Painkiller Already - PKN #100

Episode Date: July 21, 2016

It's PKN time baby!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we're live! Painkiller nearly episode 100. Woohoo! Oh, right. Yeah. 100. I know, right? I should have like a flamethrower prepared or something. Hey, special for episode 100, Kyle's in his new office. Um, kinda. I think I'm gonna put this in a different room.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Uh, I think I'm gonna put it in the gym instead. You got a lot of compliments on it. Um, I don't read any of that stuff, but I don't care for this room. Um, so I think I'm gonna go to the other room where it's bigger. It's much, much bigger. It's probably eight times. Oh, I'm painting the other room now. It's gray.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Because the one you're in right now, it's a very nice color for a backdrop. Well, the other one is more of a gray color. Not really a dark gray or a light gray. Just, I don't know, a shale or some bullshit. I was wondering where you were going with the S8 sound. A lot of what?
Starting point is 00:00:53 Swatches from Home Depot. And then hold them up and think about what mood you want to be in. No, that's bullshit. No, I don't like that. Kitty was like, what color would you like that room? And I was like, I don't know. I don't fucking care. And she's like, well, pick one.
Starting point is 00:01:08 And I was like, uh, gray. And that was it. So it's going to be gray. Half the wall's already painted. It's dry now, and the other half will get painted tomorrow. And then I'll start moving everything into that. That room's like eight or nine times bigger. I always get sucked into that, like, what color does it be? Let's do yellow, right?
Starting point is 00:01:23 Something a little with energy. Let's try that. I want to be really stressed out all the time. See, no, no. See, my favorite colors all exist in the circus, right? If you were to ask me to, like, you know, paint a house, I'd be like, we need some reds, we need some blues, we need some yellows and some oranges.
Starting point is 00:01:40 This place should fucking pop. I never want to be sad in this place. That's my... No, you just feel like you're walking around a whole room covered in caution tape or like yield signs. It would feel horrible. You'd constantly feel like you're waiting for people to go to pass you.
Starting point is 00:01:55 A blue is good. A light blue like Kyle's got there. Maybe even like a light gray. Oh my god. No, no, no. I don't need your house of sorrow and sadness like that's not where I want to exist at all I want to I want to neutral pop neutral is for pussies. No, that's what you got now You've got sort of a great if I think I make the decisions around here So no not my favorite colors are the ones that pop and then what happens is you know it'll be like
Starting point is 00:02:27 what do you want to do like let's do blue and they're like all right here's bluish gray here's grayish blue here's like blue gray gray and gray gray blue which one do you like and i'm like fuck you ruined it and this one is uh we've got a cincinnati sky you like that oh the names are so fucking stupid of all those colors. Like, I was looking at them all, and it was just like, none of them make sense. They're just bullshit, random names. It's because there aren't that many shades of those colors. They're making it up.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Well, they are, but there aren't, like, they're nonsensical names for them. But, yeah, I'm going to put it in there. People have probably seen it before. It's where the gym is, where Wings and I were always working out at. I'm either going to put it in there or in the room behind me. One room is four or five times bigger than this and the other one is maybe eight times bigger
Starting point is 00:03:11 than this. Are you in the basement now? Or are you upstairs? I'm downstairs right now. I think more room will allow me to get more crazy with my VR stuff because I was playing Rec Room last night. There's dodgeball and table tennis and stuff like that, and I was
Starting point is 00:03:27 punching walls down here and slamming them with a backswing, and I punched the fan one time, and I was so into the game that I'm thinking to myself, I hope my knuckles aren't bleeding, but I'm not going to check. I've got to keep going. Dodgeball sounds like so much
Starting point is 00:03:43 fun in a VR game game it really is um i've gotten pretty good i can catch they'll i'll get like right up in their faces and it probably doesn't it sounds stupid and it is literally sexist to do but i saw a female dodgeball player and i'm like right in her face i'm like throw it throw it throw it i fucking dare you and i'm like catch it immediately and this boop like booper on the nose with it so like yeah i'm having a lot of fun with the dog how do you how do you catch it do you like stick it out with the wand and you hit a button at the moment you're supposed to grab exactly you have to be perfectly uh timed with clicking the button to like grab because the
Starting point is 00:04:18 button is doing this with your hand so if you want to catch a ball you have to be perfectly timed to catch it otherwise it just hits your hand and you're out. You know what I like about that is that it's also going to make athletic games difficult for unathletic people again, which we got way too far away from that in Wii Sports, where any quadriplegic idiot can wheel in and play anyone in tennis by breath. Fuck you, Serena Williams. Bring it. I got this. You ain't got this. I can sit here all day.
Starting point is 00:04:47 This is the only major muscle group that even works anymore. I knew a guy who played tennis and his entire thing was just smacking it into his palm. He would just... That's all he did. He just banged it into his palm.
Starting point is 00:04:59 And he did bowling that way. He did all the games that way. And as you mentioned, Wii Sports, it takes no talent. So he'd just smack it into his palm, and he'd do surprisingly well. This is a guy I worked with at Cisco. The same one that I choked out, actually. And they would have, like, house parties, and he would, like,
Starting point is 00:05:18 everyone else is trying, and they're, like, hooking the ball and stuff, and he'd just go like that and finish kind of middle of the pack with completely not trying. So it like devalued everyone else's achievement. That bothers me the same way. Have you ever played like a board game like Scattergories or even like
Starting point is 00:05:38 Charades or something and there's always someone who's too cool for school to get up there and act out like the Sandlot like like an asshole, or whatever you need to do. People who do that at parties, the same kind of person who would ruin a Wii by just going like that as everybody else is at least trying to have some fun.
Starting point is 00:05:54 But back to Kyle's game, I do like how now it's once again punishing people who couldn't catch a ball in real life. Oh yeah, it's it takes some timing and some muscle memory to catch balls and be good at it in that life. Oh yeah, it's it takes some timing and some muscle memory to catch balls and be good at it in that game. And that game is
Starting point is 00:06:09 free. That's the thing about it. I'm really happy to be on the cutting edge of the VR thing and be an early adopter as I guess I am. Everybody paid more. I'm afraid that anything could break at any moment. The towers that sense my position in the room
Starting point is 00:06:25 I unplugged those every night, so there's no current running to them I don't want them working if I'm not here everything gets completely unplugged from the wall Everything gets charged up, but not too much. I don't overcharge things overnight because I'm afraid Because it's all new unproven technology and getting a replacement wire cable controller for this $800 thing is a real hassle right now. It's going to take, you know, several days to get it done. And I don't want to do that because I'm loving it every night. But the games are all, a lot of them are free. A lot of the free games are the ones that I spend a lot of time in. The lab that's made by Valve, you know, the same company that makes Portal. That's so much fun. I can go into that world and it's got six mini-games
Starting point is 00:07:05 in it and I'll be in there all night. Hours and hours will transpire and I'll just finally be like, alright, it's time to go to bed and I'll take it off and I'll look and I'm just standing in a corner. I'm just standing in the corner over there looking at my drink machine. I'm really happy I got that thing.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Man, I'm enjoying it. I'm looking for other uses for it and I'm honestly considering getting a second one so that I can have two running at once and Like you know I can wave at my buddy And and he can wave at me and we can both be sitting there doing stuff that would be a PC to power it though No Yeah, well I've got you know I've got the other PC all it needs is a graphics card really it's it's it's got a decent CPU in it and Hard drives and all that stuff all it really needs is a new GPU.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And there's a lot of them out right now that are very powerful. And I keep hearing just higher and higher benchmarks. Like, oh, well, this card beats. I think the one that's beating the 980 right now is like a 3. You can beat a 980 for like $250 or something like that. Something happened. Like they changed physics, I guess. And suddenly this round of graphics cards.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Normally, and you know this. Normally, like, oh yeah, you know, this round of graphics cards is like 12% faster. And then you look at the benchmarks and it's really like 7% faster. And you're like, alright. Two, three years of that goes by and you've made a gap. Suddenly this year comes along. And this year's graphics cards just beat everything before it. It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Yeah, they're great. And both with the Pascal stuff and with AMD stuff, too. Like, AMD's cards are really powerful and affordable as well. And, you know, I keep hearing something about the way the 1080 is, like, is serialized, I guess, because it ends in the number six. They know that there are two more models below it that'll be more powerful, because the four and the two, I guess. I don't know exactly what those numbers mean,
Starting point is 00:08:54 but it's clear by looking at the serialized number on the 1080 that there will be not only a 1080 Ti, but something else above that. So I think I'm probably going to stick around and wait for the next powerful card, because I still can't get a 1080 Ti, but something else above that. So, I think I'm probably going to stick around and wait for the next Powerpuff Card, because I still can't get a 1080. 1080 Ti, and then one might guess there'll be one that's branded Titan something. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:09:13 that's what I was reading. That's exactly what I was reading. Yeah. So, I'm looking forward to all that, man. It's been fun playing with this thing so far. I'll get on Witcher for a couple of hours and be completely immersed in that with the storyline, and then I'll get on Witcher for a couple of hours and be completely immersed in that with the storyline, and then I'll get kind of burnt out on it and hop on some VR tennis and get a real workout
Starting point is 00:09:30 where I'm dripping sweat and I'm like, I have to go take a shower. So definitely. I had to take a shower after Pokemon Go the other day because the humidity was 60% in July in St. Louis and I was like, hey, it's mid-afternoon, how about I go traipsing about the neighborhood looking for monsters? So how many Pokemon do you currently have in your, like, not unique, how many unique Pokemon do you have? How many unique? Well, let me pull up my PokeDex and see what I got.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I have 30, it looks like, because I see I've got two extra Venonats here. I've been playing this a lot, so I didn't grow up really a big fan of Pokémon, certainly not of the card trading game or whatever. But I did watch the cartoons, so I'm familiar with, like, Ash and Misty and Team Rocket, as Chiz told me the other night, or maybe you did. And I know what the deal is, but I didn't know the specifics. I didn't know any more than maybe
Starting point is 00:10:30 six or eight Pokemon names, but everybody was getting on this thing, and everybody seemed like they were loving it, you and Chiz especially, so I downloaded it. And man, I'm addicted too. I'm really having fun catching the Pokemon. I'm driving around town to PokeStops and sitting there, putting lures in them, sitting there for an hour catching
Starting point is 00:10:45 you know Pokemon and ranking them up and stuff I'm really liking the Pokemon thing yeah it's so much fun and it came out at what I thought was going to be the worst time because me and like I grew up with Pokemon Chiz a couple years
Starting point is 00:11:02 younger than me still hit the Pokemon bandwagon train. You, being five years older, you kind of missed the whole boat. And you just bought I don't know, a nice used car worth of real VR equipment. And so I thought when I brought it up to you that, hey, there's also this
Starting point is 00:11:17 free app that makes Pokemon look like they're in the bathroom with you while you shit. I didn't think you'd be that impressed. But it been so much fun i couldn't answer a couple seconds ago but i've got sick are you going to your pokey decks to see what you got like how many you've caught and how many you've seen i've caught 60 and i've seen 62 yeah yeah i haven't caught nearly as many as you i i think it's a couple things for one whenever i'm at home i get nothing there are no pokemon here i get a couple of ratatas and a couple of pidgeys and shit like that. I've got to go to town before I
Starting point is 00:11:49 start getting stuff. And so that means driving and catching Pokemon simultaneously sometimes. So I like to set the cruise control to about 45 miles per hour, kind of put it in front of the steering wheel so that, you know, as I'm catching, I can steer at the same time. And like the other night I'm driving down the highway, and it was a Scyther or something like that. It was a Pokemon that I wanted to catch. And I had the augmented reality turned on,
Starting point is 00:12:13 which means you see, like, the real world background behind your Pokemon instead of some cartoon reality. And somehow it got twisted. Like, it got twisted, so I'm driving like this. I'm driving, but turned around to the back window flicking trying to throw pokeballs flicking trying to catch this pokemon as i drive the opposite direction and and uh i caught him luckily and didn't hit anything but there are going to be
Starting point is 00:12:38 so many car accidents because of this because it's very addictive and you'll just be driving along maybe without the intention of playing and driving. Maybe your idea is like, hey, I'm going to go to that gym over there and park and play or I'm going to go to a Pokestop and park and play or whatever, but you just get that vibration or that notification that there's a
Starting point is 00:12:57 Pokemon near you and you look and maybe it's something rare or something you've never seen before and that will cause a traffic accident. Oh yeah, because if I am driving around and I see something really dope that I don't have and I want, suddenly that's priority one. You know? Like, everything
Starting point is 00:13:14 else falls by the wayside. I was just watching Ali A's video, and he's, uh, they see like a, I don't remember what Pokemon they saw, but they saw the outline of it, they knew it was nearby, and him and his girlfriend are just doing laps around this place looking for the Pokemon. And they finally park, and he's like, ah, that's the racetrack over there. We're not allowed to go in there.
Starting point is 00:13:32 And that's where he is. Fuck. And they just had to leave. I was in my yard for maybe 40 minutes earlier trying to catch a Charmander. It said it was close. And my Charmander sucks dick. He's super low level. Dude, something that's
Starting point is 00:13:45 oh i'm sorry i i'm having a lot of trouble hearing you guys because it's like it's like speeding up and slowing down so i'm having difficulty like jumping in i had a there's a there's a huge thunderstorm like tornado warnings here in st louis earlier today so our internet's just been shit everything's been awful but um the thing about it is the the pokey stops like i think chis and i have a distinct advantage over you because we live in urban areas. So we can just drive around. And, like, my really quick across-the-street trip to the grocery store, I passed, like, three of them. And there's two gyms there.
Starting point is 00:14:16 And the gym I went to, I went and did my first battle at a gym at some fountain by a restaurant near my place. And I won. I saw that. i won i saw that you owned that fountain i owned that fountain but it wasn't that close to my house but it was it was a good gym a solid early gym to to win and like three hours later i check back and not only has my my throne been dethroned i guess i've been taken off the throne, but a whole line of eight blue team members are there. So the way the gyms work is, if it's unoccupied, it's white-looking. If it's occupied by the red, yellow, or blue team, it's obviously red, yellow, or blue, and they have different difficulties. So when I
Starting point is 00:14:59 conquered a gym, and anyone who selects it then on their screen, it's going to say my username and the Pokemon I use to to dominate it and then they can come and fight against me if they're on the opposite team and try and steal it back or players on our team the red team can come fight if they beat me they knock me to second command on the gym and they take the king spot and so it's basically like trying to build up this huge line of difficult people to beat. But yeah, I really thought I would hold that gym longer than 90 minutes. The thing
Starting point is 00:15:32 about the gyms here is I would say that 80-90% of them are churches. And it makes sense because it's summertime and the kids aren't in school, so one of the few places that they would be going to regularly maybe is a church. I don't know if that makes sense i don't really know how gyms and pokey stops are founded and created or whatever but they're all churches here so i i spent a couple hours
Starting point is 00:15:56 yesterday parked in church parking lots and just sitting there like a real creep fucking flicking through my phone and i i'll start feeling weird about it and like socially awkward about it like i shouldn't be here and then i'll look and there's three motherfuckers in their cars with me and like most of them are my age or older like there's like a 40 year old woman over there sitting there with her kid and they're both flicking it's funny you mentioned the 40 thing because i have i i am just sitting here patiently as if i was in high school detention waiting for this conversation to end. I can't describe how little a fuck I give about Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Previous to you mentioning Charlemander, I could only name one Pokemon. Pikachu. That's a Pokemon, right? Because I don't know if that's a class of Pokemon. I know he's yellow and he's ugly as fuck and he's boring. And, like like that's... It's quite... I can actually say literally
Starting point is 00:16:50 in this, it's literally the most popular franchise of all time in any sphere of anything. It blows out Harry Potter. It blows out Lord of the Rings. It blows out Digimon. It blows out anything else.
Starting point is 00:17:05 It's not an exaggeration to say it's the most popular thing on the planet right now. It's funny. I'm listening to that, right? And I'm trying to think of something that might be more popular, right? Game of Thrones? No. No, Game of Thrones is not going to be Pokemon. Not even close.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Harry Potter? Yeah, Islam. Yeah, yeah. That probably beats pokemon oh okay yeah major religions yeah christianity if you include christianity and islam those are the only two groups of people bigger than capitalism i don't think so facebook users i guess facebook users would be one yeah yeah that's not a franchise and And I wonder, like, I wonder if Minecraft will get that big ever or if we've seen its peak already. It's already four times, as of five days from the release, it was four times as popular as Minecraft at its peak. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Yeah. At the time Pokemon was popular, I think I was, like, working all day and going to school all night. And I completely missed any kind of Pokemon interest like I had real life shit to deal with I and now I was like 8 I made an ass of myself at a at a gym one of the gyms
Starting point is 00:18:16 was just this shitty little restaurant that I went to and it I never went there but I wanted to stop there and get lunch just so I could try the gym and I walked in there were quite a few to stop there and get lunch just so I could try the gym. And I walked in. There were quite a few people on their phones sitting around, small little place. And I go up to order.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I'd never been there. The guy who's taking my order is, like, clearly the owner and drunk, and it's, like, 2 in the afternoon, where I'm like, I'm going to do, you know, the classic burger with these, like, pickles and pickles. It's like, well, I don i and pickles it's like well i don't want pickles twice not even once actually i'll have lettuce tomato and onion uh and jalapenos if you got it and all right all right and i just kind of sat down waited for it looked to the couple people around me on their phones and i thought i'll be social everybody's playing pokemon
Starting point is 00:18:59 i'm like so is everybody playing pokemon go and And this black girl looked at me and she goes, no. And that was it. No. Oh, yeah, sorry. I forgot that, you know, these are all adults on break for lunch. You never know. I would have been afraid to stick my neck out like that because I was parked behind the pottery barn a couple days ago uh you know catching pokemon as you do and look around and
Starting point is 00:19:29 like everybody there it's an abandoned pottery barn it's out of business they've chained it off like it's it's an abandoned lot there's nothing back there there's five of us back there parked in our car after i put a lure in the... Catch Pokemon? Yeah, we're all back there catching Pokemon. Why are you catching... What do you get for it? Pokemon. Okay. So the goal of the game is to catch them all.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Okay, I've heard that. You have to evolve them. So let's say you catch a Charmander. Okay. It's not just a Charmander. You have to work up to evolve it into its later forms to get those. Is it still catch a Charmander. Okay. It's not just a Charmander. You have to work up to evolve it into its later forms to get those. Is it still called a Charmander? It's called a Charmander, yes.
Starting point is 00:20:11 And then up to a Charmeleon, and then up to a Charizard. You have to evolve them. Okay. And so the stronger they get, their combat points get higher and higher, and it makes it easier to take over gyms. So it's really just trying to train. You can play a couple different ways. Some people just like collecting shit
Starting point is 00:20:27 and that's even the way it was in some of the old Pokemon games kind of the dumb ones like Pokemon Snap. And then the fun ones like the Game Boy games where you're actually fighting, I would never aside from when I was trying to prove to friends that I could, like complete the Pokedex and catch everything because I didn't really care. Like you just make your strong team and have fun
Starting point is 00:20:43 beating ass. They had a few articles that I saw online on a couple of local... Let me repeat this back and see if I've learned it properly. The reason you're catching all these things is one, you're kind of filling out your inventory, but two,
Starting point is 00:20:59 even if you catch two Pikachus, suddenly you get a Pikachu level 2, and now you can beat more people up with it. Yeah, but instead of having to catch two Pikachus, you have to catch 50 or 100. And they're very rare. So there's some Pokemon that I've only encountered once, only one time. And you look at them and what it takes to evolve them,
Starting point is 00:21:20 and it takes catching another 49 of them. So the upgraded versions become increasingly rare so there are some pokemon that you see constantly there's a rat pokemon called a ratata and i have the upgraded version of him of course everyone does i'm sure they're we've all probably got strong versions of him but something like a skyther i've only seen three ever and only caught one are the rare ones typically stronger than the commons? I think. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Aha. Yes, they are. So there have been articles out, a couple already, from the local St. Louis News or St. Louis Metro Area News, saying that gangsters, I guess, people who rob people, are targeting unsuspecting-looking individuals who are wandering into areas of St. Louis that they shouldn't be wandering for the sake of Pokemon. There's a lot of Ratatas in this rough neighborhood, Jim. Oh my god, there's a Charizard near that burned-out building!
Starting point is 00:22:20 Now, are they stealing their Charizards or their watches? They're stealing their fucking phones. They're stealing their phones and their wallets. I just love the idea that they steal their phone, empty their Pokemon inventory, and give it back. That's how I hope this goes down. You're imagining them walking in there and then
Starting point is 00:22:40 they just hear a crowd of like, You lost? These are Charizards. No. They're going to go, you lost? This is how it shows up. And it's not going to sprint away. No. No, they're going to go, you're playing Pokemon Go? And then while you go, yeah, are you playing too? You're going to get stabbed in the side of the neck and lose all your stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Damn it. That's not how my dream goes. One of the drawbacks of the game, I wish that there were, I wish that I had the ability to log on and find Taylor, you know, across the country and battle him. Not just, maybe there was a way to battle for bragging rights. Maybe there's a way to battle for, you know, random tokens and points that are in the game. But I really want to battle for our Pokemon themselves. I want to put my Charizard up against your Squirtle and they fight. And if I win, I take your Squirtle. and now he's my squirtle he goes in in with my guys and if they did that that's not how it works it's now and if they do
Starting point is 00:23:32 that then that creates oh here comes my pokemon gambling site way ahead of you woody have you heard the the news from? You haven't. So Valve released a press statement of sorts and said, look, we've always had this thing where you could get skins and own them for your character. And there's an API that lets you confirm whether this account has skins or not. People are using this to create online gambling sites. We've never had anything to do with them and we've never profited from them. But we are going to start blocking our API from these sites and we're shutting them down. Valve, I don't know if it's response to the lawsuit or the public outcry, but sites like CSGO Lotto on the hit list. one's probably first i would guess i i i
Starting point is 00:24:28 don't know how much like youtube like from in my world csgo lotto is like the big thing but uh i don't know if that exists in gabe's too but they would have to be like what's bigger than that one like that's the what's more well known that's in the news yeah right getting all the bad press i don't know if it's i don't i don't know enough about i don't know enough about csgo maybe to That's at least the one that's in the news. Yeah, right? Getting all the bad press. I don't know if it's the biggest. I don't know enough about CSGO maybe to understand how Valve profits from it. Is it when they're buying the keys? Yes. You buy keys from Valve.
Starting point is 00:24:56 See, now that is bullshit then. That's like Valve saying, hey, we've never had anything to do with this gambling stuff. We just sell the poker chips. That's exactly right. That's exactly right. We just sell the poker chips. We've never profited from all these lottery sites. All we ever did is sell the poker chips. What they meant to say was we've always profited and nothing else. We've never lost a dime.
Starting point is 00:25:17 On top of that, not only do they sell the poker chips, they created the market for the poker chips, right? The only reason some people buy these keys is in hopes that they'll get something cool or valuable. If you've got a $10,000 knife right now, you might want to sell it. It could be worthless soon. Everyone's heard of this cliche, right? The tulips. I guess the Danish tulips.
Starting point is 00:25:43 It's a good example. tulips there the I guess the Danish tulips there used to be that example people would buy and sell tulips like they were stocks or anything else and of course the value is whatever someone's willing to pay for it and they got outrageous you know people paying hundreds and thousands of dollars for you know these perfect tulips that people like just in a certain way and then like overnight the bottom dropped out of the market. Everyone was like, you know what? They're just fucking tulips. And
Starting point is 00:26:09 that appears to be what's about to happen to the whole skin economy. This is arguably even dumber than tulips. Because you can hold a flower. How much would you pay for a high level pikachu
Starting point is 00:26:25 right now like a 800 or 900 cp pikachu oh man maybe like i don't i'm glad they don't introduce that kind of paid away to the game because like if they had that as an option and they were like hey you can pay a dollar 50 for this thousand combat point uh scyther pincer or something kind of rare i'd be like oh okay but then it something kind of rare. I'd be like, oh, okay. But then it would ruin the fun because I'd be like, oh, I didn't work for that. I didn't look around and see it near me and then go, oh, I gotta go, you know, oh, you know, it's down to
Starting point is 00:26:54 two footprints, which means I'm getting close. Oh, and back up to three means I'm going the wrong way. Gotta turn around and run back. Okay, down to two, down to one. Oh, I'm close. Oh, I got it. This is fun, you know? Like, that's what you want can you trade them you uh they're adding that like so they that's already guaranteed ad they're adding trading as soon as trading comes you can start selling them on ebay and there'll
Starting point is 00:27:15 be sites that create an economy around it it'll it'll be very smart to get on that yeah that's um i don't think anything is rare enough though though, to be, aside from a couple things maybe, but I just don't think that that much is super, super rare that you can make thousands of dollars, even hundreds of dollars off of it. I don't know. There's so many players. You only need a couple pennies from each player. You don't even have to, you know, let the player set the market. The site owner has nothing to do with that.
Starting point is 00:27:42 You just take 1% of everything for facilitating it. like the site owner has nothing to do with that. You just take 1% of everything for facilitating it. I'm not suggesting that, you know, it could be a trading marketplace where you have to pay to be a member. I don't know. It doesn't have to be gambling. You could just have an eBay-like space.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Steer away from gambling. I want no part of anything that is gambling-related because people see children as too young to gamble their money, but plenty old enough to spend it. So let them spend their money, not gamble it, and profit from it that way by facilitating something that everybody needs.
Starting point is 00:28:14 A little bit of a change of topic here. I was just thinking about CSGO skins, and I've been playing with my CSGO knife here all week. I love these things. Yeah, those are really cool. Did you get yours yet? Wait, is that the, those are really cool. Did you get yours yet? Is that the Damascus steel? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Did you get yours yet, Woody? They're still in the box. Okay, yeah. So we got this sponsor that makes these CSGO sort of skinned knives, and they're in, you know, there's the bayonet, and there's a handful of knives that CSGO uses. I can't name them off the top of my head, but we got them all with various skins on them i can hold box them upstairs the the coolest
Starting point is 00:28:49 one i got the uh the case hardened bayonet and i was like hmm this looks like it works as an actual bayonet and i'm like ka-chunk and put it on my ar-15 it's so cool now i i'm like i i've never put a bayonet on one of my rifles before but now i'm like well every rifle needs a bayonet i want to poke somebody this is perfect kyle did you how's your man they really had it figured out in the 1700s i was i was thinking about it on my drive home today i'm like kyle fixed his truck it took a couple goes at it is it good now or are you just kind of like not driving the truck so that it doesn't break again? No, I drive it a lot. Yeah, it seems to be fine now. I changed it, you know, after transmission and all that stuff. It's time to change the oil right now. But other than that, everything's clucking along pretty well.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Yeah, I was behind a Silverado today and I thought, I wonder how Kyle's is doing. You know, the Silverado, it's, I guess it's a dumb thing to talk about but nothing looks better from the rear like i this the all the trucks the fords the the chevys the toyotas the dodges etc from the back every time i see a silverado i think man that thing's sharp yeah um i i uh i like them a lot i've always liked the chevroets. Dad keeps talking about getting a new truck, and I keep trying to steer him toward a Ford, though. I like the idea of the aluminum body and the turbocharged V6 and all that stuff. I don't know if you want to be an early adopter of that,
Starting point is 00:30:15 but it seems like a cool idea. Those are really expensive to fix if something gets dented or broken because of those aluminum bodies. I've heard it's about 20% more. What was I going to say? Oh, and then you might ask yourself, like, if he waits a couple of months and gets a 2017, it's a third year. Are you still early adopter? Maybe not.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Oh, well, he'll get a Chevrolet anyway. He always gets a Chevrolet. He likes those. But, yeah, the truck's doing fine. That's my Pokemon mobile. There's more space in there to put everything. I got my snacks. I got my drinks and everything. I kick my legs
Starting point is 00:30:54 up. I got my pee jug in the back just in case. You ever try to piss in a Camaro? Well, just yours. Especially when you're driving. I smell like asparagus. Do you get any Pokemon in your house at all, Kyle? Yeah, a few, but it's not worth doing.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Because the services here is so bad, it seems like I never get anything other than like Rattatas, Pidgeys, and Pidgeotas. Not Pidgeotas, but the birds. Whatever the shitty birds are. I got so, so many. Yeah, yeah. I don't get anything but those at my house. But if I drive five minutes, I can find a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:33 And if I drive 25 minutes, it seems like there's lots and lots of Pokemon everywhere. I think it must have maybe have something to do with how many Pokemon Go users are in an area crisscrossing around. Like maybe they put more Pokemon there and more rare Pokemon. Because when I drive 30 minutes to Commerce, Georgia, where there's like movie theaters and grocery stores and Home Depot and all that bullshit, I catch a lot of stuff. I'm probably going to go back later tonight and chill out there for half an hour. I'm going to go get some food and hang out for about a half an hour or so and try to catch some stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:08 So around my house, there's a lot of space. You know, you guys cannot. I'm showing you the aerial pictures. Like, I've got this. I'm in the middle of the lot. But right outside of that is more dense housing. Like, it's medium-density housing. I wonder if Colin and I took the golf cart around there, if he would start collecting Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Has he got it yet? The app? No, he's busy all day in parkour class, but maybe on the weekend. Yeah, the probably so, yeah, to answer your question. One of the interesting little other parts of the game are the Pokemon
Starting point is 00:32:41 eggs that you get rewarded with as you rank up. And you have to put these eggs in an incubator and then walk them for set distances before they will hatch. And it has to be walking. You get in your car, this shit doesn't work. So there are like 2.5K kilometer eggs and like 3 kilometer eggs and 5 kilometer eggs and 10 kilometer eggs. And you got to go for a walk to hatch these motherfuckers. So like I'm in the backyard on my golf cart just putting around, just watching my eggs
Starting point is 00:33:08 hatch and shit. Just putting around in a golf cart going in circles. What happens if you go like 5 or 8 miles an hour? Too fast? You can't run them? You can run them but... The thing about it is like it not only does it by GPS to measure your actual distance but it'll shut
Starting point is 00:33:27 off if you get going too quick like in a car and it will also shut off if it can tell that like it's not jostling the way it should jostle if a person is walking so sometimes like if i'm driving really slow i'll just sit there and i'll just shake my hand and just hope that it thinks i'm walking weirdly or had like a seizure or something. Like, I'll give him some credit for that. Like, it's just, it's fun though. You should get it for Colin because he'll really enjoy it. It's a lot of fun just because you're collecting all these cute Pokemon, if nothing else.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Like, you live in this little world and you can see there's a Pokemon right next to me. And like... What is it? It's a Rattata. They're not worth much, right? And so, you know, I click him, and he, like, growls at me, and now I start throwing Pokeballs at him.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Yeah, and you can turn on augmented reality, and it would show him throwing it at Kyle. Like, Kyle would be in the back. Was that a good throw? No, no, it wasn't. Here, set it to AR. Alright. Unless you just caught him right there.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I did not catch him. Let me turn the AR. So AR is augmented reality. And I keep turning it on and then turning it back off again. Alright, there we go. So now the Pokemon is sort of superimposed on me. It's to your right. He's on my...
Starting point is 00:34:41 You're right. It's so hard to do backwards. I don't fucking know. he's in there somewhere i've done similar things like in the camera trying to fix it it is so hard i would be even worse so did a good thing just happen what am i looking at so i caught him he's in the ball okay so we got him now. It says, Gotcha! And then it displays his, you know, the XP I earned from him and everything. And, you know, if I go here, I'll show you, like, all my Pokemon. So I've got, like, an inventory, sort of, of all the Pokemon that I've caught. Who's your top one right now, Kyle?
Starting point is 00:35:25 Who's the head honcho in Kyle land? Let's see. Highest combat power is my 947 CP Vaporeon, followed by my Scyther. Are those good numbers? No, they're like early in numbers. I'm really held back by where I live and not being able to hunt as much as Taylor is. Taylor's probably double
Starting point is 00:35:46 that. He's probably got some of this 1600 CP and rarer. Dude, it gets way, way harder as you level up. Every single Pokemon gets fucking harder to catch as you level up, so I'm sitting there wasting five Pokeballs on a shitty little Pidgey
Starting point is 00:36:04 bird because I'm level 20 now. Whereas, you know, the same thing five levels ago, I could have been fine. Are pokeballs a limited resource? Yes and no. So to get more pokeballs, you can just play the game and you'll earn them as you go.
Starting point is 00:36:20 You can go to PokeStops and just by going to the PokeStop, you sort of flick a coin and you get random rewards from just going to that place. And that place is the post office for me, or the First Baptist Church, you know, stuff like that. And it'll give you three Pokeballs at a time. I'm like, am I going to learn where my post office is through this game?
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah, yeah, you will. You absolutely will. You actually will. And it can work as a GPS if you're trying to go to a government building because as you open it as a map, you'll see your little avatar marching around and you'll see these little beacons in the distance. And if you click it, this little blue cube, it'll zoom you over there and go like, I don't know, like Raleigh District Post Office.
Starting point is 00:37:00 And it'll show a picture of the Raleigh District Post Office and any details about how it's interacting with the Pokemon world at the moment. And you can just follow the fucking roads straight there to the post office and then swipe it and get your prizes. Yeah, the geolocation aspect of this game. I was telling the guys last night, I was like, I really hope that we don't find that there's a dark underbelly to Pokemon Go. And that this whole time, they've been data mining us, they've been collecting our
Starting point is 00:37:31 geolocations, they've been listening in on us. I hope this isn't some evil thing that has become the most powerful game, biggest game in the world or whatever all of a sudden overnight. I hope it's just a fun child's game where you spend a little money every now and then if you really want to go out and have some... I've spent maybe $20 on this game of actual real-world money.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I hope it's a master plot to make nerds fit. That too. Not just fit. Not just physically fit, but getting you out and having you sort of socially do things. It's going to get people going into buildings and interacting with one another, which sounds awful. It's going to get people going into buildings and interacting with one another, which sounds awful. It's going to get people talking to one another. And like you said, just getting out and going because if you want
Starting point is 00:38:12 to... Chiz, on the other hand, is the... How should I put this? The homebound master. If they made a gym at Chiz's house, he'd have that locked down. Because he hasn't, I think every Pokemon
Starting point is 00:38:27 he's caught has been in the house. He's only played from home. He's only played from home. And he's done well. He's got a much better collection than I do because he's in that urban area and I think that like he's just getting more traffic. He's getting more stuff. So you can definitely play the game from home.
Starting point is 00:38:43 But if you want to excel at it and take advantage of all of the opportunities to rank up more quickly and get more things, you've got to go out and drive around and go to places and do things. It'd be hilarious to put Colin on the zero-turn mower. Not with the blade on
Starting point is 00:38:59 or anything, but just have him on the mower hunting down Pokemon. I don't know. Seems like a good idea that's what i do i like like like you know i'm driving around all the time staring at my phone and as soon as i see a pokemon i'm like shit gotta pull over all right you mother especially like if it's like a there there's tons of ranks and they've got a number next to them if it's a low number then you can catch it easily and i'll just be like boop gotcha like i won't even look at my phone i don't even have to look i don't even have to look at my phone I'll just be like boop, gotcha. I don't even have to look
Starting point is 00:39:25 at my phone, I can just be like gotcha. Because you just gotta be somewhere near it to catch it but with the high level stuff you gotta throw multiple balls and feed them raspberries to make them like you more and all this bullshit. So it's an actual challenge. It's been fun and I think
Starting point is 00:39:42 I'll enjoy it more whenever there's more of a competitive aspect to it, because I don't want to play against some random username in the Methodist church. I'd like to play against Taylor and Chiz and people I know, or maybe fans or something like that. Yeah, that would be a ton of fun. And I think they will add that in the end.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I don't think that they're going to make you get any XP for it, because it goes against their kind of modus operandi with this, which is make it a social game where you're out in reality, augmenting it, but they definitely need to add some kind of just skirmish mode where you don't get XP and you just play each other. Have you been to the Arch yet?
Starting point is 00:40:18 No, I haven't tried to take the Arch gym yet. We were joking about going to the major cities nearest and taking over the major landmarks that are because the White House is like a pokey gym or something like that. The Lincoln Memorial is a pokey
Starting point is 00:40:34 stop and all that stuff. So you get to take over that real world structure that has some notoriety and the St. Louis Arch obviously is a massive thing that could be taken. I don't think I want to go to Atlanta just yet, though. It seems like the Black Lives Matter
Starting point is 00:40:49 people have been shutting down a different road in Atlanta, like, every other night the last couple weeks or so. So, I don't want to go out there at night. Deal with that. If you take those pictures of the Black Lives Matter, like, blocking roads protest, and just put put Pokemon Go
Starting point is 00:41:05 gone too far. Like you wouldn't think exactly the same sense. Like they're all out there. You know, Nintendo stop putting golems in the middle of the road if you don't want us out here. You know. And that's the neat thing about it that I don't know if you know
Starting point is 00:41:22 or you picked up on Woody is like it's not like I walk into this. If you picked up on woody is like uh it's not like i walk into this if you're playing woody in a corner of some area and i walk over to you suddenly we're both surrounded by the exact same pokemon it's not like my game is different it's like i got led over there because i saw oh man there's a rare one over here and oh this guy's over here because he's looking for a rare one too like i think that's really neat but here's my question people in your same area and they're all looking for the same thing you are but if okay so let's say there's a rare pokemon right and like i'm hunting for it and then i see that taylor's also hunting for it should i start like wrestling taylor or something
Starting point is 00:41:59 to like like you know madman you go over there and punch him in the eyes and you can't see his phone very well. Like, if Taylor gets it, don't I not get it? Correct. No, you can get it. No, no, no. You can get it. There's a limit, I believe, to how many people... Like, have you seen the pictures of people in California
Starting point is 00:42:17 where it's, like, hundreds of people packed together because they're like, hey, I saw Pikachu. Like, Nintendo couldn't, in good conscience, be like, all right, we like nintendo couldn't in good conscience be like all right we're gonna put three of them out there and the rest of them can eat shit like no they there's enough for everybody to catch it's just a matter of if i'm a really high level and i come over there and let's say uh i i might see a charizard which is like the highest evolution of charmander might be really powerful and if you're a real low level you might just see kind of a middling, weak little Pokemon
Starting point is 00:42:46 that, you know, of the same chain, a Charmander, but it wouldn't be as valuable. So a lot of it's dictated by the current level you are. So every fucking Rattata I'm running into now is hard as fuck. Like, they are not happy about going into these Pokeballs, and it's become a real ordeal. The first five levels of this game, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:43:03 this is getting so boring, I can just, you know, barely, I can throw it anywhere on that screen, and I'll catch that Pokemon. And the last two levels, it's been like, goddammit! This is a little bird that I've literally caught hundreds of them, and I'm spending so much resources to try and get it.
Starting point is 00:43:19 I stopped catching them. Like, there's sometimes when the Pidgey will be... Sometimes the Pidgey is so annoying to catch i'll just walk away or close my game like fuck you i don't need you that bad like i got 187 pidgeys caught so far like like one more is not gonna make my day fuck off pidgey these pokeballs are expensive but it's the quick i think pidgeys if somebody knows more comment let us know or tweet us or something so we can figure this out. I'm pretty sure that catching a ton of Pidgeys and evolving them to their second evolution and then just cashing those in for candy again is the fastest way to level up in this game.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Really? Because I level up really fucking fast by just catching tons of Pidgeys, use all the candy to evolve them, and get that 500 XP, and then just cash the Pidgeotto in for candy, and then do it again. But to evolve them, it's costing you like 25 or 50 candy. It's costing you 12. Oh, but you're only getting two back, though.
Starting point is 00:44:18 So it's 500 XP, though. Now, does that double if you're using a lucky egg? Yes, it is double. So it would be 1,000 if you're using a lucky egg? Yes it is double so it would be a thousand if you're using a lucky egg. Well that's smart then. That does make a lot of sense. So what I've been doing most nights is like I just run a lucky egg at night
Starting point is 00:44:33 and then evolve do like a combined 20 evolutions of bullshit Pokemon and then like maybe one fun evolution where I evolve Eevee and get another one that I don't want. I think Shiz and I made the same mistake initially. We were looking on the Pokemon Marketplace or whatever there, and they had Lucky Eggs for sale.
Starting point is 00:44:52 And we had both read that you can hatch eggs from incubators, and they're oftentimes really nice Pokemon. So we both thought that these eggs were those eggs. So I bought 25 of them. I don't even remember how much it cost. It wasn't like a crazy amount of money. It like 10 or something like that for 25 but i bought them and then i realized that they're more like good luck charms they give you they're like a double xp weekend kind of thing that you activate it will uh they have nothing to do with hatching out and being cool pokemon so yeah yeah they have nothing to do with that. And a shitty thing about the game they need to fix
Starting point is 00:45:26 is, like, you literally like, let's say the Lucky Egg double XP thing. You use it and then you get 30 minutes from that point of double XP. Oh, I'm sorry, did your Pokemon Go app crash and you can't log back in? Sucks to suck because the clock's ticking, motherfucker. And I can't
Starting point is 00:45:42 tell you how many times I've used, like, an incense which lures Pokemon in or a double xp egg only to then be like oh okay well i guess that was all for not nothing i can't log in so i guess i just pissed that away so they do need to make it so you can at least play the game without always looking directly at your phone they've had a lot of well well mine makes a chime when a pokemon comes by but they they do they've had a lot of, well, mine makes a chime when a Pokemon comes by, but they do, they've had a lot of server issues or whatever. Like, they've had a lot of issues keeping everybody in game with their various devices and not having bugs. The first day or two was constantly me just killing the game in the back end of my phone
Starting point is 00:46:18 and then restarting it because it would freeze 10 times a play session. But it seems to be getting better every day at that. But still, I mean, I still have to, like, hard kill my game five times a play session or something like that. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you have to do it all the time. But that's just the cost of, you know, wanting to be the very best. Yeah, you got to catch them all. No one ever was.
Starting point is 00:46:41 You know, to catch them is my real test. To train them is my cause you know i'm no stranger to stupid video game points right and how addictive it is to say rank through all the prestiges in call of duty or improve your kd by a decimal something like that like i'm not lost on these things at all yet somehow with with this particular game, I am. Like, I don't know. I've spent more time than most people improving meaningless statistics and gathering useless, like, virtual prestiges, achievement points, and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:47:19 And you'll love this. I feel like it's an addiction that I should just avoid. Like, Woody, you would love crack. I bet you're right. Well, see, this doesn't take away from the rest of your day, though, because you've already got your phone with you all the time. And it's not illegal and really dangerous to find. Yeah, I don't know if you'd like it or not.
Starting point is 00:47:39 It's not like you've been... Right now, a ryehorn just popped up right near me. One footprint away. It could be anywhere. Get the fuck out Right now, Rhyhorn just popped up right near me. One footprint away. It could be anywhere. Get the fuck out of here, man! What are you doing? I gotta leave! I'll just hope it's still there in a minute.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Actually, see, and this is the point of items. Now I just throw down a fucking incense. Hope for the best. Hope for the best. I wish I could create a Pokestop right next to my house so that I could just... They're adding more. Good.
Starting point is 00:48:07 They're adding a lot more in rural areas because a lot of rural folk have complained. Being like, hey, all my friends who live in mid to major cities can walk out of their house and find 15 of these things within two miles. And I have to go through a 20 a 20 mile march just to get my three pokeballs for free when I could have just saved the gas money and bought it at your store yeah you know I really thought that like going out into a field on an atv would be full of pokemon like let's go to where like pokemon would actually be which is like in the wilderness but no no they're on city streets or sidewalks, you need to be in an urban, populated area. I don't
Starting point is 00:48:48 know how the algorithm works, but I'm just assuming that it has something, it's utilizing the geolocation that everyone has going, and it's saying, oh, big concentration of players right here in downtown every city, to be honest, but you know, more Pokemon here, and
Starting point is 00:49:04 just a three at Kyle's house. But, you know, more Pokemon here. And just a three at Kyle's house. Yeah, three. Put three birds at Kyle's house. He's a simple country boy. He doesn't need to know there's more than two of them. I was in my yard for so long.
Starting point is 00:49:22 There was a Charmander out there. I was looking for him forever. And there was a Pikachu somewhere around me. And I looked for 40 minutes, if I'm being honest. I went outside, walked around the house three times just walking, then got on the golf cart and was just zipping down the driveway and back. Like 45 minutes I looked for this Pikachu and got nothing. It's a little disappointing.
Starting point is 00:49:48 So Pikachu to me is the most widely known one? Is he rare? He's rare and the most widely known one. And I have no idea about his actual abilities. I know that he's electric or lightning or whatever, right? So they attack faster. And I'm sure he's a well-balanced Pokemon in the grand scheme of things. I doubt he's the best of the best or anything, but you know, you want him.
Starting point is 00:50:08 He's another part of the collection. What I found out afterward, after we started, so when you start the game, it's like, alright, you want to start out with Charmander, Squirtle, or Bulbasaur, like the three starting Pokemon. You can pick Fire, Water, or Plant type.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Most people don't pick Plant type because it's kind of stupid. So usually Fire, Water, or Plant type. Most people don't pick Plant type because it's kind of stupid. So usually Fire, Water. What I found out afterward is that if you say the professor who's this weird guy who's like, hey, pick your Pokemon, if you tell him no four or five times
Starting point is 00:50:39 in a row, and he's like, pick one of these three, no. You want one of these three, no. Pick one of these three Pokemon, no. Well, you gotta pick one of these three Pokemon no well you got to pick one of these three pokemon before you keep going no he'll go all right here's pikachu you can start with that yep so if you if you just say no to him like five times he'll you start with a pikachu and i wish i had known that because i learned that every other one in spades other than pikachu yeah i learned that today from Ali-A's video. Never really watched any of his videos, but man, he's making really good Pokemon content. He got an app that'll record his phone as he goes,
Starting point is 00:51:12 so he's got that overlaid. And then he's sort of vlogging, driving around the city and going to tourist areas and meeting lots of his fans and lots of his fans that are playing Pokemon Go. So it's like, this is Richard here. Richard just took me out of my gym. I'm a little sore, you
Starting point is 00:51:30 Richard. And, you know, he sits there and talks to Richard for a minute. It was a good video. I like that. And the Pokemon thing is a cool aspect because it's he and his girlfriend driving around and they're like, you know, we're both going to put a Rattata in this or whatever the upgrade of Rattata in this gym so that, you know, we're going to bolster this gym this gym and oh there's a yellow gym over there fuck them and
Starting point is 00:51:48 you know all this stuff so yeah it looks like we picked the right team though which team is the right team the red one so you can pick red blue or yellow team valor instinct or mystic and valor is the red one and tons of people like the pokemon company did a bad job of making sure these teams would be even because it went in the beginning it says you know pick one of these three teams and it's like you know i'm team instinct the yellow one we think that pokemon you know they got the right idea just let them do their thing you know it's instinct and then the blue one where it's like yeah we think pokemon are real smart and you know we're gonna use our intellect uh to to turn the tide of battle and the red one's like we we want to make them fucking strong we want to make them fight good and we're gonna raise them to do that because they are
Starting point is 00:52:34 bitches and we are strong and everybody chose red because it's really compelling and so now almost every gym i drive by at least in this area area, is red, a couple blues, and anytime I see a yellow gym for Team Instinct pop up, it's honestly for like an episode of Parks and Rec, and then it's like, oh, would you look at that? Red got it back again. Like, you know, the one guy in St. Louis who picked the yellow team, I guess, came over for a bit. Yeah, I haven't seen any yellow gyms, I don't think. It's all been red and a little smattering of blue here and there, but I haven't really interacted with the gyms or done anything like that.
Starting point is 00:53:09 I have aspirations of taking over all the gyms in my area because they're all churches, and I imagine that it's all little kids who maybe aren't as smart as I am and won't and I'll be able to do it. I really want to definitely take the elementary school that's nearby. I'm taking that shit over. That's all me.
Starting point is 00:53:26 I'm 30 years old. Fuck those kids. They're going down. Yeah, fuck those kids. Take that gym. The thing about the gyms, though, is if you conquer them and you win, you have to leave a Pokemon there to defend it. So if you just have one super strong Pokemon
Starting point is 00:53:42 and you take it over, it's going to go, okay, well, leave the Pokemon to defend it. You pick which one. You're going to pick, of course, your strong one, and then you pretty much are screwed. You can't take over any more gems until you lose that one. Yeah, you need a couple of strong Pokemon, I guess. I only have the one, and he's not that strong anyway.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Just looking at what the gems have in them, they're all like maybe two days ahead of me so far. So let me ask this. If there's a guy who's like a thousand in a gym and yours 927 do you have a shot yeah yes yeah so a lot of it is type matchup so if kyle is let's say kyle is a gym and i want to destroy it assuming we're on different teams i want to take him down his defending pokemon he's got like a thousand Flareon, or a thousand Charmander, for the sake of simplicity, a fire type. Let's say that my highest one is only a 600, but it's a water type.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I'm going to go in with a huge type advantage, and all of his attacks on me are going to be less than effective, doing like a quarter damage, and all my attacks on him are going to do like double or triple damage, because I have the type advantage. So really, a lot of it is playing that instead of just the higher number.
Starting point is 00:54:49 That's why catching so many is important because you need a variety in combat or a variety to do well in the long run. You need a good fire Pokemon and a good water Pokemon etc. etc. Now I want to get this thing for Colin. I hope that he might I just hope he'd enjoy it. We'll see. It's pretty fun. I've really enjoyed might. I just hope he'd enjoy it. We'll see. It's pretty fun.
Starting point is 00:55:06 I've really enjoyed it. I'm always like, Chiz will text me and it's like his roster and I'm just like, fucking shithead. What a fucking you, Chiz. God damn it. I love that he never left the house and he's somehow dominating in this game.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Yeah, it's because he's in that urban area. He's getting so much traffic. It's like hunting. It's like hunting deer or something. He's just in a better spot. Just not getting any traffic. It really is unfair because we'll be texting or talking about fucking Pokemon Go, and it's all, you know, I just spent half an hour at a church, and I'm driving to, you know, the post office after that, going to put a lure down
Starting point is 00:55:46 and see if I can find anything. Chiz is like, hey, I found a really rare Pokemon right after I showered. Just walked right out, looked at my phone on the counter, bada bing, bada boom. Oh, real easy. There's one in the dining room,
Starting point is 00:55:59 there's one in the living room, and there's one in the bedroom. This game is easy. Something that's neat about it that I don't know the extent to which it's being done but regionally people are getting different percentages of different pokemon so apparently like if you're in arizona it's going to be way harder for you to find water type pokemon than if you are in you know st louis where i am it's and i good is that confirmed? Are you sure about that?
Starting point is 00:56:25 I've read speculation about it, and I could be wrong. But that's what I... I was talking about, I might go to Texas in a week or so, and I'm thinking like, I don't know what kind of Pokemon are out in Texas right now, but they've got some stuff I don't even know about.
Starting point is 00:56:42 They've got some desert Pokemon, maybe some snake Pokemon. I don't know what's out there it's a lot of fun i uh i like the aspect of just collecting them and getting them together because it's you know there are a couple of them that i've only seen once or twice and so it's it's like it's an rpg thing it's it's the same reason that i like collecting caps and fallout the same reason I like getting that magical helmet in Skyrim. It's just collecting nonsensical items to sort of brag to somebody who really shouldn't care
Starting point is 00:57:11 what you have. But it's addictive and I'm loving it. They did a great job designing the game. I've seen it pointed out that there's this other game that's similar and has five years of development behind it and has dozens more features. But Pokemon is just slaughtering it because Pokemon, you know, people like the Pokemon
Starting point is 00:57:35 franchise that, you know, the people who grew up with it are now Taylor's age. So they've got jobs and income. So it's perfect. It's making so much money, I'm sure. Kitty told me how much money it was making, and it was more than millions a day. It might have been millions an hour. It was absurd. Yeah, it's out of control how much money they're making and how popular it got so fast.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Yeah, they're talking about their rate. I like the way Kyle talked about it. The demographic for Pokemon has started earning their own money. And now there's a ton of money on this planet. And if you can just convince all of them to give you a dollar, you are so golden. And that's what they've done. It's amazing. I mean, like 10 years ago when the target market for this was i don't know 13 to 29 or to 19 or whatever
Starting point is 00:58:29 wouldn't be that that successful probably but now you know me being kind of i guess at the beginning of growing up with it being 25 like everyone i know has downloaded this fucking game i texted a huge group of my friends the other night just just being like, hey, I know we haven't talked, a lot of us, in a long time, but anybody playing Pokemon Go? And everybody's like, yeah, yeah, I'm really struggling to find the Scyther, though. Thanks. So everybody's playing. Taylor, you're 25 now?
Starting point is 00:58:56 Yeah. How old were you when I first met you at that paintball game? Or the first Dualcom? It seemed like you were 16 or something. think i was 19 okay i mean i guess that makes more sense yeah yeah it's been it's been a hot second so yeah i feel like uh you always are you tend to think i'm older than i am that i'm like like i'm like kyle's age or that i'm much younger than I am.
Starting point is 00:59:25 It's the second. Yeah, yeah. You at 25, I'm like, ah, he just finished college. I think he's like 22. That's typically where I put you. 25. Alright. Gotta burn that in. Then I'll be wrong. I forget how young Chiz is sometimes. Chiz is rather young.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Yeah, I think he's only like 22, I thought. I don't know. I don't know how old Chiz is. It Chiz is rather young. Yeah, I think he's only like 22, I thought. I don't know. I don't know how old Chiz is. It's 21 or 22. It's right there. He hasn't been legal for very long with the drinking. Sometimes I forget until this year, actually, that Kyle and Wings of Redemption
Starting point is 00:59:57 actually get a year older every year. That had somehow escaped me. Because Kyle looks so young and nubile every year. And wings too, you know? He's holding up so well. The truth is I don't really see age on wings. You do? You're giving me...
Starting point is 01:00:15 Are you being facetious? For audio only listeners, Kyle does see age on wings. No, no, for me, like I... Well, look, I don't want to... So I wouldn't say this is for PKA, because my goal here by saying this isn't to get a bunch of you to go tell Wings that I said a mean thing about him and hurt his feelings,
Starting point is 01:00:31 because I think that's what it would do. But just between us, a girl, that's what he likes to say. Yeah, on PKN. Wings is... I know, right? You shut up, Tim. He's going real gray in his beard. He's got, no offense, Woody,
Starting point is 01:00:44 but he's got about the same amount of gray as you do probably in some places. And yours is distinctive, though. I don't know how you feel about the gray in your beard. Maybe you think it's ugly or you don't like it. I think it's cool. I think if I were you, I would always rock like a two-day growth so that it's always there and you're always a little grisly. I know your wife doesn't like that. But on Wings, he's going very bald and not just a little bit of a receding hairline because over time, I think that makes you look a little bit better,
Starting point is 01:01:12 a little more distinguished. As long as you're not back here or something. I think you get a silver fox thing going on, as the ladies like to put it. Wings is not heading that way, though. He's going more like gray tortoise or something. It's just all gone back here and it's just gray in his beard and his last video, it looked dirty
Starting point is 01:01:31 like he did. I don't think he's taking very good care of himself. More like the face because if you go back and watch early videos of anyone from six years ago, unless they were already an adult, they're going to look way different now. Well, I guess no from six years ago like unless they were already an adult you know it's gonna they're gonna look way different now yeah well i guess no because six years ago you you and
Starting point is 01:01:50 wings are the same age so six years ago you were 24 so see to me probably maybe because you're closer to his age you you see the differences more i don't know like they made but like when i first saw wings he was um he was a big guy and now when i see him he's also a big guy and i don't really see anything but that so so you know like there's something to be said for that too the details of like his hairline changing or he doesn't have a gray beard it's like a woman with big tits it's it's like i saw her five years ago and she had big tits. I saw her yesterday and she had big tits. Wait a minute, I just asked you what she looked like. Yeah, and I just told you.
Starting point is 01:02:30 She's got big tits. Wait, you don't see anything but her big tits? Not really, no. That's what you got going on with wings. You see the size. You see 450 odd pounds and you're just like... I can't tell if Kyle literally froze right there. I think he did.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Yeah, that's funny. Yeah, I think freezing was part of the thing, but it's like your parents tell you. You make that face too long, you'll get stuck that way. Yep. I thought it was a little bit of comed comedic timing but nope he's just gone that's great so well there it goes kyle's kyle's gone um so yeah yeah i i i like like i said yeah i just see
Starting point is 01:03:22 wings as uh you know as the big guy. And all the details of his aging, I haven't paid much attention. Well, that's over an hour, and Kyle's gone, so... PKN, episode 100. Pokemon edition. Yes.

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