Painkiller Already - PKA 721 W/ Ryan, Harley And Matt installed P Diddy's Cameras

Episode Date: October 12, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKA 721 with our guest Ryan Rivera is coming. Matt the meth head and then Harley later on. It's quite the night. Taylor? A full cast of characters. This episode is brought to you by Lock and Load and our merch PKA 10 for that. Check it out. Ryan, thank you so much for joining us this evening.
Starting point is 00:00:17 I love your background. I feel like a child. I like backgrounds where there's lots of things for me to look at. Lots of things to distract me. Burger King crowns. Anything you want zoomed in on, and clarified I could do that for you, not a problem. Man, perfect.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Tech. I know. You can pan and zoom. Holy T.S.I. In hand. There's beans. Look at the little E.T. over there. You have beans, you got Bud Light.
Starting point is 00:00:41 One hot, hot Bud Light in the corner. Yeah, wait, I don't know why it's during this. I don't know what that is. Who's that? Oh, that's Printy. Printy is the anti-Semitic printer. What does he mean? He says very unhinged things that I have nothing to do with. I don't endorse any of them, but yeah, during the show we thought we needed like a Pee Wee
Starting point is 00:01:04 Herman style character, but anything that Gavin McInnes has to do with has to have a little edge. So he didn't come up with it. I did that. You came up with the anti-Semitic 3D printer. Does it print things that are mean? For some reason I was picturing 3D printer, which would be neater. You'd print things in 3D that Jews hate. Little hitlers, I guess. Yes, that's a good, uh, it's Foskis. It would just be like a large sum of money in text with a negative sign in front of it and he'd be like, Oh my goodness, I've had money gone.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Like that's, yeah, he just prints out a lot of, um, like a world war II figures of Casual I don't know The anti-semitic printer isn't quite sure about six million. I think he has some doubts Okay, but it is a cannon. So it's a cannon. It's not that German printers like is HP German Probably I would guess so they're American right? Oh My anti-semitic printer Saw Trump rocking the yarmulke this week. I thought that was a good look for him
Starting point is 00:02:15 You know with his hair with his hairstyle. I feel like a cap of some kind is is always a good look How did that make you feel Taylor when you saw Trump wearing? You know what it makes me feel like I see when I see our elected officials wearing the yarmulke at the wailing wall, I'm like, I feel heard and represented as an American. This is what I want my elected officials doing with their time. Going to another country. Oh, look at him there. Going to Ben Shapiro. This is an old one. This is Trump at the Wall, a classic. Can you find the one with... He's with Ben Shapiro. My God, there's a lot of short, hairy guys here. How long do I have to stand like this? Have they gotten their photos? The wall swallowed
Starting point is 00:02:52 my hand. I don't even know where it went. It took my hand. That was a really good one. You give them a finger they take a hand. Unbelievable. You want them on your side the only thing worse than happening on your side is on the other side. Is this the reason? One Trump in the amica. Yeah, that's Trump there showing his support, bending the knee as they say. Yeah, I mean, I saw him there with Ben Shapiro and I'm in a whole mess. Well, I mean, he's a young guy.
Starting point is 00:03:16 He's still a spring chicken. That's where I won't let the left attack him. Like, all right, he's the old out of state man with, they make fun of his man boobs and I'm like, where have y'all been the last 25 years he's an old white man he's got man boobs what do you did you did you think he had a six-pack like we know he's out of shape we know he's bald he's made fun of his own baldness for 35 fucking years like I liked his hair you remember that picture of him with the hair back the southern gentleman look that he debuted for one day yeah that was it would have been fun.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I wish he was kind of like a creative character. We'd switch it up a bit more. Yeah. Look, dude, literally there. My goodness. I wasn't kidding. Ignore Shapiro. Look at that guy on the left.
Starting point is 00:03:58 He looks like the Jewish enforcer. I've got tunneling to get to. Oh, this is beautiful. This is beautiful. What is he putting on top of that stone thing? A rock? Is there something I don't understand about this? There's some symbolism going on there that we're not Jews. We wouldn't get it. See, this is not a bad look for him. He needs a yarmulke, I think. I was going with the Yamaka helps him. The Yamaka helps him, but not with his hair. He needs his cabrera.
Starting point is 00:04:31 He's got to cover his hair. Shouldn't we wait for Harley to get here before we crack open the... I'm sorry, Printy got this whole thing off on the wrong foot. I just came back from St. Louis this past weekend, visiting my wife's family. It's a lovely town. I don't know what you're talking about. I listened to, in your bathroom while my kids were sleeping, like the PKA compilation of East St. Louis stories. So I was like, I want to go to Crown Candy. Sounds great. We didn't get to make it there. But I did see a bleeding woman in the street. Oh yeah. That was in the city though. Because I've said the not downtown part of St. Louis, wonderful town, wonderful city.
Starting point is 00:05:09 The suburbs and the surrounding of the downtown area is really nice. It's the downtown and East St. Louis that's terrible. Well, this was Kirkwood. It was in Kirkwood? It was in Kirkwood. So that's a nice part outside of like far away from downtown too, about 15 minutes away. And I was going to Emo's Pizza and on the The intersection there. There's a woman that crossed the street. She was wearing like athletic gear. So she wasn't homeless. She wasn't
Starting point is 00:05:32 a friend of Maddie's if you know what I mean with her lifestyle and So she looked like she was jogging and then her face was busted open like her her whole orbital bone was bloody Oh my goodness, and I rolled my window down, I said, do you need help? And she said, can I? And I immediately thought, have money. But she said, give me a ride to the urgent care. But I was like, I don't know if this is like a St. Louis trick. That's a joke.
Starting point is 00:05:55 You fell for the old- I got out of there. St. Louis version of I'm out of gas. Can I borrow your card? Yeah. That's our version of like an Italian guy giving your girlfriend a rose at dinner and then asking you for money. We bloody a woman and put her in the road and in the summer.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Yeah, that's your three card Monte. Dude, that's awesome. What is nice. And that guy came up to us begging for money. This is one of the paxes. I think I need to go to urgent care. My hand is swollen and he whips out one hand that is it might
Starting point is 00:06:28 have been twice the size of his other hand. It is enormously swollen and he just needed $20 for a cab and I gave it to him because I'm dumb. Is this some sort of well-known? We all gave him something. A oversized hand thing. No, no, no. That sounds
Starting point is 00:06:43 real. We all gave him something. Like, like, I think that, I think Joe get what I can't remember if Joe gave him money or if Joe was like, I got you. I got got that's the old swollen hand trick. The old swollen hand trick fell for it. Hook line and sink it. I don't think he had like a doll hands coming out of his. a doll hands coming out of his coat. No, like maybe he's banging his own hand up though to not only get our dollars, but also get the pills when he does get to urgent emergency care. The real scam I've seen multiple times when I lived closer to the city was homeless people
Starting point is 00:07:17 who would every time say they were a veteran, which that part, it's a good career to choose if you're going to lie, it's believable that they're homeless veteran, but then always it would be that their car broke down far away or that their family needed to get put up in a hotel for the night because something happened. And the family's never there, the car is never visible, but they need 20 to 25 dollars. A good choice. Why are you suggesting that America's fighting forces are losers? Well, this guy's fibbing about it, Woody. I could tell.
Starting point is 00:07:50 It was believable that veterans would be homeless. Oh yeah. Like if he looked like a veteran, but this, this guy, it was like, you're, you've been, you have a lot of missing teeth and you're leading me to believe that, did you lose these teeth on the way from this sad family event happened? You smoked meth for 10 years on the way here and then you're asking for $20 from me right now? On the way here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Ryan, could you, why did you think her face was bleeding? Why was it cut up? Do you think it was a knife, a bottle, a punch? I asked her. So I like compulsively lowered my window just because I care for my fellow man and I said, I'm like, goodness, are you okay? She said, I tripped. So, I don't know. Pete Slauson I think she's lying. Jared Slauson Was she old? Pete Slauson I think she might have been lying, huh?
Starting point is 00:08:36 Jared Slauson Was she old? Pete Slauson She was like 45 or something like that. Jared Slauson Okay. Not old enough to be taking a tumble like that. Okay, not old enough to be taking a tumble like that. Yeah, that's not trip and fall hit face first. I want, so I was in, I was this early in my career, I was manager accounts payable and receivable at this construction company. I was behind, so we hired a temp to help me do this filing
Starting point is 00:08:57 and she shows up and her face is cut from like nose to ear. She had gotten into a fight and each of them were armed with broken bottles. This woman was so ghetto. Hey, what happened? Bottle fight. You know how it is. Yeah. It was like the night before. Like it was so fresh. It was like, ah, she wasn't very good at filing. What did you do? You're like, Oh my goodness, that's horrible.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Like regular person. Like, these are the files. This is the alphabet. Go, go get some, last loud in here. I need you to take a look at these accounts. Hey, recycling bin.
Starting point is 00:09:46 I've got a couple of shots. Somebody get hit with a bottle or glass. No, I don't. Not in person. I mean, on the internet, my roommate would smash bottles on his head. Like he, like he, he said there was like a technique to it and he'd take a beer, beer bottle. He'd whack himself on the head and it would break just right.
Starting point is 00:10:03 It was a Ukrainian guy. Uh, close enough with the way. And, but yeah, he would, he could like crack them on the head and it would break just right. Was that the crazy Ukrainian guy? Close enough, something with the Wainian. But yeah, he could crack him on his head and it was so impressive to me as a 19-year-old. It was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. And I would try to do it, but I wouldn't commit fully. And apparently you have to really... The way he described it is if you hit yourself like a seven out of 10 force, it's just going to hurt and it's going to bounce. But if you give yourself an eight or nine out of 10,
Starting point is 00:10:27 like all you got, it'll just kind of pop like a light bulb and you won't even sustain much injury. And he'd do and then he and then he goes pop and he pops one and he's like, see, he also do this thing where he puts cigarettes out on his tongue. And he said the same thing. He's like, if you hesitate, it'll burn you. But if you just put it right out, it just- Dude, to a 19 year old, that's the coolest guy. I have no idea. If I met someone my age who was doing that, I'd get away quickly. But at 19, you're like, man, this guy's-
Starting point is 00:10:54 He's a hero. That's probably what that woman in St. Louis did. She'd get over like a six or a seven. Yeah. I was trying to be cool. I should have never used my face. High School Me has the same story, Kyle. like a six or a seven. I was trying to be cool. High School Me has the same story, Kyle. We had, but we didn't know anyone who broke bottles over the head, but we had heard that it was possible.
Starting point is 00:11:13 So we would get ourselves in the head with beer bottles and never succeeded in breaking any of them. We just, I'm not, I'm not a hundred percent convinced that he wasn't like etching the glass with a knife when I wasn't looking or something, but he was using the beers that we were drinking so he didn't have like a trick bottle. But but I always thought putting that cigarette on your tongue like I'm sure you've never tried it because you don't smoke but like You see somebody do it. You're like that's that's cool as fuck. It's pretty and I know it's gonna taste awful
Starting point is 00:11:44 Trying to make yourself touch a lit cigarette to your tongue is harder than you might think you're like It doesn't because if you've never had a cigarette burn, they're pretty bad like cigarettes burn hotter than you think it's not like a match It's it's a pretty serious burn if you put a cigarette on on yourself. It's nasty like it's in there Yeah, like that's probably the problem. It like sticks that really penetrates because there's like a bunch of different I don't know nooks and crannies to the to the head of it, but I've done the tongue thing Yeah, let me ask you do you go hard because I've seen it done and people just like tap tap to sort of I don't know Maybe use different parts. I do it the cheap way. I saw somebody do it They just they create a pool of spit on their tongue like a little they just really wet the tongue
Starting point is 00:12:29 Up and then just it just goes right out like it sucks it up like a sponge it goes Yeah, and then it's the taste is the only big deal But if this guy's doing like hardcore so like just yeah, and it's showing you that he's putting it. That's a different realm It's a hardcore guy. That is I told you guys he's putting it, that's a different realm. So it's a hardcore guy. That is, I told you guys, there was a, uh, one of my friends in hi, and this was in college. We were at this kind of, I remember what concert and he was smoking cigs. I was probably smoking a cigarette with him too. And he was blackout drunk. Like when the eyes are just floating in a pool,
Starting point is 00:12:59 just looking listlessly in other directions. And he kept saying he was going to put a cigarette out himself. And he's like, watch, he takes a big drag on this cigarette, like he was hitting it drunk. And so it wasn't like the way a casual smoker would smoke. And there's a normal sized ember on the end. It's like, it's like an icicle of fire that's coming out of the cigarette. And he goes, and then like it starts to burn and like the big like there's still a real ember on it,
Starting point is 00:13:25 even though the icicle part one broke off and he like took it off. It was like, and he hit it again. And so he put it out twice on it. So he's got little Venn diagram scars on his forearm of where he tried, forgot he was doing it then re-remembered and put it out again. Haven't seen that guy in many, many years. In the middle of the Venn diagram is something cool and something painful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:50 It wasn't cool. I was there. He was, he was, it wasn't even a show. It was like just me watching him do it. He was naturally, I think he was doing it for his self, but I wanted to ask you about your, your St. Louis time because people don't often visit St. Louis.
Starting point is 00:14:06 That's true. We have arch there. That is true. Well, we have the arch there, but... We did the arch. You make it sound haunted. You spent, you spent a week there at the arch. That's all, dude. We'd, uh, I would book, uh, end days in the downtown Ritz and just enjoy the arch.
Starting point is 00:14:25 I have questions enjoy the arch. Taylor. I have questions about the arch because, all right, so in my genius mind, there's an elevator in the arch. When you get to the top, it's sideways. Everyone's on their side. Is that how it works? You're not on your side. You're in a little, Zach showed a picture of it before.
Starting point is 00:14:42 You're sitting in a pod and there are little seats, little white seats. It looks like it was made in the 50s, probably was. And then it like, you all sit down and it sends you up, but you're always facing up in your seat. But when you get off and you're walking around the top of the arch, it's all wonky and slanted. And so like, they designed it upside down flat. They designed the arch upside down to determine the the ideal shape of it you when you they use chains so they hang the chain and then they Make a model that's based on the angle of the chain that the arch is created and then they inverted of course to define the that's right interesting
Starting point is 00:15:20 How they did this old system that's on you you went to the the park they built down there and i haven't even been yeah we saw the whole uh like how it was made and everything like that it's made by uh the same guy who did the the twa museum and jfk so it looks like men in black so i had a fun time with that it's really it was super impressive very nice they. They'd redid the museum downstairs. But there was, you know, Taylor, there's like a little pond sort of circular water pond thing in front of the museum. Yeah, yeah, they beautified it. So are you supposed to be bathing in that thing?
Starting point is 00:15:56 Or is that? It's not, it's frowned upon. Okay. Was it a homeless? No, so this is what's weird. Is this the second time that normal-looking people were doing something You would expect an East st. Louis stir to do yeah, they were like her. It was like a woman again 40 Maybe that's the breaking point for st. Louis women
Starting point is 00:16:21 With her kids like splashing around this pond and I was like, can you do is that a thing you can do? I'm new in town. I don't know. Can you find me a picture of this pond? I'm having a hard time imagining a woman and her children playing in a pond. I think I'm picturing a cesspool behind the filthy, filthy art shopping mall water fountain. Blue water and that's way nicer.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I'll have you know, no, kind of have you know it used to be like that and they fixed it oh no it wasn't that this is this is it from uh from just a great angle um it's so much bigger than you think it is ah there we go there's believe it or not it's not that one it was literally it's on top of concrete so like there's a concrete sort of man-made circular area that water is there I guess like a pond fountain sort of thing the correct pond Zack Admit as I look at this thing, it's pretty beautiful. Do the art is the the coolest monument? I've seen man-made Anything else in the general area though? It's like all by itself. They're like one of those North Korean monuments beautiful. Dude, the art is the coolest monument I've seen man-made. Why don't you build anything else in the general area though? It's like all by itself there, like one of those North Korean
Starting point is 00:17:29 monuments. So it's a park. So like that at the base of it now, I think this might be an old picture, I don't know if the park's down there yet, but yeah, there's like a rule that they can't make buildings taller than the arch in the city. Photoshopped out all the house fires. Ryan, make buildings taller than the arch in the city. The photo shop without all the house fires. Ryan, have you seen, are you local to the Mississippi River? Like, do you see it all the time? No, no, that was my first time down there. I'm just New Yorker guy.
Starting point is 00:17:54 It's impressive, isn't it? Yeah. I feel like we talk about our oceans a lot. The Mississippi River, it moves so much water. And the commerce that happens on it blew my mind. It's like 35 barges being pushed all like lashed together up river. Yeah Machines could do that like it's wild riverboat casino that that sounds we got those periods. Oh, yeah you do like in um, You know, you know, I never watched the end of Ozarks. I didn't watch the last episode
Starting point is 00:18:25 Why why? And you know, you know, I never watched the end of Ozarks. I didn't watch the last episode. Why? Why? I'll tell you why. Like, I love that show so much. And once it's over, it's over. And right now it's like a book that I haven't closed yet. It's still open on the desk over there. And until I finish that last page and close it, it hasn't ended. You should. That's the best show Netflix has done in years. I know. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:18:43 And I still don't know how it ends. I have no fucking idea. I'm sorry. Not a big Wednesday fan. I don't know what that is. Oh, it's like the Adams family. Oh, no, I never watched that as a kid. And so when they rebooted it, it was, it didn't strike any nostalgia with me. I love it. It was a kid, but it's not Ozark. Yeah. I wait. What's Wednesday have to do with those art? He said it was the best thing Netflix. Oh, you're
Starting point is 00:19:10 crazy. Yeah, this is nowhere near like that's not Wednesday. I think it might be their most watched thing, but I also agree with Taylor that it was our gets better. I bet there's all sorts of animated nonsense. It's bar goes better than any of the ones that anybody else likes which bar go though Which season all of them are so good besides the Jason Schwartzman Chris Rock one I didn't get I couldn't get into it. But yeah, yeah every one of them. It's hard to rank them It's like his like the first ones iconic with Lauren Malvo guy. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah iconic He's so scared. He is.
Starting point is 00:19:47 And then charming. He's like, with the corrupt sheriff, I watched that maybe two months ago. That was really good. I you're right. Fargo's John Ham, right? John Ham. Yes. I like him. I'm crazy. I don't know. John Ham. St. Louis guy. Blues fan. That's busy. Yeah, dude. He's a good actor and I don't know. He really I think there are people just like him in this world and it was neat to see it go down Mm-hmm Kyle you wouldn't know this because you're a fan of his acting but he's like a huge
Starting point is 00:20:19 Blues fan and he was like when they were on their cup run He was like doing that thing celebrities do where they just abuse how popular they are to get wherever they want. And so they'd be like, here's the blues about to play fucking, you know, Winnipeg or whatever, whoever it is. And then it would just be like, and why's, why's John Ham in the locker room? And he's just like talking to the players being like, and they're like, what's mad men like?
Starting point is 00:20:39 And he's like, Oh, it was great. Tell me about the NHL. I noticed you're rolling your wrist when you're coming in from the left wing. Doesn't look good. How about you know who else is a big blue Spanish Jenna Fisher, Pam from the office? I see her in the lightning answer. She has got breast cancer, which is kind of funny because there's an episode where Michael's like, Hey, Pam, next time you're in the shower, check yourself out. Those
Starting point is 00:21:03 those things are ticking time bags. I know she was from St. Louis because John Krasinski is from Boston and they had like a little social media like PR thing during the cup run. And even then I'm like, why couldn't we have had Jim? I don't want him. Have John Hamm argue with fucking Jim and at least that's cooler. It's such a weird thing that St. Louis. Sorry, you know, it's just that it blew my mind because it's like, it's like an underrated it's not Boston, it's not Chicago, it's not LA, it's not New York, but it's really an understated city.
Starting point is 00:21:41 But like when you kind of uncover how Like the history of it and stuff like that and the significance It's a great like I really fell in love with it and the food is I guess they got sorry Taylor But there's not much to do. Yeah Make a lot of good food the freaking Italians here and so there isn't yes, that's right But lions choice is like a better Arby's and I love Arby's. Oh, I've been telling these guys that for years. It's true. Arby's.
Starting point is 00:22:09 No, no, I will defend Arby's. Look, I'll defend Arby's against other fast food joints. But if you say there's a better Arby's, I believe you. Arby's has a story. I've never seen immediate offense in your eyes. As when I said, Kyle defends Arby's and your eyebrows tend to go, no, not for a second. Like, you Kyle, the fans, Arby's and your eyebrows tend to be like, no, not for a second. Like, you know, there's better Arby's. I'm down. That's right.
Starting point is 00:22:29 It's always way better. Arby's takes Wendy's ass because like you don't even have to like the roast beef. They make like eight other things. Yeah. The French dip. I get all with everything. But the Arby's has everything. The only thing with the food line line choice, it looks like the logo does not look appetizing. It looks like a supermarket. Looks like a supermarket logo.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Yeah. And the buildings aren't that good looking either. Zach, show me some lion's choice roast beef sandwiches. Let me, let me see those things. Throw some lion's choice up there. Throw it on up there. And what a, what a great name because when I was a kid and I would eat there, I'm being like, yeah, I'm strong like a lion with a lion with one team. Dude, I'm like five, six, give me a break. You know, if I was at the age, that was the same age. When I was five, I was far more sophisticated. That was the same age that I thought that no one ever told me this. Just, I thought that if I ate enough ribs, I could be big like Mark McGuire. All right, that looks pretty good. That looks
Starting point is 00:23:24 pretty good. It looks pretty good. It's the thing about Arby's roast beef is it's not real roast beef. They get this congealed goo bag that they boil. They boil the bag sous vide and then they peel the plastic off and they shave the now boiled meat concoction thing. It's not like roasted beef off of a big chunk of meat, which that kind of looks like. That's how low the bar is, is that people are like, the choice blows the doors off Arby's because they use real pieces of meat. It's like, yeah, yeah, I don't doubt it. The real pieces of meat is a big seller. I wanted to ask you about people who aren't from here sometimes don't like our pizza style like emos and
Starting point is 00:24:06 all that Dave Portnoy came to st. Louis and tried emos pizza which is like our local describes st. Louis for us very thin crust Provel cheese and a lot like very topping focused so thin crust pizza to put a mess just a just a terrible mess it's delicious I love it. It's great. I like the last pizza I've ever had. See, look at that, it's got prune. I'm a New Yorker too, so I should know pizza. He knows, he's a New Yorker.
Starting point is 00:24:33 He knows pizza. I think the New York pizza's a little overrated. It's greasy and slimy and thin-crusted. Yeah, I think it's overdone. Did you fold it? Because if you didn't fold it, you're not getting the, okay. You gotta fold it and pour the gross out onto a napkin or something before you eat it.
Starting point is 00:24:51 I don't think that's an option. It's overrated. I don't even like pizza that much. I love pizza. I hate that you said that. I really don't. Like if I could totally eliminate pizza for the rest of my life and not ever hear it.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Like, I definitely want a good cheeseburger every now And then it's a like I could I could never eat pizza again for the rest of my life and be fine Well, you're on a health journey You got secretly shredded which inspired me to start working out by the way and you look fit transformation Then you get on some steroids. I did not I just I just watched a lot of more plates more dates Hey guys, they're a care for more place Please you absorb steroids through the just watch it now osmosis, yeah Death Star delts if you want them fucking go fucking get the Death Star delts
Starting point is 00:25:35 I was talking to him like last night or the night before and And he was like, oh, yeah, we got this new product this and that I'll send Yes, I get some of that sent out to you and I'm, Derek, I haven't received anything from you in two or three years. I don't think you have my current address. Well, that is an issue, isn't it? Someone's getting the hook up. It's funny that you can't get like protein pattern. He sent me a flipping refrigerator for some reason.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Why would you display the refrigerator? You need to get it in the background like the anti-semitic printer. Hang on, I'll go get it. Yeah, put the fridge in. Put the fridge in. There's a amendment on it. Dude, he, like, this was probably a year and a half,
Starting point is 00:26:17 two years ago now, when he was doing the energy drink thing. Yeah, thank you. Dude, looking thick and juicy. Looking good. Looking strong. I went from 140 pounds to like 180. Like I just ate like three or five times a day like 3,000 calories roughly Going six days a week right before my baby was born my first
Starting point is 00:26:34 Daughter was born so I was gaining sympathy weight And I was like this is a great time to turn it into a secret reveal of my own yeah nice Have you done the big secret? It wasn't secret. It wasn't secret. I posted every week and just grew slightly. Looking broad. Very good. So Kyle's actually scarier than what I thought.
Starting point is 00:26:55 So I was afraid of FPS Russia when I first saw the video where you pulled a shotgun out of a barrel of water and you're like, I was like, we're fucked. America's fucked. They have water guns. That's NAS, new weaponry is very. You know, that's freaking cool. Yeah, it is a great fridge. But you know what's shocking about this is Kyle or Woody is not.
Starting point is 00:27:16 We're not full screen. What? What? Woody, do you watch? Do you do every episode with like a huge bar of white around us? Like do you full screen our images? Uh, no. My monitor is a wide monitor, so full screen is a lot. Oh, you don't like us that much, I guess.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Have our distorted wide faces. Oh, you know what it is now that I think about it? If I bring you full screen, then I'm looking down here, and I feel like I'm looking farther from the camera than I otherwise would. Oh, that makes sense then. Okay. Ooh, Ryan, do we have a special guest?
Starting point is 00:27:54 We have Mattrick Odellius. Matt has me now. Yeah, if you want, you can even be on the other set. We have another set. Or no, sit at Gavin's desk. Yeah, just use that other set. We have another set or no sit at Gavin's desk. Yeah, just use that other set. That's what we say to our guests. Sometimes we go just use the other set. Yeah, when their mic's not working, we just bounce them to another set. Usually they're like, hey, I have a very long string with a can on it and
Starting point is 00:28:18 we're like, that's not the worst. No, the worst is when they do this professionally. I remember there was somebody like not too long ago and they're like coming in and their microphones terrible and they got like earbuds in or something and I'm like, do you have like a professional grade microphone like the rest of us perhaps? And he goes, Oh yeah, right. Here's my all my pro audio stuff. I just don't do many podcasts. So and then and then there's
Starting point is 00:28:45 a pause and what he goes, Could you use it? Oh, would you like for your audio show? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then he like turned it on but left it across the room or something. It's like, Hey, hey, do you notice that we're all eating hours? Like, like, like the closer you are to staring it, it sounds pretty good if you literally put it in your mouth lately like you get some is your microphone a fucking vampire Like why do we need to invite I? Explain like listen there are telephoto lenses, but there are no zoom microphones That's not how microphones work. You can't zoom in a mic and pick up audio from across the room. That sounds good. It's terrible You're like, I'm sorry Woody. I followed the eight fists rule one two
Starting point is 00:29:21 across the room that sounds good. It's terrible. You're like, I'm sorry, Woody. I followed the eight fists rule. One, two, three. And then you have guys like Drifter where they come in with a professional microphone. He's like, Hey guys, I'm laying down and dressed like a clown today. Hey guys, I'm calling into the show from death's door. It's like, Oh my goodness. It's like, yeah, the guy went to a new doctor. It's like, Oh my goodness. It's like, yeah, the guy went to a new doctor. He diagnosed me with ghosts. Your blood is rife.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Having ghosts. Boodoo curse. He's lousy with ghosts. The Halloween guest? Yeah, that would be a good Halloween. He always rolls punches and everything, so I like that. Dude, I mean, how could he not roll with the punches? The drifter is one of the most interesting people we talk to, I feel like, on a regular basis, just because of whatever's wrong with him.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Okay, something's wrong with him for sure. And I don't read any comments. I have no idea what the public take on him is, but I would guess that there's people who are maybe thinking that Drifter's, it's all in his head. And I think there's definitely a problem. People think that he has a case of hypochondria?
Starting point is 00:30:40 I think there are those who would accuse him of hypochondria. I don't think that you could see this many specialists and not be referred to or not have one of them say that to you. I don't think they'll just keep taking your money. I mean, some doctors certainly will, but he's been to so many and they're like, oh yeah, we think you got blood amoebas. Like Amazonian blood amoebas. Have you been have you been in the equatorial New Guinea recently?
Starting point is 00:31:09 And did you know we better check anyway? Like he's he's always got something. When he showed up on that fucking bed for the first time, I was like, that's not this isn't real. And then he did like two fucking hours laying in a goddamn bed. And it was the most bizarre fucking thing. Him. I was like, what is surreal?
Starting point is 00:31:30 It was his Arthur Fleck moment showing up laying on the bed with fucking makeup on and then just doing the whole Arthur Fleck. Yeah, I have no idea. You are. You know, that's the joke. What? Oh, the most bizarre part is when you accept it as normal and you just carry on with the show. What games have you been playing?
Starting point is 00:31:50 Well, not much. I count the tiles on the ceiling all day. 37, in case you're wondering. 37. One of them fell clearly because it's an odd number. I know why he has locked draw now Something hiding in that hole staring at me right now actually it's in That's something that makes me wonder those because he did used to hallucinate and see that static man or whatever the fuck The first when we first met him and he described the static man, you know, I hadn't, I didn't know him very well. So I was like, maybe there's a static man, you know, I'm, I'm open-minded.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Same now. I'm like, now I'm like, maybe we could connect the static man to some of the other, some of the other maladies that they suffering from, you know what I mean? The pantheon of, um, of imagined creatures in the head of imagination land from South Park. Oh, I got bit by count Chocula last week. You don't even know. It's like the trolley from Mr.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Rogers, but it never comes back to just the living room. It's just always in the fantasy land where that's an old reference. I understand. I got you. Oh, I got it. What do you do? I don't think a lot of our audience will get it, but actually a lot of like, no, for what kind of race baiting propaganda as a child,
Starting point is 00:33:11 race baiting propaganda, Mr. Rogers, Mr. You know, he washed his feet with a with a black man. With like a like a sponge, he grabbed a black man and used his air. Not just it's the like famous Reddit post that I'm joking about. Oh, I see. At the time, I think it was illegal for black people to share pools with white people.
Starting point is 00:33:32 So him and the black mailman character cooled their feet off in a kiddie pool on the show. I remember that, yep. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not making this up. This is really nice, Mr. Rogers, but I gotta get back to my work. I'm gonna get fired. You can help him. You can Yeah. Yeah. I'm not making this up. No, really nice. This Rogers, but I got to get back to my work. I'm going to get fired.
Starting point is 00:33:47 I'm good. Just hang out here just a little longer frame. Maybe we can think of things that your dreams can come true with. What? I got a guy got a nine to five. I got a nine. I got to work. Why don't you just hang out here? Little Neverland, your own with children from the neighborhood. So you just Mr. Stevenson, I just wanted you to notice that I'm a good person Neverland of your own with children from the neighborhood. So, hey, I'm Mr. Stevenson. I just wanted you to notice that I'm a good person
Starting point is 00:34:07 washing his black feet. Did everyone notice? I feel like you're making fun of Jesus right now. Making fun of Mr. Rogers. I think he was a pretty good guy. Jesus, yeah, great guy. No, Mr. Rogers. You're not mocking him for washing people's feet.
Starting point is 00:34:23 No. I'm mocking the idea that Mr. Rogers was like a performative guy instead of just clearly being a good-hearted person. He was a virtue signaler from Philadelphia. He was taking a stand publicly. It was just like when Captain Kirk kissed Ohura, you know, had that first interracial kiss. That was the first interracial kiss on television. Captain Kirk's kiss with Ohura.
Starting point is 00:34:42 The aliens were using their super powerful brains to make them do it. And you ever see her feet? You saw you saw her as as cheek. She was wearing this super short skirt. And every now and then enterprise would like crash into something in space and everybody go flying out of their chairs. And she'd be ass up rolling around on the floor. A big old booty. Damn, that's pretty progressive. Yeah, even in 67, Kirk was, Kirk's boss was a black guy. He's like the Admiral that he reported to, like for the sector. He was a black group. Look at that. Progressive top to bottom, just like Mr. Rogers. I wasn't really, I didn't see the clip of him washing someone's feet. I was really, you didn't wash it. I was really, I don't, oh, there's, well, they wash their feet together. They were sharing a pool together, and symbolically, there was a kiddie pool, they sat in chairs and soaked their tired feet. You see,
Starting point is 00:35:34 back in the day, men would walk around and their feet would get very hot and sweaty, and they would be swollen from a hard day's work. we used to walk around instead of rotting in wheelchairs, motorized in my solar panels. You felt a little racist. You had to get out and walk around. I felt racist when Fred took the pool after he was like, now drink it. Yeah, dude, what was really racist is when he's like, I insist you put on a life preserver I know about you and swimming. And it was like, come on, Mr. Rogers, it's only a little bit of water.
Starting point is 00:36:06 It's two feet deep, Mr. Rogers. You don't trust me? No, of course not. I'm a lot of the there's a lot of great historical photos from the. Oh, my God, there's Mr. Rogers. Is that an ethernet? The fuck is that? You'll have to trust me. It's Mr. Rogers.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I have Mr. Rogers accoutrements. Oh, you should now that you have a young child, you're going to have to put on some old Mr. Rogers. Oh, there she is! There's a whore all cheeked up! When you said it was a short skirt, like, that's short. I mean, alright. Usually the bottom of your butt cheek is short. Google this. Google Captain Kirk and alien woman with aluminum foil titties. And you'll find this lady, she's got like this X sort of bikini top
Starting point is 00:36:48 and she has the most ridiculous titties. Like she's got some gigantic magical perky titties in 1967 that like look straight ahead like headlights and they've got them wrapped up in like two kerchiefs of aluminum foil. And then the whole, I think she's like a sex robot or something because Kirk's trying to tell her she can have a better life. I'm glad you're leaving over his ass
Starting point is 00:37:07 up here. I appreciate that. This is what people are freaking out about? I can't find the picture you're looking for. There we go. Look at that. Zach's on the ball tonight. That's my girl. Super sexy lady. Yeah. What did they tell the the prop department for that episode guys? Don't even try We need something that resembles a spear Yeah, origin made of foam you do whatever you want And very little budget it's no one's gonna be looking at the fucking spear retard That's why we have this big titty bitch They're like these spears are terrible. Can we get an actress with bigger knockers?
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yeah, exactly. It's like that clip where there's like a bunch of that old internet video where it's like a bunch of women and the big tits jumping around. And then there's like a bear that goes by like in the background. And it's like, did you notice the bear? If so, you're gay.
Starting point is 00:38:00 And it's like, oh. What's the gay bear? I didn't notice the gay bear You did notice the band you're like what bears what's a bear? Yeah, I don't even know what a bear is Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, you do know what a bear is Rights moments more civil rights moments like like mr. Rogers There was also that famous picture that reddit likes to throw up all the time It's there's a bunch of black kids swimming in a hotel pool.
Starting point is 00:38:25 I think they're in Vegas. Some reason that's in my head that they were in Vegas and the hotel owner or manager comes out with this big like Acme cartoon bottle of acid that he's like dousing into the water. Like it, like, like it, it's just like pouring the citric acid. citric acid. I don't think it'll do anything. There's like, I don't know how big the pool is. My pool is 28,000 gallons, I think. I can't imagine one gallon doing anything. It would, but you know, it would take more than that. Like the fact that even the spirit of it though, that's bad. Yeah. Scaring the kids.
Starting point is 00:39:05 He had evil in his heart. The photo is terrified. Like trying to make a bunch of jokers. He is. He's making his own. He's making a bunch of jokers. And that's all we need. We don't need a bunch of jokers. We don't need a bunch of either bringing Joe.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I know. You have an excellent job for that. So that's how I made my bones. Shooting your talk show hosts. Really? We looked at the amount of jokers. There's more under Joe Biden, more jokers, Riddlers and penguins have come over the penguin show by the way is it's a pranos plus Batman. It's you can't.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I heard that. Is it good? Acting is tremendous. It's Colin Farrell. So the most recent Batman movie, I think it was acting is tremendous. It's Colin Farrell. So the most recent Batman movie I think was called the Batman Robert Pattinson plays Batman in like his second year of Batmaning ever So he's kind of amateurish and it's it's very grounded and it's good I think it's my second favorite Batman behind the Heath Ledger Joker Batman
Starting point is 00:40:01 But Colin Farrell plays the penguin in that movie and now they have made a TV show About the Colin Farrell penguin character in Gotham running his crime empire and it's apparently it's very very good The ratings are super strong. Yeah, it's good. I don't like Colin Farrell for some reason He's a guy that like his face takes me out of literally everything. Yeah, same thing with Jason Schwartz been unfortunate I'm like you're acting I get it But he I mean he totally disappears in this role, and it's I like that. It's Bay, yeah, it's basically sopranos all over again. We get to experience a more campy actually I think sopranos was campier than this to be honest
Starting point is 00:40:40 in many ways, but it's very it's I Like what they did with it. And I also unpopular opinion. Just got to squeeze that. I liked the new Joker movie. So comment below. That's going to get you a lot of comments. Cause the music.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Yes. I liked it. I just don't like musicals. So I don't think I'm going to get, I heard that the, that like the Joker gets molested in it. That's true. Prison. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Right. My favorite scene. I like musicals and rape scenes this might be my jib the movie you know I rarely get both of the same film and here we are who does it Arthur Fleck well we need Todd what do you get both sweetie Todd the lesson we got rapes and musicals it's classic hmm I'll have to check it out. The demon Barbara Fleetley. Is it like a like a gang thing that the Joker gets raped or is it just someone's
Starting point is 00:41:30 like sick of his shit in there? I'm going to grape you. Yeah. Um, YouTube term. Well, I don't want to spoil it. I guess this will be a spoiler section, but, uh, it's the, it's a group of, um, correctional officers. I do it really, but spoiler section, but it's the it's a group of correctional officers that do it really, but they don't show it. Oh, he's just like, is he even more twisted afterwards? They didn't have the commitment that momentum. The first change was like a massive success.
Starting point is 00:42:00 You know, it was it's the second highest grossing R rated movie of all time. I think it was a massive success. You know, it was it's the second highest grossing R rated movie of all time. I think it was a massive success. Then a lot of people didn't see it coming. And we all appreciated Joaquin's performance and the grittiness and the weirdness of it all. And this even has a bit of a twist ending that I still wouldn't spoil because I respect that movie so much. It's there's a twist there at the end, you might not see coming, but the second one has such dog shit reviews And everything I've seen from the the director Like like talking about I saw Lady Gaga's like embarrassed. They thought this was gonna be a grand slam They thought this was like you couldn't miss Type thing and it's it's going down as would you have to be from like criticism to think that like no Joker one was a hit. The second one will make it a musical and it'll be an even better musical part that people don't like. People don't like the musical part, but it's the storyline and the direction that it's taken with the Joker character.
Starting point is 00:42:57 I think it's feeling like a slap in the face that people who enjoyed the first one and the idea that walking Phoenix is insane and becoming the Joker because that's not what they're going to do. Yeah, it's but in there's a lot of ways and this is real spoiler talk, but he gives up being the Joker. It's like a kind of, I don't know, part of him that gets expressed when he wants to like feel empowered or something like that. But it goes back to the idea that the Joker is an idea or something like that. But it goes back to the idea that the Joker's an idea or something like that.
Starting point is 00:43:27 But also the fact that you couldn't really ever see him, even in the first movie, I'm like, this is kind of a stretch from him as a dude being like a, first of all, he'd be really old when Batman grows up, when he becomes Batman. And then also it's like, I can't picture him coming up with a cohesive plan or being much of a mastermind threat guy. And so
Starting point is 00:43:47 it's weird that he sort of like beats needing to use the Joker as a vessel to cope. And please continue. I'm sorry. I don't want to spoil it. Are you going to watch it? I'm not going to watch it, but I was just like an idea off the top of my head like, Oh no, yeah, go ahead. Because in the first movie he is this sort of bonkers, just anarchist. And I like that version of the Joker, but there's also the side of the Joker where he's this master tactician who has planned these incredible revenge is that he enacts upon people by there's, I'm pretty sure he impregnates a girl one time with like her brother's semen or something like I think he impregnates a girl one time with like her brother's semen or something.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Like, I think he impregnated. I think in the comics he kidnaps Commissioner Gordon's niece. And then like, like impregnates her with the sperm of her brother and tells Commissioner Gordon he did it. And then there's another one where he just straight up rapes her. And then there's one where he beats Robin to death with a pipe. And then as Batman discovers him, the whole building blows up like he's awful. And he's doing crazy stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:44:50 But I guess the way to do it would be to have this separate group who idealizes the Joker and they've set up the whole master plan. And when he gets out, they're like, hey, boss, look what we did for you. And he's like, you think that's what I'm about and he takes their master plan and like Perverts it even more man, but but then like makes it roll forward like that That's very much not Arthur Fleck too, which is interesting I'll say one last thing about it before I throw it over to Maddie over here I got to set up for the next for the live show with Gavin here, but
Starting point is 00:45:23 So it's interesting cuz it's like he the Joker does horrific things in in Arthur You've always seen kind of like remorse or like anybody the only people that he really ever hurts are people that wronged him Or he thinks is a bully or deserves it So he's almost like a vigilante and I don't know about the whole theory that Judd not Judd Apatow the guy that directed it And Judd, not Judd Apatow, the guy that directed it. Whatever his name is. Dude. Guy Dude.
Starting point is 00:45:48 So Guy Dude sabotaged it because the wrong people were liking it and he was like an incel hero. I don't see that because I think Arthur always was pretty like, so you're rooting for him, but in reality, you shouldn't be rooting for who the Joker actually is supposed to be, which is like unbridled chaos and evil, which is, I know they're trying to do that with like wicked and suicide squad where they're like the bad guys are actually the good guys, but this sort of realigns that. And they're like, no, the guy that actually is going to be Joker is bad. Like you're not going to
Starting point is 00:46:17 want to empathize with them, which is, I kind of liked that. He kind of escaped the, the machinations that he had that made him Joe Quare. Yeah. I like an evil Joker that you don't like. I liked the story where Joker tricks Superman into killing Lois Lane. Um, and like he uses some sort of fear toxin or something on him and Superman thinks he's fighting doomsday. He kills Lois Lane and then, and then that was, he's a bitch.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Yeah. He like flies. He like, day he kills Lois Lane and then he and then that was he flies Lois Lane up into space and suffocates her and then and then realizes what he's fucking retard how often does he get got by stuff like that I've never watched it but it seems like they have to just make him a bit of a dullard or gullible to make it up for the fact that like, otherwise he's just, there's like, there's like dozens of characters that can take Superman on and beat him and that he has to get buddies to help with it. They're just not part of the movies that Hollywood wants to make. They want to make the same three villains over and over. Guys, it's been real. I'm happy to have been on for the time that I have, but
Starting point is 00:47:24 there is a special guest behind me who's speaking of flying women into outer space and killing them on one of his many 24 hour sex binges. Ladies and gentlemen, he's he's done that plenty of times. Matty O'Dell, Matty O'Dell. President Method. Matty, what's going on? How are you I'm sorry about the last time I had to go for a colonoscopy. How was that? Oh toward the ass out of me
Starting point is 00:47:54 Well, I had two polyps how to get them taken out the Colonoscopy drugs did how do they fare compared to your you know breadth of experience my math doesn't doesn't compare really It's fucked up because I do have a congenital heart defect mm-hmm so they don't usually put me out They don't knock me out when I do that so my I'm just like twilight it so I'm watching it on the TV And they're fucking right what your own memory of it? Yeah, I've watched the whole thing. Okay. You know, I've been told like, oh, this is just a local, but we wipe out your memory. They do.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Yeah, yeah. I've never, unfortunately, because I guess with my heart condition, they would have to get signed off with my cardiologist and have like an anesthesiologist, like a full blown anesthesiologist. Cardiologists and uh have like an anesthesia like a full full-blown anesthesia No Was the congenital heart condition what got you to slow down the meth over time? Yeah. Yeah, or else I would have been still going full Oh, yeah, you're going half speed on the myth. Yeah, I did it like two weeks ago. Oh Okay, so you like you dabble in meth at this point? Yeah, what's in a like special occasions? Like I said Easter What was this location two weeks ago? Um a buddy of mine?
Starting point is 00:49:13 Yeah, that was good enough reason No, no tell us really well, okay. Your buddy came up. Yeah, my buddy came up. He did. He did a show with me and So we you know partied on a little bit. Right, right. So I got some meth questions because I don't know much about meth. I really like weed and the culture around that. But so it's very common for dudes
Starting point is 00:49:39 to just get high together on weed. And that seems like we're gonna get dopey and eat Doritos and watch an old movie that and yeah What's the facts? What's it like to hang out with another dude and get high on meth? I think of meth is a sex drug in a lot of ways I feel like like like you that's the one that's gonna make you like horny and want to like bang for 20 hours Oh, yeah, you'll definitely have marathon sex a hundred percent, but you know if you're not gay I mean, I'm not gay so I I don't, like, particularly like men.
Starting point is 00:50:07 But usually when I'm doing it with my buddies, like we're involved in some kind of project concerning motorcycles. I remember one time I took the front end of my motorcycle 22 times in one day. Yeah. Yeah. So you just taking it off and putting it back on.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Taking it off, and we would think we were making adjustments to it and put it back on and ride it a little bit and then take it off and What were you trying to do? Balance it? No, we were just trying to get the well, we tried to get like from when we were coming down from doing wheelies, like we didn't
Starting point is 00:50:40 want the shocks to bottom out. So we were fucking around with the dampening of the springs and the tubes and everything. Right. Fucking around with the dampening of the springs and the tubes and everything. Okay. Okay. Are you good? I don't recommend it when you're really high. I have to know. Are you good at wheelies? I can do wheelies on my bike. Yeah. Like for how long? How long? I mean, I'm not going from miles and miles and miles now, but I get up 12 o'clock like straight up. Yeah. Okay. You're better than me. Yeah. Yeah So what is what's the thought process like because I've always you see stuff in media
Starting point is 00:51:09 That's like oh someone does meth and then they take apart a clock radio and put it back together I mean, it's like laser focus like you're super hyper focused on whatever whatever task you were doing What's the thought went like after you put the the piece of your bike back on for like the ninth time, what is the thought as you're driving where you're like, this isn't going to do got to do it again? Right. Because then I'll drive it and do it. And then my buddy would get on and do it.
Starting point is 00:51:34 And then we we would compare our analysis of how it handled or how it came out felt when it came down and stuff like that. Yeah. Okay. Are you doing more meth throughout this? Like it doesn't last. How long does it last? See, that's a big misconception.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Like people who have never done it, don't think it's like coke where you got to keep doing it over and over and over again. Like people say, like if they do coke, they want to bump. And then like 30 minutes later, they're like, Oh, I got to do another bump. I guess not true with meth, but people do that anyway. Yeah anyway yeah it's a and then you get so whacked out are you are you smoking it or you know I was part of an organization that would you only allowed to sniff it or drink it you're not allowed to smoke it or shoot it okay what about extreme what's. Less addictive that way? Less extreme?
Starting point is 00:52:25 What's that? Less addictive that way? Less extreme? I don't know. We say you just can't trust a junkie, which is weird because people say, well, you can sniff coke and sniff meth. I go, yeah, but have you ever seen a crackhead? They smoke crack.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Have you ever seen somebody who smokes meth? That's where you see the people with the faces of meth where they have no teeth And they have the sores all over their faces and yeah, so it's more powerful taking it that way Once they start smoking it and then they start shooting it then it's just you know Why did you stores on their faces like what is happening? You know what it is is um? They feel like something they had like a mark or something and they'll just constantly feel like something that they had a mark or something and they'll just constantly they'll obsess on it worse and they just sit there and scratch like i do that with people sometimes yeah oh yeah like i had a buddy of mine he would he would literally not he would pluck his face with a pair of tweezers and he would pluck like each individual whisker out
Starting point is 00:53:24 that's awesome yeah because he was like try to shape his beard What's uh, what's some of the like when you're fixated on it in the moment if it's like a stupid or ridiculous thing to be Fixated on does part of you know that like as you're putting on the piece of the bike for the 18th time Part of you is like this is kind of ridiculous or is it just like, no, you're so zoned in. You're so zoned in, you're just locked on it. And usually it's somebody who will come by. I remember one time I was looking for a screw. I was at my buddy's house up in Massachusetts in Salem.
Starting point is 00:53:57 And I'm in my buddy's driveway and I lost the screw on what is called like a brake sending switch So when you hit your brake pedal when it goes through the master cylinder would push this and would make the brake light come on So I had taken a little tiny brass screw out and I dropped it and I was like fuck You know, it's an asphalt driveway. I literally sat in his driveway for three days It's going on my hands and knees, like looking like. And then after the third day he comes out he goes, Matt, he goes, what are you looking for? I go to fucking sendage switch school and he goes, oh, this one right here.
Starting point is 00:54:33 And he bends down, he picks it up. Oh my God. I'm wanting to kill him. Yeah, that's the whole time. But they let me, literally every morning he would open up his bedroom window out of his house and he'd look out and he goes, how you doing Mr. Rodel? I go, I'm all right. They let me literally every morning he would open up his bedroom window out of his house and he'd look out and he goes, how you doing Mr. Rodel? I go, I'm all right. He goes, you find it? I'm like, nope. Are you sleeping in the driveway? No, no sleep.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Oh, you're just, yeah, he's on one. No sleep. How are you searching at night time? Just a flashlight. Oh yeah. And this whole time you're just, then you would start, then you would start saying, well, where can I find a brass screw? And then you'd like, look at doorknobs and you try like take a door out of a doorknob and see if that screw fits and oh, so you just, then you get creative after a while. Yeah. You drop the doorknob screw and now you got to just another three days. You think that's my buddy. I swear to God one time I had to go to California for a meeting and, um, I fly
Starting point is 00:55:31 out to California and leave my buddy in the house and I come back a week later and he's still in the same spot. But the intercom, we lived in an apartment at the time. The intercom was taken out of the wall and every single stereo component was taken out of the rack and dismantled and Laid on the floor and I'm listening. I look at him. I'm like, what's up, Joe? He's like nothing So I just look around I go How was your week? He's like it was pretty good. I said, oh I go What's going on I go what what's all the stuff out for?
Starting point is 00:56:05 He goes, I was looking for a screw for my knife. He literally took the entire electronics apart looking for a screw to fit in his knife hardware store. It might've been the first place. But he's not thinking that way. No, that's that week long meth binge. Is that the man three days looking for a screws? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:30 So you're not eating, you're not sleeping. Nothing just and how I've stood in front of a desk in my house looking on something on my phone and somebody like, Hey, do you want something to drink? I'm like, yeah, pick me up a Gatorade and they come in and bring the Gatorade and put it right in front of me. And you could come back 12 hours later. I'd still be standing in the same spot looking at something on my phone and the Gatorade would be there untouched.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Cause you're just just zoned in on what you're doing on what I was, whatever I was looking for on the, on the, on the phone. So when it finally does come down, like the high, are you just exhausted and famished? Yeah. See, I, through the years you learn to eat and rest. We call it fake sleep. How do you think? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:19 We call it fake sleep because like when we're on the road, we would call it. I call them like, yo, how many cracks are in the hotel ceiling? You have to, once you're up for so long, like your body's going to start aching because you're so tense. Like you're tensed up, your legs, you're locking your legs and you stand there. You're not moving. So I call it fake sleep. So you lay down just to let your body rest
Starting point is 00:57:50 But your mind still going a bazillion miles a minute and you have to force yourself to eat Because he sounds great. Yeah, nothing. Yes, right sounds like a good What's the good part of miss what yeah like what this isn't fun so far like what's the good part? Oh, I mean it's it's I don't know You got experience Let me send you some He's having a lot of fun while he's doing these oh, yeah It was having a fucking time. You enjoyed looking at the screw for three days. No that much. I didn't like that I like that too much
Starting point is 00:58:24 But I was obsessed with it. Like I had to find it. I feel like a puzzle would be like the best, right? Like, like one of those big five. A lot of people will do like to do goes and they'll do crossword puzzles and let's find the words. People call crazy video games probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:43 People obsess on that do I mean It's not too different from Adderall I mean it's a little different, but you ever see people on Adderall that just like binge out on it, and they're fucking yeah They're all keep a type of deal. I think it's really similar I mean after both amphetamines. Yeah, I mean Maddie has done both. I'm sure so it's you know what believe it I've only done that once I Love that. Oh, that was great. So you did that or I mean now See, let me ask you a question. Does the Adderall do you get Adderall dick on that? I
Starting point is 00:59:18 Take like like Cialis daily 30. So I would yeah, but I'm saying I don't make you dick drink up Like like Cialis daily 30. So I would yeah, but I'm saying I don't make your dick drink up Well, I take the Cialis which would counteract and anything. Okay, I'm saying I think I haven't had any issues with that I haven't taken average does not get hard or what is it? What does that all do? It's like you're not gonna get hard as yeah, you just it just fucking shrivels up man From what i've told and I thought it just made it so you lasted forever and you couldn't finish. It's kind of like like that's one thing that it says they say Adderall it makes your dick fucking like shrivel up to like a fucking elevator button. OK, OK.
Starting point is 01:00:00 But but meth does not do that. Oh, you know, it's weird cuz man you have sex is like a man It's I mean when you finally do have an or like when you finally do come. Oh my god the intensity You know, it's it's ridiculous because you've been involuntarily edging kind of oh, yeah How long does it take to come on when you're fucking with like and you're fully amped up on math? Oh, you go for what? I mean talk about marathon sex. I remember I was screwing this girl and 27 hours had passed and we've never left the room bedroom In hours. Yeah a lot. Did she want that like she's on meth also
Starting point is 01:00:46 Alarm clock apart to protect. I think when we actually had left the room... She found a screw. Yeah, and it was like, we were like, how long were we fucking? She was like, what day is it? I'm like, it's Monday. And it had literally been 27 hours. I was like what day is it? I'm like, it's Monday and it really been 27 hours. I Was a cat damn that's That's a lot that is
Starting point is 01:01:11 P diddy style lubricant to get in a session like oh, yeah bottles, you know Baby oil what's the hangover like it's over 100 gallons by the way like For four years, I'd say for like 11 years straight, I probably had to do like six in one. I'd stay up for six days and sleep for one. Not. Yeah. Like in the height of my body can do that.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Like, like if you are, no, I, I, I know how I am. And it's crazy that like with those chemicals, you can just go, go, go, go. Yeah. How old are you, Maddie? I'm 52. I'm 51. Yep. There you go.
Starting point is 01:01:53 I was born in 1972. Yeah, 73. So there's no so you don't even really feel the hangover effect of the six days. No, because I mean you're just out. You could sleep like a regular eight hours and you're like good as normal. So you were just on that schedule for years and then like, you know, on the day you rested. I'd say 90% of the time in that 11 year span was like six and one.
Starting point is 01:02:20 So let me ask you this. I think of meth as like a cheap drug, like 20 bucks to get going or something. Is it like that really? Well, considering the amount that you need to get high for a sustained period of time, like it used to be, right now it's super, super cheap. I mean, ridiculously cheap. Like, because the open borders, Mexico has just literally flooded the market.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Finally, I didn't do anything right. So you can get like an ounce of like 500 bucks. And how long will an ounce last? Oh my God. I can make a brand last like a week. Oh, I don't speak drugs. How many grams are in an ounce? 28.
Starting point is 01:03:03 28. Okay. I'm sorry, I an out? 28? 28. Everyone else knew. And ounce is a six month continuous supply. Yeah, if you don't get deep in the bag. What if you just keep going and then you lose and you just we call getting deep in the bag. Yeah, I do that sometimes. What are signs that you get deep in the bag Pringles don't get me started
Starting point is 01:03:29 Over your 11 years of doing that what was Kind of an indicator to you when you were on a bender that you were too deep in the bag Like what would have to happen for you to be like, oh, we're going a little too far this time Normally you wouldn't Somebody somebody that was close. You would probably check you. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Someone else smoking meth or no, no, no, no smoking or drinking. Yes. Drinking it sounds just totally different rush too. Cause I would write across country and stuff and you don't want to you put it in your drink and shake it up and leave it there so if you get pulled over you don't have to worry about he's not gonna the cops not gonna drink your drink he's not gonna get iterated in the water yeah smart i didn't know you could drink it because he's not gonna smell it he's not even yes it's water it's uh water soluble so you drink it and have get it i mean it takes
Starting point is 01:04:23 longer it processes through your liver yeah it uh it's a totally differentble. So you drink it and have it. I mean, it takes longer. It processes through your liver. Yeah, it's a totally different rush. And that one isn't your you prefer snorting to. Yeah, I like it's like it's like the people who smoke it, they get addicted to like the ritual of going to get it and then get in their pipe and they're like the whole ritual of getting high. Is they get addicted to that whole thing.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Did it ever get too crazy when you were around people smoking meth and you had to get out of there? I was never around people who smoked it a couple of times. I mean, you know, going through different suppliers, like there was a bunch of Filipinos that I used to deal with. They used to smoke the shit out of it. But I could never, I could never, you know, it was against the rules of the organization I was with. Okay. Did you ever have any close run ins with the law in the middle of a drinking meth
Starting point is 01:05:17 or snorting? Oh yeah. I've had a, I was going through the Lincoln tunnel one day. I was going to meet some Filipinos to go get some meth and I'd probably been up for about five or six days and I was going to meet my Filipino meth guy. And you're driving. No, I was on my motorcycle. Yeah. I was driving. I'm silly my motorcycle. Yeah, I was driving. Silly me, right? Motorcycle for you. He's a little hot.
Starting point is 01:05:46 In. Yeah, you always ride high. What kind of bike I have to know? I have a Dyna Superglide Sport FX DX. And you wheelie that? Yeah, yeah. Okay, wow. They're hard.
Starting point is 01:06:01 They're harder to wheelie than other bikes. You gotta be focused. Well, I mean. He's good at this. No one else appreciates this but me. This buckler can wheelie, man. Wow, they're hard harder than we leave in other bikes you got to be focused This is like what he's version of the grams in a What he's like you guys don't get it it's But I'm sorry you're going to your Filipino math I was going to my connect and I was going through the Lincoln tunnel and the traffic was just ridiculous. So you know, I'm cutting, splitting lanes and there was a cop there and he throws his
Starting point is 01:06:35 nighttime and pulls me over. So he asked for a license registration. I have a reputation with the state police in New York. That's not a nice guy. But that's like more up in Westchester. I'm from Westchester. So I'm in the city there. What is it? The Bridge and Tunnel Authority. So it's not like a regular cop. It's the... Port police or something?
Starting point is 01:07:06 I'm missing that too. I don't know if it's the Port Authority. It may be the Port Authority. Whatever it is, the Bridge and Tunnel Police. I don't really consider them real police, but they lock you up. But they do have arrest authority. Yeah, they do have arrest authority. I mean, they think they're policemen.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Yeah, exactly. Go garden bridge. I mean, they think they're policemen. Yeah, exactly. Go garden rage. It's so, um, I get it. I get into this big argument and shouting, screaming match and you know, he has like three other cars pull up and they, none of them they're intimidated because I'm acting like a maniac to come up and approach me. So then, you know, I'm asking for all their IDs and all their badge numbers and
Starting point is 01:07:44 all, like like just like This is going back What happened? maybe 2011 2012 so maybe 10 12 years ago that was and It was before like all these order guys, but So I just rip into this guy, and I'm like what the fuck you give me a ticket for it It's like oh you passed on the right I Was a that's a real fucking lane fucking reason to fucking stop me
Starting point is 01:08:07 He was you know what you were doing. I said yeah, I know the fuck I was doing Fucking splitting lanes. He ain't get fucking hit man. I appreciate your riding talent either. It's just me. No he didn't Telling you I should have really right through the fucking tunnel on him. Yeah, you should how did a cop catch you? tunnel on them yeah you should how did a cop catch you tunnel that's a perfect way cops can't do what you can do no like this block Yeah. Oh, I didn't think of that. I guess I just called forward. I just made things worse for myself. I'm not being the radio. There's a note of meth wheelieing to you at 35,000 hours. Any other defining characteristics that should do it?
Starting point is 01:08:55 Just a blue hat barely hanging on in the wind. Yeah, his meth hat's blown away. So did they arrest you for that or they just told you to keep it? No, they didn't even give me a ticket. What? After you cursed at them? I've screamed. I ripped him a new asshole. And you didn't get a ticket? No. I have one state trooper. He wrote a book not too long ago called The Thruway Trooper.
Starting point is 01:09:20 I get about almost a whole chapter in his book. There's a book called throughway trooper. Shameless lions. He ended up getting fired from the state police for missing drugs in a, in a case from the evidence locker. And he ended up suing him getting like $9 million. So he wrote a book about his like tenure as a state trooper. So then, uh, I, I, I know a state trooper, he was like,
Starting point is 01:09:46 hey, read this book, he goes, it's all about you in this one section. What stories did he recall about you? Oh, he's talking about times he had pulled me over, he got me with this, that, another thing. I mean, one time he pulled me over, I thought it was my buddy coming up behind me. He goes, I had to do 147 miles an hour to catch you. I said, if I knew it was you coming, I would have kept going, you wouldn't have ever called me. I was he goes I had to do 147 miles an hour to catch you. I said if I
Starting point is 01:10:06 knew it was you coming I would have kept going you wouldn't have a call me. That was a going up to Woodbury Commons I was getting off exit 16 at 17 North. So this is one of the Westchester. If I go 147 you can't catch me that's what you're saying. Well he said he had to do 147 to catch me. But when I saw the car coming up, I just seen the headlights. I had somebody following me in the car. So I'm thinking who the hell is going to be flying up on me this fast? I said, it's got to be my buddy. So I slowed down and then he came so fast. He put his lights on, I was like, fuck. So I see, like, often online, my police videos, I see a lot of people on meth getting violent and being like,
Starting point is 01:10:50 like the cops can't communicate. Oh, I've, I've, I've, I've had a few instances of assaults on police officers. Oh no. Have you ever been paid? Is that why they don't like you in Westchester? Yeah, I've, I've had a few. I blinded one of those guys from Bridget tunnel No, I got one I got one what a cop he was a charged with assault to Assault would intend to cause physical injury to an officer
Starting point is 01:11:21 Yeah, it sounds serious. He said he blew his knee out trying to take me in the custody You probably actually I've had it it I mean I've had fights inside professional institutions with ZOs and on the street. So Okay, it's the longest into you ever had in a correctional institution. I did 40 46 months in the feds. That's four years. Yeah No, that's a long time. Yeah, was that one of the assaults on the cop? I was a felon in possession of a firearm gun charge. Oh, I got caught in Virginia with a pistol Yes, if I have to be in a felon already Okay, so they tagged you for that. You only got four years. Yeah Did they send it to you to like ten and you did for like how no no no I got a
Starting point is 01:12:03 Actually, I got 33 months and then I got two violations I had another 16 months added on what were the violations while you were in there no on a street like I got out I did my my sentence and then I had a post supervision supervised release yep and I violated that twice they gave me 12 months and 10 months. What kind of violations? I had nightmares about what he's describing. Like, I don't I don't mean like, you know, I was worried about it. I mean, I literally would go to sleep and I would have nightmares
Starting point is 01:12:34 about what he's describing about accidentally fucking up my post. Like, oh, you post supervision. Oh, my God. I would have nightmares where I accidentally did drugs without thinking about the drug test that was to come I have one dream where like I can't remember what movie character but some villain like Jeremy Irons from a fucking movie or whatever Like ran up to me and smeared it was like it looked like a like the tar. Hey, what's going on? Adding practice on my neck and I was like, what is that? He went it's drugs
Starting point is 01:13:01 and ran away Stupid way. My brain. I was, you were on the FET, you were in the FETs. Yes, I did. What do you got with your number? You had oh wow. Five four number Kyle.
Starting point is 01:13:15 I want to know. I'm sure I have a number somewhere on some paperwork. Uh, I did. Yes. I got sentenced, uh, for, for marijuana and they made it a federal case. Long story short Wow, and I had to plead to intent with with possession with intent to distribute Yeah, there's a bunch of gun charges that I didn't want to like take to trial because they had all these mandatory
Starting point is 01:13:35 No, they have a 98% conviction rate because 98% of people cop out. Yeah. Yeah, it's scary. It was like out. Yeah. Yeah. It's scary. It was like, so I got two months is what the fucking judge gave me in the nice. So I go to this federal fucking prison camp in Alabama, and the middle of August for two goddamn months with like, yeah, and you have to do 60 days because anything under a year you got to do day for day no good time. Whole time you do 60 days because anything under a year you got to do day for day. No good time The whole time you do 60 days I love the knowledge that people who have been in
Starting point is 01:14:10 Yeah, just the inciting knowledge they have about prison and the system is what you have five years post two years post What would you have? I think two Two years. Yeah, I think time on account time on the street don't count either So when you get violated they violated me on my last fucking day. Oh, but for what? Fucking cuz they I had what they call a non-associated like I wasn't allowed to talk to other Hell's Angels While I was on supervised release Cuz I'm a Hell's X Hell's Angel
Starting point is 01:14:38 Hmm, and I had a similar like condition. It was just like crime. Yeah, so something like that I had a buddy of mine that was also in the feds he was in Raybrook, so I got out before him he had still like two more years to do and You know you call me once a month and I would send him money put it on his books and stuff So they I go into my pro my PO and I go, you know, it's my last day So he pissed test me. I said fuck you pissed test me on my last day for. I was like, what could you do? Two o'clock in the afternoon on my last day. So I go, so I go piss and he comes up clean.
Starting point is 01:15:12 I go to start walk to his office and he goes, no, no, no. He goes, we gotta go in the conference room. And I'm like, no, no, I'm from, so I said, oh shit. So I go in there. I see like the head of the Southern district in New York. He's got, he's in there. My PO's partner in there. I see like the head of the southern district in New York. He's got a He's in there my my PO's Partners there and he goes, you know, I said I know this guy
Starting point is 01:15:31 I know who that so who the fuck is this guy and they go this is so special agent I can't remember fucking name. It was he goes, you know, unfortunately Yeah, they FBI provided us some information today that You know if you want to talk to this guy go talk to him I said you do know I went to trial right I Said the most you can give me is 12 months on a violation I'm like I was looking at 10-year statutory maximum I go you think I'm gonna cooperate now because you scare me with 12 months get the fuck out of here
Starting point is 01:16:00 I said I go what is it so I said am I being, what is it? So I said, am I being charged with a new crime? And he goes, No, he goes, but we've had 27 recorded phone conversations with and I'm waiting for them to say somebody a friend of mine's name who I was talking to on the street. And he go one Mark, and I won't say his last name, buddy Mark. And I go, I said, how the fuck is non association? I said, the fuck is non-association I said he's in great brook correctional facility I go how can I associate with
Starting point is 01:16:29 him you're like well he called you I said well I don't control who calls you I said I don't control who calls me goes no but you got to press one to accept the call mmm so they violated me for 27 phone conversations Jesus Christ and a whole nother year get another year on the phone. Oh, yeah Holy shit, so I went and did that I came back and then when I went back to his office the report after I got out See Brooklyn where P did he is that before he did he is okay? Oh you were where P did he is that horrible? I used to work for P did he Really what yeah back in the 90s like I'm sure of the baby oil Were you it was meth related? Oh
Starting point is 01:17:13 This I think this was this was when he ran that marathon he was dating Jennifer Lopez at the time and Kim poor like I would go from the studio to the lounge To his house on 813 and a half Park Avenue. Then to like his Brownstone down on 29. Like I would go all over the place and cause we did all the home automation and security systems for him. Okay. So yeah, that was pretty funny, but yeah,
Starting point is 01:17:37 wait, where, um, wait, you didn't install the hidden cameras and P did these mansions or anything? Oh, I put cameras in his house before. Not Hidden cameras and Pete Eddie's mansions or anything. Did I put cameras in his house before not? Did you had a busy fucking life just met up Talk off to the dude that must have been the worst feeling ever to be what I had to go right house one day on Christmas
Starting point is 01:18:10 You had one calls me up a Christmas morning, and's like, my bedroom TV is stuck on Nickelodeon. And I'm like, yo, it's Christmas. He goes, you gotta come down. So I tell him I gotta charge him for a service call on a holiday. So he don't care. So I go down there and I fixed the TV stuff for him. But then I end up having to put Quincy, which is an Albie Shores kid And Justin were there and I gotta put their Christmas to I'm having to put their Christmas toys together I'm like I gotta get out of here, man. It's crazy
Starting point is 01:18:33 But I don't think he was like that freaky yet That's the dark side Just after Biggie Smalls died and stuff. Oh, okay. I think he was doing, maybe he wasn't doing it. It was like the mid-90s, like 96, 97, 98. Okay. Because I used to see Jennifer Lopez, and he had Daddy's House, which was 321 West 44
Starting point is 01:18:57 Street. That's where his recording studio was. And then he had a lounge that we had built for him. So I was always in the lounge, you know, working on something. And she was always in there. And then I'd go to his house to see his wife. I was crazy. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:19:12 Yeah. Do you think he's innocent? Oh, I don't know. I don't wish anyone prison. But if you fuck with underage kids, I got nothing for you. Yeah, that's fair. I mean, if you're if you're adults, you're over 18, you're over 21, whatever your age, you want to consider an adult or consent.
Starting point is 01:19:31 As long as you're a consenting adult, I don't care what you do. But I've seen some crazy shit with people done. Read what's that? Yeah. Like whatever people's kinks are, as long as they're consenting adults rock on. I don't know what you do. Did you ever come across people with odd kinks are, as long as they're consenting adults, rock on. I don't care what you do. Did you ever come across people with odd kinks in the meth world? I feel like those would almost go hand in hand sometimes. Um, a lot of darker things come out of people.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Like people, like people are willing to have like multiple, multiple people. I've seen first cousins do things together. Like, Oh yeah. I don't like that. Yeah. I said, you guys, you guys have definitely put the new term to kissing cousins. You kiss both sets of lips. Like oh yeah, I don't like that Put the new term to kissing cousins because both lips Yeah, I wanted to ask when you were in prison I think that was probably concurrent with your Hells Angel days
Starting point is 01:20:18 Did this did that connection with the Hells Angels make prison much easier like you already had people to associate with um I? had with the Hells Angels make prison much easier like you already had people to associate with? Um, I had gone to prisons that had zero Hells Angels in them, except for me. Oh, that kind of sucks. At the end of the day, you're a man, and you got to walk through the door by yourself, walk out by yourself. In prison. Does it, does it, do people give you a little bit more respect? I guess maybe, but respect's got to be earned. Sure.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Like, you know, I mean, I'm not not just gonna respect somebody because you could be a Hells Angel and be a piece of shit you could be an outlaw be a piece of shit be a pagan be a piece of shit you know I went from my case was out of Virginia so I did I was in a local jail in Virginia then I went from there I went to the Harrisburg airlift from there I went to Lewisburg penitentiary USP Lewis then I went from there and went to the Harrisburg Airlift, from there I went to Lewisburg, Penitentiary, USP Lewisburg, I went from USP Lewisburg to FCI Allenwood, and that's where I did the majority of my time. Where's Allenwood at? What's down there?
Starting point is 01:21:16 Allenwood is in Pennsylvania. Okay, was that like, could your people visit you there, or was it too far? What was that? Could your people visit you? Oh yeah, yeah. Okay. It's actually closer than some of the prisons in New York. Was it too far? What was that? And your people visit you? Oh, yeah. Yeah, okay It's actually closer than some of the prisons in New York Yeah, I know sometimes they'll put people like way the fuck like if they don't like you
Starting point is 01:21:33 They'll throw you out and fucking Oregon or something. Yeah. Yeah, that's if you're a hard-rought, you know, you get that diesel therapy You just know what that means bounce your rap from jail to jail Okay in the bus yeah Bounce your rap from jail to jail to jail to prison to prison. Oh, okay in the bus. Yeah. Yeah People go to prison bus from like Virginia to Florida what happens? I'm like, I'm so bitch-made I wouldn't do You're just put in as it in transit so nobody knows where you are you're not getting any of your mail Nothing's following you like Your money's all screwed up. Because once you get to a place, you're only going to be there for a day, too.
Starting point is 01:22:09 You can't buy commas or anything. Got no real clothes, no real food. Yeah. So you're going from local jail to local jail, local jail, to hold'em facility to hold'em facility to hold'em facility. Was it easy to get drugs in the prison? Like, if you wanted to smoke meth? I did coke in MDC Brooklyn. I don't know why.
Starting point is 01:22:30 It was crazy. I shouldn't have done it. Because I was like, now what? I got no more. Oh yeah. They gave me the two minute signs, fellas. So I got two minutes. Before you got to do your show.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Regardless, we got to get you back on again because you're just a well-spread. Brian, he can give you my information. Yeah. Or Gavin. Okay. Sweet. Yeah. I'll mess with Ryan.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Oh, and my house from Gavin's house is 1.6 miles. A little over a mile. That makes it feel safe. Yeah. No, last time they were like, does he really live that close to Gavin? So I had to go on the map. 1.6. They were like, does he really live that close to Gavin? So I had to go on the map. 1.6.
Starting point is 01:23:11 As a final question before you have to go, uh, what made you decide to leave hell's angels and not do that anymore? I'll have to do that for the next episode. It's too long of an answer. Oh, okay. Yeah. I don't, I won't get it done in a minute and a half. I figured. Well, that's an excellent, excellent.
Starting point is 01:23:23 Either Gavin or Ryan can give it to you. Yeah. Yeah. We'll get, we'll get all that thing Okay, you got it Kyle Taylor Everybody would say Woody. He's not there but I don't know Take care of something, but he was going to get his meth meth delivery Gonna get his ketamine what he's a carrying guy not a man. Yeah, what he's on the K. Hey, oh, he's on this special Okay, mm-hmm that can mean on it mean on occasion he is well the therapy at home. You know, it's good. That's what he does guys I gotta run. I gotta do my show with Gavin. All right, take care. Thank you so much. Yep I'm gonna size these homies up here. It was great
Starting point is 01:24:01 Yeah, he didn't even get into his Diddy story. He worked for P Diddy. He talked about it very briefly. He just has too many stories. And so we were like an hour in and then an hour into stories about meth and jail. He's like, then fucking P Diddy was a friend of mine. And it's like, and also we need to, yeah, we want to get Maddie on again for a full episode and I want to get you on for a full episode Just love to you just you that would be great
Starting point is 01:24:30 This is what I call a lot of people think Rogan is the the highest echelon of podcasts. You are my Rogan Just you personally Taylor Thanks for having me on fellers yeah Thank you again. Say what going to make you even more big headed. Thanks for having me on, fellas. Yeah, thank you again. Say what up to Harley for me, too. We will. All right. I don't know when he's. Zach, can you give us a little update on Harley ETA?
Starting point is 01:24:59 I'll check now. Well, I don't know what Woody's up to. He missed a couple of hilarious tales. Who cares? That was, I don't know if there's anyone on earth that I've been more sad, have to leave the show early than Matty Methhead just now. Well, I felt like he was running out of stories and then he's like, oh yeah, then Diddy and J-Lo, her big ass everywhere. She sat in a chair one time and smelled after and I don't know. This is like, he's got all these.
Starting point is 01:25:29 I'm not, when he started talking about Diddy, it reminded me of like when, when Drifter will lead off into ghoul and goblin talk. And I'm just like, whoa, whoa, whoa. You can't just, just go to ghoul and goblin talk. You got to see like, so guys, I got to establish this beforehand. I'm a normal guy. I don't normally believe in ghouls and goblins. He's just like, yeah. So I saw a normal guy. I don't normally believe in ghouls and goblins. He's just like, yeah, so I saw a goblin the other day.
Starting point is 01:25:50 The moth man visited me. I mean, I believe him. Like someone has to fix Diddy's TV. And if he's living in New York nearby and he was the local TV man, like someone's got to do it. Yeah, why not? I was you didn't put cameras in Diddy's house, did you? Oh, yeah. Lots of cameras. More cameras than you can count in Diddy's house. Take a stick at the number of cameras. What do you say? Lousy with cameras.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Yeah, I said he was driptrashack lousy with ghosts. This is like that containment facility from Ghostbusters. No, I enjoyed him a lot. I, uh, I'm glad that I never got into meth and I don't think I ever will. It sounds scary to do. Adderall is fun though. I'm a big supporter of Adderall. I haven't liked cocaine when I've done it. I didn't like Adderall when I took it for studying in college.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Well, I don't want to do it to party. Oh, for studying like daytime. I mean, I've done Coke at parties many years ago at this point and I never got it. Many, many years. Yeah. Many years ago. How long did it have been? A coon's age. Ah, you know, like 50, 60 years ago. Yeah. I've been cocaine a few times
Starting point is 01:27:09 and I never thought too much of it. It's just like a little bit of a rush and a little bit of happiness where I would rather do, and I've never done it, It goes a waste of time. but ecstasy. I'd rather do ecstasy.
Starting point is 01:27:18 I'd like to try that. And LSD is like the king of drugs. It's the Cadillac of drugs. If I could do ecstasy once a month. I would I bet I mean LSD Yes, I mean LSD. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. LSD is the best of the best I love that experience so fucking much like seeing things that aren't there is fucking cool and there's no Like nausea and I because every other drug I've ever done like mushrooms, especially give me so much nausea it's no nausea and there's no like pity feeling the day after. The day after I was like,
Starting point is 01:27:49 I mean, I feel like I could do more LSD. I know I've read I'm not supposed to, but I could do more more LSD today. I'm up for it. If you all are, anybody? We're out? Oh, I guess I didn't want me anyway. Never mind. We can go find some though if we need it though. Yeah, that's the Coke conversation. If you ever partied with people who are way too into Coke and they'll start the night being like, we're just going to drink, smoke some weed, hang out, then go to this party and we don't need any Coke. And then the same two guys will always be like, six beers in and be like, you have a guy, you have a coke guy. And it's like, yeah, you're going to call some fucking weirdo 25 miles from here and offer him to get. I had one friend of mine who bought like, this was before a bachelor
Starting point is 01:28:36 party. He bought like an eight ball or two eight ball, like a decent amount of cocaine to bring there and share with a bunch of guys. And he said that like at the time he was kind of secretly dabbling too much in cocaine. And so he like bought the eight ball and it was like three days before the bachelor party. And he's like, and so I'd go in there and I'd take a little key and I just a little bump, just a little bit. And I'd look at the bag and I'd say that looks about the same size. And I go, that's great. And then I'd, you know, look at it again and go, then it looks about the same size again And I go, that's great. And then I'd look at it again and go, then it looks about the same size again.
Starting point is 01:29:07 I do a little key bump, bump, bump. And before I knew it, it was the same day I bought this eight ball and about a third of it was gone. And so I had to call the Coke dealer and be like, hey, do you still have any more Coke? And he's like, yes, because I'm a Coke dealer. He's like, all right, I'm gonna need more. And he's like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:29:23 How'd you go through that already? He's like, no, I didn't go through it, but I've made a very noticeable dent and I used everyone's money to buy it. And so I need to get whatever the amount is to put it back in the bag. And so then what he actually did was get an extra two, like a couple grams on the end of it so that he could do coke that private coke before leading up to bringing the coke to his own personal supply. Yeah, that's a bit of a problem. He'll be the first to admit that. He was like, yeah, those are dark days. I'm glad I don't do that anymore. Like maybe, I mean, I would do cocaine if there was cocaine,
Starting point is 01:29:59 especially if it was like special cocaine. Like if you had some sort of fancy, pure pink cocaine from Bolivia, I'd be like, yeah, I'll do your fancy pink designer cocaine from Bolivia. It's the most overrated drug on earth. That I've tried. Ecstasy is not overrated, ecstasy is fun. Cocaine overrated as fuck.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Weed, you get what you pay for, it is what it is. Is ecstasy is MDMA, right? They're the same. Did you find yourself sad and bummed afterwards? Like the- No, not really. Like it was like, had a lot of fun at the concert. Maybe the next morning I woke up and was like a little bummed out, but nothing like if you would have asked me that next morning, like, do you feel sad? I would have been like, get the
Starting point is 01:30:36 fuck out of here. What are you talking about? Like it wasn't, it's not what other people just People tell me it takes all that. Not people like the internet. It takes all the joy from the next like two or even three days and you have it that night. So you're incredibly happy, joyous, euphoria. And then half a week and you're- It's probably a volume thing.
Starting point is 01:30:54 Like if you're doing it all the time, very often, like if you, like if tonight, Woody, Jackie was like, surprise, I bought cocaine. And then you like- That woman never stops. She's got it out of, I bought cocaine. That woman never stopped. She said she's got it out of. I was at the supermarket today. When you know it, wouldn't you know Costco lady was handing out samples.
Starting point is 01:31:14 She was in the parking lot, strangely enough, and it wasn't free. But yes, if she did that and you guys did coke tonight, like you wouldn't wake up tomorrow like miserable. But if you did coke and all the time, same, right? Nope. They both like have that claim about it of like you, it soaks up all the happiness because it's just hyper driving. A lot of people aren't drinking enough water. Yeah. You should, you gotta have, Molly, you need to hydrate. That's true. But that's just because you're distracted dancing like a retard at whatever electric light show you're at. That's what I did. I never did Molly and just like stayed somewhere or like, like the
Starting point is 01:31:50 only times I did it was like it was there was a huge concert that me and my friends are going to and then I would do it. I don't know if it would be all of it was in college. So between 1922, I want to talk about how Hurricane Milton turned out to be completely bitch made. All right. And they said that that goddamn meteorologist was that meteorologist was crying. He was crying and on video like a bitch. He's like tearing up and sobbing, weeping like a woman about a guy who pulls over for cops. Yeah, that guy pulls over for fucking cops that aren't even after. It's gonna do yeah that guy pulls over for fucking cops that aren't even after He's turning himself in for speeding and shit
Starting point is 01:32:30 embarrassing it was a Thing I think it hit is like a hurricane like a category three and then immediately petered out or something dude You could bet online about the death toll but over and under was 500 two days really I was like take the under everybody take the under take the under like it's so 500 two days really I was like take the under everybody take the under take the under like it's so They could turn out to wait. I think I just read it was ten Do you have the same figure? I'm still counting, you know, right? But it may go into 500, you know, I mean, but they ain't getting to 500 I saw people They were investing in the generator company generac. It was like it was like that was the Wall Street was the Wall Street bet, because they're about to just set a lot
Starting point is 01:33:08 of fucking generators, I guess. How many people did, is it Helen, Helene? What was the first one? The most previous one that hit mostly Georgia and South Carolina and you guys, I heard a couple hundred. I thought there was like 120 like right away. So you'd think maybe 200 or something. Um, that flooding is wild, you know, like,
Starting point is 01:33:29 like especially in North Carolina and South Carolina, some of those out of the way areas that are low lying and they have those, I don't know, they weren't prepared for that kind of kind of rain. I see the flooding in Tennessee. That is not an area I think of to flood from hurricanes. That's so weird. Yeah. It's still flowing. They're about the same probably. Oh, is Asheville super inland?
Starting point is 01:33:52 Yeah. Asheville's on the most western part of North Carolina. And North Carolina is wider than you might think it is. Like you just have a mental vibe. You're like, holy shit, this thing's halfway to the Mississippi. Anyway, yeah out west there in the Appalachian Mountains, they got that's where Asheville is and they had a lot of mudslides which are troublesome to clean up after. Yeah, they can cause a lot of damage. I saw tons of clips online of people who were trying to farm engagement and being like look at all these clips of Milton arm engagement and being like, look at all these clips of Milton. And half of them I would see.
Starting point is 01:34:28 I'm like, I've seen this one. I've seen this, but I ended up just watching a bunch of them because I realized I really enjoy those. I don't want to see someone like a person get hurt or an animal or anything, but seeing buildings get destroyed or seeing a little way or stuff getting blown away. I was searching on Twitter. I'm like hurricane footage, like trying to find cool compilations. I'm messing up. All right.
Starting point is 01:34:50 I'm a gangster at this. OK, you don't want hurricane footage because it's lame hurricanes are lame. Earthquakes are cool. It's just that not earthquakes. Earthquakes are bullshit, too. Everybody wiggles a little like tornadoes. Tornadoes are cool. Omni's OK, so there are three big tsunamis 2004
Starting point is 01:35:06 indonesian tsunami okay that one killed a quarter million fucking pieces and it hit on because it's such a wide disaster area like thousands of miles wide or something that you get all this different footage of it just sweeping the earth clean of man beast and structures but then the fukujima one or whatever the one that caused the Japanese reactors to overheat, like maybe a decade ago, something like that. You can see the waves rushing through these little Japanese towns with torrential power. It looks like a Whitewater Rapids style river,
Starting point is 01:35:41 but it's going through a town. And there's people in there, like hanging on to like, you know, them little Japanese cars and shit they drive, they're just floating away like on top of them. Sometimes sometimes just getting sucked under. There's this one Japanese guy who's been going out ever since scuba diving, looking for his wife, looking for her remains.
Starting point is 01:36:02 I've seen that years and years years he's been looking for his wife's body scuba diving. Yeah. It's probably terrible at it you're thinking. What if he's just a bad searcher? What if he's really in the mess and he just can't stop looking for his wife's body? He's looking in one area. It was an asphalt ocean and I just kept looking. Once. Once I clear this 10 yard area, I'll expand to the rest of the sea, but I have to double check, triple check. There's a, there's another one too that happened between those two. Cause I remember there was this story about this, maybe an Australian school girl,
Starting point is 01:36:36 she was like the only one on the beach who recognized the signs of the tsunami and started warning people and everybody. Yeah. She got some sort of like medal of the people. Those are so silly, the civilian awards that you see people occasionally get, like the key to the city, or some bullshit bronze medallion they strap on some kid because he made a pipe bomb at school.
Starting point is 01:36:56 That's not made up. When I was a lifeguard in the ocean, we'd do these drills, right? So everyone could go out, we'd cover about probably less than a hundred yards from like the water's edge to out straight out. And we'd look for dead bodies. It was just a drill we did. And we'd all sort of like dolphin die. I've touched the bottom and,
Starting point is 01:37:13 and they had a garbage bag filled up with sand. And if anyone found it, then you know, we found that we were capable of finding zero percent of the time, four years, all of us never found that. I didn't find it. Nobody found it. There's just like 25 bags of sand down there just sitting. Damn. Yeah, we can't find bodies at all. Yeah, I would be really worried.
Starting point is 01:37:36 I always think that's bullshit in the movie. Whenever somebody goes under the water and it's like that dark murky water that you can't, like a lake or something, dude, they're gone. If you've ever gone like underwater in a lake, it might as well be mud or tar. You'd be as well have hidden that body on the moon because no one's gonna find it. The idea of swimming down underwater for like multiple strokes, like 10, 15 feet,
Starting point is 01:37:59 grabbing a guy and pulling him up, unless the water is clear, like the water would have to be so clear. You'd have to be able to see him from the surface. Oh yeah. Yeah. Lake of the Ozarks, you can kill a lot of people and throw them in there. I pulled a guy up once, but he wasn't hard to find at all.
Starting point is 01:38:13 Like he was just on the surface a few seconds earlier. Yeah. That's awesome that you've saved all those people's lives. He was the best one. I've told his story before. Like he's the one where, one where normally I have this thing we call a can. It's like a flotation device shaped like a torpedo almost.
Starting point is 01:38:30 I give it to him. I give him instructions to kick with their feet and I pull him in. I'm looking for a little assist. This guy held it on his chest and laid on his back the whole time. He wasn't taking instructions. He wasn't clear headed enough for any of that.
Starting point is 01:38:42 So I just- I was shocked. But the fun part was the next day, his wife and two kids came by. They were Japanese. instructions. He wasn't clear headed enough for any of that. So I just shot in, but the, the fun part was the next day his wife and two kids came by and they were Japanese. They weren't American. And with the English that they had, they all thanked me for bringing down. Give you a bow. No, I didn't get it. Oh, that's bullshit. I would have wanted, I'd have expected about,
Starting point is 01:39:02 if I save a Japanese businessman's life on a beach his family should be showing up I imagine them with lanes like I know it's not Hawaiian It's the Hawaiian and Japanese are two very different things sort of but I imagine them with like reads a flower So like lay over my head and like the medal ceremony at the end of the first Star Wars movie or whatever when when everybody's getting The medal I and I definitely want about I want to I want the little children to bow to I don't take compliment. I was just embarrassed. I was cool Bow children What if you saved him and he immediately was like I have been the humiliation
Starting point is 01:39:41 And he kills himself on the beach He hated in front of the family and he kills himself on the beach Ruin the beach that man. Yeah, I was a big made you an origami thing Well, that's nice. Yeah, I'm gonna look really embarrassed while you do it. Speaking of you saving people from drowning, I saw this video online just a couple weeks ago, and it was one of those classic, like, doesn't look dangerous pools of water, but I guess any pool of water is dangerous if you don't know how to swim. And it was this dude who was like, not clear, like not swimming, doing like that grasping at water or like not move not moving mechanically correctly,
Starting point is 01:40:29 he clearly couldn't swim. And he like got into the middle of this little water body of water and grabbed onto a giant hunk of wood that could easily support him. Two people could have come up and grabbed on this piece of giant like part of a trunk with you know, branches sticking out holding holding onto that. And then he was maybe 10, 12 feet from where he got into the water. Still don't know. There was no explanation in the video why he got in. And then he like, let's go of his own accord, and starts
Starting point is 01:40:56 doing that like grass like like Sam from Lord of the Rings where he's drowning like grabbing but ineffectively. And then this other guy comes around and before the other guy even gets in, I'm like, in my head, I'm like, I've heard this, you don't go near a drowning man, unless you know what you're doing, because you'll both drown. And there's other guys down. Yeah. He poke him.
Starting point is 01:41:15 This other guy was not a lifeguard. Like he didn't know what he was doing, I guess, but he could swim and he like swam over, grabbed the guy, like kept trying to boost him up, but the, the initial drowning guy was like a, like a tentacled monster, just like pinning the other guy's arms to him, just in panic, not maliciously, but like panicking and doing this, and both of them died. Really?
Starting point is 01:41:36 People were like filming, watching on, and I wanted to ask you, what's the right move would be to find a rope or like- Oh, well, if you can, like hand a mistake or something, that's a lot safer. But if someone's pulling you down and you're a good swimmer, just go down. You stop becoming attractive to them. I've done it dozens of times. Oh, so you just kind of make yourself... Yeah, they're like pushing me under. You're going to win that 100% of the time.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Because I'm going under... Yeah, let's go down there. It's cool. Suddenly I'll go three feet under and wait for you to calm your panicking ass down. I'll be back in a second. Okay. Well, that's see, you would have saved this man. I'll tell you what the cops do every single time they watch the dude drown every single fucking dime. I've seen it multiple times. Yeah. They're like, I mean those guns. No, they're like, what do we do? We could shoot him.
Starting point is 01:42:26 Does he have a dog we could kill? I tried tasing him, but it actually, you'd think the water would have magnified it. It's neutralized it. It just couldn't tase him at all. He just drowned out there. Now the guy, this job, I saw one of the cops chasing the guy, the guy's on a bicycle and he's doing that. They're on foot chasing. They're on a car.
Starting point is 01:42:43 They're in a car and he's in a bicycle So it's one of those chases where it's like, what are you doing? What are you doing? You know how this ends knucklehead, but there's no reason This isn't even like when you've stolen a cool car and you're like now I'm gonna get I'm gonna run the wheels off this fucking Beamer before the cops give me five years. It ain't that he's on a huffy and he's just going through some Ghetto-ass neighborhood and they're behind it with the loudspeaker Saying the obvious. Hey Stop
Starting point is 01:43:11 You don't think there's a chance There's not a chance in hell if he's fit and he's and he's good on the bike and he knows the place He needs to do things cars can't right? This was not a park We have we have a friend in common who for the few of you out there that know motorcycles he's on a drc 400 this is basically a dirt bike top speed is like 70 running from the police was a hobby for him he enjoyed it and he would tell stories and they're like i'm like how do you even outrun a cop on a drz 400 he's a guy to bust a u-turn and then when he starts making his u-turn i bust another u-turn off I go. Oh my god
Starting point is 01:43:45 Yeah, but again really guys on a bicycle. They'll go between houses. I Mean the next block is right there in any case he does goes between houses and what you know it There's a pond there. He crashes his bicycle into the pond and his first move is like no, I don't know how to swim But I'm gonna try. And he starts like, and he makes it. You don't know if you can do it until you try. You don't know if you can do it until you try. That's how I consider the harpsichord.
Starting point is 01:44:13 This guy was a believer. And this guy was an ever the optimist. I'm sure that's what they're voting is obituary. Marquez never swim a lick in his life, but he believed. He services will be this Sunday so he's out there like drowning like slapping the water and the cops like bro what come back come back to me and he's like you can't and the cop has like this rescue line or something but it looked to me like if you ever have a kite kid as a kid and you've got a spool of string that
Starting point is 01:44:46 Little thing that shaped like this the strings on he had something like that and he's getting out this it's like It's like a Batman had a gadget that didn't work real well. He like throws that thing out to him. He's like man Stick grab the rescue stick and the guy goes Goes shit grab the rescue stick and the guy goes, the cop goes, shit. And that was it. He never surfaced again. The cops at that point, I administered the tactical drowning retrieval mechanism.
Starting point is 01:45:14 It's like, you mean the string with the hook on the end? You threw a hook at the man drowning? The cop didn't even get his shoes wet. How deep was, like, how far was the guy from the shoreline? That's the question I'm trying to ask. 20 feet, 30, less than 30. Like, like, like, like, like if you did a running jump and got that, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:33 And then one stroke, like one good, but maybe like a pop pop and you'd be on him. Like it's about 45 feet is as far as they let them go. They surface on purpose. Yeah. It's a pond. So, you know, you, you probably weighed weighed out for the first like three or four steps You weighed out it wasn't like one of those weird Bahama sinkholes where it goes from 30 feet to like 300 feet
Starting point is 01:45:57 I see did he right there it was oh he dry out drowned to death right there is the cop What the cop went shit as he died. Like that was it. Then the video goes, oh, he recovered his body three hours later. We called him the blah, blah, blah. And it's like, shit, what were you thinking, Marquez? Seeing someone drown to death is like the maybe it's because I know how to swim. But swimming is so intuitive in a lot of ways where it's like you push against the water in the direction you want to go and so if you're trying to do that you don't have your hands splayed apart you'd cup it so that you can push better you'd...
Starting point is 01:46:32 We float. We're born with it. Yeah we float like seeing someone drown is just... All you have to do is lean back and you and if you do that trick and relax you can do that thing where you take your jeans off and blow them up you tie the legs and knots and blow them up with air when they're wet put it it behind your neck. Do the same thing with your shirt. Zip it up. It can become a relaxing day in any body of water that you're in, especially saltwater. There's no excuse for drowning. It's extra buoyant. So that's like, you see someone drown to death and it's like,
Starting point is 01:47:00 you just want to reach through the screen and be like, just do what you're doing better. I'm not a strong swimmer, but I'm not a drowner either. I'm never going to drown. No. When I was learning to swim, it wasn't as obvious for me as it seemed to be for you guys. I learned to swim underwater first so I could like go places, but only for like 50 to 20 seconds. And if I didn't finish swimming in a place where I could like hold a wall, I was fucked. And I got rescued by a lifeguard. That's how I learned to swim was just like jumping off the diving board and
Starting point is 01:47:32 then struggling to get to the side with my, you know, with the guard, my dad, you did. You do swim lessons, Kyle. I didn't do swim lessons. We had a pool. It was just like dad throwing you in and like, no, but face down paddle. Actually, I know I take it back. I went to like one swim lesson and it quickly became clear that like,
Starting point is 01:47:56 I know how to swim as well as I'm going to learn how to swim here. I think it was for my sister actually, cause she was always falling in and drowning. Like, she fell into a river once and was like floating away. And I was like, look out, they had to go get her. And then she fell in the pool one time and was drowning and they had to be like, she's drowning and they had to get her. Um, but,
Starting point is 01:48:14 but I could swim from like four or five years old. They were like, had me in the pool. It's like all the time. Yeah. I had to do it. I'm not a strong swimmer by any means, but I'm not a drowner either. Did you do swim lessons at the YMCA daily? It was like at a local school's gym. It wasn't my school. I still, I can put my, can it's like one of those scents that's very strongly tied to memory. It's like if I walked into that chlorine infested room, it like it would all, they probably, I think I've torn that school down in scents, but yeah,
Starting point is 01:48:44 I had to do like maybe two years of that. And then I would swim so much, not at the lessons that my parents just were like, yeah, it doesn't matter. When I was in college, my breath mint of choice was dentine and I swear if I smelled of dentine and chlorine right now, Jackie would get wet. There's an uncontrollable Pavlonean response. Chlorine and fucking mint.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Do I smell gentine? Oh, I'm going to do my hair tonight. It's my smell. Don't take it. That should be your Axe body spray. I watched a great movie last night. I want to like anybody listening to this. This is a Kyle pick This is this goes up there with with my right down strange
Starting point is 01:49:32 Darling, it's on Plex. I added it to the Plex weeks ago on purpose because I heard good things I don't want if you google too much. You'll learn too much and it won't be as fun of a ride. It's about 90 minutes. And it's, it's just a couple. It's a, it's a man and a woman and crazy shit is happening. You probably won't care about this part, but they shot it on 35 millimeter film. So it had, and it's a, it's, it's a little artsy. So like, I mean, like what I guess, as far as the view, they didn't use a digital camera. They they shot it on 35 millimeter film So like the big reel of for a film being exposed. It's a okay It means it is too many takes because the film's expensive Yeah, that's what that is. You describe this as a drama a mystery. Oh, it's like an action
Starting point is 01:50:20 Tarantino style like It says roller coaster ride. Is it scary? There's some scary elements to it. Like there's some fucked up crazy shit happening. There's violence. There's like car chases and gun shootouts and weird scary shit.
Starting point is 01:50:38 And you're not going to know what's going on for a while. And that's a good thing. You won't be confused. You'll just be involved. And it's really pretty to look at. Like you'll notice right away that there's a lot of use of color to sort of indicate what the characters are thinking or doing or what's going on. There's a lot of like gel lighting, which is like neon lights for for movie lighting, lots of blues and reds and yellows. I loved it.
Starting point is 01:51:07 I watched it last night, I think, or the night before with my girlfriend, and I was just blown away. I loved it so much. We got we've watched a bunch of movies that were so so recently. I thought the Wolverine Deadpool movie was just average at best. It was just OK. And but we got done with this one and we were both like, that was awesome. That was the best movie I've seen in a long, long time. It was really fun,
Starting point is 01:51:32 really wild, and really violent. I liked it a lot. Strange, darling. What would you compare it to? What would you compare it to? It has one of those out of order timelines. So there's a little bit of a little bit like pulp fiction or something how it's the story's told out of order. They do like do that thing where they're like chapter three. The empty box and so like you you realize right away that yeah, so but you begin at like chapter four. And then you go back to chapter one and then you go back to chapter three and then to five and then to two and so they tell the story in this way where
Starting point is 01:52:10 you're learning what's going on and getting the better perspective about the events that are occurring and why they're occurring uh i i really liked it i can't i can't pump it up enough i've been looking for horror movies though i you know it is the spooky season. I've been looking for horror movies though. It is the spooky season. I've been looking for some actually good horror movies. I don't like them, but the Terrifier movies are about that crazy clown who is really gory. Those are not good. There's none of the buildup scare that I got from... I always get Sinister and The Conjuring mixed up. I think the conjuring is the one I'm thinking of the one that's really good.
Starting point is 01:52:49 Is that correct? Yeah. Yeah. The conjuring is very good. The conjuring does a nice buildup. The mood changes. It doesn't rely too heavily on jump scares. The sinister does have some jump scares, but not that it's negative, like a jump scare
Starting point is 01:53:00 every once in a while is really nice, but I don't want them to rely on it. Exactly. And I don't want them to be, I hate fake fake outs. I hate like three fake outs in a row. And then the ghoul is there. I hate the CGI faces that they did for so long. All that crap ain't scary. The conjuring like hits all the right beats. When they're playing that clap game,
Starting point is 01:53:20 like the little kid goes and hide, they play hide and seek. And when the mom claps, the kid has to clap to like Make the game interesting because the cat the house is so big and then she realizes she's the kids outside She's been playing the clap game with Something else that's in the house You know, she's been playing this clap game for a while and then she get outside and it's like oh no
Starting point is 01:53:42 Who we clapping with right and she's and I think she's like in the back of a like a wardrobe or a closet where it's like, Oh no, who are we clapping with? Right. And she's, and I think she's like in the back of a, like a wardrobe or a closet where it's like really dark back behind the clothes where she just heard the most recent clap. It seems like that are very, very scary. It's very spooky. I like that kind of stuff. Even when I, when I first watched that movie and she was describing like, we're in this big giant scary fucking house and we're going to play this clapping game where our claps can echo across the ceiling And I'm like, this is the scariest fucking game I wouldn't want to play this as a young kid. He's got a sketchy ass basement No, that's a very good scary movie and I think it's because the performances are all believable
Starting point is 01:54:19 And and like normal the kids are all good actors Like if you have bad kid actors, it immediately ruins the movie all those little girls are Believable good the main guy's good main guys the guy from a band of brothers and office space and all that shit I can't think of his name. Oh, yeah, he's like the every man. He's a truck driver or something So he's always like not home. So the ghosts are terrorizing his kids He's the main guy we talked about strange darling or the conjuring conjuring conjuring. So this one. Yeah. But yeah, there's so few. I was going to say about the terrifying though.
Starting point is 01:54:49 The third one is at the Cannes Film Festival, I think. And it's it's one of like two films ever that they've given an 18 or over rating there. Like I think in France, maybe you can't see it unless you're 18 or older or something. It's and I know what it's going to be. He's just dissecting people alive like he's just that's all those movies are, him just viciously ripping people apart in these extended violent gory sequences of suffering and fear. And I watched I think I watched the beginning of the second one, like the first scene is him like
Starting point is 01:55:24 beating a man's face in with like a medical hammer or something. And I was like, all right, I've got it. All right, I'm done. Yeah, I don't I can't do 90 minutes of this. I think I watched like half of the first terrifier and was just like this is this is lazy horse shit. It's like, oh, I will put the scary movie where it's like, it's just a clown and he beats people to death. And it's like, okay, but what's like the scary mood? And it's like mood. What do you mean? Every scene is just ham handedly him beating someone to death. And we show it for way too long. The stick, the stick, big part of it is that art, the clown is just kind of walking around on Halloween. And so he's clearly like way too scary to even look at. He's so scary to look at. It's like, man, I know it's Halloween and everything.
Starting point is 01:56:08 Bring up a picture, if you can, Zach, of the beginning of the movie where he's walking around and there's like normal cat eared girls dressed up. And it's him who is literally demonic. He's like he's so scary that he's so scary that even on Halloween, if you saw him out, you'd be like, let's go. Yeah. 100%. I remember it's one of those stupid horror movie tropes where the girls are like, your
Starting point is 01:56:32 costume's so scary. We're taking selfies with him and shit. It's like you're looking at him and this is a costume. The best case scenario for this guy is he's a lunatic. Best case scenario. Yeah. Either this guy is in the best case scenario for this guy is he's a lunatic. Best case scenario. This guy is in the movie industry or he's in the murder industry. Terrifier is the movie. Terrifier.
Starting point is 01:56:50 The terrifier clown. Art, art the clown. That's the name of the character. Yeah, I'm not into those at all. I want something. I don't mind violence. I don't love gore for the sake of gore. Like, I don't know. And the thing or something like that, where there's like all sorts of wiggly bodies coming apart and the guys
Starting point is 01:57:07 heads crawling away like a spider that's sick but I don't like seeing people get torn apart well that's the cat ear girls who were like friends with art the girls in normal costumes and they're the ones if you can go quickly to hopefully a good one of the tear I love what America's done to Halloween God I yes I mean Halloween is so fun this girls girl's dressed slutty for Halloween. Super slutty. It won't be hot forever. Do it up, Lasses. Yeah, this is the- Old man wisdom. This is the friendliest he looks in the entire- Come to Woody's house. No one comes to my house.
Starting point is 01:57:41 I have a drink of tater- He's melgentine and chlorine. Come on in. Eight years, I've never had a trick or treater. We stopped trying. You're going to be like one of these legends. People are going to be walking around the neighborhood years from now. That's old man, what was that? They say if you walk by it late at night on Halloween, you can still get a slight waft of dentine and chlorine. Oh, he went crazy in his later years.
Starting point is 01:58:04 You know, flew off into the sunset. No, no, no one knows what happened. That's probably what will happen. Dude, I- New life in South America. I beat Elden Ring today. I know I said I beat it before, but today I 100% did it. I got every accomplishment or achievement in the game. So there are three endings. In Elden Ring, if you beat the game, you can sort of prestige, play it again,
Starting point is 01:58:30 but it's harder this time. And then there's three endings. So I prestige and I beat it a third time at the next level of difficulty. And I wrapped that up today and I felt good. Like when it came up on the screen, I was like, I know I always say I'm terrible. I'm not like, I watch YouTubers,
Starting point is 01:58:46 so I know what good is and that's not me, but only 10% of the people who have the game have done this. So I don't suck. You definitely don't suck if you've beat it three times. What is, so every time you redid it, you just picked a different ending so you get to see all three? Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:01 Now I've seen all three on YouTube, but I wanted the achievement. I wanted to get all of the endings. endings you considered playing any other Dark Souls games. I Have heard things about them that make me not want to like the run back to the bosses is dreadful. There's no horse So you're just like it's a hiking simulator. That's boring That stuff turns me off Yeah, I don't know. I've never played any of those games. I remember watching Wings play them, maybe briefly, and it seemed like every encounter,
Starting point is 01:59:29 like with skeletons and stuff, was like, kind of challenging, like you had to memorize some moves and stuff, and I don't know, it seemed like the pun, it was very punishing. If you got hit once, it seemed like it was a very big deal. I've gotten to the point where I wear like light armor and stuff. Like I'm cosplaying as commenters walking through the woods and shit.
Starting point is 01:59:48 And I'm like, you know what? I've killed that guy so many times. I own every bit of his outfit. I'm going to grab a shit tier sword and a noble, like, you know, Benjamin Franklin hat and play the game and anything that hits me just one shots me, but I try not to get hit very much. Yeah. And so that's how I'm playing now. You're just too good. You're having to make games for yourself. You're like, what else are you going to do other than the other Dark Souls games?
Starting point is 02:00:13 Do you have the, you have this itch to scratch now? The people who are like too good to make it, that's what they do on YouTube. And like, I'm not them. I see how freaking good they are. People who make the Dodges look easy. And I won't say I panic roll,, I see how frickin' good they are. People who make the dodges look easy. And I won't say I panic roll, although I sometimes do. The people on YouTube, you just have to know the game to understand the skill gap. The skill ceiling on this game is so high. People who make it look easy blow me away.
Starting point is 02:00:39 There's different play styles. You can be a sorcerer, you can play, I like to play with no shield and a sword and dodge and hit a lot. But some people play with no shield and a sword and dodge and hit a lot But some people play with a shield and they either parry or just take blows and I try all the different ways of beating the game So are we gonna we're gonna 3v1 Harley when he gets here about about Israel you want to do that for a change? Yeah, yeah, yeah Okay, well you defend Israel this time.
Starting point is 02:01:06 I will too. We do. I can just see Taylor. America needs to intervene more often. Woody, I think, I think our stance should be, where is your moral compass? I think that should be our overarching argument. Uh, we should always circle back to that. Why? What do you exactly say? argument we should always circle back to that exact cue up some pictures of like burnt Palestinian children like the bad ones don't show that not that there's a
Starting point is 02:01:34 drought of those pictures he'll find that right away this isn't like that aware in that yeah no let's take the mood and make it real sad. We should do that. Dude, they're going so hard in the pain over there. I've seen I've seen some of the most awful videos of those children. You know what I've realized? They hate the Palestinians. They are not fans. You know, like I'm not sure you should have told me.
Starting point is 02:01:59 Mm hmm. I figured it out. Yeah. And here's the other thing that. All right. So you never know who's strong militarily and what shit actually works and we've what we all we have is the history channel and the little mini wars that the major powers have every now and then but Iran looks really Incapable of hurting Israel in any way right like they keep launching these big barrages of mixed missiles and drones. And Israel's kind of swats them away like they're nothing.
Starting point is 02:02:32 Meanwhile, they said when they shoot, it's kind of like when we shoot like they shoot with from stealth planes with laser guided bombs. Our money like hits. Well, you know, we don't we don't do that again, do we? I know it's our money and I'm kidding. Our money spends well. All right, look, look, you could look at it. There's enough.
Starting point is 02:02:50 I'm happy that our shit actually works. Right? You know, because whatever Russia's doing Russia spends money, then you find out some oligarch put it in his pocket and they don't have winter clothing for their see their stealth thrown. They got shot down. All right. So here's supposed to happen to stealth. Trump's Zach. See if you can find the Russian their stealth drone that got shot down? All right. So here's the story. It's supposed to happen to stealth drones.
Starting point is 02:03:06 Zach, see if you can find the Russian stealth drone that got shot down. There's multiple pictures of it. One of them has a human being standing on top for scale because it'll blow you away how big it is, what it is. It's a copy of an American stealth drone that I think got, got taken down over Iran like 10 years ago during the Obama administration. Uh, I think they like spoofed the GPS, made our shit land and captured it and then sent it to Russia
Starting point is 02:03:28 and the Russians made a bad copy of it and they have two of them. And I guess they were flying. That's the wing of it. I'd love to see it like before they destroyed it because I guess they lost control of it, which to me always says the enemy somehow spoofed something and took control of it.
Starting point is 02:03:43 And then the Russians themselves shot it down. It's really big Triangular shaped like that wing is bigger than a car. This doesn't look very impressive to me, but it could just be that It's it's wrecked up. I wish we had there. Okay. Yeah that okay that looks more like you're more impressed when they're still flying That makes it's when I see what it looks like cuz if you had shown me this and been like hey the US has a stealth Drone like or a stealth plane. I would have been like, yeah, that's the shape of the fucking stuff planes but Believe but yeah It seems like they make these
Starting point is 02:04:12 Copies of our shit and they can only make like a handful of them and they let's see our thing matches up to your thing Even though it doesn't but then they've also only got like 12 of them are Hate to keep like sucking America's military's cock, but like we've got so many planes. We've got so many planes, Taylor. You don't even understand how many planes. Hundreds and hundreds of planes. Like the top three air forces in the world,
Starting point is 02:04:38 I think, are all United States. It's like the Air Force, the Navy, the Army, are like the top four Air Forces or something in the world. Well, how many planes do we really have? Not trying to trap you with something like is it like 10,000, 20,000? Oh, I don't. Because you were when you said hundreds, I thought you were doing that thing I do sometimes
Starting point is 02:04:58 where you like dramatically get lower in this. Hundreds and hundreds of arts like most Air forces who have like a dozen of their good things or like the russians have like 40 or 50 of those good of those good planes we have hundreds of them for f-16s f-22s f-35s yeah yeah like huge we have a fleet of probably tens of thousands of total military planes well there are different kinds of planes right there's transport stuff and fuel stuff and there's all those like AWACS planes, those things that sit up there with that big dome on top and Overwatch the whole battlefield.
Starting point is 02:05:31 Those are pretty cool. Troop moving planes, there's all sorts of planes. I don't know how many fighter jet bomber type things we have, but I mean, we still have that B-52 fleet. We still fly those motherfuckers. That's what I always thought was interesting when they would show the B-52s. And they'd be like, America has eight of these. And in my head, it's like eight. It's the military. I would picture 800. So I just Googled how many planes does the US military have?
Starting point is 02:05:55 And obviously, like Kyle said, there's lots of different roles for these. 13,300. Russia, 4,000. China, three. India, two. That's my list. India? In thousands. Are they good? The Indian plants? And the other thing you want to, they have MIGs.
Starting point is 02:06:13 The other thing you want to Google is how many fourth generation fighters does each country have? Because nobody's got a fifth generation except for us, not a real one. We're working on the sixth generation fighter right now. What does that mean? Like what what's the difference between fourth and fifth and sixth? like what's the new feature I guess it the stealth the integration of stealth and and a lot of the the the battle coordination systems that the new stuff have the f-22s and the f-35s or our fifth gen
Starting point is 02:06:42 planes hmm Okay the Chinese have this thing called a gay something or another it but it doesn't match up and they don't have very many and the russians have a su something or another but it's the same thing it doesn't match up well and they don't have that many it's the same thing everywhere it's crazy the amount of cool shit we have. We're ready for the aliens, Taylor. I hope that that's finally revealed. I want that sci-fi story where you ever wonder why the US military is so powerful. You think they're preparing for Russia, China? No, it's the Martians. No, no, no. How many times we can have this discussion. Any race of beings that shows
Starting point is 02:07:24 up here is going to laugh at anything we have. How long did the Indians fucking resist? You know, we you know what I mean? Like, get out of here. Okay, let's use the comparison of Spaniards landing in the conquistadors. So you're in conquered multiple empires in South America with like 190 guys because of attack. That's that's that's not true. What they did is they recruited huge swaths of the of the
Starting point is 02:07:50 local outsider villages who had been preyed upon generationally for human sacrifice and they brought them under their umbrella. Yes, trackers, guides and soldiers. They were still getting bullied by the Aztecs or the Mayans or whatever and then some like 180 conquistadors. You really think they could show up here through hyperspace and then they're going to be impressed by our little plane? First of all, there's a number of different scenarios in which like mean aliens come here and decide they've got to like do war on us. I would like a scenario where they've got like a generational ship. They're not on their way here. They're on their way to a star system on the other side of us, right? We're along the way, but they didn't bring enough fucking fuel and their fuel is
Starting point is 02:08:32 like, I don't know, something we are lithium supplier like that. And they're like, we, that's why we're at war. They need something that earth has a lot of, but they can't just get from asteroids. I don't know what that is. We need Harley to jump in and correct your nonsense here. Can you see me? I can see you. Oh, man. You don't have your stealth field on yet, buddy.
Starting point is 02:08:55 I've been whacking off high on ketamine this whole time. That's crazy. That's something you and Woody can both talk about. You know, I was actually thinking about what you were saying just now, the aliens coming and how they would laugh at us. I think we would be surprised at some of the qualities that they would not find funny in the least bit. Like I'm a firm believer that they would come to this planet and a significant percentage
Starting point is 02:09:21 of us would be like, we're gonna fuck you. We're gonna fuck you up. We're gonna fuck you. We're gonna try and fuck you. We want to fuck you. I don't think these aliens go to other planets. And there's a whole like thousands of people that are like, I would love to fuck one. They would do one mission here and then go back to their mothership to be like, yeah, so let's touch base on what's going on. Let's even get a reading on what, what they're doing. They go to Twitter. It's all fan art of us sucking their fingers or whatever it is that looks like
Starting point is 02:09:52 dicks. They're like, Oh, this is crazy. The other half of us significant portion are like, we are, we're going to kill ourselves, killing you. It is our religious duty to, I think Warhammer's accurate. I didn't play much Warhammer But I got caught up in the lore big time and and that the suffering in that lore and how I just how Humans are just so religious. I believe my favorite that we take that shit. We could take that the distance so that that war ever has some of the best quotes where like a Human is like rubbing elbows with an alien and the aliens like we're here to do blah blah blah and they're just like all I want is your dis the universe can't rest until you're extinguished negotiate we're here to exterminate yeah there's no they look at them as Harris it's Harris aliens the aliens exist very existence is heretical is what you got to understand.
Starting point is 02:10:46 Like it's not that we got a problem with you, alien man. It's that your existence is an insult to us and our God. You have to be eradicated. And once you're gone, we're going to kill the guys that fought you. So nobody even knows that you existed. You know what I mean? It's that level. It's a dog eat dog world in space. They're going to invade and wreck up the the Imperium. Right? But I think we're bad fucking ass. Look, look, we've
Starting point is 02:11:09 never met any aliens. We don't know what they'd be like. We're just guessing. But what I know about humanity is we're hard fucking core. Is that we've done nothing but do battle and war since we existed from stones and sticks and rocks and slings. Every time we butted up against another culture or group of people that had something that we wanted, we killed them for and we didn't just it wasn't this artsy fucking rules of the battlefield type shit. It was usually gruesome and horrific. We blow ourselves up to do the enemy and we torture them mercilessly. I let our children watch. I think they'd come to this planet and it'd be like
Starting point is 02:11:46 they would see that we've harnessed nuclear energy and that we just have so many bombs and that we don't even have an enemy out there. It's just us here and we have so many bombs. It'd be kind of like if someone was like, yo, in that door behind that door, there's a baby. You think you could kick its ass and you're like, yeah, for sure. And then you open the door and there's the baby is a lot of bullets. And maybe like a slingshot, though, like not a gun, but as a slingshot. But you're like, oh, what the fuck? Like, obviously, I can kick the baby's ass, but that's crazy. Look at all these boys.
Starting point is 02:12:16 He did that himself. So the other thing is like, you've got to you've got to consider like, why are they attacking? Right. They want they either want to live here and kick us out. Maybe they want to harvest our planet's core. How about that? That's fun. There's something in there.
Starting point is 02:12:29 We don't, we haven't figured out yet. They want to suck it up. There's lights in there. They just let's imagine, let's imagine that they don't want to just ruin this planet that they want it so that they can like move in and everything. So they're going to have to come in and land. Right? Like they're going to have to go toe to toe with us because we'll just launch nukes and ruin the whole planet if we need to you know
Starting point is 02:12:49 That's what we would do like if we were losing the war to the aliens badly like you know like I say Yeah, like Independence Day, but we wouldn't launch one and be like, oh shucks. We'd launch thousands The United States has something like 3,500 ICBM Warheads Russia has like 5,000 China's got I don't know if it's in the thousands yet, but it's hundreds and hundreds. Israel y'all got a few Israel y'all. Israel would hold theirs back. No, they would. They'd be like, are everyone fire? And you'd see like 10,872 would launch. Where's the other? 28. We'll be happy. You'll be happy.
Starting point is 02:13:28 Now you'll be the only nuclear power. I don't see why it matters. Is that today? I mean, we're launching 10,000 rockets when we can do it for 8000. It's a bad deal. Holds their nukes back becomes the only nuclear power and sides with the aliens. They got us again. Lifting the floorboards to find other humans.
Starting point is 02:14:01 Our turn now. The way I see it is like even the Independence Day one, it would be, it's like if I were trying to invade or if someone's trying to invade my home and I'm like, do your worst and they open it up and I've rigged my entire house with high powered explosives and I'm like, test me. I'll do it. I'll kill myself and you. I'll do it. I'll kill myself. And you'll have to do something. So you'll have to sit there in space and watch me blow myself up. And they're going to be like, all right, this is kind of retards. Like, let's just kill
Starting point is 02:14:34 them all. And yeah, yeah. But that's, that's a strategy. Like, it might not work. It is actually because I think like whatever they're here for our core. If we're blowing it up, that's a problem. Like if we're blowing up the court, like they don't want that. So if they're so advanced, they're like, dude, we'll come back in a couple of. There's no reason to want that. Whatever it is, they'll be like, dude, they're about to destroy the whole thing. Let's just come back in 5000 years when they've killed each other. Let's try.
Starting point is 02:15:03 Like there's a million other planets we can go to. In the back to the core thing real quick. Go to our merch site linked below PKA 10. Thank you, Woody for the reminder 10% off all of our merch at the merch site. Get a sweater. Get a hoodie. Get whatever you want cup stickers anything high quality
Starting point is 02:15:20 stuff through and through. Sounds like you're the Jews. Like it's you. Well then, we have the Palestinian children pictures ready. Alright, did he add reading in a Jewish accent? Feel free to use code PKA50 and pay full price. How about that? It won't work, 10%, thank us for it. And also get lock and load, should be any day now that it's back in stock.
Starting point is 02:15:47 I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say, but it's within two weeks or so. Within three weeks, 100%, it should be back. I think we're going to find a way to open it up to patrons first. I think Derek's going to do a thing. Oh, stay. Yeah, they're going to do a way to like open it up to patrons first. I think we're gonna, Derek's gonna do a thing. Yeah, they can do a grand release. We might gonna have the dealt God himself come on and talk about the efficacy of those pearlescent loads that they were going to be providing the people. One grand release, grand release would have made a great name for the pills, by the way. That is that. Oh, that would be like a good
Starting point is 02:16:22 made a great name for the pills by the way. That is, oh that would be like a good addendum pill. Grand release. Oh, that's pretty good. Remove this part, we just gave a competitor a great idea. I thought I was like, was that written? Was that like the grand release? Our grand release. Okay, well let's put the grand release
Starting point is 02:16:37 in the marketing material. No, I think if we bump into, if aliens came here, it might be like the district, is it district 13? District nine. District nine. District nine, where they're like the like a district is a district 13 district 9 district This is nine where they're like they don't even know to fly their own shit They're like a slave race or whatever and they end up being our like ghetto people I mean that's best possible scenario because those were the most inept dumbest aliens ever Alien nation was the same exact story
Starting point is 02:17:00 It was the basically an alien slave ship crashes to earth and All of the like they cut it takes them forever to cut a hole in it Like we don't know how to get in right away, dude We sort of fuck that we did we totally did alienation and the thing I would have been all over that for sure They're pretty hot like they're okay. Look they got these big pink heads, but everything else or something. You don't want that They figured out right away. Like you're all good. Their erogenous zone is on their backs though. Oh, that'd be so easy. Their erogenous zone is on their backs though.
Starting point is 02:17:29 So like the woman would not let you rub her back on the first date unless she's really loose. But she might let you hog her before. And the ones with the tits are the ones with the dicks. That's not true. Well, I hope. That happens to you sometimes. Pretty sick.
Starting point is 02:17:42 Yeah, that's a horrible system. I wouldn't like aliens like that. Yeah, but you don't know, you're one of the first guys. But there's no pussy. And she was so hot Yeah, that's a horrible system. I wouldn't like aliens like that. Yeah, but you don't know you're one of the first guys. There's no pussy. So hot and then it's a dick. And you're like, dude, that's crazy on this planet. It's actually it's so different. So why it's not this at all.
Starting point is 02:17:54 Like that's what we've been doing. What if it's a pseudo vagina or a pseudo penis like a hyena has like their pussy is like a long like drapey elephant trunk down there. Down there. I don't know. You got to like you fucking like you're like, yeah, you're like, bunch that thingy elephant trunk down there, down there. I don't think you've got to like you fucking like I like. Yeah, you like bunch that thing up and get in there. You said you would like that.
Starting point is 02:18:11 We'd like that. Yeah, yeah. Like, yeah, yeah. They land and they're like they have their translators. They're like, hi, it's nice to see you. We're like, take these compels. You're going to get. Not a good show. Let's get out of these. Hold on. I like the idea of aliens coming. No, the aliens come here and and Kyle gets like a phone
Starting point is 02:18:33 call from from our current President Donald Trump and he's like, you're allowed to use the guns. allowed to use the guns. It's a I'm allowed to use the goss. It's all for me, Mr. President. I'm going to swing away. Kyle, swing away. Send me in. I would love to do battle with the aliens.
Starting point is 02:18:52 See, that's all aliens are kind of like zombies. You'd like to fuck them. I know it. Sorry. I don't want to fucking aliens, but I'm not like a sexy kind of way. We do it like in a way that Josh Brolin was like, like, rape that cartel guy in the beginning of Sicario, like, like that kind, like, like were you, it's gay. This genre up without getting,
Starting point is 02:19:13 you didn't think that was a little sexy? I mean, no, I think I was crying a lot. It was, it was, it was pretty rough. Wait, what are the dudes rapes? Another guy in the beginning of Sicario, no memory of this. It's heavily implied. You gotta be paying attention. I was, I guy in the beginning of Sicario. I have no memory of this. It's heavily implied. You got to be paying attention. I was in the theater a little fucked up. Yeah, so Josh Brolin is like CIA and he's working with Benicio del Toro, who's like the wronged, he's the Mexican like killer whose family was killed in a vat of acid by the cartel and they've
Starting point is 02:19:41 teamed up to like no holds barred, take the cartel out and they kidnapped a cartel member and bring him across to us at the beginning. And Josh Brolin has him in like this air force, airplane hanger where nobody's going to help him. There's like a drain in the floor and a big bucket of water. And, and they sort of make the, the agents who are overwatching and making sure nothing bad happens. They're like, we're going to take a break because they think he's going to waterboard the guy and they're taking a break so that Josh Brolin can do
Starting point is 02:20:08 some waterboarding and Brolin like sits the water aside. I was never going to waterboard him. That's you can tell right there. And there's like he walked the guy's sitting in a chair, handcuffed to the chair and Brolin like walks way too close to him and sort of straddles him. And he's just like, nobody to help you here. No holds barred. Gloves are off. And it's this whole and the guys are so and it's like, yeah, bro, and fuck that, too. Like he bounced on his dick or what? He's like, you're
Starting point is 02:20:42 the secret says you're like giving him head. There's a movie where that happens. There's a movie that happens. So there's this Clint Eastwood movie where the bad guys. Stop making up scenes in movies, Kyle. It's a weird thing. He's like wiping his eye. He's like, so where are the codes?
Starting point is 02:21:02 That was a huge lie. I swear, investigate that one more time and I'll remember. I'm pretty sure it's Clint Eastwood. He's been captured by the bad guys and he's like tied to a chair and one of the bad guys is like a hot bad girl and she like whips his dick out and gets it hard and like rides his dick until he comes while she tells him her evil plan and then like leaves him there to die or something. I was so confused as a kid. I was like, he was. Yeah. And but Clint Eastwood, I think it was Clint Eastwood. He's like, he's making that don't make me come. I don't like this. She's like
Starting point is 02:21:36 smoking hot. There's some sort of Austrian supermodel terrorists they were dealing with in this movie. Yeah. No, I think we take the aliens on because I think we're hard fucking core I think if you if you met the other galactic races, there'd be some pussies out there There'd be some races of like creatures that never fought amongst themselves that found some sort of harmony on their planet maybe there's just so much food on their planet or maybe they discovered a technology early early on that made a Made it so you didn't have to war over energy or something like that. They have a sort of an egalitarian, not a, uh, uh, okay.
Starting point is 02:22:09 Space communist economy that's post scarcity and they just don't fight and they, they haven't fought for so long that they're all just pussies. Like they don't even have good guns. I think it's because being local is a huge advantage. Yeah. Imagine if you want to bring in more guns and ships and you have to bring them from like eight light years away. That's a problem. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I think that too. I think that it would be like a galactic Vietnam for anybody who came here because
Starting point is 02:22:37 we were awful. We're real. We're awful. I think so too. There were like four other image. There were there were like four other human races that were intelligent arts, things that painted and made tools and lived amongst us. And they're all gone now, like the Neanderthals, the Hobbit people. All those things are dead. And we we we know elves, no ice giants. We murdered them to death. 100 percent.
Starting point is 02:23:03 We I actually think that we we we we would have some strategies that they wouldn't expect. I think they would know like. I might be able to beat up like once again, bringing you back to a baby with bullets. I think I'd be able to beat up like a 12 year old who has a knife. But it's going to be you're going to you're going to take some damage. You take some damage. I think I think we'd really like I think even if it's just a cut, even just a cut and you know, there's infinite. There's infinite 11 year olds out there. Some that don't have a knife. Let's just go get one
Starting point is 02:23:40 of those instead of this one that's going to cut me maybe. Like that would be like, I like the idea. Well, I like the idea. I like the idea that we're more like deceptive than they would be, that they might not understand lying like the tricellular. I'm going to be body from that, too. Those are, by the way, I don't I don't know if you got the part where you find out what those guys look like, but they're like little roach people. They're like three inches tall or something. You know what I mean? So, and I know it doesn't matter because it's their technology. That's the problem,
Starting point is 02:24:11 but it's like, fuck, if we could just get them, we just get up there on their plan and start helping. I thought there was never a real physical part in the book that really, I didn't read the books, but I watched the YouTube explains like compilation that just goes through and gives you all the spoilers and nitty gritty. Like then this happened. And they said that, because I missed that. I looked that up.
Starting point is 02:24:33 I even saw some artwork of them. I always thought that they never said what they looked like. It reminded me of like, you know, in Men in Black, that little fellow that was inside the guy's head operating the gizmos. It reminded me of like a little thing like that, but more insect like, like a beetle,
Starting point is 02:24:47 like shell on the back, if I remember correctly. Something stupid like that. Yeah, I think like if they came here and they, you know, if we can, if we could just get like, like a human up there with the tactical nuke. Oh yeah. A Will Smith type character. Listen, we got like a billion humans
Starting point is 02:25:04 just down to die for the cause Dude, would you fly one in would you wrap yourself in the Israeli flag and then write a? Like like like right up the at the tailpipe. I honestly I do the Canadian ones way funnier Who is that it is sorry You're like, who is that? You just say, sorry. And you just explode into a big vapor cloud. Yeah, yeah. That's nothing that got shields we didn't know about.
Starting point is 02:25:32 I've been hanging on to a topic. I thought there was a break, but all right. This is a hypothetical question. Would you rather, and in this case, you're good at your job and there's no consequences. Would you rather have a job saving people or killing people? Saving people. All right. So I guess we're talking about,
Starting point is 02:25:51 do you want to be Delta Force or do you want to be a heart surgeon? Because you can just like because if you just you could be like firefighter rescue, like tons of rescue stuff out there, say, dude, I'd rather be in the Delta Force. I've watched so many of those podcasts where those guys are talking about what their job was and they're like, yeah, the Navy SEALs do a lot of boring shit. A lot of, a lot of running around. Nah, we go out every night and the guys we kill are the worst people. We watch videos of them torturing and murdering and killing women and children
Starting point is 02:26:21 and cutting Christians heads off. And then we look at their picture on a big map and then we go out that night and we kill them. And I was that sounds awesome. That sounds like your dick. That sounds like the movies. That sounds like the movie version of like a job. So like, yeah, yeah, I'd rather be dealt a force, I think, than anything.
Starting point is 02:26:38 That'd be so you guys. I think I lean more towards, listen, I got a big more on it, but my gut reactions kill. And because Israel, no, because if you my gut reactions kill, like, I think that's just a better schedule. I feel like when you're a killer, I'm like, I'm on like five months of kill and I might not even have to kill. There's just a good chance I will. And if I do it, I'm probably like five months of kill and I might not even have to kill. There's just a good chance I will.
Starting point is 02:27:05 And if I do it, I'm probably like through binoculars looking at a building like Echo, Fox, Trot, Niner, and then the building's not there and I can go back to whacking off in my barracks or whatever. Whereas rescue, it's like, I could be right now and be like, oh shit dude, this fucking kid is stuck in the well and they need my truck.
Starting point is 02:27:25 And I go there and park next to with my spotlights and I'm like, ah, anyone can do that. You know, they got, they got, what you need is someone to look through the binoculars and then take eight months off, I'm your guy. You guys are right. Well, they swayed me. I think they're gonna be killing my boy.
Starting point is 02:27:42 Oh, you know what? Wouldn't you be a Navy rescue swimmer and we'll all be Delta Force? You guys made good points. I would love that job, but it's not what I picked. And then Harley sold me because of the difference in schedule, like flex scheduling, if you're a killer. Yeah, it's crazy, and you make it like,
Starting point is 02:27:54 I'm sure you make a lot of money killing Bin Laden. Killer for sure. In my mind, because remember, you're magic, you're good at this job and there's no consequences. I'm like, I think you can do more good in this world as a proper assassin than you can as a heart surgeon. Even if a heart surgeon saves a thousand people over his career, shucks. Just one Osama bin Laden triples that. What if you kill-
Starting point is 02:28:16 It better be Osama then, bro. You don't want like Mossad after you forever. I feel like where you are in life right now, you currently at your exact location is so easy for Masad. If you were a sick assassin. Consequence free was part of the would you rather. Yeah. Well, you gotta live life still. Like there's still like the consequences isn't like you're going to jail.
Starting point is 02:28:37 In this world I don't talk about my assassinations on PPA afterwards. Right, yeah. You do your Delta Force podcast though. They'll know though, yeah, they'll know already. That'd be the thing, like you'd go out and kill people and then you'd do your podcast that night. So, smoked a lot of baddies tonight.
Starting point is 02:28:54 Taylor, Taylor's a mad man. Did you see Taylor with that guy on the ground? Welcome to Six Feet Under, the only show where we talk about crimes we just committed. I did the Patreon. Why did you use a tomahawk? It's sick and wrong. show where we talk about crimes we just committed. Why do you use a tomahawk? It's sick and wrong. It's because I was bored and I have no soul left from all the killing. And so I had to make it entertaining for myself. Taylor, Taylor's just crushing people's skull, like the mountain.
Starting point is 02:29:17 Charlie paralyzed some kid and like Taylor's like standing over him, like crushing his skull. Are we even we guys anymore? It was a bad kid. Child soldiers. It was all only 20, 24. He threw a rocket, Woody. It was Coney's right hand man.
Starting point is 02:29:34 Whoa. I'm Coney's top guy. But you know, it could have been a rock. Joseph Coney's top guy. It was, it was, it was a quad. All right. That's a serious injury for all that kid knows there could have been pebbles, pebbles inside of that dirt quad. Today, do it's tomorrow's snowballs. Where does it say this? I often when I see them have a problem
Starting point is 02:29:58 with them shooting the kids throw on the rocks. I'm like, why are they still throwing the rocks though? You know what I mean? It's like it'd almost be like if there was an electric fence on the border that kept killing Mexicans and it was like, yeah, that is kind of fucked. But why do they think it's a video? And they can just I saw a video. Obviously, listen, sometimes you just kill a kid. But I've seen a video where the parent was like taking their kid and pushing them to do it to throw it. And the soldiers were like laughing and the soldier just
Starting point is 02:30:31 like gave the kid a high five. And I know it's not always like that. But sometimes like they had a murder fund set up where it was if you were to kill a Jewish person in a suicide bombing, they would give your family money for every person killed. Yeah, good people on both sides. But if the aliens came, you're like, dude, you don't know how we move on this planet. That's why I get it. What are kids at you?
Starting point is 02:30:59 You ever hear that little dicky rap where it's something like that is like, it's like if you ever think about the aliens came down, would they would they just dominate us or would they go be like, Earth goes hard? And it's like, I think Earth goes hard. I really do. Like, they would have to be some Klingons or something that came down from like a warrior race. We're like, yeah, you're our fourth planet this fucking decade. You would need some shit like that, I think, to rock our world because we're just we're too hardcore about it. And if I'm being honest, I think it's just the United States going to be carrying the heavy load. I can't imagine any of the other.
Starting point is 02:31:33 I feel like we let Europe fall. Maybe we just give them Europe. I think that's the move. The middle. So mad. We so mad that we didn't let every other country like catch up. Oh, fuck that. Like, damn, we could have been building this whole time. All right. So that's one of my conspiracy theories that I'm a little that we didn't let every other country like catch up. Oh, fuck that. Like, damn, dude, we could have been building this whole time. All right. So that's one of my conspiracy theories that I'm a little bit into.
Starting point is 02:31:50 Like, like, I'm a little bit into the conspiracy theory. So I heard this recent theory about what aliens are or like UFOs or like the crafts that we see and stuff are people supposedly see. And they've suggested that it's time travelers travelers that it's like future humans coming back and They're in like a time machine that that like moves around and does crazy shit and disappears and stuff and For whatever reason they're coming back. I kind of like that idea and and with that idea You don't need the bonkers craziness of aliens. You just need the like theoretically possible
Starting point is 02:32:23 time travel thing to be real And then then you're able to like sort of believe in like a Roswell scenario where maybe one of those time machines crashed And and the US has had that shit for 30 40 50 60 70 years and we've been backwards engineering it and that's why We're like always a step or two ahead of everybody else That's why we got velcro and iPhones and shit. We had a couple of ginormous leaps in technology throughout our existence. I mean like World War I was on horses
Starting point is 02:32:56 and then World War II was we have a bomb that could blow up a country. Dude, they went from Wright Brothers to the moon in like 57 years or something. Is that it? It's rough, something like that. I think that maybe they flew and, oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:33:11 Is it 1901 or was it night? So maybe it was 66 years. It's less than 70. It's like crazy. And you got to keep in mind, like I remember there was this newspaper clipping about flying and how man won't fly for the next 10 000 years. It'd be 10 000 years before man learns to fly and They're talking about the weight ratios and the materials and stuff. They flew like five years later at kitty hawk
Starting point is 02:33:36 And then the train one and then 60 years after that There's people on the goddamn moon like like that's such a crazy advancement I love that. North Carolina gets credit for like inventing flight There's people on the goddamn moon. Like that's such a crazy advancement. I love that North Carolina gets credit for like inventing flight. First in flight, baby, it's on your license plate. First in flight, it's on the license plate. This is where the first flight happened.
Starting point is 02:33:55 Dude, North Carolina's contribution to like manned flight is a beach with good winds. Yep. They came from Ohio to fly their planes here. We have Wilbur and Orville Redenbacher to thank. That's the popcorn. No, I'm positive. They're the same people.
Starting point is 02:34:18 It's the same people. Yeah, it was the same guy. When he wasn't flying around, he came up with the tastiest massive popcorn. That's when Americans could do. Anything they wanted, they could they could become popcorn magnates and invent the. Have you seen the commercials with him like the because it was bad. Like Orville Redenbacher was so long ago that it was before like marketing firms
Starting point is 02:34:39 existed. And so he's like, I make a delicious popped corn. I should go on television and tell people about my delicious gourmet popping corn. And then it's just like him in a commercial and he's like, well, you know, it's, it's just popcorn, but it's quite good. You know, no giant claims. Just eat my popcorn. Cool guy. Shout out.
Starting point is 02:34:58 Right. Yeah. I wonder if that's a good, does anyone do that now? I can't think of anyone who's like, I just think it's just popcorn. Like, it looks like a pedophilic colonel. Don't you rip on him. He was just popping dude. I don't care what you say.
Starting point is 02:35:10 I got to like some young now likes young colonel for a fresh pop. If he was alive today, he would be doing fan art of sucking off. You should look at the animated pornography of furries and while you're doing it enjoy a bowl of gourmet popcorn jack off with a bowl of oval red buck popcorn that would I mean I don't see why you're hating on Orville Kyle he doesn't look like a pedophile I just seem like a fun take to have, I guess. What does a pedophile look like? That guy, I guess. They usually have like a fake red army vest, big mustache, a weird sunglasses.
Starting point is 02:35:54 Like a wig that you can't tell if it's really expensive or really cheap. I was hoping you'd start describing what one of us is wearing, but then I realized me and Harley have the most boring out I'm hoping that one of y'all show up is the man himself is for Halloween like that to me is the Halloween costume It's a bomb costume with a moment He the moment the the pedophile shit came out or the text or whatever the it all came out I was like, that's the Halloween costume That's it and you'd like you you add you add the accessory of a little boy or something.
Starting point is 02:36:28 I always say, I had this girlfriend, we were going to a Halloween party, and I was like, please be a little boy, and I'll be a priest. Comb your hair like a little boy thing, and dress like a little altar boy, and I'll be a priest, and I'll be ogling you all night, feeling you up, and it'll be funny.
Starting point is 02:36:44 Every time somebody sees this, they'll be like, look at Collin, and I'll be like, and I'll be ogling you all night like feeling you up and it'll be funny it'll like every time somebody sees us They'll be like look at and I'll be like oh Way out before in public at Halloween parties. It's a very funny. It's a good bit I can't remember what she went as but it was not nearly as funny as what I had suggested You let your girlfriend pick a costume. They're gonna pick some fucking gay shit as the priest. I went as the priest I wouldn't be deterred. I was like, you can either like, like, And he fondled her too. He did his part. The fact that she was a clown is not his deal. You're going to be a clown and none of it's going to make sense, you bitch.
Starting point is 02:37:14 There was like a prize at the party for like best dressed couple or something. And Kanye and Kim won and they had blackface on and she had a black baby boy. She was dragging around. Your costume would have sold at this place then. It would have read properly. Do you remember many years ago? I don't know if people would have liked it so much. Do you guys remember at this point,
Starting point is 02:37:36 years and years ago, probably 2014, 2015 or so? No, it must have been 2015. I dressed up as Ramsey and my girlfriend at the time was Reek and she made a Reek banner and she was all meek and I was like this authoritative cunt the whole night. It was fun. I liked being Ramsey. I think we learned something about Taylor today. Dude, I think I showed you guys pictures. Very abusive. Yeah. I well only in character. Only when I'm playing an abusive character. Only when I'm playing the Taylor kid.
Starting point is 02:38:10 He's like at home and he puts on his Ramsey jacket on a random not Halloween night like now I can hit you. Yeah. Yeah. After I get out of the shower I'm naked. Not the Ramsey jacket. I don't have it anymore. All that stuff's long gone.
Starting point is 02:38:23 I wish I had it. I basically bought, if I recall it was like a barbarian style costume that was modified To like with like to look more like Ramsey was light armor character but I remember I I only should my dad's only ever seen one episode of Game of Thrones and it's the Battle of the Bastards and And I and I'm like loading him up with exposition. That was the episode that Woody stopped liking the show. I think he has mixed feelings on like the the plot armor that Jon Snow all of it is. Yeah, that's the episode. Woody. And look, I have a little bit of a game back.
Starting point is 02:38:57 No, no, no. Remember saying that, Woody? That you don't remember saying fucking lied to me on your own podcast. Wait, I have a lot of thoughts on this show. It's not that simple. You fucking told me that, Ed. Battle of the Bastards is one where I got frustrated at Jon Snow's plot armor. He's in the middle. There's like 250 people surrounding him in a circle trying to kill him. He's fine. He's fine.
Starting point is 02:39:18 It's not a problem. Nothing is a problem. He can literally die and he's fine. The arrows landing around him. Having said that, we got really frustrated with the like especially the last two seasons Oh big time if you rewatch Game of Thrones, which I think I'm the only person to have done Yeah, it gets better. It's better because yeah If you don't wait a fucking exactly waiting a year and a half for like six shows Makes you want each one of them to be the first Star Wars,
Starting point is 02:39:46 some sort of groundbreaking cultural movement. But if you're just like, let's watch three of them tonight, then it wasn't ever it wasn't meant to be a popcorn show. Like it's meant to have a thorough history and lore and and the character assassination, dude, what they did to Jamie Lannister alone is abominable. His character had been redeemed. He was there. He had come full circle from from I can't believe they handled Jamie the way they did absurd to have him leave Brienne and go back and just die in the Rubble with his sister was not as was the fucking the narrows like going going like mean face They carried she did so many things for years and then they were like, but it just can be crazy.
Starting point is 02:40:30 Dude, what about the only thing that they did? She was always kind of crazy. But then she wasn't crazy in the way she was that way. It was very weird. No, no, no. The black, the black, the brown guy who's like doesn't have a worm. Where's Washington? We're we're's like doesn't have a dim. Worm tongue. That's Washington. Worm, gray worm. Gray worm.
Starting point is 02:40:48 Gray worm. All right, so let's just talk about some of the like ridiculous plot holes. At the end, obviously, Jon Snow kills the Nareys and it's this huge letdown. And Worm Tongue is like, I'm mad at you, guy I've known for three weeks who just killed my queen. You know what? Trial and for your judges your family and countrymen Like that's that's so counter to what they're like. Yeah, go back to the wall He should have had we brought you back to life for nothing now go back to the wall. That's so fucking weird
Starting point is 02:41:22 That's true bringing Johnson. No back to life at all was like had no so weird. It didn't be a Targaryen. Didn't matter. Him being a Targaryen played not in the plot at all. Remember the horror. Remember the magic horn. Nothing to the part. Remember the babies given to the White Walkers. Nothing to do with the plot. No. The first scene in the first book, the thing that grabbed me when I watched it and when I read it the first time, it's it's
Starting point is 02:41:48 I don't think it's Bingen stark but it might be I think it is I think I think it's him and his men being ambushed and slowly taken out like the predator by a white walker and and and you're like holy shit there's some supernatural shit and then it's hundreds of pages before they touch supernatural again I loved that it's, this is intrigue and yeah. And that's why it sucked in the last season when they were like, OK, let's get that out of the way. So we go back to them fighting. It's like, no, no, that was the thing that was supposed to go on at the end.
Starting point is 02:42:16 The magic was the big thing. I mean, like magic, the other magic was like the build up being like, oh, yeah. And then she killed the white walker and then it's like, oh, yeah, let's go back to the usual shit. And it's like, no, no, that was the most important. Let me get this in real quick. Like a big a big part of the first season was that the magic that once existed in this realm and had dried up has returned. And I always took it to be maybe that comet is doing it literally,
Starting point is 02:42:41 or maybe it's a harbinger of that change. Either way, it's it's like magic has come back in the world. That's how these dragon eggs that were dormant now hatch. That's how like all of these various gods are now coming back into power. Like all those gods are real. Like the Lord of Light, he did some miracles shit. The whatever dark magic is making the Aria Starks,
Starting point is 02:43:07 like ninja buddies, like be able to change their faces. That's magic. There's and so the world has just changing. And so the culmination of the whole thing has to involve so much magic. I need Jon Snow to like do a magic thing. I need him to draw Luke Skywalker's glowing blade. I needed his sword to glow. I needed it to be- Yeah, I needed that too. It's literally- I needed it to like, ooh, I wanted it to be- They did such a setup for the easiest tropes.
Starting point is 02:43:33 Yeah. Like such a setup to like have all like them, John Daenerys and Tyrion each on a dragon's back, riding in as like weird half brother sister type family. You need that line where the music is building and we just lost some main characters and they're like only a Targaryen can ride. And that's when we get Tyrion's back. I wanted Tyrion's back. And they built up for all of this stuff.
Starting point is 02:43:56 They did. They planted the seeds in the book in particular and just none of it came to fruition. One of my favorite ones would be. It was a spit in the face of an end of a show. The last two seasons are horseshit. Wait a minute. They should be in prison. They should have let Jon Snow die. That twist, that change would have done so much to save it. It would have done the thing. When Ned Stark died, people were captured. When the Red Wedding happened, it's considered the best episode of the whole thing. And then Jon Snow just- But it's not automatically that they die. So it
Starting point is 02:44:27 was good. Those were like super important parts and Jon Snow was super important. I'm aware of that. It was like, if they had built Jon Snow up to be the Prince that was promised, if they had built Jon Snow up to be the, our hope, and we watched him for six years and then he dies and we watch his dumbass sister Sansa try to pick up the pieces. We watch Arya come into her own and start standing on her own two feet and leaving the family. That would have been much better. It would be better but it would still be shit. Daenerys would still go crazy. The ending would still be like this weird jumbled like Jaime Lannister going back. It would have been... It's still upsetting would have, it wouldn't have been saved by that,
Starting point is 02:45:08 but I wouldn't have been better. They could have just killed him at that. I would have been annoyed cause I wanted a lot for Jon Snow, but I was way more annoyed when he survived. Nothing happened. But when everyone argues that they did all this stuff to build up Jon Snow, and then it failed to meet expectations. It's like that. They should just killed him. Yeah. They could have built him up. Like they did Rob Stark. Rob Stark, they built that guy up. When Ned dropped, he was like, suddenly his leadership comes through. Suddenly he's winning battle after battle. They could have done what they did, but I'd rather he just had like a glowing sword.
Starting point is 02:45:39 In the overall lore though. I wanted like, I wanted a silly fantasy, tropey, old school thing that like, oh, he's dying. Because when Jon, Jon Snow wasn't Robb Stark or one of these other characters, he was solid and a lot of the weight of the prophecies that had been talked about in all the books leading up centered around Jon. And so you can't eliminate Jon entirely because then that means that all those prophecies prior are meaningless and so unlike when when Rob's Rob Stark dies or Ned dies like those were Capturing you can have your cake here though like like you can you can both have what you want because Taylor's right
Starting point is 02:46:18 It's there's too much foundation built up on Jon Snow But but at the same time you can kill can kill it. The twist could be that Jon Snow is the guy who has to die to make the sword magical. Like he could tell like, I don't know. That would make more sense than what the show is. Because you have a prophecy to not be anything. Why would there be a prophecy of him? I want it. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:46:41 It's because they abandoned the show. It throws them both in prison. We got that whole backstory. We got the whole backstory of Jon Snow being a Targaryen. And that was a mind blower of an episode. Even though even because I've read the books, I knew what was coming. It was still so cool to see it happen and to have the characters have that realization that he's a Targaryen.
Starting point is 02:46:59 I needed Tyrion to have the exact same kind of scene where we found out his mother cheated on Tywin with the with the Lannister and that he's the last dragon rider. So at the end, I needed to be a little dragon for him. The dragon, the dragon, the dragon, they disrespected the whole way through. Like, no one can even mount a dragon of that size. What use is he? And they, like, slap the go like it doesn't get it. It is all we had. We had a scene where Tyrion had the dragon come up to him and not attack him. And it was really cool. You like I always thought the insinuation was that he was a Targaryen.
Starting point is 02:47:36 We get on that fucking dragon too. I thought I needed it to be the white walkers literally were at King's Landing, but like Daenerys and Dothraki. Yeah. And then the walls are moot point. And that's when the Dothraki crossed the water and they come all three of them with the dragons and they're burning this shit. And then like houses joined together that wouldn't have joined together. Instead of it was like, let's get all the ice zombies that we built up
Starting point is 02:48:08 so much out of the way in one episode, a bad one. And then, yeah, now let's go back to the anyways. Just fuck it. And Matt are I don't even like talking about this shit. It's upsetting, right? It's like it's like going back in a bad relationship and then like, man, and then you're not in a piece of shit and it would have been so great. It's a reminder of Star Wars and like Star Wars the last episode uh Rise of the Skywalker just changed how I consume media entirely. I never invest emotionally into something.
Starting point is 02:48:37 Was that the second one or the third one? The third one. The second one, the second one I was like let them cook. I know a lot of people hated the second one, but I would never get up. I've never done this other than Transformers 2. Never would I get up in the middle of a story and walk out before Act 3. If they did some shit, I'm like, you better explain yourself. So when the next one didn't explain itself. All of them were fucked. But the worst thing is that like the last one was just such a stupid fucking movie. Like what's crazy is like,
Starting point is 02:49:12 who gives a fuck about Ant-Man? Nobody. Nobody gives a fuck about Ant-Man. But they took Ant-Man in this movie like eight years before end game and had him be this pinnacle moment in that movie because all the movies were set up in a way that you would be like oh shit Ant-Man still in the Quantum Zone and now Ant-Man is this crucial moment in Endgame and
Starting point is 02:49:36 Avengers there at the end whereas someone like Luke Skywalker they were so blasé about his story that one movie didn't know what the movie before it was doing. Like in Last Jedi, at the end of Force Awakens, he's supposed to turn on the lightsaber. When she gives him the lightsaber, he's supposed to turn it on and it credits end. And I can imagine that would have been pretty cool. JJ, he has good visionary like that. But then Rian Johnson was like, oh, in my movie he throws it over his shoulder.
Starting point is 02:50:05 And so they have to change that scene. And I'm kind of like, what are you fucking idiots doing, bro? It's Star Wars. You could have had one guy write everything or whatever, you should have had the whole story, but they kind of just like made it up as they went along. And they both talk about this moment
Starting point is 02:50:23 how Ryan Johnson didn't know how that one ended and then the guy who was supposed to do the last one he backed out because he's like fuck this mess and so JJ came in and JJ just did like fucking it was like read its best hits of what would be the best thing in the movie and I thought about it I was like you know what I'm done like letting my level of hypeness and excitement for, I'm done letting my level of hypeness and excitement for something, I'm done putting it in the hands of some Jew. No, seriously, I'm not gonna take my level of enjoyment
Starting point is 02:50:55 and hype and put it in some fucking, some guy's hands who's gonna be like, I meant Daenerys is just a crazy bitch. No, do the voice. So my level of hypeness will never get to the levels that it once did. But now. Like let me get you many times. Exactly. But now when the last punch like this might not resonate with you on it.
Starting point is 02:51:15 Are you a Star Trek guy at all? Yeah, he is. You guys have the third season of Star Trek. Taylor remembers every conversation he hated. Did you see? I remember all the things I'm disinterested in that you guys have bandied about for hours. Did you watch the third season of Picard? No, no.
Starting point is 02:51:34 It's the most recent time that I've actually been blown away and gotten so much more than I ever expected. The first two seasons of Picard, he's just this old bumbling man and the story is silly and the side characters don't make sense. And people are saying the F word for some reason. And I like this Picard is the one where they get a Borg girl on their ship and she can't. There's a whole bunch of bullshit with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:51:58 It's like season two. Is it the season? I didn't mind that. I didn't mind that. Season three, they do a full, they give you what you wanted in season one Which is a reboot of Star Trek the next generation get the band back together Get them on the old enterprise cuz like it's the only ship not taken over by AI and ride Like in like the cut fucking cavalry and fight the Borg while while like
Starting point is 02:52:22 Geordi flies the ship and makes it do whirly do's. What character was calling the other one like a f***? No, it doesn't seem very Star Trek. F*** was the F word. Oh, you said F word. It is the F word. For Star Trek, the F word is f***.
Starting point is 02:52:36 They don't curse in Star Trek usually. So like, it was Taylor. F***. Yeah, I thought that. I thought that everyone in the future is gay. Star Trek is very accepting for the LGBT. F word or the F bomb is f***. The one you're that everyone is very accepting for the L. F word or the F bomb. The one you're thinking of is the F slur. Yeah, I hate that. Yeah, get your bigotry right. All right. Like I
Starting point is 02:52:53 was picturing like Captain Kirk being like, data, why are you such a f***? Wesley, those pants are f***ing you weird f***. Dude, there's so much like camel toe in that show and they never expected the HD shit to come through. There's a temple top in Group B. Oh, I've made so many times I've heard about the shower seat. Alright, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:53:15 I'm a big fan of the camel toe. I was on Star Trek. No, wait. Hold on. After this, Woody, let me tell you, after this, it will transition to discussing Seven of Nine's tits. I've never seen a second... Which one will go about how the ratings were bad for Discovery, and they did shower scene after shower scene with perhaps the hottest cast member ever in the Star Trek universe.
Starting point is 02:53:35 Jolie Blaylock! Jolie Blaylock! See Woody and I know the whole... They showed more on network TV than you would have expected. A lot to ask, right? A lot to talk about. He's right, right. Right. Oh, there's no one's doubting that he's right. He's right.
Starting point is 02:53:49 He's right. This weekend boys was the hockey scores this weekend. I don't know. I didn't bring it up, did I? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Right. With Nargol.
Starting point is 02:53:58 Don't you touch your mind. No, it's my favorite blue. Tarkov Tarkov. Total War. Don't you touch your mind? Tarkov Tarkov total war we already did Elden ring, dude Harley have you played Elden ring yet? I won't go too long. I promise. I got a crazy hot take on Elden ring What is the Elden ring? Well, I played Elden Ring. And I think it's pretty good. Oh, people say that. Yeah. Yeah. All right. I'll stop.
Starting point is 02:54:34 I heard you fucking I saw that game so much. I saw a SWAT team show up at this guy's house on police activity. All right. SWAT team shows up in one of those SWAT team vans that has the crazy bulletproof windows and shit. The guys on the inside of the house with a 50 BMG, he shoots the windshield right in the middle with the 50 BMG. And it, it doesn't go through the windshield cause it's a SWAT van. I know. It doesn't go through it, but it like makes the biggest like shatter hole.
Starting point is 02:55:04 You can imagine. It's just like, all right, back it up, back it it, but it like makes the biggest like shatter hole you can imagine. It's just like, all right, back it up, back it up, back it up. They had to bring in another sniper fucking guy. And dude, it's the future is now because they sent a police drone into his house, like with a camera on it, like scoping the whole place out. It's hovering in his bedroom looking at his guns. And the way I knew they were messing with the wrong man. He had lotion on both nightstand tables.
Starting point is 02:55:27 This guy and there was lotion on both nightstands and an anti bottle of liquor and guns every fucking where this was not the guy to tangle. What were they doing in your house? I mean, yeah, yeah. I'd have that gallon of, of of lubricant with the pump on top like it's go Joe hand cleaner. Thousand K. Y. That guy had a like, I guess when they're making the bulletproof glass, they're like, someone might have this. Yeah. And then he had it. And they're like, well, fuck, someone has had this.
Starting point is 02:56:03 Yeah, it didn't go through it. It's not. I guess he just had a regular caliber. You said? Yeah. Yeah. Like he's got a Bushmaster BA 50. I had to look it up because I was curious.
Starting point is 02:56:15 It's a bolt action 50. No, I never even heard of that thing. The bolts on the left side. It's all weird and funky. But anyway, I love my police activity videos, dude. I wish I could get you involved with it. I wish we were swapping those videos back and forth, making little anecdotes about how the cops are going on.
Starting point is 02:56:34 I love how you show Taylor like death, and he's like, I don't wanna watch this. Okay, maybe tomorrow you will. Yeah, you guys gotta pump your lively numbers. Dude, this is me, what I do with Kyle and trying to get him to play RTS games with me is what Kyle's been doing for years in showing me gruesome deaths. And all it'll be like check this video out and it'll be all like five seconds in and like someone's being like,
Starting point is 02:56:59 don't kill me like bleeding on the ground and then they explode and and he'll be like sick right? like bleeding on the ground and then they explode and and he'll be like sick right? No I only send cool clips okay it's almost all of people dying that is not true that is not true sometimes it's a people getting killed you ever get Chinese factory workers that type of death we're dealing with occasionally I want to know what flavor we're dealing with here. Yeah, no, I don't like those videos. I genuinely don't like the videos of people getting sucked into machinery, unless comical, and they don't die. That like it's a line like a moral line you won't cross. No, I do not Chinese people getting
Starting point is 02:57:41 sucked into the way genre. There's a lot of people who are into that. I saw this guy. What is it called? I bet there's a subreddit for it. Is it called like the our slash spin zone or something? It's called man versus lathe or something. I saw this guy get sucked into like a textile machine It's like it's one of those things he come out like as the blanket Spider grab a bug and wrap it all up real quick Mm-hmm that happened to him and he's spinning He's like in there long ways and this machine is wrapping him up and big bundles of string And he's spinning way faster than you would ever want to spend and you can tell he's screaming because people are coming to his aid They get the machine stop and then the video ends a few seconds later because he's still just like all wrapped up like a mop like a poor mop. He got out. He's very injured right? I think he was gonna be
Starting point is 02:58:30 good honestly like I think he was solid like I think they're gonna cut those strings and he's gonna be like a little shaken up um but okay because nothing got like torn or ripped he just got spun and wrapped. See I wouldn't mind you sharing that with me at all. I just don't like. Yeah but getting you to click on them see what I try to do is yeah, you've really ruined That's not true if you go back and you look at my links I send good links because I'm hoping I'll link is a good link. You want to click that cuz it's the crim de la crim He wouldn't waste my time with just a guy getting wrapped up in string If there's if I can tell by the thumbnail, it's gonna be a funny video
Starting point is 02:59:04 I click a hundred percent of the tell by the thumbnail, it's gonna be a funny video, I click 100% of the links you send. But sometimes it's like, someone's like that military footage and you can like almost clean the thumbnail. There's a crosshair. Yeah, someone's arm and I'm like, I know what this is gonna be.
Starting point is 02:59:16 Have you heard of the 50 50 subreddit? No. Because child's the living embodiment of it. It's like, hey, click on this video. It's either two twins holding hands, freshly born, or a Chinese baby having its head crushed for being a girl. And it's like, you don't know what you're going to get. You click on it and you're like, well, it's a baby. I mean, Reddit is a giant forum site. So if you wanted to see like, fun, wholesome baby pictures, there's
Starting point is 02:59:44 probably a whole forum just for that. So the whole game on this one is you click it and it could be horrible. That's the whole thing. Yeah, it's 50 50. And honestly, it's not 50 50. No, that's the best part. It's it's probably like 70% good at least it but but you'll get some real fucked up shit. You'll get like a face covered in doo doo or something. Or then you'll get some real fucked up shit. You'll get like a face covered in doodoo or something. Or then you'll get like an ankle, you know, so you like turn your ankle all the way and it just rips apart flesh and bones all the way into the joint. Like you'll get that. You'll get like motorcyclists cut in half or then it'll be like the cutest Dalmatian puppy like biting a bubble.
Starting point is 03:00:23 And you're like, fuck, that was almost worth the ankle thing. That's an emotional rollercoaster. Look at this. It's a fat kid on a slip and slide. Oh, look at the splash he made. Everybody got wet. He's the macho man. Oh God. Her face is full of maggots. Why is it so hard to watch bones get broken? Like in, I get an emotional response from it. Yeah. Like one of the things coming to my mind right now is when a UFC fighter kicks another leg kick to leg kick,
Starting point is 03:00:49 and then suddenly he has a new knee in the middle of his shin and it goes the wrong way. And he tries to stand or some shit on it. Yeah, that is so hard to watch, harder than it should be. Oh, this is such a different ankle breaking video. Have you guys ever seen, it's a little older now. It's this video of this black woman at the shoe store and she's wearing like the highest heels I've ever seen.
Starting point is 03:01:12 He's like start trying to like traipse about and look sexy and she like crumbles up like a dead spider when one of the shoes tumbles and she like just breaks both ankles, her knees are fucked up. It goes on for a little while. She's wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's the tax clapper? That's a really funny thing. Because that's, you know, she's going to be fine. Twisted her ankles. It's all right. It's okay to laugh. That video I just sent you there. That's an example. Nobody clicked it.
Starting point is 03:01:45 Nobody replied. I even had a little I want to put a little funny little I wrote underneath it. I wrote drone siege. Haler drone warfare can be funny. That's what I wrote underneath that message when I sent it a week ago. Nothing. It's nothing. It's a hilarious video. Kyle, you go underappreciated. You are underappreciated.
Starting point is 03:02:03 But you know what I always onto pictures of Murphy. Oh Little Murphy, yeah This is adorable Pomeranian, baby, I've got a Pomeranian that looks like Yoda a little bit He's a he's a he's super fucking cute. Guess what Kyle You didn't respond to mine last night where I showed you the pork rinds that you can make in the microwave. Yeah, honestly, I'll tell you why I didn't respond. That's such a different wavelength of death videos. I was just high as shit eating snacks and I'm like, this is worth texting.
Starting point is 03:02:35 I didn't know how to respond because part of me wanted to say, like, ha ha, what a funny online find. What piece of shit would eat that? But the other part was like, I think he might be eating those. So I just- You know, I did and I didn't, they weren't good. I ate like two pieces after I made them in the microwave. Microwavable pork rinds.
Starting point is 03:02:54 By the way, for the uninitiated pork rinds, it's pork skin that's been fried. Yeah, it's good. I love pork rinds, but this is the worst, these are the worst kind of pork rinds I've ever had. Terrible. Don't recommend it. These can't be it for you, Taylor. These the. This key to be removed from you. Die.
Starting point is 03:03:08 No, there's no carbs. It's all fat. They are keto. Now, I personally am not keto, but I use it as an excuse when I want to eat fatty food. I mean, I'm on a weight loss. Put butter on something. It's keto. It's it is bacon.
Starting point is 03:03:24 That always struck me as so funny. That part of it. Cause I knew so many just obese people who started keto and it's like, you know, it's like, the spirit of it isn't that you eat as much bacon as you want. Like, it's not a cheat code in that way. Like, I just put butter in my coffee. They do that. cheat code in that way. Like I just put butter in my coffee. I know. Have you ever had coffee? Do you like?
Starting point is 03:03:50 No, I've never had it. I, I, it's just a food I don't think I should get started on. I also haven't had meth. They're pork rinds are delicious and they're better for you than chips. I've heard from people online. They're not, they're, they're full of sodium and fat. They're nothing but trans fat and sodium. No, that can't be right. It's fried fat. They take the skin of the fattiest animal that we've deemed
Starting point is 03:04:13 good enough for eating and then they fry it. It's a fried pork skin. Yes. And then they season it as if it weren't already. Yes, but I got the Louisiana hot kind That's hot sauce, which means no calories I'm gonna ruin my body there better be some M&M I don't know. Whatever the fuck is in trail mix is magic It's only once in a while I get a bag or two of four crimes and I tried the poppable ones and it was, it was really bad. It said it will not make a popping sound.
Starting point is 03:04:54 And so I stood there baked out of my mind, looking at the microwave as it like sizzled and then I opened it up and it kept making like crackling popping noises for I shit you not 40 minutes. No, I was I was I took I ate two of them and I'm like, these are the worst pork rinds I've ever had in my life. I I just put it over. I put it next to me on the end table. And then, like, I'm playing Skyrim baked and like 40 minutes later, I'm just hearing pop pop pop. And I'm like, that can't be natural. How does it look 20 minutes with no noise after popping a lot and then it's crackling again? Through that right in the trash.
Starting point is 03:05:32 What a ridiculous process. This body is a temple. How much were the frozen microwavable pork skins? Frozen. They weren't frozen. No, no, no. It's a popcorn bag full of, I just, it was an impulse buy at the grocery store. I was walking through the snack aisle, so you're definitely, I don't always go there. And then I, you know, saw these there and I was like, wow, how fun. And so I bought, this was the fat move though. I bought the, I anticipated myself liking them so much that I bought the original and the spicy flavor. And then I like either so I threw one away and I saw the other one in my kitchen. I'm not gonna make it though. It was gross. Yeah, poor quality.
Starting point is 03:06:12 There's a reason they serve pork rinds in bags already made. Yeah, that's I don't like those. I think it's I think it's a real low tier snack. It's not very good. You're crazy. They're usually better here for a while. I kind of it grew on me. I hold them to a much higher regard now. Yeah, like kind of like I less compare them to chips. They're kind of like a bit more. They're a bit higher than they're more like.
Starting point is 03:06:36 I don't want to say nachos because that gives it too much. Non bread or something. It's almost bready. It's hard. It's hard here because it's like there like it's a, it's a snack for people on keto or diets often because there's no carbs and pork rinds. It's just fat and protein. That keto thing has always struck me as this non-fucking sense. It's like, I think, yeah, that'll work. If you stick to your incredibly strict diet for the rest of your fucking life,
Starting point is 03:07:01 enjoy your MCT oil and never having rice and potatoes again. Oh, wait, you want. Oh, you want to eat birthday cake, fruit, fruit, any of that stuff. It's just like, why don't you just do a balanced diet so you can eat whatever you want just in moderation? Like, I know that's hard, but like makes, you know, like, like that's the way. That is the way. Yeah. Right. You're right. Restricting yourself to things.
Starting point is 03:07:23 Ali, you're from Georgia. I feel like you should. Pork rinds? Boiled peanuts. Nah, we're about to boil peanuts down there. We do peanuts and coke too. Yeah, that's a thing. My grandparents do the peanuts. Or they used to. You take a salt of peanuts, pop them in a bottle of Coca-Cola. I don't know why we do it, but we do. The salt is supposed to make it better. While you're drinking it, you're eating the peanuts while you drink your Coca-Cola. It's a I don't know why we do it, but we do. This is all supposed to make it while you're drinking it. You're you're eating the peanuts while you drink your Coca-Cola. Yeah. It's a, it's a Southern thing. My grandparents, like a bubble tea from Georgia.
Starting point is 03:07:53 Pretty much. Yeah, dude. I like that redneck bubble tea. Yeah, dude. I don't like, uh, you know, so much. I tried boiled peanuts like the, and they're too soft. I was about to say you can't overboil them. They have to be a little al dente and then Cajun and they're, then they're pretty good. But if I believe it's mush, they were mushy, like, like, like overcooked peas. The ones I tried and I was like, this sucks.
Starting point is 03:08:16 There's like peanuts and they've, they are legumes. Yeah. Well, beans would be a legume, right? Yeah. And peas are legumes too. Yeah, I think so. There's a wide world of legumes out there. Let's spend the next 52 minutes exploring it. Legume because I'm big on the English but I can be swayed. Are cashews cashews aren't legumes are they? No, I don't. If cashews are legumes then easy first place swish. I have I have the overall big on those cashews, me not so much. I think they have an off putting flavor. I like cashews, they're good.
Starting point is 03:08:49 It's rich in pistachios, they're great. A nice pecan just blows a cashew out of the water. Macadamia nut. Kyle's not a true American and he's not going into heaven. I'll tell you what's nonsense, it's a Brazil nut. That big, gross fucking giant almond that's hard to get your mouth around. I'm feeling emasculated eating a brazil nut
Starting point is 03:09:07 I don't need that in my life You get poisoned. I think is a brazil nut and is it banana shaped? No, no, it's it's like a gigantic almond It has a terrible flavor. I hate brazil nuts. They're the worst of nuts. Oh, I do know these nuts. Yeah Okay, well, I mean another name? No wonder. They do because obviously in Brazil they don't call them the Brazil nut. Yeah they just call them the nuts. This is an episode of House where this guy was eating far too many Brazil nuts and it caused some kind of an issue and House pointed that out he's like they don't call Brazil nuts,
Starting point is 03:09:39 Brazil nuts in Brazil and that was his big zinger at the end yeah he's goofed up on vikadin dude i love that i feel like every show has to has to have an anti-hero or like a guy who's like walking that line between good and bad now and hollywood writers tv writers like everybody in media who makes everything no one wants to have a good guy everything. No one wants to have a good guy anymore, and no one wants to write a bad guy anymore. A bad guy likes being bad for for the sake of being bad. Or maybe he's just so in a different country. He's from a different country and not some nondiscernible far away land
Starting point is 03:10:20 with an accent. Right. No, thank you. I want Russian or Chinese bad guys again, OK? I don't like your clothes. Mexicans work, all right? Do a cartel twist, all right? But don't believe this function. How about Asian, like Japanese, like a Yakuza?
Starting point is 03:10:36 Chinese, Chinese. I've started to become sensitive to the fact that every bad guy's white. I'm hyper aware of it. At first, it was like, yeah, you need to change it up. You can't have I'm like hyper aware of it. At first it was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. You need to change it up. You can't have it all be non-whites. And now it's like, well, can't be exclusively white bad guys. Oh, every Arab from the years like 1999 to 2014, it was like every single movie,
Starting point is 03:11:00 Oh, every Russian. Going to the audition, they're like, all right, give me your best. movie every Russian going to the audition they're like all right give me your best Some poor like Russian guy is going out for like Patch Adams He's like I am very friendly very natural and they're like yeah We're gonna need you to kill someone in the movie in studio eight actually get the fuck out of you. Hmm, but you're right Yeah, they're all they're all white guys who are bad But they don't even make bad guys anymore is what I'm saying. Like bad guys used to be bad for the sake of bad. They had no redeeming qualities.
Starting point is 03:11:27 And like Luke Skywalker didn't have any negative qualities. Like he was just good. Yeah he did, he was poorly written. Yeah that's a negative quality. I don't think Luke Skywalker was poorly written. It's like a poorly written movie from start to finish that people learn nostalgically. It's like a dumb movie.
Starting point is 03:11:40 I think he's quite well written. Bad movie. First three movies and I don't even like those movies. All right, like I think he's quite well read It's just it's a standard fucking heroes journey. It's yeah. Yeah, that's the thing about it is it's actually just like stanchard There's not much wrong with it. It's just like, you know It's giving one of those that's what made me like tropes bro. I know that's why I like what was it It was it is it Reacher Jack? No, what is it? Is it Reacher? Jack, no, what is it? Reacher's the Anitron version.
Starting point is 03:12:07 He's the Jack. Big dude with big heads. Yeah, I love it. It's like big, strong Jack, white guy that's also smart and everyone likes him and he's never wrong and he can like beat up a car, a moving vehicle and he always- That's literally a scene.
Starting point is 03:12:22 He can guess a password. He can guess a password password like the password could be anything but he'll get I go analyze you and like yeah and he's just like also and super jacked while they dumb dude my past I didn't care I loved it I derivative of a device that was on my desk nine years ago with some like on you rarely use keyboard characters thrown in. Like that. Given so much information to a hacker, by the way.
Starting point is 03:12:48 I have not. He could be like, okay, logically, where was he? Where was he eight years ago? What was sold at that time? What type of thing? What could it be? I have like, I have 10 guesses every hour. I can't remember 80% of my password.
Starting point is 03:13:03 I have to remake, I have to send a help email. Oh. It's just 80% of the time I log into something I haven't used in% of my password. I have to send a help email. 80% of the time I log into something I haven't used in more than two weeks. I use LastPass for anything that's important. If you managed to post on the fish forum, masquerading is me. Congratulations. I took that password tip of like, have no passwords the same on anything ever. I think too seriously. And so like now it's like, nah, what series of characters and numbers is this one? And it's just a pain in the ass. It's like, it's so secure. It's keeping me out.
Starting point is 03:13:35 If it's like PayPal or a bank account or something, I don't even know it. It's in last pass. But if it's a, like, I was assigned a password like from a random generator in 1996 and I still use that shit sometimes, but not for anything good. I hate when I sign into something and they're like, not your password. And I'm like, what?
Starting point is 03:13:58 This is like almost always my password. And I sign in and they're like, not your password. So I'm like, okay, I forgot my password. And then they're like, think of a new password. And then I'd be like, that one I always use. And they're like, no, you can't use the password that you just had. And you're like, that's too similar. Idiot. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:14:11 Yeah. I'm like, I just did this. I just typed this in twice and now you're telling me this was my password. But like, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. A hundred percent. You understand the other sound I'm explaining here. I fucking hate these computers, bro. I heard some and it was a video from a long time ago and I barely remember it, but it was probably true,
Starting point is 03:14:28 that said like the person that made the rule that like it needs a special character and it needs a number, like that, it seems like that adds more security, but to like the brute force algorithms they use to break stuff like that, it's not any more secure than like three random words. No, it is though.
Starting point is 03:14:46 Like there's a really good chart that shows how long it takes to brute force various combinations of letters and numbers and as you add it. One new thing is exponential to like the time apparently. Yeah, when you get to like nine digits and then you throw in some letters and symbols, it becomes like 30 years to brute force it or something. Oh, well, I trust your recall over my barely a memory.
Starting point is 03:15:09 So yeah. You're referring to an XKCD. Oh yeah, I just made all that up. And the guy's clever and he makes a, he thought he was right, but I don't think they proved him wrong. Okay. Well, that can actually fucking fake news to me. But no, I, like, I, like I I miss some movie tropes.
Starting point is 03:15:25 Like I could use a Princess Bride type story where I know who the good guy is. Like Wesley doesn't have any bad qualities in Princess Bride. Humperdinck doesn't have any good qualities. He's a piece of shit.
Starting point is 03:15:36 Right. Like, like, so there's never going to be a moment where they show me Humperdinck's backstory and he got beat up by his dad. I don't fucking care. I don't fucking care. I make you feel sorry for him. He is the bad guy He is to be reviled he is to be reviled and then he'll be punished at the end and we'll all learn our lesson
Starting point is 03:15:53 We're maybe will be merciful to him. He's the bad guy in Princess Bride. He's the prince who's like everyone There's only one prince and princess bride not the Sicilian the other yeah There's a guy who you never want to get into a land war with who's a bad I like that actor. He should be a more stuff. His voice is very fun But you know, it's like with the Lord of the Rings TV show how they've got to do the whole You know the goblet the the orcs are you know? Oh, yeah, these of orcs that don't want to be swept up in this war.
Starting point is 03:16:26 They're just people too. And it's just in war. Are the bad people purely bad like that? Are they as undeveloped as orcs or do they have backstories in Warhammer lore? Oh, in Warhammer lore. Okay, so there's a lot of bad guys and there's a lot of gray area,
Starting point is 03:16:42 but there are bad guys who um like the um the uh the eldari are the dark eldari their whole thing is they did something that basically ensures that when they die they'll go to hell like whatever they did and don't think of don't think of hell as a religious thing as much as like another dimension that there's no hell is real in warhammer Like it is but it's like it's a sci-fi Warhammer has that's why likewise is like they have like it's it's like hell exists. Yeah, like they'll be like in warhammer. They're like we're gonna Lightspeed travel to this insect planet to kill all the insects there Um, and so they'll lightspeed travel and all like these space Marines will start praying
Starting point is 03:17:27 as they light speed travel. Cause these rifts to hell open up and maybe a rift opens up on the ship and then demons come out. Now they're fighting demons on the way to this insect planet that they got to blow up before the orcs get there and take it over and build some sort of like super.
Starting point is 03:17:44 Yeah, if the orcs get there, then the orcs feed on war. So, so there will be, if they get there and they're able to like have a big fight with the insects, then they'll grow in such such a way that now there'll be a problem. But to answer your question, what do you like? There are bad, bad guys, whose whole thing is like, they thrive on torture. They like the, the thing that fills their souls with happiness is mutilation and torture. And the way they torture people is like off the walls bonkers. It's like they'll turn people into furniture and stuff.
Starting point is 03:18:14 They'll like surgically turning you into a piece of furniture and make it so you can never die. I love I love the suffering in Warhammer like it's Warhammer. You'll see like a servitor. It's like a like a skull and it's going around like I don't know like wiping a space marine's ass and I love thinking about how that's like that someone's kid 500 years ago. Yeah they'll turn you like now is a floating skull in this castle that does nothing but like so fucking wipe ass or which came first dune or warhammer because what i think dune was
Starting point is 03:18:45 written before warhammer and so warhammer is probably the one ripping off it has to be doing right but but the whole idea that they both share is that ai went wrong and now these uh the human galactic empire completely swears off all ai and it's like punishable by death and so now the way they do their hyper calculations and their space travel is by these humans who have been modified surgically, genetically, chemically into these sub human, sometimes vessels that it uses a human brain to do. It'll just be the skull floating around like Harley said, doing just terrible tasks, just awful things, or you'll be a
Starting point is 03:19:23 soldier. You're like a space marine, let's say. So they put like 15 lungs inside you and eight hearts, and they'll make you like 10 feet tall and blast you with a crazy amount of drugs. And you're so about humanity and all that and you go out there and you like risk your life like happily like it's and you're you're dead serious and it's all about the codex or some shit and you're so about it and in the event that you serve the emperor
Starting point is 03:20:00 for 250 years you now have the honor of becoming a dreadnought where they like cut off your arms and legs and like throw you into like a metal casket with liquid in your organs. And you are in this casket forever. That's now attached to like a gigantic mech and you're always forever awake and like joined mentally with your mech. You can like never leave it and you're always awake and you're just 100% can you find the emperor of that's not a fuck space marines don't fuck you. I know this might not be accurate. These are just like this. So it doesn't matter how long they've been a space marine. It's like if a badass dies, if like a badass space marine gets so fucked up
Starting point is 03:20:43 that they can't even piece them back together or grow new limbs or, or put a machine part instead. Then he gets the honor. Like, like this guy was a hero. He gets to put it weird to put him because they don't have any dreadlocks. I love that. And they don't know how to make more honor of floating in this metal box attached to an embryo, ever awake, forever awake for no, that's the other thing. They sleep. It's the opposite.
Starting point is 03:21:06 They'll keep them asleep for a thousand years and they'll wake them up. And there's like these funny comics where like two guys have to wake up the guy who's been asleep for a thousand years and ask him like the Wi-Fi password or something. He's the only one old enough to remember what it was. Dude, I loved I played space marine too. And I put it on. I was like with a couple buddies playing it and they're like, Oh, this is so sick. It's gonna be sick.
Starting point is 03:21:28 And I was like, you know what? I'm happy about playing this Warhammer game. I'm so excited to play for 20 hours and not hear this game make a single fucking joke. And it doesn't the entire game. There's never a joke. It's like no one made a joke. No one had a sly remark. Nothing. The closest thing that was like a joke was I was playing the multiplayer
Starting point is 03:21:54 and the two AI at one point, I was using the sniper. And one of them was like, Scipius, if you only looked at the codex, as much as you gaze at the enemy through your scope. And he's like, I'm trying to peer into their minds, brother. And also their skulls. And I was like, that's a joke, Warhammer joke. That was the only joke the entire time Skippy has said that thing.
Starting point is 03:22:16 I'm trying to peer into their minds and skulls. Nothing is ever joked about their dead series. And the funniest thing is humans fight everyone, but also still find time to fight humans. And there's like chaos marines. And like the chaos marines is like pure suffering. Like in their brains, they're constantly tormented. And the only reason why like now they like-
Starting point is 03:22:37 The Nergal ones are the best cause they're rotting. So now pain feels like pleasure to them. So the more gruesome their affliction, the better it feels. So they're like the most gross things like pleasure to them. So the more gruesome their affliction the better it feels So they're like the most gross things are happening to them Oh, there was the grossest one in that whole yeah, and ergo like yeah, Nurgle's the gross rotting is fun to play as in Total war though. Yeah, just putrification rot
Starting point is 03:22:59 maggots just the the depictions of Nurggal are always the most like disgusting, ridiculous. So Nash is like the fuck God, the God of Change. And it's usually the one that's like going to tell you the least cool. Nash is the God of Pussy. So Nash is like this big titted like horror like a super fucking hot. No, he's like he's like half tit. It's definitely a trans God of some kind of change. Yeah, it's like I mean they did like historically say gods that they're like, yeah, yes. But the the actual of the gods and I know
Starting point is 03:23:36 it through Total War. Nergal was fun because it's just like a I liked the lore I learned when you turned me on to it a couple of years ago that like the, what is it? The pox father, the, the grand father, grandfather, grandfather, Nergal is grandfather Nergal. He's like, and he loves all of his little minions. Like he, he cares for them even though they're discussing warhammer total war. Yeah. But then I learned about you choose what you choose like a god or choose a faction played it. I want it because I love the war. We have all the deals. I got
Starting point is 03:24:12 $300 DLC. If you get into it and play a bit Harley, I'll dust it off. I think I played a warhammer with you guys maybe two or three a while back. I got like my ass kicked a little bit and I was like, I'm out of here, bro. two or three a while back. I got like my ass kicked a little bit and I was like, I'm out of here, bro. I haven't played it in forever, but Kyle and I got just unit movements and everything. I would dabble with this Warhammer one just to just to like read like like that. We know the the the graphics are so incredible. Like you can zoom in on every battle and it's not like like it's not like a Starcraft or Age of Empires level RTS where you're constantly just
Starting point is 03:24:50 Yeah, you can scroll in mid-battle and like actually enjoy watching it a bit but you can like pick to be Nergal Well, there's like 25 of them. But like who are the who are the main ones? Nergal, Slaanesh, and then who is Slaanesh? Corn is the god of like corn unequivocally the coolest. Yeah, just so badass. I like I like them all. So that's just kind of lame in in the game. In the game, slanesh is kind of lame. Yeah, they have those really good chariots. But that's it. I like all that stuff. Half of I still need to finish it. I got caught up with stuff, but I half of Eisenhorn. Was it you that told me to read Eisenhorn?
Starting point is 03:25:26 The book? I don't I don't think so. Oh, it's a Warhammer book. I thought, oh, I thought you did. Oh, I might have. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I might have. I was with the it's the Inquisitor guy. And he's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Detective. It's like a sick detective sci fi tale just happens to be in Warhammer.
Starting point is 03:25:41 And like I started Googling things because they'd be like, yeah, this he's a fucking psycher. And I'm like, I'm turning around like, what the fuck is a psycher? And then they keep talking about things like, man, there's so many. I'll see some I'm like, oh, this so these guys are kind of like the Jedis kind of like they can go around and do all this shit. They've got to master their power or it'll like explode. Yeah, exactly. But then they'll have a guy who's like actually like really
Starting point is 03:26:06 good at force powers, let's say, or a guy who does like the thinking like exactly it exhibits its way in different constantly one guy like force lightning literally and then the other guy will just have, you know, like a way of like calming all the soldiers down with his voice. That's it's the way they made who do you to for lore? Luton on YouTube is the best to me. Yeah, I've been there. Yeah, I've been there. I love that they had female space marines and no one bought them. So they did female custodies. They just wrote them out of the lore.
Starting point is 03:26:39 Like no one bought... Like, and like it's funny, like, because a lot of the justifications, I'll see things are like, oh oh that's ultramarines They have 18 lungs not 15 and I'll call it my buddy D and I'm like, yo, so what's the deal with ultramarines? He's like, oh, they're so sick. I'm like, but like how did they come? He's like, oh, they just wanted to sell new pieces Like they want you to buy a new piece for your army See that's the lamest part to me about games workshop and that Marines see that's the lamest part to me about games workshop and that Imagine if Lego guys for laughing at that I wanted to test it out I was testing how many times you guys are gonna laugh at that juice. You guys dude you do
Starting point is 03:27:19 You know I just supporting you Harley we have CNN, okay We we know we know what y'all have been up to, okay? We try to laugh and carry it along, but it's hard, it's hard. Yeah, no, the big thing is we control the whole controlling the weather thing. Lebanon? John, weather.
Starting point is 03:27:36 Thank you for calling off the hurricane, by the way. I saw Trump calling Yamaha on and went and bent the knee and suddenly Milton went from a five to a fucking three. They control her. I saw people pushing that score. They just wave a hand. Did they say it was the Jews? No, the Jews that you could buy. Yeah, you could pay like the US government controls the weather and it's a distraction and you could pay for nice days if you have enough money. Like
Starting point is 03:28:04 this is literally some shit that people are saying. Yeah. Did you, this was a couple of years ago, maybe just a year or two ago. Do you guys remember when they did, I think it was Saudi Arabia or Dubai or something, they were doing the, they were trying to create rain, the cloud seeding thing.
Starting point is 03:28:21 And they, yeah, it's real. And they like overdid it. And there were all those videos of like, like actual floods in the middle of the day. That's insane. All those super cars were destroyed, yeah. That's wild. We do it in America for the hydroelectric dams.
Starting point is 03:28:36 We make it rain where we want it to. We've been doing it since the 40s. Can we create anything but rain at this point? Oh. I mean, we do create rain. No, I'm saying anything but rain. I know we can create rain. What else would you create storms? Can we create like, like, what else can we do?
Starting point is 03:28:53 So the way rain forms is the answer to is I don't fully know, but I know a little bit about making rain. And then when the water droplets would get bigger and bigger, bigger, eventually, they get too heavy to fly around and they fall to the ground. Well, they put what is it like? I forget what they do, when they get bigger and bigger, bigger, eventually they get too heavy to fly around and they fall to the ground. Well, they put, what is it like? Ion, I forget what they do, but they basically put this really light ship that forms dust.
Starting point is 03:29:13 And then the water sort of gets on it and it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. It just seeds the cloud. So it's more apt to form large water droplets that fall to the ground. It's like inducing labor for a cloud. Yeah. And but the stuff sounded pretty cool. But do they see?
Starting point is 03:29:30 I mean, hopefully it's like salt or something and not some, I guess, silver iodide. See, that's good for you. Hey, they put that in the vaccine. I'm fine with that little in those clouds, little in your nothing wrong. You're thinking of mercury. You're thinking of mercury and for now, the high, you dummy. vaccine. I'm fine with that little in those clouds, little in your, nothing wrong with that. That doesn't call us out to some- You're thinking of Mercury. You're thinking of Mercury and formaldehyde, you dummy. Sorry.
Starting point is 03:29:50 I trust whatever we spray into the clouds that makes it rain. They better- By the way, another task for the US Air Force. That's- My God. I want Operation Quadruple Check. Like- Yeah, seriously.
Starting point is 03:30:03 Make sure the Navy doesn't fuck the rain up. quadruple check. Like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like,
Starting point is 03:30:11 I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like,
Starting point is 03:30:18 I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like,
Starting point is 03:30:24 I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I know we don't control hurricanes though because of the the incredible gigantic Fast in a circle. No, you know, it's it's the whole fucking ocean gets hot or cold And that's what makes hurricanes like it's it's not something that we're gonna be in control of I mean when when Trump asked if you could nuke the hurricane, I didn't think that was head on your fucking ass bonkers stupid question to ask because A he has nuclear weapons in this scenario. We don't have nuclear weapons so asking the question is a moot point. He just happened to have been in control of about 3,500 of them that day and he was like hey there's a
Starting point is 03:30:57 hurricane coming could we launch a strike? Let's not nuke the ocean there's no way that's good for us. It doesn't do anything bad. I promise you. I'm with Taylor. It is a ridiculously dumb idea. It seems like exploding nuclear weapons in the ocean has to be bad for the water. I just can't get over the idea that it's not at all. Yeah. I mean, it's in a hurricane, right? This air mass is working its way to land. But hold on. It's going to come to America, to us. But Trump has said, I can think of air mass is working its way to land. But hold on. It's going to come to America, to us. But Trump has said, I can think of two things off the top of my head that I instantly think
Starting point is 03:31:30 are wildly stupid, but also don't know the answer. What does happen if you nuke a hurricane? What does happen if your battery operated boat thinks? Do you get electrocuted? It's a big body of water. Because here's what I'm thinking with the hurricane. Let's say you wait until it's a big body of water. Here's what I'm thinking what with the hurricane like let's say you you wait until it's like a tropical storm and
Starting point is 03:31:47 My understanding is the eye of that thing is this negative pressure zone You know what if you if you if you struck the eye of it Maybe you could make it collapse and like kind of fall apart and and and then it'd have to start its whole thing over again Weakening it that way now. I I'm a meteorologist, but I'm just saying that sounds like a strategy to me. And at the very least, I think I would ask my fucking general and I would expect my general not to run to the Washington Post and laugh at me behind my back. That's a shit move, you ask me. All right. I will make a man or chief afraid to ask questions.
Starting point is 03:32:20 All right. I need I need Trump in there asking all sorts of dumb questions so he doesn't make any dumb decisions. I'm sure you got a good answer back. Actually, Mr. President, compared to a hurricane, our nuclear arsenal just pales in comparison. The amount of forces involved, the vast area that's covered, it would be a pinprick on an elephant, sir. Oh, good. Good. Okay. That's all that we needed to do. I didn't think it was embarrassing. Just like I didn't think in exploring the idea of purchasing Greenland was embarrassingly stupid.
Starting point is 03:32:48 The green light is an excellent idea. I mean, we got a lot of money here. Like I don't think I've never, I don't hear about Greenland's vast industries or lately. I don't think they're that rich. Like maybe we could purchase it from whoever the fuck owns Greenland. I would like to own that little part of the world. Why not? Yeah, I would. I think we should own Greenland and then that opens you
Starting point is 03:33:05 But what other places can we buy a nice little nice Cuba by Cuba? Maybe, you know, you know what the problem with Cuba is mmm Cubans Cubans, yeah That's why you need See we've got this in Ukraine I don't know if you know. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing, you idiot. You can give him the money and shut up. They're doing this for you. You have all the money in the world. You may have forgotten your bank pass, but we haven't. The bio labs in Ukraine that Vladimir Putin's been trying to extinguish for a few years
Starting point is 03:33:38 now in his crusade for freedom and peace and the denazification of the Ukraine. Those bio labs, I'm sure you're all well aware are developing biological weapons that are targeted towards specific races and ethnic groups What? You don't know this yeah, you don't know this this is these are facts no no no these diseases came from Chinese people eating bat soup What diseases are we from you? Do you think we're talking about COVID? Did you just wake up? I'm joking around. We're not talking about COVID. We're talking about specific biological warfare meant to kill Slavic people
Starting point is 03:34:16 Germanic peoples, maybe African people, whoever they want. So what I'm saying is This is Russian propaganda that Kyle's joking about. Ukraine? They said it was one of the reasons for invading Ukraine. Yeah, well, maybe they are. Maybe they're eating a lot of bat soup over there and then vomiting into Petri dishes. I'm just saying, if you could have something that dealt with Cubans, if you could have something, maybe we could talk to Zelensky about these Cubans. Do you remember early in COVID, people were like, hey, I think it's actually more
Starting point is 03:34:46 likely this came from the Wuhan virology lab 40 yards away where they were researching dangerous diseases and some escaped and they're like, no idiot, fake news moron. It was Chinese people being disgusting. That caused thousands of years. Oh, you probably read that on on 100 Bines laptop, huh, Taylor? Is that where you saw that story? There in imagination land. That's so funny.
Starting point is 03:35:14 People were like it was bat soup. Idiot. So, yeah, I believe the bat. I didn't believe bat soup. But when they described to me the wet market or whatever and how you'd have like a pangolin shitting on into like a Gophers mouth and then the Gophers shooting into a parrot's mouth and then people would be like eating all three shits rubbed on the Gophers While they barbecued it and like back and forth. I was like dude That's what they've been doing in those wet. They didn't those wet markets didn't prop up in 2018
Starting point is 03:35:40 Like they've been doing that for hundreds. Yeah, but mutations occur over time like like that that one What's the African Ebola came from a cave in Africa two different famous deadly diseases came from the same bat cave in Africa Ebola and like I don't know what the other one is, but it's a disease, you know It's like one of those like I don't we feel like even just dude when I read that I read that online and I was like, why are we not hitting that with a bunker buster? Like tomorrow? No, that'll spread it. What are we new kids? See if that makes it better. No, it's going to incinerate them with fire. No, it would probably not.
Starting point is 03:36:21 One or the other. Let's see. Why not just have an enormous amount of concrete down there. Seal it up. Concrete? No, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like, now you got a fucking roads and bridges project in Africa. That ought to go well.
Starting point is 03:36:34 I see this thing with lead and an ant farm. It's cool. Yeah, the Chinese can do it or we can do it. Like, we'll just fill it with concrete, make sure that dastardly cave doesn't cause problems anymore. The fucking carbon footprint alone from that much concrete is not going to be worth the squeeze. If it's shutting down the carbon footprint, if it's shutting down the Ebola cave.
Starting point is 03:36:55 My biggest fear shutting down the Ebola cave is the carbon footprint that may or may not be created by the concrete created in that area and the substandard labor that would be employed. Ever since vaccination Ebola is classified as endangered. Zach, fact check me on that because I know I'm right. It's like what the cave had like Ebola and like another like West Nile virus or some shit like another famous disease from that bat cave. And it's like, why would we give them a third chance?
Starting point is 03:37:21 This is like Nazi Germany, not like we got to get rid of these guys. Yeah, fill all their caves with concrete. Figure the rest out. This is your you guys are the ones who let the caves get out of control. Concrete first, ask questions later. That's well, it's better until you with concrete. If if I was the president of that idea decision, you could either fill it with concrete and and and seal all of the concrete better than napalm Because you don't blow it up and you don't spread all the nonsense here a fine fire that's not what our bomb It's a acme rockets. It's not gonna make it a big mushroom club We're gonna we're gonna vaporize those fuckers gonna burn them all two different imagine one of those Russian guys You send me videos of is Ebola what happens when they blow him up?
Starting point is 03:38:02 It doesn't go away, or does it get everywhere? I saw a gruesome video today. The guy was on fire. He was on fire, Taylor, this Russian guy. And I guess he decided to kill himself, but all he had was a grenade. And I was like, my God, what a time to have a six second fuse on a grenade. He's just burning, burning, burning.
Starting point is 03:38:19 And it was rough because they wear those goose down jackets and they just go poof and make a big cloud of feathers. Where would you put a grenade if you were trying to end it? Next to my head, like right next to your head. Yeah, oh yeah, big time. And then like against the ground to like make sure the force is like doubly amplified. You put your head against the ground and like yeah yeah like a pillow. Yeah for sure. Yeah. Man it would suck if it failed and I just Your your jaws gone. It's done grenade That was flashbang to me through
Starting point is 03:39:03 I can't hear nothing And war is horrific I'm so glad my dad used to say it all the time I'm sure he still does if I prompted it you just said it like he was dead But but but like like every day we like we'd be hanging out together you'd be like So what a beautiful day to be alive so good So good there's nobody over there to fight lately. We'd see the news or something like we don't have to do battle for this land over here This is our land, you know, nobody's coming to fuck with us like this is just ours and we never have to even worry about because someone else is fighting your fight for you right now and
Starting point is 03:39:38 Carly's appreciate that we gave that guy Auto zone enough is enough. Oh my God. I use that card all the time, that AutoZone discount card. Your veteran's card? Oh no, my uncle worked at AutoZone. Just same discount, and he kept his letter. Started at the bottom, went his way all the way to the top. Dude, they always ask me if I'm a veteran.
Starting point is 03:40:02 I'm like, no. Oh my God, just steal a little value. I'm a veteran. I'm like, no. Oh my God, just steal a little Valor. I'm a pussy. No, just do it. I can't lie. I'm really the only one that's ever stolen Valor. Yes. At Subway.
Starting point is 03:40:18 How did you do it? How did you do it? How did you do it? But no, he started slicing the meat and I freaked out because I feel Blade reminded me of my time in the middle. I steal valor for Vietnam. Tell them you were a tunnel rat. I was a tunnel rat.
Starting point is 03:40:36 They had this weird reverse aging serum. I stole a lot when I was on the ground in the tunnels. Tunnel rats are so hardcore. I've talked about it before, but that one doc where the guy was a tunnel rat and they're interviewing him in his living room and it's kind of a rundown place and everything. And he's a rundown guy. It's like 20 years after Nam and he's like, yeah, they send me down in the holes with
Starting point is 03:40:56 my 45 and my bayonet. And I crawl most of the time. You'd smell the gook before you seen him. You'd smell him yards away. They had a spicy stink to him from that food they eat. And I'd come up and he's talking about he had a necklace of ears. He's like, I had a special bayonet that I had customized for chopping heads off. And I had a whole bunch of heads and I had a whole bunch of ears. And she's like, what happened to him? He's like, they took them. When I went come back through, you know, the customs or whatever took my
Starting point is 03:41:26 ears and your knife took it to took my chopper. And then she was like, if you can go back, he's like, do you, she's like, do you regret anything you did? He's like, hell I'd go back now and go back to killing. If they let me, I loved it. I loved it. I wish they'd send me back now. I was crowing, dirty as hell.
Starting point is 03:41:43 The ears rotten around my neck and I'd hear a few feet in the distance, some ching chong, bing bong horse. Upset me more than smelling their disgusting fish sauce entrees. Are you reading something? If this off the top, that's real life. That's literally speaking from the heart. This dude was having none of it. He was like, we'd find our boys all cut up and tortured and they'd make them look bad to scare us. And it didn't scare me. Made me mad. Yeah. The aliens aren't ready for when they come here.
Starting point is 03:42:22 I had a manager early in my career. He was a Marine and he used to tell me like the people you want in the army at peacetime or not the same people you want at wartime and Guy Kyle's talking about it's a guy you want at wartime, dude I was listening to this podcast recently and the guy was in Korean war So he's old as shit But he was and he was so braggadocious and light-hearted about it like, I don't think he's lying, but at the same time, it's like, dude, really? He's like, I've got the record for most hand to hand kills. They was many a time where I could have shot him,
Starting point is 03:42:55 but I chose to beat a man to death instead. I just like to rattle their cage. And I was good at that sort of thing. And I've also played the game doing all night for real He said he killed over ten thousand with his artillery strikes alone He's like I was calling in the artillery strikes on the Chinese and in North Korea like easily ten thousand kills from that alone He's like I killed another four hundred with rifle fire and hand-to-hand tactics I killed at least and it was like dozens he He'd beaten to death. It was crazy.
Starting point is 03:43:25 The stories he was telling. That's I think visually on site. Like I think like going up against the Japanese or just like Asians on site at war. Like I feel like that's that's scarier to me than if I were going up against some white men. Yeah, if I saw white dudes out there, that's different. If I was a little messy with it, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 03:43:48 They've been I see him torturing like grains. No, no, for sure, for sure. But like in World War Two, though. Yeah, exactly. Like scary, bro. Asians running through the smoke like that. They got those silly hats and they fucking they're they're like kamikaze piloting with the bayonet like they're coming for you and They're just up. They're just about it more than I'm about it
Starting point is 03:44:11 I my father-in-law was in the Korean War and he would talk to me about it sometimes and I'm like 19 just trying to have him not hate me agreeing with everything he says So he wasn't like some super badass who had the record for hand-to-hand combat or anything, but he was a strong guy, owned a weightlifting gym, he was a fireman, he was like intimidating to sit near. And he's telling me about his time in the Korean War. Anyway, he was upset because the Koreans
Starting point is 03:44:38 kept coming to their camp base, whatever it was, and robbing them, they'd just steal food, whatever they could get their hands on and leave. And he's like, they did it to the Turks too, but the Turks, they robbing them. They just steal food, whatever they could get their hands on and leave. And he's like, they did it to the Turks too, but the Turks, they'd kill them and they'd put their head on a pike. They had Korean heads and they stopped stealing from them. So I wanted to do that here.
Starting point is 03:44:56 But the Americans wouldn't put dead bodies on pikes in front, around the camp to show what they did to people who stole. And I'm just like, agree. Like, yeah, yeah, that's a, you should do the pike thing, I guess. I would do it, I would help you. Yeah. I'll help you.
Starting point is 03:45:11 I'll pick the head. You want to get some pikes around here? I don't know, I'm just trying to get a lake. I had some pikes ready for this. Woody, the reason that they do the pike thing on the head is like, like how many different societies figured that out at different places, thousands of miles apart where they're like, you know, we really need to inspire fear head on a pike like everywhere independently.
Starting point is 03:45:34 We were just like, no, we were on our way to like conquesting to other lands and we passed this village. Do you know what they did? Genius idea. They took the heads and had them all set up. Yeah, yeah. We killed them all. We raped them and killed them.
Starting point is 03:45:49 But that, like, I could see how that would deter someone who wasn't as crazy as us. And what we did is that- We got to start with those survivors, because these were scary people. And they told us that we weren't allowed to do heads on pikes, and so we stole their heads on pikes. Well, hang on, like, imagine it's not just random heads
Starting point is 03:46:03 on pikes, it's your boys right like like like oh shit that woody's up there on a pike and it's like taylor i don't think we want to dude i'd be like i'd be like right next to it for my head like with the woody god damn it this one keeps tipping over God damn it. This one keeps tipping over. Well, candy, candy apple. Like a little proto tent holding me up. You know what? Just throw it in the fire. This one's not worth it.
Starting point is 03:46:34 It's just making us make it a joke out of us. They apparently like like North Korean troops are being deployed in Ukraine. I can just imagine like if you're like, yeah, like if you're Ukrainian, you're in Ukraine, that North Korea, Russia, Koreans are allied with the Russians and they're fighting in Ukraine and the Ukrainians are like, look, a dead North Korean soldier. That's evidence that the North Koreans are fighting us. Yeah, like I'd be- Is it North Korea that does it?
Starting point is 03:47:07 Or I always think of North Korea as like a pet of China. And so is it like China doesn't wanna get themselves involved? Oh yeah, I think like, I think like China must've been involved with some of this, this cold. Because North Korea can't survive without imports directly. Well, I was just gonna say, could you imagine like, you're like Ukrainian and then you just
Starting point is 03:47:25 start seeing like a lot more Asian faces and they're all like tired and hungry. And you're like, dude, I think we're winning. I think we're winning. There's a lot of Asian lobbies around here. It's a good deal for the Russians. And you're like shooting and then like all of a sudden you just got like, like Asian faces and they're like, I don't know what you're saying bro. I don't know what you're saying. This is a really good deal for the North Koreans.
Starting point is 03:47:47 What did they explain? Well the North Koreans aren't just sending like starving soldiers to get thrown into the mix. They're sending all sorts of officers to get experience in a real modern war. This is a great practice and training. It doesn't make sense. Like I wouldn't imagine they would send their worst. They'll send their best. They'll send the guys that they want to get trained up.
Starting point is 03:48:11 Maybe they do send some of their worst to for a fee. Maybe they'll trade, you know, five thousand peasant soldiers for some some barley and wheat this winter or something like that. Well, I think a lot of these soldiers are getting fed. They're like, you know, it's cool out here, dude, if we don't get killed, like we get Well, I think a lot of soldiers are getting fed. They're like, yo, it's cool out here, dude. If we don't get killed, like we get breakfast, lunch and dinner. That's crazy. Dude, I'm getting a lot.
Starting point is 03:48:32 How awesome is this? I had bread twice this week. My abs are gone. This place rocks. Now, that's that's an interesting part of the war. I know that some Iranians have also been killed in Ukraine, but they were specifically involved with some sort of drone warfare unit. They were there getting training, doing drone strikes. That unit was, and they blew those guys up. That drone warfare is so
Starting point is 03:49:01 sketchy. I saw one of the tank drones. Finally a video on reddit and Man, they're so close to like ground-based drone. Yeah, it's like a little one with a machine gun on it And it's like they're getting so close to terminators, dude. There's a guy. They're 15 years away from terminators. I saw I saw a guy running from a drone and it was just like such a weird fucking video to watch it was crazy It's just like it is insanely dystopian. There's a black mirror episode like that. It like starts off with like as if it was like a Call of Duty YouTube, like highlights like these clan type thing at the beginning.
Starting point is 03:49:38 It has a good graphic. It's like the bodies hit the floor. Yeah, it's literally like it's literally like they got music playing and it's a guy, like he sees the drone and then like sees that the drone sees him so he starts to run, but it just turns faster than you. It's faster than you. It just needs to get near you.
Starting point is 03:49:57 I saw, and I saw an award ceremony. It's just fucked. I'm like, what's going through your head? Like it's that like, like, like, just like the other from it. It's fucked up. No, think about the other end of the drone though. So Zelinski just gave like, I don't know, the hero of Ukraine medal to this drone operator and they gave that guy's kill list. Now a lot of times, a lot of times you'll have like a Carlos half cock American sniper or Chris Kyle, American sniper. And it's like
Starting point is 03:50:23 confirmed kills versus real kills and like his story versus somebody else's story. And like, how do you even keep count? These guys are video recording every single strike they make. And I think he had four hundred and forty one kills. Who gives a fuck about someone's kills when they're sitting in a bunker 800 miles away? Excuse me? What do you want to get?
Starting point is 03:50:42 Oh, get your sword out. Get your sword out, Olaf and charge across the field. I'm sure someone will. Hold on, hold on. Do you really see any sort of equivocation between Carlos Hathcock, a hero sniper in Vietnam and someone who's drinking Red Bulls and has a break time hourly and sitting there playing X-Files? Taylor, I want to answer that.
Starting point is 03:51:00 Like I can see where you're coming from. One guy's in far more danger. There's no honor in the second one whatsoever. Hold on. The one guy's in a lot more danger. Now they are in some danger because they can't be too far from the front line. They don't do it from like North Carolina.
Starting point is 03:51:15 But- We do. But in terms of effectiveness though, like you're talking about like the honor in the- The honor, yeah. Yeah, yeah. If you throw the honor away and just look at who's the more effective guy that drone operators incredibly for sure. But it's not him specifically. It's, you know, the technology that guy would be sitting, you know, programming. It's not the sniper specifically. It's the intelligence. Not really. Like if you've read, I don't know why you're going to manufacture. He wasn't like him. First of all, you've
Starting point is 03:51:46 read Carlos Atkins memoirs. I have an like what that guy's not comparing to what I'm saying. That's not falling through the month for miles. I was only comparing the two in the sense that one of them you have the kills on video and the other you have a story. Yeah, I'm not. You know what I mean? There's not one of this kids kills that's in dispute as every single one of them is recorded in 360p or something Yeah, he had like 440 individual kills, but then it was a litany of vehicles It was like how many heavy tanks how many light tanks how many trucks he had destroyed a fucking army himself?
Starting point is 03:52:21 It was so crazy. Yeah, and was like 26 maybe like he was very young. It's just like the the drone thing is like a complete removal of honor from warfare. I think we've had that removal like the archer. I think that removal. That's what they used to say about English archers. There was some guy on the other. This is completely without honor. No, do you do you actually know the history here? So when crossbows were invented, the British refused. I knew you did. When the crossbows were invented, the British were always famous for... I mean, I know it. Tell all those weirdos that listen, they don't know it. So the British won a lot of
Starting point is 03:52:59 wars because they were excellent archers and they had longbows made of you, I think, that could shoot huge distances and they were actually really accurate with them. And these dudes were jacked, they were like 120 pound pulls. Their skeletons are important. You can tell an archer by their skeleton to this day because it reshapes the musculature and skeletal, uh, skeletal of those people. Like they, they're, they're, they're right side is complete. You can, you can tell them. You can find on YouTube right now, if you look up like an Archer, there's this old guy who pulls it back and his right side is fucking just that, that lean tensile strength muscle.
Starting point is 03:53:35 And the left side is not like that because that's the structure side. And so when crossbows were invented, they, the British didn't use them. They refused to use them because they saw part of warfare as the honor of skill, that it took skill to kill someone. If you're going to kill someone with a longbow, it's really difficult, but you can give any peasant, anyone a crossbow, and now you can kill that way. And so for a good while, the British military did not adopt the crossbow because they thought as they saw it as shameful. Like you further, but I, but that kid, the drone
Starting point is 03:54:13 operator, if he got 441 kills in Russia with the crossbow, that'd be fucked. Dude, no, if he was pre 16 on rooftops, no one would be saying anything about Taylor, you're talking about honor and war? Yeah. I suspect that's something that us non-soldiers talk about. Like I bet the people who really fight in these wars are like, yeah, man, it's not what you think. It's not as heroic as you think. It's everybody's scared. Everybody's-
Starting point is 03:54:38 That'd be the job I'd want. Being a little bit gray. Part of honor- Is that the job we'd all want, right? That guy with the collection of ears, did he have honor? Like part of honor is behaving appropriately under immense stress and fear. Like that's part of what's being honorable, courageous. Like that's so when you hear about a night who killed a bunch of people on a battlefield, or you hear about a sniper like Carlos, Carlos Hathcock, who killed dozens of people and he would crawl through miles of muck and
Starting point is 03:55:05 bullshit getting infections in his feet and his legs because he was still for so long. Like that's a level of honor. That's a level of courage that simply absented down. He did something honorable. There's no metal suit in the battle. Xbox to kill some. A lot of people think it's not an honorable way to fight. It's like I think at night, a night covered in armor has ever been a more stomping out. I don't think there's ever been a better definitive line in what is and is not honorable fighting than sitting 100, 200, 500 miles away
Starting point is 03:55:40 with an Xbox controller blowing people. It's literally but that's the equivalent of a night going against some peasants with wooden sticks, stomping them all out. And it's like, this guy's a fucking hero. You're right. In a fucking metal suit. That's fair. And time and time's change. And I could be a million percent wrong on this. I'm open to it. No, you're right.
Starting point is 03:55:56 And then there were guys in fighter jets in Iraq war just plinking tanks who showed up so obviously under infrared. They were like drunk last night. That's pretty comparable to the drone stuff, but we're not talking about what tower. No, but I see what he's saying. At least those guys in the planes are like literally there. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:56:14 They can't see you. Iraq, no one's shooting down our plane. Yeah. No, for sure, for sure. I agree with you, but they're there though. They saw it. How about this? Let's really take a look.
Starting point is 03:56:22 These Iraqi guys are there. Let's take it to the limit. You have a on your desk and when you press it an enemy soldier dies You got a you press it a hundred times and then you're given the presidential medal of faith wouldn't need to push that button I agree with you every step you take away from like choking the guy to death is a less honorable step that also Separates you from the pain of what you're doing and what you should actually feel as a human and like not wanting to do the same thing. You don't need to do that shit. No, this is fucking, no, this is poignant.
Starting point is 03:56:52 This is this is good stuff. Yes, I'm going to tempt my fingers. So today's episode, fucking aliens, killing aliens, fucking humans and killing you. That's what that's why the aliens are so perfect and why like I have no mercy for the aliens, right? I hope they have a God that I can make fun of. And like, you can do anything you want to an alien. There's no laws.
Starting point is 03:57:10 Like, if the aliens came down, and like, we were winning the war handily, and I just had like a bunch of alien slave pose, and I'm like leading them around like a chain gang. The memes would be crazy. Yeah, they're all caked up. Crazy, if we were all war against aliens. They're all caked up. I. They're all caked up.
Starting point is 03:57:25 I got a chain gang of alien pussy. I just got them in the background. We got slurs. We're allowed to use because we all hate the aliens. Do you let them cover their tits, but it's like with like a rag that shows under boob? They don't get to wear anything. No, they're all. I'm imagining the aliens.
Starting point is 03:57:41 This is honor. They're like they look like Puerto Ricans, but they have lizard tails. That's what I imagine the aliens They're all like a bunch of J. Lo's but with like lizard tails lizard tails of super k-jumps Like hot babes with green lips and green nips Now I gotta be weird in that so cuz I don't want everybody to be into it I want to be kind of a fetish I want it to be like most people aren't into the alien chicks because they got some weird Anatomy or like like maybe they're gooey and in a weird way
Starting point is 03:58:11 Maybe if you like fuck one too hard it just explodes into like a leak pops like a balloon Just spills and ruins your mattress man that would be dramatic every Part spray out their nipples every time I pump them, just like a fart spray out their nipples. Every time you pump them. Yeah, well, I don't like that. I don't want no skunk pussy. Now you're not in the had to get them decented. Yeah, you should de gland them like they do.
Starting point is 03:58:35 Yeah, that's what I do. There'd be no law against it either. You could execute them in the street. You could have a whole reality show where you like you like, you know, may have fight to the death or put them in like weird, uh, like a hamster cage. And it's like, dude, they came here. They're trying to kill us. They, we literally, they have like, look at the, all the, there'd be hippies though. You know, there'd be fucking hippies.
Starting point is 03:58:54 I'm trying to make the argument to them. I'm like, dude, they literally had scriptures specifically written about your wife. They were going to enslave your wife. So it's a problem now that Kyle enslaved eight of them. Yeah, come on. Yeah. 100% agree. Not going to bat for you. I'll get enslaved. 80 murderous. No, I like that a lot. I wish we had like a rate because then then we wouldn't worry about Palestine or Israel or Ukraine or Russia. We'd all just focus on like, yeah, we get lizard pussy pussy like slave and like slaying out slaying
Starting point is 03:59:26 out lizard pussy slave is a great t shirt you guys should sell by the way. 10% off. I'm an art. So what I'm picturing, if you want to throw up a graphic, throw up some accompaniment here. Zach, I'm picturing the mom from the dinosaurs. It wasn't a cartoon. It's from the nineties, like 90.
Starting point is 03:59:43 Not the mama, not the mama. So it was like animatronic, like people in suits, the dinosaurs. I'm picturing the mom. She's like a dilapidated source or something. But like real kicked up real. You know, it's crazy. Mom from Diana's crazy about that show. Bring it back. You watch that.
Starting point is 03:59:56 And I watched that back and I was like, oh, I think they're black. Like, I think it's a black family and I realize that does. Dude, yeah. Look at when you look at the the sun also has like cornrows and like, right, I looked at it back and I'm like, oh, I brought it back. And like a lot of their stuff is talking about like how hard it is being a dinosaur. But it's kind of like code.
Starting point is 04:00:21 Yeah. Look at the dad here. He's got those black eyebrows. Yeah. He doesn't have eyebrows. But like where the eyebrows would be. Pull up the sun. Get the sun there from from dinosaurs. He's got horrid teeth. He needs some whitening strips.
Starting point is 04:00:38 Yeah. This show was crazy back in the day when I was. You know how the show ended. The no. The finale of the show is the is the is the know how the show ended? The no, no, the finale. The finale of the show is the is the is the meteor destroying the earth and killing them all. Oh, that's right. There is no, there's a Mohawk is I hated the aesthetic of this show so much that when it came on and I was a kid, I would turn it off.
Starting point is 04:00:59 The baby on the show was like a cultural thing, like the not the most like baby Yoda. Yeah. Well, I think that's a bigger than that. Four hours. Yeah. I'm feeling the meteor right now. I'm feeling a meteor right now. Check out Harley, links in the description.
Starting point is 04:01:17 Check out our meth head guest. And yes, I got Maddie meth and check out Ryan Rivera, Gavin McInnes's show. Hopefully we can get Ryan back on.

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