person at risk is themselves it's not like automobile speeding
Starting point is 03:34:50 what am I going to do property damage on your SUV your minivan you're fine Woody are you a squeeze Benz fan you know who this is I don't no you don't you haven't seen there's videos on YouTube where they they specifically make YouTube channels the intention of outrunning cops and they'll have like a camera in the back and a camera in the front.
Starting point is 03:35:07 And the description of the channel is simulated AI or whatever. But they go swimming and they run in New York City from cops successfully. This guy, Squeeze Benz, did it for two or three years on YouTube. And he just got caught finally. Jixxer Bra just got caught. I talked about him on the show a couple times. Is that a bike guy? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:35:24 So Jixxer is a type of motorcycle it's very fast and it's known for having riders called squids who are irresponsible and uh okay yeah and uh i'm on the calamari race team subreddit i can't hang with them they're very talented but i can enjoy their antics and uh anyway yeah jixxer bra he got busted he went from like i'm'm going to mess it up, Dallas to Colorado Springs in like half an hour or something outrageous like that. Average speed was like 140.
Starting point is 03:35:51 It was wild. And they chased him down and caught him. But dude, I love watching him. This Jigsaw Brawl guy, again, repeat story, but you see a cop chasing another motorcyclist. And he's like, ah, baby squid's in trouble. I got you, bro. He gets in front of the cop and another motorcyclist and he's like, ah, baby squids in trouble. I got you, bro.
Starting point is 03:36:06 He gets in front of the cop and the motorcyclist lets the other guy run away and then loses the cop. And now everybody gets away. It's running a lot of red lights. He doesn't stop at a single one of them. Are you watching? I'm watching slow bends. Okay. yeah.
Starting point is 03:36:25 So his channel actually got deleted, but there is another guy named Where's981 whose channel is still up. And he posts videos like every time I ran from the cops compilation and he'll just constantly get away. I think the main car he drives is a Porsche 911 GT3 RS, I think.
Starting point is 03:36:43 But I think he has an M5 too. But he'll like let the cops get real close to him and then he'll instantly- Oh, he just nearly crushed a man. We have a friend of the show. He's like at all the hangouts and stuff. And his favorite way to enjoy motorcycles is wheelies and running from the police.
Starting point is 03:36:59 That's it. This bike is not even fast. I'm like, how do you outrun cops? You can just leave it in between cars, right? We have the same bike. Top speed's like 78. I i have a lot of bikes but this is one of mine and uh wait how do you run the police and he's like uh for example he called recalled a recent event cop flashes on the lights so he does a quick u-turn and then the cop starts u-turn he does another u-turn and just tears off and i'm like oh yeah i guess that's an advantage well it's just so much more maneuverable like the cop you know when a cop's going behind you on the highway you
Starting point is 03:37:28 have to physically move your car out of the way it takes a few seconds when a bike is there you just go in between all the traffic top speed you're gonna be fine you know so well hopefully i'm watching the beginning of this it seems like this is bad copsmanship if he loses this guy like they always lose this guy he's not being caught he's he's a fucking beast where's 981 so he this is just a passion project for him he's like all right today's chase is brought to you by is this guy in a car also this wears okay yeah yeah help if you look at his uh youtube channel description it says amateur cgi artist so for legal purposes um but he's good oh he's great
Starting point is 03:38:14 he's excellent he's got 400 000 subscribers from doing this it'll be just like i i don't know i never watched cop chases really but it's i didn't expect so much of it to be like sub 40 miles an hour. Yeah. It's pretty slow until they get to the end. And then they, I mean, they, they zoom between a few cars and they get off and exit.
Starting point is 03:38:32 It's harder to escape in GTA than this by orders of magnitude, because like calling a head forward and being like, you know, we got a three star criminal about to cross Oak and seventh. And then they all start converging this. Right. this guy wanted to be a hero on his own and now he's getting bullied at the fucking precinct probably oh i'm sure well i imagine a lot of it is like the cops usually i think their strat would be like get ahead of you and put like down like a spike strip if you're like oj and you're like escaping on a path right but with these guys i mean they don't have anywhere specific they
Starting point is 03:39:03 need to go right they can just run yeah yeah this they don't have anywhere specific. They need to go, right. They can just run. Yeah. Yeah. This guy doesn't have, he's not headed to work. Have you heard of max wrist? Do you know him? He's another motorcycle guy. It's fucking hilarious to me on YouTube.
Starting point is 03:39:15 Yeah. Whenever he rides, he's in full track gear. He's got like the leathers from head to toe. He's got the special, like, you know, approved gloves and boots.
Starting point is 03:39:25 The boots are hard to walk around in. They're literally like MotoGP from head to toe. And he just races everywhere. He's a very good rider. But you can't do this on the street and not get hurt. He has a catastrophic accident almost annually. He walks with a limp. He's all fucked up he's he's broken
Starting point is 03:39:46 every arm and leg which i guess is you know that's what cool people he needs a new hobby right like like aren't when when the hobby that you have to do to get that adrenaline rush is that dangerous like you've he needs a new career right the problem is he risks his life for views it's almost like when only use me blade started doing shots for dollars yeah and now i turned him into an alcoholic that's really hurt his health yeah yeah this guy takes 15 mile an hour turns at 90 for dollars for youtube clicks and like i saw him in colorado he's going mock one or something and as he's headed around this turn it's the rockies so a rock about the size of a motorcycle helmet was in the road and when you go that fast you can't alter your line only one line is like achievable and uh he hit that rock and it
Starting point is 03:40:38 was catastrophic and he fucked up there's been other ones that were more his fault like passing cars on the right you know right between the guardrail and the car i was imagining hitting that rock and i could feel the impact in my hand right yeah nobody can recover from that like it's not a talent thing anymore it was just bad decision making before he found the rock yeah i'm transfixed by this guy running away from the cops i gotta i'm turning this off for now i will be i will be revisiting that's that's a fun genre i like that i think the problem for the motorcycle guy is just you say you say kyle like he needs to find a new hobby but what other hobby could give him that thrill right because the thrill is so high because he's risking his life yeah yeah like maybe something with a plane or or a parachute or a glider or something.
Starting point is 03:41:25 Something where you're going fast, but there's a little... Something on an island. A little St. James Island, perhaps. But they get arrested in the case of the glider and little St. James. That's the most dangerous game. The most dangerous game. Jared Fogle was playing. I found this one quickly.
Starting point is 03:41:44 Zach, can you show a hero of yours i know but i don't care for him um jared had a very risky hobby for sure almost as badass as the motorcycle guy i would say yeah oh my goodness what at first jared had me i'm like whoa five dollar foot long sweet onion chicken teriyaki and then all that stuff about the little girls come out and i'm like i don't know if the sandwich makes up for this just the the fact that he's out there racing on the streets all the time in full like moto gp gear is wild to me i'm waiting for his foot to catch and break his goddamn hip i think he's okay in this particular one yeah that looks so scary yeah yeah he has oh my god he's sideways i missed where the rock was he um oh this isn't that crash i just found this one quickly but i kind of wanted to show what he dressed in every
Starting point is 03:42:36 time he rode which kind of makes it close to you first yeah he must be going so fast there for that bike not to be able to stick that turn he needs he wears his tires out like every couple of weeks oh what a dumbass yeah he was depending on his motorcycle i know that ride and his motorcycle has a light on the dashboard that shows when the traction control kicks in and it's going off every turn and it just didn't save him one time the the thing that uh the game or whatever that looks dangerous as fuck but I would actually want to do is that crazy boat racing where they're on. Like, it looks like some old Vietnamese raft they're on, but they've they've thrown like a Chevrolet V8 on the back. And there's one dude just on the back, just giving it hell. And it's like straight headers.
Starting point is 03:43:19 They do like black smoke figure eights at 100 miles an hour in the boat. No, they're on a river just hauling ass and it's screaming it's like i i can just picture his hair being plastered because he's going you know straight back because he's going so fast and there's a huge engine on the back of those things that looks fun to me like boat racing looks fun because every you don't if you're going 50 on on the water it seems fast it. It does. To go 100 is I bet that'd be really fucking cool. I've never been 100 on the water.
Starting point is 03:43:50 I don't remember exactly how fast we went, but I was shopping for a jet ski and we were by the lake looking at the thing. One of my dad's buddies rolled up in his sick ass race boat that's got two engines on the back.
Starting point is 03:44:05 It's not a big boat. It's all engine and just enough room for three people. No, there's two seats. There's two seats. When he accelerated that thing, it never came down. Everything in front of us disappeared. I can look out the side at how fast we're going i think we went eight it was so fast it felt like we were in a goddamn millennium falcon in that thing i i was on a it was a much bigger boat it was like a
Starting point is 03:44:35 cigarette offshore racing boat and uh we went 73 and it's a little slower but it felt so fast and we were getting airborne in the inlet and stuff uh i i don't even think the guy was a very good driver i think he was just wealthy and fucking the video just sound as fucking horrifying jesus christ that boat is this the kind of boat oh my gosh you cedars oh no this is cool as shit though this is uh oh i've seen these. These are jet boats, but they're doing lots of loops and turns and stuff. These guys die, like, all the time, apparently. They're doing, like, a race circuit and jet boats, and this guy just ran off the race course, if you can call it that.
Starting point is 03:45:16 Don't imagine a lake. It looks like they carved water lanes into the ground. They're in a pit. Oh, that's cool as shit. I didn't even know that sport existed. The boat is so small, too. It looks like it's a fucking toy boat. Like, you're right next to the other guy.
Starting point is 03:45:32 That's fucking cool, man. I didn't know this sport existed. They're flying on land. They're jumping all over it. Yeah, what you want to do is skip to the very last one. That's the good one. But yeah, oh my god, he leaves the track. Alright, at a minute.
Starting point is 03:45:47 Did you see him sail over that dude? 40 seconds. Again, these guys are in boats. He leaves the racetrack and goes off into the night. Boats are not supposed to leave the racetrack. He leaves the racetrack
Starting point is 03:46:04 in his boat and literally flies into the night and his boat is spiraling like a football they say he's still flying to this day oh my god he skips like a fucking rock dude these guys are like all hardcore turning and i saw two different clips over the course of a minute where they capsize in the water and they go from racing to you see arms flailing. They're drowning in a capsized boat in shit water. That's cool as shit. That's a new sport to watch.
Starting point is 03:46:34 I didn't know that existed. That's even more hardcore than running from the police. That's what that guy should do. Would you ever watch a WNBA game if this was on the next channel? Boo! If I was trapped on a desert island and I had an all-access pass on my TV to watch as much WNBA as I wanted, I'd break the screen and use it to try and light a fire.
Starting point is 03:46:54 I'd try something like that. There's no way I could enjoy that. The tube TV, I suppose. Yeah, the tube TV. That's the only way that it works. Yeah, that's what i pictured on the desert isle honestly a flat screen wouldn't be practical you're gonna mount it on i got a nice crt tv there watching wn watching the fucking the the lisbon lesbians against the
Starting point is 03:47:18 what just some other names for the teams that's the thing. I had to ask Chiz. I was like, do I have a team? The Portland Pussy Lakers. Does Atlanta have a team? And you know, he told me. The Seattle Snatch. Still don't know the answer. Still don't know the answer. But, you know, I don't care about any of that shit anyway.
Starting point is 03:47:38 It's not just women's sports. I kind of despise most of them. Although it's kind of cool that that white guy is like the best basketball player in the world. The Eastern European guys are pretty good at basketball. What's that dude from the Mavericks name? Is that Luka? That guy's fucking cool. I saw that.
Starting point is 03:47:57 I'm sure you've both seen that highlight where he's playing defense and he gets a, not exactly, I guess a steal. But he's working so hard to get the steal. And when the guy realizes that he's lost the ball, he's just like – he's so upset. And then Luka, like, throws it backward. He's on the ground sliding on his back, by the way, at this point. Throws it over his shoulder, and there's a guy waiting in the wings in full stride. Grabs it, maybe dribbles once, lets it spin in his hand, and he checks over his shoulder.
Starting point is 03:48:34 He flicks it off the backboard, not trying to make the shot, but trying to serve up a third man, who is also perfectly in stride, who dunks it, and the frame is perfect so that Mark Cuban is right there in the background going, yeah! He's so, like, imagine you own that team and you get to see that play. I watched it 10 times, like, back-to-back on my phone. It was so cool, so slick. What sport were you best at growing up, Tom? Sport?
Starting point is 03:49:02 I wasn't good at any of them. I was good at making YouTube videos. That was my sport. I did cross-country track in high school. My parents made me do it. I'm bad at video games, too. I'm bad at Fortnite. My mom loved running, and I was like, I don't want to do fucking anything.
Starting point is 03:49:17 The only sport I actually enjoyed was ski team because I come from a shithead, rich, white town. Yeah, money. Whoa. You had a ski team? That's, white town. Yeah, money, whatever. Whoa, you had a ski team? That's sick. We had a ski team, yeah. So I liked that. But then the coach, after my sophomore year,
Starting point is 03:49:35 I think he divorced his wife and then went to coach the middle school as a result for some reason. That is such a ski coach thing to do. It is. But ski team was pretty sick. I did actually really like that. What kind of skiing? is um but uh skeet scene was pretty sick i did i did actually really like that um skiing like like races through moguls or like just straight yeah it was slalom and then uh like uh gs which is like uh like they're a little bit farther apart um so slalom a lot you go like super fast those are like oh you go in between the poles basically yeah i mean it is
Starting point is 03:50:05 scary um but uh it's a lot of fun um but my parents just they got me into skiing when i was really young that's gotta be the whitest sport other than like equestrian dancing skiing is so much fun you would love it yeah kyle's anti-skiing because he has a thrill with like very little i mean There's very little risk. You were molested by a ski instructor? Yeah, I was. Who's the guy that made the David Attenborough ski videos? Is it Herman Miller? Do you know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 03:50:35 That's the chair guy. Herman Miller is... He's the chair guy. There are listeners who know exactly what I'm talking about. This guy made the greatest ski video. Herman Munster. I remember him looking at this female ski racer and he's like that helmet cost two thousand dollars that outfit costs four thousand dollars those boots cost eight hundred dollars my advice to
Starting point is 03:50:56 you if you have a young up-and-coming skier get her a tennis racket all right i like that oh it is expensive yeah some of the kids in my high school were uh they would go to like prep schools in colorado to ski in like aspen for like weeks out of the school year because they were good enough um but uh yeah it was a lot of fun i will say the pain in your toes after you do you know because we would we would ski for i would get out of school at like 3 p.m we go to the mountain i think we'd be skiing probably until like 9 p.m 10 p.m 11 p.m um it's cold as fuck in maine at night especially on the mountain away from everything um i would physically feel my toes unthaw it was extremely painful they would be blue by the end of the night um so and that was like a common experience just slowly regaining
Starting point is 03:51:42 the feeling in my toes um and do you have any really good teammates like did anyone go on to become noteworthy or i don't really know there was this one kid who like i said he went to a prep school in colorado and then i think he i think he went to college somehow for skiing but i don't know what school um they do that at but yeah he was uh he was pretty fucking good he was like uh he was a short kid. He was like five, six, five, seven at tallest. And, uh, he was just a fucking beast on the slopes. Um, I was pretty mid, I was like middle of the pack, but, uh, some of the girls are really fucking good too. Cause I had a girl's, uh, like team basically.
Starting point is 03:52:15 And they were pretty brutal. Um, but the kids who are really good were the kids from, um, like at one, at one point, I think we raised kids from Massachusetts and,, and they were from a very rich town. I think it was Duxbury, I want to say, or something like that. And they were fucking destroying us. And their gear was nice as fuck. They had the nicest, newest skis. They had super nice helmets.
Starting point is 03:52:38 What makes a big difference is if you're getting your skis sharpened often. That's the biggest thing. you're getting your skis sharpened often that's the biggest thing um and a big thing also is just making sure that like if you're not really putting up the money for it you might have a hard time getting skis that are quite fit to your height and size because just depending on how tall you are you might get close but if you're going to like a used place sometimes they might not have exactly what you want because the sizes are like it's like 136 i think 137 like they're pretty specific um but if you have the money to get the nicest skis and they're perfectly sized to you,
Starting point is 03:53:08 then you're going to be a little bit better, right? That makes sense. I would have thought the schools to fear in the skiing world would be like Utah, Colorado. We didn't race them, but I imagine they would be pretty bad. Yeah, they would be pretty brutal. Yeah. More Canadians, I bet, are brutal too.
Starting point is 03:53:23 I would not want to race a fucking Canadian. They are so good at snow sports. Thoseadians just canucks they are yeah the only nhl game i ever saw it was uh the bruins versus the edmonton oilers and edmonton oilers they they pretty much destroyed them um so oh damn was this was this recent it was like a year ago i want to say yeah i was gonna say that's a very brief window. Was it? Are the Bruins back? The Bruins are... Aren't the Oilers better this year?
Starting point is 03:53:49 The Oilers are better this year, yeah. I was saying if you saw this five years ago, it'd be like a big outlier. I hope the Oilers win the Cup. That'd be neat. Canada has won since 1993. Give them something up there. Give them something.
Starting point is 03:54:05 You think Edmonton will be good because they're pretty out there in Ontario. Yeah. Is Edmonton in Ontario? I actually don't know. I think it's the northernmost NHL team. Alberta, Alberta. Versus the southernmost in the Stanley Cup Finals this year because the Florida Panthers play out of Miami,
Starting point is 03:54:23 and Edmonton is like cold even for canada up in the middle of nowhere yeah well i grew up in new england and all our teams were fucking destroying when i was a kid like the bruins um i mean the patriots tom brady was with them and it was just it was like absolute rape of the other teams it's like unfair boston wins way more than their share like the red Sox are pretty good. The Bruins are pretty good. We've got like five fucking states. We're destroyed. That's true.
Starting point is 03:54:52 What was I going to say? I lost it. We were going to talk about hockey. You know what surprises me? I'm surprised. If I was a player, I would gravitate towards a place that has lower taxes. Why doesn't Florida dominate in hockey? The players aren't from Florida.
Starting point is 03:55:13 The players are from fucking Toronto or something, right? Well, they're making too much money. They're having too much fun. They keep on their toes up here. If you told me I could play in Toronto, which I think has high taxes, I could be wrong, or Florida, which has no state taxes i'd be like yeah fucking all the players should be gravitating towards florida to bring home that cheese i mean it's probably because if you live in florida you have so much fun right and if you
Starting point is 03:55:34 live in boston you want to kill yourself so you're going to get really good at whatever you're doing basically because you're talking about where the skills are developed i'm like kind of thinking these guys are 27 years old peak of of career. They're from Boston. They're from Edmonton. But they go to Florida or Texas or something for the low taxes and win. I think that's, you know, not uncommon. And Florida's been the best state at hockey for like the past five years. I think since the past five seasons, the best team in the Eastern Conference
Starting point is 03:56:04 has been either the Tampa Bay Lightning or the Florida Panthers, which is baffling for them to make it every single time. Anyway, that's all the hockey stuff I need to say for another six months. Oh, you sure? I'm sorry, everyone.
Starting point is 03:56:21 No one likes it when I talk about hockey. We don't care. Two Indian guy again. Can I talk about hockey now? We've had a loophole. I am so very excited to watch the Stanley Cup finals. Are you looking forward to the finals?
Starting point is 03:56:43 Yeah, it's kind of nice to watch when i don't care about either team like watching the blues versus the bruins in 2019 was so stressful because i was like oh come on give us a win these fucking new englanders get championships all the time let's get one for the nhl in st louis and then after we won it was like hell yeah it's we because we won it would have been them if they had lost that yeah but now it's like i get to watch the stanley cup finals and be like oh man that was a great play from edmonton oh that was a great play from florida neat but no matter who wins it doesn't i'm not gonna lose sleep over if the blues would have lost in game seven against the bruins that would have ruined like the rest of my month like i would have like woken up and been sad
Starting point is 03:57:25 about it it was the first round of the playoffs this year i think we're in a pka hangout i bet dirty five dollars on the game dirty doesn't care if people don't know he's a dirty's a patreon gambler gambler and uh he'll bet on anything he doesn't even care what team it is he just likes to have some money riding on the game because it may he enjoys it more he doesn't care about basketball he can't name one player on either team anyway he beat me on the bet and my team lost and he's just i think he literally got up and danced and gloated and i'm like i really cared about this game like i was bummed it was the playoffs you do that to people all the time. Yes, I do.
Starting point is 03:58:06 I do. But I like to be on the side of it. It'll be a sport he doesn't even care about. He'll send gifts. He'll send gifts of your mascot being gunned down in the street by their mascot. But now they're all Crips and Bloods. You don't even care about this. Leave us alone.
Starting point is 03:58:27 This is bothering me for weeks to come now. I'm in a bad spot with all my teams, all my fighters, all that shit. Nobody's doing well. I gave up on the Braves a year ago. I'm sure they're doing poorly. All my fighters lost. None of my fighters are champions anymore and then after this last weekend it was kind of sad again i got i got nobody to root for
Starting point is 03:58:50 it's real sad times damn shame yeah you're right it's a low moment anyone on the rise that you like and and and like all of sports um i don't even think so you know what bugs me a little bit john jones got hurt all right so that's one thing but he's being a bitch about his next opponent no he's he's wanting to go by the contract he signed that allows him to fight steep amy otich at a pay-per-view um and a fight that he knows he can win he's got his career planned out but some injuries have postponed things and people are like you're not really a good fighter because you won't fight the best fighter in the world right and it's like i've already got a fight scheduled with this guy this guy for my legacy this is this is his last know about the contract
Starting point is 03:59:33 he signed so maybe i don't know everything well he wants you should be there you should be john jones's lawyer you're a great yeah yeah no kyle's leaving out a lot of key stuff. Jon Jones is the champion. Important too. He's his lawyer. He's the champion. And when you're the champ, and there's an interim champ was created because Jones got hurt. And they're like, well, we're not going to have the belt idol for this long. So we're going to take the next two best guys,
Starting point is 03:59:58 have them fight each other. And historically, they're guaranteed a shot against the, I'll call them the actual champ. So the interim champ. Unless you're Tony Ferguson. You get more money and you get a little more fame and they promote the fights off of you. And the other thing you get is sort of a guaranteed shot against the champ who's out for whatever reason. And Jon Jones is dodging this guy.
Starting point is 04:00:19 He wants to fight Stipe Miocic, who hasn't fought in like four years. I'm making that up, but it's not far off. And he's like 40-something years old. Jones is clearly cherry-picking a weaker opponent because he's afraid of the interim champ. That shows his entire thing, right? Running from fights and poking eyes, right? That's his entire career.
Starting point is 04:00:37 I mean, he is a really good fighter. He's the greatest of all time. Yeah, at those things. You guys know this MMA YouTuber who posted a video about how he thinks Jon Jones is gay? Have you guys hear this uh you guys know this with this mma youtuber who posted a video about how he thinks john jones is gay have you guys seen this yeah yeah that's um what's that guy's name it's um it's like mma guru or something mma guru yeah yeah so mma guru is like the the underground fight fans mma youtuber guy he he's uh he's getting a lot more prevalence it was funny they thought he was fat for the longest time like like obese because he just sort of shows his face i thought it was
Starting point is 04:01:08 that right now he's got a big bushy beard a lot of hair and then he went to dracus duplessi's camp like like to his gym and they're standing next to each other in full frame it's like not only is he i mean he's a big dude but like not only is he not fat he's like six four maybe like super big dude um He started a rumor. Basically, just like Meredith's got a tampon stuck in her pussy, he was like, you know, I think a guy who hits women might be a little gay. I think maybe John's got some sort of repressed homosexuality. Maybe it's not even all that suppressed.
Starting point is 04:01:41 And this tongue-in-cheek sort of conspiracy theory wink wink nod nod and it's like they picked on jones enough on twitter that jones is like trying to change the conversation it clearly was getting to him because he's like it's crazy how you can just have a platform on the internet say whatever you want to say about the greatest of all time and nobody can do anything about it i guess people just go along with this. Clearly he's talking about how this dude's calling him gay and it's bothering. Yeah,
Starting point is 04:02:13 it was, it was a good win for MMA guru. I like, I like seeing him getting more like mainstream stuff and more, more buzz. He's really good at his job. Very knowledgeable. Like he knows the card up from top to bottom.
Starting point is 04:02:24 And that certainly ain't me. I know the the main card usually and maybe not even all the fights on it there's a video he has of john jones at like a club in la and uh i i'm pretty sure it's john jones um but he's there and he's talking to very lispy voices like i just love the guys in la so much and the guy's like no i'm not saying it's wrong to be gay but he might be fucking gay so in that video i think that's the video maybe where he's at the comedy club yeah deaf noodles comedy club yeah he's drunk he's john jones is a piece of shit this is how much he's drunk the gay comes out he's heckling a comedian while drunk and uh and he's like this because he's so drunk but he's a piece of shit he really is like like like that'll that that really bothered me the heckling of a comedian
Starting point is 04:03:12 and the comedian's like oh you're what do you do john it's yeah uh i i like watching him fight though i do think he's i think islam's past him though like i said earlier i think islam's the new goat greatest of all time for sure like he's never he lost one fight ever um he's defended that belt so many times he's only got one ped violation and john he's got jones on that yeah he never assaulted a pregnant lady so i'm gonna stick with him piece of shit in fairness that was a vehicular assault. Yeah, he also beat his wife, though. Was she pregnant? No.
Starting point is 04:03:49 He's a loophole there. The child was there, though, maybe. It was pretty rough. Way less bad than the gay thing, in my opinion, but still. Agreed. Well, I need to know what the wife did. And how gay he was being. What's this dude look like?
Starting point is 04:04:02 I mean, she is a woman, so just start there and work backwards, I guess. She's probably annoying. She's probably nagging him. Well, alright then. Time to wrap. I'm so hungry. Check out all of Drinky Tom's stuff linked below. Watch his interesting videos and learn more about
Starting point is 04:04:19 the dark side of a lot of people you didn't know existed. Check out 2April, please. Check out to a pre please check out to a pre and where's the drones? Thoughts around. Yeah. That'll be all my content from now on. I'm switching things up based on. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:04:34 Yeah. It gives some views to all those people whose content we watch so that they don't copyright strike us. Check out to a pre. I was thinking about it.

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