Painkiller Already - PKA 738 W/ Brandon Herrera: The New ATF Director Pardons FPSRussia
Episode Date: February 8, 2025...
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PKA 738 with our guest Brandon Herrera.
This episode of PKA is brought to you by Lock and Load, our wonderful merch, and of course,
Brandon, thanks for joining us tonight.
You're a very serious man now, and so we have to do journalist foot when we talk.
Because you're going on Fox and Univision.
I'm just fucking stoked.
What do you got my name right this time, man?
I feel like-
I wasn't sure.
All right.
This tonight is Brent Haraldson and it's like, I don't think I can do it perfect
next time.
Please don't be bad.
It's always a pleasure to be on boys.
I appreciate it.
I saw something floating around.
Don't know how true it is, but that you're being maybe, maybe on the outskirts of
consideration for
ATF head. What's that? Really funny because I didn't throw my name into the goblet of fire.
I never thought that that was going to be a thing, but RFK had a website where he basically was
polling people. Like, hey, who would you like to see in key cabinet positions? And I kept getting
my DMs blown up. Like, dude, you're winning for to see in key cabinet positions? And I kept getting my DMS blown up.
Like, dude, you're winning for ATF.
Apparently somebody nominated me for ATF.
And I think he got more votes than any other position on the entire platform.
It was like 30, 40,000 votes.
Something I don't remember.
Don't quote me on weird.
The other candidates didn't have a built in fan base.
It's crazy, right?
And I did egg it on.
Once I saw it was leading, I was like, oh, this would be fun.
So I kind of poked at it a little bit and nothing else.
I'm sorry.
No, it's kind of nice to have professional communicators in every job.
Like I like that.
I know I wish the Democrats did better at that.
Sometimes they have just intolerable cunts.
What do you mean?
They got the entire media.
Agree to disagree. Yeah.
I think they need more hot people too.
I think they need to like put all their money on the AOC boat.
I think when, when she goes on Twitch
where they're big old juggly.
Her mind.
Democratic boobies.
I start feeling like a radical and you know,
I start thinking maybe we don't need all these babies.
You know what I mean? I start thinking crazy thoughts. You could, you could turn me.
I'd be out there throwing a Molotov cocktail being like, look at me.
Aerosy, am I making you happy? I jump up and down from.
I burnt down a circle cake.
No, but I know.
You need to start recruiting from the bars.
Oh yeah. Yeah. That's my favorite thing about her or big vet tits.
No, no one's down on that. No one says some people are down on Nancy.
Kyle, what is her strongest asset? Her strongest asset is those big old boobies. But she also had she has a nice body all around. I think her big eyes are attractive. They always
make fun of that. And I'm like, that's fucking hot. She has eyes. She's got a nice body all together like she's a fit like attractive lady you know
and I always say she'd be the one to turn me to the dark side for sure. She could be Smoke Show.
If she was on the Republican side we'd all we'd all agree that like all right that's you know
but we got a couple we got like Annapolina like you know come on we we got a few. I don't have a
few. I'm a big fan of Tulsi Gabbard.
I know she's a little bit older,
but I've always dug that white streak in her hair,
like rogue from the X-Men.
Tulsi's always been pretty fit from the surfing and such.
Yeah, Tulsi's fantastic.
I really, I like her a lot.
I got to talk to her a little bit a couple months back.
She's like, she's on it.
Annapalene is pretty.
I just looked, I just at his Google. What was
they gonna say? Oh, I think it's a testament to my own
priorities and that I think it was the strongest asset is her
butt. Not it's who was I can't remember who that that like
troll comedian or whoever it was. He's he's like, oh hello.
Hello. I say hello. They're like on the capital steps and
she's like, hey, it's like my big booty Latina Oh my big booty Latina and she's like nope
And like immediately like zips away from my like that's just like that as my boy Alex Stein
Mother the pimp on the blimp. I figured you know who it was. It's fucking hilarious
Hey, I mean I see that it's funny, but he's also being an asshole. Oh, yeah
Yeah, oh he does a bunch of shit that I would never do in a million years, but he's a comedian.
And I can't say it's not kind of funny.
He was on fish tank.
He goes on a Sam Hyde show as fish tank where he like,
when they still thought it was a real show.
No, yeah.
Alex Stein went on there and the whole time it had been Sam
and jet like being the head honchos and they'd been being rude to the contestants. And then Alex Stein went on there and the whole time it had been Sam and Jet like being the head honchos
and they'd been being rude to the contestants and then Alex Stein showed up pretending to be like
the millionaire donor and he's like, Jet, Sam, just real quick, just a little side bar. And then
they go in a different room and he's just screaming at them like, I've put 20 million dollars into
this project and I'm bleeding money. just ripping into Sam and Jet and everyone
the contestants can hear it. Very funny. But that's, I don't know much else about Alex
Stein other than the, the big booty Latina comments and the fish tank stuff.
Yeah. Yeah. That's good stuff. No politics has been just fascinating. Every day I'm,
I'm, I'm watching at least an hour of, of politics because I want to see what did Trump sign,
what does it do, and I want to see that blonde lady
do the White House press conference.
I want to see her do her thing
because that's always snippy and mean and fun.
What do you think of this,
the US is going to take a long-term ownership position
in Gaza, Scott?
Oh, so, all right.
We're going to war Taylor.
It's what you voted for.
No, you can't wait to die for Israel, right?
I can't wait because if it's ours,
then suddenly we need more boots on the ground.
Well, he's just throwing today.
They're not doing that.
They're not doing any boots on the ground,
which OK, I want to bring that out.
Brandon just said they did say that today, right?
But previously, they Trump said there were boots on the ground.
That's what the soldiers would be.
He says, we're gonna have a long-term ownership.
They asked him if there was a right
for the Palestinian to return.
He's like, oh, I don't know why they would.
It's gonna be so great in Egypt and Jordan.
Doesn't have to be one place.
It could be lots of places.
Trump was very clear.
The US is gonna go in there
and some sort of military takeover
and they shouldn't come back.
And then they spent the next few days telling us that he didn't say what he
clearly said on video or the words don't mean what words clearly mean. And this is
such a like repeated pattern in Trump White Houses that it becomes frustrating
and as a as the you know freaking liberal I'm just trying my best not to be
the dog that chases the every imaginary ball they pretend this is an imaginary
ball. This is an imaginary ball. This is an imaginary ball. This is an imaginary ball, okay?
Well, as a puppy, it's hard for me to tell.
You know?
Well, here's the thing.
Assuage me too, because I'm really not stoked on this.
When I hear him talk about doing something to Panama,
I'm like, he could do that.
He could actually do that.
But when I hear about him taking over a sovereign nation,
and the whole thing was clearly not thought out.
That's how you know it's not like a well-thought-out plan with gears turning.
Everyone around him, including Bibi, was like, what? What?
And Trump's like, you know, it could be the Riviera of the Middle East.
He's talking about development, not occupation.
He's not envisioning a South Korea, North Korea DMZ or boots on the ground and military checkpoints.
He's envisioning mom and pop going for a vacation in Gaza because of all of the wonderful hotels and casinos right there on that beachfront property.
He's talking about sending 1.8 million people where no one will take them. Egypt always, perennially says they won't take them. And everybody else in the
Middle East, the Saudis, the Jordanians, everybody else is
like, no, you can't do that. There's a there's a fucking
word in in in their language for something like that horrible
happening to them. It's no good, though. They're not going to do
it. You can't take 1.8 million people and just die.
I mean, they'll move them off the list.
I'm seeing a failure of imagination in Kyle, quite
frankly. I mean, last time, there's a lot of logistical challenges.
Sure. Maybe I can't think of any, but I bet they exist.
Last time it happened, there was a literal civil war there.
They weren't super fond on that.
This isn't going to happen.
It's a ball not to follow.
He's like, Hey, I have this idea.
I was thrown out there.
Y'all didn't seem to like it.
So we moved on.
It's going to be that.
However, I think the 25% tariffs on Canada
because of the 43 pounds of fentanyl that come over
was well thought out either.
Oh, see, the fentanyl part is a spin job though.
The fentanyl wasn't even mentioned in regards to Canada
until Canada instituted retaliatory tariffs
and then they sent out that mouthpiece to the news media
and he was like, Canada seems to be confused and thinking they're in a tariff war or something. No, this is a war on drugs
It was like it was a message that was typed up sent out and like we're going to pivot now
And we're gonna say it's about drugs with Canada when really it's about Canada not paying into their share of their NATO spending from GDP
I think it's a cannot. I don't think so Kyle. I think that
they mentioned the drug thing because they can only implement these tariffs in an emergency
situation. So they invented a fake emergency so that they could implement these tariffs. And it's
really a trade war that they're trying to start. And the tariffs are an excuse and a lie so that
they can, you know, act like there's an urgent need
for these I say tariffs the fentanyl is an excuse a lie so that they act like
there's an urgent need for the tariffs sure that's what I thought it's just the
the trial it's the the trade equivalent of the Trump pull-in handshake because
like he's done it three times now with Colombia Canada Mexico and all three
times they've capitulated probably within 24 hours.
Wait, Canada and Mexico didn't capitulate?
They both put out statements.
They both put out, they're putting a certain amount
of people at the border, they're doing all sorts of like.
Are you not up to speed?
Like Canada had, I'm sorry,
Mexico had 15,000 people on the border
and they agreed to 10,000.
That's not a capitulation.
Canada all right. Is it an additional 10,000?
No, it's not an additional.
It's just a lower bar for what degree of certainty on that.
100% positive of this.
And Canada might be behind.
Canada announced the things that they capitulate,
agreed to back in November.
So that Biden was president,
they agreed to the spending,
which was like 1.3 billion or something like that.
The thing Canada did do is at a point of fentanyl czar, which I think we.3 billion or something like that. The thing Canada did do is it appoint a fentanyl czar,
which I think we all know
is just a silly little position.
You gave somebody a job.
It's probably.
Some teenage kid is now the fentanyl czar
who works for minimum wage in Canada.
They, the fentanyl czar, there's maybe other new things,
but the troops, like the expense of spending stuff
was already agreed to by both Canada and Mexico.
He didn't get anything new. So the left is having a blast with this he got rolled thing.
The right is saying it's not over. Maybe they're not. What were the Mexican troops doing under
Biden because like it was like record crossings. Like, were they doing anything? Were they
just like playing? Were they playing Clash of Clans on their phone? Like not even watching
the border?
Like we need time to watch.
You're asking me what the Mexican troops were doing.
I don't know what to tell you.
I can just say there's 15,000 there.
Yeah, but like, hopefully.
There's probably 15,000 going forward.
Hopefully, I mean, we'll be able to tell six months from now.
We'll be able to look and see the amount of fentanyl
coming over the border from Mexico
and tell whether or not something worked.
I quoted the 43 pound number like a dozen times.
My confidence in that,
and I can tell you it's the number everyone's using.
I don't know how good my sources are though.
How do we know how much fentanyl went through?
There's no way to know.
You only know what you catch.
The flow is the other way though.
The flow is the other way.
China sends the raw ingredients into Mexico
and other South American countries.
It's cooked there, then it's smuggled into the US and then because it's in the US it goes up to Canada
It doesn't come in the other way nearly as much
If it if it is it's it's a completely differently sourced source of fentanyl if you think about it
They did find a lab in Canada what you know it. It's a Mexican lab in Canada
The Mexicans were like well those those greedy Americans are taking too much
Let's build
our own lab right where the Canadians are and we'll get it right to the source.
These guys love fentanyl.
The Mexicans are the problem.
They can't get enough of it.
And so I look forward to the idea of special forces being used to take on the cartel because
that to me is exactly what the special forces should be. Sometimes I worry that they're like
kicking in some Hodges house that's like a fucking Euro vendor
or something and just like send them to a black site.
I know that's happened,
but I know if they go down to Mexico
and they get a cartel board.
No, decades of that in recent memory?
I don't think so.
No, no, no, not decades and decades and decades of that.
Not two trillion dollars worth of that.
Oh man, those black sites are so scary, Taylor.
We create these little hells in little countries
across the planet and we throw people into them and sometimes we forget.
I mean, or we don't forget.
We just pretend to and we know you're rotting in some Lebanese site.
Imagine the bureaucracy of a secret organization.
Like how hard it is to keep track of, wait,
was that Abdul Patan or Abdul Poetan?
It's a real shame we can't write any of this down to keep secrets.
Oh yeah. If these are the same government employees doing the DMV, those guys are stuck forever.
Like they're never getting out of there.
They're doing it quiddles like, now calling 128.
Yeah. No, you don't have the correct paperwork, sir.
We snatched up this Canadian one time that had the wrong name and threw him in a black
site in Syria and they like raped him and tore his fingernails off for like, I don't
know, 18 months, a year or two.
And when they dumped him back onto the real world, his family had moved on.
They thought he was fucking dead.
They'd been petitioning the government for information.
Nobody would give him anything.
Oh, we don't know anything.
He was like, he wasn't on that flight. And they're like, we have the receipts. We know he was on the flight.
Like he had landed somewhere and we had scooped him. And he was innocent. He was just like a,
I don't know, refrigerator repairman, lawyer, doctor, some shit like that, whatever.
Tanner Iskra Well, on the, to wrap the tariff thing up,
because I don't think anything new has happened there. Something that I do find a little amusing is like seeing like Canadian, and
I love our neighbors to the north hockey fans all great guys, but seeing like Canadian journalists
be like, you don't understand the wrath that you've unlocked. And it's like, you need us
so much more than we need you not to be a douchebag here, but your country exists at our pleasure.
And so stop pretending that you're like, oh, we need to find new markets for our stuff,
potentially. We have the whole world to look. You need to find a replacement market for the
largest consumer market that's ever existed and likely to exist in global history. Where are you going to go? Madagascar, Russia. They need us.
Just because Trump didn't get what he wanted out of these, which I'm not over, I still have
difficulty seeing exactly what he wanted, similar to Woody. But the idea that we can't lean on
countries economically to get what we want is farcical. We can dominate any country on
earth economically.
If we can do that.
I think an important distinction here to make
is that Trump didn't say, okay, forget the whole thing,
no more tariffs.
He said, you got 30 days to negotiate something
that sounds good to me.
That's the situation we're in.
Trump didn't necessarily capitulate.
So that I see the people on the right,
I'm on Reddit a lot.
I see the people on the right side of Reddit being like,
aha, look at this, promises made, promises kept, big stick diplomacy. And I'm
like, hang on, I don't know if we won yet. And then I see the people on the left, fucking
losers or lions saying they already won and they didn't. And I'm like, not all of us,
hang on, I'm still watching, I'm waiting.
Not all of us is my mantra. When everyone hates the left, I'm like, well, I don't fit
that class of person that you hate so much.
What I think what here's what's happening, in my opinion, Trump has seen that this tariff thing is going to be like many of the things he's discussed, where they shit on him for months and months.
And then it actually works. And now they're embarrassed that it's going to work because it's he doesn't want trade wars. He wants to exert pressure on companies negotiate on X or Y program or what have you and it's working
Because he did I mean that that El Salvadorian president offering to take our prisoners and put them in his supermax. That's scary
That's awesome though. And then obviously agreeing to take their people back whether their chains or whatever
He's taking his people back and I look forward to seeing like something happen with Canada because I do not like their defense spending. That's my only complaint about Canada
is they don't they they're incapable of defending themselves. And if we do have a real war, then
we can't count on them for anything other than maybe manpower. We'd have to fucking ship them
over to the war. They can't get there themselves. You know what I mean? It'd be that kind of thing. You don't have ships?
Come on, Taylor. They don't have a couple ships.
I'm not confident that the Canadians could put any,
remember like every time we have a war,
when all of a sudden we have a half million human beings
on the other side of the planet in like a week.
I just don't think they can do that.
You know what I mean?
We sent 10, I think it's like 10 million Americans.
I think we like back and forth, 10 million Americans to NAMM. You know, I think we said, I think it's like 10 million Americans. I think we like back and forth 10 million
Americans to not, you know what I mean? Like, like, like we
move things what to fight that war on the other side of the
planet. It's like we're using sheets. We're so far ahead. What
do you think America's biggest problem is right now? Like if
you would like an issue, I have one in my head, so I'm prepared.
I can go first if you want. But what what is our biggest is a
DEI? Is it foreign aid, the deficit?
I'll go first. Mine's housing prices. It's the number one thing that I think would be better. I
feel like lots of Americans are not getting on the wealth building escalator because they can't get
on the first step, which is buying your house. Yeah. Unchecked immigration, I would say.
Immigration that, yeah, like H1B is depressing the wages of middle and upper middle class Yeah. Unchecked immigration, I would say. I thought you might pick that one.
Yeah, like H1Bs depressing the wages of middle and upper middle class Americans,
and then middle class Americans and lower middle class Americans being attacked economically through their wages being forced to compete with like absurdly low cost, low scale labor from south of the border.
So it's like the middle class just getting pinched. And that plays into housing prices too.
What would you guys pick?
Yeah, I think the housing is systemic of a larger issue
and it's not just inflation.
It's got a lot to do with what kind of economy
we're going to be in the next 25 years.
We can't all be coders.
Like Obama tried to make all those,
remember when he was telling all the coal miners
or whatever, we weren't the code.
We're the code.
I forget who said it, but I'm sorry
to pick it back what you're saying.
They're like, anyone who has told coal miners to code
has spent no time with either coal miners or coders.
And I'm like, yeah, that sounds right.
That sounds right.
Yeah, it's, so we've got to figure that out.
With the advancements and automation and AI
I can definitely foresee not necessarily a driving car but a driving shipping system that would just replace the trucker
It seems like if you had some sort of combination
Rail and road like if we just put a rail in the road that was the trucking lane and we did that across the entire internet
Interstate highway system you could just replace truckers with AI robot trucks like the next year.
So like, I don't know what our economy
is gonna be based on, which is why I think we need
to shift towards sort of an empire that conquers and-
No, we're gonna have a podcast economy.
Where it's all just retards like us with bad ideas. Like, raise your hand if you agree.
Yeah, I want to go Brandon.
What do you think?
Yeah, I want Brandon to tell us.
I got kind of like a cheat answer to this because like, I think there's a difference
between like, like a problem of scale and a problem that's easy to fix or easier to
fix because it's like if you talk about number one problems, it's like, really like, you
know, runaway inflation economy, China, maybe.
But like, if you go like easier problems to fix, it's like, okay, well, immigration, DEI,
like that stuff that like a stroke of a pen will solve instantly.
The housing issue, it's like that's, that's complicated.
It's multifaceted, but there's different aspects like DEI, going back to just a meritocracy
where no matter what your skin color, race, creed, religion, whatever, like if you're good at your job, you advance. Like things like that,
I think are a good thing. You know, locking the immigration system down, like bringing
back American jobs, bringing back, you know, American manufacturing. Like these are all
little things that I think help that are fairly easy to do. But then you talk about like rampant government spending,
you know, an incoming unpleasantness with China
that seems to be damn near inevitable on current path.
It's like, those are big problems
that I'm not sure they're so easy to solve.
You know, with the tariffs,
like a specific example is I think Trump put tariffs
on washing machines or something like that,
on these Chinese washing machines
that were coming over. They're really cheap
and so
All of a sudden now it costs
25% more 30% more to buy that Chinese washing machine
It's about its its cost went up and you would think that now the American washing machines would be the cheaper better value
But what happened was the Americans all just raised their prices too
so that they were even with what the Chinese were selling theirs at. And what you know, the
dryer prices went up too.
I was going to say that. I'm glad I showed up.
This tariff that had the best of intentions and on the surface it seemed like it was going
to work well, just caused this chain reaction because economics is a complicated complicated business and it's not boiled down to X's and O's necessarily. Sometimes there's flow charts.
I will say like it falls right in line with as much as like the tariff thing has been very interesting. I always consider government the black thumb of industry. It's like no matter what it touches it turns to shit.
the black thumb of industry. It's like, no matter what it touches, it turns to shit.
Every fucking time the government gets involved
in something, there's an equal and usually greater reaction
that sucks.
Yeah, I'm not a tariff guy.
I don't like them.
I think that when you protect an industry,
that industry grows weak and fat and bad
and becomes what Russia became when the Iron Curtain fell,
you know, decades behind and uncompetitive. That's what protecting industries does to
them. So it's not really a Trump thing. I would have been against anybody's tariffs.
I think it needs a balance though, because there's also the issue of like, if you allow
free trade where we don't tariff ever, you now prevent American manufacturing from ever
even being able to compete
with foreign manufacturing.
Like there's no incentive for an American manufacturer
of washers and dryers to even enter the market
or try that because they know we straight up
can't compete with slaves in China making this.
And so it like, it suppresses ingenuity in a different way.
Washers and dryers was just the example.
Bill, I think you can apply to any. Washers and dryers was just the example. Though I think it applied to any other.
American industry needs to be more automated than China.
There was a time when America needed a basement,
we used an excavator.
When China needed a basement,
they used a hundred dudes with shovels.
And that's how we remained competitive in that environment.
There should be almost zero touch washing machine
manufacturing if we want to compete.
And they can be better and cheaper. Like I do like protectionism sometimes for our
laborers because forcing like American middle class and lower class workers to compete with the global
wage standard and whatever industry they have, like we're going to lose and those people are
going to get shit pay and they're not getting shit pay in some Chinese village.
They're getting shit pay in Cleveland.
Like they can't afford a good standard of living.
And so it is a balance.
Like we don't wanna be taken advantage of,
but I do see the change.
I hear your point.
Like with globalization comes a global leveling
or sameness of the standard of living across every country.
And as the country that has one of the top standards
of living, it's like, shit, we don't wanna like take us
at Nigeria and meet in the middle.
That kind of sucks for America, right?
So I get that point.
On the other hand, like, and I don't have a good way
to combat it, just that like you need to be better
if you want more.
You can't protect America to make them strong.
Protecting someone makes them weak.
I also I think there's there's kind of an issue right now with
the the made in America stuff with where our standards are.
This is the one thing that really bothers the hell out of
me, to be honest, even in the firearms industry, but outside
of it, we're like you have, you know, pretty much anybody that
manufactures anything, they have a standard that they're held to
where like if you're importing something, but the last 10% of the manufacturing process is American,
you can say made in America. And it sucks because you have like 90% of products being
made in Mexico, Canada, Korea, Taiwan, wherever. But if you put a little, you know, rubber
wrap on it, suddenly it's made in the USA and people can market it that
And I think that really fucks the guys who are actually spending the money and investing
in American jobs that it's the same thing marketing wise, but it's really fucking not.
It's a lie.
And we need another designation like assembled in America.
Some people do do that.
They'll put little bullshit things on there like assembled in America. Some people do do that. Yeah, they'll put little bullshit things on there like assembled in America.
Exactly that.
It wouldn't take too long for people to know that there's a difference between made and
I parts are made right across the border in Mexico.
There are truckers who all day long all they do is drive from a factory that's three miles
from the border across the border to our storage facility and then back.
That's their route back and forth.
Just get their Mexican truckers.
They are Mexican truckers.
But they're being tariffed right now. So it's become more expensive to get those
parts in. So it helps.
So like a goal of tariffs in that instance would be like, okay, if it's, if
it's now economically tenable for Ford to open that shop, that giant facility in Austin instead
of in Tijuana, then that's a good thing. That means Americans are going to be working. It's
like, I think it's Germany that if you want to sell a Ford in Germany, you have to build
it in Germany. And so Ford has manufacturing plants in Germany that employ Germans who
get paid a wage in Germany. Like that's, that's good. Like the whole, just nothing but
free trade thing, because the rest of the world doesn't do this. The rest of the world takes
advantage of this. Like Norway, I saw as a good example, look up Norway's tariffs over the top
high, because they want to protect their own industry at home. To a certain degree, you're
fighting with one arm behind your back. Exactly. Like it's a and it's the American worker who pays the
price for it by having like lower wage positions offered to
them. And so it's, it's definitely a mixed bag.
That's a good point. And for the record, not that anyone cares
what I think, but I do like retaliatory tariffs, you know,
like you can't tear us and then us be like, well, we want to stay
strong. Like, no, thank you. Let's, let's put our retaliatory tariffs on it.
Did you see the Politico story that
I did this a lot. So they went through the the USAID thing and
there was roughly $8 million that had went to Politico via
subscription fees, essentially subsidizing Politico is where it
appears to be on the surface. Politico has this subscription model where their highest plan is like six to
$12,000 a year, depending on how, uh,
I think it was $34,000 a year.
It's crazy.
I don't know.
For li and apparently there's lots of insider information there and the,
lots of, uh, people in staffers and such, you know, benefit from their,
their access to it.
But that sounds to me like bullshit. I've never
heard of anything that costs $30,000 a year to subscribe to
the one they have like 250 of them. Yeah. What do you get for
34,000 a year? It was eight million. You get goodwill from
a journalist. It was about $6.5 million last year and already
1.5 that went to them this year as of twenty twenty five.
And then Politico is in the room while she announces this at the at the conference.
So Politico subscriptions just went down.
So that's different than what I heard. And I'm not sure my source is right.
Right. I could be wrong, too. Or would you instead?
I don't know. But here's what I heard. Politico, the thing that
we all know that political website, I thought it was
left leaning, but I don't really read much political, I'm not
sure. They got $44,000, not 8 million. The thing that the
money is going to is Politico Pro. Turns out Politico Pro is
not the same as Politico. Politico Pro is this like think
tank deep learning thing with in depth
issues and they like rightly it's for professionals who write legislation for them to do deep
research on and it's 10 grand a subscription and also that $8 million. I assumed it was
last year right like $8 million. It's over the last nine years. So over the last nine years, they spent $8 million on Politico Pro mostly.
And I started 44 grand on Politico.
Say that again as well.
6.5 last year and 1.5 this year
is the numbers that I've seen quoted over and over.
What it does is beyond my comprehension clearly, but yeah.
Don't say that.
It's some kind of an insider website with deep learning that sounds like that
That sounds like because when the government needs lots of in-depth data, they don't have reams of that paid for by the taxpayer
They need politico pro to go ahead and deep dive in like so it's it to me
I'm a retard but seems like it's just a way to
Justifiably get large sums of money to
a journalistic entity.
So you go, Oh, no, this is for a subscription service.
And then like, if I work at Politico, and I know that a lot, a large amount of money
is just coming from USAID through some non government organization or whatever, they're
all buying this, or maybe even directly, I'm not gonna be negative towards them.
I'm gonna be pretty positive.
I was just looking at Politico Pro
and the first thing it said like on their little subtext
or whatever is nonpartisan news and bill tracking.
And I'm like, wait a minute,
isn't that just fucking reporting
on what the people are supposed to,
the sources seem backwards here.
Why would a staffer need to bill track something
that is their job to push?
Yeah, yeah.
As if there's not a more sophisticated government
option for that as if like, Mitch McConnell sitting down
like, Oh, rat, can someone get in here? My political pro
expired and I'm nothing without my political pro.
You can give him political for you can get on all sorts of I
don't think you can read it, man. I don't think he did. He's
gonna stand there all still looking. No, he's not. You know,
he fell right?
We don't have a McConnell Mitch McConnell had a couple of He's just gonna stand there all still looking weird. No, he's not. You know he fell, right? Are we talking about McConnell?
Mitch McConnell had a couple of naps.
I heard he fell repeatedly in the same day
and then I saw him in a wheelchair so he'd stop falling.
Somebody said, I think it,
I would say it's time for him to step down but.
Oh, you silly.
He's got decades left.
Oh, two years legally.
Who was that? Who was it?
It was Feinstein, Diane Feinstein, who was like dead and they were weekend at Berniesing
her around the Capitol.
They were like, they showed her, they were like some staff that was pushing her in a
wheelchair and she's got like one dead eye and looks like a draugr from Skyrim, just
this punk in cheeks.
And it's like, what are we doing?
Like there's, no.
You're all bananas.
I think Carter should be president.
Her and Carter.
We basically had him for four years.
One of my biggest fears,
and I see this in old people,
like I'm worried that the closer you get toward the end,
maybe you start seeing a little bit of the afterlife.
And that's why they all look so god damn scared.
You get that,
huh, huh, huh, huh. Like Carter, but toward the end, when's why they all look so god damn scared.
Like Carter but toward the end when they wheeled him out from that fucking eclipse he looked so scared. Oh he just saw the Bill Burr bit about that right? Oh yeah I don't think I saw it.
They look scared. They realize like their wife's bitching in like their right ear and they try to
go to get up and they're too old to do it so they just sink back down and they just kind of freeze.
That's a good one.
I saw Biden signed with a talent agency.
Yeah, I saw that. I don't know anything about it.
Oh, well, I mean, I'm sure now he can do like-
He's ready for his second act.
He's ready for his second act. He's going to be a product spokesman now.
He's ready for his second act. He's going to be a product spokesman now.
You know, I think it was Babylon B said he now qualifies.
He got a couple of gigs as a corpse on CSI.
Hey, you got to start somewhere, man.
That's where he needs to begin. More power to you.
That's where what's the girl from the Star Wars movies?
What's her name? Daisy?
Some Ray is you writer? Yeah, she started out as a
Character. Yeah, she started out as a body on CSI
Did she yeah, maybe that's like Seinfeld. Yeah
She should have stayed there. She should have never progressed. She should still be doing that. She ruined that fucking
Did you think she ruined it? I thought the writing room. It was like she wasn't the worst part, but she was a part of the problem for sure.
Like everything about it needed a different kind of.
I'm not going to relegate Star Wars.
I could do five hours on just how much I hate Star Wars.
The people who make it.
I know who act in it.
I can't stand it.
I can't stand it.
That's one of the topics on my list where if it's like if I have to go pee really bad,
I'll bring that one up because I know.
What's even Star Wars, Kyle?
Oh, they got black lesbians.
They beat up Luke Skywalker and they put a butt plug in him.
It was awful, Taylor.
Oh, dude, some of the stuff you'll tell me about Star Wars.
I'm like, are you sure this isn't like a propaganda video you watched?
There's a cult of black lesbians who hate men
and like are talking about modern racial grievance politics.
It's like the Front of American Flags.
It's the Han Solo, it's true, all of it.
I haven't seen any of those movies.
I saw the original ones as a kid,
but none of the new crop, which I guess is,
I guess they've done nine now.
So I haven't seen them.
You're good there.
It's fine.
You're good there.
These two would always see it
and then they would say it was not good.
And I was like, all right.
I get excited.
I am, it's like a boxing match.
You know, they're never very good,
but they height me up anyway.
They trick me repeatedly.
I'm a slow learner.
Speaking of which, are we gonna get into UFC
for this weekend? Yes. Let me see the card. Str'm a slow learner. Yeah. Speaking of which, are we gonna get into UFC for this weekend?
Yes. Let me see the car. Strickland's fighting. Your attendance is mandatory, Kyle. I wish there
was something I could do, but you need to be there. All right. Let me just say this, leading up,
this Strickland has staff, okay? So I'm putting an asterisk on anything and everything that happens
this weekend. And if your boy goes down, that's double doo-doo on him. That's all I got to say.
Yes, staff. Strickland's got staff on it. Yeah, I saw it
I know what staff look it's on his like dealt like between his delts. He hiding it and his elbow, you know
Denying a knucklehead. No one asked but I saw it
Do you on his left? But if you're looking at him, it's it's your right that arm between his elbow and his dealt
There's staff. Is it generally known that antibiotics kill your cardio?
I remember Luke Markwell said that, but it was new to me.
Yeah, they're rough on you as a whole.
You got to reset your gut.
You're shitting yourself because all your gut bacteria
is dying.
It's a whole thing.
I'm aware of that part.
Not that it's ever happened to me, of course,
but I've heard of it happening to people.
My boob is always extraordinary.
No, I like here's the thing, though, whether we're talking about Dricus Du Plessis taking
on Sean Strickland for the is it welterweight title 180 180 whatever pound one 85 and it
doesn't matter who went away.
Sorry, it doesn't matter who wins middleweight.
Thank you.
But because they got it, whoever wins has to take on that fucking hair lip savage and then they're gonna lose to him
Whoever wins has to take on a coms at McChay of or whatever his name
I think to please say may have better tools
Fuck for that guy than Strickland does that guy that guy comes at you like a goddamn chimpanzee
All right, Kevin Hollins eyes were all scratched up
I'm like the fight only lasted 40 seconds. What he how did he get his cornea scratched?
Like doesn't know it was a mauling
Strickland such a stand-up fighter. I want to say he'd be less equipped to deal with the grappler having said that
He's fought plenty of grapplers. He doesn't lose much. He just lost her. He just beat up Robert Whittaker
You know what I mean?
Like, I just think this comes up guy,
this hair, I was talking about Strickland.
I know you were.
I just don't think it matters.
I think that that chimpanzee that they found somewhere
and have convinced us as a man comes out
is going to maul whoever they put in front of him.
He is a beast.
He is back.
And this goes for the Dagestanis as well, because I noticed in the last fight with Islam, Islam's back is so well developed.
He looks like an Olympic rower or something. When he pulls those chokes, he's clearly got some other kind of strength.
Like he's pulled with way more foot pounds than the average 155 or because people tap
Immediately to his chokes. Did you see the videos of Demetrius Johnson visiting Khabib's camp? I did
Okay. Yeah, maybe for people who are not Kyle
Demetrius Johnson is one of the greatest fighters ever in the history of MMA. He's not for pounds. I think champion
Yeah, he's not super famous because I think he's a little bought at 125 and 135 if that's not for pound. I think champion. Yeah. He's not super famous because I think he fought at 125 and 135 if that's not right. I think that's right though. I think so. Yeah. A lot of people don't look at the little guys with the same respect. They look at the big guys, but the fighters do the fighters know. And anyway, he went to Khabib's camp where they treated him like a legend. As a matter of fact, they called him a legend 30 times in the video and he's super modest,
doesn't care. Like, like he's a really, really nice guy. Anyway, to watch them train and this
sort of like, everything's so hard and everything's so extra, they're so exhausted. Like they would,
I think they were standing with their feet on two like elevated surfaces doing some sort of rows,
you know, like bent over rows,
but they add a jump in the air between reps.
And it's like, that's just like characteristic
of everything they do is a little bit harder
than the way that you normally do it.
Jumping while doing like chainsaws,
if I'm looking at it, imagining.
Yeah, consider that about 80% accurate, but yeah, yes.
Oh, I'd hurt myself doing.
I think you would heal strong.
Maybe it was more like a dumbbell deadlift
with a jump at the top kind of thing.
Oh, yeah.
You know, so.
Really fuck up your back, you know.
Yeah, well that's how you get stronger.
It's those functional muscles, right?
Like I don't work on muscles that they don't look good.
If you can't see them on this camera, fuck that muscle.
It's not about how you feel. It's not about your athleticism.
It's how athletic you look in a webcam. That's what matters.
I'm a pulled up the card.
Yeah, it's the main events.
The match we're talking about.
Well, I like Zhang Weili.
She's won me over as much as I hate the Chinese in general.
Like, she seems like she's got a lot of character in general.
Oh, really? Oh, yeah.
It's like really, really.
I think I was right about the orientals.
You know, they're sneaky.
No, I've seen her like flirt with other fighters on Twitter, like like sending
dick emojis and stuff and like always like something quirky and aggressive.
I think that Sean Strickland, John Strickland was trying to get her to hit him
recently, like three days ago. He's like, yeah, rip me to the body. And she's like, no, you will not be able to fight if I hear you haul.
She refused to hit him, which I thought was bullshit. I think he could take it.
Wait, do you think she was serious? Yeah, she was serious. Yeah. She thought she would hurt him if she hit him.
No, I thought she was joking much like I would be if I said that.
She might, yeah.
Dirk will never recover from one of my body work.
Yeah, I'm like, oh God, I should have seen that coming.
I said if you had all the girls hit one of those,
those force meters, she'd be toward the top.
She fucking hits hard.
She's another one of those people
who when she looks like she's on something, she's so well developed, her back and shoulders are so like, you normally don't see
women with like delts like that. She's a big strong girl. You guys all know more about UFC than me.
Who was the guy, this little fighter, who in the last week, Dana White, got mad at because the
fighter was like, he brought his TI-83 to a Holocaust museum
and was asking questions.
Like, who's that guy?
The little guy?
It sounds like Bryce Mitchell.
Bryce Mitchell.
You don't know what Bryce Mitchell did, Woody?
Oh, beautiful.
I know he's pro-Hitler, yeah.
I didn't know about this.
This guy's got a lot of questions.
Yeah, yeah.
I think Bryce Mitchell- The museum didn't have answers this. This guy's got a lot of questions.
I think the museum didn't have answers? What the fuck?
I don't think he actually brought a calculator to the museum. That's just a very funny way to frame it. I thought you were being serious. I'm like, I missed the fuck out of that. No, I saw Dana White,
a clip of Dana White being like, yeah, we're not liking this from Bryce Mitchell.
Dana was like, that is the stupidest.est and no he said Bryce Mitchell is a fucking
Moron he is the stupidest fucking person I've ever met in my entire life
Let me tell you a story. He took a power drill
Drilled it into his testicle. And what did he do? He reversed it to pull it back out
This guy is a moron. He has and they they're like, apparently it was the first episode of his podcast.
Oh really? Great start. Great fucking start. Let me tell you this, Hitler?
No, have you heard of this guy? Bad character. Scumbag, this Hitler, real rascal.
I don't like it.
What does Bryce have to say?
Bryce? All right. So on episode one of Bryce's podcast,
which is him and his boy who are both right-wing Christian
guys, nothing wrong with that,
but they're sitting in like a barn
with a bunch of tools around and shit and lighting,
and then a couple of mics between them.
It's professionally done, episode one.
And he basically, look, he's always been flat earth
and talking about Elon Musk,
he's trying to control people with brain implants. He's been very conspiratorial
Very like goofball. This guy's a moron and he's a UFC fighter
I'm sure that's the basis of all this but he said he's like I think Hitler, you know
The Hitler I read about not the one that's taught to me. It didn't end in the American educational system the Hitler
I read about, cool guy.
Alright, you know, we'd go fishing. I'd go fishing with Hitler and we'd get along.
Alright, that's the kind of man, he seemed like a good man who he loved his country and you know
what he was doing? He's trying to, he had them greedy Jews over there and he's trying to tax
everybody out charging interest and he's trying to get them out of his country. And you talk about
him burning books. You know what kind of books he's burning?
Did you do you queer books? That's right.
They's queering up the kids to,
you know who are the first tranny surgery ever happened in his partner's life
pale. Like a ghost.
Prepare for this. No, what, no, where was the first
trance surgery brought?
In Germany!
I also don't like usually.
He's burning the queer books.
That's so funny.
I hear what you're saying Kyle. I'm thinking cool guy of the week so far.
We'll see if I can get it.
Dude, there's an hour of that!
How about this? Prove him wrong.
Hmm? You show me a picture of the globe. of that. There's an hour of that. About this. Oh, my. Prove him wrong. Mm hmm.
I am.
You you show me a picture of the globe.
That's so funny to be his co-host and to be
thinking like.
I bet I can still return these Shure
SM7Bs and get
the funding on our studio back, because
I thought we were going to be talking about
reverse chokeholds.
He's like episode one Holocaust Hitler. Hey guys, Bryce here. I know you wanted to hear me talk
about my techniques in fighting, but we're not going to talk about that at all. Not even
tangentially. I hope he gets into sexuality in episode two. I need to hear Bryce's thoughts on,
I don't know, transgenders. That's true. I need to hear thoughts on, I don't know, transgender.
I'm just imagining walking into or watching the video of, you know,
when Red Bull dropped that guy from orbit is watching the curvature of the earth
and going fucking hell Red Bull's in on it.
Pardon. How far did he fall?
Fifty thousand. Is that 80,000?
I thought I saw.
Yeah, I saw a fact check on that
where it was like, I don't remember if I remember the one that was fact checked from like the height
of a plane where someone scientifically was like, yeah, you're not high enough at cruising altitude
to actually see the curvature of the earth. Like what you're seeing there is the bending of the
glass. You have to be a lot higher than I would have guessed
before you see it.
So I did a little experiment on my own, right?
First I go to my paramotor and I fly at 12,000 feet
because someone asked me if I could see
the curvature of the earth.
What's nice is-
Will you fly a paramotor at 12,000 feet?
Yes, he does.
Yes, people go to 18.
My motor stopped running well because the air got thin. But something like that. Anyway,
yeah, one guy know that went to 18,000. He, he worked at a
pharmacy. So he brought oxygen for himself and his motor so
that it would work at altitude, which is kind of dope. That's
cool. He just literally took the oxygen tubes and fed one to him
and one to it. And it wasn't that scientific. But back on
topic. So I'm 12,000 feet and I'm un-inscruted viewed, right?
Took my sunglasses off.
Looked carefully and I couldn't see that the earth was curved.
I was like, all right, so that checks out.
We sort of knew that.
And then I looked at the plane.
Do you have a parachute of any kind?
Yeah, so I'm an acrobatic paramilitary.
So I carry two reserve chutes and I've used both.
And a rocket lock.
Yeah, anyway, then at the plane,
I did the same thing where I looked at,
what is it, 31, 32,000 feet, plane fly,
something close to that.
And I couldn't see the curve at all.
And I was like, man, I wish you could.
So I wasn't sure.
My guess is you gotta be like 6,000 miles up
to truly see the curvature of the earth.
But Baumgartner went to, I I think like 38,000 meters. Yeah, 36,400
meters. That's 120,000 feet. Oh my god, why are you can see it
No. How many meters? 36,000.
Three and change.
Like 136, thousand feet or something.
Look, I wouldn't have drank this much
if I knew I was gonna come on and talk about fucking math.
How do you get thirty six thousand meters?
No, a hundred and three feet each.
That's what I'm saying, like a hundred and,
if it's like thirty six thousand meters,
it's gonna be like a hundred and eighteen thousand feet
or so, right?
Wait, wait, you used the tool for that, didn't you?
It's 120,000 feet.
Really? 24 miles.
It's 118,110 feet.
I just times the six by three after timesing the other.
Then you add the zeros.
Yeah, then added the zeros.
It's the inches that I thought would have a bigger impact,
but anyway.
I wanna know, Kyle, was, so fact check was, is that high enough that you can actually see the curvature? Is it still not high enough?
It's still not high enough. No. At a hundred eighteen thousand feet, you can't see the curve.
I think you need to be more like five thousand miles away or something before you can see it.
Really? No, probably not. I don't know how far away you got to be, but it's further than that.
I don't think that Baumgartner could see the curvature of the earth. I think you're seeing so curvature induced by the fisheye of the lens
is my you could tell with the bomb gardener one that it wasn't the actual like the extent of the
curvature because like it was such an aggressive fisheye lens that like when he would like look
down too much like it would almost like like the top into a circle. Yeah it was like a it's like
there's no way he's looking at the whole fucking earth right now. Yeah, Google's AI, which is always right, says 35,000
feet, you can see it. I couldn't I tried. That's a jetliner.
jetliners are like 3233. Yes. Yeah, you can't see it that high.
It has to be higher. Yeah, bullshit. Yeah, this is it says
three miles for me. I am not educated enough in this
particular topic to have a fucking you know who is Bryce Mitchell.
Anyway, that's the conspiracy I'm most fascinated by because I want I want to know what's the reason
who stands to gain from us believing it's not flat. Like, like Big Globe, the people at Rand McNally. I'll give you a hint. We burn their books.
I honestly feel like I have my arms around the flat earth thing.
I've said it on the show before, this is repeated, but
it's not so much that the earth is flat, although for some people it is.
I think for a lot of them,
it's a general skepticism of everything.
You want me to believe anything you say,
that fluoride protects my teeth,
that the earth is round, that Hitler killed Jews.
You want me to believe any of that?
I need proof.
I need it proven with like first sources.
What's the term for like first tier?
Primary, thank you, that's what it's going for.
I need it proven with primary
sources, things that are indisputable everything I won't
even believe the earth is round. I won't believe the sun is in
the sky. You know, like unless you prove it with a primary
source, maybe multiple.
So it's like hyperactive hyperactive burden of proof.
Yeah, yes. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, it's
I'd love to see the proof that it's not round,
but every time I've gone down that little rabbit hole, I'm always like,
damn it. Nah, you can't push that. You're the one making these extraordinary round claims. If you make extraordinary claims,
you need extraordinary proof. Taylor, it's on you.
How do seasons work? It, what do you mean? How to gods will in a flat earth,
how do seasons work? Oh
They've always got some sort of nonsense like they think that we're moving back and forth from the Sun or something It's always some nonsense like diorama bullshit. Yeah, and the other planets look round
Because they're just in our
In our our dome or whatever.
That's the way they painted them on the dome.
That's the way they were painted.
Yes, of course.
Yeah, I just don't, I don't get it.
If that was ever proven beyond a shadow of a doubt,
like I think we'd have to restart science.
We'd have to be throwing reams and volumes into the garbage being like fuck. All right, let's
The thing is like the idea that people ever thought the earth was flat is nonsense. Anyway, what's the what's the guy?
Erastamus it's not his name. It's probably something more Greek Aristotle Copernicus
Erastamus or something like that.
Did this experiment where they put two poles on the summer solstice or whatever, and they
measured the angle of the sun, and one of them was 100 miles further north than the
And via the discrepancies in the angles of the sun. He could tell that one of them, that the sun, the source of the light itself was further south
than one of the poles in the other.
He proved then, like thousands of years ago
that the earth was round.
And then like people kept sailing around it.
It wasn't just Magellan.
It's not like Magellan was by himself in a rowboat.
There was a whole bunch of motherfuckers with him.
I think that first cruise,
they lit out with like a whole bunch of motherfuckers with him. I think that first cruise, they lit out with like a whole bunch of boats and maybe 1300 men and like 150 made it back
on that voyage to go around the earth.
I read something like that the other day.
I just heard it from the Alex Jones rant.
Oh, does he have a rant on this?
I love Alex Jones.
There's a like folk song that someone songified
of Alex Jones and and he's talking about
I'm angry. I had enough of these people
You know what i'm talking about have you seen this i've seen it years ago. I think i don't see much
Jones stuff unfortunately, he's a funny guy. He's making a comeback. He's lost weight
He's clearly on some ozempic and some trt and that's good. He's on colloidal silver
Don't make no mistake Wait, is's good. He's on colloidal silver.
Wait, is that what the Elan's on also?
Pimp back in the day I have no fun. He says he's on ozempic. And then he's like, I'm actually on
and then it's something else I forget the name of it just
doesn't have the same ring is ozempic where everybody heard of
It doesn't seem that enough to be on Ozempic.
I don't think it's about being fat enough. It's about being wealthy enough and he qualifies.
That's true. He's wealthy enough to do anything. So what conspiracy would you guys have the
most like fun with if it were true? Like the most mental fun?
Like if it was they live, right?
Like if aliens had done a non-hostile takeover
of the planet like decades ago,
and had been shaping our society,
and had moved themselves toward the upper echelons
of our society, they were the oligarchs
and the pullers of strings, if you will.
They were actually lizard men, like from, you know,
planet alpha, like that would be pretty sick
I think we clarified one that wasn't be scary. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I want to fact-check myself Taylor
We pronounce that word for me
Manjaro Manjaro Manjaro. Okay, everyone knows our but me now. I know what I've heard it. Anyway, that's what he's actually on
He called himself Ozempic Santa with a flattering picture. He's like I'm actually on Manjaro
It just doesn't have the same ring as Ozmpic Santa with a flattering picture. He's like, I'm actually on Manjaro. It just doesn't have the same ring as Osempic Santa.
Probably just another brand of it.
But how about you, Brandon?
What conspiracy, if it were true,
would you have the most fun mulling on,
like the most enjoyment?
I don't know, most of these are just existential
and kind of scary.
It's like the whole like, oh, what if we're in a simulation
and then they start going at all sorts of scientific shit
that I'm just like, Oh, what if we're in a simulation, and then you like they start going at all sorts of scientific shit that I'm just like, Ooh, that look that sounds real
enough that I'm slightly bothered. Yeah, I mean, we're
gonna stop fucking thinking.
So you guys just leave that. Kyle, you're buying one that
like, we find out that aliens have been in control all time.
That's awful. No, then we get it. Well, clearly you haven't
seen john carpenters. They live. I have seen they live. Okay, well well then i want to go ham on them like a rowdy roddy piper all right
you know the rowdy roddy pipe are lucked out because those were like some ineffectual aliens
they look at the end taylor well he lucked out in the whole battle where like he was
spoiler alert for a 50 year old movie yeah damn, I am tell you, he ruined it.
That's from the universe shot him.
Yeah, you guys are like thinking about negative ones. Think of how much fun it
would be to mull over if we discovered beyond a shadow of a doubt verifiably,
that man walked with dinosaurs. And not only was it like ancient man, that those
dragons that you see depicted an ancient Chinese lore and an
ancient European lore that they actually had giant lizards.
They were fighting and sometimes they would ride them.
Okay. That'd be pretty sick. Pretty sick. That's so much better.
Now in this scenario,
is it that dinosaurs lived into our times or that we are millions of years old?
No, no, they lived like,
like when we were building castles in France,
there were dragons.
How about this?
How about that we were an advanced civilization
that lived alongside dinosaurs.
And when the asteroid came,
we froze ourselves and restarted 65 million years later
when the climate was right.
That's fun too, see?
That's fun too, right?
That's the big reveal at the end. You need that. It's just like modern day where everybody's too fucking
stupid to restart society effectively. It just doesn't work out. You have to learn agriculture
again. I love the idea that everyone's too slow. You know, those other people are stupid, not like
me who totally knows how batteries work. Oh yeah, totally. I totally know how batteries work. Your knowledge of pool pH levels have taught you how ions move from one substance to another.
I feel like if I went to Rome, better yet, if I'm a caveman, if I'm all the way back in the caveman gaze, it's like, yeah, I've only seen this rubbing sticks thing on YouTube.
That's why it never worked. Yeah, that means a lot. Being the first guy in like, old timey England to be like, I've got an idea. Maybe we switch
out the crops in the fields year to year and it'll make it better. Everyone's like, I'll
get a load of stevia, he thinks planting the beans and then the celery is going to fix
the soil with his magic. And it's like, everybody would have made fun of that guy. Like this fucking idiot thinks that if you plant
beans after potatoes, it's going to magically change. That's like 6000 years ago. I was watching
a clip from third three body problem. And there's a part where the aliens are talking to the humans
and the aliens are on their way to kill us. It's gonna take them 400 years to get here. And they're
like talking shit to our face because they know it.
And they're like, it took you from caveman,
it took you 90,000 years to invent agriculture.
And then it took you like this many
to invent industrialization.
And then this many to the information age.
You know how long it took us to go from,
to invent agriculture?
And they're like, way longer.
And they're like, yeah, way longer.
So they've got to like fuck our science up
so that when they get here in 400 years,
we have an advance past them.
Because on our normal trajectory,
in 400 years we would swat them like bugs
that they are when they arrived.
It's really deep on science.
One of the things that they do is they try to upgrade
what I'll call the hardware, the wetware that is humans.
So if you agree that humans have roughly been
as good as we are now,
in terms of like a hardware perspective, right?
Like if we took someone from 400,000 years ago
and put them in today and had them raised by your parents,
they wouldn't be like an evolutionary disadvantage.
They're basically the same kind of humans we have now.
If we spent 200 years just upgrading that
through like some sort of eugenics, selective breeding,
biohacking, whatever it is,
then imagine what the next 200 years would do
in terms of improvement
When the population has been upgraded to something better than we are now we fast forward evolution
You've been using the same hardware on these calculations since dawn of memoriam and suddenly to change that's never changed
So to change that like you said would be an exponential growth in our advancement
You're after to sound like Bryce Mitchell a little bit there, Woody. Yeah, this is what the agent for in Star Trek
was fought over.
This is a wrath of Khan bullshit.
Not what you're meant.
We don't actually know what Bryce Mitchell would say.
Maybe he would say Woody's correct,
and maybe he would say that those were-
He'd say the headaches won't stop.
Those were sliditious lies against his favorite guy.
He'd say the Earth is only 5,000 years old,
and that I'm wildly off,
because it was created in Adam and Eve, and that's the direction I think he'd take. It's only 5,000 years old and then I'm wildly off because it was created in Adam and Eve
and that's the direction I think he'd take.
It's like 5,000 years.
It's like we know the name of kings
from like ancient Ur further back than that.
Like whichever his co-host would not want him to say.
6,000 is what they think.
I'm saying it's 6,000.
Or what they believe.
It's supposed to be billions,
but that's one of the,
when you throw a number out in the billions,
you can kind of like,
you get a lot of leeway with corrections. they can be like, the universe is 30 billion years old,
and then 20 years later be like, actually, it's 70 billion years old. And it's like,
you son of a bitch. That's a that's a big increase. I don't think that's true. I think they've had a
firm grasp on the age of the universe and the age of the earth for a long time. Now, they know,
like pretty close to how, because they also know when life began. They can but somehow they can look at the genetic the
way the DNA across the planet has changed and they can like reel it back to see how long things have
been evolution one of your Darwinian lies and they can determine when life started. So that's one of
the ways they know that
life began on Earth almost immediately as soon as it could begin. So the Earth is 4.5 billion years
old. Life began about one after the Earth was 1.5 billion years old. Basically as soon as it
cooled off enough that like there could be pools of water and liquid that weren't scorched because
for a long time the Earth was molten. Longer than it should have been molten because it was hit by this other planetary body and we got all melty and then
the moon like globuled off and became it you know our moon and everything. I'm not saying this is
the case because I don't believe it but it's it's very funny to think that maybe like that's old
science and some guy came along he's like well I did the calculations it's actually seven billion
years old and everybody looked at him like the guy who said we should rotate
the potatoes. Okay,
old Arthur,
the older
sir, when Kyle said that the age of the universe is like
settled science that we've known for a long time, I'm like, is a
long time 30 years? Like, how long is a
yeah, I guess that's all fairly new to me. I would say 120
years specificity. What would be 120 years. And to what degree of specificity?
Oh, 120 years.
That's longer than I expected.
120 years, you think we've known?
We don't, we're not even 100% sure we know
the age of the universe now.
That's pretty ballsy to be like,
guys, we almost have nuclear power down.
By the way, we've known the age of all that exists
for a hundred years.
It's like, I don't know.
I don't know about that one.
The one that blows me away, to Kyle's three body point,
really from first flight to landing on the moon.
Is that 69, 63 years?
Does anyone know?
It's something like that.
It's 66 years, I think,
cause it was 1903 was Wright brothers
and then landing on the moon in 1969.
You can't just average my guesses.
That's cheating.
Well, no, the moon landing was.
No, if it was, yeah, 1969 was moon landing.
In 19...
1903 was the Wright brothers?
I believe so.
Oh, they were earlier than I thought.
Good for them.
I love how North Carolina gets too much credit for that.
It's hilarious to me.
We're like the first state to fly, first in flight.
It's on our license plate.
I forgot about that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
There's a little wet of a biplane on there. You guys from Ohio looking for a good beach. That was our good place.
I bet the North Carolinians were bullying him at the time. Be like get a load of these fucking homos trying to fly.
You'll see. You'll never put us on your license plates. Look at looking like boys. You had these dunes in Kitty Hawk.
I've been there, they're still there,
where it's windy and the air kind of like goes up
the side of the dune.
So you kind of have air blowing up,
which isn't super common.
And it's not that dangerous
because the other place air blows up
is as it blows a cliff.
But if you fuck up your plane, you die.
So here they were in these kind of soft dunes. It was a great place to make your first flight, but
you're saying they cheated. Oh, let's talk about plane crashes.
A little, but you need to start somewhere. So can we segue into aeronautical aeronautical
disaster? We're already there. Oh my God. What that plane that crashed in Jersey. I think
it was like a life flight plane or something like like that It must have been full of Jersey or Philly. I
Thought it was Jersey. You might be right. It was a helicopter one or the jet. It was Philly
Oh my bad for some reason I've been hearing Jersey this whole time
So the one that that the one that's like seen on there's a guy at like KFC or something ordering it and he caught it on
Camera. There's another guy. There's another ring doorbell camera that caught it. The plane is nosing down and it looks like one of those
Russian ballistic missile strikes. It's going so fast. The thing looks like it's going a couple
hundred miles an hour straight in, not straight into the ground, but like at a very sharp angle.
And when it hits, that was a crazy fireball I think it hit houses I think
it may have hit I wonder if it killed anybody in the houses killed six people
were any of them in the houses because that's the worst right imagine you're
watching fucking Family Feud kicked back you know having a bruski and suddenly a
light hit you we're really spectrum household but okay I'm trying to stretch
my mind it was a pediatric plane.
Looked like it hit the sidewalk there.
Wasn't it a plane that was like taking a child for like medical care in Mexico or something?
I know that it was like a air helicopter. Medical transport thing.
It was a Medevac? Yeah.
Yeah. So it was probably a medivac. Yeah, I thought.
Yeah, in Mexico from not really.
I don't know if it was Mexico.
I'm probably mixing up different things
and some sort of medivac or there's
like a pediatric patient.
It was a very short flight.
God damn, I think it wasn't.
Yeah, that's what it looks like when
like 1000 gallons go up at the same time.
That baby was full.
Did it take off and then go down immediately?
Like what happened?
That is what it looked like. That's what it did look like. No, no, no. I mean like would a
full tank of fuel create that? Yeah, yeah. That's all that will create that. And on 9-11 they were
talking about how important it was that they were all coast to coast flights because they had more
fuel than a smaller,
a shorter flight would have been. Got to melt those steel beams. Got to soften them. Yeah.
You're not going to get a free fall. The desks were all on board, Zach said. I was wondering,
because I saw a footage of a guy, it looked like it was straight out of Hollywood, walking on fire
like they do. And I'm like I you know remain suspicious Woody.
Like I'm not positive this is it's not from Hollywood.
Yeah I can't tell. That's crazy. Now that Zach did it take off from Philly like like
I want my my my I'm wondering why that that just seems like a lot of fuel
because that's a big white boom that's a lot of kerosene.
Yeah I mean planes want extra fuel in case something goes crazy, right. And
they need to do more go arounds and you know, the weather
diverts them or whatever. But they don't usually like fill it
at the top for every flight. That was wild.
A couple years ago, I was in Dallas. And that was when that
that air show crash happened. Like a couple of it was like a
bunch of like old World War Two planes smashed into each other at some air show
and like it was crazy like you could see it from like there was
videos of dudes that like in a McDonald's parking lot taking
video of it just collided midair. The crazy shit and they
shut down a bunch of highways because it littered debris in
some very inconvenient places if I recall.
It was going from Philly to Missouri to Mexico.
So I don't know why I thought it was a short flight.
Okay, well that explains why it had so much fuel on board.
Yeah, well that's a pretty giant fireball.
What was it?
It was a life flight?
It was definitely a Medifact flight.
Yeah, yeah.
Somebody on board. Would there be a matter of fact flight. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Somebody. I was like, there'd be a bunch. Oh,
yeah. I mean, would there be a ton of oxygen on that flight?
If it's. I wouldn't imagine enough to make a fireball or
like a bigger fireball than jet fuel. I don't know. I know. I'm
not saying I don't know. Isn't I doubt it? Kyle. I'm saying.
Yeah. I'm trying to think of a reason because that. Yeah.
That looks like a cinematic crash. Well, we can figure it out real quick. to think of a reason because that looks like a cinematic
crash. Well, we can figure it out real quick. What kind of plane was it? How much fuel can
they carry? Now you're getting in the fucking gallons of shit. We don't do facts here. No,
we go. And then that's true. Play the air show crash Okay, look at this air show crash. This is what this is what brand's talking about. I remember this happened
My god is that the notch
Oh, no tail His tail off.
Cut his tail off.
All right.
Oh, no.
Is similar to what we just saw.
Oh, my God.
And that was like a B 52 or something.
Oh, was it?
I don't know.
I remember it was like it was like actual.
What was your craft?
I guess.
Which is always a shame to win a little bit of history goes down like that.
It's like what's worse is like you lose the historic aircraft or to just let it sit in
a hangar somewhere where nobody ever sees it again.
Oh, they can fly on.
I like the idea of flying them.
But we need to be careful though, because what if kind of like the moon landing, we
lose the ability and the technology to make those old planes?
Well, we can only make new ones. Yeah, we forget how to do it like that's the whole premise of Warhammer 40k's technology
That is the whole idea. They don't know how to make it anymore
They just got all these antiques and they they they literally burn incense over them and pray to the machines that they'll work
I've got something I would be totally talking out of my ass on but I remember
somebody telling me this story. Hey, again, this is PKA. It doesn't matter. I could just fire fire
out of the right. But it was something about the SR 71 where it was like revolutionary technology
like the spy plane back in the day, where they were using a bunch of titanium. And we had to buy it
from Russia, I believe under like shell corporations because we couldn't let them know we were building fucking secret spy aircraft and shit with it.
Yep. And something about the way that the titanium was machined or stamped or something in the manufacturing process of that plane was so secretive at the time that it actually kind of became lost technology. And it was some it was like one dude who was still alive who worked on the SR 71 that remembered how to
do it. And he could basically like name his fucking price. If
you wanted to like if you wanted to do something along those
lines, they like came to him and he was like, Yep, I also want
$20 million and I want you to give me one, you know, like
that sort of thing. And I don't remember how that worked out.
But somebody told me that story at one point, point I thought was interesting and shit how something can actually
like a real tangible recent example of manufacturing process if I recall they came to a
more reasonable agreement after the third fingernail where I was like all right I'll make you the
fucking plane I'm sorry those planes are fucking cool when they're when they're up to speed.
The airspeed is heating the outside of the plane so much that the outside
of the plane is built not to fit at ground level.
It's only when it's heated and it swells
that the plane is capable of its maximum aerodynamics.
So fucking cool, man.
But if they made them like if they made the fuel tight on the ground,
then it would be a problem in the air
whenever they expand.
So on the ground, they're like known to be leaky,
and then they're fine at speed.
Yeah, I don't know much about that stuff,
but I have been watching this YouTuber who's,
they fly old MiGs and stuff,
and he's like, every time you go to the MiG,
underneath it, just hydraulic fluid and oils
and all grease.
You go under an American aircraft, nothing, nothing.
But you get in that piece of machinery, it'd work.
And he's like going up, like looking inside the MIG
and him explaining how different it is
from the American aircraft was really interesting.
I wonder if the Americans give them
too much credit though, right?
Like I have often heard that American planes are great
when they work great, but you put them on an airfield
that has any debris and they instantly break.
You put them in the punishment of actual war
and they're awful.
And then it just becomes generally known that like,
yeah, but we would absolutely wipe the floor
with these Migs because we can kill them
at a farther distance.
We thought Russia was like the baddest, most impressive,
the second baddest and most impressive military
on the planet.
And then they struggled with Ukraine.
The US would have taken Kiev.
Oh, we'd already have fucking...
That goes over the hours when they airport.
So immediately the Russians dropped in like their best,
the Spetsnaz, they dropped in Spetsnaz into the
Kiev Airport and
But the Ukrainians knew they were coming so they were able to like jam up the runways with equipment and bulldozers and anything
They could find so not only could Spetsnaz not leave they couldn't be reinforced properly and like slowly over time
I don't I don't remember what the kill-death was, but I think the Spetsnaz won that,
won the KD ratio. It was like the, something like the Immortal 300, I think is what they call them.
They sent in some badasses to the Kiev airport and they took it for a while, but the Ukrainians
eventually killed them all. I bet the U.S. would have used helicopters and got some reinforcements.
We'd have used more badass bad some more badass, badasses.
It's dangerous. What if they become friends and then they turn on us?
What if our group of badasses and their group of badasses go
like, you know, we are not so different.
Then they turn on us. Now we've got a real problem.
They're playing volleyball like in Top Gun. They just
over like sweaty shirtless volleyball shirts and skins first the Ruskies
They don't want that
He's over here. What he's over here saying we could take Ukraine. That's the imperialistic spirit. We're looking for man
goes out to you. You keep your heart right where it is.
Oh man, we talked about it already, but that one Catholic priest who threw up the, I'll
call it the must salute.
So he doesn't sue me or anything, but he threw up that must salute.
They defrocked him.
Dude, you can have sex with a young boy for decades and they won't defrock you.
They'll just ship you somewhere else.
You throw up that salute. They get you quick. You think like the ghost of Australia
immediately criminalized the Nazi salute and wake of the Musk salute, which is very different than
a Nazi salute. Do you think like the ghost of Hitler was watching? He's like, no, it is supposed
to be cool. Some things that everyone sees and is like, wow,
that guy is in charge.
He really gets it.
And then this homosexual goes upstairs, jumping around.
Did you ever see my midsection at a rally?
No, you didn't.
Intentionally, I was yacked out of my mind.
Like that's what-
He had his leaderhosen on.
His leaderhosen, he had his meth.
I don't know if anybody wearing those shorts.
I've seen Hitler in Lederhosen.
Yeah, it's general.
So that guy that got bad lucked
about a long history of trolling the libs, I guess his online activity
is just a bunch of like memes and political statements.
So the Roman salute was the straw that broke the camel's back. He
he liked to curry popularity from the right.
Show that, Zach.
What do you think about his calf?
You're a calf, man.
I really thought that Hitler was gonna have spindly legs.
Show us Hitler's legs.
Better than I remember, but still not great fashion-wise.
Nothing to write home about.
It was 1925, all right?
That was the style.
Actually, take a little peek on the
underside of that hitler chin this is a a chubbier hitler than we saw when he was banging on all
cylinders not the winter months that's the thermal layer they put on okay look at the snow on the
ground the man in shorts you know i'm having a hard time seeing the calf like one is on the back
of his leg you know we only seeing the shin.
And the other that you might kind of see is mostly covered.
I can't see where the calf would come in to like the Achilles.
He was hiding it intentionally because one day Woody would judge him.
Can you zoom in on the bulge, please?
And enhance.
What is going on there?
Does he have a testicle on either side of the camel toe?
What are we doing?
The top of the shorts are so baggy.
This is Vespelin and this is Vespelin.
I feel like there's unexplained mass going on in the testicular area.
See, he's not zoomed back out again he he's not zoom back out again,
because he's not fat enough to do that thing that really fat
people do where they think that they can hide their gut by
including it in the waistline, or they almost just like wear
their gut in their pants.
I had no idea that people do that.
beach balls this whole time.
Wait, what?
I can't believe you're saying these are your house at Walmart.
Yeah, but I think he looks pretty
fit here.
These shorts, but
like the bottom of the shorts being
so relatively tight on the thigh
and then the top of the shorts
being well above the navel with
a slap shot belt and so
billowy, I bet if he
turns around, it's a disaster.
Oh, it's a big baggie.
There's no way Hitler had a full ass.
Are you kidding me?
I think there's some opportunity for white supremacists here.
Like if you throw up the Roman salute, then everyone knows what you're doing,
but could you dress like this and send a more coded message?
Oh, my God.
We already know like we're, we're, we're Taylor lies on the smasher pass here.
I guess, um, it'd be a pass.
Impossibly high standards, this man.
Problem one, he's got a dick.
Like you're going to find somebody without one of those.
Yeah, he's I guess it really does line up because I feel like prime meth doing years.
We had a skinnier Hitler than this. I don't know what year that was. it really does line up because I feel like prime meth doing years.
We had a skinnier Hitler than this.
I don't know what year that was. That'd have been like 19, like 1940, I guess. I'm guessing like thick mustache. It is.
I'm reading a little information here. He apparently got really,
he was apparently mocked for this and never wore a leader hose. And again,
if not this exact time, then over a time he wore leader hose and as a traditional
dress or something. Uh, and uh, they believed, believe it or not,
but the Gestapo actually recorded jokes about the re Oh, that's funny.
They were so the Gestapo would catch people who made jokes about Hitler.
And so they made records of the jokes.
People making fun of his leader, Alison.
Oh man.
Dude, every day one guy is like,
oh, I love my job.
Like recording jokes for posterity.
Picture is the Drain,
Dwayne the Rock Johnson fanny pack of its day, right?
Then like everybody knows it.
Look at this, this is a photo shoot.
Oh, this must have been the same.
Rolling down the street, smoking in.
He thinks he's so cool here.
Oh, what am I doing?
I'm just hanging out with my hands in my pockets.
After he get mocked, after he got my,
I choose to believe that's when they enrolled
like Tommy Hill figure to come up with their uniforms.
And that's why everything got so great. Did I say it wrong?
Yeah, Hugo Boss. They were the ones. Yeah.
Oh, my mistake. I mean, falsely.
How did you find him?
Yeah, there's no I don't think it's possible to overstate how much Hugo Boss was needed.
One German guy was like, I try not to offend him, but he looks like a fat idiot.
Like he could have defeated Germany in half the time had Hugo Boss not gotten involved.
Fuck Volkswagen.
It was Hugo Boss.
I mean, I mean, Ford wasn't all that helpful.
And Coca-Cola too.
I remember hearing the story.
Boy Scout mode.
It's like he's about to try and sell me fucking popcorn.
What are the little pockets for?
Does he keep his cell phone in there?
That's my theory.
That's when his hands were jittering from the drug so much,
he just had to stifle it.
Although I've only seen one clip of him totally geeking
and that was when he's like watching people do the high jump
and he's like leaning back and forth and jitterbugging.
That was like 1938 Olympics.
I just hate these shorts.
What the fuck were they thinking?
I'm on the other team.
I need a pair.
Dude, if Trump came out wearing those shorts,
can you imagine how bad he'd look?
Oh, don't do that.
We've seen him.
Some of those golfing outfits he's got are just obscene slimming, but he's fat
He's stagnated on the slimming thing. He's in the house. I do he's got the coke button again. I saw it
Okay, he's got two fucking phones and a coke button on his I would I would have a coke button if I could
I look at you clap you press a button somebody brings you with diet coke fuck. Yeah, man
Yeah, I would wait actually let's think this Brandon, which what beverage would it bring? Oh, that's what I'm
talking about. Yeah. I mean, look, this is Trump's leader
hose and moment right here. Yeah. What year was that? He
just looks younger, doesn't he? You can see his underwear. He's
wearing whitey tighties. Yeah, he's like 80. That's what they
do. This is what he tells us the world says. I always said, tidy whitey.
He's like 55 there.
Yeah, I say tidy whitey also.
To be fair, he's an older guy.
It's like, I'm not expecting me to look very good in my 70s.
Oh, come on.
I'm with Brandon. I think we should grade people on a curve as they age.
It's totally not because there's all kind of curves there.
I agree. it's totally well there's all kind of curve yeah this you know it would be
funny if like this picture he actually hit like a banger shot and actually
yeah it sounds like what he'd say Now this looks photo-shanky.
I don't see it happening.
Not like the Woody left, like the Twitter left,
but like the Twitter left, like,
they'll like take a picture like that
of Trump playing tennis and they're just like,
"'Oh my God, can you look at how disgusting this guy is?'
And then if you like mock one of these obese women
in the gym, they're like, how dare you?
She's doing an aerobic activity to try to better herself.
It's like, no, she's there for pizza Wednesday.
Because that's that's what they do.
Wednesdays, they do that at the purple one.
Planet Fitness. Yeah.
Yeah. I had a friend who had a membership there and he would say, like, yeah,
they do like pretzel Mondays and like pizza Thursdays or something.
I like to believe that I'm too hardcore for Planet Fitness, as if I live so much,
their equipment wouldn't satisfy me.
You are too hardcore.
Like, I think any of us would be too hard.
They seem to just be about like pretending to work out.
That's it. You don't want to go to Planet Fitness.
They're going to give you a hard time in there.
Like they genuinely would if you worked out just normal being normal, like, like
being too loud or whatever, like, I don't know. I don't know. alarms and
shit. It's so quiet in there. Last time I went to one I went
to one with someone once and I hated it so much. I think I use
I my gym was 24 hour fitness or something. Which seems you but I
don't know. So I don't know if that's that place was great.
They always had like good music in there and it was always 70 degrees.
It was nice and cool.
I love that place.
The home gym master race.
That's the way to do it.
Oh yeah, for sure.
If I don't know, I think that I still think
there's something to be said for
if you have to go somewhere to do the thing,
it's more of a programmed in disciplined thing.
It adds that extra step that you've got to like,
I don't know, add to your daily routine and everything.
I think that there's something to be said for that.
But having the conveniences is also,
but how many people, there's that family guy joke
about James Gandolfini's workout room.
Oh, that's more dusty than James Gandolfini's workout room.
It's Gandolfini walking past his gym,
eating like a huge sandwich with his gut out.
And he like looks in there, nah.
And his chest is moving.
That's why I like boxing when I was doing that.
Like the, when around the fight and whatnot,
it's like having to go physically to a boxing gym.
It was five minutes from my house,
but having to go there and be around other people
who would judge the shit out of me,
like it makes you want to work harder.
Our buddy Harley is about to fight LA Beast,
I think at the next event.
So that's going to be neat.
I thought LA Beast was furious Pete.
I had him confused with him.
And I also thought LA Beast was an enormous person
like Harley is, but apparently he's six foot one
and Harley is a real deal six six
Uh, so I I gotta lean on our big boy for that one. I don't I don't yeah, that's plus five inches is hard to overcome
Yeah, he's fought twice already in both times. He got in great shape
So and he showed courage. I
Harley is no joke. He's a problem
I like yeah
he's been working out for this for months because I talked to him whenever I did
his podcast months ago. And that's what he was like, Yeah,
I'm working out for this other thing. You're gonna do an old
thing. And I was like, gotta get on steroids, dude. We're gonna
get you on the juice. We really do like if you're gonna be a
professional fighter now Harley, why are you not on the sauce?
They do not test. Yeah, I was gonna say I doubt they test for
credit. I don't care. There's no way he goes in there with like,
just like that level of vascular that's obviously cheating. Yeah.
Are they not taking anything?
He's gotten in organically pretty great shape considering where he started.
Jesus Christ.
I imagine that.
If you let the ghost of Kiev instruct your training, you can do it.
I'm willing to hear this joke out,
but where'd that come from?
I feel like you said he looks pretty good
from where he started.
And I was like, you mean-
Yeah, just organically.
You know?
I mean, he's still there from what I heard.
He's a big dude.
He's always been, like that frame,
that frame that he's got to build off of is otherworldly.
He's six foot six.
He's so tall.
I wonder what his personality would be like
if he wasn't big.
It just occurred to me, right?
Cause if you've ever spent any time
in the same room as Harley, he usually owns the room.
He booms in his voice, he's taller than everybody else there
and he's just kind of the center of attention.
That's how Harley is.
And I feel like he steals every scene I've seen him in
with like on TV or
whatever, you know, YouTube, uh, if he was five, seven,
or even five, 10, like a more normal height,
would he be the same like center of attention in every room that he is now at
six something?
It'd still be loud, but maybe not as bombastic because like, you know,
he's just a giant guy,
but he's just like, he's just a fun to be around guy. Like the, the, at the trip you invited me on,
you know, I was hanging out with Harley the whole time and he's just a fun guy,
like fun loving, wants to chill, wants to talk to everyone, incredibly sociable.
Like, so I think that's what is the big weight carrier there.
He's like, he's just, yeah.
Yeah, he's just naturally like a jolly,
easy to get along with guy to joke,
like, or to joke around with.
So that's what carries him.
I like him a lot.
He's, he's one of those dudes that like,
no matter who you are, it's like,
doesn't matter what background, anything.
Like he's just, he doesn't give a shit.
He's just there for a good time.
And it shows, it's fun.
So hopefully he beats the snot out of LA Beast,
who I don't know well enough to have formed an opinion,
watched a video of him eating all that sour stuff.
He seems like a cool guy.
Has he been a guest on the podcast before?
No, we should get LA Beast.
That's like a Mandela effect thing.
I swore he was on the podcast.
I thought he was too. Was it Furious Pete? actually, didn't they tell me he was Furious Pete?
Furious Pete is another competitive eater, but Furious Pete does stuff where it's like,
I'm going to the Nathan's hot dog stand and I'm gonna eat 60 dogs fast. And then LA Beast does
like, hey, I bought the sourest substance on earth off the silk
road and I'm going to eat it on camera for you. So it's just a different kind of, I think
I'm confusing with a shoe. Nice. Oh, he's a classier shoe. Nice. Cause shoe. Nice. So,
you know, eat caulk. He's winning competitions that no one else has competed in. Wait, glassier than that? Yeah, glassier than that.
That's a high bar.
When he would do those handles of vodka and stuff, it was like, this is a problem.
He can open his throat up and pour a bottle of vodka down his throat in six seconds or
something, and he would do it regularly.
It's like, oh my God.
You watch somebody take a whole big bottle of Abs absolute and not chug it, but fill their gullet up like they're a gas tank, basically. And then he's just all watery. He's like,
You know, I remember those old videos where he's like cracking it on screen. He's like, crack it on screen. Everybody knows the rules.
And he's like, crack it on screen. Everybody knows the rules.
You know, you put on a stream and it's like, man,
did he pregame this video?
This guy's a titan.
Like his body, alcohol like nobody's business apparently.
You'd hope he'd throw it up right after, right?
No, he's an alcoholic.
No, I guess I watched a guy who goes from like establishment to establishment eating food challenges. You have
like the biggest burrito and if you can eat it, your pictures on
the wall and it's free, etc. And he goes around and does that.
That's fun to watch because he's he usually wins. I'd say he
wins 90% of the time. Like the ones he loses. It's like, well,
come on, no one. No one can eat 87 pounds of fish.
He'll like, he'll go eat this, uh, like an English breakfast. That's 13 pounds.
He'll eat 10 or 15 pounds of food in a sitting. And he,
there, but for the grace of God, go I,
it's awesome. It's awesome. Cause they don't, I kind of feel like they don't expect to have to
give this meal away for free. So I kind of like seeing him stick it to them. They're back there
sweating like, I don't know,
he's ate four pounds of fucking prime rib.
What are we going to do?
Oh, we forgot to mention that every 20 minutes
it's the Roach Challenge.
Put it on your face and let it crawl around.
Yeah, I wouldn't do any of those.
Have you ever done that at a place?
Tried to eat their big burrito or their whole pizza or anything?
Went to a place when I was 16 and they had a 72 ounce steak option. I probably got through
55 to 60 ounces. And then my mom said to stop because she was worried that it would like
be bad for me. And it was like, I'm already in so deep. And I remember I was motivated,
but she was like, no, no, you're done. No more eating this steak. And I was full. So I didn't win that one. I could have, I could have flown through the last
14 ounces of that. You're like Napoleon Dynamite. You're like, I could still throw that football.
If mom would have just let me eat the steak, I could have got her down. I'd have been a
competitive eater by now. Well, in retrospect, it is an embarrassing thing to brag about Brandon.
So thanks.
Toe fismo, getting my toes on my beautiful radius.
If I'm motivated, I can just keep eating.
Like if I found one in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
So that's 60 ounces of burrito.
That is a lot.
What was the breakdown though?
A lot of, a lot of carbs or heavy and it was a wet burrito that took up a whole like big
platter plate and it was like covered with melted cheese and shit.
There was a lot of lettuce and stuff to get to it was awful.
I hate wet burritos.
You can fuck off.
It's a hand food.
I hate that.
Even if you're sitting down in a Mexican restaurant, you don't want the...
No, no. If I'm getting a burrito, I want it to be a hand food. Just like if you've ever seen those
burgers that those douchebags will make a beautiful looking burger and then they'll dump cheese on
top of it. It's like, oh, fuck your... Now you've made a to-do. Now you've made a big to-do of all
this. When we can just talk nonsense.
Yeah, I hate that. And also you guys told me about there's a Reddit forum called like, give me a
plate. And it's like, eating burgers off of like, like car hoods. And also, like cutting boards,
there'd be like an old coffee can full of popcorn
or something.
And I said, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
I cut my fucking finger.
I did.
Is this a pop top?
God damn it.
What year is it?
Yeah, it's bullshit.
I would definitely want a real fucking plate.
I've been to fancy restaurants where they would serve
like a flight of steaks on a silly plate,
but then it's just like three little bites of food.
But if I see on that subreddit,
people will get like a normal meal,
but like you said, it'll be served on a hubcap or something.
Dude, I'm looking at the top post
of we want plates all time.
Most expensive restaurant I've ever been into.
The chef made the starter in our hand.
And it's a picture of them holding with their palms.
It's in their palm.
They eat the food in their palm of their hand. Yeah.
At least I'm going to make assholes of them.
Some French guy being a douchebag to American tourists.
Yeah, that's ridiculous. This guy's eating off of just a board.
Oh, this guy's eating off an iPad with a picture of a plate on it.
That's just funny on purpose. That's pretty good.
I like the picture of a plate.
I think Kyle you've said before you of the morning alcoholic beverages,
you do like Bloody Marys.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Bloody Marys.
You've seen the Bloody Marys where they put
just baffling amounts of stuff in there.
I had a Bloody Mary that had a slider attached to it.
That's the reference I was gonna use for the absurdity.
Yeah, yeah, it's obviously you want like an olive, some celery or something so you can you know dip in the sauce or the the Bloody
Mary and chomp on it but I've had one that had a slider coming out the top. Well I don't even know
what this is. What the fuck it's a bag of some goo with that's attached together with a clothespin.
That's a Bloody Mary. It's a Bloody Mary.
Dude, it's just chunky.
All right, I don't believe that one.
I don't believe that one.
What was the last one that I walked in on?
Cause it looked like a dead fucking raccoon.
Yeah, it looked like it was.
I don't think it told us what the meal was.
It was an appetizer that the,
so this is a subreddit called we want plates
and the most expensive.
Oh, you're talking about this one.
I'm sorry.
They served him as bread and like a coonskin calf.
Hell yeah, brother.
At the, come on down to the Davy Crockett diner
where everything's a little hairy.
As it was in olden times.
We want plates.
My wife's cocktail was served in a hollow stone
and had to be drunk through the hole without a straw.
How do I know there aren't spiders in there and shit?
Yeah, how do I know that the inside of that?
That's part of the mystery.
Yeah, like I'm not worried about spiders.
I'm worried about like the caked sticky remains
of whatever sugary syrupy drink was had before me.
And there's no way they're cleaning that thoroughly.
Some of these are just made up.
I choose to believe that there's no way you would give
someone that on a goddamn napkin.
Yeah, this is them being, well, maybe it's not.
I do have a funny story about that.
There was a, what's up?
I'm sorry, there was a typewriter.
I thought there was gonna be food,
but the bill came out in a typewriter.
That is horrifically hipster.
There's a
place locally that used to have sliders that they bring out like
pork sliders that they would bring out on a literal brick. It
just it was a brick that had wax paper on it and they would put
each one of the skewers through the three holes in the brick.
And they at one point they stopped serving it on a brick
and we were like, no, no, no, no, no, fucking bullshit. Bring
the bring the brick back. And they had a whole stack in the back. And we had a it was a brick and we were like, no, no, no, no, but fucking bullshit. Bring the,
bring the brick back and they had a whole stack in the back and we had a, it was a deal. Me and my buddy was a donut operator. Um, we were like, all right,
we will give her an extra 20 bucks, not tell her obviously,
but it's extra $20 tip every brick she brings out.
And we just, every time she'd come back around for drinks, we had another brick,
please, by the way. And we, we had like a stack that was like,
we started building a wall that was like eight bricks high.
She just kept fucking bringing them.
She was cool as shit.
They have $160 tip just to be in the brick.
We were just racking it up.
We didn't fucking tell her, but it was,
it was just kind of, it was a fun bit.
Dude, you have to have a lot of confidence
in the food you're serving to give your patrons bricks.
Like that speaks for itself.
We had to ask.
You can always break something.
Yeah. Throw it through a window.
Yeah. Just giving them a weapon as their food is served.
That's what they're doing.
We were, we joked about it later
because they stopped carrying the bricks altogether.
Apparently it's just like a pain in the dick to clean.
We're like, did you have like an industrial
fucking washing machine that could handle the bricks specifically?
But we told them one of our servers about the $20 tip bet or whatever. And he was like, dude,
I'm about to break out a pickaxe. This whole place has made a brick. I'll bring you as many
as you fucking want. 20 bucks a piece. Fuck yeah. Yeah. I think, my palette is just not refined enough.
I've never been to one of these restaurants where they serve, I've been to one restaurant
many years ago where they served something on a rock.
And that's all I can remember.
It was like a big flat river stone and I don't even remember exactly what it was.
I've been to the place where they make shit in front of you, but I can't compete with
the fondue place.
Like I've done that, but that even that it's like you're it's in a,
it's in a little cauldron meant to be carrying food.
This is disgusting.
That's the Delos.
I'll be put in.
What were you saying, Kyle?
I was going to say, I'll never forget us being in that fucking fondue place.
And we were we ordered like an 18 dollar cheese dip and we were all so hungry and she's like melting
the cheese.
She's like first a quarter pound of Parmesan and here's like a half pound of cheddar and
this is a half pound of Colby Jack and we're just like, fuck yeah.
And she's stirring it and melting it and then she's like, and then a whole Sam Adams and
before anybody can say anything, she upends an entire Sam Adams beer
because it is a beer cheese dip.
And all three of us are just like, oh.
See, I've made fun of you guys.
Want a kiss in it too?
It bears repeating.
It's beer cheese.
It wouldn't be the correct consistency
if you didn't add that.
That's part of the recipe.
Well, we went to a different restaurant
and had another dinner after that.
Oh, I'm sorry.
That was my favorite part.
Are we in a cheese knowledge duel right now, my friend?
Is that what we're doing?
I'm just saying, if you put beer in your cheese,
your cheese opinion means nothing to me.
No, you don't know anything.
Less than nothing.
You would have been sitting there with globby,
wouldn't stick to the bread appropriately,
and would be coming out like a rope over the side of it. If you didn't have to do that, we poured it out.
I mean, we poured it out. So what we did, we need a bite of it.
Cause yeah, but how was the consistency when you poured it out?
Perfect. It was probably perfect.
It's really poured right out to there the way it was intended.
It would have just congealed into a mass. If it didn't have that,
you're describing cheese congealed into a mass. That's what cheese does.
Well, not a cheese, not a cheese a mass. That's what cheese does. You don't know.
Not a cheese.
You've been fronting all this time.
Not a cheese dip.
If you want a cheese dip,
you want the ability to dip your bread in
and then not have it bring a big tacky pulley.
Like the heats for the heat will let you dip in it.
I have it.
It looked amazing.
And so she dumped that pee from Sam Adams in there.
Yeah. I was so upset.
I would never Dane to speak to you
about lifeguard procedure
But when it comes to this
You're wrong. Let me ask you this. What if you put what if instead of a beer she put 12 ounces of beef broth?
Like wouldn't that have been from like way better?
If that was offered that beer that one well the beer is not offered. It's beer
cheese. You ordered it. We didn't know what we were getting Taylor. It's what to be fair
on Taylor's side here. It's one of the two words. I don't remember ordering it. I don't
remember how it happened. We were all sort of sharing the same food. I don't know that.
I don't know who said to get it.
It could have been any of us.
But like it's the same reason,
like you've had burgundy mushrooms
at steak houses before, right Kyle?
No, I don't like burgundy mushrooms.
I don't put wine in my food or alcohol in general.
God damn it, there's mushrooms in my burgundy.
The reason that it's good is cause like,
it's just adding the flavor of the wine,
but all the alcohol is going
away it's all cooked off immediately and so like if you don't like the wine is the thing i don't
like about no you don't like the alcohol the alcohol is bad if they were adding like a bunch
of booze into your mushrooms it would taste like butt cheeks so wrong no oh yeah he they burnt off
all the alcohol in this pot of tepid cheese that no, you burn it off in
a saute pan, fucking flambang or something.
But I don't like the taste of alcohol in general.
I don't need those rich tannins in my mushrooms.
I don't care.
Well, Tom Paul wants to stick pretty well.
Well, not for me.
Not for me, Taylor.
But then again, like as you fully admitted a few minutes ago, you don't have much of
a palette, do you?
Well, not enough to go to these restaurants,
but if I saw beer cheese on a menu,
I could parse that information pretty quickly.
Well, I know one.
We all know your reading comprehension is second to none,
but that's not really what's at stake here.
Ordering beer cheese and being mad at beers, why?
I didn't order it!
I didn't order it!
We don't know how that happened.
Look at, Joe Lozano ordered it.
And he's like a fucking daggastan.
He's never had a beer in his life.
You know, Joe Lozano never had alcohol in his entire life.
That was the first taste of alcohol
Joe Lozano had in his entire life
was that disgusting beer cheese with me and Woody.
Literally, it was.
Joe's so fucking pure, he doesn't take ibuprofen.
He doesn't put any contaminants in his body.
Dude, that was crazy.
I didn't know this, but like,
you're not supposed to take ibuprofen before a fight. Like,
that's considered like, yeah, like a no, a no go. Because like,
I had fucked up my back like the day before mine during training.
And I was like, God, like, does anybody have some fucking
ibuprofen as I'm getting my gloves wrapped? And like, my
coach is like, Yo, dude, don't say that too fucking loud.
You'll get fucking disqualified. I'm like, what? I I didn't know like you can't take anything like I don't know that in the
morning because it was like day six of strenuous activity and then being me I'm
in the hospital that afternoon getting operated on and they had to delay the
surgery until the ibuprofen wore off. So that makes sense as a bleeding.
I guess that does make sense.
It thins your blood.
Wait, how did they know you'd taken ibuprofen?
No, they didn't.
I, oh, sorry.
They asked me and I told them,
it was like a series of questions.
You would have lied and gotten the ibuprofen surgery.
I'm listening.
I fucked up.
I forgot to lie.
Like last, when I got that eye surgery,
when they were cutting that cancer off my eye,
they asked me if I'd had breakfast.
Dude, I, you know, I couldn't miss my macros.
So yeah, I had, I had to eat my fucking scrambled eggs and rice.
And I had, I had, I had gotten up at like 4 AM and eating breakfast.
And I was like, well, yeah, but that was like five hours ago.
And they're like, oh,
and they made me sit in a bed for like three hours until like
they deemed that the scrambled scrambled eggs would be
digested. And they could fucking put me under whatever they did
to me. I asked I'm still a little foggy about what they did
to me. I think they gave me some sort of like injectable
anesthetic that made me like completely out of it. That's our
reminiscence with their calculations on like, no,
like get aspirate.
If you vomit into the breathing machine, like you need those breathing machines
cause you're in anesthesia.
Now those breathing machines have something wrong with them cause you vomited
into them and you give them a crisis that they want you to aspirate on scrambled
eggs. That's a good enough reason. Not lie. I get it.
Have you seen at the office ever? They'll have like a little sign sometimes that's like,
if you have used methamphetamine or cocaine in the last 72 hours, alert your dental hygienist.
Dental anesthesia will kill you. And it's like, oh, then we will not call the police.
You will fucking die.
Taylor knows cheese.
I know getting operated on another thing.
They say if you're like a regular pot user,
you're anesthesiologist wants to know because that'll impact
your tolerance impacts your dose.
That makes sense.
Oh, like your tolerance is they're going to need these extra
on you.
I know they gave me a Xanax for that first little micro operation and that I didn't
even notice they'd given me anything. I couldn't tell they'd given me a Xanax. That was awful.
Oh, shit. Why do that again?
You just woke up itchy.
No, no, no. I don't think Xanax is an opiate. I think it's, it could be.
Oh, it's um, it could be
Yeah, yeah, and it was supposed to take the edge off but it did not it did not I can still remember like
Squeezing my toes into balls from the pain while they like cut that shit off my eyelid because you don't want to move obviously
Like what I could have moved yeah, I mean they they of immobilized it. They like rolled my eyelid inside out onto a stick. And then like maybe they did, obviously from my point of view,
I can't really tell what's happening,
but they did something to secure my eyelid into a weird,
ah, ah, kind of position.
And then they start orange.
And then they, they, they injected my eyelid directly,
like into it with anesthetic like three or four
And every time the needle went in it was
really painful
Her a lot
Dedicated to like who wasn't working to you
Dude, I got a story. Give me the floor for a second
Recently we had a cancer scare.
My wife went in for a routine, is it called a mammogram?
That's what I'm looking for.
And they do that, it was like no reason,
she just does it on a schedule.
And they're like, ooh, this is bad.
We have a problem, you need to go for another level of tests.
And at this point, I'm like, whatever, you know,
it's nothing, she goes in for the second test and they'm like, whatever, you know, I gotta, it's nothing.
She goes in for the second test and they're like,
we don't like this, you should go in for the third test.
And so then she goes in for the third test,
which I'll spoil, she's fine.
The scare ended like yesterday, it was a big deal.
But dear.
It was like real, I didn't wanna boogie to 988 this whole situation and act like we had it.
But it would be very funny if you had to tattoo liar on your cheek.
Jackie's cheek. Oh, but we're making it to our likes.
At this point.
But anyway, she goes there and she's like leaning forward in some chair
and they're doing a biopsy right in the boob. Yuck.
And they had someone devoted to her
like emotions and wellbeing.
That person didn't do anything medically.
She just made sure that she was informed
in what was coming,
that she was like doing the right things,
that she was like properly distracted
and that she was like emotionally okay.
And then we have these matching avocado tattoos.
And when the whole
thing's over, the lady was this is the like personality person that gets that's her job
to be charismatic. She's like, I never do this. But is that an avocado on your on your
rib cage? And she's like, Yeah, yeah, my husband and I we have like matching tattoos. He has
the my husband has the pit they fit together. uh she's like this office has a thing about
avocados you don't understand it's an avocado based office she has the sweater she has the hat
every halloween we're like all avocados and she brought the whole staff back in to see jackie's
tattoo the place they were all women they went wild for the avocado tattoo uh big fans of it
and that was how her experience and that's not my experience at all. I had like more of a slaughterhouse mentality.
It felt like back in the back room of that facility, there was people getting wheeled
and out. They were sad. They was an old man crying.
It was rough. They didn't want to, I wasn't supposed to be let loose without someone to
drive me home, but I had no intent. I hadn't, what am I going to do?
I can't, nobody drive me home. I'm a grown't. What am I going to do? Can't nobody drive me home. I'm a girl man.
They were like, we can't,
we have to wheel you out of the facility and then turn you over to your driver.
And I was like, ah, cool. How about you wheel me out to the curb?
And I'm going to go out to my car and smoke a cigarette real quick though.
And they're like, oh, okay. And like, I get into my car and I'm like,
open the door, get in, start it up.
And I'm just, I stare him down the whole time as I leave.
I got this huge eye patch on my head and I genuinely can barely drive.
I'm so blind.
Like I have to turn my head all the way around.
Like I'm on a motorcycle to get out of the parking lot.
So it's a little locker getting out of the...
You had Tarkov farming to do it.
You had to get out of there. They're So it's a little awkward getting out of that. You had Tarkov farming to do, you had to get out of there.
They're waving, they're waving.
Like to stop you.
Oh yeah, one of them is doing the jump up and down double wave
and the other lady is doing that thing, which is like, what?
And you're like-
Sort of stamped and like all shuckses.
Good thing you're on my right side.
Yeah, yeah, this is, yeah, it was a rough day.
That was so cool, I loved Solid Snake, Kyle.
So it was way worse than that.
So it was, that's like a day or two after.
I had this massive bandage that was taped all over my head.
I was like the fucking elephant man taking that shit off.
There's like crusted blood and goo coming out.
It was awful.
I looked like I'd been in a fucking car accident when those people were done with me.
Did you worry it wouldn't heal correctly?
Uh, I could see just, you know, even the when I got in the mirror when I got home as bruised as I was that like,
all right, everything's straight because they made a huge cut like here and
like made my eyelid reshape my whole eye opening
and everything and then they took the pizza,
because they take the pizza slice out of the middle
and then they've got to close that back
with any more slack so they cut me over here
and pulled that over on the top eyelid.
Is it the same as before?
Or different but also fine?
The same.
I would say, I guess like if I I look really closely I can see that my eyelid
isn't like perfectly smooth that there's a little indent but it's you know it's about like Trump's
ear wound you know you only know it notice it if you if you know it's there. What about the eye
thing did that heal all the way back or can you see a faint little incision? Oh yeah you can definitely
see a faint little incision. On side of the eye, that thing.
Dude. Like in there. They took a crater out of my nose, right? I think it was this side. And I
worried it wasn't going to heal right. And the swelling, I didn't look like me anymore. Just the
way that my forehead had swollen and my eyes and like the shape of my face was different. I didn't
recognize the guy in the mirror. And I wasn't sure how bad the scarring was gonna be
and it didn't look good for weeks.
On camera, you couldn't see as much
because I'm small and I wear glasses.
So a lot of it was just kind of obscured by the glasses.
But if you took them off and looked in the mirror,
it was super bad, but it healed up really well.
The only thing you can see-
Harry Potter where they just swell his whole face so you don't recognize them yeah they uh when I
scrunch my nose it doesn't wrinkle the same way it did before it's a new pattern but outside of
that it's about the same not your wrinkle pattern right that's a small price to pay for us cancer
warriors I would say I'd call you survivors. Actually scratch that I'd call you heroes. Thank you.
Answer heroes.
Brandon, what's the most grievous injury you've ever sustained?
Yeah, there you go.
Like still obviously Daniel Radcliffe.
Yeah, it's like the Clark Kent thing.
It's like, oh shit, you fucked up your eye.
Who the fuck are you?
I don't know, man.
I've gotten pretty lucky.
I've broken pretty lucky.
I've broken some minor bones here or there,
elbow fractures, broke my nose.
Nothing crazy, clavicle, shit like that.
I clavicle my-
They don't always heal back correctly.
Mine was just like a, it wasn't like a clean break,
thank God. Okay.
But I did have one where like my rib actually separated.
I didn't realize this until obviously
it was fucking relevant to me.
But when I was training for my fight,
I didn't realize that most of your ribs,
especially like a certain part of your cage
is like cartilage, it's not like bone bone.
And like there's, you can separate the bone
from the cartilage.
It's not like breaking a rib, like breaking a
bone, but it's still fucking hurts. I get hurt to breathe for
a while. And, uh, it was like three or four weeks before my
fight. So that was not great. Oh, it's a little train with it.
I did anyway. And it was funny because it was a shout out to my
buddy, uh, Logan Stark. He's one of the owners of a black rifle.
Uh, he was one of my sparring partners. And we were
specifically like, I had, I had had that break from sparring,
like somebody just got me with a really good body shot. And then
it was he had basically been told specifically like, Oh,
yeah, don't aim for the body. He's got that fucked up rib. And
he's trying to heal like before his fight. So it's not a huge
problem. fucking lays into me, like in the first 30 seconds of sparring. And so
we started calling him Logan, the body shot stark. But no,
thanks to I think it was I was taking like a butamorin or a
couple other things that like my doctor prescribed to like just
kind of help with the healing because I was really not trying
to go into that fight a, you know, breathing hurts, but B,
like a one body shot finishes me and I look like a pussy. So that, that thankfully it mostly healed.
And I don't think James ever really went for my, my, my body, which was, that was very nice.
Yeah. I didn't want to tell him. No, no, I don't think he knows to this day. I can't remember.
Was the injury visible at any point?
Like it was a big bruising or anything or no?
Not really.
It was mostly like if I was like laying awake at night,
like I couldn't breathe.
Like it physically, like I could just feel it
with every inhale, exhale.
I've never, I've never broken my own rib.
I broke other people's, but.
All right, bad-ass.
The crash team's one of them.
They've made 50.
They've made 50. Yeah. It's been a pilot. I've actually broken others. I don't know what it's called.
I just know the noise it makes when it takes me.
My friend was in the water and I was going by and I was going to splash him with my jet
ski because he had fallen and I wasn't and that's how our relationship was.
Well anyway, he went like right as I was getting there,
he had gotten ready to go and drove into my path
and I crashed into him and that's how I broke his rib.
It wasn't anything tough guy.
I love that Tropic Thunder quote.
He asked, the dude asked, I think his name's Three Leaf,
first time, Three Leaf, what kind of gun is it?
I don't know what it's called.
I just know the sound it makes when it takes another man's life.
It's like, that's the hardest thing I've ever heard, but you should know what the
gun's called, dude.
Like, weren't you in the world?
His hands are blown off.
So he's got double hook hands.
Oh yeah.
He's the guy at the end where it comes out.
They're like, you weren't even a hero. Were you even fighting?
He's like, no, not really.
Not particularly.
I was a more of a chef.
I need to rewatch that again.
That's that is so good.
The movie's hilarious.
I don't know. I lost.
I came out that like he still had his hands.
He still had. Oh, yeah.
It was fake. Just to wear hooks. Yeah. still had his hands. It was fake gooks. Just goes to where it looks.
Yeah, well he was a fake war hero
and they're making the whole Tropic Thunder movie
about his exploits in the war.
Though it's a hero war movie about him.
So he's there to like,
well it was actually 50 gooks, not 40 or whatever.
He's there to add that real eye witness testimony,
but he was just a fraud the whole
time. No, that's a fun fucking movie. And Robert Downey Jr. completely committing to
the black face and the character. And I brought it up before, but there are those behind the
scenes videos of him and his black family. Like he has a whole fake black family that
he's interacting with, and he's being insane. Like he's got he's like schizophrenic
He's he's making the black guy
They're in like the bathtub together and he has his fake black son laid across his lap and he's drawing
Equations on his bare back with a marker talking about this right here is the Sun sign and right here
You got the hypotenuse and what that gives you right there, all the energy in the universe. That's right, aha, yes sir.
And it's like, this is insane.
This is, it's hilarious.
Oh, did you guys see that movie?
Oh, Tropic Thunder?
Yeah, Tropic Thunder is hilarious.
I'm on an island by myself.
I was like, Kyle drastically over rates this movie.
So I just looked it up.
Nope, the internet agrees with Kyle.
Rotten Tomatoes and I don't know Just Watch,
they're new to me, but they also agree with Kyle. No one agrees with Kyle rotten tomatoes, and I don't know just watch they're new to me
But they also agree with Kyle. No one agrees with me
Oh, you should oh have you seen it or you just I didn't like it much really? I thought it was so funny
I I've only seen it like once in the last ten years, but even when I saw it a few years back
I was like, yeah, this holds up. This is this is a funny movie
I need to watch you McConaughey is great. And then Tom Cruise is hilarious with the fake hands
He's like we're talking g5
Yeah, he's doing the whole dance, but Danny McBride is good. He's funny
Tom Tom Cruise like so clearly being like a Harvey Weinstein like less Grossman
Like I've got two things. I got to have enormous hands
and I got to dance. Okay, we'll write that in. Whatever man. The only film I can think of where
he didn't sprint. No, but he dances. He dances really well. But he's known for running in every
movie. Yeah, he's got the hero run right down. He's one of the best runners in Hollywood, I would say.
What's going on with like, maybe this is just my bias because I can only see it from my
own perspective, but like, it feels like back in the day, like a 30 year old action adventure
like agent of the state or like something would be played by more someone close to 30.
And now it's like almost like movie stars themselves are anachronistic. And so it's like you're getting
58 year old 62 year old guys in roles that would traditionally be like, like no one thinks
any black ops operators out there who are boots on the ground are like 68 year old men. But in
Hollywood, they are to be fair, you still have like your Chris Prats
and stuff like that.
That's true, that's true.
My theory is this, that back in the day,
there used to be, this is like before Netflix,
back when DVDs and CDs gave you like a movie,
a second chance, people could make a movie
that wasn't a box office hit and still make a profit.
Now it's all about rolling the dice for the blockbuster,
which means that your star needs to be Tom Cruise,
whoever the fuck Thor is, like a really big name brand.
Chris Hemsworth, right?
Like the Rock, like these people are all the stars
and they're all close to like 50.
And you can't hire a new guy who's would be good for that role because it won't
be a blockbuster.
I think we're talking about streaming now though.
I don't think they don't get they don't get the paid the same way.
What you're talking about Taylor is geezer teasers is what they're called.
It's when you've got a guy like Liam Neeson or Bruce Willis before Nick Cage, Nick Cage
to a lesser extent.
Nick Cage is like 60 too.
And he's like, I'm the biggest gun runner in South America.
He does.
It's like, no, you're not.
But but but those guys do these movies that'll have like an $8 million budget
and seven of it will go to them.
And the other million, they have to string together a movie.
And it's it's it's really bad.
But they've been doing that, you know, using the aged out guy for action forever.
Charles Bronson was in Lethal Weapon 5. Lethal Weapon 5. And he's got to be 70. He's in his 70s.
And he's 70 in the 70s, if that makes sense. So it's a whole different thing. It's not like
a modern day 70 year old. He might- Yeah, you look 102.
Yeah, he looks 102. He looks well.
Let me you got Steven Seagal who like they have to use 80% of their like $5,000 budget on Steven Seagal.
On snacks.
Just for the catering.
For those who haven't followed Steven Seagal's career, it is hilarious to their great docu series
on YouTube, following it from beginning to where it is now but where it is right now is
These low-budget action flicks where he mostly sits in a chair. He doesn't like to stand much
He always has his glasses on usually yellow tinted tactical glasses and he'll work
He'll like he'll do almost none of the actual killing
He'll have like a young badass with him and that guy will do most of the kung-fu fighting
and he's just there to be seen and they are
Just embarrassing there was one where he was like in a desert war environment
And he was supposedly carrying a wounded soldier like back to cover and of course because he's so old
Everybody else in the supporting cast has to be old. So his commanding officer can't be a 35 year old lieutenant.
It's got to be like an 80 year old colonel.
The commanding officer is so much older than he should be.
And the guys in his unit are also like 50s and 60s and stuff.
And he goes to drag this wounded guy back into cover
and you can tell there's a wire.
And that Steven Seagal is just barely touching the guy and this whole man's body weight
goes like zips away. No, they're embarrassing and he's always been a creep.
Like he's got lots of sexual deviancy, we'll say, issues like he essentially kidnapped.
Like a Tarantino kind of creep?
No, Tarantino's cool. He doesn't do anything the ladies don't like.
Okay, Margot Robbie knows what's up when she's got a 30-piece camera with.
I don't think a lot of those ladies want their fucking toes sucked.
They know. They want their toes sucked and Tarantino's gonna suck them.
By him?
Yeah. I mean, who better? You don't think he... Look, if you're gonna get your toes sucked by one of two people, Taylor, who just made a disgust face when he had the mere thought of it, or Karen, who does nothing but dream about sucking toes,
he'd do some twirly twirly shit. He'd be flicking the cuticle. Oh,
you ever had your cuticle flick? You don't even know.
So I'm going to stay hard ours and I'm going to suck toes.
The middle American dream, man.
I'm selling it. I'm on board team.
I guess that's true. My toes, like I don't want a professional.
He'd be slurping them toes. No, I don't know where I'm on board team. Yeah, I guess my toes. Like I want a professional maybe slurping them toes
No, I don't know where I was going with that. There was there was a place I was going because
He said I like was being a little creepy and that he was oh, yeah He was basically kidnapping female assistants holding them like at it. He's like, no, you can't leave
Who was it?
Seagull he had to go to court. I remember in court. He had a like a
Blankie with him. That was the first weird story
I heard that he had to have his like emotional support blanket when he was in court about the sexual
Stuff and he was also one of those guys that they made a fake, uh sheriff's deputy, right?
He had that show he was Steven Seagal law enforcement and then like you'd get pulled over
And it's like cops except Steven Seagal is there
That's the show. But they just profile people and pull them over to fuck with them because Stephen Seagal's in the
car. Stephen's like, that guy looks kind of shady. And they'd be like, all right, let's pull him over.
It's like, wait, why? You can't do that. And they like get him out. They gotta be like,
are you Stephen Seagal? You can't be living like this, bro. It was so funny.
He was like an even faker dog, the bounty hunter.. He was like an even faker dog, the bounty hunter.
Yeah, he was an even faker dog, the bounty hunter.
You'd hope that's staged, right?
The hope.
Yeah, I think a lot of dogs were staged, right?
Oh, no, I thought that was all real.
He's a real bounty hunter catching like bounties.
I was talking about Steven Seagal.
Like I hope hopefully that's staged
and they're just not like violating
the Supreme Court rulings as far as what people- It that stage and they're just not like violating the Supreme Court
rulings as far as really look like they were just stopping and
frisking anybody. I mean, I think they were like, ah, you
crossed the middle lane or line or something just anything to
actually pull them over. But they were just looking for
people to pull over to make a TV show base was what that man's
wearing basketball shorts. He's clearly a criminal.
basketball shorts. He's clearly a criminal. It's hot out. Please get on the ground. It was hot. They didn't make me get on the ground though. That was nice of them. Yeah. Well, I will continue to
not watch Steven Seagal movies because everything you say about them makes it seem like a complete
and total waste of time. Did you watch the heretic? Did you watch that? Not yet. It was a movie that I thought I had I had seen but I guess I just seen something that has like almost the same description
Of like that demonic possession storylines Hugh Grant the like pretty boy English actor from all those
Renee Zellweger movies and shit. He's an older look guy now and he doesn't fill that role anymore
So in this movie, he is a creep
fill that role anymore. So in this movie, he is a creep. Basically, the story is two Mormon missionary girls are going door to door. As a storm approaches, they're like, ah, this is the last
house. We better, you know, go to these people and then hit the road. And they knock on the door and
Hugh Grant answers and he's incredibly charming. And they're like, actually, we can't come in unless
there's a, you have a roommate, maybe. And he's like's like roommate haven't been married for 45 years
have a roommate you took me by surprise no no my wife's here is that fine yeah yeah that's fine
well come on in she's making blueberry pie and it slowly descends into the most awkward creepy
situation ever when they come in there he's like you don't mind there's a steel in the walls and
ceiling just so you know. And they're like,
why would we fucking care? But then like 10 minutes later when the phones don't work,
he's like, you said you didn't mind the steel in the walls and ceiling. Of course the cell phones won't work. And it's like, ah.
And like one thing after another turns creepy. He's like, oh, actually you can't leave out the front door. They lock at 9 p.m.
You'll have to go out my back door right
this way. And it's like, oh, and like every step of the way, it gets creepier and scarier for these
two little like cute 20 year old Mormon girls. Did they actually get to get to spread the gospel of?
Well, they know that's why I think you'll like it. There is a ton of talk about religion
specific religions
Religious theory lots of lots of that like that's what Hugh Grant is into
When they quickly realize he knows more about Mormonism and LDS than they do when he pulls out his book of Mormon
It's so like like marked up and highlighted and little post-it notes.
It's like this guy's an expert right away, but I won't spoil it, but it gets very creepy
and very weird and you won't know what's coming until it comes.
Maybe that'll be my evening watch tonight.
Yeah, I recommend it.
It's not like a 10 out of 10 or anything, but it's a nice creepy flick.
It kind of reminds me a little bit of Barbarian.
Remember when the girl stays the Airbnb and then didn't like that one.
I loved barbarian. Did the incest stuff throw you off? Was that too much? No, it was just
like I have a fundamental problem with and I know this isn't everybody. I have a fundamental
problem with horror movies that can be solved by a gun, especially when they have a gun.
It's like a gun was in the story. It's like, all right,
I actually don't remember the gun super well. But I think I remember that that girl, you know, I, I don't mind. I know
what you're talking about.
Is it the Underground Passageway movie?
It's the Underground Passageway movie with the incest giant
But that was creepy. Like I full.
That was spooky.
That was pretty weird. I although I will say that like
weird breastfeeding scene, the audience, the movie theater like audibly laughed when that happened.
It was, we laughed at my house. We went, oh God. The relationship and the breastfeeding was like
mom and son, brother sister. It was like monster and potential victim. Yeah. The victim is some
suck that titty. So the monster thinks it's a baby and doesn't kill her. So she's like, oh,
I'll suck your titty. I'm a baby. Don't kill me. Google Gaga.
And he's like sucking the, and it's dude, it's a nasty,
you do what you got to do, right? I would rather.
I would rather suck a cow teeth than that.
That woman's teeth was the most disgusting to eat I've ever seen in my life.
And I've seen, she kind of looked like it would be like sucking the tit of that
bathtub lady in the shining. It was really, yes.
It's a life or death situation.
You're being really judgmental.
If I'm about to die, help me step monster.
I'm stuck in the drive.
Life or death.
That's true.
But they also had a, the problem in this movie of like the bad guy, that spooky
lady was so avoidable, like they had found out how dangerous and scary the caverns were
and then just wouldn't stay away. It was like, like it's not like it was a demon.
They were trying to get out. They were lost in the caverns. They get out at one point and then they go back in and then the lady's like,
I need to go back for fucking that that squirrely little guy. Which movie was this?
Barbarian. It's called Barbarian. It's on our
Plex if you want to see it. I like it a lot. It's creepy. I'll never rewatch. It was alright.
But I agree with you on the gun thing. Anytime I saw a clip on Reddit the other day and it
was like every like bad guy for every horror movie except the guy has a shotgun. And they're
like they're coming from there. He's surrounded like Jason's coming and and and like uh and then all
the killers and he's just blowing them away one by one so yeah that that irks me too sometimes when
nobody's got a gun or when people don't use cars the way they should I think a car would be a great
weapon you'd have a hard time getting out of a fucking car I'd be smooshing shit no no no shit
right well it's just it's kind of funny when they introduce like okay I understand it's like not
everybody's got a gun if you have have one, it's not always available.
Like I understand.
But when you introduce loaded 357 magnum to the story,
it's like, dope.
The entire problem, the entire villain of this story
is very susceptible to this.
Some blind mutant incest baby is like,
oh, I got a tool.
But they didn't know what it is.
It's really not scary.
But it's one of those situations where if
someone doesn't know anything about guns, they might as well not even have one almost, you know?
Yeah, to some degree. But it's like, I feel like that is one of the guns you can't fuck up.
You can't fuck. Yeah, that's fair. Yeah, that's fair. They don't even have to. And assuming in
the film, it's already loaded. Yeah, it was because I think they just watched an old guy kill himself with it so you got five yeah so you got five left and
they're probably in the right order you know that was a crucial movie i i like gore um i watched the
movie recently i'm arcadian or no it's not that i'm spacing on the name it doesn't matter but it's
like after the rapture after everyone's been taken and the people that remain are part of a cult
that has vowed not to speak until the Savior comes,
and you realize that the Savior is the Antichrist,
and there's lots of human sacrifice,
and there are these burnt, they don't explain anything
because nobody can talk, but there are demons in the forest
that look like humans who have been burnt so badly
they should have died, but they're walking the
earth nonetheless, sort of eating people alive. That's a revelations thing, right? Yeah, I thought
that's kind of what I was thinking too. It was, I'm going to find the name in a minute. Oh, we lost
you, Kyle. While you're looking for that. Well, while you're looking for that, we actually hear,
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I don't, you know, RIP to him.
I think he's alive.
Is he, I was thinking of someone else.
Is it the MyPillow guy who died?
No, he's still kicking it.
He's still kicking it.
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Yeah, yeah. So look at Brandon Herrera, future head of the ATF, stamp of approval,
two thumbs up.
Kyle, what are we saying?
Is that going to happen, Brandon?
Is there a real chance?
This comes out what?
Being pretty candid with you, I think
there's a pretty low chance.
I can't really talk about some of the details.
More than zero, but not likely.
Yeah, there was a time where that was possibly in serious consideration and you got to understand
about the transition team and stuff like that.
There's a lot of people that are advocating for different things on the inside.
There's not just like a solid consensus.
So there was a few people that I talked to that would probably have their prefer to have their names not mentioned on PKA.
Fair enough.
But I a lot of people think it was just a joker.
Barron Trump, you say?
Oh, God.
If the...
Don't let him look down on you.
That would be really cool.
He seems to be quite the strategist.
Oh, we all love Barron.
That's your chance of getting pardoned.
Yeah, that's your chance of getting pardoned.
Yeah, that's that's a good question.
Who who do we need to get in contact with? Who do I need to to just harass on Twitter
until they talk to someone about getting Kyle pardoned?
For frankly, what is an egregious miscarriage of justice?
To my understanding, I was actually,
this is on my list of things to ask about,
because I was curious to see where the momentum was there.
I will say this, the transition team
and the administration at large does pay
a more attention to social media,
especially like Twitter X and Instagram, stuff like that,
much more so than any administration I've ever seen.
Like they not, not that this is like their word, like social media is word is gospel,
but they fucking watch it. And like, I've had some talks with people that I would have never
guessed was like, Oh yeah, no, I saw your post about that. And like, Oh shit. Okay.
Like I, what you're doing right now with some of the petitions and stuff like that, keep doing that
like, it doesn't hurt. I'm not going to say it's like, oh yeah, it's a sure thing. It's going to happen because like, it's always important to keep your
expectations grounded, but it's not fucking impossible. Yeah. Yeah. I share those semi
regularly just because it would be so, so funny if Trump pardoned Kyle and he had to do like,
people are talking about him like he's Russian. He's not Russian. He's Georgian and not that kind of Georgia, the one here.
And then having to give you a pardon for that.
And then the only rush, the only good Russian is an American Russian.
The only good one is a professional Russian.
One who is online because like he really has had a, uh, a couple of statements where you can
tell like he's not super like anti-pod or anything like that. Like I don't really think
those are the issues he really gives a shit about to be honest
with you. Yeah, so I do I think it's gonna happen. Sorry, Kyle,
like I don't, I wouldn't bet on it if it was my money. But at
the same time, I don't think it's fucking impossible. I think
that if it got enough attention, and it was something that
people really gave a shit about, I think it good.
that if it got enough attention and it was something that people really gave a shit about, I think it could. Baron, please. It would be so fun. Get Kyle back out there. He couldn't be
FPS Russia anymore. The optics would be too bad. What other voices you got? Oh, no. FPS. We just
like meld. We go Ukrainian, right? Like, we go Ukrainian. And then I would go to Ukraine
and I would film there. Like, I could go to Ukraine and film. That's what I would do.
What if you did a FPS American
and you just tried to do an American accent,
a Russian guy doing an American accent?
No, I'm gonna be, I'm gonna make so many
hell of a lot of videos for Zelensky.
It'd be great.
That movie I was talking about earlier
with the raptures called Asriel.
It's pretty good.
Yeah, it's also on plex um that other
video i sent is the k bars that apparently they're making for space x like the official
knife of the space x astronaut men or whatever what do they need knives for up there what do
you think they need knives for up there to bayonet a rusky spaceman some sort of i anybody. I don't think you do.
Do you want to get in like when the Red Army comes rolling
across the sea of tranquility, you're going to want to strap
that K bar on.
I promise you, dude, you don't want to stab anyone in the
International Space Station.
Blood's going to be based on the ground, baby.
We're going to the moon.
Oh, we're going to fight him on the moon.
I don't know.
We'll probably fight in what I imagine.
And I think it'd be like a cool battlefield is zero G
Like everybody's got those
Like jetpacks so they can zip around a little bit and like one team is trying to infiltrate another team's space station
For example, what are the call of duties do that? I'm sure I'm sure they yeah, there's well
There's this moon that was a Nazi zombie map. Yeah, but yeah, there was there was that.
And I think one of it was like Infinite Warfare maybe or something
like where they went to space.
I don't know. Infinite Warfare.
That's what Zach's saying.
I I was out of COD by the time
a lot of like the double boosting and that kind of stuff like the
the wall running was introduced.
Yeah. Trump talks about a lot of stuff.
So you never know how much focus is going to be on any one thing, but they're talking about resurrecting the Star Wars program as well.
They've talked about that a lot. They're calling it the Iron Dome for America or something like
that, but it's Star Wars. It's just Star Wars. Are we going to make Israel pay for it? A little
maybe? We're going to build the dome and Israel's going to pay for it. Israel's going to pay for it. He goes in there to negotiate and he's like these guys are good. They are I got more out of I don't know
I'm feeling he's gonna fucking
I went in there with the highest of expectations these guys they'll get you
Look like a threat. Okay, I thought I saw that it's
Zach try to find the golden pager that was
given by B.B. Netanyahu to Donald Trump. It's so insane and tasteless. Like back in the
day, Clinton would kill somebody with a missile strike and he was like, eh, United States
doesn't talk about special forces operations. Like he'd be slick about it. Now we're like,
we killed them, they begged, there was blood, he shit himself. And Bibi Netanyahu coming with a golden pager to like commemorate the 37 people they killed
and the thousand that they maimed with the pager program is like the most insane and
tasteless thing.
Like first of all,
Just with both hands, is that so both hands get injured?
First of all, ugly as sin.
Like we give them a jillion dollars every second and we get some bullshit
log with a what's not even that is that real gold?
No, it's a gold plate.
No, there's no way that thing's probably already been glued back up there.
Well, they better check it for listening devices and potentially explosive.
Yeah, I was thinking that you x-ray that baby.
You know some fucking that's in some intern's desk
behind a ballistic glass.
But that was the rest.
He's got a Tyson's belt.
Like I remember Trump did a news interview
and he's just in his supposedly the place where he is office
and it's just full of like memorabilia,
like the free shit he's been given when he goes to a place
like every key to every city
and every fighter's belt or whatever.
He's just got to just piled up on the floor.
He sits.
This is Trump?
Yeah, yeah.
I love it.
I love the gaudiness.
I love the tastelessness.
I can't wait.
Did you see Trump like pulling out Netanyahu's chair
and like pushing it in for him like a fucking butler
Trump's an old man
To be honest I treat him a little nicer after he gave me a pager too
I don't like there's a matching gold, gold pager in your pocket.
There he is.
This is Michael Vicks jersey.
He's got a bottle of milk.
Michael Vicks jersey.
It's before the dog stuff, people.
Is he showing it to Jeb Bush's wife?
Who is that?
That's just someone who wandered in.
He was just stoked.
I don't think he's covered in this. I thought he was ever even in there. Actually I was gonna say
he was never in the ring but I remember he did that like prat dive onto Vince McMahon yeah
and then he like had his head shaved yeah in the middle dude Vince McMahon I've never
spent one second watching professional wrestling but when I I see that guy, he, with the most emotive face,
maybe on planet earth of like the, oh, ah, like freaking
out on the stage. I'm like, okay, I can see how this guy's like,
like a Barnum and Bailey tier showman, like, you know, it's putting on,
putting on cocaine. That's called the little scandal, right?
You know, it's a scandal. I know what you've told me. cocaine Called the little handle, right?
I know what you've told me and I wasn't paying a ton of attention
When you were telling me yeah, oh he was like I'm gonna make you fuck this ring girl, and I'm gonna watch you fuck him
I think lots of there was lots of like
Of like dirty laundry aired out his wife Linda McMahon. believe, is supposed to be leading the Department of Education,
which I've also heard he's going to eliminate. Yeah, it's Linda McMahon.
Yeah, that's...
Yeah, I'm not sure if it's already a done deal or not.
Well, I mean, she worked in the world of wrestling,
so why wouldn't she be able to lead
the Department of Education?
At the same time, I understand the end goal is to lead the Department of Education? At the same time, I understand the, the,
the end goal is to eliminate the Department of Education.
Exactly. Right.
Like this is because I think he said something along the lines of like,
you know, hope you work yourself out of a job, Linda. I'm like, Oh,
let's do that for ATF.
I don't give a shit who gets in for ATF director, as long as they're just,
they want to burn that place to the ground. I like,
That would be nice. Someone gets in there and just ruins it
Oh, yeah, like you just there's so much you have to dismantle from the inside. Otherwise, it just gets
Enforced by the FBI the DOJ something like that. Like the laws don't get off the books
Yeah, Vince McMahon is interesting because he did that full Netflix special and then right after he'd recorded it
Then the court documents or whatever like all get released
So Netflix is like, oh
We're going to change the narrative right now. We've got all the interviews
But now this is about like the crimes that sucks from Vince's perspective like oh shit
I didn't know I was participating in my hit piece
Yeah, and his whole family's participating in it. They're all in it. And they're all in like,
like it's got all these old wrestlers. Oh, Vince is a great guy. Vince is a great guy. Salt of the
earth. You know, I, he loves my children. He's always hanging around with my daughter. You know,
the counter pieces don't rape, don't rape, don't rape. And apparently it wasn't just the ladies.
There was lots of, of forcible stuff that happened with the late actual I think they called divas the hot chicks that do the
Wrestling the actual like starlets
But there was also something about boys
Something about these page boys or something. I thought of them as like personal assistants or like runners
It's what it sounded like to me in terms that I'd heard before, but like that those kids were getting diddled
by this one executive or something like that.
And then it's been going on for like decades and decades
that it's an industry sort of secret,
especially like with the girls.
And you know, some of the narratives that he would write
that would be performed on the stage were ridiculous.
He would assault a woman and then he'd write a skit
where he assaulted the same woman.
So that when she accused him of assault,
it was muddied by the fact that they had,
he's like, well, we did it on stage.
He's like, no, you did.
Not the time on stage, the time in my,
you know, it muddies the whole like narrative
like that they were also acting this stuff out like like he had
a lawsuit with a he assaulted a woman she quit she sued him he settled with her then he hired her back
to assault her on stage again like all those things happen it's crazy keeps this girl's gotta
make a living yeah um he's got sick eyebrows too. Wasn't there's
some conspiracy about that? We're like Taylor Swift showed
up at the Jets game. Just so that if you Google Taylor Swift
Jets, it would be about her showing up at an NFL game and
not her fucking abuse of a private jet for like, that's
funny. I don't believe it, but it's very smart. I'm with you. Yeah. Yeah.
Do you think that bothers her? You know, like, it's annoying to me that they give anybody
a hard time about that. Like she used her jet so much and they'll show all the some
of her frivolous trips. It's clear that she's just like loaning her jet out to her friends
because she's a billionaire, but it's like, who fucking cares? Again, I always say this. The oil is already leased. It's going to be burned. What
are you complaining about? That she's the one who burned it before you could? You wanted to sit in
the ground for another 30 years and then get burned? It's already leased. It's already paid for.
I think it's bad when other people are bad for the environment. Me and my truck, we're okay.
Yeah. But you guys, I want you to shape up.
I don't think, like, I hate the hateful littering.
Like your truck kicking out exhaust, that's gotta happen.
But like aggressively, like what Bangladesh does to rivers
where they're like, fuck you, fuck you in your ass,
you fucking river.
You just like throwing shit and garbage and plastic in there.
And like what, it's like, like just the most mean-spirited kind of littering where it's
like, it's an aggressive form of littering.
That's something you don't see here.
And I don't like that.
I love this idea that they like jump in the river, mad they got wet and they're seeking
their revenge.
This is the trash festival and it is our culture.
Like our fucking old Fago bottles in your river, like a celebration, like
someone needs somebody's shit out of there.
Now's the time to ask Taylor about H1B visas.
Oh, I am very much in favor.
One billion is not enough.
Like when we're talking about, when we're talking about, like,
the Taylor Swift, the private jets and shit like that. It's
like, all right, I'm sure that if you took like every C suite
executive, and, and celebrity or whatever that uses private jet,
like it is like less than a percent of, you know, global
emissions, where it's like a completely minuscule amount,
like it can't be anything major. But at the same time,
if you cocksuckers are gonna try to lecture me
and my forward Raptor about like what I do
on a day-to-day basis, fuck you, man.
Yeah, I agree.
I'm taking shots here.
I just.
I mean, I don't know about,
I know Woody wouldn't do something like this,
but I burn trash pretty regularly. And I look at the sky and I shake my fist at it and take that liberal bastards.
I take that box is now I don't.
That's nature's dumpster.
I mean, I think there's a difference between burning Amazon boxes and you know, like setting
fire to tires for fun.
I mean, I've burnt up a lot of cars.
Sometimes I just tape down the nozzle on hairspray
and throw it outside.
It's something.
I do it at the grocery store.
It's ah, ah.
Yeah, that's what I'm showing you.
Go fuck yourself.
Yeah, but they need to get those rivers under control there.
I don't know what's going on, but enough is enough.
Get your rivers clean, India.
I feel like India and Bangladesh are the two countries I see the most with that.
Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, that whole region, China, we can't give China.
China will open two fucking coal burning plants a month and then lecture us on environmental
policy and then inject like TikTok to like feed us information shaming us about our environmental
policy. Yeah.
That is the worst.
And I've heard this and I don't know if how much of it's propaganda, but
apparently like is TikTok in China like, Oh, today we're going to do math.
Like, and they're like,
they have a different version.
Like our TikTok is cats and hotties and who knows what, and their TikTok is more
educational and what they're shaping their society
to be.
It's a Psyop to make us gay and retarded and we nose dived into
Okay, Bryce, hang on. Are the Chinese queerness? Are the
Chinese queerness up?
I resent that, Brandon. I'm not gay.
No, that's another big part of TikTok that I bet Bryce likes
is a little
Auschwitz calculator stuff.
That's what he's all about. And I'm pretty sure that's all over the place on TikTok.
He doesn't seem very intellectual to me.
He sounds he seems like a guy who definitely can't do basic math.
He really does seem like an actual moron, like a really slow witted person.
Most of these fighters can't help.
Damn. A lot of these fighters can't help.
A lot of, Bryce is one of that category
of really dumb person that has no idea he's dumb.
He thinks he's the smartest guy in the room.
I've known guys like from my off-roading friends
who didn't pretend to be geniuses, right?
They could work a torque wrench, that's as far as it went.
They knew what the score was.
Bryce on the other hand thinks that
he's outsmarted everybody.
Yeah. On the other side of that, though, you got guys like, again, Demetrius Johnson, Johnson.
He's super sharp, super smart, super nice. Have you ever had him on as a guest? No, no.
You would probably get him. He was, he's trying to do a bunch more social stuff. We had him
on a true sub at some point and he was, he was like the nicest fucking guy we had him out like
for range uh doing some range stuff and whatnot with him like he's cool as shit and he'd probably
come on oh mighty mouse i've heard of him yeah he has one i don't know if you'd call it a flying
armbar but one of his finishes is the best finish i've ever seen in any fight ever and they slow it
down anywhere he just pins that guy against the wall and just waits for that knee
Yeah, I remember him picking the guy those are different fights
Finishes that are both incredible the one you're talking about Brandon is he times that knee so it smashes him into the fence
But Woody's I'm looking for it is a flaw
Armbar flying armbar. It's crazy
But it the setup to his flying armb bar. It's crazy. Hmm, but it
The setup to his flying arm bar is different than anything. I've ever learned
It's like he lifted the guy and put him where he belongs. We probably can't watch that Kyle
Is it copyright like UFC copyright
Nah, well that's lame
Man it's wild to see Joe Rogan be the significantly taller guy in one of these interviews.
Oh shit, that is really good.
Oh man, that dude on the bottom, he was doing everything nuts tap.
Hot take. Demetrious Johnson's good at fighting.
Well, only brave takes here. everything not to tap. Hot take, Demetrious Johnson's good at fighting.
Well, only brave takes here. Yeah.
He seems good.
They just-
Did you hear that Doge employee just got fired?
No, I haven't heard anything about that.
No, not at all.
Apparently a bit of a racist.
His social media got published
and it included stuff like, just for the record, I was racist
before it was cool. And you could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity and normalize
Indian hate amongst other stuff. So Taylor, when did you leave corporate America?
Taylor, when did you leave corporate America?
You've caught me.
What race is this guy?
White guy.
I saw a picture of him. Good looking guy.
Marco Alés?
All right.
I went by his picture.
And I'm like...
I just saw Marco Alés.
And if I saw that, I would think a Mexican.
And if I saw that, I would think a Mexican. Here.
I haven't read this article, but it does show his picture.
Does he do good work?
What I have, I've seen a lot of criticism
of the Doge staff's age and their access.
I've never seen anyone criticize like exactly
what the only Chris is what they're doing, but they're smart.
One of them I think the 19 year old is like a literal genius who
like developed an AI technology to decode some language that's
never been understood before. I don't even know how one would
begin to go about that task. But he's like, just the next level
thinker super smart so to interject a little
bit on that that's something i'm really interested in as far as ai goes because they have uh there's
a few ancient tablets that haven't been uh deciphered because there's so little of the
language there and that sort of ai can figure out stuff like that uh so so that's fascinating
yeah no i i don't care who he's got in there or what they're looking at. They're
like, Oh, you want some my social security number? Who who
better to see it than the richest man on the planet? I
don't care. Like, like, it's not, you know what I mean? Like,
better than a Nigerian prince. I just saw this compilation of the
right warning us about George Soros. But they put Elon Musk's
photo in there. So they're talking about him, but it really fits and
It was like yeah, you know, I kind of wish you guys you guys but like the the right would see this to understand
How the left feels I like that every day they come out with a new list of like waste that they found and it's always
Some of this shit's absurd. It's yeah, it's absurd. It's like It's like supporting DEI in the Estonian military.
You know, it'll be gay operas in Ireland.
And I'm not making that up.
Like, I mean, it wasn't actually a gay opera in Ireland, but it was something similar to
It was like a trans opera in Sweden, if it wasn't what I said, you know, it was like
one after another after another. I think that they lied about the condoms to Hamas. Apparently that
was just made up. I just got the whole political thing conflated with the political that we all
know. No, no, no, the political thing is it's the same. It's the same institution, but it's not.
They act like it was subscriptions
to the website that we've all seen.
They didn't say that it was like this deep dive
geared towards government employees.
It's like saying it's like YouTube.
Well, there was like 8 million subscriptions to YouTube.
It's like, no, it was YouTube Red, in fact.
It was YouTube Premium.
Say, well, it's like a-
No, no, this is a professional service
that costs $10,000 a pop. It's not, well, it's like, Oh no, this is a professional service that costs $10,000 a pop.
It's not the thing you're thinking of.
Yeah, but like it's still the government backfeeding
huge sums of money for a subscription.
I guarantee isn't worth 30,000 or 34,
whatever number it is a year.
You're guessing like I am.
I don't know what it's worth.
Well, I know the government has more sophisticated data
than Politico Pro.
And so like, and they're also finding stuff now
of like backfilling more money towards
journalists and journalistic institutions. And that's just a way to buy press to get.
You know, we did turn off, we turned off, it was like 13 million that was for Haitian police forces.
So nobody's paying the police in Haiti today.
Haiti doesn't have police.
No, no, no, They don't have police today.
But I don't.
So far.
And like the Gaza condom thing, I did see that and they were like, we're sending condoms
to Gaza.
And then I saw a bunch of like fact checkers being like, actually, it's to the Gaza region
of Mozambique.
And it's like, yeah, like that's really a distinction
without a difference.
Like you realize that we still don't want to be giving
$50 million to condoms that aren't gonna be more
in Mozambique.
Like, no.
Was it really 50 million?
Cause that's a lot of condoms.
I don't remember the number.
It was a lot of money for,
and then of course that's probably going to some,
yeah, non-government organization or charity
In the previous three years USAID spent zero dollars on condoms to the entire Middle East
Yeah, this is a Trump administration offered no evidence that it ever happened Mozambique is in Africa
Is it not the Middle East doesn't include Northern Africa? No
Typically, it does when I make the map Is it not the Middle East doesn't include Northern Africa? No, not typically.
It does when I make the map.
It does when I make the map.
Yeah, no, so like they were like the tiddly winking over
like, actually it wasn't X million to this here.
It was X million to this equally retarded thing here.
And it's like, okay, well, again,
distinction without a difference.
The thing that drives me crazy is that like all the,
most of the talking points, I guess that you hear are
either like fact checking, like little details that like aren't really the point or they're like nobody voted for Elon so therefore this is you know fascism whatever but nobody nobody seems to
have an issue with the actual spending itself like the conservatives are more pissed off at the
spending you know it's it's funny to make fun of the fact that like we're, we're kind of funny, kind of sad, like
we're spending half a million dollars a year on like, LGBTQ
plays to influence trans rights in Pakistan or whatever the the
example is today. But I think have more of an issue with the
fact that like, dude, I could pay taxes for the rest of my
life on a typical salary, and never equate to half of the
amounts going to these stupid
things. It's like that hurts as a taxpayer.
Imagine, imagine the absurdity we'll find. Because I've seen a lot of people being like,
oh, the USA is only 1% of our budget, like the small amount. And it's like, yeah, if
we're finding this amount of nonsense in 1%, imagine if the Pentagon gets audited. How
many times has the Pentagon come out and
been like, Oh, actually, we misplay, actually, wasn't it September 10, 2001, that they said
they had lost a trillion dollars or something absurd?
They found 44 grand going to Politico. That's what the number I saw from USAID. The other
stuff wasn't USAID based. And I'm like, man, 44 grand, like not that I want it
thrown away, but we're looking at pennies here.
The real thing, they were organizations funded by USAID
acting as intermediaries that then paid them.
So these are going through layers and methods.
I still keep seeing the 8.2 million number for like-
I think the 8.2 is lifetime.
Like that's the-
I think it's 0.5 last year, 1.5 this year.
And I saw a breakdown for which departments
the funds were drawn from.
So it's like agriculture, 500,000, economic oversight,
blah, blah, blah, 800,000.
And they went through a whole list of how that 6.5
and then that 1.5 was coming from.
That's different than my source.
I'm only as good as my sources,
but where did you see that, do you remember?
I watched Fox and CNN, so I don't know.
And News Nation.
I don't know what to make of it, anyway.
News Nation's got the potties.
And it's got this,
News Nation has this poor blonde chick on the border
with these tarantula eyelash.
Twitter's doge is not a source, Zach.
This is bullshit.
This is where the misinformation comes from.
Zach has provided so many fucking Twitter links
as proof to different things here and there.
Well, shit, to be fair, if it's a video,
try transcribing a video from C-SPAN,
that's a little bit more reputable.
What is the video?
Oh, it's just a video of the talking head
from this administration talking though.
Don't call her that.
She's pretty, that's a pretty talking head.
So just hold on, Zach.
She's pretty, Taylor. I don't care about data. I don't see that pretty lady. Yeah, that's a pretty talking head. So just hold on Zach. She's pretty Taylor.
I don't care about dad.
I don't see that pretty lady.
Yeah, well I guess, okay.
Yeah, she's pretty lady.
She looks like a chipmunk.
Yeah. Yeah.
I'm just teasing.
Like a sexy chipmunk.
Like I just want to see her like store a bunch of walnuts
and cheats and then.
Oh, here's what, you know what I want to look at?
I want to look at veterans who fake their injuries.
That's the thing.
Almost everyone in the world I know who leads the U.S.
military guys out of wheelchairs.
There's a fucking.
I knew it.
He had a little kick and call to beat excess.
I'm like, oh, take.
Enthusiastic that something will happen.
It is military culture at this point to say you've got a little bit of PSDD, a little
bit of bad back and a little bit of rough elbow.
And now that my 50% disability, I want to collect that for life.
They counsel each other while they're still in there.
Dude, dude, get that documented, get that documented, make it seem like it was on the job.
And they all leave with disability packages.
The only time it pisses me off is when, and this is like a real story for me, when I took
my motorcycle safety course,
I was like 18 and there was this other kid in there
that was like 22, never deployed,
but he had like gotten fucked up or whatever,
like from a jump, like he rolled his ankle
and was able to get like an absurd disability rating
from the training.
And me and him used to race to the parking lot.
Like he was fine, like he could, he was 22,
could sprint, no fucking problem.
And he had like an absurdly high disability rating
while there's people that, you know,
basically functionally have lost complete control
of limbs that have like 40%.
Let me hit it back.
That sucks.
I know like six people like that.
And they're super athletic.
Some of them work athletic jobs,
like firefighter type stuff.
And they're on disability, you know, because of their work athletic jobs, like firefighter type stuff, and they're on disability,
you know, because of their lifelong injuries from this.
And it is super normal.
I know an older guy, right?
This guy served, I can't, if I tell these stories
with any detail, the people in my life
know I'm talking about them.
But this guy was like high ranking army.
And, you know, he took full advantage of this stuff too.
And he did well, owned an airport.
Like, it's just built into the culture to keep sucking on the government's teat for the rest of your life.
At the same time, I would on the veteran issue, I would argue that there's more people that probably get fucked by the VA than people who are fucking the VA.
I think that the veterans are usually
the fuckies and not the fuckers. It's almost like body cams. Like I don't care
like which side comes out on top. I just want it to be good. I want it to be. Yeah. And that's what like police body cams get me. They expose the truth or whether the police is
a good guy or the bad guy, like where it is, which is kind of like that. That exact same reason is
kind of why I like Doge. I'm like, I don a shit which side it let people point out like oh well one of the Trump family members got
Some of the USAID money. I'm like cool kill that too. I don't care. I'm like I
Don't ever think that transparency in government us knowing what the government's spending money on and pointing out
How ridiculous it is is ever a bad thing no matter
Right. Oh, yeah side of that soldier thing, I saw a Russian soldier who had a bullet wound
through his like calf area and it was bandaged, being forcibly loaded back into a troop transport
to be sent back to war.
And he's yelling, I got shot yesterday.
I just got here.
And they're dragging him like it's in a movie into the van to go back and fight.
Something similar.
I saw a bunch of old guys and they're going through like, how old are you comrade?
And he's like, 57.
And how about you comrade?
And they're going through basic training and trying to get their mags into their AKs.
And they don't know how to rock their mags in and they're fumbling like over and over.
Which army?
They were like over and over. Which army? Russia. They were like
55 to 65. Like they were all like old and crippled. Because I've heard that
criticism levied at Ukraine a lot. Oh well they don't draft below 25 I believe.
I think the draft is 25. Ukraine? Yeah. Ukraine has been dragging like
50 year olds to the front to throw them in. No. No, no, no. I said below 25.
Oh, they don't draft below 25.
I didn't expect that.
In America, we love those 18 year olds.
See, there's a lot of pressure domestically in Ukraine.
So the Ukrainian public is like, no,
nobody, no 24 year olds should be going to this war.
But we of course are like,
hey, you should send your whole fighting force, you know,
if we're going to be funding this thing.
So that's two sides of that coin that doesn't get talked about a lot. The West definitely
wants the Ukrainians to draft their 18, 19, 20, and so on and so forth, and not their 55-year-old,
you know, guys that are gonna be out there shivering. I didn't know if I could believe
that. Did you see... That's exact fact check that he came up with the same number in the comments.
Did you see the... I saw some interview with Zelinsky
in the last week where he was talking to someone and he was kind of you know just really what he was saying is he's like you know I know they said in America they sent us you know 100 billion 150
billion. I can just say from where I'm standing, you know, even when you add in the material and the labor and the aid and all of this, we have not received anywhere even close to this.
That is an absurd way to say thank you.
And absurd way to say thank you first of all.
So let's, let's check the, the, uh, the thanks Zelensky should be big.
Thank you.
You should be wearing a fucking American flag.
Was Zelensky that said it?
I was.
It was Zelensky. He was in the interviews and they were like so you know of the you know this amount
of money is what's been sent and he was like listen I know but it's not getting to us you know
this is the amount we've gotten. He just doesn't understand we spend 18 000 a washer and 24,000 for a nut. Like when you look at it through that lens,
it's 150 billion.
He's an absurd scenario.
I don't know why you don't like this war.
It's sweet, man.
And I'm glad that Trump has embraced it.
Trump told Zelensky, we'll keep funding this thing
in exchange for a sweetheart deal
on your rare earth minerals.
Putin is like, wait, what?
And they're upset about that.
And it seems like-
They better be some fucking rare metals.
How rare?
How rare are they, Kyle?
It's not rare.
One simple question and Kyle's whole narrative crumbles.
What rare metals are they?
Taylor is immediately like the old,
like transforms into the old like
gray haired colonel from Avatar, like unobtain him, you say?
But it better be fucking unobtain him.
Is every day with the Marvel medals, is it adamantium adamantium
and an unobtainium.
Rarify him, Rarify him.
I don't know.
But regardless, there's no way those metals cost more than we've donated
Ah, yes money launder him. Yeah
See Taylor don't you remember earlier when Brandon was regaling us with the tail of the sr-71 Blackbird?
He told us that the United States didn't have enough titanium to build their own fucking plane
So they had to get it from the Russians
Do you know what part of Russia aka the Soviet
Union it came from? Oh it's Ukraine, it's Ukraine, it was that Ukrainian titanium that they've got so
much of. We need their titanium Taylor and now we'll take it and soon the empire will begin to
form. I'm looking forward to when we take Greenland and we can just take it anyway. No, no, no, we'll
start small and I think we need to move that Mexican border a little further south so it's more manageable.
We can just get the...
I asked somebody who's been to the border, I'm good with that.
There's a lot of shit that happens just south of the border that...
You know where it gets...
There's a canal down there where it gets real skinny.
That's where the border should be.
Titanium is the ninth most abundant element in the Earth's crust.
Where is it though?
I've finished my fact checking.
Like, listen, I've closed the tab.
Nothing else matters.
Hey, well, guess what?
According to insider, the largest titanium reserves on earth are,
one is in Norway, one is in Brazil, one is in India,
one is in Australia, and one is in China.
Well, if you sound out the nations in bricks,
that's bad for us.
Well, I guess so, but we can just get it from Norway,
or we can get it from Australia. Australia has the biggest...
I have allied against us.
Yeah, we'll get Australia on the table.
But the whole point is this is a good war, Taylor.
We're going to get some material out of this maybe.
Maybe they pay us back some of that money with interest in the next century or two, hopefully.
It's an okay war.
It's no boots on the ground in Gaza, making this is
so it has to be so good for our military intelligence.
This has to be our military intelligence is dream come true to be able to test all
sorts of, I don't know, battle formations and strategies and tactics and materials.
Like, hey, actually send this one out with this gooey shit on it and see what happens.
Like they get the test.
Sorry, tax has got to go up.
This guy wants to fucking test a PS3 controller
on his drone compared to-
I will say though, this is like,
that is the one argument I see.
Cause I'm not a big fan of, you know,
especially financing this war.
But like what P I can see both sides of the coin,
especially when people start talking about like,
look, we're testing modern military equipment
against literally the equipment it was made to take out.
Like this is invaluable data on the actual battlefield.
Like, okay, I can kind of-
Weakening Russia and making them less of a partner
for China in a potential like world war scenario
is wonderful for us.
We're killing their entire generation of men.
You think they're, you better believe
it's not 25 and older in Russia.
They're sending their 18 year olds.
Like there's a whole generation
of good solid Russian soldiers.
That immortal 300 Spetsnaz unit we talked about,
they're all fucking dead.
And if they're not, they wish they were.
There's probably two or three of them.
They haven't had a fingernail in two years.
Am I the only one who thinks that Russia hasn't sent sent their a team in quite some time i think they've been
sending me i think they've been sending me i don't i think russia's trying their best i agree with all
the points you guys made also i'm glad we're a little bit like have our fingers in the pot
if that's an expression because warfare is changing in this war. Like the whole way that drones have come into being and the fact that
like all wars are wars of attrition, right?
We know that.
But America has the most easily deprecated, attritional.
I don't know.
War of all time.
Like our shit's so expensive.
What are our planes?
Like $2 billion if you take one.
100 million.
I'm thinking of the bomber ones, right?
I think they really are like two billion.
Yeah, still bombers. We only got like 40 of them.
Don't worry.
But if we lose one, it's a big deal.
Our aircraft carriers, crazy expensive to both build and operate.
And I worry that, you know, we're really easy to wear down
because our stuff is so expensive to make.
Meanwhile, looking at a modern war happening right now
and people are using $600 drones
to drop grenades on each other.
Not even 600, less.
The most popular drone right now for anti-personnel
is this Australian cardboard drone that they can carry,
I think can carry either 10 pounds or 10 kilos,
my memory's weird about that.
Of ordinance and deliver it on a target.
It's made of cardboard.
And obviously it's got an engine on it, but I saw them.
And obviously you can imagine like transporting
it's supply chains, it's the economics of war.
Like getting the drones from here to there.
That's what Zelensky is complaining about.
He's not getting, there's a bottleneck somewhere.
The shit's not getting to him, but those Australian drones they're cardboard
So they fold up like flat cardboard boxes when they ship. Yeah, I don't know if you know cardboard
Model airplanes are wildly popular like that's that's a super common thing
So it's it's not new there and I can see why it made their way there and you know what else they're probably not
Quad copters they're like planes the cardboard ones. Yeah, that's when I saw it, you know, it's great about them though. They don't chip on radar because they're made of fucking cardboard
Yeah, I can kind of see where you're coming from on that Woody but like at the same time
It's like the argument that like oh you're easier to take out
Because you have more shit than everybody else is a little wild
Because it's like I think what is it like the two biggest air
forces in the world or the US air force and then like the US
Navy or like some argument was more that I worry that our
expensive primo stuff doesn't work well against a swarm. I
do having seen Star Trek.
All right.
I do think that like it is neat that like we are able to see
this stuff happen in Ukraine because it allows the US
military to pivot from where maybe we would have otherwise gone.
Now that we see that drone warfare is the future, it's like, all right, maybe we don't
spend another $700 billion on a new stealth fighter or whatever.
We're just like, all right, well, you know what?
Maybe let's adapt to where warfare is going.
Let's spend more on anti-drone stuff, whatever.
Same amount of money, but like maybe in where-
Is there some clever way we can be anti-drone proof
while also having good anti-drone tech?
I don't know, maybe that becomes the next arms race.
Oh, is he?
I don't, look, I think that the Thad
and the Patriot missile systems defeat anything
and everything the enemy has as far as drones.
And if you're talking about a swarm of drones then like
I don't know. I got to see the practicality that we don't see storms
Swarms of drones use like that in this war. You know, we're gonna take out the
Anti-aircraft stuff right that yeah, but just to do it over well
I don't know that they've taken out any Patriots. I don't know if we've confirmed that the Russians have taken out a Patriot missile. I know they damaged. So Patriots like this. In reverse, they've done it.
They've taken out the Russian. Is it S-400s? Yeah, we've blown up several. Yeah, they use the,
what's the thing, the ATACMs or whatever. I've seen a lot of ATACM strikes on S-400s, but those
are those like, what's the really dense material that they shotgun
yeah depleted uranium maybe they shoot tungsten they shoot this tungsten shot with those
tacoms missiles that that's what you've probably seen a big circular area suddenly get dusty
that's like a shotgun hitting that but those things are so dense and they're going so fast
like not fat not a like not not a bullet
It's not like a bullet like five times faster than a bullet. Maybe ten times
I don't know
but I know they're going way faster than a bullet and they chew through inches and inches of armor like you can see where
Those little pellets just like carved out armored steel like it was cheese. It's
I saw a Russian mechanic who was tasked with fixing,
I don't know my giant Russian trucks,
but picture like an oil tanker,
not too different than a US one that delivers gas
to the gas station.
And his job was to fix it.
And of course he's Russian and it's translated,
but every third word is fuck.
And the whole thing is just,
it doesn't look that bad.
Except for like every four inches,
there's a small hole that goes through everything, right?
The engine block itself has like 97 small holes in it.
The cab, all the electronics, the frame,
everything about it is just shredded
so that I'll make up a number,
like 8% of the whole truck is missing
with just littered with small holes.
And he's like, how the fuck do I fix this? What do you fucking fix? You fucking replace everything about this
fucking truck. There's no fucking way you sucker. At a certain point like logistically speaking it has to be
easier to fucking melt it and re-stamp it. Exactly yeah yeah he's like there's nothing
recoverable. He's just like can we just make the truck again? It's literally easier to make a new
truck than to do this. There was a disavowage part on it, but to a dummy's eye, it didn't look that bad. It was just wholly everywhere.
Especially when you're talking about like an engine block that's cast steel or something like that. It's like, how do you fucking
reweld that?
You kind of can't.
Yeah, I imagine there's, you know, the laser went right through the crankshaft. That needs to be swapped.
That's the next step. Lasers. We're going to get past all this.
I've heard of the missiles. I've heard of the Jews. But if the Jews have space lasers,
there's no way there's been the laser goes off. You probably think and it goes, uh,
and then you like burned a thing. No, it goes bang.
I'm serious. Like it makes a real gun noise. I actually dislike that that turns me off
I saw the expanding air. I don't know what you don't it should be like a
They've got one that's mounted inside of like the giant cargo plane, and they've got one that it's mounted on a ship
They just released a picture of it like a few days ago
It had a cool name to whatever the laser was called
It was like the United States like Aurora laser or some shit
But it was mounted on like I don't know my boats but a big fucking boat and you could see it shooting a beam of laser
You know straight out across the ocean look pretty sick. I looked up the energy to rework this. This is all wrong
It needs to go pew pew
I'm telling you everyone knows what lasers sound like.
This isn't gonna fly.
As shitty as some of the Transformers movie are,
that was one of my favorite parts from one of them
where that guy who had all these top secret clearances
or whatever calls in that line, he's like,
I need you to use an XYZ 47, whatever.
And they're like, we don't know what you're talking
about he's like I I have the clearance I know you fucking got it we need it on
this grid coordinate they're like fine like some crazy laser weapon or some
shit like that they're like okay he knows I like that too I want to see what
those using its people though why it. No, I think there's going to be a settlement
in the next year.
It depends on your definition of winning. Like winning isn't
like they stopped getting their next generation killed and stop
spending billions of dollars. There's a time I hope they'd
get all of Ukraine back from whatever it was four years ago
in Crimea. And that feels faretched today. We'll see.
I mean, regardless of what's morally correct, like I don't see a future where they get back
to the United States.
What if Putin died?
What if Putin died tonight?
If he had a heart attack?
You think the next guy would give them back Crimea?
I don't know what would happen.
I don't know who the next guy is, but if we could get one of our stooges in there.
America does two things well, we move shit around the planet quickly and efficiently and we influence people's politics.
I don't know how many coups and legitimate democratic governments the CIA took down over the years,
but I'm sure we got a stooge over there
that we could prop up and maybe help politically get in there, right? Like, that's what I think Putin might have poisoned the last four guys fell
yesterday. Two guys fell yesterday out of windows.
Like, it's what they do when they want to send a message.
They might as well do what the mob would put like a rat in the guy's mouth.
They might as well do that.
When somebody falls out of a window in Russia, you know.
I like how they, uh, I've here it gets covered in this like really obvious way to Kyle's point,
like, ah, this guy that exploded, Russians are always smoking near fumes.
And they just can't stop smoking is an epidemic there. There's so many clumsy Russians. Don't,
don't stand near a window.
Man, I just can't, these fucking, these politicians in Russia
just keep eating radioactive isotopes.
I just don't understand.
Somewhere he came upon some polonium, it seems,
and it got lodged in his leg.
I don't know how.
That was a-
It somehow broke into Putin's private store
of that rare earth element and ate everything he could.
The KGB had an umbrella and in the tip of it,
they had this pellet of polonium with holes drilled in it.
Maybe it was a metal,
maybe it was just a steel ball with holes drilled in it
and the polonium was in the holes.
Nonetheless, they bumped into their target and like,
oh, whoops, I bumped you with my umbrella.
But they were injecting him with a pellet of polonium
and he just died a horrific radiation death from that.
They're great. The CIA is cooler, though.
I watched a video the other day and it was like everything the CIA has had to admit to over the
years. Oh, it's great. From like the heart attack gun to some of the legitimately Democratic elected
South American governments that we would topple. All the stuff with Castro when they were trying
to make his beard fall out or dosing with
LSD before he was gonna go on because Castro would have these radio addresses or he go on for like four hours
He was a little Trumpian in that way. He would go on and on and on his vigor and endurance was kind of a hallmark
To you know to the people and they're like, oh man, we could hit him with some LSD
You know before he goes on he gets up there saying all sorts of wacky shit. Uh, you know, he lose, they
lose, uh, lose, lose faith, but they failed every single time. That's what's interesting
to me. And it's kind of an embarrassment that they failed so much. You're talking about
killing Castro and the heart attack gun. Like they, I think they pulled that bitch out and
like a Senate hearing. They were just like, oh yeah, we can whack somebody with this.
You'd never fucking know.
Right Senator?
Right Mr. Kennedy?
I think it was supposed to be a dart
with some sort of neurotoxin in it
that would give you a heart attack
and then be undetectable or something like that.
Was that the ice one?
Where like the projectile was ice
and it would just melt and you would never know.
But you know, as well as I do that-
I can go with that ideaendently I had that idea too
Like if you shot somebody with a piece of ice it would explode
It would vaporize coming out of the barrel if you shot it at sufficient velocity to penetrate them
Unless you're just shooting out of like a little like tranquilizer gun like you'd use it a vet like a what if
And we got a keeping a whole
Close range subsonic?
I don't know.
You got to keep it cold now.
Why don't we inject them at this point?
If we've got to break the thing out of the dry ice
and load it in.
Because then you don't get to call it a heart attack gun.
It's super cool.
You need to be a problem solver here, not a problem creator.
I want you to be more solution-oriented in your speech.
Welcome to Cisco.
These Rayleigh's have some sort of a, they called it a
sonic weapon that will stop a person's heart. So they got caught in this thing where what this,
what Mossad would borrow IDs, legitimate passports from people, passports from Israeli citizens with
dual citizenship. So if you're an and an Israeli etc etc and then they
would give those to agents, they would tell the person like hey we're the Mossad in the interest
of Israeli national intelligence could we borrow your passport and they'd be like oh of course for
the cause but they don't know is they're going to give that passport to a Mossad agent that looks a
little bit like them send them to I don't where, Egypt or Dubai or something like that, and then they go, they're caught on camera every step of the way,
airport, hotel security, every step of the way, stalking and murdering an Iranian general or
something like that, that Iranian scientist, they got him down on the floor in his hotel room and
used a sonic weapon to stop his heart. And that part gets glossed over because they got caught
and it was a big story.
But I always go back to what the fuck kind of sonic weapon
were they using, bro?
You got you had me there.
Laila, I want to know about that.
I wonder if they if that's something that they use to throw people off
because, you know, like all those intelligence groups and whatnot,
they always like name it some weird shit.
So you think it's something else. It's kind of like the
the British propaganda where they tell their people, oh yeah, our pilots could see so well
because they eat so many carrots and they can see at night. It's like, well, it's because
we invented radar. We didn't want anybody to know. Yeah. Yeah. The Germans are best.
We need more carrots. Yeah. Or like the the the fuses. I think Fat Electrician just did a video
on that fairly recently.
Just like the fuses that we made
that like could detect when it was near aircraft
and detonate midair.
Like that fucking accelerated.
We were like a hundred times more accurate
with our anti-aircraft fire.
They wouldn't use those over land.
Are all the anti-air crews on land.
We just put them at a disadvantage.
You don't get the good stuff
because we can't risk these falling into enemy hands.
Obviously, they're all getting spent.
It's like I found out through his video that they actually the first use of them on land,
because I think was Eisenhower's just like, fuck you, give them to me.
Yeah, was battle the bulge.
And that's why we dominated.
Yeah, the way it works is ingenious.
Inside the shell is a
glass vial of acid and on
Firing of the shell that glass vial shatters and it but now you know it becomes a battery now
Now a battery has been turned on by liquid acid being going on to like the the copper
Whatever to you those elements and the device is now powered up for the first time
Because it only needs to be powered up for the next three or four seconds anyway, and it's sending radar pulses out
Beep beep beep and if it ever gets one back it explodes
So this thing is getting right next to the planes in the air and then exploding into shrapnel
Everybody else is having to hit their targets and we've got auto exploding rounds
It was a huge advancement and we did not want the Germans or the Japs to get it into shrapnel, everybody else is having to hit their targets. And we've got auto exploding rounds.
It was a huge advancement.
And we did not want the Germans or the Japs to get it.
Which is fucking crazy that we were able to come out.
Like, we were just like, oh, well,
how do we get a battery that survives, you know,
transportation shipping to the front as being fired.
And we're just like, ah, we'll just invent a battery
that only activates once it's been shot
out of a fucking artillery gun.
That glass was the hardest part apparently. Like coming up with a glass that only activates once it's been shot out of a fucking glass. It's like that glass was the hardest part, apparently,
like coming up with a glass that was brittle enough to fight, to,
to break correctly, but stable enough that it could be transported, loaded,
unloaded, go through all the rigors of, um, you know, shipping it around the
planet. Uh, and the company that made it is the same company that made Christmas
lights. Yeah. So during those years,
you couldn't get Christmas lights for your house
because that company was making top secret anti air shelves
for the US government.
Did you watch his video by chance?
I don't know which video I watched.
Okay, it was a couple of days ago.
Because you're like very well versed in this.
And that is something that I've never fucking heard of
before he told me about it.
Like it's crazy all those little fucking stories of world war ii yeah I what who's the
guys who's the guy uh fat electrician his name's nick no I don't think I'll I'll look though he
does a bunch of like history breakdowns he's one of my other podcast hosts but yeah he went like
deep into the weeds of all that shit and like it's it's just it's so crazy like apparently they got
it so um so sensitive in the beginning
that they were detonating midair
when birds were too nearby.
Oh yeah, he made a video seven days ago.
I haven't seen this video.
I do recognize him, I think, but I don't know.
I've seen that on YouTube before.
It's definitely where I know it from.
Yeah, I'd never heard of this.
Like, and I'd like to think I'm relatively well-versed
in that kind of stuff kind of torpedo tech was interesting
too like like, you know throughout the war how not only submarine tactics were
rapidly changing because during
World War one we really looked down on the way the Germans were utilizing their tanks and attacking
the shipments that we were sending
To England, you know taking out these mercantile vessels
and these civilian transports,
the Lusitania was the defining incident that brought us in.
But then very quickly after Pearl Harbor,
the directive went out with the Admiralty.
It was like, anything with a Japanese flag
is engaged and sunk to the bottom of the sea.
They don't care who's on board, all of it, all of it.
Of course, our torpedoes were shit. We're like ever
Yeah, like it was the end of the war before we had torpedoes that work. So we'd shoot like ten and two would work
You hear what the reason was for it, but they were like almost all duds you get a direct impact and just don't
Sing like fuck was it just our torpedoes that sucked yes the the japanese and the germans had well i
don't think that i don't know about japanese torpedoes they were probably fine they did okay
on pearl harbor but the germans had good torpedoes that checks out
he's pretty good at building i mean for a while engineering focused people everybody in uh was
worried all the allies were worried about
the Atlantic ocean because they were like, Oh shit, like we're, we got to worry about German U-boats
everywhere we go. Like that was a real fear. Like, you know, everybody talks about it as far as like
people were concerned about being able to cross. Well, there's, there was like a scare, right?
Called like the battle of Manhattan or something where like the battle of LA, I think, I think it
happened on the, the, the, the East coast East Coast like I think there was some scare where they thought
something was happening and they they turned on the floodlights and shot some
anti-air or something there was a lot of scare scares during the war on both
coasts they thought the Japs were gonna potentially invade you know the mainland
they did invade invade the Aleutian Islands to their credit those guys had
the shortest end of the shittiest stick in the world.
Or if you ask me, the Japanese dropped them off in Alaska and never came back.
And what are we going to do?
We had to kill them all before we could go back to focus on other shit.
So we sent some good old boys up to Alaska.
Did they accomplish anything?
I killed them all.
They killed them.
No, no.
I mean, the guys who they dropped the job.
Well, I'm sure they, you know, they bled resources and probably got a snow
sample that never got there.
They also held divers.
I, oh yes, we got our samples.
Let's get the fuck out of here.
I think the Japanese also sent balloons with explosives on them that,
that drifted over the Pacific and onto the
west coast and I think they killed somebody with it I think maybe they killed
a civilian with it. Those were those were fire bombs that they they like had their
paper things or whatever they were taking advantage of like the jet
streams and shit yeah to get over to the west coast and they successfully like
they sent up a shitload they never hit anything except one landed on like a
family having a picnic and like killed like three or four civilians or some
But it was like a thing nobody reported on it
Because they didn't want Japan to know it succeeded and you it would take would terrify like that
World War two America was all we'd already put the Japs in the camps at that point
So we were hair trigger as it was
So if you read in the paper that a family of four on a picnic were blown up by a Japanese attack balloon in like Burbank, that would
be mass hysteria. That would be mass hysteria. Yeah. It would have been a
meltdown. So it was good they all shut that stuff up. I always say it's a good
thing. I wonder how much of that stuff's getting hushed up now if there's any. I
wonder how many of those Japanese that we put in the internment camp would have
been traders if we hadn't otherwise put them in the
internment camp.
Cause you know, there was a Japanese pilot who went down on one of the islands
of Hawaii and what happened when he rent, when he came upon a native Japanese
who were also living in Hawaii, they sheltered him and aided him in his
efforts and they were eventually either killed or convicted Like like they admit immediately sided with him. So I never had an issue with us, you know
Giving them some housing for a little while. Yeah, they got to learn to play baseball. It wasn't that bad
They already knew how to play baseball. Well, they got to get better at it
I bet they got better at it
That was they were they were I bet they got better at it. They were living high on the hog in those camps. I bet they had baseball diamonds.
You ever hear George Stikai talk about it?
You know, the guy from Star Trek?
I had gay sex at the camp when I was a boy.
I was in a keb when I was seven years old.
He tells the stories like he makes it sound like he was in an Auschwitz camp.
He's like, I go, I get out of my bunk to go to bed at night.
There'd be a man with a rifle ready to gun me down if I made a break for it.
And there was always some devious round eye nearby.
In order to cope with the stress, I had to have gay sex with the other prisoners.
Isn't that what he does?
Have gay sex?
Well, I mean, he is a gay man.
I don't want to have straight sex.
Look, it's just the only thing I know about him.
I like George Takei enough, I guess.
I like his, I like Mr. Sulu more, I guess.
That's probably what makes me like him.
Sulu had a couple cool moments probably what makes me like him Yeah
In the show is he still whining? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the Japanese kids
Hey, if you I bet if you pull up George Takai's last tweet, it's something about the orange man
It's it's it's which is hilarious because it's like alright, he's super super left-wing and it's like alright
Which party put you in the fucking camp George? Oh
I don't care
I don't like Trump. Let's see. It was the sitting man. That was the issue not the orange man
Let's see. Oh, come on George. These are not good tweets. Let me find something good. Join me over those guys
Oh, it's him leaving his pin tweet is him leaving and going to blue sky. Oh, yeah
Yeah, but he
just tweeted 44 minutes ago oh crazy he's just diversifying then you know covering all of his
spaces well what i did is i lied i wanted the quick engagement you know i like them i like them in the
show so i i get look i i think that one of the things that the far left does the far left for sure is they just want to demonize
I hate everybody who thinks differently from them and I can separate George Takai from Sulu at least and like Sulu
Fucking yeah, exactly. You're fucking miserable. If you can't separate art from artists to some degree
There's some people Kevin's really hard. He'd be Tom Cruise if it weren't for those lips.
That's one that like, I'm like, yeah, Kevin,
they hold it down.
I mean, you were killing it on Hercules
and then it was, the sky was the limit for you
until you expressed your conservative views.
It's like, come on, man, we all know what happened.
And see, I thought-
Did you see the Roseanne rap?
No, I didn't see the Roseanne rap.
Roseanne dropped a rap music video and it's so cringy.
Like I'm pretty cringe. I'm not cringe proof.
Woody's cringe proof because his brain doesn't understand it.
Taylor is, he is not cringe proof at all.
You can get into him pretty easy. In our Patreon hangouts,
there was this couple that would have sex openly on camera in
front of us and it would be really awkward as you can imagine. They weren't movie stars,
but they weren't uh ghosts. I feel like you need to up their subscription somehow. I gave them a
free subscription. We need to get them on the political pro rate. I gave them, oh, I paid
grand a year. You can fuck anywhere you want, man. I gave them a free, like I wanted them in there
for the draw, but that would that would hurt Taylor pretty good, but I watched
That Roseanne rap video and like I got ten seconds in before I turn it off. She's got blonde
Dreads like braids and she's like
And it's like they're like jumping up and down like it's like a music to rap video. Oh, they're rapping about Trump
Yeah, I am like it's like a music to rap video. They're rapping about Trump. I hate that.
I am curious.
Can you find a still from it, Zach?
Cause I still would speak volumes right now.
Find a still from Roseanne's rap battle or rap.
Rap video.
Yeah, it's a music video.
Yeah, it's something.
There you go.
That's what I needed, brother.
That same fucking guy.
That guy makes a bunch of like conservative rap stuff.
I forget his fucking name.
He knows his niche. Look at the flags in the background.
It's like, like, there's people like waving flags and chanting and jumping up and down.
This is awful.
She should have been extra edgy and broke out the tiki torches and shit.
Like, this is this is off.
The guy on the right right what the fuck is his
deal can't remember his fucking name does he have hug under his lip face
tattoos that's vanilla lice did the Ben Shapiro.
The Ben Shapiro rap was actually really funny. I will say, like, it wasn't good,
but it was funny. It reminded me of Epic Rap Battles of History a little bit. It was like,
it really did get a little funny. Yeah. All right. Please take this away.
I don't want to watch Ben Shapiro or this goober.
Benetalized is getting to me too.
Yeah. Man, I hate that. I really don't.
No, I like this.
What a couple of Uggas.
When I grew up, I watched the Roseanne show. And for anyone who doesn't know, it was then
and still to this day might be the only representation I've ever seen on TV of a real blue collar
family. Like they couldn't afford good cereal. You know what I mean? Like this was a family that had too many kids, too many mouths to feed. And they, Dan was like coming
home tired and like beat and she'd had our, everybody was tired and beat and like the
love was holding it together. It wasn't family matters. We're like, this cop somehow can
fund this giant family or full house where we got three single straight
bachelors hanging out together, pooling their funds so we can have this $8 million house
in San Francisco.
Like, like it was a real deal sitcom, but that was good.
And then, you know, she took some ambient or something and said something about the
Jews or something like that.
I don't know.
They were, they were, uh, I never watched Roseanne, but I was up, you get antisemitic. It's happened to me a time or two. I, I, I,
you abuse an ambient sometimes. Then you start doing a little Bryce Mitchell math.
I start feeling a little bit like a Roman emperor who needs to let my, my boys know how I'm feeling,
you know, if I take too much ambient, I just hits the pen one too many times does some ambient.
And suddenly he's really curious about the USS Liberty.
Now he needs to know, wait, they were alerted as before the bombing happened?
Wikipedia is the definite source for that.
Yeah, I always was struck.
I never watched Roseanne as a kid.
It was one of those shows that was on that network that I didn't like.
You mentioned Family Matters, all about Family Matters and Fresh Prince.
Do you think so? The sheer mass of the parents in that show was always unbelievable because in like
Just Carl. Carl's a big boy. No, no, no. I'm saying Roseanne right now. Roseanne and John Goodman were like, they were, they're fat. Then by 2025 standards,
they were mammoths by like 90s standards. A fat, ugly white couple with a bunch of kids.
You didn't see it anywhere else on TV and I appreciated the hell out of it. I still do.
No one would make that show now. It's always some bright light. You're right. They tried.
Like even a show like Friends, even a show like Friends is such nonsense
when you're a waitress and you can afford that apartment.
Isn't your rent like $1,800 a month in 1993?
No, I think you struggle financially in sitcoms
except for Zan.
You get to see them, it's pretty cool.
Yeah. Something different.
I didn't like how Joey and Chandler
had that like goon cave setup. It was just both of them. Yeah, two recliners.
It's like, you got fucking losers. Like, two recliners. And
then they're talking about having girls over. Where are they
sitting? They're not sitting. What are you doing? What are you
sitting with a girl and doing Taylor playing fucking Pinasca
or some shit? Yeah.
You bring girls back to your place for board games, Taylor.
You need a couch and a coffee table.
I'm a big fan of couches. I love couches.
Look at Taylor, all this furniture. All this furniture.
All you need is two tables, a duck and a television. Chandler and Joey had it right.
They had their football table.
Ross had that monkey. That's what was fucking weird. They had their all day. Ross had that monkey.
That's what was fucking weird.
Ross had expressed his monkey on his shoulder.
And then they just stopped that.
They just stopped it.
It must have been long that the monkey was gone.
Apparently actors hate monkeys.
I don't know.
Everybody hates monkeys.
That's your job.
You fucking pussy.
But up with the monkey.
Don't do it.
I was about to go full ambient do it.
I was about to go full ambient against. I love how he looks.
My hands kicking in.
He looks straight at the ad and goes, no,
no, I've got an American flag up there.
I look glory when I need strength.
You look at glory. And they go what? And they get you out there.
So here's something that I wish you watch you on.
So we have these.
There's what happened and there's the way we tell it, right?
And as and I'm talking about as a country.
So like I recently heard the story of the national anthem.
And I was crying.
Listen to this guy.
Expel the story because it was it was fucking it was a war about war of 1812 the the French are I think they're shelling
some fort for Andrew or something and Francis Scott key is a lawyer sent by America to negotiate with them and he's
onboard one of their boats and
Some admiral or whatever is on the boat. He's like it's good
You're here to negotiate but there won't be anybody to negotiate with after tonight. He's like, what are you
talking about? He's like, we're destroying the fort tonight. So there won't be, your friends are all
gone and a hundred vessels show up and they bombard the fort all night long. Well, down in
the belly of that vessel were the prisoners that Francis Scott Key was there to negotiate for,
the American prisoners.
And from down below, they continually asked him,
is the flag still there?
And he's looking and every time there's a bomb
or the red glare of a rocket,
he can see that on top of the hill, the flag is still there.
And it went down at one point and men came out
and raised it and held it up until their bodies were all that was holding it up.
And it's in the flag was still there. And that's the story of the National Anthem.
And I read into it. That's mostly true, but only four people died at the fort.
And there was only like 50 there to begin with.
And I guess one of the persons that died was just a lady who was carrying ammo. So
wasn't as bad as it sounded, but it was still a beautiful story. Yeah. And I kind of like mostly
untrue. Well, no, I would go so far as to say largely fabricated. I mean, at the same time,
like what's the part about the body's holding the flag up? That was the lie. I always lost
a war after an item of bombardment. I mean, we did pretty good.
I heard Ben Carson tell a story about George Washington.
We're currently in a war with Canada, a trade war,
but their national anthem is a lot better.
No, it's not.
Oh, you're insane.
You're insane.
I just told you why ours is bad ass.
Everything about that story is true,
except for that the bodies were all
that was holding the flag up.
The flag was still there because the men survived.
They fought all night and they survived the bombardment of a hundred naval vessels and the
flag was still there. Ours is so much better. What is this? Oh Canada? Oh Canada? Oh what?
Where do you get fucked in the ass? You can eat. You need a long democracy to come up there.
You socialist fucks. I saw it like the other day it's like you know you
love this shit if it was yours no I think about Canada is that half of them
speak French and the other half let them but I'm not I'm not using that as one of
the marks in its favor now don't use this as evidence against me of this period of history, but I thought Francis
Scott Key was black.
No, no.
Who am I thinking of?
Was there a Francis, a famous black Francis back in the day?
Am I making this up?
Did I Netflix my own understanding of history?
You thought the guy that wrote the national anthem was black. Am I making this up? Did I? Did I Netflix my own understanding of history?
You thought the guy that wrote the national anthem was black with a guy who designed?
I think Washington, D.C. was black. I think wasn't his name, Ben Benjamin.
This is this is seventh grade coming back.
Mom taught me that year. So I didn't learn about Washington, D.C.
He did.
The the the guy who what are you talking about? Some guys Douglas was not the guy who designed
DC. Let me find out. I'm pretty sure. Yeah, I've heard of Frederick Douglass. He's the
guy who was like slavery fucking two thumbs down. Don't like it. So yeah, I guess I maybe
I got Frederick Douglass and Francis Scott Key. I was joking like hot take
But it's like I mean get back in the day kind of yeah. No, it was a hot take back then
They're like, I don't like slavery and then some rich, you know gigantic plantation owners like I say I say I was right
I was right. I got his name too. His name is Benjamin Bennecker
He was a black surveyor who helped design Washington DC. Yeah
Helps design I can see my social studies book
Because you were making it seem like this guy's like I'm sorry
Yeah, dude, I remember his name and from a history book from 30 fucking years ago
I'm pretty sure he had a lot to do with it. Is Washington DC well-designed
That's something you're one of the most poorly designed cities in the world. I'm sure he had a lot to do with it. Is Washington DC well designed? Is that something you're hanging your hand on? It's one of the most poorly designed cities in the world,
I'm told.
It's pretty shit.
It is like my least favorite city.
It doesn't do well with traffic.
He didn't think about cars when he built it.
Yeah, the guy who designed Houston is probably like,
get that off the internet.
Get it out of here.
When Woody and I drove to Boston,
I remember specifically as we drove past DC, I'll say,
because the roads got markedly worse.
Like they got so and it was also a period of time when Woody was asleep and I was annoyed
because I needed somebody to talk to.
And I because it was like Stern would say something funny on the radio and I'd laugh
and I'd look over to you to share the laugh and you'd be like, and so I was hitting it
as well.
Or so I was hitting every pothole I could
on the Washington DC interstate to try to wake Woody up.
It was going, and I was like,
that won't get it done.
It was like, oh my God.
I'm not my front end out waking him up.
I woke up 70 times an hour during that period.
One little pothole. I prefer to call them arousals. I woke up 70 times an hour during that period.
I prefer to call them arousals. Yeah. I'm kind of the story. All right. That's what they call them.
That's a professional sleepologists call them. Yeah. I was,
I was stoned that whole trip. Every time we'd stop at a gas station,
I'd go in the bathroom and get just wicked high for it. So,
well that's nothing. I was getting aroused 70 times an hour.
You have to be really healthy for that. I've never had using code pka.
The most disappointing part of that trip it's not that Joe lost I mean it is but it was the betrayal
lost. I mean, it is, but, but it was the betrayal drive. No, that was kind of funny. Um, but it was, it was the after Joe lost Woody and I were like, dang, I guess we better just make ourselves scarce.
And it was like, yeah, I guess we better. And we just left.
Oh, if I got kicked out of me, I'd like, I'd want to be like, Hey, we understand. Hey, guess what?
No, I'm saying I would want the opposite. I'd want you guys to come in and be like, Taylor, we're taking you to Dave and Buster's.
And then we have a fun evening.
Joe's got a crew.
This fight was in Boston.
I felt like I was in his like outer periphery.
Like I like Joe, I consider him.
And I'm in Woody's periphery.
I'm sort of his attache, if you will.
Like I'm friends with Joe,
but Woody like lived at his house for a week one time, you know?
Couple weeks. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, uh, I just, I just had,
maybe I just lowered myself in the thing and I would have been welcome,
but I was like, yeah, Joe's got a tighter group here that he can, he's leaning on.
He got fucked up too.
That's a good read. That makes sense.
And he got fucked up too. And like, like, I don't know if I got beaten up,
I wouldn't want to hang out with my friends. What are gonna talk about man. He whooped your ass, huh?
One part where I thought you had it but then he just oh really got you like, oh, yeah, by the way
Can you stop breathing so loud?
Joe wasn't so tough over there dude, he wouldn't have been hit so much, but he was almost too tough for his own good never quit and
and hit so much, but he was almost too tough for his own good, never quit,
and involved a lot of punches sent his direction.
Yeah, we did get a good steak dinner.
I remember we did that the night before we left,
but didn't I get us lost in Connecticut or something?
Didn't I take us to Delaware?
I got so lost.
There was some shared blame in that.
I think maybe you operated the GPS but the
passenger seat is in charge of navigation and that's where I was and
what had happened was I what I think had happened. I was using like a Garmin like
attachment GPS in my truck. I didn't have one in my truck and and so like I think
at one point I was like you know home or whatever but then I like maybe I tapped
it too many times and went to a different
We ended up in the wrong state on the way back. It was a
It was it was it was rough. We didn't catch the air very quickly. It took maybe
four hours
We drove from so I drove to Woody's house in North Carolina and then we drove from there non-stop to Boston
I drove rather non- house in North Carolina, and then we drove from there nonstop to Boston.
I drove, rather, nonstop to Boston. And then the next-
I observed some of this.
Does this have anything to do with the getting super high
before the road trip?
This was that road trip, yeah.
And then on the way back, I got us lost.
So instead of 17, it may have taken 17 hours
to get back to Woody's house from Boston.
Oh shit. It was something crazy. Longer than it needed to be. That's so long. So instead of 17, it may have taken 17 hours to get back to Woody's house from bullshit.
It was something crazy.
Longer than it needed to be.
I got him home around 4am and I was like, all right, now I can start towards my house,
which is five and a half hours away and maybe maybe six and a half.
So I so I start driving and I get like 15, 20 minutes away.
I'm on the interstate.
I'm flying because it's 4 a.m.
Away from my home.
Yeah. And all of a sudden I hear na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na I pick up Woody's phone and I go, I'm on my way.
In the middle of the interstate, I slammed on the brakes, went through the median,
you were alone, undoubtedly through the median back onto the other, the sat,
the northbound side of I-85 and like headed back towards you,
like pull back up in Woody's yard. and I'm like, here you go.
Doesn't show off the best version of me, but it is all true.
You got to imagine the failure to launch that that feels like for me to be like,
all right, we're making good time home, Kyle.
We'll be home by fucking 11 a.m.
Where are you going to eat lunch at home?
Hell, yeah.
And then you know, ah, we're Where are you gonna eat lunch at home? Hell yeah. Ah.
We're gonna have a late lunch at home. It looks like.
I didn't make it home.
I didn't make it home.
I made it like a place to stay.
I made it to South Carolina and got a motel
and then I tried to sleep,
but I laid in a bed with my eyes open
from caffeine for four hours
and then I finally just got up and drove home
and then I slept for like a day and a half or something.
Don't you hate that? There've been a number of times where I'll either pull over to sleep or get a place to sleep And then I finally just got up and drove home and then I slept for like a day and a half or something I got back
There've been a number of times where I'll either pull over to sleep or get a place to sleep because
I feel like i'm dangerous driving and then I can't sleep
Yeah, because you're so wired from the road or the caffeine to stay awake or whatever
I've done the same thing where i'm like I have pulled over and like stayed at a motel for like five hours and slept two of them
And it's just it's good when I was 17 young and extra dumb dumber than now even I and stayed at a motel for five hours and slept two of them. And I just did shit.
When I was 17, young and extra dumb, dumber than now even,
I was driving home, super exhausted, pulled over to sleep,
gave it 20 or 30 minutes of trying to sleep in the car,
couldn't, figured, okay,
I'm safe from falling asleep by accident.
And that's the story of how I got that nerve damage
in my arm from the accident and paralyze it.
Just quick question, has that ever come back to haunt you
like as an adult, like the nerve damage itself or?
Oh yeah, yeah, my fingers just don't work properly.
Oh shit, I didn't know that.
Yeah, yeah.
He can't throw up gang signs for shit.
That's wildly true.
Yeah, I can't put them together or anything.
Like this here doesn't close.
Even now, like I'm pulling my fingers sideways
to like catch the gap to my pinky that-
Can you give me a Vulcan?
Oh, not even close.
Luckily I've been told in your neighborhood gang signs
that's not really a survival tactic.
You'll be all right.
Yeah, I'm fine.
But every so often it's like an excuse like,
I can WASD, but you know,
if I can't find my home keys after hitting grenade,
that's not my fault, I'm disabled.
Are you still sucked into Elden Ring or have you gone anywhere else? I'm still sucked into Elden Ring or have you gone anywhere else?
I'm still sucked into Elden Ring.
I thought about going to Baldur's Gate.
I've considered it.
And I watched some Baldur's Gate Twitch streams and I'm like, I'm not seeing the magic in
I'm trying to.
Yeah, it's going to, it's story driven.
So if you don't care about like the story,
then it might not be worth playing.
I got really into the min maxing
of like doing like huge numbers.
Like every level that you rank up,
you get another skill point as you can imagine.
And when you really get your character,
there's a certain point where your character's like
really clicking now.
And you know, when the points that you put into strength
are helping the points that are in charisma
and they're utilizing the thing you learned
from your high intelligence and now all of a sudden,
what about a bing, but a boom
and everything dies in one hit.
That's pretty cool.
That turning point happens in a lot of games.
I feel like I've been there in Tarkov.
I feel like I've been there in Elden Ring.
Are you talking about Fallout, Kyle?
Actually, he was talking about Baldur's Gate potentially.
He's been watching some Twitch streams of that.
I would say that if you're not into the idea
of the story of it, like I dig the story.
There's a few different characters you can play as
that have built-in backstories and storylines.
And those storylines interweave.
And as you go through the campaign,
some of your antagonists and other characters
are part of their backstory and storyline.
And you can choose to play as those characters
or just alongside those characters.
Either way, you'll experience their storyline to a degree.
Or you can play as a custom character that you invent
and you can make that custom characters backstory.
I think the dark urge is what it's called.
So essentially your backstory is a mystery.
You don't know.
So you're an amnesiac who is slowly learning
what their nature is and what their backstory is.
And part of the thing that you're worried about
is like you smell blood and you're like turned on
by the smell of blood.
You're like, oh, why do I feel this way?
I don't like that.
I don't like that.
You're describing now maybe something for like experts,
second, third playthroughs.
I did it on my first playthrough
and I did some research to see if people advised that
and everybody thought it was fine to do so.
So I did so.
I looked into which ones were the,
I forget if I looked into most fun or funniest,
but it definitely leaned on,
Bard was number one,
and Harley sold me on this Bard idea.
And because it's turn-based,
this sounds like a dig, but it's not meant to be.
I don't think it's skill-based.
I think it's knowledge-based,
a lot like civilization, right?
Civilization is mostly about good decision-making,
not about, well, there's some good clicking involved
because you have to do a lot.
But I'm like, man, if this is knowledge-based,
I don't know the first thing, just what's fun,
what's funny, let's enjoy the game.
Brandon, do you game much?
I don't get the chance to as often as I'd like.
I did, I will say recently.
You know, I get into Helldivers and whatnot a little bit.
I never really delved into Baldur's Gate or any of that stuff, but I did. I slept on the Ready or Not.
Yeah, yeah, that's hardcore. Dude, I got so sweaty for like a week. It's like a
SWAT simulator, like first person shooter. Does it look like body camps? Is that the one I'm
thinking of? No, I know what you're thinking of. It's not that one, but it's still like pretty realistic in the way that like
they put you in some crazy scenarios. Very Tarkov, mill semi and very procedure driven and like you
stack up with your guys and you go in and you're going to have people who pretend to be good guys
and then suddenly pull a knife on you. You can pepper spray people, pepper ball people. There's
all sorts of shit you can do. There's school shooting maps and scenarios you can do.
Bank robbing, like you're a SWAT team.
So you're responding to any number of,
like some of them you're clearing a house
and there's a bad guy in there somewhere.
Oh, you're not doing it.
In like a dark closet.
You're a SWAT team member.
You're saving this school.
Yeah, you're saving this school.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's an important distinction.
It's like a taste test.
If you've got somebody that
Guy who was shooting you pepper ball gets
If he put his hands up and surrenders his gun and you shoot him you get in fucking trouble like it's like it's very
Like accurate to swat, but he'll fuck with you, right?
He'll be like, yeah
People will be like if you've watched cop videos
You've seen people be like kind of resistant like put your hands up
They're up now the down and it's like motherfucker. Keep them up
People will be like that with you and then suddenly they'll pull a fucking gun
It's it's interesting. I've watched a lot of gameplay, but I haven't played it. Oh, you haven't played it
I haven't played I've watched a ton of it. I know the deal
I've had it downloaded on my computer for like three years
I never fucking played it until like a month ago. And like I got there was like a week I got fucking sweaty with
my boys that we were just like S tiering everything like the non-lethal runs and it was nice. It was
fun. Are you just like a shooter guy? I mean, that's very on brand for you. But like most of
the games you like very shoot like Tarkov. You know, yeah, I played Tarkov back in the day. A good bit.
It's really good.
I know Nikita put up a thing the other day about adding the AK-50 to Tarkov,
which is kind of fun.
Oh, yes.
So it's really easy to to make that happen, I'm sure.
He's so there's a single player version of the game that I that I play now.
So you're just playing against AI.
So you have to deal with cheaters because that game is rife with cheaters
and I can't deal with it. I can't I can't lose my bad now
It's not that it's that rampant. It's that when it hurts it hurts the worst
it'll be
like like the the times when a hacker will actually mess with a player because normally the hackers are trying to acquire goods or
escort players
For real money, so they're either
acquire goods or escort players for real money. So they're either, they're going in and they're farming
and they're gonna sell that account
or they're escorting a player to do a hard thing
against the AI or something like that.
So they'll leave you alone and they can see you
across the map through every wall in Previce.
But if you come in there geared up,
like if you wanna play S tier,
they'll kill you and take your slick
or they'll kill you and take your thermal site.
If you wanna like really splurge and wear t7s
They're like 17 million rubles
That's the debt. That's the time the hacker will be like oh 17 mil in your head
I yoink and the hackers yeah depends on the hack but they can be kind of
Omnipotent they can really fuck with you. They're just I was losing over the map
Meanwhile, you're looking up like the Willem Dafoe meme like I was playing
I've had I've only had good experiences with hackers that spoke.
I've never had one come in and be like, fuck you guys, I'm a hacker.
And then like shit on us.
But twice I've had guys come in and be like-
That's a terrible way to stay under wraps as a hacker.
I had a guy fly up to me and go, are you the real FPS Kyle?
And I'm hearing, I shouldn't be hearing this.
So it's terrifying. I'm hearing I shouldn't be hearing this this is so
terrifying oh yeah like what God yes and he goes he's in the air above me flying
around he's like don't shoot and I'm like I wasn't gonna you can fly and he
like he he's like do you need anything and I was like what you got and he's
like be right back he like went into the map
and killed some fly away. But it's not flying. He's running on
an invisible like layer that that's like 15 feet above me.
But at the speed of sound. So he's he flies away goes and kills
some port of your gunshots in the distance and yeah, he comes
back like, Hey, found some shit.
I love that a12 video bro.
That's what happened and then another time I've had a guy who didn't recognize me necessarily
but he was just like hey I just killed some I'm a cheater and I just killed a cheater
do you want their shit I don't need it and I'm like yeah he's like don't shoot and I'm
like I want a gun.
He's like a fucking dexter where he only kills cheaters. Is like kind, on his share of other shit. Fucking Dexter. Where he just like,
only kills cheaters.
Is like kind of, yeah,
like a Dexter, like a Rorschach.
That's what it is.
A lot of people cheat to like,
go after other cheaters and mess with them.
I can see that power corrupting me
borderline immediately.
Because it's people like me who,
it's people who have had the game
ruined for them by a cheater.
And they're like, you know what?
The game just changed.
Now my game is fucking with you.
And so they'll go buy their own cheats
and fuck with the cheaters.
The only game I play online is so like multi-national,
multicultural that like half of the Age of Empires 2,
the RTS game, the only people like half are like,
let's say a solid quarter of like the spaz outs I see
from people in chat, cause there's no voice chat. You have to type and like, there's not a solid quarter of like the spaz outs I see from people in chat, because there's no
voice chat. You have to type and like there's not a ton of time for typing in a real time strategy
game. You're doing a lot of clicking and like touching your keyboard. And so if somebody's
typing at all in full sentences, they're furious. And it's someone like in Spanish yelling at
someone. And then that guy responding with like the Chinese symbology and like not getting it.
And it's like, wow, this is just like a UN of dysfunction.
I swear I thought you were gonna say India
and I'm like, now the H1B visa thing makes sense.
You just like, fuck these guys.
Well, I don't know.
I mean, India is a, you know,
I play as the Indian studies all the time.
I play with Chinese people all the time at Helldivers
and they're always so polite
and they know like five words of English or they'll
use the end game communication but it's just thank you to everything and please to everything
and they're always chill. Although back in the day when we played PUBG it was just China number one,
China number one, China number one. That was great. I missed that.
Tienanmen Square West by one.
One, I do remember one guy like who clearly only knew enough English to tell us
pregame lobby, what he was going to do. Cause every once in a while I'll be, if I'm feeling
chatty, I'll be like English question mark. Like if I made a team game with four people on my team,
just to see. And this guy with like Chinese symbols in his name wrote like, I go, I go Archer rush.
go I go Archer rush. And then I was like English. He's like, No.
You knew just enough English to say what he's going to do at the start of the game. And then it was like, Okay, well, we can't
communicate with this guy other than this. This is all we have
kind of like the mysterious stranger perk. Just like, well,
he's just gonna go do his own thing. And I hope he killed somebody I don of like the mysterious stranger perk. Just like, well, he's just gonna go do his own thing. And I hope he
killed somebody I don't like.
The mysterious stranger perk. My girlfriend, she's off Skyrim
now she played like two characters pretty two very
different characters a mage, and then an artist stealth archer.
And I was like, thinking of Kyle, I'm like, Oh, you know,
another game you would like that's similar vein same creator,
you know, Fallout four. And I know, I oh, you know, another game you would like that's of similar vein, same creator, you know, Fallout 4.
And I know, I would say I know the Skyrim game
the way Kyle knows the Fallout games.
Like you can walk up to a cave somewhere and I'm like,
oh, I know it.
I even know the tangential missions for the most part
that are associated with it.
And like she's asking me questions about Fallout 4.
She's like, does this matter?
Does my charisma matter?
And I'm like, I don't know.
I know Kyle told me intelligence and perception are really important because she wanted to do
that VATS, like zoom in kind of build. And I know perception. And then apparently intelligence is
just a catchall. So everybody wants a lot of intelligence because you get experience faster.
Yeah. And so she's asking for me for like build structures as she's playing the same way that like I know in Skyrim and I'm
just like, I don't know. It seems like a good gun. They the fucking nerds point through the
spreadsheets and it also it works to do idiot savant. No matter what your intelligence is,
it's better to have idiot savant than to not have idiot sa video despite the description and the lettering or the okay. And that's a fun part. Idiot savant
is a luck based perk. I think you need luck five or six. And
just randomly, you get lucky and things go your way basically.
And when it happens, this like little retarded guy jumps on
your screen and goes,
everybody hates hit that voice so much that
there are mods to change it to other things. And I'm like, I love it. I make it so it happens
all the time. I've added a mod so that it happens constantly because it's triple XP
when it, when it triggers. Yeah.
One of the only things I insisted on for her build other than like, yeah, go, if you're
doing vats, I mean, like it, and I was like looking through the chart, like I didn't know
this offhand. I'm like, okay, clearly perception is like the vats thing. If you want to
be a sniper or something like that, that's useful. And then I insisted that she get mysterious
stranger because my one playthrough of Fallout four, I like, I ranked that up all the way.
And once you have that ranked up all the way, that dude showing up like one out of three shots,
just constantly popping in
and executing some on your behalf. I like it. I see what people were talking about Melania's
get up at the inauguration. They're like, oh, after those assassination attempts,
he's the first president with the mysterious stranger perk.
So I saw some people say Carmen Sandiego. I think it depends on your age, your generation,
because I saw Cad Bane. Cad Bane is a villain from Star Wars that has like not only that flat hat like that that flat brimmed wide hat
but he's also got like a really like
Wicked grin like to his face because he's a blue alien man. He was the one he has in Mandalorian. He was yeah
Yeah, yeah, they like killed him off. It's one of those things. It's like that's that's a top-tier villain
That's like a fan beloved villain and they killed him and you know
Did you play Carmen Sandiego as a kid on the cartoon had the cart the cartoon? Yeah, the way
You are you saying you watch the cartoon? I watched the cartooning game. I watched the cartoon
Oh, okay. There was a game on I never had it at my house
But my friend's
computer had Carmen San Diego on it. And it was like a fact finding clue game. And it was something
like you had to, you had to use clues to guess where she was in the world, something like that.
I remember passing the time there pretty good. That was fun. Yeah, it was one of those early PC
games. I think I played that I had a friend who had the cool PC games like I had had that game
you just talked about. And I had a friend who had the cool PC games. Like I had that game you just talked about
and I had a couple of more like clue-based word type games.
Some of it teaches you multiplication and typing.
Yeah, you get like 10 minutes in and you're like,
wait a fucking minute, you're tricking me into learning.
You son of a bitch.
My friend had Home Alone.
I was so jealous of Home Alone
because I was like a big fan of any movie
where like a kid was left alone and had to
fend for themselves but then like turned it on the bad guy because that was me you know I'm a kid so
of course I put my like so Richie Rich or uh blank check absolutely and uh and definitely Home Alone
I was like we Red Ryder I know where Daddy keeps the gun. You remember Dunstan for Home Alone Again?
McCauley Culkin.
You want me to say it or are you trying to trick me?
No, Woody?
No, he hasn't missed a McCauley Culkin in like two years now.
He's on point with it.
Even if Liam Neeson...
It's to the point that he ruined the bit because he remembers his name.
Who's the white haired guy from the Lethal Weapon movies?
Nobody knows that.
Do you remember Dunstan checks in?
Of course, with the orangutan and the hotel and the little boy, it made no sense.
That's not a bellhop.
That's a wild animal.
It wouldn't work.
If you gave me his first name, would it give it away?
It's Leslie Oh
Neil Nielsen, right? Yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah Leslie Nielsen from the naked gun and OJ Simpson, of course from the strip the same movie
Just just killing it as a Nordberg, I believe is his character's name. Who's just like a Looney
tune character falling and getting hurt all the time.
The one we can still get Woody on is what's the name of that guy who pisses his
pants all the time? What do you Liam Neeson? Yep. You got it. Yeah.
I'm not like he's been reduced to the guy who pisses.
Is it even true? I can't. Yeah. And I learned how like he's been reduced to the guy who pisses. Is it even true? I can't tell.
Yes. We all, we.
I don't believe pictures from the internet anymore.
Well, he's covered in piss.
And a picture on the internet.
Spell it Woody. I don't know.
I have a particular thing.
I need to see all the internet.
Hey, those are deep faked.
I wouldn't piss my own pants.
You're pissing yourself right now, sir.
Kyle, you told me about that. You told me about that.
You told me about that interview he did or like
some woman he knows in Ireland or no, he's Irish, not Scottish,
and like was assaulted by a black guy or something.
And so he was like going around the streets.
So he's like, yeah.
And so I was wandering around the streets with a chilele,
just hoping some black fellow would come up on me and I could give him watch for. And it's like,
you're like talking to someone about taken. I hate basically about a hate crime. He was just like,
no, no, no, but you don't understand. I felt bad about it. You don't understand. I never even found
one of them much. I went up and down areas with a kosh, which I think is a cudgel type instrument, hoping
I'd be approached by somebody. I'm ashamed to say that. And I did it for maybe a week,
hoping some uses air quotes with fingers. Black bastard would come out of a pub and
have a go at me about something, you know, so that I could kill him.
That's a direct quote.
I mean, that's who you want trying to save you
if you've been taken.
Liam Neeson, kissy pants Irishman.
He's hard as nails, didn't you know?
The fucking hell is a big guy.
He does think he's as tough as the people
he plays in the movies.
How tall do you think he is?
Six, two.
I'm gonna say six, three and a half.
Ooh, I said six, four. He seems like a big guy.
Brandon, we already took all the good heights.
Oh, yeah.
Well, five, six.
I don't know.
Six, four.
I'm trying to think of him.
He's a big boy.
And look, I've seen his movies.
He's a tough character.
You ever see the movie The Grave where he fights the wolves?
He's got all those little mini liquor bottles between his fingers and he shatters them,
tapes them to his hands, and he's going to fight the alpha wolf at the end.
That's true. Do you see that movie Love Actually where he kidnaps that woman and forces her to
love him? No. Did he do that? Is that not what happened? I haven't seen it.
That's a Donald Trump story. Oh, Schindler's List. He was a real tough customer in that one.
He was Schindler. He was the savior of the Jews.
A savior of the Jews a
Savior of the Jews. I think it's a little stolen valid act like, you know, the US Army doesn't get you know a lot of that You know what? I like every now and then is that they don't have a savior yet. You see those
They they don't like Jesus too much
It's kind of a tension for a while
The people didn't like they're like, ah
Well, one of these guys is a murderer rapist and the other one says we can't loan people money
Yes, I'll take the rapist free Barabbas and I like those
In the book you're free Jesus. I've seen video and I've seen pictures of it and it's right after the US had liberated concentration camps and the Jewish guys are beating the shit out
of the guards while the American GI smoke cigarettes. They're just like
whooping the shit out of this guy. One of them old-timey 1940s beatings you know
where they don't they don't they take the time about it maybe three times and
then Larry come over here. You hit him twice.
They really like march him down.
Bryce, Bryce Mitchell would want to know
how they even had the energy to attack those guards.
I'm gonna tell you right now,
when you had a calorie deficit,
you can't whoop a Nazi prison guard like that.
Uh-uh, I'm saying that wouldn't no concentration camp.
They're concentrating all right on queering the kids.
That's what it was.
That's what it was.
Ovens, ovens, uh-uh. It was little was little. It was it was it. What are they called? What do the girls have those
easy bag? Easy bag. I'm gonna make a gay joke about that, but I lost it. But no, Bryce Mitchell
genuinely might have brain damage. So I kind of feel bad about it. Are you serious? Pretty
close. Dude, half of these people have brain damage. Like they're getting-
They talk really fast and he's got a southern accent
just like this and he literally lives in a trailer
on a farm somewhere and also fights in the UFC.
What is wrong with that?
Have you seen him talk about fighting?
Until you start talking about Hitler being a nice guy.
But once he starts talking, he's like set out,
like his life path has him as a NASCAR commentator.
You know, it's good to have goals.
So I like that. You know, yeah,
I've seen Bryce Mitchell do a
seminar on how to fight. He was good.
Like it, he might speak quickly and
make no sense when it's about the
flat Earth or something or Hitler or
whatever. But when he talks about like
his strategies for when to take the
back versus when to stay on top or how
to sink in the rear naked choke,
what is a little special flavor of the guillotine is
or whatever, I'm listening because this guy has details
and important information and he gets it right.
And he just beat Cron Gracie.
Like I think he picked him up and slammed him on his head.
Cron Gracie is one of the best grapplers
to have ever walked this planet.
And Bryce Mitchell picked him up and slammed him
on the head until he went unconscious.
And really, dude, yeah, he's a little's a little wash Congress. He's not 25 anymore. But nonetheless, Bryce Mitchell is a very good fighter who
belongs in the UFC. He's two and two, so he's not standing out in a really big way. But his fighting
is no joke. The joke is his thinking. Yeah, I mean like it's not uncommon. Like that guy's core
competency is fighting. I bet he could talk about that
at length all day, which is undoubtedly what his poor podcast host thought they would be
doing that day.
Are you glad you're working on a leadoff that night?
We're going to talk about your personal goats, Bryce, your personal goats in the sport. A
lot of people say John Jones, a lot of people say GSP. And he's
like, listen, the Jews are
controlling the media, Jews control the media. And I'm not
so sure about these numbers. And he's like, uh huh. And the
what about a rear naked choke? And he's like, yeah, I can tell
you one thing that that's that wasn't happening in Auschwitz.
One of the first celebrities of all time to lose money by starting a podcast.
I don't think so. He, I don't know, Mel Gibson,
gained 5,000 Twitter followers that first day. I'm sure he kept growing. Um, he's,
you know, a lot of people are into that kind of thing. There's a,
there's another short of him. He's crazy about everything. Like he's,
he's into all sorts of kooky nutty stuff and he's got an opinion about everything
So people are definitely gonna watch because his name thug nasty is that is
If it is that's new to me. That's what is thug nasty is um
Wait, is it thug nasty MMA is his Twitter handle? Oh
It says
72 UFC featherweight, but a lot of these fighters, they include pre-UFC
fights in their little standings.
I'm sorry, I thought I knew better.
That I got mixed up with Brosnama.
Who missed?
Here he is rapping.
Dude, I can tell Bryce Mitchell is great at fighting by how girthy those ears are.
Those are...
Look at his rap video here.
...heater's ears.
You've already showed me look at his rap video here.
You've already showed me one horrid rap video.
Ah, this is, this is, this is different.
He just, dude, the evidence pro and con of like foreign against him having brain
damage is strong in both directions.
Right? Like, like I couldn't do that, but he can.
He's clearly thinking pretty sharp
Yeah, he's clearly astute enough to do that
On the earth I gotta say I disagree with them. Do you have you heard him out? I?
Haven't heard him out me, but I can't I can genuinely say that I have earnestly sought out
Like looking for you know, we used to do the conspiracy bit on this show But I can genuinely say that I have earnestly sought out,
like looking for, you know, we used to do the conspiracy bit on this show,
which we should do again,
but I've earnestly sought out,
like I wanted to make white flat earth theory,
my conspiracy.
And I couldn't find a good one.
I've been shitting on three conspiracy theory ideas
for over a year.
So. Oh.
Well, don't, don't,
well, maybe we should do this again.
I'll do JFK.
I do call.
If we do it, I do call Flat Earth because I will find a way to back.
And I want to give away specifics, but I'm asking you guys all to stay away from the
I know I had to put that out there.
We're all racing to it.
If you do that again, I would love to be a part of that.
For one, Taylor, you're fucking Helen Keller bit like legitimately convinced me.
Helen Keller was just like,
to this day, I'm on that train.
Unironically, 100 percent, dude, as I was going through that blind death.
This is just this is true.
Like this is communist.
Oh, that is that's the most culturally relevant thing, which isn't saying much I've ever said on
this show, is I still will get people mentioning that regularly.
Every time Helen Keller comes up.
Because it's just taught.
It's taught in schools.
Like it's just like absolute, like that is the truth.
It's like you take any critical eye.
It's like, wait a minute, this makes no fucking sense.
That's ableist.
It's beyond retarded.
And guess what?
On that episode, I convinced both Anthony Cumia and Dick Masterson.
I love the moment where you convinced Dick because you just started reading from some
of her alleged writings.
He's like, I'll get the fuck out of here.
That was so fun.
I felt like I found gold when I got that.
I was just like, wait, this is action.
Because I went into it being like, I'm going to make fun of this poor lady for being a retard, basically. And the more I went, it's like, wait, this is action. Cause I went into it being like, I'm going to make fun of this, this poor lady for being a retard, basically.
And like the more I went, it's like, wait, so this lady was a
victim of her teacher, Anne Sullivan.
Like she was just a parrot.
Wait, no, that can't be.
Wait, all of her writing stopped when this lady died.
That can't be true.
Oh, it's true.
Oh, I want to, I would be happy to do JFK.
I just watched Oliver Stone's movie for like the third time ever or something last week, and it's true. I want to I would be happy to do JFK. I just watched Oliver Stone's movie for like
the third time ever or something last week. And it's so fascinating. I love that movie. And, you
know, Trump supposedly declassified something. I look forward to reading or hearing updates on
what is released and whenever it is released. But that one's fascinating to me because that's
what they said happened didn't happen. I think that I know for sure.
A study to look into what did declassify or something like that. Right.
Am I right?
JFK, uh, MLK and RFK senior, I believe, but I'm not,
I'm not sure. Yes, that's correct.
I know the lore is like, Oh, the, uh,
they had a bunch of shit on MLK and they were trying to like blackmail him for a while.
Well, that's just facts.
No, that's like the, yeah, Lohr, not necessarily fake, but like, oh, he was having a lot of,
a lot of, you know, not so status quo sex in the 50s, like doing a lot of that.
Extra-marital errors and shit.
He was just a loud fuck is what it was.
He was like, Oh Lord, Lord hallelujah.
That pussy's good.
And they had him on record.
Like recorded him saying,
If I was a viewer, I'd want to get it right.
From the bottom of your ass crack
to the top of your pussy.
Let freedom ring.
I may am, I am about to come.
Screaming with that warbling 1950s radio voice.
That's great.
But yeah, big shout out to Muck.
Yes, the I have some cream speech.
I was, yeah, very familiar.
Brandon, have you ever handled one of those Carcano rifles,
those Oswald supposedly used to shoot Kennedy?
Yeah, yeah, I've actually, I got one downstairs. So I just we did
a video on that a couple years ago, like trying to recreate it
we kind of fast job.
Alright, so here's my question. What if I'm operating like a
Remington 700 I know I can I can operate the action pretty fast.
I can go click, click, click, and I can be back on. Is it? Can
you do that with how fast can you cycle the Carcano?
I mean, theoretically you could do it,
like it's one of those things where it's like,
all right, from the distance that the shot was taken
from Dealey Plaza to the book, a book's positive story.
You do that on purpose, right?
Full metal jacket.
Also wings of redemption. What? Yeah. metal jacket. Yeah, also wings of redemption
What? Yeah, really the accident. Yeah. Oh no
Yeah, it's a mistake everyone makes he uh, very close word to be fair, uh it like from that distance
It's like to do the follow-up shots at the timing like two possibly three shots
That's it's kind of rough it's like three shots. It's kind of rough. It's like three shots in like,
might be 4.7 seconds.
And it's crazy.
Like my question-
Moving target, both hits, three hits.
There's a little bit of foliage between them too.
And the interesting part is,
if he had been in that window
to take a shot at the president,
if he just looks out the other window,
the one that faces to the left,
rather than the one he's shooting at, he can shoot the President when he's heading directly toward him. He's got a head-on shot.
If a target's moving straight toward you, it's getting bigger as it comes. Obviously,
it's not moving laterally or up and down or anything. It's a much easier shot than what
he supposedly did. Getting those three shots off, and then there's also the whole magic bullet
nonsense. When they show, they show what all the,
according to the Warren report,
what those bullets were supposedly responsible for,
because there's like seven wounds total
on Kennedy and Connolly and the car.
So you can see, all right, the bullet had to go in here
and then come out.
Okay, there you say.
And then what?
Oh, into here.
Okay, so then it made a left turn and that's that that was the Connolly report like they they and you know,
you know better than was a magic bullet for him. And by the way, the bullet they found, they found it on the stretcher in the Dallas
Hospital. Yeah, steam, the projectile was pristine. If you shoot, it's a full metal jacket bullet. If you shoot a deer with it, it gets muffed up. It gets it gets mushroomed down and we're this is a bullet that supposedly went through hell and
and fire. It went through all sorts of heavy bone and tissue supposedly.
And it was nonsense and to find it on the gurney.
Find it on the gurney. Yeah, that's like finding a passport in like the 9-11 rubble. It's like,
do you think we were retarded?
Really? You know, bullets do weird fucking shit.
But at the same time, like between that, the shots, everything, it's like,
you're stacking probabilities and it's not looking great.
Also, his head. So you can see him in the Pruder film.
He's holding after the first shot, he's holding his throat like this.
He both of his hands or he goes, ah, he's got a bullet hole right here.
And he's still alive and his wife is leaning over to check on him. And then a bullet comes from his
front and to the right and blows out a whole section of this, his head right here. It folds
out and open to explode, expose brain and the whole back of his head, a quarter of it comes off
and his head moves back and to the left.
Oswald is behind him and to the right. If Oswald shoots him in the head, his head goes that way,
in that direction. His head went that direction. It's nonsense.
We should do this bit again soon because I want to learn more about how fraudulent what's claimed
about JFK's assassination was but I don't want to do the due diligence myself and so I want you
Kyle to do it for you. You did have a do you remember one of your conspiracies got a
removed from the internet. A million views or something right? How many? No it got like well over a million.
The first one of the first highlight clip
of my Helen Keller one got over a million
and it got removed.
It's like, what the fuck?
That's not threatening to anything.
And then Kyle did one, Kyle did one
that had like 2 million views in a highlight clip.
And it got, it got yeeted.
Was one of the 2 million Bryce Mitchell.
Close, close.
You know, my- Kyle was doing a little back of the napkin math.
My conspiracy theory that I disproved was the Holocaust and
and you know, I I didn't say anything that wasn't written
down by historian.
I had no opinions.
I just read what was written and I was like the math doesn't
That's crazy. When you add when you do the math doesn't, man, that's crazy.
When you do the math, it's like,
maybe six million isn't the number.
That's all I'm saying.
Look, it happened.
I think it might be 10 million.
I think it's more.
That's it.
I thought we were just gonna talk about mixed martial arts
and then it becomes this.
No, no, Kyle's point was that it was probably 10.
It was probably 10 million.
I think we're undercounting the Jews that were lost to us in the Holocaust.
And it's a crime.
And every life matters.
How many more Seinfelds could we have had?
It was too good of a bit not to do, I'm sorry.
No, no, it's like as we looked at it, it was like, okay, so it
either, either it's not exactly six or like something happened that we didn't don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't ask the cookie monster how many cookies were in Europe before the war. It's just really not. Don't be asking questions like that. That's against the OS. I don't
believe any of that nonsense. Of course, when my household growing up, we had a book called
and God cried and it was a it was a book. It was a picture book all about the Holocaust.
It was all these piles of rotten bodies and it really. Yeah. Holocaust book in your house.
Holocaust. Why did you have that in your house?
Jason Bahl You know, we support Israel in my household.
My God's a Jewish carpenter. That's what it said on my grandma's refrigerator.
Tanner Iskra Wow. You have such, like, a book about a
genocide in your house in Georgia? Jason Bahl
When did you learn about the Holocaust? Tanner Iskra
Oh, dude, constantly. It was like, it felt like every year in history, it was like
brought up. So every, every American history,
Oh, speaking of that happy black history month.
No, we're skipping that.
That's great. It's February, right?
Oh, you didn't, it's weird. Nobody mentioned it this year.
Nobody mentioned it. Wait, so we're four days, no, we're six days into black history month.
And I haven't seen, I think we also successfully,
the three of us together, debunked the charlatan
that was George Washington Carver.
Oh, we do.
Oh, the peanut fraud of America?
The peanut fraud of Georgia.
That's what they're, and you know what?
No one's feats have been more exaggerated
than those of George Washington Carver.
My God.
If you disagree with us, look into it.
Look into it. It's fucking laugh. Oh, Brandon, you would love it.
It's five seconds looking into George Washington Carver. Some
of the claimed inventions are things like this guy invented
coconut oil. And it's like, that's not even fucking
possible. Like, what are you talking about? It's like this
invented laundry detergent people People in ancient Egypt are
just like, I'm just rubbing dirt. Oh yeah, vinegar. You know
what the best part is, Taylor? You know what he did not
invent? Peanut butter. The good one. Roast washing cover. Invented
500 fucking uses for the peanut. Peanut butter is not
one of them. He never figured that one out. It's all we use
peanuts for now. Look at this
nonsense. I remember having this conversation with a friend of mine. He's just like, yeah,
I don't fucking care about the guy. Fucking peanut butter is a recipe, not an invention. Next.
He invented breakfast food number five. Where would we be without it?
Where would we be without milk? 32. All right. Tell me this. How was a black man in America invent something called chop suey sauce?
Because Kyle, this is like,
this is like the kind of website I would make
if the test was just on my ability to make a website.
That's not even a website.
I just want to make a website.
Look at this photo of him here.
Oh, he invented shredded peanuts.
Something we see day to day in our grocery stores.
He invented butter. Vinegar? Vine our grocery stores. He invented vinegar. He
invented vinegar. Yeah, he invented vinegar and he was a big, he invented curds. Nobody had done
that. Crystallized peanuts. That's where he kept the soul of his foes in the peanut. Evaporate
milk. Who can forget peanut tutti frutti bars? And peanut bar number one. And like something that we use every day,
substitute asparagus.
Yeah, when you can't get the good stuff,
you go to the stuff.
Did I just fucking see cocoa?
Yeah, cocoa bar candy, pickle plain.
They're claiming the plain pickle.
The process of pickling,
something I thought had been around for thousands of years.
What the hell is this?
A hen food for laying peanut hearts.
This is psychosis.
What is a sweeping compound?
Pressed peanut sweeping.
I think it's literally a compound that they're making out of the sweepings of peanuts.
He's just naming any...
Cherry, get out of here, Zach.
I've had enough of this.
And you know what I don't like about it is every picture I see
of George Washington Carver.
My thought is like this guy.
This guy seems like just a nice old man trying to have a good time with peanuts.
Rod. But now we've realized that he's a fraud and he's taken us all for fools.
Frankly, I don't know who convinced us as children that there was a such thing
as a peanut scientist and that he was a national figure
But they did and and and I'm here to tell you it's bullshit. Okay, it's like one of those lost
Technology kind of things. It's like people come back to American society 300 years from now
It's like yes, there was a chicken expert and his name was Colonel Sanders
Invented all sorts of different chicken chicken recipes. He invented the fried chicken. No one had ever
thought to batter it and fry it up. It's like, no, they invented
that for a long time. Yeah, not a fan. Not a fan of GWC, which
is what I call them casually. Anyway, Brandon, where can
everyone find you and all your wonderful content?
Well, I appreciate it guys.
It's always a pleasure to be on the podcast.
You just find me on YouTube
or over on the unsubscribe podcast,
which all of you are invited to by the way.
If any of you have the time, love to have you.
Always down dude, just let me know, DM me.
Of course.
All right.
That's it, PK 738.